#sub leo
baileyjayy1 · 1 month
Say Hello to me and my big friend down there 😉🍆
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bitin-and-barkin · 6 months
Yandere Donnie
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Yandere Donnie would act Obsessive, Controlling, and Dependent.
When April first introduced Donnie to you, you guys fit together perfectly. Like two pieces of a puzzle.
You just GOT him in a way nobody else did.
You were so much like him, yet so different.
The entire time you two were together you two DOMINATED the conversation, April could barely get any words in.
You two traded numbers and from that point on, Donnie wouldn't do anything without you.
If he wasn't nagging April about "when she will bring you over again" (He was too nervous to ask you to come over, which is a first for him) he was texting you or calling you or gushing about you to anyone who could listen.
But how could he not!? You were PERFECTION embodied! He was obsessed with you!
You kept up with his smarts and sarcastic quips, even offering your own.
Although you weren't a tech prodigy you thought a similar way (the right way) and were OBVIOUSLY smarter than his dumb-dumb brothers.
Anytime that he had something to say, you hit back just as hard in a lighthearted, sarcastic tone.
You were also so badass too! Just the general air around you screamed "Cool, emotionless, mysterious, bad boy." You were so dominating and so strong! You were what he wanted to be!
But the thing about it was that you weren't emotionless, far from it.
Although you guys often competed there was never actually any bad blood. Despite being just as good as him (and possibly better, although he'd never admit it), you never held it over him.
You listened to him rambles about science and junk happily, but not in a I'm-only-listening-to-be-nice-but-I-don't-actually-understand-or-care but in a I-love-your-passion-and-can-understand-it-completely way.
You asked questions that he'd never even thought about.
And you were emotionally intelligent too!
You were kind, caring, and oh-so sickly sweet.
He didn't need to put up any sort of mask in front of you, as you made sure you made sure he knew you loved him in any form!
Even the moments when he was ashamed of who he was, when he was worried he would never be enough.
His intense moments of "emotionless passion" or his arrogant moments of dumbassary.
You pushed him to be better while accepting him as who he was.
You made him feel like MORE than his tech, he never felt like he had to hide anything from you, as hiding something from you, just felt like hiding something from himself.
All of his deepest secrets are shared and he expects you to do the same
You made him feel secure, like no matter what he did you would never leave him.
It was like you were a combination of himself and Mikey, his two favorite people in the world! (You were first though, of course)
Even when he was acting like a dumb-dumb (Although he'd never admit it) you held him accountable while still being understanding.
You could understand what he meant without even saying it!
It was like you guys were mind melded or something!
You were like him, a kinship. Almost a frenemy, rivals with how much you competed, but more friend then enemy.
You were almost a teacher to him in a lot of ways, but you never talked down to him or treated him like he was stupid for not understand things that came to you or other easily (like emotions, cough cough)
And he made sure (or at least tried his best) to do the same for you.
For example, whenever you make something techy from the countless facts of science Donnie had taught you he'll cherish it, probably getting an entire shelf and case for any inventions you make for him (and he won't "improve" or "modify" the work to become more efficient, no matter how much his hands are itching to)
Honestly it got to the point where you two were never seen apart.
Donnie began to see you as an extension of himself.
Or, more specifically two parts to something bigger.
Think Glitz and Glam from Helluva boss, or Sapphire and Ruby from Steven Universe, or Fireboy and Watergirl from those dumb cool math game games.
You were him, he was you, and you guys would never be apart.
You guys were two peas in a pod, best friends, yin and yang, fire and water, connected in an unbreakable way he wants to brand your name into his skin and he wants you to do the same for him
it was like a villain and his sidekick, expect none of you were the sidekick! You were equal after all, in his eyes. He genuinely values you and your opinion above everybody elses, and how you felt about something was just as important as he felt about it (aka, very important) He feels very strongly about making sure thing are "fair" between you two.
At first you were fine with this little obsession he had with you two hanging out, you couldn't see the red flags screaming in your face, but then he got oh so controlling.
He might not care about what you wear or how you dress, but every bit of tech in your house is replaced by his own, all suited to prevent hackers and stalkers from accessing your location they all have trackers on them, and the next time you fall asleep he will embed one into your skin
He doesn't mean it with malicious intent, he just wants to protect you as he would protect himself. You deserve protection after all, he just wants to make sure you're safe from any "stalkers."
He kindly searches your room for any "suspicious devices" placed by "creeps" he takes this opportunity to put in his own cameras to watch you from every angle in your home, you get more time away from him but he watches you while you sleep.
He gives you little trinkets and tech made by him just for you they all have cameras in them, he loves watching you
And your health is watched like a HAWK.
He's constantly calling you over to his place, under the guise of "making sure your healthy" and he does do that, he does!
It's like your a permanent hospital patient, with you being strapped up and poked and prodded.
Your heart rate would be constantly monitored with a watch he gave you along with your blood pressure, temperature, blood sugar, and steps per day.
The slightest cough will be treated like a medical emergency. His place would be disinfected and you would be "bedbound" from your illness.
Only he can see you when this happens, after all he's the only one who can care for you properly.
Honestly, I can see him medically abusing you, Munchausen syndrome by proxy style.
He'll give you new meds under the guise of healing whatever menial injury you got, only for you to get sicker and sicker. Hell, he might even put you under anesthesia and give you a couple of injuries (can't have you feeling pain or remembering it!) like breaking your legs and blame it on your "new disease."
Narcolepsy, bouts of paralysis or blindness, chronic pain, he'll do whatever makes you hang out with him more! Of course, none of it will actually be permanent or lifelong, he can stop it as quickly as he started it, but why would he do that when it's so affective?
And when you get ill, he'll insist he can be the only one to care for you. I mean, medical bills are expensive after all! Why waste your money when you can just go to your old friend Donnie!?
He'll have you lean on him for support, making you ill enough to the point that you couldn't even leave the sewers as you could barely move your legs and your entire body felt like it was in flames just so you guys can hang out together a little more
(To be honest it's less about the control he has over you and making you depend on him, and more on making you spend more time with him. But if he needs to make you dependent on him, he's not complaining.)
You'll have to stick with him until this "flare up" of your illness gets better. And he'll keep you trapped there with him through your disease until eventually he begins to break, as that now that you're by his side what the point of putting you through so much pain?
And so he'll down the dosage of the medicine he used to hurt you, just to make you feel a little bit better. But you take this as you healing, and you suggest to him that maybe, just maybe, you could go back home now? I mean you're getting better now, so you don't need to be around him ALL the time.
When he hears this he'll act calm at first even though he feels his blood running freezing cold and he'll help you pack up to go home, only for the next morning for the pain and paralysis come back, stronger than ever and making you cry and beg for it to stop
(He might even keep you trapped with him in this way, physically unable to leave and having your punishments being an up in the illness)
Sure, he'll feel guilt for making you feel so much pain and he'll miss your more fiery personality, that now has been dampened down due to your pain, but at least you're now next to him.
He'll help you learn to function to the best of your ability while ill, giving you a wheelchair and braces and the best prosthetics known to man.
But at the same time, he'll still be making sure you're still dependent on him, but independent enough where the old personality he fell in love with comes back. Independence dependence, per say.
Upping your meds just enough so that some days the pain still engulfs you but keeping it low enough so even on your neutral days you can engage in your battles of wits and words between you two that he oh-so-loved.
Good enough to function normally on your good days, bad enough that you writhe in agony as your skin flares up in pain on your bad ones.
It's all so you're still you, but he is still a part of you.
The same thing can be said for him. He is still him, but you are still a part of him. A MAJOR part.
And if you're ever pissed at him or resistant he'll drug your food with sleeping meds to make you more "soft" and "pliable."
But none of this dependence on him compares to how dependent he is on you.
As time goes on you can't get ANY time away from him.
Even before he does anything too drastic (before he practically kidnaps you) you are pretty much stripped of all your privacy and autonomy.
He's always following you around, showing up at your house unannounced, sneaking into your work/school to meet up with you in the bathroom, and any single moment you can be around him he WILL be around you.
The only moment of peace you get is in the bathroom and even then, if you're in there for longer than two minutes he'll begin to rant to you through the door.
It may frustrate you but to him it makes perfect sense. After all, two is better than one, so why would you ever need to be apart?
You guys are just better when with each other. You cover each other flaws and weakness and boost up each others strengths.
You need him and he needs you He needs you more than you need him, it feels like pulling teeth or losing a limb or peeling skin if he can't feel you, touch you, breath the same air as you
You're always there with him. Without you? It just feels so.. lonely. And he's not one to mull over being alone, in fact he loved it before he met you. But now? It feels like he's missing something vital, like an artery or a lung or his heart whenever you're away.
Wherever he goes he's always thinking about what you would want or what you would say, your voice taking up a special little part of his mind that was beginning to collect dust.
He felt your sadness, your passion, your anger, as if it was his. And whenever you smiled, he felt your smile like it was his own. It's so quiet now without you. He was always used to hearing your breath or your heartbeat, to the point where it felt like second nature to seek out it's comfortable rhythm He'll make a recording of your breathing pattern and put it as background noise in all of his favorite songs and make something to copy and let out the vibrations of your heartbeat tenfold, that way he can lay down on the floor of his lab and quite literally feel your heartbeat as if it was his own
So, when he explained all this to you so casually you finally began to get why he always wanted to be around you. it was unnerving at first sure, especially the way he looked at you with such desperate, mad eyes when he explained it to you after you said that you needed to get back home. Now that you knew this though? It just felt selfish to leave him alone.
His relationship with others falters as if he is talking to someone you also need to be involved, and the same goes for if someone is talking to you (this doesn't bother him as he firmly believes you are the only one he needs, his brothers and april are just an afterthought)
I mean, he doesn't hate his brothers! They still are his brothers after all, and he loves them. And he's happy to spend as much time with them as before you came into the picture, but you always need to be there, involved, and considered. You're practically part of the family, part of him! Part of something bigger and better! Just don't split you two up or else he'll scratch his skin raw, just ITCHING to hang out with you again
Whenever he's apart from you it's a bit like when Raph goes savage, but less angry and more anxious and scared shitless. Ever since he'd met you he'd never had to be alone this long
You can go out, do whatever you want as long as he's with you but you can't go home to your family, they aren't good for you
Your friends are weirded out by this and so are his brothers, with them pretty much telling you guys "Hey your relationship with each other is pretty weird. Why are you always around each other?"
You two deny this though, you out of innocence and naivety, thinking that Donnie would never invade on your personal space despite the uncomfy feeling you get when he butts into your conversations.
He would never hurt you or control you, despite how he stops letting you sleep at your OLD home, as now he always wants you to sleep in the same bed as him in your guy's room.
Despite that he's already began bringing your stuff into his your guy's room, setting it up as if you live together you practically do, your family thinks that you've ran away as it's been a month since you've gone home
He's also oddly touchy.
You see, a lot of you prolly won't agree but just think about it;
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He's almost ALWAYS touching someone, as long as he initiated the contact he seems to be fine with and actually LOVE physical touch.
I just believe he doesn't like hugs because of his "emotionless bad boy image" and because it feels like he's trapped, and going to be suffocated. Like he has no control.
But with you? That's not a problem.
Although most touches with him are the ones as shown here, small things, touching you is GROUNDING for him.
He needs them in fact. You're his grounder, his shoulder to lean on, his support, a part of him. He needs your touch, he needs you. Often times you are the only thing that can calm him down from any "episodes" he has.
Besides that, although he'd never admit it, he's also quite lonely.
He loves his brothers but he feels fundamentally different from them, different from anybody else in the world.
So if he found someone who got him in the way he'd always wanted? He'd never let go of them.
This also goes for touch. Despite his touch aversion he often wished he had someone who he felt safe and comfortable enough with to hold, or someone who he felt loved enough with to the point where he could be held. So when he met you? All of his unrequited dreams of physical affection with someone whom he truly felt connected to came out.
He often takes your arms and rubs his hands back and forth on them as a stim, or does the same thing with your back while laying his head in the crook of your neck.
Something that he does pretty much whenever he can is sitting on your lap, not in a weird way though.
You two will be sitting on the floor (He's gotten a preference for sitting on the floor as it makes this activity more comfortable)
And you'll be causally laying against the wall, legs spread as Donnie sits between them and you peer over his shoulder.
Maybe you two can be just chatting, or maybe reading a book together or playing a video game together, with you giving him tips as he controls.
You two also often sit in opposite positions, with him peering over your shoulder as you sit on his lap.
Something else that also happens is him clinging to your back like a kola, with him running his hands over and over again over your thighs and arms as a stim.
And sometimes (often), he'll even run them over your chest and stomach.
This happens especially when he's having meltdowns, so you can't just shove him off.
And if you tell him to stop? He won't. Maybe he will for a while, but he'll "forget" and get back right to it.
If you tell him how it makes you uncomfy or how it's weird? He'll tell you that you're crazy. This is a completely normal friend activity, your just overreacting.
He especially does this when laying in bed with you, as he expects you two to sleep in the same bed. (You'll cuddle like this lmao, and donnie is the one clinging to you like a kola oddly enough)
Something else he also loves to do with you is parallel play.
You see, because of his independent nature, despite his obsession, not every waking moment will be spent talking to you.
But something that he still loves is just existing with you nearby, aka parallel play.
You two spend a lot of your time doing your own thing, maybe him coding as you watch movies or him napping as you play video games.
He loves doing this, and you like it too! it gives you back the freedom that was stripped away from you
Its the perfect solution! You and him can keep your independence while still being together, acting as one!
And during these moments, to stay connected, he'll use small, little touches.
A hand on the shoulder, sitting back to back (his favorite), an arm wrapped around your neck while you game on the couch, resting his face on your hand as you sleep. He loves them all.
And if you ever try and deny him any of this? Or slowly move away from him?
Well, he won't let that happen.
He's dependent on you.
He controls you.
He's obsessed over you.
He NEEDS you.
You won't ever go home or be alone again.
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This was way too long, but I love him so much <3 It was itching at my brain until I wrote it down. This could work for platonic or romantic yandere, I prefer some form of queerplatonic. Overall, I believe his yandere-ness to be a very "we are pretty much one lmao" type thing because I am also autistic but touch averse and I often feel isolated from others around me, as I feel as if I could never be vulnerable around them. I often dreamed of someone who just GOT me in a way that nobody else did. This led me to be very interested in the idea of "fusion" from su as the act itself seemed so intimate; Two beings becoming one, being able to share a body and coordinate a mind, become something bigger than their parts to the point where you're a new person? That would be amazing. So I imagined that with Donnie. He believes you two are the same person in the way that Stevonnie from su is shown to be when they first fuse. It's obvious that there are two parts of you but just the way you work together just feels so natural. Idk, this is just heavy projecting and may be out of character, but I love the idea of dependent Donnie <3 Very much Jason Dean from Heathers vibes
Also, this is all BEFORE kidnapping, imagine how bad it would be after that. He values your opinion heavily and always takes what YOU want into considerations, except the certain "hard no" topics like ones that came to your safety, including those constant health checkups. He's no expecting you to agree with him all the time, but he is expecting you to listen. He would never hurt you, and you know that, just as he knows you wouldn't hurt him (no matter how much you should) so why won't you listen to him? He's only trying to help.
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spacemimz · 29 days
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Drew this for my darling little @noxvee6
His Null is so cool and just mildly a fucked up Leo, what more could you want?
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fbfh · 2 months
we all know leo is probs a switch. but how do u think he would he do with sub reader??
Leo with a subby s/o is like an unexpected paradise for him. he literally is such a simp. he's such a munch that his brain short circuits around you. he would let you toss him around like a rag doll. but when he finally shoots his shot and makes a move on you, the moment he sees your eyes go all fuzzy and your brain melt when he touches your face with his big warm hands that smell like metal and firewood??? when he watches your eyes flutter shut and you let out this soft little sigh???? Leo goes fucking ballistic. he can't believe it. he cannot believe that the gorgeous breathtaking angel on earth he's been heartsick over is sighing because he touched your face. he needs a minute to recover from that. then he gets curious. he starts teasing you a little, he starts making eyes at you and watching you flush and get all nervous. he starts touching you casually, an arm around your shoulder, a hand on your waist or your thigh, he starts playing with the waistband of your shorts to see how you react. and every single time it's better than anything he could have possibly concocted in his brilliant little mind. when he kisses you he has to hold you so you don't fall over. tbh it just makes him want to kiss you more. anytime he tries to ask you why you get all dizzy and fuzzy when he kisses you or touches you, tries to work out why your brain melts for him the same way he tries to work out problems in his engineering designs. he tries to figure out the way your pretty mind works, what makes you tick, what it is that makes your cheeks flush and gets you flustered like you do. but every time he does, he's already been kissing you and touching you and paying so much rapt attention to you that you can't form a coherent thought, much less express one. that's when it clicks. that's when he realizes that he's the thing that makes you like this. when I tell you this realization makes him burst into flames it's not an exaggeration. he did not think he could get anymore into you, but here Leo finds himself, pinning you against walls and touching and kissing you all slow, teasing you with his hands and his quippy little comments muttered into your ear more into you than he's ever been. he can't keep his hands off you after that and you don't want him to. by now you know that he knows the power he has over you. and he's still so tender and emotionally intimate and soft and playful with you. and GOD does it drive you wild. he fucks you slow and soft, drawing out orgasm after orgasm from you, knowing just what to do, and he kisses you all over until you feel like you can't breathe. he's so warm, so attentive, and he cannot shut up. he talks you through every single one. every. single. one. he teases you and praises you and gets you so wound up for him, he bites your ear and sucks hickeys into your neck and encourages you to make those pretty noises for him, to drag your nails down his back and pull his hair. and it's bliss. there are no words. and yet, just like it always does with Leo, somehow things get better. after you're both so fucked out that he's been shooting blanks, when you finally collapse into each others arms, you cling to him so tight. you bury your face in his neck and wrap your arms around him. you wish you could crawl into his skin. you breathe in his scent, listen to his blood thrumming through his body and Leo realizes that no matter what you are not going to get tired of him. you actually just like him so much that it's never going to be enough to satisfy you. and he pulls you close in his buff arms and rubs your back and kisses your head. he plays with your hair or taps little morse code messages into your skin, he talks to you, he hums songs, singing pretty spanish lyrics under his breath. and he can tell just by looking at you that you've never felt more at peace. you feel safe with him. you want him. and he is never ever going to disappoint.
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madammidnightsblog · 7 months
Rakuzan Training
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warning : face fucking, training, praise kink, strap on, gagging, handcuff, anal, dacryphilla, marking, orgasm denial, eating out, mommy kink, usage of puppy & good boy, fingering, nipple play, riding, light bondage, cock ring, mentions of milking, mistress kink, sex toys, mentions of begging, size kink
"Such a good boy, hm. Gonna fuck that pretty little mouth of yours until you learn how to use it properly like any good boy should." Running a hand through his perfectly styled hair, ruining it as you slowly thrusted into your flesh tone strap into his mouth as drool and tears slipped down his pretty face.
"Mmm!" He gagged as the tip hit the back of his throat, trying to push further down the tight tunnel of his throat as his tongue sloppily teased the toy.
Seeing his heterochromia eyes staring up at you as they watered, trying to pull back to breath but you gently pushed him back down and told him to breathe through his nose after stopping  your hips. Your hand trailed down the side his face until you reached his chin to cup it before pulling out once seeing him struggling more and he was more than glad you did so as he coughed slightly, you gently made him look up at you with a soft smile because he looked so fucked out it was as if the cold and terrifying captain wasn't the at your mercy, he looked submissive and lewd with the tears and drool smeared all over his face and red puff lips that were ready for your strap once more. When he seemed to calm down, you order him to open his mouth once more which he did just that, tongue out as his eyes glared up at you but you just hummed while tapping the saliva dripping tip on his tongue before sliding it back in with one good rash thrust; Akashi gagging and blinking back new tears in hopes to finally please you good enough just so you would fuck his other hole which was aching to be touched.
The handcuffs clanked against the metal headboard with every jolting movement that was made as he tugs on the metal tightly, his thighs were pressed against his chest while you thrusted deeper into his hole and it was enough to have him lose all sense once your strap hit the deepest part in his ass which had him seeing stars. Your lips curled into a cocky grin when you watched his eyes rolled back and his moans turning into lewd screams of pleas for you and you were more than pleased to see your beautiful boyfriend reduced to a blubbering mess under you and the small purple and blue marks painting his skin were proof of the night. The strap hit his prostate which had him arching his back and crying out, dick twitching and throbbing as the knot in his stomach was threatening to snap which you noticed by the shake in his thighs and the quivering in his lips so you stilled your hips. Leo was brought back to reality and he stared up at you with his teared filled eyes while whimpering from the loss of friction.
"What? No. Mommy please fuck me! Wanna cum ‘o bad 'o please fuck me!" He began to cry as your hands slipped down his thighs down to his ass, giving it a soft squeeze.
Smirking, you leaned down slightly to taunt him knowing he would try to kiss you which he did but you moved away and chuckled to see him out more, "Awe, my poor baby wants kisses and to cum, hm? Well, if he can hold back from cumming then he will get all the kisses he demands." You purred, wanting him to learn to follow orders clearly but he whined in protest. 
"You clearly don't know what you're doing but don't worry Puppy. Mommy is going to teach you just how to eat her." You cooed as his tongue fumbled around in your sopping cunt.
He whines softly into your core before pulling away to look at you with a pout, "I'm sorry Mommy.." He looked away from you in disappointment. 
You smiled softly at him before running a soothing hand through his golden hair, telling him that it was alright and you were going to make sure he mastered the said task. Gently pulling him back to your cunt, your free hand did a v shape to spread your puffy lips which he stared at with hunger. Hayama was hungry for your taste once more and after reassurance from you, he wanted nothing but to be drowned in your pussy so he quickly sucked at your clit which drew a soft hum from you before telling him to slip a finger in. Without hesitation, he sunk his index in with a groan at how your gummy walls sucked the digit in and he slowly thrusted it while he slowly swirled and flicked your clit on command, slowly mentally jolting down every sound and praise for later. Your hips rolled slightly against his face when he pushed his middle finger in, curling them with every moan you let out and the hand in his hair pushed him further into your pussy while the other moved up to pinch your nipples.
His deep groans and growled echoed in the quiet room as you bounced on his thick dick, taking it deeper despite it stretching you completely to the point you are sure it will break your small pussy. His hands pulled and yanked around the red rope behind him in an attempt to escape the bounds but it was useless and it made you let out a breathy laugh before you moaned into his ear. He was growing more irritated at the lack of touching and you knew it so you nipped at his ear while your hands slipped behind him and gripped his wrists, taunting and teasing him about how desperate he is. Your hips grinded down in his lap, gummy walls squeezing him tightly as you came the third time and it was enough to have him weakly thrusting up into you and groaning about wanting to cum but everytime he did, it only made you still your hips while telling him he'll have to withstand the cockring the while time. He glared up at you as you sat up and gasped when his tip kissed your cervix, making your fingers dig into his wrists and causing him to have his second dry orgasm.
"Oh fuck. I'm never gonna get used to how big you are," pressing your forehead to his as your eyes flutter shut while bouncing faster, "You stretch me so good baby, too good. Such a big 'ol cock for me to fuck and milk." You purred.
His eyes rolled back when you started to circle your hips, drawing invisible circles slowly with every movement, "Just for you and only you Mistress." He let out a breathy moan.
"Mommy... Mommy can I.. Can I please cum?" He whimpers, hips bouncing steady on the clear dildo as his leaking dick bounced against his lower abdomen.
You looked up from your laptop to see him drooling and shaking as the toy abused his hole, lube and saliva dripping from his hole as he sinks further down onto it. He needed to learn how to ask permission to cum so you decided to have him do it while you typed up notes for class and it seemed to make him more whinier from lack of attention from your end just based on the pool of precum under him. You pressed save before closing the laptop and turned your full attention to your poor boyfriend, licking your lips at the sight of his shaking and hunched form on the floor as he tried to bounce faster on the toy despite his arms ready to give out from the oversensitivity of being denied his sweet release. His hazy blue eyes fluttered up to you as he pouted up at you when seeing you not giving in to his desperation so he decided a different approach, placing both arms behind him and bounced faster as his head was thrown back and loud lewd moans left his pretty lips. 
"Hmm? You want to cum?" You pressed your index to your chin and pretended to think hard before smirking and resting your chin in the palm of your hand, "You gotta beg better than that pretty boy. I just know you can do better than that."
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tirtyturtle · 9 months
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Had fun drawing these
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idkpeople253 · 3 months
Yandere Leo Valdez NSFW Alphabet
I noticed there’s a distinct lack of yandere Leo so I’m fixing that
pairing: leo x female!reader (mentions of being the daughter of Nyx and granddaughter of hades, so sorry if you don’t like that I picked the godly parent but I wanted this to tie into my wattapp yandere Leo story)
as with all nsfw content all characters are aged to 18+.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Leo is definitely a clingy yandere, I mean it would make sense everyone he loved died(his mom and festus just to name two) so it’s gonna be a lot of cuddling and kisses and the son of Hephaestus my(more than likely with) leave at least a few love bites so expect lots of little red and purple bites on your neck, chest, shoulders and thighs
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I don’t remember where or when I came across the headcanon that he likes his hands because they have made some amazing things(the Argo2 ect) but I absolutely agree, tho for his love probably your chest or neck(but if you can pick him up most definitely it would be you arms)
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He desperately wants to fill you up just so you have the chance of getting pregnant but he knows it’s probably not a good idea, being at camp 24/7 365 Chiron would figure it out and punish both of you, so he settles for cuming on your thigh or stomach, and watching it run down your body
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
definitely has a praise kink and will cum on the spot if you top him(which isn’t hard((unlike him)) because he despite acting like a top is actually a bottom) and call him your good boy as you slowly and softly fuck him, but he also loves when you make him see your mother’s realm(the Night and Stars) by fucking him as hard as possible
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
None unless you count the smuty stories he reads(if you write his stalker side will come out and find out what you write and if you write smut((even if it’s for a fandom he’s not in and he’s never seen/heard of before or it’s Reader X _____ even if reader is a girl))he’ll read it) but if you don’t count that then he has Zero Experience
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
cowgirl most definitely because he needs to see you and to beautiful fucked out face so much it hurts when you do any other position
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He switches emotions very quickly and easily(because I’m pretty sure most yanderes are bipolar) so he can go from cracking jokes to being dead serious is two seconds flat.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He probably doesn’t care and just lets it grow out a bit(until it gets uncomfortable) but if you don’t like it or you care he will wax/shave it(and maybe you can help😏 just one more excuse for shower sex)
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He’s completely obsessed with you so he will be the most romantic person humanly possible and he will maybe just maybe cry tears of joy the first few(60-ish) times you have sex
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
This boy is horny as fuck and definitely more so when you two where just friends, and he would jack off to the memories of you fussing over if he slept or ate or drank, when everyone else didn’t really care, but now he can just give you a look and your in bed(so long as you don’t have anything to do) and he’s rolling a condom on
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Again he definitely has a praise kink and maybe he’s just a little bit of a masochist
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Bunker9 or cabin21(the Nyx cabin) or if Nico’s at camp Jupiter and you want a little bit of risk cabin13 and if you willing to lock his siblings out cabin9 or if all else fails the forest will do(so long as it’s not night then he has to play the “I’ll have her back my 8pm sir” instead of the “your daughter calls me daddy too”)
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Jealousy or just you in something that hugs your body
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Hurting you(he may be a masochist but he’s still a yandere and will worship your body like it was Aphrodite herself if you let him)
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
he loves giving he just likes the taste of you, and the sounds he draws out and he would be really proud if he could get you to cum with just his fingers or tongue, but he doe sometimes like you going down on him typically when he’s angry or jealous about some guy who was flirting with you
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
both it just depends on where, when and his mood
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He doesn’t love or hate them, he can fucking rearrange your organs in five or fifty it doesn’t matter as long as you understand he absolutely adores you to death
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He Probably gets a adrenaline rush from risky stuff but if you don’t like risk he’ll just go sky diving instead of fucking you with a shit ton of risk
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
It’s canon that he has ADHD to make ADHD look normal and he has a lot of bottled up energy to good luck to your poor legs, but if you’re all fucked out and he’s still horny his finish himself
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Why do you need toys when you have him?
He doesn’t need toys, he will just fuck you will his hands, mouth and penis and will probably make you cum faster than any toy but if you have a vibrator you want to use on him he will let you, because to him you are a goddess, he doesn’t care about Hera or Aphrodite or Athena or even your mother Nyx he only cares about you and so you can use him as your toy or use your toys on him it really doesn’t matter to him so long as you’re happy
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
It could go either way but I say for yandere!Leo he probably would rather be teased by you
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
oh gods he’s like a husky(go on YouTube and watch huskies howling it’s SO loud) when you fuck him it may be best to shove your fingers or even better your underwear in his mouth to make him quieter
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
When you have sex he will have the most lovestruck expression possible or when you’re getting dressed he’ll palm himself through his boxers just because you’re not wearing a top when putting your bra(if you need one) on, and you know he’s a yandere because you where(maybe just a little bit trying to figure out if you liked him) hiding in the shadows when you saw him murder a guy who flirted with you, and so you ended up in the forest at 3pm pining him to a tree and fucking the sense out of him. And when cuddling he will find out what temperature you like to cuddle at(like if you like to cuddle something warm he’ll heat up with the fire powers but not like hot just like sitting around a campfire in summer warm)
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Despite him being so scrawny he’s large like long and thick and just the right size to fit in you and not be painful and he can and will warm his dick up just to hear the noises you’ll make
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Do I even need to say anything, it’s clear he’s all ways horny at least a little bit
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’ll probably pull an all nighter if he can just to stare at your sleeping face
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agapintheskin · 1 year
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BOC New Years Special - Best of!
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nights-flying-fox · 5 months
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Featuring Hop and @noxvee6 's Null :3
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noxvee6 · 26 days
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Donnie and Beatrice are here to wish you luck for the story competition! (Donnie is, perhaps, a bit nervous. For reasons related to Bea. She's awfully pink.)
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He's not here to make friends (and he's not getting anywhere near a weird Kraang looking baby)
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bitin-and-barkin · 6 months
Yandere Donnie: Mushy Medical Malpractice
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^ | | That's Donnie when he sees u lmao (Leo's upset because Donnie's gonna rant about how amazing u are to him for the next 4 hours) After writing that last yandere thingie, I got wonderin: How did cuddling you start as a stim for Donnie? (Go read the first one hint hint) So using prompt 4 from animeyanderelove's list ( “Gosh, you smell so good when we cuddle like this!”) I made this! Heavy Jason Dean vibes, he needs u way too much. I do not condone any of this irl ya freaks. Tw: Nonconsensual Touching, Yandere Behavior, Generally stalkerish vibes
God damn it.
"Come on, breathe."
Slow, deep breaths. Over and over again.
But how could you breathe when you felt like all your oxygen was being burned away by the flames in your skin?
How could you breathe when you were in agony like this?
How did you even get here?
It started when you woke up in the middle of the night, and once again, your entire body ached like never before.
Yesterday Donnie finally let you out of the sewers after you got better. You GOT better. You were supposed to be getting better. So why did it keep coming back!? Why did it only get worse whenever you left?
God really hated you, huh? You could only find peace when at Donnie's care. You couldn't thank him enough for everything he had done for you.
Either way, when you awoke your body was engulfed in what you thought to be hives. You were so itchy and hot, and it felt like a million needles were pricking your skin. Even your clothes felt hot to the touch, burning you like fire.
You tried to take a shower to calm it down, hoping you could stick it out until the morning, really not wanting to bother him in the middle of the night with this. He had done so much for you, it felt selfish to ask him for more. (Little did you know he was awake. haunted by your absence, and waiting for you)
But it only got worse. As you showered, you scratched mercilessly at your skin, scratching it raw until you bled. But you couldn't stop. It hurt so badly- Your chest, your thighs, your neck. It all burned.
By now, strands of your hair was breaking off, and if you were in there any longer you were worried clumps of your hair would begin falling out. You could barely even see by now, the blindness from your disease kicking in. You stepped out of the shower, and the light bombarded you. It felt like the sun, flashing colors vibrantly, burning your eyes, wrecking your retinas, even though you knew it was just the usual yellowish white color your lights usually were.
And the noise! The noise was unbearable. The ache in your body was nothing compared to the sound around you. The sound of the running water, the buzzing lights, it engulfed you. It drove you mad.
You were so paranoid too. Afraid for no reason. You couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching you struggle and shower and scream and sob.
By now you were falling to the ground, your throat closing up and your legs no longer able to support your weight. You knew you only had one choice, but you weren't even sure if you could do it before you began seizing. (another symptom of this "new disease" that plagued you, diagnosed courtesy of Donnie)
You reached for your phone, calling your best friend. You couldn't afford the medical bills, and Donnie had insisted that he was the only one who could provide you adequate care for this illness. After that point, everything was a blur. You weren't even sure if you were able to get any words out to him. But either way, he appeared to help you.
You couldn't remember any of it, him helping you dress yourself, sneaking you through the streets, taking you to the lab. You only came back to consciousness in Donnie's room, which is where you were now.
Deep, deep breaths.
"Come on, you can do this."
In and out.
You looked over to Donnie, teary eyed.
He was holding a needle, likely to inject you with something that would stop this torture.
You weren't afraid of needles. Not anymore. You couldn't be after you have had to be stabbed by them so many times to save your life.
Your eyes began watering again, and you covered you face with one of his pillows.
Why was this happening to you?
Donnie walked up to you, and sat down on the bed next to you, taking your arm and injecting it in.
God that felt good. You weren't sure if you were getting addicted to this stuff somehow. Is that even possible if you NEED to take the meds?
The itchiness and lightheadedness quickly evaporated from your skin. Well, most of it anyways. It was bearable now.
Your eyelids felt so heavy, and you were so, so tired.
"Just breathe."
"Everything will be okay."
You looked over to Donnie, wanting to thank him, but you could see how panicked he was. He was afraid, really, really afraid.
You grabbed his hand, rubbing his palm.
"Hey. I'm okay, Don-Don." You gently said. Your voice still hurt and felt scratchy, but you didn't know what else to say. You knew you needed to say something though.
He turned over to you could hear his breath hitching and him hyperventilating. His voice was strained and cracked.
"Why didn't you say anything earlier? Why'd you wait so long to call me?"
What were you supposed to say to that?
"Don-Don.. I-. I didn't want to burden yo-"
"You're never a burden to me."
You looked up to him. You had a splitting headache still, and you were so tired, but you still couldn't sleep. You could barely even move your legs. And you had been like this for so long. You had done nothing for him. How could you not be a burden?
You wanted to cry, how could he not hate you.
"Thanks Don-Don..."
Your voice was cracked and strained. He grabbed your hand, rubbing its palm softly with his left and wiping away his tears with his right.
"Never mind that, you need to get some rest."
You groaned.
"Don-Don, I can't just fall asleep like that, not matter how tired I am."
"I know, I know, I can't either! But you can usually get me to sleep easily, and I have trouble sleeping."
So how does he make you fall asleep?
What do you usually do for him?
Those always worked.
Lavender Incense, sleep meds, a million things came to mind.
Shell rubs.
That could work.
You don't have a shell, but a back rub might work just as well.
Silently, he moved over to you and began rubbing your back.
You giggled at first, it's amazing how you managed it despite the pain you were in.
"What are you doing-?"
"Giving you a shell rub."
"I don't have a shell?"
"I know- but I might as well try."
He continued rubbing your back, the pressure soothing the pain.
"... Is it working?"
You shoved your teary face into the mattress, mumbling a bunch of incoherent words, before finally settling at
"It works so well."
"Please don't stop."
| | | | | | |
Donnie looked down at you, watching as you struggled to stay asleep. The sleep meds he had put in that injection wasn't working as well as he'd hoped.
He looked up at your monitors. You were just asleep right? You weren't seizing? Why were you moving so much? Were you having nightmares?
Everything looked normal.
No lasting damage from the "incident."
But the guilt still consumed him.
It had been a couple of hours since he first got the call. About 2 since you got here and fell asleep, and he hadn't dared to stop rubbing your back.
1 hour, 37 minutes, and 52 second since you fell asleep. He'd been counting.
If you were having a nightmare, it'd be best to wake you.
He didn't mean to.
He'd had them before, and he knew they were horrible.
And he almost lived one today.
He gently tried to shake you awake.
It was just a one time screw up.
But to no avail.
He'd flown too close to the sun.
You were okay, right? He looked up to the monitors once again.
And now his wax wings were melting.
Everything was normal.
A one time screw up?
Heart rate was steady.
What was he thinking?
Blood pressure was average.
This was you he was talking about.
Blood sugar was perfectly fine.
Sweet, wonderous you.
He put his head to your chest, just to make sure you were breathing fine.
And you almost died today because he tried to keep you too close.
And he heard you breathing.
Your heartbeat.
And it made his heart throb.
He kept up the pressure on your back, soothing you in any way possible.
The sensory from it was nice, kneading your skin like that.
It was warm, soft, alive, mixed with the comforting texture of your hoodie.
His mind began to wander.
He didn't mean to do it.
Or at least for it to turn out that badly.
When you left, he couldn't stand the empty feeling that he got. Alone like that.
He just couldn't deal with it anymore. You NEEDED to stay. He needed you to stay.
But what could he do?
Restrain you? Threaten you? He could never do that to his best friend. You were a person after all.
But you were a person like him. You understood him in a way nobody else did.
Mikey, Raph, Leo, Splinter, April.
Nobody else could understand him, feel him as you did.
You were so similar, so close, that you and him started to feel like one.
One being, one person. So there was unending ache in his heart when you decided to leave.
But it wasn't your fault! You were perfect, you were a part of each other, you would never purposely hurt your other half!
You weren't trying to hurt him by leaving. You just didn't understand how much you needed each other.
But he still couldn't have you leave. It would rip him into parts.
You leaving him would be like ripping him in half. His other half can't just leave him like that!
And so he got an idea.
It started off innocent at first. Simple.
You were gonna go home, but he needed you. You couldn't leave. You guys were having so much fun!
Tippy-tappying your fingers on controllers, watching dumb-dumb horror movies and making fun of the dumb-dumb protagonists, or eating pizza and just chatting about everything and nothing.
So, why would you leave him? (he still couldn't understand why would would want to leave, even now.) He couldn't let that just- HAPPEN.
So he did something... questionable.
Mikey baked you something as a go-home gift, just some food.
He saw you were already snacking on it and while you weren't looking he MAY or may not have put something in it.
It was only supposed to make you feel really tired, and it only did that.
And so you decided to call it a night and just sleepover in the sewers.
His plan worked. He had a new tool at his disposal, one to make life a little more bearable, one that allowed him to stay by your side.
And he was going to abuse the hell out of it.
It only got worse and worse, with exhaustion meds turning into headaches into rashes into unimaginable pain.
He wasn't doing it to hurt you! In fact, he tried to stray away from the more gruesome symptoms. He always made sure you had a adequate quality of life. and he tried to only sicken you to the bare minimum that made you stay with him.
He did not like doing this to you, in fact he hated it. He hated seeing you so weak and miserable, and he hated the pain that consumed him as he watched you weep over it.
But he could also not stand how his heart ached from your absence, and he couldn't help but miss the way his heart sang whenever you were near!
He had to make a choice, and he made the one that was better for both of you in the long term.
He knew how much you loved being by his side too, and he knew you felt the same way. You were just in denial, unable to truly understand how much you needed each other. He wouldn't be surprised if these beliefs were linked to pressure from those wretched friends and family of yours. They always tried to pull you away from him, and pull him away from you.
But that's besides the point. By then, it was common for you to stay in the sewers for months on end just to let Donnie manage your worsening health.
And now, it was another one of those times.
2 weeks ago, you had been bedbound at Donnie's for about a month, unable to leave. And he had decided to have mercy on you, as he felt so cruel for this when you raved about your misery from this horrible illness that plagued you!
So, he lightened up on the meds that he was giving you. Just so you could get a little bit better, and just so his best friend would be even just a little bit happier.
Just so you two could talk easier, as your jaw ached whenever it moved. Just so you could game together easier, as you began losing feeling in your fingers. It was just to make his other half happier.
But you, you took that as healing! You jumped at the slightest opportunity of independence, unable to realize how much you needed each other!
He couldn't believe it.
You wanted to leave, only a month after you began staying living in the sewers!
Only a month!
He couldn't have that. There was no way you could LEAVE HIM!?
You ripped open his heart!
You can't just leave him to bleed!?
You were meant to be his!
He was meant to be yours!
You can't just split them apart!
No, no, no-
This wasn't the doing of you, was it?
It's those SHITTY uptoppers-
(You might aswell be turning him into draxum because he's REALLY starting to hate humans, aka "uptoppers". Get it- Cause they're on the surface? Above the sewers? "Up Top?")
They're dragging him away from you.
He's heard them say it, question your relationship-
"Oh y/n, why are you always WITH HIM!?"
"Oh Donnie-, it's strange how you're always together!"
But those INSOLENT fools- April, your friends, his family and yours-
They would never understand!
They could never understand what you two have!
Sure, he has some faults on his end, as his family has been playing a part in this- But he can convince them, he knows he can!
But yours? No, that's different.
They would never accept it.
And so, he had to take some.. drastic measures.
A couple of well placed sprinkles of some suspicious meds on your snacks-
And after that, you could go home all fine and dandy, only for when the morning comes- BOOM
Pain. You come running back to Donnie, and then you get your cure and he skillfully convinces you to stay longer with a report of you having "A permanent, debilitating illness that needs constant care and supervision by a high tech mutant expert who can administer you care any time it's requested."
Also, any germs carried by regular old humans could make the illness SO much worse, so you can't go up top to tell your family. He could do it for you. any germs carried by mutants, and possibly April, are a-okay though.
(He may have been overexaggerating a LOT, he would never hurt you that badly after all! It's actually just gonna be a bit of chronic fatigue and bouts of paralysis and blindness, maybe make you an ambulatory wheel chair user or make you lose a leg or arm. But that's not that bad when you have Donnie to provide you with the most high tech prosthetics and wheelchairs out there! Maybe some body braces and high tech glasses to help you with that blindness and paralysis-)
That way, you'll stay together.
That way, you'll never be split up.
But this? This was SO much worse than he planned.
What was he going to do? There may be no CURRENT after affects but what might happen in the future-
Then something happens, a movement, your body shifitng.
It brings him back to reality. It grounds him.
And he knows he has no reason to worry.
All of them wash away like how waves wash the ocean shore.
As long as you're together, you'll be okay.
He'll be okay.
Everything will be okay.
Donnie realizes that while he was having a mental breakdown, he stopped rubbing you.
Yet you are still sleeping soundly.
How? You were struggling to sleep just moments before? Is it the silence? Is it him?
Then he realizes. It's his body heat, isn't it?
You've always loved heated blankets.
So maybe this is just what you need.
He pulls up closer against you, his plastron to your back.
He puts his head in the crook of your neck.
God you're so warm-
And soft.
He could fall asleep right now, he would if he didn't have to monitor your health.
Then he sees it. You're laying on your arm.
That's not good, is it?
Doing that could cut off your bloods circulation to that arm, which could cause a whole BUNCH of problems.
He can't have that, could he?
But he also can't wake you up, you need to sleep.
He's gotta do this gently.
Slowly, Slowly he grabbed your arm-
God you were still so warm.
Warmer now. Softer. He didn't think that was even possible.
And you smelled so good while cuddling with him like this.
He pulled it out from under you, but he didn't take his hands off.
Slowly he ran his hand up and down your arm.
There was so many words he could use to describe it.
He felt safe. Safe in your touch.
He practically melted onto you as he ran his hands up and down your arm, eventually taking grasp of your other one.
Pulling up your sleeves, just to feel your skin.
He hated being touched, but this? This was different.
He hadn't realized how stressed he had been.
He hadn't realized how much he wanted, needed this.
He got lost in holding you, lost in your touch.
Moving farther down until he hit your thighs, his hands rubbing up and down on them.
Feeling the cloth of your pants, warmed by your skin.
Then your stomach and chest.
Feeling your stomach rolls and hip dips, your curves, and the fabric of your hoodie.
The fat on your chest and stomach.
If he was sane- If he was okay right now he would question all of this.
Why was he doing this?
Was this creepy?
Was he insane?
But right now?
He couldn't.
Fat, wet, tears welled up in his eyes and made it's way down his face, as he shoved his head even deeper into the crook of your neck.
He couldn't stop himself.
Stop himself from doing any of this. Stop himself from clinging onto you like you would disappear if he let go. Stop himself from melting like chocolate into your touch. Stop himself from wanting you, from missing you.
He almost lost you today.
He was never letting you go again.
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This took me way too long to write, and this post is way too long too. When I was going to write this I imagined it a lot shorter. The touching/cuddling part was supposed to sound a lot more nonsexual and platonic then it came out as but now? Interpret it as platonic, romantics, however you'd like. Although I will say, non of the touches here were SA or anything. He was simply touching you. I hate how sexual that sounds, but I have no clue how else to put it. Kinda ironic how I'm posting this on the lords day, as this is one of the most unholy things I've written in a while. Side note, REQUEST ME THINGS. I'm dumb and my brains running out of ideas. Also, this would've made more sense if your read my first yandere don post. I decided to make "Don-Don" a nickname the reader as for Donnie as it's one I came up for him lmao. The writing/text definintely soundned a bit insane and eccentric, but Donnie is too. Eh, what do I know? This could be way out of character for him, Idk.
I listened to "The Red Means I Love You" and "Meant to be Yours" while writing this just to get in the yandere vibes lmao. Anyways;
Yandere Donnie Supremacy <3
(Btw I will write yandere or regular stuff lik headcanons for other ROTTMNT characters if requested, SO GO ASK ME THINGS-)
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ducktracy · 28 days
"posting this because i NEEEEEED this on my blog" is probably going to be the caption for 95% of the Shin-chan stuff i post BUT IT IS NO LESS TRUE BECAUSE OF IT. Masaaki Yuasa is quickly becoming one of my favorite animators and i want to have easy access to ogle at his work at any time. and i hope for you to do the same! so here's his animation for Ending 3 of the show from 1993
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Baby was safely returned to the parental figure @noxvee6
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rosesradio · 4 months
Leo revved up the motorcycle, and Nico let out a slight gasp near Leo's ear, barely audible over the hum of the bike. The son of Hades instinctively wrapped his arms around Leo's waist—loosely, but the with the good motive of not falling off.
Against his better judgment, high from the power under his fingertips, Leo grinned, slightly nodding back to Nico. "You better hold on tight, di Angelo."
To his surprise, Nico complied. His hold tightened, every inch of his torso against Leo's back. His chin jabbed his shoulder. Leo let out a shaky breath, nervous butterflies bubbling within his stomach for the first time since the flight—but not because of the bike.
Chapter 17 of Ceasless Eve is out now !!
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nights-flying-fox · 19 hours
Look at them, they're being Miguel O'Hara and Miles Morales of Turtleverse. How silly!!
Btw... would be real cool if you voted for Sub-Zero ->here<-
@tmntstorycomp ☆ Null belongs to @noxvee6
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noxvee6 · 7 months
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Heehoo a new AU? 👀
I'll work on more for this AU but have some doodles for now heehee
Nighty was the one to get my to continue this, so thank her. She also owns Hop!Leo ➪ @nights-flying-fox
Close ups:
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