#thank you for indulging my poll
neonponders · 1 year
Robin sat in Steve’s tower while he slept. The living don’t stay involuntarily passed out for long, but once Robert and Annette got some soup into him and a sleeping pill, he went down for much longer.
Robin’s head turned a little at the sound of the front door opening. “That’ll be your dad with skeleton copies. Nobody’s getting locked anywhere again…but it was kind of awesome how your mom took the door down.”
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starflungwaddledee · 5 months
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some rather strong first impressions were made.
required reading for the magical "voice" headcanon and another for starstruck's signature in particular. asked by @trainerbob23 !
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ranchthoughts · 5 months
Hi again everyone. Thank you for participating in my lengthy series of polls.
I have another follow-up poll, this one for the poll "What was the first show you wrote meta for?" . People don't always write meta for currently airing shows and I wanted to see whether the chronological spikes in meta writing coincided with the shows of the last poll.
Please feel free to indicate which show you first wrote meta for in the tags or comments! I'm curious
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yaekiss · 7 months
YIPPEEE masterlist updated... now I can shower and sleep gn everyone snzzzz........
(also utc is an extra part for the yan!android!wanderer fic that didn't make it into the final post)
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explanation for why it didn't make the cut: UH I think it was because including this part might have leaned in too much to a more eldritch sort of reader and this reveal would've taken away from the main focus that's supposed to be android!wanderer
also an eldritch might have been too overpowered for an android to tamper with their memories LMAO
UERHFAJN ok no more rambling NIGHT NIGHT 😴
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allylikethecat · 2 months
Okay poll time again, same rules apply if no one responds I'm going to delete this and pretend it never happened 😂 Also, I have a weird feeling I'm going to regret doing a poll but oh well let's do this (please)
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acacia-may · 1 year
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My Aubrey Dynamics Out-Of-Context Poll: Part 2 was a much closer race than part one, but Aubrey and Sunny won the day!! Sunburn for the win!! I made this edit (with official in-game Omori art) to celebrate them and all their warm & fuzzies! 🌞
Also you all should check out the song "Sunburn" by Owl City (YouTube) 🥰
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Quarter finals update
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[Image ID: Diagram showing brackets for most ridiculous MFMM episode tournament with first round pairings listed and winners from first three match ups populated in round two. /End ID]
We have three of the four quarter final match ups! Will Phryne's santa hat beat her 'Spanish' accent in match up one? Will whatever was going on in Dead Man's Chest trump what on earth was going on in Death Do Us Part in match up two? Will ghosts or Egyptian pharaohs truimph in match up three? You can decide!
Match up 1 - ends 14th June - Murder Under the Mistletoe vs Murder Most Scandalous
Match up 2 - ends 17th June - Death Do Us Part vs Dead Man's Chest
Match up 3 - live tomorrow - Death Comes Knocking vs King Memses' Curse
The final two polls in round one are still live for voting to decide our final quarter finalists:
Match up 7 - ends 11th June (tomorrow!!!) - Murder in the Dark vs the Green Mill Murder
Match up 8 - ends 12th June - Murder in Montparnasse vs Death Defying Feats
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betasuppe · 1 year
[I'm going crazy here guys & it's only a matter of WHEN not IF I start posting anything of my AU which beyond 100% involves my OC smooching up a particular program *cough cough coughhhh*]
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good-beans · 9 months
WIP Poll Tag Game
I'll write as many sentences as there are votes for the winner of this poll! Thank you @thepatchycat -- this is such a cool game aw! My dusty wips thank you as well... 😂
(For the audio editing I'll do like 5 minutes for each vote or something 👍)
And I'll tag @chinchillasinunison, @fayesdiary, @elegyofthemoon, @plantpretender, @jannede @nitetime-moon, @red-moon-at-night, and @amugoffandoms -- and anyone feel free to join in!
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crystallinestars · 2 months
Kissing Headcanons
Since this won the poll, here are the promised kissing headcanons for Jing Yuan, Argenti, and Aventurine!
Disclaimer: I haven't finished the 2.1 main story, so my interpretation of Aventurine may be a bit off. I'm going off of my interpretation of him from 2.0, as well as a few screenshots I saw around the internet.
WARNING: Contains a spoiler for Aventurine's real name!
Jing Yuan:
🦁 Jing Yuan likes kisses a lot, but he’s careful to reserve them for when you’re in private. He doesn’t want anyone to intrude on your romantic time together and is aware that he must look professional while at the Seat of Divine Foresight. That is why the majority of affection he shows you is done at home.
🦁 Jing Yuan enjoys receiving good morning kisses when he wakes up beside you, as well as good luck and farewell kisses when he parts from you to go to the Seat of Divine Foresight. If you don’t give him at least one kiss before he leaves in the morning, he’ll pout and try to weasel one out of you. He won’t leave until he at the very least got to kiss your cheek.
🦁 When he doesn’t feel like doing his paperwork, Jing Yuan will come to see you instead. At your insistence that he should finish his stack of documents, he’ll demand you give him kisses to motivate him to work. As childish as his requests may seem, your kisses do seem to give him the energy he needs to finish his paperwork. Only after holding you captive in his arms and indulging in your lips for longer than he should, of course.
🦁 If you feel down and in need of comfort, the Luofu General wraps you up in a gentle hug and tenderly presses his lips to your forehead. His words may not be the most comforting, but with that kiss, he shows you that he cares about your well-being, and hopes to give you the comfort you crave.
🦁 Jing Yuan’s kisses are slow, yet firm. He likes to place a hand on the back of your head and pull your face closer, capturing your lips in a tender kiss. It’s unhurried and firm, his soft lips melding against yours as his hand brushes through your hair, lightly combing through it. He only pulls away when you both run short of breath.
🦁 He gives you time to recover because he can tell that his kisses leave you a little dazed and awed at how loved they make you feel. During moments like these, he looks at you with fondness and amusement, as if he were looking at a small, cute animal. You are simply too adorable for him to resist, so don’t blame him when he pulls you into another long kiss before you’ve fully recovered from the first one.
🌹 Argenti’s kisses are full of his heartfelt feelings for you. He is a passionate man, and that passion transfers to romance, and subsequently kisses, as well. He feels touched when he receives kisses on the cheek as a thank you for saving someone, especially if they come from you, but he seldom gives kisses himself. The Knight of Beauty takes kissing very seriously, and will only kiss someone he truly loves.
🌹 His go-to places to kiss you are usually your hands. Like the gentleman he is, Argenti likes to take your hand and place his lips on the back of it in the lightest of kisses, his mouth just barely brushing against your skin. He tends to give you these types of kisses when you are going out for a romantic date or when he is courting you because they are a display of his reverence for you.
🌹 Argenti also adores kissing your palms. He takes your hand and places it on his cheek while looking at you with verdant eyes filled with adoration and devotion, as if he were so smitten with you, that you were the most important thing in the universe to him. With a heartfelt proclamation of his love for you, Argenti turns his head to place a tender kiss on your palm, much more firmly than how he kisses the back of your hand. With these types of kisses, Argenti wants you to know how much he cherishes your very existence, and how lucky he is to call you his lover.
🌹 Since Argenti is the epitome of a gentleman, he tries to avoid overwhelming you with his kisses. When kissing you on the mouth, he takes things slow. The way he cradles your face in his hands is gentle as if he were handling porcelain, and he makes sure to lean in slowly to give you time to pull away if you don’t want this. You never do, of course, but he won’t stop taking things slow and gentle until you make it clear to him that you are not only okay with but also want to receive more intense kisses from him. Only then does Argenti allow himself to kiss you with the passion that flows inside him, yet one he restrains for your comfort.
🌹 With your consent, Argenti will give you the most passionate and sensual kisses you’ve ever experienced. He leads the kiss with tenderness and fervor, supporting the back of your neck as he angles your head just right to deepen the kiss. He’s not afraid to use his tongue, skillfully slipping it into your mouth and caressing your own in an intimate dance that leaves you breathless and weak in the knees. For all his gentlemanly behavior, Argenti isn’t shy about expressing how much he desires you.
🌹 Even so, he is still loving and tender towards you. Argenti likes to hold your hands or face when kissing you, and once he pulls away, he gazes at you affectionately while brushing the back of his hand along your cheek or tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear. Every action is filled with care. He may not be the best at expressing his true feelings with words, but his actions speak louder than words ever will about how much he loves you.
🃏 Aventurine had some prior experiences making out with people, so he knows exactly what he’s doing when kissing you. The gambler likes to catch you by surprise with a heated and sensual kiss, one that leaves you flushed and breathless by the end. Biting on your lower lip and tugging at it, slipping his tongue in your mouth, and even sucking on the tip of your tongue are all things he does to get a reaction out of you. The more flustered and weak in the knees you get, the more smug he looks when he pulls away, a string of saliva connecting your mouths. Licking his lips while giving you a mischievous and pleased grin, he’ll look like a cat that got the cream as he observes your flushed state.
🃏 Aventurine is great at erotic and sensual kisses, he can give them as easily as he can receive them so you’ll never fluster him with one of those. However, he feels completely out of his element when you give him sweet and tender kisses. Aventurine is not used to receiving gentle affection, and at first, it scares him because it’s such an unfamiliar sensation that touches him deep in his heart.
🃏 He's used to heated make-outs that don’t mean anything other than lust in the end once the other person leaves, but your sweet kisses aren’t like that. The way you press your lips against his skin is soft and loving, the way a true lover would. Unlike those people he encountered in the past, you truly love him. Not the money he owns, not his powerful connections, not his material possessions—what you love is him. With time, Aventurine realizes that you’re not with him for a fun and exciting fling, but for something more long-term. You genuinely love him. Not his persona as Aventurine, but him as Kakavasha.
🃏 The way you cradle his face as you kiss the top of his head, your lips soft and warm against his cheeks, temples, and forehead all make his breath hitch and heart squeeze almost painfully. The gentle kisses make him want to cry, and he hugs you tightly for reassurance and comfort. When you sweetly kiss him on the mouth, Aventurine practically melts. He never knew how good such gentle affection could feel until you came into his life and gave him the affection he’d been subconsciously craving. As emotional as this makes him, Aventurine finds a sense of solace in your tender touches and he wants to feel more of your love even though he sometimes feels undeserving of it.
🃏 Aventurine also likes receiving kisses on other parts of his body, such as his neck and shoulders. He enjoys it when you hug him from behind and press your lips onto the skin of his shoulder or back. It’s such a small thing, but the gesture feels intimate and loving, proof that you love and want him. He tries to hide it, but such kisses make him shiver in a good way.
🃏 Despite enjoying having his neck kissed, Aventurine doesn’t like you touching his tattoo since it can bring up bad memories. However, if you kiss him there as an act of comfort when he feels depressed, it can give him a bit of solace. Though in times like these, he finds the most comfort being wrapped up in your arms and reassured with gentle words and soft kisses to his forehead. It might take a while for Aventurine to feel comfortable enough to be this open and vulnerable with you about his feelings, but please don’t give up on him. Don’t abandon him after you have shown him how amazing real love is.
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philistiniphagottini · 4 months
Double the Fun
Based on this poll for Valentine's Day. Thanks for indulging me, this was lots of fun. I hope to do more stuff like this in the future. Enjoy~
cw. smut, threesome, double penetration, rough and soft, swearing, fem! reader
nsfw below the cut
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"Look at you, little sparrow" Jing Yuan cooed with a rasp of your name dancing on his parted lips. "Taking my cock all the way to the hilt."
You wedged your bottom lip between your teeth, chewing on the bruised skin as a pleasant tingle raced down your spine. Your blood simmered in your veins as you steadied yourself in Jing Yuan’s lap, hands splayed across his chest as his thunderous heartbeat danced beneath your fingertips. You felt the weight of centuries etched into his skin under the curious touch of your fingers, the hard, rigid contours of his body completely contrasted against your smooth and soft curves. You could feel Jing Yuan’s thick cock seated inside your creamy walls, pulsing with every subtle grind of your hips as your greedy pussy tried to swallow more of him.
You let go of your kiss swollen lips, a harsh gasp abruptly wrenched from your mouth as scarred hands curled around your hips, your pulse racing frantically in your ears when another warm body pressed against your back. Black nails threatened to bite your skin as Blade rubbed his swollen length along the cleft of your ass cheeks, tip oozing pre-cum and staining your boiling skin. A smile played on Jing Yuan’s lips as he watched you with lidded eyes, his golden gaze smouldering like embers.
"Now, are you going to be a good girl and take another?" he mused, a lilt to his voice as a warm chuckle breezed past his lips.
You nodded along to his words, your breathing stuttering when you felt Blade’s hot breath puff against your skin, your body wracked with a violent shiver as every hair on the nape of your neck stood up in anticipation. You dare not move as Jing Yuan’s body sunk further into the plethora of fluffy pillows supporting his back, content to sit back and enjoy the show that was about to begin. A sweet moan stirred in your chest as Blade’s fingers spread your puffy lips apart, the sight of your arousal dribbling down the sides of Jing Yuan’s cock making him growl.
"Are you ready for me?" he murmured against the shell of your ear, voice only loud enough for you to hear him.
You nodded, long eyelashes fluttering over your burning cheeks as the heat turned the tips of your ears hot.
"I’m ready" you reassured, taking a deep breath and trying to prepare yourself for what was to come.
But no matter how many times you had done this before, or how many times you would steel your resolve, the next part never failed to take your breath away. You stifled the whimper that tried to crawl out of your throat as Blade’s tongue swiped across the shell of your ear, sharp canines tugging on the lobe as he lined himself up with your sopping entrance. His grip on your body tightened, keeping you still as he pushed forward. You felt Jing Yuan’s reassuring hands on your waist as your body jolted forward from the sudden pressure, a loud and haggard gasp spilling from your mouth as Blade pierced your centre. Your body pitched forward, arms snaking around Jing Yuan’s neck and face buried in his pillowy chest as you clung to him for comfort. Your body naturally tried to pull away from the burning discomfort between your thighs but both pairs of hands rocked you back when you shied away. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you struggled to breathe, lungs pinching in your chest as a wet sob threatened to tear from your throat. It didn’t matter how slow Blade was pushing in, or how much lube coated his slicked cock; it still stung like a bitch.
"Shh, little sparrow, it’s alright" Jing Yuan soothed, rubbing his thumbs in soothing circles across your soft stomach. "Be brave."
You sniffled loudly, hands weaving through Jing Yuan’s thick mane of hair and tugging harshly at the roots. He continued to smile and whisper reassurances as Blade grunted behind you, struggling to fit more than half of his dick in you as your pussy kept clenching around him. His black nails raked down your soft thighs as he panted, rough tongue tasting the perspiration that clung to your skin. The obscene noises coming from between your legs made your knees shake, body threatening to completely collapse against Jing Yuan as your head grew dizzy, heat tickling the base of your spine and coiling rapidly in the pit of your stomach. You gasped harshly as Jing Yuan’s thumb pressed against your swollen clit, rubbing the tightly packed bundle in soothing circles to ease the tension from your muscles.
"Such a good girl" Jing Yuan praised. "You’re taking him so well."
You mewled softly, his words and the thumb swirling around the hot little button at the top of your pussy a pleasant distraction from the discomfort. Blade grunted as another inch slipped into you, your hot walls pulsing and clenching as Jing Yuan continued to toy with your clit. The praises he whispered to you made Blade’s ears itch, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as his teeth were set on edge. His crimson gaze flickered over your shoulder.
"Quit babying her" Blade hissed through his teeth. "She’s a big girl. She can take it."
Blade smoothed his hand along the curve of your spine, your back bowing under his touch as a pleased moan rumbled in your chest. Jing Yuan ignored the harsh glare that Blade was currently levelling him, choosing to focus on you as his hand lovingly traced the bump in your stomach. You managed to catch your breath when Blade was finally fully sheathed inside of you, the tips of your fingers feeling numb as they slowly slipped from Jing Yuan’s fluffy hair.
"Ahh, so full" you whined.
Your toes curled into the soles of your feet as every white-hot nerve in your body tingled like a live wire. Having both of their thick cocks crowding you and dragging against your sensitive walls almost made the threads of your sanity snap right then and there. It felt like your insides were turning to mush around the shapes of their cocks, the butterflies in your stomach refusing to settle as the pleasure of the experience was slowly starting to make your discomfort dissipate. Blade had been courteous to allow you a moment to gain your bearings. But it would only last for that brief moment.
You swallowed the budding saliva on your tongue, almost choking on your next gasp of air as Blade pulled his cock halfway out of your tight pussy only to slam back in. Your body swayed forward; arms tight around Jing Yuan’s neck as you raked your nails along his sturdy back, nails leaving behind welts in his pale flesh. A pleased purr rumbled in his chest as he pinched your clit, enjoying the squeal of delight you gave him for his actions. Beads of your combined slick dribbled down the insides of your quaking thighs, the smell of sex heavy in the stuffy air permeating your bedroom. The mattress gently bounced from your combined weight, the springs creaking in protest as you were rocked back and forth on both Jing Yuan’s and Blade’s cock. Jing Yuan found he didn’t have to move, the friction between both you and Blade moving in tandem enough to keep the arousal burning hot in his veins like an untamed wildfire. His soft noises of approval were drowned out by the utter filth that slipped from your tongue unabashed, a mix of his name and Blade’s somewhere among the incoherent gibberish you were spewing.
"Shit" Blade grunted under his breath. "How are you still so fucking tight?"
You moaned loudly as Blade’s fingers weaved into your hair, tugging harshly as he pulled your body off Jing Yuan and forced it back into his own embrace. An arm snaked around your torso; his grip iron tight to prevent you from escaping his clutches so easily. Your arms flailed uselessly, scratching at the arm locked around your waist as you desperately scrambled to find something to hold onto to keep yourself grounded. Blade pulled on your hair again, a loud groan tumbling from your parted lips as he turned your head and captured your lips in a searing kiss. You moaned hotly; eyes fluttering shut when his tongue licked at the seam of your lips before exploring the wet cavern of your mouth. Your tongues tied as the harsh snap of his hips increased, digging into the soft flesh of your succulent ass cheeks as he rutted up into you like an animal in heat. The hypnotic sway of your breasts caught Jing Yuan’s attention and he couldn’t keep his hands to himself. You inhaled sharply as his hands pawed at your chest, squeezing your breasts together as his fingers pinched the rosy tips of your pert nipples. Your desperate mewls and whines were swallowed by Blade as he devoured every sensual noise, the coil in your gut suddenly reaching breaking point as your orgasm quickly took a hold of you.
You weren’t sure how many that marked tonight as the coil unfurled and you drenched the sweat-soaked sheets beneath your tangled bodies. You lost count after the fifth one. The bliss that burned through your veins and dribbled from your core like liquid ecstasy made your head feel giddy and left your body feeling weightless for a few blissful moments. Blade and Jing Yuan both groaned in unison at the feeling of your spasming walls squeezing them tight, the sensitive heads of their cocks rubbing over each other as your pussy nearly suffocated them. Your eyes peeled open once more as you parted from the kiss with a heavy gasp, a string of saliva breaking when Blade rubbed his thumb across your trembling bottom lip. His gaze flicked over to Jing Yuan once more, a smirk lighting up his features at how entranced the general looked with the way your orgasmic bliss made your skin glow with an otherworldly beauty, his cheeks tinting a rosy shade as he breathed your name through parched lips. Blade’s hand slipped down your throat as he grasped it, not hard enough to choke but heavy enough for you to feel the constant reminder. He tipped your head back towards Jing Yuan, your eyes just as dazed as your mind as you stared down at him.
"You like this, don’t you General?" Blade goaded; his appointed title almost spat from his mouth like poison. "You like watching your little sparrow getting fucked dumb by me?"
Blade’s crimson eyes danced with mirth as you whined from his touch, his teeth piercing your skin to leave behind his mark. The entire time he bit into your neck, he maintained the eye contact with Jing Yuan, daring him to say something and get a rise out of the almighty general. But he was to be left disappointed as Jing Yuan gave him a lazy stare, smile still curling his lips as he hummed softly in response.
"I cannot deny it. The sight is enchanting."
Blade tutted under his breath when Jing Yuan didn’t take his bait. Blade yanked on your hair once more, wisps of your hair curling around his fingertips as pain prickled the back of your scalp and your hips shuddered. You couldn’t keep up with the Stellaron Hunter’s pace anymore as your thighs burned from the strain, hips losing their rhythm as your intense orgasm still lingered in your system. The smouldering flames in your stomach were worked back into a spark as Jing Yuan cradled the back of your neck in the warm palm of his hand, his rich voice dripping into your ears like warm honey. The mixture of pleasure and pain from both men had a beautiful concoction brewing in the pit of your stomach. You hummed low in your throat as Blade pushed his chest against your back, allowing you to feel the deep scars on his well-defined torso sliding across your sensitive skin. Your nerves prickled with burning heat once more as Blade’s tongue lapped at your neck, tracing over the old and fresh marks he had blessed upon your flesh. His nose brushed under the soft skin of your ear as he took a deep breath, your intoxicating scent curling in his lungs and sending his senses into a frenzy. You weren’t sure who’s hands belonged to who at this point, losing track of what body part was rubbing against you as you drowned in the feeling of their addictive touches and caress. You were just trying your hardest to keep your eyes uncrossed and stop them from rolling into the back of your head.
"So General, I pose another question" Blade said as his fingers danced along your torso.
You shuddered in his grasp, his unrelenting pace never once easing as his cock bullied your insides, pressing against your soft spots until you squealed with delight and your eyes grew glossy from unshed tears. You squeaked as his hand traced over the prominent bump in your stomach where they were both moving intimately beneath your skin. He traced circles into your soft stomach, squeezing your irresistible pudge in his large hands as he smiled wickedly at the other man.
"Who’s going to have the honour of filling her womb first?"
Jing Yuan hummed in thought. The rough pad of his thumb brushed against the pretty pearl of your clit, the bundle of nerves glistening like morning dew as it twitched from his touch. He found it hard to tear his gaze away from where your bodies were joined in fervid rapture, pearls of slick dripping down the soft insides of your thighs and tempting him to steal a taste. His gaze travelled over to your face, watching your expression contort and twist with unadulterated bliss as you writhed on top of him. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, a soft whimper tickling the back of your throat as he wiped away the constellation of tears clinging to your lashes.
"Who indeed?" Jing Yuan mused in response. "Tell me, little sparrow, who do you want filling your cute little pussy first?"
A hot flush made your spine tingle. Their intense gazes were focused on you and you struggled to think with the way Blade’s cock splitting you open emptied your pretty little head of every single thought. You couldn’t shrink up into a ball and hide from them. A disgruntled noise stirred in your throat as you huffed loudly, cheeks puffed up as a small pout tugged at your plump lips.
"That’s not fair" you griped, swallowing a moan as Blade nudged his cock deeper into you. "You know I-I want both of you."
Jing Yuan smiled in response, cooing sweetly as he lovingly pat your thigh. Blade buried his face in the crook of your neck as he hid his soft smile, parted lips dragging across your throat.
"What a greedy Princess you are" Blade whispered, hot breath making your pussy throb.
The knot winding deep in the pit of your stomach grew tighter and tighter with each passing moment, your next encroaching pleasure high promising to tear into your body with needle like teeth without remorse nor surrender. Your body tipped forward as stars wavered in your vision, hands pressed against Jing Yuan’s abdomen as you struggled to keep your body aloft. The muscles in Jing Yuan’s stomach jumped under your gentle touch as you rubbed your hands along his searing flesh, nails scratching along the thin white lines in his body from countless battles. A dopey smile stretched across Jing Yuan’s lips, eyes shimmering under the dim lighting. What a precious little thing you were.
He was starting to get closer. He could tell Blade was as well by the incessant cant of his hips and the way his cock was starting to throb periodically against his own. A warm hum rumbled deep in his chest, the sound almost akin to the purr of a cat as he ran his hands up and down your body. Blade’s question played on his mind as a devious idea tickled the back of his head. Like hell Blade was getting the honour of messing up your womb first. He held no ill will towards the other man, but Jing Yuan found himself quite greedy in any situation that involved you. The general was a patient man, choosing the best opportunity to make his move and strike when the hunter least expected it. It came when Blade’s eyes were unfocused, mind to preoccupied with the way your tight hole was fluttering around him and drooling on his cock that he could barely perceive anything other than the torturous rapture of your sumptuous body.
Jing Yuan’s strong hands curled around your hips as he suddenly yanked you forward. You yelped as you collapsed against his warm chest, breasts pushed against his sturdy muscles as the stifling heat of his body almost suffocated you. The unexpected movement caused Blade to tip forward, his cock slipping most of the way out of your drenched pussy as he slammed his hands beside Jing Yuan’s hips to prevent himself from crushing you. He cursed low under his breath as he was knocked out of his stupor, his orgasm almost ruined as Jing Yuan thrust his cock deep in your pussy, the fat head smothered against your cervix as he came with a hoarse cry of your name. Your voice was muffled into his skin as he buried himself deep, balls tight and cock kicking with every spurt of his hot seed as your insides were painted with thick ropes of white.
When Blade finally gathered his bearings and realised what had just happened, he was livid. He threw Jing Yuan a filthy look, his fangs bared as a low growl reverberated deep in his throat.
"Jing Yuan…you fucking bastard."
Jing Yuan cocked his head and had the audacity to smile at him. But the expression didn’t quite reach his eyes. Jing Yuan knew exactly what he had done. His golden gaze was burning brightly with a satisfied victory. Before Blade could bare his teeth again your soft mewls caught his attention, his seething rage slowly quelled by the sound of your melodious voice. You hummed in pleasure as Jing Yuan filled you to the brim, his hips bumping against yours as he filled you with another heavy load of his seed. The warmth made your abdomen tingle, your own orgasm lingering in the background as your body throbbed for release, desperate for another heady rush that left you boneless and satisfied. Jing Yuan’s lips brushed against your forehead, beads of sweat dotting your brow as you squirmed.
"You did so well" Jing Yuan praised, lips a soothing balm against your skin. "Such a good girl. My cute little sparrow."
You squirmed in his grasp, turning your head as your gaze sought the man behind.
"Bladie, wanna feel you too" you slurred with a breathy whine. "Wanna feel your cum in me."
Blade could put aside his gripe for the moment when you called to him, your eyes pleading with him in such a way that buried under his skin and made his cold heart ache. His scarred hands reached for your hips once more, fingers sinking into the plush skin as he buried his cock all the way into you once more. There was a rush of juices as he thrust forward, the wet slide making him groan. His eyes narrowed sharply as Jing Yuan twisted his fingers in your hair, gathering it in a bundle and sweeping it off the back of your neck to expose more of your skin. Blade attempted to bite Jing Yuan’s fingers when they lingered close to his mouth, prompting an airy chuckle from the general. He did not say anything, choosing instead to keep your mouth occupied with the insistent press of his lips and allow Blade to seek what he wanted without further interruption.
Blade quickly fell back into the brutal pace he had worked himself up to earlier, falling back into the frenzy of wet skin slapping against skin as your pleased voice made his ears ring. You sucked on Jing Yuan’s tongue as you felt Blade lick a long stripe over the back of your neck, teeth following the hot press of his mouth as your pulse wavered. Your eyes fluttered and you whined loudly as Jing Yuan tasted the shape of your mouth, your body jolting forward when Blade sank his teeth into the back of your neck. He dug his fangs in until pinpricks of blood bubbled to the surface, the ferrous bite of your blood making his stomach twist tight as a feral snarl was muffled into your skin. The head of his cock was pushing against your cervix, occupying the space where Jing Yuan had been only a moment prior. You raked your nails along Jing Yuan’s skin as you felt Blade’s cock throbbing inside your soused walls, your pussy clenching tight as you went over the edge a few scant seconds after Blade.
You drooled around Jing Yuan’s tongue as Blade pumped his thick seed into you, the explosion of heat intensifying the ache in your stomach as the hot coil inside you shattered into a million pieces. Both men groaned as your pussy spasmed, your sweet nectar gushing from your core and staining their skin with thin threads of translucent liquid. Jing Yuan parted from your lips with a loud pop, cooing softly and talking you through your intense rush as your body trembled like a leaf in the wind, your orgasm snapping the last threads of strength in your weary body. The push of Blade’s hips ceased with one last final grunt, his harsh grip easing as your pussy swallowed every last drop of his spend. You went limp; exhaustion settled deep into your bones as every part of your body burned with a pleasant ache. You doubt you would be able to walk properly in the morning, bruises already forming over your bruises as you struggled to properly catch your breath. It took another few moments for all of you to collectively calm down, nerves still highly strung and bodies still burning from the lingering fumes of your pleasure high.
You whined when Jing Yuan pulled his softening cock out of you, quickly followed by Blade as you mourned the loss of warmth. Jing Yuan hushed you softly, running his hand along the ridges of your spine to soothe the tremors wracking your body.
"Such a good girl for us" Jing Yuan praised. "Wouldn’t you agree, Blade?"
Blade hummed in agreement, fingers scooping up the mixture of essence that dribbled from your gushing pussy and stuffing it back into the hole he had been so passionately fucking. You squirmed from the feeling as he bumped his nose into your soft cheek, chest pressed against your back as he rested his chin on your shoulder. You turned your head in his direction as his lips brushed over your burning skin, his voice dropping to a low murmur.
"Are you alright? How are you feeling?"
His concern made your heart flutter, warmth stirring in your chest as you offered him a bashful smile. You weakly tangled your hair in his long, ebony locks, feeling the rhythm of his heart pressed against your back as his clammy skin stuck to yours. He peered at you through his dark bangs, crimson eyes searching your face for any signs of discomfort.
"I’m okay" you reassured. "Just the usual kind of sore."
Jing Yuan chuckled, fingers massaging the back of your scalp as a warm purr stirred in his chest.
"Perhaps our little sparrow would like to bathe? What do you say? Up to being pampered now?"
You hummed in agreement, stretching your body like a lazy cat. "Are you going to join us this time, Bladie?"
Your voice sounded hopeful. The Stellaron hunter usually declined your offer, preferring to partake in a post sex cigarette and wash when both you and Jing Yuan were finished. That, unfortunately, meant he sometimes missed out. 
"…Just to make sure he doesn’t start something without me."
"Are you referring to me? I would never" Jing Yuan replied, voice feigning hurt.
Blade bared his teeth as he growled.
"Boys" you warned.
"I’m going to kill you and I’ll make it look like an accident" Blade hissed through his teeth.
Jing Yuan had been threatened so many times by Blade that the words simply rolled off of him like water from a duck’s back. You had no doubt the general probably considered it pillow talk at this point.
"Considering the general swings around a weapon that weighs thirteen tonnes, he could probably punt you across Scalegorge with a flick of his wrist" you piped up, trying your best to contain your giggles.
It didn’t work as Jing Yuan ghosted his fingers across your ribs and coaxed the laughter out of you.
"When did you get so chatty?" Blade asked, teeth sinking into the soft pudge of your cheek and pulling on the skin until you squealed.
"You clearly didn’t fuck out her brains hard enough" Jing Yuan mused with a soft chortle.
Before Blade could retort you dug your fingers between Jing Yuan’s ribs and forced a dry wheeze from his parched throat.
"Boys, behave!"
Stuck between one the IPC’s most wanted criminals and a renowned General of the Xianzhou Alliance. You had your work cut out for you.
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sameschmidtdiffname · 4 months
Sweet Delights
Peeta Mellark x AFAB!Reader
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Summery: It's a slow work day in District 12. With rain pouring down outside, who can blame you for wanting to indulge a little? Everything's fine so long as no one walks in... right?
Tags: Pre-established relationship, no use of y/n, pet names, reader has AFAB body/female pronouns, switch!Peeta, switch!Reader, edging, female fingering, teasing, count down, orgasm denial, blow job, face fucking, public sex, someone walks in, dirty talk, Peeta's a freak but he's sweet about it, praise kink if you squint, mentions of eating out, cum swallowing, cursing, post-Mockingjay but that's not really relevant, no reader orgasm this time around. Once again, I'm probably forgetting something.
Notes: I have to say, I did not expect Peeta to win the poll! And not to worry for everyone else, I'll get to all those characters eventually. (Derek girlies, I see you and I love you.) Thank you for your support on the last one, I hope you like this one too! Bon ABBA teeth.
Peeta loves surprises.
Giving them, receiving them. If it's unexpected, Peeta is practically bouncing off his chair to figure out what to do with it.
It made everyday life sweeter. Slipping a note into his apron pocket when he wasn't looking for him to discover, finding a million more hidden in my apron. Little drawings hidden amongst everyday things, like the wildflowes Peeta likes to draw and place next to my powders and perfumes. But best of all surprises were the little pastries we would make when the days were slow and the other was watching the front of the bakery. Usually using scraps, because Peeta detests wasting food, but always delicious nonetheless.
The best innocent surprise, I should say.
Today was an especially slow day. Rain pounding down in District 12, making the roads thick with mud. It's a blessing for the hot ovens that fight against the cold seeping through the front windows. Although they're helping me more than Peeta, who's up front perched at the counter, insistent as always that someone needs to be watching the shop. "We won't hear the bell over the rain," he'd said.
I knew better than that. There were tells when Peeta wanted a surprise. He'd never just ask for something, always fearing rejection. Of course the minute I opened my mouth he was ready to do whatever I had even intrusively dreamed of so long as it meant love and praise. But to ask for himself? It's a whole different matter. So when he is insistent I work alone in the back, I understand that this is his own silent way of asking for some sort of surprise. And with the way his broad shoulders look in that pale yellow knit sweater, who am I to deny him?
I'm not one to deny him anything, quite frankly.
The best surprises of all are when we sneak up behind the other, always starting so innocently. Maybe while one of us is baking, maybe while one of us is simply dressing. With the quick slip of a hand, it doesn't take long before the other is panting and begging for release. Not that we always give it to each other.
Peeta liked sneaking up on me in private. Usually when I was in the back baking.
"What are you working on?" He'd usually ask.
"Custom order," I may answer with a smile. He liked my smiles, always said so.
"What are the details?" He'd ask. He'd put his hands on my lower back, rubbing soft enough to not disturb me while still working out some knots.
Then I'd prattle off details. This one is for so-and-so down on whatever-street-or-corner, they'd like a cake.
"For the Harvest Festival?" He'd ask. I'd nod, still focused on my task. "How many orders do we have for the Festival?"
"A good bit, it's our busiest time," I'd always say with a bright, soft tone to my voice. He'd chuckle, placing a small kiss on the back of my neck and pressing his hips against mine from behind, usually revealing his hard on.
"So, how many orders this year?" He'd ask. His hands would work at a knot, his breath hot on my neck, and his hips would roll ever so slowly against mine, taking his time to build both of us up.
"Ah, I think- I think 12?" I'd say, trying to focus on both him and whatever I was making. Cake. Right. Stir.
"12?" He'd ask. His cock would be deliciously hard, grinding against my clothed cunt just a bit harder as his hands would return to my hips, steadying me against him. "That's pretty good."
"Double digits," I'd say brightly, my voice breathy as I struggle more to focus. Cake. Stir. Hands, not hips.
But I'd always do hips instead, leaning back and tilting my head ever so slightly so he can see my enjoyment.
"You need to stir," Peeta would gently guide in my ear. My back would press against his front, his chin now resting on my shoulder.
"I know," I'd say softly. I didn't know shit.
He'd chuckle, one hand slipping to my front to cup one of my breasts.
"Need to get those orders out," he'd remind me. "You always seem so stressed about being on time."
"One of us has to be," I'd say. His hand on my hip would find the band of my pants, slipping past them and teasing me, sliding his fingers against my wet folds.
"Pick up the whisk," he'd instruct. My hands would shake as they obeyed, moving from being splayed across the marble counter to resume my task.
"Stir slowly," he'd say. His large fingers would slip over my entrance, coating himself in the thick lube now dripping from me. "You want to make sure the texture's correct."
It took such mental energy to balance the two things. Especially when he would finally sink in his middle finger, always going knuckle deep and twirling it around inside of me, making sure to leave no spot untouched. His other hand would pinch and pull at my breast, giving special care to make his fingers replicate the feeling of his soft lips wrapped around my sensitive nipples.
"What's the next order?" He'd ask. I could feel myself dripping down his hand, and I knew he loved this. Peeta would do whatever he could to make sure I was wet, even when he wouldn't go any further than simple teasing. I think he liked the idea of me always being ready. Not that he would assume. He always started out slow, and if I ever said no it was never a big deal. He'd simply continue talking to me and go on with his day perfectly fine. But if I was willing, he'd always massage or do whatever until he could feel my arousal himself. I think it's why he likes eating out best. Especially when I'd talk him through it, usually promising to cum down his throat while tugging his soft blond hair. His eyes would grow wide and soft at that, his whimpers increasing as he'd fuck me quicker with his tongue, grinding himself against whatever. It was a beautiful mess he'd turn himself into, desperate and begging silently as he clutched my hips.
"The what?" I'd ask breathlessly. I was tight around him, focused on how slow and sweet he was pumping in and out, twirling and wiggling his finger inside of me. His other hand slipping under my shirt, and his lips sucking gently at my neck, careful not to leave bruises.
"The orders, sweetheart," he'd gently remind me. "What's the next one?"
My lips would part, eyes fluttering shut as I tried to remember. His middle finger would pump out and then pump back in with the addition of his pointer finger, tearing a soft moan from my throat.
"Shh," he'd gently whisper. "We're at work."
He liked this little game. Ramping me up, forcing me to behave a certain way so to not tip off customers. If Peeta wouldn't immediately be arrested for it, something tells me he'd simply fuck me in the front room, bent over the register counter during business hours and just act like it's a normal thing. Such a sweet boy.
"I- ah- need to look at the book," I'd say. He'd roll my nipple between his two fingers, his other two fingers pumping slightly faster as his lips suck at the spot just under my ear.
"You have such a good memory though," he'd say. "You can remember. Just think."
That's a lie. I have a horrible memory and we both know it. But if I say I can't, he'll pull away. Sweet and gentle, he'll go get the book and place a million kisses on my cheek before leaving me to my work and dizziness.
Next order. Next order. That's easy. It's a tart with cream on top. Cream. God, I'd like his cock in my mouth right now.
"Next order. Come on, pretty girl. I know you know it," he'd softly encourage.
"I know it," I'd moan, my head tilted back and resting on his shoulder, fucking his fingers instead of working on the cake. He feels so good, so warm and protecting. Simply smelling the traces of dill and cinnamon baked into his skin made my mind shut off, my eyes growing tired from the feeling of safety.
"I know you know it," he'd say so sweetly. "You're smart, pretty. And you've got a delicious cunt I'd love to fuck over and over if I could," he'd say softly, placing warm kisses on my neck between each point. I was panting openly now, squeezing my eyes shut as I tried desperately to remember who ordered what.
His fingers curled inside of me, making rapid 'come hither' motions fast enough to steal a soft, sudden cry fron my lips. Peetas mouth found mine, swallowing my moans and giving me some of his own.
"I may have to count down, sweet girl," he'd warn me. His fingers had found my g spot, hitting and rubbing it at rapid speed. The cuff of his sweater is soaked from me, his hand sticky and coated. I shake my head quickly, moaning and gripping the counter as best I could to keep myself standing.
"I can remember," I whimpered. Peeta laughed softly.
"I know you can, sweet girl. But look at you, you're a total mess." His voice is sweet and kind, his eyes taking in my current state. "I can't have you all dumb back here during work hours."
He's sweet but he's cruel. God, he's cruel!
"I think there's berries in it," I stammered.
"Ten," he's start patiently, his teeth tugging at my earlobe.
"N-no, wait! There's- There's berries and there's..." I'm completely making this up. I have no clue what's next.
"Nine," he continued, knowing this.
"That's not fair, you started low on purpose!" I whined.
"Eight." He wouldn't argue. I was right.
"It's got- got cottage cheese frosting." I'm so close, so awfully close. I can feel myself clenching around him rapidly, my pussy swallowing his fingers quicker and quicker as I climbed closer towards the edge.
"Seven." Oh, God. This motherfucker.
"Six. Come on, good girl. You can do this," he'd encourage sweetly, kissing my cheek and trailing to my collarbone with said kisses.
"They wanted flowers on the top. Violets, I remember that!" That detail is actually true, surprisingly. The candy violets were always easy to remember because I loved them so much.
"Five." His other hand kneeded my breast, admiring the soft flesh and running his thumb over my stiff, aching nipple repeatedly. "Four."
"You're speeding up," I whined. "This isn't fair."
He let out a soft 'aw,' apologizing and speeding his hands to bring me closer to the edge.
"If you can come before one, I'll fuck you right here," he promised. "You can come before one, can't you?"
I nodded stupidly, moaning and panting as I sped up my hips, slamming down on his hand repeatedly. Cake details be damned, this is my mission now.
"Three." I'm so impossibly close.
"Wait a minute, slow down-"
With one final, cruel, hard thrust of his hand he slips away, leaving me to almost crumple to the ground and opening my eyes to blink stupidly, trying to process what just happened.
"You okay?" He asked softly, his dry hand cupping my cheek and looking at me carefully with his sweet, hazel eyes.
A long, soft whine escaped me, batting my lashes as I lean against him and whisper as many 'please's as I can, pressing a dozen kisses all over him. He laughed softly, returning the kisses with whispered 'I love you's.
"Let me go get that book," he'd said. And that was that until that evening when he made up for it like he always did.
Now I was carefully removing a tiny apple pie made from leftovers meant specifically for Peeta. The rain was as bad as ever as I entered the front room, Peeta leaning on the palm of his hand while he struggled not to doze off. His long lashes flutter softly, his lips pressing against each other and his jaw a bit tight.
"Hi sleepyhead," I whisper, sneaking up behind him. He started a little, turning to look at me with the sweetest smile he has.
"Hi," he says cheerily, his voice just a touch gravely. His eyes glance down to the small treat in my hands, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Is that for me?"
"Of course it is," I say, placing it in front of him. "Figured you could use something to warm you up. It's freezing up here."
He chuckles. "It's not that cold," he says as he picks up the fork I'd placed next to the tiny pie and began scooping some up.
"Liar," I teased. "You're shivering."
He shifts in his seat slightly. "Not from that," he says, a small blush growing on his cheeks. He takes the first bite, then another, smiling and leaning his head against my shoulder.
"Thank you, dear," he says softly. He leans in for a kiss to which I happily oblige, cupping his jaw with my left hand. His lips taste sweet, the sticky apple and cinnamon tasting delicious on him. I swipe my tongue across his lips, stealing a soft moan from him as he allows my tongue access to his mouth, melting in my hands. His hand dropped the fork, accidently missing the pan and instead hitting the counter, but neither of us care. His hand comes up to the back of my neck, pulling me closer to silently ask me for more.
My other hand trails down to his lap, finding one of his hands already there, palming his stiff, clothed cock through his pants.
"Is this what you were doing when I came up?" I ask softly, pulling away from the kiss only a bit. He chases me, biting at my bottom lip to drag me back to him. That's a yes, then.
My tongue explores his warm mouth, tasting him while my hand traces the outline of his dick, pressing and flicking against the tip. He whines, bucking softly into my hand, desperate for more.
"Can you stay quiet?" I ask him, pulling away again. This time my hand on the back of his neck grabs his golden locks, holding him still as I look into his eyes. His cheeks are red as well as his lips, kiss swollen and damp. His breathing is heavy, his eyes blown out. Barely touched and already a beautiful mess.
"Huh?" He asks, his voice higher than usual as he tries to focus. His hand grasping my wrist, making sure to keep my hand where he can buck against it.
"If I asked you to, would you stay quiet?" I repeat gently, teasing him with kisses by leaning forward and pulling away. We both liked this.
"Yes," he said quickly. "Anything."
"Anything?" I ask, raising my brows.
I press a quick, admittedly sloppy kiss to his lips once more before dropping to my knees and slipping under the counter. His brows furrow in confusion before he realizes what I'm doing.
"You can't!" He whispers frantically. "What if someone walks in?"
"That's why I asked if you could stay quiet," I say patiently. "Can you?"
He bites his lip, obviously unsure. His eyes dart between me and the shop door, thinking.
"We can wait," I offer genuinely. This seems to be the deciding factor.
"I'll be quiet," he promises eagerly. "I've got a pie I can shove in my mouth if I can't, right?" He jokes, his smile crooked and eager as his hands work quickly to begin freeing himself. He's excited alright.
"Right," I say, taking his hands away and undoing the buttons on his pants myself. "Just keep watch of the shop, alright sweet boy?" He nods, placing his arms on the counter and trying to resume his position.
I slip his cock from the confines of his clothes, pressing a soft wet kiss to the underside along a thick vein. A quiet whine escapes him, his hand covering his mouth. I'm not truly worried about him being quiet, no one is going to come in here during such bad weather. It's just an edge to help work him into a frenzy, knowing full well he never stays quiet. I'd thought I was vocal when we started our relationship, but Peeta easily takes the cake.
His cock is warm, half hard against my lips that trail his veins. My tongue slides from his tip to his base, barely any pressure on his skin. Grazing always works best to start out with. When I reach his base I lap at his skin, blowing soft, cold air against the wet spots to make him squirm in his chair. I focus on his base for a while, sucking, licking, blowing. Ever so gently I even bite just the tiniest bit, enough for him to notice the edges of my teeth along his red, pulsing cock. His voice is soft, panting quietly.
My tongue trails slowly up his cock, exploring different ridges and spots that make him whimper quietly, working my way back to his tip which is soaked with thick, warm precum. I wrap my lips around him, swiping the moisture away with my tongue in one round sweep. I relish in the cry it tears from his throat, the dozen little apologies he whimpers immediately after. His hand covers his mouth, and the other trails down to gently cup the back of my head. I smile around him, swirling my spit around his tip as I suck gently, pressing my tongue against the underside of his dick.
His fingers play with my hair, unintentionally tugging it and apologizing as he does. I simply squeeze his thighs and begin lowering myself, taking him until his tip hits the back of my throat, taking deep, even breaths to fight off the gags that threaten to escape me.
It's when my nose buries in his soft, curly hair at his base that the bell of the front door rings.
"Hi!" Peeta says a little too quickly, a little too brightly. "Welcome to Mellarks Bakery. How may we- I help you today?"
I'm frozen, his hand gripping my hair out of anxiety. If I pull away, we'll be done. If I stay here, Peeta may very well have to make good on his promise.
Although, acting has never been a challenge for him, has it?
The customer is describing a custom tart she wants made, then pulling out a long list and prattling about this, that, and the other thing. Her accent clearly shows her as a Capitol transfer, and these orders always take forever given that they still have a hard time releasing the concept of not over indulging. But this time I don't plan on complaining.
My tongue begins to move slowly, rubbing carefully along the bottom of his cock while I watch his face carefully. He's smiling at the woman who's still going down the list, his eyes glancing at me to confirm this is what we're doing. With a small nod from me, his hand casually covers his mouth once more and he resumes focus on the woman, his other hand now guiding my head slowly, carefully.
He pulls me to the tip of his dick, working me back and forth slowly on just that spot. My tongue works quickly, my lips wrapping around him tightly to help create proper suction around him while I suck.
"Do you have pumpkin?" The woman asks.
"W- what?" Peeta asks, clearing his throat. "Oh, pumpkin. I'll admit I'm running a little low, it's been a popular request since we don't grow them locally. I've requested more but I don't know if they'll be in in time, so if you want something that uses it you'll have to get it-" his voice cracks as I deepthroat him again, swallowing around him quickly before returning myself to his tip. He clears his throat. "You'll have to reserve it right now," he finishes. I can see him quickly scoop up some of the pie, shoving it in his mouth and trying to hide his blush. It's lucky for us how oblivious Capitol born citizens are.
His hand guides me faster, focusing on fucking his tip near the back of my throat since we both know full well how hitting the back of my throat isn't an option. We can't risk any noise gagging may cause since it may not be covered up by the soft music playing on the shop speakers, a gift from Beetee for the reopening.
His pace is fast, faster than it should be. He's close, smiling at the woman and acting as though everything is normal. His large vein throbs, precum spilling out of him with each new thrust into my mouth. My hand reaches to press two digits against the soft spot behind his balls, a sensitive spot that makes him cry and squirm.
His jaw tightens as I do this, his eyes darting down daggers quickly. I can hear coins on the counter, Peeta accepting the list and opening the register. With the loud 'clank' springing forth from the older device, he takes the chance to slam my face down fully on his cock, his fingers making the coins loudly shift around as he gives the customer her change. Tears spring to my eyes from the sudden force, swallowing around him as I focus on my breathing to recover. He promises the woman he'll do what he can and wishes her a good day, and she coos sweetly. She reaches across the counter, patting his cheek and calling him a sweet boy before turning and walking out of the bakery, the bell chiming at her exit.
Peeta looks down at me, smiling brightly. "Hi," he says with a newfound excitement.
I moan around his cock. He gets it.
"You okay?" He asks, his hands moving to cup my cheeks. I make an affirming noise, trying to smile. "I wasn't too rough, was I?" He asks, his thumbs swiping away the small tears dangling from my bottom lashes. I shake my head, swallowing around him. He moans softly, his grip tightening.
"Yeah, I kinda forgot you like it when I am, don't you?" He asks, beginning to slowly pump his dick in and out of the back of my throat. I moan happily, taking him as easily as I can.
"You know how hard it was not coming down your throat with that lady in here?" He asks. "I had to edge myself so that it wouldn't become known how much I like fucking your throat."
My cunt throbs at his words, his closeness making him willing to be more rough. He starts fucking my face in earnest, tearing noises from both of our throats as he loses himself.
"Can't do that again," he pants. "Next time I'm just taking you. I don't care who walks in." He's moaning openly now, his cock abusing me. I can feel him throbbing, twitching. There's enough precum it's all I can do to focus on swallowing and breathing.
"Show this whole District how much I love you," he babbles. "I'll eat you out on this fucking counter, I don't give a fuck."
I press my heel against my clit, grinding into it to relieve some friction as my hands steady my body against his thighs. The chair underneath of him creeks horribly. If anyone walked in now, I don't even think we'd have a small second to hide what we're doing.
"I love your fucking pussy," he rambles, his eyes beginning to flutter shut. "Love your fucking mouth. You take me so well. So eagerly."
I moan around him, spit dribbling from my mouth, hair stuck to my face. His balls slam against my chin, his wet curls pressing against my nose as he face fucks me like a rabid animal.
"I'm gonna cum down your throat," he announces. "Then you're gonna cum down mine. Again," thrust. "And again," thrust. "Until we don't even have to make dinner from how full we'll be." Goddamn, he's close.
His hands are rough, gripping my face. "Rub your tongue harder," he commands. I do, putting as much pressure as I can on his throbbing vein. He moans loudly, leaning forward and clutching my head.
"I'm coming," he pants, his voice high and tired. "Fuck, I'm coming-!"
His warm, thick load shoots down my throat, filling my mouth so much I cant breathe if I want to swallow it all.
"Such a sweet girl," he praises. "So sweet and good, eager to make me cum." His face is pressed against the cool counter, his chest heaving as he recovers his breath. His thumbs stroke my cheeks at different paces, small whimpers escaping him as I milk him dry with my mouth, making sure not a drop is left behind. When he's fully softened, I place a small kiss on his tip before tucking him back in, rebuttoning his clothes and patting his thighs one more time.
It takes a moment for me to rise, my joints stiff and my mind scrambled from the abuse it had just suffered. I stumble a little as I stand, Peeta's weak arms collecting my body and bringing me into a warm embrace.
"You're wonderful," he whispers, resting his head against my chest. I chuckle softly, placing a soft kiss on the top of his messy hair.
"So are you," I say.
He looks up at me, flushed and smiling at me with the most wonderful, lazy look on his face.
"Your turn," he says, finding a new wave of surprising strength and placing me on the counter.
"Peeta, we're still open," I giggle, batting his hands away.
"I know," he says. "Did you think I was joking?"
He stares at me, smiling and eager as he begins to part my legs.
This is going to be a long night.
Whoever gets second place on the poll is who I'm writing next. Feel free to send in requests for characters/scenarios! See you next time, you degenerates <3
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nisuna · 6 months
So I'll just post it like this I'm so sorry to that person
The gist of it was that you got caught watching him shower and got fucked hard<3
But anyway, HALF of you voted for this one on my poll so here you go, hope you enjoy!!
Thank you for your take!!<3
~drabble~ 18+ MDNI
TW: brief eating out, mating press, doggy, Satoru's very cocky and mean but oddly nice in the end, breathplay, choking, hair pulling, spanking, slut calling, used whore once
You didn't mean to look. You really didn't mean to, but when you saw the bathroom door slightly ajar and heard his humming you had a moment of weakness. And you felt your thighs squish together once you took a peek inside. Darn. There he was, naked and in all of his glory. You saw the water droplets run down the dips of his trained back, god, has he always been this ripped? Your eyes trailed down to his ass...cute, you thought to yourself. Then your eyes wandered to his strong legs and as soon as you heard a groan your heart stopped. Your eyes shot up only to see him stretch his arms above his head. You sighed in relieve and totally missed the way the white haired man in front of you shot you a glance with a smirk. He'll indulge you for now. When you looked up again, he was back to flexing his huge arms. Big palms and thick fingers were massaging the shampoo in his hair. You felt your mouth go dry.
Even though Satoru was slimmer than your brother he was a bit taller, but right now he just looked so incredibly big in every sense of the word. For as long as you could remember he always towered over you. He used to tease you about it, but now you didn't feel annoyed at the height difference anymore. No, you felt weak. As your thoughts kept wandering you wished that he would turn around so you could catch a glance of his toned chest and hard abs, maybe even his-
You froze when you heard his voice, "Are you just going to stand there or will you join me?"
Huh?... What? was all you could think, when you tried to hide behind the doorframe.
"C'mon what wrong? You look likea deer caught in headlight. You didn't think I saw you staring this whole time? I even put on a show for you. Didn't you like it?", you heard foot steps come your way and as you were about to run away a naked Satoru wearing a towel, that hung so dangerously low on hips you could see his happy trail peeking out, stood in front of you grinning. "I think your face is telling me you ate that right up."
"Oh no I didn't see anything I just came here and was about to leave haha sorry," you lied, completely avoiding eye contact. Just as you were slowly backing away from him he grabbed your wrist keeping you in place, "Oohh-tto, hold up where ya goin', pretty girl. Can't blame ya for staring, hmm? So dirty watching your brother's best friend shower..", he mumbled pulling you closer.
"I said I'm sorry please-", he muffled your sentence with pressing his lips against yours, making you squirm in his grasp. You pulled away with a gasp.
"Satoru, what are you-?"
"I'm giving you exactly what you want. Don't lie to me. How long have you had a crush on me hm?
"Stop, It's not what you-"
Putting his other arm around your waist he pulled you into his damp body. "Then why are you blushing so hard right now~ Also, don't you think it's unfair?
"You saw me naked, now's my turn.~"
"You're so sensitive, baby", he said between licks, curling his fingers inside your dripping cunt. "You sure you're not a virgin?"
"Mhh, stop.. I've had boys before, okay, just shut up and-"
"Those boys ever make ya cum?"
Your silence spoke volumes.
He pulled away from between your legs with a sigh, pity in his big blue eyes, "Don't worry, I'll show you how real men fuck. Fuck those boys."
Fuck those boys indeed.
Before you knew it you were on your back, legs pressed against your chest as you watched Satoru bottom out in your pussy.
"Shit- you're so tight. Baby relax, you're gonna snap my dick off if you don't."
"Can't- can't help it, you're so big, fuck.. feels good."
"Yeah? Like getting your cunt stuffed by your brother's best friend, hm?"
All you could do was whine at his words as he started moving his hips against yours. With every hit of his tip against the spongy spot inside of you your moans and mewls of his name grew in volume.
"Shh not so loud", he shushed you with his palm over your mouth, "We wouldn't want your brother finding out his little sister's being such a slut right now, yeah? Or that you were caught oogling me while showering? Hmm, want your brother to see you like this, you'd get off on that, wouldn't you? Fucking whore. He'll definitely notice if you keep being that loud."
"Noo.. don't say that please, mmhh I'm trying my best it just ah- feels so good. I'll try to be quiet it's just so hard I can't.", you whined, tears collecting at the corners of your eyes from his harsh words, as you tried to hold your legs up with shaking hands.
"I think I can help you out with that.", he whispered as he wrapped his long fingers around your neck, momentarily cutting off your airflow, which made you squeal. Eyes blown wide open.
Your panicked expression made him loosen his grip. "Shh, don't worry. I'll try to be gentle. I'll make you feel reaaal good.", with that he picked up his pace alternating between letting you breathe and choking you. He felt you gush at each squeeze of his hand. "You're so messy for me. You like being choked? You feelin' good? I'll make ya feel even better. C'mon on, all fours."
After a particularly hard squeeze he let go of your neck and pulled out of you. You sucked in a deep breath as you got up, sticking your ass out.
"Oh fuck, such a nice view. Prettiest pussy I've ever seen. And that ass, shit." He made you yelp as he spanked your ass, hard.
You were about to speak up, only to get interrupted by another mean spank, while he pushed his cock back inside your cunt. It made you arch your back impossibly more while you burried your head in the pillows below you, letting out pathetic moans.
"That's right, keep that pretty mouth shut and enjoy.", he slurred while holding your hips in place, stuffing you to the brim. He kept his relentless pace, spanking you from time to time, which only made you sob and squirm.
"You're so mean to me...", you whined into the pillows.
He felt his heart drop a bit. Oh no, did he overdo it?
His harsh thrusts turned into sensual rolls of his hips, "Shh 'm sorry baby. Cmon, I'll make it up to ya. I'll even play with your pretty little clit. See? All better now, huh?", he mused.
As he leaned forward to push his thick fingers onto your puffy clit all of your sadness faded, replaced by pure bliss. The mewls you let out made him grin.
"See, all better now hm? I'll make ya cum so hard, you'll never find someone better."
So cocky.. gaaah, but he does it so well. You'll let it slide this once.
"Ah- mmh yeah like that please~", you cried
Your words made him pick up his speed again, "Good girl. Gonna fuck you good. I got you." he slurred while kissing your back which only made your arch deeper as you squeezed him tight.
"God, you're gonna be the death of me. You're so tight and tiny down there, it's coiling around me nicely."
The way he was talking to you made you whine as you felt yourself getting close.
"'Toruu so good oh god-"
"Yeah? 'm I the best you ever had?", he questioned, cruelly slowing his fingers to get an answer out of you.
So annoying, but you indulged him. You'll say anything to cum on his cock right now.
"Yeah you're so good, the best. Only want you please, please make me cum. Need it so bad Toruuuu~"
His fingers went back to rubbing thick circles into your clit as he groaned, "Oh fuck, can't say no to you. Okay then, cum round my cock. Make a mess of me, pretty."
As soon as he uttered those words you let out a drawn out mewl, creaming around him, squeezing so tight he almost chocked on a breath
"Yeah thats a good girl, so good for me.", he praised you trough your high as your tongue lolled out and your eyes rolled in the back of your head.
Thank yous spilled out of your mouth, while he rubbed you into overstimulation. Just as you thought you couldn't take it anymore, he moved his hand from your clit to your hair, pulling your back flush against his chest
"'M gonna cum inside yeah? You're gonna take it all right?"
"Shit", he thought to himself and with a few more thrusts he filled you up, cum already dripping down your leg.
When he pulled out, you fully expected him to just leave you there. But to your surprise he pulled you in a tight embrace, kissing the top of your head.
"You did so well. I hope I wasn't too harsh.", his voice sounded gentle and genuine.
"No, it's fine.. it was really hot actually. Thank you."
"Hehe", he grinned, squeezing you tight. "I know right, I'm the best."
You jabbed him in the ribs. "Don't get too cocky, you only made me cum once so far."
"Sorry, sorry can't help it if it's you." he laughed, nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck. "Is that a challenge? Wanna see how many times I can make ya cum, no problem-"
"Y/N? Satoruuu~?", you both felt a chill run down your spines.
oh fuck.
"I hope to god you weren't just doing what I think you were~~", your brother mused.
Oh you were so dead. Both of you.
Feel free to send me your Hot Takes as well ^^
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hunterxmilo · 3 months
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After making two cute silly drawings from Ace Attorney I had the urge to draw a little angst so here's a little self indulgent drawing of Phoenix and Miles taking a small cuddle break after Phoenix getting a little overwhelmed with studies (combined with thoughts of the past 7 years).
Comforting Edgeworth is giving me much needed serotonin.
(ALSO thank you so much to everyone for all the likes and reblogs of my last post of Maya Fey and Franziska joining Phoenix and Miles on their tea date XD Got notified my account had officially hit 4,000 reblogs and of course it happened with that cute piece! I'm just so grateful for all your support! Might do another poll to see what to draw next of them...)
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bitethehnd · 3 months
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softbutch!julien x highfemme!reader hcs ♡
cw : sfw, afabfem!reader, petnames, butchfemme dynamics, disustingly cute fluff, musician!reader, curly hair!reader, pre-relationship and established relationship :) heavily inspired by this fic, go read it!
a/n : i realize this isn't for everyone, i love all my gnc / non-femme babies! if this dynamic doesn't apply to you, go ahead and skip! this is very self-indulgent and i didn't really think i'd every publish this, but you guys requested it in my poll! for all my butches and femmes, ily ♡
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✧ from the moment julien's eyes locked with yours, she knew she had to meet you
˖ the day you two met was around four years ago. you were a small, nashville-born artist performing with your band in a local lesbian bar. the crowd wasn't huge, and the pay wasn't great, but you loved performing to people that shared that same connection with you. the feeling of growing up different and the alienation that came with it
˖ you were on the small stage in the back of the bar, singing your heart out to the small crowd. the people around were dancing and drinking, enjoying one of the only places they felt comfortable in. julien was amongst them, but she was alone. she had come to this small bar to get inspiration for her new album. she thanked the heavens above that she made that decision. she got to see you for the first time. you were the prettiest thing she had ever seen. she knew she would kick herself for the rest of her life if she didn't talk to you after your performance
˖ the deep red dress you wore was lacy and frilly, matching the pattern of your stockings. your hair was tied half back with a bow the same shade of crimson. you bounced around on stage like you had trained your whole life for it. the flawlessness and perfection of the way you sung pulled julien in, becoming mesmerized by your siren-like voice
˖ your eyes full of excitement scanned across the room curiously, observing everyone with interest as you sung into the microphone. as soon as your eyes connected with julien's, you felt a jitter in your lungs. she stood on the side of the stage, a glass of water in hand, just silently observing you with curiosity. she was beautiful. utterly handsome. she wore a white button down tucked into a pair of baggy blue jeans, black oxfords on her feet, and simple jewelry scarcely scattered around her body. you quickly took your eyes off her and to a random point around the room, feeling your face heat up. julien smiled at the sight and immediately knew she had to know you
˖ after your band finished the small show, you all headed into the back room of the bar. you all stored away your instruments to pick up later, as you all decided to mingle about the crowd and stay for a while. you grabbed your purse, put on a fresh coat of lip gloss and made your way back to the front. you stayed close to your guitarist, daisy, at the bar, feeling a bit overwhelmed in the presence of all the people there. you ordered a simple cherry coke, not feeling like being hungover tomorrow when you had to go back to your day job
˖ soon enough, daisy left you alone to go talk to a woman that caught her eye. you took small sips of your drink as you sat at the bar, doe eyes gazing around you. in that moment, you saw the handsome woman from before. she was engaged in a simple conversation with one of the other bartenders farther down from you. she turned her head, and you locked eyes again. she seemed to have a conflicting look on her face before excusing herself from the bartender and making her way over to where you sat. your eyes widened as she walked over, not expecting her to actually come and talk to you
˖ julien strolled over and stood next to you, setting her glass of water down on the bar top. she had a small smile on her face, almost a smirk, as she looked up at you. “hi, sweetheart. can i sit?” you quickly nodded your head in confirmation. you turned your body to the side to face her as she sat, a shy smile on your face. she was even prettier up close. “i’m y/n! it’s nice to meet you,” you said gently. “i’m julien, nice to meet you too, sweetheart. your performance was wonderful,” she said softly, her confidence slowly deteriorating. she could hardly think when all she smelled was your vanilla perfume. “oh god, thank you! i’m glad someone was listening. usually, my band only plays small shows so it’s hard to get people engaged.” god, you were adorable. “of course. it would be hard not to listen, your voice is so beautiful. i’m in a band myself, actually.”
˖ thus began the meaningful conversation about music and your own bands. julien told you she was a part of boygenius. you revealed that you knew of the band’s ep released two years prior and loved the music. you even knew a couple of her solo songs and told her your favorites. this made julien smile brightly and the connection deepened
˖ eventually, your other bands members came up to you and said they were leaving after about 30 minutes of conversing with julien. you were disappointed but bid her goodbye. before you could make an exit, she grabbed your bicep gently to hold you back. "could i... get your number?" she asked with hope. you immediately nodded your head with an excited smile, typing your number in her phone, putting a little heart by your name. she grinned at your cuteness. just before you left, you pressed a soft kiss to her cheek. she touched the spot absentmindedly as she walked to her car, a red print of lips stuck to the apple of her cheek
✧ julien courting you
˖ your meeting at the bar was the first, but definitely not the last time you saw julien. the next day, she quickly texted you as she woke up. she wanted to text you as soon as you left her sight the night before but didn't want to seem too eager. she shot you a message to let you know it was her before asking how you slept, ever the gentleman. you two quickly got caught in another conversation, both smiling on separate ends of the phone. she asked all about your hobbies. she learned that you didn't just have an affinity for music, but also for art and history. she decided then and there that she had to take you to an art museum
˖ your text conversations went on like this for a few days. all you could do when chatting with her was lay on your stomach on your bed, kicking your feet and feeling your face heat up. you felt like a high schooler all over again. you constantly felt yourself biting the inside of your cheeks to stop the grin from spreading on your face every time a message from her popped up on the screen
˖ thus begun the start of your dates. julien followed through with taking you to an art museum, loving the way your face lit up with joy at all the paintings and sculptures. some frequent spots for the two of you were homey coffee shops (julien's favorite, obviously), magical gardens, taking hikes among beautiful trees, and just sitting and talking. it didn't matter what you two did, it just mattered that you were together
˖ julien adored the way you wrapped your arm around her bicep, when you let her drape her coat over your shoulders, the sweet kisses you pressed to her cheek. the smirk never fell from her face for hours after you did anything affectionate. you felt giddy every time she called you 'sweetheart' or 'pretty,' when she protectivly wrapped her arm around your waist in crowded spaces, or when brought you small gifts. she never came to get you empty handed. she always came to pick you up from your apartment complex, open the car door for you, and always had a gift waiting for you on the seat. some common ones were records you had talked about, flowers, books, or a new one of your favorite foods that changed every week. julien never missed the little things you said, always storing them into her memory for a later use
˖ you loved getting to know her. nights spent sitting on the roof of your apartment, gazing at the stars were your favorites. every little single thing about her was interesting to you, and vice versa. you loved hearing about the bands that inspired her to make music, her favorite tattoos, or funny stories from her childhood. she loved when you talked about your favorite stuffed animal you religiously slept with as a little girl, your ramblings about the pros and cons of lipgloss brands, or just how pretty the sky looked at a particular moment
˖ after about three weeks of seeing each other almost every day, she asked you to be her girlfriend. a little slow compared to most lesbian relationships, but julien wanted to find the perfect time to ask. she didn't wat this to be a whirlwind romance, she wanted seriousness and commitment. you were both willing to give it to each other. she took you to that art museum she remembered you saying you liked. you looked utterly gorgeous strolling around and gazing at all the paintings, curly hair tied with a bow swinging behind you. you two walked around for about an hour, her arm wrapped firmly around your waist. every time you commented about how pretty an art piece was, she'd reply with "not as pretty as you." it never failed to leave you more infatuated with her
˖ after the museum date, she took you to a beautiful park filled with the blooming flowers of spring. you gazed around in wonder, eyes taking in the pretty sight. julien sat you down on a park bench, turning to face you, clasping your hands into her own. you were a bit confused and the anxiety of her telling you she didn't want to see you anymore crept up. before you could voice your thoughts, she asked the question, "can i be your girlfriend?" you answered immediately with a loving kiss to her lips, which she took as a yes. after the moment of passion was over, she pulled out a small box from the pocket of her leather jacket. she handed it to you with a small, nervous smile on her face, telling you to open it. inside the red velvet box was a heart shaped necklace with the letter 'j' on it. she pulled up the sleeve of her jacket to reveal a matching bracelet, the heart having your initial on it instead
✧ when you’re dating, julien never stops falling in love with you, and you fall right with her
˖ even after you two get together, the dates never come to a stop. at least once a week, either you or julien plan something together. whether it be a cooking class, sitting in a field and sketching, or playing each other your new music
˖ after about two months of dating, she asks you to move in with her. lucy warned her it might be “too quick,” but julien wasn’t hearing any of it. she wanted to be around you all the time, completely infatuated. you weren’t much better. you joke that if she could crawl inside your skin and live there, she would. she doesn’t disagree, but she wasn’t going to tell you that
˖ now, as a butch, moving in is julien’s thing. she’s anxious and over-prepared when she shows up to your house the day of the move. she refused to hire moving men because she insisted she could “do everything a man could do and better.” she’s not wrong there, so you don’t protest. she disassembles all your furniture that you’re taking with you to her house with ease. she wasn’t lying when she said she was handy. and she refuses to even let you carry the lightest box, smirking and saying, “don’t want you to chip a nail.” you smack her on the back of the head and plop down on the ground, just watching her. you do sneak a couple boxes though…
˖ after you got all of your belongings loaded into the u-haul truck (ironic, i know), you set off to her house. during the whole drive, she rambled about where to put all the new furniture and how exciting it was going to be to live together. you just stared at her with loving eyes and a soft smile, nodding alone to whatever random thought popped in her head
˖ when you got to her apartment, she got all of your essential things in and decided she'd get the rest in the morning. while she did that, you rummaged through her cabinets to find something to cook for dinner. you picked a simple meal of spaghetti and meatballs. as she placed the last box down, you served the pasta at the dining table. she wiped the sweat from her face with the bottom of her shirt while you tried so hard to not stare at her abs, you failed. she gave you a cocky smile when she caught you but said nothing. you two sat and ate your first dinner in your shared apartment, basking in the glow of love
˖ the longer you two lived together, the more accustomed you guys got to a routine. you'd be the one to get up first in the morning, julien still snoring like a middle-aged dad, while you made breakfast. you'd gently shake her awake and lead her to the kitchen, tempting her with the aroma of coffee and bacon. she always swore you made coffee "better than dunkin,'" but you knew that was a lie. never get in the way of that woman and her dunkin' donuts. after breakfast, julien would go on a jog. while she did that, you read a favorite book of yours or plan out some new songs
˖ the list of pet names she called you lengthened every day. there was a rang of sweet ones, like baby, babe, princess, angel, sweetheart, honey, doll, etc. but she also called you ones you figured she pulled out of her ass, no idea where she even got the idea from. you knew they were all a joke and it made you laugh with disgust ever time. some are pookie (phoebe's idea, of course), snookums, the wife (your favorite), boss, the missus, sugar tits and punk. you have some for her too, but she defiantly wins in the pet name category
˖ dancing in the kitchen in the middle of the night, illuminated by the refrigerator light ♡♡♡ she puts on some records from the 50's and you slow dance until the sun comes up. she keeps a firm hand on your waist and yours on the shoulders, her twirling and dipping you just to hear you giggle in delight
˖ let me tell you, this woman cannot keep her hands off of you, especially when in public. she always has a hand on the small of your back, leading you through crowds. or her fingers interlaced with your while doing mundane things, like getting groceries or walking through the park. it intensifies even more when at your apartment. her hand acts like its glued to your thigh during movie nights or her hands around your waist, standing behind you while you're doing the dishes
˖ she loves loves lovesss watching you do your hair or makeup, even offering to help sometimes. you look so focused applying your mascara or gliding on lip gloss. she even lets you give her makeovers sometimes, but only with the premise of no pictures (you do sneak a few though). she especially loves doing your hair. she's as careful as possible, understanding your hair is hard to deal with and can be knotty at times. she knows by heart to "only brush it when it's wet!!!" she has straight hair, so she does extensive research on what products and techniques are best for your hair type. she adores putting little bows all over your curls
˖ overall, the relationship is healthy and so full of love. you and julien fit so well together, it's almost like you were crafted to be each other's soulmate
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© bitethehnd ୨ ♡ ୧ let me know if you guys want more parts to this! i also wanna do highfemme!gf reader for all munagenius members so give me some ideasss
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sports-on-sundays · 9 days
lucky strike / CL16
Summary: Charles x American!female!reader - F1 comes to Sin City and you unexpectedly run into a certain someone.
Warnings: gambling, alcohol, cussing, use of pet names (A LOT), flirting, one moment of implied jealousy
Requested?: Sort of! Thank you to everyone who voted for Charles in the poll!
Author's Note: Charles won out in the poll, so here you go, everybody! (Of course I HAD to use The Charles Vegas Podium Picture). Also, I listened to Lucky Strike by Maroon 5 while writing.
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one in a million ; my lucky strike
Well, you thought the whole F1 thing was absolutely ridiculous. You couldn't care an ounce less about Formula 1, so you certainly weren't happy about all the complications of it coming to your city.
You would call yourself an all American girl, and you're proud of it. If any racing, NASCAR. Football is the sport with the brown ball you throw- NFL, not the white and black ball you kick. That's soccer. You have the greatest food, the greatest mix of cultures, the greatest weather. If you didn't know better, you'd say you have the greatest country, too.
You watched a Formula 1 race when you realized the whole Las Vegas Grand Prix thing was actual, and when you saw that (firstly) it was honestly pretty boring, and (secondly) the only American driver is basically the most sucky one, you decided it would be pretty hard to get into it.
You're a Vegas girl, and you're proud of it. You're actually from Los Angeles, California, but you moved to Vegas to chase your dreams and live the life you dreamed of a year ago with your boyfriend, and it was so worth it.
Now you identify yourself with Vegas even more than you do with the Los Angeles Rams, despite the fact that your boyfriend broke up with you seven months ago and left to go be a prodigal son in New York City.
You decided Vegas was perfect enough for your clever hand, and you'd continue to be a prodigal daughter right where you're at.
But now the Grand Prix is the newest thing, and you don't like it at all. All these people flooding in, like as if there's not already enough people. Just to watch some cars drive around in circles, closing up main roads? No, you're not into it.
Your girl friends all seem to think this is just the best thing, and you discuss it across the table with two of them. One says, "Honestly, the McLaren duo are the hottest."
"No way- Ferrari! Have you seen Charles Leclerc?" your other friend disagrees.
You snort in disbelief and say sarcastically, "How about neither? So you guys only care about this because the racers are hot? Give me a break."
"Well," one of your friends starts, crossing her arms across her chest, "They are hot. At first, I wasn't so sure, but, I mean, come on! Maybe we could get glimpses of them when they're in Vegas!"
"Or meet them!" your other friend pipes in.
You scoff. "Good luck with that. Aren't these guys self-focused millionaires with too much money for their own good? Probably all greedy idiots who hook up with every half-sexy girl who comes along. So if you're into that, sure, waste your time trying to meet some hot plutocrats, with the one percent chance you might get f*cked like crazy for a night before they forget about you and move back to their mansions across the world! F*ck, is race car driving even a real sport? It's f*cking driving cars. I could do that!"
Your friends don't really argue with you, because you're right. And clearly, they do only care about the hot racers, because you figure any real fan of the sport would argue with you.
Two days before the Strip is supposed to be closed up for the Grand Prix, you find yourself submerged in the vibrant energy of Wynn Las Vegas, the dazzling lights and sounds of the casino floor swirling around you. The scent of alcohol lingers in the air, a reminder of the drinks you've indulged in throughout the night.
You slip between two people to reach the roulette wheel, holding your newly bought chips, with money you've earned earlier in the night.
Bets are placed around the table over and over, as you earn more and more chips. You feel someone nudge your shoulder, and a cocky male voice comments next to you, "You're having a good night, huh?"
"Every night is a good night," you remark back, not even glancing up at the man talking with you. He seems to have some sort of accent that you can't place. Perhaps French?
Which means he's probably from Louisiana. Possibly Quebec.
Probably some rich idiot F1 fan who can afford to travel half way across the country for the Grand Prix.
You don't plan to even give him the light of day.
"Until it's not," he says as you watch the roulette wheel spin once more.
You smirk and feel his eyes on you as you collect more chips.
The game goes on, and you think he's gotten the message that you don't care to converse with him, because does shut up.
But now it's the last bet of the game. You take a sip from your glass and feel a stupid, risky streak in you.
Some idiot part of you that's drunk and wants to push her luck way too far.
You place a straight-up bet, all your chips on the number sixteen.
You can feel eyes on you, and the same man next to you from earlier says, "Are you stupid?"
You chuckle. "Possibly."
"You're going to lose all your-"
"No, I won't." You straighten your back, staring at the wheel. It's true, you've earned a lot of money throughout this game.
And honest, it is true that you're stupid.
But it's also true that for some reason, you're confident.
"So you're overconfident and risky? I like that," comments the guy next to you. "But you're going to lose all your money. All that good luck for nothing..."
"You'll see," you breathe, ignoring his little flirt. "It's going to land on sixteen."
"Sixteen, huh?" This man's hazel eyes sparkle, and something in you tells you that you've seen this guy's brown locks, bright dimples, and perfect stubble before.
You've seen him somewhere. Recently. Like some guy you could haven't been drunk with, but the memory is fuzzy.
But you weren't drunk with him.
Despite being sure you've seen this guy before, you're also sure you've never met him before, either.
"Yeah," you nod, looking away, staring as the roulette wheel begins spinning. "It's my lucky number."
You're not looking at him, but you can feel him grin next to you. "Your lucky number, huh? Just so happens, it's mine, too."
You snort, rolling your eyes. "Is that some lame attempt of a flirt?"
"No. It really is my lucky number." By his tone, you can tell that grin has downgraded to a smirk. "But if you'd like to see a lame attempt of a flirt, that's an option, too..." His voice lowers as you feel his arm snake around you, and his hand land on your waist.
You gently shove it off as the wheel begins to slow. You hold your breath, watching, this stupid French boy no longer even a fraction of your concerns. All focus is on your slight potential lucky strike.
And then the world stops as the wheel stops, too.
On sixteen.
And then it all comes flooding back. "Oh my God!" you squeal stupidly, covering your mouth as there's rounds of, "You've got to be kidding me," "No way," "It's impossible!" and "How lucky is this girl?"
You feel surges of shock and pride as you collect all your money. Once you've received it, after such luck, and earning a fortune, you decide you're going to have a drink. Or more than just one.
But when you turn, there's that guy again.
"What's up?" you ask, the grin on your face impossible to wipe off.
"How did you know it was going to stop on sixteen?" he questions, and he looks a little more handsome than he did before as this time he succeeds in taking your waist.
"Are you trying to pick my pocket?" you question warily, though, shoving his hand away.
"Not at all," he chuckles, "But you're a smart girl, aren't you? And I think I might be a lucky boy. Come on- I'll buy you a drink."
You snort. "No way, pretty boy! I can buy my own drink, after what just happened! How cocky are you?"
"Call me cocky, or call me rich, but either way, you're too sexy to have to pay for your own drink."
You scoff at this, but figure that you can't really let down an offer of free stuff. You'll be the first to admit you're greedy. Once of the biggest reasons why you gamble is because you want money- duh- and as much of it as you can get.
So soon, you're sitting at a table with this random guy, looking into his eyes, holding your drink in your hand. After barely a moment of hesitation, your curiosity finally gets to you, and you ask, "Who are you, anyway? I could have sworn I've seen you somewhere recently."
He gets a smug look on his face, which you don't like, before he says, "You really don't know?"
Your nose crinkles up in confusion, and for a second you feel ultra worried. Is this someone that I've met, that I should remember? Am I a terrible person for not knowing who this is...?
But then he says simply, "My first name is Charles. Charles Leclerc."
You stare at the taller individual, knowing you've heard that name, trying desperately to wrack your brain of it.
And then, suddenly, it hits you.
Loudly, in your head, in your friend's voice, in the exact tone she said it, 'No way- Ferrari! Have you seen Charles Leclerc?'
"Wait-!" you say in shock. You can see the satisfaction on the man's face, Charles, as you realize. "So, you're one of those F1 racers? Like, you race for the Ferrari team?"
He snorts and nods. "I'm surprised you didn't recognize me right away. Do you live here in Vegas?"
"Yeah," you say simply, taking a sip of your drink.
"So I take it you hate Formula 1, then? Because how else are you living in Vegas right now and don't know my name, or recognize my face?"
"You sound awfully prideful."
Suddenly, he smirks, and drags his finger across your jawline, pulling your face to look up at him in the process. "Maybe so. But clearly you're not so much better yourself, Miss Bet It All On Sixteen."
You cock an eyebrow at him and return his smirk with a challenging grin. "Sure, but I was right. I won what I wanted."
"Hmm... Well, what if I'm about to win what I want?"
"Oh, yeah? And what is it that you want?"
He leans in closer, so you can feel his hot breath tickle your ear as he utters simply, "You, baby."
You smirk. "We just met, buddy. I'm not that stupid."
"I think you're just playing hard to get."
"Or maybe it's just hard for you to get me," you counter.
"Well, I like your spunk. And your good luck. I think I might need a little bit more of that." He leans away a bit, and comments, "And I think I foresee a little bit more of luck in your future."
"Oh, yeah?"
"Yeah," he smirks, leaning in closer. In barely any second, his lips meet yours, and though you know you should, there's no way you're pulling away now. He wraps his arm around you, urging you to lean into the kiss. You melt, letting him.
You don't know what it is.
But in this moment, you gently let your lips part, inviting his tongue to slip in between your lips, allowing yourself to, yes, make out with basically a stranger.
It wouldn't be the first time, but it also isn't something you do for fun whenever you feel.
When you finally force yourself to pull away, the first thing you breathe is, "How did you do that?"
He grins, and is clearly red in the face. But there's a look of shock on his face, too. As if his flirty cover was just confidence, and not because he gets tons of girls like this...?
Or maybe you're just reading too much into his expression.
Either way, he responds with, stroking your cheek, "No idea. Maybe I just have a way with you?"
You roll your eyes as you check your purse. No, he didn't pickpocket. He meant to kiss you. You stand up and say simply, "Well, I better get going n-"
"Sorry, what?" he suddenly snatches your arm back, pulling you back down to sit again with a surprised chuckle. "You just met a famous millionaire race car driver who bought you a drink after you won big money in roulette, let him make out with you, loved it, and now you're just going to casually walk off?"
You grin. "What? Do you think I was impressed by you? Think again, honey. Just because you drive cars fast and make ridiculous amounts of stupid money for it, and that you're insanely handsome- none of that means I'm any more impressed with you than I am with any other guys I meet on my night outs."
"Hm," he raises an eyebrow, and says, "What if you could get more from me, missy? Clearly, you're out for yourself and will do anything for a good deal. And you're f*cking sexy about it, too. So what if I had something else to offer you?"
You let yourself sit down at this, looking at him expectantly.
He smirks, clearly loving that he's 'won you over,' before saying simply, "Would like a free pass to the whole weekend, and a pass for the paddock?"
Your eyebrows scrunch together, and your eyes widen. "I- what?"
His smirk grows even bigger. "You heard me."
You inhale sharply, but cross your arms across your chest and come out sharply saying, "Unfortunately for you, I couldn't care less about Formula 1. In fact, I'm starting to dislike it a lot. But thanks for the offer."
His jaw drops, and his eyes practically pops out of his head, which gets a chuckle from you. For a moment, he's actually speechless, before he finally gets out, "Are you aware of the offer you just refused?"
You raise an eyebrow, not able to keep the cheeky grin off your face. "Probably not, but that's okay. Why, anyways, would you give a stranger such an opportunity in the first place? You probably have ulterior motives, and I think I can pretty much guess what they are, mister. You don't even know my name yet."
"Oh, God, you're right," he laughs, taking another sip of his drink. "Well, what's your name, princess?"
You roll your eyes, and tell him.
He grins. "It's been wonderful meeting you." He digs in the pocket of his light blue jeans, and pulls out a pen and a restaurant receipt. "I know you think you'll be able to forget me so easily, princess," he starts, scribbling something on the receipt, "but trust me- you'll be wanting this." He takes your hand and presses the receipt into it, before standing up just like that, and saying with a wave as he turns to walk off, "I'll talk to you later, angel."
You look down at the receipt to see a phone number scribbled on it in chicken scratch. But the numbers are clear. And though you walk out that night rolling your eyes at this Charles's boldness and cockiness, with an abundance of money you've earned that's a lot more worth the stupid grease-stained receipt, the moment you get back to your apartment, the first thing you intend to is putting that stupid number into your phone.
"This is stupid," you comment as you slide into the backseat, next to Charles.
He just rolls his eyes. "You won't be saying that by the end of this experience. Besides, you were the one who decided to text me, like I said you would. You were just playing hard to get."
You scoff. "Oh, shut up."
"You look lovely, by the way," he comments in a lower voice. "I like that skirt." You look down at yourself. You're wearing a matching crop top shirt and short skirt, your sunglasses holding your hair back away from your face, and brown sandals.
"Thanks," you snort, crossing your arms and looking out the window, turning your gaze away from the Monégasque driver. (Yes, you did, despite yourself, look him up last night, just to know who the heck this guy even is.)
(You also were sure to look up his salary.)
(But also intriguing.)
Soon enough, before you know it, you're walking alongside him, about to enter the 'paddock.'
Makes it sound like a bunch of horses racing.
But when you're there, surrounded by it, in the moment, you don't think rude comments like that.
You stop, taking in the high life atmosphere. The revving car noises, the lights of The Strip on the 'racetrack,' the crowds, the music, the richness, and the challenge.
Your breathing falters, and your heart beat quickens as your hand involuntarily finds Charles's wrist and grips it as you gasp, "It's... extraordinary."
You glance to Charles's face to see him softly grinning. His hand slips down to hold yours as he comments, "You seemed like the type of girl to love it."
Your smile widens. "I've been here so many times. On The Strip. But... it's not the same. How did they do it?"
He begins walking, pulling you along by your hand as you look around. "That's just Formula 1 for you. There's nothing in the world quite like it, Y/n."
He leads you by the hand toward the Ferrari garage. Once you're there, he says, "Want to meet my teammate, Carlos?"
"Don't know who Carlos is, but sure..." you say vaguely, taking in the large piece of machinery- the Formula 1 car- in front of you.
He chuckles. "You're f*cking adorable," he murmurs, before leading you away to see Carlos.
He's a well-built man with fluffy dark hair, tan skin, big brown cow eyes, and stubble. Pretty much looks like exactly how you'd imagine a Formula 1 driver to look.
He nods respectfully. "Hey, Charles," he says, and shakes your hand with a friendly wink. "This your new girlfriend?"
You look up to see Charles smirk. "Not yet."
One of Carlos's thick, dark eyebrows cocks up, and the suggestion of an amused smirk travels on his lips for a second. "Ah, I see."
"Charles!" you snap, your eyebrows scrunches together. "Not ever."
"Well, we'll see about that. So far, I've been the right one, now, princess, haven't I?"
"Pfft. I was right about sixteen, wasn't I?"
He rolls his eyes as Carlos says with a chuckle, "Well, it will sure be interesting to see how this plays out," before moving on with his life.
Charles takes the time to show you around, and halfway through the tour, you blurt suddenly, "So, this is all the Italian team and stuff. Isn't there an American team?"
"Hmmm," Charles snorts as his eyebrows travel farther up and he fights off a seemingly somewhat mocking smirk. "There is."
"Why don't you show me them? Don't they have an American driver? Like, Carlos is Italian, right? Isn't it protocol or somethin'? Anyway, isn't it called Williams, the American team, or something? Some guy named Logan something that's an American racer on there-"
At this, Charles can't seem to hold it together anymore, and doubles over laughing, essentially, at you.
"What?!" you demand indignantly.
"You really are clueless!"
"Alright, alright, Y/n. Haas is the American team. They don't have an American driver- German and Danish. No, Carlos is not Italian; he's from Spain. Williams is British, and yes, Logan Sargeant races for Williams, and he is American. About the only thing you got right."
You roll your eyes with a shrug. "I told you I don't give a damn about this stupid sport."
"Whatever you say, Miss Starry Eyes."
So, first Charles takes you to Haas, where you learn, surprisingly, that not all the racers are young hotshots like Charles and Carlos at least seem to be. They're friendly enough there, but really don't care much to give you any of their time, so then Charles suggests to go to the Williams garage and see if there's Logan to bother. You agree to that, so soon, you're entering Williams.
As soon as you see Logan, you know he's the American. You can see it in his stance. You can see it in his golden blond slightly sweeped hair, gray blue eyes, and strong jawline. "That's Logan, isn't it?"
"How'd you know?"
You shrug, breaking off from Charles to Logan. "Hey! You're the only American 'round here?!" you ask with a friendly grin.
"Huh?" he asks, looking up, in the most United States of America way. "Oh, hi," he says in what you perceive as dumbly, with a friendly smile. Ah, that's more like it. None of these posh Monacan boys and hot Spanish men- this guy is just like home sweet home!
You can practically hear the eagles cawing over the Rocky Mountains!
"You're Logan Sargeant?"
He nods. "I am. And you are...?"
"Just some Vegas girl dragged here by Charles."
"Ah... so you know him?"
"Well, now, unfortunately, yes."
His eyebrows furrow, but he chuckles at the same time. Though this guy isn't nearly as handsome or charming as Charles, there's something about him you like a bit more-
Suddenly, a hand is on your waist, and hot breath says in your ear, "Got to be getting back to Ferrari now. Come on with me?"
You blush and nod. "Right, Charles."
You have no idea what to think of him.
"Podium?! Uh- is a podium good?!" you ask, eyes wide as Charles brings it home in second.
"Yeah, yeah, it's good!" some guy you don't know wearing red near you says.
"Oh- Alright, well- That's good, I suppose!" you respond a little manically.
As soon as Charles as the chance, he finds you. He still has champagne on his race suit and his face is glistening with sweat, and there's no way you can deny it- he's sexy. When he reaches you, he wraps his arms around you, and his stunning eyes seem to burn into you. He can't fight the grin off his face as he says lowly, "Get why my lucky number is sixteen, baby girl?"
"Ah, stop with that," you snap, your voice cracking. You don't know, but this seems- all this seems-
Way too important.
You reach up to touch the number sixteen on his hat, before taking it off his head and slipping it on your own, backwards, on impulse.
He grins. "You can keep it. Not like you'll need a keepsake. You won't forget me."
You bite your lip, giving a quick nod, still studying his handsome face. Your eyes linger on his light pink lips, which arch into a perfect cupid's bow, as you murmur absently, "You seem pretty confident about that, huh?"
"Of course I do. Looks like you might be my little good luck charm, hm? Can't be letting you run away from me, can I?"
"Hm. Well, we'll see about that."
"Still playing hard to get?"
"Not playing. I just am hard to get."
"Whatever you say, darling," he comments with a shrug, walking off.
The French accent is pretty sexy.
Your eyes flutter open, and the first thing you see are the big earnest eyes of Charles Leclerc, staring back into your eyes. "Morning sunsh-"
Your immediate reaction is to scream and promptly slap him across his pretty face.
He grunts as his hand flies to his cheek to cover it up, and he says, "Hey, hey, calm down!"
But your eyes scan the room. It's clearly a hotel room. There's only one bed: the one you and Charles are laying in right at this moment. You're wearing a large black T-shirt and big blue gym shorts very tightly tied to fit your waist. Charles is dressed in a grey hoodie and jeans with a white T-shirt underneath, his regular jewelry, and white sneakers. So clearly, he's already showered and gotten dressed. He smells like his rich cologne, and his hair is all washed and fluffy and clean. If you weren't in a slight panic right now, you'd have wondered if you could touch his hair and feel how soft it is.
As you're about to gasp out questions, Charles sits up and gently sets his hand on top of yours. You become aware of the pounding in your head as you bite your lip nervously. Charles looks at you earnestly, and says calmly, "Hey, you don't have to worry. It's okay."
"What happened?" you exhale.
"Nothing," he soothes. "We went out. You got more drunk than any of us though you should. I didn't know where you lived, so I took you to my hotel room. Gave you clothes to change into, and we went to sleep. Nothing more."
You swallow an anxious lump in your throat. "How do I know I can trust you? Please, just be honest with me. I won't be mad. You didn't know any bet-"
"I didn't do anything. We didn't do anything. Okay?" he leans in closer, and reaches to cup your cheeks in his hands. "'Kay? Can you just trust me?"
You bite your lip, but slowly nod. "I suppose that's the only thing I can do."
Over six months later, you stand on the boat, staring out at the Mediterranean Sea, smelling the salty breeze in the air, feeling content, wearing a loose button down, light blue jean shorts with a brown belt, your slew of bracelets, white sneakers, and a headband holding back your hair.
Suddenly, Charles is up next to you. "Hey, princess." For months, you've had what you stubbornly call a 'situationship,' whilst Charles calls you his girlfriend.
Because you love Vegas more than you love Charles (or at least that's what you like to say), you refused to leave when Charles did. You like taking risks. Just not the 'travelling halfway across the world for a hot guy' kind of risks.
But you stayed in touch. Charles made sure of that.
Well, he meant it when he said he'd make sure you'll never forget him.
But then Formula 1 came back to the States, to Miami, and you knew you'd have to make the trip. The flirty comments and romantic tension thick enough to cut ensued as soon as you and Charles set eyes upon each other, like as if it hadn't been six months or so since you'd last seen each other last.
It just felt like-
Somehow fate is involved.
Well, when Charles invited you to the Monaco Grand Prix, that was an offer you felt you couldn't let down.
And, boy, was that the best descision of your life.
To see Charles win his home race like that, and to be there? Just thinking about it now gives you goosebumps. Charles had wrapped his arms around you after the race, his eyes a little damp, and you felt something more.
Like he really cared.
If you didn't know better, you'd say it was like he really loved.
Loved you.
But, no. Of course not. That can't be.
Can it?
Well, all night you partied. You were in on the fun. You also made sure to pay a visit to the Monte Carlo casino, as you obviously must.
You had amazing luck, once again.
On this thought, as you feel Charles approaching from behind you, you comment into the wind, "You know, I'm starting to think you're my lucky charm, honey."
He chuckles, coming up next to you. "Oh, yeah? That's what I said six months ago when I first met you, you know. I've been starting to think the same thing about you."
You snort. "Maybe so, Monaco race winner."
He smirks, and you can feel the pure joy radiating off him. He slips his hand into yours as he murmurs, "I was so lucky to meet you."
I smirk. "I am pretty awesome."
He rolls his eyes, but squeezes your hand. "So, do you like it here in Monaco?"
You nod vigorously. "Gosh, Charles, it's amazing."
"Better than Vegas?"
"Well- I don't know if anything is better than Vegas..."
He leans in closer and speaks lower. "Well, would Monaco be better if your good luck charm just so happens to reside here?"
"Hm..." you smirk, flushing a bit. "I'd have to think about that, prince."
"Yeah," he nod, his tone softer. "Why don't you."
There's some silence, as you watch the sun begin to set, reflecting off the sparkling water.
Charles leans even closer to you, his hands gliding around your waist, pulling you towards him. He leans down, gazing deeply into your eyes. Then that stupid flirty grin appears on his face again. "F*cking gorgeous you are, one in a million. I struck lucky with you. My lucky strike."
He closes the distance between you, his soft lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss. The heat of his body against yours sends shivers down your spine, igniting a spark between you as your tongues dance together in a sensual embrace. Connected.
Maybe it's not fate.
But it is most certainly luck.
And in this moment, with the lips of the winner of Monaco sucking on yours, you feel like the one who struck it lucky.
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