#sooo colors ain’t best
jasontea · 30 days
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LUKAS AND ZANE IN FLIPPING COLLEGE, THEY ARE ADORABLE AND I LOVE THEM. They are the better couple cats you can fight me breasty.
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imababblekat · 11 months
Pushing Buttons
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Anon Request, “ Love your content it’s sooo cute! Can I get a snarky sarcastic reader who calls April for a chat on speaker phone then gets into a funny argument with Ralph trading jabs. Like he tries to get April to hang up because their in the middle of something important but reader gives him a snappy comeback. They keep going with everyone listening. Tired of this April is gonna hang up on them but before that happens “Wait wait! give that guys digits he sounds hot! You know how I love pushing a guys buttons!”
A/N: I hope this is okay, gonna be honest I struggled to write this one for some reason. Hope it’s still at the very least readable \TvT/
April hadn’t meant to answer the phone, but Mikey curiously nudging into her had caused her to ultimately accept your request. As if to make a point at your horrible timing as April and the boys were in the mist of a game plan to take down a new gang, you’re voice rang loud through the speaker causing everyone to simultaneously jump.
“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! April you are not going to believe what happened to me at work today!!”
April sighed, giving the ninja turtles apologetic glances. 
“I can’t really talk right-”
“I’ll make it quick! I swear! Okay, so I got up at seven like I usually do, right? I was really tired though, so I went to snooze my alarm and-”
Before April could politely ask you to skip ahead to what had happened at your job, the human girl was thrown for a shock when Raphael had suddenly snatched the device straight out of her hand. She went to reprimand him but all he had done was hold a large hand up to block her as he angrily snapped into the call.
“She’s busy. Call back later.”
April’s eyes had never been as wide as they were in that moment. No way did Raphael just hang up on you of all people. Said terrapin, with a triumphant grin, reached out to hand her back the phone, when it had suddenly started going off again right in his palm. If it weren’t for the growing agitation, he could have sworn it seemed to vibrate with a vengeance. With a hard tap, he answered the call ready to repeat what he had done only a few minutes ago.
“I said-”
“Excuse me!!”
Raphael felt himself fumble at your sudden shout, April standing across from him with a knowing look.
“And who the hell do you think you are, huh?! You do not cut me off when I am talking to my gal pal!!”
Raphael sputtered, caught off for but a second before snapping back.
“Who do I-?! April’s busy! I’m sure whatever little issue you got goin on at work ain’t that important!”
“Oh, and how would you know that?! You read minds huh?! I’d ask if you’re some sort of phycologist but frankly just from your voice alone I’d say you’re need of one.”
“What is that supposed to mean?!”
“I think you know what I mean, big boy.”
Raphael felt his blood boiling in that moment, his brothers Mikey and Donnie doing their best to stifle their laughter behind him while Leo simply smirked at his dismay. All the while all April could do was hide her face in her hands at the embarrassment she felt for her close friend on the line.
“Don’t call me that.”
“What? Would you rather I call you big baby instead? Ya gonna cry about it? Good, cuz sounds to me like you need to shed a few tears. It’s perfectly healthy by the way. Just thought I’d let you know that since you give off the vibe that you’d rather walk around with a stick up your ass then express your emotions.”
“A stick up my ass?! Seriously?! How about I come over and shove one up yours?! You’re just all bark and no bite!”
“Ooo, don’t promise me with a good time~.”
If it were possible, Raph’s face would match the color of his mask at your raunchy response, the suave to your tone not making things any better. It was at the sudden burst of laughter behind him from his brothers and Aprils own snickering that the brute decided in that moment the best course of action was to, once again, hang up the damn phone. 
A groan bubbled up from his throat at he tossed April back her phone, sending a glare to his still cackling siblings. 
“Will ya all stop laughin. Let’s just get back to the stupid plan.”, he glared, arms crossing.
It was Leo, who had to take a few breaths to gather himself, that brought back the others to focus.
“Okay, okay, you heard the big boy. Let’s ready up.”
Green eyes glared daggers at the leader in blue for his jab, the other winking back with a shit eating grin. Raphael stepped forward to make a quip in response to Leo, when a chortle behind him had alerted all the turtles. It was from April, who’s eyes crinkled in the corners as she did her best to bite back some giggles, holding up her phone to show what had caused such a reaction out of her. Each brother leaned in, squinting at the small text on screen and then let out more laughter, Mikey rocking a groaning Raph’s shoulders with congratulations.
On the screen before them, read a text sent by the very person who riled him up quicker then anyone on record.
*Hey girly, you gotta get me your friends digits! Dude sounds hot af 😉💗*
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
That Girl is a Problem
Part 2: “Angel Baby”
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(AU street racing! Joel x f! tattoo artist reader)
A/N: I don’t know jack shit about cars but @pedgeitopascal knows I did research just for this chapter alone LOL 🤠 I went back and forth on what kinda car I wanted Joel to race in and this is what I came up with. Thank you so much for the feedback on chapter 1! This story is already sooo much fun for me to write xx
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~word count: 1.9k~
Summary: Joel Miller & Tommy Miller left their Texas homestead seeking new thrills. They find themselves working at an auto body shop on Hollywood Blvd. Joel meets you, a self taught tattoo artist working on the strip. You might be just the adrenaline rush that he was searching for. Or, his ultimate heartbreak.
Warnings: Early 1990’s Los Angeles violence/scandals. Drug use, drinking, smoking, mentions of tattooing and needles, street racing, infidelity, adrenaline junkies, Joel & reader have emotional baggage, reader is a badass, love triangle between reader, Joel, and readers boyfriend, flirting, teasing, banter, jealousy, rage, trauma, dark themes, domestic emotional/physical abuse from readers boyfriend, pining, unrequited feelings, excessive drinking/drug use, sustained injuries from street racing, bar fights, jealous! Joel, darkish! Joel, possessive! Joel, eventual smut, consent, eventual established relationship, no use of (y/n) readers nickname is Angel, (+18) minors dni!
That Girl is a Problem Playlist:
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𝙄'𝙢 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡.
𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙨𝙖𝙮 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙢𝙚...
𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙞𝙨 𝙖 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙢.
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Los Angeles, California: Summer of 1993
“You’ll never guess where I just was.” Joel strode into the open garage area of the auto body shop with a deli sandwich and cold bottle of coke in his hand. He leaned back against the tool bench as he took a bite from the sandwich, crossing ankles over one another casually.
“The zoo?” Tommy, the younger Miller brother grumbled from underneath the car he was working on. It needed an oil change desperately and the stupid teen that dropped it off earlier was being a prick about the whole thing.
“No, you asshat. Not the fuckin’ zoo Tommy.” Joel spoke with a mouthful of turkey from his sandwich.
Tommy cursed under his breath as he rolled himself out from under the car. His hands and shirt were covered in grit and grease and he smelled of burnt oil. “So then go on and spit it out man. Where did you venture off to?” Tommy grabbed a rag to wipe his hands off, sitting up on the bench as he looked over at his older brother.
“Well, I found a tattoo shop just a few blocks from here. It’s called ‘Sinful Colors’ and a super cool chick owns the gig. That ain’t even the best part. I signed up for some street racing while I was there. Guess it's a thing folks around here do every Friday and Saturday on the Hollywood strip.” Joel took a refreshing sip of his ice cold coke. Bottled coke was always the best. Hands down, nothing compared to it.
“A tattoo shop owned by a super cool chick huh? Sounds like something right up your alley Joel. What the hell do ya mean you signed up for street racing? You don’t have a car.”
“She’s fucking gorgeous too Tommy. I’m talkin’ like drop dead fucking beautiful. She is completely tatted up too. The kicker is she’s got a boyfriend that honestly sounds like a total tool. Anyway, she said all you need to race is a car, or a bike. I got a bike so—”
“Drop dead fucking gorgeous huh? Well, of course she’s taken man. All the good ones are. She’s tatted up too? Joel, you’re not gonna fuckin’ race with your bike. You know how fuckin’ insane that sounds? I ain’t about to bring you back home in a fuckin’ body bag. I know you’re searching for a good thrill and all but I ain’t about to let you die out here just cause you wanna impress some chick you just met.”
“I don’t think her boyfriend is really gonna pose a problem for me. She seemed to forget all about him when I showed up. Okay, not entirely but she was 100% flirting with me Tommy. She called me handsome and a pretty boy. She was totally checkin’ me out too. What the hell else am I supposed to drive if I wanna race?”
“Joel, she’s taken. I’m all for you healing in your own way from—” Tommy was cut off by his brother talking over him.
“Alright. I’m gonna stop ya right there before you say her name. Don’t do it Tommy, please.” Joel stared his brother down threateningly. He raised his eyebrow in his direction as if to challenge him to continue.
Seeking thrills wasn’t the only reason why Joel and Tommy moved out to California. Joel had an ex back in Texas. Delaney, Joel’s highschool sweetheart. They were engaged and set to be married in the summer. She was the love of his life, or so he thought. He caught her fucking his best friend in their home. In his bed. Joel had a fun trip to jail for the night after beating the shit out of his ex-best friend. He deserved it after all. Especially after Joel found out that Delaney was having a fucking affair for 6 months. 6 fucking months. After Tommy bailed him out the following morning, the two brothers mutually decided it was time to get the hell out of dodge. Thus, landing them in the sunny City of Angels.
The truth was, Joel was heartbroken. He loved Delaney and he thought that she was his endgame. The woman he was gonna marry and have kids with one day. Fuck her. He didn’t want to waste his breath over her any longer. He gave her everything, his all and how did she repay him? Oh, right. Having an affair with his best friend for 6 fucking months. So yes, Joel’s heart was pretty much fucking smashed into tiny little pieces but he refused to let his past rule him. Los Angeles was fresh, new, exciting, and he fully was ready to take life by horns again.
“Alright, I’m sorry. I won’t say her name, okay? I just think you should be careful with this chick. Don’t go and get yourself caught up in this Joel. I don’t want to see you hurt again is all. You’ve been through enough as it is. The last thing you need is some pretty thing playin’ with your heart. That’s all I’m sayin’ as your brother.” Tommy spoke sincerely.
Joel let out a grumble of annoyance. He knew Tommy was probably right about you. You were a bright red fucking flag in his books. The only problem was that Joel was a creature of habit, like most human beings were. A fatal flaw to possess. You were off limits, sure. That wasn’t going to stop him from seeing you. He felt like a moth drawn to a flame. A really hot, scalding, touch it and you will shrivel up and die on the spot, flame. Fuck it. He had nothing to lose, other than his pride and ego.
“I’ll be careful, okay Tommy? I ain’t goin’ and gettin’ my heart invested in nothin’. She’s just real easy on the eyes. I can just admire her from a distance and not cause any problems. Kay?”
Tommy let out a sigh as he looked at his brother, shaking his head. “Yeah, alright Joel. Whatever you say. Now about this race, you’re not entering with your bike man. I will 100% be putting my foot down about that bullshit.”
“What’s this you kids talkin’ about a race?” Wilson, the old man that owned the auto body shop, leaned against the opened garage door, cigarette dangling from his lips. “Your brother is right Joel. You can’t enter your bike into a street race. She’s fast, sure. You will end up getting yourself killed out there though.”
“With all due respect sir—” Joel was cut off by the old man sending a glare in his direction.
“Did I say you could talk, boy? You didn’t let me finish. You can’t race on your bike but I got just the thing you can race in. She’s a real beauty too.” The old man flicked his cigarette to the side before gesturing to the two Miller brothers to follow him.
Joel gave his brother a slight shrug of his shoulders before they followed the old man to another part of the shop. One that was seemingly off limits, till now. The car was covered with a thick tan tarp that was covered in dust and debris from sitting in the garage for so long. “So she might need a bit of work. Nothing major and mostly just cosmetic. Paint touch ups here and there but she runs fast, and smooth.”
“Are you really offering me a car right now Wilson?” Joel asked in disbelief.
“I sure as hell am, sonny. This baby hasn’t seen the light of day in a long time. You’ll love her, I can promise you that.” The old man pulled the tarp down, revealing a cherry red, 1957 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz.
Joel and Tommy’s eyes bugged out of their fucking skulls when they realized just what make and model of car this was. “Sir, you do realize what the fuck you have here, right? Holy fucking shit.” Both the miller boys said in unison.
“A 1957 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz.” Wilson deadpanned to the younger men.
“You seriously want me to race in this? Holy fuck. Wait, aren’t these kinds of races usually done with more modern sports cars? Not that she ain’t fast or anythin.’”
“The hell else are you gonna race in, kid? The races around here don’t use any of those crapshoot fancy modern sports cars. Only vintage sports cars and motorcycles can race. Didn’t Angel tell you the rules son?”
Joel was already running his fingers across the untouched red and white leather seats. Feeling how smooth they were against his skin. His head snapped in the old man’s direction, looking at him like he had suddenly grown 5 heads. “Hold on just a second there. You know Angel?”
“Do I look like I was just born yesterday? Course I know Angel. Her boyfriend is one of my local clients here and her dad endorsed my shop here.”
Joel grumbled under his breath, shaking his head a little. So, you really were that well known around here huh? “So you’re just gonna hand this beauty over to me? Sir, this car is worth a fucking fortune.”
“Well, like I said, she needs a little work. Nothing you two boys can’t handle. I know how much she’s worth. Could easily sell her off to one of those fancy smancy celebs around here for 3 times the amount I paid for her. If I do that, she just sits around like a collectors item and never sees the light of day. She deserves so much better than that.”
“So what is she gonna cost me? I don’t have much to offer unfortunately so I don’t even know if I can afford her—”
“She ain’t costin’ you a pretty penny, Joel. She’s all yours. Just take good care of her and then we won’t have any issues. Got it?”
“You got yourself a deal, Wilson. I promise I’ll take extra good care of her.”
“I know you will. Keys are in the glovebox. Why don’t you boys go take her out for a spin? See how she purrs.” The old man shot the two Miller brothers a wink before he headed back to his office.
“Holy fucking shit, Tommy! Did that seriously just happen? I must be dreaming. This is fucking insane.”
“Shut up and get the keys Joel! You heard the old man, let’s see how this babe purrs!” Tommy was already hopping in the passenger seat while Joel climbed into the driver's seat. Both brothers looked like two giddy kids in a candy shop as Joel inserted the key into the ignition as the engine purred to life. He couldn’t help but rev the engine a bit, just to see what she was capable of.
He backed the car out onto Hollywood blvd and drove right past your shop. You were working on Joel’s sketch for his knuckle tats when a blur of bright, cherry red zoomed past the shop's window. You had no idea who the hell was driving the car, but the one thing you did know was that the driver had to be undeniably hot.
After taking her for a joy ride through the Hollywood Hills, the Miller brothers returned to the shop, pumped full of adrenaline. After a few paint touch ups, and an engine check, she was good to go. Joel, however, wanted to add just a bit of flare. While Tommy was on his break, his older brother had taken it upon himself to add a decal on one of the wings on the back of the car. Angel Baby. How perfectly fitting.
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Tag List:@chaotic-mystery @peterhollandkait @lovers-liability @korynnekorynne @loquaciousferret @cutesyscreenname @atinylittlepain @yazsos @kirsteng42 @777-wonders @last-girl @pedgeitopascalreads @tinygarbage @wonder-harley @casa-boiardi @alwaysdjarin @bellaramseygfsblog
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canonically47 · 4 months
here we go...
DCAS episode 3 thoughts
(no duh.)
first of all, somebody spoiled in chat that lake would be the vote, so i’m pissed off enough as it is
patrons... when i catch you patrons...
seriously fuck all of the leakers & patrons that spoil stuff. i hate you guys. hope your pillow is hot on both sides
anyways!!! genuine opinion time
tom, my baby, my love, the light of my life, you did a good job voting for lake. this might be controversial but i think that, out of everyone, she is definitely someone to get out early. maybe there will be some sort of comeback challenge that she’ll win, because i don’t feel like her story is fully over yet, but for now, i’m satisfied she was the one to go.
connor and riya make me more uncomfortable by the day, but thank you to riya for putting an end to their situationship. not looking forward to connor doing pathetic puppy eyes and sighing broken-heartedly throughout the challenges though. and just between you and me, i truly hope one of them is the next vote.
also why did she say "i’m not your daughter" when they’re supposed to be interpreted as a couple/situationship thing... isn’t that a weird writing choice... or is it just me skull emoji fire emoji
on the note of another weird couple, yul is showing his true colors. i told you it was only a matter of time before he showed his true colors... grett, baby, you deserve so much better. i hope when this ship inevitably crashes that grett kicks him in the nuts at one point. she deserves to crush his balls. as a treat :3
love to see a potential alec-fiore-miriam alliance, and miriam back on her gaslighting shit. i have the feeling she might make the merge, but ellie will have her revenge against her and get her out by exposing her somehow. but for this to work, we would need someone dumb enough to vote for her, and i really wonder who- nvm jake is still in the game!! (and tom could probably be manipulated ORRR he could change his priorities and realize that jake and miriam ain’t shit
DEREK AND TREVOR ARE SOOO FUNNY derek’s voice actor is the best of the bunch and i am dead serious. he is sooo funny his deliveries are always so good (compared to many of the others that i would be burnt at the stake for giving the names of lol) derek forgetting THEY are the interns made me laugh so hard i love them
ashley please stop fueling jake’s dumbass fantasies he’s bad and fucking stupid enough as he is
jake can you just accept some people can be friends or are you going to be arophobic this entire series /hj. only a joke because of the arophobia but has this man never heard of platonic male relationships? not to be mean but [CENSORED] [CENSORED EVEN MORE] [CENSORED AS IF IN THE COMMUNIST ERA] [MY LAWYER ADVISED ME TO DELETE THIS ENTIRE SEQUENCE]
fuck jake
fuck riya
fuck connor
fuck jake
fuck yul
fuck jake
fuck yul
oh and how could i forget?
sorry i know he didn’t do much this episode i just hate his ass
tess was really smart with her vote tbh... love that for her. she gets it
fuck jake
fiore deserves better, she hasn’t even done anything this season, why will nobody give her a damn break lol? ashley and jake when i catch you...
hunter fuck you. you know what you did
ally-hunter-fiore alliance getting out jake WHEN WHEN WHENNNNNN!!!!!!!! not a want but a NEED!!!
fuck yul
fuck jake
also fuck riya and connor and their stupid ass drama
and fuck yul
but how could i forget? fuck jake
that’s all :3
(fuck jake btw)
placing my bets for the next episode...
ally-hunter-fiore alliance blooms but hunter is visibly hesitant about it. thank god he doesn’t have to vote, or he’d have probably already betrayed the alliance...
tom-aiden bonding, tom reluctantly accepts ellie as an ally, and gabby tries to get the two closer to each other, at least to work together if not to be friends
yellow team loses. riya goes home (more of a hope than anything though, realistically i think hunter and/or ally have good chances of leaving...)
alec-miriam-fiore alliance also blooms. throw connor in there too, but only as an ally of alec’s. alec is the one to convince connor to vote for riya.
jake explodes and fucking dies
yul explodes and fucking dies
riya explodes and fucking dies
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dajaregambler · 9 months
HeliosR - Fight out vivid colors! - Chapter 3
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Translation of chapter 3 of the event ‘Fight out vivid colors!’ from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.
Faith: Dino, we’re done with strength training.
Dino: Huh, ah, you two are impressive!
Dino: You guys were able to do it easily even with raising the amount of burden. The results of training daily♪
Junior: …..Dino, are you worried about something?
Dino: Eh? Totally don’t have anything to be upset about♪
Faith: No need to pretend. It’s easy to guess what’s on your mind. 
Dino: Uugh…..
Faith: It’s about Keith, no? Don’t shoulder it on your own and tell us about it.
Faith: Both I and Ochibi-chan understand the circumstances, so maybe you can clear out your mind a little
Dino: ……Right. Thanks.
Dino: Lately, Keith has been doing his best at work, right?
Faith: Well, more than before yes.
Dino: I really think that’s admirable, I even think of how I want to help him. But….
Dino: What he did yesterday, I just can’t let that slide after all…..!
Faith: You mean, the whole case about the street fair right?
Dino: Yeah…… I know that he’s busy, however if everyone came together to lend a hand we should’ve been able to join
Junior: In the first place Keith’s only said how he’s got more work on this plate than before, it’s not like he’s overworking himself 
Dino: Yeah. And also… I’m somewhat extremely, extremeeeeeeely……
Dino: Annoyed!!!
Junior: He’s acting like a spoiled kid. Up until now he wasn’t trying, and once he does a lil’ bit he’s whining how he’s sooo busy… 
Junior: What the hell does he think it’s like for us, who are always being pushed around by him!
Faith: …….Then how about we give him a taste of his own medicine for once?
Dino & Junior: Eh……?
Faith: Aha. Something interesting had popped up in my mind♪
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Keith: I’m baaack~.... Aaah~ so tired. Meetings first thing in the morning seriously sucks……
Faith: Welcome back, Keith… Fwaah…
Junior: Aah~ Tired…..
Keith: ? Whatcha lazing around for like that
Faith: Kiiinda am outta energy y’see
Junior: Ain’t in the mood for anything anymore today……
Keith: Geez, while I’m swamped with work…..
Keith: Actually, what happened to training?
Faith: Dino got in the mood for pizza so we stopped
Keith: Haaah? What the hell…. Where is he?
Junior: Making pizza in the kitchen
Keith: Hey, Dino. Just what are ya…..
Dino: Puhaaah. This drink goes well with pizza
Keith: You’re- that’s- ain’t that my bottle of alcohol! The hell are ya doing!?
Dino: Ah, what are you doing, Keith! Give it back! You said I could have a drink whenever I’d like to from the alcohol that’s left here!
Keith: Aah~ did I say that……?
Dino: I also get in the mood for drinks sometimes. So leave me be!
Keith: Nah, as if I can do that! You skipping work and drinking in broad daylight is weird as hell!
Dino: I-it’s absolutely not weird at all! I do what I wanna do…….!
Dino: If there’s alcohol I’ll drink it, and I’ll skip out on work… and sloppily… teach….
Keith: Huh?
Dino: Ngh, anyway, I want to laze around and do nothing too!
Keith: And I’m telling ya to stop!
Dino: I decided on becoming an awful mentor. Don’t get in my way!
Faith: I mean, didn’t you drink whenever you wanted to, Keith? So why can’t Dino?
Keith: It just ain’t like him no matter how ya look at that. You cut it out too---
Keith: Wait, in your hands- are those my cigarettes!?
Faith: Yup. Thought to give them a shot. No problem, right?
Keith: As if!
Faith: Ochibi-chan, want to try smoking too?
Junior: Yeah
Keith: Waiwaiwait, don’t you out of all people even dare!
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iridescentanamika · 2 years
I hear people talk about how punk clothing is expensive, how you don’t have enough money to buy docs so obv you aren’t a real punk, how you can’t buy pins anywhere, how punk jewelry is sooo expensive BULLSHIT
The backbone of punk is diy. Punk is messy, punk is making the best of what you have. Nothing is more punk than making your own beauty with the shit you find scattered about
Wanna have docs? Buy some knock offs for 20 bucks and add some spikes no one will care
Want patches? Embroider on some old fabric. Use paint, bleach, markers, whatever you have. If that’s not good enough, buy from small businesses when you can
Want pins? Make em. Use safety pins and a bottle cap and you got a pin. Just paint something on, if you don’t have paint, I’ve used white out and pens just do whatever. Also fr just um borrow from any big shitty chain store, not from small businesses tho
Want jewelry? Pliers are your best friend. Fix broken jewelry with em, use chains u found to make something. I’ve used a hanging plant wire to make a barbed wire bracelet with nothing but pliers. Just fuck around. Buy from small businesses and again, big shitty chains are fair game
Want spikes and cool metal shit? Literally just take any metal like literally anything and stick it to your clothes. Safety pins, can tabs (esp monster ones bc fun colors) lighter caps, make spikes out of cans, take chains outta the recycle bin
Punk is the most accessible subculture. Punk was made by people with no money, and anyone who tells you you need fancy shit to be punk ain’t a real punk. Punk is about fucking around with the idea of what you should be, so just have fun! There are literally no rules!
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deliriousbug · 2 years
What if megatron (LostLight? Or whichever you think this will fit best for) finds his lover in the middle of a fight and whilst s/o is winning, they’re still beaten allll the way up, YOU CAN SEE THEIR GODDAMN SPARK but s/o just ain’t stopping, it’s like a god damn gladiator fight
I went with Prime for this one cuz he's like so fucking unhinged and this got kinda dark sooo. Set early on in the war, when they're still fighting on Cybertron. I know you said 'find' but my brain immediately went here. I hope that's okay :)
Rated T for Violence
gender neutral s/o
The suns were only just beginning their ascent from the horizon and already there was energon spilt on the new day. This battlefield was fresh, a new arena posing new challenges in the trek to conquer Cybertron once and for all. On this day, the Decepticons fought for control of one of the Autobots’ main energon supply lines into Iacon. Megatron had expected a fight and the Autobots did not disappoint. Every strong Decepticon player was on the field, battling hordes of enemies and it was glorious. Megatron breathed it all in, savoring the dewy scent of brewing storms. He dodged a blow to his side but Optimus followed it with a swipe at his legs and knocked him off kilter. Megatron quickly righted himself and as the two danced around each other, looking for an opening, he caught sight of his beloved.
They were on the opposite side of the battlefield and deeper into enemy territory than any other Decepticon. Stuck in a gorge, they were disadvantaged with the low ground but as Megatron watched they crushed a mech’s spark in their servo, energon splattering their arm, and used the warm corpse to shield themself from a round of blaster shots. They spun, still wielding the dead mech, and let loose a spray of bullets in a perfect arch, cutting down the Autobots on top of the gorge.
As he traded blow for blow with Optimus, Megatron continued to catch precious glimpses of the battle his lover waged. They were on equal footing with the Autobots now, but had lost their blasters and resorted to the short, sturdy dual blades hidden in their wrists. Typically, they preferred to save the blades for a less cluttered battlefield, but they worked wonders with any weapon at their disposal. Completely surrounded, they jab into their opponents, slicing through layers of armor and sensitive mesh and coloring their blades with Autobot blood. Blaster shots were fired and they couldn’t turn fast enough. Their armor was thick and took the brunt of the damage and they lunged through the mass of mechs with even more fervor.
Megatron loved to watch them, their movements so fluid and every bit as lethal as intoxicating. They were like a gladiator, so in their element that every single thing they did was just right, natural, and Megatron saw the appeal of spectating now. Watching them take a knife to the ribs was terrifying but watching them get their gruesome revenge made the terror worth it. It was a play on adrenaline and Megatron was already so damn full of it that he felt borderline euphoric. There was power in mowing down the weak and soaking the dirt with their blood. Power in controlling life itself.
When he next caught sight of his partner, they were on their back with a mech straddling them. He could see their fangs as they snarled and bit down on the mech’s arm. They launched to their feet and stabbed into his shoulder, twisting the blade, ruining the delicate mechanisms there, then cutting straight up. The mech’s arm fell to the ground but he didn’t get a chance to scream before they lodged a blade through his gaping mouth, through his brain module, and out the back of his helm.
Megatron knew Optimus was speaking, but he could care less for the Prime’s nonsense when he had another fight to split his attention with. Someone landed an uppercut on his lover and their head snapped back with the force of it. In the moment it took for them to recover, a sword was buried in their shoulder, a near miss from their helm. They dropped to their knees and rolled to the side, slicing through knees and thighs alike. With the sword they ripped from their shoulder and one powerful swing, they decapitated both mechs. They were wounded in too many places to count, just as Megatron was, but both fought on undeterred.
This would surely be a Decepticon win, considering how thin the Autobot ranks were becoming. But Megatron did not see where the newest of his lover’s foes had come from, only the white streak snapping in the air. The femme’s whip crackled with electricity as it struck their chassis. If it had hit anywhere else, Megatron was certain it wouldn’t have pierced, but the armor in the center of their chassis was already severely weakened by a corroded blaster wound.
The resulting wound made him stumble and suddenly Optimus was on top of him, pinning him to the ground and reigning devastating blows. Megatron growled profanities and caught Optimus’ fist before it could land again. He turned his helm just enough to see his partner. They were surrounded again and this time he was about to abandon his fight with Optimus and run to them. But they cut down the femme with the whip and spun out of the way of another Autobot’s running attack and Megatron saw it.
Their spark.
The center of their chassis had been cracked and a chunk of the armor was missing completely, exposing the bottom of their spark. It flared with the intensity of their soul, a brilliant cerulean light that shone on the faces of their enemies, casting the undeserving bots in pure beauty. They were so vulnerable and yet so unfaltering that Megatron felt inspired.
Not long after, Optimus called for retreat and Megatron laughed as he watched his rival go. He turned to head for his darling and —by Primus— was he glad he did. If he hadn’t he would have missed seeing them strip a femme’s spine from her fucking body, slick with energon and other, stranger fluids. As the body crumpled and collapsed at their pedes, they tossed the limp spine to the ground: ever the victor. Megatron’s engine revved and every last ounce of his remaining adrenaline and charge became directed towards them.
And then they noticed him and smiled, their lips split and their nose broken, trailing energon into their mouth and down their chin, but they didn’t try to hide their exposed spark or staunch the bleeding of any other wounds. Megatron burst with something akin to pride and when he reached them he grabbed them by the back of the neck and smashed their mouths together. It was hot and violent and Megatron could feel their spark against his chassis and he never felt happier.
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theratsareinspace · 3 years
Cigar Smoke and Metal-Karl Heisenberg x Reader
Check out the Masterlist for the complete fic!
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Chapter 20
You and Karl had a rather odd sleeping routine. You didn’t cuddle, per se, but you were always touching. His arm might be across your stomach, or maybe your head was resting on his shoulder. Karl’s favorite thing to do was what you affectionately called ‘the starfish’, that is, spreading his limbs out as far as they would go, taking up the entire bed in the process.. He often splayed his limbs across your body as he did this.
One morning, your phone alarm went off. You tried to turn it off, but you found that you were pinned underneath Karl’s forearm.
“MMMMMMPH, turn it ooooofffffff” He groaned, stretching out.
“I can’t. You have me trapped, Karl.”
“I ain’t moving, bumblebee.”
“Well, the alarm will keep going until you do.” You grumbled.
“You’re certainly a ray of sunshine this morning. Did you not sleep well?” He asked as he moved his arm.
In truth, you hadn’t slept well. Today was the day that you were going to propose to Karl. You’d been tossing and turning all night, worrying about what he’d say.
“I slept fine.” You mumbled as you turned off your phone alarm, ignoring the message about the proposal.
Karl had already begun to snore again.
You couldn’t help but smile at his sheer adorableness as you got out of bed. “Karl, Donna will have breakfast ready by now.”
“Mmmm, but bed is so comfyyyyyy…” He whined.
Honestly, he could be a toddler sometimes.
“Fine, you can stay… I guess I’ll be eating breakfast alllll alooooone…” You teased, brushing his hair out of his eyes.
“Fine, I’m up, I’m up. Gimme a minute.” He rolled out of bed and slipped on a shirt.
You took his hand and headed downstairs; Donna was waiting with a nice stack of pancakes for both of you.
“Good moooooorniiiiiiiiing, sleepyheads!!!” Angie screeched.
“Good morning, Angie.” You returned the greeting. A new fear suddenly struck you-- everything Donna knew, Angie knew, and Angie was notorious for giving away secrets.
Karl sat at his usual place at the table, eating his pancakes with his usual fervor.
You only poked at yours, your anxiety was preparing to consume you whole.
Karl noticed this. “yoo ‘kay, bublebee?” He asked, his mouth full of food.
“Hm? Yeah, I’m good, I’m good.”
Angie cast you a knowing glance.
Don’t you dare.
She giggled and began to run circles around the table.
“… what is she doing?” You asked, trying to change the subject.
“She’s already had her java monster this morning. I’m just glad she isn’t exerting her energy through destruction.” Donna remarked.
Heisenberg agreed.
You ate in silence for the rest of the meal.
“Welp!” Karl stood up abruptly. “Been a lovely breakfast, but I gotta go work on Wagen. She won’t fix herself up!” Karl sauntered away, heading down to his workshop.
“… did he name that old car he bought Wagen? As in, the German word for car?” Donna asked, tilting her head.
“Yes. He did.” You sighed.
“SOOO!!! WHAT’S YOUR PLAN???” Angie screeched.
“Angie, quiet. He might still be able to hear.” Donna chided.
“I’m taking him to the meadow for a picnic, and after we’re done, I’ll… I’ll pop the question. I stayed up late making all his favorite foods.”
Donna smiled encouragingly at you. “Don’t be nervous. Even if he says no, he’s not going to leave you.”
“I know, I know… I’m still nervous, though.” You rubbed your arm as you looked at your feet.
The hours ticked by slowly, only deepening your anxiety.
Soon enough, you packed the picnic basket and headed down to Karl’s workshop.
Karl was deep into his work on Wagen; tools were everywhere and heavy metal music was blaring.
You weren’t quite sure what to do; after all, tapping him on the shoulder carried the risk of being impaled with a metal object. You decided the best course of action was to stand awkwardly in the corner until the song ended.
“Karl!” You called as the music faded.
“Huh?” His head popped out from behind the hood of Wagen.
“Are you at a stopping point? It’s nice out… thought we could go for a picnic!” The ring box suddenly felt heavy in your purse.
“Uh, yeah! Lemme clean up. You wait here.” He went into another room and emerged in a button-up and a pair of his old work pants. He had also adorned his old hat and sunglasses.
“Bringing back the old style, eh?” You asked with a laugh as you took his arm.
“You know it, baby. Lead the way.”
You brought him to a beautiful hill overlooking the nearby lake and spread out the blanket.
“Ooo, you made chicken alfredo…” he mumbled as he looked through the basket. “I like Donna’s cooking, but I sure missed yours.”
This brought a hint of color to your cheeks. “I didn’t know you liked my cooking so much.”
“It’s miles better than anything in that cursed village, that’s for sure.”
You hesitated for a moment. “You know, looking back, I’m kinda glad I stumbled into that village.”
“What? Why?” Karl asked, taking a bite of his chicken.
“Because I got to meet you. And Donna and Angie. Before I met you… I was lonely. I had a house and I had friends, but I didn’t have… I didn’t have anyone.” you hadn’t meant to get this sentimental this early into the meal, but something in you had burst and it was all coming out, like a giant waterfall of feelings. “I never thought I would end up here, in Italy, with the man… the man…” you trailed off.
“The man what?” He asked, his mouth full.
“The man I… um…” you froze up.
“Buttercup, is somethin’ wrong? You’re being weird.” Karl said, raising an eyebrow at you.
“I… ugh… I…”
You know what? Now or never.
“Karl Heisenberg, you are without a doubt the strangest man I have ever met.” You began the speech you had practiced over and over in your head.
“Gee, thanks.” He responded with a laugh.
“And I… and I love you for it. You saved me. You changed my life. I… I owe you mine for that. And I want to… I want to give it to you.” You were freezing up as you reached for the ring box. “I want to be yours… officially. And I want you to be mine.” You got onto one knee, as you had seen people in movies do so many times.
“Karl Heisenberg, will you marry me?”
You opened the ring box to reveal a simple gold ring, designed for people who work with metal and oil.
The man looked absolutely stunned. You had never seen this expression on him. Was it shock? Disappointment? Anger? You didn’t know.
He hates it. He’s gonna say no. And he’s gonna leave you.
While you were descending into your spiral, he silently pulled a small box out of his pocket.
“You beat me to it, Bumblebee. I was gonna wait until tonight, but...” He opened the box to reveal a beautiful silver ring with a diamond at the center— not too ornate but not lacking in style.
“I… Karl—“ You didn’t know what to say.
“So… is that a yes?”
“Yes… Yes!!!” You leaned forward and kissed him.
He chuckled as he wrapped his arm around your waist. After a minute, he pulled away and slipped the ring onto your finger; you did the same for him.
“I love you, Karl. So much.” You said, tangling your fingers in Karl’s hair.
“And I love you, buttercup.” He replied, pulling you in for another kiss.
Taglist: @xyinparadise @baphometwolf666 @lost-mother@arlotg @lazuli-leenabride @goddessofwaifus
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inkxplashes · 2 years
For some reason Tumblr won’t let me like this one post. Not just reblog, but like. So I’m copying it, making my own post, and liking that.
Note: this is not the original post. I didn’t expect anyone to find this, this was just for my personal archive of likes. Because Tumblr wouldn’t let me like the original.
Here’s the original post. If you find this post, don’t reblog this, reblog that. I don’t want to take credit from the creator.
I hear people talk about how punk clothing is expensive, how you don’t have enough money to buy docs so obv you aren’t a real punk, how you can’t buy pins anywhere, how punk jewelry is sooo expensive BULLSHIT
The backbone of punk is diy. Punk is messy, punk is making the best of what you have. Nothing is more punk than making your own beauty with the shit you find scattered about
Wanna have docs? Buy some knock offs for 20 bucks and add some spikes no one will care
Want patches? Embroider on some old fabric. Use paint, bleach, markers, whatever you have. If that’s not good enough, buy from small businesses when you can
Want pins? Make em. Use safety pins and a bottle cap and you got a pin. Just paint something on, if you don’t have paint, I’ve used white out and pens just do whatever. Also fr just um borrow from any big shitty chain store, not from small businesses tho
Want jewelry? Pliers are your best friend. Fix broken jewelry with em, use chains u found to make something. I’ve used a hanging plant wire to make a barbed wire bracelet with nothing but pliers. Just fuck around. Buy from small businesses and again, big shitty chains are fair game
Want spikes and cool metal shit? Literally just take any metal like literally anything and stick it to your clothes. Safety pins, can tabs (esp monster ones bc fun colors) lighter caps, make spikes out of cans, take chains outta the recycle bin
Punk is the most accessible subculture. Punk was made by people with no money, and anyone who tells you you need fancy shit to be punk ain’t a real punk. Punk is about fucking around with the idea of what you should be, so just have fun! There are literally no rules!
1) anything can be punk -> like cottagecore? it can be punk. like y2k? punk. have no set style?punk!
2) the reason for this is because of how punk comes out of poverty. punk's origins are in black + queer communities -> punk actually is to be a slur that was used in prisons against effeminate men. the materials we associate with punk today, like denim and leather, are materials we associate with punk because at one time they were undesirable materials -> cheap materials.
punk goes hand in hand with Camp, you make the thing nobody else wants desirable. so if you want punk stuff, ethically + consciously upcycle, buy cheap undesirable fabrics and make them something cool, trade clothes with other people, turn 3 pairs of shorts that are a bit too small into a pair of paints, turn socks into gloves and leg warmers
punk is intended to be affordable and accessible, that's its intention -> anyone can be punk because punk can look like anything. that old pair of jeans from 2007? punk! sustainable fashion? pun! fashion that uses recycled materials? punk! affordable fashion? punk!
literally hardly anyone wears khaki anymore, if punk were to start now people would wear khaki over denim because it's cheaper, etc. what is affordable can also change regionally as well, what is easy to find and cheap where you live might de different than somewhere else so buy local -> help local + small business out.
can't find a material you need or it's too expensive? use floss instead of thread, don't buy spikes roll old aluminum cans from pop/energy drinks/etc, don't like some jewelry then try to find a way to combine them that's new that you will like!
punk, and it's "aestheticification" didn't ruin punk necessarily, but it did ruin what it "means" to be punk. the aestheticification of poverty made it trendy, expensive, and "rule bound". but the intention of punk at its core is to help out the little guy, turn things nobody else wants into things everyone wants, and to reclaim and redefine fashion and beauty. punk at its core is Camp + anarchy, and while the original message of punk succeeded in getting people to see denim + leather + etc as desirable, the message on why people wanted to make leather and denim desirable in the first place got lost. so, in the spirit of punk, reclaim what punk means.
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samantha7337 · 3 years
DATING GEORGE WEASLEY WOULD INCLUDE: ◾ Let’s get something super clear here, George is the more sensitive of the twins, which he never forgets thanks to his fabulous twin Fred who continuously brings it up. ◾ You’re either a companion within regards to their ideas for pranks or just in the prank itself, there is simply no in between. They’ve either slyly convinced you to fully commit to their life of cheeky crime or you’ve made it clear to them that you’re not willing to be completely responsible. And you know what? George and Fred love you for it. ◾ Unfortunately, you had to go through a ‘trial period’ at first with Fred, to ensure that you were good enough for his brother; which George, in the slightest bit, wasn’t too keen on, because he didn’t want you scared off and found it all a bit unnecessary. ◾ But you managed to pass, so it’s all just left in the past. ◾ Consistent teasing from Fred about how the both of you are so in love. ◾ “Oi, get a room not all of us can handle your love bird syndrome.” ◾ “Awe looks at the two love birds!” ◾ “You know Georgie, (Y/N)-” ◾ “Shut your mouth Fred, before I end you!” ◾ Always having thought that George was the more attractive of the twins. ◾ George having an immense soft spot for you, which Fred never misses the opportunity to point out lavishly. ◾ Protective asf George. ◾ Like, you won’t get to do anything that puts you even in the slightest of dangers. ◾ The shitter thing is that Fred will back him up 110%. ◾ But you somehow do it anyways, which means George ain’t too happy. ◾ Due to George being more emotional than Fred, I can definitely see him ranting to you about Umbridge or how Malfoy always puts his family down. You and Fred are usually the only ones able to calm him down so he won’t commit murder or any other unspeakable act. ◾ Sending notes in class, which leads the pair of you into detention, but George already had detention anyways. ◾ He’s excited about detention with you because he get’s to spend more time with you. ◾ When he get’s in detention you tend to get annoyed at him as you guys don’t always get to spend much time with each other alone, - especially if you’re in another house -. ◾ George won’t give a single damn about your blood status or what house you’re in, he cares about you for the person that you are and what brilliant qualities and quirks you have. ◾ With that noted, if you’re in another house, he’s gonna sneak you into the Gryffindor common room no matter how much you reprimand him. ◾ You sneak him into yours. ◾ Pranking each other lightly ( you not so much bc George hates making you upset). fucking softie. ◾ Fred and George learning the hard way not to prank you so much or too badly or at all really. ◾ Tender forehead kisses and long, warm cuddles that extend for hours on end. ◾ George is just a mega dork around you. ◾ Intertwined fingers and walks in the autumn leaves. ◾ Eyes lighting up with brilliant ideas. ◾ Silent communication, just a look in each others eyes will do. ◾ You’re stuck with Fred now too. Sorry it’s in their contract. ◾ The dork will definitely boop your nose if you’re sad or angry. ◾ He’s always making you smile, laugh and blush, which is just the way he likes it. ◾ Hates it when you’re in a bad mood or sad, he’ll do anything to get that grin back on your face. ◾ In private George will totally say more mushy stuff, he already get’s teased enough from Fred as it is. ◾ The pair of you never shut up about each other, everyone’s sick of it now. ◾ He twirls the end of your hair around his fingers, breathing about how soft and perfect it is. ◾ He’s romantic af. ◾ This boy will protect you and give you everything, okay? ◾ Deep meaningful hugs. BEAR HUGS! ◾ Dates that’re usually simple, but he always finds a way to make them sooo special so you won’t forget. ◾ Pretends to forget important dates with you so that he can get a little rise out of you before he kisses your nose or your mouth and tells you to shut up because he’s not that much of a brain dead git to forget your anniversary. ◾
Unlimited comfort. ◾ Being protective of him. ◾ Him throwing major hands when a guy flirts with you or when anyone hurts you. ◾ Inviting you to The Burrow every holiday. ◾ His family, - especially his parents -, loving you totally. You’ve suddenly been adopted by them without any consent, but you don’t mind tbh. ◾ Molly and Arthur constantly ask about you, they’ve sent you a Weasely sweater, but you still steal George’s. ◾ Helping Arthur understand muggle stuff and concepts better. ◾ George and Fred switching places, but it never fools you. Originally you got cross, but then began playing with them. ◾ Him and his family loving you for you and not focusing on your gender, race, sexuality, beliefs, etc. They’re always so accepting of you that it makes you sob. ◾ Sneaking into his room late at night when staying at The Burrow just for cuddles. Fred doesn’t mind as long as he can tease the shit out of you guys and also that there’s no funny business. ◾ Him giving you free stuff from his shop, but you insist on paying him back with kisses. ◾ “I think I’m going to spew.” ◾ “Oh come on, Freddie! You love a bit of romance around.” ◾ “Yeah, but not when your tongues down (Y/N)’s throat, you git.” ◾ The banter is real mate. ◾ George being really intelligent, which surprises you but he helps you with your homework constantly. ◾ Helping him at the shop. more like distracting. ◾ Jump scaring tf out of you. ◾ Taking care of one another and treating each other with the utmost respect and love. ◾ You’ve definitely been caught by everyone at The Burrow when making out. The worst has to be Molly, she’ll give a long lecture that embarrasses the pair of you. ◾ When you cuddle with George in his room, Fred’s got to be clingy and join in. ◾ George buying you sweets. ◾ Breathy sweet nothings and husky morning voices. ◾ Honestly every day you wake up at The Burrow, George will always point out how adorable and sleepy you are. ◾ Fred and George teach you Quidditch, you’re not very good at it yet, which Fred teases you about, but George is always encouraging you. ◾ An immense about of fluff and happiness. ◾ Wiping away your tears and kissing it better. ◾ Being picked up and thrown over his shoulder bc it’s just George. ◾ Being Ginny’s role model, she loves you so much and everyone is so happy about it. ◾ George just gushes over you all of the time. ◾ Moving in with the twins in the small apartment above their joke shop. ◾ A cheeky, “Morning,” and wink from Fred every time you come out of your bedroom followed by George with messy hair and love bites. ◾ Aimless invisible patterns drawn on the skin which make you both shiver in delight. ◾ Deep loving kisses that can turn passionate and rough. ◾ Being obsessed with how he smells, and vice versa. ◾ Pulling on George’s cheeks and cooing to him like a little kid whenever he achieves something, it makes Fred and him laugh, though it irks him slightly. ◾ He’s literally your sunshine. ◾ You’re obsessed with the color of his hair, constantly playing with it whether his heads in your lap or you’re sitting on his lap. ◾ Major eye contact; if you were nervous about it originally, he got you comfortable with it. ◾ Interlocked fingers and soft eye contact during intimate moments. ◾ Tickle attacks. ◾ Peppered kisses. ◾ He’ll share his food with you, what a miracle! ◾ Always making sure that you’re taking care of each other. ◾ Taking care of each other when you’re both sick. ◾ Visiting each other when you’re sick at school. ◾ He loves it when you come to him about everything first, unless he get’s stumped on what to do. But him and Fred are your biggest cheerleaders, okay? ◾ He’s a sucker for neck kisses and biting or nails softly scratching down his back or arms. ◾ He loves it when you always come first. ◾ He’s super attentive with you. ◾ He can be sub or dom. ◾ Seriously, he’s brilliant at everything which makes your head spin. ◾ He speaks with his words a lot though his actions can be louder, because he’ll do things for/to you that he’d never do for/to
anyone else. ◾ Genuinely dying of embarrassment whenever George and Fred find out something embarrassing about you. ◾ Not always quite during sex, but he can’t help it. ◾ He always loves a challenge, so if you’re at The Burrow and want that sort of intimate alone time, he’ll make is so hard for you to be quiet, which you’re so annoyed at him about later, but it wears off bc it was worth it. ◾ Literally shows you off to everyone. He’d never hide you or make you feel like he’s embarrassed to be with you. ◾ If you’re introverted, he’ll do his best to understand and do things that you enjoy, though it may take time for him to understand why you need so much alone time, but he’ll respect it. And if you’re extroverted, he’ll be happy too, loving to do everything with you. If you’re in the middle and an ambivert, a good mix will do! ◾ If anyone upsets you, that’s their target for cruel pranks for the rest of the year.
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senamarais · 3 years
not to be a hater, but god, blair’s designs just ain’t it. i generally liked the stuff that waldorf designs put out in the first couple seasons (the dresses in 1x04 were super cute), but while the 6x03 outfits have certain similarities, something is just… missing. i wonder if they changed designers behind the scenes? i know they had an irl fashion designer working on eleanor’s line in seasons 1 and 2, i wonder if she just wasn’t available for season 6?
tbh i feel the same way but mostly in her everyday looks, because blair's dresses in season 5 were not the best but not the worst either but then in season 6...
her style got worse and worse every episode and like i said, not only the dresses from blair's designes but also her everyday looks. it felt like all of them are literally the same exact dresses in different colors also sooo similiar make up looks (dark colored eye shadows and colorful lips). i'm not sure about the fashion designer in s6 but whoever it was, they did blair so dirty.
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spacesnail3000 · 4 years
Brooklyn’s Sweetheart Chapter 20: Pretty Baby Loves Getting Spoiled
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Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Chapter Summary: If the nuns could see her now, they'd probably die of shock. To be totally honest, she's not entirely sure she won't drop dead herself once she comes to her senses.
Author’s Note: Okay so I know it took like three months to put this chapter out lol and I'm sorry. I am a nurse now and I have been working a lot, and that on top of the fact that this chapter was sooo hard to write caused a big delay. For the record, it is alllll smut, which is actually the reason I had such a hard time writing it.
Basically I can't write anal to save my life so there you go. Hope you enjoy it though!!!
Word Count: 7,302
Warnings: Really hot hot drug-fueled smut (in which Reader enthusiastically participates but she is also under the influence so it is non-con); anal, oral, double penetration, degradation,
Series Masterlist Main Masterlist
The girl between them gasped at Bucky’s crass words but had no time to respond before his mouth was on hers, stealing her breath with a kiss she felt deep in her soul, in her heart, in her core. Burying her fingers in his hair, she tried to ground herself, but it was so, so hard to do when everything was happening, when everything felt so good. 
Soft, soft, soft, soft—everything so soft, she would’ve melted into it and disappeared but for their hands on her, their unyielding bodies keeping her together.
Wet lips against hers, firm touches on her hips and ass and belly, the smooth silk of her dress gliding against her skin with every movement, Bucky’s hair slipping through her fingers—and, oh, the vibration of his moan through her mouth as she tugged on it a little harder than before.
And then he kissed her deeper, tongue sliding against hers and into her already open mouth—because there she was, open, and ready, easy for them, wanting whatever they had to give her because it felt good. Nothing had ever felt so good before, and her mind swam with it, dizzy, dizzy, dizzy—
She pulled back to gasp for a breath, eyes fixed on the ceiling fan and wondering if it was really spinning or if she was that high that she was hallucinating. Lips attached to her neck and at this point, she had no idea whose were whose, everything such a blur of sensation that she felt like she was underwater, moving in slow motion while everything else went faster around her.
Then there were hands on her breasts, pinching and rolling the flesh through her dress. Steve’s low growl vibrated against her ear. 
Head lolling back against his shoulder, she whimpered and writhed in their arms, trying to stay grounded with reality even though it was so hard as she hyper fixated on every single touch, every single feeling. Fingers twisting her nipples, teeth against her throat, erections pressing against her stomach and back. 
She was overwhelmed in the best way, but it scared her somewhere inside that she was so far gone.
“Look at our little doll, Stevie,” Bucky rumbled somewhere above her.
“Oh, she’s flying,” Steve remarked with a sharp pinch to her nipples that had her crying out. The boys on either side of her laughed, amused by her noises and reactions, the way her need bled through her skin, bursting out of her as they lavished her with attention.
“I wanna hear her sing.” Bucky and Steve shared a filthy grin over her shoulder before Steve captured her chin between two fingers, twisting her head so she looked him in the eyes.
“How ‘bout it, sweetheart? You want Bucky to make you feel good? Want him to make you come?” He slid his thumb over her lower lip, pressing until she let it into her mouth and she moaned around it, looking up at him with pleading eyes. He was enraptured by her gaze, those sweet, innocent eyes that he’s known for so long, bloodshot, pupils dilated, utterly debauched before him.
Ready for more.
He slid his finger out of her mouth and instead gripped her jaw, drawing her mouth to his with a bruising hold that made her whimper as he licked into her mouth, running his tongue along her teeth before nipping at her lower lip. His lips soothed the pain, more gentle as he kissed her once, then twice, and she melted against him, squirming and clutching at whatever parts of them she could.
“She wants it bad,” Bucky commented, dragging his fingers up her outer thighs, thumbs hooking the hemline of her dress up and dragging it along her hips.
Steve smirked against her mouth, pulling away and dropping a kiss on her nose. He held eye contact with her as he spoke. “Go on then, Buck. Don’t keep our girl waiting.”
She only looked at Bucky when she sensed him lowering himself onto his knees, and Steve held her face in place when she tried to look back at him.
“Steve, what—”
His voice was a low growl in her ear, fingertips still digging into her jaw bone. “Honey, you’re gonna keep your eyes right on him as he puts his mouth on your pretty cunt, and you’re not gonna look away. You understand me?” Bucky nuzzled his face into the apex of her thighs over top her dress, nosing against her through the shiny fabric and she whined. Steve gripped her harder, nipping at her earlobe, teeth clicking against her metal hoop earring. 
“Bucky,” she moaned, a plea so soft on her lips it sounded like sugar spun into big clouds of cotton candy, dissipating into the humid air around them. Steve smirked against her neck as Bucky teased her over her dress, ever so slowly lifting it up her skin until the hem tickled her hips. 
“Look at you,” Bucky said, gravel cutting through his words, so guttural compared to her honey-sweet tone. He held her dress up with one hand and traced around the hem of her panties with the other. “Who’d you wear these for, huh doll?” 
“Pretty blue lace,” Steve remarked, condescension lacing his tone as he admired the pastel color of her thong against her skin. “Perfect for you, princess,” he murmured against her hair. 
She didn’t respond, only squirmed as Bucky followed the trail of his fingertips with his tongue, tickling her most sensitive areas, torturing her until he mercifully slid her panties down her legs. “We should keep these,” Bucky said with a smirk, the underwear hanging off one of his fingers. The boys shared a rogue look, full of mischief, sinister and calculating, a threat she couldn’t see in the haze of her high.
“No, don’t,” the girl between them whined, wiggling hopelessly against them. “I like those, and I bought them on sale from Victoria’s Secret—"
“We’ll buy you more, honey,” Steve promised, giving her a squeeze around her middle. “As many panties you want in every color, would you like that?” She squirmed again. 
“I know she’d like it,” Bucky said, leaning into her, his lips ghosting over her clit. “Pretty baby loves getting spoiled, always has. Probably’d drop to her knees for any gift you wanna give her, ain’t that right, sweetheart?”
“No,” she protested, voice breaking, “No I wouldn’t—”
Bucky’s tongue circling her clit had her choking on her words, and when she tried to continue, Steve cut her off.
“You can’t lie to us, honey.” Steve pressed his lips against her pulse before continuing, his voice so cloying, so slick and tricky that it gave her chills for all the wrong reasons. “We’ll buy you better stuff than that, how’s that sound? You want pretty little things to wear just for us? We’ll buy you more expensive stuff than Victoria’s Secret, only the best for you.”
“High end brands, the prettiest little things. La Perla, Agent Provacateur,” Bucky added, “Anything you want.”
It confused her, the way her body tensed and trembled with want at his words, the ideas swirling around her intoxicated brain only amplifying the pleasure that Bucky gave her with his tongue. He chose that time to wrap his lips around her clit, giving a few sharp sucks that had her crying out and whining, wiggling around so much that Steve had to tighten his grip, jerk her head back down to look at Bucky.  
“Eyes on him,” Steve reminded her. She trained her eyes on him as he ducked down, lips caressing her so tender and loving until he reached her entrance. 
“Open up for me, doll,” Bucky crooned, lifting her leg over his shoulder. This made her lean back further into Steve, who kept one arm strong around her middle and supported the rest of her body with his own. Bucky gripped her thigh so her leg wouldn’t slip off, and then he got back to work. 
“I think you would like that, wouldn’t you?” Steve asked her, his tone so demeaning yet so smooth in her ear. “You’d like to walk around in things we got you? Knowing nobody else would ever see you in them but us—”
“I know I’d like that,” Bucky grunted from below, his lips momentarily detaching from her cunt so he could speak. She let out the softest noise in protest, hips shifting towards him, and he chuckled before going back to work. He used the tip of his tongue to trace along the seam of her cunt, so light on her delicate folds that it made her tremble. He kept the light touch as he circled her clit, again and again until her hips jumped and her hands flew into his hair as she tried to grind against his face. 
He pressed his tongue harder against her then, laughing open mouthed against her pussy at her desperation. Her little whines and pouty cries of pleasure spurred him on until he was suckling at her and tracing her cunt with one hand. He waited until she was right on the edge of her orgasm to slip a finger inside, and that sent her over with a shout. She almost lost her balance against Steve but he was quick to steady her. 
“That’s it baby, give it to him,” Steve growled, watching Bucky tongue at her clit until she was no longer shaking.
Bucky drew his head back then, giving Steve the perfect view of two of his fingers pumping in and out of her cunt. Steve clenched his jaw as Bucky scissored them, working her open slowly in the aftershocks of her orgasm. 
“Want you to do that for me again, baby doll,” Bucky said, meeting her eyes, glazed over with exertion. She pouted down at him, lower lips swollen from biting at it. “What’s that little frown all about, hmm?”
“‘M tired,” she answered shortly, voice thick with residual pleasure and exhaustion.
“Too tired, huh?” Bucky asked, laughing a little. “Hear that, Steve—one orgasm and our poor little doll is tuckered out.”
“You better perk up, baby,” Steve told her, his menacing words slipping through her head. “You’ve got a long night ahead of you.” She whined, and he ran his fingers down her stomach, her pelvis, and past her lips, running the tips of his fingers through the mess Bucky made on her cunt. “Don’t act like you don’t like it, darling,” he told her, delivering a slap to her clit. She jumped, but Bucky’s hands and Steve’s body anchored her in place. “Look at Bucky down there, servicing you, working so hard to make you feel good. Don’t you like the sight of him down there?”
“Steve,” she whined, high pitched and breathy as he made her look Bucky in the eyes. Bucky looked up at her adoringly, his fingers still working in and out of her entrance while Steve circled her clit with a featherlight touch. 
“I know I like the way he looks. He loves getting down on his knees and worshiping you, don’t you, Buck?”
“I love it,” Bucky agreed, his voice eager. “I’d do anything for you, sweetheart.”
“And he really does mean anything.” Steve’s words held mirth as he degraded Bucky, as he pressed harder on her clit, fingers working themselves into a rhythm. “Take it from me, there’s only a few people in this world he’d get on his knees for.”
“Just you two,” Bucky whispered, pressing a hot kiss against her hipbone, staring up at them both with adoring eyes that she couldn’t help but lock onto, getting lost in the indigo depths of them, like drowning in a perfect reflection of the endless ocean, never to resurface, never to breathe again.
It scared her. But she was happy to drown, as long as it was him.
Her sweet Bucky, on his knees for her. Only for her.
A rush of emotion swept through her, the intensity of his gaze piercing her and breaking her down. He licked his lips, glossy with her arousal, and then leaned back in, eyes still on hers, as he licked around her entrance, around his own fingers, then running his tongue up around her clit, around Steve’s fingers, their appendages dancing together to bring her over the edge once more. Her cunt clenched and dripped around his fingers, and she opened her mouth in a silent cry and finally broke eye contact with Bucky as her eyes rolled back, fluttered closed, and she lost herself in the pleasure, not hearing their words of encouragement, not seeing the reverent way they gazed at her, only feeling the waves of sensation rolling through her core. 
By the time she came back to her senses and opened her eyes, she had clearly already been absent for some time. Bucky was on his feet now and the men were holding her to the side, each with an arm around her body, while they embraced each other in a deep kiss, tongues visibly tangling, sharing the taste of her between them. Steve kept one hand in Bucky’s hair, anchoring him to his mouth, while Bucky clung onto his shirt, drawing him closer until their fronts pressed together, at which point he ground his hips into Steve’s. This provoked a low moan from Steve that they could feel vibrate through their chests.
She had forgotten how erotic it was to see them kiss, and in her drug-addled state of mind, it only made her more restless, more turned on, wetness dripping down her thighs as she pressed up against them tighter. The feeling of their bodies against hers was as intoxicating as their affectionate display, their jeans scraping her bare legs, their arms tight around her waist. Bucky’s hand rested on her hip, gently squeezing, while Steve’s laid on her ribcage, just below her breast, surely able to feel her heart hammering inside her chest.
The boys pulled away from each other with a lewd wet noise before turning their attention to the impatient girl in their arms, squirming against them and biting her lip when they finally looked upon her.
“Look at that, Buck,” Steve said, a smirk on his face. “I think our girl likes watching us together.”
“Oh, I have no doubt, Stevie,” Bucky chuckled, leaning closer to her. “You liked watching Steve lick the taste of you out of my mouth, baby?” Shy, she hesitated for a moment, averting her eyes, but nodded after some consideration. “Of course you did, you’re our naughty little doll, aren’t you? Do you want a taste?”
She maintained eye contact this time as she nodded, and Bucky wasted no time planting his lips upon hers. He bit at her lower lip, sharp and stinging. When she gasped in pain, he licked into her mouth, giving her the taste of her own cunt that he promised her. 
While they kissed, Steve worked on getting their clothes off, taking off his own shirt before grabbing Bucky’s, separating the kiss. Bucky watched as Steve slid the straps of her dress down her arms, the thin slip so loose that it fell to the ground in a silken heap around her ankles. 
“Beautiful,” Steve whispered, looking over her body, bare but for her heels. 
“Shut up,” she muttered, looking down, bashful, avoiding his intense gaze, but Steve lifted her head by her chin, forcing her eyes to his. 
“Hey. I mean it, baby. You’re the prettiest little thing I’ve ever seen.”
“You’ve got Steve actin’ like a big sap tonight, sweetheart,” Bucky murmured into her ear before placing a kiss on the side of her head. “Next you’ll have him revealing all his darkest secrets.”
“I don’t think she wants to know my darkest secrets,” Steve said with something that was almost a scoff, but less derisive than he usually might be, before ushering her backwards. “C’mon, get on the bed.”
“Wait,” she stumbled into him, tripping on her heels once more, still unsteady and uncoordinated without their hands holding her. “What about my shoes?”
“I think we’ll leave those on,” Steve answered, lifting her up so she kneeled on the bed. “Bucky loves the look of heels while he’s fucking you, ain’t that right, Buck?”
Bucky returned Steve’s smirk, removing his jeans and boxers in one shove and climbing on the bed behind her and running his hands up her legs. “That would be correct, Stevie.” He hugged her around the middle, pressing his cock against her ass. She stiffened at first before pressing her ass back against it. “It’s very sexy, doll.”
“Oh…” she murmured, struck at the idea that they found her sexy. That wasn’t something she had thought of herself before, not something she thought anybody else considered her. “You think I’m… sexy?”
“Very much so,” Bucky replied, one hand squeezing over her tits while the other trailed down her stomach, her thighs, before settling between her legs and playing with the mess on her cunt. 
“Buck, lay on your back,” Steve commanded, eyes twinkling with delight. As he sat up against the headboard, Steve faced their girl, circling her in his arms and looking her in the eyes. “Baby, I want you to ride him like you did before.” He kissed her sweetly, softly. “Can you do that for me?”
She frowned, blurry memories from that drunken encounter coming back. Remembering when they forced her to sit on his cock, her ass bruised from her spanking and brushing painfully against Bucky with every movement. She remembered feeling so weak from the pain, from the pleasure, that she couldn’t even move her hips on him, and she remembered Steve taking charge of her.
And now she was again, drunk and naked and at their mercy.
“I don’t know…” she said, even as Steve lifted her and positioned her to straddle Bucky’s thighs. Bucky steadied her by the waist when she wobbled and fell against his chest. Steve pulled her upright by the shoulders, and she felt a little disoriented at being manhandled so much. “Steve, I’m not sure…” She looked down, palms pressed to Bucky’s stomach, until Steve redirected her gaze once again.
“I know you can do it,” he whispered against her lips, a light little kiss. “I’ll help you if you need it.”
“Go on, sweetheart,” Bucky said, voice hoarse, lining his cock up. “Go ahead and fuck me.”
Her breath caught in her throat as she sunk down on him, not used to the way he filled her after going so long since the last time they had sex. Truthfully, she wasn’t entirely sure she would ever be used to it. No matter how good it felt, it always seemed to short-circuit her brain.
“God,” she whimpered as she lowered herself until her ass met his thighs. “Oh, God, Bucky—” 
“I know, honey,” he grunted, gripping her hips tight, “Feels good, doesn’t it?” She nodded, leaning forward and resting her forehead against his. “Move, sweetheart. Ride my cock, you can do it.”
Tentatively, she moved her hips in a way similar to how Steve moved her the last time, holding Bucky’s shoulders tighter when it sent shocks up her spine. She did it again, increasing the movement with Bucky’s help, his hands clamped on her hips, and again, until he eased her into a natural rhythm of her bouncing on his cock.
“There you go, sweetheart,” Steve cooed from behind her, running a finger up the line of her spine. “You’re a pro, aren’t ya?” 
She whimpered, unable to focus on anything except the incredible fullness within her, and when Bucky pulled her down to lay on his chest, his cock now pressing harder on certain spots within her, like a beat of pleasure, a thrumming heartbeat directly in her core. Her head was filled with Bucky’s dirty words in her ear, the familiar sharp smell of his sweat and cologne, the spinning in her mind, the high that rushed through her still, every nerve ending lit aflame with their touch.
As Bucky fucked up into her, blurring the lines between every sensation washing through her, she was too preoccupied to pay attention to Steve behind her, reaching over into the bedside table and pulling out a bottle of something, nor did she notice him smearing something on his fingers before placing one large palm on the small of her back, keeping her flat on Bucky, and using the other to reach between her legs and— 
“Ohhh,” she let out a shuddering sound as Steve pressed his fingers against her asshole, circling gently at first, slowly increasing the pressure. They were covered in something cold and slippery and nice on her heated skin. “Steve, oh, God, what are you—” 
“Shhh, baby doll,” he soothed her, rubbing her back gently. “Let me open you up so you can take my cock. You’re gonna love it, it’ll feel good, I promise.”
It was then that he slid the tip of his finger in, just up until the first knuckle, but she tensed up, trapping him there. “Steve,” she whined, trying to sit up until Steve’s hand on her back stopped her.
“Relax, baby, it’s gonna hurt if you don’t relax. Buck, distract her, will you?”
Bucky took her face in his hands, forcing her to face him instead of burying her head in his neck. “Hey, baby girl,” he purred, his soft tone washing over her. She couldn’t look away from his eyes, dark with lust, drowning her all over again. “Just calm down for me, can you do that?” He kissed her sweetly then, his lips soft against her own, tongue sweeping out to brush against her until she opened her mouth for him. 
With her attention now on the kiss, Steve was able to sink his entire forefinger inside of her until she tensed again. He kept it inside, letting her get used to the feeling. “That’s so good, baby,” he praised her, “So good for me, that’s it. Just feel me inside of you, honey, tell me how it feels.”
Bucky pulled away from her then, taking a look at her, eyes closed, eyebrows furrowed, mouth opening with a little grunt as Steve withdrew his finger and went back in. “Tell him how it feels, baby,” Bucky encouraged her with a firm tap on her cheek.
Her eyes opened, locking onto Bucky’s, dark with lust, glistening in the low lights. “It, it feels—” She moaned when Steve thrusted his finger again. “Feels… weird... full,” she whispered, “It’s really big—a lot—oh, Steve—” Her words tapered off into a whimper as Steve set a rhythm with his finger, prodding her insides with each movement.
“If you think my finger’s big, sweetheart, just wait until I’ve got my cock in you.”
Bucky kissed her again before she could say anything, running his hands up and down her sides, back, and hips, trying to distract her from the feeling. “Just focus on how I feel inside you, baby,” he said as he and Steve rocked her back and forth between them. He rested one hand on her hip, his thumb stretching between their bodies to her clit to draw soft circles on it. “Feel that, honey, just think about how it feels.”
That was all she could think about, the rest of the world around her fuzzy. Even her hands and feet felt numb, vibrating at such a low frequency she could barely feel it. The vibrations grew stronger along her arms and legs, centering in on where Steve and Bucky had their hands, working her with slow movements as if they were playing a deep, tranquil melody on a cello. 
Bucky moved his hips under her, thrusting up inside of her while her torso swayed between them. She keened when his cock hit something so delicious and deep inside of her, thighs quivering where they sunk into the bed around Bucky’s hips.
“She likes that, Buck,” Steve chuckled, eyes stuck on the way her ass took his whole finger, the slide of Bucky’s cock in and out of her. He could feel Bucky moving inside of her with his finger and his mind spun at how it would feel when he got his cock in her. 
He was tense with anticipation, but he took his time, teasing her ass with his finger, pressing against her rim with another lubed up digit while Bucky worked her to her orgasm.
She came with a whine, and Steve could feel her ass clenching around his finger. He longed to feel it with his cock.
Bucky talked her through her orgasm, coaxing her with filthy words and loving praise. “That’s it, sweetie,” he cooed, one hand still on her clit while the other ran through her hair. “Give it to us, that’s right, come for us, baby.”
It tore through her body as she shook almost violently in their arms, eyes rolling back in her head as she gave herself over to the waves of pleasure. Finally, she laid flaccid against Bucky’s chest, face buried in his neck as she tried to catch her breath.
As soon as she relaxed, Steve thoroughly lubed up a second finger and worked it in slowly amidst her tiny whimpers and grunts against Bucky’s skin.
“Look at that, sweetheart,” Steve said in awe as he scissored his fingers in her hole. “Taking two of my fingers already sweetheart, such a good girl.”
She moaned weakly, allowing Bucky to lift her head and kiss her. He was still thrusting slowly up into her, moreso rocking her between Steve’s fingers and his cock than fucking her.
“Good girl,” Bucky purred, licking into her mouth. 
“Let’s see if you can take more, hmm?”
“No, Steve,” she cried, breaking off the kiss with Bucky. “Wait—” 
“Relax, honey,” Bucky said, cutting her off with a sharp thrust up inside of her that had her eyes fluttering closed. “That’s it, just feel us inside of you.”
She lost all sense of time as they brought her to the edge again, only for Steve to stick his ring finger in her ass alongside the others just before she started to come, and suddenly the feel of his fingers inside of her, inside of that hole that she had never so much as touched before, felt like the most amazing thing in the world, right next to Bucky’s cock in her cunt.
As her orgasm subsided and Steve continued to stretch her, she laid limp against Bucky, letting them do what they pleased with her body, too exhausted at this point to participate or protest. Steve’s fingers inside her ass started to feel weird again without the intoxicating cloud of her orgasm influencing her thoughts, but she had to admit there was something utterly erotic about being so full, feeling so stuffed with both of them.
“Once I have my cock in you, you’ll feel even more full, honey,” Steve said, a promise in his tone, and she wondered how much of her drug-fueled thoughts and emotions she had voiced out loud.
After what seemed like ages of Bucky idly fucking her, his pace slow so as to not work either of them up too much, and Steve working his fingers in an out of her to the point that it didn’t even hurt anymore, only felt so overwhelming and numb, she began to fidget, restless now that she was so aroused, but so little attention was being paid to make her come.
Although she had already come three times and indeed felt exhausted, she simultaneously felt that she could keep going forever, her body jazzed up, limbs shaky, the drugs in her system working her up and down like she was on a roller coaster.
“Steve,” she whined once she couldn’t take it anymore. “Bucky—”
“What’s the matter, sweetie?” Bucky asked, kissing her forehead. “Too much for you?”
“No,” she mumbled into his neck. 
“You want my cock in your ass, don’t you, baby?” Steve asked, amusement in his tone. He swatted her ass lightly. “Tell me.”
“I don’t know,” she muttered, lifting her head up. She and Bucky looked at each other while she spoke to both of them. “Will it feel good?”
“It will feel very good,” Bucky replied, voice soft, almost like he was speaking to a child.
“You want it?” Steve asked. She hesitated, but nodded. Steve spanked her again. “Let me hear you say it.”
“I want it,” she said, still so shy, but it was enough for Steve.
“Then you’ll get it, sweetheart. We’ll give you whatever you want.”
He pulled his fingers out and slicked up his cock with enough lube to make it drip onto her ass. He drizzled lube over her hole, too, already so shiny and slippery, and worked a little bit into her with a few shallow pumps of his fingers. She whined and wiggled her ass back at him, making him chuckle and spank her again, leaving a shiny hand print on her flesh. 
“Patience, baby,” Bucky reprimanded her as Steve went back to make sure she was slick inside and out. “You don’t want him to go too fast, too quick. It’ll be a lot for you to handle, you need to be as relaxed and stretched out as possible.” One finger pushed a glob of lube inside her, then two, then three. She was relaxed and unresistant at this point, but still so tight.
“How do you know I’m not already?”
“Steve and I have been doing this for ages,” Bucky answered. “If it takes him this long to prep me so he can fuck my ass, it’s gonna take longer for you, honey.”
Her head shot up as Steve continued to push his way through her tight muscle with his fingers. “You guys have done this before?”
Bucky and Steve both laughed at her naivety and it made her cheeks heat up in embarrassment. “Yeah, sweetheart,” Bucky said, running a gentle hand along her cheek. Her eyes fluttered closed when Steve stuck his fingers particularly deep, ensuring she was lubed up enough inside. “Why? Are you surprised?”
“A little, yeah…” she sighed as Steve twisted his fingers. “I knew you guys kissed and stuff… But… I don’t know. I didn’t know the extent of your relationship.”
“Well we’ve never really told you,” Steve said.
Bucky smirked and kissed her softly until she was squirming again. “Maybe one day we’ll show you,” he whispered. “Would you like that?”
“Yeah,” she panted. “But right now I want something different.”
“Oh yeah?” Bucky asked, amused.
“You said you’d give me what I want,” she moaned, petulance in her tone. 
“Fine,” Steve grunted, pulling his fingers out of her. “If you wanna whine like a brat about it, I wanna hear you beg me to fuck your ass.”
She scoffed with indignance, but Steve only spanked her and repeated his request. She relented after a few beats of silence. “Please fuck me, Steve,” she sighed. 
He placed his cock head at her hole, but remained still. “You’ll have to do better than that. Tell me where you want my cock, baby.”
“Please fuck my ass,” she whined, giving up, the drugs letting her mouth run, feeling so needy at this point as her body yearned for something to happen. “Please, I need it, I want you to fuck my ass, I want to feel it, Stevie, please—”
“Put the poor girl out of her misery, Steve,” Bucky cut her off. “She’s desperate.”
“Okay, Buck,” Steve chuckled, slowly pressing in. “But you always were too soft on her. Let her get away with too much shit.”
“Maybe so, Steve, but look at her now,” Bucky nodded to the girl on top of him, writhing in pleasure as Steve slowly stretched her. Although he had prepared her with his fingers, his cock was something else entirely, longer and thicker and filling her in a way she had never thought could be possible. “Moaning for it like a little slut.”
Steve laughed and then grunted as he sheathed his cock completely inside of her. He gave her a short time to get used to it, but his muscles strained with the effort of holding himself back. He yearned to pound into her, fuck her into submission, but he knew he had to be more gentle with her. He distracted himself with a hand stroking her back, massaging her tense muscles. “There you go, sweetheart, full of us. Just where you belong, isn’t that right?”
She didn’t respond, but Bucky felt her mouthing against his neck, sucking on the skin there for comfort. “Pretty girl’s so full of cock, doesn’t have a single thought left in her brain anymore, hmm?” 
Her teeth nipped against his neck, sharp, and it made Bucky laugh. “Biting me now, baby? Looks like our girl’s still got a little bit of fight left in her, Stevie.”
“We’ll fuck that right out of her,” he said, before sliding out and thrusting back in. It didn’t take long for Steve and Bucky to figure out a rhythm, sliding her back and forth on their cocks like a limp rag doll. And she let them—let them fuck her, use her, pound away at her like she was made for their pleasure. The men couldn’t believe how tight she was around them, her cunt like a vice gripping them, how wet and needy and pliant she got with two cocks inside of her. 
Because she was. She belonged to them, and now she was back in her rightful place.
She panted against Bucky’s neck, sounds leaving her mouth unchecked, moans and whimpers and whines. Tears came to her eyes from the sheer pleasure of it all, from every sensation running through her. She was so full, almost unbearably so. She thought they could possibly rip right through her if they went any harder, was shocked they hadn’t already, but something dark and twisted deep inside of her yearned for it. 
It was hard to breathe, but she wasn’t sure if that was the drugs or the sex or the crushing feeling of giving herself over to these men who she had known for so long and had so many complex emotions for.
With a grunt, Steve took a hold of her by her throat and pulled her up so her back was flush against his chest. She held onto his wrist, solid and unmoving, with both her hands—not to move his arm, but just to have something to hold. She gasped and choked as he cut off her air, trembling at the change in position and how the two cocks inside of her hit differently now. This also allowed Bucky a little room to breathe, and as he fucked up into her, he admired her naked form.
Lips bitten red, skin glistening with sweat, hair a rats nest all around her face, eyes glazed over and leaking tears, body jarring as they fucked her with rough, punishing thrusts. “You look like a perfect little doll,” Bucky said, hand tracing along her skin with a touch lighter than his words, voice gruff in the back of his throat. “Beautiful.” He pinched and twisted her nipples, listening to her muffled whines, choked off by Steve’s grip on her neck. “So sexy, sweetheart.”
“You look like a little whore is what you look like,” Steve growled in her ear. “Getting fucked stupid by us, hmm? Tell us you love it, baby.”
She could barely get the words out, but she managed somehow, choking as she babbled how much she loved their cocks, that she was so full, to let her come, to fuck her harder. Steve could hardly believe this was the same girl who had reluctantly given him her virginity all those months ago, but then again, her drug-blown pupils spoke for themselves.
He wanted her like this all the time. Broken down and vulnerable for him, craving his cock. Openly telling him how she loved him.
He buried his face in the back of her shoulder and fucked her harder. At the same time, Bucky circled her clit with one hand, applying enough pressure to make her scream, despite Steve choking her. 
The hand on her throat slid up to cup her jaw and he slid his fingers inside of her mouth to shut her up. She gagged on them before wrapping her tongue around them, sucking on them and moaning wantonly against them so he could feel the vibrations from her throat all up his arm. He felt the wetness from her tears on his palm as they dripped down her cheeks, and he couldn’t help but lift his head to take a look at her.
“So sweet when you cry, baby,” he groaned, lips right against her ear. “Love it when you cry for me.” He kissed up her cheeks, wiping her tears away with his lips.
Bucky sat up then, still playing with her clit, and he attached his mouth to her tit, sucking on it and then biting at her nipples until she squealed. One of her hands went down to hold the back of his head to her breast, tugging on his hair and the pain went right to his cock.
“Fuck,” he gasped against her nipple, lapping at the puffy swollen areola and then giving the same treatment to the other one. “Steve,” he groaned, looking up at the other man fucking her. “‘M not gonna last much longer.”
“Make her come, baby,” Steve encouraged him. “Make our little doll come, and then I want you to come inside her.”
“Yes,” Bucky hissed, doubling down his efforts on her clit, adjusting his hips thrusting against her until he had just the right angle to make her eyes roll back in her head. With Steve whispering filth in her ear and Bucky strumming her clit and plucking at her nipples, it didn’t take long for her to be at that precipice of pleasure. Steve spanked her once, gripped her ass tight in his hand, slid his fingers out of her mouth and circled her nipples, soothing the pinch of Bucky’s fingers with her own slick saliva.
That was all it took to push her off the edge again, and she tightened around their cocks so hard they could barely move inside of her for fear of hurting her.
She thought she might like it if they hurt her, already liked the sting of Bucky’s teeth and fingers on her nipples, already liked the slight burn that came with Steve fucking her ass, loved the dull throb and ache in her core as she came so hard, her vision whited out. Her teeth clenched together hard, and then she opened her mouth, letting out the loudest moan she had ever made. Her body convulsed between them and they held her steady through it, fucking her still and drawing out the pleasure.
“That’s it, that’s right,” she eventually heard Steve saying, like he had been speaking for some time but she had been too out of it to hear. “Good girl, such a good girl for us, coming so good like that.”
“So sweet, baby,” Bucky crooned in her ear, sucking on her earlobe. He was more tense, thrusts uneven, hands shaking where they gripped her, ever closer to his peak. “Gonna make me come, sweetheart, so good to me—”
“Come on, Buck,” Steve growled, leaning forward and pressing her into Bucky so he could kiss the other man. Bucky always loved coming as Steve kissed him, Steve knew. “Come for me, give it to me, Buck.”
Bucky panted into Steve’s mouth, sent over the edge by the girl between them kissing at his clavicle, biting softly and mewling like a little kitten as they crushed her between them. He ground his hips into hers, coming deep inside her, feeling how hot and wet she was around him, the press of Steve’s cock against him through that thin layer of skin, making everything so much more tight and hot and wet and sinful. One of the utmost dirtiest feelings he’d ever felt, Steve’s cock snug up against his own as they used the girl between them for their pleasure.
He laid back with her against his chest, both of them limp and weak from their orgasms.
Once Bucky and their girl were both blissed out, past their peaks, Steve renewed the vigor in his thrusts, fucking into her with more passion until finally he spilled inside of her with an agonized groan, pressed so far up against her that he could feel Bucky’s balls against his own sac. 
He pulled out, watching his come drip out of her fluttering asshole and seep down, collecting around her cunt where Bucky’s cock was still buried, softening inside of her. Bucky sluggishly pulled out as well, and Steve admired the way she looked, come dripping from both holes, blushed and swollen and abused.
With her out of commission against Bucky’s chest, Steve couldn’t help but reach down to grab his phone from his jeans on the floor before quickly snapping a few photos.
One of her holes, one of his half-hard cock pressed up against her asshole, a few of his fingers running through the come dripping out of her and pushing it back in, and one of her slumped against Bucky, weak and exhausted, completely fucked out. She didn’t even protest when he pushed Bucky’s come back into her cunt, only twitching against Bucky’s chest, a sigh the only noise she made.
“Okay,” Bucky sighed, moving her onto her back beside him. She went, her body limp, eyes closed. She was quickly falling asleep. Steve took a few more photos of her bruised, battered body before tossing his phone back on the ground. He went to get them some water and a washcloth, and by the time he got back, she was sound asleep. Bucky tried to rouse her. “Sweetheart, wake up. We need to clean you up.” She grunted and turned on her side, burying her face in Bucky’s shoulder.
“I don’t think she would fare well in the shower right now,” Steve said as he wiped the lube and come from his dick. He looked back at her legs again, splayed open, her cunt glistening. Bucky took her heels off, tossing them to the side. “Besides, I think I want to leave her soaked in our come. Give her something to remember once she wakes up in the morning.”
Bucky chuckled and then took the rag from Steve. “I don’t think she’d appreciate that too much.” Bucky cleaned himself off before maneuvering her onto her back. “Spread her legs, Stevie.” Steve obliged, and for a moment, they admired the look of her like that, the mess they made of her. Then, Bucky gently wiped away the come and lube on her inner thighs and between her folds; all the while, she squirmed weakly and whined in her sleep. 
“Stop your crying, baby,” Steve said gently once they were done. He placed a kiss on her knee and she quieted down.
“Poor thing,” Bucky said with a chuckle. They arranged her in the middle of the bed, settling on either side of her and pulling the blanket over them. Now she was dead to the world, the drugs and alcohol carrying her mind away. “You’ll have to send me those pictures you took,” Bucky said.
Steve winked at him. “I will.” He turned off the lamp and turned towards Bucky. They crowded her in between their bodies, cuddling up to her as she lay passed out between them. “You happy to have our girl back?”
“We’ll see how it goes in the morning,” Bucky said, but he smiled. “But yeah. I am.”
231 notes · View notes
femme-malewife · 3 years
Can’t an Idol Fall in Love? (Sara) Honeyworks Novel Chapter 2
Disclaimer: Yall gonna roll your eyes but I’m not a professional translator sooo...take it all in with a pinch
Masterlist here
"It’s so brutal to practice so much after being on stage! Seriously, isn’t the manager a demon?!”
There was a meeting in the room now known as the Dolce room. The place that the Dolce room was in had a dance studio on the first floor, and each member were sweating like waterfalls.
The one complaining was Mameido Girisha. His image color was yellow. He was an individual with dreadlocks who was well known for his sharp and powerful dance moves. Well, truth be told, his appearances weren’t that good, but he was a good singer.
“And what happened to the air conditioner? How long do we have until break?!”
“Hey, Girisha...don’t leave your wig around in a place like this, it surprised me...” 
Girisha’s dreadlocks were actually a wig. They were on the ground in front of the large mirror. It looked quite surreal.
Nemuri Kippei held his chest in surprise. His image color was green. He didn’t have much self confidence, but he had really good motor nerves. If he could overcome his timid nature, he could transform.
“Haa...hey, Fuuma, that one oshi came to see today’s performance.” Haiga Kazuki said from the floor. His image color was blue. He had nice features and a friendly smile. He had a innocent sounding singing voice, though it was also powerful and pretty. He’s already gained fan support because he was attractive.
“She did. And she made another uchiwa too. I wonder how she makes them? They make me really happy.”
Shirayuki Fuuma was the leader with the image color pink. He had a natural singing voice that featured high pitched sounds, and wore makeup and skirts. Despite his feminine appearance dressing up as a woman though, he was actually quite masculine. Enthusiastic fans were going back and forth between calling him “cool” or “cute”.
“Oh, that chick? The one who lives next to the Dolce room. Ain’t that nice?” Girisha started drinking his third bottle of water. “She was all excited at first from far away and I was worried she might try to harass Fuuma or somethin’. Isn’t it normal for fans to be all like can I have your autograph?! or please shake my hand!?”
“That’s true.” Fuuma agreed.
“But then she didn’t do any of that! She’s a good fan!” Girsha tapped his chin, impressed.
Toujo Sara, who was in charge of the image color purple, watched everyone from the corner of the studio lazily. Well, he wasn’t being lazy, he was just lying on the futon.
(...Rather than trying to get an autograph, she ran away at a great momentum.)
Everytime she encountered Fuuma, her face would turn red and she would run away. She was like a mouse spotting a cat from a distance before taking off, before the members of Dolce noticed her.
He wondered if she hated or liked Fuuma.
The reason why he knew this was because he skipped practice. He fell asleep near a bush, in the condominium, and in a blind spot in the corridors. So he often saw the girl running away with a flustered expression.
“I think she’s trying to be mindful and take into consideration our on and off switches, right Fuuma?” Kazuki said, wiping the sweat off of Fuuma’s face.
The fans didn’t know, but Sara was positive that Kazuki was the one who treasured Fuuma more than anyone else.
After all, they were childhood friends, weren’t they?
What’s more, Kazuki seemed to have had troubles at home when he was young, and Fuuma was always the one who supported him.
Sara didn’t know the details, but he knew that Kazuki was trying to support Fuuma with all his might.
“You know, she brings that uchiwa to handshake events or other small events, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen her take it to a live show. She might be worried it’ll get in the way.”
“During a live show, she waves the pink penlight for Fuuma’s color, right?”
“Yeah, so I have to do my best since I’m in my fans care.”
“Yep. I feel bad for our fans who support us when we’re just an opening act.” Girisha cut in.
“Well, we’re still new...” Kazuki muttered.
Dolce was still only just beginning, as it’d only been a few months since their formation.
There was no way newcomers like them could perform solo at a live show. The best they could be at the moment was the opening act until they become well known idols.
The audience at the venues don’t come to see Dolce, but rather other main idols that they bought tickets for. 
It was like wanting to watch a TV show or movie, but then seeing a commercial first.
“Damn! I wanna be famous!”
“Then why do you have such short hair?”
“It’s convenient, ain’t it? Fuuma, you have a hair piece too, don’t you?”
“Don’t call it that! It’s a mini wig!”
The dance instructor, who had been out, returned just as Fuuma and Girisha started fighting. They clapped their hands loudly to get their attention.
“Okay, break time is over! Come, we have to go through the choreography again together!”
“We’ll be in your care!” Everyone chorused.
The teacher raised their eyebrows when they noticed Sara sleeping on the futon.
“Toujo Sara-kun, break time is over, so come join us.”
“...I’m in the middle of image training right now.”
“Aren’t ya just sleeping?” Girisha asked.
“How troublesome. Just earlier, your mother said she’ll be leaving you in my care. Speaking of which, she said you never call her, and that you need to do something about-”
Sara felt irritated.
(Mom? What does my mother have to do with these dance lessons?)
He got up from the futon.
“Start the music.”
The instructor turned the music on, probably startled by Sara’s expression. Meanwhile, Sara turned his switch on internally. He remembered the choreography, and let himself get immersed in the flowing melody, his body moving naturally.
“So cool...Sara, your skills are sharp!” Girisha said in amazement.
“Are you satisfied with this, sensei? I’m going home now.”
“W-wait a minute, Toujo-kun...”
However, Sara was still hearing their voice mentioning his mother, so he left the dance studio without looking back.
(She’s always like this...)
Sara stared at his phone in frustration. There was an incoming call history lined with his mother’s name. Everytime he took his phone out, it seemed like there was another incoming call from her.
Sara clicked his tongue and noticed a small fountain by the apartment. He didn’t hesitate- he threw his ringing phone into the fountain.
He started walking back as if nothing happened.
“I want to live alone!”
When Sara’s parents decided to move from Japan to New York, Sara bowed to his parents for the first time. Surprisingly, his acting seemed to have sharpened.
“I have something I really want to do in Japan.”
That was the first time he didn’t receive acting guidance from his parents. In contrast to his miffed mother, his father laughed in satisfaction. Sara had no idea if he was smiling because his acting was perfect, or if he was glad Sara found something he wanted to do.
It didn’t matter though. His wish came true anyway.
He was living alone in Japan, far from New York.
“...What I want to do, huh...”
The truth was that there was nothing of the sort. He just wanted to stay away from his parents. That was it.
“Sara’s our child.”
Those words stuck in his head repeatedly, and never left him. If Sara’s family was normal, maybe they would love him, as a normal family should. Maybe then he would accept them.
But Sara’s family was in the entertainment industry.
His father being a musical actor, and his mother being the daughter of a top opera company.
Such parents continued to insist that Sara had the same talent as them.
Sara never had time to play with kids his age.
While the typical child played outside, Sara spent his time playing the piano, the violin, singing, and dancing. All his time was spent doing lessons. Debuting as a child actor wasn’t what he wanted.
Everything was decided by his parents.
(Why do I even exist?)
He didn’t feel like he belonged anywhere when he was at school. He didn’t understand why he was at school or took rigorous lessons, or what he was doing on TV.
The only answer available though was because he the child of those two.
“Sara is our child.”
That was it. Toujo Sara was nothing but the child of those two. All of Sara’s talents were inherited from them. Singing, dancing, acting, everything. When he danced in front of the mirror, he realized why he hated it so much.
He saw his father and his mother in the mirror.
(It’s so annoying...)
He hated himself when he danced.
He hated himself when he sang.
No matter what he did, he felt like he was his parents shadow.
But more than anything, he hated himself because he only had a place in the entertainment world.
Sara looked back at the hesitant voice.
“Did you drop this?”
It was his cell phone he’d just thrown into the fountain.
The girl standing behind him was that Fuuma fan they’d been talking about earlier. His phone was wrapped in a pink handkerchief, and it was still vibrating persistently.
(...Is it completely waterproof?)
He clicked his tongue in annoyance and stared at her.
“Are you a stalker after all?” He asked coldly.
“Huh?” Her eyes widened.
“You know who I am, so you decided to approach me.”
“That’s not the case! I’m a fan of Fuuma-kun, I’m not your fan at all, Toujo-kun!”
“...Isn’t that rude?”
“Well, maybe, but you’re one to talk! You called me a stalker again.”
Tumblr media
“Isn’t that what you are though, a stalker?”
“That’s just a coincidence! No matter how much I like Dolce, I wouldn’t go that far! I have fan manners! I don’t want to be disliked by Fuuma-kun!”
Sara believed that to be true. So far, she hadn’t done anything to get closer to Fuuma, even though they were in the same apartment.
On the contrary, she was always running away from Fuuma.
“...You know, I threw my phone away. You should have left it.”
“I know, actually...I saw you throw it away.” The girl looked embarrassed.
“Then why did you pick it up?”
“Um...well, it was still vibrating and I could hear it. Your personal information could easily be leaked if you left it.”
Now it was Sara’s eyes that were widening.
“So you came out and got my phone because you were worried?”
Then the reason she said “you dropped this” was to make it less awkward for Sara when she gave it back to him.
She only smiled gently in response.
(You got your shirt all wet, you know...)
When she went to pick it up, she probably got it all soaked. Droplets of water dripped form her hair and onto her shoulders.
“...Are you stupid?”
It was Sara, after all, who had carelessly thrown it away. He hated himself, but still.
“Stupid...because I was worried about your personal information? An idol’s phone can be resold, you know!”
“You’re so noisy...um...it’s Ouji-san, right?”
“How did you know?” She looked surprised, but Sara felt more surprised at himself for saying that.
“...Your post box. It’s like a house, isn’t it? With your personal information?” Sara answered lightly, though his heart was starting to pound.
That was right. He knew her name from her mailbox. That was it.
The first day Dolce came there, he met her in the hallway. However, he didn’t think “that’s the girl from the handshake event”, his first thought had been “she’s that girl from the audition”.
The girl who didn’t look at Sara, but at Fuuma.
The girl who revolted and dropped the bouquet Sara tossed.
He was annoyed, and wanted to know the name of the girl who made him more annoyed. So he’d glanced at it while passing.
But that was it. He hadn’t meant to memorize it. But the name just flowed from his mouth naturally.
He glanced at her. She had a mediocre face, with an average height. She wasn’t fashionable. Just a plain t-shirt, shorts, and running shoes.
(This is...not my type at all.)
Sara acknowledged that he himself was attracted to a person by their looks. Girisha always told him to “look inside a person more!”, but he didn’t see the point. If the outside was good, then the inside must be too.
Though, when Sara asked Girisha for his type, he emphasized loudly “it’s gotta be someone with big boobs!!”, so he didn’t think Girisha’s opinion mattered.
“Your skin’s dry.”
“What do you mean!?” She jumped back, startled.
“You also have bags under your eyes. Focus on your looks more, you’re a girl after all.”
“Toujo-kun, you need to be more careful on these things...” She muttered.
But Sara wasn’t wrong. The bags under her eyes were really bad. It looked like she tried to use concealer, but she still looked like she wasn’t getting enough sleep. Her complexion was bad too.
“Are you dressed like that for a run? Why don’t you just go to sleep instead?”
“I’m fine, I decided to run everyday.”
“Are you on a diet? That’s wasteful.”
“That’s not it! It’s not a diet and it’s not wasteful! You need to be mindful what you say to girls!” She puffed her cheeks like a hamster.
Sara had been mindful, though. Lack of sleep could easily cause dry skin and weight gain. If she was on a diet, she needed to sleep like a bear instead of running.
She sighed. “Well, I wasn’t exactly expecting to go over my calorie consumption...”
“So it’s a diet after all.”
“But that’s not the main thing. When I look for inspiration, I run along the riverside. My grandpa taught me that there’s beauty in nature.”
“Inspiration? Beauty?”
“Yeah, when I run with my mind empty, the beauty in nature seems to shine. Like the glittering river, the feathers of a waterfowl, there’s even beauty in the clouds and river stones. And it starts to give me new chocolate ideas.”
“Chocolate ideas..?”
“Yes...I dream of being a chocolatier.” She looked embarrassed, but she still looked up at Sara with a smile.
(...I see...she might be a bit better than mediocre...)
He looked away when that thought came to mind.
“The most important thing for a chocolatier is a sense of originality. It’s necessary to have the advanced technology to make use of the best cacao, because texture and flavor aren’t enough...”
“Oh...I’m sorry. You’re probably not interested in this.”
“Well, I really like sweets.” When he answered this, her face brightened.
“Then, you should visit the chocolate specialty store called Mimi nearby! It’s my grandpa’s shop!”
“Maybe if I feel like it. And I understand what you’re saying, so I won’t tell you to stop going on runs. But won’t you at least go to bed early and get proper sleep?”
“I study at night.”
“Oh, do you get bad grades?”
“That’s not it! There are various hurdles that have to be cleared in order to do things I want to do. Grandpa’s chocolate and Dolce’s events are also taking me hostage.”
“My parents have conditions for me, and I agreed to them. And my grandpa’s chocolates are the best, but he was thinking of closing down the shop, and I wanted to help in any way I can.”
He understood that she liked them. Her grandfather, the chocolate, the shop...he could tell by her facial expression.
“My mom said I can’t let my grades fall just because I’m helping at the shop.”
“Well, you’re still a student. So you won’t be allowed to go to Dolce events if your grades dropped?”
“Yeah, and I would hate that! I won’t die if I miss out on some sleep, but if I can’t meet Fuuma-kun, then I will die!”
“Tch.” Sara glanced at her blankly as she gripped her own fists.
“Did you like Fuuma so much that you knocked down my bouquet?”
Her eyes widened, and then her face turned red. She lowered her head a little.
“That was...not on purpose. I’m sorry.”
“You’re so devoted I barely noticed.”
“Yes, I’m very devoted! I can only see Fuuma-kun!”
Her face seemed brighter now, and her glittering eyes made him feel somewhat annoyed.
“Ah- of course, I support Dolce as a whole! Please do your best! Well...excuse me.” She bowed her head low before taking off on her run.
When she left, his phone rang again. It had been buzzing the entire time they were talking.
But she never questioned why he didn’t answer his phone. So he was relieved about that.
Maybe she saw Sara throw the phone away and suspected something was wrong and tried to take care of him.
When the call stopped, Sara turned off vibration mode. He really wanted to reject the call itself, but if he did, she would probably fly back. He couldn’t do anything.
“...Leave me alone, already.” Sara clicked his tongue and started walking. “Hmm..?” he noticed something had fallen when he was walking away.
When he looked at it, he noticed it was a small notepad with the name Ouji Uru written on it.
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for the one word prompt— butterflies
Title: through murky waters and twisted paths
Summary: Only fools with a death wish enter the Forgotten Forest. Everyone knows trickster spirits lived there that would love nothing more than to make a quick meal or gain amusement out of a human. Virgil knows all the stories–he’s told them to the village children himself. None of that matters to him any longer.
Pairings: platonic intruxiety
Word-Count: 1.5k
Warnings: G/T, morally grey Remus, fantasy racism, body horror, ostracization, self-hatred & deprecation, suicidal ideations, hunger, death mention, blood mention, non-graphic references to violence, angst with a happy ending
hi I spent way more research on this fic than intended. I also forgot about this for like two months, opps. pls enjoy :)
As the sun sinks low into its’ grave Virgil ventures deeper into the Forgotten Forest, where the trees grow as tall as giants and the moss grows thick. Spirits live in the forest. Trickster spirits, ones that view humans as nothing more than amusement or an easy meal. He’s heard all the stories, he’s told them to the village children himself. None of that matters now.
(First came the cravings. He devoured everything in sight–his stomach never satisfied. At night he’d clutch his stomach as it growled. Always growling, wanting more, more, more)
With each step, he fights against the fear building with each heartbeat. It is quiet in the woods. Too quiet. Where are the bustling of the squirrels and chirping of the birds? Have they been eaten? Will that be his fate as well? As if to answer him, the earth trembles beneath his feet. Virgil stumbles, grasping a tree trunk for support. A choked cry escapes his lips.
(Then, as quickly as the cravings came, they stopped. He had little time to ponder this as exhaustion seeped into his bones. Sleep, he needed sleep. He pulled a blanket over his head, enclosing himself into a husk of darkness.)
“Whoa! You okay, little fella?”
Virgil’s breath seizes. The voice. It’s big and booming like thunder during a fierce storm. Quivering, he tilts his head up, up, up to a figure as tall as the trees themselves. A figure with pale-green skin and dressed in earthy colors. A crown of leaves rests atop their head. A spirit–a giant to be exact.
Virgil tries screaming. All that comes out is a pitiful squeaky click of his teeth.
(He awoke thrashing, constrained in an impossibly tight space. His first immediate thought was that he’d been buried alive. He needed to break out of the coffin. Out, out, out! He scratched and clawed to no avail. Fluid oozed out of him–blood? It had to be blood.)
“Whoa! Aggressive, I like it! Hiya, my name’s Remus, what’s yours?” The giant crouches down, his movements shaking the forest floor. Virgil barely manages to keep a hold on the tree trunk.
“V-virgil.” He tells the giant. He really shouldn’t give his name away just like that. Everybody knows you don’t give spirits that type of power. But he can hardly bring himself to care. 
“Virgil? Ooh what a juicy name,” Remus smacks his lips, “You know I could totally squash you with one finger!”
“Do it.”
“What?” The giant blinks, mouth agape. 
“Did I stutter?” Virgil asks, jaw clenching, “Do it–kill me, put me out my misery. I’m a monstrosity–I shouldn’t exist anyways.”
(His coffin cracked open. Except dirt didn’t come pouring in–sunlight did. He clung to the edge of it and froze. Something was wrong. His breathing–he couldn’t breathe! At least not in the way he was most intimately familiar with. Oxygen seeped through passageways. Not his nose or mouth but elsewhere. He looked down at not one, but two pairs of hands. He screamed. His skin no longer a pale complexion but an unnatural shade of purple. A pair of hands frantically clutched his face. He felt two normal ears, two normal eyes and two long strands of…hair?)
The giant’s grin vanishes as anger seeps onto his very large face. Virgil shudders, his instincts urging him to flee. He can feel air rushing behind him, his feet leaving the forest ground. Nothing happens because the giant snatches him up faster than he can blink. 
(It wasn’t hair. It twitched out of its own volition, smelling his very sweaty palms. With a shriek, he leapt backwards as the spot between his shoulder blades burned. Two brightly-colored appendages flare out from the corner of his eye–surely something horrid like another set of arms. He kept scrambling backwards, as if he could run away from himself. He never stood a chance against that rock. His foot caught the edge of it and Virgil went tumbling down.)
“Hey! Who says you shouldn’t exist?” Remus demands, lips curling backwards to reveal sharp teeth. He holds Virgil in a grip much looser than he expects. It still doesn’t stop Virgil’s heart rate from accelerating.
“I–I do.”
 “Well, I’ll mash up their insides and feed it to the–wait, you do?” Remus blinks, “why?” 
(He woke up to voices. Angry voices. Voices that once familiar and warm now bent with vitriol and disgust. Voices of people he’d called friends and neighbors. Voices of people that called him a demon and a monster. Voices that welcomed him in, gave him food and a honest living. Voices that drove him out, casting charms and wards against him.)
“Just–just look at me!” Virgil says, swallowing nervously, “I’m a demon, I’ll–I’ll possess your soul if you don’t kill me.”
“A demon?” Remus asks, before bellowing with laughter, “I’ve seen plenty of demons before. Best friends with one, lemme tell ya. I know them when I see ‘em and you ain’t a demon.”
“Then…what do you think I am?” 
(He found himself on the edge of the Forgotten Woods. Forgotten because it was so ancient. Forgotten because it was best to forget about it. Long before he was born, spirits took hold of the forest. Killing or thralling any humans who dared enter their domain. But he wasn’t quite human now, was he?)
Remus doesn’t directly answer Virgil. He summons something with his other hand. An oval-shaped object, with wooden trim and vines growing around it. A mirror. One that looms enormous over Virgil, but scaled to the giant is a hand-mirror. Remus’ grip on Virgil releases, causing him to fall back onto the giant’s  palm. Virgil’s teeth click again as he stands on shaky legs. His eyes trail upwards, into the face of his reflection.
(Black horns. Glowing eyes. A long forked tongue. These were the details he could make out in the murky puddle he came across)
Black antennas poking out of plum-colored locks. Watery, lilac-tinged spotted eyes. A thin long curled tongue between fangs. Violet skin smooth and hardened. Four arms entangle together in a tight embrace. His shoulder blades twinges as slightly crumpled wings emerge from behind his back. Dark velvet wings reminiscent of butterflies.
“See!” Remus asks, almost bouncing in place, “You’re a bruise-colored nightmare of a changeling! Why shouldn’t you exist?”
“Yeah changeling–” Remus’ eyes widen, “Ooohhh. You didn’t know, did ya? What was it like? The hunger, I mean? What weird shit did you eat to satiate it? Or the chrysalis! Did you retain any memory inside of it while you turned into a gooey liquid? I bet it was cool–”
“I can’t be a changeling,” Virgil interrupts, a hand gripping at his hair, “I wasn’t super smart, or–or sickly. I was–”
“–a child,” Remus says, his voice suddenly calm and serious, “just a child no different than a human’s young no matter what those hypocritical bastards believe.”
(A few months ago he stood in the middle of the village, Mable’s and Urtha’s children swarming him. ‘Please Virgil,’ they chanted, ‘one more story! One more story!’ ‘Alright,’ he said laughing, ‘alright but just one more okay? I got work to do.
‘One day a mother checked on her child’s crib and cried out in anguish. For her child sported a beard and had long thin teeth. Sharp and spindly, good at tearing through flesh. The child’s grey eyes held a spark too wise. Its head was too small, disproportionate from its body. For it was not her child in the crib. It was a changeling.’)
“I don’t want this, please.” Virgil begs, slumping his head downwards.
The giant’s eyes, more than twice the size of him, regard him. With a flick, the mirror disappears. He reaches out with his other hand. Virgil tenses, waiting for the spirit to crush him. A single finger raises his chin up gently.
“I won’t kill you,” Remus says and with it Virgil’s heart plummets, “I mean, killing is fun. But this wouldn’t be fun for me or you, I promise. Ya know what’d be fun?”
“What?” Virgil asks. He wonders if he’s about to become Remus’ servant. Or worse, a plaything. Something for the giant to screw around with until he played too rough. There’s nothing Virgil could do to stop him. He’s too small to fight back even if he wanted to. 
“If we became friends.”
“Friends? What? Why?!”
“Why not?” The giant grins crookedly, “does there have to be a reason?”
“…I guess not.”
“Okay, fine, it’s whatever.” Virgil concedes, body drooping with exhaustion. He hasn’t eaten since he woke up changed and disoriented. He yelps, a jolt of adrenaline pumping through his veins as the giant presses him against his chest in a hug of some sort.
“Great! You won’t regret this!” 
“I think I do.”
“That’s the spirit!” Remus cheers, oddly unfazed as he still holds Virgil close to his chest, “now woulda like to meet my demon friend? Half his face is a snake!”
“Sure,” Virgil yawns. He can’t help it–Remus is warm and for the moment, doesn’t seem interested in maiming him. He falls asleep to the rhythmic stomps of Remus as he traverses through the woods, rambling all the way.
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aj-allen97 · 3 years
Zack Snyder Justice League part Six and Epilouge:
- The real wonder is the fact Mama Kent managed to leave a few boxes behind...is she coming back for them??? Or did she cut her loses on them???
- Does anyone even know who Bruce Wayne is??? The fact that Bruce Introduces Alfred as his boss like he’s hasn’t been introducing himself as Bruce Wayne
- Wait...hasn’t everyone veen to the batcave already??
- a sweet little filler when the whole Kent family getting back together again...
-how exactly do they explain Clark’s sudden revival from the dead??? Superman would have been easy enough to explain?? But Clark? Of no no this isn’t Clark...this is Clark’s twin brother....Mark Kent...
- Oh course Arthur would point that out - after all he does have a close relationship with his own father
- You Need to See This Cliche
- Aww Cyborg fixed the ship so sweet - now off to die!
- I love how we don’t even see Orm in the reshoots - the King of Atlantis and yet his reaction to the mother box’s going boom is not as important as Meras and Vulkos reaction
- The Fortress of Solitude and fatherly advice
- Screw the Red and Blue color scheme I’m feeling black and grey today
- Can’t tell if Superman is one step away from becoming Justice Lord Superman or not....
- I will admit I’m glad the family filler was cut out - they weren’t the only family I’m sure and yet they got prime time
- Well that was easy...
- I am really really hoping this town is abandoned in this version because the implication that it might not be is quite frankly terrifying for some reason
- Victor put all that effort in repairing that plane and giving her wings back only for Bruce to once again clipped them
- The Batmobile vs paradeamons scene is pretty BA tbh - and gore-y
- So can Wonder Women fly? I feel like the context of her powers changes with each new film
- Arthur...I don’t think that’s how gravity works....
- Hehe Batman’s ejector seat
- Apparently none of these paradeamons know how to properly shoot - they must have learn to shoot at the same place storm troopers learn to shoot
- I love Batman’s little shaded googles
- Holy Moly Mama Currys triton has game in this version, To bad Arthur didn’t have that triton by the time his own film came around
- Diana I love you and you are way more awesome in this version - and your theme music? *chefs kiss*
- ooh the creepy spider arms are back
- Don’t listen to him Diana he’s full of smoke and lies
- Poor baby - victor get you butt in gear and put Barry out of his misery
- Woohoo Go Superman Go!!!
- Not so tough without your ax now?
- WooHoo superpower team up!!! Wonder Woman, Superman and Aquaman for the win!!!
- That must’ve hurt!
- No Barry No! Poor baby is hurt and probably panicking
- Mother Goodness looks much more terrifying here then in any animated versions Iv seen
- What are you up to Barry?
- speed force???
- It is the Speed Force!!!
- Now the real question did the super nova blast kill even Superman? Diana? Aquaman?? It definitely kill Batman and Cyborg? But what about those three?
- It did kill even those three!?! Wow what a blast!
- also slightly freeky seeing them being put back together again from the molecule up
- Do Not Fall for this!! Not after what Barry went through for you!
- Hell yeah you ain’t broken!!! And hell yeah you ain’t alone!!! The Justice League is your family now! Never forget!
- Hell Yeah Aquaman and Wonderman show Darksied and his minions the Justice Leave means business!!!
- Was Steppenwolf horn things hollow??? Weird?
- Also Darksied castle is a good creepy - love the color scheme and decor not gonna lie
- The Ship Still Flies!!!
- Every One (except Batman) is wearing a darker color version of their comics counter parts costumes that I’m getting serious Justice Lords vibes
- It’s a good thing Papa Stone didn’t throw that out when he found it broken
- Why not swim?? Wouldn’t that be faster??
- So would Bruce technically be the teams own version of Daddy Warbucks??? There are many orphans and half orphans within the team technically...
- Look how Proud and Happy Papa Allen is of Barry! Sooo sweet!
- “I bough the Bank” tbh the best flex ever not gonna lie
- It was nice to show Diana being homesick for a moment - shows that she’s still coping and all
- I love how Barry has officially embraced his powers and became a superhero who enjoys his job
- Soooo...how did they explain Clark’s sudden revival?!? The Whole Yeah Clark is dead but I’m His Twin Mark???
- Like your telling me No one was curious on how both Clark and Superman were dead and now both alive now?? No one put two and two together???
- Gotham Home of Emotionally Troubled hahahaha
- Finally A Villain puts two and two together!!!
- So that’s what Earth would have looked like it Steppenwolf won...huh...
- I’m guessing this is the same Vision Cyborg had were Arthur and Diana were dead and Superman is Evil???
- Apparently every Gotham Villain knows Batman secret identity- not for sure why - after all he’s so good at keeping it under wraps 🙄
- Poor Rose??? .... Superman’s daughter? A nickname for Lois??? A quote from a sitcom?
- So was this a what if Steppenwolf won?? A altered reality where Steppenwolf won and how Batman keeps sending Flash back in time to prevent it???
- The third loved Joker was gonna mention was Jason Todd’s Robin - so that means there were more robins before Jason
- I’m guessing Joker killed Harley and Batman was there for her final moments? Or someone killed Harley because of her connections to Joker??
- The Badges on Jokers tactical vest are probably trophies
- And Evil Superman is wearing his iconic red and blue super suite
- OH OH Martian Manhunter!!!!! We’re where you earlier?!?
- ehh better late then never
-Bruce has zero cares about his secret identity
- Bruce you could have offered him some coffee or tea! Alfred raised you better then that!
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
Hey bro, I hope you're doing well🥺💖 if your hcs are open, could you do hcs with bucci gang and a s/o getting catcalled/street harassed (only if this is not a trigger for you obviously)? I am upset 🙂🙂🙂...ANYWAy I love you sOoo much Morgane
This is extremely late my apologies but dw I don’t mind writing for sensitive topics such as this one!!! Behavior like this absolutely enrages me and you have all the rights to be upset because it’s fuckin vile. It goes without saying but tw harassment yadda yadda.
- He’s usually freakishly good at masking his true feelings and overall keeping his calm under pressure, but if he were to actually witness you getting catcalled he’s going to go lowkey sicko mode. His motherly/protective instincts kick in and he’s instantly death glaring the person who dared wrong you like that right on his weary watch. Honestly he’d feel like throwing a fit even if it didn’t happen before his very eyes. No, he’d be EVEN more enraged if you’d just come home one day and tell him that since he wasn’t there to intervene.
- At this point he doesn’t even have to do much, all that it takes is for Bruno to shoot said person a quick murderous glare then tell them to beat it and they’ll instantly fuck off not even 2 seconds later. After they are out of scene, he flips back to his usual calm and polite self (the d u a l i t y of man) as he proceeds to check up on you by asking if that asshole’s words managed to get to you. Hell, this man is going to be comforting you for hours and wouldn’t let go of you unless you were absolutely certain you were feeling at least just a little better.
- No matter your response, Bruno is going to pull you into his arms and firmly let you know that he’ll never let anyone hurt you. As long as he lives and he’s by your side he’s going to fight whoever dares to bother you, you have his absolute word for it. Normally he’d at first try solving the issue through diplomatic means but there’s just something about catcalling that utterly enrages him and makes him lose control for a few seconds, let alone if it’s his partner we’re talking about. Tl;dr: dont fucking make the mistake of wronging his s/o, he’ll fucking end you.
- Just like Bruno, but 3 times more menacing if that’s even possible. If Bruno managed to hold himself back just a bit and didn’t let his anger COMPLETELY consume him in that moment, our dear aries right here is quite the opposite. Sure it’s not like he’s going to throw said person into a death loop of despair (although that’s the first thing that would cross his mind), but in that second Gio wouldn’t really be able to mask his emotions like he usually does.
- If it happened before his eyes, that person is as good as dead. He merely steps in between you two, hooks an arm around your waist and “kindly” asks said person to repeat themselves since he’s not sure whether he heard them correctly or not the first time. At this point the person in question would already be getting lowkey uneasy since Gio’s aura and overall presence would be goddamn menacing, and so they’d be beating it in due time after he throws them a cold glare and tells them to never speak to you in this way ever again.
- Akin to Bruno, he’d revert back to his usual calm self right after that asshole leaves then ever so gently he’d check up on you and tell you that you should ignore their dirty, meaningless words and that he’ll be there to protect you always. That day Gio would try his best at keeping you preoccupied and cheering you up since he wouldn’t want you to think of this experience again. He’d put on an unbothered mask for you but deep down he’d still be fuming at the thought of another person just...insulting someone like that. Not only a random someone, but HIS beloved.
- Straight up shoves his fist in front of their face, I ain’t even joking. The second he hears them whistling and saying some dumb dirty shit he’s instantly walking over to them whilst seeing fucking red and asking if they have a problem with HIS partner. As said person would desperately try explaining themselves, Abbacchio would merely scowl then threaten to beat the fuck out of them if they don’t fuck outta here in the next 3 seconds.
- He’d be highkey scary threatening that person like that but would then try calming himself down in order to be able to actually think rationally again and check up on you. By the time he’d walk over you and grab your shoulders whilst asking if you’re alright, poor Abba would still be breathing heavily, his cheeks tinted red from the previous intense anger episode. He’d immediately escort you away from the place where the harassment happened as he’d keep reassuring you that you’re safe now with him here.
- That day Abba would keep replaying that episode inside his head over and over because he simply cannot understand how someone could just speak to a stranger in such a horrible way, and the thought of you getting insulted like that is enough to send him into a fit of anger, let alone if you were actually touched by said person. He’s absolutely ready to square up for you 25/8 and, although he’s not the best with words, he’s going to make sure that you’re feeling better and would keep cuddling and comforting you for as long as you need in an attempt to make you forget about the incident.
- Makes a damn scene and rightfully so. He’s already a very touchy guy even in public, so the fact that the person in question clearly saw the both of you together and STILL decided to hit on you absolutely enrages him. Hell, even if you were alone what do they think gives them the right to talk to someone else like that??? Mista cannot wrap his head around it and at this point he doesn’t even try to anymore, he’s full on f u m i n g. He already took on some fuckers that were harassing a poor woman in the past and will gladly do it again for his partner.
- Whether he was there when it happened or not, you bet your ass that Mista is going to go on a rant and insult that person’s entire bloodline, mostly using italian curse words of course. He’d hate himself for not being there to properly protect you if it happened when you were alone, but if we’re talking about him actually WITNESSING that scene then it’s game fucking o v e r. Mista would just go like “O I” then waltz towards that rude ass with his fist clenched and brows tightly knitted together in sheer anger. He’d be screaming his ass off at that person telling them to never get near you again, calling them out on their bs right in front of everyone else on the damn street.
- He wouldn’t be afraid to legit fight them whilst everyone was watching either so you’d most likely have to drag his ass away from there or else he’d end up fucking killing them or something. Mista would need some time to come down from his rage episode but when he does he’s going to be apologizing over and over for his outburst, quite literally crushing you into his arms afterwards and trying not to fucking cry whilst telling you how much he loves you and how he’s going to beat up anyone else that tries wronging you like that again. Expect him to be EVEN more clingy than usual for the next few hours as well since he can get v e r y protective over you.
- As expected, probably the one that erupts the worst. If you thought Mista and Abbacchio threw a scene honey you ain’t seen s h i t. The second he hears that person call out to you in an insulting way he’s violently whipping his head around towards them, his jaw clenched and hands trembling with anger. In that second said person knows they F U C K E D U P because Fugo starts screaming his ass off and calling them all sorts of colorful insults.
- Just like in Mista’s case you’d have to hold him down or else he can and WILL kill them. Fugo has absolutely 0 patience and regard for people that do this also because of personal reasons, so it would almost be ptsd inducing for the poor man. Not only would he be utterly enraged with such behavior directed at a total stranger (who also happened to be his beloved mind you), but it would also remind him of some past experiences he wished he could forget. 
- Afterwards Fugo will be unusually clingy and significantly more open with his feelings, telling you over and over how he’ll stop at nothing to protect you and constantly expressing his love for you through gentle touches and soft words. He’s normally extremely shy when it comes to showing affection, but after this he’d feel an overwhelming need to be there for you and comfort you through your distress, swearing that he’ll protect you no matter what and that you shouldn’t care for such heinous comments coming from an uneducated rude ass.
- At first is flabbergasted and tries to process what that person just said. Did he hear that right?? Are they really serious?? Did they really just dare to mess with Y O U???? That’s it, Narancia is angrily stomping towards the scene, throwing an arm around your shoulders whilst straight up bullying your harasser for their disgusting behavior. Now if said person tries mocking him that would be their last mistake because Narancia can and WILL throw goddamn fists regardless of who’s watching.
- He’ll tell off anyone that bothered you then smother you in hugs and spoil you with anything you wanted in an attempt to cheer you up. He’s also a surprisingly good listener so you can pretty much pour your heart out at him for he will sit through it all then proceed to comfort and hug you plenty. He may be smol but Narancia has no fear of fighting for his close ones, so he’ll let you know that whenever someone else starts bs you should immediately call him.
- He doesn’t like dwelling in the negative feelings and will instruct you on doing the same. Basically, he’ll try getting your mind off of things to the best of his abilities and is going to constantly be encouraging and reassuring you. Narancia is pretty much a walking serotonin machine who will be your emotional support human as well as your “bodyguard” because he really likes to pride himself in protecting and keeping you safe.
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