#sokka x shy! reader
m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
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Series Synopsis: You wake up in a strange room with no memories, broken glass at your bedside, and a prince named Zuko as your only chance at figuring out who you really are.
Chapter Synopsis: You return to the palace and attempt to tell your brother the truth of the world.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Zuko x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 5.6k
Content Warnings: complicated relationships (strangers to friends to lovers to enemies to strangers to lovers to enemies to lovers), amnesia, alternate universe, lots of secrets and lying and mystery
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A/N: man i’m really going to miss this arc of the story…vibes have been unmatched so far (ba sing se era >> ursa era imo even if the underlying mystery of the ursa era was rlly fun to write)
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“Sokka!” you shouted, kicking the front door. You knew the Avatar’s house was under near-constant surveillance by the Dai Li, and the longer you waited outside, the more likely it was that you’d be caught. Yet for some reason, your last three attempts at knocking politely had proven fruitless, and even this more violent greeting went unanswered. Giving up and ramming your shoulder into the doorway, you flinched when it swung open eerily and without protest.
Why was the villa empty? It didn’t look like it had been abandoned in a methodical fashion; a set of clothes you assumed were Katara’s was tossed over a chair, and there were dishes in the sink. All of this spoke to a hasty exit, one that might not have been entirely willing and was certainly made without an advance warning.
From the corner, there was a chittering sound, and you all but leapt out of your skin before realizing it was a tiny, fluffy creature. Stooping down, you recognized it to be a winged lemur, staring at you with wide viridian eyes. You offered it your hand with a smile, but it only sniffed it delicately before skittering backwards, leaping around a corner and then poking its head back like it was hoping you’d follow.
“What is going on?” you muttered to yourself, deciding you might as well follow the shy animal. It made a cooing noise at you, nudging you with its small, wet nose as you reached the room it was waiting for you in. Once it had ascertained that you were safely with it, it leapt onto your shoulder, nipping your ear when you tried to leave.
You were about to chide it for the rude behavior when you heard the front door creak open. Biting your tongue, you pressed your back to the wall by the door, peering through the crack at the new visitors. Based on the winged lemur’s behavior and your own intuition, it wasn’t the Avatar or any of his friends, and your stomach dropped as you saw men wearing the familiar Dai Li uniform creeping into the villa.
“You really think the Avatar’s the one that kidnapped Princess Y/N?” one of them said.
“Who else could’ve killed Captain Chhay?” his partner said. “That man is a legend in the organization. Long Feng thinks that they kidnapped Princess Y/N so that they have some leverage to enter the palace.”
“Poor girl,” the first agent said with a chuckle. “She’s like a toy for the real political powers to play with.”
His partner scoffed. “Right? It’d be depressing if she actually cared, but she’s not exactly done anything to gain any kind of relevance in her kingdom.”
“Her and that brother of hers are making this far too easy.”
“Did you hear that the Lower Ring citizens rioted just from seeing her?”
“At this rate, a peasant uprising isn’t far off at all. The seeds for revolution have been sown, and as long as things continue in the way they have been, it won’t be long before the monarchy is done away with completely and Long Feng can finally, truly assume power.”
“Shh! What if they overhear you?”
“It’s fine. The Avatar and his friends are busy under Lake Laogai. This is only a cursory inspection. There’s no one around to hear us; when else can we discuss this type of thing?”
“I don’t know. You’re just stressing me out. How much longer do we have to stay here, anyways?”
“We have to check for Princess Y/N. Or, at least, pretend like we did.”
“Honestly, I’d say we’ve done our due diligence.”
The voices were growing closer, and you shoved your fist in your mouth to avoid making a sound, staring wide-eyed at the winged lemur, who did not even blink as it returned your panicked gaze with a steady one of its own.
“True. Who really cares if she lives or dies? It’s all the same to our plans.”
“If she dies, though, people might feel some sympathy for the royal family.”
“Nah, just think about it: as long as we can blame the Avatar and his friends for killing her, then we not only get rid of one of the royal family members, we also shake the public’s faith in the Avatar. It’s actually for the best if we don’t find her.”
“You’re right!”
They were right outside the room now. If they took another step and turned, they would see you. You shrank back even more, wishing you could melt into the shadows, meld with the wall, hide in some way that would ensure they never caught wind of you.
“Let’s just go, then.”
“Wait, what if she isn’t dead, though? If she escapes and comes back to the palace, it’ll make us look horrible.”
They took that step, but still they did not turn. You shivered, wanting to squeeze your eyes shut but knowing you could not be caught off guard in case they saw you.
“If she comes back, we can let Long Feng deal with it. She’s been a real pain in his neck, you know? If Captain Chhay were still around, he’d probably be sent after her by this point.”
One of the agents clicked his tongue. “Good old Chhay. I’d never have said it while he was still around, but he was like a polar bear dog. Who else would be that loyal to a person?”
“I don’t know. Rumor has it that Long Feng paid him twice the regular salary. I’d be loyal too, for that kind of money.”
They retreated from the room, and you let go of the breath you had been holding, patting the winged lemur on the head, though you were still careful to be silent.
“That so?”
“Maybe one of us will be promoted to take his place now that he’s gone.”
“Now you’re talking!”
The door to the villa slammed shut behind them, leaving you and the winged lemur alone. You buried your face in your hands, breathing in quick, short gasps, gritting your teeth as you tried to regain your composure.
It went deeper than you realized. This wasn’t just incompetency or confusion — the Dai Li were planning on utilizing the citizens of Ba Sing Se for their own means, using them to overthrow the current government and then instating Long Feng as, ostensibly, a dictator. It was only your own fortune — you were still unsure whether that fortune could be considered good or bad — that you had overheard their plot, but what now?
You were presumed to be dead. At first, this horrified you, but as you thought about it, there was a definite bonus. The Dai Li’s efforts would be focused on the Avatar and his friends, and if you were considered a vanished non-issue, then there would be no eyes scanning the city for you. It left you free to operate as you wanted, given that you employed a modicum of caution.
Digging through the wardrobe of the room you were in, which upon investigation revealed itself to most likely be Katara’s, you pulled out a scarf and wrapped it around your neck and head. Though it did nothing about your stained dress, it concealed your identity well enough that you felt more comfortable walking outside than you had before.
“What about you?” you said to the winged lemur, scratching it behind its enormous ears. “You saved my life, I’m pretty sure. Thank you for that. Where will you go now?”
The winged lemur purred at you, rubbing its cheek against your own and tightening its grip on your shoulder. You giggled and rubbed its forehead.
“Alright, then. You can help me. Come along, but be prepared; it might be dangerous. I don’t think there’s time to rendezvous with the Avatar. I’ll have to storm my own palace and demand to see my brother myself,” you said, squaring your shoulders, finding some irony in the fact that you had finally been given leave to live your life how you wanted and yet you were returning to the very place you had tried so desperately, for so many years, to run from.
After all, if Princess Y/N was considered dead, then that meant you could live in disguise and become someone else. You could leave Ba Sing Se entirely and travel the world, see the sights you had thus far only ever read about. The capital of ice in the North Pole, the city of Omashu, which was commonly referred to as Ba Sing Se’s little sister…it was a possibility. There was no one stopping you anymore.
No one, of course, except for your own conscience. You could not leave when you knew that the Dai Li and Long Feng had killed your father and were planning on overthrowing your brother. You could not leave when your people, the ones who you had been born with a duty to, were being manipulated and taxed and abused by the ones that were meant to have their best interests at heart. And, though it was less grand of a reason, you could not leave the city where Lee was. Not without telling him first.
Though you knew the villa was located in the Upper Ring, it took you a moment to regain your bearings and find the palace. After all, it was far more difficult returning without one of Quynh’s doors to serve as a convenient portal or the Dai Li escorting you with their Earthbending. The sun was already high in the sky by the time you made it to the palace gates, but by the time you arrived, you found another problem facing you.
The royal military, which guarded the palace, was in complete disarray. It was as if a tornado had torn through them. Men were strewn about, staggering to their feet, while others used their own Earthbending to fix their formations. Was the palace under attack? Were you too late? Had Long Feng’s rebellion already begun?
“Who goes there?” a guard shouted at you. You did not respond, picking up your speed from a mere walk to a sprint, holding the scarf over your head so that it did not blow off as you ran. You could not know if you trusted the army or if they were in league with the Dai Li, and unless you were forced to, you did not want to reveal who you were.
“Hey! Answer us!” another guard said. You kept running towards the bridge over the moat. You just needed to cross that bridge, and from there, nothing could stop you. They must’ve had that same thought, though, as the stones of the bridge began to recede, leaving a gaping maw where you should’ve crossed.
Then the boulders began to fly. They weren’t trying to hit you, but they were blocking your path, making your entrance far more difficult. You used one hand to cover the winged lemur’s eyes from the dust pluming in front of you, squinting your own so that you were not blinded by it.
If you did not do something, then the guards would go from obstructive efforts to far more deadly methods. Earthbending against this quantity of offensive parties was a suicidal idea, especially when you were on the palace’s doorstep and there was a high chance you’d get caught, but there was one final card you could play, the one you had been unwilling to part with most of all.
Casting the scarf aside, you pointed at the guard who had been lifting another boulder into the air to throw at you. He paused mid-action, and then he pointed back at you, like he could not believe his eyes.
“I am Princess Y/N of the Earth Kingdom, you fool, and what you are doing right now is treason! If you throw even a pebble more at me, I’ll have you hanged!” you said.
“Princess Y/N?” the guard said, the boulder thudding to the ground before him as he dropped into a bow. “We were under the impression that you were — that you were dead!”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Reform that bridge at once,” you said. “Did you think that a girl of Shan’s line could be killed that easily? Perhaps I must remind you: I am the princess. As long as my people need me, I cannot die.”
After that, you walked unchallenged towards the steps leading up to the palace. It confirmed one thing, at least: the army was not allied with the Dai Li. If it was, then you would’ve been seized by now and dragged to Long Feng, but all that the soldiers did was shy away when you stalked past, giving you looks that were equal parts questioning and awed, like they could not quite believe that the shy, delicate little princess was capable of such feats.
It was only a matter of time before the Dai Li caught wind of your presence, if they had not already. You had to make it to the throne room by then. At least for now, they were limited in what they could do while Kuei was watching, for he was still the supreme authority of the kingdom. Now that you had gone and announced who you were, they ought to have done everything they could’ve to stop you, but curiously, there was no one that came to block your path.
Even stranger, the route to the throne room was torn apart and devoid of guards. There had clearly been a fight, but who had broken into the palace and managed to overtake it so quickly?
The walls were crumbling, and entire pillars had been torn in half. There were scuff marks on the carpet, and the stone floors glittered with dampness — it had obviously been a massacre. For the first time, you felt like you actually fit in, your ragged appearance matching the ruined entrance hall perfectly.
“I don’t know if I can trust you,” Kuei’s voice drifted out from the throne room, the door to which was, for some reason, lying on the ground. “I’m sorry, but you have no proof. I’ll have to trust my advisors on this one. Long Feng, what do you say of their claims?”
“Do you think that I could’ve hid a hundred years of war from you?” Long Feng said, his voice cold and flat. “What’s more, I’ve received some disturbing news. It seems that the Dai Li found evidence that the Avatar and his friends were involved in the murder of Captain Chhay, as well as your sister’s abduction.”
“What?” Kuei said.
“What is he talking about?” Katara said.
“I’m an Air Nomad! Killing is against my morals!” Aang said.
“Look, we didn’t kidnap or murder anyone! You have to believe us,” Sokka said. “About that, and about the war. I don’t know why your advisor is lying about all of this, but you have to see through it!”
“Even from the Avatar, this kind of situation is just too fantastical. I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to arrest you, at least until Y/N is found and Captain Chhay’s murderer is apprehended,” Kuei said.
“You don’t have to look any further,” you said, pausing in the doorway to catch your breath, hunched over as you wheezed from how much you had pushed yourself. The winged lemur jumped from your shoulder and scampered over to Aang, who made a small noise of surprise at the arrival. “I’m here.”
“Y/N?” Kuei said.
“Your royal highness?” Long Feng said, his innocence clearly feigned, though his surprise likely wasn’t. You glared at him, regaining your composure and straightening before taking the same place as always: below the throne, staring up at those who would always be above you. Your brother, the king. Long Feng, the traitor. You were beneath them both, but this time, you did not allow either of them to intimidate you.
“Where have you been, sister?” Kuei said. “We thought the worst must’ve happened! The servants came in the morning, and all they found was Captain Chhay’s long-dead body. You were gone. Who took you? Did they hurt you?”
“Clearly the princess has been through a horrible ordeal, your majesty,” Long Feng said. “Look at her dress. She needs time to rest and recover from what was no doubt a most harrowing encounter.”
“I’m fine,” you said. “There was nothing harrowing about it. He didn’t even have time to fight back.”
“Of course, you must’ve managed to escape somehow, and thank Quynh for that,” Long Feng said. “But just the mere experience of being kidnapped would’ve been traumatic. Poor princess…I will assign thrice the Dai Li agents to look after you, so that you may rest in peace.”
“I didn’t have to escape, and I wasn’t kidnapped,” you said. “This kind of conduct can be expected of my brother, but I know at least you are smarter than this, Long Feng. In fact, I know a lot of things about you now.”
“No,” Long Feng said.
“Yes,” you said. “You understand, don’t you? I killed him. I killed Captain Chhay.”
Kuei shrieked. “What?”
“It’s true,” you said. “I did it.”
“No way,” Toph said from behind you. “I think I respect you a lot more now.”
“Toph!” Katara hissed.
“Dai Li, seize her at once!” Long Feng said, gesturing towards you impatiently.
“Y/N…how? How did you do that?” Kuei said. “How did you murder someone? No, not just someone — the Captain of the Dai Li himself!”
“Does it matter?” you said as earthen cuffs bound your wrists behind your back once again. “The more important question is why. That’s what you should really want to know.”
“Take her to her chambers and ensure she does not leave!” Long Feng said.
“Why did I do it? What cause could your dear sister have to kill a man? Ask!” you said.
“We will decide what to do with you after we have gotten rid of the Avatar and his friends,” Long Feng said.
“Kuei!” you said. Putting him in this position was the worst thing you had ever done to him, but it was necessary. He had to seek out the information, or else he’d cover his ears and hide away as he always did.
His eyes swam with emotions you doubted he had ever been exposed to before, a veritable maelstrom of thoughts and questions and feelings that he likely did not even know how to handle. Dai Li agents appeared at your shoulders, but you did not take your eyes off of your brother. Your brother, who loved you. Your brother, who was the only family you knew. Your brother, who was the Earth King, the supreme authority in all the kingdom. You looked only at him, and you waited.
“Stop! Release her!” he said. The Dai Li hesitated, but though their loyalty might have been to Long Feng, they still had to abide by Kuei’s commands above all else. The stone restraints crumbled away, and the agents bowed before stepping away from you. “Why did you do it, Y/N?”
“Because Captain Chhay killed our father,” you said. “And he did it on Long Feng’s command.”
“What?” Sokka said.
“This is so complicated,” Aang said. Sokka hummed in agreement.
“That — you cannot just accuse people of regicide without proof!” Long Feng said.
“You sent Captain Chhay after me. He tried to kill me multiple times in Ba Sing Se alone. That’s proof enough! He was your little pet, wasn’t he? It’s what your own agents called him, after all. The beast of the Dai Li, sent to do Long Feng’s bidding. Who else but he would’ve been the one to kill the 51st Earth King?” you said.
“You’re being ridiculous! What motivation would I have to assassinate your father?” Long Feng said.
“Stewardship over the Earth Kingdom isn’t a bad prize,” you said. “Though I’ll admit that luck did play a role. After all, if our mother hadn’t died as well, then she’d be Kuei’s regent.”
“What, did he kill her, too?” Sokka said. “This dude just keeps getting eviler and eviler.”
“No, he — actually, wait,” you said. There was no proof, but for some reason, you didn’t find it too far out of the realm of plausibility. “There’s a chance, though I don’t have any proof for that claim as of right now.”
“You’re going on and on about nothing,” Long Feng said. “I’m not the ruler of the Earth Kingdom. Your brother is.”
“Yet he only implements policies that you approve of,” you said. “Policies which, if I might add, are deliberately harming our people! You’re sabotaging his reign so that our family is overthrown for good. You mean to usurp Kuei, and don’t even try to deny it — I overheard your agents discussing it, and, more importantly, I’ve seen the effects of your suggestions firsthand.
“The only city safe from the war charging exorbitant prices to those refugees which try to enter…thank goodness for that unnamed noblewoman allowing passage through the second southeast gate, right? I won’t speculate about her identity, but I’ll give you a hint: she’s someone you’d recognize.”
“You little wench,” Long Feng said. “You wasted your own money on that? I should’ve known.”
“That’s not all. You refuse to acknowledge the disparity between Upper and Lower Ring citizens, and the Dai Li are closer to terrorists than officers of justice. The people of Ba Sing Se are frightened to speak out about anything, because the Dai Li is always watching. No wonder they hate Kuei and I. No wonder they riot in the streets! But that’s exactly what you planned,” you spat. “Because once they revolt, you will pretend to be on their side and then use the same structures you claim to be against to strengthen your power, your grip on this nation. Kuei and I might be uneducated about the reality of this world and its wars, but at least we care about our people! Can you even claim that much? What sort of an advisor are you?”
“Continuing to speak will only incriminate you further,” Long Feng said. “You have gone mad, princess. There’s no other explanation for why you killed the captain meant to protect you, or for why you are saying such things. They are the ravings of a lunatic! King Kuei, I recommend she be arrested and sent to a correctional facility equipped to handle her case at once.”
You had said all you needed to, and so you just pursed your lips and ducked your head. Your part was done; now, it was up to Kuei to do what was right. If he did not make the proper choice now, then it was hopeless. Then they could take you wherever they wanted, because you could not fight back against your own flesh and blood.
“Dai Li, arrest—” You could not help your shoulders from slumping at Kuei’s declaration. Despite everything, it had not been enough. He still did not have any faith in you. “—Long Feng!”
“What? Your royal majesty, what is the meaning of this?” Long Feng said as the Dai Li agents saluted at Kuei before clicking a pair of metal handcuffs around Long Feng’s wrists.
“Did you really think I’d believe you over Y/N? Did you really think that there’s anyone in the world who I value more than her? It would’ve been more suitable for you to pretend like you actually cared about her. I might’ve been more inclined to agree with you then, but no matter your station, if you dare to speak against my dear sister like that, then you must face the harshest of repercussions,” Kuei said, standing and drawing himself to his full height.
“Kuei?” you said softly. You had never thought that he would be the one who would do something like this. Never in your wildest dreams had you imagined that he would stand up for himself, for you, to this extent. Yet here he was, doing exactly that.
“You are making a mistake! If you do this, you will be remembered as a foolish, empty-minded despot who used his power to rid the kingdom of any who dared to criticize his family,” Long Feng said. “You will be remembered as a tyrant. I swear it to be so!”
“That’s fine,” Kuei said. “They can remember me as a tyrant if that is what they will — as long as I am remembered as a tyrant who loved his sister. Agents, please, take him away at once! I’ve had enough of listening to him. I think it’s time that I take counsel from more qualified parties.”
“You’ll regret this,” Long Feng said over his shoulder. “I can assure you of that!”
“And you’ll regret killing my father,” Kuei said. “I can assure you of that.”
“I didn’t think he had it in him,” Sokka mused, earning him a snort of approval from Toph.
“Are you finally willing to listen to us?” Aang said. Kuei massaged his temples.
“Yes, I am. What’s this talk of war? Who are we at war with?” he said.
“The Fire Nation,” Katara said. “They attacked a hundred years ago. They killed all of the Air Nomads and have been steadily invading the Earth Kingdom; Ba Sing Se is the only place that’s still completely safe from their influence.”
“Because of the walls?” Kuei said.
“Yes, exactly. They haven’t managed to break through yet, which is why so many refugees have been coming here — most of them have lost their homes, and Ba Sing Se is the last hope they have at making new lives,” Aang said.
“The Fire Nation is that strong?” you said.
“That strong, and that dedicated. You know, their prince chased us all of the way here!” Katara said.
“For what reason?” you said.
“Something about capturing the Avatar and restoring his honor, I think,” Sokka said. “I’m not really sure. But! We have a way to defeat them, as long as you lend us your support.”
“We’ll do whatever we can,” Kuei said. “Right, Y/N?”
“Of course,” you said. Without Long Feng there to guide him, Kuei was like a baby animal whose legs were still wobbly and eyes were still barely opened. It would take time before he could stand on his own; until then, he needed someone who he could rely on, someone who could reassure him that he was doing the right thing. And since you’d rather that person be you than anyone more unsavory, you took the role upon yourself with as much grace as you could muster.
“The day of the black sun is coming up,” Sokka said. “The sun will disappear behind the moon for a window of time, and all Firebenders will lose their power. We have to strike them while they can’t fight back. That’s what we need your armies for — while they take care of the Fire Nation forces, Aang and a small task force will infiltrate the palace directly and defeat Fire Lord Ozai for good.”
Kuei glanced at you. You nodded. If they were telling the truth and this day of the black sun was a real event, then it was probably the best chance you had at turning the tides of a war that you had thus far been losing.
“Say, Katara,” you said as you walked her and Toph to the guest rooms they’d be staying in after they had finished briefing you. “Earlier, you mentioned a Prince Zuko and a Princess Azula. What are they like?”
You were fascinated by the thought that there was another pair of siblings not too dissimilar to you and Kuei, albeit younger, of course. Another pair of siblings who bore the burden of a crown. Another pair of siblings who had the weight of a nation looming over them. Would they understand the sense of duty which prevailed in you? The patriotism, the love for your subjects? You would likely never get to meet them and ask, considering you and they were on opposite sides of a war, so you settled for this, for learning about them through Katara’s words.
“They’re the worst of the worst,” Katara said.
“It’s true. They’re pretty crazy,” Toph said. “Though their uncle isn’t that bad!”
“Maybe you shouldn’t say that, considering he did lay siege to her city for six hundred days,” Katara said. “And not too long ago. I mean, it happened in our lifetime.”
It was almost a credit to Long Feng’s dedication, you thought, that he had even managed to hide such a long siege from you and your brother. The fact that Ba Sing Se had been under attack for two of your years of living and yet you had not known a thing about it was actually impressive, if not unfortunate.
“Oh, yeah. Forgot about that,” Toph said. “He’s pretty nice otherwise, though.”
“Naturally,” you said, bemused.
“We don’t know much about Azula, except that she’s Zuko’s sister and the princess of the Fire Nation, but Zuko’s been on our tail pretty much since Sokka and I found Aang in that iceberg. Apparently, he was banished or something, and the only way he can regain his honor is if he captures the Avatar. That’s what we’ve put together from his random speeches and consistent efforts, anyways,” Katara said.
“Although, we haven’t seen him in a bit,” Toph said. “Maybe he’s settled down somewhere.”
“Or he’s in disguise,” you offered. “You could’ve seen him and not even realized who he truly was.”
Katara shook her head. “No, he’s pretty distinctive looking. He has the giant burn scar covering the left half of his face — it makes him hard to miss. If we had seen him, we would’ve known.”
Your mind blanked, your stomach churning as you tried to process what she had just said. Burn scar. Left half of his face. Where else had you seen that distinctive mark before? You didn’t want to recall, but you did.
“Does he really?” you said to Toph.
“I dunno,” Toph said. “I’m blind.”
“Ah, right,” you said.
“Like I said when we first met, though, I can tell when people are lying, and she’s not. I don’t see what the reason to lie about that would even be,” Toph said. “It’s kind of a really specific thing to make up.”
“I’m telling the truth,” Katara affirmed. “Why, what’s wrong? I guess it’s kind of weird for the prince of the Fire Nation to be have a burn wound, but it was probably a training accident or something.”
“Oh, no,” you said. “Oh, no, no, no!”
“What’s wrong?” Katara said.
You did not want to listen to them, but if they were telling the truth, and you knew in your heart of hearts that they were, then that meant only one thing: Prince Zuko hadn’t settled down. He hadn’t given up on his chase or his war. He had moved on to more strategic maneuvers, that was all. Stealth instead of strength. Infiltration instead of invasion.
“He’s here,” you said, stopping and gripping her shoulders. She blinked at you, her blue eyes wide with uncertainty. “Katara, listen to me. All of you need to leave Ba Sing Se at once. If he gets his hands on Aang, then there’s no chance of our plans succeeding.”
“Huh? What’re you talking about?” Toph said.
“Prince Zuko’s here,” you said. “In Ba Sing Se, under an alias. I’ve seen him. I’ve met him. If the Avatar is his end goal, then the Avatar must leave as soon as possible. It’s not safe here.”
“But isn’t the Earth Palace the safest place in the world? There’s no way he can get past all of those guards all by himself,” Toph said. “He’s not that good of a bender, I’m pretty sure.”
You groaned. “No, he can get in. Anytime he wants.”
“How?” Katara said.
“It’s not important,” you said, too ashamed to admit your mistake. “Look, I trusted you all, didn’t I? Now you must trust me.”
Katara seemed uncertain, but Toph nodded at you, her expression set.
“We’ll just leave early,” she said. “I’ll go see my mother, Katara and Sokka will meet up with their father, and Aang can go visit that guru. Hopefully, by the time we’re finished with those errands, things will be dealt with.”
“I am sure it will not be a problem,” you said. “But just in case, you probably should not return to the capital. Unless Kuei or I appear before you ourselves, it would befit you to assume that any summons are deceptive in nature.”
“Are you sure about this?” Katara said. “If it really is Zuko, then he must have some tricks up his sleeve. Will it be okay for us to leave you alone?”
“If Aang is killed or captured, then it will be many years before the next Avatar reaches the level of training necessary to face the Fire Lord,” you said. “It’s too great of a risk for you to stay when it’s all but confirmed that Prince Zuko is here. As for me, I have the might of the Earth Kingdom behind me. No matter what, I’ll be fine.”
“Odds are that he’ll leave Ba Sing Se once we do, too, so there won’t even be any danger to the palace,” Toph said. “Once we go our separate ways, he’ll have to split his forces up as well, so it’ll also then be easier for us to take him on.”
“There’s also that,” you said.
“You have a point,” Katara said. “Alright. Toph, go tell Aang to get Appa ready. I’ll get Sokka and catch him up.”
“Be safe,” you said.
“You too,” Katara said. Toph punched you in the arm.
“Stay sharp, princess. See you around,” she said. “You’re not as much of an idiot as you could be.”
“Thank you,” you said. “I look forward to seeing you all again — if not in Ba Sing Se, then in the Fire Nation, on the day of the black sun, when we finally bring about their downfall for good.”
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taglist (comment/send an ask/dm to be added): @rinisfruity14 @c4ttheart @blacky-rose @shizko @marsbars09 @happyplaidpersonfestival @catborglar @camilleverreault @nerdybouquetofkittens-blog @lovialy @heart4hees @stefnarda @ioonatv @vvicaddiction @yukihatesreoyo @yodayyy
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crackedpumpkin · 2 years
Requests: Temporarily Closed
Ask Box: Always open!
Find me on AO3: CrackedPumpkinSZN
For Milestone fics, click here!
Drabbles: Under the tag #CPDrabbles
Random Asks and Rambles: Under the tag #CPRambles (Get it? Cause CPR? haha)
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|| ᴄʜᴇʀʀʏ ʙʟᴏꜱꜱᴏᴍꜱ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴅɪꜰꜰᴇʀᴇɴᴛ ᴅɪᴍᴇɴꜱɪᴏɴ ||
status: being rewritten
2012 Leonardo x Waterbender! Reader
tw: mature language, graphic mentions of blood and violence
Can be found under the tag: #CBIDD 
When a conservative, spirited Waterbender meets four ninja turtles and falls for the leader in blue.
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐱  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐧  
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
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Hiro Hamada
|| ʙᴀᴅ ɴᴇᴡꜱ ||
Hiro Hamada x Reader
Series status: ongoing, (very) slow updates
tw: Mentions of death, deals with an actual huge amount of grief
An eager young journalist with a thirst and penchant for sniffing out potential headlines gets fired from her job. Fortunately, her newfound friend Tadashi Hamada sets her up with a new one. Oh, and his cute younger brother who lingers around and compliments her? That’s a bonus.
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐱 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧
You just want to take a break from all your acting gigs, and decide to stop by cute cafe, when you happen to run into the cute boy working there.
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|| ʙʟᴀɴᴋ ᴄᴀɴᴠᴀꜱ ||
Miles Morales x Reader
Series Status: Ongoing. Can also be found on AO3!
tw: None, just pure fluff and mild angst. 
He fell first. She fell harder.
“Be my model, Miles Morales.”
In other words, sometimes the best way to get past an art block is to rizz up your muse.
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐱  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧   
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞
In Every Universe
“In every other universe, Gwen Stacy falls for Spiderman.”
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ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴅ ꜱᴛʀɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴏʀʏ
Sokka x Reader
Can be found on AO3!
Status: Ongoing
tw: S/A (nothing too graphic), violence
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New Manager
A second year gets roped into the Karasuno’s volleyball team as their new assistant manager, courtesy of Tanaka. However, her shy nature is quickly bulldozed over once she meets an energetic libero whom brings about change in her routine. 
But then again, change isn’t so bad, is it?
tw: none, SFW
Dating Nishinoya Would Include...
A few headcanons for our short king <3
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The Mad Dogs
Spiderman Reader Leaving Gifts Headcanon!
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It’s a common hobby, and it’s helped you get out of small situations before. But when you’re stuck in a really dangerous one, who else is there to save you but an unexpected knight in shining armor?
Somehow though, you keep showing up over and over again around him, always in danger. He puts up with it, but the constant saving creates a small friendship between you two and along the way, you’ve somehow wormed your way into his heart.
tw: mentions of kidnapping, SFW
Neon Leon
101 Ways to Live
"Look, here's the deal. I'll protect you in exchange for your cooking. No room and board included." He holds out his green three-fingered hand to you, a lazy smile on his lips while he waits for your response to his final bargain.
You hesitate momentarily, mulling over the options in your head. You lift your hand, grabbing his in a firm handshake. "Looks like we've reached an agreement."
tw: Zombie Apocalypse AU, vivid descriptions of blood and gore, violence, eventual smut.
𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐭   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
Happy Smurfin’
A shitpost I’m unironically proud of. FanArt by @highoffshrooms​ -> HERE!
Under the Streetlights
All you wanted was to take a walk, in the dark, alone. That’s a lie. You’re scared and afraid of the dark, so when your turtle in blue shows up, you’re relieved that you’ll be safe. However, his brothers have something slightly different for the both of you in mind.
tw: none, SFW
Pregnancy Jitters
Morning nausea isn’t a regular routine you want incorporated in your everyday life. But when you you find out its cause, it might not be such a bad thing to deal with after all.
tw: none, slight(very slight!) NSFW
He wasn’t going to show up. He was never going to show up.
tw: angst, SFW 
part two
Leo just wants to bite you
Unwelcome Interruption
He just wants to rest with you, but his brothers keep preventing him from doing so. His solution? To not let you out of his arms.
Undercover Crush
When going undercover at April’s highschool to figure out what the Purple Dragons are up to, the last thing he expects is for their newest member to be this cute.
Favourite Things
Caught Red Handed
The Sun Festival, a celebration for the many. People flock to the busy streets for wares and game stalls alike, for the seven days it takes place - once every two years.
You're just a humble store owner trying to sell her freshly made pastries, though a troublesome(and very sneaky) thief manages to elude your sight every time, making away with four to five of them during each day of the celebration.
But not this year.
Oh, this year you would catch that thief red-handed.  
2k12 Raphael Hamato
He’s only a softie around you.
tw: none, fluff, SFW
2k12 Donatello Hamato
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫
When you’ve finally had enough, and a sudden confession changes everything.
2k12 Casey Jones
A careless bet turned serious, but there’s no way that he’s going to lose.
Just A Bet
When a bet with Raph turns far more serious than he expected.
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When he realises he likes you
tw: none, SFW
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
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Cole Brookstone
Infuriating Melodies
Being able to hear the songs your soulmates listen to is reassuring for most, especially with the distance signifying how far away they are.  Unfortunately for you, it seems that your soulmate’s taste in music is excruciating to the point of disdain.
tw: none, SFW.
Infuriating Melodies (The Series)
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫
Soft Dances and Soft Tunes
Reminiscing can lead to unexpected outcomes.
Flower Crowns
Gift-giving is how you show affection, but nothing is good enough in your eyes for the Earth Ninja. 
But flower crowns do look good on him though.
Familial Ties
Platonic Dad! Cole x Adopted Baby! Reader
Drummer Boy
A cute store assistant gives you drum lessons.
Holy Ground
Imagine a night when the famed ninja show up at your temple’s doorstep heavily injured. Of course, healing them comes first, but it’s what develops between you and the Earth Ninja that really matters.
Jay Walker
Lighting McQueen
You and Jay now have a running joke. Kachow.
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Danny Phantom
It Started with a Kiss
When a simple dare becomes all too real for you. It’s just a kiss. That’s all.
913 notes · View notes
d0g0r0t · 5 months
Head Canons and Master List
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So this blog started with ticci toby headcanons but recently I've been getting into other things and have been holding you guys off for a really long time and I'm so so so so sorry for that but either way, I decided to just write about all the mfs I find attractive 💀
I won't do anything that isn't consensual
won't do anything is it involves NSFW and underage or age gap (go find that shit else where)
I won't do anything that involves assault in a sexaul manner, r-grape, gross and icky kinks like feet or some shit like ew
When it comes to sh. sewer slide and ed's be a little filtered if you don't mind but I don't care if you want me to write about that stuff :)
I won't write ANYTHING wit incest
No x oc I'm sorry that shits HARD
If one has (SFW ONLY) I mean don't ask me for anything weird for that character. They are MINORS, UNDERAGE get that in your head. If you ask for anything NSFW or any gross you will be blocked and reported.
Gory topics
Sensitive topics
Anything to do with gender or preferences
Mental health
Literally anything you want don't be shy!
Master List
Ticci toby master list
Nina the killer
Eyeless jack
Jeff the killer
Ben drown (SFW ONLY!)
Any other pasta
Blue eye samurai
Dr. Flug
Sally Face
Todd (platonic only)
Josh Hutcherson 💀
Clapton Davis
Mike schmidt
ATLA (aged up)
Aang (sfw)
Toph (sfw)
South park (aged up)
Cartman (platonic)
Anyone else idfk 🤷‍♀️
I really DONT have many obsessions rn bc I have to stick to one thing at a time but IF YOU WANT ASK ME FOR A CHARACTER AND IF IK THEM ILL DO MORE RESEARCH
Once again I'm so sorry to all my readers for not posting, I had a really rough few months and I hope you understand but I promise I'll try my very best to get more out and be consistent
Thank you truly for the love you guys gave me.
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frost-queen · 2 months
Hello how are you?
So I’m the anon who send you a request avatar the last airbender Sokka x shy!reader x ex zuko. I want to say that I’m sorry because I couldn’t pick a request so I picked two ideas and let you choose XD I still don’t know if you received it or not 😂
Hii I'm doing okay.
I did receive your req so don't worry about it. I'm just not replying to my new incoming reqs due to needing to write a lot. Hence the semi open 😆 I'm still not sure which to choose, but when I shall write it, I shall choose so it will be a bit of a surprise for you 🤭 if that is alright
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pinkykitten · 5 years
i am shy
Avatar The Last Airbender 
Sokka x shy! female reader
Warning: shynessssssssssss
Specifics: fluff, comedy, romance, one-shot, race neutral reader
People: sokka, katara, aang, toph 
Words: 1,271
Requested: By anon Hello! At first: You have the most talented writing Style i've ever read! Really the way you describe the feelings of the Persons are so unique - I'm in Love ♡~♡ When I look at your Story's, looks mine like a Kindergarten Child has write it's first Story lol😂 You've said you want Request, so here am I: How about a ATLA Sokka x Shy Reader ? ( I miss your ATLA One Shots) Thank's for reading Dear♡
Authors Note: first off thank you again dear for your lovely comment it means the world to me when you guys say such sweet things about me or my writing. but remember fam to practice, i still practice cuz ur girl still needs to improve. if you practice read a lot u will become successful and have faith in urself, dont belittle ur work and dont give up. also if u guys would like to send me some of ur work through the submit button or wherever else i would love to read them and see where i could help out what i love that type of stuff advice. also with this story i didnt rlly know how to end it so im sorry. 
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As you walked around town you enjoyed all the different things. The food, items, the people, but most importantly you liked the clothes. Unfortunately, you were too shy to converse with anyone, just watching from afar the way humans interacted. Whenever you felt you had to speak to a stranger your heart started to pound furiously. 
You were willing to leave the busy atmosphere when the rest of your friends arrived. 
“Hey y/n,” Aang said, putting his hands behind his head, clearly relaxed and having a break day. 
You only waved as the rest said their hellos. Growing up you wondered if you were always liked this. Life just changes a person and to your knowledge it changed you for the worse. 
Sokka could point out when you were about to curl up and shy away but when you were with Sokka things were different. You felt free to be yourself, to express yourself wholeheartedly. Sometimes you would catch yourself leaning further and further away from shyness and just having a fun time. 
“H-h-hi Sokka,” you said almost as a whisper. Sokka smiled knowing you were trying your hardest. He motioned over to you and placed an arm around your back. You almost had a heart attack! Sokka knew about your shyness yet he chose to do that, in public! Your eyes shot wide open as you walked awkwardly in that position. 
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You all scanned the area, hitting all the stores. Eating whatever, doing whatever until your group ended at the store you really wanted to go in. 
“I hate dressing up,” Toph complained and Sokka glared at her as he turned his head. 
“Really? I love all the outfits and dresses, like look at that one,” Katara pointed to a pink dress with beautiful beading. Aang looked at the attire and then at Katara and nearly almost fainted at the image he processed in his head. 
“Man down!” Sokka shouted as he caught Aang. 
“Y/n do you want to go here?” Katara asked as she hooked her arm with yours. You looked again to the ground and shrugged. You hated when you did that. Katara was your friend, she actually cared for you and she was one of the few people who were there for you during tough times. 
“You know you can always tell me.”
You bit your lip, “you’re ri-right, I can tell you. If you want to go here I am fine with that. Its up to you.”
Katara didn’t know if to take your answer as a yes or no. Sokka saw though your face, the way you smiled and the way your eyes lit up when you saw the store in view. He knew that you wanted to go. 
“C’mon y/n, why don’t me and you go together.”
Katara snorted a laugh, covering her face.
“What? You don’t think I can last in a clothing shop?” Whined Sokka as he flailed his arms around. 
“I’m sorry Sokka its just, I would never think you were the one to want to go into a store badly.”
Sokka looked at you and could see you were giggling but covering your smile with your hand. “Well if y/n wants to go, which I know she does, then I will sacrifice my man hood and go.”
Toph scoffed and muttered, “you mean your boy hood?”
“C’mon,” Sokka grabbed onto your hand and guided you in. 
“Have fun you two,” Aang shouted. 
Sokka stood in the middle of the store, pathetically. He didn’t think this far through. Sweat was practically dripping down his face and back. 
“Why am I so sweaty?” He thought as he wiped his forehead. Was it because he was with you? AND YOU BOTH WERE STILL HOLDING HANDS!
Sokka let his hand unlace with yours so quick you thought there was a bug or something. “Sorry, I forgot to-”
Without a word you took his hand and laced it with yours again. Sokka knew this was tough for you and yet you did it. He almost died as you did that. “Oh...okay.”
“Le-lets look over here,” you took him to the dresses and picked out a few that you absolutely adored. Sokka stared at you lovingly the whole time and even offered to hold your outfits. “I am going to try them on now.”
“Sure!” Sokka followed you and sat on the chair in front of the changing room. The other women gave him a look of disgust as he was sitting where girls change, but oh well anything for you. 
The first dress you tried on was orange. You looked at your reflection as you twirled. 
“What do you think? Can I see?”
“...I hate it,” you gave a gloom face in the mirror. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah but I want to see it...still,” Sokka persisted. 
You froze up and tried to find a way out. You were too shy, but shy for what? To show him the outfit? You had no clue. 
“Y/n I’ll still think you look beautiful even if you wore a dumpling sack.”
He left the decision open for you, if you wanted to show him you knew how. Time passed by and Sokka thought you changed your mind but you quickly opened the door. In his eyes you looked like a goddess.
“Y-y/n you look-”
“Terrible...I hate this color on me. Onto the next.” You closed the door softly as Sokka waited again. 
Next you tried on a dark green dress, you liked the color but not the style of the dress. “This one makes me look like a-”
You swallowed and prepared for the shyness, “a...booger.”
You could hear Sokka laughing outside and you giggled yourself. You loved to make not just anyone laugh but Sokka. You opened the door and awkwardly posed for him. 
“A booger, hah! You are the most prettiest booger if you ask me! Now if Katara wore that, she would definitely look like a disgusting, moldy booger.”
You shook your head and chuckled, “your poor sister. I’m going to try on this last one.”
You poured a silky dark blue dress onto your body. It fit perfectly, snug but not too much. The color was captivating, there were some beading on the top only but the rest fell down like a waterfall. It reminded you of where Sokka was from. Feeling less shy you opened the door swiftly. “What do you think about this one Sokka?”
Sokka almost chocked in seeing you like that. “Y/n, you look-” He was captivated by your beauty. You looked almost unreal to him. What made the dress more special it reminded him of a dress his mother used to wear. “Y/n,” he stood up and leaned against the door frame, only a few inches away from you. “Y/n, you look so beautiful.”
You almost exploded! He was so close and his ice blue eyes were closing and he was leaning closer. You wanted to so badly kiss him back, kiss him until your lips fell off but you were too shy. You backed away but Sokka held onto you and crashed his lips onto yours. You shrieked but then you placed your hands on his hair, deepening the kiss. Sokka kissed you like his life depended on it, that he needed your kisses for air. 
You two separated and he breathed harshly with you. He realized that you were again shy and profusely started apologizing. 
You placed a finger against his lips and for once said a sentence without a whisper, “its okay Sokka. That was the best moment in my life. I’ve always wanted to kiss you.” 
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @andreaoreas, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @fangirl-4-life415, @dirbel, @eastcoasthaven
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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missturtleduck · 3 years
hi i saw ur requests were open and i would love if u could do a sokka x reader :) where reader is really shy and he likes to tease her and flirt with her to see her all flustered but she denies him actually liking her bc she thinks it’s just his personality to be funny like that. but then there’s the classic oh no there’s only one bed thing? thank you!
Ooooh I loved writing this! Tropes? Love them. Fluff? So fun, so sweet. I hope you enjoy, anon, and have a very happy holiday! <3
Sokka x shy!Reader
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It was a well-known fact that Sokka was a tease.
Now, he wasn’t a tease in the common sense, more that he took some joy in being a so-called comedian. Y/N seemed to be the person in their gang that got the brunt of his teasing. Every time he came up with some sarcastic quip, she would laugh along with everyone else – though most of the time she was the only one who found him funny – but then there were the other times.
She had been sparring with Zuko, who was surprisingly adept with swords for a bender, when Sokka had come by whistling with faux innocence. As he took a seat on the floor, his eyes were trained on the fight. Feeling his blue-eyed gaze boring into her, she felt her entire body flush. Steadying her breathing, Y/N pushed down the flustered flutter bats inhabiting her stomach. A frustrated cry escaped her lips as she pinned Zuko’s blades to the floor with her own.
“Sokka,” She breathed out, hating how hot she felt. “Sokka, w-what are you doing?”
He grinned. “Just enjoying the view. You know, I always thought red was Zuko’s colour, but you are boasting a lovely shade today.”
Absently, Y/N put a palm to her face, only becoming more flustered as she realised her skin had in fact became darker. As the blood rushed faster through her body, she looked desperately at Zuko for some reprieve.
“Sokka, are you here for any reason other than being a complete clown?” Zuko said, sighing in pure exasperation even as Y/N had him pinned.
The boy ignored him completely. “Has anyone ever told just how adorable you are? Because you really are.”
“Sokka,” Zuko said again, his voice less patient. “Go away before we make you.”
“Alright, alright,” He tutted, hands in the air as if in surrender. “I’ll leave you two to your dance lessons. Call me if you fall; I’ll come and catch you.”
Waiting for him to be out of earshot, Y/N groaned, dropping her sword and freeing Zuko. Her entire face was on fire. Sure, it was a metaphor, a hyperbolic one at that, but if Zuko decided to shove his ignited palm in her face, it would not manage to be as hot as she was feeling now. It might be slightly less sweaty. Ew.
Lowering herself to the ground, she sat, stretching out her aching limbs, pouring water over her roasting head. Y/N, needless to say, was mortified by Sokka’s teasing, but when was she not? She was somewhat shyer than her female friends; Katara had this maternal instinct about her that kicked into overdrive as soon as someone seemed needy. It was honestly scarier than the Avatar State. Toph was just... Toph. The girl was at least four years younger than Y/N and utterly terrifying, approaching people and situations with no fear. Then there was Suki. Suki had a knack of getting people to like her, being the loveable, charismatic leader, she was.
And that left Y/N.
Y/N struggled being heard in many a conversation. Ask her to take a compliment? No. No. Not happening. No thank you. Her shy demeanour was labelled cute by a few different people, though they all seemed to be joking – especially Sokka.
“Do you want me to sort him out for you?”
Y/N looked up, meeting Zuko’s very serious gaze for just a moment before staring at the ground. “No, it’s okay. He’s like that with everyone.”
“What?” Zuko frowned, slumping to the ground too. “What are you on about? He doesn’t flirt with everyone!”
“That wasn’t flirting!” She insisted, feeling that bashful flush creeping in again. 
“He was just teasing, like he does with everyone!”
Zuko’s lips quirked. “He called you adorable.”
“Yesterday, he called Momo adorable.”
“He said you flushed was your colour.”
“And he said that red was yours, sunshine.”
“Oh, Y/N, I’ll catch you if you fall!”
Y/N stammered. “He could have been talking to either of us!”
There was some silence between them. Y/N didn’t usually mind sitting in silence with Zuko, who was just as awkward as her most of the time. However, the wide, toothy grin like a catgator’s was highly disconcerting.
“Zuko, I don’t know what you’re seeing, but he wasn’t flirting,” Y/N said finally, quietly commanding. “He’s just messing around like he usually does.”
The prince sighed, suppressing his mischievous grin. Raising his swords, the pair charged each other again.
In the midst of a war, there wasn’t much space for fun. With the constant movement between the Western Air Temple and many significant locations to build their defences after the Day of Black Sun, Y/N found she hardly had time for anything other than training and strategizing. Sure, she may be considered meek when compared to her peers, but her mind was sharper than her blade.
After watching Aang master firebending, Sokka masterminding a prison break, and Katara nearly murdering a man – all with Zuko’s help – she had some whiplash. She might even say that she had been somewhat blindsided by them, but she didn’t particularly mind. It was when they moved onto Ember Island, however, that Y/N found there to be an issue. In all the excitement, or terror, of being separated from Haru and the others, and possibly murdering Sparky Sparky Boom Man, the gang ended up hiding out on Ember Island.
Spirits, did Y/N love the sunshine. The sand? Not so much, nor the swimsuits. Nevertheless, she much preferred it to Aang’s beloved ancestral temple.
“Okay,” Zuko said as they all collected together in the house, “So there’s a bit of an issue.”
“Fire Nation?” Katara asked, eyes narrowing.
“Worse,” Zuko said, voice grave. “There are seven of us, and only six beds.”
The teenagers all looked between each other with varying looks of embarrassment and disgust. It was Toph who spoke first.
“Well, I for one do not want to share a room,” She scoffed, stomping her foot – a reminder of her power. “I can already hear all of you when we sleep on the ground. I am not missing out on my chance for a quiet night of sleep.”
“That seems fair,” Zuko hummed as he pulled a hat off of a dresser. “Everyone else, unless they have some reason why not, will put their name in here.”
Sokka whined, pointing his finger at the heir of the Fire Nation. “Fine! But they should get the biggest bedroom.”
Y/N swore Zuko smirked. “Done.”
Sat on the floor watching him write names, the group waited anxiously to see who would be sharing a room at least for that night. Mixing up bits of paper, he seemed to be building up some bravado, akin to a showman about to pull a jackalope out of a hat.
The boy cursed under his breath as Zuko continued on with his little show, the piece of paper disintegrating as easily as a leaf floating in a breeze.
“And Y/N!”
She met Zuko’s eye, entire body hot, sending a psychic message along the lines of sprits, no, Zuko, no, please, Zuko, don’t do this.
Despite the fact that Y/N knew Sokka was only joking with his teasing, somewhere along the line she had ended up falling for it – for him. It was sudden and violent, the way a meteor crashed through the atmosphere, roaring, brilliant, and completely obliterating anything in its path. Currently, Y/N was that metaphorical meteorite, burning up and crashing into the earth.
Since Zuko apparently couldn’t read minds, she chanced a glance at Sokka. She expected some sort of joke, a quip, anything. Instead, he was deadly silent, stony in his face, staring too at Zuko. Was he blushing, or was she making it up in her head? This question soon slipped from her brain as she those baby blue eyes were staring straight at her.
Tui and La, Agni, spirits above; he hated her.
“Cool!” She said, though it came out more like a squeak. “I’ll see you tonight, I guess.”
“Y/N, we have the entire day before- “
She cut Suki off. “Yep, busy today! Busy, busy, busy. Plenty of strategic planning to do before the big day!”
And she was gone. Even Aang, renowned creator of the air scooter, had never seen a person move so fast, and Y/N wasn’t even a bender. In her haste, she didn’t catch the sly looks, nor the disapproving one courtesy of Katara. She definitely didn’t catch the shy grin on Sokka’s face, muddled with complete embarrassment. Getting as far away from the house as possible was her current goal, and she achieved it with insane speed – and longevity.
For an entire day, Y/N managed to see none of her friends, excluding Appa and Momo. Her animal friends seemed very concerned and very interested in her noughts and crosses diagrams in the black volcanic sand of Ember Island. It was only when Yue began to rise above the horizon that she thought it would be safe to come out. With what felt like a walk of shame, she trekked back to the beach house, a sleeping Momo cradled in her arms like a baby. Even Appa, who had been occupied with all sorts of made-up games throughout the day, was beginning to sway, eyes drooping, weighed down by sleep. Settling them down in the warm sand, Y/N climbed the wooden stairs.
Being quiet used to get her everywhere unseen; it didn’t work that night. Wordless, her friends’ good night wishes falling on deaf ears, she entered the biggest bedroom, alone. Falling face first onto the bed, she muffled a frustrated scream into one of the too many decadent pillows adorning it. Heaving herself onto her back, Y/N groaned dramatically with the effort it took. This bed was so soft. She tried to think of a more comfy, luxurious bed she had ever been on – and failed. The four-poster frame was casting odd shadows across the dark room. It felt especially lonely.
She felt especially lonely.
Sitting up, a low rumble filled the silence. Her stomach was apparently rather unhappy with the distinct lack of food during the day. Y/N had forgotten about that. She weighed up the options; go out and face embarrassment, or skip dinner for the first time in her life. Fortunately, she needn’t think long.
“So, everyone’s going to bed, and I remembered you hadn’t eaten.”
Of course.
“Oh,” Was all she could manage, mentally kicking herself for her utter lack of articulation. “Th-thanks, Sokka.”
Flicking on the light, the shadows no longer seemed odd, nor did the room feel lonely. There, in the doorway, stood Sokka. He was pretty – something that always took Y/N by surprise even though she saw him every day. Sure, he hadn’t grown into his gangly limbs yet, but he was getting there. His shoulders had gotten broader, his arms larger from training. She couldn’t help but imagine how comfy he’d be to lie against, how warm his hold would be.
“I brought snacks?”
Opening her mouth only to close it again, Y/N felt like a fish thrown mercilessly out of water. Instead, she managed a timid pat on the bed. He was slow to react, slower to move, and she only felt more inadequate. Whatever Zuko thought he saw at the temple was wrong.
“Wow, this bed is soft,” Sokka gasped, bouncing lightly on it like a small child. “It’s like sitting on a cloud!”
Y/N couldn’t stop the giggle that passed her lips as she took a slice of fruit from the platter he had brought in. For the briefest moment, infinitesimally small, Sokka ceased with his childish antics and just looked. Brightening, he seemed to thrive – delight – in her laughter, continuing to goof about with the numerous pillows and posh looking decor.
Y/N looked up at him from her laughing, stomach aching with joy. “What?”
“I didn’t know you could get prettier,” He said, brows furrowed, eyes sparkling.
She turned mute in an instant, feeling that all too familiar flush again, only this time it was close – more intense. Silent, she took another piece of fruit, eating it in moments, anything to give her time. “You’re teasing me again, aren’t you?”
He frowned. “What? No. I’m not- “
“It’s okay if you are!” Y/N insisted, her smile plastered on and her heart aching. “I know you joke about with us all, and it’s just how you are. It’s not a bad thing, and I know you’re just joking and- “
“Y/N,” Sokka said, almost incredulous. “I’m not joking. I have never joked about that kind of thing with you.”
She stopped dead. “What?”
It wasn’t a question – well, not to Sokka at least. That one word was her address to the universe. It was astonishment, frustration, incredulity, sheer joy, so many emotions all wrapped into one simple word. The moments that passed between that word and their locked gaze spoke a thousand more words, sang a hundred more emotions.  
“You didn’t know?”
Her head was empty. “Prettier?”
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?” Sokka chuckled weakly, moving the platter to the side.
“Prettier,” Y/N repeated slowly, looking up at him, “As in I was already pretty?”
“Erm, yes?”
“You think I’m pretty?”
“Tui and La, yes.”
“Okay,” She said, testing the waters, “And you like it when I blush?”
“Yeah, you look cute,” He admitted, sheepish as he rubbed the back of his neck.
Looking down, bashful, she recalled training with Zuko. “The word you used was adorable.”
No words came in response to that, only a gentle hand on her cheek. Guiding her face up, Sokka looked at her and saw her. Y/N could see him reaching for words that danced in his mind and away from his grasp, so many more pretty, teasing words he could say. But he wasn’t teasing, not really. He certainly wasn’t when he pressed his lips to hers. It was sweet and easy to melt into; she didn’t need to be shy, not with him.
They shared more sweet kisses, laughing under the moonlight in that fancy bed they got to share. Fruit, a bed, kisses; they shared them all, drifting into an easy sleep as the moon began to slip away into daylight. Basking in the prospect of a lazy morning, they made the most of it.
They weren’t even mad when they found out Zuko rigged the entire thing.
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oki-writes · 4 years
Our day out
Plot: You are Sokka’s and Katara’s overly affectionate older sister. And when Zuko joins the gaang you make it your jobs to make him feel included by any means necessary.
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Ever since Zuko joined the gaang he always excludes himself from everyone and you couldn’t take it anymore. So you decided first thing in the morning you would spend the whole day with him. After telling everyone else in the ganng your amazing plan, you got all your supplies ready. “Check...where my bag with money...oh here it is...now I think that’s it” you were talking out loud making sure you had everything so you didn’t need to go back the house. When you left your room you saw Zuko sitting on the stairs in the front. You sat down next to him. “Hey Zuko, be up early tomorrow we’re spending the whole day together, not buts of if about it” you stated before he could refuse. You got up and walked away to join everyone for dinner. After dinner you went to sleep hoping for the new day to arrive.
When you woke up you go ready and left to find Zuko. As you started to head to his room you saw him standing at the door waiting for you. “You know if you tell someone to get up early you should be up earlier then them” he stated. You just laughed at him and pulled him outside the door. You guys been walking for 10 mins before you stopped. He looked at you cause you brought him to a small café and just sat down without even looking at him. “Well are you going to sit or stand as we eat breakfast” you said with a smirk. “I-I‘ll sit” he whispered. After you guys ate he you took him to a cliff that overlooked the beach. “Now tell me about yourself hot stuff” you hummed out while pulling on his arm. “What do you want to know” he peeped out while trying to cover his blush. “Anything” you said softly. So with that being said he told you about his mother and his uncle. He told you how he hated all the mistakes he made, how he wish he could take it all back. As you looked up at him you saw he getting flustered and you put both of your hands on his face to make him look at you. “Well if people didn’t make mistakes then how you you learn and grow as a person...also if you didn’t make the mistakes you did, then I wouldn’t had meet you hotstuff” you said firmly. You pulled him a hug and whispered in his ear “let’s go swimming.”. As you guys walked down to the beach you intertwined your hands together, both with blushes on your faces. Once you guys go ready to swim you ran in the water and watched at Zuko questioned himself if he should join. After waiting awhile you bended some water to wrap around him and brought him right next to you. “Stop being shy, it’s only us around be yourself” you joked while you pulled him farther into the water. After a while, you decided to go back to his family’s home. As you guys walked back you tripped and hurt your ankle. Zuko helped you up and you told me to turn around. Zuko was surprised you feel you jump onto his back. He quickly put his arms under you to support your weight. He carried you all the way back. When he got there he noticed that everyone was already asleep including you on his back. So he decided to tuck you into bed, but as he pulled away you grabbed him and told him to stay. He was surprised to see you have such a strong grip so he just go in with you. You pulled Zuko closer to you so you could cuddle with him. And as you got all wrapped up in his warmth you fell backed to sleep. Zuko realized you were asleep and fell asleep after you, but before he did he thought he could do this with you every night, if it was with you.
As the morning came around Zuko woke up first surprise to see that both of your bodies intertwined. He didn’t have the heart to wake you up so he just stayed still and waited. As your eyes open, you saw Zuko looking down at you. “Oh you really did stay” you said shocked. He just nodded at you. You pulled yourself up and looked straight into his eyes asking for approval. He nodded and with that you guys shared a kiss. After that day you helped him break out of his shell and helped him when he got upset. Also you guys might have had a few more cuddle nights together.
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Hope this story was good. I always thought that maybe Zuko just needed someone to help push him into breaking out of his shell. Love you guys.
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sokkadora · 3 years
together again — zuko x reader
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summary: (y/n), the ambassador for the southern water tribe and older sister to katara and sokka, returns to the fire nation after a few years away due to duties back home and across the globe. and the fire lord is ecstatic to see her again, and feelings finally come to light.
a/n: inspired by hayley fosters zutara animatics that i adore so so much!! i literally cannot articulate how much i love them 😭
wc: 1.8k
warning(s): none!
part 2!
The salty air wafted into her nose and carded through her hair as the Fire Nation came into view. (Y/n)’s heart began racing and she bit her lip in excitement, ready to see the Firelord’s warm smile after so long. Her heart swelled and her cheeks warmed at the thought of his strong arms around her frame.
And as they docked, the same Firelord was being hustled by the servants. He walked through the open corridor with his hands behind his back, dark brown hair flopping as he stepped. He turned his head to the docks, and his eyes widened in surprise, and then excitement and youthful hope as a smile crawled its way onto his lips as he saw the Southern Water Tribe ship.
He bit his smile back as he burst past the servants, grabbing the wall and rounding the corner with a skid. The servants looked confused as Zuko turned the corner, leaving them mystified.
(Y/n) let out a small grunt as she lifted the sack of supplies over her shoulder, shaking her head as she began walking towards the ramp off the ship. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a familiar figure and swallowed nervously. She threw the sack onto the pier, slowly looking up.
Zuko’s mouth went dry, and he swallowed thickly as he took in her appearance. (Y/n)’s hair had gotten longer, she still had her pouch for waterbending, and she looked much more mature, wise. ‘Good to know Sokka’s not rubbing off on her,’ Zuko thought as his lips ticked upward, blinking rapidly.
(Y/n) surged forward and so did he, only to stop before they could embrace each other. A small blush forming on each of their faces as they chuckled bashfully. She placed a hand on her chin, eyes becoming half-lidded and brows raising as she looked him up and down. (Y/n) sucked in her bottom lip before speaking.
“Zuko! You look good!” She grinned softly, and Zuko returned a timid grin, crossing his arms as he slightly turned away. (Y/n) smiled fondly at his shy behavior.
“So do you, Miss Ambassador.” He chuckled, fully turning to face her again. He gives her a fond smile, and becomes flustered at her cocky demeanor, blushing before returning to the fond smile.
(Y/n) laughed at his endearing actions, slowly looking up up at him. Her gaze shifted to his long hair, and her head tilted in curiosity. “You grew your hair out.” She smiled, reaching up and twisting a strand around her finger.
“I did.” He replied, watching her face as her hand came to rest on his shoulder. (Y/n)’s bright (e/c) eyes connected with his warm amber ones, and a look of softness passed through and stayed within her eyes.
“I like it.” She rested her hand on his face, the side with his scar. She gently rubbed her thumb over the patch of skin as Zuko let a relaxed breath leave him, and so did she.
“I missed you.” He mumbled, leaning into her touch and nuzzling into her warm hand.
(Y/n) felt her chest blossom with warmth as her heart swelled at the Firelord’s gentle words. And as he opened his eyes again, they both pulled each other into a long overdue embrace. As they breathed in each other for the first time in years, there’s a feeling of comfort and warmth that wafts over them.
They pull away and Zuko swears he saw (Y/n)’s gaze flicker to his lips before he gave her a bright smile, and flung his arm out toward the city.
“Welcome, Ambassador (Y/n),” He smiles, and she gives him a beautiful laugh, making his smile wider and fonder. “Would you like a tour? I’d be more than happy to show you around.”
(Y/n) linked her arm with the Firelord’s, nodding. “I’d love a tour, Firelord Zuko.” She smiled, and as they began walking away, Zuko gasped, quickly running back and grabbing her sack before returning to her side with a grin.
Zuko scoured the palace for the Southern waterbender, turning the corner to the same outdoor corridor he was in when he first spotted the ship. He swore to himself anytime he turned a corner and couldn’t find (Y/n), the first time in 3 years that he’s seen her and he already lost track of the girl he adored so much? Sounds like his luck.
But, he spotted her leaning against the railing, watching the sunset. He stretched tiredly as he approached her calm figure that was admiring the sunset.
He leaned against the wooden railing with her, and admired the way the sun made her features glow, and how the cool evening wind carded through her hair. His eyes shifted to the smile on her lips, and he licked his own. (Y/n) slowly opened her eyes, turning her head to look at him.
“Hey,” He said softly, slightly shifting in his place as he continued gazing longingly at the Water Tribe girl beside him.
“Hi.” She replied, breathing in deeply as she kept her (e/c)’s locked onto the Firelord’s.
They returned their gazes to the sunset, a comforting silence falling over them easily. Zuko nudges (Y/n)’s shoulder gently, a small grin on his face as he points to the waning crescent moon hanging in the sky, and then the lowering sun.
“The moon and sun are out at the same time, just like us,” He smiles, keeping his gaze on the horizon as (Y/n)’s fixates on him.
She gives him an endearing smile, even if he doesn’t see it. She admires how handsome he looks in this lighting, and feels the insane urge to grab his face and smash their lips together. Her gaze turns into something soft as she rolls her lips together, lips parted as Zuko turns back to her.
He quickly turns flustered at her soft expression, and she reels back, a blush spreading onto her cheeks. They both chuckle nervously, Zuko beginning to rub his hands together and (Y/n) brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Zuko’s smile drop as he huffs out a breath.
(Y/n) rests her chin in her palm, fingers curling over her mouth as she hesitantly glances over, gaze going from his face, lips, and then his fidgeting hands that rub against each other. It makes a noise that sounds like the light pitter patter of rain.
She scoots closer and places a gentle hand over his fidgeting ones, breathing shifting into quiet but heavy. Zuko’s eyes widen at her hand before quickly moving to (Y/n), and his eyes become kind as she looks up at him.
“(Y/n)?” He mumbles, swallowing thickly as her eyes become half-lidded, and her head tilts down, her gaze moves to his lips for a split second and Zuko’s eyes widen before becoming half-lidded as well.
They both quickly lean in, forehead gently touching and their lips parted. Zuko cups her face as (Y/n)’s eyes dart down to his parted and plump lips, practically waiting for her. Zuko smirks as her eyes flutter close, and they connect their lips.
Zuko wraps his arms around her shoulders and her wrap under his arms as she gets dipped lowered down, deepening the intimate moment. (Y/n)’s nose bumps his slightly as they pull away and (Y/n) smiles brightly, while Zuko looks something akin to awe. He smiles too, pulling her in for another kiss.
        a few weeks later...
The steam from the teapot filtered into his room, a hand placed on his chin as he paced back and forth in front of the window, moonlight pouring in and lighting up his room. The steam moved every time he passed it and his mind ran wild with thoughts of (Y/n).
He ran a hand through his hair, placing hand over his lips where hers were a few weeks ago, and blushed heavily. Things were... slightly awkward after the kiss, but mostly back to how they used to be when they were still traveling with the GAang.
He remembered the fond and thankful look that graced her ethereal features after helping Sokka get their father and Katara find closure. He was happy she never held much of a vendetta against him, and was always gentle but blunt when it came to giving advice. He always wanted to see her smiling, and he loved seeing her smile because of him. The melodic and angelic laugh that would flow out of her mouth always soothes his racing mind and makes his heart nearly pound out of his chest.
“Agh!” He groaned, running a hand through his hair and walking to his large bed, placing his head against the tall bedpost. “She kissed you.” He sighs. “And she’s leaving tomorrow.” He lifts his head and leans his back against the bedpost, sliding down with a downcast expression as he grabbed a curtain. “She’s leaving tomorrow.” He growls in exclamation, flopping back onto his bed.
His head settles into the pillow, his eyes shut as he sighs. “She leaves tomorrow.” He turns his gaze to the full moon, and it reminds him of (Y/n) again. Particularly the line he said to her and Katara at the North Pole.
  ‘You rise with the moon... I rise with the sun.’
He jolts up, leaping off the bed and quickly jogging to his door, and when he opens it, he doesn’t expect to see her, reeling back and they both gasp in surprise. (Y/n)’s fist is raised, and he realizes she was about to knock when he burst out. She quickly lowers her fists and gives him an awkward smile, which gives him a moment to take her in.
She’s still wearing her formal clothes, matching the hair-loops with Katara with her hair in a half-up-half-down style. A dark blue cape is draped over her shoulders with a water tribe symbol for the button.
They stare at each other for a moment, before speaking at the time.
“I was wondering if—“
“I was coming to—“
(Y/n) reels back and blushes, smiling up at Zuko. “Oh, you go first.” She says, the blush getting fainter, but still remaining.
Zuko remains nervous for a moment, and speaks, and it reminds (Y/n) that his adorable awkwardness from all those years ago still alive. His eyes narrow, and his lips purse. “No, you go.” (Y/n)’s smile drops and she purses her lips, crossing her arms and raising a brow. She smiles as Zuko sighs. “Fine... I-I was just wondering if...” He runs a hand through his hair, peering back into his room. He spots the tea, and slowly turns back. “If you wanted some tea?” He gestures back into his room with a flustered grin.
(Y/n) blinks a few times and her lips part, and her arms remain crossed and her brow raised as her gaze softens. “Some tea.” Zuko awkwardly shrugs, blushing at the pretty girls playful behavior. (Y/n) moves closer and he blushes as they come face to face as she leans against the unopened door with a smirk. “Just tea?”
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bastillewolf · 4 years
Hello idk if the requests are still going but if not then its okay ignore this and if they are please don't over work yourself and you don't need to do my request if you don't want to just stay healthy and eat well and drink lots of water we all live your work (and are simps for corpse-)
The ask : could I ask for a corpse husband x reader where they used to get shipped together before they even meet each other and when they meet each other corpse goes soft for reader and they play two rounds In among us together where they are imposters together and corpse is an imposter alone in the other round
Reader info : reader has a very soft voice and is a softie and the pronounce is she/her or they/them ( as you wish)
Again you don't gotta do it if you don't want to
Thanks so much for the ask, An. I was feeling like shit and this was a lot of fun to write. I’m sorry though, I completely read over the part where the reader was supposed to have a soft voice. I’ll see if I can make another one with this specification sometime. Also, I wrote this rather quickly because I’m watching Twilight for the first time and now my feelings are hurt.
#CorpseBride - Oneshot
Pairings: Corpse / Reader
Twitter wasn’t really your forte, but you knew how to get around. It’s just that you never really had the time to check it, let alone to see what’s on the trending page every single day. At the very least, you were capable of replying to your friends’ stuff and letting your viewers know when you were streaming or when a new video would be up. Again, you weren’t a pro, but you got by.
Until you didn’t.
“Hey, everyone,” you greeted, and immediately went to change your Among Us figure to its usual colour and outfit before someone else took it.
Everyone welcomed you, while it seemed Toast was still busy trying to get a last person to join.
“Whaddup, baby,” Corpse’s shot out from the rest of them. It was pure teasing, something he’d grown quite comfortable with ever since people had blatantly started simping for his voice. “Nothing much, honey. How’ve you been?” You cheekily replied. “Pretty good. Streaming still makes me nervous, though.” “You greeted me with ‘Whaddup, baby’ and then proceed to tell me you’re nervous? Don’t get upset when I say that I don’t believe you.” He chuckled at that.
5… 4… 3… 2… 1…
“Ha!” you called out, “I doubt this will soothe your nerves, Corpse. You’re teamed up with me now.” You sneaked in a glance at chat. “We are not an old married couple! If anything, he can be my bitch for this round. I’m just not gonna murder anyone.”
And that’s basically how it went. He managed to kill three people and still wasn’t being sussed. “Alright, I think I’ve tortured him enough,” you laughed, “I’ll even spare Sykkuno for the man.”
You managed to corner Toast and killed him in a corner where the water wheels were, before heading out into admin. You vented until you found Corpse in Labs and jumped out. It was right when Sykkuno walked in.
“Oh, god no. Please, Sykkuno.”
Your kill count still wasn’t down yet and he was obviously planning to run straight out the door to hit the emergency button, but he was stopped. Corpse had murdered him in an instant.
Your mouth was hanging open. “Did… Did he just kill Sykkuno for me?” Chat was going absolutely wild. “What the fuck just happened?” You decided to report the body anyway.
“I can’t fucking believe it,” Corpse growled, “Not my best friend, Sykkuno.”
You had to mute yourself to keep the laughter at bay. Corpse evidently vouched for you, saying you’d walked in on the body together. Felix was sussed and voted out.
“Corpse, you killed me!” Sykkuno cried out.
“I’m so sorry, Sykkuno! I wanted to spare you but you walked in at the wrong time!” You pleaded.
“Sacrifices had to be made,” Corpse merely responded.
“Wait, what happened?” Sean asked.
“I walked in on one of them venting and then Corpse killed me!”
“Collateral damage. You watched me get killed one time, too.”
“Blame me, Sykkuno. It was my fault,” but you were laughing as you said it.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard such regret coming from an imposter,” Sean laughed along, “Also, why the fuck were you two being so slow? Three meetings in and you’d only killed three people.”
“Corpse was simping for me,” you replied.
“I was not.”
“Yes, you were. Otherwise you would’ve asked me what the hell I’d been doing that entire time.”
“Fuck off,” he laughed.
“Corpse is an UWU-boy!”
“Oh my god, you guys are already trending.”
“Wait, what?”
Your phone was being blasted off to space, getting tons of messages with the hashtag #CorpseBride. It was number 1 trending on Twitter.
“So… whaddup, baby?”
“Oh no, you better buy me a drink first.”
 You hadn’t thought he’d been serious in that moment, until he’d asked you to meet up after the game had ended. You hesitantly agreed, but reminded him that he absolutely did not have to participate in this just for the meme. “I’m not doing this for the meme,” he’d said, “I’ve been wanting to ask you out for a while, I just never knew how. It seemed like the perfect timing.”
You met him at his apartment, knowing how he was about going out in public, and feeling extremely nervous. You’d brought takeout, and because you hadn’t been sure what he wanted you’d ordered way too much. Upon opening the door, he looked at you, down at the bag, and said, “Shit, you got food?” Not really knowing what else to say, you simply replied, “Uh, yeah.”
“Well, I guess we’ll have lots of leftovers, then.”
He smiled, gave you a hug that ended way too fast and left you paralyzed for a minute, and then invited you in. It turned out he’d already ordered food, too. “Plenty to choose from,” he laughed awkwardly. “Uh… You got any neighbours who might want some?” you asked.
“I-I don’t really talk to anyone outside of my friend group.”
“Oh, of course. I could go around, if you’d like.”
“You’d do that for me?”
You furrowed your brows. “Of course I would. Why not?”
“Alright, but let me at least come with you. You just do the talking.”
Three knocks at three different doors later, and someone accepted the offer and took over some of the food. “Hang on a minute,” the elderly man said, clad in only his pyjamas and a bathrobe, managing to make the situation even more uncomfortable, “Aren’t you my neighbour? You always scurry off before I get the chance to talk to you!”
You looked at Corpse, and he back at you, and you turned back to the elderly man. “He, uh… He’s very people shy. He has anxiety. I’m trying to help him cope. Also, his vocal chords are damaged.” Nothing you’d said so far had been a lie, technically, but the man still remained sceptical. “Then why didn’t you just leave a note or something?”
“Uh…” you jumped at the small voice appearing from behind you. It’s just that his ‘small voice’ is still nothing close to small. “I know, I’m terribly sorry, sir. I also just wanted to let you know that if you ever need anything, I’m just a few doors away.”
This seemed to please the man enough.
“I can’t believe you made me do that.”
“I made you?!” You gasped, “I didn’t make you do anything, you filthy liar! You’re just as bad in real life as in Among Us, when you’re the impostor and I’m the innocent crewmate.”
“No comment.”
“I didn’t even ask you a question.”
“No comment.”
You both laughed. Corpse hesitated for just a moment, but decided to ask anyway, “Were you nervous when I opened the door?”
You chuckled awkwardly, admitting, “Yeah, I was. I always get anxious meeting people. Well, we’d met before, of course. But just, you know, in real life.”
“I get it.”
You stood there in silence for a moment, until you noticed the rest of the takeout in your hands was getting cold. “Come on, wife,” he joked, linking his pinkie finger with yours, “Let me get you that drink.”
If he hadn’t dragged you along then and there, you could’ve sworn your knees would’ve given out.
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@annshit @simonsbluee @majolittlemixgurl18 @redosmo @mythicalreader @gracehaileym @leikarinn @its-bootz @ollwinchester @thehatredofshiprrick @curlyhairedbrock @thatbandchick39 @reddeserths @mitseuul @potenzel @tanchosanke @tooturntashbash @stephn-prkr @missingpuzzlepiece @dreaalol @goldiefox1 @imrisaluk @chimchimsugakookies @helena-way07 @danny-devitowo @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @richkookie @cherry-piee @artist-bby @bluewneptune @bratttyaphrodite @eccedxntesiaast @faithneko @thebootythrasher @bethpiercwhy @theeerealpunkin @heartbroken-writer @chisaikuki @realnicoleworld @candystoregirl @derpygiraffe43110 @rintomoj @phantomamethyst @helloitsmeamie203 @falcon-arrows @nvthvlyy @ellomellows @loraleiix @ladolcedea @lunaruss @princess00wifi @pennnyroyalty @cultofandom @easygoingtheatre @crpseclt @thatonefangirlbornonfriday @myherotrashbin @hufflepuff-always-and-forever @martinimom @gummybear123 @sparklingblacktea @lovelynervouskingdom @kingsuals @weeblyheaux @flightsandfantasy @chanelle-jackson @actual-spawn-of-satan @dixielumsden  @consumegods @mirandabarry @ikearandl @narwhalsaremagicalbroski @armycandy10 @chillininahottub-withaghost @mitchiesdungeon @yeolliedokai @alyofmusic @qatiee @dzzizzi @johnjacobjingleheimerschmidt @leilanixx @thefuckthesaurus @hughugh20 @thanossexual @moneybagmara @squintyangel @motheroffae @arossebyanyothername @vacaprincess @jinxedanxrchist @peterparkerspjsuit @chrysanthykios @wildflowerwhore @punkrainbows  @justalilsimpsometimes @bunniwritesx @sunnsettee @justxanotherxshipper @alilshit @dekahg @laugh-like-the-moon @sadness-babee @corpsie-bby @corpsesgirl @dead-boys-stuff @roses-and-grasses @sakusawife @byunniebaekhyunnie @lazy-little-me @phantomamethyst @letsloveimagines @polahorvat @sokkas-paintings @possiblyanxioushuman @a-dot-dev @aniyahsucks @choicesstan1 @error-loading-sorry @bi-andready-tocry @agustdpeach @punkrainbows @xibrokensunriseix @genjicats @forest-rav3n @devilishducky97 @namjoons-crabssss
People I wasn’t able to tag (please check your settings lovelies):
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raewritez · 3 years
based on this request: hiiii can i request a zuko x earthbender!reader where they get along rlly well when he comes to the air temple and they slowly develop feelings and confess before the final battle? tyyyy ❤️
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       Silent tears streamed down your face as Katara held Aang tightly in her arms. You all sat upon Appa, the cool night breeze whipping your hair around as you grasped the sides of the saddle. Katara worked her magic on the lighting wound Azula had marked Aang with minutes ago while you and Sokka took Appa’s reins. You were so scared. You all were. Through her sobs, Katara had managed to explain what had just gone down; the Dai Li, Zuko siding with his sister, and Azula shooting Aang with lightning. You had never hated the Fire Nation Prince more than you did now, his actions filling you to the brim with loathing and animosity. You looked back at Katara’s tear-streaked face, Aang’s head pressed snugly into her neck. He’ll be ok, you assured yourself. He always is. 
“Hello, Zuko here.”
You stared in disbelief at the figure in front of you, his hair falling over his face and his arm raised in an awkward hello.
“I heard you guys flying around down there, so, I just thought I'd wait for you here.” 
If you weren't surprised before, you definitely were when Appa suddenly growled and opted to run his giant tongue along Zuko’s face. He explained why he was there, insisting he could teach Aang fire bending and that “he had changed”. You rolled your eyes at that, you’d heard that one before. 
After disclosing that he had sent a literal assassin after all of you, he was sent away, mainly by Katara who possessed no shortage of threats that you had no doubt she would carry through with. Really, who did he think he was?! He had spent months chasing you, there was no way you could trust him. Was there?
A couple weeks had passed from the whole Combustion Man incident, and, much to you and Katara’s annoyance, Zuko had been accepted into the group. You spent the first couple days sending him piercing glares and cold shoulders, but as time passed you reluctantly found yourself warming up to him. He wasn’t at all like you had pegged him as, in fact he was probably the biggest dork you knew, and with Sokka as one of your best friends that was saying something. Zuko had embarked on a couple “life changing field trips”, as Toph put it, and in his most recent escapade he and Katara had confronted her mother’s killer. Now, you found yourself standing at the shores of Ember Island, and while you could tell that the place held some painful memories for Zuko, you couldn’t help but enjoy the scenery.
“Y/n” you heard.
You turned around to see Zuko wading out to your spot amongst the shallow waves.
“What are you doing?” He chuckled with a slight smile on his face, one that only you could seem to coax out of him.
“Just enjoying the sunset,” You shrugged. “It’s nice to take a break, Toph has been working me to the ground.” Zuko snickered at that, he had seen how Toph acted as your teacher: yelling and ordering and enjoying her authority much too much for it to be anything less than irritating for you. Although you were a skilled earth bender, Toph was attempting to teach you Metalbending, and all you had managed to do was flip a coin. You loved her dearly, but that girl was pulling at your last nerve.
Zuko placed himself next to you, gazing fondly at your profile before switching his attention to the sky streaked with oranges and reds. “Yeah,” he said. “It’s pretty.”
You nodded you head before turning slightly to look at him. He looked more relaxed than he had in days, reminding you of the whispered conversations you had shared by the firelight when everyone else was asleep, his face free of the worry lines and scowl that deepened over the course of the day. You silently admitted to yourself that he was beautiful, his raven locks sweeping across his forehead and the crimson skin of his scar blending in with the ochre gloaming. His expression suddenly changed, his eyebrows furrowing and his mouth pressed into a thin line.
“Aang isn’t taking this seriously,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “He wants to spend his time goofing off when there’s a war, when he has to fight my father in a few days!”
He sounded exasperated, and you couldn’t blame him. He had taken another load to his shoulders, the stress of the upcoming fight against the Fire Lord weighing heavily on him.
“Hey,” you said softly, nudging his side you your arm. “It’s going to be fine. Aang’s just a kid, but he has the biggest and bravest heart of anyone I know. He’s an amazing fire bender now! He’ll be ready.” Zuko didn’t look convinced, but he sighed and slumped his head. “You’re probably right.” He turned to you and nudged his head in the crook of your neck, a familiar position for the two of you for when he would wake up from night terrors under the light of the moon. He would silently crawl over to your sleeping bag and lay down near, a respectable amount of space between the two of you, only for you to find yourselves clinging to each other by morning.
You had told yourself he was just a friend, that he was the prince of the Fire Nation and you were only an Earth Kingdom peasant. But in moments like these, when he bared the most vulnerable side of himself to you, it was hard to believe that. You played with the hair at the nape of his neck, his arms tenderly wrapped around your waist.
“Come on,” you spoke, lifting his head with your hand. “Let’s go back to the others. I heard Katara is making soup again.”
He perked up at that.
It had all happened so fast: Aang went missing, you got help from a cool lady with a shirshu, and you met up with the Order of the White Lotus. You and your friends sat around a campfire making small talk, when you noticed Zuko pacing frantically in front of the entrance to a tent. You stood up and walked over to him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder to stop him.
“Are you ok?” you asked softly.
“No, I'm not okay” he replied. “My uncle hates me, I know it. He loved and supported me in every way he could, and I still turned against him. How can I even face him?”
“Zuko, he loves you. And you’re sorry for what you did, right?” “More sorry than I've been about anything in my entire life.”
“Then he’ll forgive you,” you assured him. “He will.”
He nodded softly, building up his confidence. He gazed into your eyes and opened his mouth as to say something, “Y/n, I...” he trailed off and you looked at him curiously as a blush rose to his face. “I...um...thank you.” He rose to his feet and pushed the curtains apart, sparing you once last glance. 
You squirmed around in your sleeping bag, the confines of sleep seeming unbearable. Iroh had informed you all that you needed to split up, for each person to seek out their destiny. Your destiny lay with Sokka, Suki, and Toph; the four of you would depart to the skies at dawn to take down the Fire Nation airfleet. Zuko and Katara would fly to the palace, where Zuko would take down Azula to become Fire Lord. Fire Lord. Your Zuko.  
You shut your eyes tightly, seeking sanctuary from the thoughts raging in your head. You snuggled deeper into your sleeping bag, only for your eyes to snap open when you felt a hand softly shaking you. You glanced up to see Zuko’s face, his expression laced with urgency and something else you couldn’t place.
“I need to talk to you, Y/n” he breathed out.
You nodded and followed him as he lead you away from your sleeping friends. Once you had reached a small clearing, he turned to you and opened his mouth to speak.
“Y/n,” he breathed your name out like a prayer. “I-”
You furrowed your brows. “Zuko?” you questioned, confused about his behavior. He examined your face with such intensity that you were tempted to turn away but his eyes, warm and amber as ever, locked you in place.
His mouth opened and closed like a fish, gaping at you in a way you were unfamiliar with.
“Zuko, what’s-” you were cut off as a warm pair of lips pressed against your own. His hands tangled desperately into your hair, and after recovering from your initial shock you quickly snaked your arms around his neck. He kissed you like a starving man, clinging to you like you were the only thing keeping him from floating away. 
You reciprocated eagerly, his soft tresses gliding through your fingers as his lips molded with yours. You cupped his face so tenderly that it evoked a whimper from the back of his throat. Eventually you broke apart, thirsting for air, as he nuzzled his face farther into your palm. You glanced up at him, unsure for a moment before shy, soft smiles broke out across both your lips. He leaned forward once again and pressed a delicate kiss against you lips, conveying all the affection and adoration he held for you.
Katara found you the next morning, hand intertwined and relaxed expressions upon both your profiles. She hated to disturb the peace, but there were Fire Lords to make, destinies to actualize.
Later, between whispered goodbyes and tear-stained hugs, Zuko approached you again. He pressed his lips against your hair and leaned his forehead against yours. In his eyes gleamed a silent vow, a promise to return. As he and Katara rose up on Appa and you and your closest friends headed off to your futures, you knew it would be kept.
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crackedpumpkin · 2 years
ᴄʜᴇʀʀʏ ʙʟᴏꜱꜱᴏᴍꜱ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴅɪꜰꜰᴇʀᴇɴᴛ ᴅɪᴍᴇɴꜱɪᴏɴ || ᴘʀᴏʟᴏɢᴜᴇ
2k12!Leonardo x Waterbender! reader
"We’ll miss you y/n.” Aang’s eyes are glassy. He gives her one last hug, a final goodbye. “I won’t.” Sokka grumbles under his breath, glancing away before letting out a yelp at Katara subtly pinching his side with a glare. 
“...Maybe a little bit.” He admits, cheeks slightly flushed. “I know for a fact that without me around to steal your food, you’re gonna put on a few pounds.” Y/n snaps back playfully, a cheeky smile dancing on her lips.
As hard as it was to say goodbye to her close friends, she knew she had to leave. She wasn’t meant to be tied down to palace life, nor was she destined to help Aang with his avatar duties and whatnot.
“Say hi to Master Pakku for me,” Y/n says, with a wink aimed at Katara whom gladly nods, “he still owes me a spar.” 
“Everyone does.” Sokka snorts. "Yeah, well, it’s hard to keep track when we were saving the world and all.” Y/n crosses her arms, giving him a half-hearted glare.
She picks up her baggage, consisting of just a single backpack and sling bag which she quickly opens to check its contents. “Are you sure you really have to go?” Aang pleads, his bottom lip jutting out in a tiny pout. 
Y/n giggles. After everything they had been through in the war, it was easy to forget that he was just a kid too. “Yes Aang, we’ve talked about this. I want to explore the nations as a regular kid, especially now that we’re in a time of peace.”
She had already said her goodbyes to Toph Beifong, the latter refusing to give away any sign that she would miss Y/n. Instead, Toph had punched her in the arm and muttered a shy invitation to drop by the metalbending academy she was planning to start. Y/n had then wrapped her up in a hug, promising that she would.
Zuko approaches them, his posture rigid and with him, an aura of dignity befitting of his status as the newly crowned Fire Lord. “Y/n.” he gives a stiff nod, and she reciprocates the gesture. “May the spirits always be with you. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. The palace will always welcome you.”
Letting a chuckle slip past her lips, Y/n places her hands on her hips and grins. “Thanks Zuko. Make sure to take breaks every now and then or your fire’ll go out.”
She turns and faces the palace gates, gnawing on her bottom lip slightly. “Well, till we meet again guys.” 
She takes her first step. Then another. And she continued, adrenaline starting to course through her veins. This was a brand new start to the next chapter of her life, one she would have full control over with no more war, no more fighting, no more saving the world. 
At least, that was what Y/n thought until she fell through a portal in the nearby woods of where Hama used to live, emerging in a completely different reality with talking mutants, Martial Arts, and an odd thing they called ‘WiFi’. 
Oh, and of course, a certain group of ninja turtles.
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beifongsss · 4 years
flirt [zuko]
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Pairing: Zuko x earthbender!reader baybeeeeee
Summary: An anon request <3 “ zuko and a super outgoing/confident/flirty reader? all the fics i’ve seen so far are super shy reader x zuko, they’re super cute, just not very relatable to me lol”
i hope i do your request justice :3 also i’m sorry that I keep making the reader a bender but this fits bc they have to fight Zuko lol
You don’t even know how you ended up traveling with the Gaang.
One day you had been living in a small Earth Kingdom town, helping out the Beifongs as Toph’s etiquette tutor and the next, you found yourself being tugged away from your home by the youngest Beifong. You couldn’t deny the fact that you finally felt free flying on the (abnormally cute) sky bison as you headed to who-knows-where.
You had nothing left for you back in the Earth Kingdom town you had been born in. You were the only daughter of a well-known family who had always been loyal to the Earth King. Unfortunately, they had been captured on a trip to Ba Sing Se and subsequently killed by the Fire Nation. With no family left to turn to, you proceeded to accept the Beifong’s offer to stay with them in return for you teaching Toph about high class etiquette.
Toph was an interesting girl and you found yourself being impressed with everything she did. You were always her number one supporter, especially when it came to her being The Blind Bandit. She was an extremely talented bender and in return for you tutoring her, she was your bending instructor and you became her only most promising student.
Eventually, Aang, Katara, and Sokka all filled you in about the banished Fire Nation prince and how he had chased the Gaang everywhere they had gone in an attempt to capture the Avatar. You and Toph were upset at the stories and were immediately anti-Zuko, promising to help Aang master earthbending as fast as possible.
You got along well with everyone, especially Sokka who was almost as talkative as you were. Of course the good vibes didn’t last long and you all found yourselves arguing as you found yourselves being chased by Azula and her friends. The situation had culminated in a battle at a small, abandoned town. You had arrived to see Aang being cornered by two people, each of them throwing fire towards the young Air Nomad.
Engaging with the person closest to you, you thrust your hands out, shooting a pillar of earth out and tossing the person into the closest building. Sharing a look with Aang, you waved him off. “Go! I’ll hold him off.”
“Be careful,” Aang warned, looking towards Azula uncertainly. “That’s Zuko.”
Your eyes widened as Aang ran off before turning your attention back to the boy in front of you. He struggled to get up before a burst of fire left him, sending rock debris everywhere. Quickly, you sent up another wall of earth, protecting yourself from the flying rocks before breaking it apart and sending it towards Zuko. The banished prince grunted before throwing a few fireballs towards you, causing you to stumble back and fall.
Eyes narrowing, Zuko made his way to you, pulling back his fist as fire formed around it. Groaning, you sat up, finally getting a good look at the boy in front of you. Almost immediately, a flirty smirk made it’s way onto your face. You quickly scrambled to your feet, bouncing up to him without any hesitation. You dodged his attacks, fighting back as you bit your lip.
“So...you’re Zuko?” you asked, dodging another punch. At this point, you were engaging in hand to hand combat instead of relying on your earthbending. Zuko didn’t reply, his eyes narrowing as he kept sending blasts of fire again.
“Aang told us about how you haven’t been able to capture him,” you continued, blinking innocently as Zuko became visibly angry. “But he failed to mention just how handsome you are.”
At your words, Zuko’s eyes widened and he misstepped, losing his focus at your words. You took that opportunity to step back as well before taking a strong step and raising your hands, encasing the banished prince in a slab of rock.
“Let me go!” Zuko cried out, steam coming out of his nose as he struggled. You stood in front of him, arms crossed as you stared at him. He truly was handsome, with piercing gold eyes and soft-looking black hair. You opened your mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by Sokka.
“(Y/N)! A little help here?” the Water Tribe boy yelped, narrowly dodging a blast of blue fire from Azula.
“Coming!” you replied, eyebrows furrowing in slight concern before you addressed Zuko once more. “It was real nice meeting you Prince Zuko. I hope to see you again under more pleasurable circumstances.”
With a wink, you sprinted away, jumping in front of Sokka and sending up a wall of earth as Azula struck again.  You continued to sprint around, helping out whenever called out to you. The fight came to an end when you all had Azula cornered, and you sent a brief smirk to Zuko as you saw him standing near you. “Finally made it out huh?”
He had glowered at you and you simply rolled your eyes before turning back to Azula. “The whole tough guy act is hot but something tells me you’d look better with a smile.”
You missed his surprised look as Azula shot a blast of fire towards an older man, who you later learned was Zuko’s uncle Iroh. In the ensuing chaos she escaped, and you were left with a shaken Zuko and an injured Iroh. At Zuko’s threats insistence, the five of you left, looking back at him as you flew off on Appa. It was silent for a few minutes before you finally spoke up. “So, why didn’t you guys mention that Prince Zuko is hot?”
The only sound that was heard was Sokka slapping his forehead.
The next time you saw Zuko was in Ba Sing Se. You had been walking around with Katara, having stayed behind with her to plan the invasion. She was talking quietly as you looked around the city, pretending to be listening to her. On your shoulder, Momo was chattering quietly, also looking around with his large eyes.
You sighed softly as you entered a cozy-looking tea shop. You looked around in appreciation before you heard Katara gasp. Quickly, she grabbed your hand and whirled around hurrying out of the shop. You felt yourself crash into someone else, losing Katara’s hand and falling to the ground. You looked at the door before looking at Momo, shaking your head at Katara’s weird behavior.
“Are you alright?” a soft voice ask. You pushed yourself up, ignoring the hand in front of you before looking up. Your eyes widened in surprise as you found yourself staring at Zuko’s uncle. Iroh, you recalled vaguely. Recognition flashed in his eyes as he looked at you, remembering you as the earthbender who had trapped his nephew. Bracing yourself for the worst possible scenario, you nodded in response to his question, holding Momo to your chest.
“Would you like a cup of tea?” the retired general asked, a warm smile on his face as he guided you to a table. “You look like a jasmine type of girl.”
Sensing no ill intentions from the smiling man, you nodded. “Jasmine happens to be my favorite.”
“I see. It is my nephew’s favorite as well,” Iroh continued, gesturing to the boy behind the counter. You smiled as you noticed Zuko standing behind the counter, his back to you as he focused on whatever he was doing. Noticing your smile at the sight of his nephew, Iroh smiled as well. “I’ll send him over to give you your tea.”
“I would greatly appreciate that,” you said, your eyes not leaving the handsome boy.
You played with Momo when Iroh left, silently speaking to the winged lemur as you waited for your tea. You placed Momo in your lap when you heard someone set down a tray on your table, looking up to see Zuko standing there. “Hey handsome.”
Zuko glanced at you, doing a double take when his eyes met yours. “Y-You!”
He grasped your hand, pulling you out of your seat and towards the back as you struggled to hold on to Momo.
“Ow! Ow! Can you stop?” you hissed, pulling your hand away from him. You placed Momo on your shoulder before rubbing your wrist. You glanced down at it, noticing how raw it looked. “You really need to learn how to control your temper Zuko.”
“What happened here?” Iroh’s asked before Zuko could speak again. He gently took your hand in his inspecting the burn before turning to his nephew. “Now Lee, is this any way to treat our customers?”
“She isn’t a customer uncle,” Zuko replied bluntly. “She’s traveling with the Avatar. She is the earthbender who fought me the day you were injured.”
“You’re the earthbender who trapped my nephew?” Iroh looked at you in surprise. You nodded, causing the older man to chuckle. “You are a very talented bender.”
You blushed at the compliment before answering, thinking about Toph. “Thank you, I was trained by the best.”
“We must get this wrapped up. Come with me,” Iroh led you to a back room, where he proceeded to get some type of salve and some wrappings. “Zuko if you could please do this for me, I’m afraid I have to get back to the customers.”
Iroh left the two of you, but not before stopping and handing Momo a few litchi nuts. Momo chittered before jumping off your shoulder, landing on a windowsill as he began eating the fruit. You glanced at the burn once more before looking back at Zuko. “You know, you just gave the term ‘too hot to handle’ a whole new meaning.”
Zuko tried to hold his blush back at your words as he sat in front of you. He grabbed your arm, applying the paste and then gathering the wrappings, beginning to tie them around your wrist.
You hissed when he tightened it a little too much, pulling away from the boy. “Ow! If I wanted you to be rough with me I would’ve told you.”
This time, Zuko could not hold his blush at your double entendre. A faint smirk appeared on your face as you began to wrap your wrist.
“Let me do it,” Zuko muttered reaching for your arm.
“No,” you replied leaning away. “Trust me I can do it myself.”
“Why are you being so difficult,” the boy groaned, lunging for the wrapping. You leaned back too far, falling onto your back as you reached out for something to grab on to. The only thing you succeeded in doing was pulling Zuko down with you.
You stared at the boy above you. “When I told you that I hope we’d meet under more pleasurable circumstances, this wasn’t what I had in mind. Not that I’m complaining.”
Zuko stuttered for a few second before deciding to scowl at you instead.
“If I had known I was interrupting, I would’ve stayed outside. Prince Zuko, I never knew you were so good with the ladies,” Iroh’s voice floated in. You sat up immediately, only succeeding in getting closer to the prince. You tried to ignore the blush that you knew was visible on your cheeks.
“I would be honored to be wooed by such an attractive man,” you said, looking up at Zuko through your eyelashes. Iroh raised an eyebrow. “Unfortunately, I simply fell back and pulled your nephew down with me.”
“Well, as an apology on his behalf from earlier, let me offer you a nice warm cup of jasmine tea,” Iroh said, setting down a tray. “On the house.”
You smiled as you pulled yourself up, leaving Zuko on the ground. “It smells delicious but I am afraid I must get going. Katara must be wondering where I am. Thank you very much for the offer.”
You bowed before whistling sharply, causing Momo to fly to your shoulder.
“My nephew will walk you out. It was nice to met you...” Iroh trailed off as he realized that he had never asked for your name.
“My name is (Y/N),” you supplied, smiling.
“A truly beautiful name,” Iroh said, stepping away from the door. “It was nice to meet you (Y/N). I hope to see you again soon. Zuko, please walk her out.”
You bowed once more before you followed Zuko back out to the store. When you reached the steps, you turned around and faced him once more. “It was nice to see you again handsome. Let’s do it again sometime.”
Zuko’s reply was lost as you stepped forward, leaning up and pressing a soft kiss to his scarred cheek. “Have a nice evening.”
Momo’s chittering was the only thing that could be heard as you walked away. Zuko stood on the steps until he could no longer see you, the blush on his cheeks only intensifying when he remembered how your lips felt pressed against his cheek.
“It seems to me that she is the one wooing you,” Iroh said, hiding a smile.
“Shut up uncle.”
You didn’t see the handsome prince again until you had all safely escaped to the Western Air Temple. You had been trying to talk to Aang about learning firebending when you and Toph had felt someone arriving.
“Aang, I think we should be making some plans about our future!” Sokka exclaimed, trying to get Aang to pay attention.
“Okay, we can do that while I show you the giant Pai Sho table! Oh, you're gonna love the all-day echo chamber!” the air nomad replied, already preparing to run off.
Aang came to an abrupt stop when you sent up a wall of earth in front of him.
“I think that’ll have to wait,” Toph said, turning to face the newcomer.
“Hello, Zuko here,” the prince said, raising his arms up in greeting. Immediately, everyone except you took a fighting stance. You didn’t really pay attention to most of the conversation, too busy staring at Zuko’s hair. It had grown out some and to be honest, you thought it looked really good.
“Wait,” you interrupted, stepping forward slightly. “You look really good with your hair like that. Not to say you didn’t look good before but this, wow. you’re even hotter.”
“(Y/N)!” Sokka and Katara exclaimed at the same time. Sokka pulled you back before smacking you lightly. You smacked him back, the two of you bickering nonstop. You missed Zuko’s bewildered expression, along with most of the conversation.
“There's no way we can trust you after everything you've done,” Aang spoke, catching your attention. “We'll never let you join us.”
“You need to get out of here,” Katara added, a hard expression on her face. “Now.”
Zuko looked at you, his eyes pleading.
You sighed before speaking, your arms raised in surrender. “Look, I think you’re probably the most attractive guy I’ve ever seen-”
“Hey!” Sokka cried indignantly.
You ignored him. “But to be fair, you did send an assassin after us. Not to mention everything else you’ve done. I can’t help you handsome.”
“If you won't accept me as a friend, then maybe you'll take me as a prisoner,” Zuko said, kneeling with his hands out. You looked at Katara, a suggestive smirk on your face.
“(Y/N), stop,” she sighed before turning back to Zuko and bending some water. “No, we won't! Get out of here, and don't come back! And if we ever see you again, well, we'd better not see you again!”
Zuko bowed his head and turned to walk away, glancing back once more. For once, you didn’t meet his eyes.
“Has anyone seen Toph,” you asked as you rushed into the courtyard. “I haven’t seen her since yesterday.”
“I haven’t seen her since she stormed off yesterday,” Sokka said, polishing his sword.
“Maybe we should go look for her,” Katara said, noticing your distress.
“We’ll look for her!” The Duke said, rushing off with Haru and Teo.
You whirled around when you heard a loud rumble, only to see a gaping hole in the wall. Toph tumbled out of it, her eyes wide.
“Toph!” you exclaimed, wrapping her up in a hug. “What happened?”
“My feet got burned,” she replied, pushing you off of her.
Her feet were an angry red and you felt your anger rise up as you realized who had done it. “The next time I see Zuko I swear to the spirits that I will-”
“It was an accident,” Toph interrupted you, placing a hand on your arm. You bit your lip as Sokka carried her over to the fountain.
“Ah that’s the stuff,” Toph said, closing her eyes as she dipped her feet in. Soka opened his mouth to say something only to be cut off by an explosion. Being the closest to the source, you were flung back, metal and stone landing on top of you.
“(Y/N)!” you heard Aang yell as everyone else ran away.
“I’m fine!” you called back. “Go I’ll be okay.”
You bended as much earth as you could away from you, only to still be stuck when you realized you couldn’t move the metal.
“We have to get (Y/N),” Toph said, worriedly grabbing onto Katara.
“We will. Hold on,” Sokka said, staring at the blasts Combustion Man was sending their way. After a few more blasts, he was able to tell where he was and aimed his boomerang. The boomerang met it’s mark and they all ran out, Sokka and Toph immediately going over to you.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but thanks Zuko,” Aang spoke softly.
“Hey! What about me?” Sokka asked, helping you up. Your leg was injured but luckily nothing had been broken. Sokka was fussing over you, looking at the nasty bruise that had been left from the metal and you were trying to push him away, claiming that you didn’t need his help.
“...I’d like for you to teach me,” Aang’s words gained yours and Sokka’s attention. Zuko bowed.
“Thank you. I’m so happy you’ve accepted me into your group.”
“Not so fast,” Aang said. “I still have to ask my friends if it's okay with them. Toph, you're the one that Zuko burned. What do you think?”
“Go ahead and let him join,” Toph said as the pounded her fist into her palm. “It'll give me plenty of time to get back at him for burning my feet.”
“Sokka?” Aang asked.
“Hey, all I want is to defeat the Fire Lord,” the Water Tribe Boy shrugged. “If you think this is the way to do it, then, I'm all for it.“
“I'll go along with whatever you think is right,” she said simply, glaring at Zuko.
“What about you (Y/N)?” Aang asked, already knowing what your answer would be.
“You’re telling me I’m going to have to see him every day?” you asked, gesturing towards Zuko. “That sounds like a dream come true.”
“Thank you,” Zuko said, redder than a tomato. “I won’t let you down.”
“I’m sure you won’t,” you replied. Groans were heard from everyone else.
~ “Come on (Y/N)!” Toph yelled at you. “Do it!”
You stared at the metal in front of you, trying to concentrate on it. You were in the courtyard, a few days after Combustion Man’s downfall. Zuko and Aang were firebending a few feet away from where Toph was trying to teach you how to metalbend. Ever since you had gotten trapped, she had been insistent on teaching you.
With a loud huff, you closed your eyes. You reached out focuising as much as you could and turning the pieces of metal in front of you into smooth, shiny balls. You opened your eyes when you heard clapping, turning to see Aang cheering softly for you. Zuko stood behind him, shirtless.
“That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” Toph taunted, bending the balls of metal back into scraps. “Do it again. This time concentrate harder. I don’t know why you’re so distracted today.”
“You don’t know why I’m distracted?” you said turning to face Aang and Zuko. “Prince Handsome over here is training shirtless and you expect me to not be distracted by that?”
“I don’t get distracted by that,” Toph countered.
“Of course not,” you said, facing her again. “You’re blind.”
Aang snickered and Zuko coughed as he tried to choke back his laughter.
“Do it again,” Toph barked. “Zuko come stand next to me.”
Zuko complied and crossed his arms as he stood next to Toph. You found yourself blushing lightly as you stared at the way his arms flexed before focusing on the metal once more. You struggled for a few minutes, feeling Zuko’s eyes on you. You glanced at him once more, watching his arms flex once again as he shifted in place. Looking up at his face, you saw him already looking at you, a smirk on his face.
You looked back at the metal trying not to look at the prince again. He knew exactly what he was doing to you.
It wasn’t until Ember Island that you got to spend more time around Zuko. After the day Toph had made him stand next to her as she trained you, you made sure to train as far as you could possibly get from the prince. That didn’t stop you from flirting with him every other chance you had though, always commenting on how you couldn’t train around him because he made you flustered.
Your comments seemed to make him equally, if not more, flustered.
The day you guys went to see the play, you had sat next to him, intertwining your fingers when the lights went off. He had stiffened up, an unreadable look on his face when he felt your hand in his. Thinking he had been uncomfortable, you pulled back your hand, only to blush when he pulled it back towards him this time taking it upon himself to intertwine your fingers.
Your hands remained intertwined for the rest of the play, even when you exited the private box for the intermission. You didn’t miss the smug looks from everyone else and while Zuko blushed, you had simply leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek the same way you had back in Ba Sing Se.
When the second half of the play started, you proceeded to lean on Zuko, nestling your head in the crook of his neck. His heart racing, Zuko disconnected your hands before wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you in closer. You closed your eyes as you leaned into him, enjoying the warmth that seemed to radiate from him.
The next few days were spent watching Aang and Zuko training as you lounged around the beach house. You spent most of your time with Toph as she kept drilling metalbending into you until you could do it with your eyes closed.
A few nights before Sozin’s comet, you found yourself sitting on the roof of the house, staring up at the moon. You jumped slightly when you felt someone sitting next to you, the warmth emitting from them telling you it was Zuko.
“What are you doing up so late?” he asked, his eyes never leaving you.
“I could ask you the same thing,” you hummed, still looking at the moon. You looked at him to see him scowling. “I couldn’t sleep so I came out here to look at the moon.”
“Sokka’s first girlfriend turned into the moon,” Zuko said, fidgeting under your gaze.
“That’s rough,” you said, looking back up.
It was silent for a few minutes before Zuko spoke up again. “Why do you like teasing me so much?”
You looked at him, bewildered. “Teasing you?”
“Yeah,” Zuko said, turning to face you. “All the compliments and the kisses and everything. Why?”
“It’s called flirting, Prince Zuko,” you said with a smile. “People typically do it when they’re attracted to or like somebody.”
“So why do you do it to me?”
You stared at him in disbelief, wondering if he was joking or if he was truly that oblivious. “Because I like you!”
Zuko’s eyes widened in surprise at your words. “You like me?”
“I thought you knew! I thought that’s why you kept flexing the day Toph kept trying to get me to metalbend,” you hissed poking his arm.
“I was joking around,” Zuko replied, swatting your hand away. “I thought you saying I was distracting you was a joke so I kept flexing to tease you.”
“Well you did tease me,” you mumbled. “Just not in the way you’re thinking of.”
“So,” Zuko said, not meeting your eyes. “You really like me?”
You rolled your eyes before leaning forwards, pressing a firm kiss to his lips. His eyes widened in shock before he closed them, his hand reaching up to cup your face as he melted into the kiss. You pulled back and giggled as his lips chased yours, pecking him once more before leaning back. “Does that answer your question?”
Zuko nodded quickly before grabbing your hand. “I like you too.”
You smiled as you shuffled closer to him. “Good. I’d be pretty upset if you didn’t.”
You gasped lightly as Zuko pressed his lips back to yours, sliding his arms around your waist and pulling you into his lap. Your arms wound around his neck, hands tangling in his hair as you eagerly kissed back. Zuko pulled away first, a chuckle escaping him.
“What?” you asked leaning your head against his shoulder.
“I can’t believe uncle was right,” he replied. At your questioning gaze, he explained.
“You did end up wooing me.”
AHAHAHAHAAHHHH i hope this is good i spent a lot of time on this one and i’m not too proud of it but i hope you enjoy <3
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fandom-puff · 3 years
Pairing: Severus Snape x Lucius Malfoy x Reader
Requested by: @sokkas-socks ‘HI BBY!!! Is there any chance you could do a spicy Lucius x Snape x Reader smut? One where you’re in a relationship with Lucius and he shares you with Snape. Maybe the first time he does this would be cool, where he like calls you into the room and you’re shocked to see Snape there and then... smut ensues. But if that’s too long any snape x lucius x reader smut would be great!’
Notes: okay, you all need to go and follow the requester’s fic page @pinkandblueblurbs bc the smut on there is -*chefs kiss*
ALSO I got a little carried away with this one :)
Warnings: threesome (MMF), oral sex, Dom/sub dynamic, sir kink, degradation
You pulled your long blank dressing gown tight around yourself, shivering as you scurried along the hallways of Malfoy Manner. Lucius had sent a patronus to you from his study, requesting you put on a set of lingerie and nothing more and make your way there.
“Lucius, I swear to god, you better intend on warming me up, it’s bloody freezing out there,” you grumbled pushing into the study. You froze, shutting the door behind you, locking eyes with Severus Snape, who was lounging on one of the armchairs, a glass of whiskey in hand. “What are you doing here?” You demanded, drawing your robe tightly across yourself. Only Lucius was to see your pretty lingerie.
Lucius tsked. “Now, now, kitten,” he chastised gently. “That’s no way to greet our guest,” you shuffled on your feet, murmuring a ‘sorry,’. Lucius smirked, gesturing you over to sit on his lap. “Severus has come to play, my love,” he whispered in your ear, making you shiver as your eyes widened. You looked up at lucius, chewing your lip. A week prior you had discussed inviting severus to join in with your intimate escapades... you hardly expected lucius to act upon it, and you couldn’t help but feel shy, nuzzling your face into Lucius’s neck. “Shh, kitten, don’t be shy,” Lucius said, coaxing your head up. “I distinctly remember you considering what it would be like to be shared... I’m not a man who shares... but severus is an exception,”
Severus smirked, setting his glass down. “Charming,” he said lowly and you failed to suppress your shudder of desire. “Are you in agreement with this, YN?” He asked, and when you gave an honest nod, he smirked.
Lucius tapped your thigh. “Up you get then,” when you made to walk to the door, he grabbed your wrist. “Where D’you think you’re going?” He asked, arching a brow. You gulped.
“Ah, ah, ah,” he smirked. “We haven’t admired the view properly yet... did you do ask I asked?” You nodded quickly. “Good girl. Drop you robe. I’m sure severus would love to see your pretty lingerie,” Biting your lip, already breathing shallowly, you untied the robe, allowing it the flutter to the floor. You knew better than to try and cover yourself, displaying your thin Lacy white lingerie to them both. “Give is a twirl, princess,” Lucius smirked, watching as severus leant forward slightly as you slowly rotated. “Good,”
Severus hummed contentedly. “Positively angelic,” he said, dark eyes roving along your body. “So very innocent in that pretty white lace... are you as innocent as you look, YN?” He asked sternly and you gulped, looking at Lucius who just smirked.
“I... no, sir,” you breathed. Severus’s breath hitched.
“And why’s that? Are you not Lucius’s little princess? Hmm?”
Your cheeks flooded with heat and you fidgeted on the spot. “I am!” You said quickly, resisting the urge to pout. “It’s just... I can be... I’m... sometimes... I...”
“Youre my little slut, aren’t you, darling?” Lucius said gently and you nodded.
“Yes, sir,” you whispered.
“Lucius’s little slut? How so?”
You gulped, barely able to meet his eyes. “I... I love taking his cock,” you mumbled. “And I love being filled up with his come... I beg for it, all the time, in my mouth, in my... in my... cunt, and...” you looked at your feet, biting your lip hard. “And sometimes in my arse...”
Severus looked over at lucius and smirked. “My, you dark horse, Malfoy,” he said. “Here’s me thinking you fucked for heirs and were too prim and proper for anything wilder than taking her from behind,”
Lucius let out a laugh and you squirmed before them, pressing your thighs together. “Aww... what’s wrong, pet?” He said, an air of condescension thick in his voice. “Has telling severus what a little whore you are got you all wet?” You nodded, looking down to the floor in shame. “Come here, sit on my lap, your back to me,” you did as you were told, leaning back into his chest, worrying your lip between your teeth as you wriggled. “Still,” he ordered, and you felt his stiffening cock press up against your bum. “I bet your lovely white knickers are all ruined, aren’t they? Absolutely sodden,” you nodded quickly. Severus stood up and knelt before you and Lucius, staring you dead in the eye. “Spread your legs,” Lucius hissed in your ear and you squealed, opening your legs quickly.
“As we suspected, Lucius,” severus said from between your thighs. “Absolutely drenched... I can see the outline of her cunt through the fabric, she’s that wet,”
You whined out softly, hiding your face in Lucius’s neck. Lucius gestured to Severus, and you felt deft fingers yanking the material down your thighs, tossing the damp scrap of lace aside. Lucius grabbed your cheeks between his thumb and fingers and made you look at him. “Severus is going to lick your pretty pussy, darling,” he said and you nodded eagerly. “And it would be very rude of you if you looked away, wouldn’t it?”
“Yes sir,”
“Good girl. Watch.”
You moaned softly, which soon turned much louder as Severus’s tongue darted out, licking between your folds and drinking in your wetness with obscene slurping noises, reminding you what a messy little slut you were. As he wrapped his lips around your clit, his dark eyes smouldered, burning against yours as he sucked, flicking his tongue against your sensitive nub. He held your knees apart, arching his brows at you as you cried out, bucking your hips against his face despite Lucius’s arm around you.
As Severus slid a long finger into you, you let out a shuddering moan, clenching tightly around his finger as he stroked your inner walls gently. When a second was added, his tongue still stroking your clit, your head tipped back and you arched your chest, trying to ride his face and his fingers as best you could. Lucius tutted, tangling his fingers in your hair and pushing your head down. “Watch,” he growled, biting your collarbone as his other hand fondled your tit, tugging the cup of your bra down.
You nodded, staring hard at severus as he scrubbed the flat of his tongue against your clit. “Please,” you whined out, grasping onto Severus’s hair, grinding your hips up to him desperately. “Please, please let me come... I’m so close!” You whispered, biting your lip hard. Lucius nodded at severus over your shoulder, and severus grunted, his fingers massaging against your spot as you cried out, spasming hard around his digits, your clit throbbing against his tongue as he rode out your orgasm.
Smirking, he pulled away, licking his lips before cleaning off his sodden fingers with his tongue. “Divine,” he said simply and you giggled, panting as you flopped against Lucius’s chest, your still twitching hips grinding against his straining trousers.
“Youre hard,” you whispered, nipping his ear gently.
“I know darling... but I have an idea... we’ll go upstairs... we’ll lay you out... severus will fill you up... and I think your mouth shall suffice for me...” you looked over at severus, eyeing the prominent bulge in his trousers and nodded, licking your lips. Lucius smiled and draped your robe over your shoulders as you made your way to the bedroom.
Severus shut the door behind you, watching as Lucius helped you crawl into the centre of the bed, laying on your back, propped up slightly. Lucius hummed, stalking over to severus. “Out of the shadows, old friend,” he purred, pulling Severus in for a sensual kiss. As they kissed, they took turns pushing and pulling their garments off and your eyes widened as you watched their heavy cocks as they were revealed. You whined softly, but knew better than to touch yourself.
Lucius chuckled as he pulled away, the two of them surveying you. “Are you feeling a little neglected, dear?” Lucius asked softly and you nodded.
“We can quickly put an end to that, can’t we?” Severus drawled, stalking over to you. “Get rid of that bra, YN...” you nodded and quickly fumbled with it, tossing it aside. “My, are you eager...” you bit your lip and nodded, already spreading your legs and bucking your hips up.
Lucius smirked, sitting next to you, his hips level with your face. “Are you going to let severus fuck you YN?”
“Yes please...” you whined, looking desperately between them. Severus smirked, pumping his cock a few times before lining himself up with you. Slowly, he pushed in, hissing at your tightness and letting out a choked groan as he bottomed out. He was a little thicker than you were used to, and your eyebrows knitted together as you whimpered at the stretch.
“Does severus feel good inside you, pet?” Lucius asked, stroking your hair.
“Mmm... so good,” you moaned, rocking your hips up eagerly. Severus groaned lowly, settling into a strong slow pace, lips pressed in a firm line as he tried (and failed) to suppress his noises. The hand in your hair suddenly tightened and you gasped, following Lucius’s guidance, allowing him to push his cock down your throat, groaning as your moans vibrated along his shaft.
“Fuck...” Severus hissed through his teeth, eyes widening as he watched the sight before him. “YN, darling... do you think you can manage if I fuck you harder?” Severus grunted and you cast a pleading look over to him, nodding as best as you could with a mouthful of cock. Severus let out a growl as his hips worked faster and you moaned out around lucius, his cock bumping the back of your throat, making you gag slightly. Lucius grunted, bucking his hips up slowly, a heavy contrast from the ruthless pounding you were receiving from his best friend.
Moaning wantonly, you reached to fondle Lucius’s balls, feeling yourself near the edge, whining needily. “She’s close, Severus...” Lucius groaned. “Rub her clit and let her come, there’s a good girl... do you want severus to fill you with his come too?” You nodded eagerly, hollowing your cheeks as tears streamed down your cheeks. As the first spurts of Lucius’s release trickled down your throat, Severus pressed his thumb against your clit. You pulled away as you jolted in pleasure, Lucius’s cock slapping your face as a few spurts of his come soiled your cheek and dripped down to your chest.
Severus growled, coming with a shout as he felt the tightening of your cunt. The combined sensation of him filling you with his seed, still thrusting into you with reckless abandon as he played with your clit, as well as Lucius’s gentle pinches against your nipples was too much for your body to handle and you came with a broken cry, your whole body trembling with the weight of your orgasm. What must have only been a few moments later (although to you, everything was moving in slow motion) you were cleaned up and tucked in between them, your back against Severus’s chest and your head nuzzled into Lucius’s. “Severus should come more often,” you mumbled into Lucius’s chest.
Lucius stared hard at his friend before looking down at you. “I second that, My Darling,”
Tags: @a-hopeless-fan @lotsoffandomrecs @rai-strangebr @zodiyack @haphazardhufflepuff @dumbfuckinslytherin @severuslovebot @darkthought15 @rabeccablake @sambucky8 @eleven-times-lively @talksoprettyjjx @extra-trash77 @rangerelik @Dracosbbygorl @wonderwoman292 @lilymurphy03 @fredweasleyisntdead @fredswh0re @rogertaylorismycar @meaganjm @fanficwriter5 @shadesofbarryallen @kiwi-sloan @bbeauttyybbx @inglourious-imagines @bonniesgoldengirl @trumpsgorillagrip @blisshemmings @little-bit-of-randomness @vsarzx @eunoia-kth @liliputbahn @thestunningspell @kiwi-sloan @beiahadid @courtnytrash04 @ccosmic-illusion @purpleskymalfoy @marshxx @hogwartslut @thatslovelymoony @winchestergirl333 @sterwild
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jasmine-iroh · 4 years
Sparring Partners
Pairing: Zuko x f!reader
WC: 2.5K
A/N: howdyyyy I’ll be honest idk what this is besides self satisfactory fluff oops. send in some requests pls, I’m bored as heck!
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Never let (Y/N) and Zuko spar.
That was an unspoken rule on Team Avatar after Zuko joined the group. The group had witnessed the aftermath of their practicing one too many times; angry gatherings of flames licking at the bark of uprooted trees scattered around piles of rubble and burnt grass.
Simply put, the pair were a force of nature. That wasn’t the reason they weren’t allowed to fight, though. No, nobody really paid much mind to their destructive tendencies, as long as they weren’t too close to camp.
It was their moods after the fight was done that brought about the rule.
Zuko would slink away to his tent and brood, grumbling at anyone who ventured too close to him. (Y/N) would stay with the group, a grin stuck to her face the whole time. It wasn’t a smile that put anyone at ease, though. It was feral, the snapping teeth and predatory curl of her lips more suited to a big cat than a young girl. Even Katara, who was usually found near (Y/N)’s side, avoided sitting too close.
(Y/N) was never mean to the others, but she had a razor sharp edge to her for hours after the duel that made Aang shift nervously in his seat and Sokka focus more on being the meat guy than the sarcasm guy. Suki would stay on edge until it was finally time to split up into their individual tents. Her fighting instincts would be on alert at the scent of scorched earth coming from (Y/N), a completely different smell from the smoke from the campfire.
Zuko, of course, would be the one to start said campfire. There was a tense, almost shy set to his shoulders as the weight of wild eyes bore down on him from near Toph. Toph, incidentally, never seemed to mind the rumbling of thunder in (Y/N)’s voice after a fight with Zuko, or the way Zuko’s heart beat staggered whenever (Y/N) so much as walked past him.
Toph didn’t care if the pair sparred, as long as it would get them over their timid dance around camp. She thought it was an entertaining break in the monotony of training and hiding, and the feeling of (Y/N) earthbending with such raw emotion was as sappy as any romance story there was. It was truly hilarious to her that nobody else could connect the dots between the unbridled chaos of their fighting and their quiet moments together around a campfire.
It had been a few days since the last incident when Toph finally decided to ask (Y/N) what their deal was during a training session.
“So, what’s up with you and Sifu Hotman?” She asked, a slightly maniacal laugh falling past her lips when she managed to catch (Y/N) off guard and nail her in the side with a boulder. Toph had taken to using Aang’s ridiculous nickname after she realized how quickly she could get under Zuko’s skin with it. Payback for Zuko burning her feet, she had justified.
Coughing and sputtering from the blow, (Y/N) tried to deflect the question with a volley of rocks she’d been keeping suspended in the air long enough for Toph to half lose track of.
“Hey, that’s cheating!” Toph huffed indignantly, dodging the attack before shifting her feet and sending the slab of earth below (Y/N) tilting sideways.
“No, I just saw a weakness and used it,” (Y/N) laughed and leapt from her crumbling perch to position herself in the middle of the sparring area, knowing that Aang, Zuko, Suki, and Sokka were somewhere behind her. Toph wasn’t stupid, she knew (Y/N) was trying to get into a position that would make Toph go easier on her with their friends in the line of fire.
Oh (Y/N), you really think you’re clever, don’t you? Toph thought with a smirk as a plan formed in her mind, pressing her knuckles into the dirt and twisting them sharply. She felt (Y/N)’s growl before she heard it, knowing that the other girl hated when Toph locked her feet into the earth. This time, though, she kept her hold on the rock, sitting down and waiting for (Y/N) to answer her original question.
“Toph, c’mon!” (Y/N) whined, trying to free herself as Toph sat a few meters away laughing.
“Just tell me and I’ll let you go!” Toph called back, bending herself a chair from the earth with one hand while the other kept it’s grip on the rocks around (Y/N)’s ankles.
“You’re such a little jerk,” (Y/N) answered instead, looking around for something to help her. She was weak without being able to use her feet as her center, something Toph had been hounding her about forever.
“I thought best friends told each other everything,” Toph mocked as she felt the others stop fighting to watch the scene in front of them.
“Yeah, but you also told me you’d throw me off Appa because I took Momo’s seat last week,” (Y/N) replied, crossing her arms stubbornly. Toph was a stronger bender, but (Y/N) had more patience, knowing Toph could get bored or frustrated pretty quickly. That’s how they’d always been, ever since (Y/N) had been sent to live with her helpless, blind little cousin all those years ago.
“What’s going on?” Aang asked the pair, scootering over on a ball of air with a peeved looking Zuko trailing behind him.
“(Y/N)’s keeping secrets from me and acting like I won’t find out,” Toph accused, watching as Suki and Sokka joined the group. Katara, who had been assigned camp duties for the day, drew closer at the lack of fighting sounds.
“Toph,” (Y/N) warned, a sharp threat in her voice as the sound of a tree being pulled up at the roots echoed around the clearing as (Y/N) clenched her fists.
“Yes?” A challenge in her voice, her fist twisting further into the earth and sinking (Y/N) up to her waist in tightly compressed rocks.
“Enough.” Zuko stepped in between the pair, and Toph couldn’t help but notice the spike in his heart rate when (Y/N) dropped up to her shoulders in rock.
“Zuko, stay out of this. Toph’s just being a pain,” (Y/N) huffed, having a hard time breathing with the merciless press of dirt and rock around her chest.
He didn’t stay out of it of course, his heart beating faster than a bird's wings as he watched (Y/N) struggle in the ground. Toph thought the duo were nauseatingly oblivious.
She let out a frustrated growl and slammed her foot on the ground, sending Zuko sprawling flat out next to (Y/N) and encasing his hands and feet in earth.
“Fine. You can both stay here until one of you tells me, then.” Toph declared before standing and walking away from the pair. The rest of the group looked from Toph back down to their friends buried in the ground, and decided that maybe they didn’t want to end up stuck next to the pair. They walked off, promising to talk to Toph and have her fix this.
“Spirits, she’s such a little bastard,” (Y/N) mumbled, turning her head to look at Zuko. She blinked in shock, not expecting his face to be quite so close to hers. A tricky little bastard, the girl amended in her head.
“What were you two fighting about?” Zuko asked quietly, not having to speak much above a whisper with their proximity. Had his eyes always been so golden?
“She asked about what was going on between us,” (Y/N) answered, closing her eyes and turning her head away from him towards the sky. The sun pressed red kisses against her closed eyelids while the breeze played with her hair, making her feel for a moment that she was laid out next to Zuko in a spring meadow by choice instead of locked into the dirt by Toph.
“What did you tell her?” He kept his voice low, tone conspiratorial. He stared at (Y/N), the sun loving her throat and pressing kisses to her cheekbones. He thought, just for a moment, that Toph had done him a favor by locking him into this view.
A laugh, and then, “I didn’t tell her anything.”
“Why not?” He prodded, wishing (Y/N) would turn her head so he could… could what? He thought to himself, images of him wiggling closer and closing the distance between them flickering in his mind without warning. A warm blush crept up his neck at the thoughts, wishing he wasn’t so affected by their proximity.
“Because sometimes you need to let Toph think she holds all the cards so she’s a little less of a pain in the ass. And so she wouldn’t question what we really do when we spar,” (Y/N) whispered, opening her eyes and turning to face Zuko. She met his amber gaze immediately, a grin pulling at her mouth as she leaned closer to him, feeling the heat radiating off his body.
“Oh, you mean that thing where you torment me with your comments all day around camp and then try to play innocent when we’re alone?” Zuko huffed with a smile as he wormed his way closer.
“Hey, don’t get mad. I just saw a weakness and used it,” (Y/N) giggled as she leaned in towards him. Her gaze flickered briefly from Zuko’s eyes, to his lips, and then back to his eyes in a way that made him feel like the ground was falling out from under him. He leaned up to meet her halfway, falling just short of being able to seal their lips together. A soft groan from (Y/N) pulled a chuckle from Zuko’s throat, before his head flopped back down onto the packed earth.
“Such a little bastard,” he heard (Y/N) mutter a moment before her face contorted and rumbling from around them was heard.
Zuko’s hands and legs were freed from their earthen prison, letting him roll away only a second before (Y/N) rose up from her hole on a pillar of earth. She hopped down gracefully and brushed her clothes off before helping Zuko to his feet, that wild look back in her eyes.
“You couldn’t have done that earlier?” Zuko asked, brushing the dirt out of his hair.
“I can put you back, if you’d like,” (Y/N) hummed, stepping closer to him and giving him that sharp grin that sent his stomach fluttering.
“I’m fine right here, thank you,” he replied, a deep blush staining his cheeks as (Y/N) pulled him close and finally, finally, pressed her lips to his own in a slow kiss. He returned the kiss eagerly, loving the warmth of her hand cupping his jaw with gritty fingers as the other tangled in Zuko’s mop of hair.
The pillar she’d used to free herself moments before was now scraping against his back as (Y/N) traced a lazy trail of kisses along Zuko’s jaw. He let out a sound that was suspiciously close to a whimper and felt a thrill go up his spine at the glint of absolute trouble reflected in (Y/N)’s eyes when she pulled away.
“How long do you think we have until they realize we’re not stuck anymore?” She pondered, pressing delicate kisses up the side of Zuko’s throat and along the edges of his scar.
“Enough time to get a head start and cover our tracks.” His eyes moved deliberately to the forest away from camp, before flicking back to hers with a bashful quirk of his eyebrow. His breaths trembling, he tried to ignore how his nerve endings were alight with the feeling of (Y/N)’s lips on his skin.
“Very tempting, but I don’t feel like listening to Mother Katara yell at us for ‘running off and worrying the group,’” (Y/N) whispered back, pressing a kiss to Zuko’s chin before moving to pull away. His arms snaked around her waist quickly, locking her against him.
(Y/N)’s brows shot up in pleasant surprise at his actions. She had been the one to make moves from the start, more accustomed to touch that wasn’t soured by pain or anger. Zuko figured she’d like to have more physical affection from him, but the long nights spent untangling his emotions in return for a kiss were enough to keep her happy and moving at his pace. Zuko had been without a loving hand to hold for so long that he forgot how simple and sweet an embrace could be, how the pad of a thumb rubbing across bruised knuckles could soothe his aches better than any balm.
Feeling bold between the column of earth and (Y/N), Zuko leaned down to her height and pressed a gentle kiss against her lips, retreating before she could respond. The girl only grinned widely, wrapping her arms around his muscular torso. A puff of air left Zuko’s lungs as he was pulled into her strong arms, before tightening his own arms around her waist and pressing his face into the crook of her neck.
“We have to at least make Toph think nothing’s changed, or we’ll never hear the end of how she’s so right and it's everyone else who is really blind,” (Y/N) told him, pitching her voice in Toph’s bratty little sister voice she used when she won arguments.
“Let her. I’m tired of not being able to be like this whenever we want,” Zuko replied, his warm breath against the side of her neck sending a wave of goosebumps over (Y/N)’s skin. It shocked her in the most pleasant way possible to hear him say that to her, since they’d agreed to keep things quiet until he could figure out his emotions.
“Alright, but don’t say I didn’t warn you when she makes you wish you were hard of hearing,” (Y/N) laughed, nudging his head back up to face her. Her senses were filled with Zuko, the smell of smoke filling her nose as the heat from his body scorched a pattern into her heart. Their noses brushed once, twice; their lips a breath apart.
Before either could close the distance, Toph marched around their column of rock, almost slamming straight into them. In a breath, she was gone again, back the way she’d come.
“I knew it, I was so right! You losers are so blind!” She shouted to the others.
Her sudden appearance had shocked the pair apart, making (Y/N) quirk an eyebrow and pulling a rare grin from Zuko at the astounding accuracy of (Y/N)’s impression of Toph.
“Just remember, you brought this upon yourself,” (Y/N) laughed, turning to walk back to camp. Zuko’s hand shot out and grabbed her wrist, reeling her back in towards him so he could seal a lingering kiss against her mouth.
“I know, but that was worth it,” he hummed, walking alongside her back to camp, their fingers tangling together without a second thought.
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atlabeth · 3 years
Well first off I just want to say congrats on your 200 followers!!!!! You deserve it. In your prompt list I want to do #32. Can you do a Sokka x fem reader where she is Toph’s older sister and they start dating. It can be apart of the ATLA timeline or modern it’s up to you 😊
come back safe - sokka x fem!beifong reader
summary: you and sokka have to part ways in ba sing se, but he’s not letting you go without saying his piece.
a/n: im just gonna assume that you meant 32 from the fluff list, if you meant angst or general then im sorry!! but thank you sm for requesting :-) and a personal thank you for always sending in asks, your support for transferred means the world!!!
also i did this surprisingly fast?? me getting a request done in a reasonable amount of time?? who am i ???
wc: 1.2k
warning(s): some sad sokka moments and some very intense dramatic irony lmao, but mostly fluff  
32. “Well, it’s a good thing I don’t plan on doing that.”
Parting from your friends was never easy. Ever since you had run away from home with your sister, Team Avatar had become a surrogate family, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Toph was a whirlwind in her own way, but Aang, Katara, and Sokka all got her in ways that your parents never had, not to mention how you were finally able to be yourself away from the world of Earth Kingdom nobility. You couldn’t offer Aang any of the earthbending wisdom you sister had in spades, but your skill with blades made you a valuable asset nonetheless.
That connection made it so much harder to separate.
After leaving Gaoling, you had never been apart from the group for longer than a couple of days. But visiting your mother would take at least a week, not to mention everyone else was going off in their own directions — Aang to visit a guru to help control the Avatar State, Sokka to see his dad, Katara staying in the city to aid the Earth King. You would all be saying goodbye for an unprecedented amount of time.
To put it in simple terms? You were freaking out.
You and Toph had gone against direct orders from your parents to join the Avatar, and no sooner had you earned the support of the Earth King when you found out about the letter from your mother. It was.. strange, to say the least.
As Beifongs, you were held to impossible standards, and what the two of you did broke every single one of them. You were skeptical when you first read the letter to Toph, but she was so excited at the possibility of your parents finally coming to accept the two of you that you couldn’t say no.
After taking care of last minute affairs, you ended up back in your room to begin packing. You and your sister would be making the journey on foot, so you wanted to be prepared for anything that could happen — you might’ve just been going through the Upper Ring, but you had come to not discount anything in Ba Sing Se.
You finished folding the last of Toph’s clothes and closed the bag, and at that moment you heard a knock on the door. “It’s open!” you called as you moved onto your own pack. You glanced up to see your visitor, and the corner of your lips quirked up when you saw it was Sokka.
“Hey, you.”
“Hey yourself,” he said as he shut the door behind him. “Listen, do you have a moment to talk? Before you leave, I mean. I know you’re on a tight schedule and all.”
“I always have a moment for you.” You set another article of clothing in your bag and clapped your hands together softly as you turned to face him. “What’s up?”
“I’ve been thinking a lot about where you’re going. You know, you and Toph going to see your mom.”
“Oh, yeah. Exciting, isn’t it? It’ll be an interesting meeting.” You chuckled, a notion lacking in mirth. “Wonder what she’s going to say after we gave up our entire lives to help the Avatar without their permission.”
“Just.. whatever goes on, be safe, okay? If you get hurt out there, I don’t know what I’ll do.”
The sincerity in his voice shocked you a bit, but you gave him a light punch on the shoulder, choosing to shoot back in your usual joking manner. “Well, it’s a good thing I don’t plan on doing that.”
“I’m serious, Y/N.”
You smiled and shrugged as you folded another tunic and placed it into your bag. “Sokka, we’re just going to the edge of the upper ring. You have nothing to worry about!”
He sighed and shook his head. “Look. I don’t have the best track record with people that I’m close to. I couldn’t save my mom, and I couldn’t protect our tribe, and I couldn’t save Yue. It’s like the moment I start to care about anyone, something bad happens to them, and I can’t do anything to stop it. And now you’re going off to the city to see your mom, and even though it’s so close, I just can’t shake this feeling, and I— I don’t know what I’ll do with myself if something happens to you too.”
Your brows creased as the full weight of his words hit you. “Sokka.. are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
He stepped closer and took your hands in his, those ocean eyes holding a softness you had never seen before. “I care about you, Y/N, so much that it hurts. So I know it sounds ridiculous, but I need you to promise me that you’ll come home safe.”
There was only a moment’s hesitation before you tugged on his hands to bring him even closer, your eyes fluttering shut as your lips met his.
“I care about you too,” you responded quietly, a small smile gracing your features. “And I promise I’ll be safe. Just for you.”
“Good.” He smiled as well and gave you another soft kiss, one that quickly became more heated as you got lost in each other. You could feel the pure emotion, the sadness, that he poured into it, and that feeling made you want to give this boy everything in the world. You had almost tuned out the world completely until the door was pushed open and Aang’s voice rang through the air.
“Sokka, are you almost ready? I saw you come in h— oh, spirits, I’m so sorry!”
You and Sokka immediately separated, jumping apart from each other so quickly you nearly tripped over your own feet. You quickly gathered yourself and leaned against the table your bags were set on, giving Aang an easy-going smile in an attempt to cover up your breathlessness.
“Aang!” Your voice was unnaturally high as you used your hands to talk. “He was just… checkin’ in on me. Making sure that I was ready. Just.. nothing going on here. Just.. two friends.. bein’ friends. And.. gettin’ ready. As friends.”
You could hear Sokka snort behind you as he tried to keep his composure as well — Aang, meanwhile, was as red as a fire ferret as he began to back away.
“You know, I can just come back later! Or you can come to me, Sokka. Whenever you’re ready. I won’t tell anyone, I promise!” He gave you guys one last slightly panicked smile then darted off, causing the two of you to dissolve into laughter.
You glanced at Sokka with a shy smile as you felt your cheeks burning up, and that just made him laugh even harder. “Think he’ll keep that promise?”
You sighed happily and shrugged. “You know what? I don’t even care. And I think I’ll try extra hard to stay alive if it means there’s more kisses like that in the future.”
Sokka gave you a heart-melting smile and walked over to the door. “Just come home safe, and you’ll get all the kisses you want.”
perm tag list: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin
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pinkykitten · 5 years
Hello! At first: You have the most talented writing Style i've ever read! Really the way you describe the feelings of the Persons are so unique - I'm in Love ♡~♡ When I look at your Story's, looks mine like a Kindergarten Child has write it's first Story lol😂 You've said you want Request, so here am I: How about a ATLA Sokka x Shy Reader ? ( I miss your ATLA One Shots) Thank's for reading Dear♡
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hello there dear! first off i hope ur having a great day because u made my day with your compliments. thank you so much, to hear from others that my writing is good makes me like fangirl and wanna cry from tears of happiness. and then when u point out what u like about my stories just makes me feel like a writing GODDESS! 
i sometimes think that about my stories when i read them like i think my nephew who is about like 3 gonna turn 4 prob writes better than me and he cant even write lol but i assure u its all in ur head and ur thinking that. u r ur worst enemy. u will be the first to criticize ur writing like moi does daily lol. but trust me if u practice u will succeed in writing and also if its ur passion then nothings stopping u. i still and learning everyday from writing (if that makes sense) i learn different techniques to make my writing better and enjoyable. so just practice practice read and practice and tell ur self ur writing is way better than what u think because i think the best about u. 
ok srry for the whole wise chat im like feeling i guess wiseful today so like sorry about that but it tru. 
ANYWAYS yes i would love to write this for u. ur request is on my list. and i miss writing for atla like i love that fandom so much and i love that more ppl r requesting for it and not just for zuko but for other characters. SO NOSTALGIC!!!!
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