#the only categories not on here are plays and poetry
yarrystyleeza · 4 months
𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐚'𝐬 𝟐𝟐𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫!
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Well, as the title suggests, I am turning 22 on January 30th (yes I can't believe it either), and it's a very very special number to me, I was obsessed with it since I was a kid—because of Taylor Swift's 22 of course (you have no idea how happy my inner child is now!).
However, I thought I should celebrate this very important event with you by hosting my second sleepover! (honestly I was planning to make this a double sleepover if I hit 300 followers before my birthday, but since I didn't, I really had to host a sleepover)
As usual, my sleepover will host games, questions, asks, and definitely, requests!!! <3
The sleepover will be a week long, from January 30th till February 6th, where you can submit asks and requests!
Note on prohibited things that I won't be doing or answering:
No nsfw/dirty asks, writing requests or questions, it's uncomfortable for me sometimes, and this is an all-ages-friendly celebration. No further elaboration, please respect this. <3
Here's a list of the games we can play:
Kiss/Marry/Kill: you give me three characters and I will sort each one in one of these categories! (make it hard for me)
Would you rather: you give me two things/characters and I get to choose one that suits me better! (for example: night owl or early bird?)
Make an assumption: you literally make an assumption about me and I either prove it or deny it!
Never have I ever: you ask me about things I did or didn't do!
Exchanged Ships: basically, you give me a character that you find as my significant other, and I will give you a character in exchange and why I think it's the perfect character for you!
Random Q&A: you can ask me about anything, whether it's my favorite food or even what fabrics do I prefer to wear, ask whatever you want!
Girly Talks: just talk to me about any girly topic you want and we'll establish a good conversation! Let's talk about books or authors, favorite poetry pieces, maybe movies we loved in our childhood, or even your favorite outfits back when you were a 10 year old! Literally anything!
Rate My Music Taste: give me a song/artist and I will rate it from 1 (absolute flop) to 10 (total banger)! — (this is absolutely done just for fun).
I Wanna Write You A Song: start with a phrase and we will make a totally original song together in the reblogs!
Doodles: give me something simple to draw!
As for writing requests, I will be taking fluff/angst/violence (blood and gore—due to the nature of the characters I write for) x female!reader requests only. But of course you can request the prompt you desire. <3
As for the characters, here's a list of the fictional men that I would be writing for:
Matt Murdock/Daredevil
Foggy Nelson
Tristan Thorn
Michael Kinsella
Henry (from Eat Locals)
Daryl Dixon
(might consider writing for other Charlie Cox/Norman Reedus characters. example: Ian Hamilton, Owen Sleater, Scud, Murphy MacManus, etc.)
You can ask for prompt included in this list or ones you come up with yourself:
intimate moments / gestures that make me feel love / romantic rainy day prompts / gentle things that make me fall harder in love / fluffy comforting/sick dialogue prompts / lighthearted first kiss prompts / sparring prompts / forced proximity prompts / date prompts masterpost /
Note that I will be tagging the fic requests with #yuna's 22 birthday sleepover so they're easy to find, but they will be sorted in my main masterlist as regular requests! <3
tagging my moots to spread the word sorry for being a little too annoying hehe (and I tried to tag as much as possible but my memory is messing around with me I'm sorry if I forgot anyone): @v4leoftears @remonemo @fizanotfeeza @bunmurdock @bellaxgiornata @kal-0n @1988-fiend @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @floral-charlie-cat @farfromstrange @babygirlmurdock @mattmurdocksscars @itwasthereaminuteago @c-mrdck @xxeycisxx @loveroftoomanyfandoms @mindidjarin @little-miss-dilf-lover @shiorimakibawrites @tongueofcat @marytheweefrenchie @chvoswxtch @devilsmurdock @galaxies-and-moons-and-cox @acharliecoxedfan @folkloreandfall @murdocklorian @munsonownsmyass @abbyhaslongshorts @murc0ck @lazyxsquirrel @theradioactivespidergwen @xxdrixx @saintmurd0ck @softasawhisper @she-likesorchids @peterman-spideyparker @mattmurdocksstarlight @amberlynnmurdock @courtforshort15 @saltedlays @importantnightwerewolf @lene-loki
That's basically everything I have for my birthday sleepover, feel free to submit requests and games! Thank you for coming to my sleepover tonight! <3
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anarchywoofwoof · 6 months
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Hello, Thank You For Being Here (Pt. 2)
backups: bluesky | neocities
in just a few short weeks, it will be a new year, so why not a new pinned post. old pinned post can be found here.
for those of you who have never visited my blog and for those who have been following me over the last few months, welcome to the jungle, baby.
my name is biddy. that is a nickname that i earned by being known for accidentally pushing the wrong button at a previous job... many... many times. my pronouns are literally whatever i do not care. by default, i go by he/him/his but feel free to use whatever floats your canoe.
here's the rest of the basics:
Name: Biddy [nickname]
Pronouns: Any [default: he/him]
Age: 33
Relationship Status: Taken [@thatcrazywitch]
Political Affiliation: Anarchocommunist
Occupation: Technology
Hobbies: Writing, Poetry, Graphic Design, Digital Archival, Movies & Television, Video Games, Photography, and many more.
Neurodiversity & Health: ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, Contamination OCD, Depression, Dyspraxia, Chronic Fatigue & possibly EDS (undiagnosed, suspected)
if you fall into one of the following categories, do not interact with my blog or expect a fair amount of hostility, as well as a report + block:
Science Denier (Anti-Vax, Climate Skeptic, Flat Earther, etc.)
Intolerant Religious Zealot (Hardline Christian, Hardline Muslims, Hardline any religion, etc.)
here are some things that you can expect to find on my blog. tagging is an ongoing work in progress, but you will consistently find the following posts in my archive:
My thoughts and various ramblings: #text, #bork bork thoughts Ask Responses: #borking back Tumblr/Blog related: #meta My dog: #sweet princess peregrine Other dogs: #anarchodogism Cats: #cats on the bork blog Movies/Television: #borking at the movies, #movies Anti-Capitalist sentiment: #fuck capitalism, #anticapitalist, #anticapitalism Anarchoposting: #anarchy, #anarchism, #anarchist OC Graphics: #oc, #learning photoshop through play OC Poetry: #oc, #poetry, #poetry on main Non-OC Memes: #memes, #not oc Wholesome Posts: #happy borks if i fail to tag something appropriately or reblog from someone detestable, please message me or send me an anonymous ask and let me know. do not reblog my posts with passive aggressive tags or comments. you will be publicly addressed as a nincompoop and then blocked. this is the only warning i will give.
my sense of humor is also very deadpan/sarcastic, so please forgive me ahead of time if i make you feel unwelcome. feel free to reach out and chat or send asks if you feel inspired to do so. i love every one of you, and thank you for visiting.
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random RL headcanons: game night edition
Mia is weirdly and inexplicably good at charades/any similar games. just anything to do with abstract communication. Poetry With Neanderthals is a personal favorite of hers.
(silly OC addition: Mia and Caldwell have a game they created for parties that's essentially just an alternate version of charades. Caldwell, who is cursed and cannot speak coherently, draws a prompt from a hat, and has to try to explain it. the audience is split into teams and attempts to guess the prompt. Mia, who is an expert at interpreting Caldwell's speech, is usually barred from playing (the exception being themed rounds where the theme is outside her specialties) and acts as a judge/curates the prompt list)
Angie is both very, very good and very, very bad at Monopoly Cheater's Edition. seems to get better the more she's had to drink, of course. gets caught cheating 90% of the time, but usually manages to pull off something insane near the end of the game.
Bela is surprisingly killer at games like Cards Against Humanity. nobody ever expects her to play the cards she does, no matter how many times they've played with her. equally an expert at games where having a good memory comes in handy.
Cassandra excels at games of deception, trickery, and mindfucks. playing a game like Werewolf with her is honestly insane. will attempt to "seduce" (i.e. distract) players she thinks are close to figuring her out. she's also decent at trivia games, but likes to narrow down the categories if the other players are cool with that.
Dani mostly likes chill, shorter games (the kind where you can play multiple rounds in one sitting), especially card games. I can see her enjoying Here To Slay, Muffin Time, and Happy Little Dinosaurs. on a semi-related note I think she low-key went through a magic trick/sleight of hand phase, but these days she doesn't usually do tricks unless she's had a couple drinks and someone brings it up.
Miranda prefers 1v1 games... on the rare occasion where someone (*cough* MC *cough*) convinces her to play. she's decent at actual chess, but is prone to starting out overconfident, only to end up getting flustered towards the end because she overthinks her moves. do not play checkers with her. she will win. you will lose. you will lose by an embarrassingly large margin.
Alcina is only slightly more interested in games than Miranda, and usually uses them as an excuse to socialize. likes big group games where there are opportunities to chat with other players while someone else makes their turn. probably plays the kinds of games that I've seen on TV a lot (classics like Mahjong) but don't personally have enough experience to talk about.
Donna kicks ass at pool, but almost never plays. you (and Angie) would have to talk her into it. totally worth it tho, because she'll have a lot of fun, especially if you're on her team and let her "show you the ropes". if you catch my drift ;) aka that thing where she'll lean a lot of her body against you, her arms alongside yours, helping move you into position. that thing tv shows/movies do to increase sexual tension between two characters.
Mia is also unfairly good at darts. it's honestly really attractive.
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Hello everybody, it's that time once again! Send in short stories, novellas, and short story collections and we will see whether tumblr has read them!
Going over some general rules again first:
Submissions will stay open until Tuesday. Once it's Tuesday, I will close it. I may close early if I get an influx of submissions. I also might extend submissions if I want more.
Make sure to go through the list of all stories that have already been submitted and posted. I know it's long, but feel free to use the "Find" tool to see if what you want to submit is already on there.
Limit yourself to only submitting about five pieces in each category. If I extend submissions to be longer than originally intended, feel free to submit a few more, but otherwise try not to do more. Be courteous to others who want to submit things.
Feel free to submit things that are well known classics + lesser known pieces!
Do not submit full-length novels, even if they're shorter. This is for short stories, novellas (under 40K words), or short story collections. Please consider going to @haveyoureadthisbook-poll @haveyoureadthismgyabook or @haveyoureadthisfantasybook or @haveyoureadthisqueerbook, among other poll blogs (those are just the ones I follow so I know about them)
Do not submit plays or poems. We have had some problems with people submitting plays before, and like, I love plays! But that's not the focus of this blog. We're focusing on prose here. Even if it's a book of poetry or a verse poetry book, do not submit them. Please consider going to @haveyoureadthispoem-poll and @do-you-know-this-play
Consider submitting with a link to the piece you are submitting. Of course, if you don't have one/can't find one, that's perfectly alright. But if it's an older piece that is in the public domain/easily Googlable OR is a piece originally published online/in a publicly accessible literary magazine, others would love to read it as well :)
If you have any questions, the ask box is always open <3 Even if you just want to share some thoughts about your pieces, feel free to drop by in the ask box !!!
Thank you everyone :) Consider reblogging this post if you submit something, boosting its visibility, and helping more people see and submit things!
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see i take "doomed by the narrative" to mean a character who is doomed (either dead or stagnant with no hope of any trajectory) by the narrative (the nature of the work existing as a story puts unique pressure/limitations on the characters through the medium of choice, where the fact that its a story with a weaker fourth wall is a deliberate choice). Doomed by the narrative meaning the constraints of narrative/genre/medium actively prevent the character from getting out of a cul de sac, and the character pushing against this metatextual boundary is part of the conflict and futility of the exercize. but i see "doomed by the narrative" applied to characters who dont die, break free from their constraints, or go stagnant at all, let alone in metatextual fashions.
what i mean is like. truman and utena are doomed by the narrative in the sense that the narrative is an oppressive force that has put them in a lose-lose situation, no matter how much they object, and the only move left for them is to exit their respective stories. the only things left for them in the narrative are death, or playing by the rules and stagnating. so they bring the curtain down. this is also the intended functions of the truman show and of RGU, to deliberately invoke the fact that the world is a closed narrative and not let you-- the viewer-- forget it, in order to make a point, or a lot of points. The Truman Show and RGU categorically can't be interacted with an audience looking for an experience where they can be sufficiently immersed into a story that they don't need to think about it as something someone else made. (Tangentially, i feel like a lot of shallow criticisms of virtually anything could be remedied by reminding them that the works they complain about were created on purpose by real living people and did not spring fully flawed out of the void.) Thats not to say that kind of story or audience is wrong-- there are countless stories that work better without the looming reminder of fictionalization hanging over someone's head. But it's just-- ugh, you get me. onto another example.
Antigone is doomed by the narrative because the complicated poetry of her small world is of the understanding that this is a tragedy, and the hero of a tragedy must die, no matter how much they try to fight it. The laws of her world are defined entirely amd immutably by the genre it takes place in. The characters implicutly know this. The best thing she can do is die on her own terms. No matter how many times the play is put on, the end result is the same. The characters of the world of OFF are doomed by the narrative because OFF is painfully aware that it is a video game, and many of the characters know it, or at least they know there is a higher power watching it spool out. And if you are an adversary in an RPG standing between the protagonist and his progression, there is only one end for you, and its your HP reaching zero. Finishing OFF means finishing them off. The game has multiple endings but to even get to the end you gotta kill basically everyone. By then its too late. There is not a circumstance where these characters survive bc the rule of the medium does not permit it. This is the category of fridged women.
As for stagnation this is for characters that are by edict of the limits of the narrative are neither permitted to die nor improve their situation nor even leave. They have reached a point of no return. This may or may not be their fault. I think this is a pretty rare character type. Creon also from antigone goes here. Zacharie, also from OFF. Any protagonist of an abandoned webcomic lol. WD Gaster.
i just feel like if ur gonna talk abt a character who is doomed u better actually mean a character who, no matter how many times you reroll the dice, is going to be irreparably fucked. And if its at the hands of a narrative you better mean its at the hands of the narrative, and that its part of the point, an active pressure and limiter.
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pixies-and-poets · 11 months
Bramble’s Fanfic Collection
Hi friends!! I’ve been wanting to do this for a while: since I don’t, as of yet, post my work on AO3 or anywhere else besides here, I wanted to get together a collection of my writing. I will keep this post current, so if you are looking at this from a reblog, be aware that it might not be up to date unless you visit the original post!
This isn’t everything I’ve written in my life, of course, but it’s everything that lives here. I have much older stuff that I might port over here gradually if I decide I’m still happy with it. 
Nothing I write is too explicit, but it sometimes may deal with body horror, injury, death, and distressing themes such as depression and suicidal ideation. Content warnings are given on individual posts.
Fanfics are collected into general fandom categories below. Thanks to anyone who’s ever read, commented on and enjoyed my work!
Super Mario RPG
I first played SMRPG over half of my lifetime ago, but it never really captured my imagination until the remake came out. Being older, I felt like I was in a better spot to appreciate some of its more subtle themes, and became enamored with the Smithy Gang in particular. I haven't written all that much yet, but I'd like to do more.
The Forging - A Spear is born.
Smithy Gang Headcanons - My personal timeline and background from which I hope to eventually build more ideas.
Mack/Claymorton Headcanons
Mario + Rabbids
This is the fandom that brought me back to tumblr and got me to stick around, and also got me writing on my own again after ages of drought. Years ago I would have never believed that rabbids would get me to write so much, but here I am, and I’m grateful for it!
Most of these so far are about Woodrow and Palette Prime more generally, because that’s where my brain lives, and the catastrophe poet is very special to my heart. I’ll eventually branch out more though, I swear.
I write a bunch of Phandrow (Phantom x Woodrow) stuff specifically; it started out with me trying to justify a crackship to my own brain and then whoops! I became obsessed
Of Verses and Curses 
My magnum opus of fanfics, as of yet, and the longest work of fiction I have written independently in my life, this is a story of finding the person who loves you even if your passion in life seems to only bring failure and misfortune. It’s a deeply personal story built off a lot of my own feelings and struggles. It’s also a story about two gay rabbids who have never canonically met. [Phantom x Woodrow, also includes plenty of Dryad x Sweetlopek] 
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Music of the Night
The dark inverse to Of Verses and Curses, set in the Sparks of Despair AU created by @pastelprince18​, this is a far more upsetting tale of doomed love and unhappy endings. There is a monster at the end of this book.
(Body horror warning, especially at the end, so just be aware before you get invested.)
Chapter One - In Sleep He Sang to Me
Chapter Two - Do I Dream Again?
Chapter Three - Our Strange Duet
Chapter Four - To Glance Behind
Chapter Five - Those Who Have Seen Your Face
Chapter Six - Where Night is Blind
Chapter Seven - Angel of Music
Other Woodrow or Phandrow stuff
Bwahstrella’s Warning - an exploration of what might happen when you push the galaxy’s own disaster poet to the heights or the depths of his passion. [Phantom x Woodrow]
Poetry Slammed - Sweetlopek’s perspective of a certain boat incident. [Sweetlopek and Woodrow, platonic]
Happy Phandrow Things - not really a fanfic so much as a collection of thoughts/headcanons but they make me happy so they’re going here, gosh darnit!
The Eulogist - Woodrow necromancer AU. Not sure I need to say more than that. [character death and slight body horror warning]
Wolf of the Woods - An exploration of a Werewolf Woodrow AU! While not much in itself, people liked it; not only did it spearhead a lot of fun discussion/art, but it’s pretty much what got me writing again and therefore led to EVERYTHING above!
Unmerged - Not really a fic, but an exploration of an idea that makes me too sad to think about too much D:
An Appeal to the Heavens - In a time long past, a poor poet makes a desperate plea to the god he yearns to serve.
Pocket Poet, Part 1 | Part 2 - my one exploration of the Borrower AU: tiny Woodrow experiences the theatrical world of his lover, up close and personal.
Non-Woodrow Stuff (wtf, it DOES exist)
Something from Nothing - before we really knew what the Tower of Doooom was about, we had thoughts. Unhappy thoughts. [featuring Spawny and extra-evil Phantom]
M+R Timeline Analysis - Not a fic, but some background on how I view this universe.
Tools of the Traitors - A mini Super Paper Mario crossover between Kanya and Dimentio.
The High Seas AU
Sirens and Soliloquys - a pirate poet who bears a curse in secret is tempted by a siren's song, and gets more than he could have possibly imagined as a result.
Further worldbuilding and character background ideas for the AU!
Sea Legs - just a little more Phandrow silly sweetness
The Vampire [Phanpire?] AU
A Phandrow-centric AU that really speaks for itself, collaboratively created. Usually Phantom is the vampire and Woodrow his willing prey, but sometimes the roles are reversed, sometimes the ""victim"" is Prima Donna (Phantom's drag persona), sometimes they're both vampires- look, we like to have fun here.
As a general warning, pretty much anything in this collection will deal with blood and mild injury.
A Bite for Good Luck - my starting point for this AU, and its companion piece from Tom's perspective.
Burning Like The Sunrise - a little prequel to the above. A tale of passion at first bite.
One Paw in the Grave - Woodrow learns just how vulnerable a vampire can be.
Bat's Eye View - A vampire shows his beloved the world as he sees it.
Batsong - Lord Phan runs into misfortune; but thankfully, it's only of a rather amusing kind.
Various Vampire Phandrow Ideas: A Duet | The Lord's Protection | Thoughts on Sleep | Something More Than Blood | Nothing Wasted | Paeans to Prima Donna | Sacred Anatomy
Donkey Kong/Banjo-Kazooie/Rare-Playtonic Universe
A Donkey Kong’s World - this is a narrative record of the homebrew D&D campaign I was in, and includes elements from all of the things mentioned above, as well as Sea of Thieves and the Mario series. I’m including it here because not only was I involved as one of the characters, but I actually novelized most of the whole story (taking over from our DM who did the first few chapters) based on our session recordings. It was an extremely special experience for me, and is quite a long read, but if you’re a big fan of any of these franchises I think you might enjoy coming along with us. [Link is external and goes to the forum where the story is hosted.]
Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga (+ Bowser’s Minions)
These are years old, from before my tumblr hiatus, so they may not be quite up to my current standards... but I still like them.
Anamnesis - While Popple and Rookie plan their biggest heist yet, Rookie tries to remember who he is... and almost does.
Wallflower - In the quiet moments, Captain Shy Guy realizes just how much he cares about that silly Goomba... [Captain Shy Guy x Captain Goomba]
The Stolen Birthday - a little headcanon for a Popple backstory.
That’s all for now!!
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sshbpodcast · 4 months
Character Spotlight: Worf
By Ames
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It’s an honorable week here on A Star to Steer Her By because we’re shining our character spotlight on the show’s first Klingon main character, Worf, Son of Mogh! He’s also the first specifically main cast member to span two different series (sorry, O’Brien), so we’ve got glimpses from both The Next Generation and its films and also Deep Space Nine to cover. Worf might get the most time of any character to truly develop, growing from the guy who gets thrown across the room by the baddie of the week into the complex warrior who, for just a moment, wears the robes of the Chancellor of the Klingon High Council. Go Worf!
So put on your baldric, grab your bat’leth, and top off your mug of bloodwine as we give Worf all the honor he deserves (which every so often, isn’t very much, but other times is a lot!). Read on for the commendable battles below and listen to our death yells over on this week’s podcast (fight your way to 55:39). Today is a good day to die.
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best moments
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Bloodwine is red / Andorians are blue… While we gave Dr. Pulaski lots of props for whipping up an antidote so she could participate in Worf’s version of a tea party, it’s also just lovely that Worf honors her by performing the ceremony in the first place in “Up the Long Ladder.” Deep down under the head ridges and scowl, Worf is just a poetry-reading, tea-sipping teddy bear and we love it.
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Klingon paper dolls Star Trek characters jump at any opportunity to play dress up, and we get a good instance of that in “The Emissary” when Worf and K’Ehleyr put on their warrior garb to trick a crew of Klingons in cryostasis into thinking they represent the Klingon Empire. As always, this episode gets some extra points for featuring K’Ehleyr, and it turns out Worf’s pretty good at improvisation too.
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We have bonded and our families are stronger While we’re certainly going to give Worf some shit for how badly he parents his biological son, his connection with Jeremy Aster in “The Bonding” is actually quite beautiful for the both of them. Each an orphan, they are able to form a familial-type relationship together, and it’s really touching when Worf invites Jeremy to join him in the R'uustai that will bond them as brothers.
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He has claimed the right of vengeance A trend emerged in our Best Worf Moments when they tended to fall into the “killing the fuck out of some jerk who deserves it” category, and the first to really deserve it is Duras in “Reunion.” Duras has been begging to get murdered since we first heard his contemptible name, but when he killed Worf’s mate in cold blood, Worf knew exactly what he had to do with his bat'leth.
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You may now give birth Despite the fact that it resulted in adding a baby to the cast (blech), we have to give some credit to Worf for delivering the O’Brien baby in “Disaster” in a way that only he could. We’d need a whole additional blogpost for all the great Worf one-liners throughout the two series, as Michael Dorn’s delivery is always gold, but “Push, Keiko, push” has got to be pretty high up there.
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Doesn’t gik’tal mean to the death? Worf sees so much potential in Sito Jaxa in “Lower Decks” and spends most of the episode arguing on her behalf for a promotion. So when we see Worf testing her with the made-up gik’tal martial arts to teach her to stick up for herself, we can’t help but see in her just what Worf sees. Ya know, until Picard totally gets her killed.
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Assimilate this! Sure, it’s a soundbite-y line designed to be marketable in the trailer, but when Worf survives getting his EV suit punctured by tying it off with some Borg bits and then blows up the interplexing beacon in First Contact, it just feels right. Maybe it’s that Michael Dorn can get away with cheesy lines like “Assimilate this!” or maybe we just love watching Borg explode.
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If you were any other man, I would kill you where you stand While the movies are mostly showcases for Picard and Data, First Contact gives some great moments to the other castmembers. Worf’s standoff with Picard is nothing short of chilling. Borg are overrunning the ship and Picard orders Worf and his security team to what is almost certain to be their deaths. Lucky for us, Worf doesn’t actually mutiny, just threatens to a little bit.
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And in this corner… While we spent most of The Next Generation watching Worf getting knocked around as shorthand for “the alien threat is strong,” by Deep Space Nine, we don’t really get that anymore and instead he actually gets to kick some ass! In “By Inferno's Light,” Worf is forced to battle Jem’Hadar after Jem’Hadar in the fighting ring, and he refuses to quit even when he has every right to.
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Help me fight again, Worf You’ll see in a second that sometimes when Worf tries to help another Klingon die with honor, things can get complicated, but when Kor asks for help going out in the warrior fashion, Worf is totally a good guy about it. He gets the old legend a place on Martok’s ship in “Once More Unto the Breach” even though it’s not Martok’s favorite thing, but in the end, Sto’Vo’kor gains a new warrior.
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Seven down, one to go We still have more “killing the fuck out of some jerk who deserves it” mentions to bring up! What list would be complete without the murder of at least one Weyoun on it? In this case, Worf straight up snaps the neck of Weyoun 7 in “Strange Bedfellows” when he has the opportunity and it is a thing of such beauty that it gains Damar’s respect.
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What I have done was for the Empire Finally, our last jerk who needed to get killed the fuck out of is that bastard Gowron in “Tacking into the Wind.” Gowron was going around making terrible decisions, rewriting the history books, and trying to get Martok killed in various ways, and Worf finally has enough and kills him in honorable combat. He gets the cloak of the Chancellor for it but selflessly passes it to Martok, like an absolute boss.
Worst moments
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I would rather die than pollute my body with Klingon filth While Geordi is putting racism aside to be able to coexist with his new BFF Bochra in “The Enemy,” Worf takes the opposite path. By refusing to let Crusher give his blood to Patahk, Worf condemns the injured Romulan to death just because of his race. And then the show takes some of the guilt off Worf by having Patahk refuse treatment anyway, leaving Worf’s hands clean, I guess.
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This is not unlike a drumhead trial Worf is also quick to fall in line with Admiral Satie’s Red Scare of a trial against crewman Tarses in “The Drumhead.” He gets so infatuated with dispensing justice that he jumps past “innocent until proven guilty” and determines that Tarses is guilty of treason because he’d lied about his alien heritage, when the two things aren’t even related.
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Would you further dishonor our family with your disobedience? It’s a running joke in the Star Trek community that Worf is a terrible father and… well, he is. To his defense, he did have Alexander sprung on him when K’Ehleyr died in “Reunion,” and he did try to pawn the little brat off on the Rozhenkos, but that was a terrible move too. So when we watch how clueless he is trying to parent in “New Ground,” we cringe hard at how Worf just doesn’t get it.
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Donkey Kong: 1. Worf: 0. A lot of Worf’s decisions about how to deal with his paraplegia in “Ethics” are complicated and problematic, but the way he ended up in such a state is what we’re really here to roast him on. My dude got bitched by a big blue plastic barrel in the cargo bay, and that is downright dishonorable for a Klingon warrior. Battle, sure. Explosion, fine. Spat with Spot, of course. But not blue barrel!
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How could your mother mate with a Romulan? Worf’s prejudice against Romulans comes out again in “Birthright” when he learns that Ba’el is half Romulan and he starts spouting racist accusations at her when he’s already seen what kind of a person she is, and even what kind of person her father is. Since his father’s death at Khitomer, it’s a long road for Worf to accept that all Romulans are not that same, and it’s unclear if he ever gets there.
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Tell him he is a pretty cat and a good cat All your hosts here at A Star to Steer Her By are ride-or-die cat people, so when Worf refuses to tell Spot he’s a good cat and a pretty cat in “Phantasms” when Data asks him to look after the feline, we take it super personally. Frankly, Data should have looked elsewhere for someone to catsit because what’s supposed to be a humorous moment in the show just makes us angry at Worf. Hiss!
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I believe the Ferengi bartender is plotting something By the time Worf joins Deep Space Nine, his racism against Romulans doesn’t come up, but his racism against the Ferengi sure does. Ever since “Hippocratic Oath,” Worf refuses to call Quark by name, instead calling him “The Ferengi bartender.” We joke sometimes on the podcast that the only race it’s okay to be racist against is the Ferengi, but you know what? It’s really not okay.
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My life is in your hands Sure, we can argue that Kurn coming to Worf for the Klingon rite of Mauk-to’Vor in “Sons of Mogh” is messed up and puts Worf in a tough position, but Worf manages to pick an even worse outcome for his brother. Instead of killing him and sending Kurn to Sto’Vo’kor with his honor intact, Worf does the least honorable thing and has Bashir wipe Kurn’s memory. Without Kurn’s consent! Eeesh.
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Everything you do reflects on me There were a bunch of times during DS9 that we really thought Jadzia could do better than having Worf as her mate, and “Let He Who Is Without Sin” is the chief offender. Worf starts the episode arguing about Jadzia consorting with other men even though she’s with him now, gets jealous of the Dax’s previous relationships, and generally poopoo’s Jadzia’s streak of individuality like a toxic boyfriend.
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Have you accepted Kahless as your lord and savior? And that’s not even the worst thing Worf does in the abysmal episode “Let He Who Is Without Sin.” He spends the rest of their vacation on Risa palling around with the New Essentialists who’ve decided that people enjoying things is bad form, which is just Worf being petty. So when he goes out of his way to help them literally rain on everyone’s parade, it’s super damaging to his character.
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I do not know you, nor do I wish to know you After Jadzia’s death, Worf utterly fails as grieving in a healthy, productive way and instead opts to take it out on Ezri during “Afterimage.” Just because she’s not Jadzia, Worf treats the poor Trill with disdain, ignoring the fact that she too is living through the trauma of being joined to the symbiont. None of this is her fault! Don’t yell at the innocent cupcake!
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If it looks like a Dax and it quacks like a Dax… Worf and Jadzia had chemistry like whoa and we were here for it. Worf and Ezri… just don’t. So when they bump uglies in “Penumbra,” we just find it kinda gross and distasteful. My dude, that is not your wife anymore, and she’s in a very vulnerable state having had the Dax symbiont thrust upon her, so it strikes us as kind of problematic that they go to the bone zone (and I don’t mean Worf’s calisthenics program).
Qapla’! Now that we’ve got our honor back, take the R'uustai with us and subscribe so that you can see our next batch of character spotlights as we segue smoothly into our crewmates from Deep Space Nine! On the flip side, you can listen along to our dishonorable rewatch of Enterprise over on SoundCloud or wherever you podcast, challenge us to a bat’leth fight on Facebook and Twitter, and join us for some good tea in a nice house.
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shytastemakerthing · 7 months
Hi, hello! I saw you have your matchups open so if it's okay I would like to request a romantic matchup with Twisted Wonderland <3 You are so sweet and amazing for doing these!
I am a cute, poetic, caring, and sweet person who knows how to listen actively and hold a one-on-one conversation, often getting people to open up more than they expected, otherwise I'm pretty reserved. If I was transported to a magical school, I would do my best to learn the theory and practicalities of magic, even if I couldn't actually cast spells, and try to excel in other scientific fields (and Mozus Trein would definitely be my favourite professor). I have a great interest in the occult (my library is something I'm very proud of) and psychology, but I'm truly interested in all types of knowledge and books. When I go to the used book stores, I can spend hours there, as I go through war, occult, philosophy, science, comics, fantasy, poetry, and all other categories of books, except sports and cooking. I also love music: opera, metal, neofolk, electronic, and all of them together.
I love crafting and learning new things, but I'm most interested in historical and folk crafts, like nålbinding, embroidery, weaving in many forms, making jewelry from bones and other things found in nature, and more! I love making stuff and seeing that I have finished something, that I've made something.
I have a rough history with mental illness and trauma, making me prone to getting overwhelmed easily, and I have to calm and ground myself. I often feel out of touch with my body, like my spirit is a feet out of me. One thing that works is a tight hug and closeness. I'm also very submissive by nature and other ways, so I really need someone who is sure of themselves and also accepting. I don't need pity, I need a helping hand and someone I can rely on.
Other small things: I can play erhu, dance butoh, bellydance, and few different folk dances, I've practiced tai chi with fan, my newest obsession is fountain pens (there's TWST pens by Sailor, but they're so expensive!), I can't eat meat or onions, I always wear a red bow on my head, mostly because it keeps my curly hair out of my face but also because it's just part of me now just like my red lipstick, I only wear dresses (comfy, cute, always fits any occasion), I have blue eyes, and my favourite animal is fox.
Hope this is not too much, and take your time, I'll be here waiting and reading what else you come up with :3
Hello and thank you so much for your kind words! Now that things are finally slowing down between work and college work, I can finally get to all of these! I am so sorry that you had to wait for so long for your match up but I do hope that you like it!
Tw: None
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I match you with.........
Jamil Viper
Right off the bat, it was hard to actually get into a relationship with him to begin with. With all of his duties that he has to Kalim, his duties as a vice housewarden, his school and club activities. Plus the belief that he doesn't deserve the happiness that would come from having a relationship, not wanting to burden his partner with the burden that he shares as serving the Al-Asim family (please, this boy needs so much love, it's not even funny)
Then you come along and pretty much destroy all of that. It really threw him in for a loop.
Honestly, just the feeling of someone caring for him after such a long day of making sure that the rich idiot doesn't die or make any stupid decisions, just makes him melt. Having your arms around him after such a long day as he is able to just unload everything from the day, knowing that you are listening with full attention brings more comfort than you may ever know.
He keeps a few red bows lined in his pockets and in his room just in case there was a very rare event that you had forgotten to put it on that day. It had grown on him, and it was a part of you, much like the small beads in his hair were a part of him.
Speaking of hair, he honestly loves to be able to do yours. it is so different from his own. Jamil is a very fast learner. By the end of the day, he knows more about curly hairstyles and how to work with them and he has a wonderful woman to be able to try said styles on.
There was a time where he took you on a small trip to the Scalding Sands, and seeing you dressed in the traditional clothing from his home country had this man feeling all sorts of things as he couldn't help how his cheeks warmed upon seeing you.... yes, Najma teased him relentlessly for it. And yes.... he bought you several of those dresses to take back to campus with you.
Jamil is 100% someone you can rely on (and there is no hidden meaning to what he is doing, not with you). When things are far too overwhelming for you, he is there to simply hold onto you, giving you the reassurance that you need. He will help you and guide you through what it is that is troubling you in no time. This man has plenty of experience.
Overall, you brought a light and happiness into his life that he did not know that he needed. Now that he has it, he doesn't want to let go, he grows a bit greedy for your affection. After all, it is something that is just for him and he finally doesn't have to share. He thanks you everyday for coming into his life and just putting up with him.
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always-andromeda · 2 years
you're my fav paul blog anf writer 💖 do you have any headcanons for brian wilson? I just wanna squish his cheeks and protect him, also chubby paul is best paul 🥰
Author’s Note | thank you so much, my dear!! chubby Paul is the best Paul oh my gosh. such a lovely spherical man. <3 I'll be filing this one under the Fool for Love category since no prompt was specified!! hope this hits the spot for you, anon!!
A Disclaimer | As with any characters that I write who are based on real people, I would like to say that the Brian Wilson I am writing about here is not meant to reflect the real life Brian Wilson, merely the character Paul plays in Love and Mercy!
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Eyelids heavy and vision blurry, you can hardly stay awake. But it's worth it. It's worth having these little hours with him. You wish he'd get some sleep, but this is alright too. Your Brian, stationed at his piano, working out the little song that you're sure is playing in his head while you sit with him.
"Sweetheart?" he nudges your shoulder, "Did you hear that bit?"
You blink fast, eyes taking a second to adjust to the black and white keys in front of you. As much as you love the way he plays, you can't remember for the life of you what just came out of his magical fingertips. You hum and nod faintly, only to hear Brian chuckle.
"What're you laughing at?" you begin to whine.
But your tone only makes Brian's light teasing continue. He rubs slow circles on your lower back that only make your eyelids droop further. His arm curls around you, pressing you closer into his pudgy sides. He's so warm. So soft. God, he's just like a pillow. You whine once more, "Whaaaat?"
"Nothing...you're just very sweet when you're about to fall asleep, that's all." You catch his lips curl slightly; see his eyes crinkle at the corners. Resting your chin on his shoulder, you just want to get a better look at his soft features. 
You huff and barely manage the energy to scrunch up your nose at him. "I am not falling asleep." you conclude with a defiant cockiness.
"Oh yeah? Then what did I just play?"
Your mind goes blank. But Brian doesn't hold it against you. He just shakes his head and smiles again before resting his hands on the piano keys once more.
He coaxes the sweetest sounds from the instrument, exercising the only kind of control that he can with his pressure as his fingers dance over the keys. His ability to simply come up with something off the top of his head always sweeps you off of your feet. When he adds his voice into the quiet song, you swear that it's enough to send you off to dreamland.
Brian hums faintly, making up a melody where lyrics would be. And somehow, even without lyrics, his voice hits just as hard as if he'd delivered pure poetry. His voice is honey, slowly encasing you in a saccharine haze. Your eyelids droop even more.
Until you realize it's something new. Something you're sure you haven't heard him and the boys go over before.
"Are you writing your own stuff again, baby?" You ask faintly. The idea strikes you with just enough joy that you perk up just a little. You know how difficult it is for him to convince the guys to take a chance on his material. And you hate how often he has to stifle his ideas and make it more palatable for the label. More marketable.
Midway through a chord, he falters. His hands go to curl around the seat of the bench and he dips his head. And in the resounding silence, you hear him sigh. It's a sound filled with despair. An echo of whatever turbulence the simple question caused him.
"No...you know what the boys want me to work on." he sniffs bitterly, "Certainly not this stuff."
Your hand lays over one of his. Your fingers can't quite cover his own longer ones. In the dark you feel him let go of the wooden bench and instead squeeze your hand. As heartbreaking as his reply is, the little action convinces you that he's not spiraling. Not yet, at least. He's just upset; just in need of some direction.
Throat dry and voice quiet, you manage to croak out, "There's nothing wrong with this stuff. I think that it was the start of something really wonderful. Besides, you should be allowed to work on what you want."
Brian lets out a soft whine, "But I'm not, sweetheart." Panic seeps into his tone. "If I don't have something to give them...then I lose it. If I lose it--"
Suddenly alert and taking on a newfound sternness, you interrupt, "You aren't going to lose it, Bri." There's a pause where you search through your muddled mind. You struggle to grasp onto coherence when you continue, "I think you've forgotten that...that band doesn't own you. You made them what they are. Without you...there wouldn't be record deals and tours and albums a-a-and...and the music! That music wouldn't be the same if you hadn't helped make it."
Brian's eyes close softly. And for a minute, he doesn't respond. With each second, you wonder if he's having an episode; if he's hearing those sounds that he describes to you sometimes. But his hand squeezes yours tighter, showing you that he's still there.
You keep going, already feeling hot tears begin to well up, "You're only a man Brian. Not a band, not a song, or just a face on a record. You're a human being and you're allowed to have things that are just for you and no one else. What's the point in creating if you stop doing it for yourself?"
All you hear is him breathing. His back slowly rises and falls as he processes your words. And behind the messy hair that falls over his forehead, you see his eyes open. They stare at the ivory keys in front of him. Then he nods.
Looking back at you, he says, "I think it's time for both of us to go back to bed." He smiles with pursed lips. "We need it."
Searching his expression, you don't find anything repressed. No tightness. No strain on his features that hints him holding back how he really feels. Because you know good and well that he tends to do that. That he sees himself as a burden; much too big a load for you to handle. You return your own sweet little smile. 
Somehow, that's enough. It's enough to finally put you to sleep. And though he knows that the worries will come back--they always do--he won't be alone. He may just be a man but he also has you.
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dionysiandevotee · 1 year
🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 Liberation Dionysia! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈
Hello y'all!
r/Dionysus, the Temple of Dionysus, Hellenic Herald & the Cincinnati Friends of Dionysus are hosting the Liberation Dionysia
The Liberation Dionysia is a time to honor deities that are seen as patrons of Queer people (or as Queer themselves), the gains made by the Queer Liberation movement, and the fight that continues today. Here is last year's announcement, gallery, & winners.
Share stories of Queer deities, your art and poetry of them, or depicting how they have supported you. The ritual category is more open, for rituals we may not have but may be interested in using. Please one submissions per category per person, except for rituals, which are unlimited.
Only rule is, anything submitted to prior Dionysias (Lesser, Greater, Autumnal, or Liberation) is ineligible. Show us something new!
Art: Can be physical or digital!
Poetry: Could be standard poetry, or songs, or hymns and prayers! (If you sing your song, it will be considered Performance!)
Myth: A myth, retold or new. Can be in any format (play or prose).
Performance: Dance, drag, or song!
Ritual: This category will not be voted upon due to its personal nature - this is to submit wedding ceremonies, recognition/dedication/baptism ceremonies, or even just Queer rituals or spells you may have. We'd also love to see your Queer altars! As this isn't voted upon, there can be unlimited submissions by the same individual.
Please email all submissions to [email protected]! Be sure to include how you'd like the work to be titled and how you'd like to be credited (username, real name)
The deadline for submissions is June 30th, Anywhere on Earth!
More info here:
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anincompletelist · 5 months
Hi Sarah! 15, 17, 33, and 37 for the ask meme if you're feeling up to it. Hope you're doing well 💜
HI FRIEND! :D I am definitely feeling a little worn out but having fun answering some of these before bed :) I hope you've had a lovely day today!
15: Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
oh absolutely. most of my reading is non-fiction psych books and/or poetry, so there are all sorts of feelings that must be written down expeditiously usually, and if I write in a notebook instead then the two get separated inevitably so I've found it much easier to write right there on the page. I love making a book my own and making it feel 'lived in'. looking back one day and being like hey! this made me feel things!! so much so that I had to write it down or highlight it or circle it or earmark the page to come back to again and again! I LOVE. (I do not, however, read in the bathtub because I have anxiety and am far too afraid I will drop it in the water on accident ksjhdk)
17: Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
as we all know, I have an unholy amount of wips in the docs currently but I feel like my 'main' wip is bridesmaids, which is concluding at the end of this month! it definitely has more lore than most of my other fics do thanks to a bunch of the characters being originals! when I outlined for this fic I had pages of background info for each of the characters and how it affects their behaviors and ties into the major plot points, but a lot of those details got cut as the fic crossed 100k and I didn't want to include a bunch of lore that wasn't directly relevant to our main characters/pairing. but the little found family in this fic is so special to me and if anyone's ever interested (or maybe if I do another fic set in this verse one day?) I'd love to delve into the original characters a bit more! they have tons of quirks and little details that are so much fun hehehehe
33: Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
I will do literally anything creative even if I am not good at it ksjhkdh I love to create! I've tried a bit of everything here and there, but I regularly enjoy photography, painting, and occasionally drawing! if poetry counts, I have written poems for fics, both in posted works and some upcoming ones, but other than that I've yet to have any of these crossover!
37: If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?
ooooh what a good question!
ideally, I think I'd like some of the main takeaways to be that I felt deeply, did not shy away from hard or emotionally nuanced topics but always managed to find a bright spot within them, that ultimately leaves people walking away from my work feeling seen, validated, and/or inspired.
realistically, they might stick me in a textbook under the category 'words that should have been said to a therapist that have instead been immortalized on ao3 [tags include: emotional hurt/comfort, shameless smut]' SKJDHSKJDHSJH we out here!
[send me a weird question for writers or reblog to play along yourself!]
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rumoursfromines · 1 year
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Sylvia Plath, born 1932, was an American poet, novelist, and diarist. She was extremely prolific writer and throughout her short life produced over 400 poems, a novel, several short stories, and many journals and letters. A lot of her work, especially her more famous works, deal with mental illness and what it was like to be an ambitious woman in an age where women couldn't even have their own credit cards.
Her biographical background, I think, is one of the things that make her relatable to modern audiences. Sylvia Plath had a complicated childhood. She lost her father at eight years old to illness and was raised by a chronically ill single mother who struggled financially. This pushed Plath to outperform all of her classmates and to start earning her own money by sending her poetry out to magazines from a young age. At the same time she lived a very fulfilled social life with plenty of friends and dates. She was also very upfront about not wanting to be reduced to a mother and housewife in her future, defying expectations for women in her day and age.
By all accounts, Sylvia Plath was an extremely interesting writer. However, with such a large selection of texts to choose from, it can be difficult to pick a place to start. Which is why I've decided to compile all of my Plath knowledge into this (hopefully somewhat complete) post. Below the cut you will find brief summaries of her important works sorted into different categories. Happy reading :)
Disclaimer: I've seen many people on social media be taken aback by some of the themes in Plath's work, especially the racism and the holocaust imagery present throughout her work. I feel like for some people this might be useful to know before they start to read. Plath was a white American writing in the 1950s, so common social attitudes will be reflected in her work. It's important not to internalise her own bigotry as you read. Keeping this in mind, I still think her work is worth your time and attention.
the basics:
Ariel is probably Plath's most famous poetry collection. It centers around the themes of gender, death, and rebirth. The first edition of this collection was published posthumously and edited by Plath's husband. The collection was restored to the order Plath originally intended poems to be in in 2005 and published with a preface written by Plath's daughter, Frieda Hughes.
The Bell Jar is Sylvia Plath's only published novel. It is a semi-autobiographical account of her 1953 New York internship with Mademoiselle, a lady's magazine. The main character, Esther Greenwood, is meant to be having the time of her life working for a fashion magazine in New York until things get too much for Esther to handle. A large chunk of the novel is dedicated to Esther's complicated recovery from depression.
the niche:
Three Women is both a poem and a radio play. It tells the stories of three women in a maternity ward, all handling their motherhood differently. It is included in the poetry collection Winter Trees.
The Colossus is the only poetry collection Plath published in her lifetime (so automatically the only one where she had full artistic control over the content of the book). The poems here discuss topics such as about death, trauma, belonging, and womanhood.
Crossing The Water is a poetry collection that was published posthumously, along with Winter Trees, by Plath's husband Ted Hughes. These collections contain the poetry Plath wrote in her last creative spurt before her death. CTW centers around the themes of womanhood, depression, and endings (do you sense a recurring theme?), whereas WT deals with family dynamics and motherhood.
the extra reading:
The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath edited by Karen V. Kukil were published in the year 2000 and provide insight into Plath's inner life and context for a lot of her work, since much of it was inspired by events, be they important or insignificant, of her life. These journals range from 1953 up until 1959. The time between the last surviving journal until her death is covered by fragments, as Plath's very last journal was destroyed.
Red Comet by Heather Clark might be the single most detailed biography of Sylvia Plath on the market right now. It covers everything from her ancestors' immigration to the state, her parents' experiences in school, and the aftermath of Plath's death. It is definitely not a casual read (1000+ pages) but definitely worth it if you find yourself fascinated by Plath's work.
Pain, Parties, Work by Elizabeth Winder is a partial biography of Plath's time spent interning for Mademoiselle 1953. It paints an interesting picture of the writer, portraying her as a motivated young woman with a fulfilled social life who struggled with her mental health nonetheless. It's much shorter than Red Comet (<300 pages) and provides interesting an background for The Bell Jar.
Obviously there will always be more things by and about Sylvia Plath to read. Her letters, for example, have been released in two different editions: a two volume collection of the letters written throughout her life and another collection of letters written from England to America, edited by Plath's own mother, Aurelia Plath. I hope my little selection can help you find your way around Plath's bibliography. Happy reading :)
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lacefuneral · 2 years
not helpful for people who do not have a library nearby but if you do, please consider getting a library card. i got one impulsively after seeing a tumblr post like this one (lol). library cards are free, and once you have one, you gain access not only to physical books, but movies, TV shows, video games, and of course, digital books. 
mine, personally, is connected to every other library in the county, so there is a HUGE online catalog. just massive. you can go to any of these libraries in person, or you can request a book from one library and have it delivered to your local one to go pick it up. and it’s free! all of it is free!
having a library card and checking out items helps your local library and the surrounding community. and if you have items you’re willing/able to donate, you can make those materials accessible for the other people in your region. 
now i know some people will be like “but jay, I don’t read books, and I can just pirate stuff, or play the games I already have access to. why library?”
but here’s the thing. I had not read for fun since I was a child. i hated reading books. i’d space out constantly. it physically hurt to hold a book in my hands (neck and wrist pain). and a kindle wasn’t any better.
so what i did was, first of all, was pick a subject that interested me. i’m a gay trans man, and I’ve always felt alienated by being surrounded by cishet-heavy media, and I also wanted to learn more about my community’s past. so I was going to be looking at fiction and non-fiction books in the LGBT category.
then i picked the genre. reading poetry, which is small, digestible bites of text, and graphic novels, which are image-heavy, would help ease me back into reading. a warm-up for longer pieces. 
then format. I wanted to have a physical book in my hands. having a physical book taking up space would remind me that I had to read it and return it. 
but physical books were hard! so I bought two adaptive devices that, when used together, greatly reduced the amount of pain i was in while reading. i’ve spoken about them before
i also got myself a set of magnetic bookmarks. i find that these are the most useful, as they remain fixed to the page and aren’t clunky. and also, when not in use, you can stick them to a fridge or another metal surface
once I had all of that figured out, I looked for specific books, read reviews, and organized the content into lists. one for poems, one for graphic novels, one for non-fiction, one for fiction. 
i started out with two poetry books and the first volume (out of four) of a manga. I found that I took to reading pretty quickly, and I enjoyed the experience even when I wasn’t fond of the content. one poetry book left me making a lot of commentary, out loud, as one would when watching a bad movie. and weirdly enough? i had fun doing this. the other poetry book, though, made me burst into tears, in a good way. 
once i knew I could handle reading, I just... dove right in. I’m 20% of the way through a 550 page fiction novel right now. if you told me a couple of months ago I’d be doing that, I’d look at you like you had five heads. i have a spotify playlist with instrumental music i listen to help set the scene, just as one would when playing DND, and this helps me block out the outside world and keep focus, so that helps substantially. 
this book is not a library book, however, so I am taking a break from it to read the two library books i have at the moment: a history book and a manga volume. when i am finished reading the novel, i plan to donate it to the library. i also plan to do the same thing with other gaps in my library’s catalog. buy the book, read it, donate it. 
anyway, give the library a try, if you can. especially if you’re marginalized in any way. hell, i have found 4 separate books JUST on the intersection of being trans and autistic. you may not find everything you are looking for, but you may find something that makes you feel less alone in the world, something that resonates with you
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alatismeni-theitsa · 1 year
As a big book lover and Ancient Greek mythology, i go to the library a lot. However every time I try to find a book on Greek mythology i am suggested with Circe and Song of Achilles. One of the staff also told me they got emotional reading Achilles amd i was like really? 😅 I don't say here in Greece there aren't people who enjoy the book, in fact If it brings them joy go for it.
However there was a literal category in this library with books only having ancient Greek literature, poetry and plays like Iliad and yet they didn't mention it, i found it myself after walking for a bit in there. Ironic that we Greeks prefer the most popular books made by foreigners and not from our actual ancestors? 😅
Yes, that's exactly it! I am also not saying to not read any modern books or retellings. It's just that we have the originals, and we can read their translations and the ancient texts with some guidance and we just always pass them by in favour of the 639262th cliche Anglo retelling of them
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nemrudking · 1 year
Rawê - Gîwergîs Selmo | Darên Bi tenê" { YouTube }
(الفلكلور والغناء الآشوري
– The folklore & Assyrian singing)
Tribal and Folkloric Period .
Music, is omnipresent in the village scene. A “Musician” is not necessarily a professional, and whoever can sing in any manner is considered a “singer”. Most of the time, music is learned by ear. The villagers lead a hard life, but whenever there is an opportunity, they love to make music or listen to it
Village music may be categorized, basically, into four groups: Local secular music not related to specific occasions; functional music; religious music; music adopted from other areas
Here are few types of tribal Assyrian Music that has survived to this day, especially in the Assyrian villages and towns of Northern Iraq, southeast Turkey, northwest Iran and northeast Syria
Rawey: A mostly love songs with a story-tale structure, which may include themes about daily life, suffering and pain
Diwane: Sung in gatherings and meetings; lyrics cover aspects of life such as, working in the fields, persecution, suffering, religion
Lilyana: Wedding songs usually sung by women only, especially for the bride before leaving her home to get married. Also sung for the bridegroom the day before his wedding by his family and relatives
Dowlah and Zornah: These are two traditional music instruments, literally meaning a drum and wind-pipe (or flute). They are played together, either with or without singing in many ceremonies such as weddings, welcoming and funerals (however, for funerals played for unmarried men, they are accompanied by singing)
Tambura: Another tribal music instrument, a string instrument with long neck, originated in ancient Assyria, discovered being depicted on carving from South Iraq from UR to Akkad and Ashur. Albert Rouel Tamraz is a famous Assyrian Singer from Iraq who played this instrument and sung many beautiful folkloric songs accompanied by hand-drum (tabla)
It was in the Assyrian homeland north of Mosul that people started to write the modern Syriac vernacular more than two hundred years before the earliest British missionaries, although the earliest records of the Syriac language date from 5th century BC Achaemenid Assyria. The earliest dated text is a poem written in 1591. This makes early Neo-Syriac literature a contemporary of Jewish Neo-Aramaic literature from roughly the same region, dating back to the late 16th century
The Neo-Syriac literature which existed before the arrival of British and American missionaries consisted mainly of poetry. This poetry can be divided into three categories: stanzaic Hymns, dispute poems, and drinking songs. Of these three categories, only the hymns, which in Neo-Syriac are termed duriky; and which can be seen as the equivalent of the Classical Syriac madrase, can usually be traced back to individual authors.[1]
Professor Fabrizio Pennacchietti
University of Turin
Over the last few years, amongst the Aramaic-speaking minorities of the Near East and the countries of Diaspora, an impressive movement of intellectual rebirth has been making its presence felt. In Eastern Neo-Aramaic or Neo-Syriac (Sureth)-the mother tongue of both Christians and Jews of the region extending from the basin of the Botan-Su, a tributary of the Tigris in Turkish Mesopotamia, down to the western bank of Lake Urmia in Iran- the literary activity of the “Assyrians” and the “Chaldeans” of Iran and of American Diaspora deserves note. However, it is above all in Iraq where the Neo-Aramaic cultural reawakening has begun to assume microscopic dimensions
What is disheartening is the fact that only an insignificant minority can still read and write the so-called Nestorian alphabet. However, Neo-Aramaic, as a spoken language, continues to maintain a noteworthy vitality, especially among the Assyrians
Still in this regard, it must be observed that the intense immigration of the Aramaic-speaking population of the Persian Azerbaijan, after the tragic events of World War I extensively influenced the dialects spoken by the Kurdistan Assyrians who in turn became the victims of drastic displacement. Their descendants, in particular those living in Baghdad, Mosul, Kirkuk, and Basrah, have generally opted for a dialect similar to that of Urmia except for the absence of its typical “Vocal Harmony” or “Synharmonism” . Conversely, the Assyrians of Urmia have willingly adopted the picturesque folklore of the Assyrians of Kurdistan in the form of sane variegated festive costumes, and particular dance steps, not unlike those used by the Kurds
Unfortunately, the disappearance of the dialects of Kurdistan Assyrians is tied up closely with the disappearance of the more authentic contents of Nestorian folklore, like the love songs, the wedding hymns, and the war songs that since time immemorial have been handed down from one generation to the next among the mountain Christians. It is a well-known fact that only Kurdistan Nestorian population groups and above all those who enjoyed equal status with the Moslem Kurds- i.e., the ashiret or warlike tribes originally of the Turkish vilayet of Hakkari- have known how to keep their own fo1k1.ore intact from Arabic, Kurdish, Turkish or Persian influences
This heritage, on the way to extinction, merits being gathered and studied, but presently it is rather difficult to find reliable informants. The younger generation treats it all with indifference, as if it were old-fashioned, while among the old people, only a few know how to explain the sense of an old song or how to give the location of this or that place-name in an ancestral territory that no one has had access or reason to revisit since World War I
Over thirty years ago, the well-known French [Kurdologist], Thomas Bois, voiced the impression that no one among the Assyrians knew how to sing a love song in his mother tongue any more. On looking further back into the past, we can see that research conditions were even less favorable than at the present time. The insecure nature of communication routes, along with the suspicious nature of the Nestorians, made the task of gathering their oral traditions quite a risky undertaking. The few Westerners who ventured into their inaccessible mountain fastnesses either visited them hurriedly, or, as was the case with some American and English missionaries, were moved to do so almost always because of religious motives
The fact remains that whatever meager evidence of popular Assyrian poetry that we have, has never been gathered on the spot in genuine Nestorians surroundings, but rather in marginal areas or even in far distant localities
In 1869, in Damascus, the Semitist and Kurdologist Albert Socin chanced to meet a poverty-stricken Nestorian basket-weaver, a certain Isho by name, son of Dustu from the village of Talana, one of the villages of the Ge1u tribe. Like most of his fellow tribesmen who lived in the poorest and highest territory of the inaccessible mountain Massif that extends form the high basin of the Great lab down to the borders of Iran, the basket-weaver had left his village after 13th September, the Feast of the Cross, and would not return there until the beginning of the following May, after the springtime thaw, and after having wandered all over the Near east. Iso, who other than the Neo-Aramaic dialect of Gelu knew only Kurdish, very willingly dictated two stories to Socin, as well as 16 extremely brief poetic pieces each, composed of a verse made up of three septenary monorhymes
This kind of verse form was already known: it had already been noted in learned Neo-Aramaic poetry about 1600. New, instead, seemed the “literary” form of these tiny compositions with crystal-clear images of mountain life, like rapid sketches, that relayed an amorous message, or described an action born of melancholy, pride, passion, peevishness or good-willed derision
The following year, 1870, Albert Socin visited the Chaldean villages of the plain land at the foot of the mountains to the Northwest of Mosul: Telkef, Alqosh, Dehok and Qasafirr. Here, his curiosity still earnest due to his Damascus encounter, the German orient list expressly asked if re could hear sane popular poetry recited. In the mar Yaqo convent of the French Dominican fathers at Qasafirr, Socin’s crave was quenched to his great surprise by the blind rhapsodist who had just finished dictating to him a penitential sermon by the poet Toma Singari. The blind cantor, believing him to be a priest, held as roost unbecoming Socin’s interest in the kind of poetry best regarded as somewhat immoderate. Socin, incidentally, was never to know that the old cantor was no other than Dawid Kora of Nuhadra (who died at Mosul in 1889), of whom numerous religious hymns and enchanting verse fables have been published. “Blind David” was the most famous Neo-Aramaic poet of his day
Socin’s collection of popular poetry was a rather full one, and was published under the title of Fellihilieder, “Songs of the Fellihi”, that is, of Christian villagers of the plainland, as the Moslems of the nearby city of Mosul call them. How could these songs be defined? Socin liked to call them Schnadahupfl, as if they had something in common with the songs Bavarian peasants sang to accompany the rhythms of group dancers. However, the German scholar did not lose sight of the fact that these verses had not originated on the plainland. Disguised by the local dialect, in fact, too many expressions and words of Kurdish derivation appeared, far more familiar to Nestorian mountain folk than to Cl1aldean villagers who, unlike the Assyrians, fell under the influence of Arabic. Fran this re deduced that they really reflected the folklore of the people of the highlands, in particular the Assyrians of high Kurdistan, “die das Hochgebirge bewohnenden Aramaer” , which were reminiscent of the recitations by the basket-weaver of Gelu, whom he had net in Damascus the year before. Furtherroore, this tradition must have been extremely old, for at the time of his visit it had already lost much of its original meaning, both among the Nestorians of Persia and Jacobites of Tur ‘ Abdin, in Turkish high Mesopotamia
A journey, which I made at Eastertime, 1972, through the province (qada’) of ‘Amadiya about fifty kilometers northeast of Dehok, allowed me the opportunity of establishing that oo1y a small part of the compositions collected by Socin more than a century ago were, in fact, destined for the dance. In the Nestorian village of Bebede, a few kilometers west of ‘Amadiya, I happened to be invited to a wedding reception (xlula), at which I was able to listen to the execution of love songs, called zmiryata-d rawe, which corresponded exactly to those collected by Socin
They belonged to a song form we can describe as amoebaean. While on the threshing floor, the young men and the girls, linked hand in large dance circles, followed the obsessive rhythm of a drum “dahula” and a fife “zurna” , the older guests, gathered together in the diwanxana around the wedding couple, formed two groups and, in turns, started to sing a verselet with a strangely archaic tune. The melodic beat was repeated three times and embraced each line as well as the first accented word of the following line, which means that each word was pronounced twice. It had a modal tune, achieved by means of using chromatics at small intervals, executed with a surprising speed. You had the impression that the width between the highest note and the lowest never exceeded the interval our major sixth would make, even if the most important part of this tune appeared to be limited within the span of a major fourth
Once the stornello was finished, those present showed their appreciation as to the choice of the theme and its execution by singing out a series of stressed (o)’s that finished up on a series of high and extremely sharp (iii)’s. At this point, the second group of singers started the stornello that they considered as being more appropriate to go with the preceding one, and in the end, waited for the applause of the bystanders. This give-and-take continued for hours, with short intervals here and there for something to eat, and to drink a sort of local grappa (eau-de-vie)
In effect, in Socin’s collection the zmiryata-d rawe constitute the major type document. However, besides these stornelli, one can find extracts of songs of a different nature and of wider validity: fragments of a warlike song about the brave ‘Awdiso, and portions of qassityata, verse tales, which are singable in co-ordination with dancing
Upon my return to Baghdad, I looked about for someone who could recite me some songs like the ones I had heard at Bebede. After various fruitless attempts amongst Assyrian city-dwellers -but, unfortunately, they had been city-dwellers for too long – I turned to those of more recent arrival from the district of Barwari Bala, a little more to the North of ‘Amadiya. It was in this way that I realized that the district (nahiya) of Barwari Bala and part of the neighboring districts represents the last strip of Kurdistan territory still populated by autochthonous Nestorians. These are the sons and grandsons of those who, abandoned the area at the end of 1914, and returned by 1920
I finally chose as my informant one of the few survivors of the tragic exodus of 1914: Gewargis, son of Bukko, son of Muse. Born about 1897 at ‘Ehnune/Kani Masi (“the Spring of Fish”), the main village in the Barwari Bala district, Gewargis had lived there with various interruptions until a little after the outbreak of Kurdish-Arab hostilities on 11 November 1961
This austere and strong, venerable old man, dictated to me only these zmiryata-d rawe that he held becoming for a man of his age and reputation. Alas, the number we know of such rawe is terribly limited
Those who would like to expand their reading on this particular subject are invited to consult my original article “Zmiryata-D rawe
Stornelli degli Aramei Kurdistani”, published in Italian with full notes and comments in Scritti in onore di Guiliano Bonfante, pp. 639-663, Brescia (Italy), Paideia Editrice, 1976
Concerning the word Rawe, which recurs several times in my original text, I had written that, unfortunately, its etymology eluded me. After further investigation, however, I have been able to determine its derivation once and for all. The word Rawe canes from Arabic Rawiy ( ), indicating “the letter which remains the same throughout the entire poem and binds the verses together, so as to form one whole ( ) to bind fast”, cf. W. Wright, “A Grammar of the Arabic Language”, vol. II, Cambridge, At the University Press, 1967. Section 194, p. 352
‘Therefore, banda-d rawe means, a monorhyme strophe and zmiryata-d rawe means monorhyme songs
As for the Italian word stornello, also found, several times in the original article, there is this to say: this kind of poem, ” a short (usually three-lined) popular Italian verse form” (See Chambers’ 1Wentieth Century Dictionary), is known by this Italian name even in English, and so I have chosen to retain it here
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grad604-kannonhen · 9 months
mid sem objects:
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Learning guitar was one of the most significant evolutions of my life. It has led me to my interest in music as well as Japanese culture. Before then I didn't have access to much music or didn't learn about new music. Learning guitar made me want to learn more chords which led me to go look at trending Japanese music that I hadn't known before. This is where I met some of my favourite musicians like Kenshi Yonezu. In the long run, guitar is probably the trigger to digging through YouTube and the internet for music as well as me getting interested in Japanese internet culture. If it wasn't for guitar I probably wouldn't have looked into the various artistic worlds of music or its promotions (like CD covers, MVs, lyrics and its literature/poetry, etc.)
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A Stag guitar I first got after about a week or two of starting guitar. I remember I was hesitant to say I wanted to learn guitar because I was concerned about its costs, we were never really stable. In my second year of intermediate, I was roaming around the guitar tuition teacher at an expo within the school as I was interested but wasn't sure if I was allowed to when he handed me the form to sign up. I didn't know what to do with the paper so I had it hidden away in my bag for a few days until I gathered up the courage to hand it to my mother. I'm glad I did. I started off with joint sessions with another student as it was cheaper, but my guitar teacher recommended me to do one-on-one lessons as he was surprised by my learning speed. He also recommended me to get a guitar of my own instead of the broken-down school guitars. This classical guitar sounds cheap, and it is cheap, but it's incredibly special to me. It got even more special for me after listening to Ohzora Kimishima, a Japanese guitarist I mentioned a few times through this course, as he also treasures and masters his cheap classical guitar from his childhood.
An electric acoustic guitar from the British guitar brand Tanglewood. I moved to Japan for a year during year 9, and before I did so I decided to gather up all my bits and scraps of pocket money and get a steel string guitar as an upgrade. It was only less than a year of learning guitar but I was enjoying it so much I was learning like Fleetwood Mac and some advanced songs. My mother helped me with the fund as well and it was the biggest purchase of my life at the time. It's a beautiful guitar and it was the only one left at the store, it felt a bit like when Harry met his wand for the first time. I have a Studio Ghibli solo guitar scorebook and I used to play the whole book with this guitar every day.
I only got the electric guitar after about 4 years of playing guitar, again, it is painfully expensive (at least for my broken wallet and heart) so I was hesitant to get one. Compared to acoustic fingerstyle, I'm really bad at electric guitar but starting here I started learning a bit more about rock music and some older bands. It reminded me of how my father was super into Western or English bands from his time.
Kenshi Yonezu albums and CDs:
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Discovering Japanese music through guitar and the internet was a major step for me to find Yonezu and Japanese internet culture or its music. If I start listing how many things he has led me to it would be endless. Other Vocaloid producers, Japanese bands, solo musicians, Japanese literature such as Kenji Miyazawa, singers disguising their faces(also strongly from Japanese internet culture), animation studios such as Studio 4C, manga artists, video producers, these are just to name a few categories.
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