agapintheskin · 8 months
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『劇場版 美しい彼~eternal~』 (My Beautiful Man ETERNAL)
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tokyodecadence · 2 years
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"I'm very disappointed in you. Very disappointed. You're still in love with the world." Monsters Club (2011) dir. Toshiaki Toyoda
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angeldrawstoons · 6 months
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Finally, some good f*cking content
Name: Donatello Murasaki Tang Shen Hamato
Nickname(s): Donnie, Don, ‘Tello, Murasaki, 知識の神 (Chishiki no Kami-Deity of Knowledge), Experiment 051 (Baron Draxum/Baxter Stockman)
Age: 16 yo.
Gender/sexuality: Demiboy/Demisexual Homoromantic
Love Interest: Alopex (Cis Male)
Species: Spiny Softshell Turtle
Build: Tall and lanky, still having broad shoulders and strong legs-6’3”
Personality: INTJ, perceives the world as a puzzle for him to solve, hates being told he’s wrong or useless, loves using his mind to impress and intimidate others
Being hatched and genetically modified first of the turtles, Donnie is the oldest and can be prone to wanting control.
He was created specifically for ordering others around, which explains his tall frame and permanent deadpan look on his face.
During his time in the lab, Donnie was trained in Karate, Kung fu, Tai chi, but not Ninjutsu.
He was fed only rice gruel, making him and the other experiments terrifyingly skinny.
The medical staff at TCRI realized that Donnie was too able-minded with sight, so they decided to weaken him by brutally injuring one eye repeatedly until he could no longer see in it.
This caused Donnie to just stumble around the lab while practicing martial arts, until he could do every technique with his good eye closed.
The medical staff’s plan had backfired, so they isolated him until he was rescued by Splinter.
His body type is tall, thin and intimidating, causing him to loom over his friends and family like a tall building.
He has broad shoulders and a prominent chest, along with thick curves around his back thighs and calves.
His arms are relatively weak, so he has trains them a lot so he can fight better with his staff.
His legs are really strong, so he could probably kick Leo through the wall of a f*ckin’ subway car if he tried hard enough.
His mystic powers relate to the earth and stabilization of the mind.
Basically, ATLA earthbending style and closed-eye combat.
The explanation to his power is that he closes his eyes and feels his surroundings with enhanced senses, using tactility to find out the best way to fight without hurting himself too much.
His earth control is really powerful, he’s able to bring up small mountains from some tough ground in order to surprise the enemy.
Donnie and his brothers sometimes combine elements to create stuff like geysers, typhoons, and mini active volcanoes.
Cannot control himself around sweets (April: tf did my cupcake go Donnie: Mmf…so good~ April: Donnie!! Donnie: Eep!)
Has a little turtle robot named Terra, short for Tortuga.
Watches anime with Leo
Actually hates Leo with burning passion, oldest and youngest energy
Hatsune Miku fan and owns a owns a hoodie modeled after her outfit
As soon as Leo turns fifteen, he immediately grows to the same height as Donnie within a few months (Mutant genes are weird I guess).
I imagine it would happen like this:
Leo: *going on a trip to Japan* Bye Donnie!!
Donnie: Bye, Tiny.
(Months later)
Leo: *comes back* Hey Don.
Leo: *just smirks*
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無音の一人のほうが楽 muon no hitori no hou ga raku/dancing to cosmic music only I can hear
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Moon Day 1 in Virgo/New Moon
day’s V I B E – 9 of Pentacles Rx
In this grotesque world of phoney, authenticity is more hated than appreciated—most people are just lame enough to not have the courage to admit that. Those whose Souls shine with authenticity are often shunned and thus, they tend to be lonelier in this world.
If they are strong enough in character—or carefree enough—they may not always feel lonely, but Life can indeed be quite solitary. But what they must know is that it isn’t necessarily a sign of failure. Individuals who are uniquely authentic get misunderstood a lot because their Life Paths are of a higher frequency. It’s so… alien👽
Because many of us grew up in a world already drenched in instant connectivity, the inability to deeply connect to somebody may be perceived as a shortcoming, or even a failure of character. But that can’t be further from the truth. Some of us are just wary of cheap, instant knock-offs of true Soul Connections. This world the way that it is wasn’t built for us…
At any rate!🤪
On this amazing Leo/Virgo New Moon, affirm strongly to yourself what kind of elevated Reality you want to manifest. Your resolve needs to be followed through with actions that reflect your intentions. So, keep to your values and keep going in spite of the unknown.
Don’t be hesitant to indulge a lil bit on this New Moon if material prosperity is what you’re manifesting. If freedom is what you’re manifesting, maintain your ease and peace—both mentally and spiritually—in spite of the heaviness you’re faced with. If 5D relationships and friendships are your focus right now, well, don’t go back to people pleasing those whose entire focus is still in the 3D—they’re often conflicty, whiney, and gaslighty, right?😒
Anyway, today is not the day you indulge in stress or overthinking. Indulge in prosperity of mindset and conduct! As long as your indulgence isn’t incredibly harmful, why not bask in whatever sense of abundance you’re blessed with as of the moment? No matter how small that abundance looks like right now, it’s still something to be grateful for. There’s always another day to manifest more small blessings🧁
Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you~ A good day every day equals a good Life overall😉Be light of heart—and attitude😎
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Priestess of Happiness
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m o o n a v i g a t i o n ♥︎
‘Happiness is truly a fleeting concept for it is but a state of being. States of being come and go like a breeze. Instead of chasing after happiness that comes and goes depending on mood, try to build a livelihood that gives you a peaceful sense of contentment instead. It is meaning that truly makes one living. Virgo Moon is altruistic in nature, I ask your guidance what I’m supposed to do in this incarnation~’
☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
[Main Blog] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
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iuminouscrown · 1 year
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Sudden Death 
Believability/Chapter Nine
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Tsukasa: と、とにかく、気を取り直して。。。。。 現状を整理しましょうか、先輩方
Tsukasa: I.. in any case, let’s regroup…… Shall we put our current situation in order, Senpai?
Tsukasa: 我らが抱えた問題は、ふたつ
Tsukasa: We have two problems.
Tsukasa: ひとつは、先ほど “Crazy:B” の皆さんと話したとおりーー
Tsukasa: As I said a moment ago, one deals with everyone in “Crazy:B”.....
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Ritsu: この関西地域が、紛争状態に陥ってるって話だよねぇ。ESアイドルと地元のアイドルの間で溝が深まってて、対立してお互いに潰しあってる
Ritsu: You could say that this Kansai Region has fallen into a state of conflict. ES idols and local idols are antagonizing and destroying each other and the gap between us is getting wider.
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Tsukasa: ええ。痛ましいことです。夢ノ咲では決闘ばかりしていた我らの場合、どの口で言うーーという感じですが
Tsukasa: Yes. It’s heartbreaking. In our case we’ve only had duels at Yumenosaki…. Or what to say… Feels something like that.
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Ritsu: でも。いくらそんな現状を見過ごせなくても、俺たちには紛争に介入する方法がない
Ritsu: But we don’t have the means to intervene in these conflicts no matter how much we can’t overlook the current state of affairs.
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Tsukasa: はい。。。。。。 その、えぇっと、私からは言いつらいのですが
Tsukasa: Of course…… That… well, uhm… is difficult for me to say.
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Arashi: というか、司ちゃん本人の口からは言えないわけだけど。アタシたち “Knights” は、"裏指令" によってライブ対決を禁じられてるわ
Arashi: Or rather, Tsukasa-chan isn’t able to say it from his own mouth but we “Knights” are prohibited from live showdowns due to our “hidden orders.”
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Leo: あぁ、そっか。それぞれの "ユニット" のリーダーには、"指令" の他に "裏指令" が与えられてるんだったよな
Leo: Aah, I see. In addition to our “orders,” each “unit” leader was given “hidden orders” as well, right?
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Ritsu: うん。あまけに、その "裏指令" の内容は言っちゃ駄目だしバレても駄目
Ritsu: Right. In addition, he’s not allowed to reveal the contents of those “hidden orders” and they’re not allowed to be leaked.
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Leo: めんどくさっ
Leo: That sucks.
Leo: おれはもうリーダーじゃなくて良かった〜♪ 重たいだけの肩書きなんか要らんっ、煩わしいだけ!
Leo: I’m glad I’m not Leader anymore!~♪ I don’t need a title that carries that much weight. That’s just annoying!
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Ritsu: とにかく。そんな "裏指令" のせいで、俺たちは俺たちの十八番である "デュエル" を封じられてる
Ritsu: Anyways, We’re forbidden from using our speciality*, “Duels,” because of such “hidden orders.” 
Ritsu: 俺たちは "デュエル" に、つまりライブ対決に勝ちつづけることで成り上がってきたけど。今回は、その慣れ親しんだ戦法が使えないってこと
Ritsu: We rose up in the world by winning “duels,” or, basically, live showdowns. This time, that strategy we knew and loved can’t be used.
Ritsu: それだけで、だいぶ面倒な話だよねぇ。。。。。。 気に食わないやつを "デュエル" で倒すのがいちばん手っ取り早いのに
Ritsu: That’s a huge drag by itself…… Especially considering that the quickest way to beat guys you can’t stand is with a “Duel.”
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Arashi: あら、野蛮♪
Arashi: Ara, how savage! ♪
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Ritsu: 。。。。。。問題なのは。この関西地域の現状を鑑みるに、そんな "裏指令" が俺たちにとっては致命的な足枷になるってこと
Ritsu: …… The problem is that, bearing in mind the current state of affairs in the Kansai region, those kinds of “hidden orders” will become fatal shackles on us.
Ritsu: 今、関西地域ではライブ対決が一種の流行(ブーム)になってる
Ritsu: Now, live showdowns are becoming a trend of some sort (a fad, basically) in the Kansai region.
Ritsu: 地元紙やネットで特集が組まれてるせいか、関西地域のファンも血気盛んなのか何なのかーーーけっこう注目してるみたい
Ritsu: Maybe it’s because the local newspapers and the internet are producing features about them, but I wonder if the fans in the Kansai region are also just hot-blooded. …. They seem to be paying close attention either way.
Ritsu: みんな、どの "ユニット" が対決に勝つかとか、競馬やプロレスみたい予想したりして盛り上がってる
Ritsu: “Guys, which “unit” will win the showdown?” Everyone is charged up making predictions like in horse racing and pro wrestling.
Ritsu: 紛争だ〜、ライブ対決だ〜、とか言っても実際に血が流れるわけでもないしねぇ。スポーツを観戦するみたいに、わりと無邪気に楽しんでる
Ritsu: “It’s conflict!~” “It’s a live showdown!~” But even when saying things like that, it doesn’t mean that blood will actually be spilled. They're enjoying something simple-minded like when watching sports.
Ritsu: そういう荒っぱいのは苦手、みたいなひ���は他のもっとゆるい雰囲気の地域の予選会を見に行けばいいんだしね
Ritsu: That kind of crudeness is not my cup of tea. People like that should go see the preliminary rounds in other regions with a more lax atmosphere.
Ritsu: そのための補助金、旅費とかは申請すれば給付されるし
Ritsu: The subsidy states that travel expenses and the like will be reimbursed upon request.
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Izumi: まぁ、俺たちアイドル以外はどの地域に移動しようが自由だしねぇ
Izumi: Well, excluding us idols, you have the freedom to move to whichever region you want.
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Ritsu: うん。逆に噂を聞きつけて、血の気の多いファンが関西地域に集まってきてたりもするっぱい。関西地域では派手な戦いが見られるそ〜、って
Ritsu: Yeah. But I’m hearing rumors of the opposite that there are plenty of hot-blooded fans gathering in the Kansai region. “You can see flashy battles in the Kansai region!~,” is what they’re saying.
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Arashi: ヤだわァ、みんな血の気が多すぎよねェ?
Arashi: No wayyy~. Everyone’s too hot-blooded, riight?~
Arashi: 。。。。。それもまた、どの口で言うのかって話だけど
Arashi: …… That depends on how you say it though. 
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Ritsu: 実際、"戦う集団" として名高い俺たち “Knights” の参戦は、ファンには強く望まれてるっぽいよ
Ritsu: Actually, taking part in this competition as “Knights,” who are famous as a “group who go to war,” seems to be strongly desired by fans.
Ritsu: とはいえ。俺たちはESビッグ3とか呼ばれてる強豪だし、特にESアイドルは “”Knights” と戦っても勝ち目がない" って思いこんでくれてる
Ritsu: Be that as it may, ES idols in particular are convinced that: “There is no chance of winning even if we wage war against “Knights”” since we’re part of the powerhouse referred to as the ES Big 3.
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Leo: 眠れる獅子って感じだな〜。でも実際のところ、おれたちは逆にライブ対決には絶対に勝てない
Leo: I feel like a sleeping lion.~ But as a matter of fact, the opposite is true: we absolutely cannot win a live showdown.
Leo: ライブ対決を禁じる "裏指令" のせいで、勝負を挑まれた時点で負けたのと同じになるから
Leo: It’s the same as losing whenever we’re challenged to a match because of the “hidden orders” that prohibit live showdowns.
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Tsukasa: ええ。仮に我らが "裏指令" を無視してLive対決をした場合、当然、普通に対決には勝利するでしょうけど
Tsukasa: Yes. For argument’s sake, in the case where we disregard the “hidden orders” and have live showdowns, naturally, we would win showdowns without any difficulty, however…
Tsukasa: その後、"裏指令" 違反として罰が与えられます
Tsukasa: After that, punishment will be given for violation of the “hidden orders.”
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Izumi: ちなみに、興味なくてあんまり覚えてないけどさぁ? "指令" の場合は罰金が取られるらしいけど、"裏指令" の場合は違反するとどうなるんだっけ?
Izumi: By the way, I don’t really remember much because it’s not very interesting?? In the case of our “orders,” it seems that we’ll receive a penalty, but regarding “hidden orders,” what will happen if we break them?
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Tsukasa: 。。。。。。 "裏指令" を与えられた人間によって異なるようですが、基本的に "とても大事なものが奪われる" ことになっているようです
Tsukasa: …… It appears to differ depending on the person who was given the “hidden orders.” Basically, it seems to be: “something incredibly precious is taken away.”
Tsukasa: 私の場合は、まぁ、えぇっと。。。。。。詳しくは明かせませんが
Tsukasa: In my case, well, uuhhm……. I can’t reveal that in detail.
Tsukasa: Live対決に勝利することで得られる報酬と、とても釣りあうようなものではない重たい罰が与えられるようです Tsukasa: It seems like rewards attained by winning Live Showdowns and the heavy punishments given are not at all proportional.
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Tsukasa: (小声)。。。。。。それでも万が一の場合は、私は
Tsukasa: (Whispering) …… But still, if worse comes to worst in my case, I…
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Izumi: 何? ぶつぶつ独り言しないでよねぇっ、意見があるならハッキリ言う!
Izumi: What? Don’t mutter to yourself! If you have an opinion, say it clearly!
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Leo: まぁまぁ。。。。。。 "裏指令" も内容がバレたら罰が与えられるって話だし、スオ〜もそのへんは詳しく言えないんだろ。なぁ?
Leo: Now, now…… It says that punishment will be given if the contents of the “hidden orders” are exposed. Suo~ isn’t able to talk about them at length either. Right?
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Tsukasa: はぁ。。。。。。 とにかく、そういうことですので、私たちは関西地域で流行しているLive対決が行えません Tsukasa: Haa……. Regardless, that’s why we can’t do the Live showdowns that are in vogue in the Kansai Region.
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Leo: うん。自分から挑むのは論外だし、逆に余所の"ユニット" から勝負を挑まれるのもマズいんだよな
Leo: Yeah. It’s out of the question to challenge others ourselves. On the other hand, it’d be awful if we got challenged to a match by another “unit.”
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Ritsu: そうそう。こっちは "裏指令" があるからライブ対決はできないんだけどーー対決を拒否した場合、手特ちの “SSL$” の半分を挑戦者に渡す義務がある
Ritsu: That’s right. We can’t have live showdowns because we have these “hidden orders.”--- We’d be obligated to give half of the unique “SSL$” to the challenger if we refused the showdown.
Ritsu: 不戦敗、ってことになるから
Ritsu: That means we lose by default.
*十八番: pronunciation: Ohako (meaning a box). Written as number 18 as an abbreviation for Kabuki Juuhachiban (歌舞伎十八番), or the 18 best kabuki plays. From the Ichikawa family of kabuki families who stored their scripts in a box.
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「プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク」をいつもご利用いただきましてありがとうございます。
3月27日19時30分より「プロセカ放送局 3.5周年スペシャル」を生配信いたします。
「プロセカ放送局 3.5周年スペシャル」では、「プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク」の3.5周年の新情報や、アップデート情報をお届けしていきます。
3月27日19時30分 ~
3月27日20時00分頃 ~
3月27日21時00分頃 ~
・清水藍(CBCラジオ「RADIO MIKU」パーソナリティ)
・伊東健人(Vivid BAD SQUAD:青柳冬弥 役)
・野口瑠璃子(Leo/need:星乃一歌 役)
・鷲見友美ジェナ(Vivid BAD SQUAD:白石杏 役)
・伊東健人(Vivid BAD SQUAD:青柳冬弥 役)
・鈴木みのり(25時、ナイトコードで。:東雲絵名 役)
・近藤裕一郎(Colorful Palette)
・YouTube Live:https://youtube.com/live/8eLX2GS1INY
引き続き「プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ! feat. 初音ミク」をよろしくお願いいたします。
[Google Translated Vers.]
Thank you for always using "Project Sekai Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku".
“Proseca Broadcasting Station 3.5th Anniversary Special” will be live-streamed from 19:30 on March 27th.
In this live broadcast, Ruriko Noguchi, Jenna Tomomi Sumi, Kento Ito, and Minori Suzuki will appear.
In "Proseca Broadcasting Station 3.5th Anniversary Special", we will deliver new information and update information about the 3.5th anniversary of "Project Sekai Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku".
In addition, from 7:30 pm, we will be presenting ``The World of Vocaloid Music'' with guest Vocaloid P, introducing songs that were particularly popular on Nico Nico Douga in February, as well as episodes about newly written songs. Please watch it!
■Delivery time
[World of Vocaloid Music]
March 27th 19:30~
[Proseca news, song information, etc.]
March 27th around 20:00 ~
[Update information]
From around 21:00 on March 27th
[World of Vocaloid Music]
・Ai Shimizu (CBC Radio “RADIO MIKU” personality)
・Shishi Shishi (singer-songwriter)
・Kento Ito (Vivid BAD SQUAD: Toya Aoyagi)
[Proseca news, song information, etc.]
・Ruriko Noguchi (Leo/need: Kazuka Hoshino)
・Jenna Tomomi Sumi (Vivid BAD SQUAD: An Shiraishi role)
・Kento Ito (Vivid BAD SQUAD: Toya Aoyagi)
・Minori Suzuki (25:00, Night Code: Ena Shinonome)
*In no particular order, title omitted
[Update information]
・Yuichiro Kondo (Colorful Palette)
・Naoki Adachi (Krypton Future Media)
*In no particular order, title omitted
■Distribution medium
・YouTube Live: https://youtube.com/live/8eLX2GS1INY
・Nico Nico Live Broadcast: https://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv344614735
- Distribution date and time and content may change without notice.
Thank you for your continued support of "Project Sekai Colorful Stage! feat. Hatsune Miku".
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alibrasaesthetics · 7 months
Our Dining Table Episode 1 Commentary
Starring June Gemini Inukai Atsuhiro and August Leo Iijiima Hiroki
Definitely Worth a Watch-Not a typical BL that focuses on the main couple. For much of the series, it focused more on the building of a familial bond. I tend to prefer my BLs with adult content/themes, but I was all in for the feel-good vibes. Although, it definitely has serious storylines that deal with family. Overall, just an enjoyable, pleasant, comforting drama.
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agapintheskin · 2 years
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this was too cheesy not to share lmao. love him.
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agapintheskin · 9 months
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agapintheskin · 1 year
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for @neo-neos :)
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agapintheskin · 1 year
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agapintheskin · 1 year
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you guys have no idea how fucking feral those two shots just made me like- PONDS SIDE PROFILE??
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agapintheskin · 10 months
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Khaotung biting First's hand haha
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agapintheskin · 1 year
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have this, children.
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agapintheskin · 1 year
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the sit on Jeff Satur agenda is something I can get behind.
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agapintheskin · 1 year
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requested by @slonekaru: Rain grabbing Payus neck!
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