#the first & second pics especially 🥺🥺🥺
jaeyooniverse · 8 months
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cr. T990511
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dylanconrique · 1 year
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“ got room for one more? ”
part 1
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scarletwinterxx · 10 months
naps and baby kicks - dad mark lee scenario
i know i just wrote about dad mark lee but i saw the baby pictures and i just envisioned this moment. Just imagine this is what little Minjung looks like🥺 like look at him🥺🥺🥺🥺 if he's my kid, i wouldn't be able to say no to him too😭
timeskip to before Minjee was born, Minjung is 5 here (about to be 6) you can read the other parts here:
part1: day with dad mark lee
part2: another day with dad mark lee
part3: a day with the lee's
part4: (prologue) i don't know how to make eggs
part5: glitter pens and goodnight kisses with the Lee's
part6: first love and kisses
part7: naps and baby kicks
part8: then there was three
part9: just like you
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2023 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(pics not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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Mark is busy slicing the watermelon in the kitchen while you take a nap on the living room couch. Quietly humming some random song, he loves days like this. When he can stay at home and be with his family.
Especially now that another Little Lee is on the way.
You've reached that point in your pregnancy where you're constantly tired, you feel bad about not being as active to take care and play with your son, Minjung, but he really is the best boy. He's been very understanding, he always makes sure you're okay. Just like how his dada taught him.
"Mom, are you awake?" you hear a tiny voice whisper, you can't help but smile and open your eyes. You weren't really sleeping. Just resting your feet and back.
"Yes, love. What is it?" you ask him
"You need water, mama? snacks?" he asks you
Chuckling at your cute son, you shake your head. Instead you pat the vacant spot next to you, Minjung carefully lays next to you.
"I miss hanging out with you, sorry mommy can't run and play outside with you" you tell him
"It's okay, mommy. Daddy says it's because you're growing little sissy right now so we need to take care of you and her"
You smile upon hearing your son's words. Only 5 but already he's wise beyond his years. One thing doesn't change though is his cute face looking more and more like his father's everyday.
Speaking of, Mark walked back to the living room to see his two favorite people on the couch having a small talk. He can hear the conversation between you and Minjung, quietly listening behind.
"You'll tell mama if you need anything okay? Once baby sister is here, it might seem like we're taking care of her a lot but we love you just as much"
"It's okay, mommy. I love you too"
You can't help it, he's just too cute. You squish your little boy's cheeks, hugging him as close as you can. Savoring these last moments of Minjung being an only child.
With the next one on the way, you've been worried about Minjung and how he'll react once the baby is here. But you know your son, he's smart and always kind. The moment you told him he's about to have a sibling, he's been very excited.
"Got room for one more?" Mark decides to finally interrupt, wanting to be a part of this special moment.
"Of course, come here" you open your arm, hugging both of your boys.
"Oh did you feel that?" you ask, making the two boys move away from you
"What?! You okay?" Mark worriedly asks, immediately getting off the couch and crouching on the floor instead. Gently pulling Minjung with him.
"She kicked, here" you take Mark and Minjung's hand and put it where you felt the kick. A few seconds later you felt it again
"Oh, is that little sissy?" Minjung asks you with an excited look on his face
"Yea, she's excited to meet you too"
"Does it hurt, mommy? When she kicks?"
"Sometimes, only when she kicks me here by the ribs but it's okay. She doesn't mean it. She's just trying to move around and stretch a bit" you explain to the little boy, Mark listening to the two of you while his hand draws circles on your tummy. Waiting for his little girl to kick again.
It's the second time but moments like this still amazes him. He can still remember the first time he felt Minjung kick in your tummy like it was yesterday, now the three of you are here feeling the baby girl's kicks. He hasn't met her yet but the amount of love Mark has for his daughter is already beyond this universe.
You, Minjung and this little baby girl is his whole world.
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A few weeks later, it's time for Minjung to meet his new little sister
"Okay when we get there, we need to use inside voice okay? We wash our hands first" Mark tells his son, looking down at him.
The two boys make their way to the hospital where you're currently resting. Mark holding Minjung's hand while he holds a bouquet of flowers in the other.
"Okay you knock" he tells him, Minjung knocking gently on the door
"Come in" you say from the other side of the door, Mark opening the door. Immediately you see your baby boy, it's only been two days but it felt like forever since you last saw him.
"Hi, baby. I missed you" you tell him, already feeling the tears build up. Mark chuckles at you, while you roll your eyes at him. Mark helps Minjung wash his hands before the little boy walks over to you.
"Hi mommy, we got you flowers" he says, showing you the flowers
"Thank you, baby. I love them. Can mama have a hug?" you wait for Mark to help Minjung up the bed
"Careful with mom okay, gentle" Mark reminds him, you just smile at the two. Immediately you hug your little boy, compared to little newborn currently in the crib Minjung seems so big.
The thought enough to put tears in your eyes
"I was gone for two days, and you're already a big brother. Mommy missed you so much, buddy" you tell him, peppering kisses all over his face making the boy laugh.
"I missed you too, mommy. Is baby sissy okay?"
"Yea, she's here. You want to meet her?" you ask him, the little boy nodding excitedly.
"Okay, why don't you sit here while I get her?" Mark helps Minjung down from the bed, pointing at the little couch. Mark gets baby girl from her crib before walking towards where Minjung was seating.
Meanwhile you get your phone out to capture the moment.
"Minjung, meet your little sister Minjee" Mark tells his little boy, showing him the little bundle of joy wrapped in the pink blanket. Minjung looked a bit unsure at first, looking at his dad first.
"You can hold her, here she loves holding your finger like this. Gently okay?" Mark lets Minjung hold out one finger so little Minjee can hold it. You wipe the few tears that escaped, smiling at your family
"Hello, Minjee. I'm Minjung, your brother" he says happily. shaking his finger like they're shaking hands for the first time. Mark smiles at his son, kissing the top of his head before looking at his daughter.
"You're going to be the best of friends, you have to teach her how to color and play the piano and how to ride a bike. It's going to be so much fun" Mark tells him, "Would that be okay?"
"Mhm, we can play. I'll share my toys with her" Minjung answers
"Thanks buddy, that's very nice of you" Mark tells him, putting Minjee on his right arm so he can hug Minjung with the other one.
"I love the both of you very very much, more than anything. We take care of her like we take care of mommy, okay?"
"That's my boy" Mark mumbles, hugging Minjung tighter. Looking over at you to see you wiping more tears away.
"Guys, I love this moment but you're making me cry so much" you joke, Mark laughs before gently standing up to walk over to you. He passes Minjee over to you before he kisses you on the head.
"Good job, mom of two"
"Oh shut up, you did this to me" you joke, "Hey, as long as you're willing to. I can do it all over again. I love our babies very much, I don't mind having a few more" he tells you, you know what he means by that. At the end of the day it's your body that goes through a lot.
But looking down at the bundle of joy in your arms and your little man, you know you'd do it over and over again.
"Can we do it until one looks like me?"
"Dude, what are you talking about? She kinda looks like you"
You shoot him a deadpanned look, it's too soon to tell but even know you can see your daughter takes after her dad much like her older brother. As for Minjung, well one look at him and you'd know he's Mark's son.
"Kinda? She looks just like Minjung when he was born. She'll probably look like you too. I don't hate it though, more mini Mark's" you smile at your husband
"Better luck next time, baby"
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softie-rain · 2 months
Give me some Sejanus headcanons please? 🥺
I love how you write him 💖
Note: ok first off anon please marry me I'm such a whore for compliments I'm like Rachel (from friends) when she's pregnant, you compliment me I give you EVERYTHING you ask for. Second off, I'm assuming you meant x reader so I went with that! If you meant only about Sejanus' character, please tell me and I'll write those too :D
Pairing: Sejanus Plinth x gen!reader
tw: none babes pure fluff
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Sejanus Plinth will literally do anything for you, and it is not an exaggeration.
"Sejanus I'm cold."
"I wish I could control the weather to make you feel warm, but since I can't, here, have my jacket."
If you're sick, for example a fever, he'll take the whole day off/skip Academy just so he can take care of you. He doesn't care that he might get sick as well. You're hungry? He'll prepare you a soup just like his Ma' taught him. You're cold? All the blankets you need are on the way.
He'll also help you take your pills, medication, anything you may need!
He helps you study, I feel like Sejanus is very good at school (he is in canon, if I'm not wrong) so he's 100% up to help you with your classes.
He'll make cards with questions to ask for any upcoming test you may have, and give you a cookie he made for every correct answer! Or a kiss, too.
... he'll strip down for every correct answer if you want it to he nsfw. up to you.
Cuddles!! All the time!
Sejanus is a listener, he loves listening to you talk. Especially if it's something you love, like your favourite book or simply a special interest you have
Picutre this: you're sitting on your bed talking, as Sejanus is laying on his side next to you listening to and at some point he zones out, which you notice.
"Sejanus? Are you listening?"
"Sorry darling, got distracted by how beautiful you are."
And you get flustered and blush and feel like you're 12 with your first crush
He's so smooth with his flirting??? So so damn charming.
He LOVES to make you flustered, he gets so happy when he sees how red in the face you get after a compliment
He's so protective and jealous of you too, but that doesn't admit it because he's a bit ashamed of that. Even after you reassure him it's fine and that it's normal.
He's so nervous when you meet his Ma' for the first time, but she loves you the second she lays eyes on you
This is a Strabo Plinth hate account so he's not there ❤️
Take this one in a modern au probably, but she'll totally show you embarrassing Sejanus baby pics
He's not a huge fan of pda but he'll hold your hand any time he has the chance. In class, in the hallways, at home, as you walk
He always spoons you. Idc if you're taller my man WILL be the big spoon.
in a modern au again, you're watching your favourite movie which he hasn't seen but he's so confused
"Wait who is he" "Oh is he the bad guy?" "What is going on?" "I don't understand, why did they do that?"
Though it's probably just so you get to talk about and he knows how much you love to talk about it
He'll read for you if you ask him to!
As I said he's very jealous (ahem insecure ahem) but he trusts you, so it's the cute kind of jealousy
He's always reminding you that he loves you, both by buying you gifts or just by telling you.
Please remind him you love him too or he'll cry
and me with him
You don't want him to because you don't want him to spend money on you but the only reason he'd use his father's money is to buy you gift or take you out on fancy dates
Hugs from behind!!
if you're shorter he loves to pick you up
Can you tell Sej's my favourite character
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kingkatsuki · 9 months
this random thought popped into my head and now I cannot control the brain rot. Thinking about !streamer y/n and !mod bakugo!! streamer y/n who ‘accidentally’ flashes when she sees !mod bakugo enter chat. streamer y/n who feels a rush when they see bakugo block weirdos in chat. Streamer y/n who pretends they don’t have a favourite mod or fan but let’s mod bakugo get away with everything! Like the hold he would have over you 🥹🥹 I love him!
- 🎀
Omg I love this idea so much!!
Mod Bakugou would stop any guys from treating you like shit or talking down to you because you’re a girl, especially if you’ve got a cutesy aesthetic.
Since joining the server you’ve managed to play with him before so he knows how good you are, and if anyone tries to talk shit he’s like “She could end you in one shot, shut your mouth or get muted.” Like he’s not here for their shit.
You secretly light up whenever you see he’s online because he’s always looking out for you, so you make sure to ping him in main chat to say hey, and he rarely responds if it’s busy but you’ll notice the little explosion reaction that he uses beneath your message to indicate he’s seen it.
His friends always tease him because he’s got the biggest crush on you, even though he’s never actually seen your face. But Sero is constantly talking about the soft spot he has for you whenever he’s doing his mod duties.
He’ll never admit it to anyone, but he searches your name in the server to see if anyone’s been talking about you and equally to see what you’ve been talking about whenever he’s not online.
Bakugou always messages you first whenever he needs a partner to game, or someone extra for the team because he just knows he plays so well with you and that he usually wins when you’re on his team.
He’s already in love with your voice, in game you’re so cute whenever you almost get shot or die— the little squeal you make when it happens he wants to record and keep it forever. And he’s been in a voice chat with you and even though he was on mute the entire time he could listen to you talk for hours. And you’re adorable whenever you say his name when you notice he’s joined.
One day you’re brave enough to stream with your face, and you call it your big face reveal and Bakugou could die. You’re the prettiest person he’s ever laid his eyes on, no exaggeration. And now you’re more confident you start posting outfit pics or face reveals in the server. Where there are a tonne of comments on how pretty you are and how good you look, and how people want to date you so bad— but you’re always looking out for a little emoji reaction beneath your pics from Bakugou🥺
And then it’s time for you to make your own server because you’ve got enough subs, and you’re nervous to do it but Bakugou is already in your dms encouraging you to go for it. And he agrees to be one of your mods😭 so you do!!
And it takes off SO fast. A thousand new members in just a few days, and your poor mods work so hard to make it a great place— but of course Bakugou is your favourite.
Anyone that says anything lewd or inappropriate about you are muted or kicked in seconds. Usually with a comment below it like “fucking imbecile” “dumbass” or something like that. He’s also always the mod you’re gushing about the most, and your fans/followers are now starting to tease that you might have a crush on mod Bakugou. And he wouldn’t ever admit it, but he reads those messages with the dorkiest smile on his face.
So normally you tell your mods to be nice to fans and give them the benefit of the doubt, but Bakugou can roast anyone he likes and he always gets away with it. Occasionally you’ll ping him with a cute “Bakugou don’t be mean!!” and he pretends that doesn’t give him a hard-on. It only makes him wanna be meaner.
And one day you’re getting ready for a follower celebration stream, listening to music and doing your make up in the private mod only chat and Bakugou joins. Just as you’re sitting there in a towel from your shower as you fix your makeup, and you turn to face the screen to see who joined and you’re so surprised it’s him. Excitement gets the best of you and you reach up to wave, but your towel loosens and slips and he gets the quickest EVER flash of your tits and now he thinks he’s died and gone to heaven. You’re apologizing profusely and hiding your camera and he’s telling you it’s fine and don’t panic he didn’t see anything (he totally did) and now he’s going to have to spend the rest of your stream with his cock throbbing between his thighs.
You know whenever it’s Bakugou deleting a message during your stream too, because he’s so quick. He’s there telling people to stop being assholes or lose their privileges and people are even commenting on how lucky you are to have such a great mod. Even though he’s terrifying😂😭
After your stream you’re in his dms to apologise again, and he just keeps telling you that it’s okay and that you did such a good job and how proud he is of you🥺
And you keep trying to get him to collab with you on a stream because he’s got his own channel, but he never posts his face on it and as much as he’d love to collab with you the thought makes him SO nervous.
YOU ALWAYS ALMOST DIE when he enters chat, because you get so distracted🥺😭
He’s the only mod that has your actual phone number and you text outside the channel and server. He’s always sending you pics of his day, and you’re always sending him outfit pics.
And the server see you both together in private voice chats ALL the time so your fans/followers start jokingly shipping you together🥺 and someone draws fanart of you but it’s just you and a guy wearing a black hoodie pulled up over his head because no one in the server really knows what Bakugou looks like besides one “face reveal” he did where it was just a webcam of him in super low light wearing a black hoodie.
But you freak out over it because it’s adorable😭 and everyone is pinging Bakugou to get him to comment.
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mrs-monaghan · 8 months
hi shazzz, i hope u are doing well!!
i have a question to you... why do u think yoongi is dating el captxin? i heard some things, but one of them is that el captxin said he only likes girls on his ig once, when rumours about them were loud
No he didn't say that. And no he didn't say being shipped with Suga makes him uncomfortable. It's people making shit up again like always.
Okay guys. I promised. Guess its time. I will try to gather as much as I can. Can't promise I'll get everything thou 🤭 but I'll try 😁
Real name: Jang Yi-Jeong. Producer name: also on his IG elxcapitxn. But since I cannot spell that from memory I shall be calling him el captain or the captain 😁😁😁 let's get into it.
They do not have a ship name as far as I know so my friends and i go back and forth between Yingi and capitungi 🤷🏽‍♀️
First and most importantly and most suspicious is one important question we have to answer. Who are 2 of Suga's favourite members? That's right; Jimin and Jhope. And this here is the reason why we know Suga has a type 😏 Because the captain is basically Jhope and Jimin, combined. U don't believe me?
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Say whaaaaaaaaaaat?
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Say what whaaaaaaat????
I'm not saying he's identical to Hopemin. I'm just saying the captain looks like them. Like alot. These 2 photos especially remind me of Jimin.
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And this one, well, this one is basically if Jihope had a baby
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Yeah... I know. Let's just let that sink in for a second. Can someone check on JK real quick, and ask how he feels about this? Coz its nuts! Suga really said if it can't have them I'm gonna have the next best thing 🤭🤭🤭
Mkay.... now that the most sus thing has been established, let's get into the dots people have been connecting. Apart from their incredible chemistry, of course.
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So, they've known eo for 6 years
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Here is el captain in 2016 if anyone is curious how he looked like.
It's the way Suga looks at the captain.
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The documentary, the dinner scene, they were kind of in their own world
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It's the way the captain looks at Suga too
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It's Suga's reaction when the captain yelled "Min yoongi I love you!"
That was way too cute 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Them at the beach in Thailand together when Suga was on tour.
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Yoonminers tried to say the person with stripped shorts was Jimin but nah. The guy in all black is the captain.
Speaking of holidays. I don't recall exactly why but at the time people had reasons to believe Suga was here too and that he was most prolly the one who took the pic.
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It's the way the captain's IG is full of Suga. 🥰 He even posted this himself.
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Even if its mostly music. There's alot of Suga on his account. 🤭🤭
Speaking of IG posts, out of all Jimin posts, this is the only post the captain has liked
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Your bias is showing captain!!!! 🤭🤭🤭
@magicshop-pjm1 pointed out something quite funny which is; el captain didn't like the Yoonmin Suchwita one, didn't like this photo from the concert he was at which were posted around the same time as the one above
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Generally just hasn't liked any other Yoonmin posts either which, you know... I'm just putting that out there for no reason whatsoever...
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Basically they spend ALOT of time together. Like alot, alot. Especially during Dday.
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They spent days and nights together working on the album. Supportive bf captain was also behind the scenes when Suga was at Jimmy Fallon.
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If u ask me that seems unnecessary unless they are really close. Clearly what they got isn't limited to the studio.
Here's a thread about them from 2016 till now.
In conclusion: ig we now know who was in this room
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rexscanonwife · 2 months
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I finally have my first tattoo!! And it's BEAUTIFUL, it's exactly what I wanted and it's Rex and he's on my skin and will always be there FOREVER 🥺🥺💙💙💙💙 it's kinda hard to see in the pic (especially the second one I took in the shitty lighting of our bedroom) but the tally marks are black and the jaig eyes are a nice navy blue!
I'm so so happy rn! It's truly the best birthday gift to myself! 😭💖💖
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silenzahra · 1 month
A very silly (and cute) post 🤪✨
Hello! First of all, the thing I had last Thursday ended up going well and faster than I expected! Thank you again to all of you for your love and support 🥹🥹🥹 You're all so amazing!!! 💖💖💖
Remember the pic I shared a few days ago with Mario himself? 🤭😁 Welp... Two days ago, after "the thing", I went to the fair again with my friends and had lots of fun, and I went and took pics of all the weird (and cute) Marios I saw here and there 🤭 Soooo.... Are you ready to see them? 😁
As I said, some of them are cute while some others... Well 😅 I'll let you judge by yourselves. This is gonna be a very silly post with some cuteness here and there, so I hope you enjoy! ✨
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I didn't know there were Super Mario Pop figures... nor that most of them looked so weird 🤭😅 Glad to see Explorer Mario from Odyssey though! As well as a Green Mario 🤭😂
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I have to say, most of these plushies are very cute! I really like the last pic because it looks like Peach is hiding behind Mario so that he can protect her 🤭🥹🩷❤️✨
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Okay... Mario, what's with that stache? 😅
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This may look like Mario, but if you look closely... That is NOT Mario! That's Red Luigi!!! 😱 The stache and clothes and hat may be Mario's, but the face? It's Luigi's!!! 😱😱😱
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I have to say, these are the weirdest sets of Mario toys I've ever seen... Most of them look horrendous 😅 Especially Bowser and some Peaches, lol, though, again, I like to see that there are so many different Marios and Luigis, like Metal Mario or Bubble Luigi, as well as King Penguin and the Rabbids! And, of course, Peach looks very good in Daisy's yellow dress 🤭😂
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These are some random figures and things I saw, and, please, if by any chance you know what the two latter things are... I'd be very happy to know 😶
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These little figures 🥺🥺🥺 The absolute CUTENESS 😭😭😭 I had bought some of them last year (specifically Mario Maker, Fire Mario and Green Mario), and this year I saw Mario on a plane and it reminded me so much of Super Mario Land that it came home with me 🤭 Also, I don't care at all that Mario has never ridden a unicorn: that figure was so freaking CUTE that I also had to buy it 😌
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Green Mario, what happened to your leg????? 😩😩😩😩😩
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Again, some Odyssey references! And, again, weird Bowser and Peach 😂 Toad looks really good though!
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I may or may not have bought one of these 3D posters... 🤭 I was very surprised and happy to see not only Mario Kart and Galaxy, but also Rabbids! 🤩🤩🤩 That's the game I'm currently playing so it was really a nice surprise!
The last two things I'm gonna show you are two fairground rides, so you'll see there are some emojis or red paint here and there: those are people 😅 The fair is always VERY crowded and these two rides were meant for children, so it was very hard to take pics without people in them. Still, I hope you can see them as clearly as possible! ✨
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Look at this cute bouncy castle with Mario and Luigi and a pair of Game Boys showing Super Mario Land 🥹🥹🥹 Listen, I LOVED these things when I was a child, so believe me when I say, if adults were allowed in them, you BET I would've jumped in the very first day 😂😂😂
Also, I took the first picture from the top of the Ferris wheel! 😁 The quality wasn't very good, but I just had to seize the chance and photograph the bros from the air 😂
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This one, apparently it's made like the videogames? 🤔 With places you have to jump and climb and such, I can't be sure because, again, it's only for kids 😅 But I really loved seeing it from the outside as there are so many beautiful drawings of the characters! 🤩
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I LOVE how angry both brothers look on the pic on the left 😳😳😳 And also how in the next two we have Mario Kart, Sunshine, Odyssey and Tanooki in just one look 😂
Also, on the second one, I tried taking pics of Mario and Luigi using their Firebrand and Thunderhand, but unfortunately that one was on the second floor, and there was a fence in front of it to prevent children from falling off, so it was VERY hard to take a decent pic from below 😅 Still, I wanted to include it because, I mean: Superstar Saga reference!!! 🤩🤩🤩
I'm pretty sure you're gonna LOVE the next two 😁
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It's THEM!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 The best brothers in the entire universe!!! Of course I had to take a pic of them!!! 😁😁😁
And... are you ready for the next one? 🥹
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My God, I can't even explain how absolutely HAPPY I was to see they had figures of Mario and Peach, nor how tremendously HARD it was to take this pic as there were always children right in front of them 😅 (or taking pics with Mario, obviously, which I would've done too if possible!)
Lastly, before I leave, let me show you the cute figures I bought! ✨
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As I said, I couldn't resist to the cuteness of both the plane and the unicorn ones, and the shroom and regular Mario are joining a family that I started making last year! 🤭👇
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As I mentioned, last year I bought Maker, Fire and Green Mario, but I couldn't find regular Mario. Which is why this year I immediately went and bought him as soon as I found him! 🤭😌❤️
I hope you liked the many Marios they had this year at the fair in my city! 😁😁😁 Out of curiosity: which one was your favorite? And your less favorite? 🤭
Love you! 💖💖💖
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nowandthane · 5 months
OC Name Meaning
got tagged by @sillyliterature to do this! thank you <3
Rules: google and post the meaning of your OC'S name (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! bonus if you can find something for their last name too.
this is gonna be long i have a LOT of children 🧍
Sarani Shepard: meaning protector, guardian or path (gotta be honest, i knew about the first two and it's why i chose the name, but the third is a surprise to me when i googled again for this). I already kinda HCed Sarani (who had a different placeholder name at the time) as being part Indian so I was intentionally finding an Indian name that would fit. her LIs call her Rani sometimes which means 'queen' and 'joyous song' and that second one feels especially fitting as she doesnt let anyone else use her first name, and she is very happy to have people she loves and trusts 🥺
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Mars Shepard: my new child i just made last night whose face isnt done yet xD got the idea of using space names from @xoshepard (thank youuu <3) and I went with Mars because roman god of WAR and also gender fuckery 😌 she's gonna be romancing Kaidan!
Nayima Surana: means gentle, delicate, tenderness. this is kind of hilarious because while that's how she starts off being her experiences have hardened her a lot 😔 i dont have a pic for her im gonna remake her when (if) i ever get back to playing dragon age. also goes by Naya (renewal, fresh). we can say that shot of darkspawn blood renewwed her and freshened her up!
Riyaad Hawke: my canon hawke is garrett riyaad is a random dude the hawkes adopted dfjkghk. name means 'beautiful garden'. if you cant tell, i almost stole his name for myself xD
Bintang: 'bintang' is the Malay word for star
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Arianwen Trevelyan: means silver, blessed. she's an andrastian and blessed made sense because of that, and her hair is like blue-silver so yeah (silver when she was born, darkening to blue, was the canon i made for her i believe)
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Bronwen Trevelyan: similar meaning, fair/white and blessed. she's aria's twin so it made sense.
Veara Lavellan: my lavellan used to be Valora and pretty much just chaged her name for veara. the most i found on the internet is that it means 'special' lmao
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anyways i do have more OCs around here somewhere but i'll stop there kjdfhgkd
no pressure tags: @mxanigel @xoshepard @poetikat @sweetmage @azurechicken @malabadspice @illusivesoul @westernlarch @menacingmetal <3 <3 <3
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dumb-doll-lips · 4 months
hiiii do u have like, any advice on how to be more slutty/hookup with lotsa people? i see u post about it all the time and i wanna do it too 🥺
Awe I so love this ask. It made me all happy that I’m like someone that could get an ask about being slutty and hooking up. Not sure I’m the best at advice but I do like a chance to ramble on about stuff I like. Which slutty def is stuff I like lol
So I think there’s like too points w this. One is meeting the people. And second is the getting fucked part. Def feel like the first part is the harder part. Especially cause like I def still consider myself a bit of an anxious homebody. I think the apps are prolly like the easiest way to meet people but like you also deal w more time wasters. I’ve only been on one app, feeld, I like it but I have no comparisons (unless you count Fetlife which I don’t recommend for meeting hookups). Part of why I like feeld tho was I felt like it didn’t come off bad to not have a face pic on my profile and then I felt more comfortable being more straightforward about what I was looking forward. I do think if you do the apps you gotta be more straight forward and blunt about what you’re looking for and work on getting better at identifying those just who will just waist your time. I do generally aim to meet people quickly. Def encountered people who seem like they are just there to chat and I’m so not about that. Or they can’t lead things enough for me to thing it’d be a good fit, I rule Thah out fairly quick too. I also don’t feel like I’m doing anything that special on the app, like have some body pics in like dresses I wear out, and idk exactly what I have on my profile but it is very like I’m ideally looking for someone who can be more a fwb, like the friend part would be nice but also not a requirement. And something about big cocks.
I’m not as about meeting people in person bc I basically don’t like to go anywhere by myself other than like to the grocery stores. And like I dress up kinda when I go to the store and have had some guys start chat w me but like not a lot prolly bc I’m usually feeling more stressed there anyways. So I’m not as good w advice on that angle.
So part one, in summary, find a way or place you feel comfy meeting people and be straight forward about what you’re looking for. As a girl, I feel like the apps give you lots of guys to pick from. So like have priorities and no what you’re looking for. Like if tje goal is slutty they don’t have to be some perfect match.
The for what like I’m saying like the second part is w like the getting fucked part. The straightforwardness on the app I think def helps but I have then still went on to meet people who like aren’t as assertive as I’d like. Sometimes I think encouraging it is good. And other times I’m like nope, they aren’t a good fit. But like tbh they usually still got a blow job bc that made things a little more fun for me. I do have another post I’m gonna reblog that I made where I was like out things I try to do to encourage someone to be bolder about making a move or whatever. I think that kinda covers what I do to actually try to move it forward from just like meeting up w someone. And like maybe not the safest move, but like usually I’m inviting the guy back to my place after like meeting him for a drink or maybe dinner.
God damn I right a lot when it’s something I like. I think also like bad ar getting to a point quickly. And I have no idea what’s common sense or not. lol. Also I could very happily ramble on more about stuff if it seems like there’s anything I could be helpful w. I’m allll for encouraging more slutty.
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spookyserenades · 7 months
hi second part 👋🏼
hobi- just remembered this, when y/n, Ben, Alice, and Laura text about how hot the hybrids are I thin mainly hobi omg they cracked me up sm. The im married not blind part was so funny 😂
jimin- i don’t remember much from the chapter in September I don’t think we saw much of him but in this recent chapter OMG he was such a sweet pea!!! Y/n really went all out getting his HORSE shipped here. And jimin saying happy b day to join was so sweet cause every one’s warming up to joon after the fight a bit and I think everyone is warming up in general. Anyways y/nie goes above and beyond for her boys and ahhhh so sweet. He was so happy too you could tell he wanted to cry gosh. I love when jimin can’t handle his alcohol well I can just imagine his red cheeks eeek I hope we get to travel and see his family too. He’s defiantly been working hard on the barn, and when she mention he was shirtless at some point 🥵 I cant- im sorry I’m on my period that my horrible excuse anyways -
taehyung- him wanting to take photography and him taking pics of HER STOP ✋ no author u need to stop it’s too much like omg and when they held each other afterward I melted like I TURNED into a puddle of the floor and I’m only able to write this now bc it’s so cold here that I froze and turned back into my human form. She’s possessive and irl tae is too cause like do u remember the perila leaf débat he would get so jelly if his gf peeled off a leaf for a guy friend. The dinner scene where the waiter was making eyes an y/n and tae held her waist and GLARED that’s some dominance right there. I forgot about including the piano scenes in yoongi so I’ll add them here. the pic tae took of their feet sounded so cute and I’m glad yoongi and tae are getting more comfy w each other (cause I think yoongi chose to sit next to him asp) also cause when y/n was thinking abt how she didn’t want him to be alone 🥺😩 yes tae we want you to interact w the others~ Tae LOVES her touches too he reacts easily in just a snap 🫰
jungkook- ahh yes our angst boi- his birthday party scene was so cute he was so flustered and malfunctioned Sksks it was nice to see a raw and genuine part of him that was truly thankful for her that day I hope we get to see more of that. Jk annoying y/n during hobi’s run by giving her a cig omg I cant- this man’s needs to stop he just loves to tease. Such a sassy and snarky boy I’m totally here fir it all the way. And him picking a scary movie bc he knows hobi Jin and jimin will hate it lol. Him already agreeing to held joon and y/n w the wards before she even asked- really can’t hind anything in this house lol. I forgot to talk about this, but joon being upset w y/n and she didn’t call for him when she head the spirit threaten her 😩 he tries to pretend he doesn’t care but he DOES FR and Jk look at him like dam. Okay but that cliffhanger for the last chapter ofc u just stuff us full of fluff just to rip it out of us and I LOVE IT. I wonder what Jk and hobi/joon (I think joon was involved) fought about to make jk storm out like that although it wouldn’t be the first time. And on Halloween, come on yall! Smh 🤦‍♀️ ahh but he’s one of her boys so she’ll rein him in anyways.
Im guess there’s too much testosterone in that house hold or maybe they’re energy’s bc most of them are exotic predators and dominance is a big thing. I don’t remember exactly. Anyways I spoke about everything I could remember so far sorry for typos, ty sm for feeding us every month with such a hearty meal! Luv u 💋
Hehe hey again!!! fkdasfk I'm glad you liked my "married not blind" joke LMAO it's sooo true, especially when it comes to Hoseok. 👹
Jimin - Y/N getting him his horse... my bestie who usually beta reads for me was like Dana no way lmao. I wanna have disposable income like Y/N, and spoil all the boys silly too!! I guess we can live vicariously though Y/N LOL. 💀💀💀 But Jimin so deserved to be reunited with Vista, and he was so happy to have a piece of his former home with him now. Jimin is such a sweet, polite guy, so him wishing Joonie a happy birthday proves he really just want to keep the peace. Tipsy Jimin is just the cutest stinking thing ever, I can picture his face so clearly in my mind! Knowing Y/N, she'll definitely make good on her mental promise to bring Jimin to see his family (I'm sure she wants to meet them too!) Also YES you're right, he was totally shirtless when he was patching up the roof of the stable... I would have passed out if I saw that, Y/N is a strong woman!
Tae - UGH Another one that is totally whipped for Y/N, taking pictures of her, including a couple at his first expo... even though only four were displayed at that expo, you can imagine he's probably taken dozens more of her, which makes me blush and kick my feet. He's definitely one of the more cuddly ones, too, so when he hugged her at the expo that moment was so sweet and intimate... physical touch must be one of his love languages. I love my men a little possessive, and I DO remember the whole perilla leaf debate (wild) and Tae being like that both irl AND in Trouvaille is just so... you know? He was definitely staking claim over Y/N in that brewery, he did not like that random man staring at his girl like that. OOF! 🥵 I'm glad you brought up Tae and Yoongi beginning to come around to one another. They have that connection of both being into music, and I think they have similar possessive feelings over Y/N. Maybe Yoongi will be the one who gets close to Tae first, we'll see!!
Jeongguk - fhdjasf our little edgelord! Ah his birthday was so self indulgent, fluffy, and a chance to see his softer side under all that iciness he usually displays. I think the longer time wears on, he'll let go of more of that frostiness and become more comfortable showing Y/N his tender side. fjdksa I forgot about the scene where he offered her a cigarette at Hoseok's meet-- such a twerp!! I love love love scary movies, and I feel like him maybe Yoongi are the only two that would actually wanna watch a horror film with me IRL, or Y/N in Trouvaille. Hoseok is a bit of a scaredy cat, and the rest of them put that off a little bit as well LOL. And for sure, there really isn't anything that can be hidden in that house anymore, there are ears literally everywhere.... bad news for someone who likes to talk shit, like me. But that's an example of Jeongguk being uncharacteristically sweet, agreeing to help Y/N even if he doesn't have to. Joon was so pissed when she didn't call out for him when she was threatened, but Y/N handled everything just fine, IMO, he was being a dramatic wolf.
You know I love a good cliffhanger!!! I can't not have one almost every time. Hopefully, this time, the conflict can be resolved quickly, and it isn't as bad as The Incident between Joon and Tae. We shall see-- or you may have already seen, in this newest update!! I'm dying.... there is indeed too much testosterone in that house, but I suppose that it is just something they're all going to need some adjusting to. BUT!! Thank you again so so much for sending in these messages and gushing over the boys with me. I always look forward to hearing what you think. Loves you babe!! 💜💞💜💞
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andvys · 2 months
So, that chap was something...
"You're basically the older version of Max," he grins, "you're both stubborn and act all cold even though you're the biggest softies at heart."
Lucas telling Blondie that she and Max are like sisters 🥺
You get lost in your thoughts for a moment, his question repeating itself in your mind. You think about yourself at fifteen, at sixteen, at seventeen and eighteen. You are nineteen now, and the answer to his question is still the same, it will always be the same.
"I don't know."
When you feel so deeply for the person that you think that your feelings are obvious and loud, but still no one seems to notice. And especially if your beloved one is unaware... You're starting to doubt your feelings, your affection, not sure if all of these are real.
Blondie teasing Lucas that he's King just like kINg StEvE...
Blondie, Lucas is king. Period. You're making fun of him now but I know that he will be the first on the list of guests to your and Steve's wedding.
What you failed to notice was how bored he looked until he saw you, and how his eyes lit up when he took in the sight of you, the way his plastered smirk turned into a soft smile.
And he's trying to convince everyone and himself that he doesn't feel a thing and it's just sex 🙄
One look from him, one smile, one tiny little action and all your worries are out the window for a second. All you see is him, all you feel in your chest is the pounding of your heart that he causes every single time, he leaves goosebumps on your skin, he leaves you aching and wanting for more.
She's really a hostage to her feelings, isn't she?
He doesn't know what drives him more crazy, the fact that you're jealous, the fact that you're sitting on his cock or the raspiness of your voice as you kiss him like he means something to you.
"Like he means something to you".
The audacity. How dare you not notice, Steve?
You're only this to him, something, someone who keeps him warm. While he is your everything.
No. Don't you dare.
Robin thinking that Steve's gay 💀💀💀 Sure, buddy...
Anyway, Blondie in da nutshell:
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Lucas is definitely King but not the kind that Steve was, he’s the sweet one with the badass girlfriend 😌
Steve is so blind to her feelings and that actually won’t change much… but he won’t be blind to his feelings for much longer
Robin is so goofy and oblivious, Eddie isn’t though hehe. Blondie and Steve gotta get better at their little game
I’m so happy you liked the chapter 🤭🩷
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quaissants · 1 year
i don’t think i’ve ever done this before so thank you bubba @stealanity 💕
recommend 5 or more of your own works that you would rec to someone asking what they should read first & explain a little bit about the work. these can be the most popular, the ones you think are underrated, or your own favorites! then tag five other writers!
tagging @dearhee @end-hyphen @sunlightwoo @sunflwryu @thelargefrye for this !
also! two things: i’m adding works that i’ve written on my precious main because those are still so precious to me. also, most of what i’ve written throughout my two years are drabbles so i’m gonna go ahead and pick more than five:
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take me home … kim hongjoong
this one took me a few months to figure out.. i remember getting it as a request, and i just had no idea what to do with it. but then i thought of deja vu joong, specifically the rain part and i went that’s it! and the rest is history
a poem called you … jeong yunho
writing a hotel del luna au fic is something that was on my writer’s bucket list. which is why when i planned the purpose series, i knew. tbh i think it only took me 2-3 nights to complete this one? and while it’s not as popular as the others on this list, i do adore it
in a world of their own … lee heeseung
my second work on kurosism 🥺 again, wasn’t very popular (still isn’t which is sad) but i love the domesticity of this drabble. unless i am being completely dumb, this was the product of reading 23/11 several times until i pretty much can recall the events of the story
002 … park sunghoon
from second on my previous to second on my current, this one is just. okay this was another spiral after i was roaming facebook and found this sound from friends. i don’t even know why i love it so much? i just really do, especially the last line
hyacinths … jung jaehyun
hands down the most underrated drabble of mine. this one was sorta poetic, something that could be a distant relative to lang leav’s poetry. the first line had been sitting in my notebook for over a few months so to make something from it just made me feel so good
the last word … tbz
…where do i even begin with this one. first off, i wanna say sorry to this series for discontinuing it )): i swear i loved making the three episodes, especially eric’s, but it’s hard to write something so long when the fandom you’re writing it for is slowly diminishing (i do plan on bringing it back though, but for another fandom..)
pretty in pink … choi chanhee
what’s this? a fluffy drabble from mona? what a rarity (NOT!) i actually do have several fluff drabbles but this one is my favorite from all of them because it’s the short but sweet, beautiful, tickle the stomach in your butterflies kind of read. to no one’s surprise, this was a spiral after seeing a certain pic of chanhee’s 😊😊
best friend … ji changmin
okay i am very sure that this is one of my most rec’ed and i do understand why. perhaps it’s the relatability of this one that makes it hurt even more.. even though i haven’t been in this situation before- honestly i’m not even sure how i managed to write this one but hey, it’s a good read if you wanna get your heart broken some more
safe and sound … choi yeonjun
alice in borderland x kpop idols? yes. my mind really is a weird place, and something that backs up my belief is that after watching the second? episode of aib, i began having thoughts. actually, i am pretty sure i wrote an idea for a prequel to this so who knows, maybe i’ll do it…
binibini | choi yeonjun
isayaw mo akooo ahem this one was dedicated to matty so 🤭 it’s probably one of my shortest works to date, but it still does pack a punch. for extra pain, i suggest you listen to this before or after reading it
paalam … txt
the thing is, headcanons are something i’ve only done once before (and even then, the format was different) so i was really not sure how this was gonna go. but given what i was going through during this time, writing this piece became sort of a catharsis for me. and while i have yet to fully let go so i can heal, at least there’s a work out there where my muses get that
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astro-b-o-y-d · 3 months
Hope this doesn't sound strange but your writing (and all of the creative effort in general you have put towards Triangulum) has inspired me to hopefully write again. Can't decide if I want to start with a fanfic for a different source or combine my OCs from that idea into the original story I have been building for years but thank you! What helped you throw Triangulum together and write? Drowning in ideas atm but have no clue how to organize and weave everything.
IT DOESN'T SOUND STRANGE AT ALL, in fact it's very sweet and makes me feel 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
As for the second part, I think part of it was simply hyperfixating on Bill SO hard that I needed to expunge that in some form of writing, and the ideas began to just form at random in my head. It took as long as it did to get most of my ideas together because I just kept coming up with more of them. Would you believe Mina didn't exist at all in the original concept, and then suddenly one day she just appeared?
I was also struggling with a lot of characterization, especially with characters like Ford who I was mostly neutral to before going into this but was still determined to do him justice in the writing. I had a basic concept down, and I had a general idea on how I wanted the story to eventually end, so I just started putting ideas down to get me there.
Now how did I get everything together? Lots of writing documents. LOTS of them. I have at least three docs for random parts I needed to cut out in my editing process, and will probably have to start a new one soon because my current one passed a hundred pages.
I also have a Discord server with no one but me in it dedicated to keeping some other stuff organized (reference pics, chapter orders, etc), although I highly suggest not making that your ONLY place to organize everything. But having general places where you can keep all of that is highly recommended.
I wouldn't say it's ORGANIZED, at least to anyone but myself. Organized chaos for sure. But it's definitely helped me get from where I started with the concepts to where I am now, with a much clearer picture. So I'd say just start literally throwing ideas down on a page first, and get them cleaned up second. Have a space where you can put everything into neat, little boxes, and lots of empty writing spaces at the ready.
...I realize that's like, the most BASIC writing advice. But it really does help!
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I'm entirely unfamiliar with your OCs. If you could introduce them and the setting they're in, though, I'll for sure read it! Tomorrow, though. I stayed up way too late being ultimately unsuccessful in a video game because of the poor choices part of my brain (which is the entire darn brain)
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ough i am so so sorry for only getting to this now, i kept blanking whenever i tried to write but ive been having so much brainrot abt this oc all day that i need to talk abt her
This is Rose!!
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(There's two picrews bc picrew is inherently very limited but I tried my best. Her facial structure and hairstyle in the second pic is more accurate, while the first pic has the right skin tone and actually shows off her personality a little.)
She's 21, 4'10, and infected with a demonic parasite that gives her super speed. I haven't really decided on the details of her backstory, but she was basically just constructed by some sort of godly force to use as a host, and then plopped onto Earth. Which happens to be a post-apocalyptic wasteland lmao
Humanity has been reduced to just about 100 small gangs, all of which are constantly scavenging, surviving, and fighting for territory. Rose happens to be part of a group called Target Practice (bc they suck really fucking bad). There's a lot more to the world than that but that's all the context you need for Rose.
She's very loud, bubbly, excitable, cocky, and comically stupid. She either has no awareness or just doesn't care about how other people percieve her; all that matters is that she and her close friends are having fun. This means she takes any opportunity she can to crack a joke because of that, no matter how stupid or crude it is. It's the epitome of "pinhead dipshit"
As for likes/dislikes/hobbies, she's a huge fan of pop and rock music and loves to sing whenever she has free time. She also likes exercising a lot, especially since the parasite provides her with a shit ton of stamina so she doesn't really get tired from running around. To top it off, she's a huge gun nut and loves to collect/shoot/nerd out about guns. No I'm not projecting at all shut up
It can get super fucking hot in the wasteland sometimes and she never gets used to it, much to the chagrin of everyone else. Rose gets really whiny and annoying about it, and she's basically bound to her room until the heat wave passes, which she also hates because she's hyper and energetic and NEEDS to move. This also happens with rain, but it's much easier since she doesn't get sweaty and the sound of rain is relaxing to her. (There's no nuclear winter btw)
That's about it for now! I'm probably forgetting a shit ton and I'm intentionally leaving out the worldbuilding because this post is just supposed to be about her, but if you have any questions at all, don't be afraid to ask. please 🥺
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juliedrawz · 2 years
Héctors Guitar study 💡 Part 1.
Quite literally!
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Guh! So handsome and ... Naaaahaaww 🥺 Ok, ok, our hearts are melted like ice cream left in the sun for 3 seconds, good. Let's move on 🤧
The guitar
The guitar we see in the movie was originally designed by Ernesto Nemesio and 3D modelled by Gaston Ugarte. You can find both on Instagram.
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Let's begin the study of that phenomenal piece of art!
The headstock
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So the first thing that stands out is the significant skull shape. Even the heads of the tuning system are tiny skulls! We have a lot going on pattern wise. We have a swirly heart design on top followed by the nose, two flowers or stars on each cheek, the teeth with the famous golden one and another pattern below on the chin.
The patterns are shining in a beautiful mixture of green, blue, purple, black and even a tiny bit yellow. If you know a thing or two about guitar design, you might have come across the word.
Abalone shell or mother of pearl.
What exactly is that pretty shiny stuff and how is it attached to the guitar?
Abalone is made out of Abalone or Paua seashells. They are actually eatable and ususaly harvested in New Zealand and Australia. The shiny part is taken from the inside of the shell. It is cut down into very fine pieces and then either stocked together to get a certain thickness or kept thin to create those laminate sheets or selfsticking foils that are also used for many other things like furniture and fishing blinker.
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There is large variety nowdays. You can get different kinds of sheets but depending what size and thickness you want it can become quite expensive. Especially the most beautiful patterns and the classical mother of pearl or nacre.
So now we know what the shiny part on the guitar are made out of. We also see it on the front of the guitar body, on the fretboard and on the sides.
(Sadly I cannot add more than 10 pics at a time so, let's jump to part 2)
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