Why You Need SEO Services In Naples Florida
Very often business owners can tell you down to a fine detail about the various aspects of their business. Many of them know they could get more leads and grow their business exponentially if they were able to build a presence online, but it seems so difficult. They pay to have a nice website set up, but then nothing happens. If you are in or around Naples, Fl then you should consider the reasons for investing in SEO services.
The Dangers Of Doing It Wrong In the early days of the internet, there were numerous methods used to get top rankings. Some people literally made hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars doing so. The problem was that many of these tactics didn’t make the internet users that were subject to them very happy. Search Engine behemoths like Google quickly understood they needed to go to battle against these black hat guys or their customer base would no longer trust them as a search engine.
Google hired some of the most talented geniuses with Ph.D.’s from prestigious schools to figure out an algorithm capable of putting black hat tacticians out of business. Some of those updates ended up wiping out six and seven figure a year businesses overnight.
Even so called SEO experts were now leaving the business because many thought SEO was dead. The fact is that all search engines including Google still need a way to measure which site should rank over another based on the search query. That fact is likely to not change anytime soon. There are a number of safe practices that work to improve search engine rankings and a quality SEO service will know just how to get it done.
Facts You Should Know Seventy percent of all leads for businesses that are tracked on the internet come from search engine results. Over 40% of all searches done are seen by the website that is in the number one position. Over 85% of all the traffic that sees the search engine results page of any given search query only clicks on the top 3 positions. This means that only 15% of searchers will ever look at a site that is lower than the number 3 position on the search page for the keyword searched on.
Any website that does not have someone who is actively doing the necessary tactics to get on top and stay there is just wasting, time, money and space on the internet. If you opened a store in the middle of the desert with no roads that passed by your shop, and you had no foot traffic and no advertising where people could see your business exist, then even if you have the greatest product, no one knows about it and you have no business.
There are millions and millions of websites on the internet that cover all topics imaginable. Without an effective plan your Naples, Fl based businesses website may as well be a shop in the desert if you have no way to have it ranking on search engines and web 2.0 sites.
Getting SEO services in Naples, Fl is not difficult. Just make sure that you are using a service with a good reputation and one that has positive customer reviews. In the past, many businesses generated lots of new customers from the Yellow pages. It was considered one of the best investments and advertisements a local business could have.
But many people now don’t even look at that book. Why should they? People today are busy and they can quickly look up information about a business right on their smartphone. There is no reason to pick up a huge book like the yellow pages, and their phone is wherever they are. But if you are nowhere to be found when they search on their phone, then they will simply look at your competitor who is on the first page of the search results.
They can see what products and services are offered, they can check customer reviews and even see if coupons are available.
Can SEO Services Guarantee A Number One Posistion? If any SEO service guarantees a number one ranking for the most competitive keyword related to your business then you should keep looking. But what a good SEO service can do is create a strategy where your most important keywords do rank well on the search engines and a whole range of related keywords can rank so that no matter what your customer types in the search box, they will see your business.
Once customers start seeing your business everywhere they look, they will begin to trust it more and they are much more likely to become a customer. Get a good SEO service in Naples, Fl like GGG Marketing Company and start seeing your website’s ranking improve and more importantly watch as you begin gaining new customers because of those new rankings.
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