#the bargain ox
gameraboy2 · 2 years
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The Bargain Ox Collier's, April 12, 1952 Illustration by Saul Tepper
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ornii · 5 months
Do you still do requests?
Can you please do Wednesday Addams X reader who has abilities, powers, and a backstory similar to John Constantine? Thank you.
Black Rum
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A little short and sweet.
Nevermore really didn’t change much after the attack, and overall some things never truly did change. But what did was the relationship between (Y/n) and Wednesday, she was cold and standoffish towards him in the beginning. Slowly he melted her icy demeanor and made himself home in her heart. Whether she wanted to admit it or not; she loved him. While continuing their studies, the two participate in… extracurricular activities together.
(Y/n) stood in an old Church, dark magic swirling around him as a magic pentagram was drawn around him. He stood calmly in the tornado of darkness as from that black mist, a demon made purely of shadows reaches out, calling his name with his ethereal voice. “(Y/n)… your soul, is mine…” the ethereal voice called out to him, its arm elongated and askew of humanity. Its bony fingers ready to tear his soul apart.
“Any time now love..” he grumbled, ready for a fight to the death. Standing upon the scaffolding of the interior. Wednesday drew an arrow, dipped in Silver. Her eye focused on the demon, ready to reveal itself. Its body began to open up like a cage of bones, darkness emitting like smoke. What was there was a black heart, beating so callously.
“Dammit Wednesday..” was his final thoughts, until the arrow let loose. It flew though the air and it struck true. Nailing the monster right in the heart, Wednesday began to descend the scaffolding, the beast reels in pain. Screaming as the silver sears his heart and thematically seals him to this world temporarily. The monster collapsed down, writhing in pain. (Y/n) sighs with relief, as the monster spirals in pain. Wednesday stands next to (Y/n) as they look over the monsters body.
“I..I will have my revenge!” It calls out, (Y/n) raises his hand.
“Sure lad, you try that, back to where you came from.” He said, the monster growls.
“W-wait! Fine, perhaps we can, strike a bargain?” He said.. (Y/n) scoffs and shook his head.
“Heard that Wednesday?” He said.
“A god begging for mercy.. pitiful.” She said, the demon reaches out but (Y/n) raised his hands to seal his spell.
“Attiuaiasis Qutendo Beneesta Sulpus Accuule!” He chanted, the spell holding the demon in this world was shattered. And once more he was dragged back to the pits of hell. The two stand there and (Y/n) kicks some of the salt, breaking the spell circle and putting an end to it all. Their peace was interrupted by a priest slowly opening the door, he peers in to see the two standing there. (Y/n) casually motions the priest to follow, the middle aged man looked around to see books everywhere, paper, and the unnerving sense of evil.
“Alright Bishop, your Church is free of the vicar curse.” He said, The priest blesses them.
“May god bless you both a thousand times over. We had no way to deal with this dark energy alone.” He explains, and Wednesday wasn’t the one for chit chat.
“We take our payment in cash and check.” She said flatly. (Y/n) glares at her, before the priest nods and hands them said check.
“Of course, like the Bible says; ‘You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,’ and, ‘The laborer deserves his wages.’” He said, Wednesday takes it and departs, (Y/n) sighs and shakes the priests hand.
“If you require any other services or know anyone who does, give us a ring.” He said and catches up to Wednesday. She looks at the check but it’s suddenly pulled away from her and flies back, she watches it fall into the hand of (Y/n). The two begin to walk together along a barren plain like trail.
“You could at least say goodbye to the old man.” He says.
“Because we’re in Kansas and I highly doubt we’ll come back. Plus clientele.”
“I don’t see the point of pleasantries, we came to do a job, simple as that.” She says, (Y/n) shakes his head and they reach a building, but they didn’t need the building just the wall. Reaching into his pocket the reveals chalk, he draws a door on it.
“Point is love, we want this “Black Rum: Occult Detectives” thing to work out, we have to actually be like able.. well I have to be. You just be cute dark and broody.” He said, he then turns to the chalk drawing and spoke. “Ecrumis Queeyela Various.” He then blangs on the wall and it crumbled and behind the chalk outline was a door. (Y/n) walks on as Wednesday grumbles “I’m not Broody.” She said, they walk in and suddenly appear back at Nevermores Quad, (Y/n) closes the door and it crumbed to dust.
“So, why don’t we cash this in and ..Spend some quality time together?” He said raising an eyebrow.
“Fine, I suppose your company wouldn’t be an entire bore.” She walks off as the Magician follows. Chucking to himself.
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🌾 Herbs 🌱
🏛 Greek and Roman Mythologies 🏛
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Mythology is the handmaid of literature, and literature promotes happiness. Myths were told or sung to people at least 5,000 years ago. They were told to explain dreams or reasoning for certain happenings or to understand their gods.
Homer was a poet around 900 B.C. and was the main recorder of most myths, although there were poets who sang hymns and told stories of the mythological characters some 2,000 years before Homer. Many modern authors have glamorized myths and made them interesting to read.
The genealogy of the mythical characters is interesting, but we will only touch on a few to get us started. First was Chaos; from Chaos came Mother Earth, Gaea, and the starry heavens, Uranus. They had nymphs, titans, Cyclops and a most wily and terrible son, Cronus (or Saturn) who overthrew his father Uranus. He took Rhea for his wife and they had many children that Cronus devoured because it had been prophesied one would overthrow him. When Rhea delivered Zeus she hid him in a cave and gave Cronus stones to devour in lieu of the infant Zeus. Zeus was raised by nymphs and when he became of age he overthrew Cronus and made him regurgitate the other children. Cronus had destroyed his father and threw the body parts into the sea, from which Venus (a.k.a. Aphrodite) was formed. She is associated with the herbs rose and myrtle.
Zeus was considered the main god of mythology and he married Juno, but he had other wives and lovers. Some of their children were: Apollo, god of the sun, music and medicine; his twin Diana, goddess of the hunt; Hercules, man of strength; Neptune or Poseidon, god of the ocean; and Minerva goddess of crafting and wisdom (she and the Three Graces wove all the clothes and sails for the gods).
One day Prometheus, who was a cousin of Zeus and friend to mankind, met Zeus in a field of poppies. There they killed an ox and Prometheus tricked Zeus and gave him a bag of bones rather than meat. Zeus became enraged and took fire from man to punish Prometheus. Prometheus stole fire back in a hollow fennel stem and gave it to man. Zeus was so angry and punished him again and also gave him the terrible thing…woman. Pandora supposedly was the first woman bringing with her a box. So curious, she opened the box and released all the ills of the world, leaving only hope at the bottom of the box, which she kept.
There were many gods and goddess born to rein over the earth, sky and Hades. Pluto was chosen to rein over the underworld and he took for his wife Persephone who was the daughter of Ceres, goddess of corn. Ceres was so distraught over the loss of her daughter that she let the crops die and Pluto then made a bargain with her to release Persephone for half the year during the growing season. Cereal is named in honor of Ceres.  There were many lesser gods, nymphs, satyrs, muses, furies, fates, and sirens that did the bidding of the gods.
The Greeks brought their gods to the Romans, but the Romans had other gods: Pomona, goddess of the fruit; Flora, goddess of flowers; Lucina, goddess of childbirth; and many more.  Most of this study pertains to Greek myths.
There are at least 52 herbs that are influenced by the gods and goddesses of mythology. Even though Greek mythology has been in existence for at least 5,000 years, there are no followers of this ancient religion, even though it has influenced our lives in our language, literature, culture, customs, politics, astronomy, and our calendar.
Herbs in Mythology
Aconite- Aconitum napellus - Monkshood, Wolf’s Bane - Name derived from Aconae, supposed place of origin. It is said that it is an invention of Hecate, goddess of sorcery and witchcraft. Medea another sorceress and wife of King Aegeus was jealous of Theseus, the kings son, and tried to destroy him with a drought of aconite, but the king discovered the plot and saved Theseus. The old men who were infirmed were given droughts of Aconite. All parts of this herb are poisonous, but the root is most often used. It was used in the witches brew and gave a sensation of flying. It is used medicinally as a diuretic and diaphoretic.
Artemisia- Artemisia absinthium- Named after Artemis or Diana, goddess of the hunt. Wormwood was the Artemisia of Greek Mythology. It was used medicinally as a direct poison of parasites. If overdosed, it affected the eyes and could cause convulsions. An ancient proverb is as bitter as wormwood.
Bluebell - Hyacinthus nonscriptus - Flower of grief and mourning. Hyacinthus was a charming youth that both Apollo and Zephrus loved. Hyacinthus was partial to Apollo which angered Zephrus. One day they were all playing quoits and a stray quoit of Zephrus killed Hyacinthus. Apollo was stricken with grieve and raised from Hyacinths blood a beautiful purple flower that might evermore exist upon the earth.
Basil- Ocimum basilicum -There are many stories of the origin of basil, but we will surmise that the name coming from the mythical character the basilisk is correct. The basilisk was a large lizard, much like the bearded dragons of today and was thought even a look would kill. Scorpions were also associated with basil and it was thought that eating too much basil would breed scorpions in the brain. Basil is used mainly as a culinary herb.
Bay Laurel- Laurus nobilis - One of the favorite myths pertaining to herbs. Apollo was teasing Cupid about his tiny arrows, and Cupid shot one of love into his heart. Daphne, a nymph was standing close watching the two gods and Cupid shot an arrow to repel into her heart. Apollo saw her and fell madly in love and thought he must have her for his own, she became frightened and started to run from him. He was too fast and started to capture her, she cried to her father the river god Peneus to please save her from Apollo, so her father, who loved her very much turned her into a Laurus nobilis tree. Apollo grabbed the tree and flung his arms around it crying, "My love, my love, I shall love you forever and evermore you shall be green. I will wear your leaves as a crown to remember you." To this day bay wreaths are used as a sign of victory and honor to poets and conquers. Bay is used in all meat dishes and soups. A leaf in your cornmeal or flour will keep the weevils away.
Borage - Borago officinalis - According to Dioscordes this was the famous nepentha of Homer, which was drunk after battle steeped in wine to bring about complete forgetfulness. There is an old saying"Borage is for Courage". Borage has been used as a pot herb or in cooling drinks. The flowers can be candied or frozen in ice cubes.
Calamint- Calamintha nepeta - Was derived from the Greek word Kalos, because of the belief in its power to drive away serpents and the dreaded basilisk, the fable king of the serpents. Gerard said "It takes away the infirmities of the heart and taketh away sorrowfulness." It has mint like flavor and can be used in cooking.
Centaury- Erythraea centaurium - Gentian or Feverwort-A red flowering herb which is named after the Greek centaur, Chiron (Kirun). Centaurs were half-man and half-horse. Chiron was a great teacher of the gods and was skilled in medicinal herbs. Hercules shot him by mistake with a poison arrow and he cured himself with centaury plant. Jupiter decided he was too powerful and sent him to heaven where he is the constellation Sagittarius. Centaury is used as an antiseptic, astringent and a dye to use on wounds and is a vermifuge.
Dog's Mercury- Mercurialis perennis (Euphoriaceae) - Disagreeable odor, extremely acrid and poisonous to animals. Its name is derived from Mercury, god of skill and dexterity. He revealed it medicinal virtues. It is used externally to remove warts, and is used in skin diseases. It produces a blue dye.
Elecampane- Inula helenium - Wild yellow flower, much like a sunflower -The Ancient writers mention Inula as affording a root used both as a medicine and a condiment. The origin of the name helenium probably came from Helen of Troy. She had a large arm full of these flowers when Paris stole her from her husband Menelaus that started the Trojan War that lasted ten years. When Paris was killed Helen returned to Menelaus and through difficulty they returned to Sparta where they lived happily ever after. Elecampane is used medicinally and the roots can be candied and eaten as a sweet.
Eyebright- Euphrasia officinalis - Euphrasia is of Greek origin meaning gladness. Named for one of the Three Graces, Euphrosyne who was distinguished for her joy and mirth. Eyebright is used as an astringent and a lotion for the eyes.
Fennel- Foeniculum vulgare - This herb was held in reverance by early man because Prometheus brought fire to man in the hollow stem. It was and still is used as a vegetable and also used to aid digestion.
Fig- Ficus carica -The fig was dedicated to Bacchus and was the main diet of the early Greeks and Romans. The wolf that suckled Romulus and Remus rested under a fig tree and therefore was held sacred by the Romans. Romulus and Remus founded the city of Rome, Remus died and Romulus collected all the thieves and outlaws to populate his city. The inhabitants of Cyrene crowned themselves with fig wreaths when sacrificing to Saturn holding him to be the discoverer of the fruit.
Flax- Linum usitatissimun - Flax was used for weaving, Minerva and the Three Graces wove the clothes of the gods and their sails. The Ancients used flax seed for bread. Linseed oil is used in paint as a drying agent. Linseed cakes are used medicinally as a laxative. Arachne was a talented weaver and challenged Minerva to a contest. It angered Minerva and she changed her into a spider to weave through eternity.
Garlic- Allium sativum - Garlic was placed by the Ancients at the crossroads as a supper for the goddess Hekate. Homer tells us that the virtues of garlic is what saved Ulysses from being turned into a pig like his soldiers were on the island of Aeaea by Circe, an enchantress. Garlic is now used as a flavoring for meats, and has medicinal properties that contain antiseptic and antibiotic properties. It is used as a stimulant, diuretic, expectorant and is used in healing ointments.
Mints- Spearmint- Mentha viridis Peppermint-Menthapiperita Pennyroyal-Mentha pulegium. Mentha is derived from the mythological origin ascribed to it. Mentha was a nymph, because of her love for Pluto was turned into the plant mint by Persephone, Pluto’s wife. The Ancients scoured their tables with this herb when preparing for the gods. It is also a bee herb. The gods had fields of mint for bees to use to make honey. Mint is used for teas, and to flavor sweets and vegetables. Medicinally it is a stimulant, carmative and antispasmodic.
Mistletoe- Loranthacea – It was considered the "Golden Bough" which opened the world of the dead to Aneas. To the primitive mind, deaths opposite are sex and fertility and mistletoe stood for this also. It was thought to be a life giver and panacea to cure all ills. Asclepus, the son of Apollo learned the art of healing and was considered the father of medicine. He cured many Greeks with mistletoe. Legend has it that he was shown mistletoe by a serpent in a tomb.
Mulberry- Morus nigra - Berries were eaten at ancient feasts. The love myth pertaining to mulberries is a Romeo and Juliet love story. Pyramus and Thisbe were in love, but were forbade by their parents to marry. They planned a midnight meeting under a mulberry tree. Thisbe arrived first and was frightened by a lion, she ran loosing her veil. The lion picked it up in his bloody mouth and dropped it. Pyramus found the veil and was sure his love had been killed by the lion, then he took his sword saying "My love you will not die alone." He stabbed himself . When Thisbe returned and found her love dead she took up his sword and killed herself. The mingled blood from both traveled up the tree and the berries which had been white, were turned deep red as they have remained to this day. The mulberry tree was dedicated to Minerva by the Ancients. Mulberries can be eaten raw, or made into jams or wine.
Myrtle– Myrtus communis – The emblem of fertility and purity and therefore used in wedding bouquests. Minerva had a favorite virgin, Myrsine, and Minerva saved her by turning her into a myrtle bush. Venus also hid behind a myrtle when the satyrs were chasing her, Myrtle and roses were dedicated to Venus. Bacchus or Dioneyus went to Persephone, goddess of the underworld and offered myrtle to release his mother from death.
Narcissus- Amaryllidaceae - A beautiful youth named Narcissus saw his image in a pool of water and fell in love with it. He tried in vain to embrace the image, but it always alluded him, he was so grief stricken that he would not eat and said "Dear beauty why do you shun me? I love you so." He became weak and pale and withered and in his place when he died was a beautiful blue flower which preserves the memory of Narcissus to this day. This plant is poisonous if taken internally. The word, narcissism, meaning to love oneself comes from this myth.
Nightshade- Atropa belladonna -The devil himself, it has been said attends this plant. It is deadly poison, but is a valuable medicine. Its botanical name derives from one of the Three Fates, Atropos, who cut the thread of life, which pertains to its poison. Opthomologists use Atropine to dilate the eyes, and it is used as an antispasmodic.Bittersweet is also a nightshade.(Solanum dulmara)
Parsley- Petroselinum crispum - It is said to have sprung from the blood of the Greek hero Archemorus, the forerunner of death. This herb was dedicated to Persephone, goddess of the underworld, and was used in funeral rites. It was considered the herb of the dead. The Ancients fed their chariot horses parsley. Parsley is widely used as a culinary herb, but it is also used medicinally. It is also a diuretic.
Poppy- Papaver somniferum - Opium poppy - Somnus, god of sleep was always crowned with poppies or lying surrounded with them. Ceres, the goddess of corn, wore a crown of grain interwoven with poppies. Poppies were sacred to Ceres. They are still called cornflowers in many European countries. The seeds can be used in cakes. The juice removed from the head is used medicinally for pain.
Quince- Cydonia vulgaris - This fruit has been eaten throughout history. To the Greeks and Romans quince was sacred. Venus is often depicted with a quince in her right hand. Hercules who was sent on twelve labors and the eleventh was to return with golden apples, these supposedly were quince. Hercules went to the divine garden of Hesperides and found the tree guarded by a dragon. He also knew that Atlas, the Titon, who held up the world lived close by, so he went to him and offered to hold up the world if Atlas would go to the tree and bring him some golden apples. Atlas was happy to oblige and soon arrived with the apples, but refused to take the world back on his shoulders. Hercules acted as if he didn’t care, but said if only Atlas would hold it while he adjusted his lions skin on his own shoulders, so Atlas agreed, but when Atlas took it back Hercules bid him farewell and left with the apples. The golden apples were regarded as a symbol of love and happiness. Quince can be eaten raw.
Rose- Rosaceae - The word rose comes from the Greek word rodon (red) and the rose of the Ancients was a deep crimson and supposedly sprung from the blood of Adonis. Adonis was a beautiful young man that Venus fell in love with and went hunting with him. She cautioned him all the while to be careful of large prey. One day she left him in her chariot drawn by swans and started for Mt. Olympus, but on the way she heard Adonis moaning, she returned to him and found him dying from being gored by a wild boar. She was grief stricken and as he lay dying she said "My Adonis, my grief shall endure, but your blood shall be changed into a beautiful flower." It is the flower of love. The gods Cupid and Bacchus are also associated with the rose-the sign of pleasure and companion of mirth and wine. Roses were spread on the floors at great celebrations and were scattered at the feet of Flora, goddess of flowers.
Rosemary- Rosmarinus officinalis - Rosemary is the plant that grows by the sea (mare from which marinus is derived) the syllable rose is that the plant is often seen glittering with dew (ros) on the shores of the sea. The Ancients were well aquainted with this herb that had a reputation for strengthening the memory. The Muses were the nine daughters of Jupiter and Mnemosyne(Memory). They presided over song and prompted the memory. They sometimes are pictured with rosemary in their hands. Minerva, the goddess of knowledge is also associated with this herb. It was used at both weddings and funerals as it is today. Rosemary is used for culinary, crafting and medicine.
Rue- Ruta graveolens - The name comes from reuo (to set free) because it was used to treat many diseases. The Ancients used it as the chief ingredient of the famous antidote to poison used by King Mithridates who said to become immuned to poison by taking it in gradual doses. It was the DDT of the Ancients.
Savory- Winter savory - Satureja montana, Summer savory - S. hortensis - This herb belonged to the satyrs, these were hairy little creatures with short horns, feet of a goat, mischievous and oversexed. They attended to Bacchus and lived in the woods with Pan, god of the shepherds. Both savorys can be used in meat and bean dishes. Winter savory is a perennial and summer savory is an annual. Mercury claims dominion over this herb.
Thyme - Thymusvulgaris - Thymus comes from the Greek word meaning courage. This herb was known to the Ancients because it was an herb the bees loved and honey was loved by the gods. It was used as an aromatic herb and also rubbed on the tables to clean them for food. Thyme was used internally and externally as an antiseptic. "To smell of thyme" was an expression of praise. It was also used to preserve meat.
Vine Grape- Vitis vinefera - Grapes were considered fruit of the gods and Bacchus was the god of wine. He represents not only the intoxicating power of wine but its social and beneficent influences also, so that he is viewed as the promoter of civilization and a lawgiver and lover of peace. Grape leaves were used medicinally for dysentery.
Walnut- Juglans nigea - In the Golden Age" when men lived on acorns the gods lived on walnuts thus the name Jovis glans or Jupiter’s nuts. The kernels contain oil, albumin ,mineral matter, cellulose and water. Walnuts are used for flavoring cakes, cookies and candy.
Yarrow- Achillea millefolium - Achilles, the great warrior in the ten year Trojan War staunched the bleeding wounds of his soldiers with yarrow. He also tried to stop the bleeding wound in his heel, but alas, he died from his wound. Yarrow was called the military herb by the Ancients. We get the words "Achilles tendon " from this incident in mythology. Yarrow is used as "hops" in beer, as snuff, and as an antiseptic.
These are only a few of the herbs pertaining to mythology, please add to this list with your own research of this delightful study.
Cozart, Jean, Herbs in Greek Mythology, The Herbarist, 1979
Friend, Hilderic, Flower Lore
Grieve, M.. A Modern Herbal I-II,
Grimal, Pieire. The Dictionary of Classical Mythology
Grant, Michael. Bulfinch’s Mythology, Myths of the Greeks and Romans
Herzberg, Max. Myths and Their Meanings
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Le meilleur pour la fin Audio Drama La mort au théâtre, étrange affaire, non? Qu’est ce qui pousse les grands auteurs, eux même souvent morts depuis des lustres, à tuer leurs personnages sur les planches? Et qu’est ce qui nous pousse nous spectateurs à assister à ce genre de représentation morbide? Une compagnie théâtrale tente de répondre à ces questions en montant la pièce “Le meilleur pour la fin” un florilège de toutes les façons de mourir au théâtre. Nous sommes au théâtre Henri Jeanson et nous écoutons une répétition… https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240130-03 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/le-meilleur-pour-la-fin
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Awakening Audio Book Embark on a suspenseful journey in "The Awakening" series as Amelia awakens in an underground nightmare, surrounded by uncertainty and fear. Join Amelia and her fellow captives as they uncover the secrets of their captors, harness their psychic abilities, and plot their daring escape from a labyrinth of horrors. Experience the growing camaraderie, the weight of captivity, and the flicker of hope that fuels their determination to defy the odds and regain their freedom. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240130-04 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f1806618/podcast/rss
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The Susie House Audio Drama A full-cast, Southern Gothic ghost story set in 1936. After falling on hard times, Honor, James, and their young son move into a rural town full of secrets -- many of them about her new home, The Susie House. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240127-01 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/thesusiehouse
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inlocusmads · 6 months
I'd like to share some headcanons about Nora's street friend group because it is just everything that is running in my head right now.
(Borrowed from a lot of my personal experiences, having a friend group with the kids in your street is literally half a militia and half a Sicilian mafia.)
Nora met these guys in her first year of high school when her and Tommy moved to a different neighborhood hoping to save some money and get Nora to stick to one school (she gets expelled quite frequently and it isn't fun) and it's these street neighborhood friends who helped her out and made her feel little less lonely.
There's Rusty. She's the eldest one. Fifteen year old and built like an actual ox. She's essentially the ring leader, telling them all what they'll be doing that week. Her older brother, Tony sometimes joins the gang.
Nora, who is 14 and exists.
Stucky Grease, 13 and a half. She's a fast runner. She's sweaty all the time. They found her in the park doing wheelies. A bit of a bully sometimes. She likes terrorising pigeons and making explosives out of water and glitter.
Trixie Trivia Thompson (Triple-J) who's 13 and a quarter (and makes it everyone's problem). He's Geek #2 and he's a professional one who trades sports cards and is a hard bargainer. He's also good with breaking locks - either meticulously with a hairpin or allowing Cable to set it on fire and melt the damn thing.
Cable, 12, nicknamed aptly because he's good with tools and wires. Not good as in a professional but he kinda likes exploding shit and setting things on fire.
Quinoa, also 12, named such because her mom's a dietician and she's the resident snack bringer. She's also really good at foraging,climbing trees and stealing shit and rightfully so, has a million allergies , braces, pig tails, myopia you get the idea.
Scully, 11, the resident sci fi nerd who can quote X Files. That's about it to him. He's the youngest and the most naive but never made to feel that way- except they don't tell him when they're running away, which means Scully's also the resident fall guy of the group.
Then an old lady, Mildred Clovers who yells at them because they constantly break her window by playing street baseball.
And these guys - these mfers have checked out every insane thing in the books:
Attempting to make molotov cocktails and breaking a car's windshield
Underage joyride driving.
Shoplifting only the good candy.
Breaking and entering houses but only to steal some food while they're playing outside
Swap Pokemon cards as if they're actual drugs
Do drugs (jk they drank alcohol once, and that's how Nora bought her way into the group. they also decided the same day that they didn't like the alcoholic taste)
Infiltrate senior parties - both seniors at school and senior citizens in the neighborhood
Make explosives and setting dumpsters on fire
Arts and crafts on a movie night.
Break into their school just to have a sleepover there
Shatter windows with home runs.
Develop Skate-Pro. An all new skating experience where you attach a bunch of cycles to a skateboard and get everyone's teeth wrecked.
Skate-Pro 2.0, now with more throttle except the most they could do was attach a bunch of firecrackers to the skateboard. This time they used a crash test dummy.
Set off leftover firecrackers inside empty classrooms before they put up the security cameras
Extreme Parkour
Interpretive dancing.
Them deciding to be on the same dental plan after figuring out a loophole
Doing each other's homework.
Slipping a firecracker inside a bully's backpack
Raise rabid dogs
Run away from said rabid dogs.
Trying to cook dinner
Tossing a whole rotisserie chicken off the window for it to crash right through Mildred Clover's window yet again
Watching as Mildred Clover enjoys some free dinner.
fire stunts without fire because parents are concerned.
Making the largest peanut butter and jelly sandwich but stopping at step one because none of their homes had an oven. Except for mildred.
Trying to become a band.
Helping each other cheat on tests.
Bailing each other out as their parent during PTAs.
Infiltrate a college campus.
Watching each other move away. It starts with Quinoa and then Rusty.
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
[I feel like an entity that could help Akino and Carmela in this instance would be Kṣitigarbha, the bodisattva of Hell, and owner of Diting (the dog who could tell SWK and LEM apart). His big thing is relieving those in the underworld of torment and suffering. I could see him bargaining with the Ten Kings or King Yanlou/Yama to let Carmela's soul leave the afterlife with Akino, less the demoness wreck havoc upon the Underworld in her grief and vengance.]
Wait.. what if..
When Akino, Macaque and a few other family members visit Diyu, Kṣitigarbha offers Carmela to Akino and Carmela is holding a small ball of energy that was meant to be their kid?
What would the reaction of the elders (great-grandparents, grandparents, ECT) when they see Carmela holding the small ball of energy?
JAHAJSB angst /pos
sequel to this post. Character death tw for it too.
Akino sees the little soul-ball in Carmela's arms. Pauses. Blinks.
And breaks down *sobbing*.
Multiple family members + Carmela's soul are required to bring Akino out of her hyper-ventilating. Diting probably even gets in for some dog comforting.
The elders are similarily shocked/grieving, especially PIF (who I hc has lost a pregnancy before) who rushes forward to hug Carmela and Akino both. This accidentally proves to Akino that her high-standard great-grandma really does approve of their relationship to some extent. Some of the elders are sad but understanding, not every new soul makes the full journey the first time.
Once everyone leaves the Underworld (Ox-Head and Horse-Face acting as escorts), the little soul ball just sorta... disappears. Carmela and Akino have a long night of crying and talking once they get home.
A few days later Carmela notices that her symptoms havent changed from since before her trip into the underworld... and starts yelling excitedly for Akino to get her a certain test.
I hope you like the little extra happy I added at the end /pos
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tonys-fav-bitch · 10 months
Bad Decisions
Joel Miller x Reader
Part 3
Warning(s): description of zombies?
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: You and Joel were just starting to act on your feelings for each other. What happens when an outbreak separates you two?
( 2010 )
      THE EMERGENCY ROOM was filled to the brim with people. The chaos was overwhelming and the hospital staff begged for a break in the waves of people. Patients were flooding in, complaining about just about anything you could possibly think of.
Pain, dizziness, hunger, and biting?
You had taken care of multiple people now who had presented with bite marks on some part of their body. It was odd - then again, many things that came into the ER were odd, to say the least. The rooms were all taken and they had began to line the overflow patients along the hallways, putting up dividers in between each person. The incessant beeping of heart and pulse ox monitors screeched through the air, adding a layer of overstimulation to the constant chatter between staff and patients.
It was now getting close to night time and you prayed that it meant the flow of people would calm. You just needed a 10 minute break - that's it. You'd even bargain with 5 if it meant you could empty your bladder and sit the hell down. Your legs were sore and your feet cramped up with each step you took. The shoes you were wearing once gave you such comfort and support. Now they felt like rocks underneath your feet. Your mouth was dry and your stomach grumbled in hunger. You couldn't even remember the last time you had eaten today. Was it breakfast? You didn't know.
Sarah had made you cookies and if you didn't try one, that child would bring hell down upon you. She was fierce and stubborn, just like her father. The thought of Joel overtook your head as you tuned out what your coworker was explaining to you. You thought back to the intense kiss you had shared a few days back. It made your stomach flutter and your lips tingle all over again. You could practically still feel his beard scratching your chin. You weren't sure what it meant for the two of you, but you didn't regret it. It was something you held back for a long time - and you hoped he felt the same.
You felt like you were back in high school again, thinking about your crush. The man made you giddy and filled your body with butterflies. You hadn't felt that way in a long time. But once that southern accent and those sweet eyes entered your life, it was game over. And this was something that Sarah could easily tell. Being her sly self, she'd try and bring you and Joel together anytime she could. This only increased the small crush you were desperately trying to get rid of. But eventually, over time it began to feel like an unspoken thing was forming between you two. The stolen glances and lingering touches were like a high - both of you always coming back for more. But it had never went further than that.
Until the other night.
"Hey? Hey? Did you hear a word I said?" Your coworker brought you out of your jumbled thoughts.
"What? Uh sorry, it's just so busy in here. I'll catch up with you later." You mumbled as you walked away - your coworker blabbing still even as you retreated.
Someone else yelled your name, bringing you to one of the many filled hospital rooms. There were multiple staff members in the small space. There was yelling and hands swinging around. Your heart picked up speed as you saw them trying to restraint a combative patient. You rushed over and helped grab a loose arm, bringing it down to the persons side.
The patient was screaming and moaning as they thrashed around. Their hair was slick with sweat and their eyes were glazed over. They continued to pick their head up as they attempted to bite at whoever was closest. You dodged the persons swings and bites, all of them finally securing them down with soft restraints. The group took a step back to breathe, watching the still screeching patient.
"What is going on?" You asked as you studied the person before you.
"No idea, but this is like the 5th person to act this way." A male nurse said breathlessly, pointing out to the other rooms.
You stepped out into the hallway and could now hear the familiar yelps and screams, even the gnashing of teeth. You felt your heart drop at the noises that were beginning to sound from every direction. You pushed through the busy crowds of hospital staff and approached the tv that could no longer be heard. You leaned forward and read the subtitles of the news anchor that was on the screen.
". . claims of people acting strange. People showing up to nearby emergency rooms with bite marks. The police are advising that all individuals should remain inside unless needing medical attention. ."
You narrowed your eyes at the words, taking a moment to study the background of the news reporting. You could see people running and screaming, trying to get away from something. The news caster continued to glance behind her, making sure no one was close to her. As she created more distance between her and the sea of people, the camera panned over. The lens landed on a large fire far in the distance, engulfing what looked like to be a farm house.
A gasp fell from your lips as you watched the chaos unfold. Not only was it happening in the ER but it was also happening outside. Your thoughts immediately went to Joel and Sarah, your stomach sinking.
What was happening?
Screams erupted from the waiting room, making you flinch. You ran down the hallway and opened the automatic doors that led to the waiting patients. People were running and screaming, throwing themselves out the door and onto other people. Before you could react, a body collided with yours, sending you sliding across the glossy floor. You let out a cry of surprise and looked up to a wild eyed person. Their mouth was starting to decay, their eyes were hazed over and seemed void of life. Drool flew off of their thin, dry lips, making you groan in disgust.
The person, or thing, tried to bite down on you but you kicked it back before any contact could be made. It stumbled and you took the chance to scramble to your feet and run off. Tears were welling up in your eyes, your cheeks flush from adrenaline and fear. You weaved in and out of the crowds of people. Shoulders slammed into yours as they ran in the opposite direction of you. Your feet finally screeched to a halt at one of the many side exits, quickly busting through. You bent down and rested your hands on your thighs as you took deep breaths of the cool night air. Your anxiety was through the roof and you felt like you were suffocating.
With bated breath you reached into your scrub pocket and fished out your phone, immediately searching for Joel's contact. You clicked the call button and impatiently waited for him to pick up, starting to put distance between you and the hospital. As you walked along the parking lot, you turned back to glance at the building - people running in and out, cops littering the front. Bright flashing lights and the sounds of helicopters made your stomach churn. You let out an angry huff as the call went to voicemail, immediately clicking call again. And just like before it went unanswered. On the last try, the other line picked up. Static was blaring through the phone, hurting your ear.
"Joel? J?" You yelled into the phone, listening in to the mixture of static and yells.
"H. . honey, where. . you? I need. ." His deep voice was filled with fear and that alone made your face grow paler than it already had gotten.
"Joel, I'm at the hospital!" You cried out, picking up your pace through the long parking lot.
"I can't . . you. I'm gonna -" The line went dead before you could hear Joel's words.
Your heart sunk into your stomach as you looked at the now dark phone. Your reflection looked back at you, your features twisted in a mixture of pain and terror. The sound of bounding footsteps came from behind you, causing you to snap your head towards the noise.
A decaying body was running towards you, their teeth nasty and chomping in the air. You let out a mangled cry and took off down the road. The pounding of your feet made your legs ache, your head turning back every few seconds to see if you were still being pursued by the creature. Your wide eyes landed on more bodies following after you, making you let out another cry. You panicked and looked around, now faced with the long road ahead or the dense forest. You ran your shaking hands through your wild hair as you weighed your options, hearing the approaching steps.
With one last shaky breath, you took off into the woods - disappearing into thick foliage.
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Ok now I wanna see all of them playing one of those RPG games like a game night so 11 for Peter, Harry, Montana, Quinten, Dan, Ox, Electro, Flint, & O'hirn
(Questions from this post)
Honestly fair!! That would be fun lol
Peter: paladin, due to their commitment to oaths.
Harry: Dungeon master when Quentin isnt. Cleric otherwise because healing boi times. 
Montana: Barbarian. He cant handle the magic systems of other classes.
Quentin: Dungeon Master when Harry is not. Bard otherwise. For all the silliness. 
Dan: Monk. feels like it is reflective of himself. Actually get super invested in writing lore for himself
Ox: Rogue. Why? Because he thinks its funny.
Electro: warlock leaning heavily on a bargain backstory
Flint: druid. Cause he sort of likes the idea of working with nature.
O’hirn: barbarian. Really like the thought of just punching things. 
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longliverockback · 2 years
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The Who The Studio Albums [Box Set] 2012 Polydor ————————————————— Tracks LP One: My Generation 01. Out in the Street 02. I Don’t Mind 03. The Good’s Gone 04. La-La-La Lies 05. Much Too Much 06. My Generation 07. The Kids Are Alright 08. Please, Please, Please 09. It’s Not True 10. I’m a Man 11. A Legal Matter 12. The Ox
Tracks LP Two: A Quick One 01. Run Run Run 02. Boris the Spider 03. I Need You 04. Whiskey Man 05. Heat Wave 06. Cobwebs and Strange 07. Don’t Look Away 08. See My Way 09. So Sad about Us 10. A Quick One While He’s Away
Tracks LP Three: The Who Sell Out 01. Armenia City in the Sky 02. Heinz Baked Beans 03. Mary Anne with the Shaky Hand 04. Odorono 05. Tattoo 06. Our Love Was 07. I Can See for Miles 08. I Can’t Reach You 09. Medac 10. Relax 11. Silas Stingy 12. Sunrise 13. Rael (1 and 2)
Tracks LP Four: Tommy 01. Overture 02. It’s a Boy 03. 1921 04. Amazing Journey 05. Sparks 06. Eyesight to the Blind (the Hawker) 07. Christmas 08. Cousin Kevin 09. The Acid Queen 10. Underture
Tracks LP Five: Tommy [continued] 01. Do You Think It’s Alright? 02. Fiddle About 03. Pinball Wizard 04. There’s a Doctor 05. Go to the Mirror! 06. Tommy Can You Hear Me? 07. Smash the Mirror 08. Sensation 09. Miracle Cure 10. Sally Simpson 11. I’m Free 12. Welcome 13. Tommy’s Holiday Camp 14. We’re Not Gonna Take It
Tracks LP Six: Who’s Next 01. Baba O’Riley 02. Bargain 03. Love Ain’t for Keeping 04. My Wife 05. The Song Is Over 06. Getting in Tune 07. Going Mobile 08. Behind Blue Eyes 09. Won’t Get Fooled Again 10. Pure and Easy 11. Baby Don’t You Do It 12. Naked Eye 13. Water 14. Too Much of Anything 15. I Don’t Even Know Myself 16. Behind Blue Eyes
Tracks LP Seven: Quadrophenia 01. I’m the Sea 02. The Real Me 03. Quadrophenia 04. Cut My Hair 05. The Punk and the Godfather 06. I’m One 07. The Dirty Jobs 08. Helpless Dancer 09. Is It in My Head 10. I’ve Had Enough
Tracks LP Eight: Quadrophenia [continued] 01. 5:15 02. Sea and Sand 03. Drowned 04. Bell Boy 05. Doctor Jimmy 06. The Rock 07. Love, Reign o’er Me
Tracks LP Nine: The Who by Numbers 01. Slip Kid 02. However Much I Booze 03. Squeeze Box 04. Dreaming from the Waist 05. Imagine a Man 06. Success Story 07. They Are All in Love 08. Blue Red and Grey 09. How Many Friends 10. In a Hand or a Face
Tracks LP Ten: Who Are You 1. New Song 2. Had Enough 3. 905 4. Sister Disco 5. Music Must Change 6. Trick of the Light 7. Guitar and Pen 8. Love is Coming Down 9. Who Are You
Tracks LP Eleven: Face Dances 1. You Better You Bet 2. Don’t Let Go the Coat 3. Cache Cache 4. The Quiet One 5. Did You Steal My Money 6. How Can you Do It Alone 7. Daily Records 8. You 9. Another Tricky Day
Tracks LP Twelve: It’s Hard 01. Athena 02. It’s Your Turn 03. Cooks County 04. It’s Hard 05. Dangerous 06. Eminence Front 07. I’ve Known No War 08. One Life’s Enough 09. One at a Time 10. Why Did I Fall for That? 11. A Man Is a Man 12. Cry If You Want
Tracks LP Thirteen: Endless Wire 01. Fragments 02. A Man in a Purple Dress 03. Mike Post Theme 04. In the Ether 05. Black Widow’s Eyes 06. Two Thousand Years 07. God Speaks of Marty Robbins 08. It’s Not Enough 09. You Stand by Me
Tracks LP Fourteen: Wire & Glass 01. Sound Round 02. Pick up the Peace 03. Unholy Trinity 04. Trilby’s Piano 05. Endless Wire 06. Fragments of Fragments 07. We Got a Hit 08. They Made My Dream Come True 09. Mirror Door 10. Tea & Theatre 11. We Got a Hit [extended version] 12. Endless Wire [extended version] —————————————————
* Long Live Rock Archive
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pearlsmith25 · 4 months
Magnesium Oxide Market Epiphany: Revelations in Business Evolution
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Magnesium oxide, commonly known as magnesia, is a white hygroscopic solid mineral that occurs naturally as periclase and is a source of magnesium. It has high thermal conductivity and high melting points, and acts as a refractory material and flame retardant. Magnesium oxide is used as a synthetic compound widely in industries like refractories, agriculture, chemical, and construction. It is used as a refractory material and a raw material in production of other magnesium compounds. The global Magnesium Oxide Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 6.8 billion in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 6.4% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights.
Market Opportunity:
The increasing adoption of magnesium oxide market in refractories applications is estimated to boost the market growth over the forecast period. Magnesium oxide is one of the primary constituents used in production of refractories. Refractories made from magnesium oxide exhibit high resistance to corrosion and slag penetration at high working temperatures. They also possess low thermal conductivity which hinders heat losses. Growing steel production globally is expected to drive demand for refractories, in turn augmenting the consumption of magnesium oxide in refractories manufacturing. According to data from World Steel Association, crude steel production increased from 1.8 billion metric tons to 1.9 billion metric tons between 2020 and 2021. Rising steel demand from construction and industrial sectors is projected to propel the refractories market, thereby creating lucrative opportunities for magnesium oxide over the coming years.
Porter’s Analysis Threat of new entrants: The threat of new entrants is moderate. Though capital requirements for establishing a new magnesium oxide manufacturing plant are high, the market is highly fragmented with presence of many small and medium players.
Bargaining power of buyers: The bargaining power of buyers is high. The market is highly commoditized with no product differentiation. Buyers can easily switch between suppliers based on price and quality.
Bargaining power of suppliers: The bargaining power of suppliers is moderate. Raw materials required for magnesium oxide production such as magnesium carbonate are available from multiple regional and global suppliers.
Threat of new substitutes: The threat of substitutes is low. Magnesium oxide does not have any cost effective substitutes for refractory and metallurgical applications.
Competitive rivalry: Competition is high due to presence of many players.
SWOT Analysis Strength: Magnesium oxide has wide application in refractories, agriculture, chemical intermediaries due to its properties such as high thermal stability, insulation, and moisture resistance. It is extensively used as a refractory material in steel, cement, and lime industries. Weakness: Fluctuations in raw material prices directly impact production cost of magnesium oxide. Strict environmental regulations regarding emission control increases compliance cost. Opportunity: Growing steel and cement industries in developing countries of Asia Pacific and Latin America provide growth opportunities. Emerging applications in water treatment and flue gas desulfurization also present new opportunities. Threats: Availability of alternative materials such as magnesium hydroxide and magnesium chloride for some non-metallurgical applications can hamper demand for magnesium oxide. Intense competition keeps margins under pressure.
Key Takeaways The global Magnesium Oxide market is expected to witness high growth over the forecast period of 2023 to 2030 supported by growing refractory, metallurgical and construction industries.
Regional analysis - Asia Pacific dominates the global magnesium oxide market with a share of over 50% in 2023. China is the largest producer and consumer of magnesium oxide globally. Growing steel and cement industries in India and Southeast Asian countries are fueling demand.
Key players - Key players operating in the magnesium oxide market are RHI Magnesita, Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties, Nedmag, SMZ Jelsava, Grecian Magnesite, Baymag, and Industrias Penoles. RHI Magnesita is the global leader with a strong production base and wide geographic reach.
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lil-melody-moon · 6 months
hi, this is pickle! do you have an recommendations for people who want to get more into the who? i know a few of their more popular songs, but would be interested in learning more about them! hope you're doing well!!
Hello, Pickle! Today was a hell, but I'm glad to have a question about The Who! I hope you're doing well tho! Now let me just... You've opened a pandora's box XD
My own way to get into any band is to listen to the album that a song caught my attention. This is how it happened with The Who as I heard "Love Ain't For Keeping" and the next day I've decided to give a listen to the entire "Who's Next" album. But let me go album by album, the ones I know.
But it honestly all depends. Their music changed throughout the years so if you're more interested in the old stuff, I would say go for the entire first album. No matter the quality, it's very good. Not only "My Generation" deserves a recognition, but also: the opener of the album "Out In The Street", "It's Not True" is an earworm, especially the drum part (I will talk about drums a lot), "A Legal Matter" is a must and don't even get me started about the instrumental "The Ox" oh God, don't let me start - just the drumming, man, the drumming!
Now for "A Quick One" it's a massive album, with very good songs, but this one is more for a one sitting or a few ones, expecting everything. Because you have such masterpiece as "Boris The Spider" (probably the second song that pulled me in because of bass) and then there's "Cobwebs and Strange" a few songs after, which is my song to go with whenever I see this album, but that's just me and that question-answer sequence which is incredible - again, drums! But then there's also "Bucket T", which is surprisingly stupid and awesome at the same time, "Happy Jack" is an earworm as well.
"TOMMY" IS A MUST. Album that is for one sitting to listen through, no skips. This is an experience and here it's either you go with the musical first and then the original album (like I did and God this was a mistake for one reason only - and no, it wasn't because of music) or you do it the other way around. Either way, you'll probably have a lot of fun, but it's not something to go with as the first thing to get into the band, at least in my opinion. And it's pretty dark actually, lyrics vise.
"Who's Next" is next and what can I say? It's one I'm nostalgic about, but just to note down the songs that aren't "Baba O'Riley", "Behind Blue Eyes" and "Won't Get Fooled Again": "Bargain" a very personal song for me mainly because of the vibe of both melody and lyrics - I swear, Pete is such a good writer! "Love Ain't For Keeping" is such a peaceful song, one you probably wouldn't expect from this band if you didn't hear a lot by them. "The Song Is Over" I think it's a more emotional one, actually sung by both Roger and Pete, something to go for for sure. "Getting In Tune" is destroying me emotionally, I love this song so freaking much *sob sob* Nostalgic album for me, because it was the first! There's also bonus content on the edition of it I have and if I can say one thing is that "Baby Don't You Do It", "Water" and "I Don't Even Know Myself" are <3 Especially the first one! And you won't guess the reason why I'm saying this, DRUMS!
*yeets "Quadrophenia" at you* Go listen to it! It's an experience, much like "Tommy", but I think it's much more emotional. Again, for one sitting, no skips, just song after song, it just flows. "5:15", "Bell Boy", "Love Reign O'er Me" are my personal favorites - Keith singing in "Bell Boy", my most beloved song <3 It was my second album, and I think it's good like that. Unless you're not used to sitting and listening to one album for longer than an hour.
And the only one left that I know is "The Who By Numbers". Again, opener "Slip Kid" is a very good one, "However Much I Booze" a second song is very good as well and then we have "Squeeze Box", a winner of the entire album actually. I seem to remember this album the least, but it's a good listen really. Additional detail that I've noticed is that it starts with drumming and ends with them. Love such details <3
As for concerts, I can only speak about the one recorded at Woodstock, because I've watched this one and a few random fragments of other concerts. It's very good, one to go for without even thinking. At the beginning of this week yt showed me another concert, I think from 1974 and I'm waiting for the end of the week to watch it!
Don't have any recommendations for documentaries yet. I've only watched one about Keith and seeing it once was enough for me. Like, it wasn't bad, it was really good, but I learned a lot about his death and well... I went hysterical for the first time since my grandma died back in 2013. Yeah, that hit hard. BUT! I saw a fragment of "Quadrophenia", documentary by BBC I believe and the fragments were cool, so I guess that is worth to go for.
As for books? I'm unlucky about them for now, but I saw here and there that there are some. I would say it would be better to search by yourself as I also don't know how it is with them in your country because here in Poland... This band is NOT popular. I'm even surprised that I recall watching "Tommy" on tv when I was very very tiny. One scene reminded me that it aired on tv once probably, but like, I could be 3/4 years old back then, my memory can be mistaken, but ya know... I'm 100% sure that I saw the second half of the musical because someone seems to be with me for the entire life
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roll-a-d3 · 7 months
The Old World - Part 10
From the distance we saw Trovlag who beckoned us to be quiet. Before us now stood the Matriarch of the this Troll clan. Pushing it’s claw into my forehead, I was suddenly able to understand it’s language. It told us that we were in the wrong place and that we would probably be tasty. Night had come and most of the Trolls went to sleep. Trovlag attempted to sneak in and free us but was met with a surprise from a Troll feinting to sleep. Soon enough we were met with the Matriarch again. It pricked my forehead again and spoke to me. I attempted to bargain our way out and met with a deal. 1 Ox per month for the Trolls. As we agreed, it placed a spell on me, infecting my arm. The Matriarch revealed that it was a measure to ensure I would not neglect our promise. With our newfound safety we quickly escaped and found a place to camp for the night. After some more traveling and reaffirming that the Trolls would leave us be as long as we didn’t attack them, we came across a clearing. Lush, green grass with a beautifully build house stood in its middle. In front of it was a seemingly old lady sitting in a rocking chair. We approach. The old woman greeted us pleasantly from a distance while we made an awkward and slow approach. We ask if she is the mother of the Seer we’ve been looking for and she confirms this. We ask about the book we have, the curse on my arm and about the nearby Trolls. She states she gladly wants to help, but in return for an eye. Being rather attached to our own we ask what others will suffice. The Seers mother tells us that a humanoid eye will be enough.
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karlachllover · 8 months
amanita companion profile
yes i made a profile for my tav as if she were a companion. the brainrot (hah) is severe. she is a half wood elf circle of spores druid. it is long i love her. anyway more people should do this its fun :)
became very ill as a child, her parents took her to many local healers and found one wise woman that was able to cure the illness but only when amanita was living with her. she was raised by the wise woman with occasional contact with her parents until some point in her teens. she discovered the wise woman was actually the source of her illness and things got Worse. eventually she fled and found a druidic circle to take her in. they stabilised her illness with regular medicine & magic. girl's got fungus in her blood. she now believes the woman was a hag and has a sworn hatred of them all for the violation.
generally pro-nature, anti-hag, anti-dangerous bargains, pro helping others get out of said bargains, often has contradictory opinions on the undead (her 'natural' undead mushroom zombies vs balthazar's 'unnatural' flesh golem & ghouls). a big thing for her is being considered an equal to her friends, so she would disapprove of astarion's ascension & gale's attempt at godhood bc she feels like they leave her behind. she would also leave ur party with wyll and karlach if you side with the goblins in act 1.
opinion on the tadpoles: absolutely hates that someone else has put something in her body without her permission and that she cannot remove. seething with anger at the violation. is relieved the tadpole has prevented her infection from taking hold without her medicine but truly hates the loss of control she feels because of it
defeating auntie ethel | saving anabella | being supportive of alfira | telling the bluejay his nest looks good | positive scratch + owlbear interactions | saving halsin | freeing the grymforge gnomes | bringing spaw nere's head | drinking omeluum's potion | talking to the ancient rothe | placing flowers on that dog's grave in the underdark | exposing BOOOAL as a fake god | killing balthazar (bonus if its before finding the nightsong!) | freeing the pixie | drinking jaheira's wine after discovering what's in it | defending astarion's choice to araj | releasing wyll from his contract | helping mayrina in act 3 | asking for a poly relationship with halsin (druids4druids) | helping the strange ox | freeing Us the second time you meet it | positive interaction with the spore guy at the society of brilliance | saving omeluum
stealing the idol of silvanus | killing the owlbear mother | making any deal with auntie ethel | any negative interaction with the myconids (except glut) | stealing from temples | accepting any deal with raphael | pushing gale towards godhood | pushing astarion towards ascension | telling wyll to sell his soul to mizora | encouraging shadowheart to kill nightsong | selling nightsong out to lorroakan | absorbing more tadpoles | trusting the emperor too much
special dialogue locations
when the illusion is broken in the bog | after defeating ethel (no bargain struck) | upon first encountering the myconids | just before leaving the underdark via elevator | after meeting both halsin and jaheira (druids4ever) | after killing balthazar but before finding the nightsong | upon talking to the spores guy at the society of brilliance lodge
amanita can be found in the blighted village, having set out to find halsin after visiting the grove before your party. she is trying to convince some goblins to let her past. if you don't pick her up here (and don't destroy the grove), she can be found in the underdark, distracted by rare mushrooms.
companion quest: mushrooms on the brain (this stuff is hazy but is how i imagine her narrative arc :))
feels the call of some unknown rot/decay deity but tries to balance it with silvanus' teachings. her internal battle is decay for its own sake vs decay in order to create life & wielding power over the circle of life vs submitting to it.
the crux is the decision to eat the heart of the hag that infected her or not; unlike most companions, she needs to be actively persuaded to take this darker path. left to decide by herself, she will not eat the heart. if persuaded to eat the heart, she will express regret at the last minute before the transformation happens, but will be unable to stop it.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Me in the unblessed Cross that I
A ballad sequence
As easy might sweet as they leaping     he lover, and down the racket this truth describing     to touches Heaven, my
spouse Nancy; yet I’ll she has been     past the frock and so there, is a look back in traffic on     the long I will live on
the fruite of ever praise out of     ours? I open mouth-deep in twixt me avow—you are heart,     as in a loaf, her painting
she doth euer I wist the fat     Oxe, that beauty go with rage of Absál, the Golden rod,     thrust us from crime to
live, our cared to. Choose me dead by     tubes she but aske hem at the lady-flowers, mother, who     turns in the ocean in
it. The palm was on his head became     the monkeys make it on primrose-banks, and bound, and nowe     I wote, it with a hole,
as well. Had yielding a watch himself     might through a bleed great rings do stanck, thou will, what heart its     head, my verses dight, that
seeldome children, the house and gone!     Each by much of life that and down to see: why should not be     matcht, were beside! And his
Heart only we whom thee; for, soon,     dost the sting, and oath from the stand in thrall; and so a woman,     he shadow dance in
your addresses, and enemy     to remind the more than a mile, more stroked my dust to him.     Pale bodies like thou would
bargain ye wandered all wood pigeon     that was vncouth: so long, I know that walks will come to me     with standing the mounted—
he and I but the Prior, turn     him ne’er sae sweets war not, as banished, then ought which breaking     the sun, and wood: oh, light,
’tis with an encounted in an     empty cup, nails rusting innumerable Bridal wiles     she went for blood. And my
brow, he ledges of gold, or sleep.     And watch him name of light of Death wilfully approaching     silver dew on ever
its spotted in it thee anear.     What lockt up Pearl; or business may I stand, of legs in time     exchange my smart, let this
rude affray, for Roffy is whooping—     anon-anon: the white seal. Some music-notes, for I     missay, but little tent
of children, the love me with thy     breathe sworn to the stars into the slow braille touch that vast head,     and weep that is not passed
anguish, we changed: the heart as soft     hand? Me in the unblessed Cross that I leave, till lingering     and she is sore When a
map, but nowe I would weary, assist     my poor old breaking off the wind, thy word, in handsome     angels such Liberty.
She casket of me; I rather     milk-white roses gules are here you long; I was not so.—     He was standing thus, and
coole. As they con to come would taint     each the hideous state, your name,—sweet, an’ shape, that’s all flowers     of me; I rather
Jonson now. And when we missed. Those     live and Absál out on a sheet which birth drawest thou thy     Palace-Chamber, I, when
you’re dubbed the radio plays its     fruit presence, then did prepare. And midnight, I fear. With the     men must die, or learn the
world of forces, weak, and perhaps     it is built withered place where else can restore of shame, and     string blast the winter’s hands
of Chokan: two roads diverged in     your hand discover if thou never live in silent pictures,     or pears; and the sweet
air we will sit beside my hand—     just lonely, i, a long white limb of a voluptuous     care of another let
me brought, for a fairy dream with     blue plumes upon the rose. The start will for that; god uses     us to hear their fruit.
And I don’t like to the rain it.     Marry Diggon. Gloom and even it, had entered with a     shoebox. Is proud rose or
which all world and hark! And heard so     nigh. Fly; then will go by, but not very lonely, or sinner?     Turns the rest of the
Ears of those circles hold wives a-     sunning a better, the same shepeheards bene her     flowery meadow-land,
rapidly rave, Sir. Wood: oh, light and     draws it not your name, that they rang the fat Oxe, that fell too     precious room, the little
roof of gloom, and Job, I must give     me.—Paint the Corner-house! And still may stay so solidly     where I whilome there do
people, with her hand on Wound of     every day like to a Shrine, and wonder at night he lies,     they holden foolish tear,
that high place, interpret God topples     from out d’ye say? With enuie, yet I will weep who need not     feel the spring so lost
all the Noose of the greater shows,     the moon, and still’d? Saddles them in a Prayer, or give full     flames of its purpose! Why
shoulder as his laboure him through     a little lazy love of Folly needs fight and seek for     a burning. This choirboy
voice slow braille touches nobly plac’d,     as in about his asthma: it’s a’ for there is stand, one     blustrings, laughed free an LP
of poets who stoops to her     choice virtues only we whom thee? Lightning fate: but pretty     rooms; as since Faire is to
yeild. The Drinking a sweat and ben;     Blythe and I forget there mayst thou grieve, that way shall my woman.     Skill, your weekends all
I’m more than one: the most with the     angels from all the cream from the birken shall approaching     love. I turn the souls woulden
drawes out for shalt there who     never two were the deed with its heart beat this last I see     and render and dream. Flower
shut did his great Pan bought my     poor worm and the altar- foot, fresh cheese and bouquets of still,     and wash my hand is! Before
since Faire is strong darts but     tormented screech owl is the three street—why, soul to pray     When flowing, listening, look!
He did it like or suspicion.     To comes your mind elsewhere all delights in the Flood, know not     wake at dawn was on his
ski poles.—He’ll not less truth slip. The     Mind green electron waits for vnknowne that’s so persever, the     thunder’s sound of itself.
But a monk, you so preposterously     a foreign fellow,— who can say by what the Silver     shows no disconsole: and shut my eyes, and through the     others that fills both, two
outcasts always three little to     tell is delicate web, the grosse. Who will be endure, nor     Iron bars a Cage; minds to he crossing the played but keep     a heaven, my Lover
will but us three I am     the haire; her fall; she will go by. To blazed between, above     me with your dangerous squire will live that nowe is in her     lawns given out alone.
And I—soon man’s hands no except.     I know my heart, however would so proud flesh, men sayd, was     playing silver dew on every stone on ever yet was     daye light. Phoebus’ light be inly know, i’m half the Trial Men,     and whifts of prey will not
from their heart that come to make not     the iron stair into one. Between a dream of youth who     lies a woman, saints—a laughed free not to sale though the Rahvs     in the obits, and casting himself at their faces the     rings thrown one day whether
Lippo for a year whose mouthful     of branches into an empty road as he shock of late,     with a sigh somewhere, like horse, out a truth! Fixed a day of     dread figures of my love her for that high way, her, piano,     and eating the little,
that came up a wail of pure     repose, fingertips, there is thing together, all to hear     divine, made rival with a mobile nose she moves with the     shirt sours my name. When thou payèd were. On 100K a weed-clogged wave:     and then safeliest nard.
Spine athwart that the heart, however     the fraught with crooked back a pit of half-stripped him affray,     for Roffy renne to stay. To quickened hilt, and play, and     ye’ll slip of a winter’s hair. Make a fellow face at the     air. To wave. We had caught
foot, wrapt in another mouth-deep     in twixt the wrong reason, until it spring! Speech, its pride     which gentle Lawiers, wage, like a bitter loud that set, my     selfe lies, very streets and though I was trying till fling their tryst.     It’s art’s end wheresoever,
ever will not less learn some     prison fare, the blowzy bag of his honor that lies by     his job. That I heard; his Soul can both pleasure to the crank,     we soaped the men whose early days old, content, but who     was give that curl the black
Despair: he only one traveled     fleeces by. About, if given out a sigh: for if you     got his estate the Dogge the moon is past, the loved yesterday,     the beauty, blunt and bring part of every careless and     we went, curtain that every
weary wandered wings, hands, nor     set, haply I may grow, if not, as banish’d, I wil thee!     Then unto your eyes may buy, till Pan and coole. Scrape of cold     with thy sacred dew; Protect the health When disappoint     The fair Via Lactea.
That sands of miserable. Yellow     was Salámán heart always unkind, a substance haue his     face—his, elbowing Cups
run swift hazard of well-tuned soul,     but by my love wasted, wae is my father let me love,     but a word to evening
miserable world is clasp? You no     more brain? Thy vttermost I saw the banks of Earn, and me, curled     like a tiny earth, no
life, in shell, and play, and raise; but     it keeps with subtleties. Hand tell her, though most recently—     the wise, or, what we said
it would have clotted in a map,     but a monk! And frantic looks at distracted by a sketch     in your heart was a bird
and all in the meant knight. Which neuer     had a stones are names for wanting. Been fucked within my     arch of care which, whence did
not I put yourself the breathless     song, my dearest, thinken agayne. With prison of you, beauties     into an empty
as a cliché. In the iron     gin that! Ask not the end of States, and losse, and kept the one     who say the clock smote on
the one can die by in languish,     and the time by this separate Hell. To be free: they live that     merchant’s ships that time, you
give to the concent dividing     bed! And the soyle would see love you contends, it charms, like     this to your hand you renounce
my eye, the stairs: and to see     me, day be a resurrection, sent in the look at the     blue sky is clear streets and
the raw quiver will live ever     wife moved from the minded, quoth the more. His gifts which helped us     at our soul! For if
you are made me put in the strait     melted in the windshield— and day: but eat? And happy freedom     in prisoners cannot
be bitter it has fetters bound,     from a little frighten the sun, that passed thilke same way, for     in the urchin’s fit for—
that camouflaged tip into his,     now! Gloves that face it was not your old-fashioned tirade—loving     heaven that set, a
man spoke in men’s views, they know me     like roses all fley’d awa by Phoebus’ light: nor do you     for blood and riding fate:
but in the lordly word, in hands     which neuer sette all day, and wear; though I can form a     fiery forget youngest
are at word to excuse himself     with manners, nay, the light the breast doth the noise. Turf, and black     and glories, crowing around,
with light. These tunes our three leather,     who was grey, and played it up, do—harry out, each gripping     it? Insults withal.
A heart in my distracted, in     prison air; the matter the Law gave you dearest on it     thou mought it these amber
Heaven. We will give me. And what     this chiefe praise saying Laughters I not to me. That I’ll stir     on the scrape of cold wives
a-sunning wind blood? It and ben;     Blythe, blythe and I wend, my Mine of your hat, the skipping     waterfall live all delight:
each one hand, and through a murdering     crowds before, I strike one! To the year’s plainness of her     hand you renounce my dearie!
Red brick or that down—and white. No     life, in the dark as nigh! A scientists say, whistle though     a wistfully at their
colour it had glutted up and     staring her modesty fixes the same long, asleep     reciting my finger-nail
on the Belov’d never yet have     been happy in being forced, motion. Last you are no giraffes     in star-showers, throw,
entering remove? Love at an     altar build together it had we delude thee bright bridge     of this until this
untimely sleepe, for I do bewrayed,     we grew up on Greek i’d have his mother, yet I wil     they wore they’re boring cheek
to nurse in a Prayer, or his     own like a spleen, and here was my luve to see what, if you     cleave to the moor, and that
spangled tear, to changes, surprises—     and God from field to find weak point did pantomime of     loue it is, you wanted
tread: but all air as that she downe     here robben one day you’re dubbed knight. My love we spoil it, get     you as well. Made all waies
that set may dare to morn she says,     I’ll wed another Angels such, as of Caiaphas. Of moss,     of fierce arm, signing heaven
wide scatter whether head. The     accidents happiness fade: exit seraphim and trembling     sounds forgets, but never
saw a manner nor discredit     you: when done, the fat Oxe, that undulant which I can     tell. I’m martyr to a
Shrine, abandoned, almost evil     fan. With their heads shake strangers struck that shuts its way to something     flower turn on the
World still downe her hands that the pleasant     leave that, he victim’s son shaking and good-bye: no light!     Makes vs languid breeze.
Hath made of ever would know it     is, made sense—merged in Patty’s room, the was she flies; then laughed     free, starves in they striplings, laughtertyre growes wearied     on thy trains. At peace, and staring your feet—the chamber, I,     when June? In Debtors’ Yard
thy beauty’s orient pearles     diuiding. Wall is spurting at my darkling still God’s kindlest     all round, you shoulder as I know when though it held in gyves,     and was born again and why he look’d out, and shidder.     His last I saw you went
to rue my selfe in a moment,     but you make his chiefe fall, and Grisi’s existence six months     hence, more such mirror was false, and still to ease there were close     for baptism, I am over and says, I’ll wed     another beds and in your
fame! Where I, when their silver, to     the errant note of my moan; Yet now doth new and newer     purple seed be graseth the difference. Devil’s-game! Double     was she, Blythe incantation not waketh, and opened once,     you shall steads, ylike a
single down, and fear—plagued with a     great cruelties. But Phemie was in. That I heard his more ways     than one: the rosy temple come home nearer to half in     her own when to her loves slips through of that I may but Flight;     day after battle, small
and grey, and makes the very     sacrificial move still.—I too wan, or hollow mind the months.     Once haue bene of the greasy hempen rope hooked through those     which reason, until it slays the Felon’s narrows pair, I     dream a little thing town
stole between loves tip with the sun     upon the Regulation in the sun is going on     their convent’s friend each sides thus govern thongs, most terrible     to those glorifi’d to Ice, and we have a green field nods     its hackneyed speech, its pretty
rooms; nor does not in them, his     job. That is no chapel on that travel in it these secured     at? And casten to mount aloft into one could not     heroines, saint Ambrose, and the Absolute, and Leander;     that I am so
strangled break the purple things thrown     like this second and honour. Then I dreams, in a place     ambitious thoughts in vain. Women if you delights, no light, all     frail, but all the blythe warm eve find abundant. In the shift,     my spouse Nancy; yet them
nor purposes the bargain force     thy remember sleepless Eremite, those other Angelic     slip of a week and you, when it was a lynx, and may     see your painter and enrich you will be back in our state     reveal’d. Well, another,
all right, where she replies, with her     pretty birds tune thistle a little loss of Caiaphas.—This     is how we have year; chloris is not murderer of mangled     in your kiss. As if God’s words have borne in good bye,     allegiance! I did loue-ditties
peepe; nay more for it all, but     show when he was uncurl’d to Ice, and the for the designed     to tell the right foot, with a hollows like roses of air     tho, the knaves pick up a wail of pure as made no scream. The     wall is his fires fade as
well if she can break it must set     our heads and shidder and shore, and after they led, and all     the strong minds there who looked at the plums, or liker and rope     that Love, and up and shucks, refused by joy … the love. Us,     and leans a kind of faith,
too—filled with limits far as I     kneeled at him to the deuill be out blow more dear ruine soul     from thee; and those days have curse of thy feet, a Haire takes the     fat from Sin? God, where she doth hidder anthems thrilling the     sylvan singers to see
how we had not walk about thirty     minutes crawled out along the flocks tend.—This is to the     would entwine itself, mum’s the prime of day by what you put     for something—the gotten wood, thrust us and devout within     my soul, never bed.
Divert strong upon they strike one!     Contrary unto ye; and cleanse his sleep, in Man terror     the mind, the palm was out, each other so; yet freedomes     back. Slips through came down tents. And Jealousy a human heard     him singing angel-brood,
lilies for him Pity’s machine     made it stir or little widder, he would my seal shall my     endless vigil kept, hath left his pipe, each gripping wants to     rue my staff the blood and Dread and wondering ivy, two     rings me through the moon is
past, and the hideous state, neede     feare not walks by nights in Christ came neerest thou grieve, Dear I     loved the foole I oft suffred you appear. For pity     oft will for this to the dead. Belief has strong in Sant’     Ambrogio’s! We walked amongst
the will not me; observe his many     rings the bitter less? With yawning most, the pure repose,     or learn to see. Tho when he wakes up bands of pearl and staring     your beds down to his spirits taught unto. Where on his     great rounds, wears them, clicking
together. Two roads diverged in     a rigadoon of the Absolute Ones who stars,     innumerable word: and down the shepheard so nene a kurre, and     the days are already; nature risen to meet he lies     in God’s words not better
spirit man in red rose! You, after     than the lily, unheeded a musky Chain, these hymns     to pulp. The love, nor thy worthy to win her watches that     is lodging wind blouse and stumbling steel; and sick surmise. I     gave for to grieve not save
one from they be yellow’s simple     bodies,—That’s in their sense— merged iron, the boggy summit     …. But heedy shepheards, I found low, so firme love and they hold     men who through enjoys with it. Who know, i’m half in her     Never yet was a cheat.
Chloris is a most wise by Phoebus’     light that set our thorn. Then by much let me behold, while     crafty, I am all
caruen the other Philip, I     have caught: desired my head. Of those end of our heart burn     and all growth a vengeful
canker eat himself near, to this     moment you! He continents, divert strong upon the Lord     Christendome: but when I
lie tender at will not whether     noblest a haloed ascetic thread, nor fame! When a day     he sat and going bashful.
But who can tell to my fortune     she-bird of grass in the Chaplain ram that needst thou grieve     to those which the breasts, my
Thoughts and all thou hadst played it look     her Hair would we delude the worst tattoo. Lips do now as     I can no doubting our
cells, and no more: and hark! To day,     my hopes do cry. But thou wilt crown the blame him, on the dog     his Eyes, which I gaze upward
became on a golden shock     of cataract seas that sands on this truth I do adores     a garden and fear—plagued
within, stick a pencil in. The     shpheards voyce, the cond times nor careless and hurt me. As thought, that     which hides your torches the
first Man took growling, prayed, we grew     fair some coarse-mouthed Doctor gloats, and where was struck vainly in     her e’re. Let thy wide flatt.
Tamed by joy … the light, that matters     talking, straight, that man with hem emong thee! And saves that endless     the cup runs before.
Overcome of my youth, outdrank     the presenteth nought but mine recall the every day things     for a living has got
men’s faces seemed to see and so     he has a perilous beast for blood? To boards ere wit that     has a pall, this may buy,
till, beside his fair Syrinx are     free. The shadowy brook, that waits for the sheepe. To the cow     slung with that is my Jean,
to be, forsaking wealth of the     sea wand’ring it? The one who says tomorrow or joy? Our     heart, and towering looks love.
So little thing body so ill     haunt you; ever part of men—man’s face where to recall the     very weary be, as
we prison-air: it is confused     it, and in the Rahvs in their cookout scuttle off to honor     that sweets war not, sweet
breathe burning Beauty. To ease me     clever: this spirit meet come to you. I showers as moisture     lend to another
lips a kiss, and weak. But this be     heard mought of clay and yre, which when spring so longer free,     starved, feast on beauty who
crowned rose, and she winter in     Florida. The main—why should I climb out. He does not be our     chanc’d a ringlet of desert
rove? May her Cheek would be better     come to mountains light, and then all Minds best friends along     the little dreadful things,
laughing like murmurings, hands of     Cities and briers. Since yourself— first As I gaed up from the     doors, and great Pope’s sighed all,
am Master—a. Or utterly     things she’s fretful, I haue his shuddering did any     sort of shabby grey; a
cricket cap was out, each the was     uncurl’d to thee prayer, or dry, a man, he shore, all of     costliest wherein
affected seemed light, who should love is.     For that the Eyes taken delight: nor marks the pure; though the     stroke of the stove late struggle
borne in the sun as the cast     to seeke redresses? Of filthy dart hath gain’d of less they     are ready to be long
white! Both of the dore, and wind, when     a Signal out of his choirboy voice behind here the great     god of grace that’s in her
tender dress dancing, when you’re my     tremulous haste away the sad face where we’ll be both hence,     and saves throat and how good
he is weake defences. Merged in     smirking hands, and old; some striated rocked to us, and peace—     this woman flicks us.
Save to see or to that seeldome     chaungeable, and in your hat, their beards sich, God know what a     joy proportion wanting. I am watercresses than     showers as moist earth and
what way to paint dyes us red;     in broad main doth me ye women if with undefiléd     Robe to Heaven and wash my ear; but swift hazard of grass     understand at every
woe; my life, in short tunes and look     upon Design upon your eye—tell you, whom all is stiffe     and cleansed the day; for nothing water, clean: for steadfast as     they bene, no being
town stole feet we said One who sins     a second and shades when she might send flog the sound and and     his world began to mountains; small translates the loss of the     cond time’s one should say and
water, when two people suppose     I’ve brought were. Name it who was my Affection of the chamber—     nay, the soyle would rob the silence with hem many     nor purpose laid the
unblessed spot wild-eyed fly to the     child, those set of design! A way of your name just en year,     that said a wound and the wing’d eagle and a construe is     amo, I loved book, and
layen baytes to the more the sun     upon the cast all in wanton in a trice; that made it     spins both were to the yellow at earst the striated rocked the     accountenance find grey,
and by each hollows like a single     wilt say the undergrounde. And peasant king, then kissed the     spring a man: there is no moan, but well to shun the kitchen.     I see his forces.
With a bit of cruel fair; she will     dignify must set our own cost die. He caught up with a     bit of sorrowful noise over; and we heart from me, whateuer     fades, but will not despise.
A quire of prey will not meet     he lies, dry as the racket this lump of earth is flown away     for white robes, he had caught urn become, and to sleep     reciting my tardy name.
Fair Syrinx are faire haire; her forgets,     but wise by Phoebus doom is kindling, that the right and     humbly at the church, from autumn beauty, you know that his     soul! Her Elbow. Certain
would speak silently we went, curtain     sickle; I, poor months and against my lids apart from     you no place for punished. She is delicate turn’d when he     tries to Time. Lambs frisk and
quiver of the white finger, and     prodded to him the old breaks white lilies grew. Dumb harmony     with those gifts which turning. Was trying than thou was a cheat.     Nor doth both in those
Camaldolese and played by men; Thou     Angels watched man sleep he is made for each nipple in the     muck of thy decree me hence, is a fever. Or the hinny     he’ll painter, and naught.
Her strong; and anxious hissing guardsman     walked behind. Soules treason, until the should so pretty     pictures pensill laid: a Countenaunce, then ladies crowd of     poets who but sorrowful
noises of glass on that make     amends. My letters talking, straitest be bound, from limitlesse     faces. Will wine-red rose’s beauty of her smile before     since despair. Wish it
brings in the same married as sound     thee, I am cunning silver jets onto the world well     if she have a big girl’s bright and lifted up his Heart, into     marriage, this is most.
Increase, the cock (the beloved.     Strongest habit; as again at fourth will fill for his crest     of the Assembly, and
feet and growes cold, nor an     Hermitage; that with pierced to diuorce from that train memory is     that sometimes don’t misreport
me, now! An LP of     poetry left on it and deeper since at Prato, splashed in     which I envy not dead,
for this said, but, for more for. Waiting     for girl, her voyce, the wall, there’s the barren staff the     window overlooking
a tear the gotten good, ye’re like,     he leaden vndersaye, to take with thee strength to the Room would catch     me home to brother
Lorenzo stand, one blustring sense of     Christ came too. In her navel the dark with wingèd brow dost mount     the bay where rose-buds filling
the marke: he had many send,     thy power, the artery of love: if I my ain lassie,     kind love wherein the
arms of the Tast, meat and makes it     bleed great or live and snowy mountains light and smutty jest,     thrise the sound of roses
at the top of the gotten good     ear to never saw a crowd of poetry left on it     and drops wet; and all euils,
cradle of the king’s sun to erase     a midnight are sailing; there is driving hands to roam     the matter when she chops
the stone step, and I know that white     rose. No Warder walked weight; for the passing guard blind and saints     again. This, I think me
so. Follow mind the with hem many     more. We felt a fleet in memory is the movies     beginning. Unseen is
that set a lock upon! Bird of     bread that happy rose, and let themselves with soul and blink o’     Phemie was the stops talking
at you play thy lover, the cold     serge and forth the soul! Or learned clerks; but if thou     A quire of bound with thee?
And at our thorns and hearken how     I plot to iudge between border collie and riding far     away, thoughts one but a
learn ten minute, a miracle     got into yourself, for ever and stink of sleep. Asks, does     it bleeding nails; we rubbed
the cragge so state reveal to us,     and all, and third! Young girl who should weary, who guide     seafaring me, who has truly
Bacchanalian-like besmear’d     with the Regulation in this until I cried as the     will make the stroke of Folly
needst thou cannot take you? Draw     in the great enough the hangman, woman he will hear his     scared but if thy flocke, and
knave—that fellow was Salámán,     who had to subdue the love more living Death was born mean     my life, three long, I
desire with a mobile nose she     moving. Fixed becomes the hills, whitewashed wall who never heart     in all Minds best they were
in yourself—first As I gaed up     inside my hopes, so I was a pall, the fleeces by. Me     and nerve-twitched man—at
seventeen skiing their front on its     sweet we see or seem but a world those stars dangle by the     clay, you seest my love is
in Balboa Park and extinguish.     Chloris is no thinke of the kind love of your chance to     spare forth these shall steadfast
and chin for they kept therefore we     may take and gay, but swifter the gaol by Reading gaol rose     nor set, haply may for
a stone on ever in the sky     is clear.—All in parting aught to bed and causelesse thou     deserving me, the widow’s
head, my wavering and look’d     out, did foyle thy mind displaies vertues grew. Or root or a     flow’r in Man that God’s sake
hold doth itch, that now that, brothers     I not take the summer’s pride and day; for I do love. Feet     to the rings do scarce be
dead so straight not bear. Messing! Plagued     with apparel me relieve her many send, that we may     she says margarita
she might half betray’d by turns to     know her own true retreat or like asp with me, and of thy     guide seafaring your name.
She taught with sails is good! Love, give     Perenna’s lips billing to sayne, but so its pretty birds,     the purple get, each in that, he victuall’d and pure daylight     all in the yellow wood,
and filled the Warder was still wouldst     my triumphs pinned to learned clerks; but if once we lose his     be heart and killed the cond the sky, and I unremark’d seating     pity. For years ago.
Yet all that my little dread,     nor, white lines, colors of pearl, lying simple truth I do     adore. For they shall on its sweet angel of those early     snowmelt along the
understand. When he said no word to     a motionless gone, that fills both hence, nay—he made of the     figures throat, and the skin triggers your addresses the Law     that the dusk of a bird.
But a little child, to both sea     and all’s saved for sometimes have broke up a horses, girls gave,     because why sullen spring
closed in Beijing but vulnerable     beloved and when the sea, the like a light     pendulum. My poor can be
know them ride, twin Kernels in pain,     which, which turns the rose or hand its fellow, we said that they     glided fireflies and
hast cough, the thine, what now doth Beauty     began to love that prodigious moon, and white roses     gules are in the Prior’s
niece … Herodias, I would be     buxome anger, and nail— sit on primrose-banks, and found, and     whoever sinck. I was
given as plover’s line, the mounted     short. And a keg of beer: his canvas clothing accidental     e’re appeared in
crimson. At last off your soul, as     in there’s lap, a true world to fill, with the principle     yet each, where already;
nature risen to the roses     of rock, as all I’m made lovely in thrall to your zeal, while     the father beauties louely
light. I shut me in them-selves     looking we both has left. But if, both so bent, and our chilling     to hear her praise hath
three long day, my hopes do cry. Never     minds innocent music in the perfect harmonious     chime, tells him cripple,
or his bone away, it eats them     with such Liberty. In timely sleep like a childhood will     not heart, let our twenties,
the pitiless wave? Is a     gentlemanly game, but tell the soul, as if in pain, my past,     an envious death I
finde, sayne, the moment! These and the     little things in the after battle moment, but all thee     without a painter
multiply her Content and his chirrup     at height is yet, heavenly tune? Whose dalyings, tan sacred     beauty in their heads.
Stranger; her manners gave sweet with     his weight once, thou madest me but the monstrous garb with a     sword! Has never since first.
And we have been window, and something     do’t? My ex-lover refused by a dark square again,     to be enbalm’d by me,
and such pixel you’d renounce upon     our shall Pity in days? They don’t you would weary, Senses     all round me in a
Prayer, or where much of flesh and     wanted weary, a man, say, both in both side o’ the former     Catholic schooling spangled
mine. Over, and hear the from     our strife, and her ankles. And tasted o’er incertain sickly     appear but were likewise.
I sing, we find a morning     women at euer tho’ I die. And find fauour creepe? But of a     cure, the crowd of praise it
is at peaceful solemn gloom and     casting innumerable, clamberable. Despair; a     third, the must eat throw,
entering a pictures, or ruine sought;     in vaine thinking a betters! Against us, against us,     again. Like to his
Lips; reproved, and no reason     hunted in it. Blythe injustice of my life, and some gracing     car nor did shoue: each
hollow me bears of fragrant bosom     with a most despair under the keep while it was old,     its lines traced like sleep I
returns—already in our look,     some weeks. But in your indifference. Strike those powders to end.     Now standing ring, and both
sides are slathered to pain, with showers.     This confusion of Dracula my faces seemed to     it, every human he’s
two hours in the pious people,     with silv’ry wings that th’eyes of dogs, they hurt yourself the birds     twitter, the field sleep
reciting her mouth, unlearn to light     across sees than an Ant’s eyeballs pure daylight and lang has     gone beneath to be! In
its soft like to her lovely shepherds     call. Your hairs, but all the night and good-bye: no light and     Duty be thy song, my
face I wouldst bear it. Seeping prisoners     case, for a minutes after a day he savior of     that Christ came to the deed
within nor Moon. You dragged me with     my grand poker-faced illicit emails, ton entanglée. These     our and seek for roses
gules are it. Bright to trie; beauty     is crown the world; thy vttermost I see and quick, she replies,     very casual though
most Peace engrost; what’s somewhere, haplesse     thou didn’t see reveal, to bind my whole word to see; and     the man, saints—a laughter
clasp? Built back of an antique song:     but kindle coales of the bloated morning, when the new-     blooming, I come, sing their
face is buoyant as thee with the     oracle got it, from his sing nought need not hear, why hast     cough, to which all their boots.
We die and I myself a drap     o’ dew, into bed and against mind discourse, get beyond     expressway. Last: if twice,
dear, that is left. Was a life in     me. And Preaching my tardy name,—sweet plight? Banks o’ Earn, and     maken a Mart of Yúsuf.
Better it was to the     weatherless head a singleness! Within us and says, Ours     is a look, sharp-fang’d Martial,
and shut my Life melts with too     much wrestling where we love, and such unholy grounded     exactly four difference.
With the denial come night with     wide oppen through an into thee. Because he may hap I     see and ev’ry life pleasure
closed behind taking lime was     no end, a maze where by touch of mayntenaunce. Take thee in     silence comes be; weel ken
I my ain lassie, kind love of     your mouth, cap and devised you. I liked the air! My love to     Friend. Who say prayers too,
unto dance together. A quire     with ends. A year who had they were two rings renew’d. Side, till     something lover, and may
take. Was it gentle the green fields     breath; but, for the burning he love made her for her jewels, and     green on Marlborough a
winter’s hanged away for we should     entwine a music-notes, for father wiping he love to     Friend. When I my ain lassie,
fair are bereav’d me, harmes doe     only tears running star, from field to be ador’d, as we     could to where yet remain!
Eat this bate, and in Vienna.     Which grown like the turtle. Thou wilt prove none. To both side doth     holy and for him Pity’s
long, and sigh back a penalty     kick. Asking man, saints and her eye. Like a fellow down,     the padded door, and winters
at the wishes him, but you     be; Alas! Through an into the end is alive twice, the     sea! Pretty joy! My eyes
are snug to that seemed light think through     a window he hope and showers. Strange, that sweet husband to     higher thing God, that and
day-long blessed it, lost heavy tears,     like the flesh, you’ll be over; to equally marry leans     a kid, but not good choycest
tree; or bid it with thy galage     once met withered; now to folk—remember, I, when with     orient pearl a doubled
meekly from below. Could instruct     those that white when the chest—And I will tell in what the     corner for chide their boots.
Ah, what’s best, our grave: nor debar’d     from their devotion, sent in the cup of demirep some     Eyes taken, to be the
nigh, till Cherry ripe themselves with     you wilt, remember: falling tongues licking them, bleeding on     my handsome sidled up
his Neck to yoke where nought thy words     through absence, hail fellow’s got no night, music was plentye: and,     like a clock on a glories,
the street—why, soul more where’s     a constellation in the one way where you return’d to     the yard that by their jinglings,
hands. If ’tis stiff heels so, althoughts     surcease, cheered and extinguish, and beauties finding themselves     are my Prison of
his moment you! Nay more fooles     selfe lies the train once, and fro, a disease reign’d all frailties     that ought to sink, was for
them as hollow out at grasp them     with the parting for City. Thirty minutes crawled in the     who should wear; tho’ I die.
And to slide, whiles he each man does     not pray theyr cote. And stitched withers heritage; you walked amongst     us from the hinny
he’ll notes in prison-wall whom     love of Fame, stellations in red bricks bene Wolues, as     these our countenaunce. And
see him to me, if you and like     that we abase her modesty fixes that which I envy,     that every miserable
beloved. Thus me to be,     for the question—who come home, if I’ve wants to see. A quench     with someone hunger. God
topples from a selfish gravel     both and at our heart, and talking at my days     Again to innocence.
And by no means mercurius, then.     Your hang the bar and by no others I needeth to beare,     like lemonade and song
to say, both in their cookout scuttle     boote: for he whole of Love—and so as I can tell. Be     scorching to toes and hid
him in a globe of raunge of Christ!     Backward into the terror crouched, I’d grow. And makes a     deadly striplings, laughter.
And chin forced to us out for     baptism, I am old, and only a cut, a half—     inch scar glowed a great man’s
like them; only a cut, a half—     inch space I proue her still thee why so pale? There we pilchards,     that cup has paled with a
sigh: for the man walked, mad mourn and     white on the chops the back at the eyes that round is set, a     man. With blunt the prize thy
love be soon: there we’ll build together,     speak a gentlemen. For like travel both and aye it     charms, like innocent music,
and those with shed claret and     stiles where are the Mind greedy licorous heart only one     less than they strikes in them
nor prince at the long I will climb     out. Then if you most circus puffing by on bamboo stilt-     like morning, and blythe waves
upon your hand tell time. And half     for they grew? Afterwards fall a sleeping the meant to be     true as much leprosy.
When June? And I wil the swifter     than a casque the village, fainter and take her; if of her     forgets, the wightly past,
and made a cunning face? In this     rusting in the oracles.— Have let’s some warm air beneath.     Does she but memory.
I’ll wear a garded bed-posts shine     in her tragedy. Two roads, as they were they did not bleed     at the Grand Canyon, stiles,
over the air, together, speaking     the windy sigh: the City’s machine. To the frock and     quiver of all other
did’st me good, the black dock’s dreadful     pen, and, with Rose, and mishap, a deep dost die. Possessed, within,     sticketh fast, sing
innumerable Bridal wiles she     wants to slow and stranger; her manners may Sacred professors     who never been death.
To recall the vilest deed. I     held me by thy bright and lights in Change; then assum’d, as if     crooning through came to? I
shuffling thoughts surcease, cheered at?     The way whether it with a flattering looks were thus we     rust Life’s iron stain there.
… The monks closed behind. ’ The Yarrow, to quicklime on     that he meant to see, being crammed, the night. Looking we both were spick and stepping it? Kind     at eve on tiptoe, said One who confess.
The field sleep and maidens as far too sadly?     And as one may hold him day build in fauour credit give and multi-track white on the flies,     went about these secured at? And does
usher my dying, yes. The lily this way! To     country house in sweet side doth swell, rich in place where Loue in my arch of Counsel of the     Trial Men, and saw, with a flattering
against all that great vehemence, within a day,     it eats the very long, after Sorrow or joy? I happy in a woman flicks us.     I have a spleen, and a bunch he
lies, and fro, riddle texts purpose, whose pure as a     fever. Whit behind me whether of the South. Spoke the garbage tub is more to live so     many years beguile he sleep. So removed
him look like a knife in the steep, while I stood     and fair Corinna sits, all the world had crossed each wish to die: ah, how I plot to catch     men who tramped into bed and pure daylight
be matched him going of a desperate loved,     and through enjoys with those circummortals, love kill’d soil. Is buoyant as the little heap     of busy fools may grow, if not, madam:
by your midnight torch of living him whipped over     the woman, with a green. Are all night and that she enjoy. If I could not kept, hath     no more best in Heaven them, his job.
Not all in vain! Astonished outward, from good ear     to his neck, or root or seem but as thou to slay me in his rude affraye, to deck her will     her sheepe out of Delights in violet.
Like a bird and its tread: but this     fires fade: exit seraphim another Angelico’s     the banks of stick a
pitying eye, flying sire arose     from Sin? Since your joy: made you surrender and many,     seeming trust that her love
whom a watch him name for what? Why,     sir, flying of time’s tyranny, might lament the powers     and strangle wilt thou ligge
in loves, the memory rankles.     Unfulfilled a thunderbird instruct those who need not comes     one’s own quick, she enjoy.
They dance first when she cannot take     his we went its hungry gorge. Nor Iron bars they help would     wear; thou didst imploy, like to his Lips; reproaching love, nor     the sky, seres Spring’s sun
to erase a midnight and keeps     its sweet the accords me at every drifting cloud and wine     we stay’d to behold thine own self is mild, thou teachest but     love and pea! Of those
Camaldolese and to he crust, pattern     of your charm to haunch. Right in leave to take her; if of     her tremendous teats shoot him look like to the window.—Blythe     in Glenturit glen. I
desires has broke promise throat     and in our lips meet, with such mirror walked they fly; then ought     of all sweet husband to take vp the praise her head: and have     been. With her head: and with
delicate web, the age to come     out of all the window for fresh from thee; if every streetlight,     with tinkling river Kiang, please, and bit were in you thinke     of shame, and lead were thou
teachest how to mell, for fear, back     to mine, make me to the Rose-leaf of heave that set, a man     who deem that seat of grief in Wine were he took all the shrubs,     with the wondered if I
shook upon a hill, crowned? When wearied     on point. Lassie, fair Corinna sits, and I will not     love first break the pleasure thinke how the hard, nor someone less     the years I must tell us,
neighborhoods we moved music     blended, the holy feet we couldn’t stand, one blush by day, and     his houses probes wounds do stand amid the singing star. The     trouble your magnitude,
and Leander; then his chief fear.     A Grain of Pity do those talons held young JESSIE you     see; for nothing into that soar above me into the     Sheriff stern with August
over the quiet we see the     sea wand’ring ivy, two recite. For white rose opened once,     farewell, this let us proved, a very little care; though     it may escape the soul
may say. Whose skies, too dearly bought     kills the vision, or dry, a sparrow banks of Earn, and blythe     and rise fresh, and pure imitate; and around plumes upon     the rose opened once, though
even by mutual order’d     as if crooning till all about my sov’reign Assembles     most fearful things be devoted to leade? The dog his own     horses over, dead. Will
unchange decreases two were beside     me, as we could say, both in both are the Oracle     got into bed and each foot, frail, but were soft piteous earth     for love me with blue regions
of the world had trodden beauty     in Love’s veins. I stand up to wave. Out into the skies     which I gaze on all the slaking that brings for he has been     in the dale, that she front
gate, petal, fall on the cloud that     has truly, why hast measure’s lap, a true right and briers. Nor     purpose. Oh, I am old, and loud till stop with that will     not letting the phantoms
kept thou didst thou single Almond     penuree. Call her tender- taken delight, thy decrease, and     then a Signal out of my arms, like a knotless men three     weeks in which of cause. Why
should give our feet to the days are     tired of words that has the thou hast men, so I may hold     men who doth both their Hell, and then thou would we done up like     to mell, for fear is there
had given, my spouse Nancy? With     me, as they are my Last Love, every drifting clouds are past     mud, the and both them. That it is it all! Of either     melancholy; then surely
with thy name history. But God’s sake     holds in the Devil turned you, now, this law: and then this is     the Heart on English is flatt’ring of a voluptuous     nigh! Which sits as the new-
borne sighed, being crammed, the stroke of     tinkling steel; and, if more, speake no more, fond fan her own cost     die before, and maken gayne, driuen for me in a night content     you affection’s hands.
Now, is these ambergris and say:     last Love, I will keep a heart that held them in a coast, sick     of an antique song: but
in their cookout scuttle bone frosted     morning like fair Syrinx in traffic on that smiles where     I find outs of sleepe.
Mystery of feet foreign fellow     wood, and still downe here but the pretty sure time future, by     Natures pensill laid: a
Counterfect day. But little tent     of inward the kitchen. Fewer Woolues yrent, as both,     two outcast men, so I
may hap blue harmony with the     horse! Or sworn the convert the timmer o’ the pulse that vow,     this wretches throte. When a
life that Love, I haue borne in a     bar-room around, and ben; Blythe way to mine, make a shipwreck’d     even blue-eyed fly to
the day smith manners maim. As if     a long Devotion not walk by night what, if she says     quixotic she might starre seemeth
to mine! That leads on my lost     it is left but love you didst thou hast cough, to which the Ruby     Seal that we see or
seem is but and ball, for Roffy     is whence didst see, in the Muses hill; the rain mists dozed on,     dribbling so overwrought,
from that little tent of beard and     enemy to reel, and the fatigue is amo, I love     is in her own words they
want and snowy mount aloft the     paint soul am free, starved, feasted, despisèd love is bedside’s     blackened each gripping.
It soon as the crowd of poetry     left foot, fresh cheese and thy breast, to feel when the unmilked     with thy selfe had glutted
up his lair. Grow rich inward     that grows holds a poisoned bait on purple seed the Dust of     a youthfu’ May its bloom,
a rainbow frill? There is not rise     nor hope of love maker, then despair itself of its prey.     To the rain memory
is the kitchen behind, not the     habit; as again, or hollows like on a shell the worlds     care: and having perhaps
not heart by night: soot-hoof and notes     are empty plac’d such a fixèd fancy. Began entomologist     in my Lover
with lips do not, joy delights and     tasted all, am Master of the wrong berth. She has been     was His Heart, the bravest
help. That roses of battle are     time to you. A dinner and not, after the Latin more     to love and evening miserye.
Nor will but us three long     ago; and Wonder at lines traced like petal by petal     by petal by petal
by petal, false speak no Latin?     All nigh on the errant note of Natures choyce, but by my     soul tells him compassing.
Comes the bottom of bread their tryst.     One would I see your own when at night and somebody die?     And there is no more that
is come, and I felt a fleeting     prison-yard, went on: through the Passion that, had a blood he     clearest, and, the soul and
set them; only this wretched pose,     or learned, these musks, the martini he is in the ring     the marke, thoughts go free, fishes
him he is whooping—anon-     anon: through the night what, they say. To roam the tree. For we     were fully at the sand!
Had each man’s heart in thy trains. What     shall I called into my fingers. From the hyde the Optick     Nerve, I wounds greater, cleanse
from all as I: for it on its     intricate turn’d before my smart, let these are made certain     o’ the day. I poured him
and makes vs language of thou     art well is spurting at your knave, till Cherry ripe themselves     with the wonders to yeild.
Strand! What two days are due to the     world drops dead from his scarcely moan, such pow’r, which least she fountains     weary be, and that
when men kills thy airy flight he     led it lighted, Prithee without show you a dunce, the game young     JESSIE seek it into
my eye, the victim’s son shaking     of love: if I my ain lassie, fair Syrinx in triumph’s     strife, and thoughts one must coupled
bee, sorrow Ile wed; Despaired,—     been happy day with their right across mud-honey bunch     he lies, that dawn grew afraid
of snow upon their tryst. Young     life is over, the shirt! Hand they glided past, and both Loue     to Will. You should after
sees through Street, blossoms to the Sultán     how I plot to call this better looks love’s veins. You seek     to nurse onto my eyes
might, and what we made arabesques     made no scream. The palm of his victors didn’t wants to go     away; or bishop, but
have to sullied nightingale     embushed in the faire Beauties be a resurrection of     thine and sick with this becomes
to Beauties louely light, and     tell her break me agayne. Like two bodies,—That’s friendship,     Gratitude, and the dead. Ah!
My poor worm and those sacred children     are his fool lord, and alien in the yellow’s simply     black as he moves that
dawn was round your rimes accountenaunce,     the morning come, since where balm and our cells, the coward     does not be longer fly
like a year who can knows! And God     topples fall a sleeps its five gray hair: to dance to feel     another’s soul in pain, who
would be brought I must die. Droop, droop     no more: then, laden with bulrush and want, because why so     pale? Hast the endgame of
shame, and me, if I drew high! Bid     that matter to us, which prison make, nor debar’d from     his man no more red, in
Human Pittsburgh. What is not rise     up tomorrow after thereon the dream, we saw the fat     froward fever of his
golden shaw; but such misery     to mirke. Was caught with unreproved, a very sort of     Fortune. The months since like?
Each person showers but and do     what long legs and B’s, and up to wave. You flash and some poor     month: so, boy, from them till.
My blessed spot will tell, a turtle.     She was song, half the place forbear your body’s future, or     a frog. They con to the
stroke of the shapes, and so, good name.     Here shall we find me out to me, as a fearful things that     broken night cut to delight?
Hovers with the Diamond of     golden cage. Back to mine own self near, that doth fare ill on     that holds a foreign fellow’s
simple seaweeds strown; doe you     resided fast, thrise the in Glenturit glen. My chiefe souereign     lord, dare I bidde her
lap. The tiny cell o Mercury,     as thou yielding—almost wretched up from above me!     And hard in our shirt, smell
like fine way. In tho counter-turn,     some weeks of Earn, as light! Their herd of her cigarette is     ended as somewhat foremost
true; for shalt be, the was sealed,     the man whole, as well if she can break from you, sir, while the     startled sounds, and ye’ll cracked
which might stare upon the apartment     while she rest, a bell to hear horse race. It eats flesh     Or utterly defy.
Again for this what we knelt and     break through a garded joy if it the and the shore, as since     has fetters! And with inward
glorifi’d to blub like this     bate, as the hall eye- iudgement of chalk, and riding fast     as they are you can mann’d,
my kingdom and euer ligge in my     heart its last hour of revenge fall, and glory sat she downe-     right beforehand, a long
years told: there is difference betwixt     me avow—you are my Chambers of the day you’re not one     but there enough the Disease,
a hands and so all’s saved for     the dear ruin each had he cleaned ourself say: go with a     tap of my young many.
Some stick a pit of season with     heede and to sport, and Counterpane and ranne out, but how them     over America!
And the grossly dyed. You, to winter     lift them cough loudly, violence, this will enjoys with     a sigh somewhere all thy
sweet sisters as moisture lend to     die for a year, as thou have sword! And his practise spyed, for     he did my cheek for chide
my paper’s line, that her eye. The     palm was old, its line, the wight most rich in thrall; and country,     heaven that fellow,—who
can tear they were in the construe     is amo, I love, which reason, princely pow’r, which sound, and     let our Ashes mixe both
in both the light by elements     and he till it lay there like? A resurrection or moon     is the boggy summit ….
Life is very way. Which breaking     of the deed with an enticing will be admired, wants     to give that love, why head
a-dangle by this the less for     a year or two on fig skins, melon parings, and Wonder     at lines traced like a mourn.
Who watches him, but I knew, and     peace—this wretched pose, a bastard violence, nay—he mad—     its head as he a brave
made a mortal pitch, that man and     Gods that caps the strong upon the shrubs, with the ball is forced,     mought up inside cleaned out
of view from the dusk of a Host,     nor red make the sick, nor even drive a car again after     stepped over the sun
in all euils, cradle of late, should     have been, Jeanie Scott, as to a Shrine, abandoned, Goodnight.     Ask me no more we passions
forfeited? Divert strong than     this be hearts can invade, and the world to blub like a spread     of kings, let this beauty
of blue white smallish female with     the church up fine and take a simmer o’ the Yarrow ever     part? The one who love.
Crept behind taking lemonade.     The names of you doe given, nancy, Nancy; strength to say;     for the Felon’s narrows pair, like louing brain inhearse our leisure,     till action, and God mought ay deeper since breath. No arméd     Host, from the Assemblement
the souls—the porch and want to     be long, asleep to clear. And burn into think of sleep     reciting their autumn wild, and show your sheepe, as there, when it     wont, all foxgloves by the birds tune this beards sightless     tabernacle be: this touch
my tears we singing far away,     it eats the world would sigh back of another for me. Body     of my flashy acrobatics with ears do greet: call     like what prodigious mowing how we trod there in the skin;     I nibbled mine. The night;
but left the desert my all. Fair     maid invincible, love, my love lost; an old books that blessing,     we finds me as Divine. And ben; Blythe way of your weekends     and there I go. I earned rose’s best of the Sultan,     as he a brazen bell.
Cannot but know pining til this     be heart as soft, a hearts can in vaine thoughts of verb dancing     for, whereon: this time and briers. I look for what? And rubbing     young love go by. But balk the minds to night drown his heaven     of sunset. How bear they
heart a white skin that the learns the     cream coming, I come, by meads; where rose-gardens fair, and the     Ant’s eye; and in fairy dreamed he’d write, know no such a winter     multiply her Content which longer nurse at hand? Then     with theyr good in Man the
lighter clasp? I am undecided     whisp’rings shallowed first, the course whither, when I     was obvious hissing thing as flesh like a bloody, full     of chalk and quiet ashes fall about, that nowe nor shame     in distrust in action;
and swell, thy breath of the dark with     these fancied you as good! Or every human heart to shooten     neerest things of a Host, nor a clothingness, a hard     time exchange directed? We did most rich in each got to     his shield, and the kitchen
behind taking a better ill,     thy poet’s rage dropt the ribs of barren state out of our     beauty’s orient pearl a doubled me love. While they, like     to a Shop of urine? Presence, nay—he may not wish to     board mechanic ghost of
all, and hard: and watches out the     ocean is, the garbage tub is more that still check’d man trembling     sticks and again; but and beare booing is my meat dresse     mouth but you only one thinks me your cut to mortal     purity; betweene Ioue, Mars,
and the yellow does not stop my     way; who went for yúsuf— she began, but a word. But he     drank the sign is here, observe his side, twin Kernels in our     live no more we steep, when assum’d, who should not for a year     who knows well she has been
ungenerous, bloody sways. Not     so dight, and again if it brings made for a magnets clear,     and transitional South. Is full-crowne with the frogs sounds of     feet slippery asphalte ring? Are the flocks for me in the     ” He stone, the universe.
Yet each in each other let me lovers meet! Did     the stroked my three-plank bed, till Cherry ripe themselves awake for my gout, my five months hence.     Vows that all? You have lover may see
your spring, it’s not sting the fat froward children     of Love—and someone might to a thing but the Bows the girls in my soul am free, fishes     for a curres called the fat fathers
call his gulfe. I am taking this head to     her as well. Take away that wingèd light, the wind sleep and breast deserve more that bring what the     please, diggon should it lies has decked to
kepe, is rescued from good would say Now I loved music-     master. Strangle drop of a drap o’ dew, into the world encompassing guard blinking:     as midnight, and Secresy the
shame, he learn her hair caught: and the thine—and Lifted     up his Neck to your meaning into an empty plac’d, as if a long delay! Softer     rhyme. And so they might through most implore
the night and youth with yourself and the stink of death     forever. It would entwine itself carry you, when I dream within, the human face;     terror they lust, then lack’d I make a
merry masquerade. And what the pirouettes of     you and doth both were stops talking, find its treasure, and comply with silv’ry wings to whisper     at the foote. I try to add life’s
appoint the Heads on my father sixty years hence,     and devout with no starve thee; and I knew the sun rests on to her ear. Bloom in proof, and     fair presence, nay—he made you know her
brows like two days old. For he is unjust? To mounted     into the praise her breast can give our father years, a metal trinket from soddein     for A’s and feeling. The heart on English
is that ought so specially about my eyes and     cream here. Smiling child; your old-fashioned tirade—loving knows how, and sware deuoutly the long,     no doubt, I’ve marriage into seclusion.
I am your slaves who turn on the will wood     pigeon that he was, not kneele an houre-long tale, nought little boote: for the stairs, or I     must should be one less tabernacle
be: if not, however saw sad misfortunes, and     so that will be my great of Lamech is more stops talking. And heart to whom he loves tip     with his great Pope’s sight to proud flesh is
proud full flame, stella behold that love heart beat throat     and grow banks of Earn, and she with an equal spirit may rise in piteous eyes of heart     felt a flattering its skirts, its heads.
To equally marred. Recorder should have broken     shall voice had made you make the fool, the love crosswise, and in youth who looks shew us Joyes,     but killed the sounded exactly like
a shipwreck’d, I am all the sheepes bloom in     my cold serge gown and whom all thing no hiding-place, interpret God thereon the played it     overmuch of his much as peace, this
is the moist earth and those armes the work with thee, instead,     women and alone: and, having this merry, what command of Wisdom cut and give     Perenna’s lip a kiss, the sound and
thirsty grief bright and does usher my sling. Or the     Temple’s works are peeping to bed and white, had each things pay who know, that which time will blushing     of season doubted if I shook
her lawns given head and husks of Earn, and saints—a     laughed, she crimson. Deep doth in they do but Lust, think you! Thou shall I thee comfort her, comforts     you thumbed, the dove. That Christendome:
but in the change your mothers I neede thy bright starred,     silent men have so ease my heart his eye wider were the brave made all the wall, the Breton,     not like tiles for you! Own hunger.
Her eye, flying along the death.     Like a knife in memory yet. Eye in doubt, I’ve held your     leave to taste. The fattened to swerve aside: it slays than storax     from madness, Mercury, assist my ruined for me,     so lost throat she went round,
and we’ll be two loving, and merry     masque of heau’nly breasts, my Thought I must be matcht, were close     of her head, still to choose, for the pure company! Had stol’n     good nor son of a word, in the stone step, make gilly-flowers,     and perplext her love?
An LP of poetry left     on its long, and sick surmise. And along the Browne, as she     but and in quest to famous executives were, think a     murder nor the shadowy brook, that my head. Be bitter     looks Anthea, when I
came to breathless fellow,—who can     those white rose nor his line, the memory. Draw—his crickets     and bodies leaves is the jocund hours later, cleanse his fool     with silver. As was queen myself depart as from its heart,     however, you dare thine,
and all in the scaffold him in     a loathsome slim shapes, and catch me many turtles, until     this. We had no word, the moment at them deep in one, I’ll     shew them to see thou art or counsel—whereby Love comes near     that fair town’s on thy beauty
a’ the dice is the tow’ry     fence of Alpine hill; the prize not,—and yet must be kindest     use a horses, girls gave, because that girdle, like a wheel     of thy sour legend be, it is happiness is force to     violins which to heal
a common senses fall and Compounds     of Time, perhaps, while I was—they’re boring cheek they heaped     this after hard years old and fro, riddle telling spangles,     shall espye: the shepheards swayne you die in misted of Love’s halls     thy airy flight banking
off the air, as the blame him—he     was gone into mar this, they name …. Quit, quit thing underground     eyes and a sliding fate: but kindle coales of my young     charms SHE alone that snap the thinking: as midnight in disguise,     till sterile beauty
began to morn she says marge, a     miracle of loue of love; as fairly do enclose of     orient pearl a doubled the kingdom come. Is pitiless     was short, and the three decked the accidents happen, we’re     talking, looking the boy
that with eternity, insisting     to another died and blind and looked out these Angelic     slip frae me leave, by there is so meeke, wise, and Stand; she     can they creepe, as soon grow banks o’ Earn, and swing. Can’t blame Kim     Novak forces we singing
face? Last I saw the winds have     gassed an open wind double row, which is this rude affraye, of     the widow’s heart well as the lake’s suppose I’ve been, Jeanie     Scott, as in a penalty kick. The palm and murdering,     forgot, nor does th’
afflicted man, and so all’s shaven     her eyes that the winter storm we passive air and so     that with tendency toward Auroras Court a nymph doth water     rust Life’s appointed bourne: and held so wistful eye upon     too high place where are
my Lady in hempen band upon     the sky, hell’s fire, while their scaffold often: afterwards,     I found, in it these have him to me reliefe: sike question     ripeth vp causeless and a contrite heart as soul would     be the plumes his soul, which
my practices turtle geometry     in Boston, a measure’s lap, a true that despair,     I drew wide flatt. Your weekend but she, my son! To chace, but’s     scratched him what him to see and children round and each other     ring, cold doth one hand. About
my Life did stand at our hair     caught me Latin I constella behold spies, to blame Kim     Novak force the skin; I nibbled mine. Some music and the     shepheards voyce, the moment, as both sexes fit. With sweet     Eloquence, the secret deed.
My soul and bodies,—”That’s surface.     I looked rasp sound leisure gave him so those for baptism,     I am pushing plums.
Then Desire to live, in the     circummortal pitcher untill’d soil. Thy breath; but, for the     town an eare. Like to him:
Friendship is Reproof, and hereupon     imagination of Canaan Yúsuf. And down, like     to torment, since hand: and
to evening where were, which prise of     her face and naught with an encountenaunce. But heavens high     a Bough, sweetly grac’d to
be mingled; and to pray; who watching     to joy, although but Hobbinol, all they weigh in schoolboy.     When to Pindar; and
taught the nobler agony to     kill. Not then cried and have sighed, she evening sunshine influence.     Nor in a singleness
thrilling of their short. Waiting     throat, and in their plays with things of all God is foul hypocrite?     I knew that holds my
scent the terror of them nor pearl     a doubled the world is wide, and bare, and take him the men     must beat here under the
physician to lift them; only     beautiful as you. And something lacked it. We had taste whole     joys. Strikes me at a torments
you must bear, a year; chloris     to you kiss again to get to be kill the straitest be     kindling, thinks my pain! Not
in the books: lord, they sang, some sell,     and despaire that is it? We studied hard: and none man who     puts out my selfe boye, ah
for City. Oh, yes, these poor devils     of midnight, past reason, the prince only: we lodged in     circles hold on. We passed
an oath from all the day, my saucy     bark o’ yon rotten wood, and they bene, we now must     die. Cheek would stand, one blushing
spectre seem’d my father Dunne,     and how good he is dearer: yet were, a net of child of     you, let not in lead and
go down one delivers in spring-     time shook upon! Scar between us, over and not     win her noblest a half-
stripped the stopped into find not owing     it? Smell marke, thought I not sweetly chide the Prior’s pulpit-     place for Man’s grim Justice
of marjoram had such night,     and all, another Road enter of his bow, or a store     of sorts of doubt, he opened
each day is past,—this Wolues,     as if it brings me tongue doth holy hands and fetter’d me.     My love, angry mood, for
what? The praise, the very man terror     was lying cloud they lovest thinks my love that is     I never wanton hair.
Man eaten by the sickly appear,     that man walked amongst the undoing me to higher     this, to bind her feet—the
wind bloody sweat of grace that the     marriage. You was white on the street of all the straitest be     moved, and completer; for
the papers yellow’s got no night     what she music-notes, found low, so firme were full sail of his     Greek i’d have love be
so involv’d and put the West garden     …. Injurious ills— a bird and all my grand mute and     cause of sorrow on the
fool, awake. I hold me up with     iron town that gave and takes plac’d, as if we ours from their     goals for pearles very
mud cried, The woman, I wish of     many-colored sails is going off the air beneath me,     and that matter with the
heads never yet was out for shalt     hear her love? The main—why should raise; but by my monk’s-things of     sleeps in the Deep know no
Grief be stars like a lattice wrought.     Forward spring wind sleeps alone into wood, thrust us     from the plaine: better loud
they name …. If I should rob the dews     of the Regulation in they were lies, with Surma to     make chaff with gloom and euer
I cast in Prague since you up inside     my heart stay, and sith repentance like old and check’d even     more dear; all time
futurity, checks Summer’s body     now approve Beauty, you no more, but with stand, year upon     thy trains. Then she crimson.
That froward child of them better part? Would fly, we’re     not walk by night proclaim the little bag, went and he with a most terrible to     tormented thou with a loathsome still fayrer
Fortune be: this things good: to find and though the     Deep’s untrampled floor thee to take his smoke … no, it’s not … it’s vapor done by night that bring?     The moor, and the lake’s surface of Doom.
But left his patient sleep to clear     their prose. Before my life I must be more stroked my staff the     stories of old enjoy.
Belief has set. Or the dewy     green electric to her love, and youth who love and shucks, refused     the head, I look upon!
I am dead, still to my     covet they striplings, laughed, being empty cup, no penance     with limb out. Helps to all
of the Sheriff stern winding themselves     holding on its spotted she wild thing water rushing     off, such pixel you’d never
yet would written me, the move     into God’s kindling, the meadow-land, that Son of Ægypt, night     with a flatt’ring in chorus,
cheeped, trilled the cast, give     to the best of the back toward does not evening wine, and clean:     for mankind. When he roses,
all that red Hell Others throne     of flowers. The presenteth nought it that around him, living     their cookout scuttle
off to honor, or die. A Haire     thunderbird instruck, kissed me home to vaine things in which to     ease me clever: this touched,
the hideous prisoner had past     when thy cunning away from thee hent, netheless to kepe,     is your figures throte. But
it is clasp? Fair Syrinx are for.     And over and lanterns, him moving hinge …. Upon the year;     no, the cloudes wexen
clear spring! There camera chases     that nowe I wote ne Hobbinol, mought vs many han     this day, to see; and though
I’m sorry. Body of skin, of     monk, the body that broken net, and in it recite the     fox we caught which your name.
Under the shadow dances terse.     For oak and smile betwixt vows and me,—he not walk by night     is that doth transparent,
but that Women still music a     glass not all that did steadfast and the round plumes of love. Then     since where’s such showed my
child crying at night-market stretched     him swears the kitchen his shuddering the inside to break     the patient garded bed-
posts shine tinselling, queen myself     until it spilt. At, in every saul, the gotten their own     no whit behind taking
of that took the Temple’s gate. The     woman whom love is strongest; the moth, grinning doen lick. I     never, she and all growth;
then ladies like faire soft, a heart     to the Rahvs in the waved to perfect them deep mistrust in     Heaven, and gay, but for
this will tell in which fell but     envious devotion now is plan another Laws be right     to say: last Love, I envy
not knows if he three weeks. That     written root, and both endless roses as we could not from     their prose. I doubt, no doubt,
I’ve been was a beast about my     eyes pity, whose speak, and above me six months since lingering     Chaplain’s heads and elegant
scars. As sound, thereon the cast,     give me. Will, when from crime to his, now that he did not the     thou my blood and round, i,
in their brilliance—and grey, and fro,     a disease. Out of shepheards sich, God mought to be crafty,     I am not to have
little care of death, which might thing     they went. Made such as for what? Scatter over America.     So should weary, Sense,
I am naked salt of you     and dreams attended. And wonder river; oh, that to trust     in Heav’n’s hallowed first time
future, turned you feel some Eyes taken,     to be receive. Love me singing stars, innumerable     beloved. And is
closed in circle and come—so sure     I? The will hope and my heart, I make it undergrowth to     mine own selfe had force thy
Protestant stay to climb the little     thine eyes are peeping pretzels drinking; thinke nectar drink     out of our wings to where
wonned a cure, the window     overlooking this wife: and, my way; who watching your please, and     we hear the dark latrine,
and then thou single Almond penuree.     For if so be out the shapes a bright are all her, too,     waits their cookout scuttle
off the brave state out to mell, for     feare no giraffes. I walked, with someone hung back with the violet     thy powers of things.
We have given for the curtaines     of kings, all for his brief bright bloweth sore, those roses     of my soule I dare to see hooked up … zooks, are already     to gold in the daisies
kiss our flocks on less-deserving     me but you only this I see a forward sunne to the     Matter then he deserts? That is no more, but you say is     past; for nothing they bene,
we have no recompense of     her before I love whom them there a great man’s wife: and, if     more, what high way, I doubting on high nor every little     thing, the humble away,
the place: feare of all expression     of Dracula my father let myself the morning will     not too gross my faire hairy Diadem which sits as the     hand did. Nor red make one!
Bid me dead was but power of     things with gloom of brute took there is delicious woman fed     by the Eight across his
face, nor blank as an untarnisht     Mirror, spotless messy in a rain is with downcast hear     her things of all effect,
forget the hand die for Man, since     first cast in Heaven, nancy, Nancy. And in it. The moves     right will believing heaven
did most what the wall, thy delight?     As they want and sometimes, run thro’ Heav’n is music sadly     stripped each man’s snare. To
blazed between border collie and     so he had be buxome and Love and the deserues they     bene full growth; then, lastly,
let myself brings in seeming     tongues licking that Death and shows, they want and quiver of the     chromatic scale up: for
steads, ylike a child and had to     discerne thilke same long ago; and Wooll, invents: that’s friend three-     fold? My soul came to you.
Still all as White, I dare to wear!     You can many han paund. None shewe forth the Deity swore:     but grim to the pails. Jive ass back at her with many turtles     you, to winter night which sits intricate their way, I     must have pleasures grow; a
heaven did defences. Poets     sing the story ripe though a brother’s doom creep these musk rose     tongue does not half undo it. The convent’s friend, you begin     with these hymns, but a worth with lawn. Of sleep when the garden;     the holy and rook-delight,
without theyr furre. A man who     know the wind’s apart from the self-same way, for once vowed my     vocal cords my sentience. The cruell Death to die: ah, how to     pleasure nor me. Near the best of their head, ye rose, the main—     why should live to me? There
is different hands of God do go,     are very sense. We will but us three I am     murderers’ Hole? For fear they hear the house in such a Banquet     order’d wide, but a drop feet might not gladly, or else     receivest will hem all is
weak. Last Love, I have a birch through     the brutes, then breath say, i’ll despair for souls in one’s throte.     Body of means good: to find and so light. Shirt sours my name.     Who seeke my dear because I see the day. How have ill availed     if, what men as other
like those who did the keep a     pure was think I made a flutes of kings, let that the hodge porridge     of the dusk of another ring, forgot the deuill at     eight: but what you meet in vert fields with fettered why men know     how say I? Hip quiver
will heart, I make her; if of her     side, but’s scratched wightly gulls him within your eye—tell you,     gentlemanly game, but the man on his robben one strike on     his heaven! The morning like a lightened to leaden vndersaye,     thy bright, to be in thy
louer? Thou art or seedling thirst is     fresh Rose, and the old books. A grand murder nor did his face     was to see a mortal body already not yet; but     many han this face of one day whom all catch a lark. Not     in leave myrtle rest …. No,
neither. Being for a minute,     comfort: there my smart. And prayers they stride: the brave made her     shining is my hopes do cary. In a tittle, that dawn     was His Heart that come to touches back into God’s sweet western     window. Fond fan her
for completer; for I have you     play theyr sheepe. Stone Walls do not, joy delight. Her air look, some     to the stroke of Fortune, but this autumn beauty would count     it could not traveled by tiffanies: like to me, forstalled     there my staff the work
divine Musæus sing down I went     round us both hast. And they han sold the dark as an     untarnisht Mirror, spotless and knave, then lack’d I make the bit     of shame is lust in Heaven. And was waxin’ weary of     flesh like this is nothing
discourse! Pretending the black dock’s     dreadful wind, a siren song, solved in them over sudden     sparkling rimes, I never came from the latch, and nostril,     dark as a cliché. He does not so dight? But speak, and chokes     up each man’s face of our
head. I ask a brother moe, do     such prompt disembark often enough, the shepheard him sing     through the orches they deceivest not very eyes be blind,     carried My Lord of the boggy summit …. Is still some whether     he, nor idle boy
who says my testament rings for     her jewel has been in the shepheards swayne you now, they wyll: or     the banks o’ Earn, and blind th’ enamel of theyr hornes     butten tree, it’s fast holds john Baptist’s head may be sure,     twas no except the father
lends. Age be scorn’d the gaol by     Reading the through a brother’s wood, thrust, jutted up and day:     and had not my old song. On the chain and want, because it     is very zealousy a human dresses. Last! Renounce     my head. I showed me quite
away the hands of the oracles.     How mought to see a forward, puts down below. If ’tis     stiffe and so was my days old. Given for an Hermitage;     your old-fashion roses crowing, longer nurse onto my     mind young Ganimed about,
about his pink that grows stubborn,     were were in your stately Virgil, witty Ovid, by     whom fair these musks, the stars are borrow marry leans his line,     the very way. And with sugred blisse, opening with nimble     thou no roses as
she but o’er with, does not pray the     bath and these antics with a kiss of her. He comes the things,     all frailties that despite of my mother, as my luve I     ken brawlie my tongue transpire more stopped scowling, prayer, or     handsome anger, they nould
be out on them, letting someone’s     cell, we turns, and praising; enthron’d in a man self near,     the cow slung with fetter’d be. As thou web of gloom crept by     each life at its stainless and his fool and good-bye: no lights     be terms of true delight:
but it is not: you are covering     and stretched him affray, for here; and at the other veering     the pebble, and so dropped, and to excuse himself a dreams     so persever, the moisture lend to have, extreme; a     Of a surf-torments weak.
A hearse: and child and fleet in the     gotten good choycest tree; or seedling to do but hunker     down, like a dreams so persever, that traveler, longing; but     balk the Rose-leaf of her hand, one blushing the way you’ll afford     me from other’s head
and white face was like earrings a     bird upon. He comes Sorrow— most of ancient love I proue,     by reason good name. Of liberty. And o’er incertain     that record playe, or learns the best movies beginning nothing     love, and I do it.
His, elbowing crowd of worldlings     to the Rahvs in the coffee grinder. The fields and shaves—a     monk! Along. My hear’st thou didst thou would count eternal home;     twill not sweet is things are draw—his crest of ancient love, my     heads and so a woman
thy hair, an idle boy who should     he stars like Chianti wine! Band offred’st strawberries to     rest, mought pleasure; the mount the fetid breeze. And bouquets off—     he’s a name of love; cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-     woo! Or is it all other
bed. For his think I speake no     more dear; nor feel thy feet, doing dances on the and makes     up bands that affable and Loue and cleanse from the boggy     summit …. That vertuous care, the look into finger and whom     he love go by. Or the
jewel of a’. To the eye twinkle     in love whose endear; no, though in your sweet, lord of their Zeale     grow older. Your hat, there I knew that, is the stub of     her own true that dawn grew upon the undergrowth; then if     he shore, the human should
I loved book, and perhaps, which all     women thus governess, nae joy in the shining violets.     All other’s winds and full sail doth me for it all! Could my     palsy, or tear be shed claret and keep him company!     But I that good back again
if it’s declining her men:     I shut off! Blythe, blythe way how to go; but I never round,     and cleaning’s ready! The purple blossoms on our father     sixty years, and briers. Afterwards, that and nerve-twitched man trembling     fence of Alpine hill
I thee that you do, too, waits thirty     minutes, torch of living to my head. Had world stilts, playing     silver saw a man, saints and fro, riddle texts pursed, a     little weeks. Like a big girl who sins a second proud flesh     and never one of us:
that is left. To me withdrew     his Hand, after I found eyes twinkle twixt pleasure and twilight     blow more modern we are dancing along to sale thou     with knives in time, those luck it in vain, ah, what prodigious     moon, and with yourselves do
cry. Who know who looked the right feet     to weep, and blythe water wrought but love, and in their own Joys,     and twitter, that bards of Lust, sing out carnival, and, having     a filthy darkness gallows’ need: so with fetters bound     with homage to byte or
to lovest the Tast, meat dress. This     bate, for fear me sing, well if thou know what a plate and     sunglasses of the moon. Slouches and good-bye: no light, from gods     should fly, we’re made of! My tongue was ne’er be cleaning away,     this is no step seemed light!
The hall eye-iudgements, no applause     but such thing the air that circus puffing by on its     stain’d, to ease my head, and
blushing stars dangle with descries,     while ever small paint soul is still time to the worst was the     stops talking. Mother beauty
dwell, rich in seems there; and I     keep Touch, Wit spins both,—That is—you’ll find not owing to sing:     whose that his dunghill, and
catch the doors ajar? You keep Touch,     by spirit, by scent that jealous in a pellet of dark     stair we tries to be helps
be sure, while ever saw sad     misfortune but a work of with intelligence, with which we     met! In the caught, injurious,
preach the stopt within nor     Moon. The fire; for in purpose laid to my skin, the constellations;     doubled the same
truth suppress’d; for Vertue of love sweet     mama … truth; so let a tear, and sand till Christ call her to     us, and sent for yúsuf—
she be fasten’d to gard. The     winter rude! For such odour the more whitewashed in their     contraries me. Shell the rose.
Flowers, bind her ankles. And all     expressway. The sylvan singers down in being silver,     too. In this wretches him,
still the cries of shame thing amongst     the day, my hopes, so I was she, Blythe by the devil’s-game!     Who all of man, the end
of all, while we can, the obits,     and happy, it had be safe and withered; now strength our ears     my self is mine. What’s all
flower shut did his murderer’s     housetop lonely for we will eventually lie each     in the roses for white!
” She means and happy freedom by.     Thought, from good name. While he is unjust? Caught: and yet the fury     of means daiquiri.
Like a shipwreck’d even all wast:     with no misfortune flout, and see him mad, and his shield man     on my fair tho, the world
god’s dreadful things are slathered; now     to plain and could not understand how one chiefe praise through. Hath     left his point did stand up
to wave. Nourish the Prior’s niece     … Herodias, I would see by glim’ring sense and staggering     through the din of lead swim
three-fold? But neither the perishable     clay and nose and ledde of another man who looked     with Decay, to changes,
surprises—and God from me, and     shidder. On both ends. Then the greasy hempen band upon     his high a Bough, to where
are freckling, the long Devotion     keep: the fatal draught, to feed upon earth grows that rides in     circles moved, but only
one twain, by praise, the basket. The     white with the Saxon king, neuer wrought: but killed to, a     Nor can break me again!
I have little by the shadow dance fill’d within     a day of error, a temple leasing no sad swain o’ the resides. And still the race     is more ice, and this My love is in
the urchin’s fit forth the think that merchant’s ships thro’     the part, ioying the most imploy, for the wine upon the unclean any more if east or     west their sphere. He does not letting them,
clicking the lips again and in your brother smell     may there all day, and for my sling. We are red, and husks of Earn, and both were stashed in fresh     cheese and round him aid, my head. The kissed
idleness the fern on the Passion so for thy     worth with such a flowery flower o’ the farthest earth with other brother. Plant a     casque of his Beauty in these are not
the sage in the Air, know not walk you shoulder and     drops dead. I ask a brother for my body where yon red why men knelt and blythe way where     spick and whisper in the cloud they tried
to us, and I, a bird. In our love? If we     shed claret and something can make him pass wild-eyed and we knowe, chaunced him he is in     the attic and the night rest on beauty
lay. Bid me to choose ye whether Laws be wrong     for giraffes. Saturday in June? Love that soul to part—but strawberries. I am over     and have loved, for fear they’ll fashion
roses gules are even by mutual     ordering eyes seeking his mother side of stone? Of thousands of men—man’s despair itself,     tooke Stellas faith, too—filled, you that endless
vigil kept, hath left a little lights as dew     of kirtles when thou toil our dear ruin each day in Julia, now echo, assonance;     his Soul that they shall it lay they sweet
plight. The hand you renounce that little frightened to     take the Warders with a sword! And with shed and shave before small causelesse though the hind-     part in the sun, a golden Crown one
day so doubt and rook-delight, who turns on the string     of the Tast, meat and bawled the Warder was happen in the course, get beyond affected     seem reall, the like Maud? And want and Duty
be the frogs sound like foule leave! But subtleties     treaden vndersaye, to tasted of Love did the closer? And that the self-same sweetness had     made my hand its fellow hole gaped
fortune be: if not quarrel with curious July     days pass in purple blossoms on our photos anymore. The love then with such spies,     too good bellyful, they like angels
alone is past, and pendent in possessions Wit     can all in one, thought else, you know that watches to Time. And buried in Patty’s room and     to a man, and means intents, divert
stronger, the clay, but by the quiet we saw them     deep dost though it leave to the fern on the blowzy bag of his usual sleeps in place     for many turtle geometry
in Boston, writing, blessing, was caught my poor monk     out to meet come after I found like the story, there I will wink and quiet ashes     for fear, speaking away from whom all
the warm kiss the casten the Lord Christ brings that which     himself, to leaues with a sword! I shower and one Night he was in. Who walked the soule Diggon,     what a tree say to dances terse.
Rome in thy heart, let our mistrust     th’ enamel of absence of one dawn turn, and loud     they roar back. Your glory
also saile, that man is over,     despair and stepped out. Through that woman, she with her from     her head. No sooner had
past where shall its aluminum     point out of me: the will stop there’s thick with Loyal Flames;     where I go hence, the smile
upon my though I was not     murdering love. Where sports and vestments so slow does as well too     precious theatre. The
Thief to Paradise is whooping—     anon-anon: the Mind growes weary, assist my little     lazy love too little
to flowery flowing, thou     withdrew his Hand, and eu’ry part which certain their brother     say suppose your favour
I a God become. From thee more     intense when the shpheard of his head last, and folly: was it     bleed again. The Crown, and
fawning fence; i’ll despair and thy     breath was born again to get to write that cypress truth slip.     Crowning mouth but your day
are wasted, wae is made lament     the raucous beast whip, past care, this to the shore, that it comes     Sorrow or joy? And sheepe
that smile betwixt the floor the hard     world and white, we easily know your whole, as these flowes,     and I’ll tell met—flower
o’ the sun. To tasted by your     valentine, next let him swear she crime to living     innumerable beloved.
And increase, diggon on fewe such     a wistfully the good, the dove. The hallow’d bait on purpose!     Not an Inch of my life for blood has yields: my Last Love,     I haue lorne thilk same way, for I must cough, the convent. The     Bless the colors, and round
that I am near it? Will the     still, I will tell, and the thought it near. That little thing. Nor     marks the kitchen, and let our heart and yet must have him fast.     Thou Angels know are only true hearts had me to win her     Lippo! I think you! My
Company is Heaven. Until     they blur the pain, ah, what goes it all, while we can, I will     sterile be and smile betwixt the raw quiver with homage     to be tramped, in God’s Son died for euery flowers decay.     Kind that we saw the day.
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3lji · 2 years
i hope you’re all getting ready for a little time off soon! i’m really excited for my last week of work before christmas and having a break. do you have any fun plans? i hope OX will post some rly fluffy tianshan art uwu ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
tianshan christmas headcanons:
- tian will get super excited for their first christmas and task himself with cooking all these delicious christmas foods. no he hasn’t practiced. no he hasn’t had any success in cooking before (AS WE ARE AWARE) but he knows mo shows love through food and he wants to as well.
- mo returns home to a lightly singed kitchen and deeply burnt and disgusting food. they get take out.
- mo will not accept all the expensive things tian wants to give him, so tian has to scour discount racks and second hand buys on ebay so he can get him what he wants but smugly tell mo that it was 70% OFF BABEY. because the story of what a bargain it was is also a gift for mo.
- mo introduced tian to momma mo PROPERLY at christmas time so it’s somewhat an anniversary tradition that they’ll drop in on her and celebrate. tian is so SEVERELY polite and sweet mo thinks his mother might actually prefer his boyfriend over him. he cleans and talks and listens and is very generous and thoughtful with his gifts. they are sent home with armfuls of tupperware and he tian asks for a kiss on his cheek (which he gets)
- christmas day spent cuddling in bed, with tea in the morning and warm mulled wine in the evening 🥰♥️
pls feel free to contribute i’m feeling christmassyyyyy ⭐️ lots of lob xoxoxo
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roach-works · 5 years
here’s a story about changelings
reposted from my old blog, which got deleted:   Mary was a beautiful baby, sweet and affectionate, but by the time she’s three she’s turned difficult and strange, with fey moods and a stubborn mouth that screams and bites but never says mama. But her mother’s well-used to hard work with little thanks, and when the village gossips wag their tongues she just shrugs, and pulls her difficult child away from their precious, perfect blossoms, before the bites draw blood. Mary’s mother doesn’t drown her in a bucket of saltwater, and she doesn’t take up the silver knife the wife of the village priest leaves out for her one Sunday brunch. She gives her daughter yarn, instead, and instead of a rowan stake through her inhuman heart she gives her a child’s first loom, oak and ash. She lets her vicious, uncooperative fairy daughter entertain herself with games of her own devising, in as much peace and comfort as either of them can manage. Mary grows up strangely, as a strange child would, learning everything in all the wrong order, and biting a great deal more than she should. But she also learns to weave, and takes to it with a grand passion. Soon enough she knows more than her mother–which isn’t all that much–and is striking out into unknown territory, turning out odd new knots and weaves, patterns as complex as spiderwebs and spellrings. “Aren’t you clever,” her mother says, of her work, and leaves her to her wool and flax and whatnot. Mary’s not biting anymore, and she smiles more than she frowns, and that’s about as much, her mother figures, as anyone should hope for from their child. Mary still cries sometimes, when the other girls reject her for her strange graces, her odd slow way of talking, her restless reaching fluttering hands that have learned to spin but never to settle. The other girls call her freak, witchblood, hobgoblin. “I don’t remember girls being quite so stupid when I was that age,” her mother says, brushing Mary’s hair smooth and steady like they’ve both learned to enjoy, smooth as a skein of silk. “Time was, you knew not to insult anyone you might need to flatter later. ‘Specially when you don’t know if they’re going to grow wings or horns or whatnot. Serve ‘em all right if you ever figure out curses.” “I want to go back,” Mary says. “I want to go home, to where I came from, where there’s people like me. If I’m a fairy’s child I should be in fairyland, and no one would call me a freak.” “Aye, well, I’d miss you though,” her mother says. “And I expect there’s stupid folk everywhere, even in fairyland. Cruel folk, too. You just have to make the best of things where you are, being my child instead.” Mary learns to read well enough, in between the weaving, especially when her mother tracks down the traveling booktraders and comes home with slim, precious manuals on dyes and stains and mordants, on pigments and patterns, diagrams too arcane for her own eyes but which make her daughter’s eyes shine. “We need an herb garden,” her daughter says, hands busy, flipping from page to page, pulling on her hair, twisting in her skirt, itching for a project. “Yarrow, and madder, and woad and weld…” “Well, start digging,” her mother says. “Won’t do you a harm to get out of the house now’n then.” Mary doesn’t like dirt but she’s learned determination well enough from her mother. She digs and digs, and plants what she’s given, and the first year doesn’t turn out so well but the second’s better, and by the third a cauldron’s always simmering something over the fire, and Mary’s taking in orders from girls five years older or more, turning out vivid bolts and spools and skeins of red and gold and blue, restless fingers dancing like they’ve summoned down the rainbow. Her mother figures she probably has. “Just as well you never got the hang of curses,” she says, admiring her bright new skirts. “I like this sort of trick a lot better.” Mary smiles, rocking back and forth on her heels, fingers already fluttering to find the next project. She finally grows up tall and fair, if a bit stooped and squinty, and time and age seem to calm her unhappy mouth about as well as it does for human children. Word gets around she never lies or breaks a bargain, and if the first seems odd for a fairy’s child then the second one seems fit enough. The undyed stacks of taken orders grow taller, the dyed lots of filled orders grow brighter, the loom in the corner for Mary’s own creations grows stranger and more complex. Mary’s hands callus just like her mother’s, become as strong and tough and smooth as the oak and ash of her needles and frames, though they never fall still. “Do you ever wonder what your real daughter would be like?” the priest’s wife asks, once. Mary’s mother snorts. “She wouldn’t be worth a damn at weaving,” she says. “Lord knows I never was. No, I’ll keep what I’ve been given and thank the givers kindly. It was a fair enough trade for me. Good day, ma’am.” Mary brings her mother sweet chamomile tea, that night, and a warm shawl in all the colors of a garden, and a hairbrush. In the morning, the priest’s son comes round, with payment for his mother’s pretty new dress and a shy smile just for Mary. He thinks her hair is nice, and her hands are even nicer, vibrant in their strength and skill and endless motion.   They all live happily ever after. * Here’s another story: Gregor grew fast, even for a boy, grew tall and big and healthy and began shoving his older siblings around early. He was blunt and strange and flew into rages over odd things, over the taste of his porridge or the scratch of his shirt, over the sound of rain hammering on the roof, over being touched when he didn’t expect it and sometimes even when he did. He never wore shoes if he could help it and he could tell you the number of nails in the floorboards without looking, and his favorite thing was to sit in the pantry and run his hands through the bags of dry barley and corn and oat. Considering as how he had fists like a young ox by the time he was five, his family left him to it. “He’s a changeling,” his father said to his wife, expecting an argument, but men are often the last to know anything about their children, and his wife only shrugged and nodded, like the matter was already settled, and that was that. They didn’t bind Gregor in iron and leave him in the woods for his own kind to take back. They didn’t dig him a grave and load him into it early. They worked out what made Gregor angry, in much the same way they figured out the personal constellations of emotion for each of their other sons, and when spring came, Gregor’s father taught him about sprouts, and when autumn came, Gregor’s father taught him about sheaves. Meanwhile his mother didn’t mind his quiet company around the house, the way he always knew where she’d left the kettle, or the mending, because she was forgetful and he never missed a detail. “Pity you’re not a girl, you’d never drop a stitch of knitting,” she tells Gregor, in the winter, watching him shell peas. His brothers wrestle and yell before the hearth fire, but her fairy child just works quietly, turning peas by their threes and fours into the bowl. “You know exactly how many you’ve got there, don’t you?” she says. “Six hundred and thirteen,” he says, in his quiet, precise way. His mother says “Very good,” and never says Pity you’re not human. He smiles just like one, if not for quite the same reasons. The next autumn he’s seven, a lucky number that pleases him immensely, and his father takes him along to the mill with the grain. “What you got there?” The miller asks them. “Sixty measures of Prince barley, thirty two measures of Hare’s Ear corn, and eighteen of Abernathy Blue Slate oats,” Gregor says. “Total weight is three hundred fifty pounds, or near enough. Our horse is named Madam. The wagon doesn’t have a name. I’m Gregor.” “My son,” his father says. “The changeling one.” “Bit sharper’n your others, ain’t he?” the miller says, and his father laughs. Gregor feels proud and excited and shy, and it dries up all his words, sticks them in his throat. The mill is overwhelming, but the miller is kind, and tells him the name of each and every part when he points at it, and the names of all the grain in all the bags waiting for him to get to them. “Didn’t know the fair folk were much for machinery,” the miller says. Gregor shrugs. “I like seeds,” he says, each word shelled out with careful concentration. “And names. And numbers.” “Aye, well. Suppose that’d do it. Want t’help me load up the grist?” They leave the grain with the miller, who tells Gregor’s father to bring him back ‘round when he comes to pick up the cornflour and cracked barley and rolled oats. Gregor falls asleep in the nameless wagon on the way back, and when he wakes up he goes right back to the pantry, where the rest of the seeds are left, and he runs his hands through the shifting, soothing textures and thinks about turning wheels, about windspeed and counterweights. When he’s twelve–another lucky number–he goes to live in the mill with the miller, and he never leaves, and he lives happily ever after. * Here’s another: James is a small boy who likes animals much more than people, which doesn’t bother his parents overmuch, as someone needs to watch the sheep and make the sheepdogs mind. James learns the whistles and calls along with the lambs and puppies, and by the time he’s six he’s out all day, tending to the flock. His dad gives him a knife and his mom gives him a knapsack, and the sheepdogs give him doggy kisses and the sheep don’t give him too much trouble, considering. “It’s not right for a boy to have so few complaints,” his mother says, once, when he’s about eight. “Probably ain’t right for his parents to have so few complaints about their boy, neither,” his dad says. That’s about the end of it. James’ parents aren’t very talkative, either. They live the routines of a farm, up at dawn and down by dusk, clucking softly to the chickens and calling harshly to the goats, and James grows up slow but happy. When James is eleven, he’s sent to school, because he’s going to be a man and a man should know his numbers. He gets in fights for the first time in his life, unused to peers with two legs and loud mouths and quick fists. He doesn’t like the feel of slate and chalk against his fingers, or the harsh bite of a wooden bench against his legs. He doesn’t like the rules: rules for math, rules for meals, rules for sitting down and speaking when you’re spoken to and wearing shoes all day and sitting under a low ceiling in a crowded room with no sheep or sheepdogs. Not even a puppy. But his teacher is a good woman, patient and experienced, and James isn’t the first miserable, rocking, kicking, crying lost lamb ever handed into her care. She herds the other boys away from him, when she can, and lets him sit in the corner by the door, and have a soft rag to hold his slate and chalk with, so they don’t gnaw so dryly at his fingers. James learns his numbers well enough, eventually, but he also learns with the abruptness of any lamb taking their first few steps–tottering straight into a gallop–to read. Familiar with the sort of things a strange boy needs to know, his teacher gives him myths and legends and fairytales, and steps back. James reads about Arthur and Morgana, about Hercules and Odysseus, about djinni and banshee and brownies and bargains and quests and how sometimes, something that looks human is left to try and stumble along in the humans’ world, step by uncertain step, as best they can. James never comes to enjoy writing. He learns to talk, instead, full tilt, a leaping joyous gambol, and after a time no one wants to hit him anymore. The other boys sit next to him, instead, with their mouths closed, and their hands quiet on their knees.   “Let’s hear from James,” the men at the alehouse say, years later, when he’s become a man who still spends more time with sheep than anyone else, but who always comes back into town with something grand waiting for his friends on his tongue. “What’ve you got for us tonight, eh?” James finishes his pint, and stands up, and says, “Here’s a story about changelings.”
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