#tete come home :(
sunfortune · 3 months
hiiii i recently watched kanthony (the so called bridgerton show or whatever) and was wondering if u have any fic recs... 👉👈🤭
okay i litchrally have never compiled a list even tho ive been asked before bc i have read too many to keep them organized. but ill do it. Finally. for YOU.
first. my fav period setting fics <33:
tete a tete by caciopepebowl (14k~) this is REQUIRED reading to ME. its a quick read that explores kate and anthonys roles in their family. with an emphasis on KATE specifically bc of the additional hurdles of being a woman with limited funds. and anthony losing his mind on her behalf while shes breaking his heart by being like "the way i was treated was normal?? you dont know anything" and hes like "what? kate you deserved everything. you deserve ALL the love in the world!!" and shes all ">:( well if i do. you do too." . and hes like "oh. well...no. you see.. bc i suck" and shes like -_-. its really sweeeeeet and lovely <3) and really finally gave me the exploring of kates family issues that THE SHOW DID NOT!!!
the longest betrothal by caciopepebowl. (90k~) my FAVVVVV regency setting fic. its sooo good. its basically a continuation that fills in the gap AFTER they get engaged but BEFORE theyre married. and them trying SO hard to be normal about how in love they are lol. SO funny and sweet. and with IMMACULATE characterization
in vino veritas by wagamiller. (~10k) a one shot about kate going to a ladies society event and coming home drunk to anthony and him being soooo smitten with her. sauuuur cute. ive read this like 4 times <3
for reasons wretched and divine by penny_loaf. (~18k. locked fic. need an account.) basically kate and anthony get stuck in a time loop on that first day edwina is receiving suiters. they both think theyre alone in the loop and its depressing until they realize the other is stuck with them too. they try to break the loop and fail repeatedly. after a while they just give up and start fucking bc theres no consequences so who cares LOL. surprisingly tender and sweet
the harsh light of day by burnerraccount. (~22k. locked) explicit one shot. kate has the idea that they should fuck before they get married so theres less pressure on the wedding night. she decides all this without mentioning it to anthony (LOL). so she shows up at his house the night before their wedding. and his footman is like "theres a woman outside to see you" and he in all his goofy almost-married bliss is like "i dont want to see Any woman but my gorgeous, beautiful, amazing WIFE" and his footman is like "well. you see.. it is your wife. uh fiance" and anthonys like "[voice crack] huh ?". very FUNNY
green in its many hues by burnerraccount. kate and anthony decide they are going to be chaste and proper leading up to their wedding. they suck at it SO bad lol
next. modern AUS my best friends <33:
la semi dolce vita by caciopepebowl (~170k) my FAVVVV modern au of ALL time. kate is a private chef. anthonys family hires her when they go on vacation. hes being so normal about it. i promise. this is one of the best characterizations of kate AND anthony in a modern setting. with an extra emphasis on focusing on kate issues. and not JUST anthonys. which is what makes the dynamic sooo good. 10/10. hot. and i love LOVE <3
close encounters of the acutest kind by caciopepebowl (WIP ~74k. only incomplete fic ill put on this list i PROMMY. bc its by the prev author. and i Looove their writing and its sooo good so far <3) kate and anthony meet for the first time the DAY her dad died which is also the SAME DAY hyacinth is born. theyre both having a panic attack and end up running into the same empty hospital room to have it. are then intrinsically linked forever. as one is. run into each other multiple times over the years. with different feelings each time. and they are so normal (lying) <3. i love them
chosen & cherished by trash4ficsaboutlurv. (~42k) this is so underrated. kate runs a charity organization. anthony is CEO of whatever the fuck. she goes to his company when theyre holding some audition for what charity theyre going to invest in and kate is the last speaker and when its finally her turn he doesnt even pay attention. and shes exhausted and overworked and just oveeeer it All. so she just ends the meeting and tells him to go fuck himself. LOL. genuinely really good. and hot <3
sidelines by ramarro. (~60k) this was THE quintessential kanthony modern AU in 2022. took a far fetched premise and somehow made it soooo good. and hot. and cute. kates an artist who sees a picture of anthony on tinder and thinks he looks obnoxious (lol) but screenshots the photo so she can use it for sketching practice. and then she see him and his grown ass on a date with her BABY sister. and shes like well i was right about him. and lets him know to his face how she feels (LOL). its wild. it slays. read it. theres an explicit follow up to it which also slays
three cities and we never lived here by ramarro. (~25k, ~40k) very different modern au where kate and anthony meet on vacation and are very casual with them both not looking for anything (genuinely for once lol) and then seeing each other multiple times over 2-3 years in different cities and still keeping it casual. but slowly slowly slowlyyyy it doesnt feel as casual as it used to. theres 2 fics in this. the first is kates pov. the second is anthony. both very good.
just go with it by suitsusboth. (~18k) kate when booking a flight sees the potential titles like ms, mrs, dr, and "viscountess" listed as a legit option and has a laugh like whos picking this goofy shit and accidentally clicks it. and then on her flight gets upgraded to first class next to anthony bc they assumed she was his wife. and he tries to be mad about it. but well. hes stupid for her in every universe so lol. funny and sweet
the air i breathe and the bane of my existance by the_loosest_moose. (image fic) these are textfics told through instagram, twitter, article and text message screenshots. with some regular text. would just check them out to gauge how you feel about the storytelling method. very fun reads once you get the hang of it
heirlooms by waterlilyrose. (~12k) modern au where kate gets anthonys ring stuck on her finger for days and has to wait to get it off. he is of course very normal about it
a devils love by irony_rocks. (~57k) this may not be for everyone but kanthony season came out around the same time as the batman (2022) and as someone who was crazy insane about both. this was the MOMENT for me in spring 2022. its a crime mafia type au where kates character is inspired by selina kyle and the pebble lounge where she worked in the batman movie. and well. if youre about that specific combo check it out. if you arent i wouldnt recommend this lmao. its not a batman au
break point (series) by penny_loaf. (multiple. ~25k) like prev this entire series gets kind of dark bc it really delves into the pressure of the world its set in. on TOP of the issues kate and anthony already have. i LOVED it. BUT also i am an ANGST and crazy, complicated characters STAN. which may not be the case for everyone.. but again very GORGEOUS to ME <3 and hot. LOL
take me home by kendal_lynne. (~12k) romcom type explicit one shot where kate makes the mistake of telling anthony her ex couldnt make her come. and hes all like i volunteer as tribute PLEASE PKLEASE PLEASE PICK ME CHOOSE ME PLWASEE etc
we never made a sound by writergirl8. (~4k) spy au that was soooooo good and sexy. i wish it was longer
with elaichi by serendipityinwords (~6k) the two biggest bitches at a dinner party find out they're soulmates. LOL. hilarious dialogue
theres probably more i loved that im not remembering rn and maybe ill update this but for now have fun! yippee <3
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7ndipity · 1 year
Dating Taehyung headcanons
Taehyung x Reader
Warnings: swearing, lil suggestive
A/N: I was planning on posting Hobi's hc list tonight, but then I got an ask for Tae's, so I figured screw it, why not post both!
Requests are open
Oh boy...
First off, he's the living personification of a love song.
Falls hard and fast, and tells you as soon as he realizes it. Like, no warning, no lead up, just "I love you" while you're in the middle of setting up dinner or smth.
He's a classicalist when it comes to romance. I'm talking slow dancing in the kitchen, midnight picnics, the works.
But he's also the King of randomness, and his style of flirting very much reflects that. Like when he complimented Yumi on 'Jinny's Kitchen' for her socks?
Which is, I mean, is kinda nice, cause it shows how he notices the little things, but still what?
Calls you things like 'Darling', 'Babe', 'Soulmate'(yes, Jimin got huffy when he found out)
Y'all are that Instagram art couple. He calls you his muse and everything.
Takes pictures of you constantly. If you don't like having your photo taken(me), he'll find 'your angle', even if it's literally just half your hand in the shot.
Dates with him go one of two ways.
1. Absolutely nothing has been planned out at all, and you just end up driving around till you come up with something, like his solo vlog from last summer.
Or 2. Elaborately themed dates where he takes you to some jazz club he's found, just so he can show off and dance with you.
Really random forms of affection. Like biting and watching you sleep.(sounds vampire-y, I know, but it's sweet I swear?)
Tries to play the shy and humble card, but you know damn well he's just fishing for praise. (Pls just brag on this boy, I beg you!)
If you're not into skinship, I'm so sorry...
But, he is the CLINGIEST MF to ever have clinged!
Comes home and literally just flops on top on you.
Always wants to be touching you, not even in a suggestive way, he just feels better with you near.
And almost none of that changes when it comes to pda.
Like, if he wants a kiss, he's going for a kiss, he doesn't give a fuck if someone sees.
Has to hold you to sleep(you've seen the clip of him whining cause Namjoon wouldn't let him cuddle)
Pouty bby🥺
Gets so fucking jealous.
Wants to give off 'bad boys vibe, but he ain't fooling anyone. He's a puppy.
Fights with him are brief but harsh, but you always reconcile quickly cause he can't stand that tension.
Loves to tease and rile you up, but call him Baby, and he'll fold immediately.
(He has a Noona/Hyung thing, no I will not elaborate)
Having full conversations in Tete speak, that no one else can understand.
Introduces you to Yeontan as his new mom/dad(I'm not emotional, shut up)
All in all, can I have a Taehyung, please? I feel like it would help sm. (See you in pt.2!)
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An (incredibly long) "I want"-style song dedicated to the most unruly of trios: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and George Harrison.
The setting is the late 50's – it's deliberately a bit of a mish-mash :-)
Lyrics below the cut!
John: Green Paul: Blue George: Purple P&G: Pink J&P: Red JP&G: Neutral Liverpool gave up on me the first day of preschool Teachers called me unruly cause I don't suffer fools And my aunt who says she can't believe I’d throw it all away Quarrybank, that school for cranks suspended me the other day
All those lads who quit this band to learn a proper trade Think that I don't understand the facts of getting paid But you both see, It's them not me, it's us and this here prophecy
Do you see us five years on – well Maybe three, that's sort of long As they're writhing for our songs And “Your group's on now, John "
Earning some preposterous wage Free of this less-town-more-cage As we enter center-stage In our gold disk age
And the birds will have to queue For a single peck at you Then, emboldened by the view Watch them molt on cue
And all we need is not to quit, They'll call us Great Britain's Newest stars, brand new guitars, guaranteed not to split
Picture us: the favourite band With a record deal in hand Going deaf from screaming fans As per my new masterplan
Where we going, fellas? Where we going? Where we going, fellas? Where we going? (To the topper-most of popper-most of popper, to the topper) To the toppermost of the poppermost!
I hear music in my head Wherever I go It's like it's bursting out my soul It's something I cannot control
Every night When I get home I watch dad roll his eyes "Heard of this thing called a comb? " I sigh as he implies That mum would be So unhappy and so disappointed in me
Meanwhile I can't drop this tune However inopportune There's a decade dawning soon Shooting for the moon
And John may seem unreasonable But his dream is feasible Sometimes yes, guess he's a gull I'll appease him though
And then I see how for we're come Joined, we're greater than our sum See, the rhythm's in the strum Of the guitars and then some
Playing my part in your vision, I'll Grab a pen, so much to discover Let's produce another Lennon-McCartney original
For the day he and John met And Yes George, I didn't forget! We become a matching set Writing tete-a-tete
Where we going, Johnny? Where we going? Where we going, Johnny? Where we going? (To the topper-most of popper-most of popper, to the toppermost) And where do I fit in? And when do I come in? Is there a spot for me at the To the toppermost of the poppermost!
I'm the youngest, there's no day when they let me forget But the part Paul will not say: I'm their safest bet See the fact is they don’t practice systematically like me I know my chord charts, strings, fretboard, parts of my soul, sorted by key.
Still the world is their playground And I am watching from the fence I can't yet jump with confidence But mum taught me about patience
I still feel Julia's arms around me every time I play What would my mum say? (She tells me) Anything I set my mind to  (She taught me everything) The heights I'll climb to (She wanted everything) My time soon Anything to prove I'm worth it (Wouldn’t approve) Move the earth, they'll learn…
I had to learn to be the only one believing in me And ever since she's gone, I can hardly stand it (Mum says I can stand it) No one understanding (Don’t quite understand it) The thing she saw in me
And dad, he just wants me to be practical She’d call me her rebel without applause and tell me Just keep making noise, always play in your own key I will wait patiently He may believe in me but not my choice They will have no choice but to love me
Where we going fellas? Where we going? To the toppermost of the poppermost!
Liverpool has no idea what’s coming Liverpool will never be the same They’ll put up posters of us Like on this truck John, that’s a bus! Put your glasses on, Jesus! And dad will be non-plussed when Walking down the street he’ll see John (John), Paul, George (George) of the… Johnny and the Moondogs… What! Definitely not. The Shoes! The Quarrymen… Nononononono, JaPaGe3!
Insert band name here.
Liverpool has no idea what’s coming Liverpool will never be the same When they all see us one as three the blasphemous song trinity.
Everybody’s bitching Where’s that old ambition That got you essay prizes and into the institute? I’m not a delinquent I’ve just been rethinking No one realizes I’m still just as resolute Just keep making noise Always play in your own key They will have no choice But to love me
Anything I set my mind to The heights I’ll climb to My time soon Anything to prove I’m worth it Move the earth They’ll learn from me.
Where we going, fellas? Where we going? Where we going, Johnny? Where we going, fellas? Where we going? (To the topper-most of popper-most of popper, to the topper) And where do I fit in and when do I come in? Toppermost of the poppermost.
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crystalsnow95z · 3 months
An old story in my drafts that I really enjoy reading since for some reason I'm in a self loathing stage with all my new work.
Sickie: Taehyung with the flu
Tw; emeto
"No, no, no!" Jimin squeals with a giggle, running away from Jungkook's giant snowball that the mankae was holding.
"You should've thought about that before you hit me in the back of the head hyungie!" Jungkook uses both hands to chuck it at Jimin's back just barely making contact.
Jimin falls over laughing, gathering up the snowball remains to make a new ball, half the original size, chasing his attacker. "Jungkook-ah!"
Jungkook runs away from Jimin, unaware that he was running towards Taehyung, who hurls his own snowball, getting revenge for his soulmate.
"Aiish!" Jungkook jumps in surprise when he feels the snow hit his shoulder, looking around to see where it came from.
Taehyung quickly hides behind a tree, but Jungkook notices his footprints in the snow, gathering snow as he walks, hitting Taehyung in the side. "Found you!"
Jungkook starts shaking the tree, both getting covered in snow from the branches above, his hood protecting him from the snow, only having to shake his head to get it to fall off.
"Jungkook-ah that's cold! It went in my coat!" Taehyung complains with a whine, not being so lucky to have protection from the cold, trying to get the snow from the back of his jacket, wiping his snowy hands on Jungkook's cheek.
"That's cold! Hyung!" Jungkook laughs, trying to catch Taehyung's hands, the two wrestling each other to the ground.
Jimin watches the two play at a safe distance, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire. "You two are crazy, you're getting soaked."
"Babies! It's time to get going! Come here!" J-hope calls to the three youngest.
Jimin goes over to them, offering a hand. "Hobi-hyubg is calling us. Playtimes over."
"It's been an hour and a half already? It went by so fast." Jungkook takes Jimin's hand, pulling himself up turning to Taehyung to do the same.
Taehyung takes Jungkook's hand, letting the mankae pull him to his feet. The three boys walk in the direction they heard J-hope. "It's much colder now that I'm not running around.."
"Aw my poor Tete, you're shivering.." Jimin wraps around him, making him have to waddle through the snow.
"Do you want to wear my beanie?" Jungkook offers, feeling guilty about getting Taehyung's hair wet. He takes it off and puts it on Taehyung without waiting for his answer. "Your ears are really red.. I'm sorry hyung."
"It's okay. I'll be warm when we get to the car." Taehyung reassures him with a smile, forcing his teeth not to chatter. Maybe I shouldn't have given my hat to hyung..
"Oh wow, you actually finished it. It's so cute." Jungkook goes up to the snowman the older boys were working on as their punishment for losing run BTS.
"I'm surprised we did." Namjoon proudly stands next to it, J-hope taking a photo.
"It's super cute. I like the little heart mouth."Jimin smiles brightly, touching the little stones.
"That was my idea. It took a bit to find enough rocks with all this snow." Jin presses one of the stones more firmly in place.
"The mouth reminds me of Hoba's smile. It's my favorite part, too. " Yoongi states, watching J-hope blush, smiling brightly.
"Jiminie, can you get a picture of all of us together before we go?" J-hope asks, pulling Namjoon and Jin closer to him for the photo, Jin putting his arm around Yoongi trying to hide his embarrassment.
Jimin happily obliges, smiling when he notices Jungkook photo bombing, making a funny face behind Jin. I'm surprised Taehyungie isn't joining in..
Jimin looks around to see where Taehyung was. The deagu boy was trying to blow on his hands to warm them. "Let's get one more photo and get home. Taehyungies really cold.." Jimin pulls Taehyung towards the group, letting staff take one group photo.
"I-i'm okay, Minnie." Taehyung gives a smile for the photo, feeling someone drape a scarf around him.
"Don't worry Vuu, we'll get you warm." Jin takes off his gloves, trying to rub warmth into Taehyung's reddened knuckles. "Take a shower when we get home..both you and Jk. I can hear your teeth chattering Gukkie."
"Taehyung-ah. It's time to wake up. It's time to get up.." J-hope crawls on top of the sleeping Taehyung, curling his body around him like a koloa.
Taehyung gives a low hum as a response, just barely waking up to the sound of J-hope's voice.
"Taehyungie.. we have a photoshoot to do today.." Jhope unburies Taehyung's face, his cheerful demeanor faltering. "Aiigo Tae, your nose is so red.. are you feeling okay?" He places his hands on Taehyung's cheek, checking for warmth, sighing with relief. He doesn't feel warm and he isn't pale..
"No.. my head hurts and my nose is all stuffed.." Taehyung's voice comes out in a husky low murmur. He tried to open his eyes to look at J-hope but he instantly closes them, the gentle sunlight peeking through the window being too much for his pounding head. "It's too bright.."
"Stay here, I'll go get you some medicine okay?" Hoseok rushes out of the room to find something for his headache making a mental note to ask staff to get some cold medicine.
"Where's Taehyungie?" Jimin asks when he sees J-hope leaving the room alone, peeking into the room to see
"He's still in the room. I think he caught a cold. He's congested, and it's giving him a headache.. I'm going to get him something for the pain. Could you go to the kitchen and get him some water?" J-hope asks continuing his adventure into his room to find the pills he packed in his travel bag.
Jimin goes into the kitchen to get water, rushing to check on his ailing soulmate. Taehyung had already started falling back to sleep, Jimin running his hand through his hair. "Taetae, you need to get up, I brought you some water, and hyung will bring you medicine.. You can come back to sleep after the photoshoot, okay?"
Taehyung sits up slowly, feeling lightheaded and weak. He had work to do. He didn't have time to lay around. I'm a professional..i can't let a small thing like a cold bring me down..I've done full concerts with a cold..taking photos is nothing..
He hyped himself up, opening his eyes slowly. "It's so bright out with the snow.." Taehyung complains softly, taking the water Jimin brought him,gulping down a few mouthfuls before closing it and placing it on the table, rubbing his fingertips over his rippling middle. "I shouldn't have eaten before bed..my stomach hurts.."
"I told you and Jungkookie eaten an hour before bed would upset your stomachs.." Jimin reaches to make small circles over Taehyung's sour stomach.
"Jungkook-ah has a stomach ache too?" Taehyung asks, worry etched on his face.
"He was complaining about having heartburn, but he's okay, he was eating when i left him.so it can't be that bad." Jimin reassures Taehyung. "You should eat something too."
"I'll eat after the photoshoot.." Taehyung had no appetite, the mention of food making him feel queasy, quickly making an excuse before Jimin could argue. "I'm not very hungry.. I ate last night.."
J-hope enters the room with a thermometer and two round pills, handing the pills to Taehyung and putting the thermometer by his ear to test his temperature. "Yoongi-hyung wanted to be sure he wasn't running a fever before we left. He's fine." It's only a tiny bit higher than his usual temperature,I'll just keep an eye on him..
Taehyung tried to focus on the photographers instructions, but the rice that J-hope insisted he eat before leaving since the shoot was estimated to be three hours long was churning uncomfortably in his stomach.
"Was that you Taetae?" J-hope asks when he hears the gurgling of the youngers stomach, holding him from behind for the group shots. "Are you feeling okay? Do you need a break?"
"No, I'm okay.." Taehyung tries to give J-hope a smile, but his smile doesn't last more than a second. He puts his hands in his pockets to stop himself from touching his stomach, pushing through the group shot.
I just need to get through my solo pictures, Jungkook do is solo shots then me, Jiminie and Jungkook do our mankae shots.. we're almost done.. I can't be getting sick now.
"Take it easy Tete, you don't want to push yourself.." Jimin rubs Taehyung's shoulder. "You're really tense.."
"My headache just came back.. it's just all these flashing lights.." Taehyung tries to downplay how he feels, quickly moving away to get some water.
"Taehyungie are you sure you're okay?" J-hope goes by Taehyung, feeling the back of his neck. "You're Sweating Taehyungie.."
"It's just all these lights." Taehyung coughs into his fist. "There's only a little bit left to do, then I can rest until practice later today.."
"No, no practice for you today. You need to focus on getting better." J-hope wasn't falling for Taehyung's tough guy act. Taking photos is one thing, but hours of dance practice.. I can't watch him push himself past his limits..
"But we're-"
"No, Taehyung. You need to focus on recovering. Go get your make up touched up, I'll get the okay from Namjoon." J-hope uses a stern tone.
"Yes hyung.." Taehyung goes to the makeup artist, bowing in apology for messing up his makeup, almost falling forward when a wave of pain washes over him where he bent his stomach. "I'm sorry.."
"No don't apologize, it's not your fault. It's no trouble at all. Do you want to blow your nose for me before I start?" The woman gives him a tissue, speaking politely.
Taehyung touches underneath his nose,blushing when he feels the sticky wet mucus touch his fingertips quickly turning away to blow his nose, wincing at the pressure behind his eyes. "I'm sorry.."
"It's fine. Don't worry about it. It's not the first time it won't be the last.. just sit here and relax okay?"
Taehyung nods, taking a seat in front of her.
"Are you okay?" Namjoon asks when he approaches Taehyung, rubbing his shoulders. "You don't have to continue if you aren't feeling up to it."
"Yeah, yeah.. this cold is just kicking my butt.. I can finish the shoot. I'm okay." Taehyung relaxes a bit underneath Namjoon's touch. "That feels nice.."
"You're so tense Taehyung-ah.. I agree with Hobi, it's too much of a risk for to join dance practice. I don't want you pulling a muscle.." Namjoon frets over Taehyung.
"I'm sorry.. I'll be okay in a few days and I'll work hard to make up for it.." Taehyung hugs his stomach when another ripple of pain fills his middle, forcing himself to not lower his head as the makeup noona works on his eyes.
"Im almost finished." She says softly.
"Taehyung-ah are you okay?" Namjoon feels Taehyung tensing back up underneath his palms.
"Yeah, yeah..I just thought I had to sneeze and held it in.." Taehyung's stomach knotted up more to lie to Namjoon, but he couldn't let him pull him before his solo shots were out of the way.
"Finished." The staff member adds a last bit of makeup to his nose to cover up the redness.
"I'll finish up the shoot quickly then rest, okay hyung?" Taehyung says getting up to get back to work. The sooner we take the photos the sooner I can lay down..my knees feel like they'll give in and my stomach is killing me..maybe I should've eaten..
"Turn your head to the left Taehyung-sii. The light is hitting your face wrong, now one hand on your cheek.. perfect.." The director gives him instructions, Taehyung mindlessly following him. He kept all his focus on the photoshoot, ignoring the dizziness that he felt trying to stop his nose from running down his face by sniffling softly.
Please hurry.. I don't know how long I can hold myself together..The mucus was draining into his stomach making himself feel uncomfortably full. Taehyung takes shallow breaths to stop his tight pants from pressing against his aching middle.
"Good, good.. we're finished here.. let's look through the photos.." The photographer seems pleased with his work, smiling at Taehyung. "I love the emotions portrayed in your eyes. I think you'll be quite satisfied."
Taehyung tries to move forward to monitor the shoot, but his legs threatened to buckle underneath him. My head feels fuzzy and my legs are like lead..and my stomach..I'm going to be sick.
"I'm sorry..I actually do need to use the restroom now that that we finished..could we view them later?" Taehyung's voice comes out soft, taking all his strength to keep it steady.
"Of course. Take your time. We'll just move on to Jungkook-sii." The director gives him a sympathic smile.
Taehyung feels his dinner from last night pushing its way up his stomach. He takes a deep breath to try to clear his head, moving swiftly to the nearest bathroom. His determination to not ruin the shoot because of him gave him the strength he needed to make it into the stall.
He drops to his knees in front of the toliet, a mouthful of rice coming up splashing into the bowl, followed by a wet burp that brings up even more thick bile. I wish I told Hobi-hyung the truth.. but I didn't want to ruin the shoot..not when I managed to hide it for this long..
Jimin follows him as soon as he sees his soulmate rushing in, eyes widening when he hears the sound of Taehyung’s retching."Taehyung-ah.." rushes towards the sound, kneeling behind Taehyung. "Why didn't you just say you were sick?" He speaks softly, running his hands through Taehyung's hair to keep it out of his face.
Taehyung's only response is a whimper as his stomach tenses up again, pushing out another mouthful of sick. Jiminie it hurts so much..
"I know baby.. it'll be over soon..you don't have much in your stomach.. just try to take deep breaths okay?"
Taehyung tries to take a deep breath, but his muscles scream in agony. "I can't..i.." he tries to speak, but another heave stops him, only a bit of spit coming up.
Jimin gently rubs Taehyung's back, feeling his spine arching as another mouthful of sick comes. "Just try..i know it hurts, but you need to relax."
Taehyung nods, taking shaky hiccup like breaths between dry heaves. He leans into Jimin, trying to rub the pain away from his aching sides. A dry cough rattles his chest,whimpering softly when the pain flares up again?"
"My poor Taehyungie.. do you want me to get you some water?" Jimin asks when he hears Taehyung coughing, worry filling his voice. He brushes Taehyung bangs from his forehead, surprised when he feels the heat radiating from it." Ah, you're running a fever Taehyungie.." Jimin's speaks softly to him, rubbing his thumb across Taehyung's clammy knuckles.
"I don't want you to go..." Taehyung clings to Jimin in a raspy whisper.
"You need to get home so you can rest.. you're really not doing well.." Jimin gently rubs Taehyung's stomach, still feeling the tension lingering.
"But..but the shoot.. we still have another group shot to do.." Taehyung coughs, putting his hand to his chest. "We're almost finished..I just need a bit of rest..I can at least finish up.."
"That's not important. You are. I don't want to see you suffering, I'm sure we can do it another day. We still have time before the album drops or we can just skip it all together. It's no big deal.."
Namjoon entered the bathroom, the smell of sick confirming the suspicions him and J-hope. It's not a simple cold.. Namjoon entered the stall, kneeling next to Jimin and Taehyung, running his hand through Taehyung's hair. "Do you think you can stand for me?"
"I..I think so.." Taehyung uses Jimin's shoulder to push up to his feet, Namjoon wrapping an arm around him. "Woah.." Taehyung stumbles, clinging to the elder member, closing his eyes tightly when the room spins, disorienting him. "Hyung.."
Jimin places his hands on Taehyung's knees when he sees them trembling, waiting for them to stop before rising to his feet.
"It's okay baby, I got you.. do you want to ride on my back?" Namjoon asks gently.
Taehyung shakes his head, the thought of his stomach pressing against Namjoon's muscular back making him feel woozy. "I think i can walk.."
Taehyung takes a few steps forward before his knees grow weak again, whimpering when another wave of nausea hits.
"Taehyungie.." Namjoon holds him up by his shoulders. "You really overdid it.. what if I carry you? i won't hold you too tightly.. I'll be gentle. Let me help you." He asks softly. I can't watch him suffer like this..
"Okay.." Taehyung let's Namjoon cradle him to his chest, leaning against his chest. "You're warm.."
"No, you are.. uncomfortably warm.." Namjoon says his voice laced in worry. "Let's get you home.."
Jungkook carrys Taehyung into bed, covering him up. "My poor Hyungie..the medicine should kick in soon.. do you want anything?"
"I want you to stay.." Taehyung whispers softly, grabbing at Jungkooks wrist. "I'm afraid..I won't be able to get up if I get sick again.."
Jungkook lays next to him without hesitation, running his hand through his hair. "I hope you don't..you haven't eaten anything today.. Seokjinnie-hyung is going to make you something.."
"I don't want to eat.." Taehyung squeezes his hand. "My stomach hurts Koo.."
"I know..but you'll have to eat something in case you do get sick again. It'll hurt more to throw up on an empty stomach."
J-hope enters the room with a box, peeling a cooling strip and sticking it gently to Taehyung's forehead. "There you go Tete, you'll feel better when we get your fever down.. Jungkook-ah you shouldn't be getting that close..you'll get sick too.."
"I don't care. Hyung isn't feeling well and needs comfort..I'll be okay." Jungkook holds Taehyung close when he sees him shiver.
"That's cold hyung.." Taehyung leans into Jungkook.
J-hope sighs and lays on his other side, pressing his cheek against Taehyung's head. I guess we'll both risk it then.. "I know, but it's for your own good. I'm sorry.. just try to rest. We'll be right here when you wake up."
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breadcheekstete · 6 months
My Roommate is a F33dee
(vm¡n // f33dee tæhyung)
th always wore baggy clothes. Especially those that make him look extra small even when he is next to jm. He never gave much mind into his roommate’s fashion, 'till he saw him shirtless. Who was gonna tell that under his oversized hoodies would hide a belly?
th had a round face, but overall, he was tall, enough to make the trick into thinking that maybe he just had some baby fat on his cheeks like jm did. And he never changed in front of jm nor in their room, he always went to the dorm showers to do so, which was a bit odd if you ask him.
You see, jm wondered about th's body since they were assigned to share their dorm room. He ate a lot since day one, yes, but his friend jk did too and he's very lean. At first he thought it had something to do with being practically strangers. Now that they have a proper friendship, jm just thinks he's shy about his body.
But a few months into the term, th's habits started to… change.
jm should have seen the signals.
Today, he came back earlier from the library and was about to rant about how this teacher is driving him nuts with his dreadful way to teach when he sees th jolt startled. He's sitting on his bed, a 1L bottle of sprite in hand and his phone in front of him. “What's that?”
th hiddes the bottle behind his back. "Oh, uhm… It's for a challenge I wanted to try... Nothing important."
jm closes the door behind him and sits next to him. "I'm curious."
th slowly reveals the bottle again and clears his throat. "Well I was going to film it, but I don't know how to do it by myself," he says. He looks at jm, but adverts his eyes before he asks, "Can you film me?"
jm was a bit taken aback, and th seemed like he was starting to regret it, but as he said; he's curious. "Okay." He takes the phone and looks at TaeHyung uncaping the bottle. "Isn't 1L too much for one person, though? Shouldn't you, I don't know, just chug a smaller bottle instead?" jm asks, a bit worried and a lot impressed.
"Go hard or go home," th responds with a wiggle of his eyebrows and gestures to jm to start recording.
jm is proven wrong when th reaches half of the bottle with ease in one go. He wonders where all of that is going, when th pulls back and rests a hand on his bloating torso. He never did a chugging before, but he's sure that that's a lot of bloat for just half a bottle.
His thoughts are short-lived when th interrupts them with a string of belches. They burped in front of each other before, but not quite like this, and Jimin is embarrassed to admit that it does something to his tummy.
"I– bWooOOOUuuUrP fuck… –uUUuRp huh.." th groans and complains, tapping his chest for more trapped burps as he gasps for air before taking the bottle onto his lips once again and chugging as fast as before.
"Easy, Tete, take it easy," jm reminds.
th belches around the bottle and with a grin he continues.
He's almost done when he pulls back again, this time, he leans back onto the pillows and his hoodie raises a bit, exposing his bloated belly. jm freezes, and th, oblivious to all of it, rubs his underbelly and presses next to his belly button to help the burps out.
"You can –BwOooUrP do it, come *hic* on," th mumbles, encouraging himself. And with that, he gained the strength enough to finish it all with a loud belch that surely was heard in the whole hall.
He takes his phone and thanks jm for recording him. jm can't articulate a word after what he just witnessed, so he nods and excuses himself to the bathroom to take care of his increasingly obvious boner.
happy hollidays (ôㅈô)/ ! take this little treat from me in these festive days, you'll see more of it soon so enjoy and wait for me 🖤 !!
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rom-e-o · 7 months
Was Connie ever into anything like Barbies or American Girl dolls as a child? Because Bess had some Barbies and general dollies, but she was ENTHRALLED with American Girl dolls, but could only ever read the books and look at the catalogues because they were too expensive for even George to rectify getting her a set especially with four other children to care for. (He did buy her the catalogue subscription, though, because Bess enjoyed looking at all the pretty things and dreaming and at least he could give her that much.). So I was just thinking, if Connie had one or maybe a little collection and TeTe brought them to London with her to return to Connie, Bess would just instantly be in love and ask if she could hold them and dress them up, do something that she could never do in her childhood.
At the very least, I see Connie buying Bess, like, all of the historical American Girl dolls sets, to give Bess a part of her childhood she never had. Bess would cherish and take care of those dolls forever.🥺
Connie absolutely would have adored American Girl dolls (Samantha was probably her fav, tbh). Any dolls she had are in pristine shape too (she was the type of child that took incredible care of her toys - no Weird Barbies went to Barbieland because of Connie, lmao).
"Of course you can hold them!" Connie would tell Bess. "And dress them up too. Oh, Mama, didn't I used to have a tea set for them too? You brought it? Oh, Bess, let's set it up!" Upon seeing Bess' joy, Connie finds the nearest AG store THE NEXT DAY and comes home with the entire historical American Girl doll collection for her friend. If Bess has a favorite doll (Molly? Kirsten? Claudie? Felicity?), she gets extra outfits for her for the FULL EFFECT. And, of course, a fresh catalog subscription to keep up-to-date on all the new sets.
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kinocomix · 3 months
devlog 18: doo dads, inventories and recycling like responsible authors.
The script for TSTW is 17 scenes long so far, still in progress. I estimate it will be around 30 to 40, which is a welcome change given that my last comic was around 110. with that in mind…
would you believe me if i said i spent an entire day looking for an extremely specific book that i used to own- well two actually now that i think about it. I didn’t find them. One of them was a book with a bunch of electronic crafts for kids, the other was this book where you’re supposed to tear the pages to make everything from a chessboard to a cup. Not important, the point is Brandon Sanderson said something very insightful about writing characters that are smarter than you: being smart, often, is a matter of how much time you have to solve a problem. We consider someone as being smart when they very quickly have a good answer to a given question. The reason I was looking for two random ass books I owned as a kid is because I have the time to figure out how the kids are going to channel their inner bear grylls to improvise, adapt, overcome. they do not.
today, we’re going to be figuring out what we can realistically get away with as far as child inventions go, as well as talking about how as artists, reusing work is normal and shouldn’t be something to be ashamed of.
So first things first: what do the kids in our story have access to? this was the easiest to figure out because I know what living situations most of them experience, so here’s a list:
killouette: stationary and a camera. I’m still unsure which time period the story takes place in, so it’s unsure whether or not the camera is digital. It's objectively more fun if it’s a polaroid camera, because then all her pictures are physical. This is a plus because the only person with a computer in the group is talbas. On the other hand, setting the story in the mid 2000s means she probably has a small digital camera that she could connect to a bigger screen. alternatively, if i choose to set the story in the present, she could have both. unwanted old cameras left in a drawer somewhere.
bata tete: fun craft tools (paint, glue, string, ribbons, a big pile of magazines), a basket and a printer. you can’t go wrong with paint and pictures if you’re writing a story about kids, and this is also helpful because it introduces additional things to bata tete’s character: a more artsy side to complement the mission impossible stuff. instinctively i’m thinking the strings are definitely going to serve as trip wires at some point or another, and paper mache is definitely going to be involved in some way.
falefil: a po box, a piano and an electronic voice recorder. My current headcanon for falefil is that he doesn’t really like toys, so minus getting aluminum foil from his mom’s kitchen, he can probably lend his electronic voice recorder to accomplish something. maybe a makeshift MP3 player?
zmik: toys and objects intended to be used with other kids. all unused. I’ll admit this the saddest one by a longshot but it hits home a bit too hard to not include. I remember the piles of old board games, slingshots, marbles, even -the irony- a pair of walkie talkies I had that just… sat there. I like to imagine Zmik is finally in a place where he can share these things with people he likes.
motsik: broken knick knacks, pieces of mirror, detergents, bent spoons, a lot of wooden kabab skewers. It should come as no surprise that most of what Motsik has to offer is broken to some capacity, because of his violent household. the things he brings are broken because he effectively fishes them out of the trash, figuring his friends might have something they could do with them. note: motsik could also try to make stuff himself, but given his character this would be infrequent.
talbas: her uncle has an electronic equipment store, he teaches her stuff and low key is in on some of the shenanigans the kids do. despite the neglect from her parents, talbas loves spending time with her uncle whose store is nearby. he loves the fact that she’s interested in soldering and making fun doodads, so he has a budget set aside just for her. it’s pretty obvious that talbas’ uncle is the only person tethering her to a sense of purpose and a feeling of love. 
claude: a lot of organic things and the knowledge thereof. Claude has little in the way of possessions, but she has a lot of street smarts. Claude keeps track of inventory across the 6 kids’s houses and frequently is the first to suggest solutions to problems.
with that being figured out, all we need to do to try to combine what they have with what the problem is and we see what comes out the other end. for example:
let’s say they need all hands on deck for something but that means ignoring a hallway where someone could come see what they’re doing. we know they would have access to stuff like strings, empty spools, simple electrical components and tin foil, so they could for example make a small trip wire using one of several methods i thought up:
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this one is a pressure pad you can hide under a carpet that sets off a small light or beeper.
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this one is a single use tripwire that would not require miles of electrical wire lol.
two things to note: the actual schematics in the book are going to look much nicer but also i’m approaching writing this book with publishing in mind, so I’m steering clear of actually dangerous things like blades and anything stronger than a small battery. which is a shame- i have a very funny story about how i personally once nearly set my building on fire trying to make a lamp when i was like 11, but that’s not the kind of stuff that will get published for middle grade/early young adult readers. I hate having to squash my book into a category like this, but if i’m to have any hope of doing what i love for the rest of my life, this feels like a necessary sacrifice. 
now, as an aside, let’s talk about something I personally do that I think might be helpful to others and I’m going to illustrate my point by sharing spoilers for a project I won't get to for another couple of years. 
Around 2014 was my very first attempt at writing something. it was a story called “Last of the Predators”, a very angsty attempt at something serious written by a version of me with no connection to the subject matter whatsoever. it had no plot outline, end in mind or clearly defined characters. Everyone spoke in the same monotone calm way and every paragraph had way too much description of the person’s emotional state. I eventually lost interest and dropped it, even deleting the blog I had been using to document the updates on. 
shortly after I started making comics, i came up with the ice cream men: a story that follows two aliens kicked off their planet who arrive on earth. In their boredom, they decide to follow the recipe for something called ice cream, inevitably bringing up a million other topics along the way. This might sound fun, but when I came up with it at the time it didn’t feel enough to justify the commitment it would require. it initially focused too much on jokes and really didn’t have much to offer in the way of depth. so i shelved the idea for a while and this is the piece of advice i have:
don’t throw ideas away, just shelve them. 
around this time is where my studies got in the way. When you’re just starting out trying to make art, everything stops you dead in your tracks. It wasn't until I started working on illustrating almost home that the creative gears started turning again. I came up with a whole bunch of things, but some of what I did is revisit my folder of abandoned projects. Sometimes when a project feels dull, it can be helpful to merge it with another one. This doesn’t always work but when it does it can lead to very interesting results.  This is what I did with the ice cream men. I took the philosophical premise of the ice cream men which suffered from an underdeveloped plot and bad setting that didn’t suit the theme, and I combined it with the idea that survived after I cut all the slack out of Last of the predators which is the following:
The world LOTP is set in suffered a cataclysmic event that killed all the animals. Humans being how they are, they quickly built a religion around this and decided that some people have “predator souls” while others have “prey souls”, even going as far as to genetically engineer the way people look to introduce animalistic features to faces and bodies. The story is very political in nature and revolves around this role reversal that happens many many years after the cataclysm… and that’s where all the bullshit comes into play that I cut out. 
As a side note, what I just told you is the polished version of the lore I rewrote for this devlog- it’s not the one I decided to settle on for the ice cream men but I'm sharing it regardless for the sake of documentation. point is: the reason this felt relevant to me is because combining this with the ice cream men added a layer of intrigue to the story which i really liked:
two aliens are kicked off their planet and arrive on a deserted planet which the reader knows is earth. In their boredom, they decide to follow the recipe for something called ice cream, inevitably discovering more about this strange planet and its past… 
That past is the yet untold story of LOTP, with a less shitty name and more consideration given to the themes and mechanics of the things at play. so effectively we have several narrative layers at play:
the ice cream thing which could be a commentary on purpose or the creative process in addition to being a fun jumping off point for comedic relief
the past of the planet which could offer some mystery to the story, and maybe encourage some more serious topics to be brought up
and a third secret one, that i’m not willing to share just yet.
which i think is a story more worth telling. Here's another example more immediately relevant to our devlog. two years ago, I was thinking about how funny it would be to have unnecessarily complicated contraptions in the kitchen. the type of stuff you see unemployed engineers do for social media instead of benefiting mankind. I asked myself how would you go about making those contraptions useful: maybe someone could benefit from them if they were for example disabled, cool. too straightforward for my liking. What if they were small? like… as small as a bug? a very small chef. 
how to cook when you’re 2 inches tall. that sounds fun i like it. What if it was a cookbook where part of the instructions were these complicated instructions on how to build and solder electronics? fun! I need a chef and an engineer to do that. I am neither. 
don’t throw ideas away, just shelve them. 
I kept thinking about that for a while. I imagined our protagonist Claude, a small hercules beetle who loves to cook. I wrote three versions of the script of a comic and even discussed making it a short animation at some point, but it didn’t feel right. it’s not the vision. It needs to be a cookbook.
queue Killouette and the fact that I’m really annoyed at how the camera can see everything. I remembered the idea I had with the cookbook, so I thought why not borrow some of that and make it a diary?  Let’s add Claude in there as well for good measure. Maybe then how to cook when you’re 2 inches tall can be the one that comes after Killouette if I’m lucky enough to get funding. A grown Claude who made it big as a cook. By combining the two projects into two parts of the same series, I fixed the problem I had with the camera and added continuity to two otherwise one off projects. 
So maybe that’s something to keep in mind. don’t throw away ideas, shelve them instead. 
Next week we’ll be looking into the supplementary children’s book attached to killouette.
devlog updates on tuesdays. 
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tianablackwell · 6 months
So…I saw a post about whipping (because I’m such a sucker for pretty boys being whipped 🙂) AND I got to thinking…..One Piece?? Zoro?? Ehehhehehehehehhee
Trigger Warnings: not much just some intense fear and yeah whippings and some cursing
Usopp’s face contorted in fear as the commander talked.
“If you were pirates, we would have to simply hand you over to the Navy. But fortunately, you’re not. And oh, that makes it so much better.”
It was supposed to be so simple. Grab the poneglyph and run. Why did they have to get caught? It was just a stupid normal rock anyways. Stupid decisions. Stupid idea. Stupid stupid stupid -
“According to the rules of the country, any thief caught stealing confidential government information shall be punished with 500 lashes. However, as there are five of you…”
Usopp glanced at the others. Sanji, Nami, Brook, and Robin’s faces were all filled with fear in some shape or form. The guard stepping forward holding a cat-o-nine tail whip was NOT helping.
“Oi, if you dare touch the ladies I’ll kick you back to where you came from, you tete de noeu-”
There was a smack when Sanji’s head slammed into the floor, and then a quiet drip as blood began to trickle down the cook’s head. The man’s insulting foot tapped impatiently on the floor.
“Since you clearly haven’t learned the severity of the situation, an extra 50 lashes for this one.”
Sanji lunged at the man but he was caught by the thick chains encircling his hands.
“Fine. 50 more for each of them. Maybe that’ll make you keep your mouth shut, hmm?”
Sanji let out a sound that sounded like an angry mother bear, but he obeyed nonetheless. Usopp could hear Nami choking back a sob while the commander chuckled.
“We didn’t steal it, I swear! We just got lost. I swear I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”
“You got lost? IN A COURTYARD?” The man’s blood began to boil. “Let me get this straight. You expect me to believe that you got lost in a courtyard at the same time a copy of my poneglyph, my information, was almost stolen right from under my nose?! You have no proof of your innocence, and I don’t even need a confession from you good for nothing thieves, you hear?!”
Usopp thought that if they put the copy back or at least threw it into a similar looking room, they wouldn’t have enough evidence to prove that an actual thievery attempt was made. Clearly he was wrong.
“Sir!” A servant appeared from an outside door. “A samurai is waiting outside for you.”
“Tell him to wait.”
“But sir…”
“I said to tell him to wait!”
Another servant scurried up to him and whispered something in his ear.
The commander spun around with eyes red as scarlet. “Then why didn’t you tell me sooner?!” The man strode out of the room before he snapped his fingers at some guards. On his command, the five crewmates were dragged out the door into a guarded square. The barred fence was strong but still allowed anyone to look in and watch. It was like a scene from a horror movie.
Some curious children tried to be onlookers, but their parents dragged them away quickly without glancing back.
Usopp felt tears coming to his eyes as he was taken beyond his crewmates tied up behind him and to a triangular platform with thick ropes hanging from above.
It hurt. Tears were threatening to start pouring down his cheeks as he felt his upper clothes stripped off and his back made bare. His shoulders burned from the amount of pressure - his feet could barely touch the ground and refused to hold any weight.
It seemed like ages before a guard came back and untied him.
“There’s been a mistake. Your sentence has been removed. You’ll be moved immediately.”
Time seemed to move in slow motion as the group was thrown out of the courtyard and into the safety of an abandoned road that Usopp knew would eventually lead home. Even though he knew now that they would be okay, he still felt himself bawling with relief. The small group of pirates shuffled their way home, each comforting another until they finally reached the safety of their beds.
Chopper greeted them with worry and enthusiasm, having been absolutely terrified upon hearing they had been captured and also bawling with relief upon finding them virtually unharmed.
With everyone else gone (the rest of the pirate crew was on a different island at the time), save Zoro who had gotten lost on his walk, again, he had been unsure of what to do or how to react and had spent all of his allowance on a variety of medical supplies just in case.
It was hardly dark but the group of pirates snuggled in close next to each other and began to sleep safe and sound.
And they were.
Until there was a loud noise and Sanji heard the door open with a thud.
“Oi, Marimo, maybe keep it down for the rest of us who didn’t get lost?”
There was a loud and annoyed grunt before he heard something drop and a dish clattered to the floor as a result. Sanji rolled his eyes and got out of bed as he searched for the source of the sound. He glanced in the kitchen and placed the dish back in the cupboard before peering into the living space.
Unsurprised, he found the swordsman laid oddly against the wall, presumably asleep. He mumbled some incoherent curses towards the swordsman before catching the glimpse of the finger. The cook snorted and crawled back into his bed, ignoring the man altogether.
It was morning when Usopp heard the loud yelling of Chopper.
And……if you wanna find out next you gonna have to read the next post
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borathae · 7 months
Why is needy Tete for Koo bunny losing, you girlies we had a chance at sweet talking MV taehyung and we're missing it 😭
Can we at least get a hc of him sweet talking oc and melting her with words 😭😭😭😭😭 I'm emotionally deprived pls
Listen in the light if recent events I just need all the yearning one shots and sentimental smutty goodness with these boys and rm and Jiminie 😭😭😭 a bitch just wants love making taehyung ok? Let me be 😭😭😭😭😭
LIKE SERIOUSLY YOU GUYS HAD ONE JOB 😭😭 I never should have made a poll ahhahah now I gotta write the oneshot I least wanted to write JFJADJFSJ 😩 I mean, it's still gonna be great (hopefully) but DAMN I wanted my needy, snotty, pouty Tae nfadnfnadn 😩😩
ALSO I UNDERSTAND YOU SO WELL BESTIE JFADJFJ I've spent my past few days writing THREE ( T H R E E) ONESHOTS ABOUT AAOL KOOK COMING HOME AFTER A BUSINESS TRIP fjajsdf like Kook hasn't even left yet and I already want him to come home JFJADFJ 😭😭
Now, for the HCs:
Tae is a sweet talker
all day ever day
but especially at night
when they're already in bed and he's just sleepy enough that he can't control what comes out of his mouth
that's when he gets all sappy with her
and that's also when he keeps listing all the things he loves about her
and then he proceeds to whine about how perfect she is and
how much he loves her
before falling asleep with a pout on his lips becuase
"it's unfair how perfect she is"
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rjalker · 7 months
THE DOWRY by Guy de Maupassant
The marriage of Maitre Simon Lebrument with Mademoiselle Jeanne Cordier was a surprise to no one. Maitre Lebrument had bought out the practice of Maitre Papillon; naturally, he had to have money to pay for it; and Mademoiselle Jeanne Cordier had three hundred thousand francs clear in currency, and in bonds payable to bearer.
Maitre Lebrument was a handsome man. He was stylish, although in a provincial way; but, nevertheless, he was stylish—a rare thing at Boutigny-le-Rebours.
Mademoiselle Cordier was graceful and fresh-looking, although a trifle awkward; nevertheless, she was a handsome girl, and one to be desired.
The marriage ceremony turned all Boutigny topsy-turvy. Everybody admired the young couple, who quickly returned home to domestic felicity, having decided simply to take a short trip to Paris, after a few days of retirement.
This tete-a-tete was delightful, Maitre Lebrument having shown just the proper amount of delicacy. He had taken as his motto: “Everything comes to him who waits.” He knew how to be at the same time patient and energetic. His success was rapid and complete.
After four days, Madame Lebrument adored her husband. She could not get along without him. She would sit on his knees, and taking him by the ears she would say: “Open your mouth and shut your eyes.” He would open his mouth wide and partly close his eyes, and he would try to nip her fingers as she slipped some dainty (small dessert) between his teeth. Then she would give him a kiss, sweet and long, which would make chills run up and down his spine. And then, in his turn, he would not have enough caresses to please his wife from morning to night and from night to morning.
When the first week was over, he said to his young companion:
“If you wish, we will leave for Paris next Tuesday. We will be like two lovers, we will go to the restaurants, the theatres, the concert halls, everywhere, everywhere!”
She was ready to dance for joy.
“Oh! yes, yes. Let us go as soon as possible.”
He continued:
“And then, as we must forget nothing, ask your father to have your dowry ready; I shall pay Maitre Papillon on this trip.”
She answered:
“All right: I will tell him to-morrow morning.”
And he took her in his arms once more, to renew those sweet games of love which she had so enjoyed for the past week.
The following Tuesday, father-in-law and mother-in-law went to the station with their daughter and their son-in-law who were leaving for the capital.
The father-in-law said:
“I tell you it is very imprudent to carry so much money about in a pocketbook.” And the young lawyer smiled.
“Don't worry; I am accustomed to such things. You understand that, in my profession, I sometimes have as much as a million about me. In this manner, at least we avoid a great amount of red tape and delay. You needn't worry.”
The conductor was crying:
“All aboard for Paris!”
They scrambled into a car, where two old ladies were already seated.
Lebrument whispered into his wife's ear:
“What a bother! I won't be able to smoke.”
She answered in a low voice
“It annoys me too, but not an account of your cigar.”
The whistle blew and the train started. The trip lasted about an hour, during which time they did not say very much to each other, as the two old ladies did not go to sleep.
As soon as they were in front of the Saint-Lazare Station, Maitre Lebrument said to his wife:
“Dearie, let us first go over to the Boulevard and get something to eat; then we can quietly return and get our trunk and bring it to the hotel.”
She immediately assented.
“Oh! yes. Let's eat at the restaurant. Is it far?”
He answered:
“Yes, it's quite a distance, but we will take the omnibus.”
She was surprised:
“Why don't we take a cab?”
He began to scold her smilingly:
“Is that the way you save money? A cab for a five minutes' ride at six cents a minute! You would deprive yourself of nothing.”
“That's so,” she said, a little embarrassed.
A big omnibus was passing by, drawn by three big horses, which were trotting along. Lebrument called out:
“Conductor! Conductor!”
The heavy carriage stopped. And the young lawyer, pushing his wife, said to her quickly:
“Go inside; I'm going up on top, so that I may smoke at least one cigarette before lunch.”
She had no time to answer. The conductor, who had seized her by the arm to help her up the step, pushed her inside, and she fell into a seat, bewildered, looking through the back window at the feet of her husband as he climbed up to the top of the vehicle.
And she sat there motionless, between a fat man who smelled of cheap tobacco and an old woman who smelled of garlic.
All the other passengers were lined up in silence—a grocer's boy, a young girl, a soldier, a gentleman with gold-rimmed spectacles and a big silk hat, two ladies with a self-satisfied and crabbed look, which seemed to say: “We are riding in this thing, but we don't have to,” two sisters of charity and an undertaker. They looked like a collection of caricatures.
The jolting of the wagon made them wag their heads and the shaking of the wheels seemed to stupefy them—they all looked as though they were asleep.
The young woman remained motionless.
“Why didn't he come inside with me?” she was saying to herself. An unaccountable sadness seemed to be hanging over her. He really need not have acted so.
The sisters motioned to the conductor to stop, and they got off one after the other, leaving in their wake the pungent smell of camphor. The bus started tip and soon stopped again. And in got a cook, red-faced and out of breath. She sat down and placed her basket of provisions on her knees. A strong odor of dish-water filled the vehicle.
“It's further than I imagined,” thought Jeanne.
The undertaker went out, and was replaced by a coachman who seemed to bring the atmosphere of the stable with him. The young girl had as a successor a messenger, the odor of whose feet showed that he was continually walking.
The lawyer's wife began to feel ill at ease, nauseated, ready to cry without knowing why.
Other persons left and others entered. The stage went on through interminable streets, stopping at stations and starting again.
“How far it is!” thought Jeanne. “I hope he hasn't gone to sleep! He has been so tired the last few days.”
Little by little all the passengers left. She was left alone, all alone. The conductor cried:
Seeing that she did not move, he repeated:
She looked at him, understanding that he was speaking to her, as there was no one else there. For the third time the man said:
Then she asked:
“Where are we?”
He answered gruffly:
“We're at Vaugirard, of course! I have been yelling it for the last half hour!”
“Is it far from the Boulevard?” she said.
“Which boulevard?”
“The Boulevard des Italiens.”
“We passed that a long time ago!”
“Would you mind telling my husband?”
“Your husband! Where is he?”
“On the top of the bus.”
“On the top! There hasn't been anybody there for a long time.”
She started, terrified.
“What? That's impossible! He got on with me. Look well! He must be there.”
The conductor was becoming uncivil:
“Come on, little one, you've talked enough! You can find ten men for every one that you lose. Now run along. You'll find another one somewhere.”
Tears were coming to her eyes. She insisted:
“But, monsieur, you are mistaken; I assure you that you must be mistaken. He had a big portfolio under his arm.”
The man began to laugh:
“A big portfolio! Oh, yes! He got off at the Madeleine. He got rid of you, all right! Ha! ha! ha!”
The stage had stopped. She got out and, in spite of herself, she looked up instinctively to the roof of the bus. It was absolutely deserted.
Then she began to cry, and, without thinking that anybody was listening or watching her, she said out loud:
“What is going to become of me?”
An inspector approached:
“What's the matter?”
The conductor answered, in a bantering tone of voice:
“It's a lady who got left by her husband during the trip.”
The other continued:
“Oh! that's nothing. You go about your business.”
Then he turned on his heels and walked away.
She began to walk straight ahead, too bewildered, too crazed even to understand what had happened to her. Where was she to go? What could she do? What could have happened to him? How could he have made such a mistake? How could he have been so forgetful?
She had two francs in her pocket. To whom could she go? Suddenly she remembered her cousin Barral, one of the assistants in the offices of the Ministry of the Navy.
She had just enough to pay for a cab. She drove to his house. He met her just as he was leaving for his office. He was carrying a large portfolio under his arm, just like Lebrument.
She jumped out of the carriage.
“Henry!” she cried.
He stopped, astonished:
“Jeanne! Here—all alone! What are you doing? Where have you come from?”
Her eyes full of tears, she stammered:
“My husband has just got lost!”
“Lost! Where?”
“On an omnibus.”
“On an omnibus?”
Weeping, she told him her whole adventure.
He listened, thought, and then asked:
“Was his mind clear this morning?”
“Good. Did he have much money with him?”
“Yes, he was carrying my dowry.”
“Your dowry! The whole of it?”
“The whole of it—in order to pay for the practice which he bought.”
“Well, my dear cousin, by this time your husband must be well on his way to Belgium.”
She could not understand. She kept repeating:
“My husband—you say—”
“I say that he has disappeared with your—your capital—that's all!”
She stood there, a prey to conflicting emotions, sobbing.
“Then he is—he is—he is a villain!”
And, faint from excitement, she leaned her head on her cousin's shoulder and wept.
As people were stopping to look at them, he pushed her gently into the vestibule of his house, and, supporting her with his arm around her waist, he led her up the stairs, and as his astonished servant opened the door, he ordered:
“Sophie, run to the restaurant and get a luncheon for two. I am not going to the office to-day.
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ghastlybespoke · 1 year
The essential Gaskell storyline episodes list. Episodes you absolutely must watch for the storyline are in bold, episodes that aren't must-watches but have Johnrik scenes are in italics, episodes that don't have John in them but are important for storylines he's involved in are in parentheses. (A lot of this is copied from post/697935241117040640/ on my blog lol.)
(Series 19 episode 58 “It Has To Be Now”) - This one doesn’t actually have Gaskell in it, but it sets up the history between Henrik, Roxanna, David Hopkins, and John. Basically, it's the prologue to the Gaskell storyline.
Series 19 episode 61 “Group Animal - Part One” and episode 62 “Group Animal - Part Two” - This two-parter is where John actually arrives. I’d say it’s THE best two episodes of Holby ever.
Series 19 episode 63 “We Need To Talk About Fredrik” - This one isn’t too important, but I’d recommend it anyway because it does a lot to start showing what sort of character John is.
Series 19 episode 64 “Always Forever” - Again, not too important, but it starts developing his character.
(Series 20 episode 1 "The Prisoner") - John isn't in this, but it's very important for the Oliver storyline, which John is quite heavily involved in.
Series 20 episode 2 “Ready or Not” and series 20 episode 3 “There By The Grace Of…” - This is where John’s medical trials start.
Series 20 episode 4 “Hanssen Is As Hanssen Does” - More important trial stuff.
Series 20 episode 5 “One Day At A Time” - John operates on his first trial patient.
Series 20 episode 6 “Not Your Home Now” - Some generally important plot stuff here, particularly related to Henrik’s storyline which of course ties into John’s. You could skip it if you really wanted though.
Series 20 episode 7 “Precipice” - Important interactions between John and Roxanna.
Series 20 episode 9 “Ache” - Skippable, but there’s some stuff with John and Roxanna that’s worth watching.
Series 20 episode 10 “Square One” - Really important, unskippable stuff about John’s trial.
Series 20 episode 13 “No Matter Where You Go, There You Are - Part Two” - More trial stuff, plus some Johnrik interaction. The two episodes before this aren’t that important to John’s storyline, though they are important to other stories.
Series 20 episode 14 “Tete a Tate”, series 20 episode 15 “Tate Gallery”, and series 20 episode 16 “New Ain’t All It’s Cracked Up To Be” - All important episodes for the trial.
Series 20 episode 19 “Bubble Wrap” - This is a HUGE episode for John’s storyline, especially the trial.
Series 20 episode 20 “Blind Spot” - Some minor stuff wrt John’s trial, and some good Johnrik scenes, but very skippable. It’s more important for Henrik’s storyline than John’s.
Series 20 episode 23 “None But The Brave” - John agrees to do surgery on Jac.
Series 20 episode 24 and 25 “Primum Non Nocere - Part One” and “Primum Non Nocere - Part Two” - Jac has her operation.
Series 20 episode 26 “Fallen Idol” - Roxanna comes to see John in Portugal and finds out about the patient he’s treating there.
Series 20 episode 28 “Into The Light” - More important stuff about John’s trial. There’s also a guest appearance by Ethan from Casualty!
Series 20 episode 30 “Two for Joy” - Important stuff regarding John and Jac.
Series 20 episode 32 “Bygones”, episode 33 “Bargaining”, and episode 34 “All Business” - REALLY important stuff regarding John and Jac.
Series 20 episode 36 “Keep Your Friends Close” - Roxanna travels to Lisbon to investigate John’s work, and asks Henrik to keep an eye on John while she’s away.
Series 20 episode 37 “All Lies Lead To The Truth” - The big confrontation between John and Roxanna. This has the most awful scene where Roxanna claims she never loved her husband David and wanted to be with Henrik instead, but sadly, it's essential to the storyline.
Series 20 episode 38 “One Man And His God” - A flashback to John, Henrik, and Rox’s university days.
Series 20 episode 39 “Undoing” - Follows on from the previous two episodes. This is THE biggest moment in John’s storyline. Prepare yourself - it's very dark and horror-y.
Series 20 episode 40 “Inscrutable” - Follows on from the end of “Undoing”, but John only appears at the very beginning and very end of the episode, so it can be skipped. I'd strongly recommend watching it anyway, but it feels unfair marking an episode where John appears so little as a must-watch, so I won't.
Series 20 episode 41 “The Three Musketeers” and series 20 episode 42 “Stains” - Really important stuff, building up to John’s last episodes…
Series 20 episode 45 “Report To The Mirror - Part One” and series 20 episode 46 “Report To The Mirror - Part Two” - The reveal of John’s backstory. The truth comes out about the trial. And part two is John’s final episode.
Series 20 episode 47 “One Of Us” - An epilogue to the storyline, clearing up the cliffhangers from “Report To The Mirror”.
thank you so much :)! ill try my best to make my way through this, but it might take me a while as life's been pretty busy and it might be for a bit longer, but ill definitely try and get through at least the important ones, thank you again, :)
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littlemessyjessi · 2 years
I'm back.
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I tried to take a little break from kpop writing and do other things.
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Yes TeTe. I know . how disgusting of me?
But I wanted to take a break and explore other topics.
Separation is good sometimes.
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You shut your filthy mouth, Jungkook.
Ahem, anyway.
But I've fallen down the down the purple rabbit hole again because somebunny wouldn't stay off my for you page on tiktok.
We all know who somebunny is.
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Yeah, you, you little bitch.
And I thought I could resist.
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Thought I could claw my way out.
Resist temptation...
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Resistance was futile....
I was so naive...
But still I had a shred of hope. I was watching stranger things and telling myself to hold on for Eddie.
But then....
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He emerged from the depths of my soul...
My weakness...
My bias...
I no longer had a choice.
Yoongus had come to drag me back.
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Shut up, Yoon. I'm building suspense.
Anyway, I wasn't giving up. I was still fighting. I was hopeful.
And then, as if he heard his name as I clawed for a shred of resistance.
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HE descended.
I was gone.
I had no more fight left.
And with that, I turned, teary eyed at the acceptance of my doom.
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Three sets of beautiful eyes waiting patiently.
I had succumbed again.
But I was home.
In all seriousness, it's good to be back and if you didn't leave halfway through me being dramatic as shit, then I applaud you.
I'm just being silly.
Anyway, love you and kpop requests are officially opened again!!!!
Love, K
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crystalsnow95z · 8 months
Can I request Jimin coming down with a cold during a fanmeet? so army is worried for him but he stifles his sneezes and pretends he is okay
This got really long.. sorry for the ridiculous amount of fluff in the beginning before getting to the actual fanmeet.
Sorry he's apparently very bad at pretending he's okay but that's just how it came out🤷‍♀️
"Jiminie, I don't know what I should wear." Hoseok whined from the closet, bringing out several different outfits, dropping some as he walked.
"Did you bring out your whole wardrobe?" Jimin giggles when he sees his roommate up to his nose in clothes, dropping them onto his bed, going back for the clothing he lost.
"No, maybe a quarter of it? Did you already choose yours Mini?" Hoseok starts pairing outfits together.
"Yeah I did last...ah...heh..heh'tichi !" Jimin quickly covers his face. "Heh..hehitdhi!"
"Bless you, Jiminie. You've been sneezing a lot since yesterday. Are you sure you're up for this?" Hoseok looks over the younger vocalist. Jimin's nose was pink, and his voice came out soft and congested.
"Yes, if I take some medicine I'll be..heh..heh'itch!" Jimin sniffles, rubbing his nose. He wasn't feeling well at all, but he didn't want to let army down. His sinuses were swollen, causing a throbbing headache and his throat was sore, having to speak softly so it didn't hurt as much to talk.
"I'll go get you some medicine.." Hoseok leaves the room, going into the bathroom where Yoongi and Taehyung were brushing their teeth. He opens the medicine cabinet, pulling out the cough syrup.
Taehyung spits into the sink. "Is Jiminie still not feeling well?"
"No, he's gotten worse overnight, but he seems to still be excited to go to the fanmeet.." Hoseok explains, leaving the bathroom with Taehyung at his heels.
"I heard your cold got worse.. I wanted to see..ah Minnah.. your nose is red now.." Taehyung goes up to Jimin, touching the tip of his nose.
"I'm okay Tete. It's just a little cold." Jimin smiles, trying to stop his urge to sniffle with his brothers standing in front of him.
"Here, take this, Jiminie." Hoseok pours him a shot of medicine, trying to pass it over to him. "Huh? Jiminie?"
Jimin steps back instead of grabbing it putting up a finger, his breath hitching as a sneeze builds. "Heh..heh..Heh'tichi! Heh...heitxchugh..!" He sniffles, taking the medicine in one swallow. "Thanks, Hyungie.."
"Hopefully it'll work quickly.. we only have ten minutes until staff comes to get us. Do you need anything else? Some water? Some pain pills? I'm already ready. I just need to put on my shoes." Taehyung's voice is thick with worry, but he knew Jimin wouldn't stay home to rest.
"Ten minutes? Aiish.." Hoseok starts digging through his pile of clothes. "Okay..okay.. I narrowed it down!"
"That would be great, Taehyungie. I got a bit of a headache." Jimin picks up a jacket from Hoseok's bed, trying to hide how awful he felt. "What about this one? It'll go good with those pants you're holding."
Taehyung leaves the two to figure out Hoseok's wardrobe fiasco.
"Oh, sh*t I'm sorry Jiminie have I been too loud?" Hoseok lowered his voice.
"No, no you're okay.." Jimin lied to spare Hoseok's feelings. Each time his voice raised with excitement, it made the pain intensify. "We need to hurry Hyungie, what about the outfit?" He quickly gets him back on topic.
"That's a great idea. Very cute." Hoseok holds them together. "Now, what shirt. Maybe this one? Or.. maybe a plain white one?" He sighs, looking at four different options he pulled. "Next time, don't let me ask the stylist if I could choose myself.."
"Heh..heh'itch..! You're just overthinking it. Army won't care what you wear. They just want to meet us." Jimin pretends he didn't sneeze, continuing the conversation like nothing happened, but Hoseok doesn't.
"Are you sure you'll be okay? It's going to be loud there and you know we'll get requested to sing at least a bit.. your voice is off.." Hoseok reaches to touch Jimin, checking for warmth in his cheeks.
"It's just a little cold. I'll be fine. I've done full concerts in..ah..ah..achitdh!" Jimin sneezes into his elbow. "Ugh...worse condition." He finishes his sentence wiping his nose with the back of his hand.
"I know, I know.. i just worry about you." Hoseok starts getting changed, not having the time to fret over his ailing roommate.
Taehyung returns with pain medicine, shaking out two pills for Jimin. "Here Mini. This should help.." Even with Jimin trying his hardest to hide how he felt, his soulmate didn't fall for his fake smile. "You should try to rest on the way to the meet. Okay?"
Despite sleeping the whole forty-five minutes, it took to reach the fanmeet location Jimin still woke up feeling groggy and even more congested than before. They arrived early so they could get their makeup done, but the lucky Army who won the contest were already waiting outside.
"Oh wow.. thats more people than I thought.." Jungkook presses against the glass to see army lined up outside, the suv driving to the back entrance where they could discreetly enter.
"I hope they won't have to wait too long. We might have to set up a timer system so no one gets too little or too much time." Jin notes.
"Maybe we should've kept the number lower." Namjoon felt nerves churning in his stomach. Meeting army up close was much harder than performing for all of them.
"We made the meet two and a half hours this time.. we'll be fine." Yoongi looks at Jimin when he hears a loud sniffle from him. "I thought you were getting over your cold.. are you okay?"
"I thought I was too, but this morning it was worse.." Jimin gets a tissue, trying to clean up his face for the makeup artist to work with, but when he wipes away the drip, he triggers even more sneezes. "Hehitduch! Heh..heh..hehitcjsh! Heh..heh..." The last sneeze doesn't come on its own, having to force it out by rubbing and wiggling his nose. "Hah..haschi!"
Hoseok gets him a new tissue. "Here you go, Minnah."
"Thanks Hyung.." Jimin blows his nose, soaking the tissue with thick mucus. "I'm sorry Noona.." he bows, trying his best to stifle his sneezes as she tries to get his face done as quickly as possible.
"It's okay Jimin-ssi. Just tell me if you can't hold it back or if it becomes too much." The stylist says with a sympathic smile.
Jimin sat there trying to stay still, his breath hitching as he stifled his sneezes, constantly sniffling. He was reaching his limits, eyes watering as the pressure builds up.
"Do you need a break, Jimin-sii? Your eyes are watering..it's okay if you do, sweetheart." She asks, gently wiping a tear away.
Jimin nods, spinning away from her to release the sneezes he was holding, trying his best to not ruin her hard work. "Hehtichih!Heh..hehitcxh! Heh...heh...heihitchugh!" He sniffles loudly, gently dabbing his nostrils. "I'm sorry.." he turns back to face her, letting her touch up around his nose, holding his breath as she works.
"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault. I'm nearly done." She reassures him with a kind smile. "I'll add extra makeup near your eyes and on your nose.."
The crowd roars in cheers when the members come in site, Jimin only able to pick up the name of his teammates and that they love them. He was glad the medicine kicked in, making it bearable except when they got especially high in pitch.
Jimin waves and bows on his way to the table staff set up for them along with the others members each of them picking up the mic set out for them.
The seven line up, ready to greet army "2!3!" RM cues them to bow, all seven speaking in unison. "We are BTS."
The crowd cheers loudly, the fannmeet officially beginning.
"Army! Hello!" Jin checks his mic, the crowd all greeting him with cheers and hellos.
"Army..I purple you." Taehyung tries his mic next, army mimicking him, waving various purple things to show their love.
Jimin felt his stomach tighten, knowing full well army would be able to hear his congested voice when he spoke. He wanted them to have fun, not worry about him the whole time. He let all the others go first before going, keeping his short and sweet. "Hello, I'm Jimin. I'm so excited to be here."
Hoseok quickly starts talking right after him, trying to distract army. "Are you ready to have some fun?"
Jimin could feel the tickle return at the very edge of his nose, his breath hitching to sneeze, but he used a trick Yoongi told him, rubbing his tongue across the top of his mouth, relaxing when it actually worked.
The first thing on the agenda of things to do with a Q&A, a bowl of questions being brought to the table.
"Alright army let's try to see how many we can get through in 20 minutes!" Hoseok reaches in the bowl, struggling with the English writing."{Could you do Silver spoon for army?} Namjoon-ah what one is silver spoon?"
"Ah..baepsae, baepsae." Namjoon answers him.
"They want to see your hip thrusts." Yoongi teased, Hoseok's ears turning red.
Hoseok playfully shoves him. "Only if you dance with me." He challenges the eldest rapper
"I don't think I remember it all." Yoongi admits.
"I'll show you Hyung." Taehyung gets up, speaking the lyrics as he does the chorus.
"Ah, ah, okay okay. Let's go. Us three." Yoongi sets up his phone, placing the mic next to it, starting the song in the middle.
As the three distract army Jimin takes it as his chance to sneeze, pressing his lips tightly together to try to silence it, a squeak coming out.
"You need a tissue Jimin?" Namjoon whispers by his ear.
"No, no, I'm fine." Jimin sniffles. If he kept grabbing tissues, he'd worry army. He'd much rather try to suffer silently. "I might have to wear a mask when we do the signing event, but I don't want to ruin their photos for now.."
"Not might, you'll have to. We don't want to get them sick." Jin tells him sternly.
Jimin nods.
"Okay challenge done! Next question." Hoseok uses his hands to silence army.
Namjoon reaches in plucking out a purple piece of paper. "What are your hobbies outside of music? Ah.. you should know I love going to museums and I really want to travel more for pleasure. Jungkook-ah?"
"Hmm...I haven't really done much lately.. I'm just working out..ah! I took up boxing again.. me and Jimin-sii both have."
The crowd cheers, and several army in the back ask for a demonstration.
"Boxing now? No, no we don't have gloves." Jungkook makes an excuse, not wanting to make Jimin use up what little energy he had.
The army in front agrees, shouting no, spending the message that Jimin wasn't doing well down the line, whispering and telling them to pass it on.
"What do you think they're talking about?" Jungkook asks curiously, noticing them leaning close to each other.
"Maybe they are planning a surprise for us?" Taehyung shrugs.
"Hah..hah.." Jimin covers his face, eyes watering as his breath hitching as another sneeze builds up, this time he didn't stop the sneeze. It just never came. He tried to rub the pain away, to no avail.
"Jiminie, do you need a break?" Taehyung asks when he sees him, but Jimin shakes his head, folding his hands in front of him.
"No.. no I just thought I had to sneeze, but I guess I don't." Jimin smiles through the pain. "What was the next question?"
"Ah, it was about pets, but you don't have any, so you're good. Here. Drink some water.." Taehyung passes him a waterbottle, taking over the conversation gushing over his dear Yeotan. "My mom sent me the cutest video yesterday. Hang on, army.. I'll show you." Taehyung pulls out his phone, searching for the small video and posting it on his social."Ta-da. It's done!" He smiles, watching the crowd rush on their phone to see where he posted it.
Jimin takes a drink of water, trying to soothe his throat. With all the mucus draining into his throat from his sniffling,it was irritating his throat, and Taehyung could hear it. He looks down, coughing while army was busy watching the clip Tae posted.
Hoseok reaches for Jimin's hand, giving it a squeeze. "You okay, Mini?"
"Yes. I think I need to go blow my nose, though.." Jimin admits, not wanting to continue to make himself worse.
"Go Jiminie, it's okay. We can handle the questions from here. We know each other well enough if they have any questions specifically for you." Hoseok reassures him.
Jimin gets up, leaving quickly to the bathroom. "Heh..heh'tichi! Heit..chi!" He sneezes into his hands, grimacing with the sticky mucus sprays onto them. "Ugh..this is the worst.." he sighs, trying to turn on the sink without touching the knob with his sticky hands.
"Here.. let me do it."
"Aiish!"Jimin jumps when he hears a voice in the bathroom with him, reaching to the faucet.
"Ah. I'm sorry Jimin hyung.. i just saw you struggling..." The young man bows. He was one of the Army invited to the event.
"Are you okay Jimin-sii?" One of the security rush to him when they hear his surprised yell,ready to protect him, but Jimin shakes his head.
"No, no, it's okay. I just didn't know he was already in here. It's okay." Jimin tells him, going back to washing the goo from his hands. "He was in here first.."
He backs off, but doesn't leave the bathroom.
"Here, Jimin hyung.. ah, Jimin-sii." He holds out a small packet of tissues from his fanny pack. "I'll see..see you when you come ba-back out. Feel better soon." He stammered nervously to look at Jimin in his eyes, leaving the restroom.
"Ah, thank you.." Jimin smiles. "Cute.." He was thankful that he didn't overstep his boundaries. He could've easily watched him from the stall until he left. He opened the tissue packet, blowing his nose, needing two tissues to clear it.
"Are you ready to go back?" The bodyguard asks when Jimin finishes washing his hands a second time.
"Yes. Thank you.." Jimin quickly returns to the table with the others sneezing three more times along the way, taking his seat. "Sorry, Army." He speaks into his microphone.
"It's okay!" They call back to him.
After a few games with the members they reached the part he was most nervous for, going face to face with army for the fan sign.
They lined up in a single file line, security keeping everything under control.
"Hello."Jungkook greets the first army warmly.
Jimin's breath hitched for another sneeze, but he refused to let it out, clamping his mouth shut, closing his eyes tightly as the pressure builds. It took a few more moments for the pain to dull down.
"Jimin-sii?" The young army girl asks shyly. "Are you okay?"
"Sorry..sorry.. I'm okay.." he bows his head, taking the book she offered him, signing the page presented to him. "What's your name?"
"It's Anki.."
"That's a pretty name.." Jimin's voice cracks halfway through.
"Feel better soon Oppa.. thank you. Uhm.. this is for you.." she presents him a crochet chick. "Me and my older sister made this for you.." she gestures to the older woman behind her who was giving Taehyung a stuffed bear in a tiger hat.
"You made this for me?" Jimin's eyes widen, gently running his hand across the stuffed animal. "Thank you so..heh..heh.." Jimin hides his face behind the plush, holding the sneeze back. "Ah..sorry.. Thank you.."
"It's okay if you need to sneeze.. i don't mind and either will my sister." Anki reassures him, moving on to Hoseok.
"Hello Jimin-sii." Anki's sister greets him. "Thank you for being here.."
"Thank you for waiting for us and for this beautiful gift.." Jimin hugs the chick to his chest. "It's really cute."
"That makes me happy. It took a month to finish all seven of them." She smiles brightly, passing him an old poster.
"Ah..this was..ah..heh..heh..Sorry.." Jimin sniffles forcing the sneeze back down, using a tissue to wipe his nose before signing.
"It's okay. You can't help getting sick. Just take care of yourself for me.." she folds her poster back up, moving to Hoseok, pulling out a stuffer squirrel, J-hope squealing happily at the kind gesture.
I don't remember the line moving this fast before...
Jimin was relieved it was going by quickly, greeting each army with a kind smile despite putting a mask on, engaging in small talk despite the raging headache and constant itch in the tip of his nose, forcing his sinuses to drain into the back of his throat, making him have to constantly clear his throat to get his voice out.
The boy he met in the bathroom approaches him. "I ah..I made this for you.." he offers him a goodie bag. "I..uhm.. I added some cough drops. I'm nearly over my cold.. so I don't need them anymore.."
"Thank you, that's very thoughtful...I'm okay though. Don't worry." Jimin ruffles through the bag, smiling when he pulls out the small collection of stickers having various memes from run bts.
"Please, Jimin-sii, you don't have to hide it.. you will worry us more if you keep hurting yourself.." He reached for Jimin's hand. "It's okay, to not be okay.."
Jimin squeezes the boy's hand. "It seems there's no hiding it, huh? Alright. I'll keep that in mind.."
Jimin stopped trying to hold back his sneezes when it was too painful, sneezing into a tissue. Army tried not to make a big deal about it, only giving him a quick bless you.
The fanmeet came to an end, the boys bidding farewell to army.
"Thank you for coming!" Namjoon gathers his members for one final bow. Jimin felt shaky on his feet, arms around Hoseok and Taehyung to help support him.
"Get well soon Park Jimin, We love you!" Army chant. Jimins eyes overflow with emotions tearing up. "Thank you army.. next time.. I hope to be able to give you my all.."
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 years
curly w her lil snake pet hcs
now allow me to make this abundantly clear, i didn’t genuinely research this cause i got tired of doin allat so all of this is running off of basic common sense and basic knowledge i have on snakes so do not take what i say to heart, this is simply for fun however if u do feel free to add on
now that i have settle the snake sheriffs, onto the hcs
•okok i always hc’d curly as like a snake nerd, especially when he was a kid
•it was literally his dream to just have a pet snake growing up and as time went on it was still a dream but like, not something he’d beg and cry over i guess
• okokok either curly found the snake when they were just smoking in the backyard and the snake was just,,,,slithering near them and they went “mine!!!”OR they got it from this super shady cool guy in a van
•LIL INFO ABOUT THE SNAKE ive decided the snake is a burmese python bc i wanted curly to have a pretty big snake (curlys snake is about 15ft long just bc heuheuheuheu, the snake is a girl, and she’s relatively pretty cool, burmese pythons r already seen as docile and non agressive but yknow what i mean, but ppl still see her as intimidating for,,,obvious,,reasons)
•now as FAR AS IK u can own a burmese python as a pet in oklahoma but even if u couldnt, i dont think curlys gonna care, also, they’re curly, they’re gonna do it anyways
•MOVING RIGHT ALONG the snakes ACTUAL name is “my boob” but her nickname is tete (which is haitian creole for boob, so its a lil inside joke for the shepards, they just tell ppl the snakes name is tete and giggle when the person actually calls them that so)
•BUT YEA curly rolls up w a 15ft big ass snake and everyone in the shepard house is hollering bloody murder cause bro,,,,why,,,,,how,,,,
•now ik what u might b thinking “this bitches r greasers,,,they r POOR,,,,how will curly afford to take care of a snake????” and to that i say, i poofed all the necessary materials into their house, i gave it to them so SHHHH
•curlys likes watching tete just slither around in her cage and is surprisingly silent while doing so????just sits infront of the cage like 👁👁 so there’s finally somewhat peace and quiet in the shepard household at least on curlys side
•OKOKOK so angela’s relationship w tete is weird bc god DAMN that snake is scary but so fucking cool
•i don’t know how to explain it so instead i’m just gonna give u moments that explain their relationship perfectly
-angela trying to actually hold tete but EVERYTIME she gets close she shrieks and pulls her hand away
-angela watching curly feed tete and just watching in absolute disgust, even going LOUDLY “EWWWWWWWWWW”
-angela wearing tete like those feather boas
•curly will always b smugly smiling at angela when she’s playing/bonding w tete and she’ll just go “stfu i don’t like this reptile mouse tail”
•NOW ONTO TIM AND TETE, tim is always like ‘i’ll show obvious happiness towards them but i’ll never admit i like them’ towards animals so this ain’t rlly any different
•sometimes curly walks into their room and sees tim just,,,,staring at tete in her lil cage
•from time to time tim feeds tete just bc he finds it cool
•tim comes home w shit for tete just to add to her cage, why?????cause he thinks she cools cool, duh
•OHOH as a kid curly would play like fake snake pranks on angela so now that they have a REAL SNAKE????yea they definitely take advantage of that
•tim could b chillin and hears angela scream and just sigh and go “curly stop fucking w angela w tete” so nonchalantly
•curly lets tete free roam sometimes, w supervision of course curly is always just, behind her at all times when he does let her out, and its always for like 10-15mins tops
•that one vine w that guy who had his snake wrapped around his arm and sharing his lollipop w the snake is the shepards w tete
•i don’t think pony’s rlly an ‘exotic pet’ fan, like he has 0 problems w exotic pets and exotic pet owners, it’s just not rlly his thing
•the first time pony came over and walked into curlys room he stopped dead in his tracks and went “what in the actual fuck is that” and curly went so excitedly “tete :D”
•now OF COURSE curly took her out the cage and put tete RIGHT in front of ponys face and tete licked him so,,,,that occurred
•BUT TO KEEP THINGS SHORT ponys actually kinda scared of her but can tolerate her, he does shake a bit while holding her so take that as u will
•BUT pony does help to take care of her when curly ask so, theres that
this has literally been in my drafts for days so im stopping here, this isnt proofread or fact checked or anything either lol
maybe ill come up w more hcs and post it then tho
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rom-e-o · 4 months
More inspo! I see TeTe getting Bess that matching jewelry set.
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Oh my gosh, this whole post is whimsigoth concentrate, and I'm absolutely living for it.
The jewelry set is absolutely a gift from TeTe! It come sin this luxurious, velvet box with silver lining for her birthday one year.
"To a young woman I've become blessed to know, and even more blessed to call family. Happy birthday, Bess~"
Now, onto these gorgeous gowns!
BESS, BESS, BESS of course! The velvet. The roses. It's too perfect for her. Gorgeous iconic dress. I could see Wolf proposing to her in this dress, or confessing to her in this dress. SOME BIG moments with this dress come to mind. It feels so HER.
Another Bess gown. this feels like moonlight concentrate. It's giving 'subtle' bride. Maybe bride-to-be? again, moon goddess energy. It feels similar to the first one Wolf saw her in with that down-the-street model strut. He's be speechless from this.
Are those TINY EMBROIDERED SUNS? If so...Connie would literally sparkle in this. This with some stilettos, choker and a martini glass in hand is a vibe.
Bess pulling this out at the end of a show and slinging it on to escape out the back door with her handsome beau to avoid paparazzi? Yes, please.
and 6. A Twin moment? Maybe for al all-black gala par party? These dresses are the canvases. I love the idea of them wearing similar black dresses, but they look so different on each one because of their preferred accessories and aesthetics.
Gal or Bess, for sure! With these accessories, I can so see Bess wearing this for a casual post-work date. Grabbing a bite and walking along the Thames, hand-in-hand with her lover. This dress also reminds me of sparkling ocean waves at night. That makes me easily picture Gal pulling it off too with some chunky boots. This dress would look especially dashing with a man's coat layers on top, on loan from a handsome boyfriend for the walk home in the cold.
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kimrobinson85 · 2 months
Managing The Chaos Belonging To The Busy Holiday Season - A Survival Guide
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