#the absolute tomfoolery
diarythebookwyrm · 2 months
my takeaway from season 4 episode 7 of 9-1-1
Athena: Plan B, I'll send in Bobby. That'll get Michael to think rationally. *ten minutes of episode later as things escalate* Athena: I have miscalculated
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leiahel · 2 years
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lovejongin · 2 years
thank god for germany lmfao
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helpfulhellhounds · 2 years
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they recast the main character???? are you fucking KIDDING me????
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jade-len · 5 months
so today i tricked my very straight male friend into reading svsss.
okay look, i wasn't planning to at first and it's not like it was completely my fault. he wanted to read it!
i was showing him how badly they fucked up mu qingfang in the donghua by comparing it to the english novel design (he said that mu qingfang went from looking like a soft dilf to a predator registered on the epstein island list). and then, i showed him how different some of the other character designs were like gongyi xiao's ("he looks like he'd be a genshin character" -friend, to eng novel design) and luo binghe's ("lowkey, he kinda gives airbender vibes" -friend, to bunhe eng novel design)
so that was all i was gonna show him, nothing else. but after seeing them, he goes, "these designs actually look hella cool. what's the book called?"
now, do i:
A. tell him the name, eventually revealing that it's a danmei when he looks it up?
B. just straight up tell him that it's a danmei?
C: don't tell him the name just yet, spill the summary, get him interested, and tell him to not search anything up about it because there's heavy spoilers and it will reveal them the moment he types it up on the search bar
i go with C, obviously.
me: so, basically, some guy named shen yuan transmigrates into an incel harem male power fantasy novel where the protagonist, luo binghe, has hundreds of wives. thing is though, the guy pretty much took over the body of binghe's teacher he had when he was a teenager, who turns out to be a really scummy dude. and now he has to be nice to him so that the protagonist doesn't rip off his limbs and put him into a pickle pot in the future to suffer for eternity.
friend: that sounds hilarious and horrifying at the same time.
me: yes it is, and you should read it. it's like. my favorite novel at the moment. but don't search up anything about it because people spoil that shit. i'll let you borrow my novel
friend: nah don't worry, i'll just pirate it
friend: wait. does it have pictures?
me, my plan coming together: yeah, it has pictures. buuut, when you pirate it, it doesn't. trust me dude, i tried and was severely disappointed. plus, the physical copy is so much better
friend: fuck yeah ok thanks
me: hold on though. i'll text you later to see if my friend who's borrowing it rn is done reading it
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he's hyped. he's excited. he craves a good book and a good transmigration interpretation. he's especially happy about the fact that it takes place in a chinese setting with cool powers and an actual good main character. "this sounds so good, god i wanna read it so bad."
i tell him that binghe is actually adorable, too. that it's pretty much found family! my friend then asks if shen yuan adopts him and becomes a father figure or something.
and i said "yes". you know, like a liar. (the father figure part probably isn't a lie though)
now i'm gonna give him the novel tomorrow! of course, i'm gonna cover the chapter 2 bunhe sexual awakening scene with washi tape and say that my baby cousin (sorry baby cousin, you would never <\3) scribbled all over that paragraph with her markers, and since i'm a neat book freak, i put washi tape and just wrote the scene! i don't know if that's really all too believable, but he didn't seem to care that much. just a simple "if my baby cousin did that to my book i would punt them into the sun"
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i think what'll be more hilarious is the fact that you can't really tell that svsss is a BL. especially not volume 1. there's like, only a few lines indicating, but if you remove the baby binghe sexual awakening scene then you probably won't be able to know (...if you don't really read romance or anything. idk he's kinda dense anyways). so let's hope he gets attached and has a slow descent into the homo before i drop svsss vol 2 on him!
ok anyways i'll update you guys later with a reblog. maybe in about two or three days lol
(also don't worry, we already fuck around with each other on a daily basis like this. he's already tricked me into reading some manga i was unprepared for, and i thought that it'd be funny to mess around with him using svsss this time lol)
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music-orthemisery · 17 hours
Pre-Folie Release Madness of (p)2- A Timeline
After spending a few days in cuckoo bananas world thanks to the video re: Patrick's best man speech, @grandtreeangel and I have some things to slide across the table.
Between October 19, 2008 and November 7th, 2008, FOB played a series of shows leading up to the release of Folie a Deux. Each show featured a Pete/Patrick banter moment that, when put together, creates a very...interesting narrative.
October 19th - Birmingham, England show
Pete making a Top Gun reference to the $20 bar bet scene while Patrick plays the Top Gun theme song.
The scene in question: "Total carnal knowledge...of a woman this time, on the premises"
October 22nd - London, England show
First live performance of Patrick's "Love Lockdown" cover
Please see @grandtreeangel’s post HERE for more context on this totally normal thing Patrick did.
October 25th - Lille, France show
OG "my little cabbage" moment Pete, in French, says to Patrick, "You are beautiful, my little cabbage."
October 27th OR 28th - Blog post
Pete posts this on his Tumblr . It says 10/27, but there's some disagreement on time zones so it may be 10/28. EITHER WAY...
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Originally, this linked to a clip from the movie Love, Actually. In this scene, a man confesses his love to a woman who is married to his best friend.
There's plenty of debate about this movie, scene, and storyline in general, but we aren't here for that right now!!!
Let's just focus on the facts:
Woman. Married. To BEST FRIEND.
The man was the best man AND the videographer at the wedding.
This whole moment is done secretly. He confesses, they kiss, she goes back inside and tells her husband it was just some carolers.
In general, this whole story arc is ripe with longing and unattainable love due to a marriage keeping the man from being with the woman.
I...wonder what this sounds like...
October 28th - Toronto, Canada show
Love Lockdown cover where Patrick says, "That's for you, Pete."
Again, Patrick being very normal!!!
October 29th - Blog Post
Pete contributes an entry to Bill's "Mondayeyes" poetry club on friendsorenemies.com:
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Credit to @alphadog's post for this HERE
The entire poem is quite impactful, but a few lines of interest:
"Where do you get off?" or more like "how"
"You chose this"
When Pete uses quotes, it's noted that this indicates things that have been said to him.
There are scents and spells that keep us coming together, there are sparks that keep us forever
The art of keeping up disappearances
Also, big hello to some Rat-A-Tat lyrics
Whenever I could make the sweat roll backwards and your pulse stream in reverse
(Big thank you to @dykeandyhurley for sending this to me)
November 6th - Boston, MA show
Pete shares the story about Patrick's best man speech.
Huge props to @predoom for finding this moment!
If you haven't seen Top Gun (?!), the context here is very important:
The line "Ice, fire, or clear," is said in the scene where Goose dies.
Scene: "Ice, Fire or Clear!"
Also, it should be noted that, to Pete, he is Goose and Patrick is Maverick.
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The fact that Patrick picks this quote to say to Pete...in his best man speech...at PETE'S WEDDING. A quote said when Maverick LOSES Goose.
AND...apparently no one else in the reception quite...get's it. Pete is the only one who does. That line was just for Pete. From Patrick.
Of all the lines in that movie, he picks that one, from that moment.
Then, of course...
We have "The Kids Aren't Alright."
Featuring the lyrics:
Stuck in the jet wash Bad trip I couldn't get off And maybe I bit off more than I could chew And overhead of the aqua blue
Along with Pete's annotation:
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November 7th - Philadelphia, PA show
Patrick sings Lullabye.
Take a peek at this post for all of that mess.
"Well, Bronx was about to be born!"
Sure, sure. I'm not DENYING the relevance there. Just. Go look at the post, damn it. Trust me.
And then...?
Nothing. They take a break, Bronx is born, and then they play a show in Columbus, OH on December 1, 2008. This whole little back and forth ends. Folie a Deux is released on December 10th and...well...we all know what happens after that.
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latenightsundayblues · 11 months
A little sketch of their halloween party. I firmly believe billy would adore patrick bateman and be so annoying about it. He'd try to recreate his speech patterns and get irrationally angry when people (stu) called him gay because of the skincare routine for a big chunk of his teenage years until he came to his senses and realized it was pretty cringy.
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Billy usually keeps to himself at big parties like these, but in this one, a good amount of their classmates were particularly impressed by the realism of the fake blood on his costume. He was proud of it too, but unfortunately needed to shed the coat off in the bathroom after a while. The metallic smell was starting to get people suspicious. He just hoped no drunk teenager would stumble into the basement and open the big chest they had sitting hidden in the corner. How much time does it take for rot to eat through leather? If Billy and Stu were lucky, not enough to tick anyone off for the night.
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agentstovring · 9 months
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Vanity Fair // Stray Kids Test How Well They Know Each Other
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snackugaki · 2 years
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... y’all gonna look at my tags is2g
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pinktrashgoblin · 11 months
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Blixer Fight Club, ya I added as many as I could. Please don’t feel bad if yours didn’t make it, I added as many as I could!
Idea from @nyazhi , thanks!
(if I forgot to tag you, please let me know!)
And now, go give the original artists all your love!
@jsab-jubs (I love ur design sm a-)
And by demand of the server, including cameos by Dub (Pink Corruption) and the design belonging to @afrothunderxx96 !
(and mine, but you’re not here for him, are you?)
Anyways, this was loads of fun to work on, even at the expense of my hands. Hope you all like it too!
(no, im not going to be doing something like this again any time soon, wanna work on asks and the comic.)
anyways, if you wanna join the Discord, DM me for an invite!
Again, MASSIVE props to the original artists and all their wonderful designs, go show them your love!
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vigilant-insomniac · 2 months
Danny Phantom prompt:
Ghosts are as you'd expect them to be: invisible.
This extends to Danny as Phantom as well- Only that in every ghost story there is someone who "sees dead people".
Good (or maybe "too bad") for Danny, that person seems to not believe in ghosts and writes him off as a stress hallucination.
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cry-ptidd · 8 months
Ok so u know how predatory pets bring live prey animals into the house. Do Laura or Alucard do that to Integra at the estate while she's trying to meet with people over serious business?
(Yes, this is inspired by a true story. No, I have not yet found where the chipmunk ran.)
Now i doubt they would bring LIVE prey because these two are killing machines and they both get scolded if they spook the guests too bad, but they absolutely do that thing where a cat brings its owner a dead mouse. Except instead of a mouse it’s a still-pulsating pile of gore and viscera and they plop it on integra’s nice carpet
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You know how being bullied in some shape or form for his visible oddity is basically integral to Tails' character and how that becomes a thing of the past once he meets Sonic yea
But putting the Dreamtale spin on it, and having the brothers together since day one it would negate that. Tails takes the hits and lies because Sonic has other things given to him to worry about and the last thing Tails wants is to be a burden in a seemingly inescapable situation that puts enough toll on his big brother as is
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♫Y-Dan♫ ♫Y-Dan♫ ♫Chin-chin♫ ♫Chin-chin♫
Hinaichi is here to grab the nyasty man by the scruff and drag him away from the premises
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lunatic-pudge · 4 months
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the duo we didn't know we needed but the one we deserved
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