#the wolf in the grave
goryhorroor · 1 year
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horror sub-genres • backwoods horror
backwoods horror movies share many similarities with folk horror movies. except backwood horror movies tend to focus more on the socio-political divide between urban and rural ways of living.
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thatfirstspark · 1 year
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So excited to share my artwork for this year's @dragonageannual charity calendar! 🐺🌿
I had a wonderful time collaborating with such an amazing group of artists, writers, translators and mods 💖
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patolemus · 30 days
Stiles sits in the front row at the funeral.
He’s next to Mellisa, who hasn’t been able to stop crying since she got the news. Stiles’ dad had organized the whole thing, talking with the funerary home and picking up the coffin and the arrangements. He’d only asked Melissa what she wanted on the headstone.
Raphael had showed up the day after. For the first time in his life, he’d looked a mess, hair everywhere and clothes wrinkled as he stormed into the house asking what had happened to his son, tears already gathering in his eyes before he even got a look at Melissa’s face. Stiles hadn’t made fun of him. Stiles hadn’t said anything at all. Raphael sits on Melissa’s other side now, and she grips his hand tight enough it turns white. He hasn’t been back for five years.
God, Scott hadn’t seen his had for five years, and now he’s dead. Scott’s dead.
Stiles thinks it still hasn’t sunk in. He’s in the middle of his best friend’s funeral - it’s closed casket because his body was so mangled up that the EMPs could barely recognize him. Stiles had heard his dad on the phone with one of his deputies talking about it, before he’d realized just whose body they were talking about - and it still hasn’t clicked that Scott won’t be coming out of his casket, that this isn’t some kind of sick practical joke for getting him out of bed the night before school started.
Stiles is not crying. He hasn’t cried once since hearing the news. His dad is crying, sitting on his other side. Scott’s like a second son to him.
Was. Scott was like a second son to him. Was because he’s gone now. Because he’s dead.
Scott’s dead.
His best friend since preschool is dead. His brother is dead. The kindest, most caring person in the world is dead. Stiles goaded him into going to the preserve to look for half a dead body - and God, he’s such an asshole. A dead body? What was he even thinking? - and now Scott doesn’t even get to show his face at his own funeral because whatever killed him barely left any of him to bury.
If only he’d stayed. If only he’d told his dad Scott was with him that night instead of leaving him there. But no, Stiles hadn’t wanted Scott to get grounded because he dragged him out of bed, so he’d kept quiet. Even when he’d seen the pair of red eyes and that— that thing in the corner of his eye. Stiles hadn’t said anything. He thought they’d laugh about it at lunch the next day.
Now Scott’s dead.
Scott is dead.
And Stiles knows exactly what did it.
(He’s going to fucking kill it.)
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buttercup-barf · 4 months
Red is the colour of willpower, energy, warmth, enthusiasm, leadership, strength, determination, passion, and, of course... Love. And children's hospital floors. /ref
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Happy Valentine's Day, @peachypizzicato, @toasty-self-shipping, @dingdongitmustbelove, and @askthelovenest! I hope I did your beautiful S/I's, and your malewifebabygirlboyfriends justice!
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xan-the-emo-trans-man · 6 months
”he didn’t mean it” I say about the most cynical fictional character that’s done the most heinous crimes you could ever imagine that I defend just because they’re attractive
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swanpit · 8 months
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that dreamworks kart game preview lol why am i surprised but yet not surprised by this
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cemeteryeyesofficial · 5 months
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Midnight, The Moon & You
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
More werewolf au because I can :
Graves wasn't supposed to know about the werewolves, but Shepherd knew so maybe that's how he got the intel. As he's betraying them, he asks, almost begs, Soap to come with him, to join him against Alejandro and Ghost.
Alejandro because of the 'drug affiliation' thingy and his blatant dislike of Mexicans and Ghost because he's a monster. A beast, not even human. And he wants to protect Soap, believes him to be in danger, doesn't listen to Soap trying to de-escalate the situation, trying to ask him not to do that.
(Because he believes he knows what other people need more than them)
And Soap still has that very primal fear inside of him everytime he's around his the pack, that prey instinct that his predators are there, waiting for him to lower his guard. That's true, he does, he's even too scared to admit he's also not fully human.
But never, ever, has he considered betraying them, going against them in anyway. He wouldn't be a good cat if his fear of bigger predators wasn't overtaken by his very cocky very wrong feeling that he could take them all in a fight if he had to.
His cat-self was scared of their lycanthropic-selves, but he himself had never been scared of them as people. Well. Scared that they'd reject him, that they'd never consider him a member of the pack, yes. But scared that they'd hurt him? Not really.
Graves doesn't appreciate rejection, getting told no. He opens fire, Soap gets a bullet in his shoulder, Ghost begs him to get up and run.
He roams the streets with his head swimming from the blood loss, fighting against his instincts to just turn into a cat, curl up in a hole somewhere and lick his wounds, purring to himself to try and comfort the betrayed-hurt-helpless feeling in his gut.
But he can't, because he's not like the were-people, he's not a werecat, he doesn't heal faster. And his human biology makes surviving a bullet wound easier than the cat biology for some reason. (He tried, it just made him go in shock faster.) The hands keeping the blood from flowing freely definitely help for one. And what if Ghost contacts him and he can't respond and his LT thinks he's dead and leaves him here?
The Shadows are everywhere. The good thing is that his eyes see better in low light than theirs, than even the night vision helmets. His hearing is also better, though not as good as his cat-self's. That means he always knows where they are around him and he can avoid them.
When he's finally reunited with Ghost, the man keeps throwing him weird looks, but doesn't say anything. Soap can't really focus, he needs all his remaining blood doing actually important things and analysing your superior-officer-that-you've-been-lowkey-flirting-with's looks isn't one of these.
They reach Alejandro's safehouse, are reunited with Rudy, then Ghost sees him wobbling in place and drags him in the little medbay to see to his wounds. He gets stitches, incredibly thankful for Ghost's steady hands. As he finishes up though, his hands stay a bit longer on his shoulder, one of them climbs up to his ear and tugs it slightly, his eyes still staring.
Soap knows what he's doing, has seen Price lightly tug Gaz' and Ghost's (through the mask) ears, knows that it's a stand in for nipping them when they're in human form, as a way to say hello, or assert dominance or comfort them. Reserved for pack members.
Has... has he been accepted in the pack? His heart is beating faster, which isn't good with all the blood he's lost and the fact that the adrenaline is running out fast. His head is spinning. He looks up at Ghost with dilated eyes, trying to focus everything on him to try and understand before he passes out.
Ghost is looking straight at him, as usual, his head slowly tilting, his eyebrows furrowing in incomprehension. His peripherals are darkening more and more, darkness seeping in, and his eyes suddenly feel very hot while the rest of his body is getting cold and tingly.
Ghost's hand makes its way to the back of his neck, helping him hold his head up as his vision gets more and more blurry.
"What even are you?" Soap thinks he hears whispered as he finally loses consciousness.
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the-whispers-of-death · 4 months
In Trouble
*Graves noticing a group of Shadows huddled in the barracks* Graves, walking over and seeing Kali sitting on the floor with a wolf pup in his lap: Seriously, Kali? I told you to take the wolf pup back to the woods! No wonder I've been hearing howling inside the base at night. Kali, petting the wolf pup who seems trained already: But Commander, I couldn't leave him! He was giving me his puppy dog eyes! Graves, shaking his head: Doesn't matter, take him back and this the last time I'm telling you to do so. Shadow 1, pouting: Commander, please can we keep him? Kali named him Shadow! Shadow 2, also joining in: Yeah, please, Commander! He's so cute and he's just like we were, without a home. Shadow 3, picking up the wolf pup Shadow: Look, doesn't he look like a Shadow? Shadow, the wolf pup: *looks up at Graves and starts wagging his tail in happiness* Woof! Kali & the other Shadows: Awww! Kali, turning to Graves: See, now everyone's in agreement that Shadow should be our mascot! Graves: We already have a mascot, and that's Moose! Kali: ...Moose loves Shadow. Graves, realizes that if Moose loves Shadow then he has to allow Shadow to stay: Fine, but don't come to me if he ends up ripping furniture! Kali & the other Shadows: Thank you, Commander!
While Kali is my OC, Moose is not mine and is rather @cod-dump 's OC.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and talk or request something! (SFW requests only, please and thank you)
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th3-punk-c4t · 4 months
I want people to treat me like they treat regressor!Graves. I swear I'm not a scary wolf, I might look like one but I'm just a little puppy, I bite because I'm scared, not because I'm scary :(
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blueiskewl · 1 month
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Five Human Skeletons Found Outside House of Nazi Leader Hermann Göring
Archaeologists have unearthed the skeletons of five people, missing their hands and feet, at a former Nazi military base in Poland.
They were discovered at a Nazi command center known as the Wolf’s Lair in Gierloz, northeastern Poland, after the group unearthed a fragment of human skull during a dig on February 24 and alerted local authorities, who decided to carry out further excavations.
The remains belonged to three adults, a teenager and a newborn baby, according to a statement from the Latebra Foundation, a historical organization based in the Polish city of Gdansk, published Thursday.
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The five bodies were arranged near each other, facing in the same direction, outside a house occupied by Nazi commander Hermann Göring, an ace fighter pilot during World War I who became one of the most powerful Nazi leaders in World War II and a close friend of Adolf Hitler.
Alongside them were burned boards and the remains of sewage infrastructure, but there were no traces of clothing, according to the statement.
Adrian Kostrzewa, a member of the foundation’s board of directors, said that the team initially thought they were digging up an old bathroom when they found pipes under the ground.
However, they then found ashes and a burned key, before he found the skull fragment.
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“It was very surprising,” he said.
The foundation is waiting to hear the results of a police investigation into the remains, and many questions remain unanswered.
“There are many theories (about) why they do not have hands and feet,” said Kostrzewa. “Right now, it’s very hard to say.”
An important next step is to find out the age of the remains using radio carbon dating, he added.
Deliberately built miles from civilization in the forests of northeastern Poland, the Wolf’s Lair was the Nazis’ 6.5-square-kilometer (2.5-square-mile) Eastern Front headquarters.
The base was one of the largest of its kind in Europe, according to the foundation.
“The uniqueness of this discovery lies in the fact that the bodies were found on the premises of the most heavily guarded complex of the Third Reich,” the statement reads.
Hitler spent nearly three years there in total.
The fortress was the site of Operation Valkyrie, an assassination attempt against Hitler in July 1944, before it was destroyed in January 1945 to prevent it from falling into the hands of the advancing Soviet army, according to the foundation.
By Jack Guy.
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hannya-writes · 8 months
Masterlist II
Harry Potter Universe
Something Wicked this way comes (Percival Graves x reader)
Something Wicked this Way Comes (Part II) (Percival Graves x reader)
Deleramentum (Sirius Black x reader)
Chapter I
Chapter II
• • •
Once Upon a Time
Your home Is Were I am (Jefferson x Reader)
Almost Magical. (Jefferson x Reader)
Jefferson’s Happy Ending (Jefferson x Reader)
• • •
Star Wars
Obi Wan Kenobi
Only you
A White Demon Love Song
The Promise
Why would you ask that?
Melting Waltz
By Her Side
I’ve Always known
Before Our Masters Found us
Is this a Dream?
You are my friend, right?
Even in Death...
• • •
It’s Our Daughter, Cas (Castiel x Reader)
Gone Angel (Dean Winchester x Reader)
Summon the Father (Dean Winchester x Reader)
• • •
Teen Wolf
Your Kind (Part I) (Derek Hale x reader)
I like you the way you are (Derek Hale x Reader)
• • •
Law and Order SVU/Marvel Multiverse
Wanna see a trick?
Don´t Tell Anyone (Requested) (Carisi x Reader)
Supernatural/The Walking Dead
Stop coming by (Negan x Reader)
Genshin Impact
The Broken Contract (Morax x Reader)
Sandbearer (Morax x Reader)
Continue to Masterlist I
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108garys · 2 months
Introducing Gravey Wolf family ✨
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Becky and Felicity found Silas in the woods on a Camping trip and he is their son now
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Here's my little page of practice Silas's, the Circus fire took place a year before main game Hidden agenda within relative proximity so why not(also I made him have curly lamby hair given my version of younger Eliza)
@kassiekole22 @delurkr @tatjana-fantasy @ctrvpani @blubary @unhingedlesbear @qusok @kindheartedgummybears
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macaw-squawks · 6 months
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Church grim "Surprise me!" Stimboard!
Requested by; 🌊🪽 anon
Hope this works, anon!! I'm in a stimboard mood rn, so you get a stimboard! :> let me know if you'd like any changes ofc
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microbihon · 1 year
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Folgo, Justice Fur Hire
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I kinda wish they kept it as "Skyfang Brigade" TBH
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korraofthereef · 2 days
Wolf just sleeping in front of Wally’s hologram in season three episode 23 in the credits scene…
IM GUTTED. I want my Wally back.
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