#the boyz texts
justalildumpling · 6 months
⇢ back to you
synopsis: the one where sunwoo is halfway across the world and all you want is for him to be back home, back to you.
pairing: sunwoo x reader genre: social media au, established relationship au, best friend au, angst warnings: talks about loneliness, wanting to disappear, existential crisis stuff, swearing note: as much as i always flame sunwoo, he's a comfort person for me somehow lol i think maybe it's cause i relate to him in many ways... anyways lol here's to me making a comeback with tbz fics ig
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permanent taglist: @polarisjisung @wooyoung-a @w3bqrl @ficrecnctskz @rv7hsua @n0hyuck @neosdaisy @baekhyunstruly @rum-gone-why @dinonuguaegi @alethea-moon @klovmasworld @moonchele
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sunshyni · 2 months
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Changmin × You | w.c: 1.2k | avisos: nenhum, family friendly na área!
context: você faz parte da família mais rica da região litorânea em que Changmin mora. Na véspera de ano-novo ele te convida para uma festa mais interessante do que a que seus pais organizaram, e você descobre que não existe nada mais doce do que virar a noite ao lado dele.
notas: eu 'tava tão obcecada pelo Changmin desde “Babydoll” que me senti muito feliz com esse pedido assim que ele chegou (não sei se executei bem o que tinha em mente, provavelmente não KKKKKK Mas enfim). Eu claramente me inspirei em “Outer banks” pra desenvolver isso, porque com toda certeza o Changmin é um pogue e a personagem principal é uma kook KKKKKK Mas é isso! Espero que vocês gostem dessa bomba!
boa leitura, docinhos!🍊
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— Como assim o sol já tá nascendo? — Você sussurrou para Changmin que deslizava o dedo pela tela do celular, procurando em sua playlist favorita uma música diferente da que estava tocando, para ser reproduzida baixinho nos fones de fio que vocês compartilhavam deitados no colchão inflável da espécie de “batcaverna” que existia nos fundos do mercadinho dos pais de Juyeon, que dormia serenamente no sofá antigo ao lado de vocês, com uma manta fina envolvendo-lhe enquanto o braço esquerdo estava pendurado para fora do móvel.
Após alguns segundos de deliberação, Changmin enfim escolheu a faixa e “Babydoll”, de Dominic Fike, iniciou com seus primeiros acordes de guitarra.
Com cuidado para não arrancar o fone do seu ouvido, Changmin se virou no colchão, mudando sua posição, ficando de frente para você e repousando o celular no espaço entre seus corpos. Ele destinou uma rápida olhada para a janela alinhada ao colchão de vocês estendido no chão, contemplando os primeiros raios de sol que ultrapassavam o vidro e iluminavam seus rostos, aquecendo a pele num jeito agradável.
— Estamos oficialmente virados — Changmin afirmou fechando os olhos por alguns instantes para abrí-los novamente e te sondar de forma demasiada atenta, fazendo uso do mesmo volume de voz baixo, com a diferença de que ele esbanjava uma rouquidão que fez seu corpo se arrepiar deliciosamente.
Os olhos dele estavam direcionados exclusivamente para você e não transpareciam nenhum sinal de cansaço, embora vocês estivessem alí desde que os fogos de artifício anunciando o ano novo se cessaram e Sunwoo teve a brilhante ideia de beberem um bocado no esconderijo de Juyeon, você abarcou a ideia, mesmo sabendo que certamente teria problemas com seus pais mais tarde.
— Por que eu estaria? Foi a melhor noite que eu já tive em muuuito tempo — Você achegou o corpo um pouco mais ao dele, fazendo com que os rostos ficassem a – no máximo – uns quinze centímetros de distância, mas Changmin não se afastou, pelo contrário, continuou encarando seus olhos com uma diligência extrema. Changmin tinha te salvado de uma noite de ano novo tediosa, ele fazia parte do grupo de funcionários do bufê que a sua mãe contratou para a grande white party no jardim da casa de veraneio, que a sua família possuía naquela região litorânea.
— Tá arrependida?
Vocês se conheciam por um histórico extenso de olhares furtivos na areia da praia principal, mas nunca haviam trocado uma palavra sequer; Até Changmin interromper sua conversa com um parente velhote e antiquado, questionar se você estava interessada num lance mais animado para que assim que conseguisse seu consenso, entrelaçasse os dedos com os seus e te conduzisse até a festa anual que os três amigos organizavam em toda véspera de réveillon.
— Só gostaria de estar vestindo algo mais confortável — Você apontou para o seu próprio visual, um vestido branco curto rodado Calvin Klein que te deixava com um ar jovial e inocente, o gesto chamou a atenção de Changmin, que desceu o olhar para o seu corpo, não de forma descarada e desinibida, se tratava mais de conferir pela milésima vez a sua roupa e sorrir de um jeito tão caloroso que ele poderia competir com aqueles raios solares sem um pingo de medo da derrota.
— 'Cê tá linda — Ele disse, desviando o olhar para qualquer canto do ambiente que não fosse você, numa tentativa falha de disfarçar as bochechas que adquiriram um tom de vermelho púrpura, provocando em você uma vontade insana de apertá-las como se ele fosse uma criança fofa — Se você quiser, eu posso te emprestar alguma coisa do Juyeon, mas já vou avisando que ele não é tão estiloso quanto eu.
Seus lábios se curvaram num sorriso completo quando ele te deu essa oportunidade implícita de contemplar as roupas sociais que ele vestia devido ao código de vestimenta do bufê, infelizmente o colete, a gravata borboleta e os óculos da noite anterior haviam sido descartados, mas a visão de agora era tão boa quanto a de antes, o colarinho aberto juntamente com os dois primeiros botões da camisa social amassada igualmente abertos te incitava o desejo de desbravar o que existia por trás daquele tecido sóbrio.
— O que você acha que vai acontecer quando voltar pra casa? — Ele questionou e você se livrou do fone, fazendo-o copiar o movimento para pôr o celular fora do colchão, se aproximando de você sem a intenção no processo, ocasionando numa agitação na sua barriga que se parecia muito com nervosismo e ansiedade. Você engoliu em seco, esperando que não estivesse transpirando igual uma boba na frente e tão próxima de Changmin.
— Provavelmente eu serei deserdada. Minha mãe superestima demais esse tipo de evento — Seus pais odiariam saber que você estava perambulando com a “ralé”, mesmo que estivessem sempre muito obcecados em auxiliar pessoas de classes inferiores a sua apenas para conseguirem reconhecimento e fama de bonzinhos, o que não condizia em nada com a verdade e com o mundo que eles idealizavam. Você tentava todos os dias se desvincular daquela grande farsa, mas nunca teve a coragem necessária para agir contra seus progenitores e adotar seu próprio ponto de vista, não até Changmin segurar a sua mão e te fornecer toda determinação necessária — Mas esse palácio aqui tá livre, né? Juyeon não vai se importar.
— Você é mais do que bem-vinda — Um sorriso iluminou ainda mais a feição de Changmin que foi retribuído por você da mesma forma, ele se aproximou um pouquinho mais de você compartilhando da sua mesma respiração cadenciada, os olhos castanhos alumiados pelo sol que te fazia ter certeza que as pupilas dele estavam dilatadas, certamente iguais às suas.
Você alternou o olhar entre os olhos e lábios de Changmin por alguns segundos até tomar a iniciativa e unir os lábios nos dele num beijo casto e rápido, o bastante para provocar um barulhinho característico que fez Sunwoo – jogado numa poltrona – se mexer, mas jamais acordar.
Você cobriu a boca com a mão, mas Changmin não demorou muito para retirá-la dali, sorrindo ao mesmo tempo que avançava para cima de você com a mão imobilizando seu pulso suavemente, finalmente te beijando ao passo que sua mão livre tirava os botões da camisa de Changmin de suas casas, lentamente, os lábios ocupados em corresponder ao beijo vagaroso, quase preguiçoso, mas que fazia seu baixo-ventre se alvoroçar em expectativa enquanto Changmin encaixava o corpo no seu na melhor forma que podia, parecendo gostar da forma que sua mão exploradora tocava-o em todas as partes possíveis de alcançar.
Juyeon provocou um pequeno escândalo se remexendo no sofá, o que fez o beijo terminar mais rápido do que o previsto e Changmin esconder o rosto coradinho na curva do seu pescoço, só para abafar uma risadinha um tanto quanto envergonhada. Você tomou o rosto dele nas mãos, beijando-o devagar, com medo de causar aquele mesmo estalar da primeira vez.
— E se eles acordarem? — Você perguntou, e ele revirou os olhos de uma maneira nada sutil mas muito doce, os cabelos curtos e revoltos na manhã espetando-lhe a testa levemente, Changmin soltou seu pulso para acariciar sua cintura suavemente, dando passe livre para as borboletas no seu estômago permanecerem habitando lá por tempo indeterminado.
— Relaxa, eles não vão acordar — Changmin assegurou dando-lhe um selinho breve — Só quero ficar de chamego com você pelo resto do dia.
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moonlightdreamzz · 10 months
✰ Sunwoo, Eric, & Q
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kyufiber · 3 months
tongue tied (ongoing) (TBZ REWRITE!)
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summary: for you, your second year of college means an opportunity to finally come out of your shell. you thought that meant mingling more with your tennis teammates, not drunkenly kissing someone at a party. was it the best kiss of your life? possibly. do you remember who you kissed? not in the slightest.
pairing: ? x fem!reader
a/n: hello all!! it's been two years and i've decided, in my return to tumblr, i'm rewriting tongue tied and changing some stuff- like the group. sorry to all ateez fans :( the group is changing to the boyz cus i'm a degen. some aspects will be the same, some will change. enjoy!
parts: profiles pt.1 / profiles pt.2 / one / two
playlist: a kiss the driver era • campus vampire weekend • suckerpunch pmbata • 80's movie pilar victoria • awkward silence stray kids • get you geowulf • my type saint motel • bruise between friends • i feel funny justin bieber • handclap fitz and the tantrums • all over cruisr (full playlist here!)
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ad0rechuu · 4 months
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LEE SANGYEON. ━━━━━ ‘96, broadcasting and entertainment major: the appointed dad of the group (which he begrudgingly accepted), he’s always dependable, pretends to be strict but is super caring! worries about his ‘kids’ 24/7
BAE JACOB. ━━━━━ ‘97, music education major: the people of ckr university wonder if he’s actually and angel among men but he insists he’s not. he’s the sweetest and is very soft on everyone (especially yn), which is why he’s the self proclaimed mother of the group
LEE JUYEON. ━━━━━ ‘98, fashion modeling major: juyeon is also known as one of the famous heartthrobs but he’s not aware of it since he’s the resident himbo, pretty oblivious of what’s going on around him. he and yn have been friends since high school and sometimes make out platonically when they’re drunk
CHOI CHANHEE. ━━━━━ ‘98, fashion major: yns biggest supporter and hater at the same time. the groups tsundere, he’s very sassy and honest but everyone knows he cares (even if he would rather die than admit that)
JI CHANGMIN. ━━━━━ ‘98, dance major: yns other half, the two both share an affinity for the creepy and scary, they often watch horror films together. changmin is someone who’s smile you can see (and voice you can hear) from a mile away because he’s so radiant. father of chucky
SN YN. ━━━━━ ‘00, film composing major, the moon of the sun&moon duo: has a resting bitch face so she appears cold on the outside but is actually someone who has a lot of love to give. gets babied and teased quite a lot but in return dotes on her friends too, she’s very affectionate. recently started dating yeonjun and is sunwoo’s best friend, they have been friends since the first grade. also chucky’s godmother and the biggest sone!
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NOTES. yn isn’t the only sone of this group, all of them are snsd truthers 🫶
TAGLIST. @tocupid @leo-seonghwa @seonghwaddict @starryunho @yuyusuyu @kodzumo @felixsramen @aapplepii @juhakutie @gyumibear @alixnsuperstxr @atinyinateezverse @nyukyujs @yunho-mp3
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from-izzy · 2 months
"what do you think of flowers/bouquets?" | tbz hyung line
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you mean what i think about you?
​PAIRING » the boyz x gn!reader (not proofread 😭 are we surprised?) TROPE/AU » established relationship au!, non-idol au!, smau! (text messages) GENRE »​ FLUFFY BOYFIE TBZ HYUNG LINE, with some angst, sangyeon is a very thoughtful boyfriend (and when's it my turn?), jacob to the rescue!!, younghoon is crying (I'M SORRY---), hyunjae's really...maximum comfort and hurt/comfort honestly (i love that man) WORD COUNT » 389​ ESTIMATED READING TIME » ~2 mins (for all) WARNINGS (lmk if i missed anything!) » none!
navi/masterlist!! 🤍 98 line 🤍 maknae line 🤍 part of 'especially to you...'
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it's hard to explain how this is part of the 'especially to you...' series but the tl;dr is that flowers are very related to me and i've always thought about them as a being and how similar i can be to them and so, this was born!
also these took way longer than i thought 😭 and this is what i call: dunning-kruger effect in full motion 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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navi/masterlist!! 🤍 98 line 🤍 maknae line 🤍 'especially to you...' tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here!): @deoboyznet 📢❤️ @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️ @kflixnet 📺🍿@heemingyu
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heeheesang · 1 year
eric as boyfriend texts <3
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back to the boyz masterlist—☆°~
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jiminxoxo · 9 months
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some texts thatll hopefully kick start more motivation haha!
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chanheeinc · 2 years
hii!! can i request how tbz would spend late nights with their s/o? thank u dear ❤️❤️
Hey! So sorry for the late response I set this up to post a certain time and just saw it just sitting in my drafts! Here is the post now:
Spends the night relaxing. Putting on face masks, chilling to some music, drinking something alcoholic. He wants to just spend quality time with the one he loves.
Late night curled up reading a book. Back to back just enjoying the warmth. Would hum and play with his s/o’s hair after he gets bored. Late nights involve a lot of pleasant silence.
Late nights are for adventures. He would love to take his s/o on 2AM strolls, trying to find new parts of the city. Walking hand and hand with his s/o makes him feel invulnerable.
Late nights are for gaming. Either teaching his s/o how to play his favorite games or having his s/o completely destroy him in some random game they decided to get together. Late nights are for him sulking.
Late nights are for talking. Juyeon isn’t one to put all of his feelings into words, but on the random occasion him and his s/o are up late, he begins to word vomit. Most of what he is saying makes no sense but it’s so endearing.
Late nights with are for creativity. Either he is drawing alone and his s/o doing some sort of hobby they find interesting, or Kevin and his s/o are collaborating on some weird concoction of art.
Late nights are for makeovers. Him and his s/o would dress each other in random outfits and have their movie montage moment. These times are precious since they can both be so open and free.
Late nights are for horror movies. Finding the worst most low budget horror movies and laughing as they see the main monster’s zipper for the costume. Trying to guess where the movie goes and who will be the final girl.
Ju Haknyeon:
Light nights are for karaoke. Finding sketchy 24 hour karaoke rooms and singing their hearts out. Trying hard to make sure Hak’s voice doesn’t go out by the next hour.
Late nights are for snacks. Trying to trick Chanhee into making some treats to enjoy. Going to the nearest 7/11 and trying to combine new flavors together.
Late nights are for closeness. Holding his s/o so close he can feel their heart next to his. Keeping up a conversation as the sound of every breath falls softly on his ears.
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elfrixc · 2 years
i love kyu — why is he staring at me like that? (scared)
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previous | masterlist | next
i love kyu! ― ji changmin x fem!reader
summary: changmin (your ex crush) and you have lost contact since high school after you moved a town over. you meet again at university and you realise that those feelings you felt once are still there. now, you have to find a way for him to reciprocate your feelings.
TAGLIST: @stealanity @wonluvrbot @ilovechanhee
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kimsohn · 4 months
where the boyz would let you tie a coquette bow 🎀
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🎀 sangyeon... definitely his bicep. and he'd flex his bicep and it would break like this video bc he's crazy like that
🎀 jacob... hear me out. his hair. like this video kinda. he'd see it as u dolling him up or smth like that and his fluffy hair is the perfect place for some cute bows
🎀 younghoon... around his hand like this. nice and simple. you tell him he can take it off but he keeps it on cause it's cute. stares down at it while he drives and it reminds him of you 💘
🎀 hyunjae... i might be called crazy for this but i have a vision okay. covering his mouth like this. he prob saw that video and wanted to try it out 😭 he'd try not to laugh and talk but he secretly loves it.
🎀 juyeon... just a big ribbon around his hands and waist like this video. i feel like he wouldn't even understand the trend but he'd stand there all goofy-smiled bc he loves you
🎀 kevin... around his neck like a bow tie (this). he'd wear it out proudly too i think he ends up liking the trend more than you do
🎀 chanhee... he tells you to put it on his middle finger and you don't understand why until he pulls out this 😞
🎀 changmin... ON HIS GLASSES LIKE THIS. this video is so changmin coded too he'd be leaning into you and laughing like it's funny for him
🎀 haknyeon... also on his head but like. circling it. like this. idk his head shape combined with the fact that he is 🍊 personified would make a bow around his head look so cute. he'd feel cute too.
🎀 sunwoo... ok first of all this man would come to YOU to do the trend. also he'd let you tie him up fully i am not even joking like this video!!
🎀 eric... this man is cheesy so he'd ask you to tie it on his ring finger. and you'd be like ?? and he'd say it's a placeholder for a future ring or smth corny 😭 i don't have video evidence but just trust me
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justalildumpling · 3 months
⇢ biggest (anti) fan
synopsis: the one where you’re convinced that you're the biggest hater of the school’s famous striker, but both your hammering heart and your friends seem to think otherwise.
pairing: sunwoo x reader genre: social media au, sports au, one sided enemies to lovers, college au, fluff, crack warnings: swearing, jokes about death, ur sunwoo’s biggest hater, sunwoo is also the biggest mf loser you’ve ever met note: ... i am sunwoo's biggest anti like idk what to tell u😐 (also i wrote this like 4 months ago, dont ask me why i waited this long to post it)
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permanent taglist: @polarisjisung @w3bqrl @ficrecnctskz @rv7hsua @n0hyuck @neosdaisy @baekhyunstruly @rum-gone-why @dinonuguaegi @alethea-moon @klovmasworld @moonchele @chernabogsbiggestfan @mosviqu
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w0nslvr · 3 months
𝒃𝒇!𝒕𝒃𝒛 𝒕𝒆𝒙𝒕𝒔 (𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒏𝒂𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆)
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒏𝒂𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: 𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒌
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: 𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈
𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 | 98 𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒔
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A/N: THESE TOOK SO LONG LMFAOOOOO THE BOYZ FIRST POST COMPLETE also neil the seal is my current tik tok obsession HELP😭😭😭reblogs are appreciated 🫂
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tocupid · 2 months
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sypnosis. just texts between you and 3 of your different doordash drivers!
warnings. cursing, usage of the word girl in a gender neutral way, SASSY ASS MEN.
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authors note. this part is dedicated to @mimiibear bc she was so kind on the last part and told me to make more so ofc i did 🙏🙏 . idk if this was as funny as the first part (which yall should read) but hope yall like it (heh reblog if u do please ..) + i have plans for more fics to write trust gimme until 2025
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ad0rechuu · 4 months
ᝰ MY OH MY. ━━ (000) DA HOMIEZ
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KIM YOUNGHOON. ━━━━━ ‘97, acting major: unpredictable, emotional and the biggest lover of bread that you’ve ever met. he’s kind of an enigma which makes him so lovable. he’s also one of the campus heartthrobs
LEE JAEHYUN. ━━━━━ ‘97, communications major: if you’re ever getting flirted at by someone with a very distinctive laugh you can be sure it’s hyunjae. he’s known as one of the campus heartthrobs too but in reality he’s just very clingy and loves to nag his friends, especially sunwoo since he’s like a little brother to him (also calls yn his daughter)
MOON KEVIN. ━━━━━ ‘98, elementary education major: quite literally the biggest instigator out there, almost always supports his friends no matter how crazy (read: dumb) their ideas are. his twitter is basically a beyoncé stan account, claims he’s going to be teacher solely to teach the youth about queen B
JU HAKNYEON. ━━━━━ ‘99, agriculture and animal sciences major: the most cheerful and bubbly boy out there! people just naturally like him and want to be around him. he can be very direct even he doesn’t always mean to. is the vice president of the sunwoo haters club
KIM SUNWOO. ━━━━━ ‘00, music theory and composition major, the sun of the sun&moon duo: somehow manages to be impulsive with slight anger management issues and the most caring, protective person you’ve ever met at the same time. funny but very opinionated (can only be put in his place by a select few). also yn’s best friend, they have been friends since the first grade
SOHN ERIC. ━━━━━ ‘00, business major: knows everyone, prides himself on being the real life gretchen wiener. gets into trouble for fun and has been friends with sunwoo since middle school. he’s the main reason why everyone worries about getting gray hair early! president of the sunwoo haters club
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NOTES. i realized that this group is basically just the most unhinged mfs and younghoon
TAGLIST. @tocupid @leo-seonghwa @seonghwaddict @starryunho @yuyusuyu @kodzumo @felixsramen @aapplepii @juhakutie @gyumibear @alixnsuperstxr @atinyinateezverse @nyukyujs @yunho-mp3
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from-izzy · 2 months
"what do you think of flowers/bouquets?" | tbz 98 line
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i don't know much about them but if you like them then i'll gladly learn them for you!
​PAIRING » the boyz x gn!reader (not proofread one again 😭) TROPE/AU » established relationship au!, non-idol au!, smau! (text messages!) GENRE »​ most fluff out of all imo, barely any angst, ah maybe changmin's one is a bit angsty??, JUYEON WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE---, kevin and reader praying for each other 🥺 (i find this really comforting and cute to be honest), confident (and cute) boyfriend chanhee hehe, changmin is really thinking (cause i think he's that type of person). WORD COUNT » 395​ ESTIMATED READING TIME » ~2 mins (for all) WARNINGS (lmk if i missed anything!) » mentions of religion in kevin's
navi/masterlist!! 🤍 hyung line 🤍 maknae line 🤍 part of 'especially to you...'
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second one hehe! make sure to check out the hyung line that i released a few minutes ago!! maknae line should be up after around the estimated reading time from now!
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navi/masterlist!! 🤍 hyung line 🤍 maknae line 🤍 'especially to you...' tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here!): @deoboyznet 📢❤️ @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️ @kflixnet 📺🍿@heemingyu
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