#spn s12e12
drulalovescas · 1 year
no one:
literally nobody:
not a single soul:
Dean Winchester when someone flirts with Cas:
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hellerradio · 1 year
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Join us this week for another installment of brooding violence, ominous betrayal, heartfelt self-sacrifice…and a whimsical tribute to classic Tarantino! Because why not have a little fun while being traumatized? ⏱️
➡️ Listen here!
Episodes discussed:
12x12 - Stuck In The Middle (With You)
12x15 - Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell
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lower-the-volume · 6 months
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12.12 Stuck in the Middle (With You)
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cascaps · 2 years
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spn-caps · 1 year
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boszorkanycica · 7 months
the "i love you"
the cut to dean's face
rich really wanted every chance to direct a destiel moment, doesnt he?
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ananke-xiii · 3 months
"Stuck in the Middle with You" is another fave episode of mine (although I'm not sure how I feel about Crowley becoming King of Hell that way, it felt like it was a bit of a useless retcon but I'm not 100% sure, anyway not the point).
One thing, however, that I personally wanna know it's if Wally (poor baby boy RIP, I really liked you it's a shame you lasted less than 1 ep) knew that Cas is an angel. I mean, he didn't really hunt demons, seemed pretty shook by the whole Lucifer's kid thing (who wouldn't lol) so I think it's safe to assume he didn't know or he would freak out a bit.
But! We also know that hunters talk about the Winchesters (who wouldn't lol take 2) and the community seemed to know quite a lot about them sooo.. it's safe to say that people know that they're friends witn an actual Angel, right? I mean, do all the other hunters know about Castiel?
So all this to say is that we were robbed of an episode from the hunters POV, an episode where people gossiped about the Winchesters and wondered what was up with the Angel. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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deansamnatural · 1 year
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fogemorfem · 1 month
Will they finally start being kind to Crowley (Supernatural) now? He negotiated for their lives even though he definitely didn't need to and was thrown through a wall as thanks, and THEN he saved Castiel's life. He has done so many things for them, and still they're so fucking rude to him, and yet he shows up again and again and again. After this I don't want to see them be ungrateful to him ever again.
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panicroomsammy · 3 months
I thought you guys promised that Azazel didn’t get brought back in the late seasons is there another yellow eyed demon???
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rubyrubyrubytuesday · 8 months
finally finished spn season 12 and congrats to season 7 for no longer being alone as the worst season!!!!!!
Straight up can't believe they decided to take what was essentially The Hunters' Code and gave it to BMOL as their code. For what? So that Sam and Dean and other hunters could be morally sound guys I guess? Someone needed to take Dabb and force him at gunpoint to watch Heart.
Also love Samantha Smith, but she could not sell Badass Hunter Mary at all. It's clear that she was hired in the pilot because she radiates such absolute primal Mom Energy that I could never not see that. I'm glad we got what was essentially the 'actually Mary would have been worse than John' arc though. She quit being a hunter when she was like 20 and died when she was 29 I don't know why they wanted her to be a badass hunter so bad. Kinda wish they gave her the Buffy Season 6 "god I wish I was back in heaven right now" storyline instead.
I don't mind Bootleg Buffy Watchers I mean the BMOL but it was such mid execution. Wish Toni had lived. Lucifer stuff was fun, even the Rock Star Lucifer and President Lucifer (LOTUS was weird in a lore sense but still fun imo). A female character existing just to give birth and die is probably one of my top ten most hated tropes so it's a shame that I liked Kelly with both Dagon and Cas, even though she was a little bland. Great actress. Another one of my most hated tropes is 'rapidly aging child/born as an adult' which does not bode well for Jack (although from the few s13 eps I watched off and on I remember liking him).
Not sure if I'm sincere about it being worse than Season 7. I guess I like S07E01 Meet the New Boss, S07E15 Repo Man and S07E21 Reading is Fundamental more than every season 12 episode so I guess I am. No S12 episode was as bad as S07E13 The Slice Girls, my beloathed though.
Best: S12E12 Stuck in the Middle (With You), S12E11 Regarding Dean Worst: S12E09 First Blood
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drulalovescas · 1 year
Cas telling Dean his true feelings
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Dean "telling" Cas his true feelings
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5:20 PM
The whole family (+Wally) having dinner together
Omg Dean trying to hit on the waitress but she's only interested in Cas
These turning shots, everyone talking on top of each other, this is such a different vibe
Oh, it's gonna go very bad
very bad indeed
"Urination. I understand." Cas 😂
these moving shots are simply art
A demon stronger than the demon blade???
stronger than Cas??
more demons!
NO 😭😭😭😭
Mary hit him with a car!
Cas is dying 😭😭😭😭😭
9:05 PM
What the hell happened? Yellow Eyes??
Mary's working with the British Men of Letters
8:23 PM
is that Michael? I feel like it is, I feel like we've seen it before and it was Michael
what the hell is Mary doing???
betraying her own kids, wow, great role model
9:03 PM
Cas is dying and Mary is texting people
Dean coming in to see Cas 😭😭😭
something's wrong, he can't heal, and he's all black on the waist
Oh, Crowley
ah, Prince of Hell, of course 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ this fucking show pulling things out of its ass
ah, the lance of Michael okay, I was right
so Crowley went to Ramiel for him to be King, and he refused, so Crowley took the place?
okay, that makes sense, I guess?
Crowley being sorry for Castiel, uh
Dean's fucking breaking apart, he's angry
9:07 PM
Oh, Crowley's going to try
welp, that didn't exactly work
9:12 PM
Cas is dying 😭😭😭
"Look, thank you. Thank you. Knowing you, it's been the best part of my life."
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"You're my family.
I love you."
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"Just, please, please, don't make my last moments be spent watching you die. Just run. Save yourselves. And I will hold Ramiel ofd as long as I can."
"Cas, no."
"Yes. You need to keep fighting."
"We are fighting. We're fighting for you, Cas."
"And like you said, you're family. And we don't leave family behind."
Dean and Cas' look here, the desperation and sadness
If we go down, we go down together
Is Mary going to let them all die for what she stole?
Apparently she is
They managed to kill Ramiel, but Cas? Cas is dying
Oh, Crowley's back, and he figured it out
the runes
I hate the music they chose for this scene so much, wow, really ruined the moment AND Crowley's move, great
Crowley saved Cas though
Men of Letters dude again??
Fuck him
Oh yes Mary, tell him
and also stop working with him, what the fuck
it's YOUR fault for trusting these people
Wait wait wait
all of this
for THE COLT???
They really did Crowley dirty this season, what the fuck
ah, and Lucifer
// Okay, I have more thoughts about this episode
First, it goes in the favourites pile for how creatively different it is from the others: the camera shots, the jumps in time back and forth, the multiple storylines, the secrets, so many characters, the chaos and confusion that somehow makes sense
It had the vibes of a How I Met Your Mother episode
But, I profoundly hate what they're doing with Mary. Having her come back from the dead, to then not only betray her own kids, but actively work against them with the organization that tortured and tried to kill them??? the woman who died to try and save Sam, doing everything she can to get them hurt??? I'm not buying it, and there is NO WAY to justify what she's doing
She COULD tell them she's working with the Men of Letters to take out monsters and she'll drop them if there's anything fishy. She could tell them she wants to hunt and feel useless. She could tell them she wants to rid the US of monsters so they don't have to be hunters anymore. There is SO MUCH she could do that would make her make sense. But nope, she's going behind their backs and risking their lives on secrets.
Also, Crowley. Crowley, who would make deals and only help someone if it brought him something personally, is now an accessory? They took all his power, all his authority, all his grandeur, they took everything from him to leave him but a shell of the character he used to be. I know he drank human blood and was emotional for a while and that was awesome! But then, he needed to spring back. Not end up... whatever he is now.
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lower-the-volume · 6 months
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12.12 Stuck in the Middle (With You)
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cascaps · 2 years
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biblenatural · 3 years
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