#the guild incorrect quotes
glitterkuromi · 2 years
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reineydraws · 5 months
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loser clown gains mobster boyfriend, has no idea how it happened 🤡 (insp.)
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luxthestrange · 11 days
OP Incorrect quotes#36 DENIED
Crocodile is currently... harassing you in your work but your new boss, Bless her old granny heart lets him in given his very handsome and smooth talker...you can't get angry at her...
Croco: Y/n, I…
Croco: I love you...
EX-Secretary!Y/n*Currently putting new soil to the flowers* Not my problem
Croco:...Do you always have to attack me with your words?
EX-Secretary!Y/n*Smiles at him holding a brick from the garden edge* Would you prefer me to use a brick?~
-Back in headquarters...With the cross guild, they received a ..box with a present-
Buggy*opening the box his crewmates bought him only to see...sand?...wet sand?*What in the?...*screeches in horror seeing the sand pop out two sets of human eyes and a face*AAAAAH!?!?!-o-oh it's you croco-baby!!!
Mihawk*Drinking wine in the corner*...It seems your prized assistant keeps on rejecting you...Maybe you should let one of us convince them?
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Part 3 of:
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unicornblossom13 · 4 months
[Morning at Cross Guild]
Mihawk: Do you have a cactus where your heart should be?
Crocodile: What’s up your ass this morning?
Shanks [walks in with no shirt on]: Hey~
Crocodile: Hmph. Never mind.
[Buggy spits out his drink in shock]
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httpsclarye · 4 months
Mihawk: Is something burning?
Buggy: My burning love for you two of course!
Buggy: And the kitchen is on fire…
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Vex: I really like this whole "good guy, bad guy" thing you guys have going on.
Mercer Frey: It’s not an act, it’s just that I’m mean and Brynjolf isn’t.
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cipher-zoo · 1 year
Buggy: *looking through his clothes*
Buggy: Have you seen my top?
Alvida: Which one? I don't think Crocodile, Hawkeye and Redhair are in the same place right now?
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erzasimpbitch · 2 months
Minerva: How many times have I told you NOT to list me as your emergency contact, Sting!?
Sting: *stuck on a roof* YOU'RE NOT! It's Yukino... who is also stuck up here.
Yukino: *excitedly waves*
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mjrtaurus · 20 days
Crocodile, watching Buggy storm out of another meeting: What am I going to do with him...
Mihawk: ... He'd make a very handsome throw rug.
Crocodile: Dracule.
Mihawk: And just think. Whenever he gets dirty, you can take him out and beat him.
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forthetaintedmemes · 10 months
*Francis just trying to have one normal dinner*
Twain: So Poe, is the agency guy like, a sugar baby, or what's the situation there?
Oblivious and innocent Poe: I don't think Ranpo is diabetic. Maybe? You'd think with all the snacks....
Louisa: We've given up on a love confession Mark. They're both that oblivious.
Poe: Who is oblivious? Are we still talking about sugar?
Francis: Poe I'm giving you a raise.
Poe: Why? No? I'm good?
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luxthestrange · 2 months
OP Incorrect quotes#33 No paperwork~
Imagen being Crocodile's Old secretary...You had no devil fruit you were just INSANELY good are doing errands, doing paperwork keeping everyone on schedule giving your soft appearance you softened the intimidating vibe Crocodile had...your motto is "Minding my own business" to a lot of...the obvious evil deeds your boss and his crew did ...a paycheck is a paycheck...course in the end you didn't mind the straw hats and was happy things went better for Arabasta...
UNTIL YOU SAW ON THE PAPERS YOUR EX-BOSS IS FREE AFTER A PRISON FIGHT...which would be explained...him now at your door under the "rain"...begging for you to work for him again with his new partners-
Croco*Leaning on your...small door frame with a bouquet of flowers* Y/n, my tender, oozing blossom, you’re looking fabulous today. Is that a new haircut? Tell me it’s a new haircut. It’s got to be a new haircut. New makeup? You had a lift? You had a tuck? You had something? Something has been inserted in you that makes you look… Listen, I need a favor. I...admit your the best worker I ever had-Work for me in my new business-…
EX-Secretary!Y/n: Well, isn’t that nice? But guess what?...You didn’t turn in your homework the night I needed you to do it...the one job I need your attention and seal...and you didn't pay me my usual overtime to fix your mistake?~.
Croco*Actually feeling abit flustered, coughs into Hook looking "Shocked"...knowing he was probably celebrating early his victory* I didn’t… I… no paperwork?
EX-Secretary!Y/n*Closes door on crocodile’s hand*The office is now closed!~
Croco*Felt pained as you slammed the door on his hand with no mercy* YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
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...could this be a thing?...
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wordy-little-witch · 11 days
Incorrect quotes bc I need some dopamine-
It's long and this is a mix of shit I've heard in my life, random scenes my brain conjures up, and the result of a ridiculous amount of cold medicine.
Roger pirates edition!!!!
Roger: hey buglet, what have you got there?
Buggy: a bomb! :o3
Roger: .... ah. Seems like something a responsible parent would never let their child play with.
Buggy: :o(
Roger: good thing I'm a captain!
Buggy: :oD
Shanks: Bugs?
Buggy: what?
Shanks: would you love me if I was a worm?
Buggy: .... hmmm....
Shanks: you have to think about it?!??
Buggy: well duh! We're pirates! We're on a pirate ship, dumbass! How would I keep a worm alive, let alone happy and safe, on a pirate ship?? Not to mention all the different species of worms! What kind of worm would you be?? What kind of care would you need? It's a big question- *goes on a tangent about worms, worm care, and is slowly working himself into a panic*
Shanks, who just heard a landlocked girl ask her boyfriend it and wanted to ask buggy bc he thought it would annoy him: .... a h
Rayleigh: .... what do you have there, Captain?
Roger, holding a baby in a treasure chest and another, smaller baby in his sash: an ADVENTURE!
Gabban, trying to teach the kids their numbers: one~ twoo~ threeee~
Shanks: t'wee!!!
Gabban: right! And what comes after three? Do you know, Buggy?
Buggy, with the confidence of a pirate toddler: FUCK!!
Rayleigh, appearing out of thin air, menacing smile in place: :)
Gabban: :/
Buggy and Shanks: :D fuck fuck fuck!!!
Rayleigh: remind me to kill Roger later, please.
Crocus: alright boys. Let's work on that math, okay? So, Bug, if you had seven treasure chests-
Buggy: yesss!!!
Crocus: focus! Seven treasure chests. Now Shanks asks for three of them. How many treasure chests would you have left?
Buggy: seven.
Crocus: no, Shanks asked for three of them.
Shanks: it's okay, Buggy, you can keep your treasure!
Crocus: no- I- okay, Buggy has seven chests. I ask for three of them. How many do you have left?
Buggy: seven.
Crocus: okay, I'm not asking, I am taking the three treasure chests by force. How many do you have now.
Buggy: seven and a corpse.
Crocus: .....
Shanks: ......
Buggy: ......
Crocus: ................ is this why Rayleigh made math time my job
Buggy: probably. I bit him last time.
Whitebeard: Roger! I never expected you to take on children! Taking a page from my book, are you?
Roger: something like that hahaha! Eddie, meet my brats! This redhead here is Shanks, he's a tough little cookie.
Shanks: hi!!
Roger: and the bluebelle here is Buggy. He's my little cupcake!!
Whitebeard: aw, because he's small and sweet?
Roger, smiling widely: no, because cupcakes can easily contain many varieties of mortal harm, I have learned, and he is small, cute and deadly.
Buggy, pouting: it was one time!!
Roger: three times, and that's not counting that one time with Garp and the arsenic
Buggy: >:o/
The Whitebeard pirates:
Roger: isn't he the cutest??
Shanks: he don't bite
Marco, trying desperately to shake Buggy off of his leg: YES HE DO, HELP-
Buggy, 3 years old, slams his sippy cup onto the table top: I need a dwink.
Sunbell, trying not to laugh: aw, what's up, little man?
Buggy: S'anks is twyin' my patience. Gimme da good stuffs.
Sunbell: okay. Apple juice or-
Buggy: wum.
Sunbell: baby bug, rum is for grown ups. How about some milk?
Buggy: no. Papa Rayray has wum when cap'in is being extra dumb. And S'anks is being extra EXTRA dumb ri' now. I need wum.
Sunbell: ...... alright then-
((He does not in face give Buggy rum, but he DOES make a point of saving a small rum bottle to fill with cranberry juice for future reference.))
Rayleigh: hey, buddy, what's wrong?
Buggy: I have a headache that comes and goes.
Ray: aw, here, let's go to Crocus-
Shanks: hi, Buggy!!
Buggy: there it is.
Rayleigh: ..... yeah Crocus can't help with that.
Buggy, laying on the deck at 3 in the morning:
Roger: bugababy, what are you doing up?
Buggy: what is the point of life, if not only to suffer? What is the purpose of being here if it's all a cyclical preordained destiny of agony and heartache? Why would the Spirits see fit to put us into this hellscape if not for their own sick amusement-?
Roger: Buggy, is this because Shanks ate your gummy worms?
Buggy: that red haired fucker knew they were mine-!
Shanks: hey, Captain? How does one confess their undying love to someone?
Roger: just because I'm with Rouge doesn't mean I know how it happened, son.
Buggy: hey, mom?
Rouge: yes, ma fleur?
Buggy: I think Shanks is in love with me.
Rouge: neat. Do you love him too?
Buggy: unfortunately.
Rouge: nice.
Rayleigh: I didn't choose parent life. Parent life came to me, mid-drink, in the form of an unhinged adult man, and then expanded further with the addition of two tiny humans.
Roger, with Shanks in a front facing baby carrier: you know what's cute than one baby?
Random pirate enemy, trying to figure out why this man showed up to a fight with a baby:
Roger, turning to show Buggy in a carrier on his back: two babies!!!
Buggy @ Garp: were it not for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.
Roger: I mean.... we're pirates, so laws-
Garp, sweating, who just set down a draw 4 in Oro Uno: No, kid's right, gotta listen to the law
Rayleigh: I have no fear
Shanks, pale and shaking: Buggy hasn't slept in two days he's making bombs
Rayleigh: I have several fears.
Sengoku: Garp, you've been acting strange ever since you came back from your last excursion.
Garp: no i haven't.
Sengoku: you just leveled a circus tent after seeing a bunch of clowns.
Garp, having flashbacks to being bitten by a tiny clown, thousand yard stare: their joyful levity is a lie
Buggy: if I had a nickel for every time I had a traumatic experience on this damn crew, I'd have enough to pay for my therapy bills.
Shanks: if I had a nickel for every traumatizing experience I had here, I'd have enough to pay for my drinking problem.
Gabban, looking at the 11 year olds: .... maybe pirates aren't built for being parents.......
Whitebeard: I fear no man.
Also Whitebeard, thinking on that first time he interacted with Buggy one on one: but that thing..... it scares me.
Buggy: it's hard being Easy, Breezy, Beautiful, Cover Girl, but a bitch makes due
Crocodile: how did you survive this far
Buggy: I may have had rabies
Mihawk: why does Shanks huddle in a corner when someone plays circus music
Buggy: bullseyes are red.
Mihawk: what does that have to do with-
Buggy: throws a knife and hits dead center of an apple, some unknown source playing circus music in the background
Mihawk: this explain so much and yet so little
Crocodile: have you been sneaking money
Buggy: I would love to do that, but unfortunately the clap of my big dumpy cheeks would alert you to my hiding place.
Mihawk, fighting a migraine: do you ever think before you speak
Buggy: hey, want a card reading?
Crocodile: a what
Mihawk: you read cards?
Buggy, laying a card down: oh, look it's a Caterpie.
Buggy: I means you're a douchebag.
((Buggy does in fact read tarot cards, smth he and Mihawk eventually bond over))
Buggy, after almost dying part 2847164917: no mister reaper we have to stop meeting like this....
The guy who just shot him with seastone: what the fu-
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briebysabs · 1 year
Ranpo: Isn’t it time you confess your pent up feelings to that executive before you become Atsushi’s matchmaker?
Dazai: But isn’t it also time to use that detective brain of yours and piece together that Poe wants to kiss your ankles?
Kunikida: And isn’t it time to stop FALLING FOR OUR RIVALS
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fttwts · 11 months
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hell yeah
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Brynjolf: *sneaks into the Ragged Flagon at 2am*
Vex: *turns in swivel chair* Care to tell me where you were?
Brynjolf: I was with . . . uh . . . Delvin!
Delvin Mallory: *also turns in a swivel chair* Care to— *keeps spinning* Vex. Vex, I can’t stop the cHAIR—
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Bisca: All of my Asuka's snacks are organic.
Makarov: That’s cool. My kids eat candy off the floor.
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