#the science is settled
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Morgan Keller: On April 26, my friend Prisha testified in favor of this bill. Representative Beth Liston asked her if she was affirmed in her trans identity and medicalised in the state of Ohio. Prisha responded perfectly. "If you wait until you have a detransitioner from Ohio, someone is already hurt and you have failed."
My name is Morgan. I am the Ohio detransitioner that Prisha warned you about.
I’m 26 years old and was trans Identified for five years. In March of this year, after trying to ignore the doubt and regret that began to build around my transition, I woke up one morning with the realization that my trans identity was never about becoming my most genuine self or living my life authentically. Instead, it was a desperate, last-ditch attempt to become someone else to escape my unidentified trauma and body and mental health issues.
When I started exploring gender ideology, my life was in shambles. I was in an emotionally manipulative lesbian relationship, I was isolating myself in my apartment and drinking regularly. I wasn’t attending my classes or socialising normally, I had become captivated by the idea that my female body was fundamentally wrong and seduced by the prospect that there was something that I could do about it.
When I sought out help for my complicated feelings towards my female sex, I was affirmed, which is to say I was put on life altering cross-sex hormones with minimal questioning or treatment of my underlying issues. At 21, a license practitioner in the state of Ohio wrote me a prescription for medically unnecessary synthetic testosterone, and just one month after my 22nd birthday, I went under the knife for a double mastectomy based on the recommendation letter from a therapist who still holds an active license in the state. I sat with these practitioners for hours, describing how uncomfortable I was in my body, how disconnected I felt from myself and how hard it was to walk through the world as a masculine woman.
The nurse practitioner who prescribed me testosterone told me that I would transition beautifully and that no one would ever be able to tell that I had been born as a female. After a lifetime of body-image issues and an increasing desperation to become anybody but myself, that was like music to my ears.
I don’t believe that not transitioning was ever considered by my practitioners. I feel like once I walked into that gender clinic, medicalisation was the only option. I needed the practitioners that I trust it to help me make peace with my body, not firm my delusion that hormones and a cosmetic mastectomy might make me feel better. I needed them to just say no.
This week is the fifth anniversary of my first testosterone shot. I was told that this experimental medicalisation would save my life. My parents were made to believe that this was the only way to keep their daughter alive, healthy and happy. No practitioner bothered to dig deeper with me on why felt so disconnected from my female body, and why I thought giving myself an endocrine imbalance, amputating my healthy breasts and masquerading as a member of the opposite sex was such an appealing treatment plan. I can say with 100% certainty that this medicalisation only gave me new health problems and mental distress. I will never, ever legitimatise these experimental treatments as anything based on love or care for an individual.
Under the euphemistic guise of "life-saving gender affirming care," practitioners in our state have become enablers with their prescription pads. At its highest point, my testosterone levels were 11 times the maximum range for a female body. Is this really the standard of care that we want for our Ohioans?
When I realised that my medication was nothing more than a very elaborate placebo endorsed by multiple medical professionals, I made the immediate decision to detransition. It was all over. I quit testosterone cold turkey and endured four of the most brutal months of my life. I had no energy, I didn’t shower for almost 2 weeks, I would cry upwards of 10 times a day, shocked at what I’d been allowed to do to my body in such a vulnerable state with an underdeveloped brain.
I would lay in bed all day, sitting with the realisation that I would never be able to breastfeed children that I didn’t even know that I wanted at the time when I got my mastectomy. I didn’t know if those feelings would ever go away, so I started to make plans to commit suicide. My family was so worried that my parents made me go home, so they could make sure I was eating, bathing and sleeping.
I sent a letter to my prescribing practitioner detailing how much regret I felt, and all of the things I wish were different about the treatment I received, and she never replied. I had been working with that same therapist for seven years by the time I called her with my realisations about the issues underlying my decision to transition. I sent her list of everything that should have been treated instead of getting hormones and a mastectomy, and I will never forget hearing her tell me, "I failed you."
She told me that this was such a new field of psychology that modern medicine is still at the forefront of learning how to treat gender dysphoria. But isn’t that funny, because the current narrative says that this medicalisation is "settled science."
I couldn’t give informed consent at 21, so why are we pretending that children can do that? With this bill we can ensure that children in Ohio are protected from ever waking up and finding themselves in my position. I wish I never opened the Pandora’s box of gender ideology. I wish I’d been told by the practitioners that I trusted. I wish I could say that I’m the exception to the rule, but everybody in this room knows that that is false.
I come to you wearing the scars of this medical scandal asking you to please vote and support of House Bill 68 to protect Ohio’s children.
Thank you for listening.
Senator Kristina Roegner: Thank you for your testimony. Are there any questions? I do have one. You mentioned when you were 21 years old, you went in for the first time to a medical practitioner, and then started the treatments at that point. What was that... how many visits did it take, what was the discussion like, Was it really that quick or what did they ask you? What was that like?
Keller: I actually was the one to push back on them. I went in and they had such a long waiting list, you could just go in and see somebody below the main practitioner who is writing things at this clinic, you know, directing the program. And one of the doctors on the staff just said, "why don’t you start testosterone and see how you feel" And I was like, "no way." I wanted someone that I trust a little bit more to really help me discern if this was correct for me or not.
And I went to the clinic for the first time, I believe it was in June, and then six months later I was on hormones, and I think I went to the clinic three times.
The thing that never happens keeps never happening.
Lawsuit incoming in 4, 3, 2...
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1337wtfomgbbq · 1 year
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xysidhequeen · 8 months
It’s getting late (for me that is) but what about Jason first meeting with the rest of the council (Frostbite, Clockwork, Pandora and etc)?
You mean: Abominable Snowman, Benjamin Button and Mommy-sorry Step On Me? (Jason's crush on Wonder Woman did in fact transfer to Pandora)
Jason generally likes all of the council, and all of the council likes him in turn because he makes Danny happy.
He met Frostbite first. Danny took him to the Far Frozen to get checked out and to be sure the Baby Ghost was healthy and stuff. Jason had been forewarned and honestly, by that point, yetis were just one of those 'yeah that tracks' moments for Jason. Jason asked Frostbite, as a joke, if he could give him a piggyback ride. Frostbite picked him up, plunked him on his shoulder and booked it. 10/10 Jason had the BEST time. Definitely his favorite doctor.
Clockwork he met next, and it basically went:
Clockwork: I see you found your knight young king.
Danny: Yeah, thanks for WARNING ME
Jason: Who the is this fucker?
Danny: imagine a grandpa given unlimited power over time but retaining the 'stay off my lawn' energy but towards the time stream.
Jason: Ah
Clockwork: Wonderful. Off you two go
He then yeeted (yote?) Them through a portal because a member of the Flash Fam had severely fucked the timestream doing speedster shit. Luckily CW had smashed a hat on Jason's head first and he was in human form so the Flash fam member didn't recognize him. They were a bit too occupied with Danny yelling at them for fucking up and ripping them out of the speed force. The Flash fam member bought them lunch. (This was not the first or last time CW sent Danny to deal with the Flashes. They knew of him, and were all more than a little frightened of Danny. They think he's like. A speedforce demon or something. Theyre glad he eats burgers and not their souls) it was fun, even if they were stuck in the 40s for a bit until they cleaned everything up and got the Flash fam member back in the proper timeline. (You can imagine this as any of the Flash fam)
Jason met Pandora when she came to spar with Danny. And he just. Instant puppy crush. He watched this Amazonian woman beat the snot out of Danny and it was the best day of his life. If Fright Knight hadn't already claimed him as a protégé he would've been begging Pandora to train him. She thinks Jason is cute and is always happy to spar with him when she's around.
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todayontumblr · 1 year
alright, alright. let's settle this—once and for all
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gorgynei · 3 months
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excited to announce that IM ON INPRNT NOW! ive added a handful of pieces that i know poeple have asked for and that i like, but i might end up adding more if theres interest in that :) anyway go wild
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aboutiroh · 1 year
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gameraboy2 · 1 year
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"Satellite Space Ship Station" Amazing Stories, May 1946 Back cover by James B. Settles
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💕💖💘🥰💕Thinking 'bout vivisections💕💖💘🥰💕
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By: Leor Sapir
Published: Jan 22, 2024
Every time I recommend "The Myth of 'Reliable Research'" to medical professionals, they tell me it's a superb article, research at its finest.
They're not wrong.
The foundation for sex trait modification in minors ("gender-affirming care") is a Dutch study, published in two papers (2011 and 2014), and widely cited even today, even by transgender advocacy groups like WPATH, as the gold standard of research in this area. 
"The Myth of 'Reliable Research'" provides a critical appraisal of the Dutch study. It explains the serious methodological problems that led health authorities abroad to find--in systematic evidence reviews--that this research is highly unreliable. 
"Three methodological biases undermine the research: (1) subject selection assured that only the most successful cases were included in the results; (2) the finding that 'resolution of gender dysphoria' was due to the reversal of the questionnaire employed; (3) concomitant psychotherapy made it impossible to separate the effects of this intervention from those of hormones and surgery." 
The article discusses how an "innovative clinical practice" (essentially, an experiment) "escaped the lab" and was quickly adopted in a number of Western countries as "settled science." 
Though not discussed in the article, a key issue is why European health authorities have been better able to detect this problem of "runaway diffusion" and change course. As I've argued, the reasons have to do with a mixture of decentralization in American healthcare, complex private-public interactions, profit motives, professional incentives, and broader political polarization. 
After reviewing the flaws of the Dutch study, "The Myth of 'Reliable Research'" goes on to discuss subsequent research and the problem of "spin," which is when researchers misrepresent their findings (often in the abstract, perhaps anticipating that lazy, ideologically-aligned, or subscription-less journalists will often not read past that paragraph, but sometimes in the study's conclusion). 
The three examples of "spin" in research are:
* Carmichael et al. 2021: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0243894 (note that there was a follow-up to this study: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0092623X.2023.2281986)
* Costa et al. 2015: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jsm.13034
* Tordoff et al. 2022: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2789423 (the authors rightly call the spin of this article "dramatic")
For more on how journalists promote bad science see here: https://unherd.com/2023/04/the-media-is-spreading-bad-trans-science/
Medical historians and others who write about how Western societies got embroiled in one of the biggest medical scandals in modern history will undoubtedly cite "The Myth of 'Reliable Research'" as an important moment in the scientific debate, a moment when it was no longer possible for clinician-advocates to insist that the "science is settled" and that anyone who is skeptical is motivated by prejudice or ignorance. 
And the proof is in the pudding. Pro-medicalization activists, including clinicians, now admit that the quality of evidence--which in EBM means the confidence we can have in the estimate of effect of some intervention--is "very low." They insist, however, that many other pediatric interventions are also based on low quality evidence. 
The pivot is unsuccessful for reasons I can't get into here. There are exceptional circumstances where EBM allows for recommendations for treatment based on low-quality evidence, and this is not one of them. 
But let's not lose sight of the concession here, which is that "gender-affirming care" is an ongoing medical experiment, and two decades of research have failed to produce reliable findings that these risky and harmful interventions are "medically necessary." 
If you follow the gender medicine debate and haven't read "The Myth of 'Reliable Research,'" consider it a massive gap in your knowledge.
Here is the open-access article: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0092623X.2022.2150346
For precision: "innovative clinical practice" is not technically an experiment; in general, experiments--ideally, RCTs--are needed to figure out whether, when, and on whom ICPs are beneficial. But in the Dutch case, the ICP was launched more or less in the context of a (very poorly done) experiment. 
[ Archived: https://archive.md/CAsIP ]
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quivering rn what the heck
baron from the baronies is something that can be so personal actually
#fantasy high#baja’s blasting#the sheer unadulterated aromantic horror in his and rizz’s interactions jesus christ#‘everyone else will find someone they care about more than you’ hey. hey what if i cried#brennan lee mulligan why did you do this to me#the raw fucking dread the science with rizz seeing everyone he knows falling in love or dancing or making out#coupled with this freakish mannequin thing insisting that it is his romance partner. what the fuck#‘you are quite unlike your parents’ hey what the fuck man#and the fact that baron comes from a mirror which ties him into how riz perceives himself…aaaaaa#what if i cried. what if as in i am and have#AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO#it’s so sorrowful and realistic and terrifying and oh my god#i just can’t get over it. it is an amalgamation of riz’s fears of his friends all moving on from him after high school#and settling down romantically#it’s just so shfofksiokgnririe#AND THE FACT THAT BARON IS CREATED FROM A LIE RIZ TOLD IN ORDER TO FIT IN. HOW HE CARRIES BARON AROUND IN HIS SUITCASE#BECAUSE U CARRY THAT AROUND THROUGHOUT YOUR DAY#the horror of being in the closet is displayed so purely#also like. being aroace is really scary. it seems like everyone else has something magical that you never will#and you can’t attain it#and just jelstieoektkvkksir#they really did it justice#never gonna recover#sorry i wrote this before i learned that baron uses they/them :(#ignore my lack of lore knowledge#what i lack in facts i make up for in vibes
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nachosforfree · 4 months
Guh I need to go to sleep but I keep thinking bout this one person I saw claim undertale portrayed sans as a young adult (while using that as proof that soriel is weird). And I just. Sans is so not a Young adult. He's 30 years old MINIMUM
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"-Science is not debated, at least not in the way that Kirsch is proposing. Scientific debates usually include two (or more) real scientists discussing the methods, statistics, and analysis. Each “side” of a scientific debate uses published evidence to support their claims. Eventually, science comes to a consensus. The two sides of this “debate” are usually made of real scientists with sterling research backgrounds and education, in this case, vaccine scientists with expertise in epidemiology, public health, immunology, microbiology, physiology, and/or virology. Kirsch has none of that.
-Science is not a democracy. We don’t vote for a scientific theory or consensus, eventually the preponderance of evidence supports a claim. And right now, the preponderance of evidence overwhelmingly supports the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Not accepting that is simply science denialism, and so we “pro-vaxxers” would be “debating” someone who doesn’t accept the basic foundations of science. It’s kind of a waste of time.
-Debate is for opinion. I don’t have an opinion about vaccines — I accept the vast body of evidence that supports the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.
-Steve Kirsch has nothing to support his claims. His latest endeavor is to use stolen patient data (yes, it was stolen) to create pseudo-epidemiology (that is what it is) to claim that COVID-19 vaccines killed some incredible number of people. I won’t go into it, because David Gorski MD tore his claims into tiny little pieces. If Kirsch was a real scientist who went a bit off the rails about vaccines, I might consider “debating” him. Of course, I’ve got those hundreds of thousands of real scientists who accept the scientific consensus on vaccines, so I probably wouldn’t accept such a debate.
-Steve Kirsh uses various logical fallacies, such as ad hominem attacks, confirmation bias, and the old Big Pharma shill gambit. It’s hard to have a scientific discussion with someone who can’t use real logic.
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stuckinapril · 11 months
also i should add, the social pressure to have kids really ramps up as u approach ur 30s, from EVERYWHERE. i literally had a friend i hadn't seen in years tell me that my biological clock is ticking and that me and my bf should have kid's immediately even tho we had only been together 6 months at the time 💀 be ready to get a lot of flak for the decisions u make if they're not "conventional" but also stand ur ground, ur doing what makes YOU happy!
Thats so fucking unfortunate bc I’m looking forward to my 30s as the decade where I really know myself from most facets of life. And like. Where I actually get to have fun and do whatever I want and be me. I just want to exist in a world where 30 is the new 20, bc 20s are so romanticized despite being 67% a turbulent period chock full of excruciating self discovery 😭😭 not that it’s not fun, it totally is, but I also want to focus on me during the first decade of my life where I know myself more than I ever could’ve at 20
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before i go to bed bc i have been doing a lot of research- it’s *intensely* funny people whine about “gene's vision” whenever star trek is mildly transgressive like. i mean for one the dude stuffed the series with as much sex as he could in the time periods he was alive if he saw modern star trek and what’s possible on the air nowadays he'd probably say it needed to be way hornier lol. but also like. gene was progressive in his time outside of his fucking ridiculous level of misogyny. and even with that people who were Not Gene because turns out multiple people are involved in production of a whole tv show were often progressive in that area including women who obviously didn’t share the nightmare sexism gene had. and the series heavily reflected that, even if it’s not obvious today (since progressive for the 60s is usually intensely bigoted now). if the series wanted to be accurate to that it should actually be way more transgressive to the point it makes blunders bc the writers are tired from arguing with network executives. where’s the equivalent of the first interracial kiss on television guys ur playing it way too safe.
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moon-buggg · 4 days
Since the first chapter follows sun and moon I'm just now getting to write chapter 2 in yn's perspective and damn they are just a sopping wet beast. Absolute drowned rat of a character. Worlds poorest little meow meow I truly cannot wait for yall to meet them <3
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gameraboy2 · 1 year
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Undersea Guardians Amazing Stories, December 1944 Cover by James B. Settles
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