#best exotic pets to own
pets12pets · 8 months
How to Find the Right Vet for Your Exotic Pet?
Choosing the right veterinarian for your exotic pet can be a daunting task. Unlike traditional household pets such as dogs and cats, exotic animals require specialized care and attention that not all veterinarians are equipped to provide. Finding a knowledgeable and experienced vet who understands the unique needs of your exotic pet is crucial for their health and well-being. From reptiles and birds to small mammals and even fish, each exotic species has its own set of specific needs that must be addressed by a qualified vet. In this article, we will discuss the important factors to consider when searching for the right veterinarian for your exotic pet. We will explore the qualifications and credentials to look for, as well as the different types of care and treatments that may be required for your specific exotic pet. With the proper guidance and information, you can ensure that your beloved exotic companion receives the best possible care and lives a long and healthy life.
1. Research local exotic pet specialists.
When it comes to finding specialized care for your exotic pet, doing thorough research on local exotic pet specialists is imperative. These professionals have the knowledge and experience necessary to provide the best care for your unique pet. Start by asking for recommendations from other exotic pet owners or local animal shelters. Then, make sure to look into the qualifications and credentials of potential vets, ensuring they have expertise and training in exotic animal care. It's also important to inquire about the specific treatments and care they offer for different exotic species. By taking the time to research and carefully choosing an exotic pet specialist, you can ensure your beloved pet receives the best possible care.
2. Check for relevant certifications and qualifications.
It is also important to check for relevant certifications and qualifications when choosing a vet for your exotic pet. This will give you peace of mind, knowing that the vet has the necessary training and knowledge to handle your unique pet's needs. Look for certifications such as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and specific qualifications in exotic animal care. You can also check for membership in professional organizations, which can indicate a vet's dedication to staying up-to-date on the latest techniques and treatments in exotic pet care. By thoroughly checking for certifications and qualifications, you can ensure that your exotic pet is in capable and experienced hands.
3. Ask fellow exotic pet owners.
Another valuable resource for finding the right vet for your exotic pet is to ask fellow exotic pet owners for recommendations. These individuals have likely gone through the process of finding a suitable vet and can provide first-hand experiences and insights. You can reach out to local exotic pet groups or forums, or even ask around at your local pet store or animal shelter. Personal recommendations can be a valuable tool in your search for a trustworthy and knowledgeable vet for your beloved exotic pet.
4. Seek recommendations from reputable sources.
It is important to seek recommendations from reputable sources when searching for a vet for your exotic pet. While personal recommendations from other exotic pet owners can be helpful, it is also important to consult with professional organizations and associations. These groups often have directories of qualified and trustworthy vets in your area who specialize in exotic pets. Additionally, you can also check with your local veterinary board to ensure that the vet you are considering is licensed and has a clean record. It is crucial to gather information from reliable sources to ensure the best care for your unique and beloved exotic pet.
5. Look for experience with specific species.
Another important factor to consider when choosing a vet for your exotic pet is their experience with specific species. Some vets may have experience with common exotic pets such as reptiles and birds but may not be well-versed in caring for more unique species like hedgehogs or sugar gliders. It is crucial to find a vet who has experience and knowledge in treating the specific needs and health concerns of your exotic pet. This will ensure that your pet receives the best care possible and that any potential health issues are properly addressed. Additionally, seeking out a vet who has experience with your pet's species can also save you time and money, as they will be familiar with common health problems and treatments for that particular species.
6. Schedule a consultation or visit.
It is recommended to schedule a consultation or visit with a potential vet before making a final decision. This gives you the opportunity to discuss your pet's needs and ask any questions you may have. During the consultation, pay attention to the vet's communication style and how they interact with your pet. It is also important to inquire about their experience with exotic pets and any specialized training they may have. Additionally, consider the location and hours of the vet's office, as well as their emergency policies. Taking the time for a consultation can help you determine if the vet is the right fit for your exotic pet's needs.
7. Assess the clinic's cleanliness standards.
When visiting a potential vet clinic for your exotic pet, it's crucial to assess their cleanliness standards. Not only does a clean and sanitary environment promote good health for your pet, but it also reflects the professionalism and attention to detail of the clinic. Look for areas that may be prone to bacteria or viruses, such as the waiting room, exam rooms, and surgical areas. Observe if the staff members are wearing gloves and washing their hands frequently. Additionally, inquire about their cleaning procedures for cages, equipment, and other surfaces. A reputable vet clinic will prioritize cleanliness to ensure the well-being of their patients.
8. Inquire about emergency service availability.
Additionally, it is crucial to inquire about the availability of emergency services at the vet clinic. Exotic animals can have unique health needs and may require immediate medical attention in an emergency. Therefore, it is important to know if the clinic has emergency protocols in place and if they have a veterinarian available at all times. Inquire about their response time and availability after regular business hours to ensure your pet will receive prompt and proper care in case of an emergency. This information can give you peace of mind and assurance that your exotic pet will be in good hands at all times.
9. Discuss pricing and payment options.
Another important aspect to consider when choosing a vet for your exotic pet is the pricing and payment options offered by the clinic. Exotic animal care can be costly, so it's important to discuss the pricing and payment options with the vet beforehand. Ask about their consultation fees as well as the costs of any necessary procedures or medications. Inquire about any discounts or payment plans they may offer, as well as their accepted forms of payment. It's also a good idea to check if they accept pet insurance, as this can help with the costs of routine check-ups and unexpected treatments. Don't be afraid to ask for a breakdown of costs and to compare prices with other vet clinics in the area. Remember, the most expensive option may not always be the best, so be sure to weigh all factors when making your decision.
10. Trust your instincts and intuition.
When making important decisions about your exotic pet's health and well-being, it's crucial to trust your instincts and intuition. While researching and comparing prices and payment options is important, ultimately it's your gut feeling that should guide you towards the right vet for your pet. After all, you know your pet's needs and personality best, and you want to ensure they receive the best care possible. If something doesn't feel right or you have doubts, it's important to listen to those feelings and continue exploring other options until you find a vet that you feel confident and comfortable with. Don't underestimate the power of your intuition in choosing the right vet for your exotic pet.
In conclusion, finding the right veterinarian for your exotic pet may seem like a daunting task, but it is crucial for the health and well-being of your beloved companion. By following these steps and considering the unique needs of your exotic pet, you can find a qualified and knowledgeable vet who will provide the best care possible. Remember to prioritize experience, specialized training, and good communication when making your decision. With the right vet by your side, you can ensure a happy and healthy life for your exotic pet.
1. What specific qualifications or experience should a veterinarian have in order to properly care for exotic pets?
A veterinarian specializing in exotic pets should have specific qualifications and experience to properly care for them. They should possess extensive knowledge of exotic animal physiology, behavior, and diseases. Additionally, they should have hands-on experience in diagnosing and treating a wide range of exotic species. This includes familiarity with unique husbandry requirements, nutritional needs, and handling techniques. A strong understanding of zoonotic diseases and proper preventive care are crucial. Continuing education and collaboration with other specialists in the field are also important to ensure up-to-date knowledge and the ability to provide the best care possible for exotic pets.
2. Are there any specific resources or organizations that can help in finding a vet who specializes in exotic pet care?
Yes, there are resources and organizations that can help in finding a vet who specializes in exotic pet care. One such resource is the Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians (AEMV), which provides a directory of veterinarians who specialize in treating exotic pets. Another organization is the Association of Avian Veterinarians (AAV), which focuses on bird care and has a directory of avian veterinarians. Additionally, local exotic pet clubs or online forums can often provide recommendations and referrals to experienced exotic pet veterinarians in specific areas. It's important to research and consult these resources to ensure your exotic pet receives the specialized care it needs.
3. What are some important factors to consider when evaluating a veterinarian's facility for exotic pet care, such as the availability of specialized equipment or the presence of an on-site laboratory?
When evaluating a veterinarian's facility for exotic pet care, it is important to consider the availability of specialized equipment and the presence of an on-site laboratory. Exotic pets require unique care, and having the necessary equipment, such as specialized cages, heating systems, or surgical tools, is crucial for their well-being. Additionally, an on-site laboratory allows for quick and accurate diagnostic tests, which is especially important for exotic pets with specific health requirements. Overall, these factors ensure that the veterinarian's facility is equipped to provide optimal care for exotic pets.
4. How can one determine if a veterinarian has a good reputation in the exotic pet community, and what are some red flags to watch out for when choosing a vet?
To determine if a veterinarian has a good reputation in the exotic pet community, one can start by seeking recommendations from fellow exotic pet owners or local exotic pet groups. Online reviews and testimonials can also provide insights. Red flags to watch out for when choosing a vet include a lack of experience or specialization in exotic pets, limited availability or accessibility, poor communication skills, and a clinic that lacks proper facilities or equipment for exotic pets. It is important to trust one's instincts and seek out a veterinarian who demonstrates both knowledge and genuine care for exotic animals.
5. Are there any particular questions or concerns that should be addressed during an initial consultation with a potential veterinarian for an exotic pet, such as discussing dietary needs or potential health risks specific to the species?
During an initial consultation with a potential veterinarian for an exotic pet, it is crucial to address questions and concerns regarding the pet's dietary needs and potential health risks specific to the species. This may include asking about the appropriate diet, nutritional supplements, and feeding schedule for the exotic pet. Additionally, discussing any potential health risks, such as specific diseases, parasites, or environmental hazards that are common to the species, is important to ensure the well-being and long-term health of the exotic pet.
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cryptidiopathic · 1 year
People should be less afraid of insects and spiders and be more afraid of undomesticated mammals
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icannotgetoverbirds · 2 years
You’re right. Too many people get birds just because they see them and think they’re cute but they’re a lot of work
Absolutely! That's why it's so important to me that I warn people about what it's like to have a pet bird. They are loud, they are messy, they are needy, they are expensive, and they are delicate. They're also often incredibly long-lived!
I specifically talk more about parrots because those are the birds that my brain likes the most, but just about every species of pet bird fits into one or more of those categories. I've wanted a pet bird since i knew it was possible to have one, but I know that, as of right now, I am not capable of properly caring for a pet bird of any kind!
Parrots are absolutely incredible and I love them so, so much; that's why it's so important to me that people understand their needs and the unique challenges that they present.
Someday I will have my own home with a separate room for all my candles and incense and maybe cbd cigarettes, and someday I will have my own income and the space to house a bird. Someday, I will be ready, but I have to recognize that today is absolutely not that day.
And that's okay.
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tinydefector · 7 days
Do you think cybertronians ever get a bit freaked out on how tough we are? Yes they can break us like toothpicks but humans seem to be able to take a good beating as well with adrenaline helping. Even our own body and oxygen trys kills us and yet we stick around like roaches. We're fragile in some reasonable and dumb ways and then resilient in the most dumbest ways.
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Oh definitely, alot of the bots are very off put by how fragile humans are just in general and tend to avoid them.
But then there's the moments like Ratchet working a late shift and a small knock on the door alerts him someone's there, he turns around expecting it to be Rodimus or Whirl who he's about to scold but instead it's one of the humans and they look worse for wear. After fussing over them for a moment, detailed scans relay fractured ribs, a broken collar bone, and a heap of bruises and yet the humans just like. "Can I have some Panadol, Nurophen, and a glass of water?" Because they don't know what else to do its what they would get. Most of the times they ended up in the hospital. Ratchet is losing his God dawn mind as he rushes around looking for the best painkillers he can find for orgaincs in the smallest dosage he can give, hoping to primus it doesn't shut their heart down. In the end, they end up on a medication that makes them extremely drowsy, almost like the green whistle/ Weed.
Ratchet ends up doing alot of study on the human body and realises just how fucked up little monsters we are. We literally need oxygen to survive but he we have to much pure oxygen it will kill us. Water, we need a certain amount of it, if we don't have enough we will get dehydrated and die, if we have to much we will get water poisoning, intoxication, or a disruption of brain function. This happens when there's too much water in our cells, such as the brain and blood cells, causing them to swell. When the cells in the brain swell, they cause pressure in the brain, resulting in death. The issue is that it can become an addiction to drinking too much water for the effect it has on the body. Same with nearly everything we consume, it can kill us, but we need a lot of it in moderation.
Human: "I just need some basic pain killers and a nap"
Bot: "No, you need full surgery, sedations, and 3 weeks of recovery!"
Human: "nah she'll be fine!"
Bot: "Absolutely Not, bed now before I cuff you"
Following that imagine a first contact AU where Cybertronians and humans are just slowly getting to know how the other works and next thing a human is kneeling over in horrific pain and it send the bots all into panic mode trying to help them, wondering what's happening and thinking they are dying. And the human after about ten minutes some pain killers still looking rather pale and unhealthy just go. "Sorry about that fuck I hate, Cramps/palpitations/ phantom pains/ and such" and the bots are just looking at them horrified like.
Human: what you talking about?
Bot: everything that just happened you literally just short circuited!
Human: nah that's causal wait till you see the really funky shit.
Human pet AU
Cybertronian's keeping humans as pets is like humans keeping hamsters. Humans are some of the most homicidal, suicidal and just deranged creatures that Cybertronian's could keep as pets. It's gotten to the point that they are a luxury/ exotic pet because if you do not feed them the right stuff, give them the right amount of light and socialising, and they will just die. There are so many Cybertronian's who take their human into clinics worried as and its just the human being a little bustard because they didn't get the treat they wanted 2 weeks ago and are still holding that grudge. Not to mention, we are prone to causing as much trouble and issue. We are like cats.
But we are also very easily sick and primus forbid a human gets sick because to a bot they think it's a death sentence for their sweet little spitfire of a human who they have had now for ages. And the human looks ready to die, and the next day, they are up and about like nothing ever happened.
Human: if you don't feed me the meals I want I'm going to pretend to die. If you do feed me what I want I might actually die because I shouldn't be eating it.
Human: totally worth it.
In conclusion, the cybertronians are rather wary/ concerned about how resilient humans really are.
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starastrologyy · 1 month
Astrology Notes🌪
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Hi everyone, I have re-opened my chart readings! The link is in my bio for anyone who is interested :)
In one of my older posts I remember saying that couples who have their Composite Mars making a conjunction to their Composite Ascendant can come across as being quarrelsome, as their arguments are often made public. However, I have also found that couples who have Mars conjunct the Composite Midheaven, can also come across as being argumentative ( with each other and with other people). This is most likely because Mars conjuncting the MC would in most cases square the Composite Ascendant.
People with Jupiter in the 8th or Part of Fortune in the 8th house in their natal chart can often find success when trading or investing!
When your Solar Return Mercury makes a conjunction to the Solar Return Midheaven, you may have to travel for work. I have also found this to be true when you have the ruler of the solar return midheaven placed in the 9th house. I want to emphasize that placements can play out many different ways this is just one of the ways I have seen these two placements manifest.
An afflicted Saturn in the 3rd house of a composite chart can often indicate communication problems within a relationship. There can be verbal misunderstandings, silent treatments, or just differences in communication styles as a result of this placement. However, it is always important to remember that a single placement cannot derail an entire relationship, you will need to look at both the composite and Synastry charts holistically.
A Solar Return year in which you have the ruler of your Solar Return 4th house in the 9th, can be the year where you move or relocate abroad.
In synastry, when your North Node makes a conjunction to someone else’s Midheaven vise versa you two have the potential to impact each other’s career trajectories quite significantly. I have actually found that it is often the Midheaven person who introduces the North Node person to people who have the ability to advance them on their career path.
People who have planets that make a conjunction to your Sun/Moon midpoint are likely to have a significant impact on you (especially if the orb is exact). For example, if someone’s Moon makes a conjunction to your sun/moon midpoint you can feel a strong emotional pull towards them vise versa.
Individuals with their natal Venus, Mars, or descendent in Sagittarius can often find themselves in long distance relationships or in relationships with people who are very different to them. There can be a difference in religion, race, nationality, political beliefs etc…
Something I find so interesting is that I personally know someone who met their spouse in the time frame (+- 2 months) that they had their Solar arc Venus making an exact conjunction to their natal descendent! I am thinking of making a separate post about Solar Arcs for those interested to know how to interpret them and what they are!
If you have Uranus in your natal 6th house, you are best suited to work environments that provide you with a lot of freedom and autonomy. Interestingly, people with Uranus in the 6th house, are also more likely to own exotic pets.
Chiron in the natal 3rd house can manifest as having a speech impediment, attention difficulties, or problems in early education. It can also indicate a difficult relationship with a sibling or siblings. In some instances, a 3rd house Chiron can indicate a fear of driving or some kind of ‘wounding’ surrounding cars and short-distance traveling,
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lani-heart · 14 days
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|| series masterlist || next // previously
parings -> riki nishimura x reader genre -> non-idol au, school au, hyrbid au warnings -> n/a word count -> 2.4k
abstract -> he's perfect how he is... but can maybe change for her.
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y/n’s perspective
“Niki, we always do this” I whined as he locked himself in the bathroom. I needed to get him ready for tonight’s party. If I didn’t have to go I wouldn’t… but with my family pushing me into choosing a major in business, they're making me befriend other kids who are from wealthy families. 
“Please… I don’t want to go alone” I begged but he didn’t respond. It was running late and the driver was gonna be here soon… so I might have to go alone today. 
I gave up trying to convince him and I went to do the final touches. Grabbing a jacket, fixing my makeup, and grabbing everything I needed. 
When I left my room, I couldn’t help but smile. 
“You’re gonna go with me?” I asked and he nodded. “I can’t let you go on your own” he muttered and I chuckled. “Besides, look at how forgetful you are,” he said as he pulled my hair roller off my bangs. “Oh,” I said genuinely forgetting as he laughed at me. 
“Do you–” “Yes, I have my tail ring on. I’m ready, now let's go before your dad starts calling”
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Riki Nishimura was a stray hybrid I met when I was a kid. We were on a vacation trip to Japan when I saw him. I offered him some food I had on me and he took it from me to eat it like he was starved. 
My parents were already wanting to get me a hybrid so I begged them to keep him. In which they reluctantly agreed. However, when we found out he wasn’t a normal black cat hybrid they agreed. 
He was a panther hybrid and has been with me for years. We grew up together… However, my parents never liked how rowdy he was. Even now they tell me to get another hybrid, one that could join me in dinners, parties, and one who is overall more well-behaved. 
I wasn’t gonna let them replace him. He was my best friend, my number one confidant. Besides… who needs a fancy and well-behaved hybrid? Niki was way more fun!
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niki’s perspective
It was the same old party they threw with the same kids as their rich human parents and new collectibles. They liked to collect new hybrids where they’d show them off and then throw them away… but not y/n. 
Without her, I probably would still be mistaken for an overgrown cat hybrid on the street. It doesn’t mean I liked being gawked at and set a price on what they’d trade her for me. Of course, she’d never let them... I’ve seen how annoyed and angry she gets and it made me happy she cared so much. 
I cared for her too… She was clumsy and an idiot so she needed someone to take care of her. So I'm here… at a stupid party filled with spoiled rich kids. 
Not to say she isn't spoiled… she is. However, I never questioned that she loved me. She always makes that clear with everything she does for me. 
“Oh! You’re y/n right?” I heard and I saw a girl behind us with what smelled like a bird hybrid. “Mmhm… have we met before?” she asked why I didn’t think so… I would’ve recognized her and her hybrid. “My name–”
I didn’t care what she had to say… I just didn’t like how her hybrid kept on staring at me with those eyes of his. What was his problem?
I was cut off from my thoughts when suddenly the topic of discussion became me… 
“He’s really pretty and exotic too! I just haven’t heard good things about him, you know?” she said and I had to refrain from growling at her. Who was she to talk right in front of my face about me? And to y/n?
“Jay here is well-behaved! He’s from America you know–” Is that supposed to make him impressive? Congrats bird you’re a pet! “–it's just a shame you know. I wanted a bunny or maybe a cat hybrid” she pouted and I could see his disappointed expression. 
“Oh, Niki is really sweet but he’s solitary–” “You should invest in a social hybrid you know?” she cut her off to say. Rude… why would she need another hybrid when she has me?
“I like the way he is, he’s been with me since we were kids so there's no way I could ever replace him like that,” she said and I felt proud. 
“I heard about how much you care for him. I guess rumors were true” she said and I knew she was amongst those who talked about why she couldn’t get a nicer and social hybrid who smiles and dotes on her. I do dote on her… and I’m only nice to her. Everyone else was pushing it. 
“What is he if I can ask?” she said and y/n only sighed while looking up at me. “He’s a puma hybrid from Japan,” she answered. “Woah! I heard puma hybrids were rare! I thought he was just a cat… makes sense then for how tall he is.” she said as she got closer to me. 
“Oh please don’t do that. You’ll make him uncomfortable.” y/n said as I went behind her. 
“You should take him to the training you know. It's for the hybrids who need manners… they are opening classes in your university for hybrids'' she said… she stalked y/n to know what university she was in? She needs a life. 
“Oh… I know of them. I think he is just fine the way he is” y/n said and she bowed. “If you’ll excuse us,” she said and we walked away from the pair. “She was a bitch” y/n muttered and I laughed.
“Calm down, you have an act to uphold,” I said and she sighed. “y/n?” I said and she looked at me with her eyes filled with determination to answer to give me anything I asked for. “Why didn’t you tell me your uni is having hybrid classes?” I asked and she sighed. 
“They're mainly about etiquette. She said how to take care of your owner… how to behave in a social setting, etc” and I nodded. 
“I want to go,” I said and her eyes widened. “But you're perfect–” “No, I’m not… I caused you a lot of trouble. I heard your dad get mad again this morning. He didn’t want me here because of last time” I said and she shook her head. 
“Yah! Don’t do that!” she scolded and I smiled softly. 
“Please? You said you would give me anything I asked for. I want to be a better hybrid for you” 
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“I can’t believe I'm agreeing to this,” she said and I smiled. “Thank you for letting me do this,” I said and she sighed. “I hate that the class requires collars though. I would’ve rather you had the tail ring instead” she complained and I chuckled.
“You’ll do great in your midterm, okay? Don’t worry about me” I said as I kissed her cheek. “After we’ll go for some Japanese food,” she said and I grinned. “Takoyaki!” I yelled and she chuckled. “I’ve been craving some curry udon,” she said and I nodded. 
“I’ll do my best for you,” I said and she smiled. “You already are. Don’t change, okay?” she asked and I nodded. I just wanted to improve for her… 
When I entered I was immediately overwhelmed with the many scents of hybrids. I ignored the stares of the familiar scents and went down into the big lecture room. 
I sat down in the middle of the third to first row, not expecting others to approach me. “Ah! I’m not late!” I heard as I saw a Golden
A Retriever hybrid suddenly entered… he didn’t have a collar nor the scent of a domesticated hybrid. He grinned at me and I suddenly regretted staring… “I’m Jake, and you are?” he said as he approached me and sat next to me.
I heard the laughs around us, probably of me socializing with another hybrid. “Riki,” I said and he nodded. “I think your collar is cool!” he said and I chuckled. “Of course it is, I chose it,” I said and he looked confused. 
“Your owner must be kind,” he said with a wagging tail and I chuckled. “Hey, isn’t that miss l/n’s hybrid?” I suddenly heard a bunch of whispers and I sighed and slouched down to my chair. 
“Oh? Do they know you?” he asked and I scoffed. “Don’t get it mixed up, they know OF me, they don’t know me” I said and he nods 
“They seem to know your owner,” he said and I scoffed. “They don’t know her…” I muttered. “Is she nice?” he asked and I laughed. 
“She’s perfect” 
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y/n's perspective
“I thought you were going home after?” I heard and I saw Wonyoung with Seonghwa. I nod, “I do, I just need to pick up Niki, he’s taking etiquette classes,” I said and they both froze. “Your dad is making him take classes?” Wonyoung said and I chuckled. 
“No, he wanted them for whatever reason. I tried to convince him otherwise but he insisted” I said and they both looked at each other. ��Oh shut up the both of you,” I said and they chuckled as they caught up with me. 
“He’s so spoiled if you just fold like that,” Seonghwa added and I scoffed. “You do spoil that cat a lot” Wonyoung teased and I rolled my eyes. “Have you told Hongjoong–” “He would kill me in my sleep if I ever brought it up” Seonghwa cut me off and I chuckled… that's true. 
We finally made it to the building where the hybrid classes are taking place but I didn’t see Niki… I saw the hybrids out already so where was he? 
“How long is it gonna take for him to come to you?” Wonyoung asked and I didn’t know. I looked at my phone, and the class should’ve already ended by now. “Why’d you even allow it?” Soenghwa asked and I sighed. 
“Cause he wouldn’t let go of it. He begged and begged… I couldn’t keep denying it” I said and they sighed. “She’s whipped for him, that's the answer,” Wonyoung said and Seonghwa nodded. 
“Oh? y/n!!” I heard as I saw the girl from the party again with her hybrid. What was her name again?
“You’re Wonyoung and Seonghwa, right? I’m e/n” she said. “I’m glad to see you’re having Niki taking this class,” she said and I sighed. “His name is Riki,” I said and she looked confused. “Oh? But you call him Niki?” she asked.
“That's a nickname that she only calls him, he will glare or even scoff if he hears you call him that,” Seonghwa said and it was true… I've called him that since I was a kid and yet he never let anyone else call him that. “This class should teach him otherwise,” she said and I had to refrain from scoffing. 
“Oh, you should look into a secondary hybrid,” she said and I glared. 
“I wouldn’t get another one,” I clarified. “Riki would get too jealous,” “Or he’d kick the other hybrid out himself,” Wonyoung and Seonghwa added. 
“But if you were to get one he’d have to comply with her. She’s the owner,” she said and I shook my head. “Well, I was thinking of something cute… maybe a fox? Ooh or a pretty cat!” she said while looking at herself in a pocket mirror fixing her lipstick while her hybrid looked at her with a sad expression.
“I wanna go home” I suddenly heard. Niki? 
“Why do you have scratches on your face? Are you okay?” I asked and he avoided eye contact when I grabbed his jaw to look at his wounds. He nodded, “I wanna go home” he repeated and I sighed. 
“Ok, just let me take this off,” I said as I took off his collar and took out his tail ring. “Riki!! You forgot… Oh. Please don’t be mad at him! He was only defending me!!” I saw a dog hybrid yell while he held Niki’s backpack. Seonghwa grabbed it, holding it for me. 
“Please, it's all my fault. Don’t abandon him because of me!” he pleaded and even bowed. I looked at Niki who looked away. “Why would I abandon you? Niki, what happened?” I asked and the other hybrid soon stood up but looked down to my hands. His collar? I sighed and turned Niki around when I clipped his tail ring. “Thank you for caring about him but he’s not in trouble. You should find your owner, they must be worried about you–” “He’s a stray” I was interrupted by e/n.
A stray? “Did you see? It's why they make the hybrids wear collars because they need to know by the end of the class who is a stray and who is owned. It's a mixture of people like us who pay and hybrids of low status who need major help like him. He’s probably also a runt” she said suddenly in disgust as she stepped back.
“Thank you for looking after Niki,” I said and he nodded with a small smile. I grabbed the backpack from Seonghwa as I looked at him and I saw his worried eyes. “Come on, I'm hungry,” I said as I dragged him away from the lecture hall and everyone else while I heard Wonnie and Seonghwa complain about me abandoning them…
“I still want that udon curry,” I pondered and he sighed. He grabbed his backpack and clipped his collar there as he walked silently. “Did you fight for him?” I asked and he nodded silently.
I smiled. “That’s very kind of you,” I said and from the corner of my eye, he looked at me confused. “What were they doing to him?” I asked and he sighed. “Called him a runt… a stray… useless. It was all when the teacher left for a break and I don’t know why I did but I fought for him” he said and I smiled. 
“That was very brave of you. I’m proud of you Niki!” I said with a grin and he smiled softly. “The teacher gave me a warning cause he said if he told you that you’d return me,” he said and I chuckled. “We’ve been together for years! I could never do that” I said and he nodded. 
“Still want takoyaki?” I asked and he chuckled. “Always!” he yelled as he ran ahead of me. 
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taglist -> @ilovecheese09 @gudkc @nikisvanillaccola @blossominghunnie @mheretoreadff @k1ttylvr
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please don't be a silent reader !! reblog, comment, and like <3
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httpskuzuu · 6 months
if your not busy then can you make more yandere chuuya l'm down bad for him lol!😭
The best gift
can we give reader a therapy session? thanks
Yandere!Chuuya x Reader
English is not my mother tongue, sorry for the mistakes
summary: Chuuya just wants to make you happy (I love that man)
tw: failed escape attempt, mention of punishment, broken leg, feelings of abandonment? idk
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He couldn't be more fed up with you.
I mean, he loves you, but the fact that you are always unwilling to correspond to him is something that really hurts him deeply.
He even thought of locking you up in complete darkness, no light, no food. He wanted you to crawl to him afterward and ask him to get you out. He wanted to make you say you loved him.
He never got around to putting that plan into action, obviously. He's not that horrible! He's not a monster. He really loves you.
Sure anyone would put you through the most grotesque tortures to make you submissive. But he was different, you should appreciate him more.
As much as he knows you have reasons, he still finds it completely overkill because, come on, you have everything you want just by asking nicely! Everything but freedom, of course.
You want expensive clothes? Okay. You want diamond jewelry? In less than five seconds, you'll have them in your hands. Want to travel to exotic destinations? He's taking you, just don't leave his side.
All he asks is a little obedience from you, it's not that hard, is it? He's looking out for your happiness too, the more submission from you, the better quality of life. It's a win-win.
But you didn't seem to understand that.
You were in bed, lying there, not wanting to move an inch of your body. Chuuya broke your leg just two days ago. The pain was unbearable.
You didn't talk to him since that, well, except for the moment he broke it. You cried to him and begged him, as silly as it sounds, to make the pain stop.
You wished Chuuya was some mythical God so he could fulfill your earlier request.
The pain didn't make you think well, so you were crying to Chuuya, talking about your cat and how much you missed him. Chuuya was by your side, stroking your hair, listening to you attentively.
You always mentioned your cat, how you wanted him with you now, how much you loved him. In fact, most of the time when an argument happened, it was because you mentioned that you wanted to go home with your cat!
Was an animal really that important to you? Well, if it made you happy, Chuuya would bring it home. Maybe then you'd stop crying randomly throughout the day, or fighting him. Imagining you, a fighter, turning into someone with a more passive behavior just because of a cat, drove him crazy.
Chuuya warned you that he was leaving, but that he would be back quickly, he left you a pain pill along with a glass of water. He hoped you would notice that he was not so cruel, after all, he could have left you lying on the floor, with two broken legs instead of just one, as was his idea at the beginning.
You were left alone in the house. You had never felt more lonely and bad in your life. Your friends, your family, your pet, what will become of them?
You feel miserable, left to your own devices. Why didn't they come for you? Did they care about you in the first place? You were sure there should have been an investigation into your disappearance by now, but what if there wasn't? What if you weren't important enough to them?
Were you that hard to love? But Chuuya loved you, in an obsessive way, but he did. Wouldn't that be the purest kind of love?
You don't know why you keep fighting, but it's something normal in you, like something wrapped in your DNA. You feel attacked, helpless, by something bigger that can't be stopped, so you grit your teeth trying to feel safe. It's not working the same for you anymore.
You didn't try to escape because this life was bad. You tried to escape because you didn't want to be forgotten by others. What kind of life is one in which you are a ghost trapped?
But you are not selfish, you hope they are doing well. You hope they have the happiness you can't seem to achieve.
You cried until you heard the door open. You hadn't noticed that Chuuya had come home.
You looked at him for a few seconds, he had with him a black gift box, tied with a ribbon. You didn't want gifts, you didn't want jewelry that could buy you.
Sure, that was until you heard a meow come out of the box. You stopped crying almost automatically and looked at it in surprise. You could even feel the glint settling in your eyes.
Chuuya pretended not to hear the meowing. "Why didn't you take the pill? You can't complain about the pain and then be stubborn enough not to take it."
"What's in the box?"
"A present for you. I thought it might make you happier." He sat on the edge of the bed, resting the box on his legs. "You know, I don't like to see you cry."
His gloved hand reaches to your cheek and wipes away the tears. There is an impulse in your body to fight, to refuse to be touched, but you stayed still.
Chuuya put the box on the bed next to you. You struggle and manage to sit up in bed, your leg throbbing with pain, but you ignore it. You have more important things to do now.
You don't even look at Chuuya for approval to open the box, you just open it. And there it is, your faithful friend who always stood by your side. Your cat.
You cry again.
Your cat seems happy to see you again, he nuzzles his head against your hand affectionately and meows at you. You take him in your arms and hug him.
"Do you like the present?" Chuuya's voice comes through in the place only ruled by your sobs. Of course you like it, how could you not? You missed this kitten so much, it had been so long since you hadn't seen him.
You nod your head. "Very much, I like it very much. Thank you Chuuya." Your voice shakes from the sobs, but that doesn't matter anymore.
You don't have to keep staying defensive when you have a friend with you.
"I thought maybe your cat could help you to be calmer, to stop fighting."
There was always something hidden. Chuuya wanted to see you happy, of course, but if he could gain some of that happiness from you, he would gladly do so.
You nod again. "Yes, it will help me." You wipe the tears from your cheeks as you smile.
It looks like you're both happy for once.
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canthelpit0 · 22 days
Pairing: matt x poc!reader
Wordcount: 2.2K +
Summary: reader is a third culture kid. Her parents are immigrants, and she hates it. She wants to be everything she is not.
Warnings: angst, crying, hating your own culture, racism, internalized racism, middle eastern!reader, reader discerned as average, established relationship, pet names, hurt/comfort, no use of y/n, no oc; reader described to have curly hair, brown eyes and hair.
(A/N: not me reflecting lmao. asks and req are open <3 feedback is appreciated!)
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I hate my culture. I hate my frizzy hair, I hate the fact that my eyes are a plain brown. I hate the fact that I’m not white. I hate that when someone asks me where I’m from and I say America, they go “no where are you actually from?”. I hate my brain. I hate the way I think. I hate the way I wish I was someone else. I hate myself, and I hate the way I hate myself.
I was never considerably pretty. Well not really. Sure the facial harmony, the potential is there. But I’m just not good enough.
I wish my hair was straight.
I hate the way I hate my own culture. I really do. But I literally can’t fit into the American beauty Standards , but I can’t fit into the middle eastern ones either.
My home country is America. I was born and raised here. But both of my parents are immigrants from turkey. -Wich means we’re not very wealthy.
I hate it when people ask me where I’m from because I look ‘exotic’.
I wouldn’t consider turkey my home country. I hate it there. And I don’t know if it’s just my internalized hatred or whatever, but I do.
Even in the country itself I’m not considered Turkish enough. In the US I’m not American enough…
I’m never enough.
Not to my parents, not to my siblings, not to my boyfriend. Not to myself. I’m not good enough.
we go to turkey for vacation every year and I’m sick of it.
I speak the language enough to communicate. I hate half the food because I’m a picky eater. It hurts even more because I’m not even considered properly Turkish.
I hate the way all my cousins, except for one, live In turkey. I hate the way they’re so close to each other. And despite being in the cousins group chat, they’ll always send in pictures of them all together. Pictures that I’ll never be in, simply because I’m halfway across the world.
Years ago, whenever we visited, it didn’t matter, the fact that I live so far away, but now they were judgy.
Besides I don’t trust anything there. Sure the stuff there is cheaper, but you could literally put me in an official Nike store and I would still tell you the shoes are fake, even tho they obviously aren’t.
I did an internship at a disposition and shipping company. I know that those shoes come from the same warehouse. I just don’t trust anything Turkish.
Growing up with so many myths that my parents taught me to live by, until I realized it’s just a bunch of bullshit, made me believe that nothing purchased in turkey is of any quality.
And it’s not even to hate on the nation or anything, it’s probably my own fault.
I hate the way all the other middle easternerns are so confident in where they’re from, flexing the fact that they naturally know more languages than Americans.
But I just wish I was one of those stupid Americans. Oblivious to the rest of the world and all the flaws in human nature. I wish I was a skinny white woman born into an upper middle class American family.
But instead I have to be what I am.
I hate it when I hear people talk in my ‘native’ language. Even tho that’s the only language we speak at home.
Sometimes I feel great knowing that I have culture and just naturally great genetics, and potential and resources to be better than those stuck in a village in my ‘home’ town.
But then it dawns on me that I’m not American, even if I was born and raised here it’s not my home country. And as much as I feel like it should be and is, it’s not.
It dawns on me that I’m not white. I’m not one of them. And I never will be.
And that makes me question why Matt is even dating me.
There is so much internal self hatred and racism going on in me, yet still he chose me over those white girls.
And I don’t get it.
Every time I look at myself in the mirror I sigh. Let’s ignore the fact that I’m not white like that and will never be. Even being middle eastern, or whatever the hell turks are considered, I don’t look like that either.
I fit literally nowhere. Sure I have dark brown hair and brown eyes, I look pretty average. But I still don’t look Turkish, I don’t have that straight hair or painfully skinny body.
I let out a heavy sigh without even noticing. These thoughts were getting loud again.
I hate how strict and conservative my parents are. I hate the painful lack of empathy they show, because I always have to be perfect, when I’m oh so confused of what type of perfect.
I don’t know if they want me to be a cheerleader and prom queen and top of my class like they never could. Or if they want me to be conservative or something.
Probably the latter, but-
“What are you thinking about?” Matt’s voice suddenly snaps me out of my daze. We literally had laid down to sleep and all I could do is pity myself.
I feel a lump in my throat and only now realize how i feel like I’m going to break into sobs.
Matt must’ve heard my uneven, shaky breaths.
Matt was spooning me, his arms wrapped around my waist, holding me close to him. He rubs my sides gently, tracing shapes on my skin.
I sigh in response. I feel like I haven’t used my voice in so long. I feel like if I speak now, I’ll break into sobs.
“Baby?” He whispers softly. I feel him pull away slightly until he turns me around to face him.
“Talk to me sweetheart.”
Matt is such a kind soul. I literally didn’t tell my parents we were dating until we were already dating for 7 months, just because I was that scared. I wasn’t allowed to date or do anything intimate. As if it wasn’t normal for a teenager to want to.
“Why do you like me Matt?” I blurt out before I can think.
“First off, I don’t like you, I love you. And second where is this coming from?” He asks sweetly his eyes having a tinge of concern to them. He looks so sweet and caring.
“Why tho?” I inquire. My voice low. I know my eyes are glassy, I’m quite literally holding back tears.
Matt licks his lips and sits up. He turns the bedside table lamp on. The dim yellow light aluminates the room slightly, just enough so that I can see his prominent features even better.
“What do you mean?” He asks again now sitting up fully. He has his legs Chris-cross, looking down at me while I still lay on my side.
I sigh trying to gather my thoughts. I purse my lips lying back on my back. I stare at the ceiling for a moment.
“Why do you love me?” I purse my lips. I blink furiously trying to hold back tears.
The way he looks at me is sweet and caring. I sit up just like him. Both of us now sitting across each other, Chris-cross.
Matt and I have been together for a long while, so he knows me. But I never openly talked about it.
“I love you because you’re kind, and caring. I love you because you could talk for hours about things you are passionate about. I love your voice, I love your face, I love the way you’re so delicate with everything. I love the way you touch me. I love you because even when we were just friends you were so kind to me and everyone around. I love you because you’re you.”
By the end of his rant I was crying. Tears streaming down my face while i try to hold in gut wrenching sobs.
Matt’s eyes soften even further. He shifts again so his back is against the head-bored. He grabs me gently and sets me down on his lap facing him.
I cry. Feeling vulnerable I burry my face in the side of his neck. I try not to sob too loud, but I can’t hold it in. With my sobs my body shakes as I try to breathe through it.
“Shh you’re okay baby.” He comforts, gently rubbing circles into my back.
I let out shaky breaths and sobs as I try to calm down. I feel like I’m overreacting. Sure I feel shitty about myself, but then again I can’t do anything to change who I am, so what’s the point in crying about it.
I don’t know for how long I cry, I just know that after a while I couldn’t anymore. I cried so much I ran out of tears.
“You want to talk about it?” Matt asks softly under his breath.
I let out a shaky sigh and shift slightly. I look him in the eyes for a second before letting my head fall forward closing my eyes. I know my eyes are probably red and puffy.
“I just..” I trail off, thinking of a way to describe this to Matt.
“I hate being an immigrant’s daughter..” I say slowly trying to figure out a way to understandably say this without sounding crazy or overly sensitive.
I feel Matt’s hand ghost over my cheek caressing my face gently. He picks up my head slowly so I’m looking at him. My eyes meet his as I try not to cry anymore.
“Talk to me, honey.” He says oh so sweetly.
“I just wish I was American.” I sob. Without even realizing tears were rolling down my face again.
Matt doesn’t say anything waiting for me to continue. He wipes away my tears gently, his eyes full of concern.
“I hate myself and everything I stand for.” I breathe out under my breath as if I’m terrified by that fact. And I am. I hate that I hate myself.
“Baby..” Matt whispers softly. He looks at me like I am everything. He looks at me like I’m the only thing that matters and me saying that I hate myself tears him apart.
“I don’t have a culture. I mean I do, but I’m a third culture kid, I’m not enough for either culture.” I sob. I can physically feel my bottom lip trembling.
“Baby, I love you for you.” Matt says again softly. He wipes away my tears.
“But I hate myself Matt. I hate the fact that I exist.” I breathe out. I close my eyes tightly, because after all, I could barely see anything through my tears anyway.
Matt, being the empath he is, was on the verge of crying too.
No American ever pronounces my name right, but the actual right way just sounds wrong at this point.
I will never find my name on those keychains. And while today, I don’t care about it, back when I was younger and everyone had those, I just couldn’t find one.
“Don’t say that” Matt breaths out. He was still actively wiping away my tears while trying not to cry himself.
“You don’t get it Matt. I’m the problem.” I breathe out harshly. “I feel like I always act like such a brat about it. But my parents had dreams too.” I breathe out.
I see a tear roll down Matt’s cheek and it feels like a slap across my face. I feel my stomach drop. I hurriedly put my hands on his face wiping away the tear while crying myself. Matt’s hands go to my waist holding me.
“Don’t say that.” He breathes out. “You’re allowed to feel things.”
Another wave of sadness washes over me. But before I can break out into sobs again he pulls me into him.
Matt cradles my head into his chest hugging me tightly. I feel safe in his arms. I know Matt loves me for me, but sometimes it still felt like a cruel joke.
Like when I was asked out in middle school as a joke. But we’ve been dating for almost a year now.
“I love your hair, I love your eyes, I love your face, I love your culture, I love your humor. I love you.” Matt assures me. He rubs my scalp gently as I continues to let out small sobs that shake my body.
“I love everything about you. I love you the way you are, and you know that.” He uses his other hand to rub my back comfortingly.
I continue to cry in his arms listening to the sweet nothings and the praises Matt whispers to me.
It hurts knowing I hurt him. And I really want to believe him, and I do. But I don’t agree.
After a while of crying I calm down again.
This is a topic I’ll never be able to talk about without crying. It’s a deep rooted pain.
Being how I am, I hate it.
After a while we move back to a laying down position. “We’ll talk about this later.” Matt assures firmly yet he was still looking at me kindly.
I simply nod. Matt turns the bedside lamp off. He pulls me closer to him. He cradles my head to his chest and I hug him back. I cling to him like my life depends on it.
I know it’s not going to be easy, but it’s exhausting to hate myself this much. I wish I didn’t. I really do.
A/N: All of us third culture kids have probably at some point have experienced some type of internalized racism. I wrote this in a fit of sadness after realising that my dreams are just dreams. I cried so many times while writing this. I hope you guys liked it 💕
‼️please don’t copy my work/idea‼️
Taglist: @muwapsturniolo , @sturnad , @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 , @evie-sturns , @me09love , @fratbrochrisgf , @spideylovin , @chrissgirlsstuff , @stunza , @whicked-hazlatwhore , @sturniooolos , @ecliphttlunar , @orangeypepsi , @klaus223492 , @char112244 , @sst7niolo , @slut4chriss , @mattsturniololoverr , @th3-3d3n-g4rd3n , @st7rnioioss , @t1llysblogs , @nonat-111 , @blahbel668 , @rockstarchr1s , @sturnsintrouble , @nayveetbhh , @tillies33ssss , @sturncakez , @strnilo , @somegirlfromasgard , @mattslovelygf , @sturnsmaeve , @sturnstvr , @lucianastrun , @jnkvivi , @jamiesturniolo
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blakeswritingimagines · 4 months
Dating Jack Hughes Would Include:
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Dating him is pretty amazing. I mean, he has a great sense of humor and he's super chill. Plus, he's always up for an adventure, whether it's trying a new restaurant or going skydiving. And he can be a total romantic. He loves surprising you with little gestures like flowers or writing you a love letter every once in a while. He's definitely the type of guy that will sweep you off your feet and make sure you always feel special.
He loves making you laugh and smile, so he's always cracking jokes and making you laugh. When you're having a bad day, he's the first to cheer you up and offer you a shoulder to cry on.
He loves spoiling you with small gifts or thoughtful gestures. When you're sick, he'll bring over your favorite food and make sure you have everything you need to feel better.
He loves helping you with whatever you need, whether it's fixing your car or giving you a personal massage after a long day.
Well, he's also the kind of guy who loves to have a good time with friends, so you can expect him to be down for a party or a night on the town. But if you want him to be completely honest, the thing he'll enjoy the most is just spending time with you. When you're together, there's nothing else in the world that matters. A bowl of popcorn, and a good movie or show. Or ordering pizza and playing video games all night! Either way, it's going to be amazing because you're next to him.
Dating him also means never having to worry about missing out on a good time because he's always up for trying new things. Whether it's traveling to an exotic locale or trying a new food, he's your guy. And he's not just a pretty face - he's a total sweetheart. He's loyal, and kind, and never wants to see you sad. So, if you need a shoulder to cry on, he's here for you.
You'll have a partner who is supportive and understanding. When you're having a bad day, he'll listen without judgment and make sure you feel supported. He also cares a lot about staying physically and mentally healthy, so he'll encourage you to be your best. He'll take care of any pets you have like they were his own. And if you have kids one day, you can count on him to be a great dad.
His love language is physical touch, so you'll never catch him without one of his arms around you, and at night, you'll be his little spoon.
Just being around him means never having to worry because you'll always feel safe and protected. Plus, he's also a total romantic, so make sure you wear your favorite dress, and get your hair/nails done or something special when you go out, because he will definitely notice.
When it comes to jealousy, I can tell you that he's not the jealous type. Of course, he loves you and he wants you to be his, but he trusts you completely. If any guys try to make a move on you, he knows you'll shoot them down because you're loyal and trustworthy. Other than that, he'll want you to feel free to hang out with your friends and go out without him. As long as you come home to him at the end of the night, he's not worried about anything else.
When it comes to roadies, he's not worried about them either. Yes, he's a famous hockey player and sure, there may be some girls who want to hang out with him. But at the end of the day, he's got a beautiful partner like you waiting for him at home. So any girls who try to make a move on him are just wasting their time. You don't need to worry about anything - he's all yours.
Away games are no problem as well. He'll make sure to keep in touch with you while he's away and he'll tell you all about his travels when he gets back home. Plus, he'll make sure to always bring back a little gift or souvenir for you to remind you of him. He'll also make you jealous with pictures of him hanging out with all his handsome teammates because let's face it - they're all really jealous of the super awesome partner he has left waiting at home.
If you come along to away games, even better. You can hang out and cheer him on and then you can all have dinner together or catch up after the game.
Dates with him are the best. You never have to worry about what to wear or where to go because he always has a plan. He loves surprises, so he'll just pick you up, drive you somewhere, and you'll find out where you're going when you get there. But don't worry, it's always a great location that he's picked out just for you both. And if you ever get tired, he'll just carry you back home so you don't have to walk another step.
PDA (Public Displays of Affection) are totally fine with him. He doesn't really care if people watch or judge him for how he shows you affection - he's just happy to be with you. He has no problem kissing you in public, holding your hand, or wrapping his arms around you for all to see. He's not shy at all and he doesn't mind being a little possessive of you either (in the adorable sense of the word). Everyone can see how lucky he is and how crazy he is about you.
His family loves you almost as much as he does, if not more! They can tell how much he adores and cares about you, and they're always asking when you're going to tie the knot. It doesn't matter where you go or what you do, they're always happy to see you. So you're pretty in the clear.
If any of his fans are ever mean to you, he's going to put them in their place real quick. Who do they think they are to mess with the person that he cares most about? He doesn't tolerate that kind of behavior, so they'll have a piece of his mind. No one's allowed to mess with his girl, and if he get a little protective and aggressive while defending you, just know that it's coming from a good place.
If another team ever makes any unwanted comments about you, you can rest assured that he will be the first one to shut them down. It doesn't matter where it happens or what the circumstances are - you're totally off limits. Any player who tries to cross that line will have him to answer to, and trust me - he means business. Just know that no one will ever treat you with less than the utmost respect while he's around.
The future looks bright and full of excitement for you and him. He knows he wants you by his side for the rest of his life, and he's excited to make all your dreams come true. Of course, he'll never forget to keep having fun too, and he'll be sure to take you on romantic trips and surprise you with fun surprises every once in a while. He can't wait to see where life takes you both, and he knows that you'll always have each other for support and guidance. It's going to be an amazing journey, and he wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else.
So, to sum it up, dating him means that you'll be treated like a princess/prince. He's funny, loyal, sweet, and totally devoted to making you happy. He'll always make sure that you never have a dull moment. Plus, he looks pretty damn good in a tux, so just imagine how good he'll look when he asks you to marry him.
Blindfolded teasing: He likes to blindfold you and then tease you with touches and sensations that you cannot see coming.
Body worship: He enjoys appreciating and worshipping your body and giving it his full attention.
Dirty talk: He enjoys adding dirty talk to spice things up and adding more of an intimate connection to your encounters.
Oral sex: He enjoys giving and receiving oral sex as a form of foreplay and intimacy.
Rough sex: The sensation of having sex in a rough and dominating way appeals to him, and he enjoys being assertive and aggressive in bed.
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Obey | SG Optimus Prime x f!robot S/O reader | NSFW 18+
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Word count: 1400+
Warnings: Smut ( BDSM, pet play, oral and rough interfacing ), dom / sub, dark and a little twist in end. NSFW 18+.
Notes: It seems I can only write Optimus having a dark or controlling side. My other two that I've written are softer but still have that darkness. This is my own idea I wanted to try out. Enjoy it you beautiful sinners. 🥰
☕ Coffee
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The collar fits firmly around your neck, leach attached that tugs you up to straighten yourself on your servos and knees, ruby optics gazing up at the purple mech sitting on the large berth covered in thick silks, all fit for a king.
You know the rules. You know how to play his game.
Optimus tightens his servo at the end of the leash as he observes you, helm tilting to the side as his crimson optics intensely drag across your slender frame. Tugging the leash he smirks behind his mouth guard as you let out a soft grunt but manage to keep your balance. He loves this, everything in his control.
"Crawl." His simple command is all you needed to hear.
Slowly you move yourself, crawling forward with a heavy sway of your aft, dancing silently as you get closer until in reach, his legs spread wide for you to have access. No touching, not yet. You know this. All you want is to worship your king.
Using your glossa you gently drag it across his heated panel, kissing the area lightly and nuzzling into him like a purring feline. You wiggle your aft from side to side slowly, moaning as you feel the intense vibrations coming from the device plugged in your valve, dripping fluids onto the ground as it runs down your thighs.
"You're making a mess." Optimus notices this through a heated vent. "Back up. Clean it up, with your glossa."
"Yes, my lord."
Doing as he says you slide back and bend down, licking up the fluids with your glossa and making sure you gather every drop of it to keep him satisfied. The vibrator in you continues to blaze intensely but you try to hold everything in as best you could. Once cleaned up you keep yourself bent over in a submissive position with your face pressed against the floor, optics full of hazy lust looking back at him.
"Hm." Optimus lets out a short hum. "Good. Now, put that mouth to better use, my pet." He retracts his panel for his enormous spike to emerge from its housing, throbbing intensely, bumps and ridges flaming violet along the length. The very sight makes you lick your lips eagerly.
"Yes, my lord." You answer before moving closer again, holding yourself back from going too fast. The last time you did that it earned you a punishment.
Without using your servos you gently drag your glossa along the side of his twitching cable, planting a soft kiss across a ridged area and sucking gently, earning a heated groan from him looming over you. Moving up you then kiss his leaking tip, swirling your glossa around the area before taking him slowly in your mouth, lowering your helm as you let out a low lingering hum that shocks through him, noticing his servos tightening around the leash and the silks he sat under.
While you slowly bob your helm you continue to take little at a time, sucking good, just the way he likes it. The vibrator in you sends pulses of pleasure through your frame, and holds back from overloading. You take as much as you can and relax your intake, knowing what he was about to do.
Optimus lets out a flared snarl before he tugs the leash harshly towards him, forcing you to take more of him, and his free servo grips the back of your helm and pushes you down fully on him, holding you still and savouring the exotic tightness around himself.
You feel every twitch and throb down your intake, full and stuff tightly as you relax yourself more to give him what he desires. After a moment he loosened his hold and pulled your helm away, his spike wet and bobbing out in your view. He keeps you close as he tugs the leash to have you look up at him, his other servo tilting your chin up.
"Hold still, just like that." Optimus purrs as he gazes down at you, his hard spike resting against the side of your helm with some of his leaked trans fluid coating the corners of your lips. "Such a beautiful picture. Now, get on the berth. Present yourself to me, like a good pet, ready for a hard frag."
"Yes, my lord."
Pushing yourself up slowly onto the berth you continue to move like a fancy cat, fluids flooding your valve making you quicker feel your warm juices threatening to erupt out. Once in position, Optimus kneels behind and removes the vibrator making you gasp out a low whimper. Your valve and node is so sensitive, burning with need to be touched and filled.
You feel him behind you, leash tugging your helm back a little as you feel his hot throbbing spike pressing against your valve, moaning lowly with desire, desperation to be filled by your lord.
With his free servo he grabs your waist and pulls you back onto his thick spike roughly, earning a lingering moan to leave you, only for it to grow further as he sets a slow and brutal pace against you, pressing firmly against your aft repeatedly with a sharp clang. Your frame rocks violently back and forth, your servos keeping you balanced as he uses you to his pleasure.
Every bump and ridge along his thick length tugs at your inner walls, ceiling node pulses with need as you vent heavily through eager moans. Optimus tugs at the leash again, forcing your back to arch against his thrusts as he hangs over your shoulder, heat radiating from his dark metal.
"You crave for this, every pain I give, every frag, you love it." He grunts solidly between thrusts.
"Y-yes, my lord." You manage to say between thrusts.
"Such a slut, needy whore, willing to let her lord do as he desires."
"Only for you!"
"Yes, all for me."
Suddenly, he fists into the leash, pulling you back all the way until your back is pressed against his heaving charris and thrusts into you with need, rutting firmly and choking you a little as he holds a firm controlling grip against you.
The pleasure mixes in with the pain, hungry moans continue to leave you, and all you can do is hold onto something and let him do it, accepting every brutal thrust he delivers while you listen into his feral grunts against your audio over again.
Your overload threatens to erupt, and he wasn't too far off either. Good. Optimus presses you down firmly onto the berth, pinning you and pumping his trans fluids deeply in your valve, thick ropes soaking through and filling your chamber within. During his grinding that is your cue to let go and you don't hold back anymore, overloading around his twitching spike, sensitive node burning with greed as you both calm down through your heated overloads together.
You're sore, tired, but it was a damn good overload, and you love the feeling of him filling you over again.
Optimus sits on the berth and pulls you into his lap then, having you straddle him as his servos roam gently over your frame and up to your neck, fiddling with the collar you had tightened on your.
When you feel the collar loosen and fall you gaze into your lover's optics, a poisonous smile creeping onto your lips as you lift your servos to caress his cheek platings tenderly.
"My lord, my king, that was fantastic." You purr in delight, leaning forward to kiss him after he retracted his mouth guard.
Optimus lets out a moan against your lips and grins softly as you break from the kiss. "My beautiful endura, my queen, you always keep me satisfied."
"I would burn worlds for you." And you weren't kidding. Everyone knew just how dark and cruel Optimus is, but you were just as corrupted. You loved the pain he inflicted on you, giving him what he desired and doing anything he asked. You two were perfect for each other.
"It pleases me to hear you say that." Optimus praises before taking your chin between his digits. "Now darling, it's your turn. What game would you like to play now?"
It doesn't take long for you to decide. "How about we go play with our prisoner?" You knew this is something he wanted as well, something you both did. Optimus lets out a heavy low chuckle of delight.
"That sounds like fun. Let's not keep him waiting anymore."
Wrapped in your king's arms, you both head towards the cells, where your most recent capture hanged in chains. You've always wanted to play with Megatron, and having your king join is going to make it all so perfect.
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bella-goths-wife · 4 months
What am I without her? (James version)
James x lost boys daughter
Content: how has readers absence affected the blonde rebel whose heart she took with her?
Warnings: guilt, suicidal thoughts, thoughts of murder, yearning, max’s tough love
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It had been two months since you left
It had been eight weeks since you left
It had been fifty six days since you left
It had been 1344 hours since you left
Since you escaped
James knew this, he knew this because he incessantly watched his watch tick by and every hour that went by he would add to his mental clock of how long he had been without you.
At first, he denied that you were gone. He was sure that David would catch you before you could even reach Michaels car.
But when he saw the beams of sunlight enter the entrance of the cave behind David’s crouched body, he knew you were gone.
Then came the overwhelming rage that consumed his every thought. He had so much built up anger which he blamed on many things, you for running away, David not catching you, faith for not telling your fathers fast enough, faith for telling your fathers, himself for not holding onto you tighter and himself for holding onto you at all.
This rage caused him to act out at every possible opportunity, he couldn’t work at the video store for weeks because his overwhelming desire to hurt himself or others around him was to strong to resist and every passer-by were just extensions of his anger.
Then came bargaining. He convinced himself that if he somehow cleaned up his act that you’d come back. He stopped smoking, he combed back his hair, he wore less of his leather clothes and dressed more like micheal did. For days on end he acted like he was better, like he was the best possible option for you in the hopes that you’d come back and fall into his arms again.
When this didn’t work, he pleaded with max to make him use his vampiric powers to put James in your dreams like he had done before. He just wanted to see you again, just to know you were safe and that there was no one around you that could love harm you. Max put his foot down and refused, he was already mourning the absence of the only person in his family that he loved and he didn’t have the mental energy to entertain James’s plans to only mentally torture you further.
After that plan failed, James fell into a depression. He wouldn’t leave your bedroom in maxs house, he barely even left your old bed as he pressed your shirts to his nose to make it so he could memorise your already fading scent.
It reminded him of you still, he finally understood the feelings you felt when you would go into one of your depressive episodes and he would lay next to you in the hopes that his mere existence would make you happy again. But now he understands, he understands the pain that you felt and he understands the overwhelming feelings that you admitted to him and the thoughts of just ending it all by simply taking some pills and going for a long sleep.
His thoughts were split into a raging war inside his own mind. Parts of him tried to reassure himself that trying to keep you home was the right thing to do and that he just wanted to make sure you could be safe in his eyesight, but he knows that’s a lie.
He knows he tried to keep you for his selfish wishes, the same way that a pet owner will trap exotic birds in golden cages and use the excuse of luxury as an exception for the cruelty of the confinement. And you were his sweet song bird.
Max knew of James’s selfish actions on that day, and while understood the extent of James’s love, it was unacceptable in max’s eyes.
Their once close relationship had grown rough and tense as the days passed. Until it came to a head on day.
James had stood in front of max with a new sense of purpose as he asked for a simple answer to his problems
“Turn me into a vampire” he had asked with desperation in his tone “turn me into a vampire, and I can find her and bring her home”
Max refused, his head practically burst as the rage he had felt build up since your absence found its release.
He saw James request as entirely selfish and ignorant to the cost. Max knew at that moment that he was talking with a naive child, and not the man he had kept under his roof for half a year now.
He threw James out with a simple look of shame and disappointment at another failed attempt to create the perfect family. James pleaded for a second chance but he was only rewarded with a pointed answer.
“Your love has grown poisonous, it infects and destroys everything you care about and I won’t let my granddaughter be another thing you kill in the process of finding your selfish happiness” max had said firmly “she is worth more than to be a kept pet, that girl could have the world at her feet if she so much as thought about making it her goal and I will not allow her potential to be wasted on an obsessive love that can only lead in her being kept like a toy who you choose to play with”
James saw max as a father figure in his life, he would never admit it but he does. But even that admiration didn’t stop James from envisioning himself staking max in the heart and enjoying watching the life fade from his eyes.
James resisted the urges to hurt the once significant mentor as he turned away and decided on a new plan.
This plan felt more like insanity with James every movement down to the cave, but he’d never felt more desperate for a solution to his yearning.
“What the hell are you doing here?” He heard David’s voice call out in a mixture of anger and confusion before he felt his back slam against the cave walls and he felt David’s hands grip the front of his jacket “you have a lot of fucking nerve”
James gazed at David’s face and almost flinched in shock at the state of him. The once king of Santa Carla had been reduced to a lowly shadow of his once proud self. His presence that had once oozed power and danger, now seemed to bring forward an aura of anger and desperation.
The once proud king of Santa Carla had lost his heir, and has now fallen from his paradise.
James looked once more at David’s snarling face before sighing and looking at him with a firm sense of purpose.
“Turn me” James commanded desperately “turn me and I’ll bring our girl back home”
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kittyball23 · 3 months
True Crime (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: Bruce hears something unexpected on the True Crime podcast he listens to
Beach days were always the best.
It gave his wife Brandy the ample time she needed for a little R n R. It gave their 13 kids the fun they craved, hitting the waves and splashing about in the warm Vacay Island waters. And it gave Bruce the opportunity to kick back, tan, and listen in on the next episode of his True Crime podcast.
His kids were well-behaved for the most part (save for Bruce Jr. and his biting problem, and perhaps Freddy with his desire to stuff his body into whatever little cramped spaces there were). But, with a quick reminder to mind their manners and beware of any rough waves, he knew that they were well off.
As he settled down on the towel, he could hear the faint sounds of his children laughing and splashing, their mother floating on a surfboard nearby and watching over them. Bruce then removed his vest, rubbed tanning oil on his body, donned sunglasses, popped on his earbuds and began to play the podcast. The narrator's mysterious voice began to speak, introducing the story.
“In tonight's episode of True Crime, discover a true story about betrayal, deception, and greed, and the defeat of two nefarious villains who were finally dethroned from their treacherously influential reign…”
Bruce was already intrigued. Ooo, this is gonna be a GOOD one. He could tell. He tucked his arms behind his head and got comfortable.
“When one is a troll, there is no better way to live your life to the fullest than with hugging, dancing, and of course, singing. But for one troll, these harmless activities become the paramount of his nightmare for the next two months.”
Bruce scrunched his nose, skeptical. Singing and dancing that led to, as the narrator described, a ‘nightmare’ situation? He had to hear the rest of this.
“You never expect this sort of thing to happen to you, you know?” a new voice said, which Bruce could presume was the victim of the unfortunate scenario. “I sure didn't. They seemed like a nice pair of siblings. I never suspected anything malicious. They saw my performance, enjoyed it, and asked for some tips to boost their own careers. We had some drinks and… and the next thing I remember is waking up in a diamond bottle.”
Yikes, Bruce thought, pitying the victim. He sounded like a nice guy, too, with the calm, serene tone his voice had. Trapped in such a cramped space for so long sounded awful.
“And you won't believe who those said siblings were,” the narrator continued. He was very right in that, too. Because as soon as the podcast began to play a sample of the hit single ‘Watch Me Work,’ Bruce’s jaw practically dropped on the floor.
No way…
“Yes way. You heard correctly. Criminals in this case are none other than superstar sensations Velvet and Veneer, from the bedazzling city of Mount Rageous. But following them now, is a not-so-bedazzling record. (And we don't mean the musical kind.)”
A new female voice began to list off charges. “Troll-napping, Troll torture, not to mention tax evasion. You won't believe how many yachts, bling, and exotic PETS they illegally bought!”
Even if Bruce could believe it, he was still having a hard time wrapping his mind around the initial news. Velvet and Veneer? The well-known household names that his kids - and himself for that matter - were fans of? Well, not anymore! Hearing such things that they did made him sick. Man… it’s gonna be hard separating the art from the artist.
“And today, just two months after the duo was turned in by their assistant, Crimp, they find that their names live on forever not in fame, but in INfamy,” the narrator said.
“Oh, I feel awful,” the distinct voice of Veneer said next. “I wanted nothing more than to be famous, and… Vel made me believe that it didn’t matter HOW we did it, as long as we DID it. Even… even if it meant KILLING a troll. It was real rough - I mean, sucking up his talent was easy enough, but we were literally sucking the LIFE out of him. His skin was turning pale - and, like, not in a stunning Victorian way, either - and that magenta hair of his was turning whiter and whiter by the minute…”
Magenta? Bruce wondered. He’d known a troll once with magenta hair. His own younger brother. Could it be…? No, it couldn’t… I mean, there’s PLENTY of Trolls that have magenta hair, don’t they?
“I didn’t say anything to Velvet though because, truly, I was too afraid to stand up to her. She’s my sister! My biggest inspiration… I didn’t wanna discourage her. But now, I see that what we did was wrong. Very, VERY wrong.”
Good, Bruce thought.
“But despite the change of heart, this Mount Rageon still has to serve at least another six months in juvenile imprisonment, alongside his sister,” the narrator said. “It comes as much relief to the now-free victim.”
“Jail can’t be fun,” the same serene voice from before admitted, “but I’m glad they’re serving their time. Everyone makes mistakes, and just like it’s important to learn from them, it’s also important to pay the repercussions for your actions.”
Well said, Bruce had to admit. He also had to admit something else.
That sounds a LOT like something Floyd would say…
And if his suspicions were not enough…
“While recovery has been successful for the troll and he has plans to return to singing, he still feels as though something is missing from his life…” the narrator continued.
“I was solo-ing around for quite a bit of time before I ran into Velvet and Veneer,” the Troll said. “But, really… I would LOVE if I could perform in the band I was in years ago… but, we kind of had a fight, and ever since that fight, we haven’t seen each other. If we could reunite - oh - that’d be a dream come true. It’s been too long.”
Bruce swallowed. Twenty years is a long time…
The next part was the real kicker, though.
“Until that day, 36-year-old Floyd still holds onto the hope that he will see his bandmembers - also known as the brothers who made up the band BroZone - someday,” the narrator said.
“John Dory, Clay, Branch, Spruce… if ANY of you are listening, I want you to know that I miss you. And I want us to be a family again…” the Troll - FLOYD - said.
Bruce’s thumb went to hit the pause button. He had to stop. This was a lot to process, all at once. He was flabbergasted. Bamboozled. Shocked. He broke down everything he had heard piece by piece, trying to make sense of it.
Velvet and Veneer were baddies.
They had taken Floyd.
His brother Floyd.
They’d used his talent.
They’d almost killed him.
He would’ve never had the option of seeing his brother again.
But now, he did.
“Daddy! Daddy!” one of his kids - Windy - was suddenly calling to him. “Bruce Jr. threw sand in my eye!”
“I said I was sorry!” Bruce Jr. protested.
“Only after Mom told you to!” LaBreezy pointed out.
“Did not!” Bruce Jr. countered.
“Did too!” Cove jumped into his sister’s defense.
“Well, Daddy, aren’t you gonna punish him??” Windy demanded to know. The way he saw it, it wouldn’t be fair to let him slide!
But the way Bruce saw it… well, he wasn’t seeing anything. His brain was still overloaded with what he’d learned.
Brandy had followed the kids, curiously noting her husband’s surprised expression. “Honey?” she questioned. “Are you all right?”
Bruce looked at her resolutely.
“I… I have to find my brother…”
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phantasmiafxndom · 9 months
What would Gyokko be like as a pet?
• Gyokko is the unfortunate result of trying to produce "exotic" demons with unique traits— and in his case, it resulted in a biological disaster that was only valuable as a collector's piece, an oddity, and most definitely not a normal pet. The person who owned him kept him constantly caged, only providing interaction when someone wanted to have a look at his bizarre anatomy for a bit. Though he wasn't beaten, starved, or outright mistreated, he was completely isolated and neglected from all human contact.
• Because of that isolation, Gyokko got weird. A pot that somehow ended up in his enclosure, just large enough to squeeze his body into, became his sole source of comfort. He'd spend weeks at a time in it, alone in the darkness of his cage, only emerging at those rare moments when someone would enter the room. He's desperate for attention by now, anything other than the constant silence and solitude, and that manifests as frantic attempts to communicate with anyone who comes near him.
• A lifetime of neglect, though, means that his communication abilities are dramatically stunted. Half-incoherent rambling of the few words he knows are the best he can manage— he'll do whatever he can to show off and try to convince someone to stay. However, he's also skittish and easily overwhelmed, unable to handle the same contact he so desperately wants.
• He's stuck in a strange, blended mindset of inflated, near-delusional ego and neurotic anxiety. At the same time that Gyokko sees himself as special (and convinces himself of his value to his owners in the hopes it might be true), he's anxious, easily agitated, and unable to handle unfamiliar stimuli. Anything that deviates from the "safe" routine he's used to causes extreme distress, and he's so under-socialized that he lacks any concept of how to actually interact with other living things.
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lani-heart · 21 days
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|| series masterlist || CHAPTER ONE -> PREVIEW ||
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parings -> riki nishimura x reader genre -> non-idol au, school au, hyrbid au warnings -> n/a word count -> 1.1k
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abstract -> he's perfect how he is... but can maybe change for her.
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y/n’s perspective
“Niki, we always do this” I whined as he locked himself in the bathroom. I needed to get him ready for tonight’s party. If I didn’t have to go I wouldn’t… but with my family pushing me into choosing a major in business, they're making me befriend other kids from wealthy families. 
“Please… I don’t want to go alone” I begged but he didn’t respond. It was running late and the driver would be here soon… so I might have to go alone today. 
I gave up trying to convince him and did the final touches. Grabbing a jacket, fixing my makeup, and grabbing everything I needed. 
When I left my room, I couldn’t help but smile. 
“You’re gonna go with me?” I asked and he nodded. “I can’t let you go on your own” he muttered and I chuckled. “Besides, look at how forgetful you are,” he said as he pulled my hair roller off my bangs.
“Oh,” I said genuinely forgetting as he laughed at me. 
“Do you–” “Yes, I have my tail ring on. I’m ready, now let's go before your dad starts calling”
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Riki Nishimura was a stray hybrid I met when I was a kid. We were on a vacation trip to Japan when I saw him. I offered him some food I had on me and he took it from me to eat it like he was starved. 
My parents were already wanting to get me a hybrid so I begged them to keep him. In which they reluctantly agreed. However, when we found out he wasn’t a normal black cat hybrid they agreed. 
He was a panther hybrid, and so has been with me for years. We grew up together… However, my parents never liked how rowdy he was. Even now they tell me to get another hybrid, one that could join me in dinners, and parties, and one who is overall more well-behaved. 
I wasn’t gonna let them replace him. He was my best friend, my number one confidant. Besides… who needs a fancy and well-behaved hybrid? Niki was way more fun!
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niki’s perspective
It was the same old party they threw with the same kids as their rich human parents and new collectibles. They liked to collect new hybrids where they’d show them off and then throw them away… but not y/n. 
Without her, I probably would still be on the street mistaken for an overgrown cat hybrid. It doesn’t mean I liked being gawked at and set a price on what they’d trade her for me. Of course, she’d never let them... I’ve seen how annoyed and angry she gets and it made me happy she cared so much. 
I cared for her too… She was clumsy and an idiot so she needed someone to take care of her. So I'm here… at a stupid party filled with spoiled rich kids. 
Not to say she isn't spoiled… she is. However, I never questioned that she loved me. She always makes that clear with everything she does for me. 
“Oh! You’re y/n right?” I heard and I saw a girl behind us with what smelled like a bird hybrid. “Mmhm… have we met before?” she asked why I didn’t think so… I would’ve recognized her and her hybrid. “My name–” I didn’t care what she had to say… I just didn’t like how her hybrid kept on staring at me with those eyes of his. What was his problem?
I was cut off from my thoughts when suddenly the topic of discussion became me… 
“He’s really pretty and exotic too! I just haven’t heard good things about him, you know?” she said and I had to refrain from growling at her. Who was she to talk right in front of my face about me? And to y/n?
“Jay here is well-behaved! He’s from America you know–” Is that supposed to make him impressive? Congrats bird you’re a pet! “–it's just a shame you know. I wanted a bunny or maybe a cat hybrid” she pouted and I could see his disappointed expression. 
“Oh, Niki is really sweet but he’s solitary–” “You should invest in a social hybrid you know?” she cut her off to say. Rude… why would she need another hybrid when she has me?
“I like the way he is, he’s been with me since we were kids so there's no way I could ever replace him like that,” she said and I felt proud. 
“I heard about how much you care for him. I guess rumors were true” she said and I knew she was amongst those who talked about why she couldn’t get a nicer and social hybrid who smiles and dotes on her. I do dote on her… and I’m only nice to her. Everyone else was pushing it. 
“What is he if I can ask?” she said and y/n only sighed while looking up at me. “He’s a puma hybrid from Japan,” she answered. “Woah! I heard puma hybrids were rare! I thought he was just a cat… makes sense then for how tall he is.” she said as she got closer to me. 
“Oh please don’t do that. You’ll make him uncomfortable.” y/n said as I went behind her. 
“You should take him to the training you know. It's for the hybrids who need manners… they are opening classes in your university for hybrids'' she said… she stalked y/n to know what university she was in? She needs a life. 
“Oh… I know of them. I think he is just fine the way he is” y/n said and she bowed. “If you’ll excuse us,” she said and we walked away from the pair. “She was a bitch” y/n muttered and I laughed. “Calm down, you have an act to uphold,” I said and she sighed. “y/n?” I said and she looked at me with her eyes filled with determination to answer to give me anything I asked for. “Why didn’t you tell me your uni is having hybrid classes?” I asked and she sighed. 
“They're mainly about etiquette. She said how to take care of your owner… how to behave in a social setting, etc” and I nodded. 
“I want to go,” I said and her eyes widened. “But you're perfect–” “No, I’m not… I caused you a lot of trouble. I heard your dad get mad again this morning. He didn’t want me here because of last time” I said and she shook her head. 
“Yah! Don’t do that!” she scolded and I smiled softly. 
“Please? You said you would give me anything I asked for. I want to be a better hybrid for you”
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taglist -> @ilovecheese09 @gudkc
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please don't be a silent reader !! reblog, comment, and like <3
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ye-local-simp · 1 year
Can I request Azul, Kalim, Malleus and Jamil with an s/o that has an aranara as a companion?
[S/o who has an aranara as a companion]
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-He finds it good and so profitable.
-He bets he could make a merchandise with this creature.
-Don't worry, he won't do anything drastic with it.
-As long as you protect the poor creatures from the twins, the creature would be safe.
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-He has seen many exotic animals in his lifetime and he's genuinely loved all of them.
-He takes it up to him to give it the best time ever since it is your companion.
-Basically where ever he goes, your companion is welcome.
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-He thought of it as another duty but he doesn't mind this one.
-Your companion isn't much of a trouble maker.
-he loves cooking for it and giving treats to it since he wasn't allowed his own pet growing up but he had to care for Kalim's.
-He loves it when the Aranara gives him a flower. He now has a vase-full.
-He has seen many different magical creatures in his lifetime but nothing like this.
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-He is honestly fascinated since he hasn't seen anything like this and he is centuries old.
-He loves it when he recieves flowers from the bundle of joy.
-He finds you two together adorable.
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toastandjamie · 22 days
Me? Writing an Essay about the themes of captivity, taming and dehumanization related to the Ta’veren boys? More likely than you’d think.
So let’s talk about it!
Perrin probably has the most literal interpretation of this theme as a wolf brother. His storyline is quite literally him grappling between being an animal vs a human. However unlike Rand and Mat most of Perrin’s issues are his own internalized feelings of dehumanization. He treats himself as a potentially dangerous animal that needs to be contained and controlled. A lot of his internal arc is attempting to tame himself and inevitably discovering a balance between the freedom of a wolf and the self control of a human. However inspite of how Perrin himself treats the Wolf aspect of himself, not many people outside of himself actively dehumanize him. With the notable exception of the White Cloaks who treat him like a rabid animal who needs to be put down. Perrin however isn’t disturbed by this because he views himself as a dangerous animal. While others don’t try to tame Perrin, he spends the majority of the series trying to tame himself instead.
Mat on the complete opposite end of the spectrum is almost only dehumanized by others. Mat doesn’t self identify as an animal in any regard nor does he respond with anything but distress and confusion when others treat him like one, only ever identifying as an animal in response to how others make him feel, such as him comparing himself to a rabbit under Tylin’s gaze. Unlike Perrin, Mat however is not viewed as a dangerous animal- with the notable exception of Tuon- but instead as an exotic pet. Something wild and feral that can be domesticated. Tylin is the most notable example of this, going as far as almost exclusively referring to him as various animals. However the Aes Sedai and other women also participate in this, multiple mention Mat needing a good woman to settle him down and domesticate him and the Aes Sedai treat him much the same. Tuon notably begins their relationship thinking similarly about Mat that he’s wild but ultimately harmless only later coming to the realization that his teeth are still sharp- the difference between a house cat and a lion- but this danger only makes her want to tame him more. Tuon very much likes the idea of having a lion on a leash.
Rand meanwhile both dehumanizes himself and also dehumanized by others. Unlike Mat and Perrin, he is neither a wild animal or an exotic pet- instead he and others treat him like a monster. Monsters need to be captured or tamed for others safety not for the status symbol of having it as a pet. While others treat him with a mix of fear and awe, Rand believes that it’s in his nature to cause harm even if unintentionally. Rand treats himself as dangerous but unlike Perrin he rarely tries to tame himself; instead accepting the fact that he’s a monster and all that comes with it. You can’t tame a classical dragon, as they are divine and sometimes even god-like, the best you can hope for is to imprison it which is just what the Aes Sedai attempt to do with Rand.
All three boys experience various forms of captivity, both metaphorical and literal, as well as fear it. Perrin is taken captive by the White Cloaks in book 1 and later after seeing another wolf brother completely feral and locked in a cage begins to fear losing control of himself and being trapped. Mat meanwhile is kidnapped or held prisoner multiple times, by the Aes Sedai, by Tylin and is metaphorically caged by Tuon and the Shadar Logoth dagger. Rand of course has The Box incident but he’s also trapped by his destiny metaphorically and again physically when he’s arrested in Far Madden.
The idea that the three Ta’veren boys are animals meant to caged or tamed is a through line from book 1 that only grows to be more obvious and literal as time goes on. There roles as Ta’veren cause themselves and others to view them as something other than human- and for those in power they begin to view them as less than human- as tools- as animals. Perrin accepts his dehumanization and insists on keeping himself in check, eventually he learns to embrace his wolf side and finds balance so that he can both be free and controlled. Mat fully rejects this dehumanization and despises the idea of being kept in captivity, however as time goes on he begins to resist it less and less until eventually he’s successfully “tamed” by Tuon and finds himself enjoying the security and familiarity that captivity entails. Rand embraces his dehumanization but violently rejects captivity, and at the end of the series he finds himself completely human and finally, blissfully, free.
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