#that i was 14 and he was 30.....especially the things he initiated
the-devils-keeper · 8 months
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krukel · 5 months
After @seokoilua posted about the My Life, My Music interview (a while ago, this post is partially from my drafts!) I went to relisten to it. And in general it is a very fun interview with a lot of insightful moments about their creation process (Ne Bi Smel in particular) and the mixing process for example. Their voices in general are very soft (in tone, not volume) especially when talking to each other and the vibe is 🥰 I wanted to highlights some of my favourite moments because I want more people to know about them:
2:35 - They talk a bit about doing many concerts in a row and Kris says: "At one point in the summer we had four consecutive days of concerts and the fourth day was already the wors-" (gets cut of by Bojan). Knowing they have now done 7 concerts in 6 days during the nordic tour this is a little funny and a little sad to hear :(
3:59 - Not necessarily a moment but the first song (chosen by Bojan) is Ni Panike by Masayah and I think more people should go listen to Masayah so I'm including it >:)
14:30 - Ne Bi Smel was first called "burning room" and, quoting Bojan, "it couldn't have been more of an Ed Sheeran song." It sounds like the rest was not initially impressed: "and when I brought it to the rehearsal room the boys were like, yeah, hm, yeah no. and I think Jure just started banging on the drums and the guys took on the guitars and started playing some riff."
15:35 - The host asks a question about something they said somewhere else and Bojan and Kris argue a bit about who said that in the first place. It's very cute and my favourite moment is Bojan whispering at the end "I don't think so" because of course he needs to get last word in
21:34 - Hater!Kris returns because apparently he sends "not to appealing" songs to the groupchat?
Kris (about Jet Black Diamonds): The first time that we heard them it was their first single Retro Anorak, and I remember sending over the video to the guys in the group chat and I was like "oh, this is interesting," because usually I send some really… not too- Host: Obscure Kris: No no. Not too appealing Slovenian songs, because- Bojan: Yeah, Kris does that Kris: to be honest there's loads of them and I keep kinda getting them recommended somehow on Facebook or I dunno, it's like a positive feedback loop
Honestly the most surprising thing to me about this is that in the year of our lord 2022 Kris still used Facebook actively enough to stumble across things like that
23:56 - Kris talks about forming Buržoazija and how his guitar instructor recommended Jan: "Jan at that point was really like- I didn't really understand what he was about, he was like an introverted guy, really, also listening to a lot of metal and I was like "okaaay? I guess we'll try?" and then we started to practice and really got along."
25:45 - Luka (Apokalipsa's guitar player) and Martin already knew how to play and Bojan didn't and that's how they decided that he should sing. Also their first performance (also up on youtube, baby Bojči is very cute) was two (2!!) weeks after they started practising together
28:49 - About creating outside of Slovenia
Host: Is there something specific that you haven't yet done that you are desperately keen to do, or is this gonna gently evolve? Bojan: I dunno about the desperately want to do, I guess one thing we "truly desperately want to do" is go out of Slovenia to create. To try a new space. So go to a studio somewhere outside of our borders and see if the mindflow is different there. That is the only thing I can think of right now. Maybe Kris has- Kris: In addition to that, I really wanna see us tour anywhere, anywhere outside of Slovenia" Host: You are beginning to get to the audience already a little bit, […], you can find opportunities Kris: Yes, yes, we are, don't worry about it. We just don't want to talk to much about it yet Bojan: Let's say we're gonna have another interview next year and we're gonna have so much to talk about
This was before Hamburg where they created Carpe Diem and before London and honestly I'm glad they're getting to experience that Erasmus+/semester abroad experience because it's something they really wanted to do and they seem to be enjoying it a lot
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This meme and this excuse using in many Steve Rogers bashing fanfic. This is when Steve and Tony argue about Wanda in civil war, Steve called wand kid. The well in years later Wanda gone crazy *cough*MOM* cough*. Yeah many mocking Steve because of that.
But when Steve called Wanda kid , he not meant actually a child or minir, he called her kid like saying 'she is young don't to hard on her ' also Steve is like 100 and Wanda sin civil war like 20s early and of course in his eyes Wanda is 'a kid' but of course he aware Wanda is not minor
Ironically in same film Tony literally brought a minor in battlefield 14 years old boy got blackmailed by 40s adult to fight for him, and worse of it the actual kid didn't know why he was there in first place. And yet no one mocked Tony because of that.
I feel it's kind sexist in some way (well in my eyes) or who is they brought. I meant Wanda is well villain' and Peter is hero, so in some fans it's okey Peter is 14 getting blackmailed to be inside battlefield and Wanda is 20s villain', she always wrong don't give her excuse.
Wow, hypocrite much?
I get the feeling a lot of the people complaining about the "kid" thing are kids themselves. Because I remember in my 20's I didn't understand it either, but now that I'm in my 30's I definitely do call the 20-somethings "kids" sometimes. It's just something that happens with age.
Also, they're judging one scene where Steve calls her a kid but they're ignoring the previous scene in the movie where he goes to her room to have a chat with her and comfort her. (This gives me a great excuse to share this picture. I love it. 😍)
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He had taken the big brother role with her and from what he says during the initial battle (that they had been training together), it makes sense he's protective over her like a big brother would over his little sister. Hell, he's the only one we see actually going to speak with her after Lagos, nobody else does.
But you bring up a good point with Peter. He's younger than Wanda but they're both inexperienced and among the youngest in the Avengers (I refuse to buy WandaVision's claim that Wanda was born in 1989. She's not only two years younger than me, no freaking way), are they really surprised that Steve, a guy who is in his 30's for most of his time in the MCU and spent his entire childhood/teenage years being protected by Bucky, wouldn't feel overprotective over the youngest ones? Really? Especially when he was one of the first or... the first to trust in both Wanda and Pietro? Come on.
But yeah, him calling her a kid is awful. Even worse than recruiting a 14-year old to a battle with enhanced and armed adults in a foreign country. Sure, sure... 🙄
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lemonhemlock · 6 months
I'm a 'Martin won't ever publish another ASOIAF book' truther but in addition to King Bran being profoundly idiotic, Martin has major structural issues that are now too 'big' to 'fix' imo. Namely, the ages of the characters are ridiculous and are all wrong for where their arcs need to go. The characters on the show were aged up and even the younger ones grew up on screen so Bran and Sansa and Arya were at least into late teens/adulthood at the end of the show - one is 13 and other is currently 11 and Bran is like, what, 8 in books? sksksksksk Just absolutely disastrous.
The characters should have been in their mid to late teens at the start of AGOT, at minimum. Especially because Martin essentially treated them, and has them act, like adults. I'm sorry, but I don't think that man has any understanding between the mental and physical developmental differences between, say, a 14 year old girl and a 17 year old girl. Every character appears and acts like they are anywhere from 3 to 5 years older than they are.
Also, the POV structure, while interesting, has also been disastrous in actually getting the story moving because certain characters have to be in certain places for things to happen while others are just sitting around killing time.
Hmmm, I don't really agree about the POV structure. It functioned fine for three books and offered compelling court drama, battles, magical elements and intriguing plot-twists. AGOT / ACOK / ASOS are pretty well paced and I've even seen someone making the case that the series could even have ended in that point and would have been one of the best fictional fantasy experiments. I found myself agreeing and disagreeing. I think the ASOS ending would have still distinguished ASOIAF from other fantasy series in its toppling of the good-guys-win-everything type of wrap-up, but it would be way less ambitious than what GRRM ended up pursuing.
The pacing problems came about with AFFC/ADWD. And I'm not one to talk here, because I'm an AFFC truther and it's always been my favourite of the series, so my two cents on this is that Dany's Slaver's Bay plotline is too damn long. Tyrion is also taking too damn long to get to her. It's a drag. In the book she is supposed to solve the Quaithe riddle,* escape Vaes Dothrak, get herself an army + navy, make the decision to leave Slaver's Bay AND sail to Westeros, so that in TWOW she can fight Young Gryff, face-off the Others, become a mask-off tyrant AND get deposed? It's a lot.
I honestly think he should just give up the 7 book compartmentation, admit defeat and just add another damn book to the series to get Dany to Westeros and fit in his fAegon plotline. It's not like he doesn't have the pages. No one's gonna care if there are 8 books instead of magic no 7. But my guess is that he's hung up over some decisions he's made in the past and kept trying to make the gargantuan plot fit inside this neat box he envisioned - 7 books, King Bran, Caesar!Jon etc. It would explain why he tried a time skip between ASOS and AFFC and had to scrap it - it would make more sense for the Stark children to be older. But he characterized himself as a gardener-style writing who doesn't plan everything in advance and lets the story grow organically. In that case, he should make allowances if the story grew in a direction he did not initially predict and make the required changes! Maybe King Bran made sense when he first wrote the initial three-book outline, but that was a long time ago & many other plot points changed.
My advice is to just stop trying to make the plot fit the previous designs, stay true to the way the characters evolved and respect the themes you've painstakingly developed over the course of nearly 30 years. Otherwise what's the point? If your original ending doesn't fit anymore, think of another ending ffs. The show is irrelevant at this point, so what if the endgame will be different? IDK, I'd be thinking that this is my life's work and I have every right to do it justice. Perhaps that's what he's thinking too and why it's taking him so long.
I agree that the ages of the characters are ridiculous, but if a time skip really, really can't fit anywhere, it's better to compromise on the age issue and leave off with a teen monarch than it would be to impose a surveillance state in Westeros as the solution with all-seeing, all-knowing Bran. That's a starkly dystopic ending, if you ask me.
Not to mention that it clashes directly with the end of magic - how is Bran supposed to be the Tree of Sauron if there's no magic anymore and everything goes back to normal? On what basis does he even get to be king at all if he's just a regular boy? How will he even survive being pulled out of the weirwood net if magic leaves the realm of men?
*“To go north, you must journey south. To reach the west, you must go east. To go forward you must go back, and to touch the light you must pass beneath the shadow.” JFC, if Dany has to get to Asshai, I will fucking scream.
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fellow-traveller · 1 year
I actually already wrote a lengthy review of CDDH Chapter 14, but somehow my cat managed to press the back button and I lost 30 minutes worth of writing.
Anyway, under the cut, just in case it’s a spoiler to someone.
I’m probably just going to cover more on Hol Horse’s part than Josuke’s. I think a lot of fans would talk about Josuke more than Hol, so, yeah.
Small take on Josuke’s fight with Karaiya: I guess my favourite part is Crazy Diamond doing the rush. I love that Stand, and it’s very satisfying to see it in action. That said...I can’t shake the feeling that the way Karaiya was defeated is like...it’s still not over yet?
I mean, obviously, we still have Hol Horse and Ryoko’s story ongoing, maybe Boingo’s as well, but what I meant was...I feel like there might be another villain coming up. I tried to think who, if that’s the case. One of the surviving Dio agents? The actual person who stole Petsounds and set it free to rampage in Morioh? Either way, a new villain is always good. As long as it prolongs the story.
Alright, onto Hol Horse’s part!
Cowboy is a caring dad in CDDH, a handsome lad in SDC. We’ve established that. ♥
I think I’d prefer to talk about the tarot cards, because with just...two pages of Hol and Devo’s interactions, you can kinda learn a lot about their personalities.
Anyway, disclaimer: I’m not an expert in the Major Arcana, but good thing I like to read, so whatever I said here may not be accurate to the tarot itself and Araki’s initial intentions as to why he used it for his characters. I’m just sharing with what limited understanding I have of it.
That said, I have a hunch that for villains, Araki used the reversed version of their tarot cards.
When upright, Emperor signifies Structure, Authority, Rules, Stability and A Father Figure. Which, is basically Hol Horse when he’s not being a villain. From the point he chose to run away, these upright traits surfaced. We saw rules and stability in the way he chose to not put himself in obvious danger and in fights he cannot win, under his own rule of being number 2. We saw structure and authority when he chose to fight Dio in full confidence of his abilities. We saw the father figure with the way he treated Boingo, albeit in an unconventional way. And of course, in the CDDH chapters whenever he interacted with people younger than him.
However, reversed Emperor signifies Frustration, Helplessness, Abuse of Power, Immaturity, and Narcissism. Which is what he is as a villain, from the eyes of the heroes. These traits are also his downfall eventually. Hence why Emperor fits Hol.
Enya mentioned that she thought Emperor fits her son J.Geil better, but it actually didn’t? J. Geil was already a villain through and through, so he’s not destined to have upright traits. Even if he wasn’t an outright vile person, Emperor’s upright traits still doesn’t suit him, especially on the Father Figure, Rules and Stability. It’s not J. Geil’s character.
But, because reversed Emperor is a literal mirror to reversed Hanged Man, the latter card was given to J. Geil. With the added trait of impulsiveness and bearing the consequences of it. Which is why he’s dead by the end of his arc, in the hands of Polnareff.
(also, Emperor and Hanged Man being “mirrors” of each other is the reason why Hol and J.Geil were partners, and possibly why they both use mirrored surfaces to work together and defeat their enemies)
Meanwhile, Hol Horse mentioned that he would prefer to have The Lovers card, if he could call the shots. Like Devo assuming Hol’s strong principles of “getting out before it gets worse” that saved him from being in dangerous situations is unfitting of an Emperor, Hol Horse possibly assumed that, since he’s a self-proclaimed womaniser, the Lovers just sounds right for him.
But it’s not.
Reversed Lovers bears strongly on Jealousy, Disbalance, One-sidedness and Disharmony. Which is not something a cowboy with the ability to control his Stand’s bullets with pinpoint precision would have in character. And obviously jealousy is not something Hol feels, given all the lovers he had and left behind. Steely Dan, being a sadistic bully he is, seemed more fitting to those traits.
Also, a small take on Devo’s reversed Devil – Gratification, Manipulation, Independence, Reclaiming Power and Detachment. The traits somewhat explains how his Stand works, and to an extent, his personality too. He worked alone with the utmost confidence, he found satisfaction in terrorising even his coworkers, and he’s just...a master in manipulating emotions. The Devil fits him perfectly.
All these. Just from two pages.
Araki is one thing, but Kadono sure knows how to write these minor characters and make them part of CDDH flawlessly.
All in all, I’m happy to see more Hol Horse in this chapter. Although it’s nearing the part that Ryoko is gonna shoot him... ;-;
Again, a testament to his supreme agility, wow. He managed to grab on that ledge within seconds of being knocked back. Amazing. Hol really doesn’t act his age.
Also, dammit, Ryoko, calm down a bit on Kakyoin. The cowboy literally saw him dead on the water tank. Seeing a young schoolboy being brutally holed like that is bound to be traumatic, even for a seasoned assassin like him, more so for a man with a fatherly trait embedded within his very being.
Anyway, I hope he’ll be alright. Josuke, Boingo, save your temporary dad pls...
Also, I think I should thank WNMY for the translation. I read somewhere that some readers don’t really like the way the dialogues were written, but my personally opinion, as someone who can read raw Japanese manga, it’s alright. They sound more like conversation flows, and if it’s a literal translation, it would sound rigid. Unless you know how to read with the expressionism of how the Japanese speak. But how does one translate accents and tones anyway?
Can’t wait for Chapter 15! (and maybe Volume 3? ♥)
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joanna-lannister · 4 months
Lannincest even numbers for the OTP meme if they are not too many 🥰❤️
Thank you Giulia! 🥰❤️
2. Big spoon/Little spoon?
Jaime is the big spoon and Cersei the little spoon.
4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
Dancing! Cersei used to do ballet, and she still loves dancing so they are often dancing. Also, Jaime loves to watch Cersei cooking.
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
Cersei loves Jaime's eyes, how it reflects in hers and how they show the love he has for her. And even if she is the most protective of the two, she also loves how defensive he is over her and their little family. As for Jaime, he loves Cersei's smile and laugh. He would do anything to hear her laugh, even putting himself in danger. He also admires her resilience and how strong she is.
8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
They call each other "my love". It comes from Joanna who used to call them that way.
10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Jaime can't usually remember shit, but when it comes to Cersei, he always remember what she orders and her favorite restaurants so Jaime.
12. Who initiates kisses?
Both initiate kisses, but most likely Jaime. Cersei initiates kisses in private tho.
14. Who kisses the hardest?
Cersei, and she loves to bite.
16. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Jaime. If he could, he would stay in bed all day long with Cersei.
18. Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
Cersei is usually the one who makes Jaime's lunch so it's her who leaves little notes. And it says basic stuff such as "I love you, I love you, I love you", "Good luck with Father", "See you tonight", "I miss you"...
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
Oh Tywin isn't happy. He hates the idea that his children are together and find it disgusting. Over the years tho, he ends up accepting it because Jaime is his heir and they gave him beautiful grandchildren. Tyrion doesn't care and mind, he always knew the secret deep down. As for the few friends they had, they are mostly distraught and some of them refuse to talk to them after the revelation. Cat is the rare one who stand by Cersei's side, even if she is hella confused by the situation at first. But yeah, most people doesn't like their relationship 🙃
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
Cersei, by far. Jaime near a kitchen=danger. But in all seriousness, Cersei is the chef. She doesn't have Joanna's talent, but she is pretty good at it. She also loves to bake, especially with the children.
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Jaime, always Jaime. It makes Cersei blush, and Jaime enjoys it. She tells him to stop, but he refuses, the game is too funny.
26. What would be their theme song?
Every You Every Me by Placebo
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
God, they hate being away from the other. It's like torture to them. Jaime spends his time sending text to Cersei whenever he can, and when he can't, he daydreams about what they gonna do once he is home. Cersei doesn't reply immediately to his texts, but she always replies, and she always takes a look at her collection of memories she has collected over the years (love letters, seashells from Casterly Rock, etc...). It feels like a part of Jaime is with her.
30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
Jaime is always present in the birthing room with Cersei when she gives birth to their children. No way he lets her going through this alone, and he always worries he won't make it in time to see their cub coming into the world. When Cersei sees him, she is always relieved because she just needs his presence to make everything better.
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tragicclownwrites · 8 months
How old is everyone in "F" is for Family?
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First things first, I hope you're excited for the second to last chapter(s) of "F" is for Family! 🥳🤩 Thanks for sticking around!
Given some of the timeline specifics that come up in this chapter, I felt it might be helpful to give you an explanation of how old everyone is supposed to be in my fic, so these time skips don't feel as random.
Math admittedly isn't my strong suit but I've double-checked my calculations repeatedly and am feeling somewhat confident in the numbers I came up with.
DISCLAIMER: Like most things that come up in my fic, these ages are just my headcanons. Don't take any of this as actual fact or canon! The one thing you should take away from this is that cartoon logic is weird AF which makes it hard to say anyone's ages are canon tbh.
Explanations/ramblings - and SPOILERS - below the cut!
♥️ Tragic 🤡
I'm starting with our favorite little yellow friend here because I think he is where much of the age discussion first came up - starting with a certain driver's license that showed up in the episode, "Sleepy Time."
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It says he was born in 1986, which would mean that we just celebrated in 37th birthday in July. However, there is one problem with this... the episode in question's debut air date is January 17, 2000.
If we go off the idea that he is canonically 37 as of July 14, 2023, this would mean that he was only 13 YEARS OLD in January 2000. In my country (the U.S.), if SpongeBob was 13, he wouldn't be old enough to:
Work at the Krusty Krab, especially not full-time.
Live on his own without a parent and/or guardian.
Attain a driver's permit, let alone a license. He'd have to wait another two years just to do the former.
I've considered the possibility that perhaps this episode doesn't actually take place during the actual air date. However, SpongeBob's driver's license also kinda debunks that theory. The expiration date is listed as December 14, 2003. Driver's licenses typically expire up to five years of issue date (depending on the state or country). This would, thus, confirm the episode takes place during 2000 or even earlier than that - making SpongeBob even younger than 13.
Seeing as SpongeBob is confirmed to be an adult during the series and is eligible to do the things listed above, this doesn't really add up.
Therefore, while I do think SpongeBob is an adult who is likely in his 30's, I don't think he's actually 37 years old (assuming he even ages).
It's also worth mentioning that they removed his birthday from later appearances of the license, leading me to believe they didn't really think that through initially. Interestingly, the expiration date has remained mostly consistent so... 🫧✨cartoon logic✨🫧
Now, to put my fanfic headcanon hat on for the duration of this post.... 🤠
Based on the timelines in my fic, I actually think his age is closer to 32-34 years old at the absolute most.
I believe I've mentioned somewhere in the story about how he and Squidward started working together about a decade prior to the events of the fic. This would mean that SpongeBob was in his early twenties when he began working at the Krusty Krab. which makes much more sense than him being 13 lmao
So, I don't actually know how I came up with Squidward's age in this fic aside from general fandom headcanon, though I did see somewhere that his birthday is October 9, 1977 - making him 45 years old.
However, given what my analysis above revealed, I'm going to take this with a truckload of salt (especially since the actual year isn't confirmed in any official capacity). If this were true, he'd be ~21 years old in May 1999 (i..e, when "Help Wanted" premiered), which I don't think is accurate for him not to mention super awks. He was likely closer to that age when Jim was still working there.
I do think he's at least close to BlackJack's age and a bit older than SpongeBob, Todd, and Stanley. Therefore, my headcanon age for him is about 38-40 years old.
Harold & Margaret
In Harold and Margaret's origin story during this chapter, Harold and Sherm's ages are the only ones explicitly given. At the time of the story - which takes place roughly 53 years ago - Harold was confirmed to be 15 years old and a freshman in high school. Given that she was also a freshman at the time, Margaret is likely the same age.
If we do the math, Harold - and presumably Margaret - are about 68 years old at the time of FifF.
Sherm & Jolie
As previously mentioned, Sherm's age is also confirmed: he was 12 years old and just started junior high (6th grade in U.S.) when Harold and Margaret's story takes place.
In his and Jolie's own story - which happens about 46 years prior to the present - Sherm and Jolie are both freshmen in college, making them about 19 years old at the time.
Again, if we do the math, Sherm - and likely Jolie - are about 65 years old in the present day.
Blue & Sally
Unlike Harold and Sherm, Blue's age is not directly confirmed in Harold and Margaret's story. However, it is confirmed that he was a senior in high school, and he was old enough to drive. Based on this info and his younger brothers' ages, Blue was about 18 years old during this time.
In chapter 4, Blue also mentions that he'd been on the police force for 35 years. It's worth noting that the average amount of time people spend in the police academy is between 2-4 years. Assuming Blue enrolled right out of high school (as the story implies) and joined the force ~20 years old, he would've been around 55 years old when he officially retired. I like to think he was more ambitious/eager to climb the ladder when he was younger but grew more content staying in his police captain role since its already pretty senior and he had a family at that time.
Blue and Sally's origin story takes place about 41 years in the past from the fic's start.
In this story, Blue is described as being "one of the youngest lieutenants the force has ever seen." I can't recall how I got to this number if I'm honest, but I rounded his age to about 30 years old here as it is still young but not too young as to be unrealistic. I also felt it made more sense in the timeline for him and Sally to have had BlackJack a few years later (I.e., after she got released).
If we do the math from there, Blue would be around 71 years old during the time of the fic.
It's not mentioned anywhere, and she is deceased, but my headcanon for Sally is that she's about 1-2 years younger than Blue. Therefore, she'd likely be about 69-70 years old if she were still alive. In chapter 5, BlackJack reveals that “[Sally’s] been dead for ten years,” so she was ~59-60 when she actually passed.
From this picture, it's clear Todd shares some physical similarities with SpongeBob. Therefore, I felt that it would be likely for them to be close in age as well.
Starting from chapter 2, when we first meet Todd and the rest of the family, it's implied that Todd is at least "slightly older" than SpongeBob. He is also explicitly mentioned to be Stanley's older brother throughout the fic.
In chapter 5, we get the following exchange between Todd and SpongeBob:
Todd: “Besides, I am the oldest one here, so it only makes sense." SpongeBob: “Todd, we’re the same age –” Todd: “But I’ve got two months on you so that still makes me older."
Based on this, we can discern that Todd is also somewhere between 32-34 years old. Since he's two months older than SpongeBob, his birthday would take place sometime in May.
While Stanley's canonical age is also not given, I got the impression that he was a bit younger than SpongeBob in his episode, "Stanley S. SquarePants." Stanley's curiosity about the world around him and his absentmindedness could be contributing factors to this, though that's not really indicative of age. In actuality, I felt it was SpongeBob taking him under his wing akin to a mentor or older sibling that really solidified this idea.
Therefore, in FifF, he's the baby of the group. 😇
Speaking of which, in chapter 13 (mini spoiler for next chapter when it goes live), it is mentioned that he was a baby while his older brother was a toddler - which would make Todd between the ages of 2-3 years old at the time.
With this range in mind, Stanley would be a few years younger than both Todd and SpongeBob, making him about 29-31 years old in the fic (assuming the other two are ~33).
BlackJack's age (in my headcanon) was more dependent on Blue's age between the time he met Sally and when they realistically would've had him together. I also felt he'd be closer in age to Squidward than he would be to his younger cousins.
Assuming his parents had him shortly after Sally got released from prison, BlackJack would be roughly 37-38 years old in the present day.
Grandma & Grandpa (Dotty & Simon)
Grandma and Grandpa SquarePants - or as I've named them, Dotty and Simon - met about 76 years ago.
While most prima ballerinas are slightly older than this (~25-30), Dotty was about 20 years old when she met Simon. He was likely a few years older than her, so I'd presume he was about 23-24 at the time.
With these numbers in mind, Grandma is about 96 years old during the events of FifF. While he is deceased and I didn't mention how long he'd been gone, Grandpa was likely between 97-99 years old when he passed.
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learningselflove · 1 year
Lessons in dress shopping
Every little girl fantasizes about the day she gets to put on a wedding dress for the first time.   
Even at age 10, I had strong opinions about the dresses showcased on Say Yes to the Dress. I couldn’t wait to get married at age 20 just like my parents did. Well, things didn't quite work out that way (which I couldn’t be happier about now!). I’m 28 and I became engaged in October 2022. One of the first thoughts in my head after the initial shock wore off was, “Oh no, I don’t want to go dress shopping.”  
I lost my mom to cancer when I was 11. It’s hard for anyone to go through a loss but especially on a child. My dad was the one with the career. He worked long days commuting to his job in New York City. After my mother passed, my dad tried his best to make sure I was fed. He didn’t know how to cook. He would make easy meals like spaghetti, frozen TV dinners, hamburgers, or chicken nuggets. I also decided to become a vegetarian when I was 14. I ate plenty of slices of pizza and plenty of bowls of pasta. It was easy and what worked for the both of us. This was before all the different types of mock meat they have at the grocery stores.  
On a diet of pizza, pasta, and hormonal grief, you could assume I wasn’t in the best shape. I was shaped differently than all of the other girls in my grade. I wore a size 14. Other girls my age were wearing 0s and 2s. I didn’t have body image issues. I knew that I was also further along in puberty than they were.  
I have spent most of my 20s trying to lose weight. I tried Keto, the meditteranean diet, low sugar, you name it. I have tried any work out plan I could get my hands on. It wasn’t until 2020 that I was able to have a doctor take my weight struggles seriously and my doctor finally ordered bloodwork for me. I was able to lose 30 pounds with very, very strict calorie counting. However, It was clearly insufficient for me. Eventually, the weight came back. When I received my bloodwork results, I had high testosterone. It’s almost impossible to lose weight when your hormones aren’t balanced.  
I have been working on it losing weightfor two years now. I have finally taken medications that help me feel the way a functioning adult should. I have lost weight, but I was still uncomfortable regarding the idea of dress shopping. I spent countless hours admiring Pinterest boards and looking at the beautiful, curvy models wearing gorgeous ivory gowns. I couldn’t picture myself in gorgeous ivory gowns that showed off my figure.’m not shaped the same way as these models. I carry more weight in my stomach and my face. How am I supposed to feel beautiful?  
I booked everything for my wedding early. It wasn’t until I spoke to my potential florist that I felt that I needed to go look at wedding dresses. To be honest, I was going to save that for the last possible moment. My florist wasn’t going to meet with me until I had my dress picked because she needed to arrange a bouquet to coordinate my gown. I guess I had to make an appointment as soon as I could.  
I was anxious.  
I was sick to my stomach thinking about putting on a dress; especially in front of other people. I prepared myself to look my absolute worst. I expected these dresses to hug every curve - in a bad way. My brain had already accepted the fact that I’d be forced to wear a dated ball gown because of my body type.  
I wasn’t going to let my poor self-esteem ruin one of the most memorable days of my life. I put on makeup in a traditionally bridal style. I wore a smokey eye with the tiniest bit of glitter on the inner corner of my eye. I curled my hair to look like it had just come out of French braids. I wore my most expensive perfume.  
I made it to my appointment and met with the sweetest bridal stylist. The stylist pulled the dresses I picked from the online selection. I tried on the first one - I fell in love. It was a gorgeous mermaid style dress. The bodice was lace with plenty of tule emerging from the thighs. The neckline was plunging and there were whimsical detached sleeves.  
I felt empowered.  
I felt confident.  
I felt like this dress was for me.  
I couldn’t pick the first dress I try on, right? Of course not! I needed to try more. 
I tried three more dresses on. Each was a different style, shape and texture. These were all dresses I liked on the models. It wasn’t until my stylist asked how I was feeling about the choices I made. One felt too matronly, another hugged my stomach way too tightly, and the third just wasn’t right for a Halloween wedding. My stylist had an idea of what I would like at this point. I let her pick one more for me.  
She carried the dress in, and at first, I had no idea what I was looking at.  
There were so many different textures and patterns that I thought it would be a hideous dress. BUT I was wrong. It was perfect. The dress was similar to the first dress; but better. There were bits of glitter down the middle of the bodice. The tulle that extended from the thighs was patterned with the smallest bit of intricate lace. The dress hugged my curves; the right way this time.  
I felt like the most beautiful bride.  
 I couldn’t stop looking at myself. 
It was also in that moment that I realized I was being too hard on myself. I should be proud of the small accomplishments I have made with regard to my health. My future husband clearly thinks I am beautiful enough to be his wife. My family cried when I put on a dress in front of them. My own worst critic is myself. I was able to find a dress that looked fantastic on my atypical body type.  
There was a lesson for me to learn: women are too hard on themselves. We don’t need crash diets to fit a dress. We are not born to fit in clothes, clothes are made to fit us.  
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rolkstone · 1 year
This is more of a NTOP. But for the OTP meme:
Viktor X Wayne
1 Who most initiates PDA? Viktor
2 Any sleep habits either had to get used to? Viktor has to get used to Wayne's night terrors and nightmares
3 Hot and Steamy or Soft and Tender? hot and steamy
4 How did they first meet? Wayne first "met" Viktor a long time before they met in person. He was given a lot of information about him before the party. And Viktor met Wayne for the first time when he saw the accident that caused his wife's death.
5 What is their love language? Viktor - verbal, spoken affirmations of love. Wayne - actions, tasks done to make his life easier
6 When did they realize they loved hated each other? Viktor - when he saw Wayne's bullet hit his wife Wayne - when Viktor first came after him
7 Who is more sentimental? Viktor
8 What’s one way their personalities complement one another? One is more quiet and careful, while the other is loud and brash and charming
9 How are their personalities different? Viktor: loud, brash, overbearing, dominant Wayne: careful, paranoid, kind, quick to action
10 What are some non-sexual activities they do together?  museums, especially military themed; watching documentaries, cooking
11 Which member is more physically affectionate? Viktor
12 Which member is more verbally affectionate? Viktor
13 Which member steals borrows the other ones clothing? Neither is really able to wear the other's clothing. There might be times when Wayne steals one of Viktor's coats for the warmth. It would be swimming on him though.
14 Are they an introverted couple or an extroverted one—AKA would they prefer to go out to a party or event together or would they rather stay in? They are both pretty extroverted, though they prefer to interact with others their own way. Wayne is more of an ambivert, Viktor more extroverted. They would prefer an outdoor event. Wayne would too because it would take the attention off him and Viktor.
15 Who is more likely to make an impulsive decision and who is the voice of reason? Wayne; Viktor
16 Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed? Wayne; Viktor
17 Who fell in love first? Viktor
18 What song fits them perfectly?
I Can't Decide
19 How do they deal with being away from each other for a long time? Wayne: very well Viktor: he obsesses over Wayne to the point of bothering his henchmen
20 Who holds a grudge the longest? Viktor
21 Which of the two is quick to speak and which one is quick to listen? Viktor; Wayne
22 Who gets more easily embarrassed? Wayne
23 Who overthinks the most? Wayne
24 Which of the two is the most competitive? Viktor
25 Who’s the most stubborn? Wayne
26 How do they comfort each other? Viktor will massage/caress Wayne. Wayne will tell Viktor how great and powerful he is
27 What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other? Guns and phones will remind Viktor of Wayne; anything old fashioned and folk art related will remind Wayne of Viktor
28 Do they get along with each other’s friends and family? no
29 What is their sex life like? passionate, steamy, painful, forced most times
30 What is their favorite place to kiss the other? (Cheek, hand, closed eyelid, neck, nose, etc.) Viktor loves to kiss Wayne anywhere, especially on the face Wayne doesn't like to kiss him anywhere
31 What’s the relationship like? Smooth? Rocky? Rocky, violent, deadly
32 How do they resolve their arguments? Gun fights; knife fights, anything deadly
33 Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them? Wayne. If they are sleeping together, Viktor will hold Wayne and whisper things, not always helpful, in his ear
34 Do they give each other nicknames? no
35 What movies do they enjoy watching most? documentaries
36 How’d they meet each other’s families? n/a
37 What do they like the least about each other? what a long list that would be Basically: Viktor despises Wayne's insistence to stick with the Law; Wayne hates Viktor's evil and cruel habits
38 What was their most memorable date encounter? When Wayne used his arm implant to light T shirts on fire to take care of his henchmen and free Homer, and then tossed a shard of ice into Viktor's throat.
39 What other couple would your otp get along with the best? any mobster/criminal couple
40 Who makes the other smile with almost no effort at all? Wayne
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pathfinderunlocked · 2 years
Plague Bringer - CR14 Alchemist
“I’ve completed my father’s work.”
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Artwork from World of Warcraft, copyright Blizzard Entertainment.  Rendering courtesy of Wowhead.
This alchemist can be thought of as a much higher level version of yesterday’s juju zombie alchemist, the Succumbed Plague Doctor.  On top of being higher level though, this one was apparently much more successful, and managed not to get infected with his own zombie plague (yet), so he’s not undead.
He essentially has a unique alchemist archetype that replaces his spellcasting with some special abilities and bonus feats.  This isn’t a real published template, and I haven’t defined it at any level except level 9.  Effectively, in exchange for extracts and the brew potion feat, it doubles his number of bombs per day, lets him pick discoveries as if he were 5 levels higher, gives him two bonus feats, and gives him two bonus discoveries.  He also has the plague bearer template, a template published by Green Ronin Publishing.
On top of this, as a unique template that adds 4 to his CR, he has several special abilities.  This unique template gives him the Fog Sight, Hallucinatory Concealment, Alchemical Health, Final Resort, and Injected Haste abilities, and lets him apply both Smoke Bomb and Plague Bomb to the same bomb.
He should be using Deadly Aim and Point Blank Shot on his bombs whenever possible.  They’re touch attacks, and his fog sight makes it pretty safe for him to stay close to enemies.
Treat the +1 bonesaw as an improvised weapon that deals 1d8 slashing damage.  It’s not particularly useful to him in combat, and is mostly just a reference to the lower-level Succumbed Plague Doctor who has an identical item.  It also helps bring the value of his loot more in line with what players might expect from an NPC at this level, especially one that’s probably surrounded by mindless undead, oozes, and other things that don’t give much treasure.  That said, if you use this NPC as a boss (which is what he’s designed to be), I would also recommend giving him some kind of unique magic item as treasure.
For the sake of GMs who aren’t familiar with alchemist abilities, I included slightly abbreviated descriptions of several of them in the special abilities section.
Plague Bringer - CR 14
XP 6,400 Human plague bearer unique alchemist 9 NE Medium humanoid (human) Init +3 Senses Perception +10, fog sight Aura disease cloud 30 ft. (DC 20)
AC 24, touch 15, flat-footed 20 (+5 armor, +1 deflection, +3 Dex, +4 natural, +1 dodge) hp 126 (9d6+72) plus 126 temp hp Fort +15, Ref +11, Will +6; +6 vs poison Immune disease, ability score damage Resist acid 10
Speed 30 ft. Melee +1 bonesaw +6/+1 (1d8 slashing plus disease) Ranged bomb +9/+4 (5d6+6 acid plus disease plus 11 splash damage (10 ft.) plus 20-ft. contagion fog cloud) (DC 21) Special Attacks bomb 30/day, disease (filth fever and zombie rot) (DC 20, two separate saves), final resort, injected haste
Without his mutagen, the plague bringer has the following statistics: Initiative +1; AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16; Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2; Ranged bomb +7/+2 (5d6+6 acid plus disease plus 11 splash damage plus 20-ft. contagion fog cloud, DC 21); Dex 12, Con 18, Wis 14, Cha 12, Skills Acrobatics +10, Escape Artist +10, Heal +20, Perception +11, Stealth +10; CMD 16
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 24, Int 22, Wis 12, Cha 10 Base Atk +6; CMB +5; CMD 19 Feats Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Point Blank Shot, Skill Focus (Heal), Throw Anything, Toughness, Weapon Focus (bombs) Skills Acrobatics +12, Craft (Alchemy) +18, Escape Artist +12, Heal +19, Knowledge (arcana, religion, nobility, local, nature) +18, Perception +10, Stealth +12 Languages Common, Elven, Necril, Orcish SQ alchemical health, alchemy (alchemy crafting +9, identify potions), discoveries (acid bomb, explosive bomb, fast bombs, greater mutagen, smoke bomb, spontaneous healing), hallucinatory concealment, mutagen (+6/+4/–2/–2, +4 natural, 9 hours, already used), poison use, swift alchemy, swift poisoning Other Gear +1 chain shirt, +1 bonesaw (improvised weapon worth 2302 GP), alchemy lab, +1 ring of protection, +2 cloak of resistance, headband of vast intelligence +2 (knowledge: nature)
Disease Cloud (Ex) An invisible cloud of contagion surrounds a plague bearer. All breathing creatures within 30 ft. of the plague bringer at the beginning of its turn must make two DC 20 Fortitude saves to avoid contracting two diseases (filth fever and zombie rot). The diseases’ type changes to inhaled. This is a disease effect. The save DCs for the diseases are Constitution-based.
Total Disease Immunity (Ex) A plague bearer is immune to all diseases, including magical diseases and those brought on by curse effects.
Disease (Ex) All of the plague bringer’s attacks spread disease. With a successful attack, or upon being attacked with a bite attack, the plague bearer can infect a creature with two diseases (filth fever and zombie rot). Any creature touched by a plague bearer must succeed on two DC 20 Fortitude saves or contract these diseases. The diseases have the injury type with regards to this ability. The save DCs for the diseases are Constitution-based.
Quick Incubation (Ex) Each of the diseases that the plague bringer carries have an onset time of instantaneous—the first effects of the diseases manifest immediately.  Use the disease’s listed frequency, but the plague bringer’s DC, to determine further effects.
Fog Sight (Ex) The plague bringer can see perfectly through fog and smoke.
Bomb (Su) As an attack action, the plague bringer can create and throw a bomb.  This is a ranged touch attack with a 20 ft. range increment, and deals 5d6+6 acid damage on a direct hit, as well as inflicting disease (see Disease, above).  All other targets within 10 ft. (including the original target, if the attack missed) take 11 points of splash damage, which can be halved by a DC 20 Reflex save.  This splash damage is equal to the minimum damage of a direct hit. The damage and DC are Intelligence-based.   On a critical hit, only 1d6+6 of the damage is multiplied.
Additionally, a plague bringer’s bombs create a cloud of diseased fog with a 20-foot radius where they strike.  This functions as the Fog Cloud spell, and any creature that starts their turn in this cloud or passes through it must make two DC 20 Fortitude saves avoid contracting two diseases (filth fever and zombie rot). The diseases have the inhaled type with regards to this ability. The save DCs for the diseases are Constitution-based.
The plague bringer can throw 7 bombs per day.  The bombs become inert when held by anyone other than an alchemist.
Mutagen (Su) The plague bringer creates a mutagen each morning that he can drink as a standard action.  This mutagen increases his natural armor bonus by +4 and provides him with a +6 alchemical bonus to Constitution and a +4 alchemical bonus to Dexterity, but also causes a -2 penalty to Charisma and Wisdom. The effects of the mutagen last for 90 minutes.  These bonuses are already calculated into the plague bringer’s stat block.
A non-alchemist who drinks a mutagen gains no benefit and must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or become nauseated for 1 hour.  Another alchemist can drink the mutagen to gain its effects.
Swift Alchemy (Ex) The plague bringer can apply a poison to his weapon as a swift action.  Note that poisons cannot be applied to splash weapons such as bombs.
Spontaneous Healing (Su) As a free action once per round, the plague bringer can heal 5 hit points as if he had the fast healing ability. He can heal 20 hit points per day in this manner. If the alchemist falls unconscious because of hit point damage and he still has healing available from this ability, the ability activates automatically each round until he is conscious again or the ability is depleted for the day.
Hallucinatory Concealment (Su) When the plague bringer has concealment from an opponent due to the fog effect of his bombs, he does not provoke attacks of opportunity from that opponent when making ranged attacks, even if an enemy is adjacent to him and he doesn’t have total concealment.
Injected Haste (Su) As a swift action, once per day, the plague bringer can inject himself with an alchemical drug that grants him an extra attack at his full attack bonus whenever he performs a full-attack action.  This effect lasts for 5 rounds.  This does not stack with effects such as Haste.
Alchemical Health (Su) Each morning, the plague bringer can inject himself with an alchemical drug that grants him an amount of temporary HP equal to his maximum HP, lasting 24 hours.  This bonus is already calculated into the plague bringer’s stat block.
Final Resort (Su) As a free action, the plague bringer can activate Final Resort, injecting himself with a drug that greatly increases his power and speed for a few seconds before wrecking his body.  When he does so, he makes an initiative roll.  He begins taking two turns per round in the initiative order; one at his original initiative count, and one at the new initiative roll.  On each of his two turns per round, he can perform a full set of move, standard and swift actions, as normal for a combat turn.
When the plague bringer activates Final Resort, he also gains 90 temporary hit points.  After taking three turns, including the turn on which he used Final Resort, he loses these temporary hit points, drops to -1 HP, and is considered to be dying.
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emetophobiahelp · 27 days
Demon Slayer Season 3 ep.9 other warnings
I forgot to mention some other moments to be aware of in Demon Slayer season 3 episode 9.
At 9:15, when Muichiro says, “This fury will never leave me until I die,” the next line, as he slowly jumps down, he says “That’s why I trained so hard that I’d v* blood.” If the word bothers you, mute (if watching in dub) or look away for about 5 seconds.
There is also a moment of foaming at the mouth that could be triggering, though it didn’t really bother me, and my phobia is really bad, especially when it comes to visuals. This occurs at 14:30. Right before, Muichiro is hyperventilating, and the swordsmith speaking to him takes notice, before Muichiro then coughs and foams at the mouth. At 15:05, he is seen, heard, and mentioned to be choking on the foam. At 15:15, Kotetsu recommends to lay him on his side, which is then done.
After this, in the next 2 minutes, when Muichiro is on the screen, he has a bit of foam on his mouth, but it’s not very noticeable. But if that bothers you, it’s safe to look again after 17:10, but only for another 45 seconds because of the other thing I mentioned in my initial submission from when Tanjiro is shakily pushing himself up, for 10 - 15 seconds. As I said before, the rest of the episode and season is safe.
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chococats · 2 months
muv luv alternative reflect
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start date: 2/12/24
end date: 4/14/24
~~~ spoilers 👻 ~~~
first thought on the story: before i even started i was so ready like i told everyone n their mamas abt how i was going to start this epic 😐. i was expecting A LOT bc not only is it regarded so highly by vn fans but also bc it left me with a slew of questions from the first game.. likee what was the relation of kasumi and sumika? was takeru going to fr survive this n if he DID is he going to go back to his original world? WHAT made him shift into this fucket up world in the first place? WHAT exactly are the BETA and why are they doing thissss😭😭 AND! IS takeru destined to suffer forever? Why?!
But now that ive finished it all.. wtf 😭 its honestly genius. a narrative that uses its medium and genre in the fullest sense!!! despite some of its outdatedness + my frustration with the protag the STORY TELLING is what kept me going. from the themes to the characters to the world building it was all so well done 😭 and its done in a way where it is satisfying to follow especially if you like to puzzle n piece things together. what interested me the most tho was the world building!! AND HOW IT ALL MAKES SENSE.. the game took all of the cliches and mechanics it represented as a dating sim n flipped them all in its favor to tell a crazy epic cohesive multi dimensional scifi tale.. WTF.
as a novel and a game it did its job beautifully.. AND even tho SOME arcs PISSED ME OFF n SOME scenes left me scowling at what i was dealing with (bc My god,! You will deal with the shit!) i kept coming back with genuine intrigue humm
my first initial thought once i was done was 'that was a LOT' bc My goodness what a fckin rollercoaster.. ONE that seemed to only plummet DOWN. As for my second thought..? 'at least we overcame.' and u know what. So true. To this i say Congratulations âge. I was unfamiliar with ur game.
prediction of the end: i honestly did not know what to expect for the end i just wanted my questions answered LOL! but when i got there it left me feeling both hollow and full.. it was heartbreaking..! BUT also cathartic?! cuz i cried like a bitch. bc. My gosh 😭😭😭😭😭😭 its some serious whiplash stored in those last 2ish hours in the game. it was worth seeing all of it tie together tho bc in the end it left u with a glimmer of hope for the future.. even though it is so so dim, its still there.. which was the kind of ending i need during these times
PLUS they played this song at the end like why would u do that. shit had me bawling fr. we used to be so happy hearing this. now it is a bit bittersweet and nostalgic.. like a memory
what scared you most: the capabilities of the BETA most definitely r u kidding me. every single battle seemed more n more hopeless 😭 every step that was taken to help humanity had high stakes. there was no way anything was going to be done without irreparable damage n loss. it constantly felt like a losing battle watching humanity try to survive and still have the heart to fight. but what TRULY disturbed me was sumikas relationship with the BETA and how they decided to tackle it. THAT shit had me pause the game for a hot min bcuz seriously? HONESTLY? it was overkill. beating a dead horse😭 they did not have to show me all of that N whats worse is that they HAD to drag it out. LIKE WE GET IT. WE GOT IT BEFORE IT WAS EVEN FULLY REVEALED WITH CONTEXT CLUES.. U did not have to dedicate a whole 30/45 mins revisiting her trauma in such detail 😭😭😭 so unnecessary my god.
even though the BETA are (by far) one of the most terrifying enemies that ive encountered in a story i want to know more about them.. the ending of alternative mightve answered most of my questions but it also left me having more bc its interesting on how the BETA operate. but there is also like an infinite amount of them i dont even know how anyon could keep up with that.. truly humanity has it BAD.
favorite character(s): meiya = sumika > kasumi = yuuko > ayamine >>>> the rest of the queens in the valkyrie squad (including marimo. excluding kashiwagi) >> tsukoyomi > takeru >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kashiwagi.
i straight up i do not like kashiwagi LMFAOOO like i do not like her yall..
anyone else not listed i just didnt gaf..
meiya and kasumi rlly shined in alternative for me tho <3
of course so did sumika but thats bcuz i was always biased towards her LOL. however she didnt leave a huge impression on me in this story when it came to the romance between her n takeru which is crazy bc in extra i was full #teamsumika. cuz takeru n sumika been living side by side since childhood n now this random girl (meiya) shows up n she doesnt even explain her relation to takeru but she declared that shes going to marry him like fr who are u?! BUT! even tho i was team sumika, in the end (when truths were fully revealed), my feelings were a bit swayed towards meiyas favor!
its interesting bc in alternative it was like meiya n sumika switched places bc i was more partial to wanting meiya to be with takeru for the majority of the story (!) which is so funny considering how ride n die i was for sumika at the very beginning.. of course id rather have takeru have no baes at all bcuz his character is just so inconceivably dense at times (#TakeruOUT) but i felt that their relationship had more sustenance.. i believe its because meiya and sumika flipped roles where sumika is now the random 'newcomer' instead of meiya. n also bc i spent more time with meiya in unlimited.. BUT just like how i was with meiya in extra, in alternative when truths were once again revealed at the end my feelings were swayed towards sumikas favor LMFAOO
its just tht they are both so well written and humane and so so sweet and deserving. i really love them both therefore i have decided that there is no more #TEAMSUMIKA or #TEAMMEIYA anymore. ive ended the civil war. they are both equally beautiful and i want them to be best friends forever!
AS for the protagonist. Takeru. my god man 😭 talk about change. he STILL was so ridiculous at times but even then he STILL managed to mature. proof that anythings possible. I guess. And after spending over like 60 smthing hours with him n experiencing his crazy ass situation i have been able to witness and appreciate his growth ... U know what takeru. U alright............................... I guess
favorite quote: I dont even know if i have a favorite quote there was so much covered and so many great quotes in this.. if i HAD to pick tho its probably this awesome reminder:
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instead of memorizing quotes im thinking of moments.. like when kasumi and sumika speak about their connection.. or when captain isumi gave takeru that pep talk before operation 21st.. OR WHEN sumika told takeru that in every universe she loves him and him saying that he feels likewise.. kyaa.. and u KNOW they MEANT THAT SHIT THRU AND THRU! its beautiful. im still praying for her tho.
rating for the whole book: despite all that it put me through this story left me a lot of food for thought. some moments moved me in ways so honest that it left me speechless while also giving me questions in its wake.. it took me a while to finish bc it had me stop n think about life and CHOICE multiple times in the realest sense omfg. it had me think of the serious unruliness of life n how do we navigate it when the universe decides to do whatverr the fuck it wants to do.. how much of our fate can we really control... AND when all seems hopeless how do we manage to find the will to continue on.. !? it all varies from person to person but ist deep shit. Very inspiring.. AND bc of how satisfying n thought provoking it was im giving it a 5/5. OKAYY
i def plan on revisiting the trilogy in the future and see if my first thoughts still ring true.. i also will be on the look out for details and hints when i comb thru it all again. but this first read was worth it and now that i finished i kinda feel empty LMFAO. i wish for more people to read it n talk about it so i can get on my soapbox n pick it apart. 🤦‍♂️
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ianmhill · 4 months
My wife arrived back home safely on Friday evening, in fact slightly ahead of schedule thanks to some favourable winds. The weekend wasn't looking like much of a rest though because the gardener was due to come for the annual trimming of the trees in the back garden. Except, of course, he didn't come because of the weather…which was not actually a problem, if he had come first thing in the morning.
So we ended up watching a couple of Six Nations games in the spare bedroom, England v Wales being the highlight. Though it wasn't much of a highlight, especially as a game, with both sides focusing a lot on defence and having little to offer in attack. Despite being behind at half time, Wales didn't score again in the game, which England won 16-14.
On Sunday we watched the Super Bowl, with neighbours at our house. One couple left around 10pm and the other guy had to leave at the end of regular time when the score was 16-16, to fetch his wife and daughter from the airport. As is the case with most sports, the team I would have preferred to win came second (San Francisco 49ers), after overtime and the Kansas City Chiefs won for the second consecutive season.
But the big news of the week is that my wife has finally been into hospital for her procedure, on Wednesday morning. It wasn't quite as early as we've been initially told (get there for 5:30!) but it was all very efficiently done, roughly 90 minutes in the operating room and then about three hours of recovery time before we could go home. It all went really well according to the surgeon, so we'll see what sort of impact it has as she fully recovers over the next week…and years!
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jdgo51 · 4 months
Protection in the Red Sea
Today's inspiration comes from:
30 Days with Jesus
by Lysa TerKeurst and Joel Muddamalle
Editor's Note:
"As we prepare our hearts for the Easter season, there's no better time to study the life of Jesus throughout Scripture!
Join us in the 30 days leading up to Easter as we look for Jesus’ active presence throughout the Old and New Testaments and in places you may have missed before. Get your study guide today (plus bonus freebies with every purchase)!
EXODUS 14 / MARK 4:35–41
And He awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” — Mark 4:39–40
Trust is delicate. It’s hard to earn and easy to lose. Trusting someone else takes time. Especially when it comes to our own protection. We were designed with a high level of awareness around our need for self-protection, and at the slightest threat, we fight, fly, or freeze.
If someone breaks our trust, we naturally become guarded. When someone proves they are trustworthy, our confidence in them grows and we feel safe enough to let our guard down. Why? Because there is a consistent pattern of faithfulness demonstrated.
This is the kind of trust Moses developed with God. He could trace God’s past faithful protection over and over. Moses had seen God help him do what seemed impossible: leading the Israelites out of captivity in Egypt. Just when there seemed to be no way Pharaoh would ever heed Moses’ demand to let the people go, God demonstrated His unexplainable protection by using His power over nature to get Pharaoh’s attention. God unleashed 10 plagues over Egypt, which eventually convinced Pharaoh to let the Israelites go.
Then God demonstrated His unexplainable protection again when He led the people in a less direct path to the promised land:
But God led the people around by the way of the wilderness toward the Red Sea. — Exodus 13:18a
Exodus 14:4 reveals God’s plan to yet again show His people His ability to protect them: “
And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and he will pursue them, and I will get glory over Pharaoh and all his host, and the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord.’ And they did so.
Just as God planned, with the Egyptians marching after them, the Israelites found themselves facing an angry sea in front of them and an angry enemy behind them. The only way for them to be saved would be for God to do something that could never have even been dreamed up with the human mind... Again it was God’s unexplainable protection.
Israel’s Path and God’s Protection
God unleashes 10 plagues over Egypt — Exodus 5:1-11
Pharoah lets Israelites go — Exodus 12:31-42 Israelites on wandering path — Exodus 13:17-22
Pharoah/ Egyptians coming after Israelites — Exodus 14:5 Parting of the Red Sea — Exodus 14:19-31
Read Exodus 14:10–12.
01 What does the people’s response to Moses show about their mental and emotional state?
Notice a common thread in the reaction of the Israelites as we’ve been studying together? Let’s also not forget there was more going on. The Israelites were not left alone or unprotected.
Read Exodus 14:13–14.
02 We don’t have a record of the people’s response after hearing Moses’ direction. What would your response have been?
The initial response after crying out to God to fight on their behalf was silence. The Israelites surely thought Moses’ advice made no sense. However, Moses was leading the people to use silence as a spiritual discipline. Moses told the people to sit silent and watch God protect them and fight on their behalf. If we were the Israelites, we would have probably demanded an explanation for what seemed like such an odd response to such a serious threat.
As we consider our own use of silence in the midst of threats, there can be many benefits. One purpose of silence may be to focus on the simplicity of God’s power over all things. Another benefit might be to quiet distractions and interruptions that tempt us to explain away God’s protection in our lives.
Maybe silence and solitude are ways for us to process and find peace with things that seem so unexplainable in our lives.
What would happen if we practiced the spiritual discipline of silence today by spending focused time meditating on the protection and provision of God in our lives? What if we intentionally remembered to trace God’s faithfulness in the past until it helped us feel more safe and secure in the faithful and secure hands of God? The Israelites were aware of this truth through tangible and visible examples but, in that moment, needed to pause and remember.
Read Exodus 14:19–20.
The more we remember what Jesus has done for us and what it means for us, the more we will be assured of His absolute devotion to protecting us.
03 Who was also with the Israelites? Describe what was happening.
The end of the story is the protection of Israel through God’s powerful authority over nature itself. God splits the Red Sea in half and creates a passageway of safety for His people to find rescue and deliverance.
As one Old Testament scholar has said, “Israel’s escape route became a classroom for them, a period of testing in time and space that shaped the people Yahweh was making.”1
Read Exodus 14:15–18.
04 Scripture demonstrates that sometimes God allows trials in order to reveal His power. Why would God work this way?
The experience at the Red Sea was a formative experience, helping the people of God better understand and live out trust in their Creator.
When we think about Jesus there are so many connections back to the Red Sea. The Israelites faced the Red Sea which was a sign/symbol of death, chaos, and disorder. Jesus faced the cross, a sign/symbol of death. The Israelites had to go through the Red Sea. Jesus had to go through the cross. On the other side of the Red Sea was the promised land for the Israelites. Jesus victory over sin and death brings the promise of the new heavens and new earth to those of us that put our trust and faith in Christ.
The more we remember what Jesus has done for us and what it means for us, the more we will be assured of His absolute devotion to protecting us. Every moment we are with God, we are with His protection whether we realize it or not. And part of that protection, if we will trust Him and stay with Him, is how He will form us and shape us through what we experience.
05 Read 1 Corinthians 15:49. What is the goal of all of this shaping and forming?
The more we are shaped and formed to be like Jesus, the more we will be confident in God’s protection. But even more than being confident, with Jesus we can have unexplainable peace in the process. Philippians 4:7 reminds us of this truth:
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
As we conclude today, let’s turn to one more story involving another sea. In this New Testament story, found in Mark 4, Jesus is asleep on a boat in the middle of a storm on the Sea of Galilee. This is the type of storm that would put true fear in even the most seasoned sailors. In a moment of desperation, the disciples cry out to Jesus to provide protection for them. Jesus simply wakes up, rebukes the wind, and tells the sea to be still.
Simply the presence of Jesus and the voice of Jesus in the midst of the storm establishes peace. Where Jesus is present, peace is possible.
This doesn’t mean there won’t be storms, trials, tribulations, and hardships. Certainly the children of Israel and Moses experienced these. The disciples in the New Testament experienced these. And we will, too. But we are never left alone He is with us. With Jesus, even when our circumstances don’t feel peaceful, we can choose to do things His way and, in doing so, have peace that passes all understanding.
And in the end, if we will just remember to reflect on the many ways we’ve seen God move in our past and the peace available to us in the present, we can know we are being protected."'
Eugene Carpenter, Exodus, ed. H. Wayne House and William D. Barrick, vol. 1, Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), 503. Excerpted with permission from 30 Days with Jesus by Lysa TerKeurst and Joel Muddamalle, copyright Lysa TerKeurst and Dr. Joel Muddamalle.
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inkribbon796 · 8 months
Egotober 2023 Day 24: Fire with Fire
Summary: Marvin finds an interesting future mage, one he can’t ignore the talent of.
Prompt: Fire
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
His time in the States was already not like how he wanted.
Marvin usually wasn’t that big on the big city, it was alright but it was really humid and Séan and Chase were fine with the humidity. Séan had spent a couple summers in South Korea and Chase was just built differently.
Bing met him at the airport and loaded his stuff into a car and took him to the little base the Coalition was using for their Florida base. Bing kept the thing running and until recently was able to do whatever he wanted.
He was walking around Gainesville, people flocked around him to ask him questions because seeing a Septic in the States was much rarer especially these days.
Marvin spent the day wandering around Gainesville, and getting a lay of the land.
Then he got to meet the two apprentices, Logic and Iridescence. Iridescence had magical sight promise, probably as much as Drowned did, but he just lacked that initiate ability. They were magical but not what he was looking for.
Marvin was flying around one of the neighborhoods near where Nate lived and saw two teens running around and bickering. At night.
The magician was just giving it a little glance when suddenly he saw fire and it instantly got his attention.
Slowly Marvin came close and saw a pair of burnet twins arguing in the street, the magic palpable in the air around them.
Roman had been trying to drag his brother back home, frustrated and upset.
“Why are you trying to ruin our family?” Roman spat.
Remus smiled. “I am ruining nothing, brother. I am being me.”
Then Remus threw a bright green fire at Roman’s head and Roman ducked. The fireball flew right towards Marvin who easily dispelled what was a rudimentary easy fireball spell.
“Careful!” Marvin told them.
Both the twins froze.
“Shit! It’s the cops.” Remus summoned another green fireball and threw it at Marvin as well. “Run!”
Marvin dispelled the spell no problem but by that time Remus had ran for a bush. Leaving Roman looking around in panic.
“Caesar’s ghost, that asshole,” Roman looked around but he looked more frustrated than panicked.
Marvin touched down next to them. “Not gonna run too?”
Roman seemed to get braver. “I run from nothing.
That got a smile on Marvin’s face. “Come on, let’s find your brother.”
Roman pulled out his phone and texted Virgil to be on the lookout for Remus. “No, I’ll get one of his friends to make sure he gets found. If he hasn’t already run home and pretended to be innocent.”
“He do this regularly?” Marvin asked as he set up a tracking spell with the trail Remus had left. Roman followed him.
“He’s a regular nuisance, but alas, he is my brother,” Roman said. “You have any siblings?”
“No, only child,” Marvin said.
“Hmm,” Roman said. “I can’t imagine what that would be like.”
“You got a name?” Marvin asked. “Roman, Roman Charmer,” Roman said, this teenager posing like a full blown diva. “Future greatest star this world has ever seen.”
“I bet,” Marvin smiled at him. He liked this kid.
Roman smiled and it was easy to find Remus. He was hiding in a large bush in his own front lawn. He tried to throw more fire at Marvin but ran inside afterwards. Their father didn’t look the happiest to see Marvin but when he gave the man his card he took it.
Marvin left with both the twins back safe in their home again as a plan formed in Marvin’s head.
Iridescence could put down roots here all he wanted, Marvin could teach him no problem. But if Roman wanted a big city, well he’d fit right in with Egoton and if Marvin couldn’t go into Egoton, he’d send a bit of himself there instead.
That would show Dark that he couldn’t be kept out.
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yaboyoj · 1 year
End of year review 2022
As I sit back and try to reflect of what has been the year 2022, I don't have much to say. My wife and I are still good, and our baby is growing, beautifully and authentically. Her personality is shining through, and she is bright, curious and opinionated. She can also be shy around others, and I think she is developing a fondness for the arts (especially music). My wife is up for a major promotion next year, and her most significant research project is well underway and should publish it's initial findings next year. This should be the most seminal piece of work on this subject since this is a relatively uncharted area, and will most likely lead to national, if not international prominence for her. I am incredibly proud of all she has accomplished, and will accomplish in the future. Professionally, I have taken a step back, and truthfully, I am still not sure how I feel about this. I have left all board and volunteer positions except one, and I have put aside all work for my consulting firm until after out daughter goes off to school. The time commitments of full time parenting, are too much, and have left me unable to pursue anything I am truly interested in. While reading my reflection from last year, I noticed my goal for this year was to live a healthier life. That led me to two thoughts. First, I feel as if I abandoned that goal for most of the year. I did do some much needed dental work that has improved my health in that regard, but I did little to improve my physical or mental health in any way. I really wanted to curtail my drinking, and I did not for most of the year. But as of 12/30, (and spearheaded by a bout of Covid that has recently stricken our entire household) I am 14 days sober. My goal isn't to stay completely sober, so I don't expect to continuously keep track of this, but this does make me feel good, and it gives me hope that I will reach a time in my life where I don't have to count the days (and when 14 days isn't a significant milestone). Consequently, I shall make my health a priority again next year. My second thought... I wrote so much in point one that I lost my train of thought and I can no longer remember my second point. So I will leave this here in case I remember but if not, it will stay until next year. A long meandering post, with little introspection in the way of specific events from the year, but truthfully, it was not an overly eventful year, and that is a good thing. So... until next year!
Updated on 02/17: I remember what I wanted to include in my end of year post. I want to focus on my mnental health for 2023. Being at home with a child, day in and day out with no refuge has had an adverse effect on myh mental health. I love my daughter, and the time I have spent with her is inmeasurable. But it has also taken it's toll on me. I want to improve my mental health next year and one concrete way I think I can acheive this isby finding sometihng to look forwrd to outside of this house. A hooby. An interest. Something I can regularly enjoy that isn't finacnail or career focused. Something just for me and my passions. I really hope I find it.
I also want to close out this year end post with a little introspection about my friend Sean. Sean was a good friend of mine, and a roommate in college. He died the day I wrote my initial post and it didn't really set in until days later. A father of two girls, liver disease took him away from there in much the way that I sometimes fear will happen to me if I do not slow down my drinking. While I have made progress over the years, I often fear I have done irreparable damage. Seeing something like this befall a good friend and regular drinking companion, only exacerbates those fears in me. While I have lost other friends and family members over the years, this one really stayed with me for many reasons. Most significant of which is that it just highlighted my biggest fear (that my daughter will have to grow up without me). A good man, and father, I know that was his biggest sorrow as well. So with added emphasis, I reiterate my goal for this year is to improve my health, both physical and mental, and limit my drinking to a level I consider healthy.
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