#thank youuu for the ask MWAH MWAH <33
lestatlioncunt · 2 years
1, 3 and 5 for both vesper and fenix >:))
not lying when i say question 1 had me pensive for HOURS, under the cut because..it’s long. while you read this you need to imagine me sobbing
1.Is your muse a romantic? Do they dream of love and marriage?
okay first thing. i think that both aren’t the most romantic people on the world, fenix is a bit more romantic than vesper but not that much. both never dreamed of love: vesper has been alone for most of her life so she would dream of companionship, any form of it, she didn't have anyone in the world for so long, love was never her first concern. fenix never thought of love, probably didn’t even know what the word meant, to him love was just another form of betrayal (his parents abandoning him when he was a kid, his own brother being a complete awful man), he didn’t get the bare minimum of family love, he wasn’t going to experience any other kind of love, he just knew it and he didn’t care. 
i’m not being dramatic when i say that they first started dreaming of love when they met each other and slowly fell in love, which made the way they fell apart more hurtful: i said this before but fenix started acting more and more distant because he was scared of being that vulnerable with someone (trauma huh?) and vesper only got heartbroken by that, thinking that probably she just didn’t deserve to be loved at all, by anyone in the world. just...falling in love with someone each day a bit more and watching that person slip from your fingers the more you love them...UGHUGH UG H I WANT TO HIT FENIX RN but i forgive him just because deny yourself the love you crave isn’t a easy thing too.
so marriage. hm. i’m pretty sure vesper thinks marriage isn’t something for her, mainly because she’s scared of repeating the same dynamic her parents had. she thinks that there’s no way for her to escape that kind of destiny because she would replicate the only and first example of love she ever witnessed. she thinks she is doomed. fenix thinks marriage is...fenix doesn’t think anything of marriage tbh. mostly because he didn’t have any reason to think of it, he was never going to fall in love. well clown nose on you man, YOU ARE going to think of it. i do think that at some point they both thought about it but while vesper went “haha. yea no.”, fenix went “haha...WAIT WHAT IF”. they joked about it too and he playfully called her “my sweet wife” a few times until it wasn’t a joke anymore. i do believe that fenix would propose, cross on my heart, it would take him idk what kind of herculean strength to do that but i think he would after thinking of it for so long. now thing is...i both think that vesper could straight up refuse or say yes. i mean UGHHH. she surely is scared for multiple reasons + what if that's heartbreak 2.0.? yes she gave him a second chance but you know, there's fear there. MAYBE..MAYBE she wouldn’t give an answer on the spot, she would probably be speechless and then going “wait i need to  t h i n k”. (cut to fenix experiencing 300 heart attacks because of this). fuck it i say she would agree in the end, probably fenix would have to reassure her a whole damn lot but i say WE ARE GOING TO HAVE THIS WEDDING.
this needs me to spend a few words on a possible wedding too because do you know how long italian weddings last? you basically need a whole damn day. A FULL DAY. you sit down to eat at noon and finish eating at like, midnight. a buffet, two first dishes and second dishes, fruit, the cake, all of this alternating dancing moments and other entertainments. i don’t think neither vesper or fenix would care too much about a BIG wedding but they want to follow that vibe, fenix already doesn’t have...anyone to invite, be it friends or family, SO LET’S GIVE HIM HIS ITALIAN WEDDING. vesper would probably wear a dress, something she hates to do but fuck it, fenix would dress fancy but god forbid he wears a necktie. the only people invited are probably daniel, nader, panam, viktor, vittoria (vesper’s first ex, they are very good friends <3) and whoever very close friend they have, no family because yea..we know. daniel should be vesper’s..bridesmaid jfkjfh but since...fenix is huh..he..he doesn’t..yea (sobs) he doesn’t have anyone else, daniel is going to be his best man while panam is vesper’s bridesmaid. no dad so daniel is going to do most of the things their dad should’ve done for vesper, this is actually very sweet i’m (sobs). generally that would be ONE HELL OF A DAMN PARTY and i’m sure something would get broken because these people are damn crazy and what's a wedding without drama. the lunch would be one HELL of a meal please invite me too i love italian wedding i love eating. and just yea. just i think there would be some tears involved because woo look where we are after all the shit we went through but lots and lots of fun and I JUST HAD TO PUT ALL OF THIS OUT OF MY SYSTEM THANKS (explodes)
3. Is your muse good at kissing? Are they experienced?
vesper is a shy kisser at first but quickly gains back confidence the second she gets confirmation from partner that everything is good, that’s something they want too. i would say that she is experienced a good amount. for someone that acts cold and tough most of the time she sure gives those kind of kisses that make you feel all fuzzy and loved and warm inside (miss i love you miss i-)
fenix huh yeah, i mean. he’s a passionate kisser, needs to have his hands do something too while he is kissing because that only adds to the experience and he needs to be a menace every time he does anything. BUT i wouldn’t say he’s experienced, dropping this bomb here but vesper is his first serious relationship. he had a few night stands in his past but never liked being kissed by strangers when doing that, he really is out there drawing the line at kissing strangers on the lips. man.
5. Is your muse comfortable with public displays of affection? 
vesper HATES pda, especially if it’s her brother that is hanging around when someone is trying to be affectionate with her, especially fenix because he always goes overboard. fenix loves pda fhkjsdfhkj yes he’s showing off his love, yes he’s going to kiss and hug and god knows all the things he is capable of in public. they fight about this and vesper every time tells him to quit it but he gets on his best behaviour for five seconds before going back at it
ask meme || oc page
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leothil · 3 months
HI FRIDA idk if you’re still doing honesty hour but if you are can you give me some of your favorite embry/mateo headcanons 🥺🥺🥺 i literally miss them so much i’m debating rereading father forgive me 😂😂😂 pls and ty ilysm!!!
It is always honesty hour for you Lauren! 😘 This is an AMAZING ask, thank you!! In general I cultivate quite few headcanons about any of my blorbos, but I do have some for you:
Embry gets Mateo a plushie so that when he goes on hauls alone, he has something to cuddle with
I believe they will get kids of their own some day, and Liliana will be a very attentive big sister
Speaking of Liliana, Embry teaches her the same kind of tricks he picked up growing up in the fairground community, and she definitely uses them to get into (and out of) trouble. Mateo is incapable of being mad at him for it.
And I think this is actually almost stated in canon, but while Mateo looks and behaves like the dangerous one, Embry is the more lethal out of the two of them
It's always a good time to reread too! I'll go through the whole series again soon as well, since the release date for book 7 finally was revealed (march 21st)
Honesty hour!
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patchesbeanie · 1 year
i love getting scammed!
you get george in his squidcraft outfit <33
doesn't he look so cute😍😍🥰😍🥰
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mlchaelwheeler · 1 year
HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY it is an absolute honor existing at the same time as you and knowing you 💖💖
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jacksonlywife · 6 months
heheh could i ask for kissing hcs with rotmd characters? i haven’t stopped rereading the pining one T-T THANK YOUUU
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Jaha Lee: 
This guy will usually come behind you and then hug you with his arms wrapped around your waist kissing your head
He’ll grab your face with one hand and kiss your lips too
He doesn’t care if he’s in public or not, you're probably still going to get a kiss from him.
Neck kissessss <3333
Sometimes he gets carried away and the next minute you're in his room.
Kissing the back of your neck when your not giving him attention
He’ll literally kiss you at least 30 times each hour 
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(This man will cheat on you bffr but let's not imagine that)
Forehead kissessss
Picks you up bridal style and kisses you as if you were in a disney movie or something
He’s always tryna get spicy with you..
Kisses on the wrist and hand kisses to get your attention <33
Hands on your waist and small pecks on the lips
Oh when your sitting down he’ll sit behind you and lean his head on your shoulder giving you neck kisses
Won’t hesitate to show you off while kissing you
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(I love this man so much I’m crying why does he not exist.)
Cheek kissessss AAAAA
Forehead pecks <3
Calls you darling when you two are smooching
Loves hugging you while kissing your forehead
After he kisses you he’ll probably pinch your cheek 
Loves holding your face with both of his hands as he kisses your lips gently
Doesn’t go far unless you allow him
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astraystayyh · 6 months
hi sahar !! just wanted to ask how have you been lately ?? i hope everything is alright<33
also, the new theme is so so pretty, i love it :((
take care love, mwah😽
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hiii bby!!! im okay!! taking it day by day hehe how aree youuu?? i hope you're feeling better bb<333
and thank youuu so happy u likeee itttt :'))))
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catcze · 6 months
HSKHDFJSD i wish you a very get well soon from your hangover dear :')) real strawberries are yummy but some of them aren't as yummy,, and it makes me so sad HAHAHA
ALSO!! voice ask!! only if you're okay with doing it no pressure ofcofc prompt 36: what's the best gift you've ever received?
-yukari <3
ps. oh wait sweets tag THATS SO CUTE UHM UHHHH strawberries&sushi please and thank you :')
Aaa omg noted noted for ur moot tag my love :D
And as for the voice ask, mwah mwah mwah thank youuu <33
[ Voice asks !! ]
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yngxing · 3 months
hii! what do you think about Blade with Memokeeper reader?
THANK YOUUU that actually made my day better mwah 🫶🏻
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i think they're quite an unique pair—one loves collecting memories, while the other can barely recall the past. (mentioned in kafka's companion quest)
so from what i understand, memokeepers are able to disguise themselves and only reveal themselves to a few special people—so what if memokeeper reader took interest in the stellaron hunter, finding his past interesting and wanting to see the end of his life.
they are only visible to blade, yet the other hunters can feel that something or someone is tailing them from behind. blade himself doesn't care much about your presence, letting you wander around as long as you don't disturb elio's plan—despite you joining them in their journey was not in the script (probably).
later on, out of your admiration towards him and his interesting past, you'll create a light cone of one particular memory you're fond of—maybe when blade falls asleep and kafka placed her hairpins on his hair? or when you're tending to his wounds, maybe even he finally softens up to you and let you do his hair. that light cone will be a way for you to remember him, stored at the most beautiful corner of the garden of recollection.
bonus: i imagine blade thinks you could see the future and proceeds to ask about when he will finally dies 💀 since elio probably doesn't reveal the exact date.
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chosaya · 8 months
You’re welcome 💕.
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
part 2 of the werewolf series has me going insane oh my goodness 😭😭😭😭 isamu is so ..!!! i want him!!! i want all of them!!! im loving the other series you've got too, and im really interested to see how that progresses!! absolutely hate the reader's friends, but so in love with cas and emm <33 keep up the good work !!! mwah
anon asked: the werewolf yandere smut is SO GOOD SHUT UP. WHAT DO YOU MEAN DIRTY RAG?? THAT WAS LITERARY GENIUS! I LOVED IT AND REBLOGGED IT AND LIKED IT! can't wait for more!
anon asked: 🙇🙇🙇 thank you for the tastey smut fic, your royal highness. i await the next great tastey chapter to the werewolf saga. and dont forget the slashers too!! 🙇🙇🙇
tysm you guys! i'm literally crying! i'll try to get as much stuff up tonight (which is totally possible cus i woke up early and im totally free all day)! im so so glad you guys liked it so much!!
im accepting requests for isamu and all of them if you liked them that much? requests are totally open! in fact, im writing short lil blurb for leonard as we speak LOL
idk im just so glad u guys like them so much, i was so worried that you guys wouldnt!! thank youuu, you guys are just wayy too nice!!
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hamausagi · 2 years
HIII JAKE !! omg for the association game ... i associate you w heromari, pink + purple + orange, glitter and also kujou sara AHAKDKAKD ( also another oddly specific thing is probably. watching raindrops trickle down your window during summer showers ) [ IDK EITHER you just have those vibes 💗 ]
also !! for the huge life update u asked for, there's a ton of things i have to tell u !!! ( mainly related to me starting college + summer of a lifetime LOL ) but i gotta hear a massive life update from you too okayyy >:) i heard u started working, how is it??? alsooo rmb to take care and get enough sleep + stay hydrated mmkay? ily mWAH <333
QUIILLLLLLLLLLLLLL OMGGGGG HI HI HI !!!! omg..... THE HEROMARI MUTUAL AKJHSDKJSHSDKJ pink purple and orange is SUCHHHH A SWAG COLOUR COMBO IM SCREAMINGGGG omg..... pretty colour..... AND MY WIFE TOO AAAHHH I LOVE SARA ITS SO SWAG THAT U ASSOCIATE ME WITH HER 😭 bro i bet the raindrops is from my old exclusively anime rain gif headers from last year KJSDFHSDKFJLHSFD BUT THOSE ARE MY TRADEMARK THATS SO AKJDSFHSK I HOPE U HAVE BEEN WELL AND I HOPE THAT COLLEGE IS GOING GOOD ?? OH MY GOD ?? LIKE UR IN COLLEGE NOW !! THATS SO EXCITINGGGG i hope everything is going smoothly omg..... i know ur smart asf so i know u will do amazing and literally outdo everyone 🙄BUT ALSO LITERALLY TELL ME ABOUT YOUR SUMMER ??? HELLO ?? I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR ABOUT ITTTTT
as for me.... i have just been working like. all week 😭 BUT ITS BEEN SO FUCKING FUN ??? like my coworkers are AMAZING and i literally love love love working there every day is just so much fun even though its tiring ;;; but i love making coffee and i love being there so <333 I LOVE YOU THANK YOU I HOPE YOURE REMEMBERING TO STAY HYDRATED TOO !!! MWUAH MWUAH TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF I LOOVE YOUUU <33
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maiverie · 2 years
Hiii! I'd like to be part of your permanent taglist. Your works are truly amazing! Thank youuu
OMG YES OFCCCCC ID BE VVV honoured to have u!!! <333 mwah thanks so much for asking and for even reading my works :(( cries ILYSM <33
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clayfaced · 3 years
THANK YOU HELEN 🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺 YOU ARE SO KIND AND SWEET ILYYYY it was technically yesterday hehe but i'm a goof and i was busy so I'm answering all of these late 😅 but i did have a pretty nice day :) <3
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rainbowsandgoals · 2 years
3 & 27 <33
3. name a song you'd sing at the top of your lungs during a night drive : why is it so hard to pick only one ok rn hollywood - MARINA or sth from the killers or my 80s playlist
27. name the silliest thing that you're afraid of: any kind of like old dolls & edit: most mannequins tbh (as a kid it was getting flushed down by the toilet 😭😭)
-> number ask game
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withloveajaxx · 2 years
ALSO CONGRATS ON 500 GARY!! May I request a purple hyacinth + Childe(oneshot) + comfort for your event please? Thank youuu
❁ prompt/s: "just tell me what i can do to make you feel better." + childe
❁ warnings: none
❁ summary: after a long and tiring day, you return home to childe. there's no better remedy than his affection and love.
❁ note: AAAAAA SIN TYSM FOR YOUR REQUEST <33 ik it took me pretty long to write this but i hope this is to your liking ^^ not exactly my best childe work but yeah ENJOY CHILDE KISSERS MWAH
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the sky bleeds a wonderful shade of orange as the bright sun starts to set below liyue's horizon and childe feels a wide smile spread onto his features as his feet bring him ever so closer to your shared home. it was rare for him to get home before sunset and he was looking forward to the full night he was about to spend with you. 
his spirits dampen a little however when he sees that all the lights in the house are out, darkness casting over the interior that could be seen through the window. he had hoped you'd be home by now. it would've been incredible to be greeted by your warm and loving embrace, but he still doesn't complain. afterall, this all but gives him the chance to surprise you with a lovely dinner when you get home. 
once he steps foot into the home, he freshens up before starting on a warm course for the chilly night that settles over liyue. and by the time he's set the plates of food on the dining table, the door creaked open upon your arrival. 
a smile instinctively makes its way to his features, and he's quickly undoing his apron to greet you. you don't give him any time to approach the doorway before your head is burying itself in his chest, arms circling his waist tightly. 
"woah, hello there to you too, sweetheart," he chuckles heartily, his own arms coming to wrap around your figure to return your embrace. "a little eager today are we?" 
only a heavy silence greets him, your fists coming to grip the back of his shirt lightly. it's then when he picks up on your dwindling mood, brows furrowed in confusion and concern as he tries to hold you at arms length to get a clean look of your features, to detect any sign of tears, anger, sadness, anything. 
he doesn't get to however when you simply tighten your grip on his shirt. your hold on him tightened, desperate, as if your grip was to stable you. you held onto him as if to ground you to earth, as if your life depended on it. it broke him. 
he settles for bringing you over to the couch, lips instinctively connecting with the top of your head as he adjusts you accordingly in his arms. he no longer attempts to glimpse at your face, doesn't ask you to lift your head from his chest. he does nothing but rake his fingers gently through your strands of hair, hand tracing patterns onto the small of your back. 
"long, tiring day?" he questions. his voice is uncharacteristically soft and muffled as his lips still remain at the crown of your head, only humming again in response when you nod to his question. "well… there's food i prepared. do you feel like eating?" 
at his caring question, you finally lift your head from his chest. how could someone be so caring, so gentle and soft when you were showing such a weak and seemingly ugly side of you? how could he still stay after seeing you like this?
unshed tears shine in your eyes when you look at him. coming home after a terrible day to be greeted by loving hands and affectionate touches, it all brought an indescribable feeling that settles deep within your heart and every fibre of your being.
despite the vulnerability that glimmers in your eyes, childe takes your face in his hands and swipes his thumbs across your cheeks, catching the tears when they eventually fall. despite all the weakness that shows, he still smiles at you with love like no other. 
"y'know, i'm always here to hear you out, right, sweetheart?" he takes a moment to wipe more tears off of your face. "i'll listen to you, try to give you advice, spoon feed you and all that. i'll do anything. just tell me what i can do to make you feel better." 
you chuckle wetly at his words, nuzzling into the warmth and comfort you found in childe's hand. "thank you, childe. but this is enough."
no matter what, if you were with childe, anything was enough. he was enough, and everything was going to be okay.
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taglist (send an ask to be added or removed): @dawndelion-winery @cxlrose @chichikoi @datu-tadhana @xyliope @simplyxsinned @yaqui-soba @inky-page @mooscutely @spookii-does-stuff @the-gayest-sky-kid @yuezhong @mikachu2x @callmemeelah @xsunaryn @tiredzephh @motherscrustytoenailclippings @xxsweetdreamzxx @irethepotato @favonius-captain @aweebstuff @scaraslover @wonderwrench
© withloveajaxx 2022. please do not copy, plagarize, or translate in any way.
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sitp-recs · 4 years
heyy first off, I'd like to say that I absolutely adore your blog!! Whenever i want some fics i always come here first so thank youu <33
Secondly, if you don't mind could you rec some bottom! Draco pwp's preferably w feelings (and not @l0vegl0wsinthedark bc I've read all of their fics) but of a similar dynamic as ^
Thank youuu mwah
Hi lovely! Ahh thank you, I’m so happy you’re enjoying the blog! I don’t usually keep track of top/bottom stuff in fic but since you mention porn with feels and loveglows as a reference, I thought of some fics that give off similar vibes. Enjoy! :)
In the toilet of the Leaky by @marguerite26 (2012, Explicit, 3k)
um... filthy toilet sex?
Kettle by @magpiefngrl (2018, Explicit, 3k)
Draco likes to put up a fight.
On Display by @carpemermaidtales (2017, Explicit, 3k)
Harry keeps his promise to bend Draco over the motorbike and then some. Sequel to Rev up my Motor(bike).
Breaking the Law by @dracogotgame (2018, Explicit, 3k)
Draco runs into a little trouble with Auror Potter.
Business before pleasure by @ravenclawsquill (2017, Explicit, 4k)
Harry means to go slowly, he really does, but it just isn’t an option. Sex with Malfoy is always quick and dirty, and this is no exception. He drives his cock into Malfoy’s arse over and over again, as hard as he can, until Malfoy’s clutching at the coat hooks on the back of the door, his usual eloquence lost to a litany of broken whimpers.
Catch the Snitch (No, Catch My Heart) by @prolix- (2020, Explicit, 4.5k)
Draco secretly loved when Harry lost a match.
Lucid by @dracoladon (2020, Explicit, 4.7k)
Harry's not sure what makes him harder; listening to Draco talk about astronomy, or shagging Draco so thoroughly that he can't talk at all. Both, probably.
Sunkissed by @shealwaysreads (2019, Explicit, 5.8k)
Burnt toast, international Portkeys, ancient ruins, and Harry's own special brand of support.
Slip Into My Lover's Hands by @lqtraintracks (2015, Explicit, 6k)
Draco licks his lips. He shuts his eyes, because he doesn't think he can look at Potter when he says it. When he asks for it. "One finger?"
Teeth by @amelior8or (2020, Explicit, 6k)
Potter’s been practically begging for it, for months, constantly staring until the air crackles with the intensity of it. Draco always stares back, until all it takes is a brush, a spark, before they go up like flash paper. The crash into each other is inevitable. Draco’s heart has got teeth. And there is nothing he won’t do to keep up the fight with Harry fucking Potter.
Aletheia by @lazywonderlvnd (2020, Explicit, 8k) - dubcon, polyjuice
Draco finds out Daphne's been shagging Potter and it turns out it's really not that difficult to get a piece of her hair.
If the Cock Fits by tryslora (2015, Explicit, 6k)
It’s like Cinderella, only Draco’s arse is the shoe left behind, and he’s searching for the perfect prick that fits.
savour every moment (slowly) by @bonesliketambourines (2020, Explicit, 8k)
Draco's used to getting what he wants, when he wants it. Harry's the only one who's ever been able to convince him that sometimes, waiting can be worth it.
In Deep by @lqtraintracks (2018, Explicit, 9k)
Harry isn't sure when he went from hating Malfoy's snide, smug mouth to wanting that mouth all over his cock.
Sex on Legs in Six-Inch Heels by @tessacrowley (2017, Explicit, 9.6k)
Draco Malfoy is a brilliant freelance cursebreaker and the only one who can help the Department of Magical Law Enforcement with a very dangerous case, but more importantly, he's wearing six-inch heels, and Harry cannot handle it, he really just can't.
break the bad luck in my life by seaworn (2019, Explicit, 11k)
Draco and Harry are both brooding on Christmas Eve.
Kill, Fuck, Marry by @lettersbyelise (2018, Explicit, 12k)
Harry and Draco unexpectedly meet again on Draco’s birthday, years after their last encounter.
What’s My Age Again? by @lazywonderlvnd (2020, Explicit, 12k)
Harry Potter has had enough of pleasing the public, and his reckless tendencies are finally getting out of hand. The Quidditch World Cup is only a week away; as Captain of the English National Team, Hermione has assured him that his immaturity won’t be tolerated by the Ministry. And then Malfoy shows up.
Let's Dance To Joy Division by @femmequixotic (2010, Explicit, 12k)
Let the love tear us apart, I've found a cure for a broken heart...
Shining, Like A Present by @bixgirl1 (2017, Explicit, 13k) - D/s dynamics
The discovery of a small silver box at the site of a case opens up new possibilities.
Can't Get You Out of My Head by @femmequixotic (2017, Explicit, 14k)
After he sees Harry Potter naked in the Auror showers once, Draco can't stop thinking about him. (Prequel to Lost In Your Arms.)
White as Snow by @bixgirl1 (2018, Explicit, 19k)
After a quick escape from danger, Harry and Draco find themselves trapped in a blizzard, a small cabin their only refuge from the storm. It's the perfect place to recover and regroup — and to have a long-overdue conversation or two.
Red Thread (that will lead me home to you) by xErised (2019, Explicit, 35k)
It takes four years of travelling and mutual pining for Harry to realise that Malfoy is the only one for him. Of course, he has to express his feelings in the most scandalous way possible—by stopping Malfoy's very proper, very pureblood wedding.
Utter Cockslut (A Worthy Cause) by Lokifan (2016, Explicit, 7k) - Draco/Harry, Draco/Ron, Draco/OMCs
Harry sells Draco’s arse to all comers for a night. After all, it’s for a very worthy cause. Fluffier than it sounds.
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