#stan levi ig
maidleviathan · 1 year
For the pople that followed me for Obey Me content I'm so sorry. I still love the demon boyos I just have no more entertaining thoughts to share :c
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earl-grey-love · 8 months
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heres what I have been entertaining myself with lately lol its a whole lot of fun.
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033h · 2 years
anyone have recommendations for thick, selvedge womens jean brands (vintage or not) that come in black? I’m literally so obsessed w the fit of these uniqlo jeans I got last year but the denim is just too soft and beat up :(
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toruvi · 7 months
Screencap form my ig story like I don't even have all my stuff out for the table yet but can you tell I'm a Levi Stan LMAOOOOO
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anotherobeymeblog · 9 months
Obey Me cast relationship with MC songs (2023 edition)
Found this post when scrolling through my old posts from 2020 and decided it would be fun to give it another crack now that 1) we have a LOT more canon material to go off and B) my taste in music has expanded past just grandma songs (not that I don't still enjoy grandma songs ofc) Also adding Diavolo, Barbatos, and Solomon since I have a better grasp on their personalities now. (Well, only barely with Barbatos, but we'll get to that lol)
Warnings: mild spoilers for lesson 16 of the original game in Belphie's, some of these songs use gendered language when talking about the significant other (implied female: Mammon; implied male: Levi, Asmo) *this doesn't mean MC must be that gender in those scenarios*
Lucifer: Honey Moon by Birds in the Airport. Okay, starting off on a somewhat angsty note lol. But look me in the eye and tell me I'm wrong. "...tear open every exit from the maze inside my mind" like come ON that's literally what MC does with Lucifer. Whether he'd verbalize any of this is another question entirely, but also isn't the point here.
Mammon: Fair by The Amazing Devil. I hemmed and hawed over this for a while, tbh. Wasn't sure if it was a lil too soft for his outwardly prickly ass, but I eventually settled on "this is him but he sure as hell isn't admitting it any time soon". The trouble with tsundere characters ig. But anyway he's a dork and the trying to make his partner laugh when they're mad at him felt very on-brand.
Leviathan: A Shitty Gay Song About You by Ezra Williams. I've associated Levi with this song for quite a while now. It has it all. Goldfish, self-deprication, pining, it's great. Oh, for Levi to lend me his sweatshirt tbh.
Satan: Cat Serenade by Beetlebug. Absolutely adorable song. It has cat metaphors, it has pining, it has the whole "I used to never open up to anyone but here we are", it's just super Satan in a lot of ways.
Asmodeus: Freckles by Kevin Atwater. I mean it's just adorable, first of all. But second of all, the theme of actually falling in love with someone for real when you're used to more casual relationships is pretty fundamental to Asmo's relationship with MC.
Beelzebub: Strawberry Mentos by Leanna Firestone. Idk maybe this is a bit too straightforward but even outside of any food references, it's such a sappy, sacchirine love song that it really does feel Right for Beel, big babey that he is.
Belphegor: Grace, Anatomy by Homemade Haircuts. Okay, while this isn't really addressed in-game, if he ends up in a relationship with MC, the shit that happened in the attic is gonna be weighing pretty heavy on his mind for a long time. Between that and his general abandonment issues, this song is an excellent reflection of his feelings about MC (at least early on in the relationship), even if most of it is stuff he would never actually say out loud.
Simeon: Chai Tea by audrey. Yeah, yeah, I know the title sounds more Barbatos, but the song itself is just so cozy and easygoing. (Of all the possible words to describe Barbatos, I think "easygoing" is about the last thing that would come to mind). All the other love interests are a bit more... uh... intense. Whereas this song is literally just being incredibly sappy and drawing a quiet comfort from the other person's presence even without talking about anything in particular.
Diavolo: Touch Starved by BB Bean. This doesn't require much elaboration, I don't think. The title says it all. Like honestly. "I'm just tired of the bubble, I just wanna hand to hold" is deadass how he acts in every surprise guest (at least in the og game, less so in nightbringer lol). Just wants to feel normal smh
Barbatos: A Wistful Waltz by Teddy Hyde. Okay, I need to apologize to Barbatos stans bc I struggle so much to figure this guy out (which I suspect is the point, but it makes it damn hard to come up with headcanons for him). But based on my tenuous grasp on his personality and... odd dynamic with MC, I think this should fit the bill. It's subdued but with that underlying intensity that I always seem to pick up on with him.
Solomon: Painting Roses by Dresses. I actually don't have much explanation for this, but Solomon in Nightbringer especially is just. He's such a fuckin disaster, man. (I actually was torn between giving this song to Solomon or Satan, but I ended up going with Sol in the end)
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nashwanisroqi · 1 year
[16.58, 20/11/2022] shaqina: SAP GUA MAU NANGIS [17.14, 20/11/2022] safa akl: ANJIR BARU LIAT [17.14, 20/11/2022] safa akl: SUMPA LU TAU GA [17.14, 20/11/2022] safa akl: YG KATA POTO KE BERAPA GT YG SI DEKET POHON SENYUM GTU ANJIR [17.14, 20/11/2022] safa akl: BSKEBWKDNW [17.15, 20/11/2022] shaqina: SS COBA [17.15, 20/11/2022] shaqina: GUA GANEMU [17.18, 20/11/2022] safa akl: nii bntrr [17.20, 20/11/2022] safa akl: SMIRK ANJIRTTT [17.21, 20/11/2022] shaqina: ANJIR [17.21, 20/11/2022] shaqina: GILAA [17.23, 20/11/2022] safa akl: si levi putih gilaa [17.23, 20/11/2022] safa akl: paling shining shimering [17.24, 20/11/2022] shaqina: alisnya wooyyy [17.39, 20/11/2022] safa akl: dia tu tipe yg mata nya ngantuk [17.39, 20/11/2022] safa akl: tp jd cakep bgt [17.39, 20/11/2022] shaqina: EMANG [17.39, 20/11/2022] safa akl: NI HARI SENIN MASI LAMA APA YA [17.40, 20/11/2022] shaqina: BSK GUA JAM 6AN UDH JALAN AH [17.41, 20/11/2022] safa akl: GUA BESOK BARU DATENG LANGSUNG NGETEM DI LAPANGAN [17.41, 20/11/2022] safa akl: SEMOGA GA UJANN [17.43, 20/11/2022] shaqina: GOBLOK BANGWT ANJJJ😭😭😭😭 [17.43, 20/11/2022] shaqina: IYA PLS PLS JGN UJAN [14.58, 21/11/2022] shaqina: mana usn ig lu [15.00, 21/11/2022] safa akl: fawh00psy [15.00, 21/11/2022] safa akl: pollow [15.04, 21/11/2022] shaqina: udah [15.07, 21/11/2022] safa akl: lu stan levi gua stan si yg deket pohon [15.07, 21/11/2022] safa akl: masa gt anjai [15.07, 21/11/2022] safa akl: ehh tanyainn [15.07, 21/11/2022] safa akl: nama ama temen lu😭😭 [15.08, 21/11/2022] shaqina: iya bagus [15.09, 21/11/2022] shaqina: udah tadiii, kata dia gini "ih masa aku nanyain" gituuuuuu, trs gua bilang aja "gpp bilang aja temen aku ada yg suka" [15.09, 21/11/2022] shaqina: bsk gua tanyain lagi anaknya [15.09, 21/11/2022] shaqina: WKW KW WKWKKW JEW [15.29, 21/11/2022] safa akl: anjirrr to the point bat make kata ada yg suka [15.29, 21/11/2022] safa akl: tr nama dia maw w taro di bio [15.29, 21/11/2022] safa akl: aowkowakow [20.31, 22/11/2022] shaqina: sap [20.31, 22/11/2022] shaqina: gua malu dah buat caper yg gua pura pura inian novel ke dekel [22.04, 22/11/2022] safa akl: hahahah anjj😭😭 [22.04, 22/11/2022] safa akl: jdi ga jdii [22.04, 22/11/2022] safa akl: tp emg itu otkp 1 ama 2 sebelahan apa? [22.05, 22/11/2022] shaqina: kaga ah anjir gua berasa gimmick bat [22.05, 22/11/2022] shaqina: iyaaa, kemaren pas jualan gua liat [22.05, 22/11/2022] shaqina: lt 3 kan ada 3 kelas tuh, akl pojok, sanpingnya otkp 1 2 trs tkj yg belokannya [22.09, 22/11/2022] safa akl: anjirt brrti kelas dia yg tengah dong [22.09, 22/11/2022] safa akl: gua ngebayangin [22.10, 22/11/2022] safa akl: 😭😭😭 [22.20, 22/11/2022] shaqina: eh ngga tau gua abis akl otkp 1 atau 2 dulu [22.20, 22/11/2022] shaqina: pokoknya antara dua itu dah [22.20, 22/11/2022] shaqina: BTW kata dekel gua, otkp 1 ke lab raboooo [22.32, 22/11/2022] safa akl: tuhh kann [22.32, 22/11/2022] safa akl: waktu itu jam ke brp si mereka [22.32, 22/11/2022] safa akl: jam jam akhir kan [22.46, 22/11/2022] shaqina: kata dekel gua, dia ke lab tuh seminggu 2 kali [22.46, 22/11/2022] shaqina: simkodig sama pelajarannya bu sri [22.46, 22/11/2022] shaqina: iya bsk bel bunyi langsung keluar [15.41, 23/11/2022] safa akl: ANJRTTT CAKEP BGTTTTT [15.41, 23/11/2022] safa akl: NANGIS [15.41, 23/11/2022] safa akl: aib aja cakep [15.41, 23/11/2022] safa akl: 😞😞 [18.56, 25/11/2022] safa akl: CURIGA IG NYA LEPI GA SIII [18.56, 25/11/2022] safa akl: dia naswan apa nashwan siii [18.57, 25/11/2022] shaqina: ANJRIT WIBU [18.57, 25/11/2022] shaqina: eh ngga tau, kata amel si naswan [18.58, 25/11/2022] shaqina: tp ngga tau pake h atau ngga, mungkin temennya bilang nashwan tp si amel taunya naswan [19.01, 25/11/2022] safa akl: tp keknya beneran si lepiii [19.01, 25/11/2022] safa akl: soalnya dia follow akun osis [19.01, 25/11/2022] safa akl: eh tp gatau dehh [19.06, 25/11/2022] safa akl: ig nya di follow ikmal juga wkwk [19.13, 25/11/2022] shaqina: gua tanya amel dulu dah [19.13, 25/11/2022] shaqina: tp 98 persen kayaknya iya [19.14, 25/11/2022] shaqina: dari profilnya pasti levi suka rapper rapper barat gitu [19.32, 25/11/2022] safa akl: kyk sp gtu yaa [19.32, 25/11/2022] safa akl: yg penyanyi kyk gtu [19.32, 25/11/2022] safa akl: bionya juga [19.33, 25/11/2022] safa akl: jepang gasi [19.36, 25/11/2022] shaqina: rappernya gua tau siapa tp lupa namanya [19.36, 25/11/2022] shaqina: iya jepun [19.36, 25/11/2022] shaqina: jgn jgn dia nntn aot lagi [19.36, 25/11/2022] shaqina: klo semisal iya, dia nyadar ga ya, ko gua mirip nih ama sini ini, gitu [19.47, 25/11/2022] safa akl: 🤣🤣 [19.47, 25/11/2022] safa akl: eh tp klo kyk gt biasanya suka ga nyadar mirip [19.47, 25/11/2022] safa akl: eh dia nge follow nita juga anjirt [19.48, 25/11/2022] safa akl: tinggal si dana ni bangke susa amat [19.56, 25/11/2022] shaqina: iya ya [19.57, 25/11/2022] shaqina: iya cok barusan gua liat [19.57, 25/11/2022] shaqina: smangat kakkkkkk wkwkkwwkwk [11.54, 26/11/2022] shaqina: sap jd kerkom ga [19.15, 26/11/2022] safa akl: gajadi [19.32, 26/11/2022] safa akl: mau foto yg ad di laptop luu [19.35, 26/11/2022] shaqina: gua kirim lewat laptop ya [19.36, 26/11/2022] safa akl: iyaa [19.49, 26/11/2022] safa akl: okk tencuu [18.00, 27/11/2022] shaqina: sap [18.00, 27/11/2022] shaqina: kmrn ig nya kepin apaan dah usn nya gua lupa [19.07, 27/11/2022] safa akl: kevingilbertjonathan [19.08, 27/11/2022] shaqina: mau stalk👍🏻 [19.08, 27/11/2022] safa akl: stalk mantan [19.08, 27/11/2022] safa akl: EKWKWK [19.13, 27/11/2022] shaqina: si nathan gapunya ig yg active [19.14, 27/11/2022] shaqina: sap yunita myob udh ceklis semua [19.14, 27/11/2022] safa akl: ehh gmnn [19.14, 27/11/2022] safa akl: dia buat ulng lagi? [19.14, 27/11/2022] shaqina: blm dibales [19.14, 27/11/2022] shaqina: ngga [19.15, 27/11/2022] shaqina: liat aja sttsnya [19.15, 27/11/2022] safa akl: ih baru liatt [19.15, 27/11/2022] safa akl: sumpah kemaren tu gua semalem buat lg tau [19.15, 27/11/2022] safa akl: tp baru ampe saldo [19.16, 27/11/2022] safa akl: ini gasi [19.26, 27/11/2022] shaqina: anjir [19.26, 27/11/2022] shaqina: ko dapet [19.27, 27/11/2022] safa akl: ihh gua gapaham myobbbb [19.27, 27/11/2022] shaqina: bntr gua nyoba dulu [19.33, 27/11/2022] shaqina: INI PENGEN GUA FOLLOW BANGET [19.33, 27/11/2022] shaqina: 😭😭😭 [19.43, 27/11/2022] safa akl: FOLLOW GC [19.43, 27/11/2022] safa akl: eh gua kan nemu tu ig dri ig mak mak gt [19.43, 27/11/2022] safa akl: ig mak nya kli ya [19.44, 27/11/2022] shaqina: coba ss [19.44, 27/11/2022] shaqina: TAKUT [19.44, 27/11/2022] shaqina: 7 tahun yg lalu anjyy [19.45, 27/11/2022] safa akl: ni bntr [19.47, 27/11/2022] safa akl: coba egee [19.47, 27/11/2022] safa akl: sp tau di follback🤣🤣 [19.48, 27/11/2022] shaqina: gua lupa lagi nama maknya [19.49, 27/11/2022] shaqina: eh btw pantes aja si levi ama nita follow2an, levi dari 17 depok anjir [19.49, 27/11/2022] safa akl: 17 depok tuh di gandul bukan sii [19.49, 27/11/2022] shaqina: ngga tau dah [19.49, 27/11/2022] safa akl: yg anak kecil cwo tuu si nathan bkn [19.50, 27/11/2022] safa akl: 2017 [19.50, 27/11/2022] shaqina: blm cek ntr dulu [19.50, 27/11/2022] safa akl: klo iya brrti rumahnya di sekitaran sno juga🤣 [19.50, 27/11/2022] safa akl: lu tau drimanaa [19.51, 27/11/2022] shaqina: bntr dulu satu satu, gua nge stalk maknya natham dulu, ntr gua ss in tau dari mana [19.51, 27/11/2022] shaqina: eh kmrn pas dia pulang emg belok ke lu tau kan jalanan yg samping masjid, belok kesitu dia [19.52, 27/11/2022] safa akl: 😭😭😭 [19.52, 27/11/2022] safa akl: ohh yg ngarah ke kelurahan itu ya [19.52, 27/11/2022] safa akl: brrti kenal ama arip jg ga si seharusnya [19.52, 27/11/2022] safa akl: kan sm tu [20.01, 27/11/2022] shaqina: iya seharusnya [20.01, 27/11/2022] shaqina: 😭😭 [20.01, 27/11/2022] shaqina: gua nemu ig tantenya apa siapanya, trs ada nathan lagi kondangan😭😭😭 [20.02, 27/11/2022] safa akl: ITU IG MAKNYA BENERAN GAA?? [20.03, 27/11/2022] shaqina: kan gua search ini [20.03, 27/11/2022] shaqina: trs ini following nya [20.03, 27/11/2022] safa akl: yg anak kicik cwo [20.03, 27/11/2022] shaqina: bukann [20.03, 27/11/2022] safa akl: anjirr ig apaan tuch [20.03, 27/11/2022] shaqina: nama anak kecil cowoknya zadra apa siapa tadi [20.03, 27/11/2022] shaqina: stalk mantan [20.03, 27/11/2022] shaqina: 🥲 [20.04, 27/11/2022] safa akl: ituu ig nashwan dri manaa [20.04, 27/11/2022] safa akl: kyknya isroqi ya bkn nisroqi😭 [20.04, 27/11/2022] shaqina: tp emg kata amel, pas awal awal si nashwan pake batik 17 depok, trs ganti ke yg merah itu [20.04, 27/11/2022] shaqina: makssudd [20.05, 27/11/2022] safa akl: batik 17 depok gmn si😭 [20.05, 27/11/2022] safa akl: cariin dana kek😭😭😭 [20.05, 27/11/2022] safa akl: gua kira namanya nashwan nisroqi [20.05, 27/11/2022] shaqina: gua cari nashwanisroqi trs keluar itu, pas gua klik ga priv [20.05, 27/11/2022] safa akl: tp trnyat isroqi [20.05, 27/11/2022] safa akl: maw stalk [20.05, 27/11/2022] shaqina: yg kaya dulu si aisah pake [20.05, 27/11/2022] shaqina: anjrittt, gua dari awal udh ngeh nya isroqi [20.06, 27/11/2022] shaqina: blm dapet jg si dana?? [20.06, 27/11/2022] safa akl: lupaa [20.06, 27/11/2022] safa akl: tp almakmur bnyk bat dh yg dri 17 [20.07, 27/11/2022] safa akl: anjirrr [20.07, 27/11/2022] safa akl: follow si lepi [20.07, 27/11/2022] safa akl: lu [20.07, 27/11/2022] safa akl: BELUMM. ANJIRR SUMPAHHH [20.07, 27/11/2022] safa akl: GREGETANN [20.07, 27/11/2022] safa akl: anaknya beneran ansos apa ya [20.07, 27/11/2022] safa akl: bangkee [20.08, 27/11/2022] shaqina: awkward anjir, ga kenal ga apa tbtb follow🥲 [20.08, 27/11/2022] shaqina: masalahnya org org ngp ig nya pada di private siiii [20.08, 27/11/2022] shaqina: kan nge stalknya susahh [20.09, 27/11/2022] safa akl: gapapa egee [20.09, 27/11/2022] safa akl: sp tau di follow gr gr followednya ad nita [20.09, 27/11/2022] safa akl: lu pollow2 an ama nita kan [20.09, 27/11/2022] safa akl: tp kitanya juga gt cok🤣 [20.09, 27/11/2022] safa akl: *follback [20.13, 27/11/2022] shaqina: ntr deh klo gua sanggup [20.14, 27/11/2022] shaqina: bukan ya?? [20.15, 27/11/2022] safa akl: kyknya bkn dh [20.15, 27/11/2022] safa akl: EHH [20.15, 27/11/2022] safa akl: bukan deh [20.15, 27/11/2022] safa akl: seharusnya gada p nya gasi [20.22, 27/11/2022] shaqina: ngga tau [20.22, 27/11/2022] shaqina: bisa jadi bisa ngga [20.37, 27/11/2022] shaqina: eh gua udh translate bionya nashwan, artinya end [20.38, 27/11/2022] safa akl: bio nya psti bio tentang cwe nya [20.38, 27/11/2022] safa akl: ihhh dia dh ad cwe apa blomm [20.38, 27/11/2022] safa akl: siii [20.38, 27/11/2022] safa akl: klo blm ad cwe rasanya pgn bgt gua brutalin [20.38, 27/11/2022] safa akl: yg jepang itu? [20.39, 27/11/2022] shaqina: wkwkwkwkwkwkw ovt [20.39, 27/11/2022] shaqina: iya [20.39, 27/11/2022] shaqina: gila gua drtd nyari ig dana ga nemu nemu [20.41, 27/11/2022] safa akl: emg cok ngeselin battt [20.41, 27/11/2022] shaqina: semua ig smp depok gua stalk ganemu nemu [19.59, 28/11/2022] shaqina: ig gua error coo [19.59, 28/11/2022] shaqina: sini aja [20.01, 28/11/2022] shaqina: itu yg 8.500 ama 10.300 kan kita awalnya di amount, pindahin ke unit cost, nah ntr amount-nya otomatis ngisi sendiri [20.01, 28/11/2022] shaqina: pas record emg ilang tp pas dicek ceklis [22.15, 28/11/2022] safa akl: misal pas record ngulang lg trs mau keluar buat cek mencet cancel apa tanda silang? [22.15, 28/11/2022] safa akl: punya gua waktu ngisi ini yg count inventory jd nambah trs malah tanda tanya nya ada 2 😭 [22.18, 28/11/2022] shaqina: gua jg tadinya tanda tanya 2, trs pas gua cek tanggalnya ternyata salah, pas gua benerin baru ceklis lagi [22.18, 28/11/2022] shaqina: close aja, trs langsung cek [22.19, 28/11/2022] shaqina: pap klo ceklis smua [22.24, 28/11/2022] safa akl: tangganya tuh yg sebelum run review apa yg manaa [22.24, 28/11/2022] safa akl: bsk dh mau gua coba lgi [22.24, 28/11/2022] shaqina: iya yg itu [22.24, 28/11/2022] shaqina: yg start sama end [19.50, 29/11/2022] shaqina: sap [19.50, 29/11/2022] shaqina: bsk dateng cepet [19.50, 29/11/2022] shaqina: gua jam 9an udh di sekolah [19.51, 29/11/2022] shaqina: jan lama lama lu [13.03, 1/12/2022] shaqina: sap anjir [13.04, 1/12/2022] shaqina: masa kumpulnya di krukut [23.06, 1/12/2022] shaqina: Shaq maap ya ni gua lagi rapat, berdasarkan keputusan rapat itu nama yg udh di list harus ada tanggung jawabnya [23.06, 1/12/2022] shaqina: jadi klo lu ga ikut duit harus udh masuk 20k, tolong bilangin Safa juga ya [12.05, 2/12/2022] safa akl: pgn ikut badmintonn [12.06, 2/12/2022] safa akl: tp ga paham peraturan2 nya😔😔😔 [12.07, 2/12/2022] shaqina: wkwkwkwkwkk [12.07, 2/12/2022] shaqina: klo nabok2 doang bisaaaaa [12.07, 2/12/2022] shaqina: gua gamau ikut apa2 ah capekk [12.07, 2/12/2022] shaqina: eh berarti semua murid di lapangan ya??🤓 [12.10, 2/12/2022] safa akl: IYAA ANJIRR HAHAHA [12.10, 2/12/2022] safa akl: mau sekalian caper [12.11, 2/12/2022] safa akl: anjai full seminggu liat muka dia [12.18, 2/12/2022] shaqina: si jambul mah demennya ngumpet anjay [12.58, 2/12/2022] safa akl: tr gua samperin smbil bilang “sendirian aja mau ditemenin ga” [18.40, 2/12/2022] shaqina: sappp [19.50, 4/12/2022] shaqina: sap [19.51, 4/12/2022] shaqina: kira kira cowo kita ikut lomba apa yaaa [18.40, 25/12/2022] safa akl: itu voting kyk gmn si anjirrr di gua kyk gtu anjaiiii [18.40, 25/12/2022] safa akl: mau voting kyk gmn😫 [21.18, 25/12/2022] shaqina: mbbbbb [21.18, 25/12/2022] shaqina: gini [15.50, 26/12/2022] shaqina: sappp [15.50, 26/12/2022] shaqina: itu grub pmr [15.51, 26/12/2022] shaqina: lu ga jadi ikut?? [15.51, 26/12/2022] safa akl: gua ga jdi dahh [15.51, 26/12/2022] safa akl: gbisaa [15.51, 26/12/2022] safa akl: gua kira bakal fix 27 [15.51, 26/12/2022] shaqina: gua jg kaga jadi dah [15.51, 26/12/2022] shaqina: ka maaf, saya tanggal 28 udah berangkat pulang kampung. jadi kl tanggal 28 saya ga bisa ikut [15.51, 26/12/2022] shaqina: itu alesan gua [15.52, 26/12/2022] shaqina: yes or noooo [15.52, 26/12/2022] safa akl: iyaa [15.52, 26/12/2022] safa akl: japri aja [15.52, 26/12/2022] safa akl: tp gua blm bilang ke ka anis nya [15.52, 26/12/2022] safa akl: cmn bilang ke anggun [15.52, 26/12/2022] shaqina: gua japri ka nisa sama anggun [15.52, 26/12/2022] safa akl: suruh apus nama [18.42, 26/12/2022] shaqina: ANJIR [18.42, 26/12/2022] shaqina: AKUN IG OSIS DI HACK [18.58, 26/12/2022] safa akl: SUMPAH IYA ANJIR GUA LIAT [18.58, 26/12/2022] safa akl: tp gada ngepost yg aneh aneh [18.58, 26/12/2022] shaqina: lu suujon ke siapa??? [18.59, 26/12/2022] safa akl: anak tkj [18.59, 26/12/2022] safa akl: anak tkj kan bs aja anjir WKWKKW [18.59, 26/12/2022] safa akl: jagonya mereka [19.00, 26/12/2022] shaqina: sepemikiran anjj [19.00, 26/12/2022] shaqina: pantes aja ga ngepost nge post [19.02, 26/12/2022] safa akl: trkhir yg kt classmeet kan ya [19.03, 26/12/2022] safa akl: itu brrti kena hack pas selesai classmeet kli ya [19.03, 26/12/2022] safa akl: sg nya [19.05, 26/12/2022] safa akl: lu tau gasi yg kt ig dansdwaa itu [19.05, 26/12/2022] safa akl: bnt anjir trnyata namanya ada sadewanya [19.06, 26/12/2022] shaqina: tp bilangnya udh 3 minggu, classmeet baru seminggu yg lalu [19.06, 26/12/2022] shaqina: nama siapa?? dana? [19.07, 26/12/2022] safa akl: kyknya bkn dana [19.07, 26/12/2022] safa akl: tp namanya yg ig dansdwaa danda [19.08, 26/12/2022] safa akl: lah iyaa [19.08, 26/12/2022] safa akl: baru seminggu ya [19.08, 26/12/2022] safa akl: ama minggu ini jd 2 [19.13, 26/12/2022] shaqina: IG COWO LU APA ANJRIT GA NEMU NEMH [19.13, 26/12/2022] shaqina: makanya td gua bingung, kl 3 minggu trs pas classmeet kmrn gmn [19.16, 26/12/2022] safa akl: APALGI GUAA GA NEMU NEMU JUGA [19.16, 26/12/2022] safa akl: da ah w dh pasrah sm ig nya😔 [19.17, 26/12/2022] safa akl: tp dri ig al makmur yg atu lgi bilang nya dri 2 pekan [19.20, 26/12/2022] shaqina: 3 pekan td gua baca [19.20, 26/12/2022] shaqina: anzozzz [19.27, 26/12/2022] safa akl: gua mantengin ig 10 otkp 1 mlu anjrottt [19.27, 26/12/2022] safa akl: tp di privat muluu [20.44, 26/12/2022] shaqina: follow cb [20.44, 26/12/2022] shaqina: tp prasaan ig klasan kita ga di priv, ngp 10 otkp 1 di priv dahh [21.10, 26/12/2022] safa akl: nahh iyaa [21.10, 26/12/2022] safa akl: kepo bat anjirttt [21.10, 26/12/2022] safa akl: mana ada 3 post an lgii [21.11, 26/12/2022] safa akl: pmr knp lg si ituu [21.11, 26/12/2022] safa akl: lgian knp ngadain pas mau taun baru anjir [21.11, 26/12/2022] safa akl: udh tau pd banyak yg pergi ama keluarganya [21.34, 26/12/2022] shaqina: tau ah pusing gua [21.34, 26/12/2022] shaqina: auu tgl 28 anjirr gila banget [17.39, 28/12/2022] shaqina: sap di ig osis🥰🥰🥰 [17.46, 28/12/2022] shaqina: yg cowo lu keliatan ada 2 poto [18.05, 28/12/2022] safa akl: ehh manaa [18.05, 28/12/2022] safa akl: ko di gua cmn ada story tentang lowongan kerja [18.05, 28/12/2022] shaqina: post an [18.08, 28/12/2022] safa akl: anjortt untung bukan poto yg pas dia lg nyengirr [18.08, 28/12/2022] shaqina: ntr ada sarangeo [18.15, 28/12/2022] safa akl: tr pd kepo sm dia lg [18.15, 28/12/2022] safa akl: saingan gua banyak lg [18.15, 28/12/2022] safa akl: haduhhh [18.16, 28/12/2022] shaqina: ngakakkkk [18.16, 28/12/2022] shaqina: yg kepo ama lepi gua yakin ga gua doang🥲😞 [18.42, 28/12/2022] safa akl: folls ig nashwan nambah wkwk [18.42, 28/12/2022] safa akl: hayoloo [18.42, 28/12/2022] safa akl: tp kyk agit gt pasti pd kaga demen brondong [18.42, 28/12/2022] safa akl: brondong utas [18.43, 28/12/2022] shaqina: iya kl pun suka paling angkatan kita [18.43, 28/12/2022] shaqina: gua itu [18.45, 28/12/2022] shaqina: iri iri iri iri iri [18.45, 28/12/2022] safa akl: itu dri ig siapaa [18.45, 28/12/2022] safa akl: lepi? [18.45, 28/12/2022] shaqina: iyyyyyy [18.45, 28/12/2022] safa akl: fix si anak bdp tu kan yg deket anak kls 10 [18.45, 28/12/2022] safa akl: ad yg demen [18.45, 28/12/2022] safa akl: followww [18.46, 28/12/2022] safa akl: gua follow dluan ni [18.46, 28/12/2022] safa akl: wkwkw [18.46, 28/12/2022] shaqina: hah yg mana [18.46, 28/12/2022] shaqina: iya sap follow, mau liat dia ada highlight apa ga [18.47, 28/12/2022] safa akl: anak 11 bdp tkj kan kelasnya deket ama anak kls 10 [18.47, 28/12/2022] safa akl: psti sering pas pas an [18.47, 28/12/2022] shaqina: OIYA [18.47, 28/12/2022] safa akl: nnti nnti nunggu story gua ke apuss [18.47, 28/12/2022] safa akl: besokk [18.48, 28/12/2022] shaqina: aslii luuuukh? [18.48, 28/12/2022] shaqina: ko gua cupu bgt ya [18.48, 28/12/2022] safa akl: BENERANNN [18.48, 28/12/2022] safa akl: karna yg demen eluu [18.49, 28/12/2022] safa akl: jd anak rasa deg deg an [18.49, 28/12/2022] safa akl: cb gua klo dana ad ig juga kyknya bakal cupu dlu😢😢 [18.49, 28/12/2022] shaqina: ril min [18.50, 28/12/2022] shaqina: iya jg ya, kl follow ig dana gua mah follow follow aja [18.50, 28/12/2022] shaqina: tp gua bingung ama nisa, ko bisa kenal? [18.50, 28/12/2022] safa akl: ih ya Allah baru sadar tipo😔 [18.51, 28/12/2022] safa akl: pp nya kyk bukan nissya anjirttt [18.51, 28/12/2022] safa akl: gua kira sp cu😭😭 [18.51, 28/12/2022] shaqina: nisa ituuu gua jg tadi ga ngeh, ampe gua buka profilnya [18.52, 28/12/2022] shaqina: gua follow aja ya, kan gua follow follow an ama nita [18.52, 28/12/2022] shaqina: ntr keliatan followed by siapanya [18.53, 28/12/2022] safa akl: FOLLOW ANJIR GCCC [18.53, 28/12/2022] safa akl: KWKWKW [18.54, 28/12/2022] safa akl: eh masa si ig dansdwaa di follow sm jaki anak otkp [18.55, 28/12/2022] shaqina: muehehehehhe takot [18.55, 28/12/2022] shaqina: ig jaki apaan [18.57, 28/12/2022] safa akl: heetugeh gtuu [18.57, 28/12/2022] safa akl: gua gatau itu jaki apa siapa tp sorotannya kyk ad dia trs sm dia nge follow ig otkp 1 [18.57, 28/12/2022] safa akl: pencet cuuuui [19.00, 28/12/2022] shaqina: cupu cuiii [19.00, 28/12/2022] shaqina: ig nya yg lu pap kata itu? [19.01, 28/12/2022] shaqina: ig otkp 1 [19.01, 28/12/2022] safa akl: ig lu gua hack dlu sni [19.01, 28/12/2022] safa akl: trs w pollow deh [19.01, 28/12/2022] safa akl: iyaa [19.01, 28/12/2022] safa akl: x kantoran satu [19.01, 28/12/2022] safa akl: ad nama abing gtu [19.01, 28/12/2022] safa akl: abing sp dh ya [19.03, 28/12/2022] shaqina: hack ig lepi aja, gua kepo doang [19.03, 28/12/2022] shaqina: kyknya anak kelasannya dah, gua kaya pernah denger ada yg manggil bing [19.04, 28/12/2022] shaqina: tp gatau kapan tp gua pasti followwwww [19.05, 28/12/2022] safa akl: minta anak tkj buat hack akun dia [19.05, 28/12/2022] safa akl: trs si dansdwaa itu ada nge follow anak cwe otkp jugaa [19.05, 28/12/2022] safa akl: ihhhh kepooo sp si itu jancokkkk [19.05, 28/12/2022] safa akl: pas ini aja [19.06, 28/12/2022] safa akl: studytour [19.06, 28/12/2022] shaqina: coba ntr gua tanya amel, anak otkp1 ada yg namanya danda apa kaga [19.30, 28/12/2022] safa akl: semua absen otkp 1 aja mintainnnnn dkekwrknwdj [19.31, 28/12/2022] shaqina: beda klasan anjjjj [19.39, 28/12/2022] safa akl: apanya cuii [19.39, 28/12/2022] safa akl: mintainn [19.39, 28/12/2022] safa akl: ke temennya wkwkwkw [19.40, 28/12/2022] shaqina: ntr coba gua tanya berani ga dia [19.41, 28/12/2022] shaqina: temennya yg anak otkp1 cuek bat anjir, itu dikasih no nashwan kan grgr amel nanya mulu, trs ama temennya di kasih no nashwan suruh tanya sendiri🙂 [19.42, 28/12/2022] shaqina: EH BTW [19.42, 28/12/2022] shaqina: masa ada muhammad nya???? [19.43, 28/12/2022] safa akl: panjang amat ya brrti [19.43, 28/12/2022] safa akl: IYA ANJJJJ [19.43, 28/12/2022] safa akl: DILIAT DRI MUKANYA AJA KELIATAN [19.43, 28/12/2022] safa akl: kyk pd cuek gt😫😫 [19.43, 28/12/2022] safa akl: dri poto kelasan [19.45, 28/12/2022] shaqina: muhammad nashwan isroqi💐💐💐💐 [19.45, 28/12/2022] shaqina: yakaann, cowo lu termasuk [19.54, 28/12/2022] safa akl: cmn 3 kata tp panjang [19.54, 28/12/2022] safa akl: gua keinget poto dia yg smirk anjjjjjj [19.55, 28/12/2022] safa akl: gabisa senyum dia😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 [20.08, 28/12/2022] shaqina: gua pede bgt langsung nyebut "ih kyk gua"😊😊 [20.08, 28/12/2022] shaqina: lah lepi dipoto jg gapernah senyum dah [20.08, 28/12/2022] shaqina: baru ngeh gua [20.09, 28/12/2022] shaqina: anjj ko gua pending si [21.26, 28/12/2022] safa akl: gua juga ☺️☺️ [21.26, 28/12/2022] safa akl: sekarang kyk banyak senyum gtu gasiii [21.26, 28/12/2022] safa akl: tp kyk enyum ngeledek [21.26, 28/12/2022] safa akl: s [22.05, 28/12/2022] shaqina: iya banget anjir dia kl senyum ky ngeledek gituuuuu😚😚😚😚😚 [20.54, 6/1/2023] shaqina: eywa
0 notes
millkiii · 3 years
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a few levis i drew for my friends birthday card :D
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sardonyxie · 3 years
Levi: *Remembering his strong and precious Petra 🧡*
Zeke be like: Simping too hard for u and ur wife I need a fanfic for this be right back 🏃‍♂️
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levy-tran · 4 years
i do these rants so often, i should probably shut up but i’m officially: pissed off
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ponytailcoby · 6 years
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#that post-kiss haze
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salvatoreren · 2 years
Chapter 127 is one of my favorite chapters in War For Paradis, so seeing it animated made me really happy
first of all that baby was cute that's it
tbh I wished Hange had raised their voice even more to convey more emotion as shown in the manga, because of the expression lines and all but It's good
Seeing the old scouts get animated in MAPPA also was cool, like i said in my last post abt the previous episode, Im not even an erwin stan but damn he looked good, have you also seen Miche/Mike? Whoo!
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Bro Marco in MAPPA made me feel things, I love my boy so much even tho i make a lot of half jokes-
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This episode made me sympathize with Jean a lot, which i did not honestly expect, he became my favorite character in a span of 24 minutes, seriously tho, he's honestly relatable in terms of realism
Gabi and Reiner's face when Magath tells them the sufferings of The Island devils isnt compared to what Marley has experienced, like wow it says so much fr it does
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Mikasa and Annie facing off each other, god i love that annie shot with her blade
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And Yelena? My god don't even get me started, Just like Jean I'm like wow this person speaks so much facts, and i was just cheering her on while she told the crimes of every single one of them like go on queen
oh and let's not forget about the expression Annie and Reiner make when she mentions Marco, pure, just pure satisfaction, Marco's death was one of the most cruelest things that happened, i haven't quite gotten over the unfairness of his death so yeah, but is it just me or do Annie and Reiner look more remorseful than in the manga when telling about his death,
Those shots, those weird branch shots i like them honestly, if i overanalyze it like i always do i'd say its like showing a shot of the paths so there's that
jean beating up Reiner, i swear guys i like reiner
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Hange just being Hange, gosh they were so great this episode, their face when Reiner mentions about his split personality, them saying how no one was their to witness the past and to tell them to cut their bullshit, them saying "What about your seconds?"
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Gabi apologizing, now her VA did a good job, so did Falco's, them saying please made my heart ache, poor kids
Istg guys Jean looked so good this episode especially these two shots
Jean apologizing to Gabi was idk ig this a stretch is kind of like Levi apologizing to Eren after yk beating him up, eh maybe that was just me, but fr Jean would rock the Captain position tho, and this part where annie says
Like did the guys rlly forgive her in the end? Ofc we don't know, no one bothered lol
Pieck in all her glory, amazing
I love this episode but lemme tell u guys I hate that god! only three episodes left, yk yk chapter 132 and then i will go into a deep state of isolation and utter emptiness bcus damn me for diving so deep into the aot fandom without any alternatives to make myself feel better when it ends, oh well there's always aot junior high,
at least the fandom would be suffering with me as well so cheers to us coping
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zuzusexytiems · 3 years
Jujutsu Kaisen From A Person Who Has Never Watched A Single Episode Of Jujutsu Kaisen: A Thread 🧵🐼
Some notes before we dive in:
I literally dk wtf this show is about
Jujutsu????? and magic????
There's a boy and his grandpa is dying or smth
They go to school?? the school is for magic ppl????
they're all hot and they have weapons n shit
Some of them r canonically gay and I dig it
01. Yuuji (???)
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Pink hair idk what's up with that but I fuck w it
Naruto incarnate
he's important ig
they ship him with That Girl a lot?
gets tats when he's angry like the hulk except he doesn't turn big n green he just gets tattoos
idk what he does honestly I'm sorry idc abt protagonists it's all abt the side characters for me 😩
grandpa is dying and he's sad
02. Megumi
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apparently canonically pan and I love that
Sasuke but gay and therefore superior
idk what's going on with his hair and I hate it
10/10 would die for him tho
edgelord??? Secretly a dork??
probably has some tragic backstory that will make me fall in love with him
03. This Girl
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Idk who she is and what she does but I love her holy shit what a fucking bamf
Ochako from bnha but not 15 so I'm allowed to have a crush on her
she has this deadly weapon thing it's so hot and I am so gay
100000/10 needs to step on me immediately
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the only reason I want to watch this show in the 1st place lmao
tragic backstory that's worse than megumi's???
victor nikiforov & kakashi hatake's love child
very powerful
could probably crush my spine between his fingers and I would pay him to do it
rail me daddy
05. Nanami (???)
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idk he looks like a millionaire
either a mafia boss or owns the school???? (is there even a school)
idk but he looks rich so he prolly owns smth
they ship him with gojo so he prolly owns gojo😌💕
loves bread and is a regular at this one (1) bakeshop
06. Mai Zenin
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the Other Reason I wanna watch this damn show
she has a twin(?) and they're both bamfs
everyone in jjk is so hot and I'm so MAD
One of them is Good & the other one is either evil or dead
I saw this gif of the two of them w guns once and felt my soul leave my body
07. Maki Zenin
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The Twin
If Levi & Hange from attack on titan had a child it would be Maki Zenin
The Good (??) /Not Dead one
never smiles and has issues
probably has beef w the pink haired dude
she could teach me math and I would willingly let her
08. the panda
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he's a panda
I don't fucking know
09. This Guy
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everybody hates him
lowkey wanna stan him just to spite everybody on twt lmao
was dead once ig???
If Mary Shelley Was Into Anime
Patrick Star kinnie
a himbo
10. This Other Guy
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I keep forgetting he exists
highkey reminds me of that annoying kid from class B in bnha
gay gay homosexual gay
probably says "NAUUUR" out loud unironically
needs a hug and a 10-hour nap
idk how to end this post but l'm probably gonna get super obsessed with this show once I start it and I am Terrified 🙃🙃🙃🙃🐼
22 notes · View notes
herdecisions · 3 years
Favourites/Biases 🤣
Let’s be hoes together for these people ig 🙄👀🤣
tl;dr ifywk lol
🥵| certifed wh*re for: Asra, Yeong-gi/Nol, 707, Saeran, Ruth, Byakuya, Shuichi, Yamaguchi, Osamu, Suna, Dazai, Ranpo, Kunikida, Armin, Levi, Giyuu
🥺| fluff-ily love: Dieter, Mammon, Leviathan, Nagito, Kokichi, Megumi, Kyo, Tamaki, Mikey
😌| platonically like/like in general: Suho, Oliver, Fuyuhiko, Gonta, Oikawa, Maki, Inumaki, Miyamura, Kirishima, Denki, Takemichi
🥰| has a special place in my heart (comfort character?): Kita, Tanaka, Nanamin, Ishikawa
The Arcana: Game -> Asra 1000% then Julian LMAO
Webtoon: I Love Yoo -> Yeong-gi/Nol 🥺😭😭 and Dieter ohmygodddd 😭
Webtoon: True Beauty -> Not really a hoe for this man but I love him. plz make ur move ??? Suho
Webtoon: The Kiss Bet -> Also not a hoe for anyone here, just heavily rooting for this youngin lol. Oliver
Mystic Messenger -> 707 probably ‘cus the fandom has hypnotized me, now I’m love w/ him. Oh and Also!! Saeran ice cream boy
I honestly haven’t finished/read every route myself lol, but I spoiled myself cus I was bored and didn’t wanna wake up at 3am like 66 more times just to do the chatrooms lol idk I’ve been spending my days a little bit like shit when I did that LMFAOO anyways
Obey Me -> Mammon and Leviathan !!!!!!!
Manhwa/Manta: Under the Oak Tree -> I’M 😵🌬😵🌬 for this man OHMYLORRDDD. Ruth Serbel. Riftan* is cute too but idk I’m just turned off and bored, especially that all he can do is MISSIONARY BOIII switch it up 😶
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc -> Byakuya (I’m Toko i guess LMAOO) and Kyoko 😂
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair -> Nagito. WE STAN NAGITO IN THIS HOUSE IM SORRY NOT SORRY
Also Fuyuhiko. This man is just so in love 😭😭 my heart is aching for his relationship with Peko
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony -> Kokichi with Miu LMAOO. They be R21 but its so funny 💀😭 oh right and maybe Gonta the sweet boy 😭 Anddd how could i forget.. why. am I. such. a. wh*re. for this man Shuichi
I guess I just like people from dangranronpa because of their relationships w/ each other—other than Nagito of course. I love that man.
Haikyu -> Honestly probably changes everyday but also not at the same time. But mainly Yamaguchi for now. The others would be Osamu, Suna, Kita and I’m not that into Tsukishima anymore (I’m speaking as if I actually have a real life relationship with these characters LMAOOOO im so done with myself). I’m slowly starting to fall for Atsumu 😶 and I like Oikawa. Tanaka i think is SO SWEET he is one of those people who kind of...”unexplainably” has a special place in my heart, and I think Nishinoya is so cuteee !
Jujutsu Kaisen -> in love with Megumi 🥺🥺 also I love Nanamin Kento as a father 🙂 anddd I just think Maki is an absoluteeee badddieeeee. Inumaki is so cute :((
Bungou Stray Dogs -> Osamu Dazai, Ranpo, and Kunikida these men are so sexy.. and for whattttt?? For whatt??????
Attack On Titan -> I will gladly be a hypocrite (? I mean is it even considered that? Lol.) for this one. Criticized the f u c k out of this man’s haircut, and jumped the moment he changed it 😶 you know who it is... Armin. And of course, since forever, with everyone, our small giant man Levi
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun -> I kinda feel like I may have a child like Hanako—minus the yk what. I’m a hoe for this show’s aesthetic and art style. Especially that I’m a hoe for spirituality/occult lol. I’m just so extremely aesthetically satisfied in every level all the time I watch. I may read the manga but my heart is already aching because I got a litttle bit spoiled 😐 (plz dont spoil me with this show especially LMFAO)
Fruits Basket -> I’m still in season 1 lol. The sibling (of the rat boy) is just so long I’m so bored 🤡 will definitely try to come back to finish it though. Stanning for this tsundere Kyo but based on Tohru’s interactions—if ever she were to end up with someone in the show, I already have an idea who 😶 🐀
Death Note -> Light after L— yk. idk he just looks good with slightly longer hair and looking and being older 🤷🏻‍♀️
Horimiya -> Miyamura with Hori, Ishikawa (wow this man... i just wow 😭)
My Hero Academia -> Tamaki Amajiki (this boy 😭😭😭😭🥺), Fat Gum (cus of how he treats tamaki honestly lmfao), and lowwlowwwkey Tenya Iida—its.. its the glasses for me 😩🤚🏻 Kinda starting to like Bakugou more, because of the quizzes 😂😂 but im not a hoe, i just think he’s objectively attractive even tho he seems like he’s going to pop a vein someday. I think a lot of the characters are super sweet, but I feel particularly a little soft for Kirishima and Denki
Tokyo Revengers -> pretty much everyone but mainly, probably, so far: (please please please be there, protect, actively love this precious baby boy, give him words of affirmation, have his back, make him open up more—) Mikey and Takemichi
Demon Slayer -> ...Giyuu is so hot
Kakegurui -> i think Kaede Manyuda is like my fantasy/dream guy 🤡 do i have low standards? Shet.. and Rei Batsubami ohmygod ohmygod this woman.
Favourite Pairings
Kinda jealous in some of these ngl but i love them together so… 🤡
Jean x Diluc - hot 🥵
L x Misa Amane - literally so fcking cute 😭😭
Bakugou Katsuki x Ochako Uraraka - I’m sorry but I ship it so 🤷🏻‍♀️
Bakugou Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku - as platonic soulmates
Ino Yamanaka x Shikamaru Nara - i ship them like… so hard.
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toruvi · 2 years
ok but consider: actor au zeke has a secret levi stan acc on twt. Is definitely one of the larger accounts with like millions of follows, he is super active on there as well, posts updates and pictures and small video clips, just everything you want in a stan acc (probably has a levi shrine in his trailer too and so sweats buckets every time someone knocks on his trailer)
somehow it gets discovered amongst the cast that zeke has this account and levi is just about ready to end it all because of all his coworkers why did it have to be monke man
(and because of that fiasco hange carefully deletes their AO3 account, which has multiple ongoing 100k reader insert fics) (cue connie being moody for days because his fave fanfic author disappeared with no warning) (jean and eren goes on hiatus on their joint mikasa stan account. armin is aware of all of this and uses it as blackmail material. they now buy him pastries on the regular) (ymir definitely reads yumihisu fics in the open, she has no fear)
ARMIN?! armin using it all as blackmail made me scream lmao. zeke constantly tries to chat levi up (which always ends up awkward bc levi is not one to favor small talk very often) NOT HANGE HAVING AN AO3 ACC shdjkahf CONNIE?!
i'm losing it rn my fave part of all this is the fact that jean and eren share a mika stan account.
also ymir is the most shameless person about yumihisu. she will retweet any and all ship art/fanart of yumihisu, will gladly accept when fans give them fanart in person, promotes the artists on her ig and twt. historia doesn't mind because ymir gets sooo excited, she just loooves showing off her girlfriend to world <33
ymir also finds a way to shoehorn some anecdote or something about historia in EVERY SINGLE INTERVIEW. even if it has nothing to do with her or even the show
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In which MC breaks down in front of Satan
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Prompt: Can I please request #2 (the please don’t cry one!) with Satan ! If that’s ok- I saw your other Satan imagine and whoa boy 😳😳🥺🥺💜💚💚
AAAA THE LEVIE BREAKDOWN IS TOP NOTCH 😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧🤧🥵🥵💖💖💖💖💕💕😭😭 as a Satan stan could I humbly ask for a Satan version? No need to say yes just wondering - love your blog btw 😭😭😭💕💕💕💕💕
Genre: Fluff/Comfort/tad angst ig?
Pairing: Satan X MC
Notes: thank you both ahh, i incorporated them into one ask!!! I hope yall enjoy!!!!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*・゚✧*:・゚✧ : *✧・゚✧・゚
“Please don’t cry. I can’t stand to see you cry.”
The door frame shook as it was shut, immediate sobs erupted from MC's lips, bracing themselves against it and slowly sliding themselves down.
"I can't do it anymore. I can't I cant I cant." MC's words were frantic, and Satan was worried enough that he hastily put his book down and rushed by their side.
"My love, what's happened? What's wrong?" His thumb grazed their cheek, his knee popping as he crouched down to MC's sulked form. This wasn't a common occurrence. To see MC break down like this was, almost shocking, to Satan.
"It's too much. I have demonology, and Mammon is annoying, and I have so many missing assignments and I bombed the test in History, and I," their hands moved from their hair, gripping it painfully before they started to continue on, "I'm on cooking duty tonight too..."
"Please don't cry. I can't stand to see you cry. Just let me hold you." He enveloped MC in a warm embrace, moving to sit properly, MC between his legs, holding a little tighter when they tensed up.
"I can't do it." MC sobbed seemingly a little quieter than before.
"Shh, just take a deep breath and we'll figure it out in a little while. Just sit here with me for a minute." He nuzzled his face into their hair, hands rubbing the small of their back gently.
MC stayed quiet, small hitches in their breath every once in a while.
"I need to go start cooking." Their breath hitched again, nails almost digging into Satan's jacket.
"I'll help you. Just sit with me for a minute. Just let me hold you." He smiled softly into their hair, deepening his breathing so they could hear him. "I'll take over tonight. You can sit with me while I cook, as compensation. Or you can rest and make it up to me later."
"I love you. Thank you for caring about me." MC looked up at him, eyes red, puffy. He could see the exhaustion in their eyes, and he already knew how he would address their issues the next morning.
He kissed the top of their head softly. "You make it so easy, my love."
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cloveroctobers · 3 years
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IG Info/bio: @/justjenw1n | 220k followers | Fashion | just a LUVer who owns a lovely blog that you’re more than welcome to check out here... astoldbyjenmarlowe.co.uk 🪞🛍🪄
22 (24) (25 in 2021) years of age
From London, England
Her family has French origins
Tends to visit once a year mainly with her family
For her 18th bday, her parents also sent her to Paris with her bf that she’s been dating since she was 14
they broke up since he wanted to stay in Paris to pursue his dreams and she felt like she needed to be back home...which she felt Paris was not
Extremely close to her parents, some may say a little TOO close...
See, I feel like jen comes from a family that spoils her where her parents did everything and took care of everything for her. She had the privilege and didn’t have to work too hard to get things she wanted so that made her a little bit different than a few of her friends, hell—even her bf
Didn’t have to work until she reached her twenties
She also didn’t have too many friends because her parents felt like her cousins and/or her sibs were really only allowed to hold that title
However her parents had some sort of a soft spot for her when they allowed her to date her bf at 14 since he came from a nice background...
And to have at least 1-2 best friends...
I can’t decide if I see her having 3 other sibs with her being the second eldest, or her being the eldest with a younger sister? I can also see her being a only child too? Idk y’all can decide
Because her family is a tight knit one, she values everything they say and do...which is canon/evident
She got her thigh tattoo in Paris and even thought about asking her parents permission but her bf talked her out of it
she later showed them that night while he was in the shower. Her mother openly disapproved saying it was, “unladylike or unclean” while her father was more lenient towards it 
Her mother even scheduled her for laser appointments but this was one of the things jen was sure of, she loved her tattoo and she didn’t want to erase it from her body which led to her mother not speaking to her for about a month—even tho they live in the same household
I feel like she looks more like her dad with her mom’s hair and smile
Got into fashion due to her maternal grandmother who seemed to live a extravagant life as a old time actress, she always had and owned the finest of things
Jen loved having sleepovers there, it felt like she had her own personal Liz Taylor inside of her nan...but better!
Definitely found inspiration through Liz Taylor, Kate Moss, Victoria Beckham, and Naomi Campbell
she had no clue what she wanted to do in life (she never had to think too hard about it until now, it’s true what they say about your twenties) and she made the choice not to continue thru with uni & I’m not going to make her out to be the stereotypical “dumb blonde” I think she did well in school—so she kinda just chilled after it was all over
Her first job at 20 was probably working in retail where she learned all about the bs you put up with but she loved clothes! That never changed
So she decided 6 months into her job that she was going to make a fashion blog
she made one separate from her tumblr but kept it under construction since she needed to brain storm what exactly this blog would entail
It didn’t take too long to her to figure it out by how she wanted the blog to look then discussing pieces from celebs/models then slowly discussing her own wardrobe + advice
She didn’t immediately gain success for it —altho she did have a good 1k people follow her thru her tumblr where she also provided the link to her separate blog... but she worked/works hard at it, hoping one day it’ll get her somewhere and that maybe she can get paid for it too?
Retail fucking sucks and people are horrible twats so when she was approaching 21 she deff quit with her parents still hammering...more so her dad on what she needs to do with her life but she found happiness in her blog and no one was going to take that away from her —not even her parents
‘What’s the use of working if it doesn’t make you happy?’ She thinks but again! she has the privilege of living under her parents roof and not having to pay bills so she didn’t have to worry too much rn she knows they’d never kick her out right?
she has two bunnies named “bugsy” and “Lola”—u know the reference right?
I feel like she values the flinstones & jetsons because it was something her dad loved watching as a kid and still does , probably has the dvds showcased in her room that she watches when she feels sad
Seems like a smiley person but when she’s sad? It kinda sucks to see cause she turns into a whole different person and she always seems happy with a smile so wide that turns her eyes squinty
If she disagrees with something, she’s 100% giving her opinion whether you like it or not? Wrong is wrong. But when the shoe is on the other foot? She hates being wrong LOL or doesn’t view herself being wrong. Doesn’t take accountability well...at all!
She’s also showed her ass by being a gossiper and fake as hell with Allegra about mc with the whole, “let’s pretend like we’re there for her” if you’re not fucking with somebody just say that or SHOW it sis cause that snakey shit will come back to bite you in the ass (I forgot about this lol as I’m replaying)
she’s all “mega resting bitch face” until she breaks out into a large smile
Libra sun? + Virgo moon? + Gemini rising?
I feel like she only knows what she wants when it comes to relationships but not with the rest of life?
Lol she was very determined with levi in the beginning, explored shit with jake, (I can’t remember if that was after you/mc showed a interest in him or not in that route? I’m doing a talia/Rohan route rn But that’s kinda foul if she’s smiling in ur face and then boom goes and does what she wants but hey that’s the game right? Fck that tho) and then stood by Tim after only some time?
She wasn’t feeling him in the beginning either cause he thought she was too posh for him and snakey which he’s right to some degree but she’s also right if she finds him too immature for her liking
To you jim? Ten? Stans— Idk what their ship name is but it probably wouldn’t have worked out in the long run either because I don’t see both of them wanting to change themselves completely to satisfy the other. (Tim tried) Sure if you’re showing unhealthy behaviors and are open to diminishing that for yourself then trying to work on your relationship then that’s great! But they already started from the jump not liking each other’s personalities/characteristics....
And hey! Ofc I know people grow to like things they might have disliked about you in the beginning but you can also find yourself not fully accepting it in a relationship and that doesn’t mean you didn’t try
+ it’s been hinted at that they’re not endgame & if you love yourself some Tim not platonically then this works in ur favor. if not? Then you can keep them endgame by all means! For me? That endgame shit is a no! For those that don’t gaf about either of them that’s fine too lmao
YES I feel like they were both hurt over the breakup and it probably happened right around the holidays or either a couple of months after Christmas/New Years 2019
Jen is probably the type to keep checking up on her ex, not necessarily talking to them but finding out who they’re with now
and if it’s Tim with mc she’s definitely gossiping about the shit with erikah and Allegra or making shady tweets or posts on IG for sure
“5 outfits to wear when you run into your ex” type posts on her blog looool
She hopes if she runs into Tim, she’s looking her best and she would 80% go up to him & mc/his new girl if not mc and be all huggy with him and holding conversation before she even thinks to acknowledge mc/new girl and when she does it’s a shady convo with fake smiles
Absolutely loves watching housewives so she was prepared for that moment if it ever does come
Her parents openly didn’t like Tim which made him feel like shit since it seemed like jen never defended him in front of them but again, she values her parents opinion and always wants their stamp of approval that’s just the way the girl is/ was brought up
She owes them everything but deep down knows that in her relationship with Tim she could have been a little more understanding of his needs like he was with her love for her parents...but she’ll never admit that
Doesn’t get over breakups as easily as it may seem like her exes do in her opinion.
It sure didn’t take long with Tim to date mc/new girl months after they broke up! Which was like a slap in the face
The ex bf she spent time w in Paris who looks like Matthew Noszka is now engaged, lives in AMERICA—& of all places??? California to be exact, and just released his debut album!! She knows which songs are probably about her, it’s a nice album she screamed about it for hours into her pillow and cried for what felt like weeks
Lost her voice over that breakdown too
Her mother even went as far as sending a nasty letter to this ex bf’s new address...since ya know? jen’s dad is a private investigator & all!!! but dad had no knowledge of this being done
She’s still fond of Levi and jake but not like in love with them? Like she thought/felt she was with Tim but she still considers them her mates
Maybe in 2021 she’ll be open to dating again and hopes erikah and Allegra will be her wingwomen when the time comes BUT she’s focusing on her blog rn and it’s the best it’s ever been!
She had the show to thank for that now that she has a manager and is getting paid for running her blog now! That’s right this girl is officially employed!
“At least one good thing came from the show ;) 🧽🥐🥂” type of tweets
There’s never not a moment where she’s not connecting her posts whether thru ig or Twitter to her blog: astoldbyjenmarlowe.co.uk!!!
Both erikah and Allegra talk a little shit about that together...WHEN they DO talk, the pair only really socialize when jen initiates it but if one pisses the other off?? they’re going to gossip about it with the other forsure
She doesn’t look that tall to me? Taller than erikah? 5’2-5’5 the 5 is pushing it for me? Maybe? lol I’m still deciding between her and Allegra far as height and I’m too lazy to go back and see what I put for her
Hates straightening her hair, that pin straight look is not cute to her. She loves having waves and body to her hair
Get her eyebrows micro bladed since she doesn’t have much hair up there to begin with
Adores French cuisine, always has since she was a little girl. Bisque used to be her fav back then and all that she would eat
Loves spring season especially pastel colors when it comes to her wardrobe
The type to say one thing and do the complete opposite
I feel like she probably has a little bit of lisp and it’s not really noticeable until she says some words, she’s insecure about it and thought it had something to do with the structure of her teeth and begged her parents to get them fixed but it literally had nothing to do with them
Yet she still got colorful braces in middle school even tho her teeth were pretty straight. She didn’t have to wear them for a whole year, thank goodness
Went to speech therapy to help
Has stacks of fashion magazines even from the early 90s all over her room: her night stand, her vanity, her closet, underneath her bed etc...
Adores the Hadid sisters, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, & Georgia May Jagger
Makes the best white chocolate chip (that’s right, white not just regular chocolate) banana bread but cooking/baking? Isn’t really her thing
Early riser
Loves yellow: yellow phone case, yellow laptop, yellow room, yellow tulips, yellow shades, etc...
Getting Prada shades was probably one of the best things that happened to her, s/o to her nan for granting her this wish
Words of affirmation is her love lanaguage, this girl is a talker and a bit of a thinker too I mean duh? She runs a blog
Likes bright colors on her toes but nude and clear polish on her hands?
Loves a good mascara but she also loves magnetic lashes but is trying her best to grow her lashes out rn! Thanks to erikah for sending her some good ol’ coconut oil!
Smokey eyes? Set her up
Gets a belly ring, and two more tatts one in between her boobs and the last on her ankle & that one she shed a tear over!
Maybe she’ll start changing her physical attributes more so than the way she carries her life at first? (Or ever) She’ll cut her hair below her collarbone to the top of her chest, and maybe she’ll try a light light LIGHT brunette (she loves being a natural blonde) with blonde highlights? Who knows
loves espadrilles and wedge sandals
Loves going wine tasting and visiting vineyards, if she’s vacationing? You can bet ur ass she’s looking for a vineyard to visit
Deff a lightweight
Here’s her unpopular opinions on s2: Thought Felix was a wannabe Tim and hates the fact that he follows her, thought graham was unattractive and said so to Allegra who snickered, thought marisol’s clothing choices were rather boring,
didn’t feel 100% bad for Hannah but disagrees with the way Gary and noah spoke about her + the way Gary tried to slide back over to Hannah on her comeback episode
but doesn’t feel like Lottie is wrong for choosing Gary after Hannah left
isn’t a fan of priya but is glad she’s doing fashion since jen strongly believes in if something isn’t making u happy then u need to let it go
Thinks Hope should have won and cannot tolerate Bobby. Feels he’s WORSE than Felix,
would be open to dating Ibrahim or Carl from that szn
has spoken to Harry from s3 due to his drunkenness and actually made a friend out of him? But low key wants to get to know seb? Take that info as u will 👀
Her anthem: Michelle — SUNRISE
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