#take this bad pun while I’m dealing with cramps
keter-class-anomaly · 9 months
They call it MENstration because lots of epic men do it
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sophiainspace · 3 years
☾ coldwestallen
☾ - sleep headcanon
The Bed
“See? It’s the perfect solution.” Len waves his hand in a little flourish at the enormous bed, which he has just... acquired.
The three of them are standing in a line at the foot of said enormous bed, staring at it.
“I guess it is,” Iris says, and sighs.
Just as Len is about to ask Iris if she could sound any more tragic about being gifted the largest bed in the furniture store, Barry says, “Yeah, it kind of is,” in a voice that would not sound out of place if his family pet had just died. (Len should check on McSnurtle in a minute.)
Trust these two to turn down the biggest bed Len has ever seen, and its wonderful potential for space for them all. Len raises his hands. “What?”
Iris nods slowly at the bed. “It’s just so big.”
“It is,” Barry agrees. “Won’t we get... lonely?”
It seems Len still has some persuading to do. He jumps onto the end of the bed, swinging his legs against the frame (which is hiding enough storage for all kinds of things. Like a third person’s belongings, for instance). “Sweethearts. Paramours. Lightning bolt of my life and brightest star in my sky. We did agree we all needed more space at night, correct?”
“Yes,” the two of them chorus sadly.
“Remember why?”
Barry seems to have temporarily forgotten that he is a brave bold superhero, and has slipped his hand into Iris’s. “Because I’m clingy,” he replies in a pitiful voice.
Len takes a calming breath. “Never said you were clingy. I said you were—”
“Like a limpet.”
Len can no longer stand Barry’s sad face. “Okay, I might have said that, in my sleepy, overheated delirium... Scarlet, I love having you cling to me.” He waits for Barry’s little smile to peek out before adding, “But there’s no denying you have the body heat of a large toaster. If the toaster could move at several times the speed of sound.”
Barry sighs. “And you like to be cold when you sleep.”
Len inclines his head. He will not be broken down by pouting. He earned this bed.
(So what if he earned it by getting Mick Rory to set a small, easily-controlled fiery distraction at one end of a furniture store - after hours, when only security were there - while the Rogues absconded out the other door with the bed? Still counts.)
Iris raises a hand. Her snarky smile warns of an impending smug moment. Only fair - it’s her turn. “How many toasters move at the speed of sound?”
“I said if. It’s a hypothetical toaster.”
“The toaster is hypothetical,” she reassures Barry, patting his shoulder. She has a protective arm wrapped around his waist now - must have been the clingy comment.
Len raises an eyebrow at her. “And your contribution to the sleeping predicament?”
Iris wrinkles her nose. “You claim I steal the blankets.”
“You do,” Len and Barry say in perfect, unrehearsed unison.
Iris pokes Len. (He resists the urge to ow.) “You’re the one who likes being cold when he sleeps,” she mutters.
Len shrugs. “Not as cold as your freezing feet.”
“I do not have cold feet!” She turns to Barry, eyes wide. “Babe, tell him I don’t!”
Appropriately, Barry freezes. “Uh...”
“Like ice blocks,” Len agrees. Iris’s wide-eyed look of utter betrayal is cute. Len’s not going to tell her so.
She thumbs behind her. “You wanna end up on the couch, Leonard? I bet sleeping with your cold gun would be a whole lot chillier than my feet.”
Okay, snark is one thing, but she doesn’t get a turn with the puns. “Funny,” Len drawls.
“Guys!” Barry raises his hands in surrender. “Do we really need to fight about this? I’m sure we can come to a solution everyone’s happy with.”
But Iris’s eyes have narrowed at the bed - and then at Len. The last time he saw a look that dangerous from her, she was interviewing him as a source. “Leonard, how much did the bed cost?”
This, Len planned for. “$3489 without the mattress, but I got a great deal on that with the bed frame. Talked the sales guy down from $989 - got it at cost for $784. Gave him some schtick about any sale being worth significantly more to him than no sale at all.” The key to lying well is all in the details. Len stretches triumphantly.
Barry sighs in just that way. “You stole it.”
Iris raises an unimpressed eyebrow. “He stole it.”
Len is faced with two matching do-gooder hero poses. His brain scrambles to find the hole in his plan. “In my defence,” he starts, “you’re usually fine with it—”
“We said as long as we don’t find out, Len.” Barry shakes his head. Len can just feel his disappointment. It’s pretty much the worst.
“And you just got rumbled.” Of course Iris is backing him up. Len barely resists rolling his eyes.
“I assumed the ‘no stolen goods in the house’ rule was implied,” Barry adds.
The plan is now a runaway train with Len in the driver’s seat pulling uselessly at faulty brakes. “Again, in my defence, you could have made that expli—”
“Don’t.” Barry throws up a hand as he walks away. “Babe, how about we sleep on the couch tonight?”
“Great idea,” says Iris. “We can pull out the hideabed.” Her unimpressed look intensifies as soon as Barry isn’t there to temper her. Unlike her husband, Iris is always more upset by lies than stealing. And Len thought he couldn’t feel any worse. Without another word, Iris follows Barry out.
“That’s fine,” Len calls after them, like he’s convincing anyone. “All the more enormous bed for me.”
Twenty minutes later, he climbs in. It’s exactly as comfortable as he expected, and... empty.
Len hunkers down in the middle of the huge pile of pillows, ignoring the vast space on either side of him, and why is he trying not to feel bad about the stealing and the lying?
As he finally drifts off, he wonders when these two irritating do-gooders started having this effect on him.
He’s sure Barry will be the first to cave. Len expects him to appear around midnight, craving his cuddles, wrapping himself around Len like a conveniently-shaped hot water bottle. But 1 AM comes and goes, and Len stays cold. Who knew he could miss his furnace of a speedster?
His eyes open again a couple of hours later. Iris always comes for her own cuddles around 3 AM, pretending to be reluctant about it. Len always plays her game, muttering about being woken up - as he snuggles up to her and cools off his speedster-overheated toes on her blocks of ice. But tonight, his feet stay stubbornly room temperature.
At 4 AM, half-emerging from a very weird dream in which he is directing Barry and Iris in carrying an enormous bed out of the Speed Force, Len throws out an arm for...
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Snart,” he mutters - and gets up. Time to stop being an asshole. For one night, at least.
Len knows his way to the pull-out couch in the dark. Barry rolls over just in time for Len to climb into a sliver of space. He lies tight on his side on the edge of the thin mattress, trying not to breathe in case he slides off.
“You’re an asshole,” says Barry’s sleepy voice, in exactly the tone he uses to tell Len he loves him. He reaches out a hand for Len.
Len wraps himself around his human radiator - like a limpet. “Thought you were asleep,” he whispers.
“I am.” Barry makes the most adorable happy noise Len has ever heard. “Mmm. I missed you.”
“Missed you too.” Len cuddles him tighter, trying to ignore the spring poking into his back. “This the worst mattress I’ve ever had the misfortune of lying on, and I’ve slept in a cell in Iron Heights.”
“Are you stealing all the cuddles, Barr?” comes Iris’s voice from out of the dark.
A flicker of lightning - and Barry is behind him, shoving Len towards Iris, and big-spooning him like the cuddly romantic he is. “You’re hotter than the surface of the sun,” Len complains.
“Thanks. I work out,” Barry murmurs. “Mostly running.”
Len chuckles quietly. He turns his head to kiss Barry’s shoulder, letting his lips linger against his warm speedster a moment longer than necessary. “Sleep well, Scarlet,” he whispers, though he’s pretty sure Barry has already drifted off.
As Len reaches out to pull Iris towards him, she tuts. “Are you still complaining about the heat, Leonard?” She shoves her feet against his. “Maybe these’ll help.”
He makes a show of shivering— “Worse than the cold gun core” —and kisses her neck. He hides a secret smile against her. “Good night, Iris.”
She makes a contented sound that warms his heart, even if his feet are about to form icicles. “Night, hon,” she whispers back.
With all his temperature needs taken care of, Len closes his eyes.
A full seven minutes later, he says, “I’ll take the bed back.”
“And?” Barry asks.
Len would roll his eyes, if anyone could see it in the dark. “And I’ll pay for the fire damage to the store.”
“And?” Iris murmurs.
Len never knew true patience until he met the West-Allens. “And make a sizeable donation on top for any inconvenience— Look, do you want me to give them the entire price of the bed and be done with it?”
“That sounds fair,” Barry sleepy-murmurs. Only the Flash could sound that smug while he’s asleep.
Iris giggles and cuddles up a little closer to Len. “Apology accepted. We love you too.”
“Love you, Lenny,” comes Barry’s happy echo.
“Might as well keep the bed, if I’m paying for it. Or were we just planning to carry on sleeping here?” They’re asleep, but he takes their silence as agreement anyway. “Good. The bed stays.” He curls himself tighter around Iris, pulls Barry’s arm closer around him, allows himself one contented sigh, and closes his eyes again.
He has to open them again a minute later to grab a handful of blanket before the entire thing wanders off to the other end of the bed. “Iris, you thief!”
“Shh,” she murmurs. “The blanket is hypothetical.”
“Well, it sure moves faster than a toaster!”
One last flash of lightning lights up the darkness, and the blanket is thrown back over Len. “Go to sleep, you goobers,” Barry hisses.
Cramped and achy and cuddled up between his people, Len drifts off.
Tomorrow he’ll tell them why he brought a bed big enough for three into an apartment where only two people currently live.
For now, he sleeps like he’s home.
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stellar-imagines · 5 years
SCENARIO REQUEST: ❝swap issues.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Bakugou Katsuki ]
「Bakugou and you were arguing when you’re both hit with a villain quirk that caused you to change bodies with one another. Unfortunately for you, or rather Bakugou, you’re about to get your period.」
An argument with Bakugou wasn't that rare. Given his temper and behavior, it was no surprise that you'd eventually get into a fight. He's pissed over something, no surprise there. You weren't sure what it was all about but seeing him all angry in the alleyway, hidden from everyone, made you wince. The loud explosion sounding off and his screams of anger. You were certain that you'd be deaf the moment you stepped into the room. This act was making him look like a bad guy and you were having none of it. As his girlfriend, you knew about him the best. He's misunderstood and actually has good intentions, it's just that he loses his temper a bit too fast.
Calming him down was like defusing a bomb. You cut off the wrong wire, then you're fucking screwed. It was just shortly after you both finished up a job. However, the two of you were in separate divisions and you had no clue to what triggered him. So you did your own research, asking a few people about what happened out there in the field. You didn't remember the full detail but hearing Midoriya's name was more than enough. The two were rivals with completely different personalities and to be honest, Bakugou always makes things a competition. The moment you approached him, he was already aware of your presence.
"Come on now, are you really that pissed?" you asked casually. Bakugou looked up, narrowing his eyes at you. He was still dressed in his hero costume, minus the gauntlets and neck brace. 
"Take a hint, dumbass. Do I look like I'm happy?" he voiced out his thoughts without thinking it through and that actually threw your off. You had expected him to click his tongue, tell you to find your own business like he normally does. You weren't sure how to respond to that.
"You're both on the same side! Instead of getting pissed over how he arrived at the scene, you should be glad that no one got hurt. What the press said about " you told him, watching as he dropped the towel and turned to glare at you.
"You don't fucking understand what it's like! Don't act like you know everything. You don't have to lie to me face about it to make me feel better." his voice was slightly raised and you could easily tell that he didn't like that you were taking this matter too lightly.
"I'm not acting like I know everything. I'm not lying to make you feel better either. I'm just telling you that—"
"Just fucking stop there, I don't want to hear you pitying me." Bakugou was pissed and it wasn't hard to tell. His voice grows louder and louder up to the point where he was going to explode. If you took the wrong step he will surely blow up. His hands were balled into tight fists, his quirk threatening to go off.
"When in the hell have I been pitying you!?"
"Shut up! Get off my back!" an explosion went off.
"You telling me to be quiet? Fine, I can't even deal with you right now." you huffed at him. It was really uncalled for. You try to help and he just blew up in your face. The two of you were oblivious to the shadow slowly approaching the two of you and kept on arguing. The silhouette was an unfamiliar one and you both noticed it when they spoke. 
"Two Pro Heroes, fighting in the middle of the day is quite amusing and that shows that you're both very careless and incompetent!" Neither of you were quick enough to avoid the blast that emitted from from the palm of the villain's hand. You were able to shield your eyes from the bright light. 
It felt odd. All you could say that it didn't hurt like you expected it too. Your muscles were tense the entire time and they relaxed when the light faded, your wrists felt heavy and your head hurt a bit. When the pain dissipated, you were in shock. In front of you was your body. You looked at your hands, which were Bakugou's and suddenly the weight on your wrists made a lot of sense. 
"What do you mean we fucking switched bodies!?" 
"Calm down, [First Name]-san—Kacchan!" Midoriya shrunk back in fear, clearly intimidated by the angry look on your face.
"Oi! Don't yell so loud, Katsuki!" you scolded your boyfriend.
"Calm down you two. Until you're both back in your own bodies, you have the day off." Aizawa who happened to be the one in charge of leading the attack came after hearing that you and Bakugou ran into the villain. Without any problem, the other heroes managed to capture the villain who was the reason behind the predicament you're in. 
As much as it annoyed the two of you, neither of you were going to be able to properly work like this. And maybe, a break was just what the two needed. The two of you needed a chance to rekindle your relationship after all. Bakugou was annoyed but he knew that yelling and complaining about it wouldn't do anything. He also didn't want to recreate the same atmosphere as the day before. It surprised you how civilised and calm your boyfriend was behaving. You both sat on the couch, the silence being your company.
"You're surprisingly calm despite being in a sucky situation." you spoke.
"Whining and complaining won't change a damn thing." he grumbled.
"I wished you realized that sooner instead of getting angry at me." you sighed out loud. It was like he was punched in the gut. It wasn't hard to tell that you were referring to what happened yesterday. You didn't want to appear petty but you just couldn't help it. His words hurt you and you were upset. You didn't want to cry over something so ridiculous. However, remembering the way he yelled at you made your heart hurt.
"Hey." he moved a bit closer to you. All that aside, hearing him talk to you in your voice just sounds so damn weird.
"I admit that I made a mistake. You don't need to start crying."
"I'm not crying or anything."
"Yeah right. Something's in your eye right?" he said. You found yourself smiling a bit as he mimicked the remark that you often used. Maybe it was because you felt happy that Bakugou actually tried to apologize. Sure he didn't state 'I'm sorry.' but it's close enough. You rubbed your eyes, relieved that you weren't tearing up.
"I know that this sucks right now but we're gonna get through this hell together." Bakugou said, leaning on you.
"Yeah, you're right. We're gonna get through it."
"That's the fucking spirit."
"Actually, there's one problem. It should be mine but now that you're well.....in my body, you're the one dealing with the problem." you rubbed the back of your neck. Bakugou rose an eyebrow, clearly not really worried like you were.
"What? Fucking perverts stalking your ass or something?"
"No.....it's nothing like that." you laughed nervously.
Bakugou had expected something really serious. Did you have some sort of injury that you had been hiding from him? A secret? Had you been circulating drugs illegally? No, you’re stupid but you’re not retarded. When he was dragged into the room and being handed a few things that looked like painkillers, heating pads and whatnot, all he could wander what the fuck are all these for. Now, he was standing in the store at the feminine hygiene aisle looking at ten different brands of sanitary pads.
"I wish I had a boyfriend like him!" Bakugou heard a girl gush. 
"He looks like he knows his shit and he’s handsome too." the other said before walking away from the aisle. It fed his ego since it was his body that the girls were checking out. You, who's in his body, was oblivious to the comments that girls were saying.
"So this one is a bit thick but overall soft and it gives you the feeling—"
"It looks the fucking same to me just buy whatever you fucking get!" Bakugou snapped, rolling his eyes.
"I guess the mood swings are in full swing." you said, trying to hold in your laughter. It was supposed to be an unintentional pun and when you realized it, you couldn't help but laugh. Bakugou let out a noise that was akin to annoyance, clearly unamused with your humour.
"All I want is the shit that can help with this pain! It feels like a persistent diarrhoea that I can't fucking get rid off!" Bakugou complained while you tossed in a few items into the basket before heading to the counter to checkout. After purchasing the items, you both headed back home. And the the entire time, Bakugou complained about the pain and the uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. He lost all motivation to even move and decided that the couch was his new bed.
"How are you feeling now?" you asked.
"Like I've been hit by a bus, and kicked by a kangaroo. I just want to fucking sleep." Bakugou grumbled, hugging a pillow close to his stomach.
"You want some cuddles?"
"Are you kidding me? How are cuddles gonna make this feel better?" he questioned as he made space for you.
"Just trust me. I've done this with you so many times." A small laugh escaped your lips as you laid down with him, wrapping your arms around his body and pulling him closer.
"Fuck that actually feels so comfortable."
You smiled gently, letting your boyfriend cuddle you on the couch. The silence between you didn’t last long and much to your surprise, Bakugou broke it. He gazed up at you with a face devoid of emotion.
“I’m feeling horny.”
“Are you being serious right now?”
“Blame your period, now I’m the fucking mood. Do something about it.”
Total: 1662 words Published: 13.12.2019
Thank you for requesting! *。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و*。 It’s been a month since we last posted something and that’s because we’re really busy with studies uwu I have a test tomorrow that I have NOT studied for and honestly, I’m just really bad at studying :’) Anyways, we’re sorry to make you wait so long. So, uh, funny thing, I’m actually on my period right now. Any of you experiencing KILLER CRAMPS!?  Some of my friends are lucky enough to not have cramps. ― author Hibiki/Lou
Thank you for requesting! College is killing me and I just hope it finishes me off. Lou who has 3 assignments to do over the break has no time to be typing anything. We both have Christmas break but Lou has assignments while I have reports and analysis to do. So it’s not really a break. We hope you like it and we’re so sorry to make you wait, anon. ― author Natsuki
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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thechocoboos · 5 years
Could you do the chocobros (+Ardyn and Ravus) taking care of their significant other while she's on her period?
These hcs have been sitting in my google docs for a week now--but hey, they’re ready!!! I ended up with eight pages of headcanons so brace yourself lol; wrote these while i was suffering from the very thing i was writing about. what a life.
HC: The Bros + Ardyn and Ravus taking care of their SO on their period!
Noct knew that periods existed, he swore that he did, but he just kinda… forgets.
So when he came home to see you dying on your couch, he was just… ??? “Uh, babe? You okay?”
“NO, Noct, I’m not o-fucking-kay--”
It was only when he called Ignis that he figured out what was going on, with Ignis exasperatedly having to remind Noct that hey, people get periods!
It was a short phonecall, luckily
And it didn’t take Noct too long to get with the program
Softness increases to 110%
Mutual laziness increases to 70%
Caring for his SO increases to 2000%
He does his best--but he also kinda. Just. I dont wanna say it but he doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal until he sees you crying over cramps, then he realizes that periods suck and that you just need your stupid boyfriend to give you the love and support that you deserve
After that, he gets better!!!
“NoCT, can you please go get me my meds? And some water--”
“Can’t you do it yourself--” He always freezes, remembering how bad it can be, “Shit, sorry, babe--” He already started getting up, bringing out a bit of your favorite snack as an apology, “You know I’m an idiot.” He said when he handed you your meds and your fave candy bar
You know, and for whatever reason, you still loved him
He kinda has to learn what to do and what not to do just because he feels too unsure to ask anyone
Unfortunately, it was also through trial and error that he realized how sensitive you can sometimes be when your period is knockin’ at the front door
He found out through multiple crying sessions--and yes, it was usually his fault, but he was always insanely good about making it up to you with food, cuddles, and movie marathons
He’s the boyfriend who goes to the store for tampons and pads for you, sees the giant aisle of them, and while he isn’t embarrassed to be seen buying shit for his SO, he has absolutely no idea what to get and literally grabs the first shit he sees
And of course, you send him right back with a picture of the brand you actually like and a pad in his hand just so he can get it right the second time
Cue the mental image of Noctis comparing the pad in his hand to the color of pad packaging in stores
“They’re both green so it’s gotta be right… right???”
In summary: Noctis is a dumbass and can be a bit insensitive about periods simply because he’s really not around women or anyone who gets periods, but he really does try to remedy his ignorance and any mistakes he makes
Prompto, too, has never really had much experience with girls or periods or people with periods and he just. He tries so hard--he really does
He gets you a new teddy bear every single time (at some point, you know you’re gonna have to tell him that he can’t keep buying you new bears, but it’s so cute that you don’t want him to stop)
He’s the one who gets sympathy pain
I promise, the second he catches wind that you’re on your period, he’s out the door trying to find your favorite of everything
If you send him to the store for pads, he comes back with one of everything and lots of tears in his eyes, “Babe--I didn’t know what you wanted so I just bought everything im sorry oh gods”
He’s the pitiful soul who blushes as he buys all the pads and tampons and looks like he’s gonna cry
He’s the one who pulls a cart full of sanitary products to the first register he sees and is crying as he looks in the clerk’s eyes and cries, “My SO is on their period i dont know what they like help me please”
Christ, he’s a mess but he’s your mess and you love him
He comes back with every single snack he knows you so much as look at
Cravings? He’s got your back.
Like, you mention this shit you want half heartedly and then he disappears for three hours and comes back with a weighted blanket, heating pad, and three bags of those weird chips you were craving
He’s always blushing and frantic, but he blushes the hardest when you ask him to lay with you and cuddle
Ofc he does it--he loves it, but the bold, straightforward way you ask has him blushing head to toes
He once caught himself wishing people got periods more often just so he could hold you like this more often--he accidentally said it out loud, and you only snuggled into his chest more and told him to shut up and hold you tighter
Prompto is a mess but he tries so, so hard just to make you comfortable and content
He once drove for twenty minutes to find your favorite candy bar (and he would do it again, no question)
When you cry bc emotions, he starts to tear up, too
He always says, “Babe, if you cry, I’ll start crying and then we’ll both be crying and I don't think either of us can handle that on an emotional level” and then you both cry anyways
He likes to sing to you when you guys cuddle, his voice is soft but husky in the perfect way that lulls you to sleep
If you fall asleep in his arms, he falls asleep, too
He’s the extra bf who goes above and beyond unnecessarily, merely because he doesn’t know how else to help you
Holy Behemoth Batman! One of these idiots is properly aware of periods!!!
And it’s this one. Bravo, Gladdy, bravo. Fans everywhere are cheering your name.
In all seriousness, he is aware and actually knows how to handle someone who is on their period
Iris used to get some pretty bad periods, and with their mom not around and their dad always busy, it was Gladio who had to help her out and actually explain them to her in the first place (he’s never gonna forget when Iris ran up to him one morning while crying and shouting about bloody underwear)
So, needless to say, he ain’t shy during that time of the month. In fact, he knows more tips and tricks than you do, simply because he was one hell of a big bro for Iris
Heating pads? Blankets? Snacks? Damn good brands of sanitary products? He’s got it all and you didn’t even have to ask, like holy shit
Back when you guys were just starting out your relationship, you had actually gotten your period once while at his place and when you told him you’d have to go home because you forgot your products, he was like, “Oh--hang on. You prefer pads or tampons???” and pulls out a giant basket with a lobster on it, labelled ‘Menstruation Crustacean’
He said that he liked to be prepared in case Iris was over
What an absolute legend of a bf. Like, after that, you knew you weren’t letting this fucker go.
He rubs your stomach if you’re having really bad cramps and doesn’t even have to be asked to go grab you some pain meds--it’s like he has a sixth sense or some shit
Really, really chill about periods as a whole like he’s not scared to go to the store for you and he gets the right products!!!
Sometimes, when you get so sore and crampy that you can’t move, he’ll carry you around in his arms and doesn’t complain once
Will change your bloody sheets and isn’t the slightest bit grossed out--doesn’t mind emptying the bathroom trashcan either
Similar to Prompto, he loves to hold you and hum to you. He won’t sing, but even his absent minded humming while he holds you to his chest under one arm and reads some random book lulls you to sleep with ease
Quite frankly, probably the best of the bros when it comes to periods
He’s not scared of them. He doesn’t care if it gets messy, he knows what to do, like. Shit. Fuckin’ winner over here.
Ignis, much like everyone else, does not have that much experience with periods. Didn’t really have many folks with periods around and he’s never had a SO before
So you would think he’s a hot mess--but nO! He would nEvER
He googled and he googled and he googled and he asked coworkers (always respectfully ofc) and he googled some more
He has an arsenal of tips and tricks and guides and everything--but he does lack the hands on experience
He will help you and he will buy you everything you need and more--but there will always be the hesitation of someone who doesn’t really know what they’re doing
One time, Ignis tried to rub your belly to help with cramps, but he only succeeded in tickling you and embarrassingly had to admit he doesn’t really know where his hand should be
Ugh what a cutie pie
He’s patient and sweet and he does all these small things for you without even telling you, and when you do notice, you feel like your heart is just gonna burst and vomit affection everywhere
He’s still a little embarrassed and shy when you boldly demand cuddles, but he does it nonetheless (he fucking loves it though he will never admit to it)
He’s the SO who cleans up bloody sheets and quietly gets blood stains out of your clothes while you’re vomiting from cramps, but never, ever makes a big deal out of it and does it with the caring affection of a kind man in love
Bumps his pun game to 110% to try and make you laugh
Knows which subjects and what phrases and words to avoid to prevent your emotions from blowing up
Even if they do, he never takes rude words to heart and he always comforts you lovingly, giving you a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek
He keeps an eye on you
If you shift uncomfortably, he’s there with a heating pad
If you’re meds are wearing off, he already has more in hand
Sometimes, if you want to cuddle, you only have to look at him a certain way before he’s sighing and climbing into bed next to you, reminding you that if you were anyone else he wouldn’t go this far
He just dotes on you in the quietest ways possible
Insensitive Dumbass Part 2
Yes, he knows people get periods. Does he care? No.
Not until he falls in love with you, at least.
Cramps? Can’t be that bad. Migraines? Just mere headaches. Aches and pains? Probably nothing. He dismisses each symptom right up until you come into his life
Because when you guys get together--he gets to see firsthand just how bad everything can get
Oh gods you’re crying from it all?? VOmitting??? HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO KNOW--
He felt like a right dick (and he should)
But he was also quick to change his tune, because the love of his life can’t suffer like this
Not while he’s around!!!
He’s quick to ask Luna what to do, and thank god at least one sibling in their family is sympathetic and not a mess and a fucking half otherwise he’d be doing things through trial and error (not that he didn’t, even with the help)
He does everything by the written list Luna had given him (she knew he wasn’t gonna remember everything), even years after you two got together (he likes to use it as a benchmark of sorts to know when he’s doing everything you need)
The first few times you had sent him to the store because you ran out of supplies, he had absolutely no idea what to get and any poor employees who tried to help him earned the most aggressive, hostile glare he could muster
He ends up calling Luna, too, because how is he supposed to call you and tell you that he doesn’t know what to get??? And have you think he’s incapable??? NO! He was gonna be the best bf and get exactly what you fucking needed or so help him--
He’s just very aggressively in love. Little bit of a dick but he changes and grows as a person into the kinda man we can all love and support and who will love and support us right back!!!
He does his best but he doesn’t want to seem incapable of being helpful
Likes to remind you when your medicine is supposed to wear out so he can show that he’s some use
Anytime he gives you a massage or rubs your back or smth, he’s always giving you nervous, uncertain glances just to make sure you’re content or that he’s helping
Always giving you nervous glances just to check that you’re okay (he really loves you, he’s just not sure how to show it)
Lots of hugs and kisses but he’s embarrassed about all the skinship when you want cuddles (don’t get him wrong, he really, really loves it; he’s just… not sure what to do with all these feelings)
He learns how to be a supportive, wonderful SO when you’re on your period and maybe one day he might actually remember your favorite brand (but don’t get your hopes up too much at that)
Back in Ardyn’s day, periods weren’t exactly talked about, so the first few times you mentioned them, he was absolutely flabbergasted that you would blatantly talk about something that was considered so private
If he hadn’t been a healer, he wouldn’t have known near as much about them as he did
But even as a healer, periods were still something considered a woman’s subject and were usually left for women healers and mothers to handle so he could rarely do much
But then--Ardyn had to get pretty fuckin’ used to periods because you were pretty much out of commission when your “aunt irma” came to visit
First couple times you got your period while with Ardyn, they weren’t so bad, but then they went right back to their normal symptoms
When Ardyn came home to see you curled up in a ball, clutching your abdomen and trying to just keep your eyes shut to block out the light, he had thought you were terribly, terribly sick
“Darling--what’s wrong? What happened--” He was genuinely concerned and worried, his brow furrowed and mouth drawn in a worried frown. He hadn’t realized that your periods were so debilitating, so to see you like this, he had thought something even worse had happened
You only managed a groan when you tried to talk, and that only made him rush over even more, trying to lift your arms to see where you were injured, “Darling, please--”
“‘M fine,” you tried to say, “It’s just--fuck,” You hissed as a particularly bad cramp came your way, “--fine, jus’, that time of the month.” You wheezed, laying your head back down on your pillow
And that was when Ardyn realized just how terrible the symptoms could be
He was a worried man. Absurdly worried actually, and sometimes it made you want to laugh if everything didn’t hurt so badly
Ardyn was the kind of man to do absolutely anything and everything for his love, so that’s what he did
You never had to leave the bed for anything unless you really wanted to
Ardyn would deliver your pain meds on the clock, always accompanied by the most ridiculously jeweled goblet he could find (he was always one to be amusingly over the top and treat you like a queen, but his dramatics always cheered you up)
He was usually by your side unless you requested some alone time, and then he would respectfully kiss your forehead, say “Of course, darling. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call--I am always at your disposal,” and close the door quietly as he left
Otherwise, he would be laying in bed with you, one arm wrapped around your shoulder and the other holding some old book or resting across his stomach as he took a nap beside you
He would give you massages wherever you ached and he would provide herbal remedies from back in his day that were pretty good at relieving aches and pains
Ardyn’s innuendos and teasings would go on the back burner during this time--unless you instigated it
If you didn’t, he might tease you here and there, but always the tiniest, most light hearted things and it was always said in the softest teasing tones
All your feelings are valid to him, hormonal or otherwise, and he will listen to every word you say as though they were your last
Yes, you were usually treated like royalty by him, but it somehow increased exponentially when that time of the month arrived
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Beneath an Aurora Sky (Ch. 8)
Summary: The South Pole Station is equipped for research and Edge has always made sure things run smoothly for the inhabitants. His charges are meant to follow his rules and regulations, and in turn, he makes sure they survive in the arctic temperatures. It takes plenty of hard work and determination and Edge, along with his crew, can handle both.
He wasn’t counting on one of the newest researchers. He wasn’t expecting Rus.
Tags: Spicyhoney, First Time, Arctic AU, Hurt/Comfort
Notes: So, bourbon came up with an amazing AU and did some lovely art for it: please look at it and love it.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Read Chapter 8 on AO3
Read it here!
Leaving Rus sleeping alone in his bed was one of the more difficult things Edge had done in recent memory. He only slept briefly himself, persuaded by Rus’s warmth and the unfamiliar comfort of holding someone in his arms, but in the end, it was early in the day and Edge was too restless to stay in bed as long as Rus should.
Instead, he carefully eased away from his bed companion. Rus made a soft sound of complaint and Edge froze, waiting until he settled again. He looked small buried within the blankets, the shadows beneath his sockets still dark and obvious. He was covered from his chin to his toes, as chaste as a fresh apple, and yet somehow, simply watching him sleep was a temptation. Edge shook away the urge and took a moment to tuck the covers warmly around him before escaping the room. Hopefully Rus would sleep for a few hours yet.
Outside the door, he straightened his clothes so they looked a little less slept in. If Undyne saw him looking like he’d just rolled out of someone’s bed, she wasn’t going to keep her opinion to herself and Edge didn’t need a dose of her crowing glee today.
Today was one designated for necessary maintenance and when he went out to the building that housed the Core generator, Red and Undyne were already there, working together in companionable silence. They both looked up at him as he walked up and whatever greeting Red was about to give died as his sockets narrowed.
“you smell weird,” Red said in lieu of a good morning. He pushed up the protective goggles that replaced his normal sunglasses, his entire face scrunched in distaste. “doesn’t he smell weird?”
“You see a nose on this face?” Undyne grumbled. She shut the maintenance door before pushing up her own goggles; the Core was damagingly bright and Undyne didn’t have an extra eye to lose. “Weird, how?”
“I do not smell weird,” Edge snapped. Predictably, they ignored him, looking him up and down suspiciously. Honestly, it was becoming obvious that he needed to add more duties to their schedules if they had this much free time for speculation on their hands.
Red only shrugged, scratching at the stocking cap covering his skull. “i dunno, just weird, sort of sweet. like sugar, maybe, or honey? where’ve you been today?”
“He took the fashion victim breakfast earlier—" Undyne trailed off, her eye widening. “No. You didn’t.”
Edge sighed at the dawning awareness on both their faces. “Nothing happened.”
“Nothing happened in a way that left you smelling like snack cake?” Red asked with gleeful scorn.
“All I did was convince him to get some sleep.”
“and offered yourself as a mattress?” Red prodded him in the knee with a sharp elbow, easily dodging the kick Edge aimed at him. “gotta say, boss, that’s right neighborly of ya. anything else you felt like giving him? or maybe you need to borrow a cup of something sweet, bet he’s got a few things he could offer.”
“I didn’t come out here to discuss my proclivities, Red, I came out because Alphys told me you haven’t been in to use the machine. You need to—” Edge stopped and sighed. The space where his brother had been standing was already empty.
“Gettin’ soft, Boss,” Undyne said dryly. She sank back to sit on the floor, her hands dangling between her knees. “Usually you would’ve had that bad puppy by the scruff of the neck before you said a word. Maybe you needed a longer nap.”
“I didn’t need a nap at all,” Edge said, irritated. But she wasn’t wrong; his distraction with Rus was throwing him off un unexpected and very unappreciated ways.
“Maybe you need somethin’ else.” She ducked but Edge’s swipe at her was only halfhearted.
“We may as well finish this; he’s not going to come back as long as I’m here.”
“I could nab him for you, boss.” Undyne smiled widely at him, her needle-sharp teeth gleaming in the harsh fluorescent lighting.
“No,” Edge shook his head. “All that would get us is a tendency for him to run from you as well. I’ll corner him eventually. I wish I understood why he hated the machine so much; it’s helping him and using it is painless.”
“Dunno, boss.” Undyne dug through the toolbox, hefting up a heavy wrench. “He’s never been too fond of the lab, though. Weird, ain’t it, he was the one who helped us get this gig.”
“I know,” Edge murmured. When they’d been cast out of the Monster community, they’d been allowed into the Human world as neutrals, for whatever the worth that ‘allowed’ offered. After a few months of what could loosely be called surviving, Red was the one who told them about the Institute’s offer. Edge couldn’t have said how he even came across it; after his injuries, Red had been confined to the squalor of their cramped, shared apartment while the rest of them struggled to earn any coin they could in a world that often despised them for existing.
At first, it all seemed entirely too good to be true. His brother somehow contacting the Institute and all of them being offered employment? Despite his reservations, Edge had cautiously agreed, with Undyne and Alphys following at his heels. They’d been given funding and resources to come to the station on a strict six-month contract.
It hadn't taken them long to prove themselves, handling the workload and temperatures far better than the Humans before them, and between Alphys’s energy experiments and Edge’s strict policies, they’d come to be known as a safe place for scientists to work without fear, either of the elements or anything else. The Institute handled the roster and funds, they handled the rest.
That six-month contract quickly become a year, then two, and they were coming up on a third with no end in sight. His contacts at the Institute offered respites for them frequently, even suggesting to temporarily shut down the station for them to take a vacation to warmer climes.
Thus far, each offer had been refused. Even Alphys, whose appreciation of heat was well known to them all, made no bones about the fact that leaving what had become their home held little interest for her.
They might not own the station, but there was no questioning that it was theirs.
And right now, they had a Core to maintain.
“Let’s get this finished,” Edge picked up a set of goggles, readying to open the maintenance door again.
“You got it, boss.”
Red managed to avoid him for most of the day, sly bastard that he was. He’d always had a sort of preternatural skill at avoidance, for work, for confrontation. If it was something his brother didn’t want to deal with, then he simply wouldn’t.
Except for while Edge might lack his brother’s skills in wiliness, he made up for it with an excess of stubbornness. A plan was slowly forming to capture his brother and he only needed an extra pair of hands to do it.
His phone chimed and Edge paused, retrieving it from his pocket with surprise. They weren’t able to use the actual phone function on the devices but so long as they were in range of the WiFi, it could be used for messages. Not that they gave their personal information to any of the scientists, it was strictly for in-house communication and emergencies, or in his brother’s case, the terrible puns and memes that caught his attention. So who…?
It was a further shock to see the message was from Alphys. He had no doubt that Undyne and Alphys sent each other horrifically sappy messages all day, but he couldn’t think of any occasion of Alphys messaging him in the past.
The message was brief: Rus is outside, on the back side of the station.
Alphys hadn’t included so much as an emoticon, so the sly insinuation Edge was feeling was probably only in his own mind. He still mentally set aside the plan he was working on and went to pull on his outdoor gear.
True twilight had passed an hour before and outside the velvet black sky was strewn with stars. The aurora wasn’t visible tonight, but the sight was no less stunning, so long as one paused to look up. Hundreds of stars caught in the pale web of the Milky Way, chasing away the darkness.
Edge walked to the southern side of the station, his boots crunching on the hardpacked snow. The lights of the station set a glaring halo around the buildings and it made the dark surrounding it all the starker. Outside the circle of lights, he could see unfamiliar shapes not far away, one of which was likely his target.
The facility was never completely locked down. Rus wasn’t the only one whose research could be time sensitive, but scientists were supposed to use a special sign out alert if they were working outside alone. Edge hadn’t checked if Rus used it, though he probably had. Not that it mattered; Alphys had plenty of ways to get information, more even than Red.
His footsteps were ample warning of his approach. Rus didn’t look at him, his attention was on the device in front of him, a telescope, although unlike any one Edge ever saw before. Strange dials and extra lenses dotted it and Rus was adjusting them briskly with gloved fingers.
His laptop was sitting on a small camp table, the screen dark. Next to it was a pad of paper and a pencil. Edge barely glanced at it; it was impossible to say if the notes were in an unknown language or if Rus’s penmanship was simply that terrible.
Edge was the one who broke the silence, “How long have you been out here?”
With a final twist of one of the dials, Rus looked up at him. His pale eye lights were amused but there was no mistaking the dark circles lingering beneath his sockets. “well, hey, good afternoon to you, too. not too long, boss, i’m fine. besides, bonnie gave me a thermos to take out with me. keeps me toasty from the inside out.”
Hearing that their cook was giving special privileges to her obvious favorite was no surprise. To hear Rus calling him boss did give him a prickle of discomfort; after hearing his real name in that sleep-husky voice, he’d distantly hoped to hear it again in sly cheer of his waking hours. Perhaps he didn’t remember; Rus had been nearly asleep. It didn’t seem right to bring it up again, not right now.
Rus poured out a steaming cupful into the cap of the thermos and held it out teasingly. Edge took it and sipped, grimacing almost immediately. It was sweet enough to send a cramp through his tongue and he handed it back with haste, ignoring Rus’s grin.
“Don’t stay out here too long,” Edge warned. Though he might check on him again; Rus seemed the type to lose track of time, absorbed in whatever data he was getting from the star-strewn sky.
“i won’t,” Rus made a little ‘x’ over his chest with one finger and when Edge started to turn away, he added lazily, “what, no goodbye kiss, edge? you already shorted me one earlier. sneaking out while i was sleeping,” Rus shook his head sadly. “i missed your whole walk of shame.”
Edge stopped. His breath fogged in the arctic air and here in the darkness with the heavens staring down at them seemed like a moment for honesty.
“What do you want from me?” Edge asked bluntly. They’d shared words, kisses, and even a bed at this point but answers were few and far between. Rus, his conundrum, his puzzle who offered kisses and yet was shocked when Edge offered to nap with him.
A look at Rus found his easy flirtation faltering. He looked up at the glimmering stars, his own breath clouding around him as he said, with unusual sincerity. “right now? a kiss. we can see about tomorrow later.”
He’d be gone in a few short weeks and Edge wouldn’t see him again, unless he came back for another rotation and even then, that could take a year, longer. He was, in no particular order; a distraction, an astronomer, a fashion victim. A student. A temptation.
Edge leaned down and took his kiss.
It was nothing like the short, sweet touches they’d shared. He swallowed Rus’s startled moan, pulled him suddenly to his feet to better ravage the sweetness of his mouth. The feel of Rus in his arms only filled Edge with the urge to pull him closer, to learn how to tease more of those breathy, startled cries free.
Until his tongue curled against Edge’s with stunning intent, forcing him to stifle a moan of his own. Rus tasted of sickly-sweet coffee, of his own softer, delicate sweetness and they stood there in the icy blackness of night, sharing it between them with a desperate press of teeth and tongue.
It was far too cold for any more than this, dangerously so, and with great reluctance, Edge drew away. Only to catch Rus as he wobbled on his feet.
“oh,” he mumbled, panting in foggy gusts. Color was burning high in his cheek bones and his soft eye lights were temptingly hazy, but this time Edge resisted.
“Don’t stay out too long,” Edge repeated. He straightened Rus’s scarf, carefully rewrapping it.
“hah, actually, i’ll head in now, i've got my data.” Rus gave him crooked smile, but his eye lights were back on the stars. The flush in his cheekbones was lingering. “bet you’re busy all day, anyway. playing chaperone for anyone?”
An idea occurred to Edge then, so beautifully simple it was bound to work. “No, but actually, I could use your help with something.”
“really? me?” Rus seemed stunned, almost absurdly so.
“It won’t take long, but I don’t want to keep you if—“
“no, no! i can help!” Edge watched in bemusement as Rus hastily began packing his gear, only stepping in to help when he was sure it was safely stowed. He slung the carry strap for the telescope over his shoulder, wincing at the weight. Rus didn’t even protest, only gathered the rest of his equipment.
He was entirely too excited for a simple favor and Edge only hoped he didn’t regret offering. Red was not the easiest to deal with in the best of moods and if his plan worked, he was going to be very angry at them both.
Hopefully, it would be worth it.
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Hey Max I had an amazing idea since Alexi now knows about Micah’s kink can you write something where he purposely eats things that make him sick so he can show Micah how much he cares for him and how much he is willing to try just for him?
Thank you, Milo! This was a great idea for continuing this little arc! 
Uh warning I guess...yeah WARNING: Stuffing and Self-induced vomiting kinda! 
By thetime Alexi slowed down his eating long enough to breathe, he suddenly realizedthat maybe he had gotten a little too excited with the ice cream. He looked atthe empty tub of vanilla ice cream sitting on the coffee table and regretted eatingso much because his stomach was a lot fuller that he would have preferred.Gosh, he had no self-control sometimes, he thought while rubbing his stomach.
He lookedat his phone and was shocked to see that it was nearly 7 at night and that Micahwould be coming home from his shift at the restaurant any time now. He didn’twant to admit that he had gone and gave himself a stomach-ache from eating toomuch. He didn’t want Micah to come home to him whining about his belly.
While throwingthe empty tub in the recycling, Alexi paused mid-movement, partly because hefelt a twinge of nausea rise in his throat and partly because he had a thought.He didn’t want Micah to see him sick, but maybe Micah did want to see that.
It hadbeen a little less than a month since he’d gotten sick on Micah in the car, andthe memory was rushing back to him. Things went on as usual after thatincident, much to Micah’s relief, but Alexi had been serious about trying outhis boyfriend’s…fascination…. he wasn’t sure what to call it, but he wouldstill experiment if Micah wanted. So far, Micah nor Alexi had brought it up sincethat night, maybe because it wasn’t a big deal, but Alexi wanted Micah to knowthat he could bring it up. He smirked to himself at the pun he’d made, and wentto the fridge.
It wouldn’ttake much more food to get Alexi sick, but he wanted to time it right so that Micahgot home before he ended up throwing up. He grabbed some left-over taco meatand just ate that with nothing else. He managed to shovel it down to the pointwhere he felt like another bite would send him over the edge.
Beingbarely able to move, Alexi let himself fall onto the couch and waited for Micahto walk through the door. He was shaking, not so much from the nausea, but fromwondering how Micah would react to the surprise.
Justbefore 8pm, Micah finally came home, thank God because Alexi was about to burst.He had to keep pushing down his burps because he knew that that would start thevomiting and it wasn’t time yet. His stomach was rumbling like crazy beneathhis palm, and shivers began to cover his body. It was really beginning to hurt now,and he hoped that he would feel better after he threw up. Still, he gave Micahthe time to go and change before pulling him into a kiss.
“I missed youtoday,” Micah said, smiling. “It was a really busy day.”
Alexi wasabout to suggest they go upstairs to their bed because he had a surprise, butbefore he could say that, a massive belch bubbled up from his stomach andbrought with it what sounded like a sick gurgle at the top of his throat.
“Oh Lex,that didn’t sound good.” Micah looked at Alexi in an inquisitive way.
“S’cuse…” Alexi choked out before hisstomach sent everything up into his mouth. His cheeks flared suddenly, and hefound himself lurching forward violently.
A thicksludge of barely digested meat poured past his lips and burned his throat on theway up. A pile of sick was now growing on the floor by both of their feetbecause that’s where Alexi’s body had gone. This wasn’t how he planned it togo, and he would have wished that Micah had more of a say in where he threw up,but this would have to do.
“Alexi!” Micahjumped up from the couch in surprise, but came right back down when the initialshock passed. He placed a hand on Alexi’s shoulder and waited for his boyfriendto finish this sudden bout of vomiting. He was too taken aback to think of anythingelse than Alexi’s safety.
Alexi gaggedand coughed up a few more mouthfuls of orange-brown chunks of vomit and exhaleddeeply. “Well…that was sudden.”
“Oh babe, whathappened?” Micah asked, already leading Alexi to the bathroom down the hall.
“I’m sorry.That’s not how I wanted it to go,” he answered, his face looking a little rosy.
“What areyou talking about?”
Nowsitting in front of the toilet, Alexi sighed and looked at Micah bashfully. “Iwas going to surprise you…I ate a bunch of food before you got home.”
“Surpriseme? By making yourself sick?”
Alexi noddedwhile staring into the toilet. He thought that he had thrown everything up, butby the way his belly sloshed nauseatingly, it appeared he still had more tobring up. His stomach was cramping so bad that he was practically folding in onhimself.
Understandingflashed in Micah’s eyes and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “Alexi…”he began, but was cut off by the harsh sound of retching and of thick whitevomit splashing into the toilet.
Alexigroaned as his belly ached and his abdominal muscles convulsed. Painfully and noisily,he recognized the ice cream that had started this all, and he also saw tracesof his lunch mixed in there as well. God, he wanted to make Micah happy, butthis was really hurting him.
“You’retoo sweet, love,” Micah said while rubbing Alexi’s back as he heaved up anarray of odd colors.
“Oh,Micah,” Alexi moaned and let his head fall onto the toilet seat, “I think Iwent a little overboard. My belly is really upset.”
“What didyou eat to make yourself sick?”
“Mostly icecream and the left-over taco meat.” Just saying that made Alexi gag. A stringof thick saliva dribbled from his lips and he spat it way before wiping hismouth.
“Tacos? Wehaven’t had tacos in weeks…”
Alexilifted his head to look at Micah, and both boys just stared at each for amoment.
“Oh Lexi…”Micah cooed softly.
Alexi groanedand buried his head in Micah’s shoulder. “I’m sorry. I just wanted to make youhappy. You never asked so I thought I could so this for you.”
Micah couldn’tit help when a smile broke out across his face. “Thank you, babe. Maybe we cantry again some other time. That is if you still want to, and I don’t blame youif you say no.”
“No, wecan try again. Hopefully I don’t poison myself next time.”
Micahstarted to lace his fingers into Alexi’s curls soothingly. “How about you letme handle the food. It’ll be something you like and something easy to bring up,nothing painful.”
“Soundslike you already have something in mind.”
It wasMicah’s turn to look away, a blush rising to his cheeks. “I’ve had a long timeto fantasize.”
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chimpukampu · 6 years
A Dork Named Adrien, Day 4 - Fashion
For @seasonofthegeek Adrien Appreciation Week challenge
AO3 | Fanfiction | Wattpad
Day 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
BTW in France, they call their tuxedos as smoking same with other European countries but I'll stick with the American English term instead to avoid further confusions.
This chapter is about Adrien and his male classmates, 'coz canon failed to focus on their tight friendship. Also, lots of fashion tips for men…and bad puns.
Slight S2 spoilers.
"You need a what?"
"A fashion guru, man. A fashion guru. One who knows about fashion," Nino told him casually "You're a fashion model so you're very much familiar with suits."
"Nino, I do Haute Couture. It's not similar with Prêt-à-Porter."
"Who cares? They're both articles of clothing anyway." Kim interjected but was nudged by Max.
"Prêt-à-Porter is a high quality, factory made fashion that is only available pre-seasonally, catering to climate and economic changes. Haute Couture, on the other hand, is a high-quality custom-fit piece made for a specific client and is regulated by a French law."
Markov settled himself on his bespectacled master's shoulder and added "Haute Couture houses are committed to present collections twice a year of at least thirty-five pieces of – "
"Will you two just stop explaining irrelevant things?" the jock scowled much to their chagrin "It's not helpful."
"Can we just drop those fancy names and simply call Prêt-à-Porter as 'ready-to-wear' while Haute Couture as 'high-end fashion'?" Nathanael offered, which earned a nod from Ivan.
"I'm a bit confused. I don't understand why you all want my advice," said Adrien who was scratching the side of his chin "Why can't you just approach Marinette? She's an aspiring fashion designer and she knows all about tailored suits."
"No way we will ask Marinette about this," his best friend shook his head with a grimace "Even if Marinette kept this as a secret, Alya will still be able to pull the information out of her mouth. Alya can even interrogate a mute and they will tell her everything. You have no idea how scary she is."
"I'm pretty much aware of her cape-abilities."
"I'm going to let your pun slide, Agreste. Don't make me strangle you."
"Once Alya knows this," Ivan interrupted their banters "No way she will never share it with the girls, especially to Mylene."
"Or to Chloe," Nathanael added.
"Okay, I think I get what you mean," the blond model chuckled "Who doesn't want to dress to impress their girl? Am I right, Nino?"
"Shut up, you filthy rich brat."
"I don't need to dress to impress," Kim patted his chest proudly "Because Ondine is already proud of me – OUCH! Max, what was that for?!"
"Nobody wants to know your icky love story," the bespectacled boy sneered as he unrolled the magazine that he used to hit his friend's head "It's not helpful."
The boys' raucous laughs erupted when Kim's cheeks turned into an overripe tomato.
Mayor Bourgeoise made an announcement that his beloved daughter will be celebrating her birthday party in Le Gran Paris, and since it was a black-tie event, it was expected that there will be some famous celebrities, politicians and the press attendees there.
Despite the glitz and glamour, Chloe extended the invitation to her 'peasant' classmates. And of course, the class wholeheartedly accepted it.
"We better not screw this up," said Nino who was forced to slouch on the car seat as Ivan's large arm occupied almost half of the backrest "Not only for our girlfriends' sanity but also for our dignity. I bet there will be reporters there that could capture our mess and ruin our future."
"C'mon man, live a life! Yolo guys, Yolo!" answered by Kim who was sitting on the opposite side "Nobody cares if we'll do something funny there."
"No Kim, Nino's right," Nathanael defended glumly "Unlike you who has a scholarship grant, us here have to avoid any controversial issues that could reach to our prospect schools and lead them to cancel our application. Universities are quite sensitive to mass media nowadays."
Kim grumbled incoherently then slumped in his seat.
"This is a nice change of pace after our horrendous Bac," Ivan commented as he stared at the windows.
Nino groaned while cradling his head "Please don't remind me about that."
Adrien was supposed to be commuting with his friends, but when they learned about Gorilla's presence, they pleaded him to take them for a ride in his limousine.
He couldn't say no to their loud whines.
Now the six boys and a floating miniature robot – plus an undisclosed kwami in the pocket – were all cramped at the passenger's seat.
The ride to Haussmann-Saint-Lazare-Opéra was quite short. Considered as the commercial heart of Parisian shopping, this urban center is a home to major department stores and cheap deals, especially on men's clothing.
"According to the data that I have gathered last night, Manteau et Cravate sells the cheapest yet high-quality tuxedos in town," Max said as he swiped something on his phone. "They also have tux rentals too."
"I don't think I'll have another chance to wear a tuxedo after Chloe's party," Ivan mumbled, with eyes skimming on the store displays that they've passed. "As this is just a one-time event."
"You can still wear a tux on some formal occasions like weddings or anniversaries," their jock classmate supplied "We never know, Chloe might invite us again next year."
"Hmm, you might be right."
"Maman said that the jacket might not fit me after a year or two." Nathanael told them "So I'll just rent a tuxedo instead."
"So rent we shall do," said Nino, pushing the store's glass door open.
Shopping with male friends is way different than Chloe's, Adrien bemused as he observed the ruckus that was happening inside the shop. For his childhood friend, shopping means hopping from one store to another, multiple dress fittings and carrying several tote bags as they marched to another boutique.
Nino and the gang, however, prefer to stay at one place that could cater all of their needs. No window shoppings, catalog viewings, dress fittings or side trips like cafe and restaurants.
He never realized that hanging out with a group of boys for shopping was pretty straight-forward until now.
It was quite refreshing.
"What the hell is the difference between tuxedos and suits?" Kim complained as he rummaged the jackets that were hung neatly on the display racks "They all look the same!"
"Tuxedos have satins while suits don't," the blond model explained, "There are few exceptions to the rule though, but I think you'll find it sew-fisticated."
He guffawed when someone socked him with a pair of rolled socks. Thankfully, they were unused.
"Hey, Adrien," Nathanael called his attention behind the shelves "Which of these bow ties do you think would match on my dress shirt?"
"Bow ties?!" the jock reacted "Ew, that's for oldies! Why can't we use long neckties?"
"That depends on your jacket and shirt collar, Kim," reasoned Adrien. "Though most tuxes are best suited with bow ties."
"I hope you did not say that to deliver a pun," he deadpanned.
"Hey, all of my puns are intended."
This time, it was Nino who socked him with a belt.
Ivan emerged in front of them, holding two pieces of black garments "Adrien, waistcoat or cummerbund?"
"For you?"
His huge classmate nodded.
When he showed him a double-breasted coat, he answered: "Waistcoat would be tear-riffic on your attire."
Ivan made a non-committal hum as he left for a dress fitting.
"Can I use suspenders?" Max asked, showing him his single-buttoned jacket with silver lapels. "What colors should I use?"
"You can," Adrien answered, "But suspenders should never be visible and must be hidden completely beneath the waist covering and jacket, so it denim matter if it's a black or white."
Kim hastily shoved some lapel accessories on his face "Hey, I want a flower like what I saw on the ads! Can I use a flower on my jacket, Adrien?"
"Y – You mean Boutonnière? Of course," was his cringe reply after removing an artificial petal from his mouth "Just stick to a single flower, preferably red or white."
"Can I use yellow?"
Adrien gave him an impassive look for a moment before he sighed defeatedly. He turned his head around and noticed Nino on the other side of the room with a blanked expression.
"Hey dude, are you okay there?" he asked, tapping his best friend's shoulder lightly.
The DJ groaned inwardly "I'm having troubles on selecting tux here, man. They're all the same shade of black yet I'm not sure if any of these will compliment my skin complexion."
"I know what you mean," said the blond as he began to examine the tuxedo sets on the racks "You can wear a dark jacket and trouser to play safe, but if you're asking for my opinion, I'd prefer if you wear an off-black one. Like this."
Nino eyed the articles that he pulled out from the hanger "Are you sure about this, dude?"
"I'm a fashion guru, remember?" his friend announced proudly then flashed him a lopsided grin "I'm well Versaced in this area."
"I have no idea what Marinette sees in you," he retorted dryly.
The blond crossed his arms as if offended, "There Armani things that Marinette sew in me. And if she knows about this, I bet she would be very Prada me."
"Adrien, no."
Before the boys left the shop, Adrien reminded them of their shoes.
"Does that mean I can't wear my sneakers?!"
"No, Kim. You can't," the blond retorted with a straight face, "That's a fedoral offense."
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demonicheadcanons · 7 years
RFA + V + Unknown help MC with a painful period
(AN: It’s that time of month, my dears. (Friendly reminder that I am genderqueer, but this does not prevent this time from rolling around every month sadly). I get particularly severe pains, but I got a TENS unit today and its really helpful! I recommend it totally to anyone else who gets severe pains.
I don’t like the pulsing that it does, I find it to be a bit too painful for me, so I just turn it off when the pulsing starts and turn it back on and it goes back to the other feature which is way better! Just a tip for anyone like me ;u;
I hope you all have blessed, non-painful periods! Take good care of yourself, get what you need to help with the pain, and rest up well! Enjoy!)
Oh boy, he honestly isn’t all that sure what to do
Calls Jaehee immediately, he’s panicking because you’re curled up in a ball whimpering and holding your stomach, trying to pretend you’re okay
She tells him what to get for you, so he gives you a glass of water or a cup of tea before diving out to the shop on his motorbike to grab anything and everything
In a pharmacy, he gets one of the staff members to pick out the best of everything for you. Best painkillers for it (if you can have them), best TENS unit, best hot water bottle, literally anything at all
Comes home with bags full of things, including all your favourite foods, chocolate and ice cream (lactose free if necessary), and all the pain remedies. He also has a lot of different types of sanitary towels and tampons because he didn’t know what worked best, so I mean, you won’t run out for a while
Rubs your back and stomach and gives you loads of kisses. Cuddles up to you whenever you want
He makes sure you don’t have to do much on the days where it hurts most
If it makes you dysphoric he will do anything to cheer you up
If you bleed on anything he doesn’t mind one bit. He’ll even let you wear his clothes if you’re more comfortable. He gets advice from Jaehee on how to wash blood out of anything, and so everything comes back clean and fresh anyway. If anything is ruined, he doesn’t particularly mind
You also have a basin beside you, if the cramps get so bad they make you be physically ill
He freaks out so bad
He knows you’ll be okay but you just seem to be in so much pain
He is at work when you call and ask him to get a few things for you, and he can hear the pain in your voice, and he gets you to explain what is wrong
You think he hangs up because it’s disturbing him, but in reality he is just sprinting to the nearest pharmacy to get a few things for you
He has to ask someone who is also shopping for sanitary towels what they find works best, although he’s bright red when he does so. They just smile and say that their partner finds this brand to work best, so Yoosung gets some of those and gets you both big tubs of ice cream
He wraps you up warm in blankets and makes sure you wear you’re comfiest clothes, and he gives you the tub of ice cream and such. He’ll cuddle up next to you with his own tub of ice cream and you both watch whatever you want
Yoosung gets a little bit flustered if you get blood anywhere, but he doesn’t mind it unless it gets on his favourite hoodie. He might get a bit upset if that happens. He’ll clean it up otherwise with a shrug
He pouts at you a lot, trying to portray his sympathy and care through this. He doesn’t really know what else to do
He’s honestly just in awe that you somehow cope with this every month
If you haven’t expressed that you don’t want kids, he will definitely make a joke or two about having kids so that you get a break from it for a while (Yoosung no)
If it makes you dysphoric he feels so bad and he just curls up to you and, like Zen, he will do anything to help cheer you up
She knows
She knows exactly what it feels like
She gets pretty severe cramps and pains too, to the point where she finds it difficult to walk. Thankfully, she knows a good few remedies to fix it, and the cupboards are always well stocked up with things to help, as well as pads and tampons
She’ll make sure you have everything you need, and if you need a day or two away from the café, that’s fine too
Jaehee definitely gets you a TENS unit to try and help, showing you how to use it. She also shows you all the pressure points that you can press to help with the pain
You two end up syncing up, and she is able to predict both of your cycles most of the time, so she goes out and gets everything when you’re both due
She’s not overly affectionate like the others would typically be, but she will cuddle up to you if you want her to, especially if you’re dysphoric or anything like that
He has professionals on hand and has someone assigned to finding anything to help with the pain
Basically, your pain won’t last long
If you (understandably) don’t want to be poked and prodded at every month, he’ll still have people taking care of you. He doesn’t want you to be in pain or to want or need for anything
Literally you will get anything you want or need ever, and you won’t have to get out of bed at all except to use the bathroom. If you get blood on anything he just shrugs and is completely unfazed, ordering for someone to clean it
He will even clean it himself for the first while if you’re too nervous about having strangers cleaning up something like that
Expect lots of gentle forehead kisses and arm rubs and cuddles (Jumin totally just nuzzles his face in to your neck and stays there ‘til you’re ready to get up)
If you get dysphoric he straight up asks if you’ve considered things like surgery and such, but he will steadily reassure you that you are who you are and that you having periods does not in any way affect your gender or who you are
He’s so prepared (not)
Sprints out to the shop to get you pads/tampons and ice cream and chocolate and so much stuff Seven what is this even used for? “I don’t know, it was in the same aisle, I just lifted one of everything!”
He’ll probably be busy a lot of the time with work and stuff, he wants to make sure he can take care of you both, and Saeran, but if it’s really bad he’ll take a day out and he’ll cuddle up with you literally all day
He makes so many puns until you actually just have to tell him to stop, but he’ll give you so many kisses and he’ll rub your stomach and let you nap all you want
As you rest, he does loads of research so that he knows exactly how to help you with anything, so that when you wake up you’ll have a hot water bottle and a drink with a variety of different things in it to soothe you, and just anything he thinks will help
He also shows you pressure points that you can press to help relieve some of the pain at least
If blood gets anywhere, he’s mostly unfazed. He might pull a face but if you seem to actually feel guilty or seem upset about it then he’ll apologise to you and will stop messing about
He’s probably the most relaxed about it all after Jumin. He just doesn’t mind much at all, and nothing really fazes him
If you get dysphoric be prepared to do a lot of the things you love doing as soon as your period is over. Seven tries to take as few days off as possible, so he’ll probably be up all night working, but he takes a day to just do whatever you want
V/Jihyun Kim
He’s a little anxious but he had to help Rika with her periods before so he knows what to do at least
Any time you are in pain you can see his face flood with concern before he smiles at you to try and act as your positive light
He’s happy to help you in whatever way you need. If you need sanitary products, he’ll get them. If you want specific foods, he’ll sort it out
When his sight is restored via surgery, he would probably be quite busy with work at times, so he can’t always be there for you, but he makes sure to be extra caring when he eventually gets home
V tends to text you when he is working just to make sure you’re doing alright too. That is his main concern – that you are feeling okay
He’ll give you kisses in the morning when he’s leaving and then as soon as he gets home, making sure you’re okay. He’ll be very cuddly if you allow him to be, and you’re going to get asked how you are every minute of the day
If things get too bad he’ll definitely contact a specialist to come and see to you to make sure you’re okay
He gives you tummy rubs and kisses your stomach at times (I imagine that V would love stomach kisses)
If you get dysphoric, he’ll call you or be there for you and he’ll rub your back and remind you of how far you’ve come and how well you’re doing. He is so, so proud of you
(I’m trying to work out how he learned about all this. He never went to school so I doubt anyone ever gave him ‘the talk’ or anything. Must’ve just found stuff online?)
He learned about all this by reading up about it online, after seeing mentions of it here and there
One of the other members of Mint Eye also kept talking about it, so he had to learn more about it
He isn’t really all that fazed about it. It’s just something that happens, and that’s fine
He learnt all these tips and tricks for dealing with it. Not all of them work, but he definitely tries to help at least
However, please tell him if you don’t want the others to know about it, because he will literally just put in one of the RFA chats ‘MC is on their period. What am I supposed to do to help?’ to get advice from the others
It does mean you get a care package from Jumin though, with items carefully chosen out by Jaehee
Saeran will suddenly pull you on to his lap when you’re both sitting and he’ll hold you close to his chest and grumble for you to just relax as he pets your hair and leans his chin on the top of your head
He will sit there with you until you need to get up, or he’ll hold you until you relax and fall asleep. It becomes a common thing for you to just climb on to his lap when you’re period rolls around and its being particularly bothersome, and he’ll just sit there and rub your back, stomach, or he’ll play with your hair
If you get dysphoric, initially he probably doesn’t get it, because he doesn’t see why you having a period or certain body parts makes your gender any less valid (it doesn’t), but he’ll mumble to you that you’re yourself, regardless of what anyone else says
(Sorry that this is a little rushed, I am in pain and I can’t focus ;u; I hope this is good enough, I haven’t even skimmed over it since I wrote it. Enjoy, and do take care of yourselves!)
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Midnight in Paris (full story)
initially published on r/nosleep
Paris may be the City of Love when you're a tourist taking pictures of the Sacré Coeur and having romantic, wine-filled meals in beautiful restaurants, but not so much when you're a broke 19 year old on a year abroad who just got dumped by his two-year girlfriend.  
To top it off, it was December 17th and my roommates had already left the city, both of them going back home for Christmas holidays. The only thing I came home to after my last day of exams in La Sorbonne was an empty, slightly dirty flat, and the realization that my spanish roommate took his PS3 home with him.
I still had a bit more than 24hrs left in Paris before boarding my flight to LAX and the festive atmosphere made me feel more lonely than ever.
When I landed in Charles de Gaulle in early September, Paris looked so full of promises.
For the first two months, it was. Friendship blossomed quickly between my roommates (a Spanish, geeky 21 year old who never seemed to go to uni, and a 30 year old Irish doctorate candidate who spent 12 hours a day in the library), and I felt home in our cramped little flat.  
I partied, explored the city, ate great food and drank cheap wine; often with friends, sometimes with  a couple of girls I met at uni.
But real life caught up with me, in the form of compulsatory attendance classes, exams coming up, and some unfortunate tagged pictures on facebook that my girlfriend happened to see before I untagged them.
And here I was.
After a quick meal of leftover pizza, I decided to go for a walk. The cold was numbing, but going out was better than staying alone in this silent flat. I'm Californian, born and raised, so I admit I'm not too used to cold temperatures, but even Parisians had told me how uncharacterically cold this December was. Gloved hands in my pockets, woolly hat pulled low on my forehead and ears, I made my way through the crowded streets of Paris, secretly jealous of all those couples holding on to each other.
After nearly an hour of wandering, I stopped for a chocolat chaud in a little café I knew well. It was a well-known place in that neighborhood, always crowded, even late at night. When the waitress recognized me and smiled, I realized how much I appreciated and needed that little bit of warmth.
That's why when someone asked if they could share my table, I happily obliged. The place was crowded, the newcomer seemed kind enough and was an english speaker, something I really came to appreciate after nearly four months in France.  
He had one of those snob british accent that I either find endearing or annoying, depending on the person speaking. For him, it was definitely endearing. He looked about 60, maybe 65, and his clothes seemed from another age. Hell, he even had a fob watch in his jacket's pocket ! I had never seen one IRL.
Perhaps sensing how much I needed someone to talk to, he turned out to be amiable and started the conversation almost immediately. Before I knew, I had told him everything about my first months in Paris and how I felt like I was disappointing everyone back home, from my parents to my ex-girlfriend.  
He listened carefully, nodding from times to times, and when I finished, he pat my hand while I held back tears.
Only then did I notice that he hadn't ordered anything to drink. In fact, the waitress ignored him completely. As I said, it was a busy night, but in that café they were used to dealing with that. I felt bad for talking so much and not even noticing that he didn't get to order anything. Through the glistening of my tears, I noticed the greyish tone of his skin; he looked older than I initially thought.
I asked him if he wanted me to go up to the bar and get him a drink, but he shook his head, laughing quietly, and said it wouldn't be necessary.
“Actually, young man, I suggest you finish up that hot chocolate and join me for a night out with my friends! That will surely lift your spirits!”, he said with a smile.
I tried to turn down his offer, but he insisted, and what could I do? I couldn't say no to an older man who listened to my whiny ass for an hour. I figured I would go to that old people's “party”, stay for a bit, and then excuse myself. It would make him happy, and I would get one more hour out of the empty flat that was waiting for me to come back and feel sorry for myself.
I left a five euros bill on the table and left with my new friend. His name was James, by the way.
James led me to the nearest metro station. It had one of these big “METROPOLITAIN” signs at the entrance; the kind I used to take pictures with during my first week here, but quickly stopped after feeling the hatred from Parisians I blocked the way from.
I knew that particular station pretty well : my friend Giac lived a few streets away.
Which is why I gasped when I walked down the stairs after James and found out it looked nothing like the last time I went inside.  
The white tiles had been replaced by wood and stone. Funk music was blasting, and colored lights flashed. There was no train in sight, no ticket vending machine, nothing that would make sense in a station.  
And most of all, it was full of the most diverse crowd I had ever seen in my life.
Before I got enough time to take it all in, a black-haired dude in a dark purple velvet suit blocked my way. He angrily whispered :  
“-James, for Zeus' sake. He doesn't belong here. You can't just bring people along.  
-Oh come on, Mr H. ! The kid is going through a rough time. It'll lift his spirits!”, James giggled.
“Mr H” rolled his eyes.  
“-Enough with the puns already, James. Alright, the kid can stay. But you're responsible for him.”  
Mr H. shot me a cold look with his piercing blue eyes, but I could tell from the slight curl of his lips that he was quite amused by the situation.
I jumped at the deep, excited voice. Turning around, I realized it belong to a big, muscular drag queen with lime green platform heels and a flowing yellow button down dress, wide open on a fake cleavage that looked ready to burst.  
I mumbled “Erm, I'm Dan. Nice to meet you.”  
James chuckled : “Andy, be nice with the kid...”  
“ISNT HE THE CUTEST THING? RIGHT? RIGHT? LOOK AT HIM! EVERYONE, THIS IS DAN!”, he screamed, turning around in a swift motion that sent his dress flying around him.
A sea of faces turned to me, but I didn't look at them. I stood there, shocked, as I stared into the drag queen exposed cleavage. Under the stuffed bra, a huge, gaping wound stood on his ribcage.
The bones were exposed.  
Yet not a single drop of blood was dripping off.  
I felt James holding my arm. He whispered : “It's okay, kiddo. Don't worry.”
Looking around, it was all I could see now. When I first got a glimpse of the crowd, I saw the crazy outfits and hairstyles, from the hippies with long hair to the ladies in voluminous, Marie Antoinette-like gowns and crazy updos, the flapper girl in the corner, the classy Edwardian dandies smoking cigars...  
But now, oh now, I saw it all.  
The flapper girl's hairpiece covered the part of her skull that was missing.  
One of the dandies' skin was bloated and greenish, as if he had spent the last few days immersed in water.  
One of the Marie-Antoinette ladies wore a choker that failed to hide the line on her neck.  
Everywhere I looked, I saw deadly wounds and conditions on those lively, enthusiasmed party goers.
I swallowed back puke, my heart pounding.
Andy the drag queen looked at me, then at James, then back at me. He elbowed James, causing the poor man to stumble a little; if he hadn't been clutching to me, he probably would have fell down.  
“JAMES! You didn't warn the kid? Look at him, poor thing! He's gonna have an heart attack!”
“Well, that'd make two of us, hehehe!”  
Andy sternly looked at James and grabbed my hand:  
“ALRIGHT, SWEETHEART! DO NOT FRET!” He lowered his voice : “You see, we're not exactly [he made the “quote” gesture]... ALIVE.”  
“Am I dead too?! What happened?”  
“Oh no, darling, you're very much alive!” He interrupted to kiss some classy lady dressed in 1960's fashion on both cheeks. “Muriel, darling, look at you, aren't you gorgeous! Long time no see! This is our new friend DAN ! ISNT HE CUTE!”. As she smiled and walked away, I noticed her skull was smashed in on the back of her head.
And that's how I got introduced to a bunch of dead people by a gigantic drag queen who also happened to be very much dead.
At some point, I just assumed that I was either 1)dreaming, 2)going crazy, 3)dead.  
Either way, there wasn't much I could do about it right now, so I decided to enjoy the party and worry about it later – if I wasn't dead, that is.
It turned out, most dead people are quite friendly. They wouldn't tell me how exactly the afterlife was, mainly because Mr H. seemed to appear everytime one of them tried to touch on the subject, but they told me not to worry too much.
The alcohol they served was real, and they seemed to get drunk, so it kinda reassured me that there was an afterlife in which I could keep getting drunk if I wanted to.  
On that night, unsure whether I was alive or dead, I sure drank a lot.
As an history major, it was quite fascinating to talk with people who actually experienced some of the things I had learned about. I was immersed in a conversation with a guy who died during the Roman Empire (a conversation that taught me two things : one, I didn't actually know shit about the Roman Empire; two, when you've been dead for 1956 years, you end up learning a lot of languages) when Mr H. materialized next to me. I don't mean he showed up unexpectedly. He litterally appeared out of thin air.  
“Dan, it's time for you to go home now.”, he said in a rushed tone.  
Andy (who hadn't left my side all night) pleaded “Oh come on, Mr H! We're just starting to have FUN!”  
Mr H. looked stern and... Anxious?  
“It's nearly midnight. He has to go.”  
Andy got as pale as he could possibly get under his heavy layer of make up.  
“Oh. Yes.”  
Composing himself, he smiled at me : “Well, kid, WASNT IT FUN? I SWEAR YOU'RE THE CUTEST LITTLE BASTARD I'VE MET IN THE PAST TWENTY YEARS -”  
He stopped mid-sentence, as we all heard a train approaching. It was the first train of the night, despite this station normally being one of the busiest of Paris.  
There was another noise, too. Wailing. It was deep. It was scary. It felt like despair was engulfing us.  
I felt a hand grip my elbow, and suddenly, I was sitting on the sidewalk in front of the entrance of the station.
Standing next to me was Mr H, seemingly unbothered by the cold in his purple suit.  
I, on the other hand, was already shivering.  
“Erm, Mr H.? I left my coat inside, could I-  
-No, Dan. This isn't your world yet, and you can't go back now. It's midnight, the gates are opened. I can't let you wander now; you might get lost.  
-But I'm not dead, right? I'm not?”  
He looked about 30, yet the way he looked at me right then reminded me of the way my grandfather used to look at me.  
“-I would know, if you were.”
I finally got the nerve to ask him what had been bothering me for the whole evening. Even when we were down there, he looked... Out of place. His skin didn't have this greyish quality, he showed no sign of wound, and he was too young to have died of natural causes.
“What are you?”
He seemed almost pleased, as if he knew I was going to ask.
“Daniel Thorne. For an history major, you're not too smart.”
He lit a cigarette and started walking back to the station at a leisurely pace. I sat there, thinking as hard as I could in my drunken, confused state.
Then it clicked.
He was almost halfway down the stairs when I called him back :
He turned around, the hint of a smile on his lips.
I stared into his blue eyes and muttered :“When am I going to die?”
“Not today, Daniel, not today.”
He turned around and resumed walking down the stairs, but I heard him saying :
“But please make sure you live, first.”
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iartlife · 6 years
Chapter Four
Pt. II
Elli tossed her bag onto the couch in the cabin, she'd deal with unpacking it later. She dug into it to find her overcoat because it might get colder later.
She kept her backpack on. It had her thermos, a few snacks, aluminum blanket, a flint/pocket knife that her brother got her for christmas one year, a little makeshift first aid kit and bear spray. Never forget the bear spray. If she was going to be wandering around in the woods, she wanted to be prepared for anything.
Elli stepped outside to let the nostalgia wash over her again. When she registered for a cabin the staff were overly friendly. Probably eager for the business. The place seemed deserted aside from the workers.
It wasn't quite how she remembered it. The Wendigo Resort used to be "the place to go" when she was little. When she was in grade school, just about all of her classmates spent at least a week here over the summer. Some even came out here for holidays throughout the year. Back then it always seemed to have just the right amount of snow no matter the season. She wondered what had changed.
Speaking of change, she could sense something in the forest now, perhaps her senses were enhanced more than normal. What would be in that tree she found in the way here? Magic? Bugs? That would be distubing. But was magic real? It was definitely possible, likely even. It had to be magic of some kind that turned her into a wolf once a month.
Month, oh.. That other monthly thing will need to be addressed soon as well.
Elli walked over to the little convenience shop to buy a few select items she had forgotten in her dorm. The clerk was very nice and told her if she needed anything for cramps she would give her a discount since they were ridiculously overpriced up here on the mountain.
Elli thanked her and left, wandering into the gift shop next door to see if they had anything she never noticed as a kid, or perhaps something new.
It had that little cabin feel, just like she remembered. There was the wall of shirts and jackets with the Wendigo logo on them. Some mugs surrounded a display in the middle of the shop with other drinkware. There were also thermoses that matched the battered one in her bag. Teal was a new color while hers was a forest green that may have been discontinued since there were none.
She sifted through the shirts with funny and slightly morbid puns,
'Ice you' with yellow eyes on it,
'It's all downhill from here'
and her personal favorite 'Bring more snowboarders' above a fat silhouette of what is presumably a wendigo with a toothpick. They stole the idea from Yellowstone but it worked well with their theme.
She found some stuffed bears, wolves and mountain lions as well as elk, caribou, rabbits, foxes and moose. The top was little wendigos, or at least of what they were thought to look like. Perhaps those were real as well. She wondered if bear spray would work on a real one or if she needed special wendigo spray.
She grabbed the fluffy white toy and took it to the clerk. Elli was partial to the wolf but her niece would love the little wendigo. Tally has begged to come here ever since she heard her and Cody's stories of when they were kids. Perhaps when the snow started falling she'd take a week off school to bring her up here. As long as there weren't any real Wendigos, of course.
She made her purchase and turned to leave right into the shoulder of someone. "Oh! I'm so sorry."
He had a surprised look from being nearly trampled. "No no, my bad. I kinda snuck over here." He smiled at her. "Not a lot of guests this time of year, especially since we haven't had snow yet."
Something felt wrong about him. She got a similar feeling from a lot of men who went out of their way to talk to her recently, but this time it was different somehow. She never had anything bad happen but the vibe they gave off made her uncomfortable. This guy sent that feeling off the charts. He wanted to hurt her. The extra senses weren't something to be ungrateful for. It was handy knowing the intentions of anyone around her.
He also smelled like... werewolf?
"Yeah uh, I just wanted to get an early start and scope out the best hiking routes before it gets too crowded."
"Oh, you're here to hike? That just so happens to be my favorite pastime." It was creepy how well he hid his aggression. He was flirting with her; that made it even worse.
"That's nice." She said quickly as she slipped around him. "Maybe I'll see you out there." Elli waved as she went out the door with her stuffed wendigo.
She exited the gift shop only to find three more men outside the door. They were large and muscular, the biggest one was in the middle.
Elli pulled out her bear spray, wielding the stuffed gift in her other hand as if it would do damage if necessary. "What the hell is this."
All three of their eyes glowed a shade of yellow. The one on the left with long hair spoke up. "You're in our territory and you're not a part of our pack." He tilted his head to the side. "What are your intentions?"
She froze, a bit confused but mostly terrified. They were all werewolves. Turning around to see through the window of the shop, the clerk and the creep were staring at her, their eyes glowing as well. She hesitantly turned back to the three in front of her, tense and thinking of every possible outcome. She couldn't fight them off, there were too many. She had to escape.
The girl from the first shop stormed out behind them with a bat. Elli just about ran for it as she approached but the girl smacked the guy in the middle across the back of his shoulders, the bat exploded into splinters. She was on her side?
"You guys are such jerks!" She yelled louder than necessary.
The guy she hit turned around, unphased by the strike. He was big but, damn. "She's a wolf. Probably from another pack." He turned back to Elli. "Probably sent here to scout out our numbers since our Alpha is away!"
"Don't be stupid! You're the one blabbing unneccesarily!" The girl growled. "Besides, she's our only guest! You will all treat her like a queen! I will call Hans if I have to!"
The men exchanged some glances and dispersed back to wherever they came from.
The clerk approached her. "Hey, sorry about that. Those hotheads don't know what's good for them." She held out her hand to shake. "I'm Kay."
Elli was still clutching the spray and wendigo. She tucked the toy under her arm and shook Kay's hand. "Elli."
She smiled. "That's such a nice name. What pack are you from anyway?"
"I'm not- I don't have a pack."
"Oh wow, really? How long have you been a werewolf then?"
Elli paused to think. "Since the beginning of the school year, September."
"That's impressive, most people need the support when they first turn; to tell them what to prepare for and such."
Elli took a breath to shake off the last of her nerves. "I made a friend during my first turn. She was very helpful but didn't have a pack either. You guys are actually the first other werewolves I've met besides her."
Kay's eyes had gotten huge. "Oh my gosh! I'm so honored! They are too, they just don't know it yet." She gestured in the direction the men went. "Well, if there's anything you need just let me know. And here's my number just in case," she pulled out a piece of scratch paper and scribbled on it. "Especially if the guys try to harass you again." Kay handed it to Elli.
"Oh, thanks."
"You're welcome to hang out in the store. We can chat or whatever."
"Actually I kinda have a thing I was going to look into. Maybe another time? I'd love to hear about how it is being in a pack."
"Oh good! But what sort of thing?"
"I found a weird tree earlier. I want to see if there's any more. Do you know anything about it?"
"A weird tree?"
"Yeah, it had metal in it. Silver, I think."
"That's weird for sure, no I don't know anything about it. Where was it?"
"It was off of the road a few miles before I got here."
"That's- Oh my gosh! I think I know what it is! Or rather was."
"I think it might be an old rune from when the wendigo still lived here."
"There really is a wendigo?"
"Well, he isn't a real wendigo, they're extinct. I think he's a wizard of some kind though. He would keep the snow here all year with his magic, it would make sense that he used runes. I was really little when he left. It has never been the same here since then."
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egooksconnolly · 6 years
Period Tips That Will Change Your Life Forever
Periods are the bane of a woman’s existence, there’s no doubt about that. In fact, if there was ever an issue that every culture, religion, and race the world over could agree upon and bond over, it would probably be regarding how much periods plain suck!
The mood swings, throbbing aches and pains, bloating, staining of good lingerie, cravings for sugary and salty processed foods, and the spontaneous urges to kill someone, are just a few of the many symptoms of menstruation that women have to struggle with every month.
And that, my friends, is on a good month.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, when the monthlies arrive, your daily schedule can turn into a giant, bloody mess (pun intended). And we understand this pain, which is why we took it upon ourselves to provide you with these lifesaving how-to-deal-with-period tips that will hopefully make your next ride over the crimson tide a smoother sail (yes, I know, enough with the nautical metaphors). Read on!
1. Hot Sock Or Hot Water Bag
Period cramps can be notoriously bad. However, instead of trudging through your day in misery, use this age-old home remedy to alleviate the pain – get a hot water bag! Boil some water or, alternatively, microwave a cup of tap water till it’s good and steaming. Pour it into a hot water bag and apply at your pelvic and back region. Instant bliss!
If you haven’t got a hot water bag, don’t worry. You could make a “hot sock” instead by filling an old (hopefully, clean) sock with rice and heating it for a few minutes. Ingenious, isn’t it?
2. Menstrual Cup 
Tampons and pads are so passé. These days it’s all the rage to make use of menstrual cups! Now, before you dismiss it as a silly fad, hear us out. The menstrual cup has some rather vociferous advocates who make a good case. Not only are these medical silicon-made contraptions safe, they also happen to be reusable, ecofriendly, and easier on the wallet than traditional sanitary napkins in the long run.
Oh, and did I mention they’re 99% leak proof? Consider us sold!
3. Period Panties
If you’re still hesitant to venture into the menstrual cups realm, you can try period panties instead! The oh-so-comfortable, light and airy, ‘period-proof’ panties are made from organic cotton and can be worn to ensure the placement of tampons and sanitary pads, thereby preventing and spills or leaks.
4. Foods Rich In Potassium 
Did you know that consuming potassium-rich foods can actually help combat menstrual cramps? Yes, you read that right. Dietary potassium can aid in relieving muscle cramping, while simultaneously improving muscle strength.
So, stock up on foods such as avocados, spinach, acorn squash, sweet potatoes, salmon, dried apricots, coconut water, pomegranates, white beans, and bananas the next time you’re preparing for your monthly visit!
5. Avoiding Salty Snacks
Now, we do understand that the pain, stress, and pure frustration your monthly guest brings you can make you cave into comfort eating. And any comfort food binge trip must include crisps, crackers, and biscuits or it ain’t worth its salt (Heh. See what I did there?).
However, while we can empathize with your pain, sister, we don’t recommend it. The excess sodium from salty snacks will only serve to exacerbate all the bloating and swelling you see during your periods – the last thing any of us want.
6. No Caffeine 
On any regular day, coffee is the elixir of life. On menstruation days, however, this drink is poison! Forgive us our dramatics, but you see we have good cause. Caffeine has been reported to make menstrual cramps worse.
I know! That sneaky little, duplicitous cup of goodness.  Ergo, it’s best to steer clear of the morning cup of joe when you’re hit with your menses. However, if you are too much of an addict to really endure a break, switch to the next best thing – decaf coffee.
7. Period Apps!
One of the greatest tragedy of life is having to keep a track of your menstrual cycle. Now, if you happen to be blessed with a punctual period that arrives and leaves on time, every month… well, then aren’t you a lucky one?
However, if you do belong to the majority of women who can never predict when their period is about to arrive – we have good news for you. Introducing, period apps! These bad boys take up the cumbersome task of tracking your period as well as calculating your fertile window, for you.
I know, brilliant!
8. Painkillers 
Speaking about technological advancements, when it’s all said and done, there ain’t no real comfort like the blissfully numbing effect of a good painkiller during a bout of menstrual cramps. When all else fails, we women can always turn to aspirin. Our white knight in shining armor!
 So, there you have it – period tips for your next month of menses that will help provide some measure of comfort and relief. Do you have a friend who often suffers from a terrible period? Well, share this with her now!
The post Period Tips That Will Change Your Life Forever appeared first on STYLECRAZE.
The article source is here:Style Craze
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flauntpage · 7 years
Your Friday Morning Roundup
Put aside the protests and the Zeke Elliott situation, actual NFL football returned last night. And it was fun to watch if you hate the Patriots.
The Andy Reid-led Chiefs took care of the defending Super Bowl champs, 42-27. That’s the most amount of points the Pats have given up under Bill Belichick. And Reid did a really good with time management? Weird world.
Anyway, Alex Smith, who could be entering his last year as the team’s starter with Patrick Mahomes behind him, went 28-for-35 with 368 yards passing and four touchdowns. Rookie running back Kareem Hunt had himself a night after fumbling his first carry in the NFL. He ran for 148 yards on 17 carries with a touchdown, and also caught five passes for 98 yards and two scores. He set an NFL record for yards from scrimmage in the first game of his career with 239. The Eagles play the Chiefs in KC next Sunday.
Tyreek Hill made seven catches for 133 yards and a touchdown, but left the game in the fourth quarter with cramps.
Star safety Eric Berry was carted off the field after suffering an Achilles injury.
Tom Brady went 16-for-36 with 267 yards passing, and Mike Gillislee scored all three of New England’s touchdowns on 45 yards rushing.
Andy Reid put up 42 points and 536 yards on the Super Bowl champion Patriots. My god. Next week should be fun.
The Roundup:
Eagles’ owner Jeffrey Lurie held an impromptu press conference where he discussed clickbait, Kelly Green jerseys (better happen), and having dinner with Andy Reid.
The Eagles also unveiled their new hype video for the season. Thumbtack. Thumbtack. Thumbtack. Kyle ranked all the yearly hype videos. If you give a crap, here’s mine:
5. 2016 (solely because it included St. Joe’s Prep, my high school’s (La Salle) archrival
4. 2014
3. 2015
2. 2017
1. 2013
Tim McManus went on a car ride with Carson Wentz and asked him a few questions.
Zach Ertz is going to break out this year, finally, and more valuable fantasy advice from fantasy guru Jim.
Alshon Jeffery’s cleats are fire.
These are the personalized "AJ XIII Cleats" Alshon Jeffery will be wearing this weekend #Eagles http://pic.twitter.com/mkqweL0uWy
— Eliot Shorr-Parks (@EliotShorrParks) September 7, 2017
He also won’t chirp at Josh Norman on Sunday.
Finally, check out Sean’s first Eagles Mailbag post.
Some not-so-good news regarding Joel Embiid from Howard Eskin on 94 WIP yesterday:
“He’s not ready for five-on-five play, according to the Sixers. But what I understand is, his agent wants a new contract before he — remember he’s eligible to get a new deal. Now, if you’re the Sixers you can’t give him a max deal until you see that he can play, how many games he can play during the season.
“But my understanding, part of the reason that they’re saying — whoever it is that is saying that he’s not ready for five-on-five play, is because — and Joel Embiid, I don’t think worries about the money, but they listen to their agents. And the agent wants a new contract.”
Brett Brown on WIP – article from Liberty Ballers – said Eskin’s report is BS.
Training Camp will take place from September 26 until September 29 in Camden. One practice per day.
Amir Johnson said some more promising things about Ben Simmons after a community event at the Strawberry Mansion PAL Center:
Was going back over Amir's comments from today.
There was also this: "I truly believe that Ben is going to be the future of this league."
— Brian Seltzer (@brianseltzer) September 7, 2017
Did we see a glimpse of a new red jersey yesterday? Our good friend Conrad Burry made some predictions:
Took a stab at some predictions…I actually don't mind the wacky art deco font. Maybe it'd be alright if they re-drew it cleaner. http://pic.twitter.com/KASlHlRLMS
— Conrad Burry (@conradburry) September 7, 2017
To add to the intrigue, CEO Scott O’Neil gave some input about the funky 70s wordmark in a Tweet two years ago:
I actually like those u? https://t.co/S9Nh0UY6TR
— Scott O'Neil (@ScottONeil) April 17, 2015
EuroBasket updates:
FINAL: 107 – 69
Saric – 22MIN / 18PTS / 10REB / 3AST
— Philadelphia 76ers (@sixers) September 7, 2017
Furkan Korkmaz (Turkey) got a rebound in eight minutes of play in Turkey’s loss to Latvia.
The Phillies played a game last night as well. They lost to the Nationals 4-3.
Odubel Herrera extended his hit-streak to 20 games, and Jorge Alfaro hit his second big league homer. Aaron Nola gave up three runs on seven hits in 5.1 innings.
Phillies and Nationals do battle again tonight at 7:05. Jake Thompson takes the mound for the Phils against Max Scherzer. God bless.
Scott Kingery and Tom Eshelman were the recipients of this year’s Paul Owens Awards, given to the team’s top minor league player and pitcher.
Meanwhile, former pitcher Brett Myers has a new music video. Not gonna lie, he’s kind of good. Him and Kyle had a weird Twitter exchange:
Thanks… wasn’t bashing you (really). Just not my scene. The song itself isn’t bad
— Kyle Scott (@CrossingBroad) September 7, 2017
Maybe u should come down and hang and see how we have a good time then u might change ur mind
— Brett Myers Music (@BackWoodRebel39) September 7, 2017
Can we talk about the girl in the Yankees shirt though?
— Kyle Scott (@CrossingBroad) September 7, 2017
I didn't like that either but I don't tell them what to wear…she was actually there to keep an eye on my youngins while we shot the video
— Brett Myers Music (@BackWoodRebel39) September 7, 2017
Fair enough.
— Kyle Scott (@CrossingBroad) September 7, 2017
By the way it's at 2300 views and climbing..I just released it at 11pm last night but thanks to u it's gonna keep going up! Seriously thanks
— Brett Myers Music (@BackWoodRebel39) September 7, 2017
By the way just to correct u on the Military issued Belgium Malinois…the dog is actually a German Shepherd…he wants to meet u http://pic.twitter.com/FlYi8vnPF9
— Brett Myers Music (@BackWoodRebel39) September 7, 2017
He should take that as compliment!
— Kyle Scott (@CrossingBroad) September 7, 2017
No he doesn't he's not Belgium he's German! lol Shepherds are larger than the malinois
— Brett Myers Music (@BackWoodRebel39) September 7, 2017
The Flyers officially announced their training camp would open up next Friday in Voorhees. A complete roster is attached.
Villanova head coach Jay Wright unveiled Nova’s tribute patch to Rollie Massimino.
In honor of those who came before us… http://pic.twitter.com/xskiNw3AdC
— Jay Wright (@VUCoachJWright) September 7, 2017
In other sports news, the Cleveland Cavaliers officially introduced Isaiah Thomas, Jae Crowder, and Ante Zizic after acquiring them from Boston. Sam Hinkie also broke his short Twitter silence, retweeting “Isaiah’s” Players Tribune piece:
Real talk. So good. https://t.co/FvWBekIsdL
— Sam Hinkie (@samhinkie) September 6, 2017
Roger Goodell says he’s not a “football expert” on a show nobody watches. I’m not kidding on that second part either:
Source (who or may not be based in Bristol, Conn): The debut of FS1's "First Things First" had a 0.0 rating in 46 out of 56 metered markets.
— John Ourand (@Ourand_SBJ) September 6, 2017
Oregon’s football uniforms for Saturday that were designed by young cancer survivors is fantastic.
"I really think that this is the most important uniform Oregon has ever worn." – Todd Van Horne, Nike Creative Director #StompOutCancer http://pic.twitter.com/8jXgHBObgG
— Oregon Football (@oregonfootball) August 24, 2017
The Browns continue to Brown:
UPDATE: Myles Garrett has been diagnosed with a high ankle sprain. His status will be updated in a couple weeks. http://pic.twitter.com/YvBM4HXnPc
— Cleveland Browns (@Browns) September 7, 2017
Officially, #Browns coach Hue Jackson says S Calvin Pryor is being released for "an "internal matter." Crazy, days before the opener.
— Ian Rapoport (@RapSheet) September 7, 2017
Lenny Dykstra is trying to get with Lena Dunham, apparently.
Ohio State will wear LeBron Soldier cleats for their game against Oklahoma Saturday night.
An African World Cup qualifier is getting replayed after a referee from the match was issued a lifetime ban by FIFA.
Tweet of the year:
Should've named it Hurricane Roberto Aguayo. Would've missed Florida wide right and sailed right into the Atlantic
— LiTiRilla (@LiTiRilla) September 5, 2017
In the news, the lawsuit that wanted parking on the Broad Street median has been thrown out and can’t be refiled. Great move by the judge.
Meek Mill explains how much Allen Iverson meant to the city of Philadelphia.
Equifax says about 143 million customers may have been affected by a cyberattack.
Kyle: FUCK EQUIFAX. Seriously. Fuck them. You lose the social security information for HALF of America? Worse, three of their executives sold their stock the days before this came out. How is that legal? The whole credit industry is such a farce. I spent a full year before we bought our new house playing their game, trying to get my credit one level up to save on my mortgage. Opening new lines of credit – I didn’t need – and strategically making purchases and paying them right away all because an algorithm liked it. Worse, there are multiple algorithms depending on the type of credit you’re seeking, so the number you get in your report isn’t what most creditors see unless you pay more for the industry-specific scores – which I did – adding to the mysterious nature of it all. Who would’ve thought that a few agencies having the most important data for all functioning adults in the country could be dangerous? Now some hacker has all of my info – and yours, too! – and Equifax just shrugs about it. Meanwhile, God help you if you missed a student loan payment in 2014 and want a good mortgage rate. Seriously, fuck them. Fuck that whole industry.
Amazon is looking for a location for their second North American headquarters. Mayor Jim Kenney, with puns, has one suggestion:
We think Philadelphia would be a PRIME location for Amazon that would make people SMILE! Look forward to submitting a proposal! https://t.co/l60Wn5BVdg
— Jim Kenney (@PhillyMayor) September 7, 2017
Your Friday Morning Roundup published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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