#still… thank you so much for the lovely message
freedomfireflies · 1 day
The Playboy*
Summary: The one where you're a Playboy Bunny and Harry is Hugh's assistant. The one person you aren't allowed to love.
Word Count: 8.9k
Content Warning: 18+, smut, exhibitionsim, multiple orgasms, brief choking, overstimulation
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Harry's cum is dripping down your thigh.
You can see it, glistening beneath the sunlight, making it almost impossible to look away. You’re completely and utterly mesmerized by the sight of it, but Harry pretends as though he has no clue.
After all, he has to pretend. You know he’s done this on purpose. Know that he wanted to mark you right before your photoshoot with Hugh and the other Bunnies. He's sending a message, making a statement.
And really, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Harry fucked you right and you both know it. And he can pretend all he wants that it means nothing, but you’re the best lover he’s ever had. He told you himself. And perhaps that’s why he’s done this. Why he insisted that you weren’t allowed to wipe it off or hide it. Because he wants them to see. To know who you really belong to.
No matter how hard you squeeze your thighs together or attempt to brush the sticky stain away, it remains. And Harry’s proud smirk is rather obvious even from over on the grass where he observes. 
You try not to look at him. To acknowledge that sadistic glee as you keep your gaze on the camera. Because if you look at him…it’s over. You won’t be able to hide your infatuation and the last thing either of you want is for Hugh to find out.
Thankfully, he doesn’t seem to notice. Then again, he has too many people around him at once to pay attention to you and your wet thighs. But you know he’d be furious if he knew what his precious Bunny was doing, one of the many reasons you and Harry are forced to keep your meetings a secret.
But you know Harry likes being your secret. Perhaps just as much as you like being his. Besides, it’s only sex. No strings attached. He’s Hugh’s assistant and you’re one of the beloved Bunnies. It’s against every rule in the book for the two of you to be together, much less sleep together.
Yet here you are.
You sometimes wonder if Harry would even give you the time of day outside of your secret rendezvous. Or if he’d avoid you altogether. You want to believe it goes deeper than just sex, but truth be told, you’re too afraid to ask.
"Your lemonade, Sir."
You watch as Harry nods his thanks and takes the cold glass from the waiter. He’s far too smug for your liking, and you’d chastise him if it were any other moment.
Still, you watch him take a rather long sip as his eyes follow you from behind those dark sunglasses.
He knows you like to be watched. That you thrive off his attention. So, he gives it to you anytime he can. Even when you’re sitting on the lap of the man that employs him.
But you like to watch him, too. And the way he looks right now, with those dark curls pushed back, now slightly disheveled from when you had your hands running through them, is rather delicious.
He leans back in his seat, strong thighs spreading as he takes another sip. It’s almost criminal, and you can practically hear the sighs of the other girls as they notice, too.
He pops the first couple buttons of his shirt free, allowing for a glimpse of his tan, sweaty skin, and you feel your stomach clench. He’s taunting you now. Reminding you who’s really in charge, and you’re nearly tempted to march right over and prove him wrong.
But you know he’s thinking the same thing you are. Remembering just a few moments ago when he had you bent over a chair as he fucked you from behind.
"Tell me how good I feel."
"Fuck you."
"Tell me how deep—"
"Not deep enough. Fuck me like you mean it, Playboy."
The second he saw you in your signature bowtie, he snatched your hand and dragged you away. And you let him, because how could you not? Even if it meant you were late for the shoot and that you’d earn a very firm frown from Hugh. It was worth it, and the evidence has been painted all over your leg.
Suddenly struck with inspiration, you give a big beam to the camera before you subtly drop your hand to your thigh and swipe your finger through the mess.
You notice Harry’s eyes widen as he straightens up, wildly intrigued. But you don’t give him the satisfaction of looking, instead keeping your eyes on the lens as suck your middle finger into your mouth.
Harry knows what coats that finger and you let your lashes flutter as though to tell him how much you enjoy the taste.
Hugh laughs, thinking it's just a clever pose for the photos, but Harry knows this show is just for him and him alone.
He slides his sunglasses a bit further down his nose, eyes sparkling like a kid in a candy store.
Yet your eyes never leave the camera, your smile wide, and your glee unmeasurable. You enjoy teasing him when you know he can’t do anything about it. 
And it works, if the way he begins to shift in his seat is any indication. You can practically see his erection from here, and you have to swallow a laugh as he clenches his jaw.
Finally, you decide to put him out of his misery, and steal one glance for yourself.
The moment your eyes meet, your chest nearly caves in. The tension is thick, and it feels as though the whole world has gone quiet. It’s just you and Harry, and when he bites his lip and leans back in his seat, you about lose it.
Thankfully, almost as though heaven heard your silent plea, Hugh suddenly claps his hands together and declares the shoot through. He thanks you all for your patience and time before everyone begins to part and the camera crew packs up.
You’re off his lap in seconds, moving for the refreshments so you can grab a glass of lemonade for yourself. And hopefully encourage Harry’s attention to follow you.
You feel him behind you before you even have a chance to turn around. You recognize his cologne and the soft hum in his throat and you bite the inside of your lip to keep from grinning.
“Bunny,” he murmurs, and even though it’s only been a few minutes, you’ve missed the sound of his voice. Low and raspy with just a hint of an accent.
“Harold,” you return, tossing a quick look over your shoulder before moving across the yard.
However, he’s hot on your tail, giving you absolutely no room or personal space. “That was quite a show,” he says, jogging around you to catch your eye.
You only bat your lashes as you take a sip of your drink, watching as his attention zeroes in on the way your lips wrap around the straw. 
He smirks.
“Enjoyed yourself, did you?” you retort innocently, attempting to brush past him again when he suddenly grabs onto your upper arm and drags you back to him.
He dips down, mouth ghosting the side of your ear as he murmurs, “I believe you owe me a taste.”
Your eyebrow quirks. “Is that so?”
“It is.” His grip tightens. “And you know it.”
You take a quick glance around the backyard just to make sure Hugh isn’t watching before you pull yourself free and turn to Harry. “Who said you deserve to taste me?”
 “I believe you did. When you were coming around my cock and begging me to do it again.”
You scoff, feigning annoyance as you attempt to walk away. However, Harry is much quicker, and he snatches hold of your wrist in order to drag you across the grass and toward the pool shed in the corner of the yard.
Thankfully nobody seems to notice, and you feel your cunt throb as he gently slams you against the wall, away from any prying eyes. And he cages you there, arms on either side of your head as you bite your lip and peer up at him. 
“You’ve been quite the brat, haven’t you, little one?” he nearly purrs, wedging his knee between your clenched thighs. “Trying to tease me…embarrass me. Get me in trouble.”
You blink. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“No?” He squeezes your chin. “Show me your tongue.”
Slowly, you concede. Parting your lips and extending your tongue as he tilts your head back and stares down your throat. 
“Good girl. Swallowed every drop, didn’t you?”
You nod.
“S’it feel good in your tummy, baby? Hm? Did it taste as good as you imagined?”
Another nod. Quicker and more excited.
He smiles. “Then I think it’s only fair you return the favor, hm?”
You aren’t afforded the chance to answer before he’s dropping to his knees and prying your legs apart.
“Shh. I’m busy,” he murmurs, flicking the button on your costume undone until he can reach your stockings and tear them down. “S’been too long.”
“It’s been twenty minutes.”
He runs his hands along your body, enjoying the way you shiver, that wicked grin is enough to ruin you. He places your foot on his shoulder while you steady yourself against the shed, your fingers already returning to his hair.
And he watches you. So desperate and eager to please. You know he’d bury himself in your cunt with no hesitation if he could, but for now…this is all you get.
It’s one of the things you adore most about him. His need to please you, even despite his ego. In fact, from the moment you met him, he’s put your pleasure first. Demanding that you sit on his face nearly every hour of the day just so he can get a small taste. Savor you on his tongue, go home with you still smeared across his chin.
Some people do drugs. Harry does pussy.
His hands slowly smooth up your leg, taking his time to appreciate your skin while admiring the way it glistens underneath the summer sun. He begins to kiss his way along your ankle and up toward your knee. 
And you work to bite back a heavy sigh. You don’t tend to trip up too often, but when it comes to Harry, you find that you can never stay quiet. And you don’t understand why. Maybe it’s because he knows how to draw out every possible noise and sensation. Somehow, even his kisses leave you whining. 
Either way, you know you can’t make a noise today. Because no matter how loud the group out by the pool are, it’s not nearly loud enough to drown out your pleasured whines.
And he knows it, too.
He pauses his kisses once he reaches your inner thigh and glances up through those thick lashes of his. "You think you can stay quiet, little one?" he asks, lips brushing against your skin with every word.
You force a smile. “Do it right and we’ll see.”
It’s a challenge he’s more than eager to accept. He’s been waiting far too long to get a taste of what he left behind and wastes no more time in dragging his flattened tongue along your leg to collect the salty remnants from before.
The feeling itself isn't much but watching him...you can feel your knees growing weak. Harry knows what you like to see. Knows you adore his pink lips and the rings on his fingers. Knows you like to run your hands through his gelled hair and leave your lipstick on his shirt. 
He hums, rather satisfied with himself. But before he can truly have you, you both catch the sound of commotion happening near the mansion.
You have a rather hard time tearing yourself away, but you know that if you don’t check, Hugh will coming looking for you.
So, regretfully, you drop your leg from Harry’s shoulder and peer around the shed.
Hugh is standing on one of the staircases, pipe in his mouth as he claps his hands to get everyone's attention. "All right, my dears, gather 'round. You've all been doing such good work this week, and I felt it was only right to honor you. So, for the first Saturday of the summer, I've decided we must celebrate.”
The other girls cheer as you toss Harry a curious look. 
He only shrugs.
"You know the rules," Hefner continues. "But I want you to have fun and just relax tonight. The real work starts next week.”
With that, he gives his adoring audience a wink before heading back inside, leaving you to sigh to yourself.
Hugh is a stickler for rules and regulations. Curfews, no outside relationships, and absolutely no visitors. He wants to keep his girls to himself, and you know that applies to you more than anyone else.
Harry is watching you closely as you finally turn back around. “He wants me there tonight,” he tells you.
You nod. You expected nothing less. “I imagine so.”
“We won’t have as much time.”
“I know.” You readjust your outfit and attempt to wipe the lustful look from your face. “I should go.”
You get ready to slip back out into the open before Harry grabs your arm for a third time.
"I'll find you," he murmurs, more so a promise than a threat. "And I will get my taste."
You can’t help but smirk as you pat his cheek lightly.  “Mm. Good luck, Playboy."
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There are very few times in life when you find yourself completely and utterly breathless. Transfixed beyond doubt, mesmerized by one singular moment in time when you can't move or speak.
For you, that happened when you saw Harry enter the room for the very first time.
And then it happened again…when he slid inside you later that same night.
Two moments, one man.
One incredibly ethereal, divine, godlike man. 
You hadn't expected Hugh's party to be all that exciting, but it was one of Harry’s first parties as Hugh’s assistant. Turns out…that meant something.
You had specific instructions to stay close to Hugh throughout the evening, as his favorite Bunny, and Harry had instructions to stay close as the assistant. But unlike you, Harry was instructed to follow from behind. Not to interact with any of the guests. And definitely not to be seen or heard.
But from the moment he entered the room, you knew it would be nearly impossible for anyone to keep their eyes off him.
He walked in as though surrounded by light, drawing everyone’s attention to those dark curls and that charming smile.
You couldn’t look away, so spellbound by his presence that you didn’t even realize Hugh was right beside him.
Instantly, you knew that would complicate things.
Still, you liked the challenge. And as it turned out, Harry did, too. Because while you were busy seeing him, he was busy seeing you.
Your eyes met through the crowd, even despite the many bodies and loud music. You felt yourself being drawn closer as you pushed your way toward the center of the room in a desperate attempt just to be close.
Harry did the same.
You wondered if Hugh knew what a threat Harry posed to his brand. After all, Hugh loved being the center of attention and Harry was so effortlessly stealing the attention for himself.
But it didn’t matter in that moment because Harry’s attention was yours, and once you both found your way to the center of the living room…everything changed. 
You did your best to study him. Those gorgeous, textured curls. The unusual shade of green in his eye. That strong jaw that seemed to accentuate his sharp but handsome features.
He was wearing a white t-shirt that hugged each of his muscles in a way that left little to the imagination. He looked clean. Put together. So refined that all you wanted to do was trail your hands down his chiseled chest before you tore is shirt off.
And that’s when it happened.
The Moment.
Ever since that night, the two of you have been inseparable. Fucking any chance you get. In the kitchen, in the car, in the closet. His hand over your mouth, forcing you to stay silent in case Hugh might be somewhere in the mansion—which he always is.
In fact, there’s never a moment when you aren't the focus of each other's attention. Day or night, all you can think about is when you’ll see him next. Creating moments to run into each other. Planning meetings. Making excuses to find time alone.
And as it turns out, tonight is no different.
You know Hugh will be around. And even worse, he’ll be making his favorite Bunny the center of attention.
Which just means you’ll have to try a little harder to get Harry alone. 
Most of the crowd will be desperate to talk to you. They always are, after all. They’ll follow you around, ask you questions, want to be in your presence. 
And Harry will be somewhere hidden, keeping to himself so he’s neither seen nor heard. Although the rest of the Bunnies make that quite difficult.
For some reason, Hugh doesn’t mind if the others pay Harry a bit of attention. He only seems to mind if you do. And even though Harry will never admit it, Hugh’s possession over you makes him quite jealous.
He doesn’t enjoy the idea of having to share you, much less with a whole crowd of people and greedy men. They’ll take up all of your time. Time that should be reserved for him. 
Truth be told, you find it rather cute.
So, you try to make it worth it. You sway your hips to a song just because he’s watching. 
You run your hands down your body, smoothing them over each and every one of his favorite curves. 
You dangle a cherry over your tongue before taking it between your lips, your cheeks hollowing as you suck the sweet fruit into your mouth.
It drives him absolutely mad, and you can already see him fighting the temptation to stride over to you right now.
You’re sitting by the pool, legs dangling over the side as you chat with Paul Newman. He’s leaning his body closer and closer toward yours, inviting himself into your space as you laugh and throw your head back with glee just to give Harry a proper show.
You do your best to flirt with the handsome man—which isn’t all that difficult, really—before you notice Harry march himself over to the drink stand. 
Instantly, he begins chatting up Sophia Loren. One of the most stunning women you think you’ve ever seen and immediately, your eyes narrow.
So that’s how he wants to play it.
He’s not subtle about the way he stares at her, raking his eyes up and down her figure rather shamelessly. And she smiles, eating up his attention until you nearly chip a tooth from how hard you’re gritting your teeth.
It’s rather cute, all things considered. He’s really trying to make you jealous. But why should you be? Paul Newman is every bit as handsome, if not more, and happens to be someone you can actually sit and have a conversation with.
In fact, Hugh was the one who set it up. He introduced the two of you and insisted you get to know each other.
You knew what he really wanted from the interaction, but neither you nor Paul will be entertaining such an idea. After all, he is happily married. And you just enjoy getting to know him.
Paul is still chatting away as you both swing you legs through the warm water, and even though you can’t help feeling rather starstruck by those gorgeous blue eyes…you’re remind of a pair of green ones that are currently still checking out someone else.
So, you gently put your hand on Paul’s chest in a subtle signal for him to wind his story down. You tell him that you’re going to go grab a drink and he nods before helping you stand from the pool.
You make your way for the bar—rather aware of the number of eyes on you as you walk—yet Harry still seems to be rather immersed in his conversation with the starlet. And now you aren’t sure if this really is just for show or if she truly has caught his eye.
Either way, you decide a little eavesdropping can’t hurt. So, you subtly make your way around the pool and toward the back of the drink station, just out of sight. Close enough to hear, but not so close as to be seen.
“Are you enjoying yourself this evening?” Harry is asking, and you catch just a glimpse of those dimples.
Sophia hums, looking around the large backyard that seems to sparkle underneath such a dark sky. "Oh, yes. Hugh always throws the best parties."
"He does. Are you here with someone?"
You suck in a quiet breath while Sophia laughs, shaking out her perfectly styled curls. “No, not at all. I like to…come alone. Window shop.”
“Window shop?” Harry repeats with a smirk.
“Yes. I like to see what’s to be seen. To decide if I’ll be leaving alone as well.”
Harry chuckles, and the sound of it makes your stomach flutter. “I see. Well, I have to admit, that does sound like an excellent plan.”
Sophia studies him. “And…you? Will you be leaving alone?”
Harry runs his tongue over his lip before glancing toward the spot near the pool where you once were. But once he notices you’re missing, his eyebrow raises. “I hope not.”
She smiles. “Come,” she says, taking his hand. “We dance.”
With that, she leads him toward the middle of the yard where a few people are already swaying to the music.
You watch them dance with a rather wounded expression, doing your best to remind yourself what this really is.
You don’t imagine Sophia will be taking him home tonight—he’s handsome, but she’s far out of his league—yet you can’t help that spark of jealousy that finally burns in your chest.
What Harry lacks in brains he makes up for in charisma. And he looks rather breathtaking out there, moving his hips to the melody and grabbing at her waist while she laughs and swings her arms around his neck.
For a moment, you almost wish that you could dance with him like that. So open and uninhibited. But you know that this arrangement only lasts for the summer. Once fall comes, the two of you will part ways, and the fun will be through.
Eventually, the two of them return to the bar for more drinks, and you’re forced to scurry back out of sight just in time to ear the rest of their conversation.
"She is...stunning,” Sophia says as they approach.
Harry’s head tilts. “Who?”
“The woman you keep looking for.”
Harry grins as he lifts one shoulder in a shrug. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Hm.” She takes a sip of her drink as she watches him. “One cannot win a game if the other player doesn’t know they are playing.”
"Maybe. But I’m not playing any games.”
She scoffs. “Aren’t you? Talking to me but wanting her?”
Harry seems rather surprised by this, and you feel yourself grin as you finally breeze your way around the corner in full view of them both.
“A scotch, please, darling,” you call to the bartender before glancing to your left. “Oh! Hi, Sophia. Harold.”
Sophia laughs. “Hello, dear. Fantastic party. You look beautiful.”
“As do you,” you return. “So happy you made it, despite your current choice in companion.”
Harry’s eyes roll.
“Oh, he’s not so bad,” she says, reaching up to wipe her thumb across his bottom lip. “Rather…sweet.”
Harry feigns a smug smirk even though you can tell he’s rather surprised by the action. 
Still, you refuse to play along. “I suppose he can be when Hugh isn’t around.”
She chuckles to herself before offering you a quick kiss to the cheek before bidding the two of you goodbye so she can make the rounds. 
 Rather satisfied, you give Harry a proud look of your own before grabbing your drink and turning on your heel.
But, true to form, he’s chasing after you and taking a handful of your hip in order to bring you to a stop.
“Bunny,” he warns beneath a raspy breath. “I thought I made myself clear—”
“I don’t know what you mean, I was only chatting,” you retort, pulling yourself from his hand with a huff. 
“No, you were not. You were being a brat and I’d like you to stop.”
“Stop what? Being delightful?”
“No. Stop toying with me.” He regards you carefully. “I know what you’re doing.”
"I'm talking. After all, that is my job—"
"No, your job is to be a good little Bunny, and do as you're told," he argues, straightening up so he has the advantage of height. "And I’m telling you that I will not play these games with you any longer.”
“What games?”
“The game where you try to rub my nose in that,” he says, gesturing angrily toward Paul.
“It’s not a game. He’s quite delightful. And I don’t believe I’m quite through with him yet—”
“Enough,” he seethes, suddenly yanking you back to him. “You know you don't want to talk to him. Or entertain his sad attempts at flirting. So, give it up, and come with me—"
"Beg me."
He leans back. “Excuse me?”
“Beg me,” you repeat calmly, even though your pussy is just about throbbing from the possessive tone of voice. 
His head cocks. “I said end this—"
"Beg me, and maybe I will.”
He looks at you for another moment more before his eyes flick toward the mansion in search of Hugh. Having this conversation in such an open space is rather reckless, especially with so many witnesses. But you just can’t help it. He never seems to listen.
Harry knows his time is running out, as well as his patience, so he runs a hand through his hair and releases a strained exhale. 
“Fine,” he concedes darkly. “Fine. Please…end this. And come with me.”
You bite back a smile. "Hm... I don't know, Paul and I were just having such a good time—"
"Please," he repeats, almost viciously. "Fucking end this. Now.”
By now, you know exactly what Harry's last straw looks like. What it sounds like. His voice, twisted with need and lust, becomes hoarser the closer he creeps to desperation. His grip becomes tighter, and his pupils nearly blow-out with desperation.
It happens when he's fucking into you so hard that you see stars. When his tongue is so far inside you that neither of you can breathe. And when you’re taking him so well down your throat that you think you’ll sink right through the floor.
It's the same voice. The same urgency. And you can’t help but feel a little intrigued.
You nod. “Fine.”
"Good. Meet me in the coat closet," he murmurs, just loud enough for you to hear. "Five minutes."
“Go,” he repeats, before releasing you so he can slip inside the mansion. 
You don’t need to be told twice. You immediately make your way for the door, weaving your way through the crowd in search of that familiar closet.
The inside of the house is packed with people. It’s loud and chaotic and there are more celebrities here than you can name.
But right now, you couldn’t care less. There’s only one person on your mind. One beautiful body that you can’t wait to run your hands down and it’s only five minutes away.
Once you’ve hidden yourself away in the small, dark space, you imagine all the things he might do. One of his favorites is watching the way he disappears inside you. The way your pussy stretches open to take his cock until you’re both a rather wet mess. You don’t doubt that he’ll find a way to do so tonight, and the thought makes you giddy.
Or perhaps he’ll blindfold you. Cut off all your senses until he’s all you know. Maybe you’ll blindfold him, another favorite. 
Truthfully, it doesn’t really matter what he does as long as he does it. Because even the thought leaves you breathless.
The door swings open exactly two minutes later. Harry is quick to lock you both in and turn on the light, twisting the bulb between his fingers until you can see everything you couldn’t before. Mostly coats and hats, but then…him. Somehow just as stunning as he was a few minutes ago, and smiling in a way that makes you want to drag him to his knees.
“You obeyed,” he whispers, stepping up to you until he can softly run his palm along your cheek. “You are a good little bunny after all, aren’t you?”
You pull your lip between your teeth. “Only when I think you deserve it.”
“Is that so?”
“It is.”
He leans closer, nose brushing against yours. “And do I still deserve that taste?”
Your lashes flutter before you forcefully push him away and point to his belt. “Take off your pants.”
You don’t want to have to rush, but you know Hugh will be looking for you soon so you can be by his side for his grand speech. Which means you’ll have to save the sensual looks and teasing touches for another day.
He starts with his shirt instead of his pants (just to spite you), grabbing at his collar before slipping the fabric over his head. Then he reaches for his zipper and drags it down, as slowly as he can all while keeping his eyes on yours.
With a rather unamused huff, you finally swat his hands out of the way in order to do it yourself. 
You yank the dark material down his legs, taking note of the boxers around his hips that practically call to you. You allow your fingers to slowly trail along his thighs. Higher and higher, groping at the strong flesh as he sighs and watches you with flushed cheeks.
Finally, you move for the band at his waist, pulling on it until it snaps back against his stomach, making him grunt.
He drops his head back with a curse, but once you start to drag your tongue along his abs…it’s game over. 
His hand is instantly in your hair, tugging at the scalp as though to remind you who’s really in charge. But you can feel his muscles quivering beneath your tongue and you hum when you hear him exhale your name.
You reach his pecs, taking a moment to brush your lips over his hardened nipple. He doesn’t seem to understand why this feels so good, but he enjoys it, and he certainly enjoys watching you do it, too.
You never leave him unsatisfied. You don’t think you could even if you tried. Sometimes, all you have to do is kiss him, and he’s nearly coming in his shorts as he grinds you against his lap. 
He knows his pleasure isn’t nearly as important as yours, but he enjoys the time you dedicate to him, nonetheless. 
You graze the nipple with your teeth, pulling it ever so slightly until he hisses, head dipping as your foreheads meet.
He wraps his fingers around the back of your neck with a firm squeeze before he’s pulling you up and kissing you hard. He starts with his tongue, exploring your mouth like it’s the first time, and honestly…it almost feels like it is.
Teeth clash, noses brush, breaths are stolen. You devour each other, greedy hands roaming freely, tangling in each other's hair.
"Can’t fucking stand you," he nearly groans against your mouth, his hips knocking into yours as he keeps you trapped against his chest. "Teasing me all night. Playing with me."
"You love it," you pant. "Love it when I play with you."
He grins. “Maybe I do.”
His hand moves to your one-piece until he finds the apex of your thighs. He smooths his palm along your cunt, cupping you harshly as you reel. He wants to feel how warm you are—how wet and desperate.
And you want him to feel it, too.
You swallow a needy sigh, almost as though you can’t let him hear. He can’t know how good this really feels. How depraved you really are of his touch. How starved.
But he knows. You know he knows, even through one little kiss.
It’s maddening.
He grabs onto the corset, ready to rip it down and reveal your chest to his hungry eyes, but you quickly snatch his wrist.
“No,” you exhale, shaking your head slightly. “Can’t rip it. Gentle.”
He scoffs, almost as though the thought of being gentle with you is absurd. Still, he knows Hugh would notice if your outfit has been torn, so he obeys, and unzips you instead.
The suit falls away, finally allowing him a good look at what you’ve been hiding from him all night.
Instantly, he’s got your tits in his hands, pulling at the tender flesh with a lewd grunt.
“Pretty,” he murmurs before sucking one into his mouth. “Fucking killing me, Bunny.”
Like a starved wolf, he starts to leave a trail of kisses wherever he can. Sloppy kisses that make you shiver as you fist his curls and laugh at the feel of your nipple between his teeth.
He swirls his tongue just the way you did, then flicks it gently while you sigh in his ear. Eventually, his fingers make their way to their previous spot, brushing at your inner thighs as though to warn you. And you’re given only a few seconds to prepare before he’s slipping the middle one inside and making you gasp.
The noise is covered by the loud music outside of the door, but Harry still hears it, and he beams as he starts to pump you slowly.
Your body invites him in the way it always does, squeezing him gently and clenching as though to keep him close. 
“Shit,” he curses, once again pressing his mouth to yours. “Missed this pretty pussy, baby.”
His large digit suddenly curls upward, motioning a moan from your lips and there it is. That’s what you needed.
You hold onto him for dear life, already lost in the feel. He's always been rather exceptional at touching you. At knowing your body better than anyone else does.
You’ve tried to replicate his actions on yourself, tried to make yourself cum as hard as he makes you when he’s the one doing it. But it's never the same. It feels like a waste of time to even try. It'll be weak and short. Pitiful. And trying again never works because it's just as disappointing as the first time.
But Harry…with his long fingers, his firm hand, his ravenous lips. Nothing will ever compare.
"Feel so good, sweetheart," he praises, lips staining your skin as he kisses the hollow of your neck. "Good girl. Lift for me, yeah?"
You obey, offering him your leg which he's quick to hook around his waist, spreading your open a bit further so he can slide himself deeper inside.
Another finger, another curl, another pinch. His thumb presses into your clit, circling it rapidly, making you whine into his shoulder. You can feel the coil already ready to snap, hardly surprised by how quickly you got here, but you know he’ll make sure to drag it on for as long as possible.
And as if to prove this, he slips his fingers out, and raises them to his lips. You nearly wilt right then and there, but you manage to hold your impatient façade as you cock your eyebrow upward before yanking his hand out and kissing him.
You can taste yourself on his lips, something you always seem to enjoy. The mix of you both together. 
And this is when he decides to ruin you, plunging his fingers back in with vigor until he hits that perfect spot. The one that has you gasping for air and moaning his name.
Your chest heaves with deep breaths. You’re close and you know it won’t be long until your cunt is fluttering around his hand and you’re dripping down his wrist. But you need more than that. Especially because this is the last time you’ll be with him for a while.
So, you grab onto his jaw and forcefully bring his eyes to yours.
“No,” you hiss. “Not like this. Fuck me like you mean it, Playboy.”
He hums, all without slowing his rhythm. “Impatient, little one?”
He makes an amused noise, but he doesn’t stop his thrusts. He plans to make you cum just like this before he fucks you and you don’t know whether to be impressed or annoyed.
You move your hand to his throat, squeezing the sides gently as you feel him swallow. His pulse is pounding beneath your fingertips, blown-out pupils glued to yours as you add just the slightest bit of pressure.
His soft inhale makes your stomach flutter. You happen to adore him like this, on the verge of complete submission. Merciless at your feet.
But you know it won’t last long. And once his eyelids begin to flutter, you yank him down for another kiss. Stealing the only breath he has left.
You can practically feel his cock twitching against your thigh as you tug his curls and suck on his tongue. But he’s not one to be outdone, and he continues rubbing your clit as quickly as he can, sweeping his fingers in a circle while you roll your hips against his hand.
"Gentle, sweetheart," he warns, throwing your own instruction back at you. 
You want to retort with a quippy remark of your own but choose instead to lick a stripe along his jaw. That suffices as your reply.
You don't have a lot of time, at least not for games. You’re playing against the clock, and you know Hugh will be calling for you any second.
Any other night, Harry would most likely edge you all the way to the brink. But tonight, he knows better, and he does everything he can to make you cum.
And when you do, you nearly lose your balance. It’s one of the most blinding and toe-curling orgasms you’ve ever had in your life. So much better than when you do it alone and you’re so grateful for his cocky attitude for the first time all summer.
Your body melts into his as you start to come down from your high. You almost wish it would never end. The way his lips feel on your cheek. The sound of his soft, proud praises in your ear. It’s everything.
But you know that’s not what he’s good for. So, instead, you push him away and step back. “Down.”
He looks at you. “Down?”
You nod toward the floor. “You wanted a taste. So take a taste, sweetheart.”
He crosses his arms. “Mm. Ask me nicely.”
“Excuse me?”
“Ask me nicely to eat you out and maybe I will.”
Your expression falls flat. “Take the goddamn taste, Harold, or I will go out there and find somebody who will.”
He’s amused, but you know he’s also nervous. He doesn’t like the idea that you’d take yourself from him, so, he clears his throat and slowly lowers to his knees.
Exactly where he belongs.
His head bows, something he doesn’t do quite that often, and your heart soars. He looks beautiful like this. Submissive and good. Everything you know he’s not. 
You brush your fingers through the curls draping across his forehead and he seems to settle into your touch before you’re hooking your finger under his chin and lifting his head.
Your eyes meet, a look of utter reverence written across his face as he gazes at you with awe and respect. And your stomach nearly twists as you whisper, “You know what to do.”
And he does. His mouth turns up in a gentle smile as he slowly reaches for your ankle. He resumes his earlier position, the bottom of your heel on top of his shoulder for access, and his other hand reaching to grab your hip and pull you towards his face.
You immediately bite your lip, anticipating the noises that are about to follow. 
Similar to this afternoon, he starts gentle, pressing kisses into your thighs ever so slowly. You know you’re soaking him. Can hear it and see it, even in the dim closet light.
He drags his tongue up your leg, collecting every drop that’s at his disposal, while you continue pushing back his hair so you can see him clearly. 
Finally, he reaches your swollen clit, still sensitive from his last assault, before he’s eagerly tracing it with the tip of his tongue.
You writhe in his hands, head turning to the side as you open your mouth to exhale a curse. And this seems to feed his ego because he repeats the action again, nose pressing into your hip as he inhales you like you’re fresh air on a spring day. Like you’re the only thing he wants in his lungs—the only breath he wants to take.
You pull his head closer as though to encourage him, and your name falls from his lips like rain.
“My sweet Bunny,” he nearly groans. “Can never get enough of you.”
“Good,” is all you can say. “We don’t have a lot of time, though. You need to be quick.”
“Who says I’m through? You owe me, sweetheart.”
You give his curls a sharp yank. “No. Get up and fuck me.”
He pouts, feigning a tantrum, but you know his cock is throbbing rather pitifully for you. So, he obliges, standing to his feet while you gather yourself in wait.
He tugs down his boxers, the only fabric left between you, and you try not to stare as you grab onto his shoulders and prepare to sink down.
“Five minutes,” you instruct softly. “Make it count.”
However, before you can feel that glorious tip pushing its way through, he’s suddenly grabbing onto your hips and spinning you around. Shoving you against the coat closet wall as you gasp.
Instantly, his hand comes up to slap against your lips. “Hush now," he hisses against your ear. "Unless you want Hugh to know what I'm really doing to his pretty girl?"
You’d roll your eyes if you didn’t feel his hips knocking into yours, giving you just a taste of what’s to come. Instead, you glance over your shoulder in an attempt to see him, and nod once.
But this isn’t good enough. So, he reaches for the bowtie around your neck, pulling on it until it snaps off into his hand. He holds it as though it were a prize he won in battle before he’s slipping it over your head and into your mouth.
You take it between your teeth and bite down obediently.
“Good,” he hums, giving your ass a quick spank. The sound echoes between the small walls. “That’s much better, hm?”
You feel him drag his cock through your dripping folds while his other hand ghosts down the curve of your spine. He’s gentle with you, despite his cruel taunting, and you’re almost impressed. Infatuated, even.
His warm body feels so good against yours. Luring you into a sense of security you can’t seem to find anywhere else. And you rather enjoy it as you feel the thickness of him starting to stretch you open.
You moan around the tie while Harry grunts in your ear. Just like the first time the two of you found yourselves in this position. 
And exactly like every other time before, he doesn’t rush you. He lets you feel—lets you enjoy—every inch and every second. Any other time, he’d make you beg. Beg him to go harder, go deeper. But tonight, you can’t, and it’s almost a shame he won’t get to hear it.
Instead, you offer a muffled whimper that seems to do the trick, and he chuckles to himself. “Need more, don’t you?”
You nod quickly, and he wraps his arms around your stomach in order to tug you back and guide you along his cock the way he wants.
He goes faster. His five minutes is now down to four, and he knows he’ll have to make this quicker than usual. Sharp, hard thrusts that make your legs shake and your heart race. But somehow, it’s still not enough.
“You like to play with me, don’t you, hm?” he begins to taunt. An angrier tone than before. “Make me watch you? With him?”
Your eyes nearly roll back, and you whine against the fabric on your tongue.
"Think I don't know?" he scoffs. "Think I don't know who this pussy belongs to?"
He starts to slow. A rather achingly languid pace that’s meant to make you scream, and you nearly do.
“I do,” he promises in a dark whisper. “I know exactly who you belong to.”
You arch your back and reach for his hair. Pulling his face into your neck as he leaves a trail of wet kisses all the way down to your shoulder.
“So stay,” he murmurs. “Stay with me. Don’t go back to him. Don’t make me jealous, Bunny. Don’t make me watch him touch you. Please.”
A word he rarely uses, even when you instruct him to. But it sounds so beautiful between his lips, and you nearly tell him you’ll never leave him again.
But you know he doesn’t mean it. It’s just what you say in a moment like this. So, you whimper, and tug on him harder. Pretending to agree until he smiles.
The small coat room has become a sauna, your naked bodies now writhing together as the rest of the world continues on around you.
You can hear the music, the people, the party. A constant reminder that while you’ve disappeared into your own little world within this closet...the two of you will never truly be alone.
But you don’t get a chance to focus on that when his hand suddenly reaches around to take hold of your chest. Plucking your nipple between his large, rough fingertips. You brace your forehead against the wall as you push yourself into his palm. Anxious for more, which he happily gives you.
The two of you move like the tide, one fluid motion of your bodies in rhythmic harmony. He leaves your tit to focus on your clit. Forcing you closer to a second orgasm that already feels much stronger than the first.
"Here," he breathes. “Give me your hand. Want you to touch yourself for me, okay? So I can watch you.”
Your arm trembles as you move it toward your thighs, where he easily takes your fingers and places them against your pussy exactly the way his had been.
“Just like that. Good. Rub it for me, sweetheart. Yeah…there you go. Attagirl. Keep going, don’t stop.”
You feel his eyes over your shoulder as you pinch and rub the swollen nerves as your legs shake. After a moment, he grabs your thigh and lifts your knee to the wall. Giving himself a different and deeper angle as you nearly cry out around the bowtie in your mouth.
Everything feels wet. And warm. And perfect. And you know you’re moments away from coming around his cock for the second time today.
“How you doing, baby?” he chuckles when he notices the fucked-out expression on your face. “You all right?”
You nod as best you can and clench down on his cock for confirmation. And he makes a rather animalistic noise before he’s grabbing onto your tit again and groping it in his palm. 
“Good. You gonna cum for me, little one? Milk me like I know you can?”
Another nod. You can hear the party growing louder, which means it’s almost midnight. And that means Hugh’s speech will be any second now.
You’re squirming harder, unable to fight such intense pleasure as it comes from his cock and your fingertips. But he catches you, grip tightening around your thigh as he squeezes so hard, you know you’ll see bruises in the shape of his name tomorrow.
But you don’t mind. You know you’ll be able to touch them in the shower and remember this—remember him.
“Cum,” he instructs, almost viciously. “Right now, Bunny. Fucking cum. Let me feel you. Gotta feel you, honey, please.”
You roll yourself back onto his cock just to feel full while he kisses your jaw and begs you to let go. 
You’re so close you can nearly taste it. And he’s even closer than you, doing his best to hold out but you know it’s rather hard with the watch you’re squeezing him.
And when you feel him start to buck and twitch, you can’t help but smile.
He spills inside you as he bottoms out. He hates coming first, and always tries incredibly hard not to. But tonight, you can’t exactly fault him, and as it turns out, the feel of him inside you—so warm it makes your head spin—is what you need to follow.
The orgasm nearly explodes behind your eyelids as you scream into the tie, forcing Harry to slap his hand back over your mouth to silence you.
“Quiet,” he hisses, nose pressed against your cheek. “Shut up.”
Yet you don’t even try. You don’t care that you might get caught or that someone could hear. Perhaps you will once the consequences catch up to you, but right now? Right now, you moan into his hand and allow every moment of this pleasure to take control of you. 
Your sweaty bodies melt together, damp hair clinging to your skin as Harry finally lets go and steps back.
But instead of pulling his clothes back on, the sadistic man drops back down to his knees, and spins you around.
He brushes your hand away from your clit in order to do the work himself. Resuming his previous pace on your rather abused nerves until you nearly crumble to the floor.
It’s almost too much. Your eyes roll back and your head drops against the wall. You can’t stand it, yet you can’t get enough.
“One more,” is all he says before diving forward for a lick. “Just one more, baby.”
You’re too sensitive. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes and you watch him through the blissful haze as he closes his eyes to savor the taste.
It’s a mix of you and him, and watching him lap at you like a thirsty man desperate for a drink is sinful. He’s so good. So beautiful like this. Devoted just to you the way no other man ever has been before.
Outside, you can hear the sound of Hugh calling for everyone’s attention. Your heart leaps into your throat. He’ll be furious if you’re not there. If he has to find you. And if he finds you with Harry?
You don’t have any more time. You have to go. Right now. But you’re so close, and Harry isn’t stopping, and you just need to finish, you just need…need—
You cum for the third and final time with a rather lewd and anguished moan.
Instantly, you start to slump forward as Harry leaps to his feet in order to keep you upright.
“That’s my girl,” he coos. “There you go. I’ve got you. S’okay.”
Your vision is fuzzy as you grip onto his shoulders for balance, the taste of the orgasm still bleeding along your tongue. 
But you can’t bid him goodbye just yet. So, you rip the tie from your mouth and kiss him. Drowning in the taste of him and you together. And nothing else really matters except his hands and the way they hold you close. 
“Good boy,” you exhale after you’ve pulled apart.“Knew you could do it.”
He only grins.
The two of you quickly work to redress, pulling on your clothes and shoes while Harry’s cum continues to streak down your thighs. It seems he didn’t get it all, and the realization that you’ll have to go out there with him still snug inside your cunt makes your stomach flutter.
When Harry notices your surprised expression, he winks. “Wanna make sure you’re thinking of me when you’re standing next to him.”
You scoff. But deep down, you know you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Harry helps you secure the tie back around your neck, effectively covering the hickeys he so generously left for you to find later. And you make sure to brush back his curls so they look a little more tame before swiping your thumb across his chin to collect what’s left of you.
And once you’ve finally gathered yourself, you move for the door, only stopping to give him one last glance.
“This was nice,” you tell him honestly. “Just make me a deal, okay?”
His eyebrow raises.
“Next time? Don’t wait so long.”
With that, you’re out the door. Leaving the breathless man behind. But you know it certainly isn’t the last time you’ll see him. After all, the summer is far from over.
And you’re just getting started.
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HI!!! I just wanted to say that even though we have a Hugh Hefner in this story, I don't consider it to be the same one as the real one! I used his name because he's so famously associated with Playboy but I do not agree with or condone anything that he's done or how he treated people!
I am only using his name, but please imagine anyone you'd like! 💞
~ Main Masterlist
Taglist: @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @keepdrivingkisses @swiftmendeshoran @tiredinwinter @straightontilmornin
@justlemmeadoreyou @harrysdaydreams @tiaamberxx @myfavfanficsever @littlenatilda
@vamprry @fdl305 @ssaama @indierockgirrl @likeapplejuicenpeach
@lukesaprince @closureesny @lc-fics @0nlythrowharrybeaux @hannahdressedasabanana
@dylanobandposts21 @butdaddyilovehim-hs @floral-recs @itjustkindahappenedreally @samanddeaninatrenchcoat
@laelamarley @idkkkkkkk123lgb 
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rosielovesf1 · 17 hours
on the move | LN4
quadrant moving company coming soon
word count: 1k
warnings: none! (but i have not written in toooo long and i have writer's block so please bear with me 😭)
author's note: thank y'all SO MUCH for 100 followers!!! i am on summer holiday so hopefully will be way more frequent with posts than i have been. if you have any story/driver requests, please message me or use the button on my home page :))
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Boxes. Everywhere. y/n ran a hand through her hair, sighing at all that still needed to be done. 
Just picture the apartment. Gorgeous with floor to ceiling windows, a spacious kitchen that filled with light in the afternoons. Most of all, the first place that she could truly call her own after graduation- the incredibly rewarding result of balancing a job and uni for the past four years. 
“Baby, do you want your mugs in with the kitchen stuff or the fragiles?” y/n shuffled over to the kitchen from the bedroom, smiling at the sight of her boyfriend on tiptoe, reaching for the top shelf of the cabinets. 
“Need some help with that?” she giggled, wrapping her arms around him from behind and leaving a soft peck on his neck. He groaned but relaxed into her touch. 
“I think-,” He tugged her arm and she moved to stand in front of him, grinning as she met his green eyes. The room seemed to grow hotter as he caged her in between his arms, the cool granite counter biting into her lower back. There was a glint in his eyes that sent a shiver through her body.
“Lan-” The clock was ticking on her move out date, but a twenty minute break wouldn’t do any harm. Maybe they’d even be more efficient after. She wrapped her arms around his neck, lips parted in anticipation. 
“I need-” One of his hands came up to brush a strand of hair behind her ear. 
“Mmhmm.” The feather light touch was delicious. 
“To stage an intervention. You have so much stuff.” It took her a second to react to the sudden change in mood, a slow grin spreading over his face as he could practically see the gears turning in y/n’s head. He took advantage of the spare moment to nip playfully at her nose, full on laughing when she pushed him back suddenly. 
“I need all my stuff!” y/n protested, crossing her arms defiantly. 
“Baby, you can’t even reach that stuff. It’s just collecting dust up there.” The entire top shelf of the cabinet was cluttered with cups of various shapes and sizes. Some were pretty crystal in pastel colors, others were travel souvenirs sporting slogans like “My friend went to Cancun and all I got is this cup” (yes, there were multiple of those. from the same places.), and there were even a couple that were shaped like animals. The giraffe-shaped ceramic mug had lost its head, and it almost looked a little… phallic… without it. 
“Yes, I can. Watch.” y/n pushed herself onto the counter, taking a moment to steady herself before standing up, now easily at eye level with the cup collection. She smiled triumphantly down at Lando, the moment only dimmed by a sneeze that made her eyes water. Okay, so maybe he had a point about the dust. 
“You’re making me nervous.” He wrapped his hands around y/n’s thighs to steady her, squeezing once to punctuate his words. “Get down, please.” 
She ignored his words and savored the warmth of his touch, reaching for the giraffe mug and grinning at its misshapen appearance. It’d been a souvenir from the zoo when her and her twin brother were children- so well loved that they’d accidentally broken it when deciding who got to take it to uni. 
“Alright, point made.” The reminiscing was interrupted as the world suddenly tilted. She grabbed for the shelf as she leaned forward, Lando gripping her thighs to keep them in place on top of his shoulders.
“Hey! I wasn’t done up there.” She tugged at his curls, planting a soft kiss on the top of his head when he grumbled in protest. “I was thinking of Ratatouille.” 
“That would make you the rat, baby.” That comment earned him a thunk on the head.
Y/n didn’t mind the view from up here- Lando started walking towards the bedroom, where most of what needed to be packed remained. He slowed as they walked through the low door frame, and she smooshed her cheek against his as she leaned down to avoid hitting her head. 
This was the bedroom where she’d studied for her last exams, watched movies with her roommates, even where Lando had taken care of her after a night that was a little too much fun. It was weird to leave it behind, but with her roommates all moved out and the decor taken down, it hardly seemed like the setting of some of her most favorite memories. Lando backed up into the bed, and she fell off his shoulders onto the soft comforter with an oomph. 
“You know…” she said, flipping over onto her stomach. Lando flopped down next to her, humming to tell her to continue. “If you think I should do some decluttering, maybe I should do away with some of my Quadrant hoodies.” 
She’d developed quite a collection over the year they’d been together- one in every design from each drop, and a fair few of Lando’s as well. 
“No. Those stay,” he mumbled, grabbing her around the waist and tickling her across the ribs. She squealed and kicked as she tried to get away from him, eventually straddling him to escape his fingers. 
His eyes raked down her figure at their position, and she just laughed and pushed his face to the side before climbing off. Both staring at the stark white ceiling, she reached to lace her fingers in between his. 
“I’m so excited,” she started, her voice soft. “New apartment, close to my favorite person,” he squeezed her hand at that, “and a new job that I can’t wait to start. I feel like I’m growing up.” 
“I’m so proud of you baby.” They just laid there for a second, savoring each other’s company, watching the dust that almost seemed to sparkle in the late afternoon sunlight. y/n was perfectly content- her favorite person by her side, and a world of new possibilities just days away.
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@y/n-l/n is on the move… and all of her mugs are coming with her
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@landonorris quadrant moving company coming soon
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kittyhui · 3 days
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exes to lovers! seungcheol x reader
[seungcheol ended your five year long relationship seemingly out of nowhere, leaving you heartbroken. two years after your breakup, you release your solo album, song written about the heartbreak you felt. now, seungcheol is trying to get your love back]
cw: idol x idol, angst w/ comfort, semi public sex, not grammar checked well😭
“I think we should break up” is all Seungcheol says to you, sad in his eyes.
He walks out of your apartment, not staying to listen to your cries and pleads, asking for an explanation on why he was so suddenly doing this. He was a completely different person from the last time you saw him; his love-filled eyes replaced with cold and sad ones.
You tried to contact him multiple times after that; calls and messages never answered, leaving you and your heart shattered, your members having to pick up the pieces. A five year old relationship gone in a flash, without a reason, without even a thought of why. Did i do something wrong? Did he grow tired? Was there.. someone else? The situation hurt you so badly, that even fans could tell something was wrong. Your relationship was a secret from fans and from your company, save from the members. Your performance during promotions were off and it took you almost a full year to get back on your game, taking a hiatus at one time because it was just so bad. but you were feeling better now. It’s now past your two year breakup anniversary, and though you think about the good times of your old relationship, you weren’t consumed with grief anymore. You felt much better, better than ever. Better enough to release your first solo album, songs written from that time.
[interviewer] So, What was the thought process behind this album?
[Y/N] All these songs are a part of a giant collection of songs while i was going through a lot of feelings haha. Most of these were my inner thoughts and feelings that I couldn't express to anyone else so I wrote them out. they’ve only now came out because I was finally confident in myself and these songs after years and my members helped build my courage to share them with you all.
[Interviewer] I’m happy that you were finally able to overcome your fears with your songs.
[Y/N] Thank you so much
[Interviewer] Do you think you could go more in depth about the song meanings?
[Y/n] Yea, of course. The first song on the album can be interpreted in multiple ways in my opinion. When I wrote this, I was thinking about someone I loved truly. I wrote this wishing that the way they ended it could’ve been that we just fell out of love. I wanted us to be tired of each other, to just want it to be over and so I wrote this point of view wishing this was the reality, even though I knew how much I still loved them. It’s very sad and kinda pathetic but yea haha.
For the second track, I wrote this because in this same relationship, the way we broke up was so rushed and I was not ready for it. I felt like they didn’t even feel anything towards me anymore and it broke me down so much. By the end of the song, I kinda accept it as the end and try to let them go.
Ah~ This third track was actually wrote when i was first in that relationship. We were both falling hard and fast and I had to let it out in a way. I can’t really explain more.
[Interviewer] And lastly, the fully english track?
[Y/N] This one really talks about how even if I’ll be in another relationship in the future, I’ll only think about and try to find them in the other person. I wrote this the latest out of all of them. I knew I was still in love with this person even though it’s been years since the breakup but I know I’ll always see them as my first and only love even if they don’t see me the same way.
[Interviewer] These are all truly beautiful songs
[Y/N] Thank you
[Interviewer] We just have a few more questions before we say goodbye today. Firstly, You said these songs were in a collection of other songs, will you release the rest of them as well?
[Y/N] Maybe, I’m surprised I got away making this album so hopefully I can push my companies limits a tad more.
[Interviewer] Next question, This relationship you sing about seemed really intense. Was it a long one?
[Y/N] Yea, It dont think I can go into too many details but it was a pretty serious relationship. When it ended, I took it very hard. I liked them for a long time before too so it was rough haha
[Interviewer] Last question, Because you produce and write songs for your group, Have you ever wrote about this relationship in those songs?
[Y/N] Honestly I couldn’t tell you. I try not to because I’m still not the best about this relationship I was in but it’s probably slipped in a few songs unfortunately haha
[Interviewer] Thank you so much for coming onto my show today!
[Y/N] I’m honored to be asked here for an interview, thank you. I’d also like to say thank you to my fans and anyone else who is listening in! Please enjoy my new album!
Needless to say, your interview was seen by alot of people. Neitzens have been picking it apart since it came out, speculating on the mystery person you were talking about. Your fans were both happy for you and angry for you; ready to fight the person who broke your heart. Though the publicity was great for your album sales and streams, the constant news was really tiring now, especially now that you were promoting at music shows. Music shows that your ex, S.Coups of Seventeen, was also promoting at with his group. Singing a song about your heartbreak in the same place of the person who hurt you so bad, was awkward to say the least. The waiting room of the music show was the worst. passing by him and his group makes your heart pound. His eyes follow you when you pass by each other. you try not to meet his eyes. Your heart just couldn’t handle it. Your still wanted him yet you hated him at the same time. You wanted to kiss him again but also wanted to hit him. The last conversation you both had together was him breaking up with you. He hurt you so badly yet you yearned for him.
So when he approached you before your performance, you felt conflicted.
“Y/n?” The familiar voice fills your ears and you look up at the man standing infront of your sitting figure.
“Seungcheol? What are you doing” You didn’t actually think he would speak to you again, but here he was.
“Can we- can we talk?” He pauses, licking his lips nervously “I know you probably never want to speak to me ever again but I just want a second of your time.”
“You really have horrible timing. I going on stage in a few minutes. Please don’t do this now. You had two years to talk about this,” You look away from his, glancing to the side “We can talk.. after the music show is over. Don’t expect too much, though” You stand and walk to the stairs of the stage and he sighs, agreeing to meet later on.
The music show ends entirely too quickly for your liking, leg bouncing nervously in your dressing room and when you hear a knock at the door you know it’s Seungcheol. You open the door, the man in front of you quickly walking in and closing the door again.
“Y/n..” He sighs
“Seungcheol,” You try to sound disinterested but inside you just want to hug him. “Please just say what you have to say”
“I just want to say I’m so sorry for the way I ended things. I know I hurt you beyond belief and it hurts that I hurt you. I watched your interview and.. god.. I care about you so much.. I never wanted to break up with you but I had to..” His eyes brim with tears and he lets out a haggard breath.
“Then why did you? Five years, Seungcheol. I loved you for five years, hell, I still love you after what you did, but, just why? I felt like I wasted all those years for nothing. I want to marry you… I wanted to have everything with you.. You were my first everything and you hurt me like I was nothing..” You were choking on your tears at this point, the salty liquid pooling in you lips “You were more than just a boyfriend to me, Seungcheol. You were the love of my life.”
“Y/n.. I.. I didn’t break up because I wanted to.. your company found out.. they threatened your career if I didn’t break up with you.. I tried to convince them to let us be, but they were persistent and my company was pressuring me as well.. I shouldve fought for you more.. I’m so sorry. I wanted to tell you what was happening but… I was a coward. I never stopped loving you, y/n.. You’re the love of my life too. I had every intention of being with you until the day I died, and I want to fight for you now even though I didn’t before.”
The shock of what he said lingers in your mind. You look at him without saying anything. He sat down next to you, letting you process his words. After some time you finally spoke.
“I dont know what to say,” You start “I believe you even though that means my company did this too me but.. I dont know. I want to forgive you. I want you, Cheol. I want you to be in my life again. but it took me so long to recover from this. I dont know if we’ll ever be what we were before,” He looks down at his feet in defeat “But we can try..” He looks up at you again, eyes brightening.
He finally smiles, “You dont understand how badly I missed you…” He hugs you tightly before looking into your eyes and then looking down at your lips “can I..” You nod slowly, waiting for his lips to touch yours.
He kisses your lips with hunger, holding on to you for fear you might run away “Missed you.. Misses your touch.. ‘m so sorry, my love” He pushes you flat on the couch you were sitting on, kissing you face and neck with desire. He missed this so much. “I love you, baby. Please let me make you feel good.. Love you..” You whine at his words, hips grinding up at his.
“l-love you too, Cheolie.. Please.. Need you so bad” Your hands move up and down his clothed back. “Please..missed you too” He kisses you quickly, breaking away to remove the both of your clothes.
“Just a gorgeous as I remember,” He mutters under his breath. You can feel his hard member on your stomach, moaning at the anticipation of having him after so long. “Need to be inside you so bad, baby”
“mhm please, cheolie..“ You pull him closer, begging him to do anything.
“shhh, ill take care of you, baby.” he coos at you, finally pushing in, “shit- so tight.. you feel so good baby” he brushes the hairs out of your face, kissing your forehead gently. “So good for me, my love”
“Please move- Please I need it. Cheolie- Needed this so bad” You sob as he finally starts to roll his hips into yours, groans falling from his mouth.
“God- y-you’re too good, baby. Am I making you feel good, hm?” He fucks into you faster, rougher, breathlessly calling out your name into your ear.
“yes yes makin’ me feel so good- gonna cum soon” You hips rut into his, determined to make both of you cum.
“b-baby” He pushes your hips back into the couch, “Be good- i’ll let you cum, promise…” He breathes out hot breath, eyes blown wide as he pounds into you; your heat sucking him in dangerously. “Cum for me please, need you to cum, baby.”
Your desperation for each other was unmatched and you were sure that the people walking past your dressing room can hear the obscene noises coming from it, but you could care less. The pleads for more came out if your mouth like a ritual and Seungcheol knew you were close. One of his hands grip your own, telling you to cum, and what else can you do when his cock twitches inside of you so deliciously. You cry out his name once more before cumming hard. Feeling you pulse around him, he fills you up with spurts of his hot cum in you. “Fuck, did you so good, my love. I love you so much” He breathes out, pecking your lips once again.
You look into his eyes, dazed, and welling with tears again. His happy demeanor changes ones again. “Hey. Hey, Y/n. What’s wrong? Did i do something?” He looks you up and down, checking for injuries. Making sure he didn’t fuck this up again.
“No- i just- i just missed you so much, Cheolie,” you cry out. “Love you so much..” His arms are around you before you can even say another word. He murmurs I love you’s into your ears, kissing the tears rolling down your face.
“I love you too, baby. let’s go home hm?”
a/n: these are the songs i used as reference for the solo album songs:
1. Can’t Love You Anymore - IU
2. Goodbye - OOHYO
3. Fallin’ - Yoon Hyun Sang
4. Glimpse of Us - Joji
this was so spur of the moment #loveit
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missydior · 6 hours
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♡: an eternity of silent, mutual yearning and friendship that flourishes into something new when feelings are finally confessed.
notes: charles leclerc/reader, friends to lovers, swearing, humour, fluff, confessions, subtlest suggestive content right at the end but for reader interpretation <3
type: smau & writing ・ fc: lila moss
a/n: my favourite trope ever mwah 🤍🤍 this feels a little messy and stuff but I had a lot of fun writing it and hope you feel the love all over it I have, ily
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liked by friendusername, charlesleclerc and 313,983 others
yourusername: hello from the birthday girl here <3 thank you so much for all of the kind messages, wishes & gifts. sending lots of love
friendusername: happy bday to our favourite girl ever 🍰🫶🏼
yourusername: 🤍🤍🤍
user1: happy birthday to our favourite paddock princessss
charlesleclerc: did you like the cake I bought you then, or?
yourusername: I loved it until you threw half of it in my face
charlesleclerc: it tasted nicer that way
franciscagomes: bday girl !!
yourusername: i love youu
franciscagomes: i love you more 🤍
pierregasly: what about me?
franciscagomes: today is about y/n. shush.
I. Your Birthday.
After hours spent with café au lait and too much maple syrup on pancakes in the morning with gift receiving and wishes, a quiet luncheon with those closest to your heart, enjoying the beauty of the shores and rosé champagne, evening eventually settles in a beautiful colour against the heavens of Monaco.
You have never been one for the dramatics or high attention of crowds, settling on an intimate celebratory affair amongst close friends and family: pretty dresses and glasses of Lavender French '75 or those strawberry daiquiris that Ésme is in love with; a sweet, favourite song heard in the background.
Charles arrives fashionably late, the collar of his white-linen shirt loosened and soft, dark-brunet hair slightly tousled as he comes near, the sight of a smile on his face you've always loved, dimples revealed.
There is a certain relief that comes with being graced by his presence, like you had been silently longing and waiting for his greeting before anybody else's, though you disguise it from any chance of teasing.
"(Y/N)," Your name rolls off his tongue like caramel, accentuated as he shifts to kiss both your cheeks in friendly affection before he chuckles at your expression, "Happy birthday." Mon ange.
"Thank you," You breathe, a laugh falling past your mouth at the sight of him in manifestation, inclining your head when you look at him through your lashes, "I was beginning to think you forgot."
"Forget? Me?" The Monegasque exclaims as though wounded, placing his hand to his chest though the smile about his sun-kissed visage never dissipates, stealing a nearby glass of champagne, "Never. I had some work to finish."
There is an edge of teasing beneath your looks, a dance of butterflies in your stomach when he touches the small of your back fleetingly as he shifts past with that signature wink of his, all friendly and humorous in years of friendship, and yet your heart stutters.
You almost say something else, confessions and thoughts that want to erupt from your chest like love letters you have never sent – certain it is merely the liquor fogging your judgement – but he's wandered away with a final promise before a syllable can come forth.
"Let me get the birthday girl a drink, oui?"
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liked by franciscagomes and 311,646 others
yourusername: july with my favourite people <3
mentioned charlesleclerc, friendusername, franciscagomes and two others
user1: literal angels
user2: second pic is definitely y/n and charles
friendusername: you still owe me another ice cream 🍨
yourusername: sorry bby, i’ll be at your front door with a double vanilla ice cream soon <3
franciscagomes: 🤍🤍
II. At the beach.
Warm light kisses your skin like heavenly delight, a forgotten copy of Paris' Vogue beside where you are currently bathing with a finished strawberry lemonade, long lashes fluttering when you open your eyes to gaze at the skies above in the heat of July, a mosaic of white and cerulean about the Côte d'Azur.
Most of the others have momentarily departed for the nearby café for new sweet treats, though you are consciously aware of a half-dozing Charles Leclerc nearby against the slight flush down the bridge of his nose and eyelashes that ghost about his cheekbones where he is lying.
Pure bliss; perfect heaven.
It takes him a second, the mention of his name rousing him to blink out of a hazy hint of a dream with the tilt of his chin towards the direction of your voice that calls to him like an angel's symphony, squinting against the haze of light before a lazy, boyish smile reveals his pearlescent teeth, "Mm?"
Shifting upright, consciously trying not to stare at him for too long though you have come to simply welcome and fall used to the sight of his naked chest, all smooth ridges and lean muscle, you absently adjust the ribbons of your pretty bikini and reach for sun cream.
"Do you think you could help me put some on my back, please?" You ask politely, offering him the item whilst shifting on your knees and gathering the edges of your hair over your shoulder that have fallen loose.
He does not respond initially, not until he's sat upright and shifted closer with a kind edge of a smile that dances across his face, "Oui."
Charles does not hesitate or take advantage of the circumstances, applying the fine lotion against the curve of your shoulders with gentle ministrations and lower down, fingertips feather-light, careful not to linger too long.
The act feels oddly intimate as you gaze towards the serene shores, like his touch is meant for the most secret parts of you, an unconscious shiver and the subtle arching of your vertebrae when he traces a particular area. Whether he notices or not, there is no indication given, instead continuing in a method that seems entirely platonic but leaves an ache in your stomach.
"Merci," You tell him once the deed is most finished and he draws away, shifting just enough to offer a look of him from the corner of your eye in a gratuitous smile.
You wonder if how his gaze lingers is the same way yours does, like a painting worth admiring or a flower in emergence, heart thrumming quicker under your sternum before the moment is broken when he clears his throat.
"Of course."
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III. A dinner.
Caffè Milano, a quaint but fanciful and warm establishment tucked in the quiet luxuries of Monaco's principality with its dancing chandeliers, oak-varnished furniture and beloved menu.
A semblance of familiarity, pleasantry and polished glasses clinking against the rhythm of conversation amongst friends in the warm afternoon: a lingering aroma of roses from the centrepiece décor neatly arranged and fine cuisine.
"– Non, I am not lying," Pierre is recounting a recent, humorous anecdote of experience, thumb idly tracing the edge of his wine glass whilst you and the others listen on, your cheeks beginning to hurt from how much you have laughed in the recent half-an hour, idly toying with the necklace resting at the hollow of your throat in common fashion.
"You are." Francisca frowns, albeit fondly.
Your concentration is removed from their talk when there is a subtle caress against the ankle bone, a touch beneath the furniture and a fleeting glance from your peripheral sight at the Monégasque beside you, all handsome smiles and that addictive song of laughter whilst a stray hair falls about his eyebrow, though he does not seem to show any degree of deliberation or notice that his shoe idly touches you there.
You have the urge to hold him, caress him, to press a thousand, butterfly kisses along his jaw and say something you should not. Instead, you continue to listen and nurse the last of your Château-Chalon.
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f1gossip: y/n at the grand prix this weekend <3 our paddock princess is back
mentioned yourusername
user1: she looks divineee
user2: charles and y/n friends to lovers when?
user3: leave them alone, they’re just friends and have been since childhood
IV. A balcony.
Charles had forgotten his keys somewhere and, until his dear brother could come and return them, you had offered the warmth of your welcomed apartment: all minimalist but homely in décor against a palette of cream, white and the like all complemented by paintings and furniture.
One hour had melted into two by the late afternoon with dusk's slow kiss, hints of lilac and grey in the edge of the skies, your cats curled contently on the plush chaise lounge and resting after endless affections from the Monégasque who seemed to be in love with them.
"Can I join you?"
The voice – honest and clear, albeit a fraction amused – is recognisable as you are drawn out of reverie on the balcony of rocaille motifs, gazing into quiet streets below and the nearby public gardens flourishing with flora, gnawing at your inner cheek as you look to the man where he leans against the threshold, a look in his eye that comes with a subtle indulgence after he stole your favourite bottle of rosé in the kitchenette.
"Of course, yes." Always.
He stands beside you, a few inches apart with his elbow resting against the intricate balustrade when he follows your dreamy stare for a moment, lost in his own thoughts. There is a comfort between the two of you, something you know must come from years of familiarity:
An seemingly endless, innocent youth that manifested in its complications as you aged and neared adolescence, like an evening primrose that flowers and sometimes falls apart, but always returns, even changing with senescence. With age.
You can feel his gaze, almost like an internal, silent imploration for your own, the edges of your fingers and nails polished in a rose quartz-esque varnish that glitters prettily in the evening, and his lips are parted just enough as if wanting to say something before they curve a little higher on the edges, his words hushed.
"Have you ever thought about love?"
Your eyebrows raise a fraction, though it is not so unexpected of a question and one that has been on the edge of your tongue since forever, even with the doubtful inkling that he has merely enjoyed too much wine.
"Sometimes," All of the time. You murmur, a soft, breathless chuckle following as you shrug and tilt your head upwards, gazing above like some wished answer or instruction from the angels or whoever listens, "Why do you ask?"
"Because," His response is delayed, though his answer is sincere and thoughtful like he has been thinking over his words since a time he can't remember until his fingertips touch your elbow fleetingly, "I can't stop thinking about it."
There is a moment, a single fragment, in which you meet his eyes, his touch is known and everything seems to pause like a finished painting, a still image in a history book: his hand, his body and his eyes – the colour of autumn, earth, hints of something else so unique to him.
"Charles, what are you saying?" You laugh softly, looking away momentarily and toying with the knitted wool of your soft cardigan with the kind of feigned indifference that comes with disguising truth, "I didn't think you were a romantic, who has caught your eye?"
For a moment, you wish he would say someone's name, a blessed girl that you have never heard of, so that you can deny your own feelings and settle on the painful reality that you are merely friends.
Instead, his gaze flickers, almost nervously, and a palm cradles the curve of your cheek and jaw with the hesitance of a man of conflicting considerations even when he tries to smile a little. "Please, forgive me."
There is not an instance given to allow any insistence or inquiry as Charles presses a kiss upon your mouth: it is not rushed and there is a desperation there that is not greedy, tasting the remnants of your lipstick and rosé, slow and methodical – longer when you indulge and welcome the feeling.
He does not draw away completely when the feeling ends, his forehead lightly pressed to yours and his touch a little firmer where his fingers curl into your hair, swallowing slowly as his eyes close for a moment until he dares meet your stare once more.
You smile.
"Je t'aime." There is something in his face you have never seen before, something raw and open like an unfurling rose revealing itself, and you know that your heart is his and his alone.
Another kiss with your prompting, fingertips tracing the soft cotton of his shirt near the shoulder until you drape arms about his shoulders, breathing him in with hints of raspberry, amber and cinnamon, "I love you."
There is poetry in his eyes like those unsent love letters shoved under your pillow, and he delves in, holding you close and intimate until you're most certain, mutually, of the silent yearning you have felt for one another for years.
"C'mere," He mumbles, an arm drawing around the back of your thighs as he picks you up and holds you securely, and you cannot help but laugh in pure, unadulterated glee at his touch and affections, the bottle of rosé abandoned as the night settles in and you are whisked away.
He loves you.
He loves you.
♡ ✧ 。*・.
a/n: please don't forget to interact, like, etc. <3
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vampzity · 2 days
serve and set! | C.SN
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—✫ pairing: volleyball! san x gn! reader
—✫ genre: fluff, head canon, volleyball au, choi san, ateez, non idol au, beach au??
—✫ description: seeing san with his little haikyuu obsession is so cute. I needed a mini headcanon of him being a volleyball boy.
—✫ wc: 595
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volleyball! san who takes you to the beach often, not only becussw you enjoy sunbathing, but because he likes to play volleyball with his peers.
volleyball! san who makes sure that you set up your spot a little father back from the volleyball nets, so that you don’t get hit with a out of bounds ball.
volleyball! san who constantly asks you to watch him play, or take video of his upper handed serves.
volleyball! san who will constantly ask “did you see that?!” “did you see the way i scored?!” “aren’t i such a good player?” just because he loves your reassurance.
volleyball! san who begs and pokes at you to play one round with him, even knowing that you always lose.
volleyball! san who finds joy in having to teach you his tricks in volleyball and enjoys being sort of like a coach to you.
volleyball! san who always manages to steps on a seashell while playing in the sand and complains to you how annoying they are.
volleyball! san who comes to check on you here and there whenever a game ends.
volleyball! san who has the biggest smile across his face when you tell him you packed his favorite sandwiches and fruits.
volleyball! san who is sure to save you more than enough food, as he doesn’t want to be rude and eat everything you’ve brought.
volleyball! san who sits with you while you two eat, making sure you don’t feel left out. as much as you tell him you enjoy watching him have fun, he still likes to spend his time with you.
volleyball! san who takes a break from playing to walk the bridge with you, knowing it’s one of your favorite things to do when you go to the beach.
volleyball! san who likes to take pictures of you walking the bridge, whether you notice it or not. he will post them on his story with subliminal messages and hearts.
volleyball! san who drags you under the bridge, just so he can see all the crabs as if he’s never seen them before.
volleyball! san who likes to pick up the smaller hermit crabs and asks you to take pictures for him, just so he can post them to his instagram.
volleyball! san who waddles around as if he is a crab, just to make you laugh. you record him doing this and he pouts once he sees you, feeling embarrassed.
volleyball! san who kisses you on the middle of the bridge whenever the sun goes down. it’s a “must do” for him whenever you go to the beach.
volleyball! san who begs you for one more round of volleyball with his friends, as if he was a little kid.
volleyball! san who always picks wooyoung, yeosang and yunho to be on his team.
volleyball! san who goes head to head with mingi when it comes to upper hand serves, as the team refers to them the best spikers.
volleyball! san who gives it is all, as much as the members do for the final round
volleyball! san who jumps for joy to you due to his win, causing him and wooyoung to brag toward the others.
volleyball! san who helps you clean up your area as you plan to leave. he insists on letting him and the boys do so, but you refuse to let them do all the work.
volleyball! san who thanks you for such a beautiful beach day and for being the most supportive of him, even if he’s not a professional volleyball player.
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taglist: @skzline @rvereri @evidive @xoxkii @vrtualsins
@sanslovesblog @dvrktvnnel @scarfac3 @honeyhwaaa @sundaybossanova
@kittykat-25 @losrpark @yyaurii @hwasddeongbyeoli @aestheticjoonie @woojirang
@roomsofangel @mingtinysworld @minghaoslatina @vnessalau @cara-rey
*comment to be added to the taglist*
—divider creds to owner—
148 notes · View notes
You up? (baby daddy AU: College days prequels)
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Baby Daddy Masterlist
Context: this is Post break up.
Word count: 400
Not proofread
12:35 pm.
Fourteen month old Gabri is sleeping peacefully in her crib, the room consumed in darkness with exception to the light glow from your laptop. Tired fingers idly typing out yet another senior paper, trying to not type too loudly since she is such a light sleeper. With your phone turned on silent mode, you didn’t even noticed you got a new message till you checked the time.
Miguel 🫤: You up?
Oh god. You bite your lip as you stare at the message. I shouldn’t respond, I’m just gonna end up in his car and either we end up making out and arguing. You thought as you placed your phone face down, shifting your attention back to your laptop…
For only about five seconds until you reached for your phone again and opened the message.
You: I’m doing homework.
You: why?
You didn’t even have a chance to put your phone back down before the screen lit up again.
Miguel🫤: Miss you.
You: Gabriella’s asleep.
Despite your front of resistance at the idea, you have to admit it was hard for you to say no. It was always hard to say that to him. The break up was bad, messy, the only reason you haven’t blocked his number and never show your face around him was because of your daughter.
But… You missed him.
You missed the sharing of a bed with your little bundle of joy tucked between you two. You missed baking cookies at three in the morning when you were supposed to be pulling an all nighter studying. Missed being invited to the same group hang out without the other being excluded, and the way Mj and Peter would coo and all but steal Gabriella away from you both the entire time. Missed the tender kiss, and the whispered sweet nothings, the ‘I love you’s…
Now, everything is different, just you and Gabriella in your old childhood room a few streets away from your old apartment where your ex boyfriend is.
So like always, like every other time he called… you came.
“Hey mom, dad…is it okay if you can watch Gabriella for a bit? I-I know it’s late but Mj and Peter got into a fight and-“
God you hated lying to them.
“Of course honey, go go. I’ll turn on the baby monitor.” Your dad assured you as he got up and out of bed, giving you a kiss on the forehead as he walked past you and back into your room.
You hated how trusting they were of you.
“Thanks, I’ll be back soon.”
You hated how you still craved Miguel so much despite it all.
You hated the nerves you always got appearing on your his doorstep.
“You gonna come in or just stare at me?” The way his head tilted when he teased you, how you saw the glimmer in his eyes when he looked at you still…
You made sure to lock the door behind you.
taglist: @famouscattale @strawberryjuice9 @loser-alert @maomaimao @franceseca-the-1st @mcmiracles @mangoslushcrush
@queerponcho @yournextbimbogf @tinybirdhideout @reader-1290 @laysmt @migueloharasoulmate @fruityfucker @pigeonmama @scaryplanetdestroyer @migueloharastruelove
@krentkova19 @genny1019 @maiyart @stressed-cherry @haveclayeveryday @leonsbimbogf @bmoplanet @carmison @c4rm1son :
@scaleniusrm @ginnysculture @mishaglass @wusyanmee @bunnibitez @miguelzslvtz @dahehow @sinners-98-world @othersideoftheparadise @toyfortoji @yeshajane @yvesbi @hanjisgf @deljojeisbackagain @safixiovi @emmalandry
@maxinemus3 @aaaaslaaaan @kenz-ee @esmedelacroix @whattheshock @syler-griffin @comeonatmebruh @xwonderlandresidentx @m4dyy @the-pan-liquid @lilbrababe99 @jxstanemo @badbitchhour @freehentai @sillysillygoofygoose @nj452896 @jadeloverxd @faretheeoscar @ce3stvu @scorpihoooe @blossomofbismuths @nxxav3rs3 @ilovespiderverseeee @ghost-lantern @saaaaaaaaaaaamiiiiiiiiiiiira @lavenderslemonade @rinnako @reirain @nommingonfood @miguelsfavwife @tomalymme @farrowroyale @beckberin-xo @chrishy973 @amberpanda99 @thesmutconnoisseur @candied-snails22 @nanam1 @namjoons-baby @urbimom @cherrycosmos392 @beaberr-xo @night-spectrum @Chrissymodi-frost @electricgg @ohara-whore @coquitokisses @lilmiss-stussy @Sukunash0e
141 notes · View notes
What is a step you can take toward your own well-being?
Before I begin the reading I’d like to take a moment to talk about: Marine Conservation Institute. They’re a non-profit organization working to defend our ocean by advocating for stronger protection and to save the ocean for all of us and future generations. If you’re interested do check them out and if you’d like to further support this organization click donate.
New song discovery for the reading: Elijah Waters - Perfectly Silent
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
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P.S.A 🚨 : I do not give personal readings!
Added Description: all my readings are timeless and meant to reach those who resonate to the messages.
[ Collective Messages: 234 (or 2:34? I’m not religious but for some reason I got this?); Leaving the past behind; Elevating; Patience; Timing; Learning to walk again; Stumbling; Material abundance; Getting news about material/job offers; Your confirmation is Yes; Positive changes; Water wheel finally turning; Think before speaking; Rainbows and Sunshine. Mars Placements.]
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Pile 1
“My head is like a washing machine. Tried to wash away these thoughts, still can’t get clean.”
Cards: 9 of Wands Reversed; Emperor; 10 of Cups Reversed; Empress Reversed; 2 of Hearts; Queen of Clubs; Six of Clubs
[ Messages: Stubborn; Self-Sabotage; Fear of Change; Overthinking; Stagnation; “Just Do It”; Red Sox; Baseball; Taking initiative; Ares; Aries placement; Coffee; Accepting your heart; Janine Teagues; “Things will go wrong whether you’re doing what you want or not. For me, regrets are always harder to live with than consequences. I don’t regret […] living my life to the fullest […] it’ll be alright, trust me.”– Mr. Johnson ( Abbott elementary S3EP14 timestamp 16:10 - 17:08). ]
The first thing standing out to me is your emotional and mental health. You may be experiencing a time where you’re unable to take care of yourself. This isn’t to shame you, I just want to acknowledge that you’re already doing enough. If no one said this to you today; I am so proud of you. Another thing I do want to say is: please reach out to your support system or check in with yourself. Honestly you don’t need to prove anything to be deserving of love and happiness. It’s okay to want and need something that emotionally fulfills you.
I feel like this pile is very independent and an over-thinker which can cause burnout, as well as aiding in self-sabotaging tendencies. For some reason I feel like you may “psych yourself out of it,” meaning you’re so excited about something only to get worried before having a chance. I know it’s a hard pill to swallow but it needs to be said. Self-sabotaging and overthinking is what’s holding you back. You may be experiencing Imposter Syndrome and Control issues as a result.
With the emperor, empress, and queen of clubs here — you are very much qualified to go after what you want. It does look like you're someone who knows what to do, is aware of the things you need, and what you want. I don’t know if it is a job or related to your social life, however, there’s this feeling of being overqualified for something or feeling deserving of more/better.
There is also a confirmation here that things will get better and you will get what you want. However, it is you who decides to go after it. I do recommend looking up books about self-sabotaging or YouTube videos about this topic. If you are in therapy, maybe this is a subject you’d like to bring up?
A good question to ask yourself is: What have I always accepted as true that turned out to be false?
So that’s all I’m getting. I know this reading is short and straightforward. I would like to say thank you for taking your time reading this and I hope this reading resonates with you.
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Pile 2
[ Cards: King of Swords; The Devil Reversed; Page of Wands; Queen of Cups; King of Spades; 3 of Hearts; Jack of Diamonds; 5 of Hearts ]
Messages: Retreating; Refuting; Verbally Vindictive; 3H Mars; Leo or Cancer Mars; Fire and Water Placements; Trauma Dumping; Changes in Communication; Online Regina George Trope; Air Signs (Specifically Suns); Birthdays; Online Personality; Healing; Dictator - Rei Ami; YouTube commentary or essays about online ( trends )
I feel a bit overwhelmed when reading this pile. As if I have to be someone I’m not? I feel that social media is really coming in, especially TikTok/Twitter discourses. There’s this sense of having to upkeep and over consume to be considered a: ✨main character✨ otherwise “you’re just not cool and an utterly boring, basic loser, yuck 🤢 🤮, You’re not even a side character yikes.” /J (I am using sarcasm and joking).
For some of you I get the feeling that this could be stemming from social media addiction, others it may be, that you are embodying the online personality. Over all this just feels like a huge weight on your shoulders or a ball and chain on your leg. In an odd way; maybe your phone or whatever you use is home to you? It’s where you can express yourself via feelings, personality, opinions, etc. This is in no way to shame you at all. I also use social media and so does the next person, right?
There’s this need to give yourself a balance again. To double check with yourself on how you’re feeling after using social media. I feel most of you are ready to gain control of your media consumption or at least contemplate the effects it has on you. Taking a step back from social media — maybe trying out a hobby or just reconnecting to something that makes you feel like you may help.
Also if you want YouTube recommendations on over consuming let me know, I can send you the links. The number one takeaway is that it’s okay to be yourself. You being you is main character energy. No amount of products, social media influenced personality, or aesthetics can take that away from you. You are enough, I promise you that. It’s okay to want to change but if you’re feeling influenced by something that isn’t true to you then you might want to ponder on that and ask if that is really what you resonate with.
A good question to ask yourself is: What is one small step I can take today towards a goal that feels out of reach?
That’s all I’m getting for you pile 2! If you stuck around this far I’d like to say thank you so much. I greatly appreciate it and hope you resonate with this reading.
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Pile 3
[ Cards: 4 of Cups, Ace of Pentacles Reversed; Five of Pentacles Reversed; Queen of Cups; 9 of Diamonds; 6 of Diamonds; Queen of Diamonds; Ace of Hearts ]
Messages; Open mind and heart; Chihiro by Billie Eilish; Money Growth; Finances; Earth and Water placements; Fear of Missing Out; Take out; Diners; Over consumption; Capitalism; Low Income; 111; Unemployment
( Tw: financial experience and control issues. Disclaimer: for some reason I feel called to talk about my financial experience and how I dealt with this. Maybe you’ll find what you’re looking for in my experience? )
So I had been unemployed for two years then found a job for 3 months then unemployed again for a year. When I tell you, I searched for a job everywhere, I mean everywhere! I applied everywhere and every time. I even tried to save what I could and budget with what I had (I live with my family and occasionally would get money. I understand/am aware of the privilege and support I have. I’m also very grateful and appreciate them)
I yelled at the universe, cried, and had sleepless nights. However, what helped me (besides living with my family) through this tough time is to focus on things I can control while applying for jobs. That’s what honestly made me stay afloat. So maybe this is what can help you during this trying time?
Finding a (free) third place meaning: the park, public library, or just a walk may help ease a bit of tension. Sometimes journaling or confiding with someone will help as well. Doing something that helps you remain in the present and eases the anxiousness could help. I know this may not be what you were looking for and I wish I can give you financial advice but that is not my forte.
There is only so much control we have when it comes to finances and it is certainly not a lesson from the universe or it’s not happening to you or happening for you. I don't care what they say, it is not a lesson! It is just an unfortunate situation to be in, it just is. Like yes you can learn from it but it is not something (pre)destined or “contract” written. It just happens and we live in late stage capitalism. That’s me being real with you.
So yeah, I’m sorry for the little tangent. What I am getting is to fill your emotional cup for the meantime. Yes, do what you need to do with your finances; finding a job or to save/budget money whatever you can do to the best of your abilities.
You just have to remember to do things that are within your control and to not neglect your emotional/mental health. If singing, drawing, talking, or simple things like cloud watching helps you stay present and makes you feel in control then by all means do that.
I’m not saying to use escapism but I am saying to do your best to emotionally check in with yourself from time to time. Also if you have a support system do talk with them or be around them. A good question to ask yourself is: “Who do I feel most myself around? Why?”
This is all that I’m getting for the reading. I hope this reading resonates. Again, I am so sorry if I made things worse or didn’t help! Please remember to check in with yourself — take care :)
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yanderes-galore · 2 days
Your prompts 5, 14, and 26 with Gojo from JJK, please?
I wanted some diversity in the plots so... Cheater! Gojo manipulating you into staying with him. I have made yandere Gojo worse somehow, you're welcome.
Here's your pathetic ex who can't seem to live without you.
Yandere! Satoru Gojo Prompts 5, 14, 26
"Manipulation? No, dear, I'm just encouraging you!"
"It's too dangerous in the world. You need me, you should know that!"
"Look! We're bonding, just the two of us!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Toxic relationship, Cheater! Gojo, Mature themes, Stalking, Delusional behavior, Tension, Dubious affection (possible harassment), Implied stalking, Mind break (?), If you read a certain line right... possible murder, Forced relationship implied.
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The grin Satoru Gojo wears around you makes your blood boil. Especially since you know what he's done. You know he's a liar, a liar who loves to string you along like you belong to him.
Truth is, you haven't belonged to him since he decided to touch someone else.
Even when confronted, Satoru just thinks he can lie his way out of it. He always treats you like you can't live without him. He always makes you feel like you're reliant on him.
It felt so good to hurt him when you cut him off, when you took all that power he had over you away from him.
It felt great to watch Satoru's smug expression fall away when he realized he didn't have you. You broke his confidence and left the man begging for you to not leave. He can change! He loves you and wants you safe!
It was just a fling, just a little bit of fun...
All lies.
You moved out and found your way to a friend's place to clear your head. For weeks you had received texts and calls from him. All pleading and begging... all wanting you back.
Satoru had already gotten rid of the person he was toying with to show he loves you. He sent you screenshots of the conversation. He sent you all sorts of things.
Satoru sent you pictures and messages. His pictures varied from him showing how much he missed you to downright lewd images and voicemails. All for you he'd say, like he didn't cheat on you.
Satoru is desperate without you. Of course he craves something he can't have. He ruined things with you... but he can't seem to let it go...
So he'll convince you he still belongs to you... that you still belong to him.
You knew things were bad news the moment you opened the door to your new apartment that your friend hooked you up with. The second the door opened, Satoru is leaning against the frame with flowers and gifts. You go to close the door on his face, but he keeps it open with his foot.
"I just want to talk...!" Satoru pleads, gaze determined. "Please, baby... please let me show you I'm sorry!"
Deciding to humor him, you let your ex in your house. He breathes a sigh of relief, giving a thankful smile as he walks inside. The moment he sits down on your couch, negotiations begin.
"Baby..." Satoru whispers, looking at you as you sit down on the opposite side of him. "They're gone now, I got rid of them. I only belong to you, okay...?"
"We aren't together anymore, Gojo." You saying his last name stings him, your tone of malice. "I don't care if you speak with them or not."
"Come on... you can call me Satoru, I'm your Satoru." Satoru answers, tone pleading. "Let me make it up to you... I'll give you anything."
You watch as Satoru strolls over to you, leaning against the back of your chair. His blue eyes are pleading, desperate... needy. He just couldn't let you go.
"It's too dangerous in the world. You need me, you should know that!" Satoru continues making his case, strolling in front of you to stroke your cheek. "I could give you whatever you wanted... I'll be all yours... just take me back and I'll protect and love you...."
You slap his hand away, startling Satoru slightly as you stand up. More lies, more falsehoods to keep you under his control again. You glare at him.
"Don't manipulate me. I know what you're trying to get away with. It isn't happening." You hiss, another wound to Satoru's heart. He doesn't give up, unfortunately.
"Manipulation? No, dear, I'm just encouraging you!" Satoru laughs softly. "Remember how happy we were? I just lost my way... maybe you can... help me find it?"
Satoru's voice deepens to a lovesick murmur as he steps closer to you again. Oh how he's missed you. Oh how he wishes you'd just let him spoil you again like a little pet.
He goes to give you affection, yet you keep your distance. Your hate for him makes him frown. Oh, he needed you...
Why won't you take him back? Don't you love him?
"No way." You growl, Satoru staring at you with need. "We are not getting back together."
"Then at least let me show you I still care..." Satoru weakly smiles, reaching out just enough to pull you into his chest by your shirt. You struggle against him but he's stronger. Your ex presses a delusional kiss to your forehead, blue eyes looking as though they'd devour you.
"I want to make it up to you..." Satoru whispers, moving his kisses to your cheeks. "I want to show you I can't live without you... that we're meant to be partners... that you're meant to love me...."
"Let me go...!" You growl, pushing against his chest. Satoru just looks amused when you do so. He likes your warmth against his skin.
"Nuh uh...!" Satoru teases, falling further into delusion. He plans to drag you with him. "Look! We're bonding, just the two of us!"
"This isn't bonding!" You hiss, causing Satoru to chuckle.
"Not yet~" He purrs, holding you as though you're merely having a tantrum. "Oh, baby... don't you miss me?"Satoru leans close, a devilish grin on his face. "I missed you... no one touched you, did they?"
"That's none of your business-" You counter, only for Satoru to push you onto the couch lightly.
"That's okay, no need to lie, baby... I already know no one has." He grins more, pinning you down. "After all... I can't keep my eyes off what's mine!"
"I'm not-!" You try to say, only for Satoru to cut you off.
"No need to deny it, dear. I can tell you miss this..." Satoru murmurs, looking into your eyes. In a way... yes... what he said was true.
You did miss this... as much as you wished it wasn't true... you missed his touch.
Yet aren't sure if you want to be his again.
"Just let me convince you, baby..." Satoru purrs, voice as soft as velvet as he leans close. "You'll see you need me... I don't need anyone else but you... promise."
With that, Satoru kisses your lips with a hungry force. The kiss is passionate and needy. As though he was a starving man. After some time... you return the gesture.
As much as you hate to admit it...
You're beginning to feel you need him again.
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barbthebuilder · 3 days
This is my parting message
I gave myself time to think and talked to some people about this and I have decided to say goodbye to y'all.
Time here has been great and I loved pretty much every second of it. However, I want to focus on my real life now. Tumblr became too big of a part of my life for my comfort. Basically, I think it will be better if I quit.
I don't regret this blog. It made me very comfortable in my identity, it educated me, it made me feel loved and brave and powerful.
But it's over.
I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for me. For every like, comment, reblog, ask, tag, message and boop.
So... this is it. This is the end. This has been such a wonderful journey :')
Special thanks to:
@our-genderfluid-experience - great place to tell your story
@genderfluid-culture-iss - Bro letting people just spill the most relatable shit ever. Loving it.
@our-queer-experience - so much good info! Educated me a lot.
@hefkerut - I just want you to know you're an incredible person and I will always remember you. Like, seriously girl. I had such a blast with ya. You also always reblog the best shit?? You rock.
@genderoftoday - always provided me with content to reblog. Also, funny.
@genderfluid-info-blog - actually, such a smart person. Gives great advice and provides us with so many microlables. Mad respect.
@aegosexual-moments - you made me realize I'm aegosexual! Thanks a lot!
@fruityracoons - dude, you were such a great support. Thanks for always checking up on me.
@foxinasuit - you actually made me realize I want to quit lmao I'm not leaving your side tho hehehe >:)
@joker1315 - always a pleasant conversation with this one! I still remember how you helped me with all that technical stuff :)
@kodiescove - learned a lot from you
@crowdsourcedgender - you are doing such a good job. Keep it up! Thank you for always being a great help.
@bhawk-goose - ur so funny hehehe
@treion-is-back - I still remember you. Good luck.
@a-random-mooshroom - YOOOOO you were so fun to interact with!! All the best!!
@bibirb - thanks for supporting my Yellow Dog account and being one of the first followers!
@pronouncounter - count those pronouns
@pronoun-checks - keep it up!
@slender-genderfluid - okay, I have no relation to you but I think you're cool
@thegeniusidiotnstickmerchant3728 - you are so cool and so nerdy and SO WERID I am obssesed with you and I need to study you in the laboratory or put you in a maze with traps idk I will miss you sm
And many more! I'm sure I haven't tagged everyone and I'm sorry if I missed somebody :c I appreciate you regardless!!
Goodbye! May the gender euphoria be upon ya!
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hello my lovelies! 💕
I wanted to pop in with a little ✨update✨ (and I made new graphics for my curatorial updates!! ☺️☺️)
beginning early next week, I will be on vacation with my family for a week with pretty spotty internet access. however, I love y'all and wouldn't leave you bereft of fashion polls, so over the course of the last two days I did a marathon of poll preparation lmao 😅 I think I should have 80+ polls in the queue by the time I leave, so that should more than supply 5 posts a day (which is what the queue is normally set to post) 🥰🥰
I am now (mostly) caught up on the inbox! (there are a few image and post submissions I still need to get to – thank you for your patience with that! ☺️) I always love hearing from y'all and I'm so thrilled to get all your asks, but unfortunately at heart I am something of a lone spirit mournfully wandering the moors and vanishing into the mists betwixt the ancient megaliths and barrows, so sometimes my social battery just goes to zero and it takes me a while to come up with coherent, vaguely human-sounding responses 😅😅 but never hesitate to send in asks!! I truly truly truly love speaking with y'all!! it sometimes just takes a while for the post-deliverer to find a raven with whom they can send your messages to my remote and haunted place of residence (due to administrative difficulties with surveying the places where the netherworld intersects with the mortal plane, it doesn't appear on postal maps 😔😔) so I apologize for that and I thank you very much for your kindness and patience!! 🥰🥰
all that being said, beginning early next week I'll be even slower than usual in responding to asks and I probably won't be able to add any post submissions to the queue until I get back. again though, feel free to send asks, messages, posts, etc. and just know it won't be until tuesday june 18th that I'll be able to start responding ☺️☺️
as always, thank you all so much for your enthusiasm for the blog and for historical fashion in general! I'm so lucky to have this wonderful community!! 🥰🥰
love y'all! 💕💕
the curator 🪶
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lemoncrushh · 3 days
Seven Six Five - Part Two
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Summary: They met once seven years ago. Now music has made them cross paths again.
Warnings: smut, body image issues, angst. 18+ ONLY!
A/N: Enemies to Lovers. This was originally written and posted in 2020, right before the pandemic, so the story takes place then with flashbacks of 2013. Harry Styles x Plus Size OC, written in third person.
Part Two Word Count: 3.6k+
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26 February, 2020 - New York, NY, USA
Releasing her hands from the keyboard, Bronwyn sat back in her chair with a sigh. She’d done it. The NPR review was completed; and after being edited and submitted for approval, it was now live. It had been a daunting task to write about someone she despised. But after a long, restless night, and heaps of caffeine, she’d managed to get something produced. Despite her inner voice wanting to express exactly what she thought of him, her article on Harry Styles was at the very least an unbiased one, if not a positive one.
Satisfied with her work, and glad to finally put it to rest, Bronwyn decided to get some rest of her own. Closing her laptop, she took a trip to the loo before settling under the piles of blankets on her bed. She’d barely closed her eyes, however, when she heard the all-familiar ringtone come from her cell on the nightstand. The screen announced it was Antonella calling, and had it been anyone else, she would have turned off the ringer and told whomever it was to piss off, albeit silently. But because it was her vivacious agent, she knew it was a pertinent call.
“Congratulations, darling!” Antonella declared as soon as Bronwyn pressed the speaker. “I knew you had it in you!”
“Thanks,” Bronwyn smirked as she shifted herself on her pillow.
“I assume your conflict of interest was sorted out?”
“I wouldn’t put it that way…”
“No? Well, I’m glad you put aside whatever differences you had, at least for the time being. I’m looking at the beautiful photos you took, and the fellow is...how do you say…”
“I’d rather you didn’t,” Bronwyn interrupted.
“Didn’t what?”
“Say anything about how he looks.”
“Bronwyn!” Antonella tsked before lowering her voice to a hushed tone. “You had relations with this young man, no?”
“No. Not exactly,” Bronwyn muttered.
She could hear her agent breathing as she was obviously waiting for more juicy details. But Bronwyn wasn’t at liberty nor in the mood to give any.
“Fine then, I won’t press,” Antonella promised. “It’s over and done. Just called to tell you what a fabulous job you did.”
“Better than Dennis, huh?” Bronwyn chided.
Antonella snorted. “If I didn’t adore you so much, I’d tell you to fuck off.”
Bronwyn giggled. “The feeling’s mutual, love.”
Pressing the button to disconnect the call, Bronwyn noticed a notification for a missed one. It wasn’ a number she recognised, but that wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. She was used to receiving calls about various jobs or from websites or magazines, so it was difficult to really screen her calls. The caller, however, didn’t leave a message, so she turned off her phone and situated herself into her own warm cocoon before drifting off to sleep.
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The early afternoon sun shone through the flimsy curtains and awoke Bronwyn like an unwelcomed acquaintance. With a deep yawn and a stretch, she kicked off the blankets and reached for her phone, turning it back on. Before she could even check the time, the screen alerted her of two more missed calls from that same number that had rung earlier, but still had left no voicemail. Whomever they were, they were persistent but still wished to remain anonymous. Bronwyn considered just ringing them back, but first, nature called.
After a stop in the bathroom, she padded to her small kitchen with another yawn, prepared to make a pot of coffee. When she opened the cupboard, however, she was reminded that she’d used the rest of what she’d had the night before. With a groan, she settled for tea which wouldn’t quite satisfy, but would have to do. Just as she set the kettle on the stove, the phone that she’d left on her bed sounded its chime. Seeing the mystery caller’s number again, she decided to answer.
“Yes, this is she.”
“Thank God,” he said, exasperated. “I’ve been trying to get you all day.”
“I’m sorry. Who is this?”
The mystery caller gave a deep chuckle, and before he could give his name, Bronwyn knew who it was.
“No, I’m sorry. It’s Harry Styles.”
“Harry.” That was it. Just his first name. No hi or hello. No good to hear from you or glad you called. Just Harry. A statement, even, not a question.
“Hi,” he greeted. “How are you?”
“I’m...okay. Uh...how’d you get my number?”
Harry chuckled again which made Bronwyn clench her teeth.
“I have my ways.”
Bronwyn rolled her eyes. “Of course you do.”
“I got it through NPR. I hope you don’t mind.”
“I guess not,” she muttered.
“I suppose I should tell you why I’m calling. I saw your article online, and I wanted to thank you.”
“Oh?” She wasn’t sure why she should’ve been surprised. It was about him. Of course he’d read it.
“Yeah, it was really well-done, and your photos were excellent.”
“Thanks,” said Bronwyn, nonchalantly as she traced the pattern on one of her blankets.
“Also, I’m…” Harry hesitated. “I’m also calling for another reason.”
“You are?”
“It was really good to see you again, and I hated that you had to leave in a rush.”
“Well, you know, those articles don’t write themselves,” Bronwyn remarked sarcastically.
Harry giggled then, making Bronwyn want to throw something. She looked around the bed, but only found a discarded empty tissue box. It made an insignificant thud as it hit the bathroom door frame.
“I’d like to thank you properly, Bronwyn,” said Harry. “I’m in New York now. I’ll be here for the rest of the week. Can we meet somewhere? For dinner or drinks?”
Nearly dropping her phone at his inquiry, Bronwyn jumped as the kettle began to whistle.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Harry,” Bronwyn replied in a rush as she reached for the stove. “I don’t-.”
“I know you’re probably busy, but I’d love to catch up. It’s been so long and...I’d hate to know we’re in the same city, and I can’t even say hello.”
Bronwyn gave a saucy laugh. “I thought that’s why you called.”
“I mean in person,” said Harry, still not catching on to her tone. “Doesn’t have to be dinner. Just coffee, if that suits.”
The warm kettle in her hand, Bronwyn remembered how badly she’d wanted coffee. She’d still have to get dressed to go fetch it, but at least she could go to her favourite cafe and have some company…
Wait. Am I really considering this?, she thought.
“Please?” she heard him ask.
Well, she was right about one thing. The mystery caller was persistent. That only added to the long list of other adjectives she had going for him like deceitful, fake, obnoxious and contemptuous, although admittedly that list also included charming, handsome and talented. With a sigh of surrender, she poured the hot water out into the sink.
“The Corner Cafe,” she said. “I’ll meet you there. Four o’clock okay with you?”
“It’s fine. What corner is it on?”
“Google it,” ordered Bronwyn. “That’s the name of the cafe.”
“Not a very original name.”
Managing to crack a smile, Bronwyn opened her bureau and pulled out a pair of jeans and a jumper.
“Four o’clock, Harry. See you then.”
Pressing the button to hang up before he could say anything else, Bronwyn dropped her phone on the bed next to the clothes she’d just picked out and turned for the bathroom.
“What the fuck are you doing, Bronwyn?” she asked herself aloud as she stepped into the shower. “You have gone and lost your mind.”
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Despite the bright, cloudless day, there was still a brisk chill in the air. Bronwyn pulled the collar of her coat up, wishing she’d brought her hat and scarf. Fortunately, the walk to the Corner Cafe was short, and she arrived well before time to meet Harry. Ordering her favourite latte, she decided on a chicken salad sandwich as well, since she hadn’t anything to eat after her long nap. Choosing a table in the corner by the window, she shrugged out of her coat, placing it on the back of the chair. Biting into her sandwich, she saw a small crowd form just outside. She wondered what the commotion was about until a girl turned around with her hand over her mouth, her phone in her hand.
It was not uncommon for Bronwyn to see a celebrity or two on the street. Granted, it was not an everyday occurrence, but she’d walked by a few since living in New York. Just last week she saw Jimmy Fallon and his wife at a pizza joint she frequented. Even being somewhat in the business, she still got starstruck from time to time. What she did not do, however, was disturb a celebrity when they were having dinner or even stop them on the street to ask for a selfie. She adored her privacy, and tried to respect others’. She wondered how famous people handled it all. She reckoned she’d go mad.
Within minutes, by the time she’d just about finished the first half of her sandwich, the crowd dispersed and a tall figure in a black hoodie turned and made his way to the cafe door. When the bell jingled, Bronwyn looked up from her latte to see him pause and scan the room. Their eyes connecting, he smiled with a small wave of his hand before walking up to the counter to place his order. Bronwyn took in his appearance - a black hoodie, black sweats and black trainers. She wondered how on earth anyone had recognised him at all. Perhaps it was the large pink tote bag he was carrying on his shoulder. She snorted to herself, taking another bite from her sandwich. Grateful the cafe was somewhat empty except for a couple of people hastily typing away on their laptops, she waited as Harry received his beverage and strolled towards her.
“I promise I tried my best to be on time,” he declared, his free hand on his chest.
“You are,” remarked Bronwyn. “I was early.”
“Ah!” Harry nodded, placing his cup on the table across from her.
She caught the look on his face as he paused again, clearly waiting for her to rise for a hug or kiss on the cheek. When she didn’t, he bit his lip, removed the bag from his shoulder and sat down.
“You look lovely,” he said.
For a second, Bronwyn was about to look down at her rose coloured jumper when she remembered his comment was probably automatic, and not necessarily sincere. Still, she wasn’t one to ignore or dismiss a compliment.
“Thank you,” she muttered.
“Sorry I look like a right slob. I was hoping to look inconspicuous.”
Bronwyn couldn’t help but smirk. “Didn’t work out for you, no?”
“Oh, you noticed?”
Bronwyn shrugged. “I might’ve caught something through the window.”
Harry’s shoulders shook as she chuckled low. “Could’ve been worse. At least it was just a few.”
“I couldn’t stand it,” Bronwyn shook her head as she wiped her hands on the napkin. “I dunno how you do it.”
“You get used to it.”
“I doubt it. I value my privacy too much.”
Harry was quiet as Bronwyn pushed aside her nearly empty plate and took a sip from her latte. She eyed his ringed fingers as they picked up his own drink and brought it to his lips.
“So, how’ve you been?” he finally asked, setting down his cup.
“You asked me that already.”
“When?” Harry raised a brow.
“Yesterday. Unless you meant, how’ve I been since then.”
Harry smirked and shook his head. “No, I guess not. I reckon I’m just interested in what you’ve been doing since...I saw you last.”
“Are you really?” Bronwyn asked flatly.
“Of course. You live here in New York now,” he said.
“And you still take photos.”
“And you do freelance work.”
“What else?”
Bronwyn pursed her lips and shrugged. “That’s...pretty much it.”
“Oh, c’mon, there must be something else,” argued Harry as he leant forward. “Tell me more about you.”
Trying not to roll her eyes at him, Bronwyn sighed.
“I…” she began, holding her arms out at her sides, “still look the same.”
“Yeah, you do,” Harry grinned widely. “That’s why I recognised you so quickly. Your hair might be a wee bit shorter, maybe a little darker…”
“Hmm…” Bronwyn pondered.
“No cute, short dress or boots though,” Harry added, taking a peek under the table.
A laugh left Bronwyn’s throat before she could stop it, and one from Harry soon followed. She felt the blush in her cheeks and quickly cleared her throat.
“You still into the vintage stuff?” Harry asked.
“Of course. I just don’t regularly parade around in it at four o’clock on a Wednesday. In February.”
Harry giggled again, his eyes squinting.
Please stop doing that, Bronwyn thought. This is hard enough for me without you being so...ugh.
She didn’t want to admit that she still found him so incredibly attractive. Years may have separated their last encounter, but it wasn’t as though she hadn’t seen his face since that night. Despite her persistence in trying to avoid having anything to do with One Direction, they had been a massively popular band. When she’d heard of their split, followed by the buzz of Harry’s rising solo career, she’d continued to keep her distance as much as possible. Sat across from him now in a quiet cafe, his green eyes trying their best to read hers, the memories of seven years ago came flooding back.
“That reminds me,” announced Harry, interrupting her thoughts. “I brought you something.”
Raising her brows in question, Bronwyn watched Harry pick up the tote bag by his feet and hand it to her.
“I remember how you prefer vinyl, so I thought you might like that,” he added.
Taking the bag from him, Bronwyn hesitantly opened it and pulled out an album, Harry’s pointing pose adorning the front cover.
“This is your album,” she frowned.
“You don’t have a copy already, do you?”
“No. I actually listened to it on Spotify.”
“Oh. Good, then,” Harry grinned.
“Thanks,” Bronwyn commented dryly. “Do you...um...want the tote bag back?”
“No, no. I brought that for you to carry it in. So you won’t be walking home with my face under your arm,” he laughed.
“How thoughtful.”
She could feel his eyes on her as she hung the tote on the back of her chair. Looking back at him, she caught the deep frown on his face before he lifted his coffee cup to his mouth. No doubt she had hurt his feelings, or at least bruised his ego a bit. But she didn’t care. She found it utterly conceited of him to assume she’d want a copy of his record. But then...of course he did. That’s why he was there with her. It was all about the article she’d written about him. His music. His album. How stupid she was to even consider anything else.
“Well um...I’m glad you liked my article,” she said, trying to soften the blow a bit, and also hopefully end their meeting soon.
“I did,” Harry nodded, lowering his cup. “But that’s not really why I called you. I said that, right?”
“Why did you?”
A smile twitching at his lips, Harry leant forward again. “You think I call everyone who writes something about me?”
Oh fuck off, are you joking?
“You mean, you don’t?” Bronwyn asked, playing his game.
Harry laughed, resting his chin in his hand. “Bronwyn, love. What happened that night?”
“What night?”
Rolling his eyes, Harry scoffed. “What’dya mean, what night? The night. The film premiere. You and I.”
“It’s you and me,” Bronwyn corrected. “Why do people always get that wrong?”
“You know what I’m talking about.”
“I had to leave,” she answered softly.
“Without saying goodbye?”
“Something came up.”
“What something?”
Her eyes involuntarily began to water, and she looked around the room. “Can we not talk about this now? It was a long time ago.”
Harry stared at her for what felt like minutes as she finished the last sips of her coffee. Finally resolving to the fact that she wasn’t going to give him a legitimate answer, he sat back with a sigh.
“Alright then.”
“Right,” Bronwyn agreed. “So, if we’re done, I do need to get home. I have some work to do.”
Harry didn’t bother to hide the disappointed look on his face this time. He rose from his chair as Bronwyn stood and grabbed the tote bag and her coat. He startled her when he took her coat from her and held it out for her to slip her arms inside.
“Thank you,” she barely whispered, looking at the ground. “And thanks for the...um...vinyl.”
“You’re welcome. I’d hoped to buy you coffee and perhaps something to eat, but you’d beat me to it.”
“Sorry,” she managed a shy grin. “I was hungry. I’d slept all day, what with being up all night writing. That’s why I came early. I wasn’t expecting you to...I mean, you didn’t have to buy me anything.”
“Ah, I see,” Harry grinned back. “Well...I hate to say goodbye, Bronwyn. But it really was good to see you. I hope it’s not another...seven years until we meet again.”
Giving a tight smile, Bronwyn nodded. “Well, goodbye, Harry. Take care.”
This time she allowed him a short embrace as he kissed her cheek. Then he held the door open as she slipped outside into the cold air. Harry said another goodbye before shoving his hands into the pockets of his hoodie. Bronwyn strode swifty down the sidewalk until coming to a stop, turning only to watch him pull his hood over his head and cross the street before wiping her wet eyes and walking the rest of the way home.
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20 August, 2013 - London, England, UK
Nah, nah nah, nah nah nah nah!
Bronwyn giggled as she swayed against Harry’s body as he stood behind her, his arms wound around her while her own waved high in the air. The entire room had decided to join in a chorus of the Beatles’ “Hey Jude”, and in their overt intoxicated state, she and Harry were happy to include themselves in the mix.
Bronwyn felt like she was on cloud nine. She’d been having the best time with Harry all evening. Not only was he cute and charming, as well as a bit cheeky, but he was also a gentleman, continuously asking if she was okay, if she needed anything. After several drinks and a raiding of the buffet, she was surprised that he had stuck around, never leaving her side except to go to the toilet. They chatted with several people throughout the night, including a couple of his bandmates, but mostly they just enjoyed each other’s company and getting to know each other.
By the time the song was over, Harry had his face in the crook of her neck. His breath gave her goosebumps, but she hoped to God he wouldn’t release her just yet.
“Come with me,” he requested, his voice low in her ear.
“Where?” she asked, her hands on his arms that were still around her.
“Somewhere...away from here.”
Unsure if he was being literal or figurative, Bronwyn grabbed his hand, loosening his grip. Turning to face him, she smiled up at his heavily hooded eyes.
“C’mon,” she beckoned, pulling in towards the door.
They made it out into the hallway, a set of lifts in front of them, two more hallways on either side.
“Which way, darling?” she asked him. “Take your pick.”
Tugging her arm, Harry chose the hallway on the left, guiding her to where exactly, she didn’t know. Nor did she care. She was just so happy to be with him, she would have followed him anywhere.
When they reached a closed door on the right, Harry stopped and tried the knob. Locked. Then he tried another. Locked as well.
“Bugger,” he scowled.
Bronwyn giggled, finding his pout fetching.
“I reckon they don’t want any hanky panky going on here,” she commented.
Harry glared at her, feigning shock. “Who said anything about hanky panky?”
“Oh please!” she ribbed, playfully poking him in the side.
“Heyyyy,” he laughed before pulling her closer.
Bronwyn stared at him as he beamed at her, flipping her insides so much it felt like a gymnastics team doing somersaults.
“Let’s see what’s down this way,” he urged, pulling her with him once again.
At the end of the hall was a small alcove. It wasn’t much, but no one was in view, and it was probably the best privacy they were going to get. Guiding her inside, Harry pressed her against the wall, his hands on her hips.
“I do kinda fancy you,” he confessed, his eyes dancing while his lips were so close to hers they almost touched.
“I kinda figured that out,” Bronwyn nodded with a smirk.
Another glorious smile spread across Harry’s face as Bronwyn slid her hands up his arms. He continued to stare at her, like he was examining every feature of her face, piece by piece. She liked the way he looked at her, but the fire that had already ignited down below was now aflame.
“Only one thing I can’t figure out though, and it’s been driving me mad, Harry,” she added.
His eyebrows lifted in question as his perfect lips fell into a look of perplexity.
“What’s that?” he asked.
“Why it’s taking you so bloody long to kiss me.”
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What do you think of Harry and Bronwyn so far?? Please like, comment, reblog or send me a msg!
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malii-the-bonehead · 13 hours
The Other Woman pt6
Heres Part 6, finallyyyyy.
Slow burn
Summary: Chris, a popular hockey player at school where Y/n went, found himself falling for the beautiful, shy girl. As time went on he found out who Y/n truly was as a person and ultimately, he had to make the choice, his girlfriend, or the other woman.
Part 6
Monday came by quicker than I had hoped. When I woke up that morning I felt so sick. I had a throbbing headache and my stomach was killing me. I had been up for probably 30 minutes before I had rushed to the bathroom to vomit the acids in my stomach, since I hadn’t eaten anything since yesterday afternoon. 
Yeah, I was not going to school today. I also called work and explained the situation. My boss was understanding. She told me to take as much time as I needed.
I turned off my lights and put the mini trash can from my bathroom next to my bed. I flipped onto my side, facing the edge of my bed in case I had to lean over and puke again. I curled up and held my stomach, feeling the pain finally take over.
I woke up from the sound of my door being opened harshly. I groaned and opened my eyes. My mom was standing in my doorway.
“Y/n, what are you still doing here? It’s Monday. You have school.”
I explained to her how I wasn’t feeling well. She walked out of the room and came back with some water and medicine for me to take.
“Rest up then, kiddo.” She kissed my forehead. “If you need anything, just call me.” She pushed my hair out of my face then turned to leave the room. I checked my phone to see what time it was.
It was 11:30. They had 3 new messages. 2 of them from Chris and 1 of them from my dad. I checked the one from my dad first.
When you coming visit? I miss yall. Don’t be a stranger, Y/n. Text me back when you can. I love you.
I sighed and closed out of the message, then clicked Chris’s contact. I looked at his message, soon responding after reading them. 
Why aren’t you in 3rd hour? Are you here today? Soon after his first message he had sent, Hello?? 
I typed back, Sorry, Chris. I’ve been sleeping all morning. I’m sick with what I think is the stomach flu. But I should be back by Wednesday or Thursday. 
I shut off my phone. I wasn’t tired anymore so I grabbed my TV remote and played some music. I sat up in my bed and grabbed my school bag from the floor. I opened it and grabbed my computer, checking my school work I had missed for the day. I had probably 4 assignments. Soon after starting my first assignment, my phone buzzed. I picked it up and checked the message. Chris had texted back rather quickly. 
Send me your address. I’ll bring you some food and medicine. I laid back on my pillow, smiling like a 14 year old with a crush. I practically kicked my feet at his message. To be honest, I knew I’d get to this point with Chris. Where I would fall for him. But I think a part of me had always liked Chris. Even just seeing him walk past me in the hallways would always make my heart hurt, I just never realized I actually liked him until he talked to me the first time. I sent him a message back.
No, don’t worry about it. I should be fine but thank you. He read it. I sat waiting for his message for a while before I figured he wasn’t texting back. I shut off my phone and started working on my school assignments once again.
It took me about 2 hours to do everything I had missed. By the time I finished, school would have been 10 minutes from the final bell ringing. Chris had never texted back. I was kind of bummed about it, but tried not to think about it too much. 
I got up out of my bed and immediately felt a wave of dizziness overcome me. I rushed to the bathroom, emptying my already empty stomach once again. I sat on the bathroom floor for a good 20 minutes, too scared to move. Throwing up was definitely my least favorite thing. 
My mom came knocking on the bathroom door once I hit the 25 minute mark. Not that anyone was counting, except for me. 
I flushed the toilet and pushed myself against the wall. “You can come in.”
“Are you sure? Someone’s here to see you.”
My eyes furrowed in confusion. The bathroom door opened after a few seconds of silence. I saw my mom, water bottle in hand. She walked in, sitting next to me. After she sat down she called out, “Don’t be shy, we don’t bite.” She giggled and pushed my shoulder softly. I just looked at her, then towards the door. 
“I brought you some food and things to help with your stomach.” Chris walked in. My eyes widened and I tried to quickly stand up. The second I felt dizzy, I collapsed back into the position I was in again. Mom ran her fingers through my hair. Then she started to rub big circles into my back. Chris put the toilet seat down and sat on it. He was now in front of me holding a bag of food and medicine. “I didn’t know what kind of food you ate but Alice said you liked strawberries and toaster strudels so I grabbed a few packs of everything.”
Yep, I was for sure going to kill Alice. He pulled out of the bag a packet of medicine and a sweet tea, as well as a pepsi. He left the food in the bag but placed it on the counter next to my sink. He read the back of the packet and took out 2 pills, handing them to me along with the sweet tea. 
“How did you get here? I didn’t tell you where I lived.” I grabbed the things from his hands. My face was flushed and I was hot. I probably looked like a mess. My face was pale and my cheeks were red. My hair was a mess and I was wearing fuzzy socks and some shorts with a hoodie. It was hot and I was sweaty.
“That was also Alice. She’s very helpful.” He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. My mom put her hand on my knee. I looked at her.
“Say thank you, Y/n. He came all this way for you.”
My head was throbbing. “Thank you,” I mumbled. 
“I’ll leave you alone.” Mom stood up and walked to the bathroom door. “Yell if you need anything.” She walked out, leaving only me and Chris in the small bathroom.
Chris held his hand to my forehead. “Yeah, you’re definitely sick. You’re burning up. Where do you keep your towels?” I pointed to the cabinets under the sink. He got up and rummaged through the cabinet before pulling out a small black towel and running it under the cold water from the sink. He rang it out then placed it on my head. I went to grab it but he pushed my hand away, holding his hand and the towel to my forehead. 
“Thank you, Chris.”
He smiled and sat next to me, replacing the spot mom was previously in. 
“You know, 3rd hour was soooo boring without you.” He dragged out the so, making it seem way too dramatic. I looked at him. He pushed the hair out of my face and tucked the strands behind my ears. “Can I put your hair up for you?” I nodded my head.
“Let’s go to my room first. I’ve been here way too long.” Chris got up first, grabbing my hand to help me get up. If I wasn’t in so much pain, I would have been so nervous. 
He led me out the door and to my bed. He let go of my hand and grabbed my desk chair. He pulled it to the side of my bed next to me. I turned my back to him, handing him the hair tie on my wrist. I held the towel to my head.
He gathered all my hair and pulled it back into a ponytail. He was very gentle. So gentle I almost didn’t feel it. “There, that’s better”
I felt my face heat up. I shifted and turned back to face him. He got up and went back to the bathroom, soon coming back with the bag of food in his hand. He placed it on my bed next to me. I rummaged through it, grabbing the pack of strawberries. They looked so good. 
“Here,” I handed him a strawberry. He took it and ate it. I also grabbed one and ate it. They were so sweet. 
“You have a nice room. It really describes who you are.” I looked at him puzzled.
“That is a good thing, right?”
He nodded his head at me. A few seconds passed but it felt like minutes.
“You know, you really didn’t have to come here for me. I’m grateful, but you could have been doing better things.” I looked at him. He was studying my room, looking around and messing with the trinkets on my side table. 
“I don’t mind. I wanted to see you anyway.” He looked at me, his head tilted. He had a grin on his face. My face was red once again. I kept eating the strawberries silently, offering some to Chris whenever he had finished his last. I grabbed the remote from my bed and turned off the music that had been playing for the past few hours. Now the room was completely silent. It was a comfortable silence. Something about Chris being here was making my heart calm down. My stomach started to feel better. 
He looked at me for a while before saying, “Alice is worried about you too. You should text her. Let her know you’re okay.” I smiled at him. 
“For being sick, you’re still really beautiful.” He pushed my hair back. I removed the towel from my head and put it on the empty spot next to me. I grabbed his hand from my hair. I dropped our hands into my lap and fiddled our fingers together. I played with his hand, but it didn't seem like he minded. I lifted our hands, placing one of mine against his. His were bigger than mine, only by a little bit. We both looked at our hands. I interlocked our fingers. I don’t know why I did that, but he didn’t pull away. We looked at each other. 
He’s so beautiful. So much prettier than me, that’s for sure.
I put our hands down on my bed. Our fingers were still wrapped around each other. 
“Why is it that everytime you come around, I get nervous?” I looked at him.
“I don’t know.” He responded slowly. “But, I think you make me nervous too. I get a tingly feeling around you.” His small confession caught my attention.
My eyes widened. “I get a tingly feeling too. Right.. Here.” I placed his hand on my heart. He held it there, feeling my heart beat. 
“Your heart’s racing.”
“I know.”
He looked at me and moved his hand away. He grabbed mine and placed it on his heart.
His heart is racing too. I felt my body go numb.
“Mine’s beating fast too, isn’t it.” He said that as more of a statement than anything. 
My breath hitched. I scanned over his face. His cheeks were a light pink. His hair was slicked back into a baseball hat, a little bit sticking out by his ears. He looked so good. I looked at his eyes then down to his lips. He noticed it and I moved my hand away.
I want to kiss him. God, I want to kiss him so fucking bad. 
I looked back to his eyes, his finding mine. I looked away from him. 
You’re sick, Y/n. No, that’s not important, he has a girlfriend. A beautiful and sweet girlfriend. Someone who doesn’t deserve anything less than Chris. Someone who is way better for him than you could ever imagine. 
Chris and Clairissa were perfect together. They’ve been dating since the beginning of our junior year. Everyone knew who they were and who they belonged to. It would be a sin to separate them. 
Chris spoke, pulling me from my thoughts. 
“I guess I should get going soon. I have a hockey game tonight. You should come.” I looked back at him.
“I know you aren’t feeling well, but if you end up feeling better, come watch it. It starts at 7 at the rink.” 
“I’ll think about it.” I smiled softly. He smiled back and patted my head. He stood up and pushed the chair back to its original spot. Chris walked to the door of my room, opening it. 
“If I don’t see you later, text me.” 
I looked down at my lap. “I will. Thank you again, Christopher.” He grinned.
“Anything for the pretty lady.” My head snapped up. There it was again. He called me pretty again. He turned and shut the door. Soon after, my door opened again and mom walked in. She practically skipped over to my bed, a big smile on her face. She pushed my shoulder softly again.
“He was cute,” She wiggled her eyebrows at me and giggled like a little girl. I smiled and sighed. 
“I know.”
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palepinkgoat · 2 days
tag game Wednesday Thursday!
thank you for tags and mentions @gallawitchxx @thepupperino @wehangout @blue-disco-lights @gardenerian @deedala @energievie and @jrooc !!! I love you all so much.
how did you get into the fandom? Girl, let's get in a Time Machine to 2013.
I had just had a massive injury that left me unable to walk or leave my bed for months. In this time, I was watching YouTube a lot. YouTube knows me well, so one night said "oh, this is gay, you will like it." The clip was the van kiss. Like, the first kiss. It piqued my interest and soon I'm in a YouTube wormhole. Season 3 had finished so there were some newer uploads. I loving the morning scenes with the Gallaghers too, and once I kind of pieced it all together I went on amazon and bought the first 3 season digitally. There I was, obsessed and bed bound. After a little googling I found Tumblr around Christmas, and lurked until season 4 started. Then I started poking my head out a bit and reblogged some stuff. But I wasn't really fully "in" until I started writing fics in 2014. Then I got more active and after writing a series called Four Eight, more people learned who I was (via a post by a super "popular" and now deactivated Tumblr account). Then I was in. sidenote: Eventually I did physical therapy around the time the club kiss aired (being there for that in real time?? Guys, I'm still screaming) and I'd watch that over and over as I iced my weak leg and took half a prescribed Percocet. The club kiss was better than the Percocet.
how long have you been here? So technically I guess I've had Tumblr 10 years. In December it will be 11. HOWEVER I was not active for several years in between like season 7ish until after the series ended, so I guess I should subtract. But that gets too be too much math.
what’s the first fandom channel you found? (Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, Insta, Twitter, FB, other?) Youtube at first since that's how I found them. I was also really into watch fan video edits and watched them OBSESSIVELY.
what’s your favourite now? For fandom, Tumblr! Nothing quite like it. I'm glad to be back.
which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom? Oh my gosh. @captainjowl, @wehangout and @the-rat-wins are the ones who come to mind but I'm sorry if I'm overlooking some. So many people left!
which tumblerino’s did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and wanted to get to know? I remember really loving @captainjowl and being so glad when we got to be friends. Then because I almost have a Tumblr Season 2 life, I was really impressed by @heymacy and she just JUMPED off the screen. I wanted to be friends so I sent a message about chapell roan and now we talk ALL THE TIME. I've met so many newer to me people and I am so glad I know so many cool people.
first Gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember) I wish I remembered the first fic I read!! Sexual Harassment in the Workplace was posted around the time I started writing fic and of course that's amazing. I know works by anythingbutgrief were some of the first too. Beautiful.
first fan art that blew your mind? @steorie blows my mind every time. That's the first person I remember just losing it over. But there are so many incredible artists!!
fanfic trope that you were sure wasn’t for you but now you low key (or high key) love? a/b/o! But I mostly was like "what the fuck is this about?" And then got on board pretty fast.
What surprised you most about this fandom? the level of talent is absolutely wild.
moment in the show (or YT vids if you’re one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with Gallavich? the first one was probably s3 "not everybody gets to blurt out how they fucking feel every minute!" because i was like, OHHH OH THIS IS GONNA HURT ME & then it just kept getting worse.... @gallawitchxx just said it best BUT! I have a tattoo that says "sorry I'm late" so I guess you could say I'm into that one too.
Ian or Mickey? Ian is my baby, my friend. my familiar. I adore them both and it's hard to choose, but I loved him right away and never quit.
Which Gallagher or Milkovich are you? I'm honestly a lot like Ian. But maybe if I swung Milkovich I'd be Sandy.
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dyemelikeasunset · 3 days
like three years ago I sent you a message basically thanking you because I broke up with my decade long comphet relationship and sometimes I think that I probably shouldn’t have sent you that, and it was definitely way too much information, but you still responded very sweetly and I appreciate that. three years later im about to move across the country and move in with my partner and live my t4t dreams so I just wanted to thank you again for being so inspiring in the way you portray queerness and love !
I remember that message, and I want you to know it wasn't too much. I could tell you really needed to get all that off your chest at the time. Thank you for sharing your story with me back then and now, and for trusting me with that. Good luck with your move and I hope everything turns out well!!
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vodika-vibes · 2 days
Hiya! I hope you're feeling better ❤️🌸
Can I request some crumbs of A'den Skirata, pretty please?🥺It can be some light angst with Order 66 with Jedi reader escape shenanigans, maybe some comfort or even something spicy? Whatever you feel like writing!
Thanks in advance~
Not Your Fault
Summary: After escaping the purge by the skin of your teeth, you seek comfort in the arms of the person you still trust, A’den Skirata.
Pairing: A'den Skirata x F!Jedi Reader
Word Count: 677
Warnings: some angst, implied spice
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Hi there! I am feeling a lot better. Well, sorta. I didn't stretch my foot properly, so there's an ache and some discomfort, but I'm getting better every day. Sorry that this is so short, but I kind of wanted to write a snapshot of them right after order 66. I hope you like it!
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It hurts.
The loss of the other Jedi, of your former master and your padawan siblings, echo through the force. It’s like taking a punch to the chest.
Over and over and over—
Every time you remember that you’re alone in the galaxy now, the pain returns.
A warm hand smoothes over your hair, and you shudder before curling into A’den’s warmth.
He sent you a heavily encrypted message several hours after the Purge happened. He offered you a safe place to hide from the Empire and promised to protect you.
For a moment, you feared that it was a trap, that it was a trick for him to get his hands on you so he could kill you…but if that were the case, A’den would have just tracked you down and killed you.
So you took a chance and came to him.
You’re glad you did.
“How are you feeling, cyare?” A’den asks, his voice quiet and comforting.
“Awful,” You reply, honestly. “I never thought that I would be alone in the galaxy.”
“You’re not.” A’den smooths his hand over your hair and then turns your head so you’re looking up at him, “You have me, and my brothers. We’re not going to leave you alone.”
You lightly grip his wrist, “I’m grateful for it, but it’s not the same.”
“I know, cyare.” He shifts on the bed to lay beside you, rather than sit over you, “How can I help?”
Your hand presses against his cheek, “Can you make me forget?”
He leans in and presses his forehead against yours, “If I could, I would.”
You blink tears out of your eyes, “Did we do something wrong?” You ask, “Did we somehow deserve—”
“No.” A’den rolls you so you’re on your back and he’s laying over you, “No. You did nothing wrong. This isn’t your fault.”
“I survived. No one else did.”
“That doesn’t make it your fault.”
“I can’t help but think—” You trail off, hesitantly.
“Go on.”
“That maybe it would have been better if I died with everyone else.”
A’den pulls back to stare at you, “How can you think that?”
“I don’t know.”
Smoothly, A’den pins your hands next to your head, “I’m glad you’re still alive.”
You sigh softly, “I know.”
“You’re the best thing that came out of this war,” A’den adds, “The only good thing that came from the war.”
“No.” You shake your head, “No, A’den. That’s not right.”
“The only good thing that came from the war is you and your brothers.”
A’den stares at you, startled.
“You’re all good men. You deserve better than what we did to you.”
A’den shakes his head and his grip tightens around your wrists, “I love you.” It’s blunt and straightforward, just like him, and you know that he means it. “You didn’t do anything. You, and your people, are as much victims in this war as me and my brothers.”
“It’s not quite the same—”
“You’re right. It’s not. The majority of my vod’e are still alive, after all.” He leans in and presses himself flush against you, “Your people were the victims of a mass genocide. A genocide committed by my people.”
“It’s not your fault either.”
“Oh, I know.” A’den presses his lips against yours, “But you’d be well within your rights to hate me.”
“I don’t think I could.” You admit, “I love you too much.”
“I’m glad for it,” A’den murmurs, he scans your face for a moment, “Do you still want to forget?”
“Keep your hands here. I’m going to help you forget, at least for a little while.”
“How?” Your face heats when his hands drip under your tank top, sliding the thin material up.
“In a very physical way.” A’den slides down your body and presses his lips against your sternum, “Unless you’d rather not?”
You lower your hands and card your fingers through his hair, “Please, A’den. Help me forget. Just for one night.”
His gaze locks with yours, and he smiles soft and warm, “As you wish.”
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cankersoregirl · 2 days
i'd be interested in your recent movie list - it's nice to hear what people are watching 🥰
OOOHHH thank you for asking!!! This gives me the perfect excuse 2 talk abt some of my favs ty hehe <3 The genres, years, countries, etc. might be wildly different and there’s no particular order to what I’m gonna list but here we go:
1. The Spook Who Sat by the Door
Ivan Dixon; action/political drama; America; 1973
EVERYONE needs to watch this honestly… it’s probably my favorite film I’ve seen this year. The movie’s about the first Black man, Dan Freeman, to be trained by the CIA, who then quits and takes the techniques he’s learned to create a team of Black youths to fight for freedom and against racism. Even though it’s a fictional plot, the real FBI pulled it from theaters for being too radical, and it has indeed been described as “the only true Black radical movie ever made.” I seriously can’t recommend it enough
2. Medicine for Melancholy
Barry Jenkins; romance/drama; America; 2008
If you’re familiar with Moonlight, you already know this filmmaker. Medicine for Melancholy is Barry Jenkins’ first film, about the romance between Jo and Micah after a one night stand that takes place in San Francisco. Some things I like about it are the ways the city and its racial issues so heavily influence the characters’ relationship so much so that it essentially becomes a character in itself. Since this is Jenkins’ first film, the budget was smaller ($15k) and it has a different feel from his newer movies which I personally really liked
3. They Cloned Tyrone
Juel Taylor; sci-fi/mystery; America; 2023
This movie was released on barbenheimer day and was WAY BETTER THAN BOTH OF THEM!!!! When Fontaine, a drug dealer played by John Boyega, seemingly gets shot and killed, Slick, a pimp, is shocked to see him walking around the next day as if nothing happened. Together, Slick, Fontaine, and Yo-Yo, a sex worker, work to uncover what actually happened and find that it’s much bigger than they could’ve imagined. This is a FANTASTIC sci-fi film with some fantastic writing (a lot of great one-liners lmao) and all the actors do amazingly. Also, the title goes hard!
4. Bad Genius
Baz Nattuwat; thriller; Thailand; 2017
I literally watched this last night (happy birthday Nonkul!) lol. In this movie the character Lynn gets paid to work with her friends to help other high school students cheat on tests. When I tell you this had me SWEATING from stress. It was very entertaining, I really liked the way it was shot and how it consistently kept the tension up
5. Do the Right Thing
Spike Lee; drama/comedy; America; 1989
Taking place on an unbearably hot summer day, racial tensions rise between the Black civilians and the Italian owners of a pizzeria in Brooklyn. This is a v famous movie, directed by Spike Lee, and honestly many of the themes still ring true today
6. Sorry to Bother You
Boots Riley; sci-fi/comedy; America; 2018
Set in the Oakland, Cassius Green becomes a telemarketer and uses a “white voice” to do better at his job. But when his coworkers form a union, he decides to take a promotion instead, leading to unexpected consequences. I don’t want to spoil anything, and this is another famous movie that many people have probably already seen and have probably been spoiled BUT. there is a crazy twist. I really enjoyed the messages and craziness this movie had to offer
7. Marry My Dead Body
Cheng Wei Hao; comedy/mystery; Taiwan; 2022
I saw this with my friend on my birthday and honestly it could not have been a better way to watch it. A homophobic cop accidentally gets into an arranged marriage with a dead gay ghost. Is that not one of the best plot descriptions u have ever heard. It’s horror, it’s comedy, it’s gay, it’s a romance (TO ME! And like everyone else who watched it)… WHAT MORE COULD U WANT!! It gave me a similar feeling as Secrets in the Hot Spring & Pee Mak, two movies that somehow seem to cover So Many Genres & that I love sooo much (the former is my fav movie ever). I literally laughed so hard I almost peed myself at times <3
Other than that some other movies I watched & enjoyed this year are: Love Lies Bleeding (2024), Claudine (1974), Eve’s Bayou (1997), and Bottoms (2023). I don’t wanna make this too long so I’ll stop it here but I hope you enjoy these films too if you decide to watch any!!
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