#someone kit has actual Real negative feelings for ??
not-alien-girl-v · 2 years
Evans Height HCs
ok so i usually don’t do this but i’ve seen posts about this before and they only really rank the evans in height from tallest to shortest so today i’m giving actual heights that i headcanon let’s get started
Tate: ok he is cocky but not like an over 6 foot type cocky, but also not like a 5’5 kind of cocky, so i’m giving him a fair 5’10, only an inch shorter than evan actually is so it seems alright, because like he’s confident, but not in a super tall guy kind of way
Kit: i’m feeling like a solid 6’0 maybe even 6’1 if i’m being generous and i think he somewhat enjoys his height like he doesn’t try to make it his whole personality or anything but he’s comfortable in the fact that in some cases he can tower over people and in some cases he’s only just a little bit taller than others, but in general he’s a really confident guy so i feel like it’s just not something he’s ever concerned himself too much with
Frat Kyle: something about being a frat boy just screams 5’9 to me but in a negative way. like i mean this as an insult to frat boys, even though i love kyle with my whole heart, he is definitely not over 6’0 and i think he’d lie about his height just a little bit like he’d say 5’10 maybe 5’11 just to impress people a little bit. just don’t break out the tape measurer or else words will be had
Franken Kyle: now hear me out on this. he was given a new body. like completely new shit. madison and zoe did not know who the fuck they were putting together, they just saw a handsome face and ran with it. 6’1. i think something in the reconstruction gave him a few extra inches and it would really help sell the whole murderous monster thing to be taller than 5’9. i don’t know i just think it could happen
Jimmy: i think he’s 5’11. because i feel like we were sold the whole ‘other than his hands he is the most attractive man’ and i think that includes him not being super short or super tall. he’s a little on the taller side but just like. not all the way up there with it
James: bless his soul but this man is just a little guy. not like SUPER small. but he is probably 5’8 or 5’7. and let’s be real does it even matter id still smash no questions asked. but he just isn’t very large. hope you all feel these vibes. once again he has that confidence and he puts together his look very nicely and that’s what pulls all his bitches so it does not matter what his height is but let’s be real. 5’8 at the most
Rory: never seen this season. someone on tiktok assigned this season to my zodiac sign (aries) and that pissed me off so i’m giving him 5’6. deal with it. fuck gingers
Kai: i know a lot of people say this and that’s because it’s correct but kai is the tallest. like he is giving TALL energy. like 6’4 at least maybe even 6’5. and hear me out on this so precult he was just this weird nerd incel thing and he had the potential to be hot he just wasn’t doing that yet. have you guys met nerds in real life. some of them get pretty big i can speak from personal experience also it totally works out with his intimidation tough guy thing, just being an absolute mountain of a man, i’d be scared but id still smash
Mr. Gallant: twink. 5’7. let’s move on
Jeff: 5’6. shortest evan and it’s so obvious. he gives off little man vibes. i know i said some nerds can get kinda huge but he is not one of them. little man. let’s move on
*moment of silence for the lack of evan peters in 1984*
Austin: 5’8. he’s comfy with it. he’s cool. it’s no big deal and it’s just not his biggest concern in any way. unrelated but does anyone remember when he said ‘i’m hungies 🥺’ that ruined me. i can never forgive austin for that.
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edwinas · 1 year
I feel like this fandom and the actual text have a terrible infantilization problem in the attitude that’s all, oh, how could Nate be so mean to poor baby Colin, or Nate was utterly delusional when he felt dismissed by someone who literally brushed him aside to go celebrate with Roy, how dare he be so ungrateful, of course Ted never did a single thing that could even be considered wrong. It makes even those characters less interesting! I’d argue Colin owes Nate an apology much more than Nate owes Colin, especially because Nate already did apologize, but the one character who Nate was, without question, the most unnecessarily cruel was Will. And the players are much nicer to him than they were to Nate, but in the sense that they see him as a pet, not a person. Like, he’s treated as a tagalong kid mascot despite him being canonically older than Sam and about Jamie’s age - totally fine to have him around to pick up after them, but of course they’d never even dignify his invitation out with a response. Similarly, fans use his mistreatment to hate on Nate, but not actually explore any of these characters’ real strengths and flaws.
100% anon, I get the show not developing everyone because it has an ensemble cast and it'd be impossible to do. But fans definitely reduce characters to what they find palatable.
As you said, Ted's cut down to this all-american happy-go-lucky white himbo dad. But he struggles with alcoholism, the fall out of his marriage, being away from his kid, his father's passing, panic attacks etc. He's told his positivity is hurting him and that he needs to be more open. Ted is way more interesting than this fandom allows him to be.
Nate is one of the most complex and nuanced characters. We saw how and why he spiralled: his desperate search for validation, looking himself up on twitter, negative comments cutting him down, taking it out on others, being dismissed by others, checking twitter again etc. His outburst in the finale was gradually built up and foreshadowed throughout the show. Brendan Hunt said "It was certainly fun bread-crumbing his transformation throughout Season Two especially, but there's breadcrumbs in Season One as well."
I wonder if writers would have taken more care with Nate's story if they knew how fandoms hate brown characters...
ANYWAY Nate was cruel to Will and I wonder if it's because he sees himself in Will? And if Nate's emulating what he had done to him when he was kit man? To feel powerful, to feel like he's something. Regardless I want Nate to realise he doesn't need to put anyone down for himself to matter. I'd love for him to reconcile with Will!
I'm not that bothered by Will not being developed. He's more of a cameo and comic relief. Would have been nice if he was more fleshed out, especially when newer characters get a lot more screen time.
What gets me is that Will seems like a non-entity in fandom. I see a few funny gifsets with him and that's it. Not many head canons, meta, posts in general. But he always finds his way in Nate hating posts. Begs the question, do you care about Will or is he just a convenient prop to hate on Nate?
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everybody-loves-purdy · 4 months
As someone who has a mother who used to suffer from PPD, I never really understood the hate for Palebird. She clearly cared for Tallstar to the best of her ability, both when he was a kit and an apprentice and I really don't think she gets enough credit for that, especially considering her condition. Sure, she was no Goldenflower or Ferncloud or what have you, but the little we see or hear about has her still being involved.
And as for her dismissiveness later on, I feel like the way some people describe it is very much exaggerated, especially when it's something she literally can't help. For as humanized as these characters are, I feel like a lot of people forget that at the end of the day, these are still cats. Not that Palebird's behavior was a good thing either, obviously, but of course she wouldn't have known how to handle her PPD—a disorder with symptoms that include the likes of anxiety and irritability—because she wouldn't have even known what she would've had to begin with! Hell, even in the real world, we're still trying to understand it!
Add in the fact that not only was it specified that her PPD was made worse when her daughter died, how dismissive some of her Clanmates seemed to be about it, her mate dying later on, and just the tension in WindClan in general, it's really no wonder why she became as overprotective of her second litter as she had been, even if that meant snapping at her eldest kit. Poor Tallstar, absolutely, but poor Palebird too. PPD is always going to be rough for everyone and I'm just glad these two were actually able to have a better relationship at the end.
I agree, this is a really good piece on her.
Also one thing that probably didn’t help at all that is overlooked is the death of Brackenwing (Barkface and Shrewclaw’s mother). This affects Palebird significantly, when Brackenwing dies Palebird says “My dear friend. You’re the only one who saw Finchkit before she died. No one else understood my grief.”
To Palebird losing Brackenwing was probably losing who she viewed as her closest support, and she was the only other person who knew her daughter. She feels that Brackenwing understood her more than anyone. To lose that would likely have impacted her mental health even more negatively than it already was.
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precuredaily · 2 years
Precure Bonus Day: YPC5GG ED 2
It’s been.... far too long since I reviewed some music. Go Go episode 30 brings with it a new ending theme, and the third rendition of an old favorite. The opening hasn’t changed, so refer to my earlier review of that if you missed it or want a refersher. Also, for reasons that will soon become clear, here’s my thoughts on YPC5 ending 2 and Splash Star ending 2.
And here’s a gallery to get you started: https://imgur.com/a/gCCCmWo
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Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! Ending 2: “Ganbalance de Dance ~Kibou no Relay~” (Relay of Hope) by Cure Quartet
Cure Quartet is a supergroup formed for this album comprising Gojo Mayumi, Uchiyae Yuka, Kudou Mayu, and Miyamoto Kanako. AKA all the theme song singers from the first 5 series. The B track on the single is a kind of medly/tribute to all the shows in honor of the 5th anniversary.
As usual it’s a catchy bop, this time with a little more of a full band sound to it. The animation consists of everyone doing the now-familiar dance in front of Natts House or other locations. The very first shot is the girls running out of the house and leaping into the air, wearing cheerleader uniforms. These are not seen again in this ending, or anywhere else in the show. It has always struck me as strange that they were designed and used for this one shot only.
There are no counting gags like in the previous few outros, everyone does their part and well. The moves are more or less the same as in previous Ganbalance de Dance renditions, which is to say, kind of silly. The lyrics are somewhat altered once again from the Y5 version, this time dropping any slightly negative causes from the preious version and going into full optimism. Essentially the lyrics say “keep your chin up and dance the ganbalance and everything will be okay!”
Halfway through, the girls all transform into their Cure forms and perform the rest of the dance that way. Real-time transformations are rare so it’s nice to have that here, for the remainder of the show.
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While most of the dance moves are the same as ever, they simplify one step, where the characters face their backs to the audience during an instrumental transition. In the Splash Star version, the villains performed this step and were shown twisting one way and then the other. Here though, it’s just stills of the girls and fairies.
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There’s some weird and funny scenes that don’t fully make much sense, like Mint and Aqua holding dishes containing bean jelly and lobster, though this is probably a reference to their questionable cooking abilities.
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Also, that scene contains a brief shot of Jiya and Otaka, as well as two Cinq Lumiere students. I initially thought they were Kudou Mayu and Miyamoto Kanako, who got guest appearances in the show once last season, but they aren’t. Next I thought they might be student council members, but while the girl with pigtails resembles someone we’ve seen, I can’t find a match for the girl with straight dark har. She actually loosely resembles Honoka from FWPC, but most likely they’re just generic student designs.
Speaking of cameos, Masuko Mika appears in the ending for the first time! She’s trying to snap a picture of Lemonade and the other girls are confused/excited/upset at this.
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When played at the 1080p of the blurays, the digital art looks a bit upscaled, while the CG roses used for scene transitions are extremely detailed. It’s a jarring contrast now that I’ve noticed it. Otherwise, the animation and art is good, perhaps not the best it could be, but fine quality for the remainder of the show.
The ending concludes with this nice group shot of everyone mugging the camera, it’s really fun.
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The instrumentation in this one is a lot of light brass, strings, a piano, a rhythm guitar, and a drum kit. There’s a small saxophone solo in the full version. The flow is smooth and upbeat, and it feels more full than the previous versions of the song. The presence of four singers also helps this sensation. There are usually at least two people singing at the same time, with the others on backing vocals. Sometimes they’re all four singing the melody, and sometimes it’s just Miyamoto. However, I think it’s my least favorite at the same time. I liked the tune because of its simplicity, and making it a big composition takes away from that in my personal opinion.
I mentioned in my review of the first ending that I liked it better than this, and I stand by that statement. I think Yes 5 remains my favorite version of the song, but it’s the last time we’ll see it, and when we hit Fresh the CG dance endings begin in force. Look forward to that, and look forward to the rest of this show!
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navarronoble02 · 1 year
Reborn Dolls
Reborn dolls are dolls made to seem like real babies. They are known considering that the early '90 's, through the United States and it is now increasingly popular around the globe. Industries have also been for this business. There are also online stores that supply kits and parts for Reborning or manufacturing process reborn dolls and also finished products of artists. They are not cheap, at regular prices from the few hundred dollars and will reach up to a mile or higher. Reborn dolls are bought for many reasons, one of these simple primarily to increase the range. The company is mostly women, most of whom are in their 30 to 50 years. Others, meanwhile, you should buy these dolls to exchange the kid they have lost or replacement for their children who've adult, but still love the impression of experiencing an infant around. They like the concept of looking after a child - cuddle, clothing, and diet. The only difference between Reborn along with a true baby there is no real responsibility here. The doll itself is not dirty, do not cry and do not need constant supervision. Thus, he protects a child, but with less negative feelings. For females who can not have babies, often known as "empty nest", or those who planned to possess children later, but reached the age if it's far too late instead of returning to college additionally there is a approach to manage being unable to own her own child. There are the adoption papers, even when purchasing a doll to feel totally real. This helps fill the void the women are receiving children. The revival will there be on their behalf. Apart from that, transport and embrace the dolls help to awaken the maternal instincts of the woman so helping build self-esteem when folks undergo him and be sure he understands how beautiful his "baby" you are taking a walk outside. As mentioned earlier, women buy reborn dolls to replace a young child who has lost once. This could be healthy, which enable it to facilitate the grieving process. But the real question is, is it really? And how can it be healthy? The first common mechanism for adaptation that a person uses each time he faces the loss of someone as well important is denial. These dolls time can help you this procedure by diverting attention and also at the same time supply a temporary replacement. However, there are several problems with this kind of adaptation. If she actually is too attached to the handle of regeneration and loses reality could not be. In the health plan, assistance to handle the loss allowing temporarily forget the pain of it. Keep view it looking after the revival of support for a head full of activities in order to avoid the housing over evil. On the other hand, would have the doll and reborn too seriously the concept that he too could really solve the duel. Here is where it might be unhealthy and threatens the mental health of females.
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hydroxianchaos · 3 years
Gosh I want Surge to be Metal’s rival so bad. It’s already so easy to see! Both created to destroy and replicate sonic, but in very different ways. I’m of course rooting for Metal. What are your thoughts on Surge and Kit so far?
I love everything wrong about them. As a pair with a charming yet intentionally forced dynamic, as "programmed" people with "programmed" motives, and of course just on the surface of Surge being such a hothead, and Kit being this adorable little fucked up version of Tails. I like that Surge VERY clearly wants proper validation from Starline, and Kit just wants to help Surge in any way he can.
And then.. Starline. Yeesh. This is gonna rapidly digress and turn into just a Starline discussion but:
I already thought he was a bit of a bastard, having brought back Eggman, being so arrogant in Bad Guys, and so weirdly airheaded with how confident he is that his plans will all work out, and above all how justified it'll be.
But this is like, a delightfully new low for him. Casually lying to Surge's and Kit's faces on why they black out. Making it seem like his ideas were her ideas. Completely unaware of why "disciplining" Surge and Kit is not going as smoothly as Belle building a connection to Mr. Tinker. He's so results-oriented in a way IDW Eggman actually isn't, and this shows so clearly how that can be a problem for him and others. I honestly think Eggman has a healthier relationship with Metal Sonic, and that's taking reprogramming into account.
Eggman seems like the kind of person that, though abusive, does have an actual emotional connection to his most prized creations that goes beyond just meeting his own ends and validating his own genius. Likewise, Eggman plans things with a bit of an impulsive, child-like glee, soaking in the real fun of unfolding a plan. These are all things that make him uncomfortable to watch: a disastrous man-child narcissist. Yet, these are also things that better humanizes Eggman, and can even make you empathetic to him and understand the fun in his way of ruining the world.
Starline though? He's so clinical in every step, it bleeds into how he treats other people. Zavok has a better demonstrated investment in camaraderie with teammates, even if he also manipulates. You get the feeling that Zavok has at least some kind of deeper sense of honor among other brutal-types. Starline very clearly doesn't act the same way, yet he isn't even edgy in his apathy. He's just.. way too focused on his goals that they're all that matter to him. He doesn't have any higher principles that get in the way of his goals, and that will ironically impede him if Surge and Kit wisen up and turn on Starline instead of forming a proper bond with him.
Starline already had a Gatekeep, Girlboss vibe, but he's finally earned his Gaslight certificate. I have a hunch him studying the Warp Topaz might've... seriously done something to him in the past. It's strongly implied to have negatively affected him with how gunked up and burnt his hand looks without the glove. Add Mr. Needlemouse being a result of the Warp Topaz doing funky shit to Sonic's brain, and I wouldn't at all be surprised if Starline was someone... Else, before becoming who he is now.
Anyway, this wound up longer than I intended, but I think talking about Surge and Kit begs discussion on Starline as a person and as a character.
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fantasy2739 · 3 years
Prompt idea: Jamie and a woman he has a one night stand with have a pregnancy scare. He's really worried about being a bad father (the sad part), so he insists on taking care of one of those RealCare baby dolls that cry and hijinks ensue (the funny part).
Okay so I had to google what a RealCare baby is because we don’t really use them where I am (or we do and I’ve just never seen one). So the accuracy is definitely a no.
Jamie stares at Amy like she’s grown a second head.
“You’re what?” He croaks. She purses her lips.
“I said, I might be pregnant.” She repeats. They’re sat in Jamie’s house, which he is eternally grateful for because he’s pretty sure he almost spat juice everywhere. “My periods late and my stomach has been feeling shitty.” Jamie cringes a little at that because what the fuck is he supposed to say.
“But we used a condom.” He says, it’s almost a whine. Amy sighs.
“They’re only so effective.” She says.
“And you’re not like, on the pill?” He asks, wary that he might be crossing some line. Amy shakes her head and Jamie nods, because fair enough. “What do we do then?” Amy considers it for a moment.
“I’m gonna get one of those fancy tests that tells you early and then we’ll go from there.” She says. The look she gives him is almost pitying. “I just wanted to let you know, cause there isn’t really anyone else I can tell.” Jamie nods and insists that he pay for the test. Amy smiles at him and tells him she’ll text him. Jamie sees her out and goes to curl up on the sofa. He’s mulling over what happens if Amy is actually pregnant. Do they keep the baby? Do they not? He can’t force Amy to do either. He wraps his arm around a cushion and stares at the wall.
He’d be a shit dad.
Well no, maybe not. He doesn’t actually know. But then he doesn’t have the best idea of being a dad. His dad is a piece of shit. What if they keep the baby and he’s shit with them? What if they don’t like him?
What if he hurts them?
Jamie grips the cushion tighter. He’s terrified. He’s breathing faster and he’s scared of this child that may not even be a thing. How the fuck is he supposed to be a parent if he’s freaking out over the idea of one? He spends the next couples of days pacing back and forth, mulling it all over in his mind.
He’d hurt his kid.
He doesn’t want to be like his father.
He hopes he’s like his mum.
He doesn’t know if he can break the cycle.
Amy’s text is a blessing.
‘Hi Jamie, I took two tests to be sure, both negative! Thanks Amy X.’
Jamie feels so relieved he nearly cries. He’s been teetering on the edge of uncertainty for too long. He shakes it off, sends Amy a quick thanks, and tries to forget.
Except he can’t.
Now that he’s thought he could be having a kid he’s almost desperate to prove he wouldn’t be shit. Or at least he’d like to know. So after an hour of googling he ends up order a fucking RealCare baby. He’s never regretted a purchase so quickly. But it’s too late now. He needs to know.
Okay so maybe he shouldn’t have turned up to Richmond with the fucking baby but he’s supposed to treat it like an actual baby.
“Why the fuck do you have a fake baby?” Roy asks like Jamie has just personally caused every problem Roy has ever had. Jamie doesn’t know what to say, so he shrugs and puts the baby, who he’s named Babs, on the bench. “Jamie, seriously what the fuck?”
“It is cute.” Sam says. “But also very creepy.” Isaac is moving from side to side.
“It’s eyes are like following me.” He says. Ted comes out to see what the commotion is about and he sees Babs.
“Well who’s this little cutie?” He asks. Jamie smirks.
“Babs.” He says. “It’s one of them RealCare baby things.” Ted is all smiles.
“Reminds me of high school, take a bag of flour home, treat it like a baby.” He says. He pauses and looks at Jamie with wide eyes. “You’re having a baby?” Jamie shakes his head.
“Had a… scare.” He admits. “Wanted to try it out.” There’s silence and then.
“So have you brought lots of clothes?”
“Let me hold the baby.”
“Does it cry all the time?”
“Do you have to feed it and shit?”
“Can I be the fun uncle?” Jamie blinks a few times and smirks.
“I want Babs to have good role models. So none of you fucks.” He says. “Except maybe Ted and maybe Sam.” Sam grins. “Roy you can be Babs’ great grandad since you’re fucking old enough.” Roy growls but there’s a softness in his eyes. Jamie picks Babs up and cradles her gently. He steps towards Ted, who has his arms ready in a second.
“Cute as a button.” Ted says as he holds her.
“Takes after her mum then.” Bumbercatch jokes. Jamie sticks his tongue out at him.
“Oh hush now.” Ted says. “I think it’s real great you’re doing this Jamie.” Jamie shrugs and takes Babs back. He crooks his arms around her and cradles her. He makes a cooing face. There’s a flash and someone has definitely snapped a picture. Jamie flips them off and goes back to his baby. Some of the team are leaning off his shoulder.
“Oi, we still have training to do.” Roy reminds them.
“We can’t leave her in the locker room.” Colin says. “She’ll get hurt.” There’s murmurs of agreement.
“Fucking fine, I’ll hold her while you all practice.” Roy caves. Jamie smirks.
“Here Babs, say hello to your great grandad.” He says, carefully handing her over. Roy takes her and it must be a trick of the light because he almost looks sweet. “Be good yeah, he’s too old to do things quickly.” Roy glares but cuddles Babs close. They go out and practice. When Dani scored he runs over to Babs and holds her up.
“That one of for you chiquita mia.” He says. Roy’s rolling his eyes but Jamie thinks it’s great. Babs has a special place in all their hearts
The next day he turns up sleep deprived but oddly pleased. Babs had cried all night. Jamie had tried everything he could think of; changing, feeding, holding. He had been annoyed but he’d also been scared. He was so worried about what might be wrong with Babs and he just wanted to make it better. Sitting up on his bedroom floor, cradling Babs gently to his chest he realised he hadn’t once thought about yelling at her or hitting her. So he was smiling as he strolled in. He was met by an avalanche of people.
“Look, we got Babs her own little kit!” Issac said, thrusting a bag at Jamie.
“I made her something.” Bumbercatch says, holding out a beautiful red and blue scarf. Jamie smiles widely, it’s all very sweet. Sam comes forward with a little blanket that he wraps around Babs. There’s a little noise of contentment and the room aw’s
“I just want to check, we do know that it’s a fake baby?” Nate asks, almost timidly. They all look at him. “Right, okay, yep, Babs is adorable Jamie.” Jamie rocks her slightly and they’re rewarded with more cute noises.
“You look tired.” Jan says, blunt as ever.
“Fatherhood, keeps you on your toes.” Jamie says with a shrug. The day dissolves into different teammates stealing Babs to play. Jamie catches Colin and Issac gently cooing over her in the boot room. Bumbercatch wraps her in her scarf and takes a million photos. Zoreaux and Dani run around with her, showing her Richmond like it’s a fucking museum. Even Jan caves and hugs her close for twenty minutes, telling everyone it’s comforting.
Babs stays with Jamie for another week. Despite how tired he is at the end of it he knows he’ll do anything for his kid. He’s not ready to be a dad yet, way too busy. But it’s reassuring to know he won’t be completely shit.
And he knows the team will be there, every step of the way.
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dessarious · 3 years
How the Sirens Adopted a Ladybug Pt1
So when I was writing the last chapter of How to Not Get a Date it went full blown angst. Since that wasn’t what I wanted for that story and rewrote the chapter that I posted but the other idea decided to blow up into yet another story so here we go again.
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“I don’t suppose I could convince you not to steal that?” Catwoman spun around to find a girl in what looked like a dark red armored suit with black spots. In the Louvre at two in the morning. What the hell?
“And just what are you supposed to be?” The girl just gave her a sardonic smile and Catwoman couldn’t help but notice how tired she looked.
“I’m Ladybug. Hero of Paris.” The sarcastic tone was unexpected and it took her a minute to actually process the words.
“Since when does Paris have Heroes?”
“Since some megalomaniac found a Miraculous and decided to use it for his own selfish desires. If not for the fact that he targets people with strong negative emotions I wouldn’t care what you do. But since the last time the curator of this exhibit was Akumatized it was a three day battle, I would really like to avoid it if I can.” She just continued to frown at the girl. That couldn’t be real.
“Did Harley and Ivy put you up to this?” That just got her confused frown mirrored back at her. She was either a really good actress or she wasn’t lying.
“Look, this exhibit is moving to London in under two weeks. Could you please just wait until it leaves Paris to take whatever it is you’re after?” This was so strange. She claimed to be a hero but didn’t seem to care that Catwoman was stealing, just that it would become her problem. Even most of the bats frowned upon that sort of thing.
“So you’re just going to let me walk out of here like nothing happened?” She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, refusing to make eye contact.
“The police have made it clear that it is not my job to apprehend criminals.” There was a lot of anger under those words. Catwoman walked up to the girl and gently lifted her head so she could study her. Seriously, what was it with black hair and blue eyes? Between the bats and Superman she was starting to wonder if it wasn’t a coincidence.
“When was the last time you slept?” She watched Ladybug’s eyes unfocus as she searched for the answer. “How about the last time you ate?” That produced a flinch.
“I can take care of myself.” Well that wasn’t a good reaction. The girl reminded her a bit of Tim and Jason. The sleep deprivation was all the baby CEO but the amorality screamed mister gun nut.
“I’m sure you can. I’ll tell you what; I’ll do what you want but in return you’ll come with me to meet a couple of my friends and let us feed you.” She hesitated but Catwoman didn’t see any worry in her expression. She wasn’t scared of being alone with criminals so it was likely pride holding her back. “I want to talk to you more about the situation here. It’s odd that I haven’t heard about it.”
“No it’s not. The Miraculous magic is very good at containing itself. Very few people outside of Paris have any idea what is going on.” That tone was odd. There was a trace of bitterness but it was mostly resigned.
“How old are you?” The way she held herself said she was experienced in what she did, but everything else screamed that she was still just a kid.
“Old enough to do what must be done.”  Yep, she was dealing with a baby.
“Will you quit worrying? I’m sure everything’s just fine.” Ivy just shot Harley an annoyed glance. She loved the woman to death but she really needed to take things a bit more seriously sometimes.
“She’s two hours late Harls, that’s a time frame for worry. Not to mention I’ve felt off ever since we got here. There’s something wrong with this city and I don’t like it.” She was constantly on edge and her skin felt like it was trying to crawl off her body. Ivy wanted nothing more than for Selina to get back so they could leave. Sightseeing be damned.
“As always your instincts are dead on.” She let out a relieved breath and turned to yell at Selina for trying to give her a heart attack but couldn’t manage to speak once she saw the person with her. Or rather once she felt the power coming off of them. She pulled Harley behind her and prepared for the worst. Selina was just looking at her like she was insane but the girl was studying her.
“Seriously, you’re scared of a kid?” Harley’s words made her really look at the person and that just made her more worried. Given what she felt this girl was capable of destroying the world without even trying.
“How can you not feel that? The energy radiating from her should be enough that even you should feel it.” Harley and Selina both just looked confused but the girl looked surprised.
“You can actually feel it?” Ivy just nodded. “I’ve never met anyone who could sense the Miraculous before. Whatever you sense though, I assure you I don’t mean any harm. There’s only one person I actually want to maim and I have a feeling when the time comes I won’t even be able to do that.” Well that was… odd. Even Harley was eyeing the girl like she had a screw loose.
“This is Ladybug. She’s a hero here in Paris.” Well that at least explained why she was late. “She’s asked me to hold off on my transaction until it leaves Paris.”
“And you agreed? She’s just going to go to the cops and make things more difficult for you later.” Harley’s words caused anger and hurt to flash across her expression before she controlled it.
“I said I wouldn’t. They wouldn’t take me seriously if I did anyway.” Now she saw why Selina brought her back with her. The girl looked like a stray cat. The stiff way she held herself was exactly like a cat who’d learned that people can’t be trusted, but she refused to run or show fear either. Then Ivy noticed the girls hair and eyes and almost groaned out loud. Selina had been spending so much time with her boyfriend that she was picking up his adoption preferences.
“I wanted to talk with her more about what’s going on here in Paris. We should order food since I have a feeling it’s going to be a long discussion.” Ivy saw the girl's cheeks turn pink and took the time to really look at her. She was the kind of thin that came from not eating rather than just being fit. Her mask hid any bags that might be under her eyes, but even standing still her body was swaying a little. The girl looked like she was about to pass out.
“Of course. Here, have a seat.” Ivy made chairs out of plants for everyone and the girl's face went completely blank before she turned to Selina.
“Is that normal for her?” Harley just started giggling but Selina gave Ladybug a sympathetic smile.
“Yes, Ivy has the power to control plants.” Ladybug let out a relieved sigh.
“Thank Kwami. I don’t think I’m up for another Akuma today.” Ivy shared a confused look with Harley. What the hell was an Akuma?
“You’re fighting people that control plants?” The girl blinked at her in confusion for a moment before understanding dawned.
“No, it’s complicated. I haven’t had to explain this to someone in a long time so I might not make much sense.” She sat while Harley went to order food. Ivy sat across from her and noticed how she melted into the seat. She obviously wasn’t used to being comfortable. When Harley came back in the room they were about to start asking questions when a little black cat shaped creature appeared. It was emitting just as much power as the girl.
“I don’t suppose any of you are willing to spring for camembert?” Harley gave out a squeak of surprise but Catwoman just looked stunned.
“Plagg! Are you out of your mind? Not to mention how rude it is.” Ladybug couldn’t seem to decide whether to be annoyed or embarrassed.
“Given that this one steals for a living I doubt they stand on good manners. Besides, you don’t know if you don’t ask.” The cheeky tone caused an eye twitch in the girl.
“What exactly is that?” Selina hadn’t stopped staring at the creature.
“I’m Plagg, Kwami of Destruction. I power the Black Cat Miraculous.” The girl actually threw her hands up in frustration.
“Tikki’s going to kill us both. Of all the people you could have decided to come out for why would you choose criminals?” Poor kid sounded close to tears and the creature flew up under her chin and started purring. Selina was grinning like a mad woman. Ivy had a feeling things were about to get a lot more complicated.
“Everything will be fine Bug, you’ll see. I’m the Kwami of bad luck and I can feel yours shifting.”
“I thought you said you were the Kwami of Destruction?” Selina sounded far too amused. Ivy shook her head at the woman. She still didn’t understand how no one else could feel the danger here.
“I’m both, just as Tikki is the Kwami of Creation and Good Luck, which is the Miraculous that gives Ladybug her powers.” The Kwami suddenly flew right up to Ivy to study her. “You’re an interesting being. Your abilities are inherently creation but you use them to destroy as well. She could be a good influence for you Bug.” Ladybug let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose.
“I’m not using your powers to smite the people you think have wronged me Plagg. And I would really like to stop having this argument.”  
“You act like it’s an opinion rather than a fact. Even Tikki agrees with me there.” The Kwami sounded indignant and more than a little angry. The energy around it was getting steadily stronger. They really needed to divert it’s attention.
“What were you saying about camembert?” The Kwami perked up immediately but Ladybug cringed.
“Kwami need food to recharge and while just about anything will do in a pinch they each have favorites. Plagg’s favorite is extremely smelly and extremely pricy cheese. Which I haven’t been able to provide for awhile now.” Plagg’s expression dropped at her tone.
“Oh kit, it’s not your fault.” The creature flew back to her and began purring again. Ladybug wouldn’t look anyone in the eye but Ivy could feel the guilt and worry coming from her. Whatever was going on this kid needed a break.
“I just need to go change. Then I can run to the store while we wait for the rest of the food.” Plagg looked ecstatic at Selina’s announcement. Ladybug looked mostly worried but there was a bit of relief under that.
“I wasn’t kidding when I said it was expensive. I feel bad enough, don’t let them guilt you into buying something that isn’t really necessary.” Selina scoffed.
“I know exactly how temperamental some creatures are about food and given Ivy’s reaction I’d like to stay on their good side for the moment. Besides, the money isn’t an issue.” She was walking out of the room before the girl could respond. Instead she frowned at Plagg who was still looking after Selina.
“I thought we agreed no more surprises.”
“Tikki and Wayzz agreed, I didn’t. Besides, an opportunity is presenting itself that we don’t want to miss.” Ivy shared a confused look with Harley, who just shrugged at her. Ladybug seemed just as clueless about what they meant. That couldn’t be a good thing.
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buttofgrayson · 3 years
I'm still confused by all the posts I see saying that the tv show Titans bullied Jason. I know that show is kind of a mess but I cannot figure out what in the world they're talking about. Sorry, I know you don't want to be the Jason negativity blog. Please consider this potentially positive topic: even if Brenton Thwaites isn't your #1 casting choice for Dick, do you ever see fan-casting or real live-action casting and feel relieved that Titans cast Brenton? Yes yes, we should be good people and not judge someone on superficial things like looks, it's acting ability that counts etc, etc, but... there's one casting rumor that I used to see that makes me cringe because it would just hurt to see that casting for Dick. Ok, that turned out less than positive. How about this: isn't it great knowing that we have decades of content available for Dick Grayson? Comics and cartoons and even weird sort of AU versions like the Batman movies with Chris O'Donnell. He is so essential and it's beautiful.
Haha this is so cute!
Okay first: Jason in Titans. The older Titans assumed Jason was up to no good and didn't trust him. When things went wrong and they had no one to blame they blamed the person who they assumed would've been messing with them, Jason. Plus Jason fell off a rooftop and was pretty shook up about it. Then Dick took down Jason quick when he tried to attack Dick. All these things were the perfect storm to really affect Jason. Of course they didn't bully the kid but they sure as hell didn't help him. The Tv Titans are kind of horrible to each other. They're all really quick to turn on each other and throw blame easily. Of course writers purposely made them extra hard on Jason so we can feel sorry enough for him to justify any future actions. I learned this from reading lots of red hood, Jason's super power is sympathy. Writers will always go overboard on it. (This is getting negative again oh no) But yes, Jason did actually have it tough in Titans.
On the topic of Brenton Thwaites he just isn't that perfect casting I want for Dick. He has brown hair, brown eyes, looks older than Dick and lacks a lot of his features. Brenton is a very beautiful man. But he's not my ideal Nightwing (They styled his hair great tho). But yes I'm SO glad we have him instead of Jared Padalecki, Steve Yeun, Finn Wittrock or Kit Harrington. Guys who are either way way too old to be Dick or look even LESS like him. Compared to some of the fancasts Brenton Thwaites is a blessing and he sure as hell is the best performer on Titans.
And yeah I'm glad we have so much content for Dick. More content than I may ever get the chance to read. 80 years of comics and history and fun. He's the quintessential batman character and he's even more exciting and interesting on his own. Thanks for the ask☺️
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bsbloglife · 3 years
September 23, 2021…tomorrow I leave my family for 3 weeks, to care for my parents back home. I’m nervous, scared, excited, sad, relieved, and so many other emotions that I cannot begin to name off because my mind is a jumbled mess. I’m looking forward to finally seeing my parents after a little over two years, but so heartbroken to leave my children and husband behind. I do have a sense of relief that now I’ll finally be able to take care of the issues regarding my parents’ needs.
I take off from Orlando in the early afternoon, to arrive in Toronto a few hours later, only to wait for 3+ hrs before my flight to Montreal. My sister-in-law will be coming to the airport to pick me up, then we’ll be heading over to the hotel where my parents have been holed up for over 4 and a half months. My parents don’t know I’ll be arriving tomorrow, but the caregiver is aware. She’ll be waiting for my call to say that I’ve arrived and that I’m on the way. In fact, I’ll be the one caring for my parents the first weekend that I arrive. My father is the one who needs the most help, hopefully he’ll be ok with me cleaning him up when he needs it. This will be interesting! Maybe he won’t recognize me and think that I’m another caregiver. I’m laughing at the thought, but it’s painful to think he won’t remember me. We’ll soon find out. Tomorrow this time I’ll be at the hotel with my parents.
In fact, tomorrow almost didn’t happen. I received a call today from my son’s middle school and as soon as I saw that name pop up on my phone at 1:15pm, I knew it wasn’t going to be a good call. When I answered the phone I waited a few seconds, hoping that maybe it was one of those automated calls from the principal. After a few seconds when I didn’t hear that automated voice come on, I knew something was wrong, so I said “hello?”, to which the school nurse proceeded to tell me her name and that she was calling about my son. I’m sure my response, “oh no, this is not good”, confused her a little bit, which I sensed from her hesitation to continue on. I said that for a few reasons; 1 - she’d only be calling me if something bad happened, 2 - I was leaving for Canada the next day, this seriously cannot be happening, and 3 - what if he has Covid?? I would have to reschedule my trip. I think other things popped in my mind, but right now I can’t remember what they were. She then said he was not feeling well; sore throat, chills, headache, but no fever. I told her I’d be there within 10 minutes. When I got to the school he looked ill, with those glassy eyes and sad face, trying to pull his arms into his shirt because he was getting chilly. I carried his bag and we headed to the car. He told me that he was sorry to put pressure on me because he knew that I had to leave tomorrow. I told him that I believed everything happened for a reason and maybe it wasn’t meant for me to go. My first thought was having to reschedule my trip, because if he had Covid I didn’t want to bring it home to my parents. Then I thought that I would need to get him tested, just to be sure. If he was positive, then I would reschedule the trip. If he was negative, then I would continue as planned. Stupid me, I thought that picking up a Covid Home testing kit would be easy. Just go to the closest pharmacy. Little did I know that these testing kits were like hot cakes and everybody wanted them! There were no Covid testing kits to be found…anywhere!!! My very good friend Bri helped me find one of the last remaining kits in town, after she searched and searched and searched, even going to the closest Walmart by her place to pick up a kit which was supposedly in stock. Only to find out that she missed the last kit by a few minutes! She drove with me to the only pharmacy in town with a kit. You know, that’s a real friend. You find out who your real friends are when they inconvenience themselves to help you, but they truly don’t think they are going out of their way. They are helping you because they genuinely care, when anyone else would be telling you, “good luck finding a kit”, instead she said, “let me get dressed and go to my Walmart that says they have them in stock. I’ll pick it up for you then meet you.” I mean, seriously?!?! Then she drove across town with me to get that last remaining kit, which she found after calling several pharmacies in town, and then begging them to hold it for her. I’ll never forget her kindness. I’m sure she had other things to do than to spend hours searching for a rapid Covid testing kit for my son. What was really beautiful, was that she never made it seem like a hassle. She made it seem that she actually enjoyed helping me. I cherish this girl! (Btw, my son was negative, thankfully!!)
Speaking of kindness, when I texted my cousins back home to tell them that I was coming, they offered me their homes to stay in, they offered me cars to drive, they offered me support in any way that I needed it. My one cousin offered me his daughter’s car, only with her permission of course. I told him that I didn’t mind driving his Maserati, just in case she didn’t want me to drive her Mini Cooper. I still haven’t heard back from him regarding this…. Walter? Hello?? My cousin Nadia was there for me that weekend when I decided to resign, because I needed to talk to someone about my decision to leave my career to care for my parents. She understood my pain. She too worked very hard for her career. She listened, offered her advice and helped me decide that the right thing to do would be to follow my heart. My heart wanted to be there for my parents. If I didn’t follow my heart, my conscience would never be clear and I would be useless to my family. I’ll never forget my cousin Alain and how he took care of my parents needs the day after the fire. He went to the house and dealt with the insurance people and helped my parents navigate the first few days of this terrible event. He was my savior, and theirs too. These kindnesses will never be forgotten.
My best friends back home Tina and Karen, offering me clothing, food, a place to stay. Even offering me their time when painting, decluttering and whatever else I’ll need to get done at the house. I cannot do anything without their support…without all of my friends and families support. My sister-in-law Anna will be there for me when I first arrive and each and every day that I am there. She lives just down the street from my parents place and has often been the one that my mom has called when they needed help. I cannot repay any of these people for their goodness, kindness, love and support. I can only hope that someday I am able to provide them with the same.
Here at home, one of my best friend’s has changed her whole schedule at work to accommodate taking care of my son every morning while I’m away. She rearranged her life for mine. She has literally become the family that I don’t have that lives just down the street. You know what I mean, that family member that lives close by that cares for your kids because you don’t have anyone else?? She literally rearranged her entire life to help me. I cannot thank Lisa and her son CJ enough for caring for my son like he is their family. She spoils him like she does her own sons. I told her to back off a little, because I didn’t want my son to like her more than her likes me. She laughed and said that wasn’t possible, because all my son did was talk about me. He better, good boy!
Speaking of family, tomorrow morning our friends, who we call family and in fact made them godparents to our son, will be driving me to the airport. I feel bad for Pat and Kelly, because they’ll be hearing me cry as we drive away after I say goodbye to my husband and children. I know those painful cries won’t be easy to handle. They’ll be seeing me off at the airport, which I know won’t be easy, because this will mean that I’m really leaving.
Honestly though, I really couldn’t do any of this without my family’s support, especially my husband. If he didn’t have my back, supporting my decision, and taking on most of the responsibilities with me gone for three weeks, then none of this would be possible. He has supported me financially, emotionally and spiritually. Without him I couldn’t do this. Without my children helping me by not begging me to stay, I am able to go. They have cried, they have told me they didn’t want me to go, but they haven’t forced me in a corner where the guilt of their pain would make me stay. I couldn’t do it without their support. My daughter stepping up to the plate by being me for the next three weeks, picking up my son from school, making sure he gets fed and taken to his activities.
Part of me thinks that I’m being such a big baby about this. I should just shut my mouth, stop the crying and just face this head on without fear. I want to, I really do. I feel ashamed that I can’t handle this with the grace and dignity that I know most people in my position would have. I try to have the courage and strength that I need to go forward, but the fear of the unknown has me scared. I’m afraid of leaving my family, what if something happens. It won’t be easy for me to come back home. I have to get a flight. I have to get Covid tested, which takes a day or two. I can’t just jump on a plane and come back. I’m scared I won’t be here if I’m needed. I try to get those things out of my head. I try to have relief knowing that I cannot control things out of my control, I have to let whatever may be just be. Then go from there. I know that this needs to be done and now I’ll finally be doing what I set out to do when I resigned from my career. This is the decision I made, now I will continue on with this journey.
Onward and upward!
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Hello! Could you please do yandere headcanons for Penguin, Mad Hatter, Scarecrow and Victor Zsasz from Gotham please? Thank you!
Hey! Hope you like these! ^^ Jervis’ is a bit of a let down I know, but I couldn't really think of much more to add about him. Benedict Samuel did a really good job presenting the obsession and instability stuff in the actual show. 
Have a good day ^^ (: ^^ 
Jervis Tetch / Mad Hatter:
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·         Jervis is yandere all the way. These are just normal x reader HC’s, honestly. He’s creepy, he’s obsessive, and he doesn’t take rejection- Period.
·         I think this one is pretty straight forward, and there isn’t much I can say XD He’s just like he was with Alice, but with you.
·         He will hunt you down wherever you go, he’ll try very fervently to ‘remind’ you that you’re in love, as if you ever felt it back in the first place, and generally be ultra-obsessive.
·         Jervis is a gentleman, but he isn’t as much a gentleman as the others- he’ll act like one, but when he reaches the end of his tether he will take without permission.
Jonathon / Scarecrow (I’m gonna write about him at the end of Gotham):
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·         He keeps you for himself (Like an experiment) in a lab like area of his home under ground and when he puts you there, he sets out the rules for you very clearly. Like, for example, he doesn’t want to (He also won’t get all torn up if he does end up using it on you. He’ll stand by and watch, no emotion), but he will use the fear toxin on you if he is forced to.
·         Why he would be ‘forced’ to: If you try to escape, if you hit him, or if you try to hurt yourself. You’re allowed to bad mouth him, but he will be disappointed in you and will leave you without dinner.
·         Not a sexual yandere at all. Like, I sense nothing from him in that area. He’s science-sexual. Ace. A scary, adorable ace boy. So at least you don’t have to worry about that sort of thing.
·         He can, and has no qualms, with completely ignoring your bad mouthing and screams if he wants to (He adopts an attitude just life a parent- ignore the baby until they learn to behave), and just tell you about whatever experiment he’s up to at the moment and the science behind it- so your time with this yandere is quite educational. Which is, you know… nice?
·         He literally treats you a like a child over all, actually. Tries to use both negative and positive reinforcement at different times and it just ends up psychologically traumatising you.
·         He is sorry about that
·         … sort of.
·         Cuddles. He likes cuddles sometimes.
·         When he, inevitably, ends up getting lit on fire because he insists on wearing canvas all over, he’ll walk in and drop a medical kit in your lap and shove various burnt body parts close to you for you to disinfect and wrap up like his arms, legs, his back, etc. He has no embarrassment about it either- you’re his mate. You can see whatever part of him and its fine.
·         He doesn’t care if it makes you uncomfortable. Will just tell you to grow up; Its just skin.
Oswald Cobblepot / Penguin:
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·         Oz has lost too much love in his life now- he is not going to lose you. Not because someone else can offer you more, not because someone tries to hurt you (Like his mother), and not because you don’t want him (Like Ed didn’t).
·         He keeps you with him at all times. He’s very smart, and can threaten you (And pull through with threats just as easily) so you don’t dare tell anyone that you aren’t willingly with him or ask for help while you’re out.
·         He just believes the safest place for you, his love, to be is right next to him. He let his mouther out of his sight and she was kidnapped. He left Edward out of his sight and he met Isabell(a).
·         He’s also the kind of yandere to genuinely want you to be happy, and not scared of him, because he loves you. He just wants you two to be together, while you’re happy. You’re a power couple made for Gotham’s underworld. T o g e t h e r.
·         Now, Oz is gentle with you usually (Except for restraints and guards when he knows you’re going to try and leave him), but he does have his violent outbursts, as we know.
·         During these times, he might swing his cane around or threaten to hit you with it and it is t e r r i f y i n g, but you know he isn’t going to hurt you. He would literally never forgive himself- he is an honest criminal. He’ll break things, though, and scream, and contort his expressions and will likely kill people in front of you. Which is extra traumatising, because as we know, Oz doesn’t just shoot people and get it over with. No. He bludgeons or stabs people to death with little precision and with any object close by at the time.
·         When he’s in a really good mood (Like he’s smiling and he’s not suspicious and he has that air of having no worries in the world) he doesn’t stop talking. You get many a secret out of him this way. Things he probably shouldn’t tell. Not even to you.
·         ^^^^ And that means a lot, seeing as Oswald is terrible at trust (For good reason). The fact that he’s so loose lipped with you? Its amazing. He realises this, too, and it astonishes him. It makes him believe even more that what he feels for you is real love.
·         He is not, though, the type of yandere to be deluded into thinking you love him back. That’s why he wont let you out of his sight.
Victor Zsasz:
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·         His personality and demeanour don’t really change much, except he shows a bit more emotion? Like, a little.
·         He’ll keep you safely (Not ‘safely’ like he’s afraid you’ll hurt him of course, but like you would keep money safely in a vault) hidden away in a basement somewhere. And trust me; No one is going to find you. Not on purpose and not by accident. Victor has been playing Gotham’s game for a long time, and he’s very good at what he does. He’ll probably just pick a location from a successful kidnapping (You know, the kind where you keep a rich person’s child or spouse until they send you money. I forgot the word) and keep you there. Easy-peasy.
·         He visits you all the time when he isn’t working. He tells you he would love for you to come live with him, but… you know. You might try to escape him, and then he would hunt you down. Which would be fun for this sadist, but he doesn’t think it would be for you. (How… thoughtful? You can never tell by his expression whether he’s joking or serious- which is another terrible thing about this situation that we will briefly discuss)
·         Victor Zsasz has a hard time with expressions, which is why he’s so blunt. This can be an issue for you when he’s in a bad mood and you don’t know whether to listen or cower. You don’t know if he’s hungry, horny, sleepy, mad, thinking, or waiting for you to say something. Its very, very nerve wrecking for you.
·         He always brings you a milkshake or an ice cream if he gets some for himself.
·         Wendell has been to your new ‘home’ and met you multiple times- assassins code, you know, so Victor is okay with it. Wendell is the only Victor trusts with this, in fact, so when he can’t watch you he’ll send the Headhunter and he’s actually a far more chill companion to you compared to Vic. You know, where kidnappers are concerned. 
·         But then Victor will come home and put down his gun, and sit beside you and just stare at you for a while and your chill, relaxed time is over.
·         Oh, that’s another thing. He really loves to stare at you. Not even touch you, just stare at you and think, occasionally make odd facial expressions that you don’t have a prayer of comprehending because you won’t ask what’s on his mind (He would tell you if you asked though- he likes talking to you. He does admit its especially hard to communicate seeing how ‘awkward’ this situation is. A huge understatement, yes, but at least he gets why you wont interact a little) because you don’t want to know.
·         A good thing is, as long as he doesn’t have to move you someplace, he wont lay a hand on you. You aren’t a victim, you are your own category of person, to him.
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obscureoperations · 3 years
do you think Martin would enjoy having a goth s/o? I think he'd like being able to talk about classic vampire lit with someone lol
I think he would! He'd probably admire their sense of style, noting how they didn't pay any attention to the negative comments. Especially given the times... late 70's, goth was such a niche subculture, Martin probably never saw anyone like them in real life. They most likely reminded him of a character from a classic novel.
They would probably be fascinated with his take on being a 'vampire' An actual vampire? That's so cool! I feel like they would have a lot of questions for Martin in the beginning, but probably didn't want to pry. They didn't want to seem like they were only with him for the novelty. As time went on, and Martin becomes comfortable with them, he'd have just as many questions about their lifestyle.
They wold definitely discuss vampire lit like you said. And just vampires in general --how they're portrayed in the media. It's probably easy to get him to go off on a rant about how things aren't always like they show them in the movies. Be prepared for him to have a nearly bullet point type of production hah.
I imagine one day, his s/o might convince him to go to a goth club, that way he could experience the scene first hand. I don't think Martin would be too fond of the crowds..but with enough convincing, he might give it a go. They'd probably convince him to let them do his make up... he still has that vampire make up kit. Probably nothing too crazy, just pale his complexion... tint his lips just a bit.
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Goku vs. Superman. Freddy vs. Jason. Roe vs. Wade. For all of time, humans have pitted powerful forces against each other in theoretical fights try and determine who the superior character is, but nowhere before 2021 has there ever been a universe containing two characters as powerful as the DCEU. You see, with the release of James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad, we now have what may very well be the single most powerful man in superhero cinema…
TDK, The Detachable Kid.
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But before that, in David Ayer’s Suicide Squad, we were introduced to another man who might be his match, or perhaps even his superior…
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Tonight, we will look at these two superhuman titans and determine who would win in a battle. Will it be TDK, or will it be Slipknot? Let’s find out.
Both characters come from rather humble beginnings. TDK is far easier to summarize, since the inspiration for the character is a joke. Arms-Fall-Off Boy, as he was originally called, hailed from the 30th century and tried out for the Legion of Super-Heroes… and was promptly rejected, because his power is to detach his arms and use them as blunt weapons, which sucks shit.
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Slipknot, meanwhile, has a bit more of an impressive legacy. The character was able to take on Firestorm and later was a member of the Suicide Squad, where Boomerang decided to use him to test if the bombs on them were real. They were, and Slipknot lost an arm.
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As you can see, neither of these characters have the most amazing origins, but that’s what movies about the Suicide Squad are for! You take obscure, C-list villains and turn them into champions! For this, though, the point has to go to Slipknot, due to his more illustrious career which includes being the namesake for a metal band and also because he wasn’t created by a raging pedophile.
The reason these two are so incredible is because of their amazing metahuman abilities.
TDK has the incredible ability to detach his arms and slowly float them over to his enemies, after which he can gently slap them or manhandle their weapons. It’s such an incredible ability that apparently TDK is famous enough that Waller’s staff questions how he’s never worked with Harley before. Now, this ability may seem rather underpowered at first glance, but it has a myriad of uses! He could use it to grab things off of very high shelves, he could use it to reach items from long distances, he could send your arms across the club to smack a girl’s ass and cause her to smack the guy next to her which causes a chain reaction that leads to the entire club turning into an all-out brawl… the possibilities are truly endless here, and with no confirmed range, TDK could potentially send his arms all around the world to pat himself on the back for a job well done!
Slipknot, on the other hand, has the power to climb anything, as Rick Flag points out. This is perhaps one of the most broken powers in all of existence. Think about it. Say he’s fighting Superman, but has no kryptonite to beat him. He could just pull out his rope, climb on up to Krypton, and get some. Or perhaps he’s stuck in Hell after dying horribly because Captain Boomerang is a cunt? Well, Kratos can eat his heart out, because Slipknot is about to make climbing out of Hell look easy! I think it’s safe to say Slipknot wins this round, because he can do everything TDK can and more.
Both of them have extremely limited screentime, but they of course manage to steal the show with what little time they have. Still, there is a clear winner in the personality department here, and that is TDK. The man comes across as a really nice guy, although he does not know the difference between a dog and a weasel, which is pretty lame. He’s also extremely proud, but not in a negative way; he has an utter unwavering faith in his miraculous superpower, as can be seen by his determined look as he says farewell to arms to save his Squadmates from Blackguard’s betrayal. The man loves what he can do, and loves to help, which helps make him all the more endearing and his final fate all the more tragic.
Slipknot, on the other hand, is established from the word go as an asshole and a misogynist. No one likes assholes and misogynists. As cool and amazing as his powers are, it’s really hard to feel bad when his head goes boom.
Of course, both of these guys had to die, because if either of them lived long past their introductions, the movies would be significantly shorter due to their skills. Slipknot could have just climbed up to Waller and got her out of the city and then climbed up to the Enchantress's big sky laser thing and turned it off, while TDK could have just floated his arms to poke Starro’s eye out from a safe distance. No one wants a short film about the Suicide Squad, so these guys have to go.
TDK’s death is a lot sadder. As part of the Squad A massacre, his arms get riddled with bullets, leading to him writhing and screaming on the ground as he bleeds out from his wounds. No joke, it’s honestly pretty sad, especially because of how endearing he makes himself in his short time in the film.
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Slipknot, on the other hand, establishes himself as an asshole (misogynist) and an idiot (listens to Captain Boomerang, who is a coward, a liar, and a Brony). He immediately tries to flee and gets his head blown up, and the effect is just terrible. Sorry Slipknot, but point goes to TDK here.
Still, both of them could easily survive their demises. TDK is shown to be in critical condition and is never confirmed dead, so it’s pretty easy to believe he was simply able to float his wounded arms over to a first aid kit and heal himself before hiding for the rest of the film. Meanwhile, Slipknot may have actually died, but he can still climb his way out of Hell with his powers. Ultimately though, TDK still comes out on top, because there is a chance, no matter how slim, that he could actually have survived.
It really comes as no surprise that in terms of character, these two are pretty evenly matched. TDK has the personality and the more tragic demise, while Slipknot is more powerful and comes from a better place in the comics (especially because he wasn’t created by someone who wants to fuck kids). But if they were to actually battle, who would win?
Slipknot could certainly try to climb his way out of the fight, but TDK could send his arms after him. No matter how far Slipknot climbs, TDK’s arms could follow, not to mention they could pull the rope or even cut it down, sending Slipknot into freefall. Of course, Slipknot could simply climb up TDK’s arms and then head straight for a direct hit to TDK. When using his power, it is sad to say that poor TDK is rather ‘armless, and he wouldn’t be able to fight back much. Ultimately, it really does boil down to which guy is more quick on the draw with their power.
Let me know which of these two studs you think would win in a fight! I know it’s really hard to decide considering how amazing these two are, but there must be a definitive answer out there.
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resinatingbeauty · 3 years
Witchcraft & Expectations
What do you really expect from the Craft?
I had considered writing this for a while before actually doing it just because I didn't want anyone to feel like they were being attacked or singled out. Offending you isn't the purpose of this post, so please do not be discouraged by anything you read here. There is no wrong way of practicing your Craft and to each their own. I was just curious about perspectives when it comes to your expectations regarding Witchcraft, magick, and spirituality as I have dealt with many different people following many different paths since focusing more on my Craft and art through my shop which began on Mercari and grew enough to become more established on Etsy.
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I do sell many spiritual / witchy items from personalized spell kits to witchy mystery boxes compiled with Intuitively chosen and my own handmade, one of a kind items. Among the most popular spiritual offerings are my 'buy one get one miniature spell jars,' which allow my customers to select two general purposes or a personalized request from which I assemble and enchant a miniature glass spell jar containing herbs, crystals, essential oils, and other objects based on their needs and requests. I wanted to make these little portable vessel talismans more available to everyone price and purpose wise, compared to others that have been charged with a more specific intent or devoted to a specific deity.
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I have a long history of using spell jars myself for various purposes whenever I feel compelled to create one or a special occasion arises. I'm picky about larger jars and bottles, however, so they are usually created in small corked jars or in larger jars that I will sometimes embellish or try new things to integrate that allow the spell jar to also be an appealing or intriguing piece of handmade everyday decor while serving its spiritual purpose, such as the one in the photo above.
For the most part, I have found a surprisingly amount of success with my spell jars. Not just myself, but others as well have reported events that they thought were directly related to their spell jar. I had created one for my neighbor a couple weeks ago who had been searching for a better job than the one she had at a preschool. The day after I gave her the jar, she received a text from an old coworker who notified her that a position at a bank she had applied at months ago that had nothing available at that time had just opened up.
This actually exceeded my expectations. In my experience, magick takes time. Others who have commented on the success of their spell jars or magick in general would contact me a few weeks or so after using their spell kit or receiving their spell jar. I created a spell jar back in January to help jumpstart my small business selling my crafts and Craft and didn't really start to see a huge change until mid-March-April where I was more successful than even I anticipated.
This was about on par with what I expected in terms of time, as most spells I've ever done have taken days, weeks, or even months to start manifesting results that couldn't be passed off or ignored. To be sure, I include a scroll with each of my kits and jars explaining how they are best utilized, to have patience, how to set a purpose and intentions, the power of thinking positively, and that magick rewards those who are willing to work and make sacrifices for what they desire. To me, all of these things are virtues that this path teaches us and are part of what makes the Craft so empowering overall. Whether it was the spell or your hard work, you are the catalyst for change. You made things happen. I mean, what is more empowering than that?
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This is part of the reason why I personally chose to over spell kits and magickal tools rather than offering to cast spells or perform rituals on one's behalf. It was my desire to make YOU feel empowered and you are the one ultimately responsible for your own success or failure, whether spiritually or otherwise. I'll gladly steer you down the road of success and provide you with my knowledge, experience, and guidance, but I am always clear about what to expect.
Unfortunately, we live in a time where instant gratification is anticipated and expected, which I never considered in terms of Witchcraft. I knew that no matter how many times I write 'set realistic expectations, focus on your purpose, be patient, and keep doing what your doing' that some people would just blow through all that hoping that they just bought a quick fix for all their problems for $6.99 + a buy one get one deal.
Two weeks or so ago, I had received an order for said jars from a young man who simply said he wanted a personalized spell jar for lucid dreaming and dream work and selected his second 'free' one for self empowerment. I reached out to clarify and answered some of his questions. My immediate impression from him was one of discord. He expressed a lot of turmoil in his life over the past few months and claimed to have taken on a lot of responsibility. He seemed young and eager, with a ton of questions regarding magick in general. I answered his questions the best I could, but reiterated the same values I expressed in the previous paragraph when asked why such and such spell wasn't working, 'should I not have done this,' etc. Magick takes time to manifest, especially when it comes to financial purposes like he explained which are inherently unlikely to resolve themselves overnight.
He seemed happy enough with his purchase and said as much when he received his package. A couple days later, I received a notification about a review he had left which was negative, saying one of his spell jars didn't work with a message delivered in tandem asking what purpose I had set for his spell jar.
Let me say this: I am not upset with him or complaining about his review. He is entitled to his own opinion, although I was annoyed with how quickly he had come to the conclusion when in the instructions I provided him I specifically said that these things take time to work. Anyone who receives results instantly or within the next day or so are exceeding my own expectations. Which is great! Hooray!
But this is definitely not the standard I've come to expect in all the years I've been practicing the Craft.
I continued chatting with and answering this young man's questions and ultimately uncovered that he was upset about a variety of things that had been going on in his life. In his mind, he felt entitled to have these things work for him sooner rather than later and was frustrated and angry that nothing he tried had been working out the way he expected.
In the time that I have opened my little shop, I have (thankfully) only run into one other person like this- where their understanding of Witchcraft seems to have been compiled from television and movies. After the first, I learned to tread lightly around these individuals because, whether it's their fault or not, they have been mislead.
Television shows like old school Charmed and the newer Salem and Witches of East End are really entertaining. I enjoyed watching them, but they are the absolute enemy of those who practice magick / witchcraft as a form of religion or spirituality. Sure, some of these shows actually do their research. Even Buffy the Vampire Slayer was ahead of its time introducing Wiccans, Technopagans, and New Age practices to pop culture and in many ways helped to show people an obscured version of the truth during the 'Satanic Panic' period when even witches hated being called witches and the pentagram / pentacle difference became an actual difference that wasn't just a choice of words.
Newer generations growing up with Harry Potter, which is hardly a great introduction into magickal traditions, were at least more open minded than the previous generation to the actuality of witchcraft and magick as a spiritual practice.
I mean, who doesn't want to snap their fingers and make the house tidy in one fell swoop?
I sure do. But even when I first started practicing at 11 I understood that that just isn't how it is.
This young man who was saying he lead a coven sounded more like he was LARPing than legitimately asking for spiritual guidance. I realized real quick that I couldn't do anything for him. What he wanted and expected, no matter how many times I referenced the instructions I provided (he evidently hadn't acknowledged) and relayed to him my own experience and expectations, he was looking for that 'quick fix' and someone or something to blame for when it didn't work the way he thought it would. The main reason for his complaint? The night after he received his spell jar, he said he just dreamnt about the moon.
My understanding of lucid dreaming was having direct control over ones dreams. The more I talked to this person the more it became clear that this wasn't his understanding of lucid dreaming. I tried to ask what he had tried to gain that control, as many of you know that I suffered from sleep paralysis for years and taught myself how to realize and 'break out' of it over time. He referenced making offerings to a goddess. I had to stop.
I'm sure that another business minded witch would have sold him something else or offered an exchange. I (stupidly) tried to make him understand that he has the power to manifest his desires. All I did was provide him with a tool to help things along.
This was the same for the woman I had dealt with months ago who said that she had been told by this coven owned business that she was a vampire reincarnated to be with her lover. That was the ultimate end of our conversation because she didn't seem very open to anything I suggested. Whether the things she bought were 'effective' for her or not we will never know. When she started messaging me to the point of harassment I deleted her messages and flagged them as spam. All this time and effort spent consoling someone who really isn't in the right frame of mind for magick or witchcraft.
The main point in writing this ranty post is to get the perspective of the community. What are your expectations for your own spells? What do you tell others when they ask? If you are also a 'witch shop' owner or own your own spiritual practice how do you deal with clients that have set unrealistic expectations for you and your Craft?
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wolfcha1k · 3 years
Fear Has No Sense, a Fanfic
"What if they're not what I expected?" Ratchet asked her, propping his fist on his chin, contemplating the question once again.
Rivet leaned back on her palms before casting him a little look. "Well, was I what you expected?"
Ratchet has some unfinished questions he needs to get off his chest, who better to understand than his other half of the rift?
Author's Note: Important note, only thing I know about this series is Rift Apart, so kept my horizons very small for this story. Just was a little plot bunny that was nagging me, so I spewed it out. I'm hoping its not too sappy or ends too abruptly, stuff like that, as well as the whole "plz sound like you guys are in character" thing. Lemme know what you think, I love feedback.
She found him sitting on top of his ship outside a good distance away, seeming lost in thought. There was a celebration to be had, it wasn't everyday you saved two worlds and many more in what felt like a few short days. It'd been suspicious when Ratchet had wandered off, passed the fan fair and practically evaporated from the scene. She thought him to be a guy who loved a good party.
If you had asked Rivet she would have thought he'd used that Dimensionator to scurry off somewhere. 
But thankfully he hadn't, she was rather done with dimension chasing for a while. Now she just wanted to relax and digest the peace she never thought she could have ever lived to see. It'd cost her an arm quite literally but within her bones she knew she would sacrifice it again to know the world was safe.
She put a hand on her hip, hesitant on interrupting what seemed to be a private moment. Music played muffled behind them from the celebration being had, far too peppy for the mood he seemed to be in. He didn't look sad persay, merely deep and lost in his thoughts, whatever they might be they were clearly making him chase his own tail in circles. 
Taking a courageous breath, she took the plunge into the metaphorical rip tide. "Hey!" 
His orange head turned to look at her, slowly blinking at her once the surprise wore off. "Oh, uh, hey." The moonlight made Rivet's fur burn silver.
"Yeah, uh, hi." Smooth, she told herself with a strained grin, waving a hand as she gestured at the space next to him. "Mind if I join you?"
"Sure, knock yourself out," Ratchet replied, shuffling away to make room. Rivet began to climb up, jumping onto the ship to sit down beside him.
Neither said anything, just exchanged a quick smile before glancing away to look at something else. She sometimes wondered how they could both have seamless and awkward conversations all at once. It wasn't like either of them were shy people, so what was it? They were pretty familiar with each other now too, unlike back at their first face to face introduction at Zurkie’s. 
Instead of lingering on the nagging thought and joining Ratchet in his wandering mind, she spoke. "Nice night, huh?"
"Yeah, it's great to look at the stars and not see time and space tearing apart for once," he mused, jokingly as he recalled their adventure. 
"Yeah, it's a major bummer when the dimensions collapsing on themselves ruins a good full moon," she joked back, smiling. 
"Ugh, tell me about it." He shuffled his weight to get more comfortable, drawing his knee up. "I'm not complaining about retirement again anytime soon. Meeting you and Kit was a nice compensation though."
"Are you saying that because you like my company or because I'm another Lombax?" She copied his casual posture a moment, tipping her head to the side coyly.
"Uh… both?" He scratched the fur at his neck absently, shrugging a shoulder. "I don't know, I think I'd still like you even if you were a three eyed frog."
She gave him a look, amused. "You would make for an odd three eyed frog since we gotta match and all, so good thing you and me are Lombaxes."
"Yeah, yeah," he scoffed, large ears flat as he suppressed a snort. "Either way… it's nice not being, yanno, alone."
"Alone is something I know all too well," she told him with empathy highlighting her face and words. Of course, her loneliness had been different from what she imagined his to be like. He gave her a sympathetic look, the starlight reflecting in his gaze. "I never thought I'd actually meet someone like me… uh you?” She made something of a comical face. “It’s a bit over–”
“It's a bit overwhelming, huh?” Ratchet grinned at her when he realized they’d jinxed each other yet again. He suppressed a chuckle best he could but it was all for naught. “I think I owe you a lot of sodas at this point, sorry.”
“I could use the sugar so I’ll take you up on that offer, it's fine,” she joked, rolling her eyes with a huff. “Anyway, It’s been an adjustment period, yeah,” she replied with a sheepish look, grasping her palms together to distract herself. “My first impression wasn’t the most brilliant.”
“At least you knew how to say hi at all,” he teased her. “I didn’t peg you as the shy type.”
“Hey, neither did you!” She started in a firmer tone before it broke off into a more trickling voice. ”I don’t think I would have been able to break the ice if I didn’t have Clank,” she admitted, lifting her palm to scrub it down the back of her neck, embarrassed. 
Ratchet still looked at her with a mixture of amusement and fondness. “Am I really that scary?”
“Depends how you define scary,” Rivet replied, giving him something of a knowing look that suddenly made him uncomfortable. She decided now was as good a moment as any, curious of just why he was out here. “So… uh, I’m not the best at this but…”
He sighed, already knowing what was coming when his smile came back in a more somber fashion. “My head won’t shut up,” Ratchet told her, not bothering to deny anything.
“Well, there is a really smart mouth attached to it.”
“Har, har, har, you’re funny,” he quipped, nudging her with a childish huff and pout. “I know I promised our pit stop but–”
“Is this about the other Lombaxes?” She was never one to beat around the bush, always direct, somethings ruthlessly so. Her words weren’t spoken harshly though, a gentle inflection to the question.
“Ah, sorta?” Rivet arched a brow at him in a telltale manner that made him doubletake his answer, backpedaling. “Okay, maybe a lot sorta.”
“You wanna elaborate?” She encouraged him, cocking her head with a curious blink of her intelligent eyes.
There was a pause, Ratchet taking the moment to figure out what he wanted to say. Rivet was patient, shifting between focusing on the intense frown of his brows to the matching frown on his lips. He eventually took in a breath and faced her.
“What if they’re not what I expected?” He asked her, propping his fist on his chin, contemplating the question once again. His eyes looked at the starry expanse of sky, endlessly stretching farther than the mind could imagine.
She leaned back on the back of her palms before casting him a little look. “Well, was I what you expected?” The words were laced in good humor and she grinned once she saw his startled face.
He wasn’t expecting that, big eyes round as an owl before he gave a grin of his own. Rivet was relieved to see it there, melancholy didn’t do justice to his face. “No, actually, you weren’t.” The words were honest but hardly negative, some warmth tingling them.
“I’ll assume that’s a compliment,” she teased him, her robotic hand making contact with his arm in a playful punch of camaraderie. She was sitting up again, elbows on her knees as she continued to speak. “And before you ask…”
“Ask what?” He rubbed at the spot where she’d socked him, wondering if she had any idea how much strength she really had in that cyborg hand and arm of hers. She must be a champion arm wrestler. “I think you’re pretty solid too. Those other Lombax would be dumb to not see it,” Rivet assured him and this time it was him who bumped shoulders with her.
It was only the pressure against her shoulder she felt from the nerve endings pressed into the machine, she’d lost the ability to feel much else since losing that arm despite his warm arm brushing against her. It was strange but she was used to strange. She almost had a phantom sensation of his touch. 
“Thanks,” he chuckled before arching a brow playfully. “Are you reading minds now too?”
“If I’m you and you’re me, it’s a pretty obvious conclusion, right?” She challenged him, ears pricked forward.
“Man, that still makes my head hurt,” he exclaimed, pushing a palm against his forehead with a chuckle. 
He wondered if there was more to that besides being shadows of one another, recalling Mags' diary entries of how other Lombaxes had been cast out into different pockets of time and space. To say the least, his mind wasn't ready in the slightest to start going down that rabbit hole just yet. There would be plenty of down time now to do so later, the excitement of peril was done.
They filled the silence that followed with what felt like calm and peace a good friend brought, content in the lull of the conversation; it didn’t feel suffocating or awkward. 
Ratchet broke the quiet moment, his voice musing. “Yanno… for someone who’s been a real lone wolf, you sure know how to talk to people.”
“Hey, lone wolf doesn’t equal socially degenerate,” she quipped, shaking her head with a smile at him lifting a hand in mock defense. “Besides, I honestly get how you feel about… the whole scared of the Lombax thing.” She let her face become serious, brows furrowed as she rubbed her hands together. Ratchet could hear the purr in the motors of her robotic arm as it moved. “It wasn’t fair I threw that in your face back at Zurkie’s–”
Automatically he interrupted her, shaking his head and catching her gaze. “No, it’s alright. It wasn’t right of me to call you a coward either when you had your own fears.”
“Yeah but fear does nobody any good when it hurts people,” she told him, lifting her eyes to glance at her arm, seeing her reflection on the golden sleek metal. She turned back to him not long after, somehow feeling a sense of peace wash over her despite some of the jitters. “Guess fear just doesn’t make no sense sometimes, huh?” They shared a look, a somber smile on each other's faces.
“Yeah,” he agreed, sighing with something that almost sounded like a chuckle.
She took a moment to find what she should say next, knowing the conversation wasn’t going to end right there. A good friend did what she could to support each other, not snuff out their insecurities and ignore their needs. Her thoughts absently flew to Kit and Rivet didn’t want to make that mistake again. “Meeting you was honestly one of the most intimidating things I ever did, I can’t imagine adding to it an entire race of who knows how many more of us out there,” she confessed at last. "Fighting Emperor Nefarious was a cakewalk compared to that."
He studied her curiously, a bit surprised. Considering their argument prior to the conclusion of this whole mess, he hadn’t really expected her to have her own qualms about finding their kin. “You worry about what they might think of you too?”
“I mean, maybe a little,” Rivet started, trying to sound casual, being vulnerable wasn’t her strong suit but she was going to try her hardest. Breathing a sigh, she found her words again that were heavy on her tongue, relaxing the tension that had suddenly found itself coiled down her spine. “Well, I don’t anymore, least not like I did before we met,” she replied, meeting his eyes, mischief twinkling like a star. “You like me well enough, right?”
“You seriously need to ask me that?” He rested his elbow on his knee that was curled up close to his chest, the other leg comfortably laying under his relaxed slouch. 
“That answers that,” Rivet said, sighing extravagantly in good humor before taking on a more serious tone. “Anyway, if one Lombax thinks I’m good enough, then that must mean others will think of me that way too. If not, well, then I got just the one and your approval is plenty for me.”
He smiled at her. “You think that highly of me? I’m touched.”
“Yeah, I do, and I’m not saying that because you’re the only other Lombax I know,” she told him, returning his smile with one of her own.
Ratchet seemed to consider his words, quiet for only a moment before he said anything. “Hey, Rivet?”
“Yeah, Ratchet?” “Thanks, for tonight, I mean. It helps,” he told her, appreciative as he met her eyes. “Kit and me dished some talk but guess I hadn’t gotten it all out, too much mayhem at the time.”
“It’s what friends are for, right?”
“Right,” Ratchet said, nodding his head.
They fell into a short silence, just looking at each other before Rivet decided to speak. "So… think you're finally ready for that little pit stop soon you promised me?" She arched a brow at him, a challenge he met with a toothy smirk teetering on a grin.
"I've been ready." He reached a hand out to her, bicep raised as Rivet met him halfway, robotic palm pressed into the glove of his as they met in a firm clap. 
She squeezed his hand, mindful to not crush it with their arms pressed together from the grip. "That's what I like to hear."
"Good, because you'll be hearing a lot more from where that's coming, Rivet."
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echotrinityme · 3 years
Foolish Chapter 4: Rejection
Charles, Henry, Ellie were goofing off and playing around. They were having a grand ol' time until they noticed Rupert walking dejectedly. His head was down and his hat was covering his face, he was holding his injured hand with his other hand.
They were all concerned for him, especially Henry. He walked past them without a glance at them, he was still shaking and he hunched as if he wanted to appear small.
"I wonder what's wrong with him?" asked Ellie, curiously.
"Yeah, he seems all bummed out." added Charles, sadly.
Henry frowned and started to go after him but a hand stopped him, he turned to see Charles holding him back.
"It's best to leave him alone when he's like this." said Charles.
"Why? " questioned Henry.
"Well you see...Rupert doesn't handle his negative emotions well." explained Charles. "He has anger issues and he would rather hide his feelings rather than confront them."
"That's seems unhealthy." said Ellie, who was frowning.
"That's one way of putting it." said Charles, sadly. "He needs help for controlling these emotions but he refused to get help."
Henry felt bad about Rupert, he never considered the problems that plague him. Before he joined the Government, he caused a lot of trouble for the police officers and security guards. He even caused a death and a job firing of Rupert's co workers, he felt even more guilty and sadness.
"I wonder why that is?" asked Ellie, she was now more curious about Rupert. "He needs help and support."
"Maybe later we can invite him to hang out." said Charles, happily.
"Yeah, that will probably cheer him up." added Ellie.
"We can ask him later." said Henry.
They all agreed to ask him later and went back to goofy off until Captain Victoria needed them to do some work, which they all groaned at that.
Meanwhile with Rupert, he went inside of his tent and he looked around to search for something. He spotted the med kit on a table and he opened it to get bandages to dress up his wound, after he was done he set the med kit down and sat on his bed covering his face with his hands.
He sighed heavily, he felt numb. He never considered the outcome of the situation he will be in, he thought everything will go out great but life doesn't work that way. He never had such good luck when he was growing up, he always have a feeling that life was just screwing him over. He also had problems expressing his negative emotions ever since childhood, he didn't know what to do now.
He lie down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling before he felt his eyes droop close, he fell asleep.
Hours later, he woke up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, he got up and felt disoriented from his nap. He checked the time and saw it was evening, he swore and was about to get angry at himself until Charles and Henry walked in.
"Hi, Rupert are you feeling ok?" asked Charles, softly. "Earlier, we saw you ignored us."
"Yeah and you seemed sad so we left you alone." signed Henry, with a small smile on his face.
Rupert stared at them for a moment but mostly at Henry, his smile for some reason made Rupert feel...different. A warm kind of different which confused him and felt heat coming to his face, he closed his eyes and ignored the warm feeling.
"Hey Rupert?" said Charles, tentatively.
"What? Sorry I was distracted." apologized Rupert, sheepishly. "I'm doing ok, just needed a few of sleep. I'm fine, don't worry about me."
Rupert tried to smile but it didn't work, he's hoping that will convince them. "You are such an idiot" he thought. Charles and Henry didn't look convinced but shrugged it off, which made Rupert breathe a sigh of relief.
"So anyway, we came here to invite you to hang with us." said Charles, beaming. "We were hoping hanging out will cheer you up."
Henry nodded while he was talking, he was looking at Rupert with morbid curiosity. Some part of him wanted to say no but it's better than wallowing in his depression, who knows it can be good to hang out with people.
"Okay." said Rupert, with a small smile.
"Great, let's go." beamed Charles.
They all walked out and Charles led them to the entrance of the base, Ellie was already there waiting for them.
"Took you guys long enough." teased Ellie. "Hey Rupert."
"Hi." muttered Rupert.
"Ok, let's go to Brody's." said Charles.
They all headed to Brody's and went inside to find a table, they all sat down and a waiter came by to get their orders. They all got drinks and they waited, Ellie decided to start a conversation. She decided to talk about random things, like favorite food, favorite movies, favorite things to do, etc.
Charles and Ellie were mostly talking with Henry contributing here and there while Rupert stayed quiet, they've tried to get him to talk but he wouldn't budge so they let him be. Henry stopped talking and pulled out his phone to scroll through it, Rupert kept drinking and stayed silent.
It wasn't until Ellie mentioned her brother that got his attention, he sat up and glanced at her quickly.
"My brother Jacob, told me he's dating someone and the way he said sounds they are a good one." said Ellie,excitedly. "I'm so happy that he found someone that's making him happy."
"Oh who is it?" asked Charles.
"He told me, his name is Dave Panpa."
Rupert bristled at the comment and his hands began to shake, they didn't noticed it but Henry did. He was worried about him, he's been quiet ever since he came back from being out. Rupert clutched the glass and he took a drink, after he was done he set the glass roughly making everyone jumped.
"Excuse me for a moment." said Rupert, lowly. He got up and went outside before anyone can say anything. As soon as he went outside, he wanted to yell in frustration but stopped when someone followed him.
Henry followed him outside, he had a worried look on his face.
"What do ya want?" asked Rupert, coldly.
"I just wanted to see if you were ok." replied Henry.
"Why do ya care?"
"I should, considering our relationship."
"There is no relationship, we are just using each other." said Rupert, firmly. "I already told you this before."
"What our first time having sex in the back of your police car ?" questioned Henry, sadly.
"That was a mistake. It shouldn't have happened."
Henry went silent for a moment, he bowed his head down. He stared at his boots as if they were the most interesting thing, he stopped and glanced up at Rupert.
"I don't think it's a mistake." whispered Henry, softly. Rupert almost didn't hear him, he was too busy mulling over the fact that Henry's voice is actually soothing.
"It is." growled Rupert, he was getting more frustrated by the second. "What ever yer feelin' it's not real."
"No!" shouted Rupert, which made Henry flinched and recoiled in fear.
"I'm in love with someone else, someone that is not you!"
The situation was getting intense and both men weren't being rational or reasonable, Rupert's anger was coming into full making it more worse, Henry on the other hand was starting to tremble and his eyes started to well up in tears.
Before Henry can try to reason with him, Rupert snapped with rage.
Henry gasped and he finally started sobbing loudly, some the patrons came out to see what's the commotion. Charles and Ellie came out too and saw Rupert seething and Henry crying. Before anyone can ask what's wrong, Henry bolted to unknown direction.
"Hen! Wait!" exclaimed Charles.
"What did you do?" asked Ellie to Rupert, coldly.
Rupert stared at the direction where Henry was standing and to the duo watching him, some of the other patrons started at him in anger before they came back inside.
For some reason, Rupert felt guilty.
Meanwhile with Henry, he went to a clearing in a forest and found a rock to sit on. He was still sobbing and shaking, he covered his eyes with his hands. A few minutes, he stopped sobbing. His eyes were red and glassy, he was still trembling. He remembered Rupert's words and anger at him, he then began to cry again.
There was suddenly a noise that snapped him out of his crying fit, he got up and searched around but couldn't see cause it's was dark. He tried to listen where the source is coming from until a couple of bushes rustled.
Henry got into an attack stance and someone came out the bushes, he quickly attacked the other person. The other person was surprised and began to defend himself, however Henry stopped attacking after he got a look of the person he was 'attacking'.
"Calvin?" signed Henry.
"Henry?" said Calvin, dumbfounded.
"I'm so sorry for attacking you, I thought you were something else." apologized Henry. "Are you ok ?"
Calvin noticed Henry's eyes were red and his face had dried tear streaks, in other words he looked like hell.
"Yeah I'm ok but are you?"
"Why do you ask ?"
"You looked...not okay."
Henry raised an eyebrow at that, he then realized he was crying before Calvin showed up. He scrambled to wipe any evidence of him crying until a hand stopped him in his place, Calvin grabbed his hand gently and Henry stared at him in confusion.
"You were crying, weren't you?" said Calvin, softly.
Henry nodded and he bowed his head down in sadness, Calvin got feeling he was rejected by someone but who? He himself also got rejected earlier, he tried to ask Charles out but that went well...bad.
"C'mon, let's get outta here."
Calvin led Henry back to base and even offered him into his tent he shared with his brother, Konrad was hanging out with June July so he was gone for the night.
The rest of the night was a blur to Henry, the next morning he woke up naked and next to Calvin who was also naked and asleep.
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