#that overturning of death
ew-selfish-art · 10 months
Dp x Dc AU: Tim doesn’t rest, not even in Death.
It’s a heart attack that gets him, well, that and the insane amount of fear toxin flooding his system. He was dead for a full three minutes before he watches (how was he watching?) his eldest brother get his heart going again and get his unconscious body to the cave. Alfred gets him onto bat-life support and Leslie looks gravely at his family after she’s done her best to heal him. They decide to keep trying, they don’t want to believe he’s gone.
Tim watches in fury. He’s more useful than this, he’s not just going to die and let the family mourn him! Tim sets to work trying to understand what’s happened to him and he realizes he must be a ghost. Therefore, if he wants to understand ghosts he needs to go where ghosts are, and thankfully he just read a JLD doc saying to avoid Amity Park at all costs.
It’s takes him a second to get used to flying at full speed, but he finds himself surrounded by strange people in a strange town and… he notices himself becoming more visible. He’s able to interact with more and more objects, he even picked up a pencil! Poltergeist is a step forward in his plan, Tim accepts this change of pace.
Then Tim meets Danny, a normal human kid who looks like he could be brought into the manor and given a cape, who looks straight at him.
“Wait, who are you? You didn’t die in Amity did you?”
“No, I died in Gotham. I came here to understand how I’m a ghost and how I can get back to my dying body. I just need a few answers.” Tim explains, and notices that his voice isn’t his own, like it’s a different language entirely that comes out.
“Well, uh, I dunno about going back to your body but it’s not safe for you to be here. The GIW are looking for lost souls like you that people won’t notice go missing. So get back to your family and find peace. Im sorry but that’s really the best advice I have.” Danny answers.
Tim begs him for answers on the GIW. Begs him for any answers at all. Danny shrugs him off each time, tell him that he’s just a ghost and he needs to move on before he gets hurt or becomes a problem.
Tim decides if he’s a problem, he’ll probably get more answers.
Soon enough, he’s stepping into the end of a battle where Phantom is getting Skulker into a thermos, and demands answers, and if not answers help.
They brawl, and Tim’s training as Red Robin gets him farther than a lot of ghosts. And then, when he knows he’s beat and he’s about to share thermos space with the robot jackass (who he can interrogate and then build his own robot) Tim realizes something.
“You’re still alive, aren’t you? You’re Danny, black hair and blue eyes.” Tim says and suddenly Phantom is as still as the dead despite the accusation.
“How the fuck- dude. Okay, you know what? Fine. Lets go talk, you’re clearly not giving up and I need you to never say that shit out loud ever again.”
Because blackmail works in life for Tim, blackmail also apparently works in death.
He’s given all of the info they have on the GIW, he’s introduced to ghost technology and how it works with ectoplasm. He’s told about the portal (although they refuse to sneak him into the house to see it- he can handle a few lasers, ugh) and he’s told about the general sequence of events in Danny’s life/death.
And then Tim is suddenly back in his body in Gotham.
The family found a way to bring him back and he’s 100% alive, no longer ghostly, but he retained all his memories.
“We have a war against the government to start” are not the first words his family expected to hear from Tim post death.
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someweirdoreblogger · 11 months
Hades falls far in love with a simple mortal,
who watches them die over and over again only to reincarnate the same cycle immediately after because Hades is too selfish to allow them to properly cross over to Helheim.
Not yet. This can't be accepted just yet, not so early. Hades is fully aware of the consequences of holding off their end cycle. Some turned insane. And others just completely and utterly destroyed themselves. The mortal body can only handle so much before falling apart.
Hades is the godly ruler of the land of death, a king of his duty, proud of his conquest. Of course, Hades bewares the toll.
(What god of death isn't?)
But it won't matter in the long run. Hades orders is an absolution no one dares defy.
Not yet.
The growing weight on his heart's soul will only become more unbearable, heavier, and susceptible to interference. Awakening far earlier than natural reincarnation, no reincarnated human in Helheim history ever walked the mortal plane so many times in such short spams of life.
The world kills them faster and faster every time, further spiteful by the unfortunate second.
The Valkyires are pestering him, merciless in their ruthless onslaught of words that one of the Big 3 instead prefers to prolong the suffering of an unlucky mortal then allow them peace of mind in Asphodel. And Hades doesn't blame them for their anger, he deserves such scolding and expected their inevitable visit in hopes to understand what the hell Hades is pulling. Or in this case, ignoring to pull.
Death nutures at his hands, countless demons flee at the very glance of their god. The netherowlrd exists for a reason, and Hades knows the value and importance of the balance. The Valkyires are just doing their jobs, as heavy and demanding it is, and Hades of all people-outright refuses them guidance of your soul, the very task their were made for.
And Hades promises them, the very least he can do for now, even offers to write it in ichor-that once the time comes, you will know the long awaited threshold.
But not yet.
Not this time, Hades isn't ready, nothing is ready just yet.
Not this one, not yet.
Not yet.
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licantropa · 26 days
a characters name foreshadowing not only their death but how they meet their end, is so cool actually.
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bookwyrminspiration · 7 months
the overturning of the law of daynos was kind of overshadowed by the complete clusterfuck (positive) that was book 3's ending, but can we back it up a second. they overturned the law of daynos. they didn't even really believe in overturning it, they just needed it to work one specific personal thing out. but that has massive ramifications. they showed up, decimated the current vané social structure and then left. can you imagine all the problems they left behind my god
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geddyqueer · 7 months
He has never married, says he is a tantric sex expert and considers his five Bullmastiff dogs, cloned from a past pet, his "four-legged children."
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LMAOOO yuuji being a jealous little boyfriend (or best friend just to appease the non shippers ) is so funny to me. like imagine the chaos. gojo would totally fuel the flames just to see yuuji suffer over his mutual pining.
like imagine he just come across megumi summoning his dogs for yuuta bc he notices yuuta feeling down & yuuji just being so appalled bc THOSE ARE HIS GOOD DOGGIES & those dogs look like it loves yuuta more than megumi (but it’s okay yuuji is the rabbits favorite…probably.)
Yuuta: fushiguro you forgot your phone in my room
Megumi: thanks okkotsu senpai
Yuuji: *glaring daggers at him*
Nobara: What
Yuuji: Fushiguro is what I call him
Nobara: It’s his fucking name
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mythicalcoolkid · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every time I had to watch "I can't believe they're doing this!! This is heinous, who could have seen this coming?! <thing a minority group repeatedly and explicitly said would happen if x other thing went unchallenged>" I could afford to live somewhere with fewer human rights violations
#m/cc#negative#'transition and abortion restrictions I understand but criminalizing transition and overturning Roe v Wade?!'#'and NOW talking about overturning gay marriage?! and interracial marriage??'#woah maybe if you'd listened to the trans people who said heavy transition restrictions were setting a dangerous precedent on#bodily autonomy and LGBTQ rights you could've maybe made a plan for what to do if these things were proposed#this is also specifically about everyone shocked and horrified that medically assisted death is being pushed on people with depression#WE TOLD YOU THIS. WE TOLD YOU EVERY TIME THAT IT WON'T BE USED ALL IN GOOD FAITH#DISABLED PEOPLE HAVE BEEN SAYING THIS FOR DECADES. YOU HAVEN'T BEEN LISTENING#THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS when you ignore disabled people's warnings about eugenics because you're not disabled#EVENTUALLY IT WILL EFFECT YOU#and you will be shocked every time!!#eugenics will not stop at the smaller subgroup you aren't part of. it's the testing ground for tolerance#you think they're really like 'oh trans people are gross but gay people are a-ok' or 'the person who's terminally ill deserves to die (!!)#but certainly not the person with painful cancer treatment#or permanent disability#or chronic illness#or serious long term mental health problems#or intellectual or cognitive disability#those people OBVIOUSLY can find quality of life still. it's ONLY these specific people that should be offered death as a solution'#I'm just exhausted. I feel like my voice is hoarse from screaming about this. conservatives do not see a difference between#killing a future baby via 'sterilizing' HRT or surgery and abortion or birth control#or gay people vs trans people as a risk to children#ableists see 'no possible quality of life' in both constant unbearable physical agony without ease and in treatment resistant depression#no difference between the prototypical Right to Die patient and someone who can absolutely have high quality of life#and with the last one any US people who didn't see this coming have never dealt with the US healthcare system long-term#when I took my medical and healthcare ethics course I was So uncomfortable because it was. so clearly written by someone not a part of it#'hospitals would never WANT someone to use euthanasia.' I can think of five reasons off the top of my head for why they would#politics#current events
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teatitty · 7 months
Spoilers for later I guess but in retrospect this is an incredibly funny sentence considering Shinigami are all people who offed themselves when they were human
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feenyxblue · 8 months
Learning about prosecutorial immunity like genuinely, how do any lawyers go to sleep at night
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van-del · 2 years
Making a running mental list of people who are very clearly students of their craft. Thus far it’s Beyoncé, Amaury Guichon and Gege Akutami
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itskatastrophe-x · 2 years
It's hard to take a breath when dying to survive
The truth is all around, just read between the crimes
Our coffin's rent to own, we're swinging from a rope
The symptoms of control, if undiagnosed, are doomed to explode
Red, White & Boom - Motionless In White
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What happened yesterday is a fucking nightmare. We regressed 50 years and people AFAB are rightfully pissed. This not only puts women at risk when pregnancies become deadly, but it also strips women of their right to vote if caught and charged for abortion. This puts more children in foster care, and more women will experience mental snaps after they give birth. The world is unsafe and unfair, why force another child to be born and grow up in a collapsing society?
We need a change. Peaceful protests only do so much. Do not be silenced. Do not stay quiet. Scream for the women about to lose their lives. Scream for the ones that will go to jail for prioritising themselves. Scream for the world to change.
I have bo doubt in my mind that LGBTQ+ will be next. It's already started, anyway, but I believe this was the push that politicians needed. Please stay safe friends. If anyone needs anything, my dms are always open. Learn and educate yourself on resources available and donate anything you can to the places still allowing abortions.
We will not be silenced. We are the revolution.
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luwupercal · 2 years
thinking about... Zero Pharaoh as a necrons or even specifically twice dead king song... i know its cliche reinforcing the theme but the lyrics r genuinely fitting
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kirnet · 2 years
valkryia 4, for all of its flaws, did definitely get better as it went on (well, it got better, then way worse, then a lil better), and there were some moments that actually really shocked me and got me invested, especially when it came to kai and raz. and it improved upon a lot of gameplay elements from 1, so i’ll give it that.
however, as decent as the ending was, i just cant get into it the same way as 1. 1 ends with welkin and alicia married with a kid, yadda yadda, but the ending 1) promised change for the future and a shift in society to combat long-standing racism and bias within that society, and 2) was earned, with welkin’s brains and alicia’s abilities directly responsible for every victory. Gallia beat the Empire bc all of the characters were actively working towards that goal at all times.
but in valk 4, after half of the game is spent heading towards the capital of the empire to deploy a nuke, after the characters struggle and eventually decide that they have to detonate a nuke to end the war, right as claude is about to push the button... miraculously a ceasefire is called. the war just fuckin ends out of nowhere.
and claude reacts accordingly! he’s pissed that it took up until this horrible moment for this to happen, and i didn’t WANT him to detonate a nuke, but like... what was the point? what did this whole stunt accomplish? the ceasefire was called independently of his actions.
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Dang July really decided to ramp it up this year huh
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erinlbowe · 2 years
4th of July, 2022
Bitter is the woman, who is told she is free, for freedom has lost its meaning in this country.
Free is a word without loyalty, without feeling – it comes out halting on the tongue and falls in a dark, disappearing smokescreen to the ground. It will mean something else tomorrow. And again it will mean the opposite the next day. On and on we are crushed with the trampling shouts of a country that opens our mouths and shoves down our throats a pill coated with that bitter lie: you are free. Thank God you live in such a country as this that you are free. Thank us that you are free. Worship us that you are free.
And so many celebrate. So many cheer. When they know, they know that not all are free.
Not all are free.
Children light the sparklers in the yard to commemorate our country won with grit and blood and death.
With the light of freedom gone out once more, we shall call on them – on all – to rekindle the savagery that once overthrew tyranny and shed blood in the name of liberty.
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aestariiwilderness · 2 years
My faith has never been and never will be in the Supreme Court or in any group of people; all the same, never let anyone tell you that honest prayer doesn't do anything, that working to end abortions (infanticide, call it what it is, y'all) through the law doesn't work, and that the efforts of people and groups working tirelessly to save lives by donating, raising awareness, going undercover, and sharing the truth don't matter. THIS IS PROOF. It does matter. Change was effected. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been saved, are being saved, will be saved - just from this. When someone tells you that what you say and do doesn't matter - that evil will happen anyway and you shouldn't bother trying to stop it - it's a lie from the pit of hell. Don't stop.
And read this opinion while you're at it. 6-3 overturning Roe v. Wade. Not a fringe decision, not a close decision, not a political decision. And gold. Read it just for the sheer amount of polite BURN happening.
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