#the parlor is across the street
I'm sorry??? You were HIDING that from me!?!
it’s reader who works in a record store and lives with tattoo artist sero but she meets sero’s hot coworker
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wulfrann · 8 months
found an artist for my next tattoo aaaaaaaaa
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saintobio · 8 months
blank canvas.
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problems arise when your tattoo artist boyfriend starts getting too cozy with the girls that wanted him to do more to their bodies than just inking their skin. the thing is, they knew what he wanted and they knew what you couldn’t give.
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pairings. ryōmen sukuna, fem!reader
genre. florist x tattoo artist au, mild angst, opposites attract
tags. nudity, insecure!reader, virgin!reader, dry humping, mentions of needles, mentions of cheating, slutshaming
notes. if you’ve been here for a while, yes this is a repost from an old hq fic :’D i rewrote and remodeled it for sukuna bc i feel like he fits this au!
part 2 | part 3
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Sukuna had seen it all.
He wasn’t dumb and he most definitely wasn’t oblivious to the fact that he was attractive, bringing him a clientele of adoring women who would frequently visit his tattoo parlor. Who could blame them? He was handsome, had a good physique, and an overwhelming aura that pulled the attraction of many women, single or not, who were desperate to vie for his attention. His tattoos and his dyed hair even added to the overall bad boy persona that he had which, to be fair, was a girl’s guilty pleasure. 
The women were very assertive, it seemed, to try and lure Sukuna into their little seduction game. Was he getting tempted into it? No. He was loyal and he’d like to stay loyal to his kind and beautiful girlfriend. After all, winning you over wasn’t as easy as it would with any other girl. 
However, there were certain moments that almost tested his loyalty to you, especially when some of the women would ask to have their tattoos done on the most intimate places of their bodies. 
Take yesterday as an example: one girl asked to have a tattoo on her buttocks and she was certainly more satisfied at the feeling of Sukuna’s palms on her bum rather than the actual tattoo she was getting. And to top it all, she bluntly asked if he offered more service rather than just giving tattoos. Crazy. 
He had previously mentioned it to you that as part of his job, he was obligated to give his clients the tattoos they requested, regardless of where on their bodies they wanted them. It was strictly business. Ironically, despite dating a tattoo artist like himself, you had no single trace of inked art on your body. You were an untouched canvas that had never been painted on. Still, Sukuna respected your choice and he surely respected your boundaries even more. 
He knew that you had always been a gentle girl when he first met you at the floral shop across the street. You were always prim and proper, always dressed modestly, always following the rules, and always doing the right thing. All you cared about doing was to express your love through the delicate petals you arranged in your flower-scented haven. You were happy to be in your own little bubble, content in the company of fragrant blossoms and soft-spoken solitude. Introverted. Reserved. Pure. Unassuming. He was the exception to your goody-two-shoes nature, because he ended up winning your heart despite being the complete opposite of you. It wasn’t an easy task, either. Deciding to get to know you was on a whim at first, since he was intrigued about your simple joys in life and how you weren’t the type of girls that would visit his tattoo parlor. Something about your demure nature pulled him in until he realized that there was nothing else he wanted in this world but to make you his. He began by greeting you every morning from across the street, then giving you the same bouquet of flowers he purchased from your shop, followed by sending you texts complimenting how beautiful you looked as he watched you from his store, and finally asking you out on spontaneous dates.
It may be a bit peculiar to see the two of you together, but Sukuna pursued you because liked you. He was undeniably in love with you. He liked your smile, liked how cute and adorable you were, and liked how a simple look at you made him want to be a better man. He loved the idea of being with a girl he could protect. 
The main issue was, Sukuna dropped out of college and just decided to open a tattoo parlor business because he simply didn’t want to waste his years studying for something that he wasn’t passionate about. But that was the source of your parents’ distaste. They told you that you had no future with a guy like him. They said that they would disown you as a daughter if you decided to choose him. They called him dirty, rebellious, and uneducated. 
At that point, he thought that you would leave him after learning his rather reckless choices in life, but you stayed. 
You left your parents' home and stayed with him.
And he was grateful that you did. 
So to ask the question again, would he ever do something to betray you after everything that happened between you two? Of course, not. Not in a million years, no
But then again, he was also just doing his job and it wasn’t like he was purposely flirting with the girls that often flocked him during work hours. He was simply accommodating a client. Nothing more, nothing less. 
And on one of those typical days, he had to work overtime when one of his returning clients asked for her fifth tattoo to be done by him. He just finished picking up the tools he needed as she walked towards the recliner seat asking, “Should I sit here?” 
He nodded once, turning around to face the girl who looked at him with her alluring eyes. “Yeah, just let me know when you’re ready.” 
Oh yes, she was surely ready. She even had a smirk displayed on her face when she slowly unbuttoned her shirt, keeping her gaze at him while teasingly revealing her busty pair. 
He didn’t really pay attention to the size of her tits but instead, just casually pointed to a certain part of her body, “Is this where you want it?” he asked, referring to the lower left part of her breast.
With a very flirtatious grin, she nodded, clearly knowing that her assets were her biggest weapon. “Yes. Would it be easier if I took off my bra, yeah?” 
“You don’t have to. I can work it out,” he casually responded, reaching for his glove and busying himself with all the tool preparations. 
The girl let out a silent giggle along with her best friend who sat on the side, waiting for her turn. Waiting to be the recipient of Sukuna’s full attention. Sigh. 
“No, I can take it off for you,” the girl insisted, unclasping her bra and setting her huge breasts free for him to ogle at. They were perfectly round, probably a 40D, and a light pink shade for her nipples. With how firm they were sitting on her chests, she had probably gotten them done.  
He cleared his throat, averting his eyes as he asked her to sit on the recliner chair. Sukuna had seen women half naked in his shop before, but this was the first time someone willingly got naked in front of him, most especially with other intentions rather than to simply get a tattoo. 
Because of the awkwardness, he went ahead and blasted some heavy metal music to distract his mind. He had to think of something else and not stare at the girl’s luscious tits. He had to shift his mind to somewhere else like, for example, why the girl chose a calligraphy of the words ‘la douleur exquise’ on her skin this time.
“Is this French?” he nonchalantly asked, motioning for her to rest her back while he wiped the chosen area with a damp cotton pad. He specifically avoided brushing his hand on her breast, but it looked like the girl was actually angling herself to make him touch it more. 
“It means exquisite pain,” she purred, batting her thick eyelashes at him. 
His lips formed a smirk, impressed at how much of a skank she was willing to be for him. It wasn’t new, as established before. He’d also had a fair share of women who tried to get into his pants last week, but none of them were successful. He actually found it entertaining to watch them do all sorts of stunts to make him give in. To make him submit himself to his carnal desires. He was a man after all. He had needs, he had to get some form of release, otherwise it could pose a problem in his masculinity. 
All while she was getting her tattoo done, the other girl got up from her seat to walk closer to her best friend. Sukuna decided to refer to them in his head as Slut 1 and Slut 2 because he had no intentions of knowing their names. He knew slut-shaming was terrible, but he never said he was a man of virtue and truthfully, how else could he describe them? 
“Hey, Sukuna,” the other girl called, sitting at an empty stool with a smile. “You’re single, right?” 
He kept his eyes focused on the skin he was inking on. “...No.” 
Even from the corner of his eye, he knew that both girls looked surprised, “No way? You have a girlfriend?” 
Was it really that much of a shock? 
“Yeah, she owns the floral shop across the street,” he mumbled, wiping the trace of blood on the girl’s skin after he finished another letter. 
There was a visible pout on Slut 1’s face as if learning that Sukuna had a girlfriend was more painful than the needle pricking at her skin. “So, what’s she like?” 
Sukuna thought for a while because he didn’t know where to begin. It was too much of a long story for them to hear about. You were everything he wanted in a woman and that was all he knew. “She’s cute and kind.” 
His words earned a giggle from Slut 2. “Is she like the good girl type?” 
“She is.” He figured it would be okay to converse about you like this. Besides, he would rather be talking about you than to have these girls just try to flirt with him relentlessly. 
“How much of a good girl, though?” Slut 1 egged on, “I bet she’s a virgin and a prude.” 
That was obviously none of their business, but damn. They hit a nerve that they shouldn’t have. No one else had managed to bring up a topic like that to him, more so a topic that he himself knew not to cross. His sex life wasn’t as fruitful as anyone thought so, yet not once in his life did he complain. Not once did he talk about it to anyone. Not once did he tell anyone that he had been dating you for a year now and you two never really went further than making out. 
“I respect her,” was his answer, much to the two girls’ dismay.
“That’s kinda boring, though,” the other girl claimed, draping her arm around his shoulder before leaning close to his ear. “You’re still a man and you have needs. If I were her, I’d sleep with you every day. In every position.” 
The girl on the recliner chair grinned. “Totally! Like, you’re so hot and I feel like you’re good in bed.” 
He almost messed up one of the letters because his mind just flew to somewhere unforgivable. It was a sin to even think about, but shit, he definitely missed the feeling of fucking someone. He couldn’t even remember the last time he did so. 
He snapped out of his trance and looked up upon hearing the familiar voice, only to find you by the door, your eyes filled with hurt.
Your voice was caught in your throat as you avoided his gaze. “I just... I thought you were done.” 
In a swift motion, you hurriedly walked out of the room before dashing out the door. You didn’t even bother to look back, dead set on leaving him alone with the girls. Your footsteps were far too quick to even catch and he was hoping that you would at least slow down. 
“Babe!” he called, unable to chase after you as you shut the door. An exasperated sigh followed. 
This was going to be a big problem 
Just what was he thinking? 
He had a half naked girl in front of him and another girl clinging to him like he didn’t have a girlfriend. It must have hurt you a lot. No, it definitely wrecked you.
“Uh-oh...” the girl mocked. “I can sense trouble” 
He decided to leave it be for now and get his job done as soon as possible, even thinking of banning the two girls from going into his shop just to avoid further trouble. He had a lot of explaining to do and he couldn’t wait to go home to make sure that you would listen to him, not overthink the whole thing and place your assumptions because hurting you was the last thing he would do.
At least, he hoped you knew that.   
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You were washing the dishes when Sukuna came home and the first thing he did was to wrap his arms around you. He had your waist caged in his tight embrace, his chin resting on your shoulder as he whispered sweet nothings to you. To be real, you weren’t in the mood to see his face after what you saw this afternoon. You get it—he was exposed to all sorts of people with his line of work and most of them probably couldn’t just ignore his physical appearance. You were aware that some girls were only getting a tattoo to get close to him. Heck, you were aware that they all wanted to be with him.
But the only reason you were hurt wasn’t because he was desired by women, but because those very same women were all better than you in more ways than one. They fit his type more than you did and you were sure that they could give him exactly what he wanted. 
Still, it awfully tugged at your heartstrings. 
He was yours, not theirs. You had the right to be jealous when a girl was getting cozy with your man, but to see him letting them have their way? That was a different story. 
“Baby, talk to me,” he mumbled, planting a soft, apologetic kiss on your neck. 
You gave him the silent treatment as you walked away and dried your hands with a towel. What else would you say? He should already be aware of why you were acting that way. He should be the one to try and talk to you, not the other way around. And with your stubborn mind, you did your best to keep your insouciance, pulling his tattooed arms off of you and heading towards the couch. 
You could hear his sigh as he followed you, but you were determined to keep your eyes glued on the TV screen. If he wanted to talk, he should do the talking, you reminded yourself over and over. 
“You’re really pissed at me, huh,” he spoke as soon as he sat next to you, a hand carefully placed on your thigh. “I’m sorry.” 
“They’re pretty hot, aren’t they?” The bitter question left your mouth before you thought of holding back. 
He scooted closer and hooked an arm around your shoulder this time. “Definitely nowhere near as hot as my girlfriend.” 
What a load of… You rolled your eyes, remembering how the girls looked and how comfortable he was with them. “Yeah, right.” 
You couldn’t explain the tightness on your chest every time you recalled the scene earlier because you knew, you just knew, that there was more that could have happened if you didn’t check on him. You saw it in his eyes, even for a split second, that he almost gave in to temptation. How could he not? You were a prude just as they described—just because you didn’t have any sexual experience like they did. Perhaps when they called you boring, they were right and Sukuna wanted to agree. 
He couldn’t be stuck with a girlfriend that he couldn’t even have sex with, could he? 
“I shouldn’t have let them put their hands on me like that,” he admitted, showing his dire attempt to look apologetic. “Only you can.” 
You took a deep breath and shook your head. “I don’t even know why you’re still with me, Sukuna. I put so many boundaries between us. Don’t you get tired of me?” 
“Fuck no,” he quickly answered, tucking your hair behind your ear. “Never. You’re the only one for me.” 
Truth be told, you did feel bad that he couldn’t fully experience you as a girlfriend, but he had been very patient and respectful towards you. He never crossed the line and never forced you to do anything you weren’t comfortable with. He said he was doing that because you never gave up on him even when you had the choice to. He said that you were worth waiting for. He said that he was satisfied with what you two already had.
Maybe you could let this one incident go, after all, he was never really a bad boyfriend to you. Sure, he looked like a bad boy, but when it came to you, he was surprisingly soft. 
“Okay,” you muttered, sighing in defeat and finally meeting his eyes. “Just don’t do it again. I don’t care if they get naked in front of you. Please set some boundaries and don’t entertain them too much or you’ll give off the wrong impression.” 
Your leniency earned a smile from him, delighted to earn your trust again so he made an effort to peck your lips. “Yes, ma’am.” 
“You’re annoying.” 
“You love me.” 
“I do,” you professed, placing a hand on his cheek, “so much.” 
Pleased with your words, he leaned in again to give you a much, much deeper kiss. He knew it was all he could do with you, but he wanted to make you feel that his kisses were satisfying enough for the both of you. Just with the way he moved his lips against yours and how your tongue rolled around his—it was almost impossible to breathe at one point, but he softened the kiss to allow yourself to catch some air. 
Gosh, you were jealous again. You were becoming annoyed as your mind ran at full speed, thinking of how those girls thought they could put their hands on your man. You were livid at how they tried to steal him from you. 
“You’re mine, right?” you asked for reassurance, pulling away to look at his dominating eyes. 
The smirk on his lips was replaced by a cheeky grin. “All yours, darling.” 
You didn’t know what gave you the sudden confidence to straddle his lap after he said that, but it just felt right. You wanted more of his physical affection and felt like you couldn’t get enough. Both of you were taken aback, obviously, because this wasn’t something you would normally do, and so the heat on your cheeks was mixing with the surprised look on his face. You were sitting directly on his crotch and he was having a hard time to control himself. 
“Babe,” he breathed on your neck. “You don’t have to force yourself.” 
He was right, but the thought of the other girls constantly seducing him behind your back just gave way to your deepest insecurities. You didn’t have the most perfect body in the world and you most definitely didn’t have the skills in bed that he expected—you were scared that you might lose him because of these facts. Or that he would find someone better, even at the cost of having them on the side. 
“Hey,” he spoke again, making you look at his eyes as you relaxed into his touch. “It’s fine. If you want it, I can be gentle. We can go slow.” 
“I-I don’t know... I just,” you hesitated, not knowing exactly how to put it into words. 
You didn’t know why sex intimidated you. It should be as easy as 1-2-3,  just him putting his member inside you, right? But you weren’t really scared of doing the act itself, you were scared that once you did it, he would leave you because he already got what he wanted. Losing it to the wrong person sounds like a nightmare and that was why you were having trouble coming into terms of losing your virginity before marriage. 
You could feel the hardness on his crotch pressing against your core and you didn’t expect a moan escaping your lips when you moved at the slightest. The fabric of your shorts were thin enough for you to feel the outline of his hardened member, displaying a prominent bulge on his sweatpants. You haven’t seen how big he was, but you could tell just by looking at his bulge that he was huge. Could you even take that? 
He held your waist and guided you to move again, this time urging you to move your hips back and forth, allowing you to feel the friction from his hard erection. Lust was clouding his eyes and it made you feel weak. 
“How does it feel?” he asked, his hot breath tickling your ear. 
You continued grinding on him with your lips parted, releasing your silent moans, “G-Good.”
He leaned forward to kiss your neck, eventually sucking the soft skin to leave his beautiful marks. “I wanna eat you down there, baby,” he growls under his breath, squeezing your right breast, “You’re gonna taste so good, I bet.” 
“Suku—” you whined, gripping his hair while he started matching your movements with his own. It was a foreign feeling for you to feel his bulge rubbing against your untouched core. 
“Fuck,” he cussed in a low voice, squeezing your ass with his huge hands in growing excitement. “Let me get a condom.” 
This was it. 
It was happening. 
Or was it?
Your eyes widened in panic as you pushed him back onto the couch. It was as though all of your senses were awakened and your body was telling you that you shouldn’t be doing all this. “N-No, I... I’m not ready.” 
You didn’t mean to always chicken out when you two were almost about to do it. You just didn’t feel confident enough to give yourself yet and even if you badly wanted to, you just couldn’t make yourself do it.
You could see the hint of disappointment on his face and he was trying to hide it. 
“Right,” he exhaled deeply with his head thrown back on the headrest. “It’s alright. Maybe next time,” he convinced himself. 
“I’m sorry,” you softly mumbled, hand gripping on his shirt. 
He gave you a quick peck on the lips before pulling you out of his lap and getting up from the couch. “Yeah, yeah. It’s fine.” 
You stayed seated as you watched him walk away. “Where are you going?” 
“I have to finish this off on my own,” he answered without looking back. You realized he was referring to the act of touching himself because you just couldn’t do the job for him. It was obvious how frustrated he was and for goodness sake, you did feel guilty, but then again, he didn’t act like this before. When you told him you didn’t want to do it further, he would simply laugh it off and say he would wait for you. 
This wasn’t the same Sukuna that said that. 
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You became a little paranoid. 
Considering that girls would still pay your boyfriend a visit at the tattoo parlor, you always ended up overthinking about what he was doing while you were supposed to be busy at the floral shop. In the middle of arranging a bouquet of beautiful peonies, your mind was on haywire. You just didn’t feel at ease. You felt like anyone could easily snatch him away from you because you weren’t particularly a striking girl to begin with. You were leaning on the simple, conservative side rather than the rebellious, liberated women that swarmed his shop in hopes of sleeping with him. 
Because your thoughts were eating you alive, you decided to head to his tattoo parlor after closing the shop to make sure that he wasn’t doing any funny business. 
And you were somehow right. 
About three girls were in there this time, two of which you had already seen a couple of days ago, and they were already leaving the parlor just as you arrived. 
“You’re really amazing, Sukuna,” one of the girls told him in gratitude, “I might get another one soon.” 
You watched them walk past you with a smug expression on their faces as they left the shop. Sukuna had then seen you standing by the door with your arms crossed. 
“Really?” you questioned, walking inside with a frown. “They’re here again?” 
He sighed and walked back to his station while cleaning the mess from the tattoo session. He wasn’t even trying to win you over anymore. “I can’t just ask them not to come anymore. They’re still clients.”
“Let me guess,” you continued, “Did one of them get naked in front of you again? Did you let them put their hands all over you again? Did you perhaps forget that you had a girlfriend again?” 
His brows, now furrowed in annoyance and his mouth, thinning in displeasure. “No. We talked about this.” 
You held your breath, raising a brow in return. “I’m starting to think you’re doing more for them than just giving them tattoos.” 
“Like, what? Sell my body?” His question was clearly a taunt. A spasm of irritation crossed his face, but he still managed to display a mocking smile. “Is that what you’re suggesting, angel?”
“That’s not what I—”
“Then, what?” 
“You know what I mean,” you replied, trying to get your point across while keeping your composure. “You’re an attractive man and they’re the type of women you would willingly sleep with.” 
“Jesus. You’re so insecure, it’s crazy,” he retorted, rolling his eyes at you. 
Insecure? You couldn’t believe, just couldn’t believe he called you insecure. The air crackled with tension as your jaw tightened, muscles twitching with every suppressed urge to lash out.
“I wonder why!” Your voice rose hysterically. “If you weren’t busy flirting with those girls, maybe I won’t be so insecure.” 
“I said I’m not flirting with them!” he argued, slamming his gloves on the floor. His face contorted into a mask of rage and he looked at you with frustration that you had never seen before. It hurt. It certainly hurt. He had been acting distant since the night you didn’t give in to him and you knew that his exasperation towards you was rooting from that. 
Your breathing became unsteady. “But you know you’d sleep with them if given the chance. Since I couldn’t do it with you.” 
“Then, just fucking do it with me instead of bitching about it every day!” he snapped, voice thick with insinuation. “I don’t wanna be stuck acting like I give two shits about your interest in flowers and whatever nonsense you like to talk about. I wanna be with someone I can have sex with, not sit on the couch all day with a boring person like you!” 
His hurtful words left you frozen like a statue, unable to move while being dominated by the shooting pain inside your chest. 
You knew this day would come—that he would eventually get tired of waiting around for something that he could easily get from others. However, what hurt you most was the fact you believed he wasn’t that type of guy. That he wasn’t with you solely for what you could give, but rather, for what you just had. You thought he sincerely understood your boundaries and respected your choices the very same way you respected his, but it seemed that he had another thought in his head all along. 
After seeing the look on your face, Sukuna had softened his gaze and walked closer to you in reproach to his words and actions, “I’m sorry... I didn’t mean that.” 
A tear fell from your eye as you looked at him with both anger and pain building inside of you. Your eyes glistened with unshed tears. “You wanna have sex? Is that what you want?” Your voice cracked in the middle of your sentence. “You wanna do it so bad, let’s fucking do it, then!” 
Your fingers forced their way to spitefully unbutton your blouse despite his desperate efforts to stop you. You must be going crazy. But also, he drove you to this point. 
“Baby, no,” he said in remorse, grabbing your wrists tightly. “No, I’m sorry. I’m content with you. I really am, I’m sorry. Please.” 
Your chest heaved as you cried, unable to stop your emotions from exposing all of your vulnerabilities. “It’s obviously not enough for you.” Your voice quivered, each word a fragile whisper trembling with the weight of unspoken sadness as you sniffled and wiped your eyes. “You knew what kinda girl I am when you dated me.”
He pulled you for a hug and kissed your temple way too many times that you lost count. He felt absolutely sorry for ever hurting you with his words, but they just hit you so painfully to the point that your gaze grew distant and your face was clouded with resignation. 
“I know what kinda girl you are and I’m in love with you for it,” he reaffirmed, as if trying to get it through your head but his words were beginning to feel empty. “Please, believe me. I really didn’t mean what I said. You’re enough for me, baby. You’re all I want.” 
You didn’t feel comfort from his words, but you still returned his embrace because you loved him. Because you knew, even if he said more hurtful words, that you would still love him. Sure, you would be angry, but your love for him ruled higher than your pride. 
You were just scared of losing him over something like this. 
“I love you so much,” he whispered in your ear before placing a soft, apologetic kiss on your lips. 
When he pulled away, your heart still felt heavy, but you managed to conceal your face with an agonizing smile. 
“I love you, too.” 
He ran his thumb across your cheek and held your waist on his other hand. You just couldn’t get his words out of your head even after he apologized, because you never knew he was seeing your relationship that way all along. 
The girls were right. He was a man after all and he had needs. 
The fact that he was staying with you despite not fulfilling his needs must be a work of charity for him, and eventually, he would get sick of waiting around. He would desire you less and less the more the days passed by and it wasn’t absolutely crazy to think that he could potentially meet another girl he liked that was willing to give it all. 
The mere thought of it scared you. 
“I’ll do it with you tonight,” you offered, your voice breaking, hoping that you could finally break the barrier and be enough for him. 
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I dont think I'll ever be able to get over the "I work in Soho, I hear things," line Aziraphale says in 1967. Cuz like if you exam the scene background for more than a couple of seconds you realize how fucking ridiculous Crowley and Aziraphale are being.
Because, Crowley KNOWS where the bookshop is. Crowley was probably there when Aziraphale came up with the idea and when he chose the property and for sure was there for opening day. Crowley KNOWS it's still there in 1941, they go back at the end of the magic show for wine.
The fucking Dirty Donkey is established as being across the street from the bookshop with a perfect view to the inside during s2e4.
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See how the crossed out windows the zombies are looking through are visible through the window over Crowley's shoulder. If Aziraphale were heating up the tea kettle on his little parlor stove, he might even be able to see the pub's entrance or any cars coming up the street.
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And I doubt that the pub moved locations in or around 1967 only to be moved back by 2023 so we can safely assume that what's visible in 1941 is visible in 1967 during Crowley's meeting.
I went back to the 1967 bit in s1e3 to figure out where the fuck Crowley is parked and I'm pretty sure the ramp he speaks alone to Shadwell in front of is the same ramp that Marguerite's restaurant has.
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And in s2e5, as Aziraphale leaves to invite all the shopkeepers to the 'meeting' we see Marguerite's sign through the windows to the right of the front door.
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Which means Crowley's conversation with Shadwell is fucking visible from the front door of the bookshop.
And it also means those fucking strip tease signs that Crowley has parked the Bentley in front of are covering up the record shop and the window over Aziraphale's desk (Which I'll admit, unfortunately means that the ramp isn't visible through the window and might only be seen via the windows of the front door of the shop). Why are these windows covered up? Maybe the set designers wanted to give the illusion that they are on some different part of the street. UNFORTUNATELY I CAN FUCKING SEE THE BOOKSHOP PILLARS IN THE CORNER OF THE SCREEN YOU CANT FOOL ME.
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Let's put it all together now: Crowley drives the Bentley, his ICONIC Bentley(no doubt who's fucking Bentley that is if you see it come down the street through the window), just past the bookshop, and parks. He has to get out on the bookshop side of the street and backtrack, PAST THE FUCKING BOOKSHOP DOOR, and to the pub that is in perfect view of one of the (only unblocked) bookshop windows, and has a conversation with a strange man in view of the bookshop's front door.
"I hear things" Aziraphale, baby girl, you didn't have to hear anything you can literally see Crowley at every moment.
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And also Aziraphale, you're not off the hook for ridiculousness either. Why the fuck did you teleport into the Bentley. THE BOOKSHOP IS RIGHT THERE. You fucking depraved me of a full cravat outfit shot because you wanted to spookily and mysteriously appear to your beloved demon. YOU'RE KILLING ME AZIRAPHALE.
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navybrat817 · 1 year
And Everything Nice
Pairing: Tattoo Artist!Bucky Barnes x Baker!Female Reader Summary: You visit the tattoo parlor when an uninvited guest shows up at the bakery. Word Count: Over 2.8k Warnings: Bad ex, mild (h)arassment, protectiveness, brief moments of insecurity, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). Graphics talent and thanks: Banner by @sgt-seabass. Divider by @firefly-graphics . Bucky edit by Nix. Moodboard by yours truly. A/N: More Hottie and Sugar from our Sin on Skin AU. ❤️ Thank you to @rookthorne for listening to me ramble about this part! Beta read by the lovely @whisperlullaby (thank you for spitballing), but any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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I am going to ask Bucky Barnes out.
After going through the closing checklist, Tess gave you another quick pep talk and said the only thing that would hurt if he turned you down was your pride. Deep down you knew it would hurt more than your pride if he said no, but you didn't say it out loud. She must have sensed it since she added she was certain he'd jump at the chance to date you.
"You got this," she said, giving you a quick hug. "Sorry to run, but-"
"Like I said, I got this," you said, waving her on. Normally you walked out together when you both closed the bakery, but she had somewhere to be. "Have fun!" you added as she rushed out.
Once you finished up a few minutes later, you strode to the door with your keys in hand and a smile on your face. Tomorrow was going to be a good day. You could feel it. And you would look Bucky in the eye with a smile as you asked him-
"Closing all by yourself?"
You weren't sure how you managed to not drop your keys, or not throw a punch, when you spun around and saw your ex in your personal space. You wanted to wipe the smirk off his face when you took a deep breath. "Thanks for sneaking up on me, Richard. Mind backing up a little?"
"Aww, did I scare you?" he asked as you quickly locked the door. "Not even a 'hello'?"
"We haven't talked since we broke up," you reminded him. "But hi and bye."
Richard charmed you in the beginning when you met him, like he did with so many others. Beyond his good looks, he was a confident man. It didn't take long to see that beneath the surface was a spoiled man child who was used to getting what he wanted, or thought he could buy everything. You included.
Breaking up with him was one of the best decisions you made, even if your mom disagreed.
"Where are you going in such a hurry? You should get a drink with me."
"I have plans," you lied, wondering what the hell he was even doing there.
"So? Break them. I want to talk."
The suggestion sounded more like an order and you weren't in the mood.
"I said I have plans. I'm sorry."
"Then why are you still in your work clothes?" he asked, gesturing to your outfit. "And who do you have plans with? Some new guy?"
"Because I'm changing later," you said, staring across the street as a smile spread on your face. "And not that it's any of your business, but yes. He's a tattoo artist."
You weren't sure why you said that. Maybe because you hoped Bucky really would be your guy. And because the thought of him also made you feel safe.
You half expected Richard to laugh as you walked around him, but he put his hand on your arm instead as his face twisted into a scowl. "You're not hanging out with him. You're getting a drink with me."
You wrenched your arm away before he could tighten his grip. "We aren't together anymore. So you don't get to show up out of nowhere and order me around," you said as you went to the curb.
"Don't act like a fucking brat when I'm trying to give you another chance."
I'm the brat?
"Not interested. Have a good night!" you said before you looked both ways and dashed across the street to Bucky's shop.
The entrance was cozier and more open than you expected, the sound of the needles bringing you a strange sense of comfort as you adjusted your bag on your arm. Pictures of various tattoos in different styles lined the red walls above the front desk and leather couches. You wished you had the time to pick out which works belonged to Bucky.
Another day.
"Hi! Welcome to Sin on Skin!" the man behind the desk cheerfully greeted you as he typed on the keyboard. Even sitting down, you could tell the man was built, his muscular arms covered in a variety of tattoos. He may have been intimidating if not for the glasses and warm smile. "Do you have an appointment?"
You glanced over your shoulder and saw your ex making his way across the street. "Sorry, I don't. Is Bucky here? I really need to talk to him."
"Oh, yeah. Just over there. If you want to take a seat, I can-"
"Thank you. I'll be quick," you smiled, hoping Bucky wasn't in the middle of an appointment.
You glanced around at some of the other artists as you walked over to the chairs and noted how exceedingly gorgeous they were. There was one with short dark hair and a beard that looked like he could kill someone with his tattoo gun if they stared for too long. The girl sitting at his station and the man behind him with shocking pink hair and bright smile both brought a ray of warmth to his almost dark aura.
Is it a prerequisite to work in the shop that you have to be good looking? And either look intimidating as hell or incredibly alluring?
You gripped your bag to keep your hand from shaking as you saw Bucky engaged in a quiet conversation with Steve, recognizing him from earlier. You were almost afraid to interrupt. "Hi?"
Both men turned toward you with smiles on their faces as Bucky pushed himself up from his stool. “Hey, Sugar. Couldn’t wait until tomorrow to see me?”
"Something like that," you said.
"Wait. That's Sugar?" the man with the pink hair asked. "No wonder you keep going to the bakery."
"Don't hit on her, Hal," Bucky warned, earning a chuckle from the other man. "Go bother Andy."
"He already is," a deep voice replied.
You would ask later just how much he spoke about you to the other artists. "I'm sorry if I'm interrupting. My ex was waiting for me outside of my shop and I kind of panicked and said I was meeting you and I rushed over here."
"Your ex?" Bucky asked, immediately moving forward to rub your arms in a soothing gesture. "Are you okay?"
"Hi! Welcome to Sin on Skin!" you heard the guy at the desk call out before you could answer.
Instead, you burrowed yourself against Bucky when you heard Richard shout your name. Rock solid and sturdy, his hold kept your nerves from bubbling to the surface. You had nothing to be afraid of.
So why am I shaking?
“You’re kidding me, right? This fucking asshole?” Richard scoffed as you looked over your shoulder at him. He didn't walk any closer, but his voice carried throughout the entire shop. "Like putting a bumper sticker on a piece of shit car, isn't it?"
“Richard, just leave.”
"Does your mom know you're spreading your legs for some tatted up lowlife? Still a disappointment, aren’t you?”
The jab cut deep as much as you wanted to ignore it. He knew that your mom judged every part of you. No matter what you did, it was never good enough.
You wouldn’t focus on that for the time being. "
You do not come into his shop and insult him. Bucky, I'm so sorry."
"Don't apologize for this asshole, Sugar. His opinion of me means less than nothing, trust me," he assured you before he faced your ex. "You, however, are banned from my shop. You can get out now or Jake will call the cops for trespassing. After you apologize to my girl for upsetting her. Your choice, Dick."
Your heart fluttered as you leaned into Bucky more.
His girl. It sounds right.
"Please. I can buy the shop tomorrow just to bulldoze it to the ground," he sneered before he jabbed a finger at you. "And you know what? Keep her. I tried to give her another chance, but she's not worth it. She's a lousy lay anyway."
The insult washed away the momentary good feeling and was the tipping point that brought tears to your eyes. It was humiliating enough that you were the root cause of a scene in Bucky's shop, but the jab in front of his employees and customers brought it to another level. Why did you think hiding in there was a good idea?
Does Bucky think I'm a total loser now?
It was only when you sniffled did you notice the entire shop had gone silent, a dangerous tension in the air when Bucky tightened his arms around you as Steve and Andy slowly got to their feet.
"Hey, why don't you and I go in the back?" the friendly girl at Andy's station suggested. "I think there's some snacks back there, right?"
Andy nodded and gave her the go ahead.
"Bucky," you whispered as you dared to look at him. A tear slid from your eye when you saw the murderous gaze on his handsome face. "I'm-"
Before you could register what was happening, he pulled your face toward his and kissed you. Fierce, yet gentle as he brushed the tear away with his thumb, you let him take the lead. A slow simmer of warmth crept into your cheeks as he parted your lips with his tongue and coaxed yours into his mouth. Your fingers twisted in his shirt as he deepened the kiss and shifted so you were pressed almost completely against him.
If this is how he kisses, he might actually kill me if we ever go further than that.
He breathed into your mouth as he stole the very oxygen from your lungs when he pulled away.
"Go in the back," he told you, his gaze dropping to your lips. Did he want to kiss you again or was it wishful thinking on your part? "I just need to take out the trash, finish up here, and I'll take you home, okay? I won't be long."
It was a feat that you didn't shed more years with how gently he spoke to you.
"Thank you," you whispered, unable to say much more.
"Let's check out that snack collection back there," you heard before you were pulled from Bucky's grasp.
You didn't look back at Richard when the girl tugged you away, but you heard a slight waver in his voice as yelled after you.
That's right. You should be afraid.
"Thank you," you said, wiping your eyes with your hand.
"No need to thank me. One of my good friends just got out of a bad relationship and I'm still a bit in my protective streak," she explained. "Are you okay?"
"I think so."
You tried to remember how Richard acted around other guys when the two of you dated. Had he been the jealous type and you just ignored it? Or did he only cause a scene because you showed him you wanted to move on?
Tess is going to flip when she hears about this.
"Well, whether they just throw him out on his ass or worse, he deserves it for what he said to you," she added before she told you her name. "Everyone calls me Sunny."
"He does," you agreed, introducing yourself as she handed you some water. "Bucky calls me Sugar."
"And you work in the bakery across the street?" she guessed.
"Co-owner," you said, the small talk calming you. "Do you work here or are you a client?" you asked, noticing that she didn't have any tattoos.
"New client. I work in an animal shelter," she smiled. "Grumpy out there is going to give me a sun tattoo."
"That's nice," you smiled back. It seemed fitting with her warm and bright presence. "I really do appreciate you bringing me back here."
It was somehow just as warm and inviting as the entrance, the couch worn and comfortable. You wondered how often Bucky came back here to relax and hang out in-between his appointments. Would he ever bring you back here if you stopped in to see him?
"I figured the amount of testosterone out there could be a bit overwhelming, but are you sure you're okay?"
"Other than being incredibly embarrassed, yeah."
Even though Richard was no longer your boyfriend, he just had to barrel back into your life and leave a mess in his wake.
"He's the one who should be embarrassed," Sunny said, wiggling her eyebrows. "Especially after seeing that kiss."
Your face warmed as you replayed it in your mind. The silver lining for showing up tonight was receiving such a passionate kiss from Bucky. It was difficult not to get swept up in the moment though and you told yourself it was likely just for show. A way for him to stick it to a guy who upset you.
"It was a really good kiss," you smiled.
"Oh, we all felt the heat. Trust me."
Both of you giggled until there was a soft knock on the door frame.
"Hey, Sugar. Trash is out on the curb," Bucky winked. "You ready to go home?"
Your heart fluttered as you smiled back. "Yeah, I'm ready."
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You didn't live far away, but Bucky still insisted on taking you home. He even took you out the back way so you didn't have to see anyone. While he didn't specify exactly what happened with Richard, he assured you he wouldn't poke around either of your shops again. It made the drive home more pleasant knowing he looked out for you.
So much that you almost took his hand when he stopped outside of your place.
"Thank you for everything," you said. "I'm really sorry about tonight."
"You have nothing to be sorry for. Not the first time we've dealt with assholes in the shop. Steve and I don't like bullies."
"I still feel bad," you said, wishing the feeling would go away.
"Please, don't," he whispered.
Your fingers twisted in your lap before you took a deep breath. "When you came into the bakery earlier today, I was going to ask you out," you told him, but refused to look at him. "But after that, it's probably a dumb idea. You shouldn't have to deal with that kind of trouble."
Maybe there's a better girl out there for you.
"You think one asshole ex is trouble?" he asked, leaning over to grasp your chin so you'd face him, goosebumps rising on your arms from his touch. "I can handle that."
"But what he said in your shop-"
"He did that to bring you down because he's an asshole. Guys like that don't want to see girls thrive without them."
You scoffed and mumbled, "I wonder what you'd think of my mom.
"I'm not afraid to stand up to anyone who tries to hurt you," he said, keeping a hold of your chin with a tender grip as your chest tightened. "You said you were gonna me ask out. Don't change your mind because of them."
"So, you really want to go on a date with me?" you asked.
"If I say 'yes', do I get to kiss you again?" he replied, running his thumb along your lower lip.
You were torn between sucking his thumb into your mouth or sinking into your seat. "Maybe we should get an actual date under our belts first. You only kissed me to prove a point or something."
Even if it felt like heaven.
"Or maybe I've been wanting to kiss you since I walked into your bakery and I want to kiss you again," he said, sliding his hand around to the back of your neck with ease. "Proving a point was an added bonus."
You looked at him wide eyed and subconsciously touched your lips. "Wait, you want to kiss me just because I asked you on a date?"
"I can give you a whole list of reasons," he said, his gaze flickering between your lips and your eyes. "And I'd love to go out with you. Friday night, Sugar?"
"It's a date, Hottie," you smiled when he leaned in.
But he didn't kiss your lips.
He brushed a kiss to your forehead, which somehow seemed more intimate.
"You had a rough evening. The next time I kiss you, I want it to because it's the right moment, just for the two of us," he explained when you furrowed your brows. "My girl deserves that."
A soft smile played at your lips as something warm welled up in your chest. He could have easily taken advantage of how vulnerable you felt by stealing another kiss, but he didn't. Even though you were into each other.
Going to see Bucky tonight was the right choice.
And you couldn't wait for your date.
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Love them. Love the whole gang. Except Richard. Fuck that guy. And where are they going on that date? Check out What Dreams Are Made Of to see how Bucky is feeling. Love and thanks for reading! 💙
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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vipetas · 2 months
ii. the radio's revival
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It was odd. Ever since that chance encounter with the Radio Demon, he’s been gracing your doorstep more often than you had expected. You were just doing your job, after all, fixing that radio of his. But he seemed to interpret that as an invitation rather than the transaction that it was.
Whether he was cursed with inexplicable bad luck or if it was simply a series of coincidences, you couldn't say for sure, at least not in the beginning. But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, and Alastor kept coming back, each time with a new contraption for you to fix, you couldn't help but come to a conclusion.
He was breaking things on purpose.
The sinister Radio Demon, with his daunting reputation and predatory grin, was breaking things on purpose. All for the sake of visiting your humble little workshop in the slums.
You couldn't decide whether to feel flattered or victimized. Hell, you couldn’t even begin to fathom what drew him back to your workshop time and again. Yet, as the routine continued, you also couldn’t deny that Alastor didn’t seem as terrifying as you once believed him to be. Gradually, you became accustomed to his presence. In fact, you even found yourself looking forward to his visits, often preparing a cup of coffee for him as you worked while he observed.
Today was no different. As you diligently worked on repairing an antique pocket watch, your attention kept drifting to the window, where sinners of all shapes and sizes strolled along the bustling street. Your keen eyes searched for a splash of red amidst the passersby, and your ears strained for the familiar sound of the bell above your door. Yet, neither sight nor sound came.
And as you affixed the final gears of the pocket watch into place, Alastor had yet to make an appearance. You glanced at the untouched, now-cold coffee cup, and despite your efforts to suppress it, disappointment began to seep into your heart.
Alastor strode through the dimly lit corridors of the hotel, his thoughts consumed by a singular objective: to find something–anything–that he could lay his hands on.
He knew it was silly. Preposterous even. For him, of all people, to resort to such childish behavior! But there was a restlessness gnawing at him, an insatiable craving for something he couldn’t quite name.
Ever since his fingers grazed against yours in that fleeting moment of contact, Alastor found himself haunted by the memory. It was as if a dormant ember had been reignited within him, sparking a firestorm of conflicting and inexplicable emotions. He couldn’t understand it, couldn’t fathom why a simple touch had stirred such chaos within his usually composed heart.
And frankly, he didn’t really care to dwell on it. To acknowledge the depth of his confusion would be to admit weakness, a notion he found utterly intolerable. Besides, there were more pressing matters at hand–like finding something to break, for instance.
Turning corner after corner, Alastor reached the hotel’s parlor, a space usually abuzz with activity. However, to his surprise, the room now seemed to be eerily deserted.
The armchairs sat empty, their plush cushions undisturbed by the weight of occupants. The grand piano stood silent in the corner, its keys untouched and gathering dust. Not even a whisper stirred the air, leaving the parlor feeling desolate and abandoned.
And then, he spotted it–the TV, perched precariously upon a nearby table. Alastor’s grin, stretched wide across his face, threatened to split his features in sheer delight. It was perfect–he had been itching for an opportunity to destroy that troublesome picture box, and this presented the ideal occasion.
Crossing the room with determination, Alastor's fingers curled around the edges of the TV, his excitement palpable as he prepared to deliver the final blow. But just as he lifted it off the table, a stern voice cut through the silence.
“Alastor!” Vaggie scolded. “How many times have I told you not to touch the TV?”
Alastor's grin remained firmly in place as he turned to face Vaggie, exchanging glances between her stern expression and the television in his grasp. Their eyes met for a fleeting moment, and then, without breaking eye contact, he slowly loosened his hold on the television, letting it drop to the ground with a resounding crash.
The impact shattered the screen, creating a spider web of cracks that spread in all directions, while the plastic casing splintered open with a loud snap. Vaggie's jaw dropped in disbelief as she stared at the wreckage before her, her eyes widening in shock. Alastor's grin only stretched further.
“Oops,” he said, his tone laced with mock innocence. “My hand must have slipped.”
The commotion of the shattered TV drew Charlie into the parlor like a magnet, her expression a mix of shock and dismay as she took in the scene before her.
“What in the–Alastor, what's gotten into you?” she exclaimed as she approached, her footsteps quickening as her eyes darted between the broken TV and the Radio Demon standing nearby. “You can't keep breaking everything in the hotel!”
Without missing a beat, Alastor's expression morphed into one of exaggerated shock and wounded innocence. His hand flew to his chest, fingers splaying out dramatically as if to emphasize the depth of his offense.
“My dear Charlie,” he exclaimed. “Accusing me of such vandalism! Why, I would never dream of causing harm to anything in our esteemed hotel!”
Charlie raised an incredulous eyebrow, clearly unimpressed by his theatrics. “Really? Because I distinctly remember you destroying the coffee machine just last week.”
A flicker of annoyance flashed across Alastor's face, quickly masked by his trademark grin. “Ah, well, accidents happen, my dear. Surely you can't hold that against me.”
Before Charlie could respond, Vaggie interjected with a pointed look. “And what about the toaster the week before that?”
“The toaster?” Alastor echoed, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly as he cast a sidelong glance at Vaggie’s direction. “Oh, that old thing was on its last legs anyways. I was merely putting it out of its misery!”
Charlie's sigh reverberated through the parlor, laden with frustration. Anyone within earshot could discern that even the seemingly infinite well of patience belonging to the Princess was beginning to run dry.
“Alastor,” she started, drawing a deep breath and folding her hands in front of her. “I know you mean well, but we can't have you breaking things every time you get bored.”
Alastor’s facade remained intact as he listened to Charlie’s lecture, although the subtle twitch of his ear betrayed the irritation that simmered beneath the surface. He had expected this reaction, of course; it was all too predictable. But that didn't make it any less tiresome.
“Oh, come now,” he responded as casually as he could. “You know me better than that. I'll have that pesky picture box fixed in a jiffy!”
“It's not just about fixing the TV, Alastor. We have enough trouble keeping this place together without you destroying hotel property whenever you feel like it.”
Suppressing an urge to roll his eyes at Charlie's admonishment, Alastor finally conceded, even as his pride bristled at the implication of recklessness. “Yes, yes, you’re right,” he said aloofly. “I’ll get this taken care of right away. You and Vaggie needn’t worry yourselves.”
With that, he gracefully knelt down beside the broken TV, his movements deliberate as he made a show of collecting the wreckage. Despite the situation, he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of amusement at the melodramatic nature of it all. It was almost comical how worked up everyone got over something as silly as a broken appliance. After all, what harm was a mere television set in the grand scheme of things?
Especially when its destruction served as a small price to pay for the chance to see the mechanic again.
Cradling the TV in his hands, Alastor straightened up and began to walk away, purposefully moving past Charlie and Vaggie before they could launch into any further lectures. Despite the disapproving glances he left in his wake, Alastor felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him–he had finally obtained his excuse.
“...and remember, if you ever need anything else, you know where to find me!”
The words slipped past your lips like a well-rehearsed speech as you bid farewell to the now-proud owner of the repaired pocket watch. Standing with your hands on your hips, you watched them depart, a swell of pride filling your heart as their delighted reaction replayed in your mind. It was always rewarding to see the joy on your customers' faces when you successfully restored something precious to them.
As they left, you turned your attention to the windows, where the dwindling daylight seeped through. It was getting late, you realized with a sigh. 
With a sense of reluctance, you made your way toward the door. It was time to close up shop for the day, despite the lingering desire to stay open a little longer. As your hand reached for the lock, preparing to secure the entrance, a sudden commotion startled you.
The door swung open with such force that a rush of wind swept into the workshop, catching you off guard. Before you could react, you found yourself tumbling backward, landing unceremoniously on the floor.
“What the–” You began, lifting your gaze to confront the incredibly rude visitor. But your words caught in your throat as your eyes landed on Alastor, standing there framed in your doorway with a strained grin and a shattered TV gripped tightly in his hands.
“Alastor, what’s–” You started again, but in the next breath, Alastor suddenly dropped the TV, letting it fall to the floor with a careless thud. 
In the blink of an eye, he closed the distance between you, rushing to your side with an urgency that left you dazed. “Goodness gracious, darling, are you alright?” He asked, eagerly extending a hand to assist you.
You felt a peculiar flutter in your chest as his gloved fingers gently enveloped yours, guiding you back to your feet. Despite the unexpected tumble, his touch was surprisingly tender, and you couldn’t help but be aware of the warmth that spread through your hand where it met his.
“It seems like you really need to work on your landing technique, my dear,” he then remarked amusedly. Yet beneath the jest, you detected a subtle tremor in his voice, and you couldn’t ignore the fact that he hadn’t released your hand yet.
As you looked up at him with furrowed brows, Alastor knew he should let go. He should, it was the rational thing to do, the expected response in this situation.
But his hand–it was on fire! Compared to the initial spark of electricity, whilst significant in its own right, this new sensation was simply overwhelming, threatening to unravel each delicate thread that wound the Radio Demon together.
Terrifying yet exhilarating, Alastor realized the immense power that such a simple gesture held over him. If he had known that such a dramatic entrance would grant him the privilege of holding your hand like this, he would've acted sooner. He would've found any excuse, any reason, to break down your door and claim your hand as his own long ago.
And at the same time, another thought crept into his mind, igniting a different kind of excitement altogether. He couldn't help but wonder about the myriad of other sensations your touch might elicit—sensations that surpassed mere hand-holding.
Time seemed to slow to a crawl as you stood there, the air crackling with tension. To say that you were confused would be an understatement. Alastor’s incessant visits, today’s sudden intrusion, the broken TV, his firm yet gentle hold–it was more than baffling.
Unable to bear the heaviness of it all, you dared to give his hand a light squeeze. “Uh, Alastor?” You ventured tentatively, offering him an easy smile. “You can let go now, you know.”
His response came almost immediately, but it wasn't what you had expected. “I know,” he said nonchalantly, tightening his grip instead of releasing it.
The smile faltered slightly on your lips as your confusion deepened. “Then… will you?”
“I don’t think so, my dear.”
“Why not?” You asked, the words escaping your lips before your thoughts could catch up.
Alastor's grip tightened again, his crimson gaze locking onto yours with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. “Because,” he began, his voice low and velvety. “I rather enjoy holding your hand.”
The simplicity of his answer caught you off guard. It was as if he were stating the most obvious fact in the world, with no need for further explanation. As you cast your gaze downward at your intertwined fingers, and then at the broken TV, lying in pieces by your door–that’s when the puzzle suddenly clicked into place.
“Hmm?” Alastor hummed, his tone laced with genuine curiosity and a hint of amusement. As he waited for you to reply, he couldn't resist the temptation to let his thumb glide ever so gently against the back of your hand. The touch was feather-light, almost imperceptible, yet it sent a tingling sensation through your skin.
It drew your attention back to him, your unsure gaze meeting his intense one. For a moment, it seemed as if Alastor was extending a silent invitation for you to delve deeper, to peel back the layers of your interactions, to speak the words that hovered on the tip of your tongue.
And with a deep breath, you gathered your thoughts. 
“I... I was just thinking,” you began, your voice steadier than you felt. “Do you... have feelings for me, Alastor?”
The question hung between you, heavy with uncertainty and vulnerability. You weren't sure what to expect, but you were desperate for some clarity. 
“Feelings?” Alastor echoed after a pause, his demeanor carefully neutral as he attempted to evade the question. “Why, my dear, I have all sorts of feelings for you! Admiration, appreciation, curiosity–”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his evasive answer, a sudden surge of frustration bubbling within you. “Alastor,” you interrupted, cutting through his attempt at deflection. “I'm not talking about admiration or appreciation. I'm talking about... romantic feelings.”
The ever-present grin on the Radio Demon’s face faltered visibly, his ears flattening against his head. It was clear he was uncomfortable–how could he not be? The very notion of romance, of allowing oneself to be vulnerable to another, disgusted him to his core. Alastor prided himself on his independence, his autonomy, and the idea of relinquishing even a fraction of that control was utterly repulsive.
But more than that, it was the sheer audacity of the question that left him reeling. How dare you suggest such a thing? Yet, as much as he wanted to dismiss you outright, a nagging voice at the back of his mind reminded him of his own hypocrisy. After all, he couldn't deny the frequency of his visits to your workshop, the way his heart quickened at the mere thought of seeing you, or the inexplicable desire to hold your hand just a moment longer.
But romantic feelings? Perish the thought! Love was a weakness, a sentiment reserved for fools, and it had no place in his world.
Alastor finally let out a forced laugh, attempting to brush off the seriousness of the conversation. “Now, now, my dear, let’s not get ahead of ourselves!” He said in between chuckles, each one more strained than the last. “I’m simply not one for such sentimental nonsense!”
Your frustration surged even further at his dismissive response, the sound of his laughter grating on your already frayed nerves. Holding up his hand, which still enveloped yours, you pressed on, determination burning in your eyes.
“Then what are we doing here?” You asked pointedly. Alastor’s gaze flickered down to your intertwined hands, his expression momentarily unreadable. But then, as if flicking a switch, he reverted to his nonchalant demeanor.
“We’re simply enjoying each other’s company, of course!” he replied enthusiastically, his thumb brushing against your hand again almost instinctively. “No need to overcomplicate things, hm?”
With a deep breath, you realized that you had reached your limit with Alastor. The frustration simmering within you had finally boiled over, and you had no interest in playing this game of his any longer.
Without a word, you tore your hand away from his grasp, a sharp movement that caused Alastor to visibly flinch. But you ignored his reaction as you focused on gathering the forgotten television set, its sharp edges digging into your skin as you collected the wreckage.
Straightening up, you returned to Alastor's side, purposefully avoiding any further contact with him as you extended the damaged device toward him. Your gaze was steady, unwavering, as you delivered your ultimatum.
“I'm closed, Alastor,” you declared firmly. “Come back when you're ready to be honest.”
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part i / part ii
thank you for reading!! and thank you to everyone who left such nice comments on my last posts. i was very surprised<3
there will definitely be a third part to this story. also, @christinebloodwrittings requested to be tagged<3
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bratzforchris · 2 months
Inked Daisies (Chapter 1)
A series
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Summary: For the past year, you've been running the flower shop that's next door to your friend, Matt's, tattoo studio. But what happens when the feelings start to get more than friendly?
Pairing: Tattoo artist!Matt x floristfem!reader
Warnings: There will be individual warnings for each chapter. No warnings in this one!
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: Soooo...my first series on here ♡ In this universe, Matt has a nose ring and his usual tattoos, plus some other tats and piercings that'll be added later hehe<3 Let me know how you like it!! 💐💐
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“Nope,” Matt shook his head as you stepped inside the shop, looking at you from behind the counter. “You can’t bring those in here.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, setting the small Mason jar of flowers down on the glass case that held a variety of glittering body jewelry. “They’re flowers, Matt. Not a bomb.”
“Don’t care, didn’t ask. Plus, they ruin the look.” Matt kept his eyes trained on whatever he was looking at on his laptop, but you could see a small smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. 
“You’re so grumpy,” You tsked, maneuvering yourself behind the counter and peering over his shoulder. “Whatcha doin’?”
Matt sighed, running his hands through his hair and spinning himself around in his chair to look at you. “This dude keeps changing his fucking design even though he’s put his deposit down. And guess what? His appointment’s tomorrow,” he sighed again, brushing a hand across his nose. “Fuck, I forgot that’s a new piercing.” 
Your face dropped into a pout at Matt’s stress. You had known him since freshman year when you had become friends with Chris and the other two triplets by extension. Although you didn’t see all the inner workings of Matt’s mind, you knew that he struggled with anxiety and stress. A particular instance at Six Flags during your sophomore year had told you that much. 
“Let’s see the design,” You offered, filling up a paper cup from the water jug behind the counter. “I’m sure there’s something we can do to make him happy.”
“What? Give him the tattoo for free and then change once it’s already on his body?” Matt raised a brow at you as you poured the water into the jar of flowers. 
“You’re such a pessimist, Matt,” You shook your head, placing the now-full jar of flowers next to his computer. “If it helps take away the awful, vile sight of big, scary flowers, these are the outcasts. Their stems were too short and a few of them are missing some petals. They’re the rejects.”
Owning a florist’s shop had been your dream ever since you were a little girl. You had been captivated by flowers since the day your granny had taken you into her expertly tended garden, leading you around and telling you all the meanings for the different plants. In a way, it almost felt like you were carrying on her legacy by owning such a dainty, girly shop that sold her favorite things. Maybe she wouldn’t have liked the fact that your shop was directly across the street from an all black tattoo and piercing parlor that just so happened to be owned by your best friend’s brother, but she definitely would’ve liked the aesthetic of your business. 
You drew yourself out of your thoughts, pulling up the chair of another piercer who had left earlier in the day. “Let’s see what we’re working with.”
Matt moved a few things around on his laptop, opening up Procreate and clicking onto a design. In your opinion, it was absolutely gorgeous. The tall oak tree in the drawing had large branches that extended outwards, but instead of leaves, the tree held clocks that were all stuck at midnight. Underneath the actual drawing was the carefully lettered sentence ‘Until Time Stops’ in swirly letters that matched the chains of the clocks. 
“That’s beautiful,” You said softly, your eyes entranced by the drawing. “It’s…wow, it’s gorgeous.”
“I think so too.” Matt mumbled, clearly more lost in his artistic mind than here with you. 
This reminded you of the nights during high school sleepovers. Chris and Nick would pass out early, leaving just you and Matt. You both struggled with insomnia, so some nights you would both stay up, pouring over the brunette’s sketchbook together while Matt explained each and every drawing in great detail to you. You had noticed that, similar to you, Matt had an eye for the natural world. You’d never brought this notice up to him of course, but you often thought about it during the early morning hours when you were doing opening duties in the shop while waiting for your employees to arrive.
“But he doesn’t like it, so it’s a scrap,” Matt shrugged, closing out the application and leaning back in his chair, eyes closed. “God, I’m fucking tired.”
You sighed sympathetically, hopping out of the chair. “I understand. I guess I’d want something I really like if it’s going on my body permanently. Doesn’t mean it isn’t annoying, though.” You acknowledged, bustling around behind the counter as you stacked papers up, put pens back in their cups, and locked the jewelry case. 
“I get that you like flowers and animals and shit, but you don’t have to do that. You’re not Cinderella. I’ll do it later.” he sighed. 
“Later? Matt, it’s almost nine,” the only reason you had come into the shop in the first place was because you had finished cleaning and locking your own store rather early and had seen Matt sitting behind the counter. “You need to go home and eat and sleep. A) You gotta be hungry and B) No offense, but I wouldn’t want someone who’s sleep deprived to be giving me a tattoo or piercing.” You joked, bumping his shoulder lightly. 
As if on cue, Matt’s stomach growled audibly, making him fidget with embarrassment, but not so much that he couldn’t open one blue eye to glare at you. “Says you. How many times have you gotten Astrids and Hydrangeas mixed up because you stayed up all night reading.” the brunette chuckled to himself, remembering the time that you had employed the triplets’ help to create a brand new bouquet less than an hour before a certain bridezilla’s wedding. 
“Now that’s not fair and you know it.” You huffed. 
“Is too.”
“Is not.” 
“Is too.” Matt insisted, smirking triumphantly once he saw you sigh in defeat. 
“You’re annoying,” You grumbled. “I like Chris much better.”
“Sure ya do, sweetheart.” Matt didn’t even look in your direction as he closed his laptop, shoving it into his black tote bag.
Something about the way Matt said such a simple sentence had you fighting your blush, grabbing your own bag that you had sat down earlier. You tried to ignore the funny feeling in your stomach, fiddling with your phone while Matt finished the tasks you hadn’t completed. “You think Nick and Chris would kill me if I brought pizza over instead of their elaborate orders from five different restaurants?” You asked, eager to move your mind away from the implication of his words. 
“You’re coming over?” Matt turned to look at you, an expression you couldn’t read on his face. 
“Nick invited me. You know we don’t see each other as much as we did when we were kids. I miss our sleepovers.” You smiled softly. 
Matt’s eyes crinkled with nostalgia. “Yeah, I remember that. They were kind of nice, I guess.”
“You guess? Wow, way to treat us like chumps. You got a girlfriend you’d rather be hanging out with or something?”
“No.” it was a single word, yet the boy’s tone changed from one of fondness to something much deeper and almost angrier. 
“I’m sorry, I…” You trailed off, studying him as he picked up his bag, trying not to focus on the tattoos that snaked down his muscular arms and connected to the chunky, silver rings on his fingers. “I didn’t mean to hit a sore subject.” Even though you two were close, you knew Matt didn’t tell you everything about his life. 
“Let’s just go, okay? I’m sure the ruffians are hungry.” he grumbled, walking towards the door. 
You scrambled after your friend, each of his broad steps equaling four of yours. “They’re not so bad.”
“That’s because you don’t live with them,” Once you were both outside, Matt turned and locked the door to the shop behind him. “Trust me, when Chris burps in your face for the fiftieth time that day, it gets less funny and more annoying. Do you have a ride?”
“...no…” You admitted. 
“Can no one in my life get their license?” Matt sighed, not even waiting for you as he started the trek to his car. 
“Actually,” You corrected him, practically jogging to keep up. “I have my license. I’m just saving for a car.”
You believed city transportation was a perfectly valid form for getting from point A to point B, but as you slid into the passenger seat of Matt’s car, you couldn’t help but to admit that having your own personal vehicle was a much nicer alternative. Matt pulled out of the parking space without speaking, but you could feel his warm presence beside you in the car. As he migrated the car through the narrow city streets, you found yourself wondering what your life would be like if this is how every single day went for you. You knew Matt would drive you home in the evenings if you asked, but a part of you wanted to keep the rare occasion of rides together just that. Rare, special, something seemingly so mundane that it was almost silly you were even thinking about this. 
Time spent alone with Matt was rare, despite working across the street from each other. Between being a triplet and your friendship with Chris, the one-on-one actions were few and far between. But for some reason, on nights like tonight, when you thought about how he interacted with you, you wished that you could make them happen over and over and over again.  
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tags ♡:  @jake-and-johnnies-slut @chrissfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxysc-blog @lovingchrissposts @caffeinatedscorpio @spencereidenthusiast @crazychrisl0v3r @sturnioloxlver @whicked-hazlatwhore @blahbel668 @sturncakez @junnniiieee07 @biggesthat3r @sturniolowhore @patscorner @julesgrl @0strawberrysorbet0 @strombolilovr @matt444nixi @remussbitch @devthepoet1221 @mattyblover07 @loisnotaa @mollyquinnxoxo @graysturns @pepsicolapussy333 @ginswife @emmagirouard @athaliahxoxo @bitchydragonparadise @ilydeaky @soggyslugg169 @m00n-0n-paws @books0fever @stingerayyy2 @sunsetsturniolos @mimi-luvzyu @raysmayhem-72 @faygo-frog @oobleoob @billsslutt @aemrsy
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Neighbors 🩵 Lovers
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Part Two
She combed through her closet while wearing her favorite grey robe, body glistening from the white peach and orange blossom body oil she put on. She pondered with a crease in her brow over two items before grabbing a pair of cream-colored pants and a cropped brown top. After getting dressed, Fae put on a faux leather jacket and some platform Uggs. She completed the look with a silver chunky chain necklace and silver chandelier earrings.
Grabbing her gifted bag and her keys, Fae left her room. She halted her footsteps in the dimly lit hall. Fae exhaled slowly and walked out into the living room. Cordell had just finished grading papers with a football game on in the background. He looked up and gave Fae a questioning look. She walked over to him and did a little twirl to show off her outfit.
“What do you think?” Fae looked down at herself and back at Cordell.
“Cute. Have fun.” Cordell said with a small smile.
“I will. Hey…I may be out a little late. Just wanted to let you know so you wouldn’t get worried.”
Cordell gave Fae a one shouldered shrug before standing and making his way towards her.
“Just text me so I know you’re alright, Fae. Don’t drink too much.”
“I promise. Don’t forget to feed Deuce.”
Cordell kissed Fae softly on the lips. Fae turned to leave and the minute she shut the door behind her, she let out a shaky breath. She made it perfectly clear to Erik that this wasn’t a date, but she took a lot of time to make sure she looked presentable around him. Fae rode the elevator down to the lobby and left the building, waiting to walk across the street.
Putting up her hand a a thank you to a taxi driver, she jogged across the street, the wind rustling her sleek hair into her face. Fae smoothed her hair behind her ears as best as she could while looking up at the signs to make sure she wouldn’t miss it. She strolled past a bodega, then a barbershop, a small pizza parlor, and finally, Haymaker Bar and Kitchen.
Fae slipped past a couple sharing a cigarette outside and opened the door. Instantly, she was enveloped in warmth. It was an intimate setting with a low ambiance. She removed her jacket and searched with her brown eyes from left to right. The further she made her way into the bar, Fae finally found him sitting in a corner booth with a few empty glasses in front of him. He wore a plaid jacket, a white T-shirt, and black cargo pants. She couldn’t see his feet until she was two booths down from him. He wore a pair of all white Nike blazers.
Fae noticed a minimal amount of jewelry— diamond studs, a gold chain—and he had on those gold-rimmed glasses again. As if he could feel her presence, Erik looked up and smirked. She waved and he stood up to greet her. Erik startled Fae by pulling her into a two-armed hug. She felt so tiny ragainst him. Her cheek pressed against his chest, directly over his heartbeat. She turned her cheek a little, the soft fabric of his T-shirt against her nose now. Fae took a quick whiff of his cologne and it smelled like spicy vanilla.
Erik released her and instantly she felt cold standing there. Fae awkwardly scooted into the booth the same time Erik did. She sat her jacket next to her and folded her arms on the table, looking around the bar. Anywhere but meeting his penetrating gaze. A waiter slipped over; a young Caucasian girl with a blonde Bob and big, doe forest green eyes.
“Can I get you anything?”
“Uhm, a lemon drop martini.”
“Okay. Another rum for you, sir?”
“Yeah, thanks.”
The waiter removed the used glasses and rushed off to the bar, almost knocking into a coworker with a tray of beer.
“It’s busier in here than usual. Must be a special occasion.” Erik said.
Fae noticed a sign on the wall.
“Looks like it’s trivia night.” Fae pointed to the wall.
Erik nodded his head, “Friends trivia. Never watched that show.”
“I did. I prefer Living Single.”
“Yes, I used to love that show,” Erik cracked a smile, “the entire vibe of that sitcom was cool.”
“Do you watch a lot of TV?” Fae asked.
Erik’s eyes looked mahogany beneath the light.
“Not really. Unless it’s sports or a movie. I’m usually reading or listening to music most of the time.”
The waiter returned with their drinks. Fae took a sip of her martini. Erik drank half of his glass of rum down. Erik caught Fae’s eye and they smiled at each other.
“How was work?” Erik asked.
“It was okay. Friday’s are always the slowest for me. I kept looking at that clock ready to go.” Fae giggled.
She drank more of her martini.
“I have two more weeks until it’s time for me to get back to work. Not looking forward to it.” Erik responded.
“Because I made a new friend that I won’t see for a while,” Erik’s lips slowly formed into a handsome, dimpled smile.
“Who? Me?” Fae questioned with faux surprise, a hand to her chest.
“No, Deuce.” Erik’s shoulders bounced with laughter at her scowl, “You’re too pretty. You’re mean faces just make you look adorable.”
Erik licked his lips and Fae rolled her eyes, giving him a dismissive wave of her hand.
“How many of those did you have, Erik?”
Erik chuckled, “Not enough to put me on my ass.”
Fae ran her fingers through her hair, twirling the ends. She looked at Erik out of the corner of her eye.
“What did you want to talk to me about?”
Erik’s shoulders tensed. He leaned forward against the table with his arms and rubbed his hands together in deep thought. That happiness in her was sure to go dark after what he was about to say.
“Maybe you should have one more drink before I say what I have to say.”
Fae chewed on her bottom lip nervously. She gave him a look with confusion.
“Erik, what’s going on?”
The panic in her voice made his chest feel tight. He let out a breath and looked her dead in the eyes. Fae held his gaze, her eyelids fluttering slightly.
“Fae…Cordell is cheating on you.”
Fae cocked her head back, staring at Erik with a scrunch of her brows. He could see her chest moving up and down from her rapid breaths. She looked as if she didn’t believe a word Erik just said. She set her palms down flat on the table like she was trying to steady herself.
He’d been going over and over in his head of how he was going to tell her. He knew telling her in person was the best option, but to witness the hurt in her eyes, he wasn’t prepared for that. What was the next step? All he could do was lay it all out on the table.
“Another drink or…? Are you guys good?”
The waiter startled them. Fae fidgeted in her seat and Erik could feel her foot jiggling beneath the table against his. He’d definitely triggered something. Fae seemed to shrank into her seat like she felt small.
“Another round for the both of us please.” Erik said.
When they were alone again, Fae looked up at Erik through her lashes.
“I saw him with another woman, Fae. The same day we went to the dog park. I was coming back from the gym and I saw him on the elevator all hugged up with another woman. Got off the elevator and something told me to look. They were going inside of your apartment.”
Fae turned away. Erik slouched in his seat.
“Fae?” Erik tried to catch her eye, “Say something.”
Fae shook her head slowly, “I don’t even know where to start,” She looked up at Erik with glossy eyes, “I can’t even believe what I’m hearing right now.”
Fae covered her face with her hands, head shaking and then came the sniffles. Erik was frozen. He looked around the bar and then back at Fae before reaching across the table to rub her arm affectionately. As soon as his fingertips touched her, she quietly weeped.
Erik’s jaw tightened and he shut his eyes. He felt obligated to hold her and tell her that everything was going to be okay. The woman he’d only known for two weeks has him feeling this way. Like he needed to protect her. Like he needed to rearrange Cordell’s face.
“Fae, I’m so sorry,” Erik said with a soothing tone of voice.
“Fae finally uncovered her face, eyes puffy and cheeks wet, “You don’t have to apologize, Erik. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I didn’t want to make you cry, Fae. I feel like a piece of shit.”
Fae grabbed a napkin and dabbed her cheeks, “I’ll be right back.”
She stood up and walked towards the restrooms. The waiter returned with their drinks. Erik ordered some shots—two each—and closed his tab. Fae was gonna need it. She was probably bawling her eyes out. Erik shook his head and blew air out his cheeks. He massaged the back of his neck, looking up to see Fae leaving the restroom and heading towards him.
She slipped into the booth seat with sad eyes. They sat in silence for a while. Fae kept her eyes in her lap while Erik watched her. She finally looked up and over at Erik.
“Is it me?” She said, “Why does this keep happening to me?”
Erik shook his head, “It’s not you, it’s him, Fae. You did nothing wrong.” Erik reassured her.
“Am I not good enough?” She let out a harsh breath, “Why can’t a man just treat me right? Why do I always have to get my heart torn in pieces?”
She rubbed her nose, a single tear rolling down her cheek. Suddenly, Erik reached across the table and wiped her tear away with his knuckle. Fae gasped at his sudden touch but relaxed when she realized what he was doing.
“I guess this is what I should expect.”
“No,” Erik spoke sternly, “Don’t settle for that. You’re better than that. He didn’t deserve you. He should be the one crying. Stop wasting your tears on that nigga. I see a woman who’s too good and too rare to be in these situations.”
Fae’s eyes lingered on Erik for a while. It was as if she were seeing him for the first time. Erik genuinely meant every single word. Would he love a chance with Fae? Absolutely. Would he love to catch Cordell slacking and break every bone in his fucking body? Definitely. He’d give anything to hurt him.
“Thank you,” She said with a soft voice, “You didn’t have to make it your business to let me know about it. I appreciate you for telling me upfront and not turning a blind eye. You’re really one of the good ones, Erik.”
Fae gave him a weak smile before pulling her eyes away, wiping more of her tears.
“You’re welcome, Fae.”
Fae looked at the drinks on the table and let out a tired laugh, “This for me?”
“Figured you wouldn’t mind.”
“Hell no,” Fae picked up one of the shots, “I need a pick-me-up.”
“Well then let’s toast,” Erik raised his shot glass, “To heathy relationships and happiness in the near future.”
Fae put on a forced smile, clinking shot glasses with Erik.
“I think I need to be alone for a while. No man deserves what I have to offer. They gotta prove it to me.”
They threw their shots back at the same time. Erik bobbed his head and tilted it in agreement.
“You are one of a kind.”
Fae giggled.
“One more,”. She picked it up, “I’m feeling it already.”
“Good,” Erik raised his glass.
They knocked it back and in unison they slammed the glasses on the table.
“Shit,” Erik screwed up his face.
“Still have this lemon drop.”
“You got it,” Erik motioned towards the martini.
He watched her drink the martini with a smirk. He could see a flush creeping up her face. She was definitely leaving there drunk.
“I would just love it if he could feel how it feels to be cheated on. If it was me, he would be crying like a big baby.”
“He wouldn’t know how to handle it.” Erik said.
“He already couldn’t handle the way you complimented me that day. He was so pissed off.”
Fae laughed and Erik simply admired her.
“Imagine what he would have done if I took you to dinner myself.”
The corner of her mouth quirked up with a blush.
“I can see him now, making a whole lot of noise,” Fae rolled her eyes.
Fae sat bad into her seat.
“Where am I gonna go? I can’t face him tonight.”
Erik sipped from his glass.
“No friends close by?”
“Sort of. But it’s so last minute. Ugh,” Fae crinkled her nose, “And I’m drunk. I really don’t want to cause a scene. If I see him right now…”
She glared.
Erik sat his drink down and leaned in to speak to her closer from across the table. He had an idea, but would she be down? She would probably think he had ulterior motives. Erik’s eyes bore into hers.
“What if you stayed at my place tonight?”
Fae scrutinized him.
“It’s all up to you. Just…here to help. I promise I’ll behave.”
Fae laughed and Erik cracked a smile.
“Why not?” Fae exhaled a shaky breath, “It’s only next door, right?”
Erik fought to contain his excitement. He gave her a once over before wagging his brows.
“Fine. I guess I’m crashing at your place tonight.”
“I guess so.” Erik said.
“I’m probably so heavy!”
Fae giggled uncontrollably. Erik put her down in the apartment lobby, holding her up by the waist when she started to sway. Tears shone in her eyes from laughing so hard. Erik could do nothing but smile and shake his head. He pressed the button for the elevator while Fae clung to his waist with her arms wrapped around him.
“You’re so strong!” She spoke loudly.
Erik picked her up with one arm around her waist so that she wouldn’t trip over her own feet. He pressed button thirteen and Fae slipped from his arm and stood on wobbly legs. His brows knitted as he watched her adjust her bra.
“Please tell me you have something I can sleep in, Erik.”
“Of course I do,” Erik held out his arm, “Come on.”
Fae took his arm and Erik led the way to his apartment. Fae took one look back at her place with a hardened expression. Erik retrieved his keys and opened the door, quickly guiding Fae inside.
“Wow, so minimalistic.”
Diesel came running out from a back room and he leaped onto Fae, barking excitedly in her face.
“Aww, he remembers me?!” Fae’s face brightened.
“Guess he really likes you.” Erik said.
Diesel wouldn’t leave Fae alone.
“Aye, back up,” Erik ordered Diesel.
He clapped his hands and Diesel sprinted back into the room. Fae chuckled nervously, walking further into Erik’s apartment.
Erik balanced himself against the wall and took off his shoes one by one, “You can keep your shoes here,” Erik pointed to a show rack, “And I’ll take your jacket to hang it up for you.”
Fae took off her boots while Erik approached Fae from behind and helped her slip out of her Jacket. She looked up at him over her shoulder with a small smile. Erik returns the smile and walked away.
“So…where do I sleep?” Fae asked with uncertainty in her voice.
Erik still had his back to her while taking off his jacket to put away. Fae’s brown eyes tracked his every move. The way his back muscles flexed beneath his shirt. His built arms and well-knit torso that she memorized from all of his shirtless gym photos. Erik looked back at her over his shoulder and her eyes darted away to look at the ceiling. The light fixture seemed to catch her interest.
“I have a guest bed. If that’s okay with you?”
Fae bounced back and forth on her toes awkwardly, “That’s fine. Thanks Erik.”
“Any time. Better here than over there with him, right?”
Fae didn’t respond. Erik turned around and caught her wiping away more tears.
“Hey,” Erik walked up to her, “No more crying.”
Fae sniffled, “I’m trying. What if…what if she’s with him right now?”
Erik’s tongue rested on his top lip deep in thought. He shrugged and his eyes met hers.
“Only way to find out is to listen, right?” Fae questioned.
“The walls aren’t that thin, Fae. I can’t hear nothing from neither one of y’all unless you’re screaming at the top of your lungs.” Erik said with a hint of playfulness.
He suddenly had a eureka moment.
“Unless,” He pulled his phone out of his back pocket, “I have a ring surveillance camera outside my door.”
Fae went very still. Her eyes were veiled with intensity. Erik went to the app on his phone for his surveillance and found movement outside of his door almost an hour ago. He clicked on the video and right there, looking guilty, was Cordell with a different woman this time. This one was a Latina with gold hoops in her ears.
“What is it?” Fae made her way over to Erik, “Do you see him?”
Erik just handed the phone to Fae. He stood there, watching her reaction. She stared at the phone intently before passing it back to Erik and walking away.
“Where I lay my fucking head, though?!”
She threw her hands up and paced back and forth angrily.
“I gave this man everything! I thought he loved me!”
Erik just stood there. He let her vent.
“How could you disrespect me like that and bring not one, but two bitches into my apartment to fuck?!”
“Because he doesn’t respect you. No man that loves and respects his woman would do some shit like that. And this is coming from a man. I know.”
Erik followed Fae into his living room. She flopped down on his black leather sofa with defeat. She leaned back into the couch, body slumped and her cropped shirt revealing her stomach more. Erik’s eyes swept over her caramel skin as he took a seat next to her.
“Why do men stick around if they don’t wanna be with the woman?” Fae questioned.
“Because of what it provides for him at the moment. Financial stability, the fact that she’s catering to him, or it could be the convenience of having someone around.”
Fae kissed her teeth and rolled her eyes, “I should know. I’ve been cheated on more than once.”
Erik couldn’t believe it. She had it all. I guess it didn’t matter how much of an amazing woman you are.
“They didn’t deserve you, Fae. For real.”
Fae blushed.
“My problem is, I like them a little rough around the edges. Should I go for a different type?”
“Yeah, a man that will love on you and treat you like a princess. Even when shit gets rough.” Erik said.
“So what about you then?”
Erik looked at Fae. He sat up straighter on the couch, his inner thoughts wondering if she meant what he thought she meant.
“Are you that good guy type? Why are you single?”
Erik’s eyes blinked away.
“I just ain’t find the right one.”
“Hm,” Fae raised a brow.
What Fae didn’t know, was that Erik is most definitely rough. Rougher and tougher than any man she’d ever been with. It’s more than muscles, it’s skill. He’s a trained killing machine. Killmonger. He had the stats to prove it.
“What? You got somebody in mind?”
Erik sized her up.
Fae gave him a once-over, “And if I did, what would you do about it?”
“I’d see what’s up. Show her what I can do.”
Fae observed him with those gorgeous brown eyes of hers. He allowed his eyes to fall to her lips. Fae turned away and stood up, fixing her pants with a wiggle of her hips and a bounce of her booty.
“I need some water.” She spoke with a shaky voice.
“I gotchu,” Erik lifted himself from the couch.
Fae followed him into the kitchen and she peeked into a small room that looked like an office where Diesel was sleeping. Erik opened his fridge and Fae was amazed by how clean and organized it was. He grabbed a bottled water and she accepted it. They stood in the kitchen, drinking water with the only light being that coming from the stove.
“I just want him to know how it feels to be hurt, you know? Like, how would he like it if I was fucking some man behind his back? Lying and saying I’m going out with friends just so I can sneak off with a man who fucks me better and has more money—”
Fae stopped herself and Erik cracked up. She took another sip of water.
“I’m just blowing steam, don’t mind me!”
“Nah, nah, keep going,” Erik motioned for her to continue while propping his arms up on the kitchen island, “So, you were saying? A man that can fuck you better and spoil you?”
“Y-yes,” Fae exhaled a shaky breath, “I mean, this gift ain’t shit to me anymore. I just wanna throw it in his face.”
Fae held up her small Louis Vuitton bag.
Erik scuffed.
“Probably a fake too.”
Fae gawked at him.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Erik said between laughs, “It’s probably not–I mean–why would he give you a fake? psst, forget I said anything. It’s the thought that counts, right?”
Fae blinked at Erik liked she’d been neuralyzed.
“You only worn it twice…doesn’t look light like authentic bags would when you first purchase them…”
Erik looked from the bag to his phone. Fae nibbled on her lip anxiously. They were back in his living room with music on in the background. Fae was sitting Indian-style on the floor and Erik was sitting on the couch. He scrolled through his phone and read the words with his eyes.
“The lettering…the gold stamping does look off…”
“Just tell me it’s fake,” Fae rolled her eyes.
“It’s fake.”
Erik sat the bag down on the table.
“At least I think it is.”
“He had an authentic box.” Fae said.
“You can buy empty designer boxes online, baby girl. That’s probably what he was waiting for. To dress it up and make it look authentic.”
Fae sighs, “I should have known. I guess I just expected him to really show out this time around.”
“Fae and Erik’s eyes slowly connected.
“That was a scream.” Erik said.
Fae laughed. She fell back against Erik’s throw rug and rolled around on the floor laughing.
“What if I just walked right in the door?!”
Fae picked herself up off of the floor and stormed to Erik’s door. Erik shot up from the couch and sprinted over to her, slamming his door shut before she could even get out.
“Move Erik!” Fae shouted.
Fae tried pushing him but it was like pushing a brick wall.
“Do you want to get yourself thrown out of here?! If you go over there it’s gonna be ugly.”
“It already is ugly! He’s cheating on me! Right now!”
Fae couldn’t leave if she wanted to. Erik was 6’3, 225 lbs of muscle. She was trapped.
“You finished? Listen, Just wait until tomorrow morning. You have the receipts, you have my word, he’s done.”
Fae tried to settle her breathing. She smoothed her long hair out of her face and walked away with her hands on her hips. Erik locked his door and kept a close eye on Fae. She sat back down on the floor and covered her face with her hands, crying again.
“I’m so stupid! I’m so stupid!”
“Stop saying that shit,” Erik joined her on the floor. He crawled closer to her, “You’re not stupid, Fae.”
Erik pulled Fae into his lap and wrapped his arms around her.
“I just want him to feel how hurt I feel…”
Erik caressed her arm. Fae tilted her head back to look at Erik. They locked eyes and something seemed to shift between them. Fae’s lips parted slightly and her half-lidded eyes were inviting him to kiss her. Erik took his hand and smoothed it over her hair.
“Erik,” Fae’s eyes dropped, “That feels good…”
She was falling asleep in his lap. Erik reached his hand over his coffee table to check the time. It was 1 AM. When he looked down at again, her eyes were shut.
“Fae,” Erik tapped her, “C’mon, I’m gonna put you to bed.”
“Huh?” Fae’s eyes opened gently.
Erik picked her up bridal-style and walked with her in his arms to his guest room. He placed Fae onto the bed and she immediately sat up. She stretched her arms above her head and yawned.
“I’m sorry, all that crying and shouting got me worn out.”
“I’ll be back with a shirt and some shorts.”
Erik left Fae alone and Diesel walked past the room, following Erik. She stood up from the queen sized bed and walked around the room until she was standing in front of one of the windows. She pressed her hand against the cool glass and looked out across the cityscape.
“I grabbed your bag and your phone…”
Fae turned around and saw Erik sitting her things on a bedside table and a folded white T-shirt with navy blue ball shorts on the bed. Fae wandered over to him and grabbed her sleep clothes. Erik stood with his arms stretched out, bracing himself in the doorway.
“There’s a spare bathroom here in the hall right next door. I keep toothpaste, floss, tongue scrapper, tooth brushes, all of that. If you wanna shower I have some soap and spare wash cloths and towels on the shelf in there.”
Erik smirked at her. Fae walked towards the door and stopped in front of Erik. He tilted her chin up at him and Fae got butterflies.
“Get some sleep. Try not to think about it. Okay?”
“Thank you again.” Fae said.
“No problem. It was the right thing to do.”
They continued to stare at each other.
“Good night, Erik.” Fae twisted her lips to fight a smile.
“Sweet dreams, Fae. I’ll shut this so Diesel doesn’t come in bothering you.”
“I don’t mind.”
“Trust me, you’ll want this shut.”
Erik grabbed the knob and as he was closing the door, he gave Fae one final wave goodbye before shutting it completely.
Fae undressed quickly and went without her bra beneath the shirt. She found a hair tie in her bag and thanked the heavens that Erik had satin pillowcases. She sat back on her phone for a while, the room bathed in darkness, deleting all traces of Cordell from her phone. She could hear Diesel pacing back and forth in front of her door and realized she hadn’t brushed her teeth yet.
Fae climbed out of bed and placed her phone on the charger before opening the door softly. She peered out into the hall, Diesel now in the living room curled up on the floor. She walked out and noticed that Erik’s door was cracked. Probably from Diesel walking out of the room. She found the bathroom and brushed her teeth. After flossing and using mouth rinse, Fae used some of Erik’s Cerave facial lotion and turned off the light.
She went back to her room and cracked the door. She tiptoed to bed and crawled beneath the sheets. Fae couldn’t sleep. She tossed and turned for almost an hour. All she kept thinking about was Cordell and what was next between them. Obviously she was going to leave him, but then he would have to move out, and she would have to tell her friends and family.
Frustrated, fae sat up and grabbed her phone again. She went to Twitter to just scroll aimlessly and try to get her mind off of Cordell. Her thoughts drifted to Erik again and she couldn’t be happier that he came into her life and at the right time. Like a guardian Angel. She found herself on his instagram again, looking at his photos, lusting over how fine he is.
The way he blocked her from leaving his apartment turned her on. Fae has a size kink and he was just the right amount of tall and build. There were a few times that evening where she thought they were going to kiss. She would have embraced it to be honest. His tongue down hee throat and his plump lips against hers. Thoughts of Erik led her back to the dark side of Twitter and to his likes.
He had new ones.
Fae scrolled through and found herself wet and horny in his guest bed. Post after post after post.
She couldn’t escape it. Each post was enough to make you get yourself off. Could she do that in his own bed? He was practically sleeping next door. Fae can’t keep quiet when masturbating to save her life. Was doggy his favorite position? Did he ever think about putting her in those positions? How big is it? Could he really eat pussy? Could he talk you through it?
If he was the complete package, imagine how Cordell would feel if Fae ever gave in and let Erik hit. He already hated him. He would probably piss himself if he found out he took his woman. That would be the ultimate lick-back. And he was her neighbor. Getting slutted-out by her neighbor while her cheating ass boyfriend graded papers all night long. While he’s doing his dirt, Fae would be too. She wanted revenge and she wanted to be petty about it. Fuck feelings.
Fae sat up and she could feel the wetness of her panties. She needed some water. There was no way she could sleep in this sweat with rock hard nipples and a dripping-wet pussy. She crept out of the room again and the door creaked slightly when she closed it halfway. Fae found her way back to the kitchen and opened Erik’s fridge, grabbing another water bottle. Without thinking, she shut the refrigerator door harder than she intended to.
Just then, Erik walked out.
He had on a white beater and tight black briefs. He had a durag over his locs.
Fae was transfixed.
“You can’t sleep?” Erik asked while scratching his beard.
“No,” Fae looked at his body, “I’m sorry if I woke you.”
“I couldn’t sleep either.”
Erik admired her in his clothes and chuckled.
“You look cute.”
Fae had a tight grip on her water bottle. Erik looked at her with worry in his eyes. He walked up to her, took the bottle out of her hand, and leaned into her.
“What’s wrong? Talk to me.”
He even smelled amazing. That same vanilla scent.
Erik pulled back slightly and he blinked at her with a perplexed look in his eyes.
“Me?” Erik clarifies.
“Yes. You’re the reason I’m tossing and turning. Not Cordell.”
Fae turned away to face the kitchen island. She grabbed onto it to steady herself.
“…Care to tell me why?”
Fae flicked her eyes towards him, “I was thinking…”
Erik waited but she could tell he was growing impatient.
“If you wouldn’t mind–you know–yeah?”
Erik looked towards the ceiling.
“Fae, ima need you to tell me what’s on your mind.”
His voice held an edge to it she hadn’t heard from him before. It was all or nothing.
Put your big girl panties on, Fae, and just say it.
“Wanna fuck?”
Erik’s eyes went round. Fae didn’t know if that was a good sign or not. Her heart was pounding.
“Uh–yes? No?” Fae asked.
Erik’s eyes became sultry but still he hadn’t said a word.
“I’m attracted to you. I know you’re attracted to me. I really wanna start some shit. And I guess…what better way than to have sex with my neighbor?”
A mischievous smirk slowly formed on his plump lips.
“So, you want me to be your sneaky link?”
Fae pondered.
“Is that what it is?”
Erik nodded his head slowly, “Yeah. Pretty much.”
“It sounds so…I don’t know,” Fae giggled nervously.
Erik smiled with both dimples.
“Wrong,” Fae said, “Wouldn’t it just be better to break up with him instead of this back and forth?”
“Fae,” Erik dragged a hand down his face, “You said so yourself earlier. You want him to feel the same hurt. Stop acting all scary and get yours.”
Fae didn’t take her eyes away from Erik. She dragged her tongue towards the corner of her mouth, fingers drumming on the counter top before suddenly, Erik traps her against the kitchen island.
“I’ll be your sneaky link, Miss Fae.”
Fae smirked naughtily.
“When should we make this official?” She asked.
“Hm,” Erik titled his head towards her face. He used the back of his fingertips to stroke her neck while his eyes roamed her body, “We can start now if you like.”
Erik grabbed Fae by her soft hand and walked her towards his room. He pushed open his door and shut it completely behind them. With her hand still in his, Erik led her over to his bed. He grabbed both of her hands and Fae sat down with her legs on either side of his. She sat back against her hands, causing her chest to thrust forward. Erik turned on one of his lamp lights so he could see her better.
She was so damn sexy. He couldn’t sleep because he knew she was right next door to him. He was not expecting her to ask him that, but he was so glad that she did. He was going to enjoy this. She deserves good dick after finding out about her boyfriend. He was so excited about it that his dick was at its full potential already.
Erik leaned forward with his hands cupping her face and finally, he pressed his lips against hers. It was electric. They tongue kissed right off the back, Erik lowering on top of her. He slipped one hand beneath the base of her head to control her movements. Fae brought her knees up and dragged the sides of her feet along his waist.
They’re heads moved from left to right, tongues reaching every crevice of the others mouth. The sound of their kissing filled the quiet room. It was the longest make-out session Erik ever had. Not once did they come up for air. Fae untied his durag and tossed it onto the bed. She used her fingers with those short acrylic french tips to grip him by his locs.
Erik loved the way she tugged on his hair. Her mouth tasted minty and her lips, although no longer covered in gloss, was soft and buttery-smooth. Fae released Erik’s hair and his locs flopped against his forehead. She molded her body more into his and her hands went over his shoulders and down his arms. She used only her fingertips. That had Erik groaning into her mouth.
Erik finally released his lips with a wet smack to look at her. She touched his face, ran a thumb over his bottom lip revealing gold slugs, and dragged her nails down his throat to gather the neck of his white beater into her fist. Lip between her teeth, she yanked him back down and they were kissing again.
His dick was on brick. The heat from between her legs told him all he needed to know. But first, he wanted to undress her. He needed to see that body in its naked splendor. He already noticed her hard nipples in the kitchen. Erik couldn’t wait to suck on them.
Fae broke the kiss this time. Erik brought his hungry lips to her cheek and now he was ravishing her neck.
“Careful,” Fae whispered, “No love bites.”
“My bad,” Erik made sure to keep from sucking her neck, “You just taste so good.”
“Erik,” Fae moaned with a hushed voice.
Erik sat up to look at her.
“Do I get to spoil you too?”
Fae chuckles, “If you want.”
Erik kissed her lips.
“So I get to fuck you and spoil you?”
Erik sat up to remove his top. To see it in person blew Fae away. She glided her hands from his chest to his abs. Erik loved the way she touched all over him. He worked hard for this body, it always turned him on whenever a woman would admire him.
“Yes,” Fae whimpered.
She sat up, flipping her hair over her shoulder before removing Erik’s T-shirt. Beautiful, round flesh with small areolas and pointed dark nipples blessed his eyes.
“I just wanna eat you up,” Erik latched onto one of her nipples, “Mm…mmmmm…”
Erik went from nipple to nipple, and the way her body shivered, Cordell couldn’t have been doing it like this. He did this thing with his lips where he would leisurely suck all the way to the tip of her nipple before using the pointed end of his thick tongue to flick it. She had the prettiest titties. The way she looked at him with low, wanton eyes had Erik hooked.
“Fuck, that feels so good,” Fae threw her head back.
Erik kissed her sternum and down to her stomach. Fae leaned back on her elbows. He was getting closer. Erik’s anticipation was strong. He hoped she’d seen the pussy eating videos in his likes. He sat up a little to drag his shorts down her body. Before he did the same for her panties, he kissed her hips, thighs, and knees.
“I want you to relax and let me make you feel good…because that’s what you deserve. I’m a show you…”
Erik used his teeth to get her panties past her thighs then he took it off the rest of the way with his hand.
“I’m keeping these,” Erik sniffed the crotch, “Don’t worry, I’ll be thinking of you every time I beat my dick when I go away for work.”
Fae gasped when Erik spread her thighs and pushed her knees into her chest. Her pussy is fat and soaked like he liked. Her clit poked out and the wetness dripping out of her reminding him of honey from a jar had Erik’s taste bubs going crazy.
“Damn…you got a pretty pussy.” Erik said.
“Thank you.” Fae replied.
Erik spread her open with his fingers causing Fae to moan.
“Can you please eat me up, daddy? Like those videos on your Twitter?”
Erik’s dick jumped. So she did see them? Perfect.
He didn’t waste time. Erik put his face in her pussy and licked. Whenever he slurped, he would gather spit and all her juicy goodness in his mouth to suck her pussy. Fae was speechless. She tired to tilt her hips away from his mouth when he found his way back to her clit, but Erik stayed on that pussy.
“Fuuuck! Oh my god,” Fae moaned,” I can’t take it. It feels so good. I don’t want you to stop.”
She was talking nonsense while Erik was too busy feasting on fat pussy. He spread those lips and used all his skills to make Fae cum. When he dragged his tongue up and down between her folds, over her clit, and back down, Fae was whimpering heavily. Like she had no control over her body. Her body seized up and she couldn’t even close her legs because Erik had her locked in place.
“Erikkkkkk!” Fae cried out.
He sat up to take a breath in but all he could smell was her pussy and it was devine.
“I’m not finished. Turn around and sit on my face.”
Fae got up and Erik crawled beneath her. She sat that beautiful pussy on his mouth again and he instructed for her to bounce her pussy in his mouth. The angle and the positon of her pussy created a new sensation she hadn’t felt before. It was like her pussy was being sucked into the tightest vortex and she was afraid to squirt in his face. Her legs grew weak from the sensation and she fell to her knees.
Erik was right on her pussy. Her entire body shook out of her control.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.”
She was a broken record. He had a way of taking you to a whole other dimension. Your mind and body are two separate things.
“Erik, wait,” Fae cried, “wait, wait, wait!”
She was too late. With a deep moan she was squirting. He licked it up. Fae climbed off and crashed to the bed convulsing. Erik sat up and he could feel her juices dripping from his chin, down to his chest. Fae curled into a fetal position and Erik watched her ride the wave of orgasmic release. He kissed up her spine as her body shook. Fae finally relaxed and when she flipped over, she spread her legs to see her pussy.
“I couldn’t stop,” Erik kissed her pussy, “I plan to eat this pussy whenever.”
“I wasn’t in control of my body,” Fae said with a tremble in her voice.
He inserted a finger with his eyes on her.
“Didn’t think I was gonna get you right, huh?” He dragged his lip between his teeth before releasing it slowly, “you got one more for me, princess, before I put this dick in your mouth?”
Fae planted her face into the bed and allowed Erik to finger her into another orgasm.
“You grip like that?” Erik pumped slowly.
“Fuck,” Fae hissed, “I’m gonna cum…”
Erik forced her to keep her legs open.
“Keep your eyes on me.” He commanded.
Fae did as she was told. He smirked at her while his fingers thrust in and out, hitting places she didn’t know could feel this good. He proved to her once again that he was a pro in bed. With the look in her eyes, Erik told her how much he couldn’t wait to bury his dick inside of her.
Erik watched her face like he was conducting an experiment on how many times he could make Fae cum. The slight tilt of his head and the crease in his brow had her creaming all over his fingers. Erik sucked her mess off of his digits and slid off of the bed. He took off his one piece of clothing and when Fae came face to face with his dick, she couldn’t believe how big it was. He could tell she wasn’t used to this. But she wasn’t a saint, so at this point, she was going to take it.
He made a come-hither motion with his fingers and Fae was on her knees. She grabbed him and her mouth fell open at how thick it is. It wasn’t too much thickness, but enough to make her feel full. Erik smirked at her when she put him into her mouth. She looked up at him and sucked as much as she could. Erik gathered her hair and shocked her when he forced her head lower. Fae almost gagged.
“I knew this mouth was gon’ feel good, mmm,” Erik licked his lips, “You’re such a pretty dick-sucker, baby.”
Fae closed her eyes and started moaning a little. She popped her lips off and jerked him with a sloppy face. Erik hooked his hands under her arms and sat her on the bed. He gripped her chin with force and kissed her while his other hand squeezed one of her titties. When he stood back up at his full night, Fae continued sucking. She was making spit bubbles with her mouth.
“Mm, stay on that tip…that’s it…good girl…eat that fuckin’ dick up.”
Fae used her hand to stroke while her head bobbed at the same time.
He had her by the hair again and more of his dick made its way past her throat. Tears welled up in her eyes. He released her and she gasped for air. It was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
“That’s my girl. You take me so well down your throat.” Erik praises.
He slapped his dick on her tongue. Fae looked up at him with doe eyes while his dick rubbed across her lips. That look alone could have him busting. He had to stop her before it happened.
“Did I do a good job?” Fae asked.
“Yes. You have the tightest throat.”
“You know what else is tight?” Fae couldn’t keep her hands off his dick. She grabbed a handful of his nuts and licked him all over.
“What’s that, baby?” Erik asked.
“This pussy.”
“You think you can handle it?” Erik questioned.
Fae gave a slight shrug.
“You’re a big girl.” Erik reminded her.
“You’re a big girl, of course you can.”
Fae wasn’t so sure about that. Erik was thick and long. She tried to appear confident, but the harder he is, the more she’d feel him in her stomach. She was already trying to register in her mind that she was doing this with him. Erik moved her towards the center of the bed and he got between her legs. He sat up on his knees and threw Fae’s legs over his shoulders. Erik had slipped on a condom that he grabbed from his bedside table.
“You ready?”
Fae nodded her head.
Erik pushed past her lips. Fae gasped. She watched as Erik spread her legs and held them up and back. He tilted his hips and sank deeper. The entire time he was lowering that big dick inside of her, his eyes were enticing, never looking away for a second. Eventually, his eyelids fluttered and he let out a grunt.
“You fit around me so good…good girl.”
Fae moaned. He was thrusting in and out slowly. Fae grabbed onto his shoulders and squeezed. Erik held her thighs back with his hands.
“Damn, baby.”
Erik’s abs flexed as he picked up speed. Fae was so wet she couldn’t believe how he felt thrusting in and out of her. It was warm and tingly. Erik’s brows furrowed and his lip was between his teeth. He finally released her thighs and drove his fists into the bed, leaning over her even more. His chain dangled on her face and he was looking down at her through his locs.
“You feel so good,” he said through clenched teeth.
Fae’s toes curled. She was hyperventilating. Erik wouldn’t let up. She tried gripping his waist but he was too strong. Her much smaller body curled beneath him while he hunched over her.
“Oooh, yes.” Fae moaned.
“You taking this dick, baby?”
“Mhm,” Fae replied as best as she could.
“Didn’t daddy tell you that you was gon’ take it?”
His words and his strokes combined was too much.
“Didn’t I? Answer me.”
“Yessss,” Fae moaned.
Their panting breaths and moans sounded beautiful. Her wet pussy and their flesh colliding grew louder and louder.
“Give Daddy that squirt, Fae. My little waterfall.”
Fae seized up beneath him. She was squirting again. It only made her wetter. Erik pulled Fae into another kiss. His dick was still inside of her, throbbing and hard.
The condom was still nice and wet when he slipped out. Fae was stretched a new hole. Erik flipped her over and pulled her by the ankles towards the edge of the bed. Fae laughed at his roughness, looking back at him while bouncing her cheeks. Erik spanked her on each cheek and then he pressed his face between and wiggled his tongue over her back door entrance.
She’d never been licked back there before. Not like this at least. He was putting his face in it. He finally came up for air and Fae arched her back from the bed. Erik rubbed his tip between her folds before he found her hole again and sank that meat deep inside again. Fae reached back to grip his thigh.
“Oh!” She shouted.
Erik grabbed her wrists, pushing them out of the way. He began thrusting. Fae could feel it all in her stomach.
“Why is it in my belly?” Fae’s mouth dropped open.
Erik increased speed.
“You know how I like it, Fae. Face down. Ass up.”
Erik smacked his hand across her ass hard.
“Baby, you’re creaming all over this dick.” Erik said, “Of only you could see this…the way my dick goes in and out…fuck…”
Fae shut her eyes and just felt. Her hips snapped forward. Erik was beating that shit up from behind. Fae couldn’t keep still anymore. The pressure on her lower abdomen was a pressure she hadn’t felt. Fae would turn from side to side, look back at Erik with weepy eyes, bring one hand back to push him. Nothing stopped him.
“Take everything I give you,” Erik grunted, “Take all this dick.”
“You’re going deep, daddy!”
“Oh, fuck—”
“Oh my god—”
“Don’t run from me,” Erik commanded.
Erik leaned over her and delivered precise thrusts to her g-spot. He gripped her throat from the front and buried his face into her neck. Loud clapping bounced off of the walls.
“I’m tearing this pussy up…squirt on this dick…there you go…got more for me? You know daddy likes it when you make a mess all over me. Daddy likes it when you give that pussy up…”
Fae did it again. She couldn’t believe it. He had a way with controlling her body. His voice and his touch.
“Spread that ass…dayum…”
He used his thumb to flick her clit from the back. Fae tried to shove his hand away.
“Move my hand again. I dare you. You won’t ever get to use your hands again fucking wit me. I promise you that.”
He spoke so even toned but it was so rough.
“C’mere to daddy…”
Erik turned Fae up on her left side and raised one leg. He entered her from the side and fucked her into the mattress again.
“Now…daddy has to cum…fu-uckkkkkk…”
He looked so damn fine covered in sweat. That big brown dick was digging her out so good. Fae pouted her lip and Erik slipped his thumb into her mouth for her to suck on. Titties bouncing, pussy open, Fae felt like Erik’s personal fuck doll.
“You just fit on my dick…been taking this shit…dammit, Fae…”
His eyes rolled shut and he lowered his head.
“Look what you made me do, bitch—”
That condom was overloaded with his nut. Erik’s hips jerked out of control for a little bit. He was still inside of Fae. She was staring at him like she couldn’t believe what they just did.
He called her a bitch. She didn’t know the effect that would have on her until now. It was the sexiest thing.
“Whew, fuck,” Erik deep breaths slowed down, “Fae…you wore a nigga out.”
Erik withdrew his hips and left to the bathroom to take off his condom and pee. Fae found his T-shirt and went to do the same. She walked as best as she could but her muscles kept spasming. When she returned, Erik was back in his briefs. Fae sat next to him on the bed. She wasn’t there for more than two seconds before he lifted her up over his lap to straddle him.
“I want you to sleep with me tonight.” Erik whispered.
They kissed a few times. Fae stared at him with this look in her eyes that said she’d do whatever he told her to do.
“Okay,” Fae tongue kissed him, breaking the kiss to look at him, “I want you to fuck me again.”
She said this with tired eyes and a pout.
“You’re tired, Fae. I promise I’ll be in that pussy again. “
They stared at each other with a mixture of restlessness and lust before kissing again for a while this time, Erik’s hands cuffing her ass and Fae’s fingers gripping his locs.
@goddessofthundathighs @theegoldenchild @hearteyes-for-killmonger @imagining-greatness @chaneajoyyy @uzumaki-rebellion @theeblackmedusa @lisayourworries @bellleame @ratedbadgal @bombshellbre95 @cecereads209 @cancerianprincess @dameshaemonique @6lack-1otus @thickemadame @thickeeparker @stinkalinkkkk @ehniki @electrixit @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @bakarisprxncess @melodicheauxxlovesfood @bxolux @sweet2krazee @bluesole16 @90sisthenew80s @ispywithmylileye @geemamii @unbotheredblackchild @nubianbabee @adoreesun @blackpinup22 @nayaxwrites @dersha89 @honeytoffee @thickianaaaa @modelmemoirs @why-wait-4-eventually @angelicniah @queenfaithmarie @soulfulbeauty19 @asweet-serendipity @aijha @novaniskye@princessxotwod@callmemckenzieee@blowmymbackout @lahuttor@momobaby227@blackerthings @kenbieee @palmstreesallday @kokokonako
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Hi, I was so excited when I saw there is still someone writing for Kuroshitsuji and, more specifically, for Undertaker (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡ since your fixed post said you're accepting requests, I hope you don't mind if I send one. @yaboisbullshit wrote something that won't leave my mind (I hope they don't mind that I have tagged them, I'm new on Tumblr and don't know the proper etiquette ╥⁠﹏⁠╥). Anyway they wrote about a scene in "Who framed Roger Rabbit" in which we have, basically, Jessica Rabbit simping over Roger Rabbit and I would love to see Undertaker, Sebastian and Ciel's reaction to some girl who is basically a Mary Sue (beautiful, smart, maybe a noble) who's Undertaker's partner and a total simp (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) like, he's just eating his biscuits and she's giving him heart eyes lol. Anyway, sorry for the long ask and thanks a lot for your writing, whether you do my request or not (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
and i would love to write it!
Undertaker's Not so Secret Admirer
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Synopsis: The Undertaker's shop is filled with odd visits, but he never expected one such as this.
It started as a normal day in the Undertakers shop, slow as usual for the small funeral parlor.
A certain earl makes his way down the streets of the late 18th-century England, a black clad butler by his side and a mission underway. The earl strides himself with purposeful intent and a will that cannot be stopped by many, but as Ciel entered the familiar establishment that day-he stops in his tracks at the sight that he catches before his eyes.
A young woman with a bright aura sits by herself at the center of the parlor on a plush couch in the center of the parlor, giving a giddy wave to the Phantomhive boy.
Not only had Ciel never seen anyone besides his own company adorning the parlor, he also had never seen the parlor fit for human company in such a way.
Ciel gives his butler companion a puzzled look, though receiving nothing but silence from the female counterpart.
The two boys stand in the doorway in stunned silence before the younger boy decides to take charge, yelling into the darkness, "Undertaker...!"
The man in question bursts through the side door, holding a platter of tea and cookies which was obviously prepared in advance.
"Phantomhive, perfect timin', make 'rself at home." He states with a mischievous grin glittering his lips.
The earl seats himself with his butler near and watching. Ciel notices that on the opposite side of the couch, the woman has now adorned a doding expression at the sight of the funeral parlors owner.
She sits with her legs crossed and her palms holding her chin, heart eyes practically bearing through her head. Meanwhile, The Undertaker giggles as he seats himself opposite to them. The young earl starts to feel as if he is witnessing a game that he was not invited to play.
The Undertaker, on the other hand, seems to be more than entertained by these ongoing events.
"I apologize for interrupting you while you have guests, however, I have some business to di-" Ciel starts, however he is quickly interrupted by the sounds of the seemingly love-struck young woman sitting across from him.
Practically squealing in her seat from excitement, the young woman seems to be giddy to speak to The Undertaker and at the notice of his silence, the mystery woman jumps up from her seat and slams her hands on the table.
"Oh gosh, i'm sorry! I've just been so excited to meet you...!" She is now leaning over the coffee table, practically soaking in the rest of personally space that Undertaker has to spare.
The Undertaker bursts into laughter at the sentiment.
"Oh god, I've just heard so much about you. They said you were good looking, but I could've never imagined how right they were," she continues, voice growing more and more smitten as she trails off.
The Undertaker cannot seem to stop his fit of laughter now.
"Actually, young master, I believe we shall leave The Undertaker to this company. It would simply be improper to do otherwise..." the butler spoke, silently guiding his master up from his seat. The earl mutters some very confused phrases on his way up out the door.
The Undertaker tilts his hat towards the earl on his way out and he watched as the young woman seats herself once again. She tries to hide her flushed expression, sipping from her tea cup once again.
The Undertaker clicks his tongue several times as he raises from his seat and heads towards the door which had been left agape. "Ahaha.. Oh dear," He says, wiping a stray tear from his eye from giggling too much.
The Undertaker leans his back against the door, closing the remaining gap between you and the outside world.
"Now, if you planned on coming here to present such a hilarious show such as that one in hopes that I would tell you about myself.. you could have just asked." His voice lowers more and more as he goes on and begins to slowly creep towards where you stay seated.
The sudden realization that all of his attention was now placed on you had you blushing profusely. You attempted to cover your face with your gloved hands, however your sense told you that he already knew how flustered you were.
You let out a nervous giggle as The Undertaker approaches you, placing one hand behind you on the back of the couch and the other on the arm of it- you were essentially trapped.
"So, my dear, what is it that you wanted to know...?"
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buckrecs · 1 year
I was looking through your masterlist and I don’t think you’ve done this au….
Bartender bucky or tattoo artist bucky, honestly idc which one you choose to provide recommendations for(if you do)!:)<3
Tattoo Artist!Bucky
masterlist | req masterlist
I did tattoo artist!bucky this time, but if you send another req I am very willing to do bartender!bucky too😉😏
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Jacks and Sunshine by @rookthorne
You were the warmth and light to Bucky’s shadows and brooding nature – a match made in heaven, and it was a miracle that a certain someone realised as much.
Soft by @softlyspector
Bucky and the reader have been together for a few months. She wants him to stay the night with her, but he’s reluctant.
fingers by @buckycuddlebuddy
you couldn’t take your eyes off of his hands. 
Sting by @adrinktostopyourthirst
TattooArtist!Bucky praising you during a session.
tattoo parlor by @alisonsfics
the beautiful artwork and craftsmanship wasn’t the only thing that kept you coming back to bucky’s tattoo shop.
american tattoo by @seventven
steve and bucky run a tattoo shop together in brooklyn. y/n, a friend of steve’s, decides to get inked. only bucky is present at the shop and he’s about to close it for the night.
inked by @buckys-black-dress
A Little Cover-up by @butwhyduh
You get a tattoo.
make it count by @serpienten
It’s cold and rainy when Bucky sees her for the first time. Within three minutes, he’s under her spell.
Starstruck Beginnings by @rookthorne
Shopping in your favourite art store with Bucky brings back the memory of your first encounter, and after so much time has passed, it was with fondness that you looked back on just how starstruck you were in his presence.
A Touch of Ink by @deamstellarus
After a breakup with your ex, you decided to move to the small town where your long-time friend Sam lives, hoping for a change of pace and starting a new chapter in your life. You were prepared for a slower paced lifestyle, quaint diners, and a change of scenery. However, you didn't expect to be swept off your feet by two stunning pairs of blue-grey eyes.
Paws and Pins by @matchamunson
In which Bucky runs into the owner of the animal shelter across the street from his shop. (Social Media AU)
Fight For You by @revengingbarnes
Brooklyn, New York. At the annual local boxing championship, Y/N is the leading medical specialist on call. It’s a whole new environment, and despite the drastic change, she loves it. Bucky Barnes is the reigning boxing champion of Brooklyn. Virtually undefeated, this tattoo artist by day, boxer by night is someone that is now fighting his way into Y/N’s head. And she’s helpless in front of his winning streak.
Skin on Skin by @navybrat817
Hottie and Sugar
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koishiro · 10 months
masterlist | genshin masterlist | upcoming anon asks
Okay I’m sorry but he’ll flat out ignore you at first,
Or at least he tries to considering he can’t stop thinking about you which will make him confused for a while on why his heart “aches” when you’re around. He doesn’t realise it but when you’re around or generally anywhere near him, he’ll subtly scuffle closer towards you and I can imagine Diluc trying his best to be in your line of sight as much as he can because that’s his way of infiltrating your mind. Every time you visit Angel’s Share don’t expect to pay for anything, it’s conveniently on the house. I can imagine he’d also want a form of validation from you (and only you) after he gives his opinion in a discussion, it makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
“Fancy seeing you here Y/n, the usual? What are you doing? There’s no need to spend your mora on such wasteful things”
…I hope you like tea,
Because you better expect to be invited to the funeral parlor “for tea” at least 3 days a week. If you’re ever walking through Liue and compliment something at a passing stall, he’ll buy it for you without a second thought because let’s be real (and these are his words exactly): - “mora has no value if it’s not spent on something worthwhile” …this man - he doesn’t realise how much of a flirt he is and is always confused if he catches your red face. He’ll also subtly court you without making it too obvious, like he’d appear at your place of work quite often with the excuse;
“the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is running quite slow today, I wondered if you’d like to take a stroll around the town with me, possibly have a look at the stalls”
This flirtatious bastard,
He’ll always think of ways to make you malfunction. You’re a regular at Angel’s Share as well?: “Ah so this is where all the pretty ladies are kept hm?”, followed by a drink he bought you. Any time he sees you walking though the streets of Mondstadt he’ll jog up to you and say: “Going somewhere m’lady? I could escort you if you’d like, maybe you’d care for a drink at the tavern?”. I can imagine Klee giggling to herself when she sees you as if she knows something you don’t…
“Sorry miss Y/n, Klee was told she can’t say anything, Kaeya made Klee promise - oh, you won’t tell Kaeya will you miss Y/n?”
Al haitham
This withdrawn boy…
He’d quite literally just stare at you from across the room until someone (Kaveh) nudges his shoulder, telling him he’ll scare you off if he continues. If you’re already aquatinted with each other he’ll most likely try and impress you by giving you book recommendations or talk about his findings at the Akademiya while you zone out and stare at his face for the next few hours. If you’re not aquatinted, he’ll saddle up to you and still give you recommendations:
“If I could just interject, herbal tea would be best whilst chamomile shall just make you drowsy, if you’d like I could show you how to make your own”
Ah yes, the cocky ginger,
I imagine he’d act like Kaeya, if he saw you strolling through Liue, Childe would stride up to you and ask if he could escort you to where you need to be with the excuse; “you can never be too careful” and this would become a habit to the point of meeting you once your shift ends to walk you back home. He’d also 100% spend his money on you no doubt, like Zhongli his excuse would be
“what’s the point of mora if I can’t spend it on a pretty girl hm?”
I hope you’re a dog person,
Because this is at your beck and call. One of the ways he shows his interest towards you is gift giving; you need a certain herb? Wait here while he goes and hunts it down for you, or maybe you need some meet? Don’t worry, he’ll quickly chase down a boar for you. And if you thank him a big smile when he delivers them? His tail could cause a tornado with how powerful his tail is wagging. Another way he shows his interest is physical affection; you’re sitting down reading a book? He’s there with his head on your shoulder, you’re both walking through town? He’s got a firm grasp on either your hand or your arm,
“what? I can’t let you wander off and get yourself lost, what would I do then? Who would hive me head pats?”
You wouldn’t even know he has a crush on you,
Instead thinking he’s just this friendly with everyone. Being an architect, no less from Sumeru, he would show and explain his ideas to you and ask for advice on what you think about them, sometimes he’ll deliver miniature structures to you that he made, for example: he once made you a wooden mobile (like a baby cot mobile) to hang wherever you please that plays music because he knew you had trouble sleeping or another time, he made you a glass wind-chime that would reflect the sun and cause rainbow rays to spread across your porch because you spend so much time in your garden. He’ll either make these as a thank you, a just cause, or he’ll make up a white lie and say it’s an experiment he’d like you to test run, always delivered with an excuse he made beforehand:
“Ah Y/n, glad I ran into you! I noticed the other day that you were struggling to keep on top of watering all of your plants so I made an automatic watering system! If it all goes well, I might start a batch of them”
-𝘬𝘰𝘪 𝘹𝘰
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archangeldyke-all · 6 months
Outlaw cowboy sevika who fell in love with a good woman or a woman she is partner in crimes with?
i'm done writing the big fic, so i can finally start doing requests again!! starting with this GENIUS idea tysm anon <333
men and minors dni
the parlor doors swing open, and a shadowy figure wanders into the tavern. behind the bar, you bite your lip, watching patrons scatter as the cloaked figure struts over to the bar, a jingle decorating every one of their footsteps as their spurs twirl on their boots.
they knock on the bar top to get your attention, like you haven't had your eyes trained on them since they strolled in. you grin.
"how can i help ya?" you ask, already reaching under the counter to pull out a glass and bottle of whiskey. you pour them a big glass and slide it across the bar, not moving your hand when they reach forward to grab it.
when your fingers meet, you gently brush yours against theirs, then slowly, slowly trail your fingers up their arm, before grabbing the rim of their hat and flicking it up.
there she is, you think as sevika's face is finally revealed to you. she's smiling just as wide as you are.
"got any vacancies?" she asks. you chuckle.
"fully booked, sorry miss." you tease. she snorts. "but maybe if you work for it i can arrange a place for you to sleep." you add on. sevika rolls her eyes as you grab two buckets and gesture for her to follow you. she does. she always does.
you wander out of the tavern and into the small side garden you tend to in your free time. shoving a bucket into her arms, you gesture at the well. she meanders over to it and begins pumping the spout until water comes spurting out. you watch in amusement as she gets sprayed and curses.
you walk through your rows of crops, harvesting a few ears of corn, a couple of potatoes, a handful of carrots.
your tavern/inn is located on the main street of a small shanty town in the middle of nowhere. the only people who travel through these parts are up to no good, so when you came to own the place after the previous owner died and left it in your name, you made a few policy changes.
for one thing, you don't ask questions. patrons can come in riddled with shrapnel and bleeding, their faces identical to the 'wanted' sketches that are plastered around town, and you simply turn a blind eye and serve them a hearty bowl of stew, fill 'em up with liquor, patch their wounds, and give them a bed. in exchange for your discretion, you've made plenty of shady friends, who often pay for their time spent in the tavern with stolen and smuggled goods like pretty jewelry, gold bars, or premium cuts of meats or cheeses.
the locals don't give you much trouble, too scared to piss off any of your friends, too happy with the imported rare goods they bring to town with them to complain about the occasional stand off or shootout.
you wander out of the garden, stopping by the small stables and greeting sevika's trusty mare shimmer. the horse whinnies at your appearance, tail swinging happily as you scratch her ears.
"hey, shimmer." you whisper to the horse. "here, baby." you say, hand feeding her a few carrots. "how much trouble'd she get you in this time?" you ask the horse. shimmer doesn't respond, too busy crunching on her treats.
behind you, sevika's hand wraps around your waist. you smile as she presses a kiss against your head.
"missed you." she mumbles against your temple. you laugh and gesture to the tavern.
"c'mon." you say. "i'll canoodle with you once these chores are done."
you and sevika spend the afternoon tending to the tavern. she distributes the water evenly among bedrooms, filling the wash bowls and pitchers patrons can use to hydrate and clean themselves.
you tend to the stew, chopping and stirring in your vegetables, adding a few pinches of dried garlic and onion powder to the bubbling pot of perpetual stew, stirring and tasting and adjusting until you're happy with how it tastes.
it's the slow season. travelers are rare in these parts, but even more so during the scalding hot summer. a few neighbors wander in for a quick drink, and the few patrons you have retire to their rooms once sevika's done refreshing them.
once the sun sets, the tavern is empty, except for you and sevika.
she's staring at you adoringly from across the bar, her chin propped up in her hand as she watches you sweep. you scoff at her expression.
"what kinda trouble'd you get yourself into this time, huh?" you ask. sevika chuckles.
"you didn't see it in the papers?" she asks.
"that train robbery?" you ask. sevika shrugs with a smile. you laugh. "you're gonna get caught up one of these days." you say as you begin wiping down the bar top. sevika rolls her eyes.
"you got no faith in me, darlin', it breaks my heart." she says. you laugh and turn off the oil lamps, before starting up the stairs. sevika follows behind you.
the second floor is where your patrons sleep, but you get the whole attic/third floor to yourself. it's a nice little studio space, two windows on either side, big enough to hold a double mattress and two sets of drawers, a few chests stuffed full with treasures and valuables sevika's brought back to you.
sevika sighs as she enters the space, hanging her hat and poncho up on two nails you'd slammed into the walls for her years ago, shoving off her boots and stripping down to her undergarments. you sit at your desk and watch her strip with scruitny, making sure she doesn't have any new wounds or scars. she washes herself down with a wet rag, sighing as the grime and dirt of her travels slowly washes away. once your sure she's not injured, you allow your gaze to become appreciative, taking in her muscular back and arms as they scrub her body down.
you rise from your seat and approach her, slinging your hands around her waist and tucking your chin over her shoulder. she sighs and leans back against you.
"three weeks is too long." you mumble against your lover. sevika hums.
"i know, darlin'." she says. you take the washcloth from her and begin to scrub her back for her, occasionally kneading and massaging at the knots and tension that riddles her muscles. she melts. "i missed you." she sighs. you kiss the nape of her neck.
"i missed you too. had me worried, you know." you mumble against her. she turns in your arms to wrap her own around your waist, gently swaying the two of you back and forth as she soaks in your features.
"i've been yours for how long?" she teases. you roll your eyes. "five years now?" she asks. you smile and nod. "and you're still worried about me? you know i always come back to you darlin'." she says. you sigh and roll your eyes. "gonna give yourself an ulcer at this rate." she teases. you chuckle.
"wouldn't have to worry if you stuck around." you say.
you and sevika have had this conversation a thousand times now. she's made more than enough in her time as a bandit for the two of you to live comfortably together until the end of time.
still, she always leaves. you don't blame her, before she met you sevika spent her entire life wandering the west, all alone, never staying in one place for longer than a week.
but then, one fateful night all those years ago, she stumbled into your tavern bloodied and battered, staring at you with a sparkle in her eyes as you patched her up. and since then, she's been circling back to you after each and every one of her jobs.
the longer she's had you, the more time she puts between her heists. you'll get her to stay eventually, you just have to be patient. but patience is hard when the love of your life has such a dangerous occupation.
sevika swoops in to kiss the frown off your lips. you sigh against her and wrap your arms around her shoulders as she slowly uncinches your corset and helps you out of your layers.
when you're both naked, you guide her to the bed, plastering yourself to her side as you continue to kiss her. tears well up in your eyes as you get your hand in her hair, and she notices, pulling away with a frown.
"'s wrong darlin'?" she asks. you hide your face against her shoulder.
"what if you die out there, sev? a hundred miles away all alone in the desert... nobody'd find you until you were just bones and dust. and i'd be here waitin' for you to come home for the rest of my life." you say, your voice wobbly. sevika wraps you up in her arms and sighs against you. you reach up to gently trace the scars littering her left cheek.
"fuckin' ruining the surprise." she grumbles against you. you blink.
"what surprise?" you ask. sevika rolls her eyes and darts forward to kiss your forehead.
"the train... it was a cargo train. one of the cars was headed to a bank, padded wall to wall with cash 'n gold. enough for a hundred people." she says. you gulp and blink at her, hesitant to assume lest you get your heart broken.
"so?" you ask. sevika chuckles.
"so, i'm retiring." she says simply. "fuck do i need to keep robbin' and lootin' for if i'm already filthy rich?" she asks. you blink at her, your heart swelling, tears falling down your cheeks as you soak in her words. "plus... i met a girl i'm hopin' to settle down with." she says, smiling shyly at you.
you let out a shaky breath then launch forward, pinning sevika to the bed as she laughs and gathers you in her arms.
"are you serious?" you ask against her. she chuckles and kisses your head.
"deadly." she responds. you melt against her, clinging to her like your life depends on it. "you think you might need a new employee here?" she asks. you snort against her.
"i can figure somethin' out." you say. "gotta work on your people skills, though." you tease her through your tears. sevika laughs and smacks your ass.
"y'know..." she starts. you pick your head up from her shoulder to look at her, and she looks away, nervous. you kiss her lips and she sighs, her anxiety melting away under your touch. "i met a pastor while i was out wanderin'." she says. "said he wouldn't be opposed to marryin' two women if someone were to give his chapel some donation money." she whispers.
you study sevika for a moment as she anxiously nibbles on her lip. "you askin' me to marry you?" you ask. sevika shrugs.
"i mean... i've already given you hundreds of rings." she says. you smile.
"you have." you say. she smiles up at you.
"so?" she asks. "his chapel's a day's ride from here. figured we could go now during the slow season, make it a little vacation?" she asks. you grin and launch down to kiss her, and sevika sighs against your mouth.
"there's nothin' in this world that would make me happier, baby." you whisper against her lips. sevika grins.
"sure you won't mind bein' an outlaw's wife?" she asks. you laugh and smack her shoulder.
"a former outlaw." you correct her. she chuckles. "and no, i won't mind. 'specially when that outlaw's as handsome as you." you say. below you, sevika blushes.
"fuck off." she grunts. you laugh.
"that's no way to talk to your wife." you tease her. sevika grins.
"you're right. 'm sorry, darlin'."
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666
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lovelyhan · 11 months
imagining jeonghan as your roommate and you're just friends. REALLY you're just friends.
friends who started going out on dates as a joke because you were both bored. friends who always call each other every night when one of you is out of town because you missed the sound of their voice. friends who sleep in each other's beds until you don't know what it feels like to be alone anymore.
jeonghan's just your friend — really, he is! so even if your heart aches with lovesickness every time he flashes you a lazy smile, you take it in stride. because jeonghan is a nice friend. a wonderful friend. you wouldn't trade what you have with him for anything else.
even for the paper thin chance that he might just be as lovesick as you are.
someone asks, "are you guys dating?" one day when you're all hanging out with a bigger circle and before you can deny the allegations, jeonghan intercepts with a calm and confident, "yes."
you think about it the entire drive home because... you're just friends, right? friends who go on dates but aren't dating. friends who love each other but aren't in love.
oh wait. that only makes one of you.
"what do you mean we're dating?" you dare to ask jeonghan once he pulls over at a red light — a frown contorting your features. "we're just friends, aren't we?"
jeonghan hums as his fingers drum across the steering wheel. "hn? we've been on at least twelve platonic dates. that counts as dating, right?"
"...when does it become not platonic then?"
he doesn't answer right away, slanted eyes glued to the traffic lights counting down until they glow green again. you don't make it a habit to figure out what goes on in jeonghan's head. you've never once won that game and you've always been a sore loser.
but right after he steps on the gas pedal to zoom past the empty streets again, jeonghan — your roommate, your confidant, your friend — smiles at you with tenderness in his eyes that's familiar and foreign both at the same time.
"how about date number thirteen?" he asks before making a sharp right that's definitely not en-route to your shared apartment. "the carnival by the pier closes at three a.m. and i know that parlor game stuffies are the key to your heart."
you stare at him for a beat longer — wondering if there's a catch. a punchline to some joke you're not quite getting.
but you've been friends with jeonghan for so long that you're well-aware that the only way you can figure him out is to not figure him out at all.
"okay," you respond coolly, trying to keep your heart from bursting when you place your hand on top of jeonghan's from where he firmly grips the gear shift. "you better make up for not buying me one of those ikea sharks."
jeonghan snorts. "hey! blåhaj is out of our budget!"
jeonghan's a good friend. the best friend you could ask for, really. but the morning after he takes you to the midnight carnival, you're glad to know he's an even better boyfriend.
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joeyalohadream · 15 days
Clegan prompt modern au Buck interacting with animals and Bucky’s reactions.
This one's for @coastiewife465 ! Thanks for the prompt, I enjoyed writing it! Hope you enjoy reading it!
Word Count: 1035 (read below the cut for Buck and a kitten!)
“I’ll just wait out here,” Gale tells him, hands in his pockets as he eyes the overcrowded food court through the large glass window.
Bucky hadn’t considered that the ballgame at the stadium across the street starting in hour would make this place so busy when he’d placed his pick-up order for their favorite Chinese spot.
“You sure?” Bucky asked, though he himself wasn’t looking forward to muscling his way through all those people either. “Might take a while if they’re backed up.”
“Yeah, I can’t with all that,” Gale waves his hand, gesturing to the food court and shrugs. Bucky nods, understanding completely. “Think I’ll walk down that way and check if Scoops is busy.” He points down the strip mall sidewalk.
Bucky smirks. “Buck, I’m literally going in there to pick-up our dinner, which is way too much Chinese for two people and you’re going to go get ice cream?”
Gale rolls his eyes at his scolding tone and meets his eyes with a comedically defiant look.
“I like ice cream,” he says as if that justifies it.
A laugh escapes Bucky and he shakes his head. He fists the front of Gale’s t-shirt and pulls him into his space, presses their lips together for a brief moment before releasing his shirt and pushing him away gently in the direction of the ice cream parlor.
“Go get your ice-cream, sugar,” Bucky tells him with a smile, chuckling when the pet name earns him a glare. “I’ll text you when I make it off the battlefield in there.”
“My hero,” Gale drawls out to him before he turns away. Bucky sighs and watches him walk away for a solid minute before entering the food court.
After two ignored texts, one unanswered phone call and a glance into Scoops, that he sees is not busy but doesn’t contain his favorite blue-eyed ice cream lover, Bucky is annoyed. It took forever to get the food and now it’s getting cold.
He looks up and down the strip mall walkway and then glares against the sun until he can see his truck clearly in the lot. No Gale.
Huffing out a sigh he tries to call him again and starts walking back toward the food court. Maybe Gale had tired of waiting for him and braved the crowd after all. Movement to the left draws his attention and he stops to take in the large, colorful bird behind the window of a pet store. The bird stretches out both wings as Bucky watches and he can’t help but think Gale would’ve thought it was pretty.
He narrows his eyes at the thought and walks closer to the window, leaning forward to peak inside.
And there, just inside and sitting in a chair in the middle of some kind of waist-high enclosure is his missing boyfriend. Shaking his head, he uses the hand not carrying their rapidly cooling dinner to push the door open and walks straight up to the edge of the little make-shift fence.
He’s ready to scold the younger man for not checking his phone and making him search for him but his thoughts come to an abrupt halt as he takes in the scene in front of him.
Gale hasn’t even noticed his arrival, too preoccupied with the tiny white kitten sitting on his lap and looking up at him with eyes blue enough to rival his own. He’s using two long fingers to scratch under its chin and Bucky can see his lips moving but can’t make out the words he’s speaking to the animal.
What he can make out is the dimple on his cheek and the lines by his eyes that indicate he’s smiling one of real genuine smiles. His shoulders are relaxed as he uses the hand that’s not occupied with chin scratches to stoke down the kittens back.
Gale hunches over and places a kiss to the animal’s tiny head and Bucky has a really bad feeling that he came down here to pick up dinner and he’s going to be leaving with a kitten.
He clears his throat and then feels a little guilty when Gale startles. But then that gentle smile is directed at him, and he knows he’s got a dopey look on his face as he looks into those blue eyes.
“Who’s your friend Buck?” He teases.
“She doesn’t have a name,” Gale answers him, eyes shining. “Yet.”
“Gale,” Bucky’s starts with a warning tone, but then Gale’s eyes get bigger and somehow brighter, possibly even bluer and he’s so damn cute that Bucky already knows he’s going to take this damn cat home.
And Bucky wants to tell Gale that the apartment is technically his and Gale just moved in two days ago, and that neither of them know anything about cats, and that their schedules are so hectic they don’t really have time for a pet.
He doesn’t tell him any of that though because Gale picks the little animal up in one hand and holds it to his chest and says, “Please, Bucky?”
Gale never asks for anything really, so instead he sighs and says, “Okay, Buck.” And the smile he gets in return makes him want to melt into the floor.
An hour later, after so much damn paperwork, Bucky holds the door open for Gale and they walk out of the pet store. Bucky’s holding their now probably ruined dinner in one hand and a tote bag full of essentials for cat ownership in the other while Gale holds a small carrier containing their new roommate.
“Come on,” Bucky tells him and moves to start towards the truck. “We’ve still gotta get cat litter and all that shit somewhere on the way home and I’m starving.”
He doesn’t hear footsteps behind him though and when he turns Gale hasn’t moved and he looks conflicted, sheepish. Bucky takes the few steps back to him, concern pulling his eyebrows down.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
Gale’s cheeks turn red, and he brings his free hand up to rub the back of his neck.
“I, uh, I still really want ice cream,” he says, and Bucky loves him so much it hurts.
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ickadori · 7 months
[summary] kisaki meets someone a bit more organically than he had intended to.
[cws] fem reader -> reader is a mother (the son is named ‘ren’). mentions of an abusive relationship. abuse towards reader. mild violence. allusions to cannibalism. unedited.
[notes] this was in drafts since sept and i actually hate it now but i didn’t wanna delete bc he’s my first luv ^.^ ending is thrown together heh!
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Kisaki believed in meeting people organically — he considered himself a bit of a romantic.
Dating apps weren’t an option for him (even if he wasn’t on every criminal watchlist available he still wouldn’t go that route - it screamed desperation, and he liked to be quiet with his) and he had turned down every offer of being ‘set-up’ on blind dates after he had given Hanma a reluctant ‘yes’ and ended up sat across from a coked up, wannabe model that dropped dead of an overdose before the appetizers even hit the table.
It was a bit hard to meet people naturally when you rarely interacted with the public, and when you did, it was because a few big name heads needed to roll. He couldn’t exactly go out to mingle just after taking a handsaw to a man’s neck—you had to be in the right headspace.
He had looked inward at first, scoured his payroll and checked out each and every name listed there. He would never get involved with anyone working directly under him (work and pleasure should never mix, after all) but extended family members were fair game, or so he had thought, before he had realized just how fucked up the people he had working underneath him was, along with their families. Prostitutes, convicts, plebes riddled in debt and holding cans on street corners to try and afford it, losers spending all their measly paychecks in pachinko parlors and whorehouses.
Kisaki had standards, and they didn’t come close to fitting them.
Back to the drawing board.
A white cloud of air leaves his mouth as he sighs, hands slipping into the pockets of his wool, trench coat as he steps out of the driver's seat of the car. He moves to head into the lobby of his office building, gaze quickly sliding over to the kid standing near the entrance before immediately disregarding him.
“Hello, Sir.” He’s greeted with a deep bow, and a dark brow quirks up as he turns his head to look at the boy. He stops, eyes taking in the way he shivers in the cold from his lack of coat, coupled with the ratty t-shirt, gym shorts and sandals.
“I don’t have any cash on me. I’ll send someone back down with some.” He goes to move around, only for the kid to shuffle in front of him and block his path. Kisaki has half a mind to plant his foot in his stomach, but bites down the urge and instead grips the kid’s shirt and wrangles him off to the side.
“Wait! I-I don’t need your money! I need your help!”
“Do you see a badge on me? Go to the police station.” He chuckles as he says it. He usually tells people not to go to the police station. “I can’t help you.”
“I can pay you.” The kid goes into his pockets and brandishes two fistfuls of coins, and Kisaki takes a good look around the dark, empty streets, trying to catch a glimpse of Hanma because this has to be one of his stupid ideas of a joke. “I need your help, Sir, please. My dad—”
“If a man can’t help himself he’s better off dead.”
“—keeps hurting my mom.”
The coins rattle due to the trembling of the kid’s hands. “What’s your name?”
“How exactly do you think I could help you and your mother, Ren?”
“Kill him.” Ren looks him in the eyes as he says it, and Kisaki hums. Kids are stupidly brave, he thinks. No older than ten and he goes to elicit the help of a random man that he doesn’t even know—
“Do you know who I am?”
“Yes. I…” Ren looks around, unsure, before he’s squaring his shoulders and meeting his gaze again. “I’ve been stalking you! And I saw you kill people with that really tall man so I know that you do it!”
“You didn’t see me do anything like that so don’t ever say that again. Do you understand?” Kisaki should probably toss the kid over a bridge or something - kids had big mouths, and he didn’t need to be brought down by some hobo child who blabbed his mouth to the cops - but he had always had a soft spot for children.
“Yes, Sir.” Ren’s speech was starting to get hard to decipher, his trembling reaching an all time high as his lips turned blue, and Kisaki sighed as he slipped his arms out of his coat, leaving him in a white button down and suspenders.
“Put this on before you freeze.”
Ren pointedly looks down to the coins in his hands, and Kisaki juts his chin to the side, signaling for him to just toss it down onto the street.
“B-But I saved this for two months for you!”
“Just throw it.”
“But it’s money!”
It’s mostly yen coins mixed in with a few 10 yens, and Kisaki sets his mouth to tell him it’s nearly worthless, nothing worth holding onto, and that he could just barely afford a few lollipops, much less an assassination, but he just sighs out through his nose and lets the kid dump the coins into his hand. He pockets it, trying to remember the last time he’s had loose change in his possession, and hands off the coat to Ren who quickly puts it on. It drapes him like a blanket, the arms too long and the hem of the coat dragging along the ground, and Kisaki sighs again.
“Get in the car so we can get this over with.”
“This is your place?”
“It’s a shithole.”
“It is.” Kisaki agrees as he cuts the engine, eyes taking in the dilapidated apartment building. He’s seen many like it, but this one might just be the worst. A small section of the building looks to be burned, as if a fire started in a unit and took out a few apartments and no one ever bothered to repair it.
There’s loiterers lingering all around; teens looking to get into trouble, or maybe looking to stay out of whatever trouble is in their homes, junkies scratching at themselves as they pace back and forth, and hookers in dark corners with their johns.
“That’s what my mom calls it.” Ren continues. “She says we’re gonna move one day. She’s been working a lot to save up money.”
“Where does she work?”
“She won’t tell me.”
“Stalk her like you did me.”
“But that’s bad.”
“So you can do bad things to me and not her?”
“Well,” he shrugs. “You’re bad.”
“I guess I am.”
Kisaki opens the middle console and bypasses the gun stashed inside, inside pulling free the pair of brass knuckles and slipping them into his back pocket. “Does your father have a gun?”
“No, they’re illegal. The officer at my school says so.” Ren peers into the console and goes wide-eyed at the sight he sees.
“How big is he?”
“Really big—bigger than you.”
“Where does he work?”
“The… um, the lumber yard.”
The aluminum bat that he keeps under his seat is pulled free, and then he’s signaling for Ren to get out of the car as he steps out into the cold himself. They join at the front of the car, and like bees to honey, a few women who look as if they’re standing on their last leg make their way over to him, dollar signs reflecting in their irises as they take in the sports car he’s just gotten out of.
“Which apartment is yours?”
“It’s this way.” Ren sets off in the direction in which he pointed to, and Kisaki holds up a gloved hand to the women steadily approaching, stopping them in their tracks as they huff and send him scathing looks.
They’re heading in the direction of the apartments that had been burned down, and Kisaki considers offing the father and the mother and just dropping the boy off at one of the orphanages that actually give a shit about the kids in their care. Killing the dad would stop the mom from getting her head knocked left and right, but it wouldn’t fix their problems. Few people had what it took to pull themselves out of a hole like this one, and the woman was clearly lacking a few vital things up top to have ended up in this predicament in the first place.
“Goddamn fucking bitch. Where is it?!” The near snarl brings Kisaki out of his thoughts, and he reacts in time to snag ahold of Ren’s shoulder when he tried to dash for the apartment. A heavy smack sounds seconds later, followed by the sound of furniture and glass breaking, and another sigh, this one heavier, leaves him as he leans the bat against the wall and starts rolling up his sleeves.
“What the fuck am I doing here?” He mutters to himself, crisp sleeves rolling back to reveal toned, bronze arms. The muscles in them flex as lithe fingers wrap around the handle of the bat, and he rolls his shoulders once before taking a step back, raising his foot, and slamming it right below the lock.
It’s been a while since he’s done a house call, but he adjusts quickly. He rushes in —best to catch ‘em before the shock of the door bursting in wears off— and lays eyes on two people, a man and a woman. He aims low and hits a knee, and there’s a crunch that makes his eyebrow twitch and a scream that brings forth a wave of amusement.
The man stumbles, face screwed up in pain and spit and curses flying. He’s built like a brick house, and the physique reminds him of a certain taxing restaurant owner, so he swings the bat again, this time cracking a few ribs and sending the man sprawling down to the floor.
A floorboard creaks behind him, and reflexes kick in as he swings before he looks. A soft gasp and a shout of ‘Sir’ makes him stop just in time, and he turns to see he was about 3 centimeters away from caving the woman’s face—oh.
Even with the budding bruises, the haggard clothing, and the teary, snotty face, Kisaki has to blink twice and bite down on his tongue to make sure he hasn’t died and somehow snuck his way into Heaven—disgustingly cheesy, he’s aware, but he’s a romantic, you know, and the sight of you is enough to ignite something inside him that had been extinguished for quite some time.
He takes in a slow breath, and the tepid, stale air of this should-be-condemned apartment feels like a breath of fresh air, and he knows what this feeling is. He had felt it once, back when he was young and full of a puppy love for a woman that could just barely stand the sight of him.
He should leave, go back to his office and send a cleanup crew to get rid of all the loose ends. He had thought he wanted another woman to send him up in a tailspin, but there were too many variables, too many things that he couldn’t control, too many things that he couldn’t predict, and he was starting to run out of people to kamikaze box trucks for him when relationships went awry.
“Mom!” Ren runs to you, and you wrap him up in your arms, eyes warily watching Kisaki as you try and gauge his intentions.
“I-I don’t have what he owes you.” Ah.
“He doesn’t owe me a thing.” He forcefully drags his eyes away from you to instead look at the writhing man on the floor. Kisaki lifts his foot and settles it on his midsection, grinding the heel of his shoe against the protruding bones. “But I’m sure he owes someone, so I’ll settle the debt for them.” He looks back to you, and a clammy hand tightens around the handle of the bat. “Unless you have any objections...”
Your eyes flicker down to your child’s father, eyebrows scrunching together as you hold Ren tighter, and Kisaki pleads in his head for you to give him an answer that’ll snuff that flame you lit right out.
Ask me to spare him. Tell me how he’s not a bad man, even though he beats you black and blue and forces your son to seek the help of random men in the middle of the night. Cry that you love him. Make me hate you—
“Just... just don’t do it here, please. I don’t want him to see.”
“Of course.”
Ah, hell.
Kisaki guesses this is as organic as it’s going to get.
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octuscle · 14 days
New Car
Peter was aware of how stupid it was to meet with the seller of the car. It was an almost new BMW M3. The car was still going to cost over USD 100,000.00. That was way out of his budget. But there was something that appealed to him even more than the car itself. In a photo, the owner had been reflected in the car's freshly polished paintwork. And Peter couldn't get this reflection out of his head. You couldn't see much. But what you could see was muscular, tattooed and wearing a shiny Adidas tracksuit. Peter couldn't get this image out of his head for the life of him. So he dialed the number given. And when he heard the voice on the other end of the line, he got a hard-on. It was churlish English with a heavy Arabic accent. Peter was actually on the phone to one of his favorite wankers. Bloody hell! He tried to act as cool as possible. He tried to ask a few questions that feigned competence in the direction of sports cars. He was trying to come across as cool and chavvy as possible. He probably sounded more than ridiculous. But the two of them arranged to go for a test drive. After the salesman hung up, Peter urgently needed to go to the bathroom. And have a wank.
The appointment for the test drive was on Friday evening. Peter took the bus to the address given, which was located in a suburb with a bad reputation. There was garbage on the streets. There was graffiti on the walls. But the cars parked on the street were in many cases like something from another world. Expensive, high-powered cars, perfectly maintained. And he was leaning against one of them. The prototype of an Arab chav who spent too much time pumping iron and in the tattoo parlor. Peter had to make sure his erection wasn't too obvious. The guy introduced himself as Ibrahim and greeted Peter with a fist bump. He said that Peter wasn't allowed to smoke in the car and offered him a fag. And instead of saying that he didn't smoke at all, Peter gratefully accepted the fag, took a light and walked around the Bavarian beauty, trying to look as professional as possible. "Shit, dude, what's that on your pants?" Damn, Peter must have sat on a piece of chewing gum on the bus. "You're not getting into my car like that," growled Ibrahim. He opened the trunk, took a pair of training pants out of a sports bag and threw them to Peter. "Seriously?" asked Peter. "Here, on the street?" "Either that or you can fuck right off again." So Peter took off his shoes and trousers, put on the tracksuit bottoms and then his…. Nike sneakers??!?!???! He wasn't wearing sneakers. Ibrahim threw him the key. "Come on then, brother. Fall in love with my baby!" Peter sat down and tried to start the engine as cool as possible. When the 510 horses howled, he winced. Ibrahim grinned. "Yes, you have to get used to it. But you will. Go on, drive towards the highway!" The car was hell. An untamed beast. Peter's forehead was covered in sweat. "Come on, old man! Step on the gas!" And Peter stepped on the gas. The speedometer showed 140 miles per hour. Damn, that would cost him his driver's license. And Ibrahim calmly started a conversation about soccer. "Of course Galatasaray will win the championship again this time!" Peter heard himself say and stepped on the gas once more. The BMW was power and strength pressed into leather and steel. He loved the car. As if remote-controlled, he chased the car first along the highway and then at far too high a speed along the arterial road towards the city center. The sleeve of his jacket stretched across his biceps as he wrenched the steering wheel. Ibrahim pressed himself into his sports seat. "Hehehe, you and the baby make the perfect unit!" "Dostum, ne düşünüyorsun? Gerçek Türk erkeklerinin kanında petrol vardır." replied Peter. No, not Peter, Sinan! Ibrahim turned up the music. Syrian gangster rap. Just the right thing to cruise along the city center boulevards now. it was a warm evening. Ibrahim opened the glass roof. He let his mighty biceps hang out of the open window. The boys and girls looked respectful, envious or disgusted when Sinan revved the engine. But in any case, they looked: Who gives a shit, they had the coolest car, they were the cool guys with the biggest muscles. "Dude, get some cigs and then change drivers," said Ibrahim Sinan. And Sinan headed for the nearest kiosk.
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Sinan would never be able to afford such a car in his life. Even though he was number two in the gang behind Ibrahim, his place was usually in the passenger seat. But fuck it, Ibrahim was his boss and he followed him through rough and tumble. Ibrahim's hand missed the stick of the gearshift. But he caught something that was at least as hard. Shit, if he cums on the leather, Sinan would spend the whole morning cleaning the car again. But it was worth it.
Pics by @ki-kink
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