#steven universe critical critical
tshortik · 6 months
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The traitor duo absolutely nobody has ever asked for | og meme
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“catra is a complex poc” fuck that. here are some ACTUAL poc animated characters who are just as, if not more complex than catra.
grace monroe (infinity train) • black american
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connie maheshwaran (steven universe) • indian-american
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katara (avatar the last airbender) • inuk
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wolf (kipo and the age of wonderbeasts) • black american
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suhara/shadowsan (carmen sandiego) • japanese
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korra (the legend of korra) • inuk
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jesse cosay (infinity train) • indigenous (apache)
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lars barriga (steven universe) • filipino
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azula (avatar the last airbender) • japanese
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ryan akagi (infinity train) • japanese-canadian
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luz noceda (the owl house) • afro-dominican american
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(there are a lot more, so i'll be making a part 2!)
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 3 months
Still Salty About the Flanderization of Steven
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Many SU fans have had to see these memes and are probably tired of them. I really hate the way people who have never even watched the show and probably just LO’s video flanderize Steven into a bumbling wimp or take scenes like him crying about wanting to be friends with Connie or trying to talk down Spinel out of context. People hate him for not killing his enemies on sight and act as if all he does is talk no jitsu. People act as if he’d die trying to redeem Big Jack Horner from Puss in Boots even though he’s met villains like Jack with Aquamarine and Eyeball and not only did he kick their asses but accepted that they were beyond help. Steven prefers to talk over fighting but isn’t stupid and knows when he has to get serious. Even during his “I can make a change” song that’s twisted out of context, he was still fighting defensively against Spinel. He just wasn’t fighting to kill. As for the meme above, did the creator watch Alien Force? The way Ben handled the Dragon, Reiny and the Highbreed would be pretty similar to how Steven would. The idealistic hero who teaches violence isn’t always the answer has already been done so why does Steven get the most hate for it?
I reblogged a post about this but I really am tired of how TOH is propped up as the anti SU when Dana is friends with Rebecca and praised the groundbreaking work Rupphire did. The Owl House crew doesn’t hate SU and wasn’t doing a “take that” by killing its villain or claiming not everyone can be talked down with a hug. They’re two different shows with different stories and themes. Steven would also know that some like Belos can’t be redeemed and he didn’t actually redeem the diamonds. He didn’t like them and acts uncomfortable around them in Future but he needed them to cure the corrupted gems. The point of the diamonds as well as Andy was not that you have to accept bigoted family members but a wish fulfillment where queer people could get their families to accept them. I saw this on Reddit but I think Steven gets so much hate because he teaches the idea that retributive violence isn’t always the solution and because he got a good life with a loving family, girlfriend and adoration of everyone without being a self centered sexist asshole. Internet Dudebros hate the character who showed healthy emotion, treats Connie as an equal and taught stuff like acceptance, boundaries and kindness, as they hate the idea that they don’t have any of that because of how bigoted, self absorbed or toxic they are.
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gartenofbanny · 4 months
I live in a day and age where Charlie Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel is an even worse pacifist than Steven Universe. Why is she apologizing for defending herself against Exorcists who want to kill her? Why was she apologizing for attacking them?
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heritageposts · 2 years
It's a shame you've fallen for authoritarian propaganda.
i already said i was sorry for watching steven universe i didn't know about steven's knife :(
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sjbattleangel · 8 months
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The Virgin Lily Orchard:
Sides with abusers
Lies about having Indigenous heritage
Is horrifically abusive to friends and family
Always sides with corporations
Writes awful revenge-fics out of spite
Fetishizes black women
Dismisses an entire cultural animation medium (anime) as "spankbait for perverts"
Wrote the worst writing advice ever
Has a pathetic vendetta against Rebecca Sugar for simply existing
Sends death threats to creators
Throws marginalized creators under the bus for not being "woke" enough
Lied about being a "highly sought-after writer" solely to spite Rebecca Sugar, ND Stevenson, Darron Nefcy, Dana Terrace and her sister
Hates Asians
Hates Jews
Holds nothing but contempt for animation
Wants all of animation to be nothing but slice-of-life romantic comedies
Wants the Hays code back
The Chad Rebecca Sugar:
One of the nicest people working in the industry
Has fought hard for diversity and representation in animation
Is incredibly talented
Is friends with Alex Hirsch (Gravity Falls), Matt Braly (Amphibia) and many others
Paved the way for more diverse creators
Has won multiple awards
Wrote and sang songs for Adventure Time
A non-binary, bisexual Jewish woman whose background and experiences influence her work
Created one of the most groundbreaking, inclusive, LGBTQ+ friendly shows of all time
Fought against higher-ups when they tried to censor the queerness of her work
Helped normalize discussions of kids' mental health
An uplifting inspiration to a generation of queer kids growing up
Influenced by both western animation and anime
Married to Ian Jones Quartey
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rookflower · 6 months
on one hand yeah this is the kitty cat book fandom where at least 95% of the people here are just here to draw funny cats or for nostalgia reasons and it's really not that deep, there is nothing wrong with taking a critical backseat on this one. but on the other, the amount of people in the fandom who seem to genuinely believe that children's literature and xenofiction are both somehow inherently unworthy of any form of criticism whatsoever, to the point where random tumblr posts casually identifying shit like.... themes.... and narrative trends... is looking into things way too deeply and makes you a bad or stupid person in some way because "they're just cats", gives the literature student in me such a headache
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“You should let your kids watch hazbin hotel it’s great for them to learn about queerness at a young age!”
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pinkypastal · 2 months
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Fandom please...
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hoaxghost · 10 months
Which SU defense videos were you watching? I could use some positivity tbh
Two videos made by Hiding in Private break down notorious SU-criticism videos
First one is taking down the arguments of EzPz and E;R, two really bigoted content creators that gained WAAY too much traction considering they're just repackaging racism/homophobia/misogyny as 'funny memes'
Next is critiquing the SU analysis by Lily Orchid whose video was full of bad-faith interpretations, misunderstanding of how cartoon plots work and poisoned the discourse on the show for a good while.
There are a few minor gripes I have with how HidinginPrivate handles some critiques in the latter video but they overall summarize a lot of my issues with SU-discourse. It's a good show!! I'm tired of pretending that it's cringe!!!
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chemicalarospec · 2 years
Looking for the person with the other half of this necklace
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You actually were the one who made it. We were best friends in 3rd and 4th grade before you moved back to the state you came from.
At the time I knew you, your name began with P and we were both girls but I bet that you're queer now so I don't know if that's still true. You had an older brother. I have a younger brother. My name is Isabelle.
You had a Cartoon Network comic book of three stories in one: Steven Universe, gender-swapped Fionna and Jake, and one with Marceline and Princess Bubblegum. (This is why I think you're queer too and hope that you might be here on Tumblr.) I will tag this post with things I knew you liked/predict you would like. (Sorry if you're a random person in those tags & this annoys you.)
If you think this is you, please contact me with what our mutual favourite animal was. I just miss you and want to see if you're out there doing alright. We were such good friends.
update: I have written a letter and found their address, now I just have to actually post it. Will update again when doing so.
Update: the address I had doesn't exist, soooo... wish me luck!
Update: the letter returned home "not deliverable as addressed, unable to forward" today :(
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saiscribbles · 6 months
Lily Orchard STILL Doesn't Understand Steven Universe
I decided to round out the year by ending Lily Orchard's whole career.
Fair warning: I swear. Alot. Alot alot.
About a month ago I decided to react to Lily's two most recent Steven Universe videos from 2023 on my weekly art stream. The reacts ended up going so well I have now edited them down into one comprehensive video with visual aids and gags along the way.
So if you ever wanted to hear me clown on an SU hater for 2 hours while giggling incessantly, making gremlin noises, explaining SU and info dumping all of my own headcanons... well now you have that!
Here's to me becoming more of an unleashed gremlin in the new year.
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can we stop the trend of putting traumatized and mentally unstable characters into romantic relationships as their “happy endings”?
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arteicetb · 6 months
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The Helluva Boss/Steven Universe comparisons hit a critical point here with Stolas x Blitz and Lapis x Jasper.
An upper class wanting commitment from a lower class citizen whom they’ve abused. At least with SU, Lapis realized what they had while fused was toxic and bad for both of them. Meanwhile, Stolitz just focuses on pitying Stolas for all the wrong reasons and demonizing Blitz. The Blitz victim blaming in the fandom recently is fucking insane. I really don’t understand nor like the creative change to the lyrics of “Look My Way”, especially when removing the parts about Octavia and stuffing it even more with the Owl pity party.
A gay man was forced into a relationship with a woman he didn’t know and she was forced to be a baby maker. You’d think Stolas would just leave Stella, not so he can be with Blitz, but for his daughter. I can only imagine how Stella could feel about this if the narrative didn’t make her a one note stupid villain. What if she’s gay too huh? They’re both victims by circumstance but no, gotta make Stella look worse to make Stolas look sympathetic.
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gartenofbanny · 9 months
Striker from Helluva Boss is like Jasper from Steven Universe. The only difference is that Jasper was still badass in her fights (and was pretty outmatched yet still held her own), and Striker loses all of his in the silliest ways.
Can't believe a major villain such as Striker is now reduced to just a villain of the week.
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gaydiation-poisoning · 8 months
So I've been thinking about Steven Universe again and I've been wondering
Where are the indigenous peoples???
The show is clearly set in the modern USA, so where are the native people? It's never mentioned.
So one of three things would have happened,
Either A: The crystal gems allowed colonization to happen
B: The crystal gems helped the colonizers
Or C: Indigenous people have been erased in the context of the show and you're just not supposed to think about it
All joking aside, it's definitely that last one. You're not supposed to think about that, this is made clear when native people still aren't referenced in the colonialism episode
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There's even references to colonialism in other places such as this photo
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"But it's not that deep" YES IT IS
Just because colonialism doesn't go beyond "haha funny hat and boats" to you doesn't mean that's actually what it is in reality
Erasing an entire marginalized group in your show just because you don't want to think about them is blatant racism
And I think the creators just sweeping by and expecting everybody to not consider the implications of American history in SU is just the most blatant white liberal shit imaginable
And honestly? Coming from a show where the main climax is just talking it out with genocidal colonizers? I can't say I'm exactly shocked.
So hey, if you think being critical of Steven Universe is a quote unquote '''red flag''' because it '''did so much for LGBTQ+ rep!!!''' Shut your colonizer ass up for once.
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