#the rest ohohoho that's a different story
silverwolf1249 · 2 years
recently read an incomplete fic with injustice! Superman and arkham city! Batman after the joker venom got to him and that's definitely two people I never even thought of interacting with each other, and now lives in my head rent free. Like, I've read great stories with injustice and earth 1, but holy shit injustice and arkham knight?? jksdkjdsk the many parallels between injustice! Superman and arkham! Batman, and yet how their paths differed, my worm brain is obsessed. Just think about it:
A Superman who got tricked by the Joker by inhaling kryptonite infused fear toxin and ended up killing Lois, whose death then destroyed Metropolis. A Superman who then proceeded to kill off the Joker and began eliminating crime by creating a world of his own vision using force.
A Superman who let the Joker's influence rule his every action even after his death. A Superman who stopped being Clark Kent and became the ruthless tyrant Kal-El of the Regime. A Superman who kills anyone who's against him or gets in his way, in the name of protecting peace on earth.
A Batman who got infected by the Joker and slowly lost his grip on reality as he went through a fear toxin riddled Gotham City. A Batman who despite everything, refused to kill to the very end, trying his best to save everyone, including the Joker.
A Batman who managed to defeat the Joker's influence in the end and locked him up. A Batman who also killed off Bruce Wayne like Superman did Clark Kent, but unlike Kal, Batman receded to the shadows, to once again become a myth, a nightmare. A Batman who now utilizes fear toxin to subdue criminals.
Admittedly the last bit is kind of a conjecture based off the ending of Arkham City, but seeing a fear toxin wielding Batman vs a Superman who knows so intimately what fear toxin can do sounds so so interesting. Especially since apparently injustice! Bruce used it on Zod after he killed Tim, but said he would never use it against Kal after what he had done under its influence.
Of course, they also have some major differences, Bruce never killed his family, even if for a good second he thought bringing Barbara into his crusade was the reason she died (except that was a hallucination thank god). He never destroyed Gotham, he helped make the city better, and continues to do so. Kal-El killed Lois and their unborn child with his bare hands, and right after Metropolis got nuked.
I can only imagine Kal-El's jealousy that despite their similarities, Bruce essentially still had everything, all his loved ones and his city. Also his confusion and rage when he learns that Bruce still tried to save the Joker even after the Joker had caused him so much grief and suffering. He just can't understand how Bruce could keep his no killing rule even after basically spiraling into the Joker's madness. He has so many whys he doesn't even know where to begin.
And if arkham! Batman manages to also interact with injustice! Batman somehow ohohoho that's also so many possibilities with that considering again that arkham! Batman still has all his children alive and thriving while injustice! Bruce very much does not. Among other things of course, but that's definitely a big one. The other big thing being of course the Joker infection thing.
I sadly don't know enough about injustice to see how the rest of the Regime or Insurgency would react to arkham! Batman but man I would love to see their reactions to a Batman who might have a few screws loose, still doesn't kill, and is even scarier than ever with his fear toxin and he himself with an absolute lack of fear.
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verecunda · 1 year
🔥 on Sauron and Morgoth's relationship (an unpopular opinion about their potential romance or their "work" bond, it's up to you:).
Ohohoho. What hath you wrought. XD
Okay, so, this holds true for their relationship either way. I think their story/relationship is enriched by what I think of as Sauron's crises of faith in Morgoth. I'm thinking specifically of how he flees at Lúthien's suggestion that Morgoth will scorn him after his failure at Tol-in-Gaurhoth. (Whether Morgoth would actually scorn/punish him is beside the point - the point is that Sauron clearly thinks this is plausible.) Then, of course, there's his short-lived repentance after the War of Wrath.
I'm fascinated by the fact that although to the rest of Arda he is Sauron the Deceiver, "faithless and accursed", his whole career, from the start of the Silmarillion to the end of LOTR, is actually all about him keeping faith with his master. I love that. But over the course of that career, you see him have these wobbles. I've seen quite a few Angbang shippers dismiss these moments, like: "Well, what does Lúthien know about their relationship?" or "The Silm is written from the Elvish POV, so their portrayal of Sauron and Melkor is just negative propaganda." But to me, that seems a bit pat, and renders their relationship pretty static and... undynamic? As both a reader and writer, I find it much more tasty if Sauron does have doubts, if their relationship does hit some rocky patches. In narrative terms, what's interesting about faith or devotion if it's not tested? That holds equally true for heroes and villains. Because once you introduce the doubt, you can explore what makes the faith so strong in the first place. If Sauron does doubt Morgoth, what brings him back?
In the book, Sam is tempted by the Ring, but then we're told "In that hour of trial it was the love of his master that helped most to hold him firm". And for me, it's exactly the same for Sauron. Just as it's his love for Frodo that keeps Sam on course, it's Sauron's love for Melkor that ultimately leads him back to evil and shapes his whole destiny. But it wouldn't be half as poignant/terrible/romantic/tragic if that love was never actually tested.
.....Um. Right. I suspect I may have spiralled off on about fifty different tangents there, but basically: Sauron doubting Melkor is good because it's narratively juicy and makes his continuing unhinged devotion all the more delicious. :D
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brineffxiv · 1 year
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Ohohoho! So preoccupied was I with happenings on the First I damn near forgot there's an entire other front to this story.
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Varis knows who the Most Important Character is.
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That's because you are a fool Varis. I have some amount of pity for you, due to how you've been used by Emet-Selch, but not much. You had every chance to make allies and turn over a new leaf but you're too much of a fascist and you believe too earnestly in the fictitious principles of your nation to do even that. Not to mention how you behaved towards your son and his death. You're despicable.
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Actually, that's something I've been wondering about, why did Emet-Selch choose to have children? He founded Allag as well but did that by proxy, so why choose to become the Emperor of Garlemald personally? And to have heirs on top of that... It puzzles me.
...I just realized that Emet-Selch as Solus clearly must have had a wife at some point and that boggles the mind.
...Hey come to think of it, the women of the Galvus family are conspicuously absent. What's up with that? The story I read featuring Zenos said his mother died soon after his birth, but where are all the rest of them?
Okay, that's a tangent for later... back to the cutscene.
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Oh that's not good. That's dangerous information for our enemies to have.
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Those glyphs always looks so cool when the Ascians pop them out. I wonder what each of the different designs mean, if anything? Elidibus' looks kinda like a bird to me.
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I'm pretty sure Varis' heart's desire is to see you all die slowly and painfully, but then what do I know?
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Oho! My friend has returned! How touching he's concerned for my quality of entertainment.
The realization that Zenos has managed to, up to this point, remain entirely ignorant of everything involving the First and the Source is kinda hilarious? If he was eavesdropping on the entire conversation he likely just found out old Solus was an Ascian too.
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I have some questions about immortality and how it works, but I'm not sure how to articulate them...
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Interesting, very interesting. I wasn't aware you were capable of "enjoying" anything at all. Beyond, of course, our fight. But perhaps that is to what you are referring?
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thefactsofthematter · 2 years
you wear your pride like a purity ring
you're just a set-up (to the rest of my life)
- @we-are-inevitable ✨️
@we-are-inevitable BESTIE !!
you’re just a set-up (to the rest of my life). ohohoho. my thought is a college relationship where one of them is in it for the long run and the other only wants a fun temporary thing and they’re not on the same page about it at all.
my gut is telling me sprace— spot has a secret pinterest board of wedding ideas, while race has a secret tinder account for the purpose of “keeping his options open.” race is a year older: he’s a senior, raking in acceptance letters from grad schools because he’s a fucking genius, and trying to finish his honours thesis. spot still has a year left of nursing school, and he’s clinging to the thought that of course race will choose to do his master’s degree here in new york. why would he leave?
and then race drops the bomb that he’s decided to go study at oxford next year. it takes a second for spot to realize what that means— his boyfriend will be an ocean away, and race doesn’t even seem that upset about that fact. he’s grinning as he says it, all excited for a new adventure.
“long distance will be hard,” spot ends up saying, and then his whole world shatters when race very clearly has to stifle a laugh.
“oh, spotty… no.” he goes all sweet and soft in that stupid way that makes spot fold every time, even though it makes him feel childish and talked-down to. “i mean, this has been fun, baby, but it’s not like that. this was never gonna last… you knew that, right?”
and spot hadn’t known that. he’d though that despite their arguments and differences, they’d make it work somehow. he’d thought they were in love… but it dawns on him in that moment that race is never the first to say i love you. he only echoes it back— or sometimes simply gives a noncommittal little hum— when spot says it. race doesn’t love him.
he was just a toy for race to play with. a fun story to look back on someday. part of the setup to the rest of race’s life.
“right. yeah. i’m sorry.” he doesn’t cry, not in front of race. “that was stupid. i’m really happy for you.”
and the part that stings the most is that he’s telling the truth. he can’t help but be happy for a boy that wants nothing to do with him.
spot conlon may be stupid, but at least he has a heart. it’s more than he can say for race.
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blurredout10 · 1 year
OH ohohoho.
Of your writing: what scenes or lines of dialogue do you most revisit when you think back on the story?
This is a lot harder than I thought. So I picked a couple bits.
First extract is from (to no one’s surprise) Diagnose Me, Doctor - Chapter 29. I think with DMD I find I like going over entire chapters to get the full feel of everything going on. (Also currently working to rewrite the first 10 chapters) But here are a few bits I reread and start squealing. This included:
His glowing hand on yours gave a light squeeze, plastic meeting flesh, both driven to clutch, to find each other in shapely anatomy and electrical impulses. A passage between both of your bodies, a circuit that set complete as the both of you interlocked.
His eyes glittered a forest of fireflies, depths of chocolate trees a home for all that buzzed inside him.
It was clear as day, as intimately obvious as when you had first seen him.
He was in there. He was always in here.
With how heavily medic based it came out (very self-indulgent) I absolutely adored the concept of truly trying to understand what was human and android from a very anatomical point of view. It’s so beautifully poetic, to be made similarly but couldn’t be further apart.
Another from DMD - Chapter 18:
Dr C’s beard bounced as he stated, “you come back when you’ve recovered.”
“I’m fine!”
Mary, very intentionally, poked the stitching a little too aggressively, making you wince in the process. It was clear what side she was on.
“I told you to rest. And then you go get yourself shot.”
“You’re acting like it’s my fault!”
As much as I love Connor and Reader in that fic, I am very much obsessed with the OCs. Dr C treating reader like an irresponsible child. This bit just has me smiling like an idiot.
And for this last one, Remember To Love, it’s a little longer but I absolutely adore it and love just looking over it. I think in knowing what the fic is about, it just reads differently, means a little more.
Because as much as it was an emotional rollercoaster, it was also a relief in remembering and the reader letting herself feel the tears.
You weren’t one for tears, not particularly in bad terms when she came knocking, salting the wounds of your pain, though you refrained from opening the door.
She knew of your home, knew that the misfitted bathroom door needed an extra push to be locked, knew of the scratches of peeling paint in your corridor, scarring walls where you had tipped a hand dragging in a wardrobe. She knew of your favourite spot on the couch, a smidge left on the dual cushions to avoid stray light from the morning sun; the smell of brewed coffee, weighted wafts of three generous spoonfuls marbling into added milk, she’d watch you stir with a mirrored bitterness in your brows, tensed to shadows.
She’d knock again, when your ribs shuddered in quickening heartbeats, stinging your eyes when you’d catch her silhouette passed the front door glossed windows. An acquaintance to the dust building up on high shelves, a friend to the sugary hospitality you’d embrace her with, you were by no means at odds with her. You cared for her, as she did in watery streaks on soft cheeks.
She knocked still. She knew all how you felt, down to the numbed joints of your fingers, a pale ache when your hand found itself wrapped around the front doorknob, brittle, desperate.
A comfort, she was. But the floorboards creaked in your steps, retreating. The ghost of her invitation left imprinted in the white on your palm, your rejection tainting you as it did her stilled silhouette.
You didn’t cry.
Will forever scream internally and externally. Looking back is honestly the best form of self-reflection. Feels good!!!
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🖊 🖊 🖊 🖊 — for Kit, Samir, André & Anruh?
ohohoho hell yess
Because the original concept for this story was inspired by the song ‘Angel with a shotgun’, Kit is made to shamelessly embody the era of early to mid 2010’s. The aesthetic, the music (specifically pop- and alternative rock), the fashion, hell even the social media. What I mean with that is they 100% have a Tumblr, and they 100% will comment on your shoelaces. 
Also, because I felt the urge to pay homage to the song that started it all, Kit is also in a band ! They mainly do covers of the most hype early to mid 2010’s songs, with Kit being the lead vocalist and backup guitarist. The name of the band is ‘Shotgun Angels’, and depending on who you ask shotgun is referring to different things (To Kit and Daisy it means riding shotgun, Lexi says it’s about the weapon, according to Dennis it’s referring to the can drinking thing, and Niall just thinks it sounds cool). The band does play a big part in the story as one of the main outlets for Kit, but also for them to have fun with their friends.
I feel like Samir has become one of my favorite characters to write, in that his arc and journey is very interesting. Simplest way to explain it; a submissive person slowly becomes more dominant, which is their true form. Like Samir will never put himself in the role of a leader, but the moment he’s pushed into it he’s so fucking good at it like actually born for it. It’s really neat and I hope I’m writing it as well as I think I am lmao. And while I’m struggling with finding natural ways to fit in character descriptions in my works; Samir is a big man. He’s tall, he’s fat, he has stretch marks and body hair and he’s so fucking beautiful. Absolutely Ethereal and I will not shut up about it.
ANDRÉ ! Baby boy, happy late birthday omfg he’s 23-
Not a single day goes by without me thinking of his bioluminescent pink blush and honestly I need to draw more of it. André is so- he’s so AAA he makes me so happy ! I love how he and the rest of PAXS are so unconditionally cringe and have a fucking routine for introducing their squad. Honestly I love his dynamic with everyone, how he’s friendly and open-minded while still knowing his boundaries. Also, also, him not being prone to anger and then finally snapping and just going feral and destroying shit is so fucking yummy ! And both you and I know damn well that when he gets used to his wings he uses them to extra hug his friends.
I struggle with drawing Anruh and Ruben because Anruh is an absolute unit and Ruben is tiny lmao. That aside, Anruh is a massive fucking softie and I love that for her. Like, she’s such a romantic person without even realizing it. She can kill you in an instant or she can give you the softest forehead kisses, it’s such a wonderful duality. And it does create a ‘of mice and men’ kinda situation where she really wants to interact with the small things in the forest but she also knows damn well that she can snap nacks with the flick of her finger so she tries to stay away from them(I have an excerpt of this that I am unsure if I ever posted…). And then in comes Ruben lmao. I also really like her hairstyle <3
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Now I'm quite curious about Leslie, Percy, and Florence (yes I do know more about Percy than I do about Leslie and Florence, but there's no such thing as "knowing too much about Percy")
Oh yes. Ohohoho yes. Thank you for asking and you are so right, there's no such thing as knowing too much about Percy, like I still feel like I don't know enough about Percy and I'm the author who has three (3) WIPs with him in it, one of which is almost a sort of biography, and is incapable of thinking about anything else.
Okay okay so! Leslie first, because I am currently having a lot of brainrot:
Leslie is a character in Clarity Is Blood On A Murder Weapon and I want to hit them with a brick. Affectionately. They suck but it's okay because I love them and I think they're hot.
Also they are my pronouns buddy (they use they/he/she as well, though I'll be using they/them for this ramble for the sake of clarity) <3
The rest is under the cut!
You see, they were raised in a very "queer people gross only Feminine Woman In Kitchen and Manly Macho Man Dude Bro" because it was mid 20th century America so what can you expect. That was, of course, a problem, cause they're nonbinary and bisexual. So of course they left once they turned like 19. Also they have a younger sister - Roq - who got kicked out for being gay like a year later (when she was 17 oop) but that's another story. They did take her in, of course.
After they left, they met Kevin and Stephen and then a while later Roq started living with Leslie so The Friend Group was created. Stephen in the early days of their friendship was recovering from Very Bad Terrible trauma and later on a few other peeps were abducted into this friendship, but that is probably a story for another day.
Anyways! That's enough for their backstory! Tis time for... *drumroll* ... their personality! And such!
As I said, they suck (affectionate). They're a selfish dumbass honestly, and they just kinda act like they don't give a fuck about anyone's feelings but they absolutely do and they want the people they care about (*cough* their friends and their little sister and their boyfriend *cough*) to be safe and well and happy. But most importantly they always wear heart shaped sunglasses and of course in the scene where they are most vulnerable they are not in fact wearing said sunglasses. In fact they are broken. Do with that what you will.
But other than being a fool and an asshole they are an absolute darling of a person. They get so so hype every time their friends or partners get happy, ESPECIALLY if they're the one that made them happy. They are obsessed with everything heart-shaped. They know all of their friends' favourite songs. They're still a piece of shit but. A darling piece of shit <3
Also they fuck around with gender A Lot <3 because they can <3 and honestly they are really fucking gender in literally anything, ranging from dresses to shirts with giant sleeves to ridiculous pattern combos, like oh lord the gender envy. Also did I mention they're hot. And pretty. Actually I have a drawing of them, if you'd like to see.
And now! Florence!:
She's from the Earl/Edith WIP and honestly she could kill me and I'd thank her. I haven't developed her much yet, but all you need to know is that she says "Well, well, well. I have found a pretty little thief in my room" at one point. She has a really ethereal vibe and it seems like she draws moths and butterflies towards her~ and Edith is but a foolish little moth~ oh and I am implying some romantic emotions between Florence and Edith cause like. She was literally in a polycule with Edith and their husband Jonathan but then Something Happened. Don't even ask me what the something is because I don't know either. Also Florence is the antagonist's sister. Oh oh and she has two borzoi dogs, Frankie and Lola <3
And since I have talked about Percy A Lot I will make this a lil list of fun facts:
- named himself after Percy Shelley
- has watched Different From The Others - aka what is probably the first pro-gay film ever - in a cinema in Berlin in 1919. Makes me wish I was him.
- knows oh so many languages
- loves warm milk. It makes him feel very safe and comfy
- he falls asleep EVERYWHERE including but not limited to sofas, chairs, the ground, Oscar's lap, beds, tables, meadows, trains etc, and if you try to move him he just makes sad pathetic little noises and continues sleeping.
- has a birthmark near his nose
- he never lives in one place for too long but he always leaves something that will forever puzzle and haunt the person who's gonna live there next. Small boxes filled with weird old objects, like vintage pictures, teeth, children's toys. He can in fact be a bit of an odd boy sometimes. I would sell my soul to find such a box by the way.
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dustofthedailylife · 2 years
I have to wait a bit, before I sit in front of my computer to reblog your work (I can't put tags on my phone for some reason T~T).
But in the mean time, does Pierro even have taste buds? To drink Fire Water (vodka) just like that... You don't do that. I would make him drink tea instead. 🤔
By the way, an interesting thing, that I as a Snezhnayan (I am Russian) have to tell you. Maybe you can use it later in your chapters!! :D
Russian people really love tea, surprisingly. Every imigrant that I've listened to on YouTube wondered how much people like tea in Russia. I am an exception, but my whole family likes tea a lot and half of our cabinet is filled with different sorts of teas. Drinking tea is more of an excuse to chat, actually. We REALLY love to talk over a cup of tea with some sweets! It's a tradition at this point. Whenever you invite someone to your home, you're also inviting them for a cup of tea so you could chat about anything and everything! Also, whenever we invite someone to our home, we feel the need to cook something or at least have food ready for our guests to eat if they ever get hungry. As soon as the guest is wondering to the kitchen, you need to offer some type food: from cupcakes to leftovers (if you haven’t cooked anything at all for the guest). Cookies are almost a must. Any sweets are fine because you need to eat them with a cup of warm tea.
Part of why we drink vodka too. If you don't drink tea with your friends, then you're drinking vodka in their company. There're two ways of bonding for us, as you can see. 😆
Aaaanyway, the story is cooking very nicely! The circumstances are playing in The Clown's favour for now. But will it be like that for the rest of the chapters? Ohohoho! >:D
Also, did Diluc even notice that the agent wanted to hand The Clown a bag of money. Did he notice??? Is that a spoiler? I really wonder what this encounter means for the story. You wouldn't put it here for no reason, would you? This situation must be brought up in the near future, right? >:0
Or I'm overthinking things.... Or am I????
Also, do you headcanon that Diluc could almost kill the number three Fatui Harbinger? She must be hella strong. How have you came up with this idea?? I want to know your thoughts!
I, personally, think that she might have some psychodelia powers or something. Usually, when asians (as in Japanese, but Mihoyo takes a huge inspiration from Japanese anime, so...) draw a wicked character with a bandage over her/his head, that definately means that this character has some mind tricking powers. She looks weak — boney arms, petite figure. And yet she can strike fear in one of the strongest people. Considering her reaction to Signora's dead, I came to conclusion that she must have some mind manupilation powers or something. She's sick on her head!
Gah! This has become a long message! I'm so sorry! I'm waiting for the next chapters to come! You're doing great! :D
Haha, to answer your first question he probably doesn't have taste buds lol! Interestingly enough, before I started writing the fic I was under the impression that fire water was meant to be vodka (I do still believe it's a reference to it) but in the world of Teyvat it isn't a spirit like vodka is but instead it's... wine. I was quite surprised about it.
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That's why I made him drink it just like that as well. Plus in a world quest a Fatui Mage drank Fire water pure as well ("Lost in a Foreign Land" - Chasm world quest), so they seem to do that in Teyvat.
Funnily enough in that world quest she did also mention tea but her milk was spoiled so that's why she drank Fire Water there 😂
It's also funny you mention you offer your guests food because that reminds me of a good friend I had back in school. She was Russian and every time I came over her mum asked me if I'm hungry or often just brought us some pancakes (not directly pancakes, she called them 'Blinis' don't exactly remember anymore though).
It's always interesting to learn about different cultures, so thanks for that 😊
Back to the fic, will the odds be in out favor for much longer? Did he notice the agent slipping money in our pocket? We shall see *rubs hands* 😈
As for Pulcinella who I hc to have been attacked during Diluc's vendetta after his father's death. He is the 5th Harbinger so I think you got him mixed up with Columbina there. Pulcinella, or the Rooster, is the major of Snezhnaya and was the little old man with the long nose in the trailer. I chose him with the thought that he is 1) not too high up the rank and 2) attempting to kill the major is probably what Diluc would to do cause significant damage for the organization imo, plus it would certainly bring in the attention of the rest of the Harbingers. 🤔
Thank you for your long ask!! 😊
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thevivification · 2 years
3, 5, 8, 26, and 30 for the artists asks? :0
3. What ideas come from when you were little
SO MANY OF THEM!!! I had this idea where an entire class replaced themselves with robots and also I remember getting really upset that everyone kept on talking about Harry Potter (I was in like. g2 and I didn't know about the terf stuff yet but it was fucking everywhere) and also this one classmate I had kept making horror stories about the school so I just drew the monsters having fun together in a school a lot
(this is the classmate that said the hopskotch things were actually where people were buried?? I don wanna give anything more kasi that'd doxx me) OH and also I had this habit of adding like. antlers and shit to everything which still carries on to this day. I have never seen a deer or moose in person in my life yet but I plan on having that changed
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
uh. a good percent actually. I don't do math but I'd say 75%? maybe a little more maybe a little less?
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
Okay so there was this one time my friends and I wanted to do our own fanganronpa. We didn't finish that. And then there's literally every AU concept and fic I've ever done/am doing ever and. yeah. It's still there!!! It's just! brain things idk OH MYGOD AND ELDRITCH HORRORS WITH ETHO AND GRIAN!! I LOVE THE CONCEPT I JUST DON'T THINK THE BRAIN JUICES FEEL LIKE WORKING ON IT
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
okay so this isn't art per se but that one scene from the original lo3 where dxd calls etho 404 that was a ref to ep404 of the letsplay and. i don't remember where I was going with that one honestly
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
Two Canaries At Rest - It deserved so much better... I love the vibe I did for this one it's just aduisuusada
Genshin!Cub in the desert - I would like to thank Aether for this AU and also for giving me brainrot that has lasted for months. I think it'd be cool if he had a story/world quest that was like. related to that sandstorm. In my heart it's what happened
Court magician Cub in jjba esque artstyle - this one actually got robbed and I don't know how. It disappeared from the cubfan maintag and all my other posts seemed fine?
Grian Mycroft, Private Eye - I wish the wet chunk of fats in my skull let me work more on Polaroids >:/ I need to do more art for this au
DreamXD stained glass imitation - not that into dsmp anymore but damn. I just love this one. I love the effects I love the colors I love the lines I love love love it. If I suddenly learned how to do stained glass art this would be the first thing I make
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Have you ever had any weird dreams?
Ash: “Oooh, ooh, okay, okay, not a weird dream, just a recurring dream I used to have, but when I was little, like, about Dew’s age, maybe a bit younger, I used to have a dream about Ivy floating. A-and she took me by the hand and carried me up, and we just…. we just floated away from our home. I mean our parents were freaking out but… Ivy looked so happy and I felt so free, and we saw the sky changing vibrant colors and giant eight legged serpents emerging from the ground and giant rodents bigger than humans and their mechanical beasts and three headed snakes and- It would always feel so real and so… amazing.
Except then Ivy’s hand would slip, and I’d fall and fall and fall…. And before I hit the ground… I’d wake up.
I don’t have that dream anymore. Most of my dreams now are usually related to my job, like a nightmare of that duck or a nightmare of the bats deciding Dew looks enough like an insect to them.”
Dew: “I didn’t have dreams a lot… BUT recently I’ve been starting to get a lot of them. They’re mostly nightmares, as I read they’re called. Most often they’re about Flicker and Clawface and Lady Red, but… occasionally… I have dreams of the huge people here. Like they seem all nice and stuff at first, but… but… but then they pull off their face somehow and it’s Lady Red’s face. Not just her face, but like… her face with burn marks all over and missing eyes.
I usually wake up crying. But, I have Finnegan, if it’s at night. I’ll just hug him and I’ll feel better- he’s a big bird, after all. I’ve seen him take on Flicker, he’s pretty tough. And if it’s during the day, Ash will be there and she’ll steal me a piece of chocolate and reassure me that Lady Red’s dead and the people here are nice.
Don’t know how much I can trust her since she was dumb enough to trust Lady Red when she first arrived to the Haven, but… there’s not much else I can do.”
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whatissleepeven · 3 years
Okay so imagine the brothers are offered back their divinity if they kill the MC. How would they react? (Oh or for more angst- get back Lilith in exchange for MC’s life?)
Ohohoho, is this angst hour I sense? Thank you for this ask, and I’m...sorry in advance for the heavy feelings-
(Me: Okay angst time, time to play the appropriate song
*begins playing Spiderman Pizza Delivery Theme*
Me: let’s begin)
Trigger Warnings: Panic Attack (Beel’s Prompt), PTSD Symptoms (Also Beel’s Prompt), Talk of Loss
Obey Me! Brothers’ Reactions To An Ultimatum
Well, he certainly does think about it.
No, not about the divinity...but about Lilith.
They could have her back in their lives? All for the price of one human?
This human, who has caused him nothing but grief and throws themselves head-first into danger.
If this was towards the beginning of the program, he’d be more inclined to take it-
But he doesn’t.
He can’t do that to you. Not you. You, who had repaired their broken family. You, who had seen all of their flaws and strengths and passions and fears and embraced them.
You, who continues to smile so brightly and say his name with utmost faith in him.
He lowers his arm. You look fearful, but...resigned. Like it will be fine, like it was okay if he killed you.
He hates it.
“Does your life matter to you that little?”
You smile sadly, and a small portion of him wants to scream. No no no, it cries out, this isn’t how you’re supposed to be! Your smiles aren’t supposed to be full of sorrow!
“Your sister meant-...means a lot to you. To all of you. Who am I to take that away, huh?”
He walks over to you, his steps measured. You close your eyes, waiting for the killing blow-
A weight settles on your head, giving it a few rubs. “You are worth more than you could ever know. Remember that.”
He continues to walk, heading out the door. A few tears drip from your face onto the floor.
He could care less about his divinity. If he had to choose here or the Celestial Realm, he’d much rather stay here. He knows, deep in his heart, that Lilith lived a long and successful life.
You, however, are irreplaceable.
“H-Hey...ya gotta be kidding me.”
“Well?” You grin, holding your arms out. Your stance is peaceful, like all you’re asking for is a hug. But he knows better.
Divinity and Lilith? All for killing-...
For killing you?
He hates this. He hates the look in your eyes, hates the trust you’re showing him, and hates your bleeding heart that’s just waiting to be taken for granted. Hell, it already has been taken for granted.
“What do you think you’re doin’, playin’ the hero? Wanting to sacrifice yourself? You think that’ll make us happy?!” Tears gather in the corners of his eyes.
You lower your arms, shocked. “Wha-”
You let out a small oomph as he tackles you into a hug, pulling you close.
“You’re trembling, ya idiot.” He mumbles, and you feel something wet drip onto your shirt. He’s crying, you realize. He’s crying because this hurts him.
He pulls back to clamp his hands down onto your shoulders. “Save it!” He barks forcefully, making you blink. “Ya really thought I’d give all this up? For something that’s already happened? I like what we got goin’ here. My brothers like this life way better than the ones we had in the Celestial Realm. Everyone’s happier lately, and it’s ‘cause of you.”
The minute trembling that ran through your body before returns in full force, tears pooling forth as you grip his shirt. He pulls you back into the hug, and you feel safe. That’s right; he’s your number one protector, the Avatar of Greed.
How could you forget that?
He grins, reaching a hand up to ruffle your hair in a playful manner. You laugh thickly, your tears still falling. “You’re stuck with the Great Mammon, and don’tcha forget it!”
Because you are his priceless treasure. Not Lilith, not some stupid divinity...
Leviathan has always been the outcast.
His passions, his fears, his confidence...All of those are wildly different from his brothers’. He’s not as close as Beel and Belphie are, or as Lucifer and Mammon are, or as Asmo and Satan are.
He’s the black sheep of the family.
“Y-You’re leaving it up to me...?”
You nod. Oh, how he wishes this was just a run-through of an anime script. You two would spend long hours into the night reading the lines and acting them out, repeating each scene until it was done flawlessly.
But reality is far too cruel.
“It’s your family. Your story. I’m just a side character, if you will.”
Your smile is cynical. He wants nothing more than to throw his spare Ruri-chan blanket around your shoulders and force you to marathon the entire series of “I Love My Best Friend But I Get Everything Back If I Kill Them...I Have A Choice To Make!”.
He takes a step forward. Then another. “You...Why would you do that?”
You laugh, a warm sound that serves to make his stomach knot with dread.
“Because I love you guys, why else?”
Silence. He doesn’t know what to say. What’s the right thing to do? What can he do, with his small confidence?
He’s struck with a memory, of the two of you gaming in his room. He had felt terrible due to his brothers critiquing his love for anime to the point he started to berate himself for it, and you merely patted his shoulder while telling him words he’d never forget.
“There’s things only you can do, Levi. So when you start to overthink...just feel, and let your body handle the rest.”
It’s time to take you up on your advice.
“Ghk-!” You stumble as he lunges at you, the both of you toppling to the floor. He’s crying, clinging to you like a lifeline.
“I-I could never kill the Henry to my Lord of Shadows...Every Lord of Shadows only has one Henry...!!”
Leviathan has always been the outcast. He still is, but when he’s with you he feels like he belongs.
“...Huh.” You blink at him. You’re not sure if you heard him right. Did he just-...say “no”?
“No.” He says again, his eyes narrowing. “Please tell me you’re joking about this.”
Why? Why would you throw away your life like that? For their “happiness”? Give him a break.
“What do you think you’re accomplishing by doing this?” His voice starts quiet, growing in volume as he steps towards you. You backpedal, not expecting the angered response, which only serves to fuel his fury.
“Do you think it’d make us happy? Do you think we’d jump at the chance to sacrifice you for something that’s better long forgotten? Do you really think so little of us? Well? ANSWER ME!!”
You flinch as he gets in your personal space, only to freeze when arms wrap around you and squeeze you tight.
“I was born from Lucifer’s wrath, the only bona-fide demon among my other brothers. For a long time, all I knew was anger and hate,” he whispers, stubbornly refusing to look at your shocked gaze. “I began to read to learn more, to be able to feel other emotions. But the anger and hate stayed, concealed by the thin veil I constructed to make myself more likeable. More polite. More charming.”
He wanted nothing to do with Lucifer. He wanted it so bad it hurt. So he built himself a brand-new personality, becoming someone others could rely on, all so he could spite him.
And then you came along.
Your eyes water as you realize that you feel him shaking. “I never met her, you know, but I’ve seen her through his eyes. I feel his lingering pain, and sometimes it makes me want to tear my own chest out,” he says, voice wobbling. “But to ask you to do that...to give you up for something I have no right to feel upset about...it’s something I won’t do. Ever. Not when you saved me.”
You rest your hand on his back as you return the hug, a choked sob escaping you. “Satan, I-”
“You saved me.” He whispers fervently. “Do you understand? That means everything.”
You claw the back of his shirt, your breath hitching as you succumb to your tears. You both end up falling to the floor, hugging each other like your lives depend on it.
He doesn’t need divinity he’s never had. No, not when he has you.
“Oh, love...you...”
He could go back? He could go back and get his little sister back?
But if he did, then you’d-...you’d...
“I know how much you miss being the Jewel of the Heavens.” You say, sitting next to him. It’s supposed to be a quiet night, one where you both relax and take care of each other, but then this opportunity appeared and-
He...didn’t know what to do.
- No, that was a lie. He knew exactly what to do. There was only ever one option for him.
“I’m hurt.”
You look over at him, surprised. His voice is small and he’s pouting, but there’s a tremble in his bottom lip as his eyes shine with unshed tears.
“I’m hurt, you know!” He repeats, and by now you’re pretty sure your mouth hangs open. “I’m hurt that you’d think so low of me!”
You scramble to explain. “Asmo, that’s not-”
“But it is!” He cries, interrupting you. “It’s exactly that! Did you think I would actually take that chance?!”
Your eyes soften. You go to place a hand on his shoulder, only to still when he slaps it away. “...Asmo.”
He throws himself at you, wrapping his arms around your neck as he clings to you. You don’t have the heart to throw him off, wrapping your own arms around him.
“We’ve come all this way because of you.” He murmurs against you. “And you’re the only one who loves me for me. Although, my looks are definitely a strong point-”
You chuckle weakly, feeling your own tears start to fall. He smiles once he hears you, happy to know that he lifted your mood even if it was just by a little.
“-if I gave you up, these past years would have been for nothing. So, no; I won’t do it. Besides, have you seen the following I have down here? I’m on my way to becoming the Jewel of Devildom!”
You move one hand to rest on his head, a warm smile spreading across your face. You don’t notice how he looks at your expression with awe and adoration, giving his head a few pats.
“I know you can do it.”
Well. With you by his side, he can do anything.
This isn’t happening. This- This can’t be happening.
Not again...not again...!
He grasps his chest and stumbles back from you, and he hears the way you call his name with worry in your voice. You sound far away, he thinks to himself. Are you already dead? Where is he? Did he fail again? Is this the Celestial War? Maybe that’s why he smells iron, hears screaming, hears himself screaming. It’ll explain the pain at least, and he would chuckle if he wasn’t too busy gasping for air.
Ah, his heart feels like it’s on fire it hurts so bad. Is it tearing itself in two? He doesn’t know. He doesn’t know what to do...he doesn’t know who to choose-
It hurts. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts. It hurts...!
“Beel, can you hear me? Take deep breaths. Okay? Please, breathe!”
- Huh?
He feels something on his face. What is that?
Oh, this warmth...It’s almost like-
Your name falls from his lips. You sigh in relief, sitting back.
“I’m glad you’re okay. How do you feel?”
How do you feel? You just said it was okay if he chose his angel status and Lilith over you, and you’re asking him how do you feel?
He lowers his hands, frowning at you. “...Why did you ask me?”
His voice is small. Fragile. Your heart breaks at the sound of it, tears building as you see his form shake.
“Why did you ask me, when the last time I did something I murdered my sister?”
You pat his arm, reaching a hand over to give him a side hug. “Remember what Lucifer said. She wasn’t murdered; she lived happily as a human, right up until she died of old age.”
All the more reason not to do it.
He sinks into your hold. You shoulder his weight with no complaints. “I can’t do it. You’re family; I-” he swallows past the lump in his throat, tears streaming down his face. “...I love you too much.”
Because he could care less about his angel status. Because Lilith already lived her life of peace. It still hurts, but you were the one to hold his hand when he had nightmares. You were the one who saw past his intimidating form and hung out with him.
You are important, and Beelzebub will take on the Celestial Realm himself if anything happened to you.
...He’s quiet.
Well, it’s to be expected. He hates humanity, and it’s his younger sister we’re talking about here, not to mention how close they were.
“So?” You ask as you lean back, the wall of the planetarium supporting your weight. “I don’t mind if you choose her and your status. It’s-”
“I could give a rat’s ass about my status as an angel.” He snaps. “Just shut up for a second and listen.”
You shut your mouth. What were you gonna say to that? An angry Belphie is not a Belphie to speak lightly with.
You jolt a bit as you feel hands lightly smack against your cheeks, smooshing your face. He tugs your head so that you’re staring at him, and it’s then that you notice how his eyes waver.
“I killed you,” he says, his brows furrowing, “I killed you. And yet you’d let me choose?”
You snort, raising a hand to cover his own. “Yep. Your move, Sleeping Beauty.”
He doesn’t understand. Why would you give him that power? He had robbed you from your family when he took your life. He temporarily washed out your future.
Did you really trust him that much...?
“It tore Beel and I apart when we learned she was dead. I-...I blamed myself.” He starts, and you don’t have the heart to stop him. Not when you already made peace with your end. “I started eating less, sleeping more. I despised Lucifer, and I despised all of humanity for taking my little sister away from me.”
You remained quiet. He lets out a frustrated huff, shaking you a bit.
“And then you came. You freed me from that place, you mended what was broken, and you-...you forgave me. And I will never betray that trust; not now, and not in the future.”
He bumps his forehead against yours, closing his eyes. You close yours as well, feeling the tears drip from your face and onto the floor. He’s...choosing you? Over everything he’s ever wanted?
What did you do to deserve someone like him in your life?
“So don’t you forget it, you idiot.”
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nellycanwrite · 2 years
Nelly: yeah I'm gonna update lmfe soon :)
Me, vibrating: behave like a normal person behave like a normal person take a deep breath 👀👀☺
OHOHOHO ANON, YOUR TIMING IS IMPECCABLE! I have finally risen from my grave to give you: Chapter 50❤️
“How’s Dolores and the others?”
Your face fell when he asked that. “I couldn’t convince mamá to let them take their siesta. Ever since they got their gifts, they’ve been working with the town non-stop. I’m getting worried,” You and Bruno froze when Javier stirred from his sleep, but soon cuddled closer between his two siblings and buried his face deeper into his pillow. You let out a breath and tugged on Bruno’s hand to lead him outside. “Let’s talk somewhere else. The kids might wake up.”
You led Bruno to the kitchen and sat down. Julieta was out with Agustin for the day to attend their stand in the town square for injured people. Pepa, Felix, and Alma were out to check on their own work, so you and Bruno had the whole house for today with the kids. As soon as you had finally realized that you were truly alone, you sunk down to your seat and leaned on Bruno’s shoulder. There was a moment of surprise for him, but he soon wrapped his arm around you in a side-hug and kissed the top of your head.
“What’s on your mind?” He asked. You sighed.
“It’s just… I wanted to tell mamá to lighten the load on the kids. They recently missed their siestas for a couple of days, so I’m not too sure if it’s healthy for them to go on at this pace. Isabela’s been growing flowers non-stop, Dolores gets dizzy with all the noise during the afternoons, and Luisa has been working so hard to impress mamá by hoisting up donkeys left and right,” you groaned and rubbed your hands on your face. Bruno could clearly see the tired lines of your stress forming on your forehead. “...but at the same time, I know mamá means well. It’s for the town and—well—you have to work to earn your miracle, right? That’s what she always says. And the kids don’t seem to mind…”
“Have you asked the kids if they want some time out?” Bruno asked. He pried you off his shoulder and urged you to rest your head on his lap. You relented without much fuss and tried your best to relax.
“I did. They said it was fine with them—they were happy with it too. They want to show mamá that they’re big girls now so they’re doing their work really seriously.” you sighed. You gripped on his ruana and snuggled deeper into his lap. “Especially Isa. She’s doing her best to impress mamá to the point the town is flooding with flowers. Luisa seems like she’s mimicking her big sister and hauling as many things she can carry. When I invited them to take their siesta, they said they had work to do. Kids aren’t supposed to think about work when they’re eleven, much less eight years old!”
Bruno weaved his fingers through your hair and massaged your scalp ever so gently. You sighed through your nose in content, enjoying the way Bruno had expertly loosened your hair from its updo and smoothing out the stubborn strands that started to rise from your heightened stress. He weaved your locks expertly, idly playing with different styles whilst you tried your best to calm your nerves. If Bruno was feeling the same anxiety that you have, he was hiding it especially well.
Continue reading the rest of the story here!
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glimmerglanger · 3 years
Psst GG, feel like you’ve alluded to pregnancy kink in your stories. Would you ever get into more ~detail~ on that?
OHOHOHO ANON, GUESS WHAT? Today is apparently pregnancy kink/mpreg day for sub!obi week. And so, DETAIL. This is actually a snippet from the slo!au, because Cody very much knew exactly what he wanted early on in that fic. 
This is spicy and not safe for wizards, but not overly so. Nothing very explicit. Oh, definitely Codywan (but with mentions of past Obikin):
Cody had given no thought at all to pregnancy, during his training on Kamino. He was vaguely aware that nat-borns weren’t grown in tubes, that you couldn’t walk down a hall on most planets and find row after row after row of fetuses in different stages of development. But that had been as far as his consideration about the subject had gone.
And then he’d ended up assigned to a nat-born who was already pregnant. Obi-Wan Kenobi delivered the information as though it were barely a concern, and so Cody treated it that way, taking his cues in the unexpected situation from the person who seemed to know what they were doing.
He’d spent every free hour he could over the following days learning everything about the process. It only made sense. Most of the reading was dry and medical; he prefered that, in general. He’d not yet had time to branch out into different forms of writing.
It didn’t take him long to understand the condition, to develop an idea of what might be expected as it….progressed.
Everything had seemed simple enough.
Things rapidly became less simple.
He was used to the idea of children being lifted from jars when they were grown enough. It had been a cool and impersonal process. There was something innately personal about watching a child grow inside his General.
Cody caught glimpses, sometimes, of his body as it changed, the swell of his stomach, skin tight and firm. He found himself wondering, sometimes, tucked into a bunk at night, what it would feel like to touch Obi-Wan, to curve a hand around his stomach, fingers spread, to feel skin under his palm.
He thought, perhaps, more than he should about his General in his bunk at night, about sliding close to him, about being so careful of the stretch of his stomach, about sliding a hand further down and--
Cody knew the child Obi-Wan carried belonged to someone else, some other alpha, back on Coruscant. And he had no desire to - to interfere. But that didn’t do anything to change the urge down his spine, to reach out, to pull Obi-Wan closer, to hold.
He didn’t, of course. But he was the first person to hold the child, when she was born, screaming and lovely. 
It shifted something in his chest, changed the shape of him on the inside. He felt rearranged all over again when he found out that the other alpha - another General, another Jedi - had no intention of continuing any kind of relationship with Obi-Wan.
Cody thought about the swell of Obi-Wan’s stomach, the first time he offered to help with his General’s heats. He thought about a child - his child - and he’d never even wanted a child before, but, oh--
He fucked Obi-Wan, over and over, and slid a hand over his flat stomach and wanted.
He knew, perfectly well, that the timing was all wrong. Watching Obi-Wan fight a war while heavily pregnant had left him with nightmares that still dug away at him. He wanted to fuck Obi-Wan full, wanted to see a child grow inside him, again, but he’d not risk such a thing.
He could wait. The war would end, eventually.
Until then, he made sure he always had a contraceptive shot before one of Obi-Wan’s heats, even if he imagined a child, each time, sunk deep into Obi-Wan’s body, listening to Obi-Wan groan and pant and stutter out his name, holding on.
He saw Obi-Wan smile, sometimes, looking fond and amused, when Cody flattened a hand on his stomach as they lay together. There were little lines, around the edges of his stomach, paler than the rest of his skin, and Cody liked to trace them, too, liked to imagine more of them, wanted--
He’d wanted for so long and so thoroughly, by the time the war actually ended, that he could only agree helplessly when Obi-Wan offered the chance to try for a child. He tried to speak into being how much he wanted a child, wanted it to take, wanted--
But his words failed him as they clung together, as Obi-Wan kissed him, so sweetly. And, in the end, they were not necessary.
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fungusry · 3 years
MAFIA of MONSTERS?? Tell me more 👀 👀 👀
I’m going to put this under a read-more because I’ve got a lot to rattle off!
The Monster Mafia is exactly that: a group of monsters that engage in organized crime! They operate in New Haven, a heavily magically-influenced city that's home to a whole plethora of magical creatures dubbed “Monsters”.
Marx Spinnerrett, who l just answered an ask about, is our lovable protagonist, a country boy with a heart of gold that was accidentally hired by said mafia. The story (which I desperately need to write) follows his misadventures as he comes to term with his new lifestyle.
He’s also technically immortal, but that’s a whole ‘nother story.
I have at least 16 other members designed!
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Anna Bychkov-Devereux is a bull-like Monster that was born in Russia. She immigrated to New Haven when she was only a teenager and ended up becoming a pit fighter (which is how she lost her right eye). Joined the Monster Mafia not too long after! She’s a professional boxer now and is married to Sophia Bychkov-Devereux :)
Sophia Bychkov-Devereux is a squid-like Monster that was born in France. She immigrated to New Haven after graduating from college and pursued a profession in law, where she was adopted into the Monster Mafia as a master of finances. She’s married to Anna and is actually her accountant!
Jin Vertebræ is the bartender/owner of the Black Rose, a bar where the Monster Mafia base their operations! No one actually knows much about their background, but some people have spread the rumor that they used to be human, but became a Monster after living in New Haven for too long. Nobody asks, though. Last person that did ended up on the bar’s menu.
Holly Hammerhands is an autistic Monster and talented surgeon! She was recruited by the Monster Mafia sometime in her twenties for her skills and has been an indispensable member ever since. She’s blind and senses the world around her my clacking and grinding her teeth, as well as making different clicking/squeaking noises. Also kicks ass at darts.
Sinclair Hammerhands is Holly’s adopted Monster daughter, who was left on her doorstep as a baby! She isn’t necessarily a member of the Monster Mafia, but happily claims she will be one day. Holly does not like this claim. She’s a big fan of picking locks and getting into places where she shouldn’t be.
George and Lenny Slithera are a pair of conjoined, snake-like Monsters often referred to by the rest of the Monster Mafia as “Snake-Eyes”! They bicker constantly and are pretty unreliable as a result. Pretty good at playing Poker and Craps, but that’s probably because they work ok tandem cheat.
Tobias Thunderhorn is a beetle-like Monster that works with his parents as a butcher. He’s a sweet guy, really, and would actually rather be a baker! Never really tells anybody that, though, since they’d just poke fun at the guy.
Charlie Caine is a worm-like Monster that functions as the Monster Mafia’s primary loanshark! Most of the time she works at a local strip joint as a standup comedian. Her sense of humor is absolutely atrocious and consists mostly of dark/immoral jokes. She’s essentially what happens when you season a tapeworm.
Mortimer Sporestool is a fungus-like Monster that owns a casino! He used to sell used cars and scam people out of their money when he was younger. Smells like cigar smoke and always keeps cards hidden in his sleeves. Do not take bets from this man.
Travis Valentino is a burlesque dancer! He acts as an informant for the Monster Mafia, in a way, since he tends to... get around. Ever since Marx moved to New Haven he’s been all over him, but it’s all been a harmless little game, really. Mostly.
Willow Waxing is a Monster made out of wax that works for New Haven City Hall as a receptionist! She’s smarter than she lets on to be and is incredibly ruthless in the workforce. Snacks on candles like they’re Hershey’s Kisses.
Greta Folter is a goat-like Monster that films “home movies” as a source of income, and by “home movies” I mean snuff films, which is why she’s a part of the Monster Mafia to begin with. Certified MILF hunter. Likes a woman who can kick her ass.
“Tío” Tony Umbraluto is actually the big bad bastard in charge of the Monster Mafia! He’s a slime Monster, with all of that goop kinda wrapped up in a dark, congealed skin. Was groomed into assuming the mantle as a child by his parents and filled that role well. He’s incredibly charming and compassionate in the public eye, since he works in City Hall as the mayor’s aide, but is ruthless and cutthroat behind the scenes. Unsure of whether or not to murder Marx and bury his remains under a construction site.
Thomas Umbraluto is Tony’s twin brother and Marx’s love interest! He works at a joint called the “Sanguine Café” as the vocalist of a jazz band. Defected from his parent’s demands to join the Monster Mafia when he was of age; led to a horrible split between him and the rest of his family. He can’t stand being around Tony anymore, five minutes in a room together and they’ll start throwing hands.
Ennard Blackthorne Copperfield Mirrormask is a marionette-like Monster that owns his own magic shop, called “Ennard’s Enchantments”! He’s more of an affiliate of the Monster Mafia, supplying illegal magical items and things like that. Most of the time, he’s either experimenting with black magic or ripping holes in the fabric of reality. It’s fine.
Borris Crowfoot, last but not least, is a bird-like Monster and the chief of the New Haven Police Department! He’s a dirty cop and often risks his career to aid the Monster Mafia (probably forced into joining the family against his will when he was younger). Has two little girls and is recently divorced since his wife discovered she was a lesbian and it’s funnier than her being dead.
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jekacatrina · 3 years
Can I ask for some writing advice?
How do you organize yourself?
Like, I've so many WIPs and new ideas it's not even funny. I need help. 😭
I give you a hug, anon, it's really tough. Okay, I feel like a fraud giving advice when I'm still finding my footing but I'll do my best.
Usually, what works for me is to let me write whatever I want, without following a clear line or plot. This works best with one shots, but if I thought of a cool dialogue or description I just put it down and I find a place for it later. I write until I'm done with that particular part and if the part I think next is not lineal, I just add a bunch of --- and click enter, I can always come back later and write the transitions. This is just about keeping the writing going and not losing steam.
Writing is a habit, yes, but it's also a mood, so don't feel guilty about leaving an idea for later if you're more inspired to work on another. I've been working on several fics and jumping between them depending on my mood, and by the end one of them ends up trapping me until I'm done with it, then the others are there waiting for me. There's no rush, your ideas are there for you to play with them whenever you want, believe me, I recently used a piece of dialogue that I wrote last year and I was so happy with the result.
With bigger projects, I tend to write a couple of scenes that are key to the story, that way I have a clear direction and I can built up the rest around it. It doesn't matter if they belong at the beginning, middle or end, just write the scenes you want to see and try to come up with tiny breathers in between or scenes that serve as foreshadowing. I also write the chapter in different docs? It makes me feel less pressure it.
And my final piece of advice is to have fun? Write something that makes you giggle or swoon or just say: Ohohoho! We do this because we enjoy it, anon, and that means we get to write whatever we want to see out there and whenever we feel like it! Have all the ideas you want, readers will always appreciate it, but more importantly, it keeps your imagination going, so kudos for that!
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Could I request something with Liebgott where you’re going through a tough pregnancy and how you deal with it together please
Author’s Note: Ohohoho- This request right here has me imagining things, like oh my gosh I was so hyped to write this. But oh dear, I’m actually... Really not sure about this one???? Idk why- I still hope you enjoy, lovely anon!
Words: 5.0k (eye-)
Disclaimers: Swearingggg also I made it Modern!AU because I feel like it’s easier to write than pregnancy in the mid-to-late 40s. There’s also just the teenist hint of angst so yeah-
Description: As happy as you and Joe were when you found out you were pregnant, you knew it was going to be difficult--who were you kidding? With stress high enough, one day the two of you broke out into an argument. However in the end, you and Joe knew that no matter what--the both of you will get through this together.
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Taglist:  @deldontplay​, @thatsonefishyboi​,@noneofurbusinez​, @meteora-fc​, @gutsandgloryhere​, @hihosilvers​, @rayleighshughes​, @floydtab​, @wexhappyxfew​, @sherlollydramoine​, @meganthesunflower​, @3milesup​, @jamie506101​, @sunflowerchuck​, @softlieb​, @k-websters​, @punkgeekchic​, @speirs-crazy-ass​, @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant​, @runtdrummer​, @fromtheoldtimes​​, @liebegott​
The powerful rush of glee and joy washing over you that one fateful day was unforgettable, to say the least. Holding the pregnancy test in your fingers brought a certain kind of happiness to your whole entire being. 
You and Joe had always wanted children, with your husband going on his cute rambles about how he wants to spend the rest of his life with you--with a few or more children along the way. The both of you always seemed to talk about the aspect of having children, it excited you to whole other levels and seeing Joe’s warm brown eyes light up would make it all worth it. 
He would always grasp your hands in his, his mouth running a thousand miles a minute when the topic of children came up. The small action bringing a genuine smile across your face as you two discuss more about what it’d be like. The name, whether it’d be a boy or a girl, the new room, clothing, and oh so much more. 
Your mind was always buzzing during those moments, scene after scene of your new life flashed between your head before a new one replaced the previous one.
Of course you noticed signs, like your period not coming up or tiny bits of nausea here and there. It’d been two and a half weeks since you and Joe had done things in the bedroom and when the signs kept on happening you called your mom. Every time you said another one of the things happening to you, the first thing that came to her mind was pregnancy. 
Your mom instantly gave you all sorts of advice, telling you the do’s and don’ts--which you immediately took note of. With the call now ended, you decided to head over to a pharmacy and buy a few different brands of tests.
So when you peered at the test in the restroom, turning it over with your dainty fingers shaking slightly--you were more than antsy for the result. The anticipation was real and you debated on taking your time or immediately looking at the test to figure out the results faster. Not willing to wait, you chose the latter and you were instantly glad that you did. How two lines changed your life, the idea of it was thrilling. Something so ordinary when taken into the right circumstances truly can be remarkable. 
Your hands were shaking uncontrollably from excitement. They almost threatened to drop the test you held carefully in your fingers and you raised two of your hands to hold it in your grasp. You then tighten your grip on it, your bright (E/C) widening larger than you can ever imagine. 
Sitting there for what felt like forever, you brought your right hand to cover your mouth from squealing loudly because of sheer and utter thrill and happiness. You found yourself doing a little sort of dance of celebration, positive pregnancy test still in hand.
Ecstatic, you rushed to make yourself presentable and got up. You felt like you could’ve almost broke down the wooden bathroom door when you swiftly tried to get to your husband.
Attempting to not trip over your feet as you quickly padded over the hardwood floor of your spacious home, you found Joe in the dining room, tinkering with a few knick-knacks he found in a nearby store. With your breath hitching as you trailed your gaze over your husband’s features and admiring him, you almost forget the test you held in your hand. It was only when Joe cleared his throat did you remember.
“Do ya need anythin’, darlin’?”
His signature voice and accent snapping you out of your stupor and you nodded your head in response. To say Joe was curious about why you seemed to be speeding trying to get with him was an understatement. He noticed how you were out of breath and how you were clutching something in your hands, however it was obscured by the angle. He leaned to the side to try to catch a glimpse of what it is, but to no avail. 
He stood up to walk towards you and as the wooden chair screeched on the floor but with the first step that he took he was stopped by your voice.
“I’m pregnant! I’m pregnant, Joe, we’re having a baby.”
Those words hit him like a dozen trucks, but in a very good way. Slowly his gaping jaw and mouth bloomed into a wide grin and he bounced towards you like no tomorrow, his arms hooking around your arms to spin you in a circle. Giggles erupted from your mouth as he gently put you down and you brought your hand up to show him the positive test.
With his warm honey eyes widening and his smile only getting bigger by the second. His orbs seemed to yell ‘we did it, we’re having a baby, I can’t wait to spend my life with you two!’ and you could see his brown hair bouncing with each energetic step he took around the area. The strands falling around his face, framing it perfectly.
“(Y/N)--Holy shit, can you imagine? We’re goin’ to be parents!” He had excitedly said, his hands running through his full head of hair, that beautiful beam of his never leaving his lips for even a second. 
He could’ve bursted through the roof by this point, Joe really was excited and thrilled about the idea of having a family with you.
“I’m goin’ to be a dad,” pointing at himself then grasping your shoulders to land a swift kiss on your cheek, “and you’re goin’ to be a mom!”
“Yeah, Joe, that’s generally how it works.” You teasingly said, the test still clenched between your hand. You slightly chuckled but he just gave you a cheeky grin in return.
Your husband was just so pumped on adrenaline and internally squealing to mash together a clever remark like usual. You offered the test to him, and he took it up with eager fingers, and straight away he ogled the two lines displayed there. His beautiful brown eyes glancing between the test and your bright face. 
You began, your eyes glancing at your stomach, “I just can’t believ-”
“That we’re finally going to be parents? Me neither.” 
Your husband remarked, completing the sentence for you. He gingerly placed the test on the dining room table, the hollow clack of it echoing in the room.
You nodded enthusiastically, you felt tears of joy welling up in your (E/C) eyes and Joe walked over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist so he could pull you closer. Separating for a while, the two of you looked at your belly, the possibility of a newer and better future inside of you. It hit a chord within your being, how you were now responsible for the life of another. 
Pushing the thoughts away, you gazed up and stood on your tippy-toes to press a kiss on your husbands lips as you pulled away, Joe snapped his hands to bring your lips to his again. Melting into his hold, you could feel his hand grasping your head cautiously. The sunlight is filtering through the open curtains, giving the room an umber glow. 
This was exactly how you pictured you breaking the news to Joe would look like. And you treasured this moment, keeping it snug in your mind to look back upon. Closing your eyes, Joe rested his hand on your abdomen and you raised your hand to lay it over his.
The first trimester of your pregnancy was a living hell. Of course you knew about the symptoms and all, your mom or any of your friends wouldn’t stop talking about it. Even when you weren’t experiencing it yet, the stories the people around you recalled gave you overwhelming amounts of anxiety. 
So you did as much research, putting in many hours to look at websites and read books about what will happen during pregnancy--but nothing really did anything to prepare you when they actually occurred.
There was the morning sickness and despite its name, it happened all throughout the day. Either you’d wake up feeling like your head was banged with rocks and pans or you’d go to bed feeling your stomach was going to burst open. It was disorienting and the world kept on spinning you even though when it was in fact still. Waves of dizziness would hit you and Joe would find you heaving everything in your system into the toilet bowl.
Whether it’d be 2 A.M., in the morning or afternoon, or in the late evening--you found yourself kneeling on the cool tile floors as Joe soothingly ran his hand up and down your feverish back. The sickness continued for days on end and on the occasions you didn’t throw up or feel incredibly dizzy, you’d just lay in bed all day--thankful for finally having a break. 
Joe was always there to comfort you and when your cravings hit the roof, he’d always try his best to comfort you and provide you with anything you needed. Every single time, Joe made you happy and you made him too in return. Relishing in the loving moments you shared together, the tough symptoms of pregnancy seemed to be a bit easier to handle when he was around. It was like the heavy baggage on your back was lightened, and it all became more bearable.
You also had to go to the restroom more and more, and you’d stumble in the dead of night heading there. Mood swings were another key factor of making you grouchy, first you’d be happy and with a snap you’d be crying or frustrated. You were easily annoyed then when you’d lash out at Joe, you’d immediately apologize profusely. 
Joe reassured you that it was always alright, and the two of you would put it in the past. Of course Joe understood and never took your statements personally, but he too snapped one day. 
Rolling your eyes that one time didn’t help that moment. Joe had just come back from work, an exasperated sigh leaving his mouth as he frustratedly ran his hands through his thick chestnut hair. Standing near the doorway you huffed, you did feel a bit upset that morning and while you were fine for most of the day--the negative feeling seemed to find its way back. You didn’t notice how tense your husband was, and while obviously stressed, Joe didn’t seem to voice it like he usually did. Still standing there with nothing to do, Joe finally took notice.
With a gruff he dropped his things near the floor as he took off his shoes. In a clearly upset tone, he began to talk.
“What’s your problem?”
“Oh you know… Just being pregnant.” You sarcastically said, obviously taking his different attitude and demeanor lightly.
“No, (Y/N), I’m serious.”
Sighing, you sat down on the big sofa in your living room. The small bump you had then still growing but not getting in the way.
“It’s the mood swings, Joe. God I fucking hate them so much. And just everything else. I’m always so tired, I haven’t been able to eat and when I do eat, I end up barfing it all out like some dispense-”
“Love, I’m tired too, but can you just try to tone it down a bit.” He sounded so nonchalant then, and it tore your insides. In your bitter mood, you took it to heart. Obviously if you had a clear head, then maybe you wouldn’t have acted so recklessly and impulsively then.
“Wow, why didn’t I think of that? It’s way easier said than done, Joe.” Crossing your arms, you held a slightly indignant look in your (E/C) eyes. It was really getting to you, and it seemed to be getting to your husband too. 
Scoffing and crossing his arms like you, he hastily turned to you, “I was tryna help, no need to be so fuckin’ sarcastic. I’m havin’ just a hard time as you ar--”
Something inside you just broke, and all you wanted to do was to just yell at him. Looking back at it, you regretted what you had said to him. Thinking that if you just took a breather and ignored him instead of yelling perhaps it wouldn’t have escalated as fast as it did. You would’ve screamed at your past self and Joseph to just break it up, but what was done was done.
“Well, you’re not the one that’s pregnant.” You firmly said then and then that’s when it all went downhill. 
“And because of that I don’t have the right to be stressed as well? I don’t get why you’re acting so stuck up. Calm down, will you?”
He really did have the audacity to ask you to ‘calm down’, the utter nerve-- Both of you were wound up after weeks of being pressed down by the stress and responsibilities of being future parents. You loved being pregnant, you were so glad and happy when you first found out. While it was sunshine and rainbows for the most part, some days were less than desirable. These happened to be one of those days.
Like a tight coil waiting to break, this was the breaking point for you at that moment.
“Calm down? I have to carry our baby for nine months, how about you try doing that, huh?”
“Can’t you see the I’m trying my best, maybe if you’d appreciate it more than maybe I wouldn’t be here wasting my time.” Joe responded, his mouth downturned in a sour scowl.
Rolling your eyes once again, you walked towards him, “Jesus Christ, Joe. are you serious? You’re being so fucking petty.”
You got up, your hands flying in the air. More than fired up, you stood your ground as you glared at your husband. His ordinarily warm and consoling eyes were filled with fury, his shoulders standing tall as his chest heaved up and down.
“Get a grip, (Y/N), do you even hear yourself right now? If I knew that you were going to be like this, then maybe I wouldn’t have wanted you pregnant!”
His words hit you deep, cutting through the rage and anger that had built up. Instantaneously, Joe’s orbs had widened and he wished that he hadn’t uttered a single thing when he saw your hurt expression. Staggering back you sat back down at the couch, a look of disbelief and sadness whirling in your eyes. The nausea you felt was stronger than any sickness you had experienced in the last few weeks, and you sat still in surprise and shock--the words still resonating within you.
They sounded so true… And you couldn’t but wonder if they came from a place of honesty.
Joe almost covered his mouth then too, wishing to take those words back. The ire he expressed melted away like ice on a hot day and he made his way towards you with fast strides. Still in denial about what happened, your anger had also disappeared and while hurt you couldn’t bring yourself to push Joe away. 
You couldn’t even bring yourself to feel angry as you felt the familiar warmth of Joe’s arm wrapping around your silent figure. With all the previous vexation seething around just mere minutes ago, it was a miracle that you seemed to calm down so swiftly.
“Oh fuck, (Y/N)-- I didn’t mean it, really! I just… God, I was so insensitive.”
“I am so fuckin’ sorry, how can you even forgive me at this point? Y’know what? You deserve every right to be angry, Jesus, I don’t know what came over me--” He resumed rambling, genuine apologies spilling over his lips like a waterfall.
“Joe, please--”
His brows were furrowed and you could hear his heart thumping with him pressed so closely against you. Trying to get his attention by tugging on his shirt, he was far too busy spouting ‘sorries’ and you smiled kindly at him before speaking just a tad firmer.
“No, I need to apologize, I was being a huge dick--”
“Please, Joe. Just… Stop.”
Clearing his throat just a bit, he stared at you with wide doe eyes. His back then stood straighter like a fresh candle wick, his attention all put on you.
“Yes, love...?” Finally giving in, he quieted down and replied. It was quiet--his voice. It was so soft and not at all like the fiery and passionate Joe you loved, this tender and intimate side of him hidden so well from the world only for you to see.
The palms of your hands rubbed your raw eyes trying to prevent tears from spilling out from them. Hiccuping and feeling your chest becoming heavy, you dove into the deep pool of his amorous embrace, it immediately brought you a consolation that made your heart sing. The brunet man cooed in your ear, reassuring you and softly goading you to tell him your worries without even having to speak a syllable.
“I’m just so stressed. I thought I was all this and all that when in reality, I’m not. And all of these symptoms, Joe, they’re getting to me. The first few weeks were fine, I expected that. But then it just kept on going and it’s all so exhausting… I just thought that… I’d be strong enough to take it.” 
Nodding solemnly at your statement, Joe tucked your hair behind your ears, giving him a clear view of your face. He understood your words, and he let it sink deep within him. Joe was a sympathetic guy, even if he doesn’t admit sometimes. So he got up from the couch, telling you to wait for a moment. 
Joe left the room, his footsteps growing quieter and the ticking of the wall clock was all that accompanied you. He returned, the big and fluffy comforter that occupied your bed in his arms. He laid it over your back, the soft material enveloping you and him as the two of you got under it. 
Joe settled in, his hand placed flush against your baby bump, “You’re strong, (Y/N). You’re stronger than anyone I’ve ever met.” 
You retaliated, “But you’re a soldier, Joe! I’m just… Me.”
“Exactly! You’re (Y/N)--the same woman I fell in love with, the same woman that can get through any obstacle, the same woman who I want to spend my entire life with.” The hurtful words he had said barely had an effect on you now, and your gleaming grin made Joe reciprocate the action.
“We can get through this, I know we can. I’ll be here for you all the way. It’ll all be worth it, (Y/N), believe me.” Scooping up your hand in his, he cradled it compassionately.
“You really think that?” Voice still slightly quavering, you hopefully looked up at Joe as you inquired him.
“Of course I do. What kind of husband would I be if I didn’t?”
Focusing your (E/C) orbs at his warm sepia ones, it seemed as if you two had silently forgiven each other. You two are both willing to easily put it all behind you, for the sake of your baby and your relationship. Letting go of the words he had just spoken, you compassionately wrapped your arms around him, Joe returning the favor.
You two will be alright, you kept thinking. You two will be alright.
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In a way, that argument you had with Joe made your relationship stronger and harder to crumble. When in face with difficult tasks, the both of you would come help the other and continue to face the obstacle side by side. The symptoms still pursued and hung around, but so did Joe. He continued to take care of you, always promising to get you what you need. Joe really was sweet, and you could daydream for hours about just how good of a father he’ll be.
The mood swings you had were showing up less frequently but the cravings skyrocketed. You really didn’t want to bother him by asking but he had insisted constantly. Of course it was no surprise that he constantly brought Hershey bars, he’d show that same cheeky smirk as he’d pull out a few bars from behind his back.
If you were tired, for example, those sleepless nights being the bane of your existence--your husband would lay you gently on his lap while running his long fingers through your scalp. Countless nights were spent tossing and turning and no matter what position you laid in, you couldn’t sleep. Sighs of content would leave your lips and you would melt like butter right then and there. 
Other nights when you couldn’t even get a single blink of sleep, Joe would tell you fun little stories about his friends, sometimes obscure subjects. He talked about his passion for being a barber and Joe never failed to make it all sound so interesting.
Though undoubtedly, your favorite talks when you couldn’t seem to rest were the talks when he gushed about his future with you. He’d make up all these scenarios and he just seemed so truly happy when he went on and on about the endless possibilities. 
Joe talked about how you two would decorate the room, asking you ever so often what you would like to put in it. Then he’d go on about the clothes you’d buy for your child, and all the seemingly regular things were turned into something magical.
Pausing, he would glance down at you with a sheepish laugh, “God, i’m bein’ sappy, aren’t I?”
“Joseph D. Liebgott, I find it very adorable that you’re being sappy right now.”
“Thank goodness, as I was sayin’--”
You lay there starry-eyed, both your hands laying on top of your stomach as his voice would relax your stiff muscles. Even after going on for hours, he still had more to say but by then you’d already have fallen asleep.
Joe would look down, pausing for a moment and his eyes would soften as he took in your dozing being. Sparing one last chaste kiss on your lips, he whispers a ‘good night’ before spooning you comfortably until the morning comes.
The morning sickness had faded away and was growing sparse as your pregnancy continued and you’d never been more glad. They did show up here and there a few times, but not at all like the constant waves of dizziness and vomiting that you had during the first few weeks. Joe comforted you throughout the whole thing, he even offered to set up a movie night every time you became upset just so he could cheer you up.
Sitting down, you recalled that moment 4 months ago, where you had revealed to your husband that you were pregnant. The bump was more prominent, stretching your shirts. You carefully plopped yourself on the sofa, taking attentive notice of your belly. A sigh released your lips and every so often you casted your eyes downwards. While you were never a really reckless person in the first place, you were noticeably way more cautious than you used to be. How could you not? You were now carrying a baby.
The days quickly went by and before you knew it, here you were. 
“Have you thought of a name yet, (Y/N)?” Your husband asked you from across the room, his voice raised louder as to catch your attention because of the distance.
“They’re not even born yet, you really are impatient aren’t you?” Playfully scoffing at Joe’s words, you said and questioned, one eyebrow raising up teasingly at the brunet man. 
Your hands glided over your stomach, the slight bump then not even comparing to the baby bump you had now. Your eyes softened when you ran your palms on your stomach, your eyelids lowering as you gently caressed it. You truly did feel like the luckiest woman in the world at that short moment in your home.
“I can’t help it, okay! It’s a baby, our baby.” Joe had quickly replied, his leg bouncing up and down at the speed of light. The ‘our’ was enunciated, sending a warm and welcoming feeling to your chest.  
“Well, I was thinking about ‘Gabriel’. Y’know--like the angel.” You answered, your hands as your deft fingers still absentmindedly caressing your stomach as you gazed upon the back-turned head of your husband.
“Gabriel… Gabriel,” your husband repeated, testing it out on his tongue. After a few more attempts he turns to meet your stare, a pondering expression ingrained on his face. “I like that name; Gabriel…” He trailed off once again before giving you an electrified smile which lit up the whole room.
Turning to your direction once again Joe asked, “Well what happens if it’s a girl?”
Biting down at your bottom lip at the thought, you pondered hard. What would you name her? Digging deep into the back of your mind, you tried to figure out which name caught your attention. Letting your mind run, you were stopped in your tracks when Joe softly called out your name.
“What about ‘Celine’?” Joe softly inquired and the corners of your lips turned upward at the name.
“Celine and Gabriel, don’t those two sound pretty?”
“When our baby is born, (Y/N), I can see where they’ll got their beauty from.” 
With your cheeks warming up, you turned away while grinning as Joe smiled. Looking at the time, you cast a glance at the calendar on the wall. The bright red letters in Joe’s handwriting sprawled out on a square, stating ‘Doctor’s Appointment’. Joe even went to put it a little more effort and drew a simple baby face. 
Getting on your feet slowly, your husband stretched out his arms to grab yours to instantly ensure your stability. The drive to the hospital was filled with questions as Joe repeatedly wanted to ask you about how you’ve been feeling. It was the usual cravings, cramps, and sickness, you had told him as he nodded in understanding.
The two of you made sure to constantly visit the doctor’s, getting weekly updates about your pregnancy really was exciting. You would fiddle with the hem of your top, nervously chewing at your lip. Joe held your hand comfortably, sometimes reaching to put loose strands of hair between your ears. Your nerves never settled though and they only went haywire when the doctor had called your names. 
Waiting in the bright white room made your mind race and shut down at the same time. Occasionally you would space out, your eyes focusing on nothing really peculiar as your mind muffled any sounds around you. The doctor came in, introducing himself and explaining the ultrasound process. There he took you to a different room where you saw the ultrasound machine and chair where you’d lie on, you quickly grabbed Joe’s hand. 
Squeezing back, he leaned down slightly to give you a brief peck on the top of your head.
Listening to the doctor, you laid back on the examination table and pulled up your top to reveal the four month baby bump. The process was quick and quite obviously painless, the entire procedure only taking about 30 minutes. The ultrasound showing up on the computer right beside you made you excited to see the results. 
Fixing yourself, the doctor had told you to wait in the room as they examined the results. Joe sitting beside you, he lifted his arm and ushered you close to his side and he closed it around you--pulling you in.
The door to the room opened and there revealed your doctor with a professional yet welcoming grin on her face.
“Well, we got the results back from the ultrasound, I hope I didn’t keep you waiting.” She had said, taking a seat next to you. The words ‘results’ and ‘ultrasounds’ made your heart do flips and somersaults, Joe next to you also giving you a knowing glance.
“Starting things off, your baby is very healthy and we didn’t pick up any complications. The heart rate is good and we see no physical abnormalities whatsoever.”
Grinning with each word, you excitedly looked to Joe, who was already looking your way. The doctor’s nimble fingers dashed on the keyboard, showing you the black and white images of the baby inside of you. Your eyebrows were raised high on your face and you knew that your smile was just as big as Joe’s. Tightening your hold on his hand, you waited patiently for the big reveal. Joe was ahead of you though, and decided to ask the doctor himself.
“That’s amazing. But--if you don’t mind answering, what’s the gender?” The question hung up in the air and the doctor nodded in acknowledgement, her eyes gleaming with happiness and recognition.
You were bouncing your leg up and down, and the time span of a few seconds you anxiously bit down on the tips of your nails. Joe was obviously antsy too, his body on the edge of his seat as you were on the edge of the examination table. Leaning forward in excitement, you drummed your fingers against your thigh.
“Ah yes, of course, well, I’m very happy to announce that you two are the proud parents of a beautiful, healthy boy. Congratulations!”
Blood was rushing through your ears and it wasn’t until your husband reacted did you ever move too. Eyes growing wide, you practically squealed in excitement, your whole form bouncing up and down the examination table as you looked at your husband. The two of you were exuberant, the doctor letting out a small smile just by looking at how absolutely joyous you two were. 
Turning each other’s forms to each other, Joe’s hands gripped your upper arms while leaning in. He leaned forward to press his forehead against yours like he always did. You felt your mind creating pictures of your future life with Joe and your baby, flashing them like a slideshow.
You knew Joe never really let out tears, but you could seem some welling up in his eyes. 
Casting a downwards glance at your stomach and setting his hands there, Joe cooed affectionately, “Hello Gabriel, me and your mama love you so much...”
Removing his hands from your belly, he brought them upwards to cup your face. Your eyes met and your heart raced faster as his next words. He beamed uncontrollably as his mouth opened, his eyes threatening to burst with tears as yours was the same.
“See, darlin’? I told you we could get through this. I’ll always be here for you, (Y/N). Forever and always.”
There in that moment, it was just you three. You, Joe, and your beautiful baby boy and you couldn’t imagine trading away this moment for even the entire world.
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Author’s Note: Oh jeez, I hope I didn’t bore you with this fic! I guess I also changed some things, so ahh I’m sorry if it’s not what you imagined. If I made a few mistakes with either writing or portrayal, I apologize for that. But thank you all for reading, have a great day, my loves! <3
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