#the skeleton snowball fight
everythingdnddd · 6 months
***While in the midst of battle***
DM:" Roll a d20 for musical taste."
GB: "Hm... 4."
DM: "It catches you by the ear with delight. Your--"
GB: "It's not bad actually!!"
DM: "Your general frustration with modern music is completely bisected by the more oldies, classical sound of his tune and uh--"
GB: "I quite enjoyed how you worked my first name into that actually! No one's ever done that before!"
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flowerscentedartist · 2 years
Day 4 Snowballfight
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poorslaindoll · 6 months
Drawcember days 11-13
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Prompt list by me :)
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I ended up drawing my ocs three days in a row… so I’m putting them all in one post…
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professor-undertale · 2 years
So I decided to play through Undertale again… and I got to the ball game, and I decided to try to get all the different flag colors.
That was over an hour ago. I’ve gotten every color except red. I’ve looked up a video of someone getting red in order to confirm it’s actually possible. I’ve learned that all the bottom walls of the course have a hit box that’s slightly off. I’ve had a run that I was sure was perfect, only to get orange. My mind is mush. Why did I do this to myself. How do people think Sans and Undyne the undying are hard when this fucking snowball is in the same game as them.
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osleeplessflowero · 6 months
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💜 Reader has They/Them pronouns and their appearance is entirely up to you! ❌ The skeletons will not be entirely canon accurate and will have a few of my headcanons attached. I hope they're still enjoyable! Sequel to this oneshot. ❣️ Sanses belong to their respective owners. All I own is the writing. WORDS: 1,589
🌨️❄️ SNOW DAY! ☃️🧊
Snow gently falls from the sky, hitting the ground and covering it with a pure white, cold blanket. It fogs up the windows, freezing them. Trees have icicles on their branches.
Nightmare's garden has been covered up for the season, the roses and other flowers being kept alive inside a magical greenhouse.
A fireplace crackles in the main living room, its warmth filling the castle.
You sit up in your bed, sliding off of it and walking over to the window, rubbing your eyes to wake up a bit better before looking outside. Upon seeing the snow, you comically press your face up against the glass before excitedly walking to the door, sliding on some slippers of choice and exiting your room.
You rush to Killer's door, tapping on it rapidly until he slides it open.
"you have really gotta stop doing that so early." He yawns, stretching and cracking his bones a little.
"You know you love seeing me in the morning." You smile smugly.
"hmmm.. i guess so."
You gasp, mocking offense. "You guess? You wound me, Killer, such a heartbreaker.."
He snickers, putting his hand up to his mouth.
You put the back of your hand against your forehead, leaning back dramatically. "Whatever could I do?"
"you could tell me why you woke me up this early again, for starters."
"Oh yeah-" You stand up straight again. "It's SNOWING outside!" You grin, bouncing slightly in place.
"..okay and?"
"Killer, it's SNOW- we could do all kinds of things out there- we could have snowball fights, we could build snowpeople, we could do a LOTTA things-"
"ehh, when you grow up surrounded by snow it loses a lot of its appeal."
"C'monnn, don't you wanna hang out with me? Doesn't have to be for too long, but I think it could be fun. Why not give it a chance?" You smile pleadingly, pressing your hands together. He looks you over, seemingly contemplating, before sighing and giving in.
"fine, but don't expect me to stay for too long."
"I'll take it." You smile warmly.
"what's goin' on over here?" Dust walks over, taking a sip of coffee.
You make grabby hands, and he shakes his head. "no, get your own. answer me."
"well, they wanna go out and spend some time in the snow today."
"yeah? how come?"
"Because it could be fun- and it means group bonding time."
"what's gotten you all motivated for group bonding stuff?"
"I dunno. I just wanna spend time with my favorite people all together. Is that so bad?"
Dust and Killer look at each other, before sighing and smiling at you.
"i guess one day couldn't hurt, right killer?" "yeah. only doing this for them though."
You smile smugly, before Horror's door opens.
"why are you all so loud so early."
"Good morning, Horror." You smile at him, and he smiles a little in return. "..mornin'. what's goin' on?"
"We're gonna go out and have a snow day. Wanna join us?" "do i have to stand next to them?" "No, you can stand wherever you want." "then i'm in."
"you wound us, horror." Killer pretends to wipe away a tear. "literally could not give less of a shit." Horror deadpans, before you motion for everyone to follow you to the kitchen.
You get some more coffee started, chatting with everyone about old missions and other things like that, pouring cups for everyone. You hear a large set of doors open and close, peeking your head out of the kitchen to see Nightmare approaching.
"Morning, Night." You smile at him. "Morning. What's going on?" "We're all just having coffee right now, but we're gonna go have some fun in the snow later." "Why would you wanna go out there if it's freezing? Humans are vulnerable to frostbite, and snow's annoying to get off of your clothes. Just gets them all wet, too." He scrunches up his face. "C'monnn, there's lots of fun to be had out there. Why don't you join us? You might like itttt." "If I agree will you stop pestering me about it?" "Yes." You blink innocently. "Fine. But only for a little while." He puts his hand on your head, messing up your hair before going into the kitchen to get some coffee for himself.
You fist pump, going back as well.
After a few more minutes of conversation, you go back to your room to find much warmer clothes for yourself, knowing that since they're skeletons they don't feel the cold. You, however, are not immune to frostbite, and need protection.
Once you've properly bundled up, you walk out of your room and go into Killer's.
"Rate the fit-" "gimme a 360."
You spin around in a circle before striking a pose.
"9/10, should've went with a little more red." "You would say that." You snicker, walking out with him. He holds your hand as you walk, much less to keep up and more just because he wanted to.
You reach the living room where the other three are waiting by the fire for you, greeting them and heading out.
Snow crunches under your shoes as you walk, feeling it hit your head and making your cheeks a little flushed.
Killer walks casually beside Dust, who has his hands in his pockets. Horror lets some snow fall on his hand silently for a bit. Nightmare just walks next to you, a neutral look on his face.
You try to think of what to do first, then get an idea and smile deviously.
While the others are distracted, you reach down and pick up some snow, forming it into a ball and holding your hands behind your back.
"Oh Killerrrr.. I have a gift for you." "is it the gift of your undying love and affection for me?" He puts his hands on his cheeks, shooting you a wink. "Killer, you already know that I love you. But that's not it. THIS IS-"
You hit him right in the face with a snowball, then run for dear life.
"ohohoho, you are SO GONNA GET IT-" He runs after you, forming a snowball himself. You let out a scream, but in truth, you're not actually scared. It's one of excitement.
Nightmare shakes his head, watching in slight amusement.
"you gonna get in on that, boss?" Dust asks, standing beside him. "Absolutely not. I'd rather not have snow hurled at my face." "they seem to be having a lot of fun th-"
Dust gets hit in the face with a snowball. Followed by a "SORRY DUST-" in the distance.
"sorry to cut this short, boss, but this is a declaration of war-" "Go on."
He runs off, picking up snow in both hands and making two snowballs, chasing you both down. Horror looks at Nightmare, Nightmare sharing a look back, before Horror just leaves him to himself and joins the fight.
Walls are built, alliances made, betrayals were common.
You had a blast, aiming another snowball at Killer and throwing it before he ducks..and it hits Nightmare.
You feel yourself tense, the others stare at him. Killer looks like he's about to burst out laughing, Dust puts his hand to his teeth, and Horror..honestly doesn't care.
"Now look what you've done." "Nightmare, I-" "YOU DARE DECLARE WAR ON THE KING OF NEGATIVITY?"
He charges at you with a malicious grin, you playfully screaming and running as the others join in an all-out battle. You feel proud that you managed to get him to join in on the fun this time.
Once you all tire yourselves out, you focus your attention on snowpeople building. (After you take the time to go inside and get some extra parts to decorate them, that is.)
You make yours a silly fellow, a rather gentlemanly specimen indeed. You then make a much smaller gentleman to keep him company.
Killer makes sure to sculpt his properly, adding the classic carrot nose and a few pieces of clothing like a hat and scarf.
Dust..okay that's a pile of snow with his name written on it. Doesn't count.
Horror makes a bigger snowperson, carefully crafting details onto it, making small patterns in the snow with his sharp fingers. You give him some assistance, suggesting what to add to certain parts.
Nightmare adjusts yours when you aren't looking, sprucing it up a little and fixing its hat when it begins to slide off.
"Okay, I think it's time to go back inside. Their face is getting a bit too flushed. I wouldn't want to risk frostbite."
"Aww, okay. We should do this again if it snows tomorrow. Maybe we could go ice skating that time- I bet I could skate better than youu-" "Sure, we'll go with that." "You doubt my skills?" "I do doubt your skills."
You scoff, nudging Nightmare's shoulder as you all walk back. He simply grins at you.
You change out of your wet clothes, putting on some warm pajamas and going to sit in the living room with everyone. Nightmare sits to your right at the end of the couch, Killer on your left. Dust sits in a recliner, and Horror sits in front of you on the floor. You lean a bit on Nightmare as a movie starts, tracing lines on Horror's skull with your hand and taking an occasional sip of hot chocolate.
After a few jokes and discussions, you feel yourself getting tired, falling asleep right in the same spot. Feeling perfectly comfortable with your favorite skellies around.
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mcnotok · 1 year
okay so i live in a place where it's cold very like 80% of the year, including now and because it was really freakin cold today, it got me thinking about how the climates of undertale really work and that in turn got me thinking about how the bad sans gang™ would react to the cold.
so like first off, do monsters even react to the temperature changing. i mean undyne overheats in her armour when you enter hotland so presumably she does react to changes in her surrounding temperatures. but undyne isn't made entirely out of magic and bones and she likely is a little bit more human than other monsters since a really popular theory about her eye is that she got injected with determination.
but sans and papyrus are skeletons and live in snowdin and that place is constantly covered in snow. (side note: HOW THE FUCK IS THERE SNOW UNDER THE MOUNTAIN. like it could be magic but that's just weird especially considering the fact that waterfall which is right next to snowdin is a marshy grassland which if you know anything about that type of environment you know that snow doesn't really work, okay rant over back to the skeletons).
i've seen a few pieces of art and fanfiction that basically make it so the skeletons react to the cold like a human would; frostbite, hypothermia, ect... but thought is always like would they react that way. most versions of sans are wearing hoodies and shorts and slippers out in the cold and they seem just fine.
cross is wearing like sixty different layers but it's made pretty clear that his outfit is supposed to be a really embellished royal guard uniform so jury's out on him actually being hot underneath all the fluff.
my conclusion is that skeleton monsters are pretty resilient to the cold in general and that it takes a lot to get any of them uncomfortable when it comes to the weather.
so onto the headcanons.
i think that horror, killer, and dust would react to the cold in a similar way because they all lived in snowdin for most of their lives prior to getting hired/adopted into nightmares gang. i think all three of them would really enjoy the snow and the cold in general
horror would be a little more adverse to it because of the hole in his skull and getting water out of there seems kinda annoying to deal with. killer starts a snowball fight and immediately gets his ass handed to him by everyone else. dust just would sorta starfish into the snow and stay there for the whole day. he's like those huskies who just stay outside for as long as possible and when someone drags him back inside he's just laying on his back, covered in snow.
cross is interesting because he also technically grew up in snowdin but most of the universes that x-gaster put him into were on the surface and along with his fluffy coat and scarf i think he's less hyped about the cold. like with all the layers he'll be fine but if you take that from him and he's just outside with a turtleneck and shorts, he'll be shivering after like 15 minutes.
nightmare hates the cold. i've seen a few headcanons that involve his slime/sludge freezing and i think that's really fucking cool. nightmare would rather eat like (idk what nightmare doesn't like to eat but assume something icky) than go outside. if it's under like 35 degrees he's just going to stay inside. he also fucking hates the snow with a burning passion because if it melts on him it'll hurt (i'm actually not sure if the whole, nightmare is hurt by water thing is canon to dreamtale lore, but i think it's cool so i'm sticking with it)
anyways sorry for the long ask, but i got thinking a bit too hard and your blog is probably the thing that got me back into utmv
anyways i hope you have a lovely day!!
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I hope this is how you pictured it :)
Ice/slushie consistency when cold nm my beloved
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zombiedumbie · 11 months
snow! [mugiwaras]
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summary: just a snowy morning with the mugiwara crew.
content: platonic fluff, no pronouns used, snowy day with your friends, you never seen the snow.
pairing: none, just reader in the mugiwara crew.
word count: 421
an: I had a dream like that a few days ago.
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You woke up that morning to an excited commotion coming from outside the room. Even though you were already wearing thicker clothes, it was colder than you remembered, and the temptation to stay under the covers was strong. But hearing Luffy and Chopper yelling so loudly and cheerfully outside piqued your curiosity.
"What's all this?!" you asked as you opened the door, and as soon as you stepped outside, something cold tickled your nose.
It didn't take long for you to see the ship covered in a thin layer of pristine white snow falling gently. Luffy and Chopper were playing like children in the Sunny deck, and Usopp was carefully sculpting something in the snow. "It's… snowing!" you said, extending your hands to let the flakes fall softly into your palms.
"It's amazing," Zoro said, appearing right behind you. "What do you think? Isn't your first time seeing snow?"
"Oh, you remembered!" you exclaimed, not expecting him to remember that. "I think it's incredible."
"Come eat! Breakfast is ready!" Sanji came out to call everyone. "Look, you're awake," he had a dish towel draped over his shoulder. "It's not every day we see snow around here," he said, leaning against the railing.
Luffy was laughing so excitedly that he didn't even hear Sanji calling, which was impressive considering that the captain's ears were usually tuned to such calls.
"Breakfast!" Sanji called again, and this time he definitely heard it because he immediately stopped running and laughing, then stretched his arms over the railing and pulled himself up to join you.
"Food! Finally!" he shouted, excitedly. "Oh, hi! You're awake!" Luffy exclaimed upon seeing you. "See all this snow? We're going to have a snowball fight!"
"I'm going to make a SUPERRR snowball," Franky commented, emerging from the hatch that led to the lower deck of the ship.
"Don't drag me into this, I want to take a nap," Zoro said, with his usual scowl.
"Luffy-san, it will be chaos with so many people…" Brook commented. "Brrrr, it's so cold I can't even feel the tips of my fingers."
"But you don't have skin to feel your fingers," Robin commented, chuckling softly as she passed by the skeleton. Brook seemed mortified that someone stole his joke.
"We can just split into teams," you suggested as you brought your hands closer and rubbed them together, trying to warm them up.
"See! There's always a way to make it work," Luffy agreed as he headed towards the kitchen, laughing.
"That guy is crazy," Sanji said, with a cigarette between his lips. "Anyway, let's eat."
"R-Robin-saaan..." Brook was silently crying.
"Let's go already, perverted skeleton," Nami shouted at Brook.
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punsmaster69 · 6 months
outside, i've been watching a giant snowman form over the course of the morning.
it started with papyrus rolling around a massive ball of snow, then tori began one beside him.
flowey motioned something, and they started combining efforts to make a really big snowman.
frisk has been inside, watching this with me.
"you don't wanna go out in the snow with everyone?"
they flopped over backwards onto the couch.
"why not?"
"Why don't you?"
"What kept you up?"
"nothin' in particular. just kept waking up randomly."
"Even skeletons get that?"
"yeah? 'course we do."
"what kept you up?"
"Random thoughts."
"like what?"
pondering it for a minute, frisk's brows furrowed as they settled on a thought.
"Asgore's soap dispenser."
"He got, like, a snowman one for winter, right?"
"It's got white soap in it."
"Peppermint scented."
"Smells good."
"Yeah. Anyways."
"After being used for a while, the soap is almost gone now."
"So he can just refill it, right?"
"However, the only soap refill he has in his cabinet is honey scented."
"do you not like that one?"
"I do. But the honey scented soap is 𝘺𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸."
"There's gonna be yellow soap in the snowman."
"and this kept you up last night?"
"Not JUST that, but partly."
"you're a doofus."
"You called me that yesterday."
"it's still true today."
"Come up with something else."
"ok. you're a 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘣𝘦𝘳."
"That's (yawn) ..okay."
"just okay, huh?"
"got a different name to call you in mind?"
"you'll ruin your schedule if you sleep now, y'know."
"hey, i'm down to ruin mine too."
the snowman's as tall as tori herself. they've wrapped it in a nice scarf and everything.
now paps and tori are helping flowey make a smaller snowman to be friends with the big one.
"hey. kiddo."
sandwich (ingredients stolen from our kitchen) in one hand, and a glass of milk in the other, they spun around.
"they're makin' mini snowmen without you out there."
"still too tired to go out?"
"No. I wanna make mini snowmenn!!"
shoving down the rest of the sandwich and chugging their milk, frisk quickly got their coat and gloves on.
they tore open the door.
"unless you 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 to walk in the snow with only socks on."
immediately hopping into their boots,
frisk darted out the door.
waving with both arms, frisk met everyone else outside and instantly joined the creation of more mini-snowmen.
i swear i only closed my eyes for maybe no more than an hour and it became a mini-snow army.
maybe it's a family?
there's just a lot of 'em.
reminds me of nesting dolls when they're lined up by size.
spent a while watching them make mounds of snow, but it only just now clicked that it's a snow table and seats they've created.
flowey sacrificed the mini-snowmen for a snowball fight with frisk.
started as an accident, turned into a strategy.
came outside and laid in the snow with everyone to look at the stars.
hard to believe it's gyftmas eve tomorrow.
...at the time of writing, i guess it technically is now.
time feels like it's flying by lately. papyrus swears it's slowed to a crawl as we near christmas itself, though.
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eycsnow666 · 9 months
witcher screenshot compilations
got a bunch of stray imgur links floating around on discord, but here they all are! mostly of character swaps to emhyr. be warned that character swaps involving female->male skeletons may be a bit...cursed ahah. check the reblogs for further additions, because the original post is cranky abt any more links being added to it.
shoutout to @tigerlyla-of-metinna who's done amazing edits to some of these pics and also for enabling my new hobby
Emhyr visits Kaer Morhen
quest is No Place Like Home, swaps are Lambert to Geralt, Yen to Ciri, Geralt to Emhyr. Emhyr graces Kaer Morhen with his imperial presence. in return, the witchers convince him to drink himself silly. welp, what dignity was lost was regained in camaraderie
La Cage au Fou ft.a sad hedgehog
while out trapping monsters, Geralt accidentally captures...the emperor of nilfgaard?? how he got there aside, he's in pretty bad shape and has apparently gone feral. lucky there's a witcher who's been through this rodeo before, so emhyr's in safe hands <3
Roche to Emhyr and Ves to Ciri
quests are Eye for an Eye and Reason of State, with bonus swaps Dijkstra to Dettlaff and Thaler to Regis. Ever wanted to see Emhyr plotting against Emhyr? these pics have you covered! also included: emhyr and geralt being big damn heroes, and drunk uncle Dettlaff giving Regis a headache by quoting Macbeth Vakmeth scenes. See one of my reblogs for this link, bc this post doesn't want to save with it here for some reason.
Emhyr x Geralt hugs (Blood Run quest)
Regis's expressions make Emhyr look so soft 💖
Something Ends, Something Begins (Geralt to Emhyr)
soft moments with Ciri and Emhyr getting some dad moments in.
Ciri's Story: Out of the Shadows (Baron to Emhyr)
Emhyr has a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Emhyr may be a snacc but his daughter's here to make sure he doesn't become a snack (for basilisks)
The Battle of Kaer Morhen ft.The White Flame (Geralt to Emhyr). lots of Sadmyr and tender moments with Ciri
father's day at kaer morhen
Geralt to Emhyr swap, quest is Blood on the Battlefield. Emhyr and Ciri destress with a snowball fight. Geralt's sitting out this one, probably collapsed of sheer shock from learning that Emhyr is capable of experiencing fun.
Emralt, now with reduced clothes!
Yen to Emhyr, the opening scene at Kaer Morhen. yeah these are actually Yen's body proportions bc Yen's skeleton but shhhhh
A Midnight Clear: Shani to Emhyr mod
more spooky scary (animation) skeletons
A Midnight Clear: spiciest Emralt highlights
Geralt x Emhyr action. don't look at the proportions too closely, just lie back and think of nilfgaard
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girlcrushart · 1 year
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Here's Charly Jordan in a very specific outfit. It's winter-sporty but I'm not totally clear of it's intended purpose. The hot-as-fuck boots throw me off. It's not for luge or skeleton or skiing due to that footwear. Super-advanced snowball fighting? Like, some kind of elite snowball-fighting division, maybe? I mean, it would totally work. Think of the intensity of the surprise attack she could inflict due to the ridiculously distracting nature of the outfit. I'd never see anything coming... paralyzed by the max level hotness. Let's say that's what it is... an outfit for maximum hotness in the cold. That checks out. Today's girlcrushart guardian is Charly Jordan.
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rainiishowers · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes | Obey Me |
A/N: My brain won’t let me write so here’s some incorrect quotes while I try to finish my Mammon angst drafts Gonna be some ship incorrect quotes so be weary if you don’t like that --- Asmodeus: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming? Lucifer, sighing: Does anyone in here ever think before they speak? - MC: Satan and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us Lucifer, sighing x2: What did Satan do? MC: He chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and... Satan: Who wants a steering wheel? - *playing twister* Diavolo: Right hand red *Dia ends up on top on Lucifer* Lucifer: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? Diavolo: I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't notice. -
Diavolo: I’ve never been in a snowball fight before. I don’t know the rules. MC: Rules? Diavolo: Is there a point system, or is it to the death? 
- Asmodeus: If you don't stop talking, I'm going to jump out of that window. Satan: ...We're on the ground floor. Asmodeus: I know but I want a dramatic exit. - Belphegor: And then they ran into my knife. They ran into my knife ten times. Barbatos: You mean you stabbed them? Belphegor: They ran into my knife. - Belphegor: That’s the key slice of truth we need to complete the entire truth pie. Beelzebub: Ooh, can we get some actual pie? Belphegor: I like the way you think. - Diavolo: Happy October 32nd! Second Halloween, and my second birthday! Barbatos: That.. That doesn't exist. Diavolo: Not with that attitude. - Lucifer: I'm going to ask you to be respectful. Mephistopheles: I will politely decline. - Satan: Well you see, the explanation is perfectly simple and scientific. It was because shut up. Shut up is why. - Lucifer: How did none of you hear what I just said?! Beelzebub: I've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours. Mammon: I got distracted halfway through. Belphegor: Ignoring you was a conscious decision. - MC, to Barbatos: I just found out that humans are capable of fitting a light bulb into their mouth with ease but can’t take it out without shattering it, and now I have to physically restrain myself from putting a light bulb in my mouth - Barbatos: Hey, random question, what are your favorite flowers? Simeon: Peonies, why? Barbatos: Simeon: Were you going to get me flowers? Barbatos: ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᵃ ᵖᵒˢˢᶦᵇᶦˡᶦᵗʸ - Asmodeus: Isn't it amazing how I can feel so bad and still look so good? - Satan: Do you have any skeletons in your closet? Solomon: You mean literally or figuratively? Satan: Honestly, the fact that I have to specify... - MC, walking into their house/apartment/whatever, sighing: Hello people who do not live here. Asmodeus: Hey~ Satan: Hello Mammon: Hi Leviathan: Hey MC: I only gave you guys keys for emergencies Lucifer: MC, I can explain-- Belphegor: We missed you Beelzebub: And we ran out of chips :( - MC: If you put 'violently' in front of anything to describe your action, it becomes funnier. Leviathan: Violently practices. Satan: Violently studies. Mammon: Violently gambles. Asmodeus: Violently shoots pictures, of my beautiful face~ Beelzebub: Violently workouts? Belphegor: Violently murders people. Lucifer: Violently worries about the previous statement. Belphegor: Lucifer: Who did you murder? - Barbatos: Where is Lucifer? Belphegor: Well, it is raining outside... Maybe he melted? Satan: Shall I look outside for a pointy hat? - Simeon, sighing: The power went out. Solomon: Don’t worry, I got this. *Solomon starts shaking rapidly and lights up* Simeon: What-? Solomon: I swallowed a glow stick! Simeon: You did what? - Diavolo: Do you mind if I slyly mention that you’re single? Barbatos: Please do not do that. Diavolo: You won’t even notice! Simeon, entering: Lord Diavolo, you said you wanted to meet with me? Diavolo: Barbatos is single :D Barbatos: - Diavolo: That was so hot, Luci Lucifer: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenerate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets. Diavolo: I'm so in love with you. - Mammon: Top 30 reasons why The Great Mammon is sorry... Number 5 will surprise you! Leviathan: Top 30 anime deaths. Number One: YOUR FUCKING ASS RIGHT NOW!!!
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The Ghost King (of Miscommunication) Ch. 23
Part 1-12,Part 13,Part 14,Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22
Part 23!
Jason knows he should probably still be wary, not knowing much about ghosts - let alone ghost royalty, whatever that means - but he can’t help but feel safe.
He’s felt an overwhelming sense of safe ever since Danny tackled him, but he’d been fighting it the whole time, worrying about falling for some kind of trap.
And okay, maybe it should have taken more than two feet of personal space with a portal and a conversation that painted Danny as more air-headed than malicious but could have been faked. But…Jason wants to extend his trust.
And for the first time in years he can. No Pit lingering in the background to ruin everything at the most inconvenient possible time.
He wants to put his trust in Danny, and he wants that to be the right choice.
He thinks it will.
Danny isn’t a fae; there are no ‘rules of hospitality’ binding him, to Jason’s knowledge, meaning the room and the food - sketchy as it was - and the introductions and explanations were just…him being polite.
Because he wanted to be.
The snowball fights and flight lessons and tours weren’t just part of some malicious plot to get him to let his guard down; they were genuine attempts to help him feel more comfortable or to cheer him up.
So yeah, Jason could give him a chance to explain.
Starting with-
“So what was with the syringe?” he asks as they sit, skeletons floating up dutifully to serve their food.
“Syringe?” Danny blinks owlishly as he settles into his chair after a moment’s pause to stare at the scorch marks - Sam and Tucker taking their place where Jazz and Spike had sat before.
“Back at the Far Frozen, when I was hesitant about the food…” he offers.
“Oh!” Danny smiles,“You mean the ecto-dejecto? It’s basically just fast food for ghosts - and halfas!” He hurries to add, as if Jason knows what that means.
They’ll come back to that.
“Ah, so it wasn’t a threat to eat the food or else,” Jason hms.
Danny’s shoulders droop.
“No, it wasn’t. It was just…another option. You could have chosen neither - relying on ambient ectoplasm would have slowed your recovery but I would have respected your choice. I’m sorry for not being more clear.” He laughs and runs a hand through his hair. “Ancients, I’m surprised you didn’t just blast me with the bazooka.”
“I still didn’t - and don’t - know how to leave on my own yet,” Jason shrugs.
“That’s… fair,” Danny concludes, wincing.
“Give me another day and I’ll have your portal gun ready,” Tucker says, holding out his wrist to show a sleek black and gold watch. “It’ll be just like mine - works based on coordinates, with separate systems for the Zone and the Living World plus the option to save frequent locations under a quick-click menu.”
Jason watches attentively as he presses a button as he speaks, causing what looks like a smaller, better-painted-job-having version of the Wrist Rays’ barrel with a small holoscreen over top of it to pop out of the unassuming watch.
When he tilts his wrist, Jason can see the bar to enter coordinates at the top and his top two frequent locations - ‘The Phantom Palace’ and ‘Technoland’ - just beneath it.
Swiping left leaves the coordinate bar, but replaces the locations list with ‘Grave’ and ‘Monument.’
He clicks one and it shoots open a portal just behind Danny. When he clicks it again the beam zips it closed.
“I can give you a different paint-job or display style,” he offers, showing him how to open the keyboard and scroll before closing it all down and slipping it off of his wrist. “Until then, you can use mine.”
He smiles, holding the portal ‘gun’ watch out to him.
He looks at the watch, then from Tucker to Sam to Danny.
They all smile and nod encouragingly.
He takes it and carefully slips it over his left wrist - opposite the ‘Ray - and it shrinks to fit him just as the Ray had.
He smiles, nerves far more settled now that he can leave whenever he wants.
Realizes he really isn’t trapped here.
They were telling the truth.
(He’s safe)
He still has a million questions he needs answered, but he should probably let his family - and the JL - know he’s okay sooner rather than later.
Bruce - everyone, really - will demand a full debrief if he goes in person. He doesn’t have enough answers for that just yet.
Luckily, they have codes for just such a situation.
“Anyone have paper and pen?”
Sam whips a void-black A4 sheet of paper out of nowhere, and Danny does the same with a snow-white pen.
He snorts a laugh at the swapped colors and scribbles out a quick explanation followed by the codes to verify that he’s not under duress, being controlled, etc.
Then he folds it up, opens a portal just over the batcomputer’s keyboard - sticking his face through briefly to verify he got the right place - and drops it through.
The usual gnawing curiosity can replace their panic and Jason can take his time getting answers.
“So. ‘Ecto-dejecto’ and the air in here are the same as the food? Which is all made of ‘ectoplasm’ which is…what?”
“It's probably most accurate to compare it to carbon,” Sam answers. “Most Living, organic matter - plants and animals both - is carbon-based - at least on Earth - whereas most entities in the Zone are ecto-based. Except it’s more ‘ecto-everything.’”
“Yeah,” Danny continues, “The, ah, ‘air’ is just a lot less concentrated than food - while Ecto-dejecto is more concentrated and is generally only used when we’re in a hurry or heavily injured. We don’t really ‘eat’ ectoplasm in the same way a human eats food, it’s more like, ah, batteries?”
“Batteries.” he deadpans, Sam and Tucker poorly smothering their grins in their drinks.
“Like if batteries had mouths,” Danny tries. “They don’t really need the electricity anywhere specific as long as they, y’know, charge? Kind of.”
“So I’m half a battery.”
Tucker loses the fight against his laughter at that.
Danny smiles briefly, but his face quickly sobers.
“No,” he takes a breath. “What I said earlier is true; you are no more dead now than you were when I found you. But when I found you, you were already what is known as halfa - half a human, and half a ghost.”
Jason’s face steels, anger rising.
“So I am dead.”
“Only half,” Danny smiles grimly.
“You can't be half dead! And if I’m so unchanged then why do I look like this!” He snaps, standing from his chair to gesture at himself. “Because I sure as shit didn’t look like a walking reminder of the worst day of my life before!”
“You can be half dead, I'm half-dead. And you were already a halfa when I found you,” Danny starts, voice empathetic as he floats out of his chair to lay a tentative hand on Jason’s shoulder, “But you were unwell. Your core was barely formed, and it’s a miracle you were still alive at all. It’s a miracle you made it to Frostbite.”
Jason sits and crosses his arms, hearing him out but hating every second of it.
(I can’t be dead)
“You must have an incredible amount of will to have kept yourself in one piece for as long as you did,” Danny commends, following Jason’s lead and sitting back down, “but if you’d remained as you were for much longer your still-forming core would have eventually cannibalized itself in an effort to finish forming, causing a collapse that would have not only killed you all the way, but would have erased you from existence entirely, nothing left but memories.”
“Entering the Ghost Zone gave your core the resources it needed, but all of the tainted ectoplasm you’d managed to absorb slowed things down. Thus all the mornings spent in the tube to filter it out. Like blood transfusions. Except it's more like food instead of blood….”
Danny trails off squinting into the distance.
“Great,” Jason says, regaining his attention. “That still doesn’t explain why I look like this - or what a core even is other than ‘dangerous if poorly formed.’”
“Oh, boy. Okay. A core is the only organ a ghost has,” Danny explains. “Like a brain and heart and liver all in one. Even if you were reduced to nothing but your core, you’d still be perfectly fine - more vulnerable, sure, but that doesn’t matter as long as you’re with any ghost that doesn’t actively want to end you permanently. As a halfa, you have both a human and a ghost form.”
Danny shifts into his own human form at this.
“But ghosts don’t form until after their cores do, so until you were healed enough you couldn’t access your ghost form. Staying in ghost form allows you to absorb ambient ectoplasm and ectoenergy more efficiently…wait.”
His eyes widen as he looks into Jason’s own shocked face.
“Did- do you- Ancients you don’t know how to transform back into a human do you?”
“I do not and would very much like to,” Jason stresses, unbelieving at the whole half-dead thing but just barely willing to hope.
“Okay. Okay. As a halfa you have both a ghost form and a human form - like two sides of a coin. Both are you, but when you’re in one, the other is in a sort of personal pocket dimension. You can swap between them by sort of…reaching for what you want. For example, I have an ice core,” His eyes glow a brighter blue.
“And my core - as most cores are - is located in roughly the same area as my heart. So when I’m in human form, I reach for the spot of cold just metaphorically ‘behind’ my heart-” he transforms back into Phantom “-and pull it to the surface.”
“When I want to swap back into human form, I reach for the warmth of my heart just ‘behind’ my core.”
Jason tries to focus on his chest, but he’s mostly just confused.
He looks up to find a hand offered to him.
“Here, I can trigger your transformation the first few times.”
Jason takes his hand eagerly.
“We’ll do three swaps - human, ghost, human - then you can try it for yourself. For now, just focus on how it feels.”
Rings of light appear around both of their waists this time, Jason is grateful for the large chairs as he suddenly takes up a lot more space than he had.
(He’s alive)
He only has a moment to take in how much smaller everything looks and how cold Danny’s once luke-warm hands feel before the lights are sweeping over them again.
The rings sweep up and down like the light of a photocopier, but he can’t help but notice it doesn’t feel that way.
It feels like a cool gust of wind blooming from a single point in his chest, swirling out until it permeates to the very last layer of his skin.
(He’s dead)
He’d expected discomfort from the cold of the description, but it’s all soothing breeze on a warm, sunny day instead of the arctic winds in winter he’d worried it might be.
Small again. It’s almost comfortable, if not for the sour memories every time he sees his reflection in this form.
And then they’re switching again - he pays even more attention this time, less distracted by the unfamiliar lightshow and determined to learn how to be human on his own.
It’s the feeling of lying in a sunbeam in spring, all warmth and comfort.
(His heart still beats)
It was comfortable, going from ghost to human and going from human to ghost.
(His heart hasn’t beaten in over a week)
It didn’t hurt.
(He’s… both?)
Everything had hurt so much the first time he died. The first time he came back.
It didn’t hurt.
(It doesn’t hurt)
His mask hides the few tears that escape.
He shakes his head and takes stock of his body; he feels different.
He doesn’t feel bad - his body is the same overall - fingers and toes all still move, no missing legs or eyes, etc etc.
No glowing.
Except his arm - which had had another 2 weeks to finish recovering from a break - didn’t hurt at all. He couldn’t feel any of the lesser scuffs and bruises one generally got from tumbling around Gotham as a vigilante/crime lord at night.
He barely registers Sam and Tuckers staring until Sam turns to Danny and says ��You thought he was shy.”
Danny throws his hands into the air. “Just because he’s tall doesn’t mean he’s not shy! And he’s from Gotham! You’ve heard what it’s like! I don’t know what happened to him! I try not to judge!”
“Dude,” Tucker starts, “Danny. My moon and stars. My battery babe.”
He points to Jason, ignoring Danny’s sputtering protest.
“He is literally Red Hood. The Crime Lord.”
“Moving back towards vigilante, actually,” Jason says absently, checking his weapons - guns blessedly all there and in one piece. And comms are completely non-functional.
“Of course our son would be a vigilante,” Sam snorts, shaking her head with a smile.
“Only if he wants to be,” Danny adds.
“A vigilante?” Tucker asks.
“Our son.”
“Well, both are optional honestly,” Sam adds.
Jason realizes what’s missing: the portal watch.
He reaches for the cold spot in his chest - so much easier to find now that he knows what to look for - and pulls.
It takes a few tries, but eventually the rings - white, he notices, with a tinge of green around the edges where Danny’s had been blue - are sweeping over him again.
He’s left tiny, with only the wrist ray and the grappling hook and brace of batarangs he’d nabbed from the cave, but none of the guns. He enjoys being armed in both forms, so he leaves the weapons and tugs the watch off to set on the table, then spends twice as long scrabbling for his human form, nerves getting in the way of his focus.
The portal watch is still on the table when he’s back to big, beating heart, and fully armed.
He gently pulls the device onto his now much larger wrist, smiling as it flexes once again to a perfect fit.
As a ghost he can fly, and as a human he can portal.
Weapons and escape options for both forms.
He frowns when he realizes he can’t eat with his mask on.
Just because they know his name is Jason doesn’t mean they know which Jason - he shifts back into his ghost form just as he’s thinking about it.
It’s a bit startling, given he hadn’t done it on purpose - even if he’d been just about to - but he ignores that in favor of hastily taking a bite of his glowing salad before addressing the…adoption thing.
“So,” he starts, “Ellie mentioned…being my ‘sister.’ And this is the third time I’m hearing adoption-adjacent stuff…. I feel the need to remind you that despite my small ghost form, I’m 23. And a crime lord.”
Jason wasn’t a fan of the look they shared.
“You might be 23 in human years, but you’re barely a week old as a ghost,” Sam says, pointing at him with her fork. “For which, only the time from core formation actually counts.”
“The basis of ghost culture is combat,” Danny continues. “Ghosts are pretty much as dead as they get - it takes real, significant effort to destroy a mature core - so throwing hands kind of became a way to say hello.”
“But a formed core and a mature core are two different things,” Tucker picks up. “A core might fully form in as little as a few seconds, but it will take anywhere from years to decades to mature. Until then your core will be less durable than a mature one - not much, but enough to be worrying. It’s a bad combo with ‘still acquiring basic powers’ - especially considering mature ghosts tend to have a lot of powers at their disposal.”
“Ghosts with immature cores are called ‘baby ghosts.’ Which is what you are.” Danny adds, damningly. “Picking adult ghosts to stick close to will help your core mature faster and keep you safe from the less-kind ghosts in the meantime. Even the most independent baby ghosts tend to stick with an adult ghost until they’ve at least mastered flight, invisibility, intangibility, and ecto-blasts. As more emotional beings, ghosts also tend to get attached to each other quickly and jump into the ‘we’re family now’ thing.”
“Plus even if you weren’t a baby ghost you could still be dibsed as family,” Sam concludes.
“‘Dibsed’” Jason repeats blankly, choosing to reply to the least embarrassing part of all that.
“That’s the best way I can think of to describe it,” Sam shrugs. “Sometimes ghosts just go ‘welp that’s my kid/parent/cousin/sibling/whatever now’ and roll with it. Danny has, like, 10 ghost-parents - and only two of them are his actual parents.”
“But,” Danny adds, “There’s no pressure to feel the same. You don’t have to see us as your parents or even your friends. If you want to find different ghost parents, we can help you with that. Or if you just want to return to Gotham and be left alone, we can figure something out - send you ecto-dejecto to help with growth or mark safe parts of the Zone for you to portal to in your free time. Plus there’s an emergency button built into the phone - just click the back button five times - if any other ghosts try to bother you-”
“We can also trick you out with all the weapons you could ever need - or want - to make up the difference in powers-growth,” Sam interjects, speaking Jason’s language.
“-Whatever your choice,” Danny continues, “just know that you can always return here - whether you have questions about being a halfa, need help controlling your powers, you need somewhere safe to crash, or just because you want to be here.”
And that’s…a lot.
A lot of emotions.
A lot of answers.
Another dozen questions he wants to ask (such as ‘what other powers am I supposed to expect?’ and ‘Will they show up as randomly - and worryingly - as flight had?’ and ‘hey, I just turned back into ghost mode suddenly, how do I not do that when I’m out in civvies.’ And also ‘what the fresh ~fuck~ was pit rage, then?)
The day is nearly over, his family knows he’s safe by now - there’s almost always someone using the batcomputer (albeit mostly Tim and Barb) - and Jason no longer has any major qualms about crashing here for an extra night.
He doesn’t know how to feel about the whole…adoption thing.
(And it’s harder, now, to ignore the feeling of warmth)
(The feeling of home and welcome in this place he now knows is a set of open arms rather than a gilded cage)
(Now that he knows he is welcome to come and go as he pleases, that there was never any true possessiveness to it despite it starting out as a kidnapping)
(And his core aches to say “Yes. Family. Mine.”)
(Home. Safety.)
(But he has a family)
(He wants his human family too)
But he could always do with more allies.
He looks at Danny, grins, and asks “So about that Bazooka…”
🎉Happy New Year!🎉
@mayoota-blog1 @kyrianclawraith, @do3y, @someonebored0100 @omegasmileyface @a-star-with-a-human-name @akikoyuii @newgraywolf @tytythehistoryguy
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luimnigh · 1 year
So, the final day in Berlin, and let's begin with a picture of last night:
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Yeah. I keep complaining over how it never snows where I'm from, and the first time I leave the country in five years, I get snow.
Unfortunately, not enough to have a snowball fight unless I wanted to risk being run over by a tram, or the wrath of the librarians of the Stasi Archives.
Yes, that building is the Stasi Archives. They were rescued from destruction by human rights activists as the Berlin Wall fell, so the Stasi could be held accountable for their crimes.
I discovered this a few nights ago, but given that was the view from my hotel room, I decided to wait until I had checked out and therefore this was no longer revealing information.
Anyway, we started this last day with the Museum for Naturkunde. And my first time seeing dinosaur skeletons in real life:
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That is the tallest mounted dinosaur fossil in the world. That's a lot of Brachiosaurus.
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I was a little disappointed to find that was a Kentrosaurus and not a Stegosaurus, but I would never day that in Thagomizer range.
After seeing another skeletonised Power Rangers Zord:
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...I met a fellow Earthling:
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Also a baby T. Rex skull and an Allosaurus skull:
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Anyway, I have go catch a flight to Ireland, so the rest will have to come in a few hours.
It does actually get better than T-Rex Skull, somehow.
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flagboi-whotookit · 4 months
Moreso that @sweetheart-haely made a good point, and I like helping people. (I apologize for janky language, as I said, I'm not a professional) But before I start reviewing roguelikes, I need to answer an important question: What makes a good roguelike?
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I'm going to assume that if you're here you know what a roguelike is (that and I have no clue how to explain them, they're more a feeling than a genre in my mind) So, what separates the bad from the mediocre and the mediocre from the good? 1. Replayability: This is probably the most important thing on this list. Roguelikes are a genre BUILT on replayability. I hate metaphors, (mostly since listening to seven hours of Chuck Wendig. If you know you know) but that's the best way to describe this. A roguelike is (rogue)like trying to get through a locked door. You try and pick the lock, but you don't really know what you're doing. You could try and break it down with brute force, but you're not strong enough. Maybe you try and take it off it's hinges, but you don't have the right tools for the job. But after breaking hundreds of lockpicks, or tackling the door until every muscle in your body hurts, or manually unscrewing hinges for hours, you finally get past that door. On the other side there's... another door. But you know what works for you now, so you get ready to use your preferred method to get through that next door. Sometimes that next door is a little bit tougher, sometimes there's an endless amount of doors, sometimes it's both. This is how you should structure a roguelike, or if you're a player, this is what you should look for. I got Clone Drone in the Danger Zone around five years ago, and I STILL play endless mode. You'll never want to put down a good roguelike, and if it's made correctly, you won't have too. 2. Difficulty scaling: If the start of a roguelike is the hardest part, that is not a good roguelike. Roguelikes should start at their easiest point (some roguelikes' easiest point is still excruciatingly difficult though) The tagline of the roguelike genre should be "Roguelikes - They're not going to get easier". This seems obvious though, right? Yes, you'd think so at least. But a not insignificant portion of roguelikes start extremely hard, and then snowball to the point it's not a challenge. For example: Teracards. The hardest part is the beginning. Sure, the amount of money you need to not lose goes up each time, but after a certain point purchases are negligible. Even though you went from having to pay 1 million coins to having to pay 4 (million that is), once you have that much money, you can afford to place anything in order to get that four million. I'll go into ways they could have prevented this (or fix it, since the game is still early access) in my actual review on Teracards. For now though, make sure that even if it doesn't get harder, it never gets easier. 3. Theming/gimmick: This is where a lot of roguelikes fall short. A dungeon crawler where you have to fight skeletons, goblins, and slimes? Sure, it works, but it won't stand out. You can fix this in two ways, either A) change up the setting (Shotgun King, Fights in Tight Spaces, FTL), or B) change up the mechanics (Backpack Hero, Peglin, Paint the Town Red). I don't have much to say on this broadly, as it's more of a case-by-case thing, that I'll explore more in my individual reviews. But for now, try and stand on your own in a sea of cliches. 4. There is no four. Alright, the title's a bit off, but these are probably the big three. I could ramble on and on about roguelikes, but I'll save that for the individual reviews.
So, that's it for now. Stay tunned, I'll make some actual reviews once I recover from all this typing.
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Empires smp has been great! (out of context festival episode moments, not in order, and some of the quotes are paraphrased)
whatever mythical sausage’s entire ep was honestly that man makes me insane
”I see GrEaT dAnGeR~“
false and jimmy getting along
”I’m single now so~”
pixlriffs falling into a ravine and finding a skeleton horse down there??
”deals off, sorry :( <3”
false is shy and uncertain but her little “go gem!” gave me life
”you can also wear it as a hat” “aw!”
”so he spits not-“ gets cut off because we are at least trying to keep the server rating down (eyes scott and sausage and joel)
”~the spirits call to me~“
”yeah, take your top off!” “joel???”
...the rift...why...also sausage did you have to make thirteen teleport noises at the end of your episode for each of the hermits that went through, huh?
”discount toys from the sexy man~“ “wait who’s the sexy man?” “right there~” “gem?”
the whole dragon egg thing lmao
”I know your secret!” “shut up don’t tell people’s secrets!”
”who is he? I’ve never heard of him!” “him, from earlier!” “Oh, it’s the bard guy!” “the bard!” “can you start already?” “get on with it!” “hurry up!” “where are the snowballs?”
”they should kiss!”
”what’s the internet?”
”gamers - I mean ladies and gentlemen”
”why were you guys fighting?” “well..” “over you!”
false’s compliment for the sheriff being “...I like your hat?” she is so awkward I love it
also scott and gem putting nice compliments for jimmy
”I’m aN OwL???! hoot.”
”Have a golden carrot. you’re a good boy, yes you are, yes you are. the sheriff is corrupt.”
jimmy called hermès stupid and got two shot by joel and sausage
“we sent them on missions. willingly.”
”I didn’t know I had such good friends around these parts“ “eh?” “I’m in your will”
...just joel and sausage bringing hermès around with them the whole festival and having him participate
”this was great!” “that was weird”
...owen the llama
anyways I would love false and gem’s perspective on all of this since it seemed like false was awkward and gem was wonderful but I’ll wait, for Oli’s perspective too
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tommyarashikage · 1 year
OC Interview
tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton @natesofrellis @adelaidedrubman @thomrainer @hoesephseed @sstewyhosseini and @echo3-1 to interview one of my ocs and of course I'm following their format and turn it into a literal interview, thank you beloveds! 🤍
sending out no pressure tags; @risingsh0t @indorilnerevarine @josephslittledeputy @aceghosts @confidentandgood @purplehairsecretlair @roofgeese @jacobseed @noetikat @strangefable @shadowglens @leviiackrman @ghastlyrider @jackiesarch @shellibisshe and you!
I was thinking about who to choose and decided to go for Paz because Laurie's interview would've been very depressing lol and I wanted something a little more lighthearted!
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"What's so important that it can't wait for a few minutes?", Paz asks the boy who's holding onto her hand and dragging her after him.
"You'll see."
As they reach the kitchen, she spots Simon and Luke sitting at the dinner table. Pedro pulls her to the other side of it and urges her to sit. While she does as she's told, he sprints back and sits down next to his father.
Paz folds her hands as she lays them on the table and raises her eyebrows at Simon. He sighs.
"You have to answer some questions for us", Luke says.
Paz chuckles, "Is this an interrogation?"
"Almost. An interview!", Pedro says.
"Wait, I remember Laura wanted to ask me some questions."
"We asked aunt Laura if we can do that. She loved the idea so she said yes."
"How kind of her", Simon says.
Clearly, he seems very enthusiastic about it. The boys notice and tug on his sleeves, silently asking him to start already. "Alright"
PAZ: Starting with the hard questions, huh? What am I supposed to say? The name I go by is Paz Acosta. But my birth name is Paz Vázquez. However, since we're married my actual name is Paz Riley, but that's confidential.
SIMON: Just like Diego's last name, so there's only one option left.
PAZ: [pauses] Right. Paz Acosta then.
Are you single?
SIMON: No. Next question.
PAZ: [bites her lip to keep herself from smiling]
Are you happy?
PEDRO: Yes, duh.
PAZ: Hey, I thought you were interviewing me? How would you even know that?
LUKE: You're always happy!
PEDRO: Yeah, uncle König told us how you're always smiling when you work with him and aunt Laura. He calls you two, uhh Honigkuchenpferde**. [laughs] (**a funny/silly word to call a person who is constantly smiling)
PAZ: Really? Hm.
SIMON: Your answer?
PAZ: The boys know me too well. Of course I am.
Are you angry?
PAZ: [pauses to think for a moment] I was gonna say I had enough anger in my life, so no. But now... König is lucky he isn't here right now. Might have to pay him a visit later on.
SIMON: Tell me when you're leaving, I don't want to miss that.
Are your parents still married?
PAZ: [pauses] They still are, yes. Not even death was able to do them part.
Birth place?
PAZ: Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Hair color?
PAZ: Do I need to answer this? Isn't it obvious?
SIMON: You just complained about us answering your questions for you.
PAZ: Fine. Dark Brown.
Eye color?
PAZ: Green.
PAZ: November 1st, 1995.
PAZ: A little tired still. And hungry. We could've done this after breakfast.
LUKE: No, this is really important. We need your answers now.
PAZ: Female. Ah yes, very important questions.
LUKE: Wait for them, the next questions will be fun.
Summer or winter?
PAZ: Winter. I prefer the cold over the heat.
SIMON: That's why I always have to give you my jacket?
PAZ: Hey, I said I like the cold not being cold. The fresh and cool air is just a lot more pleasant. And of course there's also snow! It's pretty!
PEDRO: Snowball fights! And building snowmen that look like dad!
SIMON: That one looked nothing like me.
PAZ: It had the same emotionless expression as you. Dead, cold eyes. Mouth turned into a frown. An icy nature.
SIMON: We're getting off-topic here.
Morning or afternoon?
PAZ: Afternoon. We do get up early, but I'm more of a night person. Both working and relaxing come easier during that time of the day.
PAZ: An interesting turn of events. What kind of interview is this?
PEDRO: You wanted more interesting questions. So let's go.
Are you in love?
PAZ: [laughs dryly] Take a wild guess.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
PAZ: Not for myself, but perhaps for others?
LUKE: You and dad didn't fall in love at first sight?
[Paz and Simon awkwardly look at each other]
PAZ: Next question.
Who ended your last relationship?
PAZ: Well, since your dad was and still is the first partner I ever had, no one.
Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
PAZ: [smiles] There have been no complaints as of yet.
SIMON: You're very confident with that answer.
PAZ: [smile drops] Have I?
SIMON: Remember when you first declined my proposal and disappeared for weeks afterwards?
PAZ: You've never mentioned that before. [pauses] That broke your heart?
[everyone looks at Simon]
SIMON: Next question.
Are you afraid of commitments?
PAZ: Definitely not.
PEDRO: Dad just said you didn't want to marry him. Isn't that a commitment?
LUKE: And then you ran away. That means you were scared?
PAZ: Alright, I was afraid of commitment. [takes Simon's hand in hers] But your dad showed me I didn't have to be.
Have you hugged someone within the last week?
PAZ: I do so every day, actually.
Have you ever had a secret admirer?
PAZ: I don't think so.
PEDRO: Uncle John said-
SIMON: Your mother is supposed to answer this, not uncle John.
[Paz tilts her head in confusion]
Have you ever broken your own heart?
PAZ: [pauses] Next question, please.
=SIX CHOICES= Love or... lust the other thing?
PAZ: [laughs] What?
SIMON: [pauses] Desiring something.
PAZ: Oh. Uhm, love. But I'd say you don't necessarily have to choose when you're in love.
SIMON: Hm, no protest from me.
Lemonade or iced tea?
PAZ: Lemonade.
Cats or dogs?
PAZ: Dogs. Couldn't imagine a life without Riley. Or his energy.
A few best friends or many regular friends?
PAZ: A mix? I'm friends with quite a few colleagues. They aren't too many though. And I have a few best friends like Laura, Gaz, and John. I couldn't go without either, so both I guess.
Wild night out or romantic night in?
PAZ: Night in! It's a lot more comfortable at home. Night outs can be fun, but most of the time they're quite exhausting.
Day or night?
PAZ: Night! What can I say, I'm a night owl, ha.
[no one laughs]
SIMON: Never heard that one before.
=FOUR HAVE YOU EVERS= Been caught sneaking out?
PAZ: No. I'm quiet as an owl. No one will ever hear me coming. Or leaving for that matter.
SIMON: It's 'quiet as a mouse'.
PAZ: Yes, I know. But my sign is the snowy owl, not a mouse, Simon. Have you ever heard an owl during flight? No, because owls move around quietly, too. You'd know that if you let me have one.
SIMON: Are you done?
PAZ: You're an unfun man. [silence] Now I'm done.
Fallen down/up the stairs?
PAZ: No.
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?
PAZ: Yes, and it still hurts.
Wanted to disappear?
PAZ: Well-
PEDRO: When dad wanted to marry you?
PAZ: Why did you have to bring that up? You know they'll never let me forget that.
SIMON: Hm, good.
=FOUR PREFERENCES= Smile or eyes?
PAZ: [smiles] Eyes.
Shorter or taller?
PAZ: Taller.
Intelligence or attraction?
PAZ: Intelligence can be attractive.
Hook-up going out with different people or a relationship?
PAZ: Definitely relationship.
=FAMILY= Do you and your family get along?
LUKE: We do!
PAZ: That I can agree with. I only wish I got to know the rest of my family, too.
LUKE: Tío** Raúl said the others would like us. (**Uncle)
PAZ: [smiles] Of course they would.
Would you say you have a “messed up life”?
PAZ: It was more than just "messed up". But that's over now. [bites her lip]
Have you ever run away from home?
PAZ: Does my escape from the lab count?
SIMON: That wasn't your home.
PAZ: Hm. Then my answer is no.
Have you ever gotten kicked out?
PAZ: No, I'm well-behaved.
[Simon snorts]
PEDRO: What did you do?
SIMON: Next question.
=FRIENDS= Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
PAZ: I wouldn't be friends with them if I hated them. So obviously no.
Do you consider all of your friends good friends?
PAZ: I guess so? Again, they wouldn't be my friends otherwise.
Who is your best friend?
PAZ: Laura and Gaz. I'm not choosing.
Who knows everything about you?
PAZ: A certain man that goes by the name of "Ghost".
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