#the fault lies with our oppressors and not with us
dridersgeorg · 2 years
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ipegchangbin · 6 months
to make it clear, i am in support of palestine.
despite my activity on here, i think it’s very dystopian that a lot of people like us can go about our daily lives while people on the other end of the world face endangerment every second. not only are they blocked from basic resources such as food, shelter, electricity, and water, but these are being actively taken away from them within milliseconds. bombs fall from the sky down to their land while the controlling governments of another nation acts as if they’re the victim.
it has been said before that being anti zionist (against the occupation of palestine) is not related to antisemitism (being against jews). i am not antisemitist and i do not support antisemitism nor zionism. the israel government turning the propaganda to display themselves as victims while the leaders of their nation continue to reduce the gaza strip to rubble is telling of a larger issue at play. there are innocent civilians in either country but the fault clearly lies within the hands of the oppressors. you don’t have to be muslim nor jewish nor any of the sort to know that on a human level, no lives deserve to be lost. i don’t condemn terrorism, but that should not be an excuse either to colonize a country for its land.
this is a conflict that has been going on for years — the lone concept of zionism dates back to the 19th century, even — and it’s high time for us to put an end to this. if you can, phone in your representatives. educate yourselves: i will be reblogging credible references. for those who can’t donate to humanitarian aid, it is best to spread awareness and pressure our governments to take immediate action.
here is a link where one free click a day generates financial aid to the palestine movement via ad revenue: https://arab.org/click-to-help/palestine/
another source for real time updates on palestine is this account on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eye.on.palestine/
here is a youtube channel documenting the human rights violations occurring in palestine: https://www.youtube.com/@btselem
this is their official website: https://www.btselem.org
free palestine until palestine is free. 🇵🇸
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transmascpetewentz · 8 months
Now that I have the energy to do this, I just wanted to weigh in with my views on today's discourse regarding whether or not straight transmascs have straight privilege. Ppl have misinterpreted my previous statements on the subject, so I decided to make a post explaining why I believe what I believe.
First, I'll state the obvious—that is, straight trans people are not privileged over cis non-straight people. Cis non-straight people are their oppressors. The only context in which some straight trans people may be benefited for their straightness is a context in which they use their straightness to legitimize their transness in a way that non-straight trans people usually cannot.
There's a framework in which society views trans people based on sexuality, and it basically goes like this: trans people are oppressed due to our transness, and we are never afforded the benefits of straight privilege. However, straight trans people are often used by cishet people as tools to further oppress non-straight trans people—this is where ideas such as transmedicalism come from. It's also where the HSTS/autohomoerotic dichotomy, or the confused lesbian/predatory fujoshi stereotype. Of course, all types of transmascs will have both stereotypes projected onto us at the same time, but there is a fundamental difference in how a straight trans person will be affected internally by this and how a trans person of any other sexuality will.
Straight transmascs are often seen as more legitimate than non-straight and especially gay transmascs. Transmascs that are attracted to men have only been able to get HRT since the 1980s! Straight transmascs are used by transphobes of all flavors as a "gotcha" to gay transmascs asking to be treated with basic human decency. However, this brings me to my main point.
Straight transmascs are not to blame for any of this. When transhet people talk about their own oppression, we should not be derailing, because they do experience unique oppression. Straight transmascs can experience lesbophobia under the correct circumstances, and they should be allowed to talk about it. I would know how it feels to have my points constantly derailed when I talk about my own oppression. However, none of this erases the fact that straight transmascs have some very different experiences from MLM transmascs, and this causes a lot of issues when any one group assumes that their experience is universal. Unfortunately, cis society happens to prioritize straightness under the right conditions (which, for transmascs, means passing, gender conforming, etc.)
TL;DR: No, straight transmascs do not have straight privilege. While some can have access to conditional benefits provided by cis society, this is not their fault, and it is not their responsibility to solve our problems whose blame lies on cis people. Since privilege means systemic power, straight transmascs do not have access to any type of straight privilege. If you derail a straight transmasc's post to talk about how we have it worse, you're a piece of shit. However, it's still important to keep in mind how the straight transmasc experience differs from the MLM transmasc experience, and make sure to remember that transmascs are not a monolith.
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the-library-alcove · 3 years
So a while back, a fairly left-wing friend of mine was shocked at the thought of Left-Wing Holocaust Denial, asking how it could even be possible, how can the Left even deny the Holocaust given everything (quote: "why would the LEFT be in denial? After you read Elie Wiesel, you can't deny any of it. Same with Maus, Frieda Appleman-Jurman's memoirs, and all that. Also, Lois Lowry won a Newberry medal for Number the Stars"). So I've been chewing on this for a while now.
First, Right-Wing Holocaust Denial is straight up "denial that the Holocaust happened"--often with an undertone of "But we wish that it had and it was a great idea". They deny the number of deaths, or excuse the Nazis, or say that the Jews had it coming, or say that it didn't happen at all, that sort of thing. It's a very blunt, straightforward form of denial.
Comparatively, Left-Wing Holocaust Denial takes a different, more sophisticated form that functions on multiple levels--with an undertone of its own along the lines of "the Jews are exaggerating to try to portray themselves as victims"--and to talk about this form of denial, I have to explain what the Holocaust was.
So this gets a bit long, because what is being denied is long, but I will ask you to bear with me.
But, TL:DR:
Right Wing Holocaust Denial denies the body count and the atrocities...
Left Wing Holocaust Denial denies everything that built up to it, the centuries of Othering and murders, and the aftereffects.
The Holocaust, 1939-1945, was the culmination of literally centuries of anti-Jewish hatred from Christian Europeans, dating back well over a thousand years.
For one example, there were anti-Jewish riots in France in the 1020s in misplaced vengeance for the Islamic destruction of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in 1009 CE. Decades later, the Crusaders butchered 99% of the Jewish population of northern Europe, beginning in 1096 and continuing for centuries, such that a population of nearly 100,000 in 1050 CE was reduced down to less than a thousand in 1350 CE, as genetic studies show.
Jews were vilified as "Enemies of Christ", and various forms of attack to whip up mobs against Jews became common enough to get names of their own: Blood Libel (the accusation of Jews stealing children and murdering them to use their blood) and Host Desecration (the accusation that Jews were stealing consecrated Hosts and "torturing" them in order to attack Jesus), among others. These resulted in thousands of Jews being attacked, harmed, killed, and expelled.
Pogroms, massacres, and expulsions were just part of the pattern; Jews were effectively second class citizens at best, confined to marginal parts of cities (the original ghettos), subject to ritual humiliation (there was a part of Carnival in Rome that featured "The Running Of The Jews" where the Jewish population of the city had to race and be beaten by the Christians and there are designed-to-be-humiliating carvings of Jews on churches), and so forth. Jews were the scapegoats of choice--a powerless minority made to do the dirty work (such as tax collection) by the powerful and then liquidated when the lower classes got upset, as a distraction (King: "It's not my fault you're hungry!" *motions to table laden with food* "It's the fault of those greedy Jews who I force to work as tax collectors! Go kill them instead of me!"). And that cycle further entrenched the hatred.
Martin Luther took this to new heights during the Reformation; initially, he was "nice", saying that the Christians should treat the Jews gently to get us to convert... and when we didn't, he got nasty, writing a book titled "On The Jews And Their Lies" where he outlined a "how to persecute Jews and make their lives utter hell so they'll convert" prescription of behavior.
And this all became deeply baked into the culture of Europe, in plays, architecture, pop culture, stories, and conspiracy theories over the centuries. Even after the ghetto walls were torn down in the early 1800s by Napoleon and Jews were allowed to integrate into mainstream society, that hatred did not go away. If anything, the resentment grew, culminating in outbursts like the Dreyfus Affair, where a French-Jewish artillery officer was made into the fall guy for another spy, because he was Jewish.
There was a "Jewish Question" in the countries of Europe. A political National Question that went, "What shall we do with these Jews who live in our lands who we do not want?" And many of the Jews desperately wanted to prove that they were Good Model Citizens, but it didn't matter. Some of us, seeing the writing on the wall, and that the Europeans would never accept us, started agitating for political separation and independence--Zionism.
During this time, the old religious-based hatreds were being ostensibly phased out, and it was the era of "scientific racism", so a new word was coined--"antisemitism", to replace the old "Judenhass", to sound more "scientific". More anti-Jewish accusations were created, such as the "Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion", which is a Russian-made forgery that is supposedly the record of a meeting of Jewish elders in their master plan to control the world; it was written to distract hatred away from the Czar and onto a scapegoat. (Essentially just an updated version of the kings' tactic of scapegoating the Jews from centuries earlier)
So the hatreds stayed, regardless of what new clothes they wore. After World War One, when the Nazis said that the blame for the loss and subsequent humiliation and economic collapse of the Weimar Republic was because of the "Jews stabbing us in the back", there was a massive population of people who were already primed to hate and resent Jews and just needed that excuse to focus that hatred. They passed laws that specifically stripped citizenship from the Jews on racial grounds, instituted blood purity laws--again, on racial grounds--and built up to the Holocaust, where the Jews were not seen as human, but as vermin, out to contaminate their pure race.
In the process, they killed nine out of ten Jews who lived in Europe. Their hatred to the point that they diverted efforts to fight the Allies just so that they could kill Jews. Local people hated Jews so much that they collaborated with their own conquerors, just so they could kill Jews. Because they hated us so much, had hated us for centuries. Their "Final Solution" to "The Jewish Question." This part is what the Right Wing denies.
And then, in the aftermath, nobody wanted the remaining victims. Literally, the British said, "We'll carve off part of our Empire to give to them rather than let them come here."
So, after centuries of hatred and marginalization, Europeans gave into their hatreds that they had been raised with and murdered us in our millions, and we were traumatized.
And some of us went to the USA--the few that the US was willing to take in--and many more, not having any other place to go, went to British Mandate Palestine with the hope of self-governance in the future Jewish territory... having learned that they could not trust non-Jews.
That is the Holocaust and what led up to it, and some of the aftermath of it.
Left Wing Holocaust Denial erases all of that, except for the Holocaust itself, which is taken out of context as a moral lesson.
The Left Wing Unofficial Narrative Of The Holocaust is that the Nazis arbitrarily picked several groups of fellow European Whites, the Jews being just one of them, agitated against them in order to make an Enemy, and then killed them in order to cement power. Thus, in this narrative, the Holocaust was thus an aberration brought about by demagoguery and propaganda. Thus, it is imperative to remember "Never Again", because it can happen to anyone.
According to this narrative, "Jews" are just White Europeans who practice a different Abrahamic Religion, and who played the aftermath of the genocide for undeserved sympathy points to get a colony of their own where they could become oppressors in turn, and that they are getting special treatment that ignores the other victims of the Holocaust.
In doing so, the Left needs to ignore...
...the racial aspects of the Holocaust and the decades and centuries before it--the blood purity laws, the specific "racial science" that Othered Jews, and so forth--in favor of a "Jews are White" narrative.
...that the Jews were specifically targeted by the Nazis for extermination, to the point of irrational, self-defeating fixation, whereas only the Roma were as targeted for complete eradication alongside the Jews--in favor of a "But what about the other victims too?" narrative.
...the Nazi obsession with hating Jews (which has not gone away) as a fundamental part of their ideology, and pretending that the Nazi hatred of Jews is no different than the eugenics and political oppression that other groups were victims of--again, in favor of a "Other people were victims of the Nazis too!" narrative.
...the centuries of hatred and victimization that preceded the Holocaust and culminated in it--in favor of a "Jews are just European White People" narrative.
...the trauma that happened when you've lost your homes, your families, your way of life, and your society, and nobody made any efforts to help you, and how it becomes apparent, after trying to fit in and integrate for decades, that you can be Perfect Citizens and the Christians will still hate you so we need to defend ourselves for our own sakes--in favor of a "Jews are oppressors and didn't learn the right lessons from the Holocaust" narrative.
So, TL;DR:
Right Wing Holocaust Denial denies the body count and the atrocities...
Left Wing Holocaust Denial denies everything that built up to it, the centuries of Othering and murders, and the aftereffects.
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Is Obama taunting us? Can he go back into hiding. You know the saying if you’re a former president and can’t say anything of substance than don’t say anything at all or something like that.
Don’t get shit twisted homie. You’ve poo poo’d the change you lied about since you left office. You are also at fault for all of this shit. Cared more about “bipartisanship” as to not piss off your donors instead of fulfilling your duties as the president of the people. We have gotten so used to our elected officials fucking us over that we’ve forgotten that they work for us and none of that was a better example than him.
He wanted to be so badly liked by the republicans that hated him that now his voters hate him too. Obama is a great example of you can’t win by playing the games of oppressors.
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rantingcrocodile · 2 years
I still can't get over the thought that bisexuals are fine and that we oppress gay people.
It was much easier for me to accept that women were oppressed by men and absolutely no woman is lying or being dramatic about our oppression, but why can't I accept the same thing about bisexual people? It only took me a month to realize just how horrible misogyny is, but why is it taking longer for biphobia? Am I not bisexual? I'm so confused and frustrated.
Because the fact is that there are constant denials that women's class consciousness exists, even in the most right-wing spaces where women get together, they will recognise and complain about the male behaviour around them. They won't use the same terminology as feminists, but they know the same basic truth, even if they deny the causes.
When you peaked about misogyny, I can guarantee that you had your own experiences of women talking about what men are like. You'll have heard women complain about men not helping around the house. You'll have heard family members and friends describe the men in their lives as "useless" and other women agreeing about the men in their lives.
So when you already had that knowledge, when you came to feminism, all that you really needed was the connection as to why it was like that. You already had a foundation living as a woman and having interactions with other women, even if you didn't recognise what that was then. With feminism, you were given the studies, the explanations, the discussions and then it all fell into place.
Bisexuals do not have that.
There are no big, meaningful bisexual spaces. There's a denial of bisexual history, erased as being nothing but "gay" history. There's a denial of bisexuality as a unique sexuality, but as "confusion" or straight people just "lying." When in and around LGB spaces, only same-sex attraction was said to matter, so there's no discussion of bisexual attraction.
The heterosexual world wants to silence you and force you to "be heterosexual" and the LG world doesn't care about you unless you're seen to conform to LG experiences. You're told that you're basically just "straight" as default, but if you're in a relationship with the same-sex it's "trying to be oppressed" or still not as important as the LG and not to fully be trusted, shut up and just support the LG, you don't matter.
Bisexuals, on the whole, have been denied a full knowledge of what our bisexuality is, gaslit into believing we're "half-straight-half-gay" and not simply bisexual. We've been denied spaces for ourselves because we've been taught that we fall into two different categories and that our bisexual experiences don't matter and aren't enough to join us together, unlike every other oppressed group.
Then, you come to a feminist space, who claim to know about statistics, read plenty of texts, understand intersectionality, understand the complexities of oppression, and who are able to dissect so much accurately when it comes to misogyny - and then tell you to shut the fuck up about your bisexuality, that you're an oppressor. Who tell straight women that it's not their fault when men abuse them because of patriarchy and victim-blaming is misogynistic, that they don't have to accept partnering with men as inevitable, that all misogyny is wrong, that being misogynistic to any woman is an attack on all women, but then turn around and tell bisexual women that we're sluts and whores, that it's our fault that we've been abused, that we're destined to end up with men, that we're worse than straight people, that it's our fault that men do what they do.
So when you think that you've found a space that gets you as a woman, and that very same space is also denying you the truth about bisexuality, where they accept studies into misogyny but then decide that studies into bisexuality are "lies," where all other groups of women are allowed to define their own experiences and oppression, but bisexuals need to shut the fuck up and let straight and lesbian women tell us what our experiences are "really" like, and then any single mention of saying that biphobia is wrong is met with a barrage of manipulative "You're being lesbophobic!" lies to try and terrify us back into silence.
In the middle of all that, there are hardly any bisexuals actually telling it like it is. The few bisexuals that are listened to are the bisexuals that obsessively hate other bisexuals and deny, deny, deny biphobic oppression, and they're only listened to and uplifted because they're used as pawns to stop any bisexuals from actually thinking and demanding better treatment.
To be a woman is to be told to be small, quiet and prioritise men. To be bisexual is to be told that you're untrustworthy, predatory, a grotesque mongrel of heterosexual and homosexual, worse than your oppressor, and that you need to be silent at all costs, have no boundaries and allow everyone to walk all over you because you're worth nothing. Both of those things together is incredibly mentally damaging. Both of those together, without support, without others to tell you the truth and help you heal, makes it even worse and creates even more self-hatred.
And then you're told that anyone who is telling you the truth is hateful and wrong and shut up, everyone who isn't bisexual knows better. Go back to being a doormat. Take whatever anyone else gives you. You deserve it.
That's why it takes longer, and that's why you're confused. Because absolutely everyone else wants you to be confused.
As long as you're confused, you stay silent and keep letting everyone walk all over you, after all, and that's exactly what the world wants.
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Cybertron. A planet that has been embroiled in war seemingly since its creation. This is the stage on which our story is set. 
We open on a gladiator named “Powered Convoy” getting whaled on Strong-Bot. While he manages to get the upper hand and wins the match, as he leaves, we can tell that he doesn’t enjoy what he does for a living. He drives back to the docks where he lives, which are in pretty bad shape, but his face lights up when he sees Ratchet and she tells him about her new job.
The next day, Ratchet asks Optronix what paint job she should have on her first day working at Iacon City’s science guild (Oppy's got his arm covering his eyes, he is polite) and Magnum comes in asking Optronix how his last match went. Typical wholesome, slice of life robots. When Ratchet drives up to the citadel, Optronix takes a sharp left to talk to his... correspondent. It's not Megatron, but Sentinel Prime who was a like-minded 'Bot who believed in his words.
Sentinel explains that while he can’t directly bring petitions to Alpha Trion, he has gained an audience with Megatron, who’s most certainly the closest and most powerful they’ve got to someone who approves of off-planet exploration. While Optronix is nothing but firm in his beliefs, he’s unable to articulate what he wants in front of a crowd (in his words: “I’m bad with speeches”), so he asks Sentinel to speak for him. 
Sentinel agrees, and then we hard cut to Megatron in a testing facility, currently watching Doubledealer and Shatter show off the destructive capabilities of a massive fusion cannon. A little on the nose, but I think it’s good.
Ratchet’s first day doesn't go as well as she’d hoped. She gets mocked for being lower-class by the elite guard, ignored and pushed around by the more experienced medics and scientists, and by lunch she’s wishing she never left home. And then she meets Ariel Pax, a cadet in the Elite Guard. Ariel treats her with kindness that she’s endlessly grateful to finally get from these city-bots, and she spends the rest of the day with her.
The summit is treated more like a daytrip for Megatron. Megatron only talks to Sentinel, period, and he spends most of the time talking about his own opinions wherever Sentinel tries to discuss the content of Optronix's words. Optronix still doesn't talk much due to his fear of speaking in public, but he does his best to keep up. 
Anyways, they have lunch at a typical fancy place with 56 forks and Megatron is still only talking to Sentinel. Sentinel's trying to recall Op's words as best as he can, but Optronix has had enough and finally speaks his mind, shocking them both.
Megatron and Sentinel both leave for the train, but Optronix realizes that Megatron... "forgot" to tip, so he sticks behind. On the train, Sentinel admits that it was Optronix who had a solid plan on societal reform, but Megatron has his own opinions on Optimus... namely that he's "too naive" to be a leader and that it'll take a miracle to convince him otherwise.
The train suddenly lurches forward without Optronix on it. Poor guy has to cling to the caboose just in the nick of time as Sentinel and Megatron inside try to figure out what's going on. A masked individual suddenly jumps the two, and while they outclass him physically, he's able to use magnetic fields and well-placed knockout gas to take them out. 
Optronix pries his way into the train and finds it full of explosives that he has no idea how to defuse... so he calls out for Sentinel and Megatron, and gets no response. They're a little tied up at the moment (HA).
Megatron isn't amused and dryly asks how much the intruder plans on ransoming them for. The response he gets is that they're not getting ransomed at all; they're going to be blown to smithereens from the dozens of EMP bombs he's planted all over the train. 
Significantly more freaked out, Sentinel tries to reason with him. But the intruder says that there's nothing that Sentinel or Megatron or any of those hoity-toity bluebloods can do to stop this, and that they've had it coming for a while. Megatron laughs and tears into the bot.
“My fault? You think this is my fault? Oh, that is rich!
You’re one of those bots, aren’t you? Let me explain something. I’ve worked my way to the top with everything going against me, with everyone I’d known being sent offline or segfaulting their RAMS to the point of inoperability, and I’m still standing. I struggled for my position in life, and you have the audacity to accuse me of being undeserving? 
Think about it. Real hard. What have you done to deserve your lot in life? That’s what I thought. You’ve done nothing. Nothing at all! You’ve lazed away in your rusting husk of a chassis and decided to punch up for the fun of it. That's why you blame me, you blame everyone that’s actively tried to be an operating member of society out of your own jealousy and guilt. You sat as you were, a worthless lay-about, and you take it out on people you deem your 'oppressors'.
It isn’t my fault that you’ve gone nowhere, it’s the fault of an ill-mannered, ill-tempered, functionless, underdeveloped cog with nothing better to do than to beg for scrap metal instead of-!”
The stranger tapes his mouth shut and is like “lol figures” while Sentinel tries to be all “you’re never gonna get away with this, Optronix is gonna getcha” and the guy noticeably freezes up. Optronix is about halfway to where they are when he’s ambushed. 
Thankfully, he manages to knock the guy out of the emergency door, and they have your typical battle atop a train. Optronix notices something familiar about the magnetic attacks he uses and breaks the mask he'd been wearing. It’s his old friend Windcharger, who’s quite unhappy about Optronix "becoming Megatron’s new bodyguard."
Optronix explains that it’s a misunderstanding, and Windcharger goes on about how people like Megatron are the reasons that Optronix was forced into fighting in the first place; Optronix’s spark is in the right place but he aims too high. Understanding Windcharger’s frustrations, he at least tries to talk him down from destroying the train as it’ll not only kill him, but it’ll kill all the innocent bots waiting at the station. Just as Windcharger seems like he’s about to relent… Megatron blasts him in the chest.
Sentinel’s sentries aided in their escape and defused all the bombs. Optronix soberly brings Windcharger’s shell back inside as Megatron thanks him for the rescue. As they pull into the station, Megatron spins his tale about Optronix’s genius and his defeat of a dangerous terrorist, all the while he’s really in the back, stabilizing Windcharger. 
He asks why Optronix didn’t leave him to die, to which Optronix tells him that it’s his second chance to make a change that involves less mayhem. He can tell that Windcharger is passionate about his cause and he hopes he’ll make the right choice. Windcharger flees through a trap door and Optronix steps outside to face the reporters.
Megatron’s busy talking about how his life was saved by Optronix and Sentinel Prime and how whomever was responsible for this is in custody (HA). Except this bit's on a screen that Magnum is watching, and he asks Optronix how much of it's true. Sentinel answers for Optronix that Megatron greatly exaggerated a lot of it, but the basic gist is true.
Optronix says that he feels uncomfortable at the amount of "deception" that's being used to fill in the gaps, even with Sentinel reassuring him that " it doesn't matter if he agrees with us or not, just as long as our message has a platform".
Evidently Optimus isn't too jazzed about that. He mumbles something under his breath about how blunt honesty is more effective than convincing lies. Magnum, Optronix, and Sentinel get off the shuttle and arrive at the Dancitron. Sentinel insists that "Primes don't party" but he's dragged in by a delighted Ratchet, who's celebrating her first week as a proper doctor. 
At the Dancitron, Ariel Pax and Ratchet dance together while Optronix talks more about his beliefs with Magnum and wonders if he's aiming too high. Yes, he wants Cybetronian culture to branch out and share with the universe, but Sentinel's words have made him worry if he should be trying to fix their society first and focus on other planets later. Optronix tells Magnum "I never wanted this vision of mine to be a transaction".
The next day, Optronix meets Jetfire and his envoy of Protectobot Elite guardsmen for the first time. He was Ariel Pax's commanding officer in the Elite Guard and a brash, overconfident jerk that didn't really mesh too well with 'civilians' and was very blunt and vocal about his opinions. Optronix could NOT stand him at first and their first meeting ended with Optronix calling him a "brute".
Megatron talks to Flipsides and Shockwave about what really happened in his massive garden. He admits that while he is impressed with Optronix, he'd "prefer to keep my business partners at arms' length" and that gives him an idea. 
Megatron calls Sentinel and requests a meeting with him. When he arrives, he offers him a job at Tarn Industries and tells him he'll upgrade all his sentries free of charge. Sentinel refuses because he already has his job as a Station Master and he doesn't want his sentries tampered with. Megatron's pissed but concedes.
Ratchet learns to fight from Ariel and confides in her that she’s always hated violence from first hand seeing Optronix’s injuries from the gladiator matches and patching up her fellow dock workers. 
Magnum is in Metroplex, trying to get their leader Gravitas to back Optronix's words. He never really trusted Megatron or his company and he just wants the best for his best friend. But Gravitas won't listen; he's clearly preoccupied with something else. Whatever Magnum tries to say, he's shut down or blocked off with xenophobic statements that he knows'll only drag them offtopic if he tries to contest them. 
Gravitas at least has the decency to tell Magnum that he clearly has a good head on his shoulders... which is why he's been chosen to be the next leader of Metroplex. Turns out Gravitas has a week to live because of the noncommunicable rust plague inside his body, yaaaaaaaaay. 
Magnum takes this poorly and panics to Optronix that he doesn't think he'll be ready for all the power that comes with this position. Optronix, equally stressed, proceeds to become even more stressed.
Optronix and Sentinel finally get Alpha Trion and the rest of the Cybertronic Alliance to hear them out. Sentinel hasn't told Optronix anything about Megatron offering him a job nor what he heard when he was tied to him (remember Chapter 1 where Megatron was a jackass to Windcharger?)  and Optronix is incredibly nervous about speaking in front of a crowd. Megatron has made it clear through pretty much everything he's done that he's got something else planned for Optronix's idea, but they've no idea how he's going to spin it.
Megatron opens with the basic gist of Optronix's ideals; their culture is stagnating and their world needs a cultural reset. All's good so far until Megatron unveils his idea: to colonize and conquer other planets. Using their resources and spreading the name of Cybertron far and wide, establishing trade centers for partners, becoming stronger and stronger through political allies and bringing Cybertron into a new Golden Age. 
Optronix's worst fears have come to light. Megatron's made it all about himself and is treating the entire thing as a business proposition. Worse yet, the members of the council and even some bots in the crowd are agreeing with him. 
So he puts his foot down and tells Megatron that this wasn't what he'd intended, that he's spinning this concept wildly into something that benefits only him and not the whole of society.
Megatron responds thusly. "You came to me and asked if I could help you speak. I strongly suggest you recall why you couldn't do it yourself."
Optronix is silent.
Megatron asks "Is there anything else you'd like to say?"
With that, Megatron takes a right hook to the face and goes sailing into the wall. Now that he's been sufficiently silenced, Optronix tells the council his ideas. 
Cybertron should branch out with peace and support, not with ideas of conquering and monetary gain from these people. They can share their cultures and learn new things from alien lifeforms without forcing their ways of life onto them. How every sapient being in the universe deserves freedom and the right to education.
"Don't you see? There's no need for senseless violence-" 
He's cut off when Megatron tackles him to the ground. 
As the two of them begin to fight, the entire house devolves into chaos, with verbal and physical blows flying left and right. Everything has gone to hell, and it's not made any better when Alpha Trion calls order in the court with his "equalizing staff". Alpha Trion declares the two mentally unfit on the spot and orders them both to have "system purges" in order to “calm their circuitry.” 
Megatron is royally pissed at having his name dragged through the mud, and as the two are taken away by Elite Guardsmen, loudly blames Optronix for the whole thing. Jetfire outright refuses to perform a system purge on them despite what Alpha Trion says, taking Optronix by surprise. While the alternative treatment (a nanite bath) isn't exactly enjoyable itself, it's far less invasive than the former.
A month passes. Optronix feels horrid. All his intentions blew up in his face and this, if any, is a good time for Sentinel to tell Optronix the truth. Optronix isn't shocked at all, but he asks why Sentinel didn't tell him sooner. Sentinel tells him that he didn't want to discourage him because Megatron was the closest thing they had to a foot in the door. This leads to an argument where Optronix asks Sentinel if it was worth siding with a xenophobe just for the sake of popularity. 
After quite a bit of nasty insults are lobbed back and forth, Sentinel leaves and Optronix folds in on himself.
Megatron visits one of his own subsidiary factories in Velocitron. He's eerily serene as he speaks with the head engineer of the building, Dirt Boss. Once Dirt Boss tells him everything he needs to know and asks him why he's in such a good mood, Megatron smiles and tells him he's got a new lease on life. 
He proceeds to shoot Dirt Boss point blank and rigs the building to explode, knowing fully well that the radius will decimate the nearby train station and send one hell of a message. As Ratchet and Magnum lead Optronix outside to try and cheer him up, they see a massive billowing black smoke cloud in the distance…
Optronix and Magnum aid in the horrible aftermath of the meltdown on Velocitron. Megatron is being shady and keeps making references to an “ ideological terrorist attack” with roughly zero proof. Magnus and Override have a sweet little moment of romantic tension as they knock into each other. Optronix remains cautious about the attack as Ratchet snarks about how Megatron is still bitter about having his brain waves scrambled… which never actually happened since you know, Jetfire’s gayness saved Optimus and also Megatron by proxy.
Optronix and Ratchet enter Iacon’s Hall of records and read up on Cybertronian history to try and figure out how to get their own movement off the ground. Optronix discovers information about some of the primes and realizes that a lot of them share the same morals and views that he does. He's beside himself as he keeps scampering back to grab more and more datapads about all the primes as Ratchet watches. Optronix is overwhelmed with joy that he's not alone... and then he sees a symbol emblazoned across one of their chests.
An ancient symbol, one that means "quick-thinker”. Autobot. And this gives Optronix an idea. Optronix throws a match for the first time in his career, and everyone can tell. He uses the assembled crowd to better discuss his beliefs and explain the future he wants for Cybertron. And surprisingly enough... he gets someone that listens to him. Namely, his OPPONENT, Impactor. This little spark of hope is enough to convince him that he's still got a fighting chance.
A few days later, Magnum is getting ready for the official announcement that he’ll become the next leader of Metroplex, following Gravitas’ death. He’s distracted from these proceedings when an episode of Andromeda Explains It All airs with Megatron as its special guest, a mere half-hour before he’s scheduled to appear. Magnum immediately tells the guards to cancel the announcement out of fear for the pro-Autobot civilians in the crowd.
Optronix is having his own problems with being an Autobot as he has to help an Autobot supporter being hounded by two punks calling themselves Decepticons, one of which accuses Optronix of being “pro-invasion”. They quickly shut up and book it when Jetfire and Sentinel appear. Still burned by Sentinel’s betrayal, Optronix is cold towards the both of them, but Sentinel begs Optimus to hear them out. Namely, Jetfire thinks that Megatron intentionally sabotaged his own factory to incite violence towards them and their supporters. So Optronix and Sentinel put aside their annoyances towards each other and focus on the true villain, Megatron.
The Decepticons proceed to cause more chaos across multiple cities as the Autobots clash with them. Ariel and Ratchet argue about the rising tensions, with Ariel refusing to spur the wrath and endanger more people by outwardly supporting the Autobots as an Elite Guard member, and Ratchet contesting that Ariel knows that standing up for what she believes in is more important.
Jetfire and Sentinel (who is entirely unwilling) burst into Megatron’s private airship with all their evidence. Jetfire threatens to arrest Megatron right there on the spot. The two Autobots are promptly dragged out of the ship by reactionary Decepticons. The Decepticons take Sentinel hostage and attempt to execute him where he stands, but The Elite Guard is there to stop them.
Iacon is set ablaze by the Decepticons and the heroes rush to the citadel. Alpha Trion's all like "oh okay huh looks like the incredibly invasive mental reprogramming backfired, who'da thunk". We and Optronix of course know that they never were reprogrammed because Jetfire saved them, but being that Jetfire is unconscious, he can't exactly explain that to him.
Alpha Trion then begs Optronix to protect the Matrix, thinking Megatron's going to steal it and use it's power against him out of vengeance. Optronix agrees, on the condition that Alpha Trion doesn't hold himself up in the citadel and helps his friends get innocents inside.
So Megatron shows up a little later on, Alpha Trion begs for mercy and apologizes for what he did to them both, but guess what! Megs doesn't care! He's just here to kill Alpha Trion and leave because he can blame it on the riots exploding across the city. He doesn't give two damns about the Matrix.
"I'm not going to kill you. Gravity should do most of the work."
But Optronix shows up to save the day, the Matrix around his neck on a chain. Megatron weighs his options on who he wants to kill more and Optronix quite literally has a target painted on his chest, so he takes the bait and chases him away from the citadel, in turn protecting everyone that was packed within.
The Elite Guard and Ratchet successfully get a barrier around the citadel, only for Inferno to suddenly reveal his true colors as a Decepticon double-agent. He stabs Ariel’s optic out and tries to off her while she’s wounded. Ratchet snaps. She not only tackles him to the ground, but she successfully tears his arm out of its socket and beats him with it. Windblade is barely able to get her off him, but the damage is done in more ways than one.
Once they're well and far away from the center of town, Optronix tries to open the Matrix and blast Megatron into next Tuesday. This fails and Megatron mocks him before blasting him (and the ground beneath his feet), and Optronix falls through an entire building, seemingly offlining him. Jetfire's second wind comes in and he starts whaling on Megatron as Optronix lies in the basement of the building quietly pleading for the Matrix to open.
His grip falters, he slumps over, and in true LIGHT OUR DARKEST HOUR fashion, the Matrix transes Optronix's gender and boosts his lightning powers, giving him the strength to soundly body Megatron. Megatron falls in front of the Decepticons and has to be carried away by Strikha, who orders a full retreat.
Optronix returns to the citadel with both Jetfire and the Matrix in his possession. Alpha Trion is shocked, but his friends are nothing but overjoyed. It's Jetfire who comes up with the name Optimus by way of calling his transformation "an optimal solution".
Ariel awakens missing her optic and berates Sentinel for not knowing what he was doing, only to change her tune when she hears Ratchet's the one that saved her life. Ratchet weakly smiles as Ariel thanks her.
Alpha Trion is all set to set up a grand ceremony, but Optimus tells him to read the room and says there will be no celebrations until the city is rebuilt. He wonders to himself if he's deserving of this power and if he's just as culpable of starting this mess as Megatron is. He looks around and sees the company he's kept... and reassures himself that there's still goodness in the world, and the best they can do right now is pick up the pieces.
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Hey!! I've been seeing a lot of posts about how the reason we're having a pandemic, wildfires, locust plagues, etc is because God sent it upon is to punish us. Do you think this is true? I keep telling myself that's not something that God would do, but do you think that's true or not?
cw discussions of punishment, abuse, trauma, illness, disaster, death
Hey there, anon. I do my best to make it clear that I may not be right in any of my opinions, my interpretations of scripture or my understanding of the Divine – but every sinew in my being urges me to give you a resounding “No.” 
I’m gonna talk waaaaaay to long here, but the TL;DR is this: God is not a punishing God; these disasters are not inflicted upon humanity and all Creation by God. Bad things like disease often. just. happen – and are often exacerbated by human sin. Those in power could have done more to keep COVID-19 from spreading, and could be doing more right now to aid those in need – their failure to do so comes from their own free will and greed. Human beings are suffering right now both because suffering just happens and because of human injustice, but not because God brewed up this virus to punish us.
When humans undergo catastrophe and trauma, we seek answers – and we favor answers that offer us some small sense of control over what is happening to us. In her book on Trauma and Recovery, Judith Herman notes how children experiencing abuse will often develop a sense of shame and self-blame as a coping mechanism – if it’s their fault that a loved one is hurting them, if it’s a punishment for their badness, maybe they can eventually stop the harm from happening by changing themselves. Obviously, what is happening is not at all their fault, and this kind of trauma response will be something they have to unlearn for future recovery, but it may help them survive in the meantime. 
In Holy Resilience: The Bible’s Traumatic Origins, David M. Carr argues that many of the biblical authors concluded similarly: that a trauma happening to them or their people – such as the decimation of the Northern Kingdom Israel and the exile of Judah’s people – is their own fault. They have been bad, and God is punishing them for being bad. This understanding of their trauma gives the people some sense of control – if they amend their ways, they will be restored! 
If the fault actually lies with the human beings who violently conquer and exploit, emperors in far-off lands who care nothing for the people of Israel and Judah, well…what hope do the people have of swaying their oppressors? And what hope do they who are so little and fragmented have of forcing those powerful kings to cease their violence?
But, if the person enabling their suffering is actually God, a Being who has expressed deep love for them and established covenant with them time and again? then, there may be something the people can do to end their own suffering.
I respect those who finding meaning and hope in such understandings of trauma. If seeing God’s hand in your suffering helps you get through it, I don’t think I have a right to tell you you’re wrong – unless such understandings lead you to point fingers at others, as when people interpret natural disasters as a divine punishment against LGBT persons and thus lash out against the LGBT community. 
The Bible was written in large part by members of a traumatized people, who often interpreted their suffering as God-caused or God-sanctioned in one way or another. But there are other ways to understand why bad things happen to individuals, to whole communities, or even to the whole world. 
There are a few biblical stories where suffering “just happens,” but I feel like that’s rarer – the one I can think of off the top of my head is from a book that Protestants don’t share with Catholics, the Book of Tobit: the titular character randomly becomes blind because some birds poop in his eyes, not because he did anything wrong or because another person wished him ill. Oh wait, another example is Ruth’s and Naomi’s story – chapter 1 tells us that their loved ones died in a famine, without any “reason” given for why that famine happened. Sometimes bad things…just happen. 
Much more common in scripture are examples of bad things happening because sinful humans make them happen. Joseph of Genesis is beloved by God, yet Joseph’s brothers beat him and sell him into slavery. This trauma is not a punishment inflicted on Joseph by God, but by other people. Same goes for so many other stories of suffering in scripture – Hagar’s story, Tamar’s story, John the Baptist’s story, Jesus’s story……human beings suffer in so many biblical stories not because of their own sin, not because God is punishing or even “testing” them, but because other human beings use their free will to harm them. 
For one of the biggest examples: the Israelite people experience the trauma of enslavement in Egypt – and the authors do not interpret it as a punishment from God! Indeed, Exodus 1 tells us that the people were being blessed with exponential growth of their numbers – and that fruitfulness is what leads to their enslavement, because of human sin and fear. Pharaoh fears their numbers, and hey, he needs people who can build his vast cities anyway, so he subjects the Israelites to slavery that leaves them too exhausted and scattered to fight back.
And, most poignantly in this Exodus story, in the midst of the enslaved people’s anguish, God is said to hear them, to see them, to know intimately what they are going through – to feel their pain with them! “I know their sorrows,” God says in Exodus 3:7 – the Hebrew word for “know” being a word about intimate understanding. 
Thus we can understand God’s place in our suffering not as the place of the judge or punisher, but the place of the one who suffers alongside us. God chooses to know our pain intimately, to enter into our world that is so fraught with suffering, because God’s power is not the power to harm or dominate; God’s power is compassion. 
“God, source of all reality, split the heavens to come to us in a cow shed so that God could be with us. And, as if the ridiculousness of being born in a manger weren’t enough, God dies on a cross – as loathsome, humiliating, cruel, and helpless a death as imaginable – just in case we didn’t get it. As Paul says, nothing can separate us from the love of God. To make sure that we can see that the most abject poverty and homelessness are not enough to separate us from God and that the most severe violence human beings can invent cannot separate us from God – God embodies Godself in precisely these places. These are the places we are most in need of God, and God does not tell us about the divine presence in these places; God enacts this presence as histrionically as possible. It is necessary to do this partly because human beings love gorgeous displays of power and are sorely tempted to imagine God to be just like a monarch or emperor or – best of all – the most powerful sorcerer and sultan in the world. It’s hard to imagine a clearer correction of this view than a birth in a stable and a death on a cross.”- Wendy Farley
All of this is not to say that God’s “okay” with what we are doing to one another and to the earth. God has gifted us with free will so that we cannot be compelled into relationship with Them or with each other; but that gift of free will also means we are free to hurt each other, to choose greed and violence over community and compassion. God does urge us to do better, to be better – and for whatever reason, God does let us face the collective consequences of our sin…for now. But not forever. And not alone. 
I’ll close with one more anecdote from scripture, and then a list of further posts related to this topic.
My pastor Cathy preached on John 11 today, the story of the Raising of Lazarus. In the Gospels we see Jesus go through a lot of the same painful feelings we do – from frustration and anger, exhaustion and hunger, to fear and grief. But the most moving display of emotion for me is when he weeps over Lazarus’ death. 
Lazarus died, not as a punishment for anything he or one of his loved ones did wrong, but just because…death happens. When Jesus finally arrives on the scene, he knows that he’s going to raise Lazarus up. He knows reunion is near. But still, when he sees his dear friends mourning, he joins in – he moans and weeps for the loss and pain they are undergoing. In her sermon, my pastor said of this grief:
“As we see Jesus’s sorrow, may we recognize the regret of God that Creation is in agony. See God seeing us and grieving that the curse still reigns – for now.”
We suffer, and God suffers with us. 
Further reading:
“God’s place in grief: not Her will, but Her own broken heart”
“pain is not a lesson”
“this problem will have its place”
My wife and I made a YouTube vid based around a very small example of suffering, which we use to ponder whether things going wrong is a sign God’s cursed us, is punishing us, etc.
So why does God allow suffering to happen, if God’s all powerful and all loving and it’s not a punishment?
When horrible things do happen…is it possible to make something good come out of it?
Check out Kate Bowler’s “Everything Happens” podcast, or her book
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jewishzevran · 4 years
look upon the Light so you may lead others here through the darkness
After the Herald of Andraste has some choice words for him, Cullen and Leliana have a talk about faith. [ao3]
A/N: I originally published a different version of this, which was less specific to my canon and took place in Leliana’s quarters. I have deleted it, but kept the title of the piece for the update. I like this version a lot better.
The Herald frowned at Cullen, and spoke with a tone that he couldn't quite place. "But... the Templars have served the Chantry for ages.”
“And in that time, they’ve come to take the Order’s services for granted–" Before he could continue, the Herald made a disgusted noise and rolled her eyes, before turning and walking away. 
"Wait where are you going? What's the matter?"  
She wheeled on him. "Seriously? After everything, that's your reason for leaving?"
"You're a Dalish elf, what do you know of the chantry?"
The Herald blinked, and her mouth curled into a snarl as her hands balled into shaky fists. She crossed back to Cullen and stood inches from him, her anger letting her tower over him despite her stature.
"How dare you. Are you so selfish and blind that you don't think it affects us? You think we were all born out of holes in the ground completely isolated? I grew up in Kirkwall. I know plenty of the Chantry, and their supposed peacekeepers. What do I know of the Chantry? What do you know of peace? You wield fear and cruelty like a slavemaster cracks a whip and expect your charges to survive unscathed? If you cage a dog and beat it for years how can you be surprised when it bites? And your "harrowings?" You take young mages, barely old enough to be adults and send them into the Fade with no warning, no training, no advice and expect them to fight demons? If they fail, you kill them, without so much as blinking. Do you write letters of condolences to their families? Do you even remember their names? And if you decide that one of them isn’t fit for the trial, you hold them down and forcibly remove their emotions! Have you not once considered how abhorrent the idea of a tranquil actually is? How egregious threatening people with psychological torture is? And don’t even try to justify it with “it’s for their own good”, whose good? I've heard stories that some poor families promise their children to the Order from BIRTH. Preying on poor and vulnerable families so their children can be groomed to hate an entire subset of the population? Discouraging circle mages from having relationships in case they have mage children? Any children born regardless are ripped from their mothers and given to a chantry orphanage to raise and then recruit as Templars. The most frequent cause of death in circles is suicide, did you know that? Do you care? I had friends in Kirkwall that were raped and beaten, and it doesn’t matter that you didn’t personally participate, you were silent while others systematically abused their charges. The Chantry doesn’t make peacekeepers or protectors. It makes soldiers. You say Anders started a war, but you never even thought about the alternatives. It wasn’t ‘start a war or maintain peace’ it was ‘rebel or spend a lifetime in slavery and enduring abuse at the hands of our oppressors’!  And you would kiss their feet in servitude."
She stalked off, then turned round, stalked back and punched him square in the jaw, with a resounding crunch. The force of the blow sent him staggering back several paces. 
"What do I know of the Chantry, shemlen? I know they massacred my entire people in the name of your God. Andraste spit on your skills being taken for granted. You want to be part of the Inquisition? To work side by side with mages? You need to do a lot of fucking soul searching about why you're really here, Commander Rutherford."
The Herald was crying as she walked away, wiping angry tears from her eyes.  Cullen was left standing dumbstruck. He spent several minutes quietly fuming. 
Maker, she can throw a punch.
His jaw was going to bruise and he could feel it. Then he started thinking about what she said and every angry word attached itself to a memory. He headed to the training grounds. Sword drills would hopefully clear his thoughts.
What do you know of peace?
He thought back to Kinloch. To the words he spoke to Nina Cousland. He begged her to slaughter anyone she saw in case they were possessed.
He thought about psychological torture and the screams and pleas of mages undergoing the Rite of Tranquility being abruptly cut off as that blankness took over their faces. 
He thought about his lessons as a boy, the pride in his teachers' voices as they spoke of the glory of the Exalted Marches and never used words like "massacre" or "genocide". How the elves deserved it. How it was their fault for being savages that denounced Andraste. 
He thought of the mothers who cried and begged when their children were taken to Circles. He thought of the mages that had panic attacks before their harrowing. He thought of the mages he'd personally seen use blood magic or turn into abominations - the mages he then helped kill.
For the first time in his life, he realised that in the moment before they cut their veins open or let a demon burst forth from their chests, every last one of those mages wore the same expression.
Fear. Desperation. Pain.
He remembered one young woman who had run away from the circle because her mother was dying. They'd tracked her down in a barn. She backed into a corner begging them not to take her. There were five of them surrounding her in full armor, and she was alone. Unarmed. 
"Blessed are they who stand before The corrupt and the wicked and do not falter."
He remembered repeating those lines to himself when he was fighting mages. When he was killing them. He felt sick.
"Commander? Are you alright?" 
He blinked, coming back into focus, and realised the dummy in front of him had no head anymore.
"Excuse me," he muttered, and walked briskly to his cabin.
He once visited a prison on templar business. He realised it didn't feel any different to the circle.
"Mages are dangerous. Any one of them can be corrupted." 
Those were the words spoken to him when he joined the order. The ones he repeated to himself over and over. Even here. Even at the Inquisition. He wasn't raised to do good. He was raised to kill mages. 
He once told Hawke that mages weren't people. Her sister was a mage. A Warden now, but–maker no wonder she looked at him with disgust.
"If you cage a dog and beat it for years how can you be surprised when it bites?"
He almost vomited as he remembered the Commander who calmly explained to him and all the other recruits that making a mage Tranquil was like neutering a feral dog - unpleasant, but necessary to tame it.
He remembered someone at Kinloch telling him how some of the Templars left books about blood magic around deliberately so they could apprehend anyone that read them.
He remembered a mage being beaten in Kirkwall screaming in pain and using the blood on the whip to conjure a protective shield around herself. Which they broke through. And killed her.
How did he spend so long utterly convinced that he was doing the Maker's work, when all he did was cause pain and violence? How did he convince himself he was in the right? 
Mistress Lavellan was not the first person to shout at him about this. Maker knows Hawke did it enough. What's different? What's chang–
The lyrium.
He staggered in his pacing around the room, almost falling over as his eyes went to the pile of belongings in the corner that the box he'd had since he was 18 lay at the bottom of. 
The first time he'd taken lyrium he'd hated it, it was disgusting - he remembers his friend Pip vomiting, asking if he had to take it, and the furious Commander threatening to beat him for insubordination.
Do we even need it? Is it even necessary? 
His thoughts turned to Alistair. Oh Maker. He'd never really thought about it, but Alistair left for the Wardens before he took his vows. He’d never taken lyrium, and Alistair could use his Templar abilities without it. He'd seen it. At Kinloch.
Cullen roared in anger and threw a glass at the wall where it shattered.
Lies. His whole life, his whole belief system was built on lies. He'd caused so much pain. So much evil, and he’d never once questioned it. 
How did he even begin to undo his wrongs? He could ask for forgiveness from Andraste, from the Maker, but what good did that do in the here and now?
There was a knock at the door.
"Not now!" 
"Bur sir, you asked for this report as soon–"
"I said NOT NOW!!"
The poor scout scurried away. A minute or two later, a familiar voice sounded outside, accompanied by a gentler knock. 
"Cullen, it's Leliana. Can I come in?"
"Fine." He tried to spit the word but his voice broke, betraying him. He didn't look up as she slipped inside.
"You're bleeding, Cullen." She gestured to her mouth, and Cullen mirrored her. 
Oh. Mistress Lavellan must have split my lip.
"I, ah, had a run-in with the Herald. It probably looks worse than it is."
"Let me–"
"No! I deserve it."
Leliana arched an eyebrow. She glanced deliberately at the shattered glass on the floor and then back to him. "Is there something you'd like to talk about, Cullen?"
"You have far better things to do with your time," he mumbled, turning away, but she grabbed his chin and made him look at her.
"That is not what I asked."
"I am a grown man Leliana, I can–"
"What? Self-flagellate in isolation and bottle up your emotions until they fester?"
Tears pricked in his eyes. He couldn't meet her gaze. 
"I understand not wanting to burden others with your feelings, Cullen, but shutting yourself away helps no one, least of all yourself. How is it better to break things and shout at our scouts through doors once you can't keep a handle on yourself any more?"
His cheeks burned with shame. He started to shake, the compassion in her voice stabbing through him deeper than any sword could.
She frowned a little. "Would you like me to pray with you?"
Cullen couldn't stop the hysterical laughter that burst out at that. As if prayer could fix what he was. What he'd done.
"Sit. Now." Cullen knew better than to ignore the authority in her voice, and as he collapsed into a chair, Leliana knelt in front of him, and tucked a stray curl behind his ear. Her face was dark with worry. She reminded him of Mia.
"Talk to me Cullen. Tell me what's wrong."
"Everything!" He shouted, unable to stop the tears that started falling from his eyes. "She was right! She stood there and shouted and wept and said the word Templar like it was poison and she was right! I killed innocent people because the Chantry told me my whole life that it was my duty to do so! I helped torture and murder children! And it took someone punching me in the face and calling me an idiot to make me even realise that that was wrong! If the Chantry is what the Maker truly wants then I want no longer want any party in it!"
Leliana took his hands. "And if the Chantry is not what the Maker wants?"
"Isn't it?" Cullen retorted bitterly, pulling his hands away. 
"Has He personally told you it is?" She was watching him calmly, as though his whole world wasn't spiralling into the abyss, and he wanted to scream.
"The Chantry speaks the word of the Maker. Everything they do is in His Name."
"That doesn't mean they are right."
He threw his hands up in the air in frustration, and stood, beginning to pace again. "Pray tell, then Leliana. What IS His will, hm? What DOES the Maker want? Did He put me on earth just to suffer? Is this my Trial? Am I failing?"
"The Maker does not make you suffer, Cullen. That is the fault of men."
"Stop being so cryptic!" He was shouting now, he could hear his voice getting louder and louder, and his face going red with anger and grief. "The Chantry speak for the Maker. They are His Church!"
"The Maker did not pick up a pen and write the Chant himself!" Leliana raised her voice too, standing defiantly in front of him. "He did not make the circles, or the Templars. Humans are fallible Cullen. They make mistakes, and words and intentions can be twisted!"
"Who is your God, Cullen? Is it the Maker? Or is it The Chantry?"
The question stunned him into silence. His ears rang and he actually staggered backwards under the force with which the implications hit him. For what felt like an eternity, there was only silence, and his own ragged breathing as everything he ever learned fell apart and reformed into something new.
He stared at Leliana in wild disbelief, and she nodded, a smile twitching at the corner of his lips.
The Chantry and the Maker were not the same.
...the Chantry was wrong.
The Chantry was wrong.
The Chantry could be wrong. And he could still follow the Maker. 
Except.... Could he?
She waited patiently.
"How can I ever follow the Maker when I did such evil in his name?"
"I will be blunt, Cullen. There will be people that will never forgive you. Nor do they have any obligation to do so. But that should not stop you. It is never too late to change, or to start anew. True faith comes from action. Be vocal. Be compassionate. Treat mages with kindness and trust, but understand why they might not want it. You keep saying you are not the man you were in Kirkwall? Prove it. Repentance is hard, and will make you uncomfortable. You must work for it, and keep working for it. Remember it is not a goal, but a constant journey."
The words settled over him like a weighted blanket - heavy, but somehow comforting despite the solemnity of the moment.
"Thank you." He hesitated for a moment, staring at the ground, still wiping away the last of his tears. "...will you pray with me?" he asked quietly. "Not the Chant, just -"
"Of course."
Praying in silence was different. He was so used to speaking the words of the Chant and feeling them flow through him. Still, despite the quiet, it made the air in the cabin warm and light.
He felt a calm begin to settle inside him in the wake of his turmoil. He still had questions, and doubts, and guilt... but for the first time in far too long, he also had hope. He wanted to see the Herald and apologise. But that could wait. 
Leliana kissed his head and said " I'll tell everyone you are feeling unwell and you're not to be disturbed. Take some time to yourself. Rest. Start fresh tomorrow. When you want to talk about this some more, you know where to find me."
As she left, she smiled back at him. "Andraste watch over you, Commander."
It was a surprise that his returning smile came so naturally. "And you, Leliana."
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arcticdementor · 3 years
Recently, a lot of you who told me I was insane when I said that Winnie the flu was all theater and though it existed and was a flu and would probably take “severe flu, no vaccine numbers” it was and is stupid to lock the sick and the healthy in, destroy the economy and make everyone wear a mask, have come back and ask how I knew. And apologized.
Well, attention in the isles, my friends on the right: you are falling for the same king of bullshit diversion. You are being spun like a top. And you’re falling for it and falling in line.
I blame you and I don’t. You didn’t grow up with the constant-pretend-reality of communist psi-ops, and you haven’t learned to smell it.
Over and over again, you condemn Trump and the “rioters.”
NO ONE RIOTED. Not compared to this summer. THERE WERE NO RIOTS. And the protesters were treated with an iron fist and live ammo, btw.
There are videos. I don’t know which ones are still live. They keep removing them. There was no riot. There was a protest. You know, those things that are vital for public health?
Did they go into the Capitol? Yes they did. You know what? It’s a public building. WE PAY FOR THE F*CKING CAPITOL’S UPKEEP.
But, but but…. the congress critters ran. They were scared!
Were they now? WHY? No, seriously, why were they scared, if the people they work for want to watch the deliberations. They’re in our presence all the time. You know the worst thing we do — or used to do — we called them traitors. That was it.
But they vandalized Nancy Pelosi’s office! Oh, my stars and garters? Evil people. Was that before or after she vandalized our constitution and sank a knife in the heart of the republic? Is the evil bitch dangling from a lamppost this morning? No? They were civilized beyond all hope.
But Sarah, you’ll say, this will give them the excuse to avenge themselves on us.
Dear idiots, you’re like the wife with her arm in a sling and both eyes blackened telling her husband “Please don’t say anything to Joe. He’ll be mad.”
In other words, are you out of your ever loving little minds? These people STOLE two elections — it’s now absolutely obvious the nominal right is fine with this. They hope for crumbs from their masters’ tables. The left is more likely to kill them, but never mind — in a row, in full view, and refused to let us have our day in court to show the evidence. Because the American people are now peons with NO STANDING and can be disenfranchised with no punishment. But you’re afraid that largely (truly) peaceful protesters “made them mad?”
Withdrawing the objection to the fraudulent votes due to the riot? That only makes sense in the mind of an abuser. “I stole your thing, and I was going to maybe give it back, but you cried, so now you don’t get it back.” Are you all actually out of your ever loving minds to blame the protesters and Trump for this?
These people are saying “You peasants dared to show up in our presence. We’re now going to take away even the illusion of franchise.” And…. you’re cool with this? It’s the protesters fault?
Get up off the floor. Wipe the blood from your lip. KNOW WHO YOUR ABUSER IS.
And BTW it’s not Trump. Trump thought maybe if congress saw how ad people were, they would play straight. I said before that’s all the protest was about, and that’s all it was. He told people to go home when it was obvious it had failed.
And I hope to G-d someone with access to him reads this and tells him it’s time. Take the family NOW and go to an undisclosed location. As much as it hurts me to say this, because I want him to continue harassing the left, he has to realize this is no longer the sweet land of liberty. This is now a tyrannical third world shithole. Or will be within months from the way our occupiers are behaving. They will find a way to kill him and his whole family, or kill him and turn his family against him. Go Mr. President. G-d bless. You’ve done all that you could. If the so called right in this country will pearl clutch and blame even people who engage in a very mild protest, they deserve what’s to come.
He now promises an orderly transition. I will tell all of you that DEAD is the most orderly of all states. And right now the Republic is effectively dead. There might be a hope for CPR, but I’m not sure there’s the will to apply it. Pence has joined the rats fleeing to the lefty rotten ship. because he hopes that will save his life. Spoiler, it won’t. The left will kill all the right who turns their coat. Because they can’t trust them. Good. They deserve it. I shall eat popcorn.
Do we ever get the republic back? I don’t know. I think the most likely thing is that we fall apart into separate states while around us the world falls into chaos, famine and misery. We’ve been feeding the world for a century. The world had better look to itself now.
What do those of us who’ve sworn an oath to the constitution do? I don’t know. Most are still busily doing a Peter in Pontius Pilates Yard “I was never with him.”
Oh, and there’s talks of rounding up Trump supporters. Of denying them flights and hotels and the ability to engage in commerce.
I suppose that’s the “protesters” fault too? Except that that, like the paper to withdraw objections because of the “protest” were already written. They would have found an excuse.
I don’t want war. But I liked having a homeland. To everyone who, like me, came here as the last place of refuge: I’m sorry. I don’t even know what to tell you. We need to fight this, but even if we do, unless the natural-born citizens see what they’re losing, it’s unlikely we’ll ever get our country back.
This morning, in DC, the police are beating down what remains of protesters. A young woman was murdered in cold blood yesterday.
And our side is pearl clutching and tut tuting, and hoping the abuser won’t get mad. Oh, and talking about 2022, because seeing two elections frauded RIGHT BEFORE THEIR EYES and courts refusing to let anyone see evidence of it is not enough. They need to be stomped on some more before they believe they’ve lost the franchise.
Me? I’ve seen what happens when your votes don’t matter. Elections will continue as a form, possibly for fifty years, if we let this bullshit go on that long. Your next president after Commie laWhorish is Michelle Obama, because the ignorant bitch hasn’t shit on us enough. She felt stupid and inferior at Harvard, and by gum, she’s going to make you grovel to pay for your sins.
But your real masters are now Winnie the Pooh and his merry band of fascists. And we know what they do and how.
I can’t get the order, but we’re about to see: social credit; the banning of conservatives from the internet; branding us as terrorists, just as they’re doing to innocent protesters; show trials; people disappearing; our money confiscated; our houses confiscated; more lock downs, to prevent revolt; more masks to promote alienation; more lies.
When people die in the famine to come, it will be Covid-19 and Trump’s fault and you’ll be required to repeat it publicly.
It wont’ last. These commies are industrial-level STUPID. It won’t last. I give them ten years, maybe, before most of the country is starving, and they have no clue what to do about it. And then it all falls apart, because unlike Venezuelans, we have no one to help and no place to run to.
Or, you know, we can stop pearl clutching and say “Hell no.” and “Molon labe” and stop repeating the lies the left wants written into history.
To lefty idiots: yes, the election was stolen. Because if it had NOT been, the left would have joined the right in demanding the courts take the case, and that it be shown to all as an honest election. Also, to lefty idiots, what the protesters — and all of us at home — want? ANOTHER ELECTION with minimum accountability. I mean, we can’t even clean the roles. There wouldn’t be enough time. We just wanted to make sure each person voted only once, and the votes were counted with full supervision.
Instead, you’re handing off the country to China, via their bought and paid for man, Biden. Yes, I know you heard good things about China. You’ll find out, along with the craven right that the leftist press makes Pravda seem honest. Enjoy the ride.
As for you and me, my friends. We’re going to eat the bread that the devil baked. Save what you can from the ruin. It won’t be much. And don’t let them into your head. NEVER let them into your head. They’re invaders. They’re oppressors. They’re thieves. Treat them as what they are. Do not comply unless you have to, and then engage in malicious compliance.
Keep the republic in your heart. Maybe there are enough of us left that it will rise again. But in the meantime, this is going to hurt and hurt badly. And the longer the restoration of law takes, the higher the butcher’s bill.
Most of you have no idea how bad it will get. Imagine your worst nightmares. Then double them. Prepare for that as best you can. You won’t be able to do much. If you’re lucky they’ll leave you your conscience.
Your country was invaded (even if the invaders were born here, their masters aren’t) and is about to be raped. The least you can do is not cooperate.
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2nd October >> Mass Readings (Europe, Africa, New Zealand, Australia & Canada)
The Holy Guardian Angels 
on Wednesday, Twenty Sixth Week in Ordinary Time.
Wednesday, Twenty Sixth Week in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical Colour: White)
(Readings for the feria (Wednesday))
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Wednesday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading
Nehemiah 2:1-8
'Give me leave to go to the city of my ancestors and rebuild it'
In the month of Nisan, in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes, the wine being my concern, I took up the wine and offered it to the king. Now I had never been downcast before. So the king said, ‘Why is your face so sad? You are not sick, surely? This must be a sadness of the heart.’ A great fear came over me and I said to the king, ‘May the king live for ever! How could my face be other than sad when the city where the tombs of my ancestors are lies in ruins, and its gates have been burnt down?’ ‘What’ the king asked ‘is your request?’ I called on the God of heaven and made this reply to the king, ‘If it pleases the king, and if you are satisfied with your servant, give me leave to go to Judah, to the city of my ancestors’ tombs, and rebuild it.’ The king, with the queen sitting there beside him, said, ‘How long will your journey take, and when will you return?’ So I named a date that seemed acceptable to the king and he gave me leave to go. I spoke to the king once more, ‘If it please the king, could letters be given me for the governors of Transeuphrates to allow me to pass through to Judah? And also a letter for Asaph, keeper of the king’s park, to supply me with timber for the gates of the citadel of the Temple, for the city walls and for the house I am to occupy?’ This the king granted me, for the kindly favour of my God was with me.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 136(137):1-6
R/ O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not!
By the rivers of Babylon
there we sat and wept,
remembering Zion;
on the poplars that grew there
we hung up our harps.
R/ O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not!
For it was there that they asked us,
our captors, for songs,
our oppressors, for joy.
‘Sing to us,’ they said,
‘one of Zion’s songs.’
R/ O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not!
O how could we sing
the song of the Lord
on alien soil?
If I forget you, Jerusalem,
let my right hand wither!
R/ O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not!
O let my tongue
cleave to my mouth
if I remember you not,
if I prize not Jerusalem
above all my joys!
R/ O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not!
Gospel Acclamation
Psalm 102:21
Alleluia, alleluia!
Give thanks to the Lord, all his hosts,
his servants who do his will.
(The following reading is proper to the memorial, and must be used even if you have otherwise chosen to use the ferial readings)
Matthew 18:1-5,10
Anyone who welcomes a little child in my name welcomes me
The disciples came to Jesus and said, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ So he called a little child to him and set the child in front of them. Then he said, ‘I tell you solemnly, unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. And so, the one who makes himself as little as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
‘Anyone who welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. See that you never despise any of these little ones, for I tell you that their angels in heaven are continually in the presence of my Father in heaven.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
The Holy Guardian Angels 
(Liturgical Colour: White)
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Wednesday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading
Exodus 23:20-23
I myself will send an angel before you
The Lord says this: ‘I myself will send an angel before you to guard you as you go and to bring you to the place that I have prepared. Give him reverence and listen to all that he says. Offer him no defiance; he would not pardon such a fault, for my name is in him. If you listen carefully to his voice and do all that I say, I shall be enemy to your enemies, foe to your foes. My angel will go before you.’
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 90(91):1-6,10-11
R/ The Lord has commanded his angels to keep you in all your ways.
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
and abides in the shade of the Almighty
says to the Lord: ‘My refuge,
my stronghold, my God in whom I trust!’
R/ The Lord has commanded his angels to keep you in all your ways.
It is he who will free you from the snare
of the fowler who seeks to destroy you;
he will conceal you with his pinions
and under his wings you will find refuge.
R/ The Lord has commanded his angels to keep you in all your ways.
You will not fear the terror of the night
nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the plague that prowls in the darkness
nor the scourge that lays waste at noon.
R/ The Lord has commanded his angels to keep you in all your ways.
Upon you no evil shall fall,
no plague approach where you dwell.
For you has he commanded his angels,
to keep you in all your ways.
R/ The Lord has commanded his angels to keep you in all your ways.
Gospel Acclamation
Psalm 102:21
Alleluia, alleluia!
Give thanks to the Lord, all his hosts,
his servants who do his will.
Matthew 18:1-5,10
Anyone who welcomes a little child in my name welcomes me
The disciples came to Jesus and said, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ So he called a little child to him and set the child in front of them. Then he said, ‘I tell you solemnly, unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. And so, the one who makes himself as little as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
‘Anyone who welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. See that you never despise any of these little ones, for I tell you that their angels in heaven are continually in the presence of my Father in heaven.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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I hate this. I hate all of you.
This shit eating world.
I blame me and every fucking person.
This is all our fault.
"I blame the nerds, the queen bees,
The jocks, the cliques and cliches.
I blame the fucking authority,
The rules and regulations with the obligations.
I blame the oppressors, the selfless,
The kind, the preachers.
Pull the fucking stick out of your ass.
I blame your religion, the atheists
Your race, your culture
Your perceptions and opinions.
Or how you think you're better.
Or how you think you're less.
I hate your self-pity, the loathing,
The generations of blaming,
The wars, the riots,
The senseless violence. The complaints.
It's everyone's fault.
How much we hurt and get hurt.
I hate the critics.
I hate the supporters.
I hate the haters,
I despise the cruelty and hospitality.
When we all disagree.
Let's all fucking dance and die.
I hate the teachers,
The sadists, the managers.
Hate your fucking fake happy.
Hate the scars that mar on your skin.
I hate your perfection,
Your jagged edges, your wealth
I hate your perfect square life,
Your broken hearts.
This all our faults.
Stop it.
You aren't better than anybody.
We are all equal.
I hate the hypocrites,
The spineless, the cowards.
The brave and the legends.
The myth and the lore.
I hate the reporters, the script writers,
The musicians and the programmers,
The parents and the children,
The poets and the morals.
I hate the advertisements,
The bullies, the students,
I hate the heroes and
The villains in the storybooks.
I hate the non-binary people;
The artists, the psychologists,
The engineers, the priests.
I hate the alcoholics.
I hate the ignorant, the narrow minded,
The wise, guilty nor innocents.
The trolls and zookeepers.
I hate the stories fed to us.
I hate our ancestors and
Their beliefs, I hate the advancement
And the failure
Of our evolution.
I blame the education system,
The communication system, the
Health care systems.
The modes of transportation.
I hate the care, the cost,
The fairytales, the lies.
The person who spoke to me.
The couples and romance."
Isn't it tiring?
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longestlook · 6 years
It will never be lgbt people who are to blame for their oppression. It will never be ‘sjw triggering’ that makes lgbt people seen as sensitive or villainous or degenerate. It will never be non binary and trans people who makes our community look foolish. It will never be our young radical politics that make us ‘deserve’ hate crimes. No amount of pink hair and studded jackets or mogai microlabeling deserves violence, deserves a lynching, deserves homelessness. Blaming members of our own community only weakens us as a people and shows your own internalized homophobia. You fucking fools. You imbeciles. No trans, gnc or gay person acting ‘too clockable’ is at fault. The problem lies with our oppressors, not with the oppressed. 
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tochiko · 6 years
S6 Review
It seems I overreacted big time before s6 with spoilers and underestimated the writers with my author wanna be 15 yo ass. Post s5 I was a lotura stan post s6 I'm an Allura stan. With spoilers alone I thought they ruined Lotor's character but now that I've seen the season he isn't that awesome but they didn't ruin him. Before s6 with only the spoilers I got throughout yesterday, I thought they had ruined his morally gray character to an entirely black character but no they didn't. Btw I kinda hate Lotor right now but I believe either lotura's gonna be endgame 30% or he's just gonna help them or they're just gonna help him without that kinda relationship but just a bit less hostile one 70%, if nothing like this will happen (it doesn't have to be how it ends, they should make things right about Lotor) DreamWorks really did fuck up then. Let's start:
Lotor (and a bit of Allura): Lotor is an oppressor. He killed many. But this doesn't make him an entirely black character because his motives were "white", he believes he has right to sacrifice many to save many more and he did, he didn't't do these for evil but "good" so ya boy isn't morally black. I personally highly oppose to this ideology, I believe everything can be done without killing with hardship or not but eighty percent of the random as well as all humans have Lotor's view on this subject. Lotor didn't betray Voltron, we're gonna come to this right after to finish about his triggers. What triggers Lotor? We all obviously know he gets unnaturally "evil" or overly emotional when his parents are mentioned, but in what way? It doesn't matter, he hates people talking about his parents generally. He doesn't hate his parents as much as he thinks he does, he respects them dearly, he knows these aren't his parents but shells with monsters inside but he can't help but blame them because in a sense it didn't have to turn out like this, he didn't have to be raised but monsters and all his life he was either told he was definitely like those monsters (which is something he probably agreed to as well or was mocked about his heritage who wasn't of a monster. He has complicated feelings about his parents and no one can understand him on this topic so he gets triggered whenever someone thinks they know about his parents soooo much. You saw how he wasn't hostile at all towards Allura until she told him how he was like Zarkon, eveb then he didn't deny how he wasn't like him but started to talk shit about Alfor, he was protecting Zarkon's name. How can you say he didn't betray Voltron? Just think, the moment the others turned on to Lotor Allura immediately started protecting him but after that she was against him as well, but what got me thinking is why someone powerful enough to kill Zarkon could be unconscious from something like that, the only reason can be him being emotionally strained. (I'm not saying this to go awww baby boy don't be sad we'll love you even though you're a murderer, I'm just stating the facts) Lotor loves Allura deeply. When she learned about his past he was calmy explaining to her why he found his plan very much justifiable, how he was trying to save millions, he didn't have to do this, his face wasn't of a liar and the producers themselves told about how he never lied, just half truths. He isn't manipulative, he's broken. In episode four I think Pidge said how he was no different than his father "You know nothing of you speak." he didn't do anything hostile even though Pidge wasn't a significant person for him but he was working for a good cause and didn't want to hurt more than necessary. Back in the last two episodes they were more than enough to demolish Voltron but he tried to explain himself to her, he had more than enough power to kill them all but in the end even Allura thought she knew what he went through and who Zarkon actually was, as if her father was better! It's like how we compare our fathers in elementary school. He loves Zarkon his father but he despises Zarkon the emperor. He tried everything he could to explain to Allura, was peaceful towards them even though they were angry about something normal to him! He lived in an environment where killing was an honor but he never killed for Honor, only for peace now why would they get so angry about this! And in the end he was corrupted just like his parents with quintessence and Allura realized this and she also insisted they take him back but they couldn't. At the last moment Allura understood what was wrong with Lotor and knew how he was corrupted in a way he criticized greatly, she pitied him. Long story short they didn't have to make Lotor "evil" again to teach us how not every morally gray character didn't do anything, there were better ways to umm maybe not put Lance as a second option? Hmmmm?
Allura: aka QUEEN. Before s5 I didn't understand why people liked Allura so muchand in the sixth season she's one of the most awesome characters in fiction ever. Allura really likes Lotor but she knows such a relationship they built in little time couldn't be considered love. That's the reason she can immediately turn against him in ep 4. My queen yote that bitch across the room while he was still dreaming about her beauty. She denied his ties and was the first one to understand his situation, it was late but she was the first and the only one. They had to step up their game tho about Lotor I mean I believe the only reason they actually damaged Lotor was cuz he wasn't stable, firstly because he was triggered all day and secondly bc of the quintessence, with his normal cool self they wouldn't stand a chance so they should start having a more cold stance about emotion though I don't think that will ever happen bc of their hero characters. I love how she doesn't tolerate cruelty in any sense, she's awesome but for a show about space wars a bit too idealistic. She should have understood Lotor's issue with triggers and about quintessence at least a few seconds before so he wouldn't be left behind. Back at Earth they're gonna bring doom but I believe we might see Lotor there for some reason, or it's just my wishful thinking. I don't blame her about Lance it's the writers' fault; she likes Lotor, they were even in kind of a relationship it isn't her fault Lance liked her. I want Allura to be either with Lotor or with no romantic interest because the others would be a second choice AND she would have a romantic plot forced upon him, one plot is enough for any character. 12/10 would adopt.
MFING Lance ma boi: Beautiful child thrown into something so fucking stupid. They could make Lance so much more but noooo let's make him a second option. I'm not talking about how he doubted about Lotor cuz he didn't, being irritate for romantic reasons and insulting his culture doesn't mean doubting, it's a child's way to hate someone without reason. He was a character with potential but now it's gone. I still like him.
Pidge: She's actually my first ever queen. She's awesome, she can think objectively and she can put her feelings aside if she has to. She had an emotional connection with Shiro like Keith (bc him being the only person who knows about her family in the first few seasons), not as much as Keith but she had something with Shiro as well. She reacted rationally about the situation, was ready about the code stuff too. I want a romantic interest for her so much but that's not possible. 100/10 would be sistahs with.
Kogane Family: I can't take Papa Kogane seriously and I can't get how someone can lust after him with that accent. I like big men too but omg really??? Keith has boobs and has a mama and knows their past, had a major role in the season wasn't like a boss but was good enough. Big enough to get married let's marry him off and see if his babies will be purple.
Kuron: The dnd ep, omg this boy is a major loser and is a Shiro wannabe, though I think Shiro is a major loser too. He's the awkward adult surrounded by teenagers and doesn't know gen z culture, 10/10 would smash.
Anyone left? Right HUNK: I though he was gonna have a major re but didn't, just had a bit more screen time. WHY DREAMWORKS WHY DON'T YOU GIVE THIS WHOLESOME BOY AN ARC GODDAMIT. Btw 12/10 would smash for some reason
Anyways this season wasn't as bad as I thought it would be with spoilers alone but they really should make the Lotor issue better, if it's gonna stay like this I might as well drop the show cuz Lotor is one of their most complex characters. I just want more of Hunk and Pidge holy shit Galaxy garrison is gonna snap. I swear to God if Allurance is gonna be canon I'm gonna collapse and not wake up until something god happens. But overall a good season 8/10
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swordoforion · 3 years
Orion Digest №44 - Ignorance and Oppression
The present is a strange and chaotic time. For a child to be born into the fiery swathe of politics and crisis, it must be confusing, no matter where you end up, to try and understand oneself and their relation to the rest of the world. Depending on what kind of family you are into as well as what you look like, you may be hated for any one of a number of aspects, and the friends you make will steer you into one faction or another in the game of fear and strife that is deciding how to handle the future of this world. Context aside, it must be a mentally draining ordeal to place on the shoulders of new generations, and yet, this Gordian knot has no clear way out.
It is understandable, given the knowledge of history and the ravages of the world today, why many people would be so dug in deep into their individual factions. Those who have historically been disadvantaged live in fear, hesitant to trust because the assumption of danger is safer than the assumption of safety. On the other hand, those blind to the problems and fears of others are so often misguided and twisted into the monsters that prey on the fearful, welded into shapes by the great and terrible machine that makes up our social consciousness. At birth, no one is set to become this way, but the self-perpetuating cycle has kept up the production of an oppressor class that lays waste to the oppressed.
Out of the two, the oppressed is to be more deserving of sympathy. To be robbed of the opportunity to fully live life is a horrific fate on many levels - once said life is over, what has been taken can never truly be given back or repaid, merely avenged. Illogically, and entirely out of deep-seated discrimination within the minds and conditioning of the oppressors, the oppressed are barred from entry to many avenues of work, recognition, and respect, and worse yet, are made to live in fear by physical and social violence. From childhood, they have to learn a different and more difficult path in life, by no fault of their own, and live in a world made and catered to people other than themselves.
For the youth of the traditional oppressor class, this concept may seem confusing, for it is a worldview entirely outside of their own. Growing up, the world seems fine to them, and the grievances for which they are blamed seem to have little grounds - after all, they specifically did nothing to intentionally breed discrimination. So many things that are, in their own ways, harmful are simply sewn into the fabric of our social consciousness, and with such a wool pulled over the eyes, it is easy to see how the two groups would struggle to see eye to eye. It is understandable that, for someone who doesn't understand, it must seem confusing to be hated and feared. However, with a mere shift in perspective, how could one not fear the engines by which oppression are propagated? By not being cognizant of one's complacency in a oppressive system, they help to create said system by playing their trained part within society.
Worse is that there have arisen, in the past few years, many of the latter class that, in response to the hatred and grievance of the oppressed, become themselves angry and vengeful towards those that hate them, creating the start of a cycle of violence. The actions of the oppressors in years past left the oppressed resentful, and in their anger and fear, they show hatred towards the descendants and symbols of the oppressors, and in response, those descendants strike back, using the retribution as an excuse to fuel antiquated habits of discrimination. The treatment of the oppressor by the oppressed is in no way equal to that which had been done to them, especially because there is not the wide-scale threat of force behind it, and yet, once again, the ignorance of the fact that this anger is caused by grief and fear rather than unfounded malice causes even more harm.
Let it be known that humanity has no true enemy other than ignorance and fear. Our ignorance of how to conduct ourselves respectfully lead to a domino chain throughout history that created numerous atrocities and mistakes; all of which have helped us learn and improve after the fact. Nevertheless, we are still trapped within the cage of our own design, lead forth by nationalist and capitalist ideals that many still believe in. Fear, too, is our enemy, because it causes us to act irrationally and hurt others, in an attempt to gain our own security. Even if one can recognize the system around themself as corrupt, not playing the game of labor and business means to risk one's survival, and breaking the rules paints a target upon one's back.
Just the same, it is ignorance on the part of the oppressor class that breeds fear in the oppressed, and it must be understood by all that neither side themselves is "the enemy" - it is ignorance we should combat, and fear we should assuage. The latter cannot be so easily dissuaded without proof of safety; it is the responsibility of the oppressor to combat ignorance, not simply by not contributing to the overall problem, but by actively listening and seeking the education of their peers. It must be understood that the plight of the oppressed is to endure the grief of generations past while also struggling to break through the ceiling that has been placed upon them, and even it requires effort and discomfort on the part of the oppressor, it is worthwhile for the future prosperity of all humanity.
To all those that hold privilege by virtue of their place in the system, while having responsibility on your shoulders may seem confusing, the weight is far too common for others, and the task at hand is one far too long owed to them. If you have valued happiness, or shunned pain, then you know that others would want to reach for happiness and get away from pain, just the same as you. It is not simply a matter of money or resources; they are oft denied the inherent opportunity, no matter how hard they work, that you have been given. It is not bad for you to have the chance to be happy and to enjoy your life, but until everyone has that same chance, those that succeed will do so on the backs of others.
The privileged are not evil, but they hold in their hands a responsibility. One may complain that they have to go out of their way for others, but that argument lies only upon their perspective; if they were to see the vast ocean their fellow humans have to cross, the pond would not seem so deep. The ignorant are not irredeemable, but they must understand that everyone deserves respect. Those who breed hatred and discrimination are human too, as uncomfortable as the truth may seem, and their lives and surroundings have twisted them into the shape they take on today. That being said, they must take responsibility for their actions and serve penance as best as they can, in hopes of undoing the damage they have brought to people's lives.
While some of these matters are legal in nature, discrimination and oppression are often societal things, and therefore there is not always a clear, unified structure to be implemented in order to address this issue. Nevertheless, it is vital that, for the survival and prosperity of humanity, we ensure that when we march, we march together. The greatest weapon against ignorance and knowledge, and therefore there are multiple ways to combat the ignorance that has overtaken oppressors. Societal conditioning starts from a young age, so for developing minds, understanding in better detail how to act respectfully towards others, as well as coming into contact with stories and people from outside their own experience can both shape future generations into more integrated members of society. This greater knowledge and sharing can also give underrepresented children a chance to feel belonging, to live within a society that is built for more than just a select few groups.
It is important to understand the role of listening in terms of mending the gap and reducing the effects of hate. Every conflict is a result of misunderstanding and miscommunication, so the best thing that can be done is to listen and let those who have been oppressed speak on their experiences, and to support them in their drive for greater recognition and respect. If there are aspects of society that disadvantage them, it is important to let them speak their mind on such matters, and to work to fix and tweak to build a better foundation for future generations to interact with. Those that harbor unwarranted hatred towards others for a factor of their identity have little to no idea of the lives and perspectives of those they target, insistent on remaining in their own little world. Theirs is a curse of stubbornness, but no matter the difficulty, they cannot be excused or forgiven.
The world is a terrifying place, especially for those just now emerging into it, and the mess of politics can be confusing. However, confusion and ignorance are no excuse to allow, let alone continue, the suffering of entire swathes of the population. We, as humans, have a responsibility to help each other, for in the lives of others can we see ourselves. There may be differences between us, but far too long have we focused upon what divides us rather than the shared truths and desires that unite us. Now is the time to listen and understand the anger of those who live in different worlds, so that we may better our world for all the people within it.
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dfroza · 3 years
standing in this faith (of the Son) will definitely go against what some people think and believe in this world.
and all that we now face here is temporal in nature, for the truest nature of things is the eternal.
and we are meant to stand, to have courage and to “believe...” by conserving the True message of grace and rebirth which is a form of bravery that also includes gentleness, kindness, forgiveness, grace, and humility. but we certainly don’t have to compromise our faith and hope in Love’s sacred truth just because others may disagree.
Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament is the 18th chapter of the book of Acts where Paul continues to share his message in the face of opposition, and yet there were some who were persuaded to receive it by believing and being baptized. Paul even had a dream with the Lord speaking to him to keep sharing without fear:
From Athens, Paul traveled to Corinth alone. He found a Jewish man there named Aquila, originally from Pontus. Aquila and his wife Priscilla had recently come to Corinth from Italy because Claudius had banished all Jews from Rome. Paul visited them in their home and discovered they shared the same trade of tent making. He then became their long-term guest and joined them in their tentmaking business. Each Sabbath he would engage both Jews and Greeks in debate in the synagogue in an attempt to persuade them of his message. Eventually Silas and Timothy left Macedonia and joined him in Corinth. They found him fully occupied by proclaiming the message, testifying to the Jewish people that Jesus was God’s Anointed, the Liberating King. Eventually, though, some of them stopped listening and began insulting him. He shook the dust off his garments in protest.
Paul: OK. I’ve done all I can for you. You are responsible for your own destiny before God. From now on, I will bring the good news to the outsiders!
He walked out of the synagogue and went next door to the home of an outsider, Titius Justus, who worshiped God. Paul formed a gathering of believers there that included Crispus (the synagogue leader) and his whole household and many other Corinthians who heard Paul, believed, and were ceremonially washed through baptism. One night Paul had a vision in which he heard the Lord’s voice.
The Lord: Do not be afraid, Paul. Speak! Don’t be silent! I am with you, and no one will lay a finger on you to harm you. I have many in this city who are already My people.
After such turmoil in previous cities, these words encouraged Paul to extend his stay in Corinth, teaching the message of God among them for a year and six months.
During this time, some Jews organized an attack on Paul and made formal charges against him to Gallio, the proconsul of Achaia.
Jews: This man is convincing people to worship God in ways that contradict our Hebrew Scriptures.
Paul was about to speak, but Gallio spoke first.
Gallio: Look, if this were some serious crime, I would accept your complaint as a legitimate legal case, but this is just more of your typical Jewish squabbling about trivialities in your sacred literature. I have no interest in getting dragged into this kind of thing.
So he threw out their case and drove them away from his bench. They were furious and seized Sosthenes, the synagogue official; then they beat him in front of the tribunal. Gallio just ignored them.
At the end of 18 months, Paul said good-bye to the believers in Corinth. He wanted to travel to the east and south to Syria by ship; so, accompanied by Priscilla and Aquila, he went to the nearby port city of Cenchrea, where he fulfilled a vow he had made by cutting his hair. The three of them sailed east to Ephesus where Paul would leave Priscilla and Aquila. Paul again went to the synagogue where he dialogued with the Jews. They were receptive and invited him to stay longer. But he politely declined.
Paul: If God wills, I’ll return at some point.
He caught a ship bound south and east for Caesarea by the sea. There he went up for a brief visit with the believers in the church at Jerusalem; then he headed north to Antioch. He spent considerable time there and then left again, visiting city after city throughout Galatia and Phrygia, strengthening the disciples in each place.
Meanwhile, back in Ephesus, a Jew named Apollos made contact with the community of believers. He had been raised in Alexandria.
Apollos was eloquent and well educated in the Hebrew Scriptures. He was partially instructed in the way of the Lord, and he added to his native eloquence a burning enthusiasm to teach about Jesus. He taught accurately what he knew; but he had only understood part of the good news, specifically the ritual cleansing through baptism preached by John, the forerunner of Jesus. So, when Priscilla and Aquila heard him speak boldly in the synagogue, they discerned both his gift and his lack of full understanding. They took him aside and in private explained the way of God to him more accurately and fully. He wanted to head west into Achaia, where Paul had recently been, to preach there. The believers encouraged him to do so and sent a letter instructing the Greek disciples to welcome him. Upon his arrival, he was of great help to all in Achaia who had, by the grace of God, become believers. This gifted speaker publicly demonstrated, based on the Hebrew Scriptures, that the promised Anointed One is Jesus. Then, when the Jews there raised counterarguments, he refuted them with great power.
The Book of Acts, Chapter 18 (The Voice)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 9th chapter of the book (scroll) of Isaiah that points to the birth of the Son known as the Prince of Peace:
But there will be no more gloom for those who knew such hardship. In times past, God humbled the land of Zebulun and Naphtali; later, He will restore the honor and glory to the way of the sea, the land beyond the Jordan, Galilee, home of the nations.
The people who had been living in darkness
have seen a great light.
The light of life has shined on those who dwelt
in the shadowy darkness of death.
And You, God, will make it happen. You bolstered the nation,
making it great again. You have saturated it with joy.
Everyone in it is full of delight in Your presence,
like the joy they experience at the harvest,
like the thrill of dividing up the spoils of war.
For as You did back in the day when Midian oppressed us,
You will shatter the yoke that burdens them,
You will lift the load that weighs them down,
You will break the rod of their oppressor.
It’s true. All the fabric of war will go up in flames:
the troops’ heavy boots that stamped us down and their blood-soaked garb
Will all be burned beyond recognition or use.
There will be a new time, a fresh start.
Hope of all hopes, dream of our dreams,
a child is born, sweet-breathed; a son is given to us: a living gift.
And even now, with tiny features and dewy hair, He is great.
The power of leadership, and the weight of authority, will rest on His shoulders.
His name? His name we’ll know in many ways—
He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Dear Father everlasting, ever-present never-failing,
Master of Wholeness, Prince of Peace.
His leadership will bring such prosperity as you’ve never seen before—
sustainable peace for all time.
This child: God’s promise to David—a throne forever, among us,
to restore sound leadership that cannot be perverted or shaken.
He will ensure justice without fail and absolute equity. Always.
The intense passion of the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies,
will carry this to completion.
The Lord has dispatched a word against Jacob;
it will come down hard on Israel.
All the people of Ephraim and the citizens of its capital Samaria will know.
In their pride and arrogance they say:
“Hey! The walls have collapsed, but this gives us a chance to rebuild
better than it was before with the best stones instead of brick.
The invaders may have chopped down the sycamores,
but we will plant cedars in their place.”
But the Eternal stirs up Rezin’s enemies to move against Israel
and arouses all their foes to join them.
They come, these enemies, from both sides (Syrians on the east and Philistines on the west)
and consume Israel, swallowing it whole.
Still, God’s anger smolders.
His hand is raised; there’s more to come.
But the people don’t return to God after all His punishment.
They don’t change their ways and right their paths
To seek the Eternal, the Commander of heavenly armies.
Therefore, He will take them to task.
In a single day He’ll cut off from Israel the head and the tail;
He’ll cut down the noble palm and lowly reed.
The head are those charged with leadership—political and religious—
who used their power in the worst possible ways;
And the tail are the prophets who slur their lies.
These misguided leaders have misled this people;
and those who follow have become swallowed up in their deceit.
Even now the Lord takes no joy in a single one, not even the young.
Mercy has run out for even those without power—the widows and orphans.
For every single person is at fault and behaves badly.
No one thinks or acts as God would have them do.
Every mouth utters foolishness like a wildfire, out of control;
wickedness rages, leveling and clearing briars and thorns;
Forests and thickets burn, leaving the whole a smoking heap.
Still, God’s anger smolders. His hand is raised; there’s more to come.
The Eternal, the Commander of heavenly armies,
sets our world on fire in His fury.
The rotten people become kindling for the fire,
turning against one another until no one is spared.
They slice off what’s on the right and are still hungry;
they eat what’s on the left and still aren’t satisfied.
And in their voracity, they consume their own.
Manasseh and Ephraim devour each other
and turn their covetous eye south, toward Judah.
Still, God’s anger smolders. His hand is raised; there’s more to come.
The Book of Isaiah, Chapter 9 (The Voice)
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for Thursday, june 17 of 2021 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons that looks at the significance of forgiveness:
In the Gates of Repentance it is written: ‎"I hereby forgive all who have hurt me, all who have wronged me, whether deliberately or inadvertently, whether by word or by deed. May no one be punished on my account. And as I forgive and pardon those who have wronged me, may those whom I have harmed forgive me, whether I acted deliberately or inadvertently, whether by word or by deed." Amen...
Yeshua taught us to pray “forgive us as we forgive others," which implies that our forgiveness (of others) is the measure of our own forgiveness. In other words, as we forgive others, so we experience forgiveness ourselves... Forgiveness releases the hurt, the anger, and the disappointment so these feelings do not inwardly consume and exhaust our souls. And yet forgiveness must be self-directed, too, since refusing to forgive yourself denies or negates the forgiveness given from others. Forgiving yourself means admitting that you act just like other people, that you are human, and that you are in need of reconciliation too. We have to move on, past the shame, and to turn back to hope. As a Yiddish proverb puts it, "You are what you are, not what you were..."
It is written, "in many things we offend all," and therefore we must confess our sins one to another to find healing (James 5:16). However the practice of love overlooks a multitude of sins, and if we do not condemn those who offend us, then we will not need to forgive them for their offenses. Walking in God’s love sets us free from the slavery of negative emotions such as resentment, bitterness, anger, unresolved grief, and so on.
I love this affirmation and prayer attributed to Eusebius of Caesarea (c. 263-339 AD): "May I be the friend of that which is eternal and abides. May I never quarrel with those nearest me; and if I do, may we be reconciled quickly. May I never devise evil against anyone; and if any devise evil against me, may I escape uninjured and without any desire to hurt them. May I love, seek, and attain only that which is good. May I wish for the happiness of all and the misery of none. May I never rejoice in the ill-fortune of one who has wronged me. When I have done or said what is wrong, may I never wait for the rebuke of others, but always rebuke myself until I make amends.”
“May I, to the extent of my ability, give all needful help to my friends and to all who are in want. May I never fail a friend in danger. When visiting those in grief, may I be able by gentle and healing words to soften their pain. May I respect myself. May I always keep tame that which rages within me. May I accustom myself to be gentle, and never be angry with people because of circumstances. May I never discuss who is wicked and what wicked things he has done, but know good men and follow their footsteps." Amen. [Hebrew for Christians]
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Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
June 17, 2021
Reasonable Service
“I beseech you therefore...by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Romans 12:1-2)
For those who would know God’s will for their lives, these verses provide the definitive answer. The key is sacrifice, not conformity. It is paradoxical, but wonderfully true, that real living is dying—dying to the world and living unto Christ! This great theme is emphasized repeatedly throughout the New Testament (Galatians 2:20, etc.).
Whether paradoxical or not, the principle of sacrificial living for Christ is eminently reasonable service! “Reasonable” is the Greek logikos, from which we derive our word “logical.” “Service” is the Greek latreian, referring to service as a priest. We have been made “an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 2:5). It is perfectly logical that we render such lifelong service to the great Friend who laid down His life for us in order to take away our sins and give us everlasting life with Him in the ages to come.
It is also logical that we should not conform our lives to the standards of this present evil world. Why should we imitate this world’s materialism or humanism, in dress or music or morals or anything else? We have far higher and more lasting standards, guided by the Word of God and by minds renewed in Christ.
Our minds once were “blinded” by “the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4), but now they can be guided by “the mind of the Lord” (Romans 11:34; 1 Corinthians 2:16). Here is the key to knowing that good and acceptable and perfect will of God! HMM
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