#stupid dumb piece of irredeemable shit
deneveve-is-lost · 5 months
Listen Scott Summers is a cop. I will not elaborate.
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skaruresonic · 3 months
idw sonic's nonsensical insistence that everyone wants to be good deep down is just stupid.
Everytime he tries asserting this dumb ideology it's with either people who joyfully choose to be evil everytime they have the option (eggman and the deadly six) or people who are literally incapable wanting or contemplating anything other than being evil (metal sonic and surge)
And the funniest part of all this? The one time idw Sonic DOES NOT preach about how everyone could have been good is when Starline dies. Starline the same guy who's biggest crime was an objectively smaller and less cruel version of Eggman's Metal Virus which corrupted/tormented every life form on the planet. According to IDW Sonic, Starline absolutely deserved death but Eggman who's objectively and frequently far worse is secretly a good guy.
This book should have never tried tackling themes of philosophy and free will. It is atrocious at handling the subject
In hindsight, it was rich of people to have spent all this time waxing poetic about how Sonic sees the good in everyone and omg do you want him to butcher his enemies, only to suddenly pull the "why are you feeling bad for Starline? he was a villain" card when it came to his death. Motherfuckers can't even be consistent on who deserves Sonic's compassion. Apparently he's just ~so merciful~ towards his enemies but he also picks and chooses, and it's like? Which is it? Sonic tells Surge he'd have been willing to give even Starline and Eggman a second chance, only to prove his words a bunch of hot air when he eulogizes Starline with "big oof." Because if he really believed that Starline was capable of becoming a better person, surely he'd have lamented the fact that Starline could now no longer change? Even if we examine the situation purely from an in-universe Watsonian perspective, it doesn't make sense for Sonic to be all "lmao rip" because he didn't know Starline well enough to make the judgment call that he was an irredeemable piece of shit. He only met the guy a few times. For all he knew, Starline could have been brainwashed, too.
Eggman, on the other hand, could say "I want to be evil" eight thousand times, no one gives a shit - his puppydog glance in 23 is all the proof Sonic needs to badger him to become "good" again.
Starline? Suffered a nervous breakdown and promptly died in a gruesome way? He was an awful person who had what was coming to him.
Make it make sense, bruh. Pick one.
Of course, as you've said, when you unpack the "Starline had it coming to him" sentiment, you find it really boils down to thinking Starline was somehow a worse villain than Eggman. Which we know to be bunk since Starline stole 90% of his shit from Eggman and doesn't even have a real body count, much less one to match Eggman's. People simply think he was the worse villain because we see the effects of his brainwashing up close and personal in Surge.
Speaking of Surge. :) Don't you love how Sonic essentially dismissed her pain with a shrug and a sigh? Here we have someone who, despite their destructive motivations, is fueled by genuine pain. And yet, because of the aforementioned inability to distinguish nuance, Sonic takes it as another "Guess I gotta whoop your ass until you stop being stupid and shake my hand" case. Which does not help Surge, to put it extremely lightly.
More and more you get the feeling Sonic doesn't care nearly as much as he claims he does, because his actions keep contradicting his words. Everyone is Good Deep Down, except you, Clearly Traumatized Girl. But I guess I'll give you a chance not because I actually believe you deserve one but out of the goodness of my own heart. Aren't I awesome.
The kicker, of course, is that none of this kerfuffle would exist were it not for Flynn's need to answer game questions that don't need to be raised. "Why does Sonic always let Eggman go?" Sonic doesn't really let Eggman go, for one thing; Eggman's good at escaping, for another; and for a third, maybe the games don't tackle this subject because it leads to this particular navel-gazing brand of bullshittery.
Flynn didn't like being called out on this, however. It was when issue 50 and the subsequent discourse rolled around that he decided to derail the subject by deflecting blame onto the audience.
He attempts a deep message, he bungles it, he gets mad when people point out how badly he bungled it, he insists folks should read "more adult material" because Sonic's just for kids anyway and why did you expect intelligent handling of the subject matter from him. When it's like. My brother in Christ, you are the one who brought the moral quandary to our attention to begin with. It's a copout to infantilize people for expecting you to have something to say about it lest you waste our time.
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larrythefloridaman · 2 years
Been rewatching bits and pieces of cpuk season one for fun and taking notes of funny stuff we dont talk about much in the discord and thinking abt it in the context of later seasons/information and its very fun. This is stuff from 1-5 (will likely update as i get further in this partial rewatch, under readmore for spoilers of later parts of the series and keeping the post short)
Hamhel and dadondorf apparently taught jimbo 'butt/butts' is a swear word but 'fuck' isnt. Jimbo is really interested in music as we know but also distinctly very bad at it. Jimbo's biological parents are dead, but left him a LOT of money and as a result spending too much money on shit he doesn't need became his favorite coping mechanism and, following the divorce, he used up all of his inheritance money and started dipping into the family funds, which is when Dadon and him start having Problems. Jimbo is extremely hamhel's kid neither of them should be trusted with any kind of power. Jimbo, i know you've been through a lot and the dad that was demonstrably better at connecting with you is being Fucked Up And Evil Right Now but honey, the shopping addiction is not gonna make your life any stabler. listen to zzzzzzoey. go to therapy. 'Jimbo tried to summon satan to kill his dad' is a thing thats said. Which. gestures in crimson's general direction. funny. Jimbo is peak 'remember when you were 15 and convinced you were evil and irredeemable but really you were just 15' except at this point hes like, 13 max im pretty sure and also hes Really stupid (affectionate.) (CPUK1)
Dadondorf is personal friends with Cranky Kong. Hamhel claims he threw a match in winners finals against Dad to give him a fighting chance and I think he's full of shit as ever <3 Dadondorf to Jimbo: "I'm sorry, It's just- I know you miss your other dad, but we'll get through this together." bro dont talk to me about to wring hamhel's dumbass neck, you dumb son of a bitch meat man abandoning your family for demonic power to recapture your glory days im gonna KILL Y- hes better now its fine im fine theyre fine. man imagining what the winners finals and championship match between dadon and hamhel at the end of cpuk1 would be like with season 2-3 style voiceacted storytelling has me fucked up. itd kill me i think .
Zzzzzoey's apparently like. 18 years old in cpuk1????? If thats still canonical shes in her fuckin. early 20s now. what the Fuck. more like a cool big sister to Jimbo convincing him to go to therapy and helping him reconcile with his dad like that than a peer. (CPUK1)
Patchman apparently worships some kind of obscure scarecrow harvest god called Scarny, and either his ratspeak was kind of rusty or he genuinely briefly forgot what science was because when he called Zapmouse the work of the devil and Zapmouse corrected him by saying he was a product of science he said he didnt believe in scientology. Zapmouse is explicitly an atheist. Zapmouse also likes to use elaborate threats to get his point across. Zapmouse ended a friendship and threatened to rip out a person's teeth for patronizing him by calling him their pet to explain why they were talking to a rat. (CPUK2)
Grundy, the Grunk's brother, has a confirmed skin, he's represented by the green bowser when they talk about him during the Grunk's intro! He and the Grunk lived in Tennessee, and he's a famous and respected restauranteur specialized in Southern Comfort Food whose critical opinion is so highly respected a bad yelp review from him can tank businesses. He, and I quote, 'sucks.' they talk about grundy so much in the grunk's debut episode it's kinda funny that he's never shown up. They even raise the idea of introducing him as a fighter at some point. although considering his brother died being part of kerfuffle and then he kept doing it and let his son participate too, i dont blame him for not wanting to get involved. People apparently start beef with the Grunk sometimes just for being related to Grundy, considering sauceboss. maybe they just don't. talk anymore. (CPUK4)
Home MD really likes fish and cares about the ocean as an environment, Alfred even throwing out the idea that he wears black in grim remembrance of the Mozilla Oil Spill. i wonder if this interest was present before the time loop or if it developed during. What im asking is what came first hackshifter aquarium dates or home md getting just like really into maintaining his doctors office fish tank as a coping mechanism. Did Larry frequently get into physical altercations with litterers at the beach growing up or is that new. They say Home MD saw Finding Dory and cried. they also, unrelated, say Home is so old he canonically uses internet explorer. Fucking mean to him!!! he's like 25ish at this point in the loop! I know he has the exhaustion in his eyes of a man twice that age but leave him alone!!!!!!! (CPUK4) (Sidenote its so fucking funny to me that even during the home timeloop larry was picking fights with hamhel. He wants to kick that old mans ass so bad but it'll never happen. I think larry greets hamhel every time they meet by trying to put him in a headlock and casually failing. Their weird frenemy relationship is so funny to me)
Firefox is a Mega-Corporation that has its fingers in lots of things, the browser's just the main thing they do. So in the kerfuffleverse mozilla as a company is kinda like google as a company is in the real world. Mozillas dead as hell and Nightly hates his ass and has understandably complicated feelings about family but it's unclear in my memory if he's still like, involved with the company or the rest of his family in any way. Is nightly a disowned out of touch ex-richboy or what (CPUK4)
it is funny that the lowkey bloodlust has been whats stuck about Corn most into the present from her debut. Alfred: "corn really just put a knife to this man's (home md) neck and said 'i'm here to take your blood.'" She craves violence and always has and i respect it (CPUK4)
ICEE was a huge superfan of ICEE who got sponsored as a result of him promoting the brand through his very public love of it abd as such has some amount of unofficial pull with the company. Spriteman is not sponsored. The coca cola company does not want to be associated with Spriteman in any way, shape, or form. his sheer violent feverish devotion to that citrus soft drink is completely fucking unmarketable to them. If cpu kerfuffle wasn't distinctly unaffected by the law he'd probably be getting sued for so aggressively stanning their product in such an intensely unflattering way on a public platform. Also christ in a clown car he was stuck perfect for SO LONG he went perfect between cpuk3 and cpuk4, and didn't recover until cpuk20. This man was in a feral state and not fully in control of himself for a bit under 2 years i think? he is So rusty at being a human. In the first episode he was 'Perfect,' he seemed fairly lucid, which is. Upsetting. because it implies that he slowly lost that lucidity until he was the 's-sprite' stammering beast he was by the time g2 rolled in. 
Yung Papaya's snake exorcist dad was described as being half demon before becoming a snake, and his name is actually Rod. These are some of the only things the snake priest dad remembers from his life before being transformed into a snake aside from his work as an exorcist. I have no additional commentary on this i just think its funny (CPUK5)
The Light Void is, apparently, a void of pure light and an entity that instead of consuming or encompassing things as one might imagine the maw of the void to do, allows things to take of it whatevers needed that it can give. a sort of metaphysical wellspring hammerspace of potential, it sounds like. One of the many odd, complex and multifaceted world-crafting forms of Spectrum's divinity, perhaps? its emissary, corrupted into the cbt demon, is described as having little sentience/autonomy to begin with, so it's tricky to exorcise because it lacks much of a will of its own to free, and doesn't have the capacity to desire to be freed, as it exists to serve whatever purpose its needed for. It can only speak occasionally, and it's very direct and lacks personality. (CPUK5)
In CPUK5's intros, ryan says dan is a geeksquad employee that was Sent Into The Game. Like A Normal Guy From Real Life Literally Sent Into The Video Game. Its compared repeatedly to scooby doo cyberchase. nccts stuff clarifies this is arguably pretty normal for the fighters origins but Dan was literally intentionally isekai'd here from Normal Actual Real Life to help try to deal with hamburger helper. Every Dan Is Explicitly From Another World. Also he seemed like he was having so much genuine fun fighting Al compared to his whole Comedically Tired Cosmically Tormented Everyman thing hes got going on now and also for like the whole rest of his time in even this tournament. Also apparently he fixed icee's ipod once and returned it and all the music was gone except 15 copies of ice ice baby with one under pressure. blows kiss love u dan <3
Alfred: "Alabaster Uppercut has been fighting for 27 years, and dedicated the other two to teaching children how to do the uppercut just like him" oh my god was Al already like 29 when cpuk5 happened. Is Al in his early thirties now. Also he says Al was already very respected and well-known in his home village and he was once ideologically pacifist and only signed up for cpuk because a group of other competitors viciously defamed him and his village and called him a pussy on social media and one of the village kids started getting bullied over it and that's what crossed a line with him, which is interesting. Ya boy loves the fight for the sake of the fun of the fight now but he supposedly used to Very Much Not Like Fighting Pointlessly At All? Originally more of a 'practices a martial art as a meditation and preservation of heritage' kind of guy before discovering The Joys Of Consensual Sportsman's Violence
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shyfrog-says · 1 year
I always hate when I'm reading a nice post about civil rights or history or something similar, and I'm taking in the information, and then I scroll down, and someone's reblogged it saying something like, "and all you DUMB IGNORANT PIECES OF SHIT will NEVER UNDERSTAND because you are INCAPABLE OF UNDERSTANDING because you're STUPID and HORRIBLE and you're TERRIBLE - YES YOU READING THIS, YOU SPECIFICALLY, ARE A HORRIBLE IRREDEEMABLE MONSTER-" All because a few people were assholes in the comments, or something.
And I just don't know what to do with that. It always gives me a sickening feeling in my stomach.
If you're reading this, you're not a bad person for being young, or being white, or being cis, or being straight - I get that it can be hard to read stuff like that from the people online whom you've found comfort and security with - the people you feel sympathy for and want to show support to. You probably even understand where they're coming from, but still get that pit in your stomach when you see things like that. But if you say anything on that post, you're undermining everything said in that post, and that's not always the best idea.
So this post, specifically, is for specifically you: you're not a monster. You, who are trying to learn and grow, are not a monster. You, who listen and support, are not a monster. Those rants and vents from the people you love and support are for people far less kind and far less patient and far less willing to learn than you. People make overgeneralizations because they think being too specific will give the people they're talking about a window to be like, "oh, well, they're not talking about me," but in the process, people they AREN'T talking about are reading and going, "oh no, are they talking about me?"
So the answer is: no, they're not talking about you. If you're here to listen, and to learn, and to show support, and to give what you can, then they're not talking about you. You're doing a great job. I don't care if I get berrated for coddling you're feelings, or whatever the fuck, everyone needs emotional support.
I love you. Keep it up! 🩷
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In regards to this post
Felix also acknowledges his own hypocrisy, shows he cares about her, and insults Sylvain with just as much intention to be a bitch as when he tells Ingrid to go find a husband. Not go pump out a baby. Because he knows the proposals bother her. Not because he views her as less for being a woman.
Not gonna tag this as anything or @ the person because I can't he bothered, but like...that's just blatantly false
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metalheadmickey · 3 years
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autobee23 · 3 years
I'm usually shy to talk about my gripes about RWBY because in other fandoms I got bullied or talk behind my back saying how horrible of a person I am, but really if I get the backlash so be it.
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The last few seasons of RWBY has gave me such an out of body experience because characters I haven't seen for a while, I have a bad experience keeping up with shows and when I heard you had to pay to watch the episodes for RWBY I just dropped it for a bit then one day went "huh how is RWBY doing now?", and when I saw what happen with Adam I was pretty shocked at this whiplash of his personality change and went "the fuck happen to him?" I remember liking him because he was cool and intimidating but knew when someone threaten his White Fang he backed off, but didn't enjoy he had to work for humans, so when I saw he kill his own like "I wanna have this power so I can make my ex girlfriend so miserable and destroy everything she loves." like the guy didn't give a fuck Blake was in Beacon but now he does give a fuck? The hell?
Then I remember how the FNDM were so angry at Adam for cutting Yang's arm, like he is so irredeemable now because he cut her arm off, and that had me confused because this was showing how powerful Adam was and how Yang's rage got the better of her and had consequences, but the FNDM didn't like it and so CRWBY decided to write him so unlikable to the point he was gonna BOMB Blake's home and everyone in it to make him so evil that when he died by the hand of and I quote "lesbian love" I knew that this was not going to get any better.
And than Ironwood came back in the picture, I was worried they would write him like "I'm pretending to be nice so I can have the relic and back stab these kids", but he actually...Was nice to them? He gave them a place to stay, new clothes, weapon upgrades, and there license so they can get money while trusting them with his secret plans, and I thought 'ok so the kids will be alright here since it's Atlas with the best military and tech to figure shit out', but...Ruby didn't trust him because...He worked with Ozpin...? And he wasn't going to save everyone because he was having trouble getting the stuff he needed because a elect representative for Mantle was causing him the problem. It's a hard pill to swallow that he can't save everyone, but it's better than losing everyone and that's the reality of it, but no.
Team RWBY and friends just did so much shit behind his back and were shocked when he got angry at them, him shooting Oscar was pretty dumb like wtf but then it hit me--he was going to be written so unlikable like Adam, and I was dreading what was to happen to my poor boy Ironwood, Ironwood's character is one of my favorite tropes in other media outlets. Boy they didn't even miss a pace on writing him so out of bonkers, and I got hella angry when I discover he had a semblance that was NEVER mention in the show to make the FNDM stans defend them from anything and everything from any critique, a little side note, I've been on both ends of defending something I like and being critical on the other, it's not fun on either end because people are just assholes when you say something they don't like and won't listen to you.
Can I say how rather ironic it is that Ironwood was gonna bomb Mantle just like how Adam was gonna bomb Blake's home ( I forgot the island's name ) and fans just took it as "they are irredeemable! They wanna bomb innocent lives!", so if this Theodore guy is gonna use a bomb to harm the innocent you'll know he's evil.
The way they handled Penny was...Sloppy, even stans must see that was very sloppy at the least, I'm sure many Penny fans are angry that she had two fake out deaths then turn human and get killed a few episodes later, like why would you do that??? And how she died, was waaaaay stupid and insensitive??? Like suicide is a very touchy topic as is, assistance suicide is even MORE touchy and it was for a sad emotional scene for her and Winter? What the fuck? It could've been emotional, you can make a machine having a soul have an emotional sacrifice!
Huge example? 
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The Iron Giant, he is a giant robot that while not the same situation as Penny learn the concept of ‘soul’ and sacrificed himself to save many lives because he knew even by the smallest of chance, he can survive this attack because he can repair himself if he is in pieces. 
CRWBY could have done something emotional like that with Penny, but for whatever reason they didn’t and it left many disappointed, myself included. For some reason CRWBY doesn’t like many males as the death count so far on screen has been dudes, and gingers--like what the hell did gingers ever done to them? 
Volume 9 is going to be interesting to witness unfold. 
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firemblem-fics · 4 years
Running With the Wolves [2]
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<< | >>
-> Pairing: Yuri x Fem!Reader
-> Gang!Au | Modern!Au | Enemies to Lovers
-> Word Count: 2.4k
-> Warnings: Blood, Violence, Cursing, Angst, Crack
-> Summary: You were just a normal college student, trying to find her way in a new place. You didn’t mean to get caught up in the wrong crowd. You just wanted coffee, but now you’re running with the wolves.
-> A/N: okok i know this is a lot shorter than the last chapter BUT y’all already heard my struggle with it so i’m actually kind of happy with this and liked where it ended. i’m sorry it’s boring, i think this was just a chapter where i do some introductions and go further into characters and a teeny bit more into the world of the gangs idk more info in later chapters because reader will NOT suddenly get a huge info dump of shit - also i hope you all like my two oc’s in here!
if you’d like to be put on the taglist, send me an ask or a message!
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In that second, Yuri began firing shots at your pursuers again. Hapi gave her gun to Balthus, who began using both his and her pistols to keep them back as well. She turned and grabbed your arm- the same one that was bleeding before recoiling.
“Who hurt you?”
“Yuri dragging me around.”
Hapi scoffed and reached for the other arm, leading you out the back door and into a small white car. She cranked the engine and backed out before you could even get buckled, narrowly missing a larger black van parked beside it. You held onto the door frame, your fingers turning white as Hapi whipped the car down a smaller, empty street.
“Why are you driving like a fucking lunatic?”
“They could easily follow us! Look behind, do you see anything?”
You turned as well as you could as Hapi made another sharp turn. “No, there’s nothing behind us.”
She slowed the car just a little bit. “Keep checking. We don’t need someone knowing where we’re going.”
You stayed turned in your seat, heart jumping out of anxiety every time you saw a random car or person pass by. “My home is the other way.”
“Wh- Oh, honey, no. They think you’re a part of us, you can’t go home.”
“What? Why not? I could just explain to them what I was doing- they’ll understand-“
“No, they won’t.” The redhead leaned her head back against the seat and bit back a sigh before mumbling to herself. “We weren’t even involved in their little spats with the other places. Why the hell would Edelgard come after us?”
You checked back one more time. “Didn't she say something about how ‘she’s the boss now’? Whatever it’s about, it’s because she’s apparently in charge or whatever. I- I just want to go home.” Your nose burned as tears filled your eyes, but you willed them to not fall. Hapi would definitely be the kind to make fun of you.
You thought back to the others- Yuri, Balthus, and Constance. Ellie had said that they were just some random college kids, making money to get by. Obviously they were more than that.
“What about the others? We just left them there.”
“They’ll be fine. They’ve had their fair share of fights. We’ll meet them back at the house.”
You could only nod and try to soothe your shaking body. Your arm still burned from the wound, but you didn’t want to look at it. Knowing the severity of it would only make it hurt worse.
Eventually, Hapi pulled into a normal looking house. It seemed inconspicuous, with a fraternity sign hanging out front to complete the “normal college kids live here” look. You shuddered. Things are not as they seem with these people, and their house for sure isn’t a normal one as well. Hapi got out of the car and scouted around it, searching the entire car before once again muttering to herself.
“... Can’t believe I forgot to look for a tracker-“
“Look who’s finally home! Hapis and- who’s this?”
Suddenly a loud, annoying voice shouted from the front door of the house. You looked up to see a new man, slowly putting down his waving hand as he saw you. From the top of the brick stairs, he looked quite tall, but as you continued to ascend, the shorter and shorter he became until he was scarcely a few inches taller than you.
“Hiram, this is Y/N. She was, uh, put in an unfortunate circumstance and had to come with us.”
His white eyebrows furrowed and he looked at Hapi confusedly before nodding. “Uh, yeah, okay. Come on in, then. Rhys is out getting takeout. What’s the circumstance?”
“Edelgard attacked the café.”
Hiram was still confused, but it was cut short as the same black van you saw earlier pulled into the open garage. Hapi motioned for the two of you to come inside, saying that Yuri would explain everything.
The house was more normal than you expected. The living room walls were painted a light blue with a couch surrounding the fireplace and a TV on top of it. The colors of that room contrasted greatly against the honey yellow walls of the kitchen, where everyone had gathered and sat at the table. You squeezed yourself between Hapi and Constance, the only other girls there.
“We should wait for Rhys-“
“There's no time.” Yuri scoffed at Hiram and leaned back on his chair. “Somehow, Edelgard took power from her father and is now the leader of the Black Eagles. I’ve yet to figure out what her plans are- attacking us, out of everyone possible- but I’m sure they aren’t good.”
You sighed and leaned against your arm, but stopped. You really, really needed medical attention for your arm. You also really, really needed to go home. You stood up.
“Okay, well, have fun with that. I’m out.”
Yuri laughed. “No, you’re not. Sit down.”
You whipped around to face him, your cheeks burning in anger. “I am! I’m going to leave this house, go to a hospital, fix my arm, and go home. I have no business here.”
You moved to leave again, but a pair of pale arms wrapped around you. One arm gripped your waist tightly as the other flicked out a knife, holding it against your neck. You tried to struggle, but the person- a tall man- tightened his hold even further. Yuri rolled his eyes.
“Easy with her, Rhys. You started having business here the minute you decided to open your stupid little mouth. Hasn’t anyone ever taught you to shut up? To think rationally in the face of danger? Did you even realize the danger you were in, or are you really just that dense?” He sneered, walking towards you. “You, Princess, have gotten yourself into a Hell of a lot of trouble. You’re right, you shouldn’t be here, but now it’s time to reap what you sow.”
You grimaced at Yuri’s close proximity and spat at him, making him stumble back and wipe his face in disgust. This caused Rhys to lift your chin with the knife, pressing down enough to leave a small cut. A trail of blood dripped down to your collarbone.
“I suggest you learn to keep your mouth shut.” Hiram laughed almost maniacally from the table. “Rhysie’s silent but deadly. Don’t mess with us.”
Said man finally let you go, pushing you back to your seat, which you took with a huff. Constance handed you a tissue from the small pocketbook she carried and you thanked her, smiling wearily.
Hapi, who had stayed silent the entire time, coughed awkwardly. “So, what’s our next move?”
Yuri shrugged. “We’re no longer neutral, obviously. But we don’t know if the Golden Deer or the Blue Lions are on our side either. Edelgard had to have had a plan when she attacked us.”
The six others sat in thought for a minute while you, on the other hand, had never been more confused. “Wait, what’s even going on? Why do restaurants kill each other?”
Hiram giggled and plucked the bloody tissue out of your hand, beginning to mess with it and look at the new stains. “You’re tellin’ me that you really thought this was just some dumb restaurant rivalry? Hah! Sweetheart, we’re gangs. Y’know. Drugs. Illegal trades. Turf wars. The usual.”
You tried to put more pieces together. “So, Edelgard’s gang is the bad guys?”
“We’re not good. None of the gangs are. Our sins are irredeemable- we’re not the good guys. Edelgard’s people aren’t the bad guys. We don’t know what’s going on right now.” Hapi cut off Hiram.
Said man snorted and ran a hand through his ponytail. “Hey, Rhys, say fuck for me.”
Rhys’s freckled skin flushed a bright red and he avoided the eye contact of everyone around. “...I can’t.” He mumbled.
“See? Rhysie’s good.”
Hapi closed her eyes and suppressed a sigh again, and you wondered what was up with her and sighing. “The next move is to wait. Maybe do a little digging in their computers and communication, but that’s Hiram’s job.”
“We’ve got to figure out something for the rat to do.She can’t just sit here and be in the way.” Yuri mused. “Housekeeping, perhaps?”
“I am not a rat!” You hissed, “You are!”
The purple haired boy only smirked. “Whatever you say, Princess. Go upstairs to the first room on the left. There’s a big stack of manila folders with profiles on the desk. Bring them back down here.”
You rolled your eyes and stood up from your seat, practically stomping your way to the wooden stairs. Opening the first door on the left, you found the folders Yuri was talking about. You reached for them, but hesitated and looked out of the window beside the desk.
It would be so easy to leave, you thought, but jumping from this height would definitely lead to a broken bone.
You committed this room to memory and grabbed the folders, taking your time down the stairs to plan an escape route if needed. You were going home, whether they liked it or not, you decided. You were close to the bottom of the steps when a paper slid out from one of the folders. It was a profile with a rather familiar looking face on it.
Yuri Leclarc, It read, Age 24. Affiliation: Ashen Wolves. Family: Father (unknown), Mother (missing).
You heard footsteps walk through the living room and you quickly snatched up the paper, stuffing it in a folder before you finished reading it all. Hiram became visible, one hand carrying a large laptop and the other, a basket of cables and other equipment. He didn’t say anything to you. Instead, he barely spared you a glance as he walked back into the kitchen. You followed.
“Here.” You huffed and slammed down the folders. Hiram was busy plugging up different cords and routers to the computer, still completely ignoring your presence.
Yuri nodded and stood, sifting through the papers before landing on one labeled “Black Eagles”. He pushed the other folders to the side and opened that one. He laid out 8 profiles, all of people around your age. You could’ve sworn you’d seen some of them around campus, but you nearly vomited as your eyes caught one certain profile.
Ferdinand von Aegir.
“It’s up and running!” Hiram’s voice knocked you out of your stupor. “A piece of art, truly!”
Constance snorted. “A piece of shit, actually.”
Hiram ignored her comment and grinned, placing his hands on his hips proudly. “I call it the Computer of Chaos. COC for short.”
The silence in the kitchen was practically screaming.
Yuri looked up from the profiles. “The what?”
“The Cock, Yuri-bird. Didn't you hear him correctly?” Balthus nearly choked trying to hold in his laugh.
“Exactly! And it works for everyone here, you just have to say your name and it’ll unlock for you.” Hiram motioned for someone to give it a try.
Yuri still looked at the computer quizzically, but walked towards it nonetheless. He leaned down and said, “Yuri Leclarc.”
“Access Denied.”
“What?” Hapi questioned, pulling the computer toward herself. “Hapi.”
“Access Denied.”
“Ohhh, that’s right.” Hiram’s grin turned mischievous. “It only answers to the nicknames I gave you all.”
If looks could kill, Yuri would have committed a murder. He sighed heavily and violently moved the computer back to him. “Yuris.”
“Permission Granted.”
“Go die.” He growled at Hiram, who only laughed.
“What nicknames?” You had to ask, but regretted it once Hiram’s smile was directed at you.
“I add an -is to the end of everyone’s names! Yuris, Hapis, Constis, Balis, but I call Rhys ‘Rhysie’, he doesn’t tell me not to~”
Yuri rolled his eyes. “He doesn’t fucking talk, that’s why.”
“Can I have a nickname?” If you were going to be stuck here, you may as well make friends.
“Hmm,” Hiram pondered, “No.”
So much for making friends.
Yuri interrupted the awkward moment by slamming his hand down on COC, making Hiram gasp in protest. “Fucking- Hiram, try to find something- anything- to find out Edelgard’s intentions. We had a neutrality pact, she shouldn’t have broken it.”
Your head was starting to hurt from the events today. Rubbing your temples, you stood up, making everyone look at you.
“Listen, I’m tired. I’m stressed. Is there like, anywhere I can sleep? I can’t do much more.”
Constance nodded. “I’ll take you up to the spare room!”
She led you up the stairs and past the room you had gone into earlier. Opening the door to one of the bedrooms, she gestured for you to enter.
“I’ll have to lock you in, but I’m sure you won’t mind. You’ll be sleeping, after all!” Constance smiled, “Goodnight!”
You waved back at her and waited for the click of the lock before turning on the lamp and peeling your sleeve away from your arm. You grimaced- blood had dried and caked around the wound, which was still slightly bleeding. You needed medical attention, but you didn’t blame the Wolves for not thinking about it.
They certainly were stressed- being previously neutral and suddenly attacked. They’ve got enemies now and you suspected that was something they haven’t had in quite a while. And then there was you, the epitome of ‘wrong place, wrong time’. Who would’ve thought that you’d end up accidentally in the middle of a gang war when you moved here? Certainly not you.
Guilt tugged at your stomach. These people were different from you. You didn’t belong here and you needed to get out of their hair. Yuri made it obvious that you stuck out like a sore thumb, unaware of what to do like they did.
You glanced at the window in the bedroom and stood up, making your way towards it. You could easily unlock it and risk an ankle injury. You’d already hurt your arm, it would be fine.
Your two choices were to try to survive a mob that wanted to kill you all, or get a foot injury while escaping and get back to your normal life.
Unlocking the latch on the window, and sitting on the edge, you had already made your decision. You jumped down and ignored a loud crack that resounded in your ankle, slipping into the depths of night.
taglist: @fairyblue-alchemist @emperor-pizza @flavoredmilktea @sadies-stories-n-things @mifuyuyu @blviddyd @laurexlance @atomicchocolatecookie @mapesandoval @local-goth-lilz
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dogtheories · 4 years
im actually really genuinely mad that the people who apparently “listen” to this fucking podcast apparently dont have ears or brains and keep trying to make silly jokes and bullshit theories about grey as if he didnt fucking say that he was grooming fitzroy. hes an irredeemable piece of shit and the words he used were chosen pretty deliberately to highlight that fact and if youre going to fucking keep trying to brush that off and pretend that it never happened to make some stupid little crack ship or “magic family” joke you are just incredibly dumb and thoughtless and you need some sense beaten into you 
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angels-heap · 4 years
Since I’m having an irredeemably shitty day to cap off my irredeemably shitty month, I’m going to start yeeting my most controversial, petty fandom opinions into the abyss at a much more rapid rate. Don’t reblog this.
And to start us off...
Once again, Barney Calhoun’s defining character trait is not his (fairly subtle) hint of an accent. He is not a cowboy man. He is not a southern gentleman. An argument could be made that his accent isn’t even southern. 
I guess I can’t stop anyone from reducing his character to “haha southern [possibly alcoholic] cowboy man who is gay for Gordon,” but goddamn, is that really all you’re capable of reading into his character despite all the interesting stated and implied lore and the general tone of the HL series? Also, some of you people are on real thin fuckin’ ice with all your dumb southerner stereotypes and dialogue that is both OOC for canon Barney and OOC for like, actual modern southerners. I know this stupid website loves to reduce the entire American South to either (a) a monolithic community of irredeemable racists who are responsible for the country’s woes (nevermind that marginalized people in the south exist and suffer the most from the issues in the region) or (b) haha funny cowboy stereotypes, but cut that shit out. Or at least take it far, far away from Half Life. Especially if you have never played, watched, or engaged with any canon HL media in your life. 
It’s not gatekeeping to ask people to know very, very basic things about a piece of media and its characters before churning out content for it, or at least before coming into my fucking inbox to tell me that my more-or-less canon compliant interpretations are wrong and bad. And it’s definitely not gatekeeping to ask y’all to make sure your one-dimensional, unintentionally OOC Barney headcanons aren’t perpetuating harmful and shitty stereotypes about southerners.
It is gatekeeping to ask you to quit making Barney say “darlin’” every other word, I guess, so I won’t tell you you can’t, but God I wish you wouldn’t. 
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bard-llama · 3 years
I apologize for using "being needlessly mean to people (specifically, you) on the internet" as a means of venting, but I'm still gonna do it anyway
Fuck it fam, I’ll jump off anon since you called me out on it. At least now I can write a proper response since I’m not trying to cram my wording into an ask’s character limit. Maybe now I can focus more on my actual points instead of spending 75% of the space reaching my post-ly Asshole Quota™
Also, there’s a TL;DR one paragraph from the bottom, in case you’d like to be Spared My Bullshit™ without skipping it entirely.
Anyways, responses to numbers:
1: Who chose it then lol, given that this exchange stemmed from a post about chosen names. You say you’ve “professionally been Llama for over a decade”, so it obviously isn’t your birth name. And if you say “X person suggested it to me”, then -you chose- to use that suggestion.
2: Fine, let me be more clear: “Obligation to respect someone’s name” only goes as far as recognizing it as their name. I’ll gladly call you Llama if that’s what you say your name is, but I’ll still say Llama was a hella dumb name choice given that the animal the word refers to is most well known for having ugly teeth & spitting on people. (And you can’t even say ‘akshually, there’s another, better-as-a-name meaning of the word and that’s how I chose it’, given your profile pic). Criticism, however harsh or mean-spirited, isn’t disrespect. You wouldn’t say “you can’t call out right-wing Christians on their homophobia because that’d disrespect their religious beliefs!”, y'know?
Also lol, as someone whose own non-English name constantly gets mispronounced by rightey-whitey Americans, I can tell you that I actually take language & culture of origin into account for this stuff. Like as an example, “Daiben” would both be easy to pronounce and not read as “silly-sounding” to an English-only speaker, but it’d be a -fuckawful- name for a Japanese person given that it literally means “shit” in that language. In turn, I’m sure there’s some language out there where “Poopoo” translates to “full of energy” or something similarly nice, meaning even though it’d sound ridiculous at first to someone who only speaks English, it’d be a perfectly fine name for someone who grew up in that language’s culture.
I only make fun of people who pick existing words whose meanings make for utterly terrible names for a person, or people like Elon Musk who name themselves/their kid a literal keysmash. People who make fun of “foreign-sounding” names just cuz said names sound silly to them are assholes in the “irredeemably bad” way, not the “tough love” way.
3: So I guess by your view, it’s inherently wrong to call Nazis absolute pieces of filth who’d be better off dead if they can’t be re-educated, because in doing so we’d be being an asshole to said diehard Nazis?
Also lol, I -absolutely- have a right to decide what being an idiot means to me. I’m allowed to have opinions, lol. And while I may not be -obligated- to try to stop what I perceive as idiocy, it’s certainly within my personal autonomy to decide to try anyway for whatever underlying reason I want.
And yeah, my whole point was that just because they aren’t openly being a dick to you about it doesn’t mean they don’t privately think it’s a dumb name lol. Unlike those potentially-dishonest people, if I think someone is doing something dumb I’m not gonna hold back saying so just for the sake of their feefees.
TL:DR Obligated respect only goes as far as recognition, criticism isn’t disrespect even if said criticism is snide/assholey/etc. I can recognize & respect that your name is Llama while still saying “but seriously dude that was a -terrible- choice”. Also, remember that on this site we’ve pretty much collectively agreed that rather than respond to their calls of “calmly debate me!”, it’s better to insult & punch & generally be assholes to Nazis to get them to stop their bullshit. You’d be foolish to try to label that as “inherently wrong” action to take.
Also PS: As for the “Why this”, it’s because very nearly all of my time is “free time” nowadays, so I no longer have any sense of task priority. Something grabbing my attention enough to inspire my own response (such as the initial post chain on this topic) is liable to cause me to remain engaged with it longer than most folks would, simply because I literally have nothing better to do. Granted, there’s a lot of fucked up shit underpinning how I got to that point, but I’m not gonna send you a TMI wall-of-text explaining the psychology & trauma that goes into someone becoming my sort of internet troll, at least not unless you go “no fam actually I’m -really- curious as to how someone gets that fucked in the head.”
Wow, this is a ride, buddy. You’re a self-admitted asshole, so I don’t imagine that my response will do much but WOW.
1) Not that it’s any of your business, but the name Llama was given to me. 
2) You literally admit that you make fun of people for their name. What the fuck is wrong with you??? You’re a fucking bully and you sound proud of it. 
“Criticism, however harsh or mean-spirited, isn’t disrespect.” Yes it is???? First off, there’s no criticism here. Criticism is intended to help someone improve, especially in skills. My fucking name isn’t something you can criticize. What you’re doing is just straight up being a dick and yeah, extremely disrespectful. 
“Also lol, as someone whose own non-English name constantly gets mispronounced by rightey-whitey Americans, I can tell you that I actually take language & culture of origin into account for this stuff.” So what you’re saying is you’ll respect people whose names you view as “valid”, but no one else. Which boils down to the same thing - you’re a fucking dick. You don’t get to decide whose name is valid and whose isn’t. You don’t get to decide that a name is only “good” when it comes from one language vs another. It’s literally not your fucking business where people’s names come from??? 
What’s funny to me is that people have no problem using “silly nicknames” on the internet, but as soon as it’s applied to reality, suddenly it’s untenable? Guess what? Some people actually go outside and experience reality and when it comes down to it? They don’t fucking care how “silly” your name is, they’ll just use it because it’s your fucking name.
Like, I really don’t know how to emphasize this more: making fun of someone’s name FOR ANY REASON makes you a bully and an asshole. Period.
“People who make fun of “foreign-sounding” names just cuz said names sound silly to them are assholes in the “irredeemably bad” way, not the “tough love” way.” There is no difference here. Literally, both categories of asshole are bullies and are out of line. Additionally, I don’t fucking know you and you have no right to apply your ‘tough love’ bullying.
3) “So I guess by your view, it’s inherently wrong to call Nazis absolute pieces of filth who’d be better off dead if they can’t be re-educated, because in doing so we’d be being an asshole to said diehard Nazis?” Where the fuck did you even get this take from?? What I said is that everyone deserves to have their name respected. Period. How you bring that to nazis says more about YOUR views than mine. But for the record: deciding that some people “deserve” to have their names made fun of makes you no better. One hopes that you aren’t advocating for the elimination of marginalized groups, but frankly, your views are the first step towards that. When you decide that there is a group for whom it’s “acceptable” to bully and make fun of, you are taking a first step towards what is called eugenics when it’s systemic. Fortunately, I imagine you have no power to make things systemic, considering you get your jollies harassing people on the internet.
“And while I may not be -obligated- to try to stop what I perceive as idiocy, it’s certainly within my personal autonomy to decide to try anyway for whatever underlying reason I want.” No??? Like, what the fuck??? You perceive my name as idiocy and therefore try to... what? Make me ashamed of it? Make me hate myself? Exactly what gives you the fucking right? You have a right to personal autonomy, sure. That also means that you have to face the consequences for that autonomy. And here are the consequences for this: you bullying people over their names makes you a fucking jackass. It doesn’t matter where the line you say is “acceptable” for a name is - you’ve arbitrarily decided that YOUR autonomy is more important than theirs.
“Unlike those potentially-dishonest people, if I think someone is doing something dumb I’m not gonna hold back saying so just for the sake of their feefees.” Once again, this is called being a dick. Period. First off, you have no idea what the people in my life think about my name. Secondly, there’s this little thing called courtesy wherein you aren’t a fucking asshole to people. Sounds basic, I know, but apparently this is beyond you.
Literally, what someone calls themselves isn’t your fucking business. Your obligation is to use someone’s name as they present it and THAT’S IT! You don’t follow it up with “hey, by the way, your name is stupid”. Why the fuck would you do that? It’s not about “feefees” it’s about being a respectable member of a community. Because guess what? When all you do is insult other people, you find yourself ostracized from the community and on your own when you need help.
But what would I know? I’m just a “stupid” Llama.
Also? Get a fucking life. It takes 0 effort to just keep scrolling rather than reach out an insulting people for no fucking reason. I never asked for your opinion and frankly, I don’t care what you think. 
tl;dr: You’re an admitted asshole who bullies people who you decide do not deserve respect based purely on their name. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Existing in society, in a community, means having basic respect and care for others - and means NOT bullying people over shit. Like, literally, just keep your thoughts to yourself??? It’s not that fucking hard???
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nebula-girl · 5 years
I'm just going to say a lot of negative stuff about myself because I believe all of it is true and I don't talk about it but I need to
I'm fat and ugly and worthless. I cannot do anything right, all I do is mess things up or destroy them. My life has no meaning and if I were to disappear I don't think anyone would really care. Every single part of me is irredeemable and disgusting. My body is horrifying and should not exist. My voice is awkward and loud when it shouldn't be I cant say words right.
I don't deserve anything I have. I am incapable of doing anything worthwhile. I am unloveable and ugly. I'm repulsive and shouldn't exist.
Every single thing about me is wrong or gross or ugly or dumb or stupid or fat or disgusting or just flat out abhorrent.
I HATE myself and everything about myself. I'm going to die alone after a loveless life full of disappointment for myself and others and suffering. I will never have any worth. I'm always going to be a fat, ugly, stupid, dumb, awkward, and pathetic piece of shit loser.
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nothingneverforever · 4 years
The Good Place (2016)
I chose to start watching this only because I was at a very low point in my life in terms of facing a dearth of TV-derived entertainment, having just finished Virgin River (2019) and Sweet Magnolias (2020). Both Virgin and Sweet are not what you'd call .. uh... productions of any real calibre or value or perhaps worth at all, like you can be certain that no niches were filled when they were realsed into the Netflix ether... But they also happen to be epic masterpieces by sheer fact of how banal and predictable and PG and saccharine and inconsequential they are, the best of the suburban vanilla Hallmark Movie genre, and basically they rock af ok?? and so when I finished both first seasons of the two series I was left empty and thirsty. And it was in this lostness that I turned to The Good Place, thinking it would be as enriching in it's simplicity, as palatable in it's shallow distraction, qualities I generally look for in the fodder to keep my eyes engaged on something that isn't the clock when I do my daily evening indoor cardio.
So maybe I should first set the stage by establishing that I simply fucking hated this series lol. I couldn't get past episode 12 (I know, this makes it sound like i already gave it way more time than it deserved, which is the truth) of the first season, because once I decided I'd had enough, it was really fucking enough and I couldn't give it one more second.
As always, here's my shoddily written premise of the series; I don't want to put much effort into capturing it's essence well because idgaf about this dumb show seriously fucking hate it lol but anyway: Eleanor (Kristen Bell) dies on earth, and goes to 'The Good Place', where all souls who were much more good than bad while living on earth go to upon their death, as opposed to The Bad Place, where the bad people go. There’s some mathematical calculation for this heaven and hell allocation basically. So the good place (i can't be bothered to capitalize it every time i type it anymore lol sorry), is run by a head architect who has designed and is in charge of the neighbourhood our characters live in, and he has a female robot assistant, Janet, who is the omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient right-hand lady who can also be called up by any good place resident who has any question for her, anytime. Anyway Eleanor, after dying on earth, was actually sent to the good place by accident, because she was actually a completely irredeemable asshole but due to some dumb boring never-happened-before error, she was sent to the good place instead of the bad place where she actually was meant to end up. Here she makes a small group of friends, some to whom she is eventually honest about the fact that she does not actually belong in the good place, and it is because of this incorrect placement that the good place is crumbling and its inner workings are going haywire etc and everyone suffers from the consequences. So blah blah blah soon we find out that it is not just her, but also some other guy who is here by mistake, and so blah blah blah etc yupp
So here are the things that suck about this show:
So there’s this other guy who also doesn't belong in the good place and who was also sent there by accident, his name is Jason okay but umm it's complicated because the person he was mistaken as (and the actual 'good person' who was intended to be sent to the good place while Jason was meant to be directed to the bad place) is named Jian Yu, a Taiwanese monk. Jason however is a Filipino-American from Florida and I guess his character is meant to be a stereotypical 'White trash' character, but it's meant to be funny or some shit so we aren't meant to be deeply affected by fact that his life was fucking sad, like how his small-town dreams were meant to be comedic relief for us to laugh at how pathetic he is when ... i dunno, I feel very uncomfortable making a joke out of real-life situations that umm aren't funny at all idk whatever... Oh also the weird (dumb/shitty/lame/thoughtless) thing about the show is how even once it is revealed that Jason is in fact his Jason-y, oblivious, infantile, one-dimensionally-tropey self, the characters who know the truth still continue to call him Jianyu throughout...? But like.... he's not Jianyu lol?
So anyway, Jason is characterised quite disturbingly to be honest as an extremely immature dudebro, to the extent that one could call him child-like. In his unhappiness at being stuck in this weird world where he can't be himself and has to pretend to be Jianyu most of the time (which involves being a complete ascetic as well as silent because the real Jianyu had apparently taken a lifelong oath of silence), Jason latches on to Janet the robot assistant. He says she is the only one who has been kind to him, etc etc etc, and begins ummmm, falling in love with her. But because he's painted as a literal baby with absolutely no rational or critical thinking skills, him falling in love with her is meant to be uhh earnest and sweet or at the very least inconsequential and jokey I guess? But like... this isn't funny...? Not when sex robots are a real thing and will probably lead to the abuse, violation, murder of millions of women in time to come because men will be so used to putting their penises into awfully, scarily 'life-like' dolls whose limbs have been programmed to move and who can even utter words of affirmation to their degenerate users that actual human females will no doubt bear the brunt of being expected to perform in life and in bed similarly to our robotic counterparts...? Yea so the good place disturbingly first makes us almost forced to feel some endearment toward Jason for finding a kindred "soul" in robot Janet, glad that he finally has "someone" to "talk to" (quotation marks cos once again she's a fucking robot), and it's all very "pure" and "wholesome" at first because again, he's portrayed as a fucking kid (one piece I read describes the character as "a sweet ding-dong human"). And then suddenly, about one or two episodes after they fall in love or whatever, Jason says:
You guys have fun. This is me and Janet's honeymoon, so we're gonna go try and figure out how to have sex.
Yeah umm so once again, in case any of you forgot, Janet's a fucking robot. If I use a scale of human consciousness out of 100 where a regular human's sense of self and awareness and independent thinking and authonomy and whatever else makes us human is at 100, Janet is probably at .... 10? at most? So yea.... i guess rape jokes are okay these days? I dunno? Literally how the fuck were there 3 entire seasons of this dumb show after this
Anyway when I attempted to put in *some* effort before I gave up, realising this show wasn't worth my precious weekend downtime, I googled Jason and Janet's relationship to see if there were any other similar voices of dissent but umm apparently, according to the headlines of articles, this is instead public opinion:
The Unlikely Romance of The Good Place’s Janet and Jason
Why Janet And Jason Are The Good Place's Ultimate Love Story, According To The Actors
How Janet and Jason broke the infinite love mold on The Good Place
From these disgusting articles, here are some choice quotes by the actors and crew involved themselves:
And the fact that this should not happen but it does makes it very special. We think that their relationship is really sweet. There's something very innocent and real about their love even though that is insane
Yeah, I always talk about this whenever I get the question, “How does Janet and Jason work?” And my response is always — and I’ve thought about this a lot — Jason is slowly becoming a little bit more aware and intelligent. He’s evolving a little bit, and through Jason, Janet is able to become more emotionally intelligent. She’s feeling these things, whether it be good or bad, through Jason because that’s what Jason is. He’s all these different emotions that he can’t tame, and Janet’s learning that. They’re kind of evolving.
Okay so perhaps I should clarify that Janet the robot goes through a couple of 'deaths' in which she comes back as a rebooted version, and supposedly more 'human' each time. So yeah I guess it's okay to have sex with robots if they actually become 0.0000001% more human-like each time they come back to life though!!!!! Sorry for overreacting guys!!!!!
Seriously though how the fuck are they even using the word 'romance' in good conscience to describe the 'relationship'
Actually as I'm writing this I'm reminded of this video by Pop Culture Detective on youtube, titled "Abduction as Romance". Jonathan the host/video creator goes through various movies through history and from contemporary cinema of this unbelievably damaging and disturbing trope, where women are shown to eventually fall in love with men who have essentially, in some way or another, abducted them, annyway here it is if anyone's interested 
I’m calling up this video because in the shows used as examples in Jonathan’s thesis, the female characters fall in love with the men just because the men happen to be the only choice they have. Okay I actually only managed to get through a quarter of the video because it was too disturbing and too awful to think about how frequently such plot points are used till today and how so much of the shitty love we see on screen is completely abusive in nature (he’s also made another video called Stalking for Love which I’m sure is as eye-opening, i haven’t watched it cos i don’t need to lol, i’m already woke thanks), but anyway the bit that I did manage to watch does remind me of this stupid love story from The Good Place that we’re supposed to be moved by. We’re seriously supposed to believe that Janet, through her reboots and whatever awakenings of consciousness she supposedly has, also has feelings for Jason just because he’s the only pathetic dumbass immature enough to think that he has feelings for her because she’s the only person who’s willing to listen and talk to him properly? When ummmm she’s only listening to you because she’s programmed to...?
Honestly I can't be bothered to talk about freaking Janet and Jason anymore
There are other things that suck about this dumb show
I don't know what kind of character development Eleanor (protagonist) goes through in the seasons that succeed that I shall never be audience to, but she remains unlikable in almost every way in season 1. This is even though the entire premise of the plot is that she learns to become a better person with each day, struggling to distance herself from her past (on earth) where she was every caricature of a selfish, cruel, demeaning, unlikable person ever. The few and short flashbacks we get to her earthly past are so annoyingly annoying that it made it almost impossible for me to continue to care for this charatcer her in her afterlife. I know, being in the profession that i am, i should have a great deal more empathy for her and where she's coming from (and i would if the show was not so fucking shitty), so i'm not hating on the fact that she was such a bad person, more so that the creators of the show did little to give us anything real to hold on to at all. Between boringly unreal dialogue, stilted acting typical of American sitcoms, overly defined character traits again typical of dated, unchallenging and unsophisticated American sitcoms, I honestly can't understand how on earth this is rated 97% on rotten tomatoes... I mean I guess if I actually read the reviews I'd understand but hehe I'm not about that open-minded, balanced POV narrative okie? :)
Updates: Haha so ummm eventually I was too bored / curious so I decided to give this show like it’s fourth chance or something and eventually I ended up finishing the entire series and yes I cried as fuck and yes this series made me feel many feels and no I shall neither take back anything of what I said above nor clarify how or what made me change my opinion on it nor elaborate on why I ended up rather enjoying it :-) bye bye
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sullivxnselise-blog · 7 years
all the texts for row n cherry :~)
(this is literally so long i’m warning u now)
send me “✆” for a morning text
elise – row ur boat 9:09am: if i send u a list of possible drug dealers in stone harbor can u identify some of them? i just got to work and i have so much fucking paperwork to do rip in pieces me
send me “” for a text that wasn’t sent
elise – row ur boat 4:47am: i know this is kind of unprovoked or whatever, but i just wanted to tell you that i don’t actually think you’re some kind of irredeemable asshole. yeah you get on my nerves sometimes but i think you’re really a good person just trying to get by like the rest of us. so i don’t know, i guess i just wanted to tell you that you’re not a waste of space and i -
send me “☎” for a rushed text
elise – row ur boat 12:25pm: ok i’m on my way don’t do anything dumb just stay put i’ll be there in ten minutes tops
send me “⁇” for a drunk text
elise – row ur boat 2:29am: ,i will have you know that i am NOTT uuptight juts bc i havveen’t  gotte l,aid in a while
elise – row ur boat 2:30am:in FACT i ,went home wiith a cute guy yesterdayy so how do u, like,, THEM APPLEE SROYAN
send me “✿” for a suggestive text
elise – row ur boat 4:00pm: i’m just saying that if you were into girls and you and artie were willing, i definitely wouldn’t mind being between the two of u. don’t be weird about it bc i’m telling u this in confidence
send me “ø” for a late night text
elise – row ur boat 4:05am: sometimes i have trouble sleeping and bordeaux likes to wake me up by walking on my face. why are YOU awake?
send me “✘” for a hateful text
elise – row ur boat 6:07pm: you know rowan maybe people wouldn’t fucking hate you so much if you learned to keep your damn mouth shut. js
send me “#” for a random text
elise – row ur boat 2:10pm: do u have peanut butter??? i’m trying to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich rn and i’m out of peanut butter and no one in this godforsaken town has any
send me “@” for a scared text
elise – row ur boat 5:37pm: i just got home and bordeaux won’t stop throwing up i’m literally gonna kermit
elise – row ur boat 5:40pm: carmen isn’t answering her fucking phone but i’m getting in the car rn to go to the vet and my heart is gonna actually beat out of my chest
elise – row ur boat 7:00pm: update: dumb bitch is fine she just keeps eating a shit ton of grass while i’m at work and now i have hospital bills to pay and a cat door to drill shut
send me “&” for a loving text
elise – row ur boat 3:04pm: i’m on my way back to appleton rn and i just passed a guy on the street that looked JUST like you and holy shit?? i actually miss stone harbor? i miss all of u, even the ones i’ve never gotten along well with. we’re like one dysfunctional family and i can’t wait to go back home to all of u. stay safe while i’m gone would u??
send me “%” for a curious text
elise – row ur boat 5:58pm: out of curiosity, how did u and artie meet? u seem to be one of the more stable, healthy relationships in this town and i’m tryna figure out how the fuck u did it
send me “ツ” for an excited text
elise – row ur boat 10:51pm: holy SHIT i just opened my glovebox looking for something and realized i have like seven unused taco bell coupons wtf 
elise – row ur boat 10:52am:they expire tomorrow do u want to take a road trip
send me “$” for an accidental text
elise – row ur boat 6:08am: i walked into the living room this morning and ur daughter peed on the carpet so i’ll be sending her to boarding school this disobedience is too much
elise – row ur boat 8:25am: i literally just realized that i send that to u and not carmen u can ignore it awsnldkbanodhoewb
send me “♀” for a heartbreaking text
elise – row ur boat 7:36pm: not that i should really be telling you this anyway, but i’m really fucking terrified i’m never gonna find love. not even just romantic love, but like… love in general. even platonic love even feels forced to me. i get along really well with indi and carm and astrid, even though she tends to push me away, but it always feels like bullshit.
elise – row ur boat 7:45pm: i guess i’m just trying to say that even though we’re not super close, i’ve always felt like you’re real, at least. you speak your mind and there’s no bullshit. and even though i would never trust you with my deepest secrets, i at LEAST know you’re not using me for ur own personal gain
send me “✆” for a morning text
elise – cherry pie 5:30am: hey i woke up an hour early today and i can’t fall back asleep do u want to get breakfast and talk shit before i have to go to work?
send me “” for a text that wasn’t sent
elise – cherry pie 1:47am: i don’t know if i should really trust you with this, but it feels like i can..? not to say you’re not trustworthy, but it would make you the only person who knows and given our past… i don’t know. but i need to tell someone and i’ve had…. maybe two or three more glasses of wine than i should have so here goes. i was married. i’m still married, technically. he lives in new york, probably still in our old apartment building, and he was -
send me “☎” for a rushed text
elise – cherry pie 9:36pm: i got in the shower and realized i have no shampoo pls tell me u can bring me some i only have one towel clean and if i use it now to go get the shampoo myself i have to do a load of laundry before i can shower again later
send me “⁇” for a drunk text
elise – cherry pie 12:49am: PSAz i hate stone  haarbor and everyone in iti exc,,eptt for likee.. 3 people adn my cat
send me “✿” for a suggestive text
elise – cherry pie 11:34pm: all i’m saying is that if we had hate sex before we became friends it would have been the best sex of our lives and that’s just the facts
send me “ø” for a late night text
elise – cherry pie 3:26am: i’m at the store rn and they have edible cookie dough??? so obviously i’m buying one of every flavor do u want to meet somewhere and eat them with me
send me “✘” for a hateful text
elise – cherry pie 8:45pm: sometimes i can’t stand u
elise – cherry pie 6:48pm: i know we’re friends now but i still want to strangle u sometimes bc WOW can u be a lot
elise – cherry pie 6:48pm: i love u tho
send me “#” for a random text
elise – cherry pie 2:10pm: did u get a dog without telling me???
elise – cherry pie 2:20pm: no reason it’s just that while i was writing a parking ticket i saw, out of the corner of my eye mind u, a woman with red hair walk past me with a fucking dog and i was gonna lose my shit if u hadn’t told me
send me “@” for a scared text
elise – cherry pie 11:03pm: do u ever feel like everybody secretly hates u and wants u gone?? bc i’m kinda feelin that right now and it’s a) terrifying, and b) shitty
send me “&” for a loving text
elise – cherry pie 7:22pm: i just want u to know that i do care about u. i know if can be easy to think maybe i don’t bc of our history or bc i just tend to not be the most affectionate person ever, but i rlly do think ur great and i’m glad we got over our bullshit bc it was super catty and stupid and i’m happy ur my friend
send me “%” for a curious text
elise – cherry pie 12:17pm: hey are u a natural redhead?? i’m at the store rn getting my lunch and i just walked by a bottle of hair dye that’s deadass the exact color of ur hair and i was just wondering
send me “ツ” for an excited text
elise – cherry pie 5:10pm: guess who got a raise today and is now taking u to the well dressed olive to celebrate?? this bih! get ready bc i’m going home to change and then i’m coming to pick u up
send me “$” for an accidental text
elise – cherry pie 4:06am: would u rather eat a gallon of applesauce in one siting or a five pound steak in one sitting
elise – cherry pie 4:07am: that was meant for astrid
send me “♀” for a heartbreaking text
elise – cherry pie 10:26pm: on the dl, i literally have no idea what the fuck i’m doing with my life and i actually hate every decision i’ve ever made
elise – cherry pie 10:40pm: no don’t worry about me, i’m fine. i’m just sitting on my couch watching reality tv and rlly in my feelings rn, but i really am fine, i s2g
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omegawizardposting · 7 years
There are times when I will say, “Yeah, that’s objectively bad.”
There are times when pieces of media are objectively bad--full of plot holes, terrible direction, sub-par writing, overuse of a thesaurus, GOD, there are so many popular examples I can come up with.
At the same time, I recognize that people can still like objectively bad things. Trust me, I enjoy my fair share of dumb, shallow, absolutely irredeemable SHIT (usually in the form of children’s movies; don’t ask). We all have at least one awful thing we love with all our hearts. It’s not shameful, it’s normal.
Objectively terrible pieces of media REALLY are not as common as most people seem to think. A lot of this “objective awfulness” is straight-up down to opinion. It’s people forcing their personal tastes and preferences as objective fact. You see this all the time in fandoms, especially the larger ones, ESPECIALLY if reboots are involved (just look at MLP and the generation wars).
I think we, as a people, need to take a step back and recognize this. Something may rub us the wrong way, but that doesn’t mean everyone who enjoys it is bad, or stupid, or obnoxious. It just means that you don’t like it, and they do. That’s it, that’s all there is to it.
I get the frustration that comes with something you don’t like being popular. I get being tired of seeing it on your dash. I even get feeling passionate about it, especially when you feel something else deserves that attention.
But the world doesn’t revolve around you. Your personal tastes aren’t everyone else’s, and you need to accept that. Things won’t always turn out how you want them to, and that doesn’t mean the “competition” is evil or bad.
There’s room in this world for all kinds of content.
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borghildrs · 5 years
A theoretical scenario. What if Lobco had found Roc like. On a verge of death. Still alive but with no strength left to fight or anybody to help him. In a place where if something has happened nobody will pursue her or know what happened.
Oh this is a fascinating question, thank you!
I will answer in three parts because it’s a touch dependent on verses and whatnot and I feel it’s also important to explain an aspect of Lobco’s morality.
By in large I think it goes without saying that Lobco is a pretty compassionate and empathetic person. She might have her moments of impatience but considering the game shows that she internalizes a lot of the things that irritate (specifically things that irritate or anger her, it’s pretty evident when she’s upset or flustered) but she’s still a very kind person. Much in the vein as Wadanohara as Aom points out in the conversation you have with her when you first arrive in Deep Sea Town.
Which means that the idea of someone having to die or be killed for there to be a moral and/or satisfactory solution to whatever problems there may be is not one that she likes or would be at all keen on. Lobco would hope that it wouldn’t come down to that and would probably be filled with guilt---THAT SAID.
She also isn’t stupid and knows that sometimes she need to act. She killed what was essentially an entire battalion of Tosatsu soldiers in defense of Wadanohara and didn’t seem to show too much regret afterwards. Granted she was suffering the after effects of using Chlomaki’s blood but either way, that’s not something you can just sweep under the rug. Lobco has killed, and could kill again if the need arose.
It would be a last ditch effort, but she could.
So. Onto the question taking PURELY CANON Lobco into consideration.
If we are talking about solely things that have been canonically confirmed in regards to Lobco, Roc, and their relationship (that is to say, next to nothing) then yes, I think she would kill him. She’d feel some guilt because she would think she’s taking advantage of a really compromising situation and it would not be noble of her to do so, but her pragmatic side would win out on this one. Not only would she be freeing herself, but in doing so she would lift any potential danger he posed to her loved ones, and she would keep him from being able to hurt anyone else in the future.
As things stand the only canonical information we have is that he assaults her, has sexual+romantic interest in her, and wants kids. She’s been clearly shown to have no interest in him whatsoever and just wants to be free. That means there’s absolutely nothing really making her have any sort of positive emotions towards him. Heck...we don’t even know how this situation can continue to exist since it’s been shown to be an ongoing present day thing.
Things are a bit more complicated when taking into account the headcanons I have made with a friend who used to roleplay Roc here on tumblr. This post has already gotten to be pretty long so I can’t really give exact details but we of course had to fill all the plot holes that currently exist and wanted to make something a little more...nuanced than your generic creep obsessed with kind person.
To make a long story short Roc’s the sort to regularly put on the charismatic good cop face to lure people into a false sense of security until he finally betrays them and uses them a essentially a torture victim (and they pretty much all end up on those snuff films he and Hidou make at the end).
Lobco became one of those targets well before she became one of Chlomaki’s familiars and initially he intended to use her the same as everyone else. Charm her, then eventually when he learned enough of her to best be able to psychologically torture her as much as physically, he would have had his fun and eventually killed (and probably..eaten her). In that time that they got to know each other, and she sometimes even helped him with investigations (this detail was just me being a huge Ace Attorney nerd, I know it’s dumb and gratuitous but allow me this indulgence) he start falling for her, and she, him. In fact she was the first to confess having no idea what he was TRULY like.
Of course the mask does fall off eventually and he kidnaps her to Satanick’s castle and for a long time she’s completely imprisoned there until her health deteriorates to an alarming point (when he takes her to Lec) and a deal is broached in which she’s allowed some freedom, but must always return each night.
So here we have a situation in which Lobco did at some point care very much for Roc. Combine that with her shit self esteem, how she’s easily forgotten, how she’s treated poorly even by her witch, some borderline stockholm syndrome and one very other important piece of HC regarding the relationship between Roc and his brother and things become significantly more messy.
Lobco sways very much between knowing that she just needs to get away and that Roc is an irredeemable monster and desperately wishing and thinking that if she just tries hard enough she can change him (she can’t. She absolutely can’t and please don’t take this as me thinking that’s possible or that a victim should feel any obligation towards their abuser because they don’t) but she’s been fucked up pretty hard.
In this case....no. She wouldn’t be able to finish him off or just leave him to die. She would try, I think, but she would not be able to go through with it.
There’s a lot more to be said about this but this answer has gotten long enough. If folks are interested I’ll delve more into it but for now, thank you for the question!
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