#ten dad jokes in a trenchcoat
maqicool · 4 years
don't be shy which replacement portraits 👀
if youre talking about the sdv ones then,, i got u. theyre from nexus mods tho so im sorry about that and don’t @ me but like i replaced a lot of them bc i got some mods and they no longer fit the v i b e s
maru it’s completely unnecessary bc maru is queen, but i saw that someone replaced her canon portrait with an early idea version and was like YES YES I LOVED HER ORIGINAL CONCEPT idk why they trashed it. it was god tier.
emily i love her i do but they really did her dirty with that dress like she is a whole ass lesbian fashion designer ,, have you seen witchy lesbian fashion? kitschy, amazing, patterns, glitter, colours, random things on earrings, beauty but they said nah let’s give her a sack and a hack job haircut i’m mad
sebastian listen like come on, fuck me emo boy but um that fringe was not the vibe anymore so i had to get it chopped, but he still looks sufficiently emo imo
harvey i use the file with glasses bc hes cute 
sam ngl im a little conflicted bc he looks like the prep version of a character from an anime i adopted, but sams super cute 
shane he looks like he’s been through it and i’m ok with that
alex nothing can make me like this asshole, but eh at least he’s no longer like ,, reeking of repressed bisexuality and internalised homophobia 
elliot tried to find one that made him look a little less pretentious, which i mean worked ! but nothing is saving his pretentious ass dialogue like i heard someone say that he was the annoying english lit major that girls date in college before coming out as lesbian and i felt that bc leah is in fact a cottage core lesbian
on second thought, in case you haven’t seen it here is the diversity mod i mentioned in the tags bc i literally screamed when i saw it um nb sam. hijabi sandy, chubby abigail ****with a septum-fuck i’m so gay***, trans asian sebastian, kinky coily maru, black elliot with dreads,  ethnically diverse clothing and wedding outfits i’m gonna cry and probably definitely replace all of what i listed, but it took so long to write it all out so i’m gonna keep the list in case those are more to your fancy instead but butch leah sddj !! fuck !
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sarija · 3 years
@expectingtofly @starrynightdeancas
Here's my first ever written fanfic as a gift for @expectingtofly who never received her original gift from starrynightdeancas gift exchange. Enjoy 🙂
Words: 3657
Notes at the end of this post!
“So I guess the question is,” Bobby asks, “What're ya gonna do now, Dean?”
Dean looks at baby, considering. He smiles back at Bobby and answers, “Well, I gotta go for a drive.”
After about ten miles, Dean pulls over. There's a lookout just a few steps from the road, and he follows the trail to the end, feeling overwhelmed by the info Bobby has given him. Cas is here. He helped Jack rebuilding Heaven. He remembers the last time he'd seen Cas. He would have given everything to see him again, to get him back, but all the efforts he and Sam had tried on Earth were useless. Now, there's a good chance he might see Cas again and he has no idea what to say to him.
At this moment, he feels the presence of someone beside him. Anxiously he turns around. For a moment, he hopes to see Cas, but instead, it's Jack and a warm feeling of relief washes over him. He doesn't know if he's ready just yet.
“Jack!” He exclaims, pulling Jack into a tight hug. “It's so good to see you, kid!”
Jack hugs him back, clapping him on the back before freeing himself. “Hey, Dean. It's good to see you too. I'm sorry I couldn't intervene...but I'm glad you are here.” Dean just shakes his head.
“You know, kid, Sam and I had an agreement of going down smashing, and this I did. I … I have no resentments over this.”
Jack offers him a short nod before saying, “Dean, I think there's someone who wants to see you. Are you ready?”
Dean then notices a figure standing way back, beside one of the bushes. He is ready. He has to be. He's been waiting so long to see him again, he can't even believe that he doubted he was ready in the first place. Dean swallows back a big lump in his throat. He walks a few steps. There he is. Just beside a big flowerbed, bees humming around busily, Dean sees him standing in the glow of the setting sun. He lets his eyes wander from the well-known boots upwards, over the hem of this trenchcoat he missed so damn much. The coat is glistening in the sunlight, it looks like it's giving off a light of itself. Over the blue tie, upwards, over the 5-o'clock beard, then those soft lips, further to these warm and blue eyes, deep like the ocean, light as a cloudless sky. And Cas is looking back at him, wondering, tilting his head just a little, the way he always did, back then when they were on Earth. Dean doesn't feel the single tear running down his cheek, he doesn't see Jack looking happily at him, he can only see Cas, standing there in the sun, looking like the most beautiful being he's ever seen in his whole life. Cas, his friend, his family, his angel and most importantly – the love of his life.
He steps forward slowly, afraid that this is just a dream, one of those damned dreams he's had over the weeks after Cas had been gone, had thrown himself into the Empty. In his dreams, Cas was there, waiting for him, but all of a sudden, he'd be gone, swallowed up by a big nothingness, or bursting out in flames and screaming in pain, or saying 'I love you, Dean' but retreating while Dean wanted to get to him, to hug him, to hold him, until his angel was gone and away.
But Cas is still there, smiling now, looking at Dean with his amazingly blue eyes. He lifts his hands and whispers “Dean” and Dean can't keep it any longer. He takes the last steps in a few fast strides and falls into Cas' arms, pulling him into a tight hug and crying silent tears onto his shoulder. Cas starts stroking his hair, softly, hushing and repeating all over “It's okay, Dean” until they both break apart. Dean doesn't want to let go of Cas, he holds his arms, looks at him over and over, but he can't find the words to describe how much this means to him. So he just stands there, breathing heavily, watching him, until he feels Cas' hand upon his cheeks, wiping away the tears on Dean's face. And all of a sudden, Dean knows there's no need to hold anything back anymore, there's no need to hide anything, because there's nothing here to threaten them. Nothing is going to take Cas away ever again.
Dean swallows, clears his throat.
“Cas... I …You ... How?” is all he manages.
Cas shakes his head. “I'll tell you later. We've got all the time in the world now.” He looks at Jack, who is still standing a little way behind them, smiling. “Now, who wants to have some dinner?”
They take the Impala to drive to Cas' place. While Dean is driving, he's absurdly aware of Cas sitting beside him in the passenger's  seat. He even feels the intensity of Cas' eyes upon him, until he finally blurts out, “Hey buddy, it's good to see you too but – could you please stop staring at me? I'm not a freak show, y'know?” At that, Jack snorts loudly in the back, clapping Dean on his shoulder. He doesn't say anything else, but Dean knows that he's enjoying this moment as much as he is. He sends a small smile to Jack and Cas, but Cas has turned his face away from him, looking out of the window instead, chin in his hand. For a moment, Dean worries if his words had hurt the angel. This would be the last thing he'd want to do, especially on the first day of meeting him again. He wonders if he should say something, anything, to make sure everything's fine. But what should he say? Tell him he didn't mean it? He never was a man of apologies, and Cas knows that. He just wanted him to look away, cause his staring was so freaking distracting. He wants to return his gaze, he wants to never stop looking into those amazing eyes, eyes that had seen so much, eyes that had looked so worried at times, Dean almost couldn't even bare it. He wants Cas to be happy, to smile, to forget the bad stuff he'd lived through. And now he'd said something that hurt him. Why was it so hard to just take it back? He never knew, cause right at this moment Jack spoke up.
“It's the light blue house over there, Dean. Just drive up to the front, there's a parking spot for you beside Cas' car.”
Dean drives as being told, parking beside a yellow-brown-ish '78 Lincoln Continental. He recognizes it instantly, it's the same car Cas had been using whenever he wanted to get something done on his own, and Cas had always seemed pretty fond of it. It brings back a lot of memories and Dean starts smiling involuntary.
They get out of Dean's car and step up the front porch. Cas takes the lead, opening the white door for them, welcoming both into his home. Dean risks a quick glance at him before entering. Cas doesn't seem to be hurt anymore, he looks pleased and happy. And Dean thinks he understands why.
Dean enters the hallway, looking around and taking in as many details as he can. There is a kitchen to his right, with wooden fronts and very clean. Right ahead there's an arc, decorated with roses in different colours – red, white, yellow, lilac and pale blue. They are rooted in two pink flower pots, one on either side of the arc. To his left are two wooden doors. He guesses that one would probably lead to the bathroom, the other one he's got no idea. They walk through the arc, entering a really big living room, bright and clear. The windows here let the sun warm up the room just enough to feel right, and the light-colored furniture reflects rays of sunshine without blinding them. 'It's perfect', Dean thinks to himself, wondering where Cas got those pictures of them and Sam in the bunker. One of the photos shows them with their hands on one another's shoulders, smiling into the camera. Dean can see his own forced smile, dark circles under wary looking eyes. He takes the photograph of it's shelf, looking at him, Cas and Sam. Sammy. He's looking back at him out of the picture, smiling and waving and looking contend and happy.
He forces himself to put the photo back on the shelf and turns around to see Cas standing in the doorway.
“You know, he's not a freak show,” Cas mimics, but Dean can see he's worried.
“Thanks, Cas. I know. It's just … I hope he's alright, I hope he's living a good life down there, but -”
“You miss him.” Cas finishes. It's not a question, it's a statement.
“Yeah, man,” is all he can answer. He turns around to wipe at something in his eyes, then turns again and asks, “When will we be eating?”
“In a few minutes. We're waiting for … someone to arrive here, it won't be much longer now.”
Just as Cas finishes his sentence, they hear a soft knock on the door and someone entering the house.
“Who is this?” Dean asks, but Cas is already on his way to the kitchen and Dean just follows.
Dean still can't believe it. He just finished his second helping of T-Bone-Steak, mashed potatoes and fried rice, everything as delicious as he'd hoped for (he'd left out the vegetables). His stomach is full and he leans back really satisfied. This is amazing. He hadn't given a thought to the fact that now that he was in Heaven, he might meet his mom and dad again. Seeing all of them on this table in Cas' dining room – Mary and John, Cas, Jack and Bobby – laughing, eating, smiling, talking about things they did 'down there' and things to do 'up here', it was unbelievable. Dean watches all of them closely. They look so full of joy he can't help grinning like an idiot. His mom is laughing hard from a joke of John and Dean enjoys to see her relaxed and free of worries. His dad claps her on the back, then starts to stroke her gently. He too looks unstressed, there's no trace of the old, haunted John in his face anymore. Even Bobby, though still being his grumpy self, seems pleased.
“Alright, Dean, I think it's time for a little storytime.” Cas watches him intently as he explains, “I think you wanted to know how I could escape The Empty and start my new life here.”
All eyes are upon Cas now. Mary puts the plates away, coming back with two six-packs of beer. She hands everyone a beer and Cas starts talking.
“As most of you know, I went with The Empty willingly, keeping my side of the deal we had made way back. Several months ago, there was a problem at hand. The Empty wanted to keep Jack. I told her to take me instead of him and she agreed to that but wanted to be sure to crush me. So she told me that she wouldn't just swap - she'd come and get me as soon as I would be truly happy. And that she did. When we talked, Dean, I had made a choice”. At this, Cas sends him the slightest smile, which makes Dean want to forgive him in an instant. “Well, as you know, this choice led to me being taken by that bitch. For a while, I lay there in nothingness, black nothing all around me, and I hoped to fall asleep, which I knew was sure to happen to everyone The Empty had swallowed. But not me. She wouldn't let me sleep because I had been an inconvenience to her. She wouldn't visit me either. I lay there until I couldn't lie anymore, I sat there for hours and hours, and finally, I stood up. There was no way to give up this easy, The Empty couldn't be invincible, right?” They all nod, fascinated by his story. Jack even has his eyes closed. Another big gulp of beer, then Cas goes on. “So I wandered around, screaming and trying to punch the Nothingness. I called her a lot of stuff just to get her attention, but it was useless. In the end, I stumbled and fell on my knees and was none-the-wiser. But that was the moment I realized it. There was nothing to be done for me alone. But there was someone who had already conquered The Empty, who had woken me up last time, who would maybe be able to do something about my situation. And even though I didn't want to involve him, I saw no other choice. So I prayed. And I was answered.”
“But I prayed too, why did I never get an answer?” Dean sputters out. Instantly, he feels the heat of shame crawling up his neck, but he still locks eyes with Jack, who has finally opened them.
“I heard you, Dean. And I am very sorry. I knew this would disappoint you, but there was no way for me to interfere down there anymore. I couldn't answer, because I couldn't bear to tell you. I am sorry.” Dean swallows hard, then Jack continues, “Then I heard Castiel. And I realized that I wasn't about to interfere down there – but The Empty was not down there, and there were several changes to be made, changes that were overdue.
I gathered up all the strength I could master. I summoned those around me who were willing to help. Gabriel was the first to respond. It might not surprise you that he had taken advantage of everyone assuming him dead, submerging into the benefits of a random gambler's life outside the radar. Yet when I called out to ask the help of every angel available, he immediately came to my side to be of assistance.
Michael was second to answer my call. He asked a lot of questions, wondering if he could trust me. He was hardest to convince – but wanted The Empty gone as much as I did. So he stayed and helped.
Most of the other living angels came to stand with us, but we still weren't enough. So I started to wake up the deceased. This was rather dangerous, as I didn't want The Empty to know something was up too soon. But Cas here did a great job – when I had awoken an angel, he'd find him and explain the matter, trying to be as quiet as possible.  Once we had gathered quite a number of angels, they took their positions, waiting for my command. First step was to lure The Empty out of her hiding place. Hannah, Anna, Gadreel and Joshua did a great job with that! They annoyed her one after the other, to the point she wanted to throw them all out. Next step was to surround and distract her. So everyone did their best to get her attention, circling her in further. Then the tricky part started. While the inside angels surrounded her, kept her encircled and disturbed, enraging her further to keep her at that spot, we on the outside started to open up a crack, getting others out of there. Gabriel took an essential part here, building up an illusion to cover our crack. As soon as we had Jane and Raphael, I knew it was time to finish it, because the inside angels were taking hit after hit.
With the help of Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Jane, I managed to take hold of The Empty. Like Chuck did with Amara, we cast her out, chaining her up in the same lonely dimension Amara had once been held in. Michael sacrificed his powers to bear the new Mark that still was needed to have her caged.”
Jack pauses for a moment, takes a sip from his beer and watches the others. Mary and John are holding hands on the table, switching short glances now and then. Bobby looks like he's fallen asleep already, beer still clutched in his hand. Castiel seems to be entranced by Jack's story, elbows on the table, chin resting on his folded hands. A small smile playes on his lips and Dean notices how beautiful Cas' face looks when being relaxed. He doesn't know if he's even allowed to think this way, but he can't help it. He tries to focus on the story again.
“So, you cast her out. I guess the angels on the inside got out – seeing as Cas is here. But what about the other creatures this thing had held for an eternity?”
“Yes, that.” Jack answered, nodding. “I assumed it would be no good to send them all with The Empty. Instead, Jane and me enlarged the Purgatory, sent every monstrous creature down there and asked Rowena to magnify the intensity of their 'door'. In return she'd get the demon souls sent to Hell, and she willingly agreed to that.”
“Great.” Dean states, “more demons for her, no big deal.”
“Dean,” Cas whispers, obviously annoyed by this interruption.
“I don't like the idea of giving her more power, alright? It's no good. Rowena will use this somehow to do something bad, you know her, Cas!”
“Yes, Dean, I do know her. That's why Jack is keeping an eye on things. I thought you'd be happy to know that we all are safe now. I thought you'd be happy to see … me.”
All eyes are on Dean now, which makes him shift in his seat, feeling pretty uncomfortable.
“Man, you know I'm happy about … this all. I'm just wondering what this means for those left on Earth.”
“You mean Sam.”
Dean nods, not sure if he's able to answer right now.
Jack jumps in. “Don't worry, Dean. He's safe. I am sure of it – I can see it. Please believe me that no harm will come upon him as long as I'm here.”
This really does reassure him and he takes a big swig of his beer. He nods, satisfied for now. Then another thought comes to him.
“What about the angels you saved from The Empty? What exactly happened to them?”
“Oh, that's easy. Every deceased angel got a second chance. I made sure their loyalties were with me, then I sent them to work. There's a lot to do up here, and most angels are glad to be able to help. Michael is an exception though. As I said, he's had to sacrifice his powers to bear the new Mark, so he's powerless now. He's in hiding ...” Jake grins, “but I think … he'll bee alright.
With The Empty being gone, there were new rules to administer. Every monstrous creature – minus the demons - that dies from now on will find himself in purgatory. Demons that die will find themselves in Hell, but powerless. Rowena told me she's got some 'lovely tasks' for them. And every angel that meets his end will come back up here, being powerless but having a place to call home.”
Home. Dean looks around, taking in this wonderful place that Cas can now call his home. He loves this idea, and he feels quiet content with knowing all this.
After this, they switch the topic to easier stuff. Their conversation is light now, mostly about stuff to do in Mary's and John's house, like fixing a little hole in their roof, or repainting their furniture. John even asks if Dean would help him restore a '64 Ford Falcon and Dean eagerly agrees to be there tomorrow. But after a while of talking about the ups and downs of this special car, Mary stifles a wide yawn and John laughs. “It's time I guess! Thank you for this wonderful dinner and a great evening guys. Guess we'll see each other next week?”
“Same time, same place,” Cas answers grinning. “See you tomorrow, Dean,” John says and pulls him into a tight hug. Mary ruffles through his hair before hugging him, then she too says good-bye. Jack wakes up Bobby, half-pulling him out of his chair and tells him that it's time to get home. Bobby grunts, gives Dean a nod, and walks out the front door without another word, probably too tired to speak. Last to say goodnight is Jack, and he pulls both Dean and Cas into a big hug. They clap his back, and Dean thinks he can hear Cas whisper 'I'm proud of you' into Jack's ear. They all say good-night, then Jack is gone too. Closing the door behind Jack, Cas turns around to Dean, watches him closely, a slight pink shade on his cheeks.
“There's a guest room down the hall if you want to...” he leaves his sentence unfinished, but Dean understands.
He looks Cas in the eyes, feeling his heart suddenly hammering against his chest. There were words he wanted to say, but he doesn't remember. He's surprised – all those years down there, he had to hold everything back, and he has no fucking idea how he did that. Cas' eyes are still watching him, asking silent questions. Throwing cautions in the wind, Dean finally closes the distance and pulls Cas into a gentle kiss, hands on his cheeks. After a moment of surprise, Cas kisses him back, his lips soft and warm, and lays his hands around Deans waist. Their kiss seems to take an eternity, Dean has no feeling of time anymore, he just feels Cas' lips on his, and he knows that this is his happy place. His peace. His... he allows himself to think the word – his home.
This fic is a gift for @expectingtofly on tumblr as part of the starrynightdeancas gift exchange. It's my first-ever written fanfic and I'd love to know what you think about it! I had a lot of fun writing this, creating my own kind of fix-it fiction. Also, I tried to stay canonical – with one exception, because I will never accept that the trickster was truly finished off!
Please note that I’m not a native speaker and there might be some spelling and grammar mistakes. I’m sorry! But I hope you’ll enjoy it nonetheless.
Have fun reading and leave a comment if you like <3
Not yet posted on AO3, still waiting for my invitation. I’ll have you updated as soon as I can post it there!
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Smith & Smith
There are a few things everyone knows at Sandover Bridge & Iron Inc.
The coffee bagels are inedible, Adler will fake-fire someone on your first day, and you do not hit on Dean Smith, Senior VP.
(Not that Sam wants to - gross. But apparently it's salient information, because it's the third ever text message Gabriel Milton (HR) sends him. Maybe because he'd just joined as Smith's intern, Sam reasons. Well, to hell with stereotypes. Smith is going to be nothing more than a boss - or mentor, if he'd so be willing; Sam's heard of him, and he's kind of a genius after all. That's it.
Plus, Sam's in love with, and engaged to a nurse thankyouverymuch.)
And in any case, it's not like he'd needed a memo.
Smith is obvious enough.
Obvious, with his packed lunches and secretive screensavers. Obvious, in the way he unfailingly redoes his hair before leaving, cause he's "picking Cas up first" - and with his bright smile on Mondays, because "Cas only has Sundays off".
He grins non-stop, the half hour before lunch, and then spends it holed up in his office entirely - and if Sam returns early from his own break, he can't not catch the unicorn laughs emerging from there, glass walls be damned.
Once, in fact, a package got misdelivered, and Sam returned from lunch to a bouquet on his desk, labelled on a recycled paper card with a pickup line so ridiculous - wordplay on 'honey', in fact - that it almost verified the domesticity singlehandedly.
Dean Smith is married.
There can be absolutely no other explanation.
As days pass, Sam's workload increases, but he's learning what he's here to learn and is grateful for it.
He also notices him and Dean grow into a friendship of sorts - finding common ground in football, not liking pineapples on pizza, and having a Navy dad - and just like that, mentions of the latter's wife start coming up more casually.
Nothing unprofessional, or overshared - just a, "you know who eats burgers like no one's business? Cas." When he brings Sam a couple of burgers back after an assignment runs late into his lunch break - or even a, "Cas's brothers are dicks," when Sam goes into his office to submit a report from Sales, and finds him, as he rarely does, texting.
As long as Dean isn't dismissive of the work Sam puts in, and he never is, Sam's fine with it. To be honest, it's kind of refreshing to see a guy be a total goner for his wife. And he is - Sam can tell from his heart eyes, if not the fondness that envelopes his voice whenever he speaks of her.
It makes him happy as well, cause he's worked here about five weeks now, and it's enough to see that Dean deserves to be as happy as 'Cas' makes him.
All things considered, Sam's definitely getting used to it.
Until one friday, when Dean shows up at nine am and declares that Cas will be picking him up today.
"There's a strike at the library."
"I see." Sam returns, eyebrows raised.
"Isn't that ridiculous? Libraries going on a strike?" Dean grins. "It's like, you know, a book-march."
Sam fights the whelming urge to bitchface.
"Stop that." Dean swats at the air. Sam hasn't said anything, so he bites his cheek. "You're basically dying to roll your eyes. Friggin' take my jokes for granted." Sam shakes his head, suppressing a smile. "No, seriously. Go on, do it. Didn't stop Cas either."
At that, Sam breaks.
Mirrors Dean's grin from before he'd put on the mock-offended glare, and Dean soon joins in.
"I'll just save my fantastic sense of humor for later."
"For Cas?"
"Nah, someone who can appreciate it -" Dean cuts himself short. "Hell, who am I kidding? Yeah, for Cas."
Sam grins wider.
"I'll be leaving at five today." Dean informs him, before disappearing into his office. Seeing as the office hours are nine to five in the first place, that isn't off the norm, but since Dean finishes late almost regularly, it's probably worth pointing out.
This way or that - Sam knows he's going to be waiting for it to be five almost as eagerly as Dean.
He's heard so much about this woman. There's almost an air of mystery surrounding her at this point. All the facts Dean's ever dropped are cloaked with something close to fictional, because Sam doesn't know her at all.
And now he's finally going to meet her.
It's not like all he does, the entire day, is think about it. But it does make writing the reports for, and inputting April 2020's data into the server that much more of a fast process - since time flies until it's five.
And then, relatively, decides to stop.
Sam stares at the elevator.
He's done with his day - prepared to leave after Dean does, though definitely not before.
Waiting, he realizes, that he's formed something of a mental image. She's blonde in his imagination - probably a generic 5'5 or 6. Blue-eyed, cause Dean's mentioned that at least twice. And not to be creepy, but he assumes she'd be pretty too, cause his boss isn't exactly what he'd describe ugly.
So without meaning to, Sam's got an eye out for someone who fits the mold.
First man in, at two past five, is short and stocky. Second is Mrs. D'souza, a receptionist on the seventh floor.
Third and fourth are interns.
Fifth is a trenchcoated guy, squarer than Sam, with a wonky tie.
Sam sighs.
It's almost ten past five - and tardiness really isn’t his thing. Or Dean’s, for that matter. Staring intently in the direction of his elevator, he’s about to start getting righteously annoyed on Dean’s behalf when there’s a tap on his shoulder.
Sam swivels in his chair, taken by surprise - and slowly, his eyes widen.
Dean’s arm is slung about the fifth guy’s shoulders, grin directed entirely towards him. And he - Jesus, he - is six feet tall, trenchcoated, and wearing a tentative smile as he looks down at Sam.
Blue eyes complete the picture - plus a five o’clock shadow which never came up - and Sam’s head reels as he finally pieces everything together.
“Dean!” He exclaims, and it must count as a greeting, because it can’t really count as oh-my-god-Cas-is-a-man.
“Hey!” Dean beams. “Figured you should meet Cas.” And turning to Cas, “That’s Sam. My prodigy, basically.”
The heart-eyes have never been more obvious. 
Sam’s an idiot.
He can’t even grin like he’s supposed to - earning himself half an eyeroll form Dean - because he’s trying to figure out how he hadn’t figured it out yet.
“It’s good to meet you, Sam.” Cas says - and the fact that it’s the lowest he’s ever heard a voice go, makes him refocus enough that he can respond.
“You too, Cas.”
Dean’s still beaming, and finally, finally caught up with himself, Sam grins back.
He’s an idiot.
Cas just smiles wider.
(Well, one thing he got right. He’s definitely pretty. But measured against a scale of everything else he got wrong - there’s a long way to go.)
“Okay so,” Dean declares, far more chipper than usual. Someone could just’ve painted smitten across his face, really. “We should go. You probably guessed this but Cas isn’t the biggest fan of where I work.”
“You have a treadmill desk, Dean.”
“And I don't see you complaining about my stamina.” Dean throws back, and their eyes lock in a silent stare - heavy enough, that neither notices Sam looking away as subtly as he can. He’s not really supposed to witness them flirting - misdelivered packages asides.
Thankfully, the stare-off breaks when Cas points out that they were leaving.
And to the backdrop of Dean grumbling about Cas’s hatred for his job, Dean puts on his overcoat - well, he hands Cas his briefcase so he can properly do so, and then Cas just holds onto it - and they say their goodbyes to Sam and take off, walking close enough to brush arms all the way to the elevator.
Once they’re out of sight, Sam slumps in his chair, scrubbing his face with an incredulous laugh. 
Of course Dean Smith is married. And of course, Cas is his husband.
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headcanon + sleep, time & guilt
send  me  ‘ headcanon ‘  +  a  word  and  i  will  give  you  a  headcanon  around  it.
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Kaito and sleep do not mix
Even before the KID thing, he's constantly been kept awake by nightmares of a burning banner and the screams behind the roar of flames and the smell of smoke. Yes, he was present for his father's final show, he goes to as many magic shows as he can as he's passionate and dedicated to the craft and he still sees his father as his hero after the fact.
It really only got worse after the KID thing though. The nightmares are more frequent, involving guns and men in trenchcoats with guns going after him or Jii-chan or the inspector and his family, including Aoko
He tries to cover up these constant nightmares by burring himself in practicing magic or planning for a heist. Blue Birthday shows Nakamori being sleep deprived chasing KID after six heists in one month, so Kaito is clearly just as tired seeing as he also forgot Aoko's birthday, he's just better at hiding it.
He's a master of disguise, so I'm sure he's got the makeup tools available to convincingly hide the lack of sleep on his face.
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Is he going to be stuck doing this forever? It's a question he keeps asking himself every time he holds a gem to the moon and is again met with disappointment.
He has mixed feelings about his night job, and one of the main detractors is how much time it's taking out of his life. He's in his last year of high school for crying out loud, he should be applying for colleges and getting ready to get on the big stage and be a legal professional.
And then he remembers how his father's time got cut short. If he makes it big while still running around the Pandora Syndicate and looking for gems, keeping up his criminal activity in a way that some big magician related to Toichi Kuroba suddenly comes out of the woodworks, it would mean game over for him and he'd end up following his dad into his early grave.
He just wants this over and done with so he can go back to leading the life he wanted from the start, as a normal magician who doesn't have these kinds of threats looming over his head
But, who knows when that'll happen huh?
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If it wasn't already obvious, Kaito is guilty for a lot of crimes. He's caused millions in property damage and stolen more big jewels than any other professional thief he's heard of. Plus, law enforcement seems to think that he's the same KID as the one from eight years ago, so if he's caught, he'll be punished for ten extra years for his father's crimes as well.
There's also his own personal guilt he has to bury under his poker face.
"I'm not allowed to be close to my best friend because of my mission."
"I have to lie to the people who care about me in order to save my own hide."
"I'm too deep into this to give it up now."
"I have to keep pushing my own moral boundaries to keep up the act, or someone is going to realize the truth."
Kaito likes to laugh and joke and pretend everything is okay. He'll put on a big smile and play pranks and do everything he can to make sure everyone else around him is happy and enjoying themselves, even his fiercest rivals.
Though sometimes the people that seem the happiest are hurting the most.
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unkownknowledge · 3 years
story I'm still working on your requests don't worry, I just wanted to make a few character sheets since I'm not focused enough rn. I'll finish it when I take my meds though I promise.
And this isn't an oc for any show, rather a character from a multiversal mythos I'm making
also, an important term to understand this: 1 god year=5 billion years
Giota is a very hot and cool Giota stop changing the text! Atleast change your style of writing so the reader can undead immediately Aw but wheres the fun GIOTA
Fine mister fun police, I'll write like this then. And I'll be cooler than you
Young man I wil... forget it, back on track:
Giota is a shapeshifting god of chaos, void, technological progress, freedom, and being a dramatic bitch.
Hey! I'm not a bitch!....maybe a little
When appearing before mortals he'll often take on the form the viewer imagines when they think of a god of chaos would appear as. Often times when the user knows the basic descriptions of Giota from the 'book of tales' will see him as a angel like statue of bones with numerous cracks, no face, and organ pipe wings.
When meeting with gods outside his domain or when he must meet mortals in a set form, he will take on simple, 10ft tall humanoid form with bone skin, a cracked mouth that cracks more when he speaks, two different colored eyes, and longer than floor length black hair. One of his eyes will be crying water that burns upwards, while the other cries fire that flows downwards. In this form he wears a black trenchcoat, green turtleneck, and purple dad pants.
What the fuck are dad pants?
You know, those usually brown pants that are kinda jeans but soft and actually comfortable.
Inside his own domain, or if he's feeling especially done with whatever poor bastard made him upset, Giota takes the form of an innocent ten year old child with soft white steel skin, mile long black hair made of silk, and black eyes made of diamonds. In this form he wears pajamas for to big for him, his mouth leads to a dark void, and he carries around two plushies: a bunny made of roses from his mom, and a plush of his adult form from his husband. Of course he becomes an adult if they do anything adult, so please don't start.
Regardless of his form, even when it's based on the perspective of others, he always wears a large knitted infinity scarf his husband made for whenever he wanted to hide away.
Cool ones
I mean, he's not wrong...
(I should make an ice themed character)
Giota, as a god, has numerous powers related to his domains.
powers of freedom:
inspiring presence- while most gods or beings of power inspire mortals and lesser beings of power to kneel down or bow, Giota’s presence inspires all beings to rise up, to do anything, to do whatever they want, to become the best they can be. this can be used to inspire allies to carry on. However Giota can also let this power run rampant, and free the mind of any shackles, and while this sounds good it really just means removing all morals and causing mass violence, and if he lets it run rampant while in the same dimension he lets it then all life will mutate into eldritch monstrosities of decadence and selfishness. According to him this is to show that balance must be kept between chaos and law.
the torch of liberty- among Giota’s duties as a god of freedom is to liberate the populations of ‘doomed realms’ that have been enslaved. essentially, if a planet in a universe is ruled purely by either law or chaos then the entire universe can be effected, in the case of law it can result in the entire universe becoming one collective conscious. while it’s not common that enslaved worlds occur, however when they do they are the most dangerous of law worlds. to combat worlds like this gods of freedom are given torches that free the minds of the enslaved and bring down holy fire upon the enslavers in the form of the collective will of all the freed people.
powers of technological progress:
cybernetic god-many god-years ago Giota was severely wounded by a rogue god of flesh and a rogue god of metal, to the point even he could not regenerate it. to stop him from dying a cult of his granted Giota cybernetic enhancements. these enhancements integrated into Giota’s flesh as it regenerated and became enhanced in turn by Giota’s divinity, and Giota’s divine power was enhanced then by the cybernetics, resulting in a self sustaining growth in power. while he gladly used this to stop the rogue gods, and once again to destroy an old one, he feels being that powerful would upset the balance of power, so he sealed it in a time lock in time with the seasons and time of day in the void. his power increases from mid day to mid night, and from the end of summer to the end of winter. in the minute of exactly midnight at the end of winter, Giota becomes, in both this multiverse and the old, the most powerful being to exist.
self evolving knowledge- because his position as a god of technology is artificial his powers in it are very weak, being able to only grant full sentience and sapience to machines. he can also create minor miracles of technology, such as summoning a clockwork toy(which he does often)
hey man did you really have to bring up the whole getting my ass kicked thing?
yes, now shut up before I bring up what you sing in the shower
powers of being dramatic:
yeah that wasn't a joke. Giota is the god of being over the top, stylish, and over all flair. in other words, being dramatic
personal sound track- he can cause any song he wants to play when he does anything.
lights, camera, ACTION!- whenever he wants, Giota can cause a bright, sparkling light to emit from his body or behind himself.
my favorite is that one bad bitch’s theme. what’s her name again?
Ragyo Kiyurin?
that's the fucker! terrible taste in morals, but damn does she know how to enter a room.
...can I put sigh when it’s supposed to be me sighing?
powers of the god of chaos
Chaotic existence- for Giota to even exist is, in and of itself, a paradox. he comes from a timeline that never existed, that was on a set path, yet he exist, and he changed the course of the timeline. when he became a chaos god he became a paradox within a paradox, he existed yet did not. to attempt to change any aspect of his being, to take in any part of his being, is to know that which is not there to know, to understand that which is not there, you have to be able to comprehend the very essence of nonexistence to even bare a hair of his getting in your mouth. such a thing easily drives all things that try insane, to the point that every part of their conscience believes that it does not exist.
overwhelming power-chaos gods are only once a multiverse, and with the title comes pure power. such power could turn an infant into an indestructible warrior, however since Giota was already at that level on a mortal scale, and already capable of taking on powerful gods, this power sets him among the highest echelons of divine might.
powers of the god of void
key to nonexistence- the god of the void is the only being who can open the bridge between that which exist and that which does not
rapid regeneration- the void god has an innate ability to regenerate from nearly all damage, even if they are ground to a fine paste. this regeneration is enhanced by the cybernetic enhancements.
speed of darkness- the void god has an innate speed that surpasses light, Giota’s already superhuman speed was enhanced by this.
spear of not- the void god is the sole being in existence and non existence who can wield the spear of not, a finely forged weapon. it is not special beyond being enchanted to withstand godly power and a ‘security lock’ enchantment, however it is still a very well made weapon.
blah blah blah, enough about what I was handed, tell them about my mortal abilities
as Giota just said, and as I’ve brought up before, Giota is extremely powerful even without his powers, he also used to be two other mortals that were less powerful. but over all these were his powers, which he still has.
leather skin- while it might appear or feel like something else, Giota’s skin is exactly like leather armor. this comes from how he was raised as a child to be a powerful warrior and his skin was tanned into hide and treated while it was still on him.
adamantine bone- Giota’s bones were also replaced by an adamantine skeleton when he was a child.
super sonic speeds- during his training as a child, he was taught to be able to surpass the sound barrier on foot.
superhuman strength- his training also trained his body to carry ten tons, however as a mortal he improved that strength to the point he could exert enough force to blast away entire cities by blinking. This power did not come easy.
flight- after training with some monks late in his life, Giota was able to walk on the air, essentially he could fly at the same speed as he could run.
agility- he was trained as a warrior and assassin, so Giota’s training included advanced maneuverability training, including wall running, sneaking across tripwires, etc.
weapon master- Giota is a master in all weapons and various forms of martial arts.
he also has reciev- hey man you good?
I-I’m fine! d-don’t write that I’m crying! 
you...wanna talk about it?
is it about your mom?
alright take your time.
anyway Giota has a very useful piece of equipment, the cloak of maternity- despite it’s name, it’s actual a cloak that leads to a pocket dimension where Giota carries his weapons and toys. It is called the cloak of maternity because his adoptive mother gave him after he became a god-bounty hunter, she even designed it to help him hide away from people. it even has a designated snack pocket.
Giota was found by his adoptive mother after he destroyed his timeline, as punishment, or perhaps in an attempt to redeem him, she turned him back into a baby. something Giota happily accepted.
After this his life went on as a mortal’s would, only in the realm of divinity: he went to school, went into college, graduated, then entered the workforce. granted the workforce he entered was bounty hunting divine criminals. it was easy for him to get into, after all everything from his past life transferred over to this one, it wasn't long before he was hunting even the deadliest of criminals. while his mom was very supportive, it was still difficult for him to keep in contact with her as he did before moving out, and being a bounty hunter was hardly a sociable job. it wasn't long before Giota fell into depression, and then to drugs. for twenty three god years his life was an endless cycle of contract killing, payment, and wallowing in chemical joy. But at the end of all blinding lights, there is a welcoming darkness.
Giota had become the personal bounty hunter of the god of law and time: Ceerus. one day while leaving after receiving a contract, he met the god’s child, a boy his age named Dyalta.
It was thanks to Dyalta that Giota ever kicked drugs, or got out of depression, and thanks to Dyalta Giota managed to find happiness in anything other than a syringe.
Even the reason he found love.
rise to godhood
Giota became a god after an old god, named the Red slaughter, destroyed the entire universe. this was a catalyst for Giota, who had died previously, to return with his newly awakened god powers. I don't want to go into to much detail in this aspect as I intend to write it at some point.
hey man you good yet? 
a little bit. Dyalta came by and gave me some cookies.
that's good buddy, I’m gonna describe your personality ok?
alright.. I’m gonna go home now.
alright man, take care.
do note that this is a bit hard for me to do. I’m more used to just writing a character. I’ll just post two short stories here to try and get his personality across. I made them in school last year.
ok so after looking at it the second one is twelve pages long. so I’m gonna post that elsewhere on here. to give context: this is after a wedding between Dyalta and Giota was interrupted. if you’d like to see more about him then feel free to interact or request him.
elavator story
Giota shifted uncomfortably to make room for his soon to be father in law as the man stepped into the lift.
“Soooooo…” Giota pressed their floor “wonderful, um, siege we’re having.”
Ceerus just keeps his eyes on the door “sure.”
“So how's the uh, wife?”
Ceerus sighed “locked in a tower, that we are invading.”
“Mhm, yup.”
‘Maybe I should try calling him dad.’
“So what did you think of my swordsmanship d-dad.”
Ceerus visibly restrained himself “it was fine ten- Giota.”
The elevator stopped, probably because of security.
“Oh maker damnit,” Ceerus tries rewinding the shut off, but it doesn't work “and it’s godproofed!”
“This reminds of this one time me and Dyalta wen-”
Ceerus put his hand to Giota’s mouth “if you end this story in anything less than fully clothed I will end your fake hide.”
Giota scratches his head nervously “Well I didn't, but Dyalta lost his shirt and well,” Giota notice Ceerus drawing his blade “b-but it was for a sword fi- wait bad wording, it was for a-you know- assasination thing!”
Ceerus sighed and sheathed his sword “look, you dusting mongrel, I don’t like you, you pretend to like me, let’s just try and not kill each other and maybe by the end of this, I won’t flay your ass at the altar.”
Well atleast now they both agreed on something: this was going to be a long crusade.
ok that's that! not a very good character sheet but hopefully it got enough across to be interesting. I’ll end this off with some quotes I want him to say but have never gotten the chance to write out:
“hey Ceerus how’s the kid? oh thats right! in my bed, waiting patiently.” following Ceerus being exceptionally annoying.
“you know something? I try to be nice, I always smile, always banter with my targets. you know, try and be friendly. but then some RED MOTHERFUCKER, POSSESSES MY HUSBAND, WAKING ME UP FROM ETERNAL SLUMBER, AND NOW I ONCE AGAIN HAVE TO CLEAN UP THE GOD’S MESSES!”
*crying into Dyalta* “and then he said my clothes were stupid,” *sobbing* “I tried really hard on these!”
“this multiverse, to us gods, is wet paper mache. so easy to break, one wrong move and POP,” Giota flexes his finger and causes an ocean to split open for a solid ten seconds, “the very fabric of reality is gone. and you. you insuferable MOTHER FUCKERS have the AUDACITY TO COME IN HERE, AND TEAR IT ALL TO SHREDS! well assholes, if this reality is paper mache to you, and I’m stronger than you, take a wild gues as to what you are to me.”
(tagging: @storytravelled, @3lectro-heart, @genshin-obsessed)
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bonesthebeloved · 4 years
Complicated- creativitwins
Digging up old drafts baby here we goooo.
The father in this story doesn't have a name so you can imagine it as anyone you'd like/ as simply a stranger. Happy reading.
Trigger/ squick warning: father figures, complicated relationship with parental figures, mention of screaming, child services mention (in like...one sentence) mention of crying, mention of animal death (bunnies) mention of homophobia. <- if I missed any let me know.
Edit: I did not check spelling. We die like men
Pappa had always been with them.
When they were three and just formed their first memories they might remember in distant futures when all was quiet and nothing was holding them back from reminisent, they would remember about the time they’d gotten two big stuffed bears bigger than themselves When Papa had still been alone and Dad hadn’t been with them yet.
They would remember the soft fur in their little hands as they cuddled close to the things when it was naptime.
Pappa was always there for them
When Roman was five and he woke up from a nightmare where a squirrel was chasing him around the playground pappa was there to wrap his long arms around him and tell him that he was safe and that he would get his squirrel catching gear out of the supply closet the man they had started calling Dad had built for them, first thing in the morning.
When Remus faked being sick the first day of school because a kid in his class had laughed at the white streak in his hair he'd had since birth pappa had come and picked him up, explaining that poliosis is nothing to be ashamed of and laughing warmly as his son tried to pronouns the word.
Pappa would always protect them.
When Roman first talked about his pappa and dad in school the teacher had looked like she'd eaten something nasty. Later on Roman was moved to the same class as his brother, his own teacher saying she didn't want to be associated with his kind.
When Pappa came to pick him up that day Roman asked what that ment. And for one of the first times in his life he'd seen pappa frown.
They baked a cake to celebrate them being the same class that evening and Pappa and dad lifted the two of them high up in the air and twirled them around while cheerful music played.
When Remus got told off by a teacher for the first time because he had pushed another kid in his class he had to sit in the corner for ten minutes.
When he was allowed to go back to his spot Roman thanked him for protecting him and Remus threw the paper ball that had been thrown at him right back.
When Pappa came to pick him up he and the teacher had a long talk and they left quickly afterwards. Pappa holding both his and Roman's hands in his own big one's and telling them about how they had done the right thing.
Pappa would always comfort them.
When Roman came back home with scrapped knees and an attitude Pappa had asked him what had happened.
Roman hadn't answered and his brother had later told their dad's that he had seen Roman getting pushed around by some older kids. The had been yelling a word he didn't know the meaning of. When he had told it to pappa he had looked angry. And told his boys that those kids were mean and to never use that word because it made fun of good people.
When Remus began to get more friends his pappa asked him to include Roman in all of their games.
His brother had trouble connecting to people and was quickly becoming the bullied kid. And while Remus would gladly take any bullets for him he couldn't protect him at all times.
And while Remus played star wars with his friends, running around the playground and pretending to know the characters, Roman sat and drew in the little notebook pappa had given him for school.
And Remus bought him a new one with his own pocket money when a mean kid threw it in the lake nearby when they went there to explore with the class around the time that eggs would magically appear in their garden and they pretended like it was a bunny putting them there.
Pappa would always be with them.
When they went to highschool and Remus his friends could no longer play starwars with him because one moved away, one said she’d never liked him and two others went to the same school but suddenly forgot about their being friends, he sat with his brother more often.
And when Roman got friends that he wasn’t sure he liked but hung around anyways because it was better than sitting alone, Remus was left sitting at a table at lunch, other kids coming to sit at the same one in the hopes he would get up and leave.
When he had refused to do just that they’d began whispering about him pretending he didn’t hear them. And when he acted like he didn’t hear they had began calling him mean things.
After two months at the new school they came home and both called for their Pappa with shaky voices too quiet to bare any sort of good news.
And when Remus showed off his bruised wrist he’d gotten when a kid had grabbed him harshly and Roman told him about how his friends hadn’t been friends but bullies in a trenchcoat and a mustache to make him think they were friends before telling him he was too weird to hang around, Pappa had brought them both into his arms. Whispering something like ‘oh my poor, brave boys,’ before holding them a bit tighter and then telling them that sometimes, the world was mean like that and that, sometimes, it takes a while before you find the right people.
And when they went to bed that night they laid in the room and stared at the same ceiling. Both pretending they couldn’t hear Pappa arguing with Dad in the hallway.
Both pretending they weren’t crying silently until they fell asleep to Dad accusing Pappa of being a vile and horrible human being.
Pappa didn’t have all the answers.
They learnt that when they were on their second year of highschool and both of their pet bunnies died in the same night. 
Roman had sniffled and stood near the gardendoor as he watched them dig a deep hole all the way at the back of their garden. 
Remus decided that he would be sad about this at night when nobody would see or worry and stood close by Pappa as he put the two bunnies in a shoebox and put it in the hole. Saying they had probably died because of the rat poision Dad had spread across the lawn and that the mice must’ve gotten into their food somehow.
They learnt this when Dad and him had sat them down after breakfast that had strawberries to tell them that sometimes love died and that weddingrings would rust and be put in two seperate homes in two seperate boxes that would never be opened again.
They learnt this the fifth time that Remus came home with bruises and Roman began to listen to darker music and emote less dramatically. Unlearning all the expressions he’d picked up from those animated childrens series they weren’t allowed to watch but watched them anyways. He faked having imagined a happy place when the woman that was supposed to help them through the divorce told him to invision one. Instead invisioning Remus, and how he should have punched the guy that had made him drop his books the moment he saw it happening.
Pappa was  a human being.
They realised this more clearly than ever when he’d found out why Remus only wore long sleeves and got sent to therapy after their Pappa had hysterically cried over it and begged his son not to leave them before he could grow old.
When Roman stared at the ceiling after he’d taken 14 paracetamol and googling how many it would take to leave them before he could grow old, only to find that he would probably be fine and go to school the next day feeling as empty as usual. Pappa had yelled at him when he had gotten back to be more careful and not get invloved with his brothers troubles after he’d shown off the scratched shoulder from where he’d been thrown against a fence when he'd tried to stand up for him.
And when Remus got diagnosed with dyslexia and Roman with depression they said nothing. Roman shaking his head when the doctor suggested therapy and Remus sitting quietly as they explained that he might have adhd aswell.
Their father wasn't perfect.
They learnt this when Remus came back from school with a black eye and a failed math test and the test was all that was focused on. Shouting not unlike the one they'd heard all those years ago when love began to die and rings began to rust booming through the house and piercing through the music Roman was listening to in his room. A bottle cap with water falling off his desk and the little growing plant in it falling with it.
They learnt this when Roman said he was asexual aromantic and their father said that he should consider therapy again because surely that couldn't be normal.
And when Roman told him that maybe they weren't normal he'd been send to his room. Doors slamming shut and noises too loud for Remus to process.
Their father was wrong sometimes.
They realised this when Remus first brought a friend home and jokes about countries the kid wasn't from were made around the otherwise uncomfortably quiet dinner table. And when religion was brought up in a house full of atheists Remus stood and took his friend's hand, saying that they'd eat something at a foodtruck and storming of, leaving Roman to feed little stripes of unseasoned meat to the cat.
Their father was bad sometimes.
They learned this when the both of them started college and the racist microagressions turned into jokes about how they'd never make it since they were both going to art schools.
And when Remus showed him his homemade costume he huffed and said it looked great in a tone that Implied anything but. And when Roman showed him the finished piece he'd worked months on he said it looked nice even if it had mistakes while pointing at every single one of them while his son, hands still stained with markers and pencil smudges, gave a watery smile and the artwork was put in a art map to never be looked at again.
Their father wasn't good for them.
They realised this. Finally realised this, when Remus was twenty and had decided to move out, getting a small apartment would have been to expensive had his brother not eagerly asked him if he could come with him.
And they told their father while their bags were already packed and the rent was already payed.
And their neighbours registered a noise complained and whispered about calling childservices when their father started another screaming match to tell them how much he didn't want them to leave and how they wouldn't make it.
And they painted the walls mint green while Roman painted a mural around the spot where their couch would be.
And they ate lukewarm noodles from the plastic canisters while sat on the empty apartment floor.
And Roman bought a dozen succulents to take care of and make it feel more like home.
And the wall was always covered in outfit designs and storyboards as the jar they had put the sticker 'for a couch' on slowly filled up.
And they still send him Christmas cards but didn't plan on visiting that house for a long long time.
And their father would have killed them for the mess they made of the apartment sometimes.
And they preferred it that way.
This is both an extremely specific vent and goes out to all the kids with complicated relationships with their parents.
You're allowed to not like your caretakers. You're allowed to not want contact with them after you've moved on. You're allowed to think how they treated you was unjust because it probably was.
@purp-man @crazycookie13o @deceitifullies101 @sapphire-knight @ragingdumpsterfiremess @chronophobica @lance-alt @mylifeisadeceit
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howdoyoudothedew · 4 years
Another long SPN post
This time it’s notes from my WIPs. I never actually really wrote any of these, but tags and titles are included. Anyone can use these as starting points for a fanfic, have fun
Henry/Balthazar Summary: When Henry’s mentor, Benny, doesn’t return from the war Henry is saddened. He refuses to believe Benny died. Won’t even entertain it. On the way to find his missing mentor/father figure, he meets Balthazar. A strange man with a british accent and a habit of flirting with everyone, especially him. He finds Benny. He finds love. THen Balthazar tells him he’s from another time period and has to go. The last chapter is Balthazar saving Henry from Abaddon. Side note: Henry has blue eyes that Balthy apparently likes to wax poetic about Chapter One The day’s circled on his calendar. ‘Benny comes home’. That would be today. Or, it would’ve been. He had gotten the letter a week ago. ‘Benjamin Lafitte died in the war. We send our condolences.’ The letter, of course, wasn’t actually as cold and unfeeling as that. But it didn’t matter. Because it felt like that. It felt like someone had taken him and shoved him in an ice bath. He couldn’t believe the letter. He wouldn’t believe the letter. Benny had promised he’d live through this war. And if he had to find him, then by golly he’d find him. Even if he had to do it on his own. Henry snuck out of the bunker that night. A pack of food was the only thing he brought with him. That, and a picture of him and Benny. No one caught him on the way out. He knew the passages too well. He stole a bike from the garage, and left. There would be no note left in his absence. No trace of where he’d gone. Because if he’d left one, he worried that they’d try to find him. Find him and drag him back. But he couldn’t go back. Not now. Not without Benny. New section He’d been on the hunt for four days now. Had traveled from Lebanon, Kansas to Chattanooga, Tennessee and was slowly making his way to the Georgia coastline. His plan was to check coastal cities first. Then he’d work inwards till he covered all of the US. He only hoped Benny would return here and not go to another country. This is where he runs into Balthazar It’s when he’s asking a bartender if he’d ever seen Benny, while showing his picture Balthy comes up to him and says “Are you from around here, because you’re a perfect ten.”
Don't Make Bets With Love Goddesses Five chapters Alternative meeting, canon divergent, Gabriel is Loki, Aphro has her son arrow multiple people, but Gabe bypasses them all “You cheated!” “That never seemed to matter to you before, now how did I cheat?” “Eros shot Sam with an arrow!” “My son’s arrow never touched the Winchester.” Everyone has what the humans would call a ‘soulmate’, not everyone finds them and they're not always romantic. It looks like Gabe found his, though.
Chapter One Explains how Loki has messed around, yet has never fallen in love “I will never fall in love” the Norse god boasted. He was talking out of his ass, and Aphrodite knew it. Loki bets Aphrodite that he will never fall in love She accepts with a wicked twinkle in her eye Aphro has never been able to pass up bets, especially when they deal with love He was close once, with Kali, but it ultimately fell flat It didn’t even actually fall flat with Gabe, but with Kali who could sense his growing attachment and cut off their involvement before it could happen. They had made a promise to each other that their thing would remain ‘no strings attached’. Then years where nothing happens
Chapter Two Sam enters the scene He’s tall and handsome; funny, sarcastic, witty. And he’s one of the only people Gabe has ever met that won’t take his crap. That will see right through it. Gabriel vows right then and there that he won’t fall in love with Sam.
Different Circumstances Summary: Where the first meeting isn't of a boy with demon blood and an archangel, hidden as a trickster god, disguised as a janitor. Nor is the second meeting, or the third, or even the fifth. Until suddenly it is and the world seems just that much more messed up. Six chapters Tags: Canon divergent, Canon universe, 5 + 1 format, fluff, angst
Chapter One High school Gabe is the ‘bad kid’ They bond over pranks, and Gabe teaches Sam a few tricks
Chapter Six Sam connects all the dots and realizes the few people he had met in his life, the ones other than Jess that he had clicked with on automatic, were all the same person. Where all the trickster, Loki the god of mischief, and Gabriel the messenger of God. He hadn’t even clicked with Jess as quickly as he had seemed to click with each and every version of Gabe he had met. And now he was gone.
To Heal A Soul Summary: Castiel isn't the only angel who tried to save Sam Winchester from the Cage. But while Castiel got a body, the other found only a soul. Tiny and broken, frayed at the edges, yet still somehow alive curled up in the corner of the Cage. Gabe keeps and heals Sam’s soul until he feels that it could be replaced with minimum consequences, when he does replace it there is still a battle. Gabe can’t help him with this battle, none of Team Free Will can. Gabe's dog is Max Chapter One Gabe gets Sam’s soul, just his soul, from the Cage because he knows what’ll happen if he puts his soul back in his body after Lucifer had ripped it out Sam gets a different… form type thing. Like, I don’t know Gabe uses pagan magic to give Sam a body like his own Explains to Sam the situation
Stacy’s Dad (Lafittz) Tags: help me for i know not what im doing, i love this song and had to do this though, babysitter!garth, single father!benny, female teen oc, benny is older than garth by a few years, dilf!Benny, Notes: I'm sorry for the dilf tag, but I thought of it and it was too funny to me to not include it. Garth’s turned twenty a day ago, and is babysitting Benny’s kid (she’s twelve, so it’s not exactly babysitting) Benny’s thirty (his wife and him had Stacy when they were eighteen, they married right out of high school) Garth asks Benny out, saying that he promised him when he was eleven he’d go out with him when he turned twenty Stacy and Garth go to the pool, where Benny may work as a lifeguard Or, Stacy met Garth during her freshman year and they hit it off immediately as friends But Stacy liked Garth, and when he met Stacy’s dad it was practically love at first sight. (Because he's mushy like that) Or Benny and Andrea had her at sixteen, and Benny was estatic. Sure, it was early and he wasn't sure if he was ready, but he'd be damned if he didn't try to be a good father.
Scarecrow Summary: Remake where Cas is a “hunter” who Dean picks up on the way to ----, he's working the same case and they decide to pretend to be a couple to solve it. Also, instead of Meg, Sam runs into Gabriel because he picks him up on the road before he got to Meg. Sam’s part is inspired in part by the honeythief amv. Tags: s01e11 Scarecrow, rewrite, i tried, canon divergent, canon hopping, beginning unchanged, fake/pretend relationship, bonding(????) Dean picks up Cas either along the road (a parallel of their brothers) or at the food place he and Sammy split A man slid into the seat Sam had vacated, black hair Dean could only describe as bedroom hair, piercing blue eyes, and a trenchcoat. “So you're going after the missing couples, too?” The other couple isn't there, instead the people there immediately assume they're a couple Cas immediately goes with it and when Dean asks about it later he simply shrugs and explains that this job seemed to require some falsehood
---- Short ficlet where they find Narnia. “I thought you'd already been to Narnia given how deep inside the closet you are,” Gabriel joked.
Sabriel Anniversary Sam: Gabriel, I figured we could go where I first fell in love with you. Gabriel: Sam, I'd rather not… Sam: Why not? Gabriel: I have bad memories there. Sam, in surprise: Bad memories? I mean , sure we tried to kill you Gabriel: Lucifer killed me. Sam: Oh… Oh! You were thinking Elysian Fields? I meant Crawford Hall! Gabriel: What? Sam nervously rubs the back of his neck while looking away: Yeah… Could never really get you out of my head after that. *looks back at him* Even when I really wanted to. ----
Everytime they find Gabriel again, Sam wants to ask Gabriel to help. He wants him to stay. Though he tells himself it's not for him, but the world. But then they leave him behind in that ring of holy fire. And he… dies. At the hands of Lucifer. Sam thinks that's it. But then he shows up again, only to save him and leave him. (But it wasn't just him- it was Castiel as well, he has to remind himself for the next few weeks till it sticks.) So this time Sam swallows everything down, and he tells himself it's okay. Gabriel would've never stayed. And that's fine. Then Gabriel's back again, and he finally agrees to be on their team. He finally agrees to simply stay, even if it isn't for him. So of course he has to die all over again. ----
A rebound. Gabriel knows that's exactly what this is. After knowing Sam for all these years, he can read him. Read him easier than he can read himself. Heck, he knew Jess and Sam’d date the second he saw them together. And just as he knew, a month later they were dating. So yeah, Gabriel knew how to read Sam and how he felt about others. Romantic feelings just weren't there for him. Sure, Sam sounded sincere. He truly believed he liked Gabriel, and Gabriel knew that. But he knew his best friend and he knew the feelings were just his body’s half-assed attempt at fixing whatever hole Jess had left him with that he refused to recognize.
“I'm not ready.” It's not a lie. Gabriel isn't ready to date anyone, even if he loves Sam with all his heart. But he refused to be a rebound. He told the girlfriend Sam has before Jess- Ruby- as much when she gave him her twisted blessing after Sam broke up with her. If Sam knew that's what he was looking for in Gabriel, it would crush him. The poor kid would feel terrible, and Gabriel knows it. That is something he won't allow. Sam deserved happiness, but it couldn't be with him. Not now. Maybe not ever.
---- Crime Cleaners crime scene cleaners sam and dean who get roped into something well above their paygrade by two particular Novaks, possible villain being Luci and Lilith, who is his 'queen' they definitely get help from their friend Bobby and the Novak's friends Charlie, Rowena, and Rowena's girlfriend, the coroner Billie Or, serial killers God and his Righteous Man, who are secretly Dean and Cas. Gabe and Sam are the ones trying to find them.
John Winchester and Chuck Shurley meet the parents thing. John first meets Cas, and Dean explains that Cas is his husband. Then he meets Gabriel, Sam’s bondmate-husband- and an archangel. When he mentions how weird this is, Gabriel is the one who points out that “If you think it's weird that your son in laws are angels, just remember that their father in law is literally God.”
Normal au, Gabriel shows up out of nowhere because he has to do a blood sugar test to check for diabetes or some shit and he just grabs Sam: “I need your blood.”
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thewebcomicsreview · 4 years
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Tonight on Legend of the Hare: Rasslevania! 
This was originally supposed to be a birthday, but then I thought of the phrase “no holds barred mitzvah” and changed it last second. do like that Jill and Riley both don’t actually know what a bar mitzvah is. Given that the next few pages portray the event as taking place in an arena (?) around a wrestling ring (??) and one of the people in attendance is a music industry scout (?!), it’s also possible that I didn’t know what a Bar Mitzvah was, or at the very least didn’t bother to change any of the later pages to account for this change. This is a really stupid plot point! And it also means that the band is tempted by money at a Jewish event, which is one of those things I probably should have stopped to consider the implications of, but I clearly didn’t consider the implications of anything I was doing on any level. In the aborted LotH Version 2, this whole scene was going to be an actual birthday party, and Riley would sing a song that would be way inappropriate for kids and the family would kick them out, which Riley would blame on Jill before Peggy showed up an arrested them all. It would be at the police station where the rabbits first appeared, and V2 was getting very far from V1 before I gave up on it.
There’s something very Scott Pilgrim vs the World-y in those first three panels, especially Jill’s band being a retro gaming reference. Who came up with that name, anyway? Also, wow, I just told Carlos to draw a generic indie wrestling poster and gave him a sample of one, but I totally passed on a chance to put a joke on the poster. Missed opportunity, past me! Also, using “Goldstein” as a generic Jewish name, bluh.  That’s lazy, it should’ve been a funnier name. If it’d been, like, “Rick ‘The Rack’ Ruckus presents: His son’s no-holds-barred mitzvah” then there’s a little character in it, the idea that maybe it’s the dad who likes wrestling and not the kid, which gives me an opportunity to have a joke later about the son being bored and also kind of helps explain why there’s no actual Bar Mitzvahing going on. You can tell how much I’m feeling a page by how much effort I’m putting into finding these spaces for a joke. In a perfect ideal word, a writer should spend as much time on a page as the artist, going over every line and background detail and trying to find ways to get as much mileage as possible out of every panel and taking every chance for a clever joke. Obviously, this doesn’t usually happen in practice. But it should! It’s very easy to pop out something passable in ten minutes as a writer in a way an artist can’t, but you should hold yourself to a higher standard and even now I don’t do that as much as I should.
Panel 3 looks like a generic alley, but I actually took a photo of an alley in Boston I liked and had Carlos use it as a reference
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I’m not quite sure why I found this image so striking, but it adds a little to the sense of place that this alley has a brick road instead of a paved street, and is one of the very few visual clues that this comic takes place in Boston and not Generic City, so it was worth the time to photograph. Also, hey, that’s Eoin in a trenchcoat reading a newpaper in the background of paper three there. The original opening to Legend of the Hare would have had Trenchcoat Eoin (back when he was called Teporingo) and Mary Farrier at Doink Burger scoping Jill out as a potential rabbit champion. This never got past the first draft stage and mostly revolved around Mary being a hyper child and not focusing. Interestingly, the script I have for that opening establishes Legend of the Hare as being set in Oregon. I wonder why I set it there originally, given that I’ve never been. It might have just been a reference to Gravity Falls?
Anyway, this is the first appearance of Riley, and note that even this early he’s making fun of Jill behind her back. Old man Starflower seems to just accept what Jill is saying as normal, which looks like a joke but is also foreshadowing, since Starflower knows a bit more than was ever shown to the audience. Sadly, it never comes up in the comic because everything’s a mess, but Mary Farrier the horse champion is Starflower’s daughter, and it was through him that the rabbits learned of Jill. It’s all connected, but offscreen because I wasn’t doing anything properly.
The Lore Post for this page will be of grave importance to a few people: It’s the first appearance of Helen Alvarez, the Rooster Champion and surprisingly popular minor character! Helen doesn’t actually appear on-panel for like 40 pages, and by then she’s very clearly sick of all the “cock” jokes, but she seems to be in better humor about it here:
Dear Diary,
I don’t know if anyone’s going to read this, but if you’re reading this now, hi.
So today was odd. I skipped school and then a bunch of Roosters flew me off to Cock-Narnia. Little bit unexpected, that twist. They gave me the whole “Chosen One” spiel I’ve seen in a million fantasy novels, though they didn’t seem to know who actually chose me or why. They offered to let me go home, but I told them nah. Even a crappy Harry Potter LARP thing run by birds is better than Mom and Brad. And, honestly, I wasn’t going to make a better career choice than being the “Lady of Cocks”, so I might as well get on the Cock while I can. Got the tattoo and everything. I’m sure that’ll stop being funny any second now, but I’ve only been here a few hours so I’m going to ride the cock train just a bit more.
The cocks – there it is, this is old -the roosters are not very smart. Which I guess isn’t surprising, because they’re birds? But they can talk, so you’d think they’d be smarter than normal birds. And maybe they are, but they ain’t shown signs of it yet.
I tried to get some details on what my Cock Destiny (okay, one more) was, but no one was able to answer me. Kind of defeats the point of having a prophesied destiny if it’s a mystery, doesn’t it? If I wanted vague promises of future greatness, I’d see the guidance counselor again.
Isn’t that life, though? In that….um…..you never know what you’re gonna get? Or something? I dunno. I really don’t know anything. Supposedly once I sign up I get all kinds of magical girl superpowers, but I don’t feel very super right now. I mostly just wanna lie down. Such hero. Very amaze.
Actually, lying down sounds like a great idea right now. I need to stress over all my decisions today. I’m gonna go do that.
How was your day?
Holy hell, you can tell this lore post is old, there’s a doge reference.
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mlovesstories · 6 years
A Family Attitude Part 5
Warnings, low self-esteem, language maybe, strong Ally
Word Count 1600
Jensen x daughter!reader
Ally!nanny x platonic!child reader 
Summary: YN has a boost of self-esteem.  
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“Hey, Daddy!” YN squealed when she saw Jensen come home on a Thursday night.
“Hey, sweetheart! I missed you.”  He walked further into the living room and watched as his daughter ran into his arms. “You doing good?”
“Yep!” She beamed. “You didn’t have to come home for me, Dad. I’m fine.”
“It was my choice. You don’t need to worry, okay?” He squeezed her tightly and spoke quietly into her ear.
“Okay,” she whispered back.
“You have the day off tomorrow, right?” He leaned back to see her face.
“Yeah, it’s grading day for teachers.”
Jensen grabbed her hand and guided her to the couch and tucked her in next to him. She leaned against his left side.
“I’m assuming you are on top of your homework already. You and me are going to go out and have some fun tonight and then hang out tomorrow. Sound good?”
“Yes.” She calmly smiled.
“When I’m done with you, you’ll see how awesome you are, okay?” He rubbed her back.
“Okay,” she sighed, indifferent.
The next morning they went to their favorite breakfast spot. YN excitedly ordered the largest plate she could, her dad’s eyes growing wide.
“What? I’m hungry. Dean isn’t the only hungry one in this family,” she smiled. “Besides, I can take home the leftovers and eat it again tomorrow!” YN laughed.
“Okay, okay. I judged too quickly. I’m sorry,” he put his hands up and giggled. Once the waitress had disappeared around the corner, he said,” You’re beautiful. You’re funny and so smart. You’re so driven, and I’m so glad you don’t procrastinate like I do. You definitely got that from your mom,” Jensen grinned, remembering his wife. “She’d be so proud of you, sweetheart.”
“Dad, don’t bring her into this please.” YN took her hand away from her father and looked elsewhere.
“I just- you’re amazing, and I want you to know that.”
“Come here, YN.” Jensen motioned with his fingers.
They had walked through the door and dropped their things when her father called for her.
“Yeah?” She didn’t move, missing his wanting her to follow him.
“Come on.” Jensen stuck his head out of the bathroom. She walked slowly, recognizing that he was acting strangely. “Face the mirror and-“ YN recognizes his tactics and backed up.
“Dad, I don’t need a confidence lesson.” She stopped outside of the restroom and crossed her arms. Jensen followed her sadly. “Why can’t you see how awesome you are?  I called someone…”
“Dad- what did you do?”
“Ally!” Jensen called for his nanny.  She came down the stairs. “Please do what I asked of you earlier.” She nodded, walked past Jensen, and grabbed YN’s hand.
“What are you doing here? My dad is home, you have the day off.” YN confusedly inquired as she was dragged in front of the mirror in the hall.
“Your dad needed assistance. Mr. Ackles, get over here. You need this too.”
Jensen laughed at her sternness.
Only she can get away with that and be my employee.
“Coming!” He called back.  Jensen walked into the hall.  
“Now you, young lady, are going to listen to me. No running.” She took a beat.  “Look at yourself.” Ally commanded.  YN huffed and gave in.  She looked at her figure staring back at her.  Ally had her hands on YN’s shoulders just in case she tried to leave. Jensen walked in front of the mirror next to Ally.  
“I want you to tell me what features you like about yourself.”  Ally prompted.
“Shut it, YN.  Tell me.”
“I can’t,” she admitted.
“Ackles, you’re up.  What do you like about yourself?”  Ally asked Jensen.  He was taken aback by her question.
I thought this was about YN.  
“I like my freckles, the color of my hair, and how tall I am,”  he said answered after a few seconds of thinking.  He took over for Ally and tried to give YN some momentum.  “I like your smile.  I love your laugh.  And you have your mom’s nose.”  Jensen grinned as he complimented his daughter.  “Your turn.”
“Umm…” she played with her fingers.
“Okay, hold on.”  Jensen started.  “Look in the mirror, sweetheart.”  He broke down her assignment even more.  Blankly, she followed instructions.  “Do you agree with me?”  He lifted her chin so that they made eye contact via the mirror.  YN shook her head.  “One thing, then.”
“I like my eyes.  They’re exactly like yours,” she said, emotionless.  
“You know what I like?”  Ally asked.  YN looked at her. “I like that you’re taller than me. It makes me laugh because i am the one that is supposed to be taller.  Beyond that, you’re sweet and respectful.  You try and attempt everything at least once.  You listen to me even though I know you want your dad here.  I appreciate that,” Ally said with a kiss on YN’s cheek.  “You will tell each other one thing you like about yourselves every day for a week.” She pointed between both Ackles’.  “Now, I need to go on a hot date, so I’ll leave her in your capable hands, Mr. Ackles.”  Ally concluded.  
“Thank you,” YN whispered.  Ally wouldn’t have heard it for the fact she was right next to her.  The nanny wrapped her arms around YN from behind her.  “I love you,” she said.
“I love you too,” Ally spoke softly.  “Be nice to yourself.  I’ll tell you about my date on Monday, okay?” She knew YN would want all the details.
“Okay.” YN grinned and wiped a tear from her eye.  “I need a minute, Dad.  I’m going to my room for a sec.”  With that, she walked into her room.  
“Thank you, Ally.”  Jensen nodded toward YN’s room.  His shoulders relaxed.
“You need to get ahold of this, Ackles.  I love her, but she is your kid.  She wants you.”
“I know.  Thanks for saving me.” He walked her out.  
“You owe me, Ackles.”  Ally beamed.  “You can pay me back with a spoiler for the new season.”  She crossed her arms ready for a playful power struggle.
“No!  You have to wait.  I’ll pay for your hot date tonight.  Here.”  He handed her some cash with a chuckle.  
“I was kidding.  I don’t need anything,” she put it on the entry table.  “I came over because you two mean the world to me.  Now it’s your turn.  Compliment her qualities, she needs it.  She needs a personality boost.  Have a good night, Ackles.”  Ally left the Austin home with a wave.  
“Mom, it’s my life.” Jensen defended.
“You are not ready. And you just had an intervention with Ally from what I heard from her earlier.  Do not put me in a position where I have to fix YN because you messed her up. Wait to take your relationship with Danneel to the next level until they truly get along.  If you don’t, it will only get worse.  Go ask Jared. I’m sure he has read some article on this or something.”
Jensen rolled his eyes as he spoke to his mother via a voice call.
“Don’t you dare roll your eyes at me, boy.”
“I love you, but don’t do this until YN is ready. Please.”
“Fine, Ma. I won’t. I love you.” He hung up the phone as YN walked in and crashed against him on the couch. “You do know that there is like ten feet of couch over there, right? You practically landed on top of me.” He laughed. She snuggled into him without a response. “You’re only quiet when something’s wrong. What’s up?” YN curled into him even more and pulled his blanket over her own body. .
“I just want you.”
“I want you too… what’s going on?” He tried to look at her face but she hid, burying her face in his cotton T-shirt.
“I’m tired. I’m so tired,” she mumbled through the material.
“I’m so sorry. You want to go to bed?” He tried to see her face again but no luck.
“No, I want you.”
“Honey, I’m confused.”
“I want my dad. I want you to tell me I’m fine.”
“Wait, what?  Is something wrong?” Jensen grew more than concerned.
“School is so hard right now. I just want you to tell me it’s okay.”
“Of course. You’re a fantastic student and you will push through because you are dedicated and you care.” He rubbed her back.
“And I want to go to UT.” YN looked up at him.
“Wha- huh?” He looked at her blankly. “You’re fifteen, we don’t have to worry about what school you go to til you’re a senior.”
“I know, but I want to. I have to do good now to get in.” She said, stressed .
“I’m very proud of you, but it’s not worth killing yourself over when you already do well anyway. You gotta pace yourself.” He calmed her. She lied her head back down against his chest.
“No time, gotta do well to-“ she started to stand from the couch.
“Shhh. Come here. Are you done with everything due Monday?” He asked as he pulled her to him.
“Yes, but I have extra credit due Wednes-“
“No. Stay here with me so we can watch some horrible TV.” Jensen joked.
“Dad, I have-“
“I said no, come on, sweetheart. You’ll make yourself sick. Plus I have tons of conventions coming up. I won’t see you as much and I’ll miss you. Just be here with me right now, okay?” She saw the pleading expression on his face.
“Okay, Daddy.” She have a small smile.
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A Family Attitude
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onceuponamirror · 6 years
11 questions game
tagged by @raptorlily, who prepared 11 questions for her tag-ees:
1. The core four + Kevin and Cheryl are attending a literary character party. What costume does each of them wear? Bonus: What costumes are the Southside Serpent characters wearing?
OH BOY. well, betty is elizabeth bennett. her instinct is obviously be nancy drew, but then decides she wants to play dress up a little bit. she tries valiantly to get jughead into a darcy couples costume, but his instinct is to just be sal paradise because he won’t have to buy anything for the costume. 
betty tells him that if she’s not going to be nancy, he should go outside the box too. he then decides on dressing like the titular mummy from jane loudon’s the mummy! (he’s still a weirdo, remember)
veronica goes as daisy buchanan if not purely for the extravagant opportunity to dress like a flapper, archie comes as jim hawkins from treasure island, cheryl bucks expectation and attends as a female robin hood (she already loves archery), and kevin is absolutely sherlock holmes. he’d look so natural in a trenchcoat!
2. What extracurricular activities are Reggie, Ethel, Fangs, Midge, Toni and Sweetpea involved in?
besides sports, reggie’s extracurricular activity is definitely selling ground up oregano to middle schoolers and telling them it’s weed. 
ethel is canonically a drama geek and that’s valid, but she’s also probably in band. i’m gonna go with....flutist. 
fangs is also canonically a drama geek and a regular geek (less we not forget jughead used a larping club to lure fangs out of a self-imposed suspension) so i honestly am just waiting for him and kev to start up their dungeons and dragons club. (wow they are perfect for each other tho??? a dorkier bughead)
midge (RIP) was probably into 4-H bc i can’t get the concept of “klump farms” out of my head. she seemed like a genuinely sweet person who also was a regular teenager and was a cheerleader and probably volunteered at hospitals too idk 
toni wanted to get laid so bad she became a cheerleader. or, ok, seriously i mean my headcanon is like, it’s bring it on, where toni was into gymnastics and dance in a v serious way but southside didn’t offer any curriculars that would allow her to do that, and she couldn’t afford gymnastics herself. turns out the closest thing riverdale has is cheerleading, which’ll do. 
sweet pea is probably the lowkey nerdiest of them all. i was joking earlier that he’s probably secretly into anime, but more seriously: feel like he’d go for basketball officially and also probably has an interest in engineering. i mean, that interest began with pipe bombs, but. yanno. ya dreams gotta start somewhere!!!
3. Give me three of your favourite headcanons for Reggie
had a crush on betty until high school
does his dumbest shit for his dad’s attention, painfully unsubtle about it
is cripplingly afraid of being alone, which is why he surrounds himself by teammates at all times and/or can’t get past the pack mentality. has difficulty being vulnerable in spite of all that, can’t be honest with himself and/or with others. 
4. It’s Saturday night and the core four are all hanging out by themselves at home. What is each of them up to?
betty is listening to the memory palace podcast while laying on her bed, feet crossed up in the air, doing her homework. cleaned her room earlier. wants to call polly. she doesn’t. stays up till two am for no reason other than her room is warm and full of golden light and it’s the only time the house is quiet. plugged back in her old nightlight, half out of spite after polly nearly threw it out, half genuinely. sometimes she thinks she’s still afraid of the dark. the irony isn’t lost on her. 
jughead is working on his novel, american crime story is playing on the TV in the background, a bag of popcorn slowly rotating in the microwave. the trailer is empty and he chooses to think his dad is at work. emails his sister. he doesn’t remember when, but they’ve stopped talking about their mom. his tattoo itches. toni told him not to scratch at it. 
veronica is drinking chamomile tea on a tray, scrolling through pinterest and making a european vacation mood board for the post-graduation trip she’d like to take with her friends. she wants to surprise them with it, all-expenses paid. she resists the urge to book flights years in advance. browses the barney’s website. doesn’t know why she gets such a thrill from online shopping. isn’t sure why she can’t stop. 
archie is in the garage, his fingers strumming aimlessly over the strings of his guitar. wonders why his mother can’t be a lawyer here in riverdale. isn’t sure if music was ever his own, or something he thought he should want, because he didn’t want to work construction. or worse, because a woman found it attractive. brought his history textbook out with the intention to study. doesn’t. practices wonderwall, even though jughead laughs whenever the song comes upon. 
5. What’s your headcanon for Jughead’s hat? Why does he wear it? What’s the origin story?
his mom made it when he was a kid, and growing up in threadbare clothes donated down the line of serpents or thrift store finds, it was the one thing that was truly his---made for him. with love. 
being scrawny and quiet and outgrowing his pants too fast to replace them already set him apart. might as well let the hat seal the deal. 
6. What is your Riverdale guilty pleasure ship? One that you don’t necessarily ship in canon but wouldn’t mind reading fanfiction for?
don’t think i have one, honestly? 
7. Can Chuck be redeemed in your eyes? Any caveats or things that would need to happen to make this count?
yeah, it’s really interesting answer this question post 2x18, but---yes, i definitely think chuck can be redeemed. i never wanted him to be a villain in the first place, for so, so many reasons. 
i mean, comics!chuck was a deliberate bucking of specific stereotypes that riverdale slid right back into without seeming to think about what it was they were saying by doing that. (related readings: x) and then the way they did it---ack. 
outside of the vacuum of comics vs. show, i think that where we’re at culturally, we’re really asking men to unlearn their toxic masculinity. especially of adolescents who are still growing and changing---and what chuck did was certainly part of the vacuum of male privilege/toxic masculinity, but he faced consequences  for that, and then he acknowledged it. actively has announced he wants to change, and i genuinely believe it at this point. 
and while i wish chuck wasn’t the character they’re doing this with in the first place, “cancelled culture” can be really frustrating because it’s way too binary. it undermines the growth and self-crit we want people to be doing. 
obviously, it doesn’t apply unilaterally, some people are abusive or cruel or malicious to the point where they lose their ability to profit off of it, and rightfully so---but with a character like chuck, whose main crime appeared to just be slut shaming, i actually appreciate a narrative where a male character owns up to how that was bad, why it was wrong, and how they’re going to change. 
8. What is a storyline you’d like to see most explored on the show?
just---more familial dynamics. i cannot wait for gladys and JB, i think that’s going to be so meaty and tragic and emotional in the right ways. i want more of polly and betty’s relationship, and/or how betty feels watching her sister run away constantly, or just their dynamic in general. more of archie and fred navigating dreams vs. reality. i kinda don’t love veronica’s parents tho, and i’m not sure where they could take that in a way that i enjoy. 
9. What is your favourite Riverdale fanfic trope or cliché?
pining, man. just. pining. 
10. What is existing scene or storyline would you rewrite to better suit your tastes?
HAH. how much time do we have 
BONUS:  Archie starts a band. He settles on ‘The Archies’ but what were some of the other suggestions for the band name? Name three songs that show up on their debut album.
jughead’s suggestion is: red drum, red drum and he thinks it’s hilarious
three songs: midnight ride, smoking gun, and can’t fly
my 11 questions for my taggees 
1. which twist did you least see coming? genuinely. 
2. we all know riverdale loves hopscotching through genre elements (true crime, musical, grease, etc), and sometimes it’s too much, but which has been your favorite? what other ones would you like to see from the show?
3. riverdale does dirty on its secondary characters. what storylines would you give to reggie, kevin, josie, etc? or, what would you like to see for them in s3? anything you thought the show really fumbled? did right?
4. what are your backstory headcanons for sweet pea, fangs, and toni?
5. what’s your theory on the old riverdale riots?
6. it’s the ten year high school reunion. where did everyone go to college? (core four + the secondary pals) what’s your headcanon for their future careers? who’s still together? who wishes they were still together? who hooks up unexpectedly in a storage closet? 
7. what’s a storyline you just didn’t buy this season?
8. any headcanons for the riverparents? like, how they grew up, who they were in high school, why they went the directions they did?
9. what’s one trope that you’d wish the show would do? or something you wish you saw more in fic?
10. thoughts on reggie? will he ever be fleshed out? will it make him more of a villain, or less of one?
11. if you could have anything happen in s3, what would it be?
and i tag @village-skeptic @stillscape @sylwrites @lessoleilscouchants @myrmidonofmelodrama @heartunsettledsoul @raptorlily (tagging back, bc i want your answers on these too!) @theatreofexpression​ @imreallyloveleee​ 
or anyone who wants to answer!!! just tag me, i wanna see yer answers. these games are fun 
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maqicool · 4 years
alright i'm gonna say it. the only thing wrong with sakura is that she's a female character written by a man
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thepokyone · 7 years
When We Were Young (Pt. 3)
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Pairing: Dean x Reader (ft. Sam and Cas)
Content/Warnings: ANGST; violence
Words: 2241
A/N: Well, all this peace and love has been nice, but it’s time for crap to hit the fan in what I think is the second-to-last part in this mini-series. I’ve been neglecting this - not on purpose, of course - but I’ve finally been able to sit down and write this 3rd part, so I hope you enjoy! Links to the first and second parts are below, and make sure to let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
“Please, Blake, just give me a chance,” Dean said, desperation clear in his eyes. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. I’m sorry I missed all your birthdays, and Christmases, and everything else. I am so, so, sorry. But I want to make it up to you. At least let me try, Blake, please.”
You were startled by the intensity of Dean’s words. The older Winchester’s face was earnest and you could see he was almost crying. Perhaps you had misjudged him.
Blake saw it too, it seemed, because he slowly nodded. “Alright.”
It had been a few weeks since you had (reluctantly) agreed to let Blake get to know Dean. Said Winchester had been skipping out on hunts to get to know his son, leaving you and Sam to deal with whatever the supernatural world had to throw your way. You hadn’t actually minded getting to know Sam - he was smart, kind, and a good shot, not to mention someone you now trusted to watch your back during a hunt. The four of you had even swung by Bobby’s, allowing the older hunter to meet Blake for the first time. It had went pretty smoothly, you thought, all things considered. There was still the whole apocalypse going on, but at the very least things for you and Blake had gotten somewhat better.
Or, at least, it had been, until you and Sam had returned from a routine werewolf hunt to find Dean and Blake gone. The Impala was still in the parking lot, but your son and Dean were nowhere to be found. “Do you think they just went out?” You asked worriedly, looking around the motel room. There didn’t seem to be any sign of foul play.
“I don’t know,” Sam said. “Dean’s not answering his cell phone. And his gun is still here.”
You felt coldness seep into your veins. “What happened to them, then? Where could they be?”
“Y/N, calm down,” Sam said soothingly, though you could see the worry in his eyes. “We’ll find them. Maybe we missed something in here.”
You pursed your lips uncertainly but nodded, the two of you combing over the motel room. You stopped at the side of the bed, noticing something you hadn’t before on the corner of the bed-frame. “Sam,” You called. “Blood.”
He was by your side instantly, touching it with two fingers. “It’s still warm. They can’t have been gone long.”
“They were taken,” You said, swallowing down the lump in your throat. “Why? Where?”
“I don’t know,” He said. “I wish I did, but I know someone who may be able to help.”
“Who?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows. As far as you knew, the Winchester brothers usually didn’t work with other hunters.
“His name is Castiel,” Sam said. “He’s an angel.”
“An angel?” You repeated, eyes widening. “I guess since there’s demons, it makes sense, but…”
“It’s a lot to wrap your head around. Yeah. I know. Most of them are dicks, but Cas is okay,” Sam said, dialing a number on his cell. He waited impatiently for several moments before there was an answer on the other end. “Cas, I need your help. I’m at the Sunrise Motel in Burton, Michigan. Dean’s gone missing.”
There was a low response from the other end, and you nearly jumped out of your skin when an unfamiliar voice came from behind you. “How long ago was he taken, Sam?”
“Holy -” You gasped, turning around to see a tall, worried-looking man in a tan trenchcoat. “How…”
“Sorry, I should have warned you,” Sam said apologetically, standing up once more. “Y/N, this is Cas. Cas, this is Y/N. She’s an old friend of Dean’s. Her son, Blake, was taken too.”
“I wasn’t aware you had started traveling with two more people,” Cas said, his voice rough and deep. “Don’t worry, I will help you find your son. And Dean. I am Castiel.”
You smiled awkwardly. “I’m Y/N Y/L/N. It’s nice to meet you, even though I wish it was under better circumstances.”
“With the Winchesters, there is rarely such a thing as ‘better circumstances’,” Cas said. You assumed he was attempting to make a joke from the way Sam snorted and shook his head. “As I am unable to locate Dean, I will need something of your son’s.”
“Okay,” You said, walking over to pull out one of Blake’s favorite action figures. “Will this work?”
Cas took it, regarding the object curiously. “Yes, it should work.” He concentrated for a moment, head tilted. “Interesting.”
“Did you find him?” You asked eagerly, worry in the pit of your stomach. You wanted Blake, and Dean, to be back safe and sound as soon as possible.
“I believe so,” The angel murmured. “Your son’s soul and Dean’s are quite similar.”
“Blake is Dean’s son,” You admitted, causing Castiel to look up at you curiously. “He’s ten.”
“Dean never told me he had a son,” Castiel mused, looking thoughtful.
“He didn’t know,” You said.
“Dad never told us,” Sam provided. “Are you able to take us to Blake, Cas?”
“It is possible,” He said. “I was able to narrow it down to a general area, though his exact location seems to be hidden from me. That suggests demon activity, which is not good news.”
“No kidding,” Sam said, frowning. “Can you get us close?”
“Yes,” The angel nodded. “I believe I can get you within a few hundred feet. Would you like me to take a look first?”
“Yeah, we’ll get our gear while we wait,” The younger Winchester said, grabbing the keys to the Impala. Cas had disappeared, and the two of you worked in silence, grabbing flasks of holy water and shotguns with rock salt rounds and throwing ammo sashes over your shoulders. “We’ll get them back, Y/N,” Sam said suddenly, after several minutes of silence.
You looked up, realizing you had a tight grip on your shotgun. Your fingers relaxed, and you nodded. “I know, Sam. It’s just, they’ve got my baby boy, and…” You trailed off.
“Dean won’t let anything happen to Blake,” Sam said. “He loves the kid, whether he’s said so or not. He’d die before he’d let whatever took them touch Blake.”
You frowned, worried about the older Winchester. The two of you had been on better terms since you had started traveling together, and you didn’t want anything to happen to him, either. “I just want them back safe.”
Sam gave a half-smile. “So do I.”
Castiel reappeared, causing you both to jump, and fortunately the angel looked unharmed. “There looks to be around ten demons holding Dean and Blake. I believe they are part of a group that is fearful of Lucifer’s rule, and they will do whatever it takes to make Dean say yes to Michael. I was able to get rather close, they only  have the inner room warded against my entrance. I do not know why that is, but it allows me to assist you in killing these demons.”
“Good work, Cas,” Sam said, rolling his shoulders. “Let’s get this done. Y/N?”
“I’m ready,” You nodded, attitude shifting - this was just another hunt, and you were all business. “So, are we driving, or…?”
“I will take you there,” Cas said. “I cannot smite demons, but my angel blade will work just as well.”
“Whatever that is,” You mumbled. “Let’s get the boys back.”
Castiel put a hand on your and Sam’s shoulders. “The sensation will be quite strange at first, so I hope you have a strong stomach.”
You opened your mouth to say something, but Castiel had already used his angelic powers to bring you to where the demons had taken Dean and Blake. It felt as if your stomach had been left behind, and it took all your willpower not to double over and puke. Swallowing back bile, you glanced at Sam and Cas, who nodded - they looked ready, though Sam still looked a little green. You stood still for a moment, the three of you debating the best way to go about this, the only sounds being the demons talking lowly among each other and looking suspiciously out the windows. And then the screaming started. You could tell it was Dean’s, and felt your hands curl tighter around your shotgun in anger - and from the look on Sam’s face, he felt the same way.
The demons hadn’t noticed you yet, as Castiel had brought the three of you to a relatively concealed corner, but you cocking your gun certainly grabbed their attention. Their faces all swiveled to you as the three of you stepped out of the shadows, armed to the teeth and angrier than hornets. “You have friends of mine,” Castiel said, letting his angel blade drop out of his sleeve. “We want them back.”
And then all hell broke loose. Literally. You popped off two shots before you were slammed into a wall by an invisible force, unable to move. Both Sam and Cas seemed unaffected, the two of them quickly dispatching three demons, including the one holding you. You charged forward, slinging holy water out of the flask and popping salt rounds into demons, holding them off for Sam or Cas to kill. By the time the three of you had killed all the demons in the room, Dean’s screaming had stopped.
“I can go no further,” Castiel said apologetically as the three of you arrived at the door you assumed held Dean and Blake. “You are on your own.”
“It’s alright, Cas,” Sam said quietly. “We can handle it from here.”
Cas walked off (you assumed to take watch), and Sam grabbed the door, ready to swing it open. You had your gun up, and Sam mouthed down from three before swinging the door open. You had to fire a round the moment the door opened, giving a demon pause in its attempted ambush. Sam killed it with his knife and the two of you stepped inside, freezing at the sight of another demon holding a knife to Blake’s neck. Dean was strapped to a chair, face swollen and bloody, breath ragged as he panted.
“Drop your weapons, or the boy dies,” The demon ordered. You and Sam exchanged glances, and Blake whimpered as the demon held him tighter. Your grip tightened on your gun, which was still pointed at the demon, and fury boiled in your veins. The demon growled. “I mean it.”
You and Sam exchanged another glance, and he gave the slightest nod. You looked back at the demon, letting your gun drop slightly. The demon smirked, grip loosening, and in a moment the barrel was back up and you had fired. Sam had started moving the second you raised your gun, charging forward as the demon dropped Blake to scream in fury and pain.
“Blake, run!” You shouted, firing again as the demon attempted to grab the boy. After what seemed like an eternity, Sam reached the demon, grabbing it by the neck and plunging the blade into its chest. There were several flashes of orange before it slumped over, dead.
“Mom!” Blake said as you tossed your gun aside, opting to envelope Blake in your protective embrace. Sam had gone to free Dean, who looked barely conscious.
“Are you hurt?” You demanded after several moments, your eyes frantically going over his body. “Did they hurt you?”
“I’m okay, I’m okay,” Blake said, clinging to you. “Dad kept me safe. He made sure they didn’t hurt me. Mom, he was going to say yes if it meant I was okay.”
“We can talk about it later, Blake,” You said softly, realizing Dean hadn’t changed much at all from the man you had fallen in love with over ten years ago. He was still willing to do whatever it took to keep the people he cared about safe. “Let’s get you back.”
He nodded, mutely, clinging to your hand as you led him out to where Castiel was waiting. “Mom?” He asked fearfully, skittering behind you.
“It’s alright, Cas is a friend. Blake, this is Castiel, he’s an angel. Cas, this is Blake,” You said. “Can you look after him while I help Dean, Cas?”
Castiel nodded awkwardly. “It is nice to meet you, Blake. Don’t worry, I will make sure no demons harm you.”
You nudged Blake towards Cas, and your son walked over to huddle nervously by the angel’s side. “Thanks, Cas,” You said appreciatively, walking back to where Sam was all but carrying Dean out of the room. You went around to Dean’s other side, looping his arm over your shoulder and taking on some of the older Winchester’s weight.
“Thanks,” Sam said appreciatively, and Dean let out what you assumed to be a thankful grunt. “You eat way too much, Dean.”
Dean lifted his head to give Sam a half-hearted glare before his eyes flicked to you. “I… kept him safe.”
“I know, Dean,” You said softly as he let his head slump back down. You made it back to Cas, who agreed to take Sam and Dean back first before returning for you and Blake.
“He’s a good man, Mom,” Blake said, once Castiel had disappeared with the Winchesters. “You should give him another chance.”
“I don’t know, Blake,” You said with a heavy sigh. “Things have changed a lot since when we were younger.”
Your son was silent for a moment. “But you still love him, right?”
“Yeah, Blake, I guess I do,” You admitted as Castiel reappeared with a flutter of wings, waiting for an indication that the two of you were ready.
“Sam and Dean have been returned safely to the motel room. I will take you whenever you’re ready,” The angel said.
Blake grinned radiantly at your admission, excited at the truth you had been attempting to hide from even yourself. You sighed heavily, nodding tiredly at the angel. “Take us home, Cas.”
Tag List: @pickupthatamulet
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terriblespy · 7 years
Ok so here are ten facts about me from @tinyten19 -thanks so much for including me and my shit blog by the way. I’m really boring but here ya go
1. I have a green belt in kung fu
2. I really love writing but I never have time to and I always get new ideas and abandon old ones
3. I’m really interested in psychology and I think I’d like to study it in college
4. I have two guinea pigs, a cat, and a dog
5. I’m pan
6. I enjoy drawing but I’m absolutely horrendous
7. I’m going to be Remus lupin for Halloween
8. My sense of humour is puns, dad jokes, and memes
9. I’m super excited bc I’m going to a fall out boy concert for my birthday in a couple weeks
10. I love breakfast foods
Post ten things about yourself and pass it on to your10 favourite followers:
@pansexual-at-the-disco @so-take-your-gloves-and-get-out @superfangirl0713 @celestialangelcastiel @all-da-fandoms @an-angel-in-a-trenchcoat @vegetarianpineapple @spoopy-sprinkles @llsunflowerll @aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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deanssweetheart23 · 7 years
The Promise
Title: The Promise (Mechanic!Dean x Reader, Best Friends AU). Part 1.
Summary: When Dean Winchester was a little kid, he met a girl that would change his life. So, he stood by her through thick and thin and every time people asked him what home was to him all he could think of was her beautiful smile and her big, bright eyes and the sound of her laughter. Because, like Melville used to say, his home was not down in any map. True places never are.
Author: deanssweetheart23
Characters: Dean Winchester x reader, Mary and John Winchester (mentioned), Sam Winchester, Benny Laffite, Leslie (OFC, only mentioned), Lisa Braeden
Word count: 7217 (I know, I know, it’s a monster fic but I hope it’s worth it)
Warnings: Language. Lots of fluff. Angst. Divorche, mentions of an almost-fatal car accident and drunk driving, death of a parent. Kid Dean (trust me that should be a warning). Lots of feels. 
Author’s Notes: This is my submission for @luci-in-trenchcoats ‘s 2K Follower Challenge. Michelle, congratulations on your milestone, you deserve it so much! Thank you for organizing this and for letting me participate. I had tons of fun writing this.
Now into the fic, my prompt was “ We’ll figure it out. We always do.” and it is included in the text below in bold. (This is an AU, written entirely from Dean’s POV and hopefully they’ll be more parts.) 
Enjoy everyone!
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Dean was five years old when he met the girl that would change his life. Of course, he was too young to know it then, but that didn’t stop Lady Luck from working her magic.
Everything started at the playground just a few blocks away from his house. The little Y/H/C girl was there again that morning, just like the last two times, jumping off the swing like she could fly, but Dean didn’t want to leave his mum and his brother alone to go talk to her. So, he stayed away, stealing glances every now and then, until another boy, older than him and plainly mean, shoved her off the swing and made her fall flat on her butt.
The girl gasped in surprise, her bottom lip wobbling and Dean knew he had to do something about it because he hated seeing girls cry; it reminded him of that time his parents spent the entire night fighting, and of the next morning, when his mother’s eyes were red and puffy and he had to hug her and tell her that joke about the stick being brown and sticky to make her laugh.
So, the green-eyed boy walked to that annoying kid, told him to leave her alone and when he didn’t listen and made fun of her again, Dean punched him so hard that his stupid Pokemon hat flew off and his whole face turned red.
A few seconds later, Stupid Hat was leaving with his tail between his legs and Dean was turning towards the girl that looked like a scared little bird, her big Y/E/C eyes wide open.
“Are you okay?” he implored, taking a step forward.
She nodded solemnly and looked down on the ground.
“Are you going to be mean to me like he was?” she asked.
Dean shook his head.
“No. He was an idiot. Here, give me your hand.” He said and she obeyed, smiled shyly at him.
She was kind of cute.
“I’m Dean.”
“Y/N.” She said, smoothing down her shirt like a lady. “Thank you for helping me. But I could have handled myself.” She grinned, more confident now, and he smiled.
He knew then that she would never go easy on him.
“Yeah, well-”
“Wanna play Monster Truck with me?”
“You play Monster Truck?”
“Just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean I can’t have fun, silly.”
Dean looked at her, dumbfounded, and ran his hand over the back of his neck.
“Okay. Yeah, I guess.”
“Great! C’mon, I’ll let you pick your team first. And when we’re done we can share my cherry pie.”
“You have pie?”
She grinned mischievously.
“My mum baked one this morning. We weren’t supposed to eat it until lunch but I hid one slice in my bag. We can share.” she paused, then turned to him, titling her head. “You do like pie. Right?”
Dean smiled widely.
He liked her.
Dean was six years old when he realized he’d do anything to protect her. They were in his bedroom, way past their bedtime, quietly talking about monsters and fairy-tales and his ambition to become the new Indiana Jones. It was one of their arranged sleepovers and she was laying in a sleeping bag on the floor, the sound of thunders booming outside filling the room.
She was afraid of thunders. She’d never told him, surely -Y/N never admitted anything that would make her look like a child because she was, as her father liked to point out regularly, a big girl. But he knew. He could see it in the way she balled her hands into fists and winced every time the lighting stroke.
“Hey, Y/N?”
“Hmm?” she hummed, turning restlessly in her sleeping bag.
“Wanna come sleep in my bed?” he asked, rustling his Batman sheets. The little girl shoot up and looked at him, head titled to the left, eyebrows furrowed.
“I’m, um… It’s a big bed. And better than the sleeping bag.”
“But miss Mary said I can only sleep here.”
“I know. We can wake up early tomorrow morning and get you back in the sleeping bag. Mum won’t even notice and I won’t say a word if you don’t.” He explained, shrugging. “You don’t have to come. I just thought you’d sleep better. I can protect you from all the thunders.”
She silently gazed at him, eyes narrowed, and for a moment he was afraid she was going to slap the back of his head and tell him he was an idiot because she was not afraid of anything.
But then-
Dean chuckled breathlessly, almost unable to believe that for once that girl hadn’t given him a hard time, and watched as she grabbed her pillow, climbed into bed and laid on her side, facing him.
“Better?” he asked, scooting as close to her as he could.
She nodded and looked at him through her lashes, a smile gracing her cute little face.
“Thanks, D.” she whispered, squeezing his hand. The tips of his ears turned pink and his throat suddenly went dry like it did every time he was sick for days and his mum made him drink tea, all because he was the one that had made her smile.
She never used that sleeping bag again.
Dean was ten years old when he promised her they would be friends forever.  The sun was burning hot above them and they were walking home from school, side by side, exhausted from a day of double algebra and Miss Monkey Face’s scolding because, instead of paying attention to her, they had been talking to each other.
“What if your dad takes you and Sammy away?” she asked out of the blue, handing him a Hershey bar.
“My dad won’t take me away, Y/N. That’s stupid.” He told her, his tone a little harsher than he intended to.
Offended, she scrunched up her nose and stomped, crossing her arms over her chest.
“And why is that stupid?”
“Because he is not leaving Lawrence.”
He’s just leaving Mum, he thought.
The little girl in front of him shook her head and huffed.
“But Frizzy Lizzy told me that when her uncle left her aunt he moved into Lebanon and took her cousins with him.”
Dean clenched his jaw, his hands balling into fists.
“Yeah, well, Frizzy Lizzy is an idiot and so are you.” he hissed, rolling his eyes as he fastened his step to get away from her.
“Hey, that’s mean.” She whined, chasing after him.
“You’re mean.”
“Am not!”
“Are too! You’re mean and stupid and I don’t like you anymore.” He told her, throwing the Hershey bar she’d given him to the ground.
“You’re lying!” she yelled from somewhere behind him.
“Am not.”
“You’re lying, you’re lying, you’re lying!” she screeched, voice louder than before.
Dean huffed in exasperation and turned around to face her.
“I’m not- hey, what -are you crying?”
Y/N shook her head in negative, cheeks red.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” he asked, all the anger he had felt earlier now evaporating.
“Leave me alone!” she yelled, pushing past him. “I don’t want to talk to you anymore! I hate you!”
Dean’s jaw dropped as he stared at her in shock, so open-mouthed that he could have caught flies. He tried to say something but she just ignored him, turning around and beginning to walk away.
“Y/N! Y/N, wait!” he chanted, trying to reach her. “Hey, wait! I’m sorry!”
Groaning, the little girl stopped, shuffling a little on her feet. By the time he was next to her, her eyes were watery and her nose runny and his stomach was heavy with guilt because he knew that it was his fault; he shouldn’t have gotten so mad at her.
But then again, Dean was mad all the time lately because his parents’ breakup was so unfair and no one could understand that. Not even Y/N. Because even though she was his best friend, her parents were still living together and they were happy and they were going to celebrate stupid Valentine’s day while his father had spent the last two weeks packing.
“I’m not mean.” She sniffed, wiping her face with her sleeve. “I just don’t want you to leave.”
“I’m not going to leave. And you’re right. You’re not mean. Or an idiot.” He mumbled, reaching for her hand. “I’m sorry I called you those things.”
She nodded, biting her bottom lip.
“I’m sorry I said mister John is going to take you away. I like your dad. I like him a lot. I was just worried because you’re my best friend.” She whispered. “And I want us to stay friends forever.”  
Dean stared at her, eyes flickering over every feature of her face, and realized that he couldn’t imagine not being friends with her.
“We will. I promise.” He said, reaching for her pinky and linking it with his. “We’ll be best friends forever.”
She smiled, eyes sparkling, and Dean thought that he’d never seen anything prettier.
“And ever?” she asked.
Dean grinned.
“And ever.”
She giggled, her cheeks turning a light pink, and, somehow, although he was only ten at that time, he could feel it, he could feel it in his bones that making that promise was the best decision he’d ever make.
Dean was thirteen years old when he thought about kissing her for the first time. He was chasing after her in the back yard of the Y/L/N’s house, the sound of her giggles, merry and hearty, filling the air.
“Take it back.” he yelled, watching as her hair flew out behind her.
“I said take it back.”
“Nope. From now on you’ll always be my Deanie Beanie.” She snickered as she turned around to face him, mischief coating her features.
Oh. It was so on.
“You little brat.” He spat as he started towards her again, an evil laugh escaping his lips. Because, sure, she was fast, but his legs were longer and before she even knew it his hands were around her waist and both of them were falling into the grass.
“Dean. Let go.” She managed to huff out, squirming to crawl out from under him but having no such luck.
“Nope. Not until you take it back.”
“Get your meaty butt off me, Winchester.” She cried, punching his chest, but he only laughed.
“Oh, so we’re being mean now. I can be mean.” He grinned, his hands sliding at her ribcage.
“No. Dean, don’t-”
The rest of her words were lost as she began to wail with laughter, wriggling.
“D-dean. S-stop!” she begged, shoving him in a desperate attempt to get him off of her. Still, he only chuckled and continued his assault, happy to be taking revenge.
“You-re g-going to k-kill me.”
“Take it back.”
Dean shook his head.
“Just take it back, cherry pie.” he grumbled out, smirking.
“F-fine. Fine. You win! I can’t b-breathe.” She pleaded, throwing her hands up in surrender.
He smiled cheekily and stopped, tucking a sweaty stray of hair behind her ear, taking in flushed cheeks and happy, kind eyes as they locked onto his. She whispered something that sounded awfully like a curse and he chortled, gaze traveling to her lips. He hadn’t noticed until that moment but they looked so soft and alive and even though he was thirteen and believed that kissing was gross he wondered what it would feel like to kiss her. Wondered whether she would taste like the pie they had shared earlier or something spicier, like black coffee.
So, he ducked in, leaning a little closer and sighed in relief when instead of pushing him away or punching him in the face, she beamed and bit her bottom lip and then-
“Kids, the food’s ready.”
Dean cleared his throat quietly and pulled away.
“Um. We should... I mean, there’s food.”
She let out a breathy laugh and nodded.
“Yeah.” She agreed, getting up. “But we can… D’you want to go to the strawberry field later?” she asked, bumping her shoulder with his. “We can play baseball.”
He grinned.
“Yeah, Y/N. Anything you want.”
Dean was seventeen years old when he realized he couldn’t live without her. He was sitting on one of those stiff hospital chairs, watching her sleep, her hand cradled into his and what had almost happened sprung to his mind. She’d gotten into a car accident and almost didn’t make it. He’d almost lost her.
The mere thought made him want to crawl out of his skin; he’d lost too much already but she’d always been there to pick up the pieces. Her leaving him though, he’d never be able to live through that.
The sound of rustling sheets pulled him out of his thoughts and her hand squeezed his.
“Hey there, sweetheart.”
“Deanie Beanie.” She muttered, her voice raspy. “Hey.”
He rolled his eyes.
“How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?”
“Doesn’t matter. I never will. You’re my Deanie Beanie.” She smiled at his bitch-face, sitting up. “Where are mum and dad?”
“Home. I told them I’d stay with you for the night.”
“Thanks.” She whispered and he nodded and helped her sip some water. When she sat back, she winced.
“You in pain? Should I call the nurse?”
“No. Honestly, I have so much morphine pumping through my veins right now, I’m surprised I’m not high.” She muttered, running her fingers through her hair. “How is the other driver doing?”
Dean’s jaw clenched painfully.
“Son of a bitch’s dandy.”
“He was drunk off his ass, Y/N.” he cut her off, his voiced laced with fury. “He was lucky they didn’t let me near him or so help me God-”
“Hey. It’s okay. I’m right here.” She reassured him soothingly, bringing their joined hands to her dry lips and tenderly kissing his knuckles. The gesture was intimate and innocent and it made Dean’s heart spiral out of control; it always amazed him how a girl like her could see something in him.
“I’m good, I promise.” She added. “You, on the other hand, look like complete and total crap.”
Dean laughed gruffly, shaking his hand.
“Wow, sweetheart. Tell us what you really think.”
She chuckled, the sound making Dean’s heart swell. Day by day, she sounded more like herself. Looked more like herself. Her face was no longer the color of crispy clean sheets and the gauze that covered her head was long gone. Yesterday, she’d even teased Sam about his height, said they’d never find a hospital bed big enough to fit his huge legs. The bickering that followed her comment had made him smile. He’d missed it. He’d missed her.
“You know what I mean, D. When was the last time you slept?”
“Couple of days ago, I guess.” He shrugged, as if it was nothing, his fingers running soothing circles on her palm.
“My God, Winchester. You should go home. Get some sleep. Come back tomorrow. It’s not like I’m gonna go anywhere.”
Dean pursed his lips.
“Snowball’s chance, princess.”
“You need to. D, you look exhausted.” She protested, eyes filled with worry. The thought warmed his heart. It was a selfish thought, but he liked to know that she worried about him. Very few people in his world did.
“Not happening. I promised your parents I’d keep an eye on you.”
“So? Call my sister. She’ll be here in zero time.”
“I don’t want to call Leslie. Do you want me to leave?” he asked, licking his lips.
Instead of replying, Y/N arched her eyebrow in the same adorable way she always did when something surprised her and shook her head.
“Of course not. You’re…. You’re the only one I would want here. But-”
“No buts. I’ll stay for as long as you need.”
She looked at him for a few seconds, eyes locked on his, appraising him. He didn’t dare avert his gaze.
“Fine.” She huffed at last, trying to feign annoyance. “But, at least come sleep here with me. I hate seeing you sitting on that horrible chair.”
“Yeah, I’m good.”
She sighed.
“D., you’re not supposed to say no to the girl that almost died. You’re supposed to be, like, my bitch now.”
Dean narrowed his eyes at her the size of half-dollars, completely unamused. He admired her for the way she joked about the car accident like it was nothing, but it made his heart ache all the same.
“That’s not funny.”
She chuckled.
“It is. But it’s too soon so you get a free pass for not laughing.” She declared, biting her bottom lip. “Will you please come here now?”
“Stubborn asshole.” She muttered under her breath.
“I heard that.”
“I wanted you to.”
Another pause and-
“C’mon, D.” she begged again, titling her head to the left, eyes wide and pleading, that half-pout she pouted every time she wanted to sweet-talk him into something, gracing her perfect lips.
Well, shit.
He groaned, rubbing his forehead.
“For me?” she asked, a toothy grin on her face.
It was a matter of time before he caved and they both knew it.
“Ugh. You got me wrapped around your little finger, you know that?” he asked, trying to suppress his smile.
She grinned in mischief, her gorgeous eyes twinkling.
“I do. It’s kind of cute, really.”
“You’re such a brat.” He accused, kicking off his boots.
“I know. ‘S one of the things that make me adorable. Like your bowlegs.”
Dean arched an eyebrow and chuckled wryly.
“Oh, so we’re pointing out flaws now, aren’t we, Shorty?” he asked as he climbed into the bed.
“Shut up, you ass. ‘M not short. You and your brother are just abnormally huge.”
“I would so make an inappropriate comment about this if you weren’t laying on a hospital bed right now.” he laughed, throwing the hospital sheet over them.
“Cherry pie.”  He retorted.
His eyes locked on hers, bright and intense, taking in the different specks and hues of Y/E/C there, the twinkle that seemed to shine through every time she glanced his way, the way they were bright and wide in the dim light of the hospital room, storing every detail into memory.
“What?” she asked, chuckling nervously. “Is there something wrong with my face?”
Dean smiled softly at her and tucked a stray of hair behind her ear.
“No. Quite the opposite, actually.”
Her face turned a lovely bright pink color and his heart fluttered. He could feel the words dancing on his lips, almost pushing their way out, words they’d never told each other before, even though they both knew the sentiment was there. Sometimes they danced at the back of his mind when she did something silly just to make him smile or when she stole fries from his plate or when they stargazed on the hood of his dad’s car, but he’d been too afraid to acknowledge them.
Now though… Now there was no fear.
If anything, he was a lost cause already.
“What is it, D.?”
Her voice was soft like silk and those three words almost jumped off his lips without his consent. But he needed to tell her and he needed it with a need that was maddeningly beyond him.
“I love you.”
It came out as a whisper, breathy and low and fast, almost too fast, but she smiled her most beautiful smile and reached for his hand, manipulating their fingers together until they were  intertwined.
“I love you too.” she grinned, stretching up to kiss his jaw.
He sighed in relief, heart swelling, and promised himself that he would hold on to that feeling, that warmth that had nestled into his chest after those four little words had caressed his ears.
He was never going to let it go.
He was never going to let her go.
Dean was twenty-six when he realized she was going to break him in two. They were laying on his bed, her head on his chest, right arm placed just above his heart, legs tangled together as she traced imaginary patterns on his clothed pec. One of his arms were draped over her hip, holding her as if she was his lifeline.
Maybe she was.
“Sammy called this afternoon. He’s flying out tomorrow morning.” She whispered out of the blue, clutching at his shirt.
He swallowed around the lump in his throat.
“I know. He texted me.”
“We could have breakfast with him before he goes. I can even call Les so we can get together like we did in the good ol’ days.”
He sighed deeply.
“I don’t think I can…” he trailed off and she pressed a kiss to his collar-bone and squeezed his middle reassuringly, prompting him to go on. “He wants us to talk about it.”
“Okay.” She said tentitavely, cocking an eyebrow in question, and he knew she had absolutely no intention of making this easy for him.
“Well, I don’t do that, okay? I don’t talk about it or whatever. I just bottle shit up.”
She let out a small, breathless chuckle and perched herself on her elbow to look at him.
“How healthy.”
She was being a smartass now and he licked his lips and narrowed his eyes in a warning that would have terrified anyone else, but not her.
“He’s your brother.”
He gave a half-smile to that.
“I’m aware.”
Y/N sighed and glanced at the ceiling above them as if she was looking for guidance. When she looked at him again she was wearing her I-want-to-tell-you-you’re-an-ass-but-that’s-not-what-you-need-to-hear look.
“You both lost her.”
“You think I don’t know that? But I…” he ate the rest of the words, averting his gaze from hers. It was terrifying, how easily her eyes could get him to tell her everything.  “Fuck, Y/N.” he cursed, scratching the back of his neck.
He didn’t expect her to reach out, but she did, cupping his face with her hands.
“Hey. Talk to me.”
“I don’t know what to do. I’ve been trying to keep it together for Sammy but I can’t. Mum was…” he paused, trying to keep his emotions in check but when he spoke again it was strained and broken. “She was always so amazing. To everyone. And what happened… I don’t…”
“Ssssh.” She soothed, crawling closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder, her proximity reassuring and comforting, familiar and needed.  “I know.”
He took a shaky breath and squeezed her hip, pulling her closer.
“I miss her.”
Y/N was quiet for a moment and he closed his eyes and waited for some pitiful comment to leave her lips, but instead, she pulled away to look at him and gave him a smile, fragile but genuine.
“I know that too. But, we’ll figure it out. We always do, D.” she promised, running her fingers through his short hair gently, almost like his mother would have done. He smiled, soft but sad, and reached for her hand, pulling her on top of him again, letting her be his anchor for the night.
She sighed, nuzzling his chest in content and he couldn’t help but laugh and kiss the top of her head, his lips lingering longer than necessary.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.” he mumbled against her hair.
She laughed, a laugh that was airy but genuine, then pecked his chest.
“Crush and burn, I guess.”
Despite himself, he smirked and cupped her chin, forcing her to face him.
“I’m serious, princess.”
“Yeah, I’m not.” She confessed, smiling. “You’d be okay, D.” she added, kissing his forehead. She pulled away and, suddenly, a Cheshire smile was playing at the corners of her lips, eyes sparkling in mischief.
“Nothing. Just… Wait right here.” She replied and untangled herself from him, getting out of bed. He wanted to complain at the sudden loss of warmth and contact but the sight of her wandering around in his room, in his old Zeppelin shirt, her legs and feet bare, and her hair in a messy ponytail, rendered him speechless.
God, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes upon.
He cleared his throat quietly.
“Um. What exactly are you doing?”
She looked up from the record player and grinned.
“I am tired of your pouty face.”
“I do not have-”
“Yes, you do. You have a pouty face. And I am tired of it. So, I’m going to cheer you up a bit. Since I’m, you know, such an amazing friend and all…” she argued and a few seconds later a familiar tune filled the room and she was waltzing towards him, head bobbing to the rhythm.
“C’mon, Winchester.” She chanted, reaching for his hand. “Dance with me.”
Despite himself, Dean chuckled.
“To Bob Seger?”
“Please. You love that dude.”
“You’re crazy.” He declared, getting up, but she only smiled her most beautiful smile and let her arms clamp around his neck, her body flush against his.
“I’m your kind of crazy, D.” she deadpanned and he smirked and wrapped his arms around her waist, letting her warmth sip into his skin and her intoxicating scent, vanilla and coconuts, fill his senses.
He dropped a kiss on her hair.
“Yes.” He whispered, so low that she might have missed it. “Yes, you are.”
Dean was twenty-seven years old when he realized he would never have her. She was sitting at a bar stool a few feet away from him, deep into conversation with a blonde, blue-eyed douchebag and his heart clutched into his chest because she was smiling at him. Not with her I’m-just-trying-to-be-nice smile. No. She was smiling at him with her genuine smile -sly, loving, slightly cheeky, seductive- that smile she shot his way every time he did something to make her happy. She was smiling at Blue Eyes with his smile and it pissed him off.
Gritting his teeth, he tightened his grip on the glass of whiskey and sighed.
“Are you ever going to tell her?”
The gruff voice took him by surprise and he turned around to find his younger brother looking at him with a brow raised in question, a bottle of beer in hand.
“No idea what you’re talking about, Sammy.” He replied flatly, his voice carefully ridden of all emotion, then brought the glass to his lips and drank, letting the alcohol burn down his throat.
“Right. Cause you so don’t have the hots for Y/N.” the hazel-eyed man scoffed and Dean almost choked on the amber liquid
“Have the hots? Seriously, dude? That’s… That’s just wrong…”
“Okay, chief. I’ll level with ya. All your kid brother’s saying is that instead of looking at that poor guy like you want to put him six feet under, you could just tell Butter Cup you’re in love with her.”
The green-eyed man ran a hand over his mouth, blinking in uncertainty.
“I’m not…” he stopped, mid-sentence, because of Sam’s bitch-face and Benny’s sarcastic smirk, then shook his head and scrunched up his nose, swirling the whiskey in his glass. “There’s no point.” He grumbled out at last.
“No poi- What do you mean there is no point?”
“I mean that she doesn’t feel the same way, Sammy. So, let’s just stow the touchy-feely, self-yoga crap and talk about something else. Okay?”
“No, man. Let’s talk about this. Because Y/N’s so in love with you she can’t even see straight.”
That caused Dean to laugh because the mere thought was just… laughable.
“No.” he mumbled, swallowing thickly. “She’s not.”
“Jesus Christ, Dean. That girl has been holding a torch for you her entire life. I mean, think about it. You were the only person ever allowed anywhere near her favorite teddy bear when you were kids. And she told her parents that she was the one that stole Leslie’s diary so that you wouldn’t get into trouble. And she’s the reason you became a mechanic because she said she wouldn’t-”
“Follow her dreams if I didn’t follow mine.” Dean cut him off, running a hand over the back of his neck. “I know, Sam. I know that for some messed up reason I’ll never be able to understand, she loves me. But not in the way I love her.”
And even if she does, she deserves better.
“That’s bullshit and you know it.”
“Whatever. Can we drop it now?”
“I said drop it, Sam.” Dean growled, louder than he intended to.
“Chief. Your brother’s just trying to help.”
“Well, I don’t want your help. I’m fine.” He snapped, draining his drink.
The blue-eyed man took a deep breath, shoving his hands inside his pockets.
“No, brother. You’re not. Letting a girl like Y/N walk away doesn’t qualify as fine. It qualifies as batshit crazy.”
Benny’s words caught Dean off guard and for a moment, he just stared at him, his expression blank, mouth half open.
“Do you…” A pause, then a deep, yet shaky breath. “Are you in love with her?”
His friend laughed, amusement coating his features.
“No, chief. But I know great love when I see it and what you and Y/N have… That’s a one-in-a-lifetime thing.”
“Wow, Benny. Didn’t know you were into Nicholas Sparks novels.”
His friend chuckled breathlessly, throwing his hands up in surrender.
“I’m just saying… Fight for her.” A shrug. “If anything, you got nothing to lose.”
Dean shook his head and turned to look at the girl that, through the years had become his entire world, only to find her laughing at something a co-worker had said, head thrown back and cheeks flushed, her smudged lipstick merely adding to his constant urge to kiss her.
“Except her.”
“That’s never gonna happen, Dean.” Sam interjected but his intervention was quickly interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. Soon enough, an attractive young woman with brown hair and beautiful brown eyes was standing in front of him, eyeing him expectantly.  
Dean smiled, acknowledging her with a nod of his head and a waggle of his fingers.
“Hi.” He repeated gruffly. “And you are?”
“Lisa. My name’s Lisa.” She said, voice a little unsteady, her cheeks pink.
“Well, Lisa. What can I do for you?”
“I… I know this sound ridiculous but I made a bet with my friends and I lost so would you… Would it be okay if I bought you a drink?” she asked, leaning closer while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
The gesture reminded him of Y/N because it had always been a tell-tale sign of her nervousness and his eyes instinctively searched for her. She was still there, sitting next to Blue Eyes, but now his hand was on her arm, tracing random patterns and she was grinning, eyes radiant with happiness.
His heart dropped.
He took a deep breath and smirked at the woman in front of him, all charm and swagger now.
“How about I buy you a drink instead?”
She nodded and blushed but her cheeks didn’t turn that lovely color Y/N’s cheeks did and her smile wasn’t as bright.
He sighed and reached for his glass again.
Dean was twenty-eight years old when he realized he would give up anything for her. He was speeding down the all too familiar country lanes, heading back home with her for a high-school reunion when she’d sighed and laid her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes.
“What?” he asked, taking his eyes off the road for a moment to glance at her. “What was that for?”
“Nothing… I just… I missed this.” She admitted, pulling away from him, eyes focused on the dash in front of her.
“Missed what?”
“Us. The way we used to be, you know?” she asked, shrugging. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, you’re still my best friend and heaven knows I’m incredibly thankful for that, but it’s different now… Back then, it used to be you and me against the world. No work, no drama, no boyfriends, no girlfriends. Just the two of us. And I just… I miss it sometimes.”
He sighed. He knew what she meant. He’d felt it too. They were not drifting apart per se, but it wasn’t like it used to be. Sure, he still saw her every day and they still laughed and did stupid things together but, at the same time, some things had changed completely. They no longer had sleepovers. She didn’t borrow his clothes anymore because Lisa didn’t like it. She stopped calling at the wee hours of the morning just to tell him she’d had a weird dream or that she’d remembered that one time they’d almost burnt down his house trying to make cookies.
And he hated that. God, he despised it. It was like she was letting go, slowly but surely, and he couldn’t do anything to stop it because he was the one who had chosen it. He’d chosen to be with Lisa. He’d chosen to put the distance between them because he needed to get over her.
And look how great this is working out for you, the voice in the back of his head said. Because no matter what had happened, he knew that he would give it all up, Lisa, his life in New York, his job, everything, just to be with her.
Taking a deep breath, he reached out for her hand and laced their fingers together.
“I know what you mean, sweetheart. I feel it too sometimes. And I… Look, I want to apologize for being so focused on Lisa lately.”
“What? Hey, no, that’s okay…” she muttered, smiling softly, a hint of sadness in her eyes. “I get it, D. I’m not saying I like it, because sometimes I don’t, but I get it. You two are together, she’s your priority now. Your girl.”
Dean felt his stomach churn. Her words hurt him more than any flesh-cutting knife ever would.
“That’s not true. She might be a priority but that doesn’t mean you’re not. You’re… Cherry pie, you’re everything to me. And my girl?  You are my girl. Have been since that day we met at that terrible playground.” He explained, tightening his grip around her wrist.
She laughed at the memory, her laugh sweet and warm and exactly what he needed at that moment.
“Gee, I still remember your puzzled face when I told you we could meet again.” She chuckled. “Like on a date? I don’t know!” she mimicked him, throwing her head back. “As if I’d ever want to date your juvenile ass!”
“Hey, I was quite the heartbreaker back then. I thought you were hitting on me.”
“We were five, Dean.”
“I was hot for a five-year-old, alright?” he deadpanned, causing her to laugh even harder, the sound better than all those classic rock songs he loved so much.
“Whatever you say, dumbass.”
“I still came to our playdate though, didn’t I?”
“You came on Tuesday. We had agreed to meet on Wednesday.”
“Details. You were there anyway.” He declared, winking at her.
“Because I knew you’d mix the days up! I missed an episode of Scooby Doo for you.”
“Aw, you poor thing.”
She rolled her eyes, trying to hide her amusement but he could still see the smile trying to break through.
“Love you too, sweetheart.” he beamed, leaning in and pressing a kiss to her shoulder, laughing genuinely as she pushed him away. “Love you too…” he repeated, lower this time, eyes focused on the road in front of him.
If only you knew how much...
Dean was almost twenty-nine years old when she finally broke his heart. He was standing in an empty room, wearing a perfectly tailored suit, ready to take one of the biggest steps in his life and all he could think about was her.
He was worried because she was running late but didn’t dare admit it. He knew everyone would make fun of him for being so overprotective. If anything, she wasn’t such a big fan of his plan.
He wasn’t either.
A knock on the door pulled him out of his thoughts. Sammy popped his head inside, smiling charmingly at him.
“Ready, man?”
Dean sighed, fighting the urge to run his fingers through his hair.
“As I’ll ever be.”
His little brother nodded, something heavy settling over his features.
“She here yet?”
“Nope. But Benny called her. Said she’s stuck in traffic.” A pause. “She’ll be here, Dean. She wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
“Yeah, I know.” Dean agreed, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Go. I’ll be out in a minute.”
The hazel-eyed man looked at him for a minute, seemingly thinking about something, then agreed with a nod of his head.
“Almost forgot. This…” he said, pulling out a blue envelope from his suit jacket “…came for you.”
Dean eyed the colored paper curiously, raising his eyebrows. And then he saw her letters in the middle of the folded paper.
“Give me a minute, Sammy.”
“Sure thing. Just don’t be late.”
Dean hummed in agreement and when his younger brother was gone, he unfolded the paper gingerly. A necklace fell from the envelope.
He recognized it immediately. It was a locket he’d bought for her twenty-sixth birthday, with a picture of them in graduation night. She’s smiled and tore up when he’d given it to her, then jumped on him, hugging him like she was trying to put all his broken pieces back together. She had been wearing it ever since.
His fingers caressed the chain for several minutes, and then, with slightly shaking hands, he reached for the letter.
My dearest Dean,
 Do you remember those afternoons we used to spend under a tree during primary school, wondering what our life would be like when we grow up? I do, and not a day goes by that I don’t laugh at how naïve we were back then, when our early thirties seemed like something that would probably never happen, something impossible to conceive.
We were always together growing up, Dean, and you have been the best best-friend I could ever ask for. When we started primary school and our classmates made fun of me because I was smart, you stood by me and threatened to punch the next person that would even dare look at me sideways. And nobody ever dared bothering me again because, God, Dean, you can be so intimidating when you want to. When I sixteen and my dad had a heart attack and almost didn’t make it you held me in your arms while I sobbed and promised me that everything was going to be alright. I didn’t know it then, but it was everything I needed to hear.
And when I got into that car accident almost a year later, you were there for me in a way that made my heart ache with love and affection. You can’t even begin to fathom what a relief it was to open my eyes and see you next to me that day, Dean. I was so scared, so worried that I would never be okay again but somehow you turned that around for me. I could never thank you enough for what you did for me back then. You took care of me, you made me feel safe again and you spent every single afternoon at my room for two whole months, even though I am sure you had far more interesting things to do and way more attractive girls to keep company to.
You have stood by me, Dean, through thick and thin, and that’s why what I’m about to do is the most difficult thing I have ever done. But I have to do it.
For I am not as great as you believe, my friend, and I have never been. In fact, I have never been entirely honest with you. I do love you, Dean, with every single beat of my heart, but I do not love you as a brother or a friend. I do not love you in the same way I love Leslie or Sam. I love you with a kind of love that makes me feel alive every time you even look at me. And I can’t remember a moment in my life when that wasn’t the case.
It’s impossible for someone to meet you and not fall in love with you, D. You are everything a man should be. Loving. Righteous. Caring. Smart. Loyal. Kind. Brave. Strong. Selfless. And yes, you I know you’re about to say you’re not perfect but nobody is, D.
I’m sorry I can’t be there for your marriage, I’m sorry I can’t be the best friend you deserve, I’m sorry I can’t be your best woman like I promised I would. I did try, Dean, God knows I tried but some things are beyond us.
I’m not sure whether this is a “goodbye” or a “see you later”. I guess this is entirely up to you now. If you don’t want to see me again, then I understand. I won’t try to contact you, albeit I will think about you every single day and hope that you’ll be doing just fine.
If you ever think you can forgive me though and are willing to put all of this behind us and give our friendship another chance, then I am willing to do that as well. I won’t be a stranger if you don’t want me to be.
I know I’ve messed up, Dean, and what happens to us from now on is on me. I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that one day you’ll be able to forgive me and we’ll be reunited again, if only just to talk about the good old days, when it used to be just the two of us against the world.
Either way I will always be a friend to you, D. Always. No matter where in the world we might be or who we will be with, you will be in my heart’s core forever and I will always wholly and stupidly love you.
Stay safe and take care of yourself. And be happy, Dean. That’s all I want for you. That’s what I’ve always wanted. Be happy with Lisa and have children and live the white picket fence life you have always wanted, but never dared to admit out loud. And when you go back to Lawrence and gaze upon the stars from the hood of the Impala like we used to do as kids, please know that your best friend, even if she is in the other side of the world, thinks about you and thanks you for everything you have done for her.
Forever and ever,
The paper fell from his hands as his heart broke into millions of pieces.
Y/N had always been his.
And he had let her slip right through his fingers.
 A/N: Read part two here
The Promise Tags:  @pickupthatamulet @tiny-friggin-human 
Forever Tags: @jpadjackles @supernatural-jackles @ravengirl94 @impala-dreamer @wordstothewisereaders @becs-bunker @imagining-supernatural @sgarrett49 
If you’re like this for some reason I couldn’t tag you, I’m really sorry.
814 notes · View notes
dearophelia · 7 years
some episodes in particular:
- “Watergate” (dear gOD watergate; “hope you’re not expecting any heroic measures” “I’ve read your file” we have known Svetlana for fifteen seconds and she has firmly seated herself as Snark Goddess; “holy frozen bad guys” (of course it’s Maybourne, and I have seen this episode like six times and can never remember why he’s there but of course he’s there); “so it keeps perfect time but occasionally catches on fire” and honestly the whole thing about the sub being swiss; Svetlana having Emotions and getting to show them, Sam’s hand on her shoulder like Science Friends Stick Together)
- “Failsafe” (jesus lord almighty what did we to do deserve this episode we are unworthy; “i’m confident” “me too” “as am i”; “I’ve seen this movie, it hits Paris”; Jack gearing up to say something Meaningful as they’re all about to die but actually saying that it’s a poorly-designed bomb and they should talk to someone about that; everyone just being accustomed to the fact that everything goes wrong but hoping it won’t anyway; “is there a four?“; Sam’s face when Jack tells her all the wires are yellow; “if I have to say ‘what’ one more time”; this episode is a masterclass in making the foregone conclusion of Saving The Day interesting, honestly; “Carter, I can see my house”; tbh I could write a novel about how great failsafe is)
- “Nightwalkers” (this episode is so stupid I love it I love it; Sam having to keep track of two aliens who are both So Obvious; Jonas and his eating habits like dude is Righteous about the cook screwing up his hamburger and #same; “do people think I’m weird” “let’s get some lunch”; Sam’s gloriously drawn out “ohhhhhhh I wouldn’t say that” at the Reveal, like even the zat sounds exasperated; speaking of Sam she spends like 98% of this episode in civvies and it is very *fans self* like THAT TRENCHCOAT MAN THAT TRENCHCOAT AND LEATHER GLOVES AS SHE’S PICKING A LOCK)
- “Point of No Return” (it’s Teal'c in a fedora, i don’t know what else you want me to say; and then, after like 40 minutes of straight comedy, we get hit with Marty’s homeworld being total rubble and EVERYTHING HURTS IN THE LAST TWO MINUTES THIS EPISODE IS SO RUDE)
- “Red Sky” (“we have never before been visited by elves”; Jack sassing the Asgard High Council; the whole bit with Sam trying to explain physics with fruit, and Daniel asks if she’s mixing apples and you know; I Am Freyr; Sam just casually asking to borrow a missile; actual stakes and actual failure for once in this franchise)
- “Summit” & “Last Stand” (okay LEGIT FAVORITE TWO-PARTER; “Daniel Jackson, you’re a very long way from home” like can we talk about her delivery and the utter, bone-deep primal dread; all of the system lords (including all the ladies we should’ve had more of but that’s another post); the introduction of Ba'al; fuck fuck Anubis oh fuck we’re doomed; there’s DVD commentary somewhere about how Anubis starches his robes and i can never unthink that; also Jacob being crotchety, more so than usual on account of Daniel not doing his damn job)
- “Descent” (also a largely stupid episode that I love to pieces; “next time when we crash our brand new mothership, let’s crash it somewhere tropical” “actually at this depth all water would be this cold” “shallower water then”; Dad Feelings (shoutout to my phone for the autocorrect on the caps there) with Jacob; Jonas and I think this is the one with the banana and the alien conspiracy? it’s been a while)
- “The Other Guys” (CINEMATIC FUCKING MASTERPIECE; literally all of this episode, all of it; Teal'c counting how many times they’ve saved the world (eight); “look everyone, he’s got COOMBS with him”; the epitome of the Jonas Being Happy At Firsts joke when he’s smiling at it being his first time captured; just all of this episode)
- “Space Race” (I LOVE STUPID RACING EPISODES OKAY love them; Sam showing up in motorcycle gear; Sam’s literal puppy dog eyes when it turns out she might get to fly a spaceship in a fucking space race; “how many times have i told you, don’t get caught by the bad guys” and more importantly his little we have been over this gesture)
- “Evolution 1 & 2” (two lines no waiting; how to do complex backstory in three easy minutes while not dropping the action; somehow this episode makes zombie guerilla soldiers not ridiculous; the Oh Fuck Oh Fuck of seeing the mass of kull warriors; the guy’s name is Thoth and ATapps goes on for like half a minute in the DVD commentary and can’t stop laughing at how funny Thoth is to say)
- “Window of Opportunity” (Daniel, just Daniel in all of this; “maybe he read your report” and that major look of disbelief, dude took a double dose of sass pills this morning; golf pants are hilarious; “lose it. go crazy, nuts, insane, bonzo, no longer in possession of one’s faculties, three fries short of a happy meal, WACKO”; the whole recurring joke of “bad example”; Teal'c with the thermometer; and then, like, suddenly shit gets very real with Malikai’s wife and Jack’s son)
outside of seasons 4-7 most of my influence is the god of “I did not sign up for - oh wait, shit, I did”, Cameron Mitchell
* “woah, woah dude, bullets bounce”
* the way he casually gives ~~legally-required~~ fine print to the prior about the thermonuclear bomb in front of him "sir are you aware that you are within ten kilometers of this device”
* “go for the stomach, that’s where dragons are weakest” please explain how you know the weak points of dragons, shaft
* begging Sam to come back with “what if I need you to fix it because I screwed it up”
* complaining that the prior doesn’t have a good pie crust recipe
* teasing a sleeping Daniel with what I think is a straightened out paper clip
* him and Sam in “Arthur’s Mantle” poking each other to see if the other’s really there
* actually, literally any and all Sam+Cam interactions ever; bffs forever, I love them; they are legit a thesis on how to drop a years-old friendship into the middle of an existing canon
* any time he gets into a sword fight, which is more often than you’d think for a sci-fi show
tl;dr everything I know about writing I learned from Stargate
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maqicool · 4 years
I was tagged by the amazing @livi5972
tag 10 followers you want to get to know better!
age: 21
gender: guy please
star sign: sagittarius (and idk if i’ll ever learn how to actually spell it)
height: 5’4 or 5′5
sexuality: i think i’m demi now because i felt sexual attraction recently (i hate how to allos do this shit)
hogwarts house: slytherclaw 
average hours of sleep: that depends. usually around 6-7 hours, but it’s finals week and i slept a total of 9 this week.
current time: 5:13 pm
dogs or cats: dogs because i’m allergic to cats, but i love cats so much
blankets you sleep with: i sleep with 3 ! I have a comforter, a throw, and a blanket
dream job: realistically, I would like to be a forensic psychologist, but ideally and only in my deepest fantasies and dreams I would own a witchy shop where i sold cards, herbs, crystals, books and journals and stuff. or not even own it. i would love to just work at one as a clerk or something. one in the city though probably with a lot of other gays and witches around
when i made this blog: i really don’t know. i made my first ever tumblr when i was like 11 and then i made this blog after when i was at least 13 because i remember having recently turned 13 when tumblr implemented the ‘but i’m like 12 and 3/4s’ into their tos and laughing about it. 
followers: 275
why i made a tumblr: i made this for an indie rp character that i played like twice and then the blog went inactive then i deleted everything on it and rebranded bc the url was the perfect pun and i decided fuck it gonna be a harry potter blog now.
reasons for url: it was a pun from avpm that was really funny and i thought it fit my geeky rp character
I am tagging whoever wants to do this; just say i tagged you :)
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