#tbh it’s probably higher but
hehosts · 3 months
ren’s body count: 670+
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wasyago · 9 months
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we're at it again🕺
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flowercrowngods · 20 days
anyone else feel like your apartment is like an open world map you gradually unlock or are y’all normal
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enbysiriusblack · 5 months
i'm writing essays for university rn and i keep writing in little puns/jokes. because my theory is if the marker is in a good mood (from laughing at my brilliant jokes) then they'll give me a better grade, right??
and i've just realised. the marauders (james, sirius, remus, and peter) would so do that. for every single essay/assignment.
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rohirric-hunter · 4 months
I've long lauded the entertainment value of running around LotRO on an overleveled hunter and oneshotting everything.
Little did I guess the entertainment value of running around LotRO on an overleveled brawler and oneshotting everything.
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gay-artificer · 2 months
I've seen people be like downpour ruined how people see five pebbles and im gonna be honest if you were here for any number of years pre-downpour the fandom was always god-awful with the nuance in his character. thats not a downpour thing thats a fandom thing
#niche comparison but if any of you know angela from lobotomy corporation/library of ruina#in the years prior to LOR angela was probably one of the most demonized characters ive ever seen in my goddamn LIFE#NO ONE was going to bat for this girl as anything other than a absolute villain and bitch#i was and im sure some others were too but the vast vast majority fucking hated her#because she spends most of the game being mean to you and then betrays you at the end#and you had to read between the lines to get to “wait a minute whats happening to her is kinda immensely fucked up”#and this is someone betraying you at the end of a very /very/ hard game to 100% and beat proper#then LOR came out and fully explored the depths of her trauma and anger at the situation she was put into#how desperate she was too take something for herself and how little she cared about how the effected others because she was not given that#and suddenly it clicked for everyone!#suddenly she wasnt a heartless bitch anymore! but of course now you had the#'literal infant' crowd because it also explored some ideas of parental trauma/lack of experience with the world#but god it was way more refreshing to see people actually move on from 'theyre an evil bitch' even if it came with 'so shes like a kid?'#and i feel that way about pebbles tbh#i dont get super super into the iterator lore so i cant speak much for the quality across downpour#and its higher focus on them and their stuff#im sure it carries plenty of issues as many things will#but god people sucking at reading the room on the iterators is not new lmao#actually five pebbles and angela are shockingly similar....#huh?
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I can’t explain it but I feel like I’m right
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inkblotdemon · 5 months
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loved this redditor's analysis of Inflammatory Writ
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natreads · 6 months
I got a job as a bookseller!!!
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dykeinthedark · 2 months
venting in tags about gender n shit (long as hell) (u can comment and talk 2 me as always :3)
#okay so i got a really masc haircut about a month ago and i know it's just a haircut but holy shit has it changed EVERYTHING for me#like.... i've always leaned masc except 1) before i came out 2) when i was actively in love with someone who i knew liked femmes#and they always described me as a fem. because that's what i showed her. because i wanted to be with her.#but lowkey whenever i'm in a not-impressing-anyone raw-dogging-life-no-crush era i always resort to a very masc style#like masc being my default and i'd only lean fem to impress people whether it's for love or peer pressure in a specific setting#like ''dressing up'' has always been a form of drag to me. like something i HAD to do to fit in or impress my parents (scott favor core)#but ever since this haircut i've realized... i could just BE masc innately like i really don't have to be womanly if i don't want to#which i usually don't. again i have only ever dressed fem for other people. but it's not even being masc that attracts me on its own#it's like. being masc in a distinctly lesbian way. as in whenever i look in the mirror i don't wanna be like a Guy i wanna be a dyke.#like lesbian as a gender identity too sort of thing honestly. okay i've been waffling but basically i sort of want to call myself butch#but i don't know if i like... can?? if i'm allowed to???#everyone always says it's MORE than just wearing boy clothes and not wearing makeup and having short hair (which i already do all those)#i mean i've always id'd as genderqueer because it literally just means gender weird and i experience gender in a queer way#what's probably the most telling is that my friends (all queer) CALL me a butch lesbian#like every time they do i feel really internally validated. it's not just my clothes but my personality too ig is what people tell me#i have a higher pitched voice relatively speaking but apparently the way i talk is quote ''very clockably into women''#which?? gender euphoria asf. my best friend specifically he (gay trans guy) always uses butch to describe me very intuitively#people have also noticed that i ''transitioned'' in all aspects except hormonally. like ppl have commented and noticed my masculinzation#but at the same time i always feel rly haunted by my ex relationships because one wanted me to be more masc#(she's the one who came out as straight and would treat me like a man) which i didn't like and i didn't like playing up being fem either#bc now it feels like she (butch) won't believe me if i called myself butch too bc she remembers me being femme#idk i feel like there's her voice in my head all the time that sees everything i do through her eyes (i'm lowkey still in love)#i feel like even though this comes so naturally to me i must be putting on a performance#even though i've actually read stone butch blues and done research into the history and i truly love and id with the culture like i rly do#that im still just a sad imitation of a butch lesbian and can never really be a part of it because i used to enjoy dressing up sometimes#like it's so stupid but can i still be butch if i wore a dress to prom and i think i looked good in it??#even though i was envious of my friends who wore suits?? that i used to try goth makeup?? that i liked long dresses??#that i enjoyed stacked necklaces and rings on every finger???#and tbh ALL OF THAT CAME FROM A CONCIOUS EFFORT TO FEMINIZE MYSELF IN JUNIOR YEAR OF HIGHSCHOOL WHEN I WAS 16#because omfg it was 2 months before junior prom and i was worried that i was too masc and wanted to get comfortable with being fem
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forcebookish · 6 months
top deepening his voice when talking to mew's moms... gun speaking higher when talking to cher's mom... i love these choices
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astrxealis · 7 months
hi guys please wish me luck for my college entrance exam tomorrow for one of my dream schools xoxo
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#LET'S GOOO MGA PAREH 💙🦅💙🦅💙🦅💙🦅#i'm so chill for some reason even if ik i will never forgive myself if i don't get in. anyway. manifesting!!! i will pass with flying colors#IT'S REAL DAMN STRESSFUL FOR ME bcs i am aiming for honors courses which means i have to be top 15%... i am top 15% (and higher) in my batch#in school anyway but... urgh...#so. yeah. give me all your best wishes thankyousomuchxoxo AHHEHEHWHSHFJAH sobbing (but fr. if you do. i really appreciate it!!)#i believe in myself :] mostly. the time limit scares me and math and abstract reasoning bcs 5 minutes for 30 items but yeah. okay.#i am Smart ..... bro i literally got perfect on my physics exam and got 100 in statistics (i am really proud of these in particular)#my extracurriculars are good !! all my math scores are insane (cue a math nerd) and science (science nerd) english (god. no explanation#needed) honestly every subject is slay and so is my essay-making but ERGH. honors course... top 15%...#i will try to be chill! honestly i am already lol the nerves aren't getting to me somehow. gl to me and all that i know and do not know.#both here and irl :3 also to fellow ph kids (who are most likely younger than me if they aren't older and yk not worrying abt cets anymore#LMFAO) err idk if . okay idk what i was going to say LMFAO anyway i'm busy af and idk if i'm good with teaching others#but if you ever want any tips from me (honestly i don't really have tips. i do what i do and just make it. but there's a lot involved there)#feel free to come to me for anything ^_^ anything at all tbh. doesn't have to be acads idk i like helping others in general. BUT IT DEPENDS.#but yeah just hmu whatever i will have you know i am genuinely a smart & responsible kid and i am proud of that bcs my family is amazing w#smarts but also the Hard Work is there so :3 !! english is my forte science is my forte math is my forte. also socsci and whatever tbh.#i'm probably insane but i genuinely love all those topics and what we learn in school FISHFK so yeah !!! okay i shut up now#will do my best... zzz... and then i will work on myself. to be better than i already am and even better than i could possibly be. ya. fun!#the mga pareh is a joke btw i like imitating filipino kids like that. like yooo mga pareh let's goooooo wahee!!!!!
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Ghirademi brain rot
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featherymainffins · 3 months
*hits blunt*
The difference between BDEF Charlotte Emily Peterson
Chatterbird from Chatterbird Corporations
and DSAF Henry
is that Charlie is a sun, Henry is a star and Chatterbird is a scalpel.
Also really funny how Chatterbird is the only one who isn't even any kind of celestial body like naaaah she's a fucking scalpel is what she is. Local woman so fucking cold she reaches the status of cold steel. Local woman so personal yet impersonal that she becomes a medical tool with the potential for great harm, which she does. Local woman so edgy that she becomes an edge.
Anyway. I wanted to say that Charlie is a sun because it's like,,,,, looking at her hurts your eyes and unsettles you. She burns brighter than any light in the sky and her flames reach the Earth and you know, you know, one day they'll devour it whole. You know her flames will scorch the Earth the way they kill anything that comes into their embrace. She's beautiful from afar. She's death and she gives life. You feel like you cannot live without her, you crawl towards her, but get too close and you're dead. She's a forest fire burning down this town, she's a house fire razing this whole neighbourhood and all the wildlife to the ground. And much like the sun, she's in the center of it all, everyone orbits around her, dances around her, a force driving everyone to do so. She is magnetic, irresistible. She's a living spectacle. But she burns bright and fast and we all know that it can't last forever, and everyone knows that her touch will kill them one of these days. And so they all look at her the way you look at the sun - not with love but with disgust.
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running-in-the-dark · 4 months
I'm so stupid 😬
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lavenoon · 2 years
Hello! Just read the newest alt reveals post and omg. ok, ok, ok, but like the first one with Sun just stayed with me so much, because the fact that in this version y/n isn't as close with both of them as they are in the main verse makes it so tense! Like sure their rivalry is important and they can be little bastards together XD and y/n likes Moon, but Sun isn't as playful and didn't get to be the sweet neighbor and Moon didn't appear as a approachable as a tenant and didn't get the playful banter. Like I wonder what Sun would do if he learned that Robin really did think he was aiming for their position and the whole dynamic now is taking them so much by surprise. Because now Sun can be sweet and not hold them at an arms length, but that kind of whiplash would be hard for y/n to get used to. Ironically enough, it seems it would be a bit harder for Sun in this scenario to get closer, because now they have a good reason for Moon to let himself be known, something y/n wanted, and they can start more of that playfulness, but I see Robin having a lot more trouble changing course with Sun, and dropping all the walls they made, because maybe deep down they wanted him to at least like them, but kept telling themself that wasn’t the case at all. Lots of frustration and feelings and trying not to let Sun see them working through them all. But he probably would anyways haha!
So first of all, I want to link to the now posted tidbits - because there's some relevant lines in there.
So Sun is VERY aware that he has an uphill battle to win here, but hey, that's fine, he's determined! And, frankly, he's been fighting that battle since he scared Robin out of that banterful rivalry and into a more serious, tense one. The fact that they're now also neighbors and he gets to show sides of him that aren't aligned with what he projects as secret agent actually makes it a less uphill battle. It may give Y/N mental whiplash at first, but he'll make sure they get used to it, and learn to trust that part if him (too).
He does try not to let it get to him that Y/N and Moon seem much much closer much sooner - even as rivals, Moon is still just a menace and gets that lighthearted bickering, rather than actual suspicion.
Moon may actually help him, just a bit - subtly. Brings up stories that are maybe embarrassing for Sun, things he wouldn't tell Y/N for his pride's sake - but Moon doesn't have that issue. "He insisted on buying the goodies for your gift basket himself. I was supposed to be in rest mode, instead I had to help him decide whether to get the chocolate cereal bars or the fruit ones." "... I got both." "Yeah." (in a very tired and resigned to his fate kind of tone). Anything that makes Y/N laugh, and maybe see their og rival in a slightly different light - he is kinda silly, he's just a really good agent, too, and that's what they've got to see until then
Certain stories may also make it click that his concern always was genuine - the little "You look tired, sweetheart"s undercover (they thought he was playing his role), the "I can hardly follow our person of interest into a café, I'm an animatronic. You go, and don't forget to order something to drink, to make it believable"s (they thought he insisted on telling them how to do their job), all those little moments that suddenly get a second meaning.
And then Sun does the neighborly thing (since Moon already set the precedent) and brings over food - like the tradition to gift salt and bread when someone moves! Completely backwards since Sun and Moon were the ones moving in and Y/N does point that out - but he just shrugs and goes "Well, what would we do with bread and salt?" and they can hardly argue
Y/N: Is this poisoned?
Sun: *offended gasp* I'm appalled, you'd think that of me?
Y/N: We are rivals. And neighbors. Seems kind of obvious.
Sun: That's why I'm offended, darling. You really think I'm that uncreative? You haven't been eating enough, anyway, and we have that high stakes mission next week, I want you in top form.
Y/N: You are so weird.
(But they do take the bread. It's good bread.) (Despite their accusation, they do see this for what it is - an attempt to mend a bridge in the clumsiest/ most obvious way, with his only saving grace being his projected confidence.)
And if they ever had that talk about their rivalry and Robin's expectations?
Robin: I just thought you were aiming for my spot. I worked hard to get where I am, I couldn't just let a rookie outdo my like that.
Dawn: My precious, precious little rival. I like my position, exactly where I am.
Y/N: Yeah? And where is that?
Dawn: Next to you.
And he is - now that they pay attention to it. He doesn't try to keep them in his shadow, and he also doesn't stay in theirs - he wants them, and he wants as much of them as he gets, without any "Oh no but we can't, they deserve better, I shouldn't -" No.
Both in canon and in reverse, Post-reveal Sun gets greedy. He has no issues about sharing with Moon, because that's what they've always done, but beyond that he's only giving towards some select few, and he "selected"/ chose Y/N. He had to accept the futility of his choice before, assuming the rules they work with prevent them from ever really getting anywhere, but when that argument becomes moot?
He doesn't care how long it'll take - he'll work to earn Y/N's trust (trust they want to give), and he'll gladly wait for them.
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