#sure why not making this rebloggable
tunglrsillyman · 11 months
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ineffablefool · 7 days
Hey, if you're having a good lol at Trump's ridiculously tiny hands on that New Yorker cover, then I hope you know that I -- a transmasc AFAB person with small hands and gotdamn do I wish I could change that -- am taking notes on Who Thinks Laughing At Transphobic Humor Is Fine, Actually, As Long As I Personally Think The Target Deserves It.
I am not telling anyone what to do, or not do; and here on our beloved hellsite, I am a total unknown to about 99.999944% of you, meaning you have essentially no reason to care what I think.
Maybe you've got a friend who's got Small Hands, though. Maybe he's dysphoric about it, or they get clocked a lot because of it, or xe is just tired of people pointing it out. Maybe at some point you told them, her, whatever, that no, there is nothing wrong with nir hands. They aren't laughable. Those are good hands, dammit, and you don't see a single funny thing about them, and anyone who does is just an asshole.
Oh, your friend might think, looking from your reaction to that image, and then down at their own little hands. So that was a lie, then.
Intellectual honesty would seem to lead to the conclusion that these cheap physical-appearance-based digs are either always appropriate regardless of your opinion of the target, or that they are never appropriate regardless of your opinion of the target. If you are scrambling to justify why it's totally cool, actually, to use transphobic humor if only you can find a target who's bad enough to "deserve" it -- that means you think transness can be worth mockery. You're just saving the transphobia for when you think nobody in the room will call you out for it.
I'm not the boss of you, though, so. If you really insist on your sacred right to being able to make fun of a dude's girly hands -- some dude, somewhere, there has to be a situation where you can finally make these jokes that you've been sitting on all this time -- then I guess that is your decision.
(same with any other kind of humor that trades on bigoted stereotypes. believe me, I'm not looking forward to all the upcoming political cartoons that will Very Creatively exaggerate Trump's weight, either.)
(inb4 "I'm trans and I will still laugh at Trump's small hands from now until doomsday": I guess that is your decision. It's probably good for your current followers and friends to know that about you, because that may give them info they need to make some decisions of their own.)
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devilsskettle · 5 months
idk something about this to me seems so like. idk. like you know how people will be like haha i like this bad cringe thing but ONLY ironically because it's cringe :) but actually they just like the thing and they're scared of being judged for it? this is like haha i support women and stand up to men who are being misogynistic but i also need to make it clear that i agree with those men and they're right to hate those women* (*fictional) btw please validate my thoughts and opinions because they still align with misogynistic male behavior while shallowly suggesting that i have a feminist belief system :)
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edit: actually though because it just becomes a way to say which female characters you fucking hate while feeling okay about it because it's just a jokey joke we're all feminists here :) and i see hashtag rey from star wars and it's like okay haha i get it she was poorly written by men and highjacked as a character by a notoriously vocal subsection of the fanbase because of a ship or w/e but then i see
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and it's like okay well. now i am about to defend a female character with my life after YOU said you didn't like her. why is skyler white a magnet for misogyny and vitriol, she's a fantastic character and she is 100% understandable in her actions given the circumstances she was forced into. fuck you fr
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roobylavender · 6 months
if i really scratch my head i think maybe the one thing all of this could stem from is mere discussion of the fact that talia and selina's histories with bruce sort of operate in the reverse and inevitably that factors into any contention with either relationship. like it can't really be helped that bruce and talia were married very early on into the latter's history and that this is integral to analyzing talia's entire dynamic with bruce, her evolving perception of her own place in the world, and her eventual decision to break free of bruce entirely. the constraints of a marriage with bruce as desired by her father are foundational lore to the early aughts of her character in a way that selina's settled domestic life with bruce is not. if we're talking about the golden age what was foundational to selina's dynamic with bruce was his ability to recognize above everyone else her consistent capacity for mercy despite her villainous goals on the surface. in post-crisis that was translated along the lines of a class struggle specifically. the villainous goals were interpreted to represent a defiance of men and the state and their collective violence, and they also formed a means of survival. what was initially merely a recognition of selina's capacity for mercy now became a potential recognition of bruce's own hypocrisies. selina acted as a symbol for petty criminals in gotham whom bruce would otherwise have written off as immoral wholesale bc to him the law was the law. and the remarkable thing about it was that none of it required selina giving even an inch to bruce. she was who she was and that was what made her utterly compelling to him. it's not a slight against selina that neither marriage nor a close civilian relationship formed the basis of her relationship with bruce and i don't understand why anyone would take it as one. marriage and domestic life for talia was a mark of the utter tragedy of her relationship with bruce. it was a fantasy and a delusion and it could never have given her what she wanted nor lent her any kind of agency in the long term. and i think when we meander into the realm of comparing the relationships we really start to diminish why certain aspects are important to either. why are the various patriarchal restrictions on talia's agency so integral to her character arc and its exploration of freedom? why is selina's existence in a sphere of life entirely distinct of bruce so integral to her character arc and its exploration of class? the constant back and forth between shippers on either end trying to equalize in terms of what either relationship has gone through in canon like it's a checklist to romantic validity is a bit absurd and i wish we would move away from it when analyzing the relationships or the characters
#it reminds me a bit of when i said that i think selina becoming a millionaire was a stupid development#that was insulting to everything newell and grant and moench had tried to build up about her in the early 90s#and people got upset and called me a hypocrite bc talia is rich. like my guy. can i help it that talia is rich#i can't erase her foundational character traits to make some sort of even playing field..#and frankly the fact that she and bruce are rich /is/ precisely what drives the whole argument about duty between them#they are in no position to complain or grow tired or languish in their reams of wealth#there is a duty they owe to the world while they have power and they have to suck it up and uphold that duty#it is the absolute least they can do and they know that. hence why talia is repeatedly on bruce's ass about it#it is also not lost on me that the above complaint may largely stem from the lazarus affair#where talia was portrayed to be ridiculously haughty and more than willing to show off her wealth#even though she didn't do that in like. any other comic in her pre-assassination era#and the lazarus affair as i have said so many times was a ridiculous comic anyways bc it setup talia and selina to be#combative ship fodder to fuel disagreements between dick and bruce. it is literally the first comic where they were ever#pit against each other. despite the fact that they had co-existed in harmony for a decade prior#and denny o'neil had gone so far as to establish both of them as bruce's definitive love interests in the 70s#like idk man it's not hard to entertain a little more critical thinking and poke at why the comparisons between them are nonsensical#a lot of it. a Lot of it. is stemming from people wanting either ship to one up the other. and you shouldn't fall for it#to be deleted#anyway. not making this rebloggable bc i'm sure you're all annoyed already but this whole thing has really confused me. so i've rambled
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henryhas2moms · 2 years
unfortunately i don’t think i have ever felt so passionately defensive about a character as i am about regina. sometimes i’ll read something that is so wrong and incorrect, sometimes even from someone who likes regina, and i will turn into this thing
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#usually they’re from like 2013 even so i have NO REASON so get so worked up#the WORST one i read from someone who LIKED regina said she could’ve appreciated henry and emma as her GRANDKIDS instead of the s2#custody battles with emma and the charmings. which. excuse me… WHAT????? that’s her SON and i’m stealing something from your house#the worst take i saw from someone who did NOT like regina………. y’all don’t even want to hear it.#……… but im still mad so im gonna tell you granted i saw it like several months ago and it was made in like 2014 probably but#it was a gifset with regina’s ‘i don’t know how to love very well’ quote matched with (from what i recall) harmful actions against#henry (what the quote is referencing in context and also they have repaired a lot even before the gif was posted so fine ig)#snow (it’s complicated) cora (regina actually loves her mother far more than she deserves imo) and hold onto your fucking hats everyone#KING ​LEOPOLD!!!!!! (if you need me to explain to you why this is the worst thing i’ve ever heard. no you don’t)#<- needless to say!!! if you don’t watch your mouth i’m putting snakes in YOUR bed!!!#actually i’m not even sure if the first three examples are what was used bc the last one sent me into a rage blackout#and i’m not gonna go looking for that post anyway the others i can roll my eyes and move on the last one turns me into a fire demon#not making this rebloggable but feel free to be outraged in the comments with me xoxo#yes that is specific the flame atronach from skyrim no i didn’t know how to spell that i googled like ‘flame….. anteater skyrim’
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piplupod · 2 years
So many leftists and anarchists and revolutionists (people in general though honestly lol) have such little patience or compassion for people with disabilities and disorders that make it difficult to remember and comprehend things. This isn't an excuse for people with disabilities/disorders to not TRY, but at a certain point, you're trying as hard as you possibly can and it's still not enough for some people.
If your activism has you attacking people for not knowing or understanding things, then I think you're an absolute shit activist. Coming at people with aggression, especially when they're trying their best, is only going to cause defensiveness, shutdowns, and panicked responses.
Along the same lines, "go read a book" isn't the revolutionary one-liner statement you think it is. Some people have difficulty with the language used in books, some people cannot read entire books easily because of various disabilities. Some people are in traumatizing situations where they're just trying to stay afloat and get through each individual hour. And if you're telling them to read a book because they've fallen prey to propaganda, how are they supposed to figure out which educational materials are Actually Good and not just more propaganda?
You're just shooting yourselves in the foot. Have some fucking patience and compassion for people. If someone makes a mistake and you bite their head off for it, how do you expect to have people feel okay to join your movement? They're not going to feel safe asking for help understanding things, and you're just going to have a bunch of blind followers who don't know WHY they're saying what they're saying.
You're actively working against yourselves. It's an ass-backwards approach and honestly a little suspicious because it looks as if you're only doing it to feel as if you're better than other people.
We're all at different stages of unlearning bullshit and learning better. If you're being an asshole to someone for not knowing or for trying to educate themselves, then it seems as if you don't actually care about what you stand for and just want to make yourself feel high and mighty and better than all the """idiots below you""".
Help people learn, or else you're going to run your movement into the ground. It's elitist and quite possibly ableist to do anything that discourages others from learning.
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l-cereta · 9 days
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Ok so this is ur stance which ur letting ppl know about by reblogging a post on how frustrating it is that trans women always get ignored/sidelined in every conversation—and like I’m sure u can’t read in general but it might also be useful to perhaps notice that the post was made in March! Hm! Why would there be a post talking abt how frustrating it is to be a trans woman online made in March! What other events could have led to that, to make it really fucking annoying to say ‘not every moment of our lives has to be activism’? If these tags rlly sum ur beliefs up then don’t reblog the post and complain about the fact ur reblogging the post bc otherwise it just feels like you’re defensive abt ur own transmisogynistic habits. ‘Let people enjoy themselves’ fucking Christ
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ars-matron · 1 year
I really need to talk for a minute about this new mobile update and how much I as a legally blind person hate whatever the hell is going on with the photos and how it's making this app nearly impossible for me to use
I'm not sure the same thing is happening on the desktop version but for those who may not know in the app whenever you tap on a photo it used to just pop up and you could double tap to enlarge it and zoom in and scroll around and all was great.
A double tap now likes the photo and it must be pinched and pulled to zoom in and out. A mild annoyance, and nothing compared to the rest of the update. If you scroll up, which I do frequently when trying to navigate an enlarged photo, it will send you to ANOTHER photo based on the tags of the post.
That's right, a completely different photo!!! A feature no one asked for and no one wants!! This isn't facebook, or instagram, and maybe tiktok but I never had that so this is a guess. When I click on the photo I only want to see that photo (or in the case of multiple photos in a post I want to be able to easily scroll side to side for those). I do not want to be taken to another post!!! Also if you scroll too far to the left you are then sent to the profile of the person who reblogged the post. I do not know why. Who wants this feature? Is it a feature at all?
As someone who only taps on a photo because I cannot see it and I need to enlarge it, this is beyond a simple annoyance. I cannot navigate the photo like I need, there's a hair trigger on whether it sends you to a new post completely or if you are sent to the profile of the reblogger. Neither, again, are things I want. this leaves me having to back track a lot, re-zoom the photo as it reverts back to normal, and hope dearly that this time I can just read the damned text before it freaks out again.
I haven't seen anyone else talk about this outside of the tags, but really this is making the app unusable for me, and I'm sure for many others.
@staff I know you guys haven't cared about your disabled community much in the past (other photo updates that stopped allowing me to zoom into gifs is proof of that) but please don't make this app unusable for me. I would rather not have to leave.
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staff · 2 years
Introducing: Community Labels
As you know, art and artists make Tumblr what it is. We want everyone on Tumblr to be able to fully express themselves while also having control over what they encounter on their dashboards. That’s why we’re introducing Community Labels, an extension to your “Content you see” settings. Our ultimate goal is to create a more open Tumblr, and this is our first step in that direction. 
As a poster and reblogger, Community Labels are your way to help your followers avoid anything they’d rather not come across on their dashboards.
As a follower, setting your content preferences is a way to adjust your feed to your own comfort levels. 
How does it work?
When creating new posts (or editing old posts), you’ll see controls allowing you to label your post as unsuitable for those filtering certain content types it contains. 
When content is labeled, it will either be hidden, blurred, or displayed normally, based on each user’s preferences.
In your “Content you see” settings, you can now choose to show, blur, or hide content that depicts the following topics:
Drug and alcohol addiction: Contains discussions of substance abuse or addiction experience.
Violence: Contains violent or graphic content similar to what you might see in an age-restricted movie.
Sexual themes: Contains sexually suggestive subject matter, such as erotic writing or imagery.
Some examples of content that would require a community label:
Fanart of your favorite ship engaging with each other in...a very private moment 
Euphoria GIFs showing Rue’s substance abuse 
A movie trailer depicting graphic war scenes 
A graphic 50 Shades of Grey edit
This doesn’t change our content policies: spam, hate content, and porn bots are still not welcome in the community. It’s also still important that we abide by app store rules, which means we need to make sure that mature content is only accessible to people who are old enough and have opted in to view that type of content. More information about Community Labels is available in the Help Center.
This is an opportunity to work towards a richer, more nuanced Tumblr experience while making sure everyone who enjoys using Tumblr can do so safely. That future we mentioned above? We’re already moving towards it.
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cookinguptales · 1 year
Now that the post is over 10k and my notes are straight-up unusable...
One thing I wish I'd spelled out more explicitly in the original post because I see this point getting lost on a lot of rebloggers who don't understand why the healthcare thing was such a big deal is like
The subtext I thought would be understood bc I lived back then but apparently has been lost today is that making sure queer employees and their partners had healthcare in the early 90s meant Disney was paying for a lot of AIDS treatment.
This is one reason fundie Christians were so upset and queer employees were so grateful. It's one reason why it was such a controversial decision. It was a major talking point amongst my family, who believed back then that AIDS was a punishment from God.
(Some still do, I think. We don't talk.)
I keep seeing people saying that Disney only chose that option "because of their bottom line" and it's like??? Were you listening??? Disney has been paying for that decision for literally decades, but they've stood by it.
Like... the 90s weren't like now! It wasn't profitable to cater to the queer population of the country back then. They weren't raking in money with this.
It's in no way a perfect company but I fully believe in criticizing people for the specific things they do wrong and praising them for the specific things they do right. Disney has fucked copyright, monopoly, and labor laws and I'm not about to defend that. But they are well known in FL for being friendly to both queer people and disabled people, and that is unambiguously a good thing.
(Like side note, I could talk about Disney and accessibility for days. I have traveled extensively while disabled and no one does it like Disney.)
I've had people reblogging the post like "I straight-up don't believe Disney is an industry leader in equal protections for queer employees" and it's like ??? do you think I just pulled this out of my ass? If you want more information, go look it up! You'll see that this is well-established history. It's not my fault y'all don't read! :|
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zhongrin · 4 months
skilled fingers, devious heart
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© zhongrin | 2024  ✼  no repost・translations・plagiarism of any kind・ai data mining. rebloggers get a free cup of tea ♡
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✼ characters ┈ al haitham
✼ tags ┈ minors dni, fem-bodied reader (reader has a pussy), bratty!reader, manhandling, restraints, orgasm denial/control, edging, brat taming, light degradation, oral, light spanking, overstimulation, hint of c█rr█pt█d!haitham (hence he has his mean moments), aftercare, longfic (3.6k+)
✼ a/n ┈ “let me just draft a quick birthday oneshot for al haitham!” ー meirin, a total clown, circa 2024 /silly ..... anyways, happy birthday to the silliest man in sumeru. i love him dearly and i love that his bday is literally just a day away from my mom and one of my besties. very convenient to remember lol also, happy chinese new year!!! ✨
ᴏᴜʀ ꜰᴜʟʟ ᴍᴇɴᴜ (ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ)  ✼ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀꜱʜɪᴘ (ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ)
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when you asked your boyfriend what he wanted to do for his birthday, you didn't think he would ask for this. then again, al haitham was mostly an unpredictable man, even to you as his lover. he seemed to have a knack for constantly having you on your toes, always anticipating his next actions and reminding you how much of a complex individual he was despite his simple aspirations in life.
such as now, when he requested you to ‘spread your legs and stay still’.
contrary to him, your answer was - at least in his eyes - predictable. a raise of eyebrows, a fox-like grin tugging on your lips, and al haitham could already hear the smug tone of your voice before you could even spoke the words, “make me.”
the fact that you loved to play a dangerous game with a dangerous man always came back to bite you in the ass, but your boyfriend played his part so well, it kept you coming back for more. he knew just the right way to respond to your challenge that made you shiver with want: muscles flexing as he pinned you down onto your shared bed, your preferred choice of restraints keeping you immobile and indecently spread for his blooming green eyes to observe. his pupils lined with brick reds dilated, the scholar stared at the resulting sight like a museum curator appraising an acclaimed artwork.
despite this, you were a fervent fire ablaze in the face of downpour, “it’s not like you to brute force your way into tackling a problem. was this morning’s session not enough for mister feeble scholar?”
ah. this artwork sure has a feisty personality to it.
al haitham snorted, his arm moving to place a hand on your inner thigh, tracing circles and indescribable patterns, “why do you bother futilely talking back and acting resilient in front of me, when it’s obvious how much power i hold over you? even the brightest students know to learn from their mistakes, so have you not learned from this morning about how powerless you are?”
he would never admit it, but while such display of bullheadedness irritated him when it came from other people, somehow it was almost adorable coming from you.
“wh- i'm not powerless!”
“the facts proved against your favor, however. especially considering how i’ve just succeeded in tossing you onto our bed and holding your body down. i know i could do whatever i wanted with you… and i was right, wasn’t i?” the hand holding your thigh squeezed briefly, his breath slowly caressing your skin the more he leaned closer, “besides, it’s also been proven that you like such treatments.”
you blushed, memories that proved his claims flooding your mind. yet, you huffed and looked away in hope to alleviate the warmth that was starting to bubble on your cheeks.
“so you might be needlessly strong physically, yes, okay, whatever. would you like a gold star for that?”
unfortunately(?) for you, despite the biting words, he didn’t miss the signs of your flustered state. his voice was as leveled as ever as more silken words fell from his lips; the very same ones you wished would just kiss you already, “remember how I pinned your hands above your head? how you tried kicking and wriggling, saying how you ‘can’t’ and yet… we both knew what exactly happened after that, don’t we?”
you felt your core clench at the taunt, throat swallowing at the picture he painted. your legs tugged against the straps as if you wanted to kick him. in turn, all you got back was an amused low chortle.
“cute,” the soft remark almost flew by you, but alas, before you could snap back at him, his touch started to trail further, tracing your labia before spreading the pink folds open with his fingers. an embarrassed squeak by you was followed by a condescending hum by your partner, his eyes zeroing on the slick coating your pretty clit and inner lips that oozed the remnants of your prior lovemaking, “and so mouthwateringly indecent.”
his digits dragged against your dripping cunt, a teasing smirk dancing on his face when a soft noise left your throat in response.
"such a mess," he remarked, infuriatingly nonchalant as if he hadn’t loved you so intensely just a few hours ago, “you were truly, completely cockdrunk last night, weren't you?"
“s-shut up…”
“why should i? you’ve mentioned how much you liked my voice. i doubt your perspectives had changed since then.”
“you don’t know that. maybe i don’t like it anymore,” you countered pettily.
“yet your body seems to arrive at a different conclusion,” the languid lull in his voice couldn’t mask the delight he experienced as he saw your sopping wetness drip with want. your lover smirked, dragging his finger up and down slowly, gathering your slick to circle around your swollen pearl, feathery touches leaving you wanting for more. the way you were shaking, your body twitching from sensitivity in return of his ministrations, was almost as hot as actual sex itself.
“ah… you meanie-” you inhaled sharply as this wicked, wicked man purposefully started rubbing your clit in the way he knew would make you putty in his hands. firm and calculated flicks followed by a finger slipping into your creamy cunt made you keen wantonly, thighs momentarily spreading wider before you found your decorum, rear falling back onto the soft sheets, teeth biting down on your bottom lip.
al haitham watched in fascination as you tried to regain your attitude. he wondered how long that would last this time. you were a puzzle that enthralled him, a chorus he wanted to listen forever. he might not have been studying under kshahrewar back in his younger days, but there was a part of him that wanted to pick you apart and put you back together again.
this was why he was so addicted to you.
he didn’t particularly enjoy doing extra work, but given the reward waiting for him at the end of the road, he determinedly doubled his action; one finger tapping and circling, the other knuckle-deep inside your tight heat, intense and unforgiving.
“fffuck- h-haitham-” the stutter of your needy voice sharpened his smirk, expression hardening into focus as he observed the twitch of your hips and the rivulets of juices coating his appendages. he briefly admired the way your skin glowed in perspiration, the way your fleshy parts rippled as you squirmed under him. no words could properly capture the desire brewing and consuming his whole being at having the privilege to witness such a sight.
he saw your breathing quicken, felt the clenching and unclenching of your walls, the way you started to move your hips as far as the restraints allowed, and your abdomen dipping as you inched nearer and nearer to bliss.
a mean glint of red, and his fingers withdrew quickly.
“wha- ah?”
you blinked and panted, eyes snapping wide as the coil loosened, and your sight settled on al haitham’s smug tilt of his head.
“i told you to stay still.”
“you… you prick! meanie! bastard!”
“that’s not the attitude you should be adapting given the current position of power,” he chided, before his hand deviously dropped back to its previous position, resuming in a much teasingly slower pace; a silent implication of what he could have done but chose not to, ”if you beg nicely, maybe i’ll allow you to cum. but be warned, you’ll be doing it until i am satisfied.”
“-son of a- oh! a-ah-” your words failed you as he added one extra finger into your warmth, prodding just near your favorite spot within the gummy walls, yet never directly.
you knew he could go deeper. he was dangling that carrot over you, and you were tempted to fall for his little game.
“pardon? what was that?” he asked, and if you didn’t see the way the corner of his lips curl up through your bleary eyes, you might have believed that he truly missed your barrages of insults born out of frustration, “would you like to say it louder?”
“archons, you- j-jerk!”
the sudden shift of his touch, turning firmer and faster, made you gasp and whimper, body twitching involuntarily as you felt the sensation build up yet again. your toes curl and your calves tensed, tugging against the harness as your biting words turned into needy moans. a shudder rocked your body, the back of your head digging onto the soft mattress as you felt him mouth on your collarbone, nibbling, tormenting in the most delectable way.
“use your words, darling. you were so smart with them just seconds ago.”
“haa- ngh! j-just let me cum, you unfair little-”
al haitham sighed like a disappointed tutor who had just discovered that his best student had earned an F in their recent exam. the sudden loss of his touch and the way you were forced to come down from that white-hot lines of satisfaction yet again made you cry out, the restraints straining noisily as you tried to buck onto something, anything.
a smirk returned onto his face as he witnessed your verbal and physical protest. that’s right, not yet. this was why he adored your stubbornness. he was going to tease and torment you until you were a total wreck, and then he would give you your reprieve in multitudes.
“how obstinate of you to continue denying your desires even when all outcomes dictate your loss,” the man remarked, palming your soft thighs and enjoying the way they dipped under the pressure of his hands. he was tempted to leave a few reds in the shape of his handprints, but he refrained… for now. that can come later.
“h-haitham….,” you mustered the wettest puppy eyes you could manifest - which wasn’t that hard considering the tears of pleasure already pooling in your eye lines - and blinking though your lashes at him, an adorable pout on your lips.
“what? is something missing to really help you release all of that tension?" he faked an indifferent tone fully meant to provoke.
you groaned, shivering as you felt the cold air brushing your flushed skin and swollen bundle of nerves begging for attention, “al haitham...!” you whined while quivering, eyes blown in desire, your pride refusing to budge any more than this.
the man smirked as your protests weakened with every seconds that ticked, the look of desire and lust in your eyes clearly increasing in intensity the more he reveled in your plight.
"hm?" he leaned forward to whisper in your ear, "still being stubborn?" he moved his middle finger towards the folds of your pussy, dragging it along your indecently leaking entrance and up into your aching clit, swirling slowly and making you shiver in response. even the smallest movements resulted in a sound that showcased how drenched you were, and it was all according to his plans, "are you sure you want to keep playing this game? you know who’s the more patient one in this relationship… you’re all tied up and i’m free to do this all day if i wanted to. i wouldn’t mind — it would be a good way to spend my day off.”
eyes teary, teeth gnawing on your lip, you bucked your hips as his finger touched the swollen nerves directly this time, "s-shut up...! you’re so- ugh! if you’re gonna be so cruel then don’t touch me at all!"
your beloved chuckled, dragging his digits up and down in the same teasing motion, playing with your sensitivity with a touch that sent you teetering to heaven but bordering to hell with how tortuously slow it was. he was a master as you were a slave to pleasure; your moans ramping up into wounded desperation just as he guided you back into the tightrope of lust, spiraling into the ecstasy you so desperately sought. you sobbed and trembled; heart beating loudly in your ears. you were so helplessly pent-up, so deliciously close-
the devil’s voice entered your ears and you grit your teeth. he wouldn’t, right? not for the third time. no, he wasn’t that despicable, he wouldn’t. he’ll give it to you, he’s-
the pressure lightened, and you inhaled sharply.
“please!” the word fell from your lips before you could stop them, “i need- i want…!”
your boyfriend stopped, a trail of your slick followed his appendages’ ascent as he withdrew to appreciate the stream of glistening slick coating your tender pussy and how your hips canted, trying to guilelessly chase his touch, throat singing a needy whine that sounded so beautiful he was almost tempted to keep denying your release for the next hour.
“haitham, please, please!” you sounded so high-pitched and so utterly adorable, he couldn’t help but place a peck on your thigh. tears of relief joined your tears of pleasure as you saw his pleased smile and the way he complied with your begging, though it still wasn’t enough.
“yes? don’t just call my name, darling. elaborate. go on, you can do it,” he carried on with the slow circles around your throbbing clit, fingers barely pumping into your drooling cunt.
“please! i can’t take it anymore…!" you hiccuped, keening, abdomen twitching, so sensitive that the slightest touch was making you toe on the brink of insanity.
al haitham smirked wickedly, watching as your mind and body were losing that self-control, your hips rocking back and forth while your face and eyes colored with pleasure. breathing in disarray, body a quivering mess, he almost wished he had a kamera to immortalize this perverse scene.
“are you asking me to help you release?”
“b-begging! i’m begging you- please let me cum!” you were definitely on the edge, shuddering, legs trying to flail against the tight bondage. a pleased groan rumbled in his throat, and his hand finally reverted into the pace and motions that made you see stars.
“louder,” a command.
“please help me cum!!!”
your muscles tensed as you tasted the precipice of bliss, your lips babbling, chanting his name and a series of undignified pleadings that implored him to not stop this time. you received an approving hum for your clear show of subservience and a soft peck on your cheek that made you moan in appreciation.
“i hope you didn’t forget what i said earlier,” he whispered against your ear, sultry and littered with hidden mischievous intent that you completely missed, too focused on reaching that high with each flick of his wrist and with each pressing prod of his finger—
the expertly placed thrust onto your g-spot was the cause of your crumble into depravity; walls sucking him in as your back arched in your climax. lips open in a silent scream, you missed the adoring look of your lover as he watched you spiral into bliss.
ah, your blissful ignorance is always so, so delicious to see.
before you could even start to wind down from your intense release, the sinful appendages picked up their salacious endeavors once more, three of them stirring your sopping wet mess and massaging your sweet spot relentlessly. al haitham’s mouth latched on your swollen bundle, his tongue flicking and sucking in turn, savoring your sweet taste and basking in your erotic cries that followed.
“can’t! can’t- too much! h-ah-ngh-!”
he ignored your feeble protests in favor of focusing on the task at hand; tongue lapping on the copious juices dribbling out of you as he pumped the slender fingers right onto your sensitive pussy’s weak spot. the sounds of your wetness echoed indecently in the room, a lewd orchestration of sensuality accompanied by your reprehensible babbling.
the second orgasm crashed against your senses and you sobbed, whining and jolting as he helped you ride it to your most satisfaction. eyes rolling, you barely registered the way he lapped at your juices like a man starved, before pulling back to observe the effect of his unholy actions. and he must have seen something, for when your vision cleared from euphoria, he had taken to caress you once again.
“one more. you can give me one more,” the rasp in his voice sent a jolt of desire in your loins, yet at the same time, the overstimulation had started to settle in. this time, the pleasure made your whole body tremor and for once you had no idea if the straps were a blessing or a curse; your limbs flailed and strained, instinctively writhing at the assault of stimulation.
“f-fuck! oh! a-archons- my love, please!!”
“i told you, didn’t i?” he purred, salacious and mocking, a flicker of red and a sneer, “’if you beg nicely, maybe i’ll allow you to cum. but be warned, you’ll be doing it until i am satisfied.’ well, my love, i am not yet satisfied.”
all senses of modesty had been thrown out of the window at this point. a series of disgraceful noises left your throat, tears running down your temples as you stayed rooted to your spot on the bed, oxytocin flooding your brain and numbing your senses. stringing words proved to be difficult when you were oversensitive and your lover seemed determined to see you mindless and utterly ruined by his touches.
if before, you were a helpless traveler stranded on a desert chasing on the mirage of an oasis, this time you felt like you were drowning in an ocean full of pleasure. all senses submerged in the ruthless waves of unbridled desires that made you both paralyzed and set you aflame.
“look at you,” al haitham's words came out harsh despite having a pleased hum to it as he battered your fleshy nub harder, insistent and undeterred by your unconvincing protests. he smirked, pleased with your cries and senseless noises leaving your lips, free from your brain’s usual filtering. your mind and body were already beyond your control as he slowly edged you closer and closer to that sweet release yet again. “so needy for me. gushing endlessly like you’re in heat.”
he watched you writhe and quake, a sliver of drool escaping the side of your opened mouth, his cock straining against the confines of his pants, but oh, he was enjoying every second of it. his free hand palmed your thigh before delivering a light slap, his eyes dilating when it made your breath hitch and your body jerk. each impact brought you to the absolute edge of delirium, and every time the pads of his fingers grind and stretched your gummy walls, the more debauched pleas left your emptied mind.
“c-cumming! cumming! i’m close, love, please! i’m- ah—”
“good,” it was almost sadistic, how he seemed to take so much satisfaction from seeing you so shamefully addicted to his mere fingers, “then come.”
a choked sob and a few insistent taps onto your oversensitive clit took your vision into a realm of whites. your finish was immaculately designed to enrapture you in a burst of nothingness, where nothing else mattered but you and your boyfriend's eloquent expertise. ears ringing, your consciousness temporarily froze in the state of heavenly rapture.
when you came down from the vivid paradise, you found your limbs freed from the restraints, your lover dutifully checking the reddened skin to make sure you hadn’t caused any injuries to yourself. seeing your glazed eyes settling onto his form, he leaned over and stroked your cheek, speaking in a soft voice with a caring tone far too detached from the demeaning and authoritative tone just moments ago.
“you did so well.”
though your senses were totally fried from the overstimulation and you still couldn’t exactly feel your limbs, a loopy grin spread on your lips. soft pair of green eyes watched you in adoration as he tucked you onto his chest, a gentle kiss descending on top of your head as he cradled you within his arms.
“verdict from one to ten?”
“mmmm…. twenty.”
“hm. it appears you’re still more delirious than i judged.”
a playful swat to his side was all you could manage, and you were rewarded with the rare soft laugh of your usually stoic lover.
“you’re adorable.”
“and you’re mean.”
“you speak as if the attitude does not bring you joy.”
“shut up and cuddle me.”
“ordering me around on my birthday? you’re spoiled.”
“and whose fault is that?”
“mine,” al haitham admitted with a smile, silently grateful for your presence, your witty banter, your hardheadedness, your loving eyes, your everything — you, who were undoubtedly and indubitably….
“mine,” he repeated and pressed another kiss, this time to your lips: a silent promise for spending his next birthdays with you once again.
“still,” you sighed into his hold as your breathing steadied, looking up at him in half curiosity and half concern, “this doesn’t seem like a birthday present for you.”
al haitham looked down at you, the mischievous glint in his eyes returning. he guided your hand, and your small daydream of him being unusually romantic to initiate hand holding before spewing some cheesy lines like in those light novels were dashed when you found a familiar hardness twitching against your palm.
“bold of you to you think that my appetizer was the main course.”
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✼ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀꜱʜɪᴘ (ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ) ┈ @abyssmal-skies | @hamdehlesmis | @sunnshineflxwer | @yuutasbabe | @queen-belial | @stygianoir | @silentmoths | @niktwazny303 | @dustofthedailylife | @marina-and-the-memes | @mixed-kester | @lordbugs | @anonymousficreader | @shizunxie | @ansy-tea | @irethepotato | @sassy-cat-in-town | @syrenkitsune | @smokipoki | @cakeboxie | @crystalflygeo | @ciexuvia | @illaasya | @celestewritestoomuch | @pams-comfortzone | @spidermanluvr444 | @ourstrawberryclouds | @ryuryuryuyurboat | @hrts4hanniehae | @fiannee | @jingyuansbird | @florapocalypses | @genshin-impacts-me | @scarasmood | @hellcatinnc
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mikobeautifulheart · 3 months
Yuji accidently switches to Sukuna when your asleep.
TW: Uhhhhhh. well it goes kind of spicy but nothing really happens (Smut wise) just a li'll spicy
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"Yuji, your squishing me" you mumbled half asleep. You woke up to the feeling of Yuji's arms wrapped a little to tight around your torso.
"Shh, you'll wake the brat up." a deep voice said in you ear.
Immediately your fight or flight instincts kicked in and you were trying to pull your self out of his hold.
"Relax, i'm not going to kill you. Yet" He said holding on tighter. (If it were possible)
"What do you want!" you whispered harshly, your voice still waking up.
"Just to get taste of what the brat dose, isn't that fair?" he hummed as one of the arms let go and the hand moves lower down your body.
"No-" You gasped feeling his cold hand rest on your upper thigh and give it a small but harsh squish.
"Honestly, don't bore me or I will kill you. What a plesant surprise that will be for the brat when he wakes up."
His hand goes higher this time, playing with the hem of Yujis shirt you were wearing.
"Don't touch m-" you cut off by sukunas other hand over your mouth.
"Shhhh. Wouldn't want anyone else to know about this would you? You might get the best executed beofre he even eats all 20 fingers of they find out he can't keep control of me."
Yuji being executed was something you never wanted to happen, that's why you cherished every moment with him. But God Sukuna was making it really hard right now.
His hand let go of the shirt and slowly made its way under it making your eyes widen in horror.
"Mhmnmph" the muffled pleas you were saying didn't reach sukunas ears as he kept moving up onto your stomach.
You started to struggle more as the adrenaline really kicked in moving your head forward and slaming it into Yijis/Sukunas nose.
"Ouchh, what was that for." Yuji said as if he just woke up.
You wriggled making Yuji realise the positions his hands were in before letting go in an instant.
"What happened?!" Yuji asked seeing tears pricked the corner of your eyes.
"I though he was going to-" Yujj reached his hand out to wipe an escaped tear before a tounge came out of his palm and licked it way.
You and Yuji froze as he just looked at you mortified.
"I'm just going to move to the floor..." Yuji said taking his pillow and setting up on the ground.
"No yuji it's alright it wasn't you" You wanted to be comforted by him so bad but just knowing sukuna was there almost put you off.
"Are you sure? More like are you alright?" He asked. You shook your head as a no and leaned into him for a hug before a mouth appeared on his cheek whispering to you
"I'll be back"
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AUTHORS NOTE: IDK why I'm so tempted to write smut but not smut rn. Btw rebloggs r welcomed. Anywaysss part 2?
460 notes · View notes
reiding-writing · 7 months
erotomania [ s.r ]
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03 - revelations
You try to put your conflicting feeling for Spencer aside to focus on the case, and the members of your team figure out something you haven’t quite yet.
WARNINGS: mentions of bodily harm, mentions of threats to animals, swearing
pairing: spencer reid x gn!bau!reader
genre: mystery
wc: 5.0k
main masterlist!!
a/n: props to my criminology classes for teaching me how to half-accurately create a typological profile, you’re really fuelling my hyperfixations here
series masterlist!!
01-exhortations, 02-avoidance, 03-revelations, 04-confession
taglist (slashed blogs couldn't be tagged): @starzqzi @duhduck @liveitdoll @alovesongtheywrote @bumblebea-xo @wolfstar-17 @yoonglestime @summerknights @spencer-reid-obsessed @rebloggiest-reblogger @blackbeautyiloveyouso @quackie15 @holymusicalmothman @haileycannotcometothephonern @wittle-bunny420 @yeonalie @shadowsmusical @user9170557484 @takethetongue @flowersfromautumn @minhosdoormat
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Spencer sighs and closes his eyes, trying to keep his mind off of the fact that the love of his life had just walked out the door.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You drag your sleeve over your cheeks as you retreat down the hallways of the hospital towards the waiting room where you assumed that Morgan had left to, taking a series of deep breaths as you tried not to break down over the fact that you’d just turned down the man that you were in love with and in turn, put him in even more pain than he was already in.
Morgan’s eyes meet yours almost immediately as you turn the corner, and you don’t need to say anything for him to know that it’s time to leave.
He could see Spencer later.
“Come on,” Morgan pulls your head into his shoulder as the two of you meet at the edge of the room. “Let’s get you home,”
“I don’t want to go home…” You surrender to Morgan’s comfort as you shake your head, your words muffled by the fabric of his shirt. “I want to catch this bastard. Right now. Before he can do anything else.”
Morgan sighs softly at your insistence, his shoulders dropping slightly as he gently pulls you out of his embrace. “You are not in the right mental state to be working right now,”
“And I will only get worse if you leave me to rot in my own mind.” Your expression says that you’ve made up your mind, and Morgan is all to aware that once you’ve decided something there is no chance of getting you to change it. “Please Morgan… I just want to help…”
Morgan studies your determined expression for a moment before finally nodding in reluctant agreement. He knows you well enough to understand that trying to dissuade you from your decision would be futile.
"Alright," he concedes, "but we're doing this my way. The moment I see you're not handling it well, we're out, no questions asked. Got it??"
You nod, appreciative of Morgan's concern and grateful for his willingness to let you be a part of the investigation. With that settled, Morgan insists on being the one to drive the two of you back to the BAU office, where the team is huddled, sorting through old profiles of obsessional cases to help them structure yours, and Garcia glances up as Morgan enters, concern etched across her usually upbeat face.
"Hey," she starts, her tone shifting to seriousness as she spots you enter behind him. "Why are you back here? I thought you were going home?"
The team exchange glances as Garcia outs your presence, and you take a step forward, determination radiating from you,
"I know you told me to rest, but I can't just sit back and do nothing.” You cross your arms over your chest in an attempt to make your standing more confident as you speak directly towards Hotch. “I need to be a part of this. I need to catch him."
Hotch examines your expression, concern etched on his face. "Are you sure about this?" He flickers his eyes over to Morgan as he asks the question.
"They want to help catch this guy," Morgan explains, casting a protective glance in your direction. “Obsessional crimes are easier to profile with the victim present,”
Hotch sighs but ultimately concedes, understanding the need for your involvement. "Fine, but we're keeping a close eye on you, and I will not hesitate to remove you from this investigation if I think you’re not handling it, understood?"
“Yes sir,” You give him a short nod with pursed lips, grateful that he wasn’t immediately casting you out of the investigation because of your personal involvement.
The conference room is filled with the hum of computers, the occasional murmur of conversation, and the determination of everyone involved. Despite your initial emotional turmoil, being engrossed in the work provides a temporary distraction.
“Alright,” Hotch stands at the head of the table “We’re going to get this done and we’re going to do it fast. So lets start with what we already know,”
Hotch gives a small nod towards Morgan who gives your shoulder a soft squeeze before joining Hotch at the head of the table. “Obsessive stalkers are often known to their victims. They usually have repetitive thought patterns that play like a broken record, so they gradually become so preoccupied with their target, they’re unable to sleep, forget to eat, and can sometimes let their jobs go to the wayside.”
“So, lets start with people you know, has anyone you’re acquainted with been acting odd around you? Awkward or disrespecting social boundaries?” Morgan’s eyes follow you as you take a seat, and you rub your hand over the lower half of your face, trying desperately to rack your brain for any weird interactions you’d had over the past few weeks.
“I- I’m not sure-” You were trying, you really were, but every time you tried to venture into the abyss of your own mind all you could see was the state of Spencer’s face when you found him in his apartment.
“It’s alright sugar, take your time,” Garcia places a comforting hand on your shoulder, rubbing her hand up and down your arm slowly.
“I-” You try to bury your feelings surrounding Spencer, knowing that you need to focus on the case and not the amount of conflicting feelings shadowing your subconscious mind.
“Alright,” Morgan holds up a hand in your direction, gesturing that you don’t have to continue. “Let’s try something a little more straight forward,”
“This guy left things for you right, as ‘gifts’?” You give Morgan a short nod, pursing your lips together. “Can you lay them out in order?”
“Uh-” You lean back against your chair slightly, straightening your posture a little. “There was a rose on my doorstep but I’m not sure that’s actually related, then it was a printed out poem that was posted through my door, uhm-”
You fiddle with the cuffs of your sleeves as you try to recall everything in the correct order. “Then a succulent that I didn’t buy turned up on my windowsill,”
Garcia’s expression changed ever so slightly as she recalled the phone call you had given her a few weeks ago regarding your succulent collection.
“Then another poem, but it was handwritten this time, and the next day a annotated copy of Romeo and Juliet was left here at the front desk, and then-” You cut yourself off before mentioning what happened to Spencer, and it didn’t take a team of behavioural experts to know that thinking about it was making you increasingly upset.
“He uh-” You push yourself to continue through your discomfort to mention the last thing the stalker had ‘left behind’. “He left a quote from Romeo and Juliet on a scrumpled piece of paper in Spencer’s hand.”
“Do you still have all of these things?” Hotch noted down each thing you mentioned, looking up at you momentarily to ask the question.
“I uh- the rose I don’t, but again I’m not actually sure about if its actually related or not because my neighbours have a rosebush and it could just be a coincidence-” Garcia’s hand placed again on your shoulder cuts you out of your tangent of a ramble, and you take a sharp breath in through your nose before continuing.
“And I threw the first poem away because i thought someone had posted it through the wrong door by mistake…”
Hotch nods along to your short explanation, taking out his phone. “Alright, I want you to go back home and pick up anything you still have related to this, JJ I want you to join them,”
JJ gives you that soft almost maternal expression as she uncrosses her legs.
“Prentiss I want you to head to the hospital and get the medical notes on what happened to Reid,” He turns his attention across the table towards Prentiss next, nodding slightly in her direction
“Garcia i want you to take a look at the security cameras over the last few days, find out who left that book at the front desk.” She taps her fluffy pen against her chin with a look of determination. “Yes sir, I’m on it,”
“Morgan, I want you to stay here and get a start on the profile, Rossi and I are going to head to Reid’s apartment, see if we can gather anything,”
With a collective agreement from the team, everyone departed from the conference room, intent on solving this as quick as humanely possible.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The first thing that came back was the CCTV footage. Garcia had recovered it almost as soon as everyone had left the office after retreating back to her tech dungeon. Although due to the unfortunate coincidence of it being late November and therefore literally freezing, she couldn’t get a concrete image of the person’s face nor any definitive features due to the thick coat, gloves, and hat he was wearing.
She did however keep it readily available in case you were able to recognise anything when you returned to the office.
Prentiss returned next, a filed copy of Spencer’s medical notes from the hospital in hand.
Needless to say this guy had done a number on him, starting with a heavy blunt object to the side of his head with the rest of the beating occurring whilst Spencer was unconscious.
“Son of a bitch-” Morgan was not happy when reading through the notes to help him with the profile. “What kind of coward delivers a beating to somebody who can’t fight back?”
“Somebody who can’t win when his victim can fight back?” Prentiss read through the notes again as she sat on the edge of the conference table. “Although the fact that Reid wasn’t killed says something,”
“It was a warning,” Morgan nods slowly as he jots down important points from the medical file. “He didn’t want to kill Reid he wanted to make sure Reid knew what was coming to him if he didn’t back off,”
You and JJ returned to the conference room next, all of the ‘gifts’ collected in a bag that you unloaded on the side of the table. “This is everything…”
Morgan halts from his progress on the profile as you lay out all of the objects on the table to get a proper look at them.
“Talk about bad handwriting,” Prentiss picked up the hand-written poem from the table, scanning over it with her eyes. “I can’t even tell what half of this says,”
“And the half that is readable is definitely something-” Morgan flicks through the pages of the book on the table, his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth downturned.
JJ gently guided you away from the two to sit at the other end of the table, her hands rubbing over your arms. “Do you want me to get you a drink? I’ve got some pods of hot chocolate stowed away,”
You let out a short breath with a small smile. “Thanks JJ, that would- be really nice actually,”
She gives you a gentle smile before heading out of the room to go and make you a drink, and it’s barely a few seconds before Prentiss is calling over to you from the other side of the table.
“Is the letter ‘R’ significant to you? It’s signed at the end of this poem,” She squints her eyes a little to make sure that she’s seeing the scrawled letter correctly.
“Yeah it’s mentioned a few times in here too,” Morgan flicks through the copy of Romeo and Juliet, and you find yourself comparing how little of the book he’d gotten through in the last five minutes to how Spencer had finished the whole thing in that time only a few days ago.
The thought immediately makes you feel upset again, and your co-workers share a glance of shared concern. “Is it- have you-“
You shake your head at their misunderstanding, tugging at your sleeves. “Sorry- I just- got caught up in my own head,”
You furrow your expression as you start going through all of the people you know with the initial ‘R’, again getting caught on Spencer as his surname repeats in your head, not allowing you to think of anything else.
You were beginning to become increasingly frustrated with yourself. Why couldn’t you just not think about him for one goddamn minute?
You didn’t have time to mentally punch yourself over not being able to fully focus on the investigation as Hotch and Rossi made their return from Spencer’s apartment, a small plastic bag in Hotch’s hand containing an authentic 1800’s copy of The Tale of Igor’s Campaign, bound in leather and fit with a metal plated spine.
“Looks like we found our heavy blunt object,” Prentiss eyes the bag as the two entered, and Hotch dropped it on the table next to the other things that you’d laid out.
You couldn’t help but notice the dark reddish-brown stain covering the top edge of the spine plate, presumably from where the impact had cracked Spencer’s skull, the thought only making your mind circle back to Spencer, thankfully again interrupted by the return of JJ with a cup of hot chocolate in her hands.
“Here we go,” She placed the mug in front of you carefully, squeezing a hand against your shoulder before taking a seat besides you.
“Thank you JJ,” The mug felt warm under your fingers, a stark difference to the shudders that were periodically shooting their way down your spine, and the sweetness of the drink did indeed help you calm down, even if only by a little bit.
“Alright, so we have an offender organised enough to be able to break in to two separate houses without leaving any trace of himself behind but unorganised enough to use an improvised weapon that he left at the crime scene?” Morgan furrowed his eyebrows as he examined the book on the table, paying extra attention to its spine plate.
“This guy isn’t your typical stalker, he’s smart, smart enough to know how to not leave a single trace of himself behind unless it’s intentional, so why would he improvise a weapon?” Rossi shook his head slightly as he spoke.
“Anger can make people forget their rational mind,” Hotch examines all of the objects on the table one by one. “Crimes like these are usually driven by extreme levels of emotion,”
The door of the conference room opens with the soft click of heels against the carpet, Garcia entering with iPad in hand. “This is all I could-”
She starts making her way across the room with the iPad outstretched towards you, although stops halfway down the length of the table, turning her head towards the collection of ‘gifts’ that you’d laid out. “Hey, I recognise that succulent,” She points a finger towards the plant with a slight tilt of her head.
“What do you mean babygirl?” Morgan raises an eyebrow slightly, expression still furrowed as he gestures for Garcia to continue.
“When we went plant shopping a few weeks ago,” Garcia turns her head to speak towards you, “In that little plant shop by your house,”
It takes you a second to realise what she’s talking about before your mind seems to compute everything all at once.
A perfectly pruned rose left on your doorstep.
Envelopes with little flower stickers.
A succulent left on your windowsill after you’d bought three of your own.
The letter ‘R’ being left around.
“Riley, Riley Fontana he’s a florist he- he works around the corner from my house,”
The puzzle pieces all seem to fit into place at once, and you find yourself feeling incredibly stupid that you weren’t able to put them together sooner. It was so obvious.
“Sugar, does this look like him?” Garcia continued her original venture down the length of the table to show you the screencap from the office’s CCTV, the clearest picture that she could get without all of the person’s features being covered by heavy winter clothing.
It was the hat that you recognised. A striped black and yellow beanie that Riley would sometimes wear in the shop if it got too cold whilst he was working. It wasn’t exactly the most common thing for someone to wear.
You remember complimenting the nature of the hat when you went to pick up a fresh bunch of flowers for your dining room a few months ago, saying that it ‘kept the florist vibe’ through the way it resembled the striped colouring of a bumble bee. And you remember the way his face flushed pink with awkward gratefulness afterwards.
Knowing what you knew now made that exchange bring a bad taste to your mouth, and you give a half-nod to Garcia as you avert your eyes from the photo. “He wears that beanie whilst he’s working sometimes.”
Morgan and Hotch share a glance before they’re they’re both leaving the conference room with an air of determination, and you figure it won’t be long before they’re returning with Riley in tow.
“Alright sweetheart, you’ve done everything you can for us for now, let me take you home alright?” JJ gives you that stern but tender look that says ‘don’t even try to fight me on this’, and you give her a small nod as you let her lead you out of the office.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Riley hits hits hands against the table as he leans back in the chair he was sat in, becoming increasingly frustrated at the endless questioning he was receiving from Morgan.
“Don’t play dumb with me kid.” Morgan leans on his hands against the other side of the table, towering over Riley with the two’s difference in muscle mass.
“I’m not ‘playing dumb’, you are making no sense.” Riley expresses his frustrations through gesturing with his hands.
“So you’re telling me that you don’t recognise this?” Morgan puts the plant on the table to start with.
“It’s a succulent?” Riley raises an eyebrow at Morgan, his expression silently asking what the point of the question was. “A succulent from your flower shop,”
“And? we have dozens of them, we’re a flower shop,” Riley’s expression continues to show frustrated confusion, and Morgan delights in telling him how it ‘mysteriously’ showed up in your apartment.
“A little suspicious don’t you think?” Morgan tilts his head at Riley in slight condescension.
“What, you think I broke into somebody’s house to leave a plant there? What kind of ridiculousness is that?”
“Lying isn’t going to get you out of this,” Riley bites his tongue with an exasperated expression. “For the 100th time I am not lying to you!”
Morgan puts the copy of Romeo and Juliet on the table much more aggressively than he needs to, it making a loud noise with it’s impact that causes Riley to flinch slightly in his chair. “What about this? Remember this?”
“No?” Riley furrows his eyebrows as if the answer was obvious, his tone conveying the same.
“Then why do we have this picture of you leaving it here a few days ago?” Morgan flips open a small manilla folder that he’d left on the table at the start of the interview, turning it so that Riley could see the CCTV photo of himself clearly.
Riley examined the photo for a few seconds. There was no point in denying that it was him. He was wearing the same beanie and the same coat as he sat, making it look like he’d literally stepped right out of the photo. There was no getting out of this one.
“I didn’t know what was in the parcel,” Riley shrugs, as if him saying that was absolving him of any possible guilt. “I was just dropping it off for my sister,”
Morgan furrows his eyebrows before raising one, not convinced of a single word leaving Riley’s mouth. “Your sister?”
“She said it was something she found second-hand and she couldn’t drop it off herself because she was working a shift.” Riley shrugs again, sighing exasperatedly. “Look, I don’t know man, they talk about old romance books all the time, I have no knowledge nor interest in any of it,”
Morgan gave Riley one final look over before pushing himself upright on the edge of the table and leaving the room without saying a word, shutting the door behind him harshly.
“So, what do we think?” Prentiss uncrosses her arms as she meets Morgan’s stare, eyes flickering between him and the view she had of Riley through a one-way mirror on one of the walls.
Morgan sighs, rubbing his hand over his face in frustration. “I’m not sure,”
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“So, what’s going on with you and Spencer then?,” You hesitate slightly as you hand JJ a mug of tea, joining her on your sofa as you curl your legs up underneath you. “What do you mean?”
JJ accepts the mug with a thankful smile, although her voice remained knowing. “You’re not just avoiding talking about him because he’s injured, something happened at the hospital didn’t it? When you went to visit him?”
It’s times like these where you’re forcefully reminded that you friends and co-workers are profilers, although your half-certain that even a normal person could’ve figured out the weird atmosphere surrounding you when Spencer’s situation was brought up.
”It’s really nothing JJ,” You mirror her as she takes a sip of her tea, the warmth helping soothe you a little, joined by the relief of having somebody keep you company.
“Come on, you can’t fool me.” JJ adjusted her seating position slightly to lean closer to you. “Spill.”
You give her a short sigh and a silent plea for her not to press you on this but her eyes don’t waver, intent on getting to the bottom of your odd demeanour. “He- told me that he was in love with me…”
You keep your keep your eyes trained ahead of you on the turned off screen of your tv, fingers threatening to shake and spill your tea over your trousers.
JJ lets her mug fall into her lap, obviously not expecting to hear what came out of your mouth. “And?”
“And-” You take a deep breath in through your nose. “I turned him down and left-”
“I- Why? You two obviously have something there…” JJ tries to prod as gently as she can without making you over uncomfortable or emotional. “The whole team can see the way you two look at each other…”
“It’s not that- I mean-” you sigh as you lean your head back against the sofa.
“You’re in love with him too, aren’t you?”
Your eyes flicker to JJ’s for a second before you avert them to the floor, suddenly extremely interested in the lines of your hardwood floor.
“…Aren’t you?” JJ reiterates the question again, tilting her head slightly. She knew your answer, but she wanted to hear it from you directly.
“I-“ you purse your lips together, discarding your mug on the coffee table, no longer interested in drinking the rest of your tea. “I’ve put Spencer through a lot, and the best thing I can do right now is take a step back-”
JJ opens her mouth to dispute you, but she barely gets out your name before she’s cut off by a short knock at your door, and she stands from the couch first to answer the door ahead of you, her eyes telling you that she’s going to continue this conversation with you later as she reveals the person on the other side of the door.
“Rachel?” You stick your head around JJ’s shoulder as the familiar length of mouse-brown hair caught your attention. “Hey uh, sorry i’m here about Riley? Apparently he was escorted out of the shop by two FBI agents earlier and my parents are really concerned.”
“Oh, yeah uh…” You pause for a second as you mull over your options for what to say. Do you tell her that Riley might be stalking you and possibly assaulted one of your closest friends? You didn’t want to ruin the family dynamic that you’d witnessed from the Fontanas, especially if you were wrong in your assumption, even if it was extremely obvious in the signs that it was him.
“Uh-” You look between JJ and Rachel for a second. “Do you- wanna come in?”
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“Hey so I did some digging on our little florist,” Garcia waltzes into the conference room holding Morgan, Prentiss, and Hotch, iPad in hand. “And nothing,”
“No delinquency, no social discrepancy, nothing. His record is squeaky clean.” The three seem to visibly deflate a little at that, and Garcia made her way around to stand at the head of the table.
“However, his older sister is another story,” She holds free her hand up in front of her, waving it around to emphasise the difference between the two siblings. “She enrolled in a local college just outside of Quantico, formed a very close attachment to her tutor to the point where he filed a restraining order against her, and then dropped out to work in her mother’s flower shop, where she still works today.”
“What was the restraining order for?” Prentiss raises an eyebrow as she straightens her posture in her chair.
“According to the reports she broke into his apartment whilst he was at work, set up a ‘romantic dinner’, and then threatened his cat’s life when he turned her down,” Garcia’s eyes scan over her iPad screen as she summarises the report. “She had to be escorted out by the police,”
Morgan sits turning his swivel chair back and forth for a second as he listens to Garcia, and something seems to click in his mind as he suddenly stops, his eyes conveying pure urgency. “Does her name start with the letter R?”
“Uh-” Garcia scans over her screen for a second before looking up with a nod. “Yes, her name is Rachel, Rachel Fontana.”
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“Oh no, that’s awful,” Rachel gives you a solemn frown as you gloss over the details of the situation and why Riley had to be taken in for questioning, sipping on the mug of tea you’d offered her after inviting her inside. “Although Riley is a really good kid, i’m sure it must just be some awful coincidence,”
She places a comforting hand on your knee, and you place your own on top of hers, giving it a small squeeze. “Yeah I hope so,”
“I’m sure this will all be settled soon,” She gives you a soft smile of comfort, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Yeah you know how the team are, we’ll have it solved in no time,” JJ joins in on the reassurance before being interrupted by the vibrating of her phone on the table, picking it up and showing you the caller id displaying Hotch’s name. “Speak of the devil.”
JJ holds up a finger as she answers the phone, getting up from the sofa to excuse herself to the next room over. “Hey Hotch,”
“Where are you?” Hotch’s voice was stern and almost demanding, and JJ explained how the two of you were in your house with a furrowed expression, concerned by Hotch’s tone.
“Hotch what’s wrong?”
“The stalker isn’t Riley,” His voice sent an almost visible tremor up her back.
“It’s Rachel Fontana.”
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muffinlance · 7 months
Wait wait wait BLIND ZUKO?!?!?! Why is this the first time hearing about it??????????? This obviously a major error on my part…but I am little confused…what is a sensitivity reader? are they like a beta reader, but someone who belongs to the blind community(is even calling it a community OK I don’t know how else to refer to it😅)? someone to make sure that what your writing is accurate??? Please educate me!!!
Basically that, yep. Sensitivity readers are a reasonably common practice in Serious Face fiction (...among writers and publishers who care about getting things right), but definitely not common in fanfiction, so it's no surprise if you haven't heard the term before--they're people from whatever group who are good at helping writers spot and correct when they're using harmful tropes related to the group(s) they're a part of (and offering suggestions to make things read more authentically).
Since people tend to spin off AUs of my fics (which is awesome and continues up be encouraged), I am putting in an effort to not totally screw up the Blind Zuko rep. Of all fandoms, Avatar should absolutely be a place blind fans can find themselves represented in and welcomed by.
On a related note, insert PSA here encouraging all Avatar artists and rebloggers of Avatar art to write alt text/image IDs. They're quick to write and they mean the world to the people who need them. Do it for Toph.
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kirstydreaming · 9 months
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My blog ShakingTheTree was terminated last week for "posting sexually explicit materials". I refute this in the strongest terms. It would appear that someone claimed the picture above was "sexually explicit" - clearly this was upheld, and my blog duly terminated. No warnings, no appeals.
Does tumblr really think that the well know American actress, Sydney Sweeney would pose for sexually explicit photos, whilst fully dressed, whilst on the way to the Tonight talk TV show (in which she wears this outfit). The photo was an clipped edit of one from Sydney's instagram page (https://www.instagram.com/p/CdHYzzTrO8o/). Do they think she would post sexually explicit photos to her instagram page? And if she did - do they think instagram would tolerate that ?
After notifying me of the termination by email, Tumblr are not engaging with my email requests to review the decision, so it seems the termination is final.
ShakingTheTree was the third blog of mine to be deleted in the last 2.5 years with a total following of about 210K. It took a lot of time & work to build up those sort of figures. It begs the question of why bother remaining on this platform at all when a blog can be randomly closed down like this - it's positively Kafkaesque!
I'm going to take sometime to decide what to do with this remaining blog. Maybe tumblr will see this or something else sexually explicit like a fully dressed lady in an evening gown and terminate vivalabella - whatevs. Termination seems inevitable for any actively posting blog. I have a few things remaining in the queue which I'll let run on till it's done.
I'm not sure when/if I'll be back. Many thanks to all my followers and rebloggers over the years and all my different blogs.
2023/09/29 Update - thanks for all your supportive comments. I’ve popped in after about a month and see that shakingthetree has been reinstated at some stage - going to check email to see their reasoning now. Maybe I will hang around a bit after all!
Update: so tumblr terminated shakingthetree after my first post after being reinstated! This time the reason they cobbled together was that I was spamming and posting deceptive links for money making purposes! The links were simply model & photographer’s attribution- something they actively request in the community posting guidelines. But they won’t engage with me as they won’t talk to anyone they have terminated for this offence! Kafkaesque or what!
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kaleldobrev · 5 months
Dean Winchester Masterlist
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A rebloggable Dean Winchester Masterlist for your viewing and reading pleasure. All stories are Dean Winchester x F. Reader unless otherwise stated
Authors Note: Will update this as I post more stories
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Come on Tiger (823) | You convince Dean to come to bed
You’re Not Normal (College AU) (556) | The reader and Dean become friends in a weird way
Happy Father’s Day (1.2k) |It’s Father’s Day, and the reader has some news to tell Dean
One Day (1.2k) | The reader and Dean talk about their dream life away from hunting
You Don’t Mean That (Demon!Dean) (2.3k) | Sam and the reader finally find Dean and bring him back to the Bunker. Sam says not to talk to Dean before they cure him, but the reader has other plans.
I Love The Way You… (2.9k) | Dean wants to propose to you but isn’t really sure how, so he asks Sam, Jody, and Donna for help
Nightmare Cure (1.6k) | You struggle with nightmares. So Dean comes up with a way to help you.
Autumn Vibes (1.2k) | Dean creates a new recipe in honor of the fall season.
A Date with Dean: Lucky Strikes (5.8k) | Dean and you go bowling for this weeks date night. But decide to make it a little bit more interesting.
The Comforts of a Winchester (2.2k) | Having a nightmare sucks, but at least you have Dean to comfort you.
I Dream of You (1.7k) | Dean dreams of a life with you, but do you?
Pizza, Beer & Zeppelin IV (1.2k) | Dean is surprised to find out what your ideal first date is; and he’s more than happy to oblige
You Deserve Love (2k) | Sometimes Dean needs reassurance that you love him
A Small Part of You (2.3k) | Although Dean is gone, at least you’ll always have a part of him
I Love Her, That’s Why (2.2k) | Dean thought that he was doing a pretty good job at hiding his feelings for you…until Jack started asking questions.
You Make Me Happy (2.3k) | With you doing what he believes to be an incredibly reckless thing on a hunt, Dean finally realizes how much you really mean to him
Old Man (3.4k) | Dean never had a problem with the age gap between you two; not until now any way
Without Hesitation, Yes (2.6k) | After all these years, Dean finally asks you to marry him.
Spitting Image (2.8k) | You think Dean looks like one of your favorite characters. Dean on the other hand…doesn’t see the resemblance.
Come Back Home (4.5k) | After a relationship ending argument that caused you to leave the Bunker, you and Dean haven’t heard from/seen each other in over a year. Are there still sparks between you two? The better question is: Did they ever truly leave in the first place?
Daddy in a Different Way (2.5k) | A simple misunderstanding leads an older woman to believe that you and Jack are together, not you and Dean. But Dean does a “very good job” at clearing things up…But maybe not in the best way.
Pumpkin Muffins (930) | You and Dean decide to try new nicknames for each other
Days Like These (1.4k) | You and Dean decide to spend the day in while it’s raining outside.
Mutual Pining (4.3k) | Dean and you are in love with each other, and it’s obvious to everyone but the two of you
Please Don’t Leave (2k) | Dean’s lucky to have you in his life and honestly doesn’t know what he would ever do without you
New Record (1k) | Dean and you set a new record
Pillow Talk (1.2k) | A common theme of yours and Dean’s pillow talks happen to be about having that white picket fence and apple pie life
Happy Anniversary (Non-Hunters AU) (2k) | You and Dean celebrate your 18-year wedding anniversary
It’s Okay (1.8k) | Dean’s a little jealous that Sam still talks to you and not him
I Finally Get It (2.7k) | Dean thinks he looks like a character from one of your favorite slasher films. You on the other hand…don’t see the resemblance.
Genuinely Happy (506) | You and Dean enjoy a nice car ride together while you admire how genuinely happy he looks
Coming & Going (1.8k) | You want Dean to stay, but will he?
What Are We? (2.1k) | Dean and you do a lot of couple things together but yet…you’re not a couple, and you often wonder why.
Stupidest Person Alive (1.7k) | After a near death experience in which you almost lost Dean, you tell him that you can’t risk losing him again.
The Day Before (743) | Dean comforts you when you get a migraine
Once Mine (Michael!Dean) (1.3k) | Michael thinks him possessing Dean can be a win-win for the both of you
Knew You’d Come Around (Michael!Dean) (1.5k) | Michael’s happy you’ve finally come around
Comfortable? (516) | Falling asleep in Dean’s lap while he’s driving
Would You Like To… (978) | You and Dean have been dating for a few months, and now he’s trying to figure out how to ask you to move into his room
Midnight Confessions (1k) | You and Dean have a “heart-to-heart” conversation on the way to Stanford to pick up Sam
Hauled Up (1.5k) | Sam recruits you to try and convince Dean to stop hauling up in his room
When You’re Ready (1.8k) | A case hits you particularly hard and all you want to do is be alone
Never the Favorite (844) | You finally try and set the record straight
Screw Consciousness (410) | Taking a nap with Dean after a long drive
Things Overheard (2k) | Dean overhears a private conversation between you and Sam
I’ve Got Ya (162) | Dean trying to comfort you after a nightmare
Blush (389) | For the first time in your life, you can say you’ve made Dean Winchester blush
Taste (657) | Dean going down on you in the back of Baby
Under Control (2.3k) | Dean keeps reassuring you that he has everything under control in terms of the Mark. But does he really?
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Not the Same (Endverse AU) (4.7k) | Part One | Part Two
Coffee Kisses (3.3k) | Part One | Part Two
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Old Man / Age Gap Universe
Shiny New Toy (Demon!Dean)
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Supernatural: Purgatory Masterlist | 3/? parts done
My Hero Masterlist | ¾ parts done
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Dean dressing up as a cowboy for a case and using Old West style pick-up lines
Introducing Dean to phone apps
Going to karaoke night with Dean at a bar
Pretending to be married to Dean for a case
Eating Halloween candy with Dean
Being one of the only witches Dean can stand
Getting Dean the perfect birthday present
Dean still worrying about you even though you’ve broken up
Dean still answering your calls even though you’ve broken up
Finding out you’re Dean’s soulmate from Apocalypse World Michael
Wanted Posters (Incorrect Quotes)
Dating Dean Poem/Moodboard
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