#thank u so much for the ask!!!
Which three sides from Sanders Sides would you choose to wreck with tickles, have an evenly two-sided tickle fight with, and tickle you into oblivion? And why?
ok in hindsight i misread this ask a bit akdhsj but it resulted in me adding a bit extra content so it's all good
3 Sides I'd wreck w tickles: VIRGIL first and foremost. i want to wreck that boy so so so badly. that is my biggest dream and is the reason i got into sasi tfic (which makes sense considering i got started via dani's fics). he would be so weak and so adorable and so embarrassed by it all i would wreck him. then also each of the creativitwins: Remus bc i wanna make the big bad scary crazy side giggle like a kid, and Roman bc i wanna make the big strong brave side... giggle like a kid KJDFHDJSDHFD
2 Sides I'd have an even tickle fight with: Patton for one, bc he'd be such a silly ler and would be so freaking good at it, and he's cute and soft and would be very ticklish and have a very cute laugh. Janus for a similar reason as the twins, bc i wanna make him lose it in a very out-of-character way, but also i think his attitude as a ler would be particularly enjoyable for me.
1 Side I'd have wreck me: Logan tbh. i just think, if he were being v stoic about the whole thing, it would actually absolutely get me. of course the stoicness mixed in w playfulness is important too, and i think he would get into the whole vibe of it. sorry this is so weirdly worded im just thinking abt it now and i like it JDFHDJS
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shimamitsu · 9 months
if u want... top 5 haikyuu moments !!
oh my god this is so so hard. i'd have to reread hq like 5 times to remember all of them and even if i did it would still be hard to choose. i'll just say whatever comes to mind 😭 i truly love all of these tho
oikawa's last set to iwaizumi in the seijoh match
hinata's receive in the inarizaki match
tsukishima blocking ushijima. yeah
kenma's "this is fun..." :')
387. why are you as a man trying to find another man?
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wyldblunt · 2 years
39. The gang walks into a cafe. What do they order?
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stridingwriter · 9 months
Tell me more about Sacrifical Lamb; or any other WIP that has your focus rn!
Oh man, Sacrificial Lamb is one of those WIPs which I more or less started tossing around to explore a few big things. Namely, the nature of power dynamics and the inherent slippery slope of toxic relationships (there's of course, the whole trauma bond that happens in the future)
One big thing that was well established in the beginning was how the main character (Leo) appears to be more of the 'top dog' in the retrospect of my universe. He's white, he's cis and he's a doctor. All of it is power in a sense that Leo wields over others. Except the thing with most characters in my universe is this recurring idea that people aren't who they seem, they lie, they hide parts of themselves so a lot of it is subtextual (it's what he doesn't say and what the text avoids that actually says more about his character. Inverse this for H3375.)
And well, let's just say that Leo hasn't quite had the best luck with people. In general. Shit luck with people and institutions that yeah! I'm hoping people see where this is going from a mile away even from the very beginning (I absolutely adore films like The Prestige where the first scene foreshadows the entire movie so there's Also That.)
Side note: I have finally named two OTHER OCs so expect new WIPs from me at some point. Namely: Axiom Li, a physicist stuck in space and Cato, also known as Ulysses, trying to make their ways home :3c
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sandyygast · 10 months
Music asks: number 7 :}
number 7 - a song to drive to!!
i think i would say JUDAS by The Reverent Marigold or Man on the Moon by Zella Day !! both of those songs always get turned up and sung along to on my drives hehe
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automatayaoi · 1 year
For the Valentine’s Day asks: be mine, bouquet, crush, darling and sweets for G’raha Tia if that’s okay :3
be mine — how would they react to you flirting with them, do they get flustered? flirt back?
oh Raha gets SO flustered when i flirt with him, no fucking doubt. he gets flustered when i say something vaguely nice to him, an actual pick up line or innuendo sends him reeling. once the smoke stops coming out of his ears, he manages to dig up some of that wit and start flirting back. takes a bit tho hehe
bouquet — what’s their favorite flower and why?
did this question send me down a rabbit hole of ffxiv flowers? maybe. was it ultimately useless bc i ended up choosing a regular ass clower? mayhaps. BUT!! i think Raha's favorite flower would be sunflowers !! i like to imagine that some botanical students in sharlayan were cultivating them for research, and he thought they were just lovely. notably sunflowers can symbolize loyalty and adoration~
crush — when did your f/o realize their feelings for you? how did they deal with those feelings?
hmm i think it would take a while for Raha to realize his feelings. it's all tied up with how he idolizes the Warrior of Light, esp during his time as crystal exarch (now whos creating a parasocial relationship with their hero??) and i don't think he'd notice when his admiration started turning into something more. he only "realizes" when someone else points it out to him, probably one of the other scions. as for how he deals with it...well, mostly just tries to keep things under wraps. he can be surprisingly insecure when it comes to things like this, not to mention i have more than a few, uh...admirers. but now he's even more jumpy and flustered around me than he was before, which is a feat
darling — what outfits would you both wear on a date? feel free to show pics!
DATE NIGHT OUTFITS DATE NIGHT OUTFITS!!! i think g'raha would wear more comfy casual clothes for date night, like the adventuring sweater, just,,,smth very cute 🥺 while i dress up a lil more (usually goth lol) just bc i spend a lot of time in grimy armor and leathers and i don't get a lot of chances to look nice hehe (stole these pics from eorzea collection--one two)
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sweets — what’s their favourite valentines-esque food? (think anything you’d get in that seasonal aisle at the grocery store!)
ooo this was harder to answer than i expected!! Raha seems like he'd have a sweet tooth, so i think he'd like those cute little heart shaped cinnamon rolls !!
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jekyllnahyena · 2 years
OC ASK TIME! Of course Lockup because… you know. Is it ok if I ask multiple? If not you can just pick one but:
3. How does their social personality differ from how they act when they’re alone?
4. How do they act around a crush?
10. What is a weird quality they have?
14. What attributes do they have that are inherited from their parents or shared with their siblings/other relatives? (Bonus points if he got it from his jedi)
absolutely OK! Ehhh, sorry, was too tired to try n think yesterday. So.
3. How does their social personality differ from when they're alone?
Biggest thing is that there's a chance that his facade might actually break? The emotionless way of his is very much a trauma response and he sorta forcefully punched it into his being to act like that. It is who he becomes over the last years of kamino and the war though, so, hm. I think when alone, there's just a chance that he might let himself break. Or give himself a minute to see how broken he already is. I guess he might let himself have more full blown emotions with less control, but he's really got a terrifying iron grip on himself, so I think maybe he has a breakdown, looks at the clock, wipes his tears and goes back. He's, in a very exhausting position of slowly starting to learn again that having emotions is not bad, you should let yourself feel them and what it means to deal with them while having very little clue as to How exactly. But honestly there's little change. My dude suppresses a lot, but it helps that he learns to trust the people around himself and starts to actually live a bit. Not just work and exist.
4. How do they act around their crush?
HA! Ignores the feelings that inconvenience him completely, which romantic feelings count as in his mind. I think there might be a moment of 'oh, ok' then he puts a stamp on it, shoves it in a box and proceeds as before. I'm actually not all that sure how he'd end up in any sorta romantic endeavor. He can flirt, I know that, but I can't really see him in any sorta romantic relationship, at least not a steady one and not during the war. I think he's kinda too desperate to actually figure himself out before he tries anything involving another person long term.
10. What weird quality do they have?
I mean besides all the problems he has? Like the fact that he comes across as the terminator with glitter and pink hearts that is made up of issues, ruthless pragmatism and insanity? He doesn't have shame, doesn't really bother with it. Especially cause he's now trying things out and it's very trial and error for him, but he couldn't care less for another person's approval. Has actually stopped with that a good few years back now. But! His smiles are weird as shit and he knows so. It's way he'll spend time in the fresher trying to smile. A lot of it is for Margo's sake cause she adores him and he actually comes to adore her too and wants to show her so. So yeah, my dude tries to relearn smiling.
14. What attributes do they have inhereted from their parents or shared with their siblings/relatives?
..... his face- sorry, sorry. Jackal very much becomes his parent over the course of the war. They are the person he becomes closest with, be it in virtue of having them literally be in his brain for every battle or being the one constant person of rank that he can talk to without feeling compromised. Hmmmmm, he learns to be a lot more gentle with himself. Which is a terrifying thought because he has made himself to be a machine that Works and Lockup never thought he's get out of that. So Jackal has installed him a sense of taking care of himself, at least a lot more than at the start of the war. He's very much human and as such also fallable and he's lost men, brothers sisters siblings, kids to the field to the battle and at some point, he can't ignore how heavy it a lies on him. And he's learned that he can cry, he can be tired, he can hug and hold and want to simply rest. And he does so nowadays. He won't show it to you, not if he's in charge and they spend most of their days in space or on the field, but he'll ping somebody he trust, tell them he's off for a nap and seclude himself. So yeah, learning communication and sorta self-care in ways. Not that good at it yet, but he's getting there. Also. Lived goddamn insanity. Jackal enjoys battle, enjoys tearing through opponent after opponent and fighting and holy shit, Lockup tries it and joins in. They do it when it's safe enough for their troops, but sometimes, the both of them go off alone and take care of stuff themselves. As a parent child activity. Lockup gets the lightsaber, Jackal uses their fists, and now you have two maniacs doing counts on how many droids they each wrecked. He is a adrenaline junky when it comes down to it and he very much picked that up from watching and soenind too much time with Jackal.
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hiraeix · 10 months
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to hold me like water,
or christ, hold me like a knife
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ballad-of-the-lamb · 5 months
What are the Lamb's thoughts as they went through their cult life? How does a day in their cult go? (Love the art so much! Hope you have a lovely day!)
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krazieka2 · 1 month
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I've played the Fire Emblem Husbando Dating Simulator Games
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kandismon · 6 days
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totally lore-accurate swanqueen screencap redraws 4/∞
they're on their first date :3c
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sculkshrieking · 9 months
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A short introduction comic to a Last Life AU i've been rotating in my mind where Scar is a ghost only Grian can see :)
Part 2
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rozenphox · 2 months
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here’s the college au spawned and raven will show up later 👍👍
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krikzilla · 4 months
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Ponyo Zoro indeed!
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foolishlovers · 6 months
not to be like really corny but the best christmas present this year was finding a home in you my beloved good omens fandom
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carmyboobear · 3 months
Honestly I think if Carmy does dirty talk (once he gets some experience) he’s really going to love being condescending, and it’s so hot…
I AGREE. So much in fact that this was born. Wow. Heed the tags and proceed!!
Tags: explicit, dom carmy, cumplay, dirty talk, creampie, carmy being mean, but also sweet
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“You’re so easy,” Carmy says with a smug look. He’s pushing his cock steadily and and out, repeatedly stretching you out further when he bottoms out again and again. “All you need is a cock in you and you’re almost fuckin’ coming already.
“You just feel so good,” you whine in defense, but with the way you’re clenching down around him, pussy so wet it’s dribbling, it’s not very successful.
“You just like being stretched out,” Carmy retorts. He pulls back and lets the round head pop out before bullying his cock back into you. You writhe below him. “It doesn’t have to be my cock. Could be my fingers. Almost got all 5 fingers in there last time, didn’t we?”
“Carmy,” you moan, your pussy wrecked by his relentless pace and his dirty, dirty words. “B-But I—I like your cock…”
“I think you just like it when I come in you,” he says, voice low in your ears. “You like the feeling of my cum inside you. Whether it’s in your pussy or down your throat…” His fingers tweak at your clit, flicking it up, and you flinch with a surprised moan. “I should get a plug to keep it all inside you.”
“Oh my god,” you gasp, scandalized, but the telltale sign of dense heat weighing in your gut says otherwise.
“You like the sound of that, don’t you? Going through your day with my cum in your pussy?” Carmy’s grinding his thick cock inside you, getting sweet friction on your walls. “Fuckin’ slut.”
His fingers pinch your clit, and you let out something akin to a sob.
“I’m gonna come,” you gasp. The pressure’s so fucking tight. “Carm—“
“You’re so easy,” Carmy laughs lowly, breathlessly. “Go on, take it. Come like the easy slut you are.”
His fingers glide from side to side on your slippery clit in a blur as he thrusts in an even, firm rhythm that has you choking on your own gasps. You come with overwhelmed tears in your eyes, moaning Carmy’s name so loud it’s almost a scream. You’re throbbing so tightly on his dick like it’s a lifeline.
“Th-that’s fucking right—fffuck—“ His moans are deep, resonating from his core. He staggers inside you from the sharp pleasure of your tightening walls. He fucks you through your orgasm, stretching it out like a thin piece of gum until it snaps, and in turn, your hole sucks his cock so much he comes.
When he pulls out, his soft cock is smeared in a shiny mixture of your combined cum. Your cream lays thick on his shaft, and somehow, there’s still beads of his cum in his slit. Your mouth waters looking at it. So does your pussy. Carmy’s cum, pale and abundant, pools rapidly at your abused entrance and spills over.
“Look at you,” Carmy murmurs in awe. His thumb drags up from where you’re leaking and sinks inside, pushing his cum back in. “Took me so well, baby…”
He praises you with little kisses and affection, kissing gently at your legs, stomach, collarbone. Brings you close to him, brushes sweaty strands of hair out of your face.
“Sorry if I went too far,” Carmy mumbles after you’ve both come down. Your head rests on his chest, and you’re playing with the curls of his hair. “With anything.”
“You were wonderful,” you assure him. “Could’ve even been a little meaner and I would’ve liked it.” That gets an abrupt laugh out of him, equal parts embarassment and delight.
“Oh yeah?” You can tell by the way he’s saying it that he’s choosing to take that as a challenge. You can see the gears turning, and it’s making you a good kind of nervous. “I think I got a couple ideas.”
“Looking forward to it,” you say, like it doesn’t make you wanna squirm, and he smiles knowingly, bringing you in for another kiss.
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