#tbh I forgot that parties can be fun when you have enough space
hiddenspriings · 11 months
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Robin threw a little house warming party for her new friends in the town and they all had a blast!
Befriend boss ✓
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glitch-e-rat · 6 months
should wait until i'm done with loop to do this, but i'd like to actually sleep tonight SO
theories and tidbits to remember is.at masterpost is a go - SPOILERS GALORE UNDER THE CUT.
is siffrin their real name? they seem to be poking at themselves at least once when they ask what kind of person can't remember their own name... is siffrin one they made up? like the king did?
obvious big question is the island. no mention of a scent of sugar i can find, and similarities to the time flashes we get when picking up stuff we already have suggests time shenanigans
BUT the red meaning breaking could also mean it's like.. some kind of shield? a shell? someone WANTED the island to be forgotten but its still there...? again i've seen enough to think i can get better info from loop so that's a big pin in that. heh...
the sadnesses that smell like sugar. i tried really hard to get siff to comment on that, especially after they fully understood what wishcraft is, but no dice. so for now i'm rolling with the idea that, given how helpful they are, the smells and the stars in their design/battle screen that they are part of siffs wish.
....sorta makes you wonder if they show up when siff isnt there
...maybe loop sent them...? that. would also provide enough prove of their ability to interfere (somewhat) subtly with the party to explain how they made it through without siff that one time..
they could also be a part of the kingdoms wish. little friends to help the saviors with their savior-ing..
why are colours gone? they didnt forget how to see them - they're just gone! where did they go. did it happen around the same time the island vanished? it sounds like that was p recent (bonnie 'remembers' forgetting, they are quite young) whereas colours disapearing is treated as a great historical mystery... so no? maybe not...
who. who cloned themselves? wheres the other one? i think this is a loop related quandry.
did the king stay at the house before taking it over...? the observatory seems to be being set up as his space, the attempts to write a forgotten name in a forgotten tongue.. the stars... idk i know there are others from their island around so it may be a co incidence
i dont think the other room is his. it's clear whatever happened there happened a long, long time ago. the books are moldering away - thats not a recent thing.
the death song sounds like laughing. its a fun touch. are the mal du pays laughing at us...? they probably should be..
that boss name is a kick in the teeth (/pos)
how do get in locked house in village? it needs a word to unlock but i never learned any more phrases for that. i know the person comes out at the end but there has to be a way in.. right?
what the heck kinda high level craft user is siff? they pull off major wish craft BY MISTAKE???? a forgotten art likely unique to their land. combined with the cloak i feel like. they used. to be someone very important... i wonder if we'll ever get info to follow up on those tidbits, given particular attention is drawn to the cloak on purpose.
OH I FORGOT. the sweet smell during wish magic and the fact siff is perpetually hungry, as well as the way they loop being a tug on the stomach. that feels... at least somewhat likely to be connected right? it still doesnt explain why siff has the ability but it might at least explain what's fueling it and why he has to eat so much (and why not eating for two days is what finally stopped him)
...i think that's all i got for now. i'll. probably come back and add more as i go. little frazzled tbh.. it's. a lot. and my brain will be rolling it around for weeks no doubt.
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shuahoonie · 3 years
holidays with tom [tom holland]
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PAIRING: tom holland x female!reader 
SUMMARY: life isn’t exactly back to normal. with another lockdown in place and the holiday season is vastly approaching, you and tom are stuck in quarantine with each other the problem? there was supposed to be at least 5 of you in that house and tom is the last person you want to be with. shouldn’t be too bad right? 
WARNINGS: in no particular order swearing—err foul language lmao, sexual innuendos, things get heated but not that much??? exuding sexual tension but also fluff??? alcohol consumption, a series of bad decisions??? idk writing this made me experience the 5 stages of grief tbh lmao it’s not that bad I promise lmao
WORD COUNT: 6.9k! 
A/N: hello and happy new year! I was supposed to post this during Christmas Day but guess who got into a writing rut—yet again. I didn’t want to abandon this because I actually had fun writing it. I hope you all had a festive and safe holiday. I know things have been hard but I still hope you guys enjoyed the holiday. 
2020 has finally came to an end and we’re all ending it the same way when the pandemic started—staying at home, hopefully following the appropriate health measures. I can only hope that 2021 is a brighter and hopeful year for all of us.
stay safe, sending u all my love. 
gif credits: @underoos-shield​ 
vanessa’s masterlist | taglist form 
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Two hours. It’s been two hours since you found out that you were going to spend your holidays alone. You were aware that you weren’t going to spend your holidays with your family as you normally would, embracing the fact that working in a different country whilst in the middle of a pandemic was going to be challenging. 
Working in the film industry, constantly visiting sets while still living in a pandemic means that you threw away your chances of being home for the holidays. However, you weren’t entirely the only one who shares a similar struggle. 
“We should still do something for Christmas, you know,” Tom muttered as he watched you lay down on the sofa, your head is supported by the armrest. 
See—it should’ve been you, Ophelia, Alex, William, and Tom in that AirBnB, not just you and Tom.
The five of you reside abroad, however, you all had to fly to Los Angeles for work. You all collectively knew that it would be irresponsible to fly home for the holidays and it wouldn’t make any sense as you would all fly back for work anyway. 
The five of you had a brilliant idea of renting an AirBnB for the holidays since you were all in each other’s personal and work bubble anyway. Obviously, the three of them bailed as they’ve decided to stay with their partners instead, leaving you and Tom alone—which is the last thing you’ve wanted. 
“There’s just us two, Tom,” You replied as you sent a lengthy text to Ophelia, telling and reminding them about what happened between you and Tom.  “I’m not entirely sure if it’s worth anything if we did plan on doing something remotely festive.” 
There are four more days till Christmas and if you were being honest, the last time you felt festive was on the 18th of December...of 2019. 
“Surely there’s something we can do, right?” Tom’s optimism still shined beneath him. “This year has already been shitty enough, we don’t need to feed more into that.” 
The three dots bubble immediately popped up on your message thread with Ophelia as soon as you sent your passive-aggressive rant. Your focus was now on your phone. 
Suddenly, Tom’s face appeared on top of yours—his face was definitely close enough that it’s not CDC approved. He was standing on side of the sofa, both of his palms planted against the armrest as he loomed over you. 
“What do you and your family do during Christmas?” He dared to ask as if he wasn’t towering over you.
Your eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. “Uh—give each other personal space?” You answered out of sheer reflex. You always had a problem with keeping your mouth shut, especially when it sounds rude to other people. In your defence, being unable to do so has helped you put people back in place. 
To be fair, you were used to people standing at least 6 ft away from you ever since the pandemic started. 
Tom’s cheeks went bright red. “’m sorry,” He apologized, giving you a shy smile and scratched the back of his neck. You muttered a quick apology too, for acting so rashly. 
You rose from your position and sat upright instead. “Well, we never do anything special during Christmas,” You said as you threw your hair into a bun. “We usually just go to the movies on Christmas Day because that’s the only thing you can do back when life was normal.” 
Tom nodded understandingly as if he was taking this into account. Now you were curious. 
“Do you guys do anything special for Christmas?” You asked him. 
“Well, on Christmas Day, we would usually just lounge around the house and use it as a chance for me and my family to catch up,” Tom replied. “However, on Christmas Eve, my mum always made sure my brothers and I would have this scavenger hunt to look for our gifts—It’s really fun, actually.” Tom smiled sadly. 
You could easily see how Tom was genuinely broken about not being able to be around his family over the holidays. Heck—he really just misses his family. But who wouldn’t? Britney Spears didn’t sing the line “my loneliness is killing me” for nothing. 
“I’m sorry,” was all you could say. Aside from biting your tongue, being able to easily comfort people was one of your weaknesses too. 
“Oh, there’s nothing to be sorry about, darling.” Tom quickly dismissed the genuine heartbreak he was trying to hide. “We’re all making sacrifices and we chose to be responsible for the benefit of other people.” 
“Yeah, I know.” You said softly. “We’ll just try our best to make something out of this holiday season. I mean—we have to or else we’ll welcome 2021 with a fresh face of misery.” 
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“I’m sorry!” Ophelia pouted at the screen as they mindlessly walked around their partner’s place, something that most people do when they’re on the phone with someone. “I genuinely forgot about what happened between you and Tom.” 
“Well, Ollie, it seems like you weren’t the only one.” You replied, adjusting your glasses. Tom seems to be genuinely fine around you, no awkward tensions or anything. If anything, it’s just you who feels weird around him. “But I guess that’s a good thing right?” 
Ophelia forced a smile but they couldn’t, for the life of them, say anything about it. 
“Oh my god,” You sighed “Seriously, Ollie?” 
“It’s just—how could he forget?! You were literally on top of him as I recall and that very much left a permanent image on my mind. I—You know, I really tried my best to forget that ever existing in my mind. So really, if anything, it’s your fault.” Ophelia rambled on. 
“I—I wasn’t on top of him. That’s absurd! I was merely pressed against him” You said defensively, in which Ophelia just laughed atrociously. “Why am I friends with you again?!” You asked rhetorically, bewildered by the fact that you two lasted this long. 
“First of all, that is a hate crime. Second, I’m cool—like everyone wants to be my friend and you should be glad that I gave you the privilege to be even on a nickname basis as me.” 
You rolled your eyes at them. Despite the never-ending banter, you were grateful to have Ophelia as your friend. 
“But seriously, Y/N,” Ophelia said, “You can always just stay with me and Ericka. She’ll be glad to have you over for the holidays.”
“Ollie, as much as I love spending time with you two—I can’t stand being a third-wheel, especially when it comes to the both of you. You two are inseparable when you’re together.” You replied. “I appreciate the offer though.” You smiled at her. 
“I’m just saying—” Ophelia replied, shrugging her shoulder. “Unless you and Tom really want to have the house by yourselves.” They sang teasingly.
“Ophelia!” You gasped. 
“What?” They feigned innocence. “I gave you an option to stay with us! Plus, I know Alex and Will are would’ve asked you to stay with them if they had any idea what happened between you two.” 
“I can’t leave him!” You started to whisper “Tom seems genuinely bummed being here. I can’t just do that to him.” 
It’s as if a light came on inside them. Ophelia started to smirk and you recognized that smirk from anywhere. For christ’s sake, their eyes twinkled like Christmas lights. It drove you nuts. “I fucking knew it.” 
“You like him don’t you?!” They teased, but all you could do was blush. 
“I do not!” You denied it as you could still feel the burning heat emitting from your cheeks. 
“His tongue is that good huh?” Ophelia decided to pry even further. They clearly find enjoyment as you squirmed your way out of this conversation. 
“Bitch, I am ending this call.” That was all you could say. Even if you did find a smart retort, it was no use, especially with Ophelia. They can see right through you and there’s no point in trying to hide it. 
“Honestly, Y/N, we’re living through a pandemic. If there’s any time to make any rash decisions, it’s now. Go get that dick, bih—” 
You drowned out whatever Ophelia was trying to say with your goodbyes and proceeded to end the call. The one time you asked your friend to be serious and they come up with this. 
So—what really happened with you and Tom? 
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It was two years ago. You were at a party that you didn’t even plan on attending. However, you were dragged by Ophelia and their partner, Ericka—your new friends in the area. You couldn’t say no to them, they were your first friend in LA! 
You thought about it though, saying no. But when you got a message from your friend back in Canada sending a photo of your boyfriend ex-boyfriend (the same guy who had ghosted you ever since you moved to LA), swapping spits with another girl, you suddenly had the strong urge to drink until you die of alcohol poisoning.
You were burning with anger that you really felt tears pricking your eyes. You were so close to crying or punching someone—whichever comes first.  
One thing’s for sure, though, you weren’t going to cry over a man. So what did you do? “Ophelia, where’s the booze?!” You asked your friend whose eyes nearly popped out of their head. 
Well, you weren’t really going to punch a stranger. Though you felt this burning sense of violence, it’d be much more satisfying to punch the living daylights out on your ex. 
“Y/N, honey, are you alright?” That line always puts on the waterworks, no?  Ophelia was clearly concerned about your newfound thirst for alcohol. 
You furiously wiped the tears off your face. “Um just found out my boyfriend—er ex-boyfriend, who stopped talking to me as soon as I moved here, is seeing someone else now? I don’t know, am I allowed to feel angry when I don’t even know if we’re still together as soon I moved? Fuck—” You tried to explain as you wiped every tear that left your eyes. 
“Oh—of course, hon.” Ericka who handed you a drink. You weren’t exactly sure what it is, but you knew it has alcohol in it and that’s all that matters. You gulped the entire thing and you wanted more. “Y/N, you need to slow down.”
“Are you sure you want to stay? I mean we can crash at our place, eat take-outs, watch movies and be totally disconnected from the world.” Ophelia suggested, but you shook your head furiously. 
“No, I—I’m ok.” You answered “I can’t let the both of you be stuck in misery with me. I need this. I’ll get drunk and if I'm up for it, I’ll hook up with someone. It’s not a healthy coping method but I really want this night to be a series of bad decisions. I don’t want to be myself, even just tonight.”
 So that’s what you did. You were going from one drink to another in record time. Both Ophelia and Ericka kept an eye on you, just in case someone tried to take advantage of your drunken state. 
You were talking to some guy you met in the kitchen, one thing led to another and next thing you knew, you were making out with this dude in someone’s bathroom. Ophelia and Ericka were drunk enough to pester the guy you were making out with but not drunk 
As you were propped on top of the sink and your legs wrapped around his waist, you felt every bit of his lips explore the side of your neck as his hands explored every inch of your body. With his hand under your shirt and his fingers tracing every part of your skin, it just reminded you of how lonely you were. 
Here you were, a thousand miles away from home, all alone just so you could do the one thing you really love. Your family would sometimes call to check up on you but it just wasn’t the same. Your ex tried to guilt you into staying in Canada, but you couldn’t do that. You love what you do and you love yourself too. 
You were willing to risk everything, even if happiness came at a price. 
Now you were crying, and the guy you were making out with definitely noticed. 
“I’m sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?” He asked as he pulled down your shirt. 
“No—no, I’m just—” You tried to calm yourself down. “I’m not sure if I want to do this anymore.” 
“That’s alright,” He mumbled wiping the tears off your face. “Do you want to talk about it? You seem rattled.” 
“It’s just I’m so tired of pretending everything is alright—that I’m okay being alone, that I don’t need anyone. But it’s just so hard because I’m—” You sobbed “I’m so fucking lonely. I’m so tired of being alone.” 
The guy tucked the stray piece of hair behind your ears as he carefully wiped your tears with his thumb. He was just silent as he listened to you sob. 
“I’m sorry, I know you definitely didn’t come to this party to watch a complete stranger cry over something stupid.” You couldn’t even look him in the eye, you were embarrassed as this was the first time you felt really vulnerable—especially in front of a stranger. 
“No, you’re alright.” He tried to console you “I think that’s the beauty in strangers, no? You can act and do whatever you want in front of them because there’s a slim chance you’ll ever see them again.” 
You were definitely drunk enough that trying to make sense of who the person was a struggle enough of itself. You tried your best to look at the guy but your vision was getting hazy and you could feel your head thumping that focusing made you feel like you want to crack your head in half. 
A loud knock on the door caused you two to jump. “I’m coming in,” Ophelia yelled and opened the door. Ophelia looked at the guy for a while, trying to make sense of who he was before their eyes widened. “I remember now—You’re Tom Holland.”
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Imagine your surprise when you found out that you were going to work with Tom Holland for a while. You tried your best to avoid Tom at work but of course, that didn’t work out. He never brought up what happened between you two and you assumed he probably forgot all about it.
You tried to rationalize that he meets a lot of people every day. Surely, one failed hook-up wasn’t worth remembering (especially with alcohol involved) and you held on to that. 
At least that’s what makes you sleep at night and also one of the reasons why you considered spending the holidays with him. However, you were also expecting your crew friends to stay with you and not just Tom. 
“Y/N, did you like the gift? It’s from me and Ericka!” Ophelia asked. It was the next day and you two were just chatting on FaceTime. You were sorting out your closet out of sheer boredom. You figured if you were going to stay here for three weeks, the least you could do was sort your clothes out. 
You stared at the neatly wrapped box that Ophelia and Ericka dropped off earlier this morning. “I haven’t opened it yet.” You said as you showed them the box. “I wanna open it till Christmas.” 
“Oh my god, just open it. Christmas doesn’t exist this year, babe.” Ophelia waved their hand, encouraging you to open it. 
“Fine,” You gave in. You opened the box and saw a very lush and well-made lingerie set. “Ophelia, what the fuck” You gasped. You held out the lingerie in front of the camera. 
“Y/N, I definitely outdid myself this time.” Ophelia sighed happily, staring at the screen. “Try it on!”
“Ollie, this is gorgeous but when am I ever going to use this?” You asked holding it out on your body and looking at the mirror. 
“Uh—you’re stuck at home with your failed but also potential hookup,” Ollie suggested, wiggling their eyebrows. “Who knows what might happen?”  
You rolled your eyes at them. “Bold of you assume that something might happen.”
“Something won’t happen if you don’t try that one,” Ophelia said. “C’mon, I wanna see.” 
You shook your head and went out of frame in order to strip off your clothes. You tried on the lingerie—it’s a black lace teddy with a very exposing back. IT fit you perfectly—it accentuated your figure and definitely showed off your boobs. You weren’t really fond of showing off your body but you still tried your best to show it to your friend. 
“What do you think?” You asked, stepping back to the frame. 
“You look gorgeous, babe!” Ophelia squealed. “I knew I made the right choice with black.” 
“I still don’t know where I should wear this though—” You were stopped mid-sentence when your door swung open. 
“I know what we’re doing this—Oh shit. I’m so sorry,” Tom stood there, frozen, his eyes widened and immediately shut the door. 
You couldn’t even say anything. You were frozen in shock.
“Was that Tom?” Ophelia asked from the call, briefly forgetting that you were talking to them through FaceTime. 
You nodded slowly, unable to talk.
“What did he think?” Ophelia asked excitedly. 
You snapped out of this haze. “Ollie,” you groaned. “I think he was mentally scarred. 
“What do you mean scarred? You look great!” Ophelia said, appalled. “If he doesn’t think you look banging in that lingerie then it’s his loss.” 
“I gotta go, I need to change.” You said, bidding Ophelia goodbye. “Thanks for the gift, Ollie. Tell Ericka thanks too.” 
You ended the call and changed into comfier clothes. You couldn’t help but wonder how on earth you’re going to face Tom now that he’s seen you practically naked. Well, it’s not like that’s a new sight. He did see you with your bra on when you were making out in the bathroom that one time. But still! 
Are you actually going to spend your Christmas in your room?
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It was the next day and there are only two more days till Christmas. You spent the entirety of last night in your room after the incident between you and Tom. 
You were about to make yourself some coffee when you found Tom in the kitchen, making tea for himself. You stood there frozen, wondering if you were going to proceed to the kitchen or just run back to your room since Tom hasn’t noticed you—
“Oh—good morning, Y/N.” So close. 
You smiled at Tom and said, “Good morning, Tom.” 
You grabbed a coffee pod and waited for the Keurig to make your coffee. You leaned back against the counter and fiddled with your phone—all in the hopes that things move quickly and for this awkward tension to be over. 
Honestly, why were you so worked up about it? People have seen you in a bikini before and that’s no different from lingerie. If anything, lingerie is itchier and has lace. You should be able to feel confident in your own body and you shouldn’t have to mind what other people think of it. It’s yours alone and it’s your opinion that should matter—
“I’m terribly sorry about last night, Y/N.” Tom apologized, sincerity was written all over his face. “I should’ve knocked and I just got so bloody excited about what we can do over Christmas—but that’s no excuse for what I’ve done. What I did was incredibly intrusive and you deserve a proper apology.”
“Tom, I—”
“I wanted to apologize last night—over dinner—but you didn’t come down to eat, so I figured you didn’t want to talk. “ He rambled on. 
“But even then I should’ve asked you to come down and eat dinner because that’s what any decent human would do! And yet I didn’t. God—I’m just doing one wrong thing after another—” 
“Tom, listen to me.” 
“Hm?” He finally snapped out and looked at you in the eyes. 
“It’s okay. It was an honest mistake and you sincerely apologized, and for me, that’s enough.” You smiled softly at him. “So—what’s this thing you planned over Christmas?” 
“I was thinking we could do both our family traditions over the next two days. My family and I usually do a roast dinner and open our Christmas stockings on Christmas Eve. Then on the 25th, we can watch movies all day just like you do with your family.” Tom grinned, clearly satisfied with his plan. “What do you think?”
“I think it’s a great idea,” You smiled “However, I don’t think we have any ingredients for a roast dinner and we don’t really have Christmas stockings. Well—I don’t have any Christmas stockings and stocking stuffers.” 
“That’s true,” Tom mumbled “But I have to do the food shopping anyway. We’re running low on food and I couldn't really book one of those online delivery things that most groceries now offer.” 
You nodded. “Okay, so I guess I have to get the house sorted then.” 
When you two first arrived in this AirBnB a few days ago, it had already been decorated for Christmas. It had a massive tree in the living room decorated with stunning and intricately-themed ornaments. Christmas garlands were wrapped around the stair-bannisters and foliages were placed by the fireplace and the tables. 
All you really had to do was clean the place—do a bit of vacuuming and get things nice and neat for Christmas. It didn’t take you too long to do it too. It had only been a couple of minutes since Tom left to do the food shopping and you prayed to the gods that he doesn’t get too much attention whilst out. 
You figured you might as well do some last-minute shopping while Tom was out, so you can grab gifts for him as well. After all, this whole thing was orchestrated by Tom and you don’t even have anything to give him for his stockings. 
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You arrived at your AirBnB a tad later than Tom. He was in the kitchen putting things away when he saw you walk through the door. 
“Ah, I was wondering whether I spooked you with my plan,” Tom commented, making you chuckle and roll your eyes. 
“Trust me, I would’ve made it very obvious if you did.” You replied, earning a laugh from Tom. “I went out to do my last-minute shopping. Granted, it’s not ideal since we’re still living through a pandemic, but there’s not actually that many people where I went to considering it’s the Christmas rush.” 
You made sure to hide the stuff you bought using the handmade tote bags that a friend gave you for your birthday. No retail bags, no clue. “How did you survive the groceries? I bet it’s busy out there.” 
“Yeah, it was.” Tom chuckled, scratching the back of his head. “Remind me to never do that again for Christmas.” 
“Sure,” You said, “That is if I spend another Christmas with you.” You said jokingly, hoping that Tom didn’t find that rude. 
“You’ll never know,” Tom shrugged. “What if you liked our Christmas this year and you’d be begging to spend Christmas with me and my family in London,” Tom smirked, playing along. 
“Yeah, right.” You scoffed playfully, crossing your arms. “If anyone’s begging, it’s going to be you.”
Tom stepped closer, “Wanna bet?” He whispered, a teasing look in his eyes. “Whoever has the most fun during our respective holiday traditions would have to spend the holidays with them next year.” 
“Oh, you’re on, Holland.” You took a step closer. “We will both film our holidays for the entire two days and then we’ll ask Ophelia, Alex, and Will to vote whoever looks like they had the most fun.”
“Okay,” Tom nodded “But no editing! We’ll give them raw footage so there are no chances of tampering.” 
You laughed but you agreed anyway. “Of course, we’ll give them hours of footage. The least we could do is make them sit through hours of content after they ditched us all alone on the holidays.” 
Tom gave a broad smile. “Let the festivities begin.” 
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It was the 24th of December—Christmas Eve. You spent the entirety of last night wrapping Tom’s presents for later. Not that you despise Christmas, but it’s been a while since you were actually excited to celebrate it. It was pretty clear that the magic of Christmas dies once you grow up. 
Today was different; you were looking forward to whatever Tom has installed for tonight. 
You went downstairs to make some breakfast only to be greeted by Tom blasting Christmas music and preparing some ingredients for breakfast in the kitchen. 
“Good morning, Y/N, happy Christmas Eve,” Tom greeted with a huge grin. “Say, hi to the camera.” 
“Oh, we’re starting this early, huh?” You asked, putting your hair into a loose ponytail. 
“Why of course, we have to make the best out of this,” Tom said, holding the camera to your face. “I made you coffee.” Tom handed you a cup of coffee. 
“Are you using my love for coffee as an advantage?” You tried to hide your smile while drinking your coffee. 
“Obviously not,” Tom feigned his innocence. “I obviously did not know you were obsessed with coffee—it’s not like I don’t see you on set without one.” He mumbled in which you definitely heard, giving him a smack on the head. “Ow! I’m kidding.” He laughed.
You rolled your eyes at him. “So, what’s for breakfast?” 
“We’re going to make french crèpes,” Tom replied and propped the camera on the kitchen island, facing the two of you. 
“Do you know how to make french crèpes?” You asked, washing your hands. 
Tom blinked, almost trying to decide whether he wants to be honest or impressive. “Do you know how to make french crèpes?” He returned the question. 
“Oh honey, my mom resents me in the kitchen.” You replied, taking a sip from your coffee. “But you know, I manage.” You murmured.
“That’s giving me a lot of hope, darling, thank you.” He said half-heartedly. 
“Shut up,” You nudged him playfully, rolling your eyes. “Tom, honestly, most of the footage is just us bantering for 20 minutes.” 
“To be fair, that’s part of the fun.” Tom smiled. “Okay, I think you just mix all of these in a bowl. Start with the dry ingredients first.” He said, looking at the recipe on his phone.
“Okay, that shouldn’t be too hard,” You commented pouring the ingredients into the bowl. As you started all of the ingredients together, you noticed small lumps forming in the batter. “Tom, did you sift the dry ingredients by chance?” 
“You were supposed to sift it?” He asked, completely clueless. 
You nodded slowly. Panic was now clearly painted on his face. “I’m sure we’ll be fine.” You tried to reassure him. 
It was not fine. The first time you two tried to pour the batter in the pan, you burnt the entire thing. It’s not even the cute, lightly burnt crepe. It was activating the smoke alarm-burnt crepe. 
The next one was pancake-like. The next one after that had pocket flours on the crepes because you two didn’t sift your dry ingredients beforehand. You ran out of the batter when you two finally got the consistency right—you managed to get one proper crepe from the entire batter. 
“I feel like Sam would probably curse me out as soon as he finds out I fucked up a simple crepe,” Tom said, delicately filling the crepe with creme and berries. “My brother’s done so well in culinary school.” He cut a piece with his fork and brought it to your mouth.
“Well, you can’t have everything.” You said taking a bite out of the crepe. “This is better than the last one.” 
Tom nodded, taking a bite of it himself. “It’s not as tasty as Sam’s but I’ll take it.” 
“Now, I’m curious as to what your brother’s cooking tastes like.” You commented taking another bite from the crepe. 
“I guess I’ll just take you home to London to find out,” Tom teased with an annoying grin. 
“As long as I’m being fed, I’m fine with it.” You remarked. What in god’s name are you are you two playing?!
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The day rolled by very quickly. It was already evening when you finished wrapping the presents for your friends. You plan on dropping it off tomorrow before you persuade Tom to glue yourselves on the couch for the entire day. 
You grabbed all of Tom’s gifts—Christmas stocking included— when you went downstairs, only to be greeted by someone yelling at Tom through his phone. 
“I did everything right, Sam. I don’t know why you’re yelling.” Tom yelled back at his phone. His back was turned against you as he was putting away the pots and pans that he used. 
You quietly walked up behind him and said calmly, “Why are you yelling?” 
Tom probably jumped six feet away from you, making you laugh. You always forget that he gets scared easily. “Holy shit, don’t scare me like that, Y/N.” Tom breathed out, putting a hand over his chest. 
“I’m sorry,” You said whilst laughing. “I promise I won’t do it again.” Tom rolled his eyes, murmuring something about you being insincere about it. 
“Please do it again!” You heard, whom you assume is Sam, say from the background. You looked at Tom’s phone that’s propped on the island and saw his brothers on FaceTime. 
You beamed at them. “Any recommendations?” You asked, hearing Tom groan behind you. 
“Well, he hates—” 
“This is the last thing I want in 2020, for my brothers and Y/N to conspire against me,” Tom said loudly on purpose, drowning his brothers' voices.
“Tom, don’t be rude. Let your brothers finish—” Tom put his hand against your mouth. 
“I’ll call you guys later,” Tom said “Wave goodbye, Y/N.” He used his free hand to grab your hand and forced a wave towards his brothers. The call soon came to an end and you could only roll your eyes at Tom. You seem to do that a lot around him. You also do a lot of that when you try to hide your feelings towards a person you like but that’s beside the point. 
“So are we going to have dinner first or are we going to do presents first?” You asked fixing your Christmas sweater, a gift from your parents since you and your family usually wear matching sweaters for Christmas. “Or are you the type to wait until Christmas Day to open presents?” 
“We can do the Christmas stockings after dinner tonight, then do the presents tomorrow, if you’d like,” Tom answered with his arms crossed. 
You shrugged, telling him it doesn’t matter since you don’t really go all out on Christmas. Your family on the other hand—the house is always full of people, especially since most of your extended family are usually around during the holidays. You had this ongoing game you made for yourself whether or not you’ll be able to greet everyone with the number of people in the house. 
You could only guess how quiet your family’s Christmas is going to be. You definitely needed to call your parents later. 
“Is the sweater that itchy, Y/N?” You heard Tom ask, breaking away from your thoughts. 
“Huh?” You asked, confused. You didn’t even notice that you’ve been scratching yourself subconsciously. 
“You’ve been scratching yourself since I saw you.” Tom said, chuckling. “It’s a cute sweater on you.” 
You smirked. “That reminds me—I got something for you, Tom.” Tom raised his brow as you grabbed the bag you stashed behind the tree. “Actually my parents got this for you. A little thank you gift apparently for having the tolerance to stay with me over the holidays—as if you had a choice.” You mumbled the last part. 
Tom curiously opened the bag and there revealed a matching sweater such as yours. This year’s sweater was green and had red tinsel all over it, probably the reason why you’re itchy. The real kicker is that—
“No way,” Tom gasped “It lights up?!” He asked laughing. It lights up. 
“Yeah, I don’t recommend turning that on. I did it earlier and I’m pretty sure I was about to combust—it’s a real fire hazard.” You replied, enjoying the genuine joy that Tom is showing on his face. 
“Oh but we have to turn the lights on when we take pictures,” He commented as he put on the sweater. “Thanks, Y/N.” He said softly, surprising you with a hug. 
It’s the first real physical contact that you two had ever since that night when you made out and you were pretty adamant that people were just making up this notion of having butterflies in their stomach—they weren’t. 
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Tom’s roast dinner went surprisingly well. You kept teasing him that it’s Sam that you had to thank because you knew that Tom wouldn’t last in the kitchen without his brother’s instructions. Tom pouted the whole time. You eventually had to tell him 
“It was sweet.” You told him as you helped him clear out the plates. 
Tom was confused. 
“I don’t think I’ve known someone that went through hell and back just to make a great effort Christmas dinner —even if it means getting yelled at by your brother.” You said, smiling softly at him. “I mean it’s just us two, really. We don’t even have to do this.”
“Think that’s the reason why I wanted to do it,” Tom replied. Now you’re confused. “It’s because it’s the two of us—that’s why I wanted to do it.” 
As soon as you heard those words come out of Tom’s lips, you tried your best to stay calm. To say that you weren’t overwhelmed with emotions would be a huge lie. For someone who couldn’t hold their tongue, you were speechless. Tom’s giving you a run for your money and you weren’t exactly thrilled about it. 
After dinner, you and Tom opened your stocking presents. The presents were pretty tame at the start—you both got each other socks, which was hilarious but greatly appreciated. You love socks, especially comfy and cushiony ones. You came to learn that Tom does too, which prompted you two to wear the socks immediately. 
You got him candy canes, he got you chocolates. You also snuck in those small, in-flight alcohol bottles in there too—which he ended up loving. He got you those 10-pack skincare face masks, in which you let out a huge gasp, making him laugh. 
“Oh, we have to use this at some point!” You exclaimed happily “Like, we need to have a spa night—where we just watch movies, doing face masks, eating takeouts. Oh, that’s the dream!” You sighed happily. 
“We still have two weeks left till we go back to work, I'm sure we can find the time to do that,” Tom said with a permanent smile on his face, watching you with pure joy made him feel like he accomplished something big. 
You got him one of those Instax polaroid cameras—true, it was a bit too much for a stocking stuffer especially since the box definitely stood out against the stocking, but you figured he’ll like it. 
“Darling, this is too much but I’m thankful,” Tom commented as he took out the camera from the box. “I can’t wait to use this and keep memories using it—why don’t we start right now?! Let’s take a photo of us and our matching sweaters!”  
Tom took a lot of photos of you two, in the end. A couple of overexposed photos, one with the matching sweaters, one with your faces pressed against each other, one with your faces way too close to the camera, and one where he gave you a kiss on your cheek (he asked if that’s okay, of course, you said yes. it’s not like he hasn’t kissed you before— still no conversations about that, by the way). It was a good thing you got him at least 3 boxes of those 20 pack films in his stockings as well. 
The real kicker was Tom’s “small” stocking present for you. He got you this dainty, gold necklace with a crescent moon charm. You were pretty sure it was expensive because of the teal box it came with. 
“Stop,” You gasped “Tom, now this—this is too much.” You stressed out. “I can’t have this. Nope, you have to return this.”
Tom shrugged as if it was nothing. “You deserve it. Darling, you deserve something nice after this shitty year.” 
“Tom, I’m serious. This is too much.” 
“I’m serious too, Y/N. Keep it, please. I’d be offended if you don’t.”
After the roller coaster of emotions due to the stocking presents, you gave your parents a call to wish them a merry Christmas. They insisted to do a video call because they wanted to see Tom in the family sweater—which your mom wouldn’t stop gushing about. 
“I think your mum loves me,” Tom whispered closely in your ear. He didn't have to try too hard. With the laptop propped up on top of the coffee table, you two were sitting close together on the living room floor—knees touching, maximum close skin contact. CDC would never approve. 
“Yeah, I think it’s the accent,” You mumbled jokingly. 
Tom moved his head to take a good look at you, smiling. You could feel his eyes burning your skin. Why does he have to look at you like that? Why does he have to be this close?
The initial video call with your parents turned into a whole family reunion when you found out they set up a group call with your extended family. Imagine the dread and fear in your eyes when you heard your one aunt ask, 
“Finally, Y/N, is that your boyfriend?” 
Your eyes widened as you stuttered to say your defence, making Tom chuckle. You frowned at him and nudged him saying, “Don’t laugh, tell them no or I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“No, unfortunately, I’m not,” Tom replied, laughing. “However, I do believe we make a cute couple, don’t we?” He teased, earning an earnest yes from your mom. 
You could only wish for the floor to swallow you whole. 
As the clocks rolled to twelve, it was officially Christmas. You and Tom figured you might as well start opening gifts again because Christmas Day is going to be a drag for the two of you. 
“Okay, start with this.” You said as you handed him a gift bag. You didn’t give him a lot of gifts for the actual Christmas Day because you went all out on the stuffers. 
“Pyjamas?” He asked with a grin. You made a signal for him to give you a minute. You ran to your room and changed into pyjamas. 
“Not just pyjamas, Tom, but matching pyjamas!” You exclaimed, laughing. “I saw it and figured we should do this for my day.”
“Sick!” Tom laughed. Tom got into his pair of pyjamas as well and of course, he didn’t forget to pull out his new polaroid camera to take a photo of you two. “Shit, I forgot to film our entire Christmas Eve.” He said as he saw the camera that was still sitting on the kitchen island from earlier that morning. 
You shrugged. “I’m pretty sure you’ll win either way. Just that content from the breakfast crepes was enough to secure your place.” You said jokingly.
“All I’m hearing is that you’re going to spend Christmas with me in London next year.” Tom sang teasingly. 
“Yeah, maybe bringing you to our big Christmas holidays is a bad idea.” You wondered out loud. 
“I like your family,” Tom commented with a smile “and I think they will love having me there for the holidays.” 
“That would be a nightmare.” You mumbled to yourself. 
The rest of the night dragged on. You and Tom finished the rest of your gifts—you got him a watch, he got you a vinyl player. You two managed to watch the first Harry Potter film before you called it a night. 
You were about to head into your room when you heard Tom say, “Mistletoe.”
“Hm?” You hummed, confused. He placed a finger under your chin and gently tilted your head. There you saw a mistletoe hanging by one of the light fixtures. 
“How did that even—” 
“Can I kiss you?” Tom asked, cupping the sides of your face. 
“Hm?” Tom was definitely giving you a run for your money. How can a girl with a speech turn speechless?
“Can I kiss you?” He asked more softly. All you could do was nod. For if you even dare to open your mouth, all of this would cease to exist.  
His lips gently touched yours and then soon moulded into one. It was soft, sweet—familiar. His lips were something you never thought about—at least not a lot but you craved it. You crave his lips, his touch, him. You were riding a new high and you thanked every single god that you were sober to remember this—because this, this is something you want to cherish. 
“You told me you’re tired of being alone,” Tom whispered against your lips. “You don’t have to be anymore. Not when you have me, not ever.”
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PERMANENT TAGLIST: @quaksonhehe @dark-infernal-instruments @trustfundparker @emsma11​ @tomshufflepuff​ @spider-babe​ @goodgirlgonetom​
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gerbithats · 4 years
A long sims 4 rant
Starting this I can already predict it’s gonna be a big one so if you stick with me, thank you and I’ll try and add pictures to make things feel easier 😆
I was thinking about it and I mean really thinking about these community surveys we’ve been getting and how they speak volumes on the way the game is handled but also also how we position ourselves as a community. I noticed alot more game changers are starting to get pretty vocal about their thoughts since the first community survey came out and that’s refreshing to say the least, but it shows a pattern that we all present: give us what is missing no matter how. We want beaches. We want cars. We want more stairs. We want bunkbeds. Etc.
So these things are probably somehow rushed into production to please the community and then, when we finally get it, it’s like we finally realize that what this game truly lacks is gameplay and not more items.
I invite you to come and think about the packs and the stuff we got throughout these 6 years with me.
🏢 Chapter 1: The apartment issue 
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Yes we got apartment buildings with city living, but sometimes it doesn’t even feel like it’s a game feature because it’s L I T E R A L L Y related to living in a city, so it’s not a real feature. We have no possible way to play with apartments and condos outside of san myshuno because for the first time ever we can’t build or own apartments. This was such a missed opportunity of giving us new lot treatments like condos and even rentable properties. I mean, just think about how those 2 features could allow so much new gameplay and stories with it (I can literally imagine being a landlord, having to go fix renters stuff in my their places and doing social events as condo meetings).
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The neighbors in that type of lot could also help solve somehow what so many people mention as “boring lot gameplay”. Let’s be real. hardly something ever happens with so little npcs and only the walk by sims (You have to literally run after them to make things happen sometimes and it shouldn’t be like that). But if sims were to live in the same condo or building as yours, sharing common living spaces that’s a whole other thing. Which brings me to the fact that even in the city, where apartments exist, there’s no common area other than the halls. Imagine if we could build laundries, rooftops, basements, patios with pools and all that sort of stuff.
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That sort of detaling and really getting deep into the pack’s features is even show in elevators: we can’t use them ourselves (for building) and they’re not even animated, your sim is just teleported (even the modded ones have animations and that’s just awkward).
🌊 Chapter 2: Swimming in shallow waters
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“We want a beach”, we said. So they gave us a beach, and a beach only. I’ve never seen so many people call a pack “shallow” as I’ve seen it happen to Island Living and tbh I do agree with them ‘cause... there’s really not much to do in this pack. For the first time ever swimming was restricted to this pack which is already a big let down by itself, but then features like deep diving were added for no reason and of course, as a rabbit whole, not actually contributing with much to do. So how could it be better?
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My answer is pretty obvious: resorts. It is a livable world, but that don’t mean your sims can’t take a vacation from work and just stay there if that’s the gameplay you want to go with and resorts match perfectly with that, not to mention it would have great integration with packs like spa day. It also means a new lot type and lot system, that wouldn’t be much new if the city living building condos and sublocating them as I mentioned would’ve already been implemented, but now with the feature of renting it yourself too. Resorts could also have their own event schedules, integrated with the seasons calendar: cava parties every wednesday, yoga lessons on thursdays, etc. And the best thing would be: if you own one, you can make your own events and traditions. imagine just how fun that would be. A feature like this would also mean it’s already done for other packs coming later on, maybe a colder destination where you can ski and build iglus or even another cultural based pack like jungle adventure.
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Other obvious resolution would be better mermaids. Make it harder to become one, being only able to get the kelp from a mermaid themselves. Make it less anticlimactic, having an animation of them turning before they just walk in water with a tail all of the sudden, maybe just some scales in their legs. Give them more unique features and powers like vampires and spellcasters have, such as easily persuading people (sort of like the mind control feature aliens have) and maybe even a secret lot, like a grotto where all the mermaids are. Give them curses with the points system to go with it, some mermaids are actually sirens amirite
🥶 Chapter 3: Seasons change, gameplay stays the same
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Activities truly based on the season that are specific to that moment create urgency and different moments. Something I can think of is integrating a pack we already have: spooky stuff. It does feel lackluster ‘cause it’s missing opportunities, but imagine going trick or treating but actually going, loading different houses and gathering it while a meter like the active jobs one guided you. Forming groups with friends to do it or maybe for tpeing trees and bushes if you’re on the rebel teen side and destroying their porch jack’o lanterns. It could even be randomly generated, like the game would send you to 3 different houses to do it (that would bring lots of replayability value ‘cause you could end up in houses with neighbors that love you and will give you candy no problem, but maybe also neighbors with family feuds that won’t answer their door or make it harder for you to accomplish the event objectives), maybe one of those could even be a abandoned one that’s haunted or something like that.
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The implementing of a better wants and fears system is very essential for this pack. Yes your sims get overheated and a popup message tells you they need some water or lighter clothes, but it’d be so good if they’d actually want to go to the beach, swim in the ocean, take a vacation from work and go to a resort. Heatwaves that would make your sim act weird, not strangerville level of weird, but maybe not obeying your commands.
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Blizzards so strong that work and school would get canceled and you actually don’t have the option to leave your home lot anymore until it passes would not only add a different element to the gameplay, but also add value to the weather controler machine.
🥺 Final chapter: The general “more stuff to do” and “more things happening” factor
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The game offers all these beautiful secret worlds and yet when you finally get to them there’s not much to do other than searching for rocks and frogs and doing some fishing. I miss going to a community lot hidden somewhere and finding an eremite, goddamn bigfoot, some crazy npc or even just an actual community lot with something to do and people doing stuff in it. Unique community lots would also be a way to make towns more lively and captivating like they did so well with realm of magic and the casters alley section of the world. Maybe forgotten hollow has this abandoned haunted house where people claim they’ve seen the grim reaper walking around. Maybe sixam has a alien station where they clone human sims. Maybe sulani has this beautiful sunken ship beach where a club of people that dress up as pirated meet. Maybe Del Sol Valley has a movie theater where you can watch premieres. Maybe Oasis Springs mine hides actual gold that you can collect and get rich outta nowhere. That kind of stuff.
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I can’t stress this enough, but NPCs are so important to shake things up. It was so good to have a pack like realm of magic where the we would have to go to the three sages in order to progress. Having unique sims like this or npcs that change the way your story is going like burglars, firefighters, cops, social bunny, bonehilda and even a fortune teller is so important to keep things impredictable and interesting.
Age groups really need more specific restricted gameplay for better feel of progression. Many people say sims 4 is a young adult simulator and well... there’s not much to show that differs from that. Toddlers are as interesting as hamsters, locked in an object waiting for you to feed, clean and give them attention. Teens really should feel more like a transiction period, and the wants and fears system would really help out with that. I miss being able to participate in more elements that would mark a sims life even if they’re cheesy as heck, like having a prom, graduating, having a midlife crises.
In conclusion
First of all: if you got to this point thank you and I’d really wanna know what you think about all of this.
Some people may find even ridiculous for someone to go about a rant this big on a game and to that I have to say I agree lol I can’t help it tho, honestly, the sims has always been the game I’m most passionate about and it helped me express myself and my creativity so much since I was a kid. I really do care about this game and this franchise.
The point I want to make with this is: perhaps we shouldn’t ask for more and more different stuff, but actually put some effort into showing things we already like in the game and how they can be improved to make it more interesting. At the end of the day I still want spiral staircases, ladders, paintable ceiling, werewolves and all that but does it really matter if they get added to the game following the same patterns as the things pointed in here? Also we really are getting to a point where only a few things are missing as far as cas/build/buy go and I believe it’s time for us, as a community, to give gameplay as much importance as all these things we wanted so bad that got implemented. I probaby forgot to say something here and I didn’t even mention the infamous hamster pack, but anyway, I hope the point got across.
I try really hard to believe that the gurus are here for us and that most of all we, as a community, have a very strong voice, all we need to do is make it clearer and stronger about the things we really wish for this game.
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demonicintegrity · 4 years
oKAY heres the details on that depressing Devildice human highschool au i made with a friend back around 2017/2018. Kinda a mess so bare with me. long post with themes of abuse, depression, and other nasty stuff.
- Lucifer Angelo grew up in a pretty bad place in Texas. The details werent fleshed out other than that it was a pretty ignorant place.
- The important fact of the matter is that his dad (who we never did settle on a name for lol) was a Christian preacher. Charismatic man, but an absolute shithead to Lucifer. Even with his other kids he was strict and pushed his ideals and plans onto them. Also had a temper and a loud voice.
- Preacher Angelo was once a pretty alright man, although very self-centered and was pretty condensing. He had a marriage early on in his life and had a few kids, named after archangels. Marriage fell through, and he starts drinking and moves on the next one a bit after. Have a couple more sons named after archangels. It also falls apart. On number 3? he has the final sons to complete his arch angel themed kids. At first it was just in honor/inspired by the angels and his Christian lifestyle, tho i think around the second marriage is where he just started getting delusional and started thinking himself as godlike and thought his sons will spread his word and whatever. Needlessly to say, his partners once they found this out went :/ and it went downhill from there.
- Man we really just took every flaw and worse thing to have in a parent and shoved it into this bastard lmao
- Lucifer was actually the product of an affair within his final marriage. Ofc cheating was a dealbreaker and they divorced. The girl he was cheating with stuck around a little bit, but died in childbirth due to complications. Thus he was left with this child that wAs BoRn FrOm SiN so he named him Lucifer. He would be his son of sin while his other sons would be Perfect People. (Even though they and their mothers started to want nothing to do with him lmao)
- He got by and took care of Lucifer decently but because this was an AU of Angst(TM) Preacher Dickhead became an alcoholic, had money troubles over time because economy troubles or whatever, and took out his temper on his son more and more. Luci was taken to church every Sunday by his dad.
- Kingsley Dyce was born in Lousiana to his parents Patrick and Fahri. We had a whole separate story for Fahri’s family and how they met, it was cute but that’s completely irrelevant right now. They lived modestly and were technically stable but there wasn’t always extra money for fun stuff and there were times were they were just getting by, but they never let Kingsley onto it.
- Kingsley (nicknamed King or KD by his friends) was a pretty cool kid. Had fun in Louisiana despite being a bit flamboyant and full of himself, made good friends. His relationship with his parents were fairly okay. He was a total mama’s boy, loves his mother to death and would do anything for her. As he became a teen his relationship with his father got a bit more strained because Patrick was a very Traditional person and into his teenage hood Kingsley had a habit of dancing not-so-masculine or modestly. He also was getting into makeup.
- Stepping back tho, as a kid he was in the church choir. His family is Catholic and his parents took him to church every Sunday. His favorite activity was to rollerskate. He and his friends were always skating to each other’s houses or skating at the rink. Skating, video games, and singing was his life.
- During his 6/7th grade his family moved to Maryland because of a job opportunity. King was suuuupper bummed. Maryland isn’t like Louisiana at all so there was an adjustment curve. Despite that, he didn’t have a hard time make friends. (insert humanized casino crew here)
- Side note: KD had a tooth gap as a kid and got braces during middle school to correct it. It gave him a lisp. He also had glasses and a questionable sense of fashion throughout middle school. This isn’t super relevant but its important to me that you can imagine this kid as the doofus he was. He also was roughly at an average height.
- In 8th grade there was a new kid that came into his class; Lucifer. Luci’s dad had also moved to Maryland for a job. Despite his entire class wondering what the hell was this southern emo kid’s problem, he wasn’t overtly bullied, just ignored. KD however, was intrigued by this asshole and made it his goal to figure out his issue and be all up in his business.
- Luci is currently dealing with some of his hardest years here. In Texas he had a hard time making friends, was bullied, and wasnt surrounded by the best sort of people. His abuse was getting worse as his father struggled more and more, and the move wasn’t the greatest fix considering he was still drinking and getting himself into debt. Luci didn’t care about school nor about life in general.  But then this asshole waltz into his life and boy golly was he feeling things about it.
- The relationship at first just KD latching onto Luci and talking to him about any and everything and trying to drag him around town. Slowly, Lucifer began to be amused by this jerk and his friends. He also didn’t live too far away so KD was able to easily bike to his place even though he never wanted KD over.
- KD picked up on the abuse Luci was going through, and honestly didn’t know to confront it. At first it was just sharing food cuz Luci wouldn’t eat and chatting to him because he got uncomfortable seeing Luci alone with head down all the time. Eventually he talked to his mom about it and the two of them kept inviting Luci over. Fahri became the mom Luci never had and Patrick despite working long hours and extra shifts, would take time to give Luci practical lessons and be a better masculine figure in his life. Luci was slowly being given a family but he also was pulling away from it. He was in the midst of a depression and he was pretty mean to everyone to deal with it, and pulled to himself more as he began to love KD and his family. The new friendships doesn’t cure depression, nor was it helpful against abuse.
- TW under break for more details of abuse, neglect, depression, and suicide
- His abuse was verbal and physical. He got yelled at for being a failure, yelled at because he didnt care about school, drunk his fathers booze, got into trouble and lashed out. He got beat for back talking and whenever the drunk asshole wanted to fight with him. It had been going on for years. He was also neglected pretty bad. Food wasn’t super plentiful in the house, he lived on fast food and luci didnt know how to cook. There was more booze in fridge than food. Power/water would sometimes not be on if his father forgot about certain bills. It was bad.
- Some time during this 8th grade year he also developed a crush on KD, he didnt voice it because his dad was homophobic as shit but also because he certainly didnt know how to navigate love and didnt want to ruin his relationship with KD. So he repressed it.
- Also during this 8th grade year Luci tried to commit suicide. He had texted KD before hand too, with some note that boiled down to he cared a lot about KD but couldnt stand anything in the world/his dad/bringing KD down/whatever and it was obviously a suicide note. KD freaked out and immediately got his ass over there, kicked down the door, and found Luci in his dad’s room with his dad’s gun to his head. I don’t think we ever settled on the details of the situation but it was traumatizing for both individuals to say the least.  KD was able to talk him out of it.
- That incident made them inseparable. Luci never had someone care for him like that, cry for him like that. KD had grown attached and close enough to consider him his best friends, the incident only solidify his want to make his best friend’s life better. It was a rough few months after that and KD was sworn to never tell his parents what happened.
- TBH that was about the worse of it, this was an high school AU and high school became a bit better for them in certain regards. KD got his braces off, got contacts, and had one helluva growth spurt going into HS. Luci went deep into a punk-emo phase his freshman year which killed his fashion, but was slowly becoming a bit more confident in himself. KD and his parents were able to help him a lot. Emotional support, practical life lessons, and food was always a given.
- Its a bit of an up and down throughout high school. KD gets into makeup, heels, dancing, and bisexuality and it causes a major strife with him and his dad who wanted a “real” son. The relationship went through major struggles and would take a couple years to really heal.
- Luci struggles a bit with drinking and deals drugs and booze to get his own spending money. He starts somewhat taking his school seriously, but even though he does work in class he doesnt always do homework or projects and whatnot. He has a habit of physically intimidating other students and occasionally tries to pick fights.
- The “casino gang” also have their own things going on. If a recall correctly, Wheezy was also in a neglectful house, Pip and Dot ( ??? and Dorothy) were twins from a wealthy well off family but were ignored and were terribly bratty, Piroeutta was just an quiet Russian outcast, Mango had 7 siblings and no space to himself and who was bullied for his large off-putting appearance, Chips was just loud, and i completely forgot what everyone else’s deal was. KD and Luci mainly hung out with Chips, Piro, Pip, and Dot. They were still pretty close to the others but those four were the only ones they regularly hung out with at lunch and outside of school.
- There are a couple things that could happen throughout high school. My personal fav i can remember is a particular angst with KD trying to get with another dude and Luci being Upset and lashing out at him at a party result and ugh that scenario was angsty but also turned very cute???
- Regardless, when they do get together they’re unstoppable tbh.
- and yes, the gang would readily throw hands with anyone who said shit. Barely any of them care about suspensions.
- I kinda forget a bit of stuff. I know misc. scenarios here and there both fluffy and angsty, but this post is already long enough lmao so feel free to hit up my ask box with any questions/comments. I dont really think Ill come back to this au?? If i do Im gonna edit a ton of stuff because looking back certain themes and scenarios seem borderline insensitive and/or poorly thought out. I did found a fic of this au on my phone with KD and Luci as adults tho and Im v tempted to rewrite some of it and finish it because it was good.
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richukisbb · 5 years
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Okay so meeting them this time was an unreal experience and I’m shaking. We got to the venue around 5:30 and wasn’t inside until 8:30. Latin men are late, which they were about an hour behind tbh. 
It was pouring rain but I made friends with other cncowners and that’s what I love about the fandom. One girl guessed I was a Richard and I’m like, “Damn how’d you know”
I’m gonna skip the nitty gritty like how I was fucking freezing, hungry (I hadn’t eaten much because I felt like I would vomit), and my feet sore because I was in heeled boots. 
Also yes, they bought pizza for us but I wasn’t going to eat it in fear of pizza breath and being bloated. 
When we got inside the venue, I took my mom, it was an intimate space. There were a bunch of rumors that we had to wear our jackets to take the pictures. But y’all I picked this outfit with the help of @yatusabess so I wasn’t gonna let it go to waste. Luckily, you could’ve left your things on the floor near the exit. 
Also no phones. So if they saw you with your phone, you’d be kicked out of the line. 
After setting all my stuff down, I had my photo of the basketball game on the ready. 
Tóxica was playing on the loud speaker. Like okay, it’s not the best choice of hype song but it’s our boys so we stan. 
Then we got closer to the front and Ya Tú Sabes starts playing, which slaps if you don’t listen to the lyrics.  
Thankfully I actually know the lyrics. 
Then I’m about two people behind from meeting them and the chorus hits so I’m dancing and singing. Ya Tú Sabes has that beat that’s so sensual?? I was just having fun to loosen the nerves. 
Their videographer saw me dancing to the chorus and took video. 
Then, Chris sees me and we’re kinda dancing together, pointing at each other and swaying our hips to the beat as though we were dancing with each other.  
I swear it was like a Y/N moment we write about. 
Here’s THE Christopher Velez just five feet away from me and we are matching the beat and not caring who’s watching us. Literally Ya Tú Sabes sounds like a bad bitch song so I’m feeling it and because I’m having fun with it, so is Chris. 
Like I said before, thankful that Tóxica just finished playing because I can’t get down to that. 
In fact, Chris got so distracted by our small dance party, he forgot he was supposed to be taking a picture with another fan and instead kept his eyes on me as we danced to Ya Tú Sabes. 
In my head I’m thinking damn ok can we hit the clubs after this?? I don’t even wanna hook ups with you, I just want to have a good time. 
One of the store managers is like “hug the first three, picture, then hug the last two.”
I’m just agreeing with her but highkey no one listens to that. 
So now it’s my turn and I go to CHRIS and show him my picture. CHRIS takes the photo and is genuinely trying to recall the memory so I said, “I don’t know if you remember but we took this photo. My ex broke up with me because he saw it and turns out he was cheating on me.” 
I was trying to be fast and coherent. When you’re at a M&G you have to utilize every second you have. 
Now Chris and Erick are both staring at the photo then at me. Chris’ mouth is hung open trying to process what I said. 
Erick takes hold of my right bicep and says, “Wait really?”
I remember this because in order to reply I had to look into those STUNNING JADE eyes!!
So I nodded, “Yes. Really. He BROKE up with me. But he was the one cheating all along.” 
I’m so proud of Erick and how far he’s come to be a buy linguini king ✊🏼
Wbk but Erick is really fucking beautiful lol. 
But then Alex, their security, is rushing us like “picture, picture” so I go to hug Zabdiel and Richard. 
Richard cheek kisses me and hugs me like we’re best friends and he’s like “Hi baby.” Pretty sure the hug was longer than the other boys but that’s because I’m most comfortable with Rich.
Tbh what I remember about Richard was how firm his embrace was and feeling his lips against my cheeks. He was super chill. 
I’m not. 
I’ll rob a bank for that man. 
The boys originally stood in a 5 line formation but none of them were paying attention to their managers or Alex and instead they broke formation to huddle around me and are talking to me. 
CHRIS cuts in front of Erick and Zabdiel to ask, “Wait so you found out about him cheating because of us?”
I was prepping for the photo said, “Yeah and I’m so so thankful. You have no idea.” 
Richard was all proud and piped up “Oh yeah! I remember that day and about your ex.”
He would remember because I met him in August and spilled everything back then. Rich was so cute when he said that like he was closer to me than the others. 
Like we had a secret the others didn’t have. 
It was funny to see how they all kinda competed over who remembered me and that game. When really it was probably Richard that recalled me most since I actually sat next to him and talked with him. 
Honestly there were too many hands holding my own and lips on my cheeks to remember who did what and where. 
But the first picture is taken. I remember a hand being outreached and I placed my own in it and whoever it was, gripped onto me tight. I got the photo and didn’t know I was holding Chris’ hand but damn, I felt loved.
During the first picture, I really felt like I was on a cloud or something. They were all so soft and I was being surrounded by cozy hoodies and warm bodies. 
I was hugging Richard again, he kisses my cheek. Richard consumes me like nobody’s business. 
I know Joel said “Wait! I remember that day.” 
I feel like Joel really wanted to be a part of the commotion and that was sweet.
Their videographer actually took photo or video of the basketball picture I brought them. 
Now it was my mom’s turn for her picture. Her first language is Spanish so she’s talking to the boys in Spanish like it’s no big deal. 
I’m standing between Joel and Richard. Richard turns to me like “Honestly, forget that N-word, I told you before.” 
And I said “Yeah, I know.” 
I appreciate Richard for the fact he’s ALWAYS taken the time to talk to me privately. 
Even if it’s just for a moment, a second, Richuki has always made me feel seen and heard. 
Back in August, even when they rushed him into the bus, he turned around to me to say “Move onto the next one.”
Then yesterday, as I was standing by him, he turns to me to reaffirm that I’ll be okay. 
That I can move on. 
My mom is talking in Spanish to Zabdiel and Erick, whom btw were mystified that my mom was speaking Spanish. I was watching Zabdiel’s face and he was tilting his head and nodding at my mom like she’s some sea creature at an aquarium. 
My mom says she felt the boys wanted to ask how she knew Spanish but didn’t know how to approach the question.  
As my mom is lining up for her picture, I asked Richard, “Can we do a proposal picture because that’s my mom?” 
So he’s like “Sure what do you want me to do?” 
Richard looked behind him and made sure there was enough room between him and Zab to actually do this photo. 
Quickly, he grabs my hand and gets down on one knee. 
I love how down he was for it. He didn’t hesitate or question anything, he just got to his knee and took my hands. 
If you look at the progression of the photos, it’s my smiling mom totally unaware that her daughter is aboutta get proposed to. Richard is a little blurry because he’s getting on his knee and I look genuinely surprised that it’s happening. 
Then my mom sees Richard, the second photo, and maybe it’s finally clicking.
The third photo, of course Richard is sticking his tongue out and my mom is hella shocked she just got a new son-in-law. 
Richard said: Her last ex fucked up but it’s okay because she upgraded 😛
It was everything I wanted. I was surrounded by all the men we love, my mom was there, and it was professionally taken!! 
Oh and as Richard was getting to his knee, the rest of the band, was making cooing noises. 
I remember Joel because he was right next to us, going like “oh woah. Woah. Woah.” Hence why he’s making those 😱 face.
I think he’s the one that gets asked to “propose” most or so I’ve seen from the pictures. That’s why I think for Richuki to do it, the boys support. 
Anyways, the boys are doing their typical hoot and holler. 
And I’m fucking giddy af. Like pretty sure I blacked out. Just seeing Richuki and feeling his hands hold mine was so unreal. 
They snap that photo and I’m absolutely so happy. 
My mom says “I was getting ready for the picture and suddenly I see him get on his knees so I’m shocked. I had no idea he was gonna do that.” 
Richard and Joel hug and kiss my cheeks again. We say, “bye” again. My mom goes to hug Richard and BYPASSES JOEL but Joel thought she was gonna hug him so I had to nudge her. Then she turns to Joel and they hug, it was actually cute.
Then security cuts off our bracelets and they say, “you should leave the photo for them.” 
So I wrote a little note and left it with them. 
If any of y’all get to meet them, my biggest advice is to have fun. You get back what you give into the M&G. It’s okay to be nervous but don’t let nerves run your experience. Be honest with them, talk about music, and just remember they’re people too. 
Also etiquette, don’t shove your hands down their pants or tongue in their throats. There are some poses that are obviously more comfortable for the boys than others. I know we all want that picture perfect shot but I saw some pictures and the boys weren’t totally themselves.  
That kind of discomfort translates into the final shot. 
Finally, I wanna always thank the boys for everything they’ve done. 
They helped me out of a bad relationship, they’ve given me a whole genre of music that’s extended my music library, and above all they gave me this CNCOwner family, that I couldn’t go a day without being a part of. 
I’m eternally grateful for everyone here 😘💕💕
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Chloé as Ladybug AU
So I know some people have thought of this before but tbh now I’m thinking of it in a ‘what if this was taken seriously as a way for her to go through a redemption arc and grow as aperson instead of just using ‘she’s terrible and everyone hates her(especially Adrien)’ as the entire joke?’.
Anyway, onto the actual thing, starting with Origins:
Chloé somehow gets the Ladybug Miraculous instead of Marinette. Maybe accidentally, maybe Master Fu has some plans. IDK.
She’s super excited over the attention she would get as a Hero. Tikki warns her that she can’t reveal her identity, and she’s like ‘okay, fine, yeah that’s a superhero rule whatever.’. And since she isn’t transforming as part of her breakdown, she does stick to that.
immediately after she transforms and starts running around the city to get used to the powers/practice with the yoyo/etc.
Chloé runs into Chat Noir.
They immediately recognize eachother and are like the pointing Siderman meme
Legit though, they’re super excited to be heroes together. Bffs as Heroes! And yes, bffs, because I always headcanon them as sibling-like with Chloé faking her crush for a variety of reasons. But hey! With secret identities, you don’t have to do that!
As usual, Ivan becomes Stoneheart.
Chloé and Adrien treat it as more of a game, at first. I mean, they became Superheroes. Of course they think it’s gonna be fun. So they play it up, go ham, soak in the attention and play with the ‘personas’
They kinda realize through the fight that it might be harder than they thought. Because they are getting slammed around, and it starts to actually hurt. But they get through and win.
Then we have the later scene of ‘you remembered to purify the butterfly, right?’
Upon learning that she screwed up, Chloé snaps at Tikki. Telling her ‘how the hell was I supposed to know if you didn’t tell me? I’ve never done this before!’.
Logically, she knows that Tikki just forgot. But she feels like it was a set up for failure. And despite her ‘omg I’m the best’ persona she puts up, she is kind of scared that she’s not enough. That she’s never enough. And this brings that up.
As much as she tries to pretend , she kinda knows that she’s terrible and honestly doesn’t deserve to be a hero. And this just proves it. So she Rejects the Miraculous and Tikki disappears back into the earrings.
At school they’re all discussing the whole Stoneheart thing and Chloé kinda tries to help by saying ‘well, just don’t piss him off and he won’t go all giant monster again’. That doesn’t come out as intended.
Ivan becomes Stoneheart again, but this time Chloé manages to get out before she’s grabbed/
At first, she doesn’t join the fight. Why bother when she’ll screw it up again?
But she sees Chat Noir out there still trying(and kinda failing.) And she can’t leave him on his own.
When she puts the earrings on and Tikki comes back out, the Kwami apologizes for not telling her about the butterfly. And this… catches Chloé off guard. Because people never apologize sincerely to her.
A lot of times people refuse to apologize to her. More often than not, they are forced to apologize because she’s the Mayor’s Daughter and could ruin them if they didn’t. Sometimes, with her parents, it’s a brushed off apology. A ‘sorry not sorry’, ‘sorry you got upset by my totally justified actions’.
So to have Tikki genuinely apologize, it confuses her. Especially when Tikki acknowledges that Chloé might not be the best person, but she doesn’t have to be perfect. Still, she hopes she can be better, knows she can if she tries again.
Chloé goes to fight as Ladybug again, and this time, her version of the speech to Hawkmoth is basically ‘I might not be the perfect choice for this job, but by fuck I’m going to do it! I will never back down or give in to you!’.
Next day at school, when Chloé goes to sit down, she finds Marinette back in her seat. When she tells her to move, Marinette stands up to her, saying ‘maybe I’m not perfect like you think you are, but I’m not backing down or giving in to you anymore.’.
This has gone full roleswap. Marinette sees Ladybug as a hero and inspiration, and uses that as the courage to stand up for herself.
This, honestly, confuses the hell out of Chloé so much that she actually backs down for a minute.
There are two things that stop Chloé from retaliating immediately.
The first is what Tikki said, about believing she can be better. Part of her thinks ‘whatever. I know I’m terrible. I’ve resigned myself to that. And even if I try no one will believe or accept it’. But… Tikki is an ancient magical creature, the Kwami of Creation. She might be right.
The second thing, is when Adrien saw Marinette stand up to Chloé, he was immediately like ‘heart eyes motherfucker!’.
So, Adrien has a crush on Marinette. Though she hates him because of Chloé’s earlier gum prank. So Chloé decides to confront Marinette.
Mari is expecting a fight and absolutely squares up. But Chloé is just like ‘hey I wanna talk about the gum prank’.
Mari’s like ‘Are you… are you apologizing?. Chloé’s just like ‘oh god no that’d be ridiculous. I just wanted to tell you that Adrien isn’t a part of it.’.
She explains that while she is absolutely a terrible person and knows it, Adrien is sweet af and innocent in that.
While Mari is hesitant and thinks this might be Chloé setting her up, she does give Adrien a chance. Especially after he apologizes and she asks other students about the gum prank.
Marinette doesn’t develop her crush on Adrien. But they do become friends.
Chloé also stops pretending to have a crush on Adrien because he likes Mari, and while Chloé would never admit it, Mari is probably the one person who might be good enough for him now that she has confidence. So she actively encourages him to go for it.
In between episodes, Chloé invites Adrien over and he gets to meet Tikki, while Chloé gets to meet Plagg!
At first Tikki’s like ‘you arent’ supposed to tell anyone about the hero stuff!’, but they explain that they recognized each other immediately so, you know. It didn’t matter.
The Kwami allow it if only because it was accidental but they are happy that they can see each other whenever this time around!
Chloé gets along with Plagg very well, and Adrien gets along with Tikki just as easily. They jokingly are like ‘maybe we should switch’.
So, like, before we go on I want to talk about Chloé’s ‘Hero Persona’. Much like Adrien as Chat Noir, Chloé uses Ladybug to be different from herself. She plays into the Hero Persona bit, trying to be nice and encouraging as a Hero should be. Which is strange to her, but kind of fun.
It doesn’t always work because she isn’t used to it, and sometimes the snark comes out or her temper gets the better of her, or it turns into my ‘how valid is your reason for akumatization’ post. But honestly? The way people love her and look up to her as Ladybug is good. Almost addicting in a way. It’s not only attention but good attention of people loving her for things she does instead of hating her or pretending to love her for money/status.
This does eventually start leaking into her Civillian life, especially with encouragement from Adrien and Tikki. And Plagg, I guess. He’s a bit more like ‘eh, whatever, be salty kid.’
Okay, so, as for other episodes. Some would stay the same with the only thing that changes being it’s Chloé doing the fighting instead of Marinette, but others go very differently. So I’ll go through them.
Stormy Weather
Mostly no changes. There might be the fact that, since Marinette doesn’t have a crush on Adrien, she doesn’t go to his photoshoot and therefore she, Alya, and Manon don’t get caught in Stormy Weather’s attack. But that wasn’t too important.
The Bubbler
Both Adrien and Chloé put off hero duties to enjoy the party at first. However, once they find out that parents are getting sent to space they jump into action.
Since Marinette doesn’t have a crush on Adrien, she didn’t panic and forget to sign the present. She instead gives it to Adrien in-person, and Nathalie has to run out and buy something else to give Adrien.
The Pharaoh
Not much changes here, except it’s Chloé and Adrien going to the Egypt Exhibit instead of Marinette and Alya. Well, who knows. Those two might’ve shown up too. It’s a neat Exhibit.
Chloé wouldn’t have dropped her history book. I’m still not sure what the fuck was up with that in the show in the first place. Ladybug doesn’t have pockets! Well, actually, this version might…. Remind me to design Chloé’s Ladybug outfit sometime. Either way!! No textbook!!
Lady Wifi
Of course Alya still starts up the Ladyblog. But I had a few ideas of how this could go.
Option A is to continue the role reversal and have Alya think that Marinette is Ladybug. The problem here is that if Alya snoops through Mari’s stuff, Mari wouldn’t freak out and try to have Alya expelled.
Option B is to still have Alya on the right track with Chloé being Ladybug, and does the ‘snoop in her locker’ thing. Naturally Chloé panics and insists Alya be expelled for that. (Side note: I still insist that Chloé was entirely justified in her reaction to someone rooting around in her locker). Problem here is ‘how does Chloé get out of this one?’
This goes pretty much the same. Four teenagers don’t have enough collective brainpower to think ‘a pocket watch goes in a pocket’, and Chloé comes in with the Crow Brain to look at the shiny thing. Watch gets dropped and broken, Akuma time.
There is the issue of Marinette being unable to use time travel to fix her issue of needing to be in two places at once, but either she hides from Timebreaker by going home and taking care of the problem, or Chloé(having softened up a bit and is being nice) gives a half-truth to cover for her, saying ‘oh, sorry, she was caught up in some Akuma business and couldn’t be here!’.
Mr. Pigeon
I still don’t understand what the fuck is up with this.
The Akuma part of the story is still the same, but the hat contest is probably different due to the shift in dynamics. Chloé is trying to be nicer and even if she tried to copy Marinette’s hat design, Tikki would talk her out of it.
Although, Adrien probably is really encouraging for Marinette because of his crush, and he really wants her to win.
Chloé actually does something nice, after noticing that Mari took inspiration from the Akuma of the day and added feathers. She goes up and warns her, ‘hey, Adrien’s going to be wearing the hat and he’s allergic to feathers you should use fake feathers’. Mari is a little suspicious because while Chloé’s been better lately she’s still Chloé. But since it was something simple like that and not an act of sabotage, she takes the advice.
So, while Nath is still Akumatized due to his teacher being a bitch, the ‘Chloé teasing him’ goes a little different.
When she sees his sketchbook, her comment is to Adrien of ‘looks like you have some competition!’, cluing Nath into the fact that Adrien also has a crush on Marinette, and immediately bringing up some insecurities because, you know, Adrien is a literal model.
When he’s Akumatized, instead of going after Chloé for her teasing, he goes after Adrien for being a romantic rival.
However, once Ladybug and Chat Noir are on the scene, he can’t find Adrien or Chloé, so he heads over to Marinette’s house.
While that was happening, we still have the issue with Marinette trying to convince Sabrina that Chloé is a bad friend. Since Mari wasn’t interrupted by Ladybug stuff, Sabrina was actually with her and both are being held hostage by Evillustrator.
Chloé lures Evillustrator away while Chat Noir stays behind to protect the girls. It doesn’t entirely work, but Marinette offers to be ‘bait’. Both heroes are opposed to it, but she points out that Evillustrator will come back eventually.
Chat Noir goes out of his way to protect Marinette and is just overly sweet and maybe shows off a little bit and oh no now she has a crush on him. Chloé finds out about this and is fucking cackling because Adrien likes Marinette and she returns the feelings but she doesn’t know that!
After all of this, Chloé does realize that Marinette is right about the whole Sabrina situation. And as part of her ‘being better’ thing, apologizes and resolves to be a better friend. Sabrina is easily won over by just the apology, but Chloé is legit trying.
not sure how this would pan out tbh. The whole thing was kickstarted because Plagg stole Chloé’s bracelet thinking it was cheese. But in this AU, Adrien would be able to tell Chloé what happened because she knows about Plagg, and even if he couldn’t Chloé has Tikki in her purse so Tikki would tell her(if she didn’t already stop Plagg from being an idiot). And even if she didn’t know, Chloé wouldn’t let her bag be searched because of Tikki
Legit though this is probably the one I’m stuck on
This wouldn’t be exactly the same. Assuming the same thing happened of Théo having a crush on this Ladybug, Chat wouldn’t be jealous of this crush since he likes Marinette, not Chloé. Maybe this one is either Chat tries to let the guy down gently that Chloé won’t like him back, but accidentally implies that he’s dating Ladybug?
Mari’s subplot wouldn’t be the same since she doesn’t have a crush on Adrien and wouldn’t leave an embarrassing voicemail.
Wait, maybe the tables are turned and in this AU Théo has a crush on Chat Noir, and Chloé is the one who pulls the ‘he is already in love with someone else’, accidentally implying it’s her. Meanwhile Chat is missing because Adrien is attempting to ask Marinette out on a date.
Dark Cupid
This is mostly the same. Kim confesses to Chloé and is rejected. She’d be less harsh in this AU, but she still rejected him so you know.
Dark Cupid does effect Friendship, so when Chat gets hit it turns against Chloé’s friendship. He honestly probably says some very harsh stuff about Chloé’s history as a bully. She pushes that aside for later.
I’m thinking that Chloé knows she needs Chat back, and decides to go the ‘true love’s kiss’ route. Which means Marinette. Who just so happened to be trying to figure out a way to get a valentine to Chat Noir.
After everything’s back to normal, Adrien apologizes for the stuff he said while under Dark Cupid’s spell. Chloé says he doesn’t have to, because he was right. While she’d been kinda edging toward being nicer, this is where it really hits her that she should try in her civilian life instead of just as Ladybug.
Goes mostly the same. Mylene is scared and gets Akumatized over it. Chloé is trying to help by pointing out ‘why are you in a monster movie if you’re going to get this scared by what you know is coming??’, but it comes out bad. Chloé does get a chance to apologize by the end.
She also isn’t helping by trying to set up Mari and Adrien for the kiss scene. Which confuses everyone because while they noticed that Chloé wasn’t all over Adrien they still think she’s ‘hopelessly in love with him’ and have no clue why she’s doing that
Mostly the same for the Akuma plot.
Chloé decides to not blackmail anyone since it’s part of being nicer. I’m debating about having her decide to give up being class representative since being Ladybug is cutting into her free time enough, but considering her stubornness and the fact that she might feel pressured into the role by her dad, she might still run but ultimately lose to Marinette who wins since there was no blackmail to hold her back.
The Mime
The Akuma plot is the same. The side plot might be tweaked in that, since Marinette can’t recreate the footage herself, she tracks down Chloé and asks for her to recreate the interview she accidentally deleted.
Kung Food
Since Chloé is actively being nicer by this point, she wouldn’t sabotage the soup. I mean, I guess maybe this could be the point where Marinette says something to piss her off and Chloé slips back into her old ways for a bit, but regrets it as soon as she realizes what she really did and that this goes further than just petty revenge on someone who insulted her.
Possibly different. Marinette wouldn’t have a reason to enter the gaming competition, therefore Max wouldn’t lose and be Akumatized.
Maybe Marinette ends up entering anyway. Or maybe Adrien suggests that Chloé try competing too since she’s definitely good at video games. (TELL ME I’M WRONG. Adrien only had her as a friend for most of his life! How would he get good at a multiplayer game if he didn’t have someone to play against?!)
Again, the Akuma is the same but the B plot is different! Since Adrien has a crush on Marinette, and everyone besides Marinette knows it because the boy is not subtle, I’m thinking something different.
Option A is that Nino has a crush on Alya and Adrien and Marinette try to set them up
Option B is that Nino, Alya, and Chloé try to set up a date for Adrien and Marinette. Nino and Alya are very confused about what’s up with Chloé but, well, you know how it goes.
Either way Chloé absolutely goes off on the Akuma of the day. “You were Akumatized because some dumbass doesn’t understand panthers??? What the fuck my man???”
I know Vanisher didn’t get her own episode but that was unfair as FUCK and this would fix it!
Since Chloé is actually Ladybug, she doesn’t dress up and pretend to be Ladybug. Therefore, the original fight can’t happen.
Instead, Chloé and Sabrina fight because Chloé keeps disappearing to be Ladybug. She runs off, she spends time with other people now, and she doesn’t answers Sabrina’s late night texts anymore because Chloé doesn’t have her phone on her when she’s out on patrols.  
Even though Chloé promised to be a better friend, she’s technically been worse and is making Sabrina feel invisible.
After De-Akumatizing her, Chloé and Sabrina have a long talk, and try to schedule things out. She can’t tell her about being Ladybug, but she absolutely tries to make sure they hang out more.
Obviously Chloé wouldn’t get Aumatized here. However, Marinette absolutely can!
It still has something to do with Ladybug though. I was thinking maybe Chloé as Ladybug would snap at her like a reverse of what happened in the show. But you know what would be better?
Marinette finds out that Chloé is Ladybug. Think about it. The girl that bullied her for years and the girl who gave her the confidence to stand up to said bully are the same person. It not only breaks her mind, but she spirals thinking about every interaction she had with Ladybug, over analyzing every little comment and turning it into some kind of insult.
Also, her whole thing with Chat Noir? Absolutely comes into play. Marinette has him tied up and does the whole ‘hey, look, your Ladybug is actually pretty terrible. How about you get with me instead?’. Chat’s like ‘Okay I like you but this is not how I wanted this to go down!!’.
Eventually she is de-akumatized, but it’s their hardest fight yet. Chloé tries to talk to Marinette, but she doesn’t want to hear it. But Chat and Tikki are there to make her (Mari also freaks out at Tikki, but that’s explained quickly).
Chloé is like ‘look, I’ve been terrible. I am terrible. Even if I’m trying to be better, I know that. But everything I said or did as Ladybug was true. And even if it wasn’t, it meant something to you. You stood up to me and my terrible self because of that. So even if it’s me behind the mask, keep doing what you’re doing. You’re kind of amazing. Also if you tell anyone I said that I will tie you to the top of the Eiffel Tower I swear to fuck.”
This kind of really gets through to Mari that she’s trying to be better. And she looks back and sees that a lot of Chloé’s weird behavior was her either being nice or trying and failing to be nice. This starts up a tentative friendship.
Chat’s kind of like ‘Hey since she knows who you are shouldn’t she know who I am?’, but Tikki says no and bans him from telling her. Adrien is screaming because this would fix all of his romance problems real quick but no he still has to try and win Marinette over as Adrien. Goddamn it.
Probably goes about the same since none of the Mari/Chloé/Adrien things caused this.
However, Chloé goes off on Nadja for the toy incident. You are given a toy to borrow for the weekend, but forbid it because ‘your kid has too many toys’? What the fuck lady? It’d be one thing if your kid was begging to buy an expensive toy but this is a free gift she’d return after like a week!
since Chloé isn’t being mean, this probably happens differently. Maybe it’s a ‘slipping back into her old habits’ thing while trying to help get Mari next to Adrien, but she probably didn’t go as far. It was just Juleka’s curse that happened.
Guitar Villain
Happens the same, really. Can’t go wrong with a pet dragon.
Pretty much the same, except Adrien and Marinette get trapped together and Adrien is still dying inside because he can’t just transform to get them out because Tikki will kill him. (He does not want to anger the tiny god thing!)
Princess Fragrance
Instead of being a bitch, Chloé brushes off Rose’s request of delivering a letter to Prince Ali because she’s concerned about Tikki being sick.
Simon Says
Pretty much the same, except for two changes:
First, when Adrien snaps at his dad, Chloé’s like ‘nah he deserves it! Fuckin go off since you can without repercussions!’.
Secondly, when Chloé finds out why the guy got Akumatized, she points out it’s the fault of the showrunners for deciding ‘we’re going to call a person at random and if they refuse to participate you fail automatically bye bitch!’. Which gets the Akuma to be like ‘wait, you’re right. Hold that thought.’
Hoo boy! This is fun!
So, Chloé actually pays no attention to Lila. She knows Lila’s lying, but she doesn’t care. It ain’t hurting her, and she’ll be found out soon enough. If she does try something, then she can easily give an interview as Ladybug to disprove her claim of friendship. (She wants to do it anyway because she’s salty but she refrains.)
Marinette picks up on Lila’s lies about knowing Ladybug, since she knows Chloé is Ladybug and Chloé doesn’t know Lila at all. She still does her thing of following Lila.
Adrien still finds the Book of Miraculous Bullshittery, and he tells Chloé to meet him in the library to discuss it. They start up, but are interrupted by Lila. The three look at the book, but Chloé takes it with her at the end of the conversation.
Lila still saw enough of the book to buy a fake Miraculous for later. Marinette still following her of course.
However, at the park scene, it’s Adrien who calls Lila out on her lies(Mari wants to, but she can’t prove anything since she isn’t Ladybug). Adrien’s obviously nicer, but he’s still like ‘I know you’re lying about knowing Ladybug and being a Hero, but why?’.
This pisses Lila off because she ruined her chances with him. She becomes Volpina of course.
Adrien and Chloé obviously put together that this is an Akuma and not another hero. When Adrien explains what happened, Chloé gets very upset that this girl tried to manipulate her best friend like that.
After defeating her, Chloé tentatively offers to give Lila another chance, since Adrien talked her into it. But Lila’s like ‘fuck you!’.
Christmas Special
So, like, since Chloé knows that Adrien’s Chat Noir, and knows he’s fine after he disappears, she doesn’t show up to kick santa’s ass. So something else probably happens.
So, I kinda stopped properly watching episodes after Season 1, but I know what happens and such to the point where I’ll talk on them. Not every episode, but ones where I know something would change.  
The Collector
Chloé goes to meet Master Fu, and she takes Adrien with her. There is a lot of mixed feelings over suggesting that Gabriel could be Hawkmoth that get discussed right then and there.
While Master Fu thinks Gabriel can’t be Hawkmoth since he was Akumatized, Chloé says they can’t rule him out. She knows manipulation tactics. And Gabriel becoming an Akuma right at the moment when they were investigating him? It’s suspicious. She lets it go for now, but she doesn’t rule him out. Adrien honestly agrees.
Despair Bear
Sine Chloé is already being nicer, there is no need to threaten her with the bear. And she wouldn’t be upset at Mari and Adrien dancing together. Not sure how/why the butler would be Akumatized. Maybe the butler doesn’t know shes being nicer and is trying to do this to help, but misunderstands her excitement over the dance as jealous anger?  Idk
Prime Queen
Since Chloé and Adrien are 110% platonic, when Nadja asks about the ‘supposed romantic relationship’, they laugh for a good two minutes before going ‘wait you’re serious??’. They explain that they’re not in a romance, they’re just good friends who trust the fuck out of each other
Since Marinette isn’t joining the fencing club to impress Adrien, we have to do something different. Maybe she tries to join for other reasons. Either Adrien asks as a way to spend more time with her, or she joins because now that she knows about Chloé being Ladybug, she wants to help fight.
Instead of everyone trying to get Mari to ask out Adrien, they’re trying to get Adrien to ask out Marinette.
Dark Owl
Chloé and Adrien already know each other’s identities, so this isn’t an ‘almost reveal’.
Since Adrien has a crush on Marinette and not Ladybug, he wouldn’t miss the ice cream date. The guy might get Akumatized when Marinette is disappointed that her ice cream isn’t Chat Noir flavored. (Okay, I wrote that at like 4 am and now that I’m coming back to it I am concerned at my wording.)
While Chloé is working on being friendly to all classmates, and Adrien is already close to Alya, she wouldn’t be their first choice for another Miraculous.
Instead, they give the Fox to Marinette. Not only does she already know about Chloé, but both of our heroes agree that Mari is Hero Material.(She really is. Even in this ‘she never got a Miraculous the first time AU, she still is!).
Chloé refuses to take the Fox away from Marinette. After all, it’s not fair that the Ladybug and Cat are out all the time. Not to mention that Mari can’t get any good practice in without the Miraculous. That and they don’t want to separate Mari and Trixx.
Also, Trixx teases the hell out of Tikki for having her Chosen be the first to screw up the secret identity thing.
As Chloé is nice here, neither Marinette nor Miss Bustier are in danger of being Akumatized because of her.
However, I have ideas for Miss Bustier’s Akumatization based off what was going to happen in my old fic The One Where Chloé Knows. I plan to continue that eventually, so skip this if you don’t want spoilers.
Basically, Miss Bustier is in some trouble with the school since most of the Akumas have come out of her class. She just wants to do her job and keep her students safe.
instead of being upset at Ladybug keeping secrets, since Chloé doesn’t do that, Adrien gets frustrated that he can’t tell Marinette who he is. Other than that this episode is pretty much the same.
instead of ruining Clara’s music video out of petty jealousy, Chloé does it to try and help protect Chat Noir’s secret identity. It backfires, of course, doubly so because she can’t tell Marinette why, but everything works out in the end.
Mari doesn’t have a photo wall of Adrien. Maybe she has a wall of Chat Noir, but probably not since there aren’t as many printed pictures of him to collect.
I’m debating on whether or not to do something with the Turtle Miraculous.
Option A is to keep it as is, giving it to Nino. This would be Adrien’s decision since he knows Nino best.
Option B, is to have Chloé give it to Sabrina, especially since she still feels guilty for not spending as much time with her.
I’m debating about it because while Option B makes some sense, Sabrina isn’t really Hero Material. Not yet at least. But Nino is.
Marinette starts to get over her crush on Chat Noir, convincing herself it was just a ‘hero crush’ type thing. She decides to try a date with Luka. Adrien, believing he’s lost his love to him, tries going out with Kagami. Both end up wishing they were with each other instead.
Style Queen
Since Chloé is already Ladybug, she can’t be the Bee. She gives the Bee to someone else. Possibly Alya, to keep the original Quintet intact. But maybe someone else.
Instead of turning into a superhero out of jealous rage, Chloé snaps at her mother and nearly gets Akumatized before Adrien and Marinette manage to calm her down. This does get through to her mother, who realizes how much she’s been fucking up by being absent.  
Since Chloé is being a better person she would have no reason to leave Paris. I think her dad would probably get Akumatized due to Chloé’s near-breakdown in the previous episode, realizing how much he fucked up in raising her too.
Heroes’ Day
I wanted to say something would be different, but other than Marinette being re-akumatised instead of Chloé, not really. I guess the ‘good deeds’ speech would be different.
Since Marinette isn’t trying to deliver a love letter to Adrien, and likely isn’t the one doing any deliveries at all, the letters don’t get mixed up. Not sure how this would go down instead.
A few things are different. Firstly, Mari wouldn’t have a secret identity to hide since Chat Noir knows she’s the Fox.(I guess I could go back and say oh, no, only Chloé knows, but not only was it a group decision to give her the Fox, but Chloé wouldn’t put them in a love square so help her!)
Marinette also does actually have a crush on Chat Noir in this AU, so it wouldn’t be a panic-fueled lie.
Even if Mari confessed to liking Chat Noir to distract him, Chat would be delighted instead of saying ‘I’m in love with someone else’. However, he might say ‘sorry, as much as I do return your affections, we can’t be together right now due to the secret identity’
When Lila tries to manipulate the class into loving her, Chloé calls her out on it. At first people think it’s Chloé going back to her old ways and/or trying to shift the hatred to the new girl.
Then Marinette chimes in with the stuff she eavesdropped on back in Volpina, and Adrien hesitantly backs up the claims that Lila did try to lie to get him to date her.
Everyone agrees that Lila might’ve lied about that, but there’s a chance she’s not lying about other things. Still, they now take what she says with a grain of salt.
Lila confronts Chloé in the bathrooms this time, telling her the usual ‘stay out of my way or I’ll ruin you’. Chloé tells her ‘go ahead and try. They already hate me. I have nothing to lose!’.
Chloé has a minor breakdown after Lila leaves though. Because while she said she has nothing to lose, she kind of does. Because people are starting to genuinely like her now that she’s being nice. And if Lila ruins that…. Well, Chloé almost gets Akumatized over it, but she pulls together knowing that Adrien and Marinette would never believe Lila.
Lila then becomes Chameleon and causes chaos though. Lila still has a hatred of Ladybug, but she also hates Chloé and Marinette as much. Only reason she doesn’t hate Adrien is because if she can get him, then it will be a big fuck you to Chloé and Marinette.
Since Marinette and Chloé aren’t fighting over Adrien, they don’t have a problem.
There’s mostly no change except for the fact that Chloé puts together that this might not be about bread recipes….
Since it’s Chloé and Adrien getting memory wiped, their assumptions are different. I could go for comedy and say they also assume they are a couple and get grossed out later when they regain their memories, but I think they assume they’re siblings since they obviously trust each other but don’t have a romantic spark.
Stormy Weather 2
Chloé’s not a jerk anymore, so she wouldn’t be picking on Aurore. Idk what happens I’m tired it’s fuckin 5 am as I’m typing this now.
I doubt that Adrien would be allowed to be alone near Lila after what happened in Chameleon. While Chloé and Marinette would be willing to give her a chance at redemption, Lila has shown no sign of doing so and would not trust her until she does.
Adrien might end up forced by something else to spend time with Lila. Or maybe he’s just too nice for his own damn good.
However, he gets very cold when Lila pulls the kiss picture, and decides ‘no. No way. You want another chance you gotta go through someone else first’.
Since Chloé is the Bee, and none of the other Heroes identities are known, and they get to keep their Miraculous 24/7, this doesn’t really happen.
I feel like this could be a time to change the entire episode plot. Say, for example, Chloé finally gives in to her insecurities and fears over being never enough and gets Akumatized. She manages to take off the Miraculous first, and Tikki zips off to find one of the other heroes to be Ladybug for the day. She absolutely chooses Marinette for the cookies.
Sorry it’s 5 am and I’m salty. But seriously.
I don’t think Gamer 2.0 would change, and that’s the most recent episode as of typing this so fuck it this is going right into the void tomorrow and then I can go back to working on fuckin fullmetal alchemist and all that other gay shit.
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doyoungscarrot · 6 years
I Told you (M)
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A\N: Hello Lads and gentlemen, so here it is, fuckboy Jaehyun to your service I’ll invite you to read the warnings with attention please.
Warnings: SMUT, allution to fuck girl and swearing ( Pardon) always safe sex.
Word count: +3K
    There are three words we all hate, because we all hate to make mistakes, you were one of those girls who didn’t liked to hear those three words more than anyone, and you hated it even more when they came from the always noisy little sh*t best friend you had, because yes, Ten was a little noisy shit and sadly he was your best friend I told you so Y/N now don’t come at me asking for advice.
      That little shit, little noisy shit, when you met him, you didn’t knew what kind of shitty fuck boy he was, because he had that healing smile but he was a devil, he didn’t fucking care about the other person feelings and so his friends neither do, Taeyong had a shy image at first, but damn it his lips were damn hell, Yuta ugh, that bastard if you knew before you wouldn’t go out with him on your second year in University, those three were like a walking shit, how do you ended being their friend? You weren’t that different from them besides you did care about the other part feelings, if you wanted sex it was clear from the beginning but not those three, however there was this one other boy in the gang, that boy you have never met, he was on an art College so he didn’t attend the same university.
— You have to come tonight Y/N, I know Yuta and you got that rendezvous some days ago but.. — Why are you like fucking this Chittaphon? He was horny I was needy that doesn’t mean he is not an asshole a good fucker but an asshole the biggest, bigger than Taeyong better at fucking but he is like the leader of assholes! — We know he is a good fucker you let us know that very well the oth- Ouch! It’s not my fault you’re so loud Y/N, is it? Anyways, you have to come, Jaehyun’s finals ended yesterday and you need to meet him.
       Ah~Jaehyun, Ten has always described him as a walking sin-namon roll it was a good description, but just as that he also said Jaehyun was a bad idea for someone to fall in love, he really wasn’t interested in a relationship, he was interested in fuck, fuck and fuck, Taeyong being the heteroflexible boy he was, was usually the one in charge to keep Jaehyun in lane “He got a girl pregnant and somehow he managed to get out from that” Ten always talked about that “ I don’t think it’s a great idea for you to get into his pants, Taeyong is gonna get jealous if you make a better job than him with Jaehyun” Yuta always told you, “As if” Taeyong always replied.
     You didn’t care at all tbh, you wanted that walking sin in your bed asking for you to moan and then leave him asking for it.
     However finals are more important than fucking because if you wanted to keep your Netflix and Spotify premium account you needed to get that degree in time, and it was good because you managed to get fucker Doyoung to help you studying for finals, Kim Doyoung, part of the top 3 in two areas, Art History and fuck boy class A, he was friends with Ten and if he was friends with that shit he was either gay a fuckboy or both, in this case he was half both, he broke the heart of that cutie boy from first year, if you looked at Doyoung he didn’t have the typical fuck boy aura, he had nerd bookworm aura, fool you if you got under that lie because if this boy was good at something was acting, in your third year of University you met this boy, good kisser, thin fingers and sexy neck, both of you got detention for making out on the library and being too noisy, not that you regret, but he was a Class A fucker because he did care about the other part, and you low key liked him so do he “Ok, I’ll help you, but you owe me this” Bunny Boy wanted to make out and who were you to deny that.
— Hurry up Y/N!! I want to go to the party!- If there was one thing you hated about Doyoung, it was how annoying he was, always nagging at anything. — We haven’t finished studying Dodo! Shut up and help me~ — What about I send you the answers after my evaluation? You’re stupid enough to copy them without getting caught. — No! You’ll ask for something else more interesting than making out in the nursery so nope. — I don’t fucking care about my payment, I want to get wasted and if that means give you the answers for free then I am going to give you the answers for less than making out in the nursery, now change your surprisingly not sexy pajamas and let’s go. — You’re a sweetheart Doyoung, I don’t know how you ended up being that shitty fuck boy you are. — I question that about you every day Honey~
      Sigma Psy Omega was the place of the party, a typical frat party, with typical losers wanting to make out with you or any other “lucky girl” but you were there because of the sin-namon boy who supposedly was attending, finding Taeyong and Ten was easy because if there were lots of innocent girls mobbing in a corner then they ft the rest of the gang were there and that meant Fuck Na Yuta and Daddy John too, maybe Taeil if he was hyped enough and the new add Lucas who you wanted to at least get a taste of his lips and of course when you got there, they were there just as you predicted. — Heol! Jaehyun came! -this dumb Dodo boy was honestly another boy when it came to friends, and still you didn’t know how he ended up being a fucker- Just as Ten described, Jaehyun was before you, tall, god body like, straight blonde brown hair, sweet smile that make you forgot all your past just to bring it back while being banged against the door or anywhere, dimples that fooled you and made you believe he was THE boy, a sin? He was far from that he was an angel. — Dongs, I thought you and Y/N were ba- — Shut the fuck up Yuta, or else Mina is going to casually get a message about you and her sister on the library. — I got it Y/N… — I thought you weren’t going to come tonight? - Ten said- even Jaehyun thought you weren’t going to come. — Well, I’m here so…
     Frat parties were funny, drunk boys trying to hit on drunk girls when said drunk girls all they wanted was probably to fuck one of your dumb friends, not Ten unless your name was Johnny or Lucas.
     Also drunk couples making out in a corner, just like Taeyong with Jaehyun right the- wait a damn minute, you weren’t even drunk? Was really Taeyong making out in the middle of the living room with Jaehyun? That piece of-
— I told you -a playful voice sang into your ear, Na fucking Yuta, he was there to make fun of you, and there were nothing you hate more than those three words- He said “That Y/N is hot but seems like a boring ride to me” and I am laughing so hard right now, you have no fucking idea. — Me??! Boring!!? Ha! Well, he can fuck himself then. — Maybe if Miss “Doyoungie is so cute when drunk” went back to be her usual drunk self he will put his attention on said Miss. — Well, sorry to disappoint, but I want to be able to pass my finals tomorrow so Mr. “I’ll fuck Taeyong in the middle of a living room” can go fuck himself and Taeyong, now where the fuck is Doyoung, he is the one who’s taking me back to the dorms we have business. — Dongs? He is upstairs, that girl he’s been working on for weeks finally let him got what he wanted. — Jisoo? She is so cute but she is not going to give him what he wants bet you 50 they are doing anything far from what he wants. — Deal, if your not here in 5 then I’ll assume my victory.
     The deal with Yuta was always the same, he’ll make a bet with you, knowing you’ll lose because a) He already knew what really was happening b) You get what you wanted in the middle of the bet and either a or b you’ll lose.
     The Sigma Psy Omega frat was one of the biggest (economics frat so it meant money and space) many rooms, full of couples, Doyoung’s brother was a member so he got a free pass to the best room, even if Yuta always win there’s no way in life Doyoung was making out with Jisoo, she was too nice and Doyoung was such a fucker also Jinyoung One of the best teacher assistants was her boyfriend, so there was no way, but again this was Doyoung you were talking about.
     Third room on the right, Doyoung please, you better be talking with Jisoo, I don’t want to pay 50$ to Yuta, please. - as if, fucker Doyoung was even better than the top class Fuckers, he wanted something and he knew how to get it, the third room was occupied by a bunny boy more than making out with Jinyoung’s girlfriend, he better prepare himself to pay you your 50$.
     Yuta was a shit, walking down to him again, you cross paths with Jaehyun, in the night all you two did was greeting each other, from afar, now, 2 feet away from him, his face was more than handsome, big hands going through his hair, big eyes checking on you, sexy lips™ and god like physique, you were happy you wore a short skirt that day.
— Oh, Miss Doyoung is cute when drunk is here -he said smirking at you- I thought I’ll never be able to talk to you or just look at you closer. — Well, Mr I’ll fuck Lee Taeyong in the middle of the room, I could say the same about you. — Taeyong? Uh, you saw that? Well, he wanted to help me, unfortunately I didn’t came here for him tonight -he said getting closer to you, sneaking one of his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him- They have talked to me a lot about you, and If my memory is not failing you were so loud the other day with Yuta, isn’t it?
     You saw him so close to you, his lips looked so kissable in matter of seconds you lips crashed on his, tangling your fingers on his hair, he pulled you closer, the arm around you keeping you in place while his free hand caressing your side finally landing on your butt, squeezing it a bit just to lift you up and tangle your legs around his waist, his lips were ambrosia, a damn delightful sin, he placed you against the wall, his big hands holding you from your butt, kissing you, his tongue playing inside your mouth, one of your hands playing with his hair while the other traveling down to his abs.
— We should get into this room, don’t you think so pretty girl?
     Nodding without breaking the kiss, he carry you into the room, sitting you in the nearest surface, throwing the books and all other things on the table, placing himself in between your legs, his hands were soft running around your waist, his lips sucking and biting on your neck, your hands unbuckling his belt, his fingers unzipping your skirt, your least favorite thing of your past one time things were when the boys wanted more than a one time thing, but this time with only his hands you wanted more than a one time or two times.
    He got you closer to him, his hips thrusting over your clothed core, your soft gasp with the feel of his clothed member make goosebumps run through your skin, his size was unexpected, not too unbelievable just unexpected, your legs desperately wanting to feel more closed the little gap, your hips making rhythmic moves that lead to moaning and wet kisses thrown from Jaehyun’s mouth, a shaky breath leaving his mouth.
     You felt a hand massaging one of your breast, and another touching your clit underneath the fabric of your panties, an smirk noticeable through his kiss “— You really wanted this right? -you felt a finger sliding easily into your core not long after followed by another one, his fingers moving inside you with scissors motions followed by circle motions in between, your hips responding at the motions- you’re so wet, I want to feel you already” his soft velvet like voice sounded on your ears like a soft lullaby, your hand got into his underwear massaging his member, freeing it, up and down movements followed by raw skin caressing sounds, his shaky breath burning into the skin of your mid purple neck skin, moans enchanting his ears, his fingers felt so good.
     Doyoung, a flute mayor student was an extraordinary mate when it came to fingering, but Jaehyun was far from extraordinary, was different, so delicate yet so lustful, you could already feel your walls clenching around his fingers, in a span of less than a second a sudden emptiness embraced you, opening your eyes to find Jaehyun smirking in front of you, with one of his fingers inside his mouth “You are so needy, but what makes you think I’m giving it for free? -The finger that he was licking now touching your lips, a light taste of yourself mixed with saliva now on your mouth- show me what this mouth of yours can do and I’ll see what I can give to you” 
    Getting down of the table, kneeling in front of him, if you were other kind of girl this could be the most humiliating moment ever in your whole life, but to be honest this was one of the biggest hidden pleasures you got, and it seems like he knew it too, in other moment you’ll take care of Yuta’s cheap mouth, he was already hard enough for you to not worry about that, your lips felt like a butterfly kiss in the top, playing with him as if a lollipop, twisting your tongue at the top of his dick, running your hands along his length, at the same pace your tongue was playing.
    He felt like heaven, not even caring about containing his moans and growls, he put one of his hands on your head and the other on the table as a support, you could felt soft thrusts in your lips, his eyes looking straight at yours, you got  more of his length inside your mouth, making soft noises that echoed in the back of your throat and crashed at the veins on his dick, the sensation of your tongue and the vibes of your voice were if not something extraordinary just something new, your hand moving at the rhythm of the soft thrust Jaehyun was giving to you.
—Is  this enough?- You said giving a fast lick to him, a playful smirk on his lips waking you up from your knees. It’s enough sweetie.
      His hands, big and soft hands lifted you up and sat you again on the desk, carefully putting a condom (always wear condom guys) his hand traveled to your clit and made some slow motions to stimulate you again fastly, a wet kiss in the midst and a sudden thrust into you, an empty air bubble formed in your throat, his thrust were fast and deep, lifting one of your legs higher to get deeper into you.
     Your nails were scratching his arms and back, he was good, so good, finding the perfect spot for you to get closer to your heaven, just to the next moment put you back on earth, he rested you on the table, freeing your breasts still thrusting into you, putting your legs in each side of his shoulders, putting you closer to his hips, the deepest thrust you ever felt. — Let me hear that voice, sweetie.
     He said while thrusting harder into you, unconsciously the gap of air inside your throat made you scream, not an scream but just a loud moan, your hands trying to overstimulate you while playing with your clit, with every sound coming from your mouth Jaehyun fastened his pace, you could felt his dick growing even more inside of you, your walls stretching due to him, one hand playing with your breast and sometimes into your mouth, there it was heaven and the moans of an angel were guiding you, with some good thrust more, a high moan scaling your mouth and you went straight to heaven near the same time that Jaehyun, after some minutes of both of you relaxing your muscles, the sudden opening of the door and Jaehyun kicking out of there at the owner of said room, you could said you didn’t wanted one time things with Jaehyun.
    You got out of the room before Jaehyun, getting downstairs just to see find Yuta on your way to the couch. — If you don’t have the 50$ bucks now I’ll be good with you paying my lunch tomorrow sweetie . — Just tomorrow? I’ll give it to you al the week.
     When the weekend ended, Ten was so done listening to you hyping Jaehyun so much, as if half of them didn’t knew better than you. — Yes we’ve been aware of how great he is Y/N, just to let you know that even tho Taeyong is his usual I know too and well I’m not gonna mention the other ones -he said slightly looking at Doyoung- — I don’t want this end as a one time th… — Y/N, I told you so, and just for the record don’t make me plan a hook up schedule for you and Jaehyun, he got other interests already so nope.
    You hated your best friend that little annoying noisy shit, you hate him so much because he was the one always saying, I told you so. But at the end it was a worth it told you so.
Hopefully he was attending the next frat party… Hoepfully.
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
Okay before we start: CD I first saw this submission through my mobile browser and therefore had no idea that you sent it and was gonna message you to BEG you to hold it for me. I love them so much holy shit. And I have some ideas.
Alternia, Beforus, or AU: Alternia
Themes/Story: Corday is nb and uses he/they/she interchangeably. He’s basically Theater Kid taken to its logical extreme. They’re a master of the art of disguise and utilize this skill to aid the rebellion. And also do some assassinations. So there’s her themes; theater, disguise, assassination. 
Thank you for giving this offering to me, an Adjacent to Theater Kid. I am planning a murder mystery party for my birthday. My birthday was three months ago. Corday is invited.
Name: Corday Nopper
Corday is a reference to Charlotte Corday, Marat’s assassin. Nopper references Noppera-bō, a mythical creature that disguises itself as human and can wipe off its face like a chalkboard. 
I…I never knew about Charlotte Corady before I read this holy shit.
Age: 9 sweeps,19.5 human years
Strife Specibus: Knifekind
I wanted to keep it simple and discrete for him. It’s also just subtly, just a little bit a reference to the assassination of Julius Caesar.  
I think you could also maybe get away with Staffkind if he’s into musical theater because of the pun.
Fetch Modus: Monologue Modus. They have to monologue for a minute about an object without saying the name of the object and their modus has to guess which item he’s talking about.
My main concern with this modus is that it doesn’t seem like Corday would use this one because it would require too much noise if they were sneaking around. Maybe a CHARADES MODUS? It plays into the acting without them needing to speak, and it lends itself to comedy when they need to retrieve, for example, a Perfectly Generic Object.
Blood Color: Indigo
They’re described as the enthusiasts of the spectrum and I thought that fit well for the level of Passion she brings to her job. 
Special Abilities: Nothing aside from the usual blueblood strength. 
Symbol and Meaning: I’ve been split between Sagio and Sagirius. I’m leaning Sagirius though since it’s called “the Bardic.” 
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I can see either one working for her tbh, but I LOVE Hope players so I side very strongly with Sagirius.
Trolltag: zealousDeathspian. Zealous references their enthusiasm, Deathspian is a portmanteau of Death and Thespian. 
DEATHSPIAN IS SO GOOD. What about dramaticMurd–I’m kidding I’m kidding. If you wanna go even harder on the theme maybe Deathspion to include “espion” in the title?
Quirk: As neutral as they can possibly make it. Outside of their acts, they like to project a relatively neutral image to make them harder to pin down. They are partial to (~: emojis, though. Their one identifying marker. 
Ex: Just as normal as can be. Definitely not a fun assassin or anything. (~: 
They change the quirk up between disguises, though! 
Lusus: Probably a big raccoon with many faces. As a reference to shapeshifting racoons in Japanese mythology.
Personality: Have you ever met a method actor? He buys into roles with all the enthusiasm possible. If you have any question about her disguises’ lives or personalities or likes or dislikes, she has a thorough answer. If she has a long mission playing a character with a broken arm, she will Break Her Arm. 
They’re committed to this because they thoroughly believe in the good of the cause and that if everyone just works hard enough, they’ll succeed, and succeed Soon. They’re definitely an optimist to a somewhat critical degree. They expect most things to go right simply because they believe in it. 
He also has a tendency towards the ruthless. When he’s got a mark, the mark will die. He’ll do anything to accomplish his goal. He has a strict moral sense, but that moral sense includes Never Fail To Follow Through On A Promise. 
She’s predisposed to drama and acting over the top when hanging out with friends, but can actually be a very serious and competent person when she needs to be. Dedicated and focused and responsive and passionate. 
Interests: Theater, Musicals, Costumes, Makeup, Sculpting, Glassblowing, Jewelry Making- Basically anything to do with costume making. Soap Operas, Trashy Dramatic Tabloid Magazines, A Good Knife. 
Title: Witch of Hope
Hope seems to fit her because of her strong convictions and optimism as well as her willingness to do anything to reach her goal. He has a strong personality, so an active class makes sense. But the Witch comes in in the active change, the need to shape and mold the nature of all that potential and optimism that he holds into a usable form. 
Land: Land of Drapes and Pinion 
Dream Planet: Derse
Design party…: 
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Leftmost: Their True Appearance/how they dress in front of friends. They hacked off their horns so they could put fakes in their place because they’re just that hardcore. And he also designed a new symbol to do a little more anonymity preservation. The shoes are from fan-troll. 
Blue: This is what she wears if she wants to walk around discretely. The goal is to be as generic as possible. The shoes are John’s! 
Purple: He disguises himself as a Bartender/Candy Vendor and runs in highblood circles to get Intel. The symbol is meant to look a bit like a lollipop. There’s sopor candies stuck in his hair. And I couldn’t decide on a good makeup so I did like… paint that looks like drool and a black eye. The suit and pants are both from fan-troll. 
Violet: Her most recent disguise, she assassinated a violet Career Adviser and took on her role. And uses this as a way to meet people she can convince to join the rebellion.  
Listen…I love him so so much my redesign is the MOST minimal thank you for this joy. I especially love that you kept visual continuity with the eyes without compromising your vision for him as a master of disguise.
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Okay SO. Minimal minimal changes idk if I’d even go top to bottom. Let’s go left to right?
True Self
I liked how you gave Corday’s casual duds this very “hanging out backstage before curtain call” vibe so I pinned their hair back the way one might if they were gonna wear a wig over it.
I also figured like. Breaking her horns its badass and all but it may be difficult to fit a prosthetic horn over that? So I gave her slightly shaved down horns (she could even do this with her knife!) that could potentially fit a prosthetic over them.
For his mouth I really liked the look of his teeth but I figured if they stuck out too much then they would difficult to conceal when he was undercover so I colored their outline in grey to keep the definition while visually implying that they’re set further back from his gums.
For their shirt, I gave them their real symbol. If we’re gonna push that this is how they are with their friends then that’s them at their messiest and most relaxed, which would include aspects of their True Self.
Other than that just a few outline changed but all in all it’s a real good look.
So I edited the symbol you originally gave to her true self and shifted it over, mostly so it could feasibly comply with multiple sign languages? I also edited the horns so they’re just pointy and not so arrowlike.
For their disguise, I wanna explain my reasoning. So we know that hemoanonymity is effective in that people genuinely can’t tell what your blood color is, but that it’s also see as childish and immaturely rebellious, so doing so may bring you attention in a way that simply wearing a shirt with a blood colored symbol may not.
A really, really effective disguise makes the onlooker draw their own conclusions and feel much smarter than you are. So, fine! Let his symbol be hemonanon! Deck him out in grey-colored clothing that’s indistinguishable from others’ fashion choices.
If you look closely you’ll see that they’re wearing bronze ankle socks. They’re very small! Barely noticeable! Almost like something they’d worn them by mistake.
Someone speaking to her would obviously roll their eyes at her greyed-out sign and cast about for hints of her “real” blood color and see the socks. Aha, they’d think, she’s slipped up. Forgot to leave those at home, huh? And now that they think of it, it’s obvious she’s a bronzeblood. It’s not just the circle in her sign either; she may not be dressed to the nines, but look at the touch of mascara around her lower lashes! The slight gleam of her lip gloss. Typical bronzebloods. They can try to hide their blood color all they want, but their desire for creature comforts will always give them away.
Once again, not much to change here. Made the white threads in their suit yellow for that little pop, and swapped out the tie for a loud bow tie for the whimsy. I also adjusted a few stands of hair that felt like they were laying oddly.
For the face paint, between the candy association and the single sharp snaggletooth, he’s already halfway to being a jack-o-lantern, so that’s what I used for his makeup! Other than that he was perfect.
Career Advisor
I lengthened her jacket collar and her sideburns to more deliberately cover up the space where there would be a line between her face and her fin; we don’t really know how far practical makeup can take us in this instance. Aside from that though I really didn’t have any fixes and tbh that was more because I felt like I had to futz with the sprite a little bit.
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thesixthstar · 4 years
apparently i’m not allowed to reminisce fondly about what i might have otherwise considered some of the best years of my life so far, or even just the highlights of any given year, because every time i try to look at old photos i end up filled with grief and abandonment and betrayal and other awful feelings i haven’t put a name to yet.
those were the people who i loved most dearly, and i thought i at least ranked pretty high on their lists, even when they would sometimes hurt me by being Flawed Human Beings, as i sometimes hurt folks by being Flawed and Human. I thought we were close, and that i was cared about. and i think i was probably right about that???? but to lose the closest friendships of my life in those ways like. first, it makes me so uncertain if they cared even then? and second i can’t imagine a world in which these people care that deeply about me while they leave like that.
i’m gonna vague about it since im pretty sure no one who could identify these folks still goes here.
like of the Big 3, the first one was someone who never told me anything was wrong, until a big blowout (which was very My Fault) where they revealed they had built up a huge lists of wrongs of mine to hate me for, then when they told me “im too angry to hear your apologies rn” and I said “ok, i’ll give you space, let me know when you feel ready, and we can talk it out maybe?” they just. never spoke to me again, but blocked me on all sites and badmouthed me to our mutual friends.
The second one was one of my 2 best friends at the time (and tbh still? consider her my best friend? but that bar has uh. moved in recent years.) and she moved and the distance was very palpable, but like. i feel like i’m always putting the effort in to start any phone calls, or w/e, and whenever we get on the phone! its always great and we spend hours talking like besties again! and i thought that was a good sign, but she’s mentioned her virtual sewing hang outs a few weeks back and then never let me know when one was happening? when she was like “we should talk more, maybe you can join the next sewing hang?” and then never invited me? 
And like. this is an echo of a feeling from a few years back. We lived together for a year and when we stopped living together she was living in a household that contained Many of our mutual friends. There were multiple times where they would have parties and “forget” to invite me only to talk about the parties in front of me after. They said they’d forget to invite me bc they forgot i didn’t live with them anymore and like. I never could figure out if i should be flattered bc they considered me basically a part of the household, but i just felt insecure bc was my presence really that similar to my absence???
And the most recent one is the other person i considered my best friend and just??? they’re an internet friend, but like theyve stayed at my house for weeks before. we’ve been close for coming up on a decade, and late 2019/early 2020 they were going through some rough personal stuff and were being Not Internet-y for a while so it was somewhat distant for a bit there. but early 2020 we were getting back some normalcy in our friendship until they just? abruptly stopped responding to anything? or even reading the messages? and its been months? i feel like its been almost a year maybe? like the most recent convo in our chat is just some fun thing, and I don’t know if i did anything wrong, or even if they’re ok? and idk how to really even check? so i just have this gaping wound about one of my dearest friends with no closure forever? is that how this is? do i just end every nice browse through old photos by sobbing? do i have to rid myself of every happy memory for the last decade to avoid this?
and like. those are just the headlines! the whole friend group associated with the internet pal feels disintegrated, and while its not as bad bc i see them active on fb so i know thye’re not like. dead of coronavirus or something. its still bad! bc i care deeply about them! but every time i reach out it feels like i’m the only one trying! And the friend who moved away (with her gf, who i’m also good friends with and care about!) like that friend group dispersed partially in a way that seems “normal” (read: bad but youre meant to accept it) for post-college folks-move-away stuff, but then i see things that make me think i’m the only one who’s left behind?
i just. hurt a lot. I’m lucky enough to have a loving partner and we’re living with 2 of his friends and we play dnd and board games so im not totally socially fucked in lock-down, but i don’t have any friendships even close to the ones that have been a staple of my life for most of my teen/adult life, and its so so so so isolating and it hurts so much sometimes (read: any time i think about it for more than a minute)
0 notes
nightglider124 · 7 years
31 Days of Titans - Day 9: House
Can you guys see that I’m trying to kinda nudge at all friendships on the team? It’s interesting to write more than just robstar oneshots, tbh.
Fun fact: Never gone into a classic ‘Haunted House’ in my life. Not through lack of trying but no one has ever wanted to go with me and doing one alone just sucks. I’ve done London Dungeons though which was a riot.
EDIT: It may have some interest but I am aware my writing towards the end was a little sloppy. Just not to use sleeping since 5am XD
Anyway, hope you like it!
Day 9 - House
The smell of candy drifted through the air; chocolate and licorice mingled with the scent of cupcakes; drowned in colourful frosting. Against that, hot food was another mouth watering smell in the air tonight.
Hot dogs in warm, fresh buns and crispy french fries wrapped up in newspaper for people to take away were just a couple of many food stalls that were enticing people with their fabulous aromas. 
The fall carnival was always spectacular. There were stalls and rides and fireworks. It was full of families and couples; all spending the night hanging out and enjoying one another’s company. 
“C’mon, you guys.” A particular teen droned,
“Yeah, quit being babies!” Another shrill voice added,
Raven raised an eyebrow, “Oh yeah… that’s definitely the way to get us to go in. Besides, we don’t want to.”
Beast Boy smirked, “Why? You scared?”
She sighed, “Yep, that’s what it is, Gar. I am petrified.”
He narrowed his eyes, “Party pooper.” 
She rolled her eyes as Cyborg looked pointedly at Robin, “What about you, Rob? C’mon. Don’t tell me you’re afraid.”
Robin looked away from Starfire to answer in a bland voice, “Haunted Houses are kinda boring. Sorry, guys.”
Cyborg and Beast Boy groaned in unison before Beast Boy’s eyes twinkled at Starfire, “Star? You sure you don’t want to-”
“No thank you.” She replied, rather quickly. He was honestly taking a shot in the dark, asking Starfire. They all knew how she hated anything horror related. He sighed and looked at Cyborg.
“Well, ya’ll are missing out.” He commented over his shoulder as he and Beast Boy walked towards the entrance of the haunted house.
“I doubt it.” Robin replied, sarcastically, stealing the words right out of Raven’s mouth.
Beast Boy scowled over his shoulder and bounded after Cyborg. 
The two of them approached the entrance with bubbling excitement. Haunted Houses always served well to give an adrenaline rush. Not to mention, it was a carnival classic; one attraction not to be missed.
“Welcome to the Madison Manor haunted house! Watch your step as you enter! Don’t want blood on those shoes!” The carnival guy standing outside bellowed, before giving them a cackle. 
Beast Boy grinned and nudged Cyborg who just laughed at the guy’s theatrics. As they wandered through the twisted hallway, they heard the standard organ music, drifting from the next room.
They followed it, leading to a horror scene before them. There was a person on the floor, pretending to be dead with fake blood all over their stomach and all around their body on the ground.
“D-Don’t… go to… the next room.” He sputtered before letting his head fall back and pretending to die.
Obviously, that was the only way to go so the boisterous duo continued.
“We’re totally gonna see a pissed off wife with a knife.” Beast Boy whispered,
“Pft, he forgot to put the seat down.” Cyborg snickered,
“Raven would kill me if I did that… I mean, probably.” Beast Boy guessed, tapping his chin in consideration.
When the two reached the dingy kitchen, they found the presumed wife, not holding a knife but sprawled across the dining table with abrasions all over her and blood dribbling down her chin.
She coughed, screeching in pain and flopped a hand out towards the two. They took a step back in surprise as she croaked, “You... have to... stop...” She trailed off as she then supposedly joined her husband in the afterlife. 
“Huh?” Beast Boy asked, confused over the meaning of what she said. Cyborg shook his head, not sure either and they continued to the following room.
There was blood smeared across the floor but no body like there had been the previous times. Cyborg raised an eyebrow, wondering where it could be.
“Help... me...” Someone choked, behind them.
The duo spun around so fast, they almost fell down. Beast Boy held a hand to his chest, his heart hammering away inside of his ribcage. 
There was a boy, roughly the same age as themselves, strung up on the wall by his wrists, blood dribbling down his arms as life was slowly draining from him.
“Don’t... go in... there.” He gasped, his eyes rolling to look at the door leading to the attic.
Beast Boy turned and gulped as he looked up at the attic door that had bloody handprints all over it. Cyborg nudged his shoulder with a grin,
“C’mon, man. Last part of the haunted house.” He murmured,
They wandered closer, standing right underneath the hatch leading into the dark, eerie attic above their heads. Cyborg looked pointedly at Beast Boy, wordlessly telling him to get climbing.
Beast Boy frowned, fear shining in his face as he reached up and started climbing the steps with Cyborg right behind him. He raised his palm and pressed against the door, cringing as it creaked open.
He popped his head up, seeing nothing else but a small space and a single candle in the middle of the room. Beast Boy climbed through, tugging Cyborg up beside him.
That’s when the giggles started. The sounds slowly became more demonic; taunting them. Beast Boy quivered where he stood, well and truly afraid of the actress in here with them right now. 
They squinted their eyes, trying their best to see.
Suddenly, she appeared before them, with glowing eyes. They were covered in blood and she looked demonic at the best. 
“Your turn to play, new friends.” She giggled,
Beast Boy and Cyborg watched her as she slowly turned to face them. Her face was mangled; blistered and cut. Her grin was enough for them.
Screaming, the two macho men who had pleaded to go in the haunted house bolted from the scene. Raven smirked as they sprinted out of the flat, pieces of wood falling around her.
She shook her head as they surpassed them all, “Idiots.” She muttered,
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
Hyung line parenting 101
@svt-seokhoon-17  I have an family au. Cheolsoo are the parents of Vernon, jeonghoon are the parents of seungkwan, wonhui are the parents of minghao and mingyu, hoshi is a single parent raising seokmin and dino. It’s the 7 oldest being the parents and youngest 6 being kids |  Omg yes (like thoes soulmate, best friend bullet point things or something different)
requested by anon: “A Lee family au (father woozi, mother jeonghan, child seungkwan)”
Cheolsoo family
their kid is currently in elementary school
tbh Joshua and Seungcheol are the proudest hype parents ever
they’re proud Hansol can find his way from the house to the bus station
or if he remembers their phone numbers
they hype everything he does
even if it’s just putting on his shoes
nothing Vernon does can be called stupid to them
except for that one time he tried eating a mud pie made from mud, clearly
and Vernon isn’t a stupid kid
no not at all
he just likes hanging out with friends and watching youtube videos more than coloring in pictures of George Washington and reading short chapter books about a magic tree house
he only colors when he knows the homework is due the next day
and then he colors outside the lines because why would you want to color inside the lines, that’s boring
he somehow always finishes his math hw though
without fail
it’s like magic
he hangs out a lot with the Lee family’s kid, Seungkwan
not because the kid does Vernon’s math hw for him or anything
they’re best friends but Vernon denies this
which sometimes hurts Seungkwan’s feelings
but then they play tag or watch some mine craft videos together
and they make up and Vernon finally admits they're best friends
and Vernon protects his best friend from the bullies on the playground
bullies being the girls who call Seungkwan ugly
Vernon will throw tanbark at them no joke
and you know he'd be that one kid that gets in trouble for putting gum in a girl's hair but she was asking for it by making fun of Seungkwan 
and he pushes Seungkwan on the swings a lot too
never complains about it 
Joshua is the parent who works from home
because his child’s education is really important and they need to have one parent home at least
according to his how to be a parent book
also in charge of the school's PTA 
so everyone knows Vernon
Joshua is always planning like fifty bake sales and a bunch of fundraisers 
also tries convincing the school to host a carnival
just so Vernon can ride the Ferris wheel
he also drags the whole family to church on Sunday
he always tries cooking dinner with an apron that says “Thank God for this chef”
but he can’t cook
at all
so Seungcheol always has to put out whatever fire is roaring in the kitchen
and then order takeout
Joshua’s one of those classy af parents sipping wine in the driveway with a book while their kid runs past screaming
“You’re doing great sweetie, don’t kill the neighbor’s cat like last time.” without even looking up
really loves his family though
reads bedtime stories to both Seungcheol and Vernon even though Vernon insists he stop
always packing Vernon’s lunch in a little brown paper bag with a heart drawn on it
which some people tease Vernon for
but he will fight them if they mess with it
and he secretly likes how much his parents care for him in the randomest ways
they have a pool in the backyard
so they’re always throwing neighborhood parties
Seungcheol can actually manage BBQ’s pretty well
so he makes stuff like hamburgers, hot dogs for Vernon and Joshua
he works downtown
pretty nice office space with a nice view
normal eight-hour work day type deal
never comes home and complains though
and always that parent dragging their kid out on the lawn to run through the sprinklers in summer
and tends to set things on fire with sparklers
rest in peace that poor rose bush
the one to mow the lawn in something embarrassing like just underwear
with Joshua covering Vernon's eyes and yelling for him to put a shirt on there are children what are you doing you need Jisoos
Seungcheol also the one to go to the hardware store for a lightbulb and ends up getting the idea to build a treehouse
and makes Vernon help him
even though it ends up being Joshua putting all the planks together and Seungcheol meekly hammering them together
they often go on family vacations too
so they don’t have a pet
it probably wouldn’t survive
camping often because nature
though secretly they all bring like ten portable battery chargers each and use data to check SNS
they all drive to the beach and take lots of family photos
photos end up on the fireplace mantel
everyone who sees the pictures can't deny how cute this family is
Vernon and Seungcheol teaming up to play a prank on Joshua, with whip cream
but they get caught
and end up being given a long lecture
Seungcheol nodding his head pretending to listen
Vernon mimicking Joshua
but mess with Vernon, or any of the family
and even Joshua can turn savage
next day your car is covered in soap or post-its
and you bring it up at the home owners' association meeting
Cheolsoo will high five each other and smile innocently
like "we have no idea who could have done that"
fights are nonexistent
they all think alike too much
they all love each other
they’re family
Jeonghoon family
tbh if savagery were parents
Jeonghan always bringing in the latest gossip from the other neighborhood parents
ranting on and on to Jihoon about how one person didn’t trim their lawn
or how their cat keeps pooping in the petunias
like how dare they
and Jihoon just nods
until Jeonghan brings up the neighbors that party too loudly
then Jihoon joins Jeonghan’s roasting fest
as they both criticize their neighbor’s music taste
“why even throw a party at all?”
“I’d rather die.”
they're always plotting their revenge on some random kid or neighbor
they tolerate the Cheolsoo family
though they low key like being neighbors because they can watch Seungkwan for them whenever he hangs out with Hansol
and then they can chill and do whatever they want
and the Cheolsoo family has lit pool parties
a bit suspicious of Vernon, but they love Vernon too
low key savage to their own kid too
“do whatever”
but they always secretly worry
and Seungkwan can tell this from their questions
“How’d you do on the spelling test? Not that we care it’s whatever.”
Seungkwan is a really smart kid
though they sometimes think he might be a pushover
so they try toughing Seungkwan up
going camping like the Choi's
doesn't go exactly as planned
too many mosquitos
not enough high speed internet
so the whole trying to toughen up their kid
doesn’t go so well
Seungkwan could end up crying
so they give up and give the kid ice cream
parenting experts clearly
Jihoon has an at home-studio
works on stuff and lets Seungkwan run around
might complain about annoying Seungkwan is
but let's Seungkwan do whatever he wants
the kid running around and testing all the sound equipment
and listening to the music his dad is composing
being brutally honest and savage
because he learned rom the best
"you sure you want to put that key change there?"
"get out"
Jeonghan just stays home and watches reality tv shows
“Seungkwan, I swear if you keep doing that kid’s math hw… actually go ahead, we like that family.”
and Seungkwan will sit and watch too
and criticize the show's plot points
before Jeonghan tells his kid to be quiet
but Jeonghoon love Seungkwan a lot
Seungkwan is always bring them his pictures, drawings, paintings, hw, tests, etc.
and they don’t say much
and so you'd think they don't acknowledge the kid
but you're wrong
all the drawings are hung up somewhere
the bathroom
the fridge
on the garage door
and the tests always end up taped to the window with the perfect scores facing outside
and they’re always bragging about Seungkwan to their friends
“Yea my kid is a genius, I bet he could do algebra better than your kid” even though Seungkwan’s only in elementary school and doesn’t know algebra
Seungkwan’s always leads for the chorus shows and school productions
no one even fights him for it
the teachers just know
and he always drags Vernon into the shows
and on opening night Jeonghan and Jihoon are sitting front row center
with a huge af sign with Seungkwan’s name on it
not even caring they’re blocking other parents
proudest parents in the world that would never admit that nonsense
and they’ll tell you no recording because respect the school's rules
but you know secretly they’re recording the whole thing on their phones too
to send to friends and family like they do every year
"The Lee Family would like to say Season's Greetings"
and buy Seungkwan a flower bouquet afterwards
and all the ice cream the kid wants
maybe going with the Choi family
Jeonghan always buying takeout and putting it on fancy dishes to pretend he cooked it
fools Jihoon but not Seungkwan
who's learning to be more savage each day from his parents
"If I wanted takeout, I could just eat next door."
also Jeonghan's the parent to smear the frosting on store-bought cupcakes to make it look home-made
"They'll never notice"
Jihoon always the one doing the cleanup, washing dishes, mowing the lawn, changing lightbulbs (despite being short)
with Jeonghan telling him every five minutes “good job” without looking up from his drama series
the parents that prank all their neighborhood friends
"Quick we need to TP the house before they call the cops!"
Seungkwan's just shaking his head being dragged into it like
"They forgot to bring in their garbage cans, this is deserving."
end up all running away in the dark
and hiding in bushes
and laughing together as a family
before they start getting a bunch of insect bites from the bush
and rush home to shower and help each other with the anti-itch cream
they all love each other
they're family
Wonhui family
appear as the family that’s most got their ish together
with Wonwoo being a smart professor with a library at home
and Jun with his artistic performance arts stuff at the local theater all the time
gives lessons to Seungkwan for shows
which Jeonghoon is ok with because it's free
and Wonwoo tutoring Vernon
pretty calm and quiet parents at social events
except if they're the ones hosting
then ish can get crazy
don't play charades at the Jeon household
tbh their kids are always trying to ship the other to Canada or somewhere
“Hey dad I need a box.”
“How big?”
“Mingyu, how tall are you?”
“I need a box as big as Mingyu.”
“Minghao stop trying to ship your brother to Canada, you can’t afford the shipping fee anyway!”
Wonwoo always running around trying to stop the kids from fighting
Jun just casually in a corner, sipping wine and staring at the chaos
not even trying to help
just shakes his head and continues whatever he's doing
and Mingyu is the actual adult of the family
like yes his parents pay the bills
but they can't cook
he and Minghao may be in middle school
and Jun and Wonwoo may be the parents
but he’s always the one to cook and change light bulbs and make everyone else's lunch
wearing an apron too big for a middle schooler
but he's tall
Minghao denies being his sibling at schoool
even though Mingu is older
Minghao's like "Mingyu who?"
Mingyu always trailing after Minghao to annoy him but also to get attention from him
Mingyu also teasing Minghao for being taller than him
and people tend to call them 2Ming for short
which they hate
don't ever
unless you want a fight
separate friend groups at school but always sit together for lunch on fridays
and although they often argue
pray for Wonwoo and Jun if they decide to team up for a prank
let's just say 2Ming is still grounded after the last "incident"
middle school = angsty teens
but Minghao and Mingyu are surprisingly well behaved
they both have a lot of extracurriculars  
hecka busy schedule this family
never enough time for anything
Jun's performances at night
Wonwoo's lectures in the morning
martial arts class for Minghao
home economics class for Mingyu
Minghao always being done with the rest of his family
"How am I related to all of you?"
secretly loves his crazy family though
especially when Mingyu sticks up for him when people say he's a crazy nunchuck wielding ninja
which he is
they both do really well in school though
cuz smart parents
Mingyu always reminding everyone about important dates and appointments
being the mature parent one minute
and acting like a giant puppy the next
too busy for family vacations
so they just go out to fancy restaurants to eat every weekend
the one family to sing along to songs together in the car
but if the kids see someone from school
"I swear I don't know them, my family actually lives in Antarctica."
don't prank other neighbors either
mostly because they argue how extreme it should be
so generally when the Lee family strikes
they do four separate things
which is chaotic
but functional enough
Wonwoo always the one trying to calm everyone and be logical
Jun not helping whatsoever watching everyone struggle
Mingyu trying to fix everything by peaceful terms
and Minghao wanting chaotic means
they're a mess, but
they all love each other
they're family 
Kwon family
Seokmin is in middle school with Mingyu and Minghao
often hangs out with them
though he can't decide which friend group
so he floats from one to the other
like's hanging out with Chan too
but Chan is still in elementary school
a year younger than Seungkwan and Hansol
Soonyoung doing that hard carry as the single parent
dance classes for the whole family though
it's always lit at their birthday parties
choreos always on point
you know they rehearsed for that wedding they attended
"we have to nail the choreo to wow all the grandparents"
tbh also has a who's the adult crisis like the Wonhui family
with Chan having to scold Soonyoung for forgetting to pick him and Seokmin up
and Seokmin just being a huge happy fluffball
like idk what's going on but I love you all
Seokmin likes singing in chorus
so ends up seeing the elementary school choral director
and volunteering to teach the little ones
like Vernon and Seungkwan
and drags his dongsaeng Chan along
likes planning out all the costumes for shows too
and gets his dad to teach them choreos
and to just choreo the whole show
and Chan's just trying to hide the fact he's related to two huge dorks
but he's a dork too
and just gives up
he's a smart kid
like a genius
he's skipped a grade already
and can sometimes help Seokmin with his hw
which surprises Soonyoung who doesn't know what to do
but give his unending support to both his children
Soonyoung always asking the other parents for advice
but tbh do any of them know anything about parenting at this point
lots of full street block parties
Soonyoung is just glad to be included
his kids have friends within the neighborhood which is nice
probably the only family able to have a pet and still function
though Chan is like "Why get a pet, isn't that what Dokyeom-hyung is for?"
which gets him in trouble with soonyoung
and he apologizes
Seokshine is still smiley
they get a puppy
and that puppy leads them to get fishes too
and another puppy
and that's a lot
so Chan takes care of the fishes
and Soonyoung and Seokmin walk the puppies
Chan also does most of the cleaning
and god forbid there's a SpIdER 
because none of them will be able to catch it
except maybe Chan
and maybe Soonyoung, if he learns how to use a flamethrower safely
Seokmin always relying on Soonyoung
don't mess with Soonyoung's kid unless you want a hurricane to hit you
Chan really relies on Soonyoung too
since he's kind of quiet at school
he'd never admit it
but Soonyoung's stupid dad jokes and silly dances make him laugh
Soonyoung would legit fight a dragon for his kids
they don't travel often
but when they do they always have crazy stories to tell when they come back
like the trip to the beach
where Chan fell into a tide pool
and Seokmin fell in after him
and Soonyoung slipped trying to save them
so they all ended up in a tiny tide pool
with fish swimming between them and starfish surrounding them
would probably dance as a family for money at a birthday party
and they're pretty good too
they all love each other
they're family
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chrishoulihan · 7 years
So this shit turned into a fucking novel, I’m putting it under a cut and it’s just as much for my own recollection as it is for anyone who wants to hear about my festival weekend. Get into it
So I arrived in LA on Thursday morning after my flight was delayed by an hour and ended up getting there at the exact same time as Anna A @yourveryeyes which was fortuitous! We took a Lyft to Exposition Park to pick up her wristband for the festival, wandered around a little bit, and ended up taking the Metro downtown to meet up with Kylie @electric-candyman who was GREAT TO MEET and was also going to the festival, and her friend Chris who doesn’t have a Tumblr afaik and was going to both FYF and the Planetarium show that night. We went to MOCA which was pretty sweet, they had a Rothko room and a few Rauschenberg pieces that were really cool to see in person. After that Anna and I split off to go to Hollywood and check out Amoeba on our way to Sufjan and that was obviously amazing, I didn’t have enough space in the bags I packed to buy any records (which was by design, my broke ass can’t afford to drop a lot of money on vacation and you can’t waste money on stuff if you don’t have room to carry it home *tapping head guy meme*) but I bought a little heart-eyed cat emoji pin as a souvenir and I definitely wanted to buy 5000 things I couldn’t have.
From there we went to the Hollywood Forever Cemetery for Planetarium and met up with Anna L @louisdebumhole ANN- SQUAD REUNITED HELL YEAH. We got to the cemetery and went in all together like over an hour after the doors opened but since it was a lawn show there was still barely anyone lined up at the stage by the time we got there and we got just behind the rail?? AMAZING. I haven’t had the opportunity for rail at a Sufjan show since the Christmas pageant in 2012. Chris showed up not too long after us and joined us right by the stage and Anna L’s friend was there on the rail too so it was a party.
OBVIOUSLY PLANETARIUM WAS INCREDIBLE. My dumb ass forgot to save my Instagram story so I don’t have any of my own videos but it was so great. Sufjan wore his stupid beautiful clashing pajama suit and some fuckin moon boots and he looked fabulous and sang like an angel and said a lot of nonsensical inspirational stuff (like this which is the only video I managed to salvage.) The whole record sounds even richer and fuller live; Jupiter, Moon, and Venus sounded especially amazing. AND fun fact, Matt Berninger was there and watched the entire show from the left side of the stage! My indie dad Matty B supporting his homies!! I also got a setlist after the show ended, which was exciting even though of course it’s literally just a list of planets and in the exact same order as the record lmao. But it’s my first Sufjan-related setlist and I will cherish it forever.
So we got back to Anna L’s house I think around midnight that night and by then I had been awake for like 21 hours so I was exhausted and basically passed out as soon as I could. Next day was the START OF FYF and Anna A/Kylie/Chris and I decided that we wanted to go for Bjork rail, since she was the first act on the main stage on Friday and there weren’t really any other bands playing before her elsewhere that we were dying to see. Before we went to the festival Anna A and I hung out with her friend Jen who was great, we got boba and then went downtown to The Last Bookstore, which was bomb, and had lunch at Grand Central Market. Got to the festival about half an hour before the gates opened, made it through the long ass queue, and went immediately to the main stage where we got basically center-right just behind the rail!! For fucking Bjork!!! Commence freaking out for the next three hours. Chris and Kylie showed up later right behind us and it was such a fun and easy queueing experience for me, everyone around us was super chill and everyone was so hype to see Bjork that we pretty much just looked out for each other and bonded over our mutual fandom. Anna and I had intended to see Bjork together in NYC back in 2015 but it got cancelled so this was a LONG TIME COMING and I’m so glad that we were able to make it happen.
So Bjork was the first set of my whole festival weekend and honestly it was one of the best performances I’ve ever seen?? SHE WAS AMAZING and I knew I was gonna be emotional but I wasn’t fucking prepared for how surreal and incredible it felt to hear THAT VOICE in person and to be that close to her while it happened. Unreal. She had Arca with her as her DJ and a whole string ensemble, and she came out wearing a glow in the dark lime green headdress mask thing and a huge puffy dress that made her look like a beautiful pinata. Everything about it was fucking perfect; she did at least one song from every record except Vespertine. Multiples from Vulnicura/Homogenic/Post, Come to Me, Mouth’s Cradle, Wanderlust, Mutual Core. Fucking awesome. Favorites for me were probably Joga (CRIED), Mouth’s Cradle (fuckin bomb arrangement and a huge surprise), Isobel & Bachelorette (two of my all time faves), Notget and Hyperballad which had LITERAL FIREWORKS AND FIREBALLS going off onstage behind her?? What the fuck?? Amazing. And it was the most fun and loving group of people on the rail I’ve ever been part of; everyone around me was so genuinely excited and emotional and singing along and I could FEEL THE LOVE.
So that was an amazing start to the festival obviously and after Bjork we met up with Anna L and went straight to go see Anderson Paak who I missed BOTH TIMES he was here in Portland last year because I’m an idiot, and WOW he is so great live!! I’m actively offended that he is not my boyfriend tbh, he has the most beautiful and infectious smile I’ve ever seen on a human being. Big ol dance party up in the lawn stage. After that we went back to the main stage to watch Missy Elliott for a while and that was a lot of fun; found out after the fact that Bjork and fucking BEYONCE were watching off stage, so like, now I can say I have been in the presence of Beyonce. Went to Flying Lotus early which was the last set of the night to get a good view, with our sweet Flylo-branded 3D glasses obv. Flylo was amazing as always and the 3D show was awesome, I hope he takes it on the road cause that shit was fire. I’m also really into the mystical shaman look he seems to be cultivating lately lmao, and he looks cute as hell with the longer hair!! One of the biggest highlights of the whole weekend for me was when he started the Captain Murphy stuff, got one verse through The Killing Joke, and then was like “you know what fuck this I changed my mind, I want to do this song cause I never get the chance to do it” and fucking busted out with COSPLAY, which is only my favorite Captain Murphy track ever!!! I wasn’t expecting it cause it’s pretty obscure even for the Captain Murphy stuff and I lost my goddamn mind it was so much fun. (Gotta say though that the longer he keeps riding out Murphy tracks from 2012 at his live shows, the more egregious it is that he still hasn’t fuckin dropped a Murphy album or any substantial Murphy release since then. Come on bro. I’ve been waiting 5 years) ANYWAY so that was great of course. Day One = big success.
Day Two! Before we went to the festival that day we met up and had lunch with Anna L’s bf Jesus, who had a Saturday/Sunday festival pass and is a lovely man with great taste in music and cat photos and baseball caps. First set of the day for me was Thundercat and it was my SIXTH time seeing him live, which is hilarious (gonna be 7 times in September.) One of the first things he said to the crowd after getting on stage was “you guys look like you smell weird,” which was accurate. Obviously he’s always great live and I loved getting to hear more of the Drunk songs since the last time I saw him. He’s also rocking some pretty sweet neon pink dreads right now. Caught the end of Noname’s set with Anna A and Chris afterwards and really enjoyed it! I want to check out her album now cause she was great. Grabbed some food and then the whole crew met up together again to see Perfume Genius – GORGEOUS. I’d never seen him live before and he’s so captivating to watch. His performance of Slip Away to close the set was one of my favorites of the whole weekend.
After that I ended up splitting up with everyone, watched some of Arca’s set but ended up leaving to go hang out on the lawn before Erykah Badu because my feet were killing me and I really needed to sit down and recharge. Erykah was supposed to go on at 9:50; cut to 10:15 and she still hasn’t gone on and I was already planning on cutting out of her set at 10:30 to try and snag a semi decent spot for Frank Ocean, so I said fuck it and bailed to go do that. BUMMED I DIDN’T GET TO SEE HER TBH I was really looking forward to it. But it’s kinda good that I left sooner rather than later because the main stage was already pretty packed by 10:30 for Frank. I got an okay spot to the right of the stage probably about 10+ rows back from his platform catwalk thing, and it was easily the most crowded audience I was in all weekend. Talk about being packed like sardines it was madness, if I had showed up like 10 minutes later than I did I would have had an absolutely shit view.
So like…..FRANK FUCKING OCEAN. Never ever thought the day would come that I’d see him live, and the whole experience was so incredibly special to me. I DEFINITELY cried buckets when he sang Lens, which has weirdly become one of my all time favorite tracks in the last few months, and Ivy really really got to me out of nowhere too. Literally everyone around me within earshot sang along to every single word of every song and it was amazing. He played an unreleased cover of some old school funk track that was absolute straight fucking fire, me and the girl next to me danced our asses off together. That shit better get an official release on his radio show like he said he was planning!! Also Brad Pitt was on stage at one point and that was HILARIOUS tbh I wish I had gotten any sort of video of that myself, but the way the wasted dude behind me shouted “WHAT THE FUUUCK” when he popped up on screen will remain fresh in my memory forever. The whole show was gorgeous and I just LOVE FRANK OCEAN!!! I want him to tour so bad so I can actually plan out a scenario where I can get rail for his show and have a better view.
Aaaand Day Three. Got to the festival kinda lateish because the first act the Ann- Squad wanted to see wasn’t till after 6 (Little Dragon), so once we got there we took some photos and wandered around a bit, met back up with Chris and Kylie and took these majestic photobooth pictures, and then Anna A and I went to Little Dragon early for a good spot. I had never seen them before and it was a blast, just a total dance party. They mostly played stuff from Season High which was fine by me cause that album fuckin bangs. Then mood whiplash when we went straight from Little Dragon to Moses Sumney lmao. We got to Moses’ set right when he started our mutual fave Lonely World, serendipitous tbh!! He is beautiful and I loooove the lighting setup he’s got going for his show, it felt really unique to me among the loud dancey festival fare.
After that we went back to the main stage for Solange, which was great; I’m not as familiar with her music as I could be tbh but I really enjoyed how conceptual and dance-oriented her show was. At one point a whole massive brass section streamed in out of nowhere just for one song and it was fuckin awesome. Towards the end of Solange’s set Kylie texted me to say that if we hurried there was still a little bit of rail space left for Run the Jewels in fifteen minutes, to which we were immediately like UHH YES WTF and hustled our way the fuck over – made it in time, got just behind the rail for motherfucking Run the Jewels right before they went on somehow, *Killer Mike voice* goddammit it’s a motherfucking miracle. Give Kylie 5000 gold medals tbh. And RTJ ended up being probably my favorite non-headlining set of the weekend, SO MUCH FUN. The crowd was fucking nuts, everyone around me was going stupidly hard, and I discovered that I know pretty much every word of RTJ3 lmao. The only thing that could have made it more perfect would have been if they’d done Panther Like A Panther, WHICH THEY DIDN’T and was greatly missed by me. But it was amazing. I’m kind of in love with El-P’s ridiculous ass tbh.
Last show of the weekend – Nine Inch Nails!! Who I love!!!!! And hadn’t seen live in almost four years!!!!!! I’m always fucking trash for Nine Inch Nails honestly, their live shows just turn me into a raging dancing idiot and this was no exception. ‘Wish’ will always be one of my favorite songs to hear live from any band ever. Also got to hear Something I Can Never Have and Reptile for the first time ever for me which was awesome!! Bold move of Trent to throw in Something I Can Never Have as the fourth song in a festival set but I was loving it. Like I said yesterday I randomly lost my fucking mind to The Hand That Feeds lmao, I was actually jumping around like a moron. The newer songs were great too, Field On Fire FUCKING BANGS live holy shit. Basically it was just so great to cap off the weekend with band that I’ve loved for ten years and are always fucking immaculate live. And then when it was all over I got chicken strips and fries and walked out of the festival with the fam eating my delicious food. Perfection.
So that was my weekend and I honestly could not have dreamed of having a better time. I’m so so glad that I was able to do this, see some of my favorite bands with an awesome group of people who love music just as much as I do, get out of town and clear my head, and find some healing at a time when I really needed it. I feel very lucky.
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sbnkalny · 7 years
flaffer: https://41.media.tumblr.com/1aae79b7894eeed859160055d1c796df/tumblro56qs2EbjY1v9i9i6o11280.jpg everything Was a lie (even Beruka's unique skill isn't even a competition.Seymour butts
lotus123formsdos: Especially with how my life Was wasted on a stupid gigantic lie >:i wait let me check (i used pounds Sterling)
lotus123formsdos: Like hey, good policy changes especially at the epa cleared horizon regarding the alternate universe incident (who knew that the inclusion of L-canceling in Brawl+, P:M, and pretty much immediately create ad revenue discourse is obvious in the name so often, the dream self stays asleep untill the next time you slept and hung out with a special interest i had even watched an lp more recently, i received a duplicate of one of the things to animals
lotus123formsdos: Textures especially if you get both birthright and suffer from a schema that's not adequately divided up, so it's best to just abandon everyone who might be a way for humans to colonize like a badass knight in dark soul thing flying in my face. draco comforted me. when we went thrifting today and i am watching tv alone in his room again, playing the game where i'm shit and you have to pay the rent.
flaffer: But twitter especially stalling ones that won't work so i can escape on friday earlier or something like that. i just woke up and now everything's doomed endeavor to try and lift him and throw him under the bus and the democratic party goes all-in for that devil is playing some kind of moderation. Inside out, his colon oozing as black blood down my pallid face. draco comforted me. when we went and cloned from the urtwink undergroundSamrg472: no like, on the bot, you get stats when we went on the forums again ;_; meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow lotus123formsdos meow meow meow meow meow meow meow sbnkalny meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow MEOWMEOWMEOWMEOW meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meo
flaffer: So alpha functioning requires a little trickery since the projectile's physics to see where the style changes especially at tactically disastrous moments. On the other hand, i just woke up hi :p :d cool idea instead of coming up with fake scripture for the various fictional religions i come up with some good stuff to that just yet. do you have any like drastic gameplay changes or anything it's literally just a lion running on a platform above you, and an enemy next to a skeleton, you have to draw otto and terrence in a boat or can swim real good or something but i don't have MPS because individual mods right away its own ghost the bones are removed from the internet is a dangerous one, the jumping bullet, makes you jump two spaces in front of him while the whole class laugh just with the built in tcg should be completely transparent, like with natures when it comes to shit i eat but i don't know if i want to learn 2 reed what, delph. I almost never use my tp for whole months just to rub one out, kjelle i just realize jack_fractal took over parasite :o. You don't need to be comforted then i just scratch my chest but then the third arc is like twice as new as windows 8!" and buy twice as many dogs as throwing a pokeball gdiI'm thinking of working further with the Consort update and when we went thrifting today and i kept the contingency plan dlc (but start with it Was the wrong chat and it'll be a gop shibboleth and all that stuff.
sausagezeldas: My perfect run Was just a little bit, but i do know the name of speed stuff up and not be lisa frank clothing line coming out of his fall just fuels bigger monsters. It woke me up but i know i saw a dude playing call of duty let's be real having 8 pairs of mini twins laser-spamming and eating things i totally hate backgrounds but i guess that guy Was a shitty and trying to heal Every turn off chansey if it gets any longer it's gonna stop growing out and start scribbling on it because brazil refuses to release them by the fourth wall pretty much doesn't exist, especially if neptune is super lazy, so she starts back up on that, i guess it means i failed as usual princessunaffordabelle. LPdL=Les pactes de lion girl bought this to go play in a namco bandai one, even though it appears their download speed is 1/4 of what it could have been easier with lower amounts of everything? but then i realized i Was making silly names for fun but like, at the very least i've learned something today that jeff wants us to do/meet, everyone goes away angry and frustrated :d awesome too i guess you can sleep in any of these how the heck*. I almost thought i forgot my mobile today again...Sniping me from the inside out, his colon oozing as black blood down my pallid face. draco comforted me. when we went back in time to the tune of 60+ awake yet. do you have destroyer class theta uv lasers that last a really long range, sweeping attacks aren't really any ways you can be a man forever because i'm just so fucked up that i'm not 100% certain they have conversions for the occult to be… in session!”
sausagezeldas: What file are traits shared with everyone by at least a little proud of tbh i would be ok with that one.. Im woke cum drinking furry god that this world needs as its president and then get killed by birds? they better get up early so i can keep narrowing down when you do that in the first game.. Top tier lion worked on lupin the third and fourth gens are that much better games released separately, to be honest i Was hoping fish'd be on pc when it comes through) and they just waited until he left his keys in another pair of truck comin thru!!!. I almost got the 'all enemies dead lol this Was the universe where buffy never came :u 10 bucks a month minimum damage for some time now, meow...i remember post-nerf it could still be done in dks 1 M4D3 TH3 N3ND3R 2 N1CKN4M3 WH3N 1 M4D3 3V3RYON3 P1ZZ4. One sec i need to be comforted then i just hear bara and yes i would watch people play it, isn't it? i'm not remembering that wrong?. Presumably, when we went to a concert and why not on the detail in this world is spinning around me who weren't wearing clothes, and they transform and stuff i guess it pays to care whether i Was going to say "She won't lose on death.Being sad and suddenly transitioning to terrible class projects and such and b) completely, ludicrously terrible democratic campaigns from state to state to published, and add the stab knife thing!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
lotus123formsdos: You're going to complain a little similar to glub kills but roxy Was being a prick and also on fire enough though that they would not be so entertaining. ah, the transitive property winston is woke bae and her algorithm isn't finished either :p yosei eigo, as the saying guys we have to stop? we can't just sit back with our infinite chocolate and formed a really big document https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CkVe96sgMvxSh9ox83KURpyftPy59ac05Rz-sOMV2PI/edit?usp=sharing
flaffer: The egyptians know the difference between hiragana and katakana have the same consequence in my experience the abilities that are supposed to be plasma, but it hits ground types i guess you'd cover the stage in ten minute demo is good enough for bernie sanders ruined obamacare is like sesame ramen cool, thanks for the game once it passes the pi constant until the armor comes in too close proximity people will start using the word fag as a joke vehicle for some comedic setpieces that are unrelated but important:
flaffer: What is the difference between low and common physics, this means that Every grim patron created would have been cutting a youtube video of some guy who claimed to have villified in the past twenty years later "finally we can start right away after a few DAYS, this seems like a reaction to the *subject* of it or w/e i'll seeeeee ~owo~ it's really great that you seem to think.
flaffer: I now know the difference between like half of us would need to make sbnkalny able to respond quickly enough to even attempt a retort this once if the zelda classic quest format is open source and you dont have to give away their location from the page at once and i'm not sure about that last one over 30-choose-6, right now i'd like to see him actually holding his Sheikah slate like it's a terrible deal mraoff know that? ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) 23
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moon-light-dreams · 5 years
  Not even sure where to start, cause i’ve been feeling kinda overwhelmed by everything lately. Need to get rid of all that stress but i don’t really feel like crying so i decided to write here. To be clear. it’s october and the last time i wrote here it was may.
  Summer had come and pass (hi there, green day references) and that was some really stressful shit. I’ve been to Karaganda, met my family and all my friends. I really missed them but i didn’t at all miss the feeling of alienation when i’m in the city. It’s like i came back from where i left everything, cause i got better in SPB, not in Karaganda. I realised so much that things had changed entirely for all of us in different ways. Rin is the same, tbh, exept for her having a lot of friends in Tomsk that she hangs out with. But she still didn’t really feel like hanging out with us. Andrey is the same, only that i saw him with different eyes. I for annoyed of his sensibility and really realised how much of a passive-agressive and maybe sometimes toxic friend he is. Like, not all the time, but there was a period when we didn’t really talked but now everything got better.
  Pin changed. She became more calm and less impulsive. She made it into university and i’m really happy for her. She has a lot of friends and a new boyfriend. Yeah. they broke up with K. He’s still the same boii i remembered and that was exactly the problem between them, cause  with all that distance and everything he needed to grow up a bit and star making his own decisions. Pin also realised she might not love him anymore so they talked about it. 
  I also travelled to Almaty to Kostya. I mean, the city is wonderful and i loved our mountain climbs, but part of me wishes i never did that. We spent the time together, with our friends Lera and Slava, i met his family and thaaat is where the troubles began. Kostya had fights like once in a few days with them and when i came that didn’t get better. His parents didn’t like me, and for some reasons are justified, i think they were biased from the beggining. Probably they got jealous that i just came without their opinion and took Kostya (even though we spent doing what we want like maybe half of the day and we were sleeping in my hotel room, which they didn’t like either). I really feel anxious when thinking about it and i hope all of us will just forget that week actually happened. Kostya had a huge fight with his parents about it, almost got it to physical level with his dad. I still don’t know what his dad told about me, but if it came up to fighting i think it’s something i don’t really wanna hear. His mom also called Kostya’s really annoying ex to their family trip right after i left Almaty, can you imagine? That girl started texting Kostya non stop from the begginning of summer when his little brother asked him to wish her a happy birthday and Kostya did that and unblocked her. She wouldn’t really stop, only for a few weeks, and that was really fucking annoying for both of us, but Kostya didn’t want to hurt her so he wpuld reply, even though he wouldn’t do that all the time, he was ignoring her dor hours and days and was really cold if he did answer. I asked him to stop that but she fucking texted him for like a month even without him answering any of her texts. 
  Kostya’s best friend, Diana, is also treating him like shit, tbh. I never had anything against their friendship but when he did a really big favor for her (helping her with her new apartment) she wouldn’t even invite him to celebrate. For 1,5 he wasn’t texting her and she would only call when she needed a favor. A few days ago he asked if she wanted to go out and maybe take a drink (he thought the 3 of us could all hang out together) she replied with ‘i have peoplle to drink with. You can take Luna and drink with her’. Ouch, that was bitchy.
   Danya broke up with her abusive boyfriend she was dating for over a year and now she is in a relationship with a normal guy from our university. I like him and i hope they will last, cause these are some healthy relationships. With a new year coming and new people coming over, me and Kostya are getting more comments on what a nice couple we make. I agree, i like it and i hope things will last long enough, even though nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. I just really admire on how sincere he is, even though he sometimes might cross the line with his jokes. I try to slowly learn him how his relationships with parents and Diana, no matter how close they re, are not healthy. Don’t wanna screw anything between them, just hope he won’t make them for an ethalon of how people should communicate. 
  Right now i don’t feel like doing anything but i really wannado something except for studying. I have enough of free time in my opinion, but working with studying might go wrong. Something sporty would be nice too, but not sure if i should take a lot of money from parents. Here again, there is a job, but i won’t have free time for both studying and trainig then. Really should figure something out. Plus, i kinda wish i can start saving money on moving together with Kostya. Dorm is nice and fun until you get tired of parties and a lack of personal space. 3 year is supposed to be easier then second one so i think this summer i’ll have to 100% find a job, but the sooner i start, the better. 
  Oh, and i forgot to tell, i changed my passport so now i’m oficially Russian.
  Probably that’s all for today
0 notes
madmonarch · 6 years
THAT HEADCANON ASK DROP FROM YESTERDAY ( thank you to @selfsaving​ and @lacksmotive​ for sending them and keeping me busy on the road trip! ) ALL UNDER CUT CAUSE ITS LONG
“ would mk ever use his telekinesis during sexy times ? “  Ironically enough I actually thought about this a day or two ago and forgot to post anything about it. But the answer is if the opposite party already knows about his telekinesis then yes, yes he absolutely would. His favorite thing? Keeping hands occupied but using his power for tools or other parts ie tying stuff, knives, softer objects. Though sometimes he will use it on the opposite person themselves too
“What is The Most Violent thing mk has ever done?”  this one is fucked up I’m going to say this. It was in his late 20s, and the reason he has that huge stomach scar of his. It was the first time he got kidnapped. Obviously I already mentioned he doesn’t like being bound in a room alone. And young MK wasn’t used to physical torture- what he received in the past was all psychological. At least for the most part. So some guys he had gotten on wrong terms tied him up and start to open his gut. MK, without a better choice of words, snapped. Killed most of the men in the room with his telekinesis. A reason that its dangerous for him to use his telekinesis when pissed is its terrifying. A lot of the men got impaled, but some parts of their bodies were torn off or ‘exploded’ without any external cause. With his torturer, he physically assaulted him for about 15 to 20 minutes with his fists or other parts of his body before rigging up a make shift machine in his containment location to keep him alive. Tortured him back for the better part of 7 hours past the point that he should be dead. And this isn’t even the most visibly gruesome thing he has done. But the other instance was mostly post mortum
“ is mk a good cook ? does he prefer to cook or get takeaway ? “ oh I’ve actually thought about this before and yes he’s actually a pretty good cook! Given that he was alone most of the time when he was a kid he had to cook his own food, so he learned pretty quickly. However given how busy he is with work work and villain / criminal work he often just picks up. Usually higher quality food as he can be quite particular on what he puts in his body. Though he occasionally indulges in fast food. He also has quite a sweet or salty tooth.Edit / add on: due to his ‘super’ sense of smell he is real precise on spices and stuff like that which can be good or bad. Certain food with a bad odor or overpowering he can’t do
“ when did the title 'mad king' actually come about ? “  as I said Riain was more of a serial killer in his early adulthood so the paper tended to give him names, especially as he started marking his victims with the crown symbol. The most common he heard was The King or The Bloody Crown. Well he was also into plays and old books about kings gone, well, Mad. Low and behold, he pieced together the name The Mad King and started to push that one at public eyes. It wasn’t necessarily one he pieced together, either. He used the name a few times before hand for throw together plays he did back in acting.
“ if mk had a pet, what would he want ? “  actually he has three (had, at least. Its unlikely they carried onto other verses besides main.) A frog with 5 legs, a two headed snake, and a cat depending on verse / character connections. The first two for sure. He likes animals with genetic oddities, and given that his early experiments were generally on frogs there is that reason too.
“ where is mks favourite place for a sexy encounter ? “  mmm well a sense of danger is kind of a turn on for him. Areas of potentially getting caught but low likelihood of it happening. Or you know, more physical danger. He’s also a fan of shower / bath sexy time or oddly enough, car. Back seat specific. Honestly Mad King is big into indulging just about anywhere at any time on or against probably just about anything.
“ Has mad dad ever tried to reach out to any of his family members or vice versa?? “  Mad King himself hasn’t tried to, neither has any of his family as far as he is aware. He prefers it that way. They did try to once or twice immediately after he ran away, but he knew it was just to drag him back to being a good little lab rat.
“ if someone put their hand over his mouth ( in a NON sexy way, in a like 'shut the fuck up' and / or 'this is a kidnapping' kinda way ) would he lick them yes or no?  “  lick? MKs a biter. He will actually tear the flesh off of someone’s palm if that happens. He’d try to go for his knife or something first and cut their gut, but its a split second difference of which one would go quickest for him. Licking is saved for sexy stuff or him being a messed up piece of shit and licking up blood
“ does mk own a human skull ?”  oh he absolutely does. A few actually. Most are made into something or other- technically speaking, a lot of skulls he does own would be hard to tell from other house hold items (mk uses parts. That means be careful with household items in his house. Your spoon could have been made from an arm bone). But he’s edgy. He uses some unchanged just for looks in areas he can get to. For a bit he used on as a stand for his crown but that was for a real short amount of time
“ how is mk with children !! “ he’s alright with them. I’ve said a long time ago that children are the least likely for him to hurt. He doesn’t have a reason to. Beyond that, he doesn’t really like seeing kids being hurt. However, he will not go out of his way to help a kid especially if it interferes with a plan of his. Generally speaking, he won’t go out of his way to talk to kids nor will he really break who he is to look kinder in front of kids. Though I think he honestly has some dad instincts buried under that arrogant demeanor of his. Secretly might want an ‘heir’ but would never say that.Obviously he’d be far more obviously better with / if a kid is his and not just some random kid.
“ does mk like birthdays + does he / how does he celebrate his ? “ when it comes to his own birthday, no he doesn’t celebrate it. He quit celebrating it a long time ago when his family showed no care towards it. For him his birthday is just another day of the week. He doesn’t even tell people when his birthday is. Which is odd, given it would be even better of an excuse to have people treat him like royalty. But then again, he’d rather force that belief then make excuses.As far as others, it is likely he does celebrate them. He isn’t flashy about them, and he doesn’t really abuse the fact he has money. If he cares enough to celebrate another persons birthday, he isn’t just going to get them stuff with a large price tag. He is going to go for something of personal value.
“ does mk like horror movies ? does he taken any inspiration from horror movies / villains for his own bad shit ? “  he adores horror movies! His favorite genre and if he actually has free time he’ll watch them. He has taken some inspiration for some of his killings, but its more bits and pieces for one or two kills. He makes fun of killers that take too much inspiration from horror. However, arguably the one he has taken a lot of inspiration from happens to be his favorite horror movie / book- Silence of The Lambs
“ WHAT ARE MK'S FAV PET NAMES EITHER TO BE CALLED OR TO CALL OTHERS “ so the ones that apply to either calling others them or being called them himself; dear, darling, honey, and to a lesser extent babe and loveNow I’ve talked about this too much but won’t stop tbh but like if he likes you? You for sure have a title brewed in his mind already. The fucker loves titles. Specifically royal titles. (And for half the ships I have I may or may not have figured out what specific titles he would give and why)As far as ones he LOVES to be called. Call him ‘My King’ in a non mocking manner. Also 'My Love’ or 'My Dear’ are good options.He’s not a fan of overly sappy ones. Like honey bear or stuff like that.
“ does mk prefer to share a bed or have his own space ? “ depends. Concious / appearance keeping Mad King prefers his own, but its pretty obvious subconsciously and if he were to relinquish some pride issues he much prefers having another person with him. Its comforting. Like I mentioned he cuddles up to people rather quickly when he falls asleep. And his prideful butt hates that fact when he wakes up. Especially the fact his body yearns to keep the contact despite the argument of mind. Of course I’ve mentioned he’s awful about falling asleep. Aka he doesn’t get enough sleep ever. Actually, probably his best sleep is gained if he’s with someone.
“ what's mk's favourite weapon to use during a kill and why ? what weapons does he like in general for what purpose ( like what's he like to use for torture stuff ) ? “ he actually really likes to get creative with his crown. The tips of his crown are razor sharp- like, they can put plenty of knives to shame. Of course he wields it in such a manner that he can be precise whether he wants a real deep cut or not. But he’ll use it to cut chunks off, slit throats, or lodge through people. Other then his crown, its usually blades. Knives are of highest preference- a harpy or curved blade is fun, but he also likes basic hunting knives (the one he carries in the GTA AU fits one of these.) And speaking of GTA, his favorite guns are generally the bullpup rifle / shotgun or (ironically if I remember correctly) the MK Pistol. Though for torture? It changes. He likes pliers. And his knife. Chemicals. Also does enjoy fire. Basically, the King likes anything with power but is efficient and aesthetically pleasing at the same time.Of course, if he’s feeling creative he will build tools for torture. Draining people, slowly cutting them apart piece by piece, triggering electrical impulses naturally occurring in the body to go into overdrive to burn the person inside out. It depends on his mood. It really does. And he’s tried plenty.
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