#somfte moment so true
ghasedak · 2 years
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numero duo! forehead kissies geraskier that is kinda wonky but it’s ok because it is Oh So Somft.
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arklay · 2 years
oh. just thought about how shit it would feel for diana every time [redacted] is tender with her after she told him she loved him and he hadn't said it back. big oof
#like i have said right like it didn't matter to her if he said it back right? and that she just wanted to tell him cause that's how she#feels and she wanted him to know. and that's all true like if he never says it back then so be it like she will deal with it and move on#(aka her denying she really wants this and just rationalising her emotions rip in pieces) but that doesn't change the fact that her stomach#drops every time whenever he is soft with her because she's still so confused. she doesn't know if he feels anything back for her but then#why would he be so tender with her? she hates that she let herself have feelings for him. hates that she's in love with a man who might not#be able to give that back to her. because for as much as she says she doesn't care for romance or that she doesn't need it deep down she#has always wanted such a connection with someone and she has that with him. they get each other. she's never felt so *known* before but#then why doesn't he love her back? and it's like diana pleaaase he does!! he does so so much!! he just doesn't want to admit it to himself!#like them both just having these overwhelming emotions for each other which they haven't really felt before and both don't know how to deal#with it oughghg and diana just like knowing okay yeah we are friends and he's shown he cares for her but does he love her? and she just#doesn't know. she's so confused. so him being soft always makes her tense up a little bit after she tells him she loves him and he just#stayed quiet. it didn't feel like a slap in the face at a time but after all this time oh boy it sure does now... like arhghghgggh idk if i#am wording what i'm trying to get across properly but i am having so many emotions about them tonight send help#and yeah this was about the somft spicy thought i had like literally okay so beforehand like not even very soft moments but she was#standing in the doorway while he was just relaxing in bed and he reached a hand out and she got so like eeeee right but then sitting on the#edge of the bed and tentatively taking his hand cause her stomach just feels so tight and she's so oughg bye i am passing away#pair: ewskers#leah.txt
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
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director fu attended one of btf’s viewing and expressed his thoughts :
During the Spring Festival, I went to see Wuming by myself, and then I went to see it again. I don’t know. I was still asking myself whether it was Wuming one or King of the Sky. I can see a little bit of his step by step growth. I think that of course there is a director who thinks that there is a teacher's help. Is the point of view that he ( yibo ) is like my son? *laughs* That's not the meaning. I am very happy to see the competition of a well-known and talented actor. There are many times when he makes a shot. At that moment, he doesn’t need any training, but should he? I think I’m very happy today, very happy, very happy Uh, I didn't expect it to be so good. It's a bit unfair to say, but to be honest, It exceeded my expectations when I entered this theater. I think Chinese movies are actually like this kind of film. Everyone has a fixed pattern when entering this theater. When the audience is looking forward to it, the audience is looking forward to the typed expression of a genre film. Whether the typed expression of a genre film uses real emotions to express the delivery, and the delivery is true. — video source —
Noooooo! This is making me so somft. Director Fu has always been in Yibo’s corner. He’s the one i really remember who was very vocal in praising Bobo’s acting skills in BAH and how he has a bright future as an actor. I don’t think people were taking him seriously and thought he was just hyping the drama — but he was right. He always believed in Yibo. 💟
and yes, that’s Du Hua right next to him! they even took a selfie! lol DH, i know you took a selfie with Yibo too, so please share with us 🫵🏻
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piracytheorist · 1 year
What's this? More clueless reacting?
Continuation of this as @yumeka-sxf outdid themselves and sent me more out-of-context spoiler-free manga screenshots.
Reminder to not spoil me about those. Let me have my fun.
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This four five "six"-year-old is going through. A Lot. I kinda love how that ranges from difficult math problems to protecting her loved ones from bombs, which should be terrifying but I am not immune to Endo's writing and humor. All Forgers deserve their peace and what Anya deserves in particular is to get more rascal gremlin time than stressed gremlin time.
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That's more like it! Badass Anya!
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Since That scene of "there's a trace of true emotion in his smile" I am growing weak on the knees every time Loid smiles because. How do I know for sure it's all fake? What is there to dispute my view that his expressions are starting to betray his true emotions?
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*grasps chest* *gently touches screen* *screams*
SOMFT 😭😭 Is he looking at Anya here I am going to SCREAM if he's looking at Anya here. Or even just thinking about them I'd take anything. MY SOUL FOR SOMFT LOID 😭😭😭😭😭
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I've been so used to such expressions that I immediately assume something funny is happening here. I cannot for the life of me make out the environment around him, or if he could be shocked by looking at something/someone or is just leaning back and having a CrisisTM and staring at the void. Could be just Anya being 0.1 seconds away from accidentally revealing she knows he's a spy, though. Or maybe Yor made another exhibit of her super strength and he's left with the most confusing boner of his life.
Speaking of Yor...
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Oh boy I sure hope that doesn't awaken anything in me :) Is she killing someone or trying to cook? I love not knowing.
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1. More adorable Yor that deserves the best and 2. WHO HURT HER. SHE LOOKS SAD. WHOM DO I HAVE TO BEAT UP. IS IT LOID IMMA BEAT HIS SHIT UP I DON'T CARE. Or maybe she's just shy about something. I love not knowing!
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Again that's probably like, something funny happening here. Those two don't have normal reactions to normally frightening stuff. That's why they're made for each other :D
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Like sister, like brother am I right. What is he so shocked about. Did Loi-Loi kiss Yor's hand I wish lol and that shan't happen? I love how when ShockTM happens, Endo takes the "square mouth" route.
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A fancy man! I genuinely love not knowing what's happening you have no idea.
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This could be Becky's reaction to thinking about or seeing Loid but it's gonna make my heart grow three times its size if it's Anya she's so loving with ;_;
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LMAO those were sent in random order but putting them together makes it look like it's progress from one to the other. What is Bond all shoujo-filtered about. Is it a good steak? Anya being adorable? And then he's sweating about stuff again. I love (painful) how being a part of the Forger family means dealing with unimaginable stress. Is he thinking about Yor's poisonous cooking? That might make his blushed reaction the opposite then... thinking about Loid's cooking XD
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I smell character development. He's sweating in both cases so in the first one he's not just being a little shit. It means Stuff is happening. Do you see what a few drops of manga sweat can do.
For some reason it's in this one that I see his O_O expression and I'm like "oh serious stuff is happening is his father being horrible to him again" instead of thinking that it could be a funny moment. I love not knowing and I love not knowing when those stuff will happen, I genuinely mean it.
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
I love Vamp Machina, I love the suffering and the angst, but I can please ask for some fluff and somft?
🍽️ Dinner date with Vaxleth in Vamp Machina?
Send me emoji(s) and I'll write a drabble this is the au!
There's so much that Vax can't do. Trips down to the beach and long walks through the park and a tour of the gardens in the center of the city. Lazy mornings in the first stray sunbeams and sunsets on the roof and photos during golden hour. There are so many ways, so many times he cannot bask in her light, no matter how much he wants to, no matter how beautiful he knows she'd be in the full glory of day.
So instead, he does this. Flowers at the front door. Holding out her jacket so she can slip her arms in. A moonlit stroll through town to an undisclosed location. The entire time she's peppering him with guesses, a twenty-questions style investigation to figure out where he's taking her—but he hasn't lived this long by spilling secrets too early. He even takes the long way, hoping the circuitous route throws off her expectations, which it does, so she's perfectly surprised when a quick turn between buildings has them stumbling out right on the edge of the property of the city zoo.
"The zoo?" Keyleth's face crumples in confusion. "It's...the middle of the night. They've been closed for hours."
Vax smirks and says drolly, "Oh no, they've been closed for hours. If only I weren't burdened with this deep, abiding respect for the laws and customs of mortals."
She makes a face. "We can't break in."
"Of course we can't." In a flash, she's in his arms and he's jumping, an impossibly high arc up over the outer wall that ends with an eerily smooth landing onto the pebbled walkway of the zoo interior. He sets her down gently. "We can jump in, however."
He watches her chew on her lip, her curiosity clearly starting to edge out over her better judgement. He helps her along by taking her hand, tugging her along. "C'mon. I've got it all set up over here."
There's a little spot just in front of the gray wolf enclosure, with unobstructed view into their rambling range and enough space on the ground for him to have set up a large picnic blanket, the basket waiting for them. Her jaw drops. "How...?"
He settles atop the blanket and begins pulling out containers of food. "One day, you're going to stop being surprised by the things I can do. I, for one, am very glad that day is not today." He pats the blanket next to him, and she sits. "I picked salads because I figure meat dishes are not ideal when we're observing wolves."
Keyleth grins, accepting her salad. "Why the wolves?"
Vax shrugs. "They're nocturnal, so they're going to be active while we're here. They're beautiful, of course, and...wolves lives in families, big communities where everyone takes care of each other. They're pretty inspirational."
She nudges him with her foot. "You're a big sap sometimes, you know that?"
He smiles, because it's true. Just then, one of the wolves comes loping closer to the giant glass barrier, and Keyleth gasps, watching the majestic creature as it passes by, its fur a silvery gleam in the moonlight. Vax can't look away from her awe, her fascination with the the scene in front of her.
"Oh, if he weren't incredibly deadly, I'd cuddle the hell out of him."
Vax pouts. "I thought I was the only incredibly deadly thing you wanted to cuddle."
She feigns thoughtfulness. "You know, werewolves are so furry and warm..." She lets out a shriek as he leaps forward to tickle her sides. "Kidding! I'm kidding!"
From a distance, one of the wolves lets out a baleful howl, and they freeze, the sound reverberating through their bones. It is haunting and beautiful and thrilling, and for a moment, they're not on the cement floor of a city zoo, but far away, deep in the wilderness, away from his baggage and her responsibilities, the only two people left in the world.
"This is amazing," she breathes, and when she turns her head to look at him, he's right there, waiting to capture her lips in a kiss. She tastes like the night air and her honey lip balm, sweet and crisp and warm.
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bellsyafterdark · 2 years
Friday morning thot for you that's like... Half somft half crack. Little monsterbaby ad'ika eats just... So much. Din spends so much time nursing. And Paz spends so much time watching and yearning bc he wants to help Din but also he really wants that bonding opportunity with their baby. Adenn, as is their way, proceeds to fuck around until Paz lactates.
Friday morning thot transformed into my Sunday evening delight. I love this 🥰
cw pregnancy, lactation, breastfeeding, non-consensual body modification though Paz is ultimately into it, slight breeding kink
When ad'ika is born, she's one of the biggest newborns Paz has ever seen. He's quietly impressed Din managed to push her out and he understands why Din got so tired in the final months of carrying her, if so much of his energy was devoted to helping her grow. The pack had taken to one of them remaining by Din's side at all times as a passive energy source, and it proved to be a precious time for bonding one-on-one as well.
Paz is relieved that, after ad'ika is born, Din still needs them close.
Garsa's contact warned that with Din's cubi biology, he would likely lactate even if their child inherited his ability to feed on affection. They had to assume she would.
All her other parents take every available opportunity to feed her themselves, cradled close and talking to her gently, shorts walks that never take her far from Din as she blinks back at them with large, dark eyes yet to set their final colour. It's not clear how much this sustains her.
In Paz's mind, Adenn rumbles about the clarity of the child's eyes, the strength of her hands, like it knows anything about babies but Paz has his doubts. It's Paz's favourite time of the day when he gets her all to himself, nestled in the crook of his elbow like she was made for it. He tells her about his family, Concordia before the fall, how she would have had so many elders around to care and guide her if things were different.
His heart pangs for the life their daughter will never know, but when she blinks back at him so trusting and sleepy, he falls in love with her all over again, an almost overwhelming surge of hope and joy and protectiveness nearly buckling his knees. He feels she might forgive him.
He raises her to bury his face in her soft, swaddled belly, purring contentedly. Tiny hands swat and grip his hair, but she's too young to really complain yet.
"Child is strong," Adenn rumbles with approval behind Paz's thoughts, and he swells with pride. "And hungry."
Frowning, Paz pulls away to look.
It's true. Even with all that focused love and attention, ad'ika inevitably gurgles and gnaws at her tiny fist as she always does, hungry for something more. Paz pushes away the rub of disappointment that his adoration is not enough to fill her belly.
"Weaved her strong. She needs to feed," Adenn says, sensing his thoughts.
Paz doesn't quite understand what Adenn means when they talk like that. It was Din who grew her, they don't even know who her other parent is among them, all agreeing it didn't matter because they would love her just the same. But Paz wouldn't put it past the entity to have interfered somehow.
"Baby, I'm not suggesting anything elaborate," Fennec is sitting on their bed with Din when Paz enters their private suite. "I just know you're not getting enough and you're feeding for two now."
"I'm okay," Din says.
Both their eyes light up when they see Paz enter with the bundle in his arms.
"Oh!" Fennec holds out her arms, beaming. Paz has never seen her smile as much as since the little one has entered their lives. She all but scoops the baby from Paz the moment he's within range, crooning, "How's my little monster?"
Paz forces down his sting of disappointment. He will have an entire lifetime to hold their baby.
"Hungry already?" Din asks.
Paz chuckles, apologetic. "She's always hungry."
"Thank you," Din smiles gently, taking their daughter from Fennec's arms.
Paz lingers by the bedside, hands on his hips. He watches Din open his shirt. When his milk came in, Din's chest didn't get much larger, probably due to his past surgery, and Paz has privately wondered if that's part of why ad'ika always gets hungry so quickly.
He doesn't want to suggest it to Din. Din is doing his best. Paz wouldn't want him to feel insecure. But even Paz's chest is bigger than Din's. He glances down at himself, then to his riduur and the baby at his teat, comparing. Yes, Paz is definitely bigger.
"I have to join Boba, but he'll be with you from high noon," Fennec says, leaning in for a quick kiss and Din smiles, tired. "Love you." She nuzzles their baby's cheek, burring loud with affection and grinning when the little one grumbles, disturbed. "Love you."
Paz smiles when she hops up to her feet and rises on her tiptoes for him, face tipped up. He steadies her with a hand on her hip. Kisses her, gentle and sweet. "Love you," he tells her.
Fennec's eyes are bright and glittering with her smile. Love is a good look on her. "Love you," she whispers back.
Paz always takes a seat in the comfortable chair across the room to give Din a semblance of privacy. This seat used to be the coveted view for when the pack would take Din apart on this bed, but in two short months their lives have changed so much.
They are all so tired run off their feet catering to their child's whims, none of them have been thinking about sex.
Well, that may not entirely be true.
"Fennec asking you to feed more?"
Din doesn't look up from the baby in his arms, sighing. "Something like that."
"You been hungry, cyar'ika?"
The endearment earns him a glance and a little smile. Paz is so charmed how Din still lights up for them like their love has the ability to surprise him.
"I don't know," Din confesses, stroking their child's dark head of hair, thumbing her small ear. "More tired. But that's normal, right?"
"Yeah." Paz wrings his hands together, debating with himself. "Is there... something we could do to help feed her better? With our energy?"
Din glances up at him. Their sweet beroya. He looks so tired. "I don't know." He sounds regretful and embarrassed, it's only in recent past he learned about his true nature. He mutters, "I feel so unprepared for this."
Paz studies him, his softly mussed hair and the slow way he moves. "There could be merit to Fennec's suggestion. And maybe it would help her, too. Better nutrition."
Din snorts under his breath with a gentle smirk. "Nutrition." He gives Paz a knowing look and Paz just smiles back. Din's eyes soften. He nods to the empty space beside him. "Lie with me?"
They hardly bother making the bed these days with how rarely Din leaves it. Paz still pulls the sheets straight and settles on top, leaning against the headboard. Din shifts to cuddle his side, sighing with contentment when Paz's arm wrap around his shoulders.
In his arms, the little one finally detaches from the teat with a little burp, eyes shut.
"She fall asleep again?"
"Mm," Din hums, shifting her up to his shoulder to burp her properly. Paz enjoys her dopey, slack expression over Din's shoulder.
"And how are you, mesh'la?" Paz combs fingers through that mussed hair with the hand round his shoulder.
Din appears to think about it seriously. He pouts. "My nipples hurt."
Paz stifles a laugh at the sulking tone. He gently squeezes the arm around Din's shoulder. "I wish I could help you with that."
Din looks at him and his considerable chest. That little smirk is back. "If only."
Paz grins at his teasing tone and cups a large pec with his free hand, weighing it with pride. "They're big enough, right?"
Din looks like he would laugh if only he had the energy. "The biggest. Here." He passes ad'ika back to him, to Paz's surprised delight. "Let her suckle on you. Might keep her asleep. Let me rest."
Paz blinks as the bundle in his arms yawns wide, squirming. "Er, I don't have any milk."
Din waves him off, already turning his back to Paz and sliding down into a proper sleeping position. "She suckles for comfort."
The sheet is pulled over Din's shoulder and then he is out like a light.
Paz stares at the little girl in his hands. Glances at Din.
What could it hurt?
Paz startles awake with a brief snort, unsure what woke him. His senses, thrown wide, sense no danger. The sun is almost high in the sky outside.
He is still sitting up against the headboard. Din sleeps on at his side.
And where ad'ika nestles against his chest, she gurgles wetly, suckling at his bared nipple, eyes shut in contentment.
The seal of her mouth is conspicuously white.
Another pinch of sensation makes Paz gasp with a wince, as though his entire pectoral muscle just seized, and he realises that's what woke him.
"Ah, ad'ika, wait--"
She whimpers as she's pulled away from his chest. White drops well up from Paz's nipple where she had been fastened a moment ago.
Paz stares, uncomprehending. He swipes fingertips at the liquid and finds his hands have clawed, black veins standing tall.
"Adenn," he growls. He glowers from his hand to his chest to his baby who is blinking awake, struggling to focus on him with accusation for interrupting her meal.
His tongue darts at his fingertips. It's sweet.
His cheeks heat, embarrassed.
What did you do?
The entity's answer is a rasping laugh.
"Oh, puppy."
Paz looks up.
Across the room, Boba stands on the threshold of their suite, eyes bright with interest. He's staring at Paz's bared chest where his nipples are dark and swollen and beading milk when their baby whimpers.
Boba has that look of a plan brewing, eyes sharp, hungry smile growing with all those teeth. He sheds armour and kute as he crosses the room, one piece at a time.
"What's the old goo done to you this time?"
Paz hurries to fasten ad'ika back on his chest before her cries can wake Din. He doesn't know what he's doing. The way she immediately settles strikes him with sudden pride.
"I don't know," he says.
Boba stands at his side by the bed, hanging his armour. "You can feed her."
"I don't have any answers," Paz wards him off before he can ask.
"Does it hurt?"
"Does it feel good?"
Paz feels the blush up to his ears at Boba's suggestive tone and stubbornly refuses to look his way. "Different."
A smooth, scaled touch closes on his shoulder. "May I?"
On his left pec, their baby girl nurses, blissfully half-asleep and oblivious to the world. His right pec beads milk in sympathy, neglected. Boba stands on his right.
"Um," Paz stammers. "Okay."
He is not ready for the way Boba sinks to his knee and leans forward in one fell swoop, reptilian tongue extending forth. He sears Paz's bare nipple in a broad, long stripe.
Paz shivers at the sensation, conflicted at the frisson of heat that fans out from that point of contact, almost hunching protectively round their baby.
Boba hums, watching Paz's face. "Sweeter than expected. But seems safe." His head cocks. "Adenn change anything else for you? I wonder...."
Paz stiffens at the warm hand that curls round his upper thigh and smoothly delves between his legs. The breath catches in his chest as Boba palms his cock and balls through his loose pants, fingers curling, seeking with a practiced touch.
With ad'ika attached to his chest, Paz immediately understands why Din has shown virtually no interest in sex since the birth.
Boba purrs and pulls his hand back. He almost sounds disappointed. "Worth a shot."
Paz stares at him, ears ringing.
Worth a shot? Was Boba hoping to find something else between his legs? Maybe... something more like Din?
He's suddenly assaulted with a mental image of himself groaning face down in this bed, knees spread wide with Boba hungrily hunching his hips against him with conspicuously wet slaps of skin.
His mouth waters. His cheeks burn.
"You always wanted a big family, didn't you, puppy?" Boba smiles at him like he knows exactly what he's imagining and the glint of those teeth is a promise. "Well, you better get moving. Fennec's waiting. If you can nurse the little one, take her with you."
Paz all but scrambles off the bed. He feel steam should be coming out of his ears. "Oh, could you... feed Din?"
Boba smirks at him, already kneeling on the bed at their sleeping riduur's back. "I intend to."
Paz barely remembers to grab his modified armour and the baby's armourweave on the way out, urgently stamping down on the fading feelings of arousal. He doesn't know if he'll ever grow immune to Boba and Fennec's seductions.
He looks down at the miracle of what Adenn did to his body, still hardly believing his eyes. This could mean a lot more time spent with their baby. It could mean a lot of things for them.
"Okay," he grumbles aloud at his inner companion, "Maybe you're good for something after all."
And then, yes, Boba does rock Din awake double-hilted in all that clenching wet heat, and Din gets an entire afternoon's worth of the best meal he's had since before his baby was born.
Fennec develops a predictable borderline obsession with Paz's massive milkies.
Everyone refuses to thank Adenn.
Paz: I love my perfect little baby who fits in my enormous hands
Everyone else: This is the biggest damn baby to be born this side of the Rim is she half giant what are her bones made of is she never full why is she so heavy 
Adenn: I am so smart
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kiastirling-fanfic · 2 years
Hello Kia, I would luv some somft Solavellan. “You’re safe now.” from drabbles
Thank you for the prompt! Here’s some Solas/Lavellan, set just after the attack on Haven.
The first thing Mora felt when she woke was warmth. It was not a pleasant thing, with her fingers halfway to frostbitten. What should have been a gentle heat felt searing as every nerve in her screamed at being woken.
“I’m sorry.” Solas’ voice, whispersoft in her cotton-stuffed ears, did sound sorry. Remorseful. Like her condition was his fault but it wasn’t. Even as she wanted to scream and cut off her own fingers she couldn’t blame him for the pain.
It wasn’t Solas who attacked Haven in the midst of the revelry. It wasn’t Solas who came up with the plan to send her out to face Corypheus alone. It wasn’t Solas who collapsed half a mountain on top of her. It certainly wasn’t Solas that forced her to march blindly through a blizzard for what must have been half the night.
Mora couldn’t say any of that. When she opened her mouth, all that came out was a pathetic mewling. The heat dissipated for a moment, and a little water was trickled into her mouth. She hadn’t realized she was even thirsty but she was.
“Thanks,” she whispered, voice still hoarse but present at least. She cracked open one eye then the other as the heat returned. They were in a tent and she was laid out on a cot with what must have been every blanket they could spare piled on top of her. Only her hands were outside of it, resting loosely in Solas’ as he moved a small bit of mana around to warm them.
It was excruciating and certainly necessary but it also seemed so sweet. That might have been the exhaustion talking, but she could hope.
“It is all of us who should thank you. You gave all of Haven the time to escape. How did you survive?”
“I don’t really know. He’s arrogant. Corypheus, I mean. He kept talking, and I saw the flare go up so I just… went with the plan. And then I got lucky. The boards over one of the mines collapsed and I got in and I escaped the worst of the avalanche that way.”
“Perhaps Varric’s nickname for you is more apt than you thought.”
“Maybe.” She didn’t think so though. Mora had never felt especially lucky. Sure she was the First of her clan, but beyond being born with magic that wasn’t really luck, it took years of work. Surviving the Breach, getting the Mark, the Anchor, well she still couldn’t remember anything so that didn’t seem lucky either.
“How did you come to find us? The blizzard would have wiped away all traces of our passing.”
“I followed the wolves. I may be a mage, but I still learned about hunting with the rest of the kids in the clan, so I know enough to survive in the wild if I need to. Wolves don’t stay out in blizzards like that, they must’ve had shelter. I thought if I followed their howling I’d find a den to hide until it let up. Instead I found you.”
“Then we shall have to thank the wolves.” Creators, his smile was so kind then. She didn’t know he could look at her like that and her heart skipped a beat. Like he was stuck between crying and hugging her and instead he smiled and warmed her hands.
Maybe her flirting back in Haven had been working after all and she just didn’t know it.
But she needed to say something. She couldn’t stare at him like a fool with a crush whether it was true or not. “Uh-huh. I’ll leave an offering for Fen’Harel when I can.” Keep talking. She had to keep him looking at her, maybe not like that but at all was still an improvement. “What do you think he’d like? I know you don’t follow the Creators, but you learn a lot of stuff in the Fade. Did you see people give him offerings before his betrayal?”
Solas’ low chuckle sent a thrill through her completely separate from her shivering. “The Dread Wolf was given much the same offerings as the rest, fineries and wines mostly.”
“And did he show them his favor?”
“Not to my knowledge. He seemed most receptive to actions over objects, small mischiefs and grand rebellions alike were known to draw his interest.”
“Hm, then perhaps I’ll recruit Sera to help with that. Mischief seems very much up her alley.”
Solas tried to cough into his hand but it did nothing to disguise the laugh, at least not to Mora. The silence that followed in the tent only made the raised voices outside more prominent though.
“I should- I should get up.” She couldn’t leave the War Council to bicker without her, the past few months had shown that. Maybe it was unfair, but it felt like she made all the decisions that actually mattered.
“No, you need more time.” Solas cupped her cheek ever so gently, a branding iron against her flesh. How did it look, she wondered, his long pale fingers against the dark red of her vallaslin? “Rest. They will still be bickering when you wake, I am sure.”
“But Corypheus-”
“He did not follow us into the storm. You are safe now. Sleep.”
His eyes staring into hers were the last thing she saw before sleep claimed her, hopefully it would happen many more times.
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saltymongoose · 2 years
Naw just us picking him up and being like "somft 👉👈" and just kinda holding him with one hand
Just holding him next to our face while hes sputtering looking for words to tell us just how devoted to us hes been, how long he's waited for this but he is just too flustered for that, being immediately entirely into the idea of us overpowering him along with anything else in nevada and finding it very appealing
I think it would honestly be really funny for Phobos to be so small compared to you. It's comical for you because yeah, he's this powerful megalomaniac dictator, but he's also like the size of a Ken Doll so he's just not threatening at all lol. But to Phobos, this is something very serious. Not only has he stumbled upon the living space of his God, but he was blessed with the sight of your grand figure in the flesh. He'd been waiting for this moment for years, but now that it was actually happening, he didn't know what to do or say. He'd been preparing for it of course, but all the speeches and prayers that he'd written down and memorized jumbled together as he tried to address you properly in the way you deserved. How could a simple few sentences convey the true depth of his devotion towards you?
His state only worsens when you actually pick him up and bring him to eye-level to get a better look at him. You can hear his praises about how holy you are and how much he's done for you, though it's barely coherent, phrases jumbled together as he takes in the shining colors that make up your irises (colors that he'd never even seen in Nevada) and the sheer power that you exuded. From this close, your warmth was burning, and the feeling of your eyes on him, looking over him with a painfully fond expression (at least to him) was almost too much. Being the focus of your attention like this was overwhelming, but he didn't want to be anywhere else. From his place in the palm of your hand, he was struck by how overpowering your godly presence was; you were truly the embodiment of might and power that he believed you were, and the idea of you using your strength on Nevada to shape it into your image (and perhaps on him too) was all too appealing. And he'd be at your side for this, of course, as your most loyal and dutiful servant. Really, a diety such as yourself only deserved the best of acolytes, and who else could possibly fulfill that role better than he, the God Emperor of Nevada?
(You watch with a slightly bemused expression as he devolves into a silent, awe-struck mess. You hadn't even said anything to him yet, what could've caused this extreme of a reaction?)
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straighttohellbuddy · 3 years
you make the world make sense {Sykkuno}
@bingusmode request: i was so invested in hellhound sykkuno and i just. need more of him. so much more of him. i wanna. kiss him. so badly. just puppy man. give me daily snuggles w my big pubby boi who i can just. mush until he loses the restraint and just decides to not do anything some days and just receive affection 🥺
Summary: They/Them. To a hellhound like Sykkuno, the rest of the world is kind of cold in comparison; he runs warmer than most. It's not a problem, not until he meets you, a demon, and he realises how nice it is to touch someone who feels warm.
A/N: 2393 words. for husband. somft. what is pacing? who cares.
Citrus Scale: 🧡 ORANGE 🧡
Rae likes to claim that she's the reason that any of this happened at all, and will delightedly tell anyone who will listen any time anyone asks how you and Sykkuno met. When you're feeling particularly generous and sentimental, you humour her, allowing her to take credit for setting up the game where you'd first met him.
"It would have happened anyways," she admits, however, the two of you doing a chill stream together, watching media shares and sending each other quizzes to do, "something about you guys makes sense together, you know?" She half laughed, right, as fate would happen, Sykkuno walks past the door to your office, asking how the stream was going.
"Rae thinks we're inevitable," you tell him, apropos of nothing.
"You and me," you clarified, and his confusion cleared to something fond as you beckoned him in, asking if he wanted to say hello to both Rae and chat. Draping himself over the back of your chair, he greets everyone brightly.
"Is that the Y/N hoodie?" Rae coos, right as he drops a kiss to the top of your head, asking what they're saying, "see; this is scripted, this has gotta be scripted, you guys are too cute."
Sykkuno doesn't even need to hear what she's saying, only having to see her on her stream, playing on your second monitor, to know she's gushing over the two of you. Playing along, he turns his face to press his abashed grin against his shoulder, but when you offer your hand to him, he laces his fingers with yours, glad for the warmth you emanate.
And it's not like Rae's not wrong; you guys are cute, and honestly, one way or the other, you're both almost certain you'd end up here.
Even from the start, from the moment you met there was understanding, there was warmth.
The first time he hears you speak, your voice, your kindness, your familiarity; to him, everything about you is a sudden glow that lights the world with understanding. He knows, in a roundabout way like everyone else, that you're supernatural, but he's never known exactly. Nothing about what he's feeling lets him pinpoint your true nature, however you are like him, in a way that makes sense.
He's aware that there are others like him, he's met them, he's related to some of them, but none of them felt like you do now. When he'd thought about meeting someone like you in a situation like this, he'd always been hypothetically afraid, of being found out, of being exposed, of being turned on for what he is; when people think of hellhounds, he's the last person to jump to mind, hence why he kept quiet. He didn't want anyone looking at him any differently, worrying that he might be dangerous when what he could do didn't change who he was.
But your voice sets off a spark in his chest, like a bonfire, something warm in a way that he knows without ever having spoken to you before. There's the moment he speaks, he says your name, the soft, fond 'oh' that leaves your lips, lets him know that you, like him, have found a kindred spirit.
You don't say anything out loud, but you know.
He knows.
And he's not letting this slip through his fingers.
He's never been the impulsive one, but he messages you before the game even begins. He won't let this go, won't let you go.
You message back, and he tries to mask how happy it makes him since his viewers don't have the privilege of context.
When you call him after the stream, he thought he'd be more nervous. He is nervous, don't get it twisted, but when he confirms that he is, in fact, not entirely human, the relief on your face makes the butterflies in his stomach ease. Somewhere in the back of his head, he realises that whatever you are must be just as stigmatised as a hellhound, considering you appear to be even more hesitant to confirm anything about yourself. It may be that you have more to lose than him; you'd been doing more, been doing it longer, that he can fully comprehend.
So he tells the truth.
And he learns your a demon.
In a world that's cold to the touch to the likes of him, he'd found you, he'd found warmth.
When you'd finally met in person, you'd been the nervous one. It had been months of talking online, every day, of growing closer as friends, as confidants. You'd been the one to ask him out, both of you sleepy and using an extension that allowed you to watch Netflix shows together.
"We should do this in person," you'd yawned, "or go to the movies, or... or something." And though Sykkuno hums in quiet approval, you seem to hesitate, "we could... we could make it a date, or something like that. If you wanted, of course, if not, that's -"
"Wait, are you asking me out?" He says, and there's a long pause that follows.
Another long beat of silence, and you pause the show, waiting for his response, whole face scrunched up against your pillow, glad it was just a voice call so he couldn't see your embarrassment.
"Well can I maybe say yes?"
"Yeah, I'd like to go out with you," he tells you earnestly, and you give a faint yell into your pillow, to which he seems concerned about, until you breathlessly laugh, telling him that you didn't think you'd get this far.
With more of an incentive for a meetup, he plans to come visit you within a few weeks. In the meantime, the two of you are unofficially dating, which makes you heartbeat race whenever you think about it, which only serves to set off your powers, heat manifesting in your hands and up your arms as your excitement grows. As excited as you were, the way your powers would react only served to make you more nervous; it was a nerve-wracking cycle that only seemed to build as the date grew closer.
He's rather awkward and unassuming in person, having just left the baggage carousel, trying to fix the way his bag strap is sitting across his chest. You see him first, heart beating staccato against your ribs. But he looks up, and for a moment you see his eyes flash gold, and the moment his gaze sweeps over you it stops; amid the sea of people, he could identify you by how warm you run amongst the cool chaos of the world.
"Hi," his voice is soft when he finally greets you, his smile so sincere, and you feel the nerves building - you want so badly to hug him but the first time you'd ever felt so strongly you'd burned your hand print against your desk.
"Hi," you smile back, hands balled up by your sides, "its good to see you."
It's an awkward start, and one that you briefly regret, but you carefully wrap your arms around him in a hug, before trotting through the crowd to head home.
He seems to settle in your home with ease; he's seen it enough times, video calls where you're roaming around doing chores, or cooking, or simply laying around various places. But he still marvels at it, remarking on your décor and it's strange familiarity.
"It feels like I've been here already," and you know what he means, to see him sitting on your sofa, ankles crossed and gaze roaming the room; before he was here, your house hadn't been missing anything, but now he is, you think it would feel rather empty without him.
"Are you okay?" He asks gently. There's concern in his eyes and you can't help want to reach out, to reassure him, but your hand falters in the air, fingers curling into a fist as you lower your hand.
"I'm fine," you tell him, though your heart's not in it, "just kinda nervous I guess."
He looks at you, blinking slowly, as if he has the hidden ability to figure you out if he merely looked at you long enough. Then, slowly, he reaches out and carefully curls his hand around yours, gently pulling you to sit down beside him.
"I'm sorry," he says gently, "I don't mean to make you nervous," he doesn't even seem to register that you should be burning him, that his skin should be burning at the contact, blistering and peeling and obscene and - "that's so strange," he huffs a faint laugh, and when you look up at him, away from your now-joined hands, you see he's followed your gaze. He taps a finger against the side of your hand, and as if by muscle memory alone, you fan your fingers out, letting him interlock his fingers with yours, "I'm not used to being the one with cold hands," he admits, before looking at you.
"I'm sorry," you mutter, like you're still waiting for something terrible to happen because of it. He gives your hand a squeeze.
"It's nice," he's smiling now, sweet and oblivious to how he's just shifted your world.
Its okay, his smile says without even knowing its saying as much, you can let yourself love him, let yourself get excited to be around him; he's not going to burn.
Moving on impulse, you reach out to touch his cheek with your free hand, fingertips so gentle on his cheekbone as you hold his face.
"You're so warm," he delights, leaning into the touch.
"I can be warmer," you say with barely concealed glee, overwhelmed by the discovery, not trying to tamp down on your emotions, letting them flow through you; you're warm enough to scald, warm enough to burn, warm enough to worry about whether your sleeves may be in danger, but you take your hand from Sykkuno’s so you can hold his face in both hands, watching the way he smiles. When he takes both of your hands with his, to keep you holding him, to keep you close, you can feel your heartbeat in your throat.
"I'm never letting you go," you murmur, before realising that you'd said that out loud, but he gives a laugh, as if not realising the seriousness of your words.
"Good, I don't want you to, this is nice," he muses.
It's not as if you've seen him interact with a lot of people in person, however he's always come across as someone who's not particularly tactile. Not that you've consciously noted it, but here and now, with the warm contentment all over his face, you find yourself wondering... why. But it makes sense, it all becomes clear; he doesn't get to decide how warm he is, he can't control it, can't change like you can; to him, everyone else is cold. It's probably not something he actively thinks about, at least not until now, not until he realised how warm you could be.
When you shuffle closer to rest your forehead against his, his smile grows wider; you gently kiss him on the nose, enjoying the blush that rises up his cheeks.
It's an easy decision to make, as the months go by and you and he go back and forth between each others houses, to move in together when the topic arises. Between the two of you, you can afford to rent a little two bedroom apartment; big windows and a view of the sunset, an organised office in the spare room. It's kind of perfect.
It didn't occur to you, however, just how effective you and Sykkuno were about keeping specific parts of your personal life personal, until your fans started commenting on the 'similar timing' of both of you moving. Some had speculations, of course, but most saw it as a coincidence.
They knew you were close.
They knew you hung out IRL.
They had no clue that you were consistently the reason that he ran late to streams, when he insisted on getting up at strange hours and you clung to him, purposefully warm in the way he loved, in the way he hated to leave. Just a little longer, you would insist, fingers hot enough to match him, to keep him warm, but gentle as you gently ghosted them along his cheekbone, fingers coming to card through his hair. Just a little longer, he'd agree with a contented sigh, leaning into your touch.
It's inevitable, of course, that people would find out, so you wanted to get ahead of the news before it came out accidentally. The first night at the new apartment, you've already got your TV and sofa set up, and after a delightful dinner of take-out, you find yourself resting, watching Netflix, with your head in Sykkuno's lap. Between episodes, as the next is loading, you pull out your phone, opening your front-facing camera, and without prompting -
"And they were roommates!" You exclaim quietly, before flipping the camera around to catch your boyfriend's amusement.
"Oh my god, they were roommates," he responds with a faint, playful gasp, before his grin stretches wide as he looks at the camera, "is that how we're telling people?"
"If it's okay with you," you tell him, and he doesn't even have to think before assuring you it's fine, gently scratching at your scalp.
As the theme music for the next episode starts up and you're typing, searching for the perfect caption - guys dont get me started on 'there was only one bed' - he murmurs that he loves you, sounding utterly enamoured. This isn't a new sentiment, you've heard it so many times before, but each and every one, including this, has butterflies flittering in your stomach. He sounds grateful, which is new, and you're not sure if it's for the moment, the apartment, or you, or perhaps all three, but you feel in your bones all the same.
"Love you too," you tell him with honest sincerity, reaching out for his free hand with one of your own, letting the love you felt flow through you, practically bring you to boiling from the inside out with how much, even now, your love almost overwhelms you; your love won't burn him, he revels in your warmth. You lace your fingers with his.
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parkerlyn · 3 years
How would the ROs feel about an MC that’s always complimenting them in a genuine manner, even for the smallest of things?
Ahhhh somft 🥺 Haven’t done one of these in ages so please forgive the rust on these drabbles askdjfkd (still working on the art prompts slowly in the background)
Written in the early dating phase, thank you for the ask! ❤️
The Healer: "You're amazing."
The Healer laughs, bright and clear, while they bring their hand down from the shelf. "I think I'm just tall in this case."
"Tall and amazing."
“Yeah, alright.” A chuckle echoes through their chest as they hand you the jar with a smile. 
Cool glass greets your fingers, but when you try to open the preserved fruits you’re met with the unbreakable hold of the sealed lid. The metal slides under your grip at another attempt, still not budging, the only evidence of your effort in the pain at your palm.
You sigh and hand it back to them, and they twist it open with an infuriatingly quick 'pop' before handing it back to you.
“Tall and amazing and the best jam jar opener,” you state matter-of-factly as you happily take the jar back. The syrupy sweet smell of honey and peaches accompanies another round of the Healer’s laughter.
“You did most of the work,” they say in assurance before a mischievous smile works its way over their mouth. “But are there any other small things you want done? I’m starting to get used to this string of compliments and I’m kind of curious how many you can remember in a row.”
Leaning the jar against your lips, you hum. “You don’t have to do anything, I can make that list on my own.”
A quirked eyebrow joins in from the Healer as they let you mull over your thoughts.
“Tall and amazing and the best jam jar opener, the best Healer, the best hugger-” They laugh. “-the most genuine, most gorgeous, the best laugh and eyes-haver-” They snort at your phrasing but the eyes in question narrow over their rising cheeks, smile spreading wider as they hold their hand up.
“Okay, yes, thank you, my ego is never coming back down, going to be grinning for days,” they babble back and hold their hand out for you to take as they lean against the counter. With a step forward, you gently place the jar on the wood surface before letting your fingers smooth over their outstretched palm, hands turning downward to intertwine together while you take another step closer.
True to their statement, the smile never leaves, and they bring their free hand up to brush a thumb over your cheek and down the soft skin by your ear.
“My turn to shower you with compliments about all the things I like about you?”
Your eyes close against the touch. “Do tell.” 
A soft exhale follows their thumb as they turn your head to the side.
“Actually, maybe I can show you.” 
The Sage: When you remark on how wonderful they are, there’s the briefest widening around their hazel eyes as the glow from their face fades. But it morphs instantly into a polite and measured “Thank you” while they carefully close their book. Formal and stilted, but not uncomfortable. 
It takes a few more trips of you hovering around the Archival Library to observe that this is their default. Mask on, manners sharp, neutral in all ways, in case the compliments have an ulterior moment.
There’s a pang of sadness in the realization.
A sudden determination carries into your steps, your previous reasons (or excuses) for being in the Library all but forgotten as you march your way to where you last saw the Sage. They hear you coming first, tilting their head upward and letting an excited smile slip through their professionalism.
“Oh! I didn’t know you were still-”
“You’re amazing.”
They gape, blinking, mouth trying to lure a response from their throat. 
You continue before they can refasten their formality.
“And lovely, and stunning, and more brilliant than all the stars in the sky.”
With your added barrage of compliments, their mask seems unable to be placed properly, and they slowly reshelve the book in their hands with their face turned. It takes an awfully long time, you notice, their hand tapping the top of the book’s spine once it’s settled, with a few more pats down its length for good measure despite the already snug fit.
When even they realize that shuffling their fingers over the book is redundant at this point, they let their wrist fall and tap a quick rhythm against the bookshelves.
“I’m not sure I can hold a candle to you but-”
They let it loose now. The delight, the happiness, the quiet exhilaration at your words. They almost raise a hand to their mouth to try and stifle the soft smile, but decide to let it shine outward as their eyes crinkle into a blissful, serene joy.
Instead of trying to restrain their expression, they wrap their fingers around your hand, pulling you closer and a few steps farther between the corridor of volumes. You let them lead you, let them turn and raise your hand to their lips, let them place a fleeting, secretive kiss against your knuckles before dark hazel meets your eyes.
It comes as a whisper. No caution or apprehension. All tenderness and adoration. 
“Thank you.”
Oisein: You can’t help the out-of-place comment, admiring Oisein’s glowing freckles as they scrunch up their nose over a particularly stubborn scuff on one of their leather bracers.
They look to you as the sweet words slip out. At first with an almost fearful shock, until they compose themselves with a breath and an arched brow.
“Alright then, what’re you after?”
A smirk twists the corner of their mouth, eyes narrowing and darkened. “Complimenting me while I’m making the most unattractive face I can muster over some rancid bracers? What is it, yours need fixing? You break something? Piss off the Magesmith again?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t take that job from you."
“Good. I’d be devastated.” Oisein gives an exaggerated ‘phew’ with a swipe of their hand over their forehead, light laughter quickly following. Jokes aside, they lay the bracer down and fold their arms. “But really, what’s this about?"
You lift your face from your palm, the weight easing from your elbow on the table. “Nothing. I just wanted to tell you that you looked beautiful.”
After a hesitant pause, they make the same face from before, face twisting and freckles shifting on their cheeks as they scratch below an antler. Flickering light spasms through their pointed ears and down their neck, and they curse under their breath. Hands fly to cover their exposed markings, glowing gleefully regardless of their permission.
Their voice comes out a murmur.
“Should’ve grabbed my earring, I can usually hide that, damned things...” they trail off before taking a few steps toward you, that familiar smirk starting to curl through their lips. “Maybe I just need some practice?”
You lean back into your palm and feel the corner of your mouth lifting to match their expression while they close the gap between you, step by fluid step. Lavender eyes bore into yours as they settle their weight against the table, lifting a knuckle to trace from the base of your ear, along your jawline, down below your chin.
A slight pressure raises your face as they lean forward with a whisper on their tongue.
“Tell me again.”
Despite the many chances they have, nothing seems to be able to mute the light cascading from their skin.
The Magesmith: They scoff at your compliment, brushing it aside with the soot from their work, and go back to fumbling with the bits of metal in front of them.
You frown. "I mean it."
Their eyes flash between red and pink. "You don't have to do that."
“Do the-” they wave the small tweezers in their hands in your general direction and sigh. “-the thing. You don’t have to always compliment me or do the cutesy talk and-”
“Can I not just compliment you?”
The frown pulls further at your mouth. “Why not?”
A sigh sags through their shoulders as they put the tools down and run a hand through their hair. Auburn loosens from the hold of their headband and covers their eyes before their fingers pinch together at the bridge of their nose. Their lips press into a thin line, jaw set, fingers sliding down the side of their face to scratch softly at their chin before they wrap their hands around their neck.
When they don't respond, you continue.
"I'm not just doing a thing because I feel like I have to, if that’s what you’re thinking," you start quietly. "And I have it on good authority that I'm just stating facts when it comes to how incredible you are."
Another scoff sounds at your conclusion, though this one seems tinged with another emotion. Worry settles in your gut when you read the disgust on their face until you realize it's something else.
And a swirl of color that reaches the tips of their ears.
You grin.
"You're sure you don't-"
"Don't say it. You don’t have to- ugh," The response is curt as they turn away, reaching to busy their hands with their tools again, hiding their eyes and twisting something in their arm.
But the vibrant smile that breaks through tells you all you need to know.
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rest well my songbird
its @softdarlingjaskier‘s birthday!!! and i have some soft eskier for him!!! a little birdie kings of the bog told me that you like jaskier getting his hands massaged so...without further ado...
ship: eskier :) (eskel x jaskier)
warnings: jaskier overworks his hands and eskel takes care of them. lamberts an ass for 1 second in true lambert fashion
words: 1.6k
editing: ye
genre: somfte
Jaskier flexed his hands and winced as he put down his lute. Winters offered him more down time than on the road, so he could spend the winter months composing to his heart's content, working on the longer ballads that he often neglected while tagging along on the Path.
The only problem with composing and songwriting non stop was that it made his hands ache terribly.
Between plucking at his lute and gripping his quill, his hands would usually start to protest a month or so into winter. But, as all good songwriters did, he pushed through the pain, willing to continue composing no matter what. He had a reputation to uphold and Witchers to help, after all. He couldn't afford to slack off.
Eskel did not share his views.
Well, neither did Vesemir, Geralt, Lambert and Aiden, but Eskel was the most vocal about it, often plucking the quill or lute from his hands after so many hours and demanding that he rest. Right when he was in the middle of a good line too! Jaskier had lost so many good ideas to Eskel’s forced breaks.
This was the first time though that he had chosen to take a break on his own that winter, and Eskel was on him in a second.
“Are you alright?” he asked, concern flowing off of him in waves as he approached Jaskier, who had been sitting the farthest away from the fire. It wasn’t his fault that the fire would dry out his lute!
“Fine,” Jaskier muttered as he struggled to close his bottle of ink. He didn't want Eskel to worry, but he realized perhaps a second too late that Eskel could probably smell the pain coming off of him.
“That’s not true,” Eskel said, seeing through the lie immediately. “Usually I have to force you to take a break.”
He didn't say anything else and Jaskier sighed. Eskel was waiting for him to admit that he was in pain, despite the fact that he already knew.
“My hands,” he whispered, forgetting that he was in a room full of Witchers with enhanced hearing. “They’re stiff, and sore, and cramped. More than usual.” He looked up at a blurry Eskel and it took him a moment to realize that he had been almost crying.
“Yeah no shit they hurt!” Lambert shouted from the couch. “If you keep fucking playing with that damn lute of yours theyre gonna fuckin fall off!”
“Lambert,” Aiden said sternly. “Shut up.”
Jaskier laughed and tried to wipe away his tears with his hands, but winced when his fingers cramped up.
Eskel brushed his hands away and gently wiped away Jaskier’s tears with his thumbs, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead.
“You need to not push yourself so hard, Jaskier,” he whispered, pulling Jaskier’s face against his chest. “You don’t need to spend every single waking second of the winter composing. Winters are supposed to be for relaxing, and you haven't been doing much of that.”
“I’m sorry,” Jaskier muttered into Eskel’s shirt. He longed to bring his hands up to hug Eskel and reassure him that this was fine, it just happened every so often, but his hands hurt too much. He didn't want them to cramp so hard that they ended up stuck in one position. That was never pleasant.
“No,” Eskel said firmly. “Don’t apologize.”
He tugged Jaskier closer to him, resting his chin on top of his head so that Jaskier was engulfed in the arms of his Witcher. Jaskier inhaled Eskel’s scent deeply. He smelled like he always did in the winters: of wood and musk, chamomile and fresh bread. It was Jaskier’s favorite smell in the world. It meant that his love was well rested and taken care of, healthy for once after a long year on the Path.
Eskel pulled away after a moment and tugged at Jaskier’s upper arm, encouraging him to stand.
“Come here,” he said, his eyes bright with what could only be an idea. And who was Jaskier to say no to him?
He followed Eskel over to the nest of furs that they kept in front of the fire, for puppy piles usually. Eskel directed him to sit down in the nest and then with a stern look not to move, he darted out of the room.  
“What the hell is that sneaky fucker- mmph” Lambert’s insult was cut off by Aiden kissing him on the mouth, likely to get him to shut up.
Geralt sighed and turned a page in his book, but Vesemir, who was sitting on the other side of the fire knitting, regarded them with a fond look before turning to Jaskier.
“I have a salve that you could put on your hands, it’ll help with the cramping,” he said.
“Oh! That’s very kind but-”
Jaskier was cut off by Eskel running back into the room.
“I already got it, Vesemir,” Eskel said, walking back to the nest.
Vesemir smiled knowingly and went back to his knitting.
“C’mere Jaskier,” Eskel said, sitting behind him and tugging one of the furs across Jaskier’s lap. He carefully rolled up the sleeves of Jaskier’s chemise before opening the little tub of salve. “Lean back, relax, you don't have to do any more composing today, or tomorrow, or this whole week. I’m going to take care of you.”
Jaskier was glad that his back was to Eskel because he could feel his cheeks flushing.
Eskel picked up Jaskier’s right hand delicately in his much larger, sword calloused ones. “Let me know if I’m hurting you at any point, okay?”
Jaskier nodded and watched, mesmerized, as Eskel began to rub out the cramps in his hand. He started with his fingers, beginning with his pinky finger, and rubbing out the tensions in each of the joints. It was almost painful at first, but Jaskier soon adjusted to it and found himself craving more.
Once Eskel had worked his way slowly through Jaskier’s fingers, he moved to his palm, taking it in both of his hands and massaging it slowly in small, but firm circles. Jaskier couldn't help the sigh of pleasure that escaped his lips.
“Yes, that’s it,” Eskel murmured. “Just relax, I’ve got you.”
Jaskier let his head drop back against Eskel’s shoulder as he looked out at the room. Lambert and Aiden were bickering over a game of Gwent, passing a bottle of White Gul back and forth between them. Geralt was pretending to read, but every so often his eyes would flick up to the game and he’d mutter sometimes useful hints to Lambert and Aiden.
Jaskier watched them fondly as Eskel moved to his wrist, giving the tendons there extra attention. From there he moved up Jaskier’s forearm to his elbow, massaging his skin carefully.
Jaskier flexed his hand experimentally and was surprised when he discovered that he had definitely more movement than before. But Eskel covered his hand scoldingly.
“No,” he said. “Don't go undoing all of my hard work.”
“Sorry,” Jaskier murmured. “It just felt so nice and-”
“I’m not done yet,” Eskel said, cutting Jaskier off as he dipped his fingers into the salve.
Eskel warmed the salve first in his hands before rubbing it against Jaskier’s skin. And Meliele’s sweet tits, if the massage had been heavenly, this was absolutely divine. Vesemir had been right, the salve was positively wonderful, seemingly wonderful, drawing out the pain from his hands almost instantly. Jaskier couldn't help the sigh that escaped his lips.
Eskel laughed lightly, rubbing the salve all over Jaskier’s hands and wrists, even going up his arm a little, before reaching for a few small straight planks of wood and a roll of bandages that he must have grabbed while he was getting the salve.
“Ah, ah, ah!” Jaskier protested. “Just what are you doing with that?”
“You don't want the salve getting everywhere,” Eskel explained. “So it’s best to put the bandage on until it soaks into your skin. And the splint will help keep your hands from cramping and getting stuck in an uncomfortable position while they’re bandaged.”
“But what is a musician without his hands!”
“A resting, healing one,” Eskel said, pressing a light kiss to Jaskier’s nose. “I’ll help you with everything, my songbird. I’m here to take care of you.”
Jaskier pouted but held his hand out to Eskel to bandage. “You better mean that.”
“Of course I do,” Eskel said, wrapping Jaskier’s hand and wrist in bandages first before placing the wood underneath it and arranging his fingers over it before wrapping it in even more bandages. The end result was a bit clunky looking and Jaskier wasn’t crazy about the fact that he wasn't going to be able to use his hands at all, but Eskel had promised that he would take care of him and Jaksier knew that he would deliver.
“See?” Eskel said, placing a kiss to the back of Jaskier’s bandaged hand. “All better.”
Jaskier smiled at his lover's efforts before leaning back against Eskel’s soft chest as he got started on his other hand. He watched his careful ministrations through half lidded eyes before the heat from the fire and the warmth from the furs lulled him into a half asleep state. The only thing keeping him awake was Eskel’s gentle massaging of his hand.
But eventually, Eskel finished, tying off the bandage with another kiss before wrapping his arms around Jaskier.
“Are you feeling better?”
“Yes,” Jaskier muttered truthfully. He was tired, but at least his hands didn't ache so fiercely anymore.
Eskel pressed another kiss to his hair and laid back, tugging Jaskier until he was resting his head on his chest, and wrapped a fur around the two of them.
“I’ll wake you in a few hours to take the bandages off,” Eskel murmured into his ear. “But until then, rest well my songbird.”
And Jaskier did. He fell asleep to the gentle roar of the crackling fire, to Lambert and Aiden’s drunken bickering, and to Eskel’s steady heartbeat under his ear.
happyyyestttt of birthdayssss to peterrrrrr
tag list: hmu if you want on or off
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dapandapod · 3 years
Pandington!!!! Picture this:
Lambdert and Aiden get bored during winter in Kaer Morhen and decide to start a contest over who can get Eskel to kiss them first 🥺
Kaer Boring it is!
Jolf, my dearest, I couldn't resist writing this right this exact moment! An it got more spicy than cute, I must confess, but that is the way of the Lambert.
Please enjoy the silly boys!
Warnings: uh... frisky boys? Nothing explicit but fade to black adult times. Swearing, blink-a-you'll-miss-it-somft tummy Aiden.
On Ao3
Winter at Kaer Morhen can be peaceful. A time to enjoy the quiet, recovery and reflection. Meaning:
Lambert lies on his bed, head hanging down on the edge so that the world is upside down.
“Oh for fuck’s SAKE shut up, Lambert!” Aiden says, sprawled on his back on the floor, arms spread wide and one foot stuck up in the air and balancing a pile of books.
“Hmm. Let me think about it…. No. BORING BORING BORING BORING BORING--”
“Are you twelve??” Aiden turns his head, the books shifting precariously where they are perched. Were they to fall, a certain set of balls would have seen better days, so to speak.
“Twelve inches? Absolutely.”
The books do fall this time, but in a surprisingly controlled fashion. Aiden lowers his leg, catching the books mid air and throwing them at Lambert.
“Ouch. Fuck you, Kittycat!” Lambert complains, twisting around on the bed to avoid the worst impacts of the heavy tombs.
“You did that, yes, and it was not twelve inches, sweetie.” Aiden stands up and dusts off his legs.
“Worst boyfriend ever.” Lambert complains, rolling onto his stomach.
“You love me.” Aiden says, before flopping onto Lambert's back, squishing him good.
“You have gained weight, that’s for sure.” Lambert mutters, but does nothing to dislodge him.
“And you love that too.” Aiden smirks, leaning down and kissing Lambert's neck.
“Fuck yeah I do.” Lambert agrees, angling his head to the side to give Aiden more access. “But I’m BORED!”
Aiden sighs and rolls off, and they start a play fight with their legs.
“So what do you propose we do to fix that?” Aiden asks.
“I don’t knoooowwww.” Lambert whines. “I’m sooo booored.”
“Hm. What would you do in the winters when I wasn’t here? To spice things up?”
“I don’t know? Tease Geralt? Try to provoke Eskel? He’s a hard nut to crack, that one.”
“Alright. So wanna tease Geralt?”
“He is so mopey now, no fun at all. Pining over the bard, like an idiot. He is no fun at all.”
“Fine. Cracking Eskel then?”
Lambert is silent for a while. Enough to make Aiden just a little bit suspicious.
“What about… a bet?” Lambert asks, lips curling in a smirk. “Who can make Eskel crack first?”
Aiden squints at him.
“What do you have in mind?”
“Did you know Eskel is really stingy with showing affection? How about this? The first one to make Eskel kiss them wins.”
“You just want to kiss Eskel, you little shit!” Adien rolls on top of Lambert again, squishing his cheeks.
“Like you don’t want that!” Lambert shoots back, pinching Aiden’s sides in revenge.
“Fair. Alright, sure. What are the rules?” Aiden asks, but doesn’t let go of Lambert's face. “I just get our Esky-boy to kiss me and I win?”
“If you manage to crack him, yes. But he’s gotta kiss you, not the other way around.”
“Hmmm, that shouldn’t take too long. Promise you won’t get jealous, pupper?” Aiden teases, tracing a thumb under Lambert's lower lip, who catches it in his mouth and bites it.
“Thought that was your thing, kitten. Didn’t treat Keira all that nicely.”
“Don’t like her. But right you are. I like to show others that you are mine.” Aiden purrs, and then proceeds to thoroughly distract them both from their bet for a while.
Many kisses, and a lot less clothes later, they lie panting together.
“I‘ll give you a headstart.” Lambert tells Aiden graciously. “On the bet.”
“Why is that?”
“I have known him longer. Got a few tricks up my sleeve.”
“You telling me you kissed him before?” Aiden deadpans. “After we just settled I’m possessive.”
“I’m telling you I know him. Meaning, he also knows me, and is likely to notice we are up to something. So I’ll give you a head start, before he gets suspicious.”
“I’m suspicious. But alright. Just because I love you, and I don’t want my little pupper to be bored.”
And true to his promise, Aiden made sure Lambert had no reason to be bored in the next few days. He tried drinking Eskel under the table, hoping he would be a loving drunk, but ended his night throwing up out of a window.
Another strategy was mistletoes, having just passed the winter solstice celebration. Eskel only kissed his goat, Geralt on the forehead (which all found very amusing, and Geralt grumbled even louder for the rest of the week) and even a mirror.
Not Aiden though.
Even Lambert found it hard to resist when Aiden wore his best tunic, combed his hair, and managed to get some cream on his upper lip. No such worries for Eskel, he merely used the sleeve of his arm to wipe it off. Charming, that one.
“Fine.” Aiden concedes a few days later, as they are laying in bed. “He is hard to crack. Doubt even getting naked would help with that one. Unless, maybe, I grow horns….”
“No naked business, you are still mine.” Lambert says, snuggling up to the Cat witcher's side..
“When are you going to start trying?”
“Hm, tomorrow? Look closely, you might learn a thing or two.”
True to his word, when morning comes Lambert walks up to Eskel by the breakfast table.
“Can I have a kiss?”
Aiden gapes. That little piece of shit.
Eskel pecks Lambert on the lips and goes back to his porridge. Lambert looks at Aiden victoriously.
“Wait. What the fuck.”
“You never asked.” Lambert says happily.
“That’s what you've been trying to do?” Eskel asks, still all bleary from sleep. Clearly not a morning person, that one. “Alright.”
Then he stands up, stool scraping against the stone floor, and leans over the table to peck Aiden on the lips too.
Flabbergasted, Aiden just lets it happen.
When Eskel sits back down and continues eating his breakfast, Aiden fixes Lambert with a glare.
“You knew!” He accuses, and Lambert just smirks and shrugs.
“I told you that was what they were trying to do.” Geralt says to Eskel, who just hums around his food. “You owe me a gwent card.”
“Wait.” Aiden says. “You were betting on our betting?”
“Maybe.” Eskel says. “And a card of my choosing, Geralt, you are not getting my general.”
“Fuck the fucking Wolf school, and fuck all of you.” Aiden swears, truly cross at all of them. He even combed his hair, damnit!
“You want another kiss?” Lambert asks, still smirking as he walks around the table.
“Yes you fucking wanker, come here.” And Aiden pulls Lambert into his lap and kisses him, just a bit more than a peck.
“Get a room.” Geralt complains.
“Only if you kiss your bard.” Lambert fires back, and that shuts him up for good.
Maybe they can have a new bet next year. Maybe the bard wants in.
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
CPN : breo press conference 🎤
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xiao zhan has no chill. lol. or maybe our cpn sensitivity is just too much so we read between the lines. anyway, below are some 👀 moments in today’s live. I’m so happy he gets to do stuff like this more frequently now. I’m always delighted to see him and ofcourse to have new photos. 🤍
1. He said he watches thrillers ( scary movies? ) to relax and the host was like ?? , the he says “you will be relaxed after watching it and it varies from person to person.” Then the hots jokes that maybe you will be relieved after yelling/screaming. Then GG smiled and laughed :
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We know this troll loves horror movies which is the complete opposite of Bobo. I think he is the only one who can convince Yibo of watching those things. Is it relaxing when he is with Yibo and watching films like that? I hate them. Now I’m thinking about them watching movies together all cuddled up and shit. GG let me fight you. 🥷 I don’t think this is limited to “watching” because if you believe the shared himalaya account, he listened to a horror podcast too 😂😂😂
2. He also said he does not stay up late. Especially during work. However during CQL, we have a video of Bobo who said he played NBA with GG in his room after work. Ofcourse, It’s Yibo. I think if someone like him asks you to play with him you have no choice but to say yes. Yibo is the exception to all his rules. He can’t say no to his puppy.
3. People have noticed he kept his hands on his pockets, this action seems similar to what Yibo does. Not just in photoshoots, more gifs here of instances where Bobo naturally puts his hands in his pockets.
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4. GG mentioned here that there are times he does not sleep well. This was also said in one of his magazine features, that when he arrived at the photoshoot he was experiencing insomnia. This was 2019. Same year, you have Bobo asking a guest in TTXS about insomnia and if there is music that can help people sleep. Is this also why Yibo bought scented candles? Lol. Please. We are never letting him live that down.
5. This exchange :
Host: What food can make you relax?
GG: Crispy and crunchy buns ( small bread )
Host: And hot pot?
GG : Hot pot makes me anxious.
Oh. The bread that he loves to post and we love to CPN about. 🍞
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BONUS: I saw this comment today and it made me so somft :
No one knows how to protect Wang Yibao better than Xiao Zhan.
It’s true and it goes both ways. 😭😭😭
I’m sure I missed some instances, but these are the ones that made me go 👁👄👁.
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wickedpact · 3 years
More comic vs film thoughts: after the film I felt like Andy’s friendships were closest with Booker, then Joe. Nicky was her little brother and yeah she loved him too but ideologically and the like she just has more in common with Book and Joe. Booker shares her depression and exhaustion, she admits to him the two of them are living badly. Meanwhile Joe just touching her back after she says goodbye to Book and then backing her up at Copley’s at the end - it felt like the two of them are more passionate people and understand each other in a way Nicky with his capybara vibes does not get. And of course, Nile is new so that’s developing.
In the comic however I was struck by twice Andy is like ‘Nicky with me’ - she has him come meet Copley with her and during the mission Copley sends them on that’s how they split - and I wondered why. Does she trust him more than the others? Does she take him as her opposite? And in terms of friendships - in the comic I didn’t really see any Joe and Andy (I mean - understandable given plot changes) to get an idea of their friendship, and she’s bonding with Nile so much faster - the differences in the portrayals mean I think Comic!Nile is more vibing with Andy whereas I see film Film!Nile becoming BFFs with Nicky
Did you have any thoughts on different friendship alignments? Or is this just me? - AAnon
i did notice that! i love how in the comic nicky teases andy about not knowing how to use her phone and she just goes ‘shush, you’ and then earlier joe teases her about not taking a shower and shes like I Will End Your Life Joseph. I Will End You Right Here. Try Me.
the change of nicky going with andy -> book going with andy is interesting. if i had to hazard a guess as to why they changed it, it would be
1.) joe and nicky are kept together, establishing them even further as a matched set early in the movie (along with ‘joe and nicky?’ ‘at the hotel’)
2.) andy and book being kept together as much as possible stresses their relationship, which makes the betrayal even more meaningful. booker kind of being andy’s right-hand-man as compared to just The Tech Guy in the comic makes it Hurt More when he leads andy to copley methinks
tho the scene where nile tells andy that Wifi Doesnt Exist In Caves and then booker pops up and interrupts them? unmatched comedy
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and i dunno, i guess andy taking nicky with her might have something to do with nicky being good at reading people? ‘we are usually a better judge of character’ and all that, tho on the other hand copley is booker’s guy, so it also makes sense to take booker.
and honestly i think all of the characters were given more development, not only in their personalities but relationships. in the comic, andy and nile are the only ones who we get a strong sense of their bond (plus joe and nicky in the van scene) but the movie develops on all of the relationships so much. nicky and booker’s baklava bet. joe and booker’s argument in the lab. like u mentioned, joe and andy’s little interactions-- i also rlly love the way andy greets nicky in the hotel scene
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(the babie brother vibes r through the ROOF)
nicky in the comics is less, er, somfte, (but thats true of all of them) so i dunno, maybe movie andy sees nicky more as the endearing baby of the group (which is funny considering his age) while booker is the right hand man- and then in the comic, its sort of switched, except booker is less of a baby and more of the tech-savy younger cousin (again despite his age)
(and in both the comic and the movie, joe is the guy who tosses himself through windows, so in neither does andy really need him as a right hand man. shes got enough chaotic BDE of her own to deal with)
but yeah comic nile doesnt really get any time to vibe with nicky or joe; and i also kind of noticed how much she and nicky seem to... not bond, but theyre kind of put on the same wavelength a lot in the movie? they have quite a few parallels, whether purposeful or not, and nicky has a couple moments with nile that joe doesnt (bringing her to bed, helping booker pull her out of the car). he gets those more emotional moments with nile that joe doesnt
(and i dunno, i think thats part of the reason i kind of go ‘ehh’ at the fandom interpretation of joe being a boundless socialite and nicky being shy. i mean, joe and nicky get equal amounts of screentime with nile, but we never get a moment of ~emotional connection~ between nile and joe. all of their interactions are [nile asks a question] [joe answers question]. hes so much more emotionally open with the others.)
(and with the villains too! nicky talks to copley, merrick, and kozak, and even if he only speaks to them to freak them out, he does talk to all three. joe only delivers one(1) one-liner to merrick, and in the comic i think he even tries to tell nicky to stop heckling merrick in the lab. nicky’s just more social imo)
(im getting off topic)
but yes! a lot of it i think is just the movie adding more to the relationships & developing the characters, tho also i think the two different continuities have different sets of relationships between them
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
uhm if you still need and want a benny boi request: hiking with him and soft sex by the fireplace to warm up 🥺 or in the tent bc it's probably pretty cold ngl
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God you bitches get me. These prompts are wonderful and came in about 30 seconds apart lmao so i hope you like what I did with them!
warnings: smut but its like super somft and fluffy, also a lil bit of arguing
Blurb Advent: Day 16
The trip wasn’t exactly what you’d imagined it would be. Initially you’d been planning to get away during Summer, maybe head to the beach for a couple of weeks, spend your time relaxing in the sun, hitting the waves. But the timing never quite worked out and the whole idea of going away was put on hold until it had cooled down again. And of course, once it became clear the trip would be in winter, you had to stop thinking of the beach and find somewhere new to go. Luckily (you supposed) a family friend of Ben’s had a cabin in the woods that he was happy to let you use. You weren’t quite as thrilled with it as you would have been a little beach side cottage, but you really just wanted some time for you and Ben without other distractions and he wanted to get out of the city. And neither of you wanted to wait another six months for the break. So the arrangements were made and early on a Friday morning you grumbled your way out of bed and into the warmest clothes you owned, packing everything into the car, ready to head off on your holiday.
 The cabin was cute, surrounded by tall trees and the promise of picturesque views. A generator had been installed a few years previous to allow access to electricity and there was a large rain tank to collect water for all the plumbing systems. You had been warned that in dryer weather you may need to seek out the nearby well to collect water for drinking and cooking. There’d been a lot of rain in the previous month so you didn’t think you’d need to worry about it but, all the same, you kept it in mind, adding a few metal water bottles to your essential supplies (which included things like food, the makings of tea and coffee, toothpaste and condoms). On top of the essentials you also made sure to pack Ben’s guitar and your travel paint set in the hopes that the seclusion and nature would inspire you both.
 The first day was mostly spent getting there and unpacking. When you arrived, you had to carry all your gear up a short incline that the car couldn’t access but it was worth it when you saw the scene. It was gorgeous, the surrounding woods a little damp with fresh rainfall, the cabin looking cozy and warm and perfect for a romantic getaway. You spent the morning putting food in the fridge and poking around the cabin, getting the doors and windows open to let in some air and natural light. In the afternoon you checked out the store of firewood and decided to collect some more so that it would have time to dry out under cover before you needed it. Together, bundled up in warm coats and gloves, you walked around the immediate area, collecting any logs that looked large enough as well as smaller sticks for kindling. In the evening you made dinner together and settled in for a night on the couch, wrapped in as many blankets as you could get your hands on. Things had been so busy lately you almost didn’t know what to do with yourself now that you were taking a break from it all. But the chaos you’d been living in had meant you didn’t get much of a chance to talk to Ben properly so that was what you did. Snuggled up on the couch and talked, finally able to just be together.
 The next day Ben suggested you check out the surrounding area, follow the hiking trail up the hill and see what was out there. There were practical reasons like finding the well just in case you did need it, but mostly it was just for fun. You each filled a backpack with a water bottle and some food as well as a grabbing a small first aid kit, some bug spray to combat the mosquitos you’d noticed the night before, and your paints. Ben slung his guitar over his back and you set off. The walk itself was fine though there were a few steep places on the trail. Ben used them as an excuse to hold your hand, getting a few steps higher and then offering his to help you follow. It was silly but cute and you found yourself giggling whenever he did it. It was quiet too, which was nice. You didn’t meet any other people on the trail but that meant you could stop and point out creatures that crossed your path or pause to take photos of interesting plants and pretty views you might like to paint later.
 At the top of the hill was a little lookout area with a park bench. Since you seemed to have it to yourself you unpacked your bags and ate lunch looking out over the tops of the trees below. As you ate you pulled out your sketchbook and started to draw things you could see, going over some with paints and leaving others as just the outline. Ben pulled out his guitar and found a small spot to lean against a tree and play softly, his eyes closed as he plucked at the strings. It was tranquil and peaceful and perfect. Or nearly perfect. You hadn’t noticed it as much while you were walking but now that you were standing still you realised just how freezing cold it was. For a while you tried to ignore it but eventually you had to speak up.
“Benny? Are you getting cold? My fingers are starting to freeze, maybe we should think about heading back?”
Ben dropped into the seat beside you and grabbed your hands in his, “I’ll warm them up for you.”
“That’s cute,” you smiled, not mentioning how unhelpful of a suggestion it was, “But I’m serious. The walk up here took a while anyway, might be best to start heading back down now, before it starts getting dark and even colder. Plus I don’t like the look of those clouds,” you pointed to a dark patch of sky off in the distance.
Ben eyed the rainclouds and thought for a moment, “Alright, you make a good point. Let’s pack up.”
 As quickly as you could you packed everything back into your bags and began to make your way back down the slope. Walking did help warm you up again though you couldn’t help but mention your need to defrost in front of the fire. And your discomfort only got worse as the rain began. The trees protected you a little but not enough and before long your teeth were chattering and your toes felt numb. Ben was just as unhappy, his hair dripping onto his face as he snapped at you to hurry up. He got particularly cranky when you paused to take a photo of the pretty haze the rain had thrown over one of the scenes you’d photographed on your way up, the roof of your cabin just visible through the trees.
“All your fucking complaining and now you want to stop to take pictures? Jesus Christ.”
“Hey, if it wasn’t for me you’d still be sitting up at the fucking lookout twiddling your thumbs.”
“You’re so fucking full of it. And slow! Could you walk a little faster please!” Ben tried to grab your hand and pull you along but you shook him off.
“It’s not my fault my feet feel like ice blocks. I didn’t even want to come out to this stupid cabin.”
“You’re the one who was practically begging for me to take you somewhere.”
“Yeah but not a fucking cabin in the middle of nowhere. This is the start of a horror film Ben. You brought me to a horror film.”
“Y’know this isn’t exactly what I wanted either. I was hoping for something a little more romantic, a little less bitching.”
“Well I think you’ve put paid to that.” You spat back, dropping your eyes to your feet so you could watch the terrain you were walking over, not wanting to slip in case Ben decided to walk ahead.
 You were surprised when Ben held his hand out to you, offering his help to get down a particularly uneven patch of the path, but you took it all the same.
“Sorry,” he said softly, keeping his hand tight around yours, “I know this isn’t ideal.”
“It was lovely up until the rain,” you shrugged, “Sorry I stopped before, and that I’ve been winging so much,”
“Hey, you’re allowed to winge, especially when your idiot boyfriend gets you stuck freezing to death in the middle of nowhere,” he squeezed your hand reassuringly, “but maybe he can make it up to you when you get back to the cabin?”
“I’m thinking we get the fire going and sit as close to it as we can until we’re warm. I can make us some hot chocolate and then maybe we whip up a curry for dinner? Something really hot.”
You chucked and nodded, “Sounds good. Can I make one request?” “What is it?” “Can we cuddle? While we’re in front of the fire?”
“The cuddling was implied. It’s the most romantic thing I can think of so of course we’re cuddling.”
“You’re not an idiot Ben. And walking in the rain is kind of romantic, especially when there’s a fire to go back to.”
Ben pulled your hand up to his lips, kissing the back of it as you walked.
 By the time you got back to the cabin you were damp through, though your shoes felt completely soaked. Ben was true to his word though, peeling off his jacket and bending over the fireplace as he told you to go and get changed. You dug out clean, dry clothes, throwing Ben’s hoodie over the top. You grabbed all the blankets you could and came out to a fire coming to life as Ben hurried off to change. While he was gone you dropped the blankets on the floor, a little back from the fireplace, creating a sort of nest for the two of you.
“You stole my hoodie,” Ben pouted.
“Can’t blame me, it’s so warm and soft and I look cute in it,”
He chucked as he took his place beside you, wrapping his arms around you, “all of that is very true.”
For a while you just sat together, letting the feeling come back to your fingers and toes. Ben asked to see the photos you’d taken, pointing out scenery he thought would make nice artwork, and especially anything you could hang on the walls at home.
“I hope your sketchbook didn’t get too wet”
“I don’t think the rain got into the bags too much. What about your guitar?”
“It should be fine, it’s been in worse weather. Sorry I was short with you before,” he said quietly, his nose bumping your cheek.
You turned your head towards him, “It’s alright. I’m sorry too.”
He kissed you softly, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek.
You sighed against his lips and shifted to better face him, discouraging him from moving away.
 Ben kissed you slowly and deeply, as if he intended to just keep kissing you all night. But gradually his hands began to wander too, fingertips lightly tracing patterns over your sides as they slipped further down. You hummed at the touch, mirroring him, trailing your fingers down his chest and stomach. Slowly, he inched the hem of the hoodie higher until he could pull it over your head. You didn’t mind, plenty warm from the fire and Ben’s embrace.
“This okay?” Ben asked between small kisses along the corner of your mouth, his fingers already tugging at your shirt.
“Mmhmm, very,”
He nodded and lifted your shirt over your head, keeping his arms up so you could do the same to him.
He didn’t rush, leisurely following the line of your throat with his lips, humming in response to your whimpers and mewls. You were already wet when he wriggled his hand under the band of your leggings, exacerbating your arousal as he stroked along your slit.
 Once he had your pants off he rolled you onto your front, making sure you were comfortable amongst all the blankets, the heat of the fire washing over you. Gently, he hooking his fingers into the top of your underwear, pulling them down your legs, leaving soft kisses on your lower back and arse and thighs.
“Give me two seconds, babe,” he whispered, tugging his own pants off and leaning over to grab one of your backpacks.
“What’re you doing?” you asked, looking over your shoulder at the noise.
“Might have thrown a couple of condoms in here, just in case.”
“In case? In case of what?”
“I don’t know. In case the view made you super horny or we wandered into a fairy ring and ended up kidnapped by pervert fairies. Just, y’know, in case.”
“You’re so stupid,” you laughed, tapping him with your foot as you lay down again, your arms folded under your head.
“I was just preparing for any eventuality.”
“Mmm well, you might want to hurry up and prepare or else I’m gonna fall asleep here. It’s very comfortable,”
“Don’t do that, hang on,” You heard Ben tear at the wrapper and then swear and then tear it again as you laughed into your arms.
“Alright, ready. You still awake,”
“Surprisingly, yes,”
“Good,” his voice was close to your ear as he lay over you, cocooning you in his warmth as he entered you from behind.
You moaned into your arm as he slowly rocked into you, his chest against your back as he braced himself on arms either side of you. There wasn’t much scope for anything fast or hard but it was intimate, his cock pressed against your g-spot so that every slight shift of his hips sent a jolt of pleasure through you.
Ben kissed your shoulder and left his lips there as he mumbled, “feel good?”
“Mmhmm, fucking incredible,”
“Mmm, you feel incredible too.”
You pushed your self up and looked around for Ben. Within seconds he was kissing you again, tongue dragging over your lips as another jolt shot though you and you gasped.
 For a while you stayed like that, your movements lazy and slow. But it wasn’t enough to push you over the edge, even with Ben groaning in your ear or sucking at your pulse point.
“I need more Ben,”
“Alright, babe, if I pull out are you good to roll over?”
You nodded, catching him in another kiss to show your appreciation.
Once you were on your back, leaning on your forearms, Ben adjusted his position, his legs falling between yours as he lined himself up once more. He wasn’t much deeper but the angle was different and you felt Ben hit a spot he hadn’t reached before as he leaned over you and attached his lips to your neck again.
“Fuck, Ben,” The fire was still burning, heating your opposite side as you threw your arm around Ben, digging your nails into his back as he gave an experimental thrust.
“This better?” “Yeah. You make me feel so good,”
Ben smiled and lay you back further, so he didn’t have to hold himself up with his arms, instead allowing him to slide one hand between you to softly play with your clit.
You grasped at his back as his hips snapped against yours harder, his fingers constantly rubbing at your clit.
“C’mon, babe, you’re close aren’t you.”
You nodded again, feeling as if you’d lost the ability to form words as your back arched. Everything was warm and comfortable – the fire and the blankets and Ben’s low voice, mumbling encouragement between kisses – and before you fully comprehended it was happening, your orgasm washed over you, pulling Ben’s name from your throat. He mirrored you a few seconds later, groaning your name as he stilled, his forehead falling to meet yours.
Carefully he rolled off you and you shuffled around to lean your head on his chest, still mostly tucked up in your blanket nest.
It was quiet for a moment as you both settled, your breathing falling into sync as you watched the fire and listened to the rain that had only gotten heavier while you were wrapped up in each other.
Suddenly Ben spoke, his tone more than a little braggy, “How’s that for romantic.”
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luckyspacerabbit · 3 years
On Giving Into Impulses
small shrios drabble i never posted on tumblr hehe
Pairing: Thane Krios/ f!Shepard
Rating: G
Words: 801
Warnings: none
Summary: Thane misses his gf. That’s it he’s somft.
The message was bright on Thane’s private terminal, a standalone light illuminating the dark apartment. He had opened it as soon as he received it, his heart skipping at her name, eyes dilating at her words.
It was only a few weeks after the daring suicide mission that had ended with the Collector Base destroyed and the threat of the Reapers quelled. The team had been dismissed under Dan Hyun’s orders, their service as soldiers transforming into that of listeners, disappearing underground to scour for any rumblings about the sentient machines.
Thane headed back to the Citadel himself, the lease on his apartment still intact with a nice sum from Cerberus to cushion the price. It was a beautiful station— even more so now that he had returned. It would have been prettier with Dan Hyun.
Unfortunately, his Siha was due to return home after her stint with Cerberus. Towards the end of their mission, he had nearly interrupted video transmission after video transmission from her parents. He would have been quite distressed if their first impression of him was a half-dressed rumpled version of his typical clean-cut self.
She had invited him to Trident for the several week stay, but he had declined. Her parents had already gone years without seeing her. They didn’t need the distraction of a new lover as well.
There had been challenges to her absence though.
Thane had begun to miss her. In little ways at first. Opening the kitchen cabinet and seeing a set of two plain white mugs. Walking into a dark apartment with a bagful of groceries for one.
They would email of course, but often her days were just a little too busy for a true conversation, of which he had gotten accustomed to during his time on the Normandy.
Meanwhile, the feeling had grown into something more of a longing. It was a tug that pulled when he watched the pink and navy sky freckled with stars sink into night. Then it became the weight on his chest when his sheets felt all too feather-light. He laid some extra pillows along his side to combat the ravenous space in his bed that grew each day. It helped just enough to frustrate him.
Kolyat had remarked on his depravity at their lunch the next day, a gruff jab about his skin being somewhat discolored and questioning his recent activities. He had smiled plainly at the concern, a few words on missing someone close to him and diverting the conversation to other matters. That day he walked home with a boost in his step.
The joy lasted into the evening, cushioning his pillow for a full six-hour sleep, then left him with the artificial sunrise.
And as his eyes fluttered open and caught sight of his arm spread against the wide expanse of the bed, it was clear that a new feeling had taken its place.
Finally, the worst stage had come. The one difficult and glorious feeling that entrenched poets and romantics from every species in the galaxy: yearning. Visions of her skin, just glimpses really, alongside sensations of whispered breaths and soft fingers gripping him, steadying him. The lock of her plump lips, each vibrant memory of her calling him towards the bed, to indulge in a dream far preferable to the staleness of a night alone.
The pressure to resist sinking into their memories was increasing, more than Thane had expected for her short absence, his grip tightening around his thigh. Abruptly he stood from his chair, taking to the window where he could watch the skycars speed by.
He had hoped to find tranquility and resistance in the fast-paced lights but his mind would not leave the ever tempting message on his terminal screen. His heart continued jumping, his mind trapped watching the image of her spinning smile and phantom warmth, blooming heat on his chest greater than that of any Drell, Asari, or Turian.
Thane’s resolve was cracking and he knew it. He realized it long before he brushed past white tulip lips and retrieved a small duffle bag. Curiosity twisted in his mind, pondering on how it had grown so weak after decades of conditioning and molding while his hands performed similar ministrations on a few days worth of clothes. With the sound of zippers and the extranet’s assurance that his plants would survive in his absence, he typed out a short reply to the message that had given him permission to follow the instructions of his yearning heart.
And as the screen faded black and he made his way towards the door, the window blinked for one last moment before flickering out of existence.
To: Thane Krios
From: Dan Hyun Shepard
i want to see you
To: Dan Hyun Shepard
From: Thane Krios
I’m coming.
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