#spoiler alert: the answer is yes
shaykappa · 1 year
Read six of crows! We have:
Kaz "I have a question about your mother and whether the rumors are true" Brekker
Inej "I like it when men beg, but this is not the time" Ghafa
Jesper Llewellyn "Thought of me? Late at night? What was I wearing?" Fahey
Nina "If I flirted with a plant, you can bet it would stand up and take notice" Zenik
Matthias Benedik "My ghost won't associate with your ghost" Helvar
Wylan "How about I push you in the canal and we see if you know how to swim?" Van Eck
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ap-kinda-lit · 1 year
Zuko: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired. I'll be fine. Katara: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again. Zuko: Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns? Katara: Is it working?
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yuwuta · 4 months
Will there be a second part for the Test drive Yuuta?
i have a loose outline of what yuuta’s side of talking to toge, megumi, and gojo about your marriage would look like, but i’m sort of being swayed to think more about you and yuuta talking about your relationship/divorce potentially? all i know is the more i write from his perspective, the more desperate he becomes LOL 
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chewwypepsicola · 1 year
TALK ABOUT YELLOWBLUE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UHM UHHH UHHHH yellowblue after ep 30 are very much inseparable from each other, the gang has just been made aware of how fucked up Blue was left after The Lava Incident and yellow has become slightly more protective of him, they move in together as in they now properly share a room and it’s all so domestic and sweet yellow decides he’s might be too young in stickman standards but he doesn’t care he’s going to marry blue cause something something celebration of love also he is deadly afraid of losing her so he wants to make their relationship as meaningful as possible and so he proposes, he tells Blue to meet him at the portal wearing his best clothes cause it’s a date a whole day just for them, they go to a new different place which is a minecraft flower field/forest and as they hang out and are being their usual lovey dovey selves yellow proposes and blue has to take a moment to process it all, he definitely cries a lot and for a minute cause of how happy it makes her and aauuughhhhhhhHhhH,,, they are engaged now,,,, they lay on a nice clearing and watch the sunset before going back home, they’ve decided the rest can know about it when they notice the promise rings,
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rozaceous · 1 year
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no massacre au aka tsunade gets her grubby hands on mariko
Mariko is probably the only one aware of the giant bullet dodged by the Uchiha Clan being alive, but that's fine, she'll take it, everything is soooo much better like this, she can feel it.
Curse of Hatred who? Tsukuyomi? Never heard of her. Danz--well, heard of him, actually, but it was a big deal that he died, and not just to Mariko. There was halfway a coup and everything leading up to it.
Somehow, however, Mariko gets roped into becoming Konoha's bestest little Uchiha eyeball medic. She's not sure, exactly, how this happens, but she thinks it has something to do with the Uchiha not trusting a Senju with their doujutsu despite how they're the ones who put Tsunade in power in the first place. And they're definitely not letting a Hyuuga have a peek.
Mariko still thinks they should've picked Shizune.
Eyes aren't even her favorite body part! She's a spine girl all the way!
And Tsunade's still the one teaching her, so the cognitive dissonance at play here--
"Sooo," she drawls to an amused-looking Uchiha Itachi, whom she's cornered at his tea shop during slow hours. The tea's good here, but tea shops in general aren't her scene. She prefers a full-on food stall. "Say a girl needs to fix the implanted doujutsu on a man who's been allowed to have said implanted doujutsu, but she suspects there's some secret sauce underlying the mechanics of the eyeball in question. Who would that girl talk to about the secret sauce?"
"I'll let Father know you'd like to speak to him," Itachi says.
Mariko slumps. "I like your dad, but come on."
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urwendii · 9 months
we're finally getting some Cambridge flashbacks and I couldn't resist bringing Ossë in. He's 200% a Fluid Mechanics student.
She found Mairon and his roommate Ossë locked into what looked like an intense debate on the elemental origin source of life on Earth. “You and water…” “You and fire!” Ossë scoffed “Mark my word Mairon, we will find water on Mars before you manage to resolve your stupidly complicated cosmological equation!” The redhead rolled his eyes then grabbed the notebook he had been scribbling obscure maths formulas in and almost shoved it to Ossë’s face with a frown. “I will have it solved before you even manage to ask Uinen out.” “Mairon, Mairon, this is a terrible gamble because I will win no matter what.” “Care to bet?” Ossë was fully smirking by then as he leaned back on his chair. “Since you will lose go ahead Mai, name your price.”
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twiceasmanysunbeams · 2 years
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A hardboiled detective is loafing around behind his desk, waiting for something to happen. The impetus for getting the story going arrives in the form of a dame. Richly dressed, she cuts an impressive figure. She states to the private eye that she has a case for him. Don't expect the dame to be what meets the eye. She might know more about the case than she is letting on... Sweet as saccharine, is she truly as kind and earnest as she seems?
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farolero-posting · 11 months
yay got some writing done. next chapter may be on the longer end tho :o
it was kinda hard. I'm trying to put on the place of someone that kind of. constantly lives derealized and depersonalized and they're trying Not to be.
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jeysuso · 1 year
oh no i’m entering my “big gifs” era
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ofdragonsdeep · 2 years
21: Solution
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A particular ghost takes issue to Ar'telan's plan for dealing with the Light.
(cw for something akin to suicidal ideation. It's not quite the same, but it might be triggering, so view with care)
In his room in the Pendants, Ar’telan perched on the edge of his bed, gaze fixed on the window. The endless Light that had permeated Lakeland’s skies was gone, but he imagined that he could hear it, the dissonant, staid echo in his head.
“You’re looking pensive,” Ardbert remarked. He was leant up against the wall, not that the wall itself offered any solid surface to him any more. Perhaps he found comfort in the gesture.
“I get that a lot,” Ar’telan replied, heaving a sigh and turning from the window. “Sorry.”
“Got a fair bit to be thinking on, I suppose,” Ardbert said, an easy shrug on his shoulders. “How is it? The Light.”
Even if he’d wanted to hide it from Ardbert, he wouldn’t have been able to. But he hadn’t exactly tried. Ardbert’s soul was stuck to him as though he were a particularly stubborn limpet, despite Ardbert’s assertions that he had no part in the decision. A soul did not need to sleep, and so - though it was disconcerting for Ar’telan to imagine - Ardbert had no choice but to sit and watch him slumber. And these days it was not peaceful. When was it ever?
“I will be fine,” Ar’telan said, which was a lie. “I have a plan.” That part was true. He had thought on it for a long time after the first Lightwarden, before the pain had started, even. The description of what happened to the people infected by the Light - watching Tesleen transform in front of him - he knew that it had to be a possibility. The Blessing of Light was a shield against the corruption of a primal, and while it technically worked, he had not wanted to rely on it. And he had been right.
“Aye? About as alright as we were, after we ‘saved’ the world, I’ll wager,” Ardbert said, which made Ar’telan flinch.
“Did you ever question it?” Ar’telan asked. “What was asked of you. Did you ever wonder why it had to be you?” Ardbert frowned.
“After the fact, we did,” he said. “Had nothing but time to think in the Rift, even as catastrophe bore down on our friends and family. I wasn’t keen to listen to an Ascian, I’ll grant you, but it beat staring at a wall.”
“I suppose you didn’t really… have primals,” Ar’telan said, and Ardbert inclined his head.
“We had our share of troubles, but no primals. Not unless you count the bloody Lightwardens, I guess.”
“Those came rather later,” Ar’telan said, a faint smile on his face. “After a while it became routine. A primal would be summoned, I would be sent to destroy it. There was no-one else.” He looked down at his hands, a thoughtful look on his face. “There were so few Echo-blessed. Arenvald is still young. Krile was never one for combat. Unukalhai…” He sighed and shook his head. “I listened to so many stories of what had to be done to take down primals without the Echo. My people, they… we have a duty to destroy them wherever we see them. They and their thralls, that the cycle will not perpetuate. So it was… I felt I had no choice.”
“And did you?” Ardbert asked. It was clear from his tone what the answer was. What they both thought of it.
“As much of a choice as I have here,” he said. “Each time, I… wondered if it would be the last time. They call me Eikon-slayer, but so many times I have almost fallen in their place. In the end, you… you keep going so no-one else has to walk the same road. But we are not Ascians.”
“You could say no,” Ardbert said. “Walk away. Leave the last Lightwarden. Nothing will change, but… it won’t get worse, either, will it?” Ar’telan shook his head in disagreement.
“It will. Emet-Selch will make sure of it,” he said. “Besides, if I… if I walk away, how many do I damn in my place? Better one than a score.”
“Even when the one is you?”
“I should be dead already. It matters little.”
There was a moment of silence, then Ardbert began to laugh. It was a good-natured chuckle, but a sound Ar’telan was so unused to hearing from him that it startled him, making him look up in surprise. Ardbert shook his head.
“So that’s it. You’ll kill the Lightwarden and-”
“Throw myself into the Rift, if it comes to that. I couldn’t be killed. The Light would only take another.”
“Gods, you’re just like him.”
Ar’telan blinked in confusion.
“Like… who?” he asked, uncertain. Ardbert seemed amused more than anything, so it could not be negative, but-
Ar’telan held in the flinch by sheer force of will. None of the Ascians knew - even Emet-Selch did not know, so Ardbert surely could not have. Elidibus would not have told him, would he? Not when the goal that the Warriors of Darkness had worked towards was so opposed to Ar’telan’s own?
But it was Urianger who had persuaded them to try and kill him. It was Elidibus who had insisted they did not…
“Time is weird, in the Rift,” Ardbert remarked. “Felt like we were there forever, but barely there at all. He was so different to the rest of them.” There was a wistful look on his face now. Ar’telan could not imagine it had been a particularly pleasant time for him, with his entire world teetering on the brink of annihilation and his only recourse being to damn them one final time, but he seemed to look on something fondly. “He used to talk about it. The sacrifices one must make for duty. The need to take on the burden so the others did not suffer. That sort of thing.” He folded his arms, gazing off into the middle distance. “It didn’t work, naturally. It never does, you know? One person cracks under the strain.”
“But there are none others who can bear this Light,” Ar’telan said, choosing not to dwell upon the rest lest he betray himself. “I must do this alone.”
“Oh, aye, the Light you must,” Ardbert agreed with a nod. “But you don’t have to cope alone. Hells, you’re talking to me, aren’t you? Why not tell the rest?” Ar’telan bit his lip, uncertainty rising in him.
“They will stop me. If I start to turn, they won’t-”
“And maybe they should. Did you think about that?”
“They… should?”
Ar’telan blinked in bemusement at the idea. What good could come of it? Perhaps if what they wanted was a slow death at the hands of the Light it would serve a purpose, but he couldn’t bear that.
“They should,” Ardbert said, a nod of his head accompanying the statement. “I’d do it myself if I could. Look, I know we’re not the best of friends. We’ve stood on opposite sides of the battlefield, even if what we wanted was the same. But you know that the only thing - the only thing you can never, ever fix is death. So don’t do anything reckless.” He shot Ar’telan a crooked grin. “That’s my job.”
“I thought we were sharing our burdens now?” Ar’telan teased, a soft laugh on his lips at the idea. Nothing reckless. As if he wouldn’t have all of the Scions holding him back if they could.
“Heh. No sense wasting time on a dead man,” Ardbert said. “Though if anyone could find a way, it’d be you. You’re stubborn like that.” He sighed, shaking his head. “I wish I’d been able to thank him. Elidibus. He used us, aye, but he didn’t have to save us. Could’ve done his great work all the same with his own people, instead of taking a chance on servants of Hydaelyn, as they liked to call us.”
“I shall tell him, next I see him,” Ar’telan offered. “Though it has been many moons now since last I did.”
“Well, then you’d better plan on sticking around for a while longer, eh?2 Ardbert said, and Ar’telan couldn’t help but smile.
“I suppose I will have to at that.”
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memequeen92 · 2 years
not so much a headcanon question this time, more of an enthusiastic agreement: i love his ears, and i also find them adorable. would absolutely put myself in harms way to touch 'em. Springtrap's 1 and 1/2 ears exist for the sole purpose of distracting prey, like an anglerfish's lure 👀
nfnhjnfg same like bro hold on before u kill me real quick can I just- can i pet your ears PLEASE let me pet them
I can only imagine the complete and utter feeling of ‘what the fucking hell’ he would be having about that
he’d probably say no but i can dream..........
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i think i need to stop being so upset when my friends don’t answer me when i send something that they literally could not care less about
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closed starter for @everandevermcre​
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His vision was swimming - one minute Fionn was walking home, the next he was suddenly on the sidewalk, the hot pavement searing through his clothes.  Blinking hard a few times before pulling himself up, he turned to the person who definitely was not there before he decided to lose consciousness.  “Did - I just pass out?”
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osaemu · 3 months
ur insanely smart ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ ‘n cool + u like sweet things
do i also have bad posture bc of L
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osachiyo · 2 months
EAT IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT ! ✘ 𝐝𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐢, 𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐮𝐲𝐚, 𝐣𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐨 & 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐩𝐨
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 — n/sfw content, headcanons + rating, female reader, cunnilingus, cum eating, squirting, pussy slapping, face-sitting, praise, overstimulation, etc
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 — i wrote this while being sick, so don't attack me if this has a lot of spelling mistakes and errors.. and i just wanted to write some silly little headcanons so my apologies if this isn't good lol happy reading as always and i hope you enjoy :3 (yes i did remove fedya from this sorry) NOT PROOFREAD
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 — bsd men and how they eat the 😼
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this man is a MUNCHERRRR. will gladly eat you out any day of the week, any time of the day. he does not care if you're at work — will not hesitate drag you in a storage room of the agency and eat you out there. one time ranpo walked in on dazai giving you the most toe-curling head, and used that as blackmail on you two, demanding he'll keep quiet if you bought him candy for the rest of the week. safe to say that you put a ban on sex at work for a month (spoiler alert: you didn't last).
sit. on. his. face. make a mess on it — drench his face in your juices and he'll thank you. hell, even better if you ride it — he'll cum untouched so fast.
he's skilled in the art of eating pussy — knows all of your weak spots like the back of his hand. don't ask him how many times he's done this — he'll just flash you an innocent looking smile, never actually answering your question.
knows how to make you scream and takes advantage of that — urging you to cum over and over on his silver tongue, saying "just gimme one more, darling," only for it to turn into another, and another until you lose count.
he takes his time when giving you head — tongue tracing your hole all the way up to your clit, savouring the taste of your arousal before he devours you.
KEEPS EYE CONTACT !! works his mouth on your cunt while his big, warm, brown eyes filled with mirth stares at you the entire time, smirking at the beautiful expressions you make — loving how flustered you get from his gaze alone.
likes to use his fingers while eating you out — long digits probing at the rough patch of your g-spot while he sucks on your clit — a deadly combo that has you creaming in his mouth in seconds.
overall a 10/10, knows how to use his tongue and isn't afraid of using it.
messy eater !! is not afraid of getting filthy, if he's gonna go down on you, might as well do it properly.
he's really into 69 ! not because he gets pleasured as well (though he's definitely not gonna complain about it), it's more of a physiological thing for him. it gets him so impossibly hard when you slobber and struggle to take his cock down your throat just because of the sheer pleasure he's giving you. it's adorable to see, really. also gives him an excuse to shove his cock down your throat himself, groaning something about "him doing all the work," but he wouldn't have it any other way.
as much as he loves pinning you to the bed, holding your hips down while shoving his face between your legs — he'd much rather eat it from the back. what can he say? he loves your ass — spreading it apart to bury his tongue into your hole, occasionally slapping or pinching your cheeks to tease you — it's pure filth.
he knows your limits, of course, but sometimes he can't help but go a little overboard — too lost in the feeling of lapping up your sweetness, circling your clit before dipping his tongue into your hole. it's best not to interrupt him during this — unless you actually want to stop, he's gonna pin you down harder with a low growl before getting back to his meal.
he doesn't use his fingers that often while eating you out — would much rather make you release on his tongue, but wouldn't mind indulging you if you really wanted it. gloved fingers probing at your sweet spot — groaning out praises for being so good for him.
he's a talker !! growling, muttering and even moaning words of encouragement while he eats your pussy — the vibrations of his lust-filled voice making your toes curl and head lull back.
9/10, he's less about technique and more about instinct — and it works.
he's a sadist through and through — very into edging you. likes to hear your heartbeat speed up then suddenly drop when he pulls his face away from your cunt, laughing at your misery like it's the funniest thing in the world. don't get him wrong though — he eventually does let you cum, eventually.
when he's not edging you, he's overstimulating you. sometimes he does it right after edging you, too — didn't you want to cum? he's giving you what you wanted this whole time, you should thank him for it, really.
not afraid of using toys on you during he goes down on you — he loves hearing your desperate whines and and attempts of forcing him away because "it's too much," what nonsense — he thinks, jouno knows your limits, he knows you can take it. now be a good girl for him and let him enjoy his meal.
100% a pussy slapper — he likes hearing you squeal his name, while your neighbors definitely hate you both for that. he's so mean about it too, spreading your pussy lips apart to land a harsh but swift smack on your clit — it has you tearing up and crying out his name so cutely, he can't help but do it again, again and again.
jouno knows exactly which spots make you writhe in pleasure, and he takes advantage of that — relentlessly pounding his fingers into your g-spot while suckling on your clit, it has you seeing stars in mere moments.
did i mention he can make you squirt? he's incredible with his hands and mouth — combine that with the fact that he knows all of your weak spots, it's a killer combination. even if you're not a squirter, he still gives you the best orgasms you've had in your life.
8/10, he knows your limits and knows when to stop — but sometimes he can be a little too… sadistic.
another munch right here — he'll eat you out anytime he wants, and when you want him to, of course !
ranpo gets super whiney while going down on you, his face would be flushed down to his neck — muffled moans of your name escaping his glossy lips, it's an adorable sight.
his glasses would be all fogged up, please take them off for him so they don't get dirty (he'll be whiney after if you don't)
ranpo has 0 experience, might need you to teach him some of the basics at first but he's a quick learner, quickly figures out and memorises which spots make you moan louder and your cunt wetter.
he doesn't care that much about technique, relies on feeling instead.
he doesn't like using his fingers, would rather pleasure you simply with his tongue — but he might cave in if you whined for long enough.
LOVES having you sit on his face — he needs to be drowned in your essence, and what better way to do that than have you ride his face? use him to get off, he might whine and kick his feet at first but he'll give in eventually !
sucks on your clit like it's his favorite candy — at least that's what he tells you. could spend hours and hours between your legs if you'd let him, sucking at licking at your clit before dipping his tongue in your hole, he might like it even better than candy, actually.
7/10, inexperienced but his enthusiasm makes up for it — really messy too.
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note — if you don't agree with the ratings then that's fine, they can eat you out however you want them to lol.
tags ・ @hopefulpain @inkmooon @constant-existential-terror @nda-approval @mellieellie @seiiushi @lynxxyyy @kentopedia
@sorasushik1 @himebwrries @nopethenope @neviex @fyodorisbbg @stygianoir @saharei @x-lunawrites-x @munnaitorei @emyyy007 @dearhoney-31 @the-foreigner @angoisfine @osaemu @honeycombflowers-blog @yuiiasathesilly @kaithegremlin @squigglewigglewoo @cupidszvlvr @ashthemadwriter-archived @bloobewy @mrs-bakugou @hauntedsol @ask-me-or-not @hanakotateyama @kissesmellow21 @dazaichuuya69 @xxsilverjackalxx @gettinshiggywithit @deaths-presence @sugaredpersimmon @rjssierjrie @iheartpieck @angelof-darkness @dazaisimpletmereadfanficspls @hellokitty-4-lele @scinclaitnoir @aly-insanity @kemis-world @bisexuawolfsalt @thateldribitch
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sociieties · 2 years
…. he’s not paranoid…
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