#tests classes days you name it. i have no idea wtf has been done what hasn't or when it is being done.
chqnified · 2 years
Are you ready for the test today?
.... There was a test planned for today????
Haha, well I'm going to fail that.
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lovingkaede · 3 years
Anon said: “Hii! I don’t know if you have a limit of characters but can you do Shuichi, Hajime, Fuyuhiko, Nagito, Kazuichi and Kokichi confessing? If you can’t do to all of them is totally ok! :)”
Hi, anon! I made Headcanons of Hajime and Shuichi already :’) But I can do it one more time for you!!!<3
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Shuichi Saihara
He’s soooo shy
He feels himself comfortable around you but also uncomfortable because you’re so attractive wtf
Also he loves your personality 11037% because you’re such an angel and never judge him
Him opening up is kind of hard, he’d get help 100%
Kaito, the best bro, helping him
Not totally making a script
Kaito and Shuichi prepare the environment. The atmosphere is just like how he wanted it to be!!
The only problem,, he’s being hesitant now
Seriously, Shuichi, NOW? Out of ALL THE TIMES?
“Come on! I already sent them the letter. No running away now!” Kaito yells
HE DID WHAT? Shuichi didn’t know about this
Okay, he’s right. He CAN’T leave now for the god’s sake
And you arrive
And you see Shuichi
You’re immediately like, “Shuichi? Was it you? This isn’t your handwriting-”
“Y/n,, I need... To tell you something.”
“What is it?” You ask patiently- you can tell what is it by the environment tho-
“Well, I, um, the truth is...” He finally looks up, being hesitant, eyes not meeting you for few second, “I’ve been taking a liking with you for a while now, and...”
Kaito is like: Bro, stop being so lame
And before he finishes, you just walk to him and straight up pull him into a hug
“Shuichiii... I like you, too,” Is all you say
He is
Guess who’s official now
Hajime Hinata
He’s been thinking if he should confess his feelings for you for a while now
And he’s been avoiding you for a while because of that,,
You’re worried if you did something wrong
So you decide to call him
He picks it up after 0,000003 seconds
Ha! Can’t resist. He’s been missing hearing your voice
Long silence.
“Uhmmmm,, are you okay?” You ask weirdly
“Uhhh, sure! I’m okay.”
Another long pause
“Come on, you don’t have to lie, at least not through phone,,” You say, you sound kind of sad to him (yOU OBVIOUSLY ARE WTF HAJIME
“I’m...,” He stutters, feeling his cheeks heaten up
This only happened when he saw you. Hearing your voice also does that to him??
“It’s okay, Hajime. But could you at least tell me the reason you’re avoiding me?” You patiently ask. You don’t want him to hang up without telling you
“I’ve been avoiding?? You??” He says, but you don’t buy it. You just wait for his reply
“...I’m a bad actor, huh...?” He sighs, “Well... Y/n, I’ll be honest with you.”
This is what you wanted to hear from the start.
“I,, you didn’t do anything wrong, you’re only being nice to me! There’s no way I’d avoid you on purpose,, I, I just... Uh, I like you, Y/n,” Words slip out of his mouth, “And I don’t want that to ruin our friendship, so I was trying to keep it to myself... Ever since then.”
He hears some weird noises from your side.
“Uhhh, Y/n? Are you there?”
“Yeah, I’m running.”
You. WHAT?
“I’m running to your house.” Bold Y/n Bold
“Why would you do that?”
“Because feelings mutual, dummy,” You hang up, only to leave him staring at his phone blankly
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Omg he’d be the most romantic one!!
He’d put so much thought and emotion into it when preparing around
He’d even try to prepare the food- Peko helping him 100%
He’s just sooo excited
You didn’t expect the Baby Gangsta to suddenly call you to come over
He sends you the adress
You’re suspicious?? You don’t know that place??
Is he going to kill you??
Of course not!! He wouldn’t do anything like that........ To you, at least.
Anyways, after half of an hour, you arrive at the place. It’s a beach
It’s dark, you don’t see a thing-
“Fuyuhiko... Where’re you?” You ask nervously, looking around to see him
You don’t look where you step and and almost fall down
Omg- it’s him
“Y/n, are you okay?”
That’s so cuteeee
You just nod as he takes you to the place
Wow. The boy made a whole romantic dinner scene at the beach. Just for you
You rub your eyes.
“Hey... Don’t just stare, sit.”
You do as he says and look around you. You’re so surprised
“Don’t tell me you don’t like it,” He says, sounding offended
“Oh, noo, I like it. I like it so much, actually,”
“Hehe, knew it.”
“Did you make it all yourself?”
“No... Peko helped me a lot.”
You two don’t talk for a long while... And just then, you both call your names at the same time-
“Ah, you go first,” You say, because you’re faster than him
“I, okay, well, I guess you kind of expect why I organized this all, right...?” He asks, even he is unsure.
You blink as you feel your cheeks getting hot
“Well, it’s because,, I wanted to surprise you, and make you happy, I think I did a pretty good job, right?” He says jokingly, but you can see how nervous he is with this whole thing “And... This isn’t all. I wanted to... Tell you something. You’re someone... Really important to me, you know? And I keep wanting to spend more time with you,, that sounds so lame, doesn’t it?” He laughs as he looks at your face, “Well, it’s true. I like you, I like you a lot,”
Before he says more, you give him a kiss
It’s a soft, yet passionate kiss
When you break the kiss, he hides his face, clearly blushing, “Idiot... Don’t do something so sudden.”
Do it again.
Nagito Komaeda
Oh noooo
His inferiority complex: Let’s us introduce ourselves
He wants to, but he CAN’T.
Why would you even want to be something more than friends when he’s just trash???
Why would you even want to be close to him. As a friend or less
You have no reason to be
He can’t catch feelings, he can’t catch feelings
But he can’t help but fall for you, you’re just so nice... That you’re all he wants
He’s so sad he doesn’t have a chance with you
“Nagitooo!” You call for him as you run towards him
He forgets about those thoughts and looks at you as you cross the street to meet him
“Wow, you didn’t need to tire yourself just to meet trash like me, you know, Y/n?”
“If you call yourself that one more time, I’ll start throwing hands,” You say threatening, but in a cute way (In his eyes at least)
“Calm down... I was just joking, hahaha,”
He doesn’t get it
You’re always following him around and stuff... Don’t you ever get bored of him?
He thinks he’s nothing special...
“Y/n, don’t you have anything more important to do?”
“Other than you? Nope!”
“I, hahaha, to think that I’m actually important, you sure have a kind soul, Y/n!” He says with a soft smile, “I’m so amazed by your words, you never fail to make me feel actually good about myself. I feel so happy that I could fall for you.”
He speaks like that again,, you never know if he means that or he doesn’t.
Nagito is like being friendly or flirty with you at the same time- You can never read him
Well, his words always make you blush... Since you took a liking of him for couple of months now;;
“Ah, you’re silent. Did my words make you uncomfortable? I’m sorry I won’t do-”
“No, no, it’s fine...” You cut him off.
“Oh, okay then... I guess you don’t really mind stuff like that. Actually... Talking about my feelings makes me feel a lot better, but at the same time I feel like my heart will explode, you know?”
You just stare at him before nodding. “Yeah...”
You know he pretty much confessed his feelings to you just seconds ago-
And is cool with it.
“I,, too, like you,”
“That’s such a nice thing to say,” A soft smile appears on his face again
“I meant in a romantic way, Nagito,”
“Yep, yep!” He says jokingly
You just pout and rise on your foot before planting a kiss on his cheek
He feels himself blush, and tries to force a smile, but can’t.
“Wait... Were you serious?”
“I don’t joke around about stuff like that, Nagito. I don’t lie, either.”
Seems it’s his lucky day today.
Kazuichi Souda
He knows he has the biggest crush on you
Everybody does. Including you
And what’s he gonna do about it??
Gonna tell everyone about how much he loves you, well, except you, of course! ^^
Everybody is so done with him bringing you out out of blue
Kazuichi, just be quiet. <3
Just confess your feelings for them already!! he. CAN’T. He thinks you’d reject him before he confessed </3 That’s so sad actually because Kaz is great
But you know,, he pretty much confesses to you every second he sees you lol
Doesn’t need to say the word “I love you” A simple compliment from him enough to express his love for you
“Y/n, you’re my sunshine, you light up my day,” He says cheesly, you laugh at his statement
Yep, he’s like that everyday
He is walking up to you. You smile at him before seeing the big grin on his face
“What’s so funny? Are you finally going to confess your undying love to me?” You tease him
Kaz, this is too straight forward, this isn’t how it works-
Soo, he asks his friends for help
Gundham gives him the worst idea
But what’s he gonna do? Listen to him
Even Sonia supports Gundham’s idea-
Well, the plan is pretty much locking you two in a classroom so he can take the time he wants before confessing to you
And when he’s done, they’ll let you out
Sounds legit!!!
When you notice your not totally stolen bag is missing, you immediately make your way to classroom!
To yOuR lUck, you find it!!
“There you are. I’m so dumb, how did I forget my bag?” You say and grab the bag. When you make your way out of the class, the door won’t budge.
“Eh?!” You panick and try to open it up. Not working, it’s locked up. “You’ve gotta be kidding me!” You say before you drop your bag and lean your back on the door and sitting on the ground
“I’m supposed to take a test... Damn...”
“You sound depressed.”
He just?? Comes out of the?? Closet in the classroom??? And fuckingmwaves??
“What’re you doing in here?!”
“I’m pretty much in the same situation as you, Y/n!” He says cheerfully. Liar. He almost sounds happy to be stuck with you
“You seem almost happy,” You say calmly
“Well, I am, because I’m stuck with you,”
He doesn’t miss a chance to flirt, does he...
You look down and sigh,, then you blankly look at him, “Kaz,, you didn’t need to lock us in a classroom to spend private time with me. We can always hangout after school, you know?” You say, somehow you understand him
“Yeah... But-” He walks towards you and takes your hands in his, “How am I supposed to confess my love for you, then? You... Never take me serious.”
You blink. Like 3 times.
“Don’t give me weird stares! This is what you always do, you never reject me nor accept my feelings!”
“Kaz, I thought everybody new we are official by now-”
“Wait, what?”
“I mean- You didn’t know? I accepted your feelings,, like a week ago?” You say confused, but he’s even more confused than you.
You sigh. You’re so done with him. “I can’t believe you didn’t even know I’m dating you. Sonia, Gundham, open the door. I’m leaving.”
They do as you say. You step out of the classroom and wave at them, not even looking at Kazuichi who’s yelling behind you
“Y/n!! Love, please wait, we can talk this out, my sunshine!!!”
And they say romance is dead
Kokichi Ouma
Burn his feelings </3
Okay, okay, don’t. He needs love too
Especially if it’s you
He did know he was catching feelings and he let himself do this on purpose
Just teasing you non stop and spending time with you were enough, but the Gremlin wanted more
“Oh my gooood, they’re so perfect, Shuichiiii,”
“For the last time, of course I’m talking about Y/n!”
He’s been ranting about you like- for hours-
Well, he knew he had to confess his undying love for you very soon
That day, you were really tired and he’s been really pissing you off
So much that Maki nearly killed him. You told her it’s okay but you wished Kokichi to leave soon
But he didn’t, so you left instead <3 You were sleepy
But he started... Following you??
“Y/n, Y/n, I know you know I’m following you!” He happily states. Is he confessing his crimes?!
“Yeah, I’ve... Noticed,” You say and smile
“You’re really silent today, Y/n, is anything wrong?”
“No... But I think you’re really loud today, Kokichi,” You say and look down at him. “Aww, that’s so unlike you! Seriously, is anything wrong?” Even though he’s talking like his normal self, he’s worried
“Well,” You say nervously, “I heard some... Odd things,”
“Odd things? Like what?” He is reaaaally interested in what you say, he brings his face closer to yours. “Uh, it’s nothing to worry about. Good night.” You say and immediately run away
He stands there like 🧍‍♂️
Sigh,,, how does he not know what you heard? Everybody’s talking about how the little bitch likes you
Seriously, you can’t tell if he’s messing with you, or serious “Come on, there’s no way he likes me! He’s just messing around...” You try to convince yourself and finally lie down in the bed, getting ready to sleep, “He doesn’t like me at all...”
You shut your eyes, you really need to get some sleep. But you hear a banging sound. You open your eyes, clearly annoyed by the sound
It’s coming from the window... You pull the curtains and meet him
He bangs the window in reply, you open it and he smiles at you “Y/nnn, it took you sooo loooong. It’s cold here.”
“What’re you doing there? It’s the second floor.”
“Oh. I wanted to talk to you.”
“You could use the door!” You say, annoyed and worried at the same time. “But that wouldn’t surprise you! Anyway, let me in?”
You help him to get inside... What’re you even doing at this point
“What a nice night!” Kokichi says and points you fingerguns, “Don’t you think so, Y/n?”
“What’re you doing in my house...”
“You let me in, sleepyhead!”
That’s right. But you’re not asking the right question!! Please kindly tell him to leave your house <3
“Y/n, I’m actually here because you didn’t seem well,” He says, “And I wanted to ask-”
“You could ask me tomorrow,”
“Yeeees, but I want to do it now!” He says, damn, he’s being stubborn, in a situation like this? You know,, he won’t leave unless you tell him “So... You said you heard something ‘odd’, didn’t you? Tell me about it...”
So you tell him all about it. Can’t help but blush at how cheesy your words sound but you’re too sleepy to mind that.
“And that annoyed you?” Kokichi asks, you nod in reply. “Y/n, does the truth hurt you?”
You expected him to say ‘it’s a lie!’ but he didn’t. DID HE REALLY HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU? HIM??
“Are you... Unhappy?” There he was again... Not being like himself. This is what romance does to people? “Not at all...” You say and avoid eye contact, “It’s... Weird? I had the biggest crush on you a while back and now feelings mutual.”
HE’S SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT. Though on the outside, he hides it very well ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
“Oh... Really?” He asks, smug bitch, “That settles it then...”
“Settles... What?” You say, you’re aware of what he meant, and he’s aware of you knew
“You already know,” He says and you stare at him, “It means,, I like you and you love me! Yeah!! Y/n, you love me, right? This makes us a couple!!!”
You just... Stare at him in awe.
You stare too much that he gets nervous. “Uhm,, what’s wrong? Do you... Want to kiss?”
“A kiss would be nice... But I think I need sleep, Kokichi,” You say and rub your eyes.
But you actually lean towards his cheek and plant a kiss ✨
You decide to talk about this tomorrow when you’re more energetic and let it slide <3
He puts you to sleep and plants a kiss on your forehead before whispering something totally not dirty in your ear and leaves - this time, he uses the door.
Omg that took me forever to finish. (Sorry if it’s too long--) I love how this turned out something between fluff and crack. (Especially Kaz’s lol) And Hajime’s one kind of angst </3 Anyways, feel free to request more of your comfort characters!!<3 Love you all, Plant 🌱
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
Feels Like Falling in Love
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Mark X Reader
Genre: Cheesy fluff
Word Count: 6.5K
Summary: You are assigned to a science project with Mark and over the course of working on your project together, you end up falling for the soft spoken introvert and little do you know, he’s falling for you too.
A/n: (He has such pretty fingers wtf) Anyways, I’ve been wanting to write a story about nerdy Mark for a while now and I got the idea from my science fair in the 8th grade idk just the thought of Mark being a soft spoken and shy “nerd” is the most adorable thing ever ugh I miss Mark
“Alright class, for your next upcoming project, you and a partner; which I have already pre-assigned will choose a scientific research topic to work on for your last assignment before spring break. This project is work a huge percent of your grade so I want you all to put as much hard work and dedication in to this specific assignment as you’ve done for the last few months of this semester. Once I announce whose going to be working with you, you will spend the rest of class coming up with ideas and brainstorming with your partner. This is a three week long project and although I’m giving you quite a generous amount of time to work on this project, I expect nothing but grade A products. Okay, let’s start.” 
Your teacher began to call out the names and as you looked around the room, you soon grew nervous at the idea of working alongside someone who would be no help whatsoever during this entire project. There was nothing more you hated as a senior in high school than group projects. It seemed as if all of your classmates were well aware of how smart and hard working you were and how much time and effort you put in to every single assignment you had. In the past, you’ve found yourself getting taken advantage of because of how kind and selfless you could be and sometimes you’d end up doing the entire project by yourself. 
One thing you wished you could change about yourself was how much of a pushover you could be. Being the social butterfly you were, you made friends with practically everybody and anybody. Everyone knew they could depend on you for whatever it was they needed help with and they knew you would never say no. Unfortunately, it was never in your nature to ever tell someone no. The last time you told someone you couldn’t do something for them, you felt guilty the entire day and ended up going along with whatever it was that they asked of you. 
Soon everyone was being paired up and the only people that were left was your two best friends BamBam and Jackson, and one of the smartest people in your entire grade; Mark Tuan. Mark, in more or less words, was considerably the biggest nerd there could ever be. He knew the answer to any question someone had related to education. If you needed a calculus problem solved, the answer to who discovered North America or the summary of “The Great Gatsby”, Mark was your guy. He was known to be quite the introvert and had very little friends. 
You’d find him with his face buried in a book or playing video games on his Nintendo switch. Even during class, he never seemed to pay any mind to anyone and only spoke up in class whenever your teacher would call on him. As much as you loved your friends, you were secretly hoping your teacher paired you up with Mark. You were sure she was aware of the two class clown’s reputations and how they were both borderline failing. Knowing that information, you couldn’t help but feel as if she would give you one of them instead of the quiet boy in attempts to help both Jackson and BamBam with their grades. If they put as much time and dedication in to their studies as they did with sports and house parties, then maybe they wouldn’t be on probation from graduating. 
“For the final four, I’ve thought about this for a long time and although I know I’m making a mistake for obvious reasons, y/n, you’re going to be partners with Mark and Jackson, you’re partnering up with BamBam.” You let out a sigh of relief and had to stifle back a laugh when you heard Jackson begin to whine at your teacher’s decision. 
“But Mrs.Young, I cant be partners with BamBam—you might as well give me an F now—ow! I’m just telling the truth! It’s obvious our dumbasses aren’t capable of getting anything done.” Jackson and BamBam began to bicker but your teacher was quick in getting them to stop talking and went over some important information that would help you all with the project. Once she was done explaining what she expected of the class, she sent you to get in to your groups with the intent of having you and your partner get started on your planning. 
As you started to reach for your things in order to make your way towards Mark, he just so happened to take the seat next to you and quietly placed his things down. “I—um—hi y/n.” You gave him a soft smile before pulling out your notebook. 
“Hi Mark. So, do you have any ideas on how you want to find out whose mouths are dirtier; Dogs or humans?” He nodded in agreement before handing over notes you assumed he must’ve wrote down as your teacher gave out the topics. You knew Mark was incredibly intelligent; the teachers never failed to rave about how quick he’d solve answers and how he always turned in assignments the day they were assigned. Seeing his notes and all of his ideas made your head spin. There was no way you’d come up with any of these ideas and you were extremely grateful that your teacher put you and Mark together. 
“Wow—these proposals are amazing. How did you come up with these in less than five minutes?” He shrugged before looking around the classroom and sneakily taking out his phone when he noticed your teacher was busy talking to another group. 
“I just typed the question in to google. But I’ve actually done research on this topic in the past. I have a dog named Milo—he tends to lick me a lot and I was curious as to how dirty his mouth is—sorry. Too much information.” You shook your head to let him know it was okay. Although this was the first time you’ve ever interacted with Mark, you were pretty sure with the reputation he kept up as the teacher’s pet and “the most reliable geek in school” that this was probably one of the longest conversations he’s had with anybody and you couldn’t help but feel a little excited at the thought of him being comfortable with you. 
“No no—that’s really cool. I’d be interested too if I had any pets. I mean, they drink toilet water and eat their own poop, I’m sure their mouths are extremely dirty. Imagine waking up to them licking all over your face only to find out they were sniffing another dog’s butthole.” When you heard the soft giggle fall from his lips, you felt embarrassed at how you had no filter. You tended to talk a little too much about the most unnecessary things sometimes and you were sure you got that from Jackson. If you were having this conversation with one of your friends, you wouldn’t have felt as weird but seeing as how you and Mark hardly knew each other, you didn’t want his first impression of you being a bad one. 
“Sorry, now I’m the one giving out too much information. This all sounds really good by the way. Did you want to start scheduling when you wanted to meet up to work on the project?” He took out his planner and began flipping through the pages to this week and looked over the days. Seeing him use a planner made you happy for some odd reason. It was probably because you knew there was a possibility Mark was probably the only student who put the school’s planner to good use. Jackson lost his on the second day of school but he never used any of the past planners any way. 
“I’m free after school tomorrow if that’s good with you. Maybe we can use my dog as the experiment and then we can both test ourselves and compare the two? Would you mind coming over to my place?” You smiled and nodded in agreement and you began to feel something weird in your stomach as you started to think about spending time with Mark. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t find him attractive. Even if he wore big, circular glasses and his wardrobe consisted mainly of khaki shorts and polos, he was extremely good looking and you were sure that if he were to join a sport rather than the math and robotics team, then maybe he’d embrace his looks just a bit more. But at the same time, there was something you liked about how he presented himself to everyone. He was quiet, shy and a very introverted person; however it made him well—him. 
You were sure he was content with the way he went about with things and nobody ever seemed to bother him in a negative way which you were grateful for. You never knew why, but although you didn’t know Mark personally, over the course of having him in this class, you couldn’t help but observe him every now and then and you’ve slowly grown fond of his quiet and gentle personality. You’ve also become very protective over him and whenever BamBam or Jackson would make jokes about what a nerd he was, you’d find yourself defending him. 
Once class was over, you and Mark exchanged numbers and planned to walk over to his house as soon as school was over. You couldn’t help but be excited to spend time with Mark. He seemed to be one of the only people you had yet to build a friendship with and you could only hope that he would want to become friends with you. For all you knew, Mark could be the type of person that was all work and no play whenever it came to his education and you were sure that was the reason for his good grades and the dozens of scholarships he received back in your junior year. 
When you began walking towards your locker, you weren’t able to even turn the dial once before you were joined by tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum and they both had the biggest frowns on their faces. Deep down, you knew exactly why they were coming to you and no matter how many occasions you’d find yourself giving in to them, this time was different. Not only did you want a good grade on this project and a partner you could depend on, but this was your only chance of becoming closer with Mark and you would shave your head bald before letting either of them get in the way of your desired objective. Before Jackson could open his mouth, you were already shaking your head in disagreement; earning yourself whines from the both of them.
“No. My answer is no.” Jackson crossed in arms in frustration as BamBam decided to take things another direction. As soon as you felt him wrap his arms around you, you quickly pulled yourself from out of his embrace and gave him a knowing look. 
“Y/n, you don’t even know what we’re asking for—“
“You want me to ask Mrs.Young to switch our partners. I’m not stupid. I knew this was going to happen as soon as she announced the pairings. My answer is no and there’s nothing either of you can do about it. I’m going to tell you both now, your puppy dog eyes aren’t going to work on me this time. Mark and I already planned out our project and instead of trying to get me to change my mind, which; is already set by the way, you two should start brainstorming on how you can stop bread from molding.” 
The three of you have been friends for over ten years, so you knew the many tricks they had up their sleeve and you had a feeling they would do whatever they could in their power to get you to rethink your decision. As much as you wanted to be able to help them in any way that you could, they were high school seniors who needed to be responsible for themselves. You were their best friend, not their mother and you weren’t going to sacrifice your grade and having a partner who’d actually do his share just to make your friends happy. 
The next day, your mind was too busy with thoughts of Mark and working on your project that you didn’t pay much attention in any of your classes. You’ve seen him in class every single day and you’ve known the soft spoken boy since middle school, why were you so flustered at having to work with him? If it were anyone else, you’d have such an easy time to interact with them. But something about Mark made you shy and you could only hope you wouldn’t embarrass yourself during your study session. When the last period came around, you walked in to class and saw that Mark was sitting in the seat next to yours. You gave him a small smile and found yourself warming up when he returned one back. 
“Hey, I actually started working on the assignment last night. Our topic is actually very interesting and I couldn’t help the aspiring biology major inside of me. I took some DNA samples from Milo after we came back from a walk but I wanted to save all the fun stuff for later. You’re not allergic to dogs are you?” You shook your head in disagreement and felt a smile growing on your face the more he went in to detail about his enthusiasm. If you already thought Mark was just by his quiet and extremely polite nature, hearing how passionate he was about science; a subject almost everyone in your grade seemed to hate made your heart flutter. 
The two of you haven’t even started working on the project just yet. How were you going to control yourself around him for the next couple of weeks? Throughout the lesson, Jackson and BamBam attempted to send melancholic looks your way as their final attempt to get you to switch partners with one of them, but you were too interested in what Mark had to say to pay any attention to either of them. You had a hard time understanding how someone could make different types of bacteria in dog and human saliva sound so cute. Once class was finally over, you and Mark began making your way over to his house. 
Luckily, he didn’t live all too far away from school because you felt like the walk would be extremely awkward and quiet. Sure, you were known to be outgoing and sometimes outspoken to the point where someone had to tell you to quiet down. But things were different with Mark. He made you feel flustered and intimidated just by his presence alone. 
“Can I be honest with you?” You looked up at him and nodded while motioning for him to continue his question. “I’m glad we’re partners. I uh—I was hoping Mrs.Young was going to pair us up together. I know we hardly know each other, but you’re the only other student in the class who genuinely seems interested in learning. You’re always giving her your attention unlike everyone else who seems to either fall asleep or go on their phones. I look forward to working with you y/n. I know I’m not the most outgoing or talkative person ever, but if it’ll make you feel more comfortable I’ll try my best in communicating with you.” 
Hearing that he was willing to go out of his comfort zone to make sure you felt comfortable sent warmth to your cheeks. You also couldn’t stop replaying what he said about observing you in class in your mind. For someone who didn’t seem to interact with anyone other than teachers and his friends, he seemed to have an easy time talking with you and you could only hope he felt like he could be himself around you. 
To your surprise, Mark was quite the conversationalist. He began talking about so many things and asked you questions that he claimed he was curious about. You would’ve never thought that Mark played both basketball and baseball in middle school nor did he seem like the type who enjoyed baking but he promised you his chocolate chip cookies were to die for and that he’d make you some once the two of you made it to his house. After almost twenty minutes of walking which literally seemed like five minutes with how much fun you were having learning different things about the handsome boy, the two of you reached his house and like the gentleman he claimed to be, he opened the door and allowed you to walk in first. 
“Please don’t mind the mess, my sister visits with her daughters every now and then and I think my mom mentioned something about them coming over today. Plus Milo has his toys scattered all around, but make yourself at home. I’ll get us something to eat and then we can head upstairs to my room—I mean, if you’re okay with that. If not, we can work down here.” Seeing him scratch the back of his neck in embarrassment made you giggle softly to yourself. It was a habit of his that you noticed he’d do every time he felt bashful or nervous. It was cute. He was cute and you were quickly finding more and more things about him that you liked the longer you stayed with him. 
“Mark sweetie is that you—oh hello! I’m Mark’s mom. You must be y/n. You’re right Mark, she’s extremely beautiful—I mean—you know what I think your dad needs me in the garden. It was nice meeting you dear! Don’t hesitate to ask me if you need anything.” You turned your attention towards the ground, trying your best not to make it obvious that her words made you feel as if your heart was about to jump out of your chest. It was one thing for his mother to compliment you, but to hear her agree with Mark on how beautiful he told her you were made you feel giddy inside. He thought you were beautiful? You wondered what else he must’ve told his mom but you decided to keep it to yourself because you knew with the way she practically bolted out of the kitchen that she wasn’t supposed to say that. Although, you were extremely happy that she did. 
“Uh, please don’t mind her. You know parents—they can be quite embarrassing sometimes. Can I get you something to drink? We have orange juice, lemonade, water, Pepsi—“
“I’m fine with water. Thank you.” He reached in to the fridge and grabbed two bottles of water and some sandwiches before making his way to the cabinet and grabbing some chips. 
“Follow me.” The two of you made your way up the stairs and a smile began rising on your face at the sight of all his family photos. You didn’t know that he had three other siblings and it made you snicker at how much they all looked alike. Good looks obviously ran in their family. When Mark didn’t feel you following after him, he took a look to where you were and his eyes practically jumped out of his head when he saw you looking at photos of him when he was younger. 
“Oh God y/n—stop—don’t look at those they’re so embarrassing. Why didn’t I think to cover them up?” He briskly walked over to you and absentmindedly grabbed at your wrist gently and pulled you behind him in the direction of his room. You were thankful he wasn’t looking at you because you were sure your cheeks were as pink as they were warm at the skin ship. His touch was soft and it was quite feather like for someone who was trying to pry you away from childhood mementos. 
As the two of you entered his room, you were quick to notice just how much his room matched him. Although you had so much to learn about Mark, the multiple anime figurines on his desk along with a couple of action movies on his wall, his PlayStation, Xbox and a mini globe on his night stand emulated exactly what you’d picture his room to look like. His room was quite tidy for a guy; there was no where you could sit in Jackson’s room and you were sure there had to be a rat living somewhere in BamBam’s with the way you couldn’t even see the ground. He pulled out the chair from his desk and motioned for you to take a seat as he walked right back outside. Mark gave you no time to ask where he was going before he reentered the room with whom you assumed to be Milo. 
“Here is our test subject. Say hi Milo.” He placed Milo down on the ground and the little pup immediately made his way towards you. 
“He’s so fluffy and extremely adorable. Mind if I pick him up?” He shook his head and you allowed Milo to jump on to your lap before running your fingers through his hair. You were so in to playing with Milo, that you didn’t realize the look of admiration on Mark’s face as he watched you play with his dog. A toothy grin rose on his face watching you squeeze and play around with Milo and it made him feel warm inside. This was the longest he ever went spending time with a girl. Being the introverted person that he was, it was already hard for him to interact with other students. What more with girls? Especially girls he found very pretty with a bright and bubbly personality. 
If someone were to tell Mark that he would be in his room with the girl he’s had a crush on since freshman year, he would’ve laughed in their face but here he was; watching you holding and leaving soft kisses on his puppy while sitting at his computer desk. He had to be dreaming. The two of you came from different worlds; Mark hid himself in his books and spent most of his time in the library whereas you were constantly joining all these different clubs and befriending almost everyone on campus. He never thought he stood a chance with you; let alone being your friend. Watching you from afar in class, helping your friends and practically anyone in the class you had a hard time understanding the material on top of being the only optimistic student in a bunch of pessimists  is what got Mark to develop a little crush on you. 
He felt like it was stupid; how could he gain feelings for someone he hasn’t even talked to once in his four years of knowing them. But he didn’t have to know you personally to know how much of an amazing person you were. It was all he ever heard about from teachers, your fellow classmates and even some of your friends. You were the school’s social butterfly. Everyone who knew you wanted to be your friend and naturally gravitated towards you. It didn’t help that he thought you were the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen, and the fact that you had an equally beautiful heart made things even harder for him. 
“You have call of duty black ops 4? Where’d you get it? It’s been sold out everywhere for months!” Seeing you so excited over something he was also heavily interested in brought him joy. You were so adorable. “My uncle’s friend is actually a video game artist, so he got a few copies and gave me one. Did you maybe want to play once we finish—or we could play a little bit now and work on the project later. We have a few weeks to work on it so we should be fine.” 
Deep down you knew that you should’ve been starting on your project, it was the reason why you were currently at Mark’s house in the first place but you couldn’t help the fact that you’ve been dying to get your hands on the new installment of your favorite video game and like he said, you both had plenty of time to work on it. You didn’t mean to pout at the idea of waiting till later to play and you found it weird how natural it felt being around Mark, but you liked it and you could get used to it. He handed you the controller and you navigated through the game like a natural. 
To say Mark was in shock at how good you were was an understatement. Most girls Mark knew would never go near a game console let alone play such a difficult game with such ease. At one point, you were doing way better than he was and he found himself smiling like an idiot at your eagerness to kill all the bad guys. For the next few hours, the two of you took turns playing while snacking on the sandwiches and chips he brought up for you both. He even sneaked away to the kitchen to get you some of the cookies he mentioned earlier and your reaction was the most adorable thing Mark has ever seen. Your cheeks were puffy and you had a mouth full of cookies, but that didn’t stop you from telling him how delicious they were. 
The two of you were so focused on playing that you didn’t realize exactly what time it was until Mark’s mom knocked on his door and asked you if you were staying for dinner. Not wanting to intrude on his family, nor were you mentally prepared to meet all of them just yet, you politely declined and thanked her for her hospitality before calling your dad to come pick you up. While waiting for your parents to arrive, you and Mark continued your conversation from where you left off earlier before giving all your attention to his xbox. 
Listening to Mark talk about things that most people would consider boring felt like a breath of fresh air. He had to be one of the only people if not the only person you knew who preferred listening to classical music than to what was playing on most radio stations. In the few hours you got to spend with him, you decided that Mark Tuan was one of your favorite people and you couldn’t wait to learn more about him and bond with him for the next couple of weeks. When your mom let you know that they had just arrived, you said your goodbyes to the Tuan family and thanked Mark for being such a great host. As soon as you got in the car, the huge smile on your face caught your mom’s attention and she was quick to ask the question that’s been eating at her the minute she saw Mark walking you over to your car and saying hello to both of your parents. 
“He’s cute! And quite the gentleman. You like him don’t you?” Your eyes widened in shock at her revelation but your mom knew you better than anyone else. You didn’t need to say it out loud, your facial expression as he held the door open for you and walked you over to your car spoke for you. 
You were falling for Mark. 
Over the next few weeks, you and Mark were practically attached by the hip. After the first time he sat next to you in class, he never returned back to his actual spot and continued sitting next to you even if most of your classmates sat in their regular assigned seats. Then as soon as school was over, you’d head over to either his house, your house, the library or the coffee shop just a few minutes away from school. Most of your time together was spent working on your project, but there were a few moments where the two of you would take a break to eat, play some video games, watch a movie or just talk. 
Even during lunch, instead of hanging out with your usual group, you found yourself sitting with Mark and they didn’t seem to mind it. A few of your friends knew of your crush on Mark and in fact, it was your friend Jinyoung who suggested that you go and sit with Mark in order to “get to know your science partner better.” Once BamBam and Jackson caught wind of the feelings you’ve developed for Mark, they did not let you hear the end of it. 
“So this is why you were so adamant on not switching partners. You have a thing for Markie boy. I don’t blame you, he has the brains and he’s actually pretty good looking if I do say so myself. From what I hear from some of my teammates, apparently he has a big dick—what? That’s what I heard—well anyways, I think you should act on your feelings. Mark doesn’t seem like the type to tell someone he likes them so you’re going to continue wasting your time ogling over him if you don’t make a move—don’t look at me like that y/n it’s 2020 anything is possible. Equality for all.” 
As much as you hated whenever your friends would get involved in your relationships, Jackson had a point. Even if you and Mark have grown close in the last two weeks, he didn’t seem like the type of guy to confess his feelings for someone. Hell, you had a feeling you were the only girl he ever talked to which you were extremely grateful for. Mark seemed to be a very private person who enjoyed being mysterious and preferred to be to himself a lot; so you were honored to be one of the only people he genuinely seemed to trust. You’d like to consider you and Mark friends at this point and you’ve noticed in the last few days that he’s been more touchier and flirtatious than usual. 
You didn’t think Mark; the so called “nerdy and irritatingly intelligent gamer” was capable of such smooth pickup lines until he used one about you being made of copper and tellurium because you are “Cu-Te” and it might’ve been a scientific joke to him but it really set your bones on fire. Since there were only a few days left until your project was due, you decided that you’d tell Mark how you feel no matter what the outcome was. You both were practically finished with the project and spent most of your days having fun together rather than working. So if things went to shit, then you could pretend as if nothing happened and go about your life like how it was before this science project. 
Although, the idea of no longer having Mark in your life sent an unsettling sensation to your stomach. The two of you were currently at his house watching a movie and he had explained to you that both his parents and his brother were away at one of Joey’s taekwando tournaments leaving you and Mark all alone with Milo. The thought of actually being all alone with Mark both worried you and delighted you. As much as you enjoyed being around his family, it would be much easier to tell him how you felt about him without people around. When Mark first offered to put on a movie, you had to laugh when you noticed just how far he sat away from you on the couch. 
You knew he was trying to be a gentleman and that he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, but you found yourselves on a few occasions practically cuddling up on his bed. While the movie played, you’d absentmindedly look at Mark every now and then mentally tracing his handsome features and wanting nothing more than to kiss his pretty pink heart shaped lips. The longer you analyzed his face, the more you began to find things that you never realized before like the cute little mole right above his lip or the scar right above his eyebrow. You also couldn’t help but imagine what he would look like without his glasses and soon you found yourself wanting to know if he ever went without them. 
“Hey Mark?” You could tell by the way his eyes were practically glued to the television that he was very interested in the movie so you felt bad for interrupting him, but he paused it in order to give you his full attention and nonverbally motioned for you to go on. 
“Have you ever thought about getting contacts?” He looked at you in curiosity and actually thought about the question for a few moments before shaking his head. 
“My optometrist asked me a couple of times but I always decline. I know you’ll probably think I’m a wimp for saying this but I have a fear of not knowing how to put them on and accidentally poking my eye out so I just stay safe and go with glasses. How come?” You shrugged nonchalantly although your heart rate began to increase at the thought of your next words. 
“You have really pretty eyes. I guess I just want to see them better but your comfort is the most important thing.” You began to pick at your fingers and Mark was glad your attention was elsewhere or else you would’ve seen just how crazy you’ve been driving him in the last few weeks having to do all these things with you and not getting to kiss you, hold you and do all these cute, romantic things that most couples did because all Mark wanted at the end of the day was to be the lucky guy who you called yours. 
“Oh—I—I’m—um—thank you. Maybe I’ll take contacts in to consideration just for you.” You let out a light chuckle and shook your head in disagreement. 
“No no, you’re totally fine. You look good with or without glasses. Please don’t feel like you’d have to do anything because of me—“
“I’d do anything for you y/n. Anything you’d ask me to do I’d do it in a heartbeat. Oh and you—you have a really pretty face and a really pretty personality. Hell, everything about you is really pretty—ah shit. That was weird wasn’t it? Please forget I said anything.” He began to reach for the controller as a way to distract you and to get you to forget what he just said but there was no way you could ever forget hearing him say that everything about you is pretty. Right as he was about to resume, you reached at his hand, took the controller and turned off the movie. He looked at you with the most adorable look of confusion and you decided it was now or never. 
“Can I kiss you?” The cough that fell from his lips was unexpected and you took that as a negative sign. You wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow you whole. When was breaking out in to a fit of coughs ever a good sign after asking someone if you could kiss them? You hid your face in your hands and tried your best not to look at him in fear of crying because you ruined everything. 
“You know what? Please forget I said anything I must be going insane it’s the lack of sleep and—“ he playfully covered your mouth in attempts to stop you from talking so that he could explain himself. 
“Don’t get me wrong, I want to kiss you. Trust me, I really, really want to kiss you. I’ve been thinking about kissing these pretty lips of yours for longer than I’d like to admit okay—and I hope by hearing that confession you now know that I like you. I like you a lot y/n. I’ve liked you since freshman year and I’ve always felt so dumb because we didn’t know each other back then but I knew enough to want to be someone special in your life. I—I’ve never kissed anyone before. Pathetic right? A high school senior who has never been kissed. I’m a fucking loser and I’m afraid of messing things up—“ the minute Mark felt your lips smash against his, his heart melted in to a puddle. 
You reached for his hands and brought them down to your waist as you wrapped yours around his neck, pulling him closer in order to deepen the kiss. He was still in shock for the first few seconds and you knew he was still hesitant on continuing the kiss because he had no clue what he was doing, but after a few moments, his lips melded  perfectly with yours. His lips were soft and tasted like butter from the popcorn and you couldn’t help but giggle at how rough and clumsy his kisses grew the longer the two of you made out but it didn’t matter. 
It was special and you knew there would be many kisses shared between the two of you later on and he had plenty of time to work on his kissing skills; although for a first timer, he was actually really good and you knew you were going to get addicted to the feeling of his lips on yours. When you needed to catch your breath, you pulled away earning yourself a soft whine and placed your forehead against his. 
“Wow—I uh—that was—you were—wow. Can we—can I kiss you again?” You snickered at his excitement and nodded; not being able to say no since you wanted it too. He cupped your cheek in his palm and reconnected your lips together. To your surprise and delight, he swiped his tongue along your bottom lip and brought it in between his teeth before shoving his tongue down your throat. You were shocked to say the least at what a natural he was, especially since kissing wasn’t the easiest thing to do. 
“Are you sure this was your first time? I don’t think anyone whose never been kissed before knows how to French kiss. You’re a cheeky one aren’t you Tuan? I like you too by the way.” His laughter filled the room before he pulled you on to his lap and hid his face in the crook of your neck. 
“Date me. Please?” Now it was your turn to laugh. God, how could someone be this cute yet kiss like he’s been doing it for years? What else was he hiding from you? When you quickly nodded and stole a kiss from the corner of his mouth, he released a content sigh and tightened his grip on your waist before turning the movie back on. 
“Wait—babe, humans have more bacteria in their saliva than dogs do. Ew!!! If this is what kissing entails than I better keep some mouthwash on hand because I plan on kissing you a lot.”
“Way to ruin the mood Tuan.”
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llendrinall · 4 years
(1) Draco, Harry, Hermione & Ron (aged 23) all are working on a case. Harry & Ron are Aurors. Draco & Hermione are both Healers & Unspeakables. The case is something like a bunch of Death Eater wannabes trying to resurrect the dark lord. So while busting in on their ritual all 4 are transported to their younger bodies at different times. Draco (5), Ron (7), Hermione (9), Harry (11) (The day before Hagrid comes to fetches him.)
(2) Harry and Draco were married so they use a phrase to each other so the other knows that they're the other and then plan a meet in the Room of Requirements. After confirming that Ron and Hermione (Married) are who they are too they go to the meet too. While each playing the roles they had the first time around. They then work out a plan for the war (Since Draco hasn't found a way back they plan to change things).
(3) Draco needs to play the bully/death eater and work to save the lives of the war victims. While Harry, Ron and Hermione work out the horcrux ect. Befor and during the war they secretly work to make preperations and stuff to minimize the damage while also playing their parts as school rivals. And they manage to minimize the deaths and they manage to save a lot of familiar faces. Sirius, Remus, Tonks, George ect.
(4) So after Harry kills Voldemort (He had an argument with Draco cuz Draco was worried he wouldn't come back this time) they're in the grand hall and everyone just sees the golden trio going to Draco with smiles. Ron gives him a handshake, Hermione a Hug, and shockingly Harry kisses him infront of everyone (Draco's parents are like "WTF?") And says "Told you i wouldn't die." "Shut up you bloody git". (In my head its a long fic with a LOT of stuff added. I just wanna know how you'd write this)
 Mmh, yes this would be a long plotty fic, so I won’t detail the structure, just some of the elements I would use to build it.
First, I would have them go back to exactly one month before they turn 11. There is a very nice symmetry there and we avoid having Draco too long in his child’s body. An adult Draco in a 5-year-old body would be terrifying. Lucius would just flee the country.
So they go back to 11 minus one month. Harry and Draco have 1-2 summer months to get settled and start figuring things out, Ron gets around 7 months to think about family dynamics and draft a plan to contact his friends. Hermione has a whole year plus change to rage, study and come up with a definite plan to Get Things Right.
There is a beautiful tense scene as they board the train, because Harry and Ron don’t know if their friend is their old self or their young self. They are both very cautious around each other until Harry notices the way Ron looks at Scabbers and he knows. It just takes a couple of loaded comments afterwards to recognize each other.  
Hermione barges in their compartment in her usual way and they have to drop some very heavy hints to remind her they are not alone. They can’t spook Pettigrew.  Draco comes by, stares at Harry in silence for a whole minute and then passes him a note saying he can’t find the diary and also he ordered Dobby to go serve Harry, he should be waiting in Hogwarts. It is unclear whether Draco knows this Harry is the old Harry because Draco is, and has always been, kind of odd. It took them a while to discover it, but Draco is just a bunch or random powerful ideas held together with anxiety and fire. Harry loves him so much.
They go to Hogwarts. You would think that in this timeline Harry would be the most belligerent/hostile of them, but it is actually Hermione. Hermione is a nightmare student. She has a list of one hundred and fifty names and she is going to save all of them (except maybe Dumbledore and Snape). She has no time nor attention to waste in silly classes telling her what she already knows. She only comes to class sporadically, aces all her tests and hands out beautiful neat homework that barely took ten minutes out of her day to complete. Teachers hate her (or heavily dislike her), but they can’t expel her. It’s beautiful. The twins develop a crush on her.  
Harry waits patiently until Christmas so Dumbledore can gift him the Invisibility Cloak and then announces that he is not going back to the Dursleys. Dumbledore insists. Harry says softly “by Jove, I will not” and Dumbledore thinks about that exchange for a week. He forgets about it when ten days later there is an incident in Transfiguration class and McGonagall discovers that Ron’s pet rat Scabbers is actually Peter Pettigrew.
(They were going to wait until Quirrell tried to steal the philosopher’s. Hermione insisted they couldn’t deviate too much of the original timeline or they would lose their advantage of knowing what was going to happen. If something was going to change, it was better to attach it to some other important event.
But Harry pointed out that it would be much easier to keep Sirius alive if he had some extra months of freedom and he didn’t have to live as a fugitive and Ron was certain that they would be fine even if they changed everything. It wasn’t just their knowledge of the events to come, it was their knowledge, period, their experience.
Ron is a man now, and adult, and he is kind of freaked out at the shenanigans they did when they were merely children. What were they thinking? Was there no competent adult to point out that were kids? It shouldn’t be up to them to rescue Sirius or Buckbeak, what in the seven hells.)
Anyway, Sirius is freed and Dumbledore is forced to explain everything about prophecies and love magic and blood protection early, because Harry insists he is going to live with Sirius. Harry agrees to go back to the Dursleys for two weeks, but Sirius has to come with him and no, he will not come as a dog, that’s demeaning. He will spend his time at the Dursleys as a human, thank you very much.
Sirius is the first adult to realize that there is something not quite right about Harry. The others had noticed that Harry was… special. But Sirius is the first one to see through, although he doesn’t know what he is seeing exactly.
Lucius still uses the Diary against the Weasleys, but this time Ron picks it up. Their first week back in Hogwarts, they all go for a nice excursion down to the Basilisk lair. They bring the Diadem, too. Harry speaks to the Basilisk and both horcruxes are destroyed.
The rest of the year is spent plotting. Draco takes on the role of the bully and plays it up to hilarious heights. He picks on everyone, and that’s everyone, except Neville and Luna. Funnily, Cedric Diggory is a big fan of him and always answers to Draco’s banter.
Draco suggests having a Duel Club to Lockhart. There has been no student attacks, of course, but Lockhart loves the idea and Draco wants the opportunity to fight Harry and make ridiculously sexually charged comments. They have five very nice duelling sessions until the curse of the DADA post acts up and professor Lockhart is unavailable the rest of the year.
(Harry tutors everyone in his year so this time people will actually now how to cast a protego. Ginny comes to the classes too and is by far his best student).
That summer, Ron has a very long chat with Percy explaining everything. Ron is now eight years older than Percy and understand why his brother fell to the Ministry and rejected his family. The Weasleys had pushed him that way, hadn’t they? Ron also understands that suddenly being nice to Percy and giving him recognition won’t work. It’s too late. But telling Percy they come from another timeline in which Fred died gets Percy’s attention immediately. Percy spends a whole weekend freaking out in silence (nobody notices, of course, and boy is Ron appalled at his family dynamics). Come Monday, Percy emerges relatively calm, all things considered. He has given himself a haircut and is resolved to infiltrate the Ministry.  
The locket is destroyed that summer. They let Sirius and Kreacher do it.
They were hoping to have all horcruxes down before Voldemort rose back, but Pettigrew escapes Azkaban and Voldemort comes back a year ahead of schedule. (Early 4th year).
Dumbledore locates the ring. Despite warnings from all of them (and Snape) he still puts the ring on and gets a curse for it. Hermione says if he is going to be like that, she will take him from her To-Save list.
Barely eight months after Voldemort comes back to power, the Ministry is full of his followers. For now, Voldemort is happy with acting from the shadows, but soon he will want more and the four of them want to avoid open war as much as possible.
Percy sends Ron Helga’s cup, broken. Ron asks how he did it in case they ever find themselves in a similar situation (new timeline and all), but Percy only says that he asked politely. That means there are only two (two? Or is it one?) horcruxes remaining. Draco decides to speed things up, before Voldemort stars his terror campaign. He tells his father than Dumbledore has a mysterious ring with an interesting crest and that’s enough to have Voldemort attack Hogwarts with all his might.
It may not seem like a good idea, but if you think about it it’s much better to have dark wizards try to take over a castle than over a cottage where a half-blood family lives. Plus, now they don’t have to sweep Britain looking for Nagini. They can see her perfectly well down in the grounds trying and failing to eat Hagrid.
The battle draws on and almost becomes a siege. The Ministry comes to help, only they help Voldemort’s side, what with being infiltrated and all.
It’s still preferable to the years of the war.
Sirius has been put under a careful and insistent treatment of “Sirius, no”, so he actually stops when he is told to, he doesn’t follow Pettigrew to a trap and he isn’t killed by Bellatrix. Well done, Sirius! Another advantage of Sirius surviving, beyond the fact that he survived, yay, is that he gets to save Snape when Voldemort decides he might not be a good double spy after all. Snape hates the idea of owing his life to Sirius. It is very entertaining.
Neville kills Bellatrix Lestrange. Luna kills Nagini (and feels bad for it, and cries, sweet Luna, may she always have a soft heart). Peter Pettigrew dies in a freak accident in which both the giant squid and the twins are involved. Cedric Diggory bullies seven Ministry wizards into switching sides.
Things are going good. There are many wounded, more than the last time, but no dead, not on their side.
Harry knows he will have to die, again. And it will have to be Voldemort. He can’t risk having anyone else cast the curse (would they even meant it?). They have changed so many things… They can’t be sure that all those changes won’t coalesce in this one instant in time. They can’t be sure that Harry will make it back.
But Harry still goes, because that’s what he has to do. He tries to make things as similar as possible, act the same way, say the same things. Maybe having Sirius and Moody and Tonks and Lupin alive and well and fighting won’t matter if Harry just follows the script on this.
But just in case it will matter, just in case Harry doesn’t come back this time, he throws some ad lib.
“Hey, Tom,” Harry says, holding his thumb between his index and middle finger. “I’ve got your nose.”
Well, at least he can be sure that Voldemort means it when he cast the curse.
 The honour of killing Voldemort falls on Hagrid this time. It isn’t pretty.
And Harry comes back. Draco forgives him just for having said that line.
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doc-pickles · 4 years
it’s nothing funny just to talk (p. 1)
What happens when you text that random number graffitied on a bathroom stall in your favorite bar? Jo Wilson is about to find out. - In which Bar Princess and Doctor Evil Spawn meet via text.
More Jolex on your timeline because y’all seemed to love what I posted before! Also I’ve posted this whole piece on AO3 as well so it might look familiar.  
this idea came to me in a fever dream and i am not sorry that y'all have to deal with it. 99% of this fic will be in "texting" format, so be prepared for that. 
Jo is regular Alex is italics
Saturday 11:04 PM
heeeeey is thiss doctor evil?
I gotta say ur phone sex namee needs sum weerk
u soud like a comic book village 
Who the hell is this? And how did you get my number? 
i’m just a girl at thee bar!!!! 
Joe’s Bar?
i’m at enerlad city bar
You didn’t answer my question. 
u asked a quesitoon?
whata was it?
i’m goos at takifjg tests 
How’d you get my number?
it qas in the bathrooom!!!
it said “for a good tiem txt dr evil spawne” 
so I did
I am ready to havee fun
You’re drunk, obviously, and I’m going to have to kill Cristina for putting my number up. 
ooooooh is thatt ur girleifnd?
Wow you’re really gone. And hell no, she’s my roommate. One of them. 
ooooh how many do u hav
roomees not girlfriends 
Three. Two girls and a dude. 
well it’s tome for fireball shoots
steph is yeeling at me 4 txting too much
goodbey doctor eviel apawn!!
Oh lord. Tell Steph you need water. Or an IV. 
I’ve got her. she’s throwing up on her shoes. thanks doctor. - steph
  Sunday 10:11 AM
You know you’re pretty funny, Bar Girl. 
jesus christ what fucking time is it?! 
10 AM
I’m assuming you have a massive hangover. 
hold on I can’t hear you over the sound of me vomiting
TMI as the kids say these days. 
what’re you a grandpa or something?? 
No I just don’t know how to use text lingo. Except WTF. I know that one very well. 
quick question
who the fuck are you?
Dr. Evil Spawn. You found my name graffitied in the bathroom of Emerald City Bar. 
holy shit
I thought I dreamed that... WHAT THE FUCK
Nope. I’m real. 
holy shit i’m so sorry
my texts were so annoying
Who hurt you? I mean you were shitfaced, I’m assuming someone broke your heart into tiny pieces. 
the opposite actually, I was at a bachelorette party
not mine, i’m so single it hurts
Ahhh that makes sense. So you got shitfaced in solidarity? 
exactly you get it
you seem like you’d be the DD at a bachelorette party
Well seeing as I’m a dude I don’t do Bachelorette parties. 
Well I did go to one, but that’s a different story.  
hmmm you seem like a very interesting man doctor evil spawn 
going to bachelorette parties, living with women who aren’t your girlfriend 
George? No absolutely not. And before you ask, my other girl roommate is gay. 
so you’re single?
i’m only asking so when you murder me the police have as much information as possible
Haha very funny. I would be a terrible murderer. 
you didn’t answer my question
Fine. Yes I’m single. 
i’ll note that in the “serial killer file” i’m building 
gotta go, I have to do work :/
Have fun, don’t die. 
  Sunday 8:38 PM
Arizona is trying to set me up on a blind date. 
who’s arizona?
My gay roommate. She wants me to meet this “bubbly blonde” she knows from her pilates class. 
ahhhh. why don’t you go?
Bubbly blonde is not my type. Sounds like she’ll spend the whole date talking about how much she loves dogs or her knitting hobby. 
Plus she does pilates, that tells me more than enough. 
you’re making some good points. I don’t pity you. 
You better not. How was work?
the longest day of my life
it was just paperwork, I don’t actually work on the weekends
What do you do?
hmmmm that’s exactly what a serial killer would say
i’m an elementary school teacher
Oh so you sing and dance and paint pictures all day?
what school did you go to?
were working on multiplication tables and basic photosynthesis tomorrow
Wow that sounds like a lot.
it’s may, ive got three weeks of school left so I have to cram all the crap we didn’t cover into these last few weeks 
Ahhh that sounds more accurate.
and what do you do? 
besides text strangers that you don’t know
I’m a pediatrician. 
oh so you make kids cry and wipe snotty noses all day? two can play at that game
Well we both have to deal with snotty noses sooo...
I GET IT!! Doctor Evil Spawn!! 
why evil spawn though? 
I wasn’t this nice when I started med school. My personality is an acquired taste. 
ha! that’s a funny joke. 
so if you’re a fancy schmancy doctor why do you live with three other people?
I’m only a resident, not making the big bucks yet. Everyone else is a doctor too. 
are they all pediatricians?
No. Arizona is too but Cristina is a cardiologist and George is a trauma specialist. 
interesting!! I too live with my coworkers. it’s not fun. 
the table is always covered in craft supplies. 
Well I can never read the grocery list on the fridge. Stupid doctors script...
oh that’s a classic. you’re pretty funny Dr. Evil Spawn
Thanks Bar Girl. 
I gotta go. monday tomorrow and you know how fourth graders can be. night!! 
Night . 
  Monday 9:47 AM
there’s not enough coffee in the world for monday mornings. 
  Monday 10:52 AM 
Sorry I was yelling at the interns. We have a decent coffee cart here. Keeps me alive. Are you texting in class?
no it was recess
now they’re at spanish class
i’m not totally irresponsible 
Oh good to know the future of America is in good hands. Teacher Princess is “not totally irresponsible”
teacher princess?
Well, Cinderella lost her shoe, you puked on yours. Same thing. 
that was so uncalled for...
I thought it was funny. Gotta go set a broken arm. 
broken arm vs. adverbs... can we switch? have fun lol
  Monday 3:26 PM
I don’t even think I know what an adverb is. 
how did you become a doctor??
Don’t need to know adverbs to fix a couple broken bones and snuffy noses. 
oh darn I should’ve gone to school for seven more years then
Haha. How were the adverbs?
better than expected, grading papers while I wait for my roomies to be done
we carpool, saving the environment and shit
Okay Eco Warrior.
you text like a 60 year old man
you’re not a 60 year old man are you?
No I’m a 28 year old man though
28 a doctor and you’re single? your personality must be worse than you described 
I’m a busy man, I don’t have time to settle down. And I have no desire to. 
yet you have time to text a complete stranger? 
hmmmm interesting...
Ouch, that one hurt Princess. 
steph is making me socialize with the other teachers
if I don’t respond, they killed me or dragged me to an essential oil party
  Monday 5:18 PM
Did you get roped into a pyramid scheme?
nooo but therew as wine
I should sotp drunk texting you so often 
It makes your presence that much more entertaining. And bearable. 
woah woah dude
i’m a gem 
I can tell. Elementary school teacher with a heart of gold. 
awwww your too sweet tome
It’s a Monday. Who the hell gets drunk on a Monday?
we deserve it
You’re a teacher and you’re single and still going to Bachelorette parties. You’re what, 23? 
i’m 25 and i’m doing greta thanks you very nuch 
cnat believe that i’m supplying my perosnal info to a serial killer
What makes you so sure that I’m a mass murderer? 
ur weird nickname and ur intimate knowledge of the himan body
Mmm yes well a good amount of women do find themselves screaming around me often. Or under me. On top of me...
omg are you sending me dirty jokes
you’re crazy 
What can I say. 
Gotta go, I’m on call tonight. Get to bed safe, Bar Princess. 
mmmkay thanks Doc
  Wednesday 11:29 AM
What do you think is worse: School lunch or hospital food?
hospital food, no doubt
thursday is mac and cheese day here... I could bathe in that stuff
We have Spaghetti Wednesday but that’s the only good thing here. 
mmm how depressing
the teachers do a pot luck once a month and that’s always good
the art teacher next door to me makes the BEST blueberry muffins. 
Lucky. All I get here is vending machine cookies. Anything interesting happening in the elementary world? 
a first grader got lice last week so naturally we all have it now
I had to chop off six inches of my hair
Holy crap. Lice can be vicious, be thankful you didn’t have to shave your head. 
it feels like I did, my hair hasn’t been above my shoulders since the backstreet boys were still touring
Wow. I’m glad to know you’re well cultured. 
of course I am
gotta go, kids are back from music class
Don’t be too hard on them, they deserve a break every once in awhile. 
  Thursday 3:06 PM
Incoming Voice Call
“Jenna you forgot your lunch pail. Have a good day!”
“Hi Mrs. Peters. I didn’t grade Henry’s test yet, I’ll have it tomorrow. Thanks bye!”
“Steph I gotta grab my things, I’ll be there in a seco- oh shit. Hello?”
“Bar Princess?”
“Doctor Evil Spawn? I must’ve butt dialed you, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay I... I don’t mind the interruption. Are you leaving work?”
“Just about, we’re wrapping up the solar system and I have to bring home the diorama.”
“I was never good at the models, I prefer working with the real thing.”
“Oh ho, a man that works with his hands. I can appreciate that.”
“You know now we’re officially talking and we still don’t know each other’s names.”
“Well around here I’m Miss Wilson, but you can call me Jo.”
“Jo. Hmm I like chicks with dudes names. I’m Dr. Karev but you can call me Alex.”
“Well nice to kinda meet you Alex. I’ll talk to you soon, I gotta get out of here.”
“Talk to you later.”  
  Thursday 4:34 PM
I wouldn’t mind if you were my teacher.
how did I know you’d send me something along those lines
I’m predictable. I’m still calling you Bar Princess. 
as you wish doctor evil spawn
I get to assist on a surgery today. Tonsillectomy. 
like removing tonsils? that’s awesome
for you, not for the kid
Oh she’ll be fine, she gets ice cream and jello for a week.  
okay yeah I might be jealous of her now
id love to be off work for a week and have you waiting on me hand and foot
the ice cream is a nice bonus
You think that’s my job?
well you said you aren’t making the big bucks yet so.... yeah 
Keep dreaming. I’ll talk to you later, gotta scrub in. 
have fun!!!!
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maren-reads-books · 4 years
Divergent by Veronica Roth
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A world a hundred years in the future, after a war destroyed most of civilization, in the city of Chicago, people are split into factions, five groups based on core traits. Abnegation values selflessness, Candor for honesty, Erudite for knowledge, Amity for kindness, and Dauntless for bravery. Beatrice has never felt like she quite fit in in Abnegation. As her 16th birthday and choosing ceremony approach she has a choice to make. Will she stay with her family or will she leave them? Her aptitude test should tell her, but her results are inconclusive, now left to decide for herself, she has her life in her hands. Little does she know her choice will change the world as she knows it.
For those of you who were big readers in middle school in the era of SuperWhoLock, when Tumblr, Wattpad, and AO3 reigned king among fans, you probably read the Divergent series. I know I was obsessed, as a person who feels superior when I’m carrying around more than one big book I felt very proud of myself when I carried this trilogy into my sixth-grade science class and proceeded to not pay attention despite reprimands. I later wrote many fanfictions and watched the movies obsessively but that eventually faded from view as I got older and the series became just books on my shelf. But since we’re in quarantine an I’ve got nothing better to do, I’ve decided to re-read a bunch of my books, starting with this series. This first book made me completely nostalgic. I’m a sucker for sci-fi/dystopian worlds, and though this one isn’t the best it’s also not the worst, especially for young readers. Sure it’s a little cliche but it’s such a fun read. When I first read this book I was in awe, I wanted to be Tris so bad, she had the courage to leave her family and fight and become strong. I loved the idea of people being separated into a like minded group of people and I wanted so badly to be Dauntless. When she first got there and made friends I was so happy for her but I immediately hated Peter, I mean how could you not? And he just gets worse, and when he beats her up in the ring? Asshole. But it’s so cool to see her grow and get stronger and evolve, not only in physical and mental strength but as a person. Her friendships are evolving along with everything else, I know what its like to finally find that core group of people, and it was cool to watch her discover her people. (Also the Uriah and Marlene and the muffin scene, I was so in love with that moment, it was so pure). Then her mom shows up on visiting day and we find out so much, most prevalent I think it the fact that she is Dauntless? What?! I did not see that coming. But then everything goes downhill, Tris gets good and she gets attacked and she realizes Al was one of them, and then he dies. Like damn, way to move very quickly into a bad place. It hit me in the gut, real hard. On a totally unrelated not, I was so enamored with her and Four’s relationship, from the beginning you can totally see their connection. I will admit it moves a little too fast for me, I’m more into slow burn kind of stuff, and it’s so cliche but still undeniably adorable. And when they go into his fear landscape together and she learns his real name and why they call him Four? Adorable! (I would love to see my fear simulation, although I’m pretty sure there would be some clowns in there, and that’s, not something I want to see ever). I was so nervous for Tris when the simulations started thought, every time she was close to being caught my heart was in my throat, I was so worried about my girl. But then she gets first place and she is a Dauntless member and she could have a really great life but then everything goes to shit. When I realized that Tobias is also awake I melted, I was so happy, and then Eric has to go and mess it all up. But Tris gets to shoot him and it was awesome, but it doesn’t stay awesome. And then Tobias doesn’t know who Tris is because of the serum, and oh my god, I hate Jeanine Mathews so much (side note, Kate Winslet portrays her so well in the movies). And then they try and drown her even though she’s already been shot? Wtf, that’s so messed up. But then mom to the rescue! I knew from the moment she freed Tris that he was going to make it and it hit me hard when she died, I was so hoping to learn more about her history in Dauntless, not to mention that Tris hasn’t really seen her parents since she left. She must have had so many questions, and then Marcus is there. Like, fuck him, if I could reach into a book and punch someone I would hit him before I hit Jeanine. I was worried for them all as soon as they went back to Dauntless, but it was so cool to see how she’s grown and how she’s able to handle herself now. And then there’s Peter and I’m just gonna say it, I was not surprised that he was awake, he’s such an ass. But then she got to shoot him too, and that made me feel a little better. Tris suffers so much loss during this book, her mom, and then her dad, and she had to kill Will? It’s so not fair. The first time I read this book when she found Tobias and he was fighting her I was so worried that she was going to him to hurt or even kill him. But then his divergence and his love for her made it possible for him to break free. Ah, true love, how positively cliche, but very on point for a YA novel. I was so worried when he saw his father. But then Tris stood up for him, and honestly, you go, girl, he deserves so much worse (kind of wish the Dauntless had gotten to him). I can’t imagine being one of the Dauntless who was under the simulation, waking up and realizing what you’ve done? It’s so messed up, but it ends on a massive cliffhanger which I didn’t appreciate because I mean really? You start a war and then boom the book is over. Sorry for the crazy and kind of disorganized review but I do really love this book, it’s an easy and fun read with a cool world to immerse yourself in, I would recommend it.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Chopped up the last survey I took because it was too long on its own.
Personality-wise, what do you think your zodiac sign is? I hate astrology. All the personalities/traits are applicable to all the signs, but we’re not ready to talk about that yet. What is your Chinese zodiac sign? I was born in the year of the tiger. Do you find kite flying boring? I’ve only ever flown a kite twice or thrice, so it’s not something I do particularly to pass the time. But I don’t think it’s boring either; there’s art and skill in flying kites and I respect that. Have you ever released a paper lantern? No, I haven’t. Have you ever walked at Relay for Life? No. I don’t think I even know what that is.
What is your favorite musical? Miss Saigon. What is your favorite musical you have been in? I don’t like musicals so I’ve never auditioned for one. Have you ever seen a Broadway show? No. What is your favorite big city you have visited? Fukuoka was super welcoming and everybody was insanely polite. What big city do you want to visit? Chicago.
Would you rather visit London or Paris? London. Do you have any interest in visiting Japan? I did already, but I would love to go back. My time there was too short since it was part of a cruise ship itinerary and as such, I was only there for like an afternoon. What is your favorite Japanese name? I don’t know enough about Japanese names to recognize which sounds the most pleasant to me haha. Do you ever listen to Jpop? No. I’m not sure if it counts as J-Pop but the OST to Your Name is everything. Who do you go to for advice? I don’t ask for advice, because there’s always the chance I wouldn’t follow it and I would just piss people off. Usually I’d go with what I think is the most rational option, and then sometimes I’d ask my closest friends for insights about what I’m gonna do and if they think it’s a good idea or not. Do you have anyone you can look up to? My great-grandpa, my dad, a number of my close friends. Oh and AJ Lee. Who was your favorite camp counselor? I’ve never gone camping. What is the best summer camp you have ever been to? Do you like camping? Like I said, I haven’t tried it. Would you rather sleep in a tent or under the stars? In a tent, preferably. Is your bed next to a window? Technically? I have a window directly behind my bed.
How many windows are in your bedroom? Two. What was the name of the first dormitory you lived in? I’ve never lived in a dorm, I’ve always gone home after school. Who was your first Resident Director in your dorm? What was your college's mascot? We don’t really have a mascot but part of our school logo is a Philippine eagle. If you went to college, did you like the food in the DC (Dining Commons)? Can surveys plz stop assuming everyone has the same experience as the survey-makers lmao thx wtf are dining commons What was your favorite food served in the dining commons? Have you ever ran a cash register? Nope. Have you ever worked as a server? I haven’t. What is your favorite book? I don’t have one. Did you collect Bratz dolls when you were younger? I didn’t like dolls, so I didn’t collect those. But I was into Bratz and had a bunch of other merch that weren’t dolls, like shirts and lunchboxes. Who was your favorite Bratz doll? Jaaaade. Sasha was a close second. Have you ever done the Bratz challenge on youtube? No. What is a common assumption people make about you? That I’m shy and quiet. ...and is it true? Yeah, very. Have you ever been accused of being gay? Accused isn’t a very tasteful word for this topic lmao. But yeah. I’m in a same-sex relationship so it’s unavoidable that people think that I’m gay, which is understandable. Do you think your mom is attractive? Sure, she’s pretty and looks incredibly young considering she’s approaching 50. What is one thing you can't find right now? My earphones :( What was the last thing that disappointed you? Myself. I cut 4 out of 5 classes that I had yesterday because I thought putting my mental health first was a good idea. It wasn’t, and my perfectionist ass was irked at myself for all the lessons I’ve missed.
Does anyone appreciate your talents and gifts? I would hope so. Do you ever write letters and send them through the mail? No. But when I do write letters to loved ones I always make it a point to have them handwritten. Would you prefer to read a book or listen to an audiobook? Read a book. I don’t think I could ever concentrate on an audiobook. Do you like the feeling in your stomach on a big drop on a roller coaster? Nope, which is why I never ride those. What is your favorite roller coaster? Have you ever won a stuffed animal at the age guessing booth? No. What the heck is an age-guessing booth? Is that a fair thing in the States? What is your most severe allergy? I don’t have any. Have you ever had an allergy test at the doctor's? Nope. Have you ever been to see an allergist? No. What was the name of your first imaginary friend? Katrina. She was my first and last, too. What is your favorite board game? I’m not a big board game person.
What is the best retreat you have ever been on? Baguio retreat, senior year of high school. It was calming and refreshing, even though I’m speaking as an atheist now. How and when were you baptized, if applicable? I got a traditional Catholic baptism, I guess? And it happened a couple of months after I was born. Have you been baptized more than once? No. Would you rather paint or carve a pumpkin? Paint. I wouldn’t do well in either but I imagine liking painting them more. Have you decorate for fall yet this year? We don’t have fall. Skeletons or scarecrows? Skeletons. Chocolate or coffee? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm IlovebothbutIguess coffee. Have you ever had pumpkin spice ice cream? No. OMG this reminds me that they finally brought the pumpkin spice latte recipe in Starbucks branches in the Philippines!!!! and I’m dyinggggg to try this drink that has white people going crazy lmao. It’s always sold out when I go to Starbucks though :’( What is the best fall drink? What is your favorite drink to order at a coffee shop in the fall? Oh my god please stop talking about seasons that Asians don’t get.
Do you own pumpkin earrings? Have you ever walked through a haunted house? No, I’ve always been too scared hah. Have you ever asked someone to be your Valentine? I never had to ask them...we were already together when Valentine’s Day came.
What was your favorite video game to play with your brother? None, because we like different games and because I have a grudge against him and haven’t talked to him in months. HAHAHA What computer game did you used to play all the time? Insaniquarium. Do you like the name Ellery? Meh, it sounds a little too vintage for me. It’s a sweet-sounding name though. What does your name rhyme with? Foreign.
Do you find cemeteries pretty? No. Does your phone screen freeze a lot? Nope. It’s still a ~fairly new model so it’s not acting up on me just yet.
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baelllamyblake · 6 years
Ask Nicely. ( Billy Hargrove x Reader )
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Request : Can I request a billy Hargrove x reader fix where reader is the new kid and has a photographic memory and like everyone thinks that reader is a slacker because nobody ever sees her studying but when the test scores come back Billy’s just like “wtf how did you get a perfect score when you literally do nothing” lol thanks love ya
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x fem reader
Word Count : 1,709
Warnings : none except for curse words and writers block writing ugh
A/N : okay so an anon asked me when i will write the billy fic they requests and i am PRAYING to that this is the one they asked for. if it’s not, please let me know !! also, if yall out there have photographic memory and this aint anything like it, i am so sorry i did like no research at all. also keep requesting !! this one was really fun to write !! 
“ Hey, why aren’t you studying? “ An unfamiliar voice piped up from besides you, your eyes shifted from the tall trees outside to the sudden blue eyes that belonged to your deskmate. People say that the eyes are the window to soul but these were locked tight. His earring swung slight from side to side, its silvery sheen reflecting the light off whenever it hit that perfect angle. His brown and weathered leather jacket contrasted wonderfully with his maroon shirt on underneath. You had never seen someone so hardened and intimidating in your life but you would never be able to wipe Billy’s face from your memory.
In fact, you could remember every word, feature, and image that you’ve come in contact with. Your brain just didn’t let you forget, it absolutely refused too! Your psychologist called it “ photographic memory “ after the countless MRIs and the many short stories she had you recite back to her. It got to be a hefty burden when you developed a love for books and reading them for fun was nearly impossible. It became downright tortuous when you accidentally walked in on your parents having sex one day.
However, you fully reaped the benefits your photographic memory had to offer. You managed to breeze through middle school by getting your friends to distract the teacher and you memorizing his or hers answer key before every major test. If only you hadn’t moved across the country, you could’ve still been living it up with your closest friends in California. Now, you’re the new kid in a Podunk town with a RadioShack as the most advanced part of the main street. Other than that, it’s nothing more than a miniscule dot on a giant road map.
“ Why do you care? “ You spat out, your eyebrows knitting together in response to Billy’s dumb question. Before he could retaliate with a disdainful insult, the bell rung sonorously around the classroom. You never actually gave him a reason as to why you slacked off and it already began to eat away at Billy. You disappeared like a ghostly apparition with the rush of kids bustling out the doorway. He groaned out defeated, Billy wasn’t going to stop until he got what he wanted.
“ How in the fuck are you passing, Y/N? You’re a fucking lazy shitbird. “ Billy snapped, his eyebrows furrowed in repressed anger. His eyes were glued to the A+ written in red ink at the too of your test. You got a brief glance at his paper before he folded it out of sight in shameful embarrassment. A C- was marked in the corner, you could see the outline of the letter bleeding through the back of the page.
“ I’m not sure but if you asked nicely, I’ll consider telling you my secret and maybe even help you out. How about we talk about it over milkshakes or something? “ You teased the wavy-haired boy, a flirty wink following suit. It was highly unlikely Billy was going to accept your offer. His pride was far too large for him to swallow in one gulp.
“ Forget about it, Y/N. I am not asking you for help. “ Billy seethed quietly, his strong arms crossed firmly over his chest. You stuck your lip out in a childish pout, pretending to be offended by his remark. Your cute puppy dog eyes weirdly struck a chord in Billy, the corner of his eyes crinkled in disgust as he tried to cooly play it off.
“ Suit youself, Billy. Have fun getting C’s the rest of the year. “ You taunted him with the idea of getting better grades. His dad would finally get off his ass about the C’s and D’s dotted on his report cards. Billy leaned back in his chair without replying, his arms still crossed and his eye stuck at the front of the room. You let out a breathy chuckle at how boyish he was acting, how unusual of him. “ I’ll let you think about it. See ya around. “
You sat at a cafeteria table away from the crowds, chattering with your closest friends about the all the newest music coming out. Billy eyed you warily from afar, he desperately needed the help and Billy just couldn’t humble himself to walk up to you. The nervousness growing in his chest made him angry, this has never happened with a girl. There’s no fucking way that he actually liked you, you were a lowlife slacker with no initiative.
Yet, you were a slacker with a class rank of 6.
“ Ah, fuck it. “ Billy grumbled lowly, his stomach doing a backflip with every step he took towards you. Billy never took the time to examine all your features in class, he was too busy constantly rolling his eyes at your teasing. You were laughing A warmth nipped at the back of Billy’s neck, you caught his eye from across the way and waved happily with a gorgeous smile of your face.
“ Hey King, what’re you doing so far away from your pack of wolves? “ You articulated, your eyes wandered to the rest of his group. They were watching Billy’s every move with intent, probably wonddering if he was asking you out. Your attention shifted back to Billy, his hand was rubbing the back of his neck while his boot tried to grind its way into the white tile below.
“ I can’t believe I’m asking you this but will you please study with me? I’ll take you out or some frilly shit like that. “ Billy sighed, his heart drowned out the surrounding noise like a loud drum beating in his ears. The fear of you literally being able to see his heart bouncing around in his ribcage only accelerated his heartrate. “ Please, I’m desperate, Y/N. “
It almost amused you to see how jittery Billy was to leave, is that sadistic? You hoped not. He was growing more and more uncomfortable with every second Billy stood in front of you and your friends. All eyes were either on you or on Billy, lungs were waiting in bated breath for your response.
“ I’d thought you’d never ask. Where do you want me to meet you? “ You commented smugly, your eyes playfully slitting at Billy.
“ Whatever. Just meet me at my car. “ Billy huffed out, sweet relief flooding his mind and body as he sauntered off. Your eyes trailed down his back and stopped at his ass that was practically sculpted by the Greek Gods. He ran a through his hair in sheer stress before being hounded with questions by his friends. Your friends squealed in delight, immediately asking for your intentions with him.
“ A bitch just might make a move. “
“ Okay, Y/N, I think it’s time you tell me your stupid secret or else I’ll make you regret it. “ Billy spoke his empty threat with that signature smirk on his face. You sipped on your chocolate milkshake with a grin, Billy’s homework in your free hand.
“ Oo, I’m so scared, Billy! “ You exhorted, setting down the glass and sarcastically waving your hand in the air. Your brain soaked up his math work, a lot of it was wrong. No wonder he was doing so badly in Mr. Michael’s class. “ If you really want to know so badly, go get me a menu. “
“ Why? I already bought you lunch. “ Billy questioned dubiously, his eyebrows raising in confusion. You shifted your attention from the paper to Billy. God, he’s so fucking cute, why can’t he stop that?
“ Just do it, okay? I swear there’s a method to my madness. “ You digressed, your hand waving to shoo Billy away. He let out a loud groan before forcing himself out of the booth and retrieving the 50’s themed menu. Billy handed you the menu and plopped down on the bench seat, his suspiciouns were growing periodically. Just what were you doing?
“ Okay, I’m done looking at it! “ You chimed happily as you shut the menu within seconds after reading it over. You slid it in front of Billy, your eyes glued to his. “ Ask me what’s on the menu and you shall receive, Billy. “
“ I just got it like thirty seconds ago, Y/N. Don’t tell me you memorized all of it? That’s humanly impossible. “ He observed your confident body language, you knew all twenty items on that menu. Billy could see it by the shining twinkle in your E/C eyes. “ What’s number 16? “
“ Number 16 is the Hop-A-Long Burger. It’s topped with barbeque sauce, onion rings, and cheddar cheese. It also costs 50 cents. “ You declared, a cheesy smile grew on your face. This was only the start. Billy’s eyes turned to slits, how was that fucking possible? “ Give me a more difficult one. I want a challenge. “
“ What were the answers on the math test we had two weeks ago? “ Billy quiered interested, a triumphant smile curling on his features. How about that for a challenge?
“ A, B, D, B, C, A, A, D, B, C, Need I go on? “ You listed off ancouple of the answers when you could’ve named all of them off but you didn’t want to show off more than you already were. Billy looked as if he was blown away, his mouth hung slightly agape. He had never met someone with such an expansive mind. “ I have a photographic memory, Billy. I can remember everything I see like how handsome your smile is and that you’re left-handed. There’s a freckle on your ring finger too. “
“ That’s creepy how you know that but that’s weirdly tubular. I dig it. “ Billy admitted, a content smirk on his face. No wonder you were so smart yet so lazy, you didn’t have to put in any effort at all. He could finally die in peace and it took half a year! You’re so stubborn! “ Let’s do this again. I’ll take you somewhere nicer next time. “
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jihoonslattee · 7 years
Tumblr User! Ong Seongwoo
Tumblr media
[credit to each pic owner!]
ok so i was just eating some filipino food at a restuarant when my mind was like “YO YKNOW I WONDER WHAT WANNA ONE WAS PPL ON TUMBLR WOULD BE LIKE” so here i am BSJXNS [this is literally not proofread tbh everything i write isn’t proof read im so sorry DHFKD]
his username would be
95 being the yr he was born in
so he’s probably one of those aesthetic tumblrs that posts aesthetic photos that everyone loves
like he’ll post aesthetic photos of him posing at places that look so nice and stuff 
honestly his photos were so pleasing that they actually ended up being used in a lot of places 
also being used without credit but tbh ong didn’t mind, as long as he got recognition for his photos and his artistic style through being aesthetic he was happy! 
so you also happened to be an aesthetic blog, people also admired you
you didn’t really take pictures of yourself mostly of places that looked aesthetic. 
and you followed ong because wow he was handsome and wow his photos were so nice like pls teach me ???
the downside to his fantastic blog was 
literally the memes he reblogs onto it 
it didn’t bother you at first, but it started bothering you when his blog at times was just flooded with memes 
like it was one thing to reblog other aesthetic blogs and like some memes but it was getting to you 
like the stuff he reblogged was just weird like 
there would be a meme of someone cleaning but then someone coming in ruining it and then he would tag it 
“this is literally minhyun and jaehwan rip”
or like something really weird and be like 
so like once you were fed up you messaged him like 
“hey ong the slate, i understand you find great memes you wanna share but i hope you know that ppl mainly follow your account for the aesthetics!”
he replied like one second after which had you shooketh 
“ahh i see, i mean i like sharing what i think it funny with the people that follow me!”
so here starts a full blown convo 
“you could make a side blog for just reblogging random things and tell your followers!” 
“oh is that a good idea?”
“yeah ofc i have a side blog myself where i reblog a ton of stuff i like, it doesn’t have like a ton of followers but it’s the thought that counts 
“whats your side blog name?”
“uh i’d rather not say it’s weird” 
anyways after that convo low and behold ong made his own mf side blog called 
you secretly followed it on your side blog because even though you didn’t like the memes on his aesthetic blog, the stuff he was reblogging was pretty funny 
anyways one day at the college that you attend you notice that someone is taking photos near the cherry blossom trees. 
walking closer you notice that it’s ong 
ong the slate 
and you mentally freak out because tf you didn’t know he live this close and 2 he looked hella fine in person 
“daniel no! I asked you to take it in this position, this is important!”
“chill seongwoo, art takes time”
you casually walk up to seongwoo and daniel 
“are you ong the slate on tumblr?”
and he just freezes up like 
“shit i’ve been spotted”
so he just laughs it off and steps away from the tree awkwardly while daniel is over to the side low key trying not to laugh his ass off 
“y-yeah! i actually go to this college, do you?” 
“yeah! i’ve been following your blog for a while and i love the photos you post, i also like your side blog”
his eyes light up and he literally almost grabs your hands in excitement but then realizes yall are still strangers 
“what’s your blog name? i’ll follow you back!” 
and then this is where you realize
“oh shit, i fucked up”
you just kind of awkwardly laugh and just start to back away like 
“well it was nice meeting you! i hope you see you around!” 
while you scurry off though seongwoo just smiles to himself 
“whats up ong?”
“usually when people spot me in public which is rare they just say ‘hey aren’t you that ong handsome guy that takes nice photos on tumblr?’ and the only person who really has directly called me ong the slate was this one girl on tumblr who told me i should make a side blog”
daniel literally started laughing which made ong confused like 
ong literally turned around and gave daniel the “wtf are you laughing at face” 
“you are literally loosely piecing together facts, are you sure you aren’t thinking that way because you want to meet that girl in person?”
he wiggled his eyebrows a little and seongwoo scoffed, 
“shut up daniel let’s go back to taking pictures.”
later that day your phone pinged signaling that you had a notification from tumblr
“hey! I know we haven’t talked since you like criticized my account! how are you”
“oh also your new photos on your account are so aesthetic”
you slightly smiled seeing the second message but when you read the first one he sent you got a little salty 
“OK FIRST OFF i didn’t criticize your account, i was just suggesting something to improve your account”
“what ever you say but anyways what’s your name and how are you?” 
“ok fine well i’m Y/N which is a pretty common name BUT i’m doing fine, just working on some homework.”
“HMMM you go to college?”
“no i go to english language school”
“no yes it’s for college”
“HAH ok bye!”
you were so confused like why talk to you for like three minutes then leave after getting some info about you?
the next day while walking down the part of your college with the cherry blossom trees you hear someone call out your name 
you froze in your spot and turned around slightly, you spotted Seongwoo RUSHING towards you with a huge smile on his face
you started walking equally as fast because who cares about your class now you wanted to escape from possible embarrassment
so now here you are sipping on a hot chocolate in a cafe with seongwoo just giving you a mischievous smirk 
“what a coincidence! I didn’t know you went to me college!” 
“i don’t even know how you thought i was the person that talked to you on your tumblr”
“you see i watch all these detective shows and sometimes even the weirdest facts fit together!” 
you were literally blown away 
Seongwoo took out his phone and after tapping on it a little he placed it in front of you 
“so i was wondering if you would take a look at the photos i have, i was planning on posting them but yknow daniel isn’t rlly a good helper”
you simply just nodded and looked over the photos while scrolling you realized that over half of them were memes which caught ong’s attention and made him flustered
“AGH i forgot to put it to my folder full of aesthetic photos!” 
he snatched the phone away and then placed it in front of you again 
“i see you’re more of a meme person huh?”
“just look at the photos” 
so you scrolled some more and a lot of them were really nice but some of them had bad angles. 
you causally changed to the camera on his phone and pointed it at him 
“uh what are you doing?”
“just pose or something” 
following what you said he sat up straight and did one of those aesthetic poses (ok so like just try to imagine one bc i cant DFHJKD)
you positioned yourself in a way where it looked super nice and took the photo, changed the filter and handed the phone back to him 
“i think daniel needs a little more training” 
he just laughed and instead of laughing with him your mind was like 
“wow he has a cute laugh” 
but before you could even like second guess that thought of yours seongwoo asked you something 
“hey do you wanna like collab together? like you take my photos and i can help you with something? Daniel keeps on doing the same shots over and over again and i wanna have something new which you provide me with!” 
“as long as you don’t take up a lot of my time sure”
this obviously made seongwoo’s smile grow large and he just took your hands in his which made you surprised and flustered 
oh and your face turned a bit red too
“this is great! Hopefully we work well together” 
time skipp because this is starting to get a bit long
“so seongwoo what do you think of this place?”
it was a simple abandoned train station that had been painted pink (think of bp’s aityl train station that was pink) and since he was wearing pink you thought it would be a perfect idea to take a couple of photos of him there!
before you turned you head to look at him you heard a quiet snap of a camera and saw seongwoo holding the polaroid camera 
“ugh seongwoo what did i tell you? Don’t waste the film on taking pictures of the scenery, we gotta use it for you!” 
he just waved you off and smiled while taking the new photo that had come out and stuffed it into his pocket. 
while you were taking photos of him he stopped posing
“what’s wrong?”
“don’t you ever wanna take pictures of yourself? like and post aesthetic photos of you? i’m sure people would love that” 
you shrugged and placed the camera into your bag 
“i mean i’ve never really had the confidence for it, when i tried it just looked a little i don’t know, tacky?” 
seongwoo nodded and then started muttering something underneath his breath 
“all the photos i have of you don’t look tacky though”
“i was just saying how it probably looks tacky but aesthetic!” 
you laughed and just hit seongwoo on the shoulder”
“shut up your always look so nice”
“that’s because you’re taking them” 
“alright alright true now lets go back to taking photos of you”
once the photoshoot was done and you arrived home you started receiving a bunch of notifications from your friends 
you picked up your phone and took a glance at it while skimming over your notes for you test tomorrow 
you literally dropped your phone 
going on tumblr you looked at seongwoo’s posts and noticed that it was the truth 
he had posted a bunch of polaroids of you, including the one he took at the train station today that you assumed was only of the scenery 
“istg when i see him again i’ll make sure to expose-”
mid way of trying to think of ways to get back at him your heart stopped beating at the caption he had put 
“she thinks photos of her are tacky but all the photos i have of her taken over all the time we’ve spent together say otherwise right?” 
you clicked on the notes on the post, which seemed like they were going up little bit by bit and saw what people had said 
“is this your girlfriend O.O”
“she’s so pretty! tell her to start her own aesthetics blog!”
“you guys should become a couple aesthetics blog, that would be so cute~” 
you could feel your face going red as you brought your face to your cheeks
“ugh ong seongwoo what are you doing?” 
you had to admit it was a little sweet but it just made you feel a certain way that you didn’t want to feel 
you still high key wanted to expose him 
SO THE NEXT DAY you started walking over to your usual meet up spot when daniel all of a sudden started walking next to you 
“lets go a different route this time!” 
he started pushing you in another direction
while you were questioning where he was taking you, you noticed a bunch of photos on the ground that looked like familiar places to you 
at this point while you were admiring the photos daniel had left you to jus wonder what they were for 
so like what people do in the movies you started following the trail of photos while picking them up 
which led you to a gazebo which you didn’t even know existed at your college 
the trail also led you to ong, who had his back turned towards you. 
“alright ong i don’t think turning your back towards me is going to make me not see you”
you laughed softly and you could hear him chuckle a little too 
so he slowly turned around 
and by slowly i mean like you wanted to go up to him and turn him around fully yourself 
but when he did though, you gasped 
actually gasped like not enough to put your hands to your mouth though 
“ong what is that?!”
your face instantly lit up and you reached your hand towards a bouquet that had all these aesthetic photos of your and seongwoo 
(try to imagine it i literally cannot explain it SHKD)
“I wanted to surprise you, i know we haven’t known each other long but i would love to start a blog together and with that blog start a nice beautiful relationship between the two of us?”
you smiled and took the bouquet out of his hands 
“that was super cheesy but I guess i’m not against it, i would love to take aesthetic photos with you while also being a cute couple while we’re at it” 
seongwoo’s face lit up
like you know when he smiles so big that it’s literally blinding, 
that kind of lit up 
he instantly picked you up and spun you around making you both laugh in the process 
“gosh Y/N you are like the prince to my charming”
“that literally did not make sense”
he set you down and just gave you this teasing stare
“but you like me anyways rightt?”
he smiled at you and you couldn’t help but smile back 
“of course i do”
before ong could respond daniel literally burst in and ruined the moment 
daniel then proceeded to grab both of your arms and drag you towards the nearby place
“also count this as your kind of first date!”
seongwoo scoffed
“first date with a third wheeler?”
now it was daniel’s turn to scoff and they both continued to bicker while walking the whole way to the place. 
even though you weren’t really tuning into their conversation, you kept on the looking at each of the photos of both you and seongwoo and couldn’t help but think about how great and sweet seongwoo is 
even though he teased you and also exposed you 
you start to get really excited about the future with him, and also probably daniel since they stick to each other like glue 
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flowerconcept-blog · 7 years
in this au you can hear your soulmate’s thoughts, but it only happens when they’re focusing really really hard on something or are feeling very intense emotions, particularly intense happiness, sadness or stress
you would think that this would make it easy to talk with your soulmate in your head, but in reality it’s difficult to communicate until you’ve really established a bond with them by meeting in real life
so you’ve had your soulmates thoughts in your head your entire life, but you’ve never talked with him…… you know his name is soonyoung because sometimes he scolds himself in his head, though
that doesn’t mean you don’t feel close to him! feeling someone’s emotions and thoughts you can’t not love them to a certain degree, and you really do love soonyoung
from his thoughts you know how hardworking and genuine he is…...… a lot of the time he’s worrying about his friends and it breaks your heart because so often he’s blaming himself for other’s stress
you aren’t sure what he does but you think he must choreograph or dance because so often you’ll hear him going over song lines and dance steps in your head since he’s focusing on them so hard
sometimes you’ll wake up at 2am and he’s still awake working on a dance
those are the times you really wish you knew soonyoung or could talk to him….. so you could tell him to slow down and sleep because it seems like he overworks himself
when you’re an early teenager he has a lot of negative and stressful thoughts but thankfully as you’re heading off to college in seoul (aka after seventeen debuts), it seems like soonyoung has a lot more happiness in his life, which makes you happy too!!!!
there are some times (when he’s performing for carats! but you don’t know that) that he feels such overpowering joy that you can’t help but be happy, even if you’re feeling down for some reason
you always wonder which of your thoughts soonyoung hears since you live such a mundane life and you figure you must not be an interesting soulmate to have ;(
but soonyoung actually loves hearing you focusing really hard for a test or thinking about something you consider “boring”!!!! because the idol life means he doesn’t get those mundane moments and he’s glad he gets to share them with you
for him it’s hardest when he’s up choreographing and you’re having a rough night worrying about something :( because he wants to be able to cheer you up because that’s what soonyoung does best, but he can’t :(
the first time you actually communicate with him is when he’s having a really stressful time preparing for a comeback…..at this point you’ve sort of figured out he must be a famous performer of some sort because his thoughts are always revolving around stages and choreography
but most of all you’ve been hearing him worrying a lot about comments he’s read online….. and unlike the usual cheerful (if not a bit stressed) thoughts you hear from soonyoung, he seems really down on himself
after a couple of weeks of feeling this from his end, there’s a particularly bad night where soonyoung is up really late trying to perfect choreography on his own and suddenly you get this influx of really angry and upset thoughts blaming himself
and when you hear “we’ll fail because of me” you know you can’t just listen to this anymore because you can’t let soonyoung…. the hardworking, kind, lovely soonyoung you’ve heard all your life…. **your** soonyoung…. you can’t let him feel this way without at least trying to convince him otherwise
so you squeeze your eyes shut and focus as hard as you can on the thought “it’s not your fault soonyoung, please believe me”
and halfway across seoul, as he runs through the choreo for the millionth time, soonyoung hears you loud and clear, talking to him for the first time, and it’s like suddenly a wall crashes down and you guys can hear each other easily
that night you talk for hours, soonyoung telling you about seventeen and the comeback and how he’s afraid people think he doesn’t belong in the group ,,,,,,,, and quietly he hears you tell him that you can’t imagine anyone deserves it more than him
and for once he believes that when he hears it
you pass out at 4am and in the morning soonyoung will not stop talking about you to the boys…… wonwoo is like “we get it they’re kind and wonderful and amazing and i’m glad you guys talked but please … be quiet”
you expect to be able to talk to soonyoung all the time now but it seems like it doesn’t work like that ;( because in the morning you can hear him thinking about you and he can hear you thinking about him
but when you try to talk to each other, it doesn’t get through!!!!!!
both of you kinda mope but then you realize…...you know who he is now and you know exactly how you can meet him…… he’s an idol! he has fan meets!
you figure you can go to a seventeen fanmeeting and hopefully you’ll get to talk to him and he’ll recognize you 
and if it doesn’t work…… then you suppose it wasn’t meant to happen like that and you’ll meet each other another time, on fates terms
waiting is the hardest part, because now that you’ve communicated with each other you really really really want to meet soonyoung in real life and he wants to meet you too, but you can’t because you didn’t share phone numbers or anything!!!
every day soonyoung is like “i wonder how they are” and the rest of the boys r like oh my GOD you are so WHIPPED and you haven’t even met yet
basically you guys are already head over heels in love w/ each other but now you just have to wait
anyways finally seventeen has a fanmeet in seoul and you wait in line nervously, your new album tucked to your chest (you never listened to seventeen before but once you found out your soulmate was in it….you listened to all their songs and even bought their albums)
with no idea what to expect, you get inside the venue and you see soonyoung and you’re……..floored
because if he was beautiful in the fancams you watched….. he’s unreal in person….. as he smiles at the boy next to him you feel your heart beat like crazy imagining him smiling at you
time passes so slowly but honestly it’s alright because you get to look at him, and suddenly you’re at the front of the line for signings and you’re like…...oh my god oh my god oh my god
everything’s in slow motion until you reach soonyoung and you guys make eye contact and the rest of the noise in the room fades out and you just hear him think “it’s you”
you guys smile at each other without saying anything and it’s the perfect moment until one of the staff members is like rushing you along and you’re like…..wait what but then you’re like oh right…. this is his job
but as soon as you’re done getting your album signed another staff member asks you to come backstage and you’re like thank GOD because now that you’ve met your soulmate for real you don’t know what you would do if you had to just. leave him again
it takes forever but the event ends and soonyoung comes backstage to the room you’re sitting in and all you can do is say “hello” awkwardly before he comes and engulfs you in a bear hug
this feeling of relief that you’re with him after all these years of waiting…..sweeps over you and you can’t help but tear up a little bit as you hug him back
he sniffles a bit too tbh :(
seventeen has more schedules so he explains he can’t spend time with you right away but you exchange numbers and talk a tiny bit, and as he’s leaving he presses a kiss to your cheek and ur like WOW!!!!! that happened!!!
your first date is late at night because it’s the only time soonyoung can meet and you guys just walk around and he buys you snacks from a convenience store 
you stay out way too late talking so you sleep in and miss your morning class lmao
he kisses you for real on your third date when you guys are watching a movie at your apartment and you move together so naturally that it doesn’t even feel like the first kiss, you were expecting **sparks** but it feels like you’ve been kissing for years instead, and that’s even better
which honestly is like your whole relationship with soonyoung!!!! it feels like you’ve been dating forever…… there’s no need for awkwardness or elaborate romantic dates because you’re content just being together…. just being close to each other
he always calls you “my soulmate” as a nickname and it’s disgustingly cheesy but you love it ;(
because you can sense each other’s emotions, fights sort themselves out easily and when one of you is having a rough time it’s easy to tell…. which is especially good for soonyoung because he keeps negative emotions to himself and before you there wasn’t really anyone he could let those feelings out with
but now when you feel that he’s upset, you call him right away and your voice calms him down, or if you can’t call you just talk to him quietly through his thoughts and he’s so so grateful for having you in his life
when the two of you are going to sleep together or cuddling he mumbles into your hair about how when he’s not so busy with work he’s going to marry you and spend every possible second with you and it makes u really emo because you love him so much
you guys have a bunch of dumb inside jokes and laugh so much together …… soonyoung never ever fails to make you happy and he thinks you’re the funniest person in the world but everyone else is like “wtf” when you guys are cracking up
the perfect soulmate couple because you balance each other out so well and always support each other unconditionally and you just…. fit in a way neither of you never thought you could fit with anyone
but you fit with each other and that’s what really matters !!!!!!!
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blueruby31 · 6 years
So, I was recently scrolling through some website and read something about random acts of kindness, and it got me thinking.
Warning: this entire story is long, irrelevant to your life, unimportant, and if you’re even seeing this post to begin with, thank you already lol
But basically, I’m 15, and a sophomore in high school. The way my school works is that there are two middle schools and one high school, so when you go into high school you meet a lot of new people. There are already a lot of stories I could tell about people at my school just starting with that, but this specific one is more about someone I don’t really know.
Let’s just call him Starfish. That has literally nothing to do with him and I don’t care that no one I know will ever probably see this, we’re gonna go with it. He was in one of my classes last year, and this year he’s in like three or four of them. He was always really quiet, like me, so I didn’t really notice him until like midway through last year, and even then he didn’t stand out to me in any way.
Note: I have social anxiety, which is pretty important to where this story is going.
So recently, just in the last few weeks, my anxiety has gotten really bad. Like, I’m used to getting this level of anxiety over things like tests, but I had been making major improvements on my social anxiety. I was becoming more talkative, more outgoing, not caring what anyone really thought of me as much. Then something happened. I genuinely have no clue what it was, but now whenever I’m trying to talk to people I don’t really know or in front of big groups, it feels like there’s something pressing in on my chest. I can’t breathe, and I literally can’t make myself talk a lot of the time.
Side note (yeah, I know, I do this a lot): it’s started pissing off my friends that its so hard for me to do anything social with people other than them and they don’t get it, but that’s a story for another time.
Anyways, a few weeks ago, I was really busy, and I ended up still working on a project for my French class at around 2 am. I was being really hard on myself, just beating myself up about how I couldn’t get anything done on time, how I was going to be so tired the next day, etc. Then this kid, Starfish - his name popped up on the shared document of the instructions for the project. And it seriously just made me feel so much better about myself. I honestly felt so much less alone, and it honestly just helped me so much in that moment.
He has no idea that this happened. No idea that I even noticed he was on the document, let alone how much it affected me.
Anyways, like two weeks later, we were put into the same group for health. Everyone in that group is pretty quiet - it was me, him, one of his friends, and a girl who’s first language isn’t English and can have some issues with it.
First off, let’s back up (again, I know. My writing style is annoying, I get it). A few of my other friends have some classes with Starfish (I swear to god every time I write the word “starfish” in this I burst out laughing), and whenever they’re at his table or something, he’s absolutely silent. He rarely ever talks to them, and when he does it’s apparently insanely quiet. 
In health, we were supposed to be writing scenarios that could happen relating to various drug usages. And during this assignment, Starfish (I’m laughing so hard wtf) actually talked. Like a normal volume, occasionally direct eye contact, etc. And it honestly just made me feel so happy.
Like, this other kid who is really quiet feels comfortable enough to talk around me. It just made me feel better about how quiet I was starting to become again. Like, I can’t really explain it if you don’t get it - it just felt really comforting that he seemed to consider me someone who he could be at least a little more himself around, even though I don’t actually know him at all.
I’ve still never really had many conversations with him. He has no idea how much of an impact he’s randomly had on me, and why would he?
Occasionally I’ll randomly make eye contact with him from across the classroom or the library or somewhere, and I don’t know why but it still just makes me feel better to know that there’s someone out there who’s at least sort of similar to me, in that we’re both quiet, and just that I’m not alone.
I think that’s my main overarching point here - sometimes you don’t fully realize what you do for other people. Starfish has no actual clue about any of this, so he has no clue how much better he’s made me feel about my anxiety. So basically: you have much more of an effect on others than you could ever fully realize, so you should really just be who you are. Somewhere out there, there’s someone that notices and appreciates it for even the most random reasons. People are complex, and you never realize how much even the slightest things can effect them for the better.
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The one where anon fumes in rage for the second half of the chapter
After chapter 143, I never thought I would read this looking for some lightheartedness.
I just found out I have a tag on your blog and I screamed to my fiancée happily about it. Once he made sure I wasn’t going into early labor, he told me to stop being a fucking weeb. He doesn’t understand I just made it! This is awesome!
On to the review then, the title does not bode well given the story’s content.
I hope the read more trick works.
He looks over to where she’s pointing, and sure enough there seemed to be a family of squirrels resting on a branch parallel to their window.
Squirrels mean preparation and resourcefulness. I see the symbolism. ;P
“You look like you’re happy,” She murmurs. “What’s the occasion?”
He hasn’t seen her look this happy in a long time.
Just how bad were the last 5 months if a simple smile and flush is something he hasn’t seen in a long time? Bitch, your relationship hasn’t reached the 6 months mark yet!
he rarely kissed like this these days.
Hatefucking is now the norm in their sex life. Can’t say I blame them. When your relationship is so fucked up, your only option is to drown out your thoughts in vigorous thrusting and serial orgasms.
She gives him a mockingly surprised look. “You can do that?”
Own him, Touka!
For a moment, he wonders if he would need to speed up his timeline.
Can he even do that? He can’t change the Rushima operation date and it would be stupid to fight Arima with the entire CCG still in Tokyo.
 and transferring a large amount of the money in his bank account into a private account that he had opened earlier that week in his free time.
I swear I need an act of congress signed by Jesus himself to move more than $1000 from my account and this guy is transferring large amounts with a phone app? Into a recently made account? Makes sense since Japan doesn’t have the Patriot Act but still, it looks suspicious and can be traced. He should know better than that.
He frowns, wondering if he would need to hide them. Lock her away, so that no one would be able to find her.
Why not put her in Cochlea with Hinami? At least she will help her with the baby when your ass is dead and gone. The fact that these thoughts are even occurring to him is scary since he can do it if he wants and Touka would be helpless to stop him
Though, that wouldn’t make her happy. 
But this wasn’t just about her happiness, was it?
No, it’s about your selfishness and tragic dark hero complex you moron!
He looks around the space of the living room and can hardly recognize the change from a few months ago when he got the place. 
What had happened?
A woman’s touch.
It felt like home. God, he wanted to laugh at how struck he was by all of this. Would it even matter when he went through with his plans? His child would grow up without him and Touka 
I hate that you are making me sympathize with this fuckboy.
She peers from the kitchen, her hair, falling below her shoulders. She kept it clipped up with a hair claw he had gotten her.
Long hair Touka is a BIG MOOD! Thank you for the image.
but Yoriko had went on and on about how simple it was to make
OMG did my trick with wiping Furuta’s name work and now Yoriko is part of the story? (I know this is from school memories but let me dream I have superpowers)
His fingers twitch, longing to feel the movement of their child. 
Do I even deserve it?
No. You plan to abandon this kid in a world that despises it so you can keep those fingers to yourself.
The baby doesn’t kick when he tries to feel it though. He’s tried, it’s like his child already knew him well enough.
I like this kid. Carlos making me proud.
He didn’t deserve happiness at the expense of her life. 
He didn’t deserve it at all, in fact.
 I hate that you are making me sympathize with this fuckboy.
There hadn’t been any arguments,
I wish we could have gotten a glimpse to one of these arguments.
“Isn’t Papa handsome, Touka-chan?” She’d ask, and then she’d hug him tightly, drawing both herself and Ayato into the hug as well. It’s the last time she remembers ever feeling so safe.
– Right down to the tragic ending.
Is that why you picked a guy who has Tragedy as his middle name? Recreating childhood trauma?
“I do,” he insists. “Trust me.”
If someone insists that you should trust them, you probably shouldn’t.
and lets her pick out the cake she would be having after dinner tonight.
I don’t know if this is intentional or not but it’s an odd choice of phrase “let her pick” as if he is controlling every aspect of her life. Oh fuck, he kinda is, isn’t he?
Ken lets himself in,
Still with that nasty habit of his.
All my sympathy for this fuckboy just flew out the window.
And clearly terrified.
Doctors can kill you, Ken. Why the fuck are you putting the fear of Ishida into this man? That’s like being rude to your waiter and being surprised when you find out they spat in your food.
What a dick.
There’s a crack.
He had popped his shoulder right out of place.
Whaaaat the fuuuuck?!
“Do you have any idea the kind of things that this man has done?” He asks, directing his question to her, then. “To ghouls? Specifically to ghoul women?” 
YOU SHOULD BE ONE TO TALK YOU HYPOCRITICAL FUCK! Are you telling me the award winning ghoul killer is now showing concern for his victims?
Ken continues, clearly getting a thrill out all of this
/Insert gif of Selina Meyer’s nervous WTF/
“Are you really in a position to talk? You kill ghouls everyday.”
No, it didn’t. She likes to pretend most of the times. The last three months had been nothing but a happy dream. Ken isn’t the same anymore, even if he pretended to be meek and gentle with her now, that isn’t him at all. This was him. She just had to accept it.
This just made me depressed. Why does it have to be like this?
He tests her blood and the urine, not waiting for any lab work, knowing that Sasaki would not take that well, he does it himself.
I am fuming right now because I know those need at least an hour so that appointment took at least an hour and all those poor women are waiting outside till they finish.
Fuck you Kaneki.
One of his gloved hands intertwined with hers. She was so warm to the touch.
What kind of flimsy ass gloves are those if you can feel her temperature through them?
 even Yomo-san was excited about the new child, asking her about it, and constantly asking to touch her belly in his shy and quiet way.
Gruncle Yomo hype!
He was more than excited to rush the two of them out of his office.
He’ll be more than excited to rat the two of you out as soon as chance permits.
She doesn’t notice the dark, amused look that Ken casts back on the doctor.
Plot twist: Ken has an affair with the doctor and the whole scene before was part of their kinky SM scenes. (Ignore that)
“I love you,” Ken rasps against her mouth.
Fuck you.
(Well, Touka is doing that but I mean that metaphorically you line-cutting bastard)
just like the ones that make her eyes blank and roll behind her lids.
That’s probably because you shouldn’t be lying flat on your back once you enter the second trimester. The good doctor would have told you that if your boyfriend didn’t terrify the fuck out of him.
The sight of her completely tired and sated because of him, sends a thrill up his spine.
I hate to say this but same, Kaneki, same.
The baby seems to kick him right on his cheek as Ken leans in to nuzzle her belly. As if to tell his father that he was being ridiculous.
At least now we know both Ken and Touka have a recessive gene for common sense since the baby seems to have more of it than they do.
“I hope – that you’re like your mama. I hope I can make you both happy and proud.”
/Insert Kristen Wiig’s Bridesmaids are you fucking kidding me gif/
look over the email he had drafted to his good friend, another Associate Class investigator.
But why didn’t the doctor contact his investigator friend when Ken first threatened him though? His terror means they met before but he needed a dislocated shoulder to ask for his friend’s help?
He would look over the contents in his car and send the email.
What is in his car? Why is it important to check before the email? Does this have anything to do with Kanou’s experiments?
He’s too busy shoving his files inside his briefcase to notice the glint of metal glass frames and a fringe of dark hair.
This is such a well-written line, thrilling.
A smile comes across her lips as she thinks about that.
You’re keeping your expectations pretty low if that is what makes you smile.
of the S ranked ghoul Yotsume
SS ghoul! Put some respeck on her rank!
Touka grips the letter, hard enough to shred the paper. Stupid – she had been so fucking stupid.
Guess who is coming home to a vase thrown at their face? I want Touka to pack her stuff and call Nishiki to come pick her up! Put her stuff in the car and wait to punch Ken in the face then leave. Does he think some baby clothes and cushions will make her ignore her baby sister being thrown in jail? Fuck no, you got a big storm coming, Kaneki.
By the way, I started writing a review for Aphrodisia but my fiancée heard “impregnation kink” and decided to join me in reading and we uh, got distracted. Future hubby is now a huge fan of yours though despite not knowing anything about the manga besides chapter 125. He says he related a lot to Kaneki in the second chapter (big surprise, huh?) despite not being a king or having any murder tentacles sprouting from his back so great job on that one.
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tcm--holland · 7 years
simple pt. 3 // peter parker
word count: about 3.5k
a/n: wtf almost 80 notes on pt. 2?? i love you guys thanks so much for the support it really boosts my motivation to keep writing!! this is actually edited whoa and warning for profanity. also idk what to do now that this story is done, so pls pls send in any ideas if y'all have any! just ask if ya wanna be on the tag list! sorry that this is late, life came by and made me super busy, and thanks for reading <333
part 1 | part 2
When Peter Parker started being apart of your life, his timing couldn't have been better. As Spider-Man, he made you want to save the world and gave you the confidence you didn't know you lacked. Even when you screwed up as S/N, he stood firmly by your side. As Peter, he gave you something to look forward to at school. He made all of your anxiety disappear with one mischievous smirk. He made you feel something special inside that you simply couldn't describe.
It's been exactly one month since you talked to him that day on the roof. Ever since then, life has gotten dull, like a pencil that you lost the sharpener to so you try to make the best of it.
He tried to talk to you so many times, but never in person. You can't find the courage to talk to him in person, either. He sent you pages and pages of text messages containing apologies. Some are just a few words and others are paragraphs long. You haven't replied to any of them. You don't have the courage to do that, either. Every time the thought of Peter returns to you, you can feel your heart break a little more. Maybe it hurts so much because for the longest time, he was the one good thing in your life. Maybe it's because he broke a long held promise.
"Spidey?" You asked one day as you swung your legs back and forth at the edge of the roof.
"What's up?" He turned to face you, head tilted to the side slightly.
"I want to make a promise. We can't hide anything from each other anymore."
Spider-Man stared at you for a few seconds, then shrugged. "Okay! Well, my name is -"
"No, no! That's the only thing that we should hide. I meant anything other than our identities. You know, you don't have to worry about what I'll think if you're honest. That's the only reason why I got mad when you finally told me why you weren't coming every day." You rubbed your arm and frowned.
"Wait, so you don't actually hate Mr. Stark?" He sounded surprised.
"I mean, the guy didn't do anything to me or you. I might heavily disapprove of the guy, but I don't hate him, no."
"...You're right. We should be honest with each other. But what if one of us finds out the other's identity? Then that kind of messes everything up."
You thought about this for a while, trying to come up with a solution. "Tell the other person. I think the other would figure it out eventually. I mean, you're smart as hell and I'm pretty okay too. So might as well tell them, right?"
"Well, yeah, but what about the secret identity thing?"
"If one already knows, then there's no point in upholding that anymore. The only purpose of not telling each other who we are is to keep things simple," you smile under your mask and shrug. "It's okay, you're probably someone I don't even know. But we have to keep each other's secret if that ever happens. We'll figure out the rest when we get there."
"Okay. Promise to keep the secret and to tell each other everything," Spider-Man nodded. You held your pinky out to secure the promise. Chuckling, he wrapped his pinky around yours.
Only then did you nod back. "Promise."
A tear slips out of your eye, glistening in the fluorescent lights of the Chemistry classroom. Come on, you can't cry in the middle of a Chemistry test. You quickly wipe it away and write faster, teeth gritted in determination. How did it get to the point that you can't even go through the day without remembering Peter? For a second, you glance at Peter only to see that he's been staring for a long time now. Shit, he caught you. Your eyes momentarily meet. In that fraction of a second, it feels as though you saw through to his internal torment. A heavy weight sets on your heart, one that doesn't let go even when you look away to get back to writing.
Towards the end of class, your teacher stands up and starts announcing some kind of project. You're hardly listening as you stare at your shoes. Maybe you could forgive him and just forget about this whole thing. Then you could just hug him and...and...
You think you might start crying again, but you bite your tongue as hard as you can without making yourself bleed. You feel the familiar strain on your forehead as you do your very best to not let your classmates see your tears. That would be an embarrassing situation to explain to your teacher.
No, of course you can't forgive him that easily. You've told Peter how much you hate dishonesty. But he tossed that right out of the fricking window, knowing how you'd feel. What a prick.
"Hey, don't look at each other yet. Since it's a short project that shouldn't take you longer than a few days, you'll just be working with the person next to you." Groans and mumbles fill the room, but your teacher isn't having any of it. You hear people near you cuss under their breath.
Whatever, another project shouldn't be that big of a -
Your train of thought stops immediately when you realize who the person beside you is. Oh hell no. No no no no. What is this, some kind of movie? This doesn't actually happen in real life, right? There is absolutely no way this is real.
He catches your gaze. In your case, this does happen in real life. It's not so weird when you remember that you live in a world where the Avengers, like, exist. You try to sound as professional as you can when you speak to him. If you ever make it big as a superhero, you're sure you'll have to be great at that skill around people you're not necessarily on good terms with. "Uh, okay. So I can get books from the library to use as some of our references. Or the internet. That works, too. And like, we need a plan. Also, this is obviously not going to get done at school, so um..."
You mentally curse a little for being so awkward. It was all structured and nice in your head, and then it came out the way it always does. So much for professionalism.
Peter's listening intently. "I could come over," he says eagerly. You look at him, silent with your eyes narrowed. "Uh, if you want, that is. You don't have to do anything. I was just suggesting it...even though it didn't really sound like a suggestion. I just thought it would be ideal, 'cause you live closer to school than I do and..."
You stare hopelessly, watching him gradually get more and more tense. He's so damn cute. The look in his eyes is just as you remember from that one day in Chemistry. It feels like it was just yesterday. It's the unmistakable look of shy adoration that's so unique to him. You wonder how he can still be like that when you can't even bring yourself to smile anymore. It looks like nothing can take away his excited nature.
"Peter," you say softly to get him to calm down. You haven't said his name out loud in a long time. Even when you talked to Iris about him and shared your issues, you never referred to him by name.
He stops immediately, his cheeks starting to redden in realization of his rambling. "Y-Yeah, I know I should shut up."
"That's not what I was going to say. I was just going to tell you to come over today. Uh, maybe not right after school."
"Oh, okay," Peter says, sounding a little breathless. Seeing him like this takes your breath away, too. "I'm busy after school too."
"I know." You look away, lost in your thoughts once again.
After school, you do your best to clean up your room. You stuff the clothes on the floor into a laundry basket and toss stray papers into your recycling bin. Once your bed is made and your room looks better, you sigh. Your eyes float up to the suit on your shelf, neatly folded. It's dusty and the equipment needs to be updated, but you don't even think about touching it. You look away before you can get any ideas. You know that deep inside, you miss that part of your life. You just want to kick ass and leap around trying to be as cool, like some of the bigger superheroes.
You sit on your bed and do your other homework as you wait. The hours tick by, one by one. You even start planning out the project, sketching out all the details so that the only thing that needs to be done is the actual work. You clean up your room some more, starting to get a little bored. You comb your hair and tie it back. At six-thirty, you start thinking he might have stood you up. Maybe he got busy being Spider-Man. Not that you're upset at him for that. You know that the job gets busy sometimes. You pick up your phone to call him, but then set it back down before you do.
At eight, you're sure he's not going to show up. You sigh and sit on your floor. What if something had happened to him? Maybe he needs your help, and all you need to do is call him. Guilt twists in your stomach. You turn to look at your bookshelf and the many books you've collected over the years, telling yourself that everything is okay. A new one about spiders sits on the edge of the shelf, its receipt tucked into the cover.
You turn back to your window and yelp a little. There, sitting in your window in his suit with a slightly bent churro in hand, is Peter. He always freaks you out when he sneaks up on you like that. He hasn't even changed out of his suit, but at least he brought his school bag.
"Sorry for being...late..." He pants, holding out the churro to you like a rose. "Thought I'd...grab something along the way." He clutches his side in pain.
You stand up and rush over to him, frowning. Grabbing the churro and his bag, you set them aside. "What happened? Did you get hurt?" You help him in, worried.
"Oh, uh, it's nothing, Y/N," he reassures in a way that only has the opposite effect. He slides off his mask to reveal scrapes and bruises on his face. There's a little smile on his face, much to your confusion.
"Peter, what the hell did you do?" You make him sit down on your bed, bringing your hands to his face. When you do this, his breath hitches. As your thumb skims over his cheek gently, he winces. "Sorry," you say quickly, frowning deeply.
"Hey, you should see the other guy! I had to knock him out for the police to get him. Crazy! I hope I didn't injure him that bad though...do you know if knocking people out hurts them a lot?"
"I don't know anything about medicine, Spidey! And who cares about him, look at yourself!" In your panicked state, your nickname for him slips out. You only realize this after you've said it.
"It's okay," he says as if everything really is okay. How is this okay? He's so calm, it's kind of scaring you. There's a distant look in his eyes, like he's not really completely aware of his situation.
"What is wrong with you? Why are you not freaking out about this? Are you drunk or something?" You exclaim, trying to snap him out of it.
Peter blinks. "No! I'm fine, really. It gets worse than this sometimes, so I don't know why-"
"It gets worse?" Your eyes widen, wondering why he suddenly can't handle a few purse snatchers. He shrugs indifferently. "Okay, uh...I-I'll get ice or something. Dude, why are you here? I don't even know where the band-aids are in my own house!"
"The project," Peter says simply. You don't like him like this. You just wish he'd make a joke or something so at least you know he's being normal. Come on, Peter!
"The project." You're trying not to get pissed off at his utter disregard for himself. "The project? The goddamn project? You go and do this to yourself, and the only thing on your mind is a stupid Chem project?"
Your eyebrows draw together. He's starting to make you feel like crying. "Peter, please. Tell me what's wrong. You're seriously freaking me out. Are you okay?" You ask the last question with more emphasis this time, tilting his chin up to make him look you in the eyes. His normally clear dark eyes are bloodshot, and there are purplish bags under them.
A beat passes before he responds. "No."
You look at him for a long time, trying to figure him out. His hair is a sweaty mess, and...has he been crying? You swallow, doing something you never thought you'd get to do again
You lean over and wrap your arms around him. "Ow, ow, not there," he says gently, and you quickly move your arms. He's warm, but that might just be because he was just leaping around buildings for the past few hours.
He rests his forehead on your shoulder. With your other hand, you smooth the hair out of his face. God, he looks awful. How did he manage to get himself beaten up this bad? Millions of questions form in your head, none of which you know the answer to.
You know he's crying when he starts shaking. Your shirt is going to get soaked, but you don't care. You hold him a little tighter. "You can tell me anything," you remind him quietly, but your voice breaks at the end.
"I miss you, Y/N." The way he says it, it shatters you completely. His voice is raw and rough, full of so much emotion that you weren't prepared for. Your lip trembles slightly and threatening tears fill your eyes.
"I-I can't be Spider-Man. Not if you're not there with me, Y/N, I just can't. I need to hear your voice through my suit, because I can't focus on anything anymore. I can't fight without you." Your throat tightens, knowing that your situation hasn't really been much better. You quit being a hero that day because you knew you couldn't keep doing it on your own. And it's been killing you since.
All of your previous hatred for Peter disappears like nothing. You can't even bring yourself to be angry at him anymore. You don't care about what he did. All you can see is how hurt he is now, and how he needs your help. You close your eyes and let yourself cry as his voice continues
"I never wanted to hurt you. When I found out that you were S/N, I got scared. I thought you wouldn't like me if I was more than regular Peter Parker to you. But I was stupid to think I could make it work. I know I broke our promise, and I'm so sorry for that." You stare out your window, tears streaming freely. You should've been there out with him. All of the emotion you bottled up for a month comes pouring out in a rushing torrent. You somehow kept it all together for an entire month. You avoided him whenever you could, you ignored his texts and calls. You did everything you could, and it tore you apart inside to do it all. Only now are you feeling the pain you pushed away then, deep in your heart.
"Please look at me." You look at him, and he lifts his head to face you. Gently, you set a hand on his cheek.
"You don't have to say sorry anymore, Peter. I forgive you. I forgive you." You rest your forehead against his, trying to calm down so you can stop crying.
He finally wipes his tears away with the sleeve of his suit and does the same for you before looking into your eyes. It's only now that you realize how close you are to him. "I-I love you, Y/N. I always have, I just didn't know until now." He whispers, leaning in slightly.
You close your eyes and kiss him, gentle and sweet and everything you expected. You've never kissed anyone before Peter, so you're going entirely by instinct. His arm reaches around your waist and tugs you closer. His other hand rests on your cheek, bringing warmth to you. The butterflies in your stomach intensely flutter, and you let it all consume you for a few minutes. You place one hand on the back of his neck to gently push him closer to you.
When you pull away, it's only for air. You breathe heavily, not knowing whether what just happened was real or if you were just imagining it all. You'd always read about kisses like these in novels, but you didn't know if it really existed. It seemed everything was a fantasy with Peter Parker. Old mistakes forgotten, you give him a shy smile. "I love you and that churro," you murmur, and for the first time in forever, you hear his beautiful laugh. This makes you inexplicably happy, just to see some of his sunshine poke through.
"Speaking of which, I went through a lot for that churro," Peter says. You grin and grab it to take a bite out of it in appreciation. But before you can, Peter plucks it out of your hand and eats nearly a mouthful of it.
"Now it's only half a churro!" You laugh and grab his hand to eat a bit of it before standing up. "One sec, I'll be right back."
You race downstairs, ignoring your parents' hellos and opening the freezer to grab all the frozen things you can get. They give you a strange look from across the room. Quickly, you try to think of an excuse before you drop something. "I'm, uh...hungry."
"So you're eating frozen peas?" Your dad questions, eyebrows raised in mild concern and disbelief.
"Yep," you grin nervously and sprint back up to your room before he can ask anything else. Peter sees you enter with a load of frozen things to serve as ice packs, laughing.
An hour later, you have Peter mostly well taken care of. With his guiding, you ice the bruises properly. He showers, coming out smelling like your strawberry body wash. You consider buying another bottle for him just so you can smell it when you hug him. You both sit on the bed and finish the project without wasting time, thanks to your planning. "We still have three days to do this whole thing," you remind as you add the finishing touches.
"Yeah, and that's three days that we can spend together. Under the excuse of the project, of course." He gives a mischievous smile that's so contagious that you're smiling back.
"Hm...I approve of this idea."
You don't talk again until the project is finished, and by then, it's late. "Are you sure May won't mind you staying until, like, midnight?"
"Yeah, yeah. I told her where I am, so it's all good."
He sits against your pillows, and you rest your head on his chest. You stretch your legs out on the bed. "You know," he begins. You glance up at him to signal that he has your attention. "You thought I was ripped, but I'm nothing compared to you."
"Whoa, I did not say you were ripped! I mean, you are, but that's besides the point. And thank you! I try."
Peter laughs. "Seriously though, do you work out or something? What gym do you go to?" It takes a moment for you to realize he's teasing you. You shove him slightly, trying not to smile.
"Screw you."
"I mean, that would be great, but in case you forgot, we're just fifteen. Maybe wait a while before we get that stage-"
"Oh my god. Screw you!"
"I told you, we should think about things like that before-"
"Ahh! Stop! My ears are bleeding!" You cover your ears and giggle as he gives you a big grin.
"Y/N?" Peter says after a bit of silence.
"Mhm?" You nestle your head into his neck as he loosely wraps his arm around you.
"You're going to be S/N with me now, right? Like, you'll fight crime again?" He sounds hopeful.
"Of course I will."
"Really? And you'll talk to Mr. Stark, too?"
"Okay, don't push your luck there. But I'll think about it, if it makes you happy."
"Thank you, Y/N." He looks into your E/C eyes, and in that moment, you know. Queens needs you, and Peter needs you even more. Everything is complicated, but for once, you don't hate it. Simple is starting to look a little boring with someone like Peter Parker in your life.
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survivor-iceland · 4 years
Ep. 3 - “hopefully failure does not turn into fracture” - John
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Dylan C
oh nvm, it was Jack lol
I was half a second from muting Ellie on my own during the tribal. Also JACK LEFT 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
first vote, check. first blindside, check. feels good knowing i helped spearhead the vote flip from stephen onto jack, but if jack comes back he might be out for blood. luckily enough for us worms, the vote morphed into a 7/1 landslide, so he might come after maynor or stephen or keith before me and my peeps. but only time will tell.
Keith John
Last night was a tough vote. Jack made people paranoid. Even though i wanted him to stay. No one in my alliance felt easy with him. Even though i wanted jack around as he was good in chllenge and wanted to work with me. But it is what it is. 
I finally managed to get into an alliance with Ellie and Timmy. Though it is not the biggest, I feel confident that these two will serve me well, at least in the premerge. It's called the Just Go For It Alliance, courtesy of Timmy. And we almost got caught forming it because of Cormac which is iconic. Speaking of him, I don't really know what to make of him. He's very... weird. Like it's hard talking to him, but I feel the same way about Keith so whatever. Plus, I don't really trust Cormac considering he basically made a day 1 alliance with two people on my tribe and Sierra. I need to keep an attentive eye on him.
I am so immensely thankful for the tribe call last night. It was filled with things I needed to hear, of course we joked around with the fact that I can’t turn on a stove but I was also so thankful for the amazing people in the call making sure that I take care of myself which I haven’t been doing lately. Life has been really hard on me and it feels like a never get a break, sometimes I neglect taking care of myself because I feel that I physically and mentally can’t. I function on caffeine and I get 2-5 hours of sleep on a good night. Last night was kind of a wake up call because I learned that I am putting myself in danger by neglecting myself and my needs. It was really hard for me to accept that but I feel like I have bonded with these people BEYOND the game, they feel like my family now. Life sucks and I get really unmotivated sometimes and can’t bring myself to get out of bed or even eat, but I’ve gotten a lot better and I hope to continue getting better and the people in that call have already played a huge part in that by motivating me to care about my wellbeing and take care of myself, I will always be thankful for that. 
I feel like I am bonding well with people? It's hard to get a read on some of them, but I think it's fine for now. Other than that, John came up to me asking for a game bond that I thought we already have. Either way, that seems to be my way into an alliance with him. Hopefully we can grow our numbers and build a trustworthy yet powerful group. We're suspecting a swap pretty soon so I hope that I've bonded with the right people in order to be successful.
Dylan C
I haven’t been socializing enough lately with anyone, and wasn’t going to today but then today was Yikes so. I did miss the tribe call for the challenge because I was on the phone with my friend. Maybe I could’ve made it but eh. Hopefully that one point isn’t going to make or break us. And if it did, well I’ve also done a lot for this challenge already soooo
I’m going to be picking flour out of my eyebrows for days
I hope we win the challenge. I'm kind of scared that so many things were left blank, but this has got to be enough
Dylan C
several of us on this tribe were just on a call saying we didn't wanna vote anyone out smh
I keep agreeing when people say they can't come up with a name for tribal but I do actually have one in mind. I'd say Justin since he seems to be around somewhat less, but it's still not great. I mean, I'd rather not vote anyone
So I've talked with Raffy and Joseph and they agree w/Justin. Haven't specifically mentioned names with anyone else. Ellie says she's just going to listen, and not throw out any names. Also didn't ask my thoughts lol. I'll expand on this more when I record my next video confessional
Ughhh we lost, I say we but like I did nothing for the challenge so I was a big contributor to the loss. But now people want justin out and like Justin wants to work with me so I’m not here for that. Honestly I have an alliance that will half the tribe after tomorrow so i would like to have a majority group with him, but I’m still in a good spot without him here. I would rather get Joseph or Dylan R out this round though.
okay so apparently cormac wants sierra out after stephen now which is news to me. i just agreed and nodded and was like “okay cool” bc i don’t want to draw negative attention towards myself by acting like i’m trying to protect them, but like i don’t think blindsiding them would be the best move? this game is going to get crazy quick. plus if he’s thinking of taking them out, what if all of a sudden they wanna flip on me? in engineering terms, cracks are propagating on the surface of the material, and it’s not long until failure occurs. hopefully failure does not turn into fracture.
Joseph and I haven’t spoken in a few days yet he messages just saying “so, tribal” in bold and I’m like wtf like I’m not gonna talk to you about tribal yet, I need to see if I can trust you first.
Dylan C
What is the big risk I'm taking for the idol and risking my vote at tribal? A fucking puzzle with a shit ton of blue sky and snow, and the piece are weird and r o t a t e. I'm not getting this shit done by 11pm tomorrow! Not when I'm in classes all day, and then have DnD not long after. And I made an account to save my progress, putting my name in it so if I do finish and end up on the leaderboard for someone else to see. You know what I've got tonight? BDE. That's right: big dummy energy. At least the vote seems almost unanimous at this point, so that could easily change, but if it goes like it seems like it will then my vote won't matter too much.
Dylan C
41 minutes and 40 second in, 32%, brain is fried JustinAlright so I am a bit nervous for this tribal considering I have not been too active for this round, but I am still confident I can move the target onto someone else. I was thinking I can possibly get people to vote out Dylan R considering he has been more inactive than I have. Although, the other tribe blindsiding Jack makes me weary because it might have caused people on my tribe to make a move against a more active player. So, I need to be on my toes to make sure that is not me. Also, remember how I said I want to work with Timmy? Well I messaged that bitch asking if he wants to work with me officially, but he hasn't answered even though he has been online since I have sent the message. So, honestly I might try to target him considering he has not been super active either.
Keith John
I have been a bit busy these past few days, havnt spoken to everyone much. Good thing we won immunity. So scrambling is at its minimum. i got a feeling a swap is coming up. Makes me nervous. I dont have many connections on the other side.
Except Justin, spoke to him a few times. Raffy and Ellie I spoke to but they feel like people who talk to everyone. so I dont know if they have my back. Whilst Timmy even didnt reply to my hi. As guess he is clear about not working with me
Hi. My name is Mr Immune, which I almost misspelt as Mt Immune, wouldn’t that be entertaining? Anyway the tribes feeling good, John and Sierra are cool, Zoes nice, Maynors nice but oddly distant. Everythings middle of the road atm, nothing great but nothing sucky. I’ll probably try and cruise for a bit on social connections until swap or something equally spicy pops up.
I have continued doing the puzzles and I have 3 of them left. Hopefully the idol isnt found yet. We’ll see. Im so happy we were able to win immunity cuz i was slowly freaking out that Jack said my name. Atleast i just screamed inside my head and didnt become as paranois as Jack. He literally made himself the target. Everyone agreed on Stephen then his paranoia happened and it switched onto him.
P.S. ❤️ Jay
After Jack got voted out, I was worried that we were going to lose the next challenge. I was so relieved when we actually pulled through and won! We all really worked so hard to win that one... and even though I’m in an alliance, I’d rather not have to test things again just yet.
God I hate tribal. It’s ugly. Though I instantly have a name in mind: Justin. He’s the person I trust the least and have talked to the least. I talked to Ellie and Dylan C about it. They seemed to be on board with the whole thing. We just need one more vote which should be easy to get. After all, I am in an alliance with Timmy, so it should be easy for me to get four votes. I’m just hoping that he doesn’t have an idol.
Last night, I was talking to Dylan a little bit. Apparently, they are are scared that they haven’t been added to any alliances and they feel like alliances are being made. So I suggested making an alliance with them and I. They’re in a vulnerable position which is great for me since it means they’ll be more willing to work with me. After tribal, I’m hoping that we can create an alliance together with some other people. I’m excited!!!
So it’s between Justin and Dylan R and I have the deciding vote?? More drama coming soon
Ok these bitches are making me mad. I approached Ellie and Dylan C for alliances. Luckily, they both said yes to individual alliances, but as soon as I brought up the idea for all of us to join together plus Raffy they go mute. That is definitely concerning, but I brought up Dylan R’s name to all three as a target this vote and I can only hope they stick to their word to vote them out. I also made an official alliance with Keith, and he spilled the beans that he has been talking to Raffy a bit which makes me nervous. However, I have changed my stance on Raffy because he actually talks to me quite a lot. But, I am aware he is definitely playing this game hard and is talking to almost everyone. That is why I want to keep him close for the time being and then perhaps blindside him in a swap or early merge. Back to Keith tho, he is ITCHING to make a move. He told me it is his first time playing an ORG and he definitely wants to blindside people which as long as it ain’t me I’m good.
Joseph Collins
Me and Elle have been working so good together. I hope she doesn’t stab me in the back lol. The tribe consensus was Justin but I flipped them all to Dylan r. Blindsideeeeee coming. Hahahahaha. *evil laugh* *winky face
Joseph Collins
Lemme break down how I flipped the vote. I just told Dylan c that “look. I respect you. And I’d want someone to do this for me. The tide’s changing and I think the vote is gonna be Dylan R tonight. I don’t want you to be left out of a vote because I wanted to work with you so I feel like you should know” that establishes trust and kinda gets Dylan to switch her vote
i’m ready to make a legitimate move in this game. but it’s all about timing. our best move, if we lose again, is sending stephen outta here. WITH THAT BEING SAID, it’s on after that. bring on the bloodbath. not everything will be happy go lucky for long.
Joseph Collins
I orchestrated this blindside and took no credit in my voting message. Like a true mastermind. *maniacal laugh*
Biiiiiiiitch. I just found out bitches have been conspiring against me cuz of the time zone difference. So, I was right for being paranoid omg. The person who initially told me was Joseph of all people which was shocking since I probably talk to him the least besides Dylan R. But, I’m glad he did and then Timmy further confirmed it which I’m like hello again Timmy it’s been a bit bud. From what they have told me is that the majority is still on Dylan R. and I talked to Dylan C. about the vote and I straight up talked about the time zone difference not being an issue. They said they have a friend in Scotland so it doesn’t bother them so if at least those three and myself vote Dylan R. then I should be good.
The tribe has switched their mentality and have decided to go with Dylan R. with this vote which I am fine with considering he does not talk to me at all either. Plus, Justin came up to me asking if we could align together in this game which is always a good sign. So, I was more inclined to keep him throughout the day. Either way, I think I should be safe at this tribal council.
I’m a wild bitch.
For the scavenger hunt challenge, I definitely got a tattoo (of the water tribe symbol from avatar, don’t @ me) for a whopping 20 points, and we definitely won the challenge. While riding on that high I accidentally talked about the idol hunt and got a strike from the god-host, which made me feel like the ultimate failure. Other than that, I have several strong alliances which I am confident in going into the swap.
Dylan C
Not feeling like typing this up in detail but the vote has now changed to Dylan R and I’m down with/that. I talked to some people about it and they agree. Joseph messaged me and was like “I feel I have to tell you since you said you wanted to vote Justin.” I was like “that’s sweet but I already knew.” And kinda tried to play it off after that like I’m a little worse at socializing than I actually am but idk how well that worked. I really should’ve made this confession 5 hours ago but oh well. (Those videos were filmed almost 12 hours ago). 
Dylan C
I actually finished the fucking puzzle and I can’t believe it. Also if I hadn’t, it would’ve counted against me next tribal, not tonight’s. Either way, I’m not losing that vote via that puzzle babey. 
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ADMIN CAMERON: From the first few lines of your application, it’s more than clear that Twyla belongs in the Roswell of the future. Her character is so unique and quirky, yet fleshed out in full, from her head-cannons to her pinterest board, everything just clicks in to place. Cassopia’s Midnight Fortunes is sure to have some interesting clientele. 
You’ve been accepted as THE QUARK with the faceclaim of EMILY BROWNING. Please follow all rules and regulations as laid out by the Roswell Town Council, especially concerning any non pre-approved biologic. All UFO’s outside of city limits must be stickered or will be towed. Enjoy your stay in the first city of extraterrestrials.
Jen?? ?? ? she/her
21 wtf
CST / I don’t know what’s going on with my employment situation for the summer but tbh I should still be on every day to do quick responses if nothing else. And of course, I don’t have any problem with letting the admins know how my life is going and if I’ll need a hiatus or anything. But thus far, nothing in the foreseeable future should really hinder my activity here.
Removed for privacy.
The Quark
Twyla Cassiopeia Porter
Female, she/her
greyromantic pansexual
January 14th 2034, twenty six years old (right? im terrible at math)
Waitress. She’s not the hardest worker at the 24 diner in town, in fact she’d be hard pressed to work more than two days a week, but she likes the steady hours and the comfort of the place. Being able to work the third shift right after spending a few hours at her own shop gets her out of her own head. She doesn’t mind pouring coffee and making mindless chatter with the other people who find themselves up that early. There’s something about being there and having a focused job to do that soothes her, and she’s always looking for the next excuse to not have to go to sleep. Although she has a hard time giving up her daytime freedom, after some time she’s come to find a schedule that works for her, and endless coffee.
Fortune teller. Always lies. She thought this would be the best way to disguise the fact that she was in touch with the future. With all the starweavers in Roswell she’s fairly confident that no one would actually come to a boring old human for the future, and she’s also very careful to keep the truth that she’s seen from the people who do come to her. People don’t usually pay for their real fortunes anyways, they usually want to hear very pretty lies, which she’s fine with delivering for a few dollars.Of course this has the possibility of upsetting a few of the starweavers and those who believe, but at least she’ll be blamed for the complete opposite of what she really is.
Emily Browning
You were born with stars in your eyes, darling girl. Your father, an astronomer at the Very Large Array, taught you to keep your chin up and  always keep an eye out for those less fortunate. He wanted to help those coming to your planet, every night he looked for signs of more weary travellers. And every day he helped your mother organize paperwork as she went to court, trying to fight the injustices that were befalling other species as they tried to make homes here. Calling your life sheltered isn’t quite right- you never lack for information, you’re never ignorant to the problems of the world, but you see it all through rose tinted glass. Every problem can be solved with the right amount of courage, wit, and luck; every question you have can be answered with enough time.
Except for those visions. The ones that rumble in like thunderstorms and startle you in the middle of the night; they leave you sweating and breathless, crying for your parents. They take you to all kinds of specialists, trying to find out what could be causing such vivid dreams, what on earth could be waking you up in the night in cold sweats. They do sleep studies, MRIs, CT scans, they run every test imaginable and find no reason why your night terrors should leave you screaming for help. Maybe it’s puberty, maybe it will go away with age, there’s no telling what the next thing to unfold. After months of hoping, they don’t go away. They get worse, rooms that you swear you’ve seen before, people who are too familiar to be strangers, jokes you know the punchline to. You don’t know when you decided it was the future that you were seeing, but somewhere along the way deja vu just kept knocking you in the stomach.
Which is not something that you tell your parents. Instead you swear that the nightmares have gone away, that you’re so sure that you’ve gotten better. With nothing to show for, they have no choice but to believe that their little girl was just the victim of some anomaly that’s left her. They did have their own lives to focus on anyways. And really, it starts to matter less to you. Your vision are of strangers talking in allies, people dancing at night without any regard. Sometimes there’s violence, but you’re too young to do anything and too scared to call a police department. You can’t even be sure there’s something you could have done. The news reports are so definitive as you scan them, print them, store them away. Nothing would have changed what happened, let alone a growing girl with wide eyes and a father who tells her silly stories.
Despite this one secret that pulls at the corner of your every thought, you grow up in a completely normal life. There’s nothing picturesque about your hometown, but it’s safe enough for you to ride bikes with friends and avoid any kind of trouble. Almost any kind of trouble- but really you come out unscathed, the kind of sweet and gentle daughter only your loving parents could have raised. There’s nothing holding you back in this world, least of all college. The University of New Mexico greets you with open arms, promises of a degree in astrophysics and courses in pre-law. Your visions don’t push you there so much as your parents, hoping for someone to follow in their footsteps, continue to fight the battle for those unheard. And you’re genuinely happy with the possibility it could be you. There seems to be no other way that your life could go, if you really thought about it. You were supposed to listen to their words, follow their examples, continue the path that they left behind. There was never going to be peace in this world unless you were there to see it through.
And yet you were always just a little distracted in classes, needed an extra cup of coffee to make it through lectures. Joked with yourself that your visions should have shown you test answers not the next extraterrestrial announcement. Something didn’t sit right with you about the experience, but you weren’t about to go back on the promise that you made your parents. You keep your chin up and your eyes out for those less fortunate, and you’re set to graduate on the honor roll. Invitations to humanitarian work, law schools, and lobbying firms pour in, your life extends in front of you in a constellation of different patterns, each one shining more than the next. None of them fit perfectly in your heart, but your mother tells you over the phone that they don’t need to, you’ll grow into the career that you choose. That no one is happy at twenty four, but you will be.
And then you have the vision. Glass shatters in front of you, metal crunches in your ears. Somewhere you smell smoke, and there’s the taste of blood in your mouth. You’ve experienced car accidents before, but never like this. This is quick and turbulent, sparks fly as the car skids across the street, this is fatal. And then you see your father’s glasses fly and your blood runs cold, it freezes in your veins, threatens to stop your heart. You know who’s in the car, you know just where it’s heading, and you know, as dread pulls the air from your lungs, that it’s not going to reach its destination. The first thing you do when you wake is call your mother, your voice is hoarse from the screaming you must have done, tears uncontrollable as you tell her that they cannot come for your graduation, that you refuse to let them drive. She doesn’t understand that you’ve seen the future, that you’re trying to save her life; she puts on her best mother voice and tells you that it’s only a nightmare like when you were a little girl, that all you need is a cup of warm milk and they’ll be there in the morning.
You can’t let it happen. You get into your own beat up station wagon and fly into the night, for the first time in your life taking action, doing something about what you see. Your parents had the same idea- jumping into action to calm their only daughter. Maybe you were always meant to be the first person to arrive at the scene of their accident, the one to call the cops and tell them that there’d been a head on collision in the middle of the night. Maybe if you had never called in the first place they would have still been in bed sleeping. Maybe there was nothing you could have done; they were always going to end up as the tragic victims of an accident that no one  could have seen coming. And just maybe, this is all your fault.
It would seem for someone trying so hard to stay away from politics, Roswell would be the last place for you to go, but you’ve never been one for subtlety. You’ve resigned yourself to a life on the fringes, one as far away from the memory of your parents, and one that doesn’t require other people to help. It takes some time to adjust to the life you've created for yourself, every time you overthink things, they just get more confusing and convoluted, you create a life that could only suit a girl hiding from the future. After all, what good has it ever done you.
I. Cassiopeia's Midnight Fortunes shines bright pink and neon, the glow tinting the sidewalk and surrounding storefronts. Starlights twinkle around the door, luring in unsuspecting guests, the odd recurring customer, and those foolish enough to believe they’re going to actually hear their future from the woman inside. Most people stay away from shops like these, unsure they want to know what she has to say- if there is anything to say. Painted on the window is the phrase “i love to doubt, as well as know” which is perfectly vague enough to keep customers intrigued, the choice seems deliberate but only the fortune teller herself knows that she picked it on a whim, the subtitle to a shop she never believed would work in the first place. If one was to step foot in the shop they would find it to be just as cliche as suspected, every inch done up to meet expectations- which is only a red flag for those searching for a reason to doubt. And even though they all should, she sits at the table, a soft smile on her face and says “You’ll live a long and happy life”, “You’ll have just as much money as you need to stay satisfied”, “You’ll never want for love in this life”. She never gives specifics, always asks if you have a pet, and tells you to come again as you walk out, smelling like sage and unsure of what just happened.  
II. An alarm goes off at noon, telling her not to sleep the entire day away. Just because she has a nocturnal occupation, that doesn’t mean that she has to resort to the live of a night owl. No, during the day is when life happens- she gets to walk among people, she gets to watch all the people who would normally only be a dream. Calling her an investigator would be too much credit, she just happens to end up in the same location as some of the most interesting events of a day. Should she stumble across her dreams well then she’s just a lucky girl, serendipity as her middle name. A wildlife photographer in her urban setting, keeping an eye on all the people; a witness to the crimes of everyday life, collecting everyone’s secrets with a tight lipped smile and “I was just in the wrong place”. Really she doesn’t have any use for the information right now, politics was never her game, but that doesn’t stop her from waking up everyday, putting on a pair of oversized sunglasses and exploring Roswell again.
III. The vision that solidified the fact that she was seeing the future was one that she had of her best friend, getting into a stranger’s car. She didn’t think her friend would ever do something so silly, and didn’t understand her own fears of it. But two days later the girl’s parents filed a missing person’s report after a neighbor said they saw her get into a white car without license plates. There was nothing anyone could have done, nothing they could do now but pray. Twyla was sick for weeks after, throwing up at the mere mention of the disappearance. Everyone thought she was just overcome with emotion at the loss of her friend, the thought it could have been her. How could any of them known that she was the only one who could have told her friend to stop, how could she have even known that was the future.
ever since the visions started she’s been battling insomnia, hence the late night careers
her favorite tea is blueberry, she only drinks coffee black, and always mixes her icee flavors
she painted her bedroom walls dark purple when she first moved into her apartment because she thought it would help her sleep during the day but now she just finds the room dark and suffocating, but can’t paint over it
one night stand kind of girl
favorite color is light blue; it’s so cliche to say, but it calms her
has a cat that she’s installed a cat door for. there’s no telling when it’s going to come and go from her place and she tries to stay very detached from the idea of losing it. but when the cat is home there’s pretty much no denying that she loves it.
twy is an acceptable nickname for her, by no means should you try to shorten it to la, her middle name is only for use at the shop, and even then she has a hard time not cringing.
her nails are always painted, usually dark colors
she collects newspaper clippings and internet articles of the different things she’s seen come true, she’s hoping one day to see a pattern and have at least part of it all make sense
her favorite food is french fries from mcdonalds straight out of the fryer, warm and greasy and utterly terrible for her was part of her high school’s dance team and will deny it possibly the most out of all her other secrets
Right now I see Twyla as living in a very safe bubble that she’s created. Sure, some of the mischief she gets into can be dangerous, but she’s deliberately chosen to put herself in those situations knowing what’s going to happen. There’s no surprises for her in life, and really she likes it much better that way. But I don’t! I’m here to push her out of her comfort zone and have her make tough decisions, make her get involved in the world that she’s trying so hard to stay on the fringes of. Whether it’s something that involves only a few characters or something super relevant to the plot I want to push her towards making definitive decisions and having to deal with that. She puts so much on everyone else, even when she’s nudging them towards doing something, that having to finally face something herself would be the best way to put pressure on her. Every aspect of her projected identity is craft to keep people just distant enough so that she doesn’t have to worry about them should she glimpse something, which is something that I want to see totally backfire on her. She’s got to get a little messy in a way that she wasn’t expecting!! Or you know, as usual, I just really want her to suffer. Get that good angst going.
As far as her visions go, I think that her coming to terms with the fact that she’s been given a gift not some weird isolating curse would be a very nice wholesome way to go. On the other hand it could totally blow up in her face when someone realizes she could have done something to help them and just quietly sat by. Either way I don’t think it’s a secret that she can keep forever and definitely hope it plays into her character arc in some massive way. Because honestly it’s something that keeps her very separate from the majority of people, she views herself as being unable to fit in anywhere, so finally having a moment where she no longer has this secret and just has to interact with people without any reservations would be huge growth for her. It feels like every decision that she makes right now is in some way tied to trying to keep her visions at bay or convincing herself to ignore them, so at some point being able to break away from that would be great. I mean coming up with some explanation for why they happen would be an interesting deviation too, maybe she turns out to be half-centaurian or something very scientific, but by no means do I think it has to go that far in order for the character arc to happen. She’s twenty-six and she doesn’t even know who she really is, like that’s her overarching theme if I had to pick one; anything to move towards answering that is a plot I am totally down for.
Someone who’s kind of onto her shit. Like, there’s no way she’s able to know all this stuff about people by just wandering around the city, something else has to be going on with her. Of course she does the whole fortune teller routine to keep people from guessing that that’s what it is, but they could have all types of theories about what she’s doing and why she’s got so much dirt on people. They could just be watching from afar or confronting her, or anywhere on the spectrum but they know that Twyla’s got a secret.
She witnessed them doing something either immoral or illegal and they’re trying to convince her not to ever reveal it. It’s a weird blackmail stalemate, because she genuinely doesn’t know what she’s going to do with all the information she collects, and they don’t really have a whole lot of leverage on her. But they keep having to spend time with each other just to make sure that she doesn’t run off to the cops or something. Begrudging friends or all out enemies, really it could go anyway.
As an extension of my second plot paragraph, the person who she could have helped and chose to ignore. At the beginning that could contribute to a lot of her own inner conflict about her visions and who she is as a person, but once they actually get involved and know what she’s done I have a hard time believing the relationship could stay cool. Someone who’s genuinely mad at her and blames her for something would rock her world and I’m so here for it.
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7, 30 and 37
40 Questions — Meme for Fic Writers (you just had to pick the hardest ones didn’t u?)
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.(No one said anything about language.. )Jeg ser nysgerrigt påAnders der sætter sig ned på kantstenen. Han tager fat i en pind der ligger vedsiden ham imellem nogle sten, og begynder at tegne mønstre i den tørre jord.Jeg går hen til ham. ”Klokken er ikke så mange, vel?” Han kigger forvirret oppå mig. ”Solen,” siger jeg og peger op mod solen der stadig bager hen overhimlen. Det ser ud som om han ikke ved hvad han skal sige. ”Det er varmt.”Siger jeg, og sætter mig ned ved siden af ham. ”Tror du de har vand med? Jeg ertørstig.” Han siger stadig ikke noget, kigger ned igen og fortsætter med attegne mønstre. ”Hvad med mad? Er også sulten.” Siger jeg. ”Så find noget atspise.” mumler han bare, kort. Han lyder sur. Jeg kigger rundt. Leder eftermad. ”Det ser ikke ud som om der er noget køkken herude.” konstatere jeg. ”Baresand.” I’m proud of this, ‘cause despite it being in danish and I feel so awkward writing in danish (no hate at my own language but honestly it’s just weird, same goes for reading in it), not to mention it’s my FSA-test in danish, it’s still one of the first works I’ve ever done that I could actually sit back and be proud of, like really proud, and I almost didn’t even write it at all. Also, it was the beginning for me to use these specific two characters (Jonah and Anders/Andrew - name change came later when I used them for an english assignment and Anders didn’t really go well lol) in almost all the writing-works I’ve done for both english and danish class. Little does my teachers know I write gay fiction to them.    
30. Do you accept prompts?I do, yes. However only very few knows I even write, because I’m so bad at it and anxious about sharing it (and because I rarely do write bc of lack of motivation), so it’s not really something I get much of. I’ve asked friends for prompts before tho. I once send my friend 40 pictures of gay couples and asked her to pick 7 along with a ship (she picked 2 ships ‘cause she’s troublesome) for me to write her something when I got the time, and then l didn’t mentioned it afterwards but popped up a half year later with a countdown for her birthday with seven (7) 500-or-so wordcounted drabbles with an extra one for the last day, all based off of those pictures (+ that extra one I picked). I really like prompts because they make u do the writing, and you’re usually very free when doing it (as in it’s mainly not very restricted like i.e. a school assignment where there’s a word limit, chosen writing style, genre, etc. however still the idea). 
37. Talk about your current wips.I have too many wtf. Well, then l guess I have to choose. I’m gonna pick two, the ones I’m currently most determinded to get done, one a story and one a fanfic. The fanfic is one u’ve already got hints and bits about (‘cause I love torturing u with angst). It’s a RH fanfic called Wasn’t Expecting That and it’s based off from a song, taking place in the canon universe. It’ll follow their entire life, through good and bad, aka fluff and angst. I really want to write this thing; I’ve written almost all the pre-work (over-written to be exact, I have a whole notebook dedicated to it and other stuff l’ve done barely has a page of pre-work if not any at all), but I’m still to get to the actual story and this is a fanfic idea I’ve been working on for literally 2 years now (the idea of a fanfic based from the song for almost 3 years) so well.. l want every single detail to be right, the story to be extremely long, it to be my first published fanfic, and I guess all of that and more just puts a lot of pressure onto it, making me lose motivation.  My own story (if u can put it like that) is a sci-fi called Lost Boy, it will be written in danish since it’s for a danish assignment (that was due for 3 weeks ago, ups). It’s about 9 young people, all born the same year, all awesome and special trained, that has all been chosen for this huge mission of protecting the universe and shit. I’ve started writing it, think I’m around 400 words into it, but I’m yet to figure out what the actual plot should be so there’s that. Also it will first of just be a short cutted one ‘cause time, danish and school is three very unmotivating things. When I’m done I might rewrite it in english or write the actual long-version (in english) I want to write (but don’t feel like showing my teacher ‘cause teachers are usually assholes who makes u lose motivation even more and weaken the last strand of confidence u’ve got left). 
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