#sry if my answer isn't good
windvexer · 3 months
Heylo! I wanted to ask about your experience post initiation if that's alright .i recently did a tarot reading and got told that to please spirits in order to begin a good working relationship, i must contemplate and be ready to be Changed. there were lots of signs that it could lead to feelings of isolation, and otherness but it will lead me deep into myself (sry if this is too long.) i want to know if u went through something similar, or something else, and is it worth it personally for you. I would also love some pointers as to what I'm supposed to contemplate about. I don't mind the isolation but maybe I'm not understanding some key aspect of it. anyway thank you and i love your blog it's an irreplaceable resource for me. :)
Hi :)
Spirit-lead initiation into witchcraft is a controversial topic, I think in part because it can be very uncomfortable to discuss.
I have been relatively open on my blog that my initiatory experience was extremely painful and required a level of sacrifice and transformation that I was too immature to comprehend at the beginning of the process. Even now it's not something I'm sure I could articulate.
For me it was a process that lasted the majority of a decade. I think this is a relatively average timeline - which I just bring up because I think it's useful to point out that if you are facing the same sort of thing that I faced, it's not just going to be over in a few weeks or months.
Was it worth it personally for me? I don't know. Right now, my answer is that I love who I am and I like my life, and I wouldn't be who I am or have this life if I didn't go through that process. I used to say I'd never do it again if I had the choice. Now, a few years after the fact, sometimes I say I'd do it again. Maybe in a decade I'll think it was worth it.
It's my belief that the sort of initiatory process I, and others, have gone through, isn't necessary for most people to form a good working relationship with the spirits.
I believe that if you have the choice, you should very, very carefully contemplate initiation and only agree to it after a prolonged period of reflection.
So, what's there to contemplate? I dunno. Otherness on the path to spirit-working was a major part of my trip, so if we are kindred, here's maybe something to contemplate:
You are a boulder. You are a very nice boulder in the wilderness. You're composed of many varieties of minerals and metals. You are a gorgeous boulder, glittering in the sunlight, hosting a unique map of inclusions and ore veins unlike any other boulder in the world.
You sit high up on a mountainside. A few meters behind you is a river. Below you is a dry valley.
The waters of the river are pressing up behind you. They rush past you, sweeping by, continuing their eternal circuit in the mountain-range, but rarely trickling into the dry valley below.
One day, you gain an interest - as some boulders do - in allowing some of the water to trickle past you into the valley below. The secrets of nature will allow you to sometimes let water to lap up over your sides, and through narrow crevices, to water the plants you find to be most beautiful, and provide drinking pools for the little animals you hold most dear.
Little by little, the valley beneath you begins to change as you apply yourself to learning the secrets of nature and letting the water flow past you.
After some time, the water begins to whisper in your ear. It appreciates your interest in its flow - it likes your focus on the river. A deal can be brokered:
The river will dissolve only some of the minerals and inclusions that run through you, creating hollow tunnels. Through these tunnels, the water can flow much more easily and rapidly.
But there are conditions.
The conditions are that whatever is washed away can never be returned. How could it? What force in the universe could restore the crystalline structure within you once the waters have carried it away?
And, the river chooses which inclusions will be removed. The river is very wise in these matters; it knows better than anyone how water can best flow through any boulder. It isn't up to you to choose what leaves, and it isn't up to you to choose the nature in which the water will flow through you.
Finally, if you use the secrets of nature to ever stop the flow of water through the new inclusions, you are at risk of crumbling away. The empty caverns within you will dry up and leave you empty in places that should be whole.
The river asks you to contemplate and return with an answer.
Of course it leads you deep into yourself. The river is going to run right through you.
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puddingcatbeans · 9 months
timkon; bad nights happen (i'm just a call away).
Kon snaps awake. He stares up at his ceiling, trying to figure out what woke him. The rest of the house is still asleep---Pa is snoring gently, Ma is breathing steadily, Krypto is snuffling at his feet---and the farm is quiet. A quick glance at the clock shows it's barely past 4am. So what...
A buzz somewhere under the covers. Kon swipes his hand through the tangled mess of comforter and pillows, digging out his phone.
[Tim] hey arre u awske
[Tim] sry nvnr mind
Kon squints at the phone. Tim never has this many spelling mistakes unless he's absolutely shitfaced or high on painkillers. Did he get hurt on patrol again?
Just as Kon is typing a reply, his phone starts vibrating with a call. He nearly drops it in his hurry to pick up.
"Tim? What's---"
"Good, you're up." Kon sits up, suddenly wide awake. The voice on the other end is deeper, gruffer, with a very distinct edge of an accent. "How fast can you make it to Gotham?"
Kon wastes a second making sure he's really awake. "Why are you on Tim's phone, Hood?"
"Don't worry about it. Now answer my question."
Kon is already grabbing the nearest shirt. "What happened to Tim?"
"He's here, he's not bleeding or missing any other internal organs," Hood says. There's some shuffling on his end, and what sounds like a muffled protest.
With Kon's hearing, he can just about make out Tim's familiar cadence, but not the words. He relaxes slightly at the sound.
"Nope, nuh-uh, baby bird, I told you to call him. Didn't you want proof?" Tim's voice tapers off, and Hood's voice comes back clearer. "So, Superboy. I'm giving you five minutes, or Timberly's next panic attack is on you."
Kon is already in the sky.
He touches down on the window sill of a modest apartment just outside Park Row. A safehouse, probably. He can hear two heartbeats inside, one steadier than the other. He knocks, knowing better than to set off all the alarms by trying to go in on his own. Jason appears, helmet off and looking exhausted.
"What's going on?" Kon asks, slipping inside.
"Fear toxin. New strain or some shit, antidote isn't working right. He keeps having flashbacks to when you were dead."
Kon sucks in a breath. He's heard how messed up Tim was that horrible, horrible year when he was gone. Even after he came back, after Batman came back, sometimes Tim still gets this look in his eye. Haunted, broken. It hurts to see him like that and know that Kon caused part of it.
"---tried to call the speedster, too," Jason is saying, leading him down the hall. "But he's currently not in this dimension or whatever. Anyway. Just come here and convince Tim you're not a hallucination, okay? I'll buy you a beer tomorrow."
"I'm a minor," Kon says, distracted. Tim's heartbeat has sped up again, his breaths hitching.
"A milkshake, then." Jason knocks on the doorframe before stepping into the bedroom. His voice turns almost gentle when he goes, "Timmy. You still with us?"
There's a lump of blankets on the floor next to the bed. Tim peers out at them, and even from across the room, Kon can see him shaking. He's pressed up against the nightstand, eyes darting back and forth, trying to see everything all at once.
"Hey, Rob," Kon says, stepping forward. "Heard you missed me."
Tim stares. "Kon," he whispers. "You're alive."
"Yeah, buddy." Kon kneels down in front of Tim. Up close, he looks even worse: heavy eyes bags, tears stuck on eyelashes, scratches on his arms from his own fingernails. Distantly, he's aware of Jason backing out of the room. "Hey. What do you need?"
Taking in a wavering breath, Tim reaches out. His fingertips are ghosts against Kon's skin, tracing their way up from his collarbones to his jawline, his cheekbones, his nose. Kon holds still. When Tim meets his eyes again, his breathing is still too shallow, but slower.
"You're alive," Tim repeats. "You're real."
When Kon opens his arms, Tim falls into them. Kon wastes no time in pulling the other boy into his lap, tangled blankets and all. Tim is clutching him back just as hard, fingers digging into the rumpled flannel that he threw on, face mashed against his neck. Without meaning to, Kon runs his TTK through Tim, checking for injuries. Somehow, this seems to reassure Tim further, causing him to slump against Kon like a puppet whose strings have been cut.
"You're okay," Kon says quietly into Tim's sweaty hair. "You're safe. Batman is back, Bart's back, I'm back, I'm here. You're nineteen, you survived, and you're not alone anymore."
Tim's exhale sounds more like a sob. Kon pretends he hears nothing. He just sits there and holds onto Tim as his best friend shakes apart in his arms. He sits there and breathes as Tim slowly puts himself back together.
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gurlbesimpin · 11 months
ppl stop writing for Heisenberg... how about our magnetto man with a punk/alternative SO??
OUHHHH yessssss!
pairing: Karl Heisenberg x GN!reader
{{note: I generally write REVillage fics Post-canon/alternate universe, assuming Ethan and rose, Mia etc. never existed sry XD}}
Warnings: swearing, brief mention of gore, very mild sexual themes
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Ohoho where do I begin?
Karl when he first spots you is... intrigued to say the least.
You weren't like the others, you dressed differently, acted differently, and most importantly... you weren't like the other villagers, blindly following and worshipping Miranda!
Now, Karl being Karl... he thought about pulling his usual BS about "I'm a metal lord, fear me!" but quickly decided against it; not wanting to scare you off or anything. Especially since you didn't seem local, therefore not knowing who the fuck he is.
{and pshhh don't tell anyone i told you this, but despite his huge ego... he might not actually want you to know who he really is at first. So he'll try his best to act "normal" and as human as possible}
After he finally approached you and engaged in a regular conversation, he quickly finds himself craving more.
Long story short, he seeks you out in the village again the next day, inviting you over to his factory because... he didn't really have a house. Anyway, he wouldn't show you what he actually does in there... you two will be in his office on the first floor, he ain't taking you down into the actual factory until he is sure you won't freak out.
This "friend meeting" (totally not a date ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °) goes smoothly surprisingly. He'll ask you about your tattoos and/or piercings, scars etc. {if you have any}.
After a long-ass conversation about all kinds of shit, he'll just ask the question we've all been waiting for.
"So buttercup, you... eh... one of those emos?"
Time for the explanation between emo, goth, punk, rock. Two minutes into this, Karl stops listening... he got his answer.
You listen to heavy music.
And so does he.
Start talking about Metallica, Slipknot, I prevail, Rob Zombie, ACDC, black sabbath, Iron Maiden, Avenged Sevenfold, hell.... even SOME my chemical romance and Seether- and i promise, you'll get his attention piqued!
Especially if we're talking german bands such as "Rammstein" or "Die Toten Hosen" and he'll just... scream internally?
Like first of all... there's someone who also hates mother miranda besides him, they are funny, hot AND love german bands?!
Needless to say, you two started a relationship quickly.
Despite needing to make his huge ass metal army, he takes a day off to make a bigass stereo...
{and then later that day Lady Dimitrescu complains about the loud ass music coming from his factory that even SHE and her three girls can hear from her castle. lol. Heisenberg tells her to shut the fuck up}
His huge goal is obviously to kill miranda... and then after escaping this shit village together with you. When the day comes, you two will celebrate with flipping off Lady supersized bitch and rolling off to a concert
{which likely isn't a good idea... imagine Karl wanting the microphone from the singer or something. You be chillin and there's just... a floating microphone... you be like... "Karl? what are YOU DOING?!" meanwhile Karl just has a shit eating grin as the crowd screams}
But let's not jump to far into the future...
Right now, you two are stuck under Miranda's disgusting-ass thumb.
Dark times man. It's shit, but whenever you waddle into his office whilst he's working... just y'know... get your phone out and play one of his favorite songs!
This man will {depending on his mood} shoo you away, or most-likely drop what he's doing and just... *grab* you and start juming around the room like monkies in a moshpit.
Once the song finishes, his hand will move from cupping your cheek, to cupping CHEEKS. Just him seeing you rock out to his favorite songs... is enough for Karl to get all hot 'n bothered. So expect some bending over the Work-bench and nice grindin' whilst 'Closer' by nine inch nails plays ;)
if you like steampunk
Scramble to collect little gears and screws... making little earrings, rings, necklaces etc.
stud bracelets.
and if you like wearing chokers
be careful
that awakens a beast within him
"oh ho ho buttercup! What do we have here? Want me to attach a leash and make you *my pet*?
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cummin-n-cryin · 1 year
May I request poly vil and idia with a gender neutral reader, with maybe either body disphoria, or just in general feeling not good enough?
It can be sfw or not, whichever you feel more up to!
~Thank you for your request!
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You're Good Enough
Vil + Idia x gn!reader (polyamory)
Tw: lil bit of angst
Wordcount: 900
Side Note: oooh been a while since I've gotten an angsty request! I'm leaning more towards just in general not feeling good enough as body dysphoria can get a bit complicated. Being in a poly relationship with Vil and Idia is an interesting combination! Sry if the beginning seems a bit rushed but I hope this is okay!
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Idia is the first to find you. Stumbling upon your hunched over form sitting on a bench in the courtyard. He grew worried seeing your downcast expression. So, awkwardly shuffling back and forth, he invites you to come to his bedroom to play video games with him. Maybe playing for a bit will help distract your mind from whatever is bothering you?
You agree to his offer and take his hand as you both walk to the Ignihyde dorm together. Once you reach his bedroom, he offers you snacks as he sets up everything.
Ortho eventually walks in. He's excited to see you here. Though, when Idia whispers to Ortho about how you seem to be feeling down, Ortho makes it his mission to try and at least make you laugh a little bit.
Trying his best to cheer you up, he tells you of cool or funny things that he saw the other students doing. He also tries showing you videos of animals doing silly things. People like to watch cute animals when they're feeling sad, right?
However, Ortho doesn't stay too long, as much as he'd like to hang out with you and his older brother, he has a whole dorm to patrol! So with a quick goodbye, Ortho leaves to go back on his walk.
You and Idia go back to playing games, though he can't help but be curious as to what made you feel upset. So, he asks. Albeit he's very awkward about it, looking off to the side. For a minute you're quiet, before telling him that you just don't feel like you're good enough.
Idia doesn't respond immediately, instead he pulls you into a hug. He takes a moment before whispering, "You're way more than good enough, you're amazing. I should be the one feeling like I'm not good enough." He lets out a small, almost sad laugh as he pulls away from you.
He then continues, "Seriously though, you really are amazing and I couldn't have wished for a better person to be my love interest. I'm sure Vil would agree with me too." He then quickly looks away, "Sorry if that was weird or something. I'm pretty bad at these kinds of things..." He rubs the back of his neck as he clears his throat.
The moment is then interrupted by Ortho bursting through the door. Idia lets out a high pitched scream before trying to cover it up with a cough. It seems Ortho is not alone however, as none other than Vil walks inside the bedroom just behind Ortho.
"I've been looking for you." Vil says, giving you a pointed look. "I texted you multiple times and yet I've received no answer. What's going on?" Vil places his hands on his hips as he looks down at both you and Idia.
"I was playing games with Idia. I must have gotten distracted." You awkwardly laugh. Idia then speaks after you, "They were feeling down so I invited them to come game with me for a bit."
Vil sighs, "Y/n, can you walk with me?" You nod. As you get up you give Idia a kiss on the cheek. Idia quickly looks away with a blush, his hair tinted pink to match. Vil smirks at the sight. You then proceed to follow Vil out of the bedroom, waving goodbye to Idia and Ortho as you do so.
As you two leave the Ignihyde dorm, Vil is quiet for a while. It isn't until you've fully left the dorm that he speaks, "I hope you don't mind me asking but, what had upset you?" Vil quickly adds, "Don't feel pressured to tell me if you don't want to. You shouldn't feel forced to answer."
You look at the ground for a moment, taking a breath you then tell Vil that you just feel like you're not good enough.
Vil's expression turns stern, "Did someone do something to make you feel like this? If someone has then I'll be sure to talk to them." You quickly shake your head, "No, it's just personal stuff I guess..." You mumble as you kick at the ground a bit.
Vil reaches over and lightly grasps your chin, moving your head to look at him. "Y/n. You are good enough and you will always be good enough. And as long as we're together, I'll make sure to remind you of that. It also seems you need to be taught how to respect yourself more. I won't stand here and let you treat yourself so terribly. Both you and I know you deserve more than that."
Vil releases your face and puts his hand on his hip. "But, that can wait. For now, let's get you back to your dorm. It's getting late." Grasping your hand within his, he walks you back to your room.
Arriving at your bedroom, Vil waits at the door as you walk inside. "Goodnight Y/n, we can discuss this more tomorrow. If you'd like to, of course."
However, before Vil leaves he then says, "Oh, do try to not tell Rook of this, unless you want him to sing you poems of your beauty outside your window at the dead of night. I warn you because I won't be there to help you." Vil gives a small laugh and with a final goodnight, closes the door.
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separatist-apologist · 2 months
I once went to one of their inbox to tell them to please stop tagging elucien if their posts is just about bashing elriel and they basically told me to f*ck off and they can "do what they want" or whatever. I swear, these are the same little sh*ts that would complain about Elriels tagging elucien.
It's the fact that it's always the same 5 people that have literally no hobbies but complain about Elriels. They're lurking in the gwynriel tag too. They're covering the sweet content we're looking for with their bullshit posts.
I don't want to see the hurtful stuff they say about Lucien and Elucien, nor do I care about their theories and Interpretation. I blocked the elriel tag and some elriels so that I won't have to see their posts. Heck, I'm avoiding acotar content on Tik tok and Twitter just so I won't see anything elriel and anti elucien related. If I wanted to see anti elriel content, I'd go to the anti elriel tag. It's that simple.
The thing is, I also tried to be more open to the Elriel ship. I'm very confident in Elucien, but should Elriel be endgame then I want to be okay with it. However, these little shits that constantly shove statements from toxic elriels to my face make it very difficult for me. It brings me back to "Elriels are so toxic" thoughts.
Sry for the long rant. It just angers me.
Babe, I once told people to stop taking the bait and they told me to get off my high horse so I feel you on that. Is it getting on a high horse to say that not everything on the internet is made in good faith and by answering obvious trolls...you give them the fight they want? Wow you sure showed them.
But at its core, LB said it best. It's not a bipartisan system and you actually can't tell anything about a person based on the ship they like. If some folks had any self awareness they'd realize they are literally no better than the people they claim to hate and for every one person hyping them up, 8 others feel discouraged and burned out from all the negativity. A fandom can't sustain itself on pure spite- you need people who passionately love the series enough to draw art, write fic, create headcanons etc etc, and to that end you have to let go of the utter boring obsession with what is and is not canon.
I took screenshots of that post, and one person said "the author wrote it that way for a reason???" and to that I'd say, she wrote enough to make elriel a very popular ship, too. Are we picking and choosing? Are we saying you're not allowed to ship something if it isn't canon? No more Neris, no Rhysta, no Casslain, no Azris? And who gets to decide what is and is not canon? Someone on that post was discussing what "true" eluciens are, which excludes me along with a vast swath of other people.
I didn't elect any of these people to decide what I was allowed to write about or commission art for- Like the cherry picking so people can be faux outraged and then take screenshots of one of the most popular artists in the fandom, with a VERY distinct style to create a victim narrative that allows them to feel good about bullying is just overdone and boring at this point.
Anyway, I'll always advocate for blocking people and creating spaces that feel good. And I'll continue saying that if you hate something that much, you should stop engaging with it. No one is ever going to change my mind about elucien, I'm confident in my choices and even if SJM doesn't go that direction, I'll still be writing elucien like idgaf. The constant looking each other up to talk shit reeks of insecurity and boredom. Couldn't be me.
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krikeymate · 1 year
Hey, I just want to tell you that you're an incredibly talented author, and all of your posts make me happy and excited.
I also have a request (I love angst, sry not sry) and the Carpenter sisters are kind of my new obsession rn (thanks to you lol)
Could you please write a scenario in which Sam comes back from school (she doesn't know about Billy yet) and witnesses Christina's violent outburst towards Tara?
She can't believe it at first because her mother always treated Sam like a princess (we all know why), and Tara is known to be a "clumsy" kid. So, basically, her little sister lied to her about where the bruises come from, but WHY?! I can't answer my own question, and it's frustrating.
I imagine a larger age gap between the two sisters. Sam knows that her mother doesn't love Tara as much as she adores Sam, but the physical abuse always happens when she isn't around.
Thank you so much for your time and effort!
(I'm sorry if I made a mistake, English isn't my first language)
Thank you so much!! I'm glad to hear you like my stuff :) and your English is great!
This will fit pretty well in my five years late AU! The age gap is 10 years, Christina loves Sam and treats her well (although Sam began pulling away once she discovered her father isn't her father - although she never learnt who was). Christina becomes pretty absent when Sam is 15 and their father leaves, but she's never been violent (to Sam's knowledge), or particularly mean to Tara... she just... doesn't care about her so much. She does the bare minimum, and Sam picks up the slack.
It's October, Sam's 18 and in her senior year, and usually she would be at basketball practice right now, except coach started throwing up 10 minutes into practice and sent everyone home. Sam's pretty irritated, all things considered. They didn't need coach there to train, and boy did they need to train. It seems like nobody practised over the summer, and Sam doesn't want to end her final year with as many losses as last year.
But hey, at least she'll get to spend an extra couple of hours with Tara today! Her sister's been upset lately about all the extra time Sam spends at practice now. It was the same last year, she seems to recall. But she got used to it before, and Sam knows she'll get used to it again.
Mom even bought Tara a soccer ball to kick around the garden, she said that her sister was probably just jealous that Sam's good at a sport. Sam can't say she's ever seen her sister touch it once, but mom says she uses it all the time when Sam's at practice, pointing to Tara's bruised legs and scuffed hands and knees. Then she complains that Tara's been kicking the ball against the kitchen wall, and tells Sam to remind her sister to behave herself.
So, Sam's not expected when she arrives home at 3.45 instead of 6pm. She sneaks around the back, hoping to catch her sister practising soccer - an activity Tara refuses to discuss with her but her mother assures her is happening - but finds only an empty backyard... and it sounds like her mother is yelling in the kitchen. It's pretty alarming to hear, mom rarely raises her voice, and it has Sam scrambling over the fence to pull open the backdoor.
It takes a moment for her to realise what she's seeing.
Tara's on the floor, crying, and crawling backwards, away from their mother. Her cheek is bright red, the indentation of fingers spread across it, complete with several scratches. And her mother is screaming at her. She's in the middle of "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR PATHETIC C-" when Sam runs forward and involves herself in the scene.
"What are you doing?!" she cries, standing between Tara and their mother, hands held out as if to push her mother away.
The way her face goes from angry to calm in an instant unsettles Sam. It feels a lot like watching the theatre kids practise at lunch, the way they could go from happy to sad to angry at a click of the finger.
"Honey," she coos, putting a hand on Sam's shoulder. "You're home early?"
"Practise was cancelled," Sam answers warily. Her mother's avoiding the question. "What are you doing?" she repeats, looking over her shoulder to her sister. Tara's rubbing at her face now, breathing heavily through her hiccups to try and control her breathing. Sam frowns, she's going to need her inhaler.
"She was kicking the ball against the wall again," her mother lets out through gritted teeth. Sam can see fragments of frustration leaking through her mask. She knows there was no answer her mother could give that would make this ok, but she had still hoped for better than this. Something reasonable. Something that makes sense.
"So you hit her? Are you kidding me, what the fuck mom," she growls, shaking off her hand and turning to her sister. Sam picks Tara up off the floor, holding her to her chest, and stares down her mother as Tara burrows her face into Sam's hoodie.
"You have no idea what it's like, Samantha," her mother finally responds. "Trying to raise that girl. She's not like you, she's trouble."
Her mother's words floor her. Sam can't believe what she's hearing. She can't believe this is her mother saying these things, doing these things. Sam exits the room backwards, her head shaking the entire time.
Even once they're sequestered away in Sam's room, Tara won't talk to her, won't tell her what happened. She just stays curled into Sam's side, sniffling. Sam has the nagging feeling that her mother wasn't telling the truth. The football's always in the same place every time she sees it, today was no exception. And if that was a lie, then... where did the bruises come from?
Sam has to choke back the nausea. Her sister needs her right now.
She quits basketball the next day.
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cubeberries · 2 months
hi bestieeee!!!! i came across that post abt harry not being a saint in the boks and then i scrolled yr blog a bit and im a bit confused now!!! u seem to ship tmrhp but do u like harry? is there smth u like abt him? or do u just like the ship? its completely fine if u do! just askin, sry if this is rude, im just curious!!
hi nonnie, this not rude at alllll, thank you for asking me nicely, ❤❤ i've had people ask these questions with some very colourful names attached and that just ruined my mood for answering any of them. im sorry if my response is a bit lengthy, but i just have a lot of thoughts and opinions about tmrhp :)
first off, i will start by saying that i like canon harry overall, but some characteristics of his just give me a really huge ick. these characteristics aren't even morally reprehensible, i just dislike them, that's all. mainly the unnecessarily malicious way he describes people he doesn't like and also his self righteousness. i'm a firm believer of not liking EVERYTHING about a character. just because i pointed out some flaws of harry doesn't mean i hate him as a whole.
i also simply wanted to point these flaws of his out, because in many tmrhp fics i read, harry is cleansed of all his misdeeds or even has them justified. i personally see harry as a light greyish character, and i love it when he is depicted as such.
moving onto what i like about harry is firstly, his appearance. big fan of messy black hair, green eyes, round glasses XD. i also like that at heart, he is a good person. he tries to save peter pettigrew until the end, even though he is the reason why harry's parents are dead. harry saves draco from the fire even when ron suggests that he lets draco burn to death. harry doesn't use the killing curse on voldemort even once, even though he has the complete right to do so. i like harry's bravery and his defiance (to a certain extent.)
moving onto why i ship tmrhp. i like this ship for all the obvious reasons (the parallels, the contrasts, one chose love, the other chose hate) but also because i love the trope where the main protagonist ends up with the main villain. (call me shallow, or whatever, but it's cute, albeit horrifying.) i also ship it because of the dead dovey nature of this pairing, like, it's so interesting to explore! the angst potential! the betrayal! the guilt! so unusual but also intriguing. i like the fact that this ship isn't 'sweet' or is deemed a comfort ship like most of the other ships in this franchise. voldemort is a Bad Guy, and more than seeing how he is changed by harry, i think it is more interesting to see how Harry is changed by voldemort.
the reason you probably thought i dislike harry in this pairing is because i don't like what the fandom has done to this pairing. (i apologise if i sound entitled, but these are simply my personal opinions. fic writers can write whatever they please, and they are in no way obligated to cater to me. they should write whatever they enjoy writing.)
(i won't dwell a lot here as i also have another askpost here explaining this)
fanon tomarrymort has morphed voldemort's character so much so, that it is unrecognizable to canon voldemort. fanon voldemort simps for harry, apologises to harry begs harry etc. which is something canon voldemort would simply never do even if they were canonically together.
this fandom relies very heavily on Certain Themes, such as harry being a horcrux, and voldemort's obsession with harry being taken wildly out of context. this is mostly it. voldemort views harry as his, goes crazy with possessive issues and abides by harry's every command. harry is now viewed as someone Extra Special and Powerful and therefore can garner all of voldemort's full attention even though that is not the case in canon. harry is more important than the death eaters because they were always incompetent fools, amirite? harry has now fixed voldemort hooray! /sarcasm.
it's just that this is so far removed from canon that it makes me dislike the way harry is so glorified. i am not glorifying voldemort by saying this btw, i understand that voldemort is a Bad Guy.
what i wish was explored more in tomarrymort:
overcoming the fact that harry might not always be noticed by voldemort (in the case of the time travle fics), because voldemort is a self-obsessed guy. he spends most of his time studying, in prefect duties, taming the basilisk, thinking of making horcruxes, it is highly unlikely that he would notice the new transfer student as you guys like to call it.
how voldemort treats bellatrix. (i specifically state bella because she is the closest to voldemort's lover in canon.) it is common for this fandom to brush aside bellatrix and treat her with disrespect. and i hate that. i wish people would explore the fact that in tomarrymort, voldemort would obviously prefer bellatrix before getting together with harry. and even after, he will still view her favourably.
the fact that voldemort might not like harry's defiance towards him. most of the time, in tomarrymort fics, voldemort notices harry because of harry's defiance towards him and he is intrigued. but.. like.. if harry defied voldemort after they get together, he wouldn't like that. he wouldn't like that at all. not to metion the fact that there is a Wholeass organisation called the Order that is dedicated to defying voldmort 😭😭 harry isn't the only one being outwardly defiant towards him. hell, he probably executed death eaters for looking at him the wrong way, how can harry be any different? what i think should be focused more on is how they Compromise. how they form an understanding. how harry shouldn't defy Everything voldemort says and how voldemort shouldn't always order harry around.
how voldemort gets over the hatred he has for harry. i know most people prefer harry over voldemort and thus, their fics are mostly in harry pov, which focuses on how harry forgives voldemort from killing his parents. but what you have to understand is that while voldemort took harry's family from him, harry took Everything from voldemort. Absolutely Everything. voldemort holds MAD grudges. he isn't going to forgive harry overnight. (i know voldemort did it to himself, but he is not going to view it that way.)
their relationship outside of horcrux and main soul.
the power imbalance. the fact that voldemort is more powerful than him. i know harry is his equal, prophecy, blah blah, but harry doesn't want any of the greatness and the extraordinary power whilst voldemort seeks greatness. voldemort was an exceedingly smart, prodigious kid and i don't think his intelligence and capability to scheme should be taken away just to make him equal to harry.
ahh yeah that's probably pretty much it. sorry for rambling and any repeated points. im not proofreading this monster of text, if there are spelling errors... look away!
thank you for this ask nonnie ❤❤
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spicyraeman · 6 months
Well interacting with you makes my week too! **aggressive friendly fist bump**
I hope your holidays are going well 😁
Wolfheart is ending me. Can I pet that dawg? CAN I PET THAT DAWG? (https://vt.tiktok.com/ZGeN9U7kG/)
I love seeing the hairy SH art! PCOS / trans / wolf girlie, I stan all versions I see. We're not cowards here! The new band drawings are fire, still making my heartrate go jglcbxlw. And seeing the growth? Honestly it's magic to me, I think it's perfect then it becomes even more perfect and I'm just how?? How possible?
Veteran'zel, Baby'zel, Beam'zel, Horny'zel, Rat'zel, all I do is love'zel! The cheetah/dog doodle + wet rat'zel made me hiccup from laughter, we were blessed.
Buddy, Karlach's got her tail docked like the gith children, that's why! See, problem fixed **insert Flex Tape meme**
Also for Lae'zel's accent : yes, she would have such a harsh accent! As a foreign speaker, the pronunciation isn't always intuitive and is sometimes paradoxal. She probably never used some sounds, and it's hard to guess a lot of them. It's so inconsistent. I lack air in the middle of my sentences because of the tonal accentuations differences. Languages are crazy man. Lae'zel would have a stroke, struggling to say "library" with Gale correcting her.
I've been upgraded to bestie? Careful, I feel like the most specialest goblin in town now 😎
I also wanted to share with you my recent victory : I passed my exams with unexpectedly high grades! It's been 10 years since I succeeded in anything school related, I feel strangely proud and hopeful. I attribute this partly to the intense hyperfixation for BG3. I can come back to this fandom and get comfort when I feel burned out and in need of motivation. Thank you for being part of it and sharing your blorbos with us. Good soup for our cold starving souls. So yeah, you and your art matter even if you find it bleh sometimes and you doubt yourself.
I wanted to be brief but I'm incapable of shortening shit even if my life depended on it. Violently dumping my brain in your ask like I'm late on garbage collecting day. Sorry not sorry for the awkward emotional stuff. Take care of yourself, bestie ✌️
Sry for answering these “backwards”, I just needed to get the conlang stuff out first before all my good braincells shut down lol
hope the holidays are going well on your end as well :]
To pet a werewolf truly is the dream isn’t it, wereshart is prob my fav hc for her it just fits so well. I've been trying really hard lately to figure out how to draw her recently bc despite the art disparity her and lae’zel are neck in neck at being my fav characters. Seeing the growth in the bass drawing really gave me that boost of confidence that I'm at least slightly getting there lol
I truly do love Lae’zel in every form, but wet rat’zel rotates in my mind more than it should, sadly its not a hc I could ever commit to considering I can’t even remember Karlach’s canon tail lmaoo I really should just hc that karlach got her tail docked at this point, that or I need to make a checklist for her so I can go through and make sure ive got all her bits when I draw her
Also Ive already posted my big rambling mess about Gith accents but yeah harsh accent lae'zel best lae'zel, it just makes sense
But yoooo big gratz on the exams! Def something to be proud of!! I can agree this fandom really is a huge motivator, I haven’t had this much drive to do anything I've been doing recently in years. Glad I could help provide a lil comfort spot full of blorbo soup for the soul lol
Dw about shortening shit as you’ve prob seen i’m prone to rambling and also every emotion I experience is awkward so that's just par for the course here.
Hope life treats you well till the next ask, peace ✌️
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arc-archernar · 25 days
For the general questions - 7, 8, and 9!
For the trial questions - 1 and 2 for trial 1 and 2
For the prisoner questions - 3 for Shidou and Muu and 4 for Fuuta
hiii rainnn!!!! :D
General Questions:
7. Which prisoner do you think you would get on with the most if you met them in person, and why?
probably fuuta, i have some shared interests with him that we can bond over. yuno also but we'd probably be like... acquaintances who share a similar moral compass.
8. Which prisoner do you think you would get on with the least if you met in person, and why?
mahiru, she sees the world in rose-tinted lenses and reminds me of my ex
9. Which prisoner's signature colour do you like the most?
fuuta bc im partial to red colours. also mikoto cuz i also like pastels
Trial Questions:
1. Which trial (1) verdict do you agree with the most?
yuno. i dont really agree with any of the 'verdicts' bc i think they're a flawed way to showcase the nuance of human behaviour, and i think the writers also know that. but out of all the verdicts in trial one i agree with yuno's verdict the most because. she's not a 'murderer'?? and alternatively, what does would it mean if she was voted guilty overall? that you have to be have a sparkly good moral character in order to be 'forgiven' for a crime that isn't a crime in many parts of the world? bullshit.
2. Which trial (2) verdict do you disagree with the most?
none of them, really. again, i think verdicts are bullshit. but personally, i would choose to forgive kotoko. i don't like her, but her character is so well written that i do like her at the same time, and considering all her actions so far... i would ultimately choose to forgive her. even though i kick and scream and hate her for hurting fuuta... i would choose to forgive her. (note: me forgiving her doesn't mean i'm handing her the innocent verdict btw)
Prisoner Questions:
3. What do you think of (Shidou)'s verdict/s?
im not too clear on shidou's crime, but from what i know i'd agree to forgive him.
3. What do you think of (Muu)'s verdict/s?
oh... well. i understand why she got the verdicts that she got. i was one such 'thought she was bullied' person who chose to forgive her. (my 'forgiveness' probably means something different to a regular person's 'forgiveness though) after trial 2... i'd still forgive her.
4. What do you wish more people understood about (Fuuta)?
hmm... i don't know. maybe i'd wish for people to stop viewing him like a snapshot? for someone like him, who's still learning and growing (dragged kicking and screaming along the way but still) i think a 'wait and watch' approach is more appropriate than jumping to a definite conclusion about him. humans change, and i'm certain he will be no exception. he's going to suffer and fuck up, and i will forgive him all the same.
sry if my answers suck im not that good at putting thoughts to words
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kifu · 27 days
This week ... is rough.
Monday was fine enough. Tuesday I still felt alright. Yesterday I may as well have been an undead zombie. Today - just Sry fatigued. Emotionally shot. Can't fucking do this anymore.
Got a key to the building so that I can sleep on a fucking bison tonight. In the warm. Because I just got a message from our mechanic and the truck isn't coming apart.
Rabbits are due again and scattering babies. I heard one crying this morning and had to leave it for dead because i couldn't find it in five minutes. I'm home at best seven hours a day right now because my wife has my car so she doesn't lose her job and I can get home via a coworker.
I don't think this ends this week. I think things are worse than we could have hoped because that's just - that's how things work. We work it out, but fuck it defeats us in the meantime.
I just want to break down and cry because I can't. I can't keep this up. I'm fucking drowning in this. There's so much going on and it's stacking SO FAST right now.
The barn is supposed to start on Monday. I can't take the old one down in time. I don't know how to do it. I can't get the building permit because I don't have a township building to go to and no one is answering their fucking phones!
I told my team lead that I've been sleeping in my car all week and it's been one of the roughest weeks in a long, long time. That fucker told me, "That's all? Sleeping in your car and it's one of your worst weeks in a long time? Life must be pretty good." Permission to strangle him please?
I'm almost maxed out on my credit card they just raised the limit to because shit keeps happening and I can't pay for it. I have had zero cents in my account since last Friday. I get to eat food when my wife can pay for it, but her car is going to get a lot more expensive than anticipated. A lot. There's nothing left to really fall back on.
I'm getting scared and tired and I don't know what to do anymore.
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elliekillsu · 1 month
hi! so im 14, and so is my gf (im trans male, shes a trans girl). i have literally searched like a million things for trans girl experiences and ur blog came up so i was wondering how do i make her feel better abt herself? because recently she posted about not feeling femme enough and stuff and she keepssending rlly sad messages then being like "oh i was js dysphoric ignore me" or wtv.
i want to make her happy but idk how bc ive never liked being a girl (obv) so idk what to say to make her feel more like the girl she is. she is post social transition, only my parents, her parents, and our best friend know, so she isnt able to go oout in things w/o feeling insecure and stuff
i let her wear some of my old clothes (dresses and skirts and crop tops and stuff) but idk how much its rlly doing for her
sry if this was long u dont have to answer lol
have a good day/night! <33
Hii! I'm always happy to help someone out, I wanna start with like the 'bad news' just to get it out of the way, you've both found out you're trans around the same time I did which is great I'm proud of you both, but that being said you're both young, I know it's said a lot and it sucks to hear but you have so much time left, I found out about my own identity pre covid and didn't start presenting until end of 2022, and didn't fully socially transition with my family until last year, my point being it is a long stressful journey and it may take time and it will be hard but it's absolutely nothing compared to how long you'll live as yourself. Now I don't know any way to make her feel less dysphoric overall, its something we're stuck with but the obvious can help, routine shaving even just facially really works well, but I would definitely say maybe try do her makeup for her, teach her how or even just buy/give her some stuff to use if she hasn't been trying that already, even a few moments for the first time can help so much. If you can afford it trying out thrift stores or charity shops to find a low cost variety of clothing for her to keep away for herself.
There's no necessarily perfect way to fix dysphoria forever, god knows I still suffer but here i sit titless, unshaven and built and I'm still the happiest I've been in years, it does get better, you hear it over and over it loses its meaning but it will get better I can promise you both that, if I could see myself now when I was your age I would be so fucking happy and I still cant believe any of this is happening, I can promise she'll have the best days of her life but also the worst, its a long journey she's just begun, she isn't alone as long as you're there, along with me and every other one of our siblings. We are all one and we love you <3
I hope this has helped even a little
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Read this after watching episode 6 of s2, while we wait for season 3
A short fic I came up with just now sry in advance:
[The angels haven't left the bookshop yet, they are discussing the new arch angel position]
Crowley: Why not Raphael? Hm?
Others, concerned.
Crowley: I'm pretty sure he was in the 4 main archangels group. So obviously, he should be one of the followings wouldn't he?
Michael: Well, um… I don't owe an answer to a demon!
Aziraphale: He's the aid of humans. He must be down on Earth to help them. All the time.
Crowley, questioningly raising his eyebrows: … Where exactly?
Aziraphale: Well, it's quite a big planet, so-
Crowley: Where, exactly, did you hear that?
Aziraphale: Oh, well, um. It's true, it's how everybody knows it in Heaven!
Crowley, looking back at Michael, his temper raising by the bit: Youu! Lied! To everyone just to not have problems in the office?! Is that it?! Was my disappearance so outragous that you tried to replace me with a lie?!
Aziraphale: Crowley, what are you-
Crowley: You're the ones, that made my fall be worthless! And to top it off, you're trying to get my only friend- the only being I can ever exist with, to be the next archangel! A principality! Archangels are made! Not, promoted!
Aziraphale's eyes shoot up, sensing something's bad.
Crowley: You know that, no, you think that, if he's up there I can't get in there, but I swear to someone's name, if you try to get rid of him in any nasty way, I will bring Hell back into Heaven!
Aziraphale: Crowley-…
Michael: A threat from a demon that betrayed Hell, how… threatening.
Crowley, bursting into flames: Don't test me or I will kill you right here and now!-
Aziraphale, stepping between them: Crowley, stop! It's alright, I…
Azirpahale turning to the angels: I just need a bit of a time, we'll continue this, later.
Michael: So be it.
The angels leave.
Aziraphale, shaking from shock: So, you… you've been…
Crowley: Yes… sorry I haven't introduced myself before, I just knew, you would start with all that "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were an archangel" bullshit… Angel!
Aziraphale, standing back from being respectful: S-…sorry.
Crowley: This is what I've been trying to tell you! It doesn't matter how far you're up on the hierarchy, it's shit! You can't change anything, you follow orders, and that's it. You only think that you can change things because you're a principality.
Aziraphale: But, that's why! I see things, you possibly, couldn't see! I can make it a better place!
Crowley: Angel, it's a military base! Are you listening to yourself? Nobody has ever been good to you before there! Nor to me, except… you.
Aziraphale: That's why I have hope. Muriel here even-
Crowley: Angel, you won't be on top of the hierarchy. You will be accompanied by other archangels, with the same powers you have. No matter what powers you get, they can still fire you, like they fired Gabriel.
Aziraphale: They did what?
Crowley: In… the files. I haven't mentioned that, yet have I?
Aziraphale, looking awfully sad: But- …
Crowley, giving out a sigh: …Listen angel, I give you, what they will never give you. Free will. You might not have noticed it, but I always had given that to you. So now, I let you decide it for yourself. You can stay here with me, for the rest of our lives, somewhere, idk, maybe another place, in a cottage, southdown… or-
Aziraphale: But we are eternal beings, the rest of our life isn't just a few millenias! Or even less, what if Earh gets destroyed?! And all the stars along with it, that you have created?! I just want you to have a safe place… with me!
Crowley, giving out another but sadder sigh: If… you want to give it a try, I can't stop you, can I? But don't forget, I'm a demon, if I have a plan to save you… you know they will all fail… if I'm only doing this alone.
Aziraphale: And, I'm sure you know… if mine was to fall… I'd like you to catch.
Aziraphale tip-toing, then going outside of the bookshop, leaving the demon Crowley alone, but not for ever.
Crowley: Wat… Fall? Angel?!
He went outside after him but he was already gone.
Crowley, muttering to himself: I… I don't want you to fall… I want you to stay you.
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seraphinashaw · 1 year
Hi! I forgot my original question but I guess I'll ask you some other things 💚
❥ Do you like Melanie Martinez? If so, what's your favorite album/song?
❥ What's your favorite color? >:D <3 (Mines Green, purple and yellow :>)
❥ What's your opinion on the group? (Killian, Julius, Seamus, Kelly, etcetera)
❥ What's the worst part of being a woman? (I LOVE how you're trans! I'm a natural born woman and I rlly wanna be a boy. But I WANNA HEAR WOMAN FROM YOUR POV, DEAR <3)
I LOVE your albinism! I love people that are albino, have vitiligo, etcetera! They're so eye-catching and so are you! You're absolutely gorgeous and I 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 your clothing choice!
☆ Have an amazing day/night!!!! ☆
✫ ℳℯ𝒾ℳℯ ✫
omg hi babes xx so many questions 4 me!! 😳 sry if i get a wee bit incoherent i'm still hung over 😹😹 i'll do my best to answer ❤ this might get long just cuz of the amount of questions asked LMAO
i've known about mel from the start, but to be real and controversial here i'm not rly interested in her music? like it just isn't rly my style i don't like it very much LMAO, it's kinda um... teenager music 2 me, sorry if ur a fan lol. i do think she has a nice voice tho
as 4 my fav colour.... have 1 look at my wardrobe choices and notice the only colour i wear other than black 😹 i'm a purple girl all the way 😼 i like matching my eye colour LOL
the other girlies are crazy LMAOOO they definitely took some getting some used 2. i'm used 2 being the crazy one but they make me look normal 😭😭 2 be real with u i thought killian was cishet at first... 💀 and he got RLY mad when he learned of this 😹 (can u blame me tho? he literally is into ancient rome and his misogyny is smth else 💀) as for julius, um. he gave me free gender affirming surgery and did a good fucken job sooo legally i can't say anything bad 😹 he is like a bestie 2 me, even if he doesn't acknowledge anybody as a friend LMAO. seamus and kelly are rly smth else too, i love hanging w/ them cuz there's always smth mad going on w them😹😹
the worst part of being a woman, mmm. the underboob sweat 😹 jk sorryyy LMAO. i can tell u as some1 who's presented as male b4 that ppl def are much, much nicer and more lenient w/ u whenever ur a man. i also need 2 be more cautious ig now that i pass as female? cuz men LOVE 2 try pulling things w/ me thinking i'm 'vulnerable' and all that. i have stood strong tho, i haven't rly had too many problems myself cuz i'm a bad bitch, and they never know what's coming 😼 if u decide 2 transition 1 day ull prolly notice the opposite will happen 2 u, i hear this from transmasc ppl at least.
girll u rlly made my day with this 😽 keep this up and ull make me blush LMAO. thank u tho 😌 i kno i'm hot and cool but the reminder is always welcome 😼
u have a good day 2 babes xx
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hyah-lian · 2 years
Ahhh, I'm sorry blood sugar stuff is keeping you awake. :( Roolie's on standby with glucose tablets since I imagine it's the low side that's bothering you. But if it isn't, the nurse boys have insulin lol.
Anyway, I'm half insane with exhaustion so sorry if this is too personal of a post but hiii insomnia buddy <3
Aaaa ty ; u ;
It was the low side! Havin a rebound from a high earlier, my pump likes to overcorrect (my endo team n I are trying to figure out the right adjustments still) lol I ate like half a sleeve of oreos and was all good
I love the lads on standby with all the options lol
Sry I flaked out on you before answering but I feel ya on the half loopy exhaustion ❤ I hope u can get/have gotten some rest
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animalinvestigator · 2 years
13 & 14 :3
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn't your thing
Hmmmmmmmmmmm i dont know if i have anyone like that that i know 0_0 visual elements are suchhh an important piece to my enjoyment of an entire piece of art, if a story is good but the visuals to accompany it aren't my thing , i have been known to just dip out and abandon ship. ~_~ so i dont really think i have any person who fits this category! i find value in most kinds of art anyway so it's hard to even think of soemthing that is certifiably "not my thing". so i'll leave this one with a noncommital "IDK."
sry for the cop out answer thank you so much for the ask anonymous ^_^
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heatherthewitchy · 5 days
omg can you do a hot layne staley one?!
Sure thing!
You were sitting in your bedroom, waiting for your friend to come pick you over, and see the new Alice In Chains concert.
As the car arrived, you were dressed in a sensual way: a dark red tight dress, leather jacket and combat boots.
The atmosphere at the concert was amazing, but the most beautiful thing was the singer; Layne Staley. He was on full energy during the whole show, jumping all over the stage, and waving at fans too! As you were watching the performance, you could feel someone looking on you, as you turned around, Layne's eyes were on you, his blue, deep gloomy eyes were all for you.
After that little "incindent", you continued to watch the show, until the end, when you decided to go smoke a cigarette outside.
As you layed on a wall, near the backstage, the wind was breezing thru your h/c hair, making it divide in many strands, and beautiful locks. You could feel someone walking towards you, and it wasn't the the usual guy ready to have a one-night stand, but it was him: Layne Staley in person.
His blue eyes were gazing on your gentle figure, while wandering over your curves.
"Hey", he simply said, and layed next to you, smiling. You replied back, with a little awkard nod, that made Layne chuckle a bit: "You look so innocent, to be smoking", you smirked, and got closer to him: "Guess i'm the naughty angel, uh?", you whispered, and made Layne blush a bit. You surpised yourself too with that attitude, that you never showed.
"Listen, uh...", he started and you answered: "Y/n, Y/n it's my name" you chuckled.
"Ok, listen Y/N, I usually don't get too distracted by yelling girls at my concerts", you chuckled at his comment.
"But, you seemed, different....You catched my gaze all the time", he muttered, visibly in embarass. As you took the moment for good, you layed on him, and kissed his lips softly:
"Does this makes you more focused?", you suprised yourself once again! What was happening to you? This attitued wasn't completely normal to you...You semeed, under a spell...Falling in love again, and again, every time you met his gaze....His blue, ocean deep eyes. Those gloomy and depressed eyes...You wanted to dig into them, and discover what the real Layne Staley was like...But, could you?
You looked once again at Layne's appareance...Dirt blonde hair, all in dreadlocks..Blue percing eyes, a ripped shirt and jeans...Why does he seemed so beautiful at your eyes?
Layne took the situation, and took you by your waist, kissing you deeply and slowly. But it didn't end here; he started to took off your dress, gently, yet wildly. You were crazy about him, sooo crazy...
At some point, you found yourself only with your bra on, and the lower part of the dress on the ground. What was happening?
You couldn't quite understand, but you immediately did when Layne started rummaging in his jeans pockets.
"Sorry, for uh...The waiting", he muttered anxiously, and took a condom.
"You, ok with this?", he asked, caressing your tight softly and possesively.
"S-sure", you muttered. "Sex with a rockstar? That's new, Y/N", you thought.
After a few waiting, he wildly started doung his things, but still making you get excited by every minute.
"I'm sorry for all this rushy thing, but I just couldn't hold myself...sorry-", you stopped him before he could even apology. You were LOVING this moment.
"So, you a fan, hm?", he asked, while caressing your internal tight, making you whimple a bit.
"Y-yeah Mr. Staley", you said, and he let out a low chuckle.
"Call me Layne, darling"
After a few conversation, you two continued your "affair" for a few hours, and finished, leaving you tired, and painful.
"You okay?", he asked, cuddling, still with you on the wall.
"Hm hm", you responded, but he took your hand, and kissed it.
"Never saw a more beautiful person", he chuckled.
In that moment, you felt loved, like you never felt...
(Sorry so much if it isn't much hot, but I'm still trying. Hope you liked it! Sry if it wasn't the best)
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