#straykids blurbs
Preoccupied (hwanghyunjin)
The best thing about having two best friends in love was that you were so extremely happy for them you genuinely wanted them to last forever. The worst thing about having two best friends in love was that they made you feel soooo single like soooo single you also wanted to pull out your hair one by one.
The last relationship you had ended up so bad it had made you retreat even more into your own head. Being quite the introverted, quiet person you were didn't help at all,too. It wasn't even about being the stereotypical shy bookworm who hated parties and would rather spend their existence sipping tea by the fire. It was more about genuinely not having the social battery to endure loud crowds and big social events as often as you could have.
Being around people, being around close friends especially, was absolutely fine, it made you feel good, even. You just needed your alone time to recharge. And yeah... Most of the time that alone time did include reading 4 books in a week and downing gallons of warm tea.
Now problem was that you and said best friend #1 had been invited to a birthday party of a friend of a friend over the weekend and you would have declined, being just overall tired from your exam week and uni and your part time job but Lexi had been giving you a headache with the amount of "please please please don't make me go alone Changbin will be stuck at work at least until 1am please please come with me please please I love you pleaaaaase" and so on and so forth.
Here's another thing about having two best friends in love: they were inseparable. So loved up and clingy they hated being separate, but they were also so thankful for you had played cupid and matched them up, which, in turn, as a gesture of gratitude, often lead to them making you third wheeling a number of their dates. This one time you had the chance to go a party with just Lexi, and as much as you weren't too keen on going, in the end you gave in, just for the sake of your friendship with her.
So there you were, mulling around with your half full soda drink, trying to make small talk while your perfect social butterfly of your best friend drank her beer and chatted up a storm with anyone and everyone there. A familiar pop song comes on through the speaker and you bob your head to it, mindlessly trying to keep the rhythm as you take another sip from your cup, a girl with scraggly blonde hair extensions looks at your sad red solo cup and holds up the tequila bottle, quietly offering you a shot, but you politely decline, being the designated driver for the night. Not that you minded, you weren't much of a drinker anyway, you just hated the way she frowned and made a beeline to another group of people that were clearly already drunk out of their asses, not even an hour and half into the party.
You follow Lexi around like a little lost puppy for a little while, mentally counting how many more beers and tequila shots and whatever other brightly colored drink she inhales, and as she inevitably starts to laugh more boisterously and wobble on her feet, you keep a close watch over her, offering her bits of food and silent support should she feel sick from all the alcohol.
You're about to tear a piece of pizza in two for her as she lifts her giggly, intoxicated self from a chair near the snacks table when she accidently trips on her own feet and almost fall to the ground. You have barely any time to react, you extend your arms out for her when "careful!" a tall,longish dark haired boy you didn't notice earlier swiftly catches her in his arms, steading her in place as he holds her hand briefly, then slowly guiding her back on the chair.
"Are you okay?", he asks softly, deep brown eyes squinting in concern as he frowns, "Hyunjin?? Oh my God what are you doing here!!?", Lexi completely ignores his question and instead throws herself at him, pulling him into such a tight hug his eyes pop out, you giggle to yourself and mouth a silent "sorry" in his direction, he acknowledges you with a brief nod of his head and smiles at you over her shoulder. It's a sweet, shy smile, you're immediately drawn to it. "So?? Are you gonna answer? What are you doing here at Skylar's party?". Oh right. Skylar. The birthday girl you were supposed to greet at some point since she was actually hosting this party in her own guest house.
Except you hadn't seen her at all so far. "Changbin invited me? He said he couldn't make it last minute but I was already on my way here", Hyunjin politely replies as Lexi finally lets go of him and he fixes his shirt, "my baby! I'm so sad he's still working, my poor poor baby!", Lexy whines and frowns only for then immediately snapping out of it as if she caught on fire suddenly, she dramatically gestures for you to come closer and firmly grabs your hand:"I almost forgot!! This is my best friend in the whole universe, y/n. Y/n this is Hyunjin, Changbinnies best friend in the whole universe, besides you, obviously".
The three of you burst into laughs and Hyunjin slightly bows to you as he smiles again in that timid way, his eyes kind and inviting and dang: he is gorgeous. You catch yourself staring at him in awe, "nice to meet you", you mumble, unable to stop similing.
"Great, my job here is done. I'm gonna find Skylar now. And a restroom. Who know beer made you want to pee this bad", Lexy exclaims, suddenly springing up to her still unsteady feet,  both of you and Hyunjin scramble to help her  when she almost trips again, this time quickly regaining balance and giggling like a maniac before she sashays away.
"I-I'm sorry, she's usually more composed than that. I think she's drinking away her sadness over Changbin not being here", you offer as you awkwardly play with the bracelet on your left wrist, Hyunjin shakes his head as if to signal that it is no big deal and fills up his cup with the Coke zero in front of him, "it's okay, I know he's very much in love with her too, he'd probably be crying in his drink if the roles were switched", he teases and you giggle, "cheers to hopefully not having to babysit her all night long", you prod then, lifting your cup to him, and this time he giggles and it's adorable. High pitched and bright and sincere. Absolutely adorable.
You manage to make small talk, actually pleasant small talk, and find out he's a pretty good listener, he asks you tons of questions and waits patiently for you to reply, and he really looks at you, his gaze intent and present, he talks softly and giggles and is just generally very nice and pleasant to talk to.
You're in the middle of explaining how you ended up switching courses over at uni when you chose philosophy over psychology when he notices the bracelet you still continue to play with as a way to cope with the awkwardness and nervousness overall, "is that a lava bead bracelet?", he asks, eyes wide and curios as he delicately touches your wrist, "oh, yeah. Changbin got it for me, he said it was the only one in this turquoise and black color scheme so it caught his eyes. And turquoise is my favourite color so... That was very nice if him".
You smile as you reminisce and Hyunjin lights up at the mention of your favorite color,"I have an oil paint tub at home that looks exactly like that. It's so bright and gorgeous I use it so sparingly cause I want to it to last for as long as possible", he explains all enthusiastically and you can't help but find his excitement contagious. Especially cause you're an art major: "you paint?", you ask quietly and he nods, pulling out his phone to show you some of his work, and it's incredible. He paints flowers and faces and people and landscapes and he does it beautifully. With so much color and intensity.
He starts elaborating over the inspiration behind some of his pieces but as the music grows louder and the people get drunker it's a little harder for you to hear him properly, even as you lean more over to his side with him being much much taller than you you have to strain your hearing to be able to catch onto anything that he's saying.
And he definitely notices your contorted face because he stops and giggles, he places his cup down on the table and bends down so close to your ear you can actually smell his shampoo, "is it okay if we go somewhere quieter?",  you beam at him and nod, relieved. You two make your way over to the other side of the house and are just about to step outside when you remember you haven't seen Lexy in a bit and it troubles you a little. "Uhm.. I think I might need to check on Lexy first. You haven't seen her have you?", you aks worriedly, Hyunjin nods understandingly and gestures for you to lead the way, "I'll help you look".
Together you scour through the entire first floor to no avail and then decide to head upstairs where you cautiously knock on a few doors, afraid that someone's in there, probably getting pregnant, high or infected with God knows what. After a few more unfruitful rounds you try and call her: she picks up on the third ring, sounding drunk but not completely wasted, "hellooooo!!! I'm just hanging out with a few nice girls from our chemsirtry class... Or was that physics? I don't know", "oh.. Okay sure... I was just about to step outside for some fresh air, I'll just be in the backyard if you need me, okay?".
She chuckles and sighs heavily on the other side of the line and it's like you can just picture her as she rolls her eyes, "no need to baby me, I'll be fine. Is Hyunjin still there with you?", she asks loudly, loud enough for the young man to hear it directly and giggle, "still here!", he half shouts into the phone and it takes everything in you not to just burst into hysterics, "good! Take care of her. Be safe! Love you!" she shouts back and with that she hangs up, leaving you two giggling and blushing.
Once you're outside in the cool late August air, you sit on a lovely swinging chair overlooking the vast backyard that leads on a little fence separating the property from just an immense stretch of corn fields. You both stop to admire it for a second, and Hyunjin even snaps a few pics, struggling to set the night lighting fixture correctly but succeeding in the end.
You resume your conversation right back up from where it was interrupted and it flows so naturally. When you tell him you're an art major Hyunjin's eyes literally sparkle, he bombards you with questions about everything that you've learned so far, which leads to a topic change about the books you're reading in preparation for your future exams and the ones you're trying to squeeze in as a personal hobby.
You find out he reads too, that he loves poetry and music and he too is more of an introvert, usually, but still enjoys social settings every once in a while. "I can't believe we have so much in common, where have you been my whole life?", he asks rethorically, grinning as you blush profusely but try to play it off, "hahaha hiding in plain sight? I guess. Sorry if I kept rambling, by the way. I'm usually not even much of a talker but it's rare to find someone who enjoys the same things as me. There's this quite from a movie...", you trail off, stifling an embarrassed laugh as you shake your head.
You bite down your lip in silence, playing with your bracelet again but Hyunjin scoots closer to you on the swing chair and prods you on," it's silly... but it's like... - I learned what is obvious to a child. That life is simply a collection of little lives, each lived one day at a time. That each day should be spent finding beauty in flowers and poetry and talking to animals tha-", "-that a day spent with dreaming and sunsets and refreshing breezes cannot be bettered", he finishes for you, smiling so warmly at the recognition of the quote from The Notebook.
Your jaw drops as you stare at him wide eyed and he chuckles, "I've seen that movie recently, it's become one of my favorites", he admits and you almost jump in your seat in excitement, "it is one of my favorite movies too!", you blurt out and for some odd, inexplicable reason you hold out your palm as if to ask him to high five you AND HE DOES, even though you're cringing at your own self. You're literally grimacing and going over the scene in your head over and over when you realise Hyunjin hasn't let go of your hand. He hit it slightly and then intertwined your fingers together.
You sit motionless, your heart rising up in your throat as he gently holds your hand on top of his knee and for the life of you, you can't stop staring at your interlocked fingers. You can't stop thinking about how spontaneous and cute it was of him, and how nice it feels, how his hand is big but slender, his fingers smooth and tapered. You smile to yourself like an idiot and if he notices, he doesn't say anything, he smiles himself as quietness momentarily fills the air. It's not a tense silence by any means, it's just peaceful and calm. The complete opposite of your insides right now. How on earth is this real life? How can someone so stunningly beautifully and kind and sensitive and artistic can even be sitting next to you right now?
A little gust of chilly air blows at you and you shiver slightly, inadvertently making you jerk the hand that Hyunjin's holding, he frowns and tilts his head to the side, "are you cold?", he murmurs sweetly, you shrug and try not to show how you're actually unsure whether you shivered because of the wind or the very man holding your hand right now, "just a little tiny bit, but I'll be okay", you reassure him, smiling toothlessly.
He frowns and scoots even closer to you, he switches the hand that's holding yours with his other one and nonchalantly rests an arm around your back as he draws you closer to his side, rubbing gentle circles on your shoulder cap too, "I'm sorry I don't have any jacket to lend you right now", he mutters. Your hearts swells up as you look up at him, your eyes definitely looking like those cartoon inspired pink love hearts that bulge out of their sockets, even more so when he simply smiles tenderly at you.
"You are-you are too kind. But I promise I'm just being dramatic. I have very low blood pressure, I can get cold even with 100°degrees outside. I'm not a summer person at all", you joke (even though you actually do get cold quite easily and you still sleep with your pijama on in the dead of the summer, but Hyunjin doesn't need to know that). The brunette chuckles and squeezes your hand once, as if to reassure you, or quietly blot down the sweat forming there, as much as you're feeling  genuinely a little cold you're also aware you're nervously sweating.
"I prefer cooler seasons too, fall is my favourite. With all the pretty leaves changing colors and that gloomy feel to the air. Spring is pretty too, but like early spring, when it's still a little cold from the winter and the skies are clear and the air is crisp and the flowers are still slowly blossoming", Hyunjin says softly, his eyes gazing towards the fields in front of you. Listening to him speak like that, his voice airy and soothing, makes your insides feel like jelly, the way he's definitely attuned to nature and the smaller, tinier details each season offers, the way he clearly appreciates simple yet beautiful things makes you shudder in delight.
"Oof you must be so cold, goodness, come here", Hyunjin humpfs, he spreads out his legs and invites you to sit in between them... Well he basically drags you over to him until you cover your face in shame and gingerly do as you're told. You bite your lip down and sqqueeze your eyes shut as your feel your face abalze when your back finally rests against his chest: it feels so nice you want to scream.
Hyunjin laces his arms around your waist, respectfully placing his hands just above your navel, he interlaced his own hands together, careful not too touch you innapropriately even when he squeezes his thighs back against yours, making sure your skirt isn't riding up. You're screaming internally as you feel his warm, steady breath fanning your neck, his scent faintly sweet and clean, kind of floral, "you smell good...", you mumble, immediately looking down at your hands, sitting awkwardly in your lap as you're too scared he's gonna feel just how shaky and cold and sweaty they are if you try and rest them on top of his. Even though you're desperate for it. You'd love to just snuggle up to him.
It occurs to you that this has never happened before: never in your life you've felt this close to someone so fast. Nobody ever so blatantly want to just talking to you to fully holding you in such a shirt amount of time, and the thing is: he did that so carefully. So sweetly.Hyunjin chuckles and breathes out softly, "thank you. I'm not wearing any cologne, actually", he admits rather shyly, "must be just your skin then", you reply on impulse, mentally slapping your head, luckily enough for you he just laughs and shrugs, the movement reverberating through your spine, "you'd be surprised how many times people say that to me. Changbin said I smell like a human car freshener", he blurts out and you both laugh at that.
You relax into him now, using your prolonged giggles as an excuse, you dare fully adjusting yourself into him, laying your head on his shoulder, even placing your hands on top of his, your fingertips just barely tapping his skin as you blush all the way, breathing a little erratically. He seems welcoming though, even though you can't clearly see his face you can't tell he is smiling behind you as his heads leans a little closer to yours, "you smell good too, your hair smells like vanilla", he comments once you're fully settled into him, and you thank him with just a whisper.
Comfortable silence falls between you two again, and again it's that sort of quietness that's enjoyable and serene. You look up at the sky a little awestruck as the tiny silvery dots twinkle in the black of the night, you sigh as quietly as you possibly can as a deep sense of calmness and contentness washes over you, your heart might still be thudding in your chest but you feel oddly calm.
You move your head slightly as you try to follow the trajectory of a passing plane, unconsciously digging the back of your head into his shoulder blade and gasp at the contact, "oh shoot, sorry, I'm so sorry", you quickly apologise, fully turning in your seat to face him, your eyes briefly looking down to his extremely soft looking, juicy lips and then back up into his gentle orbs, Hyunjin just laughs and tilts his own head back slightly, "that was absolutely okay, you are so cute", he reassures you, he even kisses your cheek for further good measure.
Just as predicted, his lips feel incredibly plump and soft and plushy. And you shiver. Of course you do. You just can't not do it. Your body just reacts however it pleases. "You're shivering again! wait...", Hyunjin gently gazes into your eyes and cups your chin, a bemused expression on his face as he licks the corner of his mouth, "I'm making you shiver?!", he exclaims half surprised half smirking and even though you're sure you're turning purple in the face you try to deny his very right guess, "noo... I'm-I mean I'm-I'm  actually - ", you stutter,unable to continue your sentence as all of your senses go into overdrive from the intense embrassment.
He pats your head softly as he grins at you and goes in to kiss your temple, and then the top of your eyebrow, his arms cradling your trembling limbs, "you are shaking, y/n", he whispers against your cheek, and you want to say something you desperately want to but your throat seems to be completely closed on itself, "you know... I'm usually not this bold but... are you going to completely burst out of your skin if I kiss you right now?".
You get the same brain freeze you as you usually get when you eat your ice popsicle too quickly and you feel icicles taking over your jaw and the insides of your nose and your forehead. All you can do is hold Hyunjin's very intense stare and tilt your head to the side, "there's - there's only one way to find out", you reply, your voice barely above a whisper.
He goes in for your lips, kissing you slowly and delicately, even when he slips his tongue past your lips he does so in such a gentle way you melt into from the inside out. "Hey Hyunjin-ah OH SHIT".
You abruptly tear away from each other, starled from the sudden gasps as you turn around and find Channgbin staring at you both with the most shocked yet satisfied look on his face.You fall silent and look at each other awkwardly as all of your internal organs feel like they're going to explode any minute now, "so I uh - didn't mean to interrupt you guys?", Channgbin smirks and scratches his chin, "I was just gonna say hi and aks you if you happen to know where Lexy is but it looks like you two were... preoccupied".
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penny44224 · 3 months
🤡Daily Dose of crackhead Y/N energy with Stray Kids
(Hyung Line) -> (Maknae Line)
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Synopsis: Stray kids dealing with y/n random crackhead energy😭
CONTENT WARNING: 18+, crack and clown energy( not taking seriously), swearing, suggestiveness, {if any other warning DM me so I can add it}
Master list
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I hope you enjoy, request is open. Please like if you enjoyed it and want more
Hyung version at the top
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lvllylix · 3 months
Can I request Hyunjin coming home from a bad day at practice and he’s just really tense and on edge that one little minor inconvenience that reader causes like idk saying there’s too much salt in the dinner he made etc just makes me cry and she feels like she did something wrong and panics but he explains that it’s not her and she comforts him 🫶🏾
A/N: Sorry this took so long to get posted!! I'm not entirely happy with how this turned out, but I do hope you still enjoy ♡♡♡
Embrace of Solace
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Title: Embrace of Solace
Song: Lean On Me by SEVENTEEN
Pairing: Hyunjin x reader
Word count: 1,075
Warnings: None
Summary: Hyunjin turns to you for some comfort.
You heard the door creak open, signaling Hyunjin's return home. Glancing up from your book, you smiled, ready to greet him after his long day of practice. But as he entered the room, something seemed off. His usually bright eyes were clouded with tension, and his shoulders were stiff.
"Hey, you're home," you said, setting aside your book and standing up to give him a hug. But when you wrapped your arms around him, you noticed how tightly wound he was, his muscles tense beneath your touch.
"Yeah, I'm back," Hyunjin replied, his voice strained. He forced a smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.
"Rough day at practice?" you asked, concern tingeing your voice. You knew how seriously he took his dancing, but something felt different today.
"Just the usual," he replied with a shrug, trying to brush off your concern. "Nothing I can't handle."
You wanted to press further, to ask him what was really going on, but you knew Hyunjin well enough to know when he didn't want to talk about something. So instead, you offered him a sympathetic smile and guided him over to the couch, where he sank down heavily, exhaustion evident in every line of his body.
"Let me get you something to drink," you said, hoping to provide some small comfort. "Tea? Or maybe just water?"
"Water's fine," Hyunjin replied, his voice weary. As you disappeared into the kitchen, you couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong. But without any indication from Hyunjin himself, you were left in the dark, wondering what could have possibly happened at practice to leave him in such a state.
Returning with a glass of water, you handed it to him and sat down beside him on the couch, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "You know you can talk to me, right?" you said softly. "Whatever it is, you don't have to deal with it alone."
Hyunjin managed a weak smile, his fingers curling around yours as he squeezed your hand back. "Thanks, Y/N," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I appreciate it."
But even as he spoke those words, you couldn't shake the feeling that there was something he wasn't telling you. As the evening progressed, you tried your best to create a relaxing atmosphere, hoping it would help ease whatever was troubling Hyunjin. You suggested watching his favorite movie or playing some calming music, but he seemed too lost in his thoughts to fully engage.
Eventually, you decided to make dinner, hoping that a good meal might lift his spirits. You carefully prepared his favorite dish, setting the table with extra care, hoping that the effort would not go unnoticed. As you sat down to eat, you watched anxiously for any sign that Hyunjin was feeling better.
But as he took the first bite, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Is something wrong?" you asked, trying to keep your voice light.
"It's nothing," Hyunjin replied quickly, forcing a smile as he continued to eat. But you could tell something was off, his usual enthusiasm for your cooking was replaced by a sense of detachment.
Concern gnawed at you as you watched him pick at his food, unable to shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong. And then, you took your first bite, face twisting in immediate disgust.
"Sorry, t-this tastes horrible," you said, grimacing as you realized your mistake. "I must have misread how much salt I was meant to use."
The words seemed to hang in the air, and before you could react, Hyunjin's eyes welled up with tears. Shocked, you reached out to him, your heart breaking at the sight of his distress.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," you said, your voice trembling with guilt. "I'll make something else, I promise."
But instead of accepting your apology, Hyunjin shook his head, his tears flowing freely now. "It's not about the salt," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Confusion swirled within you as you tried to make sense of his words. "Then what is it?" you asked, your concern growing with each passing moment.
Hyunjin took a shaky breath, his fingers curling around yours as he struggled to find the right words. "It's just… everything," he admitted, his voice breaking with emotion. "I've been having a really tough time lately, and I don't know how to deal with it."
Your heart ached at his confession, realizing just how much he had been struggling in silence. Without hesitation, you pulled him into your arms, holding him close as he buried his face against your shoulder.
"You don't have to go through this alone," you whispered, your voice filled with love and reassurance. "I'm here for you, no matter what."
As you held Hyunjin close, you could feel the tension slowly melting away from his body, replaced by a sense of warmth and comfort. You ran your fingers through his hair soothingly, whispering words of reassurance and love as he clung to you, seeking solace in your embrace.
"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner," Hyunjin murmured against your shoulder, his voice raw with emotion. "I just didn't want to burden you with my problems."
"You could never burden me," you replied softly, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of his head. "We're a team, remember? We face everything together."
Hyunjin nodded, his grip on you tightening as he buried his face against your neck. You held him close, letting him take as much time as he needed to let out his emotions, offering silent support with each beat of your heart.
Eventually, the tears subsided, leaving behind a sense of calm and acceptance. Hyunjin pulled back slightly, his eyes meeting yours with a mixture of gratitude and love.
"Thank you," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. "I don't know what I would do without you."
"You'll never have to find out," you replied, giving him a soft smile. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what."
And with those words, you leaned in to capture his lips in a tender kiss, sealing your promise with a silent vow. In that moment, surrounded by love and understanding, you knew that together, you could overcome anything that life threw your way. And as you melted into each other's arms, the world faded away, leaving behind only the warmth of your love and the comfort of your embrace.
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yv17 · 2 years
a/n: in honor of him being my first ever bias he'll also be the first one from skz i write a fic about ^-^ also i already have an idea for the next timestamp so maybe i'll post it today 👀
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[4:32] "you know, it's really not that hard."
you rolled your eyes at seungmin, the two of you sitting in the library over the math homework your professor gave you. math was never your strongest subject; the way your teacher explained everything in his classes was way too complicated for you, and you always ended up not understanding a single thing. but at least you had your best friend with you.
"says the one who knows everything for every class at all times" you said, face still buried in your notebook "not everyone is as smart as you, seungmin."
seungmin smiled at the remark, his eyes trailing up to look at your focused face. "you know, you're still doing rather great. for someone who does everything except for math during math classes."
"that's not true!" you said, a little bit too loud for the librarians liking. the woman looked at you with daggers in her eyes, as you quickly gave an apologizing glance to her "come on, can't you just help me with this one? i've been trying to solve it for twenty minutes already."
"and you've asked me this question five times during that time" seungmin answered, scribbling something down in his notebook "i'm positive you can do it on your own."
"but-" you tried to say something, but the boy quickly interrupted you.
"no buts, just try to solve it, okay? and if you succeed, i'll treat you to dinner. how does that sound?"
your eyes lit up at the proposition of free dinner, looking up from your notebook to stare at seungmin, your head tilted to the side. he didn't even look your way; instead his gaze was focused on the math equations in front of him. "is that you asking me out for a date?" you joked, trying to get the boy's attention.
"congratulations" he said, still not looking up from his notebook. "for someone who completely sucks at math and i doubt has a brain, you've figured that rather quickly."
"wait, what?" you said, your brows furrowed in confusion. seungmin finally looked up at you, putting his pen down and closing the notebook.
"i meant what i said" he said, a small smile painting on his face "of course only if you agree, though. it's your choice." he added, keeping eye contact with you. "but for now, finish the equation. the date will happen only if you do that."
you smiled to yourself, going back to trying to solve the equation, as you muttered under your breath:
"i thought you'd never ask."
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taglist: @diortyun <3
>> main masterlist
>> skz masterlist
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unhinged-stories · 2 years
the Eyeballs.
dedicated to my friend, @captaincryolicious
"HELP!" Minho shouted, pulling away in fear as he let himself fall down to the ground.
His arms flailing around as he tried to find his eyes, that where rolling away.
"Oh no." Was all i could say as they eventually went down the drain.
"What do you mean "OH NO" minho asked, fear sounding through his voice as he looked up to me with empty sockets.
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sweetkpopmusings · 5 months
stray kids as nephilim <3
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a/n: my roommate and i discussed this briefly and they wanted me to write blurbs so here we are ! i won't lie; this got me in my feels, so i hope it brings you comfort <33 pics not mine~
content: nephilim!straykids, supernatural au | wc: 0.6k | warnings: none really! | pairing: stray kids x gn!reader | requests: open
the crackling of a bonfire, moss growing over forgotten rubble, a promise that’s kept
chan, though sometimes haunted by the turmoil of being an in-between being, loves nothing more than to use his powers to heal wounds. he sees beauty in once-broken things, and, when you meet him, you feel all your scars melt together into a beautiful masterpiece. when he looks at you, it’s as though you’ve stepped into fresh sunlight after being trapped in the cold.
lightning in a summer storm, the smell of fresh tea leaves, finally getting what you need 
minho believes the best way to use his strength is to protect any and all creatures–humans included–from physical and emotional harm. when you meet him, your fear is replaced with only gratitude because the protector you once waited for is now by your side. when minho looks at you, the world seems renewed, like a forest after a fire.
flowers picked for someone special, handwritten notes, an “i love you” that warms your chest
changbin promised himself that his strength–physical and metaphysical–would only be used to uplift the world. in particular, he loved sending people signs that things were going to be okay. when you meet him, serenity cascades over you, everything falling into place. when changbin looks at you, you smile, knowing with certainty that joy is everlasting. 
the smell of the ocean, incense burning in a crystal shop, a gaze that reveals everything
hyunjin finds beauty everywhere, particularly in people. his heart aches knowing that everyone must hurt at one point or another, so he uses his powers to give art to those who are sad, lonely, and in pain. when you meet hyunjin, he hands you a watercolor, images flowing out of the page and enveloping your body in a comforting embrace. when he looks at you, you understand what it is like to be deeply and truly seen.
music playing in the distance, dewdrops in sunlight, hearing what you need to hear
jisung, as a writer by nature, is often up late into the night. he knows just how important safe escapism is, and he uses his abilities to ensure people have good, restorative dreams. when you first meet jisung, he promises to take away the stress of your day by returning you to a favorite imaginary land from childhood. when he looks at you, your shoulders relax because it finally all makes sense.  
sunlight breaking through the trees, soft footsteps down familiar paths, a truth you can bear 
felix knows how much it hurts to be stranded and alone, so he channels in power into searching for lost animals and returning them to the warmth and belonging of their homes. when you meet him, he’s cradling a lost kitten in his arms, cooing so softly that your heart feels more soothed than you ever thought possible. when felix looks at you, it feels like a promise to find each other again and again and again. 
laughter that lingers in your memory, autumn leaves falling, finding your safe space
seungmin finds the fun in every situation, and he thinks the best way to help others with his powers is to create pockets of joy in what can be such a dark world. when you meet seungmin, the sound of his laughter reverbing off your own makes the whole world fade away. when he looks at you, you know with certainty that happiness is around every corner, waiting for you.
catching your breath after a long run, the comfort of a worn-in jacket, a heartfelt “thank you” 
jeongin spends his free time creating beautiful scenery to encourage people to slow down, breathe, and appreciate what life has to offer. when you meet him, you’re both wandering around a garden–his favorite–and you watch with wonder as a butterfly lands on his outstretched hand. when jeongin looks at you, your imagination runs wild, a swarm of butterflies filling your stomach with the endless possibilities he offers you.
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candyquokka · 7 months
"Big hug!"
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"my beauty tip? you have to be born beautiful"
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: ̗̀➛salty | minho (college au! blurb, humour, angst if you squint)
"I love darkeu"
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"give me two GIVE ME TWO"
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.・゜long day | hyunjin (comfort!, tired reader, non-idol! au, boyfriend! Hyune)
"“Do not claim your ownership of my butt please, sir.”
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BOYFRIEND TEXTS ✰ established relationship / fluff
"my friend wouldn't give me a raw egg"
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"seungmin in the building"
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“Don’t eat a human.”
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ੈ✩‧➛ bff!skz asking you out over texts (crack, fluff)
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twinklychan · 3 months
Hi, this is @twinklychan from insta, finally going on tumblr for small blurbs and imagines, with random motivation boosts. It's easier this way than actually having to take ss, making sure you have a cover, fitting the pics into the insta rate...you get the idea. :) so here I am. I hope you like (this little life) my page and enjoy reading the stuff I write as much as I enjoy writing it. <3
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prttydoli · 2 years
( ♡ ) — fluff
( ❆ ) — angst
( ❀ ) — smut
( ✦ ) — yandere
she looks just like a dream | ♡
— christopher bang / bangchan
— lee minho / lee know
— seo changbin
— hwang hyunjin
— han jisung
— felix lee
— kim seungmin
— yang jeongin / I.N
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atiny-dime-p1ece · 9 months
And if I start posting small cute blurbs here then what?🤭🤭
#ateez #straykids #enhypen #p1harmony #xeed #seventeen #onlyoneof #txt
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Camera roll (leeminho)
Seeing him and the boys practicing was always so interesting. They all manged to be extremely professional, athlete like dancers and absolute idiots at the same time. Like it was just undeniable how ridiculously talented and hard working they all were but the fact that they couldn't take themselves seriously for more than 30 minutes straight made watching them entertaining to say the least.
Normally you would have probably just stared at them in awe for the most part and then laughed until your jaw hurt for the rest but you had come in quite later today due to your boss asking you to cover for a coworker who was running late so you ended up staying on your feet for almost 10 hours straight and you were just so exhausted that as soon as you sat down on the big oblong black leather couch, you crashed.
And you only realize you've fallen asleep despite the music and the guys being loud cause Han somehow trips on his own feet and almost comes crashing down on you, screaming and singing? mid almost fall, "WHAT THE-", "SORRY I'M SORRY", he startles you but catches himself mid hair, balacing his weight a second before impact and then walking away like nothing happened.
"I'll steal his leftover cheesecake later as a punishment for almost knocking you out, don't worry", Minho plops down on the couch next to you, forcibly removing your feet from the spot so he can spread his thighs like he always does and sit in that i-own-this-place-sourt-of-way as you grunt your disapproval in response and furiously rub at your eyes, trying to get them to stay open despite the sleep still cacking them: "mmh how long did I even sleep oh my god", you ask, slowly regaining your vision and taking in your surroundings consisting of the boys splaying out on the floor and bickering and drenching in sweat and fake wrestling all at once.
Minho smirks and takes a big gulp from his water bottle, himself shiny from the sweat sparkling on his upper lip and his high cheekbones, his forehead wet with sticky tufts of messy deep brown hair, something about his heaving chest protruding from his skin tight shirt and his grey sweatpants making him look attractive in a rough sourt of handsome way, at least in your current sleepy slightly delirious state.
Well, not really. You've always thought your best friend looked FINE like really fine. His main dancer physique and current sweaty state only highlighted that. "About two hours. You missed our new routine for the song that's coming out next week", Minho shrugs, sipping some more water nonchalantly while your eyes go wide with embarrassment, "no way?? oh come on!! I can't believe I missed that", you whine, both mentally and physically slapping your forehead.
"Oh yes way. You were snoring so loudly we had to turn up the volume too, you were also drooling all over yourself", he teases, scooting closer to you and tracing his finger on the corners of your mouth as if to mock dab the supposed saliva, "STOOOOP", you giggle and slap his hand away and he giggles in that high pitched way you can't help but find adorable even though you're almost annoyed at him this very moment.
Okay maybe you're not. Fuck it you actually like it when he teases you that way. You somehow find it endearing. "Cute", he whispers, smiling at you in that amused way while his eyes go soft and you find yourself a bit in awe. "Lee Know Hyung! Did you show her the picture you took earlier?", Hyunjin comes trotting down, hair dripping in either sweat or half a water bottle he tipped all over his shirt, the goofiest smile on his face as he prods his bandmate on the shoulder.
"What.... What picture?", you stutter incredulous and even though Minho death glares Hyunjin he actually pulls out his phone and shows you both the photo he took of you while you were asleep: your very figure all curled up in a ball in the corner, your eyes shut and your mouth slightly agape, loose wisps of hair escaped from your bun and sticking onto your squished cheeks.
"Isn't it cute? You look like a baby", Hyunjin exclaims happily, poking your cheeks as he giggles while you go white in the face, covering your eyes in shame, "whyyyy why did you take that? God I look awful", you whine again and both guys burst into laughs, though Minho shakes his head, "our Minho hyung's camera roll is full of pics like that. Of all of us really. He collects them for revenge, biding his time until he can put them to full use. But I think he has a folder full of yours specifically isn't that so?", teases Hyunjin and you can tell Minho's just about to stuff a bunch of tissues in his mouth if he doesn't shut up this second.
"I do have tons of pics in there. Should I show her the one of your butt you sent me the other day? When you somehow got red paint on your left ass cheek and you thought it was a pimple?". Needless to say Hyunjin's jaw drops and he profusely apologises, laughing nervously as he walks away in between apologetic bows. Your jaw dropped too. You stare at your best friend in disbelief, nearly bursting into laughs even though you wouldn't want to at the expense of poor Jinnie.
"That was wild. I can't believe you actually have that in your phone. You're supposed to delete those!", you exclaim, jokingly poking at Minho'side with your foot, "why would I? did you not see the look on his face? That was priceless", he smirks, then making that evil bunny face that takes over his features which makes you giggle so loud, "but seriously: do you actually have a entire folder just of embarrassing pictures of me? And should I be scared? Are you ever going to use them against me?".
Minho clicks his tongue on his palate and pulls your legs over on his lap, smirking at you all the while," I do. You look cute in them. As for me usiging them against you ... I might. If you give me reasons to", he nods to himself, his face going blank for a second in that fake intimidating way and you wish oh you wish your brain registered the actual menace that this boy is, but all it can concentrate on is the fact that he inadvertently called you cute twice in the span of like 15 minutes. And now you just can't shake that pleasant sinking feeling in your heart.
He's also running his hands up and down your legs as if you're the one who danced her ass of for 4 hours straight. Your brain is also late to register that he's being unusually touchy today. You blink a few times, your gaze following his hands which eventually stop as he rests them flat on your thighs, thick veins emerging on the surface, fingertips barely grazing the dark cotton of your leggings.
You smile nervously and try really hard not to let your voice come out in a squeak, clearing your throat first, "eehm eehm... You're being quite nice to me today. First promising to avenge me with Han then scaring the shit out of Hyunjin for exposing your camera roll dedicated to me and then calling me cute. And you've even given me a leg massage. To what do I owe all this? ", you try, your tone light even though it still goes mildly high pitched.
Minho sighs exaggeratingly and rolls his eyes,"you really must be so tired today if you haven't picked up on it yet. But you haven't picked up on it for ages so maybe you're just not as bright as I thought", he blurts out, dead serious.
And then he flat out kisses you. You barely have time to even realise what's happening before he's disconnected his lips from yours, leaving you gobsmacked to say the least, "I think you're cute y/n. I have for a long time. And I know you think I'm cute too and I don't blame you. I know I am", he winks at you and then quickly stands up, the sudden motion putting you off balance and almost making you fall right back on your bum.
If it wasn't for his insanely fast reflexes. He catches you mid air and giggles, "look at you literally falling for me, jeez. Lucky for you I gotcha'!". There's so much information to process you don't know if you want to scream or laugh or both so you end up kind of giggling kind of chocking on air as you hold on onto him.
"I-I... I'm so.... I ugh", you stutter, unable to stop smiling so wide you're afraid your mouth's going to get stuck like that. You're not sure you're more impressed by everything that has happened or the fact that everyone around you did not notice in the least. "Take your time. I've got to go back to practice before ass pimple guy takes the lead and the others forget about the new choreography again. But we should go on a late night snack date once I'm done here", Minho states, gathering up his water bottle and his previously discarded hoodie.
"Wait really? You... You actually want to go on a date with me? Are we-are we out of the friendzone now?", you stumble on your words a little and he gives a firm nod, "yeah. You like me. I like you. We should date. Plain and simple", he replies matter of factly before snapping his fingers a couple time, gathering up the boys to the centre of the room, "alright break's over. Five six seven eight-".
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monohart · 3 years
brandy red.
ft. lee minho
[ part 7/8 of spectrum blurbs! ]
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[ 1am ]
the moment you got back to the apartment, he followed you around like a lost puppy, and you knew exactly why.
“i know i promised today, but can we do it tomorrow? i’m just… really tired.”
he sits down on the bed and watch you fiddle with your phone and charger. you had just taken a shower and he couldn’t help but notice how good you smell.
when he didn’t respond, you hastily threw your phone aside and walked over to him, whose eyes instantly lit up.
you stand him up and push him onto his side of the bed. the excitement in his eyes faded when you tucked him in and walked over to the other side.
“but… it’s my birthday… and you promised…” he says quietly.
“tomorrow, please.” you whine as he infiltrates your space. when you feel his lips against your neck, you knew you were unable to stop him at this point. he always got what he wanted.
“but weren’t we gonna celebrate your birthday tomorrow? with the rest of the boys?”
he gives a disgruntled murmur and looks up at you.
“my pup.” you murmur, running your hand through his dishevelled hair. your fingers brush against his earrings and you feel his smile against your skin. “why are you always doing this to me?”
he looks up at you for a brief moment and it was all it took for you to lose yourself in his eyes. his warm breath tickles your nose.
“i love you.” he breathes,
and then you give in.
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lvllylix · 11 months
I have request! You love horror movies. Felix not so much. You picked a horror movie and he tried to suck it up but at the end he was a shivering mess. So scared to sleep at night all he wants to do is cling to you and snuggle like no tomorrow. And you hush him to sleep telling him affirmations. :) 😫😫😫🥺🥺
A/N: Thank you so much for the first request!! I really hope you like this ♡♡♡
Cuddled in Courage
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Title: Cuddled in Courage
Song: Warm on a Cold Night by HONNE
Pairing: Felix x reader
Word count: 669
Warnings: none
Summary: You and Felix have a movie night, watching a horror film that you love but he finds terrifying.
The dimly lit living room was filled with anticipation as you and Felix settled down for a cozy movie night. You had an affinity for horror films, the thrill, and adrenaline rush being something you enjoyed. Felix, on the other hand, was not as fond of the genre, but he was willing to give it a try for your sake.
You had carefully chosen a movie that promised to deliver spine-chilling scares. As the movie began, you couldn't help but get engrossed in the suspense, while Felix shifted uneasily beside you, his grip on the blanket tightening.
With every jump scare, Felix would flinch and bury his face into your shoulder, seeking solace in your presence. You couldn't help but smile, finding his reactions adorable, despite his obvious fear. You wrapped your arm around him, holding him closer, hoping to offer some comfort.
As the movie progressed, Felix's unease escalated, and he clung to you even tighter, his fingers digging into your arm. You could feel the tension radiating from him, his body trembling with every twist and turn on the screen. Concern washed over you, and you decided it was time to alleviate his anxiety.
Leaning close to Felix's ear, you whispered soothingly, "Hey, Felix, it's just a movie. None of it is real. I'm right here with you, and I won't let anything happen to you. You're safe."
Felix turned his head to look at you, his eyes wide with fear. His voice trembled as he spoke, "I know, but it's still so scary. Can we turn it off? Please?"
You nodded understandingly, reaching for the remote to pause the movie. You turned your full attention to Felix, your voice gentle and reassuring. "Of course, Felix. We can turn it off. Let's put on something light-hearted instead, something that will make you smile."
Felix let out a sigh of relief as the screen went dark, the terrifying imagery no longer haunting his thoughts. You scrolled through the movie options, searching for a comedy that would help lift his spirits. Eventually, you settled on a romantic comedy, a genre that never failed to bring a smile to both of your faces.
As the lighthearted film played, Felix slowly began to relax, his grip on you loosening. However, the fear lingered in his eyes, and you knew he would need more than just a movie to put his mind at ease.
Gently guiding Felix to lie down, you nestled beside him, pulling the covers snugly over both of you. You wrapped your arms around him, providing a warm and secure embrace. You peppered light kisses on his forehead, temple, and cheeks, each one meant to convey your love and reassurance.
"Listen, Felix," you whispered softly, your voice soothing as you stroked his hair. "You're incredibly brave, and I'm so proud of you for trying to watch the movie with me. But I want you to know that it's okay to be scared. Everyone has their fears, and it doesn't make you any less amazing. I'm here for you, and I won't let anything harm you. You're safe with me, always."
Felix's shivering gradually subsided, replaced by a sense of tranquility as your words sank in. His breathing
evened out, his body relaxing against yours. You continued to hold him close, providing the comfort he needed, your voice a gentle lullaby.
"You're strong, Felix. You're loved, and you have nothing to fear. With me by your side, every night will be peaceful and filled with warmth. Let go of the scares, my love, and drift off to sleep. I'll be here, watching over you."
As the weight of his fear lifted, Felix's eyes fluttered shut, a small smile gracing his lips. With your comforting words echoing in his mind, he surrendered to sleep, feeling safe and cherished in your arms.
And there, in the quiet embrace of the night, you held Felix close, knowing that love, reassurance, and the power of snuggles were all he needed to conquer his fears.
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hveninqkai · 4 years
5:17 ─ You open your eyes to the sudden feeling of warmth on your face only to shut them again quickly. The ray of sunlight seeping through the crack of your curtains hit you right on your face, making it hard for you to open your eyes. With a lazy groan you start to fumble around, looking for your phone, your movements earning a low growl from Chan who still has his eyes shut. His grip on your waist tightens as he snuggles close to you. You, having found your phone finally, check the time and it reads 4:17pm. Its a lazy saturday afternoon and you've been in bed all day, snuggled up with your boyfriend who's not had any rest for the past few weeks with the whole comeback thing and all. Seeing him snoring peacefully against you and getting all the rest he deserves sets your heart at peace, ridding all of your past concerns about his health. A small smile creeps up on your lips and you lean down to place a soft kiss on the top of his head, holding him closer as you drift off to sleep.
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cherryhanji · 4 years
changbin x reader
genre: best friends to lovers au, quite angsty, fluff
words: 2.5k
warning(s): quite strong language
this is inspired by Changbin's Streetlight.  Please stream Streetlight guys! You won't regret it. The message is so touching.)
You opened the door of your apartment as Changbin pressed the doorbell sound. Changbin went to your apartment as he sensed something with you when he called you a while ago.
As Changbin went inside, you immediately hugged him tightly as tears fell from your eyes. He rubbed your back as you cry on him.
"Cry it all out, I'll stay here for a while." He said and both of you went to the sofa and sit down.
"I'm sorry you need to go here, I told you that you don't need to go he--"
"Okay? Are you sure? You suddenly cried in front of me when I'm still going inside your house. Is that what you called okay? I can say that you're not. Look at you. I decided to spend the night here since it's our day off tomorrow, so don't worry, manager-hyung is okay with it."
Changbin stand up and fixed the food he bought for the both of you. "Y/n wait for me and just stay there while I'm preparing the foods" you nod at him in response. He bought rice cake, some boxes of pizza of different flavors for both you because he's sure your talk with him will take a lot of hours.
"Thank you binnie, sorry to disturb you this late night." You grabbed a slice of pizza and munched it
"It's nothing, y/n. what is the purpose of our friendship if it weren't for this?" Changbin said and grab a slice of pizza. It's always like this, Changbin, your bestfriend is like a savior to you. Your Streetlight, you always tell all your problems, worries, delightful stories, and resentments in your life. On the other hand, he barely tells you what are his concerns, yes he tells you what stresses him that day, his achievements, but when something seriously came up, he's always silent about it and said he can manage that one. He's acting strong for himself and you so that it doesn't affect you anymore. He just keeps those serious problems to himself. You, who just want to comfort and help him, can't do anything about it. He's your bestfriend, after all, you just want to help him overcome his problems like what he always does for you.
"Tell me, is it about that asshole again?" You nod in response. You saw him clenched his fist. You held his hand and calm him down.
"Hey, calm down. He's my boyfriend, okay. I-i mean ex-boyfriend." He looked at you with angry eyes. Not at you, he was angry, but to your boyfriend, who he knew as a sick in the ass to you ever since you started your relationship with him. Your boyfriend broke up with you because he said he's "so sick of you" and told you that he fell out of love with you, so he decided to break up with you and your other hand, can't accept it because you just can't live (eew) without him. Changbin already told you before to break up with him because you're too good for that douche bag. But you just can't because he's your first boyfriend.
"What did I tell you before? Y/n, he's just your first boyfriend, your asshole first boyfriend. There are lots of guys that are better than him."
"But I love him! I just can't let him go that easily" You retorted
"But he can do that to you? Wake up, y/n. He doesn't love you. You're just blinded by your love for him." He replied. You just cried at him like a child.
"Maybe, you're right binnie, maybe I'm just blinded by my love for him. I think it's better he ended those things up with me. In that way, I can find myself and move on. Maybe that way I can forget how asshole and a douche bag he is." You defeatedly sigh and opened another box of pizza.
"Come here" you scooted beside him and he hugged you tightly. You wrapped your arms around him as he caresses your hair.
"How many times did I tell you this, I'm just here okay? You can count on your binnie." He said and kissed your head.
You smiled at him. You're happy because Changbin once again becomes your savior. You are so happy to have a bestfriend like him. You sit down again to look at him.
"Thank you so much binnie, I know I can always count on you. Thank you so muuuch" you cheekily said and pinched his chubby cheeks. He just cupped your cheeks and didn't realize what happened until you felt his lips in yours. You're shocked but then closed your eyes after. His lips are so intoxicating it makes you melt and you didn't realize your lips are moving with his. After a minute he breaks it off as you catch your breath. A silence passed before you decided to talk.
"What was that for Changbin?" you asked him in confusion. He just lowered his head and you heard him curse in his breath.
"I-i'm sorry, I didn't mean to kiss you." He looked at you with a worried expression in his face.
"Let's just pretend this didn't happen. Uh, I need to go to the bathroom. " you left him and went inside the bathroom. What was that? Spur of the moment? What confused you the most is the fact that you liked it. You liked it that Changbin, your bestfriend kissed you. You're not against it. Why is that? Do you like your bestfriend? You just keep on wondering and thinking about what to do.
No words from Changbin. Two weeks after that "kiss incident" you hadn't heard about Changbin for a while now. Until you saw their group's post on Instagram that they're having their comeback this month. Maybe he's just busy because of it, you thought. But there's something weird inside of you. You miss Changbin, of course.. But there's this weird feeling bothering you ever since that night Changbin kissed you. And every time you remember it, it makes your heart beat faster like what the heck is happening to you? Do you like Changbin? Do you already have feelings for your best friend?
Every time you think about it, it makes you go crazy and it makes your mind blank. All you know is that you missed his presence, his smile, his kiss, whatever. You surely do like your best friend. Maybe you love your best friend, romantically, you already see him as a man. But still, why did he kiss you that night? Why did he do that? It's not like he will kiss you because he just feels like to. Or maybe he does have feelings for you? Here you go again, you're making your thoughts rambled inside of your head.
You decided to watch on Netflix just to get rid of these Changbin-related thoughts in your head. You just need to make yourself relax and fix these problems later.
You're now peacefully eating and watching when you heard your phone rang. You checked who's calling and you swear to all the gods, Changbin is the one who's calling. After a couple of minutes of staring at it, the call stopped, and it rang again. Changbin and his impatient ass. You decided to answer it. "H-hello binnie?"
"Oh hey y/n, what's up? We haven't contacted each other for two weeks, I'm sorry, we're just busy for the comeback." As you heard his voice from the other line, you feel like your heart wants to go out of your chest because of it's fast beating. You can't calm yourself and feel your lips form a smile. You heard his voice again after two long weeks. You feel like you keep on falling for this man.
"Uh n-no, it's okay. I know you guys are busy. You don't need to worry about me. I'm okay." You smiled even though he can't see it. You heard him chuckle at the background.
"You sure? Don't worry, if I have the time, I'll go there and bring some of your favorite pizza." He said.
"You don't have to. You need to prepare a lot for your comeback. I'm rooting for you guys." You said and cheered him up.
"Thanks a lot, y/n. Oh, anyways, I need to go back now. We're going to record some songs. See you soon! Miss you!" Your mind went blank as he said that line. You didn't know he already has this effect on you even though you say you miss each other very often ever since.
"Uh, okay! Sing well and take care of your voice!" You heard the call ended. You're so excited to see Changbin. But you can't do anything because it's his work. He needs to prepare for it.
You rolled on the sofa like a crazy little shit after the call, thinking about Changbin. You can't contain your feelings as you imagine again being with him. You feel like Changbin already occupied a place in your heart that makes him more special to you.
Today you happily went to your work after another call with Changbin last night. He just told you that he will pick you up later from work to treat you dinner. And you just can't help yourself but smile on your entire duty.
"Uhm, y/n? Are you okay? You seem to be so happy since you got here.? And you look so blooming today? Got a new boyfriend?" Your co-worker slash friend asked you. You just smiled at her.
"it's nothing, Changbin will just pick me up later and no, I don't have a new boyfriend either. It's just that I want everything to be okay and happy. I just don't want to think of that asshole ever again." You replied to her and smile. She also knows that your friends with Changbin.
You just finished the remaining papers and you're ready to go. Changbin just messaged you and said that his waiting for you outside the building where you are working. You excitedly bid to your co-workers your goodbyes and went outside to see Changbin standing there, waiting for you. His presence is so jaw-dropping. Is he always this handsome? You swear you feel like you're the luckiest biatch alive.
He waved at you and called your name. "Hey, y/n, long time no see. How's work?" He went near you and ruffled your hair
"I-it's good. I'm okay. How bout you? How's practice? Did you take a rest?" You said and shyly smiled at him. Oh gosh, You can't hide your now blushing face on him. He nods at you and takes your arm with him.
"Come, let's go buy foods. I feel like eating at your place today." He excitedly said as he looks for some restaurant to buy food.
"Okay then, also! Don't forget to buy soju okay?" You told and he just nodded at you. Gosh, you really missed Changbin and his presence.
It's already 11 pm and You and Changbin already finished 4 boxes of pizza and 3 bottles of soju. You wanted to open another bottle when Changbin stopped you from doing it.
"Y/n, stop it. You drank too much, look at yourself, you look wasted." He kept the bottles away from you. You pouted and whined at him like a crazy child. You easily get drunk and Changbin knows it. That's why he always goes with you whenever you're drinking because he knows that you might pass out because of drinking too much.
"I want some mooore, binniiiiie." You sprawled on the floor and keep on whining at him. He just rolled his eyes and carried you to the bedroom.
"You need to rest now, come on, I'll take you to your bed."
"Stay with me pleeeease" he nods at you and lays you down on your bed. He went to your closet and get some new clothes for you to change. He throws your clothes on you and faces the door.
"You change your clothes now, I'll wait outside." He hold the doorknob when he heard you talk.
"Just stay there, I'll be quick, just don't look at me, okay?" You giggled at him and change your clothes. You just heard him sighed as he waits for you.
"Done changing, you can look now!" You excitedly said to him. He went to you and fixing your blanket.
"You need to sleep now. I'll clean the living room first and I'm going to get off." He said when you tugged his arm.
"Stay here, please. Don't leave yet." He looked at your eyes and he can see the sadness in it. He just nods at you and sits down beside you.
He's just playing with your hair as you look at him like a puppy.
"I love you so muuuch, binnie." you mumbled to him.
"Why don't you sleep yet?"
"I missed you Binnie. I badly missed you. I love you Binnie, I really do." Those words just get out of your lips. You can see the shock in his eyes and later it became calm and smiled at you.
"I love you too, y/n. I always love you." Now you're the one who's shocked and looked at him. He just laughed at you and kissed your forehead. you became speechless because he replied to you. Did he just said he loves you too??
"I love you, idiot. Isn't it obvious that I'm so happy when you told me you broke up with that stupid boyfriend of yours? I just can't help but kiss you that night. I'm just shocked because I saw that you're also into it." He chuckled at you when he remembered that night.
You just became speechless again and blushed because of what he just said. Oh, maybe that's the reason.
"Does that mean--" you just can't think of any words to say.
"Yep, I know that you like me, oh no, erase that. I know that you love me, and I love you. Yep, we're dating." He leaned in and place a peck on your lips.
"But, you're not allowed yet to have rel--" he cut you off again by kissing you. Here we go again, his intoxicating lips makes your knees go weak and your mind hazy.
He breaks it off and smiles at you. "It's not a problem, they know you're my friend, we just need to wait two more years, and I can officially say to the world that you're my precious girlfriend." He smiled and kissed your forehead again. You hugged him really tight and placed your head on the crook of his neck.
"And I love you too, my princess." You can feel his lips formed a smile. You finally admitted to yourself that you're indeed in love with your bestfriend. You just opened light in each others' hearts.
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nct-roses · 4 years
[10:00am] - skz Hyunjin
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[ 10:00 am ] you whine when Hyunjin nuzzles his face into your neck - interrupting your sleep, something you held very close to your heart. He was lucky you also did the same for him. Your boyfriend chuckled at your noise, hands going to rest on the curve of your waist as he attempted to wake you. Another whine escaped you, eyes flying open when you felt a kiss to your cheek.
“I’m up, I’m up,” you whispered, eyes shutting once again on instinct - his hand came to hold your face. They were soft, you instinctively moved closer to them.
“You’re not, but I’ll accept it since you’re cute when you’re sleepy,” you wanted to ask if you weren’t cute any other time; but you know that wasn’t the case as he called you that all the time, and you also knew you didn’t have enough energy to even get up let alone hold a conversation with your boyfriend, “come on baby, it’s time to get up”
You shook your head, nuzzling deeper into the pillows - they were soft and fluffy, making your sleep so much better. You wanted to sleep, but with your boyfriends fingers tickling your waist slightly you knew that wasn’t going to be an option, “I’m up,” you whispered; not even sure if he had heard you. He had, shaking his head although you couldn’t see.
“I thought we were going out for breakfast?” he asked, and you cursed yourself because food sounded good right now but sleep? Sounded even better. You could practically hear the pout in his voice though, your heart cracking and also going crazy over the fact - he was adorable, and if you had the energy you would kiss him all over his face and hug him till he had to leave. You didn’t.
“Another day,” you groaned, shifting slightly - his hands coming off of you only for a moment before returning to their place, one hand on your tummy now softly rubbing it and another on the curve of your waist. You loved his hands on you, “wanna sleep.”
He sighed, feeling as if he had no other choice than to use something he knew would get you out of bed, “I will never cuddle you again if you don’t get up right now y/n l/n,” using your full name made you want to laugh; but also made you want to whine. You were baby - that’s the only name that could fall out of his mouth when he was addressing you.
You shot up at his words though - need for sleep, and also pride, gone out the window. You needed his cuddles; even if you knew he was all bark and no bite, you wouldn’t risk that. You would never. He chuckled, placing a kiss on your lips before telling you he’d make some coffee for the two of you; also saying something along the lines of taking a stroll after breakfast.
You loved your sleep, but you loved Hyunjin more.
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