#something about zack's hand over his mouth...
rennarita · 3 months
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e-m-ma-lmfao · 3 months
Can you write something for Sephiroth(pre-nibelheim) or Astarion? Your work is absolutely fantastic btw I’m in love with it ❤️❤️❤️
Not So Subtle
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pairing : sephiroth x female!reader
summary : you have a teenage girl level crush on him, that you and zack talk (very loudly) about when you think no one can hear. but he does.
a/n : this takes place pre-nibelheim so everyone is happy and well! in honour of ff7 rebirth :)
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“Close your mouth or you’ll catch flies.” You snap your jaw shut, eyes moving to glare at the young, dark haired boy who has decided to break your daydream. 
“It wasn’t even open.” He plops down beside you, shoulder touching yours. 
“Mhm.. and you weren’t drooling over our superior.” 
“Your superior,” you correct, eyebrow lifted with pointed sarcasm. If you could stick your tongue out at him, without it seeming childish to everyone around you, you would.
“Last time I checked, you weren’t a first class soldier either,” He points out, amused. Your elbow makes contact with his arm, and his hand reaches to cover the area as he laughs.
Zack was younger than you, though he certainly never acted like there was an age gap. In his mind, you were the same age as him in some way or another. You had always trained together so you felt much closer in age even though you were at least 3 years older than him. At times, he felt like a younger brother to you.
Even more so when he found out you had a crush on the man he spent everyday training beside. Constant teasing, constant threats to spill your secrets, constant blackmail. You couldn’t even count the amount of times he had used your crush to his advantage on one hand. 
There was a time you had to put your foot down and tell him no more, cause it was wrong of course. But also mostly cause you were running out of money to buy his silence.
“Yeah but I'm older, closer to his age. So I don't have to talk to him like I'm below him, unlike some people.” 
“Can you even talk to him?” 
“Then why are you sitting here staring..?” 
“He’s training..” 
“Mhm.” The look on his face tells you he’s not convinced. Right now, it was the truth, Sephiroth was swinging his sword in the domed combat simulator, glass walls clear enough for you to see through. So the excuse of not being able to talk to him, out of fear of being sliced in half by his giant sword, was plausible. 
But any other time that you had sat staring at him, making no effort to speak to him, rendered that excuse inapplicable. 
“Shut it..” You push his shoulder with your elbow once more, and he snorts out a laugh. 
“I don’t get why you can’t just talk to him..” 
“Of course you don’t.. because you're obviously blind. Or you’ve been hit in the head one too many times in combat training.” You turn your gaze away from Zack to look back through the glass enclosing Sephiroth. 
His hair is tied up, hanging loosely against his back. It’s a rare sight, so you indulge yourself and stare a second longer than you should. It’s so relaxed, you think, compared to the seriousness of always having it pristinely down. There are stray hairs, flyaways, falling from the hair tie and hanging against his face. It’s unkempt, a nice contrast to his seemingly perfect lifestyle.
He swings his sword with calculated grace, a grace that you (or Zack for that matter) had yet to achieve. The control he held over his blade was impeccable, it never slipped or moved from his hold even when his hands were moving faster than his body could keep up with. Just another thing that had to be perfect in his life.
“How could I ever speak to him and not make a fool out of myself? For one, he’s first class, I'd totally ruin my chances of making first class if I said something totally outrageous. And knowing me, my mind would be so jumbled, I wouldn't even realize the words had left my mouth before he put me on some kind of ‘do not promote’ list.” 
“Oh so.. the only reason you won’t talk to him is because you're worried about making first class? Not.. I don’t know, maybe, the 12-year-old-girl-level crush you have on him.” Your hand slaps over his lips, eyes scanning around you. For the most part, no one looks at the two of you, and you figure the ones that are looking are doing so because of your hand covering Zacks blabbermouth. 
“Would you shut it?” Even with your hand covering his mouth, he manages to laugh at your widened eyes. The crinkles at the corners of his eyes are a dead giveaway of his amusement. You remove your hand with a pointed look, one that says ‘keep it down’ in a far more subtle way than a hand over his face. 
“You’re so lucky you’re younger than me.” 
“More like so lucky you don’t want to make your boyfriend angry. Besides, you know I’m stronger than you.” 
“Mhm..” You roll your eyes, and with a sigh, you turn back to face Sephiroth. He stands still now and you realize all of the practice dummies have been broken. From your position, he doesn't even seem to have broken a sweat, even though he’s been in there for over an hour. His sword lies on the ground, thrown without care. 
Even with Zack beside you, and the silent teasing that exudes from his body, your eyes remain trained on Sephiroth. You realize it’s childish, to stare and never approach, but the idea of even standing next to him is enough to intimidate you. 
He runs his hand over his back, pulling the hair tie from his hair, allowing it to fall against his shoulders once more. He turns, presumably to leave the combat simulated, and his eyes meet yours through the glass. You knew your staring wasn’t subtle, it had never been before, but you had never expected to get caught. You had never been caught. 
You turn your head away so fast that Zack almost flinches, probably thinking you were going to hit him again. 
“Jesus,” he looks at you with confusion, “What’s the problem?” 
“He saw me.” 
“He saw me! Through the glass! He totally caught me staring at him..” You stare at Zack with wide eyes and flushed cheeks, before you head falls into your lap in shame.
“Would you relax? I guarantee he doesn’t care or he didn’t even see you. Maybe he was just looking at his reflection.”
You look back towards Sephiroth to see him leaving through the doors of the dome, and then you turn back to Zack with a pitiful whine. 
“This is so pathetic…” 
“I agree,” he smiles when you shoot him a glare, “Just talk to him.” 
“Talk to who?” A deep voice sounds from beside you, higher up than where you sit. You feel the hairs on the back of your neck stick up, and Zack's expression is enough to confirm your suspicion about who stands next to you. 
You turn your head to face Sephiroth, and he stares at you expectantly. You think you catch the slightest smirk building on the corner of his lips, but you also think you might just be trying to make yourself feel better. Standing, nowhere close to his height, you hold your hands up. Zack takes this as his sign to stand too. 
“Nobody! Angeal!” You fumble out words, trying to throw out a name before he grows suspicious. 
“Well which is it, nobody? or Angeal?” 
“Angeal. Yeah! Angeal, so.. um.. I should probably go find him.” 
“It just so happens that I have to find Angeal too, allow me to join you.” 
You want to throw the nearest chair at Zack, curse him for speaking so loudly. And you curse yourself for not thinking of an excuse in a reasonable time frame, so you just nod, and excuse yourself from Zack. 
He gives you a pitiful smile, and when you turn to look behind you for support one last time as you walk away he gives you a thumbs up. His face contradicts his hands, and he seems like he’s in a far less teasing mood. 
“Whatever you have to say to him, it must be important.” 
“Hm?” You tilt your head up and to the side to look at Sephiroth, you’ve been walking together for a few minutes now, mostly silently. 
“You're walking fast.” You shrug your shoulders and continue walking. 
At least until your steps are interrupted by him stepping in front of you. 
“Is there a problem?”
“What? Of course not!” He practically glares down at you, arms crossed over his muscular chest. You can see the outline of his defined chest muscles through the straps of his top. And you realize you're practically drooling over him, right in front of him so you force your eyes to meet his once more. But his glare is replaced by a smirk, and amusement in his eyes. 
“I see now..” 
“See what?” 
“Really? Do you think you’re subtle?” Your face flushes and once again you want the floor to open up and consume you whole, but you're stuck here. 
“I don’t know what you're talking about.” Step back, you scream at yourself, but he moves closer and it’s impossible to move your feet. They feel like lead underneath you, not even giving way to a small shuffle backwards.
“No?” His hand reaches up to rest on your cheek, it's gentle, far gentler than you would’ve expected. But the way his fingers tense against your skin has you feeling fuzzy, “You think I don’t notice the way you stare? Hm?” 
He stares at you, thumb moving to the other side of your chin, holding your face in his hand. He maneuvers your face, moving it however he likes. You realize he’s examining the flush in your cheeks, the way your lips part like you want to say something. His tongue gives a humiliating click when your lips close, and the words are lost. 
“I hear you, when you talk to Zack,” he stops his movement, stilling your face to look directly at him, “You’ve never been a quiet girl. Why are you so quiet now?” 
When you don’t respond his eyebrows scrunch, its subtle and almost missable because it’s gone in seconds. He’s not satisfied by your silence.
Sephiroth bends his shoulders, moving closer to your face, “Although, I suppose you’ve never been very talkative around me.” He moves closer still, swerving his nose to the side of your face until he’s able to speak in your ear, “That’s not very nice. You might hurt my feelings if you keep ignoring me.” 
“I’m sorry,” you mumble out meekly, you're honestly not even sure it’s audible at first but he laughs quietly, breath fanning on your ear. His other hand, the one that doesn’t hold your face, reaches up to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear before he pulls away. The breath that leaves your body is almost embarrassing. 
“What’re you sorry for, hm?” He stares expectantly down at you, eyes never leaving yours. 
“F…for ignoring you.”
“So you ignore me?” 
“So you’re lying?” You shake your head as much as you can within the hold of his fingers, “Then what are you sorry for?” 
“For not talking to you.” 
“And why don’t you talk to me, I'm sure you know it’s rude to stare and never speak to someone.”
“Because..” His grip loosens, hand moving back to your cheek, thumb resting on your cheek bone. 
“Because why? Cmon use your voice, the one you use to talk about me with Zack.” 
You stare up at him pitifully, and the way words fumble from your mouth has you wanting to throw up, “Because I have this stupid crush on you, and I can't talk to you without getting nervous. I know it’s stupid and I should have told you sooner so you could reject me and I could move on and I never meant to offend you or-”
You hadn’t realized he had gotten so close until his nose touches yours, top lip brushing against yours as he tips your chin up towards him. Your words fall flat on your tongue when you meet his eyes, or rather when you see his eyes that are focused on your lips. 
“Offend me.. that’s sweet..” He’s so close to you, that every word has his lips brushing against your own again and again. 
“Sephiroth..?” You suppress the urge to move the tiniest bit forward so your lips can fully meet his. And you're sure your face is impossibly red. 
“You should’ve told me about this ‘stupid’ crush sooner, such a foolish girl. May I?” You're confused, what is he asking for? His eyes flicker up to yours before moving back to your lips. When you realize what he means you nod your head perhaps too eagerly. 
Slowly, to tease, his lips press against yours, palm pressing into the skin of yours to keep you in place. Eyes fluttering closed, your hands find his chest, silently screaming about the position you’ve found yourself in.
His lips overpower yours in every regard, moving languidly against you. His other hand reaches up to the free side of your face, fingers tickling the skin on your neck and thumb resting on your jaw. 
When he pulls away you can only look at him with half lidded eyes, dazed. 
Al he does is chuckle, rubbing your cheek with his thumb and patting your head. One hand holds the back of your head, leaning down to kiss your temple, before stepping behind you, “Don’t be so shy from now on. Maybe we’ll end up here again.”
His steps echo through the empty hall as he walks away.
“Wait… wait.. I thought you had to go see Angeal?” You turn, taking one step in his direction, then stopping yourself in your tracks hesitantly. 
“I didn’t. And I know you didn’t either.” He only turns his cheek towards you to speak and then continues on down the hallway, tall and brooding.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 5 months
Ok, one of those amazing prank shenanigans but it’s the Firsts and Zack, but they are all pulling an elaborate prank on Hojo for Seph’s birthday <3
The "Sephiroth's Wedding" Prank
Lazard is sitting at his desk while Sephiroth dials up Hojo's phone number for him. Angeal, Genesis and Zack are all standing around, watching as the phone starts ringing. Lazard presses it to his ear and waits for Hojo to pick up. On the fifth ring, the professor's grating voice answers.
Hojo: Professor Hojo speaking.
Lazard: Good evening, this is James from Bloomwood Event Planning. I'm calling on behalf of Sephiroth to confirm your presence at the wedding next weekend.
*There's a pause, Sephiroth has to slap his hand over his mouth to contain his snort*
Hojo: I beg your pardon? What are you on about, you imbecile? How dare you disturb me while I am working.
Lazard: You heard me correctly, sir. You were sent an invitation a month ago, and I'm calling to confirm your invite.
Hojo: My invite to what?
Lazard: Sephiroth's wedding, of course.
*There's another long pause. Zack has to leave Lazard's side so that he doesn't make any noise*
Hojo: Clearly there has been a mistake. There is no possibility that Sephiroth would ever waste his time on marriage, let alone copulate and breed with another being without my expressed approval.
Lazard: Am I to understand that you won't be in attendance? Is that what I should tell the couple?
Hojo: What couple?
Lazard: Ah, forgive me. The correct term is polycule.
*There's another incredibly long pause, Genesis is quietly laughing while Angeal shushes him*
Lazard: Sir? Sir, are you still there?
Hojo: Which individuals are involved in this⏤in this⏤filth?
Lazard: Why, Sephiroth is set to marry Genesis Rhapsodos and Angeal Hewley, of course.
Lazard: They're a very happy trio⏤
Hojo: How could he do this to me?
Lazard: Sir⏤
Hojo: His apparent attraction towards the same sex is useless on its own, but Hollander's brats!?
Lazard: Professor⏤
Hojo: It was the visibly homosexual one with the red coat who coerced him, wasn't it?
*Genesis sinks and curls into a ball on the floor, Sephiroth is in tears as he covers his mouth, Angeal is in the corner laughing, and Zack is grinning as he listens intently*
Lazard: I can assure you that they are very much in love, Professor. I'm fortunate enough o have gained their trust, making me privy to the extent of their dynamic.
*Sephiroth is quickly writing it all down for Lazard to read*
Hojo: You don't say.
Lazard: Yes, Angeal claims that Sephiroth is a very obedient and perfectly submissive partner.
Hojo: WHAT?
Lazard: He and Genesis take very good care of him. The last time they swung by my office to discuss some last-minute details, Sephiroth was on a leash.
Lazard: Sir, are you there?
*Genesis, still on the ground, grabs Sephiroth's leg and makes Sephiroth lose it. He crouches to the ground too, laughing under the desk*
Lazard: Do you need me to call for emergency services?
Lazard: No, no, I'm positive that it was him. They were here with their son.
*Zack starts frantically pointing at himself*
Lazard: Oh, you haven't heard? They formally adopted Angeal's mentee, Zack, and are now his parents.
*There's a loud sound of something falling from the other end, along with a commotion as multiple voices of lab technicians start speaking at the same time*
Lazard: Professor? Professor Hojo?
*The line goes dead*
Sephiroth: I think we killed him.
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
All These Years [Part 6: "The White Whale"]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
[You can find the full series summary and masterlist of installments for All These Years here.]
Warnings/tags: 18+ for this series; contains emotional hurt with no comfort until the final installments, angst, pining, friends to lovers, slowburn, and eventually smut
Word Count: 4k
a/n: This installment is entirely in Matt's POV! Probably one of the only ones in this series that will be. As I was writing I knew I needed to do a last minute title change to this installment, too, because it went in a different direction. Hopefully what you learn from this installment only makes everything in this series hurt so much more. There are end notes on this, too because I feel like you'll need it. Feedback is always appreciated!
Tag list: @acharliecoxedfan @theetherealbloom @rotscinema @magnumstyles @roseallisonparker @ofmusesandsecrets @readerhead @paracosmic-murdock @v4leoftears @why-always-me-gosh-please @redbircl @keepingitlokiii @yarrystyleeza @mattkinsella @ms-murdockswift
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“This place isn’t so bad,” Foggy mused.
Matt could hear the way Foggy’s head turned, clearly taking in the view of the dive bar around them. It smelled pungently of must and mildew and clearly there had been a good bit of alcohol spilled and left to dry along the floors, but otherwise it was alright here. At least it wasn’t too loud. The classic rock music playing over the speakers wasn’t blaring like the pop music playing in most bars he’d gone to always was. It never failed to give him a headache and make him duck out early.
“Well it’s not that loud, at least,” Matt replied.
Foggy nudged Matt’s arm with his elbow sharply. Matt could hear the pull of Foggy’s muscles drawing his mouth into a smile. He wished he could work himself up into even a sliver of that excitement for tonight.
“Come on,” Foggy pressed. “It’s the first night in a while that we’ve gotten out and have been able to do something that doesn’t involve paperwork. And we’re getting the three amigos back together again! Smile, dammit!”
Matt’s focus dropped towards the table, his hand tightening around the neck of his bottle of beer. He hadn’t had a chance to see you in weeks, and it had been weeks before that, too. Landman and Zack had managed to keep him and Foggy plenty busy since the three of you had graduated a few months back. And he was happy to finally see you again–that is, he would’ve been if it actually was going to be just the three of you tonight. But no, you were bringing a boyfriend . The first one you’d actually ever had since Matt had known you. 
And it had made him sick to his stomach thinking about it all day today.
“Yeah, it’s been a while,” was all he could muster in response.
He drew his beer to his lips, taking a long pull. He was hoping to get at least a buzz going before the two of you showed up. He didn’t want to be sober having to listen to the way your body reacted to your boyfriend all night.
The truth of it was, Matt wanted you. And he’d wanted you since he first met you.
No, actually, that wasn’t accurate, either.
Matt had wanted you for an entire semester before he’d ever actually met you in the library. He had first encountered you on campus in the late evening. He’d overheard someone trip on the sidewalk farther up ahead of him, spilling their books and their papers everywhere. They’d quietly cursed to themselves as they knelt down to collect their things. Matt could tell they’d been close to tears, too. He figured they’d been having a bad day already as they quietly fumed to themselves while others just passed them by on the sidewalk, leaving them to pick up their scattered belongings alone.
But then you’d stumbled upon them, stepping off to the side and crouching down to help them pick up the mess without hesitation. You’d sounded sweet and gentle when you’d greeted them, offering them some kind words and a warm smile that Matt thought he could almost feel as he eavesdropped. He’d oddly found himself affected by you, taking a moment to pause on the side of the sidewalk, pretending he was checking a voicemail on his phone as he tuned into your interaction. He had felt like a creep but he couldn’t seem to stop himself. 
And then he'd been fascinated by you afterwards, your voice and the scent of you plaguing his mind. He'd spent weeks trying to run across you on campus again. He'd lied and told Fog he'd actually bumped into you that night since he was unable to tell him how he'd really stumbled on you. His heightened senses were a secret even to Foggy. But then he and Foggy had often talked about you afterwards–the pair of them had spent all semester referring to you as Matt's White Whale. He'd been relentlessly searching for you around campus whenever he wasn’t busy with his studies or on a date. But then he'd discovered you around the science buildings right before the beginning of winter break. Unfortunately you’d managed to disappear during those few weeks before the next semester started, Matt being unable to pick up on you again.
He'd then spent all of winter break telling Fog how he'd planned to linger around that building when classes resumed, hoping to catch your voice again–or in reality, the scent of your pheromones and the beat of your heart. He was certain he’d recognize both of them. Him and Fog had spent many a night throwing back beers and coming up with many amusing and ridiculous schemes of how Matt might actually have a chance to meet you. 
When classes did resume that following semester, Matt had often frequented the science building in his free moments. And even though Matt had still gone out and enjoyed the attention of other women during that time–something that had been quite a thrilling contrast from his life before college, considering he’d come fresh from St. Agnes–he couldn’t seem to shake you from his mind. Many times he caught himself wondering where he could take you on a date, or what your favorite food might be. He desperately wanted to know what subject you studied. He wanted to know your name and how your voice sounded when you finally said his. He wondered what music you liked and what your shampoo would smell like if he ever had the chance to press his nose into your hair. 
And then one fateful day when he’d been at the library working on research for a class, he’d caught the scent of you unexpectedly. His mouth had gone dry and his mind had momentarily gone blank in surprise. You were there. In the library. With him.
It had sounded like you were on your phone and making your way towards him. Matt had panicked, unsure in the moment how to actually catch your attention and strike up a conversation. In his haste to make sure his chance hadn’t disappeared on him, he’d abruptly stepped out of the aisle he was in, arms laden with books, and accidentally miscalculated how far away you were. You’d ran right into him and startled him in return, causing him to drop his books on the ground and your toe. He felt awful when he’d heard you shout but then he couldn’t resist the laugh at your strange outburst. 
But when you’d actually looked at who you’d run into, Matt had instantly picked up on all the telltale signs of your physical attraction to him. The increase in your pheromones had driven him crazy and his nerves completely disappeared, that confidence he had with every other young woman he’d flirted with on campus quickly taking over. 
He thought he’d had you that day. It seemed a sure thing when he’d asked for your number and you’d given it to him. But then he invited you over to his dorm a few days later on Saturday night. He had every intention to take you out on a date and bring you back to an empty dorm room–if he was lucky enough and you’d wanted that. Because God he had certainly been thinking about you in very sinful ways over those few days. His thoughts had been driving him wild and he desperately hoped sex with you would help ease those persistent and nagging desires. If he could just experience it, maybe you wouldn’t be clouding his damn senses and taking up so much space in his thoughts. Though he worried if he got a taste he’d just want more, like you were some sort of drug to him.
But you’d shown up early that night, and Matt hadn’t technically called it a date. He’d asked for you to ‘hang out’, which admittedly was what he always called it. Usually the women he spent time with knew what he meant, but you’d shown up early and Foggy hadn’t left yet. He’d inevitably introduced the pair of you, hoping to segue into you and him leaving–but you and Foggy had instantly hit it off.
You’d both bonded over a Red Hot Chili Peppers song Foggy was playing, apparently it being both of yours’ favorite song by them. And then that turned into a long discussion about music and the bands you’d both seen, which had led to jokes being shared. Your laughter had sounded amazing to Matt’s ears, but he’d sat there on the end of his bed dumbfounded. You and Fog had almost identical interests. You so quickly warmed up to him. And he could read your body’s reaction that night–you were eliciting all of the signs of attraction.
To Foggy. 
While Matt was just sitting there on his bed, you were beside Foggy displaying every sign to Matt that you were interested in Foggy . Not him. 
It had crushed him. All of those weeks of trying to find you, all of those nights of you plaguing his mind, and you liked Foggy . He hadn't even told Fog you were the White Whale ahead of time, hoping not to jinx things, but in the end things had wound up going awry for Matt anyway. 
He’d tried to remain hopeful that he’d gotten it wrong, but then the pair of you began Saturday nights as a weekly thing. Both of you were always texting after that. And you always seemed so eager to come over to see him. Always spending so much time with him. And every time you showed up, you’d be giving off every damn clue that you were attracted to him. It only took a couple of weeks before Matt gave up and went back to what he’d been doing–sleeping around. He couldn’t have you, so he figured he’d have whoever else he could. And when Foggy had asked him about his White Whale again, he’d sadly told him it hadn’t worked out. He’d never mentioned the White Whale again.
Though it was always strange to Matt that you’d never done anything more with Foggy. Anytime Matt hadn’t been around for the Saturday nights the pair of you spent together and he had occasionally popped back in, you often reacted like he’d interrupted something, your body going into overdrive. But you were always studying or hanging out, never anything more.
It didn’t make sense until he’d finally gotten something like an answer out of you that one night he’d upset you at the bar. He’d had a brief moment of hope when he heard your body reacting as you were looking at him, wondering if it was actually him you were reacting to like that first time in the library. He’d somehow hoped in that moment that he’d gotten everything all wrong, that it was him that you somehow liked all this time, and in his haste to say the right thing, he’d said the wrong thing.  Especially with that stupid comment about being your wingman. And he’d really upset you to the point that you’d left the bar early near tears. He wanted to chase after you but he had no reason to realistically do so–he wasn’t supposed to be able to know you were crying as you walked back to your dorm, but he did. So when Foggy had spotted Marci, he’d been thrilled to have an excuse to leave, dodging some woman who’d tried to sleep with him before hurrying after you.
But then you’d broke his heart again because you were upset over Fog. He couldn’t deny it after you’d admitted to only being seen as a friend by the person you had feelings for and then breaking down crying on him. Because Matt had been too thoughtless with his words and told you Foggy was chatting with Marci–the girl you both knew he’d been talking about recently. Why else would you have started crying? If you’d had feelings for him he was certain you’d have said something then and there with how he’d been trying to talk you up all night. Telling you any guy would be lucky to take you on a date–which obviously included him.
That night had cemented it for him. You were in love with Foggy. As much as Matt hated seeing how hurt you were sitting in the friend zone with him, he selfishly didn’t want to bring it to Foggy’s attention because he knew it would absolutely kill him to watch Foggy with you . The one he could never get out of his head. He did his best to ignore it as the months and years went by, intentionally trying to ignore whatever your body was doing because it hurt too fucking much to listen to it.
When Elektra had come into his life, she’d certainly been the first one to come close enough to shaking you from his mind. He’d fallen for her fast and hard, especially when she saw every single dark part about him and still never turned him away. She saw him for everything he was–including his heightened senses that neither you nor Fog had any clue about–and she loved him for it. Or, he thought she had. And even she had pointed out how crazy you seemed about Foggy. How you were attached to his hip like a lovesick puppy she’d said. How you always spent all your time with him. Her words only further cemented it in his mind that he would never have you. Not as anything more than his best friend.
That knowledge broke him twice as hard when Elektra left. Because you’d been there for him, encouraging him. Being the absolutely wonderful, beautiful person you were. He didn’t deserve it, either. He’d been an asshole to you when he’d been with Elektra. He was still being an asshole to you when he continued to keep his mouth shut to Fog about your feelings–because he was selfish and never wanted to see you with him. Instead he’d eventually gone back to burying himself in a different girl when he had the chance, especially the closer it had gotten to graduation. He was afraid he’d lose you after the three of you graduated from Columbia, the dark thought constantly lingering in his mind. 
He’d almost kissed you that night, too. That night it was just you and him cuddled together on his bed after graduation. The last night in your dorms. He’d been overcome with the urge to just tell you everything and kiss you, but then he’d caught the feeling of your panic when he’d so carefully cradled your face in the palm of his hand, desperate to finally feel your lips on his. To hear you tell him you cared for him, too. But all he’d felt was your fear in that moment instead. You must’ve realized he was about to say something, that he’d been about to possibly kiss you, and you panicked at the thought of it. Because Foggy was asleep in the bed across from both of you and you loved him . So he’d bit the words back and said the first thing that came to his mind instead of what he really wanted to. And it fucking killed him to do so.
Now, here you all were getting together months later, and you were bringing your boyfriend. Clearly you’d tried to move on from Fog, but that didn’t make things hurt any less for Matt. He hadn’t moved on from you. He wasn’t sure if he ever would be able to at this rate. And he certainly tried–he’d fucked a few interns at Landman and Zack, but none of them made him forget how it felt to wake up beside you that morning he had after Elektra had left him.
“Oh hey, I think that’s them!” Foggy said excitedly.
His words drew Matt back to this miserable moment, the sound of Foggy’s hand waving the pair of you over only deepening the frown on his face. He didn’t want this asshole here with his arm around you. Probably kissing you in front of him. He wanted to be the one doing that. Not this random guy who’d recently popped into your life and didn’t know you like Matt did. It felt wrong .
“Hey guys!” your cheery voice greeted the pair of them.
Matt quickly did his best to tune out the sound of your body and ignore the faint scent of your arousal that abruptly hit him when you’d reached the table. His hand tightened around his bottle of beer again. Your boyfriend’s scent was mixed with yours and it didn’t sit right with Matt. It pissed him off, actually. For some reason he really wanted to hit this guy.
Foggy greeted you brightly with your name and then he felt your eyes land on him expectantly. The smile noticeably faltered on your face, he could hear it in the way your muscles shifted. Raising his head from the table, he forced a smile onto his mouth and greeted you with your name in return. 
“Guys this is Liam,” you said, introducing your boyfriend.
“It’s so nice to finally meet you!” Foggy exclaimed, reaching out a hand. ��I’m Foggy.”
Liam reached out, accepting the handshake in return. Matt ground his teeth together as he listened to the interaction.
“I’ve heard so many stories about you both,” Liam was saying, his attention turning to Matt as Foggy released his hand. “You must be Matt, right?”
Matt knew Liam was extending a hand out towards him, he heard the air shift in front of him when he did. He also knew it was usually the polite thing to do to at least extend his own hand out when he introduced himself, allowing the other person to reach out and shake his hand. But he didn’t want to shake Liam’s hand. He didn’t want to be his friend. He didn’t want him here .
“Yeah, that’s me,” Matt replied.
He heard the way Liam’s hand awkwardly lowered back to his side after a few uncomfortable seconds. He could practically feel the three sets of eyes on him. That had been rude, but he didn’t care.
“How about I get us a drink?” Liam asked, turning to you.
“Sure, that’d be great!” you responded. “A beer would be good.”
When Liam leaned towards you and kissed you, Matt thought he was going to break the beer bottle with how hard he was gripping the neck of it. He even caught the light tap to your ass before he’d sauntered off to the bar, wishing he could’ve been as oblivious to that as Foggy was. Or to the way it’d made you blush.
“You seem happy,” Foggy said, reaching across the table and playfully slapping your shoulder. “How’ve you been?”
“Good!” you answered, your tone bright. “The job’s gotten a lot better now that the stress of being the newbie is past. How’ve you guys been? How’s the internship going? Still busy?”
Foggy blew out an exaggerated breath. “ Exhausting . We’ve been drowning in paperwork and menial tasks, but there’s apparently two positions opening up in a few months and I think Matt and I are in line for it.”
“Oh my God!” you exclaimed, your attention turning towards Matt. “That’s awesome! You guys deserve it!”
Matt’s heart might have skipped a beat at the sound of your excitement for them. He noticed your eyes lingering on him. Probably because he was being uncharacteristically silent tonight. And rude.
“So how’d you meet Liam? How long have you both been together?” Foggy asked, bringing his beer to his mouth for a drink.
Matt could tell you’d nervously ducked your head at the question, tucking some hair behind your ear. It was cute. You were cute. He wished you acted like that when asked about him instead of Liam .
“Just a couple of weeks,” you admitted. “It’s still new. I actually met him at a coffee shop–or, technically outside of it. We sort of grabbed each others’ drinks on accident. He was the one who’d noticed, I was just hurrying to get back home for work. He’d had to chase me down a block.” 
You laughed and the sound was like a knife to Matt’s heart. You liked this guy. And that fucking hurt.
“He was sweet and had some terrible jokes,” you continued. “For some reason he asked me out to dinner and then, well–” you shrugged, “–here we are now.” 
You cleared your throat, your attention nervously darting to Foggy and then back to himself before you ducked your head again. Matt’s eyes narrowed behind his glasses curiously, wondering what that had been about until you spoke again.
“So uh, are you two seeing anyone?” you asked.
Your tone was pitched higher than usual and Matt instantly guessed the reasoning. His eyes closed behind his glasses, his heart further sinking in his chest.
You still liked Foggy, didn’t you? He’d never have a chance with you.
“Well it turns out Marci is actually interning at Landman and Zack, too,” Foggy replied. “But uh, she still isn’t too interested in being serious. But I’m working on her!”
Your attention shifted to him, your heart having sped up at Foggy’s words. Probably upset because he was still pursuing Marci instead of you. He could sympathize with your heartache.
“And…what about you, Matt?” you asked, voice suddenly quieter.
He focused on you standing directly across from him at the table. You were gripping it firmly in both of your hands, your heart still beating a little faster after Foggy’s admission. He swallowed hard, trying to hide his emotions behind his glasses. 
Still hopelessly in love with you.
“Ever the bachelor,” he said with a tense smile. “You know me.”
You’d opened your mouth to respond, but Liam had appeared at your side, cutting you off. He handed you your beer and you’d smiled when he’d kissed you on the cheek. Matt’s attention dropped back down on the table, his jaw clenched yet again. This was going to be a long night, he could already tell. 
Maybe he could find an excuse to head out early. Claim he wasn’t feeling well or something. There was something he was thinking about doing tonight, something he’d recently picked up. The thought of it was sounding better and better the lower Liam slid his hand down your back. And it’d certainly be a better outlet beating an asshole who truly deserved it than your boyfriend. Plus if Foggy wasn’t at the apartment, well, then it’d be all the easier for him to slip in and out. Though he really needed to focus on getting his own place soon so he could keep his nightly activities private. He certainly couldn’t tell either of you what he got up to in the evenings. Maybe he’d just use the excuse to Fog that he needed his own place to bring women back to without having to constantly worry about a roommate. He’d surely buy that line. He already thought he was often out sleeping around as it was.
For the next half hour, Matt quietly drank down his beer, barely adding much to the conversation unless you or Foggy had directly acknowledged him. Shortly after he’d finished his drink, he’d made up an excuse about a bad headache. Despite the boisterous round of protests from you and Foggy, he’d departed the bar and made his way back to the apartment. When he’d gotten there, he’d wasted no time quickly dressing in the all black outfit he kept hidden in the false bottom of his father’s steamer trunk at the foot of his bed. Pulling the fabric of a mask over the majority of his face, he slipped out of his bedroom window, landing on the fire escape almost soundlessly. And then he was off scouring the rooftops of Hell’s Kitchen, ready to loose the anger he’d kept inside of himself tonight on someone who truly deserved it.
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[END NOTES--which are always on my AO3 fics and give more insight & I figured some of you might want it for this installment]
Reader has a boyfriend in here! And we find out Matt has had feelings for Reader long before that interaction at the library. And he's been repeatedly misinterpreting her body to think that it's Foggy she's reacting to instead of him (even if he's aware of the physical attraction she has to him), especially with the knowledge that she has feelings for a friend. Doesn't help that Elektra intentionally fed him lies to further push that idea into his mind. Not to mention, Reader does panic when Matt is about to kiss her on graduation night, and Matt completely misreads the reasoning behind her body's reaction. And these idiots both keep saying that they're each other's 'friend' repeatedly. Plus it probably doesn't help that Matt intentionally tries to ignore her body so he doesn't have to hear it reacting to Fog (when really its him). And clearly Reader is often misinterpreting Matt's reactions to things (and he's also hiding it).
There you have it folks. They're both hopelessly in love with each other and have been for years. But no one is opening their damn mouth. Now Reader is dating someone else.
Oh, and Matt is now becoming the Devil of Hell's Kitchen, if you didn't catch that. But Foggy thinks he's out sleeping around. And therefore Reader probably does, too.
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anurst · 1 year
Girl Bradshaw
Summary: Seeing your estranged brother and godfather so close and friendly, makes your insides churn. You lost Pete, the only father you've ever know, because of Bradley. So, why the hell were they acting as if Bradley hadn't hated him for the past nineteen years.
Pairing(s): Jake "Hangman" Seresin x F! Bradshaw! Reader
Warning(s): language, estranged family issues, reader's got daddy issues and brother issues, reader's got a set appearance but feel free to change it you want
A/n: I have the next couples chapters written out already and it could work as a non jake seresin x reader. I was wondering if that's something you'd all be interested in or if I should keep it as a jake seresin x reader
Part 3: All is said and well or is it?
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The past two years of Bradley's life feel like taboo when he hears your voice call out to him. The fight you two had nineteen years ago comes flooding back to him and guilt pools in his stomach. Your young, crying face flashes in his mind.
The moment your eyes land on Pete behind Bradley, rage sets in. The only man who acted like a dad to you and then cut you off. The man who was the reason you lost your brother was standing six feet away from you.
"Braidy..." Pete whispers as your mouth runs dry. Silent, you look from Bradley to Pete and back to Bradley. He's so different from the teen you knew nineteen years ago. He's a man now. He's taller, his hair is darker, there's faint scars on his neck and face, and most of all, he looks like the spitting image of your dead dad. Looking at him makes you sick, and you force yourself to look at Pete.
Jake, uncomfortable with the tense atmosphere, comes up behind you and places his hand on the small of your back. His touch makes you jump and you grab his arm before twisting it. A pained cry escapes his mouth as the people around you move to help Jake. Realizing what you've done, you let Jake go and take a step away. Your breathing is uneasy and your body feels hot.
"What the hell!" a black man says as he comes to step in between you and Jake. You see more people start to close in and your body goes rigid.
"I-I'm sorry. I'm not good with touch- I really am sorry," you stutter. Jake is rubbing his shoulder blade and looks at you with worry and confusion, except you never look at him because your eyes are back on Bradley.
The rest of the dagger squad now have their eyes on you and Bradley. Natasha is the first one to make the connection. You and Bradley almost look the same. Your features are more feminine, but the similarities are undeniable. The only difference between the two of you is that your eyes are blue, a trait you inherit from Carole. Despite the difference in eye color, Pete's reaction to you proves a relationship between the three of you.
Also, your name is Braidy? Wow, Bradley and Braidy. Your parents were comedians. "Shaw!" a young voice calls out. All eyes turn to see a little blonde girl running towards you. As all your worries and problems fade away, a wide smile makes its way to your face. You crouch down and pick the little girl up.
"My girl!" The girl wraps her arms around your neck and she places her hands on your each side of your face.
"Daddy said to come save you," she mumbled before she buries her head into your neck. You chuckled before patting her back.
"I'm saved. Thank you."
"You have a kid?" Bradley asks, his eyes wide as he looks at the girl who's trying to hide from all the prying eyes. You brush him off before turning to Jake. You sigh again and a guilty and sorry look over comes your face.
"I really am sorry, Jake." Jake simply nods his head and you take a deep breath. "Who brought you here?" you ask Sarah as she plays with your hair.
"Eva." At the mention of the woman, you turn to look at the bar and see her watching you with Zack. Nodding at the two of them, your eyes go back to the girl.
"I'll take you home now. How about I read you a story and we can rewatch that disney movie you like." Sarah nods happily to your offer. You're about to leave when Pete calls out to you. Reluctantly turning your eyes to the older man, the sorry look he has on his face gives you a little satisfaction
"Don't. Just don't. I don't care." Heartbreak spreads onto Pete's face at your words. Your heart aches at his face and the memories of the despair you felt when you realized that Pete abandoned you runs through you.
You quickly turn on your heel and start walking to Zack and Eva. Telling them the situation, Zack agrees and gives you the keys to his car. After, you make your way to your friends and tell them you're taking Sarah home. Bradley calls your name and you pray that he doesn't make a scene.
Your friends eyes watch with confusion as the your brother tries to plead you to talk with him. Jensen's the first one to act when he sees the tension in your shoulders. "Sorry, bud, but we've gotta get the little lass home. It's late, you know." Bradley dismiss him as he tries to get you to look at him but your eyes are stuck on the floor.
"Braidy, please. I'm sorry! Please look at me! Talk to me! I'm your brother!" You scoff in disbelief as you roll your eyes.
"My brother left me when I was fourteen. As far as I'm concerned, he might as well be dead cause I've been on my own since freshman year of high school." Sarah's small whimper makes you cradled her head as you calm yourself. "Look, we're gonna be working together. Just stay out of my way and leave me alone, Bradley."
Jensen puts a hand on your back and acts a wall to separate you and Bradley. When your brother tries to get closer to, Carlos and Ethan are quick to their feet to push him back, and Amy and Nolan are trying to stop the questioning eyes from watching any further.
When you make it to the parking lot, your shoulders feel lighter and the night air is calming. Sarah's head becomes heavier on your shoulder and you know that she's fallen asleep. You take the keys that Zack gave you and toss them to Jensen. You strap Sarah into her car seat and settle into the passenger's seat. The drive to the Ramsey residence is quiet and your mind is running at high speed.
When did Pete and Bradley make up?
Why hadn't they told you?
Why did Pete cut off all contact with with you after you told him about the argument between you and Bradley?
Why is it that Bradley is one that always gets a dad while you don't?
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Jensen softly closes Sarah's bedroom door behind him as he runs a hand through his hair. After years in the raiders, his footsteps make no noise as he makes his way to the living room. He sees you leaning against the couch with your knees pulled to your chest and your head buried into your arms.
"(y/n)?" he asks softly. You don't move at all and he sighs before sitting down next to you. "You in there?" He bumps his shoulder with yours and you finally look up. Your eyes are blank and he frowns. He's seen this version of you, and he hates it. The last time he's seen you like this was after what happened in Russia.
Before he knows what he's doing, his hands are cradling your face. You let out a shaky breath and your eyebrow twitches as you try to stop yourself from crying. Jensen smiles softly as he brushes your hair out of your face. "There you are beautiful girl," Jensen mutters softly.
That's all it takes before you let your tears fall. You let Jensen pull you onto his lap and wrap your arms around his neck. By now, you're straddling his legs and you face is buried into the crook of his neck. "I hate him, Jensen..." you croak, your hiccups almost making it impossible for Jensen to understand what you're saying. The only thing he can do is rub your back and give you soft whispers of reassurance.
By the time you're done crying your heart out, your eyes are puffy and you feel exhausted. You've shifted from your previous position and decide to lean your head on Jensen's shoulder instead. The rattling of the doorknob sends you both into flight or fight mode and you both relax when Zack walks through the door, a tired and worried smile on his face.
"You feeling ok, (y/n)?" the blond asks you as he moves to set his things down. Silently nodding at him, you grab your things and let him press a gentle kiss to your forehead and thank both you and Jensen for taking Sarah home and staying. You wait by the door as Jensen and Zack exchange a couple words. You know they're talking about Bradley but don't have the energy to tell them to just leave it alone.
Once he's done, Jensen leads you out the door and is at the bottom of the stairs when you stop. You're standing at the top of the porch stairs and look down at him. He turns to you with a confused look and asks what's wrong. "I love you," you say, you eyes staring into his. His cheeks slightly flush as he chuckles.
"I know."
"I'm serious. You're my best friend."
'You're the only person who I really think of as my brother' is what you don't say out loud, but Jensen understands what you're trying to say.
"And you're mine," he replies.
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Your eyes are still puffy when you wake up. The sun isn't even up when you rise from your bed. Grumbling, you shut off your alarm and begin to get ready for the day. A day you dreaded once you found out that Pete and Bradley were going to be a part of the team that your own was going to have to cooperate with for a mission.
Knocking at your door stops you from thinking any more about your family. Checking through the peephole, you see Jensen standing with a tray of two iced coffees in one hand and a bag in the other. Opening the door, you let him walk into your apartment.
"Brought you breakfast. Ice coffee and an everything bagel, toasted, with strawberry cream cheese." Smiling, you let him set everything up on the dinner table before sitting across from him. Silence fills the room as you both eat your own bagels. Jensen's the first one to break it. "You gonna be alright today?"
Wiping your mouth with a napkin, you nod. "Like you said, I'm gonna have to be ok with them being here.” Jensen frowns before throwing his trash out.
“Still. Maybe we get Nolan to talk to Chambers. Get them switch out or something.”
You shake your head, “They’re here and this mission is happening.” You wipe at your mouth again and grab your personal things. “Ready?” Jensen nods
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You’re grateful that the pilots aren’t here when you and Jensen join your squad in the conference room. Ari enters and requests to speak to you in the hall for a minute. Your team gives you worried looks and you assure them it's ok.
"I heard what happened yesterday," Ari starts and you curse under your breath. "I need to know if you can work this mission." You sigh and look up at the taller man. Your frown causes him discomfort and it's visible in his furrowed eyebrows.
"I can and I will."
Ari purses his lips and runs a hand through his neat hair. "I knew. I knew that your brother was one of the pilots chosen for this assignment. I thought- that you two were on good terms, so I apologize for any problems that have come up." You chuckle softly at his words. Always prim and proper.
"It's not your fault, Chambers. You didn't know."
"I do know that the dagger squad has been stationed at Miramar for the past 2 years."
Miramar? Wait- that's
"45 minutes from here," you whisper and Ari frowns. Pete and Bradley have been 45 minutes from you for the past two years? What a sick joke.
"SOO Chambers?" Pete calls out from behind you and you're faced with the group of pilots from yesterday. Jake seems to light up a little when your eyes meet. Your heart skips a beat and you gulp.
"Captain Mitchell," Ari says, his voice void of any emotions. "Welcome to Camp Pendleton."
"Thank you." Pete's eyes are on you. You take a deep breath in and exhale before turning your head to Ari.
"I'll be inside." You're quick to walk inside and take your seat in between Ethan and Nolan.
"(y/n)?" Ethan asks, his voice soft. You give him a small smile and try to calm your anxiety. The door opens and you stare at your tangled hands that are resting on the table. Feet shuffle around the room and the pilots take their seats on the opposite side of the table, parallel from your team. There's a thick aura when everyone's seated.
Jensen's glaring daggers at Bradley, who keeps his gaze on you. Nolan's having his own staring contest with Pete. You raise your gaze to look at the person who's sitting opposite from you and you're glad that Jake's the one who you see. The dirty blond gives you a smirk and you feel the corners of you mouth start to turn up.
Ari clears his throat while he stands at the head of the table. All eyes turn to him and blinds start to shut while the lights dim. "This needs to end. This mission will not function with all the hostility. Meadows, Mitchell, keep your teams in line." The two men nod and Ari continues, "Your assignment. It's a warehouse that is suspected to be run by an international criminal group. Ghost team," your team perks up at the name. "You're assigned to infiltrate, recover, and asses. From our intel, there's a chance that there's confidential information stored in the warehouse that may reveal more information regarding the criminal group. From there, you'll asses the threat the this group poses and whatever action you deem necessary.”
"Chambers, I have to question the credibility of reconnaissance information," Nolan says and your team shifts uncomfortability. "We don't what a repeat of what took place in Russia."
Ari nods in agreement, "I've already taken precautions. Reconnaissance was conducted by elemental leader Bud Buck, who I know you're aquantanced with." Your team smiles at the mention of the older man.
"That's where he's been?" Amy laughs and Carlos grins.
"You know Buck. Man is made to be in the military and even more a spy," Carlos muses.
"Satisfying enough, Meadows?" Ari asks, keeping his professional demeanor. Nolan steals a quick glance to you and nods. "Now then, that leads us to the Dagger team. While this sounds like a job for raiders, I assure you your skills are necessary. Elemental leader Buck has done some geographical recon and the warehouse is surrounded by enemy missiles. In addition, there's an enemy base located south that's filled with enemy pilots. Your job is distraction and protection. You keep the skies busy and we'll take care of the groundwork. Any questions?"
You raised your hand and Ari nodded at you. "How does a international criminal group afford and set up missiles to guard their warehouse?"
"That relates to the information suspected to be held within the compound. Buck and his group have a theory that they may have serious funding from international government figures. Get the info, and we can trace where and how the money came from."
Sighing, you fell back into your seat as Ari continued to explain how your team would infiltrate and how the pilots would be proceed in order to not get your team caught up in their fighting.
"You'll ship out in 1 week. The weather will be at its best so it won't pose any trouble. With that, I wish you all good luck." Ari stood and respectively nodded to everyone before leaving.
A silence followed and no one moved. "My team is willing to call a truce, if you can put your own personal matters aside Captain Mitchell," Nolan says. He's standing tall, his back straight, his shoulders are square, and his face is tense. You've ever only seen him act like this once. After Russia, when your team was on the ropes and you could've lost everything that mattered to you.
"Of course, Meadows," Pete smiles. Nolan narrows his eyes.
"Good. My team has a scheduled training session right now, so if you'll excuse us." Your team let’s you be the first one to leave the room before following after. As you all make your way to the locker room, Amy holds you hand into the woman’s locker room.
"We'll all here for you," she whispers. You let her give you a tight hug before she moves to grab her stuff and change into her workout clothes. You do the same and bite your lip so hard it almost draws blood.
45 minutes. They've been 45 minutes away from you this whole time. You wondered if they ever thought about you while they having the time of their lives together. Anger filled you and you know one way to get it out. You have to hit something.
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Taglist: @potato-girl99981 @winterrebel04 @caitsymichelle13 @darhk-angel @madkill44 @cherrycola27 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @clockworkballerina  @krismdavis @phantomxoxo @piceous21 @laneyspaulding19 @multifandomfangirll @moron-says-what @rhirhikingston @startrekfangirl2233
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narryffdreaming · 2 months
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Summary: Aurora and Harry used to be friends, but life happened and they grew apart. Now, 6 years later, they meet again.
Rating: +18
WARNINGS: The story contains explicit language and mentions a past abusive relationship (mostly the consequences of psychological/emotional abuse). Some chapters also contain explicit sexual content.
PART THREE: 6,9k words Author’s note: ngl I thought this was "too short", and then I saw it's around 7k and realized that maybe this isn't short, but the other parts are just "too long", lol. Clearly I can't control myself. But anyway, this is part three and Aurora and Harry (finally) arrive in Italy. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do :)
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As it turns out, both Aurora and Harry completely forgot about the one hour time change, so whilst they thought they'd arrive around eleven, by the time they landed in Naples it was actually a few minutes after 12. 
They realized, then, that since they would go together to Amalfi, sharing a taxi would be cheaper than taking the train — like they had both initially planned to do. Which is how Aurora ends up leaning against a white wall at arrivals, watching their bags while Harry wanders around and does some research for them. 
Outside, the day is bright and sunny, something she's been admiring non-stop through the huge glass wall in front of her. Rays of light keep the exposed skin in her arms and chest warm, so there's no need for her to wear Harry's jacket anymore — although a part of her wishes she still had a reason to, just to keep smelling his cologne. 
"Hey!" Harry calls, and Aurora turns her head to the side. 
He approaches her confidently, pulling his hair back and smiling while strutting through the airport as if he owns the place. It's kind of impossible not to follow every one of his movements, and she's pretty sure anyone who lays their eyes on him would think exactly the same. 
"It's done," he says, then raises both hands and gives her a double thumbs up. "Got us a taxi." 
Summer looks good on him. It makes his skin glow, it highlights his tattoos, and it makes his happiness seem… Well… Even happier. 
"Oh," she says, blinking and stepping away from the wall. "Great."
She clears her throat and glances to her phone, double-checking for the fiftieth time that her texts to Zack remain unanswered.
It's been over four hours since she texted him, and although she isn't surprised by his lack of interaction, she can't deny that it sucks to know he intentionally avoids replying to her texts — and that she probably won't hear from him until Sunday night, when he drops Noah off.
"No words from him yet?" Harry asks, now standing only a couple of steps across from her. 
Aurora shakes her head and locks the screen, then looks up and faces him again. 
"No… But hey," she says, offering him a sarcastic smile and fake enthusiasm as she adds, "if I'm lucky enough, maybe he'll pick up the phone tonight. Isn't that great?"
Harry pauses for a moment. 
And then he snorts. 
He flicks his gaze down and breathes in, filling his chest with air while taking one hand up to his face and rubbing his brow. 
"Jesus Christ," he murmurs and chuckles shakily, almost as if he can't believe what he just heard. 
Aurora feels herself softening in front of him, and her fingers itch to touch him somehow.
"I mean, it's okay," she says, tightening her phone inside her fingers and closing her other hand into a fist. "I knew this would happen when I decided to spend the weekend away."
Harry drops his hand to his side and shakes his head, then looks at her again. 
Bright, sunny, warm summer seemed to turn into dark, cold, empty winter around him. He's clearly tense, and the look in his eyes is heavier now. 
"For his sake," he says, voice sounding just as deep as she feels him in her bones. "I really hope he doesn't cross my way anytime soon."
It's unbelievable how quickly Aurora's mouth fills with water. As if she's salivating because of him. 
The way he soaks up her worries and eases her sadness is certainly endearing, but the way Harry physically reacts to this specific situation gets her nerves stirring. He seems to be ready to stand up for her. Ready to fight the battle for her. Ready to be her armor and shield her from all and any attacks that Zack throws at her. 
And as much as Aurora doesn't want things to get to that point, and as much as she isn't looking for that kind of attention from a man, the honest truth is that her insides respond too quickly to his behavior. Like she's craving for that aggressiveness. Or maybe like she's craving for someone to finally treat her the way she wishes to be treated. Someone who will throw a punch for her, and not at her. 
Even just metaphorically speaking. 
Aurora blinks, breaking away from the intensity of his stare as she hunches down and grabs her bag from the floor. She takes the opportunity to swallow all those new feelings down, hiding and locking them away, then stands upright again.  
"I appreciate that," she says, curling her lips into a smile. "But we're in Italy right now, so I think I'm ready to leave Zack behind. At least for two days."
Harry focuses on her for a moment, flickering his eyes all over her face. Studying her. Almost like he's making sure she is telling him the truth. 
She tilts her chin down and lifts her left eyebrow, and Harry meets her stare once again. 
"You're right," he says, and closes his eyes. "Gimme a minute."
Taking all the time of the world, Harry breathes in deeply through his nose. When his chest is full, he freezes for a moment, and then lets all the air slip out through his mouth. Loudly and heavily. 
It's a little bit dramatic. A little bit over the top. A little bit exaggerated. But Aurora can tell that he's intentionally forcing his movements. That he's getting on board with her and leaving things behind. And that he's making a big deal out of it because it's supposed to be a symbolic moment between them. Like drawing an imaginary line and setting a before and after for that trip. 
Especially when he rolls his shoulders, tilts his head side to side vehemently, and then drops all the weight off his body. 
"Ok," he says, opening his eyes while clasping his hands together and smiling at her. "I'm good!"
He leans down to grab his bag, too, and a foolish grin grows on Aurora's face. 
"As I was saying," he adds, placing the strap on his shoulder as he looks at her again, "I got us a taxi. It's supposed to be just an hour and a half drive, but they said it can take us at least two hours to get there."
Meaning they will get there around what… 2:30? 3?
Aurora pouts. 
"That sucks. Lucy had this whole thing planned in the morning."
"I know. But we'll make the best of it, anyway."
She puts her phone inside the front pocket of her bag, then looks around the airport. 
They're still inside the crowded terminal, and it's safe to say that she has no idea where she's supposed to go next. She's been following Harry's steps since they landed — or maybe even since they took off — and she isn't actually interested in taking the lead right now. 
"So… Where should we go, then? Can we get this taxi now or…"
"Mhm… Yes… We sure can…" Harry nods. "But first… There's something I have to tell you."
Aurora's face falls, and she drops her shoulders.
"Oh God… What?"
"It's nothing bad… At least I don't think so, but…"
Harry scratches his jaw and shrugs, then smiles sheepishly at her.
(Which, to be honest, does nothing to reassure her.) 
She rearranges the bag on her shoulder with one hand, and encourages him to speak with the other, rolling her fingers in the air. 
"Well… I might've lied a bit to the guy from the taxi company."
"Okay…" She narrows her eyes. "Why? What did you say to him?"
"That we just… Y'know… Got married?"
Aurora drops her jaw.
Harry chuckles.
"Are you serious?"
His face is bright with amusement, and even though Aurora can't understand what's so funny behind that joke, she can't help but mimic his emotion.
"Harry!" She laughs. "Why would you even say that?!"
"Because he gave me this whole speech, ok? About how he couldn't get us a car 'till five, and how we should've booked one at least one day before and… Well. Y'know…"
He rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed at the lecture he got because of their poor planning skills, but the joy is still there. All over him. Radiating from his entire presence. Blooming into her.
"I see." Aurora nods, pursing her lips as she mulls over his words. "And us being married changes that because…"
He pulls his eyebrows together, as if the answer is the most obvious thing and he can't believe she's even asking that. "Because we eloped, duh. So of course we didn't have any time to plan or book anything."
"Oh my God." 
Aurora laughs. 
"So I guess this is our honeymoon now."
"You're insane."
"Hey, it worked, ok?" He raises the palms of his hands to her, then smirks, all proud of himself. "We didn't have a taxi, now we have one. So… You're welcome." 
She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms on her chest, but the smile never falters from her face. 
"Fine. Whatever. Anything else I should be aware of about this lie?"
Harry takes a moment to think about it, hiding his hands inside his pockets and then shrugging. 
"Nah… Don't think so." 
"Only that you're madly in love with me and couldn't wait to be my wife." 
"But that's pretty obvious."
"No, yeah. Of course." 
"You also can't wait to get our honeymoon started, by the way."
"Oh, really?"
"Yep. So you're kind of desperate to get to our hotel."
Aurora snorts. "Okay then."
"Apparently," he says, stepping closer and nudging her side with his elbow, "you just can't get your hands off me."
She cackles, then, and shoves him off with one hand. "You wish!" 
The small joke rolls easily and happily from her mouth. Mostly because she's determined to not ruin things all over again, but also because he brings that side out of her. 
And Harry laughs, too.
"Hey," he says, shrugging and tilting his chin up, "a man can only hope."
"You're ridiculous."
"I mean, it gets you laughing so… Yeah. I'll take it." 
She shakes her head, finding herself out of words. Even if she knows they're both just teasing around and that she doesn't need to worry about him misinterpreting her, there's only so much she can joke at once. 
Unlike Harry, of course, who apparently can roll lie after lie out of his mouth. 
"Ok, c'mon," he says, tilting his head and leading their way from arrivals to outside the airport. "They said there'll be a car waiting for us."
Aurora follows him in silence, and then she clears her throat. 
"So, you really told them we got married?"
He smiles, and nods. "Yes."
"And they really think we're going to a hotel?"
"Mhmm." He looks at her over his shoulder and shrugs. "I didn't want to get into the whole yacht thing… Seemed too much trouble to explain."
"Right." She smirks, and raises her eyebrows. "But creating a lie about our marriage was easy-peasy, right?" 
Harry purses his lips, clearly trying to hold himself back. 
"I mean… Yeah. Had the whole story on the tip of my tongue." 
They both look at each other for a moment, and then they both laugh. 
See? That's the good thing about Harry: he makes Aurora laugh. 
And he makes her laugh a lot.
Which isn't exactly news, because he always made her laugh, but still feels nice to remember. 
Back in the day, the way Harry and Niall lived their lives used to be one of the reasons why she liked to hang out with them so much — they didn't have too many worries in the world, and they only cared about having fun. So whilst most people around her were planning for their futures and preoccupied about having everything figured out, they made her laugh about the most silly and random things, offering her a break from the pressures and expectations of adult life.
Of course, their lifestyle wasn't one that she could keep up with all the time, and at certain moments their behavior used to resemble childishness, but they definitely were good and fun people to keep around. 
So much so that here's where they are right now. 
"C'mere, wifey," Harry says, stepping out to the sunny day and pulling her to his side by her shoulders. "Time to give our driver a show." 
She grimaces, then places her arm around his waist.
"Okay," she says, narrowing her eyes and adjusting her sight to the warm and natural brightness, "rule number one, you're not calling me wifey."
Harry squeezes her shoulder and laughs, throwing his head back and slowing their pace down. 
"Right. Ok." He nods. "What should I call you, then?"
"What about… Nothing?"
"Oh c'mon! You're my wife now. We need to play the part." He guides her smoothly down the sidewalk, dodging strangers and skipping through a long line of white cars. "Does honey sound better? Or what about apple of my eye, huh? Cupcake? Pumpkin?" 
She chuckles. "Harry—" 
"Ew, no—"
"Other half? Or what about…" He leans closer to her ear, then covers his voice with sweetness and cheesiness as he annoyingly murmurs, "My lovey-dovey?"
At that, Aurora cackles. 
"Oh God," she laughs, squirming and shoving him off. "Stop. No nicknames for you." 
"Ahhh, why?" He pulls her closer again, exuding pure joy and happiness as he speaks. "Nicknames are fun. I can be your honey bunny if you want me to."
"Absolutely not."
"Honey boo?"
"Lover boy, then."
"C'mon… You can't seriously—" 
"Man of your dreams?"
Aurora snorts, but before she can say anything, Harry speaks again.
"Prince charming? Jellybean?"
"Harry, c'mon—" 
"Hot stuff?" 
And then she laughs again. Probably way louder than she should. Leaning into him and covering her face as she struggles to keep up with his feet. 
"Oh my God! You're just so annoying. I can't even—" 
"Mr. and Mrs. Styles?" a thick italian accent calls, and they both stop walking.
Aurora is still laughing, trying to catch her breath while she turns her head to the side. A gray-haired man dressed in a black suit steps away from a black car and walks forward, holding a polite smile and gentle expression as he approaches them with nothing but determination. 
Harry squeezes her shoulder and leans in, getting closer to her ear.
"If you ask me," he murmurs, and the tone of his voice is suddenly so low that it becomes almost painful, "that should be the one. Mrs. Styles."
A shiver runs down her body, and she swallows. 
"Scusi," the man says, thankfully sparing her from having to find any responses or reactions. "Signor e signora Styles?"
"Giusto!" Harry says, squeezing her shoulder and chuckling as he straightens his posture and pulls her closer to his side. "Signor e signora Styles. Sì."
"Piacere! Come stai?" The man stretches his arm, and Harry takes a step forward, shaking hands with him. "Sono Francesco, il tuo tassista."
"Francesco!" Harry smiles. "Buongiorno! Mi chiamo Harry e questa—" He squeezes her again, making a deal out of it as he kisses the top of her head. "È mia moglie, Aurora."
Aurora bites her lip, watching in silence as the man turns to her and stretches his arm once again. 
"Aurora. Piacere. Un nome bellissimo." 
Truth be told, she has absolutely no idea what's going on, or what they are talking about. So she chuckles nervously, but makes sure to shake his hand anyway. 
"I don't…" She says, tilting her chin up and glancing at Harry. "Sorry. I don't speak Italian." 
Harry's expression softens, and the playfulness in his face turns into pure tenderness. 
"Oh. No problem," the man says, the Italian accent still thick as he communicates in a different language. Aurora faces him again, and he adds, "Aurora, sì? Beautiful name." 
"Oh." She smiles, cheeks getting slightly warm. "Uhm… Gra… Grazie?"
She turns to Harry, again.
"That's thank you, right?"
Still staring at her, Harry smiles, then nods.
Aurora looks back at the man. 
"Grazie," she repeats.
"Non c'è di che! Andiamo, sì?"
Aurora tilts her chin up, looking at Harry and waiting for him to take over the conversation. 
He shakes his head, then, and turns his attention back to the man. "Sì. Andiamo. Sì."
The man chuckles. "Sposi novelli, eh?"
"Congratulazioni! Lo immaginavo. So riconoscere lo sguardo di un uomo innamorato." 
Harry chuckles and looks down, then scratches his jaw with his free hand and clears his throat. "Così ovvio, eh?"
Aurora doesn't know if it's possible, but she feels her own eyes twinkling as she tilts her chin up and lands her gaze on Harry one more time. 
He beams under the gorgeous sunshine, eyes greener than she's ever seen and cheeks flushed as he engages into a conversation with that man. Not only rolling Italian words out of his mouth, but also effortlessly putting them into sentences. 
And she's so hypnotized by the whole thing, that she can't even be bothered by the fact that she's not being included or doesn't understand a single thing. She'll gladly let him take the reins for the entire drive as long as she gets to entertain herself with that view.
Harry squeezes her shoulder, and Aurora blinks. She darts her eyes away from his face, swallowing while he steps towards the car and slides his arm off her shoulders. 
"Shall we?" he asks, reaching for the strap on her shoulder. 
Aurora is too starstruck to fight him, so she nods and lets him grab her duffel bag, then follows him with her eyes as he and the gray-haired-suited-man place it in the trunk, along with his. 
And from then on, Harry plays his part like a true gentleman. 
Their driver starts by opening the backseat door for them, but then Harry offers his hand for her to hold and get in first, kissing her temple when she walks past him. She chuckles, but only because of the effort he's putting on just to cover his own lie. 
Once they're both inside, he doesn't complain about taking the middle seat when she chooses the window, and even makes sure she's comfortable and has her belt on. 
"Possiamo andare?" the gray-haired-suited-man asks.
Harry peeks at her. "Good to go?" 
He nods, then puts his belt on while answering their driver. "Sì, grazie." 
The engine starts working, and they're officially on the move to the Amalfi Coast. 
"Can I?" Harry whispers to her, hovering her hand with one of his. 
"Oh…" Aurora looks at his inked forearm, reaching for her while he keeps his elbow tucked to his side. To be fair, after sobbing into his chest and sleeping on him like a koala, she truly doesn't think holding hands would be awkward at all right now. So she nods and turns her palm around, offering it to him. "Yeah, sure."
And when he places his palm on top of hers and intertwines their fingers, she can actually see herself benefiting from his lie — because Harry's warmth keeps her warmth, as well. Just like she needs to be. Just like she wants to be. 
"Credo che Amalfi ti piacerà moltissimo," the man says. "È perfetto per gli innamorati!"
Harry chuckles and scooches down, comfortably spreading his long legs open and pulling their hands to rest on his thigh. "Grazie. È la nostra prima volta in Italia."
"Per quanto starai qui?"
"Solo due giorni. Domenica torniamo a casa."
Aurora is lost in the conversation, but she's also… Physically uncomfortable. Her arm is tense as she stretches it to lay on his leg, and she doesn't want to spend two hours like that. So she shuffles closer, tucking her elbow under his own and fully linking their arms. 
"Bene, dovrai tornare un'altra volta per visitare più città," the man says.
Harry sits upright again, then slips his fingers off from her hand.
"Di sicuro," he says, lifting his arm and placing it across her shoulders. "Forse la prossima estate."
He takes his other hand to her palm, then, and intertwines their fingers once again. 
It's like they need a moment to get comfortable and find a position that suits both of them, but eventually they get there. With Aurora melting onto his side and him brushing patterns on the skin of her arm. 
The man nods and smiles, but says nothing, and silence finally settles in the car.
Until Aurora takes that as an opportunity to speak again. 
"So…" she starts, watching their touching hands. "Did I miss something important from your private conversation?"
He freezes next to her. Stiffening his muscles and stopping the movements of his hand on her arm. 
"Shit. I didn't even… Sorry." He spreads his hand open on her shoulder, and squeezes her gently. "We were just chit chatting about the city, that's all. But I'll keep in mind to translate now, yeah? Sorry." 
"It's fine." She smiles, appreciating the sentiment. 
To be honest, she doesn't really care. She wishes she had prepared herself a little bit better for a new country and a new language, that's for sure, but at least she's with Harry now. It will be a lesson learned for the next time — if there ever is one. 
"When did you learn how to speak Italian, anyway?" 
A smile grows on his face, and he tilts his head to lean it on top of hers. 
"I don't know." He shrugs slightly, resuming the brushing of his fingers on her arm. "My mum… I learned from her, that's all."
Aurora frowns. "Is she Italian?"
"Uh… No, she… I mean, my grandfather was."
"Ohhh… Didn't know that. So you've always spoken Italian?"
"I guess? I don't know. I just can find my way around it… That's all."
Aurora hums, and turns to look through the window, admiring the view of a country she's never been to before. 
And then she shrugs, making sure she sounds teasingly when she says, "Well… Now that you've brought up your mum, then I guess it'll be inappropriate to mention how incredibly hot and sexy you sound when you speak Italian, right?"
Harry chokes. 
He literally chokes. Straightening up and coughing while letting her hand go to smack his palm on his chest. 
Aurora sits upright as well, holding back a smile as she tries to catch a glimpse of his face and murmurs questions like "what's wrong?" and "are you okay?". 
The driver says something, too, and Harry shakes his head, raising his free hand waving a finger at him.
"I'm…" He coughs again, and brings his hand to his throat. "Sto bene—" (cough) "Grazie."
"Ugh, see?" Aurora murmurs, leaning against the backseat and grabbing his hand on her shoulder, making sure he doesn't pull his arm away. "Told you. Incredibly sexy."
Cough. Cough. Cough.
Aurora giggles.
Yep. That's actually pretty fun.
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They park at what first seems a dead-end street, but in reality it continues turning right and going up the hill. 
Aurora gets out of the car slowly, feeling the hardness of the concrete under her feet as she straightens her back and tips her neck back. The sun is shining, and she rests the side of her hand on top of her eyes, blocking out the brightness and taking in the view — the hills, the rocks, the shades of green, the colorful houses and buildings. 
She places her free hand against her breastbone, and slowly releases the air inside of her lungs. She doesn't want that surreal feeling to end, so she stands frozen in the spot for another moment, or two. 
She's heard about people going through moments when all their concerns and worries fall away, but it has never been a first hand experience of hers. Not until that day, at least. 
The closest she can imagine to that feeling was the moment she finally physically met Noah, the exact second his tiny crying body was placed between her arms. That didn't last too long, though, with her body hurting and the exhaustion taking over every inch of her — both emotionally and physically.
Earlier that day, when she woke up  snuggled into Harry's arms, she also experienced something very similar to that — the same sense of calm and peace. Then again, it also didn't last too long, since she knew she was overstepping and had to pull herself from his embrace. 
(Besides, to be fair, she isn't sure if it's the same thing, or if she's just really confused right now.) 
Still, there she is right now, standing in an unknown city, where she doesn't know anyone and can't even speak the language, feeling as if all of her concerns and worries have fallen away. It's pretty similar to those other two occasions, only this time the feeling doesn't seem to be going anywhere. 
It feels as if it's settled to stay.
The trunk of the car slams shut, and Aurora turns on her feet. 
On the other side of the taxi, Harry chats excitedly with their driver. And behind them, opposite from the city, is the ocean. 
It's a little after three in the afternoon, and they are finally at Marina Coppola, the port of Amalfi. 
The gray-haired-suited-man looks at her and nods, saying things she can't even try to understand. The only words she somehow recognizes are "amore", and "buona giornata", but still, she isn't sure she really knows what they're supposed to mean. 
So Aurora simply smiles, watching as Harry does — once again — all the talking for both of them. 
"Grazie!" he says, clasping one hand on the man's shoulder and firmly shaking his hand. "Anche a te!"
The driver raises one hand at her, and she lifts one hand, too, waving and blinking slowly as he gets inside the car. 
Harry moves to the sidewalk with both duffel bags, and Aurora waits for the man to drive away before getting closer to him.
And then she reaches for her bag, but Harry dodges her and taps her hand away.
"Nuh-uh, Mrs. Styles."
Aurora's cheeks warm up, and she rolls her eyes. 
During their ride, their driver referred to her as Mrs. Styles more than a few times. He'd ask questions about the view, or chit chat about the weather and ask her opinion about it. And Harry, of course, would be the one to always translate the questions, making sure to not only include Mrs. Styles, but also emphasize it. 
"Well… Marriage is over, so…" 
She shrugs and smiles, but maybe her joke hits a little too close to her heart, because she doesn't feel like fighting him anymore. Instead, she allows her curious eyes to shift around and capture as many details as she can. 
It is nice to see the ocean again. Long, wide, far-reaching. She's also seen a restaurant at the marina's entrance, and although the street is filled with cars, there aren't many people walking. 
She remembers Lucy explaining in their group chat how they chose a weekend in May exactly because of that — because it wouldn't be so filled with tourists, but the weather would still be perfect for a swim. Aurora can't deny she'd been scared of rain ruining their plans, but the sun is, in fact, shining with no signs of any clouds around — which is probably also helpful to set that magic scenario around them. 
And as Aurora admires the postcard worthy sight, it dawns on her that Amalfi looks exactly as she has seen in pictures. Maybe the colors aren't as bright and intense as Instagram usually made it seem, but it is still colorful. Still captivating, still mesmerizing. 
Being there, she can actually smell the fresh water, the fish, and the sunscreen. She can also feel the prickle of sunburn on her arms, and the wind pulling at her dress and her hair. She can even actually hear the small waves, the boats motoring past on their way to water, and the laughter and excitement of people at the docks.
The atmosphere is real, and yet still impossible to describe. It fills her with life, with hopes, and with dreams. 
It is… Surreal. 
"This is unbelievable," she finally murmurs. Her voice is soft and delicate, though — as if she doesn't want to break the spell surrounding them. 
"I know," Harry says, mimicking her tone. "'S really beautiful, innit?"
She turns her head to look at him, and finds him watching the hills across from them, the same ones she was watching just minutes before. She can see him furrowing his brows under his sunglasses, his head moving from one side to the other. 
"Yeah," Aurora breathes out. 
Harry is beautiful. The daylight makes his skin look tanner, and the wind messes with his hair, too —  although he doesn't seem to mind. And the facial hair glows on his face, somehow screaming at her how grownup he is. Somehow turning into a reminder of how good he took care of her, of how good he made her feel. 
She swallows, and faces the port again.
Can she still blame these thoughts on her lack of sleep?
Maybe she's being delusional. Maybe she is still so confused that she doesn't know what is reality or dreaming anymore. Or maybe she's spent so much time without interacting with any men that she doesn't know what's friendly or not anymore. Maybe she's mixing things up. Maybe Harry has just been protective of her. Like Theo and Niall are. 
The wind pulls her hair to her face, and she takes her arms to put her locks into an improvised knot.
Hundreds of various-sized boats are lined up along the docks, and they are all so different from each other that she realizes she's never stopped to think about their different names. 
Are they boats? Are they all yachts? Is there even a difference? And what would that difference be?
"So…" she says, pausing to clear out her throat and rub the tip of her nose. "A ferry is one of those that you can get into with your car, right?"
Harry glances over his shoulder, watching her silently for a moment. 
She can feel his eyes on her face, but she resists the temptation of looking at him. 
And then he nods and turns around, standing next to her and facing the ocean as well. "Yeah… Have you ever been in one?"
Aurora shakes her head. 
"No… I remember from the movie 'How to lose a guy in ten days'. Have you seen it?"
He turns his head and stares at her in silence once again, until a loud laugh erupts from him.
She turns her head, too, and tilts her chin up, looking at him. 
"What?" she asks, lifting her left eyebrow. 
"Sorry… It's just…" 
He shakes his head and scratches his jaw, waiting until calming down before explaining himself. 
"Oh God… You made me watch that movie soooo many times," he says, voice filled with amusement while he tilts his neck back and looks at the sky. 
Aurora keeps her eyes on his shoulder, focusing on the flamingos in his shirt.  
"I did?" She frowns. "I don't—When?"
"Movie nights at your place, remember?" He pulls his hair back, smiling at her, and then at the horizon. "We used to do them once a week for a month or two. Usually everyone fell asleep and we were the only ones awake. Somehow, you'd end up always making tea and putting that DVD on." 
He shrugs, as if recalling that memory it's just the most common thing in the world. 
To Aurora, though, it isn't. 
"Wow…" She blinks, staring at the port again. "I can't… I honestly can't believe how many things you remember and I don't."
"Oh, it's okay, we were—"
"No, it's not. It makes me feel like shit."
"You know I really like you, right?" she asks, focusing on the way the waves crash against one specific boat. "It's not you… I mean, I don't remember so many things, it's like I blocked stuff from my memory, but it's not because they didn't mean anything to me… I promise. I've always enjoyed our friendship, I just—"
Harry places his hand on her shoulder, and Aurora twists her neck to look at him.
"C'mon…" His sunglasses are on the top of his head now, pulling his hair back, and he stares firmly into her eyes. "I don't expect you to remember the same things I do, ok? We're fine. Everything's good. You don't need to be so tense about everything you do or say. Not around me, at least. Ok?" 
"Okay…" She nods once, then twice. And then she shakes her head. "Yeah, okay. Yeah."
"Okay," he repeats, a smile forming on his lips and his hand slipping away from her shoulder. 
Aurora can still feel his fingertips burning on her skin, though, and it dawns on her that, after spending the entire drive holding his hand and relaxing under his arm, now it's weird to not be able to just… Touch him again. 
"And just so you know," he adds. "I've been on a ferry. A couple of times, actually."
Aurora gasps, then grins at him, gladly accepting the change of subject. 
She asks when, and where, and why, and Harry chuckles. He answers while putting his sunglasses back on, then keeps the conversation going as he leads the way to the docks and to their friends. 
And they walk together, of course. All the time. 
There's a white arch they have to get through, and Harry raises his arm, gesturing for her to go first. She smiles shyly, looking at him over her shoulder as she steps onto the aluminum gangway. 
She walks across what looks like a green carpet before getting to the actual dock — a narrow wooden path stretched out into the water and leading to all different yachts — and then they are walking side by side again.
Always side by side.
Even when they have to dodge people on the way, some simply standing and chatting, some prepping their boats for sailing, some just returning to land. 
Then it gets to a point where all Aurora can see are bare masts reaching into the sky, birds flying, and ropes around their feet. 
They turn left on the dock, and sweat trickles over the back of her neck, just like her inner thighs sting from brushing against each other. She sighs and scratches the tip of her nose, listening to Harry as he chats about how he stopped eating meat a while ago, but was willing to eat fish again during the weekend.
Aurora nods at him, and then the growl of an engine starting up makes her jolt and gasp. She widens her eyes and takes her hand to her chest, and Harry chuckles next to her. 
She rolls her eyes and relaxes, smiling as she pokes his side with her elbow. "Shut up…"
He nods, pursing his lips and stopping himself from laughing even more. 
"Whatever you say, Mrs. Styles." 
"Ughhh. I won't be hearing the end of this anytime soon, will I?"
"See? That's why I married you. You know me too well."
She snorts, and then Harry slows down walking. 
"Ok, all jokes aside now. Aurora Fletcher, are you ready to have some fun?" 
Aurora smiles. 
To be fair, she's been having fun for a while now, but her body still sparkles with excitement at his words. So she moves her head quickly in agreement, just to make sure Harry can see it. "Yes, please."
"Good, because if my eyes aren't messing with me," he says, raising his arm to point out ahead of them, "I think those up there are our friends…"
Aurora looks up, tilting her chin and squinting her eyes when the sun strikes right into her line of view. Like she did before, she places the side of her hand against her eyebrows, blocking the brightness and blinking to focus where Harry seems to be pointing at.
When she recognizes the silhouette of some of their friends, she realizes they aren't just on a yacht — they are standing at the top floor of a massive, luxurious yacht. 
Aurora's mouth falls open, her eyes seem to bulge out of her face, and her body freezes. 
"What the hell?" she murmurs. 
Or, in other words, what the hell were Lucy and Theo thinking?! 
"Now I see what Niall meant about it blowing my mind," Harry says next to her. "Fuck yeah, this is gonna be great! C'mon." 
His joyful and energetic voice is enough to wake Aurora up from the half-conscious state she's fallen into, but he still puts his hand in between her shoulder blades and pushes her slightly, encouraging her to move along with him. 
"They're waiting for us, yeah? It's gonna be fun, but if it gets too much let me know and we'll just take a break from everyone."
Aurora blinks.
"I don't… I don't know if I'll be able to," she blurts out, not moving her feet from the spot. 
Her eyes are still wide open, but she darts them up to stare at Harry. 
He pulls his sunglasses back to the top of his head and takes two steps closer, standing right in front of her and letting their bags fall to his feet. His figure is tall enough to block the movements ahead from her view, allowing Aurora to focus on him, and only him. 
"I mean—" She shakes her head, organizing her thoughts. "I don't know if I'll be brave enough to ask for help."
Harry nods, and a wave of understanding engulfs Aurora's body. She drops her shoulders, and her eyebrows, then lets a long breath out of her nose.
"Maybe we could come up with a sign then, yeah?" He puts his hands right above her elbows, then gently moves them up and down. Rubbing her upper arms and soothing her down. 
"A sign?"
"Mhm. Just, y'know, something to let each other know we could use some company? For both of us… Maybe I'll need it, too."
Aurora chuckles and rubs her forehead, knowing damn well he won't need it. 
Still, she nods. 
"Maybe, okay… Yeah."
"Good. Any suggestions?"
"Hmmm… I don't know. Pinching the tip of the nose?" 
"No, nuh-uh." Harry shakes his head. "You already do that a lot."
Aurora frowns. "No I don't."
"Trust me, you do." Harry tightens his fingers around her arms, then loosens them up. "Scratching our jaws? I mean, your jaw… You scratch yours, I scratch mine…" 
Aurora purses her lips, and his own mouth twitches in amusement. 
"You know what I mean…"
"Yeah…" Her eyes wander around his face for a moment, and she sighs. "But no, because that's something you already do a lot."
Harry turns the corner of his mouth into a smirk, and Aurora squeezes her hands into fists to stop herself from poking the dimple on his cheek. 
"I do?"
She shrugs. "Mhm." 
"If you say so…" 
He stays put inside her eyes, capturing her inside a mesmerizing green spell and forcing her to just wait there. Powerless and helpless. With no other option but to stare back at him.
Letting time go by — letting time run by. 
As if they weren't already late. 
As if they weren't the last ones to arrive.
As if they didn't have a massive, overpriced yacht waiting for them. 
"What about our ears, then?" he offers, his voice huskier and somehow slower. 
Aurora swallows. And her stomach flutters just as much as her chest tightens. 
"Y'know," he adds, then takes a step closer. "You tug yours, I tug mine…"
He moves one hand, letting go of her arm as he drifts it to her face. 
He touches her cheek first, breezily, then slides to her ear, brushing her skin in the process and making it tingle. 
Aurora holds her breath, and as she stares at him, she feels her earlobe being touched by two of his fingers. 
She closes her eyes for a moment, and when she opens them again, she drifts her sight to his mouth. Unconsciously and unintentionally. 
Harry slides his tongue between his lips, getting them wet before he turns them into a smirk.
"Like this," he murmurs, then gives her ear a little tug. 
Aurora looks back at him.
Everything he's doing right now feels soft, intentional, and… Extremely and weirdly right. 
There's a feeling deep down her stomach that she's unable to name. Maybe a flush, maybe a tingle, or maybe a throb. Or maybe all of them.
She can't describe it, she can't understand it. 
She can't name it.
But it's there, and it's doing things to her. Things she hasn't felt in a very long time.
"Hm? What do you say?" he asks, so softly it almost makes her whine.
Her heart picks up, and she doesn't think she'll be strong enough to move away from his touch. Not then, not ever again. 
"Okay," she whispers. "Yes."
His smirk turns into a smile, and he leans in, pressing his lips firmly against her forehead. 
It only lasts a second, and then Harry pulls away from her and hunches down to pick up their bags. 
Aurora blinks at him. 
Why did he stop?
Why did he move away? 
"It's settled, then," Harry says. "C'mon, let's get this party started."
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Hiii :)
I thought about adding some more scenes here, but tbh I feel like these two should be together and get all the attention, so this is where part 3 officially ends. Next part it's a long one and includes meeting all of their friends, so I hope you've enjoyed their last moments by themselves hehe 🤭
Thanks for reading!
(if you've made it here, pls talk to me and say Francesco lol)
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Just thinking about how instances Cloud/Seph/Zack would be as mystical creatures loving you.
Tags: NSFW (but- mildly lol) , dubcon, light choking, breeding- idk how I got here but here ya go
Cloud- Water Nymph
You are lost when you see him. Blood rushing with trembling hands, you see cerulean blue eyes peer out of the water at you. You'd never seen anything so beautiful. You, who is almost jealous of the sun, the way it kisses his slickened blonde strands. Thousands of bejeweled memories embedded and loved. He's shy when you approach him, sinking silently into the water, his eyes unblinking up at you. Beseeching. Dragging you further. You make a vow that you want to be with him forever. You've known him for a long time right? It doesn't matter that you've forgotten why you were lost, or even who you were. Nothing matters when his hands close over your cheeks and he asks you to open your mouth, just for him. Humming in pleased delight when you obey immediately. Water from where he surrounds himself, comes in contact with your tongue and the world becomes fuzzy. When he curls his tongue around yours and his thrusts match the waves of the water, you think you can understand what "home" is. There is no alarm gracing your heart, only pleasure when he tells you to come. That you'll be his forever as he fucks you into the water that matches the deep possessiveness of his eyes.
Sephiroth- Vampire
It's cold tonight and maybe you should've brought a jacket. You don't think anything will warm you up, your shiver is far from cold. There's fear tingling and trailing up your fingers and forearms, stabbing you in the heart. You've seen him before. Many times. In your peripheral, in your shadows, before you turn around- he's always there but out of sight. Eyes so green, you're always too overwhelmed to look at him. They haunt you in your dreams. Even if you think the morning will save you, the quietness in your home sounds as if there is someone holding their breath, waiting for you to close your eyes and tonight is no different. It's too dark, and you're too alone. But you're so tired, exhausted from watching over your shoulder and jumping when the wind blows wrong. When you stop at an alley way it seems the best. "Come out" you whisper. You know he can hear you. So when you feel warmth at your back, there is relief. All that fear feels silly now when long silver strands stroke your cheek as he drags a hand up to cup the front of your neck. Whimpering when he squeezes lightly. You close your eyes in defeat, leaning back, earning you a pleased hum and kiss brushed along your neck. You glance with lidded eyes up at him to see a very satisfied green eyed gaze. It holds you down better than any chains can. He whispers that he's glad you've come to your senses to let him in. He's waited a long time for you. There is nothing to hold to when his cock drags against your walls with his fanged teeth piercing through your neck. No reality to set foot on when he holds you by the throat and forces you still, shushes you so you can hear the slick noises your body makes for him. Only for him.
Zack- Werewolf
It was just a simple solo camping trip. You wanted to be alone. You knew a place that was quiet, away from all the noise that chases you. And yet, you didn't heed the warnings of "there's something out there" made by everyone you'd crossed paths with. You thought they were being selfish. But when you lay next to the fire and start to drift off, you began to regret it because you hear a crack of a twig and the growl of...something. When you're shaking and heaving from running, you realize what you'd been hearing behind the gasping was laughter. The beast was laughing at you. You widen your eyes because his smile is an easy smile and he is ethereal. Tall and dark hair to match the night, your heart stutters at his dewy grin and strong hands that wrap around you with no problems. He waits to your heart rate calms down before he kisses you. Wet and possessive, he holds you by the jaw licking into your mouth as much as possible. When he has you on your tummy and stretching you open with his fingers, his growl permeates your whole body. Electric blues capture your eyes and he grins. Licking down your spine and telling you how good you are and how good he's going to be to you. How well he's going to take of you. His mate. Gasping and clenching around his knot has him howling in pleasure. Fucks you into the dirt over and over so that it takes. So that you're full of his cum and eventually-his pups.
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myuiis · 6 months
incorrect lookism 2
we back on our bullshit with this one
sally: i just watched eli drop a remote on his foot and the only thing he said was "im tired of being alive"
jake: hewwo! i will be youw suwgeon today! intewnal bweeding you say? let's make our fiwst wittle incision
sinu: dowcto, we'wre loswing him!!!! 🥺
jerry: quick! hand me the defwibwiwatow
samuel: please. just cut off my fucking life support
johan: met a dumbass today, awful
zack: you looked in a mirror?
johan: one day you will have to answer for your sins and god may not be so merciful
zack: Go big or go home!
mira: Please, for once in your life just go home. I'm begging you. Go. Home.
zack: I'm going big!
sally: are you drinking enough water?
eli: sometimes tears fall in my mouth
samuel: Something’s off.
jake : Maybe you’ve finally developed human emotions and feel bad for hurting people.
samuel: No, but that’s funny.
goo, to kouji: Look at you! All cute and small! I could just eat you up!
kouji: proceeds to kick him in the shin and run away
crystal, walking past: Rule number 1, don't call kouji cute or small.
daniel, about jay: Time sensitive question how flirt boy.
vasco: Throw rocks at he.
zack: Hot Dogs.
eli: Kill him.
daniel: Thanks guys.
jake: "It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield."
samuel: Opposite over hypotenuse.
samuel: Dipshit.
warren, to eli: you can't make everyone like you! you're not sally
sally: w-wait, but not everyone likes me!
warren: who doesn't like you?
sally: w-what
eli: names.
sally: w-
warren: give us their names.
jerry: jake told me to stop worrying and just go get it boy so i'm gonna' go get it boy
jason: go get what?
jerry: i dont know, so i'll just get everything to be safe
goo: we need code names
goo: I’m thinking you all can be sexy beast, marshmallow, record player, beer, and bitch
gun: who’s bitch
goo: who do you think bitch
kouji: send me a pic of you doing the peace sign
crystal: why
kouji: i used you to catfish a sugar daddy
daniel: ok, i get it, you're really stressed out, seven people died-
zack: twelve, actually
daniel: that's not my point. look, theyre dead and whose fault is that?
hudson: yours!
daniel: that's right, nobody's
zack: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me?
daniel: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it.
zack: Three of us saw it, daniel. How do you explain that?
daniel: points at jake Sleep deprivation. points at johan Paranoia. points at samuel Delusional personality disorder.
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ravi-deactivated · 2 years
featuring: zack foster
cw: praise kink, light degradation, choking, slapping, established relationship, love confessions and stuff, afab reader
18+ content - MDNI
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Validation is something Zack never got in his life. And when he tasted it for the first time, he became addicted.
The feeling, the sound of being praised feels like a god damn drug to him, better than hunting, better than his knife between his fingers, better than killing.
Nothing feels better than being told how good he is at what he's doing. That no one can ever be above him.
It overshadows the voice in the back of his head that whispers to him how false that is, that it's simple make believe, the only lie he dares to love.
Because it's your lie, your voice that tells him how good he feels, that you love what he's doing to you, love how he makes you feel. When you say it, it almost makes him believe that he is worth something.
You whine and moan as he buries himself inside of you over and over again, fast and hard enough that he's sure it must hurt at some point.
But you don't tell him to stop, don't look like you need a break.
So he continues, gets more rough when he wraps his hand around your neck and thrusts himself as deep as possible into you, watches your eyes roll back.
He gets drunk off the sight, but seeing how good you feel because of him isn't enough. He craves your voice, wants to hear your beautiful lies, needs words of confirmation.
“You like being fucked like this, huh? Love it how deep I can fuck myself into your little cunt?”
His voice is hoarse and gasping, his eyes clouded with lust as he looks down at you, feels you swallow beneath the grip of his fingers, his lower body fluttering at the way your body sucks him in.
“Yes, fuck- it feels so good- you feel so good inside of me.”
Your words make him hiss, turn him on even more and without really realizing it, he squeezes your neck harder, almost takes your air to breathe.
The urge to destroy you waves through him, to end you first before he himself crumbles to helpless pieces beneath your gaze.
Because you have so much power over him that the simplest look, the faintest scent and sound is enough to make his knees go weak.
With a desperate groan, he changes a bit of his angle, puts your legs against his shoulders and leans forward to get closer to your face, never slowing his pace as he folds you in half.
The new angle makes him slide even deeper into you and you yell out his name, helpless, breathless moans leaving your lips.
He loves how you say his name. You saying it almost makes him like it, almost makes him like a part about himself.
While he leans his nose against yours, his fingers still around your neck, heat collecting between your bodies, he almost loses himself in your eyes, loses himself in their tears and the wide, obedient look they give him.
God, he is so in love. With you, with your eyes, your body, the feeling you give him.
And he wants to hear you say how much you love him back.
“You love my cock, right? Tell me how much you love it to be fucked by my cock, little bitch.”
You part your lips to answer, to give him exactly what he wants, but when he gives your neck another desperate squeeze, you just manage to gasp.
Before you're able to answer, his hand is gone from your neck and lightly hits your cheek, not hard enough to really hurt, but hard enough to leave a stinging feeling that goes straight to your lower body, makes it boil even more than before.
A satisfied moan leaves your mouth and you have to bite your lower lip to suppress the happy grin that dares to form on your lips.
His hand is back around your throat, squeezing harder than before.
“Say it, fucking say it” he hisses against your lips again, a shadow hanging over his already dark gaze.
Oh, how happy you are to give him what he wants.
“I love your cock so much, Zack. It's so good.”
You think to sense the shiver of pleasure that's running down his spine, the way he bites his lip and looks down at you with nothing but pure, helpless lust written in his eyes is enough proof of it.
While he licks through the corner of his mouth, he pulls back a bit slower than before, slowing his pace a little, while his movements keep their harsh and deep kind.
He immediately sees the effect of his thrusts when you let out a loud whine and rise your hands to find a hold at his shoulders, nails digging through the bandages right into his skin.
“Shit, you're so deep inside of me-”
You want to lean forward to push a kiss against his lips, but before you are able to, he pulls back, hand still wrapped around your throat, his weight resting on his knees and his thrusts unwavering as he suddenly allows his other hand to hover over your clit.
When he starts massaging your centre, your back arches off the bed, a loud, surprised moan coming from your throat.
You wrap your fingers around his hand between your legs, give him a begging gaze to wait, uncertain if you crave a relieving end or more of his deep, filling thrusts.
“Wait- I'm coming- Zack-”
Instead of waiting or slowing, the pressure of Zack's finger only increases and the trained circles he draws over the sensitive spot send you to heaven, make you throw your head back.
“Yes, go ahead, come on my cock like the little bitch you are” he breathes out with a shaky voice, fingers trembling around your throat and squeezing a little harder to send you over the edge.
It's all he has to do to make you come undone with a loud whine and while you grab his hand to stop the overstimulation, the fingers of your other hand once more dig into his skin, rip off a part of the bandages, make it hang loose around his arm where it reveals the burned skin beneath.
Even though your eyes plead him to slow down or give you a break, he decides against it, picks up his pace again and leaves you a whimpering, moaning mess.
His mess. The result of him, his touch, his love.
The thought almost makes him come and with a frustrated growl, his fingers grab your throat a little harder again, push you back into the mattress while he leans forward to rest the tip of his nose against yours.
“I love you, fuck, I really love you. You do too, don't you? You love me, right?”
His words are nothing more than a brabbled mess in a cloud of pleasure, almost too many for you to really understand in your high, euphoric state.
Your mind is nothing but starry ecstasy embedded in cozy fog, but you manage to get the words out because you know how much he wants to hear them, how much he deserves to hear them.
Because he's everything to you and you hate how he doubts that sometimes.
You nod quickly, tears in your eyes as you look up at him.
“I love you, I love you so much, Zack.”
No matter how much the words would gross him out usually, it's different with you. Coming from you, it's the most wonderful thing he has ever heard, the thing that heals the deep wound inside of him that he never knew how to soothe before meeting you.
Your words kill him, in a soft, beautiful way and he feels his heart skip a beat, feels warmth seeping through his chest.
His breath is heavy against your lips as he loosens his hand from your throat and rests his weight on one arm next to your body, while he places the other one on your hip, holds you in place as he thrusts into you for the last few times.
“You're so warm. So fucking warm and soft for me, so good, only for me-”
He interrupts himself with a desperate moan, his hips pushing against yours in an almost painful way.
No matter how deeply he moves into you, he craves to crash more of both your limits, eventually becomes frustrated because no words, no touch or action could really show how much he loves, craves, worships you.
“You're mine, only mine, fuck-”
His words get lost in a loud groan, one he barely has enough breath for and his hips twitch against yours as his nails dig into your skin, hold you in place as he comes inside of you, paints your insides white like he wants to leave a mark of himself there forever, to leave an undeniable reminder of his love.
His body trembles and shivers beneath exhaustion and relief and at some point, you ignore the heat between the two of you to put your arms around his neck, enjoy his scent and warmth as he gently leans his head against your shoulder.
“I'm all yours, Zack, All yours” you mumble into his ear, feel him shiver in excitement beneath your lips.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
I love everything you write! Can I request some headcanons for Gun/Goo, crewheads, and the J-Highers? You can choose what you're comfortable writing about
Thanks anon! Just... hc? Ohh this is extremely wide-ranging, I'm panicking. Hope you don't mind if I go for a list with the tiniest sprinkling of hc.
Lookism Boys & Love Languages
Maxed out 2 per person. I feel like I need to explain myself for a few. Some are a vibe, some have an actual reason, some are just bullshit
Acts of service
Vin Jin: If he likes you, he will be running little errands and doing things for you. He'll grumble and beat himself up for being a simp as he does it, but he does do it.
Jibeom Kwak: Would do anything for his bros, and now that includes you too.
Gun Park: an absolute gentleman. Silently observing and anticipates your needs before you need to ask.
+ Daniel Park, Jay Hong, Zack Lee, Jake Kim, Samuel Seo, Jace Park, Warren Chae, Ryuhei Kuroda, Xiaolong
Physical Touch
Xiaolong: once he is used to you, then absolutely physical touch. This guy is so touch starved, when was the last time he even had an embrace where it wasn't riddled with guilt? Will never get over being able to just reach out and place his hand on your leg, or put his arm around his shoulders. Same reason why he likes to receive.
+ Vin Jin, Logan Lee, Ryuhei Kuroda.
Words of Affirmation
Warren Chae: He's so quiet usually, and never has been very vocal with Sally but she also didn't initially return his affections. Canonically, his sentences and speech got better with his confidence so once you're together? Warren really finds his voice and adores showering you in praises and telling you how much he loves you.
Jihan Kwak: Vibe that he is flirtatious as hell, muttering a lot of sweet nothings that will make you blush and your pulse race.
+ NOT Goo Kim: Honeyed words flow from his mouth to anyone and everyone. Don't bank on anything he says holding a grain of truth.
+ NOT Jake Kim: A bit like Goo Kim, a lot of shit runs from his mouth. Sorry Jake. Jokes, pick-up lines, flirtations, puns. You can't take him seriously half the time and he does it with pretty much everyone.
Quality Time
DG/James Lee: Time is extremely limited for this k-pop idol and one-time limb detacher. If he spends time with you, he must really like you.
Hudson Ahn: Very busy man training, keeping an eye on Ansan and his lackeys, eating snakes in the middle of nowhere with Taesoo. Doesn't give up his time and focus for just anyone.
+ Daniel Park, Zack Lee, Vasco Tabasco, Johan Seong, Gun Park, Goo Kim, Eli Jang, Eugene, Sinu Han, Jace Park
Jay Hong: Hard one to place, act of service then split between Gifts and Quality Time but Jay likes traditional gift-giving. Also protects and looks after others with his money too. Will literally buy your way out of trouble. Our capitalist king.
Logan Lee: It's canon.
Johan Seong: To be honest, I imagine him a bit like an outdoor cat, going on adventures and bringing you back gifts that he thinks you'll like. A pair of shoes mysteriously in your size and a bit worn, or maybe just a random flower that was pretty. It was totally Eden and Miro that picked it, not him. Stop looking at him like that!
+Goo Kim, Samuel Seo
Acts of service
Actions may speak louder than words, but more because these guys have god complexes and loves you doing things for them.
+ Vin Jin, Goo Kim, Samuel Seo
Physical Touch
Vasco Tabasco: once he's over how deviant touching one another is, he doesn't want you to keep your hands off him. He has a limit though, so please keep the touches quite innocent and pure. Hand holding? YES. Pinching his butt? OBSCENE! (but... maybe... that's ok too.)
DG/James Lee and Gun Park: Not ever on the receiving end of tender touches. Moreso that they're not going to let just anyone get their grubby mitts on them. Something as casual as you linking your arm through theirs? It's different. It's unusual. It's... Nice.
+ Johan Seong, Eugene, Jace Park, Warren Chae, Ryuhei Kuroda, Xiaolong, Hudson Ahn
Words of Affirmation
Daniel Park: Hangover from his childhood, where the only compliments are from his mom. Always nice for him to hear clearly and loudly your love for him. Actually praising his looks though, he can take it or leave it.
Jake Kim: As mentioned, he chats so much shit that he sometimes forgets that being on the receiving end of sincere, loving words can really be beautiful. Especially if they're from you. Genuine compliments and praise will make him blush.
Jibeom Kwak: Middle child syndrome for this and quality time love languages. Attention, please.
+ Zack Lee, Vasco Tabasco, Vin Jin, Jake Kim, Samuel Seo, Jace Park, Warren Chae
Quality Time
What's there to explain? They can't get enough of you. Even something as simple as sitting side by side, scrolling on your own phones. Just being in your presence is enough.
+ Daniel Park, Jay Hong, Zack Lee, Logan Lee, Johan Seong, Jake Kim, Gun Park, Eli Jang, Sinu Han, Ryuhei Kuroda, Jibeom Kwak
Goo Kim: Here's a whole little drabble about this. He doesn't need expensive gifts, just tiny small things to show that he's on your mind. Yeah, almost as proof because he's an idiot like that.
Sinu Han: Can't you hear him giggling like a schoolgirl if you handed him a pretty leaf or something?
+ NOT Daniel Park: Jay gave him a wholeass designer wardrobe, and while he was grateful and was clueless about the cost, he didn't seem as fussed as someone who would truly appreciate it as a love language. Finds small things equally nice too.
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jeridandridge · 11 months
Cosmic Love
The soulmate AU where something significant your soulmate says appears on your skin. Only Melissa doesn’t have anything on hers. I had to use the wordTesoro because it just sounds so pretty.
Ever since you could remember you loved the idea of a soulmate. Someone that the stars created just for you. You loved hearing the stories of how people met their soulmates, comparing the words that appeared on one’s skin in a gorgeous shade of gold. When you were a child, your parents assured you that your soulmate would love you no matter what and that they would be able to communicate with you easily.
Since you lost your hearing in an accident as a toddler, you opted not to speak. When you reached your teen years you would lay in bed at night tracing the single word that glistened on your upper arm.
The single word plagues you even in your early thirties. You date casually and have a few ex partners even though you knew none of them were your soulmate, now as an adult you realize not everyone meets their other half and you don’t know if you even have one since you cant speak. Little did you know you’d meet your soulmate in the most perfect way.
“Y/n. Thank you for coming.” Jacob says as he signs slowly.
Walking up to the door where all the kids are entering the school you keep your hands moving.
“Thanks for inviting me. Zack said you could use some help.” You smile.
“Hey, kid who’s this?” Melissa comes up to Jacob after shuffling her kids inside.
“Melissa! This is y/n.” He explains and signs. “She’s a friend of zacks, she’s helping me with a deaf student.”
You couldn’t help but smile at the red head giving her a wave and mouthing hello. She certainly was pretty. You pay attention to the two, your eyes going to glossed lips as the woman speaks.
“I’m Melissa, nice to meet you,” she offers a friendly nod.
Jacobs almost relieved that his co worker wasn’t giving you the cold shoulder.
Later on in the day you sit at a table in the break room talking with Janine through the notes app on her phone and reading lips. She’d been very bubbly and kind but every so often your eyes drifted over to the red head across the room for a split second.
Somehow, you Janine, and Jacob end up on the subject of soulmates.
“You don’t think you’ll meet yours?” The teacher asks you. You can only scrunch your nose and shake your head in response.
Melissa groans turning to face your table and Jacob watches with curiosity from the counter. “Can you guys talk about literally any other topic?”
“Come on, Melissa. Don’t tell me you don’t believe in soulmates.” Janine tells her. Barbara sitting quiet as ever shoots her a warning look as if to say stop.
You look at the older woman with a curious expression, strangely intrigued by her.
After a few weeks and a couple visits to the school, you’re out and about one day when you run into Melissa at the grocery store. You greet her with a smile and name sign, even though you’ve never told her what sign you gave her. she quirks a brow seeing the items in your cart.
She smiles and reaches for her phone quickly typing out a message.
“If you’re making pasta get rid of the canned crap.” You look up at her with a light chuckle and a shrug gesturing for her phone. When she hands it over you type quickly with a stupid smile.
“Not all of us are wizards in the kitchen, Schemmenti.”
For whatever reason the red head playfully rolls her eyes and types something else.
“Come to my place sometime this week, I’ll show you how to cook a real meal.”
You have to school your normally expressive features when you read the message, though you think she can see the flush that you can feel spreading across your cheeks.
“Is this a trap?” You look at her quizzically with a smirk.
Thankfully Melissa catches the joke and visibly laughs. God it’s a pretty sight.
Later that week, you show up at Melissa’s house at 6 o’clock on the dot knocking on the door.
When the red head answers you can’t help but beam and move your hand for her name sign and a hello.
She has her hair up in a ponytail and a Jean over shirt on. It was different from her leather pants and long sleeved shirts you usually admired her in.
“Come on in, hon.” She gestures with a smile.
You step in and hand her a bottle of wine you brought as you hold your phone screen up so she could read it.
“Don’t worry, the guy at the store paired it with what we’re making not me.”
Melissa laughs walking beside you instead of in front of you so you could still read her lips.
“You can let me grill you about Jacob while I cook.”
You nod and let out a chuckle, this time missing the look in Melissa’s eyes when she hears your laugh.
While Melissa cooks, you watch and read her lips when she explains whatever she’s doing. You’re in awe as she moves around the kitchen in her element.
When dinner is ready, you both sit at the table and she watches you take a bite of the pasta. When the ingredients explode on your taste buds you let your shoulders slump as you nod giving her an enthusiastic thumbs up and the sign for amazing.
As the evening goes on, you’re surprised at how kind and open Melissa is with you. From what Jacob had told you, she wasn’t like this with everyone.
As you two sit and chat, Melissa opts for a notebook and pen while you read her lips. The conversation turns to soulmates at one point, you shrug and try not to seem to interested since the red head clearly doesn’t like the topic.
“Why don’t you believe in them?” You write out, genuinely curious.
The older woman looks at you with a shrug. “I don’t have any words on my body.” She explains.
That’s when the realization hits you. It couldn’t possibly be.
Melissa being Melissa and not wanting any pity, she changes the subject before you can reply.
“Can you tell me what the sign is for me?” She asks curiously. You can’t help but duck your head a bit before a shy smile spreads across your lips. You make the motion for ‘Beautiful’ before writing the word on the paper.
Melissa’s lips part slightly like she’s going to say something, but she keeps her eyes on the paper. Thinking you messed up you start to write at the speed of lightning on the note pad.
She reaches over resting her hand over yours to get your attention.
“It’s okay.” She smiles. “You know I have a nickname for you too.”
You give her a quizzical look.
Melissa bites her lip and plays with your fingers. “Tesoro.”
Not sure if you’re seeing things, your eyes go wide and you pull your hand back to tap the notepad with the pen handing it to her.
Melissa smiles fondly and in elegant cursive writes the word out. Your eyes weren’t playing tricks on you.
You take a staggered breath and hold up a finger before you pull your shirt sleeve all the way up exposing the gold letters on your upper arm.
Melissa’s eyes fixate on the word before a shaky hand reaches out, her gold rings almost matching the color on your skin. Now you understood why she hated the topic of soulmates so much.
She didn’t think she had one.
You can’t talk, but you’ve never needed words to get your point across.
You see tears well in gorgeous green eyes, a single tear sliding down her cheek and you can’t stop yourself. Leaning over you wrap your arms around her frame, your hand on her back in a gentle squeeze. You feel the woman take a shaky breath as she hides her face in the crook of your neck, her arms around your shoulders.
You rest your head against Melissa’s, hoping the warmth of the hug says everything.
I’m sorry it took me so long. I care about you and I’m not going anywhere.
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strayheartless · 5 months
Okay let’s torture Zack today: ADHD PARALYSIS STYLE!
This has been going on for too long now. Why can’t he just get up, huh? Why does this have to be a fight every fucking time? Just get the fuck up dude!
He doesn’t move. Instead his thumb shifts to scroll past another video. He knows Angeals about to bang on the door and demand to know why he’s not out of bed; he knows it’s going to spark a lecture, and he knows his brain is going to feel like it’s been lit up like a firework just hearing anything other than silence. He’s not doing it on purpose. He knows he needs to move.
There’s a knock at the door, and that gets him moving. It doesn’t sound like Angeals knock, it’s too hesitant. Also nobody has walked in which means they don’t have a key…
He opens the door to Cloud who’s standing there looking a little unsure. “You good?” He gives Zack a once over, closing off a little at whatever he finds, pulling his scarf over his mouth in nervous habit.
“Yeah I’m fine why?” Zack blinks. What did he forget?
“We er, we were going to meet for lunch.” Cloud looked away from him, and Zack feels like a grade A asshole. “It’s okay if you changed your mind, it’s just- a text- I mean… a text would have- it’s fine.”
“Cloud I’m so sorry!” He cried trying to stumble around looking for clean cloths from the pile of washing that’s mixed with the dirty laundry on the chair. “I completely lost track. I’m- I- I’m reall-“
He hadn’t realised he’d started crying until Cloud makes him stop with a hand on his arm, and he takes a huge stuttering breath. Why does he keep doing this!? Why does he keep forgetting these things and then upsetting his best friend!
“Zack breath,” Cloud says, kind of commands actually.Zack stops and focuses a little more on taking some breaths.
“Good, that’s good. Just… did you forget or did that thing happen again?” Cloud asks and Zack holds up two fingers to indicate option 2.
“Okay,” Cloud sighs and tries a little smile that he only ever seems to give to Zack. “Okay, that’s fine. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have put that pressure on you. Do you want to eat here, or do you think you need to get moving to kickstart something?”
Zack took another breath and struttered “m-moving.”
“Okay, I’ll leave you to get dressed then. 300 second okay?”
Once Cloud closes his door again Zack moves around the room like lightning. He shoves on a shirt that smells clean, does his belt, grabs his phone and wallet and shoves his feet in his shoes.
Outside Clouds holding Zack’s coat out already and helps him into it.
“283 seconds. New record.” He bumps his elbow into Zack’s side lightly, making the other man laugh breathily.
“Cloud I really am so-“
“Don’t. I know you are and you don’t have to apologise. I get that it’s hard for you.” Cloud cuts him off.
Zack just looks at him. How can one person hold so much acceptance in one tiny body? How can somebody who’s known him for no more than a year accept and help him in ways not even his parents could.
Cloud never makes Zack feel bad for this. he never gets mad at him, when he has every right to. All Cloud has ever done is occasionally been insecure himself and even then he changes his approach when Zack explains.
“I really love you, you know that right?” He asks, wrapping his arms around Cloud. “Like, a lot,”
Cloud blushes “shut up,” he says, leaning into the side hug.
He doesn’t say it back, but he doesn’t have to. Zack knows Cloud loves him to and that makes all the difference in the world.
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bakedbakermom · 7 months
Takeout Interruptus (read on ao3) fluff and humor // T // 1k words tagging @today-in-fic @ao3feed-msr
A makeout session is interrupted by an over-enthusiastic delivery boy who just can't take a hint. (Note: "OK Chinese Restaurant" is a real place in the SF Bay Area, so I hope you will forgive me for the name. I always wanted to open another place across the street called "Good Chinese Restaurant.")
Scully’s tongue thrusts hot and wet into his mouth, her hands tangled in his hair. She gasps as his fingers slip under the hem of her shirt to begin a teasing journey up the sweet plains of her stomach, inching higher and higher... when a loud knock sounds at Mulder’s door. “Sorry,” he murmurs against her lips. “Forgot I ordered food.”
She whines when he pulls away, though her stomach is rumbling. “Hurry back, G-Man.”
He smiles over his shoulder as he grabs his wallet and opens the door, revealing a gangly teenager with bright red hair, a smattering of acne, and an anemic little caterpillar of a mustache valiantly attempting to crown his upper lip. In his hands are two bulging bags of takeout, their stylized font proudly proclaiming them the product of Mr. Fung’s OK Chinese Restaurant (Ask About Two-for-One Tuesday Special!).
“Hey, Zack, how’s it going?”
“Good, Mr. Mulder, thanks. That’ll be $27.50.” He holds the bags up for emphasis and Mulder thumbs through his wallet. “Hey, so, you were right about that book you told me about, the one with the yetis? Susie thought it was really cool and now I think maybe she thinks I might be really cool and so I was just wondering if you had any, like, recommendations for more? Because, like, I’m not great with girls, and she’s so pretty and so smart and she smells, like, so good and I just don’t want to blow it, like—“
Mulder pulls out a few worn bills with an unnecessary flourish, waving them right under the boy’s nose, and Zack’s motor mouth dies abruptly. “Next time, okay? Keep the change.”
Oblivious, the young man bumbles on. “Come on, man, it’s just that I’m, like, really nervous? I’m supposed to meet up with her after my shift tonight and she was like, ‘it’s no big deal’ but, like, it’s a super big deal and you’re always so, like, suave and stuff I just thought maybe—”
“Zack,” Mulder says with emphasis, though not without kindness. “I’m a little busy tonight.”
The boy peers around his shoulder into the living room. “Oh hey, Ms. Scully.” She smiles indulgently and wiggles her fingers at him in a small wave. “You guys got some cool new case going on? Oh is it gross? Susie loves when I talk about the gross ones, that Flukeman thing had her fascinated for days so maybe you could just, like, give me a few details and I could like—”
He is inching closer to the door and Mulder sticks a hand out to grab the frame, his forearm forming a barricade before the boy can cross the threshold. “Not exactly, Zack.” Scully can’t see his face, but she can hear in his voice the wide eyes, the raised brows, the way his mouth presses into a thin line as he silently begs the boy to take the damn hint (and the money) and go.
Zack peeks around him again, slower this time, and his eyes widen along with his grin. His gaze flicks back and forth as he takes in Scully’s pinked cheeks, Mulder’s disheveled hair, the coffee table with a pair of near-empty wine glasses and no casefiles in sight. “Oh man! Oh, oh wow. Is this—? Are you—? Oh man!” He gives Mulder a bony but encouraging punch on the shoulder, thumping him in the gut with the takeout bag in the process. “Yeah, sorry, yeah, no, you got it, Mr. Mulder, I’m outta here, say no more, I’ll just, yeah, okay uh—”
He bolts all of three steps before realizing he forgot something, and nearly drops it all as he tries to hand Mulder both bags and take the money at the same time, with only two knobby arms to handle the job. One more glance into the living room, his smile so big it looks painful and shows off an impressively shiny array of orthodontics. “Yeah, okay, bye guys, have a good night, I mean, uh, I’ll just—”
“Bye, Zack.”
“Right, yeah, uh, bye!” He nearly trips over his own oversized feet as he sprints down the hall, shoes squeaking all the way. Rolling his eyes, Mulder pushes the door shut—but not before they hear him whispering excitedly to himself, “Wait ‘til I tell Susie about this!” His voice cracks on the last word.
“Scully?” Mulder asks as he turns back to her. “Do you ever get the feeling that everyone in the world was just waiting for us to get together, and we were too dumb to see it?”
She rises from the couch and takes the bags, then pushes up on her toes to press her mouth fleetingly to his. “Frequently. I’m pretty sure Skinner has Barbie dolls of us and he makes them kiss when he thinks no one is watching.”
He follows her into the kitchen, grabbing plates from the shelves she can’t reach while she rummages through the drawers for clean utensils. When she turns to face him, she finds him already close enough to touch, close enough that his body heat washes over her in a wave that sends tingles from her scalp to her toes. He grabs the counter on either side of her waist, trapping her between the firm brackets of his arms. “Think that kid is gonna get lucky tonight?”
Scully smiles, hooking her fingers through his belt loops and pulling until his hips are flush with hers. She threads her hands into his hair and pulls his face down close. “The more pressing question is,” she whispers, her breath ghosting over his lips, “are you going to get lucky tonight?”
“Would it improve my chances if I started talking about yetis?”
She reaches around, squeezes his ass with both hands, and he yelps as he bucks against her. “Let’s not risk it,” she smirks into his mouth, and kisses him like she wants to swallow him whole.
The takeout goes cold on the counter, but warms up nicely for a midnight snack.
I could not get this idea out of my head. At first I wanted to make it a scene in a larger piece of smut, but ultimately decided it was too funny and needed to be shared on its own. So. Here you go. I do not know why all my fics lately are food-related.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 11 months
What was Zack's most elaborate and oddly complex prank he somehow managed to pull on the Firsts?
The Pregnancy Prank
[Zack and Cissnei are at Zack's apartment. Cissnei is calling Angeal from her phone because he doesn't have her number saved and he won't recognize her voice]
[The phone is ringing. Zack is silently laughing]
[Angeal picks up]
Angeal: Hello?
Cissnei: Good afternoon. Am I speaking to Zackary Fair?
Angeal: ....No?
Cissnei: This is the number I was given under the name Zackary Fair.
[There's a pause. Cissnei signaling for Zack to stop laughing]
Angeal: Who am I speaking to?
Cissnei: This is Bethany Waters from Midgar Parental Planning. Miss Aerith Gainsborough had her ultrasound this afternoon and asked us to call you about the results.
[There's an even bigger pause. Heavy breathing is heard on the other line. This time Cissnei has to cover her mouth to keep herself from laughing. Zack is silently losing it]
Angeal: Is this—what did he—I mean, what is this about? Genesis, take this I'm about to throw up.
[There's shuffling from the other end. Zack and Cissnei are both dying]
Genesis: Hello? Who is—Angeal are you having a panic attack!? Hi, who is this?
Cissnei: Good afternoon. I'm Bethany Waters from Midgar Parental Planning. Am I speaking to Zackary Fair?
Genesis: By the goddess you're kidding me. Oh shit. Oh shit. Fuck me. You're kidding.
[Cissnei miraculously keeps a poker face. Zack is on the floor clutching his stomach. There's a third voice on the other end that sounds like Sephiroth. He's asking what's going on]
Cissnei: Sir? Sir, who am I speaking to?
Genesis: Shit! Uh...uh... I'm Zack's uncle. I'll relay the message to him. What does this pertain—Sephiroth, Angeal has turned blue—what does this pertain to?
Cissnei: Aerith Gainsborough's ultrasound results.
[Cissnei once again slaps her hand over her mouth. Zack is red in the face from trying to keep himself quiet. Genesis is still screaming on the other end while a garbled commotion is heard]
[Zack is crying with laughter. Cissnei is taking several deep breaths to keep herself calm. There's more shuffling and then someone else picks up the phone]
Sephiroth: Hello? This is Zackary Fair speaking.
Cissnei: Great! I'm calling to give you Miss Gainsborough's ultrasound results.
Sephiroth: Alright. What's the diagnosis?
[Genesis's voice is heard in the background: "IT'S A BABY NOT A DISEASE YOU DIMWIT! PUT IT ON SPEAKER!"]
Cissnei: She found out she's having triplets.
Sephiroth: Alright.
Angeal: *crying noises*
Cissnei: It'll be three boys.
Sephiroth: Alright.
Cissnei: Congratulations!
Sephiroth: Alright.
Cissnei: She's also asked us to relay a message regarding the baby's names.
Sephiroth: Alright.
Cissnei: It reads here she's thinking of naming them Angeal, Sephiroth and Genesis.
Sephiroth: Alright. One moment please.
[There's another huge pause. Then the sound of something heavy falling is heard, Genesis screaming, followed by the phone falling on the ground. Genesis's muffled voice comes on]
Genesis: Hello? Hi, Bethany, dear? I have to go. Two grown men are passed out on my kitchen floor and I still have a teenager to find and maim. Do you mind calling back later? Thanks.
[The line goes dead]
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ashwhowrites · 7 months
Famous daddy part 5
The series has come to an end. I want to thank everyone for the love and support on this fic. I know the parts came at random times but everyone was so patient <3 I hope you enjoy the final part.
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Zack was calling call after call. Eddie knew he'd be pissed and he knew Zack would do anything he could to make Eddie regret ever crossing him.
But the small interaction with Y/N gave him all the hope he needed.
Y/N didn't know what to think. Eddie stayed true to his word and ended his career. A career that he was so desperate for, yet she meant more. She wanted to be cautious, he burned her once and he could easily burn her again. But he publicly left his label, and no management would ever take that lightly.
She couldn't ignore the part of her that was happy. She still loved him, and she knew that wouldn't go away overnight. Knowing that he was fighting for her meant something. It was easy to be away from him when she pretended she hated his existence, but he was digging himself back into her life. She knew if she hated him, she could let him go in a heartbeat.
As the world lost their minds over the news, Eddie felt like his head was more clear than ever. He didn't waste a second to send her a location to meet at.
She wanted to pretend that she fought the idea of seeing him, but she didn't. She grabbed her keys and raced out the door. She ended things, she took time away, and she avoided all contact with him. And did she heal? Not at all. Did she miss him the whole time and wish there was a way to feel better again? Definitely.
She walked through the park, her eyes already catching him on a bench. His head was down, his legs shaking as his elbow rested on it. She could sense his nerves from miles away.
Flowers next to him, a cup of coffee, and a small device.
"I'm here, now what?" She asked, now standing in front of him. His head snapped up. She gasped at his red eyes, like he'd been crying for hours.
"sit please?" He asked, grabbing the flowers and coffee, and handing them over to her as she sat.
She kept the flowers in her lap but sipped on the warm drink. A smiled as he remembered her order from their first date.
"I want to start with I'm so sorry. I know I've apologized and apologized. But I still feel like I need to say it. I made you look like a fool and I regret that so much. I never should have agreed to a shortcut. I should have made it on my own. I don't deserve anything I have, because the only thing I want to deserve is you. You are all that matters to me. Not the music, the fame, and the money. I wish I did everything differently. I wish I never said yes or was man enough to end it when I realized I fucking loved you."
She took in his words but her heart was still spiraling. His career was over, no doubt about that. He proved that she meant more, but was it too late?
"I understand if you never want to see me again. Tell me to fuck off for good, and I promise I will. But I need you to look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me. That I'm too late and I'll never get to make this up to you." He sniffled through his words, his head facing her as he stared at her.
She got the courage to lift her head. Her wet eyes met his. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He looked so torn and tired. Selfishly she hoped it was because he lost her and not his music.
"How can I believe you?" She asked.
Eddie grabbed the small device between them.
"A CD of every single song I recorded about you, me, and us. Every single one." He handed it over but she was confused.
"what do I do with this?" She asked
"Break it, set it on fire, run it over with your car. Anything you want. I moved everything to that CD, nothing was left on any devices for my old management to get. I won't make a single dime off of you. Not anymore." He explained.
Y/N appreciated the gesture. A part of her wanted to play it, hear what he had to sing about her.
"Was it real? Did it feel real when you recorded it? Or was it money grabs?" She asked. Either answer would hurt her.
"All real. Everything I felt for you was real. The only unreal part was the beginning. But I fell for you instantly and I didn't write the songs just to make money from it. It was everything I was feeling. You became my muse and it was so easy to write about falling in love with you." He explained.
"Thank you. I'll take it and think about everything. It's going to be hard to act like it didn't happen or that you didn't break my heart. But stupidly enough, I miss you and it kills me to be away from you." She admitted, standing up as she grabbed the flowers, CD, and drink.
"Take all the time you need. Thank you for listening." Eddie smiled.
She gave a small nod and walked away.
Eddie watched until she disappeared. Now all he had to do was wait.
Y/N plugged her headphones into her computer, the disc spinning inside the laptop as Eddie's voice filled her ears.
Over fifty songs, all just for her. The way he had so much emotion in his voice, conflicted with her. She could hear the moments when he smiled, his voice picking up when he replayed a memory. The more she listened and made it down the list, she sensed a change in his direction.
All the songs now were apologies. His voice cracked throughout the lyrics, and his sniffles mixed in when he got to the end. His voice was powerful and determined.
He took the blame for everything, never once begging for sympathy. He sang about how he deserved every bad thing coming his way.
She was suffering, and he clearly was suffering.
They both missed each other and loved each other.
He did everything she asked. He left the music behind and is focused on fixing things with her. She felt like she was the most important thing to him.
She figured one more chance wouldn't hurt. If she got burned twice by him, she'd learn her lesson and never forgive him again. Right now she could forgive him, and start a new relationship that's based on real words and love. She could go slow and start over. And maybe a happy ending.
It's been a week since he saw her and he was losing his mind. He wanted to be patient and give her all the time and space she needed. But it was killing him not to know where her head was at.
He almost felt like he stopped breathing when her name popped up on his phone. He answered it as fast as he could.
"Hey Eddie, I've been thinking about us. And I was wondering if you wanted to go out for coffee. For old time's sake, maybe on a first date?"
Eddie felt the biggest smile on his face as her words traveled over the phone. His heart raced and he could feel the excitement bubbling in his stomach.
"YES! Yes, a first date sounds amazing." He rushed out, and a huge sigh of relief passed through his lips.
"How about tomorrow at three?"
"I'll be there, thank you."
"Bye Eds." She smiled.
"Bye Y/N."
He waited until she hung up before he screamed in excitement. His phone was in his hand as he jumped on his couch. Thanking God over and over. Thanking her over and over. Thanking anyone who helped him get a second chance.
"EDDIE! IM STILL HERE!" Y/N laughed over the line.
He froze when he heard her voice, collapsing on his couch as he put the phone to his ear.
"shit, sorry." He panted out.
"All good. I'll see you tomorrow."
This time the phone went dead.
She knew she made the right decision as she felt her stomach flutter again. He sounded so relieved and happy about her decision. He wanted her and she wanted him.
It will take time to build up the trust again. She's going to be cautious with her heart heading into a relationship with him again. But she believed he'd fix all the parts he broke. She believed he was determined to make it work, and that convinced her enough.
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ff7-has-taken-me-over · 2 months
Born from the image of Zack looking at a camera with smug arousal as Cloud’s muscled and very marked up thighs sit on his shoulders and clamp around his head.
“Spike! Come here!” Cloud blinked at the sudden shout, making his way out of bed with only a bit of haste. Zack didn’t sound as if he was dying but he’d also shouted so there had to be some sort of urgency to it.
When he made it to the living room Zack was sitting on the floor, back to the couch and phone in hand with an adorable little pout on his features. Cloud resisted the urge to smile at his boyfriend, placing a hand on his hip as he raised an eyebrow in silent question.
The moment Zack took a deep breath he knew this was either going to be a very long winded explanation or he wouldn’t like whatever came out of his mouth.
“So Kunsel keeps trying to set me up with people cause he ‘just wants to see me happy’ or something and doesn’t really believe me when I say I have a boyfriend, cause obviously if Kunsel doesn’t know something then nine times out of ten it doesn’t actually exist. Us being the one time he doesn’t.”
Cloud crossed his arms, no longer fighting his smile as he watched the other man ramble, still waiting for the point he was trying to make.
“Anyway! He’s getting kind of insistent and I know he means well and I don’t wanna get all angry with him about this so could I maybe tell him about us?”
The blond frowned a little now, entirely unsure on this. The whole reason they were sneaking around was because of stupid company policy or whatever and Cloud didn’t wanna risk getting Zack in trouble cause he was, technically, his superior.
Zack seemed to catch onto that train of thought, hands shooting out in front of him as if he was physically blocking the thoughts, “I won’t tell him your name or anything! Honest!”
This time Cloud’s frown was tinged with confusion, “Then what’re you gonna do?”
Zack blushed a little, a rare sight that Cloud fully took advantage of to soak in. When his boyfriend averted his eyes he became just slightly concerned for the idea that he maybe had.
“I mean… kinda hard to misinterpret marked up thighs around your head, don’t ya think?” Zack tacked on an embarrassed, awkward little laugh that did nothing to soothe the rush of shock and embarrassment (and maybe just a smidge of arousal) that went through Cloud.
They stared at one another for a long moment, longer than the point of when Cloud thought Zack would backtrack and say it was a joke. Instead the SOLDIER merely gazed back, embarrassed determination in his features.
Cloud narrowed his eyes slightly, ignoring the blazing heat along the bride of his nose as he pointed an accusing finger, “This is about your thing with my legs isn’t it?”
Zack scoffed abruptly, “No! It’s a legitimate way to prove I have a boyfriend without revealing him!”
Cloud raised an eyebrow, “Ok, maybe a little. But! It really is a good idea! I would never do that with a random hookup and Kunsel knows that! Please baby?”
Cloud lasted all of five seconds against Zack’s puppy eyes before he sighed. Entirely put upon and hiding the fact that he actually really, really liked this idea. It didn’t stop Zack from giving a loud whoop though, standing up and running over to scoop Cloud up so he could them back to the bedroom.
Probably a good thing honestly cause Cloud knew how he got once Zack got going and this would not be a short endeavour.
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