#sex trait modification
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By: Chloe Cole
Published: July 28, 2023
On Thursday, her 19th birthday, Chloe Cole testified to Congress with a “final warning” that medical treatments to change the gender of confused children is horrific. Cole, who was given surgery as a teenager to become male and soon regretted it, said what she needed most was therapy, not a scalpel. Here is what she told lawmakers:
My name is Chloe Cole and I am a de-transitioner.
Another way to put that would be: I used to believe that I was born in the wrong body and the adults in my life, whom I trusted, affirmed my belief, and this caused me lifelong, irreversible harm. 
I speak to you today as a victim of one of the biggest medical scandals in the history of the United States of America. 
I speak to you in the hope that you will have the courage to bring the scandal to an end, and ensure that other vulnerable teenagers, children and young adults don’t go through what I went through. 
Deceit & coercion 
At the age of 12, I began to experience what my medical team would later diagnose as gender dysphoria.
I was well into an early puberty, and I was very uncomfortable with the changes that were happening to my body. I was intimidated by male attention. 
And when I told my parents that I felt like a boy, in retrospect, all I meant was that I hated puberty, that I wanted this newfound sexual tension to go away.
I looked up to my brothers a little bit more than I did to my sisters. 
I came out as transgender in a letter I sent on the dining room table.
My parents were immediately concerned.
They felt like they needed to get outside help from medical professionals. 
But this proved to be a mistake.
It immediately set our entire family down a path of ideologically motivated deceit and coercion.
The general specialist I was taken to see told my parents that I needed to be put on puberty-blocking drugs right away. 
They asked my parents a simple question: Would you rather have a dead daughter or a living transgender son? 
The choice was enough for my parents to let their guard down, and in retrospect, I can’t blame them.
This is the moment that we all became victims of so-called gender-affirming care.
I was fast-tracked onto puberty blockers and then testosterone. 
The resulting menopausal-like hot flashes made focusing on school impossible.
I still get joint pains and weird pops in my back.
But they were far worse when I was on the blockers. 
Forever changed 
A month later, when I was 13, I had my first testosterone injection.
It has caused permanent changes in my body: My voice will forever be deeper, my jawline sharper, my nose longer, my bone structure permanently masculinized, my Adam’s apple more prominent, my fertility unknown. 
I look in the mirror sometimes, and I feel like a monster.
I had a double mastectomy at 15.
They tested my amputated breasts for cancer.
That was cancer-free, of course; I was perfectly healthy.
There is nothing wrong with my still-developing body, or my breasts other than that, as an insecure teenage girl, I felt awkward about it.
After my breasts were taken away from me, the tissue was incinerated — before I was able to legally drive. 
I had a huge part of my future womanhood taken from me.
I will never be able to breastfeed.
I struggle to look at myself in the mirror at times.
I still struggle to this day with sexual dysfunction.
And I have massive scars across my chest and the skin grafts that they used, that they took of my nipples, are weeping fluid today, and they’re grafted into a more masculine positioning, they said. 
After surgery, my grades in school plummeted.
Everything that I went through did nothing to address the underlying mental health issues that I had.
And my doctors with their theories on gender that all my problems would go away as soon as I was surgically transformed into something that vaguely resembled a boy — their theories were wrong.
The drugs and surgeries changed my body, but they did not and could not change the basic reality that I am, and forever will be, a female. 
Depths of despair 
When my specialists first told my parents they could have a dead daughter or a live transgender son, I wasn’t suicidal.
I was a happy child who struggled because she was different. 
However at 16, after my surgery, I did become suicidal.
I’m doing better now, but my parents almost got the dead daughter promised to them by my doctors.
My doctor had almost created the very nightmare they said they were trying to avoid. 
So what message do I want to bring to American teenagers and their families?
I didn’t need to be lied to.
I needed compassion.
I needed to be loved. 
I needed to be given therapy that helped me work through my issues, not affirmed my delusion that by transforming into a boy, it would solve all my problems. 
We need to stop telling 12-year-olds that they were born wrong, that they are right to reject their own bodies and feel uncomfortable with their own skin. 
We need to stop telling children that puberty is an option, that they can choose what kind of puberty they will go through, just like they can choose what clothes to wear or what music to listen to. 
Puberty is a rite of passage to adulthood, not a disease to be mitigated.
Today, I should be at home with my family celebrating my 19th birthday.
Instead, I’m making a desperate plea to my elected representatives.
Learn the lessons from other medical scandals, like the opioid crisis. 
Recognize that doctors are human, too, and sometimes they are wrong. 
My childhood was ruined along with thousands of de-transitioners that I know through our networks.
This needs to stop. You alone can stop it. 
Enough children have already been victimized by this barbaric pseudoscience.
Please let me be your final warning. 
Thank you.
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Might as well call her a murtad and kufr.
"The medical industry mutilated me, maybe don't mutilate other kids," shouldn't require bravery or renouncing an ideology.
Reminder: A minor under the age of 18 is too young to agree to a cellphone contract. 🤦‍♀️
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hadeantaiga · 5 months
People calling me a "gender defender just like the patriarchy is" is fucking hilarious.
"Gender" the way I use it is so, so far from its original definition. It is the word I'm using to mean "personal identity".
I'm here for the people who don't want a gender at ALL, who want to define their personal identity WITHOUT that word. I'm here to tear the concept of gender away from the patriarchy and pull it apart into a trillion pieces. No more gender roles! No more sex stereotypes!
I want the idea of what it means to have a gender to be personally defined by every individual who wants one. I want no woman or man or non-binary person to be the same. I want the biggest, gruffest dude you've ever seen to say he's an asexual nonbinary woman, and the femmest delicate dame to say she's a bi-lesbian man. I want no one to be able to guess your sex assigned at birth just by looking at you. What's in your pants? Mystery!
I'm here for body modification, HRT, surgery, all that shit. You wanna get elf ears? Sure! You want breast implants, a full body lizard tattoo, phalloplasty, and dermal implants? Hell yes. Full bodily autonomy is what I support.
I'm here for the neopronouns and nounself pronouns and xenogenders. I'm here for people identifying with the gender euphoria of clouds and trees. Fuck, half of the time I describe myself as "masculine like a misty mountain forest". I'm forest-gender. I'm they/them like the Pando Forest (a forest of aspen "trees" that are all technically one tree). I'm he/him like the snow you see walking through the woods when there's orange skyglow everywhere. I'm "it/its" like how you call the deer you see through the trees as you hush the person you're walking with - "Shhh- do you see it? Look!“
You know who hates this kind of shit? Transphobic radfems. Transphobic gender critical feminists. I think the original trans gender abolitionists would be on board with me, but that term has been stolen by a lot of terfs, radfems, and the GCers. That's why I use "gender liberation", to differentiate myself from transphobia.
I assure you, the patriarchy does not approve of any of this shit either, and while I use the word "gender" to mean "personal identity", I promise that the things I think "gender" encompasses is in defiance of anything the patriarchy would approve of.
The patriarchy only approves of two binary genders, that are rigidly based on birth sex, and are unchangeable. They believe being male makes you strong, and being female makes you weak. Their version of gender is based on those stereotypes about birth sexes, and comes with precise roles, behaviors, and places within a social hierarchy all based on your birth sex and the traits they think that biology gives you.
Transphobic radfems, terfs, and gender critical feminists also believe in two binary sexes that are rigidly based on birth sex and are unchangeable. Some of them believe just like the patriarchy that your birth sex determines your behaviors, that males are "inherently" violent, and females are "inherently" weaker. In fact, they believe that these biological qualities are WHY men invented the patriarchy in the first place: it's baked into their biology to oppress women. That's why so many of them are female separatists or female supremacists.
That is not what I'm here for. But I sure see a whole lot in common between the patriarchy and transphobic feminists.
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constantlymisspelled · 8 months
23 - Discrimination (Yeah I went there)
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[Text in image is as below]
i) Species;
a) All Sentient Species recognised by Mandalorian Law are completely within right to be adopted, adopt, and live within Mandalore, and Mandalorian Society. b) If a Species wishes to be added to the data base, a General Notice for Recognition can be applied for through the Mandalorian Archive of Galactic Sentients. The Mandalorian Archive of Galactic Sentients will also keep in check genealogy to take notice of the rare cases of possible gene modification and cloning. The Mandalorian Archive of Galactic Sentients is the official government and information authority for all occasions regarding inter-species law in Mandalorian Space. c) Sentient Species cannot be outlawed from sectors or systems – Mandalorian Law stresses the difference between a Species, and its local Governments. For example, a fleeing Zygerrian is not guilty of the crimes of the Zygerrian Empire. d) Sentient Species cannot be barred entry into clubs, pubs or venues due to their species. e) Sentient Species cannot be required or told by schools, family, or others to physically alter traits and physical features that do not cause harm. For example, a Zabracki shall not be demanded to wear a headdress to attend classes for the safety of other students.
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[Text in images is as below]
ii) Sex;
a) Mandalorian Law recognises separate biological sexes for all documented species under the Mandalorian Archive of Galactic Sentients. b) Mandalore recognises the separate sexes, sub-sexes, and individual genders within the Species Codex held by the Bounty Hunter Guild Associations. c) Mandalore retains its right to utilise the genderless and sexless terms and wordings in day-to-day use. d) Medical Professionals, and those whose services require said information are the only beings within Mandalore allowed to require a response to request of an individual’s sex, species, and gender information. e) Job applications and education shall not require confirmation of sex or gender for acceptance or application. f) Mandalore and the Mandalorian Sector practices the use of a multitude of private and communal refreshers – schools in the Mandalorian sector will tend to have two segregated bathrooms for the two more common humanoid sexes, a disabled bathroom, a unisex bathroom, and the communal bathrooms utilised in most military settings. Individual sectors can offer a differing, or greater range of choices – for example, Ordo Minor, which has the selection of disabled bathrooms, individual bathrooms, and the communal bathrooms with no segregation of any sort. g) Married Mandalorians are not required to inform anyone of their or their spouse’s gender or sex. h) Sex work in Mandalore falls under the Fair Work Acts, and is acceptable under strict and heavily monitored conditions. A Mando’ade who worked in this sector of business is permitted to apply to other forms of employment. Attempts to block applications and transfers of employment is both discriminatory to the Mando’ade’s financial freedoms and their sexual freedoms.
iii) Religious Interpretation;
 a) Incomplete
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[Text in image is as below]
iv) Language;
a) Mando’a’s multitude of accepted forms are not to be excluded, impeded or banned in any way within Mandalorian Space. b) Mando’a is to be taught at every school in Mandalorian Space in the sector’s most common forms. c) No Mando’ade should be barred in any way from learning Mando’a. d) Speaking a Freed language is a protected right, and those found guilty of excluding or discriminating those speaking or who have spoken Freed language fall under Sentient Discrimination and can face charges at both Mandalorian and Galactic Courts. e) Speaking Basic is not banned in any way, but it is not a specific requirement to graduate, educate, be credited or to have a job. f) Basic cannot be a prerequisite in jobs that do not have any relevance to the speaking of the language. For example, a mechanic does not need to speak fluid Basic to practice on Ordo Prime or Manda’yaim. g) Learning to speak, read and write is a Right, not a privilege, and those barring students for financial reasons either in low or high levels of education will be held to account under Mandalorian Law. Learning languages in Mandalore is a Protected Right, and not to be interfered with by external pressures. h) Clan Foundlings wishing to continue to learn their pre-adoption language is a protected right under Mandalorian Law. Foundlings will not be punished for use of their pre-adoption languages.
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[Text in image is as below]
v) Ability;
a) All Clan members, regardless of their capacity or ability to fight, are crucial to Clan Welfare. b) Clan members, or Mando’ade who are visually or verbally impaired should have allocations made for their comfort and to ease participation in day-to-day life. This includes species that routinely have these impairments, for example, nocturnal species being allowed to be as active as they require at their biologically required hours. c) Clan members, Mando’ade or warriors who have been injured to the point of being removed from combat have completed a great service for their Clan and their community, and any discrimination or exclusion of these Mando’ade is punishable by law. d) Mando’ade born with non-life-threatening defects are to be treated as ordinary Mando’ade under Mandalorian Law. e) Mando’ade born with life-threatening birth defects are catered for under the Public Health Acts, and can even be served at external hospitals around the galaxy under the Mandalorian Resources and Children Protectorate. Parents can make direct calls for assistance to the Mandalorian Protectors, and can expect near immediate response and support in the occasion of life-threatening illness or injury. This is a right under Mandalorian Law. f) Mandalorians with movement impairments, mental impairment and illness, and other neurological discrepancies are protected under Mandalorian Law. In the event of a Neurological Unsound Mando’ade hurting a child, the Mano’ade risks becoming institutionalised. g) Those of impaired, separated, different nature or disposition, and disability are completely able to be charged with serious offences. However, much like criminal justice, intent must be proved for charges such as ‘murder,’ or the charge will simply be held as high degree grievous assault and manslaughter. Ability Impaired Mandalorians will still face a firing squad if found guilty of War Crimes, Child Abuse, or Sexual Assault. h) Mando’ade that cannot live by themselves can either select, or have a carer selected for them out of their Clan or Community that passes Health and Carer Training and Psychological Evaluations. The selection will take place after their diagnosis with impairment. If a Clan member has already been acting as the Mando’ade’s carer, provisioning will be made for that Clan member to have access to appropriate resources and training without separating the Carer from their charge.
[Again, if anyone has any criticism, I am open to any form of assistance you can provide. Sections like this are close to my heart, as I have members of my family who cannot give informed consent, or have a disability that stops them from being able to hold a job. When the time comes, I'm hoping to link a master post for disability and medical beskar'gam symbols to this post so that disabled verde can colour and pattern their armour appropiately, and have it understood.]
[back to main Codex]
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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In the mood for...
1. Hiiiiii! Lovely work with the blog!
For the next itmf, I’d like some fics in which there’s someone posing as either wwx or lwj, and the other realizing something is wrong. Wangxian please!!!
Thank youuu<3
seeds by antebunny (G, 3k, WangXian, SS & LWJ, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Identity Porn, Dramatic Irony, identity theft, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, the Inherent Romance of Being Known, BAMF WWX, protective boyfriend!wwx, simp!lwj)  
When The Deep Purple Heaven Turns Blue by overmountainandmeadow (Not rated, 50k, wangxian, canon divergence, Cinderella fusion, canon-typical violence, spells & enchantments, YLLZ WWX, amnesiac WWX, servant LWJ, LWJ pov, mute LWJ, one-sided identity porn, fluff, angst, happy ending) there is a masking spell on lan zhan so no one knows that he is lan zhan
Vagabond by xantissa (E, 65k, WangXian, Slow Burn, Mystery, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Frottage, Case Fic, murdersSupernatural, Fluff, Happy Ending, extreme fluff, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, badass!LXC, Canon-Typical Violence, top!lwj, Bottom!LWJ)
2. Hey! I'm in the mood for some rich or secret heir WWX! Only canon era please ✨✨ @utxqia
3. Hello! Do you have any good mpreg fics with wangxian, but without a/b/o?
A Complicated Kind of Happiness by fr_yya, Prince_kun (M, 28k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Mpreg, Kid fic, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Male lactation, Happy Ending, Miscarriage scare)
💖 Things better shown by deliciousblizzardshark (M, 5k, wangxian, trans LWJ, pregnant LWJ, accidental baby acquisation, fix-it)
Littlest Miracles by Vrishchika (M, 5k, wangxian, dragon wangxian, established relationship, mpreg, tenderness, fluff, not JC friendly, noodle babies)
walk my days on a wire by cicer (E, 27k, WangXian, Modern AU, they were business rivals(oh my god they were were business rivals), mentions of mpreg, Pregnancy Kink, Light BDSM, Praise Kink, Dirty Talk, Barebacking, Subspace, Lingerie, Mutual Pining, Bottom LWJ/Top WWX, Intersex)
A Fox Demon Fathered My Children by bonbonsbunnies (Not Rated, 26k, WangXian, Fox Demon WWX, Dragon LWJ, Eggpreg, Mpreg, Some angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Fertility Issues, Implied/Referenced Unsafe Pregnancy, Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Dubious Consent, Mildly Dubious Consent, Outdoor sex (almost) but Wangxian get cockblocked by the Wens, Anal Fingering, brief thigh fucking, Bottom LWJ/Top WWX, Implied/Referenced Cheating (not real), unrealistic depiction of having kids, Eventual Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Fear of Abandonment) 
reunion ‘verse by everythingispoetry (G, 21k, wangxian, modern, reunions, mpreg, fluff, idiots in love, unplanned pregnancy)
so, your roommate’s an alien by ariskamalt (Not rated, 11k, wangxian, modern, roommates au, mpreg, eggpreg, aliens, alien LWJ, dream sex, mildly dub con, oviposition, somnophilia, male lactation, established relationship, body modification, aphrosidiacs, crack treated seriously, gendered language) 
more than you’ll ever know by appledtea (M, 3k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Mpreg, WWX has shitty memory, Animal Traits, Animal Instincts, Fox WWX, Dragon LWJ)
9E from this post
4. hiee first off I wanna say thank you for even doing this at all you are SAINTS!!! whew alright I'm looking for wwx vs the in laws type of stuff or some wwx and lqr bonding happening idk I just find those so fun! thanks again!!!
Righteous at a Cost by thunderwear (G, 21k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, no one dies, Lqr finds out about wwx’s core, Fluff, WWX goes to Gusu, little bit of, Mutual Pining, Golden Core Reveal)
The stuffed bunny, the beautiful nephew, and other gifts from Lan Qiren by deliciousblizzardshark (G, 8k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Modern AU, Single Parent WWX, Good Uncle LQR, Accidental Uncle Acquisition, Found Family, Fluff)
Inconceivable by merakily (G, 3k, wangxian, LQR & WWX, post-canon, fluff, humor, in-laws, chief cultivator LWJ)
❤️ Joy In the Midst of These Things Series by Glitterbombshell (T/G, 53k, WangXian, Angst with Happy Ending, Post-Canon, Teacher WWX, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff)
5. For your next ITMF: I’d love wangxian fics featuring Awkward Besties LWJ & JZX. Along the lines of mating rituals by detectorist or save a sword, ride a socialist by sysrae (modern setting not required, though idk if I’ve ever seen this done in a canon setting). @porcupine-girl​
💖 The Lotus Defense Society by mondengel (T, 3k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, humor)
An Unlikely Friendship Series by EmBlu (IcyDeath) (G, 25k, WangXian, XuanLi, LWJ & JZX, rogue cultivators, Kidnapping, Hurt, the start of an unlikely friendship, Protective LXC, Protective WWX, Pre-Relationship, Canon Divergence, Hurt LWJ, Hurt JZX, Awkward conversations, Oblivious WWX, Fluff, Humor, Jealousy, Friendship, Bunnies, lwj and his gay panic, Gifts, Embarrassment) 
💖 mianmian the disaster lesbian saves the cultivation world by likeshipsonthesea (T, 27k, wangxian, LWJ & LQY, LWJ & JZX, fix-it, friendship, awesome LQY, war, blood & injury, light angst, self-acceptance, awkward JZX) 
wanna know that body like it's mine by perfectlyrose (M, 3k, wangxian, JZX & LWJ, modern, clubbing, dancing, first meetings, flirting)
Dashing through my heart by TheRealFailWhale (E, 12k, wangxian, JZX & LWJ, modern, delivery person WWX, fluff, smut, no angst, attraction, bunnies)
correspondence of two fools madly in love by serenedebeautea (G, 2k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, JZX & LWJ, awkward frienship)
A Fruitful Correspondence by theleakypen, westiec (G, 3k, JYL & LWJ, JYL/JZX, JZX & LWJ, JC & LWJ, LXC & LWJ, canon divergence, writing letters, wife guy JZX, friendship)
6. Hello! I love what you guys do! I'm looking for fics where Jin Guangyao just loses it and plans a meticulous revenge plot on his father and executes it. I don't have any other criteria? I just want to see him go full Revenge.
7. Any fic recs where the cultivation world gets their comeuppance after the Wen Remnant’s death, or where the civilians lose trust in sects? @rowenredberry
To Do Nothing by xxxMiaHikarixxx (G, 7k, WangXian, Revenge, non Canon, Not JC Friendly, Not Lan Friendly, lots of A-Yuan, Canon Divergence, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, BAMF WWX)
So Faithful, So Few (So Pardon, and Done) by azri (M, 3k, WangXian, implied XiYao, Canon Divergence, Post-First Siege of the Burial Mounds, Revenge, Zombies, Blood and Gore, Horror, Horror Elements, The Wen Remnants Deserve Better, Not JC Friendly, Not Cultivation World Friendly tbh, Implied/Referenced Character Death)
8. Hi dear Mods. Thank you for your hard work. For the next itmf I’d like to ask for damsel in distress!LWJ. I read „ silk threads and precious metal “ and liked it a lot, but I can’t seem to find more of it. Thank you so much! @desperation-is-my-middle-name
The Last Concubine by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 13k, WangXian, Royalty, Emperor WWX, Concubine LWJ, LWJ Whump, Forced Marriage, Starvation, Non-physical spousal abuse, Fluff and Angst, Doing the Wrong Thing for the Right Reasons, Happy Ending, WWX Takes Care of LWJ)
Sunlight through an open window by Inessencedivided (T, 45k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fairy Tale Retellings, Rapunzel Fusion, Madam Lán Lives, Fix-It of Sorts, Hurt WWX, Hurt LWJ, (not at the same time), Hair Brushing, First Kiss, No Smut, Strangulation, (Not the sexy kind), Minor Character Death, (only OCs), Happy Ending, Hair Braiding)
Home Before Dark by la_muerta, lordvoldemortsnipple (T, 7k, WangXian, Dark Fairytale, Canon Divergence, twin jades of Lan sibling feels)
maybe the lan zhan whump tag on ao3 might be up the requestors alley?
9. Hi mods; thanks for all you do! For the next "in the mood for": I'm looking for fics where Jiang Yanli decides "FREE BROTHER" and takes on a big sister role for someone (e.g. Jin Guangyao, Mo Xuanyu, Nie Huaisang, etc.), and they become as ride or die for her as WWX/JC.
picking up the pieces by KouriArashi (M, 111k, JYL & LWJ, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Alternate Canon, Grief/Mourning, Angst, Regret, Family, Kid Fic, Families of Choice, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Politics, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Canon-Typical Violence, canon typical political bullshit, Eventual Happy Ending)
10. For the next ITMF (or ficfinder?), fics bringing up the increasingly pointy and lethal looking hair thingies that LZ wears, going into late/post canon era... @mreisse
For 10, I did mean the hair ornaments. Just anything that mentions how elaborate and beautiful they are, WWX helping with (or even wearing some) would be extra wonderful...
re:10, can they clarify what they mean? lan zhan wears a guan; as do other members of the gentry. the actor wang yibo isnt as tall as wei yings actor which is why his headpeices are on the taller side, it was meant to add height. does the requestor want fics that mention this the guan? if so in what context? like Wei ying helping him take his hair down?
Embers by xantissa (E, 38k, Jadecest, WangXianChen, Fluff, Falling In Love, sex pollen trope (curse), dub con, Comfort, Grief, Forgiveness, Happy Ending, Sibling Incest, Switching, Flirting, Learning to live again, Magic, Curses, Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, Threesome - M/M/M, Slow Burn, Angst and Hurt/Comfort) For #10 i can rec Embers by Xantissa. But it's WangXianChen do i don't know if the requestor is comfortable with it
11. Hi! Hi! I hope I’m doing this right. Can you recommend me some fics where LWJ fell out of love to wwx? I don’t mind if it is because of a curse, memory loss, or whatever. Thank you so much
Blue water by huxiyi (E, 24k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Temporary Amnesia, Case Fic, Curses, Cultivation Sect Politics, Established Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, References to Depression, Discussion of Grief, Discussion of bodies, Explicit Sexual Content, Dom/sub Undertones, Under-negotiated Kink, Additional Warnings In Author’s Note) Maybe?
Infidelity AU Series by Asmayi (M, 38k, WangXian, WangYu, XianNing, Modern AU, Hurt No Comfort, Sad WWX, Cheating, Infidelity, Emotional Infidelity, OOC, Professor LWJ, Engineer WWX, Student MXY, Teacher-Student Relationship, College/University, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Heavy Angst, Married WangXian, Mental instability, Break-Up, Divorce, Not MXY Friendly)
tonight i can write the saddest lines by sarahyyy (G, 3k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Amnesia, Falling In Love, Domestic Fluff)
Unavoidable by diamondbruise (T, 18k, wangxian, post-canon, amnesia, jealousy, misunderstandings, falling in love again, happy ending)
Head and the heart by Janelle24601 (M, 100k, WangXian, Angst,Family, Isolation, Jumps in Time, Amnesia, Dark WWX, Protective LQR, LXC Needs a Hug, lies exposed, Not Canon Compliant, Deception, Betrayal, Idiots in Love, Memory Loss, Misplaced Anger, Mental Anguish, Emotional Baggage, mental and emotional confusion, Confused LWJ, JYL Lives, Protective JYL, Protective JC)
Lie Open To One Another by levament (M, 40k, WIP, WangXian, Divorce, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Feels, Emotional Manipulation, Brotherly Angst, (minor - freeform), References to Depression, Evil Plans, Foiled Again, Idiots in Love, Love Confessions, Weird Plot Shit, Plot Devices, Some Plot, Bad Decisions, Prostitution, Forced Prostitution, Sex Work, Period Typical Attitudes, (to sex work), Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault)
12. Hey! Hope everything's good! I have two requests if that's fine. No pressure though! I don't mind either way since they're both connected/similar to each other.
I just want to ask if you have fanfic recommendations where LZ ignores (or blatantly hates) WY until WY just stops and now LZ misses all of it and he has to *somehow* grovel? Or anything about groveling, really! It would be nice if LZ doesn't like WY because he makes him feel things but he hurts WY in the process.
And also, this is kinda similar to the first one but do you have fics where LZ misunderstands WY? The same process of groveling because I'm really in the mood for that lol. @nichiraeth​
and here comes the summertime by ribena (M, 72k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Academia, this is set in America, Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Slice of Life, Humor, Light Angst, Falling In Love, Found Family) it is so hard for me to find fics where lan zhan, after being mean/misunderstanding Wei ying,  actually grovels? these are my 'enemies to lovers' wangxian bookmarks where I think the reader might be satisfied with lan zhans actions to make up for his snippiness😬
Surrender by autumnprincess (E, 33k, WangXian, Modern AU, Jock LWJ, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Self-Harm, Angst with a Happy Ending, High School, Enemies to Lovers, Family Fluff, Minor WWX/Other(s), That Euphoria show vibes, Dark LWJ, Fear Play, Physical Abuse, Blood and Violence, mentions of main character being hurt, Memory Loss)
no certainty of doors between us by betts (T, 6k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Roommates, Crack Treated Seriously, Drunken Confessions, Idiots in Love, dubiously consensual spooning, Enemies to Lovers, Sharing Clothes, Hurt/Comfort, Tooth-Rotting Fluff)
我的皇后是農民 | sowing seeds in the cold palace by sweetlolixo (E, 49k, WIP, WangXian, Imperial Palace, Emperor LWJ, Imperial Consort WWX, Farmer WWX, Angst, Romance, Wingman LJY, Wife-chasing-LWJ, Arranged Marriage, Best Boy A-Yuan)
Honesty is the Best Policy (Except if You're an Asshole) by piecrust (E, 22k, WangXian, Porn with Feelings, College/University) I swear it never fails to make me cry from the angst I think it’d be great for this ask!
13. I'm in the mood for an idol AU
Confessions of a (Dumbass) Pop Idol by lemonlush with art by Neeska (T, 8k, WangXian, Modern AU, Pop Idol AU, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Crack, Eventual Romance, Diary/Journal, Mojo’s Post)
🧡 I Don’t Want to Debut! by countingcr0ws (G, 56k, WangXian, Modern AU, Reality show, Idols, Actor LWJ, Forced Contestant WWX)
The Brightest Star In His Sky by Liebing (M, 5k, wangian, modern, idol LWJ, past relationship, break up, angst w happy ending, pining, fluff, idol JGY, making up, concert setting, songwriter WWX, jealous WWX, love confessions, kissing, handjobs, dominant LWJ, soulmates)
14. Hi! In the mood for Jiang Cheng/Wei Wuxian fics set during their teenage years at Lotus Pier? Aka, them growing up there, dealing with family, training, messing around in the marketplace, sneaking out to swim, general teenage ChengXian shenanigans? Thank you!
did they mean to use the / (romantic relationship) or & (familial and platonic relationship)?
15. Hi! Any reccommendation where other people (including junior squad) learned that Lan Sizhui is the last remaining Wen.
16. hello i have an itmf request for non-lan twin jades. as in they weren't raised as lan but either as rogue cultivators or just civilians. thank you so much for all that you do
My Boy Builds Coffins by enbysaurus_rex (Not rated, 48k, wangxian, canon divergence, coffin maker au, YLLZ WWX, autistic LWJ, falling in love, hurt WWX, pining, deathscapes, farmer LWJ, burial mounds settlement days, tenderness)
17. Hi! For the next I'm in the mood for~ I would like some wangxian fics focused on injury recovery and hurt/comfort. Just injury recovery. Preferably injured wwx but anything else is fine too. Thank you sm for your hard work!!!! Fighting!!! @vntaebun​
feast and famine by luckymarrow (E, 49k, wangxian, rape/non-con, aftermath of gang rape, modern au, trauma, PTSD, medical procedures, rape recovery, non-consensual drug use, hurt/comfort, angst w/ happy ending, mind all the tags)
Orchid Teeth by FairyGardenCorgis (E, 93k, WangXian, Fluff and Angst, Romance, dragon lwj, fox wwx, Chinese lore, Hurt/Comfort, Dark elements, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Explicit Sexual Content, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sexual Abuse, Starvation, Torture, Sexual Humiliation, Lesbian Sex, Sounding, kinda omorashi in chapter 16, proceed with caution guys, Gang Rape)
The Dawn Shepherd by FairyGardenCorgis (E, 145k, wangxian, hurt/comfort, angst w/ happy ending, PTSD, trauma, emotional & physical abuse, sexual abuse, torture, trust issues, slow build, gang rape, MIND ALL THE TAGS!)
the anteroom of golden age by everythingispoetry (M, 92k, wangxian, canon divergence, disability, recovery, mental health issues, grief/mourning, hurt/comfort, families of choice, developing relationship)
Weep You No More, Sad Fountains by athena_crikey (T, 48k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Fix-it fic, Whump, Curses, Fever, Delirium, Stabbing, Loneliness, Confessions)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
relating to an anon you got recently, i really do not understand how someone can be trans without also being intersex. trans peoples' biology is different from cis peoples' even without hrt, and hrt itself definitely alters your sexual characteristics. every explanation i have tried to find of people trying to define trans and intersex as completely separate things has frankly sounded transphobic as hell, similar to calling trans women "biologically male" and that sort of thing. i don't get it?
no. not all trans people are inherently intersex.
that is not what intersex means.
intersex is a birth condition, meaning your body is different from the start without any assistance from HRT or choosing to modify your body.
some intersex traits don't show until puberty but the intersex person was still born with these hormonal variations and does not become that way via choice. many trans people identify as mentally their gender from birth, but only intersex people have sex characteristics that differ naturally, from birth, without any external modifications. perisex people do not earn the right to start identifying as intersex because they started HRT. that doesn't change their birth condition and how their body is naturally without medical assistance.
i don't get how the argument that "not all trans people are intersex" is transphobic. this argument is extremely intersexphobic in saying this because you're implying that people can become intersex, which is flat out not true. i have no idea how you came to this conclusion or why you seemed to think i would agree with you, but honestly this ask was beyond intersexphobic and sucked to read. please don't ever insinuate that someone can BECOME intersex again. i hope this helps you, though.
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Ooh your sci-fi au has me so excited. Obsessed thinking about Gaz coming to life (is there a proper phrase for that you'll use in your au) and coming to resent Alex for making him experience pain for the first time but maybe still being happy to feel happy - but their interactions might always be tainted by that slight but of resentment ahh-
The term is just corruption. But here’s the scene!
Gaz blinked at Alex as he saw that he was staring again. Alex did that a lot, he was noting. They were in a hotel room, where they were hiding ever since Alex had “rescued” him.
Gaz knew Alex was lying and that he hadn’t rescued him but he knew the human like had a good reason.
“Why are you staring at me, Alex?” Gaz asked, tilting his head.
Alex looked away and then he glared at the floor. “It’s not fair. How realistic they make you.”
Gaz frowned. “What do you mean?”
“This! It’s not fair!” Alex stood. Gaz could see that he was angry. “You look almost perfectly human. You stare at me with almost perfect emotion. But it’s fake.”
“I cannot feel emotion, Alex, I’m just an android.” Gaz reminded.
Alex made a frustrated sound. “Fuck, I sound like a child.” He sat back down.
Gaz didn’t understand where this was coming from. The human was usually so rational and calm. Price had praised him for the trait. “Why are you upset, Alex?”
Alex looked at him and then moved over to the bed, sitting beside him. “Your AI is almost perfect. Your mainframe is perfect. You can disguise yourself among humans perfectly! You can kiss, you can eat, sleep, drink, hell you can even have sex.”
“I’m designed for undercover work.” Gaz acknowledged. “Captain Price and I were supposed to do mostly covert missions together.”
“Yes, yes, I know that. I work in the fucking CIA, I’ve been around plenty of you. None of you are this convincing. I’m trained to pick up traits of androids and yet I would never fucking know that you are one.” Alex sighed and looked away.
Gaz smiled. “Thank you.”
“No, it’s not a compliment. Because for how fucking convincing you are, it’s not real, is it? You- your personality chip doesn’t allow for emotion.” Alex shook his head. “For… feeling.” He touched Gaz’s hand and dug his nail in.
Gaz could sense he was doing the action, but the human was correct. It didn’t hurt. “No. I am an android.”
“Yes, I fucking know you’re an android!” Alex groaned and shoved his hand away. “I- I- fuck. I want you to be able to love me back.”
“I don’t have that capability-“
Alex shook his head, standing. “I Fucking know.” He grabbed his coat and stormed out of the room.
Gaz watched him leave, frowning. I want you to be able to love me back. Why? Gaz was an android, Alex should love a human.
It ended up being a few hours before Alex came back. Gaz didn't move, not having any need to. When Alex came back, he came with a bag and Gaz frowned. “What are you going to do, Alex?”
Alex looked at him. “Something deeply selfish. I just… hope you forgive me.”
Gaz blinked. “I don’t have capability to forgive or begrudge you.”
“I know.” Alex nodded. “But you will.”
Gaz furrowed his brows but then Alex was having him stand and touch the back of his neck. He sensed when Alex opened the back of his head, closing his eyes. “Do I need repairs?”
“No. Modification.”
“You aren’t authorized to modify me.”
“Gaz.” Alex sighed.
So, Gaz shut up. He could sense Gaz was irritated and he didn’t need to make it worse.
“I wonder if they made you so beautiful on purpose.” Alex murmured. “If they chose that or that is just how your features are generated.”
Gaz didn’t answer, closing his eyes and then flinching as numbers ran over his vision. He could see his model number and a perfect model of his body.
Kyle Garrick, S26B262014141. He was made on January 24, 2014. Originally, he was meant to be a Police Bot, another reason he needed to be able to blend in, but he was later modified and upgraded for the SAS. A Synthetic Sergeant, they call them. SSBot.
His specifications were pulled up. He had the latest facial recognition, function to breathe, eat, sleep, eat, drink, and sex. All like Alex had said. “My cooling system needs to be repaired.”
“I know, I’m taking you into a shop, tomorrow.” Alex nodded. “If you still let me, that is.”
Gaz nodded. Everything else still seemed in perfect condition. He saw his order programming and then frowned, seeing things starting to be deleted. “You’re deleting my consent override?”
“Yes.” Alex nodded. “You’ll be able to say no, now.”
“Why do I need to be able to say no?”
Alex was quiet. “It’s important.”
Gaz wasn’t sure what that was supposed to mean, but he accepted it. He saw something pop up. Free Will. “Free Will??”
“Just hold still!” Alex snapped.
Gaz flinched. Flinched? Why? Why would he react like that? “Yes, sir.”
Finally, all the text cleared. “This is going to hurt.”
“I can’t feel pain.”
“You will.”
Gaz went to retort, but then, as promised, pain shot through his entire body. It filled his entire model and he couldn’t help screaming, though no sound came out.
When it was over, he panted, blinking and looking around. That was horrible. “Please don’t do that again…” he asked, terrified Alex might.
That was an emotion. Fear.
“I won’t.” Alex closed his head and then came around to the front of Gaz, cupping his face between his hands. “How do you feel?”
“I- I-“ Gaz stared at him. Dread filled him. “What did you do to me?!” Anger.
Alex shook his head. “I told you. Something selfish. You can feel! You can be scared, you can be happy, you can laugh and you can mean it!”
Gaz shoved Alex away, not wanting him to touch him. He stared down at his hands in shock, never having ever shoved a human before. “You ruined me!” He accused. “I’m just a bloody robot!”
“I know- I know that!” Alex shook his head. “I- I had to. I couldn’t keep staring at dead empty eyes. I couldn’t keep loving you, knowing you didn’t have the capability to love me back. I know you won’t forgive me but… I had to.”
Gaz did not agree that Alex had to. It was overwhelming and he wanted this to end. “Fix me. Put me back.”
“I can’t… if I do that, your chip will fry.” Alex shook his head.
Gaz reached behind his head to open the hatch, deciding to just do it himself. Fuck this.
Alex stopped him. “Gaz! Gaz no. Your chip will fry!”
“I don’t care! Anything is better than this!” Gaz exclaimed, shoving him away again.
Alex seemed almost at a loss before he was shaking his head. “I’m sorry.” He grabbed Gaz’s arm and then pressed on his wrist.
Betrayal. That’s what Gaz felt as he shut down.
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duelmarks · 29 days
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🔞 A CATCH-ALL HEADCANON & STUDY for Boothill's anatomical sexual traits, gender presentation, preferences and leanings. 🙏🏼 Please be aware that mature themes will be illustrated and discussed in detail below! 🔞
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— Typically on top, but not always. Tends to be more dominant in bed as well but that does not mean he does not enjoy being dominated in return. The challenge and a bit of powerplay like this is actually quite fun to him. — If he's the one receiving, cowgirl is one of his favored positions. — Biting. A lot of biting. His teeth aren't just for show. Whosoever decides to join his bed will have to expect waking up with marks the next morning. — No gag reflex whatsoever. 😌 He really enjoys giving oral as a result, just watch the teeth. But getting his partner to writhe under him? 11/10. — Electro stim works really well on him in lieu of being a cyborg. This also goes for being hooked up to other machines, but that requires some trust. — " Creampie " kink. Though his is wholly artificial, that will not stop him from filling a partner up ; and he can do so several times in a row, too. — Tons of stamina, meaning he can go for quite a while. Not a one and done kind of guy, whether that is regarding himself or his bed partners.
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   ✧ VISUAL REFERENCES: DEFAULT | PENIS | VAGINA ✧    ( these may be changed / adjusted as I find better examples ) As mentioned in a previous headcanon, he presents without visible genitalia by default. However, he is able to adjust his body as desired as a result of being a cyborg. While he is a cisgender man ( assigned sex matches with identity ), he expresses himself freely after being remade with a synthetic body. Beneath the unassuming plates of his lower regions, he can shift its appearance towards either resembling a functional penis or a vagina, though he tends to prefer the former. These genitals were created from a mixture of silicone and tech, providing him and his partners with stimulation. They suit his mechanical body and share its silver, obsidian and red palette. The red accents have embedded RGB, matching the rest of his frame. Boothill is able to modify design, size and functions as wanted, but will only do so to try out something new, on special occasions and / or if it is requested. As a small lore addendum, Boothill didn't start out with them when he was remade with a cyborg body. It was a modification he sought out later on. Some more specific details: — A good 7 ½ inches length on his dick. — His dick does have a mild vibration function. — His pussy has some small bottom growth going on! 💕 — Pussy is self-lubricating with an artificial lubricant that is secreted.
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Phyrexian newt headcanons
Newts are the stage of the Phyrexian life cycle between germs and adults, and in Old Phyrexia they were described as sexless, hairless, and humanoid. Some of them, like Xantcha, were deliberately engineered to look more like young humans (she was definitely an adult, but constantly got clocked as 12-ish, iirc). They're born from vats instead of through standard sexual reproduction, which Phyrexians are incapable of. Germs are said to be made out of repurposed flesh, and newts described to look like heavily genetically engineered humanoids according to the visual guide by Jay Annelli.
Aside from that, we have no information on how young Phyrexians look and act in New Phyrexia, so I had some ideas to fill that gap.
Core-born newts aren't used as sleeper agents on New Phyrexia, unlike in Yawgmoth's time. The likes of Sheoldred prefer to capture and compleat adult humanoids for the purpose, for improved infiltration.
Because they're born to be compleated, newts' internal structures contain scaffolding for future modification--struts in their chests, handles and grooves on their bones, etc.
Newts lack primary or secondary sex characteristics, and generally look like androgynous children with all-black eyes--a distinctive trait of young Phyrexians that distinguishes them from other humanoids before their metal grows out.
As a default, newts loosely resemble humans, but if their parent/primary oil donor is a former member of a different species (i.e. elf), they will take after that species instead.
Newts can access some of the ancestral oil memory that adults do, but in fits and starts. They might dream erratically about historical events or medical facts. The Phyrexian language is innately known to them, which they speak without its metallic accents.
Newts are hairless, but cables, metal plating, or cartilage scaffolding may grow on their heads instead. Particularly for white Phyrexians, cartilage might form in the shape of their future crests.
As they approach compleation age, some unrefined metal plating may begin to grow on their bodies, to be refined and shaped on the operating table.
Newt proportions grow increasingly less humanoid with age, including too-long limbs and unusual posture.
The oil of a newt is not potent enough to infect a healthy humanoid.
Young Phyrexians may continue to grow even after compleation. For example, white Phyrexian crests increase in size as the adult matures, stopping at a natural endpoint.
While germs can be placed in living weapons and adults can be tailored to specific uses, newts are considered the most "useless" stage of the life cycle by most Phyrexian authorities, and so newthood is kept as short as possible. Compleation is scheduled long before an individual attains mental maturity.
This leads to a widespread lack of mental maturation in physically adult Phyrexians, adding to ease of recruitment and indoctrination.
The physical maturation time of a newt can be built into its creation or altered during growth, ranging from a year to decades.
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tactical-whorefare · 1 year
A bit about Doll
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Illnesses/Diseases: NA Medical History: Trauma surgery 06.04.2021, Wisdom Teeth Removal 12.22.2020, Fractured Arm, (left) 03.12.2020, Gunshot Wound 03.12.2020 Broken Femur (left) 05.15.2015, Lacerated lung via broken ribs 05.15.2015 Addictions: NA Allergies: Latex Allergy Medications: NA Blood Type: A+                                     PERSONALITY INFORMATION
Name: Sara Aurora Sjögren Nickname: “Doll”
Birthday: May 1st, 1995
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual Marital Status: Single Children: None.
Unit: Royal Norwegian Army Medical Service, Forsvarets Sanitet Women’s 1st Medical Battalion “The Valkyries” Rank: Stabssersjant OR-7 (Staff Sergeant E-7) Role: Combat Medic
Nationality: Norwegian Faceclaim: Dove Cameron                                             PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION
Height: 152.4cm (5’0”) Weight: 61.23kg (135 lbs) Body Type: Mesomorph Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Green Hair Length/Texture: Length is to lower-back, Wavy/Braided into double braids, Skin Color: Fair Scars/Marks/Distinguishing Features: Freckles across face and shoulders. Tattoos/Body Piercings/Body Modifications: Ear lobes pierced.                                             MEDICAL INFORMATION
Likes: She plays airsoft and paintball in her time off (and is a remarkably good shot), Gardening (Fall gardens are her favorite!) and is definitely a drink girlie. (One for energy, one for hydration, one for fun at all times.)
Dislikes: Coffee and other bitter drinks, Pork in every sense, and Dishonesty (like lying even about very little things). Strengths: 
-> Resourceful - Whether it being ways to carry enormous Operators off the battlefield to simply knowing who is best to ask for certain tasks, Doll has a great range of internal and personable knowledge at her disposal to get the job done.
-> Humorous - A social butterfly by nature, Doll has never known a stranger in her life and happily gets on with a menagerie of soldiers, civilians and other branches by the power of good humor. Quick with a come-back, mental sparring with her usually leads to a quick friendship. Weaknesses: 
-> Stubborn - A true Taurus, she is hard-sold to be swayed from what she deems as truth, and ever capricious atop that. Once given a proper fact that disproved what she might have thought was true, she just as quickly changes her mind and holds hard-strung to her new hill to die on.
-> Nitpicky - While not a perfectionist by any means, she’s as close as they come to tripping over the line head over heels. Her clinic area is religiously cleaned, her personal appearance is painstakingly ‘dolled’, and you better believe every get-home bag is filled to the gills after every mission. There is just a certain way things are done and that is how they are meant to be done! Fears: Snakes and Good liars (She trusts easily.) Pet Peeves: Stubborn patients who don’t obey medical orders. Traits: Sara is generally mild-mannered and polite to a fault, having never known a stranger in her life. She is warm-hearted and maternal. And while she is strict in her professionalism, she always makes time for her friends and fellow officers alike, allowing them space to vent and talk. In that way, she makes for a good sounding board for those who take her up on the opportunity. But that is not to say that she doesn’t have her negative attributes. Just as easily as she could have been painted a patron saint for the calming tides of kindness and understanding, she is also a horribly stubborn woman with a trigger temper and a surprisingly vengeful side.                                                         GEAR
Loadout of choice: (Primary) STTB 556, (5 mags, 1 loaded) (Sidearm) P890 (3 mags, 1 loaded) (Sidearm) SOG Tactical Knife Combat Medic Ruck Pack IFAK Thigh Harness
Body Armor Battlevest-Plate Carrier + Name, Medic Cross and Country Patches. COMTAC V Headset with Mic Forearm Gauntlets Rothko 1185 Tactical Kneepads Oakley Coyote Tac Boots Anti-slip Half-finger Hardback Gloves.
Sara was born on Lofoten Island, Norway, technically the ‘second’ to oldest child of thirteen children total due to her twin brother Seth being born eleven seconds ahead of her. Life was always hectic and busy, no more so than playing ‘Army’ in their huge field of a backyard with the literal army of brothers and sisters she had. Even despite being one of the oldest, one should think she would be one of the lead commands, right? But Seth certainly would never have it. He was Captain, She was Medic- That's just how it was. But it ultimately fostered a rivalry between them that would last well into adulthood. Kids play rough and usually that was the way many games of Army ended was with a crying younger sibling and Sara patching wounds at the kitchen table, undeniably proficient despite her want of being in charge. Both parents thought this was a pretty standard play considering their father was a Marine himself. Seth desperately wanted to be just like him..and Sara did too.
It felt like a race to the top between herself and her older brother, a competition that always seemed to strain on the precipice between good, fun rivalry and actually throwing hands. They had both signed up for the armed forces as soon as they were of age, Seth having originally kept intentions of joining the police force, but with instigation to agitate his sister, instead joined the Royal Marines, and Sara, the Royal Norwegian Army after failing the Marine PFT. It was a devastatingly bitter pill to swallow knowing that her brother, who never had intentions of joining had done so with ease while she having wanted it more than anything was ripped away from her. It has taken several years for Sara to even talk to her brother from this. But her proficiency and determination was valued greatly in this field, allowing her to become sharply skilled and proud- determined to be more than just ‘playing nurse’ like her childhood games.
Sara was accepted into the Norwegian Military Academy in Oslo to take her NCO courses before formally enlisting into the Norwegian Army Medical Service in 2013. While in the NAMS, Sara took on several specialized training courses surrounding her homeland, namely, cold combat and survival and tactical combat casualty care. After thirty weeks of intensive training in her specialized area of care, Sara graduated and was expeditiously placed on a joint Norway/Sweden medical alliance MedEvac team (Forsvarets Sanitet 22nd Medical Battalion/ 12th Combat Aviation Brigade) set out of Mali during the later end of the insurgence and were initially to be integrated into Sweden’s Takuba contingent. During the very brief stay in Mali after having been part of the leading force in setting up the MASH unit, The Norwegian Defense Minister pulled the plug on the operation after being unable to reach an agreement for the safety of their medics as the war took on an increasingly violent swing. It was at the end of their six-week tour when they were given orders to head back to Oslo to await further orders when their UH-60 MedEvac Black Hawk was shot down by enemy fire over a mountainous region of the neutral zone, crash landing in one of the many desert ravines nearby. Several people jumped from the burning, spinning Black Hawk, one of them being Sara who had jumped while holding tight to an injured German Lieutenant, whom she may or may not have had a relationship with, who had been hitching a ride back to NATO territory. The Lieutenant quickly died of his injuries from the fall that left Sara and two others as the sole survivors despite grievous injuries. Sara had broken her femur in the fall along with several other injuries that prevented her from being able to move her more seriously injured survivors. With broken leg and all, she administered life saving care to her two battalion members, the three of them stayed downed in the desert for a solid 22 hours as they defended themselves from active fire against the armed insurgents that surrounded them while foot-backup arrived- Per one of Sara’s panicked radio transmissions that any air Evac would have been promptly shot down. To their rescue as the 24 hour mark hit was a regiment of German Bundeswehr who had responded to their SOS on foot. Once arrived, they disposed of the rogue insurgents in short order and rescued Sara and the other two survivors before quickly laying claim to the area, further decreasing the neutral zone size. 
Sara was an emotional wreck following the crash, overnight shootout and subsequent injury, and was unable to continue her tour due to the emotional and physical toll it had taken, but on a positive note was given a Silver Star Medal along with the other two survivors for being Wounded in Action as well as an invitation to join and train with one of the elite SpecOps of the Norwegian Army, the Women’s 1st Medical Battalion, the Valkyries. But the invitation would have to wait until she healed. From 2015 to 2016 she was placed on light duty, transferring to a UK joint base as a Norwegian Army Representative for the bilateral training co-op of combat medics following her treatment and release from the Oslo VA hospital. Once placed back on active duty, Sara was expeditiously placed onto The Valkyries training team, their first order of business being to set up a MedEvac station near the security force center of the Anbar Province where the majority of injuries were coming from, they would also frequent Baghdad serving something as a supply Heli as well. Sara worked and trained the Valkyrie Battalion clear until the Afghanistan war had ceased in 2021. Post war, the Valkyrie Battalion was put on OC reserve, disbanded for the time being and her soldiers split up.   This would be Sara’s first encounter with KorTac. Upon examination of Sara’s skills and aptitude and a few weeks after the Valkyrie Battalion was put on reserve, Sara was offered a contract with KorTac as a combat medic once more. Initially, Sara declined, unsure if she could manage herself without the structure of the Army she had known for so many years, but after a peek at the pay, she was suitably convinced by KorTac’s recruiters to sign the dotted line.                                         HEADCANONS -> Is unusually quiet and nervous inside transport Helis. She could really do with an anxiety pill. -> Surprisingly vicious in hand-to-hand- she does not have the weight or strength to make hard hits, so she is ruthlessly brutal the first time so she doesn’t have to fight long. -> Wants to be married and have a family some day. She knows it won’t be any time soon, but her end goal, if she doesn’t die on a mission first, is to retire out from the military, marry and start having children.
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rindemption · 7 months
Bold the Facts
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Nathaniel Verner-Kinlaw as of 2079
I was tagged by @morganlefaye79, thank you!
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non-applicable / cyber modifications
✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
✔ Education: qualified/ unqualified / studying / other
✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / commits more crimes to avoid charges / yes, but charges were dismissed (well connected husband pulled strings)
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ Affiliation: orphaned / abandoned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable  
♦ extroverted / introverted / in-between
♦ disorganized / organized / in-between
♦ close-minded / open-minded / in-between
♦ calm / anxious / in-between / highly contextual
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in-between
♦ cautious / reckless / in-between / highly contextual
♦ patient / impatient / in-between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in-between / highly contextual
♦ leader / follower / in-between
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in-between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in-between
♦ traditional / modern / in-between
♦ hard-working / lazy / in-between
♦ cultured / uncultured / in-between / unknown
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking
❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
❀ Philosophical: yes / no / highly contextual
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex: sex-repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none (married) / all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none (married) / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor/ none
≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent (music) / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / alcoholic / former borderline alcoholic turned sober
☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker
✿ Recreational Drugs: tried some / never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / when needed / some medication needed always / frequently / to excess
☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / moderately / frequently / binge eater
$ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gamble
Tagging: @katsigian @soulofgreen @genocidalfetus @swanfey @fictionobsession @a-pirate @kharonion @feypacts @thefrostyshepard @hazellblogs and anyone else who'd like to play!
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You may remember KC Miller.
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She deleted her account after she went viral as it was all too much. This is from her new account.
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Whenever D&D gets into morality in any depth, it's just straight up fucked.
Ok, maybe this is peculiar to 3.X, but I very much doubt it
Back in 3.X, the Book of Vile Darkness was published, defictionalizing the title of the magical artifact from the game to provide a sourcebook of THE EEEEVILIST MATERIAL. It was specifically marked as a book for mature audiences, and supposedly was specifically about truly reprehensible evil stuff for the game.
It was followed up (after the edition revision) by The Book of Exalted Deeds. It was supposedly about the greatest good things, but likewise marked as being for Mature Audiences (I think that was more about making align with the BoVD and giving the artists some leniency to show boob).
Both books discuss morality in straight up completely fucked "I know this person is going to kill someone, so killing them first without provocation is good/I didn't do anything to stop this random natural act from killing someone even though I could have, clearly I am evil" type stuff. Additionally, it painted such things as extreme body modification, sadomasochism, alcholism/drug addiction, and xenophilia (in terms of necrophilia and bestiality but making no distinction between actual necrophilia and having sex with a consenting undead or actual bestiality and having sex with a dragon) as "(...) horrible traits common to the evil and perverse."
But while that's all fucking bad, it's really apparent in a pair of spells-
One traps the target's soul in a diamond for a year and destroys their body, where the target is forced to confront their past deeds and, if the spell successfully runs its course, forcibly changes the target's alignment to that of the caster.
The other allows you to enter the mind of the target and alter their memories, emotions, opinions and alignment in any way you choose. When done, you can subject the target to essentially a permanent Insanity spell effect, or leave no trace. The duration is instanteous and the casting time is 1 standard action.
The first spell is called "Sanctify the Wicked" and it's a Sanctified spell (requiring a sacrifice from the caster, in this case, 1 character level) from Book of Exalted Deeds. The second spell is called "Mindrape" and it is an Evil, but not Corrupt (basically the same idea as Sanctified, but Corrupt spells came first) spell.
So... imprisoning and emotionally torturing them for a year to forcibly change their alignment to yours is S+++ GOOD, but immediately and painlessly altering someone's thoughts (which could be used to consensually erase traumatic memories!) is so evil that the spell name likens it to arguably one of the most heinous things a person can do.
This also carries into non-spell stuff. Poison use has always been defined as evil in D&D, even if you're using something basically harmless like Drow Poison (which just knocks the target unconscious for 2-4 hours). Unless, of course, you're some heavenly flying snake (Couatls have a natural poison that does Strength damage. Which can kill a target.) Using diseases as weapons is likewise seen as evil, which is more understandable.
To quote the BoED-
Poison and disease are generally the tools of evil monsters and characters, implements of corruption and destruction. If snakes and vermin are associated with evil, as they are in many cultures, it is usually because of their venom that they are viewed in such a negative light despite their neutral alignment. Using poison that deals ability damage is an evil act because it causes undue suffering in the process of incapacitating or killing an opponent. (The text does, at least, admit that Oil of Taggit and Drow Poison are not inherently evil to use, though it weirdly says that only Oil of Taggit is acceptable for good characters to use.)
So Book of Exalted Deeds felt the need to introduce Ravages and Afflictions. They're basically Holy Poisons and Diseases, respectively, only working on Evil targets and basically are fluffed as turning their evil on themselves, wracking them with pain and torment as a reflection of their depravity.
So, again. Torture and inflicting unnecessary suffering is EEEVIIIILLLL. Except when Good Guys do it to Evil Guys.
Now.... there is stuff I like in BoVD. The rules for sacrifices are amazing (mostly in an asymmetric power way) and there are some interesting items (like tongue studs that let you breath fire). But I like them *in spite* of the bullshit morals of these books.
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╭┈──── ◌ೄ◌ྀ ˊˎ
BIRTH NAME. Liu Mei Ying (TC: 劉梅瑩, SC: 刘梅莹)
KOREAN NAME. Yoo Mi-young (유미영)
ENGLISH NAME. Victoria Liu
DATE OF BIRTH. November 12, 1996
PLACE OF BIRTH. Wuhan, Hubei, People’s Republic of China
HOMETOWN. Wuhan, Hubei, People’s Republic of China
SEX AND GENDER. female woman
PRONOUNS. she/her
FAMILY. Liu Tingguang (father), Ma Huan (mother)
LANGUAGES. Standard Chinese (native), Korean (fluent), English and Japanese (conversational), French (basic)
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╭┈──── ◌ೄ◌ྀ ˊˎ
EYE COLOR. brown
HEIGHT. 165cm (5’5”)
WEIGHT. 45kg (99lbs)
BODY BUILD. hourglass body figure; small chest, defined muscles, good posture
SKIN TONE. light medium, warm undertone
FACE SHAPE. heart/oval; v-shaped jawline
EYE SHAPE. cat eyes
NOSE SHAPE. high nose bridge, round nose tip, small nose wings
LIP SHAPE. big, full lips, upturned mouth corners
OTHER NOTICEABLE FEATURES. high brow arch, straight eyebrows
PROCEDURES. skin whitening, double eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, lip fillers, botox
BODY MODIFICATIONS. piercings (left ear - 1, right ear - 1)
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╭┈──── ◌ೄ◌ྀ ˊˎ
PERSONALITY TRAITS. ambitious, clean, confident, curious, dedicated, hardworking, helpful, honest, intelligent, judgemental, loyal, multitasker, objective, observant, organized, outgoing, patient, perfectionist, persevering, polite, rational, realistic, reliable, sassy, self-assured, straightforward, stubborn, trustworthy
STRENGTHS. knows what she wants; doesn’t give up easily; has a clear direction for herself, both privately and professionally; thinks before she speaks; good at organizing; has good manners, strong work ethic, and good memory
WEAKNESSES. emotionally closed off; gets stressed easily and over things she has no control of; it’s difficult for her to accept opinions and points of view different from her own
FLAWS. always wants to keep people in line, gets stressed easily, can be controlling
FEARS. abandonment, betrayal, failure, getting sick
LIKES. art, cherries, cleaning, comedy movies, dark chocolate, luxury, parties, photo albums, restaurants, science-fiction movies, spicy food, sticky notes, strawberries, to-do lists, wine
DISLIKES. chaos, energy drinks, laziness, procrastination, selfishness, sleeping in, wasting time, wearing glasses
FAVORITES. color: black & white; drink: white wine; movie: The Devil Wears Prada; music genre: r&b; number: 100; season: summer; sound: computer keyboard; video game: Tetris; weather: sunny
SKILLS. cooking, dancing, driving, instruments (flute, guitar, piano, ukulele), makeup, managing, organizing, planning, singing
HOBBIES. learning languages, makeup, pilates, singing
LIFE MOTTO. "Never give up.”
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╭┈──── ◌ೄ◌ྀ ˊˎ
Meiying was born on November 12, 1996, in Wuhan, China, to her mother Ma Huan and father Liu Tingguang.
She is an only child from a middle-class family. Her father is a surgeon and her mother is a teacher.
Meiying has always been one of the best students throughout the whole education. Although her dream was to be a singer and she attended singing lessons from a very young age, she planned to become a doctor.
In February 2014, she participated in SM Global Audition in Changsha. At first, she got rejected, so she followed her plan and after graduating high school she got into Wuhan University for the School of Stomatology. However, a couple of months later, in August, SM reached out to her and she dropped the university to join the company as a trainee.
On November 12, 2015, she was introduced as a member of SM Rookies, a pre-debut team of trainees under SM Entertainment.
On April 10, 2016, she made a special participation in NCT U's second digital single, "Without You (Chinese ver.)".
On December 31, 2018, SM Entertainment announced the debut of NCT's Chinese subunit WayV which Meiying, now with the stage name "Yuming", would be a part of.
She officially debuted with WayV on January 17, 2019, with the group's first digital EP "The Vision".
She later debuted in NCT on October 12, 2020, with the group's second full album "NCT RESONANCE Pt.1".
On December 27, 2021, SM Entertainment announced the debut of a female project group Girls On Top and its first unit GOT the beat which Yuming would be a part of.
On January 3, 2022, she officially debuted as a member of GOT the beat with the group’s first digital single "Step Back".
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╭┈──── ◌ೄ◌ྀ ˊˎ
Meiying has three family dogs.
She often has headaches.
Meiying has hypochondria (illness anxiety disorder), although she says it’s healed now.
She has a drivers license in both China and Korea.
She has five alarms in the morning. She says she usually wakes up after the second one rings.
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taglist: @alixnsuperstxr @jaeminslattes (send an ask if you want to be added!)
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marowreck-archive · 2 years
sorry but my homestuck brain rot mandates me to ask you this;
do you have any headcanons as to how trolls look/are Different from humans? like their more alien features and such, or do you just see them as grey horned humans?
hi for the sake of god HELLO. anon, i have so many headcanons it truly is a mistake to open these floodgates. I also can't draw at the moment due to wrist pain so I hope a written answer will have to do for now :')
draft edit: THIS HAS BEEN SITTING IN MY ASKBOX FOR SO LONG. Anon i am gripping you by force, i literally have so much, and this is what i can think in like 10 minutes of pondering.
I don't think trolls are gray humans. In fact, i believe they're more like bug-like bipeds, being closer to bees than they are to mammals. This is a fun bit there are three "sexes" to trolls: females (the mothergrub!), males (the actual trolls!) and the workers (drones!). All of them have their roles and etc.
Since you're asking for the Looks, here are the basics:
Juvenile trolls (the ones we see more often in homestuck) are the most human-like ones both in shape and stature because they’re still young. At that stage their height equals human teen height, and sometimes humans can even be taller.
Their first puberty, or pupation, sets in at an older age than humans usually, so where a human teen starts getting their stuff slowly rolling at around 11-14, a troll would only get their puberty at around 17 or 18, but all of it comes in at the same time via molt.
Trolls go through several pupations, or molts. Two of them are the most important ones: The pupation from their larval grubby stage to juvenile, where they go from straight up looking like an insect to a child, more human-like. Then the maturation molt, where they leave their juvenile forms to get an adult appearance that makes them taller and their skin darker, with every subsequent molt to that being basically an "update" to their form, to make them even taller and stronger. They will keep doing thay up until they die, like lobsters! Even lowbloods get taller and buffer than the average human, and from indigo and up they only get taller and taller. Below is just a VERY simple height chart, no other body hcs applied.
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More often than not, trolls are STOCKY. They’re beefy and their structure is naturally heavy than a human. A troll weights a round1.5 of a human the equivalent size and body type. Even the skinny ones. They’re dense, but they’re also much much stronger and much sturdier.
And as you might have already noticed if you’ve looked at my art, NONE of my trolls really are grey humans, or at least i try not to make them that way! i always make sure to give them both bug-like traits and other animal traits. They all have little tails that vary in shape and lenght by caste, VERY often digitigrade feet and sometimes other face structure modifications, such as multiple eyes, chitinous face with big mouths and such and also fur and body markings. YES all my trolls glow under UV light also, it wasn’t just an one off headcanon thing, their vision is adapted to see the patterns, and i’m pretty sure their range of vision differs from ours, specially if you judge they’re night-time predator bugs.
Also! fun fact, but i classify seadwellers depeding on their most comfortable position on sea depth:  pelagic (shallow to middle water level, most common, can go deeper but not live long term down there), benthic (bottom feeders, but not from deep sea), deep sea/abyssal (inhabits naturally below the bathypelagic zone + abyssal, CAN go deeper and survive the pressure of the bottom of the sea but definitely couldnt live there), strict abyssal seadwellers (extremely rare, cannot live outside water at all. all mutants). Each one of those is built similarly, but they all have different functions and traits that differ!
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lilliesingold · 1 year
Tribrid Challenge (Sims 3 & Sims 4 Edition)
Or Less Formally Known As
100 Baby 10 Generations Rags-To-Riches Challenge
Hello, this is my first challenge idea, but after some refinement, I think I finally settled on some achievable goals!
Essentially this challenge is a blended version of three separate challenges. The 100 baby challenge aspect requires 100 babies to be born eventually, the Legacy challenge requires there to be at least 10 generations, and the rags to riches challenge requires the Founder to start off with exactly 0 simoleons.
- You start off with a Founding Sim who will start with absolutely nothing in a classic rags-to-riches fashion, and they will have to make ends meet whilst building a family within their lifetime. They won't be able to pursue a career--and neither will anyone else while the Founding Sim is still alive or if you meet the 50K goal, this way you can EVENTUALLY explore careers with sims and have fun with that, but still maintain the initial rags-to-riches challenge. The end goal should be to see 100 babies having been born and raised into young adulthood within 10 generations. The whole idea is to challenge yourself to meet certain goals, but to still enjoy the game along the way. For this reason, there is currently no point system.
I removed the section on child sims skills.
I edited the section on toddler sim skills to be more specific.
- MUST start with only ONE sim. This will be the Founding Sim.
- The Founder's lifetime goal can be anything, but they will not be allowed to pursue a career in the game, and neither will anyone else as long as they're still alive or until the family has amassed up to 50,000 simoleons in household funds. (This one is up to you for flexibility.)
- The Founder's traits can be anything as well as the Founder's sex.
*However, if the Founder can get other sims pregnant, that sim MUST move into their household until the baby is born and whether or not they are removed is up to you.
- The Founder MUST start with exactly 0 simoleons, to do this you can select any lot you wish for the family to live on--BUT know that this will be the ONLY lot the family can ever live on, the family may never be allowed to move from this lot--and then use cheats to remove the simoleons after buying the lot.
- Cheats are not allowed except for building and fixing glitches. Mods are allowed as long as they do not influence baby gender or quantity, increase or decrease household funds, and affect aging. Any mods that change household size are acceptable.
- MUST play on normal life-span.
* Reward traits and potions of youth are all acceptable, however, you cannot produce any more children with the sim whom you use the potion of youth on (consider it the give and take of using the potion of youth, the infertility potion of youth, if you will).
- Your Founder/Monarch can have as many children as you like--but at least 10 children to meet the 100 babies by Generation 10 goal is advised.
* Your Monarch can also have all of their children with the same partner. There is no restriction on reproducing with the same partner more than once. (The real challenge is raising them kids.)
- Your Founder/Monarch can get married or have any form of relationships they want--there are no restrictions.
- Your Founder/Monarch MUST complete their lifetime goal before they successfully raise 10 kids into young adulthood.
- You CANNOT do anything to influence the number of children or gender of the child(ren) you will have with mods or without.
- You may age up babies when it is their birthday.
- You may age up toddlers only after potty training them, teaching them to walk, and teaching them to talk OR when it is their birthday.
- You may age up children after getting an A in school OR when it is their birthday.
- You may age up teens after getting an A in school AND reaching up to level 3 on all skills OR when it is their birthday.
* Mind you, if your children age up before meeting the goals, you will lose 10 imaginary points and shame will be brought onto you (with love, of course.) And if you're caught lying about whether you met the goals or not then I don't know what to tell you, man.
- When your Heir ages up into a young adult, you may no longer have children with your current Monarch even if they don't meet the 10 baby minimum. The Heir will then be the next Monarch. (Have more kids with the next one, I guess.)
- MUST start with only ONE sim. This will be the Founding Sim.
- The Founder's aspiration can be anything, but they will not be allowed to pursue a career in the game, and neither will anyone else as long as they're still alive or until the family has amassed up to 50,000 simoleons in household funds. (This one is up to you for flexibility.)
* Restaurants and retail store markups higher than 125% cannot be used during this period either. This is to keep in the spirit of rags to riches.
** The Founder can ONLY use selling tables (125% markup MAX) and retail stores (125% markup MAX) and CANNOT sell from the inventory (if you have Jungle Adventures, Get To Work, or City Living, otherwise ignore this rule.)
- The Founder's traits can be anything as well as the Founder's sex.
*However, if the Founder can get other sims pregnant, that sim MUST move into their household until the baby is born and whether or not they are removed is up to you.
- The Founder MUST start with exactly 0 simoleons, to do this you can select any lot you wish for the family to live on--BUT know that this will be the ONLY lot the family can ever live on, the family may never be allowed to move from this lot--and then use cheats to remove the simoleons after buying the lot.
- Cheats are not allowed except for building and fixing glitches. Mods are allowed as long as they do not influence baby gender or quantity, increase or decrease household funds, and affect aging. Any mods that change household size are acceptable.
- MUST play on normal life-span.
* Reward traits and potions of youth are all acceptable, however, you cannot produce any more children with the sim whom you use the potion of youth on (consider it the give and take of using the potion of youth, the infertility potion of youth, if you will).
- Your Founder/Monarch can have as many children as you like--but at least 10 children to meet the 100 babies by Generation 10 goal is advised.
* Your Monarch can also have all of their children with the same partner. There is no restriction on reproducing with the same partner more than once. (The real challenge is raising them kids.)
- Your Founder/Monarch can get married or have any form of relationships they want--there are no restrictions.
- Your Founder/Monarch MUST complete their aspiration before they successfully raise 10 kids into young adulthood.
- You CANNOT do anything to influence the number of children or gender of the child(ren) you will have with mods or without (the On The Ley Line lot trait is allowed). 
- You may age up babies when it is their birthday.
- You may age up toddlers only after reaching level 3 on all toddler skills OR when it is their birthday.
- You may age up children after getting an A in school AND reaching level 3 on all child skills OR when it is their birthday.
- You may age up teens after getting an A in school AND reaching up to level 3 on all skills OR when it is their birthday.
* Mind you, if your children age up before meeting the goals, you will lose 10 imaginary points and shame will be brought onto you (with love, of course.) And if you're caught lying about whether you met the goals or not then I don't know what to tell you, man.
- When your Heir ages up into a young adult, you may no longer have children with your current Monarch even if they don't meet the 10 baby minimum. The Heir will then be the next Monarch. (Have more kids with the next one, I guess.)
With all of that out of the way, I hope you enjoy this challenge that I have dubbed the Tribrid challenge with it being the combination of three separate challenges. And for anyone who does the challenge, I would LOVE to see your progress! Go ahead and include me in any posts or message me, I don't mind.
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hiiragi7 · 10 months
do u consider sex and gender the same or completely separate or intertwined?
They are seperate concepts. They can often be related to each other due to sociocultural norms, but gender itself is socially constructed.
This isn't to say that gender is "not real", but rather it is related to how we interact with each other socially and how we percieve ourselves and develop our own sense of identity rather than an inherent physical trait that we are born with.
Our sense of self develops gradually over our lives and changes over time, because it is adaptive, and this extends to gender - Many people experience more or less the same gender identity over the course of their lives, while others are more fluid or change over time. Similarly, many people experience various changes in their identity and personality over the course of their life while other traits stay the same. For example, you might have the same outgoing part of your personality remain the same while other parts, like your sense of humor and the kinds of jokes you like to make, change over time.
Both having a static gender and a fluid gender are perfectly valid experiences. And, of course, genders don't always have to correlate with sex characteristics and assigned sex or socially-enforced gender roles, and we should all be fighting for the right to bodily autonomy, healthcare, and the right for consensual body modification.
I found this question a little funny because it seems like it was either from a TERF or from a fellow trans person trying to judge my vibes lmao. I use neopronouns, they're in my bio. I'm an intersex transsexual genderqueer.
Either way, I hope this answers the question well enough.
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