#the right exotic pet
pets12pets · 8 months
How to Find the Right Vet for Your Exotic Pet?
Choosing the right veterinarian for your exotic pet can be a daunting task. Unlike traditional household pets such as dogs and cats, exotic animals require specialized care and attention that not all veterinarians are equipped to provide. Finding a knowledgeable and experienced vet who understands the unique needs of your exotic pet is crucial for their health and well-being. From reptiles and birds to small mammals and even fish, each exotic species has its own set of specific needs that must be addressed by a qualified vet. In this article, we will discuss the important factors to consider when searching for the right veterinarian for your exotic pet. We will explore the qualifications and credentials to look for, as well as the different types of care and treatments that may be required for your specific exotic pet. With the proper guidance and information, you can ensure that your beloved exotic companion receives the best possible care and lives a long and healthy life.
1. Research local exotic pet specialists.
When it comes to finding specialized care for your exotic pet, doing thorough research on local exotic pet specialists is imperative. These professionals have the knowledge and experience necessary to provide the best care for your unique pet. Start by asking for recommendations from other exotic pet owners or local animal shelters. Then, make sure to look into the qualifications and credentials of potential vets, ensuring they have expertise and training in exotic animal care. It's also important to inquire about the specific treatments and care they offer for different exotic species. By taking the time to research and carefully choosing an exotic pet specialist, you can ensure your beloved pet receives the best possible care.
2. Check for relevant certifications and qualifications.
It is also important to check for relevant certifications and qualifications when choosing a vet for your exotic pet. This will give you peace of mind, knowing that the vet has the necessary training and knowledge to handle your unique pet's needs. Look for certifications such as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and specific qualifications in exotic animal care. You can also check for membership in professional organizations, which can indicate a vet's dedication to staying up-to-date on the latest techniques and treatments in exotic pet care. By thoroughly checking for certifications and qualifications, you can ensure that your exotic pet is in capable and experienced hands.
3. Ask fellow exotic pet owners.
Another valuable resource for finding the right vet for your exotic pet is to ask fellow exotic pet owners for recommendations. These individuals have likely gone through the process of finding a suitable vet and can provide first-hand experiences and insights. You can reach out to local exotic pet groups or forums, or even ask around at your local pet store or animal shelter. Personal recommendations can be a valuable tool in your search for a trustworthy and knowledgeable vet for your beloved exotic pet.
4. Seek recommendations from reputable sources.
It is important to seek recommendations from reputable sources when searching for a vet for your exotic pet. While personal recommendations from other exotic pet owners can be helpful, it is also important to consult with professional organizations and associations. These groups often have directories of qualified and trustworthy vets in your area who specialize in exotic pets. Additionally, you can also check with your local veterinary board to ensure that the vet you are considering is licensed and has a clean record. It is crucial to gather information from reliable sources to ensure the best care for your unique and beloved exotic pet.
5. Look for experience with specific species.
Another important factor to consider when choosing a vet for your exotic pet is their experience with specific species. Some vets may have experience with common exotic pets such as reptiles and birds but may not be well-versed in caring for more unique species like hedgehogs or sugar gliders. It is crucial to find a vet who has experience and knowledge in treating the specific needs and health concerns of your exotic pet. This will ensure that your pet receives the best care possible and that any potential health issues are properly addressed. Additionally, seeking out a vet who has experience with your pet's species can also save you time and money, as they will be familiar with common health problems and treatments for that particular species.
6. Schedule a consultation or visit.
It is recommended to schedule a consultation or visit with a potential vet before making a final decision. This gives you the opportunity to discuss your pet's needs and ask any questions you may have. During the consultation, pay attention to the vet's communication style and how they interact with your pet. It is also important to inquire about their experience with exotic pets and any specialized training they may have. Additionally, consider the location and hours of the vet's office, as well as their emergency policies. Taking the time for a consultation can help you determine if the vet is the right fit for your exotic pet's needs.
7. Assess the clinic's cleanliness standards.
When visiting a potential vet clinic for your exotic pet, it's crucial to assess their cleanliness standards. Not only does a clean and sanitary environment promote good health for your pet, but it also reflects the professionalism and attention to detail of the clinic. Look for areas that may be prone to bacteria or viruses, such as the waiting room, exam rooms, and surgical areas. Observe if the staff members are wearing gloves and washing their hands frequently. Additionally, inquire about their cleaning procedures for cages, equipment, and other surfaces. A reputable vet clinic will prioritize cleanliness to ensure the well-being of their patients.
8. Inquire about emergency service availability.
Additionally, it is crucial to inquire about the availability of emergency services at the vet clinic. Exotic animals can have unique health needs and may require immediate medical attention in an emergency. Therefore, it is important to know if the clinic has emergency protocols in place and if they have a veterinarian available at all times. Inquire about their response time and availability after regular business hours to ensure your pet will receive prompt and proper care in case of an emergency. This information can give you peace of mind and assurance that your exotic pet will be in good hands at all times.
9. Discuss pricing and payment options.
Another important aspect to consider when choosing a vet for your exotic pet is the pricing and payment options offered by the clinic. Exotic animal care can be costly, so it's important to discuss the pricing and payment options with the vet beforehand. Ask about their consultation fees as well as the costs of any necessary procedures or medications. Inquire about any discounts or payment plans they may offer, as well as their accepted forms of payment. It's also a good idea to check if they accept pet insurance, as this can help with the costs of routine check-ups and unexpected treatments. Don't be afraid to ask for a breakdown of costs and to compare prices with other vet clinics in the area. Remember, the most expensive option may not always be the best, so be sure to weigh all factors when making your decision.
10. Trust your instincts and intuition.
When making important decisions about your exotic pet's health and well-being, it's crucial to trust your instincts and intuition. While researching and comparing prices and payment options is important, ultimately it's your gut feeling that should guide you towards the right vet for your pet. After all, you know your pet's needs and personality best, and you want to ensure they receive the best care possible. If something doesn't feel right or you have doubts, it's important to listen to those feelings and continue exploring other options until you find a vet that you feel confident and comfortable with. Don't underestimate the power of your intuition in choosing the right vet for your exotic pet.
In conclusion, finding the right veterinarian for your exotic pet may seem like a daunting task, but it is crucial for the health and well-being of your beloved companion. By following these steps and considering the unique needs of your exotic pet, you can find a qualified and knowledgeable vet who will provide the best care possible. Remember to prioritize experience, specialized training, and good communication when making your decision. With the right vet by your side, you can ensure a happy and healthy life for your exotic pet.
1. What specific qualifications or experience should a veterinarian have in order to properly care for exotic pets?
A veterinarian specializing in exotic pets should have specific qualifications and experience to properly care for them. They should possess extensive knowledge of exotic animal physiology, behavior, and diseases. Additionally, they should have hands-on experience in diagnosing and treating a wide range of exotic species. This includes familiarity with unique husbandry requirements, nutritional needs, and handling techniques. A strong understanding of zoonotic diseases and proper preventive care are crucial. Continuing education and collaboration with other specialists in the field are also important to ensure up-to-date knowledge and the ability to provide the best care possible for exotic pets.
2. Are there any specific resources or organizations that can help in finding a vet who specializes in exotic pet care?
Yes, there are resources and organizations that can help in finding a vet who specializes in exotic pet care. One such resource is the Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians (AEMV), which provides a directory of veterinarians who specialize in treating exotic pets. Another organization is the Association of Avian Veterinarians (AAV), which focuses on bird care and has a directory of avian veterinarians. Additionally, local exotic pet clubs or online forums can often provide recommendations and referrals to experienced exotic pet veterinarians in specific areas. It's important to research and consult these resources to ensure your exotic pet receives the specialized care it needs.
3. What are some important factors to consider when evaluating a veterinarian's facility for exotic pet care, such as the availability of specialized equipment or the presence of an on-site laboratory?
When evaluating a veterinarian's facility for exotic pet care, it is important to consider the availability of specialized equipment and the presence of an on-site laboratory. Exotic pets require unique care, and having the necessary equipment, such as specialized cages, heating systems, or surgical tools, is crucial for their well-being. Additionally, an on-site laboratory allows for quick and accurate diagnostic tests, which is especially important for exotic pets with specific health requirements. Overall, these factors ensure that the veterinarian's facility is equipped to provide optimal care for exotic pets.
4. How can one determine if a veterinarian has a good reputation in the exotic pet community, and what are some red flags to watch out for when choosing a vet?
To determine if a veterinarian has a good reputation in the exotic pet community, one can start by seeking recommendations from fellow exotic pet owners or local exotic pet groups. Online reviews and testimonials can also provide insights. Red flags to watch out for when choosing a vet include a lack of experience or specialization in exotic pets, limited availability or accessibility, poor communication skills, and a clinic that lacks proper facilities or equipment for exotic pets. It is important to trust one's instincts and seek out a veterinarian who demonstrates both knowledge and genuine care for exotic animals.
5. Are there any particular questions or concerns that should be addressed during an initial consultation with a potential veterinarian for an exotic pet, such as discussing dietary needs or potential health risks specific to the species?
During an initial consultation with a potential veterinarian for an exotic pet, it is crucial to address questions and concerns regarding the pet's dietary needs and potential health risks specific to the species. This may include asking about the appropriate diet, nutritional supplements, and feeding schedule for the exotic pet. Additionally, discussing any potential health risks, such as specific diseases, parasites, or environmental hazards that are common to the species, is important to ensure the well-being and long-term health of the exotic pet.
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troythecatfish · 5 months
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
pre-canon spn to me is just Azazel having to show up to parent John’s kids for him so they don’t die a la the Maleficent movie until he starts feeling partial towards Sammy as his favorite of the special children
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mausdotpng · 8 months
that is NOT a comically large dinner plate
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fbwzoo · 9 months
Problems with having Weird Pets: the vet can also only give his best guess as to likely causes of behavior changes; bonus problem, that pet is too tiny to get a blood draw for bloodwork
Fun parts of having a Weird Pet: he gets carried around to be shown to all the vet techs, and they ask for permission to share his picture on their fb page 😂😂
Spoon got a good check up despite the lack of bloodwork, his mouth and teeth look good. Vet agreed with bumping the heat a little for him, and thought otherwise the food thing might just be him being a pickier adult now.
My main concern is just that he is prepared for torpor, as it's getting around time. Could be he's getting sleepy a bit early this year, but I still feel like he didn't bulk up enough for it. Hopefully the heat should help. And we may just bug him a bit more often this winter to make sure he's still doing okay.
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piss-bong · 1 year
heard this thing on a podcast about how all good weed dealers have some sort of exotic pet and i can’t get over how real it is. the last guy i bought from had a macaw, the girl before that had a sugar glider, and my current guy has an entire reptile breeding business
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wandering-wolf23 · 8 months
Oh god what did Owlvid do now?
1). Entertaining a user who wants to start harassment against a Redditor for the following reasons: said Reddit user doesn't think the Save a Fox is literally Satan incarnate, but fur farming really needs to be overhauled and Sea World isn't that great. Keep in mind, I found the Reddit user who said this and had to find some serious scrolling to find the "confrontation". It was civil and basically boiled down to the fact that the Redditor didn't think it was moral to wear fur from farmed foxes and that the current drama around Save a Fox is really overblown.
SAF isn't great. It's a damn sight better than a lot of sanctuaries because they euthanize for medical reasons and actually provide vet care, but it's not as good as some of the ones I've worked with. Granted, my rescue work has been focused around rescuing abused Amish workhorses, so I'm not the best to ask here. The food situation is probably boiling down to a "fed is best" approach (meaning: the food they are using is hyper-palatable, but not the best for the animals. They are probably trying to make up for it in supplements).
However. I have a similar situation with my cats. My vet told me that it's best to offer a food that everyone will eat every time and manage the issues as they come up.
SAF has a lot to be criticized for. I don't agree with a lot of what they do, but I can appreciate the mission. I can also appreciate the fact that Fish and Wildlife is not going to do anything because the proper permits are filed and paid for. I'm also assuming there's a rabies plan (the one I worked with had a rabies plan because they had dogs, cats, and an animal everyone suspected to be a wolf-dog).
However. Inciting harassment against a random Redditor for not agreeing with you 110% is a dick move.
2). Inserting themself into a discussion around the state of XL bullies in the UK and parroting lines from The Daily Mirror that came straight out of the anti-pit bull lobby. The Mirror is known for bad journalism. It's a tabloid. It's no different from those "Princess Diana was really a sex changing alien!!!1!!" magazines.
What's going on in that situation is a genetic mutation in the most popular line of dogs that didn't start popping up until fairly recently. The breeders were either A), puppy mills or B), didn't know the dogs had it.
Owlvid and Co picked up that, ran with it, and came up with the idea that XL bullies were bred to guard drug dens and eat people. Which, uh, is not the case. They're a companion breed. The issues are coming from one line of dogs that was super popular and than inbred. But of course, that doesn't get as much attention as a line from a racist rag.
TL;DR: drama around people not fully agreeing with them and wanting attention.
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moxie-girl · 1 month
Star Wars clone wars-era tumblr dashboard simulator! this meme format is so old sorryyyy
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🌳 treehuggr Follow
hate hate HAAATE that holoblr is so core-centric and you’re expected to post in basic or people just comment asking you to translate. I should be able to post in shryiiwook.
⬜️ senatesux-deactivated00192…
Hey, your choice of Shyriiwook as an “exotic” language to post in ties inherently into old colonialist views on Wookies and I need you to be aware of that, if it wasn’t intentional. Many people on the holonet these days…
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🌳 treehuggr Follow
hi! op here. I’m a wookie.
🪐 outer-rim-4lyfe Follow
#core holoblr users stop assuming everyone is human challenge
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🛸 fuckthatoldman Follow
ok but whys grandmaster yoda kinda… 🥵🥵
🧑🏾‍🚀 sora-the-explora Follow
Everybody on here claiming to be attracted to GILFs is lying except for this guy
#everyone unfollow me i wanna be alone with them
6,969 notes
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5️⃣ 55555555 Follow
some of the ppl posting on here against clone rights are so funny like do you have any idea how many clones are on holoblr?? have fun losing like all ur followers lmao
#what do u think we’re doing between deployments??? just standing around waiting to fight????? #clone rights #cloneblr
84,255 notes
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🌃 coru-ssant Follow
I sure hope my pet piece of flimsi is doing well! good thing I left my apartment window open so he could get some fresh air while I was at work :)
🌃 coru-ssant Follow
by the stars this can’t be happening
3,206 notes
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🧋 bubble-tea-bounty Follow
⚒ keldabekisses Follow
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#anyways vote vanilla extract for mand’alor it’s what jaster would’ve wanted #mandalore #mando discourse #<- for those of u who have it filtered
17,384 notes
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🦾 hero-with-many-fears Follow
anakin skywalker is 22??? he should be at da club….
2,836 notes
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🌌 posts-from-a-darker-galaxy Follow
so was anyone gonna tell me they found out the chancellor is a sith or was I supposed to learn it from a CNL skit???
🌝 pizzathehutt Follow
posts that make you read op’s url
🚀 hyperdriven Follow
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#op if you go asking at enough temples eventually a sith might answer
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sexkuchiisms · 1 year
Have to have all the necessities to house your own gumiho~
She's not cheap, and it shows.
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I mean, you get a freaking mythological being at your disposition [one that has limitless stamina at that] Someone has to pay the price for that...
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troythecatfish · 4 months
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yandere-daydreams · 4 months
Title: Pet Pastimes.
Pairing: Yandere!Gojo x Reader (JJK).
Word Count: 1.6k.
TW: Dub/Con, Hybrid AU, Snow Leopard!Gojo, Puppy!Reader, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Degradation, Unbalanced Power Dynamics, Reader Is Very Oblivious, and Manipulation.
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“And you’re sure this is going to help?”
Satoru had been agitated when Suguru first brought you home – all dolled up in your collar, ecstatic to be led along the very same leash he always strained against. You were more obedient than most of the unruly mutts he knew, always happy enough to sit patiently and wait for your next command, but it would take more than a few weeks of passable behavior to convince Satoru dogs were anything but hyper and messy and so loud, he could hear their mindless barking from a mile away. The fact that you were supposedly here to ‘help’ him (Suguru called you a “service animal”, said most captive-born exotic hybrids had more domestic companions, but Satoru didn’t think you deserved such a pretentious title) didn’t make anything better. Satoru didn’t need help. What he needed was Suguru’s attention, but if he couldn’t have that, he’d settle for yours.
“Oh, I’m sure, puppy.” His fist tightened around the base of his cock. Suguru wasn’t home – just a quick errand, he’d claimed, it should only take a few minutes, as if that was an excuse for leaving his favorite pet and dutiful companion at home – and Satoru barely waited for the apartment door to lock before luring you into the kitchen and telling you to get on your knees while he leaned against the counter, Suguru’s forgotten phone well within reach. Currently, you were kneeling in front of him, your hands balled on your thighs and your gaze almost cross-eyed as you struggled to see what he was holding to your lips. He thought you would’ve had a little more experience, but your first owner must’ve been the sheltering type. Part of him was annoyed that he’d have to pick up the slack and teach you something so basic, but overall, he was pleased to know that it would be a long, long time before you got enough practice in to replace Satoru as Suguru’s favorite playmate. “I’ve just been feeling a little stressed out lately,” he said, drawing it out each word, giving your stupid canine brain time to process what he was saying. “This’ll really help me relax. You wanna help me out, right?”
Automatically, you nodded – your pressed frown instantly replaced with an eager smile. Your ears perked up, your concerns completely forgotten when presented with the chance to do what you’d been trained for. “Please, ‘toru,” you whined, and he fought the urge to cringe at the way Suguru’s nickname sounded coming out of your mouth. “Please let me help!”
It was almost cute, just how desperate you were to make him happy.
He forced himself to smile back at you, using one hand to scratch at the base of your ears while the other jerked lazily over his cock. He was already hard, thankfully, and at the added stimulation, the sight of you practically drooling on yourself to get a taste of his cock, he felt himself twitch – thick pearls of arousal beginning to bead at the tip and drip onto your chin. You didn’t seem to care, to notice. He wouldn’t have been surprised to find out that his was the first cock you’d ever seen. “Can you open your mouth for me? Big n’ wide, just like I showed you.”
Like the trained dog you were, you obeyed immediately – letting your mouth fall open and looking up at him with the same bright, expectant eyes that must’ve won Suguru over, when he first picked you up. His hips wanted to buck forward, to bury him to the hilt in your newly available hole, but he held himself back, told himself he had to ease you into it no matter how little you’d done to earn his oh so generously given kindness. In the end, he settled for swiping his thumb over the flushed tip before resting it gingerly on your splayed-out tongue. It only took a second for you to stiffen, to jerk back. You didn’t cough or sputter, but your mouth snapped shut, your expression taking on a certain unease. Satoru fought the urge to bare his teeth. “Is something wrong, puppy?”
“I’m sorry, it’s just—” You closed your mouth, looking away. “It tasted weird. It was bitter, n’ stuff.
He sighed, rolling his eyes. “Look, if you still don’t think you can handle this, I can just tell Suguru you decided you’d rather go back to the pound—”
“Please don’t!” Your hands shot to his thighs. “I’ll be good, I promise, and I can’t— I don’t want to go back to the—”
“Then open your mouth.” After a second, you straightened, your lips parting and your jaw going slack. Still, he feigned reluctance, narrowing his eyes into a half-hearted glare as he raked his fingers through your hair and tugged half-heartedly, just hard enough to draw out a strained whimper. “And this time, don’t fuck everything up just because it ‘tastes weird’. If you do that again, I’ll have to tell Suguru you were being a bad dog.”
Your ears drooped, your tail falling slack against the tiled floor. Still, you managed not to jerk back as he slid his cock into your open mouth, slotting his tip against the velvety inside of your cheek. He could see you wince, your shoulders rising as you fought the urge to pull away, but even if you’d tried, the fingers knotted in your hair would’ve kept you rooted to the floor as he rolled his hips and thrust shallowly into the hollow of your cheek. Your tongue was smooth compared to his and wide compared to Suguru’s, and he could tell you were fighting not to move, not to explore the unknown factor trespassing inside of you. With a slight hum, he took pity on you – hazy lust having softened his previous annoyance. “It’s okay, puppy – you can lick, if you want to.” There was a moment of hesitation, then the broad flat against your tongue against the underside of his cock, tracing the shape of a prominent vein Suguru tended to favor, too. He shuddered, but told himself it was only out of reflex. You got lucky, that was all. “Mind your teeth. I’m takin’ you back to the shelter myself if you bite down.”
You tried to nod, but gave up quickly. Instead, your acknowledgment came in the form of your tongue curling around his tip, licking at the arousal dripping down his shaft, doing your best to lap at the shaft of his cock despite the awkward angle. Saliva and pre-cum pooled in the corners of your mouth, but you didn’t dare tilt your head back, didn’t dare swallow - keeping your mouth wide open as he drew back just far enough to pull out of your cheek and aim, instead, towards the back of your throat. You flinched, your dull nails scraping against his thighs, but it was easy to drown out the dull spark of pain as your tight throat fluttered and tightened around his cock, as the hand still wrapped around his base fell away in favor of joining its twin on the back of your skull and pulling you flush against his crotch. This time, you couldn’t stop yourself from reacting – your body lurching against his legs as you gagged, as you tried to wretch yourself out of his hold, but he was too far gone to so much as consider letting you go. “Stupid mutt,” he mumbled, cupping the back of your skull while you fought not to suffocate on his length. “Don’t even know how to breathe right. Can’t do anything on your own, huh, can you?”
Your only response was a choked inhale, a string of incoherent gibberish half-muffled by his cock. Drool wasn’t the only thing dripping down your face, now – tears were rolling down your cheeks, fat and hot, drawing thick trails through the mess of cum and spit. Your tongue wasn’t moving, anymore, but he didn’t care – your mouth was warm and soft and fuckable enough to make up for your lack of skill. You were beating at his legs, too, your little hands made even smaller when compared to him, and for a second, he could be convinced that you were a little cute. Not cute enough to deserve as much of Suguru’s attention as you got, obviously, but cute.
His cock pulsed against the convulsing walls of your throat, and he cursed under his breath. You let out a pained whine as he drew back, pulling out of you entirely. Without his support, you threatened to buckle over, to collapse into yourself, but he held you up with one hand while the other pumped over his cock too quickly, too roughly not to tip him over the edge. It was all you could do to stare up at him with those big, watery eyes as he let out an airy moan, as he painted thick ropes of white across your messy face, as he left you stained and teary-eyed and covered with his cum.
You blinked once, then twice, but didn’t react, too out of it to complain or cry out or question why his lips quirked up into a small grin, his eyes taking on a dreamy, half-lidded sort of lull. “Good puppy,” he cooed, his heart skipping a beat as he heard your formerly stagnant tail begin to sweep lazily over the tile floor. He reached for Suguru’s phone as he went on, keeping his tone light, delicate. “Can you smile for me, too? A big, wide smile – to show how happy you are that you get to stay with me n’ Suguru.”
It took a second, but eventually, you managed a stilted nod. It was shaky, at first, more of a mangled frown than anything, but with a little love and patience, you found your footing, your lips splitting apart into a wide, beaming smile – as if you were the happiest, most pathetic puppy in the world.
You were fucking adorable.
Your smile barely faltered as the camera shuttered, as Satoru’s hand fell back to your head and pet over your disheveled hair – a treat for his well-behaved mutt. He could feel you melting into his palm, but his eyes were fixed on his picture of your smiling face and, with a few taps of his thumb, Suguru’s shiny new lockscreen.
Maybe, once Suguru got a good look at your pretty face, he’d think twice before deciding to be such a neglectful owner again.
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icannotgetoverbirds · 2 years
You’re right. Too many people get birds just because they see them and think they’re cute but they’re a lot of work
Absolutely! That's why it's so important to me that I warn people about what it's like to have a pet bird. They are loud, they are messy, they are needy, they are expensive, and they are delicate. They're also often incredibly long-lived!
I specifically talk more about parrots because those are the birds that my brain likes the most, but just about every species of pet bird fits into one or more of those categories. I've wanted a pet bird since i knew it was possible to have one, but I know that, as of right now, I am not capable of properly caring for a pet bird of any kind!
Parrots are absolutely incredible and I love them so, so much; that's why it's so important to me that people understand their needs and the unique challenges that they present.
Someday I will have my own home with a separate room for all my candles and incense and maybe cbd cigarettes, and someday I will have my own income and the space to house a bird. Someday, I will be ready, but I have to recognize that today is absolutely not that day.
And that's okay.
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onenicebugperday · 8 months
It's frustrating that so many people buy pet inverts without doing any kind of research about their care beforehand and they end up with a totally inappropriate habitat, diet, and/or general care.
Bugs are animals! If you're going to keep them, please learn about them from multiple sources before buying them. Reddit subs are an especially good source. Avoid pet store care sheets, as they are often deeply wrong.
Also depending on the species, initial setup can cost quite a bit, relatively speaking! If you can't afford an appropriate habitat, then you can't afford to keep the animal as a pet. It's not okay to give them an inappropriate or bare-bones setup because that's all you can afford. Save up and do it right from the get-go.
There's a lot of bad information out there on invert and exotic care, and we're always learning more. It's okay if you did do research, but you were given bad advice. Just be open to new and better information and make the necessary changes.
Thanks for coming to my rant :)
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11cupid-tarot11 · 1 month
18+ Minors DNI
Short! How does your person dirty talk? 😵‍💫
(I have a Patreon coming soon that will have more 18+ content!! Lmk how y'all like this!
- Cupid 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪.)
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DM me for private readings
$5.55 per question
Tips appreciated! - c@shapp $minnieplant3
Love y'all!
-Cupid 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪.
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Pile 1- I forgot to write down the card names, call me a rookie in the comments 😔
Okay so I feel your person prefers to be more dominant in bed, he loves to bully you, degrade you maybe, call you pet names.(Whatever dynamic you're comfortable with) This person really worships you and your body, they think you're very beautiful and goddess like I'm hearing. Exotic maybe, you could be a different ethnicity than this person I'm hearing. He really likes to be in control, could be into roleplay maybe? I think he might want to tie you up. He does like to boss you around in bed so he'll say really aggressive things like "Take my fucking cock in your mouth" or maybe while you guys are having sex he'll like to choke you or say really dirty things like "Your tight pussy is taking my fat dick so well" it's very explicit and makes me blush actually LMAO. This person is very blunt and doesn't care who hears, he might like the idea of people accidentally hearing y'all lol.
Hi! Don't forget to do the poll at the bottom!! Hope you enjoyed<33
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Pile 2- Four of cups, Ten of coins, eight of cups, The Moon, The hermit, The sun
He definitely has a lot to say, he just doesn't know how to say it all. It's hard even getting cards for this pile 😭 maybe your person is a secret admirer? Maybe someone who has a crush on you. I see he has more so fantasies of you, they could probably tell you about some of the fantasies, they could be into whispering them into your ear while you make love as dirty talk which is so cute, I'm also seeing for a specific few you could be apart of the lgbtq+ community! This person doesn't seem really shy, just really secret about his desires, which makes me feel like you know who your future spouse already might be, they could totally be in your area! Just really good at hiding hehe. I think they have a filthy mouth, they really like to get you turned on and bothered so they'll so whatever they feel like will get you turned on, they probably watch a lot of porn, they almost sound like a porno at times but you'll be so turned on you won't care it's hot trust me lol. This person really wants to see you necked, they think you're so attractive! They have a high sex drive, they like to take the lead but they also have times they love to sit back and watch you ride them. I don't think this person does a lot of dirty talking! I'm hearing lots of breathy moments which is why I think they wanted to go so much into detail about what it's like rather than what'd say, they love to use their body! Young energy lol. How cute. They adore you! 🥰
Don't forget to do the poll at the bottom!! See you next time <3
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Pile 3- Nine of cups, Queen of wands, Eight of coins, Chalice, Death, 4 of Swords.
Your person loves to be a smooth talker, will moan right in your ear. Loves to tell you how good you feel/how wet you are/hot tight. Knows how to talk you through it "just right" lol. They love to see you climax, love to talk about your ass, may love to spank you, may like doggy style. They're the type to rub your feet afterwards, but they love to work hard for your climate, and may love to watch you beg for your climax. If you're feminine they love your ass and boobs, you could have a nice ass. I think they'll love to compliment your body. I don't think any group has been as forward as group 1's person, I think your person may be more quiet like pile 2's! But I'm seeing they love to watch you. They're really into fingering and listening to you moan/they really wanna make your 🐈 squelch with their fingers/really wanna make you wet in general.
Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to do the poll at the bottom!!
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saintslewis · 15 days
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pairing: tattoo artist!lewis hamilton x black fem!reader
summary: in which reader needs a good tattoo artist to help her vision come to life and lewis, a mutual friend, is recommended and is more than happy to help you out.
warnings: cussing, outfit descriptions, mentions of tattoo needles, mentions of w33d, smut (18+ mdni), pet names, just read 🫵🏽 (buckle in, frens) sorry for typos!
saint’s team radio 🎀: heyyyy! this spawned in my mind in the middle of the night and my super talented fren @mauvecherie-writes came up with this masterpiece. hope you all enjoy 🤭. (anon i hope this does your request justice!)
tags: @mauvecherie-writes @queenshikongo3 @httpsserene @hopefulromantic1 @exotic-iris13 @perfecttrashface @non-stop-imagines @peyiswriting @purplelewlew @alika-4466 @arshiyuh @yeea-nah @louvrepool @motheroffae @lorarri
pls like, reblog and comment! 🫶🏽
pls note, the lady in the header does not represent the reader! 🫶🏽
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“You’ve been sitting there thinking so hard, I could see steam comin’ out your head.” Marie laughed as she walked close to you with two mimosas in her hand, handing one to you. The get-together she occasionally hosts with all of your mutual friends was in full swing, everyone in different corners of the huge house.
Giving her an eye roll, you sipped on the drink before answering. “Girl, fuck you.” You cussed, hearing her laugh. Following close behind her was another one of your friends, Lani. Her kitten heels clacked against the tiled floor as she sat next to you on the light blue couch.
“What’s going on, what’s the tea?” She sipped on her drink and held onto it and she looked at you. “Well my lovely friends, I’ve been thinking about getting a back tattoo for a good minute now.” You replied, leaning back into your seat as your friends gasped with excitement.
Marie held your manicured hand in excitement, “Girl oh my god, it’s going to look so good on you!”. Lani then put her drink down then sat up to look at you properly. “What you gonna get? How big?” She asked.
“A red dragon maybe. Covering the whole thing, It’s been on my mind.” You answered, looking between your excited friends. “Anddd you’re wearing a backless dress right now! Y/n, you better get this damn tattoo.” Marie said, still very much holding onto your hand.
“Anddd it’s going to look great during backshots.” Lani smiled and that earned her a smack on her arm from you.
“Stop thinkin nasty. I just want it because I think it’ll look good with all those backless clothes I got.” You admitted although the thought of it made your skin a little warm. “So what’s stopping you from getting it, bae? ‘Cause I’m excited like I’m getting it.” Marie gushed. “Can’t find a good artist around here who caters red ink for black people.” You shrugged.
It was tough trying to find tattoo artists in your city, much less those who work well with red ink. Most were extremely pricey, others worked with complicated pieces and only wanted pieces like portraits or lions or they just left you on read after attempting to make an appointment.
A moment passed by and Lani smacked your leg repeatedly as she came to a realisation. The look of unspoken excitement travelled between your friends and soon enough, you knew they were plotting something.
“Y/n, oh my goodness you genius!” Marie exclaimed and that made your eyebrows furrow even more with confusion.
“Okay, I am very confused by what is happening so I’m just going to grab another snack.” You voiced out and you couldn’t even move because both women held you down as they smiled like maniacs.
Lani nodded first then turned her head to look at you. “Okay okay. Y/n, we’ve got the perfect artist for you. D’you remember Lewis?” She grinned and you tried to think about it fully.
Lewis, Lewis…oh god, that Lewis. The incredibly beautiful man you met through your clearly unhinged friends at a housewarming party two years ago. He was that type of distant crush that would never go away even if you tried and it didn’t help that he was the quiet type who would hang out with your large friend group every now and then.
“…uh huh. What about him?” You replied, hoping that no one heard your voice almost falter at the mention of him. “He’s a tattoo artist! I don’t know how I forgot but that man just keeps to himself for real.” Lani chuckled before continuing. “But yeah anyways, he could do it for you!”
Never in a million years would you think that he would be a tattoo artist and funnily enough, his arm is filled with them. You actually had no clue what he did, always curious whenever you saw the G Wagon that he would hop into after any get-together was over.
“I don’t know, you guys. I’d have to talk to him first about everything and that seems like a lot. I don’t wanna bother the guy to squeeze in someone who has no clue what they’re doing-” You stopped your ramble once you realised that your friends were just staring at you.
“Girl, you never ramble like that unless you find a dude cute.” Marie teased as she watched you avoid eye contact with her. Smacking your lips, you shook your head and tried to appear like this news didn’t phase you.
So focused on the subject at hand, you didn’t notice that Lani was gone. Finally hearing the familiar clack of her heels, you looked up and your breath hitched. You had just denied even thinking about him but there stood Lewis, quietly chewing on his gum with a glint in his eyes as he looked at you.
With your hand still in Marie’s hold, she squeezed it as she stood up and moved to stand next to Lani. “Lewis, you remember Y/n, right? An absolute beaut.” Lani started. “Anywho, my good sis wants a tattoo and obviously, you came to my mind. Aight, see y’all later.” She continued and just like that, her and Marie disappeared.
“I’m sorry for them, they can get a lil crazy.” You spoke, offering your hand to him and he gently shook your hand with both of his large ones. “They’ve also had some green gummies so I get it.” He smiled and that alone, just sent you to another dimension.
He’s British. You made sure to make little notes along the way.
And he dressed incredibly well. Sleeveless white shirt, white cargos, air force ones and his huge tattooed arms on display. The jewellery making the outfit look all the more good.
It also didn’t help that your dress was the same shade of white as his entire outfit.
“Although we’ve briefly met before, I’m Lewis. Nice seeing you again.” He introduced himself, not breaking any eye contact with you and he could tell you weren’t expecting to see him. “Y/n. I’m sure those two already told you why they dragged you here,” You nervously smiled. “Didn’t wanna waste your time with my questions.”
“You’re good, love. Wanna sit down and talk about it?” Lewis asked, pointing to the couch you were just sitting on. This area of the house wasn’t crowded so you could hear each other clearly.
The nickname he called you by threw you into a loop, nodding at him as a response because you couldn’t come up with one on the spot.
The two of you went on to speak on everything revolving around the tattoo. Your experiences trying to find a good enough artist that you wanted to feel comfortable with, the placement of it and the design. There were all types of jokes thrown into the conversation, making you feel comfortable. He also listened, nodding and replying after you spoke.
“So I’ve got two options if I decide to chicken out of the dragon one.” You said, twiddling your fingers as you still avoided eye contact with Lewis. “Alright even though my favourite would have to be the dragon.” He winked, chewing his gum.
You flushed hearing him say that. You couldn’t imagine being naked in front of him, letting your body be a canvas he gets to work on. Of course you would like to be naked in another way but that couldn’t happen. He definitely has to have someone in his life. Would he though if he just winked at you? Or was he just playing with you because he can sense you’re shy-
“Y/n, love, you still with me?” Lewis worried a tad bit as he watched you zone out on him. Shaking yourself out of it, you were grounded by his eyes boring into yours. Clearing your throat slightly, you asked a different question. “Uh if I do go ahead with it, where will we be?”
“Right now, my studio is under renovations so I’ve got my home studio. Hope that’s okay with you, anything to help you be comfortable.” He reassured, sitting back and the sight of him just sitting so confidently had you squirming in your seat, having to cross your legs.
“That’s fine,” your voice reaching an octave higher than normal. “What was the other design, sweetie? Haven’t done a tattoo on a client in a while so I’m grateful that I’ll be the one who gets to work on this.” Lewis mentioned, watching you lose your train of thought everytime you two locked eyes and he found it quite endearing.
“…A lower back tattoo, preferably a word or a heart.” You muttered, Lani’s words running through your mind. Stop, you can’t think about that right now. “That’s a nice one.” He commented, tilting his head and admired your shyness.
Ever since he laid his eyes on you, Lewis had made it his mission to find a way to get with you. He was in awe everytime you would show at one of the many games nights or celebrations, looking effortlessly beautiful yet timid as well. He hadn’t known if you were single until a mutual friend mentioned you and blind dates in the same sentence.
Lewis thanked the universe for giving him the chance to do his favourite thing with the woman he had fancied.
After a bit more conversation, you had managed to get his number and bid goodbye to him, a very warm hug from him to you, and you hurried to your car to take several deep breaths afterwards. After not being intimate with anyone for a long while, you were embarrassed that a single conversation left you in a puddle with an all too familiar feeling in your stomach.
Consoling yourself whilst driving, you grew excited for the week ahead for the tattoo, of course.
Darting your eyes between your phone and the house you were currently parked outside of, you felt confused although your gps led you to the correct address.
“Sis c’mon, he wore a cartier bracelet like it was nothing.” You joked to yourself, trying to keep yourself at ease with the fact that your entire back will be filled with ink very soon.
Clearly the camera right by the gate was able to see you and the gate opened up for you. Finally parking next to the car you were familiar with, you fixed up your outfit. You tried walking to the front door with an excruciatingly slow pace to try and calm your nerves but as soon as Lewis opened the door, that all went out the window. His gaze was piercing as he leaned on the door frame, watching you twiddle with your nails and walk over to him with the same shy energy you held the other day.
“You can’t be lookin at people like that, Lewis.” You spoke with a slight smile, being welcomed into his large home. “Like how, Y/n?” He smiled as he closed the front door behind him, admiring every inch of your body.
“Like you wanna eat me alive.” You chuckled, choosing to not feel his glare on you after you said that. He chuckled as well, deciding to not comment and wanting you to be comfortable first.
“Anything you need before we start, love? You seem nervous.” Lewis asked, placing his hand on your back and lead you towards his home tattoo studio. An incredibly large room with decor that screamed Architectural Digest, the tattoo chair stitched with his initials ‘LH’ and a candle was lit, a ocean-like scent wafting through the air. You had told him that you liked that candle scent all those days ago and the fact that he remembered made you blush.
Low rnb music was playing and a calm atmosphere washed over you as soon as you entered the room.
“It’s my first big tattoo, of course i’m nervous about it.” You replied with a sigh, plopping down on the soft couch and placed your phone on the record player stand.
Playing with the band of your shorts, you knew he was looking at you from the doorway. “Also it’s a lil silly but I don’t even know if this shit will look good on me, y’know? I wanted this but i guess it’s just the nerves.” You continued.
Not even hearing him move from his spot, you lifted your head to see him crouched down in front of you. His tattooed hands landed on your thighs without breaking eye contact with you. “Can I tell you what I think?” He asked. All you could do was nod. He hadn’t touched you in the way you wanted but in an instant, you could feel a puddle forming.
“On you, it will be the best piece I’ve done because it was made to sit on your body. A canvas that people will get to admire, a canvas that you’ve given me the honour to work on.” He continued, hands barely moving from your legs.
Taking a breath, you finally got the strength to respond to what he said. “Are you always this poetic to your clients?” You tried to joke but his eyes were glued to yours, the same way he looked at you at the housewarming.
“It took me a while to garner the confidence to talk to you, to just be in your presence. Every time I had the luck to see you, I would cherish it because we wouldn’t be in the same room all the time. I want the time we have here to be meaningful. And before you make that adorable timid face, yes, I have always found you attractive.” He spoke and you were just speechless.
“Are you serious?” You managed to speak, your voice becoming softer the more you accepted everything he was saying.
“Would you like me to show you how serious I am about you?” Lewis shifted his legs so that he could kneel in front of you. You could see the truth in his eyes as he spoke, darting between your eyes and lips.
You whimpered and you couldn’t control it, his hold on you was so strong.
“I need your words, princess.”
“Please. Please show me, Lewis.” You whined out.
That was all it took for him to begin to reach for the band of your shorts but you put your hands on his to stop. His eyebrows furrowed and before he spoke, you went for it. “Kiss me.” You breathed out. Lewis stood to his full height then sat on the couch next to you, pulling you onto his lap.
You made the first move and leaned in, your lips moving together in sync as he kissed you passionately. His hand held the back of your neck, bringing even closer while his other hand trailed down your arched back.
Your whimpers echoed throughout his home studio as he pulled away from the kiss, watching you try and grind to get some sort of pleasure in. Gently putting his hands on your waist, he guided you and you gasped as you felt his length, long and hard. Just waiting for you.
It felt unbearable, a knot in your stomach needed to be released and you threw you head back, just wanting to wash over the arousal. Lewis watched how you pleasured yourself on him, your denim clothes restricting the both of you from connecting skin to skin. “You enjoying yourself, darling?” He licked his lips, looking up at you with dark eyes clouded with lust.
You wanted to respond, desperately, but you couldn’t bring yourself to. The warmth from the two of you became stronger, him leaning up to begin peppering kisses on your necks and not wanting to create any marks just yet. “..Yes.” You managed to breathe out and you loved the feeling of his large hands roaming around your body, not able to get enough of you.
Lewis held your hips firmly, halting your movement and that made you want to cry out of not getting a release. “Lewis, please.” You whined and he chuckled against your neck. “Take your clothes off and lie down, princess.” He said, looking at your cute angry face with a slight pout evident.
Instead of doing what he said, you just looked at him in the eyes clearly wanting to start a challenge. However, he knew his gaze made you weak. It was one of his many charms. All he had to do was slightly tilt his head and it had you standing up and slowly taking your clothes off, him following suit. You oggled at him, his tattoos gracefully placed on his skin making your mouth water.
With you laid down on the couch, he crawled up your body and crashed his lips into yours. He held your neck so gently as he kissed your jawline then your neck all the way down to where you needed him the most. Lewis laid between your legs to admire your clothed core, giving praise to your thighs and ass as he planted a kiss on your inner thighs.
“Oh shit…” you gasped as he started licking all around your clit until he planted his mouth on it, your moans bouncing off the walls as Lewis devoured you like you were his dinner. Sticking his tongue in and fucking you with it was really the cherry on top, your hand flying to his head to keep it in place and you ground into his face.
Screaming as he entered two fingers in your pussy, you felt a tear slide down at the immense pleasure he was giving you. It had been a very long time since someone had gone down on you but never had you orgasmed from head before. Until now.
Lewis licked you clean as he climbed up and kissed you so that you could taste yourself. You could tell he wanted to say something but you reached your hand to palm him through his pants, watching the different expressions on his face. Slapping the side of your thigh, he held your face.
“Bend over for me, princess.” With a smile on his face and you knew you were going to be here a while.
The buzzing of the tattoo gun sounded out through the room, Lewis wiped the dripping ink from his canvas. He was doing the last bit of work to fully complete his piece on you, the ink contrasting beautifully with your skin.
Finally switching it off and clearing his station to prepare for the clean up and to place the plastic cover on, he lightly smacked your ass to wake you up. “Darling, we’re finally done.” Lewis softly said, already focused on the clean up.
You hummed, “That’s amazing, baby. Thank you.” You spoke all drowsy from the nap you took earlier and the buzzing feeling of your body even after the tattooing gun isn’t touching your skin. Not to mention the sativa joint you smoked together before the final session.
You and Lewis kept this arrangement going, him saying that once he finished his artwork on your back, he’d take you on a date to wherever you want to go and you agreed. The mutual crush you had on each other transcended to a different level, becoming almost domestic every moment you spent together.
“Can I see it?” You asked, rising up from the chair and you looked at him while batting your eyelashes. “Of course you can, princess.” Lewis leaned down to peck your lips then led you to the mirror. You gasped when you saw your dream tattoo, sitting perfectly on your back and your mind was running wild with thoughts already.
“The backshots with this tattoo are going to be amazing.” You giggled and he just rolled his eyes. “Okay that’s enough weed for you, baby.” Lewis chuckled then lightly tapped your ass.
“You were thinking it though!”
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saint’s notes 🪩: mind you this has been sitting here since feb 🧍🏽‍♀️. this is dedicated to @mauvecherie-writes , thank you for your patience fren 🤭 and yes the monaco fit made me go feral.
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tinydefector · 14 days
Do you think cybertronians ever get a bit freaked out on how tough we are? Yes they can break us like toothpicks but humans seem to be able to take a good beating as well with adrenaline helping. Even our own body and oxygen trys kills us and yet we stick around like roaches. We're fragile in some reasonable and dumb ways and then resilient in the most dumbest ways.
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Oh definitely, alot of the bots are very off put by how fragile humans are just in general and tend to avoid them.
But then there's the moments like Ratchet working a late shift and a small knock on the door alerts him someone's there, he turns around expecting it to be Rodimus or Whirl who he's about to scold but instead it's one of the humans and they look worse for wear. After fussing over them for a moment, detailed scans relay fractured ribs, a broken collar bone, and a heap of bruises and yet the humans just like. "Can I have some Panadol, Nurophen, and a glass of water?" Because they don't know what else to do its what they would get. Most of the times they ended up in the hospital. Ratchet is losing his God dawn mind as he rushes around looking for the best painkillers he can find for orgaincs in the smallest dosage he can give, hoping to primus it doesn't shut their heart down. In the end, they end up on a medication that makes them extremely drowsy, almost like the green whistle/ Weed.
Ratchet ends up doing alot of study on the human body and realises just how fucked up little monsters we are. We literally need oxygen to survive but he we have to much pure oxygen it will kill us. Water, we need a certain amount of it, if we don't have enough we will get dehydrated and die, if we have to much we will get water poisoning, intoxication, or a disruption of brain function. This happens when there's too much water in our cells, such as the brain and blood cells, causing them to swell. When the cells in the brain swell, they cause pressure in the brain, resulting in death. The issue is that it can become an addiction to drinking too much water for the effect it has on the body. Same with nearly everything we consume, it can kill us, but we need a lot of it in moderation.
Human: "I just need some basic pain killers and a nap"
Bot: "No, you need full surgery, sedations, and 3 weeks of recovery!"
Human: "nah she'll be fine!"
Bot: "Absolutely Not, bed now before I cuff you"
Following that imagine a first contact AU where Cybertronians and humans are just slowly getting to know how the other works and next thing a human is kneeling over in horrific pain and it send the bots all into panic mode trying to help them, wondering what's happening and thinking they are dying. And the human after about ten minutes some pain killers still looking rather pale and unhealthy just go. "Sorry about that fuck I hate, Cramps/palpitations/ phantom pains/ and such" and the bots are just looking at them horrified like.
Human: what you talking about?
Bot: everything that just happened you literally just short circuited!
Human: nah that's causal wait till you see the really funky shit.
Human pet AU
Cybertronian's keeping humans as pets is like humans keeping hamsters. Humans are some of the most homicidal, suicidal and just deranged creatures that Cybertronian's could keep as pets. It's gotten to the point that they are a luxury/ exotic pet because if you do not feed them the right stuff, give them the right amount of light and socialising, and they will just die. There are so many Cybertronian's who take their human into clinics worried as and its just the human being a little bustard because they didn't get the treat they wanted 2 weeks ago and are still holding that grudge. Not to mention, we are prone to causing as much trouble and issue. We are like cats.
But we are also very easily sick and primus forbid a human gets sick because to a bot they think it's a death sentence for their sweet little spitfire of a human who they have had now for ages. And the human looks ready to die, and the next day, they are up and about like nothing ever happened.
Human: if you don't feed me the meals I want I'm going to pretend to die. If you do feed me what I want I might actually die because I shouldn't be eating it.
Human: totally worth it.
In conclusion, the cybertronians are rather wary/ concerned about how resilient humans really are.
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