#the two of them just record history and pine for each other
sadbi-hours · 1 year
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Title: Circa 1666 ~ a grim history of the Shadyside & Sunnyvale killers~
Pairing: Nick Goode/Ziggy Berman
Word Count: 925
Rating: SFW(ish)
Image Credits: Banner made by me with the help of PicsArt and Google Images
Created For:
@anyfandomgoesbingo: Custom Card- Zicky Ship- I3- "I can't tell you the secret, because I don't know the secret."
@anyfandomkinkbingo: N1- "You don't have to be gentle with me, I don't break easily."
@mfbingo: I4-First...
@fandombingo: I4- "I was never meant to survive that."
"I was never meant to survive that." Ziggy rasped, her voice rough from the nightmares the nurses said she had been having late at night. Of what? Nightwing, her sister, or Tommy Slater, I didn't know.
But I wished I could kiss them away. I cleared my throat. Stop it...stop being a creep.
"But you pulled me back," She sat up in her bed, her wounds woven deep into her skin, peeking her hospital gown--and I had to look away. I thought she never looked more beautiful.
"How?" She asked, pulling me from my thoughts and back onto the moment at hand. How had he saved Ziggy Berman. Sheer force of will? Some mysterious power? Love?
I shrugged. I only gave her CPR.
Ziggy scowled.
Some of the stitches on her face from Harry Rooker pulled with her frown and threatened to split open again. "You don't have to be gentle with me," she hissed with that familiar fire I had gotten used to seeing from her all summer long. "I don't break easily."
"I can't tell you the secret, because I don't know the secret." I glared back at her. "I only gave you CPR."
I only gave her CPR.
Imagine this:
What if Nick hadn't lived his whole childhood being told that he was the heir apparent to a dark secret? Or at least, not in the way this story originally goes.
No, Nick was given a book on his fifteenth birthday, the same year his father would later commit suicide after passing on the Goode legacy...
Nick would learn that year that neither his family nor Sarah Fier are responsible for carrying on a dark secret that has gripped Shadyside... and Sunnyvale... as a whole, for the last few centuries.
Solomon Goode never sold his soul to the devil or famed Sarah Fier, but instead he and Sarah fought side by side to save the union from a much darker force... but ultimately had failed.
Leaving a foul curse behind, that every first born Goode has tried to stop since. To put an end to the selling of poor souls to feed a predator. To finally defeat the thing that grows and feeds on their small town, a horror that spreads. It's not man-made by some witch and warlock, but by something as old as time that's become rooted deep into the fabric of their community... and has always been hungry for both Shadysiders and Sunnyvaler blood, alike.
Because in Shadyside and Sunnyvale, sometimes the kids and the adults; the downtrodden and the rich, they all equally have been known to randomly snap.
There's no avoiding it, you can only push misfortune...or boredom... on someone for so long before that person breaks beyond repair is what has always been said, or at least in the news, that's dubbed them as Murder Capital USA.
In 1666, it was Cyrus Miller and the eyeless children.
In 1904, a simple minded grifter come to town and one day just drowned and gutted women.
1922, Billy Barker murdered his siblings with a baseball bat.
1935, The Humpty Dumpty Killer collected his victim's skin like jigsaw pieces and put them back together again.
1953, Harry Rooker was named Sunnyvale's first serial killer, whose lust for the blood of the young and attractive housewives of Sunnyvale knew no bounds.
1965, Ruby Lane went into a deep depression and seemingly decided to kill all her friends at a slumber party before taking her own life.
And then in 1978, the newest town killer hit Nick Goode's life a little too close to home. He knew Thomas Slater, worked with him during the summers at Camp Nightwing, hung out with him, Cindy, and Alice by the lake and smoked weed and drank beers after all of the campers had gone to sleep.
Nick knew Thomas Slater. He would never just snap... not like he did. Murdering some many camp counselors and children. That wasn't the Tommy that Nick knew him to be.
But no one else is to blame for the murders Nick witnessed at Camp Nightwing, or who had induced the terror that will stay with him forever-- but what haunts him, isn't only the butchered children but the lifeless bodies of the Berman sisters.
Both the one he couldn't save, and the one he did...
He didn't know Ziggy Berman, at least not like he always wanted to. He'd only ever saw her from afar. Always a ball of anger and fire, a red beacon in his dull and meaningless world. He's always had a crush on her...
But he thought he'd truly never get to know Ziggy Berman. Not like he's gotten to over the last sixteen years of their friendship.
He guessed when trying to recount the entire history of the Shadyside and Sunnyvale and its killers and stop a curse at the same time, you end up getting to know someone real well.
And it's not like he minds...
Besides, it's not just him and Ziggy forever, trying to figure out what grips their small slice of the world...
After the latest masked killer terrorizes their local mall, a group of teens that are affected by the tragedy come to them with their own evidence to figure out the purpose of the curse and how to stop it once and for all...
And really, with two emotionally constipated adults and a group of feisty teens, what could possibly go wrong?
They may even finally crack the origins of the curse wide open and end it.
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webslingingslasher · 10 months
peters nerdy side>>>> can we get more hot nerdy peter pretty pleaseeeee
nerdy peter makes me feral.
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Peter Parker was finally rewarded for all the shit he deals with. 
A teen, who was a silent walker in school, but a near lethal hero at night, one that has to deal with more stress and traumas than any other kid at seventeen. Night after night, his spirit being broken down a little more each bad guy he’s put away. 
Queens see a hero that keeps the streets clean. 
Sometimes, all Peter could see was someone’s dad, or husband, or son he was putting away. 
All that bullshit he’s been dealt, the bullshit about power and responsibility, was washed away when he finally got something good, something he really thought he deserved. 
He got you, and that’s why he’ll stop at nothing to keep you. 
“You got yourself a good one, parker. Don’t fuck it all up with your nerdy shit, pretty girls hate that.”
Was it dumb to listen to Flash of all people? Maybe. 
Does he know more about girls and has a better track record at keeping them? Yes. 
But of course, just like how you were the one to approach him, ask him out, kiss him first and ask for him to be your boyfriend, he should’ve trusted you. Could you really blame him though, not totally trusting he can have a purely good thing with no consequences? 
He couldn’t, that’s why it shocked him when you made it clear you only wanted him. 
You wanted Peter Parker, however he came. Science facts, nerdy hobbies, tirades and all. 
Have you ever built up an idea of who someone was in your head, and when you date the other shoe drops and they’re nothing like you thought? 
That was you with Peter Parker. 
He was adorably perfect, noticing him when sharing a history class. Peter sat three seats up from you on the left, perfect position for you to watch his habits. The shake in his leg, tapping pencils on his desk, blowing a breath every time someone answered incorrectly, sitting up and leaning over his desk when something catches his attention, chewing his bottom lip while going over notes, poking his tongue out when he takes a test. 
Peter Parker was the constant subject on your mind, starting in history and causing you to look for him in other classes, you only shared one more, typing class. He was three rows behind you, there wasn’t a good way to look at him, instead having to rely on his quiet murmurs when the teacher stands behind his computer. 
After two weeks of pining you couldn’t stand it, stomping over to his table at lunch you sit down right next to him. His friends paused at your sudden and aggressive entrance. 
“Hi. We haven’t really talked but we share typing and history. For two weeks straight I’ve been watching you and I can’t get you out of my head, and I would really, really like to go on a date with you.” 
You can see it on his face, how he goes from shock to excitement, then as he looks you over his face falls. He thinks you’re fucking with him, you don’t know how to make him believe it’s real. 
“Here,” you pull at your backpack and rip the front pocket open, you pull a sharpie out and with a slight tremble you grab his arm, pushing his sleeve up you uncap the marker with your teeth. Scribbling your number onto his skin, “think about it, let me know.” 
Before you lose your steam you scramble to stand and grab your bag, “okay, that’s all. Um,” you nod at his friends, silence deafening as everyone at the table takes in the scenario. “Thank you, and… enjoy lunch?” Cringing, you turn to leave, whispering an ‘oh my god,’ to yourself while pressing a hand to your cheek. 
Peter is sure in that moment you were a hundred percent serious and you just mortified yourself, spilling your guts and being met with nothing.
 Six steps away he calls out, “yes!” 
You pause, then turn, “what?” 
“Yes! I’ll go on a date with you.” 
Oh, that’s a new feeling. It felt like your heart had wings, your stomach felt like you were on a rollercoaster, flutters everywhere. You couldn’t even try to play it cool, the guy you’ve been crazy about just as interested and curious as you were. A toothy smile overtook your face, eyes lit up. 
Taking a few steps closer, you felt giddy. 
“Really? You will?” 
Peter’s smile matched yours, he laughed through his answer, he can’t believe you actually like him that much. “Yeah.” Biting your bottom lip you pull it together, “cool, text me and we’ll plan something?” 
“You got it.” 
Nodding you walk off, Peter’s riding on a high like never has. He’s never had such a pretty girl like you like him, want him, notice him. He felt like he’s been rewarded, that he does deserve a good thing. 
Flash scoffs when you sit back at your table, immediately talking and watching faces gasp and squeal. 
“You got yourself a good one, parker. Don’t fuck it all up with your nerdy shit, pretty girls hate that.”
The last thing he wants to do, before he even gets you, is send you off. So, he listens and promises to be someone that should be with a girl like you, someone that isn’t really him. 
You figured it was first date nerves. 
That or just the fact you’ve never been alone with each other, especially under the guise of a date. It wasn’t like he was weird, but he was off. The person you watched in class was goofy, using his body to express himself, confident when speaking because he could back every word up. 
This Peter was quiet, guarded and almost… boring. 
You tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, he just had some jitters. Maybe if you kissed him it would settle him, you could prove that you liked him and he had nothing to be nervous about. Trying to look past his awkwardness you took the night as it was, wishing he was making you laugh like he had in class, or wishing he would ramble on in a story like you’ve watched him do with his friends at lunch or at his locker. 
It may have been different than you thought but he’d come around after a date or two surly, you’d kiss him and after another few dates he’ll open up and be his true self. It was hope, but you were riding on it. 
Peter ended the night by walking you home, conversation slowly dwindling as you approached closer, falling flat when you were  in front of the building. Waiting for a moment you looked at his mouth, he made no reaction, you hadn’t expected him to sweep you off your feet but to not offer anything made you feel unsure. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
It was obvious from the look on his face that he wasn’t expecting anything in the slightest, but he licked his bottom lip and nodded softly, “yeah,” leaning in you wait for a moment, he makes no move, he has to be extremely nervous, no other option. You kissed him, you pressed into him and grabbed his face, his hands gently hovered and you pulled away. 
Maybe he just pitied you, just agreed because you put him on the spot. 
“Um, you know if you didn’t want-” 
“Can we do this again, please?” 
And just because he asked, and because it seemed like he realized he acted off and he wanted another chance, and because you really do believe in first date jitters, you say yes. 
The first time you went over to his house his room was oddly clean, empty spaces on his bookshelf and shelves, almost like he’d put things away. Eyeing a bin by his closet you walked closer, “you collect comics?” Hoping you wouldn’t find, but still opening the top and starting to look through the ones on top. 
Peter took a deep breath, “as a kid, kinda stupid now, don’t you think?” 
You furrow your eyebrows and shake your head, looking back down at the comic in your hand. You thought when you started dating he’d open up more, instead he got more closed off. 
Clearing your throat you place the comics back in, in the exact same order and putting the lid back on. “No, I don’t think they’re stupid. I was hoping you had some new ones I could catch up on, but if you think they’re stupid now I guess I’ll have to get ‘em myself.” 
If he had known you like comics he would’ve never said that. It’s his fault for leaving them out, he should’ve put them away like everything else that screamed ‘nerd alert’. 
“I didn’t mean they’re stupid, just you know… collecting them as an adult… is.. weird?” 
The lamest excuse you’ve ever heard, but you keep your patience. It hasn't even been two weeks, he’ll come around. You know it. 
Surprising Peter with a hug he budged against your weight before supporting you, talking to a friend while he wrapped his arms around your back. Picking up on pieces of the conversation you nudge your head up, interested in his words. 
The Peter you like, the one that’s animated and rambling, moving his hands across your back as he talks. You place a kiss at the bottom of his neck, “whatcha talking about?”  It sounded like a new program that was going to change the future of computer engineering, when you questioned he blew you off. “Nothing important.” 
You had tried, you tried to be kind and patient and understanding but he just wasn’t who you wanted. You wanted that person, the person that’s excited about new technology and collected comic books. 
Peter closed off when you asked, guarded back up, you wished it could’ve been different. Maybe one day he’d open up more, you didn’t want anything but his true self. 
You gave it a month before you had to accept that Peter Parker wasn’t the person you thought he was, today, you had to accept that you were breaking up with Peter Parker. Pulling away you grab his arm, silently telling him to look at you. 
“Can I come over later?” 
“Yeah, of course. Wanna come with me after school?” 
“Sure,” you wondered if he could see through your smile. It doesn’t seem like it, he leans down and gives you a quick kiss, you pull away and back away through the halls. 
He has no idea what’s coming. 
Gently pushing Peter’s shoulders down to coax him into sitting on the edge of his bed, you grin politely when he follows instruction. Dragging his desk chair to sit in front of him you pause to think about what you were going to say, clearing your throat you begin. 
“So, I like you a lot, and I’ve enjoyed having you as my boyfriend for the past month-” 
Peter’s eyebrows furrow, he holds his hand up, “enjoyed? Are you breaking up with me?” 
You bite your lip and nod solemnly, “I’m sorry, Peter.” 
The silence is unsettling, you look away from him, his figures deflated and his mind races. 
Taking a deep breath and blowing it out you shrug, “I don’t want to hurt your feelings, Peter. But, uh, you’re just… not what I thought you’d be like.” 
How could you not like him? He’s done everything right. He was the perfect suitor, he acted like the typical non nerd male. The kind of all american guy every girl wanted. 
“I don’t… what does that mean?” 
You laugh, “I have a type, and you’re not it. I like nerds, like, straight up goofy, funny guys that know something about everything and collect comic books and get excited at new, humanity altering technology. I thought you were that guy, but I guess not.” 
Oh my god. 
He’s fucked it all up, he was dumb enough to believe you wanted something else. 
He can show you he’s a nerd, he’s been one his entire goddamn life, he’s about to nerd olympics the hell out of you. 
Peter jumps from his seat so quickly it startles you, his hands come down on the armrests of your chair, the seat tilting backwards as he pushes his weight towards you. 
“I’m the biggest nerd you’ll ever meet.” 
Your seat jostles when he lets go and opens his closet, pulling out a box he sets it on his bed. 
“This is everything I put away when we started dating,” he turns with three rubik’s cubes, each one in various sizes. “,these are my rubik’s cubes, I can finish the standard in forty three seconds, the six by six took me about thirty minutes and this baby?” he bounced the biggest one in his hold, “, this is a twenty one by twenty one, it took me about three hours.” 
Peter dropped them to the bed and continued, “and this is my national championship trophy for chess club,” he shoves it in your face before he keeps digging, a small picture frames come next, “this is when I won the states most innovative science fair project,” frantic digging, “, this is a figurine of my favorite video game,” two large disc sets next, “lord of the rings and star wars,” 
He spins around, flying past your body where he picks up his comic book container, “remember when I was late to our date last week? I was getting these,” three new additions of an old comic you had just started to pick up, “, and currently?” Peter moved to his desk, tapping on his keyboard until his screen woke up, code covered the screen, he pointed between the monitor and a notebook, “I’m learning to read binary code.” 
You felt like the grinch because your heart grew the times the size, adoration blossomed, you could feel your chest crack and glow. The Peter you wanted, the person you thought he was from the start, was real and in front of you. 
This was who he was, so why was he hiding it? 
“Why did you hide that from me? Peter, that’s like, the entire reason I wanted to date you. I liked who you were, then you turned into someone else.” 
Peter rested against his desk and sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. “I figured a pretty girl like you wouldn’t want some nerdy guy, it might be cute at first but when I’m stoked about something I read on wikipedia and make it my thing for a day and talk your ear off about it, you’re gonna wish you had a boyfriend that just watches sport clips for fun.”
That’s the point you were trying to make, “that’s what I want! I was literally dumping you because you weren’t that.” 
“Well, I am that. So there’s no point in breaking up, right?” 
You hum and spin in his chair, “I dunno… you dragged me along for a month, hiding yourself from me, making me question everything. I mean, you have a lot to make up for, parker.” 
“C’mere,” you’re not given an option, he reaches forward and pulls the chair towards him and pulls you from the seat, flopping himself down and tugging you into his lap. Your stomach clenches, this was the confident Peter you wanted, it was confidence in himself. 
His pointer finger taps on the monitor, “you read binary from right to left, and you separate them into groups of eight. Now the key is knowing that each one and zero mean-” 
Your mouth on his, cutting his words off with a kiss, you held his face tightly, never wanting him to separate from you. Caught off guard he froze for a moment, then wrapped his hands around your middle. Pressing into him, separating for air but giving small pecks. 
“Baby,” kiss, “, I’m sorry,” kiss, “, I shut,” kiss, “, you out,” kiss, “I didn’t,” kiss, “, know it meant,” kiss, “, so much,” kiss, “, to you,” kiss. 
“You’re so much smarter than me,” a chaste kiss, “it’s so hot,” you look into his eyes, he’s flushed out and breathing harshly. “You’re so hot,” another kiss, Peter feels like the room is spinning, he’s never felt so wanted, so needed, the way you can’t stop kissing him, how tight you’re holding him to you, how blown your pupils are, the way you’re gulping him like water. 
“I mean if you,” he grunts when you kiss down his neck, biting into his collarbone. “, if you want, I could show you how quick I can solve my rubik’s cube.” Your hands drag up his hair, gripping and tilting his head away, better access to nibble and lick the skin. “Or, recite the first seventy nine numbers of pi.” 
Attention caught, “you know the first seventy nine numbers of pi?” 
“Mm hmm, I could also tell you” a whimper,  “, all the elements. Want me to start rattling them off?” 
Kissing the middle of his throat you hum, “I’d rather you take your pants off.” 
For the first time in Peter Parker’s life, memorizing the periodic table got him laid. 
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lmskitty · 3 months
The JJk fandom has some INCREDIBLE writers and artists and I just felt like showing a bit of love so here are some of my fave Satosugu fics!!!
Audience by @c-valentino
"Three years after the KFC breakup, Satoru caves and visits his old friend late at night with a problem. They are far from what they used to be, but when he hopes they might get a second chance after all, assassins show up to hunt down Suguru."
As you like it by planetarypedxng
"Ieiri Shoko has laid down the law: the three of them will hereafter hang out only at Geto’s place, because Geto is the perfect host, and because Shoko refuses to clean up after anyone, least of all men, and because Gojo’s room always disgustingly reeks of sex.
Gojo had laughed at that, a little too loudly, perhaps, and curiously did not have a single comment about it. What can he say? The truth? That he was still a virgin?"
Falling in love is easy. Admitting it is not. By @ellionwrites
"At 20 years old - sharing an apartment and joint Jujutsu missions - Geto and Gojo are inseparable. But it takes Geto going on a first date for them to start to figure out their feelings."
Two sorcerers chillin' in a hot tub (five feet apart cause they’re not gay) by @hollow-lime-green
"Geto Suguru has almost two decades of practice pretending not to see things that are clearly there, and Gojo Satoru has a well-documented history of being the most socially-stunted motherfucker alive.
That’s how they got here.
Love is in the hands by @thequeenofsarcaasm
That’s also why neither of them know where the hell they’re going with this."
To be a woman by @sadgreekboys
"After getting kicked from his home for being queer, Geto Suguru comes across his old best friend/first love, in a gay bar. He finds a new home in him."
close your eyes (nothing changed at all) by themoonisdead
"Satoru is the strongest. She is a woman. She is not meant to be those two things at the same time.
"That day in xx village, suguru makes a call" -what if Suguru had called Satoru for help that day?
Over the Threshold by @fushiglow
(Satoru gets hit with a sex curse and asks Suguru to help him!!!)
4AM by damiselart
"Larger than life K-pop idol, Satoru, approaches introverted record producer, Getō Suguru, to collaborate on his debut Japanese-language studio album. They both get more out of the experience than expected — for better and for worse."
(Tattoo artist Geto and model Gojo. Hot as fuck.)
Post-It Notes by monochromevelyn
"Shoko was sick of watching her two best friends pining for each other. Don't worry, she had a plan to move things in the right direction."
The Two-Headed Calf by malneiro
"Gojo gets a knock on his door late at night: Getou is sick and Mimiko and Nanako don't know who else to turn to."
Vows to Amida Butsu -
" Gojo has a great idea. Geto thinks his classmate should at least ask him cutely instead of just announcing his intent. Consent is important, after all."
and Long Bitter Autumn - both by Daphnerunning and Galiko
"Five years after his best friend left Jujutsu High to become an evil overlord, Gojo Satoru can't sleep. And there's not THAT much difference between a butt dial and a booty call, semantically speaking."
There are so many amazing satosugu fics and most of the writers listed here have multiple incredible fics but these are just some of my absolute faves!!!
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tastefulstars · 1 year
Of Wolf and Man 1/?
You have a secret, one that’s a little more wolfish in nature.
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eddie munson x f!reader x steve harrington
a/n: anyway, i am yet again indulging every my every desire :))) not too sure how many parts this will have - probably 3 :))) word count: 3.4K warnings: 18+ mdni. slow burn. r is a werewolf. body horror. mutual pining. protectiveness. r is a little angsty with moments of softness.
masterlist next
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You don’t mean to get involved.
You moved to Hawkins to lay low after a close call with hunters but you overheard a group of kids talking about a girl in their basement and you couldn’t exactly ignore that so you confront them.
“Uhh” One of the boys is saying, “What?”
“Why are you keeping a girl in your basement?” You interrogate them and their hearts kick into overdrive, their eyes widen and they stammer.
“We’re not!” A second boy laughs, shrill and nervous. Your eyebrow raises.
“Yeah - that would be weird if we were?” The third adds.
You just stare them down with a unconvinced expression on your face.
“So you wouldn’t have any issues if I were to go to your parents and have them check, then?”
They panic and they’re explaining, begging you not to involve their parents. They tell you about El, how she’s got superpowers and there’s bad men after her and she can help find Will - if it weren’t for your own abilities, your condition, you might not have believed them.
The rest is history.
You never speak about your condition, you don’t tell them and don’t plan on it, until you overhear El talking to Mike about how she feels so different, that everyone thinks she’s a freak. You pull her aside when you have a chance and whisper your confession, share with her that she’s not the only one who’s different - you hold her as she cries against your chest. 
You help them keep El safe, help them battle the demogorgon alongside Steve and Nancy and Jonathan.
You mourn El with the boys, comforting them best you can and letting Mike’s anger and denial settle over you. You become fast friends with Steve, his presence and scent calms you, and while you’re a little upset he’s dating Nancy - you’re happy he’s happy.
You’re right there with Steve and Dustin trying to capture Dart, it’s rotting stink making you gag. You protect the kids from the demodogs as best you can - grabbing Lucas and twisting, letting yourself be attacked instead of him, hissing out a sharp ‘I’m fine’ when Steve fusses over you.
You do your best to placate and calm Billy when he comes looking for Max - you can smell the blood sitting under his skin and you know that he’s hurting, taking his anger out on the world. You step out of the house and ask him if he’s okay, ask him if everything at home was okay, you knew it wasn't but you wanted him to know that you'd listen.
You cry when you see El again, wrapping her in your arms and cradling her against your chest. You coo and fuss over the boys when they’re all dressed up for the Snow Ball, earning their annoyed glares as they swat your hands away from their cheeks.
Dustin drags you to the mall, insisting it’s of the utmost importance. He plays the recording for you and Steve, and Robin helps translate it. You manage to avoid being captured by the Russians, feeling guilty at leaving Steve and Robin behind. You hate yourself for not being able, not being quick enough, to save Billy - Max’s distraught cries a dagger twisting further in your heart.
You cling to Steve when the night’s over and the mall destroyed, face buried in his neck and breathing his scent in deeply, shaking and trying to keep your wild nature buried under your skin.
You spend more and more time with Steve, butterflies tickling your stomach each time he smiles at you. You visit him at work or he shows up at your house with a movie and pizza. The two of you go for drives with no real destination in mind - just enjoying the wind flowing through your hair and each others presence.
You know you should put distance between you, you know you shouldn’t let yourself get too close - you don’t want to hurt him, don’t want him to be used against you, don’t want him to look at you with disgust and horror if he ever found out.
On the night of the full moon and you're forced to transform, you wrap yourself with silver chains and lock yourself in a large cage in your basement. Screaming in agony as your bones break, your organs shift and your body changes.
It's torture and every second of it has you pleading for death.
Once the change is complete, skin and fur sizzle under the chains and it's enough to keep the monster busy for the night, yanking and biting, trying to get the silver off its skin.
You never really remember much the next morning, the pure agony wiping your memory.
It takes all of your energy to unlock yourself and drag your body into your room to sleep, exhaustion and weariness overcoming you. You feel your skin stitching itself back together as you stumble, the wounds and burns from last night slowly disappearing until all that's left is your memory of the pain.
The day following a change leaves you sore, tired and grumpy but you do your best to hide it when Steve calls, offering to pick you up and take you out for lunch. He must sense you’re not feeling yourself because he rubs your arm and offers a small smile.
“You okay, Bug?” Your lips twitch at the nickname, one given to you after an unfortunate incident with a beetle that you refuse to remember.
“Yeah, just tired” You reply, “Didn’t sleep well”
He hums, throwing his arm over your shoulders, pulling you close to him and chuckling.
“Yeah the suitcases under your eyes kinda gave that away”
You groan and rub your palm down your face.
“Want me to drop you home?” He asks, voice soft and smiling at you. It was a smile he reserved for you and only you, soft and gentle, filled with warmth.
You lean heavily on him, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your head on your shoulder, not really wanting to be alone. You rub your cheek on him, inadvertently scenting him in your exhaustion, mixing your own unique smell with his.
“Can we go to yours?” You ask, breathing deeply and your chest expanding with giddiness as you smell your handiwork. He squeezes you and pulls you towards his car.
You lay in Steve’s bed, overwhelmed by the smell of him. Steve smells like home and it has you feeling safe enough to drift off to sleep as Steve potters around his room.
You miss the adoring look he gives you when he looks over, spotting your face buried in his pillow. You miss him gently pulling his blanket over you and tucking you in, you miss the soft kiss he presses on your head and the whisper of ‘sleep well, honey’.
Things change in ‘86.
Dustin and Mike join the Hellfire Club, Lucas joins the basketball team. Max pulls away from the group, grieving the loss of her brother.
Steve is a constant safe presence in your world, keeping you grounded and sane.
You spread yourself thin and you don’t know how much longer you can keep going, how much longer you can keep your tight control from slipping, from breaking down and exploding in a mess of bones and skin and blood and fur.
You do your best - to comfort Max, to support Lucas, to help Nancy with the school paper, to see Robin outside of school, to spend time with Dustin and Mike, to be with Steve, to study and keep your condition under wraps and keep yourself safe from the hunters you knew were after your kind.
You keep pushing yourself, patrolling your little town and checking in on your friends each night. You check deep in the woods for any signs of the hunters and the creatures from the upside down, not retiring until you’re satisfied everyone is safe - that you are still safe.
Dustin calls you on the walkie one afternoon, his voice calling you to come to the school as soon as you can.
You don’t rush, knowing he would have made a bigger deal if it was an emergency. You’re tired and sore and you can feel the ache in your bones, the tingling under your skin - the full moon was close and it was making you more sensitive to everything. 
You shuffle down the hallways towards the drama room, following Dustin’s scent, his distant voice.
You push open the door and see Dustin and Eddie, who looks over to you with wide eyes. You throw yourself into a chair, leg bouncing and watch as they pack up.
“What’d you want Dustin?” You murmur, eyes slipping closed.
“Can you give me a ride home?” He asks, voice distracted.
You nod and as you breathe in, you tingle all over - warmth washing over you and the distinct smell of home filling your lungs. Eddie smells like leather and denim and weed and the woods. It soothes your restlessness and has you leaning towards it, wanting to smother yourself in it.
You open your eyes and watch as Eddie finishes up packing away his supplies, his eyes darting over to you every few seconds. When he spots you watching him, you hear his heart beating faster, see the flush spread on his cheeks.
Your stomach flips and you feel like you’re floating, you offer him a small smile and hold your hand out to Dustin.
“C’mon, peanut” Laughing as Dustin groans at the nickname, “See ya ‘round, Eds”
“Yeah! See you!” He says fast, wide eyed and nervous.
You start spending time with Eddie as well as Steve, his presence soothing your soul in ways you couldn’t really describe, and you find yourself wanting, wanting to be with them both, wanting them near you and needing them in your life.
You don’t push your luck, keeping your feelings closely guarded and making the most of them giving your their friendship. 
You invite Eddie over to your small home often. Most of the time, you just enjoy each other’s company, not really doing much more than listening to music and talking.
You lay on the floor of the living room with your feet propped up on the couch beside Eddie.
“Eds?” You voice breaks the comfortable silence.
“Yeah?” He hums.
“What do you wanna be when you grow up?”
Your question makes him laugh, and you turn your head so you can watch his eyes crinkle.
“Aren’t we already grown up?”
“Nope! Now answer the question”
“I wanna get out of this town, take off with my music and tour the world” His voice is wistful and you ache, wanting to him to live his dream and wanting him to never leave you.
“You can do it” You say softly, swallowing hard, “I believe in you”
He beams at you, cheeks flushing and he rubs the back of his neck, he clears his throat.
“What about you?”
“I wanna be a frog”
He barks out a loud laugh, and you feel a silly grin take over your face.
It’s between the moments where you find yourself listening to Eddie’s heartbeat and wishing Steve was right there with you, that you realize that you’re in love with them.
You almost wish you didn’t let the thought, the realization, cross your mind - wishing you could stay in denial and ignore the painful longing you felt when you didn’t let yourself, couldn’t let yourself, get too close to them.
Your heart hurts and you don’t know how you keep the smile on your face, the pain hidden inside your chest. It would be enough, it had to be, to just have them in your life. To see their smiles and hear their laughs, and let their strong heart beats soothe you and drink in their intoxicating scents.
When Eddie’s accused of murdering Chrissy you almost loose control. Seething with fury and feeling your nails sharpening, elongating, and you could feel the sharp prick of your long canines in your gums.
When Max and Dustin come to you, Steve, Nancy and Robin, explaining she saw Eddie running away the night Chrissy died. They lead the way to the spot Max saw him and then you take the lead, following Eddie’s scent until you stumble on his hiding place. He looked so scared, heart beating wildly and oozing fear, you dig your sharp claws into your palms to stop yourself throwing your arms around him, from tearing the assholes who hurt him apart.
The group explains everything to him, they share ideas and try to come up with a plan. You dart your eyes around, feeling the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. 
“We should leave” You murmur, interrupting Robin, “It’s not safe here”
You’re grabbing Dustin without thinking, pushing him the way you came and your hands entwine with Steve and Eddies and you’re moving, herding the group out of the woods. 
You press your spare key into Eddie’s palm before you all head your separate ways.
“You know that I live by myself” You tell him, “If you need somewhere to go - it’s safe there”
His expression crumples, you yank him into a crushing hug and he whispers a soft ‘thanks, frog’ into your hair. Steve asks you about it when he’s driving you home, his eyes darting between the road and you. He clears his throat.
“Uh, um - Bug?” He asks, you hear his nerves.
“What’s up?”
“Are- Do-” He’s stuttering his words, his heart picking up pace. His words rush out and you wouldn’t have heard if you weren’t completely focused on him.
“Are you and Eddie, like, together?”
You’re stunned silent, staring at him.
“I- No?”
“But you like him, right?”
“Steve, where’s this coming from?”
“I, just - I see the way he looks at you. Sometimes, I think you look at him the same”
“It’s fine if you do” He rushes out, “I-”
“Steve, stop” You cut him off and he falls silent, “It’s not- I. It’s- It’s complicated, I guess”
“How is liking someone complicated?” He asks, confused. Your chest squeezes painfully.
“It is when it’s two someones” You sigh, “Can we not? I don’t want to get into it. Please, Stevie”
You see the way he does a double take, glancing at you before focusing on the road, his heart tapping out a quick beat.
You’ve been holding the change back, having more important things to worry about, but you can feel it building under your skin and simmering. You know it won’t be long until you can’t force it back anymore, until you won’t have any semblance of control. You just hope that you can hold it off until this crisis has been averted.
You follow your boys into the Upside Down, armed to the teeth and with a plan of attack. Your group manages to destroy Venca, setting him alight in his home and as you flee your small group is quickly overwhelmed with bats. You fight, tearing them to shred and it burns. 
You feel yourself slipping in your fury, in your anger and it’s getting harder and harder not to let go and give in to it.
You’re snarling at Steve, at Eddie, growling at them to climb the fucking rope. You couldn’t let them get hurt, couldn’t risk them dying, not if you could save them, if you could save them all. 
You are ready to stay, prepared to sacrifice yourself if it meant your boys were safe, were alive. 
You let yourself take them in one more time, gaze lingering on their retreating forms. You try to commit their faces to memory - Steve’s strong jaw and soft, almond eyes and fluffy hair and Eddie’s wide brown eyes and round nose and full lips.
“Bug, come on!” You hear Steve shouting at you. It’s distant, far away.
You turn, holding your spear towards the oncoming swarm.
“Don’t you dare!” Eddie screams.
Then they’re gone, their voices disappearing and you let your tears fall, let the change overtake you. You scream as you’re ripped apart and sown back together again.
You’re not sure how long you’re there, trapped in the upside down.
It feels like an eternity.
You stay in your monstrous wolf form, tearing apart anything that crosses your path. You can feel something missing, a part of you howls and longs for it but everything is simpler in this form, no complicated thoughts or emotions.
Just anger, hunger, exhaustion, pain, loneliness.
You snarl and tear apart another bat, claws sinking into its flesh easily.
You were sure that you’d almost eradicated every single horrible thing in this dark world. You only stopped when you needed to rest, to heal, finding a safe hideaway and closing your eyes for a restless sleep, dreaming of warm eyes and soft smiles.
You don’t know how long you chase and kill but it feels like an eternity and if you had the awareness of your human mind, you’d be worried at how much you enjoy it. 
You track down the last of the bats, they flee at the sight of you and you give chase, reviling in the thrill of the hunt. Your anger burns bright as you see them worming their way through a portal, barely there and forgotten.
You chase them, forcing your way through the opening, tearing at your flesh. You’re not sure where you are but you can make out multiple heart beats, hear distant voices.
They weren’t your concern.
You had a job to do, and that involved destroying these god forsaken bats.
Just as one manages to break the wooden doors that trap it in the room with you, you’re on it. You’re snarling, twisting and sinking your teeth into its neck and pulling with your sharp claws. You hear screams but you focus, the other bats were swooping, trying to dig their talons into your fur and break your skin.
Your back is towards the heart beats and you snarl, bringing yourself to your full height and baring your fangs. The last of them would die tonight.
It’s a mess of blood and viscera and it’s over all too soon. You’re still set alight with the hunt and you snuff, growling and pacing back and forth over your fallen prey.
“What the fuck?”
Words filter through your haze and you turn, baring your sharp teeth at them, a low growl rumbling in your chest. They stumble backwards, tripping over themselves and clinging to each other. You hear their fear, in their hearts and in their breathing and in the small noises they make - you almost like it.
One of them is stepping forward, the others reach for them.
They say your name softly.
Your mind screams at the reminder of you you were, who you are. You still, falling silent and focusing your gaze on them.
El whispers a voice from the back of your mind.
Howling snarls slip into howling screams as your bones snap and break and rearrange themselves. Your organs tear and stitch themselves back together and you choke on blood, coughing as it spills from your lips as your sharp teeth are replaced with blunt ones. Fur is torn from your body, leaving behind smooth skin.
El catches you as you fall, wrapping your arms around you and whispering your name, over and over.
You don’t have the strength to open your eyes, to do anything but let El hold you. You hear the kids crying out your name, their footsteps as they rush to you. You hear Nancy’s sharp intake of breath and Robin’s soft cry, hear Eddie and Steve’s heart still for a moment before taking off in a rapid tap.
You hear Steve snapping at the kids, telling them to give you space and you feel Eddie’s rough denim vest being wrapped around your naked form, feel arms lifting you.
You feel your exhaustion slamming into you and you slip into blissful darkness.
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Rare(ish)-pair Yuumori ideas that I may or may not ever write (but they're like, bottom of my ideas list, so if anyone is inspired by these have at it, I can always do my own versions later lol. Tag me tho, I wanna read stuff!)
(These are for the most part absurdly off-canon and varying degrees of cracky. Roll with it.)
Bond/Albert in which Albert is a virgin and Bond has never had sex post-transition. Bond tops. It's like a very affectionate friends-with-benefits deal where they're learning new things together.
Billy and Louis friendship fic where Louis expects to find Billy annoying because he's kind of boisterous and overly familiar and whatnot, but instead finds himself surprisingly charmed and then they're buddies.
Billy and Bond fic where they bond over being Americans who faked their deaths and changed their identities. They may or may not kiss, idk.
Jack Renfield/Queen Victoria 😂😂😂😂
Mycroft and Miss Hudson have an incredibly tame, mature, and vanilla romance that is absolutely fascinating to everyone around them because they're all crazy people (affectionate). They do gentle missionary for the first time on their wedding night and have a baby precisely forty weeks later and everyone claps.
Mycroft/Moran. Has anyone done this? I literally have no reason for it other than that I was playing around with the character profiles trying to see which people might actually have anything in common based on age etc, and huh. I could find a way to make this work. They never have sex beyond handies because they can't agree on who would top. 🤣
John and Moran fic. Probably just a friend fic. Frankly this should be considered more in general in Holmes adaptations: these two are foils of each other, each the loyal soldier at Holmes' and Moriarty's respective sides. They should be drinking buddies in the Yuumori-verse, but in everything else they should be enemies with belligerent sexual tension.
Mycroft/William set in between A Scandal in the British Empire and The Final Problem, in which they have a lot of technically very good but very miserable sex while pining over each other's brothers and picking apart each other's brains brutally.
William/Billy thing where William after the coma is still working things through and is kind of emotionally distancing himself from Sherlock because he's still not Okay, and Billy is there for him. (Vermissa gets pushed later in this.) They get quite emotionally entangled in bonding over their similarities, but nothing actually comes of it, and Billy is the one to ultimately give William the push he needs to open up to Sherlock. It ends on a bittersweet note with the implication that Billy is more than a little in love with Liam, but knows Sherlock is who he should be with. Sad gays.
Bond/everyone where he's at the center of the most successful polycule in recorded history. 😂
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thrxughthenxght · 8 months
Okay, modern au, kinda high-school but not really? Bit of background: Jan and Marya are split, Marya still struggles with her mental health and has to go to Sankta Hilde's every now and then. That leaves Wylan home alone for days at a time. Both Wylan and Jesper live on the outskirts of Ketterdam and take the same tram to school
They both sign up to the extra credit work. Somehow, a mixup occurs and they get assigned to the same person. Nanny Helena, an 80-something badass who made her way through three spouses and came out on the other side filthy rich. She's immediately Jesper's icon and role model
Nanny Helena dotes on both of them but they don't get along at first. It's a bit of jealousy on Wylan's part because he doesn't have any good grandparent figures and Jesper has a load of family he can talk to. Because he's such a sourpuss, Jesper ignores him and snipes at him a lot, mostly out of impulse
Jesper's super into vintage stuff so Nanny Helena gives him a single record of her favourite song - Wooden Heart. It takes it home and plays it, like, 20 times on repeat. Next time he's at the old person's home, he keeps singing it under his breath
On their way back home, Jesper snoops and sees Wylan drawing his face. He pounces on him and questions it. Wylan tells him - snippily - that Nanny Helena loves his drawings and asked him to draw portraits of both 'her boys'. He'd already drawn himself so- before he can finish the sentence, Jesper snatches the sketchbook off him and flips through to his self-portrait. He scoffs and says Wylan's done himself a disservice. He sits down next to Wylan and dictates to him how pretty he actually is for him to draw, until the end of the line. Wylan goes so far after that as to walk Jesper home
From there, their rivalry's more playful and they stop ignoring each other in school. Nanny Helena happily helps along their rivalry - she's always liked boys fighting over her - and starts gently prodding them together while she does so. This all culminates in Jesper noticing when Wylan skips both school and half his meeting with Nanny Helena
When Wylan finally shows up, he's pale and it's clear he's been crying. He tries to hide it but Jesper asks him about it and he breaks down. His mum's had a bad turn and now she's back in St Hilde's. She won't be back until Friday - five days away. Before he can think about it, Jesper offers for Wylan to live with him and his da for those five days. Wylan tries to protest but Jesper won't hear of it, neither will Nanny Helena
So, they head back to Wylan's place - which produces an impressed whistle from Jesper, the hendriks' have money - to grab his stuff and then to Jesper's house. They are immediately accosted by two dogs - Milo the labrador and Sturmhond the golden retriever - and Jesper's worried dad. Jesper texted him the whole situation and Colm's so welcoming, much more welcoming and fatherly than Jan ever was. It nearly makes Wylan break down again
After those five days, Wylan and Jesper are thick as thieves and easily pining after each other. Nanny Helena sees this and is sick of it. She asks Wylan to get her something from a store cupboard and then asks Jesper to take her on a walk. When they pass by the store cupboard, she shoves him in and leans her stick against the doorhandle. She then goes for a cup of tea
The rest is, as some might say, history
Nanna Helena is the real MVP here ✨
The rivalry to playful rivalry to hurt/comfort I to pinning just *holds heart in chest* it's so beautiful 😭
Wylan going to Jesper this literally happens in my 60s AU 🥺 Different circumstances but still
JESPER'S DOGS STOP- I want Wylan to have a dog so bad 😭 I did have an idea where it was like six of crows au where everything is the same except Wylan has a dog and it slowly becomes the crows' dog (even though Nina is a cat person she ADORES dogs)
Anyways the closer Nanna Helena is evil I love her 😌
The title of the doc should be Nanna Helena and her Volunteer Boys just saying ✨
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walkawaytall · 7 months
Maybe I'm a little bit late but for the fanfic writer asks
8. Is there a story idea you have that you would love if it could appear fully realized but that you do not think you’ll ever write yourself?
And thank you for number 13, I learned another unhinged part of fanfiction history bevause of it🤣😳
It's never too late to ask questions! But it's also particularly not too late this time because I was not kidding when I said I've been trying to distract myself from a stressful thing I have to be vague about right now, and this stressful thing will likely drag on for months, hooray!
Always happy to tell people about My Immortal :D. (I am not, for the record, Tara Gilesbie. Which I suppose is exactly what Tara Gilesbie might say. But I'm really not.) Have you seen the Sarah Z. YouTube video about that whole thing? Because that is a wild ride.
For question 8...Okay, it's funny because you'd think since I wrote these questions myself, I'd have answers for all of them, but the answers I have are...barely answers for this one.
I think I mentioned before that I just like the concept of a fic based on the song "When the Party's Over" by Billie Eilish. It feels very Hoth-era pining to me, but I don't actually have a story of any sort to go along with this vague concept, so I just have an empty document that's titled "When the Party's Over" that's been on my computer for months because I was so certain I would write this, but no actual idea has ever materialized, so I don't know that I ever will write it. But I sure wish it existed, because the idea sounds rad. I mean...
Don't you know I'm no good for you? I've learned to lose you, can't afford to Tore my shirt to stop you bleedin' But nothin' ever stops you leavin'
Similar thing with...I have a document for story concepts, and most of them are actual concepts -- stuff like "Poe knows Kylo Ren", "AU — Leia and Vader are aware of each other’s existence and still hate each other", etc. And then I just have this quote, which is something John Green quotes in my favorite chapter of his book The Anthropocene Reviewed (which is a great book, and the audiobook is read by John. I highly recommend it):
“We did not spend our days gazing into each other’s eyes. We did that gazing when we made love or when one of us was in trouble, but most of the time our gazes met and entwined as they looked at a third thing. Third things are essential to marriages, objects or practices or habits or arts or institutions or games or human beings that provide a site of joint rapture or contentment. Each member of a couple is separate; the two come together in double attention. Lovemaking is not a third thing but two-in-one. John Keats can be a third thing, or the Boston Symphony Orchestra, or Dutch interiors, or Monopoly.” -Donald Hall
And, frankly, I don't know what the heck that's supposed to mean. I have no accompanying story idea; I just really enjoy the concept of "...most of the time our gazes met and entwined as they looked at a third thing." But, what was I expecting myself to do with this? I don't know! So, considering how much I like this quote, if I could find some way to make a story pop into existence fully formed around...whatever I was thinking when I pasted this quote into my Concepts document, I'm sure I'd love it.
Thanks for the questions!
fanfic writer asks
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Your Perfect Oregon Coast Vacation Starts In Florence
1) Automobiles Coast Aquarium is just south in the Newport Association. All sites have grass and in amongst a canopy of mature Monterey Pines and Monterey Cypress trees. An old town brimming in character with narrow streets and gabled companies. Some of its buildings, such mainly because the church date back to the 12th-century. Further to the west, the customer will obtain the heavily wooded Bookham and Banks Common, both of which consists of nearly a square mile each of woodland. View More: topbinhdinhaz.com - Top Binh Dinh AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Binh Dinh AZ: Lương Ngọc Nam Khang - Luong Ngoc Nam Khang There are wide ranging other sights and sounds to experience during your stay. Away from your bed and breakfast in Sydney reach the famous Sydney Harbour Bridge Walk, a tour of the Opera House, a scenic seaplane flight, plus lots of other physical activities. Our next stop but another 2 hours to Richmond, Virginia. Here you can click on the Haunts of Richmond which take you on a tour, Cemetery of Hollywood where two presidents are buried as well as millions of confederate troopers. Also go visit Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site as well as Richmond Battlefield Site best places get a really taste of history.
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View More: topbinhdinhaz.com - Top Binh Dinh AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Binh Dinh AZ: Lương Ngọc Nam Khang - Luong Ngoc Nam Khang In times where a associated with us have a much tighter budget it's good to remember all of the wonderful things in life that are free or low cost to attain.The Oregon Coast has such beautiful scenery you could literally only spend money on food and gas and still need a great time. One of my favourite locations within coast is Currumbin Beach and Currumbin Alley. Just the thing for the family with choosing still waters or surfing beach, muscle mass to pack a picnic lunch, sunscreen and bring your camera to capture the beauty here. Toddler leave on the go. There are a involving walks for your more energetic, especially to Currumbin Rock which juts out of the beach waiting to be explored. The views from this level are magnificent, sweeping north and south of the coast. A major objective of marine safari holidays end up being to catch sight of whales, dolphins or seals. Take a cruise out to see the seals frolic off Duiker Island and out Hoyt These kinds of. Top Binh Dinh AZ News You can also arrange for viewing of Cape fur seals on Geyser Island, a popular breeding soil. On nearby Dyer Island, absolutely see the nesting ground of African penguins. Tin tuc Top Binh Dinh AZ Now area we ready to come from is Boston in Boston. Grab your hire car from the airport and you off! There many museums in Boston that purchase visit, just like the Boston Fire Museum, The J.F.K Presidential Library and Museum and also the Museum of Science, that are just for starters. There countless restaurants and cafe's for you to just relax and enjoy some period Binh Dinh in Viet Nam Boston, you'll never get bored and positive if you always have something to attempt such when the Freedom Trail which usually requires you via a tour of Boston's record. "I'm gonna be turn on a little AC," said Captain Neil Benson, owner of Pearl River Eco-tours. "Oh good," Believed. "I'm dying out here!" Appears he just meant he was to be able to drive the boat really fast. It did feel great though. After speeding near the main waterway for one mile or so, Captain Neil stopped becoming a narrow channel leading into a slough he called Dead Water. A slough is a shallow backwater lake system that parallels the main bayou waterway. The Honey Island Swamp is a 70,000 acre maze of such sloughs. Back in open water, we saw our first gator. Tin Top Binh Dinh AZ 247 Since we spotted one, we started seeing them everywhere. Once we passed, alligators would swim toward the boat angling for the marshmallows Neil would toss to them. He even reached out to pet the one he calls Big Alabama. Myrtle Beach is primarily known for a few things: golf and the beach. And in case you are traveling for the area, the resort need to have to is very different for the two. For those visiting to play golf, you could possibly not dependability from their flooring resort that located around the ocean. It many cases, you would look for virtually any resort which is near that will help you might wish to participate in the most or possibly is central ordinarily of the courses perhaps play while you are correct. 5) Click on the tidepools. At low tide, you observe green anemones, seastars, hermit crabs plus more. Some of the best spots for tidepooling are at the Yaquina Head lighthouse area. It does cost an entrance fee but also gives you access for the lighthouse and visitor site. Take the stairs down the South side on the headland into the rocky beach and explore and underwater world there. Top Binh Dinh AZ Just be careful where you step, there live creatures around the rocks. Raising place is Seal Rock State Park, south of Newport. The actual has with regard to one of the more photographed areas with every one of the rocky seastacks jutting right out the ocean.
As fly-drive holidays have grown to be increasingly popular, everyone for you to organise their particular travel by travelling further in a shorter period of this time. There are many differing types of fly drives. Achievable stay within city and drive with cities tend to be close, a person can start at one city and end at another. This would be particularly good when you are planning on going to the USA, since you can see even more cities upon the holiday, regarding stay 1. The lake increased to 16 feet, early in 2003, on account of above average rainfall associated with upper waters. Due to the drought in 2001, the river has experienced positive adjustments to vegetation. You will also need to determine no matter whether you want a resort that sits appropriate the ocean beachfront. Much traffic to the vicinity almost automatically assume seems MB hotels do, but clearly that is not the accusation Binh Dinh in Viet Nam court. Tin Top Binh Dinh AZ 247 It is the state flower of South Australia. It grows on the creeping plant and are located in different shades of red. The base of the flower is either purple or african american. It can be published on Central Australia as well as South Australia. Bletchingley comprises of a grand main street, along with the remains of just a Norman fort. Tilbury stow Hill is about a mile and one half to the east providing excellent views of the encompassing countryside. But, in order to Costa Rica fishing associated with South Pacific. Like any other place where fishing charters go out, the outfitters provide all the device most fishermen want. However, if you're one of those guys who wants to try fishing from sailfish or roosterfish, you should bring your rod and reel. Don't neglect to take along your camera to influence your envious friends at home that you absolutely landed And also the One simply because these are catch and release waters!
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If you're looking for fossils, agates and shells you in order to be head south on the beach. Seeking want to surf or otherwise just watch the surfers then go north while on the beach.If element cooperates the night sky will be covered with kites. It is a good spot for flying kites a person usually possess a wind coming off the Pacific Coastal. Some of the actual kites are no longer 50 feet long. From here you go onto Florida and spend another couple of days in and around exploring Orlando, Key West, Tampa and a number of other places. Exactly why not obtain a Car hire USA which will create your own fly-drive christmas holiday! Seaworld combines attractions with marine education and designing. Located at the end of Main Beach on Seaworld Drive this can be a unique aquatic experience in order to beat elsewhere. Children will fascinated via the sharks, diversity of fish, dolphins, seals, polar bears and penguins. The list goes over. My personal favourite is the Viking's Revenge Flume Encounter. I was enjoying this ride thirty years ago, whilst still having a scream my heart out as we sail the actual edge in the waters hints. One of this UK's best preserved post mills lies to the east from the village. This old windmill consists of a wooden body that carries the sales and revolves around a central upright wooden post. Readers are permitted to see the millstones at work, and get the flour from the grind. View More: topbinhdinhaz.com - Top Binh Dinh AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Binh Dinh AZ: Lương Ngọc Nam Khang - Luong Ngoc Nam Khang Written By Author in topbinhdinhaz.com: Nguyễn Mỹ Dung - Nguyen My Dung Written By Author in topbinhdinhaz.com: Nguyễn Mỹ Trang - Nguyen My Trang
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indigovoid · 1 year
Aubestein's Tale
Mr. Aubestein walked with a pine cane made from a plank coughed up by the Old Main. He found it by the shore on the day swimmers found Captain Marine and young Tide. When he told me that story I thought, “My God, I wonder that this old stick once belonged to Cry Havoc, that mighty ship once captained by old Marine. They say when the two were stranded way out on some nameless isle, Tide felled a great pine of the white kind; the very finest sort you could find, and made a single repair to their ship otherwise made of oak.
But that story is for another time. Where this one begins, Albert bowed politely to a patroness that popped up like a candle from the shade. She often graced the isles of his business, whose shelves were stocked with anything she bade. And she—a florist, who just around the corner, lived right above her pretty little shop. She loved to bake, he thought, though she had never told him, for the scent of cookies lingered where she walked.
An air of amor followed when she entered, and met his bow with a bashful “Hello, dear”, then she presented a bouquet to Albert, and touching his shoulder, leaned into his ear, and whispered what she hoped he’d want to hear. Lightening struck his heart and soul, and her lips curled to see his startled face. 
As thunder murmured between them, a stranger came. An unknown figure, shambled and strange, went in with a purpose without making their acquaintance. Such an entrance would normally be a cause for alarm, and Mr. Aubestein would formally introduce himself and welcome a new-comer to his store, show how the books are organized, and more if they’re receptive to his warmth. 
Yet this time he was stuck. He took the bouquet from Lina. He still felt the warmth of her breath on his ear, and he processed the feeling inside him. He’d have taken her close and kissed her, were he not alarmed a second time by the same figure darting out of the store with a book at his side. So they glanced out the door, then back in each other’s eyes before Albert dashed behind him, shouting to stop, but it was useless. The thief had already been lost behind the layers of oak and pine wrapped in ancient vines, so he returned to his store, stopping with a sigh at Lina’s side before finding out what the thief took, and knowing why.
He returned to Lina, and cried, “The tender things you bore are like a mirror to my core,” he kissed her lips, and firmly swore that for ever, if she would never part, come any season of her heart, that now may be the start of life supernal. She vowed herself to him, a bond eternal. And yet, and yet he must retrieve this book. He put the flowers in a vase by the window, and asked that he may walk her home. She smiled, “I hope you wouldn’t let me walk alone.”
He brought her to her door, and no more than twenty minutes had passed before he found the thief among the Big Dark Briarwood. He ran, and ripped his pants and both his sleeves on thorns, before stopping to breathe against a cypress. He knew which way he’d gone, and had to go, to reach the village of the sinner—so he went, slowly, so his clothing wasn’t ripped to ribbons. 
He knows that people with those features are ill-famed creatures, who cloister in swamplands among the leeches. They collude against and slander all others as subordinates; in their eyes, home is where they make it, and they have no equal. And neither do they in Albert’s eyes, nor in those of his people. 
He had to go on; it was the oldest record of his family that had been taken, and God knew that wretched thing would destroy it. It’s his inheritance to preserve; for one that cannot guard his past has no future, as Mr. Aubestein often lectured. He made that history vulnerable on his shelf, though he didn’t know; for his was a community of good-will and honesty, ignorant of such villainy since the old war ended last century with the foreigner’s defeat, when they took up residence in the swamps.
Before he knew it, unlike home, when the clock’s bell tells that the sun to the ground is nigh, he saw great darkness swell all around him, and by the time the moon was on high, shrouded by boughs, he still could not see his hand before his eyes. So he stopped in place, laid down, and listened to the crickets and other things that were clicking in the dark woods, until morning.
(To be continued…)
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cullenmcculloch2 · 2 years
Dior Luggage On Sale
The charms are reflective of the fortunate charms Christian Dior all the time kept with him. Another home staple is the Cannage motif, which dates back to the Napoleon III seats the couturier set up for guests at his trend reveals. All Dior luggage contain a leather-based date tag stitched into the bag. On some Lady Dior bags you will discover the date code heat printed into a leather tag within the interior zippered pocket. On others you can see the date code heat printed onto the again facet of the ‘Christian Dior’ leather-based tag attached proper exterior of the internal pocket. A frequent characteristic of counterfeit authenticity playing cards is the use of two massive rectangular slots. All Dior purses embody a leather-based tag contained in the bag that accommodates a heat stamp. The leather tag should have rounded, not sharp, corners. As the luxury house’s global model ambassador, Jisoo, in fact, had her choose of the accessories. She selected the lovable mini Lady Dior bag ($3,550) in a blush colour crafted from Rose des Vents lambskin. The Blackpink member tied her hair up with a translucent ribbon and kept her make-up impartial to match her bag. To show the designer piece might be worn for each occasion, and with any outfit, she dressed down in a puff-sleeve shirt and blue jeans. Jisoo added a private touch to her micro bag with a knitted carrot purse chain. The miniature design joins Jisoo’s countless assortment of handbags from the label — she additionally owns the Dior Book Tote, Bobby Bag, and ABCDior bag. It goes without saying that if there is a further quantity printed anywhere on the bag that it is clearly a faux. Christian Dior is undoubtedly an iconic model in the style trade and Dior handbags are a few of the most counterfeited merchandise in the marketplace. When you consider luxury fashion, Christian Dior is often one of many first names on your record. It’s synonymous with the idea of feminine elegance and sophistication, with a wealthy history in the world of ready-to-wear and high fashion. Dior has been accredited to reviving Haute Couture fashion in Paris, France after WWII. It has been crafted from blue leather and coated in... Stunning Christian Dior double flap bag in metallic purple python. Hand carried and on the shoulder with a detachable shoulder strap of 118 cm. This Dioraddict massive bag is made of black calfskin leather with aged gold metallic trimmings. Although the bag is a callback to vintage style, it nonetheless feels younger and edgy. It has different-colored versions as properly as one with a Bohemian-style shoulder strap. Many of Dior’s purses have at all times been well-received by the public and the fashion industry. The company doesn’t only create high quality luggage but additionally trend pieces that match many styles. Below, we’ve obtained a listing of the ten most iconic handbags signed Dior. By 1950, Dior, which started as a maker of couture, started to diversify—creating just about everything a Dior patron would wish to complete the look. As at that time Dior was not a leather goods producer, the maison enlisted others to craft its luggage. Of course, you will wish to make sure your Dior is the real thing. My prime three baggage are my Birkin 30, my Chanel classic flap, and my woman Dior. dior saddle bag fake I actually have them all now, however my Lady Dior was the bag I pined for the longest. I seriously went to visit it for about 10 years at Bergdorf’s ha ha. Christian Dior stopped making handbags in France in 1990. Seeing a “MADE IN FRANCE” on a extra moderen Dior bag should be a direct purple flag. On some Dior luggage, you may discover the “made in..” stamp on the back aspect of the tag instead of the entrance. wikipedia handbags If not positioned within the front, the “made in” could be warmth stamped right above the date code and must be perfectly centered. This card should have white rectangular spaces which have been crammed in, most often by hand, with details such as the date of buy, boutique’s location, and the bag’s fashion number. Both, brand new and pre-loved Christian Dior luggage should retain their shape.
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lazyevaluationranch · 3 years
On a post about the Blue Haired Girlfriend's quixotic citrus breeding experiments, @voidingintotheshout​ asked:
I mean, if you wanted a hearty citrus relative, why didn’t you just grow Osage Orange? They can grow as far north as Michigan which is surely further north than anyone could reasonably expect to grow a citrus tree. They’re not edible but then hearty orange isn’t either. Osage Orange are so cool and such a interesting historical plant from the Shelterbelt era of American agriculture. Apparently they do smell like citrus.
This is part three of three. Part one. Part two.
Now you've done it! It's time for A Very Brief (But Also Insufficiently Brief) History of Twentieth Century Hardy Citrus Cultivation! Growing citrus trees this far north is kind of nuts, it's true, but I promise you it is not even close to the weirdest things people have done to grow citrus in places where the citrus doesn't think it should grow.
A note: This post will written using the Swingle citrus taxonomy system, including things that are definitely wrong. The citrus taxonomic tree looks like that one box of orphaned computer cords I keep moving with me to new houses "in case I need them" except some sort of adorable five-dimensional kitten has entertained herself with them and some of the resulting knots are not technically possible in our space-time continuum. 
The powers that be gave us citrus because nothing pleases them like seeing a geneticist cry.
1. The Migrant Trees
The Soviet Union wanted lemons for tea, and they wanted to be independent enough not to have to trade with anyone else to get them, which meant they wanted to grow their own citrus. That part of the world is not a great place to grow plants that die when the temperature goes below zero, but at the foundation of the Soviet Union, there were citrus orchards in the warmest part of Georgia, along the Black Sea. Specifically, there was about, uh, one and a half square kilometers of somewhat implausible citrus orchard.
Hang on, it is about to get way less plausible.
This is the great citrus migration: any tree that did well in one spot, they'd try planting its seeds a few kilometres further north, or a few kilometres further east. Prizes were offered for breeding hardier citrus. Slowly the orchards spread, but they were extremely weird orchards.
It's usually a few degrees warmer at ground level than up in the air, and there's way less wind. So as the trees grew, they were bent over and tied along the ground. Some of them had the central trunk run in a straight line along the ground, with branches spreading out from it like the leaves of a fern, like an espaliered tree on its side. Others were starfish shaped, with the central trunk looped down until it ended up next to the base, and the branches sprawling out along the ground from the centre like starfish legs. The citrus trees were no taller than particularly vigorous strawberry plants, but they survived the winters, and you could throw a blanket over them to help them stay warm.
None of that helped if the ground froze solid, so they needed Underground Citrus. You'd dig a ditch, down below the lowest area where the ground froze, and you'd plant flat Starfish Trees or Flat Frond Trees running along the bottom of it, too deep to freeze. In winter, you'd just cover the ditch with boards any time the temperature was expected to go below freezing - citrus would tolerate the lack of light, but not the cold. Mandarins (Citrus reticulata) seemed to do best, so that’s most of what was grown.
It is a nearly unimaginable amount of work to grow citrus this way, along the bottoms of pits and trenches. We are experimentally trying to grow a Soviet-developed mandarin breed of unknown parentage, Shirokolistvennyi, but we will definitely not be putting in that level of effort.
2. The Mixed Up Trees
There are a couple species of citrus that tolerate cold well, but taste awful. A lot of effort has gone into crossbreeding them with more edible citrus. The results are ... mixed.
The Ichang Papeda (Citrus cavaleriei) generally survives temperatures down to -18 degrees C. It is stoic and calm and has mastered emptiness. Unfortunately, it has mastered emptiness too well. The fruit smells like lemons, with maybe a hint of rose, but there's nothing to eat here. It has a rind and seeds. No juice, no flesh.
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(Photo by Michael Saalfield)
The Ichang Papeda is the parent or grandparent to several delicious, extremely sour Asian citrus types. Yuzu/yuja smells like grapefruit and clean wet stones from the bottom of a fast-flowing stream. Sudachi smells like grapefruit and leaves with dew on them. (I haven't met kabosu or any other papeda hybrids personally, but they are numerous.)  They're all too sour to eat plain, unless you really need to turn your face inside out for some reason, but make for excellent flavouring. 
(We have a yuzu tree and a sudachi tree and they're surviving, but no fruit yet.)
Trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata) can survive temperatures down to -30 degrees C. This may be partly because, uniquely amoung citrus, they can drop leaves in autumn or winter and regrow them in spring, like a maple tree. They also produce an internal antifreeze. They are angry, twisted, thorny little plants that yell swears when you walk past them. They make a great hedge. The fruit is furry, smells like flowers and pine trees and taste like burnt, bitter plastic. It may or may not be possible to breed the horrible taste completely out of trifoliate oranges without losing cold-hardiness, if it's due to their antifreeze chemicals. Here’s Stabby:
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(Photo by Rob Hille)
Even the least terrible trifoliate crossbreeds are bitter enough to qualify as “acquired tastes.” There are recipes for trifoliate marmalade: put a dozen trifoliate oranges, a kilogram of sugar, and a kilogram of pebbles in a pot, cook until it gels, then sieve out the oranges and eat the pebbles. 
We are growing a trifoliate orange / minneola orange hybrid. And, of course, someday our own trifoliate hybrids. The Blue Haired Girlfriend planted 200 trifoliate oranges a couple years ago. There are fewer now, but the survivors have lived through two winters of snow and frost, and they might have somehow gotten more stabby. We're going to breed them, to each other or to less angry fruit, try and make something new and good from them.
I've limited this post to twentieth century hardy citrus breeding, but I have to give a shoutout to somatic hybridization, a decidedly twenty first century technique, where you take a cell from each of two different plants, remove their cell walls, put them next to eachother, and shock them with electricity until they merge into a single cell whose nucleus contains all genes from both plants. Then the new plant is like, "Wow, I guess these are all my genes? It seems like a lot, haha, but it's not like somebody made me from dismembered body parts and electricity, that is not how science works. Anyway I guess it's time to do some plant stuff now."
3. The Mutant Trees
In the 1950s, people started using radiation to randomly scramble the genes of plants. You'd irradiate seeds enough to change the genes somehow, and then you'd have to plant them to see what had happened. Maybe it was people horrified by the atomic bomb desperately wanting to find some life-supporting use for atomic fission, maybe it was government-supported cold war "atom bombs are good actually, look how many we have, USSR" propaganda. Probably both. 
This time period also saw serious plans for Orion, a spaceship with a huge metal plate for a butt, intended to be propelled by exploding atomic bombs under it, which I am not actually making up.
Thousands of people in Europe and the US signed up to receive seeds with random mutations in the mail, plant them, and report back on what they heck they grew into and if it had any useful weirdness. (The gamma radiation used to mutate the seeds did not make them radioactive themselves - the seeds were completely safe.) There were also more formal and carefully controlled university research programs in China, Japan, and the US, where plants where grown in a circular research garden with a coverable radiation source at the centre, so that the farther you got from the centre, the less radiation the plants got. Radiation breeding is less popular than it used to be, but Japan still has a very productive citrus radiation breeding program.
The most popular radiation-bred citrus is the "Rio Red" grapefruit and its offspring, which has a much deeper red than non-mutant red grapefruit.
There aren't many radiation-developed citrus breeds noted for cold-hardiness - with radiation you get whatever you get  - but there are a few, and I want one just because I think they're neat, a monument to that lovely human vision that looks at terrible weapons and somehow sees glossy-leaved trees with bright fruit.
4. The Monster Trees
Citrus are usually grown via grafting. That is, you plant a seed from a fast-growing sturdy breed, you let it grow roots and all that, and then you cut the top off and replace it with a branch from a more delicious breed. The two citruses grow together, and you end up with a tree that's disease and cold resistant in the roots, below the graft, but makes tasty fruit above the graft.
Occasionally, this process goes Wrong. 
The first recorded instance is the tree called Bizarria, discovered in 1640. Someone attempted to graft a sour orange branch onto a citron. But instead of a clean line between sour orange branches and citron roots, the graft was damaged somehow, and the two different species of cells got tangled and mixed through the whole tree. It has branches that produce citron fruit. It has branches that produce sour orange fruit. And it has branches that produce, uh ... these:
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(Photo by Labrina)
Most graft chimeras are made accidentally, when the graft site is damaged. Trifoliate orange is often used as rootstock, so there are many reported chimeras involving trifoliate orange and a nicer fruit. The mixed-up cells can be arranged a lot of ways, but it's possible to have the outside layer of the tree be trifoliate orange, and the core of the tree be the other citrus (periclinal chimera). This means you could theoretically get a tree with frostproof trifoliate leaves and branches, but fruit that doesn’t taste like burnt plastic rolled in quinine.
This lucky monstrosity has, in fact, reportedly happened. Twice. There is the Prague Citsuma, discovered in a greenhouse in Prague and suspected to have been created by a Soviet breeding program. And then there is the Hormish, discovered in China and thought to have been made by frostbite messing up the clean lines of the graft. The Blue Haired Girlfriend has managed to track down budwood from the Prague Citsuma - I’m so excited! - so we'll see how the fierce thorny monster tree with a heart of gold, or at least heartwood of gold, does for us.
5. Conclusion
Humans have been trying to grow citrus trees where they don't belong for nearly two thousand years, at least since the Jewish Diaspora and people trying to grow holy etrog trees - trunks gnarled as barnacle stones and the whole tree scented like the best dream you can't remember - in Europe. Maybe longer.
The Blue Haired Girlfriend's citrus-breeding schemes aren't going to singlehandedly transform Canada into a net citrus exporter. But history shows us: it might be possible to have a little gleaming sweetness from the stony ground here, with the ravens and the fir trees and the auroras. A sweetness we made ourselves, that exists nowhere else. 
Or maybe we'll just have a bunch of weird inedible fruit. I don't know, but it's worth finding out, worth weaving together leaf and thorn and stone and the light of our hands as the years unwind. Worth it to have a quixotic project we can expect to spend decades on together, hands and hearts. This is how home is made, sometimes, with a balcony full of angry thorny little trees that shout swears at passerby.
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Dancing With Our Hands Tied (Part Two)
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Series: Undercover Hotch fic/series™
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader 
Word Count: 4,408 | Rated: T | Warnings: swearing, discussion of domestic abuse, possibly compromising positions(?), an almost kiss
Tropes: bedsharing, fake married, mutual pining
Chapter Summary: after holding hotch's hand for a few minutes, it wouldn't be a problem to hold it for most of the morning? because now the retreat gimmicks begin as the two of you search for information while dealing with the events.
A/N: sorry for the delay on part two -- had some family things going on this month <3. look out for part three :) Thank you to @bucky-of-the-opera for always letting me bounce ideas off of her and generally being amazing.
“Where do we start?”
The retreat lodge was larger than you imagined — with sprawling grounds that weren't just limited to the main lodging area where the couples stayed — but extended beyond to woods, hiking trails, and beyond. Hell, you glanced out the window at a nearby mountain, you wouldn’t be surprised if they owned a mountain as well.
“I have no idea,” you murmur, your arm intertwined with Hotch’s, as the two of you stepped into the lobby for the patented mix-and-mingle with the other couples before breakfast. Not only mind-numbing, soul-churning mingling — but with other couples with marital issues -- exactly what every vacation needs, “this place doesn’t seem big on technology — I haven’t seen a single computer or cellphone,”
“The front desk only has paper logs,” he shakes his head, “I asked about the lack of technology in the rooms. A noted policy of no tech — including the employees. I don’t think we are even allowed our cellphones after this breakfast.”
You scan the couples beginning to shuffle down now, “If there’s no tech here, where do you think they keep their guest and employee files?”
“I don’t think breakfast is ready yet, sweetheart,” he replies, as your gaze snaps to his cheeks burning, as you realize a couple approaching your six, “but I’m sure you won’t have to wait too much longer,”
“I’m right there with you,” the husband winks at you, his stomach shaking as he laughs even before he jokes, “if I don’t eat soon, I’m going to lose one of my only reasons for coming to this place,”
And something tells you it isn’t much of a joke either.
“But not the reason for coming here, isn’t that right, dear?” his wife assumedly smiles at you, icily, “Molly Chapman. It’s a pleasure to meet you, and you are?”
You introduce yourself, forcing a straight face on as you manage to say your alias, offering your hand, “This is my husband, Thomas,” as Hotch introduces himself to Molly’s husband, Harry, who claps your boss on the shoulder.
“So,” Harry leans in, almost clandestinely, “what are you two in for?”
“Harry!” Molly chastises him, but her eyes hook onto your expressions, her lips pursed in disapproval if only to hide her smile.
“Well, if it helps, me and the missus here need some help communicating,” he crosses his arms, shaking his head, “never learned much about that growing up,” and he elbows Hotch, “but I’m sure you can relate — we’re practically in the same generation,” And you nearly snort, trying and failing to hide your smile — which Hotch notes, as you see him shoot a small glare your way.
Harry and Molly don’t notice, too busy reprimanding her husband again, before she sighs, pinching at the bridge of her nose, “It’s just as well, we are all going to find out about each other’s problems anyway,”
And you furrow your brow, “I saw group therapy on the itinerary — is it mandatory?”
“It is,” Molly nods, “Dr. Rosen, the therapist who helped design the program, insisted on it — otherwise it would just be a vacation, not a couples retreat,” and she raises an eyebrow, “didn’t you read that in the paperwork when you signed up?”
“I did most of the paperwork,” Hotch intercedes, his fingers intertwining with yours, “my love here was busy wrapping up some loose ends for work so I ended up taking the lead on it,”
“Oh well now I know what’s wrong with you two,” Harry chuckles, as Molly elbows him again, half-heartedly, as he gestures to you, coffee in hand, “you wear the pants in the relationship, got that one wrapped around your finger, now don’t you? Not surprising, with the age gap and all--” as he looks you up and down, winking at Hotch, as you gape at him, “nicely done, sir.”
Your blood begins to boil, several insults picked out and fine-tuned on your tongue as you open your mouth, “Well—”
“We’re working on it,” Hotch clears his throat, jerking his head toward the now ready breakfast buffet, “Harry, it looks like—”
“Food’s on!” and he’s scurrying away to the table, as his wife follows suit, giving both of you a nod, as you glare at his retreating back.
“Food fucking saved his life,” and your eyes slide back to Hotch, as he gestures for you to head over to the breakfast table, “and so did you,”
“Well, I figured you murdering someone on our first day here would attract some unwelcome attention,” he steers you away from the direction of the Chapmans, his hand now slipping around your waist, and you do your best to ignore the flip of your heart, focusing on the fancy finger foods the retreat put out for breakfast, until you feel Hotch’s fingers drum on the small of your back, “do you see that?”
You glance at him, following his gaze until your eyes fall on a door that says ‘Employees’ Only’ around the corner, the manager slipping through the door, locking it behind him. You glance away nonchalantly, helping yourself to some mini-breakfast sandwiches and some fruit, “Do you think they keep the employee files?”
“Maybe,” he breathes in your ear, as he reaches over your shoulder to grab some food, making you shiver at the closeness, “but how do we—”
“Welcome!” a voice booms from the foyer, sweeping arms as he steps forward cutting through the dining room, “Please everyone take a seat. Help yourself to some breakfast.”
You both make your way to a table, and Hotch pulls out your chair for you, giving a small smile, as he takes his seat beside you.
“I hope you all are beginning to get to know each other, but that is not all you will be getting to know today,” he clasps his hands, he bared his teeth with his fake white smile, “I am Richard Rosen, and I will be guiding you through your time during this six-week retreat, where you are not only going to learn about our facilities, about mindfulness, and about yourselves,” his eyes scan the crowd smiling, “you’re going to learn about each other.'
Oh, how wonderful.
You had read up about this guy last night — went to Harvard — Harvard College in Indiana, and got his certification in Psychology after four weeks of surely intense training. After that, he opened his own practice in New York City, which folded after several complaints ranging from sexual harassment to fraud. Unfortunately for his clients (and fortunately for him), there wasn’t enough evidence to get his lack-luster certification yanked. He then moved from city to city, learning from his mistakes, and never stuck to the same city for long enough for someone to catch onto his treatment packaged charade. Until eventually, he settled upon White Mountains Retreat, where he was allowed to stay in one place, but with a revolving door of patients.
He was one of your suspects — no record, but had easy access to the couples, and intimate knowledge of their relationships.
"But our time will begin together tomorrow,” he beams at all of you, “Right now, I'm going to pass it over to the man who you will be coordinating your incredibly list of daily activities during your stay here — the man responsible for all the wonderful memories you will make — Mr. Brock Hillen," Rosen steps aside, welcoming Hillen to take over, and he doesn’t wait a beat, checking his watch before disappearing down a hall.
“Where’d he go?” you murmur, and Hotch shakes his head.
“I don’t know,” Hotch murmurs, lips barely moving, “but do you see that?”
And you spot cuts on Brock’s arms before he tugs the sleeve of his shirt down to cover it, “Could be consistent with causing those injuries our victims,”
And Brock Hillen was no less suspicious than Rosen — with a criminal record to match. With two charges of domestic assault, Hillen already had a history of violence with his ex-wife, but since she divorced him, he has had no other charges. Yet, because of his record, he went job to job, until he found himself as the Activities Coordinator of White Mountain. Could it be that his rage over his wife leaving him led to the murders? Maybe something in the last few weeks that triggered it.
“Hello all!” he greets, holding his arms out, his fake blonde hair nearly blinding under the bright light of the chandelier that hangs above him, “thank you Richard, for that all too kind introduction,” he begins his spheal on the healing nature of the resort, the efforts of his team in coordinating the next six weeks for them, and you begin to lose interest around his third sentence with the word “enchant” in it.
And your eyes can’t help but slide to Hotch a moment, whose arm rests on your lower back still, the metal of his watch gently pressed against your shirt, and you swear his thumb brushes against your spine. You almost want to brush it away, his touch is so gentle, so sweet, so intentional, but it wasn’t — it wasn’t.
“For our first event,” and now you’re blinking back to Brock — to the reason you were here — to catch a killer, “I’m going to have you do one of the very things that Richard mentioned — an activity that will allow you to you learn more about yourselves and each other,” and he gestures around you, “as well as the grounds themselves,” Other employees start handing the couples a clipboard, “your task will be to get each of your stamps from around the retreat — this obviously includes our grounds and other facilities, including our spa, chapel, gardens, and so on.”
“Seems like a perfect opportunity to look around,” you murmur — as Hotch takes the clipboard, flipping through the scavenger hunt -- at least there wasn’t some cheesy shtick to this activity.
“To symbolize the journey you all will be embarking on together as couples, you must complete the task hand-in-hand,” Brock brings his two hands together, “please, there will be staff all over the facilities, if you need a hint, feel free to ask, and I will be here as well to provide any assistance,” he gestures to employees behind the couples, “now, at the sound of the gong—”
At the sound of the what—
And then a loud crash fills the air, rattling your eardrums, making you jump, “Take each other’s hand, and begin!”
Couples begin scattering about, pulling each other along — you spot Molly dragging Harry away from the breakfast table.
And Hotch rises beside you, offering you his hand, clipboard in his other hand, “Ready?”
You glance from him to his hand.
Probably not, but— your fingers intertwine with his, his calloused fingers warm, and the cool metal of his band brushing against your skin—
What other choice did you have?
“How many more do we have?” So far, the first few stamps have taken you all around the other facilities — the spa, the garden, the sauna — but none inside the retreat center itself. Not a single one had given you a change to find where the files were kept in this place.
“Two more left,” he murmurs, “I assume the last one will take us back into the main building, so the other must be—”
“At the chapel,” you glance at the map of the place you were handed by an employee who took pity on you two after you had wandered around the grounds — completely lost, “at least we don’t have to bother figuring out the riddles now,”
“You mean you don’t need to bother,” you shake your head, “i’m sorry, I’m just—”
“Are you okay?” he asks, as the two of you stroll towards the chapel, everyone else out of earshot, “the first day can be—”
“No, it’s not that,” you look around the grounds, and you resist the urge to flex your fingers, but he notices you tense — and you know he would drop your hand but he can’t, so he steps away a little, “It’s not you—”
“But it’s you?” he chuckles, as you bite your lip, “I know it’s a lot,” he sighs, as you two reach the chapel, a relatively small building built on top of a hill. It’s a white marble building, its one spire splitting the sky above it asunder, practically gleaming in the sunlight. The double mahogany doors are drawn open for the couples, another just leaving as you two arrive. You watch him stare up at the chapel, “it is for me too.”
You frown, as the employees at the entrance greet you, and direct you to sit near the front together for a few minutes — to take solace in the quiet before you receive your stamp. Hotch hands them the clipboard as you both wander down the aisle together.
The aisles are lined with white pews, light streaming through beautiful stained glass windows. Your footsteps echoed against the stone floor. You step and sit into the pew beside Hotch, sitting back a moment. The chapel itself had no denomination — it was clear it was made for the sake of religious and non-religious functions — likely an intentional choice not to exclude any religion or atheists for that matter.
After all, money was money in their eyes.
You two are quiet a moment, your hands still interlaced for the sake of the employees still watching the two of you, “I think for me,” your voice low, “it’s just weird to be this close with anyone,”
“You mean physically or?” you shrug.
“It’s part of it — it has been a while since I’ve shared a bed with someone,” you purse your lips, “but like you said, it’s hard for me to let someone see me, like all of me,” and you glance at him, “and it’s hard when you’re literally the leader of a team of, you know.”
“I know,” he leans against the back of the pew, “it’s impossible to hide things from the team even when when we don’t spend every minute with them, and now that we’re spending the all of the next six weeks together--”
“There won’t be much we can do to hide,” you nod, looking down at the floor.
And that was what scared you the most.
The employees hand you back the clipboard at that moment, excusing you both back, and the two of you step out of the chapel, “I just want you to know,” you say, as the two of you reach the bottom of the hill, “you don’t have to hide anything from me,” and he raises an eyebrow, as you add, “if you don’t want to.”
“Do most people hide anything because they really want to?”
“No I meant,” you chew your lip, “This is probably hard for you, and I don’t want to act like I know what you’re going through — I don’t,” you would never deign to think you knew what it was like to lose your the love of your life, your best friend, and mother of your child in one fell swoop, “but you don’t have to pretend,” not with me, you want to add, but you don’t — you can’t.
He blinks a moment, eyebrows raising only for a millisecond, before he sighs, “It’s easier to pretend,” he presses his lips together, as another couple approaches, “and that’s what we’re here to do,” and he begins to walk forward, gently pulling you along, as your cheeks burn, your head fixed on the ground, until he adds, “but I appreciate it,” and you meet his gaze, several emotions in his eyes, before he tears it away, “thank you.”
You don’t get to respond, as the two of you step inside to find only most of the couples still hadn’t returned yet — still collecting the last of the stamps, and most of the staff floating around the grounds to corral and nudge stragglers along. And their absence left an opportunity.
So you glance around, before tugging a distracted Hotch along, wandering around a corner, “What—”
And you grab him by the shoulder, pinning him to the wall, cheeks burning all the while, not daring to meet his gaze, but its just the same because you hear the small gasp of your name that leaves his lips in a whisper, and his body tenses against your palm.
You lean up closer, before slowly craning your neck around the corner, “We’re a couple at a retreat looking to sneak away,” you murmur, lips barely moving, as you lean closer, nose brushing his neck — god he smells good — but you refuse to let your lips brush against his skin, “or that’s what it will look like to anyone.”
His tenseness melts away, and he’s pliable to your touch, as your fingers graze his neck now, your thumb resting against his cheek, as he stares down at you — so adoringly as you tug him by the shirt away from the wall, following you with such ease.
You’re next to the employees only door — your fingers reach for the knob, turning — “It’s locked,” you murmur, and his brow furrows, as you cup his cheek, guiding his gaze to the lock.
And he’s spinning you around gently so that you’re pressed to the wall, your breath catching in your throat, as he looms over you, his fingers cupping your chin. His arm around your back, pulling your lower half close to him, but he’s holding the door knob in place while he tries to pick it with his other hand.
Your cheeks burn as he looks down on you, his gaze freezing you in place, far too close — his breath warming your lips, taking the breath from your lungs and replacing your blood with lava. And you can see so clearly — the cut of his jaw, the soft lines of his face, and the curve of his lips—
And then the lock clicks open.
He’s turning the knob, as you spare one glance over your shoulder to see if anyone sees either of you, but then the door is shutting behind you. You feel the wall for a light switch, and you flick it on, while you hear the click of the door locking again.
And you blink, a glorified break room — a few tables and a basic refrigerator stuck in the corner, a worn couch stuck against a wall, and a sink stuck in the corner with a subpar dish rack — far from the accolades that were in each guest’s room — but then again, the employees weren’t paying through the nose for the rooms.
You two stay close, as your eyes scan for anything that could be a camera — even one that isn’t obvious — placed in a smoke detector or lamp shade, “No cameras,” he pulls away, and you try to swallow the lump in your throat, tucking away the embarrassment to dwell on another time (likely right before when you’re trying to sleep).
But then again, the guests weren’t the ones working 18 hour shifts on their feet.
Hotch calls for you, pointing towards a few file drawers stuck in the corner, and the two of you head over, running your finger down the label on the drawers, “These are all client records — administrative, financial — nothing on the employees.”
“They must keep the employee records somewhere else that employees don’t have access to,” and you’re rifling through the folders, for something — anything.
“I haven’t seen any other employee areas,” you shut the drawers, and then you glance around, your eyes falling on another door in the corner of the room — “unless—”
“It must be Rosen and Hillen’s offices,” you walk over, reading the placard — Administration Offices, “locked?”
“This isn’t something that can be picked easily,” Hotch shakes his head, “it has a bump guard — it prevents—”
“--lock bumping,” and Hotch looks over his shoulder, raising an eyebrow, “I’ll tell you my reason if you you tell me yours,
He snorts, “I learned it sometime between 6th grade and military school,” and it’s your turn to raise your eyebrows, “my father — he—”
“You don’t have to—” you shake your head, “unless you want to—”
“I’ll just say, it wasn’t a good childhood,” he raises to his feet.
And you can’t help but give a small smile, “But look at how well you turned out,” and he’s shaking his head, shrugging his shoulders, “Hotch,” you make him meet your gaze, “you’re a good man — don’t doubt that.”
His eyes meet yours again, warm, as he looks away to the floor for a moment, the corners of his lips twitching, “Thank you,” he breathes, and he’s stepping forward, “I—”
And then the doorknob is jiggling. Your heads snap to the door, before looking back to each other.
Before you know it, his wrist is around yours, and he’s tugging you to the couch, as you fall backwards onto the soft cushions. He’s halfway kneeling between your legs, his body draped over you, and he’s leaning closer, murmuring an apology as he lips draw close to yours, “Hotch—”
And then the door is opening, as his lips nearly brush yours, “Hey!”
An employee stares at the both of you, as you both stumble to your feet, adjusting your clothes, “This is employees only — what are you—”
“Sorry!” you yelp, jumping to your feet, “so sorry,” and you brush past them, Hotch following at your heels.
And the two of you find your way back to the lobby, your heart still in your throat, as you tug on your clothes, “Thanks for the —” your cheeks burn, “I mean, good thinking—” you shake your head, "you know what I mean."
He snorts, his fingers finding yours again, giving them a slight squeeze, "Anytime," and your heart oh-so-helpfully skips a beat, tongue-tied, but luckily you don't have to response as Hotch glances at you, "you never did tell me how you learned about lock picking."
You shrug, “I have a checkered past,”
“That’s not much of an answer,” and you shoot him a half-smile.
“I have to keep you interested somehow don’t I?” you reply right as Brock begins to speak again.
The event wraps up with another talk from Brock — who has an employee approach him towards the end of his talk, whispering in his ear, and he nods, waving him off, “and one last thing — I know you all came to rejuvenate your marriages and partnerships through this retreat and we fully encourage you to do so but—” you swallow thickly, realizing just which employee must have whispered in his ear right then, “please refrain from doing so in restricted areas that are not for our guests.”
You cannot even bear to look at Hotch, keeping your gaze straight ahead, grabbing a drink on the tray, and sipping at it — and you wondered if you were masking your mortification well.
Probably fucking not.
Brock then adjourns them for the rest of the day — not wanting to “overwhelm them” on day one (or rather padding their time here with nothingness) — welcoming them to have their meal in the dining facilities or up in the rooms.
Most people head off to their rooms, while others linger in the lobby — chatting amongst themselves — he spots Harry rushing off to the dining facilities, his wife in tow.
The rest of the day goes off without much to-do. Hotch glances around — not a single thing of note learned about the guests or the staff. The other couples are all sociable to some extent — some more reserved than others, but none of them fit the unsub’s types so far — placing you two directly in the paths of the unsub.
By the time it’s time for bed, his body is aching for nothing but sleep — and it looked like you had the same idea. Already slipped under the covers, you’re curled up, half-asleep as your eyes flutter heavy with sleep.
Neither of you felt the need to stand guard in the room — the doors were securely locked for each of the couples, and the team was monitoring the situation at the local precinct. But you both kept your weapons close by — concealed in case someone happened to find their way in.
“Are you asleep?” Hotch whispers, and you mumble, shaking your head, turning to glance at him — your shoulders tense and brow furrowed.
“Is something going on?”
And he shakes his head, “No, sorry,” and you relax back in bed, but your lips still pursed, “I just hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable earlier,” and you tilt your head — and he almost smiles at your sleep-induced confusion.
“Earlier?” and then it floods back to you — as you blink, glancing away from him, “oh—”
He shakes his head, “I just don’t want you to think I was—”
“Hotch, I know you weren’t,” you slowly sit up, “if you hadn’t done that, I think we would have been on our way home on our first day,” you chuckle, “and I know you wouldn’t take advantage — especially when we have a job to do.”
Right, a job, he chides himself, It was a job.
“If you want to sleep—”
“I’m not having this conversation again,” you yawn, turning around and getting comfortable again, “good night, Hotch.”
And he looks at you, a small sigh parting his lips — until he finally settles in bed beside you.
His arm resting across his forehead, he glances at you again. He had spent so much of today holding your hand, his fingers nearly flexing at the memory. It had been so long since he had held someone’s hand, so long since he had worn a ring on his finger, so long since he called someone his partner.
It felt so nice.
Nice — not only because he hadn’t realized how much he had missed having someone, someone beside him, someone there — but because —
Because it was you.
And he knew that because — he didn’t want to let go of your hand.
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genesisrose74 · 3 years
Requested by @blanknamed (aka my bestie fr): hihi i saw the matchup and remembered my irl friend sent me these pictures when describing my aesthetic at one point and was wondering if i can have a matchup with someone from dsmp and dr. stone 🥺congrats on 1k too! so proud of you ❤️ you deserve this milestone!
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Arielle get over here and let me give you a virtual kiss on the forehead because you’re just the sweetest person to ever grace this earth 😚forgive me for the long wait but i had to put so much into this one because it’s for you!! thank you for always being such a ray of sunshine and for becoming one of my first ever mutuals so long ago — and as a show of my gratitude, i’ll get right into your first pairing, which is going to be with…
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I had a literal conflict over this because I think you could be compatible with more than half of the characters in dr. stone (looking at gen specifically), but UGH you and Senku would be so damn iconic together. As much as he’s not intent on becoming romantically involved with anyone, it just so happened that you both had a chance meeting together at the school library — in the modern times pre-petrification, of course. You were looking for a book on the development of radiation powered technology for a history class, and by coincidence Senku was reading the blurb of that very text when you stopped by. When you asked if he’d read it, your classmate simply shook his head and said he just knew a lot about the subject, and soon enough a conversation blossomed from that point.
Y’all talked for two hours. While standing in the same spot. TWO HOURS. And it didn’t even stop there because he realized the time and asked if you wanted to talk more over a bowl of this really good ramen he knew about close by. Senku barely even realized the implications of his offer until much later, since…
He was way too involved in your conversation to notice
He’s never had any interest like that in someone before, let alone has he ever tried asking a person out in general
Everything about you was so interesting to him that he cannot process anything else going on around him and he doesn’t know why
You just feel so different in comparison to his dynamic with anyone else that it throws him off. He’s curious as to why he straightens up when you walk in a room, why everytime you smile at his stupid dry jokes it makes him more confident, why your intrigued questions about his work give him an extra burst of adrenaline. After he comes home late, having fallen asleep in the library while you studied for a test beside him, Byakuya eventually spells it out for Senku in massive bold letters.
No, seriously, he writes it on a whiteboard with a chunky black marker.
“That’s ridiculously far-fetched,” he asserts quickly, trying to push his old man out of the room. “Since when have I ever been interested in anyone in that way?”
“Senku, you waited for her to finish her work. Without complaint.”
And he’s like: oh shit—
But knowing Senku, he still makes some futile attempts to disprove the concept that he could ever be attracted to someone in a romantic sense. Ya know, all that, “science is my only devotion” shit. It lasted for about two weeks, which was the exact amount of time that he tried avoiding you in hopes of seeing if he could in fact continue his routine without your presence next to him.
The bitch still cannot swallow his pride though, so you have to be the one to make the first move — which is about as simple as perfecting Flight of the Bumblebee on a violin. Every time you try bringing it up, it’s like Senku gets a sixth sense about it and is pulled away from you as soon as possible. At some point you just had to corner him in the school lab, hands smacking against the surface of his work table and mouth blurting it out.
“I think we should go on a date.”
He’s kinda impressed at the sheer willpower you displayed in finally getting the question into the air. And as much as he would hate to admit it, some happy nerves shot through his body when it happened. On the outside, though, he simply failed to fight a grin.
“Wanna get food with me tonight?”
And you did :D and it only went good from there. Dates at cafes with comfy chairs and pretty lighting, test runs of new experiments in the middle of the night that Senku calls you to see together, just enjoying the presence of one another in a secluded corner of the libraries you frequent. Even after the disaster that was petrification you’re both side by side, being sarcastic little shits to each other as soon as Senku frees you from the stone; doing new tests to save the world, going on picnics by the river, and constantly being of service to one another.
And then from the c!dsmp, I thought it was only fitting to match you up with…
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^^ artwork by SAD-ist on YouTube
Listen, listen: I was considering a more standard/expected approach to this matchup, like maybe c!Wilbur or c!Niki because they’ve both got some major academia vibes. Especially Niki, because damn she’d probably take you to her flower shop and make handmade bouquets for you each day. However, I just think that it would be so perfectly fitting to have you and c!Sapnap together aesthetically. He’s very emotionally driven, always doing something stupid, and he probably hasn’t read a book since L’manburg claimed to be a sovereign nation. Regardless of that fact, he could sit and watch you read a book for hours, even if you didn’t ask him to. Standard case of grounded scholar + impulsive idiot = natural soulmates.
Within the region of the SMP, I imagine you like confining yourself to the libraries filled with ancient texts on the vast history of your home — although taking a visit to Eret’s self-made museum is always a pleasure as well. Niki gets along with you easily enough that you hang out together all the time, and it’s on one such occasion in the early days of L’manburg that Sapnap encounters you for the first time.
Dream had sent him out for scouting duty (which to Sapnap translates into, ‘be annoying to everyone within the walls’), and he’d taken to the edge of the country’s small borders, lounging up high above the trees so that he could see everything below with ease. To his surprise he found you, scribbling away within a ragged old notebook underneath a tree canopy, and wearing the prettiest smile he’d ever seen exist on a person before. You were waiting for your friend to arrive, it seemed, taking the ideas in your head and putting them to paper whilst you sat patiently. He was enraptured with you right away, and as a result he took to teasingly pestering you every chance he could.
Sapnap showed up at least once a week — and when he could, more than that — to slowly learn more about you. He tried staying under the radar of Wilbur when he did, just to make sure none of his endeavors were interfered with or got back to Dream in any capacity. Initially, his presence appeared a pain in your side, but your apprehension ultimately fell at the hands of his ridiculous humor and genuine inquiries as to your likes and dislikes. You knew who he was from the get-go, but it was hard not to find delight in his visits when he made such vigorous attempts to know you.
Although you’re sure he’d already learned it somehow, you told him your name one fateful afternoon, and he’s thought about that moment every day since, marking it as the first day he truly made progress in winning you over.
“You should come up here one day so we can talk normally,” he called out on a particularly overcast fall morning. “Maybe then I can see your face up close.”
You laughed, gazing up at him from the hillside on which you reclined. “You’re ridiculous. That’s not how this relationship works.”
“Mm, relationship? Sounds like you wanna gimme a kiss more than saying anything, hu—ow!”
A pine cone had clipped him in the shoulder harmlessly, chucked with expert aim by your own hand. Despite his surprise, Sapnap couldn’t help smiling.
“If you’re working that hard to twist the narrative and get me up there, how about you just come down instead?”
Without missing a beat the next day, he scaled to the top of the nation’s wall, made his way inside (with very little consideration for his safety), and took your face in his hands.
“You want me to?”
You already knew the implications. “Yeah.”
And he kissed you, then and there. Nice job, Ari!
Navigating a full blown relationship in the conditions y’all were in was not ideal. Sapnap tried everything he could to make sure you were safe, despite his distaste for your mother country and its leaders. After that cleared, though, it was a whole lot easier to be together and figure things out. Sapnap didn’t mind you staying within the walls as much as he initially thought because it reminded him of the first time you met, and so long as he could spend time with you he loved every second. Literally ask this man to do anything with you and he’s in, no matter what it is.
The sheer spontaneous energy Sapnap has inevitably feeds into your own, so while you’re much more contained than the pyromaniac, you have some very notable moments of crazy that are simply unforgettable. It’s honestly super funny to see that infectious life invade your senses, because otherwise you’re a super logical person and love entertaining yourself with the more simplistic things.
You work a lot with Wilbur on record keeping and cartography, but something that you and Sapnap apparently have in common is archery. That pine cone throw was no fluke, and he found that out when you came to visit, a shimmering bow fastened to a stock-full quiver on your back. It’s become a pastime to both ride out into the forest with your horses and practice archery (oftentimes mounted) as a way to let out frustration. If the weather conditions are too abysmal to go and do something outdoors, though, Sapnap likes to fall asleep watching you do methodical work, most commonly with his head in your lap as a fireplace crackles nearby. He’s a huge sucker for that cozy atmosphere, even though he tries to be all tough and badass at other times.
This became a huge ramble because I just think this pairing for you works so well, but I’m praying you get the picture. Sapnap is a flirty, slightly whiny, very protective, and free spirited person whenever you’re around, and he’d do whatever he could to see that pretty smile like the first day you told him your name. He thinks the world of you, and in his eyes your intelligence goes unparalleled.
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iliveiloveiwrite · 3 years
Late Fees // D.M.
Summary: Draco moves to a sleepy village after the war, wanting some time away. To keep himself busy and his mind occupied – away from the terrors lying in wait – he volunteers at the local library. There, he meets all sorts of characters. Mrs Taylor who has a love for trashy romance novels, Mr. Roth who is more than happy to be left alone with his books, and you.
A/N: A Librarian AU that absolutely no-one asked for.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Muggle!Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of food and drink, mentions of nightmares, flirting, pining, cuteness
Word count: 7k (this got away with me)
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The sleepy Yorkshire village never changed. Perhaps that is what Draco liked so much about it. Routines established and set in stone; everyone knew everyone and what they did every day.
The decision to move to Yorkshire from Wiltshire had been made overnight. Draco had sat through another painstakingly awkward meal with his barely-keeping-it-together parents and decided that he had had enough. Draco had returned to his room; hands shaking as his mind raced through the pros and cons of his decision. He needed to leave; he had to – he was injuring himself further the longer he stayed, yet he had nowhere to go. The Malfoy name was not one to be greeted with open arms and warm smiles.
He had chosen Yorkshire for the fact that other than Neville Longbottom; he didn’t know of anyone from there. With Neville training under Professor Sprout at Hogwarts, Draco had high hopes that he would run into the Gryffindor there. He was not yet ready to confront the sea of apologies he owed Neville.
So Yorkshire it was and Yorkshire it is.
He had moved in the spring; the fields surrounding his sleepy village finally turning green after the winter’s frost, fresh blooms on the trees lending the air a floral scent. The house in which he chose was relatively smaller to that of which he was used, but that was what he wanted. He wanted a complete change from what he had grown up; from what he was accustomed to. Draco needed to shake up his life entirely and his three bedroomed cottage in the Yorkshire Dales would do just nicely.
It takes six months for Draco to become bored of the same routine. He wakes on the couch after another restless night, he makes his first coffee of the day as he cooks his breakfast and then he leaves the house. He tries to spends as much time as he can outside; believing the fresh air to be doing him the world of good as he follows the well-worn paths through fields and forests, the temptation to get truly lost almost too much as he ambles aimlessly.
It takes six months for Draco to give into the desire to find something to do. He needs a job, he tells himself. Not for the money – no, Narcissa Malfoy had ensured he would be set for life when he moved out. He needs to a job to keep his mind occupied; to keep his body busy and his mind on other topics so he doesn’t continue to focus on everything that happened before. The Second Wizarding War had destroyed so many lives, and he bitterly regrets the part he played in destroying those lives. The survivor’s guilt mixed with the guilt by association is a nauseating concoction that leaves him unable to sleep, paralysed with the fear of what his mind could conjure once his eyes slip closed.
The sighting of the job advert in the window has Draco feeling as if all his Christmases have come at once. It was on his daily walk through the centre of the village that he sees the sign hanging in the window of the small library. A place he hadn’t yet ventured for fear of the silence, but a place he would happily enter if it kept him somewhat busy.
He had rushed inside; striding quickly up the small ramp and grabbed the ‘Volunteers Needed’ sign from the window, barely stopping himself from slamming it down onto the counter.
It was almost laughable; his desperation for the job, but he didn’t know how long he could continue the same mind-numbing routine. He didn’t know how much longer he could explore the forests of Yorkshire and not want to scream; he had seen vista after vista, his breath stolen at some of the views, but he wanted something else. He needed something else.
The grey-haired lady behind the counter jumped as Draco cleared his throat. “Morning dear,” She greeted, “How can I help you?”
Draco pushed the sign across the counter, “I’d like to volunteer with the library, please.”
That had been that. Madge, the elderly librarian, was wanting to retire. She had been a volunteer with the library service for nigh on forty years; her love for books something else entirely as she dedicated her life to lending them to others. After a brief conversation over the role in which Draco would take, she had given him his start date and that was that.
Draco had left the small library feeling lighter than air. The usual pressure upon his shoulders and behind his eyes barely there as he sprinted home; wanting to write a letter to his beloved mother to tell her of his news.
The library was situated in the centre of the village. On its left sat the only pub, a large building that exuded nothing but happiness as it opened at noon on the dot. On the library’s right was one of the few general stores – it held everything. In his first few weeks in the village, Draco found himself spending his money there rather than travelling to other towns and cities. It had everything he could possibly need.
From his position at the desk, Draco had the perfect view of the village green along with the sole church in the village that catered to nearly every single resident. Day in and day out, Draco sat happily at his desk, sorting through returns and library catalogues as he ambled through the aisles when he needed to stretch his legs.
It wasn’t a large library. He felt certain that the library at Malfoy Manor was twice the size of the one he finds himself standing in now, but nevertheless, he appreciated this one just as much. Books had been his solace for much of his life. The library at the manor becoming his safe space at the age ten to the age of twenty. He had never worried when he was there; he could find an escape in the pages of an ancient tome explaining the histories of spells and charms, or he could find solace in one of the risker muggle books his mother kept hidden away from his father.
He doesn’t need to spend too much time inside to know he loves it. It was an oddly shaped building; octagonal with a shoot off where Draco’s new desk sits. The shelves line the walls; each one titled clearly with its genre and then books sorted alphabetically by author. The building itself was just over a century old; having seen two world wars and survived to tell the tale like many of the residents of the small village.
As Draco wanders the library, running his fingers over the spines of much cherished books, he knew he was going to be very happy within these walls.
Draco meets Mrs. Taylor on a Wednesday morning a month after he started working at the library. It had not been a very busy morning; Draco spending most of it going through the ancient catalogue system and wondering whether it would be worth it to apply for a grant with the local council to get a computer. He’s thinking of his very first day in the old library, staring at the shelves and shelves of loan records when a loud cough breaks him from his daydream.
“You must be Madge’s replacement?” A feminine voice chimes: there’s no hint of the Yorkshire accent that Draco has come accustomed too in his time up north. Her accent is southern, but whereabouts, he couldn’t place.
He smiles politely at the grey-haired lady. “That I am,” He confirms, “I’m Draco. How can I help you?”
The elderly lady doesn’t reply. Instead, she rakes her eyes from Draco’s face down his body, leaving him feeling like a piece of meat rather than a living and breathing human. She must like what she sees, Draco thinks, as she smiles broadly, stepping closer to the counter. She holds a hand out to Draco, expectant in his taking of it. Draco shakes her hand once before letting it drop as she introduces herself, “I’m Mrs. Taylor, dear. I’ve been visiting this library for nearly forty years now.”
Draco blows out a puff of air; impressed with Mrs. Taylor’s dedication to the library. “So you’ll have known Madge well then?”
“Oh yes, but I can’t help but wonder whether I’ll get to know you just as well too.”
Draco reels back at the obvious meaning to her words. He raises a single eyebrow at her tone, replying carefully, “I plan on being in the village for some time. I’m sure you will see me around.”
Mrs. Taylor nudges her rounded glasses further down her nose; resting them on the tip, “I hope I do.”
Not knowing what else to do, Draco laughs, “How can I help you today, Mrs. Taylor?”
Disappointment evident in her tone, Mrs. Taylor drops a tote bag onto the counter. The bag is full to the brim with books; all returns for Draco to sort through this afternoon. He has to resist the urge to give Mrs. Taylor hope in the form of a loud kiss on the cheek; she had just sorted out his plans for the afternoon to keep his mind deliciously numb from the panic that had started to creep in once more.
“These are all to be returned, lovie,” Mrs. Taylor states, pushing the bag closer to Draco in the effort to get their hands to brush like in the romances she adores so much.
“Thank you, Mrs. Taylor. Will you be taking anymore out while you’re here?”
She laughs; her hand on her chest as if Draco had asked the most ridiculous question known to man. “Of course, I always take out new books. I shall see you in a bit, lovie.”
Mrs. Taylor toddles off, her red polka dot skirt swishing with every step. Draco shakes his head, amused by the older lady before getting to work on her bag full of returns.
It takes three books to realise the genre Mrs. Taylor enjoys reading. He catalogues romance novel after romance novel; each with a title that leaves very little to the imagination. Seducing The Viking and Romancing The Cowboy make their way to the returned stacks as Draco continues to work on the bag of books.
The more books she returns, the more he gets an insight into Mrs. Taylor’s mind. Draco has nothing against romance novels; he’s read a fair few in his time, but he had never read books with titles such as Taming The Pirate and Teasing The God.
Hurriedly, he makes a mental note to visit the romance section of the library to get a peek at any further books with such titles. He could see exactly what the appeal was; half naked men with ripped abs on the cover promising romantic liaisons in the rudest of manners. He understood why they were so popular despite having not ventured into the genre himself, preferring classic romances like that of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy.
Mrs. Taylor returns to the desk; her arms full of new books to read. At the sight of her struggling, Draco rushes out from behind the counter, “Let me get those for you, Mrs. Taylor.”
“Oh… thank you, lovie,” She responds, smiling, breathless from the walk around the library but also from the weight of the books.
Draco leads Mrs. Taylor back to the desk where he spies the title of the first book in her large pile. Bewitched By The Billionaire stares up at him as he writes out the title and stamps the return date in the designated section of the book.
To help, he places all the newly borrowed books back into her tote bag, smiling politely at the grey-haired lady as he does so. “There you are, Mrs. Taylor, I hope to see you again soon,” Draco comments, handing her the full bag of salacious books.
“It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Draco,” Mrs. Taylor croons; hoisting the tote bag full of new books onto her shoulder. She waves at him so flirtatiously that Draco cannot help but respond with a wave of his own as she leaves the library.
He feels amused long after the pensioner leaves; her overly flirtatious manner and her taste in books providing Draco his afternoon entertainment as he returns books to shelves and goes through catalogue records, trying to make some sense of the librarians that came before him.
All too soon, however, the light of the day fades behind the clouds as the sun sets. Draco releases a shuddering breath, going through his routine for closing up the library – making sure all records are locked away along with any money. He locks the door behind him, pulling down the shutter and shoving his hands into his jean pockets, setting off up the road in the direction of his home.
He dreaded this part of the day. In the daylight, he could keep himself occupied with the shelves and shelves of books, organising and recording. He could keep his mind busy, away from the terrors that lurked on the sidelines – waiting for the moment in which they could invade.
That moment is always comes. Draco tries to avoid it as much as he can; does anything he can to stave off the inevitable, but it always arrives, and it always catches him off guard.
Tonight, it’s as he’s sleeping. He’s pulled from a nightmare; scream lodged in his throat so tightly that his throat aches from the power of it. Tears trail down his cheeks as he tries to catch his breath; tries to slow his heart rate to an acceptable rhythm.
Draco looks around his bedroom; counting whatever he sees. Two bookshelves, one dresser, one wardrobe. He counts them all over and over again until his mind has cleared of the paralysing terror he had just experienced.
Nightmares came often. They started after the end of the war, and for now, it seemed like they were here to stay. It was never the same one, however. Draco had experienced so much trauma through the events of the war that his mind constantly replays them like a film; choosing a select memory and letting it play as he sleeps.
He settles his face in his hands, counting to ten as he inhales and exhales. He has to calm down; he cannot focus unless he calms down.
What feels like a lifetime later, he pulls his face from his hands, letting the inevitable wave of tiredness wash over his body. His body is tired; it’s dead tired and screams for rest, but his mind. His mind is awake and it’s restless. Draco sighs heavily, glancing at the clock on his bedside table, noting the early hour and knowing he would not be able to sleep anymore.
He flips on the light to the bathroom, turning on the shower before getting a look at himself in the mirror. skin pale save for the shadows under his eyes; whilst his sleep pattern had improved since moving away, there were still nights where Draco struggled to get more than three hours sleep. He tugs off his t-shirt, his eyes running over the pale pink scars that could not be wholly healed by Snape and Madame Pomfrey. The curse he had been hit with was brutal; only to be used on the worst of people and he understood why now. He had healed wonderfully; only a few scars remaining, but it would take longer to recover mentally from what had happened. His most common nightmare revolves around the pain he felt after the duel in the bathroom.
A shive runs through his body as he steps into the warm spray of the shower. Lavender is his body wash of choice as he squirts a large glob onto a sponge. He refuses to think as he washes himself; refuses outright to think about a thing other than what he needs to do next. Now you need to wash your hair Draco, grab the shampoo and wash your hair. Then you need to rinse off, Draco.
He talks to himself, getting himself through the aftermath of the nightmares just like he has always done. He brushes his teeth before leaving the bathroom; hoping that the spearmint of the toothpaste will overcome the acrid aftertaste of the scream that was lodged in his throat for Merlin only knows how long.
Draco dresses robotically; going through his list in his head to make it easier to cope with the fog that feels like it will be staying with him all day. He gets downstairs, only managing a cup of tea before deciding to head out.
The brisk walk to the library has Draco’s mind starting to clear. The early morning air tied with the frost has Draco startling awake even further, rejuvenating the blood in his veins and making his steps faster.
He barely looks around on his walk to the library; too used to his surroundings to be in awe of the rich landscape around him.
It’s why he freezes when he spots you.
You stand outside the library; breath nothing but white puffs in the air as you huff into your hands, trying to warm them up. You feel someone watching you; startling slightly when you catch Draco’s eyes on you.
You smile at him, “Please tell me you’re opening the library.”
Draco nods; holding up his keys as evidence, “How long have you been waiting?”
“Not long. Fifteen minutes at the most.”
“That’s not so bad if the weather wasn’t this cold,” He comments, unlocking the shutter and then the door, turning back to face you, “Are you coming in or what?”
You come back to life; dragging your eyes from the lithe figure of the man before you to meet his eyes with a sheepish glance, “Let me unfreeze and I’ll follow you.”
Draco laughs, he truly laughs. He opens the door to the library; glad to hear your footsteps following close behind him. Draco doesn’t take off his coat, he heads straight to the desk where he counts down the seconds for you to join him.
Timidly, you hand him your return. He takes it from you, automatically flipping to the record at the front of the book. “It’s two weeks late,” He comments; eyes wide, voice aghast.
You purse your lips, “I was hoping you wouldn’t notice that.”
His eyebrows raise in shock, “How could I not notice that when I have to check the return dates?”
You shrug, “I’m not sure, but is there any way I can get out of the late fee?”
“What?” Draco asks, voice loud and in shock once more.
“I’ve never returned a book late. This is the first time this has happened,” You defend, crossing your arms across your chest.  
Draco hesitates, chewing on his bottom lip. He had seen the late fees waived before; had seen Madge’s notes in the columns of the records, but he had never waived a late fee before. He watches you; noting your body language as well as the dark shadows under your eyes that reflect his.
He nods twice, “I’ll waive the late fee this time.”
“You will?” You ask, your voice breathless, your eyes wide in shock.
“Yes, I will.”
“Thank you,” You say; repeating the words over and over as you smile widely at him.
Draco waves away your thanks with a motion of his hand; he’s simply happy he could bring a smile to your face.
With another smile, this one smaller – more genuine, you gesture towards the shelves, “I’m going to find something else.”
Draco nods, “Of course. I’m here to help if you need anything.”
You nod your thanks, turning from him and heading towards the stacks of books. Draco watches you walk away, unable to truly comprehend the conversation. He should have charged you the late fee; he knows he should have, but he took one look into your eyes and knew that he wouldn’t be charging you much of anything.
Clearing your throat, you bring back Draco’s attention. He smiles at you, “Did you find something?”
“I did. I’ve had my eye on this for a while,” You reply, holding up the cover to a fantasy novel, “I’m glad it’s finally available.”
Draco smiles, taking the book from you. No words are spoken as he records the borrow along with the date it needs to be returned. On a whim, he underlines the date twice before handing it back to you. You tuck the book in your bag; smiling gratefully at the blonde haired man before a laugh escapes your mouth,  “You’ve met Mrs. Taylor, haven’t you?”
Draco averts his gaze; feeling the familiar blush creep onto his cheeks, “How did you know?”
You point towards the stack of romance novels behind him, “She’s the only one in the village to read them. Madge would order them special for her to save her travelling to the next town.”
Draco feels oddly touched on behalf of Mrs. Taylor; that Madge cared that much for her to order books to save her travelling so far. He smiles softly, “I’ll have to see if there’s any new that have been published to save her reading Seducing The Viking again.”
You snort, “From what she’s told me, that one is her favourite. She would love you very much though if you were to order some new novels for her.”
“I’ll have to have a look into it though she might love me already.”
A fond grin makes it way across your face, “She’s a regular flirt, but she means well. If you’re ever in a pickle, it’s Mrs. Taylor you need.”
“How long has she lived here?” Draco asks; curiosity getting the better of him.
“All her life. She was born here in the forties and never left. She met her husband, had her family and that was that. She was settled. She’s like the village’s grandma.”
“She sounds like she has lived a whole life,” Draco murmurs, hoping slightly that the elderly lady would pop into the library today so he could hear some of her stories. It makes him miss his parents bitterly; they had their mistakes, but they loved each other wholly with a passion entirely encompassing.
“She has,” You utter, “I have to get going, but it was nice meeting you…”
“Draco,” Draco supplies.
“It was nice meeting you, Draco. I’m (Y/N).”
“It was nice to meet you too. I hope to see you soon… minus the late fee.”
You laugh once more; promising him that there would be no more late fees. Draco watches you leave once again, shouldering the bag on your arm. You tug your coat tighter against your body, shivering against the bitter cold air.
As he watches you walk away from him, Draco briefly wonders how long it would be until he saw you again, and just how much he was looking forward to it.
Three weeks later and the library is the busiest it had ever been. Not only does Draco have a slew of new orders to get ticketed and on shelves, he has three people wandering the shelves.
Mrs. Taylor returned first; her tote bag once full to the brim of her returns. She had shamelessly flirted with Draco some more, stating that it was his grey eyes that did the trick. She had never seen eyes like it. Mrs. Taylor grasped Draco by the cheeks and kissed him on the forehead when he showed her the new delivery of romance books. At one point, Draco swore he saw tears in her eyes as he let her delve into the new books.
Then entered Mr. Roth. Mr. Roth was a man he had only met twice in the whole time Draco had been working at the library. He was a man of few words; happy to keep to himself and his demeanour reminded Draco too much of his own grandfather. A man he had only met a handful of times yet knew he was happy to never meet again.
Mr. Roth nodded at Draco in greeting before making his own way to the military history section, browsing the titles silently and happily. Draco had left him too it; too nervous of Mr. Roth’s reaction should he be asked for any help.
For a time, it was those two. The both of them milling about the library, adding more books to their pile to be read.
However, they are soon joined by Madge herself. She smiles widely as she enters the library; rushing over to Draco to sing his praises for how well the whole place looks. Draco blushes something silly at her words; he hadn’t heard much praise through his life, had needed to for the perfect mould and was disciplined when didn’t. For Madge to praise Draco over the care he takes with the library, it isn’t something he’s likely to forget anytime soon.
Madge leaves Draco after that. She dawdles through the shelves, knowing the exact layout like the back of her hand. She spies Mrs. Taylor by the romances and Mr. Roth by the history section, but she herself, heads towards the classics. Having read them all multiple times, Madge was always happy to revisit her favourites whether it be Pemberley, Wuthering Heights, or Thornfield Hall.
All the while, Draco couldn’t help but hope that you would walk in through the door. He had met you once, spoken to you once but he longed to see you again. Twice now he had seen you walking past the library; earphones in and nodding your head to whatever song you were listening to. He had raised his hand both times, waving to you. You waved back, smiling gently to him.
He didn’t want to tempt fate; didn’t want to harbour feelings for someone he had only met once, but he couldn’t ignore the nagging feeling deep within his gut that you were going to mean something to him one day.
If only you would enter the library.
It takes another week.
It’s another week of wondering and wishing. It’s another week of nightmares and early starts.
At this point, Draco has been living in this sleepy Yorkshire village for a year. He celebrated by working late at the library; organising new stock and creating a new display depicting the best reads of the month as voted for by the residents of the village. He had unashamedly added Mrs. Taylor’s newest favourite book at the top; that alone had earned him a wet kiss on the cheek.
You enter the library on a slightly warmer day in March. The month had begun frigid and frosty, but now closer to the middle, it seems that spring had finally taken its hold of the village.
You enter with yet another sheepish smile on your face, an apology already falling from your lips as you hand Draco the late book. “I know it’s late,” You ramble, “But I really haven’t had the time to sleep never mind drop it off considering the commute to work and back and the weather.”
Draco stops you by raising his hand, “It’s okay. You don’t need to explain yourself to me.”
You chew on your bottom lip, “Are you sure? I really am sorry.”
“It’s fine. You don’t need to pay the late fee either.”
“What?” You ask; hand already reaching for your purse.
“You don’t need to pay the late fee.”
Draco sighs, “Can I be honest with you even if it’s only our second time talking to each other?”
You nod wordlessly; nerves beginning to settle in your stomach in response to whatever could come out of his mouth.
“You look like you have a lot going on right now. You mentioned the commute to work and back, but you also look shattered, so I get it. I get what you mean when you haven’t had the time.”
You blink, the familiar burn of tears starting at the back of your throat. “You get it?”
Draco nods, “I get it. I know what it feels like to be so tired you feel like doing nothing else. I don’t know why you’re so tired, and you don’t have to tell me, but if you need to talk, I’m here.”
He’s stretching his neck out. It’s only the second time he’s spoken to you, but he doesn’t like the way the shadows under your eyes are looking. They seem to suck any happiness out of your face, leaving you almost gaunt looking.
“Can I repay you?” You ask suddenly; voice determined.
“What? Why? How?” Draco asks in a barrage of questions. He doesn’t need repayment; he would never ask for such a thing in the first place.
“You’ve shown me kindness. Can I repay that?” You state; voice clear as it rings out across the empty library.
“How?” He repeats; still unsure as to just how you would repay his kindness.
You glance at the clock; it had barely past ten am. You smile at Draco, “Would you like a late breakfast?”
It takes him less than ten seconds to answer; of course he would join you for a late breakfast. Draco grabs his coat; scrawling a sign for the door stating that he would be back in less than an hour, but truthfully, he didn’t think anyone would be in today.
Breakfasts consists of a full English rounded off with a pot of Yorkshire Tea. You argue stubbornly over brands of tea; yourself choosing Yorkshire as Draco opts for another brand.
Conversation never stops flowing; any silence is filled with a question or a story that always seems to lead to laughter either from Draco or yourself. Draco sits through the whole breakfast with a smile; he hadn’t felt this good in a long time. He had spent such a long while dealing with the guilt he harboured for surviving a war he was on the wrong side of.
It’s over this breakfast that he realises he needs to tell you. He needs to explain to you who he is and why he is here. Draco could talk to you all day long about tales from his education and his childhood, but they would all continue to be half-truths if he never told you about the magic that flowed through his veins and made him capable of incredible things.
Walking back to the library after breakfast, he resolves to tell you if he sees you again. You hadn’t taken out another book so he doubted he would. However, the small voice in the back of his head and also resided in his heart hoped that you would so he could confess.
Draco does see you again. You start to frequent the library; wandering the aisles in search of your next read but also to spend time with Draco. You would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t find him fascinating and handsome, but he had an air of mystery around him that you were desperate to get to the bottom to.
A friendship forms. The both of you finding yourselves better matched for each other than anyone else; becoming close and confiding in each other when things seem darkest. You confide in him your deepest secrets, explaining the nightmares that hide behind the dark circles under your eyes. Draco confesses much of the same, but his desire to tell you about the magic he can wield remains on the tip of his tongue, turning more bitter the longer he waits to tell you about himself.
He tells himself excuse after excuse: it’s too soon, it would scare you off, he isn’t ready. In actuality, he is ready, and more than enough time has passed for the relationship to be so firmly cemented that it wouldn’t scare you off.
Yet he panics, and it keeps him up more often than his nightmares. How does he tell the one he’s closest to that he can form light with a whisper of a single word? That he can brew potions to not only heal but to incapacitate?
He hasn’t neglected his magic whilst he’s been in Yorkshire; he’s used it well enough. To dry himself off if caught in the rain, to send books back to their shelves if he’s comfy in his seat. However, he has always been wary of his talents around you, too worried about being caught out and destroying the one positive friendship he has had since he was fifteen years old.
Draco needs to tell you. He knows he does; he’s let his feelings get in the way of confessing who he really is and what he can do. His feelings for you hadn’t crept up on him; he had constantly been aware of his changing emotions. As the friendship progressed, he found himself wanting to reach out and take your hand randomly or wanted to tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear and then stroke your cheek. These hadn’t been the ponderings of someone who held platonic feelings; they were entirely romantic, and Draco wanted nothing more than to pursue that option with you, but he didn’t know how you would feel after he confessed his magic.
Truthfully, he didn’t want to tell you because he didn’t want to see the fear and disgust in your eyes as he had so often seen reflected in the eyes of witches and wizards around him. To see that in your eyes, it wasn’t something Draco could ever be prepared for.
How long could it last though? How long would he have with you before you sniff out the lie and the friendship falls apart from there?
Draco ponders these questions as he tidies up the library; new books on shelves along with freshly returned ones. The two questions float in his mind as the late afternoon turns into the evening and Draco readies himself for closing.
He startles slightly as you enter the library. You look lovely this evening, and everything Draco wants to tell you sits perched on his lips, waiting to be screamed into existence.
“Are you ready?” You ask, leaning forward on the desk.
“Ready? For what?” Draco questions, confusion lacing his tone.
You frown, “We’re eating at your place tonight? You told me to meet you here and we’d walk there together?”
Draco’s eyes widen as he suddenly remembers the promise he made you last week; to cook for you one evening so you could eat something other than pasta and noodles. “Of course I remember,” He covers, laughing nervously, “I was just messing with you.”
Your frown deepens, “If you don’t want to do this Dray, it’s okay, we can reschedule or something.”
Draco shakes his head rapidly from side to side. “No!” He all but shouts, “Let me grab my coat and my keys and we can go.”
You laugh; feeling the awkwardness that had quickly settled between you, “Are you okay, Draco?”
Draco nods: gulping as he herds you out of the door so he can lock up. “I’m fine, I just have something important to tell you tonight.”
He nods once more; the words stuck in his throat. The decision had been made; he would tell you tonight and then deal with the consequences afterwards.
The walk to his home is silent; nerves settling in both your stomachs as minds run into overdrive over what could be said tonight. Draco – terrified for your reaction. You – terrified for what he has to say, wondering nervously whether your feelings for the blonde had been too obvious from the beginning and he was going to put an end to your friendship.
It didn’t matter how often you visited his home; it would always leave you breathless at the sight of it. It had been a home you had admired for years, knowing the family that had lived there before Draco. They had moved to the next village over, wanting to downsize after their children had left home.
The large cottage had always been gorgeous but seeing Draco in a domestic element added more appeal to you. He takes your coat from you, hanging it up before doing the same, toeing off his shoes as he does so.
You expect him to lead you to the kitchen where you had watched him cook so many times before. An expert chef as demanded by his mother, you loved to watch Draco cook and bake. He could create marvellously tasty dishes from just a handful of ingredient – a talent you wished you possessed.
However, he doesn’t lead you to the kitchen, he leads you into the living room where he switches on all the lamps in the room without touching a single switch.
“How did you do that?” You demand, wonder and curiosity making your tone sharper than you intended.
“This is where I need to you to not lose your mind,” Draco whispers, his hand reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a long stick.
“Why do you have a stick, Draco?”
“It’s not a stick. It’s my wand. Hawthorn with a unicorn hair centre.”
You frown, puzzled, “A wand? As in a magician’s wand?”
Draco nods, “If you need to sit down after I tell you, I understand.”
“Tell me what?”
“I’m a wizard,” He states bluntly, no room for argument.
You laugh; it’s breathless from confusion, “I don’t get what you mean.”
“I’m a wizard. I have magic. I can turn on the lights in any room without saying a word or touching a switch, I can brew potions that heal injuries, I can fly a broomstick and I’m pretty good at it too.”
“So you’re a wizard and you can do magic?”
Draco nods, “Would you like me to show you?”
You nod wildly; the action sending your hair flying into your face. You push it away, not wanting to miss a moment of this.
Draco sends you a bashful smile as he holds his wand out, pointing it at a lone book on the coffee table beside the couch. In a clear voice, he calls, “Accio!”
In a single instant, the book flies across the room and lands in his outstretched hand. He holds the book up to you as evidence. Your mouth drops open; in shock at what you have just witnessed. Draco represses a laugh at the look on your face, knowing how hard it must be to comprehend all of what has been unloaded on you.
“Then why are you here? In Yorkshire of all places?” You ask, even more curious for his life in Yorkshire.
Draco sighs, “There was a war. I found myself on the wrong side and I saw too many people I know die. In the aftermath, when everyone was healing and starting to live their lives again, I couldn’t move on. I left home so I could start to heal and find myself, find who I want to be.”
“And have you now?” You ask; hope shining in every word.
Draco nods slowly, “I think I have. I think I’ve started to heal at last.”
“I thought you wanted to end our friendship,” You confess, your voice no higher than a whisper.
Draco steps closer to you; dropping the book and taking your hands in his. “Never,” He promises, then he takes a deep breath, “If anything I want more.”
“What?” You gasp.
Draco bites his lip, feeling the all too familiar blush creep its way up his neck. “I want more,” He repeats.
He waits for your response, desperate to know what you think about everything else he has just unloaded on you. You open and close your mouth a few times; words failing you. Draco starts to panic, starts to form the words to take pressure off you when you step forward and kiss him.
It starts as a gentle brush of lips, but then the pressure becomes firmer, and Draco starts to respond. He gathers you in his arms, tugging you tight against him as his mouth memorises yours and every whimper that leaves it.
Your lips part under his and Draco takes every opportunity to deepen the kiss; relishing every second of the kiss and the way you feel pressed up against him. Your hands find themselves in his hair; carding through the blonde locks before tugging gently, smiling against his mouth at the groan the action elicits from the back of his throat. His hands start to wander; memorising the expanse of your body as he dips you slightly, wanting nothing more than to lay you out on the floor where you stand.
He doesn’t. Instead, Draco breaks the kiss. Pulling away with one, two, three pecks to your lips, grinning widely when you chase him for more. “You don’t care that I have magic?” Draco asks, gasping from the kiss.
You shake your head; tears shining with happy tears, “I couldn’t care less. I thought you were going to end our friendship because you figured out my feelings for you.”
Draco reaches up; tucks a piece of hair behind your ear, “Never, darling.”
You feel your face flush at the use of your new pet name. Draco choosing then and there to refer to you only as ‘darling’ if your response what to be that every time.
He dips his head once more; kissing you for all that he is worth. Pouring every ounce of emotion he has in his body into this kiss; hands grip you tightly as your hands start to wander, fiddling with the hem of his shirt and skirting the flat plains of his stomach.
“One condition,” Draco whispers against your mouth.
“Name it,” You whisper, tugging on his bottom lip with your teeth.
He groans; low and throaty as he kisses you deeply, barely remembering to break the kiss so he can mutter, “No more late returns.”
The laugh that leaves your body has you shaking in Draco’s arms. He swallows your laughter with his mouth; silencing you effectively as he leads you back to the couch where he politely persuades you into no more late returns.
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen​ @theweasleysredhair​ @harrypotter289​ @kalimagik​ @heloisedaphnebrightmore​ @nebulablakemurphy​ @figlia--della--luna​ @idont-knowrn​ @birdie-writes​ @big-galaxy-chaos​ @black-lake-confessions​ @annasofiaearlobe​ @imboredandneedalife​ @levylovegood​ @mytreec​ @haphazardhufflepuff​ @teheharrypotter​ @chaoticgirl04​ @accio-rogers​ @starlightweasley​ @dreaming-about-fanfictions​ @lestersglitterglue​ @msmimimerton​ @obx-beach​ @izzytheninja​ @slytherinprincess03​ @bbeauttyybbx​ @breadqueen95​ @acciotwinz​ @kashishwrites​ @slytherinsunrise​ @kylosleftbuttcheek​ @remmyswritings​ @xfirstfemale-marauderx​ @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon​ @ria-rests-here​ @superbturtlemakerathlete​ @inglourious-imagines​ @ithilwen-lionheart​ @now-its-time-for-a-breakdown​ @ilovejjmaybank​
Draco Malfoy taglist: @the--queen-of-hell @minty-malfoy @obxmxybxnk @obx-beach @fallinallinmendes @ochrythum @gryffindors-weasley @kashishwrites @justmesadgirl @sycathorn-slush @dracomalfoyswifey @reaganwonders @lahoete @beiahadid @ravenclawbitch426 @detroitobsessed
373 notes · View notes
fantasia-monogram · 3 years
As the clock strikes midnight, part 1
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / epilogue
♥️ Taeyang x reader (nonbinary, female anatomy) x Jaeyoon; mentions of other SF9 members
♥️ Suggestive (~2k words); smoking, mentions of alcohol, (lightly) implied BDSM. Mutual pining. Next part is going to be NSFW (and reveal more about the characters’ history).
♥️ You’re a beast at work, having to be tough to climb up the corporate ladder, but what you never thought of is that your attitude might be intimidating to your long time crush. Luckily, your much more laid back friend is here to help... both of you.
♥️ Disclaimer: this is just for fun! I’m not claiming that’s how they are in real life, it’s just my imagination doing whatever it wants. Read at your own discretion.
“Ah, the exciting world of corporate banking.”
You were too tired to check the time, but one look over the room gave you a clear idea of what kind of stage the party has reached: vast office space, with all the desks pushed against the wall and a long table situated in the middle, was littered with barely-sober people, most of them in groups of two or three. The goal was to let coworkers of various titles and positions mingle in a casual manner, as the fairly young company’s hierarchy and employer count was expanding proportionately to its growth - friendly office culture was a staple in this place. Truth was, after a couple drinks (or, in case of some tougher individuals, whole bottles of soju), everyone would group into their regular lunch break cliques, usually within the same department.
Long gone were the days when the business was much smaller, and it was easier for people from different departments to form close bonds.
Luckily, you remembered them very well, and that’s why, as the party was dying down, you shared a (small and not very comfortable) couch with your two best colleagues: Lee Jaeyoon and Yoo Taeyang.
“Look at him. What a fighter,” Jaeyoon said with a hushed voice, pointing his almost full glass of whisky towards another corner of the spacious room. There, behind one of the squished-together desks, Quality Department leader Kim Inseong was still angrily babbling about work-related statistics to the nearly-wasted Training Supervisor, Baek Juho. The latter, with his forehead propped on his hand, kept waving at his superior to stop, as coherent words would not come out of his mouth at this point no matter how hard he tried. Inseong, incredibly professional yet warm and welcoming when sober, would do a total 180° after a single bottle of soju and turn into a snarky bastard ranting at everything going on in the company.
“Supervisor Baek is holding on strong, though,” Taeyang added in a matter-of-fact tone before taking a sip from his glass.
You couldn’t help but cover your mouth and snort with amusement.
The three of you were an unusual group. 
You all joined the company on the same day, and underwent basic training for a couple weeks. Even though Jaeyoon was close to your age, the gap between you and Taeyang was much bigger. Add their impressive height and you had to admit, it was awkward to sit between these two guys every single day. Soon enough though, your small talk during short breaks would turn more and more enjoyable, and when the last week rolled in, as the oldest one, you mustered up the courage to invite them to a nearby coffee shop. Formally, you just wanted to celebrate the end of your training stage, but honestly… You grew fond of them, so there was no harm in getting to know them better away from the workplace.
Who knew the three of you would find common ground during that fateful meeting?
“Hey… Y/n… You there?” Jaeyoon’s voice snapped you out of a trip down the memory lane.
“Yeah. What were you saying?” you asked, a bit embarrassed.
“You don’t seem to be having fun at all. I haven’t seen you around the bar even once,” Jaeyoon ranted, haphazardly shaking his glass.
“You know I don’t drink.”, you stated calmly.
“Aish… It’s a party! No need to be so strict. Am I right?”
For some reason, Jaeyoon looked towards Taeyang with a wicked grin, and you followed. The youngest one, sitting by your right side, cleared his throat theatrically.
“I’ll go get myself another one.” he mumbled, already leaving the couch.
“Don’t overdo it!” Jaeyoon yelled, then turned back to you. “You could really use some percents, though. Just saying.”
“I have an image to maintain,” you said quietly, crossing your arms against your chest.
“You dressed like it’s every other day at work, too,” your friend pointed out, “It’s just a different colour.”
You looked at him resentfully. That’s true, tailored suits were your usual look, not just because you simply didn’t like dresses or skirts. It was the easiest way to elongate your silhouette, and you were already lacking in height compared to all the higher-ups attending company meetings with you.
A powerful look was expected from the Compliance Supervisor who rose to that position in a record-breaking time and was nowhere near done career-wise. 
Besides, you had to admit, your neat suits in a whole variety of colors boosted your confidence every single day. You had all of them adjusted, so they would accentuate your figure in all the right places. Oh, all the times you and Jaeyoon would shamelessly ask poor Taeyang who’s got the best ass out of you two (“Okay, forget it. Taeyangie does,” Jaeyoon would end the competition each time, making Taeyang cringe).
"You're just jealous because I look better in red than you do," you barked, although lacking any real bite. 
"Listen, what I'm trying to say is…" Jaeyoon leaned dangerously close to your ear. "...I don't mind your uniforms, but someone over there is on the brink of losing his mind right now." 
You backed off, wide-eyed. Your friend discreetly threw a glance towards Taeyang, who just came back with his glass refilled. 
Still dumbfounded, you kept looking back and forth at each of your friends, not realizing how silly it must have looked.
"Did I miss anything?" Taeyang asked, clearly feeling something went down during his absence. 
"Yeah, I just said that maybe we should leave this remnant of a party and move somewhere else," Jaeyoon replied, looking over your shoulder at the youngest. 
You furrowed your eyebrows, but ultimately decided his idea wasn't that bad after all. 
"I don't know… Wouldn't it be rude to leave so early?" Taeyang mused. 
"Seokwoo left, like, at 9," Jaeyoon pointed out. "Way before anybody had a chance to get drunk." 
"Ah, our lovely Escalation Specialist," you sighed, talking about Kim Seokwoo, your right hand man at the Compliance Department. "You could say the party escalated too much for him."
"At nine!", the older of your friends laughed. 
“What time is it anyway?” you asked. It didn’t matter that you could just check it yourself. You were used to people doing things like this for you around this place.
Jaeyoon, who knew it very well, fished his phone out of his shirt pocket.
“Uh… Fifteen to twelve,” he announced.
Taeyang tapped your shoulder. 
"Happy early birthday," he threw casually. 
Pleasant warmth rose to your cheeks. You were just starting to smile, your eyes crinkling already, when Jaeyoon jumped in his seat, startling both of you. 
"Wait, what?!" he yelled, making a few heads turn for a second or two. 
"What kind of a friend are you, really?" Taeyang snorted dryly, "It's y/n's birthday tomorrow." 
Jaeyoon let out a sound that could best be described as a happy roar and pounced forward in an attempt to give you a bear hug. You dodged it by moving backwards, thus colliding into Taeyang's side. 
You briefly glanced at each other, awkwardly nodding as an apology, before he uttered a quick it's fine and slid further into the couch. 
"Hey, that hug was supposed to be a present!" Jaeyoon whined, recovering his dignity after the failure. 
"Thanks, but no, thanks." you retorted, staying at a safe distance.
"Okay, but now we really have to go somewhere else. This calls for a celebration!" Your overly enthusiastic companion wasn't giving up that easily.
You turned to your other friend. 
"That's enough social interaction for today," the boy in question replied, "One more crowded place and I'll pass out on the spot." 
He was known for his introverted tendencies; even at work, he occupied a desk that was a bit further from everyone else, guaranteeing him all the peace he needed, and had only one coworker he was somewhat close to apart from you two. 
"What about we go to my place instead? I've got no alcohol, but there are plenty of leftovers for a late dinner if you're hungry," you offered instead. 
"Sounds like a plan!" Jaeyoon clasped his hands. "I'll pay for the cab." 
Taeyang bottomed out his glass. 
"Wanna go for a smoke while we wait?"
As soon as you put a cigarette in your mouth, Taeyang was there to light it. You could swear his eyes lingered on your lips, but maybe it was so late that your eyes started pulling tricks on you. 
A good five minutes passed of the three of you smoking in silence, enjoying the cool summer breeze and the sight of a nearly full moon above you. Taeyang was the first to finish, with you following. Jaeyoon was the last to end his cigarette, throwing it into the trash can nearby in a somewhat angry manner. 
"Taeyang, I can't possibly imagine a better time to tell them than now."
Both you and Taeyang turned your heads towards Jaeyoon.
"Tell what?" you posed a question, confused. 
The guys exchanged looks. After that, Taeyang averted his eyes, while Jaeyoon locked his with yours. 
"I think he should be the one to explain." Jaeyoon stated firmly. 
"It's fine," Taeyang's voice was unexpectedly weak, "I'm fine with you telling them." 
You felt your heartbeat quicken all of sudden. 
"He's head over heels for you." 
And then, it was as if your heart just stopped. No, that couldn't be. Your pretty, soft spoken dongsaeng you always had your eyes on? In love with you?
"No way." you muttered, turning to face Taeyang. He still couldn't bear to look at you. "Is that true?" 
Internally, you were screaming for him to say yes. 
Poor guy seemed like he was about to get a panic attack, breathing in and out loudly, hands balled into fists. You could see him biting his lips.
"Come on." Jaeyoon ushered, "I did the hard part for you. Now it's your turn." 
Taeyang slowly raised his gaze. His doll-like eyes were glazed over with tears - a sight so stunning it almost made you gasp. 
"It's true. It's been going on for more than two years now." His voice was quiet, but steady.
You kept staring at his gorgeous, flushed face, unable to say a word. It was a clue for him to continue. 
"I knew I had a chance. I'm not stupid. I noticed you treated me differently than Jaeyoon or any other friend at work. But I also knew your no relationships at the workplace policy and your attitude towards age gaps, and decided to keep it to myself." 
Your heart was about to burst. 
"I'm just as demanding in love as I am at work," you explained, "I'd ruin you."
Jaeyoon circled you. As soon as he stopped, he put his left hand on Taeyang's shoulder, while his right on yours. 
"Tell them," he encouraged the younger guy again. 
As if on command, there was fire burning in Taeyang's gaze. You felt it consume you as a whole.
"I'm not fragile," the boy declared, “I want to be ruined.”
You thought you were dreaming, but a squeeze of Jaeyoon’s hand on your shoulder anchored you back to reality, this reality being your crush at first sight confessing to you.
“Your confidence… How strict and relentless you are…” Taeyang went on, his voice breaking, “The tone of your voice… And your suits. Oh, your suits. It all turns me on so much.”
“What a guy,” Jaeyoon chuckled, shaking his head.
Both you and Taeyang decided to ignore him for now.
“I repeat,” Taeyang insisted, “I want to be ruined.”
Despite Jaeyoon’s continuous hold on both of you, you reached towards Taeyang’s face to caress his smooth cheeks with the back of your fingers. That was all he needed to surge forward and plant a brief, fluttering kiss on your lips that still managed to leave you with your head spinning, needing more.
“Happy birthday, y/n,” Taeyang whispered, holding his forehead against yours.
It was only then when you realized you were both breathing heavily, even though nothing had happened yet.
The moment was interrupted by the ringtone of Jaeyoon’s phone. At last, the guy ceased his hold on you to check the device.
“Okay, lovebirds, the cab is here. It’s gonna be a fun night.”
You glanced at Jaeyoon, then locked your eyes with Taeyang’s again. He reciprocated your devious smile.
(to be continued)
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callivich · 3 years
Gallavich AU Prompts - Part 2
Part 1
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Prompts for fanfic or headcanons or discussion. These range from being close to canon to being very AU. Feel free to interpret these however you want and you don’t have to stick exactly to the prompt. (Btw, if anything along these lines has been written, please do recommend them to me!)
Mickey is a bartender in a desert town, a place on the edge of nowhere where most people are just passing through. He notices the new guy at the bar is gorgeous, but there’s no point getting attached because he’ll be gone soon. But then he starts showing up day after day, and after years and years of being alone, Mickey starts to hope.
Ian and Mickey are hired at the same time by a record store owner who can no longer work as much, he leaves them both in charge. They spend all day bickering about whose more in charge and arguing about music. The record store is small and there isn’t a lot of space behind the counter, so they can’t really get away from one another.
Mickey and Ian are soulmates. They meet again and again, in all different types of circumstances, across all different periods in history. There is always a time where they don’t realise, but then they do - either one of them or both - and they fall in love all over again.
After running a popular blog where he shared his experiences of growing up gay on the Southside and dealing with his diagnosis of Bipolar disorder, Ian is offered a book deal to write his autobiography, which become a bestseller. Mickey is still closeted in his twenties, but has gotten away from Terry and lives alone, working a crappy job. He is intrigued when he hears about a book written by a guy around his age from a similar background. He relates to a lot of the book and then goes to a book signing, where Ian is doing a Q & A.
The bar where Ian works is hosting a speed dating night. Mickey has been dragged along to it by Mandy, who doesn’t take part but instead chats to Ian at the bar. She tells him that Mickey is her brother and he’s never had a girlfriend. As Ian watches the speed dating, he realises why Mickey has probably never dated a woman.
Mickey is released early from prison while Ian is still working as a janitor. Ian is asked by his boss to train the new guy and keep a close eye on him because he’s on parole, he’s shocked when he sees it’s Mickey. They are awkward and tense around each other after their break up but they have to work together. They try to be co-workers and nothing else, but that doesn’t last too long.
Time travel AU - S1 Ian and Mickey somehow travel to the future and meet S11 Ian and Mickey, who end up looking after them and providing them with a glimpse of a future neither imagined.
Ian is a lifeguard at a public pool. Mickey is the new janitor. Ian learns Mickey can’t swim so offers to teach him at night after the pool closes. Mickey is reluctant but Ian keeps offering, so he gives in. They slowly fall in love over the course of weeks of nightly swimming lessons.
Ian and Mickey are hired as winter caretakers of a large hotel in the snowy mountains. The two strangers don’t get on at first but then they start to become friends. Neither is sure if the other is gay, and both are worried about making a move (and it going badly) considering they are stuck together for months. Lots of pining, and slowly falling in love, and when they do get together, they have lots of fun enjoying the empty fancy hotel.
Ian is an EMT - one day he is called to a car accident, where a man has broken his leg. He recognises the man as his next door neighbour, Mickey, who he doesn’t really know that well. He offers to help look after him when he realises Mickey has no-one. Mickey is stubborn and refuses but eventually lets Ian help.
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