#that i actually chose the wrong answer and i'm horrified
lightpickles · 5 months
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this farmer had a prophetic vision during raeger's white flower event!
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heartfulselkie · 5 days
1, 6, 9, 10 for Citrus and Lavender and Bell The Cat
Give a 5-word summary of this chapter/fic.
Hmm since these are both long fics I decided to do a summary of the upcoming chapters I've been working on. 5 words really isn't a lot lol
Bell the Cat: Chat has nightmares. Ladybug's tired.
Citrus and Lavender: Adrien really needs to eat.
6. Does this chapter/fic have any twists that you’re proud of?
I think that the "twists" of these fics are fairly predictable for the readers. I'm still really excited about them though and hope my readers can enjoy them too even if they can see what's going on before the characters do.
9. What is your favorite dialogue you’ve written so far?
Hmm i did have to think about this but for Citrus and Lavender it has to be this scene from Ch. 34:
Marinette almost choked on the gasp that escaped her. Her hand instinctively clutched Chat Noir’s at his side, hiding his ring under her grasp as she squeezed. “We can’t do that! This Miraculous belongs to Chat just as much as the earrings belong to me! No one else is more suited to it!” She glared at Master Fu as tears threatened to return to her eyes. “You said that Chat Noir had the makings of a hero, he only needed a chance to make that choice. Well he made it! He chose to save me! More than once! Maybe now we can finally be the Ladybug and Chat Noir you intended us to be! And I want to give him that opportunity."
Marinette still can't admit what feelings she may or may not have toward Chat Noir, but she can't deny the lengths he has gone through. As much as she's tried to remain stubborn about his "villainy", she now fully believes in his potential to be a hero and is ready to fight tooth and nail to defend him for that.
Meanwhile for Bell the Cat one of my favourite dialogues is completely opposite in tone. I just love this exchange between Ladybug and Chloe in Ch. 2:
"Your map is wrong,” Chloe cut in abruptly. Ladybug blinked. “Pardon?” Tapping a perfectly manicured finger on the paper terrain before her, Chloe pointed out the ink that formed the city. “This is wrong. Gaul is in the wrong place.” She gave a haughty laugh. “Everyone knows Gaul is the centre of Gallia.”
It's just so very "Chloe" to me that she's the princess, but has no idea on the actual geography of her own country. Meanwhile Ladybug is both horrified and baffled by this because surely Chloe isn't that dumb. But Chloe thinks the world revolves around her so where she lives has to be the centre of the universe.
10. What is the last line of dialogue you’ve written?
My Citrus and Lavender WIP doc is a little messy currently but I think this was the last dialogue I added into it?
"Adrien," Emilie cooed. Her hand left his head, instead moving to lift his chin so that he was forced to look at her. "You want to stay with me, don't you? You wouldn't leave me here by myself." A sharp pain continued to throb behind his eyes. He knew he wanted to go out, but he found that desire becoming quickly stifled. It felt like his lungs were quickly filled with a viscous mud, closing his throat off to any and all words except his weakly uttered, "Okay, Maman." Emilie's features finally warmed as she smiled at him. "That's my boy."
My Bell the Cat WIP doc is also a mess lol but I think this is technically the last dialogue I added even though its somewhere in the middle of the chapter
"I saved your life today!" Ladybug snapped. Chat Blanc's lips curled in a mocking smirk, but his voice was nothing but a snarl. "I have nine lives and you want me to thank you for saving one of them?" "A normal person would be at least a little grateful!" "Am I a normal person?" Ladybug hesitated at his blunt question. She stared into the frozen depth of his eyes as he glared at her, and any words she might have had were bitten away by his frost. He took her silence as answer enough. "I thought so," he hissed.
wip ask game
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ladysomething · 5 days
Hi, Maddie!
Can I just say, your writing is brilliant and I love this fic, as I've loved your other fics! This is my first omegaverse fic actually and my first time exploring less... traditional or let's just say acceptable themes (people outside ao3 would deem it as problematic) and I have to admit I am a bit dizzy after that last chapter haha, but this fic has rlly opened my mind and I find that it's good to explore complex human behavior and emotions. I wanted to ask though... Does their relationship (maybe in terms of trust at the very least) ever get worse from here? I'm a bit horrified but I trust you with the happy ending tag haha! I can't envision how they could trust each other again atm but that's probably because all romances I've read before this are soft lighthearted ones 💀 (And when you tagged it happy ending, is it like actually happy or is it more... hopeful?)
Anyway, I love all your lestappen fics and I just know once we get to that happy ending it will be soo worth it <3
Oh my god … I’m so sorry that your first omegaverse fic is this 😭 I promise they’re not all so dark. But also …. You have no idea how happy it makes that you chose me and my writing to take you on this journey.
Honestly the last chapter even made me a little dizzy. And these things are so personal - I’ve had people say they wish Max kept fucking Charles through the alpha voice, and then others say he should’ve stopped sooner. Opinions can be so mixed! But you’ve hit the nail on the head .. at the end of the day, I’m not here making a judgement on what’s right or wrong, problematic or unproblematic. I’m exploring the complexity of the human experience when people are backed into a corner and feel they have no choice but to lash out like a wounded animal.
To answer your question … it’s rather complex. In my personal opinion, it does not get more morally grey than it was in this chapter with the alpha voice smut. That’s about as bad as it gets. Their relationship is about to get better for a little while, and then it’s going to crash and burn so badly that ya’ll are gonna be gagged about how I could possibly have managed to make it worse. And THEN …. Well. Once we’re over that, ya’ll are gonna be FED.
As for the happy ending. On a scale of 1 being solely hopeful (like give me that fire) and 10 being happy (like big reputations), I would probably put it at like a 8. Their relationship ends in an amazing place (picture your ideal lestappen and this is probably it), but it’s still bittersweet because so much of the outside forces don’t get fixed. I don’t want to give too much away, but I would say: expect the best for lestappen, but kinda sad for everything else?
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aerislei · 1 year
rwby volume 9 spoilers / conclusion / thoughts. seriously there are spoilers below the cut I warned you.
First I want to say if you're looking for hard criticism you're in the wrong place. I also want to say I will 100% just block anyone who wants to bash rwby/the volume/etc.
That out of the way, I will concede that there are things I wish we'd seen that we didn't, etc, but this was a Really good volume in my opinion, and I genuinely think people who are calling it filler weren't paying attention.
This volume was a much needed breath of fresh air - for us, and for the girls (+jaune). It gave us a little space from Salem, room to confront some interpersonal issues and come back stronger.
This volume is equivalent to that arc in most anime where the protag spends a shitload of time training bc they got their ass beat, only the "training" wasn't exactly physical.
Ruby finally breaking under the Weight!? Incredible. Loved it. Tore my heart out. And the horror I felt when neo!jabberwalker just had her pinned down and she saw all those horrible things??? -chefs kiss- her explosion? completely understandable! like did they deserve it, no but like neither did Ruby.
The pain was so real, so visceral, the moment between the sisters. Yang's older sister "hey" as in "hey you're going too far" was perfect. Jaune blowing up at Ruby! I wasn't so sure about it at the time, bc I was frustrated about him taking center stage from ruby, given how often that happens. But it was an IMPORTANT moment!
God I loved it so much, and then Ruby bolting off, because she Knows in her heart that Jaune was right, neo was after her, and staying puts them in danger but also she was so angry and hurt and she knew if she stayed it wouldn't get better??? man. MAN.
I will, however, be seeking emotional damages from RT over the Neo fight because Holy Shit. No right, there was no right! Them all taunting her! And saying those horrible things! And beating the shit out of her- I just. I was like, sick, through the entire episode. It hurt so much. But it was also so well done??? As in, the perfect series of knives to break her down.
Also loved the touch of like the illusions changing shapes after Ruby cuts down oscar while trying to defend herself from oz. I just- god. Clover becoming Qrow? Reminding us that Ruby doesn't really know what happened to him? Nvm Jaune and her team and- god.
And her team gets there, and god ruby may not even realize they're *real* and not more illusions. But it doesn't matter. The quietly defeated look she gives them while basically maintaining eye contact and drinking was just. horrifying. The discovery that the cat was doing this all along? That Jaune was right? maaan.
Every time Ruby started to talk about things, Something Else happened. Every time her team tried to ask her if she was okay. Something happened. They tried, I'm not going to say they didn't. But it was so well orchestrated. I had to rewatch to see all the little bits of the cat deliberately pulling attention. And like the only reasons he rly saved them from the caterpillar was to make sure ruby didn't actually ascend??
Also that scene. W/ the herbalist. Was so beautiful. Like, getting to see how far her teammates have come and how strongly they feel about their answers, compared to when they were originally asked a similar question all the way back in mountain glen. They could have had anything they wanted and they chose themselves as they were without hesitation. In contrast to Ruby, who knew back in mountain glen what she was and what she wanted, but now unable to fully accept that she can still be those things because she has 'failed'.
The grappling with their choices in Atlas, and how it had to mean something that they got all those people out, but not really knowing what awaited them in Vacuo.
I know there's a lot of criticism about the suicide allegory and i can... understand why. But I also think that the way it was handled is better than most people have given it credit for. Ruby chose herself. Given the option to set down everything that hurt, everything that was too much. She chose to pick up her burden and carry it herself.
Which brings me to why. To summer. To what she saw. The blacksmith had asked her to imagine the woman who might wield a weapon, and asked if ruby could feel the weight of her. But then Ruby sees summers weapon and reaches for it, and for just a moment, she sees the last night her mother was home.
And at first she is (rightfully!) angry and upset, because what she saw doesn't line up with what she'd been told. Summer lied! Raven knows something she never told them! Maybe the lesson is that she should just give up.
But it isn't, and after a moment Ruby realizes that too. The lesson is that no one is perfect. That the ideal she was setting herself against wasn't real. And it never could be! Because she (and her mother!) are human and people make mistakes.
And it was so, so good to see Ruby piece that together and choose herself. To find her feet. To be able to help her team in their 11th hour fight against the cat so that they could all go home, together.
And like RWBY has done a good job in the past of having a character have this moment of things looking up, and stepping forward, but it's never actually been the end of the arc, and I'm confident that when we get volume 10 we'll still see Ruby grappling with the issues that brought her to her knees in volume 9. She still needs to talk about things. She still need to learn to ask for help. But we saw that with Yang - when she finally left home to rejoin the fight she wasn't perfect yet, she wasn't back to 100%. She was better, but she wasn't back to her old self.
We'll see the same with Ruby, I'm sure of it. (and Jaune too!) We'll see them keep struggling and growing. This season was the beginning, was their first steps on the road to some semblance of recovery. It wasn't the end of the journey.
There are still a thousand things I want to say, including SO much about summer but I think im going to post this and write that separately. Ahahaha.
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neverendingcomplaints · 6 months
Watched this video and I'm just kinda chuckling at it. Can't tell if they're actually joking about their "big age" or not (hope they is).
I know this is controversial, but I think Gen Z and Millenials need to stop scrounging for everything to have a label or an exact definition, and stop begging around asking, "Is it healthy enough? Am I good enough? AM I ENOUGH!?!" The answer is typically Yes, and there is no perfect label or definition of love. You define it for yourself and no one has the right to take that definition away from you, and no, we don't have to get on the same page about it as a whole.
I have complicated relationships with everyone in my life. It doesn't mean I'm just a bundle of unresolved trauma unfit for the world. It just means I'm human and imperfect. My mom and I used to physically fight, and yet she is one of the most important people in the world to me and I love her fiercely. Who are all these random weirdos on the internet to tell me that no, it's not love, it's just strictly abusive and unhealthy and wrong? It's not and it never was. It's human and flawed and messy and hard and guess what? I can still be myself with her and I will be devastated when the inevitable happens and we are parted and I don't care what bell hooks wrote, it is absolutely 100 percent love. Same thing with my ex. I have never fought any of my so-called "close" friends, but the feelings and vulnerability I have with them doesn't even come close.
As for heirarchies, I just think it's kinda wishful thinking to believe that you don't have them. It doesn't mean that you have to love your romantic partner over your platonic friend, but if two people who are important to you have equivalent events in their life and they both need you but you can only go to one immediately, most likely you already know who you're choosing. It's just not realistic, like ENM/poly couples who claim they're non-heirarchical but close things up when sh*t hits the fan. You chose each other. The other people are not a priority. That's heirarchy. It's that simple.
Love is not always peace. Love can be messy, toxic, hard, soft, easy, happy, tragic etc. It evolves, it grows and it dies, it's active and passive, it is too big to contain in any exact definitions or labels or checklists or therapy speech or terms like healthy and unhealthy even. And I think Gen Z and Millenials need to be OK with that.
And on the subject of Media Depictions of Love: The Media is A FANTASY. Of course it influences things, but so does your immediate environment, your family, your school etc. Not saying that Khadija believes this, but there are really people mad and bitter because of fairy tales and romcoms and romance novels. I think that's mostly a personal problem, as in something they have to untangle with a therapist or themselves. There are things that I enjoy in fiction, that I would be horrified by in real life. I don't like The Notebook, but I don't think anyone who likes The Notebook needs to be informed right now of all the problematic things about it so they can properly disavow it online before they get canceled. Big boys and girls should be able to handle themselves. If you're that upset about fiction, then I think there's an issue there that needs to be addressed and it's not just The Media.
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thefirstknife · 3 years
Help, I ran Garden of Salvation with some clan mates and i'm Experiencing Great Sadness about the Kentarch 3 again.
I haven't been following you since shadowkeep, and was wondering if you had some theories about what happened, because a lot is left unexplained, specifically about Lisbon-13's motivations. The story from Yardarm-4's perspective shows that something is influencing them before they accept power (stasis teaser?) from the darkness. Do you think they really had a choice? Do you think he was influenced in his decision to kill them? If so, why? As a test just for him? Presumably he's still out there somewhere, and I can't tell from the lorebooks whether Rekkana let him kill her first or not. I just feel so bad for them, they all loved each other. Yardarm probably took the power in the first place to help get them out safely. Do you think it'll ever get concluded? The whole lore series seems interestingly close to what happens with Shayura, just sort of in reverse.
Kentarch 3 fireteam and the whole story on the Garden of Salvation armour and the associated weapons and equipment is amazing and very interesting, I agree. I haven't talked about it before but it's a good thing to revisit every so often! I think there's still a lot we don't really understand, mostly due to not fully understanding the power of the Black Garden.
In short for the general audience, Kentarch 3 was a fireteam that consisted of Yardarm-4 (Titan), Rekkana (Warlock) and Lisbon-13 (Hunter). They went to explore the Black Garden at the behest of the Warlock order called the Cryptochrons which Rekkana was a part of. This order got exiled some time after Osiris for dabbling in prophecies. Cryptochrons were formed around a Oneiromantic Circle and led by a Sibyl (or multiple sibyls; or Sibyl was just a name of one member, it's unclear). Oneiromancy is the practice of interpreting dreams to predict the future and sibyls were ancient Greek female prophets and oracles.
I didn't think this would get long but it did so the rest under the cut:
The Cryptochron order continued operating after its exile and Rekkana received a prophecy from them that revolved around a fireteam learning about the Black Garden and retrieving from it a Vex relic of some sort. The relic is the exotic weapon Divinity and the lore tab on it details the prophecy they were chasing:
"And after any other Cryptochrons they learn of. But your path is more dangerous than most. The Circle has foreseen many fireteams following in your footsteps. You can find the knowledge the order seeks at the Tree."
"Can? Not will?" For the first time, Rekkana sounded concerned.
"The Circle has had limited success in piercing the veil that surrounds the Black Garden, so the order offers no certainties. They say that a group of Guardians will discover secrets about the origin of the Black Garden at the Tree. The Oneiromantic Circle foresees no reason why it will not be the Kentarch 3."
"Nor can I. But…?"
"There is another thread in the tapestry, entwined with this one. The Vex, or some fractal faction of them, worship or honor a… divinity there."
"The Black Heart? It was destroyed."
"Yes, but this is something different. An object. Something like a sacred relic. It is important to the Vex for reasons that we have not yet fathomed. The Circle has determined that it is dangerous—"
"A Vex weapon?"
"Perhaps," the Sybil sounded annoyed at the interruption. "Rekkana, the Circle concluded that it is a danger to you."
"To me? But then, why send me on this mission?"
"When the Circle dreamed of the object, you were beside it."
They agreed that, should they find this object, Lisbon should be the one to carry it. They did find it and he was indeed the one to carry it, as is shown later in another lore tab detailed below.
We know that Lisbon-13 killed the rest of his fireteam because they got corrupted by the Black Garden, something happened to their Ghosts (they all just dropped down and started losing their Light) and then turned on him. He was being hunted and he really had no choice. But he couldn't live with it. In Beyond Light, he's shown trying to kill his Ghost in order to stay permanently dead because he couldn't bear the burden of what he did to his fireteam, even though his actions were justified and he acted in self-defence.
But before he managed to do that, he was faced with his own doppleganger, just like the YW at the end of Shadowkeep. In the end, Lisbon didn't kill his Ghost because the doppleganger offered him power and Lisbon (presumably) chose to take it: his wish was simply to make himself forget about his fireteam (and Rekkana specifically, whom he loved). It's implied that he accepted and after that, we have no formal information what happened.
The outcome of what happened to Kentarch 3 is somewhat known, as detailed in this ship lore. The Vanguard knows Lisbon killed the other two, they're not sure when they lost their Ghosts and they have not found anyone's body, not even Lisbon's. But we know from the lore that came out after that Lisbon accepted the deal with his doppleganger and we have no idea what that entailed. Is he still in the Black Garden? Was he killed? Replaced? Just memory-wiped and sent back? Something else entirely? We'll explore at the end.
I'm pretty sure the voices they heard talking to them were also their own dopplegangers. And it's somewhat implied that they made some sort of a bargain and accepted "new powers" that came "from the wrong side." There's only one description of it:
Her fist glimmered and quaked with an unfamiliar power. She only had to release her grip, and that energy would rip through him, burning without fire.
That's Rekkana attacking Lisbon. It's never fully explained what it is, but it could very well be some sort of prototype Stasis in my opinion. Or some other Darkness power. Not sure why the Black Garden would give them this, which is why I think they simply harnessed the power of their dopplegangers. This is something that's been mentioned a few times in regards to Darkness: duplication. Same is present with the Taken as well (Taken psions duplicate). I mentioned the duplication theme being discussed in Clovis' journal before too.
Honestly, I can't make any definitive conclusion, but Kentarch 3 definitely found something horrifying in the Black Garden and fell to its influence. They also reference doing the puzzles to get Divinity, which they got and Lisbon used it to kill the other two.
Garden of Salvation raid ends with a Pyramid scale opening up and leading us down into the area with the Darkness statue. I think this could've easily been some sort of a lead into the future of Destiny and the powers of Darkness. Kentarch 3 may have accidentally received this power early on or were perhaps some sort of a test the Darkness did on Guardians before offering them Stasis for real.
It's an interesting story and yep, it does mirror Shayura's fireteam and how the story is told! Each member of the fireteam tells the same story from their own POV on armour for that class. I'll link all of them in order, roughly how I think it's best to read each POV:
Rekkana: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Yardarm-4: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Lisbon-13: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
I like how the armour follows the same name pattern: Righteousness, Exaltation, Transcendence, Ascendancy and Temptation.
Associated Garden of Salvation weapons also have some tidbits of lore that might help, namely:
Ancient Gospel Hand Cannon:
"These forces have existed forever, but only one of them speaks to us." —Rekkana, Warlock of the Kentarch 3
Sacred Provenance Pulse Rifle:
"These gifts were not made for us, but we were meant to have them." —Rekkana, Warlock of the Kentarch 3
Zealot's Reward Fusion Rifle:
"Why not use these gifts we've been given?" —Yardarm-4, Titan of the Kentarch 3
I would really like to learn more about them, and specifically Lisbon because he might be able to actually tell us what happened. He or his Ghost, Piri, who managed to survive last we've seen her. I think the Ghost might be able to give the most accurate version of events. It's interesting that Lisbon was very much against whatever power they received and that was the reason he abandoned his fireteam, which made the other two consider him a traitor to their friendship.
Very intriguing lore story that could possibly be mentioned again in some form. Also as a brighter note, yes, Yardarm literally flew into the Black Garden with an entire ship and crash landed inside. On a less brighter note, we've never seen the remains of a ship in there (to be fair, Black Garden is huge) and it's somewhat implied that they entered through the Vex Gate on Mars which puts the timeline of when they got there into question. The Vex Gate on Mars that led into the Black Garden was destroyed in the Red War. The new gate showed up on the Moon in Shadowkeep (and you can't fly a ship into it because it's in a cave).
An additional note which answers certain things when it comes to Lisbon's fate that I hinted at before: in order to acquire the quest for Divinity, you have to go to the Moon to the Vex Gate for the first time. The gate will open up and a Vex mind will come out. This giant Vex minotaur is called Zeteon, Redemptive Mind. Upon killing this minotaur, you receive "Divine Fragmentation" quest. Details of the quest here. You pick up a Vex core that has strange readings coming from it and you have to decipher it by running it through various Vex technology. Once fully completed, you have to go into Garden of Salvation, do the Divinity puzzles and the weapon will drop from the extra chest at the end.
Why am I mentioning this? Well. Zeteon, Redemptive Mind drops a core that contains information about how to get Divinity. Lisbon was the member of the fireteam that held Divinity and used it to kill his fireteam. There's a quote from Lisbon on the weapon called Accrued Redemption:
"I should never have let it come to this. Now each arrow is a penance." —Lisbon-13, Hunter of the Kentarch 3
Divinity's perks are called Judgement and Penance.
Basically, I believe that whatever deal Lisbon accepted that made him forget his fireteam, free him from the suffering and redeem him ended with him being converted into Zeteon, Redemptive Mind. It's the reason why this Vex in particular had the pieces needed to construct Divinity again. Lisbon was the last person who had it. Becoming the bearer of parts needed for Divinity was both his Judgement and his Penance.
Final note because I love ancient languages being used for the names of things in Destiny: "Zeteon" most likely comes from Greek "zeteo" which means:
to seek, search after, look for
to inquire into, examine, consider
to strive for, desire, wish
Probably tied to Lisbon's search and desire for redemption for what he's done. I think that wraps up his fate quite nicely, although tragically.
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maychorian · 3 years
I'm sorry if this question isn't one that you want to answer/can answer, you're just the only batman related blog I follow and sometimes Google isn't specific enough. (also pre-apology if I say anything incorrectly or wrong, I'm still learning) So, question: is it true that Cassandra doesn't speak, or mostly communicates with sign and body language? In a lot of fics that I've read with her, she is usually depicted as mostly nonverbal, but occasionally a fic will have her speak "normally", ie like the other characters. I've never read a comic book in my life, but I do know that her origin had her raised without language because her dad is an ass. So I guess I'm just curious about how true this version of her is to recent canon or if it's just a popular fanon trope
I don't mind! I love answering Batfam questions.
So, the story of Cassandra and her language skills is kind of complicated.
When she was first introduced in No Man's Land, she was essentially non-verbal. Barbara was teaching her slowly to read and to speak. Over her two-issue introduction, you learn that her father, David Cain, raised her without language because he was obsessed with raising a perfect warrior who used violence as language. Cass was the only "student" who was really able to do this, and it led to her being preternaturally good at reading body language, to the point that it was basically a superpower.
Oh, and David Cain was also an assassin. The first time Cass was sent to kill someone, she was absolutely horrified by the literal blood on her hands and ran away, vowing inwardly never to kill again. She traveled around the world and eventually ended up in Gotham, where Babs took her under wing, and later Batman did too and eventually adopted her.
I don't think it's ever shown that Cass used sign language in canon. That's a fanon thing that was later added on, because people assume "not speaking" means "mute." But Cass isn't mute, she was just never taught how to speak. In canon, she slowly learns how to speak and read and write, but it's a struggle because she was learning so late, like any person trying to learn a second language. That's why her speech in comics and fanfic is sometimes stilted and a little strange. She tends to use the important words and ignore a lot of the faffery. At least at that point.
Later, in her solo run, Cass met a magic person or something (sorry, I never read that part) who offered to give her complete command over spoken language at the expense of her incredible ability to read body language. Cass agreed, and after that she spoke fluently. But I think later she reversed it? I don't know, someone who knows that run better should answer that part.
But anyway, then the New 52 happened, and Cass's character was either ignored or butchered. I believe her origin was retconned, and I'm not sure how her language skills went during that. Seemingly now in Rebirth she's back to speaking fluently, and occasionally being terse.
So yeah, it's a mess, and it depends on what the writer of the fic read and liked and chose to take from canon. Or from fanon, if they never actually read the comics.
I hope that helps.
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hannya-writes · 3 years
Hihihi! I know it's kinda crazy and I just found your acc but I was LITERALLY thinking about a Marvel-SVU crossover and found yoooooou. I mean... The algorithm lead me to you. It's ✨ Destiny ✨ haha So I was wondering if you could write something Marvel-SVU kinda with Carisi x reader (i don't know if you watch agents of shield) where reader has to go UC for Shield and falls in love with him and he finds out she's Shield etc. I don't know if I'm making any sense rn I'm just really happy I found you. And now I sound creepy but it's already too late and I'm sending this.
Dear @lapaquerette : I do not watch Agents of shield, but I did my best! I swear I did! 😭 you totally made sense! But I feel like there's part of this story that are not so good, anyways~ let's get to the story!!
Title: Don't Tell anyone
Fandom: MCU and Law and order SVU
Pairing: Sonny Caruso x Reader
Other characters: no, I think no
Category: romance
Warnings: this doesn't have a happy ending bc I'm bad writing those! This is long I think.
Author's note: for a moment I thought of making this a serie, but my head couldn't stand it! I don't feel like I can picture Carisi in the right way so probably he's going to be very OOC. Also I'm not supper proud of this because I literally did what I wanted with the time line, Captain America: Winter Soldier happens in 2016 however Caruso es ADA in 2020 if I'm not wrong but in this case the events of winter soldier happen in 2020. Also there's like 2 years of difference btw WS and Civil War, and I tried my best! To make everything fit, but you know, you can kick my ass in comments.
• • •
The mission was supposed to last just a couple of days. Y/n had to pose as an assistant to the Junior ADA's why did they need assistance she didn't know, but when Nick fury assigned her there she just didn't dared to ask.
"Find out what's going on there" he had said as if it was a life or dead situation.
Pepto. That's what happened. High expectations was the other thing happening. The Junior ADA's where being pressed, running towards death case by case.
It was boring, the first two days Y/n had played "who's the jerk of the room?" She had found more than one, stress made that to people. Who cares about cordiality when they had to put people in jail? The answer was Dominic "Sonny" Carisi.
Sonny never yelled or snapped at people, he always asked nicely about papers, he said "Good Morning" and "thank you". He was a gentleman, a knight in a shiny armor. He made funny jokes even when he was struggling with a case.
Y/n had felt a weird desire to help him after just one encounter. The puppy eyes, she reasoned. After that day when he was in court she appeared there, sat and suddenly the people being cross-examined poured the truth without control or bursted in fit of rage confessing everything. She wasn't making something bad, she was helping, which she was supposed to do. No one was going to link her to those incidents. No one knew what she could do.
— copies, now — one of ADA's order her and she almost pushed the asshole and told him to do it himself, it was only a copy machine, he only had to push a button! However, Y/n was a trained spy, she had control over every muscle in her face to not make a disgusted expression at the tall and skinny man. 63 ways to kill him appeared in her head in a second.
— Sure thing — she said in a gently tone, entertaining her mind in the more horrible ways to deal with Tommy.
Tommy Parish, a bully in and out of court, linked to the Irish Mafia. He thought he was a big fish, prepotent but surprisingly brilliant. He was like a weasel. He wasn't that important. Shield wasn't interested by his night activities. They thought there was something else, something more important. Y/n didn't think so. The more interesting thing there was...
— Oh, Sorry didn't meant to...— Sonny said as he almost hit Y/n with the door.
— my fault, I was standing here like a creep — she took the guilt with a sheepish smile.
— A penny for your thoughts — he said as he walked outside and Y/n instinctively followed, as she usually followed after director Nick Fury,
— I think I'm being punished — she said while walking aimlessly, if Sonny had walked in the male restroom she would have probably followed him blindly.
— punish? For what? Did Tommy said something mean to you again? — the blond man sounded concerned and for Y/n it was refreshing, people around her tended to be more defensive around her than being worried about her well being.
— no! I think Tommy is warming up to me — Y/n said proudly — it's my umm... Dad, he send me to live here and I think is because he is mad at me —
There was a small silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable.
— why would he be mad? You are amazing! — Sonny sounded so positive and brilliant, he always seemed to have that aura around him, even in the worst cases. Y/n noticed it, and worried her when he started to lose his shine.
— in my last job, I made a mistake and people got hurt — the confession was sincere. She wasn't lying, she was omitting that those people didn't just "got hurt", they died. She had killed them.
— You are human, humans make mistakes — he said stopping in front of an embellished door. — talk later? — he asked and Y/n nodded with a smile.
After a month everything still was normal. No conspicuous action, no weird people. Y/n wondered why was she there? Was she really being punished by Fury? She had made a mistake, she had chose to save a person, she couldn't know that the objective was going to detonate the whole place. She couldn't read every single thought, her brain would melt if she even tried.
— Sorry, I need to... — said Sonny pointing at the copy machine, y/n blushed for being caught spacing out, again for the 4 time in a week
— I'm so sorry, allow me — y/n extended a hand offering to make the copy for Carisi.
— don't worry, I can push a button — he said making her smile and feel weird.
— please Mr. Carisi, let me be of help — she offered tilting her head a little bit, Sonny found that little action distracting and cute enough to give her the papers he needed to copy.
He saw her move, she was so elegant even just making copies.
— thank you — he told her sighing exhausted.
— don't worry Mr. Carisi, I'll do this, get it in a folder and get it back to you, why don't you go rest your eyes a bit? — she asked with a smile, noticing his tired demeanor
— I'll do it, if you start calling me Sonny — he negotiated and she laughed whole heartedly — come on, everytime you call me Mr. Carisi I feel like you are talking to my father —
— fine, you got yourself a deal — she offered her hand and he took her in his bigger one. Sonny felt asleep with the sound of the copy machine working.
— Sonny, Sonny — Y/n soft voice took him out of dreamland, he found out in that moment that his Nickname sounded awesome from Y/n lips.
From Sonny's eyes y/n was an amazing woman who was able to help everyone with their tasks, she made copies, keep archives ordered, got everything for everyone. She made time to know all of the junior's ADA's of "her room", she served coffee when needed, got them food, kept clean clothes for them just in case. She was like a mother. Sometimes she even helped them found the info they needed. She made all of that and made it with a polite smile. She had been there for like a year and their interactions where short, but he was head over heels for her.
Why? Because she got a great sense of humor, she was nice, smart, sassy when needed, had an excellent memory, she made the best black coffee he had ever tasted. She never got nervous no matter the circumstances. He didn't understand how or why was she assigned to be the "mother hen" of 7 ADA's, but he was thankful. Some days became better the moment she gave him a smile and he imagined that smile was just for him.
Sonny pinched the bridge of his nose in pain. It was past midnight and he was still in his office, working on papers. Practicing his opening statement.
— the truth... The truth....— he repeated trying to remember the next point of the speach. He grunted frustrated.
— Sonny? — the sudden voice made the attorney jump and Y/n laughed.
— Geez, doll! — he exclaimed surprised — You should use a bell — added more awake than before.
— doll? — Y/n questioned rising an eyebrow, Sonny turned red.
— Sorry, I didn't mean to disrespect you — he quickly apologized.
— you didn't, I actually like it — she admitted — I'll allow it — added in a solemn voice — with a condition councilor, only in private I don't need more gossips going around—
After saying those words, Y/n knew that she was digging her own grave. She liked Sonny.
Y/n looked at her phone horrified. Nick had send her and encrypted message. Which was resumed to: You are free of SHIELD, live the life of Y/n Veith. The life he had created for her, an identity that couldn't be connected to the Spy agency. Y/n Y/l/n had died in what they called something like the purge of Hydra. He didn't needed her. He had died. Captain america had basically destroyed the corrupted SHIELD. This was her life now. She was what? a secretary? An assistant?
She should had fail with SHIELD, she should had been there with Fury, protecting him. But she didn't. She pretended nothing happened and followed his last order to her: live like Y/n Veith.
She went with the flow. Acted like everything was just fine, made a routine, followed it to the last point. Untill one day out of the blue she broke down crying in Sonny's office. He was her friend.
— what happened? — he asked on the other side of the desk, surprised that in the middle of his speech, y/n started crying. The case was difficult, a father died to protect his daughter. The teenager girl had been raped and her father was killed by the rapist. It was way more complicated but, that were the facts.
— sorry, sorry — she said cleaning her face with her hands, Sonny approached and offered her a handkerchief that she took hesitantly. — I lost, I lost him — she stuttered.
Sonny kneeled by her side, took the handkerchief and cleaned her beautiful face.
— I'm so sorry, doll — he said even if he didn't understand, Y/n felt his consternation.
— my father died — she said with a soft voice — my house burned down — she added and Sonny understood, her father adopted her, he had saved her and then lost it all. The case had hit too close to her.
— Come on, we had enough of this case — he decided getting up, taking her hands to get her to stand — I'll take you home — he said and she smiled with sadness.
— I don't want to go to my department — she confessed getting up and Sonny gave her a soothing smile.
— We can go to my place — he offered without a second intention, she nodded and they walked away from the office, Sonny ordered an Uber.
Outside of One Hogan place with a heavy heart, y/n leaned against Sonny and he hugged her while waiting for their ride, and during the ride.
Y/n fell asleep without nightmares for the first time in the 6 months after the dead of Nick. Sonny by her side, over the covers and behind a "wall" of pillows fell asleep with the image of a peaceful Y/n.
Three months later, Y/n entered Sonny's little office, she said a "sorry to interrupt", the blond man stopped writing and turned to her eagerly, he tried to suppress his desire to look into her eyes but he wasn't that good at that.
He hadn't seen her in more than 14 days thanks to his overflow of cases and her being stole by homicides DA, who had discovered she was very good in investing.
She muttered a "what?" In mockery, as if the distance and time hadn't even happened and added a "I got you a donut!". A donut that he had craved since morning but wasn't able to get. He sighed a laugh, sometimes it was as if she could read his mind.
— you are life saver, doll— he sighed in relief taking the donut from her hand.
— Should I get you some coffee? — she asked with that caring tone that made him feel special.
— I would love that — he accepted as she merrily went to the coffee machine and poured him a cup and then a glass of water.
Sonny wondered about where did those pretty and elegant glasses came from, have they always been there? She left a bag in the table and walked back to him. He pretended to be working but it was hard to act when she was walking towards him with that dark red pencil skirt that hug perfectly the curb of her hips, the black blouse making contrast, hanging a bit loose over her torso.
— thanks doll — he said when she put the coffee and water in a corner of the desk, he looked at her with a smile — water? — he asked with a joking tone, y/n nodded
— yes, sir — she said in the same joking mood — I took an account of the caffeine you ingest by day, this could be dangerous for your health, so for every cup of caffeine, one of water — she explained with as much confidence as a lawyer making an opening statement.
— are you worried about me? — he was almost flirting, she blushed even if they sometimes flirted a bit.
— I worry about all of you — she pointed out and gave a mischievous smile that made Sonny blush.
— thank you, doll — he quipped with a smile, she smiled back and walked away to Parish desk, the man sat there looked down to his papers as Y/n put a bagel by his hand.
Sonny noticed how Tommy's ears got as read as a tomato and turned to look at her with adoration, the same look the other ADA's got everytime she was near. He had seen how things slowly changed with Y/n presence, at first they were rude, condescending, then they realized that she was excellent in her work. She had saved all of them more than once with little actions.
Y/n had a charming aura and some men in the office had asked her out, Tommy included, but she always turned them down, with an excellent excuse. "I'm seeing someone".
Carisi wondered who. Who was she dating?
— Coffee — she announced as she took a folder and put it carefully away.
Sonny smiled and suddenly thought of Y/n lie about she seeing someone. She had never tell him about her boyfriend, he thought of all of those slice of life moments they had, the banters they have, the many times she had helped him. The times she would stay in his apartment so she wouldn't be alone.
Was he the person she was seeing?
— do you have plans for tonight? — he asked abruptly and Y/n looked at him surprised.
— I got a date with my bed, but I can reschedule — she offered with a smile, she could rest later, she had to enjoy every moment with Sonny.
— do it, I'll take you to a wonderful place — He said with all of his confidence, she giggled — after work? — she nodded contently.
— It's a deal — she said before walking away with a big smile in her face.
Sonny felt stupidly happy. It was him. She was dating him unofficially.
That night Y/n tried to look as perfect as was possible in work clothes, she had refreshed herself, use a little more of make up. She was excited, she really liked Sonny and had wanted to go on a date with him, no work talk, no solving ways to state a question. She wanted to know him in a more personal way.
They sat in a table of a nice looking bar, a decent one. It wasn't pretentious, they actually served food and not just greasy fast food. She had told him distorted versions of stories with her "family and friends", (since she couldn't talk about her real life and training) like that time her father had taught her how to use a gun for her homework and she discovered she had weak fingers.
She heard about his time as a Police officer, a detective nonetheless! Sargent Benson seemed to be a very empathic person, Detective Tutuola was definitely a funny man, Amanda was for him like one more of his sisters. And Sonny discovered that she was adopted by a man called Nick, Nick Veith he guessed, since he thought that was her real last name.
She had two "adopted" sister and a brother: Maria, Natalie and Clinton. Maria was righteous, Nat was smart and sassy, Clint was funny and sometimes really annoying. Sonny thought he would get along easily with them.
They laughed between stories, they were getting fun untill Y/n felt there was something wrong. Something was about to happen. Something bad.
— Something wrong? — Y/n barely registered Sonny's voice before jumping over him yelling a "get down". A telekinetic wake made the other around people fall to the ground just in time as a rain of bullets came from the broken windows.
Sonny heard the glass breaking, people screaming in panic. Saw the bullets fly over him and the bottles in the bar breaking in slow motion. He had never experienced anything like that. The light weight of Y/n over him. And his monkey mind thought about how right that felt.
There was a "clank" from a gas' bomb, then a flash and a cloud of white smoke. People stood up and started running.
— Y/n — Sonny pulled her to see her face, he thought she would be scared, paralyzed from fear. However, when he saw her face there was no fear, she seemed confused, puzzled. — come on, we have to move —
Y/n was thinking the same, but she didn't know what was the right move: defend everyone there using her not-so-human powers? Run away and pretend to be a delicate woman, scared of the situation?
— doll? — Sonny sounded worried and in almost panic, a switch turned as boots hit the floor of the bar.
— Stay behind me — Y/n said with confidence getting up, feeling the presence of 8 people surrounding them, circling them. — and... — she looked at Sonny worried — don't get scared — she pleaded softly.
— Y/n Y/l/n surrender yourself — someone yelled and the woman felt her skin crawl, she hadn't hear her name in more than a year. It sounded good.
— is this about the accords? — She thought, aware of the Sokovia accords and what they proposed. She hadn't signed them. No one was supposed to know about her, her powers, she hadn't expected the government to notice her.
Nat? Clint? Maybe Maria had told them.
— That's right, put your hands in the air — the man ordered in a shout. Y/n closed her eyes and closed her hand in a thigh fist, making the fog disappear.
— Sorry, I can't do that— she confessed pushing the man with telekinesis. — I'm not a weapon you can use —
A new row of bullets flew towards Y/n and Sonny. A bright green light appeared in her eyes and all of the bullets stopped in the air, traces of the same light that made Y/n shine seemed to contain the little bullets like tendrills, the bullets turned in the air pointing at the squadron that was attacking her
— Y/n, no! — Sonny made her react, the tendrills disappeared and the bullets fell useless to the ground as the woman turned to see the Attorney.
— Sonny, sonny — she stuttered worried— no, no, no, no, I would never hurt them, I'm not a monster, I'm not! — she said almost in panic,not because of the attack but for the ideas Sonny could get.
Sonny saw the green and now red light form an eyes over Y/n, then monsters from nightmares formed from the light, monsters like dogs, with skulls covering the hideous animals with blood dripping from their snouts, bodies wet with a black substance. The animals roared and jumped to defend them.
Y/n saw fear in Sonny's eyes. She recognized it, a bright tendril started to form in the exact point of her heart, the fear taking form in her presence. Her hand squished the light over her chest, stopping something else to form.
He didn't know what to say. Carisi knew about the avengers, the new york incident had affected his work, he had saw everything about "ultron", he was informed about Tony Stark and the avengers every move. But he didn't know what was he supposed to say? "Sign the accords" was what he wanted to say. It was selfish for him to ask that, he couldn't do it.
— doll, you're not a monster— he finally found his own voice to say that. — but you have to go —
— Sonny, I... — the ADA put a strand of hair behind Y/n ear taking her by surprise.
— If you don't mind, I'll like to kiss you — he said making her blink in disbelief.
— yes please...— she said and Carisi smiled brightly, his large hand caressed her cheek and softly leave a tender kiss in her soft lips. It barely lasted more than a second. When Carisi opened up his eyes, everything was back to normal. Like a couple of minutes ago, right before the shooting.
In the table was a note: "Don't tell anyone" he recognized Y/n writing. He wondered if everything had been a dream, a hallucination. A part of him told him that no, that couldn't be his imagination. Y/n had left.
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tthael · 3 years
If you're still doing the DVD commentary thing, I'm curious about your thought process behind the whole discussion they have in the car at the end of chapter 11, when Richie asks Eddie why he thinks It targeted them specifically.
Oh boy, this answer’s a bit depressing.
See, I’ve gotten a lot of responses talking about how much they love Went and Maggie in Indelicate. And while they are fun--and a lot of their dynamic is influenced by my own parents and grandparents, and I decided to write their behavior as sort of blueprints for Richie and his behavior towards Eddie--Richie is more upset than he lets on about their conversation about Henry Bowers and his childhood.
So in Chapter 10, I have Richie sort of pick a fight with his parents. Eddie gives him an opening, and Richie immediately seizes onto the topic of Henry Bowers and his childhood bullying, because he wants to confront his parents. About their choice to live in Derry? Maybe. About their failure to respond appropriately to some very violent childhood bullying? Definitely. Richie brings up the incident from the book where Bowers wipes out in front of their class and Richie automatically and without thinking goes, “Hey, Bananaheels!” and Bowers chases Richie all the way through Freese’s department store with his cronies, intending to beat him. Because movie!Richie wears the Freese’s shirt, I decided to keep that incident.
And Went’s immediate response to Richie’s story of “Remember when I was in great fear of physical violence and very real fear for my safety?” is to ask, “Well, what did you do to make him angry?”
I don’t know if you’ve read Things That Happen After Beverly Leaves, but in that fic I have Bev and Richie have a conversation about Tom Rogan and a specific incident of violence that happens during the fic, during which Bev asserts that it was her fault that he went after her because she was antagonizing him. And Richie’s response is something to the effect of, “Oh, really? Does everyone have that threshold? What do you have to say to me before I decide to beat you, then?” Because it’s bullshit and victim blaming, and everyone has a choice of whether or not to commit violence, especially in positions of power. (Even when the violence is committed in self-defense, there’s always the choice to--not defend yourself, and to accept those consequences. In this instance, I’m not describing “violence” as an umbrella “this is always bad” sort of thing; but I do think that it’s always bad when enacted on someone else for the purpose of harming them, especially from a position of power to someone weaker.)
Like many readers of IT by Stephen King, I was horrified by the blasé approach that most of the adults have to the childhood bullying portrayed in the book. I know that King experienced bullying as a child--probably part of why he writes it so elaborately and brutally; and I know that one of It’s influences is that It exaggerates the negative and harmful tendencies of all of Derry’s residents, including bullies like Henry Bowers (even before It interferes with him directly), Alvin Marsh and Sonia Kaspbrak (whose “protective” and abusive natures become exaggerated and inhuman), and adults who turn blind eyes to the violence happening in front of them (the older couple who saw Bowers cutting Ben and drove on, bystanders who saw Alvin Marsh chasing Bev through the street and did nothing, a shopkeeper who tried to intervene in an act of bullying and allowed Bowers and his gang to run him off instead of rescuing the Loser in question, though I’m afraid I don’t remember the specifics).
In this case, I decided that the Toziers didn’t respond appropriately to defend their son. You can decide whether that was because of Derry and It or because of their parenting style. But in this case I decided to have Wentworth demand that Richie take responsibility for his victimization. And Richie gives a sort of Stepford smile when he admits to provoking Bowers; and Wentworth’s response is “You’re very smart, but you kept being stupid and getting into fights.”
If you read the Bananaheels scene from IT, we see that Richie has literally no brain-to-mouth filter. The very second the words are out of his mouth, he wants to kick himself, but he knows Bowers will do it for him. I also write Richie as having untreated ADHD, especially as a child, and his failure to consider cause and effect here is influenced by my own brother. He literally could not consider the consequences of his temper tantrums when he was a child, because there was no reflection or consideration of cause and effect for him. Many child psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists attested to this. Because this is a real person and someone I have great affection for, I’m not interested in breaking down whether that’s an element of being a child (it was not in my experience) or an element of having untreated ADHD (again, it was not in my experience, as I suffered crippling overthink and decision paralysis at the other end of the spectrum). But I did decide to let that influence Richie.
Eddie is very uncomfortable with Richie’s parents’ lack of sympathy, especially because he shared the experience with Richie; but he’s also uncomfortable with parents in general and very aware that he’s in the Toziers’ space and doesn’t feel he has standing towards them. Richie gets more defensive, Stepford smiling, and recounts other stories of Bowers’ gang harassing the Losers, getting crueler and more flippant both with himself and with his friends (he casually insults Ben), and culminates in the story of Bowers cutting Ben for the crime of not allowing him to cheat off him in school, something that Richie is sure the Toziers cannot claim was the wrong thing to do, the way they suggested that Richie’s actions were the wrong thing to do.
Only then does Wentworth remember that the childhood bully Richie mentioned was actually arrested and imprisoned for fratricide. This is something that even the fog of Derry’s memory loss didn’t take away from him completely, and Richie discussing it brings it back up. And Richie gleefully confirms that yes, that is the Henry Bowers he meant, and actually he tried to lynch Mike and successfully stabbed Eddie in the face, two actions that the Toziers cannot dismiss as provoked. Then the Toziers get distracted by dentistry and Richie coldly and excellently lies to his parents’ faces not just about Bowers’ whereabouts but about the fact that he killed them.
So Richie’s topic of conversation when he and Eddie leave is “Why do you think It went after us?” because he’s still trying to deal with the victim blaming his father expressed and what he actually means is “What do you think I did that made this happen to me?” Then Richie talks about his parents’ choice not to have any children after him, and makes a joke that’s actually completely serious about being such an annoying child that his parents decided they didn’t want any more, even at the potential of his mother’s longed-for daughter, because (in Richie’s mind) the risk of a second Richie was too great. And Richie jokes about his own death, and admits to Eddie that he was very lonely, because Richie is still very lonely right now.
And Eddie says that he’s not lonely and he never felt lonely, and Richie hears “I wasn’t lonely because I had you,” and that’s what he really needs to hear right then. It’s not a love confession (a love confession would be too good to be true), but Richie thinks it’s as good as he’s going to get, so he eats it up.
Even Eddie’s thoughts are about victim blaming, which comes down to an argument that I read on tumblr some years ago: that “she shouldn’t have dressed like that, she shouldn’t have gone off by herself” means “rape the other girl, the one who did all the wrong things,” the one that means violence as punishment. Eddie thinks that victim blaming in this case means that It should have killed and eaten the other kid, which is of course wrong, because It had to be stopped for its monstrosity, not because it was an ineffective deterrent or punishment.
So Eddie pushes Richie in the other direction--he says that what made a difference was not that the Losers ran around without supervision, but that they loved each other enough to risk their lives trying to save each other. Even Richie, in his magnanimous cruelty after speechifying and leaving Bill on the hook, chose to kill the fucking clown rather than abandon Bill, rather than leave It to eat the other kid. And when Richie says “Good for us,” about the Losers being willing to die for each other, he gets grim because Eddie is still like that, trying to die for him; and Richie can forgive himself for trying to die to save the others, but he doesn’t know if he can forgive Eddie for actually dying to save him yet.
That was a long one, but I’m planning on digging back into Maggie and Went in Indelicate again and it’s good practice for me to analyze the choices I made months ago. So thank you for asking! And for reading, of course.
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nitannichionne · 3 years
The Captain's Secret (Chris Evans Captain America Fanfiction), Chapter 24: Prisoner
Chapter 24: Prisoner (Lesedi POV)
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I awakened to Brooklyn licking and whining at me, but I didn't move. It had been a long night. There was barely any light where I was, but I could make out the bed of skins I laid on, a small room with some sort of toilet, and some sort of table and chairs, all made of some sort of ice. I heard the howling wind and howls of things I did not want to think about outside, sometimes I thought I even heard my name. I inhaled no real scent of anything except the dog at first. I laid under the skin staving the chill for my pet as I curled him closer. I was hungry and needed to go to the bathroom. I felt like I was being watched--
"You may as well open your eyes, little one. I can tell you are awake now."
I gasped, and sat bolt upright to find a male being sitting next to the bed I was laying on. He was taller than Steve, but just as muscular, with bluish gray skin. He was handsome, but handsome doesn't tell me what is in his mind and heart. I stared at him, trying to read him. All I got was overwhelming curiosity. "Who are you?"
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"I am Ingemar." He gave an almost formal nod, his voice deep.
I licked my lips nervously. "I am--"
"Lesedi Evelyn Munroe, daughter of Kymera and Loki, I know." He watched me for a moment. "You are taking this rather well."
I swallowed hard. "My father taught me to keep my wits about me." I watched his eyes narrow. "His name was Phil Coulson." I watched his eyes flicker with recognition. "Do you—"
"I am here to see to your comfort."
"You are?"
His eyes bore into me. I felt uncomfortable. "Shouldn't I have a-a-"
"Female servant? Ideally."
I frowned.
"The problem is that you are unbreached, so you need protection. Many males have caught your scent in the fortress. How did this come to be?"
My mind was spinning at his frankness. "What?"
"That you are...unbreached." He looked me over. "I see nothing wrong with you. Your scent is intoxicating. You are attractive. I simply do not--" he inhaled, closing his eyes, and reopened them, looking at me in a way that made me uneasy. "understand." He was a quiet for a moment. "It makes me question the kind of men that live in your realm."
"Uh...thanks, maybe, I think."
"Hmmm." He rose. "Food over there. Skins and gowns in that room there. Your-uh-" His blue eyes fell on Brooklyn.
"It's a dog, a very small one."
"Hmm," He raised his eyebrow at me. "I have asked for coverings for your dog. That way if it is seen it won't be mistaken for some sort of pest."
I put Brooklyn in my lap. "He'll be with me at all times." I paused. "You are very cordial."
"But you won't allow me to leave?"
He gave a small smile. "I'm afraid I cannot."
"Why am I here?"
"You were part of a trade."
"What was I traded for?"
He chose this answer carefully, I could feel it. "Technology."
"And I am--"
"An unbreached female, ready for claiming."
I stilled. "What?"
"You share our traits, but you also have other desirable ones we would like."
I stared at him in disbelief. "I'm a breeder?!"
A small smile tugged at his lips. "Probably."
I sprang up, and began looking around.
"Even if you got out of this room you would not make it out of the fortress, we are heavily guarded at all times here."
I might be able to escape, but where would I go? I got the feeling I was on Jotenheim-too much snow and tall people for anyplace else. And where was that? "You seem reasonable," I pleaded. "Can't you just let me go? I'm sure you'd be rewarded."
"That is out of my hands little one," he said, rising from his seat. I gasped, backing away. He was taller than Thor! "But you have been placed in mine. I suggest you cooperate. It's...less unpleasant."
"Cooperate?" I felt tears come to my eyes. "What are they planning?"
"Right now, there are talks of whether to try to extract your genes, extract your reproductive system, or to find suitable mates." He paused. "I think the latter is best. There is less risk of damage."
I gasped. I was horrified. "You-you can't do that!"
"Unbreached means unclaimed," he said plainly. "We can do what we feel is right."
Women had no power here? Oh, I've got to get out of here! "Not for me!" I sent a blast of cold toward him, turning it into an snowball, and he caught it as one would a toy. It gave me time to teleport--right into his arms. "Let me go!" Then, I felt it, a wave of want, I could identify it now, and I realized in that moment I'd felt it from Steve, but this was unwelcome from Ingemar. He was thinking things he shouldn't have thought.
"You--you--did something." He concentrated. "I was so distracted watching you move that way, that I didn't realize..."
"You cannot be trusted," I accused, snatching away and backing away from him. "I felt what you thought. You cannot be trusted!"
He laughed. "Actually, I can be. Most males would have acted on those urges. I have control over them. But make no mistake, I am Jotnar." He reached out, and touched my hair. I froze, seeing there was silver in his blue eyes. "So different." He was intrigued. "You would do well to remember that." He turned to go.
I held Brooklyn close to me. Even he was watching as Ingemar left the room.
@nuggsmum @messyinsomnimaniac @jencanbeyouryengeralt @sweetdreamsofgelato @@mary-ann84 @omgkatinka @the-soot-sprite @viking-raider @keanureevesisbae @henryobsessed @summersong69 @sunshine96love @michelehansel @thelastsock @tumblnewby @tenaciousneckpartypainter @rn7rocks @daydreamin83 @musicartmayheminmyheart @kaatelyynn-blog-blog@forallthebrokenheartedthings @alphacancrii @liquorlaughslove @designerwriterchic @tamychm @nikkilynn303 @circesgirl1 @xoxohannahlee @pixie88@fckdeusername @maan24 @kaatelyyynn​ @october505​ @absentmindr​ @introvertedmouse​ @sassy-pelican @griscka75 @kebabgirl67 @its-carlerr
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I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the announcements from Maxis Monthly? Did the Game Changers know about or have any say in the rebrand?
Ok so I’m gonna answer your last question first lol
The title “Game Changer” is definitely a little confusing because it implies that we actually change the game in some way, but we don’t. Well, most of us don’t. I think some of the bigger Game Changers have a little sway because they know the team personally and have been to the Sims Headquarters and stuff, but for the most part all we do is get early access so that we can provide our individual communities with a glimpse of the pack that goes a little more in depth than just trailers, that way people can see what’s included and decide if they want to buy it, and hopefully bring more people to the franchise in the process. And we definitely didn’t have anything to do with the rebrand, we heard about it at the same time everyone else did.
As for your first question, I’m gonna put it under a cut for a couple reasons: [a] Listen, I have opinions lol and [b] for anyone that is like me and is sensitive to colour contrast, I don’t want anyone getting a nasty headache or sore eyes if they don’t have to. Let’s do this!
So first off, LOVE that they’re adding over 1000+ decorative world objects! There have been so many things over the years in different packs that I’m sure we’ve all seen and been like “Why didn’t you let us use that!?”, and now we’ll be able to! Sucks that some creators spent so much time liberating those things for us only to now have their work be obsolete though 😕
I also think the Create-A-Sim Story Mode looks interesting. I don’t like the idea that you can’t change the sims aspiration and traits though; they’re locked in once you’ve finished answering the questions. I’m not sure how much use I’ll get out of it, as I tend to either pick specific traits based on my sim’s backstory or randomise them, but it’s nice to know the option is there and answering the questions might be fun to see what kind of sim you get!
Now, onto the rebrand.
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I just don’t understand it!
Listen, I’ll be the first to admit, I don’t like change; I don’t do well with big changes at all. But this isn’t about that, this is about trying to understand why EA felt the need to rebrand The Sims 4 (which I can’t work out) and why they chose those colours, and I just… don’t understand.
I mean I understand, they’re trying to attract a younger audience with bright shiny things. But I don’t UNDERSTAND, you know? I don’t understand what prompted them to do it now, after almost five years?! Why did they feel the need to change something that didn’t need to be fixed at all? And why they went with this particular colour scheme! It’s so unnecessarily bright! As a graphic designer I’m genuinely horrified by the colours they chose and as a consumer of their product, I’m a little annoyed that they spent time and money on this when there are other things that are more important (like things that are actually broken) that keep getting the “We don’t have the resources” excuse or just flat out ignored.
Here’s the difference between the original box arts and the rebranded ones:
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That blue is GOD AWFUL! It’s like Tumblr’s new blue background; I literally have a headache from looking at it! It doesn’t fit with the style of the rest of the game at all. And they claimed in the stream that the new box art designs really make the render sims “pop”… they really don’t. The backgrounds of the DLC packs are way too busy. I just I don’t understand why they couldn’t just stick with the nice clean, minimalist look they had before; it was truly a timeless design. A design that actually made the render sims pop and didn’t detract from them at all with busy backgrounds and headache-inducing colours!
Oh and can we just talk about the new base game box art render for a second? I love it, I really do. It looks cool and I’m excited to get to learn more about these new sims that are being added and according to the Gurus in the stream, all of the stuff on those sims is being added to base game (the stuff that’s not already base game that is). I’m excited about that pink hair BUT take a good look at all the other stuff… look familiar? That’s because most of us have already paid for that stuff. The jacket on the pink haired sim is from Get Famous, the beanie on the sim next to her is from Get to Work, the hair under the beanie is from Dine Out, the bracelet on the sim with the camera is from Seasons, the chef uniform in the middle is from Get to Work, the jacked on the sim up the back with the phone is from Get Together, and the sleeveless hoodie on the sim to the left of that is from Fitness Stuff. They’re all recolours of stuff from other packs. I’m all for free content, because hey it’s free, but I really wish they wouldn’t make things from other packs base game; people paid for that stuff.
Side note: I feel sorry for the people who collect the psychical copies of the games, because unless they can afford to buy new copies of all the packs, any new packs aren’t going to match their old ones now. And also the people who got tattoos of the old plumbob 😕
Which brings me to the plumbob, and yet another before and after:
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The new plumbob is whatever; I don’t hate it, I just prefer the original. It matched the one in game and suited the artstyle of the whole game really well, whereas the new one looks too much like The Sims 3 and doesn’t suit The Sims 4 at all. It’s also not going to match the plumbob in-game anymore as for some reason they decided not to change that one? I mean it wouldn’t matter to me if it did because I always have my default file edited to get rid of it, but it just makes no sense to leave the original in there if you’re changing everything else.
New box art, plumbob and stuff aside, the thing that probably annoys me the most about this rebrand is that the pack icons and colours are changing. I get that they probably ran out of colours to choose from for each pack, but the fact that it’s so hard to tell the difference between the colours for the game and stuff packs is gonna be a problem for anyone who has difficulty distinguishing between different colour tones. Mr Sandwich, for example, couldn’t tell that there was a difference between the two, even after I pointed it out to him. Why didn’t they make one of them yellow?!
I personally used to find things from expansions in the catalogue by looking for the colour of each pack icon. “I know the thing I’m looking for is from Get Famous, so I’ll just keep scrolling until I see a pink icon”… well, not anymore:
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All expansion packs are now teal, all game packs are now blue (a different blue than the box art blue I might add 😩), and all stuff packs are green; the only difference is the icon on them. And yes, I’m aware you can filter things by pack, that’s what I used to do for stuff and game packs because they were always the same colour, but if I’m just scrolling through say the curtains category, it’s a lot quicker to just scroll once or twice looking for an icon colour than it is to go into the little menu, click on “packs”, scroll down to the pack I want and choose it.
The new pack icons and colours also look awful on the main menu. Here’s a little before and after again:
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Urgh that blue! There as nothing wrong with the original menu but now we’re gonna have the god awful blue again… not the point, sorry. Look at those icons! They’re too… saturated? busy? both? I dunno what but they look awful, especially on the blue background! At the very least they should have just made them one solid colour instead of trying to carry over the crystallized look.
And lastly the loading screen….
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Again with the gross colour combinations and the background is just plain boring. The old one is much nicer and easier on the eyes.
Maybe it’s because I’m old and not the target audience for this new look but honestly I JUST DON’T GET IT! I understand that EA are trying to attract more people to the game, obviously younger people, but I really don’t think alienating and confusing the people who currently play your game in favour of luring in new people is this is the way to go about it.
Thankfully I’ve already seen a couple of the amazingly talented modders in the community say they’ll do everything they can to either give us back the original menus and loading screens or make a less obnoxious version as soon as they can, so I’m just gonna keep my fingers crossed that it won’t be too difficult for them to do and look forward to downloading those mods so I can play without getting a headache every time I have to look at the main menu and loading screen 😅
NOTE: Before anyone starts shouting at me for “being negative about a free update” just note that anon asked for my thoughts on it; these are my thoughts. If you like the new look that’s great, I’m really happy for you! But anon wanted my honest opinion and I’ve given it. Will this rebrand stop me playing the game? Of course not! The game is still the same no matter what the box art and menus look like, but that doesn’t mean I have to like them and it doesn’t mean I can’t express my disappointment about it all, especially if a follower asks for my opinion about it.
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jamiebluewind · 4 years
Character/Location Descriptions for Fantasy High 2.10!
As always, let me know if I need to edit or add anything and tag/ask/PM me about art and stories so I can check them out!
Warning: emprisonment, multiple injuries, canon typical violence, multiple blood mentions, gross descriptions, poison mention, broken bone mention, vomit mention, torture mentions, trauma, abandonment,
"Free dad slap."
"You 'Ally'ed out of the box of doom!"
New Character/s
Fire Elemental #3
Was summoned and bound by the elves of old to protect the elemental pylon that powers the permanent magical effects of Ka'lethriel Tower, which transformed them into a monstrous fire thing along with 2 other fire elementals bound there
Was embrased by Fabian in a deep dip as he cradled their head and his sheet wrapped around them both and roiled above them
The power of Fabian's dance partially stunned them and took them out of active combat
The thing binding them to protect the pylon went when the fire pit helix was put out, causing them to change back to a creature with an elvan face of wreathing flame
They cry fire
They kissed Fabian softly on the lips (for 8 points of damage) and whispered in his ear (softly like flame) "Thank you. For my freedom. For my life." before disappearing
Established Characters
Arthur Aguefort
Slows localized time at Ka'lethriel Tower, opening a rift from his desk at the academy to talk to Adaine
Crawled through the rift after Adaine confirmed that her captors chose the way of pain
The way of pain involved Aguefort using new and experimental magic resulting him growing 450 feet tall (massive thudding steps), reaching up to grab the Sun (causing his veins to light up with golden fire and his mouth to fill with a fire that releases and races across the sky), calling thousands of terracotta Agueforts to burst out of the ground and sprint north, moving the Sun itself (leaving a burning scar across the sky), and shooting lasers the width of highways that have enough power to cap a mountain in one hit with lasers that shot out of his eye (which took on a golden bright glow)
He appeared to Kristen later (via a spell that appeared as a scroll glowing with illusionary magic with his name on it that allowed him video chat with her from back in Elmville) badly injured, wrapped up in bandages, bleeding a lot, and in pain.
The new magic tore up his guts so bad that by the time he got about 50 miles north of the tower, he "shit about an ocean of blood" and almost passed out (we can't get that big, 450 feet tall is too big)
Was also hit with a lot of powerful elven counter magic before he teleported back to Solace
His terracotta army fell apart when he left
Admitted that he had been going ham for a while since after Kristen snuck him into heaven, that being dead for a couple months really messed him up, and that attempting to destroy the government of Fallinel was "just too much"
Got in a lot of trouble with the government of Solace, will probably have to go to court, and he has to move the Sun back ("gotta figure out how to do that")
Dragged the Sun "a little bit north of where it should be" (causing the far south of the Earth to be colder and far north to be hotter), but said the Sun was "going in the right direction" and "still going around the Earth", resulting in clarifying that Spyre normally goes around the Sun, but he's not sure of what he did when he dragged it across the sky and that there was more of a poetic understanding of how things really work, but he still "really fucked up"
Was horrified by Augefort's actions
"I'm getting very confused and upset with everything that these children do."
Was poisoned and vomiting when Kristen banished her with a kiss on her face, came back when Kristen broke her ankle, and was banished again by Ayda who loudly pronounces "mwah!" while kissing her face like Kristen
Oak Warriors
8 foot tall
Look like green men (not automaton) made of magic with elven faces
Vulnerable to fire
Controled by Kear
Was blinded by Kristen
Went invisible and ran
Was knocked unconscious by Fig and left in the vault (with some of his teeth knocked out) when Ka'lethriel Tower collapsed
Kept awake for 5 months
Was rescued from the tower and fell unconscious/comatose immediately
Was carried out by Ayda
Even outside the orb, her body shook with the strain and effort
As she and Adaine tranced, a tiny piece of her abjurative magic (an innate cantrip, abjurer's ward) came back and she started building a shield around Adaine in her "sleep"
Was taken to a hot spring with elven healers by Adaine
Was unsure if they actually escaped or just died before trying to cast a feeble shield around Adaine again
Her mind was damaged and the torture had a profound and corrosive effect on her well being and memory
The inside of her mind looked like a city razed to the ground with crumbled walls, battlements, towers, and arcane defenses. Only a weird, vulnerable labyrinth of images remained
Has a deep self loathing (especially for not saying anything on Adaine's behalf against their parents) and a powerful fear of her parents. Her cowardice fed into her self loathing which fed into her cowardice in an endless loop.
Had an intense magical charm in the center of the labyrinth of her abjurations and a little faint enchantment with "Despite all of the torment and tribulation, let this be proof. I always knew there was only one person clever enough to find this." written on the outside. The charm was a custom modify memory spell (which The Court Of Stars had been searching for) and contained a saved unbroken version of her from before she was capture which overrode her current broken state once it was dispelled
Found a sword in the vault while looking for a weapon to fight with
Later gave the sword Fan-dran-goorh to Fabian (was made by his grandpapa Tel'amine)
Held Aelwyn as they sleep
Detects magic on Aelwyn and find a faint whisper of enchant magic before using detect thoughts on her
Found and dispelled the magical charm within Aelwyn which returns her sister's mind to a version before she was captured by The Court of Stars
Fluid in his feet, especially his right (due to rolling his ankle months ago) which now has a band of purple around it (possibly a bone issue) and causes him an ambiant throbbing pain and heat from all the extra blood (GO TO A DOCTOR!!!)
Tried very hard to say "Gorgug" one last time, but just said "Chedge" and then cried and became really embarrassed when Gorgug responded "It sounds like literally no sound was correct in that."
Dances with Fabian at one point in the night to the sound of Fig's bass.
He and the other adults of Kylo Me'newra give teens grapes because they believe it will make them less horny (doesn't actually work)
Shot a fire elemental over Gorgug's thumbs up
"Stay positive."
Said "It's beautiful" about Fabian dancing with the fire elemental and shed a tear before saying "It's beautiful Gorgug" and lowering his gun, aiming at the last pitcher
Poked his head in when Adaine was about to go to sleep to ask if her sister was still trying to kill them (since she was just kind of there now), listens to her answer (doesn't think so, especially with her trauma), and then slowly (and awkwardly) backs out of the room as the sisters doze off together (after Ayda dropped her off)
Soot on his face and singed hair after being set on fire
Had his thumb knicked slightly when Riz shot over it
Slashed the first fire elemental on his first two turns before hiding behind Gorgug
Had an elven sheet on hand which has the ability to put out fires, so he used to put out his friends
Danced and jumped with his sheet during the battle and did a bit of contact juggling with the fire
(On being kissed) "I take it. I take every point of that damage and I take it slowly. I can feel it. In my whole body."
Was left with red hot lips after kissing the fire elemental and (with a gulp) felt a glowing moat of fire travel down his throat and rest hot and warm in his chest
Had the sheet tied around him like a cape while traveling back to meet with the others
At Kylo Me'newra, danced (badly due to rolling a 1 and a 2) all night outside with his sheet (like nobody is watching) as the ground lit up behind him with a dull glow with each step. It helped him get in touch with his feelings and his body
Enjoys the taste of the flower his grandpapa gives him
Gorgug, Riz, and Fabian
Ran to and from their pylon with their arms back like anime characters
"I believe in you/us."
"Spring break!!!"
All three were burned from their fight
After getting back to Kylo Me'newra, Fabian danced all night while Riz and Gorgug watched (cradled in the boughs of treents that hummed a song as the trees rocked them)
Riz: You know? This place isn't so bad.
Gorgug: How did this part start happening?
Riz: I thought I was just gonna sit in a tree and it started singing to me.
Gorgug: Hey. Really not horrible.
Riz: Yeah.
Tel'amine: Yes. Really not horrible at all. *catches a blossom and shoves it into Gorgug's mouth* Eat it.
Gorgug: *chews*
Tel'amine: Yes.
Riz: Is it good or is it just a flower?
Gorgug: *shakes head*
Riz: It was beautiful.
Tel'amine: *glides off into the night*
Gorgug: *coughs and sticks his tongue out*
Riz: Did that dude just feed you a flower?
Gorgug: Yeah. *hacking sound*
Riz: That was insane.
Gorgug: It's a complex flavor, I don't like it.
Riz: That was insane.
Unmade a oak warrior due to the annoyance of her spirit guardians
*appears behind Kear and puts her hand on her back* "You're on the wrong side, but you could join us if you want. Just something to think about." *casts banishment to give Kear time to think and kisses her on the side of the head before she goes*
Tried to ribbon dance fly down 10 stories in the middle of the tower and ended up just slamming into the floor at the bottom instead, breaking her ankle
Her spirit guardians attacked Anguin while he was invisible and trying to sneak into the vault, ending his invisibility
Used sending to get in contact with Jawbone (Jawbone. Hey. Having some trouble with Tracker. She's pretty upset at me. I keep saying the wrong thing. I kept something from her. Oops? -> Tough break kiddo. Happy to help if I can. Should I find a way to contact you other than this spell? -> Fuck yes. -> Hell yeah.)
Had a long distance talk with Jawbone (using Aguefort's video chat spell) where she got advice on not treating her partner as a means to an end and about transparency.
Gave Wicklaw's sword back to Leviathan
Disguised herself as a Arthur Aguefort (but with a bass guitar) and accidentally really upsets Ayda
Played a really sick guitar riff that would make all the gems dance (to persuade them somehow and find out more about gems) and ends up causing a large gem built into the base of the tower to crack and the tower to collapse (but not before grabbing a book on gems lore)
Tried to set Adaine's dad on fire with a pack of cloves as they left
Had a sleepover with Ayda (text link below)
Brennan stated outside stream that an incarnation of Ayda has been living on Leviathan for a very long time, building the Compass Points. When she dies and is reborn, it is a true rebirth and her new incarnation has none of the memories of her previous forms, only knowing her previous selves from the written instructions they leave behind. Her current incarnation is the same age as Tracker (17).
Can fly with two other medium sized people (and later the two plus an underweight Aelwyn)
Immune to fire
Her dad is very triggering for her
Had a sleepover with Fig
(to Fig) "Have you said something so kind on purpose?"
When Fig attacked her as her dad (due to spell fail), she got very upset and said "Dad. Dad. I'm sorry. I'm done. I'm sorry. Dad. Dad." as Fig tried to calm her
When she counter spelled Angwin and Fig told her thank you, she answered "Whatever. I would help you, Fi-du-du-Dad. You're not my dad. You're Fig! Right? It's an illusion. Yes. You're Fig. I know. Why would I have carried my dad here? He never carried muh... me."
Told Fig that she might need to work through some of her stuff in battle as she "elected to have a disguise that was very upsetting."
After dispelling a spell on Fig that was gonna make her run away "Dad don't leave! I mean Fig! Fig don't leave."
Was very happy to see Adaine.
Said "My friend Kristen did this" before giving Kear a loudly pronounced "Mwah" kiss to the side of her head and banishing her again
Fig: How dare you do that the Arthur Augefort!
Fig: I know, but see, it's intimidating for them-
Ayda: It can't possibly be helping us more than it's hurting us!
Location Descriptions
Ka'lethriel Tower (new details)
The tower itself is 10 stories tall and sits near a wall (with a gate) that surrounds the tower and the garden
Each floor has one room (save the top which has at least two)
The first floor holds a vault (which is normally protected by permanent magical effects) with a big locked door
There's a large gem built into the side of the tower within the vault
The vault is filled with a lot of things, including Adaine and Aelwyn's property (spellbooks, arcane focuses, and The Jacket of Useful Things), Fan-dran-goorh (Fandrangor): Sword of The North Star (long, whip thin elven sword that shines a gleaming green golden light, can talk with the voices of elvan ancestors, and once belonged to elven kings long past), a massive religious tome, a quarenteened series of top secret elven scrolls that is the research of Adaine mom, a series of notes by mom looking for the location of a temple in Sylvar (Kristen knows due to a book at the Compass Points Library), and a book on gem lore
Fire Pit Pylon
Large elvan smithy (only in looks as it's an arcane power station and not an actual forge) and worst of the two pylons
Stone, mossy covered building with a floor covered in traps and an entire infrastructure filled with a high elven adoration for magic
In the center of the building, there is a hexagonal 6 pointed room with a fire pit in the center that's so hot that it's hard to look at. The fire is golden green helix at the start (changes to purple gold with the first pitcher of water spilled into it, ruby red with the second, and out with the third. It also flickers with other energy at ruby red from the other pylon being attacked).
Surrounding the fire pit in altering positions around the 6 sided room are 3 braziers and 3 statures (each statue directly across from a brazier)
The elven statues have ornimental stone weapons on them and are holding huge alabaster pitchers of clear water which bend towards the fire pit and require a cantrip (or enough damage to break them) to dump their water
The large firy silver elven braziers are piled high with burning coal (responsible for the smoke) and are traps that conjure a monsterous fire elemental when the water from its corresponding stature spills into the fire pit or when a floor trap is triggered
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wrathion · 5 years
Hia! Hope you're doing well c: as another Anduin lover, I'm curious: what do you like about the current Holy King of Stormwind?
ahh i’m doing alright right now, thank you! 
as a general answer? everything, he’s the king who has had a coming-of-age story and carries a strong love of life itself. he’s the boy who grew up in a war-torn world who craves a peaceful end to the fighting. he runs on his gut feeling on what is right above all else, putting himself at risk if he thinks it’ll benefit someone else. he’s the one who agonizes so much about others that he neglects his own needs. he’s anduin wrynn, not just a trope or two in a suit with tied back blond hair.
as a current bfa-centric answer? i really love that they’re not ignoring his anxiety and depression and are actually letting him struggle (albeit subtly) and will hopefully slowly work through it! 
this is big meta and theory territory but hear me out:
varian’s death absolutely ruined anduin. sure, it was something that he was preparing for his entire life, but can you really ever be prepared for something like that? especially in anduin’s situation where he also happened to inherit an entire kingdom. after varian died anduin was in shock, doing his job but not putting the heart he typically would into it. then the champion brings the compass to him and he breaks. velen even says that he “refuses to eat and sleep” which is token self harm. 
of course he has that little moment with varian in the vision of stormwind, and he’s told to do “what a king must do.” varian probably intended this as a message of caring for his people, but just as importantly, himself. but anduin interpreted it as caring primarily for his people, that his role as king was more important than the person behind it. 
it’s evident that he thinks this way because of how he acts, not acknowledging his needs as he commands his own people to fight and die in a war he does not want to fight. a war that he thinks is for the greater good. as i said above, anduin has a need to keep as many people as he can safe, but he’s lost that drive and keeps sending people out hoping for the best. in the beginning of lost honor, genn says that they’re out of soldiers in stormwind and will need to begin drafting farmers. 
he’s also thoroughly inexperienced with war-related strategy, which just adds to the bonfire of his deteriorating mental health and confidence. he sends out a small special team to kill rastakhan and to try and break the alliance between the zandalari and horde. it’s kind of obvious that it would only push them closer, but when you’re fed up with yourself, burnt out from life and desperately need to tick things off the to-do list, thinking rationally doesn’t come naturally. 
and that’s not to say he doesn’t care about the lives he’s losing, he very obviously does. to the point where it’s destroying him.
i think the most obvious example, though, is in before the storm. at the very end, after the gathering (where shit in the anduin planning department starts going wrong). anduin’s looking out on the graves of all who were lost. i’m just going to put the full excerpt here because they’re honestly my favorite in any wow book.
Anduin shook his head in sorrow and disbelief. “I can’t blot out the images of the Desolate Council running as fast as they could to what they thought was a future with their loved ones. I feel responsible. For them. And for them,” he said, gesturing to the living still moving on the field. 
“Sylvanas killed her own people, Anduin,” Genn reminded him. “Not you.” 
“Rationally, of course I know that. But it doesn’t matter. Not in my bones. And not here.” Anduin placed a hand on his chest for a moment, then let it fall. “Those who fell on this field did so because King Anduin Wrynn of Stormwind had promised them they would be safe as they reunited with their loved ones. And they died because of that promise. Because of me.” 
The bitterness in his voice was like acid. Genn, who had never heard it from him before, fell silent. After a time, Anduin spoke.
“You’ve come to lecture me, obviously. Go ahead. I deserve every word.” Genn sniffed and rubbed his beard for a moment, his eyes on the horizon. “Actually, I’ve come to apologize.”
Anduin’s head whipped around, and he didn’t bother to hide his shock. “Apologize? What for? All you did was warn me against this.”
Genn took a deep breath. “But he was right. You were right. I still think what was done to the Forsaken against their will was horrifying. But it’s clear to me now that some of them haven’t been broken by it. Some of them are still the people they once were. So I was wrong, and I apologize.” 
Anduin nodded. A smile crossed his face fleetingly, then was gone. It was clear he was still burdened with guilt and stubbornly wouldn’t relinquish the pain of it. Not yet. 
“You were right about Sylvanas,” Anduin said, that cold bitterness lingering in his voice. “Light knows, I wish I’d listened.” 
“I wasn’t right about her, either,” Genn said, startling Anduin for the second time in as many minutes. “Not entirely. I knew she couldn’t let this go by without doing something. I thought she’d attack us. Not her own people.” 
Anduin winced and turned away. “She may have killed them, but I promised the Desolate Council safe passage. Those deaths are on my conscience. They will haunt me.” 
Anduin took a deep, shuddering breath and nodded at Genn. 
“Nonetheless, it is a tragedy, and it’s done any chance of peace great harm. It’s destroyed the prospect of working together with the Horde to heal the world. Azerite will continue to threaten the balance of power. It’s hurt the Alliance, too. Sylvanas used a moment that could have been a true turning point as a chance to eliminate people whom she viewed as her enemies. And she did it so smoothly, so well, that I can’t even call her on it. She didn’t break her word. Calia was a would-be usurper. I can’t ask Stormwind to go to war because the warchief of the Horde chose to execute individuals she will now paint as traitors. So she gets away with it. She’s won. She eliminated the opposition, killed the rightful heir to Lordaeron, and did it all while looking like a noble leader for not attacking the Alliance and starting a war.” 
Genn said nothing. He didn’t need to. He simply stood next to Anduin andlet the young king sort it out on his own. 
The minutes passed, and then, finally, Anduin spoke. “I will never, ever stop hoping for peace,” he said. His voice trembled with leashed emotion. “I have seen too much good in too many people to paint them all as evil and worthy of slaughter. And I will also never stop believing that people can change. But I realize now that I’ve been like a farmer expecting to harvest crops from a poisoned field. It’s simply not possible.”
Greymane tensed. The boy was leading to something. 
“People can change,” Anduin repeated. “But some people will never —never—desire to do so. Sylvanas Windrunner is one of those.” 
He took a deep breath. Sorrow and grim resolve made him look older. Genn had seen similar expressions on the faces of those who had been tasked with a heartbreaking duty. 
When the boy spoke, Genn was glad of the words but saddened by his need to say them. 
“I believe,” said Anduin Llane Wrynn, “that Sylvanas Windrunner is well and truly lost.”
anduin admitting sylvanas is incapable of changing is huge, and i honestly missed the whole point of it the first time reading through the book. 
this is the same anduin who took the time to talk to garrosh, and even saved his life because he thought he was capable of changing. the same anduin that believed in garrosh even after the horrible things garrosh did to him and all that he cares for. and now he’s saying he was wrong, with a bitterness in his voice when speaking about his own failure, and what he has to do next.
even genn’s a bit rattled by how self-deprecating and almost hateful anduin’s being, which is kind of telling.
i guess overall i feel like they have something really good building with anduin, and i’m especially hoping they either have his mental illness peak in a moment of desperation where he falls to some certain old-gody forces. 
this might be a bit fanfictiony but having an arc where he works himself out of a depressive episode in the form of old god corruption by using the lessons he’s learned about self-discipline and love in pandaria would be amazing. 
alternatively to fit in with the subtle route they’ve been taking so far, they could push the alliance infighting arc they’ve been building up and have anduin prove his ability as king by handling what he does best, a diplomatic situation. there he could realize that he’s not as inept as he thinks (and acts like) he is, and can start working to care for himself.
tl;dr yeah man i just like anduin a little bit. i think he’s neat is all.
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oumakokichi · 7 years
Hi i'm reaaaally sorry to have to ask this but i can't seem to find that one ask where u stated the reasons Ouma chose Gonta as the sacrificial pawn. I've searched EVERYWHERE but I just. can't. find it. It's the one where u mentioned Gonta was dangerous or something like that?
I’ve written a lot of meta about Chapter 4 and a few (here and here) about the general timeline for how things went down in Chapter 4–it’s been a while since I checked but there are probably a few reasons listed in those.
The main gist of things though is that there wasn’t one, specific reason for why Ouma chose Gonta, other than the fact that Gonta volunteered to come with him when Ouma was about to go out searching for the “motive” hidden in the VR world (the “motive,” of course, being the remember light with the “truth of the outside world” on it that he asked Monokuma to put there).
Gonta volunteered to go with him and protect him, and Ouma, thinking back on Miu’s plan to kill him, mutters under his breath, saying “I guess if it’s Gonta…” and then proceeds to call him his bodyguard. This suggests that he hadn’t actually made up his mind on who to use as the pawn for his plan prior to entering the VR world directly. Gonta offering to come with him outside where it would be just the two of them with no one else around contributed greatly to his decision, I think.
There’s also the fact that Gonta would likely have been one of the easier ones to convince, both to use the remember light in the first place and to agree with his reasoning that “the outside world was hell, so they should put people out of their misery.”
Even if Ouma had been alone with Maki, for instance, I highly doubt anything he could have said or done would’ve convinced her to use the remember light by herself, or to agree with anything he said. The same could be said for Momota, who would only have assumed he was up to something. I highly doubt Ouma wanted to sacrifice Saihara when he was one of the only people in the entire killing game who he was considering teaming up with by that point, either.
Tsumugi wouldn’t have worked for obvious reasons, since she was the ringleader–not that Ouma himself knew this. But she would still have never gone along with his plans if it meant getting herself killed, since she already knew what he was up to. And Miu herself was out of the question obviously, since she was the one planning to kill him.
That left him with only Gonta, Kiibo, and Himiko as somewhat viable options. My guess is that either of these three could have worked for the sake of his plan–any of them would be the most likely in the group to come along with him without entirely distrusting him or being unable to hear him out. The “truth of the outside world” motive within the remember light was so genuinely horrifying and depressing that it would still have very likely had the same effect on any of them (though it’s arguable Kiibo would’ve agreed, as I suspect his “inner voice” would’ve made the decision for him in the end).
In the end, Gonta was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was the best fit for the plan, and by volunteering himself to go out with Ouma and search the woods for Monokuma’s “motive” alone, that pretty much helped set Ouma’s decision in stone, I think. The fact that Gonta’s messed up the cables on his VR headset was also advantageous, in the end, since him losing his memories of what happened within the VR world meant he was no longer actively trying to get everyone else killed during the trial–which could well have been the case if anyone else had been the pawn for Ouma’s plan instead.
Basically, Ouma didn’t use Gonta for his plan “because he was dangerous” from the start or anything like that. If anything, Gonta was more like… well, the very cold, practical justification Ouma himself probably used would most likely be “collateral damage.” He didn’t manipulate Gonta into his death to be cruel or sadistic, but in order to attempt to minimize the amount of damage Miu’s plan might have done. Two people (Miu and Gonta) dying was a smaller price to pay than everyone dying (if Miu had succeeded in killing Ouma and gotten away with it, or if Ouma had killed Miu himself and gotten away with it by tricking everyone else).
This, of course, doesn’t change the fact that it was an extremely ruthless thing to do–and that Ouma recognized it as such. The reason he breaks down shortly before Gonta’s execution is because no matter how much as he tried to justify it to himself in strategic terms, he still knew it was an awful, horrible thing to do to Gonta. Breaking his own motto against killing people, even without killing anyone directly himself, nearly broke his spirit, and led to his increasingly reckless actions and eventual downfall in Chapter 5.
Gonta wasn’t someone who Ouma “wanted” to get killed. Realistically speaking, he didn’t even “want” for Miu to die. However, due to the nature of the killing game and its rules, as well as the environment of paranoia and suspicion that it encouraged, there was really no easy way out of that situation.
As soon as Miu made up her mind to kill, when she consciously committed herself to the decision that she would rather sacrifice everyone’s lives if it meant getting to the outside world again, she became a threat. And there was no way to permanently eliminate her as a threat without killing her, from Ouma’s perspective.
Killing her himself would’ve meant playing by the rules of the killing game–meaning in order to live, he would have to deceive them all and get away with it, and everyone else would die. Giving up and letting her kill him meant she would likely have gotten away with it, and everyone else would die. Logically, the “only” way out of that scenario was to have someone else eliminate Miu as a threat, and then expose that pawn to everyone else so that only two people died in the end.
The pawn he chose was Gonta, but I think given his apparent uncertainty inside the VR world and the fact that he apparently had to think it over, he was still debating on just who to try and convince up until the moment Gonta offered to come with him outside.
I hope this helps answer your question, anon!
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But he DID burn them. Why did he had to kill them that painfully? He has a demon, couldn't he tell him to kill these Children without any pain? I still don't get why he burned them. Because he was traumatised at that moment? Well... that isn't a excuse for killing a bunch of children. And I'm not here to troll or anything, I'm totally serious.
I'm sorry I took so long to answer this. I intended to answer it earlier, but then I got caught up in seeing a lot of things that frankly disgusted me, blocking 30+ people, and having a complete breakdown due to stress and lack of sleep as well as a series of bad days due to personal issues with my own mental health. I'm not saying this for attention or sympathy (although to be fair I do try and get those things a lot). I'm just explaining that at that time I wasn't able to deal with answering this or getting more involved. The topic still really stresses me out so this will be the only ask I answer on the subject, but I am answering it. I'd also like to remind that this is entirely my interpretation and although I feel personally that it is the correct one, I'm not Yana and I can't say I have the final word on the subject. It's only my humble opinion and what I got out of it when I first read kuro and what I still get out of it now. My opinion hasn't changed, and it probably never will.So. As I said in the original salty post, there are multiple factors here, and I'm not saying that there is a wrong or right side to this. It's shades of grey. So I'll list what I got out of the scene, both good and bad, when I originally watched it having never interacted with the fandom or their opinions.So there's the basic matter of the PTSD attack. A lot of people bring this up as an excuse for his actions, which fine, is valid. He is a 13 year old, put in a horrifying situation, with an undeveloped brain that's probably barely functioning, having to make split second decisions. I don't think that really would cover it if he was still just going and killing some kids for shits and giggles though. It's still a bad thing to do right? So although I think he'd deserve some sympathy and understanding for that, that's not enough.LEADING to the second point which literally everyone forgets?? And was like a huge obvious plot point?? Which was discussed several times?? You fucks?? HE WASNT JUST BURNING THEM FOR KICKS OH MY GOD HOW THICK DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO INTERPRET IT THAT WAY JESUS CHRIST YOU DICKNUTS look. He looked at these kids and he saw that they would NEVER be able to have a life. He has terrible trauma himself and not to be melodramatic but it kind of ruined his life. THESE KIDS HAD IT WORSE AND HE KNOWS IT. Like, they were going to live a life of pain and suffering in the BEST case scenario. In the scenario that they have healthy rich supportive families. So what happens if their families don't support them the way they are now and drop them off at psychiatric hospitals which would DEFINITELY be abusive at that time?? What happens if they remain unresponsive to everyone and everything and their families die and they end up starving on the streets? All this included with what they're dealing with and carrying emotionally?? Ciel looked at them, saw that situation, and UNDERSTOOD that that is WORSE than death, and he only had a short amount of time to make that decision. He was a thirteen year old having a panic attack faced with the choice of whether to kill them without having any sort of consent from them (which would make it more of an assisted suicide, however they were not in a mental position to be making that choice for themselves) or leave them to what awaited them which in any situation was probably going to be worse than death. Was it the right decision? I don't know. I'm not saying it is. But saying he burned kids as if he did it for fun or to be a dick is the most basic one dimensional view of the story, and misses the entire point of the scene. It was an attempt at mercy. To add to that, there's literally the scene on the train where Ciel explains what I just said?? And then he goes to help the orphans that actually could still be saved?? He had literally no reason to do that, you absolute fucks. But y'all are determined to demonize him because you aren't thirsty for him, don't feel any sympathy for a trauma survivor, don't bother reading between the lines of the story, or want to fetishize his immorality (I don't mean that's everyone but a lot of people talk about him being evil in a weirdly sexual way, like calling him dirty, and it's VERY uncomfortable given the character and context.)However, I am in no way saying Ciel was in the right either. What he did was HELLA problematic. Of course it was. It wasn't evil, but it was problematic. You brought up the fire, couldn't he get Sebastian to kill them painlessly. That's absolutely right. Going with the above logic, fire is not the best way he could have gone about it. I think that has a lot to do with the first point, about the PTSD attack. Reminder, 13 year old kid, undeveloped brain, horrifying and traumatic circumstance. Unfortunately, he's not going to be thinking clearly. He's not able to. So yeah, it's bad that he went with the fire method, I absolutely agree. However, I can also understand. He wasn't able to coherently think the situation through, at best he could do was see the flame and come to that conclusion, as opposed to working through it and calmly asking Sebastian to quietly and painlessly kill them all. Once again though, I'm not saying that was in any way okay. I'm just explaining the reasoning, and that even the fire part was not with bad intent. Never the less, the action and choice was bad. There's also the matter of him playing god. Which is honestly one of the more problematic things about Ciel's character. I don't think Ciel is evil but he's definitely problematic with darker sides, and he has too much power through Sebastian and tends to play god. I think there's valid reasons why he chose to kill the kids. On the other hand, it wasn't his choice to make. Whatever way you look at it, he made a huge Fucking choice for a bunch of people with NO say in the situation, and yeah. That's...not good. I remember in like grade 10 we had a debate in civics about the death sentence and my arguement was "you can argue both sides, whether people deserve it or can be rehabilitated, whether it's more humane to kill someone or keep them in a concrete box their whole life...but what it comes down to is no human person should have the power to decide if someone lives or dies." And that's what this is too. Was he right or wrong? I don't know. I've thought about it a lot and honestly, I can't give you an answer for that. But it wasn't his choice to make. He should not have been deciding whether they were better off alive or dead, because it just. Wasn't. His. Choice. To. Make.So in conclusion. I'm in no way saying what he did was okay or good. But looking at it with the viewpoint of "uh he burned a kid, evil, blocked and reported." doesn't make any sense. It was a complicated situation with several sides you fucks. As my fave said when I brought this up, "are we even reading the same manga as them?"Also disclaimer, I've already been salty about this for too long on my blog, so this is the LAST thing I am saying on the subject. I would strongly prefer that people don't reblog or add comments, partly because this is just my opinion and official statement on a subject that bothers me and several of my close friends, and partly because for personal reasons to myself that frankly aren't the business of strangers on the Internet, I am TERRIFIED of people arguing with me or getting angry with me and I have been in a really bad place this week because of the previous drama so hey, show some sympathy to your neighbourhood Lau ho and let me live my life in peace, drama free. And on that note, if I ever do post things that are salty and likely to start drama, I want you all to understand the magnitude of how much that thing upsets me, that I'm risking people beefing me over it. Anyways thank you, and goodnight.
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