#sorry for the intense and serious ramble this is something thats really serious to me
mechanicalinfection · 3 months
This is really weird to ask but did you hear about the springtrap and Delilah controversy?
oh, yes. surprised that im only having asks about this but i have heard about it. safe to say im disappointed, disgusted and grossed out something that i used to enjoy as a child actually a deeper twisted and sickening fantasy tied to it. i am no longer in support of the creator and the comic, as much as im in denial i have seen the doc and have made my decision to stop supporting it entirely.
as for aus and my aus of springtrap and deliah, they are no longer tied and attached to that source. i will only be in support of aus of it and making fanart and artwork based off of the aus instead, not the original material (especially as long as the maker of the au also disowns the comic and no longer supports the creator), i hope that makes sense. im planning on actually rewriting and remaking the comic entirely if im allowed to, as i need to make sure and double check that its okay to do so, as i dont want to be disrespectful about it by doing something stupid like that.
artworks of my aus that are based off from that comic will be postponed for now until i decide what to do with it. thank you :]
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sanccharine · 3 years
Heya Subway, sorry for the oddly personal question feel free to dodge the question if it makes you uncomfortable. Anyway I'm just curious what qualities do you look for in the ideal partner, whether it's a specific trait physical or mental or if there's a specific aesthetic or look. I know seeing girls in suits is pretty up there for me personally. I also wanna know if your ult bias reflects that or not. Also who is your ult bias?
Feel free just to answer with your bias. I also notice a distrubing lack of asks being sent your way. Hence the effort on my end
heya anon, thanks for the ask ! and dw i'm completely cool with this :]
i haven’t really thought about physical aspects bc i don’t really mind them, though i do gravitate towards dark or black hair,,,think boca era dami or half of ateez in wonderland era lol. oh, and smiles !!! people smiling makes my heart flip flop ;-;
for traits,,,i think honesty is something i lean towards a lot, and that's for anyone not just a partner. sense of humour ? kindness ?? basic ik. also i need someone who challenges me ? i need someone i can talk to hours on end, someone i can learn from and share ideas with. 
hmmmm the best way to explain would be,,,,an ideal partner for me is a friend. i like that level of comfort and ease found in friendships.
to be honest, i’ve never been in a serious relationship or even had intense crushes for that matter, and i won’t be disheartened if i never experience that. all i know is platonic intimacy and i’m pretty content with that. so the ideal partner in my head is a friend, bc they support me, assuming as a romantic partner would :]
as for aesthetic, once again, i haven’t thought much about it. like i would say i like darker colours, neutral and warm tones, academia type but realistically i’d admire everyone regardless of aesthetic hdsjkfhskjdhfk
also !!! you have stellar taste my friend bc girls in suits are everything ! anyone in suits really !! actually suits, leather jackets, and hoodies – the holy trifecta ! 
now for my my bias list,,,,it is all over the place O_O
so i guess my ult bias would have to be dreamcatcher's dami or ateez's san. or jiu and hongjoong ?? maybe twice tzuyu and jihyo,,,,i literally have no clue hjsdkhfksd but i think they sort of reflect what i’ve said. smart and thoughtful and people i can learn from. also all of them are introvert types like me so thats an added bonus i guess lol
i’ve rambled so much i’m so sorry hdsjkfhsdjkf. not gonna lie when i saw this ask i kinda freaked, i was so happy but also lowkey anxious bc i’ve never received anything like this talking with people is scary but thank you so much for sending this ask ;-;
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part 10 of drabbles from the chat my dudes i love wolfstar
Big thanks to @remusjohnblack-fics for the idea and premise and sorry in advance for the bad french
remus knew that it could have been worse. "Bonjour", the word said in an aristocratic scrawl on his collar bone. Since he could begin even thinking about his soulmate he had decided that he would not be ignorant and that he would know everything there was to know about the language and country. but still, could remus ever visit france then? I mean it's hello, everybody says hello. if he were to go to france would it be the first person he'd see? Maybe that was what needed to happen? so he put it off, and continued his learning from afar. 
By 18 remus was an expert in everything french and decided it was time to meet his soulmate so he enrolled in a french university and hopefully that would be that. Tonight however, he didn't have to worry about any of that. It was his going away dinner with his family, and that was all that mattered. They were in a small, cheesy french restaurant that his parents had picked out ("you'll be able to eat good french food everyday darling, we won't, indulge us.") they were waiting for their waiter, the smells of fresh bread wafting throughout the restaurant. Finally the young man had shown up and, well, damn, to put it simply. Sometimes remus wished he hadn't decided to save everything for his soulmate (as many did, but others chose to experiment to see what they liked or to make their future soul mate happy) because when he saw the tall, aristocratic, silver eyed, raven haired waiter, he could feel himself flushing. His soulmate wouldn't look like that, he thought, a tinge of sadness lurking through him. Waving that odd thought away he turned his attentions back to the present. The waiter, sirius black, his name tag said. His handwriting was pretty, and a little familiar, wait-
"Bonjour" remus gaped, and his collarbone tingled, no,no, no way at all- "Welcome to bon voyage hunger, ill be your waiter for the evening, sorry for the wait..." his parents were listening happily, why should they be doing any different, he hadn't shared what his tattoo said, they just knew it was something french. And the way he said it, in the thickest faux french accent that only a british man could do and it all set remus off
"J'ai appris l'intégralité de la langue française, la culture française pour être putain de gentil et il s'avère que votre britannique et vous venez de valser ici" Bonjour "bonjour mon cul c'est de la connerie juste ici-"
(("I learned the entirety of the french language, french culture to be fucking nice and it turns out your british and you just waltz in here "Bonjour" hello my ass, this is some fuckery right here-"))
the waiter-sirius- gasped, and gripped his hand, and then started laughing, with an amused glint in his eyes. "well thats one mystery solved then" He grinned and continued "on dirait que nous avons eu la même idée, quelques faux français nous sommes" in flawless french
((looks like we had the same idea, a couple of fake frenchies we are))
remus flushed, he had not expected him to understand him, much less reply and oh god this was ridiculous they had both learned french to answer the other that had learned french just to answer- this was so confusing
remus's parents heads were whipping back and forth between the two of them, know something had just happened while also not knowing why their son had blown up at the poor waiter
"puis-je le voir ... votre marque qui est... voir voici la mienne" sirius whispered, pulling off his gloves
(can i see it... your mark that is... see here's mine)
sirius held his hand out for remus to read and sure enough, in remus's loopy sloppy cursive there was his paragraph. the words looks so small and bunched together and remus couldn't help but feel a little guilty
Remus nodded, slowly he took off his jacket, unbuttoned his shirt, and slid it over to the side just enough to make out the word.
Remus's parents gasped understanding what had just happened
Sirius gazed appreciatively over remus's collar, and then he looked up and caught remus's eyes. "so" he said breaking the silence finally and slid into the booth next to remus "my name's sirius black, obviously." he gestured to his name tag and in general. "what's yours darling?"
darling? remus thought, that was rather forward he sniffed. then he sighed because no it wasn't. "it's remus, remus lupin." then he added "snookums" dryly and deadpan, just for good measure.
sirius laughed at this "oh gods you're better than i ever hoped" this caused remus to blush "How can you say that we've only known eachother a period of practically 15 minutes that's ridiculous-" sirius cut him off "I'm an excellent judge of character, pudding" he smirked and popped the p on pudding, close to remus's ear. remus couldn't help it, he shivered, and blushed, looking away. sirius noticed this reaction and grinned to himself, obviously pleased but then he looked nervous "Besides, we've got the rest of our lives to prove my point...right?"
"well of course-" remus began but then the impact of sirius's words hit him
"y-yes" he said softly after a brief paus
someone cleared their throat
oh, whoops
mr lupin was looking slightly shook, but mrs. lupin was highly amused and she continued "well remus, i think we'll leave the two of you to talk then"
they got up and left "but- wa-wait" he protested meekly
"afraid of being alone with me then?" sirius joked, but remus could tell he was nervous that that was the truth.
"no" remus elaborated after gathering himself "not at all, pookie. It's just this was supposed to be our goodbye meal before i left for university in paris and-" "oh shit i shouldn't have interrupted maybe they're still outside we can go get them and wait did you say going to paris-" oh whoops remus thought again "nonono its ok, i mean you're my bloody soulmate, they understand and uh yeah, paris-" "oh thank god that's such a relief i had no idea how i was going to break it to you i was moving to paris for university either, thats a relief" sirius cut in, a weight lifted off his shoulders
then sirius added "muffin" for good measure
remus couldn't help it, he laughed, he laughed at the whole thing, it was rather ridiculous, he found his soulmate in a restaurant called "bon voyage hunger" and he didn't speak french and they had already dove head first into pet names and he was gorgeous and seemed like a genuinely good person, it was just too much
"ahem, so what university are you going t-o...in -pa-paris" remus started to say after he had gathered himself but started stuttering as he turned to look at sirius who was staring at remus with such an intense fondness that remus couldn't help but blush again. god dammit he'd practically spent the whole night with his newfound soulmate blushing and stuttering.
"hmm, oh um Paris college of art, i want to be a sculptor" "th-the paris college of art? you're serious" sirius grinned goofily at this and said "why yes, yes i am, pleased to meet you" remus groaned but continued "so am i, i want to study art though im not sure which area specifically yet, they're all so interesting and fun and i love them all theres too many but i don't have the money to major in literally everything and each of them convey emotions in such a different way and i just-"
remus was aware that he had started rambling but stopped when he felt a soft tentative hand on his
"that's bloody excellent remus, really" and then he looked nervous again. he seemed to constantly be switching between confident and apprehensive yet remus found it endearing. "and uh" he coughed, "you don't have to worry about money, i mean if you want you could study everything for the rest of your life and we could live, well uh, lavishly to say the least, um im kind of bloody rich i guess...." he trailed off, clutching remus's hand
"did-did you just offer to be my sugar daddy?” remus could not believe it
sirius laughed "not intentionally,and i prefer the term, caring supportive spouse to be , maybe to sugar daddy?"
"spouse to be, you're rather confident aren't you"
"i'm not saying we have to get married or anything im just-" "oh gods you already have a ring don't you" "-no!" "YOU DO" "no i doN"T" remus felt a surge of confidence and dug his hand into sirius coat pocket. sirius yelped at remus who was now practically on his lap "damn remus we're in a restaurant im not big int exh-" "aha found it!" remus pulled out a silver ring case and handed it to sirius "if you're going to propose to me, you better do it full on" this time it was sirius's turn to stutter and blush
"it wasn't supposed to be an engagement ring more like an uh" he trailed off, clearly embarrassed. Remus couldn't resist teasing him "oh, so you don't want to get married to me" he pouted, just a little "Oh gods no i want to marry you so bad i just didn't know if you would so it's it's more like a promise ring maybe?" that stopped remus in his tracks
sirius greatfully took the pause to gather himself and got on one knee "Remus lupin, shit i don't know if you're supposed to get on your knee for a promise ring, i don't know if im proposing or just- shit just,  i promise to be yours, do you want to be mine?"
"oui vous beau salaud" (yes you handsome bastard)
"but i refuse to get officailly married at 18, so you're just going to have to wait and sit your pretty little ass back down" sirius's smile glowed as he said "I would wait eternity and back for you remus"
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My face said 🥺 with your recent seven oneshot. can i request for one with seven again with a college student MC who has social anxiety. Hope thats ok!
Sure! Sorry for taking so long!
Saeyoung with an MC with social anxiety:
It was the first RFA party with everyone together, and Saeyoung was so excited! For the first time both Saeran and Vanderwood would attend. You had been through so much together and right now everything was fine wonderful.
The day before the party you walked around nervously in your room. You weren’t really comfortable with too many people in the same space as you, and you got really nervous around crowds.
You were so nervous to say the speech, so Jumin volunteered to say it for you. But you still had to greet the guest.
You sat on the bed and ran your hands through your hair, releasing a shaky breath. Then you felt some arms wrap around your belly and flip you over.
“God Seven attack!!” Saeyoung screamed, and started tickling your sides.
“S-Saeyoung! S-sto-ph-HAHAHAHA” Saeyoung smirked as you shrieked and rolled over, laughing like crazy. But when Saeyoung wasn’t paying attention you quickly got on top of him and started tickling him too! And so the tickle battle became more and more intense, until Saeran yelled SHUT UP and you both laughed while Saeyoung hugged you. When he let you go you laid on the bed, both of you still panting and laughin a bit. Then Saeyoung turned to glance at you, leaning his elbow.
“So, mind telling me why my 606’s radar alert went off telling me you’re feeling a bit down? Are you still mad that I kicked your butt when we were playing video games?” He asked.
You gently pushed him and shook your head. “No, but I promise next time I will win Saeyoung Choi, Mark my words! I will get my revenge!” You said in a deep voice and Saeyoung laughed.
But then his face became more serious and he touched your cheek. “No but, really Y/N. What’s wrong? You looked pretty worried before. Is everything ok?”
You sighed and looked up your bedroom ceiling, filled with a bunch of glow on the dark stars.
“I’m just...worried about the party. I mean everything is going well! But...it sounds dumb, so don’t judge me. I’m just worried about greeting the guests. I’ve never been good talking to other people and since I have to greet the guest tomorrow...I’m really nervous...”
You bit your lip and looked back at Saeyoung. He caressed your cheek and smiled. “It’s not dumb Y/N. I get it. If you don’t want to talk to the guest maybe we cou-”
“But I do, I mean, it’s my job to greet them since I was the party planner and all. I know I have to do it, but I’m just scared about screwing up. I mean what happens if, I don’t know, I do something stupid?”
Saeyoung chuckled. “Like what?”
“I-I don’t know! What if I accidentally call someone by the wrong name and they get mad at me, or what if I get so nervous that I don’t hear what they’re talking about and when they ask me a question I don’t know what they asked so I panic and start feeling nauseous and just barf on them?!” You rambled.
Saeyoung laughed and you glared at him, making him laugh more. “Y/N, I know you’re nervous. But you won’t do that. You’re the most bravest, and courageous woman I have ever met! I’m sure you will do an amazing job. And I will be with you, alright? I’ll hold your hand while you’re greeting everyone and if you’re feeling nervous I can take over for a bit. I think you’re amazing by trying to get out of your comfort zone, and me and the whole RFA will be cheering for you!” Then he kissed your your nose and hugged you tight.
You let out a yelp and groaned. “Saeyoung~ You’re sweating too much!” You tried to get out of his grip but he just held you tighter and laughed.
“Well, I was working out for a bit. Now, how about we go and take a bath together to ease our worries?~” he smiled mischievously as he carried you bridal style all the way to your bathroom.
The next day Saeyoung spent all his time by your side, greeting guests with you. Whenever the guest left he would whisper in your ear that you were doing a fantastic job. If you get too anxious he will take you to a corner and help you do some breathing exercises, staying with you until you calm down. Then when you come home, he will give you a special reward ;)
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Can’t Fight This Feeling
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Once everyone came down from the shock of everything we started talking. Trying to think of something, anything, to get us out of the position we were in.
But..it was almost midnight and Dustin and Erica started showing their exhaustion. Erica fell asleep first with Dustin going about ten minutes later. Robin pushed through a little longer but she fell asleep leaning against one of the walls.
I was past the point of exhaustion and had new energy. I sighed and leaned against some of the boxes, trying in vain to relax.
A few feet away sat Steve, running a hand through his hair.
"Well?" I asked him.
He looked back at me questioningly, "Well?" he echoed.
"What are we going to do?" I asked.
He sighed, "I have no idea, I mean, none of the buttons work and we can't climb out...I have no idea."
I leaned my head back against the wall and closed my eyes, "The walkie talkie?" I wondered.
He hummed, "Maybe, but there's no point now since it's so late. Doubtful anyone would even hear it."
I bit my lip, "So we're just...stuck."
I heard him shuffling so I looked over to him and sat that he moved to sit right in front of me, our legs just a few inches away from each other.
"For now," he stated, "we're gonna get out of here...it just won't be through the elevator right now. When the doors open-"
"We'll have to fight," I finished simply.
He grinned at me, "Or be sneaky and get out," he raised his brows.
"Or be sneaky," I agreed, "how would we do that though?"
He sighed, "I'm not sure," he admitted, "that's the problem...it might have to be an on the move kinda plan that we can't plan for."
I knew he was right. We didn't know what was behind the doors. We didn't know what we were going to have to do. We wouldn't know what to do until the last possible second.
"Shit," I whispered.
"Hey," Steve softly said, causing my eyes to flash to him, "I was serious when I said I wouldn't let anything happen to Dustin, you know?"
I smiled back cautiously, "I know."
He cleared his throat, "That extends to you too, okay? I won't let anything happen to either of you...Robin and Erica too, obviously," he added, "I swear it."
"Thanks Steve," I told him.
Steve stretched his legs out in front of him, which put them next to my legs, "You happy to be almost done with school?" he questioned.
I sighed straightening my legs out too. It clicked in my head in an instant. Could this be the moment where I got all my feelings about King Steve off my chest? So that maybe every time I looked at Steve I wouldn't have this subconscious fear of whatever he was thinking about? Could this be the moment I, finally, stand up for myself the way I should've against them for years?
I cleared my throat and looked away from him, "Yeah, this is finally gonna be a good year I think, so I'm more looking forward to that."
"Finally?" he asked, puzzled.
I let my eyes ghost over him for a second before looking down at my lap, "Yeah...now that some certain kids are gone, I might actually have a pleasant school year."
I took a peak up at him and say his eyes watching me intently, "Who?"
Just as quickly as my semi bravery came, it was gone. I realized I didn't want to hurt his feelings or anything. 
I looked down once again, "Tommy and Carole mostly...but um," I bit my lip, wishing I could backtrack and not say anything else, but I was too far gone, "you were there for one big one."
"What?" he blurted, shocked.
I took a breath and looked up at him, seeing the sadness already evident on his face, "When Tommy told me you had a crush on me? Then you laughed and told him how messed up that was. You also called me Lisa so..."
He sighed deeply and rubbed a hand on the back of his neck, "Shit," he whispered quietly, "I honestly don't remember that...but yeah that sounds like something douchy Steve would be involved in," Steve lamented, as I watched his body semi deflate as this realization.
I shrugged my shoulders gently, "You definitely were."
He ran a hand through his hair before bringing his knees up to his chest, "That's not...me anymore, Lou," he expressed, wrapping his arms around his knees.
I shot him a small smile, "So I've been told," I told him before sighing heavily, "Steve I don't-I dont necessarily think thats you anymore either...but that was just such a shitty thing, and I really wanted to get it off my chest."
He let his legs stretch out once more and his mouth fell open, "Is that...is that why you hadn't really talked to me when I started hanging around with Dustin? Or why you seemed a bit standoff-ish at the beginning of all this?" he wondered watching for my reaction.
I looked away from him as I nodded slowly.
"Lou," he breathed, I looked back to him and saw the regret in his eyes, he looked so sad, "I'm really sorry...about all of that," he told me earnestly, fidgeting with the hem of his scoops ahoy shirt.
I smiled a little and looked away from him, "Thanks."
"Please don't...accept the apology unless you...really accept it. I was a true asshole in school, and I just-shit," he said, looking up to the ceiling, "I know how much of a jerk I was to a lot of people, Lou. You included, same with Jonathan and probably Robin too."
"Steve," I began, "Steve, please look at me," I pleaded.
He took a second but he finally lowered his head and made eye contact with me.
"I know that...that was all high school shit and maybe it was to save face with Tommy H and Carole...regardless, yeah you kinda sucked in high school," I rambled, trying to get to my point, "but that doesn't seem like you now. And I wasn't bringing this up to make you feel bad or to upset or hurt you...it's just been something that's been weighing on me for so long, then we're thrown into this madness together. I just wanted to get this off of me so that I coukd start dealing with it instead of bottling it up."
"Trust me, I'm happy you brought it up," he told me, "I don't want you to have this version of me in your head anymore. The shit I did to a lot of people was-it was really messed up. I can't change it, but I can try and change the way you think of me going forward."
"I appreciate that a lot, Steve, really I do," I admitted, "we really don't have to keep talking about this...it's been said so we can just...continue onwards."
"Just before we move forward or whatever, I just...shit," he sighed running both hands through his hair before looking back to me with an intensity I hadnt seen before from him, "I will never intentionally hurt you, Louise. Seriously, I-I was a jerk back then, not that that's an excuse, but that's the truth. And I'm so sorry you've carried that around with you all this time, it should have never happened. I'm just...so sorry. Really, really from the bottom of my heart, I'm so sorry."
I was taken aback a bit because of his response to this. I never once thought he would react to this the way he did. With absolute sincerity and honesty and admitting how much of a jerk he was. I couldnt believe it.
"Thank-you, Steve," I said, breathlessly, "that means a lot to me."
He grinned sadly at me briefly before his eyes looked downcast. I looked away from him to give him his space after all of that. He finally spoke up after a few minutes.
"So I mean...have you started looking at colleges yet?" he asked quietly.
I smiled over at him, "A few...I think im gonna stay local though, be close to mom and Dust...especially knowing all this now, I'll wanna be as close as I can be," I chuckled.
"What about you? Where are you headed this year?" I asked him.
"To Scoops Ahoy," he answered automatically.
I squinted, "Oh...so no college?"
He cleared his throat, "No...I figured that I'd take a year off and work, you know, learn the value of earning and all that shit. Then figure out what I wanna do."
"That's smart, Steve," I smiled.
He shook his head with a small smile, "Honestly I just wanted to see if my story was as believable to people as I wanted it to be. Truthfully, I didn't get into any school that I wanted and my dad said I needed to get a job...and that's the scoops ahoy story."
I immediately felt bad for him, "I'm really sorry, Steve."
He shrugged, "Hey...that's life I guess. I proved my dad right that I wouldn't amount to anything other than working for him so...I mean, you heard what he said...I'm his biggest disappointment," he mumbled.
"What do you want to do?"
"What do you want to be when you're older?"
He scratched his head, "Oh...I dont know, I guess. I've never really thought of it too much.  What about you?"
"I want to be an accountant, I've done my moms taxes for the last few years just for fun before she gave them to the actual accountant and I've always been right. I like numbers and stuff," I explained, feeling self conscious that he would think I'm a nerd or something.
"That's a good one," he nodded with a smile, "you're really smart, Lou. You could literally do anything, I think."
My face flushed at his words, "Thanks," I said softly.
He hesitated with a thoughtful expression, "Maybe a teacher," he finally said, "I like hanging out with your brother and the other kids in the party for the most part...I like imparting my wisdom on them and helping them out...yeah...a teacher sounds good," he said with a very faint smile, but the smile was gone in an instant.
"But no school will take me for that...my grades were shit, no one would want me teaching their kids," he declared with an eye roll before looking to the wall.
I put my hand on his knee and shook it to get him to look at me, "Go and talk to the principle or something...maybe they can help out somehow? Taking night classes or something so you can bring your grades up?"
"Yeah that'd look good, Steve Harrington returns to Hawkins High because he got rejected from every school he applied to," he said sarcastically.
I scoffed, "No, it would look like, Steve Harrington returns to school to work towards a better life for himself."
"I'd probably flunk those classes too," he said dejected.
I scooted up so we were closer to each other, and took his hand in mine, looking right in his eyes, "Steve...you've gotta have faith in yourself. If you don't wanna work for your dad then don't work for him. If you don't want to turn out like him, then don't. Nothing is stopping you. You're young, Steve, you can make something of yourself. And you're smart-"
"Not really-"
"Yes you are! You can acknowledge things that you did wrong in the past, you helped with the plan for getting in here, and you're gonna help get us out! I dont know who's been telling you that you're not smart, but they're wrong. Just put your mind to something, Steve, and you'll get whatever it is that you want," I squeezed his hand as I spoke.
He sent me a small smile, "You should re think your career choice and become a motivational speaker."
I laughed quietly, "I'll think about it."
"But seriously, thank you for that...that huh...yeah that means a lot to have someone say that," he explained, putting his other hand over ours.
"No problem," I smiled, "and I'll help you too, Steve. Picking classes, with homework, studying, I'd be happy to help."
"Thank-you," he murmured.
I smiled at him before sliding myself back against the wall, letting his hand go gently in the process.
"So...when the door opens..."
"I'm telling you, I can take them on," he told me, "whoever is on the other side, I'll take them out!" he joked.
I laughed quietly, "I'm sure you will," I said through a yawn.
"Get some sleep, Lou," he told me gently, patting my knee.
I hummed and leaned my head against the wall, "You have too, to."
"I will," he promised.
I sighed, "Close your eyes too, Steve," I said as my eyelids closed by themselves.
"I will, Lou, I swear," he reassured me, with his hand still on my knee.
"Night, Steve," I whispered wearily.
"Night, Louise," he whispered soothingly back to me.
Title credit to REO Speedwagon and gif credit to owner
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cubchoops · 4 years
maybeeee hop, raihan and kabu with a shy s/o?? they wanna start doing the gym challenge but are too nervous about everyone seeing them
MMM THATS SOME GOOD STUFF ANON!! as someone with crippling stage fright i felt that
UNFORTUNATELY my man kabu will have to wait because. i wrote way too much uhH
- Hop’s personality was the complete opposite of yours; he was outgoing and talked to someone new every opportunity he had, while you were rather quiet and talked to people only when you needed to. He’s the type of person who makes you wonder how the heck someone can be so social.
- Of course, that difference just ended up bringing you closer together. Your shyness never put him off guard; if anything, it just made him more curious about you and want to know more about your personality and interests.
- Whenever you two go out in public, especially in crowded areas, he’s there to support you. If he senses you’re nervous at all, he’ll grab your hand and give you a reassuring smile. His main goal is to make sure you’re comfortable while being beside him, so he usually either brings you closer to him or tries to make you laugh and overall less anxious.
- One day, you both decided to hang out in the wild area near Hammerlocke. Your Boltund played happily with his Dubwool as you both layed down besides each other, discussing how your days had been. Hop had brought up how he finally got a badge from the Spikemuth gym leader, Piers.
- “...It was such an intense battle!” His eyes glowed with passion. “I only had Dubwool left and somehow managed to land a critical hit on his Obstagoon. Boy, was I lucky...”
- He looked over at you, noticing you staring absent-mindedly at the sky, showing no signs that you heard anything he just said.
- He sat up from his spot on the grass, waving his hand in front of your face. “Hey, you okay?”
- You immediately blinked and looked towards him, seeing a look of concern on his face. You couldn’t help but laugh at how silly he looked. “Yes, I’m fine! Sorry about that, I must’ve zoned out for a moment.” You sat up as well, and your Boltund came running towards you. Your hands met the top of his head, giving him gentle scratches behind his ears.
- “I was just thinking about how nice it’d be to do those gym challenges. They seem so fun and exciting, but…” A small frown appeared on your face. “...I just don’t think I could do it — I don’t think I could handle all those people watching me, y’know?”
- Hop could hear the disappointment in your voice, and it hurt him. He hated the thought of your shyness preventing you from doing something you really wanted to do, and he hated seeing you even the least bit upset.
- For a moment, there was silence. Then, you felt a hand on top of yours. Hop squeezed yours gently, and smiled softly.
- "You know, I was actually pretty nervous before my first gym challenge. I was worried about so many things – what if I embarrassed myself in front of everyone and disappointed Lee? I wouldn't be able to forgive myself," He then looked you directly in the eyes, a determined expression on his face. "But I still tried, and ended up having an amazing time! No one really cares if you mess up or do something wrong, and you can always try again if you lose. Besides…"
- Hop removed his hand from yours, instead placing it on top of your Boltund's head. "...Imagine how happy this guy would be to show off his skills in front of so many people!"
- Your Boltund barked happily in response. The frown that had been on your face vanished, instead being replaced with a genuine smile. There was no way you couldn't do the gym challenge now. "You know what? I think you're right."
- Seeing such a bright smile back on your face made his heart flutter, and his eyes lit up. "Of course! I know you can do it if you – ah!"
- Before he could finish his sentence, you quickly wrapped your arms around him, holding him close. There was no way you could resist after his supportive rambling.
- "Thank you, Hop."
- Raihan is what you’d consider the complete opposite of shy; he loved being the center of attention, had an easy time talking to people, and just radiated confidence. Sometimes you wished you had just a portion of his outgoing personality.
- On the other hand, though, Raihan wouldn’t want to change a thing about you. He honestly thinks your shyness is adorable and can’t imagine you any other way.
- One of his favorite things about it is how easy it is to make you blush or get you all flustered; just a simple compliment or surprise kiss is all it takes. It makes him feel kinda powerful.
- Whenever you two are out in public, he tries to make you feel as confident as possible. Raihan can definitely tell when you’re feeling shy or anxious, and will give you words of encouragement and compliments to make you feel better. If you need to hold onto him or just be extra close, he’ll be more than happy to allow it.
- If any of his fans try to bother you while you’re out he’ll step in immediately and tell them off. He’s pretty protective of you, and won’t allow anyone to make you feel uncomfortable.
- On some days, you go to the Hammerlocke stadium and watch Raihan’s matches, admiring his battle techniques. Just knowing you’re there watching him and rooting for him pushes him to do his best.
- After the match, you and Raihan walked out of the stadium together. It had already started to become dark, so he decided he would walk you back to your home. Still, you couldn’t stop thinking about the battle you had just watched. He had just been so confident the whole time; a huge grin on his face, an energetic battle stance, and hell, he even took a few selfies!
- You were snapped out of your thoughts as you felt a large arm being wrapped around your shoulder. When you looked up at Raihan, he was looking down at you somewhat curiously. “You’ve been quiet for a few minutes now. What’s on your mind? Besides me, of course.”
- His dumb and unexpected teasing got to you and you felt your cheeks immediately heat up, mostly because you really were just thinking about him.
- “W-well, I was just thinking about your match earlier and how cool you were during it,” You closed your eyes, thinking of how to put your thoughts into words. “I guess I just don’t understand how you can be so confident with all those people watching you…”
- The grin on his face slowly faded after he realized what you said. He had wondered why you always showed up to his matches and asked him about his techniques; he also wondered why you didn’t participate in gym challenges yourself considering you were so interested in them. How could he not make the connection?
- “I see what this is about.” He stopped walking and removed his arm from around your shoulder, turning to face you. “You want to do the challenges yourself, don’t you? But you’re too nervous to be in front of all those people.”
- You slowly nod, and look off to the side. Raihan’s expression was just… unusually serious. Part of you hoped you didn’t end up upsetting him somehow.
- After a moment, though, a large grin appeared on his face once again. “Don’t be ridiculous! There’s no reason to be nervous, and this is coming from a gym leader — most of the people in the stadium don’t even care about what you’re doing, they’re mostly just there for the dynamaxed pokemon, y’know?”
- Raihan took a step towards you, putting his arm back around you and pulling you close. “And besides, I’ve seen you battle! You’re a talented trainer. You could probably even beat me if you tried.”
- You laughed, leaning closer against him. “You really think so?”
- “Well, maybe. You’ll have to challenge all the other gym leaders first if you wanna find out.”
- “Hmph. Challenge accepted.”
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whirlybirdwhat · 4 years
Yo, I recently rewatched some of Enies Lobby, and what struck me the most about it (besides how drawn out some it is. Did we really need all that /running/ Oda? Really??) was how fucking intense it is. Like, this is the arc where on your first watch/read, you're like "Holy shit. They really did that." The stakes are UP THERE and you can feel it all the way through. The low moments are pretty low, but the high moments? Sky-fucking-high. I was blown away all over again.
ENNIES LOBBY IS THE SHIT!!!! my favorite arc hands DOWN so much going on and so much themes from one piece you are right it is EXTREMELY INTENSE and hi, you prompted me, im gonna write an essay now!!! sorry in advance!!! im not kidding about the essay part this is why my blog title is “im just gonna ramble”
ennies lobby just has all my favorite parts about One Piece just wrapped in a little neat present for me and its just amazing. The ridiculous fights had me laughing hysterically but also they were just so cool!!! i lost it when Sanji fought jybura. every strawhat also just got a chance to shine like nami you go girl!!! zoro with the three heads you ROCK i love me some demon zoro. like i feel like oda was able to keep a serious theme while having all these hilarious moments and its just a+++++ work
Then you have, of course, your jaw dropping moments. 
“I know who Robin’s enemy is, Sniper king shoot down that flag, existing isn’t a crime, I WANT TO LIVE TAKE ME TO SEA WITH YOU!!!! (god one of my favorite lines EVER!) And the best part is?
No fucking hesitation. And thats one of the biggest parts of One Piece. You have a dream. Go for it, or die trying - anything else is betrayal. You follow your captain, because his dream is yours, and when he says shoot down that flag you shoot down that flag.
Because more than a dream, is your crew - who you would, in Robins words “burn the world for”
Stepping back, looking at the big picture... this arc is the first big movement of the strawhats. This is some crew, from the East Blue no less. Sure, they stirred up some trouble on some islands, but that was mostly ignored, and it was the marines who took care of crocodile according to the world. Sky island was in the sky. But Ennies Lobby?
This is some crew from the east blue that just declared war on the entire fucking world.
And succeeded.
Future pirate king right there!!
Im sorry for the long rant but ennies lobby?? that was the arc where I was like wow. Im in this for good, forever, my heart is sold. This is something im gonna keep up with and enjoy and write about. I just.. i just love ennies lobby.
(though yes, perhaps the anime could have cut out some running and some flashbacks, but in my opinion at least the running had some fun gags?? idk)
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saturndivine · 4 years
hi! im talking to a libra sun sag moon libra merc scorpio venus unknown rising n like. okay im lowkey overwhelmed LOL is it jus me going like !!!!!!!! but shes super straightforward intense flirty n like. committed? n like really into me and she makes it super clear n obvious its only like the third day! shes super affectionate n she tells me that she tells her friends all bout me n that she feels like im super healing... (+ is part two! sorry)
+ + probably because for the last three days she mainly talks about herself? or like rambles on about things that have upset her or 75% of it being about her ex!!!!! and how she like despises her but she continues to look at like. pics at her n tells me how shes like ugly 😭😭? n that im an upgrade which is kinda a red flag???? idfk i feel like im her emotional support n that shes not making an effort to get to know Me n how do u possibly think ur More Than crushing on somebody like that???? ++ anyway its jus really. alarming n overwhelming n maybe she jus. does like me that much through how understanding and “healing” she claims me to be cos i listen n support her all her shit n she can talk to me easily n all that! i’m jus really lost and i don’t wanna like flee hella fast without giving it some thought? 🥺 and to be honest i really havent felt like ive reciprocated feelings in a long time until she came along ?! but now this is kinda ruining shit on my end! thank you :-(
you need to get out of that, thats way too many red flags. scorpios venus do not let go of their loves and the fact that theyre trashing them is another. i feel like theyd do the same to you. and if you need someone to appreciate you i will!! not them, they seem to have a lot of baggage and only talk about themselves thats just a lot. they need to heal before you start something serious babe. you can talk to her but honestly ive seen this in enough people to know if theyre talking about their ex like this they still have feelings for them. wishing you the best :-(
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jojoreadwhat · 5 years
T W E L V E • A Gwilym Lee Story | 6. the one with the awkward moment.
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Gwilym •
Sylvia didn't say a word. She stood at the window, hands to her face. Seeing all over it that she couldn't believe what just happened. "Well," I began before she cut me off immediately. "Excuse me," before exiting down the hall.
I could overhear her. Getting frustrated with whom ever she was talking to over the phone. With sounds of exasperation and a slam of the phone to the receiver. She was upset and there was many things I could joke about. But I just waited at the kitchen counter, getting more water.
"Lucy’s work really keeps everything confidential." She explained the fuss, trying to get a hold of her to see what she could do next. I'm guessing they weren't budging on her whereabouts. "I'm sorry about, all of this."
I shook my head that it wasn't a worry. We were fine and there was a random air conditioner crushed on the pavement. It was funny watching the bystanders and their expressions.
"If I can recall, I think Lucy and Allen had lots of trouble with it last year." I tried reassuring. "It might be for the best." Sylvia’s plump lips curled for a second before she began walking around. Making sure that all the fans were on full blast.
"What are you going to do now?" I asked her, taking the last sip of my glass. I watched her slipping on her sandals before sighing softly. Her hair was down now, and she moved it behind her ear. She shrugged, "I'll probably just get more ice and hope for the best."
I couldn't see the "best" happening. She was sweating just while looking pretty. Looking like she had just came out of the shower as the droplets laid upon her ivory complexion.
I was worried enough that we weren't in some debate already like usual. There was no way she was going to survive tonight. The weatherman on 6 had already mentioned that there wouldn't be a drop in temperatures. Plus I wouldn't live another day if Lucy found out that I didn't try further to help.
I stood up from her kitchen island, closing up my tool box. Mentally shaking my head at what I was about to suggest. "Just stay with Joe and I until we figure out something tomorrow."
Sylvia raised her brow at me, "Are you offering me a place to stay?" She gasped, "I think thats the nicest thing that has ever come out of your mouth." Sarcastically admitting. I chuckled at her, rolling my eyes. "I'll take it back."
This was going to be a treat.
We headed across the hall shortly after Sylvia changed out of her sweaty clothes and into a loose grey tee with black leggings that hugged her curvature effortlessly. Once entering my apartment. She sighed in relief, thanking me officially before placing her keys and purse on the foyer table. I closed the door behind us, gesturing her to make herself at home then disappeared to pour us drinks.
I stood at the counter near the kitchen entry after I pulled down Malbec from the cabinet. Watching Sylvia in the living room, looking around awkwardly, playing with the dark brown strands of hair dangling over her shoulder. It was quite cute to see her in a non-snarling state. Unaware of this– innocence or naivety under her harden shield.
She soon got herself comfortable on the couch. Reaching in front of her and snooping through the proofs of mine. I had forgotten the work I left scattered across the coffee table. Shaking my head before I continued to pry. Watching the photos she held in her red dipped fingers, hoping I could figure out what she was thinking of them.
"Sorry for the mess." I said, walking into the room with the wine glasses filling the palms of my hands. Sylvia jolted slightly, I had startled her. She just shook her head reassuringly, placing the proofs down and freeing her hands.
I gave her her glass, taking a seat next to her. She chuckled softly, "Wine?" She questioned, almost surprised. "Feels like you want to start trouble." She stated, then. Looking back at me with a silly smirk before the glass pressed her lips.
"We've gotta entertain each other somehow." I remarked, and she chuckled loudly. "Touché." She agreed. Watching as she folded her legs under herself, and adjusted her loose tee that had fallen down off her shoulder.
I took a sip of my glass, placing it down on the table in front of us before gathering some of my proofs for W Magazine. Putting them into piles, "I saw you admiring my work." I broke the silence, feeling Sylvia stiffen a bit, unaware that I seen her looking at them. Soon her posture relaxed as she bent to pick up a proof I didn't get to.
"You took these?" She said, almost like it was impossible before glancing back at Eliza Benning, the model in the picture. "Are you that surprised?" I questioned, smirking at her expressions.
"Yes," she replied, smirking and I shaking my head. I chuckled at her, I shouldn't have expected anything different from her.
"Are you always like this?" I commented on her way of me. She just shrugged, "Out of habit, I guess." She admitted, "But these are really good. I'm impressed." Sincerely. Looking at me again before placing her glass back to the rim of her lips.
I took the proof from her hand, completing the pile I had just made. Wanting to get inside her head now, with nothing to interrupt like the last couple of times.
"What about you?" I began, taking the light off myself for once.
"Here we go again with "my story"" She shook her head, her dark fly aways around her face going along with it.
"Are you trying to humiliate me or something?" She went on. Looking down at the glass in her hands. I chuckled a bit, shrugging. "Always." I smiled.
Sylvia looked up, smirking before she rolled her eyes and shook her head at me. "What is there to know?" She said, "Lucy has probably told you too much already."
"All of what she said could be rumors." I replied, smirkingly. "Plus you're kind of a stranger in my home right now." Sylvia chuckled at me. "Are you always going to be a pain in the ass?" She snapped back.
"Is that an invitation?" I witted right back and she huffed, lightly hitting my bicep and leaving me to laugh. But I quickly regained myself and asked her to go on.
Sylvia sighed before taking another sip of her glass, "It's boring." She started, "I lived in a boring suburb, with a cookie cutter job. Had a relationship that ended in shambles and now I'm just looking to find myself again."
"Tsk" I began, turning to look at her better. "Well if you put it in that matter, of course it's boring." Crossing my leg over the other, I continued. "I feel there's more then you want to lead on."
She just looked at me with her crystal blues, raising a brow. "Like?" She questioned.
"The details." I said.
Sylvia just began to look even more confused than a minute ago. "Details? Like what more can I explain?!" Her voice rose a few notches.
Sylvia •
The evening became later into the night. The questions kept rolling on, becoming way more intense now. We ordered a smorgasbord of Chinese take out and we were now on our last bottle of wine.
Gwilym was really trying to entertain himself during my stay. Pestering me about my life before coming to New York. Not wanting a one single answer, instead wanting an essay like a professor. I was a bit nervous to talk so loud about myself, one because I can ramble till death and two, I didn't want anything held against me later.
As much as I wanted to quit the conversation and thank him for allowing me to suck up some cool air. Instead my mind and mouth were competing against me.
"I want to catch up on the time I lost." I began, then. Going on about the relationship first, which in Gwilym defense was so bored and wanted to gag. At this point I couldn't blame him.
My brutal honesty, astounding Gwilym, even myself– as his expression changed, intrigued as I spoke. All came out eventually after the silly details of my past relations.
I didn't want anything to hold me down anymore. When I was with Ben, my "dream" plans were put on hold so he could rise on his pedestal. I ran out of energy, he ran my energy to then just leave me at the bottom and not help me up.
"So when Lucy elected me to come to New York, I seen my name in lights.— just many opportunities that home wasn't offering anymore." I finished, then.
Gwil just looked at me, scratching his chin and not saying anything. But his face had him covered. I thought the pestering could be over, but really. It was only just beginning.
He place his chopsticks into the now empty container of Lo Mein. "What are these "opportunities" you're hoping to find here then?" He began, again. Wiping away at the stubble above his lips with the napkins in the bag.
I was hesitant to explain my plans, shoveling more fried rice into my mouth to avoid the question. Not many knew about it except Lucy and the many at home or back in my school days. It felt embarrassing, but nevertheless, a huge dream I've always wanted to come true.
"Well," I began, "I want to be an actress."
Just then, Gwilym straightened his posture across from me on the couch. His expression almost in disbelief of the words that came out of my mouth.
Which made me a bit anxious.
We were quiet for a moment before I broke the air. "Is there something wrong?" I asked, noticing Gwil snap out and shake his head.
"Not at all, I'm just wondering what to ask next." He confessed, then.
I just nodded slowly, "Not a porn star actress, if that's what you're thinking." I exclaimed, watching him jolt his head back within a loud chuckle.
"Bummer, you do have the tits for it." He snapped back. Resulting me to smack his knee in response, "Shut up!" Following his laugh this time.
"In all serious, what kind of actress?" He interrupted our silliness. I took another gulp of my glass, "Broadway." I replied swiftly and he seemed even more taken back.
I watched him readjust himself, leaning his elbow onto the back of the couch and his head leaning on his knuckles now. His dark brown moving upward as his brow rose. I didn't know I was watching how his short locks moved until he spoke again.
"Show me something." He said, then. I felt my eyes widen. "W-What?" I stuttered, did he just ask me to perform? In front of him?
"Show me what you got! Do you dance? Sing?" He repeated, "Both, actually." I admitted, and his chocolate eyes grew in excitement. And he kept on repetitively asking me to do something.
I stood up from the sofa, adjusting the coffee table to give more room before adjusting myself. Moving my hair around my ears, "So I haven't done this number since sophomore year of college." I forewarned, but Gwil didn't say anything else as he sat like a child about to watch his favorite tv.
So I then began from the top of Sixteen Going on Seven in The Sound of Music. I had played the eldest Von Trap, Liesl.
I sang the lyrics, pulling off any of the choreography I had remembered and tried to make it happen in the tiny living room. Gwilym just watching, I definitely swore I seen him singing along,
"Wait wait, she sings this with that gentleman, right?" He questioned, so that's when I knew I didn't want to be the only one making a fool of themselves.
I agreed, "And that's why I need a partner." I explained, taking Gwil by the hand and it had brought him to his feet.
Gwilym didn't fight me, I knew it was probably the alcohol we had consumed all night that made him willing. But I was taken back on how he was trying and knew all the words.
So we sang along with each other, breaking up some parts as he made sure certain moves were made in our footing.
"And then he dips her, no?" He said once more, I nodded that Rolf indeed did. Gwil then took it upon himself to do so.
His hand held onto the small of my back as he bent me down near the floor. Holding me like he was afraid to drop me, before bringing me back up. A little to close for comfort and barely inches away from our faces. Feeling his breath.
Our wording got caught up, slowing down the measure and our eyes connecting all curve and crevice of our faces. My heart was beating erratic, especially when his breath felt even closer than a second ago.
The funny thing was that as much as I knew it shouldn't happen, I was ready. Beginning to close my eyes as his face grew so close to mine. Almost feeling his pouty lips without them meeting mine just yet. I counted the seconds in my head... 3, 2, 1
Until reaching a stand still and his warm breath nowhere near.
"Goodnight, Sylvia.”
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90sgrungewriter · 7 years
6. Untitled - Eddie Vedder
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Status: Unedited
Needless to say, most of the day was spent creating wacky works of art with Eddie. You's started with big scraps of paper and combined your minds together, and created some pretty wicked paintings. You smoked 2 joints by this time, so you both were pretty high, but as the time passed, you were starting to burn out.
"Wanna take a break? I'll order us some take-out." You stood up and made your way over to your kitchen and opened the drawer where all your takeout flyers were.
"Where from?" The voice cam from almost directly behind you. It startled you so you whipped around and noticed he was standing just a few feet away from you, hands in his pocket.
"Sorry, didn't think you scared that easy." He winked. You rolled your eyes.
"Well, now you know."
He met you at the island in the center of your kitchen and you looked to decide together where you would order from.
"Okay wait. So what are we thinking? Pizza, Greek, Chinese...?" you turned your head to the side to look at him. 
"Mm, Chinese food sounds pretty good to me, right now." He said as he rested a hand on his slim tummy. You couldn't help but agree. It really did.
"Totally agree. What about Chen's Village? They have the best chicken chow mein." You gave him the brochure for the restaurant, and he took a few seconds to look it over, before approving.
"Alright, I'll have the fried tofu with mixed vegetables. You want me to call?" He offers. You nodded meekly.
"Please? I hate talking on the phone. This weird phobia of mine, I guess."
"Its ok, I'll call." He smiled. You pointed him to the phone that lay on the table and he quickly made the call. While he was doing so, you sneaked away to your room to grab your wallet from your purse. He payed for breakfast, so you thought it only to be fair if you were to pay for dinner. At the same time, you grabbed your fluffy blanket at the same time.
When you came back, you decided to clean up the living room a little. A few minutes later he came to help. After that was done, you tossed him the TV remote, and he plopped down on your couch and turned it on.
You were about to sit down too when you heard the doorbell. Before Eddie could even stand up you rushed to the door. The delivery person was a nice older lady, so you made sure to tip her a few extra bucks. She thanked you kindly, and you grabbed the food and shut the door. You turned to Eddie giving you a slight glare, arms crossed.
"You had this planned, didn't you?"
"Maybe." You winked.
"Couldn't you just let me be a nice guy and pay for you?" He said in a voice you knew he was picking on you.
"Oh shut up. You did pay for breakfast this morning, so can't you just let me be a nice girl and pay for you this time around?"
"Goddamn double standards." He cursed. You gently punched his arm with your free hand, and he swiped the food right out of your grasp.
"Hah!  Its all mine now. " You chased him around your tiny apartment, the both of you laughing like crazy.
Finally catching up to him, you wrapped your arms around his torso, lifting his taller frame right off the ground.
"Hahaha, oh my god!" Eddie shouted laughing hysterically. 
You set him down on the couch, ripping the big box of food from his hands this time.
"I cant believe you just picked me up. You're so tiny! Where do you hide all your muscles?" He stood up, and poked at your arms with his soft hands. You giggled as he continued to do so and followed you to the kitchen.  
"I actually used to hit the gym a lot in whenever I was in high school. I went through this intense phase of getting fit, I used to always get picked on about my weight,and I never had a boyfriend so I always felt insecure about it. Anyway, I hit the gym and hit it hard. Got in pretty good shape, now I can kick ass, I guess." There was a lot missing to that story, but you didn't feel like venturing too far into it. Eddie nodded his head.
"But you're so tiny." He lifted your arm.
"Yeah, its been at least a year since I've been. Just caught up with life. Between work and school, and trying to keep somewhat of a social life...the gym just isn't much of an option for me right now." You smiled, taking out plates for your food. Once everything was set, Eddie grabbed both of your plates and brought them to the living room and set them down on the coffee table. He grabbed the remote flipping through the channels.
"Want something to drink Ed? Water, beer, a coke?"
"Maybe just some water please." He turned and shot you a toothy smile. While you filled the glasses with ice, you thought about the days events. You spent the whole day with Eddie today, and really enjoyed it. You hoped he wasn't just staying because he thought it would be rude if he left. But things seemed to be going right for you, for once. So, this one time, you convinced yourself that it wasn't true. You told yourself Eddie finds a good friend in you, and he enjoyed your company, as you did his. You poured cold water into the glasses and made your way to the living room, passing one to Eddie.
"Thank you." He looked at you and took a large gulp.
"You're welcome. Find anything interesting?" You sat down and wrapped your fuzzy blanket around the lower half of your body. Your legs were folded under your but and your body leaned toward the arm of the couch to your left. Eddie laughed.
"I am now." You laughed. As you were about to reach to grab your plate on the coffee table, Eddie beat you to it and set it gently down in your lap. You smiled up at him, he was so nice.
“Such a gentleman." He nodded, digging into his own plate of food.
“I try to be.” 
Your eyes shifted to the TV to see you were watching some documentary about bugs. What a guy.
"I can change it if this grosses you out. There wasn't much else on." He laughed, mouthful of food.
"Its fine, I know. My channels suck. Thats why I own so many movies." You pointed to the corner where all your DVD's were stocked messily on a shelf. He nodded.
"Maybe we should watch one of those, then." He looked at you.
"Sure, you can check them out. Maybe eat first though, so your food doesn't get cold."
"Way ahead of ya." He winked again. Fuck off. Now he was going to start winking at you too? Like his cheekbones weren't enough. Goddamnit.
You cleared your throat and continued to eat.
"Thanks for spending the day with me Ed." You spoke, after a few moments of silence. Your food was delicious, and judging by the look on his face you could tell he felt the same way.
"Oh, don't say that. I get pretty lonely quite often." You teased.
"Yeah, well me too.." He said softly, a small smile upon his lips. You observed him out of the corner of your eye, something you had been doing quite a lot, but couldn't help yourself. He was such an interesting guy.
"What do you mean by that?" You questioned curiously. He stayed quiet for a few moments, probably trying to word something properly in his mind.
"I don't know..I haven't every really spoken about my feelings to anyone. Or anything to anyone for that matter. Sometimes, barely even Beth." Ah, her. Almost forgot about her for a while. Almost. You scolded yourself mentally. Don't be such a bitch, Dani. The poor guy might spill something important to you, and all you can think about is your jealousy over his ex girlfriend? You were disappointed in yourself. He continued to speak.
"Talking about it to someone, well, you...just makes things seem more real. Maybe, some things I've been trying not to think about for a long time." He seemed very conflicted. You gently placed your hand on his shoulder, hoping to comfort him in a subtle way.
"Beth...She uh-well...I always made it seem like we had the perfect relationship. Like she was perfect, and if anything, she could do better than me." He finished up his plate of food, and set it gently on the table in front of him. You removed your hand to place your own plate, which still had some food left, but you didn't want to be rude while he was talking, down on the table also. You re-adjusted your position so that you were now facing him, legs crossed, blanket still wrapped around your legs. You suddenly remembered when you told him he could talk to you if need be, but you didn't actually think he would. But here he is, ready to probably tell you some serious shit. You suddenly grew nervous. You were happy he had chose to confide in you, but you were most definitely not the greatest when it came your turn to talk. You knew that maybe he wasn't expecting you to say anything at all, because that the way he was. Maybe he didn't chose you at all, maybe he just felt bad about the Stone situation. He knew you felt embarassed about it all, and maybe he wanted to make it more bearable for you by spilling his guts or something. Your rambling mind was interrupted by his sweet voice.
"I used to be so sure about us. The way she felt for me, our future. I thought it was set in stone. Seven years is a long time." You stayed quiet. The only sounds were the noises coming from the TV, but the volume wasn't very loud to begin with. He continued to talk.
"But then this happened. So abruptly, all these changes that were to take place in my life. I mean, I left San Diego, my home, to come here. That was a big enough change, and now the person I spent the last seven years waking up to every morning, I'll never see again." He looked down as he spoke, playing with the hem of his flannel. "My life took a complete turn and now, I feel like I don't know anything. What to do, how to feel, how to move forward. I was going to propose to her." That shocked you. Your eyes widened a little, but you still said nothing. There was nothing you could say, really.
"The first day I came here, after our first jam session, I went looking all around for jewelry stores to find here the perfect ring. Ironically, I didn't see any that I thought she'd like. I guess that was a good thing." He tried to joke lightly, but you didn't really laugh. It wouldn't have really been appropriate.
"I loved her, and I thought she loved me. But thinking about it these past couple of days...deep down, I knew. I always knew." He shook his head. Knew what?
"Knew what?" You repeated outside of your mind this time, quietly, curiously.
"There was always something missing. A piece, always a sense of emptiness in our relationship." You were still slightly confused. 
"Her love. It was never there. Maybe at first, but as time went by... I think she just got used of me being there. I was a part of her life she was just used to having around." You nodded, finally understanding. Your heart hurt for him. You could never imagine someone in there right minds doing that to someone like Eddie. He deserved better.
"I at least thought she cared about me though. But looking back on it... she surely didn't. You don't fuck over the ones you care about." Ain't that the truth.
"I'm a bit scared. I don't know where I stand, with almost anything. The guys seem to like me, but what if I do something stupid and mess up? If that happens, I go back to San Diego to start back at zero again. No girlfriend, no band, no job. Nothing." He leaned his back against the back of the couch. Your eyes followed his all the way there, filled with worry for him. You decided it was time to say something.
"First things first, the guys fucking love you, man. That should not be a worry in your little head, so flush that one away. Okay? If anything, they're probably scared to lose you. After Andy... things are looking up for them right now and I'm sure they don't want their hard work to go down the drain." You leaned over to get a bit closer to him, but not too close. "Secondly, Ed. I'm speaking as a true friend to you right now, whatever happened with Beth is not the end of anything. I mean, it is the end of a relationship, but it’s also a new beginning." He turned his head, eyes bore into yours, he rose a brow in question.
"Well for one, all those feelings of worry, angst and emptiness you felt when you were with her, thats all over with. You won't have that weighing you down anymore." You hoped you worded that properly. "It seems to me, this all happened for the best, for you. It may not seem like it right now, but maybe in a few months you'll be happier than you ever have been. You never know. Life works in some mysterious ways Eddie, thats one thing I can tell you for sure." You smiled lightly over at him. He stayed quiet for a few moments, eyes locked to yours. You shifted uncomfortably, had you said something wrong? You hoped not.
"I think... I think you're right." He spoke, sitting up straighter, tearing his eyes away from your own. Oh thank god. You smiled. "A new beginning. Huh. Never thought of it like that..."He drifted.
You patted his back gently. "Atta boy!" You joked. He laughed and nudged your shoulder.
"Thanks, Dani. Much better than the advice you gave me the other night." He teased. Your jaw dropped and you punched his shoulder this time around.
"Fuck you, I tried!" You couldn't help but laugh, and so did he. Quite some time had passed, and you two went on talking. It nearing 9:00, but you weren't tired yet. After all, you did end up sleeping in quite a bit this morning. You knew you couldn't miss your class tomorrow though. You stood up, the blanket falling to the floor, as you picked the plates up of your coffee table and brought them to the kitchen. You set them in the sink for now, you didn't really feel like doing dishes at this moment.
"Thanks for dinner and the eventful day. I had fun painting with you...oh and letting me rant, thanks for that." He stated awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.
"Anytime, Ed." You smiled warmly.
"I should get going though. I gotta shower, I'm starting to stink."
"Is that what I've been smelling?" You scrunched your nose teasingly and the two of you laughed. You followed him to your door.
"Thank you for spening the day with me, Eddie. And for breakfast this morning. Say hello to my boys for me, alright?" You opened your door for him as he finished lacing up his white boots.
He straightened out and pulled you into a quick, and awkward hug. Safe to say, it didn't last long. He waved goodbye and promised he would say hi to the guys. When he was halfway down the hall of your building he shouted at you "don't forget our gig friday!"
"Wouldn't dream of it, Vedder." You waved back at him this time, a toothy grin plastered on your face, as you watched him disappear down the stairs.
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opalelf · 7 years
I’ve been learning how to do dream reading and I’ve been tripping out on my results recently. There’s something definitely looking after me . I’m really grateful to have friends like Robert, Hector, and dye too. My grandma and some distant kind souls as well , I’ve been exploring alot when I have the time to really fall in love with the town I’m from and those who surround it . I can’t believe I was willing to leave California for a second. I’m a fucking idiot . .I’m really lucky to live here! also I’m kind of turned off on serious relationships for a long time . Yeah the area has its downsides but that’s definitely not even an issue when it’s the people and company that make it that much greater. Romanticizing the unknown and putting happiness purely on future what ifs is the worst thing to do to yourself. I realize a lot of the stuff I go through thats not vocalized publicly are unique & has been really intense .I should give myself credit that I have value . I know I do .
I got insurance again , I’m hoping to finally seek help for my back and face more of my fears and really work on my art.
I would love to make more close friends too I have a lot of pride , I’m not vocal about my vulnerability and other stuff besides here and I’m still holding back a lot
Sorry for the rambling
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franeridart · 3 years
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Anon said: your i love your pencil-like sketches so much they’re so soft and cozy
Thank youuuuuuu they’re super relaxing to make so I’m glad you like them specifically!!
Anon said: whenever im crying i just look up your geto-sensei art and cry even more. it's a nice way to let it all out, so....thank you :D
It’s the Geto-sensei effect...........🙏🙏😭😭😭
Anon said: So you mentioned in one of your previous asks that your shipping krbk is in one of your asks you said that you ship krbk based on their canon relationship and you don’t really *feel* them as much because of that scene where Kiri was hanging with Todo instead of Baku and I totally understand how you feel BUT!!!!!!!!!!! consider this: after Todo went to visit his dad with the rest of his family, Mina Momo and Kiri are nowhere to be seen and where else would Kiri go except to visit his boyfriend?
Ah, but that would still be headcanon and not actual canon, wouldn’t it? 😂
Anon said: I usually struggle to pronounce things so I keep reading your url as "friend art" and I think that just makes my experience on your blog all the more fantastic.
That makes me happy to hear actually!!! I def hope my art comes off as friendly most of the times at the very least! :D
Anon said: that satosugu comic where Gojo broke his shades was so clever, man I wish I had your mind
GOSH that’s such a compliment, thank you so much!!!! ;A; my mind’s nothing special tho, I assure you haha
Anon said: i just found your blog and immediate follow i am obsessed OBSESSED you hear me!! so (i know im late) but i saw your tag that went along the lines of “i remember when getwo said gojo is considerate at the most awkward of times, thats my favorite character trait of him” and YES YES YES that line literally kept me up at night, imagining gojo getting random waves of intense empathy and your art just made me think further like what if its less “random”empathy and more when hes exposed to something that hits a nerve (usually the nerve involving geto). so like in your comic he suddenly feels for shoko and starts to harass utahime because it hits the part of him that knows how frustrating it is to long and pine over someone, and gojo our emotionally unaware king instead of fully facing his feelings about geto instead takes his annoyance and frustration out on poor utahime (also like you said he just likes pissing her off). same with him not getting rid of the body but also other little headcanons like as much as he likes to mess with his students, pre-shibuya he goes out of his way never interrupt nobamaki training sessions, even if its kinda important cus he understands how precious those fleeting moments are with your crush (he goes and harasses megumi instead who threatens to summon a dragon shikigami if he doesnt go away). Out of (seemingly) nowhere he throws a tantrum with the elders to get megumi and yujis dorm rooms next door, because he knows the comfort of having the people you care about close (you never know when they’ll be gone). anyway im rambling at this point but you get it :’)
Yes yes yes it’s such a sweet little thing about him I love it so much!!!! Gojo’s a very complex character isn’t he? Thinking about this kind of throwaway lines about him makes me love him even more, especially when they imply that there’s more to his feelings and way of processing them than his surface way of acting would let you believe ;;;;;
Anon said: the most hilarious panel to me is in chap 65 when yaga asks who forgot to put the curtain down and everyone points to gojo while hes like “sensei!! we are better than pointing fingers at each other!!” 😭😭 so now im imagining satosugu where sugurus like “who ate the rest of my soba? 🙃” and gojos like “you know, a huge part of loving someone is sharing all parts of yourself with them 🥰😘❤️” and suguru activates uzumaki // (anon who just sent the satosugu soba uzumaki headcanon) i also hope it didnt come off like a request it deff wasnt, i just wanted to share my headcanon 😭😭😭
No but why is he like thisssss 😂😂😂😂 I love him so much he’s so incredibly annoying in the most endearing way hahaha and yes absolutely Suguru has definitely been ready to throw serious hands with him on this kind of things way more often than his serious face would lead you to assume, they’re so dumb!!!!!!! They’re so dumb I love them 😂💕💕💕
Anon said: Hi, sorry if I got the wrong blog but I’m pretty sure you made a super cute bokuto/ kuroo/ terushima tattoo artist comic, but I couldn’t find it when I went through ur haikyuu tag, did it get deleted or something? sorry to bother if I’m wrong! thanks!
I did yes! You can find it here!!!
Anon said: The pure readability of your comics is outstanding! Every time you post something I click on your blog and end up scrolling to the bottom lol- every frickin post is a banger.
Anon what a compliment!!!!!!! Thank you so much this makes me so incredibly happy to hear!!!!!! ;A; 💕💕
Anon said: Hi hun! With MHA finally getting to the animation of the joint training arc, do you think we'll see some more Class 1-B boys? I love them drawn in your style and I'd love to see more if the inspiration so compels you! :3c
I wonder!!! What I feel like drawing is so incredibly random even to me that predicting this kind of things is impossible - maybe!! I’d very much like to, I just gotta find the right moment for it :D
Anon said: Sososo same records of ragnarok anon again I'm having?? Feelings?? About Jack the Ripper ?? Mainly internal yelling about how he's so clever and pretty but also. Confusion. Because like the fighters are meant to be the greatest fighters of humanity right?? And Jack just. Wasn't really a fighter?? Being a serial killer does not necessarily implies being able to fight and he didn't kill that much people everyone knows him because he was never caught but?? He wasn't really a fighter?? And I'm just confused as to why he was brought into that like it is just because he's a great criminal mystery?? I mean sure he won and all that but. Guy wasn't a fighter, he was just clever as fuck. (also I'm curious what colour do you think his eyes would be?)
AH he’s not the only fighter who isn’t an actual fighter on the side of humans!! Like Nostradamus, for example, anddddd Tesla! Tesla was in the list as well - but also Adam, I’d say! He was just some dude, nothing implies he’d be able to fight in his story - I think the author is using the words “greatest fighters” as a very general way of implying the greatest humans (in his mind, that is). I mean, I’d assume Buddha wouldn’t fight either, and yet here we are hahaha it’s fun tho, isn’t it!!! To try and figure out how they could ever fight, and then seeing it!!! Extremely amusing - also Jack has official colors!!! his eyes are one black and one red, you can see him in his full colored glory here! By the way have you seen Buddha’s official colors I’m still crying over them 😭😭😭😭 he’s so beautiful my heart can’t take him at all 😭💕💕💕
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