blueyisszy · 1 year
"Every time I meet a prostitute she wants to talk about God, and everytime I meet a priest, he wants to talk about Sex."
Whatever it is that you deny yourself, will become your new prison.
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blueyisszy · 1 year
“Start copying what you love. Copy copy copy copy. At the end of the copy you will find your self.” —Yohji Yamamoto
It is our failure to become our perceived ideal that ultimately defines us and makes us unique.” Thank goodness.
Nobody is born with a style or a voice. We don’t come out of the womb knowing who we are. In the beginning, we learn by pretending to be our heroes.
We learn by copying. We’re talking about practice here, not plagiarism—plagiarism is trying to pass someone else’s work off as your own.
Copying is about reverse-engineering. It’s like a mechanic taking apart a car to see how it works.
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We learn to write by copying down the alphabet. Musicians learn to play by practicing scales. Painters learn to paint by reproducing masterpieces.
Remember: Even The Beatles started as a cover band. Paul McCartney has said, “I emulated Buddy Holly, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis. We all did.” McCartney and his partner John Lennon became one of the greatest songwriting teams in history, but as McCartney recalls, they only started writing their own songs “as a way to avoid other bands being able to play our set.”
As Salvador Dalí said, “Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.”
First, you have to figure out who to copy. Second, you have to figure out what to copy.
Who to copy is easy. You copy your heroes—the people you love, the people you’re inspired by, the people you want to be. The songwriter Nick Lowe says, “You start out by rewriting your hero’s catalog.”
And you don’t just steal from one of your heroes, you steal from all of them. The writer Wilson Mizner said if you copy from one author, it’s plagiarism, but if you copy from many, it’s research. I once heard the cartoonist Gary Panter say, “If you have one person you’re influenced by, everyone will say you’re the next whoever. But if you rip off a hundred people, everyone will say you’re so original!”
What to copy is a little bit trickier. Don’t just steal the style, steal the thinking behind the style. You don’t want to look like your heroes, you want to see like your heroes. The reason to copy your heroes and their style is so that you might somehow get a glimpse into their minds.
That’s what you really want—to internalize their way of looking at the world. If you just mimic the surface of somebody’s work without understanding where they are coming from, your work will never be anything more than a knockoff.
At some point, you’ll have to move from imitating your heroes to emulating them.
Imitation is about copying. Emulation is when imitation goes one step further, breaking through into your own thing.
“There isn’t a move that’s a new move.” The basketball star Kobe Bryant has admitted that all of his moves on the court were stolen from watching tapes of his heroes.
But initially, when Bryant stole a lot of those moves, he realized he couldn’t completely pull them off because he didn’t have the same body type as the guys he was thieving from. He had to adapt the moves to make them his own.
Conan O’Brien has talked about how comedians try to emulate their heroes, fall short, and end up doing their own thing.
Johnny Carson tried to be Jack Benny but ended up Johnny Carson. David Letterman tried to copy Johnny Carson but ended up David Letterman. And Conan O’Brien tried to be David Letterman but ended up Conan O’Brien.
In O’Brien’s words, “It is our failure to become our perceived ideal that ultimately defines us and makes us unique.” Thank goodness.
-Steal like an Artist.
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blueyisszy · 1 year
Falling in love is like falling asleep. You will know you are sleepy, but you will never know when you fall asleep.
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blueyisszy · 1 year
If you are not selfish you will not be unselfish, remember.
If in the world everybody is taught to be selfish, the whole world will be happy. There will be no possibility for misery.
Only a very deeply selfish person can be unselfish.
But this has to be understood because it looks like a paradox.
What is the meaning of being selfish?
The first basic thing is to be self-centered. The second basic thing is always to look for one’s blissfulness. If you are self-centered, you will be selfish whatsoever you do.
You may go and serve people but you will do it only because you enjoy it, because you love doing it, you feel happy and blissful doing it—you feel yourself doing it. You are not doing any duty; you are not serving humanity. You are not a great martyr; you are not sacrificing. These are all nonsensical terms. You are simply being happy in your own way—it feels good to you.
You go to the hospital and serve the ill people there, or you go to the poor and serve them, but you love it. It is how you grow. Deep down you feel blissful and silent, happy about yourself.
A self-centered person is always seeking his happiness. And this is the beauty of it, that the more you seek your happiness the more you will help others to be happy Because that is the only way to be happy in the world.
If everybody else around you is unhappy, you cannot be happy, because man is not an island. He is part of the vast continent. If you want to be happy, you will have to help others who surround you to be happy. Then—and only then—can you be happy. You have to create the atmosphere of happiness around you.
If everybody is miserable, how can you be happy? You will be affected. You are not a stone, you are a very delicate being, very sensitive. If everybody is miserable around you, their misery will affect you. Misery is as infectious as any disease. Blissfulness is also infectious as any disease.
If you help others to be happy, in the end you help yourself to be happy. A person who is deeply interested in his happiness is always interested in others’ happiness also—but not for them. Deep down he is interested in himself, that’s why he helps.
If in the world everybody is taught to be selfish, the whole world will be happy. There will be no possibility for misery. Teach everybody to be selfish—unselfishness grows out of it.
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blueyisszy · 1 year
"Your inner being is nothing but the inner sky.
Clouds come and go, planets are born and disappear,
stars arise and die, and the inner sky remains the same,
untouched, untarnished, unscarred.
We call that inner sky sakshin,
the witness, and that is the whole goal of meditation.
"Go in, enjoy the inner sky.
Remember, whatsoever you can see.
you are not it. You can see thoughts, then you are not thoughts;
you can see your feelings, then you are not your feelings;
you can see your dreams,
desires, memories, imaginations,
projections, then you are not them.
Go on eliminating all that you can see.
Then one day a tremendous moment arises,
The most significant moment of one's life, when there is nothing left to be rejected.
"All the seen has disappeared and
only the seer is there.
The seer is the empty sky. "To know it is to be fearless, and to know it is to be full of love. To know it is to be God,
is to be immortal."
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blueyisszy · 1 year
when we launched man-made satellites into space, we discovered that a wide range of radioactive rays from space, and the constellations are continuously bombarding the Earth.
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Nothing on the Earth is unaffected by this phenomenon.
We know that the ocean is influenced by the moon, but we have not taken into consideration the fact that the same proportion of water and salt that occurs in the ocean also occurs in the human body -- the same proportion.
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Seventy percent of the human body consists of water, and the proportion of salt contained in that water is the same as is contained in the Arabian Sea. If the water in the ocean is affected by the moon, then how could the water inside the human body remain unaffected?
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Now in this connection, two or three facts emerging from recent investigations must be kept in mind.
For example, as the day of the full moon approaches, the amount of insanity in the world increases, whereas on the last day of the darker fourteen days, the least number of people go insane.
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As the moon grows brighter the level of insanity also begins to increase. On the day of the full moon, the greatest number of people enter madhouses; and on the last day of the moon's waning period, the greatest number of people are discharged from madhouses.
-Astrology, The science of cosmic oneness.
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blueyisszy · 1 year
Paradoxically, The ability to be alone is the condition for The ability to love.
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blueyisszy · 1 year
Love is not what is ordinarily understood by the word.
The ordinary love is just a masquerade; something else is hiding behind it.
The real love is a totally different phenomenon.
The ordinary love is a demand, the real love is a sharing. It knows nothing of demand; it knows the joy of giving.
The ordinary love pretends too much. The real love is nonpretentious; it simply is.
The ordinary love becomes almost sickening, syrupy, drippy, what you call “lovey-dovey.” It is sickening, it is nauseating.
The real love is a nourishment, it strengthens your soul. The ordinary love only feeds your ego—not the real you but the unreal you.
The unreal always feeds the unreal, remember; and the real feeds the real. Become a servant of real love—and that means becoming a servant of love in its ultimate purity.
Give, share whatsoever you have, share and enjoy sharing. Don’t do it as if it is a duty—then the whole joy is gone. And don’t feel that you are obliging the other, never, not even for a single moment.
Love never obliges, on the contrary, when somebody receives your love, you will obliged.
Love is thankful it has been received.
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blueyisszy · 1 year
Love is the only freedom from attachment. When you love everything you are attached to nothing.
In fact, one has to understand the very phenomenon of attachment.
Why do you cling to something?
Because you are afraid you will lose it. Perhaps somebody may steal it. Your fear is that what is available to you today may not be available to you tomorrow. Who knows about what is going to happen tomorrow?
The woman you love or the man you love—either movement is possible: You may come closer, you may become distant. You may become again strangers or you may become so one with each other that even to say that you are two will not be right; of course there are two bodies, but the heart is one, and the song of the heart is one, and the ecstasy surrounds you both like a cloud. You disappear in that ecstasy: You are not you, I am not I.
Love becomes so total, love is so great and overwhelming, that you cannot remain yourself; you have to drown yourself and disappear. In that disappearance who is going to be attached, and to whom? Everything is.
When love blossoms in its totality, everything simply is.
The fear of tomorrow does not arise, hence there is no question of attachment, clinging, relationship, marriage, of any kind of contract, bondage.
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