#thank you guys it’s unbelievable how much i appreciate yall
redactedonyt · 5 months
Hey everyone! Thank you so much for the likes and reblogs on the cover for my web comic The Cooking Object-ive. This honestly feels like a fever dream.
It’s hard to put into words how thankful I am, but let me try.
The idea for the comic started in a grocery store (I think fresh market), where I said to my sibling “I wonder if there are any chopped like object shows?” That was all the way back in may, and just to start making it was a long shot. When I made the host (Butch) and shared it with friends, I knew that this is what I would be doing. With help from anobjectshowguy I started making practice comics and posting them to wattpad and instagram, and now to tumblr.
I never expected to get this much love and support from all of you, even in my wildest dreams I assumed it wouldn’t go anywhere.
Honestly I thought I would fall through and people just wouldn’t accept me, but it’s clear now that i underestimated the tumblr osc.
Almost 70 followers here and almost 10 on the comic blog. I can’t believe it.
You all have made my dreams be visible, I can see great things on the horizon. Thank you all so much, I truly owe you the world.
This is the best birthday gift I could have asked for. Again, thank you
@ch0cocrave @smoken-bagel @peppermintz-25 @anobjectshowguy @akalikestodraw @sillyosclover @biblicallyaccuratefour @trashbins-stuff @blo0st4r @thesunlightvoid @ghostkrow @owapobjectshow @fizzycereal @sunbleachedgarfield @solgavee @autismgooberx3 @cyygnet @yourfriendlyshapeshiftermonsters
(Sorry if I missed anyone, I’m over the moon right now)
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campbyler · 2 months
i am so unbelievably excited to draw that diner scene where they were drawing each other oh my GOD i literally started fucking squealing reading that its EMBARRASSING but it's so good. it was so GOOD shoutout to that waitress that called them out on their relationship because FUCK i loved that so much!! will realizing how much he loves likes mike at the end... oh my god we're in for such a treat?? the way the realization hits him and the way that mike treats him by the end is so fuckinga sahdfkjasajksd YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME 😭😭😭😭 also wow? the fact that this is not even the second time this is the THIRD FUCKING TIME that will has fallen for mike?? GODDDDD 😭 its so juicy and tension filled and i just absolutely adore everything about how their relationship has progressed it's REALLY me going this entire chapter showing a real date between the two of them was absolute perfection and i don't think anything i say can express how much i loved seeing their dynamic and how much fun they have together wholeheartedly. the only way i think i can fully show my gratitude towards this wonderful fic is through my art and i hope it gives enough to show yall how much i appreciate yalls dedication to this piece of art :"D thea this was incredible and i hope all of you guys know that having this much raw power through your writing is INSANE!! yall will keep my ass coming back for more every time thank you so much <3
i have been sitting on this realization scene for 6+ months so to have it Out there for everyone to See is so crazy. like it's out of my head everyone KNOWS!!! WILL KNOWS!!!!!!!!!!! AHH!!!!!!!!!!!! it is the third time and hopefully the third time is the charm <3
thank you thank you THANK YOU as always for your kind words and for bringing our scenes to life. i don't know what else to SAY because i will just end up CRYING BUT KNOW YOU ARE SO SO SO APPRECIATED!!!!
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harrisonbrainrot · 8 months
Scarlet Begonias - M!Han x Reader
Chapter 2
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MDNI - 18+
A/N: Back at it again because yall liked the first part. POV is different. Also, the reader is unnamed, I don't really know how I'll navigate that in the future but oh well. All I have so far has avoided it but idk. Anyways, have more of my ridiculous shit.
I blinked at Han, matching his previously confused expression. 'Excuse me, what did you say?' I unintentionally challenged him. Which really just encouraged him, as he stepped closer.
'I said that you have an attitude. Am I wrong?' I narrowed my eyes at him, shaking my head. How was that supposed to be a compliment? How was that supposed to make me feel good? He stepped closer still, all the while I idly pet Chewie. He stopped right in front of me, and I couldn't help but wonder if this guy was a serial killer or something and I was dumb enough to go to his house. Maybe he was gunna chop me up and feed me to Chewie-
'Look, I don't normally like girls like this. It's a simple fuck and they're gone. It's easier that way. For some reason, I want you to look at my vinyl collection. So, if you're inclined to follow me..' I just gaped at him, he was unbelievable. Why did I like that? It was like he matched me, toe to toe, and it was a matter of who would submit to the other's sass first. Bastard man... Either way, I followed him to the other room. God, this house was way bigger than it looked on the outside.
'Alright, fine. If you check your tone, I'll consider looking at your vinyl collection.' Han stopped dead in his tracks as I said that, whipping around to point at himself.
'Me? I need to check my tone? Look, little lady, I don't take too kindly to demands and orders in my own home... but I guess if I gotta, I'll tone it down.' I smiled softly at him, his face lit by dim lamps he left on before he went out. Either he was forgetful, or he left lights on for Chewie. If it was the latter, I'd be inclined to say that was endearing and sweet.
'Thank you.' I said it sweetly, looking up at him with best sweet face I could make, which really just caused him to roll his eyes. Han couldn't help but move out of my way, apparently. Because I let myself into the den, and he followed behind. I was so acutely aware of his presence behind me, it was unfair that he existed with such an energy that it made the hairs stand up on my neck.
'What do you like?' His voice was soft. Like he didn't let many people here and he was unsure of how to proceed. I shrugged, turning to look at him. He was much closer than I anticipated. He was close enough to appreciate how much bigger than me he was. I found myself forgetting what he even said, like the only thoughts I had was how his hair looked brushed back in a carefree way and how his beard looked scratchy enough to drive me crazy. With a deep inhale, I shook my head.
'Anything. I'm not being facetious, I genuinely like at least one song from any genre. Show me your favorite.' Whatever it was about that statement made him chuckle and tilt his head. I wished I could read his mind, desperately. He was such an enigma. Who was he? I found myself wanting to know everything from the time he wakes up to his favorite Ben and Jerry's flavor.. who would he vote for in the upcoming election? What was his go to drink on a hot summer's day? I swallowed back any questions as I watched him bend at the hips to scan his collection, I could see his back clearly through his shirt. The muscles along his spine, the curve of his body.. I mean, I still would thank Levi's for those jeans, they were made for him and his ass and thighs. I shook myself out of it as he stood, turning to face me. I read the sleeve he held up.
'The Mamas and the Papas? Really?' I laughed softly, shaking my head in disbelief. No one ever listened to them. I was so "different" for liking any of their music.
'Absolutely, California Dreamin' is one of the greatest songs ever.' He stepped to the record player, dropping the twelve inch vinyl on the turntable. I smiled, if hearts appeared in my eyes, I wouldn't be surprised. He fiddled with the tonearm until he got it to California Dreamin'. I was surprised to see him move subtly but gracefully to the music. I couldn't help but sway with him. It got to the verse I knew he loved the song for, who didn't love this verse. He came closer, dropping to his knees. I had the feeling he'd never be on his knees for anyone but himself.. but damn it, if he didn't look pretty on them.
Stopped into a church
I passed along the way
Well I got down on my knees-
'And I began to pray.'  He finished the line with this rasp that I couldn't begin to describe but if I wasn't slightly turned on before, I was now. God, what a showboat.
You know the preacher likes the cold
He knows I'm gunna stay
Han stood, giving me this entirely tempting smile. 'Yeah, you like them, but do you like them like that?' I could hear the instruments in the background as he stepped closer. He leaned down, holy shit he was going to kiss me?, but he pulled away. 'Wanna smoke?' God damn it. I nodded, trying to keep my cool.
'Yeah.. yeah I'll smoke.' He nodded, beelining for the couch. He dropped down, his long legs bent at the knees, they stood off the couch. He was too lanky for this couch. I hesitantly sat next to him, completely interested in how he rolled a joint. It seemed practiced, methodical. Rolling tray, grinder, grind some flower, grab a paper.. two mountains and a valley, twist, twist, twist, smooth.. but when it came to sealing the paper, he knew what he was doing. Oh, lord. His tongue left his lips, delicately but deliberately licking the adhesive before rolling one last time to seal it. He behaved like he had no idea, like he was so clueless to what he just did. There was a slight glint in his eye, as he passed me the joint, that was absolutely gorgeous and devious. He knew, in some compacity, what he was doing and the effect. How unfair, he was so simply enticing. No effort. He rolled a fucking joint, that shouldn't be as erotic as it was.
'You get the first toke.' God, he even spoke like a man out of time.. I grabbed it, taking the lighter he offered. The joint nearly slipped from my lips as his fingers brushed mine ever so subtly. I quickly lit the joint, inhaling deeply. Was this going to benefit him or me? Either way, I was eager to find out. My hand held out the joint to him, it was rolled perfectly, if I was honest. It was like a surgeon at work; no scars, no long lasting damage, just perfectly executed. He took it, French inhaling as he did. He told me 'gets you higher, promise.' I already knew that, but I'd humor him. He passed it back to me, and I french inhaled, feeling the smoke leave my mouth and burn my nostrils. I tried not to cough or let my eyes water, but he saw. I felt his hand on my back and I swear, it burned. I could feel how warm he was, it sent tingles down my spine. I shook my head slowly.
'Don't push yourself on my behalf, sweetheart.' He said it so soft, like he actually cared. I was too busy coughing then trying not to cough to really pay attention. I pressed myself against the back of the couch, I closed my eyes, seeing stars. I leaned my head against the back of it, because, fuck.. the world was spinning.
'You okay?' I tried to nod but I was so fucking high I couldn't feel anything. There was a disconnect from my brain to my body, all I knew was that I was coughing and my lungs burned. I felt him grab my wrists pulling them above my head.
'Keep your arms up, baby. Helps your lungs expand. Remember, you're breathing. You can breathe.. in and out. Breathe with me.' I struggled to follow his instructions, but even the bare minimum made me feel better. I managed a soft nod, breathing in with him then exhaled as he did. Rinse and repeat. Fuck, I was high. Too high. 'I'm sorry. I should've warned you. You probably think I did this on purpose. I didn't. Tell me when you want to leave and I'll get you home. Safe and sound.' I shook my head, breathing deeply and normally. He let my wrists go and I fought against myself to seek out that same warmth. I looked at him with half lidded eyes, shaking my head again.
'I'm okay, I'm good.' He smiled in response. He flicked the ashes onto the rolling tray, hitting it again. His drags off of things were heavenly. Like he was made to smoke. He was made to inhale and exhale delightful whisps of carbon dioxide. He was probably no good for me... but he had done nothing but be considerate and kind, regardless of his sarcasm and wit. Inevitably, I knew I had to check the time. I had class in the morning and I didn't want to start slacking now that it was my last semester of my senior year. He saw me check and looked away for a brief moment.
'You wanna go?' No. I don't. Not really.
'I have class in the morning..' I said the words softer than I expected, I really didn't want to leave. Han was cool, he smoked me out no questions asked.
'Ah, shit. I forgot. You a senior?' I nodded quickly, meeting his gaze. Was he always this close or am I just high? 'So, you're twenty..two?' I heard him ask, of course he should ask. It's the right thing to do.
'Twenty-two. Turning twenty-three. You?' He smiled softly, looking away.
'Too old for you, sweetheart.'
'That's not an answer.'
'Alright. I'm thirty-three.' I watched him with a sickenly interested gaze. He wasn't too old, eleven years was completely normal.. right? 'You shouldn't be thinking any of those thoughts, sweetheart. There's plenty of nice college boys out there for you.' I scoffed at the idea of it.
'I've had plenty of boyfriends and flings in my four years at college. They all suck. They're stupid and think they know everything.' That gets a real laugh out of him and all of a sudden, I want to make him laugh every day. It was such a nice laugh, not obnoxious.. just nice.
'What, I'm not stupid and think I know everything?' I wasn't sure if I was being tested by him or if he wanted a real answer.
'You don't seem stupid. You've only given the impression you know everything, not that you actually know everything. That's much better.'
'Is it? How's that?'
'Well, it's better to give the impression that you know things, rather than saying that you do. You don't say, you just do. I like that.' He nods with a thoughtful expression.
'What are you doing tomorrow?' That was sudden. I tried to think of something clever but all I could say was the obvious.
'Class.' I shrugged at my lame response. My eyes felt dry and itchy.
'Well.. what about after class?' I looked away, staring at my feet. Did he want to do something with me? I wasn't prepared for that.
'I.. nothing, really. Just... nothing.'
'You wanna get lunch?' Oh. He did want to do something. Shit. I could feel my heart race. I nodded, still looking at my feet. His carpet was so ugly, I could only describe it as brorange. Brown and orange. 'Okay, when is your class over?'
'I'm completely free around three.'
'Okay, I'll pick you up. Do you want me to take you home?'
'I don't wanna go, but I should.' He nodded, standing. Han held his hand out to help me off the couch. His hand dwarfed mine and he pulled me nearly into his chest. I had to place my hand on it and he smiled, I steadied myself with a blush. Fuck, he had a strong chest. I felt his hand grab my waist to help me keep my balance. This was.. dangerous territory, I should've moved away. I really should've, but I was glued to the spot.
'Thank you.' I blushed even more seeing him look down at me like that. There was just something about the way he looked at me. Like I was all that he wanted. He looked hungry.
'Oh, ain't nothin'. Don't worry.' He reluctantly let go, stepping back. He looked over at Chewie, who had been sleeping on the otherside of the room on a slightly too small bed. He whistled at him and Chewie stood, stretching for a long moment. 'Wanna come with, boy? Do you mind?' He asked me, I was slightly taken aback by the consideration. I shook my head, smiling at him.
'Go ahead, he's cute, he can tag along.'
'Am I cute?' He asked back, how do I say 'You're the hottest man I've ever met in my entire life and I would fuck you right now' without sounding crazy?
'You're alright.' I gave him a teasing smile, he grinned back.
'You're cute when you blush. I like that.' Huh? I'm fairly certain my brain shut down. No, I think I just heard the windows error noise over and over in my head.
'That's sweet of you, Han.' I looked anywhere but him as he hooked Chewie's leash to his collar. He gave me that look again.
'I like the way you say my name..' a shiver ran down my spine. I felt hot, like I was going to spontaneously combust on the spot. I didn't say anything as we went to the door. That didn't have to mean anything, people can say that, sometimes a voice sounds nice saying certain words. I kept telling myself that, because there's certainly no way he thinks I'm attractive in the same magnitude I think he's attractive.. Han opened the door for me, I caught his gaze for a brief moment, it was always intense. His brows pulled together slightly in a way that made him look confused, like he didn't know why I stopped and stared at him. Like he didn't know what he was doing to me, I refused to believe that for a fraction of a second. I just stepped out the doorway and across the porch as he shut the door behind himself. 'Y'allright?' That was the second time tonight he had asked and this time I had to lie.
'Yeah, sorry.. just stoned out of my gourd.' I was high, but how do you tell someone you just met that you're completely enamored with him? You don't or else you look insane. I just open his gate and we step out to the sidewalk. It's dark now, darker than before, if that was even possible. The walk was mostly silent, both of us high enough to enjoy the silence. His boots sounded louder on the pavement than when we walked together earlier, I watched his steps. He walked with this purposeful swagger. The way he carried himself was carefree, loose.. but he had such intention behind his movements. He didn't even stop walking when he took out a cigarette and lit it. He flicked the zippo shut with a clink before pocketing it again. I could see my apartment in the distance, I already worried about saying goodbye. Our shoulders bumped for half a second, I fought the urge to flinch, he was strong and broad.. that made it incredibly hard to ignore bumping into him. The simplest of actions brought out the most violent reactions. Teases, hints, whispers of what his body was capable of. What he was capable of. I tried to not think about his arms pulling me close, what it would be like to grip them for dear life.. I was a goner.
'Right here, yeah?' He pointed with his fingers again, I stared at the cigarette perched between them. I hadn't wanted a cigarette in a long time, but looking at his cigarette made me want to smoke with a new found fervor. My tongue swiped across my lips as I looked where he pointed.
'Y-yeah.. Can I get a drag before you go?' He gave me that crooked grin, his eyes flashed with amusement.
'Sure, little lady.' He passed me the cigarette and I put it to my lips. Immediately I tasted him on the filter, my eyes fluttered at the thought of tasting him for real. Made my knees weak and my heart flutter in that way when you're anxiously excited for something. It felt like right before the big drop on some absurd coaster at a theme park. It felt dangerous, but it couldn't really be all that bad. My fingers trembled as the warm smoke scorched my lungs in that familiar way. It reminded me of summer nights with my friends, before we all split for college. I don't even know what half of them are up to now. I handed it back to him, exhaling deeply. His hands were so so enticing as his fingers plucked the cigarette from mine. His fingertips were rough, I tried to imagine them on my thighs or mine stomach, all the soft, sensitive parts of me.
'I'll call you tomorrow.' The way he said it made me believe him. He'd call and we'd get lunch tomorrow afternoon. I smiled up at him and he took a step closer. He was magnetic, I matched the step closer.
'Sounds like a date- a plan. Sounds like a plan.' I blushed again, looking away. He moved his hand to my chin, tilting my face back to him. It felt electric, amazing, he had this way of controlling the situation. His fingers lit my skin desperately, my nerve endings had gone haywire. He shook his head, his smile fading softly as he leaned closer.
'It can be a date.' His voice was low, it was only us on this dark street. No reason to not whisper. I couldn't breathe, I died and went to some sick and twisted version of heaven. He leaned in slowly, inching painfully closer, painfully slow.
'What are you doing?' I rushed the words out, they were soft and shaky. 'I think you're making a mistake.'
He shook his head slightly, briefly flashing that smile as he chuckled. 'Trust me, I'm a nice man.' I blinked at him, completely pliable to his advances.
'Yeah, but-' He cut me off, his plush lips pressed to mine. It was slow, gentle, not what I expected him to kiss like. His scruff was just the right amount of scratchy against my face, I instinctively held his face. I couldn't think, there were no thoughts, no coherent ones. My brain went silent the second I felt his hands grip my waist. I exhaled into the kiss and he got hungier. His kisses grew in passion, like he was starving and I'd keep him fed and alive for another day. He tugged me closer, our hips pressed into each other which gave me enough for my imagination to run wild with. He pulled away, unfortunately. I wanted to die the second he did. He wasn't far away from my lips and I could close the gap, did he want me to? I would, oh, I would for him. I hesitantly brushed my lips against his, which he returned softly.
'I.. uh.. that was.. I- wow.' I ran a hand through my hair, trying to get the wrinkles in my brain to work, form words to make sentences but shit. Nothing happened.
'Did I kiss you stupid?' He teases softly, that made me roll my eyes so hard I swear I saw the brain that wasn't working right.
'Shut up. I'll see you tomorrow, maybe.' I pulled away, petting Chewie, who had just been sitting patiently. 'Bye, Chewie.'
'Maybe? Darlin', I'll be seein' ya.' I look back for a moment and I see him grinning wide, he's the cat that caught the mouse.
'You better not leave me hanging. Goodnight, Han.'
'Goodnight, sweetheart.'
The apartment wasn't dark when I opened the door. In fact, my whole friend group sat around the living room as I walked in. They were all looking at me, God, I was too high for this shit. They all looked worried. Great.
'Where have you been?' Sofia, who was the overbearing mom friend of the group asked. She even looked like a mom, legs crossed, arms crossed, sat in a chair wearing a robe. God damn. I shook my head, waving her off.
'Out. I left the party, went on a walk.' They were not buying it. In fact, they looked even more angry.
Aubrey followed me with her eyes, they were narrowed and suspicious. 'This didn't have anything to do with that older guy at the party? You both left at almost the same time, if I recall correctly.' Aubrey was always unnecessarily wary and cautious. She was under the impression I was up to no good. We definitely had a more strained friendship than everyone else. I clenched my jaw, shaking my head.
'Are we playing twenty fuckin' questions here?' I didn't want to snap, but these people dragged me to a party I didn't want to be at, then got mad I left and made my own fun. 'Look, I don't get on your asses about frat hopping, so don't get on my case if I don't want to do that.' That really set them off. Really the dynamic here barely worked, we had to be friends because we were roommates in this college campus apartment. We had no choice but to be friends or else it'll be mutually assured destruction. No roommates, no college, no degree, all because some girls couldn't get along? Pretty common occurrence, apparently, you'd be surprised.
'We're not playing twenty questions, we were worried!' Jaime was always the mediator, she always smoothed shit out one way or another. Quite the pacifist. She was the easiest one to get along with and arguably the only one I'd confidently call my friend.
'If you were so worried, how come no one called?' I held my phone up, checking to confirm that there were no calls.
'Please, you reek of weed. Where were you, with that drug dealer? God, he's fucking weird and so are you for even talking to him.' That hurt. Thanks, Aubrey. I couldn't help it, I pointed at her, nearly seething.
'I don't judge you for fucking frat row, don't judge me for the company I keep.' This was going so well, it was amazing. Honestly, it couldn't be better. I had already considered moving out, asking my parents for help, anything. This year had been really hard because of the messy roommate-frenemies situation, it was literally September. I graduate in winter, this was my last semester. 'I'm going to bed.' I left them all in the living room looking like fish, bulging eyes and open mouths. I refrained from slamming my door, but I muttered the whole time I got ready for bed.
Who did they think they were? They give attention to smarmy dudes who literally only want one thing. Shit, Helena got dumped by one guy because his friend group all dumped their girlfriends. Come to think of it, Helena didn't say anything during that whole tiff. Not surprising, she was the least involved in the drama that was five young women trapped in an apartment together. I'm fairly certain they all were the mean girl at their high school, which was the exact person who gave me hell in high school. What's mind boggling is that shit doesn't end in high school, apparently.
I laid in bed, staring at my phone. It was late. I could call my mom tomorrow and just cry to her but then I would be infantilized and that would make me feel worse. I was just about to close my phone and just go to bed when I got a notification. A text, no one texts me. Well, not a lot. It wasn't any of my roommates, trying to lick my wounds and suck up.
'You up?'
I assumed it was Han, but numbers get passed around in college like a digital STD. I waited, not responding.
'It's Han.' ThankGod.
'Thinking of me?;)'
'My roommates gave me shit. Not in the mood.'
'Want me to beat them up?'
'🙄No, Han, they're stupid college girls. And I hate them. But no acts of violence.'
'Yeah, I don't beat up girls.'
'Good to know.'
'What if I cheered you up?'
'Idk you tell me. You're the one bummed out.'
'A kiss would be nice.'
'Duuuuuumb goodNIGHT Han.'
'Dream of me, will ya?'
I rolled my eyes but couldn't help it when I blushed. God, he was infuriating but so charming and dare I say cute? I closed my phone, turning the light out and preparing to fall into a dreamland my weed soaked brain conjured up.
I wasn't prepared when I woke up. Not for the day, not for school.. not for life, at this point. The apartment was empty because all the girls had morning classes that started at eight. Dummies, nine o'clocks were where it was at. I stretched, grabbing my phone, checking my notifications. Han texted me. Wow.
'Good morning, cutie. Still on for 3? I hope so. Also Chewie says hi.' He had attached a photo of Chewie spread out on his bed, looking ridiculously comfortable. I couldn't blame him, sleeping next to Han was probably delightful. I didn't respond immediately because I was a bit shocked that he had texted me so early and so soon. That wasn't like a guy would normally do. Well, not college guys... Han was grown. Mature.. okay well, not mature. Just.. older. He knew what he wanted, clearly he didn't want to play games. I just got ready for school, trying to push him from my brain until after class. My first class was three hours of dull. The professor lectured on and on, it was sleep inducing. It should be called melatonin 102 and not advanced calculus. I suffered through it, then I had class at one, it was much shorter and more interesting. By the end of class I forgot that I had to text Han back. I muttered a quick 'fuck' under my breath and texted him. Nice thing about college, they didn't really care if you had to send a text in class.
'Yeah, sorry, was busy with class.'
'Aren't you still in class?'
I hid my face for a few seconds, recovering before I faced my classmates, like they knew what Han just texted me. The class finished twenty minutes later and I scurried out of it. I wanted to go drop my stuff off and change. When I got back to the apartment, it was still empty. thank you, Jesus. I was still bitter about last night. I didn't feel like facing them again. I changed quickly, pulling on a hoodie but keeping my jeans and chucks on. Han texted me again.
'Where am I snagging you, sweet thing?'
'Are you always going to call me stuff like that?'
'Until you ask me to stop. Want me to stop?'
'... no.'
'Okay then where am I getting you?'
'Same place you dropped me off, I'll be outside.'
'You got it.'
I literally ran out there, Han was a two minute drive down the street. I waited on the sidewalk, contemplating what I was even doing? This man had me totally interested, but I couldn't read his vibe. Was he interested? Was this a sick game he played? I hadn't heard any rumors about him, which inevitably the girls would've tacked on last night. They knew everything about everyone every time. I wasn't sure they weren't psyops. All I knew about Han was that he was hot, made me feel alive, and that he was really, really cool. He pulled up in a Chevy Bel Air, which promptly dropped my jaw. I knew enough about cars from my dad and grandfather to know that this was a cool car. I immediately opened the door and dropped into the car.
'You drive a Bel Air?'
'You know cars?'
'I know enough, enough to know that this is a bitchin' car. Damn.' The look he gave me was best described as cartoon heart eyes. He had this dumb smile on his face, he shook himself out of it after a second.
'Lord, you're gunna kill me, girl.'
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workofheart · 3 years
levi ackerman relationship hcs
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some modern headcanons, nsfw below the cut <3 it’s just levi brainrot at this point
definitely the type to follow (stalk) your spotify and check in to see what you’re listening to. if he has the time, he might even listen along and wonder what you’re doing. if it’s a particularly sad song or series of songs, he’ll know to send you a text to let you know he’s thinking of you
on that note, he also stalks your pinterest boards just to see what you’re into these days and (idk abt yall but i save pins of mens fashion) if he sees a cute outfit in your saves that fits his style, he might even try it out. reason being (though he’ll never admit to it) he loooves that kind of attention from you - when he looks particularly good and you can’t stop staring, it might just pull a smirk out of him
once you’re living together, he lowkey acts like a dad. might scold you for not closing doors, not turning off lights, all the like. he means well, honestly
however, doesn’t mind tidying up for you. folds your laundry, clears your plate, takes your jacket off your shoulders when you get home, just because it’s his way of showing he cares. definitely an acts of service kind of guy
really good at cooking! he likes spending days in the kitchen with you while he whips something up or tries something new and you just sit at the counter and talk to him. it’s a good way to catch up as your adult lives can sometimes get busy
if you fall asleep with earbuds still in, he’ll gently take them out for you before you go to bed <3 he’ll also plug your phone in for you if you forgot
occasionally reads aloud to you, especially if you’re having trouble sleeping. we all know he’s not much of a talker, but his voice is so relaxing and he doesn’t mind doing it if he knows it will help
the chillest, coolest boyfriend ever. he’s so mature, honest, and trusting, and you don’t have to worry about those high school dramatics when you’re dating him. when he chooses to date you, he’s serious about it - definitely not the type to just date for fun. he won’t hesitate to deny advances from other people, doesn’t care about what you wear, just fully devoted to you and wouldn’t even think about anyone else
i also think that with that dating in general, you would probably start out as acquaintances or maybe even friends. he needs to have a lot of trust in the person he chooses to date, so only after he’s known you a long time and you’ve made enough of an impact on his life for him to make it hard to let you go would he date you
speaking of, didn’t isayama say that levi would stutter around his crush? i can imagine him stumbling over his words, trying to cover it up with a cough, reaching to scratch his neck all sheepish, just getting all shy. even once you’re far past that stage of your relationship, sometimes you’re so upfront and bold, he can’t help himself :( you just make him so weak
braids your hair for you when you’re too tired to do it yourself - you’ll sit in front of him and his fingers are so gentle with your hair 🥺 he got the hang of it so quickly and has the dexterity to not tangle your hair and it always comes out so nice and clean, even if you’re just going to sleep in them
i peg him as a biiiig cuddler. not a lot of pda besides holding your hand, wrapping his arms around your waist, letting you hook your arm around his, etc., but in private he loves when he can just lay his head on your lap or chest bc then you can play with his hair, which relaxes him
he’s really intuitive and in tune with your emotions. if you’re feeling down, he’ll know, and he’ll also know if you need space or if you need comfort, both of which he is more than willing to oblige
he’s there to bring you cups of tea, maybe some cut up strawberries on the days you’re tired and want to sleep. will definitely tuck you in, and will also lay down with you for a bit if you ask
his go to way of getting you to talk is going on drives. 1) levi is a really good driver and 2) he’ll usually come and find you wherever you may be around the apartment, say something along the lines of, “i’m going on a drive, you wanna come?” or might just give you a look and jingle the keys around his fingers
it might take a little while of rolling through the backroads aimlessly for you to speak up, but when you do, he’s all ears. lets you talk through your thoughts, might prompt you further, offers advice if you ask for it. it’s also how you sort through relationship misunderstandings - they are rare, but all relationships have them, so it would be silly to present your relationship without them
i think that when levi is upset on the other hand, he’ll usually come to you for comfort. he isn’t necessarily looking for advice, but just to calm down and rest. some form of physical touch is good, like cuddling or napping, preferably where he can put his head on your chest so you can play with his hair
i think levi is the type of person to get a lot of intrusive thoughts or memories that he doesn’t really want to remember when they pop up, so having you as a distraction to hold him and let him know it’s alright is something he really appreciates
nsfw below the cut (18+)
unpopular opinion: levi is NOT the hard dom people tag him as. rather, i think of levi as a service top, so while he may be carrying out more of the work, you’re the one in control. getting you off gets him off 100%
considering he is usually very dominant outside the bedroom, he likes the opportunity to let you take control and direct him instead - it takes a weight off his shoulders
slow and smooth kisser. might put up a fake fight for dominance just to make it more fun, but eventually take the lead and kiss him dizzy
hearing your moans makes him unbelievably hard. the sounds you make go straight to his dick
and so: godly at giving head. he might edge you but it’s not to tease or as punishment, he just takes his time because he knows it feels better for you, and at the end of the day he wants you to feel as good as possible. your pleasure is his main priority.
knows how to use his fingers, knows how to use his tongue. knows what you like and picks up on it very quickly. i don’t think he’s that experienced but he’s got a good natural sense of what feels good - do not doubt him, he knows where the clit is 
he’s got a very wide range of capabilities for this, too. he can go slow and sensual on a calm sunday morning or absolutely dive in and ravage your pussy for more intense sessions - this is the one time he doesn’t mind making a mess 
making you cum is good for his self esteem/confidence lmfaooo he lives to see your flushed cheeks and heaving chest and be told he’s doing well. when you scratch his hair or cup his cheek as a quick thank you, his heart swells and his dick twitches
please kiss his neck, he will absolutely melt for you. especially the next day when he looks in the mirror and notices the little love bites you left him... he runs his fingers over them lightly and his eyelids get a little droopy as he remembers everything, will definitely seek you out for another round
tbh i don’t think he’s that kinky. he likes what he likes, i can’t imagine him comfortably degrading you or hitting you or anything like that. realistically, levi wouldn’t be having sex with someone he’s not in a committed relationship with. he wants it to be special and personal and therefore probably would not enjoy treating you poorly even if just for the sake of sex. if anything, he wants it the other way around bc he could easily be a bit of a masochist in bed
loves when you restrain him and ride the shit out of him, either by tying his hands to the bed or just pinning his arms down. likes when you “use” him to get off. put your hands around his neck and he’s putty in your hands
really loves when you tell him to cum - your voice is music to his hears and to hear it out loud and as a command has him doing exactly that. he’s not one to disobey orders lol. 
his brows furrow, his eyes squeeze shut, mouth falls open and lets out a low moan... jesus christ 
one more deep kiss, a quick clean up, and then he’s passing out with his head on your chest. after-sex sleep is some of the best rest he’s ever gotten
2K notes · View notes
fairyshuuu · 4 years
watch out: splash zone
Okay rant time.
I’m gonna sound like a right fucking ass but atm i truly don’t care because I’m tired, fed up and if I don’t say it now I’ll probably keep going down this road for another few months without complaining until I get so fed up I up and dip without a word. I don’t like complaining about the lack of feedback. I really don’t. It’s annoying for me as well as for you guys and though I don’t care about a lot of things deeply, I don’t really want to show up on yalls dash to nag.
But I’m really fucking frustrated. Some of you might follow my blog for the things I reblog, in which case I can’t say too much about that, but I think the large majority is here for the content I create. I love writing. I adore it, I love sharing it, love hearing feedback and making people happy or sad with something I did. It’s one of the few things I feel proud to say I’ve grown at over the years; so much so that there’s people who follow me for it! That’s amazing.
I am unbelievably thankful for every person who does leave a reblog, a message, an ask or a post, it might not sound like it since I’m bitching but I truly from the bottom of my heart am so thankful for those who took some time out of their day for me. But you have no clue how fucking disheartening it is to spend hours on something and having it flop completely. And when I say completely:  I have 3300 followers and my latest piece gets 6 notes. That is not 10% of my audience, not even 1%. It’s 0.18% of my audience who apparently can be bothered to click a heart button.
Tumblr doesn’t allow you to see how many people clicked on your post. There might have been 300 people who read it and just didn’t like, reblog, comment etc. but I don’t know that. I can’t know that. It’s the same with my more popular posts too. I’d say Wild valley is one of the most loved-on series on my blog. People send me messages about it, ask how it’s going, and I feel like it’s so loved. Which is great!! The first part has 457 notes, what a stupid big number. But then the next only gets 170, and then 120, then barely 80. Can you see how that is discouraging as a writer?
Also, Wild Valley is officially my most reblogged series ever. In numbers, the first chapter got 40 reblogs! 40 reblogs out of 457 notes... out of 3300 followers. A bunch of them are my own reblogs in hopes of sharing the thing around, and a lot of them are of my amazing friends who are the most supportive, lovely beings in the world. I know you’ve heard this a million times because writers are always saying it but that writers are always saying it, over and over and over, might mean something. Likes don’t mean anything on tumblr. It doesn’t do anything. It allows you to keep it in your likes, sitting there, doing nothing.
You can read it again if you want. That’s it. Reblogs give people more space on the site, allow them to be seen by others. It’s the only thing that gives creators exposure. That is why we’re always fucking begging for reblogs. Please, please please please reblog things of content creators so that they might be seen by others. Reading something and not liking it, dick move but at the end of the day I can’t see you anyway so why should I care, right? Getting likes is such a nice thing at first because it means that people are enjoying it, but your hard work still disappears into the void.
Me not posting my writing on here anymore won’t effect me that much. I’ll still be writing. I could focus my efforts on things that could better me financially. Could write personal commissions and put everything behind a paywall. I’d still be don’t what I love and I’d get money for it. But I never considered doing that because I wanted to share my work, for free, with like minded people who’d enjoy it. So if you enjoy it, then show people that you enjoy it. Reblog their things, share it around. What good is a piece if it’s pushed in the far corners of your mile-long ‘liked’ tag?
This isn’t meant to be a beg for attention. I don’t suddenly want a surge in notes in an attempts to soothe me or some shit. I want you all to sit with this and realize that it really, really means something. I don’t give a flying rat’s ass about numbers in any other circumstance. But I don’t appreciate the blatant -I’m genuinely sorry to people who’ve been here supporting me, you know who you are and I love you for dear life- leeching happening on my blog and many of my friend’s blogs.
If the writer-reader mentality on this site doesn’t change, I am going to leave. That’s not a threat or smt, it’s just the truth. I don’t spend hours working on something I’m so excited about for it to get 6 notes. And if I go I’m taking my shit with me, so that’s that.
I would be sorry for sounding like a total bitch whale but in all honesty, it’s been a long time coming so
31 notes · View notes
It’s Vegas, Baby - Chapter II
Summary: Nesta goes out to the store and so does Cassian. Classic Nesta, she thinks he’s stalking her. Trust me it’s more interesting than it sounds lol(I hope)
Word Count: 2k
A/N: I'm back on my grind yall *sunglasses emoji*
Feyby- Feyre(its supposed to be like feyre and baby put together cause shes the baby of the family)
Nestella- Nesta(its supposed to be nesta and nutella. u will learn more later;)
Tiny Ancient One- Amren(kinda self explanatory)
Mor Boobiez Plz- Mor(idk i just thought it was funny lol)
"I'm home!" Nesta calls out to Feyre. She can smell pizza and instantly strides towards the kitchen, where she finds Feyre with a large cheese pizza still in the box, half-eaten.
"Finally! I was beginning to wonder if you and Cassian finally acknowledged the sexual tension between yourselves and fucked."
"Feyre! That is not appropriate to say at all! Cassian and I are barely colleagues, we will never be anything so stop with your meddling!" Nesta replied, trying to will down a bright red blush. Feyre and her boyfriend, Rhys, had this insane idea that she and Cassian were made for each other, it didn't help that Cassian was constantly flirting with her either.
"We're back!" Mor and Amren had just gotten home from some party, with Mor holding Duchess, their shared Chinese Crested Dog. When the four of them bought a penthouse together Feyre and Mor wanted a dog, and Nesta and Amren didn't. After begging and pleading with her sister and friend to please give him away after they adopted him they finally decided to just lock her, Amren, and Duchess in a room together. They all became friends, and they found out that Duchess was, in fact, a boy. They had been calling him Duchess for too long, though, so when they called him Duke he wouldn't reply so the name just stuck. When the rest of their inner circle found out-"the rest" being Cassian, Azriel, and Rhys- they didn't stop teasing them for days. In their defense, he had a very small you-know-what and he was a very ladylike boy.
"Bring my baby boy to me! Oh I wove you so much you wittle cutie pie!" Feyre was letting Duchess lick her face, making Nesta gag. Sure she loved the dog, but seriously, he licks his butt.
"Ugh, Mor, your cousin is working me to the bone! And he won't stop trying to push me and Cassian together! He thinks he can push us together just cause we “have hella sexual tension”! Also, I was thinking about this last night, Rhys is dating Feyre and if I'm Feyres sister and he's Cassians brother, that's literally incest!"
"You know they aren't actually brothers, right? They're just best friends." Mor replied, trying not to laugh at Nesta's flustered expression. She put down Duchess and reached for a slice of pizza. Everyone knew that it was just a matter of time before Nesta and Cassian got together. Nesta and Mor were the only single people in the house, not including Duchess. And Mor was just recently dumped so she was in a big love life meddling mood. Amren was dating some guy named Varian, and Feyre... Well, let's just say that it's a miracle that she's here right now and not out getting nailed by Rhys.
"I know that, but still. They refer to themselves as brothers."  
"So you're saying that if they didn't call themselves brothers you would have sex with Cassian! I knew it!"
"No, Feyre, I am not saying that! Besides, he flirts with everyone so even if I was into him- which I am not - we probably wouldn't become a thing."
"Keyword being probably." Mor says with a smirk.
"Enough of all this bickering, I'm hungry and bored so someone turn on the T.V. while I make some popcorn." Amren quickly breaks them up before Nesta tears off someone's head.
Cassian pulled up at the townhouse he shared with his brothers. All the lights were turned off which meant that Az was sleeping, or not home. The former was more likely because Az usually got pizza on his rest nights and there were three cold slices of meat lovers pizza left. Cassian was so hungry, he ended up eating them cold. He fought back a moan at how delicious the pizza was. He would never understand how Nesta was able to be a vegetarian. Shit. He had been such a dick to Nesta earlier. She was genuinely concerned about him and he had just pushed her away.
Cassian pulled out his phone and checked instagram. Mor had posted a photo of her and Amren with their dog, Duchess, at a party. He didn’t know if he should laugh or cry at the fact that a misgendered dog had a better social life than he did.
“Ugh, Feyre, Tomas and his little gang showed up at work last night.” Nesta and Feyre were chilling in the kitchen, the latter making a breakfast spread that would put Disney Channel moms to shame. Amren and Mor were nursing killer hangovers, so Feyre made sure to bang around a ton in the kitchen.
“Again? A-fucking-gain? Nuthin new, nuthin changed? Same old shit. Same old fuckin shit.” Feyre replied, forgetting that Nesta had no idea what that reference meant.
“I told them to leave and that I almost had the money to pay them back, but Tomas just slapped my ass and said ‘sEe YoU oN yOuR nExT sHiFt’ then he got up and left.”
“You do realize that we could end all of this by just telling Rhys? I know you have this whole thing about your pride and shit, but we could tell Rhys and he could pay off all your debts to him.”
“Feyre, I appreciate it, but I need to fight my own battles. I got myself into this mess, so I sure as hell can get myself out of it. Plus, I don’t like the idea of feeling like I owe my current employer money.”
“Okay, can we yell about Nesta's issues at some time other than 6am? Also, is that bacon I smell?” Mor walked in holding her head and wearing one of Nesta's sweatshirts with some leggings.
“Yes, fattie. And it’s like, 10:30.” Feyre slapped Mor's hand away from a stack of pancakes cooling on the countertop.
“And I do not have any issues, Mor. I’m not the one that went partying with a dog last night.”
“Nesta, that is exactly the reason why you have issues. If you went partying with Duchess, maybe you would loosen up a bit. God knows you need it.”
“Brat.” Nesta threw a piece of toast at Mor's head.
“Thanks! Hey, Feyre, pass the butter.” Feyre slid the butter across the counter and cursed loudly when it just slid on the floor at Mor's feet. Facedown.
“Really, Feyre?” Nesta said in an exasperated tone.
“I’m sorry! I thought she would catch it!”
“That was our last stick of butter, you absolute dingbat!” Nesta sighed and picked up the keys to her car.
“Where are you going?” Mor asked, ever the worried friend thinking she had caused a family feud.
“To the store. We need more milk and eggs anyways. Tell me if you guys are gonna go out while I’m gone.” Nesta walked out the door of their spacious apartment and made her way over to the elevator, pressing the ground level button. She stormed over to her car, got in, and slammed the door shut. On her way to the store, she noticed that one of the local book stores was having a sale. She tried to ignore the voice in her head telling her that she had piles of unread books in her room, and all over the other communal areas of the apartment. She would just pop in after picking up the groceries. No big deal. She could restrain herself. Maybe.
Cassian woke up and made his way down the stairs towards the kitchen at 10am.
Hey sorry don’t be mad but here’s the shopping list. I had to go out.
“Unbelievable.” Cassian sighed and picked up the piece of paper attached to Azriel's little note and crumpled it up. Then he uncrumpled it because he remembered he needed to see what it said. Cassian walked up to his room and threw on a sweatshirt, some slip-on vans, and grabbed his keys. He couldn’t remember why they decided to share groceries. He wanted to in the beginning, but now that he woke up without any food in the house because his brothers had eaten all of it he was thinking or re-evaluating that decision. Cassian slid into his car and made his way to the store.
When Nesta pulled up at the store she checked her phone and saw that Feyre had sent her a text while she was driving.
Feyby*: heyyyyyyyyy nes can you pleeeeeeeeeease get me some chocolate while you’re out :)?
Nestella*: k. anything else? im walking in now by the way
Feyby: nope! thank you love you! :)
Nestella: love you too
Nesta made her way towards the dairy aisle and picked up some 2% milk, a pack of four sticks of butter, and eggs. She quickly walked over to the candy aisle and began studying all her options, she took candy selecting very seriously.
Cassian walked into the store and quickly picked up all the stuff on the list. Once he got to the last few items written he realized he wanted ice-cream for a movie night with the boys. He walked over to the dairy aisle and picked up a tub of cookies n’ cream right when Nesta Archeron stormed past him towards the candy aisle. He followed her because, well, he wanted to talk to her. But he needed to act like he wasn't stalking her cause she might yell at him.
“Mother Above, Cassian! You scared the shit out of me don’t you dare do that ever again!”
Oh well.
“How did you not hear me coming? Are you really that focused on chocolate?”
“I’m selecting some chocolate for Feyre, and she is very picky so I was focused on reading what the ingredients were in each bar.” She seemed to have recovered from the scare because she just grabbed a random chocolate bar and stormed past him.
“Obviously you don’t care that much if you’re willing to just grab a random bar and walk away!” Cassian yelled at Nesta. Some other shoppers began to stare at him so he quickly said “Don’t worry, we work together. I know her, I’m not some random creep haha.” That just got him more strange looks though so he just made his way towards self-checkout and paid for the items and skirted outta there.
Nesta was so embarrassed while walking away from Cassian. People were staring at her! Ugh, Cassian needs to learn to not yell in public places. She walked over to her car after checking out and loaded her groceries into the boot. She needed a black iced coffee stat. Nesta began the quick drive to one of the local coffee shops and once she arrived she quickly sent the girls a text letting them know where she was.
Nestella: hey bitches im getting coffee you hoes want anything
Feyby: i want a mocha frappe pleeease              
Tiny Ancient One*: just get me a black americano girl
Mor Boobiez Plz*: i wanna iced coffee with whipped cream and caramel
Nestella: okay for everyone except Mor cause wtf that's not even an item on the menu
Mor Boobiez Plz: it is i swear! just ask them for it they did it when i asked!
Nestella: fine
“What can I get for you?” The guy working the register asked in a very monotone voice.
“One black iced coffee, one black americano, one mocha frappe, and one iced coffee with whipped cream and caramel sauce.”
“We don’t do that last one-” Nesta gave him a withering glare and he immediately changed his mind on what he was about to say.
“Those will be ready soon ma’am. Can I get a name for the order?”
“Nesta. Thank you.” Nesta walked over to the opposite side of the counter to wait while their coffee was being prepared.
“That was quite impressive the way you scared him into doing what you wanted him to, Sweetheart.”
“Cassian! Are you stalking me? Go away.”
“I’m not stalking you, I’m just here to get some coffee.” He smirked at her and picked up a latte that was set down beside him. He took a sip and looked Nesta up and down before smirking and saying “Hot.” he winked at her and left before she could yell at him. If he was being honest the coffee was actually the perfect temperature, but he just loved getting under Nesta Archerons skin.    
20 notes · View notes
Someone please appreciate this fucking album with my oh my god😭 none of my friends are big bts fans and I have nobody to freak with. This album was just so unbelievably good. Have you guys heard anything like this from bts ever? Wtf. First of all every single song has such a great beat for real every one of them makes me feel like im brazil for some reason? Idk.
Anyway to the faves- singularity. Dont even get me started its to much. The deep notes and the slow rythem I am moist 100% wow. Just damn. And the music vid with the fast af choreo & the slow rythem made such a strong contrast damn. Did yall hear the “ooooohhhh nooooo” in the backround at 2:56. This is the song you lose your virginity to for real. And Im a massive fan of jazz, blues, RnB and deep voices so this was such a treat.
The truth untold gave me feels I didn’t even know i have and then the beat switch at the end had me bopping in maths class. When Jin starts belting👌🏻.
And then 134340 is just got such a great underlying rythem I cannot deal. When the beat changes at 0:27 and RM comes in. Amazing yes yes. Approved. And then they switch again and bring in Jimin. So good wow. The fluid changes in rythem had me quaking. And sugas rap reminded me alot of first love. Anyone else?
Airplane pt. 2. How do i even start. The fucking vibe of the whole thing is very despacito but more fun and less douchbags with glasses. I cannot explaine how much I respect J-hope. This guy is one of the best rappers ive ever heard. Live and recorded. He just has such natural flow that works so well with his personality. I always get this boucy feeling when I hear him. Like hes on a trampoline. And I loved loved loved hope world and they way they incorporated the beat from Airplane into this rhythm is phenomenal. It meshes so well. Don’t get me started on that LA to Manhattan chorus. Just Fresh. Fuck okay.
Now Anpanman. Shit. SHIT. Taes low voice just shit. Hes the only baritone among a bunch of tenors. We never get to hear his lovely low notes since most kpop songs are catered to the higher voices. So that was amazing wow (sorry im a singer so I geek out bout these things a bit😂).
Now the outro. This omage to early 2000 rap with a low key eminem vibe. That shit was so clean daumn I need to breath. Once again Hobi is such a fucking fun rapper I loved his flow it was so fresh. Also suga singing???? I need more thank you. Shit im listening to it right now and I can’t process this fire.
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This was my long ass break down. Sorry I geeked out a bit. Thank you. Someone please just freak the fuck out with me. Not just bout how sexy they are but about the fucking quality of music these bitches have blessed us with.
0 notes
vivsjournal · 4 years
May 21, 2020
Hey y’all.
Sorry this is kinda random, but I just got off the phone w my therapist and was feeling like I’m really starting to get better. Like actually being strong enough to get through all the bs in life now.
Anyways, I’m just going to jot down my thoughts about it all so I can say everything I want to before I psych myself out and chicken out from doing this. So sorry in advanced if it’s not coherent.
So, today I finally told her about being inappropriately touched as a kid and ya know same stuff w dad and alex. And like i can’t explain it all but basically I told her I feel a lot stronger than before because i know those things happened and I can’t change it so I just have to keep it moving. It seems like I have greater emotional clarity now and it’s like I dissect my feelings a little bit better now. And I know I don’t really talk about it too too much with y’all, but it’s a big deal for me bc I notice myself trying to talk to y’all about it more when I used to not want to at all.
Basically, I really feel like the talk we had last night as sisters really made me feel connected to y’all. Like I didn’t need anyone, just y’all. I know it sounds corny but yeah yall have helped me through more than y’all would ever know. I talk about y’all a lot to her and how I look up to you guys to get me through a lot of things. The biggest thing I wanted to say was thank you. It’s crazy bc I know like I was really affected by having to see dad like that back in 2015, and I always thought it was bc I was the baby and I just took it a lot harder. And while that’s true too, I just never fully saw it from yalls perspective til last night.
Since tham was there that night, I always wondered why she didn’t end up the way I did. Like we both saw the same thing, why was I the only one that got depression and shit. Used to get hella sad bc thought that it was bc I was weaker and shit. But it’s nice now bc I see that she just had to be the older sister especially bc mom wasn’t really much help. Like she couldn’t break down w me or who would hold us all together?
And even though Phượng wasn’t there, her telling us last night what she had to see as a kid between mom and dad shifted my perspective a lot. I always thought Phượng was lucky enough to not have to see dad like that, bc it might do something to her too. So I was glad she wasn’t there, but I realize now that she was there in the beginning chaos — back when we were too young to remember and even after.
Idk this would be a lot easier to explain in person and I don’t feel like proofreading through this to make the most beautiful sounding note, but these are my raw emotions. I don’t think I’m at the point where I could just say this in person like I’d want to bc I’m already in my room crying while I type this.
But yeah, last night’s talk til 5 AM and watching the movie Onward made me just realize that y’all are all I need. Y’all are like my second and third moms. The parents that taught me shit mom and dad didn’t or couldn’t, and for that I’m always grateful. Sorry this is unbelievably cheesy, but I just wanted to stop being so afraid of saying that I love y’all and talking about things like this. Bc y’all matter to me the most and it’s stupid that I’m just now fully appreciating everything that y’all have done for me. But yeah, thanks for all the times y’all have been there for me even when y’all probably didn’t even know what the hell to do. Thanks for being my second set of parents. I truly would not be here without y’all.
0 notes
redactedonyt · 5 months
Heya! If you follow my stuff with The Cooking Object-ive (thank you btw I am excited for the comic and hope y’all are too) here are a few updates.
1: concept art will be updated as stuff changes and things get added. ( ex: voice references)
2:I have officially got my drawing iPad (🎉🎉🎉🎉) when I get it set up the concept art and the drawings will look a bit different.
3: the plan is for the first comic to be released on a different tumblr blog and webtoon in late June/ early July (this could change in the future, updates will be released asap)
Thank you all for supporting me and the upcoming comic, me and my “team” (essentially just me and @anobjectshowguy) are so excited to get it off the ground and on your screens. You all mean the world to me and your involvement is loved and valued. If you have any questions or are curious about certain characters, my ask box is always open.
8 notes · View notes
watchmegetobsessed · 5 years
Best friends - Shawn Mendes
i know yall are waiting for boundaries, butttt until i manage to put the next part together here is a cute fluff
You eye yourself in the mirror that takes up an entire wall in the elevator, and you notice how worried you look. Once you relax your forehead those small wrinkles soon make their way back to your face no matter how hard you focus to look calm. You hold the grocery bag to your chest tight as the elevator dings every time it passes a floor. Your teeth sink into your bottom lip, but when you realize you are doing it you quickly straighten your features. You don’t want to show up with a bleeding mouth to your best friend’s house for the first time after an entire year.
Shawn has been on tour in the past seven month, he had a lot of other gigs before that and you were also busy with school, then work, and a few months ago you were still dating a guy from literature class making him your priority which now seems like bullshit. The guy was a loser and you can’t believe you wasted so much time. Shawn wanted to fly you out once to one of his US concerts but you canceled on it for the guy. How ridiculous.
You’re not sure about the sudden nervousness. He is still the guy you were best friends with ten years ago, he is just taller, more handsome and oh, also a huge popstar now. But still the nicest guy you’ve ever known and despite the lack of contact between the two of you lately you are sure everything will be just like in the good old days. Except that you are hiding a huge secret from him now. The big fat crush you realized you have on him.
Your breakup urged you to realize why all your past relationships ended up dead if you don’t count your poor choice of men into it. You had some pretty promising sparks through the years, but somehow nothing seemed to be good enough for you, and the realization hit you harder than you were expecting. No one was good enough because no one was Shawn. Neither of those men were the guy you grew up with and relied on every time you needed a shoulder to cry on. Neither of them were your best friend you call immediately when something amazing or horrible happens, you didn’t stay up all night FaceTiming each other just because he watched a horror movie and it upset him so much he needed you to talk him into sleep. The history you shared with Shawn beats every other attempt any men have ever taken and there is nothing you can do about it.
The elevator doors slide open pulling you out of your nostalgia about what it was like when you were younger and Shawn was just an ordinary guy, when there weren’t screaming girls in his life, following him everywhere he went.
You pace down the hallway to his front door and push the doorbell with your nose having both your hands occupied with the bag. You sigh looking around in the hallway as you wait for him to open the door. The next door is pretty far from here, so the apartments must be big around here, your place is probably like Harry Potters room under the stairs compared to these homes here. Seven years ago you would have never thought this is where you’d be meeting Shawn.
The door flings open and a tall figure appears in front of you, a more mature and even more handsome version of the Shawn you last seen a year ago on the porch of your parent’s house when he came to have dinner with you and your family before flying to New York the next day. Back then you both though you’d see each other in only a couple of weeks, but the weeks turned into months and then a year.
His look dark in the lighting, a warm chocolate tone, and the shine in them breaks you into a smile, just as he grins at you happily as well.
“Y/N! Hey! Let me help you with that.” His hands reach for the bag and you hand it to him mumbling a silent thank you. The bag is filled with all the ingredients you need to make tiramisu, some snacks and a few beers you knew he would very much appreciate. Cooking together has always been your thing, Shawn has always been in charge of the actual food while the dessert was your field and you knew he is dying for your tiramisu so there was no doubt what you’d be making when the two of you made the plan to finally meet a few weeks ago.
You follow him in, eyeing around curiously as this is your first time in his new place. He bought it months ago, but you never had the chance to see it in real life, only on photos.
“Do you want a tour?” he asks glancing back at you as he sets the bag down on the kitchen island.
“Would love that,” you nod your head grinning.
You follow him around as he is talking about his home in a very MTV Cribs way, but you’re enjoying it a lot, mostly because it shows that one year didn’t change a thing on his amazing personality.
“Pretty nice view,” you compliment standing in front of the window from where you can see the CN Tower in its tall glory.
“That’s one of the reasons I bought the place. I love just… sitting here in the evening, play the guitar and watch the lights.”
You can see his reflection in the glass of the window and his dreamy look over the city makes your stomach flip. Then he looks at you and the dreaminess is replaced with a boyish smile.
“So, how about we start cooking? I’m actually very hungry.”
“Okay, let’s go.”
While both of you work on your own part of the dinner he keeps asking you questions about everything, he is hungry to know all the things you didn’t have the chance to tell him over the phone. So you talk about school, about the classes you had, and then your new job comes up. He seems genuinely happy listening to you talk about your very normal, uneventful life while you know he has way more interesting stories up in his sleeves, but still, he just wants to listen to you.
Then you take the questioning in your hands, he tells stories about tour, about his friends and colleagues, about the wild and unbelievable life he has been living, and you can’t help but wonder how you are still in his life. Your way of living is nothing like his and it makes you feel insecure for a moment, but then a question of his diverts your attention.
“And how is the guy from literature? I’m sorry, I forgot his name,” he lets out an awkward chuckle and only then do you realize you never told him about the breakup.
“Cody and I broke up around September,” you state matter-of-factly causing him to put the knife down from his hand and turn to you.
“Really? You never told me. What happened?”
You shrug your shoulders. It was never a big deal, Cody was only interesting until the two of you had common things to talk about, but that was only literature. After two months, you quickly realized you are just too different and ended it in the fourth month already feeling like you gave too much of your time for him.
“It didn’t work out. Don’t worry, it was peaceful.” You give him a reassuring smile so he knows it wasn’t a trauma you went through alone. He nods his head taking in all the new information before turning back to the food.
He doesn’t bring Cody up again and you’re happy it’s kind of out of the way. You soon start talking about old things, stories that happened in high school when he was still a full-time student. His phone chimes into the conversation at one point, he washes his hand and grabs it from the counter. You look at him just in time to see him roll his eyes at the screen.
“What is it?” you ask as you finish up the last layer of the tiramisu.
“It’s just Andrew, he wants me to post a story, because I’ve been too inactive lately,” he explains as his fingers are tapping rapidly on the screen.
“What should you post?” you ask putting the box into the fridge so it can chill until the end of dinner.
His mouth opens, but then he stops and his eyes flicker up on you. You don’t understand what this means, but the sinister grin on his face already tells you it’s going to be wild.
“Do you remember the lift we used to do all the time in your backyard?”
“Oh my God, Shawn, no! We are not doing that again and definitely won’t record it.” You protest immediately. He steps closer putting his hands together as if he is praying to you and he is even pouting his lips at you.
“Please, let’s just do a try, it’d be funny. If we succeed, it will look cool and if not, people will laugh at least.”
“No! We haven’t done that in years and I know you are muscly, but I’m not sure you can lift me up,” you say avoiding his eyes, but then suddenly he pick you up and spins you around to show you, he is very much capable of lifting you up.
“See? I’m good. Come on, just give it a try.”
As much as you want to say no to him, you just can’t. So soon you two are in his living room with the furniture pushed out of the way and his phone set up, ready to record. You’re shivering nervously as you watch him press record and then he takes his place.
“Okay, Just trust me, I’ll catch you, promise,” he encourages you holding his hands out, ready for the jump.
The move was just a silly something you two came up with one summer. You have to run towards him, then stamp right before him, he catches you mid-jump with his arms wrapped around your thighs, and then you bend over his shoulder, he squats down and you basically swing over, your hands on the floor at first, then come up to standing at the end. Facing him you are not even sure you are able to swing over like that, you haven’t tried it in a long time.
“Y/N, come on! Trust me, it’ll be good,” he nags you clapping his hands together. You take a deep breath and start running.
It all goes smooth until you jump and he catches. None of you could keep balance suddenly, a high-pitched shriek escapes your throat as you start falling forward and Shawn’s feet slide on the hardwood floor. You both end up on the floor, you almost smash your face to the ground, but catch yourself just in time.
You both lie on the floor laughing uncontrollably as you try to untangle from each other.
“See, I told you!” You scold him laughing, wiping some tears away from your eyes.
“I’m sorry! Are you okay though?” he asks checking out if you have broken anything, but you are fine.
He ends the video and you watch it back. It’s even funnier on tape and you end up allowing him to post the part where you jump and then collapse to the floor. He doesn’t tag you in the video though, this is something you’ve agreed on before. You definitely don’t want all his fans to stalk your profile, even though they still can find you if they want.
In half an hour food is ready, Shawn made roasted chicken with grilled veggies and some fries. You set the table nice and just keep on talking while eating. You don’t seem to run out of things to say, something always comes up and it’s relaxing to know nothing has changed.
You eat the dessert sitting on the kitchen floor, another thing you two used to do a lot. Karen was very strict about sweets so whenever you were over at their place you’d sneak into the kitchen and sit on the floor, so Karen wouldn’t see you in there eating cake.
“Oh my God, this is so good,” he growls in satisfaction, his mouth full of tiramisu, you giggle to yourself.
“I’m the master of tiramisu,” you proudly say scooping some into your mouth and tasting the sweet cream.
“You definitely are, you could enslave me with this.”
You start laughing at the depth he just went into to compliment your work, and before you could think about it, something just slips your mouth.
“Yeah, I’m that good. I don’t even understand why you’re not dating me.”
You scoff lightly, but then you freeze mid movement, just like him, as you realize what you just said. The mood immediately changes and panic is creeping up on your neck, making your whole head feel numb.
You quickly think of something to say that can save the situation, and you end up just changing the subject.
“So, when are you leaving next time?” you ask the only thing you know will distract him from your previous comment. His leaving is a touchy subject, he has told you how guilty he feels for the one year hiatus, because after all, he was the one who left for months, and though you tried to convince him it’s totally alright, you understand it and that’s his job, he is just too stubborn to believe you.
“Um, I have to go to LA in a week, but I’m coming back at the end of the month.”
That means he will spend two weeks away from Toronto, away from you. That’s bearable.
You feel like he forgot about what you said earlier, so you also stop thinking about it. It was just a stupid slip of your mouth and you’re sure he didn’t really think it over.
You help him clean up in the kitchen and by the time you are done it’s almost midnight. You have to drive home, so you think it’s better to leave.
“I’m so happy we got to do this, just like we used to,” he smiles at you as he is walking you out. “We should do something next week before I fly out.
“Sure, I don’t really have plans, so… just hit me up,” you chuckle as you step out into the hallway.
“Will do. Take care and text me when you got home, okay?”
You hug him shortly before heading to the elevator. It feels like everything weights on you at once when you think you are alone. You feel happy and loved for the way you two could be around each other just like in the old times, but then you think about that stupid you made on him dating you and you are positive you are a real idiot. You are very much lost in your own thoughts when you hear him call out for you.
Turning around you see him barefoot out in the hallway and you give him a puzzled look.
“Shawn, what are you-“
“I was thinking about what you said all night,” he says licking his lips and you hold your breath for a while as you stare at him and wait for him to continue. “I really don’t know why I haven’t dated you yet.”
Your eyes widen as you try to process what he is saying. He scratches the back of his neck as he is trying to find the words.
“Look, tell me if this is not a good time, or if you don’t feel the same way, but… this one year I’ve been missing you like crazy and I realized I want more than just be best friends with you. If you are in, I thought maybe… maybe we could like, go on a date or something.”
He is nervously fumbling with the hem of his shirt and staring at you he is waiting for your answer. You struggle to find your voice, but then you finally build up the courage to answer him.
“I-I would l-love that,” you mumble still unsure if this is really happening or not. His eyes light up hearing your words.
“Great! Good, um… how about, going out tomorrow? I can pick you up at seven.”
“Sure, it’s… it’s fine for me,” you say nervously tugging your hair behind your ears.
“Then… see you tomorrow,” he smiles at you and leaning down he presses a soft, tender kiss on your kiss.
You say goodbye, he disappears in his place and you take the elevator down. Turning to the mirror what you see is so much more different from what you saw when you were arriving. The beaming grin on your face is just endless, your heart is beating fast and your palms are sweaty and you are sure you’ve never been happier in your entire life.
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