#teenager and adolescense
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giyuu-no-tsuma · 2 years
Mizu, Mizu! Get your followers to report this someone who goes attacking, death threatening and even doxxing people because they can't agree or accept that Daki is a child and people who have stated that Daki is a kid because obviously she is are getting harassed by them! A good friend of mine got them on his case as if he wasn't dealing with so much in real life. Can you believe this bitch doxxed, harassed, death threaten him because he just stated that Daki is a kid and he wasn't talking about this bitch? And they're fucking 25 they act like a 12-year-old!! Please keep safe, keep the KNY fandom safe from this person who never outgrew from their adolescense!! And my friend isn't online Tumblr or Discord where we chat the most, I'm extremely concerned about him if he really killed himself like this person did tell him, then they're a murderer!! They are the cause of my friend's death!!
Uh... what? Okay, tell me the name of the person's blog so I can do a spread awareness post about them. Because what the hell? 25 and they act like a spoiled brat, not even a spoiled brat, a middle school bully harassing one year students. Like what mindset is that, why would someone treat a person that way over an statement about the age of a canon child character? Daki/Ume is indeed a kid, the whole fandom agrees with that, I have seen them in the posts they make. But really?? An adult behaving like this?
Followers if you're reading this, then beware. Because this person does sound like those character extremists who take fictional characters way too seriously and one differing point, get them to explode and behave like this person is behaving. If this anon sends me their blog's name I will make an awareness post about this someone.
My goodness, I sure hope your friend is doing fine, anon. He didn't deserve being harassed this way, what, are we dealing with unruly teenagers now in the bodies of adults???
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mickidona · 2 years
Loving all the Tim hate lately /j but TBH I think the best thing about Tim is his work ethic. I've never been a big fan of his lol and I'm particularly frustrated when people reduce Jason to build Tim up, but I'm forever rolling my eyes at how Tim fans will ignore canon to make their blorbo seem more special. His best trait is that he will work hard to get what he wants. He's privately educated but not as smart as Barbara or Jason. He’s not as talented a fighter as the others, but he’s put in the work and is good enough to be Robin, to hold his own in battle and stand beside other experienced fighters. His use of the bo-staff as a crutch adds layers to his character - he acknowledges that he can’t rely on hand to hand combat and uses a weapon to keep up. He’s probably the most in touch with ‘normal’ life of any Robin, given his upbringing and the friends he seemed to easily make at school, which helps him be a good leader and build close relationships with his Young Justice team. He dates, he cheats, he’s casually misogynistic, he makes mistakes, he’s a normal rich teenager stumbling through adolescense. For goodness sakes, he decides he wants to be a skateboarder and dedicates a week to just learning that, and still ends up being just average at it.  He’s a normal guy with little advantages in a vigilante sense, and his hard work gets him to that standard. That’s what makes him interesting, not some bizarre woobification and invented neglected genius backstory. 
TLDR; Tim being mid is the best part of his character. 
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marica-ya · 1 year
Personally my 30s is about being a teenager but with rights and boundaries which was impossible in my actual adolescense due to culture. Having had an overextended childhood was tasteless at best.
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cirrha · 5 years
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i would like to thank people from twitter but their tumblrs are escaping me atm for the descriptions and OMG 
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e-femmevintage · 3 years
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Sally mann's "Candy cigarette", 1989.
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angsty encanto headcanons:
Okay guys, this is a long post, so be prepared. Starting from youngest to oldest-
Antonio first considered going vegetarian/vegan when he went fishing with his family after he received his gift. The sound of fish being excited over food only to die out of asphyxiation/slaughter horrified him. When the fish was served at dinner, all he could hear was the fish crying for help. He gets a panic attack and runs into his room. It got worse after seeing other slaughtered animals at the market.
Antonio relates to Dolores being overwhelmed by sound, but except of loud places, he avoids places with too many animals around. Imagine relaxing under a tree only to hear millions of ants scream around
This poor boy...
Mirabel first started to question her sexuality because she was so starved of love to think "i don't care who loves me, it can be anybody! It can even be a girl :("
a very tragic way of figuring out your sexuality.
She grew a habit of talking to herself after being isolated from the others. People thought she was just talking to Casita, which she started to use as an excuse.
At some point she loved Casita more than she loved her mama, and everybody else in the family
she probably hurt herself by taking many responsibilites she couldn't handle
He already wanted to wear pretty dresses, blouses and skirts before he received his gift, but the elders didn't really approve
what if shapeshifting wasn't just Camilo's power because of his theatric personality, but also Casita giving Camilo the opportunity to explore what feels right?
the town's kids liked Camilo because of his gift and his theatrics, not his personality
He used to get really jealous of others when they had lots of attention, so he started pranking them as a revenge, or to gain approval
There were so many days she got so busy, she didn't bother running to Julieta after getting heavily injured. She got it from her dad lmao
A certain incident made her peers fear her. Some rowdy teenagers tried to mess with Luisa, and she lost her cool.
She was overshadowed by Isabela
Dolores uses to be super talkative, but she stopped talking "unnecessarily" after receiving her gift
overexposure to sound, she has tinnitus. She lost a lot of sleep because of it.
She was forced to mature, because of how much crap she had to listen to. Imagine all of the abuse she must've witnessed over time.
She often tried to intervene in people's life if they were in possible danger, but she was just always shushed by the others.
People take comfort in knowing they are heard and not alone, but Dolores can't keep up with the weight of that pressure.
She once had a talk with Julieta, golden child to golden child, that she should just give in and listen to her Abuela, making her bitterly despise her mom (the generational trauma is so strong here ohohoho)
The point above explains why Isabela has like zero interactions with her parents in the movie
She has a very hard time expressing her emotions, and doesn't know how to form her own opinions, since she always based her feelings on others
He used to be super insecure and tried to fight bigger and stronger people as an adolescense, contributing to his injuries
He used to refuse Julieta's food, because he thought he'd waste resources and get hurt again either way.
Agustín's family practically didn't want to deal with is injuries 24/7, so they basically just gave him away to the Madrigals.
Julieta didn't like him at first. It was after they were forced to interact due to an arranged marriage did they fall in love
He used to be Abuela's favorite child, before the triplets got their gifts
The stairs weren't there at first, they grew the more distant and ostracized he felt
The really harmful rumours were started by bullies
Bruno got hurt several times because of people throwing his visions at him. Must be why he no longer hands them the green glass.
This is so much angst... so let me add a wholesome one: Bruno realized Mirabel couldn't see well and made the frames of her glasses out of some of his broken visions.
She is neurodivergent, and as a child it was extremely hard to tell how she was feeling, hence why her gift is connected to her emotions. It helps not only herself, but also her loved ones differenciate her feelings.
Rumours were she was adopted, because of how she looked compared to the other Madrigals
Rumours were also spread that Alma commited adultery, hence why she looks so different
People used to whisper how she was lucky her children took after their father appearance-wise
She's Isabela, but old. Notice how passive she is? Her feelings must've been neglected when Abuela handled her the same way she did Isabela before Casita fell apart. Being the OG golden child, she learned pretty quickly it was less streneous to just give in.
As she is canonically the eldest between the triplets, she was given the responsibility to look over her siblings. She had to surpress her own feelings to comfort them. She is good at protecting others, but herself. (Explaining why she is super protective and loving of Mirabel)
Abuela and Agustín's family first arranged their marriage, because Agustín's family didn't want him anymore :( and also because he seemed like a gentleman.
He used to be terrified of storms, etc. and used to hang around Pepa as a test of courage (he eventually fell in love anyway)
bonus to that: he was bullied and ridiculed by his peers because of his fear, and was pushed to be around Pepa at first.
Meanwhile, rainy days reminds him of peaceful times of hiding under the blanket and relaxing.
Casita meant well when it gave Camilo his gift, but it just ended up giving him an identity crisis on top of everything else. Must've also contributed to the cracks in la casa Madrigal.
The rest of the family didn't always treat Casita as their own. They selfishly commanded Casita to do their biddings, as if the house was just some machine. Only after Mirabel started interacting with it did they realize that Casita has a lot more personality than initally thought.
Casita didn't originally like getting wet from Pepa's weathers, but it eventually learned how to deal with it.
Casita made magical lenses for Mirabel's glasses after the failed ceremony, so it never breaks, get scratches, or anything. It was the least it could do after disappointing her. Casita replaced them with the normal lenses after Mirabel cried herself to sleep.
People have always tried to help her with the magic, but she felt too responsible, so she closed herself off. People eventually let her and accepted her as the matriarch.
I doubt Pedro's sacrifice was the only trauma she experienced. I bet responsibilities were pushed onto her by her own family.
Her family didn't approve of Pedro, so they had to elope
When her triplets were still children, she accidentally traumatized them with how Encanto came to be, and that's why she only tells people a more kid-friendly version of the story.
She used to sing Dos Oruguitas to her children, but the overwhelming grief made her stop doing that.
Had a loving family, but left them to elope with Alma
Pedro's corpse was flung away with the rest of the raiders and was left to rot, and that makes me depressed
That was too angsty for me, his body probably faded out of existence or turned into golden butterflies
Honestly, his way of death was enough for me, so no bother making it even sadder
Phew, I think that's it. I hope didn't forget anyone. Don't mind any typos or errors, I didn't bother proofreading anything.
Feel free to add your own headcanons!
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revirushifaa · 3 years
OK, but imagine MC dying of old age while their daughter is still super young and Lucifer doing his best as a single dad for centuries as their daughter grows from the terrible twos into the teenage rebellious streak that definitely didn't come from him (it did).
Haaah, more papa Sushifer is in order! This is already fun, so I'll give up a scenario!
Daughter of Pride:
MC is gone. His partner is gone, and now the only thing that was left of them, was their one-year-old daughter, Lucille. While Lucifer was still a little mournful over his mate's loss, he promised to them that he would be the one raising their firstborn, it was a promise that he won't break, he did his best with the raising alone, after all he had experience with raising children.
Lucille was a demon like her father so she aged differently from her human parent so it was only natural that MC died without seeing their daughter grow up, something that torment them even to the last moment of their life. Lucifer didn't wish to remember that sad day. It had to be one of the most saddest days of his long life.
Please, MC, my dearest... stay with me
Lucifer... take good care of my little girl. Tell her that I love her... I love you too, both of you...
With that last sentence and warm smile, MC stopped living. He was so devastated that he turned himself colder around everyone... but his daughter. Lucille was the only living being left from his mate, the one who he had to protect and raise. It wasn't an easy task, normally, MC was who took care of her the major part while he was absent in business with Diavolo.
But he had promised with his heart to MC, that Lucille would be cared for and raised well. Just looking his daughter, it remembered him of MC. While she had his body form and face features, her hair and her eyes were MC's, it was like seeing his beloved in their daughter, which he took as comfort. He would nuzzle Lucille at nights and snuggled her in bed, the baby half demoness had MC's calid smile and laugh, but she had also inherited that hard attitude from Lucifer. It was a mix, of hard and soft.
"You are my pride and joy, Lucille. Never forget that, daughter mine."
What he would always murmur in her small ears as he snuggled her and cradled her. With his daughter with him, he didn't become full isolated to his room, if he had lost both MC and Lucille, then Lucifer wouldn't be sane at all. At least Lucille was safe and sound with him.
"No, Lucille. You cannot have sugar all three meals."
As the little demoness grew up, she was more hard to raise or to try to discipline. She was spoiled, that was true, and sometimes she turned out bratty.
"But I wanna sugar. SUGAR NOW!!"
Sometimes her temper tantrums, gave Lucifer huge migraines and constant stress. It was when he used his major authorital tone, that he made her to stop acting up. And if that didn't work, then it was taking her privileges and sometime in the corner. He never hit her as a punishment. No. He just couldn't bring himself to do that, the demoness was only three and if he did that, he would be breaking an important promise that he had made to MC. Be fair with my little girl, Lu.
So physical discipline was a no-go with him. There were other ways that worked his way. Like when he grounded her from playing with her toys for three days. She would only study and practice her writing. No dessert as well. He had glared sternly at Beel, warning him to not be lenient when his daughter was grounded.
"That's it, young demoness. No toys or dessert for THREE days."
"But, Daddy-"
"No buts, or else I'll add another day to your grounding."
That was all to shut her savage mouth in protesting. Of course seeing her sob and cry because he was too harsh in speaking to her, always made his heart hurt. He would always tone down his voice and speak more gentler to her, explaining why he did that, and then fix the situation with offering to do a compromise, if she was well-behaved and willing to it.
As she reached into adolescense, that was a huge stress to the poor prideful father. Lucille at 16 was such a pain in the butt. Demanding and rebellious, a huge picky eater and a true brat.
"I will be clear with you, young demoness. If you give me an ounce of attitude, then your D.D.D will be confiscated for a month, you won't go out during that time and will be put on chores duty for until I see an improvement in your behavior. And you will write three thousand times I will not disrespect or disobey my father. Clear?
Lucille would huff at how strict her father had turned himself into. But she hadn't known that it was all her part to have put him that way. Lucifer was fair if she was fair, it was a cycle of giving and giving back. Lucille behaved, Lucifer rewarded her. Lucille misbehaved, then Lucifer punished her.
"Father, when did you turn like an old boring grandpa? I only want to have fun! You can't keep me as your prisoner in this boring house!"
"Lucille, I demand more respect from you. This is your father, speaking to you. And I never said that I would keep you here all the time. But first things first. Do your school work and then you can go out. Do we have a compromise?"
"Fine. We have a compromise, Dad."
Lucifer would smile a bit softly, when the young demoness was reasonable.
"That's my good, little demoness." He would end it with a kiss to the top of her hair, before departing from her and going to do his own work and the demoness would go to do her own thing as promised.
Sometimes the lying habit came to Lucille and because of her, Mammon got in many trouble when it was all her buying the latest of fashion clothes.
"How do you explain this, Mammon?"
"Hey, what have you gotten into you?! I don't buy girly stuff! Maybe you should ask Lucille!"
She would come to him with a nonchalant look, as she's wearing highly expensive clothes and from that, is when Lucifer realized that it's all his daughter and not his greedy brother.
"So it was you who spent all of our money to please your nonsense..."
"Nonsense, Dad? I am a demoness in need of good clothes and looks! What if I find some good looking human in the future? They wouldn't like a normie, like how Uncle Levi dubs it!"
Lucifer's poor head throbs with absolute pain and stress. Ugh his daughter, is again causing him to go grey at just the age that he was at currently.
"Apologize to your uncle and then go to your room and write three thousand times I will not lie and blame my uncle into buying items that I don't need. Right now. March."
"But, Dad!"
"No 'but Dad'. Now, Young demoness. Or else, I will make you write it fifteen thousand times. How is it going to be?"
"I'm sorry, Uncle Mammon..."
And after her uncle acknowledged her apology, she went up to her room to do that, with a sad face, she didn't want at all to make her father disappointed today. Lucifer took notice of it, but decided to wait until she was done with the writings to talk about it.
It was several hours but she was done, and her handwriting had gotten better, it was because of the writing punishments that it got better, seeing as this was a very common punishment that her father doled out to her when she was being disobedient or a brat.
"I...I'm done..." she said in a quiet voice.
Lucifer had looked up from the papers that he was signing. He frowned softly, the demoness hadn't realized it but she had a few tears rushing down her cheeks. His firm tone from before had softened to that gentle tone, as he approached her and pulled her into his hold.
"I hope this will be enough to end your lying habit. I do not like seeing you sad, but you know I cannot let you get away with something that you have done wrong. It is okay now. You have learned and there is not reason for me to keep mad."
He had soft-spoken to her, the way that she knew that he wasn't mad or disappointed anymore. But Lucille couldn't help feeling bad either way. She in fact, never liked putting her dad mad or disappointed in her, she let the silent tears trickle down. Lucifer said nothing, his comfort was always silent and he showed it with actions rather than words. He held her in his arms, all the time that she needed.
"I'm sorry I disappointed you, Dad..."
"There's no need to apologize now, this case has been solved. Don't beat yourself too much over it, your uncle had forgiven you, I have forgotten about it. It's all okay, Lulu."
And by calling her by her special nickname that he had for her, she knew all was well. She hugged more but to show him that she actually loved him so deeply. Lucifer already knew that, he loved his daughter with all his life, it didn't matter how much trouble she was, that wouldn't change anything.
He might be cold, stern and everything else that others said of him behind his back, but the love of a father was above everything else. He loved his demoness quite so much, so that was what was important.
"I love you, Dad. And I mean it."
"I love you too, daughter mine, with all my heart."
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shanksbaby · 3 years
Lucifer Morningstar x Teenager!Reader - Shit of Dad
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Summary: Your dad lately spends more time with detective than with you. So you try to catch his attention but apparently he even can't take time to punish you
ps: the reader is written with no gender. for include all the gender
You and you dad when you were little had a beautiful realationship: he tried always being around you, because he knowed what it meant when you have a dad but it's like you haven not, he always assured that you were okay and had everything you need. In conclusion he seems to be a perfect dad. . . But since you have grown up and become a teeneger things have changed: he would stay less and less at home.
For an example, the other time you managed to having a date with you dad at dinner at McDonald, it was long time ago that you and Lucifer ate there. Naturally you were so excited to spend some time with your old man but half hour before the date he simply texted this standing up you:
I can't to go to our appointment tonight, I have to work with the detective. You should have my credit card, use it to order something. And don't wait for me
You were so angy that night at him and that stupid detective. You hated her, despite to have met Chloe Decker few times since you remember.
The days passed and the situation were always worse, so you have come up with a plan to have the attention of your daddy back. You have decided to get you in trouble at school,to be precise beating a boy in your school, and there was no way to feel guilty since the boy is a jerk.
You punched him at the nose and his genitals; and ten minuts after the principal called your dad to pick you up, since you were suspended for a week. Of course he never brothered to pick you up soon,because he was " working ". You had to wait all school day in the office of the principal.
When he come to get you he kept ask you why you did that, and what was in your mind, but you gave him the silent treatment till the penthouse.ly
" Y/N stop avoiding my question " your father almost yelled laying the keys on the table of the kitchen
" And you stop being a dickhead " you respondend while a little smirk formed on your face, knowing that he would be more angry
" Excuse me? " Lucifer told increduly
" You heard right, I said that you are a dickhead "
" What is wrong you? The dective warn me about the problems of adolescense but i was not expecting that my own child fighting with his schoolmates and saying swear words" he had a dissapointed looks and that's what get you more nervous: how dare he to have that looks? After he ignored you so many times, after he left you alone. You should had that look.
" What is wrong with me?Seriously dad?" you scoffed and relased a bitter laugh " I should ask what is wrong with you "
"What does it mean?" and now he had a curious look on his face
" Well, that you have basically abbandoned me. All you do is hang out with that stupid detective, and cancelling our date and forgot completely about me. I know that your job and that detective are important to you. . . But more than your child? Don't love me anymore? Am I brothering you? You prefer to hang out with her than me. You’re always complaining about your dad, but you’re also a shitty father " And that was your turn to yell, saying all the things that you were thinking, and then you stormed in your room, locking it-
And in that moment that Lucifer had realized how much ignored you and how much a dickhead was for that made you thinking that things. He was angry and ashamed towards himself. He had to do everything he can to make you understand that you are the most precious thing he has and that he loves you more than anyone else, including the detective
part 2?
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medea10 · 3 years
My Review of Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai
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What in fresh light novel hell did I get into?
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What is this, Haruhi Suzumiya and Charlotte’s illegitimate child?
This series premiered in the Fall 2018 anime season and I was almost curious enough to take a peak at this series. Almost! Shit, I can’t remember why I didn’t choose this one. I was probably watching some dud, some sequel, or was busy trying to finish my work to get my degree. Lucky me, I started this anime back in the early days of Covid shutdown and just two weeks after FUNimation pulled the movie from its site, you damn cheats!
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Adolescence or Puberty Syndrome is a rare anomalie that seems to affect teenagers in many ways. The symptoms vary from person to person and many people believe it to be nothing more than a myth. But one high school boy knows it exists due to his own issue with the disease. Sakuta Azusagawa has had some unusual anomalies happen to him because of Adolescense Syndrome including an ugly scar on his chest. And his younger sister Kaede has suffered a bit with the syndrome as well. All will be revealed later on.
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Then we have Mai Sakurajima, a third-year high school student. As a child, she gained fame and popularity with a career as an actor. But she walked away from that life for unknown reasons. Sakuta’s first interaction with Mai was anything but normal. Sakuta was at a library when he sees Mai walking around in a bunny-girl costume. Normally this would gain attention from everyone around, but it was only Sakuta who noticed Mai. Turns out Mai has her own battle with Adolescence Syndrome. Mai has for some reason or another become invisible to the world around her. As Sakuta tries to help Mai through her predicament, his actions bring him into contact with more girls afflicted with the elusive disease.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: As of this date and time, no dub exists for this series. And that’s weird considering this anime made its way to Netflix and that place has a ba-jillion dubs from several countries. But nope, nada! This anime is licensed by Aniplex and pimped out by FUNimation. Holy crap, the seiyuus of Naofumi AND Raphtalia are the stars?! Three months before Shield Hero came out! I love it! Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
*Sakuta is played by Kaito Ishikawa (known for Kiawe on Pokemon SM, Genos on One Punch Man, Naofumi on Shield Hero, Rokudou on Rinne, Urie on Tokyo Ghoul :re, and Mitsuo on Golden Time)
*Mai is played by Asami Seto (known for Officer Jenny on Pokemon SM, Raphtalia on Shield Hero, Mado on Tokyo Ghoul, Miyoko on Food Wars, and Young Yukiatsu on Anohana)
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If you’re keeping up, she’s Kunimi’s girlfriend. She always gets on Sakuta’s case because he hangs out with Kunimi openly. Because of the rumor about Sakuta being dangerous, Saki thinks hanging out with Sakuta is damageable to her boyfriend’s popularity. Pardon me lady, but your boyfriend can hang out with whomever the fuck he wants to. Piss off!
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SHIPPING: I gotta admit, the Sakuta x Mai pairing was growing on me from the very start. It was that freakin’ cute! And then episode 3 comes along and you get a very vocal and public confession of Sakuta’s feelings about a girl that may or may not be disappeared fully. The only thing is that Mai is not going to give up so easily. Even though Sakuta annoys her from time to time, you still see Mai take time from her busy schedule to come and tutor him or visit him. Add to that, because of a clause in her contract, Mai cannot date Sakuta (for now).
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Then there’s Koga! After several misunderstandings, Sakuta and Koga are seen as a couple. You’d think after so many shows with two characters being fully clothed in an awkward position, people would catch onto this trope and think nothing of it. But it’s still a thing! They were in a fake relationship for some time. Sakuta of course is still devoted to Mai so there’s no way he would fall for Koga no matter how many times she resets the day of their date. Koga ended up falling for Sakuta for real and had him repeat the same day several times.
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Next we have Shouko Makinohara! Two years before Mai came along, Sakuta’s first crush consisted of a girl a few years older than him. Let’s just say it stuck with him as Shouko kinda resembles Mai. But then we meet a middle school girl with the exact same name and also looks like Sakuta’s crush. But we’ll touch more on that with the movie.
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Moving away from Sakuta’s lady issues, we get a few episodes surrounding his friend Futaba. We get a little insight with who she likes. And quite frankly, I would have gladly liked it if Futaba was Kunimi’s girlfriend instead of the bitch he’s currently dating. But that’s just me and Kunimi’s girlfriend left a bitter taste in my mouth since her debut in episode one.
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THIS IS HOW YOU DO A REPEATING DAY: I hate having to beat a dead horse, but take a lesson Haruhi Suzumiya. Bunny-senpai didn’t need 8 episodes to get the point across. They only needed two at the most. Yeah, it’s another Adolescence Syndrome case.
ENDING: Throughout the season, we’ve seen how this Adolescence Syndrome has affected Sakuta and the other women in his life. But for better or worse, everyone seemed to have gotten some kind of resolution with their dilemma. Whether it was Futaba or Koga wanting to express their feelings to the one they love, Mai getting back into show business, or getting Nodaka and Mai to get along as sisters, these anomalies were able to be resolved…for the most part. Now there are a few things that leave unsolved including Sakuta’s mystery scar on his chest, the mystery of Shouko Makinohara, and Sakuta’s little sister, Kaede. Two of these will be delved deeper in the movie, but for now we’ll focus more on Kaede.
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Kaede has been a shut-in for a while now due to some intense bullying in her school. At first, I thought she was a lot like Sagiri from Eromanga Sensei or Jun from Rozen Maiden, but things changed drastically and took a WTF detour. Anyways, Kaede couldn’t leave the house without feeling horrifyingly scared. But, little by little, she’s been setting goals for herself so she can do things like go to the beach with her brother, answer the phone on her own, and maybe one day go back to school. And she’s made great progress until an old classmate of Kaede’s sees and confronts her. And we learn that Kaede has no memories!
Yes, we can pin the blame on Adolescence Syndrome once more. After being bullied, Kaede’s mind snapped to a point where she has full-blown amnesia. She can’t even remember Sakuta or even her own parents. This took a toll on the family as their mother ends up with a mental illness of her own and they decide to separate themselves from Kaede and Sakuta. Thankfully, Kaede gets attached to Sakuta. But Sakuta seemed bugged by how Kaede is to what she used to be. That’s when he notices a mysterious bruise on Kaede and the mysterious slash marks on his chest. Doctors don’t believe Sakuta’s claim of the phenomena of Adolescence Syndrome. No one did! Except when Sakuta first meets his crush, Shouko Makinohara! But Sakuta sucked it up and tried to be there for Kaede until she returned to being the normal Kaede. Kaede was never this clingy to Sakuta before, it’s just that Sakuta was the one person she saw to trust.
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Kaede has been able to get through the goals on her list. Even going to school! Albeit at night when everyone was gone, but it still counts. The next day, Kaede’s memories returned and the memories she obtained in the last two years when she had amnesia are gone. This really upset Sakuta as he went in full-blown panic attack mode as he ran out of the hospital screaming. That’s when Shouko came in the picture. The one he fell in love with years ago! It looked like she was able to settle him down. Now how do you think Mai’s gonna feel about all of this? She was pretty freakin’ upset when Sakuta didn’t mention Kaede’s memories or even Shouko spending the night. Oh and also its Mai’s birthday and rascal-boy didn’t know.
To sum up this romantic moment, Sakuta made a long trip to see Mai face-to-face (for the last 15 minutes of her birthday). Mai looked like she was gonna kiss Sakuta, but it was just a tease. And the ED credits show us shots of everyone and Kaede seemingly getting used to meeting the new faces that she met during her amnesia.
MOVIE: Middle school Shouko or full grown Shouko? Who’s the real Shouko? Will the real Shouko Makinohara please stand up?
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Actually, they’re both real. It’s just that one of them time-freakin’-traveled. Could this be any more Haruhi Suzumiya? It turns out that Shouko has been ill her whole life and constantly in and out of the hospital (one of the many reasons why she’s unable to take the cat she found early on in the series). And Future Shouko survived with a heart transplant! But here’s the kicker, the heart she got was Sakuta’s. Hence that hideous scar on his chest! A foreshadowing scar of things to come to Sakuta! Unfortunately, Sakuta dies on Christmas Eve and because he recently became an organ donor, his heart winds up in Shouko’s body. Sakuta ends up changing the future so he doesn’t end up dying. It didn’t go the way he intended.
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He’s pushed out of the way from a charging vehicle by Mai. And she dies! Thankfully this didn’t turn into a mid-movie plot-twist like I Want to Eat Your Pancreas. It gets crazier from here. Future Shouko is around because in this timeline, Mai’s heart is taken and given to Shouko so she can live. How the hell can Sakuta change this? TIME TRAVEL!
Fine, whatever! This series has already given us episodes with two Shouko’s and two Futaba’s, might as well give us two Sakuta’s. Sakuta managed to prevent himself and Mai from being killed prematurely by an out of control vehicle. However, one issue still stands and that’s if the present Shouko will live or die. She’s in critical condition and because neither of these kids became roadkill, no one has a heart for the transplant. Although Sakuta has a plan that might change the course of time!
Due to the Adolescence Syndrome, Future Shouko exists because of an unfinished homework assignment Shouko never completed because she was worried that she won’t have a future due to her weak heart. Sakuta will try to change that outcome on the assignment by having her finish her homework assignment and in return, Sakuta won’t meet Future Shouko and face the risk of not going to his current high school, meeting Futaba, Mai, Koga, and the rest. But by the looks of it, Sakuta was able to meet everyone, go to his high school, and become involved with Mai.
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And we close with Sakuta seeing Shouko playing on the beach and they both remembered each other.
I really enjoyed this series. I didn’t expect I was going to when I saw this felt too much like Charlotte, Monogatari, and Haruhi Suzumiya all rolled into one. Especially that last one! When I saw the episode where time started repeating, I can honestly say I had some PTSD with that Endless Eight fiasco. Thankfully, this series was kind enough to squash that mess within two episodes. But I got a twinge when I noticed Shouko didn’t finish her homework and caused a chain-reaction with the Adolescence Syndrome. Endless Eight will always haunt me whenever I watch a time-repeating style anime.
It was a creative way to tackle adolescence. It’s a rough time for teenagers going through it. And each of these characters had their own hardships plaguing their lives from trying to shine through your sister’s shadow to suppressing bullying. I honestly loved all of these characters and was happy to see all of them go through these hurdles and overcome the most challenging moments of their youth. I honestly can’t recommend this enough.
If you would like to watch Bunny Girl Senpai, the entire series is available on FUNimation and Crunchyroll.
Okay, this was a nice series. What’s next on my Aniplex li…?
*a bajillion Fate series later*
Fucking Fate! Okay, now that I got through Grand Order, Heaven’s Feel, Fate/Apocra…whatever the fuck ya calling yourself, and that blasted cooking show with Shirou Emiya, can I please watch something not related to the cluster-fuck of Fate?
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Okay, that’s better…But I might pause this review for some reasons.
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hello-nichya-here · 3 years
Trigger warning: I know you talk a lot about how Ozai emotionally abused Azula but do you think she was sexually abused as well considering some of her more questionable behavior towards Zuko (ex. the infamous bedroom scene) and Sokka (ex. DoBS interaction) could be interpreted as her passing on her abuse and/or Ozai teaching her to weaponize her sexuality? Especially since The Beach shows she has no social, dating, or flirting skills or history as far as we know?
Short answer: I don’t personally believe she was sexually abused, but I can see why some people think that, considering her father is quite literally an abusive piece of shit. That being said, I could be blind and deaf, yet that still wouldn’t be enough to make me miss the fact that Azula’s character was sexualized many times in the show - but there are many mundane explanations for her suspicious behavior (both in the story and out of it).
Now for the long answer: Before we even get into the in-universe talk, we need to remember that Avatar is a show in which the writers, animators, directors and actors don’t shy away from fan service, and that Grey Delisle, Azula’s voice actress AND inspiration for her design, is an adult woman - one who had been married more than once by that time, ships her character with both Ty Lee and Zuko, and had previously worked as a stripper and as a narrator in promos for actual porn. She full on said that she voiced the bedroom scene seductively. To me, that shows that Azula’s more flirty, and sometimes full on seductive, nature is not something that exists to show that the character is sexually active, interested in sex, or being abused, but simply something that is there because the people making the show are well aware of the fact that some fans are attracted to her and want to see acting that way.
(We can also not forget that purity culture is so strong that, to this very day, many people still buy into the “Sex is evil” mentality, which demonizes human sexuality in general, and female sexuality in particular, which leads to the assumption that Evil Woman = Slut, and that is something that is not uncommon to see in fictional stories, when the female lead is a pure, innocent girl, while the villain ladies are heavily sexualized)
And what about the in-universe explanations for Azula’s behavior? Well, there are many, and it’s very likely that it’s a combination of several, or even all, of them. 
Azula is very young, but adolescense is that awkward phase when you’re full of hormones and constantly trying to prove that you know what you’re doing because “I’m not a fucking kid anymore, dammit!” Teenagers, especially teenage girls, tend to deal with descovering their sexuality in two ways: treating it like it’s a secret no one can ever know about, or by immitating adults. Azula probably saw lots of adult women, being more sensual around men, both out of genuine interest and to try to gain power, so it’s not at all unlikely that she could have started to mimic that behavior, especially if being desirable was something that was expect expected of the noble - and even royal - women.
Also, some of the things people use as “evidence” that Ozai must have been sexually abusing Azula are far too mundane to be considerate as such, like the fact that Azula wears make up. Guys, I wore make up at 14. I wore make up when I was 10. So did the vast majority of literally every girl I’ve ever met. She could have been trying to look good for the boys her age, she could have been trying to look more adult to be taken seriously, she could have been immitating other girls her age, she could have been wearing make up for no reason other than she fucking liked wearing make up. Wanting to look attractive or more adult doesn’t mean she was being sexually abused or even thinking about sex at all.
And now we get to the main reasons why I don’t personally believe Ozai ever sexually abuse Azula: his main form of abuse is psychological, not physical, and he doesn’t seem to pay any attention to her when he didn’t need her to act as his weapon.
Ozai didn’t seem to have ever physically hurt Ursa in any way, had not been violent towards Zuko before their Agni Kai and didn’t do anything simmilar until Zuko full on said he was changing sides, and completely ignored Iroh instead of torturing him in any way while he was being held prisoner. Ozai uses violence against his family as a last resort when his manipulation didn’t get him what he wanted (like the murder of his father after he refused to revoke Iroh’s right to the throne). Azula had never displeased or gone against him in any way, so he had no reason to punish her with violence, so that rules out one reason why he could sexually abuse her.
That leaves us with the other one: could he have done it because he was obsessed with her/believed she was his property? While I don’t put it past him to do something like that to someone he was sexually attracted to, I don’t believe Ozai was attracted to her - I don’t believe he thought about her at all. She wasn’t his daughter, and she wasn’t someone he desired either. She was a soldier - the most useful one, but still beneath him. She would scheme and fight when he couldn’t/didn’t want to do it. That was all she was useful for in his eyes.
Was their relationship abusive? Yes. Did Ozai groom her? Yes, but not for sex. Would Ozai give a shit if his 14 year old daughter was sexually abused? Only because it’d mean she was “weak”. Would Ozai give a shit if his 14 year old daughter started using her sexuality as a weapon? If it worked, he would praise her for it. Would he ever have sex with his own daughter? No, but only because he was not attracted to her.
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Après plusieurs mois à la salle, tout dans les gambettes
Au lieu de
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scum-belina · 2 years
i believe you mentioned you were home schooled. what was that like? did you have a strict curriculum to follow or did your folks just kinda let you go feral and learn as you liked?
I had curriculums my parents ordered for most years of my schooling, but once I hit my later teenage years I did it through online programs. My mom would always look over my work and would try and help me understand anything I was having trouble with, and if she couldn't help me understand it, she'd look up sites and videos that would help me through my problems step by step. However, I was a VERY stubborn kid so sometimes I was a pain to teach when it came to subjects I detested like math lol.
I really enojyed being homeschooled. I usually got all my schoolwork done earlyish, and then I could go outside and play, draw, read etc. My parents made sure I had curriculums for all major school subjects and also would buy me books about anything else I was interested in learning like languages, music, history (I had history curriculums, but they were more centered on American history only, and I always wanted to learn more about things such as the history of Asia and ancient Egypt lol)
I still have an encyclopedia set they got me as a kid. I would sit for hours reading them and have a blast and then go tell my whole family about the history of wells, facts about cows, volcanoes, or whatever random thing I had read about and drive them crazy.
So basically I had a strict learning from curriculum structure that I had to do 5 days out of the week, but once I got that done every day, I was able to learn about anything else freely and just have fun. I know not everyone's homeschooling experience was like mine, but it's actually one of the few things in my childhood and adolescense I actually liked.
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jedilukeskywalkers · 4 years
Adam Driver channeling teenage angst in this moment is just everything.
Watching this scene again and again i cant understand how people can conclude he was manipulating her (in real life we can navigate manipulation tactics in a very different way because well real life its not part of a narrative that explicitly wants you to feel a certain way).
This is not "Adam act manipulative" this is a teenage boy asking a girl out for the first time he is just so NOT IN CONTROL of this situation. He is so not in control he is a sweating, trembling, swallowing hard mess garthering enought strenght and then going:
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The way he swallows people? Its just "okay okay here..here i go shit" that boy is so outside of his comfort zone here, so completly uncomfortable with what he is feeling
When Rian said TLJ was adolescense Adam Driver really went with the whole awkward, uncomfortable needy declarations of love.
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enbyleighlines · 6 years
I reaaaaaally hope we get to be introduced to Yurio’s mom in the Yuri on Ice movie. Like I know from translated commentary on the DVD’s that she was originally intended to appear in episode 3, but they cut that plotline for time, and that she’s a former Russian pop star
We also know from the show and bonus material that Yurio’s mom wasn’t always around when he was a kid and that Yurio is his family’s primary financial provider
All of this leads me to believe that Yurio’s mom was busy going out on tour and being famous when he was younger, leading to her father (Grandpa Plisetsky) to care for Yurio, but now she’s likely retired since she’s no longer making any money or at least not as much as Yurio
It’s also not hard to imagine things are tense between mother and son, since Yurio’s mind skips right over his mother to his grandfather when thinking about agape
I personally imagine she’s kind of a drama diva, maybe airheaded and careless like Viktor but like even more so. Maybe Yurio resents her because he considers her immature. But even so she was going to fly to Japan to watch Yurio’s face-off against Yuuri at Hatsetsu, so maybe she retired because she wants to be more involved in Yurio’s life
Idk I want to see the dynamic between the two of them. I think it would be super interesting, especially if she’s half as dramatic as I imagine her to be. She is a former Russian pop star who lives off of her teenage son’s income, after all. She has to be a tad dramatic
Maybe in the movie Viktor tries to convince Yurio to give his mom a second chance, and uses stories from his own adolescense to make his point
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goldingoldout8 · 3 years
Transgenderism and Psychic Epidemics
Abigail: Now that there's greater societal acceptance of transgender people, that they would say 'Oh you would expect to see a natural reversion to what we're seeing now,' which they might claim is a normal base rate of transgender identification in the population.
The problem with this is, number one, we're only seeing this sudden spike among teenage girls. Where are the women in their thirties, fourties, fifties and sixties who were denied the opportunity to come out as transgender? They should be coming out too, but they're not. It's the same population.
Jordan: I guess the other thing that you might conclude is that if the bulk of the proportion of people who were claiming a transgender identity in the past were male, then release of the social strictures on identification should've produced an explosion in males. It's not easy to figure out why there's an explosion in females.
Abigail: Right.
Jordan: Okay so that leads us to another extremely troublesome topic, which is: Why the explosion in teenage females? Now, you do attempt to explain that in your book, and so maybe you could outline for the listeners exactly what your conclusions were.
Abigail: Sure. Teenage girls are famous for this. For falling for every hysteria. We know that the way young women- And there are psychologists who have done wonderful work in this area. Amanda Rose is one, from the University of Missourri, who I interviewed. Teenage girls tend to spread these psychic epidemics because their modes of friendship involve co-rumination — taking on their friend's pain. They like to rehash their own pain, and they like to take on their friend's pain. And they are even willing to suspend reality in order to sort of get on the team of their friend.
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Jordan: So, would it be- I'm being a real son of a bitch in this interview to a degree because I've been trying to think up all the objections that I possibly could to your perspective because it's so contentious. And so I'm going to put forward things that I'm thinking about that are critiques, and it's not that I'm believing them, but they need to be brought forward.
So, a skeptic might say that you are relying on stereotypes of feminine behavior in adolescense to justify your claim that it's girls that are susceptible to a kind of hysteria, and that that's an outdated and sexist, I suppose, hypothesis.
Abigail: No I'm not relying on stereotypes at all. I'm relying on evidence. If you look at anorexia, it afflicts one population. If you look at bulimia, if afflicts one population. And it grows and it spreads among friend groups, just as this does. It's young women encouraging each other in self-harm. And if you look at cutting, same thing. And we know, clinicians have known for years that you cannot house anorexics together in a hospital ward without being very careful because they will encourage each other toward losing more and more weight.
Jordan: And you see that online with regards to anorexia, right? With the pro-ana sites, and the pro-bulimia sites.
Abigail: Right! It wasn't men who came up with "Thinspiration" — inspiration to lose more and more weight. It was young women.
Now, of course men get involved in all kinds of bad behavior and encourage each other in all kinds of bad behavior, but this kind of socially spread self-harm has proven over and over to be endemic to young women.
Jordan: Well you can't group anti-social males together when they're teenagers because they get worse.
Abigail: Interesting.
Jordan: That's well known. And in fact if you take anti-social boys and you put them with pro-social boys, the pro-social boys become more anti-social. The anti-social boys don't get better. And that was discovered back in the 1930's in the Summerville study. The detrimental consequences of grouping anti-social boys together.
It was the very large scale study that was designed in principle to reduce boys at risk for developing criminal behavior and alcoholism and so forth. It was one of the first longitudinal studies. It was a complete failure in that the treatment group who were subject to all sorts of benevolent (at least in principle) benevolent interventions did much worse than the control group. And after much painstaking analysis and heartrending doubt, the study's authors concluded that housing the children together in the summer camps they had put up for them to get them out of the inner city was actually the cause of the increased pathology in adulthood. So it does happen among males.
Now, Tumblr is also something that you discuss as a new medium of social contagion. As far as I know that's also a social media forum that's essentially female-dominated. Is that correct?
Abigail: I believe it is, still. Though I'm not up to date on the latest of who looks at Tumblr. But it always has been, yes.
—Jordan Peterson and Abigail Shrier @ Irreversible Damage? | Abigail Shrier - Jordan B. Peterson Podcast S4 E11 https://youtu.be/fSKQfATa-1I?t=982
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