#sports comedy? nailed it
agentgreenbean · 2 years
at this point apple tv could make anything and i'd watch it
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askmovieslate · 2 months
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Do you know those sports movies that all inspirational, speeches, and "Oh no they're gonna fail on the third act, but they can make it!". Picture "Pacific Rim" but instead of robots it's football. That's how every sports movie is, basically.
Well you can take that concept and spin it around on its head with a bunch of zaniness, especially if you're a big fan of Captain Tsubasa, because this movie kicks ass. The characters are all super likable, and everyone is acting their best. The tone is also perfect, nailing the balance between heartfelt comedy and Zucker Brothers screwball comedy.
This is my favorite Stephen Chow movie, and I'd watch it in a heartbeat any day of the week.
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ruhua-langblr · 10 months
小红书 Vocab
小红书 (also referred to as xiaohongshu or XHS) is a Chinese image-based social media platform. It is a combination of the feed, likes, shopping, and video aspects of instagram, with the ~aesthetics~ and majority female audience of pintrest. I've grown really fond of it and found that it's algorithm is better than instagram and MUCH better than pintrest with giving me content I enjoy.
I'm going to offer some vocab that is either unique to the platform, or slang that is found on the platform (esp in bullet comments). I don't want this to be too long, so some terms may be omitted if they are found on many other social media apps
APP 小红书: Literally "Little Red Book". Probably a play off of Chairman Mao's book of speeches and writings which is also referred to as the Little Red Book. The app is not at all political, but more so trying to evoke the "essentiality" and "knowledge" aspect of the term. 笔记: Notes. XHS's name for its posts 收藏: Favorites. Separate from likes, these are bookmarked collections. This and Likes can be hidden 赞过: Likes. Notes that you "heart" will appear here. 关注: Notes from people you follow 发现: Discovery tab 附近: Recent notes
CONTENT 直播: Live-Streams 美甲: Nail Art 穿搭: Style 美食: Food 发型: Hairstyling 头像: Avatars/Profile Pictures 动漫: Animation and Comics 彩妆: Makeup 壁纸: Wallpapers 绘画: Drawing/Art 护肤: Skincare 影视: Film/TV 游行: Travel 减肥: Weight Loss 家居: Home 家装: Interior Design 学习: Studying 读书: Reading 情感: Romance 攝影: Photography 手工: Crafts 文化: Culture 游戏: Video Games 音乐: Music 舞蹈: Dance 搞笑: Comedy 明星: Stars 文具手: Stationary 校园生活: School Life 心里: Psychology 科学科普: Science 艺术: Art 社科: Social Sciences 萌龙: Cute 综艺: Variety 箱包: Handbags 潮鞋: Sneakers 健体塑型: Bodybuilding 职场: Office 婚礼: Wedding 汽车: Automobiles 潮玩手办: Collectable Figures 母婴: Parenting 机车: Motorbikes 户外: Outdoors 运动: Sports 露营: Camping COMMENTS (Things you'll see in tags/descriptions/bullet comments) PLOG: Picture blog. Usually like a blog, but with photos/photo collage (also sometimes vlogs get this tag even though they're videos) 爱自己的100种方式: Originally from a feature on Douyin that would give a "treat yourself" style prompt if you comment this phrase 泰酷辣: Cool. Took off from this meme. “太酷啦” 上岸: Similar to "Goals". Usually posted to applaud an achievement/amazing life experience 巨: Super. Usually used in describing really tasty food “巨巨巨好吃” cos: Cosplay emo: The original meaning—emotional. More often used to mean a depressed mood than the style/subculture 磕: to ship a couple (cp) For the Lesbians t: Tomboy/masc lesbian (Sub-types include 铁t,奶t,娘t, 爷t, 长发t, 短发t) p: Femme lesbian (p said to come from "Pretty girl" or “婆”) h: neither femme nor masc/futch le/les/啦啦: Lesbian 双女主: F/F couple (IRL or in fiction) 淘淘乐/TTL:T/T relationship 泡泡龙/PPL: P/P relationship 黄鹤楼HI: H/H relationship TPL: T/P relationship 🐟: Ultra passive bottoms
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rottenraccoons · 9 months
How do you go about writing witty characters or funny banter, for example between Vesper and Keir? I find comedy to be very hard to nail, and I'd like to hear dear raccoons' advice!
Aw, thank you! This got a touch lengthy so the rest is under a readmore.
I've been sitting on this for a while to think about it, and I think the short answer is that we write banter as an extension of the characters' personal feelings and relationships, and Vesper is a banter-friendly character. They're talkative, they're a fast thinker, and they enjoy being sarcastic. Those are useful traits for writing fun dialogues, in my opinion.
My mindset when writing a dialogue exchange that's supposed to be especially fun or engaging is to treat it as a fight for power. For Vesper and Keir, particularly at the end of the chapter, that fight is play-fighting, but it's still a contest or a sport they want to "win". Sometimes they escalate their rhetoric against each other, sometimes they shift the topic of discussion a bit to get an edge, but they're fighting to win the conversation. And because Keir and Vesper don't actually hate each other they're not fighting to hurt each other, which keeps the atmosphere light and fun. (And bonus! If one of them did hurt the other in their banter, it comes across as more shocking and dramatic, highlighting the hurt.)
There's a lot of things a writer can do to make dialogue and banter more fun and engaging, though, and honestly I think the best way to learn is just to actively watch/listen to media that does it well, and when you find something that hits so good, think about why it hits so good. Pick it apart, find the rhythm of the dialogue, look at how characters choose their words (especially repeating specific words in a dialogue, or from a previous dialogue), when do the power dynamics shift, how do the characters enter and leave an exchange, what is it about this joke that's so funny. It can take away a touch of the ~magic~ to examine a piece of dialogue mechanically like this, but I think there's a second kind of appreciation that comes from seeing the mechanics behind something and seeing how well they fit together.
For me, that thing was the radio programme Cabin Pressure by John Finnemore (who also co-wrote season 2 of Good Omens), so I can highly recommend listening to that. Here's a short clip of two characters meeting up for a date, as a taster. And here's me analysing a very short bit of it like I'm back in high school doing line-by-line readings of the Odyssey again:
(dog enters scene, barking) Carolyn: Hello, darling! Did you hear the silly late man? [Carolyn is continuing a previous argument, asserting her dominance by emphasising Herc is late.] Herc: Oh, hello. What a ridiculous dog. [Herc knows he can't win on the late argument, so shifts the point of discussion. By calling the dog ridiculous, he is poking at Carolyn's pride while staying within acceptable boundaries.] Carolyn: I'm sorry? [Daring Herc to repeat his statement, attempting the intimidation she uses when insulted in other circumstances.] Herc: I said you have a ridiculous dog. [Herc will not be intimidated, repeats his point plainly to assert it as fact. Not "I think the dog is ridiculous" but "The dog is ridiculous".] Carolyn: My dog is not ridiculous. [Continuing to push back on Herc, emphasis on "my dog" to tie the dog to her and she's not ridiculous, is she?] Herc: Then whose dog is this? [Big laugh line, Herc has clearly won the point in this volley. He continues the conversation about the dog (who is, in fairness, delightful but quite a silly creature) because he is winning the "Carolyn's dog is ridiculous" fight, but shifts to the dog's breed for new ground to compete over.]
You definitely don't have to write things out like this (I don't recommend it unless you already find it fun), but being able to look at lines of dialogue and see what they're for in an exchange, both in-character and out of character as a structural element, can help when writing to know exactly what each line is for, and for me it helps me keep power dynamics and rhythm in mind. I hope that helps, nonny!
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augustjustice · 1 year
He and Eddie have nothing in common.
Steve Harrington was prom king, on half the Hawkins’ High sports teams, a member of the student council.
Eddie Munson was the leader of the school’s long-lamented Dungeons & Dragons Hellfire Club, and his band played at the single dive bar in town at least one night every week.
Steve wears pastel polos and light jeans, practically the poster boy for the preppy privilege that populates the multi-story houses of Loch Nora.
Eddie has shaggy hair, tattoos, and chains on his belt loop, proudly displaying his otherness in a way that had prompted the small-minded denizens of their equally small town to try and run him out on a rail the first chance they got.
The King and the Freak.
The Freak is just a construction. Sure, it was still Eddie, just dialed up to eleven. Eddie had taken the title, the jeers and the taunts, and constructed an identity out of it, wrapping it around himself like a cloak to protect him from the rest of the world.
The King is flimsier, less real, but serves much the same purpose. Steve’s parents, his friends, his teachers all expected certain things from Steve. Not much brain, but handsome, athletic. Enough to skate by in life, end up at a cushy job at his dad’s company with a wife he barely spoke to and 2.5 kids behind a white picket fence at the end of the cul-de-sac.
King Steve threw ragers. King Steve worked his way through as much of the Hawkins High female population as he could. King Steve said nothing when Tommy H. went after kids well below them on the social ladder, even threw in a few of his own taunting remarks when he felt he had reason. The King helped Steve get by, and that was fine, for a while.
Until Nancy Wheeler. Until the monsters. Until the nightmares and the nail bat and Dustin Henderson on the Wheeler’s lawn demanding that Steve help him.
The King has died many deaths over the years, and Steve, disappointing to his parents though he may be, is all that’s left behind.
But Steve, even real Steve, whatever that means, isn’t much like Eddie Munson.
Because Steve likes romantic comedies and John Hughes’ flicks about suburban teen angst and Tom Cruise-led blockbuster vehicles. Eddie, meanwhile, scours the Family Video shelves for blood-soaked Giallo horror movies and the stray John Waters’ cult classic that had somehow slipped through the cracks.
(“Okay, but, you kinda have to admit,” Steve had said, gesturing between them one late night in the Munsons’ living room, when he somehow managed to strong arm Eddie into his rewatch of The Breakfast Club, “he’s onto something with this one.”
“I will admit no such thing, Steve Harrington,” Eddie had dramatically proclaimed, “not even under threat of death. Vecna himself could manifest physically, in the room, right now, and you will still hear nary a word from my mouth openly admitting that I find The Breakfast Club, of all fucking things, relatable.”
Then Steve had tackled him on the couch, thwapping Eddie with a pillow until he cried uncle. Getting Eddie to admit to actually liking the movie, though, was still a work-in-progress.)
Steve tends to listen to whatever Top 40 has made its way onto the Hawkins’ airwaves from week-to-week, Eddie has very specific and adamant opinions about a slew of metal bands Steve has never even heard of.
(Well. Had never even heard of, before. These days, he gets an earful any time he so much as suggests They all sound the same to me, Munson. He wonders how long it will take before Eddie catches on to the fact that he’s just doing it to rile him up.)
At a glance, it’s plain to see. He and Eddie have nothing in common.
There are matching scars on his and Eddie’s sides, the pound of flesh taken by the interdimensional bats they fought off deep beneath the soil of Hawkins proper.
The ghost of Chrissy Cunningham haunts Eddie’s eyes late at night when he wakes up screaming from nightmares in Steve’s bed, having slept over again and too lazy to crawl out into the guest room. (The fact they both sleep better with someone else in the room remains unspoken between them.) Just the same as Barbara Holland haunts Steve’s own.
They both have a habit of taking younger kids under their wing. When Steve tells the kids no! adamantly–in full mom-mode as they call it–Eddie is right there, saying nope! with the exact same inflection. The pair of them share an exasperated look over Dustin’s head everytime he takes that fucking tone yet again, rolling their eyes in unison. Shepherding all the little lost sheepies! Eddie had called it, before laughing at the confused expression on Steve’s face at the phrasing.
(“You’re weird, Munson,” Steve had told him, shoving lightly at his shoulder.
“You, too, Harrington,” Eddie had shoved back, still grinning that megawatt smile. From his lips, it sounded like a compliment.)
Dustin Henderson worships the ground they both walk on, and Steve knows, for a fact, that they would both die for him.
They both have a habit of running, but coming back when it really, really counts.
(“What you did, with the bats?” Steve had said quietly, sitting beside Eddie’s hospital bed a few days after the world didn’t end. “Hero shit, Munson.”
“Maybe I was just trying to impress you,” Eddie laughed weakly, still high enough on painkillers the bold flirtation came easily.
“Don’t do it again,” Steve scolded, stern, the way he got with Dustin and the others. Then he added, in such a low mumble Eddie barely caught it, “You’ve already got my attention.”)
So, yeah. Steve and Eddie have nothing in common.
…Except when it comes to all the shit that actually matters.
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br1ghtestlight · 5 months
do you have any headcanons for the Belcher family?
SORRY IT TOOK ME LIKE 50 YEARS TO ANSWER THIS writers block or whatever. I will give u a few each because i like thinking about these characters :)
he is a big fan of 70s and 80s dad rock music and some queer culture music from that era like freddie mercury and cyndi lauper (that he listened to a decent amount growing up next to a gay bar). when the kids were younger he would sing to them in their highchair etc while he was cooking dinner and dance with them, louise and tina were not huge fans of his music however lol louise ends up enjoying more kpop/alt/punk rock music and tina likes upbeat pop music. gene definitely shares his dads music taste tho!! they go to concerts together when gene is a little older
pete (regular at big bob's diner and owner of the gay bar next door) was bob's first gay crush as a kid. kinda stressful bcuz he was coming of age Directly during the aids crisis and having an older queer male figure in his life really helped. he also had a weird gay situationship with one of his nerdy guy friends from high school and they did some..... experimenting together 👀
he has movie nights w/ each of his kids!! he usually watches hawk and chick movies with louise, western movies with gene (or really stupid high school comedy movies like pitch perfect. at gene's request) and basically Whatever romantic comedy or horsegirl movie of the week that tina chooses. he honestly loves all of them bcuz they remind him of his kids personalities and interests <3 these happen usually three to four times a month and he'll let the kids stay up later (until 10pm or 11pm) to watch with him, but they usually fall asleep on his lap before the end of the movie
he let tina and gene give him makeovers when they were younger with mom's old makeup etc. he mostly did it for their sake but he really did enjoy wearing the nail polish, I think he'd look good in black nail polish if he didnt have to wash his hands 500 times a day working in the restaurant. he's very into the alt rock and roll style and aesthetic in theory if not in actual presentation
in his heart he's a punkrocker in reality he is a middle aged dad wearing old tshirts stained with ketchup
when louise was younger (before she could shower/bathe herself) linda was the ONLY person she'd ever let wash or brush her hair when her ears weren't on. linda still gives louise her (very very) occasional haircuts so that her hair doesn't become TOO unmanageable, and she brushes louise hair sometimes just for fun :) louise is the one she always sings the harry truman song to because louise thought it was funny when she was younger
linda's dad taught her how to ride a bike when she was a kid but by the time that gayle was old enough to learn their dad wasn't really. interested in doing that stuff anymore lol. so linda taught gayle how to ride her bike!!! it didn't go super well and there were lots of bruises and tears involved over a four day period, but it's some of gayle and linda's happiest memories together. linda stepped in a lot for gayle when their parents wouldn't put in the effort
linda was actually involved in A LOT of sports when she was growing up!! she was on the school basketball team and did some soccer and track extracurriculars. she was a bit of a jock and she still enjoys playing sports on the rare occasion she gets the chance w/ one of her kids (but she is sliiightly too compeitive). louise is the only belcher kid who is any good at athletic stuff but she isn't super into team sports. she'll play occasionally with linda at the park though. she's also the only belcher family member who can handle linda's competitive spirit, including bob
started wearing glasses at like five months old bcuz she's farsighted and genuinely couldnt see ANYTHING lol. there exist very few pictures or videos of her as a baby before she got glasses (her infancy was also somewhat chaotic due to the newly opened restaurant and everything so not a lot of time for photos) when gene and louise find a few in an old photo album its GENUINELY like they found a previously lost artifact from ancient egpyt. they've seen tina without her glasses obvs but this was tina BEFORE her glasses!!!! wow!!!
she enjoys cooking w/ bob even though she isn't a particularly good cook. she's anxious around stoves and other appliances which is most of the problem but she also doesn't have a natural talent for it 😭. she helps bob cook dinner sometimes and when she was younger she helped with cooking a special mother's day breakfast for linda (gene and louise were too little to help out)
tina loves both her parents equally but she prefers spending time w/ bob more than linda bcuz he matches her energy level better. they're both anxious kinda quiet and introverted people (tina obviously got most of her personality from bob) so she just likes hanging out with him and going on errands together. tina has a special place in bob's heart too as his oldest child and his firstborn, so they really do love spending the day together whenever possible
when tina is in high school and gene and louise are still attending wagstaff, gene will take his allowance and take louise out to get ice cream after school at least once a week bcuz there isn't anyone around to tell them not to. they both enjoy the time they spend together <3 louise really misses this ritual when gene goes off to high school but they still do go out for ice cream occasionally. and it's only a few dollars but gene likes feeling like he's providing for louise in some way as a Big Brother and spoiling her (even if she pays for their ice cream days maybe half the time)
gene's seperation anxiety is actually A LOT worse when he's without his sisters than when he's without his parents. he can deal w/ a few nights without his parents there but he genuinely does not like being seperated from his sisters for more than a few hours. it's really hard for him & he worries about them so much. luckily there's rarely any reason for them to be apart, and he's a middle child so he'll always be going to the same school as one of them
he thinks bob gives the best hugs out of everyone in the family :) 2nd place goes to tina. sorry linda
she likes drawing!! she wouldnt call herself an artist and she's not exactly trying to be good at art anyway, but she has her desk w/ her crayons and paper and sometimes she scribbles for fun or to express her feelings. she does this on her schoolwork too which makes ms labonz angry but she will admit louise is pretty funny and good at cartoons
she'll be a HUGE anime and kpop fan when she's older but not like stan twitter kpop fans. she'll unironically take pride in her favorite manga being an underrated cult classic from the 80s underground japan scene or whatever. nobody else in her family 100% gets it but tina will watch naturo and one piece with her even though she finds them a little bit boring and hard to follow. tina likes the anime boys
when she's bored in class she draws tattoos on herself in pen/sharpie and when other kids see what she's doing they want her to draw on their arms too. she charges a quarter for each person she tattoos, and she had a decent business going until the teachers shut it down and warned her about ink posioning. SIGH. she'll probably get real tattoos when she turns 18
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flowery-laser-blasts · 9 months
My not so serious KP villain headcanons:
Personal headcanons that I have for the Kim Possible villains (not all of them). Long post.
Shego loves horror movies and podcasts and once scared the living hell out of Drakken after watching Ringu. She hid under the bed and once he almost drifted off to sleep, she reached from underneath to grab his hand and reveal her with hair covered face.
Shego hates cooking and rather orders take out than go through the effort of prepairing meals. The worst part is cleaning up dishes.
Shego can warm/radiate heat through her hands with her powers in a non-harmfull way. This comes in handy when massaging Dr D's stiff shoulders.
Shego's favourite chickflick is Legally Blonde. She showed it to Drakken once, he too, likes it. Now after every defeat they watch this movie while patching themselves up.
Dr Drakken loves British comedy such as Monty Python, the Mighty Boosh and Little Britain. He often quotes their jokes.
Dr Drakken has a complex bedtime skin care routine that he never skips and follows to a T. Though he only does it before bed, so if he stays awake for several days in a row, he won't do it until actually going to bed.
Dr Drakken actually plucks away stray hairs around his eyebrow to keep the look 'clean' and 'on fleek'.
Dr Drakken's shampoo smells of Lush' sugarplum fairy bodyspray.
Dr Drakken always sings the Mighty Boosh' 'Soup Song' when preparing soup. His secret ingredient to his vegetable soup with mini meatballs is tiny elbow macaroni.
Dr Drakken's 'take over the world by plants' scheme was stolen/inspired from Duff Killigan's failed attempt at turning the world into a golfcourse when the two were over at his place to discuss plans on the Tempes Simia idle and Monkey Fist was away to use the restroom.
Duff Killigan has one of those 'golf-on-your-toilet' golf sets in each restroom/bathroom.
Duff Killigan's favourite Disney movie is Brave, but more so because of the mother daughter bonding aspect of the story. He's a sucker for those kinds of movies.
Monkey Fist loves Shakespeare's works solely because of the infinite monkey theorem.
Monkey Fist has an incredible hatered towards the song "Banana Man" by Tally Hall and 'Day-O' by Harry Belafonte. It's an earworm that never leaves within a day and makes the monkey ninjas dance uncontrollably.
Monkey Fist takes extremely good care of personal hygiene and regularly cuts his nails.
Adrena Lynn's actual name is Adrien.
Adrena Lynn called out the Jackass cast for being fakes.
Adrena Lynn's favourite non extreme sport is table tennis.
Adrena Lynn started the 'girl dinner' tend.
Gill's favourite animals are sharks.
Gill bullied Ron because he wanted to look cooler in front of other camp kids. At his school, he would be the one being bullied.
Gill actually didn't dislike Ron at first but it changed when Ron grabbed an extra (and the last) chocolate pudding cup during dinner on their first day of camp.
Professor Dementor shines his helmet with a hand held waxing device, he never takes it off though.
Professor Dementor's favorite snack is caramel seasalt pretzels.
Professor Dementor wanted to become a children's book writer when growing up.
Dr Drakken, Monkey Fist and Duff Killigan play Dungeons&Dragons. Monkey Fist DMs most of the time, second is Drakken; Duff never DMs. The big bad evil guy is Kim Possible but they almost lose every campaign except for the rare occasion in which the BBEG dies due to accidental environmental circumstances out of their hands. They tried to replicate it irl but where do you find a giant dragon, three gnomes an enchanted blueberry pie and a catapult?
Motor Ed uses WD-40 for his hair instead of conditioner, seriously.
Motor Ed is a diehard Meatloaf fan (the artist, not the food).
Motor Ed despises Meatloaf (the food, not the artist).
Frugal Lucre loves pineapple pizza with extra ham
Frugle Lucre's arch enemy is Kim's cousin Larry.
Frugal Lucre collected cuddlebuddies but his mom threw them out because "you're too old for these toys, so I gave them away to your niece Pamela for her baby room" and that's his villain origin story.
Frugal Lucre has a Dr Drakken cosplay that he sometimes wears to (Hench co.) conventions (inspired by @gothicthundra 's Halloween chapter)
DNAmy's biggest inspiration for fashion is Velma Dinkley from the Scooby Doo franchise.
DNAmy hates Tom and Jerry because it promotes 'violence'.
DNAmy actually is pretty chill and wouldn't mind Kim Possible's company as long as Kim apologises for destroying her work. Kim is a fellow cuddlebuddy collector after all.
After Monkey Fist turned into stone, DNAmy tried reviving him. It didn't work out. She eventually moved on and started dating Frugal Lucre. They're in a happy committed relationship now.
The Bebe bots have their own reality show in Japan and are content with the attention and admiration from fans. They were offered a contact as idol group but they denied it because they didn't want to collaborate with Hatsune Miku.
Señior Senior Junior became a top model and worked with the fashionistas but when they got arrested again, SSJ used his privilege to continue his career.
With the help of Bonnie, Señior Senior Junior wrote an autobiography about his life under the influence of his father. It's titled "I didn't want to be a criminal, but Daddy made me do it." And it is said to become an autobiographical movie (but once again, Junior can't star in it).
Señior Senior Junior and Bonnie got married after Bonnie graduated from college.
Señior Senior Junior loves My little Pony friendship is magic and writes wholesome fanfiction. He likes PinkPie because she likes to party. He also realises that a lot of his youth is missed out on because of his father's wealth. He is semi thankful for villainy because it introduced him to Shego and their friendship. He tried making her watch it but she didn't seem into it.
Señior Senior Senior could actually give up villainy for his future grandchildren. This was Bonnie's initiative, because she doesn't want her kids to grow up around inmates and prisoners.
That's it for now, if I've got more I'll add it here!!
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marley-manson · 2 years
I’m nowhere near finished with reading all this shit bc I’m having too much fun but after what I’ve read so far I’m feeling pretty validated about my take that what sets (most of) the Mash gay jokes somewhat apart from most other types of gay jokes is the positive framing, at least in the first half of the show.
There’s no shortage of gay jokes in 20th century American comedy, or comedians who play up their lack of masculinity, but usually, historically, those are self-deprecating or denegrating jokes, a kind of masochistic humour where the object of fun is the comedian himself, or the part he’s playing. Often it’s relatable - hey audience member, you also have failed to reach peak masculinity, let’s commiserate together through comedy - but it is a failure, not admirable.
Or, in other contexts, it’s just plain absurd. It’s funny because we would never truly doubt this guy’s masculinity, and the contrast between the camp/feminine role temporarily performed and the “genuine” masculinity underpinning it is the source of humour.
But that’s not the case in Mash, at least with Hawkeye. Hawkeye’s lack of masculinity is genuine, framed positively, and even treated as a source of pride. Hawkeye plays his feminine attributes up to piss people off, or to differentiate himself from the type of man the military espouses, or just because it’s who he is. And the show plays those attributes up to set Hawkeye in opposition to the violence of the military, which is often pointedly aligned with masculinity.
From Freudian jokes about guns, to Margaret’s admiration of the masculinity of the generals and CIA agents who turn her on, to Frank using guns and violence and military hierarchies as compensation for his lack of masculinity, to Margaret’s own masculinity going hand in hand with her adherence to military protocol, the sense of equating the military and masculinity is all over the satirical seasons.
And most of the main characters, but especially Hawkeye, are framed in admirable opposition to that military masculinity by emphasizing their non-masculine traits. Radar’s awkward childishness, Henry’s indecisiveness and lack of leadership, Klinger’s crossdressing, and Hawkeye’s... most things. Emotional displays, empathy, disdain for sports/mechanics/violence/most masculine activities, physical weakness, ready willingness to admit to weakness, desire to talk about his feelings, and of course, the onslaught of gay/effeminate jokes.
(Trapper is the most masculine of the first three seasons’ protags, but even he’s pointedly depicted as out of shape, willing to play feminine roles, and his gay jokes have the same purpose as Hawkeye’s. If Hawkeye is unmasculine and proud, Trapper is masculine and secure, demonstrating a more comfortable masculinity that doesn’t need to rely on violence and aggression to prove itself.)
For the first half or so of the show, Hawkeye’s feminine traits and jokes are most of what makes him likeable. We are wholeheartedly laughing with him as he laughs at the military, not at him. This fades to an extent as the show goes on and Hawkeye is framed as pathetic rather than admirable more often, in line with more typical unmasculine comedy protagonists, but during the satirical years the show really nails this vibe.
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truetalesteam · 2 months
True Tales of the Illuminati Season 3 Crowdfund Enters Our Final Week!
If you’re not familiar with our show, True Tales of the Illuminati is a full cast audio comedy about conspiracies gone wrong, featuring a team of hapless illuminati goons as they bounce throughout history snatching defeat from the jaws of other, weirder defeat. We’ve been described as “Inside Job meets The Emperor’s New Groove,” “An absolute farce” and that “True Tales nails it with colorful characters, playful language, and absurd situations”.
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This is the final week of the True Tales of the Illuminati season 3 crowdfund, and we’ve  just hit the ⅔ funded milestone! That means we get to drop the third of our four crowdfunding milestone minisodes, and that we’ve raised over 6 thousand dollars towards making our third season.
That’s pretty incredible, but we’re not done yet. No, we’ve caused ourselves far more trouble, in wanting to make this show sound as good as a big-budget BBC production. Our hubris has angered the gods and they are right to smite us, because the crowdfund ends on April 2nd, so we only have a week to raise the remaining $3,000 to make our next season happen FOR REAL.
Are we going to make it? We don’t know. But what we do know is that we have a hilarious half-hour minisode lined up to release when we hit $9k, written by and guest-starring the one and only Tom Crowley, who you may know as one of the stars and writers of Wooden Overcoats.
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If you’ve donated, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.  If you haven’t yet, now is the time; we’re a completely independent production, and we don’t run ads for junk merch and sports gambling. The only way the show gets made is from listeners donating directly, and all that money goes right into the cast and the sound design and engineering. We here on the writing staff don’t take a cut, we do it because we love making the show, so if you enjoy listening to it and want more, even if it’s only $5, please give what you can.
Raising this money is necessary to produce this show the way that we do it and the way that makes it special, and we truly hope that to keep ourselves viable going forward. To get all of our third season out, we need to make this happen, and it has to happen this week. Does this show: independent, listener-funded, everyone gets paid; work?  That is now up to you!  
If you can’t give anything, you can still make a post or leave a review or tell a friend, because that’s how we’ve gotten to where we are, and it means a lot to us, so thank you.
And if you can give more, there are all kinds of great incentives and prizes and swag!  So please visit truetalesteam.com/crowdfund and support us today.
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tailsbeth-writes · 2 months
15 questions for 15 friends
Thanks for the tag @taste-thewaste!
Are you named after anyone?
My first name (Taylor) is inspired by the singer Taylor Dayne, my mum gave birth on a Sunday when the radio chart show was on. I was actually the first Taylor born at that hospital 😎
When was the last time you cried?
Two days ago, actually because of laughing so hard which is a nice change!
Do you have kids?
Nope, unless we count my book cause it is basically my baby. 🥹📚
What sports do you play/have you played?
I used to play field hockey in high school. I was a regular at my swimming pool until the 24 hour gym finally opened. 🏑🏊🏻‍♀️
Do you use sarcasm?
Me? Sarcastic? Never!
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their clothes or accessories probably, finding something I can compliment someone on is actually kind of handy if my anxiety is particularly bad.
What’s your eye color?
Blue 🔵
Scary movies or happy endings comedies?
Honestly just whatever I'm in the mood for, I really like both! 🎭
Any talents?
Writing, I'd hope? I was longlisted for a Penguin Book's competition & 4 years later I'm still in shock. I'm also an excellent baker! 🍰
Where were you born?
Techinically Melrose, Scotland (that's where the local hospital is) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, nail art, baking, crafts (I love air dry clay and paper crafts, I make Xmas cards every year) and travelling. I'd also probably count planning trips and holidays for my friends, I'm very good at finding good deals and I weirdly enjoy organising stuff 😅
Do you have any pets?
Yes - one rescue kitty. She's called Blue, she's a tuxedo cat and has resting bitch face, likes being held like a baby but not admitting it. 💙
How tall are you?
Favorite subject in school?
Dream job?
A full time writer, but also I happen to have an interview for a youth work role next month and while it wasn't something I ever saw myself doing, I'd love to get it. It would be part time so I could still work on my book baby but with more stability. Here's hoping! 🤞🏻
(apologies if any of you have been tagged already) @heysweetheart-writes @candyspandemonium @firenati0n @onthewaytosomewhere @myheartalivewrites @blairwaldcrf @run-for-chamo-miles @littlemisskittentoes @priincebutt @callumsmitchells @duchessdepolignaca03 @itsmaybitheway @fraudulentzodiac @littlespoonevan @leaves-of-laurelin
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greypetrel · 2 months
15 Questions for 15 Friends
Tagged by @whimsyswastry, thank you very much!! :D
Are you named after anyone?
Nope. There's a Strauss opera with my same name, but I don't know if it was what my father was thinking about or he just picked the name out of a book.
When was the last time you cried?
Last week.
Do you have kids?
Nope, don't plan on having any. Nothing against children, but I don't want one of mine.
What sports do you play/have you played?
Lots. xD As a child I changed sport each year to try most things. The most long lasting ones were swimming, which I left when they tried to pass me in competitive swimming (I did one competition, and up to date it counts as one of the most boring things I ever made). I loved ice-skating and dance! I did more years of tennis but I never liked it much. Skiing. Diving. Sailing. Some volleyball at school.
Do you use sarcasm?
Who, me? Nooooooooooooooooooooo. sarcastically
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
How they relate to others.
What’s your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings comedies?
I overtly rationalize horror: either I start laughing or I fall asleep. I find most horror movies straight-off boring. So, comedies.
Any talents?
I hate the concept of talent, sorry. Breaking nails in half when I try to hang something. I have a pretty good sense of directions. And, saying hello to every single dog and animal I meet in the street. It's just politeness.
Where were you born?
In the city where I live today. Not so far away from here.
What are your hobbies?
Writing, drawing, reading, playing music, collecting vynils and old books and musical instruments (I play the piano and the ukulele. I also love silly instruments: I own a kazoo I never play because it makes me laugh. I would love a otamatone and a theremin), starting new language courses on Duolingo and never finishing one. Getting lost in research pits and writing stories about said research pits.
Do you have any pets?
Sadly not anymore. My last cat died last year, and we had such a close relationship that adopting another one still feels wrong. I would love to adopt a dog, but I don't have the right space for him nor the time/money for an educator (I want a big dog, and it'll need some education.)
How tall are you?
Favorite subject in school?
English language and literature! Ancient Greek Physics (fun fact: I applied to Physics at uni. Got in. After a month I ran away xD)
Dream job?
Character concept artist for Cartoon Saloon. Any job position at Cartoon Saloon. Have I told you about how much I love Cartoon Saloon? Do you have 5 minutes to talk about Cartoon Saloon?
Tagging: @salsedine @carboncinicolcaffe @buridanshorse @dreadfutures @pinayelf @melisusthewee @skinwalkingxana @rowanisawriter @zenstrike @spainkitty @heniareth @n7viper @layalu @idolsgf and YOU who are reading this!
(of course feel free to ignore the tag!
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between the lines | chapter 08 (finale)
rúben dias x original female character [+18]
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synopsis: isabella is a sports journalist covering the premier league. she has sworn to never get involved with a football player. that is, until she meets a handsome portuguese defender. warnings: incorrect journalism references; timeline of events are not faithful to real life; i have never been to england; mutual pining; romantic comedy;  minors dni.
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Chapter 08 — Shooting and Finishing
Days went by smoothly. I tried to spend as much time as possible minding other people's business and concentrating on other people's drama. Hours daily doom scrolling social media. It worked as expected and I managed to stay distracted.
Until I got a promotion at work. Yesterday.
It was the most ordinary day possible at the office, the monotonous hum of the air conditioning filling the room as I sat at my desk, the low voices of my coworkers talking nonsense to each other, somebody somewhere in the office opening a snack thinking no one would notice… The usual. 
And then my phone buzzed. I glanced down at the screen to see a text from my boss, Mr. Evans.
‘Can you meet me in the media room in five minutes?’
My heart pounded as I read the message. I always hated meetings with the boss, they were never ever good news. I headed towards the media room, my footsteps echoing in the otherwise silent corridor, my legs shaking.
When I entered, Mr. Evans was already sitting down, his expression a mix of anticipation and confidence. He gestured for me to take a seat, and I nervously obliged, my palms beginning to sweat.
"Isabella," he began, his voice steady, "I've been observing your dedication and hard work over the past months."
I nodded, my anxiety building with each passing second.
"I believe you're ready for a new challenge," he continued. "I want to offer you a promotion, a better role, with increased responsibilities."
My mind whirled, a thousand thoughts colliding. The promotion was everything I had hoped for, but it was also the very thing I had been avoiding. It meant stepping out of my comfort zone and facing the unknown.
I agreed anyway, and didn't even have to think twice. I just nodded and thanked him. I could feel my legs trembling beneath the table, as if they were on the verge of betraying me. My voice quivered as I responded, "I... I appreciate the offer, Mr. Evans."
He gave me an encouraging nod, his eyes unwavering. He could tell how nervous and like a kind and caring mentor Mr. Evans smiled, a reassuring gesture. "Isabella, fear is a natural part of growth. It means you're stepping into uncharted territory, and that's where true progress lies."
I couldn’t escape reality after that. No amount of idiotic insta posts could keep my thoughts away from the inevitable: I want Rúben. I want to talk to him everyday. I want him in my life. I want to be a part of his life.
So, even scared, even with my legs shaking and heart pounding and all of that. I called him.
‘I have an answer for you’, I wanted to say. Instead, I said:
“I just got a promotion!”
“Isa, congratulations! That 's amazing.” I could hear his smile through the phone, he did not question my phone call and sounded genuinely happy for him. The desire to hug him flooded me.
“Well, you see… I actually got scared when I first heard about it. It seems like a lot of responsibility.” I was twirling my hair fighting the urge to bite my nails.
“What? You think so?” He seemed so worried I almost laughed, but I had a point to make and he needed to know.
“I have commitment issues.” I say loud and clear.
He takes a moment to answer, unsure.
“Are you still talking about the job?”
I shake my head, uselessly, since he can't see me.
“I lost both of my parents when I was too young to know how to deal with it and I never had a serious relationship before.” 
I can hear him sighing over the phone and I use the moment to take a deep breath and proceed. I decide to tell him all at once, before I have the chance to lose courage again.
“I realized something about myself this past week.” I continue. “I tend to focus too much on what’s right in front of me, instead of considering the whole picture. I worry too much about the small emergencies life throws at me and forget about what’s really important.”
“Am I a small emergency?” He interfered, confused.
“No, you’re the important part. You’re the house.”
I make gestures as if he could see me, trying to make him understand.
“The house?” Rúben laughs.
“Yeah… Shit, I kind of ruined the speech, there was a part about a house and leaks and…”
“Isa, are you home?” “Yes–” “Give me fifteen minutes.”
Twenty minutes later and he was towering over my front door wearing a hoodie and rosy cheeks, he looked like he came running to see me. I felt in the moment that I was allowed to hold him as hard as I’ve missed him, so I did.
Rúben held me back and I felt a soft kiss on my neck. He then held my face, making me look him in the eye.
“Is this your answer?” He searched for any sign of doubt in me, but there wasn't any.
“Yes. Yes, I’m not running away again, I promis–” and he kissed me. Before I could finish my sentence he closed the apartment door and still holding me tight, he guided me inside.
“I missed this so much.” His voice was rough, his lips still touching mine as he spoke, going in for another kiss. Rúben was hungry and I shared the same feeling. “I missed you.” He spoke, this time properly looking at me.
“I missed you too.” I told him with a smile, feeling so happy and grateful for his reaction.
He smiled even brighter at my words, looking suddenly relieved. His hands were firm in my waist then, pulling me as close as possible to him.
“Now come here, we have to make up for the lost time.”
join the taglist
@91vhs @kathb59 @kaddi1608
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I've talked a lot about how I can't wait until the John Robins level of competitiveness and intensity gets featured on Taskmaster, but I'm not sure I've made it clear enough yet that I am also excited just to see the skillset. Quick and lateral thinking is probably one of the most significant fundamental skills that comes up across Taskmaster tasks, and he's really good at it, and when I say I think he'll win I don't mean just because he's my favourite, I mean he's my favourite because I love his comedy and will enjoy watching his playing style, and as a separate issue from that, I think he's going to win due to being better than everyone else at the tasks.
Just heard a Made-Up Game that I believe illustrates this. Relevant to know that it's a running discussion that Elis James is really really into football and John Robins prefers other sports, follow football only casually. Which has come up before in these games, the time when John Robins started a feature of reading out excerpts from his old diary (which are amazingly horrifying, that's a whole other post), got so upset about doing so that he immediately contracted a migraine, probably. In that he started complaining of a bad headache, made them stop to turn off all the lights in the studio, asked if it's normal to "feel like I'm not here", asked if anyone else saw that flashing light, to which the poor interm producer said "No" while sounding fairly afraid that the radio station was going to fall apart on his watch because this happened while the normal producer was on holiday, and Elis started sounding genuinely panicked that he'd have to broadcast by himself. And in the middle of this, they played a Made-Up Game that based on guessing things about football stadiums, which is Elis James' special source of interest and John's casual one at absolute best, and John still won the game 3-0. Incredible showing. I was so impressed. The cut to a track and came back and he was able to keep broadcasting. It was fine.
Anyway, a few episodes later they did another game that John won so easily that afterward, he offered to play another round but base this one on football players to significantly stack it in Elis' favour, and still took the round easily.
I mean, it definitely makes a difference that Elis James is very, very bad at quick thinking. Elis definitely makes John look quick. I somewhat recently listened to John's first few appearances on the Pappy's podcast, where he got into some back-and-forths with people who are not Elis James, and the difference was noticable, Elis definitely makes John look quick. But even on those Pappy's podcasts, John still sounded fairly quick (impressive, I think, considering that he was clearly very drunk in both of them), just not totally unchallenged as he is on home turf. Quick thinking and ability to accurately size up factors to make a good guess is such a transferable skill. Nick Mohammed has the wildly strong memory skills, and I'm hoping they'll give him a chance to show those off on Taskmaster, but I have to hope that because not every task requires it. While John Robins has skills that I don't have to hope come up in the season, because those are fundamental to almost every Taskmaster task.
So I would like to make it clear that I will not just be enjoying the comedic stylings of John Robins on Taskmaster, I will be backing him like he's my favourite sports team as I believe in his abilities, and will get upset if he doesn't win. Not just if he doesn't win the whole thing, I'll get upset every time he doesn't win a task. Everyone get ready for that. I'm nailing my colours to the mast on that right now. It's going to be an exciting ten weeks.
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n0vadroid · 7 days
FStS Character Intros
Here are the character intros for From Strangers to Lovers 😁 The story starts off in the middle of May, 2002 and it takes place in Los Angeles mostly but also in Hollywood.
Robaire Dumont
Age - 21 (turning 22 in 2002)
Birthday - July 23rd, 1980
Zodiac sign - Leo
Likes - Gogo, coffee, traveling, books, music, singing,
Dislikes - Phlegm, olives
Gogo Parker
Age - 21 (turning 22 in 2002)
Birthday - July 4th, 1980
Zodiac sign - Cancer
Likes - Robaire, Junto (her dog), Japanese pudding, coffee, rain
Dislikes: Raspberries, cough syrup
Miranda Del Flores
Age - 22
Birthday - March 6th, 1980
Zodiac sign - Pisces
Likes - Natalie, dresses, strawberry lemonade, modeling
Dislikes - Stalkers, kiwi
Natalie Bennett
Age - 22
Birthday - January 11th, 1980
Zodiac sign - Capricorn
Likes - Miranda, cookies, suits, driving, cuddling with Miranda
Dislikes - Homophobes, raisins
Ken Parker
Age - 24
Birthday - January 2nd, 1978
Zodiac sign - Capricorn
Likes - Avani, eer, comedy, takoyaki, dogs
Dislikes - Cats, spiders
Avani Khatri
Age - 22 (turning 23 in 2002)
Birthday - December 10th, 1979
Zodiac sign - Sagittarius 
Likes - Ken, shopping, pictures, snowflakes, hearts
Dislikes - Sand, cucumbers
Jesse O'Connell
Age - 25 (turning 26 in 2002)
Birthday - June 22, 1976
Zodiac sign - Cancer
Likes: Veronica, pottery, his family, art, his friends, kid photos
Dislikes: Unrollable sleeves, people who bad mouths his family
Veronica West Cassidy
Age - 26
Birthday - April 21st, 1976
Zodiac - Taurus
Likes - Jesse, her family, caramel, rock music
Dislikes - Flies, mustard
David Davis
Age - 22 (turning 23 in 2002)
Birthday - September 11th, 1980
Zodiac sign - Virgo
Likes - Gogo, cocoa, cars, soccer, bartending, his family, his friends
Dislikes - Bar fights, oranges (because he’s allergic)
Aaron Zhou
Age - 22 
Birthday - February 5th, 1980
Zodiac sign - Aquarius
Likes - T, sports, dancing, sweatbands, Hip Hop, dumplings
Dislikes - Spiny cacti, sharing his feelings
Aaron Martinez Topher
Age - 19 (turning 20 in 2002)
Birthday - November 20th, 1982
Zodiac sign - Sagittarius
Likes - Z, hype, overalls, sweets, hats
Dislikes - Banana peels, scars
Aaliyah Jackson
Age - 21 
Birthday - March 2nd, 1981
Zodiac - Pisces 
Likes - Perris, spending money, clubbing, heels
Dislikes - Gogo, not getting her way
Davina Dumont
Age - 47
Birthday - March 15th, 1955
Zodiac - Pisces
Likes - Antoine, steak, cooking competitions, wine
Dislikes - Ants, headaches
Antoine Dumont
Age - 46 (turning 47 in 2002)
Birthday - December 1st, 1955
Zodiac - Sagittarius
Likes - Davina, Gardening, veggies, black coffee, vegan hot dogs
Dislikes - Steak, hot sauce
Kyoko Olsen
Age - 24 (turning 25 in 2002)
Birthday - August 3rd, 1977
Zodiac - Leo
Likes - Finneas, kitties, peaches, babies, sweet tea
Dislikes - Fish, smudging her glasses
Finneas Olsen
Age - 25
Birthday - January 28th, 1977
Zodiac - Aquarius
Likes - Kyoko, dogs, button ups, bacon
Dislikes - Mud, thunder
Terena Smith
Age - 36 (turning 37 in 2002)
Birthday - October 30th, 1965
Zodiac sign - Scorpio
Likes - Managing, spa days, burgers, magazines, cooking
Dislikes - Crazy fans, ignorance
Tae-young (Tae Young) Lee Lim
Age - 17 (turning 18 in 2002)
Birthday - October 21st, 1984
Zodiac sign - Libra
Likes - Wildlife, spicy food, painting his nails, stuffed animals
Dislikes - Overcooked noodles, roaches
Runa Furuta
Age - 34 (turning 35 in 2002)
Birthday - August 8th, 1967
Zodiac sign - Leo
Likes - Yuko (her cat), chocolate covered strawberries, flowers, rice
Dislikes - Ranch, grapes
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piggyinthesea · 5 months
Crushing Season ✯
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featuring: max verstappen, charles leclerc, lando noriss, and lewis hamilton
Max Verstappen:
If Max Verstappen had a crush on you, he'd basically become the class clown of Formula. His pit crew would catch on to his crush and playfully mess with him. They might sneak heart-shaped stickers into his racing gear or decorate his car with giant emojis. Interviews would turn into comedy shows, with Max throwing in cheesy pickup lines or racing-related puns just to make you laugh.
Social media would be a whole new world. Max's Instagram stories would be filled with goofy challenges, funny videos, and maybe even a series of "How to Impress [Your Name]" tutorials. And let's not forget the memes – he'd find a way to incorporate your presence into every F1 joke.
Charles Leclerc
Charles? Oh, he's like the secret agent of crushes. Picture him trying to be all cool and mysterious, but it's just downright adorable. He's digging for intel on your favorite stuff like he's on a mission – interrogating teammates, covertly checking your social media, and maybe even sending out some reconnaissance texts. When he decides to make a move, it's the cutest disaster. Like, he's aiming for a casual lean on your shoulder, but oops, he ends up almost knocking you over. Smooth moves, Charles.
But let's not forget his attempts at impressing you. He'd probably try some fancy cooking, and you'll find out he's been watching cooking shows to master a dish just for you. And when he hands it over, he's got this hopeful look like, "Please tell me I nailed it." In a nutshell, Charles is the sweet guy next door who's doing his best to win your heart – with a touch of awkward charm.
Lando Noriss:
Lando Norris, in the grip of a crush, would find himself tangled in a web of amusing mishaps. Imagine him attempting to showcase his skills on a skateboard to impress you, only to end up with a comical spill, turning the moment into an unintentional display of vulnerability.
During casual conversations, he might accidentally spill a drink on himself, leading to an endearing spectacle of embarrassment as he hurriedly tries to remedy the situation, all the while sporting a sheepish grin. In his pursuit of charm, Lando's attempts at jokes might fall flat, accompanied by a nervous laughter that adds a touch of awkward charm. These endearing moments might include the classic "tripping over nothing" scenario, with Lando skillfully turning it into an impromptu dance move.
Lewis Hamilton:
Picture Lewis Hamilton's approach as a blend of charisma and genuine connection. In casual moments, he effortlessly weaves his magnetic personality into conversations, making every encounter feel like a shared secret. His laughter resonates through crowded spaces, yet somehow, it's the quiet moments that linger most. Lewis, with a twinkle in his eye, creates a dance of meaningful gestures—subtle compliments, shared smiles, and moments of genuine interest in your world. These encounters are like chapters in a captivating novel, leaving you curious about the next page.
Away from the racetrack, Lewis introduces you to his world with simplicity and elegance. Whether it's a quiet dinner or a spontaneous adventure, he blends thrill with sincerity. In this headcanon, Lewis is more than a playboy; he's a master at crafting unforgettable moments that make you feel uniquely seen and appreciated.
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livi-the-writer · 2 years
List of hobbies and interests for your OCs!
1. Fencing 
2. Woodworking/carpentry
3. Stone carving
4. Candle making
5. Leather crafting
6. Horse riding
7. Metalworking
8. Archery
9. Herbalism
10. Doll making
11. Sewing
12. Embroidery
13. Sweet making
14. Painting
15. Drawing
16. Jewellery making
17. Mixology (cocktail making)
18. Blogging/vlogging
19. Soap making
20. Whittling/woodcarving
21. Poetry
22. Story writing
23. Article writing
24. Puzzles
25. Astronomy/stargazing
26. Programming
27. Hacking
28. Going on walks in nature
29. Cycling
30. Watching documentaries
31. Graphic design 
32. Video games
33. Digital art
34. Singing
35. Making digital music
36. Artificial intelligence
37. Pottery
38. Witchcraft
39. Fashion design 
40. Make-up/face painting
41. Cosplay
42. Surfing
43. Sailing
44. Skiing
45. Snowboarding
46. Running
47. Hiking
48. Board games
49. Dancing
50. Interior design
51. Gymnastics
52. Martial arts
53. Bodybuilding
54. Activism
55. Public speaking
56. Debating
57. Team sports
58. Playing a musical instrument
59. Kayaking or canoeing
60. Boxing or kickboxing
61. Travelling 
62. Fishing
63. Cooking
64. Baking
65. Yoga 
66. Bird watching
67. Collecting something (e.g. books, figurines, stuffed toys, souvenirs)
68. Gardening
69. Scrapbooking
70. Listening to music 
71. Analysing books/poetry/song lyrics
72. Personality typing (e.g. MBTI, enneagram)
73. Learning new languages
74. Photography
75. Watching TV
76. Musical theatre
77. Golfing
78. Bowling
79. Bingo
80. Reading
81. Latte art 
82. Learning magic tricks
83. Puppetry
84. Chess
85. Juggling
86. Stand-up comedy
87. Pranking others
88. Nail painting
89. Graffiti
90. Calligraphy
91. Beekeeping
92. Camping
93. Crossword puzzles
94. Parkour 
95. Roller skating
96. Vehicle restoration
97. Listening to podcasts
98. Ice skating
99. Volunteering
100. Pole dancing
101. Writing book or film reviews
102. Bullet journalling
103. Picking flowers
104. Going on picnics
105. Sudoku 
106. Animation
107. Making playlists
108. Selling things they’ve created 
109. Playing roleplay games
110. Modelling
111. Hair styling
112. Finding and collecting seashells
113. Tattooing
114. Cake decorating
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